National Institute of Technology Calicut

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National Institute of Technology Calicut

NITC Campus (Post) Calicut-673 601, Kerala

Notification for Admissions to Full-Time M. Tech. Programme in Electric

Vehicle Engineering (EVE) under the Self-Sponsored & Sponsored1
Categories for the Academic Year 2023-24

1. Introduction

NIT Calicut invites applications from eligible candidates for admission to the two-years (four
semesters) full-time M. Tech. Programme in Electric Vehicle Engineering (EVE) under
sponsored1 and self-sponsored categories for the academic year 2023-2024. The candidates
who fulfil the prescribed minimum eligibility criteria as given in the following section may
apply for the same. Students admitted under the sponsored1 and self-sponsored categories will
not receive any financial aid/stipend or scholarship. In the sponsored category, working
professionals from industries/organization/research institutions will be considered for
admissions. The seat allocation for the M. Tech. programme is given in Table 1 below. The self-
sponsored candidates are eligible to appear for campus placement interview coordinated by the
Centre for Career Development in the institute.

Table 1: M. Tech. Programme in Electric Vehicle Engineering and No. of Seats

Programme M. Tech. / M. Plan. programme No. of seats

Code Self- Sponsored
EE66 Electric Vehicle Engineering 10 10

2. Eligibility for Admission to M.TECH. Programme in Electric Vehicle

Engineering (Self-sponsored & Sponsored)

(a) Sponsored Category for working professionals:

Candidates for admission to M. Tech. EVE degree programme under the sponsored1
category should have passed B.E./ B. Tech. in Electrical Engineering/Electrical &
Electronics Engineering/Automobile Engineering or equivalent discipline from an
approved Institute/University with minimum 50% marks (or CGPA 5.0/10). Working
professionals from Industries/Organization/Research Labs with minimum 2 years of
experience in the relevant EVE field may also be considered with basic B.E./ B. Tech.

1sponsored from Industries/R&D Organizations/Central and State Government Institutions/ Defence

Organizations/ Other Reputed Private Organizations.
degree in Mechanical Engineering/Production Engineering/Electronics & Communication
Engineering as per the above criteria.

(b) Self-sponsored Category

Candidates for admission to M. Tech. EVE degree programme under the self-sponsored
category should have passed B.E./ B. Tech. in Electrical Engineering/Electrical &
Electronics Engineering/Automobile Engineering or equivalent discipline from an
approved Institute/University with minimum 60% marks (or CGPA 6.0/10) for
GEN/GEN-EWS/OBC and 55% marks (or CGPA 5.5/10) for SC/ST/PwD categories. Final
semester under graduate students can also apply under the self-sponsored category
provided their final semester marks are made available by 30th September 2023. Such
candidates will be considered for provisional admission. Any candidate admitted
provisionally will have to discontinue the course, if the candidate fails to produce the
provisional degree certificate and mark lists (satisfying the minimum requirements of
marks / CGPA) on or before 30th September 2023. Such candidates will not be eligible for
any refund of fees paid by him/her.

Selection of candidates for M. Tech. Programme in Electric Vehicle Engineering under

the Self-Sponsored & sponsored1 categories will be based on the performance of the
candidate in the test and/or interview conducted by the Department of Electrical
Engineering, NIT Calicut.

3. Features of M.TECH. Programme in Electric Vehicle Engineering (EE66)

The four-semester (two-year) M. Tech. Programme in EVE is based on the credit system. The
programmes comprise several core and elective courses and project work. The M. Tech
programme in Electric Vehicle Engineering has been designed to cater to the growing demand of
skilled engineers in the EV industry. The program exposes students to meet the evolving needs
of the automotive industry in its quest for integrating technological advances in hardware,
power electronics, machine intelligence etc. The course covers power train drives and
control, battery and storage technology, charging infrastructure and analysis, electric vehicle
system engg. and policy, sensors for electric vehicle and embedded systems-design in the core
with a range of electives from all relevant areas of transportation engineering and
management, vehicular dynamics, communication, BMS and intelligent transport system, for
which there is high industrial demand. Industry experts will also share their experience during
classes. The theoretical foundations of the subjects are supported by laboratory practice, case
studies and projects.
 A minimum of 75 credits need to be earned for the award of M. Tech. Degree and the
candidates have to secure a pass Grade in all core courses and elective courses
registered, as per the requirement.
 Slow pace learners (taking less number of courses/semester) shall complete the
programme within 5 years, as per the NITC regulations.
 Lecture classes of theory courses, colloquium and simulation lab classes will be in the
online mode and all other classes (hardware labs etc) will be in the offline mode
conducted at NIT Calicut. Online classes will be held at a mutually convenient time to
the course faculty and registered students.
 The major projects can be done in the sponsored industry or organization /the
industry permitted by sponsoring organization/NITC labs.
 Evaluation of all theory courses, projects, colloquium and lab courses will be done in
the offline mode at NITC.
 Attendance: Students have attended 80% of each course's online lectures/attended
the offline labs etc .
 Ordinances and regulations of M Tech programme approved by the senate of NITC
will be applicable for M. Tech. programme in Electric Vehicle Engineering as well.
 Evaluation: Continuous evaluation- by tests, quiz, assignments, course
projects/seminar (up to maximum 50%) and End semester examination (50%) as
decided by the course faculty and approved by class committee.
4. Fee Structure
The fee structure for M. Tech (Self Sponsored & sponsored) Programme 2023-24
admissions is given below.

