DLI Research Project Format
DLI Research Project Format
DLI Research Project Format
• Cover / Title Page
This page consists of the title of the study which is stated at the upper half of the
page. This is to be followed by the author’s full names with the surname first and
other.Note that when the surname comes first,it is separated from the other names
with a comma.
Inside Cover page - This page contains the title of the study which is stated at the
upper half of the page. This is to be followed by the author’s full names with the
surname first and other names. The lower part of the page is to have the statement
that reads: ‘A project presented to the Distance Learning Institutes, University of
Lagos,Akoka in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree
of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc), Business Administration, Accounting etc of
University of Lagos. The student shall indicate at the bottom of the page the month
and year the project was completed (e.g. February, 2012).
• Certification Page
In this page shall be the certification of the project supervisor of the originality of
the study as a true work carried out by the student. The statements here shall read:
This is to certify that this research project titled: “ …………………..’’, written
by (Student surname and other names) with the matriculation number (e.g.
100200670) under my supervision”. Followed by the supervisor’s name, signature
and date.
• Dedication Page
This page provides the author the opportunity to express some words of gratitude
to those dear to him/her one way or the other.
• Acknowledgement Page
This page provides the author the opportunity to acknowledge the help and
contribution of different people who directly or otherwise had contributed to the
success of the work.
• Abstract Page
This page consists of a synopsis of the entire work. It states briefly the problems of
investigation, purpose of the study, how it was carried out; major findings and
recommendation. This is to be done in about 360 words (this could be done with
the aid of computer word count).
• Table of Content
This page consist the list of chapters and sub-units with their respective page
numbers as contained in the main body of the work. The pages before the main
body of the work are numbered in roman numerals, while other pages are
numbered in Arabic numerals. Other parts of the table of contents are:
• List of Tables to be numbered 1,2,3, 4…………N
• List of Figures to be numbered I,II,III …………N
3.1 Preamble
This requires a brief outline of the works in this chapter
3.2 Research Design
This has to do with the blueprint of the study that point the way to what should be
expected. It shows the particular research design being adopted for the study and why.
9. Research Methodology
Research Design
Characteristics of Study Population
Sampling Techniques
Data Collection Instrument
Data Presentation
Data Analysis