Operational Risk Management

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Operational Risk Management:

An Evolving Discipline
Operational risk is not a new concept in scope. Before attempting to define the
the banking industry. Risks associated term, it is essential to understand that
with operational failures stemming from operational risk is present in all activities
events such as processing errors, internal of an organization. As a result, some of
and external fraud, legal claims, and the earliest practitioners defined opera-
business disruptions have existed at tional risk as every risk source that lies
financial institutions since the inception outside the areas covered by market risk
of banking. As this article will discuss, and credit risk. But this definition of
one of the great challenges in systemati- operational risk includes several other
cally managing these types of risks is risks (such as interest rate, liquidity, and
that operational losses can be quite strategic risk) that banks manage and
diverse in their nature and highly unpre- does not lend itself to the management
dictable in their overall financial impact. of operational risk per se. As part of the
revised Basel framework,1 the Basel
Banks have traditionally relied on
Committee on Banking Supervision set
appropriate internal processes, audit
forth the following definition:
programs, insurance protection, and
other risk management tools to counter- Operational risk is defined as the
act various aspects of operational risk. risk of loss resulting from inadequate
These tools remain of paramount impor- or failed internal processes, people,
tance; however, growing complexity in and systems or from external events.
the banking industry, several large and This definition includes legal risk, but
widely publicized operational losses in excludes strategic and reputational
recent years, and a changing regulatory risk.
capital regime have prompted both
While the Basel Committee’s definition
banks and banking supervisors to
includes what the Committee considers
increasingly view operational risk
to be crucial elements, each bank’s defi-
management (ORM) as an evolving disci-
nition for internal management purposes
pline. Of particular note is the applica-
should recognize its unique risk charac-
tion of quantitative concepts, similar to
teristics, including its size and sophistica-
those used to measure credit and market
tion, as well as the nature and
risks, to the measurement of operational
complexity of its products and activities.
In cooperation with industry partici-
This article provides an introduction to pants, the Basel Committee has identi-
operational risk, outlines the current fied the seven operational risk event
state of ORM, and describes different types, shown in Table 1.2
quantification approaches in this evolv-
ing field.
An Evolving Banking
Operational Risk Defined
The operational environment for many
The definition of operational risk banks has evolved dramatically in recent
continues to evolve, in part owing to its years. Deregulation and globalization of

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel Committee), International Convergence of Capital Measure-
ment and Capital Standards (the revised Basel II framework), November 2005, Paragraph 644. Available at
The event types and abbreviated examples presented in the table appear in the Basel Committee’s Sound Practices
for the Management and Supervision of Operational Risk, Paragraph 5. Available at www.bis.org/publ/bcbs86.pdf.

Supervisory Insights Summer 2006
Table 1

Loss Event Types and Examples

Event Type Examples

Internal fraud Employee theft, intentional misreporting of positions, and insider

trading on an employee’s own account
External fraud Robbery, forgery, and check kiting
Employment practices Workers’ compensation and discrimination claims, violation of
and workplace safety employee health and safety rules, and general liability
Clients, products, and Fiduciary breaches, misuse of confidential customer information,
business practices money laundering, and sale of unauthorized products
Damage to physical Terrorism, vandalism, earthquakes, fires, and floods
Business disruption Hardware and software failures, telecommunication problems, and
and system failures utility outages
Execution, delivery, and Data entry errors, collateral management failures, incomplete legal
process management documentation, and vendor disputes

