Savage Worlds - Die Toten

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Die Toten

Gang Warfare in a Dystopian Future

Version 1.0
Collin Terrell

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle
Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the
quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

The cover art is by Kimmo Lemetti. You can find his stuff on DeviantArt.

The Elevator Pitch:

It's a futuristic version of The Warriors with a dash of Smash TV, Unreal Tournament and Necromunda.

Setting & Flavor:

This campaign takes place in humanity’s distant future on a prison world called Todesfeld. The year is
approximately 2500 A.D. Everyone in this setting plays a member of a gang. The powers that be, in this
case a fascist dictatorship calling itself the Hegemony, film and broadcast the battles between these gangs
from orbit for the pleasure of the senescent masses.

The Hegemony was formed during an event called "The Unification" when all the governments of Old
Earth aligned under a single political banner and undertook the joint exploration and exploitation of space.
The globe of Earth expanded until it became the Sphere, an invisible bubble encompassing every star
system within 100 light years of Humanity’s cradle. With the accomplishment of this tremendous feat
there were many who speculated that human civilization would move into an age of unending peace.
After all, what couldn't the human race accomplish if it could yoke the stars? For the first couple of
centuries, this lofty ambition even seemed plausible but, by degrees, as the seeds of the human race
spread farther and farther from home, the hue and cry for independent government began to peal ever
more loudly. The ruling council of the Hegemony, a cabal of well-moneyed and old blooded ministers
called "The Eight", could not tolerate dissent of this sort and hope to keep their unified government
together. They curtailed political speech and began to institute stricter "civil conduct" laws enforced by
the threat of capital punishment. Through it all, The Eight maintained a veneer of piety, dressing their
policies in florid language that extolled the virtues of their "perfect" society.

All along the periphery of the Sphere, where the influence of Earth was weakest, citizens grew tired of the
central government's policies. Independent brushfire rebellions sprouted up on a number of border
worlds at once. Though they all had different leaders and different methods the common theme was
being shouted loud and clear: people weren't going to stand for the sanctimonious lies of the Hegemony
any more.

At first, Todesfeld was just another of these disenfranchised worlds, more or less a glorified asteroid with
little to distinguish it from the other rocks that were being gleefully core-stripped by the Hegemony's
Mining Conglomerates. True to type, Todesfeld was filthy with pollution and mostly lawless. Hegemony
Stormtroopers kept an eye on things from orbit but pretty much let the Conglomerates run the world
however they wanted (so long as their brutal ore quotas were met). Cities metastasized around the
mining camps, fueled by corporation money and the vices of the overworked miners. When the mines
started to dry up the corporation executives suddenly pulled out, abandoning their holdings and
employees on the surface. All of the miners were fired on the spot. Those who lacked the credits to leave
started in with the usual rioting and disobedience that follows this sort of thing. Normally, Stormtroopers
would have been deployed to crack a few skulls and restore order at the point of a gun, but the
Hegemony had other ideas in mind.

For some time the Directors of the Eight had realized that the military was being stretched too thin to
maintain order on every intransigent planet in Sphere. They needed a different strategy, one that would
make an example of the rioters on Todesfeld and serve notice to rebels everywhere else. A "Purge" was
decreed: the forced exile of every criminal, political and otherwise, to Todesfeld. There the convicts
would eat the rebels alive and then kill each other for territorial rights, solving all of the Hegemony's
problems at once. The master stroke was this: to pay for the adventure, the Hegemony would televise
the ensuing battles across their domain for the entertainment of their lawful subjects. It was an overnight

success. Violence and political dissent in the peripheral worlds of the Sphere declined sharply. It seemed
like round-the-clock blood sport was just the sort of diversion that the overworked and overtaxed minions
of the Hegemony were looking for. To enhance the drama the Hegemony started offering cash prizes and
the elusive promise of clemency for those 'contestants' who fought the best. Gangs began to want to go
to Todesfeld to show how tough they were and to win what loot they could.

Let the Games begin.

Character Creation:
All characters in this setting are Human. Humans gain one free Edge at creation.

Survival of the Fittest:

There's no mercy for Novices on Todesfeld. The player's characters have to be the toughest of the tough
to have survived long enough to become gangers. To reflect this, all characters begin play at the
Seasoned rank. This means they can access Seasoned edges and have 5 Advances to spend at creation.

An Advance can be spent on:

 2 skill points
 1 attribute point (per tier)
 1 Edge
 Two draws on the "Bag O'Loot" table (See "Monsters" below)

All characters begin play with no money. In fact, money doesn't even exist on this world. Starting
equipment is determined at random. Draw 3 playing cards and consult the table below to identify what
gear the character has at creation:

Starting Equipment Table

Card 1st Draw 2nd Draw 3rd Draw

2 A club One clip of pistol ammo 1d4 rations
3 Two clubs Two clips of pistol ammo Leathers
4 A knife 1d10 shotgun shells 1d12 shotgun shells
5 Two knives One clip of needler ammo One Med-Kit
6 A cleaver 1d6 shotgun shells 1d4 clips of needler ammo
7 A Sonic Jackhammer 1d10 rations One Survival Kit
8 A Needle Gun 1d6 rations 1d10 rations
9 A Machine Pistol 1d4 clips of pistol ammo Leathers
10 A Machine Pistol 2d6 rations 1d6 clips of pistol ammo
J An Alley Gun 2d12 shotgun shells 1d4 Med-Kits
Q An Alley Gun One clip of Sniper Rifle ammo 2d12 rations
K A Plasma Cutter 2d10 rations Ballistic Coat
A A Frag Grenade One dose of Standard Drugs One clip of Sniper Rifle ammo
Joker A Meson Rex Sniper Rifle One spare Laser Battery Riot Armor

Character Concepts:
There is a very wide range of characters you can play in this setting. Here are just a few suggestions:

The Backstabber:
There's nothing you hate more than a fair fight. You may act tough, but when the blows start flying,
you're quick to get behind anyone bigger and or dumber than you. While the monochromosomals bellow

at each other, you'll slip around to the weak side and see what kind of refreshment your knife can find in
someone's gut works.
Recommended Edges: Thief, Alertness, Fleet-Footed, Quick, Cybernetic

The Brawler:
In a world that only respects strength you have made sure that you are one of the ones on top. You are
scarred, tatted, muscular and know how to mix it up bare knuckle style. The timid die first so you make
sure you set the tone in any battle.
Recommended Edges: Brawny, Sweep, Trademark Weapon: Heavy Weapons, Juggernaut, Mighty Blow

The Chemist:
You have the know-how to make drugs, both the commonly available sorts and more exotic, custom
concoctions. Your skills are in very high demand to help gangers take the edge off of living in a hellhole
like Todesfeld.
Recommended Edges: Arcane Background: Street Chemistry, Drug Tolerance, Healer, Cybernetic, Level

The Cutter:
Blades are your business. You can always be found twirling a knife between your fingers. You’re not the
strongest guy around, but you’re quick and you try not to waste any time going for a straight kill.
Collecting scars is one of your hobbies. People know better than to try and take you one on one.
Recommended Edges: Quick Draw, Ambidextrous, Two Fisted, Frenzy, Trademark Weapon: Blades

The Cyborg:
You are loaded to your eyelids with aftermarket hardware. Whether you were some cyber-doc's failed
experiment or a hit-droid who got collared by the cops, now you're a piece of heavy artillery for some
Recommended Edges: Cybernetic x3, Juggernaut

The War Chief:

Every gang has an Alpha Dog or several pups fighting for the honor. Your combination of smarts,
toughness and fighting skill make you the natural choice to lead a gang into battle.
Recommended Edges: Combat Reflexes, Common Bond, Command, Connections

The Gunner:
You're a small bundle of Hell with a piece in your hand. It's your job to control the room and make sure
that you relieve the cranial pressure of any notchers who come down with a case of "bad idea".
Recommended Edges: Marksman, Trademark Weapon: Pistols, Ambidextrous, Two Fisted, Steady Hands

The Offworlder:
You were sentenced to life on Todesfeld for some horrible crime. You come from the more "civilized"
part of the Hegemony and probably used to "be somebody" but have been cast out by society.
Regardless of your guilt or innocence, you must now battle furiously to stay alive. The ludicrous hope of
escape keeps you going day after pointless day.
Recommended Edges: Jack-of-all-Trades, Fleet-Footed, Ace, Mr. Fix-It

The Psycho:
Sometimes crazy just trumps everything else. You bark convincingly and are afraid of no one.
Recommended Edges: Berserk, Trademark Weapon: Conefire Weapons, Nerves of Steel, No Mercy

The Scavenger:
You are resourceful and shifty with a good eye for swag. Where others see junk, you see potential.
Recommended Edges: Street Smarts, MacGyver, Alertness, Luck

The Swindler:
Balls and brawn aren't the only way around a problem. Sometimes all you need to do is keep a notcher
listening while you casually flick the safety off your piece and slip it loose quiet-like.
Recommended Edges: Charismatic, Connections, Attractive, Quick Draw

The Rogue Stormtrooper:

You were drummed out of the Hegemony ranks for some grievous breach of conduct. Only your training
and toughness have allowed you to survive long enough on the streets of Todesfeld to work your way into
a gang. Still, nobody trusts you and they expect you to declare your double-agent status at any moment.
Sleep with one eye open.
Recommended Edges: Trademark Weapon: Rifles & Carbines, Strong Willed, Marksman, Dodge

Edges, Skills & Hindrances:

Only Edges appropriate to a Futuristic campaign setting are permitted. No "Magic" related edges are
allowed unless otherwise indicated below.

Arcane Background: Street Chemistry

This edge is similar to the Weird Science background edge but it pertains to the creation of
pharmaceutical substances. A character skilled in street chemistry has picked up enough crude scientific
knowledge to understand the properties of different ingredients and how to combine them to achieve a
variety of effects. With this skill, the Street Chemist can make knock-offs of popular street drugs as well
as invent their own unique concoctions.

Characters who take this Edge begin with the knowledge to make 2 kinds of Standard Drugs and have 10
Power Points.

See the STREET CHEMISTRY section below for more information.

Bloody Mess:
Whenever you cause a target to roll on the Injury table, add +2 to their result. The Game Master is
encouraged to describe the resulting wound in the most graphic terms possible.

Cybernetic (Background Edge):

Cybernetic prostheses are relatively commonplace in this setting. Gain 1 free cybernetic implant during
character creation. This edge can be taken multiple times. Characters who take this edge more than once
must take the Machine Psychosis hindrance. Characters who take this edge three times must take the
Major version of the Machine Psychosis hindrance. See the "Gear" section for a full description of
available implants.

Drug Tolerance:
You are a seasoned drug (ab)user. Maybe you're a distant relative of Keith Richards? In any case, you are
much less likely to suffer the effects of Overdose and Addiction. Gain a +2 to all rolls involving drug
resistance, overdose and addiction.

Prerequisite: Heroic; Improved Dodge
You are preternaturally quick on your feet and can duck for cover like no other. Any time you are caught
in the blast of an Area of Effect attack (such as an explosion or Conefire weapon blast) you can make an

Agility -2 check to roll out of the way. If the check succeeds you may place yourself at the edge of the
affected area.

Prerequisite: Seasoned; Vigor d10+
You are able to tolerate insane amounts of pain. You can sustain one additional Wound before falling
incapacitated. This Edge can be taken multiple times.

Power Surge:
The Power Surge edge does not work in this setting.

The Rich edge does not work in this setting.

Street Smarts:
Prerequisite: Smarts d8+, Survival d6+, Tracking d6+, Streetwise d6+
Your urban survival instincts are honed to a mono-molecular edge. You gain a +2 bonus to all Streetwise,
Tracking and Survival rolls.

Trademark Weapon:
The Trademark Weapon Edge works a little bit differently in this setting than it does in standard Savage
Worlds. Instead of being tied to a particular weapon ("...It's a Callahan full-bore auto-lock. Customized
trigger, double cartridge thorough gauge. It is my very favorite gun... I call it Vera.") it applies to a class of
weapons. This is intended to reflect special combat training, military or otherwise, that a character may
have received. The classes of weapons this Edge can be applied to are:

 Blades
 Pistols
 Rifles & Carbines (includes Meson Rex Sniper Rifle)
 Heavy Weapons (Ranged & Melee; excludes Meson Rex Sniper Rifle)
 Conefire Weapons

The Woodsman edge does not work in this setting.

The Repair skill is especially important in this setting because most of the things that the characters find
will be broken and in need of emergency maintenance. People who show an aptitude for repair are
regarded with special honor in most gangs.

The Repair skill can also be used to salvage usable materials from wrecked machines and structures. On a
success you can harvest one unit of "Usable Scrap" and on a raise you can harvest 1d4 units. Usable Scrap
is a generic term for the scrap metal, wires, power cells and circuit boards that can be pulled out of a
wreck or ruin. A location can only be harvested one time; it's assumed that you exhausted every available
option with your initial Repair check.

The Lockpicking skill can be used to disarm or set non-explosive deadfall traps.
Explosives (SMA)
Characters with the Explosives skill know how to set and disarm bombs, mines and explosive deadfall
traps. When attempting to disarm another Wild Card's work, make an opposed Explosives roll to
determine who succeeds.

Street Chemistry (SMA)
This skill is used to determine someone's aptitude for illegal pharmacology. This skill governs not only the
manufacture of pharmaceuticals, but a person's ability to correctly identify the properties of an unknown


Cannibal (Major):
You have given in to the darker side of human nature and no longer consider it taboo to eat human flesh.
An average adult provides you with about 3 rations worth of usable food. Even around the low company
you keep, your gruesome habits make you an object of revulsion and horror. Your Charisma suffers a -2

Fiend (Minor/Major):
You don't just crave drugs, you're already full-blown addicted. With the Minor version of this hindrance
you are addicted to a Standard Drug. Roll percentile dice and consult the Standard Drugs table. If you are
a Major Fiend you have the great misfortune of being addicted to a designer Special Drug. Deal a 5 card
poker hand and reference the Special Drugs table. See STREET CHEMISTRY for more details.

The rules governing addiction can be found in the GAMEPLAY section.

