PR1 (Chap 1-4)

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Stress factors are one of the major issues that most

people in our society are experiencing; mostly students

are the ones who suffer stress factors at school and even

at home. Some of the common reasons why students

experience stress factors are caused by academic stress,

academic pressure, personal problems, and many more.

Academic-related stress is strongly related to

decreased student academic motivation. Based on some

previous studies, study habits are very important

for educational success, developing good study

habits is very good for students of all levels of

education, study habits will increase students' ability

to be themselves and have the ability to discipline which

in the end they will succeed in achieving their learning

goals (Ebele & Olofu , 2017).

According to research, poor study habits can result

in an increased prevalence of different psychological and

physical problems, which in turn can affect students'

academic performance. The four components of academic

stress usually identifiable in a student are academic

frustration, academic conflicts, academic anxieties, and

academic pressures. (Anoushka Thakkar, 2018).

Moreover, If the students had an encounter with

stress factors specifically in academics, this might

affect not only their study habits but their academic

performance as well(Pascoe et al., 2019). Also, it will

lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms, and, negatively

impact the student’s behavior, and have several

detrimental effects on learners. Not only can it impact

study habits and success, but it may also interfere with

social relationships and physical health.

One of the prime objectives of higher education

institutions globally is to raise students' academic

performance. Nowadays, everyone knows that stress affects

the study habits of students, but not everyone considers

ways to prevent it since a lot of students who struggle

with organizing things typically feel more stress at


Usually, this occurs because some individuals lack

the necessary training, motivation, or knowledge to

learn. If their organizational skills do not advance,

they might keep falling behind, which would increase

their stress and frustration at school.

Having a motivational approaches is important in

every people especially to students, these motivational

approaches may help the students to lessen the impact of

academic-related stress factors that they encountered. As

(Emda, 2018) stated that learning motivation is one

of the factors that can affect learning outcomes.

It is also one of the keys to student success in

achieving learning goals is the motivation within


Furthermore, the researchers chose this topic

because the primary goal of this study is to know the

quality of how students manage their study habits

regardless of the stress factors that affect them, and

the other reason is to give an essential critique and

reliable results.

Lastly, this study will be beneficial to a certain

group, such as students, teachers, and others, since the

primary foundation of this study is to help the students

build up their aspects and their study habits as well.


The general problem of this study is the academic-

related stress factors that impact the study habits of

senior high school students. The researchers aim to

determine its impact and give a reliable results.


Overall, this study aims to determine the academic-

related stress factors that impact the study habits of

senior high school students.

1. Identify the different academic-related stress factors

that impact the study habits of the students.

2. What academic-related stress factors mostly affect the

study habits of the students? How they overcome it?

3. Determine the motivational approach used by the

students when they encounter academic-related stress.

4. Do students have difficulties with their study habits?


5. How do senior high school students view the academic-

related stress factors that they encountered in their

study habits?

6. Why do some students experiencing an academic-related

stress towards to their study habits?

7. What are the role of parents, teachers, peers, and

community to the students and how these affects their

study habits?


This study aims to determine the impact of academic-

related stress factors on the study habits of senior high

school students at Bongabon Senior High School, Bongabon,

Nueva Ecija. This study intends to give quality

measurements on the study habits of senior high school


The researchers will gather data from 12 respondents

who are Grade 11 Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (STEM) students through criterion sampling

procedure, it does not cover other aspects related to

academic performance, such as extracurricular activities,

score in examinations, and others.


The objective of the study is to raise awareness of

the complex reasons and structural barriers that

contribute to the academic-related stress factors of

senior high school students. The gathered results and

information from this study will be highly beneficial to

the following groups and individuals:

STUDENTS: For those students who are having difficulties

with their study habits because of academic-related

stress factors, this study will help them resolve their


PARENTS: This study will help the parents analyze more of

the stressors that affect the study habits of their


TEACHERS: This study will give a better understanding of

how to help their students who are having difficulties

with their study habits.

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR: This study will serve as their

insight to raise awareness about the students who are

facing academic-related stress. This can also serve as

their template to make their future symposiums more

reliable and effective.


Senior High School has peer facilitators who help the

students with their psychological and emotional aspects.

