1) The document outlines a flexible classroom assessment map for teaching statistics and probability in the 3rd quarter.
2) It details what topics should be taught, such as random variables and probability distributions. Formative assessment activities are suggested to calculate mean, variance, and interpret probability concepts.
3) The assessment and feedback section recommends using GRASPS characteristics to identify standards and criteria for success, and incorporating formative feedback mechanisms like discussion, illustrations, and technology integration to support student learning.
1) The document outlines a flexible classroom assessment map for teaching statistics and probability in the 3rd quarter.
2) It details what topics should be taught, such as random variables and probability distributions. Formative assessment activities are suggested to calculate mean, variance, and interpret probability concepts.
3) The assessment and feedback section recommends using GRASPS characteristics to identify standards and criteria for success, and incorporating formative feedback mechanisms like discussion, illustrations, and technology integration to support student learning.
1) The document outlines a flexible classroom assessment map for teaching statistics and probability in the 3rd quarter.
2) It details what topics should be taught, such as random variables and probability distributions. Formative assessment activities are suggested to calculate mean, variance, and interpret probability concepts.
3) The assessment and feedback section recommends using GRASPS characteristics to identify standards and criteria for success, and incorporating formative feedback mechanisms like discussion, illustrations, and technology integration to support student learning.
1) The document outlines a flexible classroom assessment map for teaching statistics and probability in the 3rd quarter.
2) It details what topics should be taught, such as random variables and probability distributions. Formative assessment activities are suggested to calculate mean, variance, and interpret probability concepts.
3) The assessment and feedback section recommends using GRASPS characteristics to identify standards and criteria for success, and incorporating formative feedback mechanisms like discussion, illustrations, and technology integration to support student learning.
Quarter: 3 HOW TO ASSESS? HOW TO TEACH? WHAT TO TEACH? WHY TEACH? Learning Material ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK MET Preparation Reviewing the FIDP of Statistics and Probability Based on What the student – As implied by the By using the Standards & centered What Minimum GRASPS Based on the Criteria for Feedback flexible Formative Standards, the characteristics Improved PT Feedback Culminating With the skills that shall be championed Success in Mechanism teaching Questions What Topic(s) ensure the teaching of every of a PT, of Mechanism Performance to by Statistics and Probability and completing (Assessment modality will shall lead development of the core subject shall Identify the Statistics and (Assessment lead to the Standard of together with the other skills implied by the PT, what FOR AS Learning) desired skills? lead to the Standards & Probability Learning) towards the completion Statistics and the Minimum Standards Enabling development of the Criteria for completion of EFAA? Probability Formative learners’ … Success of the Assessment EFAA? Activities 1. Communication GOAL: To EFAA 1: Integration Chapter 1. Random Variables Skills illustrates, calculates with Test distinguishes, the mean technology Problem (downloada pages 51- finds and and the Solving variance of a ble video 54. 2. Thinking Skills constructs the 2. Probability discrete discussion (Critical and probability Distributions and print mass function random A. Problem out) Communicati of a discrete variable. Find the z- Solving) on and Transfer Goal: random Distance: score for Technology The learners in the long run and on their variable and its each of 3. Technology Skills own will be able to illustrates, corresponding Text the Skills distinguishes, finds and constructs the histogram. illustration following Thinking probability mass function of a discrete computes interaction X values random variable and its corresponding probabilities EFAA 2: (discussion) Skills Conduct Conduct for a histogram. computes probabilities corresponding interprets , module on (Critical normal 4. Communication to a given the mean Performanc Journal illustrating Thinking and corresponding to a given random distributio and random and the e Checks writing with basic Problem variable. Analysis guided n with the Technology Solving) variable. variance of a calculus Skills (Creative discrete questions topics, mean=20 & Innovation) random Conduct integration and variable. Activities with standard ROLE: As technology deviation= historians (pre- 5. 5. Problem recorded Solving Skills discussion and/or print B. AUDIENCE: out) Given the 6. Collaboration To be z value, Skills presented to find the the school area community under the normal SITUATION: curve for There is a the given pressing paramete concern that rs. needs to be addressed in C. your school Given the community. As following a result, the z-scores, school find the administrators area will provide under the you with the normal necessary data curve, to come up then with a solution shade to this accordingl problem. y. Performance Scenario: PRODUCT: EFAA 3: Online: The students, as historians, will be given Presentation of solves relevant/timely situations on how a portfolio, problems Power- anthropology, political science, and Problem involving that is, a point sociology affects in the school Solving mean and presentati compilation of community. outputs which variance of on probability interaction includes the distributions. application of (discussio n), module different statistical tools EFAA 4: on Problem Generate illustrating (descriptive basic and Solving conclusion/g eneralization calculus inferential). topics publish STANDARD: thru LMS, The portfolio integration will be with