L5R D20 - Bloodspeaker d10 Conversions

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Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Bloodspeaker d10 Conversions

Explanation: I've always been under the impression that the Shadowlands Taint is subtle,
and gradual. Every time a character wishes to draw on the Taint for power, they pay a
small price. It takes a while, but they eventually find that this price adds up. As such,
I've set up a number of the Techniques to either cost the character Wounds (like Maho
does), or have the character willingly accept a few Taint points to fuel their abilities. A
character who does this too often finds themselves showing scars and bleeding at the
worst possible times (in court for example), or slowly creeping closer to becoming Lost.
I think this fits in with the d10 system for L5R. I hope you like the ideas I have presented
here, as part of the conversions of the Bloodspeaker book. If they are not what you
would like to see, the costs could be removed, with little change needed to be done to the

Conversions By: Christopher LaHaise

The Chuda Family

Trait Bonus: +1 Willpower

The Chuda Snake Charmer

(New Path)
The Chuda Snake charmers are assassins whose weapons are snakes, spiders, and other
vermin. Very few are chosen to learn the secret techniques of the Chuda, and only the
truly exceptional are admitted. Physical manifestations of the Taint gained through the
use of these Techniques often take the appearance of snake-like qualities, such as scales,
fangs, or serpentine eyes. A character that is trained in the Chuda Snake Charmer Path is
considered a Ninja and can learn the kata and abilities presented in Way of the Ninja.

One With The Serpent

Technique Rank: 2
Path of Entry: Any School 2
The character’s blood is altered by the Taint. By regularly feeding vermin with the
character’s blood, they can create a mystical bond. The character can create a number of
bonds equal to their Taint rank. A bond can be created with a single snake, a family of
rats, or a swarm of insects. By gaining a point of Shadowlands Taint or taking a single
Wound, the character can activate the bond, extending her awareness through the bond to
experience what her pets are experiencing. Only one bond can be used at a time, but the
character can use the senses of her pets as her own, experiencing what they do for an
hour. While under the influence of the bond, the creatures will not attack or harm the
character, even if threatened, and will obey simple, silent commands from the character.

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Aspect of the Snake

Technique Rank: 3
Path of Egress: Previous School 4
The character gains enhanced power through her bond with the creatures bound to her.
By gaining two points of Shadowlands Taint or taking three Wounds, the character can
manifest snake-like aspects for a number of minutes equal to the character’s rank in
Taint. The character may create fangs, which inflict (Strength)K1 damage and give
opponents one closed die worth of Taint with a bite (Earth roll against a TN equal to the
damage rolled to avoid), or they can grant themselves scales, which grant them a level of
Carapace equal to their Taint Rank. A character with this technique is immune to all
animal-created venoms or toxins.

Kansen’s Host
(New School)
Some Bloodspeakers have recently discovered they can share their body with the kansen,
in exchange for greater power. They risk, over time, losing themselves to the kansen,
until their will is destroyed and the kansen controls the body completely. This school can
only be accessed by taking the Multiple Schools Advantage, and only maho-tsukai may
use the advantage with this school. This school is an exception to the standard rule that
shugenja can not join non-shugenja schools. The ranks in this school are used to
determine the character’s total Insight Rank when casting spells.

Like other Bloodspeakers, the Taint gained by the character is concealed, twisting their
innards while plaguing the character with nightmares, rage, and paranoia. The character
only gains mental manifestations of the Taint. If the character enters the Shadowlands,
her corruption becomes immediately manifest and the kansen possesses her instantly.
Any spells cast by the character are considered maho.

Each time the character gains a Rank of the Shadowlands Taint, they must make a
resisted roll using their (Willpower)k(Insight Rank) against the kansen, who rolls
(Taint)k(Willpower). If the kansen succeeds, the character is consumed by the kansen
(and may effectively become an NPC under the game master’s control).

Rank 1: Master of Spirits
The character is capable of seeing incorporeal creatures such as yorei, ancestor spirits,
kansen, kami, and the like. By gaining a point of Shadowlands Taint or taking a Wound,
the character is capable of touching and interacting with spirits physically, allowing the
character to attack, touch, or move things within the spirit world. The character may also
attempt to dominate a kansen, yorei, or gaki by making a contested roll using the
character’s (Willpower)k(Insight Rank) against the spirit’s (Willpower)k(Willpower).
The risk is high, as the individual with the higher total controls the loser for an hour.
This duration can be extended by an additional hour per Raise called.

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Rank 2: Kansen’s Voice

The character may ask the kansen possessing him for advice, drawing on the knowledge
the kansen has. The kansen can divine future events for the character, but these events
are often tragic and dark, furthering the ends of the kansen. By gaining one open-ended
die worth of Shadowlands Taint points, the player may ask three questions of the game
master concerning future events. The game master may answer one of these three
questions with a lie, but does not need to tell the player which answer is false. By
accepting two points of Shadowlands Taint or taking three Wounds, the character may
gain the assistance of the kansen in social tests, increasing the total of any social roll by
their Rank in the Taint.

Rank 3: Bind Kansen

The character can bind kansen into material objects, or even into people. This takes 120
minutes to prepare, and the character must accept either five points of Shadowlands
Taint, or two open-ended dice in Wounds. If the kansen is unwilling, the character must
make a contested (Willpower)k(Insight) roll against the kansen’s
(Willpower)k(Willpower). If the character fails, the kansen is not bound. If the character
attempts to bind a kansen into a living host, the host may make an opposed Willpower
roll against the character. If the victim fails, they gain a Rank of Shadowlands Taint and
the kansen becomes bound inside them (and thus capable of taking the Kansen’s Host
School). Objects with kansen bound into them can become lesser nemuranai, their
properties chosen by the game master.

Maho-Bujin School
(Modified from Bearers of Jade)
A character whose Shadowlands Taint exceeds all of their Rings may find themselves
inexplicably drawn into the Shadowlands. There, they undergo rigorous training among
the Lost, and may prove themselves worthy of learning the techniques of the maho-bujin.
Those who take this path are some of the most fearsome warriors of Fu Leng.

A character who trains to become a maho-bujin can progress faster by sacrificing their
past. Each time the character gains an Insight Rank in this School, the character may
sacrifice their highest School Technique to gain an additional technique within this
school. So, a Rank 2 Akodo Bushi who gains their first Rank in this school can become
an Akodo Bushi 1 / maho-bujin 1 rather than a Akodo Bushi 2 / maho-bujin 1.

Upon becoming a maho-bujin, the character’s physical manifestations of the taint

disappear, and the character regains their former appearance. In unusual situations, Fu
Leng may even grant the character an additional advantages, but this is entirely up to the
game master.

Requirements: Shadowlands Rank higher than the character's highest Ring. The
character must have also journeyed to the Festering Pit of Fu Leng
to be deemed worthy of becoming a maho-bujin.

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Rank 1: Corruption Has No Bounds
The maho-bujin unlocks the barriers Rokugan has placed in his mind and lets his
emotions loose. His body is no longer twisted from resisting the Taint, but flows with it
freely. The character adds their rank in Shadowlands Taint to the total roll of any Bugei

Rank 2: Carve the Crimson Road

The maho-bujin must prove themselves on a path of blood. They receive a number of
additional attacks equal to the highest Honor Rank among their opponents. Any
technique that the character has which grants additional attacks is replaced by this
technique for determining actions per round.

Rank 3: Corruption Rewards

The weapons of the maho-bujin do not aim, but hear blood and leap for it. The number
of Wounds inflicted by the character’s last attack in a round can be used the following
round as their initiative. The character does not roll initiative, but simply has a ‘result’
equal to the Wounds inflicted.

