Intl Law Assignment

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1. What are the sources of International Law?

- According to Article 38 (1) of the United Nations Charter, the sources of
international law can be divided into two, primary and secondary. It
includes treaties, international customs, general widely recognized principles of
law, the decisions of national and lower courts, and scholarly writings.
Treaties- It is an instrument to maintain a strong relationship between both
countries. They keep the countries' relations stable and diplomatic.
International Customs- customary international law refers to international
obligations arising from established international practices.
Principle of Law-  General principles of law are basic rules whose content is very
general and abstract, sometimes reducible to a maxim or a simple concept

2. What is the relationship between International Law and Philippine Domestic

- As stated in Article II Section 2 of the Philippine Constitution, the Philippines
renounces war as an instrument of national policy, adopts the generally accepted
principles of international law as part of the law of the land, and adheres to the
policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity with all
- International law is a set of obligations that countries choose to impose on
themselves, negotiated in treaties with other countries. Essentially, international
law is just a set of ideas that have gained widespread acceptance to become
common practice around the world. As a result, these legal rules and standards are
being applied to different sovereign states.

3. What or who are subjects of International law?

- A subject of international law is a body or entity recognized or accepted as being
capable, or as in fact being capable, of possessing and exercising international law
rights and duties. The possession of international legal personality means that an
entity is a subject of international law, and can possess international rights and
duties, and has the capacity to maintain its rights by bringing international claims.
The subjects of international law can be categorized into:
- States
- Non-Statete Actors
- International Actors

4. What is Jus Cogens?

- Oxford Bibliographies stated that a peremptory general international law norm
(jus cogens) is a norm accepted and recognized by the international community of
States as a norm from which no deviation is permitted and which can be modified
only by a subsequent general international law norm of the same character.
Furthermore, it implies absolute restrictions of genocide, racial discrimination,
protracted arbitrary detention, slavery, or any other kind of inhuman treatment.
5. What is Ex Aequio et Bono?
- According to Oxford Bibliographies, It refers to a tribunal considering a dispute in
light of what is fair and just given the specific facts, as opposed to strictly in
accordance with the law. The foundation of ex aequio et bono is the notion of
"basic fairness" as a guiding principle in arbitration and other conflict resolution

6. What is erga Omnes?

- According to Oxford Bibliographies, the concept of erga omnes obligations in
international law refers to specifically determined obligations that states have
towards the international community. It is used to describe obligations or rights
owed to all.

- Subjects of International Law: Meaning, Theories, Rights and Duties -

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