Autosar Sws Rte

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Specification of RTE Software


Document Title Specification of RTE Software

Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 84

Document Status published

Part of AUTOSAR Standard Classic Platform
Part of Standard Release R20-11

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Description
• Support for Software Clusters
AUTOSAR • Optimization of return type for RTE
2020-11-30 R20-11 Release APIs
Management • Minor corrections / clarifications /
editorial changes
• Support for meta-data on application
• Support for direct access to the
AUTOSAR RamMirror of a NvBlockComponent
2019-11-28 R19-11 Release • Minor corrections / clarifications /
Management editorial changes; For details please
refer to the ChangeDocumentation
• Changed Document Status from
Final to published
• RTE Implementation Plug-Ins
AUTOSAR • Support for optional elements in
2018-10-31 4.4.0 Release structured data types
Management • Minor corrections / clarifications /
editorial changes; For details please
refer to the ChangeDocumentation
AUTOSAR • Minor corrections / clarifications /
2017-12-08 4.3.1 Release editorial changes; For details please
Management refer to the ChangeDocumentation

1 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

AUTOSAR • Service-based bypass support

2016-11-30 4.3.0 Release • Minor corrections / clarifications /
Management editorial changes; For details please
refer to the ChangeDocumentation
• Debugging support marked as
AUTOSAR obsolete
2015-07-31 4.2.2 Release • Minor corrections / clarifications /
Management editorial changes; For details please
refer to the ChangeDocumentation
• Efficient NV data handling
AUTOSAR • Introduction of data transformation
2014-10-31 4.2.1 Release • Support for variable-size Arrays of
Management arbitrary data types
• Various fixes and clarifications
2014-03-31 4.1.3 Release • Various fixes and clarifications
2013-10-31 4.1.2 Release • Various fixes and clarifications
• Adapted to new version of meta
• Bypass support added
AUTOSAR • Support for parameter serialization of
2013-03-15 4.1.1 client-server communication added
• Support for inter-partition
communication of BSW modules
• General consolidation and bug fixes
• Adapted to new version of meta
• Support for mixed compu methods
with categories SCALE_
2011-12-22 4.0.3 TEXTTABLE added
• Support for compatibility of partial
record types added
• Consolidation of signal invalidation,
data conversion, and out-of-range
• General consolidation and bug fixes

2 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• Adapted to new version of meta

• Backward compatibility to implicit
communication behavior of
AUTOSAR 2.1/3.0/3.1 added
AUTOSAR • Support of inter-runnable variables
2011-04-15 4.0.2
Administration extended to composite data types
• Clarification which API calls shall be
implemented as macro accesses to
the component data structure in
compatibility mode
• General consolidation and bug fixes
• Adapted to new version of meta
• RTE and Basic Software Scheduler
AUTOSAR merged
2009-12-18 4.0.1
Administration • Support of multi core architectures
• Re-scaling at ports added
• API enhancements added
• updated VFB-Tracing
AUTOSAR • unconnected R-Ports are supported
2009-02-04 3.1.2 • incompatible function declarations
• RTE server mapping updated
2008-02-01 3.0.2 • Layout adaptations
• Adapted to new version of meta
• "RTE ECU Configuration" added
AUTOSAR • Calibration and measurement
2007-12-21 3.0.1
Administration revised
• Document meta information
• Small layout adaptations made
AUTOSAR • "Advice for users" revised
2007-01-24 2.1.15
Administration • "Revision Information" added

3 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• Adapted to new version of meta

• New feature ’debouncing of runnable
AUTOSAR • New feature ’runnable activation
2006-11-28 2.1 offset’
• ’Measurement and Calibration’
• Semantics of implicit communication
• Legal disclaimer revised
2006-05-16 2.0 Initial release

4 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software


This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained in
it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for the purpose of information only. AUTOSAR and the
companies that have contributed to it shall not be liable for any use of the work.
The material contained in this work is protected by copyright and other types of intel-
lectual property rights. The commercial exploitation of the material contained in this
work requires a license to such intellectual property rights.
This work may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any form or by
any means, for informational purposes only. For any other purpose, no part of the work
may be utilized or reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
The work has been developed for automotive applications only. It has neither been
developed, nor tested for non-automotive applications.
The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.

5 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 28
1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.2 Dependency to other AUTOSAR specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.4 Technical Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.5 Document Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
1.6 Requirements Tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2 RTE Overview 80
2.1 The RTE in the Context of AUTOSAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.2 AUTOSAR Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.2.1 AUTOSAR Software-components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.2.2 Basic Software Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2.2.3 Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Communication Paradigms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Communication Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Static Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Multiplicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.2.4 Concurrency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
2.3 The RTE Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
2.4 Design Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3 RTE Generation Process 86
3.1 Contract Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.1.1 RTE Contract Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.1.2 Basic Software Scheduler Contract Phase . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.2 PreBuild Data Set Contract Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.3 Edit ECU Configuration of the RTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.4 Generation Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
3.4.1 Basic Software Scheduler Generation Phase . . . . . . . . . 96
3.4.2 RTE Generation Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3.4.3 Cluster Generation Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.4.4 Basic Software Module Description generation . . . . . . . . 99 Bsw Module Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Bsw Internal Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Bsw Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3.5 PreBuild Data Set Generation Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
3.6 PostBuild Data Set Generation Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.7 RTE Configuration interaction with other BSW Modules . . . . . . . . . 105
4 RTE Functional Specification 106
4.1 Architectural concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4.1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4.1.2 RTE and Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

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Specification of RTE Software

4.1.3 RTE and AUTOSAR Software-Components . . . . . . . . . . 108 Hierarchical Structure of Software-Components . . . 109 Ports, Interfaces and Connections . . . . . . . . . . 110 Internal Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
4.1.4 Instantiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Scope and background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Concepts of instantiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Single instantiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Multiple instantiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
4.1.5 RTE and AUTOSAR Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
4.1.6 RTE and ECU Abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4.1.7 RTE and Complex Device Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4.1.8 Basic Software Scheduler and Basic Software Modules . . . 121 Description of a Basic Software Module . . . . . . . 121 Basic Software Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Basic Software Internal Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Basic Software Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Multiple Instances of Basic Software Modules . . . . 122 AUTOSAR Services / ECU Abstraction / Complex
Device Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
4.2 RTE and Basic Software Scheduler Implementation Aspects . . . . . . 123
4.2.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
4.2.2 OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 OS Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Basic Software Schedulable Entities . . . . . . . . . 131 Runnable Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 RTE Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 BswEvents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Mapping of Runnable Entities and Basic Software
Schedulable Entities to tasks (informative) . . . . . . 135 Monitoring of runnable execution time . . . . . . . . 142 TimingEvent activated runnables . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Synchronization of TimingEvent activated runnables 148 BackgroundEvent activated Runnable Entities and
BasicSoftware Schedulable Entities . . . . . . . . . . 149 InitEvent activated Runnable Entities . . . . . . . . . 150 OsTaskExecutionEvent activated Runnable Entities . 150
4.2.3 Activation and Start of ExecutableEntitys . . . . . . . . 152 Activation by direct function call . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Activation Offset for RunnableEntitys and
BswSchedulableEntitys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Provide activating RTE event . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
4.2.4 Cyclic execution of ExecutableEntitys . . . . . . . . . . 164
4.2.5 Interrupt decoupling and notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Basic notification principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

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Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Decoupling interrupts on RTE level . . . . . . . . . . 167 RTE and interrupt categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 RTE and Basic Software Scheduler and BswExecu-
tionContext . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
4.2.6 Data Consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Communication Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Mechanisms to guarantee data consistency . . . . . 175 Exclusive Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 InterRunnableVariables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
4.2.7 Multiple trigger of Runnable Entities and Basic Software
Schedulable Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
4.2.8 Implementation of Parameter and Data Elements . . . . . . . 185 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Compatibility rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Implementation of an interface element . . . . . . . 186 Initialization of VariableDataPrototypes . . . . 187 Initialization of optional Elements . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Initial value calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
4.2.9 Measurement and Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Generation of McSupportData . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
4.2.10 Access to NVRAM data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Usage of the NvBlockSwComponentType . . . . . . 234 Interface of the NvBlockSwComponentType . . . . . 239 Data Consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
4.3 Communication Paradigms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
4.3.1 Sender-Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Receive Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Multiple Data Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Multiple Receivers and Senders . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 Implicit and Explicit Data Reception and Transmission 254 Transmission Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Communication Time-out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 Data Element Invalidation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Buffering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 “Never received status” for Data Element . . . . . . . 297 “Update flag” for Data Element . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

8 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Dynamic data type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 Inter-ECU communication through TP . . . . . . . . 299 Inter-ECU communication of arrays of bytes . . . . . 301 Handling of acknowledgment events . . . . . . . . . 303 Meta data for application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
4.3.2 Client-Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Multiplicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 Communication Time-out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Port-Defined argument values . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Buffering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 Inter-ECU and Inter-Partition Response to Request
Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 Parameter Serialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
4.3.3 SWC internal communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Inter Runnable Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
4.3.4 Inter-Partition communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 Inter partition data communication using IOC . . . . 324 Inter partition data communication using Basic Soft-
ware Scheduler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Accessing (Ld)Com and Det in multicore/multiparti-
tion configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Signaling and control flow support for inter partition
communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Trusted Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Memory Protection and Pointer Type Parameters in
RTE API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
4.3.5 PortInterface Element Mapping and Data Conversion . . . . 330 PortInterface Element Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
4.3.6 Network Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 Network Representation with no data transformation 334 Network Representation with data transformation . . 334
4.3.7 Data Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
4.3.8 Range Checks during Runtime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
4.4 Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
4.4.1 Mode User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
4.4.2 Mode Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
4.4.3 Refinement of the semantics of ModeDeclarations and
ModeDeclarationGroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
4.4.4 Order of actions taken by the RTE / Basic Software Scheduler
upon interception of a mode switch notification . . . . . . . . 353
4.4.5 Assignment of mode machine instances to RTE and Basic
Software Scheduler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
4.4.6 Initialization of mode machine instances . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
4.4.7 Notification of mode switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363

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Specification of RTE Software

4.4.8 Mode switch acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366

4.4.9 Mode switch error handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367 Mode User gets terminated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367 Mode Manager gets terminated . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
4.4.10 Mapping of ModeDeclarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
4.4.11 Distributed Shared Mode Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
4.5 External and Internal Trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
4.5.1 External Trigger Event Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 Trigger Sink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 Trigger Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Multiplicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 Synchronized Trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
4.5.2 Inter Runnable Triggering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 Multiplicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
4.5.3 Inter Basic Software Module Entity Triggering . . . . . . . . . 384
4.5.4 Inter ECU Trigger Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
4.5.5 Queuing of Triggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
4.5.6 Activation of triggered ExecutableEntities . . . . . . . . . . . 387
4.6 Initialization and Finalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
4.6.1 Initialization and Finalization of the RTE . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 Initialization of the Basic Software Scheduler . . . . 389 Initialization of the RTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 Stop and restart of the RTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 Finalization of the RTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 Finalization of the Basic Software Scheduler . . . . 391
4.6.2 Initialization and Finalization of AUTOSAR Software-
Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
4.7 Variant Handling Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
4.7.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
4.7.2 Choosing a Variant and Binding Variability . . . . . . . . . . 394 General impact of Binding Times on RTE generation 394 Choosing a particular variant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395 SystemDesignTime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396 CodeGenerationTime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 PreCompileTime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 LinkTime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398 PostBuild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
4.7.3 Variability affecting the RTE generation . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 Software Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 Atomic Software Component and its Internal Behavior 401 NvBlockComponent and its Internal Behavior . . . . 404 Parameter Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 Data Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 Basic Software Modules and its Internal Behavior . . 407

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Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Flat Instance descriptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407

4.7.4 Variability affecting the Basic Software Scheduler generation 407 Basic Software Scheduler API which is subject to
variability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 Basic Software Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 API behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
4.7.5 Variability affecting SWC implementation . . . . . . . . . . . 409
4.8 Development error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
4.8.1 DET Report Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
4.8.2 DET Error Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
4.8.3 DET Error Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
4.9 Bypass Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
4.9.1 Bypass description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
4.9.2 Component wrapper method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
4.9.3 Direct buffer access method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
4.9.4 Extended buffer access method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418 Global Enable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 RPT Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 Level 1 - Post-Build Hooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421 Level 2 - Non Post-Build Hooking . . . . . . . . . . . 431 Level 3 - Extended Non Post-Build Hooking . . . . . 436 Level 2 and 3 - Non Post-Build Hooking and Implicit
Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439 Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
4.9.5 Service Based Prototyping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Rapid Prototyping Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443 Service Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 Service Point IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448 Conditional RunnableEntity Invocation . . . . . . . . 449 Interaction with RTE-Managed buffers . . . . . . . . 450 Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
4.10 Data Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
4.10.1 Execution of Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 Transformer for inter-ECU communication . . . . . . 453 Transformer for intra-ECU communication . . . . . . 454
4.10.2 Transformer Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
4.10.3 Buffer Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
4.10.4 Interfaces to Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
4.10.5 Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
4.10.6 Transformer Status Forwarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
4.10.7 Transformer Transaction Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
4.10.8 Transformer Protocol Header Peeking . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
4.10.9 COM Based Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
5 RTE Reference 466

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5.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466

5.1.1 Programming Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
5.1.2 Generator Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467 Operating Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467 Optimization Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 Build support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 Software Component Namespace . . . . . . . . . . 474
5.1.3 Generator external configuration switches . . . . . . . . . . . 474
5.2 API Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
5.2.1 RTE Namespace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
5.2.2 Direct API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
5.2.3 Indirect API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478 Accessing Port Handles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
5.2.4 VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess and
dataWriteAccess roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
5.2.5 Per Instance Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
5.2.6 API Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484 “RTE Contract” Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484 “RTE Generation” Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487 Function Elision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 API Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 API Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Return Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491 Return References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493 Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 Success Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
5.2.7 Unconnected Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 Data Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 Mode Switch Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498 Client-Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499 External Triggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
5.2.8 Non-identical port interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
5.2.9 Return type Std_ReturnType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
5.3 RTE Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
5.3.1 RTE Header File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
5.3.2 Lifecycle Header File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
5.3.3 Application Header File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503 File Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 File Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
5.3.4 RTE Types Header File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508 File Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509 Classification of Implementation Data Types . . . . . 510 Primitive Implementation Data Type . . . . . . . . . 511 Array Implementation Data Type . . . . . . . . . . . 512 Structure Implementation Data Type . . . . . . . . . 516

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Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Union Implementation Data Type . . . . . . . . . . . 517 Implementation Data Type redefinition . . . . . . . . 522 Pointer Implementation Data Type . . . . . . . . . . 522 ImplementationDataTypes with Variation-
Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524 Naming of data types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524 C/C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
5.3.5 RTE Data Handle Types Header File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526 File Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526 File Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
5.3.6 Application Types Header File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527 File Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528 File Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528 RTE Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529 Enumeration Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529 Range Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529 Implementation Data Type symbols . . . . . . . . . . 529 Macros for accessing Availability Information in
Structs for optional Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
5.3.7 VFB Tracing Header File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 C/C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 File Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
5.3.8 RTE Configuration Header File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 C/C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 File Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
5.3.9 Generated RTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540 Header File Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540 C/C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 File Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 Reentrancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
5.3.10 RTE Post Build Variant Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545 Example 1: File Contents Rte_PBcfg.h . . . . . . . . 545 Example 2: File Contents Rte_PBcfg.h . . . . . . . . 546 Examples: File Contents Rte_PBcfg.c . . . . . . . . 546
5.4 RTE Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
5.4.1 Instance Handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
5.4.2 Component Data Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550 Data Handles Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 Per-instance Memory Handles Section . . . . . . . . 557 Inter Runnable Variable Handles Section . . . . . . . 558 Exclusive-area API Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559 Port API Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560 Calibration Parameter Handles Section . . . . . . . . 565 Inter Runnable Variable API Section . . . . . . . . . 566 Inter Runnable Triggering API Section . . . . . . . . 567

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Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Instance Id Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568 RAM Block Data Updated Handles Section . . . . . 568 Vendor Specific Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
5.5 API Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
5.5.1 Std_ReturnType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570 Infrastructure Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572 Application Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572 Predefined Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
5.5.2 Rte_Instance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
5.5.3 RTE Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
5.5.4 Enumeration Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
5.5.5 Range Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
5.5.6 Data Types with bitfield conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
5.6 API Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
5.6.1 Rte_Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
5.6.2 Rte_NPorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
5.6.3 Rte_Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
5.6.4 Rte_Write . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
5.6.5 Rte_Send . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
5.6.6 Rte_Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
5.6.7 Rte_Invalidate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
5.6.8 Rte_Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
5.6.9 Rte_SwitchAck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
5.6.10 Rte_Read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607
5.6.11 Rte_DRead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
5.6.12 Rte_Receive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612
5.6.13 Rte_Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
5.6.14 Rte_Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620
5.6.15 Rte_Pim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
5.6.16 Rte_CData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
5.6.17 Rte_Prm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627
5.6.18 Rte_IRead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628
5.6.19 Rte_IReadRef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
5.6.20 Rte_IWrite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
5.6.21 Rte_IWriteRef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632
5.6.22 Rte_IInvalidate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634
5.6.23 Rte_IStatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
5.6.24 Rte_IrvIRead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638
5.6.25 Rte_IrvIReadRef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
5.6.26 Rte_IrvIWrite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
5.6.27 Rte_IrvIWriteRef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
5.6.28 Rte_IrvRead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
5.6.29 Rte_IrvWrite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
5.6.30 Rte_Enter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
5.6.31 Rte_Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646
5.6.32 Rte_Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647

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Specification of RTE Software

5.6.33 Enhanced Rte_Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649

5.6.34 Rte_Trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653
5.6.35 Rte_IrTrigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654
5.6.36 Rte_IFeedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
5.6.37 Rte_IsUpdated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658
5.6.38 Rte_PBCon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
5.6.39 Rte_IsAvailable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
5.6.40 Rte_SetAvailable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
5.6.41 Rte_SetMetaDataItem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
5.6.42 Rte_GetMetaDataItem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662
5.6.43 Rte_GetMetaDataLength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663
5.7 Runnable Entity Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663
5.7.1 Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663
5.7.2 Entry Point Prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664
5.7.3 Role Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666
5.7.4 Return Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
5.7.5 Triggering Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667 TimingEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668 BackgroundEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668 SwcModeSwitchEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668 AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent . . . . . . . . 669 DataReceiveErrorEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669 OperationInvokedEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669 DataReceivedEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671 DataSendCompletedEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671 ModeSwitchedAckEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672 SwcModeManagerErrorEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672 ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . 672 InternalTriggerOccurredEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673 DataWriteCompletedEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673 InitEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673 TransformerErrorEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674 OsTaskExecutionEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674
5.7.6 Reentrancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674
5.8 RTE Lifecycle API Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675
5.8.1 Rte_Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675 Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676 Existence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676 Return Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677
5.8.2 Rte_Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677 Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677 Existence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678 Return Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678

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Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678

5.8.3 Rte_PartitionTerminated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678 Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679 Existence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679 Return Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680
5.8.4 Rte_PartitionRestarting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680 Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681 Existence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681 Return Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
5.8.5 Rte_RestartPartition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682 Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682 Existence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682 Return Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
5.8.6 Rte_Init . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683 Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684 Existence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684 Return Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685
5.8.7 Rte_StartTiming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685 Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685 Existence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686 Return Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686
5.9 RTE Call-backs Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686
5.9.1 RTE-COM Message Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . 687
5.9.2 Communication Service Call-backs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687 Call-backs for communication over AUTOSAR COM 687 Call-backs for communication over AUTOSAR LdCom 698
5.9.3 NVM Service Call-backs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706 Rte_SetMirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706 Rte_GetMirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707 Rte_NvMNotifyJobFinished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709 Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710
5.10 Expected interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711
5.10.1 Expected Interfaces from Com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711
5.10.2 Expected Interfaces from LdCom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712
5.10.3 Expected Interfaces from Os . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712
5.10.4 Expected Interfaces for Data Transformation . . . . . . . . . 713

16 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5.10.5 Expected Interfaces from NvM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713

5.11 VFB Tracing Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
5.11.1 Principle of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
5.11.2 Support for multiple clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
5.11.3 Support for Multiple Instantiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716
5.11.4 Contribution to the Basic Software Module Description and
the client’s configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
5.11.5 Trace Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728 RTE API Trace Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728 BSW Scheduler API Trace Events . . . . . . . . . . 729 COM Trace Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730 OS Trace Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732 Runnable Entity Trace Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734 BSW Schedulable Entities Trace Events . . . . . . . 735 RPT Trace Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
5.11.6 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738
5.11.7 Interaction with Object-code Software-Components . . . . . 738
6 Basic Software Scheduler Reference 740
6.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
6.2 API Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
6.2.1 Basic Software Scheduler Namespace . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
6.2.2 BSW Scheduler Name Prefix and Section Name Prefix . . . 741
6.2.3 BSW Scheduler API options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745
6.3 Basic Software Scheduler modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745
6.3.1 Module Interlink Types Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745 File Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747 File Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747 Basic Software Scheduler Modes . . . . . . . . . . . 747
6.3.2 Module Interlink Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747 File Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749 File Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749
6.4 API Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753
6.4.1 Predefined Error Codes for Std_ReturnType . . . . . . . . . 753 SCHM_E_OK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753 SCHM_E_LIMIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754 SCHM_E_NO_DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754 SCHM_E_TRANSMIT_ACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754 SCHM_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA . . . . . . . . . . 754 SCHM_E_TIMEOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755 SCHM_E_LOST_DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755
6.4.2 Basic Software Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755
6.4.3 Enumeration Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 757
6.4.4 Range Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760

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Specification of RTE Software

6.4.5 Data Types with bitfield conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761

6.5 API Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763
6.5.1 SchM_Enter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763
6.5.2 SchM_Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765
6.5.3 SchM_Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 766
6.5.4 SchM_Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768
6.5.5 SchM_Send . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770
6.5.6 SchM_Receive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771
6.5.7 SchM_Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773
6.5.8 SchM_Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 774
6.5.9 Enhanced SchM_Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776
6.5.10 SchM_SwitchAck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778
6.5.11 SchM_Trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
6.5.12 SchM_ActMainFunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781
6.5.13 SchM_CData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 782
6.5.14 SchM_Pim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783
6.6 Bsw Module Entity Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784
6.6.1 Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785
6.6.2 Entry Point Prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787
6.6.3 Reentrancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 789
6.6.4 Provide activating Bsw event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 790
6.7 Basic Software Scheduler Lifecycle API Reference . . . . . . . . . . . 790
6.7.1 SchM_Init . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 790
6.7.2 SchM_Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791
6.7.3 SchM_StartTiming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 792
6.7.4 SchM_Deinit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793
6.7.5 SchM_GetVersionInfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 794
7 RTE Implementation Plug-Ins Reference 796
7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 796
7.1.1 RTE Implementation Plug-Ins in the AUTOSAR Architecture 797
7.1.2 Multiple RTE Implementation Plug-Ins handling one Commu-
nication Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 798
7.2 Interface between RTE Implementation Plug-Ins and RTE . . . . . . . 799
7.2.1 File Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 799 RTE Global Buffer Declaration File . . . . . . . . . . 801 RIPS Buffer Declaration Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803 RTE Implementation Plug-In Header File . . . . . . . 803 RIPS SWC-BSW-Instance Header File . . . . . . . . 804 RTE Implementation Plug-In Implementation File . . 806 RTE Header File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807 Application Header File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807 Module Interlink Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807 RTE Data Handle Types Header File . . . . . . . . . 807
7.2.2 API principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808 API name pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808

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AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Basic requirements on RTE Implementation

Plug-In Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810 Basic requirements on RTE Implementation . . . . . 811
7.2.3 API Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811
7.2.4 API Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812 Implicit buffer value access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812 Implicit buffer address access . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815 Implicit communication buffer Fill Flush Routines . . 817 Explicit access protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818 Explicit data access services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823 ExclusiveArea protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835 Mode queue protection functions . . . . . . . . . . . 837 Cross cluster mode communication functions . . . . 838 Distributed Shared Mode Queue schedule synchro-
nization functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840 Server Function Invocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 844 Signal notifications for transformer . . . . . . . . . . 850 Cross cluster trigger communication functions . . . . 856 Data and Event Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856 External Parameter Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 862 RTE Implementation Plug-In Lifecycle API . . . . . . 863
7.3 RTE Implementation Plug-Ins Functional Specification . . . . . . . . . 866
7.3.1 Specializations of AtomicSwComponentTypes . . . . . . . 866
7.3.2 Interaction with VFB Tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866
7.3.3 Validation Strategy for RTE Implementation Plug-Ins . . . . . 867 Graduated Validation Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 867 Validation Implication w.r.t. Exclusive Areas . . . . . 867 Validation Implication w.r.t. Event To Task Mapping . 867 Validation Implication w.r.t. communication multiplicity 869
7.3.4 Data Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869 Enable RTE Implementation Plug-In support for
communication graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869 Details on RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors for
Data Communication Graphs . . . . . . . . . . 871 Data Communication Graphs involving
NvBlockSwComponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875 Handling of Communication Status and Conversion
with RTE Implementation Plug-Ins . . . . . . . . . . 878 Instantiation of global copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 884 Explicit Communication and RTE Implementation
Plug-Ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 886 Implicit Communication and RTE Implementation
Plug-Ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895 Inter Runnable Variables and RTE Implementation
Plug-Ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907

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AUTOSAR CP R20-11 RTE Implementation Plug-Ins and NvBlockSwCom-

ponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907
7.3.5 Exclusive Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 920 Exclusive Areas and RTE Implementation Plug-Ins . 920 Enable RTE Implementation Plug-In support for Ex-
clusiveAreas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 921 Exclusive Areas in Role canEnterExclusiveArea . . . 922 Exclusive Areas in Role runsInsideExclusiveArea . . 923
7.3.6 Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925 Modes and Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925 Modes and Cross Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925 Enable RTE Implementation Plug-In support for
mode machine instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 926 Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In sup-
port for mode communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927 Enable RTE Implementation Plug-In support for dis-
tributed shared mode queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . 929 RTE Implementation Plug-In support for distributed
shared mode queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 930
7.3.7 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933 Enable RTE Implementation Plug-In support for Pa-
rameter Communication Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . 933 Instantiation of parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 935
7.3.8 Compatibility Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 935 Detection of source code vs. object code software
components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 935 Compatibility Mode and RTE Implementation Plug-Ins 936
7.3.9 Client Server Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 936 Enable RTE Implementation Plug-In support for
client server Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . 936
7.3.10 Trigger Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937 Enable RTE Implementation Plug-In support for trig-
gers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937 Trigger and Cross Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 939
7.3.11 Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940 Handling of DataTransformation for Data Commu-
nication Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940 Handling of Client Server Communication
Graphs and Trigger Communication Graphs . 940
7.3.12 Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 942 Measurement on Data Communication Graphs . . . 942 Measurement on Parameter Communication Graphs 943
7.3.13 Inter-Partition communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 943

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Specification of RTE Software

7.3.14 Bypass Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 944 Component wrapper method . . . . . . . . . . . . . 944 Direct buffer access method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 944 Extended buffer access method . . . . . . . . . . . . 945
7.3.15 Activation of RTEEvents and BswEvents . . . . . . . . . . . 945
8 RTE ECU Configuration 947
8.1 RTE Module Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947
8.1.1 RTE Configuration Version Information . . . . . . . . . . . . 950
8.2 RTE Generation Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 951
8.3 RTE PreBuild configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 974
8.4 RTE PostBuild configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 976
8.5 Handling of Software Component instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979
8.5.1 RTE Event to task/ISR mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981 Evaluation and execution order . . . . . . . . . . . . 984 Direct and trusted function call . . . . . . . . . . . . 985 Schedule Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987 Timeprotection support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 988 Os Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 988 Background activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989 Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 990
8.5.2 Rte Os Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999 Activation using Os features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1001 Modes and Schedule Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1003
8.5.3 Exclusive Area implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1008
8.5.4 NVRam Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1012
8.5.5 SWC Trigger queuing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017
8.5.6 SWC Mode Machine Instance configuration . . . . . . . . . . 1021
8.6 Handling of Software Component types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1024
8.6.1 Selection of Software-Component Implementation . . . . . . 1024
8.6.2 Component Type Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1026
8.7 Implicit communication configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1029
8.8 Exclusive access optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1033
8.9 Communication infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1034
8.10 Configuration of the BSW Scheduler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1034
8.10.1 BSW Scheduler General configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1035
8.10.2 BSW Module Instance configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1036 BSW ExclusiveArea configuration . . . . . . . . . . . 1039 BswEvent to task mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1043 BSW Trigger configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1051 BSW ModeDeclarationGroup configuration . . . . . 1057 BSW Client Server configuration . . . . . . . . . . . 1059 BSW Sender Receiver configuration . . . . . . . . . 1061 BSW Mode Machine Instance configuration . . . . . 1063
8.11 Configuration of Synchronization Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1066
8.12 Configuration of Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067

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8.13 Configuration of Task Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071

8.14 Configuration of distributed shared mode queues . . . . . . . . . . . . 1072
8.15 Configuration of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1074
8.15.1 General configuration definitions for Uri References . . . 1074
8.15.2 General configuration of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins uti-
lization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1076
8.15.3 Configuration of Fill-Flush-Routines of RTE Implementation
Plug-Ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1080
8.15.4 Configuration of invocation handlers of RTE Implementation
Plug-Ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1083
A Metamodel Restrictions 1085
A.1 Restrictions concerning WaitPoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1085
A.2 Restrictions concerning RTEEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1086
A.3 Restrictions concerning queued implementation policy . . . . . . . . . 1087
A.4 Restrictions concerning ServerCallPoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087
A.5 Restriction concerning multiple instantiation of software components . 1088
A.6 Restrictions concerning runnable entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1088
A.7 Restrictions concerning runnables with dependencies on modes . . . 1089
A.8 Restriction concerning SwcInternalBehavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1092
A.9 Restrictions concerning Initial Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1092
A.10 Restriction concerning PerInstanceMemory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093
A.11 Restrictions concerning unconnected r-port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093
A.12 Restrictions concerning unconnected requiredData, requiredMode-
Group, requiredTrigger and requiredClientServerEntry . . . . . . . . . 1094
A.13 Restrictions regarding communication of mode switch notifications . . 1094
A.14 Restrictions regarding Measurement and Calibration . . . . . . . . . . 1095
A.15 Restriction concerning ExclusiveAreaImplMechanism . . . . . . . . . . 1095
A.16 Restrictions concerning AtomicSwComponentTypes . . . . . . . . . 1096
A.17 Restriction concerning the enableUpdate attribute of Nonqueue-
dReceiverComSpecs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1096
A.18 Restrictions concerning the large and dynamic data type . . . . . . . . 1097
A.19 Restriction concerning REFERENCE types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1098
A.20 Restriction concerning ModeDeclarationGroup categories and value
attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1098
A.21 Restrictions concerning C/S Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1098
A.22 Restrictions concerning S/R Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1099
B External Requirements 1100

C MISRA C Compliance 1101

D Referenced Meta Classes 1103

E Referenced ECUC Configuration Parameters 1257

E.1 Com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1257
E.1.1 ComMainFunctionTx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1257

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Specification of RTE Software

E.1.2 ComMainFunctionRx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1258

E.1.3 ComGroupSignal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1260
E.1.4 ComIPdu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1267
E.1.5 ComSignal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1273
E.1.6 ComSignalGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1286
E.2 LdCom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1294
E.2.1 LdComConfig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1294
E.2.2 LdComIPdu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1294
E.3 EcuC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1301
E.3.1 EcucPartition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1301
E.3.2 EcucPdu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1304
E.3.3 EcucPduDedicatedPartition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1307
E.4 NvM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1308
E.4.1 NvMBlockDescriptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1308
E.5 Os . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1326
E.5.1 OsAlarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1326
E.5.2 OsApplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1327
E.5.3 OsCounter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1332
E.5.4 OsEvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1335
E.5.5 OsScheduleTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1336
E.5.6 OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1338
E.5.7 OsTask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1338
E.5.8 OsIsr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1342
E.6 Xfrm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1344
E.6.1 XfrmImplementationMapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1344
F Examples 1349
F.1 ModeDeclarationGroupMapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349
F.2 Stability need for received data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1355
F.3 CompuMethod with bitfield texttable conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1361
F.4 Structure type with self-reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1366
F.5 Multiple calibration parameters instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1369
G Changes History 1378
G.1 Changes in Rel. 4.0 Rev. 2 compared to Rel. 4.0 Rev. 1 . . . . . . . . 1378
G.1.1 Deleted SWS Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1378
G.1.2 Changed SWS Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1378
G.1.3 Added SWS Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1379
G.2 Changes in Rel. 4.0 Rev. 3 compared to Rel. 4.0 Rev. 2 . . . . . . . . 1379
G.2.1 Deleted SWS Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1379
G.2.2 Changed SWS Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1379
G.2.3 Added SWS Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1380
G.3 Changes in Rel. 4.1 Rev. 1 compared to Rel. 4.0 Rev. 3 . . . . . . . . 1381
G.3.1 Renamed SWS Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1381
G.3.2 Added constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1383
G.3.3 Deleted SWS Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1383
G.3.4 Changed SWS Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1384

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Specification of RTE Software

G.3.5 Added SWS Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1385

G.4 Changes in Rel. 4.1 Rev. 2 compared to Rel. 4.1 Rev. 1 . . . . . . . . 1386
G.4.1 Added Traceables in 4.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1386
G.4.2 Changed Traceables in 4.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1386
G.4.3 Deleted Traceables in 4.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1387
G.4.4 Added Constraints in 4.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1387
G.4.5 Changed Constraints in 4.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1387
G.4.6 Deleted Constraints in 4.1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1387
G.5 Changes in Rel. 4.1 Rev. 3 compared to Rel. 4.1 Rev. 2 . . . . . . . . 1388
G.5.1 Added Traceables in 4.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1388
G.5.2 Changed Traceables in 4.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1388
G.5.3 Deleted Traceables in 4.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1388
G.5.4 Added Constraints in 4.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1388
G.5.5 Changed Constraints in 4.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1389
G.5.6 Deleted Constraints in 4.1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1389
G.6 Changes in Rel. 4.2 Rev. 1 compared to Rel. 4.1 Rev. 3 . . . . . . . . 1389
G.6.1 Added Traceables in 4.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1389
G.6.2 Changed Traceables in 4.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1390
G.6.3 Deleted Traceables in 4.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1391
G.6.4 Added Constraints in 4.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1391
G.6.5 Changed Constraints in 4.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1391
G.6.6 Deleted Constraints in 4.2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1391
G.7 Changes in Rel. 4.2 Rev. 2 compared to Rel. 4.2 Rev. 1 . . . . . . . . 1392
G.7.1 Added Traceables in 4.2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1392
G.7.2 Changed Traceables in 4.2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1392
G.7.3 Deleted Traceables in 4.2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1393
G.7.4 Added Constraints in 4.2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1393
G.7.5 Changed Constraints in 4.2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1393
G.7.6 Deleted Constraints in 4.2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1393
G.8 Changes in Rel. 4.3 Rev. 0 compared to Rel. 4.2 Rev. 2 . . . . . . . . 1393
G.8.1 Added Traceables in 4.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1393
G.8.2 Changed Traceables in 4.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1394
G.8.3 Deleted Traceables in 4.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1394
G.8.4 Renamed Constraints in 4.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1394
G.8.5 Added Constraints in 4.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1398
G.8.6 Changed Constraints in 4.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1398
G.8.7 Deleted Constraints in 4.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1398
G.9 Changes in Rel. 4.3 Rev. 1 compared to Rel. 4.3 Rev. 0 . . . . . . . . 1398
G.9.1 Added Traceables in 4.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1398
G.9.2 Changed Traceables in 4.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1398
G.9.3 Deleted Traceables in 4.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1399
G.9.4 Added Constraints in 4.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1399
G.9.5 Changed Constraints in 4.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1399
G.9.6 Deleted Constraints in 4.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1399
G.10 Changes in Rel. 4.4 Rev. 0 compared to Rel. 4.3 Rev. 1 . . . . . . . . 1399
G.10.1 Added Traceables in 4.4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1399

24 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

G.10.2 Changed Traceables in 4.4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1401

G.10.3 Deleted Traceables in 4.4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1404
G.10.4 Added Constraints in 4.4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1405
G.10.5 Changed Constraints in 4.4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1405
G.10.6 Deleted Constraints in 4.4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1405
G.11 Changes in R19-11 compared to Rel. 4.4 Rev. 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1405
G.11.1 Added Traceables in 19-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1405
G.11.2 Changed Traceables in 19-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1406
G.11.3 Deleted Traceables in 19-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1408
G.12 Changes in R20-11 compared to R19-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1408
G.12.1 Added Traceables in R20-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1408
G.12.2 Changed Traceables in R20-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1409
G.12.3 Deleted Traceables in R20-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1410

25 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[1] Virtual Functional Bus
[2] Software Component Template
[3] Specification of Communication
[4] Specification of Operating System
[5] Specification of ECU Configuration
[6] Methodology
[7] Specification of ECU State Manager
[8] System Template
[9] Basic Software Module Description Template
[10] Generic Structure Template
[11] Glossary
[12] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules
[13] Requirements on Runtime Environment
[14] Specification of Timing Extensions
[15] Layered Software Architecture
[16] Specification of ECU Resource Template
[17] Specification of I/O Hardware Abstraction

26 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[18] Requirements on Operating System

[19] Requirements on Communication
[20] ASAM MCD 2MC ASAP2 Interface Specification
[21] Specification of NVRAM Manager
[22] Collection of blueprints for AUTOSAR M1 models
[23] Specification of COM Based Transformer
[24] Guide to BSW Distribution
[25] Specification of Default Error Tracer
[26] General Specification of Transformers
[27] Guidelines for the use of the C language in critical systems, ISBN 978-1-906400-
[28] Specification of Memory Mapping
[29] General Specification of Basic Software Modules
[30] Specification of Compiler Abstraction
[31] Specification of Standard Types
[32] Specification of Bit Handling Routines
[33] Specification of Software Cluster Connection module
[34] Collection of constraints on AUTOSAR M1 models

27 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Note on XML examples

This specification includes examples in XML based on the AUTOSAR metamodel avail-
able at the time of writing. These examples are included as illustrations of configura-
tions and their expected outcome but should not be considered part of the specification.