Rank 4: Devourer of Purity

The maho-bujin draws sustenance from the deaths they cause. The character may heal a
number of Wound Ranks equal to the Honor Rank of any character they bring to Down,
Out, or Dead. This healing takes effect immediately, and any excess is lost.

Rank 5: Even Steel Lies

The maho-bujin corrupts the Celestial Order, twisting the spirits of men and weapons
alike. The character gains the power of Invulnerability and can only be hurt by jade,
crystal, obsidian, or magic.

Tainted Shadow School
A character who has given in to corruption may discover that the Taint is not always
blatant and obvious. Sometimes, the benefits that are offered are much more subtle when
required. Those who are trained in the art of stealth and succumb to the taint can become
a Tainted Shadow. As the character progresses, they feel Lord Yakamo's wrath grow
more fierce, suffering a +1 penalty to the TN of all rolls while in the presence of full
sunlight for every rank of the Shadowlands Taint they possess. A character that is trained
in the Tainted Shadow School is considered a Ninja and can learn the kata and abilities
presented in Way of the Ninja.

Benefits: +1 Reflexes
Skills: Athletics, Defense, Jiujutsu, Ninjutsu, Stealth, any two Low or
Bugei Skills
Starting Honor: 0
Starting Outfit: Kimono, Traveling Pack, 2 Weapons of Average Quality, 3 Koku
Special: The character must have at least two ranks of Shadowlands Taint.

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Rank 1: Embracing the Darkness

By gaining a point of Shadowlands Taint or by taking a single Wound, the character rolls
but does not keep an additional number of dice equal to their rank of Shadowlands Taint
when using the Stealth skill. This bonus does not apply when the character is in an area
protected by anything that wards off the Taint. The character can not roll more than ten
dice, regardless of their rank in Taint.

Rank 2: Touch of Darkness

The character is capable of using the Taint to add a numbing chill to their unarmed
attacks. By gaining a point of Shadowlands Taint, or by taking a single Wound, the
character keeps an additional die on all unarmed damage rolls. A character that is
successfully struck by someone using this technique has their Strength Trait temporarily
reduced by one point, for a number of rounds equal to the character's rank in the
Shadowlands Taint.

Rank 3: Whispers in Darkness

The character is capable of learning about events in other locations, as long as there are
shadows there. By gaining two points of Shadowlands Taint or taking three Wounds, the
character can summon kansen in the shadows near them to whisper to them and tell them
what is happening in other areas where shadows exist. The character makes a
(Willpower)k(School Rank) roll against a TN of 10. The range of this ability is 100 feet,
but can be doubled for every Raise called. If the roll is successful, the character can see
and hear through his shadow helpers.

Rank 4: A Form of Darkness

The character is capable of becoming insubstantial, allowing them to pass through walls
and avoid physical harm. By gaining two points of Shadowlands Taint or taking three
wounds, the character becomes Invulnerable to weapons not made of jade, crystal,
obsidian, or nemuranai. The character is unable to harm anyone while in this form, but
can move normally, unhindered by physical objects. The character can remain in this
form for one minute per rank of Shadowlands Taint they have. Once this duration has
expired, the character can make a (Willpower)k(Insight Rank) against a TN of 15 to keep
their form for the same duration.

Rank 5: One With Darkness

The Taint that runs through the character's body makes their form mutable and flexible,
granting them resilience to most attacks. While out of direct light, the character is treated
as having a Carapace equal to their rank in Shadowlands Taint. This Carapace is can be
ignored by jade, crystal, obsidian, or some nemuranai.

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

The Anvil of Despair
(Printed in Way of the Shadowlands)

Blood Arrows of Yajinden

A character using a blood arrow may become Tainted. The game master rolls 1d10-5, the
results indicating how many points of Shadowlands Taint the character gains (0 to 5
points). These arrows ignore amour that is not specifically treated to resist the Taint, and
inflict an additional +1k1 damage.
The Bloodswords
A Bloodsword can not simply be handed to someone, or picked up and used accidentally.
The person given a Bloodsword must choose to accept the Bloodsword, and accept it as
their sword. Once an individual has accepted the sword as their own, their destinies
become intertwined with the weapon's. A character whose Destiny becomes ensnared by
a Bloodsword gains the Dark Fate Disadvantage. The character will become a legendary
figure in their time, but will become well known for the bloodshed and havoc they

A Bloodsword gains strength from the death it causes. Each Bloodsword has a Rating,
and when a character first bonds with a Bloodsword, this Rating begins at 1. Each time
the character kills a number of people equal to the Rating of the Bloodsword, this rating
increases by one. When damage is rolled for a Bloodsword, any die that rolls less than
the Bloodsword's Rating is treated as the sword's Rating. (Example: A Rating 3
Bloodsword treats all rolls of less than 3 as 3.) This Rating is reduced by one point each
week the sword does not claim a life. The Rating of a Bloodsword will not drop below
the character's lowest Ring.

Each Bloodsword has a number of triggering conditions which will demand the sword be
used. The character can either accept the sword's demand, and strike down the target the
sword has chosen and keep control of their own actions, or they can try to resist.
Resisting a Bloodsword requires a Willpower roll against a TN equal to the sword's
current Rating x 5. If the character succeeds, everything is fine. However, if the
character fails, they go into a bloodthirsty rage and will attack anyone within reach,
friend or foe until everyone within range is dead. Succumbing to the rage of a
Bloodsword costs a character 2 points of Honor.

Once bonded to a Bloodsword, it is very hard to resist the urge to use it. A character will
treat the sword as their primary weapon, and any attempt to remove it from the character
will result in violence. A ritual of purification will sever the sword's connection with the
character, resetting the Rating of the sword to one. Even with this, the character must
still make a Willpower roll against the sword's former rating, or reclaim it as their own.

Each Bloodsword appears as a Fine Quality katana, and rolls 3k2 damage. Bloodswords
are notoriously resilient, and only through exceptional methods will one be broken (such
as snapping it in a throne made of jade). Each Bloodsword can sense those whose

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

personalities match the temperaments of the Bloodsword and can attract such individuals
if they pass within 100 feet. These individuals must make a Willpower roll against a TN
of 15, or become curious and pick the blade up.

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Revenge (Fukushu)
The owner of Fukushu may spend a point of Honor to roll and keep an extra die of
damage. This is a triggering condition for Fukushu, forcing the character to make an
immediate Willpower roll against a TN of 20. If the character fails they go into a frenzy,
and will not sheathe Fushuku until every visible enemy is slain. The character will not
withdraw or surrender, and will not use any weapon other than the Bloodsword until all
enemies have been killed. If the character is disarmed, they can make another Willpower
check against a TN of 15 to compose themselves, but if they fail they will use any
method at their disposal to reclaim Fukushu. If they are unable, they will use their bare
fists and continue attacking. Anyone who attempts to disarm the character is
immediately considered an enemy. After all enemies are killed or have escaped, the
character returns to normal, with no memories of the time in which they had lost control.

If the character who owns Fukushu has their honor insulted or challenged, even if it is
simply a perceived slight, Fukushu is triggered. If the character's Family or Clan is
challenged in front of the character, Fukushu demands the insult be avenged in blood.

Ambition (Yashin)
During the Scorpion Coup, Yashin was shattered. At the time of the Hidden Emperor,
Ambition was reforged into a wakizashi. Yashin is a Fine Quality wakizashi, and rolls
2k2 for damage. Yashin wishes to subvert the natural order, forcing the owner to climb
their way up in society over a pile of corpses. When the character attacks someone of
higher Glory Rank, the character rolls and keeps additional dice for all attacks rolls equal
to the difference in Glory Rank between the two individuals. On the other hand, anyone
attacking the owner who has a lower Glory Rank gains the same bonus against the
character wielding Yashin.

