Lec 3
Lec 3
Lec 3
Quantity Sheets (Take Off Sheets)
The quantity of material in a project, determined from the drawings. It
records the amount and unit of measure.
BOQs (Bill of Quantities)
Provides an extensive and itemized trade list, including a description
and quantity, of each of the components or items required for a
construction project.
Rate Analysis
It entails a systematic review for predicting cost of materials, labor,
support services, and facilities needed for performing any activity
Cost Estimation
The construction documents include working drawings, technical
specifications, conditions of contract and other documents relevant to
the bidding process. These documents actually define the scope of
the work.
The ability of the cost estimator to visualize all of the components of
a project using these documents is a prime ingredient to prepare
successful estimates.
After verifying the integrity and correctness of the construction
documents, quantity take off (QTO) is performed to determine the
amount of different materials that will be purchased from the market.
In addition to material costs other direct and indirect cost
components are estimated and added together including the profit
considerations to arrive at the total bid amount.
Construction Cost
Before preparing the estimate, the estimator should visit the site and
make a study of conditions, there. For example, if the construction of a
large building is planned, the estimator or his representative should visit
the site and:
Note the location of the proposed building.
Get all data available regarding the soil.
Make a sketch of the site showing all important details.
Obtain information concerning light, power, and water.
Secure information concerning banking facilities.
Note conditions of streets leading to railway yards and to material
dealers, and
Investigate general efficiency of local workman.
Practice in Pakistan
Schedule of Rates