financial services, the proliferation of new ments in data capture methods over the
and highly complex products, large-scale collection period, it appears that in aggre-
acquisitions and mergers, and greater use gate loss amounts have increased since
of outsourcing arrangements have led to collection efforts began. For example, 20
increased operational risk profiles for participating banks reported operational
many institutions. Technological losses of $15 billion in 2004, surpassing
advances, including growth in e-banking the previous high of $5 billion in losses
transactions, automation, and other reported by 17 institutions in 2002.
related business applications also present
Losses associated with operational risk
new and potentially heightened expo-
events can be large. Some well-known
sures from an operational risk standpoint.
examples are the collapse of Barings
Available data support the idea that Bank due to fraudulent trading and the
banks’ operational environments are substantial legal settlements entered into
getting riskier. Chart 1 depicts data by Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase with
gleaned from the 2004 Loss Data Collec- regard to the Enron and WorldCom
tion Exercise (LDCE)3 conducted in matters. The business disruptions and
preparation for the U.S. implementation financial impacts resulting from Hurri-
of the Basel II capital framework. Despite cane Katrina and the September 11
certain inherent limitations in the data, terrorist attacks also exemplify how
such as differences in data availability major, unforeseen events can materially
among the reporting banks and improve- affect a bank’s operations.

The 2004 LDCE was a voluntary survey that asked respondents to provide data on individual operational losses
through June or September 2004 to enable the banking agencies to assess the potential impact of Basel II on capital
for U.S. banking organizations. The results of the survey can be found at www.bos.frb.org/bankinfo/qau/pd051205.pdf
and www.bos.frb.org/bankinfo/conevent/oprisk2005/defontnouvelle.pdf. Additional information regarding the LDCE
is at www.ffiec.gov/ldce.

Supervisory Insights Summer 2006
Operational Risk
continued from pg. 5

Chart 1
Available Data Suggest Riskier Operational Environment
[Operational Losses — Frequency and Severity]

20,000 24

Total # of Losses (Left hand scale)

Total Loss Amount ($M, left hand scale)
15,000 # of Firms Reporting (Right hand scale) 18

10,000 12

5,000 6

0 0
Pre-1999 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Source: 2004 Loss Data Collection Exercise3

to promote a natural segmentation of

Controlling Operational Risk risk awareness, because risks are catego-
Traditional ORM practices, which most rized along functional lines. This
banks employ today, rely on internal approach can create significant opera-
processes, audit programs, and insur- tional risks if management fails to
ance protection to counterbalance opera- consider end-to-end processes.5
tional risk. They are based largely on the More recent ORM practices are
assumption that intelligent, educated founded on the view that intuition alone
people can, through their intuition, iden- is not sufficient to drive the ORM
tify their organization’s significant risks, process. In this view, ORM practices
corresponding controls, and associated must extend to quantitative measure-
metrics.4 In such environments, business ment, including historical loss data,
lines manage their operational risks as formal risk assessments, statistical analy-
they see fit (using a “silo approach”) sis, and independent evaluation.6
with little or no formality or process
transparency. A common framework at the largest
U.S. banks combines the traditional silo
Some larger banks have gone beyond approach with an enterprise-wide over-
the silo approach by establishing central- sight function. The enterprise-wide (or
ized departments or groups responsible corporate) function designs and imple-
for focusing on particular segments of ments the bank’s ORM framework,
operational risk, such as operating which serves as the structure to identify,
processes, compliance, fraud, business measure, monitor, and control or miti-
continuity, or vendor management/ gate operational risk. The framework is
outsourcing. While this evolution has defined by the risk tolerance determined
improved overall risk awareness, it tends by the board of directors, as well as the

Ali Samad-Khan, “Fundamental Issues in OpRisk Management,” OpRisk & Compliance, February 2006.
Eric Holmquist, “Scaling Op Risk Management for SMIs: How to Avoid Boundary Disputes,” OpRisk &
Compliance, January 2006.
Ali Samad-Khan, “Fundamental Issues in OpRisk Management.”

Supervisory Insights Summer 2006
formal operational risk policies outlining • Assist in evaluating the adequacy of
roles and responsibilities, data standards, capital in relation to the bank’s overall
risk assessment processes, reporting risk profile
standards, and a quantification method-
• Enhance risk management efforts by
ology.7 Business line managers continue
providing a common framework for
to “own the risk,” but risks are identified
managing the risk
through formal self-assessments. The risk
assessments are designed to capture end-
to-end processes as well as generate an Quantifying Operational Risk:
understanding of the risks in individual Roots in Economic Capital
processes and products. Table 2
compares the two approaches to ORM. As ORM continues to evolve into a
distinct discipline, efforts to quantify
The primary value of such ORM tech- operational risk have gained momentum.
niques, as demonstrated by a growing A number of large financial institutions
number of institutions using them, is have been working to quantify opera-
their application to decision making and tional risk for several years as part of
risk management. Specifically, the use of their economic capital frameworks. They
a well-integrated ORM framework can do have developed and implemented
the following: economic capital models to allocate capi-
• Increase risk awareness and mitiga- tal to different business segments based
tion opportunities, which may mini- on a variety of risk factors (e.g., credit,
mize potential exposure market, interest rate, operational).
However, within these internal capital
measurement and management