1 Introduction
This document contains the software specification of the AUTOSAR Run-Time Environ-
ment (RTE) and the Basic Software Scheduler. Basically, the RTE together with the
OS, AUTOSAR COM and other Basic Software Modules is the implementation of the
Virtual Functional Bus concepts (VFB, [1]). The RTE implements the AUTOSAR Virtual
Functional Bus interfaces and thereby realizes the communication between AUTOSAR
This document describes how these concepts are realized within the RTE. Further-
more, the Application Programming Interface (API) of the RTE and the interaction of
the RTE with other basic software modules is specified.
The Basic Software Scheduler offers concepts and services to integrate Basic Soft-
ware Modules Hence, the Basic Software Scheduler
• embed Basic Software Module implementations into the AUTOSAR OS context
• trigger main processing functions of the Basic Software Modules
• apply data consistency mechanisms for the Basic Software Modules
• to communicate modes between Basic Software Modules

1.1 Scope
This document is intended to be the main reference for developers of an RTE gener-
ator tool or of a concrete RTE implementation respectively. The document is also the
reference for developers of AUTOSAR software-components and basic software mod-
ules that interact with the RTE, since it specifies the application programming interface
of the RTE and therefore the mechanisms for accessing the RTE functionality. Fur-
thermore, this specification should be read by the AUTOSAR working groups that are
closely related to the RTE (see Section 1.2 below), since it describes the interfaces of
the RTE to these modules as well as the behavior / functionality the RTE expects from
This document is structured as follows. After this general introduction, Chapter 2 gives
a more detailed introduction of the concepts of the RTE. Chapter 3 describes how an
RTE is generated in the context of the overall AUTOSAR methodology. Chapter 4 is

28 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

the central part of this document. It specifies the RTE functionality in detail. The RTE
API is described in Chapter 5.
The appendix of this document consists of five parts: Appendix A lists the restrictions to
the AUTOSAR metamodel that this version of the RTE specification relies on. Appendix
B explicitly lists all external requirements, i.e. all requirements that are not about the
RTE itself but specify the assumptions on the environment and the input of an RTE
generator. In Appendix C some MISRA-C rules are listed that are likely to be violated
by RTE code, and the rationale why these violations may occur.
Note that Chapters 1 and 2, as well as Appendix C do not contain any requirements
and are thus intended for information only.
Chapters 4 and 5 are probably of most interest for developers of an RTE Generator.
Chapters 2, 3, 5 are important for developers of AUTOSAR software-components and
basic software modules. The most important chapters for related AUTOSAR work
packages would be Chapters 4, 5, as well as Appendix B.
The specifications in this document do not define details of the implementation of a
concrete RTE or RTE generator respectively. Furthermore, aspects of the ECU- and
system-generation process (like e.g. the mapping of SW-Cs to ECUs, or schedulability
analysis) are also not in the scope of this specification. Nevertheless, it is specified
what input the RTE generator expects from these configuration phases.

1.2 Dependency to other AUTOSAR specifications

The main documents that served as input for the specification of the RTE are the spec-
ification of the Virtual Functional Bus [1] and the specification of the Software Com-
ponent Template [2]. Also of primary importance are the specifications of those Basic
Software modules that closely interact with the RTE (or vice versa). These are espe-
cially the communication module [3] and the operating system [4]. The main input of
an RTE generator is described (among others) in the ECU Configuration Description.
Therefore, the corresponding specification [5] is also important for the RTE specifica-
tion. Furthermore, as the process of RTE generation is an important part of the overall
AUTOSAR Methodology, the corresponding document [6] is also considered.
The following list shows the specifications that are closely interdependent to the spec-
ification of the RTE:
• Specification of the Virtual Functional Bus [1]
• Specification of the Software Component Template [2]
• Specification of AUTOSAR COM [3]
• Specification of AUTOSAR OS [4]
• Specification of ECU State Manager and Communication Manager [7]
• Specification of ECU Configuration [5]

29 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• Specification of System Description / Generation [8]

• AUTOSAR Methodology [6]
• Specification of BSW Module Description Template [9]
• AUTOSAR Generic Structure Template [10]

1.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations

All abbreviations used throughout this document – except the ones listed here – can
be found in the official AUTOSAR glossary [11].

1.4 Technical Terms

All technical terms used throughout this document – except the ones listed here – can
be found in the official AUTOSAR glossary [11] or the Software Component Template
Specification [2].
Term Description
An application mode manager is an AUTOSAR software-
component that provides the service of switching modes. The
application mode manager
modes of an application mode manager do not have to be
A Runnable Entity that is triggered by at least one Asyn-
ASCR runnable chronousServerCallReturnsEvent.

The Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In

which is assigned to a communication graph, Exclu-
associated Local Software Clus- siveArea, mode machine instance or distributed
ter Communication Plug-In shared mode group and therefore handles all accesses via
RTE APIs, SchM APIs or RTE internal code.

The Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In

which is assigned to a communication graph, mode ma-
associated Cross Software
chine instance and therefore handles all accesses via RTE
Cluster Communication Plug-In
APIs or RTE internal code.

Definitions and declarations for non automatic1 memory objects

AutosarDataPrototype im-
which are allocated by the RTE and implementing AutosarDat-
aPrototypes or their belonging status handling.
The activation of a BswSchedulableEntity is defined as the
activation of the task/ISR2 that contains the BswSchedula-
BswSchedulableEntity acti-
bleEntity and eventually includes setting a flag that tells the
glue code in the task/ISR2 which BswSchedulableEntity is
to be executed.

declaration with no static or external specifier defines an automatic variable

30 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

A BswSchedulableEntity is started by the calling the C-

BswSchedulableEntity start function that implements the BswSchedulableEntity from
within a started task/ISR2.
’C’ typed PerInstanceMemory is defined with the class PerIn-
’C’ typed PerInstanceMem-
stanceMemory. The type of the memory is defined with a ’C’
typedef in the attribute typeDefinition.
A client is defined as one ClientServerOperation in one
RPortPrototype of one Software Component instance. For the
definition of the client neither the number of ServerCallPoints
nor RunnableEntity accesses to the ServerCallPoint are
relevant. A Software Component instance can appear as sev-
eral clients to the same server if it defines ServerCallPoints
for several PortPrototypes of the same PortInterface’s
Variability defined with an VariationPoint or Attribute-
CodeGenerationTime variability ValueVariationPoint with latest bindingTime CodeGenera-
A set of implicit read accesses and implicit write
accesses for which the RTE cares for data coherency. Please
note that in the context of this specification the definition of co-
herency includes that
• read data values of different VariableDataPrototypes
have to be from the same age, except the values are
coherency group changed by implicit write accesses belonging to
the coherency group
• written data values of different VariableDataProto-
types are communicated to readers NOT belonging to the
coherency group after the last implicit write ac-
cess belonging to the coherency group.

An implicit read access or an implicit write ac-

cess which belongs to coherency group. Therefore it is
referenced by a RteVariableReadAccessRef or RteVari-
coherent implicit data access
ableWriteAccessRef belonging to a RteImplicitCommu-
nication container which RteCoherentAccess parameter is
set to true.
An implicit read access which belongs to coherency
group. Therefore it is referenced by a RteVariableReadAc-
coherent implicit read access
cessRef belonging to a RteImplicitCommunication con-
tainer which RteCoherentAccess parameter is set to true.
An implicit write access which belongs to coherency
group. Therefore it is referenced by a RteVariableReadAc-
coherent implicit write access cessRef or RteVariableWriteAccessRef belonging to
a RteImplicitCommunication container which RteCo-
herentAccess parameter is set to true.

31 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

A ‘common mode machine instance’ is a special ‘mode machine

instance’ shared by BSW Modules and SW-Cs:
The RTE Generator creates only one mode machine in-
stance if a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype instantiated in a
common mode machine in- port of a software-component is synchronized (synchronized-
stance ModeGroup of a SwcBswMapping) with a providedModeGroup
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of a Basic Software Module in-
stance. The related mode machine instance is called com-
mon mode machine instance.

The sum of all AbstractAccessPoints to elements of Port-

Interfaces instantiated in PortPrototypes which are con-
nected to each other, or the sum of all accesses from BswMod-
Communication Graph
uleEntitys to interface elements in a BswModuleDescrip-
tions connected to each other.

The sum of all VariableAccesses to VariableDataProto-

types instantiated in PortPrototypes which are connected to
each other, or the sum of all VariableAccesses to Variable-
Data Communication Graph DataPrototypes in the InternalBehavior, or the sum of
all BswVariableAccesses to VariableDataPrototypes in
BswModuleDescriptions connected to each other.

The sum of all ParameterAccesses to ParameterDataPro-

totypes instantiated in PortPrototypes which are connected
Parameter Communication
to each other, or the sum of all ParameterAccesses to Param-
eterDataPrototypes in the InternalBehavior.

The sum of all ServerCallPoints to operations instantiated

Client Server Communication in PortPrototypes which are connected to each other inclu-
Graph sive the belonging server runnable.

The sum of all ExternalTriggeringPoints for triggers

instantiated in PortPrototypes which are connected to each
Trigger Communication Graph
other inclusive the belonging triggered runnable.

The sum of all ModeAccessPoints and ModeSwitchPoints to

ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes instantiated in Port-
Prototypes which are connected to each other, or the sum of
Mode Communication Graph all managedModeGroups and accessedModeGroups to Mod-
eDeclarationGroupPrototypes in BswModuleDescrip-
tions connected to each other.

Copy semantic means, that the accessing entities are able to

read or write the "copied" data from their execution context in a
copy semantic non concurrent and non preempting manner. If all accessing en-
tities are in the same preemption area this might not require
a real physical data copy.

32 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In the case that mode users belong to different partitions which

in turn are scheduled on different micro controller cores the over-
all mode machine instance needs to be distributed cross core.
Thereby some restrictions are only applicable between the mode
core local mode user group users executed on the same micro controller core.
All mode users of the same mode manager which belong to
EcucPartition which in turn belong to OsApplications re-
ferring to the same EcucCoreDefinition are belonging to the
same core local mode user group.
When data is distributed, the last received value is of interest
(last-is-best semantics). Therefore the software implementation
data semantic
policy, stated in the swImplPolicy attribute of the SwDataDef-
Props, shouldn’t be ’queued’.
When events are distributed the whole history of received events
is of interest, hence they must be queued on receiver side. There-
event semantic fore the software implementation policy, stated in the swIm-
plPolicy attribute of the SwDataDefProps, will have the value
’queued’(corresponding to event distribution with a queue).
An execution-instance of an ExecutableEntity is one in-
execution-instance stance or call context of an ExecutableEntity with respect
to concurrent execution, see section 4.2.3.
A Runnable Entity that is triggered by at least by one Trans-
hard error runnable
VariableAccess aggregated in the role dataReadAccess to
implicit read access
a VariableDataPrototype
VariableAccess aggregated in the role dataWriteAccess to
implicit write access
a VariableDataPrototype
An implicit read access or an implicit write ac-
cess which does not belong to a coherency group. Therefore
it is NOT referenced by any RteVariableReadAccessRef or
incoherent implicit data access
RteVariableWriteAccessRef belonging to a RteImplic-
itCommunication container which RteCoherentAccess pa-
rameter is set to true.
An implicit read access which does not belong to a co-
herency group. Therefore it is NOT referenced by any Rte-
incoherent implicit read access VariableReadAccessRef belonging to a RteImplicitCom-
munication container which RteCoherentAccess parameter
is set to true.
An implicit write access which does not belong to a
coherency group. Therefore it is NOT referenced by any
incoherent implicit write access RteVariableWriteAccessRef belonging to a RteImplic-
itCommunication container which RteCoherentAccess pa-
rameter is set to true.
The communication between ECUs, typically using COM is called
inter-ECU communication
inter-ECU communication in this document.
The communication within one ECU but between different par-
titions, represented by different OS applications, is called in-
ter-partition communication in this document. It may in-
inter-partition communication
volve the use of OS mechanisms like IOC or trusted function
calls. The partitions can be located on different cores or use
different memory sections of the ECU.
The communication within one ECU is called intra-ECU com-
intra-ECU communication munication in this document. It is a super set of inter-parti-
tion communication and intra-partition communication.

33 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The communication within one partition of one ECU is called

intra-partition communication intra-partition communication. In this case, RTE can make
use of internal buffers and queues for communication.
Invalidateable VariableDataPrototypes are Variable-
DataPrototypes that have an invalidValue.
ISR body The definition of the task function using the macro ISR.
ISR2 An interrupt service routine of category 2.
Variability defined with an VariationPoint or AttributeValue-
LinkTime variability
VariationPoint with latest bindingTime LinkTime.
When a ‘mode disabling’ is active, RTE and Basic Software
Scheduler disables the activation of mode disabling depen-
dent ExecutableEntitys. The ‘mode disabling’ is active
mode disabling
during the mode that is referenced in the mode disabling depen-
dency and during the transitions that enter and leave this mode.
See also section 4.4.1.
A RTEEvent (respectively a BswEvent) that starts a
RunnableEntity (respectively a BswSchedulableEntity)
mode disabling dependency can contain a disabledMode (respectively disabledInMode) as-
sociation which references a ModeDeclaration. This association
is called mode disabling dependency in this document.
A mode disabling dependent RunnableEntity or a
BswSchedulableEntity is triggered by an RTEEvent re-
spectively a BswEvent with a mode disabling dependency.
mode disabling dependent Exe-
RTE and Basic Software Scheduler prevent the activation of
those RunnableEntity or BswSchedulableEntity by the
RTEEvent / BswEvent, when the corresponding mode dis-
abling is active. See also section 4.4.1.
The instances of mode machines or ModeDeclarationGroups are
defined by the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes of the mode
Since a mode switch is not executed instantaneously, The RTE
or Basic Software Scheduler has to maintain it’s own states. For
mode machine instance each mode manager’s ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype, RTE
or Basic Software Scheduler has one state machine. This state
machine is called mode machine instance. For all mode users
of the same mode manager’s ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype,
RTE and Basic Software Scheduler uses the same mode ma-
chine instance. See also section 4.4.2.
Entering and leaving modes is initiated by a mode manager. A
mode manager is either a software component that provides a
p-port typed by a ModeSwitchInterface or a BSW module
mode manager
which defines in its BswModuleDescription a ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype in the role providedModeGroup. See also
section 4.4.2.
A RunnableEntity or a BswSchedulableEntity that is trig-
gered by a ModeSwitchedAckEvent respectively a BswMod-
ModeSwitchAck ExecutableEn-
eSwitchedAckEvent connected to the mode manager’s Mod-
eDeclarationGroupPrototype. It is called ModeSwitchAck
ExecutableEntity. See also section 4.4.1.
The communication of a mode switch from the mode manager
to the mode user using either the ModeSwitchInterface
mode switch notification
or providedModeGroup and requiredModeGroup ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototypes is called mode switch notification.

34 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The port for receiving (or sending) a mode switch notification. For
mode switch port this purpose, a mode switch port is typed by a ModeSwitchIn-
An AUTOSAR SW-C or AUTOSAR Basic Software Module
that depends on modes is called a mode user. The depen-
dency can occur through a SwcModeSwitchEvent/BswMod-
mode user eSwitchEvent, a ModeAccessPoint for a provided/required
mode switch port, or a accessedModeGroup for a
providedModeGroup/requiredModeGroup ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype. See also section 4.4.1.
NvBlockSwComponent is a SwComponentPrototype typed an
A RunnableEntity or a BswSchedulableEntity that is trig-
gered by a SwcModeSwitchEvent respectively a BswMod-
on-entry ExecutableEntity eSwitchEvent with ModeActivationKind ‘entry’ is triggered on
entering the mode. It is called on-entry ExecutableEntity. See
also section 4.4.1.
A RunnableEntity or a BswSchedulableEntity that is trig-
gered by a SwcModeSwitchEvent respectively a BswMod-
on-exit ExecutableEntity eSwitchEvent with ModeActivationKind ‘exit’ is triggered on
exiting the mode. It is called on-exit ExecutableEntity. See also
section 4.4.1.
A RunnableEntity or a BswSchedulableEntity that is trig-
gered by a SwcModeSwitchEvent respectively a BswMod-
on-transition ExecutableEntity eSwitchEvent with ModeActivationKind ‘transition’ is triggered
on a transition between the two specified modes. It is called on-
transition ExecutableEntity. See also section 4.4.1.
Variability defined with an VariationPoint having an post-
post-build variability
Variability defined with an VariationPoint or AttributeValue-
pre-build variability VariationPoint with latest bindingTime SystemDesignTime,
CodeGenerationTime, PreCompileTime or LinkTime.
Variability defined with an VariationPoint or AttributeValue-
PreCompileTime variability
VariationPoint with latest bindingTime PreCompileTime.
A preemption area defines a set of tasks which are scheduled
cooperatively. Therefore tasks of one preemption area are pre-
preemption area empting each other only at dedicated schedule points. A sched-
ule point is not allowed to occur during the execution of a
Primitive data types are the types implemented by a boolean,
primitive data type integer (up to 32 bits), floating point, or opaque type (up to 32
FlatInstanceDescriptor with rtePluginProps referenc-
RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor
ing a Communication Graph.
RP enabler flag A Boolean flag to permit run-time enabling/disabling bypass.
Identifier for bypassed event; passed as parameter to RP ser-
RP event id
vice function.
A buffer read/written by RP. The RP global buffer is con-
RP global buffer ceptually separated from the RTE managed buffer holding the
variable data prototype value.
A buffer used by RP to store the original variable data prototype
RP global measurement buffer value for subsequent measurement purposes before replace-
ment by the RP generated value.

35 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

A Boolean flag to permit conditional RunnableEntity execu-

RP runnable disabler flag tion. When conditional execution is configured the runnable is
executed if the flag is FALSE.
An AUTOSAR or vendor specific BSW module providing an RP
RP service component
service, e.g. “XCP on CAN” or “XCP on Ethernet”.
A definition of a service combining the symbol of the function
RP service profile providing the service and the permitted range of RP service
point ids.
An invocation of a function provided by a RP service compo-
RP service function
nent where data is sampled and/or stimulated.
A location where one or more RP service functions pro-
RP service point
vided by a RP service component are invoked.
RP service point id Integer identifier for RP service point.
A “wrapper” function created by the RTE that is responsible for in-
voking the RP RP service function(s). The indirection thus
RP service invocation wrapper
introduced enables a post-build tool to replace the invocation of
the RTE generated function with arbitrary functionality.
RP stimulation enabler flag A Boolean flag to permit conditional RP stimulation.
Integer identifier used by RP to identify RTE event associated
RTE event identifier with an RP service point.

The Software Cluster which mainly contains software compo-

nents and only selected BSW modules (e.g. a Service module,
Applicative Software Cluster
transformers, etc.)

The Software Cluster which contains major part of the BSW and
especially the micro controller dependent lower layer BSW Mod-
Host Software Cluster
ules, e.g. OS and MCAL.

A RTE Implementation Plug-In is a part of the overall RTE

implementation which is not provided by the RTE Generator but
RTE Implementation Plug-In
from an additional source (e.g. a Plug-In Generator or a manually
implemented source code).
A RTE Implementation Plug-In Service is a single entry
point into the RTE Implementation Plug-In implementing a
RTE Implementation Plug-In
low level service for the RTE. For instance access to a specific

A Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In is

an RTE Implementation Plug-In which handles the com-
Local Software Cluster Commu- munication locally inside a Software Cluster. This includes
nication Plug-In the Transformer handling if a DataMapping exist for the accord-
ing Communication Graph

A Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In is

an RTE Implementation Plug-In which handles the com-
Cross Software Cluster Commu- munication towards other Software Cluster. This includes
nication Plug-In the Transformer handling if intra ECU transformation is config-

The acronym RIPS stands for RTE Implementation

RIPS Plug-In Service and the related API infix Rips is de-
rived from this.

36 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

A FlatInstanceDescriptor which assigns the communica-

RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor
tion graph with an RTE Implementation Plug-In
The activation of a runnable is linked to the RTEEvent that leads
to the execution of the runnable. It is defined as the incident that
is referred to by the RTEEvent.
runnable activation
E. g., for a timing event, the corresponding runnable is activated,
when the timer expires, and for a data received event, the runn-
able is activated when the data is received by the RTE.
A runnable is started by the calling the C-function that imple-
runnable start
ments the runnable from within a started task/ISR2.
A server is defined as one RunnableEntity which is the target
server of an OperationInvokedEvent. Call serialization is on activa-
tion of RunnableEntity.
A server that is triggered either by an OperationInvokedE-
vent or by an BswOperationInvokedEvent. In certain situa-
server ExecutableEntity
tions, RTE can implement the client server communication as a
simple function call.
A server that is triggered by an OperationInvokedEvent. It
has a mixed behavior between a runnable and a function call. In
server runnable
certain situations, RTE can implement the client server commu-
nication as a simple function call.
Variability defined with an VariationPoint or AttributeValue-
SystemDesignTime variability
VariationPoint with latest bindingTime SystemDesignTime.
Task body The definition of the task function using the macro TASK.
A trigger emitter has the ability to release triggers which in turn
are activating triggered ExecutableEntitys. trigger emit-
trigger emitter ter are described by the meta model with provide trigger
ports, Trigger in role releasedTrigger, InternalTrig-
geringPoints and BswInternalTriggeringPoints.
trigger port A PortPrototype which is typed by an TriggerInterface
A trigger sink relies on the activation of Runnable Entities or Ba-
sic Software Schedulable Entities if a particular Trigger is raised.
trigger sink A trigger sink has a dedicated require trigger port(s) or /
and requiredTrigger Trigger (s) to communicate to the trigger
A trigger source administrate the particular Trigger and informs
the RTE or Basic Software Scheduler if the Trigger is raised.
trigger source A trigger source has dedicated provide trigger port(s) or /
and releasedTrigger Trigger (s) to communicate to the trigger
A BswSchedulableEntity that is triggered at least by one
BswExternalTriggerOccurredEvent or BswInternal-
TriggerOccurredEvent. In particular cases, the Trigger
triggered BswSchedulableEntity Event Communication or the Inter Basic Software Schedulable
Entity Triggering is implemented by Basic Software Scheduler as
a direct or trusted function call of the triggered ExecutableEntity
by the triggering ExecutableEntity.

37 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

A Runnable Entity or a Basic Software Schedulable Entity that

is triggered at least by one ExternalTriggerOccurredE-
vent / BswExternalTriggerOccurredEvent or Internal-
TriggerOccurredEvent / BswInternalTriggerOccurre-
triggered ExecutableEntity
dEvent. In particular cases, the Trigger Event Communication
or the Inter Runnable Triggering is implemented by RTE or Basic
Software Scheduler as a direct or trusted function call of the trig-
gered ExecutableEntity by the triggering ExecutableEntity.
A Runnable Entity that is triggered at least by one External-
TriggerOccurredEvent or InternalTriggerOccurredE-
vent. In particular cases, the Trigger Event Communication or
triggered runnable
the Inter Runnable Triggering is implemented by RTE as a direct
or trusted function call of the triggered runnable by the triggering
An unconnected port is a RPortPrototype or PPortProto-
type referenced by no AssemblySwConnectors and/or Dele-
unconnected port gationSwConnectors, or with at least no DataMapping of any
of the elements in the port interface. Hint: PRPortPrototypes
are always treated as connected ports. (See [SWS_Rte_06030])
A direct function call is a function call that is not performed via
direct function call other means than pure RTE code. Typically, this is a C function
call in an OsTask, OsIsr or RTE API (see 5.6).
A trusted function call is a function call that is performed via the
CallTrustedFunction() API of the OS. This is usually nec-
trusted function call
essary to achieve a direct function call like behavior when cross-
ing partition boundaries.

Table 1.1: Technical Terms

1.5 Document Conventions

Requirements in the SRS are referenced using [SRS_Rte_<n>] where <n> is the
requirement id. For example, [SRS_Rte_00098].
Requirements in the SWS are marked with [SWS_Rte_<nnnnn>] as the first text in a
paragraph. The scope of the requirement is marked with the half brackets.
Constraints on the input of the RTE are marked with
Technical terms are typeset in monospace font, e.g. Warp Core.
AUTOSAR Meta Class Names and Attributes are typeset in monospace font, e.g. Ap-
plicationSwComponentType. As a general rule, plural forms of AUTOSAR Meta
Class Names and Attributes are created by adding "s" to the singular form, e.g. Port-
Prototypes. By this means the document resembles terminology used in the AU-
AUTOSAR ECU Configuration Parameters are typeset in monospace font, e.g. Rte-
CodeVendorId. As a general rule, plural forms of ECU Configuration Parameters
are created by adding "s" to the singular form, e.g. RteEventToTaskMappings. By

38 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

this means the document resembles terminology used in the ARXML file of AUTOSAR
ECU Configuration Parameter Definition.
API function calls are also marked with monospace font, like Rte_EjectWarpCore.

1.6 Requirements Tracing

The following table references the requirements specified in [12] as well as [13] and
links to the fulfillment of these. Please note that if column “Satisfied by” is empty for a
specific requirement this means that this requirement is not fulfilled by this document.
Requirement Description Satisfied by
[SRS_00235] No description [SWS_Rte_70124]
[SRS_BSW_00004] All Basic SW Modules shall [SWS_Rte_07692]
perform a pre-processor check
of the versions of all imported
include files
[SRS_BSW_00007] All Basic SW Modules written in [SWS_Rte_01168] [SWS_Rte_03715]
C language shall conform to the [SWS_Rte_06804] [SWS_Rte_06805]
MISRA C 2012 Standard. [SWS_Rte_06806] [SWS_Rte_06807]
[SWS_Rte_06808] [SWS_Rte_06809]
[SWS_Rte_06810] [SWS_Rte_07086]
[SWS_Rte_07300] [SWS_Rte_08900]
[SRS_BSW_00101] The Basic Software Module shall [SWS_Rte_04546] [SWS_Rte_04547]
be able to initialize variables and [SWS_Rte_04548] [SWS_Rte_04549]
hardware in a separate [SWS_Rte_04550] [SWS_Rte_04551]
initialization function [SWS_Rte_07270] [SWS_Rte_07271]
[SWS_Rte_07273] [SWS_Rte_70047]
[SWS_Rte_80051] [SWS_Rte_80052]
[SRS_BSW_00161] The AUTOSAR Basic Software [SWS_Rte_02734]
shall provide a microcontroller
abstraction layer which provides
a standardized interface to
higher software layers
[SRS_BSW_00300] All AUTOSAR Basic Software [SWS_Rte_01003] [SWS_Rte_01157]
Modules shall be identified by an [SWS_Rte_01158] [SWS_Rte_01161]
unambiguous name [SWS_Rte_01169] [SWS_Rte_01171]
[SWS_Rte_07122] [SWS_Rte_07139]
[SWS_Rte_07284] [SWS_Rte_07288]
[SWS_Rte_07295] [SWS_Rte_07504]
[SRS_BSW_00305] Data types naming convention [SWS_Rte_01055] [SWS_Rte_01150]
[SWS_Rte_02301] [SWS_Rte_02310]
[SWS_Rte_02311] [SWS_Rte_03731]
[SRS_BSW_00307] Global variables naming [SWS_Rte_01171] [SWS_Rte_03712]
convention [SWS_Rte_07284]

39 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_BSW_00308] AUTOSAR Basic Software [SWS_Rte_03786] [SWS_Rte_07121]

Modules shall not define global [SWS_Rte_07502] [SWS_Rte_07921]
data in their header files, but in
the C file
[SRS_BSW_00310] API naming convention [SWS_Rte_01071] [SWS_Rte_01072]
[SWS_Rte_01083] [SWS_Rte_01091]
[SWS_Rte_01092] [SWS_Rte_01102]
[SWS_Rte_01111] [SWS_Rte_01118]
[SWS_Rte_01120] [SWS_Rte_01123]
[SWS_Rte_01206] [SWS_Rte_01252]
[SWS_Rte_02569] [SWS_Rte_02631]
[SWS_Rte_02725] [SWS_Rte_03550]
[SWS_Rte_03553] [SWS_Rte_03560]
[SWS_Rte_03565] [SWS_Rte_03741]
[SWS_Rte_03744] [SWS_Rte_03800]
[SWS_Rte_03928] [SWS_Rte_03929]
[SWS_Rte_04577] [SWS_Rte_04579]
[SWS_Rte_05509] [SWS_Rte_06207]
[SWS_Rte_07367] [SWS_Rte_07390]
[SWS_Rte_07394] [SWS_Rte_07556]
[SWS_Rte_89020] [SWS_Rte_89021]
[SWS_Rte_89022] [SWS_Rte_89023]
[SWS_Rte_91000] [SWS_Rte_91113]
[SWS_Rte_91114] [SWS_Rte_91115]
[SWS_Rte_91117] [SWS_Rte_91119]
[SWS_Rte_91121] [SWS_Rte_91122]
[SRS_BSW_00312] Shared code shall be reentrant [SWS_Rte_01012]
[SRS_BSW_00327] Error values naming convention [SWS_Rte_01058] [SWS_Rte_01060]
[SWS_Rte_01061] [SWS_Rte_01064]
[SWS_Rte_01065] [SWS_Rte_01317]
[SWS_Rte_02312] [SWS_Rte_02571]
[SWS_Rte_02594] [SWS_Rte_02702]
[SWS_Rte_02739] [SWS_Rte_02747]
[SWS_Rte_02757] [SWS_Rte_04582]
[SWS_Rte_07054] [SWS_Rte_07289]
[SWS_Rte_07290] [SWS_Rte_07384]
[SWS_Rte_07562] [SWS_Rte_07563]
[SWS_Rte_07655] [SWS_Rte_08065]
[SWS_Rte_08551] [SWS_Rte_08725]
[SRS_BSW_00330] It shall be allowed to use macros [SWS_Rte_01274]
instead of functions where
source code is used and runtime
is critical
[SRS_BSW_00336] Basic SW module shall be able [SWS_Rte_07274] [SWS_Rte_07275]
to shutdown [SWS_Rte_07277] [SWS_Rte_70047]
[SWS_Rte_80053] [SWS_Rte_80054]
[SRS_BSW_00337] Classification of development [SWS_Rte_06631] [SWS_Rte_06632]
errors [SWS_Rte_06633] [SWS_Rte_06634]
[SWS_Rte_06635] [SWS_Rte_06637]
[SWS_Rte_07675] [SWS_Rte_07682]
[SWS_Rte_07683] [SWS_Rte_07684]

40 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_BSW_00342] It shall be possible to create an [SWS_Rte_07511]

AUTOSAR ECU out of modules
provided as source code and
modules provided as object
code, even mixed
[SRS_BSW_00346] All AUTOSAR Basic Software [SWS_Rte_06638]
Modules shall provide at least a
basic set of module files
[SRS_BSW_00347] A Naming seperation of different [SWS_Rte_06203] [SWS_Rte_06532]
instances of BSW drivers shall [SWS_Rte_06535] [SWS_Rte_06536]
be in place [SWS_Rte_07093] [SWS_Rte_07250]
[SWS_Rte_07253] [SWS_Rte_07255]
[SWS_Rte_07260] [SWS_Rte_07263]
[SWS_Rte_07266] [SWS_Rte_07282]
[SWS_Rte_07295] [SWS_Rte_07504]
[SWS_Rte_07528] [SWS_Rte_07694]
[SWS_Rte_08765] [SWS_Rte_08789]
[SRS_BSW_00351] Encapsulation of compiler [SWS_Rte_04557] [SWS_Rte_04562]
specific methods to map objects
[SRS_BSW_00353] All integer type definitions of [SWS_Rte_01163] [SWS_Rte_01164]
target and compiler specific [SWS_Rte_07104] [SWS_Rte_07641]
scope shall be placed and
organized in a single type
[SRS_BSW_00384] The Basic Software Module [SWS_Rte_01412]
specifications shall specify at
least in the description which
other modules they require
[SRS_BSW_00407] Each BSW module shall provide [SWS_Rte_07278] [SWS_Rte_07279]
a function to read out the version [SWS_Rte_07280] [SWS_Rte_07281]
information of a dedicated
module implementation
[SRS_BSW_00415] Interfaces which are provided [SWS_Rte_07295] [SWS_Rte_07500]
exclusively for one module shall [SWS_Rte_07501] [SWS_Rte_07503]
be separated into a dedicated [SWS_Rte_07504] [SWS_Rte_07505]
header file [SWS_Rte_07506] [SWS_Rte_07510]
[SRS_BSW_00447] Standardizing Include file [SWS_Rte_07120]
structure of BSW Modules
Implementing Autosar Service
[SRS_Com_02044] AUTOSAR COM and LargeData [SWS_Rte_01407] [SWS_Rte_01411]
COM shall provide a transmit
confirmation function
[SRS_Rte_00003] Tracing of sender-receiver [SWS_Rte_01238] [SWS_Rte_01240]
communication [SWS_Rte_01241] [SWS_Rte_01242]
[SWS_Rte_03814] [SWS_Rte_04531]
[SWS_Rte_04532] [SWS_Rte_07639]
[SRS_Rte_00004] Tracing of client-server [SWS_Rte_01238] [SWS_Rte_01240]
communication [SWS_Rte_01241] [SWS_Rte_01242]
[SWS_Rte_03814] [SWS_Rte_04531]
[SWS_Rte_04532] [SWS_Rte_07639]

41 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00005] The RTE generator shall support [SWS_Rte_01327] [SWS_Rte_01328]