evaluated technolog using the y on following download criteria: able video organization of EFAA 5: Analysis Meaningful data, data Insights analysis, data interpretation, generation of conclusion/ generalization, and meaningful insights. Flexible Classroom Aligned Assessment Map Statistics and Probability Quarter: 3 WHAT TO HOW TO ASSESS? HOW TO TEACH? TEACH? WHY TEACH? Learning Material ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK MET Preparation Reviewing the FIDP Statistics and Probability Based on What the student – As implied by the By using the Standards & centered What What Minimum GRASPS Based on the Criteria for Feedback Feedback flexible Formative Topic(s) Standards, the Improved PT characteristics Culminating With the skills that shall be championed Success in Mechanism Mechanism teaching Questions ensure the teaching of every of of a PT, Performance to by Statistics and Probability and completing (Assessme (Assessment modality will shall lead development core subject shall Statistics and Identify the lead to the Standard of together with the other skills implied by the PT, what nt FOR AS of the lead to the Probability Standards & towards the completion Statistics and the Minimum Standards Enabling Learning) Learning) desired development of the Criteria for completion of EFAA? Probability Formative skills? learners’ … Success of the Assessment EFAA? Activities GOAL: To EFAA 1: integration Chapter 1. 1. Communication illustrates, finds the with Test Skills distinguishes, mean and pages Sampling technolog identifies, finds variance of y 51-54. and solves Evaluation the sampling (download A. 2. 2. Thinking Skills problems distribution (Critical and able video Find the involving of the z-score Problem Solving) Communicati sampling sample discussion Sampling on and and print for each distributions of mean. of the Distributio Technology • Co out) 3. Technology Skills Skills Transfer Goal: the sample nduct Conduct following ns The learners in the long run and on their mean X values Performanc Journal Distance: own will be able to illustrates, for a Thinking EFAA 2: e Checks writing with distinguishes, identifies, finds and solves Text normal 4. Communication Skills problems involving sampling distributions ROLE: As defines the • Co guided and Technology (Critical nduct questions illustration distributio of the sample mean historians sampling Skills (Creative & Thinking and Activities interaction n with the distribution Innovation) Problem of the (discussio mean=20 Solving) Definition and AUDIENCE: sample n), module standard To be mean using on 5. Problem Solving deviation presented to the Central illustrating Skills =5. the school Limit basic community Theorem. calculus B. topics, Given the 6. Collaboration SITUATION: integration z value, Skills There is a with find the pressing technolog area concern that y (pre- under the needs to be recorded normal addressed in discussion curve for your school and/or the given community. As paramete print out) a result, the rs. school administrators C. will provide Given the you with the following necessary data z-scores, to come up find the with a solution area to this under the problem. normal curve, PRODUCT: then Presentation of shade a portfolio, that accordin is, a gly. Performance Scenario: compilation of EFAA 3: Online: The students, as historians, will be given outputs which solves relevant/timely situations on how includes the problems Power- anthropology, political science, and application of involving point different Problem sociology affects in the school sampling presentati statistical tools solving community. distributions on (descriptive of the interaction and sample (discussio inferential). mean. n), module on STANDARD: illustrating The portfolio EFAA 4: basic will be Generate Reasoning calculus evaluated conclusion/g topics using the eneralization publish following thru LMS, criteria: integration organization of with data, data EFAA 5: technolog analysis, data Reasoning Meaningful y on interpretation, Insights download generation of able video conclusion/ generalization, and meaningful insights. Flexible Classroom Aligned Assessment Map Statistics and Probability Quarter: 4 WHAT TO HOW TO ASSESS? HOW TO TEACH? TEACH? WHY TEACH? Learning Material ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK MET Preparation Reviewing the FIDP Statistics and Probability Based on What the student – As implied by the By using the Standards & centered What What Minimum GRASPS Based on the Criteria for Feedback Feedback flexible Formative Topic(s) Standards, the Improved PT characteristics Culminating With the skills that shall be championed Success in Mechanism Mechanism teaching Questions ensure the teaching of every of of a PT, Performance to by Statistics and Probability and completing (Assessme (Assessment modality will shall lead development core subject shall Statistics and Identify the lead to the Standard of together with the other skills implied by the PT, what nt FOR AS of the lead to the Probability Standards & towards the completion Statistics and the Minimum Standards Enabling Learning) Learning) desired development of the Criteria for completion of EFAA? Probability Formative skills? learners’ … Success of the Assessment EFAA? Activities 7. Communication GOAL: To EFAA 1: integration Chapter 1. Skills illustrates, computes with Test distinguishes, technolog Estimation for the pages of identifies, y 8. Thinking Skills computes, Problem point (download 51-54. Parameters (Critical and draws and Solving estimate of able video A. Problem Communicati solves the discussion Find the Solving) on and problems population and print z-score Technology Transfer Goal: involving • Co out) for each Skills The learners in the long run and on their confidence proportion nduct Conduct interval of the 9. Technology own will be able to illustrates, Performanc Journal Distance: Skills distinguishes, identifies, computes, estimation of EFAA 2: e Checks writing with following Thinking the population • Text X values Skills draws and solves problems involving computes Co guided confidence interval