Therefore, this study will be of great help to this

specific group in improving their work as consultants and

how they communicate with the students.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS: For those student researchers who

want to explore more of our study, this research will

serve as a guide for them to successfully innovate our




Relevant literature and studies about academic-

related stress factors that affect the study habits of

senior high school students’.


In a qualitative study conducted by Ahmad, Gul, and

Zeb (2022), university students’ experiences of exam

stress and its effect on academic performance are

explored. Their study provides valuable insights into the

subjective experiences of students and how exam stress

can influence their educational outcomes. By considering

this literature collectively, we gain a more

comprehensive understanding of the psychological factors

at play in academic performance.

In a similar study, Sharififard, Asayesh, Haji

Mohammad Hosseini, and Sepahvandi (2020) focus on nursing

students and examine the correlation between motivation,

self-efficacy, stress, and academic burnout. Their

findings shed light on the detrimental effects of burnout

on academic performance and emphasize the importance of

addressing these factors to enhance student success.

Furthermore, Pascoe, Hetrick, and Parker (2020)

discuss the consequences of stress on students in both

secondary school and higher education. Their research

underscores the wide-ranging effects of stress on various

aspects of students' lives, including their cognitive

abilities and emotional well-being.

According to Firth, Cavallini, Sütterlin, and Lugo

(2019), their study investigates the impact of

mindfulness on pain perception, stress, and academic

performance. They emphasize the significance of self-

efficacy in these areas and highlight the

potential benefits of incorporating mindfulness practices

into educational settings.

Students who have an excessive amount of work and

assignments become stressed, which makes it difficult for

them to devote enough time to various activities linked

to their studies (Mishra, 2018).

Additionally, based on the findings of Aafreen,

Priya, and Gayathri (2018), changes in eating and

sleeping patterns, vacations, and breaks, as well as an

increased workload and additional obligations, are some

of the key sources of stress. Based on the findings,

pupils' performance would suffer in terms of academic

achievements if their stress levels were higher.

Academic frustration is a state of harm to some

academic objectives; academic conflict arises from

multiple incompatible responses to academic goals;

academic pressure happens when a student is under a lot

of time and energy pressure to meet academic goals; and

academic anxiety is an expression of an apprehension of

harm to academic goals, according to Bisht's further

definition of the four elements of academic stress (in

La, 2014, 123). In addition to that, the previous

researchers stated that stress has become a lifestyle

epidemic that affects everyone, regardless of their stage

of life (Banerjee & Chatterjee, 2016).

Khan, Altaf, and Kausar (2016) showed that younger

students expressed more academic stress than older

students when looking at the impact of age on students'

academic stress. Academic stress has the potential to

negatively impact university students' quality of life,

which can result in subpar academic performance and

course abandonment.


People across the world experience academic stress

that affect their abilities in academic such as in

performance and study habits. However, according to some

researches, students are among the individuals who suffer

from academic stress the most. According to (Mallillin et

al., 2020). learning styles can be improved when students

are organized in their study habits. They need to focus,

manage their itinerary as to time of their studies aside

from their extra-curricular activities. They can plan to

achieve their study habits, write their projects,

homework and assignments on time. They should make a list

on the process of their study. List can help them study

step by step and accomplish their goals in their study.

As explained by Mohd Zain (2019), the issue of study

habits is one of the most important ones that lecturers

face, despite the various motivating incentives offered

to students. The study emphasizes the significance of

learning preferences as a way to foster students' growth

and initiative in developing good study habits. The study

also employed a qualitative research approach that

concentrated on how students saw, experienced, and

analogized their learning styles and how it motivated

them to develop good study habits. Study and learning

styles are significant in relation to a students’

motivation for and interest in the learning process. The

findings indicated that while respondents are motivated

and eager to learn, they are occasionally sidetracked by

unwanted distractions that make it difficult for them to

focus on their studies. Respondents use time management,

note-taking, and advanced practice exams as study

strategies to meet all the requirements of their studies.

In keepig with Mohd Zain (2019), students face

different challenges in terms of their academics, family

situations, friends, and many more. Some stress levels

can lead to a terrible effect that changes a student’s

life completely and may result in failure. Therefore,

students need to create a coping strategy for their

stress in order to reduce the negative effects on their

learning and performance.