"trace" builds [SWS_Rte_04592] [SWS_Rte_04593]
[SWS_Rte_04594] [SWS_Rte_04595]
[SWS_Rte_04596] [SWS_Rte_04597]
[SWS_Rte_04598] [SWS_Rte_04599]
[SWS_Rte_04600] [SWS_Rte_04601]
[SWS_Rte_04602] [SWS_Rte_04603]
[SWS_Rte_04604] [SWS_Rte_04605]
[SWS_Rte_04606] [SWS_Rte_04607]
[SWS_Rte_04608] [SWS_Rte_04609]
[SWS_Rte_04610] [SWS_Rte_04611]
[SWS_Rte_04612] [SWS_Rte_04613]
[SWS_Rte_04614] [SWS_Rte_05091]
[SWS_Rte_05092] [SWS_Rte_05093]
[SWS_Rte_05106] [SWS_Rte_06031]
[SRS_Rte_00008] VFB tracing configuration [SWS_Rte_01236] [SWS_Rte_01321]
[SWS_Rte_04592] [SWS_Rte_05091]
[SWS_Rte_05092] [SWS_Rte_05093]
[SWS_Rte_08000] [SWS_Rte_08901]
[SRS_Rte_00011] Support for multiple Application [SWS_Rte_01012] [SWS_Rte_01013]
Software Component instances. [SWS_Rte_01016] [SWS_Rte_01126]
[SWS_Rte_01148] [SWS_Rte_01349]
[SWS_Rte_02001] [SWS_Rte_02002]
[SWS_Rte_02008] [SWS_Rte_02009]
[SWS_Rte_02015] [SWS_Rte_02310]
[SWS_Rte_02311] [SWS_Rte_03015]
[SWS_Rte_03711] [SWS_Rte_03716]
[SWS_Rte_03717] [SWS_Rte_03718]
[SWS_Rte_03719] [SWS_Rte_03720]
[SWS_Rte_03721] [SWS_Rte_03722]
[SWS_Rte_03793] [SWS_Rte_03806]
[SWS_Rte_06031] [SWS_Rte_07194]
[SWS_Rte_07225] [SWS_Rte_07837]
[SWS_Rte_07838] [SWS_Rte_07839]
[SRS_Rte_00012] Multiple instantiated AUTOSAR [SWS_Rte_01007] [SWS_Rte_02015]
software components delivered [SWS_Rte_03015]
as binary code shall share code
[SRS_Rte_00013] Per-instance memory [SWS_Rte_02301] [SWS_Rte_02302]
[SWS_Rte_02303] [SWS_Rte_02304]
[SWS_Rte_02305] [SWS_Rte_03782]
[SWS_Rte_05062] [SWS_Rte_07045]
[SWS_Rte_07133] [SWS_Rte_07134]
[SWS_Rte_07135] [SWS_Rte_07161]
[SWS_Rte_07182] [SWS_Rte_07183]
[SWS_Rte_07184] [SWS_Rte_08303]
[SRS_Rte_00017] Rejection of inconsistent [SWS_Rte_01004] [SWS_Rte_02751]
component implementations [SWS_Rte_07510]

42 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00018] Rejection of invalid [SWS_Rte_01287] [SWS_Rte_01313]

configurations [SWS_Rte_01358] [SWS_Rte_01373]
[SWS_Rte_02009] [SWS_Rte_02051]
[SWS_Rte_02204] [SWS_Rte_02254]
[SWS_Rte_02316] [SWS_Rte_02500]
[SWS_Rte_02526] [SWS_Rte_02529]
[SWS_Rte_02662] [SWS_Rte_02663]
[SWS_Rte_02664] [SWS_Rte_02670]
[SWS_Rte_02706] [SWS_Rte_02723]
[SWS_Rte_02730] [SWS_Rte_02733]
[SWS_Rte_02738] [SWS_Rte_02750]
[SWS_Rte_03010] [SWS_Rte_03014]
[SWS_Rte_03018] [SWS_Rte_03019]
[SWS_Rte_03526] [SWS_Rte_03527]
[SWS_Rte_03594] [SWS_Rte_03605]
[SWS_Rte_03755] [SWS_Rte_03764]
[SWS_Rte_03813] [SWS_Rte_03817]
[SWS_Rte_03820] [SWS_Rte_03823]
[SWS_Rte_03826] [SWS_Rte_03831]
[SWS_Rte_03851] [SWS_Rte_03862]
[SWS_Rte_03866] [SWS_Rte_03869]
[SWS_Rte_03875] [SWS_Rte_03876]
[SWS_Rte_03877] [SWS_Rte_03885]
[SWS_Rte_03886] [SWS_Rte_03950]
[SWS_Rte_03951] [SWS_Rte_03970]
[SWS_Rte_03986] [SWS_Rte_03987]
[SWS_Rte_03988] [SWS_Rte_03989]
[SWS_Rte_04591] [SWS_Rte_05149]
[SWS_Rte_06502] [SWS_Rte_06503]
[SWS_Rte_06504] [SWS_Rte_06505]
[SWS_Rte_06508] [SWS_Rte_06509]
[SWS_Rte_06511] [SWS_Rte_06547]
[SWS_Rte_06548] [SWS_Rte_06610]
[SWS_Rte_06613] [SWS_Rte_06719]
[SWS_Rte_06724] [SWS_Rte_06732]
[SWS_Rte_06768] [SWS_Rte_06769]
[SWS_Rte_06770] [SWS_Rte_06801]
[SWS_Rte_06802] [SWS_Rte_06803]
[SWS_Rte_06814] [SWS_Rte_06839]
[SWS_Rte_07005] [SWS_Rte_07006]
[SWS_Rte_07007] [SWS_Rte_07026]
[SWS_Rte_07028] [SWS_Rte_07039]
[SWS_Rte_07044] [SWS_Rte_07057]
[SWS_Rte_07075] [SWS_Rte_07101]
[SWS_Rte_07135] [SWS_Rte_07157]
[SWS_Rte_07170] [SWS_Rte_07175]
[SWS_Rte_07181] [SWS_Rte_07190]
[SWS_Rte_07191] [SWS_Rte_07192]

43 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07343] [SWS_Rte_07347]
[SWS_Rte_07353] [SWS_Rte_07356]
[SWS_Rte_07402] [SWS_Rte_07403]
[SWS_Rte_07516] [SWS_Rte_07524]
[SWS_Rte_07545] [SWS_Rte_07548]
[SWS_Rte_07549] [SWS_Rte_07564]
[SWS_Rte_07588] [SWS_Rte_07610]
[SWS_Rte_07621] [SWS_Rte_07638]
[SWS_Rte_07640] [SWS_Rte_07642]
[SWS_Rte_07654] [SWS_Rte_07662]
[SWS_Rte_07667] [SWS_Rte_07670]
[SWS_Rte_07681] [SWS_Rte_07686]
[SWS_Rte_07803] [SWS_Rte_07808]
[SWS_Rte_07809] [SWS_Rte_07810]
[SWS_Rte_07811] [SWS_Rte_07812]
[SWS_Rte_07842] [SWS_Rte_07845]
[SWS_Rte_07927] [SWS_Rte_08072]
[SWS_Rte_08076] [SWS_Rte_08311]
[SWS_Rte_08417] [SWS_Rte_08423]
[SWS_Rte_08603] [SWS_Rte_08604]
[SWS_Rte_08605] [SWS_Rte_08700]
[SWS_Rte_08767] [SWS_Rte_08768]
[SWS_Rte_08788] [SWS_Rte_08800]
[SWS_Rte_08903] [SWS_Rte_08908]
[SWS_Rte_08909] [SWS_Rte_72023]
[SWS_Rte_82004] [SWS_Rte_82012]
[SRS_Rte_00019] RTE is the communication [SWS_Rte_01264] [SWS_Rte_02527]
infrastructure [SWS_Rte_02528] [SWS_Rte_02610]
[SWS_Rte_02611] [SWS_Rte_02612]
[SWS_Rte_03000] [SWS_Rte_03001]
[SWS_Rte_03002] [SWS_Rte_03004]
[SWS_Rte_03005] [SWS_Rte_03007]
[SWS_Rte_03008] [SWS_Rte_03760]
[SWS_Rte_03761] [SWS_Rte_03762]
[SWS_Rte_03769] [SWS_Rte_03775]
[SWS_Rte_03776] [SWS_Rte_03795]
[SWS_Rte_03796] [SWS_Rte_04515]
[SWS_Rte_04516] [SWS_Rte_04520]
[SWS_Rte_04522] [SWS_Rte_04526]
[SWS_Rte_04527] [SWS_Rte_04585]
[SWS_Rte_04586] [SWS_Rte_04587]
[SWS_Rte_04588] [SWS_Rte_05065]
[SWS_Rte_05084] [SWS_Rte_05085]
[SWS_Rte_05500] [SWS_Rte_06000]
[SWS_Rte_06011] [SWS_Rte_06023]
[SWS_Rte_06024] [SWS_Rte_07662]
[SWS_Rte_08001] [SWS_Rte_08002]
[SWS_Rte_08586] [SWS_Rte_08587]
[SRS_Rte_00020] Access to OS [SWS_Rte_02250]
[SRS_Rte_00021] Per-ECU RTE customization [SWS_Rte_01316] [SWS_Rte_05000]

44 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00022] Interaction with call-backs [SWS_Rte_01165]

[SRS_Rte_00023] RTE Overheads [SWS_Rte_05053]
[SRS_Rte_00024] Source-code AUTOSAR [SWS_Rte_01000] [SWS_Rte_01195]
software components [SWS_Rte_01315] [SWS_Rte_07120]
[SRS_Rte_00025] Static communication [SWS_Rte_06026]
[SRS_Rte_00027] VFB to RTE mapping shall be [SWS_Rte_01274] [SWS_Rte_02200]
semantic preserving [SWS_Rte_02201] [SWS_Rte_02649]
[SWS_Rte_02651] [SWS_Rte_02653]
[SWS_Rte_02654] [SWS_Rte_02657]
[SWS_Rte_07346] [SWS_Rte_08700]
[SWS_Rte_08703] [SWS_Rte_08705]
[SWS_Rte_08707] [SWS_Rte_08709]
[SRS_Rte_00028] "1:n" Sender-receiver [SWS_Rte_01071] [SWS_Rte_01072]
communication [SWS_Rte_01082] [SWS_Rte_01091]
[SWS_Rte_01092] [SWS_Rte_01135]
[SWS_Rte_02631] [SWS_Rte_02633]
[SWS_Rte_02635] [SWS_Rte_04526]
[SWS_Rte_04585] [SWS_Rte_04586]
[SWS_Rte_04587] [SWS_Rte_04588]
[SWS_Rte_06023] [SWS_Rte_06024]
[SWS_Rte_07394] [SWS_Rte_07824]
[SWS_Rte_07825] [SWS_Rte_07826]
[SWS_Rte_07827] [SWS_Rte_08413]
[SWS_Rte_08414] [SWS_Rte_08415]
[SWS_Rte_08586] [SWS_Rte_08587]
[SWS_Rte_08592] [SWS_Rte_08593]
[SWS_Rte_08594] [SWS_Rte_08595]
[SWS_Rte_70126] [SWS_Rte_70138]
[SRS_Rte_00029] "n:1" Client-server [SWS_Rte_01102] [SWS_Rte_01109]
communication [SWS_Rte_01133] [SWS_Rte_01166]
[SWS_Rte_01359] [SWS_Rte_03763]
[SWS_Rte_03767] [SWS_Rte_03768]
[SWS_Rte_03769] [SWS_Rte_03770]
[SWS_Rte_04517] [SWS_Rte_04519]
[SWS_Rte_06019] [SWS_Rte_07023]
[SWS_Rte_07024] [SWS_Rte_07026]
[SWS_Rte_07027] [SWS_Rte_07845]
[SWS_Rte_08310] [SWS_Rte_72023]
[SRS_Rte_00031] Multiple Runnable Entities [SWS_Rte_01016] [SWS_Rte_01126]
[SWS_Rte_01130] [SWS_Rte_01132]
[SWS_Rte_02202] [SWS_Rte_06713]
[SRS_Rte_00032] Data consistency mechanisms [SWS_Rte_01122] [SWS_Rte_02740]
[SWS_Rte_02741] [SWS_Rte_02743]
[SWS_Rte_02744] [SWS_Rte_02745]
[SWS_Rte_02746] [SWS_Rte_03500]
[SWS_Rte_03504] [SWS_Rte_03514]
[SWS_Rte_03516] [SWS_Rte_03517]
[SWS_Rte_03519] [SWS_Rte_03595]
[SWS_Rte_03739] [SWS_Rte_03740]
[SWS_Rte_03812] [SWS_Rte_03999]
[SWS_Rte_04545] [SWS_Rte_05164]
[SWS_Rte_07005] [SWS_Rte_08318]
[SWS_Rte_08319] [SWS_Rte_08320]

45 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08321] [SWS_Rte_08322]
[SRS_Rte_00033] Serialized execution of Server [SWS_Rte_02527] [SWS_Rte_02528]
Runnable Entities [SWS_Rte_02529] [SWS_Rte_02530]
[SWS_Rte_04515] [SWS_Rte_04518]
[SWS_Rte_04522] [SWS_Rte_07008]
[SWS_Rte_08001] [SWS_Rte_08002]
[SRS_Rte_00036] Assignment to OS Applications [SWS_Rte_07347] [SWS_Rte_08903]
[SRS_Rte_00045] Standardized VFB tracing [SWS_Rte_01238] [SWS_Rte_01239]
interface [SWS_Rte_01240] [SWS_Rte_01241]
[SWS_Rte_01242] [SWS_Rte_01243]
[SWS_Rte_01244] [SWS_Rte_01245]
[SWS_Rte_01246] [SWS_Rte_01247]
[SWS_Rte_01248] [SWS_Rte_01249]
[SWS_Rte_01250] [SWS_Rte_01319]
[SWS_Rte_01321] [SWS_Rte_01326]
[SWS_Rte_03814] [SWS_Rte_04531]
[SWS_Rte_04532] [SWS_Rte_04533]
[SWS_Rte_04534] [SWS_Rte_06032]
[SWS_Rte_06113] [SWS_Rte_06114]
[SWS_Rte_07639] [SWS_Rte_08901]
[SRS_Rte_00046] Support for "Executable Entity [SWS_Rte_01120] [SWS_Rte_01122]
runs inside" Exclusive Areas [SWS_Rte_01123] [SWS_Rte_02740]
[SWS_Rte_02741] [SWS_Rte_02743]
[SWS_Rte_02744] [SWS_Rte_02745]
[SWS_Rte_02746] [SWS_Rte_03500]
[SWS_Rte_03515] [SWS_Rte_07250]
[SWS_Rte_07251] [SWS_Rte_07252]
[SWS_Rte_07253] [SWS_Rte_07254]
[SWS_Rte_07522] [SWS_Rte_07523]
[SWS_Rte_07524] [SWS_Rte_07578]
[SWS_Rte_07579] [SWS_Rte_08318]
[SWS_Rte_08319] [SWS_Rte_08320]
[SWS_Rte_08321] [SWS_Rte_08322]
[SRS_Rte_00048] RTE Generator input [SWS_Rte_08769] [SWS_Rte_08770]
[SWS_Rte_08771] [SWS_Rte_08772]
[SWS_Rte_08773] [SWS_Rte_08774]
[SWS_Rte_08775] [SWS_Rte_08776]
[SRS_Rte_00049] Construction of task bodies [SWS_Rte_02204] [SWS_Rte_02254]
[SWS_Rte_04557] [SWS_Rte_04558]
[SWS_Rte_04559] [SWS_Rte_04560]
[SWS_Rte_04561] [SWS_Rte_04562]
[SWS_Rte_06200] [SWS_Rte_06201]
[SWS_Rte_07516] [SWS_Rte_08417]

46 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00051] RTE API mapping [SWS_Rte_01053] [SWS_Rte_01055]

[SWS_Rte_01119] [SWS_Rte_01123]
[SWS_Rte_01132] [SWS_Rte_01146]
[SWS_Rte_01148] [SWS_Rte_01153]
[SWS_Rte_01156] [SWS_Rte_01159]
[SWS_Rte_01197] [SWS_Rte_01266]
[SWS_Rte_01268] [SWS_Rte_01269]
[SWS_Rte_01274] [SWS_Rte_01280]
[SWS_Rte_01281] [SWS_Rte_01282]
[SWS_Rte_01283] [SWS_Rte_01284]
[SWS_Rte_01285] [SWS_Rte_01286]
[SWS_Rte_01287] [SWS_Rte_01288]
[SWS_Rte_01289] [SWS_Rte_01290]
[SWS_Rte_01293] [SWS_Rte_01294]
[SWS_Rte_01296] [SWS_Rte_01297]
[SWS_Rte_01298] [SWS_Rte_01299]
[SWS_Rte_01300] [SWS_Rte_01301]
[SWS_Rte_01302] [SWS_Rte_01303]
[SWS_Rte_01304] [SWS_Rte_01305]
[SWS_Rte_01306] [SWS_Rte_01307]
[SWS_Rte_01308] [SWS_Rte_01309]
[SWS_Rte_01310] [SWS_Rte_01312]
[SWS_Rte_01313] [SWS_Rte_01342]
[SWS_Rte_01343] [SWS_Rte_01349]
[SWS_Rte_01354] [SWS_Rte_01355]
[SWS_Rte_01363] [SWS_Rte_01364]
[SWS_Rte_01365] [SWS_Rte_01366]
[SWS_Rte_02301] [SWS_Rte_02302]
[SWS_Rte_02588] [SWS_Rte_02589]
[SWS_Rte_02607] [SWS_Rte_02608]
[SWS_Rte_02613] [SWS_Rte_02614]
[SWS_Rte_02615] [SWS_Rte_02616]
[SWS_Rte_02617] [SWS_Rte_02618]
[SWS_Rte_02619] [SWS_Rte_02620]
[SWS_Rte_02621] [SWS_Rte_02623]
[SWS_Rte_02632] [SWS_Rte_02666]
[SWS_Rte_02676] [SWS_Rte_02677]
[SWS_Rte_02678] [SWS_Rte_02679]
[SWS_Rte_02730] [SWS_Rte_03014]
[SWS_Rte_03562] [SWS_Rte_03567]
[SWS_Rte_03602] [SWS_Rte_03603]
[SWS_Rte_03605] [SWS_Rte_03706]
[SWS_Rte_03707] [SWS_Rte_03716]
[SWS_Rte_03717] [SWS_Rte_03718]
[SWS_Rte_03719] [SWS_Rte_03720]
[SWS_Rte_03721] [SWS_Rte_03723]
[SWS_Rte_03725] [SWS_Rte_03726]
[SWS_Rte_03730] [SWS_Rte_03731]

47 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03733] [SWS_Rte_03734]
[SWS_Rte_03739] [SWS_Rte_03740]
[SWS_Rte_03746] [SWS_Rte_03752]
[SWS_Rte_03799] [SWS_Rte_03801]
[SWS_Rte_03812] [SWS_Rte_03835]
[SWS_Rte_03837] [SWS_Rte_03872]
[SWS_Rte_03879] [SWS_Rte_03880]
[SWS_Rte_03881] [SWS_Rte_03927]
[SWS_Rte_03930] [SWS_Rte_03949]
[SWS_Rte_03952] [SWS_Rte_04545]
[SWS_Rte_04578] [SWS_Rte_04580]
[SWS_Rte_05510] [SWS_Rte_05511]
[SWS_Rte_06205] [SWS_Rte_06208]
[SWS_Rte_06209] [SWS_Rte_06639]
[SWS_Rte_06713] [SWS_Rte_06817]
[SWS_Rte_06818] [SWS_Rte_06819]
[SWS_Rte_06820] [SWS_Rte_06821]
[SWS_Rte_06823] [SWS_Rte_06827]
[SWS_Rte_06831] [SWS_Rte_07137]
[SWS_Rte_07138] [SWS_Rte_07170]
[SWS_Rte_07225] [SWS_Rte_07226]
[SWS_Rte_07227] [SWS_Rte_07228]
[SWS_Rte_07291] [SWS_Rte_07395]
[SWS_Rte_07396] [SWS_Rte_07416]
[SWS_Rte_07677] [SWS_Rte_07837]
[SWS_Rte_07838] [SWS_Rte_07839]
[SWS_Rte_07850] [SWS_Rte_07851]
[SWS_Rte_08073] [SWS_Rte_08091]
[SWS_Rte_08092] [SWS_Rte_08093]
[SWS_Rte_08094] [SWS_Rte_08309]
[SWS_Rte_08312] [SWS_Rte_08777]
[SWS_Rte_08778] [SWS_Rte_08779]
[SWS_Rte_08780] [SWS_Rte_08782]
[SWS_Rte_08783] [SWS_Rte_08784]
[SWS_Rte_08785] [SWS_Rte_08786]
[SRS_Rte_00052] Initialization and finalization of [SWS_Rte_02503] [SWS_Rte_02562]
components [SWS_Rte_02564] [SWS_Rte_02707]
[SWS_Rte_03852] [SWS_Rte_07046]
[SWS_Rte_08911] [SWS_Rte_08912]
[SWS_Rte_70116] [SWS_Rte_70117]
[SRS_Rte_00055] RTE use of global namespace [SWS_Rte_01171] [SWS_Rte_02317]
[SWS_Rte_02318] [SWS_Rte_02319]
[SWS_Rte_02320] [SWS_Rte_03609]
[SWS_Rte_03610] [SWS_Rte_06706]
[SWS_Rte_06707] [SWS_Rte_06708]
[SWS_Rte_06812] [SWS_Rte_06813]
[SWS_Rte_07036] [SWS_Rte_07037]
[SWS_Rte_07104] [SWS_Rte_07109]
[SWS_Rte_07110] [SWS_Rte_07111]
[SWS_Rte_07114] [SWS_Rte_07115]
[SWS_Rte_07116] [SWS_Rte_07117]
[SWS_Rte_07118] [SWS_Rte_07119]

48 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07144] [SWS_Rte_07145]
[SWS_Rte_07146] [SWS_Rte_07148]
[SWS_Rte_07149] [SWS_Rte_07162]
[SWS_Rte_07163] [SWS_Rte_07166]
[SRS_Rte_00059] RTE API shall pass "in" primitive [SWS_Rte_01017] [SWS_Rte_01020]
data types by value [SWS_Rte_06805] [SWS_Rte_06807]
[SWS_Rte_07069] [SWS_Rte_07070]
[SWS_Rte_07071] [SWS_Rte_07072]
[SWS_Rte_07073] [SWS_Rte_07074]
[SWS_Rte_07076] [SWS_Rte_07077]
[SWS_Rte_07078] [SWS_Rte_07079]
[SWS_Rte_07080] [SWS_Rte_07081]
[SWS_Rte_07083] [SWS_Rte_07084]
[SWS_Rte_07661] [SWS_Rte_08300]
[SRS_Rte_00060] RTE API shall pass "in" [SWS_Rte_01018] [SWS_Rte_05107]
composite data types by [SWS_Rte_05108] [SWS_Rte_06804]
reference [SWS_Rte_06807] [SWS_Rte_07082]
[SWS_Rte_07084] [SWS_Rte_07086]
[SRS_Rte_00061] "in/out" and "out" parameters [SWS_Rte_01017] [SWS_Rte_01018]
[SWS_Rte_01019] [SWS_Rte_01020]
[SWS_Rte_05107] [SWS_Rte_05108]
[SWS_Rte_05109] [SWS_Rte_06806]
[SWS_Rte_07082] [SWS_Rte_07083]
[SWS_Rte_07084] [SWS_Rte_07661]
[SRS_Rte_00062] Local access to basic software [SWS_Rte_02051]
[SRS_Rte_00065] Deterministic generation [SWS_Rte_02514] [SWS_Rte_05150]
[SRS_Rte_00068] Signal initial values [SWS_Rte_02517] [SWS_Rte_03852]
[SWS_Rte_05078] [SWS_Rte_07046]
[SWS_Rte_07642] [SWS_Rte_07668]
[SWS_Rte_08311] [SWS_Rte_08911]
[SWS_Rte_08912] [SWS_Rte_70116]
[SRS_Rte_00069] Communication timeouts [SWS_Rte_01064] [SWS_Rte_01095]
[SWS_Rte_01107] [SWS_Rte_01114]
[SWS_Rte_03754] [SWS_Rte_03758]
[SWS_Rte_03759] [SWS_Rte_03763]
[SWS_Rte_03767] [SWS_Rte_03768]
[SWS_Rte_03770] [SWS_Rte_03771]
[SWS_Rte_03772] [SWS_Rte_06002]
[SWS_Rte_06013] [SWS_Rte_07056]
[SWS_Rte_07059] [SWS_Rte_07060]
[SRS_Rte_00070] Invocation order of Runnable [SWS_Rte_02207]

49 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00072] Activation of Runnable Entities [SWS_Rte_01131] [SWS_Rte_01133]

[SWS_Rte_01135] [SWS_Rte_01137]
[SWS_Rte_01166] [SWS_Rte_01292]
[SWS_Rte_01359] [SWS_Rte_02203]
[SWS_Rte_02512] [SWS_Rte_02697]
[SWS_Rte_02758] [SWS_Rte_03520]
[SWS_Rte_03523] [SWS_Rte_03524]
[SWS_Rte_03526] [SWS_Rte_03527]
[SWS_Rte_03530] [SWS_Rte_03531]
[SWS_Rte_03532] [SWS_Rte_06748]
[SWS_Rte_06759] [SWS_Rte_06760]
[SWS_Rte_06771] [SWS_Rte_07023]
[SWS_Rte_07024] [SWS_Rte_07026]
[SWS_Rte_07027] [SWS_Rte_07061]
[SWS_Rte_07177] [SWS_Rte_07178]
[SWS_Rte_07207] [SWS_Rte_07208]
[SWS_Rte_07379] [SWS_Rte_07403]
[SWS_Rte_07515] [SWS_Rte_07575]
[SWS_Rte_08791] [SWS_Rte_82008]
[SRS_Rte_00073] Atomic transport of Data [SWS_Rte_04527]
[SRS_Rte_00075] API for accessing per-instance [SWS_Rte_01118] [SWS_Rte_01119]
memory [SWS_Rte_06203] [SWS_Rte_06204]
[SRS_Rte_00077] Instantiation of per-instance [SWS_Rte_02303] [SWS_Rte_02304]
memory [SWS_Rte_02305] [SWS_Rte_03782]
[SWS_Rte_05062] [SWS_Rte_07045]
[SWS_Rte_07133] [SWS_Rte_07161]
[SWS_Rte_07182] [SWS_Rte_07183]
[SWS_Rte_07184] [SWS_Rte_08303]
[SRS_Rte_00078] Support for Data Element [SWS_Rte_01206] [SWS_Rte_01282]
Invalidation [SWS_Rte_02309] [SWS_Rte_02589]
[SWS_Rte_02590] [SWS_Rte_02594]
[SWS_Rte_02599] [SWS_Rte_02600]
[SWS_Rte_02603] [SWS_Rte_02607]
[SWS_Rte_02609] [SWS_Rte_02626]
[SWS_Rte_02629] [SWS_Rte_02666]
[SWS_Rte_02702] [SWS_Rte_03778]
[SWS_Rte_03800] [SWS_Rte_03801]
[SWS_Rte_03802] [SWS_Rte_05024]
[SWS_Rte_05025] [SWS_Rte_05026]
[SWS_Rte_05030] [SWS_Rte_05032]
[SWS_Rte_05048] [SWS_Rte_05049]
[SWS_Rte_05064] [SWS_Rte_06727]
[SWS_Rte_06820] [SWS_Rte_06821]
[SWS_Rte_06822] [SWS_Rte_06823]
[SWS_Rte_06824] [SWS_Rte_06825]
[SWS_Rte_06829] [SWS_Rte_07031]
[SWS_Rte_07032] [SWS_Rte_08004]
[SWS_Rte_08005] [SWS_Rte_08007]
[SWS_Rte_08008] [SWS_Rte_08009]
[SWS_Rte_08046] [SWS_Rte_08047]
[SWS_Rte_08048] [SWS_Rte_08049]
[SWS_Rte_08050] [SWS_Rte_08096]

50 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08097] [SWS_Rte_08098]
[SWS_Rte_08099] [SWS_Rte_08100]
[SWS_Rte_08101] [SWS_Rte_08102]
[SWS_Rte_08405] [SWS_Rte_08406]
[SWS_Rte_08407] [SWS_Rte_08501]
[SRS_Rte_00079] Single asynchronous [SWS_Rte_01105] [SWS_Rte_01109]
client-server interaction [SWS_Rte_01133] [SWS_Rte_01166]
[SWS_Rte_01359] [SWS_Rte_02658]
[SWS_Rte_03765] [SWS_Rte_03766]
[SWS_Rte_03771] [SWS_Rte_03772]
[SWS_Rte_07023] [SWS_Rte_07024]
[SWS_Rte_07026] [SWS_Rte_07027]
[SRS_Rte_00080] Multiple requests of servers [SWS_Rte_03769] [SWS_Rte_04516]
[SRS_Rte_00082] Standardized communication [SWS_Rte_02649] [SWS_Rte_02651]
protocol [SWS_Rte_02653] [SWS_Rte_02654]
[SWS_Rte_02655] [SWS_Rte_02656]
[SWS_Rte_02657] [SWS_Rte_07346]
[SWS_Rte_07413] [SWS_Rte_08700]
[SWS_Rte_08703] [SWS_Rte_08705]
[SWS_Rte_08707] [SWS_Rte_08709]
[SWS_Rte_08711] [SWS_Rte_08712]
[SRS_Rte_00083] Optimization for source-code [SWS_Rte_01152] [SWS_Rte_01274]
[SRS_Rte_00084] Support infrastructural errors [SWS_Rte_01318] [SWS_Rte_02593]
[SRS_Rte_00087] Software Module Header File [SWS_Rte_01000] [SWS_Rte_01004]
generation [SWS_Rte_01006] [SWS_Rte_01132]
[SWS_Rte_01274] [SWS_Rte_03786]
[SWS_Rte_05078] [SWS_Rte_06703]
[SWS_Rte_06704] [SWS_Rte_06705]
[SWS_Rte_06713] [SWS_Rte_07127]
[SWS_Rte_07131] [SWS_Rte_07924]
[SRS_Rte_00089] Independent access to interface [SWS_Rte_06008]
[SRS_Rte_00091] Inter-ECU Marshalling [SWS_Rte_02557] [SWS_Rte_03863]
[SWS_Rte_03864] [SWS_Rte_03865]
[SWS_Rte_04504] [SWS_Rte_04505]
[SWS_Rte_04508] [SWS_Rte_04527]
[SWS_Rte_05081] [SWS_Rte_05173]
[SWS_Rte_07413] [SWS_Rte_08546]
[SWS_Rte_08547] [SWS_Rte_08548]
[SWS_Rte_08549] [SWS_Rte_08551]
[SWS_Rte_08552] [SWS_Rte_08553]
[SWS_Rte_08554] [SWS_Rte_08555]
[SWS_Rte_08556] [SWS_Rte_08557]
[SWS_Rte_08572] [SWS_Rte_08573]

51 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08576] [SWS_Rte_08577]
[SWS_Rte_08578] [SWS_Rte_08579]
[SWS_Rte_08580] [SWS_Rte_08581]
[SWS_Rte_08591] [SWS_Rte_08700]
[SWS_Rte_08703] [SWS_Rte_08705]
[SWS_Rte_08707] [SWS_Rte_08709]
[SWS_Rte_08711] [SWS_Rte_08712]
[SWS_Rte_08725] [SWS_Rte_08726]
[SWS_Rte_08727] [SWS_Rte_08728]
[SWS_Rte_08729] [SWS_Rte_08731]
[SWS_Rte_08793] [SWS_Rte_70054]
[SWS_Rte_70055] [SWS_Rte_70060]
[SWS_Rte_70061] [SWS_Rte_70066]
[SWS_Rte_70067] [SWS_Rte_70068]
[SWS_Rte_70069] [SWS_Rte_70073]
[SWS_Rte_70074] [SWS_Rte_70075]
[SWS_Rte_70076] [SWS_Rte_70118]
[SWS_Rte_70119] [SWS_Rte_72004]
[SWS_Rte_72005] [SWS_Rte_72006]
[SWS_Rte_72007] [SWS_Rte_72008]
[SWS_Rte_72017] [SWS_Rte_72018]
[SRS_Rte_00092] Implementation of VFB model [SWS_Rte_01358] [SWS_Rte_02740]
"waitpoints" [SWS_Rte_02741] [SWS_Rte_02743]
[SWS_Rte_02744] [SWS_Rte_02745]
[SWS_Rte_02746] [SWS_Rte_03010]
[SWS_Rte_03018] [SWS_Rte_07402]
[SWS_Rte_07846] [SWS_Rte_07847]
[SWS_Rte_08318] [SWS_Rte_08319]
[SWS_Rte_08320] [SWS_Rte_08321]
[SRS_Rte_00094] Communication and Resource [SWS_Rte_01034] [SWS_Rte_01084]
Errors [SWS_Rte_01086] [SWS_Rte_01093]
[SWS_Rte_01094] [SWS_Rte_01095]
[SWS_Rte_01103] [SWS_Rte_01104]
[SWS_Rte_01105] [SWS_Rte_01106]
[SWS_Rte_01107] [SWS_Rte_01112]
[SWS_Rte_01113] [SWS_Rte_01114]
[SWS_Rte_01207] [SWS_Rte_01259]
[SWS_Rte_01260] [SWS_Rte_01261]
[SWS_Rte_01262] [SWS_Rte_01318]
[SWS_Rte_01330] [SWS_Rte_01331]
[SWS_Rte_01333] [SWS_Rte_01334]
[SWS_Rte_01339] [SWS_Rte_01344]
[SWS_Rte_02312] [SWS_Rte_02313]
[SWS_Rte_02524] [SWS_Rte_02525]
[SWS_Rte_02571] [SWS_Rte_02572]
[SWS_Rte_02578] [SWS_Rte_02598]
[SWS_Rte_02602] [SWS_Rte_02674]
[SWS_Rte_02721] [SWS_Rte_02727]
[SWS_Rte_02728] [SWS_Rte_02729]
[SWS_Rte_03606] [SWS_Rte_03774]
[SWS_Rte_03785] [SWS_Rte_03853]
[SWS_Rte_04530] [SWS_Rte_06210]
[SWS_Rte_06828] [SWS_Rte_06830]

52 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07258] [SWS_Rte_07374]
[SWS_Rte_07375] [SWS_Rte_07376]
[SWS_Rte_07392] [SWS_Rte_07393]
[SWS_Rte_07636] [SWS_Rte_07637]
[SWS_Rte_07650] [SWS_Rte_07651]
[SWS_Rte_07652] [SWS_Rte_07659]
[SWS_Rte_07660] [SWS_Rte_07673]
[SWS_Rte_07820] [SWS_Rte_07821]
[SWS_Rte_07822] [SWS_Rte_07823]
[SWS_Rte_07848] [SWS_Rte_07849]
[SWS_Rte_08301] [SWS_Rte_08302]
[SWS_Rte_08546] [SWS_Rte_08547]
[SWS_Rte_08548] [SWS_Rte_08549]
[SWS_Rte_08552] [SWS_Rte_08553]
[SWS_Rte_08554] [SWS_Rte_08555]
[SWS_Rte_08556] [SWS_Rte_08557]
[SWS_Rte_08572] [SWS_Rte_08573]
[SWS_Rte_08576] [SWS_Rte_08577]
[SWS_Rte_08578] [SWS_Rte_08579]
[SWS_Rte_08580] [SWS_Rte_08581]
[SWS_Rte_08591] [SWS_Rte_08727]
[SWS_Rte_08728] [SWS_Rte_08729]
[SWS_Rte_70053] [SWS_Rte_70054]
[SWS_Rte_70055] [SWS_Rte_70059]
[SWS_Rte_70060] [SWS_Rte_70061]
[SWS_Rte_70065] [SWS_Rte_70066]
[SWS_Rte_70067] [SWS_Rte_70068]
[SWS_Rte_70069] [SWS_Rte_70072]
[SWS_Rte_70073] [SWS_Rte_70074]
[SWS_Rte_70075] [SWS_Rte_70076]
[SWS_Rte_70100] [SWS_Rte_70101]
[SWS_Rte_70118] [SWS_Rte_70119]
[SWS_Rte_70125] [SWS_Rte_72000]
[SWS_Rte_72001] [SWS_Rte_72002]
[SWS_Rte_72003] [SWS_Rte_72004]
[SWS_Rte_72005] [SWS_Rte_72006]
[SWS_Rte_72007] [SWS_Rte_72008]
[SWS_Rte_72011] [SWS_Rte_72012]
[SWS_Rte_72013] [SWS_Rte_72014]
[SWS_Rte_72015] [SWS_Rte_72016]
[SWS_Rte_72017] [SWS_Rte_72018]
[SRS_Rte_00098] Explicit Sending [SWS_Rte_01071] [SWS_Rte_06011]
[SRS_Rte_00099] Decoupling of interrupts [SWS_Rte_03530] [SWS_Rte_03531]
[SWS_Rte_03532] [SWS_Rte_03594]
[SRS_Rte_00100] Compiler independent API [SWS_Rte_01314]

53 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00107] Support for INFORMATION_ [SWS_Rte_01135] [SWS_Rte_01137]

