Aberrant Talon Cusps Report of Two Cases

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ISSN 0970 - 4388

Aberrant talon cusps: Report of two cases



Talon cusp is an uncommon anomaly seen both in primary and permanent dentition. In most instances they are associated
with other clinical problems such as occlusal interferences, poor esthetics and caries susceptibility. Management of such
instances requires a comprehensive knowledge of the clinical entity as well as the problems associated with it. Here, we
present two cases of talon cusps.

Key words: Occlusal interference, talon cusp

Introduction Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Meenakshi Ammal Den­

tal College, Chennai, with the complaint of pain and decay in
Tooth development is a complex process. Any aberrations in left lower back tooth region. Clinical examination revealed
the different stages of tooth development can result in unique grossly carious mandibular second primary molars on both
manifestations. Disturbances during histodifferentiation stage sides with no other carious lesions. Examination also revealed
of tooth development results in amelogenesis imperfecta, den­ an enamel projection on the mandibular left central incisor,
tinogenesis imperfecta and disturbances during which extended from the cingulum up to the incisal edge of
morphodifferentiation stage can result in, mulberry molars, the tooth, deviating towards the left [Figure 1]. The tooth ap­
peg laterals, and talon cusps.[1] peared T-shaped when viewed incisally. The mandibular talon
cusp merged smoothly with the lingual surface of the tooth.
Talon cusp was first recognized by Mitchell in 1892. He de­ The deep developmental groove, which is normally seen at
scribed this entity as a prominent accessory cusp like struc­ this junction, was not present. The margins of the talon cusp
ture on the lingual surface of a maxillary incisor.[2] Gorlin and were smooth and did not cause any irritation to the ventral
Goldman later defined talon cusp as a very high accessory surface of the tongue. Caries was not detected and no func­
cusp, which may connect with the incisal edge to produce a T- tional or esthetic problems were present. A periapical radio­
form or a Y-shaped contour.[3] This accessory cusp is often graph of this tooth showed an inverted V-shaped radiopaque
referred to as Talon cusp, as it is said to resemble an eagle’s structure arising from the cingulum, with immature closure
claw.[4] It is usually composed of normal enamel, dentin and of the root apices [Figure 2].
contains a horn of pulp tissue.[5]
On the basis of its characteristic clinical and radiographic
The prevalence of talon cusp varies in different populations. appearance, a diagnosis of talon cusp was made. As the tooth
Prevalence of 0.17% in the United States, 0.06% in Mexico, did not pose any significant clinical problems, corrective treat­
5.2% in Malaysia and 7.7% in northern Indian population has ment for the tooth was not instituted. However the right and
been reported.[6] A striking predilection of maxilla over the left lower second primary molars were extracted and bilateral
mandible has been noted, with more than 90% of the reported band and loop space maintainers were placed and patient was
cases in maxilla. About 77% of the affected teeth have been in advised for a periodic recall visit [Figure 3].
permanent dentition. Among them 55% of the cases involved
lateral incisors, 33% central incisors, and 4% canines. A gender Case 2
ratio of male/female had an almost equal sexual predilection
in almost all races in which studies have been performed. In An 8 year old boy reported to the department of Pedodontics
the primary dentition it was first reported by Henderson in and Preventive dentistry, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College,
1977.[8] Since then thirty cases have been documented in pri­ Chennai with the complaint of malaligned erupting front teeth
mary dentition.[9] in the lower jaw. Intraoral examination revealed lingually erupt­
ing mandibular right and left laterals with the left lateral placed
Case 1 at a more lingual position than the corresponding contralat­
eral tooth [Figure 5]. Maxillary arch revealed an extra promi­
A seven year old female patient reported to the department of nent accessory cusp in the left upper central incisor. This tooth
had a highly exaggerated conical enamel projection, which
Senior Lecturer, bAssociate Prof., cFormer Prof. and Head, extended almost from the cervical third of the crown to the
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Meenakshi Animal Dental College incisal edge [Figure 4]. In occlusion the talon cusp was inter­
and Hospital, Chennai - 600 095, Tamil Nadu, India fering with the alignment of mandibular lateral incisor.

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Aberrant talon cusps

Figure 1: Intraoral view of talon cusp on mandibular left

central incisor with grossly carious second primary molars
on both sides

Figure 6: Intraoral periapical radiograph showing an inverted

V-shaped talon cusp on the maxillary left central incisor

Figure 7: Study casts showing the lingual positioning of

Figure 2: Intra oral periapical radiograph of mandibular left mandibular lateral incisor
central incisor with talon cusp

Figure 8: Selective cuspal grinding was done followed by

Figure 3: Band and loop space maintainers on both sides prophylactic placement of sealants

Figure 4: Photograph showing maxillary central incisor with Figure 9: Intraoral photograph taken after extraction of
talon cusp mandibular canines

Figure 5: Intraoral view showing severe crowding in the Figure 10: Photograph showing alignment of the mandibular
mandibular incisor region incisors after one year

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Aberrant talon cusps

cusps being reported on the facial surfaces this classification

was later modified by Stephen-Ying et al as,[15,16,10] Type 1, Major
Talon - A morphologically well-delineated additional cusp that
prominently projects from the facial or palatal/lingual surface
of an anterior tooth and extends atleast half the distance from
the cementoenamel junction to the incisal edge.

