Projectile Motion - DPPs
Projectile Motion - DPPs
Projectile Motion - DPPs
11 JEE
Projectile Motion
Projectile Motion
[General 2-D Motion]
1. The position vector of an object at any time t is 7. If a particle travels in 2-D with velocity given as
given by 3t 2ˆi + 6tjˆ + kˆ . Its velocity along y-axis v = 4tiˆ + 5jˆ , then the path of particle will look
has the magnitude like,
(A) 6t (B) 6 y y
(C) 0 (D) 9
( 2)
(C) (D) None of these
(C) 2v sin (D) 2v sin
3. The magnitude of the force acting on a particle of 8. Assertion: Path of projected ball becomes
mass m during its motion in x-y plane according
parabolic in gravitational field ( 90°).
to the x = a sin t, y = b cos t, where a, b and
are constants. Reason: Gravitational force always act
perpendicular to velocity during the motion.
(A) m2 x 2 + y 2 (B) m x 2 + y 2
(A) If both Assertion & Reason are True & the
(C) m x 2 + y2 ) (D) m2 ( x + y ) Reason is a correct explanation of the
4. The coordinates of a moving particle at any time (B) If both Assertion & Reason are True but
't' are given by x = t3 and y = t3. The speed of Reason is not a correct explanation of the
the particle at time 't' is given by
(A) t 2 2 + 2 (B) 2 + 2 (C) If Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
(C) 3t 2 + 2 (D) 3t 2 2 + 2 (D) If both Assertion & Reason are False.
5. The position of a particle changes according to 9. A particle moves on the xy-plane such that its
( )
the equation r = 2iˆ – 4t 2 ˆj m. Which of position vector is given by r = 2t 2 ˆi – t 3ˆj. The
following is not correct? equation of trajectory of the particle is given by
(A) v = –8tjˆ (B) s = 4t 2ˆj 3x
(A) 3x + 16y = 0 (B) + 4y = 0
(C) a = –8ˆj (D) None of these 2
6. A particle of mass 10 kg moves in x-y plane such (C) +y=0 (D) None of these
that its position is given by (3 sin t, 4 cos t). where
t is the time find
(A) its momentum vector at time t = sec.
(B) net force acting on it at this time
[Basic Projectile Motion (Ground to Ground)]
1. A ball is thrown upward and it returns to ground 6. The time of flight of projectile is 10 second and its
describing a parabolic path. Which of the following range is 500 m. The maximum height reached by it
remains constant throughout the motion? will be (g = 10 m/s2)-
(A) kinetic energy of the ball (A) 25 m (B) 50 m
(B) speed of the ball (C) 82 m (D) 125 m
(C) horizontal component of velocity
(D) vertical component of velocity 7. A projectile is thrown with an initial velocity of
v = aiˆ + bjˆ . If range of the projectile is double the
2. At the top of the trajectory of a projectile the
direction of its velocity and acceleration are- maximum height attained by it then:
(A) Parallel to each other (A) a = 2b (B) b = a
(B) inclined at an angle of 45° to the horizontal (C) b = 2a (D) b = 4a
(C) Perpendicular to each other
(D) None of the above statement is correct 8. Assertion: In projectile motion, when horizontal
range is n times the maximum height, the angle of
3. A particle is projected from a horizontal plane (x-z 4
projection is given by tan =
plane) such that its velocity vector at time t is given n
by V = aiˆ + (b − ct)jˆ . Its range on the horizontal Reason: In the case of horizontal projection the
plane is given by: vertical velocity increases with time.
(A) If both Assertion & Reason are True & the
ba 2ba
(A) (B) Reason is a correct explanation of the
c c
(C) (D) None (B) If both Assertion & Reason are True but
c Reason is not a correct explanation of the
4. Trajectories of two projectiles are shown in figure.
(C) If Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
Let T1 and T2 be the time of flight and u1 and u2
(D) If both Assertion & Reason are False.
their speeds of projection. Then
9. A ball is hit by a batsman at an angle of 37° as
shown in figure. The man standing at P should run
at what minimum velocity(in m/s) so that he
catches the ball before it strikes the ground. Assume
(A) T2 > T1 (B) T1 = T2 that height of man is negligible in comparison to
(C) Both (B) and (D) (D) u1 < u2 maximum height of projectile.
