ISCAS2023 VCO Based IandF Neuron
ISCAS2023 VCO Based IandF Neuron
ISCAS2023 VCO Based IandF Neuron
CC BY 4.0
08-02-2023 / 17-02-2023
Granizo Cuadrado, Javier; Garvi, Ruben; Garcia, Diego; Hernandez Corporales, Luis (2023): A CMOS LIF
neuron based on a charge-powered oscillator with time-domain threshold logic. TechRxiv. Preprint.
A CMOS LIF neuron based on a charge-powered
oscillator with time-domain threshold logic
Javier Granizo Ruben Garvi Diego Garcia Luis Hernandez
Electronic Tech. Dept. Electronic Tech. Dept. Electronic Tech. Dept. Electronic Tech. Dept.
Carlos III University Carlos III University Carlos III University Carlos III University
Leganes, Spain Leganes, Spain Leganes, Spain Leganes, Spain
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
IV concludes the paper. to solve this issue is to drive the integrating circuit like in
an asynchronous switched capacitor circuit, where the charge
II. O PERATING PRINCIPLE OF THE PROPOSED between capacitors is transferred under the spike command.
Instead of using a current mirror, this paper uses a
Figure 2 shows the proposed architecture of the time- capacitive-loaded inverter as the input driver, which injects
domain neuron. The input spike trains are integrated into a a charge into the membrane voltage proportional to its output
common membrane potential by means of several inverters capacitor and voltage difference on the inverter (see Fig. 2).
loaded by capacitors. The sum of all capacitors connected The unit capacitors at each inverter are connected in parallel
to the membrane voltage node supplies a single-ended ring when no spikes are applied to the inputs. As such, the big
oscillator, which actuates both as a time-varying resistor and capacitor used in the current mirror integration approaches
as a charge-controlled oscillator. Comparing the delay between is substituted by several smaller ones. When a spike, either
two consecutive phases with respect to a programmable delay, inhibitory or excitatory, reaches the input inverter, one of the
the digital logic detects when the oscillator has exceeded unit capacitors quickly commutes to VDD or GND, receiving a
a frequency threshold. This comparison is time-based and fixed charge independent of the input pulse width. Afterward,
not voltage-based, as such, there is no need for the voltage the charge is transferred to the rest of the unit capacitors,
comparator used typically in IF mixed-signal neurons. Thus, giving a voltage increase (or decrease) which depends on the
the use of the oscillator can be promising in terms of power membrane potential Vmem . Equations (1) and (2) describe
and supply voltage reduction. Once the oscillation frequency the evolution of the membrane voltage for excitatory and
surpasses the threshold, an output spike is generated, and the inhibitory inputs respectively:
membrane voltage is reset to a low-level state.
The neuron can be analytically described in three parts: first,
the input integration and weighting block using capacitive- Vmem (t+ ) = Vmem (t− ) + (VDD − Vmem (t− )) Pn (1)
loaded inverters; next, the ring oscillator implementing the i=1 Ci
charge loss due to its power consumption; and lastly, a digital
logic time-domain threshold detector. Ci
Vmem (t+ ) = Vmem (t− ) − Vmem (t− ) Pn (2)
i=1 Ci
A. Spike integration and weighting
Usually, IF neurons based on mixed-signal circuits use In these equations, t− and t+ are the instants before and after
switched current mirrors in order to integrate the spikes and the input spike reaches a given inverter and Ci is the value of
multiply them by a weight. This approach is highly dependent the capacitor connected to the i-th input. Note that, in order to
on the width of the input pulse, as it determines the time ensure that all capacitors are connected to the same node when
window in which the current source supplies the integrating no input is present, excitatory spikes are low-level driven and
capacitor. When implemented in an SNN, a single output inhibitory spikes are high-level driven. Charger injection can
can be seen as slightly different inputs in the next layer be modified by either having programmable capacitors at each
due to small changes in the width of the signal. One way input or, having a fixed number of input inverters, connecting
Fig. 4. Time-domain threshold logic digital signal diagram.
voltage leakage has been modeled by using a programmable Figure 3 compares the charge-powered oscillator decaying
resistor in parallel with the integrating capacitor, following the rate with respect to the standard implementation using a
equation: resistor. In section III a simulation of the circuit of Fig. 2 is
−t shown. For the parameters chosen in section III, the fractional
vmem (t) = V0 e τ (3) decaying rate shows a similar decaying rate to the exponential
using a 9.3 MΩ equivalent resistor. Furthermore, changing the
where τ is the time constant of the neuron and V0 is the initial
output capacitance of the inverters it is possible to modify the
value of the membrane voltage, which decays exponentially. In
decaying rate correspondingly.
our design, we need to establish an equation for the equivalent
resistance of an N-tap ring oscillator to model the leakage C. Time-domain threshold logic
current. For low voltage level biasing, the current driving a
ring oscillator can be divided into two types: the short current Figure 4 shows the digital function implemented in order
and the input-driving current. The short current goes from to detect the membrane voltage threshold. Note that signals
the positive to the negative terminal of each inverter when displayed in Fig 4 have their corresponding nodes in Fig. 2.
it changes logic states, due to the short window in which both As seen in the diagram, two of the phases of the ring oscillator
transistors are conducting current. The input driving current are brought out in order to check the delay between them
charges the input gate capacitor of each inverter when it’s in comparison with the threshold delay. On the left side of
changing logic states. If a capacitor Cinv is placed at the the diagram, the delay is higher than the threshold, as such,
input of each inverter in the ring oscillator of Fig. 2, the no spike pulses are produced. However, when looking on
input driving current becomes much higher than the short the right, the oscillation frequency is slightly higher and the
current. As such, an approximation can be made for the current delay between the phases is shorter, producing then a spike.
consumption of the ring oscillator taking only the input driver As the oscillation frequency is proportional to the voltage
current component: membrane vmem , the oscillator will integrate input spikes
until the membrane voltage is sufficiently high, and thus, the
iro (t) = N fo (t)Cinv vmem (t) (4) oscillation frequency is high enough to produce a spike.
The threshold delay can be programmed using several
Taking inspiration from VCO-ADC related works [8], fo circuits, such as a voltage-controlled delay line based on
is proportional to vmem times the oscillator gain (KV CO ). inverters. Furthermore, to ensure that all spike pulses are
For the sake of simplifying the resulting decaying term, and the same width, a rising-edge trigger circuit was also imple-
taking into account that the oscillator does not have a wide mented. Modifying this last stage will allow having a variable
tuning range in this application, we will consider KV CO to refractory period. Nevertheless, variable width in the output
be constant in the desired operating range. As the current spike pulse would not be necessary when using this cell in
consumed by the oscillator is equal to the discharge of the the following layers, as the inputs are not width-dependent.
Fig. 6. Output spike frequency and current consumption with respect to input
spike frequency.