As a result, learning styles can motivate students'

study habits by clarifying expectations for their

learning performance. Techniques and resources are

provided to help them improve their learning style and

learning process in order to achieve better study habits

as a motivator in their learning process. An important

factor in learning motivation influences students'

abilities in the learning process as well as their

creativity in their study habits. Students will benefit

from the process of influencing and understanding skills

through motivation (Bhakati & Astuti, 2018).

Positive thinking among students can have a

significant impact on their learning style and overall

study habits. This can be addressed as a factor in

learning relevant to their academic performance and study

habits as part of their competency learning

process(Roman, 2018).

According to Guervva & Cimanes (2017), the

instructors may better utilize students' potential by

knowing the conventional difficulties associated with

managing students' learning processes and examining their

attitudes toward learning. Effective support and

management techniques may be created to assist students

in creating healthy study habits, achieving academic

achievement, and maintaining their mental health while

also taking into consideration their learning styles and

motivation to study.

As Guevarra and Cimanes (2017) stated, the students

in senior high school employ a variety of stress-

reduction tactics, including problem-focused, emotion-

focused, and avoidance coping mechanisms. The results

also demonstrate that the respondents' coping mechanisms

for stress are significantly influenced by their age.


Academic-related stress factors can impact the

students study habits in negative way by decreasing their

motivation to study, it can also lead into a not healthy

coping mechanism which can results into a negative


According to (Pascoe et al., 2019), the study

demonstrate that the academic-related stress that

secondary students experience constitutes a major factor

affecting their academic achievement. It stated also that

students with higher perceived stress are likely to have

lower academic achievement.

Moving on, as JPEPA, A. (2021) stated, motivational

approaches plays a vital role on the learning outcome and

study habits of the students. These approaches may help

them on how to cope up with those academic-related stress

factors that they encountered. In addition, family,

teacher, peers and community are one of the contributors

on the students motivational approaches.

The findings of this study can help school

administrators and educators develop better strategies

and interventions to support the mental health of senior

high school students. This can include providing

counseling services, implementing stress management

programs, and creating a supportive environment that

promotes a positive outlook on life.

Lastly, this study is not purely plagiarized or

copied by others; it aims to give an essential critique

and a better solution to a certain issue, also this

research can contribute to the improvement of the overall

well-being and academic success of senior high school




This chapter presents the design and method of the

study, data collection instrument, description of the

participants, data-gathering procedure, analysis of data,

and the area where the study was conducted.

Research Design

Academic-related stress is one of the factors that

was be analyzed in this study. The researcher had

identified the academic-related stress factors that

mostly affect students’ study habits. To attain that, the

study approach used in this research is the

phenomenological study approach.

The researchers used phenomenology as the research

design for this study. According to Ho, L., and

Limpaecher, A. (2022), "phenomenology" is a type of

qualitative research that aims to understand and describe

the universal essence of a phenomenon by investigating

everyday human experiences and suspending preconceived


It assumes that people use a universal structure to

make sense of their experiences, and researchers

interpret their feelings and beliefs to clarify the

essence of the phenomenon. This design requires

researchers to avoid any prior assumptions about the

experience being studied. Based on that, this is the

appropriate research design in this study.

Sampling Procedure and Sample

One of the sampling techniques that the researchers

used is purposeful or purposive sampling. Non-probability

sampling is referred to as judgmental, selective, or

subjective sampling (Patton, 1990). When selecting

participants based on predetermined criteria, the

researcher uses his or her own discretion. Criterion,

critical case, and snowball sampling are some examples.

Under purposeful sampling, the researchers used

criterion sampling, which requires identifying

participants through particular criteria based on the

needs of the study (Suri, 2011). This can be based on

profile experience or the concern of the research.

According to Pooja Bhardwaj (2019), purposive

sampling is in accordance with the purpose of the study,

and the members of a sample are selected. This type of

sampling is relevant in our research because when the

number of people in the population is low and the

researcher knows that the target population fulfills his

or her demands, judgmental or purposive sampling is the

best sample.

