ASSIGNMENT 3 (EA) - Gabatan, Heavenly T.

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Gabatan, Heavenly T.

6243 Free Elec

BA Political Science 3 Politics and Governance in East Asia

Around 2200 BCE, the first Chinese dynasty arose. It was situated on the North China Plain, which was

quite productive. Chinese dynasties were organized as a political system that allowed for the continual transfer of

power, ideas, and culture from one generation to the next.

The Americas, Africa, and South Asia had all been conquered by Europeans, and it was only a matter of

time before technology, larger ships, and the European invasion reached East Asia. During the Qing Dynasty,

European colonialism arrived in China. The Silk Road was the main link between China and Europe, crossing the

frequently perilous altitudes of high mountain passes. In China, European colonial powers faced strong resistance.

The first Opium Wars, which lasted from 1839 to 1842, resulted in Britain obtaining the upper hand and

claiming most of central China. Other European nations attempted to establish a foothold in China as well. Portugal

obtained control of Macau's port, Germany of the North China Plain's coastline territory, and France of a portion of

southern China and Southeast Asia. Russia invaded China from the north, claiming the country's northern regions.

Japan, which was within a few miles from China's coast, seized control of Korea and the island of Formosa (now

called Taiwan). As colonialism crept in to seize control of China's mainland, claims on the country grew.

Even though European nations claimed areas of China, they frequently fought amongst themselves.

Because China did not manufacture strong military weaponry as early as the Europeans, it was unable to repel their

invasion. Dr. Sun Yatsen, a Chinese doctor, advocated for the establishment of an independent Chinese Republic
free of dynastic rule, Japanese colonial influence, and European colonial influence. Nationalist and Communist

political parties both worked to build the country.

A three-way war erupted over sovereignty of China between nationalists, communists, and Japan. Japan's

soldiers seized control of sections of northeast China, dubbed Manchuria, and advanced down the eastern coast.

Nationalists pushed Communists into the highlands after defeating them for power. The Chinese populace backed

the two parties' collaboration to combat the Japanese. The Communists' Long March through rural China in 1934

was a six-thousand-mile retreat pursued by Nationalist forces. The people of the countryside aided the Communists

in their endeavors. The Chinese were principally concerned with the defeat of Japan, a country that was slaughtering

large numbers of Chinese citizens in its aggressive war.

Many things altered when the United States defeated Japan in World War II in 1945. After Japan admitted

defeat, it lost control of land in China, Taiwan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific. By 1948, the Communists,

who had grown in strength and organization, had defeated the Nationalists. Chiang Kai-shek gathered his people and

any Chinese artifacts he could and fled by boat to Formosa (Taiwan), which had recently been liberated from Japan

in 1945. Taiwan has been designated as China's official Republic (ROC). The mainland government was taken over

by the Communists. Mao Zedong, the Communist leader, founded the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949,

with Peking as its capital (Beijing). The bombing of Japan by the United States wreaked havoc on the country.

Therefore, the three-way split in China was about taking over control of China between the Nationalist,

Communist, and Japan. The Nationalist conquered the Communist for leadership and forced them into the

mountains. The Chinese were supporting the defeat of the Japanese.


HISTORY AND CULTURE OF THE REGION. (n.d.). Retrieved from Pressbooks:

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