Phishing Attacks: Learning by Doing

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Phishing Attacks: Learning by Doing

Tom Chothia, Stefan-Ioan Paiu and Michael Oultram

Computer Science, The University of Birmingham

Introduction This gives them details of what kinds of e-mails the em-
ployees might be expecting, and therefore might lead to
Phishing, and particularly spear phishing, is a major se- a successful phishing attack.
curity concern, however it is often not taught in any detail As an example of one attack possible in our frame-
on security courses. Showing students examples of what work: while looking at the Facebook profiles the students
they know to be phishing e-mails tends to give the in- may spot a post from the company boss to one of the in-
correct impression that phishing is easy to spot and those terns, telling the intern that if he sends the boss his CV
that fall for phishing e-mails are foolish. Phishing stu- then she will look at it and give him career advice. This
dents without their knowledge might be an effective way indicates that the boss is expecting a CV from the intern
to teach students the dangers of phishing, but would lead and therefore is likely to open it. For this attack, the stu-
to ethical and legal issues. dent needs to send an e-mail to the boss from the address
We have developed a framework in which students can of the intern. The e-mail body must be address to the
try to perform phishing attacks against a simulated com- boss by name, be from the intern, and the body of the
pany1 . The framework takes the form of a single VM message must include at least 3 of the words “advice”,
which the students download and run on their own ma- “CV”, thanks/thank you”, “please”, or “career”. If these
chines. On this VM the students find a website for a fic- are present, any macros in any attached Office document
tional company (with employee details), an e-mail client will be run.
and common tools used for phishing. The payloads are run in a dedicated docker instance
Using what they can find out about the company em- for the employee. The aim of the student is to get a
ployees the students need to carefully craft spear phish- shell on this docker instance. Once this is done they
ing e-mails. A script in the VM processes every e-mail can find a flag for the employee. As well as this attack,
sent by the student and uses rules to decide if they have the framework has 4 other similar attacks: one that uses
produced a realistic spear phishing e-mail. If the e- a spreadsheet macro, two executable based attacks, and
mail passes this test then any attached executable, or any one phishing website attack.
macros in Office documents will be run. Hence, the stu-
dents need to both craft a successful phishing e-mail and
a malicious payload. There is a docker container for each
Framework Technical Details
possible phishing victim, successful payloads may give The framework is based on a VirtualBox VM of Ubuntu
the student a shell on this container, where they can find Linux and uses a docker container for each victim and
a flag, which they can submit to show they successfully another docker container to host the company website
completed a phishing attack. and a mail server. The advantage of using docker con-
tainers is that payloads can be executed and run as they
would be on a stand alone machine, so creating a re-
Example Spear Phishing Attack alistic environment. The containers also provide isola-
Common phishing attack payloads are macros in Office tion between the student and the rest of the framework,
documents, executables and fake websites, our frame- e.g., meaning that the company website code and e-mail
work has examples of all of these. To perform an attack server are not visible.
the students must find and read the public Facebook pro- 1. Our framework and more information can be found at https:
files for the employees listed on the company website. //

We use Puppet to automatically configure each docker on the VM. The aim of this part of the exercise is to en-
container, installing the software, files and flags we need courage students to discuss phishing attacks, and so to
starting the web and mail servers, and configuring the gain an understanding of why they work.
network between the docker instances. This has the ad- While students are developing their attacks we will
vantage of automating most of the set up procedure. talk to the groups, discuss their ideas and help them
Each docker container that represents a possible phish- get the attacks working. We found discussion of pos-
ing victim runs a Java program that polls the e-mail sible phishing attacks to be particularly useful. Discus-
server every minute, if an e-mail addressed to the pos- sion with students also helped clarify how the exercise
sible victim is found then the program applies checks worked and make sure students where working in the
based on the words and names that are contained in the right directions. Some false paths students tried included
message. If these checks pass then the script may ei- messaging the people on Facebook, sending e-mails to
ther look for a Linux executable and run it, or look for people to try to gain their trust before sending the pay-
a particular type of Office document, extract the macros load, searching for more sources of information as well
and run those. If any of the checks fail then the program as Facebook and the company website. While all of these
sends a reply to the VM e-mail client (not the from ad- were good ideas, they are not supported by our frame-
dress) giving a hint as to why it failed, (e.g. “I don’t work, and letting the students know that avoids them
trust this e-mail because it wasn’t addressed to me” or wasting time.
if it does not contain the words needed in the text “this The phishing VM has been used at an on site cap-
e-mail doesn’t seem relevant to me”). ture the flag competition (∼ 60 students), as an event for
The Java program may also look for a URL in the e- cyber security students at the University of New South
mail, fetch the page and look for particular words and Wales (∼ 20 students), and as part of a Penetration test-
tags on the page, if they are found then the program will ing Masters course at the University of Birmingham (22
post a username and password to a form on the page. So students). These were all computer science students with
making it possible for students to phish for log in details. an interest in cyber security, although most had not used
MetaSploit and Libre Office are installed for the stu- MetaSploit or Office Macros before. In each case all
dents, which they can use to make phishing payloads. A teams could find 1 or 2 attacks within 2 hours. The CTF
web server is configured so that they can use it to make ran for 6 hours and this was one of a range of challenges,
a phishing website. The e-mail IceDove client is config- teams that focused on this challenge found 4 or 5 of the
ured on the machine to use the e-mail server in the com- attacks. For the course, students had a 2 hour supervised
pany container (IceDove allows any from address to be lab sessions and then a week to look for more attacks in
entered for an e-mail, without needing to reconfigure the their own time. It was compulsory to find three attacks,
account details). The web browser is configured to have which all students did. Finding the 2 other attacks was
the companies main page as the default page so it is the for extra credit which 14 out of 22 students did.
first thing the student see when they open the browser. The exercise was very popular, part of this seemed to
be due to its novelty. Students were also interested in
the framework and had a lot of questions about how it
Using Our Framework for Teaching worked. Students universally said that the exercise raised
The key goal of this exercise is to get students to think their awareness and understanding of phishing attacks.
carefully about phishing attacks, in particular we want
to counter the idea that all phishing attacks are easy to Further Work
spot and that people who fall for them are stupid. This
is done by making students craft convincing e-mails, i.e., We would like to carry out a formal assessment of our
ones which they themselves might fall for. Secondary framework as a learning tool. We would also like to add
goals are to teach the mechanics of how phishing attacks in more sources of information about the employees that
happen, and to alert the students to the dangers of having could be used for phishing attacks, e.g., Linkedin pages
personal information publicly available. for the employees.
We give students an introduction to phishing attacks, The simple MetaSploit generated and Office macro
briefly describing why people might accept phishing e- payloads used in this exercise would be picked up by all
mails. We also demonstrate the creations of phishing anti-virus products and many most mail services would
payloads with MetaSploit and as Office macros, a hand detect these and not deliver the e-mails. A way to in-
out for students gives details of this and describes how to crease the technical difficulty of the exercises would be
create a basic phishing website. to enable different grades of anti virus on the contain-
ers. This would require the student to carefully craft their
Students are asked to work in teams of 3 or 4 to dis-
payloads to avoid malware detection.
cuss possible ideas for phishing attacks, and try them out

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