[Equation of Trajectory, Horizontal Projectile]
1. A child standing on z-axis at (0, 0, 10m) throws a 6. A stuntman plans to run along a roof top and then
ball at 45° with 20m/s in YZ plane towards origin. horizontally off it to land on the roof of next
A wind is blowing in X-direction which imparts building. The roof of the next building is 4.9
a steady acceleration 4m/s2 to ball. Find the meters below the first one and 6.2 meters away
distance of the point from the projection point from it. What should be his minimum roof top
where ball will strike the XY plane treating it speed in m/s, so that he can successfully make the
vertically. jump?
(A) 8.2m (B) 11.6m (A) 3.1 (B) 4.0
(C) 12.6 m (D) 13.6m (C) 4.9 (D) 6.2
2. A stone is dropped from the top of a cliff in high 7. Figure shows a projectile thrown with speed u =
wind. The wind exerts a constant horizontal force 20 m/s at an angle 30º with horizontal from the
on the stone. The path of the stone as observed top of a building 40 m high. Then the horizontal
from the ground reference frame is: range of projectile is:
(A) straight line
(B) parabola
(C) curved path other than parabola
(D) none of the above
[Projectile on Incline Plane]
1. A particle is thrown at time t = 0 with a velocity 4. A plane surface is inclined making an angle θ
of 10 m/s at an angle of 60° with the horizontal with the horizontal. From the bottom of this
from a point on an incline plane, making an angle inclined plane, a bullet is fired with velocity v.
of 30° with the horizontal. The time when the The maximum possible range of the bullet on the
velocity of the projectile becomes parallel to the inclined plane is
incline is: v2 v2
(A) (B)
g g(1 + sin )
v2 v2
(C) (D)
60o g(1 − sin ) g(1 + cos )
2u 2
(A) (B) zero
2u 2 2u 2 (A) Tv sin
(C) sin (D) tan sec (B) Tv cos
g g
(C) Tv sec (D) Tv tan
9. From an inclined plane two particles are 10. Two incline plane of angle 30° and 60° are placed
projected with same speed at same angle , one touching each other at the base as shown in the
up and other down the plane as shown in figure. figure. A projectile is projected with speed of
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct 10√3 ms–1 from point P as shown and hits the
? other inclined at point Q normally.
(A) The particles will collide the plane with 90°
same speed 30° 60°
(B) The times of flight of each particle are same If the co-ordinate are taken along the inclines as
(C) Both particles strikes the plane shown in the figure, then
perpendicularly (A) Component of acceleration in x-direction is
(D) The particles will collide in mid air if
–5 3 ms–2
projected simultaneously and time of flight
(B) Component of acceleration in x-direction is
of each particle is less than the time of
collision –10 3 ms–2
(C) Component of acceleration in y-direction is
–5 3 ms–2
(D) Component of acceleration in y-direction is
–10 3 ms–2
[Kinematics & Circular Motion(Angular displacement, Angular velocity
and constant Angular acceleration)]
1. A boy runs on a circular track of radius R (in km) 7. A circular disc is rotating about its own axis at the
R rate of 200 revolutions per minute. Two particles
with speed of km/h in clockwise sense for 3 h
2 P, Q of disc are at distances 5cm, 10cm from axis
and then πR km/h in anticlockwise sense for 1 h. of rotation. The ratio of angular velocities of P
The magnitude of his displacement will be and Q is
R R (A) 1:2 (B) 1:1
(A) (B) (C) 2:1 (D) 4:1
2 2
(C) (D) √2R 8. A stationary wheel starts rotating about its own
axis at uniform angular acceleration 8rad/s2. The
time taken by it to complete 77 rotations is
2. A particle moves in a circle of the radius 25 cm at
(A) 5.5 sec (B) 7 sec
two revolutions per second. The acceleration of
(C) 11 sec (D) 14 sec
the particle in m/sec2 is :-
(A) 2 (B) 82
9. A body moving in uniform circular motion with
(C) 42 (D) 22
speed v, the magnitude of change in its velocity
after it rotates by an angle 120° is
3. If the equation for the displacement of a particle
(A) 2v (B) √3v
moving on a circular path is given by () = 2t3 +
v 3
0.5, where is in radians and t in seconds, then (C) v (D)
the angular velocity of the particle after 2 s from 2
its start is:-
(A) 8 rad/s (B) 12 rad/s 10. Assertion: In uniform circular motion, the linear
(C) 24 rad/s (D) 36 rad/s speed and angular speed of the body are
4. A fly wheel rotating at 600 rev/min is brought Reason: A body can move on a circular path
under uniform deceleration and stopped after 2 without having acceleration.