Table 2

Comparison of Traditional and Modern Operational Risk Management8

Traditional Practice Emerging Practice

“Silo-ed” business unit Integrated corporate risk management (CRM)
risk management
Business line managers CRM supplements and reinforces business line risk ownership
“own the risk”
Ad-hoc or no risk Uniform risk assessments across business units facilitated by CRM
Voluminous performance Core set of key risk and performance metrics/escalation triggers
Too much or too little Concise, uniform reporting to senior management and the board of
information; inconsistent directors
business unit reporting
Reliance on qualitative Use of quantitative information (potential operational risk
processes to improve exposure) and risk assessments to improve risk management
risk management

The Basel Committee, International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards, Paragraph
Table adapted from Operational Risk: Regulation, Analysis, and Management by Carol Alexander (2003), p. 15.
Financial Times Prentice Hall. London.

Supervisory Insights Summer 2006
Operational Risk
continued from pg. 7

processes, there is great variation in tional risk exposure will, subject to

methods used and levels of sophistica- supervisory approval, directly affect its
tion, ranging from largely qualitative or risk-based capital (RBC) ratio.
judgmental approaches to complex statis-
Under the existing regulatory capital
tical modeling. With respect to opera-
regime (Basel I), which was adopted in
tional risk, in particular, many of the
1988, there is no explicit charge for oper-
measurement techniques have tradition-
ational risk. In determining RBC ratios,
ally focused on proxies such as gross
financial institutions calculate RWA on
income to estimate capital allocations.
the basis of prescribed percentage alloca-
While few institutions have incorpo- tions for on- and off-balance sheet credit
rated operational risk quantification exposures and for certain market risks. It
systems into their economic capital could be argued that operational risk and
models, ongoing work in this area is other risks were implicitly accounted for
becoming increasingly important given in the calibration of the minimum ratio
the anticipated implementation of a new thresholds for the various Prompt
regulatory capital framework known as Correction Action categories10 (e.g., 4
Basel II. This new framework, which has percent Tier 1 capital to average adjusted
been under development since the late balance sheet assets for the “Adequately
1990s and is approaching international Capitalized” designation), but they are
adoption, is intended to align capital not considered in determining a bank’s
levels more closely with underlying risks. capital ratios.
This general intention is consistent with
the broad goal of most economic capital Quantifying Operational Risk
The Basel II framework outlines three
quantitative approaches (shown in Table 3)
Operational Risk Becomes for determining an operational risk capi-
Part of Regulatory Capital tal charge: the basic indicator approach,
the standardized approach, and the
Under the Basel II framework, institu- advanced measurement approach.
tions (both mandatory and opt-in)9 will
be required to determine an appropriate The first two approaches are simple and
operational risk charge, along with credit generate results on the basis of predeter-
and market risk charges, as part of their mined multipliers (percentages of gross
risk-weighted assets (RWA) calculation. income11 for an entire entity or for indi-
Each institution’s estimate of its opera- vidual business lines). The advanced