TYPE attribute [SWS_Rte_01331] [SWS_Rte_02312]
[SWS_Rte_02313] [SWS_Rte_02516]
[SWS_Rte_02518] [SWS_Rte_02520]
[SWS_Rte_02521] [SWS_Rte_02522]
[SWS_Rte_02523] [SWS_Rte_02524]
[SWS_Rte_02525] [SWS_Rte_02571]
[SWS_Rte_02572] [SWS_Rte_02718]
[SWS_Rte_02719] [SWS_Rte_02720]
[SWS_Rte_02721] [SWS_Rte_02758]
[SWS_Rte_04500] [SWS_Rte_06010]
[SWS_Rte_06771] [SWS_Rte_70101]
[SRS_Rte_00108] Support for INIT_VALUE [SWS_Rte_01268] [SWS_Rte_02517]
attribute [SWS_Rte_04501] [SWS_Rte_04502]
[SWS_Rte_05078] [SWS_Rte_06009]
[SWS_Rte_07642] [SWS_Rte_07668]
[SWS_Rte_07680] [SWS_Rte_07681]
[SRS_Rte_00109] Support for RECEIVE_MODE [SWS_Rte_02519] [SWS_Rte_03018]
attribute [SWS_Rte_06002] [SWS_Rte_06012]
[SRS_Rte_00110] Support for BUFFERING [SWS_Rte_01331] [SWS_Rte_02312]
attribute [SWS_Rte_02313] [SWS_Rte_02515]
[SWS_Rte_02522] [SWS_Rte_02523]
[SWS_Rte_02524] [SWS_Rte_02525]
[SWS_Rte_02526] [SWS_Rte_02527]
[SWS_Rte_02529] [SWS_Rte_02530]
[SWS_Rte_02571] [SWS_Rte_02572]
[SWS_Rte_02719] [SWS_Rte_02720]
[SWS_Rte_02721] [SWS_Rte_02723]
[SWS_Rte_07008] [SWS_Rte_70101]
[SRS_Rte_00111] Support for CLIENT_MODE [SWS_Rte_01293] [SWS_Rte_01294]
attribute [SWS_Rte_06639]
[SRS_Rte_00115] API for data consistency [SWS_Rte_01120] [SWS_Rte_01122]
mechanism [SWS_Rte_01307] [SWS_Rte_01308]
[SRS_Rte_00116] RTE Initialization and finalization [SWS_Rte_02535] [SWS_Rte_02536]
[SWS_Rte_02538] [SWS_Rte_02544]
[SWS_Rte_02569] [SWS_Rte_02570]
[SWS_Rte_02584] [SWS_Rte_02585]
[SWS_Rte_03852] [SWS_Rte_04552]
[SWS_Rte_06766] [SWS_Rte_06767]
[SWS_Rte_07046] [SWS_Rte_07270]
[SWS_Rte_07586] [SWS_Rte_08911]
[SWS_Rte_08912] [SWS_Rte_70116]
[SRS_Rte_00121] Support for FILTER attribute [SWS_Rte_04581] [SWS_Rte_05500]
[SWS_Rte_05501] [SWS_Rte_05503]
[SWS_Rte_08077] [SWS_Rte_08079]

54 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00122] Support for Transmission [SWS_Rte_01080] [SWS_Rte_01083]

Acknowledgement [SWS_Rte_01084] [SWS_Rte_01086]
[SWS_Rte_01137] [SWS_Rte_01283]
[SWS_Rte_01284] [SWS_Rte_01285]
[SWS_Rte_01286] [SWS_Rte_01287]
[SWS_Rte_01344] [SWS_Rte_02612]
[SWS_Rte_02676] [SWS_Rte_02677]
[SWS_Rte_02678] [SWS_Rte_02725]
[SWS_Rte_02727] [SWS_Rte_02729]
[SWS_Rte_02758] [SWS_Rte_03002]
[SWS_Rte_03005] [SWS_Rte_03604]
[SWS_Rte_03754] [SWS_Rte_03756]
[SWS_Rte_03757] [SWS_Rte_03758]
[SWS_Rte_03774] [SWS_Rte_03775]
[SWS_Rte_03776] [SWS_Rte_05065]
[SWS_Rte_05084] [SWS_Rte_05085]
[SWS_Rte_05504] [SWS_Rte_06771]
[SWS_Rte_07055] [SWS_Rte_07286]
[SWS_Rte_07367] [SWS_Rte_07374]
[SWS_Rte_07375] [SWS_Rte_07376]
[SWS_Rte_07379] [SWS_Rte_07557]
[SWS_Rte_07558] [SWS_Rte_07560]
[SWS_Rte_07561] [SWS_Rte_07634]
[SWS_Rte_07635] [SWS_Rte_07636]
[SWS_Rte_07637] [SWS_Rte_07646]
[SWS_Rte_07647] [SWS_Rte_07648]
[SWS_Rte_07650] [SWS_Rte_07651]
[SWS_Rte_07652] [SWS_Rte_07659]
[SWS_Rte_07660] [SWS_Rte_07846]
[SWS_Rte_07847] [SWS_Rte_07848]
[SWS_Rte_07849] [SWS_Rte_07850]
[SWS_Rte_07851] [SWS_Rte_07927]
[SWS_Rte_08017] [SWS_Rte_08018]
[SWS_Rte_08020] [SWS_Rte_08021]
[SWS_Rte_08022] [SWS_Rte_08023]
[SWS_Rte_08043] [SWS_Rte_08044]
[SWS_Rte_08045] [SWS_Rte_08074]
[SWS_Rte_08075] [SWS_Rte_08076]
[SWS_Rte_08583] [SWS_Rte_72011]
[SWS_Rte_72012] [SWS_Rte_72013]
[SWS_Rte_72014] [SWS_Rte_72015]
[SWS_Rte_72016] [SWS_Rte_72019]
[SRS_Rte_00123] The RTE shall forward [SWS_Rte_01103] [SWS_Rte_02576]
application level errors from [SWS_Rte_02577] [SWS_Rte_02578]
server to client [SWS_Rte_02593] [SWS_Rte_07925]
[SWS_Rte_07926] [SWS_Rte_08705]
[SRS_Rte_00124] API for application level errors [SWS_Rte_01103] [SWS_Rte_01130]
during Client Server [SWS_Rte_02573] [SWS_Rte_02575]

55 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00126] C language support [SWS_Rte_01005] [SWS_Rte_01162]

[SWS_Rte_01167] [SWS_Rte_01169]
[SWS_Rte_03709] [SWS_Rte_03710]
[SWS_Rte_03724] [SWS_Rte_07124]
[SWS_Rte_07125] [SWS_Rte_07126]
[SWS_Rte_07297] [SWS_Rte_07298]
[SWS_Rte_07299] [SWS_Rte_07507]
[SWS_Rte_07508] [SWS_Rte_07509]
[SWS_Rte_07678] [SWS_Rte_07923]
[SRS_Rte_00128] Implicit Reception [SWS_Rte_01268] [SWS_Rte_03598]
[SWS_Rte_03599] [SWS_Rte_03741]
[SWS_Rte_03878] [SWS_Rte_03954]
[SWS_Rte_03955] [SWS_Rte_03956]
[SWS_Rte_04577] [SWS_Rte_06000]
[SWS_Rte_06001] [SWS_Rte_06004]
[SWS_Rte_06011] [SWS_Rte_07007]
[SWS_Rte_07020] [SWS_Rte_07062]
[SWS_Rte_07063] [SWS_Rte_07064]
[SWS_Rte_07652] [SWS_Rte_08408]
[SRS_Rte_00129] Implicit Sending [SWS_Rte_03570] [SWS_Rte_03571]
[SWS_Rte_03572] [SWS_Rte_03573]
[SWS_Rte_03574] [SWS_Rte_03598]
[SWS_Rte_03744] [SWS_Rte_03746]
[SWS_Rte_03878] [SWS_Rte_03953]
[SWS_Rte_03954] [SWS_Rte_03955]
[SWS_Rte_03957] [SWS_Rte_05509]
[SWS_Rte_06011] [SWS_Rte_07007]
[SWS_Rte_07021] [SWS_Rte_07041]
[SWS_Rte_07062] [SWS_Rte_07065]
[SWS_Rte_07066] [SWS_Rte_07067]
[SWS_Rte_07068] [SWS_Rte_07367]
[SWS_Rte_07374] [SWS_Rte_07375]
[SWS_Rte_07376] [SWS_Rte_07646]
[SWS_Rte_07647] [SWS_Rte_07648]
[SWS_Rte_07650] [SWS_Rte_07651]
[SWS_Rte_07660] [SWS_Rte_08408]
[SRS_Rte_00131] "n:1" Sender-receiver [SWS_Rte_01071] [SWS_Rte_01072]
communication [SWS_Rte_01091] [SWS_Rte_01092]
[SWS_Rte_01135] [SWS_Rte_02631]
[SWS_Rte_02633] [SWS_Rte_02635]
[SWS_Rte_02670] [SWS_Rte_03760]
[SWS_Rte_03761] [SWS_Rte_03762]
[SWS_Rte_07394] [SWS_Rte_07824]
[SWS_Rte_07825] [SWS_Rte_07826]
[SWS_Rte_07827] [SWS_Rte_08788]
[SRS_Rte_00133] Concurrent invocation of [SWS_Rte_02697] [SWS_Rte_03523]
Runnable Entities [SWS_Rte_07007]
[SRS_Rte_00134] Runnable Entity categories [SWS_Rte_03574] [SWS_Rte_03954]
supported by the RTE [SWS_Rte_06003] [SWS_Rte_06007]
[SRS_Rte_00137] API for mismatched ports [SWS_Rte_01368] [SWS_Rte_01369]

56 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00138] C++ language support [SWS_Rte_01005] [SWS_Rte_01011]

[SWS_Rte_03709] [SWS_Rte_03710]
[SWS_Rte_07124] [SWS_Rte_07125]
[SWS_Rte_07126] [SWS_Rte_07297]
[SWS_Rte_07298] [SWS_Rte_07299]
[SWS_Rte_07507] [SWS_Rte_07508]
[SRS_Rte_00139] Support for unconnected ports [SWS_Rte_01329] [SWS_Rte_01330]
[SWS_Rte_01331] [SWS_Rte_01332]
[SWS_Rte_01333] [SWS_Rte_01334]
[SWS_Rte_01344] [SWS_Rte_01346]
[SWS_Rte_01347] [SWS_Rte_01375]
[SWS_Rte_02316] [SWS_Rte_02638]
[SWS_Rte_02639] [SWS_Rte_02640]
[SWS_Rte_02641] [SWS_Rte_02642]
[SWS_Rte_02749] [SWS_Rte_02750]
[SWS_Rte_03019] [SWS_Rte_03783]
[SWS_Rte_03784] [SWS_Rte_03785]
[SWS_Rte_03978] [SWS_Rte_03980]
[SWS_Rte_04530] [SWS_Rte_05099]
[SWS_Rte_05101] [SWS_Rte_05102]
[SWS_Rte_05170] [SWS_Rte_06030]
[SWS_Rte_06210] [SWS_Rte_07378]
[SWS_Rte_07655] [SWS_Rte_07659]
[SWS_Rte_07660] [SWS_Rte_07663]
[SWS_Rte_07667] [SWS_Rte_07668]
[SWS_Rte_07669] [SWS_Rte_07847]
[SWS_Rte_72016] [SWS_Rte_82004]
[SRS_Rte_00140] Binary-code AUTOSAR software [SWS_Rte_01000] [SWS_Rte_01195]
components [SWS_Rte_01315] [SWS_Rte_07120]
[SRS_Rte_00141] Explicit Reception [SWS_Rte_01072] [SWS_Rte_01091]
[SWS_Rte_01092] [SWS_Rte_06011]
[SWS_Rte_07394] [SWS_Rte_07673]
[SRS_Rte_00142] Support for InterRunnable [SWS_Rte_01303] [SWS_Rte_01304]
Variables [SWS_Rte_01305] [SWS_Rte_01306]
[SWS_Rte_01350] [SWS_Rte_01351]
[SWS_Rte_02636] [SWS_Rte_03516]
[SWS_Rte_03517] [SWS_Rte_03519]
[SWS_Rte_03550] [SWS_Rte_03553]
[SWS_Rte_03560] [SWS_Rte_03562]
[SWS_Rte_03565] [SWS_Rte_03567]
[SWS_Rte_03580] [SWS_Rte_03582]
[SWS_Rte_03583] [SWS_Rte_03584]
[SWS_Rte_03589] [SWS_Rte_04579]
[SWS_Rte_04580] [SWS_Rte_06207]
[SWS_Rte_06208] [SWS_Rte_07007]
[SWS_Rte_07022] [SWS_Rte_07187]

57 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00143] Mode Switches [SWS_Rte_02500] [SWS_Rte_02503]

[SWS_Rte_02504] [SWS_Rte_02512]
[SWS_Rte_02544] [SWS_Rte_02546]
[SWS_Rte_02562] [SWS_Rte_02563]
[SWS_Rte_02564] [SWS_Rte_02587]
[SWS_Rte_02630] [SWS_Rte_02631]
[SWS_Rte_02634] [SWS_Rte_02661]
[SWS_Rte_02662] [SWS_Rte_02663]
[SWS_Rte_02664] [SWS_Rte_02665]
[SWS_Rte_02667] [SWS_Rte_02668]
[SWS_Rte_02669] [SWS_Rte_02675]
[SWS_Rte_02679] [SWS_Rte_02706]
[SWS_Rte_02707] [SWS_Rte_02708]
[SWS_Rte_02730] [SWS_Rte_03869]
[SWS_Rte_06766] [SWS_Rte_06767]
[SWS_Rte_06768] [SWS_Rte_06769]
[SWS_Rte_06770] [SWS_Rte_06772]
[SWS_Rte_06773] [SWS_Rte_06774]
[SWS_Rte_06775] [SWS_Rte_06776]
[SWS_Rte_06777] [SWS_Rte_06778]
[SWS_Rte_06779] [SWS_Rte_06780]
[SWS_Rte_06785] [SWS_Rte_06786]
[SWS_Rte_06787] [SWS_Rte_06788]
[SWS_Rte_06789] [SWS_Rte_06790]
[SWS_Rte_06791] [SWS_Rte_06792]
[SWS_Rte_06793] [SWS_Rte_06794]
[SWS_Rte_06795] [SWS_Rte_06796]
[SWS_Rte_06797] [SWS_Rte_06832]
[SWS_Rte_06833] [SWS_Rte_06834]
[SWS_Rte_06835] [SWS_Rte_06836]
[SWS_Rte_06837] [SWS_Rte_06838]
[SWS_Rte_06839] [SWS_Rte_06840]
[SWS_Rte_07056] [SWS_Rte_07057]
[SWS_Rte_07058] [SWS_Rte_07059]
[SWS_Rte_07060] [SWS_Rte_07150]
[SWS_Rte_07151] [SWS_Rte_07152]
[SWS_Rte_07153] [SWS_Rte_07154]
[SWS_Rte_07155] [SWS_Rte_07157]
[SWS_Rte_07173] [SWS_Rte_07259]
[SWS_Rte_07533] [SWS_Rte_07535]
[SWS_Rte_07559] [SWS_Rte_07564]
[SWS_Rte_08905] [SWS_Rte_08908]
[SRS_Rte_00144] RTE shall support the [SWS_Rte_02508] [SWS_Rte_02544]
notification of mode switches via [SWS_Rte_02546] [SWS_Rte_02549]
AUTOSAR interfaces [SWS_Rte_02566] [SWS_Rte_02567]
[SWS_Rte_02568] [SWS_Rte_02624]
[SWS_Rte_02628] [SWS_Rte_02659]
[SWS_Rte_02660] [SWS_Rte_02732]
[SWS_Rte_02738] [SWS_Rte_03858]
[SWS_Rte_03859] [SWS_Rte_06742]
[SWS_Rte_06743] [SWS_Rte_06744]
[SWS_Rte_06745] [SWS_Rte_06746]
[SWS_Rte_06747] [SWS_Rte_06766]
[SWS_Rte_06767] [SWS_Rte_06772]

58 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06773] [SWS_Rte_06774]
[SWS_Rte_06775] [SWS_Rte_06776]
[SWS_Rte_06777] [SWS_Rte_06778]
[SWS_Rte_06779] [SWS_Rte_06780]
[SWS_Rte_06781] [SWS_Rte_06782]
[SWS_Rte_06783] [SWS_Rte_06784]
[SWS_Rte_06785] [SWS_Rte_06786]
[SWS_Rte_06787] [SWS_Rte_06788]
[SWS_Rte_06789] [SWS_Rte_06790]
[SWS_Rte_06791] [SWS_Rte_06792]
[SWS_Rte_06793] [SWS_Rte_06794]
[SWS_Rte_06795] [SWS_Rte_06796]
[SWS_Rte_06797] [SWS_Rte_07155]
[SWS_Rte_07262] [SWS_Rte_07540]
[SWS_Rte_07640] [SWS_Rte_07666]
[SWS_Rte_08500] [SWS_Rte_08504]
[SWS_Rte_08505] [SWS_Rte_08506]
[SWS_Rte_08509] [SWS_Rte_08510]
[SRS_Rte_00145] Compatibility mode [SWS_Rte_01151] [SWS_Rte_01216]
[SWS_Rte_01234] [SWS_Rte_01257]
[SWS_Rte_01277] [SWS_Rte_01279]
[SWS_Rte_01326] [SWS_Rte_03794]
[SRS_Rte_00146] Vendor mode [SWS_Rte_01234]
[SRS_Rte_00147] Support for communication [SWS_Rte_02589] [SWS_Rte_02590]
infrastructure time-out [SWS_Rte_02599] [SWS_Rte_02600]
notification [SWS_Rte_02604] [SWS_Rte_02607]
[SWS_Rte_02609] [SWS_Rte_02610]
[SWS_Rte_02611] [SWS_Rte_02629]
[SWS_Rte_02666] [SWS_Rte_02703]
[SWS_Rte_02710] [SWS_Rte_03759]
[SWS_Rte_05021] [SWS_Rte_06820]
[SWS_Rte_06821] [SWS_Rte_06822]
[SWS_Rte_06823] [SWS_Rte_06824]
[SWS_Rte_06825] [SWS_Rte_06829]
[SWS_Rte_08004] [SWS_Rte_08061]
[SWS_Rte_08062] [SWS_Rte_08103]
[SWS_Rte_08104] [SWS_Rte_08501]
[SRS_Rte_00148] Support "Specification of [SWS_Rte_03788] [SWS_Rte_03868]
Memory Mapping" [SWS_Rte_05088] [SWS_Rte_05089]
[SWS_Rte_06741] [SWS_Rte_07047]
[SWS_Rte_07048] [SWS_Rte_07049]
[SWS_Rte_07050] [SWS_Rte_07051]
[SWS_Rte_07052] [SWS_Rte_07053]
[SWS_Rte_07194] [SWS_Rte_07195]
[SWS_Rte_07421] [SWS_Rte_07422]
[SWS_Rte_07423] [SWS_Rte_07424]
[SWS_Rte_07425] [SWS_Rte_07426]
[SWS_Rte_07427] [SWS_Rte_07589]
[SWS_Rte_07590] [SWS_Rte_07591]

59 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07592] [SWS_Rte_07593]
[SWS_Rte_07594] [SWS_Rte_07595]
[SWS_Rte_07596] [SWS_Rte_07830]
[SWS_Rte_07831] [SWS_Rte_07832]
[SRS_Rte_00149] Support "Specification of [SWS_Rte_01164] [SWS_Rte_03787]
Compiler Abstraction" [SWS_Rte_07194] [SWS_Rte_07195]
[SWS_Rte_07593] [SWS_Rte_07594]
[SWS_Rte_07595] [SWS_Rte_07596]
[SRS_Rte_00150] Support "Specification of [SWS_Rte_01164] [SWS_Rte_07641]
Platform Types"
[SRS_Rte_00152] Support for port-defined [SWS_Rte_01166] [SWS_Rte_01360]
argument values
[SRS_Rte_00153] Support for Measurement [SWS_Rte_03900] [SWS_Rte_03901]
[SWS_Rte_03902] [SWS_Rte_03903]
[SWS_Rte_03904] [SWS_Rte_03950]
[SWS_Rte_03951] [SWS_Rte_03972]
[SWS_Rte_03973] [SWS_Rte_03974]
[SWS_Rte_03975] [SWS_Rte_03976]
[SWS_Rte_03977] [SWS_Rte_03978]
[SWS_Rte_03979] [SWS_Rte_03980]
[SWS_Rte_03981] [SWS_Rte_03982]
[SWS_Rte_05087] [SWS_Rte_05101]
[SWS_Rte_05102] [SWS_Rte_05120]
[SWS_Rte_05121] [SWS_Rte_05122]
[SWS_Rte_05123] [SWS_Rte_05124]
[SWS_Rte_05125] [SWS_Rte_05136]
[SWS_Rte_05168] [SWS_Rte_05169]
[SWS_Rte_05170] [SWS_Rte_05172]
[SWS_Rte_05174] [SWS_Rte_05175]
[SWS_Rte_05176] [SWS_Rte_06206]
[SWS_Rte_06700] [SWS_Rte_06701]
[SWS_Rte_06702] [SWS_Rte_06726]
[SWS_Rte_07160] [SWS_Rte_07174]
[SWS_Rte_07197] [SWS_Rte_07198]
[SWS_Rte_07344] [SWS_Rte_07349]
[SWS_Rte_70086] [SWS_Rte_80073]
[SWS_Rte_80153] [SWS_Rte_82001]
[SRS_Rte_00154] Support for Calibration [SWS_Rte_03835] [SWS_Rte_03905]
[SWS_Rte_03906] [SWS_Rte_03907]
[SWS_Rte_03908] [SWS_Rte_03909]
[SWS_Rte_03910] [SWS_Rte_03911]
[SWS_Rte_03912] [SWS_Rte_03913]
[SWS_Rte_03914] [SWS_Rte_03915]
[SWS_Rte_03916] [SWS_Rte_03922]
[SWS_Rte_03932] [SWS_Rte_03933]
[SWS_Rte_03934] [SWS_Rte_03935]
[SWS_Rte_03936] [SWS_Rte_03942]
[SWS_Rte_03943] [SWS_Rte_03947]
[SWS_Rte_03948] [SWS_Rte_03949]

60 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03958] [SWS_Rte_03959]
[SWS_Rte_03960] [SWS_Rte_03961]
[SWS_Rte_03962] [SWS_Rte_03963]
[SWS_Rte_03964] [SWS_Rte_03965]
[SWS_Rte_03968] [SWS_Rte_03970]
[SWS_Rte_03971] [SWS_Rte_05112]
[SWS_Rte_05145] [SWS_Rte_05194]
[SWS_Rte_06815] [SWS_Rte_06816]
[SWS_Rte_07029] [SWS_Rte_07030]
[SWS_Rte_07033] [SWS_Rte_07034]
[SWS_Rte_07035] [SWS_Rte_07096]
[SWS_Rte_07185] [SWS_Rte_07186]
[SRS_Rte_00155] API to access calibration [SWS_Rte_01252] [SWS_Rte_01300]
parameters [SWS_Rte_03835] [SWS_Rte_03927]
[SWS_Rte_03928] [SWS_Rte_03929]
[SWS_Rte_03930] [SWS_Rte_03949]
[SWS_Rte_03952] [SWS_Rte_07093]
[SWS_Rte_07094] [SWS_Rte_07095]
[SRS_Rte_00156] Support for different calibration [SWS_Rte_03905] [SWS_Rte_03906]
data emulation methods [SWS_Rte_03908] [SWS_Rte_03909]
[SWS_Rte_03910] [SWS_Rte_03911]
[SWS_Rte_03913] [SWS_Rte_03914]
[SWS_Rte_03915] [SWS_Rte_03916]
[SWS_Rte_03922] [SWS_Rte_03932]
[SWS_Rte_03933] [SWS_Rte_03934]
[SWS_Rte_03935] [SWS_Rte_03936]
[SWS_Rte_03942] [SWS_Rte_03943]
[SWS_Rte_03947] [SWS_Rte_03948]
[SWS_Rte_03960] [SWS_Rte_03961]
[SWS_Rte_03962] [SWS_Rte_03963]
[SWS_Rte_03964] [SWS_Rte_03965]
[SWS_Rte_03968] [SWS_Rte_03970]
[SWS_Rte_03971] [SWS_Rte_05145]
[SRS_Rte_00157] Support for calibration [SWS_Rte_03936]
parameters in NVRAM
[SRS_Rte_00158] Support separation of calibration [SWS_Rte_03907] [SWS_Rte_03908]
parameters [SWS_Rte_03911] [SWS_Rte_03912]
[SWS_Rte_03959] [SWS_Rte_05145]
[SWS_Rte_05194] [SWS_Rte_07096]
[SRS_Rte_00159] Sharing of calibration [SWS_Rte_02749] [SWS_Rte_02750]
parameters [SWS_Rte_03958] [SWS_Rte_05112]
[SRS_Rte_00160] Debounced start of Runnable [SWS_Rte_02697]
[SRS_Rte_00161] Activation offset of Runnable [SWS_Rte_07000]
[SRS_Rte_00162] "1:n" External Trigger [SWS_Rte_06210] [SWS_Rte_07200]
communication [SWS_Rte_07201] [SWS_Rte_07207]
[SWS_Rte_07212] [SWS_Rte_07213]
[SWS_Rte_07214] [SWS_Rte_07215]
[SWS_Rte_07216] [SWS_Rte_07218]
[SWS_Rte_07229] [SWS_Rte_07543]
[SWS_Rte_08906] [SWS_Rte_70124]

61 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00163] Support for InterRunnable [SWS_Rte_07203] [SWS_Rte_07204]

Triggering [SWS_Rte_07208] [SWS_Rte_07220]
[SWS_Rte_07221] [SWS_Rte_07223]
[SWS_Rte_07224] [SWS_Rte_07226]
[SWS_Rte_07227] [SWS_Rte_07228]
[SWS_Rte_07229] [SWS_Rte_07555]
[SRS_Rte_00164] Ensure a unique naming of [SWS_Rte_02317] [SWS_Rte_02318]
generated types visible in the [SWS_Rte_02319] [SWS_Rte_02320]
global namespace [SWS_Rte_03609] [SWS_Rte_03610]
[SWS_Rte_06706] [SWS_Rte_06707]
[SWS_Rte_06708] [SWS_Rte_06812]
[SWS_Rte_06813] [SWS_Rte_07110]
[SWS_Rte_07111] [SWS_Rte_07114]
[SWS_Rte_07115] [SWS_Rte_07116]
[SWS_Rte_07117] [SWS_Rte_07118]
[SWS_Rte_07119] [SWS_Rte_07144]
[SWS_Rte_07145] [SWS_Rte_07146]
[SRS_Rte_00165] Suppress identical "C" type [SWS_Rte_07105] [SWS_Rte_07107]
re-definitions [SWS_Rte_07112] [SWS_Rte_07113]
[SWS_Rte_07134] [SWS_Rte_07143]
[SWS_Rte_07167] [SWS_Rte_07169]
[SRS_Rte_00166] Use the AUTOSAR Standard [SWS_Rte_07036] [SWS_Rte_07037]
Types in the global namespace if [SWS_Rte_07104] [SWS_Rte_07109]
the AUTOSAR data type is [SWS_Rte_07148] [SWS_Rte_07149]
mapped to an AUTOSAR [SWS_Rte_07162] [SWS_Rte_07163]
Standard Type [SWS_Rte_07166]
[SRS_Rte_00167] Encapsulate a Software [SWS_Rte_01004] [SWS_Rte_02310]
Component local name space [SWS_Rte_02311] [SWS_Rte_02575]
[SWS_Rte_03619] [SWS_Rte_03809]
[SWS_Rte_03810] [SWS_Rte_03854]
[SWS_Rte_05051] [SWS_Rte_05052]
[SWS_Rte_06513] [SWS_Rte_06515]
[SWS_Rte_06518] [SWS_Rte_06519]
[SWS_Rte_06520] [SWS_Rte_06530]
[SWS_Rte_06541] [SWS_Rte_06542]
[SWS_Rte_06551] [SWS_Rte_06552]
[SWS_Rte_06716] [SWS_Rte_06717]
[SWS_Rte_06718] [SWS_Rte_07122]
[SWS_Rte_07140] [SWS_Rte_07410]
[SWS_Rte_07411] [SWS_Rte_07412]
[SWS_Rte_07414] [SWS_Rte_08401]
[SWS_Rte_08402] [SWS_Rte_08416]
[SRS_Rte_00168] Typing of RTE API. [SWS_Rte_07104]

62 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00169] Map code and memory allocated [SWS_Rte_03868] [SWS_Rte_05088]

by the RTE to memory sections [SWS_Rte_05089] [SWS_Rte_06741]
[SWS_Rte_07047] [SWS_Rte_07048]
[SWS_Rte_07049] [SWS_Rte_07050]
[SWS_Rte_07051] [SWS_Rte_07052]
[SWS_Rte_07053] [SWS_Rte_07421]
[SWS_Rte_07422] [SWS_Rte_07423]
[SWS_Rte_07424] [SWS_Rte_07425]
[SWS_Rte_07426] [SWS_Rte_07427]
[SWS_Rte_07589] [SWS_Rte_07590]
[SWS_Rte_07591] [SWS_Rte_07592]
[SRS_Rte_00170] Provide used memory sections [SWS_Rte_05086] [SWS_Rte_05089]
description [SWS_Rte_06725] [SWS_Rte_82000]
[SRS_Rte_00171] Support for fixed and constant [SWS_Rte_03930]
[SRS_Rte_00176] Sharing of NVRAM data [SWS_Rte_07301]
[SRS_Rte_00177] Support of NvBlockComponent [SWS_Rte_03883] [SWS_Rte_03884]
Type [SWS_Rte_04535] [SWS_Rte_04565]
[SWS_Rte_04566] [SWS_Rte_04567]
[SWS_Rte_04568] [SWS_Rte_06211]
[SWS_Rte_06212] [SWS_Rte_07303]
[SWS_Rte_07312] [SWS_Rte_07317]
[SWS_Rte_07343] [SWS_Rte_07353]
[SWS_Rte_07355] [SWS_Rte_07398]
[SWS_Rte_07399] [SWS_Rte_07632]
[SWS_Rte_07633] [SWS_Rte_08063]
[SWS_Rte_08064] [SWS_Rte_08080]
[SWS_Rte_08081] [SWS_Rte_08082]
[SWS_Rte_08083] [SWS_Rte_08084]
[SWS_Rte_08085] [SWS_Rte_08086]
[SWS_Rte_08087] [SWS_Rte_08088]
[SWS_Rte_08089] [SWS_Rte_08090]
[SRS_Rte_00178] Data consistency of NvBlock [SWS_Rte_03878] [SWS_Rte_07310]
ComponentType [SWS_Rte_07311] [SWS_Rte_07315]
[SWS_Rte_07316] [SWS_Rte_07319]
[SWS_Rte_07350] [SWS_Rte_07601]
[SWS_Rte_07602] [SWS_Rte_07613]
[SRS_Rte_00179] Support of Update Flag for Data [SWS_Rte_01413] [SWS_Rte_04528]
Reception [SWS_Rte_07385] [SWS_Rte_07386]
[SWS_Rte_07387] [SWS_Rte_07390]
[SWS_Rte_07391] [SWS_Rte_07392]
[SWS_Rte_07393] [SWS_Rte_07654]
[SWS_Rte_07689] [SWS_Rte_72000]
[SWS_Rte_72001] [SWS_Rte_72002]
[SWS_Rte_72003] [SWS_Rte_72021]

63 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00180] DataSemantics range check [SWS_Rte_01371] [SWS_Rte_01372]

during runtime [SWS_Rte_01374] [SWS_Rte_03839]
[SWS_Rte_03840] [SWS_Rte_03841]
[SWS_Rte_03842] [SWS_Rte_03843]
[SWS_Rte_03845] [SWS_Rte_03846]
[SWS_Rte_03847] [SWS_Rte_03848]
[SWS_Rte_03849] [SWS_Rte_03861]
[SWS_Rte_06829] [SWS_Rte_07038]
[SWS_Rte_08016] [SWS_Rte_08024]
[SWS_Rte_08025] [SWS_Rte_08026]
[SWS_Rte_08027] [SWS_Rte_08028]
[SWS_Rte_08029] [SWS_Rte_08030]
[SWS_Rte_08031] [SWS_Rte_08032]
[SWS_Rte_08033] [SWS_Rte_08034]
[SWS_Rte_08035] [SWS_Rte_08036]
[SWS_Rte_08037] [SWS_Rte_08038]
[SWS_Rte_08039] [SWS_Rte_08040]
[SWS_Rte_08041] [SWS_Rte_08042]
[SRS_Rte_00181] Conversion between internal [SWS_Rte_03827] [SWS_Rte_03828]
and network data types [SWS_Rte_04536] [SWS_Rte_04538]
[SRS_Rte_00182] Self Scaling Signals at Port [SWS_Rte_01374] [SWS_Rte_03815]
Interfaces [SWS_Rte_03816] [SWS_Rte_03817]
[SWS_Rte_03818] [SWS_Rte_03819]
[SWS_Rte_03820] [SWS_Rte_03821]
[SWS_Rte_03822] [SWS_Rte_03823]
[SWS_Rte_03829] [SWS_Rte_03830]
[SWS_Rte_03831] [SWS_Rte_03832]
[SWS_Rte_03833] [SWS_Rte_03855]
[SWS_Rte_03856] [SWS_Rte_03857]
[SWS_Rte_03860] [SWS_Rte_07038]
[SWS_Rte_07091] [SWS_Rte_07092]
[SWS_Rte_07099] [SWS_Rte_07925]
[SWS_Rte_07926] [SWS_Rte_07928]
[SRS_Rte_00183] RTE Read API returning the [SWS_Rte_07394] [SWS_Rte_07395]
dataElement value [SWS_Rte_07396] [SWS_Rte_91122]
[SRS_Rte_00184] RTE Status "Never Received" [SWS_Rte_04529] [SWS_Rte_06829]
[SWS_Rte_07381] [SWS_Rte_07382]
[SWS_Rte_07383] [SWS_Rte_07384]
[SWS_Rte_07643] [SWS_Rte_07644]
[SWS_Rte_07645] [SWS_Rte_08005]
[SWS_Rte_08008] [SWS_Rte_08009]
[SWS_Rte_08046] [SWS_Rte_08047]
[SWS_Rte_08048] [SWS_Rte_08096]
[SWS_Rte_08097] [SWS_Rte_08098]

64 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00185] RTE API with Rte_IFeedback [SWS_Rte_02589] [SWS_Rte_02590]

[SWS_Rte_02608] [SWS_Rte_02666]
[SWS_Rte_03836] [SWS_Rte_06820]
[SWS_Rte_06821] [SWS_Rte_06822]
[SWS_Rte_06823] [SWS_Rte_06824]
[SWS_Rte_06826] [SWS_Rte_06827]
[SWS_Rte_07367] [SWS_Rte_07374]
[SWS_Rte_07375] [SWS_Rte_07376]
[SWS_Rte_07378] [SWS_Rte_07379]
[SWS_Rte_07646] [SWS_Rte_07647]
[SWS_Rte_07648] [SWS_Rte_07650]
[SWS_Rte_07651] [SWS_Rte_07652]
[SWS_Rte_07660] [SWS_Rte_72019]
[SRS_Rte_00189] A2L Generation Support [SWS_Rte_03998] [SWS_Rte_05087]
[SWS_Rte_05118] [SWS_Rte_05119]
[SWS_Rte_05120] [SWS_Rte_05121]
[SWS_Rte_05122] [SWS_Rte_05123]
[SWS_Rte_05124] [SWS_Rte_05125]
[SWS_Rte_05126] [SWS_Rte_05127]
[SWS_Rte_05128] [SWS_Rte_05129]
[SWS_Rte_05130] [SWS_Rte_05131]
[SWS_Rte_05132] [SWS_Rte_05133]
[SWS_Rte_05135] [SWS_Rte_05136]
[SWS_Rte_05137] [SWS_Rte_05138]
[SWS_Rte_05139] [SWS_Rte_05140]
[SWS_Rte_05141] [SWS_Rte_05142]
[SWS_Rte_05143] [SWS_Rte_05144]
[SWS_Rte_05152] [SWS_Rte_05153]
[SWS_Rte_05154] [SWS_Rte_05155]
[SWS_Rte_05156] [SWS_Rte_05157]
[SWS_Rte_05158] [SWS_Rte_05159]
[SWS_Rte_05160] [SWS_Rte_05161]
[SWS_Rte_05162] [SWS_Rte_06702]
[SWS_Rte_06726] [SWS_Rte_07097]
[SWS_Rte_08313] [SWS_Rte_08314]
[SWS_Rte_08315] [SWS_Rte_08316]
[SWS_Rte_08317] [SWS_Rte_82001]
[SRS_Rte_00191] Support for Variant Handling [SWS_Rte_05168] [SWS_Rte_05169]
[SWS_Rte_05174] [SWS_Rte_05175]
[SWS_Rte_05176] [SWS_Rte_06500]
[SWS_Rte_06501] [SWS_Rte_06507]
[SWS_Rte_06509] [SWS_Rte_06510]
[SWS_Rte_06512] [SWS_Rte_06543]
[SWS_Rte_06546] [SWS_Rte_06547]
[SWS_Rte_06549] [SWS_Rte_06550]
[SWS_Rte_06553] [SWS_Rte_06611]
[SWS_Rte_06612] [SWS_Rte_06613]
[SWS_Rte_06814] [SWS_Rte_06815]
[SWS_Rte_06816] [SWS_Rte_08066]
[SWS_Rte_08067] [SWS_Rte_08068]
[SWS_Rte_08069] [SWS_Rte_08070]