Glutton (Major):
You eat too damn much. You consume twice the normal amount of rations per day. See GAMEPLAY for
more details.

Machine Psychosis (Minor/Major; Cybernetic Only):

This hindrance is only available to characters that have a Cybernetic implant or who are suffering from
very specific forms of drug-related psychological trauma. As a result of Cybernetic surgery, you’ve lost an
essential part of your humanity. Your regard for humanity is so small that it takes an act of focused will
on your part to do the smallest thing for your fellow man. Any time you willfully do something that helps
another individual (i.e. defending a comrade, sharing food, bandaging wounds, etc.), you must pass a
Spirit check to complete the action. Characters with more than two Cybernetic implants must take the
Major version of this Hindrance and suffer a -2 penalty on their Spirit checks.

Terminal Sickness (Minor/Major):

You've come down with something bad and life-threatening. The lack of available medical care has only
exacerbated your already grim prognosis. At the end of each game session the character must make a
Vigor check (unaided by Bennies or Wild Card dice). If they fail their disease has progressed and gotten
worse. Those characters with a Minor hindrance replace it with the Major version; those unfortunates
with the Major hindrance die a gasping, wheezing, choking death.

Weak Willed (Minor):

You have a soft-spot where drugs are concerned. Every time you get high you find yourself just wanting
more and more. Suffer a -1 penalty on all Overdose and Addiction rolls. See the GAMEPLAY section for
more details.

Todesfeld has only the most rudimentary sort of economy based on barter and muscle. There is no
standard currency in this setting. All characters begin play with $0. To improve their starting equipment,
characters either need to steal gear from better equipped rivals or trade for it with goods and services.
Prices are listed for the different gear types to establish their relative barter value. Most gangs use drugs
and rations as "standard" units of currency.

There are no (known) facilities on Todesfeld for producing and grafting cybernetic enhancements. You
can only obtain cyberware during character creation or under exceptional in-game circumstances.

Cybernetic Enhancement List

d12 Enhancement Name Effect
1 Cyber Optics Night Vision; +1 to Shooting rolls
2 Dermal Plating +4 Armor
3 Hematic Nanites Faster healing and immunity to drugs
4 Myomer Weave STR boost and increased carrying capacity
5 Neural Lacing AGI boost and +2 to Notice rolls
6 Cortical Clip Disconnect higher brain functions; Rage; Pain-blocking
7 Endocranial Stack Gain a d6 in all skills; data storage
8 Vengeance Device When you die, you explode for 6d6 damage in a Large Blast Template
9 Shielded Vitals Free soak rolls for all Wounds
10 Carbotanium Bone +2 Toughness and ignore broken bone injuries
11 Combat Claws Retractable blades do STR+d4 damage
12 Cyber Acoustics Audio Recording Unit; Sound Link; Sound Filter

Cyber Optics: The subject's eyes are replaced by high-resolution micro-cameras that impart infravisual
capabilities. The subject suffers no penalties in dim or dark conditions and only a -2 in pitch black
darkness. In addition, the eyes come equipped with a targeting interface that give the subject a +1 to all
Shooting rolls.

Dermal Plating: Subcutaneous alloy plates are embedded in the subject's flesh, giving them a +4 Armor
rating. The plates are wired into the subject's nervous system so that they do not lose their sense of

Hematic Nanites: Nanoscale machines are introduced into the subject's bloodstream. These molecule-
sized robots actively scrub the subject's organs, removing impurities and stimulating healing factors. The
subject is completely immune to the effects of drugs and poisons and can make a Natural Healing roll
once per day to heal one Wound.

Myomer Weave: Bundles of electro-sensitive myomer fibers are surgically attached to the subject's major
muscle groups, granting them enhanced physical strength. The subject's Strength die is increased by one
die type and their carrying capacity is increased to 8x their Strength die. Characters who already have the
Brawny edge have their carrying capacity increased to 12x their Strength.

Neural Lacing: Atom-thin superconducting wire is threaded through the subject's nervous system,
granting greatly increased reaction time. The subject's Agility die is increased by one die type and they
gain a +2 bonus to all Notice rolls.

Cortical Clip: A neural shunt is installed in the subject's brain stem enabling them to disconnect their
higher brain from their body. While in this state, the subject remembers nothing. If the subject wishes
they can use the cortical clip to induce a murderous rage, as if they had the Berserk Edge. While the shunt
is engaged, the subject ignores all Wound related penalties.

Endocranial Stack: Holographic data storage crystals are embedded in the subject's cranial cavity. These
crystals warehouse a wealth of technical data on a range of professional skills. Using these synthetic
memories, the subject gains a d6 skill rating in every skill.

Vengeance Device: The subject has a bomb implanted in their chest cavity that is wired to explode when
their heart stops. The explosion inflicts 6d6 damage to all targets in a Large Blast Template area. The
device comes with a "suicide switch" that can be triggered by flexing certain internal muscles in a specific

Shielded Vitals: The subject's vital organs are protected by a special internal housing. Any time the
character would be Shaken by damage, they gain a free soak roll without spending any Bennies.

Carbotanium Bone Grafts: The subject's skeleton is fortified by thin sheets of carbotanium alloy. This
gives the subject a +2 bonus to their Toughness and makes them immune to broken bone injuries.

Combat Claws: Four inch long razors are concealed within subcutaneous sheaths between the subject's
knuckles. By flexing their fists, the subject can extend the blades. These razors inflict STR+d4 melee

Cyber Acoustics: The subject's ear drums are replaced by high-gain microphones that can detect any
frequency of sound the subject wishes. These cyber ears can also record and playback anything they hear
and can shut themselves off to protect the subject from damaging high decibel sound waves. Your
situational awareness is greatly increased, granting you a +2 bonus to all Danger Sense checks.

Weapons List
The percentiles can be used to random generate a weapon on the fly.

Conefire weapons use the "Cone Blast Template" to determine their range and area of effect.

% Enhancement Name Cost Effect

01-09 Club 10 STR+d4 Damage
10-18 Knife 25 STR+d4 Damage
19-20 Poisoner's Ring 25 Delivers drug payload on successful Touch Attack
21-22 Gas Grenade 50 Range: Throwing; Special Damage; Medium Blast
23-25 Frag Grenade 75 Range: Throwing; 3d6 Damage; Medium Blast
26-31 Cleaver 100 STR+d10 Damage; 2 Hander; Parry -1; d6 STR
32-41 Alley Gun 150 Conefire; 3d6 Damage; 2 shots
41-43 Nanoknife 250 STR+d4+2 Damage; Armor Piercing: 2
43-52 Machine Pistol 300 12/24/48 Range; 2d6 Damage; AP: 1; ROF: 3; 32
53-55 Needle Gun 300 12/24/48 Range; Special Damage; Shooting roll must
exceed 4 + target's Armor rating to hit; 12 shots
56-65 Sonic Jackhammer 400 STR+d12 Damage; 2 Hander; Parry -1; Knockback;
Heavy Weapon; d8 STR requirement
66-69 Combat Shotgun 450 12/24/48 Range; 1d6-3d6 Damage; ROF: 3; Semi-
Auto; 12 shots
70-73 Assault Rifle 450 24/48/96 Range; 2d8 Damage; ROF: 3; AP: 2; Full
Auto; 3RB; 32 shots

75-77 Microblade 500 STR+d8+2 Damage; Armor Piercing: 4
78-87 Plasma Cutter 500 STR+d10 Damage; Ignores Armor; 2 Hander; Parry -
1; Heavy Weapon; d8 STR requirement
88-92 Flamer 650 Conefire; 2d10 Damage; Ignores Armor; d6 STR
requirement; 2 action reload; 8 shots
93-96 Meson Rex Sniper 750 50/100/200 Range; 2d10 Damage; AP: 4; Heavy
Rifle Weapon; Snapfire; d8 STR Requirement; 11 shots
97 Sabot Launcher 900 24/48/96 Range; 4d8+2 Damage; AP: 8; Medium
Blast Template; Heavy Weapon; Snapfire; 2 action
reload; d8 STR requirement; 1 shot
98 Auto-Fragger 900 Conefire; 4d8 Damage; Snapfire; d8 STR
requirement; 6 shots; 2 action reload
99 Rail Gun 1000 50/100/200 Range; 4d8 Damage; AP: 12; Continuous
Shot; Heavy Weapon; Snapfire; 2 action reload; d8
STR requirement; 1 shot
00 Laser Carbine 1000 30/60/120 Range; 3d6 Damage; Sustained Fire; 24
shots; requires Power Source
-- Orbital Laser NA Range: ∞; 6d10 Damage; Large Blast Template;
Heavy Weapon; Ignores Armor
-- Tactical Nuke NA Range: Special; Heavy Weapon; Ignores Armor

Club: Your basic bash 'em, smash 'em implement of fun. You can improvise a club out of just about any of
the junk lying around on Todesfeld.

Knife: This single-edged short blade is ideally suited for hand-to-hand combat. In this setting, even the
cheapest combat knife is edged with synthetic diamond and never needs to be sharpened. Knives have
the added benefit of being concealable.

Poisoner's Ring: This simple metal ring hides a needle that can be laced with drugs or poison and
delivered on contact. Only a Touch Attack is required for the Poisoner’s Ring to do its work, unless the
target is armored head to toe.

Gas Grenade: These grenades are chemical-delivery vehicles that explode in a cloud of aerosolized gas.
The default load out of a gas grenade is a canister of anti-riot gas. Targets must succeed a Vigor -2 check
or become sickened. Characters with the Street Chemistry ability can swap out the anti-riot gas with any
drug they can produce. 6 doses are required to properly fill a single grenade. All targets in the area of
effect are subjected to the drug.

Frag Grenade: Your typical, military-issue exploding pineapple. This weapon inflicts 3d6 points of damage
to all targets in a Medium Blast Template area. Frag Grenades are often used to set up booby-traps
around a gang's hideout.

Cleaver: This is a generic term for any two-handed cutting weapon. It can be anything as crude as a slab
of steel with a shop-ground edge or as sophisticated as a diamond-edged broadsword.

Alley Gun: A crude variant of a sawed-off shotgun. It is a conefire weapon; it uses the cone template to
determine its area of effect. Anything within its area of effect suffers 3d6 points of damage.

Nanoknife: This short blade has an edge that is only molecules thick. It is designed to slice through armor
like butter.

Machine Pistol: Any of the countless brands of fully automatic pistols available in the universe. Capable of
semi-automatic operation

Needle Gun: Prized by Street Chemists, a Needle Gun fires high-velocity syrettes that deliver a drug
payload to the target. Each syrette can carry a single dose of a drug. Because the syrettes are easily
stopped by armor, the shooter must succeed a Shooting roll of 4 + the target's Armor value to score a hit.
Targets struck by a drugged syrette suffer the effects immediately.

Sonic Jackhammer: A sonic jackhammer is a common piece of mining equipment that uses high frequency
sound waves to macerate rock into gravel. When used on a person, it can turn soft organs to jelly and
send a target flying bodily through the air. Anyone struck by a sonic jackhammer is knocked back 1d4
spaces. It requires a d8 Strength to wield and counts as a Heavy Weapon.

Combat Shotgun: A semi-automatic shotgun that is popular in breaching and room-sweeping actions. It
has a tighter choke than an alley gun, trading area of effect for much greater range. Targets at short
range suffer 3d6 points of damage, medium range targets sustain 2d6 points of damage and long range
targets receive 1d6 points of damage.

Assault Rifle: A fully-automatic combat rifle that is standard issue for any soldier. Capable of firing three-
round bursts.

Microblade: This sword-length blade is fashioned from a sheet of metal that is only molecules thick.

Plasma Cutter: Another piece of mining equipment that is a common sight on slag ore worlds like
Todesfeld is the plasma cutter. Essentially, this two handed device is a huge cutting torch. It requires a
d8 Strength to wield and counts as a Heavy Weapon. The intense flame of the Plasma Cutter ignores all

Flamer: This flamethrower launches jets of volatile fuel that combust when exposed to oxygen. It is a
conefire weapon; it uses the cone template to determine its area of effect. Any target struck by a Flamer
has a 2 in 6 chance of burning. Burning targets sustain 2d10 points of damage per round until the flames
are extinguished. The heat damage from this weapon ignores Armor. A d6 Strength is required to lift and
aim a Flamer. It takes 2 actions to load this weapon (meaning that it takes 2 combat rounds to load the
weapon and if you fire the weapon during the second round your Shooting roll would suffer a -2 penalty).

Meson Rex Sniper Rifle: This is the king of high-powered sniper rifles. This huge caliber weapon requires a
d8 Strength to wield and is considered a Heavy Weapon.

Sabot Launcher: A futuristic rocket launcher. The projectiles fired from this weapon explode over a
Medium Blast Template area. The Sabot Launcher requires a d8 Strength to wield and qualifies as a Heavy
Weapon. Only one rocket can be loaded at a time and it takes 2 actions to load this weapon (meaning
that it takes 2 combat rounds to load the weapon and if you fire the weapon during the second round
your Shooting roll would suffer a -2 penalty).

Auto-Fragger: The Auto-Fragger is an anti-personnel flak cannon that fires a canister shot filled with
shrapnel. It requires a d8 Strength to wield and is susceptible to the Snapfire penalty. Reloading the
Auto-Fragger is a cumbersome process that requires 2 regular actions. It is a conefire weapon; it uses the
cone template to determine its area of effect. Anything within its area of effect suffers 4d8 points of

Rail Gun: A Rail Gun is a linear accelerator that fires tungsten rods at hypersonic speeds (Mach 5+). A Rail
Gun will continue to fire in a straight line through soft targets, so multiple targets can be struck at once. It

takes 2 actions to load this weapon (meaning that it takes 2 combat rounds to load the weapon and if you
fire the weapon during the second round your Shooting roll would suffer a -2 penalty). This weapon
requires a d8 Strength to wield and is susceptible to the Snapfire penalty.