If the character who owns Yashin is in the presence of someone with a higher Glory Rank
who seems weak or vulnerable, Yashin is triggered. This weakness does not actually
have to exist, the Lion who feels disdain for a high-ranking Crane would feel Yashin's
call, as would a bandit with nearly any pampered magistrate. If the character does not
feel absolute loyalty for a superior, then Yashin is triggered, urging her owner to cut the
superior down.

Judgment (Handan)
Handan forces all around it to follow the strictest codes of honor, and is absolute in
enforcing it. When attacking, Handan grants the owner an additional die of damage,
rolled and kept, for every Honor Rank the opponent has less than the character.
Alternatively, anyone attacking Handan's owner who has a higher Honor Rank than the
character gains a similar bonus.

If the character who owns Handan sees someone act in a dishonorable way, Handan is
triggered. This includes anyone who suffers an Honor loss while the character is present,
anyone who does not act completely within the standards of Bushido, and anyone with a
reputation of being 'dishonorable'. Handan does not recognize caste, so the lowliest Eta
to the Emperor is expected to act in accordance with their place on society, without

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

question. Ironically, if Handan's owner loses Honor, or acts in a dishonorable fashion

and there are witnesses to the action, Handan is triggered, urging the character to slay
anyone who witnessed the character's dishonor. The Honor loss from a Bloodsword rage
does not trigger Handan.

Passion (Jonetsu)
Jonetsu feeds the desires that burn in the heart of the samurai. These feelings are often
suppressed, but Jonetsu helps remove the restraints of honor and duty that are used to
keep such feelings under control. When the character encounters something which may
stir his passions, such as an attractive geisha, an alluring Scorpion, or something
appropriate to the samurai's tastes, they must make an Honor roll against a TN of 20. If
the character fails the Honor roll, the object of their desire clouds their judgment. When
an opportunity to do something to bring the character closer to the object of their desire
becomes available, the character must roll again. Opportunities could include attempting
seduce the wife of a daimyo while he is away, defending or covering up the actions of a
friend turning to maho, or sneaking into a temple to steal a priceless go board.
Eventually, duty or Clan means nothing to the character as Passion drives them on.

If the character is challenged on his actions in pursuit of the object of his desire, or the
honor of the one they desire (if a person), Jonetsu's true power manifests. The character
may proclaim their feelings for the object of their desire, which may result in a loss of
Honor. For every point of Honor lost in this fashion, the character gains an additional die
to roll and keep on any skill roll using Jonetsu during the conflict.

If the character is prevented from acting on their desires in any way, Jonetsu is triggered.
This could be simply preventing the character from meeting someone they wish to see, to
requesting the character's departure from a monastery where they are admiring the art
presented. Jonetsu can sense what the character desires and craves, and those who
attempt to force the character to control or curb those desires must be destroyed.

Four Masks of Iuchiban

All four masks are tainted items and share the power to plague the dreams of those close
by. A character that sleeps within 50 feet of the mask may be forced to make an Earth
roll against a TN of 10. This TN is increased by 1 for every night previously the
character has had to make this roll. If the character fails their roll, they suffer from horrid
nightmares and the marks from their nightmares manifest on their bodies. The character
takes 1k1 damage, and gains 1 point of the Shadowlands Taint. These nightmares are
vivid and troubling, any Honor rolls the character must make while under the effects of
these nightmares have their TN increased by 5. A successful Earth roll will prevent this
penalty and reset the rolls.

The First Mask (The Isawa Mask)

The mask grants the character a free raise when casting maho, and reduces the Taint
gained from casting maho by two points (to a minimum of one). This mask helps
disguise the effects of the Taint. Those within fifty feet of the mask are immune to any
spells or abilities which harm or detect those with the Taint, and even the most hideous

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

zombie or ferocious ogre will seem normal and mundane while within the mask's

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

The Second Mask (The Kuni Mask)

This mask grants the character an additional die to roll and keep on all damage rolls. The
character gains the 9 point Luck Advantage while in possession of this mask. The
character can detect the presence of taint in any person or object within ten feet of them
without effort (but not if they are protected by the First Mask), and can grant those with
the Taint a number of bonus dice (rolled, but not kept) on all attack rolls equal to their
rank in Shadowlands Taint.

The Third Mask (The Otomo Mask)

This mask grants the character a free raise on any social rolls and grants the character two
additional dice to roll and keep on any rolls to resist or bypass wards or other magical
barrier the character encounters. The character can hear the voices of spirits, including
kansen or kami, and can speak with them if desired while within fifty feet of the mask.

The Fourth Mask (The Yogo Mask)

This mask grants the character the ability to disguise themselves, allowing them to appear
to be someone else. The character's apparent age, height, weight, sex, and voice can be
changed, but the character can not imitate a specific person. A character with this mask
gains +10 on all initiative rolls and can Focus an additional two times when engaging in
Iaijutsu. The character is, however, more prone to dueling and fits of anger. If
challenged to a duel, regardless of the odds or skill of the opponent, the character must
make a Willpower roll against a TN of 20 or accept. If the character does win the duel,
they are given a reprieve from the nightmares and the Taint that comes with it for a week.

Porcelain Amour
This suit gives the protection of Heavy Amour, but does not inflict any penalties.
Wearing this amour grants the character three immediate benefits, the first being that any
opponent attacking the character discards any die that rolls their Honor Rank or less on
attack rolls. The second benefit is that if the character is struck in melee combat, the
opponent suffers half the damage inflicted on the character. The third benefit is that all
penalties created by wounds is reduced by 10 points. This reduction can be combined
with Advantages such as Strength of the Earth.

The greatest benefit to wearing this amour comes from a character that would die in
combat. They find their soul trapped within their body, fully capable of continuing to
battle. The character has three more Wound boxes beyond Dead, and can continue to
fight even after being struck by mortal wounds. If the wearer survives the battle they can
be healed by magic, but doing so grants the character a point of Shadowlands Taint for
every two Wounds the character suffered beyond Dead. If the character ever reaches
more than two ranks of Taint, they find they can no longer remove the amour; doing so
kills them instantly as the taint is required to support old wounds.

Porcelain Mask
(Printed in Way of the Shadowlands)

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Ruby of Iuchiban
A character wearing the Ruby of Iuchiban is protected from harm by near-miraculous
means. Damage suffered by the character is reduced by their rank in the Shadowlands
Taint. In addition, the character can attempt to trap the souls of others inside the ruby.
The character makes a resisted Willpower roll against the target's Willpower. If the
character fails, they can not attempt this again for a day. If they succeed, the victim's
soul is removed from their body and placed within the gem, leaving the body in a coma.
The body breathes and lives, but remains otherwise unresponsive and helpless. Any
kami, kansen, or other spirit can attempt to possess the body from this point on, and need
only make an Earth roll against the character's Earth x 5 once an hour to remain within
the body. The spirit within the gemstone can make a Willpower roll once again to escape
against the owner each time they try to trap another soul inside the ruby, but can also be
freed with the aid of a shugenja or maho-tsukai. This requires the shugenja to perform a
prayer and make a Earth roll against a TN of 30.

Scrolls of Asahina Yajinden

Anyone who studies these scrolls must make an Earth roll against a TN of 15 or gain two
points of the Shadowlands Taint. The character can spend Experience on the Lore
(Maho) skill and can learn the spells Bleeding, Blood Rite, Ghost Light, and Written in

Shahai's Fan
This fan is strong enough that the character can use it to block or deflect attacks,
including ranged attacks. A character using this Shahai's Fan to defend themselves gains
a +5 to their TN to be Hit and grants the character a Free Raise on all social rolls. This
fan is capable of storing up to 50 Wounds worth of blood, but loses 2 Wounds of it per
day. The character may use this blood to fuel any maho spells the character casts, or for
additional effects.