65 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00192] Support multiple trace clients [SWS_Rte_04592] [SWS_Rte_04593]

[SWS_Rte_04594] [SWS_Rte_04595]
[SWS_Rte_04596] [SWS_Rte_04597]
[SWS_Rte_04598] [SWS_Rte_04599]
[SWS_Rte_04600] [SWS_Rte_04601]
[SWS_Rte_04602] [SWS_Rte_04603]
[SWS_Rte_04604] [SWS_Rte_04605]
[SWS_Rte_04606] [SWS_Rte_04607]
[SWS_Rte_04608] [SWS_Rte_04609]
[SWS_Rte_04610] [SWS_Rte_04611]
[SWS_Rte_04612] [SWS_Rte_04613]
[SWS_Rte_04614] [SWS_Rte_05086]
[SWS_Rte_05091] [SWS_Rte_05092]
[SWS_Rte_05093] [SWS_Rte_05106]
[SWS_Rte_06725] [SWS_Rte_82000]
[SRS_Rte_00193] Support for Runnable Entity [SWS_Rte_07800] [SWS_Rte_07802]
execution chaining
[SRS_Rte_00195] No activation of Runnable [SWS_Rte_07604] [SWS_Rte_07606]
Entities in terminated or
restarting partitions
[SRS_Rte_00196] Inter-partition communication [SWS_Rte_02761] [SWS_Rte_05147]
consistency [SWS_Rte_07610] [SWS_Rte_82002]
[SRS_Rte_00200] Support of unconnected R-Ports [SWS_Rte_01330] [SWS_Rte_01331]
[SWS_Rte_01333] [SWS_Rte_01334]
[SWS_Rte_03785] [SWS_Rte_04530]
[SWS_Rte_06210] [SWS_Rte_07655]
[SWS_Rte_07663] [SWS_Rte_70125]
[SRS_Rte_00201] Contract Phase with Variant [SWS_Rte_03882] [SWS_Rte_06500]
Handling support [SWS_Rte_06502] [SWS_Rte_06505]
[SWS_Rte_06514] [SWS_Rte_06515]
[SWS_Rte_06516] [SWS_Rte_06518]
[SWS_Rte_06519] [SWS_Rte_06520]
[SWS_Rte_06521] [SWS_Rte_06522]
[SWS_Rte_06523] [SWS_Rte_06524]
[SWS_Rte_06525] [SWS_Rte_06526]
[SWS_Rte_06527] [SWS_Rte_06528]
[SWS_Rte_06529] [SWS_Rte_06530]
[SWS_Rte_06531] [SWS_Rte_06539]
[SWS_Rte_06540] [SWS_Rte_06541]
[SWS_Rte_06542] [SWS_Rte_06543]
[SWS_Rte_06546] [SWS_Rte_06551]
[SWS_Rte_06552] [SWS_Rte_06620]
[SRS_Rte_00202] Support for array size variants [SWS_Rte_06500] [SWS_Rte_06505]
[SWS_Rte_06543] [SWS_Rte_06546]
[SRS_Rte_00203] API to read system constant [SWS_Rte_03854] [SWS_Rte_06513]
[SWS_Rte_06514] [SWS_Rte_06517]
[SRS_Rte_00204] Support the selection / [SWS_Rte_06601]
de-selection of SWC prototypes
[SRS_Rte_00206] Support the selection of a signal [SWS_Rte_06601] [SWS_Rte_06602]
provider [SWS_Rte_06603] [SWS_Rte_06604]
[SWS_Rte_06605] [SWS_Rte_06606]

66 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00207] Support N to M communication [SWS_Rte_06601] [SWS_Rte_06602]

patterns while unresolved [SWS_Rte_06603] [SWS_Rte_06604]
variations are affecting these [SWS_Rte_06605] [SWS_Rte_06606]
[SRS_Rte_00210] Support for inter OS application [SWS_Rte_02728] [SWS_Rte_02732]
communication [SWS_Rte_02752] [SWS_Rte_02753]
[SWS_Rte_02754] [SWS_Rte_02755]
[SWS_Rte_02756] [SWS_Rte_03853]
[SWS_Rte_07606] [SWS_Rte_08400]
[SWS_Rte_08504] [SWS_Rte_08506]
[SRS_Rte_00211] Cyclic time based scheduling of [SWS_Rte_02697] [SWS_Rte_04542]
BSW Schedulable Entities [SWS_Rte_04543] [SWS_Rte_07282]
[SWS_Rte_07514] [SWS_Rte_07574]
[SRS_Rte_00212] Activation Offset of BSW [SWS_Rte_07520]
Schedulable Entities
[SRS_Rte_00213] Mode Switches for BSW [SWS_Rte_02500] [SWS_Rte_02562]
Modules [SWS_Rte_02563] [SWS_Rte_02564]
[SWS_Rte_02587] [SWS_Rte_02630]
[SWS_Rte_02661] [SWS_Rte_02662]
[SWS_Rte_02663] [SWS_Rte_02664]
[SWS_Rte_02665] [SWS_Rte_02667]
[SWS_Rte_02668] [SWS_Rte_02669]
[SWS_Rte_02707] [SWS_Rte_02708]
[SWS_Rte_04542] [SWS_Rte_04543]
[SWS_Rte_06839] [SWS_Rte_07055]
[SWS_Rte_07150] [SWS_Rte_07151]
[SWS_Rte_07152] [SWS_Rte_07153]
[SWS_Rte_07154] [SWS_Rte_07157]
[SWS_Rte_07173] [SWS_Rte_07258]
[SWS_Rte_07259] [SWS_Rte_07260]
[SWS_Rte_07282] [SWS_Rte_07286]
[SWS_Rte_07293] [SWS_Rte_07294]
[SWS_Rte_07514] [SWS_Rte_07530]
[SWS_Rte_07531] [SWS_Rte_07532]
[SWS_Rte_07534] [SWS_Rte_07535]
[SWS_Rte_07538] [SWS_Rte_07539]
[SWS_Rte_07540] [SWS_Rte_07541]
[SWS_Rte_07556] [SWS_Rte_07557]
[SWS_Rte_07558] [SWS_Rte_07559]
[SWS_Rte_07560] [SWS_Rte_07561]
[SWS_Rte_07564] [SWS_Rte_07694]
[SWS_Rte_08600] [SWS_Rte_08601]
[SRS_Rte_00214] Common Mode handling for [SWS_Rte_02697] [SWS_Rte_07258]
Basic SW and Application SW [SWS_Rte_07259] [SWS_Rte_07286]
[SWS_Rte_07535] [SWS_Rte_07564]
[SWS_Rte_07582] [SWS_Rte_07583]
[SRS_Rte_00215] API for Mode switch notification [SWS_Rte_07255] [SWS_Rte_07256]
to the SchM [SWS_Rte_07261] [SWS_Rte_08507]

67 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00216] Triggering of BSW Schedulable [SWS_Rte_04542] [SWS_Rte_04543]

Entities by occurrence of [SWS_Rte_07213] [SWS_Rte_07214]
External Trigger [SWS_Rte_07216] [SWS_Rte_07218]
[SWS_Rte_07282] [SWS_Rte_07514]
[SWS_Rte_07542] [SWS_Rte_07544]
[SWS_Rte_07545] [SWS_Rte_07546]
[SWS_Rte_07548] [SWS_Rte_07549]
[SRS_Rte_00217] Synchronized activation of [SWS_Rte_02697] [SWS_Rte_07218]
Runnable Entities and BSW [SWS_Rte_07549]
Schedulable Entities
[SRS_Rte_00218] API for Triggering BSW modules [SWS_Rte_07263] [SWS_Rte_07264]
by Triggered Events [SWS_Rte_07266] [SWS_Rte_07267]
[SRS_Rte_00219] Support for interlaced execution [SWS_Rte_02697] [SWS_Rte_07517]
sequences of Runnable Entities [SWS_Rte_07518]
and BSW Schedulable Entities
[SRS_Rte_00220] ECU life cycle dependent [SWS_Rte_02538] [SWS_Rte_07580]
[SRS_Rte_00221] Support for "BSW integration" [SWS_Rte_07569] [SWS_Rte_07585]
[SRS_Rte_00222] Support shared exclusive areas [SWS_Rte_07250] [SWS_Rte_07251]
in BSW Service Modules and [SWS_Rte_07252] [SWS_Rte_07253]
the corresponding Service [SWS_Rte_07254] [SWS_Rte_07522]
Component [SWS_Rte_07523] [SWS_Rte_07524]
[SWS_Rte_07578] [SWS_Rte_07579]
[SRS_Rte_00223] Callout for partition termination [SWS_Rte_07330] [SWS_Rte_07331]
notification [SWS_Rte_07334] [SWS_Rte_07335]
[SWS_Rte_07617] [SWS_Rte_07619]
[SWS_Rte_07620] [SWS_Rte_07622]
[SRS_Rte_00224] Callout for partition restart [SWS_Rte_07188] [SWS_Rte_07336]
request [SWS_Rte_07338] [SWS_Rte_07339]
[SWS_Rte_07340] [SWS_Rte_07341]
[SWS_Rte_07342] [SWS_Rte_07643]
[SWS_Rte_07644] [SWS_Rte_07645]
[SRS_Rte_00228] Fan-out NvBlock callback [SWS_Rte_07623] [SWS_Rte_07624]
function [SWS_Rte_07625] [SWS_Rte_07626]
[SWS_Rte_07627] [SWS_Rte_07628]
[SWS_Rte_07629] [SWS_Rte_07630]
[SWS_Rte_07631] [SWS_Rte_07671]
[SRS_Rte_00229] Support for Variant Handling of [SWS_Rte_06500] [SWS_Rte_06503]
BSW Modules [SWS_Rte_06504] [SWS_Rte_06507]
[SWS_Rte_06508] [SWS_Rte_06532]
[SWS_Rte_06533] [SWS_Rte_06534]
[SWS_Rte_06535] [SWS_Rte_06536]
[SWS_Rte_06537] [SWS_Rte_06543]
[SWS_Rte_06546] [SWS_Rte_06548]
[SWS_Rte_08789] [SWS_Rte_08790]
[SRS_Rte_00230] Triggering of BSW Schedulable [SWS_Rte_07229] [SWS_Rte_07551]
Entities by occurrence of [SWS_Rte_07552] [SWS_Rte_07553]
Internal Trigger [SWS_Rte_07554]

68 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00231] Support native interface [SWS_Rte_01377] [SWS_Rte_01378]

between Rte and Com for [SWS_Rte_04583] [SWS_Rte_04584]
Strings and uint8 arrays [SWS_Rte_07408] [SWS_Rte_07817]
[SRS_Rte_00232] Synchronization of runnable [SWS_Rte_07804] [SWS_Rte_07805]
entities [SWS_Rte_07806] [SWS_Rte_07807]
[SRS_Rte_00233] Generation of the Basic [SWS_Rte_05086] [SWS_Rte_05165]
Software Module Description [SWS_Rte_05166] [SWS_Rte_05167]
[SWS_Rte_05177] [SWS_Rte_05179]
[SWS_Rte_05180] [SWS_Rte_05181]
[SWS_Rte_05182] [SWS_Rte_05183]
[SWS_Rte_05184] [SWS_Rte_05185]
[SWS_Rte_05186] [SWS_Rte_05187]
[SWS_Rte_05188] [SWS_Rte_05189]
[SWS_Rte_05190] [SWS_Rte_05191]
[SWS_Rte_05192] [SWS_Rte_06725]
[SWS_Rte_07085] [SWS_Rte_08305]
[SWS_Rte_08404] [SWS_Rte_82000]
[SRS_Rte_00234] Support for Record Type [SWS_Rte_07091] [SWS_Rte_07092]
sub-setting [SWS_Rte_07099]
[SRS_Rte_00235] Support queued triggers [SWS_Rte_06720] [SWS_Rte_06721]
[SWS_Rte_06722] [SWS_Rte_06723]
[SWS_Rte_07087] [SWS_Rte_07088]
[SWS_Rte_07089] [SWS_Rte_07090]
[SRS_Rte_00236] Support for ModeInterface [SWS_Rte_08511] [SWS_Rte_08512]
Mapping [SWS_Rte_08513] [SWS_Rte_08514]
[SRS_Rte_00237] Time recurrent activation of [SWS_Rte_04563] [SWS_Rte_04564]
Runnable Entities [SWS_Rte_04569] [SWS_Rte_04570]
[SWS_Rte_04571] [SWS_Rte_06728]
[SWS_Rte_06729] [SWS_Rte_06730]
[SRS_Rte_00238] Allow enabling of RTE-Feature [SWS_Rte_01126] [SWS_Rte_07194]
to get the activating Event of [SWS_Rte_07195] [SWS_Rte_07282]
Executable Entity [SWS_Rte_08051] [SWS_Rte_08052]
[SWS_Rte_08053] [SWS_Rte_08054]
[SWS_Rte_08055] [SWS_Rte_08056]
[SWS_Rte_08057] [SWS_Rte_08058]
[SWS_Rte_08059] [SWS_Rte_08060]
[SRS_Rte_00239] Support rule-based initialization [SWS_Rte_06733] [SWS_Rte_06734]
of composite DataPrototypes [SWS_Rte_06735] [SWS_Rte_06736]
and compound primitive Data [SWS_Rte_06764] [SWS_Rte_06765]
Prototypes [SWS_Rte_08542] [SWS_Rte_08792]
[SRS_Rte_00240] Support of init runnables for [SWS_Rte_03630] [SWS_Rte_03631]
initialization purposes [SWS_Rte_03632] [SWS_Rte_06748]
[SWS_Rte_06749] [SWS_Rte_06750]
[SWS_Rte_06751] [SWS_Rte_06752]
[SWS_Rte_06753] [SWS_Rte_06754]
[SWS_Rte_06755] [SWS_Rte_06756]
[SWS_Rte_06757] [SWS_Rte_06758]
[SWS_Rte_06759] [SWS_Rte_06760]
[SWS_Rte_06761] [SWS_Rte_06762]
[SWS_Rte_06767] [SWS_Rte_06768]
[SWS_Rte_06769] [SWS_Rte_06770]

69 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00241] Support for Local or Remote [SWS_Rte_08765]

Handling of BSW Service Calls
on Partitioned Systems
[SRS_Rte_00243] Support for inter-partition [SWS_Rte_08420] [SWS_Rte_08421]
communication of BSW modules [SWS_Rte_08422] [SWS_Rte_08733]
[SWS_Rte_08734] [SWS_Rte_08735]
[SWS_Rte_08736] [SWS_Rte_08737]
[SWS_Rte_08738] [SWS_Rte_08739]
[SWS_Rte_08743] [SWS_Rte_08744]
[SWS_Rte_08747] [SWS_Rte_08748]
[SWS_Rte_08751] [SWS_Rte_08752]
[SWS_Rte_08753] [SWS_Rte_08754]
[SWS_Rte_08755] [SWS_Rte_08756]
[SWS_Rte_08763] [SWS_Rte_08764]
[SWS_Rte_08765] [SWS_Rte_08766]
[SRS_Rte_00244] Support for bypass [SWS_Rte_06033] [SWS_Rte_06034]
[SWS_Rte_06035] [SWS_Rte_06036]
[SWS_Rte_06037] [SWS_Rte_06038]
[SWS_Rte_06039] [SWS_Rte_06040]
[SWS_Rte_06041] [SWS_Rte_06042]
[SWS_Rte_06043] [SWS_Rte_06044]
[SWS_Rte_06045] [SWS_Rte_06046]
[SWS_Rte_06047] [SWS_Rte_06048]
[SWS_Rte_06049] [SWS_Rte_06050]
[SWS_Rte_06051] [SWS_Rte_06052]
[SWS_Rte_06053] [SWS_Rte_06054]
[SWS_Rte_06055] [SWS_Rte_06056]
[SWS_Rte_06057] [SWS_Rte_06058]
[SWS_Rte_06059] [SWS_Rte_06060]
[SWS_Rte_06061] [SWS_Rte_06064]
[SWS_Rte_06065] [SWS_Rte_06066]
[SWS_Rte_06067] [SWS_Rte_06068]
[SWS_Rte_06069] [SWS_Rte_06073]
[SWS_Rte_06074] [SWS_Rte_06075]
[SWS_Rte_06076] [SWS_Rte_06077]
[SWS_Rte_06079] [SWS_Rte_06080]
[SWS_Rte_06081] [SWS_Rte_06082]
[SWS_Rte_06083] [SWS_Rte_06084]
[SWS_Rte_06085] [SWS_Rte_06086]
[SWS_Rte_06087] [SWS_Rte_06088]
[SWS_Rte_06089] [SWS_Rte_06090]
[SWS_Rte_06091] [SWS_Rte_06092]
[SWS_Rte_06093] [SWS_Rte_06094]
[SWS_Rte_06095] [SWS_Rte_06096]
[SWS_Rte_06097] [SWS_Rte_06098]
[SWS_Rte_06099] [SWS_Rte_06100]
[SWS_Rte_06101] [SWS_Rte_06102]
[SWS_Rte_06103] [SWS_Rte_06104]
[SWS_Rte_06105] [SWS_Rte_06106]
[SWS_Rte_06107] [SWS_Rte_06108]
[SWS_Rte_06109] [SWS_Rte_06110]

70 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06111] [SWS_Rte_06112]
[SWS_Rte_06113] [SWS_Rte_06114]
[SWS_Rte_06115] [SWS_Rte_06120]
[SWS_Rte_07833] [SWS_Rte_07834]
[SWS_Rte_07835] [SWS_Rte_07836]
[SWS_Rte_07837] [SWS_Rte_07838]
[SWS_Rte_07839] [SWS_Rte_07840]
[SWS_Rte_07841] [SWS_Rte_70094]
[SRS_Rte_00245] Support of Writing Strategies for [SWS_Rte_03879] [SWS_Rte_03880]
NV data [SWS_Rte_03881] [SWS_Rte_04565]
[SWS_Rte_04566] [SWS_Rte_04567]
[SWS_Rte_04568] [SWS_Rte_07416]
[SWS_Rte_08080] [SWS_Rte_08081]
[SWS_Rte_08082] [SWS_Rte_08083]
[SWS_Rte_08084] [SWS_Rte_08085]
[SWS_Rte_08086] [SWS_Rte_08087]
[SWS_Rte_08088] [SWS_Rte_08089]
[SWS_Rte_08090] [SWS_Rte_08091]
[SWS_Rte_08092] [SWS_Rte_08093]
[SWS_Rte_08094] [SWS_Rte_08111]
[SRS_Rte_00246] Support of Efficient COM for [SWS_Rte_01376] [SWS_Rte_01379]
large data [SWS_Rte_01380] [SWS_Rte_01381]
[SWS_Rte_01382] [SWS_Rte_01383]
[SWS_Rte_01384] [SWS_Rte_01385]
[SWS_Rte_01386] [SWS_Rte_01387]
[SWS_Rte_01388] [SWS_Rte_01389]
[SWS_Rte_01390] [SWS_Rte_01391]
[SWS_Rte_01392] [SWS_Rte_01393]
[SWS_Rte_01394] [SWS_Rte_01395]
[SWS_Rte_01396] [SWS_Rte_01397]
[SWS_Rte_01398] [SWS_Rte_01399]
[SWS_Rte_01400] [SWS_Rte_01401]
[SWS_Rte_01402] [SWS_Rte_01403]
[SWS_Rte_01404] [SWS_Rte_01405]
[SWS_Rte_01406] [SWS_Rte_01407]
[SWS_Rte_01408] [SWS_Rte_01409]
[SWS_Rte_01410] [SWS_Rte_01411]
[SRS_Rte_00247] The Rte shall execute [SWS_Rte_04540] [SWS_Rte_04541]
transformer chains for SWC [SWS_Rte_06023] [SWS_Rte_08110]
communication [SWS_Rte_08515] [SWS_Rte_08516]
[SWS_Rte_08517] [SWS_Rte_08518]
[SWS_Rte_08519] [SWS_Rte_08520]
[SWS_Rte_08521] [SWS_Rte_08522]
[SWS_Rte_08523] [SWS_Rte_08524]
[SWS_Rte_08525] [SWS_Rte_08526]
[SWS_Rte_08527] [SWS_Rte_08528]
[SWS_Rte_08529] [SWS_Rte_08530]
[SWS_Rte_08538] [SWS_Rte_08570]
[SWS_Rte_08571] [SWS_Rte_08587]

71 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08588] [SWS_Rte_08589]
[SWS_Rte_08590] [SWS_Rte_08596]
[SWS_Rte_08597] [SWS_Rte_08598]
[SWS_Rte_08599] [SWS_Rte_08793]
[SWS_Rte_08794] [SWS_Rte_08795]
[SWS_Rte_08796] [SWS_Rte_08797]
[SWS_Rte_08798] [SWS_Rte_08799]
[SRS_Rte_00248] The Rte shall provide the buffer [SWS_Rte_03867] [SWS_Rte_08531]
for the data transformation [SWS_Rte_08532] [SWS_Rte_08534]
[SWS_Rte_08535] [SWS_Rte_08536]
[SWS_Rte_08537] [SWS_Rte_08550]
[SRS_Rte_00249] The Rte shall provide [SWS_Rte_03608] [SWS_Rte_03887]
transformation errors to the [SWS_Rte_03888] [SWS_Rte_03889]
SWCs [SWS_Rte_03890] [SWS_Rte_03891]
[SWS_Rte_04572] [SWS_Rte_04573]
[SWS_Rte_04574] [SWS_Rte_04575]
[SWS_Rte_04576] [SWS_Rte_05300]
[SWS_Rte_05301] [SWS_Rte_07417]
[SWS_Rte_07418] [SWS_Rte_07419]
[SWS_Rte_07420] [SWS_Rte_08424]
[SWS_Rte_08539] [SWS_Rte_08540]
[SWS_Rte_08541] [SWS_Rte_08558]
[SWS_Rte_08559] [SWS_Rte_08562]
[SWS_Rte_08563] [SWS_Rte_08564]
[SWS_Rte_08565] [SWS_Rte_08566]
[SWS_Rte_08567] [SWS_Rte_08568]
[SWS_Rte_08569] [SWS_Rte_08574]
[SWS_Rte_08582] [SWS_Rte_08584]
[SWS_Rte_08585] [SWS_Rte_08791]
[SRS_Rte_00251] Array based signal group [SWS_Rte_08586]
handling with Com
[SRS_Rte_00252] Encapsulate a BSW Module [SWS_Rte_03983] [SWS_Rte_03984]
local name space [SWS_Rte_03985] [SWS_Rte_03990]
[SWS_Rte_03991] [SWS_Rte_03992]
[SWS_Rte_03994] [SWS_Rte_03995]
[SWS_Rte_03996] [SWS_Rte_03997]
[SRS_Rte_00253] The RTE shall execute data [SWS_Rte_08105] [SWS_Rte_08107]
transformation for SWC/BSW [SWS_Rte_08108] [SWS_Rte_08109]
communication within one ECU
[SRS_Rte_00261] The RTE shall support optional [SWS_Rte_03611] [SWS_Rte_03612]
struct members. [SWS_Rte_03613] [SWS_Rte_03614]
[SWS_Rte_03615] [SWS_Rte_03616]
[SWS_Rte_03617] [SWS_Rte_03618]
[SWS_Rte_08911] [SWS_Rte_08912]

72 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00300] RTE Implementation Plug-Ins for [SWS_Rte_08910] [SWS_Rte_70019]

explicit communication [SWS_Rte_70020] [SWS_Rte_70021]
[SWS_Rte_70022] [SWS_Rte_70023]
[SWS_Rte_70024] [SWS_Rte_70025]
[SWS_Rte_70026] [SWS_Rte_70032]
[SWS_Rte_70039] [SWS_Rte_70042]
[SWS_Rte_70043] [SWS_Rte_70044]
[SWS_Rte_70045] [SWS_Rte_70048]
[SWS_Rte_70049] [SWS_Rte_70050]
[SWS_Rte_70051] [SWS_Rte_70052]
[SWS_Rte_70053] [SWS_Rte_70054]
[SWS_Rte_70055] [SWS_Rte_70056]
[SWS_Rte_70057] [SWS_Rte_70058]
[SWS_Rte_70059] [SWS_Rte_70060]
[SWS_Rte_70061] [SWS_Rte_70082]
[SWS_Rte_70083] [SWS_Rte_70084]
[SWS_Rte_70085] [SWS_Rte_70087]
[SWS_Rte_70088] [SWS_Rte_70090]
[SWS_Rte_70091] [SWS_Rte_70100]
[SWS_Rte_70101] [SWS_Rte_70102]
[SWS_Rte_70107] [SWS_Rte_70110]
[SWS_Rte_70111] [SWS_Rte_70112]
[SWS_Rte_70113] [SWS_Rte_70114]
[SWS_Rte_70125] [SWS_Rte_70126]
[SWS_Rte_70127] [SWS_Rte_70128]
[SWS_Rte_70129] [SWS_Rte_70130]
[SWS_Rte_70131] [SWS_Rte_70132]
[SWS_Rte_70133] [SWS_Rte_70134]
[SWS_Rte_70136] [SWS_Rte_70137]
[SWS_Rte_70138] [SWS_Rte_70139]
[SWS_Rte_70140] [SWS_Rte_70141]
[SWS_Rte_72000] [SWS_Rte_72001]
[SWS_Rte_72002] [SWS_Rte_72003]
[SWS_Rte_72009] [SWS_Rte_72010]
[SWS_Rte_72011] [SWS_Rte_72012]
[SWS_Rte_72013] [SWS_Rte_72014]
[SWS_Rte_72015] [SWS_Rte_72016]
[SWS_Rte_72017] [SWS_Rte_72018]
[SWS_Rte_72019] [SWS_Rte_72020]
[SWS_Rte_72021] [SWS_Rte_72022]
[SWS_Rte_80016] [SWS_Rte_80017]
[SWS_Rte_80018] [SWS_Rte_80019]
[SWS_Rte_80031] [SWS_Rte_80032]
[SWS_Rte_80033] [SWS_Rte_80034]
[SWS_Rte_80035] [SWS_Rte_80036]
[SWS_Rte_80037] [SWS_Rte_80038]
[SWS_Rte_80039] [SWS_Rte_80040]
[SWS_Rte_80041] [SWS_Rte_80043]

73 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_80057] [SWS_Rte_80058]
[SWS_Rte_80059] [SWS_Rte_80060]
[SWS_Rte_80061] [SWS_Rte_80063]
[SWS_Rte_80064] [SWS_Rte_80065]
[SWS_Rte_80066] [SWS_Rte_80075]
[SWS_Rte_80100] [SWS_Rte_80101]
[SWS_Rte_80103] [SWS_Rte_80104]
[SWS_Rte_80105] [SWS_Rte_80128]
[SWS_Rte_80129] [SWS_Rte_80148]
[SWS_Rte_80150] [SWS_Rte_80154]
[SWS_Rte_82012] [SWS_Rte_82013]
[SWS_Rte_82014] [SWS_Rte_82015]
[SWS_Rte_89020] [SWS_Rte_89021]
[SWS_Rte_91000] [SWS_Rte_91119]
[SRS_Rte_00301] RTE Implementation Plug-Ins for [SWS_Rte_70003] [SWS_Rte_70004]
implicit communication [SWS_Rte_70013] [SWS_Rte_70015]
[SWS_Rte_70016] [SWS_Rte_70017]
[SWS_Rte_70018] [SWS_Rte_70032]
[SWS_Rte_70039] [SWS_Rte_70042]
[SWS_Rte_70043] [SWS_Rte_70046]
[SWS_Rte_70048] [SWS_Rte_70049]
[SWS_Rte_70078] [SWS_Rte_70082]
[SWS_Rte_70083] [SWS_Rte_70084]
[SWS_Rte_70085] [SWS_Rte_70087]
[SWS_Rte_70088] [SWS_Rte_70108]
[SWS_Rte_80010] [SWS_Rte_80011]
[SWS_Rte_80012] [SWS_Rte_80013]
[SWS_Rte_80014] [SWS_Rte_80015]
[SWS_Rte_80031] [SWS_Rte_80032]
[SWS_Rte_80033] [SWS_Rte_80034]
[SWS_Rte_80035] [SWS_Rte_80036]
[SWS_Rte_80037] [SWS_Rte_80038]
[SWS_Rte_80039] [SWS_Rte_80040]
[SWS_Rte_80041] [SWS_Rte_80044]
[SWS_Rte_80046] [SWS_Rte_80047]
[SWS_Rte_80048] [SWS_Rte_80049]
[SWS_Rte_80050] [SWS_Rte_80056]
[SWS_Rte_80057] [SWS_Rte_80058]
[SWS_Rte_80059] [SWS_Rte_80060]
[SWS_Rte_80061] [SWS_Rte_80063]
[SWS_Rte_80064] [SWS_Rte_80076]
[SWS_Rte_80079] [SWS_Rte_80084]
[SWS_Rte_80103] [SWS_Rte_80104]
[SWS_Rte_80105] [SWS_Rte_80128]
[SWS_Rte_80129] [SWS_Rte_80149]
[SWS_Rte_80151] [SWS_Rte_80154]
[SWS_Rte_82009] [SWS_Rte_82010]
[SWS_Rte_82011] [SWS_Rte_82012]
[SWS_Rte_82017] [SWS_Rte_82018]
[SWS_Rte_89020] [SWS_Rte_89021]

74 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_91000] [SWS_Rte_91119]
[SRS_Rte_00302] RTE Implementation Plug-Ins for [SWS_Rte_70007] [SWS_Rte_70027]
exclusive areas [SWS_Rte_70028] [SWS_Rte_70032]
[SWS_Rte_70039] [SWS_Rte_80020]
[SWS_Rte_80021] [SWS_Rte_80022]
[SWS_Rte_80023] [SWS_Rte_80024]
[SWS_Rte_80079] [SWS_Rte_82011]
[SRS_Rte_00303] RTE Implementation Plug-Ins for [SWS_Rte_08910] [SWS_Rte_70043]
global copy instantiation [SWS_Rte_70050] [SWS_Rte_70051]
[SWS_Rte_70056] [SWS_Rte_70057]
[SWS_Rte_70085] [SWS_Rte_70086]
[SWS_Rte_70127] [SWS_Rte_70128]
[SWS_Rte_70129] [SWS_Rte_70130]
[SWS_Rte_70131] [SWS_Rte_70132]
[SWS_Rte_70133] [SWS_Rte_70134]
[SWS_Rte_70139] [SWS_Rte_70140]
[SWS_Rte_72009] [SWS_Rte_72010]
[SWS_Rte_72021] [SWS_Rte_72022]
[SWS_Rte_80065] [SWS_Rte_80066]
[SWS_Rte_80073] [SWS_Rte_82013]
[SWS_Rte_82014] [SWS_Rte_82015]
[SRS_Rte_00304] Multiple RTE Plug-Ins [SWS_Rte_70027] [SWS_Rte_70028]
[SWS_Rte_70047] [SWS_Rte_70062]
[SWS_Rte_70063] [SWS_Rte_70070]
[SWS_Rte_70071] [SWS_Rte_70077]
[SWS_Rte_80020] [SWS_Rte_80021]
[SWS_Rte_80051] [SWS_Rte_80052]
[SWS_Rte_80053] [SWS_Rte_80054]
[SWS_Rte_80055] [SWS_Rte_80071]
[SRS_Rte_00305] Graduated validation strategy [SWS_Rte_70040] [SWS_Rte_80029]
[SWS_Rte_80030] [SWS_Rte_80152]
[SRS_Rte_00306] Standardized interfaces for RTE [SWS_Rte_08910] [SWS_Rte_70000]
Implementation Plug-Ins [SWS_Rte_70001] [SWS_Rte_70002]
[SWS_Rte_70003] [SWS_Rte_70004]
[SWS_Rte_70005] [SWS_Rte_70006]
[SWS_Rte_70007] [SWS_Rte_70008]
[SWS_Rte_70009] [SWS_Rte_70010]
[SWS_Rte_70011] [SWS_Rte_70012]
[SWS_Rte_70013] [SWS_Rte_70015]
[SWS_Rte_70016] [SWS_Rte_70017]
[SWS_Rte_70018] [SWS_Rte_70019]
[SWS_Rte_70020] [SWS_Rte_70021]
[SWS_Rte_70022] [SWS_Rte_70023]

75 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_70024] [SWS_Rte_70025]
[SWS_Rte_70026] [SWS_Rte_70027]
[SWS_Rte_70028] [SWS_Rte_70029]
[SWS_Rte_70030] [SWS_Rte_70031]
[SWS_Rte_70032] [SWS_Rte_70033]
[SWS_Rte_70034] [SWS_Rte_70035]
[SWS_Rte_70036] [SWS_Rte_70037]
[SWS_Rte_70038] [SWS_Rte_70039]
[SWS_Rte_70046] [SWS_Rte_70047]
[SWS_Rte_70050] [SWS_Rte_70051]
[SWS_Rte_70052] [SWS_Rte_70053]
[SWS_Rte_70054] [SWS_Rte_70055]
[SWS_Rte_70056] [SWS_Rte_70057]
[SWS_Rte_70058] [SWS_Rte_70059]
[SWS_Rte_70060] [SWS_Rte_70061]
[SWS_Rte_70062] [SWS_Rte_70063]
[SWS_Rte_70064] [SWS_Rte_70070]
[SWS_Rte_70071] [SWS_Rte_70077]
[SWS_Rte_70078] [SWS_Rte_70087]
[SWS_Rte_70088] [SWS_Rte_70090]
[SWS_Rte_70091] [SWS_Rte_70098]
[SWS_Rte_70099] [SWS_Rte_70100]
[SWS_Rte_70101] [SWS_Rte_70102]
[SWS_Rte_70107] [SWS_Rte_70108]
[SWS_Rte_70125] [SWS_Rte_70126]
[SWS_Rte_70127] [SWS_Rte_70128]
[SWS_Rte_70129] [SWS_Rte_70130]
[SWS_Rte_70131] [SWS_Rte_70132]
[SWS_Rte_70133] [SWS_Rte_70134]
[SWS_Rte_70135] [SWS_Rte_70136]
[SWS_Rte_70137] [SWS_Rte_70138]
[SWS_Rte_70139] [SWS_Rte_70140]
[SWS_Rte_72000] [SWS_Rte_72001]
[SWS_Rte_72002] [SWS_Rte_72003]
[SWS_Rte_72009] [SWS_Rte_72010]
[SWS_Rte_72011] [SWS_Rte_72012]
[SWS_Rte_72013] [SWS_Rte_72014]
[SWS_Rte_72015] [SWS_Rte_72016]
[SWS_Rte_72017] [SWS_Rte_72018]
[SWS_Rte_72019] [SWS_Rte_72020]
[SWS_Rte_72021] [SWS_Rte_72022]
[SWS_Rte_80000] [SWS_Rte_80001]
[SWS_Rte_80002] [SWS_Rte_80003]
[SWS_Rte_80005] [SWS_Rte_80006]
[SWS_Rte_80007] [SWS_Rte_80008]
[SWS_Rte_80009] [SWS_Rte_80010]
[SWS_Rte_80011] [SWS_Rte_80012]
[SWS_Rte_80013] [SWS_Rte_80014]

