ME4382 CourseWorkFormat

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Name of the Practical

Module Name
ME 4382

Semester 7
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka

Name :
Index no :
Date of Submission :
Due Date of Submission :
1. Abstract
This should be a short summary (100-200 words) of the report that details the
significant findings of the laboratory exercise.

2. Introduction
The introduction should include an introductory paragraph that details the
relevance of this lab to the demonstration of engineering principles.
A few paragraphs should be written that give good examples of where this work
occurs in industry/engineering design etc. What are the benefits of this
laboratory session.
The introduction should conclude with a short paragraph that details the
objectives of the laboratory exercise.

3. Theory
All background theory should be explained here. This section will need more
information than is available in the laboratory handout.

4. Equipment
This section should include clearly labeled schematics of the laboratory
All components should be described and the system itself show be described.

5. Procedure
This section should outline the test procedure (written in your own words) in
bullet-point format. It should be clear and concise and have enough detail so that
the tests can be repeated easily.

6. Calculation
All questions and sample calculations should be detailed here. Always use SI
units and include them in the equation.
You might want to show some calculations from theory and compare them to
experimental calculations. You can show how to calculate the efficiency of the
system etc.

7. Results
Results should be plotted in a meaningful way. Only on very rare occasions will
there be a need for a table of results. In general the measurement should be
plotted (on the y-axis) against the settings (x-axis). Labe your graphs clearly and
use SI units.

8. Discussion
The discussion should be compare and make sense of the trends displayed on the
graph. Questions that should be answered in this section are:
 How does the theory compare with the experiment
 How does the change in setting influence the measurement. Quantify it.
 How can the results be used in a real engineering context.
 How can the experiment be improved.
 Answer all questions that are asked for you on the lab sheet

It is important to realize the shortcomings of the experimental apparatus.

However, this section should not lust list the problems/perceived inaccuracies of
the laboratory equipment. Know the difference between precision and accuracy.

9. Conclusions
This section (100 to 200 words) should briefly summarize the main conclusions
of the laboratory exercise. A brief opening paragraphs followed by a 2 or 3
bullet points should be suffice.

Use IEEE format

Use IEEE format

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