By sacrificing two Wounds, the character may peer into the fan and see portents of the
future. The player may ask two questions of the game master about an event in the
future, and the game master must answer them. The game master may choose to lie
about one of the two answers he provides. This can be done once per week.

The character may spread the fan open, creating a Fear effect as dark images flash across
the fan's surface. The rank of Fear the character creates is equal to their rank in the
Shadowlands Taint.

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Ancient Wisdom
Mastery Level: 1
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
The target skull becomes home again to the spirit that once inhabited it. The skull does
not gain mobility or any attacks, nor can it feel pain. It can see what is in front of it, and
can hear and speak normally. The skull is under no compulsion to answer questions, but
can sometimes be convinced to cooperate with the caster. Ancient wisdom can be used
with spells to create zombies or other animated dead, to create talking undead. Note,
however, that the skull has no control over the body it is attached to unless the shugenja
allows it. If the skull is destroyed, the spirit flees.

Bleeding the Elements

(Technique in Way of the Wolf)

Blood Amour
Mastery Level: 1
Duration: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special, See Below
Range: Self
The caster creates a link between themselves and an enemy, making the target suffer a
part of any damage the caster takes during melee combat. Whenever the caster is struck,
the target suffers half the damage they inflicted (round up). Creatures or people fighting
unarmed against the maho-tsukai are more susceptible to this spell, and if they fail their
Earth roll, suffer full damage. Raises may be called to increase the duration by an
additional round per Raise, or to affect one additional target per Raise called.

Blood of Midnight
Mastery Level: 1
Duration: 8 rounds
Area of Effect: One Target
Range: 25 feet
The target of this spell is imbued with a potent bloodlust, granting him an additional four
dice (rolled, but not kept) on all attack and damage rolls. The target must spend one
round after killing a foe to further butcher the body and taste its blood. Each foe slain
increases the duration of this spell by two Actions. After the spell duration, the target
must make an Honor Roll with a TN equal to five times the number of foes slain, or else
suffer the loss of a point of Honor. While under the influence of this spell, the target is
fully aware, but not under control of his actions (and may in fact attack friends as well as
foes). Raises may be called to affect an additional target per Raise or to increase the
duration by an additional round.

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Blood Warding
Mastery Level: 2
Casting Time: 1 minute
Duration: 1 hour
Area of Effect: One portal or room
Range: 100 feet
This spell bars either a room's entrances or exits, or wards the room itself against entry by
creatures that lack the Shadowlands Taint. By warding all of a room's doors, gates,
windows, and shutters of wood, metal, or stone, the spell holds the entrances fast, just as
if they were securely closed and normally locked. The TN for attempting to force one's
way through the entrance is increased by the caster's School Rank x 5. This ward is
created by etching symbols and markings on the warded surfaces with blood. Raises may
be called to increase the spell's duration by an hour for each raise.

By warding a room or hallway, the spell inflicts damage on creatures that do not posses
the Shadowlands Taint that attempt to enter the warded area. Any untainted creature
attempting to enter the protected region must immediately make an Earth roll against the
caster's Shadowlands Taint x 5 or suffer XkX Wounds, where X is the caster's rank in the
Taint. A creature injured by this spell must attempt to resist a Fear rating equal to the
maho-tsukai's School Rank if they attempt to cross the ward. Each round spent in the
warded after the first continues to inflict damage on creatures that failed the initial Earth
roll, and requires and requires new rolls from those that succeeded the first time. Any
creatures with less ranks of Shadowlands Taint than the caster gain a Free Raise on for
every rank of Taint they possess when attempting to resist this Ward. Creatures with
more ranks of Taint than the caster are not affected.

Mastery Level: 3
Duration: 1 round
Area of Effect: One target
Range: 100 feet
The caster strikes the target of this spell with a sickly yellow ray. The target and caster
both lose a number of Ranks from their Earth Ring up to the caster's School Rank for the
duration of the spell. The maho-tsukai can choose to inflict less than the full amount, but
must lose as many Ranks in Earth as the target of the spell. Raises can be called to
increase the duration, the number of targets struck.

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Mastery Level: 2
Area of Effect: One Undead
Range: 25 feet
The caster destroys an undead to heal their own injuries. For every Wound Level the
undead possessed, the caster heals one die of damage. This spell will only work on non-
sentient undead. However, the process is dangerous, because it infuses the Shadowlands
Taint into a living body. If the character gains more than four Wound Levels in healing
from this method, they must immediately make an Earth roll against a TN of 20. Failure
results in the character immediately transforming into a free-willed undead, usually a
zombie or skeleton. Despite the danger, this spell can be immensely handy in a tight
spot, buying a bloodspeaker time to escape or regroup by sacrificing mindless minions.
Raises can be called to increase the amount of dice healed per Wound Level of the
undead destroyed or to affect an additional target.

Choke the Soul

Mastery Level: 2
Duration: 4 rounds
Area of Effect: One target
Range: 25 feet
The caster chokes the life out of those who hear his voice, the victim's gasp and wheezes
somewhere between choking and laughter. The victim collapses into gales of manic
laughter that quickly become a wracking, choking wheeze, falling prone. The target
creature can take no actions while strangling and suffer a cumulative 1k1 damage once
the spell exceeds 3 rounds. After the spell ends, the victims require one round to recover
and then can act normally. Creatures of only animal intelligence or that do not need to
breathe are not affected. Raises can be called to increase the duration by one round per
Raise, or to increase the number of targets.

Corruption of the Earth

(Elemental Maho Spell - Earth)
Mastery Level: 3
Duration: 4 rounds
Area of Effect: 3 foot radius
Range: 25 feet
If successful, the earth within three feet of the target of this spell transforms to deep mud
which begins swallowing all within its radius at a rate of two feet per action. Characters
trying to escape must make an Earth roll with a TN of 15 to move three feet. Attempts to
move (successful or not) cause the character to sink an additional foot unless a Water roll
at a TN of 10 or greater is made. Once to the edge, it takes an Earth roll to pull free. The
TN of this roll is equal to five times the number of feet the character is submerged.

Anyone in the morass at the end of the spell's duration must be dug from the earth, but
can be assisted by any number of people who can reach the target. If the spell stops short
of its duration for any reason, the earth spirits will retaliate against the maho-tsukai by
immediately releasing the targets and reversing the spells effects upon the maho-tsukai's

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area. Each Raise may increase the radius of the morass by three feet or increase the
duration by an additional round.

Clan Curse
Mastery Level: 2
Duration: Permanent (See Below)
Area of Effect: One target
Range: Special (See Below)
This is a generic curse spell, usably by anyone intimate with black magic. Curses are
simple, but require a sympathetic component: a lock of hair, a fingernail clipping, an
ounce of blood, etc. It is not enough to gain a piece of clothing of the subject of the
curse; the caster must gain something that contains spiritual energy of the target. If the
curse is successful, the caster must keep the item in physical contact at all times. If the
caster ever loses the item, the curse is broken. This is the only way to break a maho

When considering a curse, the game master must consider whether it will be entertaining
for all the players. A curse should be a challenge, but a challenge that is fun for both the
player involved and the group as a whole. The best way to do this is the 'Too much of a
good thing' rule. Every character should be cursed with too much of something the
character already has.

Curse of Blood
Mastery Level: 3
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One target
Range: Special (See Below)
The character curses their killer with a dying breath. The target must be present, but
distance or touch is not a factor. The character can perform this spell instantly, even if
they do not have any actions remaining in the round. At that time, the person responsible
suffers the full effect; if several are responsible, the curse falls on the individual singled
out by the dying caster, by word, glare, or gesture.