76 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_80015] [SWS_Rte_80016]
[SWS_Rte_80017] [SWS_Rte_80018]
[SWS_Rte_80019] [SWS_Rte_80020]
[SWS_Rte_80021] [SWS_Rte_80025]
[SWS_Rte_80026] [SWS_Rte_80027]
[SWS_Rte_80028] [SWS_Rte_80051]
[SWS_Rte_80052] [SWS_Rte_80053]
[SWS_Rte_80054] [SWS_Rte_80055]
[SWS_Rte_80065] [SWS_Rte_80066]
[SWS_Rte_80071] [SWS_Rte_80072]
[SWS_Rte_80075] [SWS_Rte_80078]
[SWS_Rte_80079] [SWS_Rte_80100]
[SWS_Rte_80101] [SWS_Rte_80131]
[SWS_Rte_80148] [SWS_Rte_80149]
[SWS_Rte_80150] [SWS_Rte_80151]
[SWS_Rte_82009] [SWS_Rte_82010]
[SWS_Rte_82011] [SWS_Rte_82013]
[SWS_Rte_82014] [SWS_Rte_82015]
[SWS_Rte_82017] [SWS_Rte_82018]
[SWS_Rte_89020] [SWS_Rte_89021]
[SWS_Rte_89022] [SWS_Rte_89023]
[SWS_Rte_91000] [SWS_Rte_91113]
[SWS_Rte_91114] [SWS_Rte_91115]
[SWS_Rte_91117] [SWS_Rte_91119]
[SWS_Rte_91121] [SWS_Rte_91122]
[SRS_Rte_00307] RTE Implementation Plug-Ins for [SWS_Rte_70093] [SWS_Rte_80077]
cross core communication [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80010]
[SRS_Rte_00309] RTE Implementation Plug-Ins for [SWS_Rte_70093] [SWS_Rte_80077]
cross safety partition [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80010]
[SRS_Rte_00310] Shared mode queue [SWS_Rte_06832] [SWS_Rte_06833]
[SWS_Rte_06834] [SWS_Rte_06835]
[SWS_Rte_06836] [SWS_Rte_06837]
[SWS_Rte_06838] [SWS_Rte_06839]
[SWS_Rte_06840] [SWS_Rte_70032]
[SWS_Rte_70039] [SWS_Rte_70098]
[SRS_Rte_00311] Core synchronous transitions for [SWS_Rte_80111] [SWS_Rte_80112]
mode switches [SWS_Rte_80113] [SWS_Rte_80114]
[SWS_Rte_80115] [SWS_Rte_80116]
[SWS_Rte_80117] [SWS_Rte_80118]
[SWS_Rte_80119] [SWS_Rte_80120]
[SWS_Rte_80121] [SWS_Rte_80122]
[SWS_Rte_80123] [SWS_Rte_80124]

77 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00312] RTE Implementation Plug-Ins for [SWS_Rte_02321] [SWS_Rte_02322]

transformers in client server [SWS_Rte_70032] [SWS_Rte_70039]
communication [SWS_Rte_70062] [SWS_Rte_70063]
[SWS_Rte_70064] [SWS_Rte_70070]
[SWS_Rte_70071] [SWS_Rte_70077]
[SWS_Rte_70079] [SWS_Rte_70080]
[SWS_Rte_70081] [SWS_Rte_70089]
[SWS_Rte_70110] [SWS_Rte_70111]
[SWS_Rte_70112] [SWS_Rte_70113]
[SWS_Rte_70114] [SWS_Rte_80067]
[SWS_Rte_80068] [SWS_Rte_80069]
[SWS_Rte_80070] [SWS_Rte_80071]
[SWS_Rte_80072] [SWS_Rte_80074]
[SWS_Rte_80106] [SWS_Rte_80107]
[SWS_Rte_80108] [SWS_Rte_80109]
[SWS_Rte_80110] [SWS_Rte_80126]
[SWS_Rte_89022] [SWS_Rte_89023]
[SRS_Rte_00313] Description of RTE [SWS_Rte_70092]
Implementation Plug-in
[SRS_Rte_00314] Avoid nesting of critical sections [SWS_Rte_80025]
[SRS_Rte_00315] Protection of mode machine [SWS_Rte_70032] [SWS_Rte_70039]
instance access [SWS_Rte_70096] [SWS_Rte_70097]
[SWS_Rte_70098] [SWS_Rte_70103]
[SWS_Rte_70104] [SWS_Rte_70105]
[SWS_Rte_70106] [SWS_Rte_70109]
[SWS_Rte_70115] [SWS_Rte_80080]
[SWS_Rte_80081] [SWS_Rte_80082]
[SRS_Rte_00316] RTE Implementation Plug-Ins for [SWS_Rte_80044] [SWS_Rte_80045]
compatibility mode
[SRS_Rte_00317] RTE Implementation Plug-Ins for [SWS_Rte_02321] [SWS_Rte_02322]
transformers in trigger [SWS_Rte_70079] [SWS_Rte_70080]
communication [SWS_Rte_70081] [SWS_Rte_70110]
[SWS_Rte_70111] [SWS_Rte_70112]
[SWS_Rte_70113] [SWS_Rte_70114]
[SWS_Rte_80068] [SWS_Rte_80069]
[SWS_Rte_80070] [SWS_Rte_80102]
[SWS_Rte_80145] [SWS_Rte_80146]
[SWS_Rte_80147] [SWS_Rte_89022]

78 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SRS_Rte_00318] Modular Runtime Environment [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80019]

[SRS_Rte_00319] RTE Implementation Plug-Ins for [SWS_Rte_70120] [SWS_Rte_70121]
parameter communication [SWS_Rte_70141] [SWS_Rte_70142]
[SWS_Rte_80127] [SWS_Rte_80130]
[SWS_Rte_80131] [SWS_Rte_80153]
[SRS_Rte_00320] RTE Implementation Plug-Ins for [SWS_Rte_70136] [SWS_Rte_70137]
implicit communication II
[SRS_Rte_00321] RTE Implementation Plug-Ins for [SWS_Rte_70122] [SWS_Rte_70123]
mode communication [SWS_Rte_80132] [SWS_Rte_80133]
[SWS_Rte_80134] [SWS_Rte_80135]
[SWS_Rte_80136] [SWS_Rte_80137]
[SWS_Rte_80138] [SWS_Rte_80139]
[SWS_Rte_80140] [SWS_Rte_80141]
[SWS_Rte_91113] [SWS_Rte_91114]
[SRS_Rte_00322] Support of Metadata [SWS_Rte_03620] [SWS_Rte_03621]
[SWS_Rte_03622] [SWS_Rte_03623]
[SWS_Rte_03624] [SWS_Rte_03625]
[SWS_Rte_03626] [SWS_Rte_03627]
[SWS_Rte_03628] [SWS_Rte_03629]

Table 1.2: Requirements tracing

79 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

2 RTE Overview

2.1 The RTE in the Context of AUTOSAR

The Run-Time Environment (RTE) is at the heart of the AUTOSAR ECU architecture.
The RTE is the realization (for a particular ECU) of the interfaces of the AUTOSAR
Virtual Function Bus (VFB). The RTE provides the infrastructure services that enable
communication to occur between AUTOSAR software-components as well as acting as
the means by which AUTOSAR software-components access basic software modules
including the OS and communication service.
The RTE encompasses both the variable elements of the system infrastructure that
arise from the different mappings of components to ECUs as well as standardized RTE
In principle the RTE can be logically divided into two sub-parts realizing:
• the communication between software components
• the scheduling of the software components
To fully describe the concept of the RTE, the Basic Software Scheduler has to be
considered as well. The Basic Software Scheduler schedules the schedulable entities
of the basic software modules. In some documents the schedulable entities are also
called main processing functions.
Due to the situation that the same OS Task might be used for the scheduling of software
components and basic software modules the scheduling part of the RTE is strongly
linked with the Basic Software Scheduler and can not be clearly separated.
The RTE and the Basic Software Scheduler is generated1 for each ECU to ensure that
the RTE and Basic Software Scheduler is optimal for the ECU [SRS_Rte_00023].

2.2 AUTOSAR Concepts

This section introduces some important AUTOSAR concepts and how they are imple-
mented within the context of the RTE.

2.2.1 AUTOSAR Software-components

In AUTOSAR, “application” software is conceptually located above the AUTOSAR RTE

and consists of “AUTOSAR application software-components” that are ECU and loca-
An implementation is free to configure rather than generate the RTE and Basic Software Sched-
uler. The remainder of this specification refers to generation for reasons of simplicity only and these
references should not be interpreted as ruling out either a wholly configured, or partially generated and
partially configured, RTE and Basic Software Scheduler implementation.

80 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

tion independent and “AUTOSAR sensor-actuator components” that are dependent on

ECU hardware and thus not readily relocatable for reasons of performance/efficiency.
This means that, subject to constraints imposed by the system designer, an AUTOSAR
software-component can be deployed to any available ECU during system configura-
tion. The RTE is then responsible for ensuring that components can communicate
and that the system continues to function as expected wherever the components are
deployed. Considering sensor/actuator software components, they may only directly
address the local ECU abstraction. Therefore, access to remote ECU abstraction shall
be done through an intermediate sensor/actuator software component which broad-
casts the information on the remote ECU. Hence, moving the sensor/actuator software
components on different ECUs, may then imply to also move connected devices (sen-
sor/actuator) to the same ECU (provided that efficient access is needed).
An AUTOSAR software-component is defined by a type definition that defines the com-
ponent’s interfaces. A component type is instantiated when the component is deployed
to an ECU. A component type can be instantiated more than once on the same ECU in
which case the component type is said to be “multiple instantiated”. The RTE supports
per-instance memory sections that enable each component instance to have private
The RTE supports both AUTOSAR software-components where the source is available
(“source-code software-components”) [SRS_Rte_00024] and AUTOSAR software-
components where only the object code (“object-code software components”) is avail-
able [SRS_Rte_00140].
Details of AUTOSAR software-components in relation to the RTE are presented in
Section 4.1.3.

2.2.2 Basic Software Modules

As well as “AUTOSAR software-components” an AUTOSAR ECU includes basic soft-

ware modules. Basic software modules can access the ECU abstraction layer as well
as other basic software modules directly and are thus neither ECU nor location inde-
pendent 2 .
An “AUTOSAR software-component” cannot directly access basic software modules –
all communication is via AUTOSAR interfaces and therefore under the control of the
RTE. The requirement to not have direct access applies to all Basic Software Modules
including the operating system [SRS_Rte_00020] and the communication service.
The functionality provided by a basic software module cannot be relocated in another ECU. However,
the source of some basic software modules can be reused on other ECUs.

81 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

2.2.3 Communication

The communication interface of an AUTOSAR software-component consists of several

ports (which are characterized by port-interfaces). An AUTOSAR software-component
can communicate through its interfaces with other AUTOSAR software-components
(whether that component is located on the same ECU or on a different ECU) or
with basic software modules that have ports and runnables (i.e ServiceSwCompo-
nents, EcuAbstractionSwComponents and ComplexDeviceDriverSwCompo-
nents) and are located on the same ECU. This communication can only occur via
the component’s ports. A port can be categorized by either a sender-receiver or client-
server port-interface. A sender-receiver interface provides a message passing facility
whereas a client-server interface provides function invocation. Communication Paradigms

The RTE provides different paradigms for the communication between software-
component instances: sender-receiver (signal passing), client-server (function invo-
cation), mode switch, and NvBlockSwComponentType interaction.
Each communication paradigm can be applied to intra-partition software-component
distribution (which includes both intra-task and inter-task distribution, within the same
Partition), inter-Partition software-component distribution, and inter-ECU software-
component distribution. Intra-task communication occurs between runnable entities
that are mapped to the same OS task whereas inter-task communication occurs be-
tween runnable entities mapped to different tasks of the same Partition and can there-
fore involve a context switch. Inter-Partition communication occurs between runnable
entities in components mapped to different partitions of the same ECU and therefore in-
volve a context switch and crossing a protection boundary (memory protection, timing
protection, isolation on a core). Inter-ECU communication occurs between runnable
entities in components that have been mapped to different ECUs and so is inherently
concurrent and involves potentially unreliable communication.
Details of the communication paradigms that are supported by the RTE are contained
in Section 4.3. Communication Modes

The RTE supports two modes for sender-receiver communication:

• Explicit — A component uses explicit RTE API calls to send and receive data
elements [SRS_Rte_00098].
• Implicit — The RTE automatically reads a specified set of data elements before
a runnable is invoked and automatically writes (a different) set of data elements
after the runnable entity has terminated [SRS_Rte_00128] [SRS_Rte_00129].

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Specification of RTE Software

The term “implicit” is used here since the runnable does not actively initiate the
reception or transmission of data.
Implicit and explicit communication is considered in greater detail in Section Static Communication

[SWS_Rte_06026] dThe RTE shall support static communication only.c(SRS_Rte_-

Static communication includes only those communication connections where the
source(s) and destination(s) of all communication is known at the point the RTE is
generated. [SRS_Rte_00025]. This includes also connections which are subject to
variability because the variant handling concept of AUTOSAR does only support the
selection of connectors from a superset of possible connectors to define a particular
Dynamic reconfiguration of communication is not supported due to the run-time and
code overhead which would therefore limit the range of devices for which the RTE is
suitable. Multiplicity

As well as point to point communication (i.e. “1:1”) the RTE supports communication
connections with multiple providers or requires:
• When using sender-receiver communication, the RTE supports both “1:n” (single
sender with multiple receivers) [SRS_Rte_00028] and “n:1” (multiple senders and
a single receiver) [SRS_Rte_00131] communication with the restriction that mul-
tiple senders are not allowed for mode switch notifications, see meta-
model restrictions [SWS_Rte_02670].
The execution of the multiple senders or receivers is not coordinated by the RTE.
This means that the actions of different software-components are independent –
the RTE does not ensure that different senders transmit data simultaneously and
does not ensure that all receivers read data or receive events simultaneously.
• When using client-server communication, the RTE supports “n:1” (multiple clients
and a single server) [SRS_Rte_00029] communication. The RTE does not sup-
port “1:n” (single client with multiple servers) client-server communication.
Irrespective of whether “1:1”, “n:1” or “1:n” communication is used, the RTE is respon-
sible for implementing the communication connections and therefore the AUTOSAR
software-component is unaware of the configuration. This permits an AUTOSAR
software-component to be redeployed in a different configuration without modification.

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Specification of RTE Software

2.2.4 Concurrency

AUTOSAR software-components have no direct access to the OS and hence there are
no “tasks” in an AUTOSAR application. Instead, concurrent activity within AUTOSAR
is based around RunnableEntitys within components that are invoked by the RTE.
The AUTOSAR VFB specification [1] defines a runnable entity as a “sequence of in-
structions that can be started by the Run-Time Environment”. A component provides
usually one3 or more runnable entities [SRS_Rte_00031] and each runnable entity
has exactly one entry point. An entry point defines the symbol within the software-
component’s code that provides the implementation of a runnable entity.
The RTE is responsible for invoking runnable entities – AUTOSAR software-
components are not able to (dynamically) create private threads of control. Hence,
all activity within an AUTOSAR application is initiated by the triggering of runnable en-
tities by the RTE as a result of RTEEvents.
An RTEEvent encompasses all possible situations that can trigger execution of a runn-
able entity by the RTE. The different classes of RTEEvent are defined in Section 5.7.5.
The RTE supports runnable entities in any component that has an AUTOSAR interface
- this includes AUTOSAR software-components and basic software modules.4
Runnable entities are divided into multiple categories with each category supporting
different facilities. The categories supported by the RTE are described in Section

2.3 The RTE Generator

The RTE generator is one of a set of tools5 that create the realization of the AUTOSAR
virtual function bus for an ECU based on information in the ECU Configuration De-
scription. The RTE Generator is responsible for creating the AUTOSAR software-
component API functions that link AUTOSAR software-components to the OS and
manage communication between AUTOSAR software-components and between AU-
TOSAR software-components and basic software modules.
Additionally the RTE Generator creates both the Basic Software Scheduler and the Ba-
sic Software Scheduler API functions for each particular instance of a Basic Software
The RTE generation process for SWCs has two main phases:
There are use cases where a SWC might exist without any RunnableEntity.
The OS and COM are basic software modules but present a standardized interface to the RTE and
have no AUTOSAR interface. The OS and COM therefore do not have runnable entities.
The RTE generator works in conjunction with other tools, for example, the OS and COM generators,
to fully realize the AUTOSAR VFB.

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Specification of RTE Software

• RTE Contract phase – a limited set of information about a component, principally

the AUTOSAR interface definitions, is used to create an application header file
for a component type. The application header file defines the “contract” between
component and RTE.
• RTE Generation phase - all relevant information about components, their de-
ployment to ECUs and communication connections is used to generate the RTE
and optionally the Ioc configuration [4]. One RTE is generated for each ECU in
the system.
The two-phase development model ensures that the RTE generated application header
files are available for use for source-code AUTOSAR software-components as well
as object-code AUTOSAR software-components with both types of component having
access to all definitions created as part of the RTE generation process.
The RTE generation process, and the necessary inputs in each phase, are considered
in more detail in chapter 3.

2.4 Design Decisions

This section details decisions that affect both the general direction that has been taken
as well as the actual content of this document.
1. The role of this document is to specify RTE behavior, not RTE implementation.
Implementation details should not be considered to be part of the RTE software
specification unless they are explicitly marked as RTE requirements.
2. An AUTOSAR system consists of multiple ECUs each of which contains an RTE
that may have been generated by different RTE generators. Consequently, the
specification of how RTEs from multiple vendors interoperate is considered to be
within the scope of this document.
3. The RTE does not have sufficient information to be able to derive a mapping from
runnable entity to OS task. The decision was therefore taken to require that the
mapping be specified as part of the RTE input.
4. Support for C++ is provided by making the C RTE API available for C++ com-
ponents rather than specifying a completely separate object-oriented API. This
decision was taken for two reasons; firstly the same interface for the C and C++
simplifies the learning curve and secondly a single interface greatly simplifies
both the specification and any subsequent implementations.
5. There is no support within the specification for Java.
6. The AUTOSAR meta-model is a highly expressive language for defining systems
however for reasons of practicality certain restrictions and constraints have been
placed on the use of the meta-model. The restrictions are described in Appendix

85 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

3 RTE Generation Process

This chapter describes the methodology of the RTE and Basic Software Scheduler
generation. For a detailed description of the overall AUTOSAR methodology refer to
methodology document [6].
[SWS_Rte_02514] dThe RTE generator shall produce the same RTE API, RTE code,
SchM API and SchM code when the input information is the same.c(SRS_Rte_00065)
The RTE Generator gets involved in the AUTOSAR Methodology several times in dif-
ferent roles. Technically the RTE Generator can be implemented as one tool which
is invoked with options to switch between the different roles. Or the RTE Generator
could be a set of separate tools. In the following section the individual applications of
the RTE Generator are described based on the roles that are take, not necessarily the
actual tools.
The RTE Generator is used in different roles for the following phases:
• RTE Contract Phase
• Basic Software Scheduler Contract Phase
• PreBuild Data Set Contract Phase
• Basic Software Scheduler Generation Phase
• RTE Generation Phase
• PreBuild Data Set Generation Phase
• PostBuild Data Set Generation Phase
RTE Generator for Software-Components
In Figure 3.1 the overall AUTOSAR Methodology wrt. Application SW-Components
and the RTE Generator.

86 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

«input» «output»

Collection of Available System Configuration Description
SWC Implementations [XML]
[XML] «input»

Generate Base ECU

«input» «output»

Extract ECU-specific
ECU Extract of System Configuration


ECU Configuration Values

RTE Code «input»
[XML] «output»


Generate Compile
RTE «output» RTE
«output» tool»
«input» «output» «output»

RTE Header
Edit ECU
«used Generator
«impacted Compiled BSW
Compiled RTE
by» [OBJ]

«input» «input»

AUTOSAR ECU Configuration



Compiled SWC Implementations

ECU Executable

Figure 3.1: System Build Methodology

The whole vehicle functionality is described with means of CompositionSwCom-

ponents, SwComponentPrototypes and AtomicSwComponents [2]. In the
CompositionSwComponent descriptions the connections between the software-

87 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

components’ ports are also defined. Such a collection of software-components con-

nected to each other, without the mapping on actual ECUs, is called the VFB view.
During the ’Configure System’ step the needed software-components, the available
ECUs and the System Constraints are resolved into a System Configuration Descrip-
tion. Now the SwComponentPrototypes and thus the associated AtomicSwCompo-
nents are mapped on the available ECUs.
Since in the VFB view the communication relationships between the AtomicSwCom-
ponents have been described and the mapping of each SwComponentPrototypes
and AtomicSwComponents to a specific ECU has been fixed, the communication ma-
trix can be generated. In the SwComponentType Description (using the format of
the AUTOSAR Software Component Template [2]) the data that is exchanged through
ports is defined in an abstract way. Now the ’System Configuration Generator’ needs to
define system signals (including the actual signal length and the frames in which they
will be transmitted) to be able to transmit the application data over the network. COM
signals that correspond to the system signals will be later used by the ’RTE Generator’
to actually transmit the application data.
In the next step the ’System Configuration Description’ is split into descriptions for
each individual ECU. During the generation of the Ecu Extract also the hierarchical
structure of the CompositionSwComponents of the VFB view is flattened and the
SwComponentPrototypes of the ECU Extract represent actual instances. The Ecu
Extract only contains information necessary to configure one ECU individually and it is
fed into the ECU Configuration for each ECU.
[SWS_Rte_05000] dThe RTE is configured and generated for each ECU instance in-
The ’ECU Configuration Editors’ (see also Section 3.3) are working iteratively on the
’ECU Configuration Values’ until all configuration issues are resolved. There will be
the need for several configuration editors, each specialized on a specific part of ECU
Configuration. So one editor might be configuring the COM stack (not the communica-
tion matrix but the interaction of the individual modules) while another editor is used to
configure the RTE.
Since the configuration of a specific Basic-SW module is not entirely independent from
other modules there is the need to apply the editors several times to the ’ECU Config-
uration Values’ to ensure all configuration parameters are consistent.
Only when the configuration issues are resolved the ’RTE Generator’ will be used to
generate the actual RTE code (see also Section 3.4.2) which will then be compiled and
linked together with the other Basic-SW modules and the software-components code.
The ’RTE Generator’ needs to cope with many sources of information since the nec-
essary information for the RTE Generator is based on the ’ECU Configuration Values’
which might be distributed over several files and itself references to multiple other AU-
TOSAR descriptions.

88 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08769] dRTE Generator shall support for reading single files and of sets
of files that are stored in a file system. The tool shall provide a mechanism to select a
specific file and sets of files in the file system.c(SRS_Rte_00048)
An AUTOSAR XML description can be shipped in several files. Some files could con-
tain data types others could contain interfaces, etc.
[SWS_Rte_08770] dAn RTE Generator tools SHALL support the merging of AUTOSAR
models that have been split up and stored in multiple partial models while reading an
set of files. Thereby the to be supported minimum granularity of an AUTOSAR model is
defined by atpSplitable. The Merging of a model also includes the resolution
of references. The RTE Generator SHALL be able to read the submodels in any order.
There is no preference.c(SRS_Rte_00048)
[SWS_Rte_08771] dRTE Generator SHALL support the interpretation and creation of
AUTOSAR XML descriptions. These descriptions SHALL be ’well-formed’ and ’valid’
as defined by the XML recommendation, W3C XML 1.1 Specification, whether used
with or without the document’s corresponding AUTOSAR XML schema(s). In other
words: Even if the tool does not use standard XML mechanisms for validating the XML
descriptions it SHALL ensure that the XML descriptions can be successfully validated
against the AUTOSAR XML schema.c(SRS_Rte_00048)
[SWS_Rte_08772] dIf an RTE Generator wants to validate an AUTOSAR XML descrip-
tion against an AUTOSAR schema, it SHALL provide the necessary schema files in its
own resources.
An RTE Generator shall use the SYSTEM-Identifier in the xsi:schemaLocation to iden-
tify an appropriate schema file.c(SRS_Rte_00048)
[SWS_Rte_08773] dRTE Generator shall provide a serialization for XML.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_08774] dRTE Generator shall not change model content passed to the
[SWS_Rte_08775] dAn RTE Generator MAY support the AUTOSAR extension mech-
anism SDGs if applicable.
If the RTE Generator does not need the additional information for its intended purpose
it SHALL ignore the irrelevant extensions SDGs.c(SRS_Rte_00048)
[SWS_Rte_08776] dAn RTE Generator may use well structured error messages.c
The following list is a collection of proposed information items in particular applicable
to log files used for exchanging information about errors.
• ErrorCode – A symbolic name for the message text
• StandardErrorCode – The reference to the AUTOSAR error code

89 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• ConstraintCode – Reference to the semantic constraint mentioned in the AU-

TOSAR template specification.
• Signature – Signature of the message for duplicate checks
• Timestamp – A time stamp for the message
• ShortName – A unique identification which allows to refer to particular error mes-
This can also be used to establish references between error messages, e.g. for
screening and also to trace back to root cause
• Desc – The human readable message text
• Component – Such information item may help the user to locate the problem in
the model
• BaseUrl – An url for a base directory which can be used as basis for file refer-
ences in a log file. This is typically the root direactory of a project structure.
• ColumNumber – The column of the error position
• LineNumber – The line number of the error position
• LongName – The title of the error message
• ObjectCategory – The category of for example the involved ApplicationPrimitve-
DataType (e.g.VALUE)
• PrimaryErrorReference – Reference to the root cause if applicable
• ScopeEntryReference – Reference to a scoping message if applicable
• Object – The shortName based reference to the AUTOSAR element which
caused the error
• ToolName – The name of the tool which reported the error
• ToolVersion – The version of the tools which reported the error
• IncidentUrl – The Url which refers to the artifact in which the error occurs
• Value – The actual found value which caused the problem
This is just a rough sketch of the main steps necessary to build an ECU with AUTOSAR
and how the RTE is involved in this methodology. For a more detailed description of
the AUTOSAR Methodology please refer to the methodology document [6]. In the next
sections the steps with RTE interaction are explained in more detail.
RTE Generator for Basic Software Scheduler
In Figure 3.2 the overall AUTOSAR Methodology wrt. Basis Software Scheduler and
the RTE Generator interaction.

90 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

ECU Configuration Values

[XML] «output» «input»
RTE Code


Generate Compile
SchM SchM
«output» «input»
«input» «output»

«output» «output»

SchM Bsw Header

Edit ECU [H] «impacted
Configuration AUTOSAR RTE by»
«used Generator

Compiled BSW Compiled RTE

AUTOSAR ECU Configuration
«input» «input»



ECU Executable

Figure 3.2: Basic Software Scheduler Methodology

The ECU Configuration phase is the start of the Basic Software Scheduler configura-
tion where all the requirements of the different Basic Software Modules are collected.
The Input information is provided in the Basic Software Module Descriptions [9] of the
individual Basic Software Modules.
The Basic Software Scheduler configuration is then generated into the Basic Software
Scheduler code which is compiled and built into the Ecu executable.

91 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

3.1 Contract Phase

3.1.1 RTE Contract Phase

To be able to support the AUTOSAR software-component development with RTE-

specific APIs the ’Component API’ (application header file) is generated from the
’software-component Internal Behavior Description’ (see Figure 3.1) by the RTE Gen-
erator in the so called ’RTE Contract Phase’ (see Figure 3.3).
In the software-component Interface description – which is using the AUTOSAR
Software Component Template – at least the AUTOSAR Interfaces of the particular
software-component have to be described. This means the software-component Types
with Ports and their Interfaces. In the software-component Internal Behavior descrip-
tion additionally the Runnable Entities and the RTE Events are defined. From this
information the RTE Generator can generate specific APIs to access the Ports and
send and receive data.

92 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Software Component Type

Description [XML]

Software Component Internal

Software Component
Behavior Description (API
Implementation [C]
Generation) [XML]

«input» «output»



«input» «input»

Generate Component «output»

API Compile
«used «input»

Component API
[H] «output» «output»



Compiled Software Software Component

Component Implementation Description (for
Implementation [OBJ] «input» Object Code) [XML]


Software Component
Implementation Description

Figure 3.3: RTE Contract Phase

With the generated ’Component API’ (application header file) the Software Compo-
nent developer can provide the Software Component’s source code without being con-
cerned as to whether the communication will later be local or using some network(s).
It has to be considered that the AUTOSAR software-component development process
is iterative and that the AUTOSAR software-component description might be changed
during the development of the AUTOSAR software-component. This requires the ap-
plication header file to be regenerated to reflect the changes done in the software-
component description.

93 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

When the software-component has been compiled successfully the ’Component Im-
plementation Description Generation’ tool will analyze the resulting object files and
enhance the software-component description with the information from the specific im-
plementation. This includes information about the actual memory needs for ROM as
well as for RAM and goes into the ’Component Implementation Description’ section of
the AUTOSAR Software Component Template.
Please note that in case of implemented PreCompileTime variability addition-
ally the PreBuild Data Set Contract Phase is required 3.2 to be able to compile the
software component.
So when a software-component is delivered it will consist of the following parts:
• SW-Component Type Description
• SW-Component Internal Behavior Description
• The actual SW-Component implementation and/or compiled SW-Component
• SW-Component Implementation Description
The above listed information will be needed to provide enough information for the Sys-
tem Generation steps when the whole system is assembled.

3.1.2 Basic Software Scheduler Contract Phase

To be able to support the Basic Software Module development with Basic Software
Scheduler specific APIs the Module Interlink Header ( 6.3.2) and Module Interlink
Types Header ( 6.3.1) containing the definitions and declaration for the Basic Soft-
ware Scheduler API related to the single Basic Software Module instance is generated
by the RTE Generator in the so called ’Basic Software Scheduler Contract Phase’.
The required input is
• Basic Software Module Description and
• Basic Software Module Internal Behavior and
• Basic Software Module Implementation
Please note that in case of implemented PreCompileTime variability addition-
ally the PreBuild Data Set Contract Phase is required 3.2 to be able to compile the
Basic Software Module.

3.2 PreBuild Data Set Contract Phase

In the RTE PreBuild Data Set Contract Phase are the Condition Value Macros (see generated which are required to resolve the implemented pre-build
variability of a particular software component or Basic Software Module.

94 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The particular values are defined via PredefinedVariants. These Predefined-

Variant elements containing definition of SwSystemconstValues for SwSystem-
consts which shall be applied when resolving the variability during ECU Configuration.
The output of this phase is the RTE Configuration Header File 5.3.8. This file is re-
quired to compile a particular variant of a software component using PreCompile-
Time variability. The Condition Value Macros are used for the implementation
of PreCompileTime variability with preprocessor statements and therefore are
needed to run the C preprocessor resolving the implemented variability.

3.3 Edit ECU Configuration of the RTE

During the configuration of an ECU the RTE also needs to be configured. This is
divided into several steps which have to be performed iteratively: The configuration of
the RTE and the configuration of other modules.
So first the ’RTE Configuration Editor’ needs to collect all the information needed to
establish an operational RTE. This gathering includes information on the software-
component instances and their communication relationships, the Runnable Entities and
the involved RTE-Events and so on. The main source for all this information is the ’ECU
Configuration Values’, which might provide references to further descriptions like the
software-component description or the System Configuration description.
An additional input source is the Specification of Timing Extensions [14]. This template
can be used to specify the execution order of runnable entities (see section ’Execution
order constraint’). An ’RTE Configuration Editor’ can use the information to create and
check the configuration of the Rte Event to Os task mapping (see section 8.5.1).
The usage of ’ECU Configuration Editors’ covering different parts of the ’ECU Con-
figuration Values’ will – if there are no cyclic dependencies which do not converge –
converge to a stable configuration and then the ECU Configuration process is finished.
A detailed description of the ECU Configuration can be found in [5]. The next phase is
the generation of the actual RTE code.

95 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

3.4 Generation Phase

After the ECU has been entirely configured the generation of the actual RTE inclusive
the Basic Software Scheduler part can be performed. Since all the relationships to
and from the other Basic-SW modules have been already resolved during the ECU
Configuration phase, the generation can be performed in parallel for all modules (see
Figure 3.4).

BSW Module Description


RTE Code
«output» [C]
ECU Configuration Values «input»

«input» «output»

Generate Compile
«used Compiled RTE
«input» [OBJ]
tool» «output»


RTE Header



Figure 3.4: RTE Generation Phase

The Basic Software Scheduler is a part of the Rte and therefore not explicitly shown in
figure 3.4.

3.4.1 Basic Software Scheduler Generation Phase

Depending on the complexity of the ECU and the cooperation model of the different
software vendors it might be required to integrate the Basic Software stand alone with-
out software components.
Therefore the RTE Generator has to support the generation of the Basic Software
Scheduler without software component related RTE fragments. The Basic Software
Scheduler Generation Phase is only applicable for software builds which are not con-
taining any kind of software components.

96 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07569] dIn the Basic Software Scheduler Generation Phase the RTE Gen-
erator shall generate the Basic Software Scheduler without the RTE functionality.c
In this case the RTE Generator generates the API for Basic Software Modules and the
Basic Software Scheduling code only. When the input contains software component
related information this information raises an error.
For instance:
• Application Header Files are not generated for the software components con-
tained in the ECU extract.
• Mapped RTEEvents are not permitted and the runnable calls are not generated
into the OS task bodies. Nevertheless all OS task bodies related to the Basic
Software Scheduler configuration are generated.
• Mode machine instances mapped to the RTE are not supported.
[SWS_Rte_07585] dIn the Basic Software Scheduler Generation Phase the RTE Gen-
erator shall reject input configuration containing software component related informa-
The RTE Generator in the Basic Software Scheduler Generation Phase is also respon-
sible to generate additional artifacts which contribute to the further build, deployment
and calibration of the ECU’s software.
[SWS_Rte_06725] dThe RTE Generator in Basic Software Scheduler Generation
Phase shall provide its Basic Software Module Description in order to capture the
generated RTE’s / Basic Software Scheduler attributes.c(SRS_Rte_00170, SRS_Rte_-
00192, SRS_Rte_00233)
Details about the Basic Software Module Description generation can can be found in
section 3.4.4.
[SWS_Rte_06726] dThe RTE Generator in Basic Software Scheduler Generation
Phase shall provide an MC-Support (Measurement and Calibration) description as part
of the Basic Software Module Description.c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00189)
Details about the MC-Support can be found in section
For software builds which are containing software components the RTE Generation
Phase 3.4.2 is applicable where the Basic Software Scheduler part of the RTE is gen-
erated as well.

3.4.2 RTE Generation Phase

The actual AUTOSAR software-components and Basic-SW modules code will be linked
together with the RTE and Basic Software Scheduler code to build the entire ECU

97 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note that in case of implemented PreCompileTime variability addition-

ally the PreBuild Data Set Generation Phase is required (see section 3.5) to be able to
compile the ECU software. Further on in case of implemented post-build vari-
ability PostBuild Data Set Generation Phase is required (see section 3.6) to be able
to link the full ECU software.
The RTE Generator in the Generation Phase is also responsible to generate additional
artifacts which contribute to the further build, deployment and calibration of the ECU’s
[SWS_Rte_05086] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide its Ba-
sic Software Module Description in order to capture the generated RTE’s attributes.c
(SRS_Rte_00170, SRS_Rte_00192, SRS_Rte_00233)
Details about the Basic Software Module Description generation can can be found in
section 3.4.4.
[SWS_Rte_05087] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide an MC-
Support (Measurement and Calibration) description as part of the Basic Software Mod-
ule Description.c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00189)
Details about the MC-Support can be found in section
[SWS_Rte_05147] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the config-
uration for the Ioc module [4] if the Ioc module is used.c(SRS_Rte_00196)
The RTE generates the IOC configurations and uses an implementation specific deter-
ministic generation scheme. This generation scheme can be used by implementations
to reuse these IOC configurations (e.g. if the configuration switch strictConfigu-
rationCheck is used).
[SWS_Rte_08400] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall generate inter-
nal ImplementationDataTypes types used for IOC configuration, if the IOC module is
The corresponding C data types will be generated into the Rte_Type.h. This
Rte_Type.h header file will be used by the IOC to get the types for the IOC API.
Changing the RTE generator will require a new IOC configuration generation.
Details about the Ioc module can be found in section
[SWS_Rte_08305] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall ignore XML-
Content categorized as ICS.c(SRS_Rte_00233)
ARPackage with category ICS describes an Implementation Conformance Statement.
(See TPS Basic Software Module Description [9] for more details.)