In criterion research, the researcher first

identifies criteria that are important to the research.

The researcher identifies the participants who have that

information and studies the cases that meet that

criteria. (Cohen D., 2020). As stated, our research data

collection method has requirements. Therefore, a

criterion sampling method is also precise for our

research. Consequently, purposeful and criterion sampling

methods are the most accurate sampling methods to use.

Furthermore, our study focused on analyzing the

different impacts of academic-related stress factors on

the study habits of STEM 11 students at Bongabon Senior

High School. The total number of students in STEM 11 at

Bongabon Senior High School is 163. But our research

requires an interviewee with a general average of 93 or

above. Therefore, our population is relatively small

considering the data collection method used.

Description of Sample or Respondents

The chosen STEM students in Grade 11 from Bongabon

Senior High School served as the study's respondents.

They are the ones who are required and qualified to

respond. They provided the information that the

researchers needed by responding to the questionnaire

that was supplied to them.

Furthermore, the research required respondents who

consistently achieve high marks in their individual

subjects, with an average grade of at least 93 in the

first semester in the school year of 2022–2023.

In order to conduct an interview and get information

about the students' current experiences with their

academics and the academic-related stress they have

experienced, the researchers first obtained permission

from 12 students to participate as respondents in this


Data Collection Plan


In conducting this study, the researchers used a

structured interview as a data-gathering instrument. The

researchers also provided their own set of questions to

the respondents. According to (George & Merkus, 2022)

A structured interview is a data collection method that

relies on asking questions in a set order to collect data

on a topic. This interview is straightforward to conduct

and analyze. Asking the same set of questions mitigates

potential biases and leads to fewer ambiguities in

analysis. It is an undertaking you can likely handle as

an individual, provided that you remain organized. This

allows each interviewee an equal and fair opportunity to

provide an honest response.

A structured interview is the appropriate instrument

to be used in this study due to various reasons;

firstly, it enhances the consistency and accuracy of the

interview process, ensuring reliable data collection.

Secondly, by asking prepared questions, it helps to

gather the most important and relevant information.

Additionally, the use of a script reduces biases that may

arise during the interview, enhancing objectivity.

Moreover, the structured interview enables an easier

comparison of the interview responses.

Lastly, employing set questions increases the

efficiency and effectiveness of the interviews in

collecting and evaluating information. Overall, the

structured interview offers several advantages, including

consistency, relevance, reduced biases, comparability,

and efficiency, making it the ideal choice for this


Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering the data for this study, the

researchers undertook the following steps to secure the

necessary approvals and permits:

The researchers sought permission letter to conduct

the study. First, the researchers wrote a letter of

request to Ms. Melba Joy B. Talens, the school principal

of Bongabon Senior High School to ensure that the School

Administration is aware that a survey will be conducted

inside school premises.

Once the request letter is approved, the researchers

collected data from the respondents with series of

questions that are aligned with the study. The interview

took place on June 5 and 6, 2023.

Additionally, in conducting this study, the

researchers followed some ethical rules to protect the

rights and confidentiality of each participant. In order

to have a reliable result, the researchers will request

the respondents respond to each question truthfully. The

target sample size of respondents for this study is 12

participants, coming from different sections of STEM 11.

This stage of the research process is conducted in a

systematic and logical manner, while continuous

consideration of ethical aspects was ensured.

Data Analysis

A system for assessing qualitative data called

thematic analysis involves searching for ideas, or

themes, within a data collection. A critical element of

making sense of the data is the researchers own

experience, which is an active, reflexive process.

Thematic analysis is constantly used in qualitative

exploration. One system is to dissect qualitative data in

this manner. In most cases, it alludes to a grouping of

textbooks, similar to an interview or paraphrase.

The first phase that the researchers used in data

analysis was transcription. In this phase, the

researchers transcribe all the information that was said

by the respondents during the interview, and after that,

they translate all the data into English.

The second phase is coding. After the researchers

had transcribed and translated the data, they coded each

answer by getting its thoughts and ideas. As stated by

Williams and Moser (2019),coding is the process of

assembling, categorizing, and thematically sorting

acquired data to provide an organized platform to build


After that, the researchers proceed to the last

stage, which is the drawing of themes. In this stage, the

researchers grouped all the same codes and put a label on

the desired themes. According to (Caulfield, 2022).