Laser Carbine: The weapon of choice for Hegemony commandos, this laser gun has a sustained fire mode
that allows the shooter to suppress an entire area with one continuous beam. Using sustained fire mode
consumes 3 shots and inflicts 3d6 points of damage to all targets in a Large Blast Template area that fail
an Agility -2 check. If the shooter rolls a miss on their Shooting roll this attack fails; the shooter aimed too
high. Laser Carbines do not use standard ammunition; they must be recharged from an in-base Power

Orbital Laser: This massive laser cannon is the primary armament of the Hegemony's orbital command
station. It is capable of striking any target on the surface of Todesfeld. The Hegemony will use this
weapon as a last resort to put down any uprisings that appear to have a chance of success. No armor can
resist its terrible energy.

Tactical Nuke: A portable, low-yield nuclear bomb. This weapon automatically kills all targets in a Large
Blast Template area and causes all other targets in a 96 square radius to suffer 6d6 points of blast damage
and possible irradiation (Vigor -2 check or gain one Fatigue level). The area remains radioactive for 2d12
months thereafter.

Under normal circumstances, when somebody is killed their armor is ruined. It is possible to fix damaged
armor using the Repair skill, but you will need to collect 1d4 damaged suits of the same type to provide
enough raw material for the repair.

Enhancement Name Cost Effect

Leathers 50 Armor +1
Ballistic Coat 200 Armor +2 (+4 vs. Ballistic)
Riot Armor 1000 Armor +3 (+6 vs. Ballistic)
Plate Brigandine 5000 Armor +6; Weakness vs. Called Shots
Power Armor 25000 Armor +6; +1 die type increase to STR; Heavy Armor; Retro-Rockets

Leathers: Sturdy synthetic or natural leather jacket and pants. Provides the most basic sort of protection
against abrasion and impact.

Ballistic Coat: A long, trench coat woven from ballistic resistant smart fibers. The fiber weave hardens
when exposed to kinetic energy. It provides double protection against ballistic damage sources.

Riot Armor: Favored by law enforcement and military groups, Riot Armor incorporates the same ballistic
fibers found in a Ballistic Coat with rigid, light-weight alloy backing to provide an extra layer of protection.
Riot Armor is full-suit armor including a visored helmet. It provides double protection against ballistic
damage sources.

Plate Brigandine: This armor is a hodge-podge of cast-off pieces of Power Armor held together by fiber
mesh or alloy chainmail. Brigandine provides very good overall protection but because of its primitive
construction it has numerous weak points that can be exploited by called shots.

Power Armor: Only available for Sky Marines, this futuristic form of plate mail armor is enhanced by a
portable power generator that imparts machine-assisted strength to the limbs of the wearer as well as
charging the plates with a weak electro-magnetic deflector shield. The shield makes this armor immune

to light weaponry. Retro-rockets built into the armor's leg pieces allow the wearer to safely fall from any
height. It is the best possible armor someone can have.

Miscellaneous Equipment List

Enhancement Name Cost Effect
Rations 10 One unit of food. Feeds one person for one day.
Usable Scrap 10 One unit of scrap metal, parts and raw chemicals. Used as currency.
Ammo 25 A full clip of ammunition
Gas Mask 50 Provides protection against gas attacks and anaerobic environments
Chameleon Suit 10000 Provides invisibility
Med-Kit 50 Used in conjunction with the Healing skill to repair wounds
Survival Kit 25 Basic camping gear in a highly portable package
Mining Charges 50 Fused explosives; Large Blast Template; 3d6 damage
Fire Extinguisher 50 Suppresses flames over a Large Blast Template area; provides
Medium Cover

Ammo: One full clip of weapon appropriate ammunition. For simplicity's sake, consider all ammo units to
be fungible (one unit provides one full clip for any weapon). Laser weapons do not use standard
ammunition; they must be recharged from an in-base Power Source.

Chameleon Suit: Only the dreaded Hegemony Voidwalker Assassins use these powerful stealth suits.
When stationary, the wearer of a Chameleon Suit can blend in perfectly with their surroundings,
becoming completely invisible for all intents and purposes. When the wearer moves or acts, they create a
distortion ripple that can be seen by the unaided eye. Any attempt to attack the wearer of a Chameleon
Suit suffers a -4 penalty.

Fire Extinguisher: This canister of fire retardant foam can be discharged to extinguish any flames in a
Large Blast Template area. Additionally, the foam and compressed gas creates a cloud of white vapor that
provides Medium cover to anyone in the area of effect.

Gas Mask: Standard protection against airborne toxins, gas masks of this age also include a rebreather
apparatus that is able to filter oxygen from the air like a synthetic gill. The wearer can continue to
breathe normally even in extremely anaerobic environments (such as deep mine shafts).

Med-Kit: These hermetically sealed foil packets contain the basic medicines required to administer first
aid. A single Med-Kit can be applied to treat one Wound; a successful Healing check is required to
properly use the Kit. Med-Kits contain an analgesic patch, disinfectant gel, synskin bandages and a couple
of syrettes containing steroids and platelet boosters.

Mining Charges: Sticks of chemical explosive material that can be detonated by fire or electric charge.
Used by miners to break up intransigent rocks. A mining charge inflicts 3d6 points of Heavy Weapon
damage over a Large Blast Template area.

Rations: The closest thing to currency that this world has is food. Every ration comes in a readily
identifiable foil packet that contains protein paste, carb crackers, a glucose drink and the all-important
flavor gels. Certain individuals have perfected the art of mixing flavor gels in just the right quantities to
approximate virtually any food flavor. The services of these "chefs" are in very high demand.

Survival Kit: This compact, tightly wrapped compression sack contains a host of items that a person would
need to rough it in the wilderness for a couple days. Included in a standard Survival Kit are: a thermal
sleeping sack, a tent, a signal flare, water purification pellets, a chemical stove and one vaccu-sealed

Usable Scrap: Various mechanical and chemical odds and ends that are used both as a basis of trade and
as raw materials for making repairs. There's a 25% chance that a unit of Usable Scrap has the right
components for a Street Chemist to replenish 1 Power Point.

The great majority of vehicles no longer work having long since run out of fuel. They make excellent
building materials, however, once they are smashed into uniformly flat bricks. Most gangs have piled up
abandoned cars to serve as makeshift walls around the edges of their territory.

A precious few ground cars have been preserved and are kept as prized possessions by the biggest and
toughest gangs on Todesfeld. These vehicles have been converted into "Battle Wagons" that are only
rolled out for epic throw downs against a hated rival. You can find information on a typical Battle Wagon
in the MONSTERS section.

There are drugs of all types and descriptions available on Todesfeld. Drugs are manufactured by Street
Chemists. See STREET CHEMISTRY below for a rundown of the different sorts of drugs that are available.

This section outlines some new rules unique to this setting:

Forming a Gang:
Players can join a major gang if they'd like to run their campaign that way but are highly encouraged to
form their own small gang. Campaigns centered around small gangs tend to supply a better story arc as
they can grow in power over time and take territory from other, more established gangs.

A gang gains experience and grows in level just like a player character does. After every adventure, when
the Game Master hands out experience points to players, he or she should also grant an equivalent
amount of experience to the gang. These experience points are cashed in to purchase Advances and
Ranks just as they would for a normal character. As a gang increases in rank, it gains turf, followers and

Gang Rank Benefit

Novice 1 City Block of Turf; Safe House
Seasoned +2d6 Blocks of Turf; 1d4 Followers per Block
Veteran +1 Reputation; +2d6 Blocks of Turf; 1d8 Followers per Block
Heroic +2d6 Blocks of Turf; 1d12 Followers per Block
Legendary +2 Reputation; +2d10 Blocks of Turf; 1d20 Followers per Block

Turf acquisition is tied directly to a gang's Rank. While a gang may exert virtual control over a much larger
area, a gang's turf allotment represents the fortified physical area that they control absolutely. This is the
gang's castle. A gang's primary hideout is their "Safe House", usually some form of fortified building
located in their turf. A Safe House can be improved by Advances that the gang earns (see below).

With turf come followers. As a gang becomes a larger presence in an area they begin to attract soldiers
and specialists looking for safety in numbers. These followers will guard the gang's turf and keep an eye
out for trouble while the gang is away. Followers can be commanded to go on the offensive but doing so
will compromise the security of the gang's turf. Followers who are killed in action are replaced at a rate of
1d8 per month. Though they will generally "feed and water" themselves, Followers will abandon a gang if

they are grossly mistreated or deprived of creature comforts. Unless otherwise noted, followers have the
same statistics as a "Gang Soldier" (see MONSTERS below).

As a gang acquires turf, it would be a good idea to start mapping it out a bit so that you can establish
where followers and points of interest are located.

Reputation is a representation of the "street cred" that your gang has earned. All gang members get a
Charisma bonus equal to their gang's Reputation modifier when parlaying with other gangs.

Every time a gang gains an Advance it can obtain special enhancements. Most of these enhancements are
in the form of people who become a regular part of the gang's entourage but other enhancements
provide special one-time benefits or strengthen the gang's defenses in some way. Special Agents who will
undertake missions for the gang can also be purchased. See SPECIAL AGENTS below for more details.

Advance Required Description

Informant Novice You acquire an agent who can undertake espionage missions for
the gang. They can obtain intelligence about the presence and
strength of rival gangs. The agent has a d8 Stealth rating.
Multiple Informants can be purchased.
Tripwires Novice You can block off 2 access points or streets with tripwire mines.
These mines explode for 3d6 damage over a Medium Blast
Template area when triggered. Mines must be reset after they
are triggered. This Advance can be taken multiple times.
Lookout Novice You acquire an agent who keeps watch over your territory and
notifies you when intruders are near. The agent has a d8 Notice
rating. Multiple Lookouts can be purchased.
Dealer Novice A chems dealer has set up shop in your territory. In exchange for
protection and the right to deal on your corner, he'll give you 1d4
Random Standard Drugs per week. Dealers don't like
competition; only one dealer can be purchased at a time.
Extra Followers Novice Your Gang gains 1d4+1 additional Followers
Junk Peddler Novice A junk peddler has set up shop in your turf. He will offer common
items for trade (anything with a barter value of less than 450).
His inventory is sparse; there's only a 50% chance he has what the
buyer is looking for that week. You may only retain one peddler
at a time. If you kill and rob a peddler, you may never purchase
one again.
Alley Rat Novice You acquire an agent who can scavenge for you. The agent has a
d8 Repair skill. On a successful mission, the Alley Rat will obtain
1d4 pieces of Usable Scrap. Multiple Alley Rats can be purchased.
Resource Bonanza Novice You find a Party Ball filled with goodies. Gain 3d12 Rations, 2d8
Survival Kits and 1d4 Med-Kits.
Companionship Novice A "companionship broker" offers his services to you. His
Broker companions will provide the gang with much needed recreation
in exchange for protection and food. Gang members enjoy a +2
bonus to all Natural Healing rolls while receiving care from
companions. Friend Merchants don't like competition; only one
can be purchased at a time.
Trophy Item Seasoned After much pinching and scraping you have managed to obtain a
special item. Roll twice on the Weapon table and keep the best

Spy Seasoned You acquire a skilled agent who can undertake espionage
missions for the gang. They can obtain intelligence about the
presence and strength of rival gangs. The agent has a d12 Stealth
rating. Multiple Spies can be purchased.
Danger Ranger Seasoned You acquire a skilled agent who keeps watch over your territory
and notifies you when intruders are near. The agent has a d12
Notice rating. Multiple Danger Rangers can be purchased.
Scavenger Seasoned You acquire a skilled agent who can scavenge for you. The agent
has a d12 Repair skill. On a successful mission, the Scavenger will
obtain 2d4 pieces of Usable Scrap. Multiple Scavengers can be
Parlay Flag Seasoned You've earned enough cred to declare a one-time cease fire with
another gang of your choosing. Even if you are blood rivals, you
can use your "parlay flag" to call off hostilities for a short period
of time (up to a week). These parlay agreements are usually
backed by a Major Gang so violating one can be hazardous to
your health.
Street Chef Seasoned A street chef has moved in and begins making food for your gang.
He produces 2d4 Rations per week. Multiple Street Chefs can be
Dirty Deeds, Done Seasoned You are able to call in a favor from a Major Gang to perform one
Dirt Cheap service on your behalf. This can be anything from providing safe
passage to openly attacking another faction.
Booby-Trapped Seasoned All of the doors leading into your Safe House have been wired up
Doors with traps. Only gang members know how to disarm these traps.
Each trap inflicts 3d6 points of damage on the person opening the
door, at which point it needs to be reset.
Power Source Seasoned Your base has access to an electrical power source. You have
lights, heating and air conditioning. This enhancement is a
prerequisite for certain other Advances and is required to
recharge a Laser Carbine. Taking this multiple times gives you
"backup" power sources that will kick in if the original source fails.
Master Spy Veteran You acquire a master agent who can undertake espionage
missions for the gang. They can obtain intelligence about the
presence and strength of rival gangs. The agent has a d12 Stealth
rating and a Wild Card die. Multiple Master Spies can be
Master Scavenger Veteran You acquire a master agent who can scavenge for you. The agent
has a d12 Repair skill and a Wild Card die. On a successful
mission, the Scavenger will obtain 3d4 pieces of Usable Scrap.
Multiple Master Scavengers can be purchased.
Assassin Veteran You acquire an agent who can undertake sabotage and
assassination missions for the gang. They can eliminate non Wild
Card targets or hideout improvements. The agent has a d8
Stealth rating. Multiple assassins can be purchased. Assassins
can also be deployed at home to undertake "counter-espionage"
missions; any opposing spy or assassin entering your turf needs to
succeed an opposed roll against your assassin or be killed.
Accomplished Veteran A successful merchant has set up shop in your turf. He will offer
Merchant common items for trade (anything with a barter value of less than
1000). His inventory is reasonably good; there's a 80% chance he
has what the buyer is looking for that week. You may only retain