98 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

3.4.3 Cluster Generation Phase

The actual AUTOSAR software-components and Basic-SW modules code will be linked
together with the RTE and Basic Software Scheduler code to build the entire CpSoft-
Please note that in case of implemented PreCompileTime variability addition-
ally the PreBuild Data Set Generation Phase is required (see section 3.5) to be able
to compile the CpSoftwareCluster code. Further on in case of implemented
post-build variability PostBuild Data Set Generation Phase is required (see
section 3.6) to be able to link the CpSoftwareCluster code.
The RTE Generator in the Cluster Generation Phase is also responsible to generate
additional artifacts which contribute to the further build, deployment and calibration of
the CpSoftwareCluster.
[SWS_Rte_82000]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator in Cluster Generation Phase shall
provide its Basic Software Module Description in order to capture the generated RTE’s
attributes.c(SRS_Rte_00170, SRS_Rte_00192, SRS_Rte_00233)
Details about the Basic Software Module Description generation can can be found in
section 3.4.4.
[SWS_Rte_82001]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator in Cluster Generation Phase shall
provide an MC-Support (Measurement and Calibration) description as part of the Basic
Software Module Description.c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00189)
Details about the MC-Support can be found in section
[SWS_Rte_82002]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator in Cluster Generation Phase shall
provide the configuration for the Ioc module [4] if the IOC module is used.c(SRS_Rte_-
The RTE generates the IOC configurations and uses an implementation specific deter-
ministic generation scheme. This generation scheme can be used by implementations
to reuse these IOC configurations (e.g. if the configuration switch strictConfigu-
rationCheck is used).
[SWS_Rte_82003]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator in Cluster Generation Phase shall
generate internal ImplementationDataTypes types used for IOC configuration, if the
IOC module is used.c(SRS_Rte_00210)
Changing the RTE generator will require a new IOC configuration generation.
Details about the IOC module can be found in section

3.4.4 Basic Software Module Description generation

The Basic Software Module Description [9] generated by the RTE Generator in gen-
eration phase describes features of the actual RTE code. The following requirements

99 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

specify which elements of the Basic Software Module Description are mandatory to be
generated by the RTE Generator. Bsw Module Description

[SWS_Rte_05165] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the

BswModuleDescription element of the Basic Software Module Description for the
generated RTE.c(SRS_Rte_00233)
[SWS_Rte_08404] dThe RTE BswModuleDescription shall be provided in
ARPackage AUTOSAR_Rte according to AUTOSAR Generic Structure Template [10]
(chapter "Identifying M1 elements in packages").c(SRS_Rte_00233)
[SWS_Rte_05177] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the
BswModuleEntry and a reference to it from the BswModuleDescription in the
role implementedEntry for each Standardized Interface provided by the RTE (see
Layered Software Architecture [15] page tz76a and page 94ju5). The provided Stan-
dardized Interfaces are the Rte Lifecycle API and the SchM Lifecycle API.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_05179] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the
BswModuleDependency in the BswModuleDescription with the role bswMod-
uleDependency for each callback API provided by the RTE and called by the re-
spective Basic Software Module. The reference from the BswModuleDependency
to the BswModuleEntry shall be in the role calledEntry. The calling Basic Soft-
ware Module is specified in the attribute targetModuleId of the BswModuleDepen-
For all the APIs the RTE code is invoking in other Basic Software Modules the depen-
dencies are described via requirement [SWS_Rte_05180].
[SWS_Rte_05180] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the
BswModuleDependency in the BswModuleDescription with the role bswMod-
uleDependency for each API called by the RTE in another Basic Software Module.
The reference from the BswModuleDependency to the BswModuleEntry shall be in
the role calledEntry. The called Basic Software Module is specified in the attribute
targetModuleId of the BswModuleDependency.c(SRS_Rte_00233)
[SWS_Rte_07085] dIf the Basic Software Module Description for the generated RTE
depends from elements in Basic Software Module Descriptions of other Basic Software
Modules the RTE Generator shall use the full qualified path name to this elements ac-
cording the rules in "Identifying M1 elements in packages" of the document AUTOSAR
Generic Structure Template [10].c(SRS_Rte_00233)
For instance the description of the the hook function
1 void Rte_Dlt_Task_Activate(TaskType task)

100 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

for the Dlt needs the ImplementationDataType "TaskType" from the OS in order to
describe the data type of the SwServiceArg "task" in the description of the related
In this case the full qualified path name to the ImplementationDataType "Task-
Type" shall be
1 AUTOSAR_OS/ImplementationDataTypes/TaskType

The full example about the description is given below:

</AR-PACKAGE> Bsw Internal Behavior

[SWS_Rte_05166] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the

BswInternalBehavior element in the BswModuleDescription of the Basic Soft-
ware Module Description for the generated RTE.c(SRS_Rte_00233)
[SWS_Rte_05181] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the
BswCalledEntity element in the BswInternalBehavior for each C-function im-
plementing the lifecycle APIs and the SchM Lifecycle API. The BswCalledEntity
shall have a reference to the respective BswModuleEntry ([SWS_Rte_05177]) in the
role implementedEntry.c(SRS_Rte_00233)

101 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_05182] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the Vari-
ableDataPrototype element in the BswInternalBehavior in the role stat-
icMemory for each variable memory object the RTE allocates.c(SRS_Rte_00233)
[SWS_Rte_05183] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the Pa-
rameterDataPrototype element in the BswInternalBehavior in the role con-
stantMemory for each constant memory object the RTE allocates.c(SRS_Rte_00233) Bsw Implementation

[SWS_Rte_05167] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the

BswImplementation element and a reference to the BswInternalBehavior of
the Basic Software Module Description in the role behavior.c(SRS_Rte_00233)
[SWS_Rte_05187] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the pro-
grammingLanguage element in the BswImplementation element according to the
actual RTE implementation.c(SRS_Rte_00233)
[SWS_Rte_05186] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the
swVersion element in the BswImplementation element according to the input in-
formation from the RTE Ecu configuration ([SWS_Rte_05184], [SWS_Rte_05185]).c
[SWS_Rte_05190] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the ar-
ReleaseVersion element in the BswImplementation element according to AU-
TOSAR release version the RTE Generator is based on.c(SRS_Rte_00233)
[SWS_Rte_05188] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the used-
CodeGenerator element in the BswImplementation element according to the ac-
tual RTE implementation.c(SRS_Rte_00233)
[SWS_Rte_05189] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the ven-
dorId element in the BswImplementation element according to the input informa-
tion from the RTE Ecu configuration (RteCodeVendorId).c(SRS_Rte_00233)
The RteCodeVendorId specifies the vendor id of the actual user of the RTE Gener-
ator, not the id of the RTE Vendor itself.
[SWS_Rte_05191] dIf the generated RTE code is hardware specific (due to vendor
specific optimizations of the RTE Generator) then the reference to the applicable
HwElements from the ECU Resource Description [16] shall be provided in the BswIm-
plementation element with the role hwElement.c(SRS_Rte_00233)
[SWS_Rte_05192] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall provide the De-
pendencyOnArtifact element in the BswImplementation with the role gener-
atedArtifact for all c- and header-files which are required to compile the Rte code.
This does not include other Basic Software modules or Application Software.c(SRS_-

102 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Note: The use case is the support of the build-environment (automatic or manual).
Attributes shall be used in this context as follow:
• category shall be used as defined in Generic Structure Template [10] (e.g.
• domain is optional and can be chosen freely
• revisionLabel shall contain the revision label out of RTE Configuration
• shortLabel is the name of artifact
Details on the description of DependencyOnArtifact can be found in the Generic
Structure Template [10].
Additional elements of the Basic Software Module Description which shall be exported
are specified in later requirements e.g. in section

3.5 PreBuild Data Set Generation Phase

During the PreBuild Data Set Generation Phase are the Condition Value Macros
(see generated which are required to resolve the implemented pre-build
variability of the software components, generated RTE and Basic Software
The particular values are defined via the EcucVariationResolver configuration
selecting PredefinedVariants. These PredefinedVariant elements containing
definition of SwSystemconstValues for SwSystemconsts which shall be applied
when resolving the variability during ECU Configuration.
The values of the Condition Value Macros are the results of evaluated Condition-
ByFormulas of the related VariationPoints. These ConditionByFormulas ref-
erencing SwSystemconsts in the formula expressions. It is supported that the as-
signed SwSystemconstValue might contain again a formula expressions referenc-
ing SwSystemconsts. Therefore the input might be a tree of formula expressions
and SwSystemconstValues but the leaf SwSystemconstValues are required to
be values which are not dependent from other SwSystemconsts to ensure that the
evaluation of the tree results in a unique number.
[SWS_Rte_06610] dThe RTE generator shall validate the resolved pre-build variants
and check the integrity with regards to the meta model. Any meta model violation shall
result in the rejection of the input configuration.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
The output of this phase is the RTE Configuration Header File 5.3.8.This file is required
to compile a particular variant of ECU software including software component code and
RTE code using PreCompileTime variability. The Condition Value Macros are
used for the implementation of PreCompileTime variability with preprocessor
statements and therefore are needed to run the C preprocessor resolving the imple-
mented variability.

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Specification of RTE Software

3.6 PostBuild Data Set Generation Phase

In the optional PostBuild Data Set Generation Phase the PredefinedVariant values
are generated which are required to resolve the implemented post-build vari-
ability of the software components and generated RTE.
The output of this phase are the RTE Post Build Variant Sets 5.3.10. This file is required
to link the ECU software and to select a particular PostBuild variant in the generated
RTE code during start up when the Basic Software Scheduler is initialized.
[SWS_Rte_06611] dIf the DET is enabled then the RTE shall generate validation code
which at runtime (i.e. during initialization) validates the resolved post-build variants and
check the integrity with regards to the active variants. If a violation is detected the RTE
shall report a development error to the DET. To execute this validation RTE initialization
will get a pointer to the RtePostBuildVariantConfiguration instance to allow it
to validate the selected variant.c(SRS_Rte_00191)
[SWS_Rte_06612] dThe RTE generator shall create an RTE Post Build Data Set con-
figuration (i.e. Rte_PBcfg.c) representing the collection of PredefinedVariant defi-
nitions (typically for each subsystem and/or system configuration) providing and defin-
ing the post build variants of the RTE.c(SRS_Rte_00191)
Note that the Rte_PBcfg.h is generated during the Rte Generation phase. An
Rte_PBcfg.c may also have to be generated at that time to reserve memory (with de-
fault values).
Additional details about these configuration files are described in section 5.3.10.
An RTE variant can consist of a collection of PredefinedVariants. Each Pre-
definedVariant contains a collection of PostBuildVariantCriterionValues
which assigns a value to a specific PostBuildVariantCriterion which in turn is
used to resolve the variability at runtime by evaluating a PostBuildVariantCon-
dition. Different PredefinedVariants could assign different values to the same
PostBuildVariantCriterion and as such create conflicts for a specific Post-
BuildVariantCriterionValueSet. It is allowed to have different assignments if
these assignment assign the same value.
[SWS_Rte_06613] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where differ-
ent PredefinedVariants assign different values to the same PostBuildVari-
antCriterion for the same RtePostBuildVariantConfiguration.c(SRS_-
Rte_00018, SRS_Rte_00191)
[SWS_Rte_06814] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where multiple
post build variant instances of ParameterDataPrototypes are used but where not
exactly one instance in one RtePostBuildVariantConfiguration is selected.c
(SRS_Rte_00018, SRS_Rte_00191)
Further information can be found in section

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Specification of RTE Software

3.7 RTE Configuration interaction with other BSW Modules

The generated RTE interacts heavily with other AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules
like Com and Os. The configuration values for the different BSW Modules are stored
in individual structures of ECU Configuration it is however essential that the common
used values are synchronized between the different BSW Module’s configurations. AU-
TOSAR does not provide a standardized way how the individual configurations can be
synchronized, it is assumed that during the generation of the BSW Modules the input
information provided to the individual BSW Module is in sync with the input information
provided to other (dependent) BSW Modules.
The AUTOSAR BSW Module code-generation methodology is heavily relying on the
logical distinction between Configuration editors and configuration generators. These
tools do not necessarily have to be implemented as two separate tools, it just shall
be possible to distinguish the different roles the tools take during a certain step in the
For the RTE it is assumed that tool support for the resolution of interactions between
the Rte and other BSW Modules is needed to allow an efficient configuration of the Rte.
It is however not specified how and in which tools this support shall be implemented.
The RTE Generator in Generation Phase needs information about other BSW Module’s
configurations based on the configuration input of the Rte itself (there are references in
the configuration of the Rte which point to configuration values of other BSW Modules).
If during RTE Generation Phase the provided input information is inconsistent wrt. the
Rte input the Rte Generator will have to consider the input as invalid configuration.
[SWS_Rte_05149] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall consider errors in
the Rte configuration input information as invalid configuration.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
Due to implementation freedom of the RTE Generator it is possible to correct / update
provided input configurations of other BSW Modules based on the RTE configuration
requirements. But to allow a stable build process it is also possible to disallow such an
update behavior.
[SWS_Rte_05150] dIf the external configuration switch strictConfigura-
tionCheck is set to true the Rte Generator shall not create or modify any configuration
If the external configuration switch strictConfigurationCheck
(see [SWS_Rte_05148]) is set to false the Rte Generator may update the input
configuration information of the Rte and other BSW Modules.
Example: If the Rte configuration is referencing an OsTask which is not configured in
the provided Os configuration, the RTE Generator would behave like:
• In case [SWS_Rte_05150] applies: Only show an error message.
• Otherwise: Possible behavior: Show a warning message and modify the Os con-
figuration to contain the OsTask which is referred to by the Rte configuration (Of
course the Os configuration of this new OsTask needs to be refined afterwards).

105 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4 RTE Functional Specification

4.1 Architectural concepts

4.1.1 Scope

In this section the concept of an AUTOSAR software-component and its usage within
the RTE is introduced.
The AUTOSAR Software Component Template [2] defines the kinds of software-
components within the AUTOSAR context. These are shown in Figure 4.1. The ab-
stract SwComponentType can not be instantiated, so there can only be either a Com-
positionSwComponentType, a ParameterSwComponentType, or a specialized
class ApplicationSwComponentType, ServiceProxySwComponentType, Sen-
sorActuatorSwComponentType, NvBlockSwComponentType, ServiceSwCom-
ponentType, ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType, or EcuAbstraction-
SwComponentType of the abstract class AtomicSwComponentType.
In the following document the term AtomicSwComponentType is used as collective
term for all the mentioned non-abstract derived meta-classes.
The SwComponentType is defining the type of an AUTOSAR software-component
which is independent of any usage and can be potentially re-used several times in
different scenarios. In a composition the types are occurring in specific roles which are
called SwComponentPrototypes. The prototype is the utilization of a type within a
certain scenario. In AUTOSAR any SwComponentType can be used as a type for a
ARElement AtpPrototype
«isOfType» SwComponentPrototype
AtpBlueprintable +type
SwComponentType {redefines atpType}

+component 0..*


AtomicSwComponentType ParameterSwComponentType CompositionSwComponentType

ApplicationSwComponentType NvBlockSwComponentType ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType ServiceSwComponentType

EcuAbstractionSwComponentType SensorActuatorSwComponentType ServiceProxySwComponentType

Figure 4.1: AUTOSAR software-component classification

The AUTOSAR software-components shown in Figure 4.1 are located above and below
the RTE in the architectural Figure 4.2.
Below the RTE there are also software entities that have an AUTOSAR Interface.
These are the AUTOSAR services, the ECU Abstraction and the Complex Device
Drivers. For these software not only the AUTOSAR Interface will be described but

106 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

also information about their internal structure will be available in the Basic Software
Module Description.

Figure 4.2: AUTOSAR ECU architecture diagram

In the next sections the different AUTOSAR software-components kinds will be de-
scribed in detail with respect to their influence on the RTE.

4.1.2 RTE and Data Types

The AUTOSAR Meta Model defines ApplicationDataTypes and Implementa-

tionDataTypes. A AutosarDataPrototype can be typed by an Application-
DataType or an ImplementationDataType. But the RTE Generator only imple-
ments ImplementationDataTypes as C data types and uses these C data types
to type the RTE API which is related to DataPrototypes. Therefore it is required in
the input configuration that every ApplicationDataType used for the typing of a
DataPrototype which is relevant for RTE generation is mapped to an Implemen-
tationDataType with a DataTypeMap. Which DataTypeMap is applicable for an

107 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

particular software component respectively Basic Software Module is defined by

the DataTypeMappingSets referenced by the InternalBehavior.
[SWS_Rte_07028] dThe RTE Generator shall reject input configurations containing a
AutosarDataPrototype which influences the generated RTE and which is typed by
an ApplicationDataType not mapped to an ImplementationDataType.c(SRS_-
Nevertheless a subset of the attributes given by the ApplicationDataTypes are
relevant for the RTE generator for instance
• to create the McSupportData (see section information
• to calculate the conversion formula in case of Data Conversion (see section 4.3.5
and 4.3.7)
• to calculate numerical representation of values required for the RTE code but
defined in the physical representation (e.g. initialValues and invalid-
[SWS_Rte_01374] dWhen a value is required for the RTE code and is provided as an
ApplicationValueSpecification, if there is an applicable ConstantSpecifi-
cationMapping then the RTE Generator shall use the ValueSpecification ref-
erenced by its implConstant as the definitive numerical representation of the value
regardless of any compuMethod.c(SRS_Rte_00180, SRS_Rte_00182)
[SWS_Rte_07038] dWhen a value is required for the RTE code and is provided as an
ApplicationValueSpecification, if there is no applicable ConstantSpecifi-
cationMapping then the RTE Generator shall calculate the numerical representation
according to the conversion defined by an compuMethod. This shall be supported for
categorys VALUE, VAL_BLK, STRUCTURE, ARRAY, and BOOLEAN. In case of category
VAL_BLK, STRUCTURE and ARRAY, this applies only for the primitive leaf elements. If
there is no CompuMethod provided the conversion is treated like an CompuMethod of
category IDENTICAL.c(SRS_Rte_00180, SRS_Rte_00182)
In [SWS_Rte_01374] and [SWS_Rte_07038], an "applicable ConstantSpecifica-
tionMapping" is one that is aggregated by the relevant SwComponentType and
which references the ApplicationValueSpecification in its applConstant.

4.1.3 RTE and AUTOSAR Software-Components

The description of an AUTOSAR software-component is divided into the sections

• hierarchical structure
• ports and interfaces
• internal behavior
• implementation

108 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

which will be addressed separately in the following sections.

[SWS_Rte_07196] dThe RTE Generator shall respect the precedence of data proper-
ties defined via SwDataDefProps as defined in the Software Component Template
Requirement [SWS_Rte_07196] means that:
1. SwDataDefProps defined on ApplicationDataType which may be overwrit-
ten by
2. SwDataDefProps defined on ImplementationDataType which may be over-
written by
3. SwDataDefProps defined on AutosarDataPrototype which may be over-
written by
4. SwDataDefProps defined on InstantiationDataDefProps which may be
overwritten by
5. SwDataDefProps defined on AccessPoint respectively Argument which may
be overwritten by
6. SwDataDefProps defined on FlatInstanceDescriptor which may be over-
written by
7. SwDataDefProps defined on McDataInstance
The SwDataDefProps defined on McDataInstance are not relevant for the RTE
generation but rather the documentation of the generated RTE.
Especially the attributes swAddrMethod, swCalibrationAccess, swImplPolicy
and dataConstr do have an impact on the generated RTE. In the following document
only the attribute names are mentioned with the semantic that this refers to the most
significant one. Hierarchical Structure of Software-Components

In AUTOSAR the structure of an E/E-system is described using the AUTOSAR Soft-

ware Component Template and especially the mechanism of compositions. Such a
Top Level Composition assembles subsystems and connects their ports.
Of course such a composition utilizes a lot of hierarchical levels where compositions
instantiate other composition types and so on. But at some low hierarchical level each
composition only consists of AtomicSwComponentType instances. And those in-
stances of AtomicSwComponentTypes are what the RTE is going to be working with.

109 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Ports, Interfaces and Connections

Each AUTOSAR software-component (SwComponentType) can have ports (Port-

Prototype). An AUTOSAR software-component has provide ports (PPortProto-
type) and/or has require ports (RPortPrototype) to communicate with other AU-
TOSAR software-components. The requiredInterface or providedInterface
(PortInterface) determines if the port is a sender/receiver or a client/server port.
The attribute isService is used with AUTOSAR Services (see section 4.1.5).
ARElement +port AtpBlueprintable
AtpBlueprint AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* PortPrototype


AbstractRequiredPortPrototype AbstractProvidedPortPrototype

RPortPrototype PRPortPrototype PPortPrototype

«isOfType» «isOfType» «isOfType»

0..1 0..1 0..1

{redefines {redefines {redefines
+requiredInterface atpType} +providedRequiredInterface atpType} +providedInterface atpType}

+ isService: Boolean [0..1]

+ serviceKind: ServiceProviderEnum [0..1]

Figure 4.3: Software-Components and Ports

When compositions are built of instances the ports can be connected either within the
composition or made accessible to the outside of the composition. For the connections
inside a composition the AssemblySwConnector is used, while the Delegation-
SwConnector is used to connect ports from the inside of a composition to the outside.
Ports not connected will be handled according to the requirement [SRS_Rte_00139].
The next step is to map the SW-C instances on ECUs and to establish the communi-
cation relationships. From this step the actual communication is derived, so it is now
fixed if a connection between two instance’s ports is going to be over a communication
bus or locally within one ECU.
[SWS_Rte_02200] dThe RTE shall implement the communication paths specified by
the ECU Configuration description.c(SRS_Rte_00027)
[SWS_Rte_02201] d The RTE shall implement the semantic of the communication at-
tributes given by the AUTOSAR software-component description. The semantic of the
given communication mechanism shall not change regardless of whether the commu-
nication partner is located on the same partition, on another partition of the same ECU

110 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

or on a remote ECU, or whether the communication is done by the RTE itself or by the
RTE calling COM or IOC.c(SRS_Rte_00027)
E.g., according to [SWS_Rte_02200] and [SWS_Rte_02201] the RTE is not permitted
to change the semantic of an asynchronous client to synchronous because both client
and server are mapped to the very same ECU. Internal Behavior

Only for AtomicSwComponentTypes the internal structure is exposed in the SwcIn-

ternalBehavior description. Here the definition of the RunnableEntitys and
used RTEEvents is done (see Figure 4.4).
The AUTOSAR MetaModel enforces that there is at most one SwcInternalBehav-
ior per AtomicSwComponentType
Identifiable AtpStructureElement AutosarDataPrototype
ExclusiveArea +exclusiveArea InternalBehavior +constantMemory ParameterDataPrototype

0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+perInstanceParameter * +sharedParameter *



VariableDataPrototype 0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»


* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»


* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

    «atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
  +perInstanceMemory * +portAPIOption 0..* +runnable 0..* +event *

AtpStructureElement AtpStructureElement AbstractEvent

Identifiable ExecutableEntity AtpStructureElement
PerInstanceMemory RunnableEntity RTEEvent

Figure 4.4: Software-component internal behavior

RunnableEntitys (also abbreviated simply as Runnable) are the smallest code frag-
ments that are provided by AUTOSAR software-components and those basic software
modules that implement AUTOSAR Interfaces. They are represented by the meta-
class RunnableEntity, see Figure 4.5.

111 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software


+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]

+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

+runnable 0..*   «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

ExecutableEntity +event *

SwcInternalBehavior::RunnableEntity AbstractEvent
+startOnEvent AtpStructureElement
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1] 0..1

+trigger 0..1

+waitPoint RTEEvents::WaitPoint
* + timeout: TimeValue [0..1]

Figure 4.5: Software-component runnable entity, wait points and RTE Events

In general, software components are composed of multiple RunnableEntitys in or-

der to accomplish servers, receivers, feedback, etc.
[SWS_Rte_02202] d The RTE shall support multiple RunnableEntitys in AUTOSAR
RunnableEntitys are executed in the context of an OS task/ISR2, their execution
is triggered by RTEEvents. Section gives a more detailed description of the
concept of RunnableEntitys, Section discusses the problem of mapping
RunnableEntitys to OS tasks. RTEEvents and the activation of RunnableEn-
titys by RTEEvents is treated in Section
[SWS_Rte_02203] dThe RTE shall trigger the execution of RunnableEntitys in ac-
cordance with the connected RTEEvent.c(SRS_Rte_00072)
[SWS_Rte_02204] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where an RTE-
Event instance which can start a RunnableEntity is not mapped to an Os-
Task/ISR2 nor is qualified for a direct or trusted function call.c(SRS_Rte_00049,
[SWS_Rte_07347] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where
RunnableEntitys of a SW-C are mapped to tasks or ISR2s of partitions on different
cores.c(SRS_Rte_00036, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_02207] dThe RTE shall respect the configured execution order of
RunnableEntitys within one OS task/ISR2.c(SRS_Rte_00070)

112 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08768] dThe RTE generator shall reject configuration where the scope of
a VariableAccess is violated by the system and/or ECU configuration.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09081] Mapping to partition vs the value of VariableAc-
cess.scope dFor every connection between SwComponentPrototypes mapped to
different partitions the value of VariableAccess.scope shall not be set to Vari-

+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]

+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

+runnable 0..*  
AtpStructureElement AbstractAccessPoint
ExecutableEntity +parameterAccess AtpStructureElement
SwcInternalBehavior::RunnableEntity «atpVariation,atpSplitable» Identifiable
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1] 

+dataSendPoint AtpStructureElement
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* Identifiable
+ scope: VariableAccessScopeEnum [0..1]
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*


Figure 4.6: Software-component runnable entity and data accesses

113 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software


+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]

+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

+runnable 0..*  
AtpStructureElement AbstractAccessPoint
ExecutableEntity AtpStructureElement
SwcInternalBehavior::RunnableEntity +serverCallPoint Identifiable

+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1] ServerCall::ServerCallPoint

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» *
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1] + timeout: TimeValue [0..1]

+asynchronousServerCallResultPoint Identifiable
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» ServerCall::
0..* AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint



«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+internalTriggeringPoint AtpStructureElement
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* Trigger::InternalTriggeringPoint

+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]


+modeSwitchPoint AtpStructureElement
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» * ModeDeclarationGroup::ModeSwitchPoint


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» *


Figure 4.7: Software-component runnable entity and server invocation, trigger, and
mode switches

114 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

With the information from SwcInternalBehavior a part of the setup of the AU-
TOSAR software-component within the RTE and the OS can already be configured.
Furthermore, the information (description) of the structure (ports, interfaces) and the
internal behavior of an AUTOSAR software component are sufficient for the RTE Con-
tract Phase.
However, some detailed information is still missing and this is part of the Implementa-
tion description. Implementation

In the Implementation description an actual implementation of an AUTOSAR software-

component is described including the memory consumption (see Figure 4.8).


+resourceConsumption 0..1



Identifiable +stackUsage 0..*   
ExecutableEntity «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

0..1 A

+executionTime 0..*

0..1 +memorySection 0..* +heapUsage 0..*
Identifiable Identifiable
+executableEntity MemorySection HeapUsage


Figure 4.8: Software-component resource consumption

Note that the information from the Implementation part are only required for the RTE
Generation Phase, if at all.

115 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4.1.4 Instantiation Scope and background

Generally spoken, the term instantiation refers to the process of deriving specific in-
stances from a model or template. But, this process can be accomplished on different
levels of abstraction. Therefore, the instance of the one level can be the model for the
With respect to AUTOSAR four modeling levels are distinguished. They are referred to
as the levels M 3 to M 0.
The level M 3 describes the concepts used to derive an AUTOSAR meta model of level
M 2. This meta model at level M 2 defines a language in order to be able to describe
specific attributes of a model at level M 1, e.g., to be able to describe an specific type
of an AUTOSAR software component. E.g., one part of the AUTOSAR meta model is
called Software Component Template or SW-C-T for short and specified in [2]. It is
discussed more detailed in section 4.1.3.
At level M 1 engineers will use the defined language in order to design components or
interfaces or compositions, say to describe an specific type of a LightManager. Hereby,
e.g., the descriptions of the (atomic) software components will also contain an internal
behavior as well as an implementation part as mentioned in section 4.1.3.
Those descriptions are input for the RTE Generator in the so-called ’Contract Phase’
(see section 3.1.1). Out of this information specific APIs (in a programming language)
to access ports and interfaces will be generated.
Software components generally consist of a set of Runnable Entities. They can now
specifically be described in a programming language which can be refered to as “im-
plementation”. As one can see in section 4.1.3 this “implementation” then corresponds
exactly to one implementation description as well as to one internal behavior descrip-
M 0 refers to a specific running instance on a specific car.
Objects derived from those specified component types can only be executed in a spe-
cific run time environment (on a specific target). The objects embody the real and
running implementation and shall therefore be referred to as software component in-
stances (on modeling level M 0). E.g., there could be two component instances derived
from the same component type LightManager on a specific light controller ECU each
responsible for different lights. Making instances means that it should be possible to
distinguish them even though the objects are descended from the same model.
With respect to this more narrative description the RTE as the run time environment
shall enable the process of instantiation. Thereby the term instantiation throughout
the document shall refer to the process of deriving and providing explicit particular
descriptions of all occuring instances of all types. Therefore, this section will address
the problems which can arise out of the instantiation process and will specify the needs
for AUTOSAR components and the AUTOSAR RTE respectively.

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Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Concepts of instantiation

Regardless of the fact that the (aforementioned) instantiation of AUTOSAR software

components can be generally achieved on a per-system basis, the RTE Generator
restricts its view to a per-ECU customization (see [SWS_Rte_05000]).
Generally, there are two different kinds of instantiations possible:
• single instantiation – which refers to the case where only one object or AUTOSAR
software component instance will be derived out of the AUTOSAR software com-
ponent description
• multiple instantiation – which refers to the case where multiple objects or AU-
TOSAR software component instances will be derived out of the AUTOSAR soft-
ware component description
[SWS_Rte_02001] dThe RTE Generator shall be able to instantiate one or more AU-
TOSAR software component instances out of a single AUTOSAR software component
[SWS_Rte_02008] dThe RTE Generator shall evaluate the attribute supportsMultiple-
Instantiation of the SwcInternalBehavior of an AUTOSAR software component descrip-
[SWS_Rte_02009] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where multiple in-
stantiation is required, but the value of the attribute supportsMultipleInstantiation of
the SwcInternalBehavior of an AUTOSAR software component description is set to
FALSE.c(SRS_Rte_00011, SRS_Rte_00018) Single instantiation

Single instantiation refers to the easiest case of instantiation.

To be instantiated merely means that the code and the corresponding data of a particu-
lar RunnableEntity are embedded in a runtime context. In general, this is achieved
by the context of an OS task (see example 4.1).

Example 4.1

Runnable entity R1 called out of a task context:

1 TASK(Task1){
2 ...
3 R1();
4 ...
5 }

Since the single instance of the software component is unambigous per se no addi-
tional concepts have to be added.

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Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Multiple instantiation

[SWS_Rte_02002] dMultiple objects instantiated from a single AUTOSAR software

component (type) shall be identifiable without ambiguity.c(SRS_Rte_00011)
There are two principle ways to achieve this goal –
• by code duplication (of runnable entities)
• by code sharing (of reentrant runnable entities)
For now it was decided to solely concentrate on code sharing and not to support code
[SWS_Rte_03015] dThe RTE only supports multiple objects instantiated from a sin-
gle AUTOSAR software component by code sharing, the RTE doesn’t support code
duplication.c(SRS_Rte_00011, SRS_Rte_00012)
Multiple instances can share the same code, if the code is reentrant. For a multi core
controller, the possibility to share code between the cores depends on the hardware.
Example 4.2 is similar to the example 4.1, but for a software-component that sup-
port multiple instantiations, and where two instances have their R1 RunnableEntity
mapped to the same task.

Example 4.2

Runnable entity R1 called for two instances out of the same task context:
1 TASK(Task1){
2 ...
3 R1(instance1);
4 R1(instance2);
5 ...
6 }

The same code for R1 is shared by the different instances. Reentrant code

In general, side effects can appear if the same code entity is invoked by different
threads of execution running, namely tasks or ISR2s. This holds particularly true, if
the invoked code entity inherits a state or memory by the means of static variables
which are visible to all instances. That would mean that all instances are coupled by
those static variables.
Thus, they affect each other. This would lead to data consistency problems on one
hand. On the other – and that is even more important – it would introduce a new
communication mechanism to AUTOSAR and this is forbidden. AUTOSAR software
components can only communicate via ports.

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Specification of RTE Software

To be complete, it shall be noted that a calling code entity also inherits the reentrancy
problems of its callee. This holds especially true in case of recursive calls. Unambiguous object identification

[SWS_Rte_02015] dThe instantiated AUTOSAR software component objects shall be

unambiguously identifiable by an instance handle, if multiple instantiation by sharing
code is required.c(SRS_Rte_00011, SRS_Rte_00012) Multiple instantiation and Per-instance memory

An AUTOSAR SW-C can define internal memory only accessible by a SW-C instance
itself. This concept is called PerInstanceMemory. The memory can only be accessed
by the runnable entities of this particular instance. That means in turn, other instances
don’t have the possibility to access this memory.
PerInstanceMemory API principles are explained in Section 5.2.5.
The API for PerInstanceMemory is specified in Section 5.6.15.

4.1.5 RTE and AUTOSAR Services

According to the AUTOSAR glossary [11] “an AUTOSAR service is a logical entity of the
Basic Software offering general functionality to be used by various AUTOSAR software
components. The functionality is accessed via standardized AUTOSAR interfaces”.
Therefore, AUTOSAR services provide standardized AUTOSAR Interfaces: ports
typed by standardized PortInterfaces.
When connecting AUTOSAR service ports to ports of AUTOSAR software components
the RTE maps standard RTE API calls to the symbols defined in the RTE input (i.e.
XML) for the AUTOSAR service runnables of the BSW. The key technique to distin-
guish ECU dependent identifiers for the AUTOSAR services is called “port-defined
argument values”, which is described in Section Currently “port-defined argu-
ment values” are only supported for client-server communication. It is not possible to
use a pre-defined symbol for sending or receiving data.
The RTE does not pass an instance handle to the C-based API of AUTOSAR services
since the latter are single-instantiatable (see [SWS_Rte_03806]).
As displayed on figure 4.2, there can be direct interactions between the RTE and some
Basic Software Modules. This is the case of the Operating System, the AUTOSAR
Communication, and the NVRAM Manager.

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Specification of RTE Software

4.1.6 RTE and ECU Abstraction

The ECU Abstraction provides an interface to physical values for AUTOSAR software
components. It abstracts the physical origin of signals (their pathes to the ECU hard-
ware ports) and normalizes the signals with respect to their physical appearance (like
specific values of current or voltage).
See the AUTOSAR ECU architecture in figure 4.2. From an architectural point of view
the ECU Abstraction is part of the Basic Software layer and offers AUTOSAR interfaces
to AUTOSAR software components.
Seen from the perspective of an RTE, regular AUTOSAR ports are connected. With-
out any restrictions all communication paradigms specified by the AUTOSAR Virtual
Functional Bus (VFB) shall be applicable to the ports, interfaces and connections –
sender-receiver just as well as client-server mechanisms.
However, ports of the ECU Abstraction shall always only be connected to ports of
specific AUTOSAR software components: sensor or actuator software components. In
this sense they are tightly coupled to a particular ECU Abstraction.
Furthermore, it must not be possible (by an RTE) to connect AUTOSAR ports of the
ECU Abstraction to AUTOSAR ports of any AUTOSAR component located on a remote
ECU (see [SWS_Rte_02051].
This means, e.g., that sensor-related signals coming from the ECU Abstraction are
always received by an AUTOSAR sensor component located on the same ECU. The
AUTOSAR sensor component will then process the received signal and deploy it to
other AUTOSAR components regardless of whether they are located on the same or
any remote ECU. This applies to actuator-related signals accordingly, however, the
opposite way around.
[SWS_Rte_02050] dThe RTE Generator shall generate a communication path be-
tween connected ports of AUTOSAR sensor or actuator software components and the
ECU Abstraction in the exact same manner like for connected ports of AUTOSAR soft-
ware components.c()
[SWS_Rte_02051] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations which require a
communication path from a AUTOSAR software component to an ECU Abstraction
located on a remote ECU.c(SRS_Rte_00062, SRS_Rte_00018)
Further information about the ECU Abstraction can be found in the corresponding
specification document [17].