estimation of the proportion. nduct questions illustration for a (Critical for the 10. Communication Thinking and population proportion. Activities interaction normal and Problem confidence (discussio Problem distributi Technology Solving) ROLE: As interval n), module on with Solving Skills (Creative historians estimate of on the & Innovation) the illustrating basic mean=20 population and AUDIENCE: calculus 11. Problem To be proportion topics, standard Solving Skills integration deviation presented to with =5. the school technolog 12. Collaboration community y (pre- B. Skills recorded Given SITUATION: discussion There is a the z and/or pressing print out) value, concern that find the needs to be area addressed in under your school the community. As normal a result, the curve for school administrators the given will provide paramet you with the ers. necessary data to come up C. with a solution Given to this the problem. following z-scores, PRODUCT: Presentation of find the a portfolio, area that is, a under compilation of the outputs which normal includes the curve, application of then different shade statistical tools (descriptive accordin and gly. Performance Scenario: inferential). EFAA 3: Online: The students, as historians, will be given solves relevant/timely situations on how STANDARD: Power- The portfolio Problem problems anthropology, political science, and point sociology affects in the school will be Solving involving presentati community. evaluated confidence on using the interval interaction following estimation (discussio criteria: of the n), module organization of on data, data population illustrating analysis, data proportion. basic interpretation, calculus generation of topics conclusion/ publish generalization, EFAA 4: thru LMS, Generate integration and Analysis conclusion/g with meaningful eneralization technolog insights. y on download able video EFAA 5: Analysis Meaningful Insights Flexible Classroom Aligned Assessment Map Statistics and Probability Quarter: 4 WHAT TO HOW TO ASSESS? HOW TO TEACH? TEACH? WHY TEACH? Learning Material ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK MET Preparation Reviewing the FIDP of Statistics and Probability Based on What the student – As implied by the By using the Standards & centered What What Minimum GRASPS Based on the Criteria for Feedback Feedback flexible Formative Topic(s) Standards, the Improved PT characteristics Culminating With the skills that shall be championed Success in Mechanism Mechanism teaching Questions ensure the teaching of every of of a PT, Performance to by Statistics and Probability and completing (Assessme (Assessment modality will shall lead development core subject shall Statistics and Identify the lead to the Standard of together with the other skills implied by the PT, what nt FOR AS of the lead to the Probability Standards & towards the completion Statistics and the Minimum Standards Enabling Learning) Learning) desired development of the Criteria for completion of EFAA? Probability Formative skills? learners’ … Success of the Assessment EFAA? Activities 13. Communication GOAL: To to EFAA 1: integration Chapter 1. Skills illustrates, calculates with Test calculates, the Random technolog pages formulates and Problem probabilities Variables y 51-54. 14. Thinking Skills identifies: (a) solving of (download A. null hypothesis committing a 2. (Critical and able video Find the Problem (b) alternative Type I and z-score Communicati discussion hypothesis (c) Type II error. Probability Solving) on and and print for each Transfer Goal: level of of the Distributions Technology • Co out) Skills The learners in the long run and on their significance (d) following nduct Conduct 15. Technology own will be able to illustrates, calculates, rejection Distance: X values region; and (e) Performanc Journal Skills formulates and identifies: (a) null EFAA 2: e Checks writing with for a Thinking hypothesis (b) alternative hypothesis (c) types of errors formulates • Co guided Text normal Skills level of significance (d) rejection region; in hypothesis the questions illustration distributio (Critical testing. nduct and (e) types of errors in hypothesis appropriate interaction n with the 16. Communication Thinking and testing. Problem null and Activities mean=20 and Problem (discussio ROLE: As solving alternative and Technology Solving) n), module historians hypotheses standard Skills (Creative on a on deviation & Innovation) population illustrating =5. mean. basic AUDIENCE: calculus B. 17. Problem To be topics, Given the Solving Skills presented to integration z value, the school with find the community technolog area 18. Collaboration y (pre- under the Skills SITUATION: recorded normal There is a discussion curve for pressing and/or the given concern that paramete print out) needs to be rs. addressed in C. your school Given the community. As following a result, the z-scores, school find the administrators area will provide under the you with the normal necessary data curve, to come up then with a solution shade to this accordin problem. gly. Performance Scenario: EFAA 3: Online: The students, as historians, will be given PRODUCT: identifies the relevant/timely situations on how Presentation of appropriate Power- anthropology, political science, and a portfolio, form of the point sociology affects in the school that is, a test-statistic presentati community. compilation of when: (a) on outputs which the interaction includes the population (discussio application of variance is n), module different assumed to on Identification statistical tools be known (b) illustrating (descriptive the basic population calculus and variance is topics inferential). assumed to publish be unknown; thru LMS, STANDARD: integration and (c) the The portfolio Central Limit with will be Theorem is technolog evaluated to be used. y on using the download following EFAA 4: able video criteria: Generate Reasoning organization of conclusion/g data, data eneralization analysis, data interpretation, generation of conclusion/ EFAA 5: generalization, Reasoning Meaningful and Insights meaningful insights.