As noted in the August 2003 Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR), the Basel II framework in the
United States applies to large, internationally active banking organizations. Mandatory banks are defined as
those with total assets of $250 billion or more or total on-balance-sheet foreign exposure of $10 billion or more.
Such banks must apply advanced credit risk and operational risk approaches. Banks not subject to advanced
approaches on a mandatory basis (“opt-in” banks) may voluntarily apply those approaches. The ANPR is avail-
able at www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/publiccomments/basel/index.html.
The ratio thresholds for the Prompt Corrective Action categories are included in Subpart B of Part 325 of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Rules and Regulations. Subpart B, issued by the FDIC pursuant to
section 38 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, establishes a framework of supervisory actions for insured
depository institutions that are not adequately capitalized. This subpart is available at
Gross income is defined in Paragraph 650 of the revised Basel framework as net income plus net noninterest
income. This measure should be gross of any provisions (e.g., for unpaid interest); be gross of operating
expenses, including fees paid to outsourcing service providers; exclude realized gains and losses from the sale
of securities; and exclude extraordinary or irregular items, as well as income derived from insurance. The calcu-
lations for the basic indicator and standardized approaches are based on average gross income figures over a
three-year period, excluding periods in which gross income is negative or zero.

Supervisory Insights Summer 2006
Table 3

Basel II Approaches to Calculating Operational Risk Capital

Basic Indicator Advanced Measurement

Approach Standardized Approach Approach (AMA)

Supervisor-specific Supervisor-specific Bank-defined parameters

parameters parameters
Supervisor establishes quanti-
Bank-wide measure Business line measure
tative and qualitative standards
Exposure indicator based Exposure indicator based
on gross income (15 on gross income (multipli- Significant flexibility
percent multiplier) ers vary by business line
and range from 12 percent Examples:
to 18 percent) • Loss distribution approach
• Scenario based
• Extreme value theory

Ease of Use Potential Risk Sensitivity

measurement approach (AMA) differs institution employing an AMA must use

from the other two approaches in that it the following four elements in arriving at
explicitly attempts to estimate a bank’s its operational risk capital estimate:
operational risk exposure (aggregate internal data, external data, scenario
operational losses faced over a one-year analysis, and business environment and
period) at a soundness level consistent internal control factors.
with a 99.9 percent confidence level.12
Conceptually, the operational risk capi-
That is, in theory there should be only a
tal estimate can be expressed as protec-
1-in-1,000 probability that a bank’s oper-
tion against expected and unexpected
ational losses during a year will exceed
future losses at a selected confidence
the AMA-estimated amount. Despite the
level, with some provisions for offsetting
statistical challenges, banks typically
portions of this exposure through
select a confidence level between 99.96
reserves or other permitted mitigation
percent and 99.98 percent for economic
techniques (namely insurance). This
capital modeling, which is generally
relationship is reflected graphically in
equivalent to the expected insolvency
Chart 2 using the loss distribution
rate for “AA” rated credit.
approach (LDA), a common quantifica-
Banks adopting an AMA will effectively tion method.
calculate operational risk capital using a
Expected losses (EL) are reflected on
value at risk (VaR) approach common in
the chart as the portion to the left of the
both market risk and credit risk manage-
dotted line marking the mean of the
ment. The U.S. banking agencies have
distribution. The dotted line represents
not mandated the use of any particular
the mean or expected value of the aggre-
quantitative methodology; however, each
gate distribution of potential losses. Loss

As noted in the August 2003 ANPR, the AMA will be the only permitted quantification approach for U.S.-super-
vised institutions (neither the basic indicator nor standardized approaches will be allowed).

Supervisory Insights Summer 2006
Operational Risk
continued from pg. 9

Chart 2

Loss Distribution Approach (LDA)