Type 2, Minor Talon- A morphologically well-defined addi­

Figure 11: Study model showing the alignment of mandibular tional cusp that projects from the facial or palatal/lingual sur­
anterior teeth after one year face of an anterior tooth and extends more than one fourth,
but less than half the distance from the cementoenamel junc­
A periapical radiograph revealed a V-shaped radiopaque cusp tion to the incisal edge.
like structure with a pulpal extension within it [Figure 6]. On
the basis of its characteristic features, a diagnosis of talon Type 3, Trace talon-enlarged or prominent cingula and their
cusp was made. variations, which occupy less than one-fourth the distance
from the cementoenamel junction to the incisal edge.[10]
As there was an obvious clinical sign of crowding, study casts
were made [Figure 7]. The crowding was due to a combination Mader in his thorough review suggested that talon cusp might
of arch discrepancy and the occlusal interference of the talon be associated with other somatic and odontogenic anoma­
cusp. In view of the interference in occlusion and the groove lies.[17,7] It can cause various diagnostic, functional and es­
present on either side of the cusp, selective cuspal grinding thetic problems.[18,3,5,11] He also added that this term be re­
was done followed by fluoride application and sealant [Ultraseal served only for those anomalous cusps that prominently
XT TM Ultradent products] placement [Figure 8]. An orthodon­ project from the lingual surface of a succedaneous tooth, are
tic opinion was also obtained and bilateral extraction of the morphologically well delineated and extend atleast half the
mandibular primary canines was carried out under local ana­ distance from the cementoenamel junction to the incisal
esthesia [lignocaine hydrochloride 2%, with adrenaline 1: edge.[17]
80000] to facilitate alignment of lower permanent incisors
[Figure 9]. The patient was later scheduled for a periodic 3­ The common problems associated with talon cusps are,[10,14,17,18]

month recall visit to assess the eruption status of lower inci­ a) Caries susceptibility

sors. b) Occlusal interferences

c) Compromised esthetics, etc.

One-year follow up revealed a satisfactory alignment of the

mandibular anterior teeth [Figures 10, 11]. Timely extraction Caries susceptibility to the groove in between the cusp and
of the primary canines and selective grinding of the talon the tooth should be prophylactically sealed.[19] In case 2 pit
cusp helped us to achieve this alignment. Patient was adviced and fissure sealant (Ultra seal XT TM Ultradent products) was
a periodic evaluation to monitor the resorption status of the used to seal the groove.
mandibular first primary molars and to guide the eruption of
the permanent canines. Occlusal interferences might necessitate selective occlusal
grinding. This should be done under highly aseptic condi­
Discussion tions since there is an increased chance of pulpal exposure for
which an endodontic procedure such as partial pulpotomy or
The etiology of such a cuspal exaggeration to occur is consid­ root canal treatment may be needed.[14,17,19] Whenever there is
ered by most authors to be multifactorial which has a primary occlusal interference, it can lead to rotation or displacement
polygenetic component, accentuated by an external influ­ of the tooth or opposing tooth. In case 2 the talon cusp was
ence.[10] The histological picture is a clear cut outward folding interfering with alignment of mandibular lateral incisor. One
of inner enamel epithelial cells and transient focal hyperplasia year after the occlusal grinding and the extraction of primary
of the peripheral cells of the mesenchymal dental papilla.[3,11] canines the mandibular anterior teeth came into proper align­
The high incidence of occurrence in the lateral incisors is due ment. This emphasizes the need for timely intervention of
to compression of the tooth germ during the morpho-differ­ such clinical situations.
entiation stage between the central incisors and canine.[12]
The sequelae of compression can either result in an out fold­ If esthetics is compromised due to a prominent talon cusp
ing of the dental lamina or an infolding as in dens invaginatus.[13] sequential grinding or complete excision of the cusp followed
by therapeutic endodontic procedure should be done. How­
Hattab et al classified talon cusps as Type 1 Talon, Type 2 Semi ever Fabra Campos has reported increased chances of endo­
Talon and Type 3 Trace Talon.[13,14] After the reports of similar dontic failure in a case with a palatal gingival groove in maxil­

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Aberrant talon cusps

lary lateral incisor with a talon cusp.[20] minimal are the future complications and the better is the
Also other minor problems such as speech disturbances, tongue
irritation, accidental cuspal fracture and periodontal prob­ References
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here, was present on the lower left quadrant. 1996;81:472-5.

Although talon cusp may not be routinely encountered in a Reprint requests to:
dental office, proper differential diagnosis need to be estab­ Roshan Rayen,

Department of Pediatric Dentistry,

lished before a definitive treatment is planned. The role a pe­ Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital,

diatric dentist plays in managing a clinical case of talon cusp is Alapakkam Main Road, Maduravoyal,

of utmost importance because the earlier the detection, the Chennai - 600 095, Tamil Nadu, India

J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent - Special issue 2006 S10

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