Defining themes entails determining what each theme means

and how it contributes to our understanding of the data.

The researchers examined the data to identify any

recreating patterns or motifs. Recreating themes and

patterns that give significance concentrates on relating,

exploring, and interpreting qualitative data patterns. It

is also used when conducting exploration to discover more

about the shoes, knowledge, and experiences of others.

values deduced from or from a group of numerical data

Additionally, it is frequently used to assess data

in primary qualitative exploration, which is why the

researchers chose it. This drawing content is ideal for

the study since it will be veritably helpful to the

researchers in sifting through, interpreting, and

assessing the data they had attained for their

qualitative exploration, keeping in mind that the

exploration's study is qualitative.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at Bongabon Senior High

School in Bongabon, Nueva Ecija. It is located at Brgy.

Sinipit, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija, Philippines It is a

stand-alone secondary school situated at the base of the

Sierra Madre. The study was conducted in the second

semester of the academic year 2022-2023.

Figure 1. Location Map of Bongabon Senior High School




This chapter provides the findings, conclusions, and

recommendations of the researchers based on their

gathered data. The general problem of this study is the

academic-related stress factors that affect the study

habits of senior high school students.

The sample design was formed using criterion

sampling under purposive sampling. The main instrument is

the questionnaire, which is one of the bases of the study

and will give a reliable result. This study was conducted

during the second semester of the school year 2023.


The following are the academic-related stress

factors that impact the study habits of Senior High

School Students.

1. Identify the different academic-related stress factors

that impact the study habits of the students.

 When do you find yourself feeling the most stressed

in terms in academics? Is it related to specific

situations or activities?

Most participants answers are school problems. These

school problems are academic-related stress factors that

impact their study habits. Based on our coding, these

school problems are workloads, examinations, and group

activities. Those workloads are commonly the assignments,

projects, or outputs that will need to be completed on


2. What academic-related stress factors mostly affect the

study habits of the students? How they overcome it?

 Which part in your academic life brings you the

most stress?

The gathered data shows that most participants

answered workloads. These are the academic-related

stress factors that mostly affect their study habits.

 Describe a time you had to make a tough decision in

school. How did you make sure you will overcome it?

Moving on, six participants answered that the

academic-related stress factors that they encounter are

ones that they cannot overcome. Most of those six

participants used to delay the problems and didn’t have

good time management skills, which is why they couldn't

handle those academic-related stress factors that

resulted in a negative outcome.

On the other hand, the remaining six participants

answers are contrary to those of the others, since these

participants answered that they can overcome the

academic-related stress factors that they encounter.

Reviewing and organizing their tasks are two of the

actions that helped them to lessen the academic-related

stress that they encounter in their study habits. These

actions also result in a positive outcome to their study.

3. Determine the motivational approach used by the

students when they encounter academic-related stress.

 What do you do when you feel academic-related

stress? Do you have any techniques or strategies

which you find are really helpful in coping with


Based on their answers on question 1, all 12

participants feel academic-related stress when there is

a workload in terms in school. Based on their interview

most participants have techniques or strategies to cope

up with stress.

These strategies are organizing and giving their

selves some self-time, according to them by using these

strategies it helped them to have more focus on their

school works and be motivated in their works.

4. Do students have difficulties with their study

habits? Why?

 Can you describe a time when your academic-related

stress resulted in making errors at your study


All participants agreed that whenever they

experience academic-related stress, it takes an immense

tool on their overall behavior. Therefore, it affects

their study habits and performance in school.

Moreover, five (5) participants messed up their

exams because of stress. They explained that because of

it, they tend to overthink simple questions and can

hardly focus.

On the other hand, seven (7) participants claimed

that because of stress, they are having a hard time

focusing on what need to be done. In addition, some said

that they tend to get lazy doing their tasks, resulting

in them being unable to do their tasks on time.

5. How do senior high school students view the

academic-related stress factors that they encountered in

their study habits?

 How do you ensure that academic-related stress

situations does not affect your study habits?