one merchant or peddler at a time. If you kill and rob a merchant,
you may never purchase one again.
Street Chemist Veteran A Street Chemist has set up shop in your territory. In exchange
for protection he'll manufacture 2d4 random Standard Drugs per
week. In addition, there's a 25% chance that the Chemist
produces a random Special Drug. Street Chemists don't like
competition; only one can be purchased at a time.
Tribute Veteran Your gang receives regular tribute from a weaker, neighboring
gang. Draw twice on the Bag O' Loot table every week to see
what you get. This Advance can be taken multiple times.
Summon Crew Veteran You have a "one-time per session" ability to summon a crew of
Gang Soldiers to aid you in battle. At your signal, 1d6+2 soldiers
arrive on the scene (in one round) and will assist you for one
combat or task. See the MONSTERS section for Gang Soldier
Secure Vault Veteran; You have access to an electronically locked vault made of thick
Power Source carbon-steel. The vault has a Toughness of 12 and an Armor
rating of 12. It can only be affected by Heavy Weapons. There is
enough space in the vault to store an equivalent of up to six
people worth of stuff.
Pleasure Dome Veteran You have your very own Companionship House filled with able-
bodied and willing friends who attend to your every need. Gang
members who recuperate in a Pleasure Dome can make two
Natural Healing rolls per week when healing wounds. In addition,
all followers gain a +1 morale bonus to recover from the Shaken
condition while the Pleasure Dome is in operation.
Ninja Heroic You acquire a skilled agent who can undertake sabotage and
assassination missions for the gang. They can eliminate non Wild
Card targets or hideout improvements. The agent has a d12
Stealth rating. Multiple ninjas can be purchased. Ninjas can also
be deployed at home to undertake "counter-espionage" missions;
any opposing spy or assassin entering your turf needs to succeed
an opposed roll against your ninja or be killed.
Summon Horde Heroic You have a one-time ability to summon a horde of Gang Soldiers
to aid you in battle. At your signal, 1d20+10 soldiers arrive on the
scene (in one round) and will assist you for a single game session.
See the MONSTERS section for Gang Soldier statistics.
Gun Turrets Heroic; Power Your base is defended by automatic gun turrets hooked up to a
Source power source. You can place 2 turrets; they have a 180 degree
arc of fire and a range of 24 squares. Gun turrets have a Shooting
skill of d8, inflict 2d8 points of damage and can fire 3 times per
round. When activated the guns fire on all targets in their
detection area (friend or foe). This Advance can be taken multiple
Computers Heroic; You have managed to find and install a functioning computer
Power Source system. The computer can be used to make common Knowledge
checks. In addition, a character can spend a Benny to attempt
computer espionage. The character must succeed a Smarts -2
check but, if successful, can disable a rival gang's power source or
take control of any electronic device in their base.
Escape Route Heroic Your followers have dug out an escape route that can be accessed
via a secret one-way door in your base. This leads to a discreet

location outside of your territory.
Double Crosser Heroic You've managed to flip a member of another gang. This agent
can undertake espionage missions against the gang they are
betraying. They have a d12+2 Stealth rating for purposes of
gathering information. You can only have one double crosser per
Laboratory Heroic Your base contains a fully stocked street chemistry lab. Street
Chemists who use the laboratory gain a +2 bonus to all Street
Chemistry checks.
Voidwalker Legendary An ex-Voidwalker Assassin has agreed to work for you. This agent
can undertake assassination and sabotage missions for the gang.
The agent has a d12 Stealth rating and a Wild Card die.
Voidwalker Assassins can eliminate any target, including Wild
Cards, and can undertake counter-espionage assignments.
Dread Champion Legendary A fearsome warrior has joined your gang. He has the same
statistics as a Gang Warchief (see MONSTERS below) but has a
d12 in Fighting, Shooting and Strength.
Battlewagon Legendary Your gang has managed to get its hands on a coveted
Battlewagon! See the MONSTERS section for statistics.
Cyber Doc Legendary; You have uncovered a true treasure -- a functioning cyber surgery
Power Source suite with robo-doc! The suite has enough material and power to
impart a single Cybernetic Enhancement to one lucky soul. This
Advance can be taken multiple times.

Special Agents:
Special Agents are a unique type of follower that is capable of limited, independent operation. These
special followers can undertake "Missions" for their Gang that happen offstage while the Party is busy
with other business.

To conduct a mission, simply inform the Game Master and send the agent on their way. Make a skill roll
using the agent's rating and consult the MISSION OUTCOME table below. Missions ordinarily take 1d2
days to complete but can take longer depending upon the mission outcome. At the Game Master's
discretion, a penalty may be applied to the Mission Outcome roll if the proposed mission involves
something above and beyond the regular call of duty.

Agents can become killed or injured while on mission so it is usually a good idea to keep a stable of them
on hand.

"Lookout" agents are unique in that they do not need to be deployed on a mission to use their special
talents -- they are considered to be "always on". Whenever someone tries to stealthily bypass a Lookout
they must succeed an opposed roll against that Lookout's rating (Stealth vs. Notice).

Mission Outcomes:
Die Roll Result
1 Misadventure! Your agent ran afoul of some rough characters while on assignment. They
have been killed!
2 Your agent goes missing for 1d4 days longer than usual. They eventually come crawling back
into your territory with a Serious Injury. Their mission has failed!
3 Your agent failed to complete their mission and have attracted unwanted attention in the
process. Your target knows that you tried to compromise them.
4 The agent's mission was a marginal success. They managed to achieve their objective but
sustained temporary injuries in the process. The agent requires 1d4 weeks to recuperate.

5-7 The agent's mission was a conditional success. They managed to achieve their objective but
attracted unwanted attention in the process. Your target knows that you compromised
8 The agent's mission was a complete success.
9-11 The agent's mission was a GREAT success. The agent managed to come away with a little
something extra (GM's discretion).
12+ The agent's mission was a FANTASTIC success. The agent gains a Benny that can be used on a
future assignment. An agent can have a maximum of 3 Bennies.

Client Gangs:
If the players wish, they can choose to ally their gang with one of the larger gang factions on Todesfeld.
Membership carries certain privileges, including safe passage through gang held territory, but client
members of a large, well-established gang also inherent that gang's enemies. Gangs that choose to go
their own way get to set and declare their own vendettas, answering to no one. See MAJOR GANGS for
more details on the benefits of being a client.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Everyone in this setting is on TV. In an effort to boost ratings, the Commissars in low orbit will sometimes
introduce a bit of extra chaos into the already bedlam environment on Todesfeld. This usually takes the
form of a well placed supply drop but can also involve acts of sabotage or a full-on attack by Sky Marines -
- anything to encourage the gangs to fight.

To randomly generate a situation, draw 3 cards from a standard deck of playing cards and consult the
table below. Use or lose whichever results you wish.

Situation Generator
Card 1st Draw 2nd Draw 3rd Draw
2 A party ball In a radioactive zone Wired with proximity mines
3 A weapon cache In contested territory Surrounded by gang soldiers
4 A shipload of new prisoners In a gang stronghold Swarmed by drug-addled
5 A party ball In the middle of a hot gang Hunted by cannibals
6 A weapon cache In a mine shaft Baiting a Trap
7 A shipload of new prisoners In uncontested territory During an Acid Rain storm
8 A party ball In a Hazard Zone Destabilized by sinkholes
9 A weapon cache In a Quarantined Plague Zone Caught in an inferno
10 A time-fused tactical nuke In a junkyard Shipwrecked
J A party ball In the Burn During an Orbital Laser test fire
Q Wild Card Bounty Hunters On top of a high-rise Eerily Quiet
K A Stormtrooper Platoon In a Street Chemist's Lab Guarded by a Hermit
A A Sky Marine squad In an oasis Chased by a Battle Wagon
Joker A Voidwalker Assassin In a shielded command post Stalked by strange aliens

Acid Rain: Nasty looking chemical clouds have blown in and are starting to dump their caustic payload on
everything in the area. If a character draws a ♠Spade♠ during their combat initiative they must succeed
an Agility -2 check or have a random piece of equipment become ruined by acid. If all of a character's
equipment is already ruined they suffer 2d6 points of damage instead. Characters who find full cover are
exempt from this effect.

Baiting a Trap: Someone has managed to get to the scene before you did and they have rigged the area
with booby-traps to try and injure and/or incapacitate you. Have each character draw a card. If they

draw a ♠Spade♠ they have stumbled across a trap and must make an Agility -2 check or suffer 3d6 points
of crushing and or piercing damage.

Battle Wagon: One of the Major Gangs has taken an interest in the situation and has sent in a Battle
Wagon to shake things up. See MONSTERS for more details.

Bounty Hunters: A group of 1d4+1 Bounty Hunters has been dropped off as special contestants for the
Games. They receive cash prizes for the number of gangers they can take down in a week. See
MONSTERS for more details.

The Burn: The Burn is the most inhospitable region on Todesfeld. It was completely glassed during the
Mining Union Uprising so there's not a speck of cover to be found. Nothing lives here on a long term

Cannibals: A pack of 2d6 slavering, half-mad cannibals have caught your scent. You can hear their
gibbering wails echo nearby. There's a 50% chance they are from the Tolchak Family (see MAJOR
GANGS). Cannibals have the same statistics as Tweakers (see MONSTERS below).

Contested Territory: This region is being actively fought over by two or more gangs, usually because it
contains untapped salvage material. Randomly determine which Major Gangs are involved; each gang will
have 2d10+2 gangers in the vicinity with one War Chief for every 5 gangers.

Eerily Quiet: This place is quiet -- too quiet. You keep expecting something horrible to happen to you but,
for a change, this appears to be one of those rare times when the environment isn't trying to actively kill

Gang Soldiers: A random gang has dispatched one of their crews to check things out. There are 3d4
Gangers plus a War Chief.

Gang Stronghold: This area is firmly under the control of a Major Gang. Intruders will be attacked on
sight. The area swarms with regular patrols of gangers.

Gang War: Two gangs are actively engaged in the process of trying to kill each other at this very moment.
Randomly determine which Major Gangs are involved; each side has 1d10+2 gangers with a War Chief for
every 5 gangers. Both sides will have established some cover and are currently in a stalemate.

Hazard Zone: A Hazard Zone is a special area created by the handlers in Orbital Command to provide a
"more-lethal" challenge to Todesfeld's contestants. These areas are heavily booby-trapped to amp up kill
rates. A Hazard Zone is always clearly marked with bright yellow signs. Smart gangs line up their borders
along the edge of Hazard Zones to provide a measure of protection from enemy encroachment. Just
about everything in a Hazard Zone is a deadfall or a bomb. If a character draws a ♠Spade♠ or a ♣Club♣
during their combat initiative they have triggered a trap and must succeed an Agility -2 check or suffer
3d6 points of crushing, piercing or explosion damage.

Hermit: You have unknowingly come into the territory of a wily Hermit. This ultimate survivor hates
being disturbed and will use all of their cunning to run you off or kill you. Since this is the Hermit's home
ground, expect it to be heavily booby-trapped. If a character draws a ♠Spade♠ during their combat
initiative they have been caught in one of the hermit's deadfalls and must succeed an Agility -2 check.
Failure causes the character to sustain 3d6 points of crushing and or puncture damage. See MONSTERS
for more information.

High-Rise: Todesfeld is covered with multi-storey buildings. The rooftops of these buildings make ideal
lairs and watchtowers. Each high rise has at least 1d20+4 stories. There's a 10% chance that a building is
already occupied by a gang; they make ascending intruders pay a bloody price on every floor.

Inferno: This part of the city is caught in the middle of a huge blaze for some reason. The fire is a major
obstacle, blocking easy access to any point of interest. If a character draws a ♠Spade♠ during their
combat initiative they have been caught in a backdraft and must succeed an Agility -2 check or suffer
2d10 points of fire damage. Burned characters have a 2 in 6 chance of combusting, which causes them to
take burn damage every round until the flames are extinguished. Furthermore, anyone trapped in a
confined space suffers additional damage from smoke inhalation: they must pass a Vigor -2 check every
round or gain a Fatigue level.

Junkyard: Epically large trash heaps are a common sight on Todesfeld. Anyone attempting to move
across a junkyard has their Pace reduced by -2 and suffers the effects of being on an unsteady platform
unless they have the Steady Hands edge.

Mine Shaft: Open mine shafts and pit mines riddle the surface of Todesfeld. Each shaft is 1d10x10 feet
deep and is usually accessible by ladder or rail car but in some cases free climbing is required. There is a
25% chance that the Ghostface Clan has the shaft under surveillance and will respond in force to any
unauthorized intrusions.

New Prisoners: A dropship containing fresh meat for the Games is executing a "hot drop" in the area.
3d12+3 unarmed criminals wearing prison togs are unceremoniously dumped on the ground as the
dropship barely kisses dirt before dusting off again. Each prisoner has a 10% chance of having pre-existing
ties to one of the Major Gangs.

Oasis: An oasis is a bolt-hole that has been created by someone to provide shelter and food storage in an
otherwise hostile area. They are uniformly well-hidden, requiring a Notice -2 check to detect. Oases
provide the benefit of full cover and have been rigged to capture fresh drinking water from condensation.
There's a 50% chance of finding 1d4 rations stashed here by a previous occupant.

Orbital Laser: The Hegemony has decided to test fire their orbital laser platform... Just to make sure it's
working OK. At some point during the situation, a huge beam of radiant energy will cut a large swath
through the battle area along a randomly determined path. If a character draws a ♠Spade♠ during their
combat initiative they have come within the path of the laser beam and must succeed an Agility -2 check
or be caught in the blast. The blast inflicts horrendous damage (see GEAR for more details).

Party Ball: A Party Ball has touched down in this area! An "average" Party Ball contains 3d12 Rations, 2d8
Survival Kits, 2d6 clips of random ammo and 1d4 Med-Kits, but there's a 25% chance that it contains
something special -- a weapon, armor or drugs.

Proximity Mines: This area has been wired up with proximity-detonated mines. It's good work: there's a
50% chance it was set up by the Hegemony to protect something important and a 50% chance that it's the
work of the G.F.S. (see MAJOR GANGS). Either way, it will take someone very stealthy and explosives-wise
to deal with these. If a character draws a ♠Spade♠ during their combat initiative they have come within
range of a mine. They must succeed a Notice -2 check to detect it before it goes off. Proximity mines
explode for 3d6 points of damage over a Small Blast Template area.