minutes, then what is angular deceleration in (A) If both Assertion & Reason are True & the
rad/sec2 ? Reason is a correct explanation of the
(A) (B) 10 (B) If both Assertion & Reason are True but
Reason is not a correct explanation of the
(C) (D) 300 Assertion.
(C) If Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
(D) If both Assertion & Reason are False.
5. A fly wheel is rotating about its own axis at an
angular velocity 11 rad s–1. Its angular velocity in
revolutions per minute is_______.
[Kinematics of Circular Motion (Tangential, Radial and total accelarction)]
1. A car moves on a circular path such that its speed 7. A particle is moving with speed v on a circle (of
is given by v = Kt, where K = constant and t is radius r and centered at origin) as shown in the
time, the radius of circular path is r, then net given figure, in anticlockwise fashion. Average
acceleration of the car at time t is acceleration of the particle during its motion from
2 point A to point B is
K2t 2 y
(A) K +
(B) 2K
r B
(C) K (D) √𝐾 2 + 𝐾 2 𝑡 2
r A x
2. If ar and at represent radial and tangential
accelerations, then the motion of particle will be
uniformly circular for
(A) ar = 0, at = 0 (B) ar = 0, at 0
−2v 2 ˆ ˆ
(C) ar 0, at = 0 (D) ar 0, at 0 (A) (i − j)
−2v 2 ˆ ˆ
3. A particle moving along a circular path. The (B) (i + j)
angular velocity, linear velocity, angular r
acceleration and centripetal acceleration of the 2v 2 ˆ ˆ
(C) (i + j)
particle at any instant respectively are , v, ,a c . r
Which of the following relation is/are correct. 2v 2 ˆ ˆ
(D) (i − j)
(a) ⊥ v (b) ⊥
(c) v ⊥ ac (d) ⊥ ac 8. Assertion: The resultant acceleration of an object
(A) a, b, d (B) b, c, d in circular motion is towards the centre if
(C) a, b, c (D) a, c, d the speed is constant.
Reason: A vector is necessarily changed if it is
4. A particle moves in a circle describing equal rotated through an angle.
angle in equal times, its velocity vector (A) If both Assertion & Reason are True & the
(A) Remains constant Reason is a correct explanation of the
(B) Change in magnitude Assertion.
(C) Change in direction (B) If both Assertion & Reason are True but
(D) Changes in magnitude and direction Reason is not a correct explanation of the
5. In uniform circular motion speed of particle is 2 (C) If Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
m/s and radius of circle is 2 m, then the value of (D) If both Assertion & Reason are False.
centripetal acceleration in m/s2 is
9. A particle starts moving on a circular path from
6. A car is travelling with linear velocity v on a the rest, such that its tangential acceleration
circular road of radius r. If it is increasing its varies with time as at = kt. Distance travelled by
speed at the rate of ‘a’ m/sec2, then the resultant particle on the circular path in time t is
acceleration will be kt 3 kt 2
(A) (B)
v2 v4
3 6
(A) − a2 (B) + a2
r 2
r 2 kt 3 kt 2
(C) (D)
6 2
v4 v2
(C) 2
− a2 (D) 2
+ a2
r r