The curse induces hemophilia, causing the recipient to bleed from anyone wound,
beginning the round after the injury is received. The victim loses an extra Wound point
each round for every wound the target has suffered. Binding the wounds or applying any
magical healing stops the bleeding of that injury. This curse is particularly devastating to
bushi and hence is usually aimed at characters that see a lot of hand-to-hand combat. If
the victim ever receives more than 15 Wounds from a single blow, they must make an
Earth roll against a TN of 20 or bleed internally, a situation that can only be resolved
through the speedy application of magical healing.

Once laid, this curse is exceedingly difficult to lift. Typically, only a major quest or the
intervention of the Fortunes can free the victim from its effects. Other methods offer
temporary relief, but the curse's insidious effects always reassert themselves. As the
caster's dying breath fuels this spell, even if the caster returns in some manner (such as

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undead), the curse's effects will remain. Each Raise called will allow the maho-tsukai to
target another individual, if they were involved in the caster's death.

Curse of Weakness
Mastery Level: 1
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One creature
Range: Touch
This common Bloodspeaker curse inflicts an overall weakness. Maho saps the victim’s
body, mind, and spirit. All TNs for the target are increased by +2. Only one Curse of
Weakness can affect a character at once. Raises can increase the TN penalty by one.
Thus, two Raises increase the TN penalty by +4, three Raises increase the TN penalty to
+5, etc.

Mastery Level: 1
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One target
Range: 25 feet
The target of this spell feels the call of Jigoku, the spirit worlds of the damned. The TN
of this spell is increased by the target's Honor x 5 rather than by their Earth Ring. The
character carries a seed of evil in his heart. The next time the character is faced with a
moral dilemma or has the opportunity to perform an action of evil, the character does so
without hesitation. If the character is forced to make an Honor roll for any reason, they
will automatically fail. This spell will not cause the target to befriend the caster, and does
not necessarily mean that the target will turn against friends or family, but it will most
likely cause the victim to lose Honor. For every two Raises called, the caster can make
the victim perform one additional evil action when given the opportunity.

Dancing With Demons

Mastery Level: 3
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One target
Range: 100 feet
This spell is unique to the Beauty of Death cell. The maho-tsukai (or a willing substitute)
dances with the kansen summoned by this spell. The dance lasts for an hour of full
concentration; at the end of the hour, the dancer makes a Dance / Awareness roll at a TN
of 5x the CP cost of the Advantage. If the kansen are pleased with the dance, they
permanently bestow upon the target any personal physical or mental Advantage affecting
them alone. For example, they could gain Dangerous Beauty or Magic Resistance, but
not an Ancestor, Kharmic Tie, or Social Position. Failure in summoning or dancing
means the maho-tsukai (and the dancer) burns horribly, taking 1k1 Wounds per CP point
of Advantage sought. The willing dancer and the maho-tsukai equally share the
Shadowlands Points that result from this spell. The dancer only needs to willing dance
for the spell to work; the dancer does not need to be aware of this spell.

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

The maho-tsukai may instead impose a Disadvantage on a victim that is present and
watching the dance. It must be a personal physical or mental Disadvantage affecting the
victim alone. The maho-tsukai must offer the kansen an object that is owned by the

Dark Divination
Mastery Level: 3
Casting Time: 3 Actions
Duration: 1 Action
Area of Effect: Self
The spell allows the caster to ask questions to the game master. Each question gains the
character six points of taint. The game master must answer each question honestly, but
can only answer 'yes' or 'no'. For each Raise called, the caster can ask an additional

Dark Phoenix Fire

(Elemental Maho Spell - Fire)
Mastery Level: 2
Duration: 1 Action
Area of Effect: 20 foot radius
Range: 100 feet
The character unleashes a wave of corruption in a fiery black explosion. Creatures
caught within the area are engulfed and take (Fire)k(Taint) in Wounds. Each target then
must make an Earth roll against the number of Wounds inflicted, or gain a point of the
Shadowlands Taint. Raises may be called to increase the area of effect by 20 feet per

Dim Mak
Mastery Level: 1
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One target
Range: Touch
The caster, upon completion of this spell, must touch the target to release it. If
successful, the victim suffers 2k2 damage and the spell ends. If the caster sacrificed a
Tainted, sentient creature as part of the spell, the creature's rank in the Shadowlands Taint
is rolled and kept for damage instead. Raises may be called to increase the number of
times the caster can release this spell by touch, or two raises may be called to allow the
damage to be transmitted through a weapon.

Drawing Out the Darkness

Mastery Level: 1
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One target
Range: Touch
The caster and a target touched gain a number of points of Shadowlands Taint equal to
the caster's School Rank. For each Raise called, the number of points gained can be

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

increased by one.

Entrap Ancestor
Mastery Level: 4
Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: 1 minute
Area of Effect: One object
Range: 25 feet
Ritual. This ritual binds the soul of an ancestor spirit within an item of at least Fine
Quality. As long as the item remains whole, unscarred, and complete, the ancestor is
trapped within it, and can grant the wearer advice and information. Additionally, while
the wearer has the item, they gain the benefits and disadvantages of that Ancestor. As
soon as the item is scratched, lost, or broken, or when the spell duration expires, the spirit
returns to its proper place in the afterlife. The ancestor can be seen normally by anyone
who can see spirits. Each Raise called on this spell will increase the duration another 1

Eternal Darkness
Mastery Level: 3
Duration: 1 minute
Area of Effect: One Undead
Range: 25 feet
The caster chooses a single undead creature and protects it from destruction by granting it
the ability to regenerate. The undead regains one Wound Level each round, and can
recover from nearly any form of damage. If the undead creature is brought to Dead, it
continues to fight normally, though the removal of limbs may slow its movement.
During the duration of this spell, only the complete destruction of the target will prevent
it from regenerating. Each Raise called can increase the duration an additional minute, or
can be used for one additional target per Raise.

Expose Taint
Mastery Level: 3
Duration: 1 minute
Area of Effect: One target
Range: 25 feet
The caster amplifies and reveals the Shadowlands Taint already present in a creature with
one or more ranks of Taint. Tainted creatures may choose not to resist this spell rather
than resisting it. Each creature affected may roll and keep an additional number of dice
equal to their rank in the Taint for all attack rolls. At the end of the spell's duration, the
target suffers a mild physical Taint symptom. The target also permanently gains a
number of points of taint equal to the rank of Shadowlands Taint the caster possessed
upon casting the spell. Incidentally, this spell also negates the beneficial property of jade
tea. Raises can be used for additional targets, or to increase the duration by another
minute per Raise.

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Feeding on Flesh
Mastery Level: 1
Duration: 1 minute
Area of Effect: One target
Range: 25 feet
The caster devours a portion of human flesh to inflict wounds on others at a distance.
The wounds the caster inflicts roughly resemble those made on the corpse; corrupt
elemental spirits bite the target in response to the caster's urging. The caster inflicts 2k2
damage on a single target for each round spent devouring the corpse. Raises can be used
to increase the duration by 2 rounds per Raise.

Greater Blood Rite

Mastery Level: 3
Duration: Permanent (healing)/1 hour (augmentation)
Area of Effect: One target
Range: Touch
A greater form of Blood Rite, the maho-tsukai can convert great quantities of blood into
powerful dark energies, which can be used to heal the caster or others, or to increase
physical attributes. For every thirty Wounds sacrificed, the caster can heal a Wound
Level or increase a physical trait by two points for the duration of the spell. For each
Raise called, the caster can increase an additional trait or heal an additional Wound

Hide Taint
Mastery Level: 2
Duration: 1 hour
Area of Effect: One target
Range: 25 feet
The caster hides all traces of a single target's Taint from normal sight. The smell, sight,
sounds, and voice of the creature are disguised by this spell, concealing any indication the
target is Tainted. Under the protection of this spell, zombies look like normal (if quiet)
henchmen, an ogre looks like a sumai wrestler or a burly samurai, and a goblin might
appear to resemble a child. The caster has no control over exactly what form the illusion
takes; the kansen are somewhat whimsical in their choices. The target is always aware of
what it looks like to others and can see its Tainted reflection normally in mirrors. Others
can also see through the spell in a mirror, revealing the tainted creature. This spell does
not reduce the taint within the creature, and can not hide magical traces of the Taint; a
Kuni Witch Hunter could still detect the taint normally. For each Raise called, the caster
can either increase the duration another hour, or conceal an additional target.