Quarantined Plague Zone: Biohazard signs brightly declare that this area has been designated a
Quarantine Zone. All of the inhabitants in this area are stricken with a communicable plague. 2d20 sick
Tweakers stumble about, covered in their own filth. Anyone who has physical contact with a plague

victim must succeed a Vigor -2 check or acquire the Terminal Sickness minor hindrance. Subsequent
exposures will upgrade this to the major version of the hindrance.

Radioactive Zone: This area is intensely radioactive. Characters must pass a Vigor check for each hour of
exposure they receive or gain a Fatigue level. A character who becomes incapacitated from radiation
related Fatigue gains the Anemic major hindrance and slips into a coma. They will die if not physically
removed in the next hour.

Shielded Command Post: This forward operating post has been established by Hegemony soldiers to
support tactical ops. It is protected by cloaking screens, ferrocrete bulkheads and energy shields. Two
full squads of Stormtroopers guard the post at all times (10 Stormtroopers plus 2 Wild Card Sergeants).
An additional squad will be actively patrolling the perimeter. There's a 25% chance of a higher ranking
Hegemony officer being on site, either a Commissar, Sky Marine Captain or Voidwalker Assassin. A Notice
-4 check is required to see the Command Post. Defenders inside the base enjoy a +2 Dodge bonus vs.
ranged attacks.

Shipwrecked: A vessel has gone down! Usually this is because some gang or another managed to get its
hands on a surface-to-air missile and they successfully shot down a supply dropship. There's a 10%
chance of survivors on board and a 50% chance that Hegemony troops will be on site to collect anything
valuable before any gangs show up. Shipwrecks at the very least hold 1d12 Party Balls worth of supplies
and have a 50% chance of holding usable military hardware.

Sinkholes: The ground in this area is highly unstable, probably because it has been over-mined. If a
character draws a ♠Spade♠ during their combat initiative they have stumbled across a sinkhole. Anyone
caught in a sinkhole must succeed an Agility -2 check or fall 1d6x10 feet.

Sky Marine Squad: A tactical assault squad of 1d4+1 Sky Marines led by a Captain has just completed an
orbital drop into the Sprawl. They are either here on a training exercise or have been sent in to secure
something of interest to the Commissars in Orbital Command. See MONSTERS for more details.

Stormtrooper Platoon: A full platoon of Hegemony Stormtroopers has been deployed to Todesfeld, most
likely to create a forward operating base for future missions. The unit is composed of 40 Stormtroopers, 8
Wild Card Sergeants and one Commissar (see MONSTERS for more details).

Strange Aliens: The universe is a big place and in spite of what the Hegemony would like everyone to
believe, humans aren't the only game in town. For whatever reason a small band of 1d4 Extragalactic
Aliens have taken an interest in the high energy readings coming off of Todesfeld and have sent a small
band to investigate. There's a 50% chance they are there to partake in the "sport" of hunting convicts.
See the MONSTERS section for more details.

Street Chemist's Lab: This building has been converted into a drug laboratory. It is under the control of a
Street Chemist and 2d4 ganger bodyguards (see MONSTERS for more details). There's a 50% chance the
Chemist is affiliated with a Major Gang and is under their protection.

Time-Fused Tactical Nuke: Hegemony Commissars have placed a countdown-detonated tactical nuclear
bomb somewhere on the planet's surface. Nearby Hovercameras have announced its presence to all local
gangs. The bomb is set to detonate in 1d4 hours. See GEAR for more information on tactical nuclear

Tweakers: A group of 3d6 hopelessly addicted drug fiends have been attracted by the commotion. They
are eager to score any narcotics that may be on the scene and will do whatever it takes to get their hands
on them. In their frayed mental state, they are capable of almost anything.

Uncontested Territory: This part of the sprawl is neutral. No gang holds any claim over it yet.

Voidwalker Assassin: These supremely trained killing machines are the ultimate weapon of the
Hegemony. If a Voidwalker is planetside, it can only mean that they're under orders to neutralize a gang
leader. See MONSTERS for more information.

Weapon Cache: The programmers in Orbital Command have decided to make a weapon drop to intensify
the action on the surface. A Party Ball containing 2d4 random weapons and 4d12 clips of ammunition has
been dropped.

Overdose & Addiction:

Overdosing on drugs can cause serious and permanent side effects. A character can safely take one dose
with no ill effect. If a character takes more than one dose at a time they risk overdosing. For each dose
beyond the first, the character must succeed a Vigor check. Successive doses apply a cumulative -1
penalty to this Vigor roll.

Example: a character takes 3 doses of Bliss. For the first dose there is no roll. For the second, the
character must succeed an unmodified Vigor roll. For the third, the character must succeed another Vigor
roll at -1. If he fails either roll, he ODs.

A character that overdoses immediately becomes incapacitated (sustaining the maximum number of
Wounds) and must make an Addiction check.

Addiction must be checked for if any of the following conditions are met:
 The character overdoses
 The character takes the same drug twice in one day
 The character takes the same drug on consecutive days

To check for addiction, the character must succeed an unmodified Spirit check. If they are successful they
suffer no ill effect. If they fail they have become addicted to the drug. Addicted characters must have the
drug at least once per day or they begin to suffer from Fatigue. Multiple addictions intensify this Fatigue
gain. Once a person is addicted to a substance they no longer need to check for addiction (unless they
manage to kick it). An addict becomes Incapacitated once they gain 3 Fatigue levels -- they need to be
hand fed and cared for to stay alive. Addiction, in and of itself, is not lethal but on a world not known for
its charity, the consequences of junk sickness can be terminal.

Addiction, in this setting, can only be treated by going cold turkey and staying off the drug in question for
3 months.

Getting hooked on something exotic can be extremely problematic since you can't exactly pop on down to
the Apothecary to get your fix whenever you feel like it.

Food matters in this setting. Most gangs consider it a major victory if they can harvest a couple of vacuum
sealed insta-rats off some dead ganger. If a character goes 3 days without some kind of a meal, they
begin to weaken and will eventually die of starvation. After 3 days without food a character gains one
level of Fatigue that cannot be cured by rest; one additional level of Fatigue is gained for each subsequent
day. Once the character reaches 3 levels of Fatigue, they pass out from exhaustion and die. One unit of
food is sufficient to feed a character for an entire day, except for those characters stricken by the Glutton
Hindrance: they require 2 food units per day. Eating a meal automatically resets the "starvation count"
back to zero and removes all hunger related Fatigue.

Supply Drops:
The major preoccupation of all life on Todesfeld is the Supply Drop. These erratically scheduled air drops
of vital food and ammunition form the entire basis for the planet's crude economy. Whichever gang
locates and secures a fresh supply drop first gains major coup over their rivals. The Hegemony keeps
these deliveries coming to insure a steady stream of action for their viewing public. They constantly
monitor events on the surface and will intentionally drop supplies in contentious areas to encourage fire-

Supplies are dropped in meter-wide dodecahedrons called "party balls" in the local slang. These
hardened plastic polyhedrons are surrounded in self-inflating crash balloons so that they can be safely
deployed on the run by drop ships at cruising speeds. Once the party ball stops bouncing and comes to
rest, the balloons auto-deflate revealing the geometric treasure within. Simply pulling several well-
labeled release tabs will cause the party ball to unfold and open.

Generally, a party ball is packed tight with rations, ammunition, med-kits and survival kits, although on
occasion the Hegemony will slip a rare weapon or suit of armor into a drop just to stir the pot. Ratings
tend to spike when five gangs tear each other to pieces to get their hands on a Meson Rex Sniper Rifle.
An average Party Ball contains 3d12 Rations, 2d8 Survival Kits, 2d6 clips of random ammo and 1d4 Med-
Kits, with a 25% chance of something special -- a weapon, armor or drugs.

Street Chemistry:
Street Chemists can learn a number of basic pharmaceutical templates which they can combine to
produce more exotic and powerful drugs.

The New Power edge allows the Street Chemist to learn one additional Standard Drug recipe (see below).

Creating Standard Drugs:

Street Chemists generally walk around with the basic ingredients required to whip up a drug on the spot.
It takes one combat action to brew up a Standard Drug. Every dose costs 2 Power Points which is an
abstract representation of the time and materials required to produce the pharmaceutical. Power Points
cannot be regained via rest; a Street Chemist receives their full allotment of Power Points at the beginning
of each gaming session but can only replenish them between sessions or by scavenging materials during

The Chemist must make a Street Chemistry roll to see if their concoction is successful or not. Success
yields 1 dose; on a Raise 3 doses are created. If the result of the roll is a failure all materials are lost. If
the Chemist rolls a Critical Failure (a natural 1 on both their skill die and their Wild Card die; no Bennies
allowed) they produce 1 dose but it has a serious flaw of some kind. The GM must draw a card from the
deck and consult CRITICAL FAILURES below. Naturally, you should not tell the Chemist what is wrong;
they need to experiment if they want to know what happened.

Standard Drugs:
The following list describes the generic drugs that any Street Chemist can make. They are broken down
into two categories: medicinal drugs (marked by a green triangle ) and poisons (marked by a red
triangle ). Percentile numbers are included beside each entry to allow the Game Master to randomly
generate a drug from this list if they need to (for loot purposes).

Antidote (01-08)
Duration: Instant
Negates the effects of all drugs in the user's system.

Bliss (09-15)
Duration: 1d4 Hours
Fills the target with an overwhelming sense of well-being and pleasure. Targets under the influence of
Bliss become lethargic and highly suggestible. They always go last in the initiative round and must
succeed a Smarts -2 check to resist any reasonable request but gain a +2 bonus to any Spirit related skill

Boost (16-24)
Duration: 1d4 Hours
Boost coaxes the target's adrenal gland to overproduce its energizing hormones. The target gains a +1
bonus to any Strength related skill roll (including melee damage)

Clarity (25-32)
Duration: 1d4 Hours
Produces a crystal-clear, super-caffeine high that stimulates the target's nervous system and banishes
lethargy. The target can permanently remove one level of non-starvation related Fatigue and gains a +1
bonus to any Smarts related skill roll.

Jack (33-40)
Duration: 1d4 Hours
Jack dilates the coronary blood vessels and grants the user a sensation of boundless energy. The user
gains a +2 bonus to their Pace and can redraw any initiative cards that is a 5 or less.

Dope (41-48)
Duration: 1d4 Hours
This narcotic cocktail dulls the sensation of pain. The target gains a +1 bonus to any Vigor related skill roll
and can temporarily ignore the negative effects of one Wound.

Twitch (49-57)
Duration: 1d4 Hours
You become keenly aware of every square inch of your body as a flooding warmth suffuses your neural
pathways. Gain a +1 bonus to any Agility related skill roll.

Fiend (58-66)
Duration: Instant
Fiend operates on the pleasure centers of the brain to intensify basic cravings. Anyone subjected to a
dose of Fiend must immediately make an Addiction check at -2 for every drug that is currently active in
their system (including the Fiend itself).

Burn (67-74)
Duration: 1d4 Hours
This drug induces searing muscle pain that causes the victim to suffer a -1 penalty to all die rolls.

Slag (75-82)
Duration: 1d4 Hours
This soporific makes the victim feel sluggish and tired. The victim suffers a -2 to their Pace and must
redraw any initiative card that is a Jack or higher (however they can keep any Jokers they draw).

Rage (83-91)
Duration: 1 Combat or until Incapacitated
Rage amplifies the natural violent impulses that seethe in the limbic system of every human being. Users

of this drug will savagely attack the nearest target without a second thought until they are incapacitated
or the drug runs its course.

Trip (92-96)
Duration: 1d4 Hours
Trip is a powerful psychotropic drug that induces frightening hallucinations. In order to perform any
action, the victim of this drug must succeed a Spirit -2 check. If they succeed they can act normally for
that round.

Zombie (97-00)
Duration: 1d4 Hours
Zombie induces a state of intense catatonia. The victim become glassy eyed and completely unresponsive
to all stimuli. While under the influence of Zombie a victim cannot move unless they are led but they also
gain a +2 Toughness.

The process of combination is how Special Drugs are created. Combinations are totally random; a Street
Chemist can't decide to make a dose of Transdorphine, they just have to attempt the combine and hope
they get lucky. A combine only produces a single dose unless otherwise indicated.

There are four steps involved in the creation of Special Drugs:

Step 1: Decide the type and quantity of doses to use

Special Drugs are produced by combining different Standard Drugs together. The medicinal or poisonous
properties of the Standard Drugs used influence what sort of outcome the combination will produce.

A Street Chemist must use a minimum of 2 doses of Standard Drugs to generate a successful combination.
For every 2 additional doses that are added above and beyond the minimum amount the Street Chemist
will receive an extra card in Step 3.

You cannot mix two drugs of the same type together; this will never produce the sort of synergistic
reaction required to synthesize a Special Drug. If the Chemist is adding additional doses to the combine,
those doses must be of the same type that have already been used or else the combine will be
neutralized. (Example: if you are creating a combine with Zombie and Clarity and you want to add
additional doses to improve the chances of creating a rare drug, those doses must also be Clarity or

Step 2: Make a skill check

Make a skill check using your Street Chemistry skill at a -4 penalty. If you succeed go to Step 3; if you fail
you are unable to pull off the combine and you lose all materials that were used in the process. If you
succeed with a raise you have achieved a Critical Success (see below). A Critical Failure results if you roll a
natural one on both your skill die and your wild card die (you cannot use a Benny to re-roll a Critical
Failure). Critical Failures still produce a Special Drug, but they do so with a random disadvantage,
determined below.

Step 3: Deal a poker hand

Deal a 5 card poker hand and consult the SPECIAL DRUGS table below. Jokers are wild! The drug
produced is dependent upon which Standard Drugs were used in the concoction. Two green triangles

( ) indicate a beneficial or medicinal drug; two red triangles ( ) represent a military-grade bio-
toxin; two mixed triangles ( ) signify highly volatile or experimental drugs that may yield
unpredictable results.

You add one extra card to your poker hand for every 2 additional doses you used in the combine during
Step 1.