Risk Mitigation—
EL Offsets, Mean

Operational Risk Capital



Tail Events

Aggregate Losses

levels falling in the EL category are typi- Example: A global institution has five
cally highly predictable and stable, and major business lines, one of which is
generally arise under normal operating the consumer banking group (CBG).
circumstances. Banks may potentially For simplicity we will consider only
use capital-like substitutes (such as eligi- one business line, which is equal to
ble reserves per Generally Accepted the bank’s unit of measure.13 CBG
Accounting Principles) or other concep- has collected 25,000 loss events over
tually sound methods to offset some the past five years, with the majority
portion of EL. defined as high-frequency, low-severity
events. To understand its full exposure
Unexpected losses (UL) on the chart
over the next year, the CBG will
are the area to the right of the dotted
consider risks (both internal and
line. Migrating to the far right of the UL
external) that may not be represented
category (or the tail of the distribution)
in the internal data. For example, over
provides an increasingly high level of
the last year, several banks in the
confidence that the estimate captures
same business line have been sued for
the appropriate degree of severity.
breaches of customer information and
have settled for sums in excess of
The Loss Distribution Approach $1 billion. Additionally, the CBG has
The LDA, or a hybrid thereof, has developed new product offerings and
emerged as the most common statistical acquired several banks during the
method to estimate a bank’s operational year. The business line should
risk exposure. Through the LDA, banks consider this information either by
combine the four AMA elements with using external loss data directly or by
appropriate qualitative and quantitative using the information to develop
adjustments to derive their operational scenarios. The data from these
risk exposure estimates. sources are combined using statistical
methods to estimate operational risk
exposure. The CBG should also incor-

A unit of measure represents the level at which a bank’s operational risk quantification system generates a
separate distribution of potential operational losses. For example, a unit of measure could be represented by a
business line, loss event types, or a combination of both.

Supervisory Insights Summer 2006
porate changes into its residual risk and assessment, and quantification
(inherent risk less controls), as well as processes that are appropriate to the
any risk mitigation offsets. nature of their activities, business envi-
ronment, and internal controls.
Quantification Challenges The proposed operational risk capital
Ongoing supervisory reviews and other rules and supporting guidance14 establish
recent industry studies indicate that broad regulatory expectations while
progress has been made in quantifying enabling each bank to tailor its frame-
operational risk. However, major chal- work to its unique organizational struc-
lenges remain, particularly with respect ture and culture. The embedded
to addressing problems resulting prima- flexibility will require regulators to exer-
rily from data paucity. The primary quan- cise considerable judgment as they
tification issues are as follows: consider the appropriateness of the
chosen ORM framework.
• Properly identifying units of measure
The vast majority of banks will continue
• Collecting adequate data (regarding to calculate regulatory capital under
frequency and severity) for each unit Basel I or Basel I-A (proposed)15 guide-
of measure lines, neither of which has an explicit
• Calculating statistically significant operational risk capital component.
parameters for each loss distribution Nevertheless, many of the risk manage-
ment principles being employed by the
• Describing dependencies across units largest U.S. banks can be used to some
of measure if there is to be any diver- degree by any institution regardless of
sification effect size. The fundamental goal is the same:
• Determining how to incorporate and increasing operational risk awareness
weigh each of the four required AMA and determining the means to minimize
elements within the modeling frame- the institution’s potential exposure.16
Alfred Seivold
Senior Examination Specialist,
ORM — Unique to Each Bank San Francisco
Operational risk has emerged as a
distinct discipline in response to Basel II, Scott Leifer
the increasing number of large opera- Examination Specialist, Boston
tional losses, and the growing size,
sophistication, and complexity of the Scott Ulman
banking industry. Regulators expect Senior Quantitative Risk
banks that adopt Basel II to develop and Analyst, Washington, D.C.
implement comprehensive ORM, data

The proposed operational risk capital rules are contained in the August 2003 ANPR. In conjunction with the ANPR’s
issuance, the U.S banking agencies released proposed supervisory guidance to provide additional detail regarding
supervisory standards for operational risk management programs that will satisfy the qualification requirements
outlined in the ANPR. The proposed supervisory guidance is available at www.fdic.gov/news/news/financial/2003/
In October 2005, the U.S. banking agencies issued an ANPR to solicit comments regarding a new capital frame-
work for banks that do not adopt the Basel II accord. This proposed framework, sometimes referred to as Basel
I-A, is designed to modernize the risk-based capital rules and minimize potentially material differences in capital
requirements between banks that adopt Basel II and banks that remain under existing rules. The ANPR is avail-
able at www.fdic.gov/news/news/press/2005/pr10105a.html.
Eric Holmquist, “The Fundamentals of Operational Risk Assessments,” OpRisk & Compliance, December 2005.

Supervisory Insights Summer 2006

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