Iuchiban's Theft
Mastery Level: 5
Duration: 1 minute
Area of Effect: One target
Range: 25
The caster reaches inside a target creature's mind and removes spells, skills, kiho, kata or

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

techniques, which the caster or another target gains the use of temporarily. The caster
drains one technique, one kata, one kiho, or one skill from the target, plus one additional
one for each Raise called by the caster. The caster can not mix what is being taken, they
must all be techniques, kata, kiho, or skills that are stolen. The process is quite painful;
both the target and the recipient must make a Willpower roll against a TN of 15 or
scream and faint as the memories are removed and inserted.

Extracted abilities are only temporarily transferred; when the spell duration expires, the
skills and spells are restored to their source, unless that source has died. In this case, the
resulting spirit attempts to regain them, but a strong maho-tsukai may keep them all the
same. If the caster is a maho-tsukai, the spell need not be cast on a living human; the
desired talents can be retrieved from spirits, oni, and any humanoid creature dead for up
to a day per Raise called by the caster. Raises may also be called to increase the duration
by an additional minute per Raise.

I Give You My Name

Mastery Level: 5
Duration: 1 hour
Area of Effect: One target
Range: 25 feet
The caster sacrifices a powerful and tainted human soul to bring an oni from Jigoku
under the caster's command. Unlike normal oni summoning, this spell both requires a
sacrifice, and the strength of that sacrifice determines the power of the oni that appears.
The oni's Rings can not exceed the highest Ring of the sacrificed victim and the caster's
School Rank, combined.

The summoned oni erupts from the body of the sacrifice, doing 6k6 damage and often
killing the victim outright. In the case of more powerful sacrifices, the spell alone may
not be enough to kill the victim, and in those cases the caster typically uses a knife or the
like to dispatch the victim, ensuring the oni's stay for the full duration of the spell. If the
sacrifice survives, the oni's power is diminished and it is banished after half the normal
duration. If the caster is injured, the oni may break free of the caster's control. The caster
makes a resisted Willpower roll against the oni. If the oni succeeds, the oni is free of the
caster's control.

Quench The Ashes

Mastery Level: 4
Duration: 1 day
Area of Effect: Self
Range: 400 feet
The character is able to witness a single maho or elemental spell being cast, and can then,
for the duration of the spell, cast that spell themselves as if they had mastered the spell.
The spell observed must be one the caster would normally be capable of casting, such as
another maho spell, an Elemental Air spell, or one who's Mastery Level is low enough for
the caster to cast. Once the caster has seen the spell, they understand the principles
behind it and can cast it for the duration of this spell. Once the duration expires, the spell

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

is lost. The caster may not call Raises on the spell learned from Quench the Ashes,
unless the caster has called Raises on this spell. For every Raise called on Quench the
Ashes, the caster is allowed one Raise on the spell learned when casting.

Red Knife
Mastery Level: 2
Duration: 1 minute
Area of Effect: One weapon
Range: Touch
The maho-tsukai is able to channel the power of Jigoku into a weapon he holds. The
weapon gains a +1k0 to the damage it inflicts, and adds the Honor Rank of any target
struck by it to the damage inflicted. While this spell is in effect, the wielder and anyone
within ten feet of them are immune to possession or magical control. Creatures capable
of possession, such as spirits or kansen, can not pass through the barrier, but those
already within the area of effect are not forced out. The caster may also cause a target to
submit to sacrifice. Only one person can be chosen at a time, but once the target is dead,
the caster may choose a new target. The caster and victim make a resisted Willpower
roll, and if the caster succeeds, the victim will walk willingly to the altar or otherwise
offer themselves for sacrifice.

If the caster releases the weapon for any reason, the spell ends the following round. This
spell, if cast upon a nemuranai, negates the abilities of the weapon for the duration of the
spell, replacing them with the spell's effects. This spell does not work on most powerful
nemuranai and does not work on artifacts. For each Raise called, the spell's duration can
be extended for 1 minute.

Sacrifice of Masks
Mastery Level: 2
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One mask
Range: Touch
The maho-tsukai creates an enchanted porcelain zombie mask; this requires a Fine
Quality mask of a human or demonic face. Placed on the corpse of a sentient being, this
spell then animates the corpse into a plague zombie. The corpse must be dead for longer
than a week for this spell to work. Raises can be called on this spell to increase one of
the zombie's Rings by one Rank per Raise called, or to increase the zombie's Carapace
rank by one point per Raise called.

Stealing the Soul

Mastery Level: 3
Duration: 1 minute
Area of Effect: One target
Range: 400 feet
Ritual. The caster saps the life force of a target, draining him and making him easy pray
for a sacrifice. For every shugenja participating in the ritual, the victim temporarily loses
one from each Ring and Trait (to a minimum of 1). Raises may be called to increase the

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duration by one minute per Raise called.

Summon Garegosu no Bakemono

Mastery Level: 3
Duration: Special (See Below)
Range: 25 feet
Successfully cast, this spell summons a tentacle-horror known as Garegosu no Bakemono
who fights for, and obeys, the maho-tsukai until the sun rises. The caster need never fear
Garegosu no Bakemono.

Garegosu no Bakemono
Earth: 3
Fire: 3
Water: 4
Air: 2
Attack: 4k3
Damage: Earth Rank + 5 Wounds
TN to be Hit: 25
Wounds: 9: -1; 20: -2; 35: Dead
Special Abilities: Fear 3 (Fear 4 when devouring), Eating
Each time the Garegosu no Bakemono kills an opponent, it consumes the body
and adds the digested meal's former Earth Rank to its own (increasing the damage
it inflicts, and adding the Earth Rank to each wound level.)

Garegosu no Bakemon is horrific creature resembling a large cancerous octopus

about the size of an elephant. Whenever anyone sees Garegosu no Bakemono for
the first time, they must resist Fear 3. If they witness Garegosu no Bakemono
devouring someone, they must make a Fear 4.

Summon Swamp Spirits

Mastery Level: 2
Duration: Special (See Below)
Range: 25 feet
This spell must be cast near a still body of water. It calls forth minions of the swamps to
do the caster's bidding. These swamp spirits are blue-green humanoids that appear to be
made of the clay found at the bottom of Rokugan's swamps. The spell calls forth one
swamp spirit, but for each Raise called, another one may be called into being.

Swamp Spirit
Earth: 1
Fire: 2
Water: 3
Air: 1
Attack: 3k2
Damage: 3k2
TN to be Hit: 10

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Wounds: 4: -1; 10: Dead

Taint the Blood

Mastery Level: 1
Duration: 1 minute
Area of Effect: One target
Range: Touch
The maho-tsukai taints the blood and chills the bones of the target, causing sweat and
shivers simultaneously. The target suffers a -2k0 on all attack rolls for the duration of the
spell, and the TN to be Hit of the target drops to 5 (but gains the benefits of amour). For
each Raise called, the target loses one additional die.