Special Drugs:
Hand Result
Pair = Transdorphine
= Hoplite
= Hemoflux
Two Pair = Shimmer
= Metameth
= Styx
3 of a Kind = Hypercyte
= Juggernaut
= Gimp
Straight = Chrome
= Sympazine
= Lotus
Flush = Neodeine
= Revenant
= Thanabolin
Full House = Ambrosia
= Myocrine
= Hemophage
4 of a Kind = Jovian Sunrise
= Omega-13
= Trojan Antigen
Straight = Chlorophine
Flush = Amygdalin
= Reaper
Royal Flush = Genesis Biogen
= Pangalactic Thunderf***
= Black Dust

Duration: 1 Month
Like the mythical "Food of the Gods" for which it is named, Ambrosia is a drug that satisfies the food
cravings of the user for one full month by putting their metabolism in a flux state. The user is sustained
off their own fat and muscle reserves like a hibernating bear without the need to shut down. It’s the
ultimate power diet.

Duration: 6d6 Hours
This neurochem has been used by Hegemony scientists to try and unlock psychic potential in humans.
Users of the drug can make a Spirit check to hear the surface thoughts of any target within a 6 square
range. By succeeding an opposed Spirit check, the user can cause a target in range to become Shaken; on
a raise the target sustains 1 Wound from psychosomatic damage. Users of Amygdalin must succeed a
Spirit -2 check when the drug wears off or gain the Major Psychosis Hindrance. If the user already has this
hindrance, they experience a violent psychotic break with reality.

Black Dust
Duration: Instant
The Black Dust is a poison of mythic proportions. Some claim to have known somebody who knew
somebody in the trade that accidentally made one grain of the stuff while trying to synthesize a dose of
Transdorphine and they ended up wiping out a whole city block. It's the bogeyman to all Street Chemists.
Though its properties haven't been properly lab analyzed it is known that anyone who touches Black Dust
must succeed a Vigor -8 check or die ugly, hemorrhaging blood out of every orifice. Worse still, the
substance is incredibly fine and can go airborne with almost no encouragement, affecting all targets in a
Large Blast Template radius.

Duration: 1d6+1 Minutes
This advanced gene therapy uses plant DNA to impart a limited form of photosynthesis to the user. Users
of Chlorophine can make a Vigor -2 check once per minute to heal 1 Wound. Alternatively, the drug can
be used to repair a single permanent injury by directly applying it to the injury site.

Duration: 1d6 Hours
A potent designer combat drug that combines super pain resistance with pseudo-adrenaline for boosted
strength and reflexes. Chrome is especially prized because unlike most combat drugs it doesn't pack any
heavy duty side-effects. Users report having a "shiny and hard" feeling and a metallic taste in their mouth
after ingestion. While under the effects of Chrome the user gains a one step die increase to Strength and
Agility and gains a +4 to their Toughness.

Genesis Biogen
Duration: Instant
This powerful drug has the ability to revitalize the recently deceased. If applied to a target that has died
within the last 2d6 minutes they can attempt a Vigor -2 check to rise from the dead with 3 Wounds.

Duration: 2d4 Rounds
This strong paralytic causes the target's muscles to contort and lock up. The user must pass a Vigor -2
check or be immobilized and unable to perform any physical actions.

Duration: 1 Combat
This vicious poison causes excruciating pain and muscle spasms. Victims describe a sensation like napalm
being pumped through their veins. Targets afflicted by Hemoflux suffer a -2 penalty to all rolls for the
duration of an entire combat.

Duration: 1d4 Weeks
Hemophage is actually a bio-engineered virus that invades and destroys the subject's red blood cells at an
accelerated rate. The subject is overcome with an overwhelming desire to drink fresh blood so that the
virus can feed. Failure to do so forces the virus to consume the host's own blood. The subject must
consume fresh blood at the same interval that they would normally consume rations, or else suffer the
effects of starvation. See the GAMEPLAY section for more details on starvation (located in the "Rations"

Duration: 1 Combat

A street version of a classic combat drug used by the Hegemony military, Hoplite boosts the subject's core
combat stats and hand-eye coordination, increasing Shooting, Fighting and Throwing rolls by +2 for the
duration of one combat. Users of Hoplite pick up a nasty case of the shakes when they come down,
suffering a -1 to all trait and skill rolls for 1d2 hours.

Duration: 1 Combat
An experimental combat drug that gives the user super reaction times and quickness. While under the
influence of this drug, users can perform double actions (they can shoot twice in the same round, for
instance). Once the drug wears off, the user becomes sluggish for 1d4 hours, suffering a -2 Pace and
always going last on initiative.

Jovian Sunrise
Duration: 1 Day
Also called "Liquid Chi", Jovian Sunrise is one of the purest and most powerful booster drugs ever made.
Chrome is schwag compared to Jovian Sunrise. This pharmaceutical raises every statistic by one die type
(Strength, Agility, Vigor, Spirit and Smarts) and imparts a +1 bonus to all die rolls. Users of Jovian Sunrise
have been reputed to actually glow while under the influence of this drug.

Duration: 1 Combat
This adrenaline catalyst turns the user into a raging beast for its duration. People under the influence of
Juggernaut negate one Wound every time they are injured; in essence, this means that the user must be
hit for two Wounds in a single attack in order to be hurt at all. While under the effects of Juggernaut,
users cannot be Shaken but they suffer a temporary two step decrease to their Smarts die.

Duration: Special
This potent anti-psychotic and anti-depressant drug negates all of the user's earthly desires. While under
the influence of this drug, people refuse to eat, drink, work, play or fornicate. Instead, they loll around in
a dim, smiling stupor. Users report feeling "floaty" and "cloud-like" while on the drug. One dose of Lotus
lasts for a minimum of one full day. Each additional day, the user must pass a Spirit -2 check to snap out
of their reverie; failure extends the duration of the high by another day. If the user remains high for too
long, they will begin to suffer the effects of dehydration and starvation.

Duration: 1 Combat
This mega-stimulant imparts a feeling of super-speediness but is also hideously addictive. Users gain a
temporary one step die increase to their Agility statistic, a +2 Pace, and act as if they have the Quick edge,
redrawing any initiative card that is a 5 or less. A character who takes even a single dose of Metameth
must make an Addiction check (see GAMEPLAY for more details).

Duration: 1d6 Hours
The best steroid ever manufactured, Myocrine gives the user a temporary two die increase to their
Strength, Agility and Vigor statistics. After the user comes down, they will experience a loss of sexual
function and extreme irritability for 1d6 days.

Duration: Instant
This cocktail of all the best painkillers and cellular growth factors ever made instantly heals 1d4 Wounds.
It cannot heal permanent injuries or prevent death.

Duration: Instant
This is the Hegemony codename for an experimental military combat drug that never made it out of initial
trials. It is incredibly powerful and unstable. It is named after the lab designation of the first subject to
survive the treatment. He escaped, killing 80 armed guards while naked and bare-handed, becoming a
legend in the process. Users of Omega-13 gain a permanent two die increase to their Strength, Agility and
Vigor statistics but also suffer a permanent one die decrease to their Smarts and Spirit. In addition, users
of Omega-13 gain the Major Machine Psychosis hindrance (even if they don't have cybernetic implants).
Multiple applications of Omega-13 do not stack.

Pangalactic Thunderf***
Duration: Instant
Users of this ultra-rare narcotic have described it as "Nnnnghhrg!" Quite simply, it's the best drug anyone
has ever taken. It makes you feel like a Greek God. Most gangers would seriously consider giving their
lives to try a taste of something this pure and good for one moment of their miserable existences. This
drug imparts no special statistical bonuses beyond feeling really, really awesome. Its street value is

Duration: Special
An engineered viro-toxin, Reaper is a self-replicating poison that uses the subject's own sweat glands and
tear ducts to spread itself. Anyone standing next to the infected target must make a Vigor check or
contract the virus; anyone touched by the target must succeed a Vigor -2 check. Disease sufferers gain 2
Fatigue points when initially exposed and must succeed a Vigor -2 check (without Bennies) after 1d4
hours or die. The poison runs its course after the secondary effect is exposed.

Duration: 1 Combat
This potent neural inhibitor makes the subject completely immune to pain for its duration. The subject is
immune to Wound modifiers, being Shaken and being killed while under the influence of this drug (unless
they are disintegrated). The subject will continue to drag themselves along the ground with a smile on
their face even if their legs are blown off. Any Wounds sustained while under the effects of Revenant are
applied retroactively to the user once the drug wears off. The comedown off of Revenant is pretty rough;
users suffer a -2 penalty to all Agility rolls for 1d12 hours due to an intense sensation of numbness.

Duration: 1d6 Hours
Coffee is for amateurs! Shimmer is a more potent form of an over-the-counter drug that boosts mental
clarity and acuity. One dose of Shimmer increases the user's Smarts die by a single die step.

Duration: 1d6 Hours
This powerful anticonvulsant sedative is used clinically to treat patients suffering from extreme insomnia
or seizures. In its street form the drug causes "walking blackouts": users retain all bodily functions and
are able to act normally but they will not remember anything that happens for the next 1d6 hours and
suffer a two step die decrease to Smarts during that time.

Duration: 1d6 Hours
Sympazine awakens certain seldom used regions of the human brain and gives the user a very limited

form of psychic sensitivity. Users can detect the presence and location of living beings within a 24 square
radius by "listening" to their thought patterns. This ability works through cover, concealment and does
not require line of sight. Users of Sympazine cannot "read minds".

Duration: 6d6 Hours
Thanabolin, also called Ghoul, works on the pleasure centers of the brain and causes the subject to feel
hungry even when they are perfectly satiated. The subject becomes obsessed with obtaining and
consuming food. If they are prevented from eating, the subject will hysterically claim that they are
starving to death and will become mentally unhinged. Victims of this drug have been known to murder
lifelong friends for a few smears of protein paste.

Duration: Instant
This powerful painkiller permanently removes one Wound from the subject.

Trojan Antigen
Duration: Special
The Trojan Antigen doesn't take effect right away: it insinuates itself into the subject's DNA over the
course of 1d6 days at which time it expresses itself in the form of horribly disfiguring cancers and
mutations. The victim suffers a permanent -4 Charisma penalty and must succeed a Vigor -4 check
(without Bennies) or die from malignant tumors.

Critical Failures:
These are the unintended results of failed Street Chemistry attempts. When a Critical Failure is produced,
secretly consult the table below and do not tell the Chemist what they have made. They can either
choose to take their chances and use the mystery drug or just scrap the defective dose.

Card Result
2 Weak Sauce: the drug has lost all potency. It has no effect.
3 Munchies: taking this drug makes you ravenously hungry. You must
consume double rations for 1d6 days or suffer the effects of starvation.
4 Instant Addiction: the drug is insidiously addictive. Anyone who uses this
dose becomes immediately addicted without making any Addiction checks.
5 Blarg! In addition to the drug's normal effect, the user becomes violently
sick and begins vomiting forcefully. Suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls for 1d8
6 Ten Miles of Rough Road: this drug has a brutal hangover effect. Suffer a -2
penalty to all trait and skill checks for 1d6 hours.
7 Rarification: for whatever reason the drug has rarified into a gas. When it
is used it affects all targets in a Small Blast Template radius.
8 The Shakes: you've come down with a nasty case of the tremblies. Suffer a
permanent -1 penalty to any Skill roll involving manual dexterity or hand-
eye coordination.
9 Double Trouble: draw 2 more times on this list, ignoring this result if it
comes up a second time. The drug has multiple side effects that trigger at
10 Pudding Face: this drug has physically disfiguring side effects. Suffer a
permanent -2 Charisma penalty.
J Dain Bramage: the user suffers severe neural trauma as a side effect of
taking this drug. Their Smarts die is permanently decreased by one step.
Q Cat Scratch Fever: taking this drug makes you excessively amorous for 1d6

hours. You want to touch everyone as intimately as possible. This will
either make you mighty unpopular or you'll be the Belle of the Ball.
K Lethal: the drug has become a deadly toxin. The user must succeed a Vigor
-4 check or die.
A Oops wrong recipe! You accidentally made something unexpected. Roll
percentile dice and consult the Standard Drug table.
Joker Blind Genius! You have inadvertently produced a Special Drug. Randomly
draw a drug from that table.

Critical Successes:
Sometimes genius works in strange ways. More often than not, it is mistakes in the laboratory that lead
to unanticipated breakthroughs. When a Critical Success is generated, draw a card and consult the table
below to determine the bonus effect.

Card Result
2 Hot Coffee: in addition to any other effects this drug has, it also removes 1
level of Fatigue
3 Amplified: the Chemist produces a double-strength version of whatever
they were trying to make. Double all relevant modifiers.
4 Pure: this drug is non-addicting and has no negative hangover related
5 Economies of Scale: you are able to produce an extra dose of the drug for
6 Pleasant Buzz: This drug has no secondary benefit but makes anyone who
takes it feel like a million dollars.
7 Liquid Courage: you are overwhelmed by a sense of indefatigable
confidence. Gain a +1 bonus to any Charisma related ability for 1d6 hours.
8 Medicinal: in addition to any other effect this drug has it also heals 1
9 Double Your Pleasure: draw 2 more times on this list, ignoring this result if
it comes up a second time. The drug has multiple side effects that trigger
at once.
10 Nourishing: in addition to its normal effect, this drug satisfies food cravings
for 1 full day. If the user was already hungry, their hunger is dispelled.
J Long and Strong: the duration of the effect is doubled. Combat drugs will
"kick in" for a second combat. Instant drugs trigger their effect twice.
Q Shiny: in addition to its normal effect, the drug imparts a +2 Toughness
bonus to the target for its regular duration
K Cure: this drug removes one addiction that you have or reverses the effects
of a single permanent side effect (such as The Shakes or Dain Bramage)
A Drunk Master: You feel loose and indestructible! Gain 1 Benny
Joker Genetic Alteration: the effects of this drug are permanent. This does not
apply to drugs with an instantaneous effect (like painkilling and healing
drugs). Repeated applications do not stack.

There aren’t much in the way of monsters in this setting, other than the human kind.

Battle Wagon:
A Battle Wagon is something like a demolition derby car as it would have been conceived by Dr.