The students who took part in the interview viewed their

academic-related stress factors encountered as negative

and challenging. They described the experience as

stressful, frustrating, and overwhelming because of the

workload they were required to handle.

 Is there any particular behavior or thought process

you notice when you’re feeling stressed?

The students expressed that they felt discomfort,

indicating that the stress they experienced was not only

mental but also had an impact on their emotional well-

being. Additionally, they found it difficult to overcome

these stressors, implying that they faced challenges in

managing and coping with the academic pressures they were


This response highlights the students' perspective

on their academic-related stress, emphasizing the

negative emotions and difficulties they encountered. It

indicates that these stressors were significant enough to

cause distress and hinder their ability to overcome them


6. Why some students experiencing an academic-stress

related to towards to their study habits?

 How does the academic-related stress impact you?

Most students experiencing an academic-stress

related to towards to their study habits because of lack

of time management. Five participants mentioned that it

affects their moods. Three participant mentioned that

they can't focus on their academic when they are stress.

Two participant mentioned that they are having a hard

time handling the situations. One participant mentioned

that it affects his/her daily habits and the remaining

one mentioned that it affects his/her emotional health


 Does it also affect your mood, energy level,

ability to concentrate, or something else?

Based on the interview, all participants answered

that it affect their mood in a way that they cannot

control their emotions towards to others. Additionally,

as they mentioned on previous question they mentioned

also that it affects their ability to concentrate they

tend to lose focus on the task their doing.

7. What are the role of parents, teacher, peers, and

community to the students and how it affects their study


 Do you get any motivational approaches from your

family, friends or other relevant persons? How?

Based on the responses of the twelve (12)

respondents, nine (9) of the respondents agreed that the

role of the said figures is by being the persons who

uplift their spirit, provide them motivational approach

using motivational quotes or words of affirmations and

assist them to accept his/her failure.

As a result, the common role of parents, teachers,

peers, and community to the students is receptiveness

personal factor. It influences their study habits by

putting them in a better condition to complete the

necessary tasks and activities.

Furthermore, two (2) of the respondents indicated a

lack of openness. As a result, they did not receive any

motivational approaches. Finally, two (2) of the

respondents stated that they do self-comfort.


Based on the answered of the respondents:

1. The academic-related stress factors that affect their

study habits are the school problems such as workloads,

examinations, group activities in different subjects.

2. The academic-related stress factors that mostly affect

the study habits of the students is workloads, half of

the participants cannot overcome it and the remaining

participants can overcome it by generalizing their works.

3. The different motivational approaches used by the

students are taking a rest, listening to music, watching

a movie, and, simply organizing tasks.

4. The academic-related stress factors such as poor time

management, examinations, and workloads are the main

factors why do students have difficulties with their

study habits.

5. The respondents described the academic stress factors

they experienced in their study habits as them being very

frustrated. They often face a heavy workload due to

multiple subjects, assignments, projects, and exams. This

can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed.

6. Lack of time management are the main reason why

students experienced an academic-related stress on their

study habits

7. The outcome of the study show that the main role of

the said figures is as students’ receptiveness or coping

mechanism. It includes openness and support that helps

students effectively handle stress.


Based on the conclusion of the study, the researcher

offers the following recommendations:

1. Students must have a general plan on their school

works, so they can easily track their tasks.

2. Students must need to explore to some coping

strategies when it comes to academic-related stress.

Moreover, students must be knowledgeable enough on how

they can handle their time effectively.

3. Schools should provide dedicated study places, quiet

spaces, and libraries where students can concentrate and

engage in focused study.

4. School and teachers must provide an academic coaching

and student support on senior high school students to

have a regular guidance which can provide support and

motivation to the students.

5. Students must set aside time for the things they want

to do and find ways to unwind and recharge.

6. Students must need to know how to practice and manage

their time skills to lessen the academic-related stress

that they encounter.

7. Parents and teachers must communicate and collaborate

to understand and better respond to the students’

attitudes, building strong relationships. Additionally,

peers and community must be a cooperate to help the

students’ exhibit a remarkable positive improvement in

their academic lives.


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FOR SMK NEGERI 22 AND 51 JAKARTA. Jurnal Pendidikan
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