Taint Food and Drink

Mastery Level: 1
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Special
Range: 25 feet
The caster corrupts a food or water source. If cast on a supply of food, the food becomes
spoiled and obviously rotten, whereas if it is cast on water, sake, or other beverages, the
drink is corrupted to smell salty, stagnant, and befouled. Should the spell be cast on a
well, the effect lasts only for a while, until the water is replenished by natural cycling.
Typically, this lasts for 2d10 days, though some desert wells may require a month or
more to recover.

Touch of Death
Mastery Level: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One target
Range: 25 feet
This spell strikes the target with lethal energy, summoned directly from Fu Leng, through
the casting shugenja and into the target. The skin and hair of the target age rapidly under
the influence of this spell. The hair loses all color, turning white and falling out in great
clumps, while the skin blackens as the flesh ages too rapidly to fall away. This spell
inflicts 7k7 damage. The caster may call Raises to increase the spell's damage by +1k1
per Raise called.

Voice of Lies
Mastery Level: 1
Duration: 1 minute
Area of Effect: Self
Range: Self
The taint is well known for causing paranoia, irrationality, and personal habits that others
may find repugnant and instead appears more powerful and inspirational. For the
duration of this spell, the caster has no mental or psychological disadvantages, allowing
them to mingle in society more easily. Additionally, the character can add their Rank in
the Shadowlands Taint to the total of all Intimidation rolls.

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Vermin Form (Re: Flock of Blood from Secrets of the Shadowlands)

Element: Maho (Considered Earth for the purposes of counterspells)
Mastery Level: 4
Duration: 1 hour per Insight Rank of caster
Area of Effect: Personal
Range: Touch
You may transform into a swarm of small creatures, either rats, insects, or small birds.
The total number of creatures is equal to your maximum number of Wounds. Each
Creature is identical to others of its kind, but possesses only one Wound. When the spell
expires, you reform at the site of one creature of your choosing, and all other creatures
disappear. Any that are killed or captured do not return, and you reform missing a
number of Wounds equal to the total number of dead or missing animals. These missing
Wounds may only be recovered through rest, and may not be healed magically.

Wasting Disease
(Published in Time of the Void)

Written in Blood
Mastery Level: 1
Casting Time: Time to write parchment
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One parchment
Range: Touch
The caster creates a hidden message using human blood as ink and written on a
parchment of human skin. Characters without Taint that handle the message can not read
it, while those who have a Taint Rank of 2 or greater can read the message normally.
Those character with only one rank of Taint must make a Willpower roll against a TN of
20 to read it.

Yajinden's Soul Switch

Mastery Level: 6
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One target
Range: 400 feet
By casting this spell, the maho-tsukai can switch bodies with a living target within range.
The caster transfers all skills, techniques, spells, and kata with them as part of the switch;
and the target does likewise. The new body's mental Traits are those of the caster, while
the physical Traits are those of the host, adjusting the Rings accordingly. To cast the
spell, the two bodies must be within range, and the caster must know where the second
body is, though they do not need line of sight to perform the exchange. The caster
switches bodies and forces the target's soul into his old body. Failure of this spell leaves
both the caster and the target stunned for one round, and the target automatically resists
any further attempts for the caster to switch bodies again.

If successful, the character's life force occupies the host body and the host's life force

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occupies the caster's body. If the new host body is slain, the caster dies with it.
However, nothing prevents the caster from again soul switching from the new body, most
frequently, the switch is from an elderly body to a younger one, or from an imprisoned
body to a free one.

Asako Kinuye
Earth: 3
Stamina 4
Water: 3
Strength 4
Fire: 3
Air: 3
Void: 3
Shadowlands Taint: 3.5
School/Rank: Asako Henshin 4
Insight: 230
Honor: 0
Glory: 2.0 (Within City of the Lost)
Advantages: Higher Purpose (Defeat the Dark Oracles), Inner Gift (Penetrate
Yume-Do), Quick, Social Position (Within City of the Lost)
Disadvantages: Unlucky (1)
Techniques: Asako Riddles and Mysteries
Kiho: Channel the Fire Dragon, Corrupted Touch, Musubi, Way of the
Skills: Athletics Group 4 (Athletics 4, Climbing 4, Stealth 3), Lore Group 6 (Lore (Air)
4, Lore (Earth) 4, Lore (Fire) 5, Lore (Water) 4), Magic Group 5
(Calligraphy 3, Lore (Shugenja) 4, Omens 6, Spellcraft 5),
Meditation Group 4 (Meditation 3, Shintao 3, Tea Ceremony 2,
Theology 5), Shadowlands Group 4 (Lore (Shadowlands) 5, Lore
(Maho-Tsukai) 4), Jiujutsu 3, Lore (Elements) 4, Medicine 5,
Tantojutsu 3

Chuda Mishime, Chuda Family Daimyo

Earth: 4
Water: 3
Perception 4
Fire: 3
Intelligence 5
Air: 5
Void: 3
Shadowlands Taint: 4.2
School/Rank: Chuda Shugenja 5
Honor: 0.1
Glory: 5.7
Advantages: Ancestor (Chuda Tenkazu), Great Destiny

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Disadvantages: Benten's Curse, Driven, Obligation, Sword Enemy (Reikado)

Spells: As head of a maho-wielding family, Mishime has access to
perhaps the largest library of blood magic spells in existence.
Given that he also has a virtually unlimited supply of blood,
Mishime can cast any maho spell, including many previously
unknown spells that simulate elemental effects. Mishime may also
cast elemental spells, particularly Earth spells, as the GM deems
Skills: Calligraphy 3, Chisaijutsu 3, Etiquette 3, Heraldry 4, History 5,
Investigation 4, Lore (Maho) 6, Lore (Shadowlands) 5, Poison 3,
Shintao 3, Sincerity 5, Spell Research 6, Stealth 4, Tantojutsu 4,
Theology 3, Torture 3

Daigotsu, Fallen Lord of the Shadowlands

Earth: 5
Willpower 7
Water: 4
Fire: 4
Intelligence 7
Air: 5
Awareness 6
Void: 4

School/Rank: Iuchi Shugenja 8

Dojo: Temple of the Ninth Kami
Honor: 1.0
Glory: 0.0 (10.0 in the Shadowlands)
Advantages: Allies (Fu Leng), Benten's Blessing, Clear Thinker, Hantei Blood,
Great Destiny, Leadership, Magic Resistance (6), Strength of the Earth (8)
Disadvantages: Sworn Enemy (Iuchiban, Most of Rokugan, Emma-O)
Spells: Daigotsu has extensive knowledge of magic, and can cast any spell
available to a shugenja of his rank. He can no longer use any form
of maho, though he has modified most of his spells so that they
resemble maho when he casts them.
Skills: Battle 6, Calligraphy 3, Courtier 5, Defense 5, Diplomacy 4,
Etiquette 4, Horsemanship 2, Hunting 3, Intimidation 7, Katana 7,
Lore (Gaki-Do) 4, Lore (Jigoku) 10, Lore (Maho) 8, Lore (Meido)
4, Lore (Shadowlands) 8, Lore (Shugenja) 3, Lore (Toshigoku) 4,
Lore (Yume-Do) 4, Meditation 7, Shintao 5, Tanto 5

Daigotsu's Special Abilities: The Fallen Lord possesses a number of unique abilities.

Oni Possession: Daigotsu may possess any oni he can see, at will. The oni has no
chance to resist; its soul is automatically suppressed and Daigotsu's
original body becomes inanimate while he controls the oni.
Daigotsu may return to his own body at will, regardless of range,

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

or may shift his soul to another oni within sight of the possessed
oni at will. Daigotsu is aware of all abilities of his host and may
use them, but Daigotsu may not cast his own spells or use his own
natural abilities (with the exception of this one) while within a
host. If Daigotsu's host is killed, Daigotsu's soul returns to his host
body regardless of range. This ability also allows Daigotsu to
possess any bodies recently possessed by Iuchiban or Yajinden,
leading Daigotsu to believe the origins of this ability are more
closely tied to Iuchiban's khadi magic than his oni heritage.