Battle Wagon
Strength: NA Smarts: NA Agility: NA Spirit: NA Vigor: NA
Pace: 30 (Acc. 5) Parry: 4 Toughness: 16(12)
Weapon Turret (any Heavy Weapon)
Machine Gun (Front-mounted; 12/24/48 Range; 2d8 Damage; ROF: 3)
Capacity: 8 Passengers
Powers: Heavy Armor (Immune to small arms fire); Trample (1d6 damage per 5 squares of Pace)

Bounty Hunter:
These highly skilled and dangerous offworlders are brought to Todesfeld as game show contestants to
take down gangers for cash and prizes.

Bounty Hunter (WC)

Strength: d8 Smarts: d8 Agility: d10 Spirit: d6 Vigor: d8
Pace: 6 Parry: 8 Toughness: 6 Shooting: d12 Fighting: d12
Roll Percentile (25% Machine Pistol, 25% Combat Shotgun, 25% Assault Rifle, 25% Meson Rex Sniper Rifle)
Roll Percentile (50% Ballistic Coat, 50% Riot Armor)
Monoblade or Nanoknife
1 random Cybernetic enhancement
Powers: Street Smarts, Alertness, Danger Sense, Trademark Weapon

Extragalactic Aliens:
These unidentified life forms come in all shapes and sizes. They carry powerful, undocumented
technology. Looted Alien Armor cannot be worn by humans and Alien Blasters can be used until they run
out of shots. There is no way to reload an Alien Blaster.

Extragalactic Alien (WC)

Strength: d8 Smarts: d12 Agility: d10 Spirit: d8 Vigor: d8
Pace: 6 Parry: 8 Toughness: 12(6) Shooting: d12 Fighting: d12
Alien Blaster (50/100/200 Range; 3d6 damage; AP: 12; Heavy Weapon; 30 shots)
Alien Armor (Heavy Armor; Armor +6)
One or more of the following:
Invisibility (can turn invisible as a standard action; vigorous activity disrupts this effect)
Speed Boost (always acts first on Initiative; Pace +6)
Monstrous Size (+2 to STR die; +2 Toughness; +1 Reach; +1 to be hit)
Wall Walker (able to move on sheer surfaces at normal Pace without a Climb check)
Super Jump (can broad jump 12 squares and vertical jump 6 squares)
Teleport (as a move action, can teleport up to 12 squares away)
Self Destruct (activates a Time-Fused Tactical Nuke upon death)

Gang Soldier:
Obviously, the biggest threat on Todesfeld is the presence of other gangs. The common, rank and file
gang soldier is modestly equipped but is no less ruthless and bloodthirsty than any other thug on the

Gang Soldier
Strength: d6 Smarts: d4 Agility: d6 Spirit: d6 Vigor: d8

Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 6 Shooting: d8 Fighting: d8
Roll Percentile (Knife/Club 50%, Cleaver 25%, Alley Gun/Machine Pistol 25%)
25% chance of Leather Armor
Powers: None

Gang Warchief:
The biggest and toughest gangers go on to lead their own crews. These gang members get their pick of
the choicest gear and are usually attended by several gang soldiers who do their bidding – or else.

Gang Warchief (WC)

Strength: d10 Smarts: d6 Agility: d8 Spirit: d6 Vigor: d10
Pace: 6 Parry: 7 Toughness: 8 (7) Shooting: d10 Fighting: d10
Leather Armor (Armor +1)
Roll Percentile (Cleaver 50%, Nanoknife 25%, Monoblade 25%)
Roll Percentile (25% Alley Gun, 25% Machine Pistol x2, 25% Combat Shotgun, 25% Assault Rifle)
Powers: Summon Crew (can call 1d6+2 Gang Soldiers to their aid), Command (Troops +1 to recover from
Shaken), Two Fisted, Juggernaut (can sustain 1 additional Wound)

Hegemony Commissars:
Commissars are the commanders of the Hegemony military. Wearing silver masks and long black trench
coats, these fearsome looking individuals are both skilled combatants and gifted tacticians.

Hegemony Commissar (WC)

Strength: d8 Smarts: d10 Agility: d8 Spirit: d8 Vigor: d8
Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 8(6) Shooting: d8
Ballistic Coat (Armor +2 (+4 vs. Ballistic)
Laser Carbine (30/60/120 Range; 3d6 Damage; Sustained Fire; 24 shots; requires Power Source)
Powers: Command (Troops +1 to recover from Shaken), Hold the Line (Troops +1 Toughness), Inspire
(Troops +1 Spirit rolls), Natural Leader (share Bennies with Troops), Level Headed, Strong Willed

Hegemony Stormtroopers:
The rank and file soldiers of the Hegemony's armed forces are the Stormtroopers. These black clad,
combat suited riflemen are feared across known space for their iron-fisted, remorseless tactics.

Hegemony Stormtrooper
Strength: d8 Smarts: d6 Agility: d8 Spirit: d6 Vigor: d8
Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 9(6) Shooting: d8 Fighting: d8
Riot Armor (Armor +3 (+6 vs. Ballistic)
Assault Rifle (24/48/96 Range; 2d8 Damage; ROF: 3; AP: 2; Full Auto; 3RB; 32 shots)
Frag Grenade x3 (Range: Throwing; 3d6 Damage; Medium Blast Template)
Powers: None

Every so often a prisoner comes to Todesfeld who refuses to trust anyone at all. If these prickly
individualists don't die in the first week, it's because they're mad, bad and dangerous enough to know
how to survive on their own. Hermits will usually seek out a lonely part of the sprawl and build a booby-
trapped lair. They do what they can to keep out of everyone's way, but when faced with persistent
intruders, they will fight like wildcats.

Hermit (WC)
Strength: d6 Smarts: d10 Agility: d6 Spirit: d8 Vigor: d8
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 12(6) Shooting: d8
Roll Percentile (33% Machine Pistol, 33% Combat Shotgun, 33% Assault Rifle)
Knife (STR+d4)
Plate Brigandine (Armor +6; Weakness vs. Called Shots)
Powers: Street Smarts, Nerves of Steel, Hard to Kill, Great Luck, Danger Sense, Alertness

Not monsters at all in the strictest sense, these small hovering droids flit around the surface of Todesfeld
capturing gang battles on film for the viewing pleasure of the Hegemony’s somnolent masses. They are a
fairly common sight and are sometimes used for target practice since they are programmed to be highly
evasive. If enough Hovercameras are destroyed, a small squad of Stormtroopers might be deployed to
prevent additional property damage.

Strength: d4 Smarts: d6 Agility: d12 Spirit: d6 Vigor: d4
Pace: 12 (Fly) Parry: 4 Toughness: 4 Shooting: -- Fighting: --
1d4 pieces of Usable Scrap
Powers: Flight, Construct (+2 to recover from Shaken) , Improved Dodge (-2 to be hit), Evasion

Sky Marines:
The Sky Marines are an elite class of soldier whose specialty is planetary assault. They are the tip of the
Hegemony's spear. Sky Marines wear bulky power armor equipped with retro rockets that allow them to
jump from low orbit and safely land on the surface of a planet. The power armor is fitted to support a
broad range of heavy weapon platforms, including flame throwers, rocket launchers and chain guns. Sky
Marines are trained to drop on top of enemy positions, pacify any enemies in the area and prepare a
"Forward Operating Position" for infantry drop ships.

Sky Marine (WC)

Strength: d12(d10) Smarts: d6 Agility: d10 Spirit: d8 Vigor: d10
Pace: 6 Parry: 7 Toughness: 13 (7) Shooting: d10
Roll Percentile (25% Auto-Fragger, 25% Sabot Launcher, 25% Rail Gun, 25% Laser Carbine)
Combat Claws (STR+d4)
Power Armor (Armor +6; +1 die type increase to STR; Heavy Armor; Retro-Rockets)
Safe Fall (can fall from any height without sustaining damage)
Thermal Vision (can see living targets through solid cover at a range of up to 24 squares)
Rock and Roll (ignore penalties for full auto gunfire)
Ignore Snapfire penalties while armored
Steady Hands
Juggernaut (can sustain 1 additional Wound)

Street Chemist:
These pharmaceutical wizards are the only people on Todesfeld who actually make anything of value: in
this case sweet, sweet drugs. Smarter than they are tough, Street Chemists usually need a crew
supporting them to stay alive.

Street Chemist (WC)
Strength: d4 Smarts: d10 Agility: d6 Spirit: d6 Vigor: d4
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 6 (4) Shooting: d8 Chemistry: d10
Needle Gun (12/24/48 Range; Special Damage; Shooting roll must exceed 4 + target's Armor rating to hit;
12 shots)
Ballistic Coat (Armor +2 (+4 vs. Ballistic)
Powers: Arcane Background: Street Chemistry (10 power points); New Power (can create 3 random
standard drugs)

Your run-of-the-mill wastoids. Drug fiends, cannibals and scavengers who get preyed upon by tougher
gangers. These are the dregs of Todesfeld.

Strength: d6 Smarts: d4 Agility: d6 Spirit: d4 Vigor: d6
Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5 Fighting: d6
Knife or Club (STR+d4)
Powers: None

Voidwalker Assassins:
These highly trained killers are hand-picked from the special forces branches of the Hegemony
Stormtroopers and Sky Marines to become the ultimate instruments of Hegemony authority. When a
Voidwalker gets assigned to neutralize a target, that target is as good as gone. Voidwalkers are issued a
special cloaking kit that renders them almost completely invisible. This, along with an array of other
gadgets and weapons, enables the Voidwalker to infiltrate virtually any stronghold in the universe. If a
charismatic leader were to arise on Todesfeld, one who could unite the gangs against the Hegemony, it
would not be long until a Voidwalker was dispatched to eliminate them.

Voidwalker Assassin (WC)

Strength: d8 Smarts: d10 Agility: d12 Spirit: d8 Vigor: d8
Pace: 6 Parry: 10 Toughness: 6 Shooting: d12
Meson Rex Sniper Rifle (50/100/200 Range; 2d10 Damage; AP: 4; Heavy Weapon; Snapfire; d8 STR
Requirement; 11 shots)
Chameleon Suit (invisible when stationary; -4 to be hit)
Nanoknife x2 (STR+d4+2 Damage; Armor Piercing: 2)
Powers: Improved Frenzy, Improved Block, Improved Dodge, Evasion, Marksman, Dead Shot, Luck,
Alertness, Steady Hands, Combat Reflexes

Bag O'Loot
Whenever an adversary is defeated, draw a card and consult the table below to see what other odds and
ends they are carrying besides their weaponry. Members of the Trashers gang can draw twice on this
table and keep the best result.

Card Result
2 One clip of weapon appropriate ammo
3 1d4 clips of weapon appropriate ammo
4 1d2 Rations
5 1d6 Rations
6 1d2 Med-Kits

7 1d4 Med-Kits
8 Survival Kit
9 1d3 Survival Kits
10 1d4 pieces of Usable Scrap
J 2d4 pieces of Usable Scrap
Q Random Standard Drug (roll percentile dice and
consult the "Standard Drugs" table in the "Street
Chemistry" section.)
K Random damaged weapon (can be Repaired to
become fully functional)
A Random weapon
Joker Random Special Drug (deal a 5 card poker hand
and consult the "Special Drugs" table in the
"Street Chemistry" section. The Game Master
can determine if the result is beneficial

Major Gangs:
There are countless little gangs battling for control of Todesfeld's limited resources but only a handful of
true super powers. Below are the descriptions for the largest and most influential gangs. If your
character is an affiliate of one of these gangs they can take advantage of that gang's Client Benefit.

The Ghostface Clan:

The Ghostface Clan has the distinction of being the oldest surviving gang on Todesfeld. When the Caliban
Oreworks Corporation abruptly closed their doors and packed up the local government, the Mining
Unions that were left behind formed a gang out of a need for mutual protection. They are tough,
belligerent and have a fantastic understanding of Todesfeld's subterranean geography.

Members of the Ghostface Clan communicate over long distances by banging sledges against the stone
walls of their mine shafts in coded sequences. This has earned them the nickname of "Clangers". In
battle they prefer to get up close and personal, using an array of large melee weapons to pulverize foes.
They smear the glowing juice from broken light sticks on their faces like war paint to intimidate their

In some ways, the Hegemony is still trying to punish the Ghostface Clan for their resistance against the
planetary authority. There are those that speculate the whole purpose of the Hegemony's little game
show is to humble the ex-miners and see them killed off by the criminal scum imported to Todesfeld.

Client Benefits: Clients of the Ghostface Clan learn secret routes through Todesfeld's underworld. They
gain safe passage through The Warrens and can avoid entanglements with other gangs by traveling under
their turf.

The Tolchak Family:

Perhaps the most feared and reviled gang of murderers in known space, the Tolchak Family made a name
for themselves on the world of Yggdrasil by committing a staggering string of mass murders. These
degenerates are known to consume the flesh of their victims, earning them the nickname of "Grues".
Hegemony law enforcement officials eventually managed to round up all the known Tolchaks and shipped
them against their will to Todesfeld. Even the other gangs of Todesfeld fear these freaks and do their
utmost to keep them walled up in their territory.

All members and clients of the Tolchak Family must have the Cannibal hindrance.

Tolchaks like to play up their ghoulish reputation by dressing in black clothes and covering their faces in
frightening makeup.

Client Benefits: The Tolchaks are the most feared gang on Todesfeld. People affiliated with the Family
gain a +2 bonus to Intimidation rolls.

The Guy Fawkes Society:

Violent, destructive anarchists with a penchant for blowing stuff up, the "Giffies" are a gang of individual
saboteurs who have chosen to band together out of necessity. They aren’t the most organized bunch,
and it’s common to find them at each others’ throats, but they are united by one goal: bringing down The
Establishment. The G.F.S. resents their presence on Todesfeld in particular because they feel they are
being used as tools of the Man, battling for their lives against other human predators for the pleasure of
the dumb masses. The overarching aim of the Guy Fawkes Society is to figure out a way to get orbital so
that they can take down the Hegemony’s transmission centers in Orbital Command.

The gang uniform strives to emulate the ostentatious mode of dress worn during the 17th century on
Terra, when their namesake attempted his infamous Gunpowder Plot. Sartorial supplies, in this regard,
are understandably scarce. Some members of the gang make do by augmenting their costumes with
garish Halloween make-up and found-object masks.