Fee Category All Candidates

(a) Onetime fee at the time of admission#(Rs.)
Caution Deposit 5,000
Admission Fee 3,000
Library Fee 2,000
Development Fee 10,000
Association & Cultural fee 1,000
Alumni Affairs Fee 2,000
Seminar/Thesis Fee 1,500
Career Development Fee 2,000
Students Welfare Fee 1,000
Convocation Fee 3,000
Total (a) Rs. 30,500/-
(b) Other Fee#(Rs.) Monsoon Winter Monsoon Winter
Semester Semester Semester Semester
2023-24 2023-24 2024-25 2024-25
Tuition Fee 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000
Registration Fee 1, 750 1, 750 1, 750 1, 750
Examination Fee 1500 1500 1500 1500
Health Centre Facility Fees 500 - 500 -
Students Activities Fee 1,000 - 1,000 -
Sports Fees 1,000 - 1,000 -
Campus Amenities 500 - 500 -
Central Computing Facility Fee 500 - 500 -
Internet Fee 500 - 500 -
Mediclaim** 755 - 755 -
Total (b) Rs. 1, 08,005 Rs.1,03,250 Rs.1,08,005 Rs.1, 03,250
(c) Hostel Seat Rent (Includes Rs. 9,000/- (Shared Room) Rs. 9,000/- (Shared Room)
Room Rent, Electricity, Water Rs. 10,000/- (Single Rs. 10,000/- (Single Room)
Charges)# Room)
Total Amount during
Rs. 1,47,505/-@
**Mediclaim policy amount may vary year to year.
@ Room rent for shared room is added. Additional rent of Rs.1000/- for single room, if allotted, shall be collected
later as dues.
#Subject to revision every year.
5. How to Apply?

1. Apply online using the following link:
2. Register with your e-mail id and mobile number for creating a login in the online portal.
3. Upload colored scan copy of the following documents in the portal.
a) Mark sheet of Class X
b) Photo ID proof as per Govt. of India norms.
c) Grade/Mark sheets of qualifying examination for all semesters (Mark sheets of all
semesters/years need to be combined to a single pdf for uploading/ Consolidated Grade
(Mark) sheet with all subjects mentioned in it).
d) Degree/ Provisional certificate. If result of qualifying degree is awaited, certificate of
course completion from the institute/university last studied must be provided clearly
indicating the date of completion of the course.
e) Candidates claiming percentage/CGPA relaxation as specified in the eligibility
conditions should produce the relevant category certificate as detailed below.
i. Community Certificate, in the case of SC/ST candidate, from a competent
authority (not below the rank of Tahsildar).
ii. Certificate from the Medical Board of Govt. Medical Colleges/Dist. Head
Quarters Hospitals, in the case of Persons with Disabilities (PwD), if applicable.
f) Recent PHOTOGRAPH (Maximum of 120 kB).
g) For sponsored candidates, a sponsorship certificate duly filled by the sponsoring authority
on their letter head withthe seal of the sponsoring authority in the prescribed format.
4. Application registration fee payment can be made using Net Banking/Credit Card/SBI
Challan (by cash) through State Bank Collect (online) at the following link by choosing
the payment category as PG (Self-sponsored/Sponsored) APPLICATION FEE
MONSOON 2023-24.
(Select Kerala → Educational Institutions → Director, National institute of Technology
Calicut → PG (Self-sponsored/Sponsored) APPLICATION FEE MONSOON 2023-
24). After successful completion of the fee payment, save the fee payment receipt for
uploading along with the application form. Application fee for OP/EWS/OBC/PwD is
Rs. 1000/- while that for SC/ST is Rs. 500/-. APPLICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE.
1. If the original certificates are not in English/Hindi, English/Hindi version/translation of
such certificates, duly certified by the Principal/Director or other competent authority of
thegraduating Institute, will be required during the verification of documents.
2. Standard format of the necessary certificates are available in the following link
3. Applications which are incomplete/defective/received late, will be rejected summarily
and no correspondence will be entertained on such applications. The instructions for
online submission of application are available in the online admission portal.
6. Important Dates
Events Dates
Availability of Online Application in 20 April to 19 May 2023
Institute website 20 April to 24 May 2023
Last Date for Receipt of Completed 19 May 2023 (05.00 pm)
Applications (through online) 24 May 2023 (5.00pm)
Test and/or Interview During 3-7 July 2023 (tentative)

All disputes pertaining to the counseling and admission for the M.Tech. Self-Sponsored &
sponsored programmes of NIT Calicut shall fall within the jurisdiction of High Court of Kerala

The statement made in the information brochure and all other information contained herein
is believed to be correct at the time of publication. However, the Institute reserves the right
to make, at any time without notice, changes and additions to the regulations, conditions
governing the admission, requirements, seats, fees and any other information, or statements
contained in this information brochure. No responsibility will be accepted by the
Institute/Chairperson-PG Admissions for hardship or expenses encountered by students/any
other person for such changes, additions, omissions or errors, no matter how they are caused.

Address for Correspondence

Chairperson – PG Admissions
National Institute of Technology Calicut
NIT Campus P.O. Calicut 673 601
Kerala, India
Telephone: 0495 2286119
E-mail: [email protected]

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