Oni Vision: Daigotsu may view the location of any oni he has seen before, at
will. Outside the Shadowlands, Daigotsu must make a Perception
roll vs TN 40 or be unable to view that oni again for one day.

Oni Heritage: Spells and effects which affect oni also affect Daigotsu.

Taint Resistance: Since his return from the dead, Daigotsu no longer bears the
Shadowlands Taint, and can not accumulate or draw upon the
Taint in any way, nor can he cast any maho spells. Further, any
maho spell that targets him has its TN increased by +15 (in
addition to the penalty from Daigotsu's Magic Resistance

Doji Adoka
Earth: 2
Willpower 2
Water: 2
Strength 2
Fire: 4
Agility 3
Air: 4
Reflexes 3
Void: 3

Shadowlands Taint: 4.3

School/Rank: Asahina Shugenja 4
Dojo: Temple of the Morning Sun (Free Raise on all skill rolls using
Awareness. Doji Adoka has lost the Training Benefit of this School)
Insight: 221
Honor: 0 (3.0)
Glory: 0
Advantages: Cadence, Perceived Honor (3), Precise Memory, Read Lips, Voice
Disadvantages: Insensitive, Phobia (Arachnophobia +5)
Spells: Italic Spells are Mastered: Sense, Commune, Summon, By the
Light of Lord Moon, Wind Borne Slumbers, Yari of Air,
Reflections of Pan Ku, Sympathetic Energies, Katana of Fire,

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Echoes on the Breeze, Secrets on the Wind, Blood Rite, Entrap

Ancestor, Greater Blood Rite, Blood of the Ages, Hate's Heart,
Taint Strike
Skills: Courtier Group 5 (Courtier 4, Diplomacy 3, Etiquette 3,
Manipulation 4), Literature Group 3 (Bard 3, Calligraphy 3,
Oratory 2, Poetry 2), Lore Group 4 (Lore (Ancestors) 6, Lore
(Ghosts) 5, Lore (Maho) 5, Lore (Maho-Tsukai) 4), Magic Group 3
(Cipher 4, Omens 3, Spellcraft 3, Spell Research 4), Magistrate
Group 3 (Intimidation 2, Investigation 3, Law 2), Meditation
Group 4 (Meditation 3, Shintao 3, Tea Ceremony 2, Theology 3),
Defense 2, Tantojutsu 2

Shahai, Dark Daughter of Fu Leng

Earth: 4
Willpower 7
Water: 5
Perception 8
Fire: 6
Air: 6
Void: 3

Shadowlands Taint: 5.8

School/Rank: Iuchi Shugenja 3 / Chuda Shugenja 4
Dojo: Gatherer of the Winds (Gains a Free Raise when resisting fear or
Honor: 0.3
Glory: 6.6
Advantages: Dark Daughter (see properties, below), Innate Ability (numerous)
Disadvantages: Obligation (To Iuchiban and the Bloodspeakers), Sworn Enemy
(Kuni Kiyoshi), True Love (Daigotsu)
Spells: Shahai has access to all maho spells, plus a large number of her
own devising. She also has access to all Water spells. She knows
other elemental spells as the GM sees fit.
Skills: Calligraphy 4, Defense 5, Herbalism 4, Horsemanship 4, Hunting
3, Intimidation 6, Lore (Maho) 8, Lore (Shadowlands) 7,
Manipulation 4, Meditation 4, Poison 3, Seduction 5, Shintao 3,
Sincerity 6, Spell Research 7, Tantojutsu 4
Special: Shahai possesses the following qualities as a result of being the
current Dark Daughter of Fu Leng.

Akutenshi: The Dark Daughter of Fu Leng is considered to be an akutenshi, a

fallen angel of Fu Leng. Shahai may be considered to possess any
six of the akutenshi abilities found in Bearers of Jade at any one
time. She may change these abilities by performing a two-hour
Carapace: Shahai possesses a Carapace of 7.

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Dark Presence: No creature of the Shadowlands may attack or harm Shahai in any
way unless she specifically commands them to do so.
Maho Potency: All maho spells cast by Shahai automatically gain three Free

Jama Suru, Iuchiban's Lieutenant

Earth: 5
Stamina 7
Water: 5
Fire: 5
Agility 6
Air: 5
Reflexes 6
Void: 4

Shadowlands Taint: 9.1

School/Rank: Cult of the Blood-Red Moon 5 (see Way of the Shugenja, page 91)
/ Bleeding the Elements / Asahina Shugenja 2
Honor: 0.0
Glory: 0.0
Advantages: Allies (Bloodspeakers), Heartless, Leadership
Disadvantages: Bad Reputation (Suru), Dark Fate, Jealousy (Iuchiban), Obligation
(Iuchiban and the Bloodspeakers)
Spells: Suru knows all maho spells and possesses many as Innate
Abilities. He also has access to many elemental spells, and while
his Affinities are for Maho and Air, he has overcome his
Deficiencies and can cast Water and Earth spells with no penalty.
The full limit of his magical knowledge are left to the GM's
Skills: Astrology 4, Battle 7, Etiquette 4, Heraldry 5, History 8, Lore
(Maho) 8, Lore (Shadowlands) 7, Meditation 6, Sincerity 6,
Spellcraft 7, Stealth 5, Tanto 6, Torture 4
Special Abilities: Jama Suru possesses the following unique ability.

Taint Adaptation: Suru never mastered the ability that both Yajinden and Iuchiban
share: to suppress Taint indefinitely by sheer force of will. He
can, however, spend five minutes meditating to suppress his Taint
entirely for two hours.

Kitsu Norinaga
Earth: 3
Willpower 4
Water: 5
Fire: 3
Intelligence 4
Air: 4

Bloodspeakers D10 Conversion

Awareness 5
Void: 3

Shadowlands Taint: 5.3

School/Rank: Kitsu Sodan-Senzo 2 / Kansen's Host 3
Dojo: Kitsu Tombs (Two Free Raises for any social interactions with
any person who has an Ancestor advantage.)
Insight: 230
Honor: 0
Glory: 3.6
Advantages: Bloodlines, Ikoma Ancestor
Disadvantages: Driving Goal (Destroy the Kitsu Tombs)
Techniques: Master of Spirits, Kansen's Voice, Bind Kansen
Spells: Italic Spells are Mastered: Sense Ancestor, Commune With
Ancestor, Summon Ancestor, By the Light of Lord Moon, Yari of
Air, Path to Inner Peace, Mists of Illusion, Whispering Wind,
Wisdom and Clarity, Kharmic Vengeance, Blood Warding, Clan
Curse, The Breath of Battle, Matsu's Fury, Dark Divination, The
Rolling Earth, Entrap Ancestor, Blood Rite
Skills: Courtier Group 3 (Courtier 2, Etiquette 3, Heraldry 4, Sincerity 5),
Literature Group 3 (Bard 2, Calligraphy 3, Oratory 2, Poetry 2),
Lore Group 2 (History 3, Lore (Ancestors) 3, Lore (Literature) 2,
Research 2), Meditation Group 3 (Lore (Bushido) 2, Meditation 3,
Shintao 3, Theology 3), Athletics 2, Battle 2, Defense 3, Kenjutsu
4, Lore (Maho) 4, Omens 4, Yarijutsu 3
Special Information: Kitsu Norinaga, through guidance of the kansen Kitsu Sakura, is
capable of using all Sodan-Senzo spells. Instead of using his
Honor Rank to determine how often he can cast, he uses his
Shadowlands Taint Rank. Norinaga casts as a Rank 5 Sodan-
Senzo, but is essentially a maho-tsukai.


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