Client Benefits: Associates of the GFS can gain easy access to improvised explosives. A member of the
GFS can spend a Benny to get their hands on a grenade or mining charge.

The Probies:
The passengers of Prison Transport T-143 have the unique distinction of being the only group of people on
Todesfeld who successfully overthrew Hegemony rule, even if it was only for a few minutes. In their zeal
to procure the most despicable gangsters in the known universe to populate their Games, the Hegemony
scoured their prisons and assembled a motley crew of the worst criminals they could find. They piled
them all together on a single transport ship and sent them to Todesfeld, hoping to use them as a way of
stirring the pot on the planet's surface. On the way, the prisoners managed to hatch a plan with each
other using a combination of hand signals and whispered pen slang. Even while chained and under guard,
they came up with a scheme to attack their overseers right as the crew began to make preparations to
enter Todesfeld's atmosphere. The coordination was perfect; right as the guards were strapping in, half a
dozen prisoners slipped their bonds and began throwing down with improvised shivs. The convicts
managed to neutralize the entire security detail and crew but no one was rated to fly the transport. It
was going down fast. Fortunately, Hegemony transports are designed to soak punishment. Even though
the landing was brutal and scores of cons died, enough prisoners survived the crash to become an instant
force on the Todesfeld scene.

The Probies, as they came to call themselves, are intensely proud of their pedigree. They are the only
gang on Todesfeld that "came down fighting". The fact that their membership is a crazy quilt fashioned
out of 100 different gangs has strangely pulled them together. They see themselves as true hardcore
O.G.'s compared to the other "soft" gangers on The Rock. The Probies wear their prison jumpsuits with
pride; when a member goes down his "skin" goes to another worthy solider so that they can carry on the
previous owner's traditions.

Client Benefits: The Probies operate by a strict Prison code. If someone messes with a member of their
gang, they respond in force. A member of the Probies can spend a Benny to summon 1d4+1 extras to
help them put a beatdown on someone.

The Vicars of Koningstraat:

This violent religious cult hails from the world of Verdreit, a place noted for its toxic atmosphere.
Colonists on Verdreit had been transplanted under false promises of "a new life and a glorious future";

what they found instead was a swampy, bog world shrouded in caustic vapors. Hegemony governors
commanded the stunned colonists at gunpoint to begin the grueling task of terraforming this extremely
hostile planet. The mortality rate in the first two decades was very high as colonists died from a variety of
lung cancers; it became customary for the colonists to wear re-breathers as a basic survival measure. The
tenor of civil unrest sharpened as the body count climbed.

The Vicars originally formed as a common street gang in the planet's main colony. They rebelled against
the Provincial Government and executed numerous acts of terrorism, kidnapping, vandalism and sabotage.
The leader of this gang, a man named Johan Einheit, achieved a level of planet-wide fame. He was a
charismatic figure who inspired a number of copycat gangs in other colonies. The Hegemony feared that
his power would only continue to grow until the colony world was in full rebellion so they deployed a
Voidwalker Assassin to silence him. Einheit was murdered in broad daylight on Koningstraat, the major
street in Verdreit’s capital city. His death insured his martyrdom and the gang swiftly closed ranks,
forming a religion around their fallen leader. Bolstered by religious fervor, the gang quickly absorbed the
smaller, satellite organizations that had sprouted up around the world and formed an irregular army. This
is when the Hegemony sent in a full-on skull-cracking crew to put down the surging revolt. Those
members of the Vicars who weren't killed were shipped off to Todesfeld, where their brand of nihilistic
zealotry became an instant success with fans.

The Vicars believe that one day a Rapture will come, an event they call the Radiant Midnight. This
apocalypse will signal the end of the Hegemony and the rebirth of Johan Einheit, who will rise to become
the universe’s new Emperor.

The popular mode of dress in this gang is a long coat with a high, tight collar and a re-breather mask.
"True Brothers" have raspy voices because the harsh atmosphere on Verdreit thoroughly savaged their
vocal cords. As part of the initiation for new brothers, initiates are forced to inhale caustic chemicals so
that their throats get similarly mangled. It is believed that this show of sacrifice and faith puts the initiate
closer to Einheit's Ideal.

Sanity is not a long suit for these gentlemen. Members of this gang are obsessed with esoteric concepts
of spiritual "cleanliness" and "purity". For them, the endurance of pain is morally laudable; it purges
weakness from the body. By inflicting pain on others, you are "Testing" them and cleansing their innate
human wickedness. Only when all of the moral weakness in the world has been purged will the way be
clear for Einheit's return.

Client Benefits: When a Vicar believes the end is near, nothing can stop him from embracing destiny! Any
Vicar can spend a Benny to go into an ecstatic religious trance. While in this state, they cannot be Shaken
and are immune to Wound penalties for 3 rounds. They can still be killed and incapacitated normally, but
they will not be impaired by pain until their zeal ends.

The Everlasting Sky Triad:

This Super Triad has managed to successfully merge 12 other rival gangs into one mega-gang. With roots
stretching back to the Asian Tongs of Old Earth, the members of the Everlasting Sky Triad live by a code of
honor that seems quaint by the standards of today’s criminal. This does not mean the Triad is soft,
however. They are brutal to their enemies, and their strict policies governing the conduct of members
insure absolute subservience to the Oyabun, the Triad’s Old Man. This modern Triad has absorbed all of
the other major Asian gangs on Terra including the once mighty Yakuza.

Client Benefits: Some of the hardest killers on Todesfeld work for the E.S.T. An associate of the E.S.T. can
spend a Benny to call out a hit on somebody. This will dispatch an NPC Agent to take down the desired
target. The Agent has a d10 Stealth skill and a Wild Card die. See the GAMEPLAY section for more details
on Special Agents.

The Brotherhood:
One of the first gangs to volunteer to go to Todesfeld to prove their reputation as hard men, the
Brotherhood is a highly organized and resourceful criminal Empire with a presence on multiple worlds.
There isn't a racket invented that they don't participate in. A combination of Old Earth’s Cosa Nostra and
the violent street gangs of Earth’s urban core, this gang is like an especially virulent strain of killer bees
made deadlier by their hybrid heritage.

With the possible exception of the Ghostface Clan and the Triad, the Brotherhood is the most coordinated
gang on the planet. They have tried to install their traditional rackets on Todesfeld in an attempt to turn
this world into another one of their criminal franchises.

The enclave called Deal City is the Brotherhood's headquarters on Todesfeld. They are led by a hulking
cyborg named Silus Drekker.

Client Benefits: Members of the Brotherhood enjoy a 20% discount on all goods and services in Deal City
and can borrow equipment equal to 500xCharisma on a short-term loan basis.

The Trashers:
This loosely organized gang of scavengers, looters and backstabbers doesn't have a central base of
operations but are particularly thick on the ground in Glitch Alley. This gang is composed of outcasts from
all of the other, more successful gangs. Unwanted and exiled, these gang rejects fill the cracks of
Todesfeld's ever-shifting political landscape, sniping at the ankles of their larger and more organized rivals.
In most disputes the Trashers remain neutral and solidly self-interested; their unique brand of
skullduggery is available to the highest bidder.

Client Benefits: Associates of the Trashers are master scavengers. They draw an extra card on the Bag
O'Loot table when looting an encounter, keeping the best result.

Places of Interest:
Bangers Row
This once bustling boulevard has been converted into the turf of the Vicars of Koningstraat, an
unpredictable gang of apocalypse-worshipping zealots. Called "Bangers Row" by other gangs, this part of
Todesfeld is generally avoided since the Vicar "Cleansing Squads" patrol actively and respond to intrusions
with excessive force. Only those who claim to seek conversion and baptism are allowed entry, and they
had best be sincere because the Vicars' Rituals of Induction are rumored to be excruciating.

The Burn
This huge section of Todesfeld was knocked flat by orbital nukes during the first days of the Mining Guild
Uprisings. Before the Hegemony decided to turn Todesfeld into a violent amusement park, they were
dead serious about suppressing the rebel miners. The Burn is a permanent scar that reminds the inmates
what the Hegemony can do to this world if it wanted to. No gang holds claim to the Burn today, mainly
because there's virtually nothing worth salvaging here and there's absolutely no cover or shelter.

Caliban Tower
This mega-highrise was once the local headquarters of the Caliban Oreworks mining conglomerate. It has
since been taken over by the Everlasting Sky Triad and is used as their primary base. The Triad provides
exclusive, members only services here in their brightly lit lair. Strands of colorful holiday lights demarcate
the area around Caliban Tower, proclaiming the space as territory of the E.S.T. The Tower is one of the
best defended buildings on Todesfeld. If the Triad needs to, they can go on lockdown and hole up for a
very long time.

Crashland is the turf currently held by The Probies. When the Probies were sent to Todesfeld, they
managed to hi-jack their prison transport just as it was beginning to make planetfall. In the ensuing chaos
and general melee, the barge crash landed into some tenement buildings. Many died during the violent
landing but the sturdy craft remained largely intact. The hull of the massive transport still juts from the
side of the ruined tenements like a stubbed out cigar. The Probies have turned this pile of rubble into
their stomping ground.

Deal City
Deal City is the closest thing you can find to civilization left on Todesfeld. Run by the Brotherhood, this is
a place where illicit goods and services can be obtained for barter. The Brotherhood will allow other
gangs to show their colors here as long as they keep their attitudes in check. The most highly specialized
street chemists, clip-jobs and mercenaries can be found in Deal City.

Gimp Street
The Guy Fawkes Society has carved out a niche for itself in a part of the sprawl called Gimp Street. It's
actually a couple dozen city blocks that have been barricaded off and booby trapped to discourage
interlopers from passing through. The G.F.S. has wired the place up with enough explosives to blow it up
10 times over if they needed to. This threat is sufficient to keep all but the most mad dog crazy gangs

Glitch Alley
Glitch Alley is a slum even by the standards of this world of slums. Only the absolute dregs of Todesfeld
roll here. Most are complete stringers and glitchers but there's also a fairly high concentration of Trashers
here -- faithless scavengers who would sell their own mothers for a meal. The Trashers run an informal
"Wandering Bazaar" that migrates through the area; they trade items they find in the waste bins for basic
supplies (rations, med-kits, etc.) If someone needs to have an item "liberated" from someone else's
possession this would be the right place to start making inquiries along those lines.

The Hive
The Hive is the most densely overbuilt section of Todesfeld. This used to be the capital back when the
planet was still a mining colony. Now it is a seething anthill of gang activity. Numerous groups are still
vying for control of the Hive. There are old administration buildings here that make ideal fortresses.
Some still contain sealed vaults that may contain gear and intelligence that could give an enterprising
gang a leg up over their competition.

Orbital Command
The nexus of Hegemony authority on Todesfeld resides in a space station floating in low orbit. From here,
Hegemony Commissars monitor the Hovercamera feeds of the action below and transmit edited content
across the Sphere for mass consumption.

The legendary Angelwing Brigade is stationed in Orbital Command. This elite unit of Sky Marines can be
deployed at a moment's notice if conditions on the ground warrant it. Using powered Jump Suits, these
commandos can skydive from orbit and touch down gently anywhere on the surface of the planet. If
things get especially out of hand, the space station can fire its orbital laser batteries on to the surface,
inflicting hideous damage.

A steady flow of Hegemony vessels travel to and from Orbital Command daily. These include prison
barges delivering fresh convicts for the Games as well as service craft and Merchantmen. The only ships
authorized to clear Todesfeld's atmo are ships making supply drops, prisoner deliveries or troop
extractions. All vessels are rigorously scanned upon leaving Todesfeld's ionosphere to insure that no
stowaways managed to make it aboard.

This barricaded section of Todesfeld was once an arcology that housed a number of the planet's
wealthiest inhabitants. The limited points of access make it an ideal place to defend. It is now the turf of
the Tolchaks, the most feared and reviled gang on Todesfeld. Most other gangers stay well away from
Tombtown since the Tolchaks are very nasty in a fight and can't really be bargained with.

The Warrens
The entire planet is honeycombed with old shafts, galleries and tunnels left over from the once robust
mining operation that put Todesfeld on the galactic map. These abandoned passages connect to just
about every surface location on the planet. Currently, the Ghostface Clan holds the upper hand in the
Warrens; no one knows the twisty passages of the mines better than they do. Interlopers who choose to
brave the Warrens should take care to clear it with the Clan first if they ever wish to see the light of day

Appendix A: Jargon

Here's a quick glossary of some commonly used street slang terms:

Banger: Short for "Bible Banger". Pejorative slang for a member of the Vicars of Koningstraat.

Chems: Chemicals; Drugs

Clanger: Pejorative slang for a member of the Ghostface Clan.

Clip-jobs: Clip-jobs are people who have had a neural shunt surgically grafted to their lower brain stem so
that their memories and personalities can be suppressed with the push of a button. These living zombies
are used most often as pleasure slaves. The term is also used as a pejorative for anyone who is acting
stupid in general.

Dillinger: Describes someone who has "Gone Dillinger", someone who has made an unlikely escape from
a risky scenario. Also, a lucky bastard.

Gimp: Pejorative slang for a member of the Guy Fawkes Society.

Glitches: People who are strung out or tweaking on controlled substances, as in, "you look glitched out,"
or, "why are you acting glitchy all of a sudden?"

Grue: Pejorative slang for a member of the Tolchak Family, or anyone who engages in cannibalism.

Mats: Materials; Street Chemist slang for the raw chemicals used in pharmaceutical manufacturing

Notcher: Someone who has proven themselves in combat by earning "notches in their blade".

Party Ball: Ganger slang for a supply drop.

Rats: Short for rations; food.

Rock, the: Ganger slang for Todesfeld.

Rooter: Someone who prefers the company of same-sex partners. To tell someone to "get rooted" is to
not so politely suggest that they should seek same-sex companionship immediately.

Sphere, the: The zone of space controlled by the Hegemony that encompasses hundreds of star systems.

Sprawl: A general term describing "a city"; typically a megalopolis.

Stringers: People who are seriously fiending for more drugs and live from one high to the next. To say
you have someone "on a string" is to say that you pay them drugs for services.

Virgins: Newly arrived prisoners.


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