4.1.7 RTE and Complex Device Driver

A Complex Device Driver has an AUTOSAR Interface, therefore the RTE can deal with
the communication on the Complex Device Drivers ports. The Complex Device Driver
is allowed to have code entities that are not under control of the RTE but yet still may
use the RTE API (e.g. ISR2, BSW main processing functions).

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Specification of RTE Software

4.1.8 Basic Software Scheduler and Basic Software Modules Description of a Basic Software Module

The description of a Basic Software Module is divided into the sections

• interfaces
• internal behavior
• implementation
For further details see document [9]. Basic Software Interfaces

The interface of a Basic Software Module is described with Basic Software Module
Entries (BswModuleEntry ). For the functionality of the Basic Software Scheduler only
BswModuleEntry s from BswCallType SCHEDULED are relevant. Nevertheless for op-
timization purpose the analysis of the full call tree might be required which requires the
consideration of all BswModuleEntry ’s Basic Software Internal Behavior

The Basic Software Internal Behavior specifies the behavior of a BSW module or a
BSW cluster w.r.t. the code entities visible by the BSW Scheduler. For the Basic Soft-
ware Scheduler mainly Basic Software Schedulable Entities (BswSchedulableEntity ’s)
are relevant. These are Basic Software Module Entities, which are designed for control
by the Basic Software Scheduler. Basic Software Schedulable Entities are implement-
ing main processing functions. Furthermore all Basic Software Schedulable Entities
are allowed to use exclusive areas and for call tree analysis all Basic Software Module
Entities are relevant.
[SWS_Rte_07514] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall support multiple Basic Soft-
ware Module Entities in AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules.c(SRS_Rte_00211, SRS_-
Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_00216)
[SWS_Rte_07515] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall trigger the execution of
Schedulable Entity ’s in accordance with the connected BswEvent.c(SRS_Rte_00072)
[SWS_Rte_07516] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where a BswEvent
which can start a Schedulable Entity is not mapped to an OsTask/ISR2 nor is qualified
for a direct or trusted function call.c(SRS_Rte_00049, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_07517] dThe RTE Generator shall respect the configured execution order
of Schedulable Entities within one OS task/ISR2.c(SRS_Rte_00219)

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Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07518] dThe RTE shall support the execution sequences of Runnable En-
tities and Schedulable Entities within the same OS task/ISR2 in an arbitrarily config-
urable order.c(SRS_Rte_00219) Basic Software Implementation

The implementation defines further details of the implantation of the Basic Software
Module. The vendorApiInfix attribute is of particular interest, because it defines the
name space extension for multiple instances of the same basic software module. Fur-
ther on the category of the codeDescriptor specifies if the Basic Software Module
is delivered as source code or as object. Multiple Instances of Basic Software Modules

In difference to the multiple instantiation concept of software components, where the

same component code is used for all component instances, basic software modules are
multiple instantiated by creation of own code per instance in a different name space.
The attribute vendorApiInfix allows to define name expansions required for global sym-
bols. AUTOSAR Services / ECU Abstraction / Complex Device Drivers

AUTOSAR Services, ECU Abstraction and Complex Device Drivers are hybrid of AU-
TOSAR software-component and Basic Software Module. These kinds of modules
might use AUTOSAR Interfaces to communicate via RTE as well as C-API to directly
access other Basic Software Modules. Caused by the structure of the AUTOSAR Meta
Model some entities of the ’C’ implementation have to be described twice; on the one
hand by the means of the Software Component Template [2] and on the other hand by
the means of the Basic Software Module Description Template [9]. Further on the du-
alism of port based communication between software component and non-port based
communication between Basic Software Modules requires in some cases the coordi-
nation and synchronization between both principles. The information about elements
belonging together is provided by the so called SwcBswMapping. RunnableEntity / BswModuleEntity mapping

A Runnable Entity which is mapped to a Basic Software Module Entity has to be treated
as one common entity. This means it describes an entity which can use the features of
a Runnable Entity and a Basic Software Module Entity as well. For instance it supports
to use the port based API as well as Basic Software Scheduler API in one C function.

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Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Synchronized ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype

Two synchronized ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype are resulting in the implementation

of one common mode machine instance. Consequently the call of the belonging
Rte_Switch API and the SchM_Switch API are having the same effect. For opti-
mization purpose the Rte_Switch API might just refer to the SchM_Switch API. Synchronized Trigger

Two synchronized Trigger are behaving like one common Trigger. Consequently the
call of the belonging Rte_Trigger API and the SchM_Trigger API are having the
same effect. For optimization purpose the Rte_Trigger API might just refer to the
SchM_Trigger API.

4.2 RTE and Basic Software Scheduler Implementation Aspects

4.2.1 Scope

This section describes some specific implementation aspects of an AUTOSAR RTE

and the Basic Software Scheduler. It will mainly address
• the mapping of logical concepts (e.g., Runnable Entities, BSW Schedulable Enti-
ties) to technical architectures (namely, the AUTOSAR OS)
• the decoupling of pending interrupts (in the Basic Software) and the notification
of AUTOSAR software components
• data consistency problems to be solved by the RTE
Therefore this section will also refer to aspects of the interaction of the AUTOSAR RTE
and Basic Software Scheduler and the two modules of the AUTOSAR Basic Software
with standardized interfaces (see Figure 4.9):
• the module AUTOSAR Operating System [18][4]
• the module AUTOSAR COM [19][3]

123 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Figure 4.9: Scope of the section on Basic Software modules

Having a standardized interface means first that the modules do not provide or request
services for/of the AUTOSAR software components located above the RTE. They do
not have ports and therefore cannot be connected to the aforementioned AUTOSAR
software components. AUTOSAR OS as well as AUTOSAR COM are simply invisible
for them.
Secondly AUTOSAR OS and AUTOSAR COM are used by the RTE in order to achieve
the functionality requested by the AUTOSAR software components. The AUTOSAR
COM module is used by the RTE to route a signal over ECU boundaries, but this
mechanism is hidden to the sending as well as to the receiving AUTOSAR software
component. The AUTOSAR OS module is used for two main purposes. First, OS is
used by the RTE to route a signal over core and partition boundaries. Secondly, the
AUTOSAR OS module is used by the RTE in order to properly schedule the single
Runnables in the sense that the RTE Generator generates Task/ISR2-bodies which
contain then the calls to appropriate Runnables.
In this sense the RTE shall also use the available means to convert interrupts to notifi-
cations in a task context or to guarantee data consistency.

124 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

With respect to this view, the RTE is thirdly not a generic abstraction layer for AU-
TOSAR OS and AUTOSAR COM. It is generated for a specific ECU and offers the
same interface to the AUTOSAR Software Components as the VFB. It implements the
functionality of the VFB using modules of the Basic Software, including a specific im-
plementation of AUTOSAR OS and AUTOSAR COM.
The Basic Software Scheduler offers services to integrate Basic Software Modules for
all modules of all layers. Hence, the Basic Software Scheduler provides the following
• embed Basic Software Modules implementations into the AUTOSAR OS context
• trigger BswSchedulableEntitys of the Basic Software Modules
• apply data consistency mechanisms for the Basic Software Modules
The integrator’s task is to apply given means (of the AUTOSAR OS) in order to assem-
ble BSW modules in a well-defined and efficient manner in a project specific context.
This also means that the BSW Scheduler only uses the AUTOSAR OS. It is not in the
least a competing entity for the AUTOSAR OS scheduler.
[SWS_Rte_02250] dThe RTE shall only use the AUTOSAR OS, AUTOSAR COM, AU-
TOSAR Efficient COM for Large Data, AUTOSAR Transformer and AUTOSAR NVRAM
Manager in order to provide the RTE functionality to the AUTOSAR components.c
[SWS_Rte_07519] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall only use the AUTOSAR OS
in order to provide the Basic Software Scheduler functionality to the Basic Software
[SWS_Rte_06200] dThe RTE Generator shall construct task bodies for those tasks
which contain RunnableEntitys.c(SRS_Rte_00049)
[SWS_Rte_82005]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator in Cluster Generation Phase shall
reject configurations where the mappings of Runnable Entities via their respective
RTEEvents require extended tasks.c(SRS_Rte_00049)
[SWS_Rte_04560] dThe RTE Generator shall construct ISR bodies for those ISRs
which are of category 2 and contain RunnableEntitys.c(SRS_Rte_00049)
[SWS_Rte_06201] dThe RTE Generator shall construct task bodies for those tasks
which contain Basic Software Schedulable Entities.c(SRS_Rte_00049)
[SWS_Rte_04561] dThe RTE Generator shall construct ISR bodies for those ISRs
which are of category 2 and contain Basic Software Schedulable Entities.c(SRS_Rte_-
The information for the construction of task/ISR2 bodies has to be given by the ECU
Configuration description. The mapping of Runnable Entities to tasks/ISR2s is given
as an input by the ECU Configuration description. The RTE Generator does not decide
on the mapping of RunnableEntitys to tasks/ISR2s.

125 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_04557] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each definition of a task body with
the Memory Mapping.
1 #define OS_START_SEC_<sadm>
2 #include "Os_MemMap.h"
4 <task body definition>
6 #define OS_STOP_SEC_<sadm>
7 #include "Os_MemMap.h"

where <sadm> is the shortName of the SwAddrMethod, if configured in OsMemo-

ryMappingCodeLocationRef of the according OsTask. If OsMemoryMappingCodeLo-
cationRef is not defined , <sadm> shall be CODE_<Taskname>.c(SRS_Rte_00049,
[SWS_Rte_04562] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each definition of a ISR2 body with
the Memory Mapping.
1 #define OS_START_SEC_<sadm>
2 #include "Os_MemMap.h"
4 <ISR2 body definition>

6 #define OS_STOP_SEC_<sadm>
7 #include "Os_MemMap.h"

where <sadm> is the shortName of the SwAddrMethod, if configured in OsMem-

oryMappingCodeLocationRef of the according OsIsr. If OsMemoryMappingCodeLo-
cationRef is not defined , <sadm> shall be CODE_<ISR Name>.c(SRS_Rte_00049,
Note: Requirements [SWS_Rte_04557] and [SWS_Rte_04562] are exceptions to
[SWS_Rte_02254] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where input infor-
mation is missing regarding the mapping of BswEvents to OS tasks and RTEEvents
(which trigger runnables) to OS tasks/ISR2s.c(SRS_Rte_00049, SRS_Rte_00018)
Note: Not in all cases an event has to be mapped to an OsTask/ISR2. For exam-
ple, runnables which shall be called via a direct or trusted function call need no Os-
Task/ISR2 mapping.
[SWS_Rte_08417] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where input infor-
mation is missing regarding the construction of tasks or ISR2 bodies.c(SRS_Rte_-
00049, SRS_Rte_00018)
There are use cases (e.g. a set of tasks with defined call order on different partitions)
where another task needs to be explicitly activated when the current task terminates.
With the configuration of RteOsTaskChains it’s possible to configure the intended
task chain behavior for such cases.

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Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_04558] dIn case an OsTask is referenced by an RtePredeces-

sorOsTaskRef the RTE shall emit in the according task body a ChainTask call to the
OsTask given as RteSuccessorOsTaskRef at the location in the task body where
the task terminates.c(SRS_Rte_00049)
[SWS_Rte_04559] dWhen the RTE is required to activate an OsTask due to being trig-
gered by an RTEEvent (e.g. DataReceivedEvent) where the OsTask is referenced
by an RtePredecessorOsTaskRef or an RteSuccessorOsTaskRef and is not the
ultimate predecessor OsTask in the chain, the RTE shall activate that OsTask’s ul-
timate RtePredecessorOsTaskRef instead of the OsTask it should have normally
Note: The ultimate predecessor task for an OsTask in a task chain can be found
by following all RtePredecessorOsTaskRefs from the point at which the OsTask
is referenced by an RteOsTaskChain container until the task chain references an
OsTask as its RtePredecessorOsTaskRef which is not referenced as an RteSuc-
cessorOsTaskRef. The OsTask referenced as RtePredecessorOsTaskRef in
that final RteOsTaskChain container is the ultimate predecessor task.

Example 4.3

Consider an RteOsTaskChain configuration where Task1 chains Task2 which in turn

chains Task3. In this scenario, if Task2 needs to be activated by the RTE due to a
DataReceivedEvent, the RTE must activate Task1 instead of Task2 as Task1 is the
ultimate predecessor task.

Figure 4.10: Illustration of task chaining sequence

1 ...
2 Rte_Write_myPort_myData(uint8 data)
3 {
4 /.../
5 ActivateTask(Task1);
6 }
7 ...
8 TASK(Task1)
9 {
10 /.../
11 ChainTask(Task2);
12 }
13 ...
14 TASK(Task2)
15 {
16 /.../
17 ChainTask(Task3);
18 }
19 ...
20 TASK(Task3)

127 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

21 {
22 /.../
23 TerminateTask();
24 }
25 ...

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_04558] dAn OsTask shall be part of at most one task chain.

Hence, an OsTask shall be referenced by at most one RtePredecessorOsTaskRef
and by at most one RteSuccessorOsTaskRef.c(SRS_Rte_00049)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_04559] dThe configuration of RteOsTaskChains shall not de-
fine circular chains.c(SRS_Rte_00049)
Note: For instance a configuration where T1 chains T2 and T2 chains T1 is not permit-

4.2.2 OS

This section describes the interaction between the RTE + Basic Software Scheduler
and the AUTOSAR OS. The interaction is realized via the standardized interface of the
OS - the AUTOSAR OS API. See Figure 4.9.
The OS is statically configured by the ECU Configuration. The RTE generator however
may be allowed to create tasks and other OS objects, which are necessary for the
runtime environment (see [SWS_Rte_05150]). The mapping of RunnableEntitys
and BSW Schedulable Entities to OS tasks/ISR2s is not the job of the RTE generator.
This mapping has to be done in a configuration step before, in the RTE-Configuration
phase. The RTE generator is responsible for the generation of OS task or ISR2 bodies,
which contain the calls for the RunnableEntitys and BSW Schedulable Entities. The
RunnableEntitys and BSW Schedulable Entities themselves are OS independent
and are not allowed to use OS service calls. The RTE and Basic Software Sched-
uler have to encapsulate such calls via the standardized RTE API respectively Basic
Software Scheduler API. OS Objects

• The RTE generator has to create the task bodies, which contain the calls of the
RunnableEntitys and BswSchedulableEntitys. Note that the term task
body is used here to describe a piece of code, while the term task describes a
configuration object of the OS.
• The RTE and Basic Software Scheduler controls the task activation/resumption
either directly by calling OS services like SetEvent() or ActivateTask() or

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Specification of RTE Software

indirectly by initializing OS alarms or starting Schedule-Tables for time-based ac-

tivation of RunnableEntitys. If the task terminates, the generated taskbody
also contains the calls of TerminateTask() or ChainTask().
• The RTE generator does not create tasks. The mapping of RunnableEntitys
and BswSchedulableEntitys to tasks is the input to the RTE generator and
is therefore part of the RTE Configuration.
• The RTE configurator has to allocate the necessary tasks in the OS configuration.
• The RTE generator has to create the ISR2 bodies, which contain the calls of the
RunnableEntitys and BswSchedulableEntitys. Note that the term ISR2
body is used here to describe a piece of code, while the term ISR2 describes a
configuration object of the OS.
• The RTE generator does not create ISRs. The mapping of RunnableEntitys
and BswSchedulableEntitys to ISR2s is the input to the RTE generator and
is therefore part of the RTE Configuration.
OS applications
• AUTOSAR OS has in R4.0 a new feature called Inter-OS-Application Commu-
nication (IOC). IOC is generated by the OS based on the configuration partially
generated by the RTE. The appropriate objects (OS-Applications) are generated
by the OS, and are used by RTE to for runnable to task/ISR2 mappings.
• The RTE and Basic Software Scheduler may use OS Events for the implementa-
tion of the abstract RTEEvents and BswEvents.
• The RTE and Basic Software Scheduler therefore may call the OS service func-
tions SetEvent(), WaitEvent(), GetEvent() and ClearEvent().
• The used OS Events are part of the input information of the RTE generator.
• The RTE configurator has to allocate the necessary events in the OS configura-
• The RTE and Basic Software Scheduler may use OS Resources (standard or
internal) e.g. to implement data consistency mechanisms.
• The RTE and Basic Software Scheduler may call the OS services GetRe-
source() and ReleaseResource().
• The used Resources are part of the input information of the RTE generator.
• The RTE configurator has to allocate the necessary resources (all types of re-
sources) in the OS configuration.

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Specification of RTE Software

Interrupt Processing
• An alternative mechanism to get consistent data access is disabling/enabling of
interrupts. The AUTOSAR OS provides different service functions to handle in-
terrupt enabling/disabling. The RTE may use these functions and must not use
compiler/processor dependent functions for the same purpose.
• The RTE may use Alarms for timeout monitoring of asynchronous client/server
calls. The RTE is responsible for Timeout handling.
• The RTE and Basic Software Scheduler may setup cyclic alarms for periodic trig-
gering of RunnableEntitys and BswSchedulableEntitys (RunnableEn-
tity activation via RTEEvent TimingEvent respectively BswSchedula-
bleEntity activation via BswEvent BswTimingEvent )
• The RTE and Basic Software Scheduler therefore may call the OS service func-
tions GetAlarmBase(), GetAlarm(), SetRelAlarm(), SetAbsAlarm()
and CancelAlarm().
• The used Alarms are part of the input information of the RTE generator.
• The RTE configurator has to allocate the necessary alarms in the OS configura-
Schedule Tables
• The RTE and Basic Software Scheduler may setup schedule tables for cyclic task
activation (e.g. RunnableEntity activation via RTEEvent TimingEvent)
• The used schedule tables are part of the input information of the RTE generator.
• The RTE configurator has to allocate the necessary schedule tables in the OS
Common OS features
Depending on the global scheduling strategy of the OS, the RTE can make decisions
about the necessary data consistency mechanisms. E.g. in an ECU, where all tasks
are non-preemptive - and as the result also the global scheduling strategy of the com-
plete ECU is non-preemptive - the RTE may optimize the generated code regarding
the mechanisms for data consistency.
Hook functions
The AUTOSAR OS Specification defines hook functions, but the RTE SWS does not
standardize any usage of those OS hook functions.

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Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Basic Software Schedulable Entities

BswSchedulableEntitys are Basic Software Module Entities, which are designed

for control by the BSW Scheduler. BswSchedulableEntitys are implementing main
processing functions. The configuration of the Basic Software Scheduler allows map-
ping of BswSchedulableEntitys to both types; basic tasks and extended tasks and
to interrupts of category 2.
BswSchedulableEntitys not mapped to a RunnableEntity are not allowed
to enter a wait state. Therefore such BswSchedulableEntitys are compara-
ble to RunnableEntitys of category 1. BswSchedulableEntitys mapped to
a RunnableEntity can enter wait states by usage of the RTE API and such
BswSchedulableEntitys have to be treated according the classification of the
mapped RunnableEntity. The mapping of BswSchedulableEntitys to a
RunnableEntitys is typically used for AUTOSAR Services, ECU Abstraction and
Complex Device Drivers. See sections Runnable Entities

The following section describes the RunnableEntitys, their categories and

their task/ISR2-mapping aspects. The prototypes of the functions implementing
RunnableEntitys are described in section 5.7
Runnable Entities are the schedulable parts of SW-Cs. Runnable Entities are either
mapped to tasks/ISR2s or activated by direct or trusted function calls in the context of
other Rte APIs, for instance server runnables that are invoked via direct function calls.
The mapping must be described in the ECU Configuration Description. This configura-
tion - or just the RTE relevant parts of it - is the input of the RTE generator.
All RunnableEntitys are activated by the RTE as a result of an RTEEvent. Possible
activation events are described in the meta-model by using RTEEvents (see section
If no RTEEvent specifies a particular RunnableEntity in the role startOnEvent
then the RunnableEntity is never activated by the RTE. Please note that a
RunnableEntity may be mapped to a BswSchedulableEntity as described in
section which may lead to activations by the BSW Scheduler.
The categories of RunnableEntitys are described in [2]. However, the Software
Component Template only describes the categories based on the direct properties of
a RunnableEntity e.g. if the RunnableEntity has a WaitPoint then it is con-
sidered as category 2. But in an integrated system with a configured Rte, scenarios
like direct calls are possible which allow a runnable to run in the context of another
runnable. In that case, not only the WaitPoint attached to that runnable is significant
but also the WaitPoint of the directly called runnable. Other cases might exist where

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Specification of RTE Software

no WaitPoint is present but the Rte still needs to use a WaitEvent() e.g. to im-
plement a SynchronousServerCallPoint across core boundaries or to activate a
server task with a lower priority than the client task.
RunnableEntitys and BswSchedulableEntitys are generalized by Exe-
cutableEntitys. RTE Events

The meta model describes the following RTE events:

Abbreviation Name
T TimingEvent
BG BackgroundEvent
DR DataReceivedEvent (S/R Communication only)
DRE DataReceiveErrorEvent (S/R Communication only)
DSC DataSendCompletedEvent (explicit S/R Communication only)
DWC DataWriteCompletedEvent (implicit S/R Communication only)
OI OperationInvokedEvent (C/S Communication only)
ASCR AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent (C/S communication only)
MS SwcModeSwitchEvent
MSA ModeSwitchedAckEvent
MME SwcModeManagerErrorEvent
ETO ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent
ITO InternalTriggerOccurredEvent
I InitEvent
THE TransformerHardErrorEvent
TEE OsTaskExecutionEvent

Table 4.1: Abbreviations of RTEEvents

According to the meta model each kind of RTEEvent can either

ACT activate a RunnableEntity, or
WUP wakeup a RunnableEntity at its WaitPoints
The meta model makes no restrictions which kind of RTEEvents are referred by Wait-
Points. As a consequence RTE API functions would be necessary to set up the
WaitPoints for each kind of RTEEvent.
Nevertheless in some cases it seems to make no sense to implement all possible com-
binations of the general meta model. E.g. setting up a WaitPoint, which should be
resolved by a cyclic TimingEvent . Therefore the RTE SWS defines some restric-
tions, which are also described in section A.
The meta model also allows, that the same RunnableEntity can be triggered by
several RTEEvents. For the current approach of the RTE and restrictions see section

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Specification of RTE Software

ACT x x x x x x x x
WUP x x x
ACT x x x x x x x x

Table 4.2: activation of RunnableEntity depended on the kind of RTEEvent

The table 4.2 shows, that activation of RunnableEntity is possible for each kind of
RTEEvent. For RunnableEntity activation, no explicit RTE API in the to be activated
RunnableEntity is necessary. The RTE itself is responsible for the activation of the
RunnableEntity depending on the configuration in the SW-C Description.
If the RunnableEntity contains a WaitPoint, it can be resolved by the assigned
RTEEvent(s). Entering the WaitPoint requires an explicit call of a RTE API function.
The RTE (together with the OS) has to implement the WaitPoint inside this RTE API.
The following list shows which RTE API function has to be called to set up Wait-
• DataReceivedEvent: Rte_Receive()
• DataSendCompletedEvent: Rte_Feedback()
• ModeSwitchedAckEvent: Rte_SwitchAck()
• AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent: Rte_Result()
[SWS_Rte_01292] dWhen a DataReceivedEvent references a RunnableEntity
and a required VariableDataPrototype and no WaitPoint references the
DataReceivedEvent, the RunnableEntity shall be activated when the data is re-
ceived. [SWS_Rte_01135].c(SRS_Rte_00072)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_01292] merely affects when the runnable is activated –
an API call should still be created, according to requirement [SWS_Rte_01288],
[SWS_Rte_01289], and [SWS_Rte_07395] as appropriate, to actually read the data. BswEvents

The meta model describes the following BswEvents.

133 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

AbstractEvent ExecutableEntity
BswBehavior::BswEvent +startsOnEvent BswBehavior::BswModuleEntity

BswBehavior:: BswBehavior::
BswOperationInvokedEvent BswCalledEntity

BswBehavior:: BswBehavior::
BswScheduleEvent BswSchedulableEntity


+ period: TimeValue





+ activation: ModeActivationKind





Figure 4.11: Different kinds of BswEvents

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Specification of RTE Software

Similar to RTEEvents the activation of Basic Software Schedulable Entities is possi-

ble for each kind of BswEvent. For of BswSchedulableEntitys activation, no ex-
plicit Basic Software Scheduler API in the to be activated BswSchedulableEntity
is necessary. The Basic Software Scheduler itself is responsible for the activation of
the BswSchedulableEntity depending on the configuration in the Basic Software
Module Description. In difference to RTEEvents, none of the BswEvents support
WaitPoints. For more details see document [9]. Mapping of Runnable Entities and Basic Software Schedulable Entities

to tasks (informative)

One of the main requirements of the RTE generator is "Construction of task/ISR2

bodies" [SRS_Rte_00049]. The necessary input information e.g. the mapping of
RunnableEntitys and BswSchedulableEntity to tasks/ISR2s must be provided
by the ECU configuration description.
The ECU configuration description (or an extract of it) is the input for the RTE Generator
(see Figure 3.4). It is also the purpose of this document to define the necessary input
information. Therefore the following scenarios may help to derive requirements for the
ECU Configuration Template as well as for the RTE-generator itself.
Note: The scenarios do not cover all possible combinations.
The RTE-Configurator uses parts of the ECU Configuration of other BSW Modules,
e.g. the mapping of RunnableEntitys to OsTasks. In this configuration process the
RTE-Configurator expects OS objects (e.g. Tasks, Events, Alarms...) which are used
in the generated RTE and Basic Software Scheduler.
Some figures for better understanding use the following conventions:

Figure 4.12: Element description

Note: The following examples are only showing RunnableEntitys. But taking the
categorization of BswSchedulableEntitys defined in section into account,
the scenarios are applicable for BswSchedulableEntitys as well.
Note: The implementations described in this section are examples only and are pre-
sented for information only. The examples must not be viewed as specification of

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Specification of RTE Software

implementation. The intention is to serve as examples of one possible implementation

and not as specification of the only permitted implementation. Scenario for mapping of RunnableEntitys to tasks

The different properties of RunnableEntitys with respect to data access and termi-
nation have to be taken into account when discussing possible scenarios of mapping
RunnableEntitys to tasks.
• RunnableEntitys using VariableAccesses in the dataReadAccess or
dataWriteAccess roles (implicit read and send) have to terminate.
• RunnableEntitys of category 1 can be mapped either to basic or extended
tasks. (see next subsection).
• RunnableEntitys using at least one WaitPoint are of category 2.
• RunnableEntitys of category 2 that contain WaitPoints will be typically
mapped to extended tasks.
• RunnableEntitys that contain a SynchronousServerCallPoint generally
have to be mapped to extended tasks.
• RunnableEntitys that contain a SynchronousServerCallPoint can be
mapped to basic tasks if no timeout monitoring is required and the server runn-
able is on the same partition.
• RunnableEntitys that contain a SynchronousServerCallPoint can be
mapped to basic tasks if the server runnable is invoked directly and is itself of
category 1.
Note that the runnable to task mapping scenarios supported by a particular RTE im-
plementation might be restricted. Scenario 1

Runnable entity category 1A: "runnable1"

• Ports: only S/R with VariableAccesses in the dataReadAccess or
dataWriteAccess role
• RTEEvents: TimingEvent
• no sequence of RunnableEntitys specified
• no VariableAccess in the dataSendPoint role
• no WaitPoint
Possible mappings of "runnable1" to tasks:

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Specification of RTE Software

Basic Task
If only one of those kinds of RunnableEntitys is mapped to a task (task contains only
one RunnableEntity), or if multiple RunnableEntitys with the same activation
period are mapped to the same task, a basic task can be used. In this case, the
execution order of the RunnableEntitys within the task is necessary. In case the
RunnableEntitys have different activation periods, the RTE has to provide the glue-
code to guarantee the correct call cycle of each RunnableEntity.
The ECU Configuration-Template has to provide the sequence of RunnableEntitys
mapped to the same task, see RtePositionInTask.
Figure 4.13 shows the possible mappings of RunnableEntitys into a basic task. If
and only if a sequence order is specified, more than one RunnableEntity can be
mapped into a basic task.

Figure 4.13: Mapping of Category 1 RunnableEntitys to Basic Tasks

Extended Task
If more than one RunnableEntity is mapped to the same task and the special con-
dition (same activation period) does not fit, an extended task is used.
If an extended task is used, the entry points to the different RunnableEntitys might
be distinguished by evaluation of different OS events. In the scenario above, the differ-
ent activation periods may be provided by different OS alarms. The corresponding OS
events have to be handled inside the task body. Therefore the RTE-generator needs
for each task the number of assigned OS Events and their names.

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Specification of RTE Software

The ECU Configuration has to provide the OS events assigned to the RTEEvents
triggering the RunnableEntitys that are mapped to an extended task, see RteUse-
Figure 4.14 shows the possible mapping of the multiple RunnableEntitys of cate-
gory 1 into an Extended Task. Note: The Task does not terminate.

Figure 4.14: Mapping of Category 1 RunnableEntitys to Extended Tasks

For both, basic tasks and extended tasks, the ECU Configuration must provide the
name of the task.
The ECU Configuration has to provide the name of the task, see OsTask.
The ECU Configuration has to provide the task type (BASIC or EXTENDED), which
can be determined from the presence or absence of OS Events associated with that
task, see OsTask. Scenario 2

Runnable entity category 1B: "runnable2"

• Ports: S/R with VariableAccesses in the dataSendPoint role.
• RTEEvents: TimingEvent
• no WaitPoint
Possible mappings of "runnable2" to tasks:
The following figure shows the different mappings:
• One category 1B runnable
• More than one category 1B runnable mapped to the same basic task with a spec-
ified sequence order
• More than one category 1B runnable mapped into an extended task

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Specification of RTE Software

The gluecode to realize the VariableAccessin the dataReadAccess and

dataWriteAccess roles respectively before entering the runnable and after exiting is
not necessary.

Figure 4.15: Mapping of Category 1 RunnableEntitys using no VariableAccesses in

the dataReadAccess or dataWriteAccess role Scenario 3

Runnable entity category 1A: "runnable3"

• Ports: S/R with VariableAccesses in the dataReadAccess or
dataWriteAccess role
• RTEEvents: Runnable is activated by a DataReceivedEvent
• no VariableAccess in the dataSendPoint role
• no WaitPoint
There is no difference between Scenario 1 and 3. Only the RTEEvent that activates
the RunnableEntity is different. Scenario 4

Runnable entity category 2: "runnable4"

• Ports: S/R with VariableAccesses in the dataReceivePointByValue or
dataReceivePointByArgument role and WaitPoint (blocking read)
• RTEEvents: WaitPoint referencing a DataReceivedEvent
Runnable is activated by an arbitrary RTEEvent (e.g. by a TimingEvent). When
the RunnableEntity has entered the WaitPoint and the DataReceivedEvent
occurs, the RunnableEntity resumes execution.
The runnable has to be mapped to an extended task. Normally each category 2 runn-
able has to be mapped to its own task. Nevertheless it is not forbidden to map multiple
category 2 RunnableEntitys to the same task, though this might be restricted by an

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Specification of RTE Software

RTE generator. Mapping multiple category 2 RunnableEntitys to the same task can
lead to big delay times if e.g. a WaitPoint is resolved by the incoming RTEEvent,
but the task is still waiting at a different WaitPoint.

Figure 4.16: Mapping of Category 2 RunnableEntitys to Extended Tasks Scenario 5

There are two RunnableEntitys implementing a client (category 2) and a server

for synchronous C/S communication and the timeout attribute of the ServerCall-
Point is 0.
On a single core, there are two ways to invoke a server synchronously:
• Simple function call for intra-partition C/S communication if the canBeInvoked-
Concurrently attribute of the server runnable is set and if the server runnable
is of category 1. In that case the server runnable is executed in the same task
context (same stack) as the client runnable that has invoked the server. The client
runnable can be mapped to a basic task.
• The server runnable is mapped to its own task. If the canBeInvokedConcur-
rently attribute is not set, the server runnable must be mapped to a task.
If the implementation of the synchronous server invocation does not use OS
events, the client runnable can be mapped to a basic task and the task of the
server runnable must have higher priority than the task of the client runnable.
Furthermore, the task to which the client runnable is mapped must be preempt-
able. This has to be checked by the RTE generator. Activation of the server
runnable can be done by ActivateTask() for a basic task or by SetEvent()
for an extended task. In both cases, the task to be activated must have higher
priority than the task of the client runnable to enforce a task switch (necessary,
because the server invocation is synchronous). Scenario 6

There are two RunnableEntitys implementing a client (category 2) and a server for
synchronous C/S communication and the timeout attribute of the ServerCallPoint
is greater than 0.

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Specification of RTE Software

There are again two ways to invoke a server synchronously:

• Simple function call for intra-partition C/S communication if the canBeInvoked-
Concurrently attribute of the server runnable is set and the server is of cat-
egory 1. In that case the server runnable is executed in the same task context
(same stack) as the client runnable that has invoked the server and no timeout
monitoring is performed (see [SWS_Rte_03768]). In this case the client runnable
can be mapped to a basic task.
• The server runnable is mapped to its own task. If the canBeInvokedConcur-
rently attribute is not set, the server runnable must be mapped to a task.
If the implementation of the timeout monitoring uses OS events, the task of the
server runnable must have lower priority than the task of the client runnable and
the client runnable must be mapped to an extended task. Furthermore, both
tasks must be preemptable1 . This has to be checked by the RTE generator. The
notification that a timeout occurred is then notified to the client runnable by using
an OS Event. In order for the client runnable to immediately react to the timeout,
a task switch to the client task must be possible when the timeout occurs. Scenario 7

Runnable entity category 2: "runnable7"

• Ports: only C/S with AsynchronousServerCallPoint and WaitPoint
• RTEEvents: AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent (C/S communication
The mapping scenario for "runnable7", the client runnable that collects the result of the
asynchronous server invocation, is similar to Scenario 4. Scenario 8

Runnable entity category 1: "runnable8"

• Ports: only trigger port connected to a trigger source with a synchro-
nized Trigger defining a triggertDirectImplementation
• no VariableAccess in the dataSendPoint role
• RTEEvents: Runnable is activated by a ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent
• no WaitPoint
Strictly speaking, this restriction is not necessary for the task to which the client runnable is mapped.
If OS events are used to implement the timeout monitoring and the notification that the server is finished,
the RTE API implementation generally uses the OS service WaitEvent, which is a point of reschedul-

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Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Scenario 9

Runnable entity category 1: "runnable9"

• RTEEvents: Runnable is activated by a TimingEvent
• no WaitPoint
The mapping scenario for "runnable8" and "runnable9" is similar to Scenario 1 for basic
tasks whereas an ISR2 is used instead of a task. Monitoring of runnable execution time

This section describes how the monitoring of RunnableEntity execution time can
be done.
The RTE doesn’t directly support monitoring of RunnableEntitys execution time but
the AUTOSAR OS support for monitoring of OsTasks execution time can be used for
this purpose.
If execution time monitoring of a RunnableEntity is required a possible solution is
to map the RunnableEntity alone to an OsTask and to configure the OS to monitor
the execution time of the OsTask.
This solution can lead to dispatch to individual OsTasks RunnableEntitys that
should be initially mapped to the same OsTask because of for example:
• requirements on execution order of the RunnableEntitys and/or
• requirements on evaluation order of the RTEEvents that activate the
RunnableEntitys and
• constraints to have no preemption between the RunnableEntitys
In order to keep the control on the execution order of the RunnableEntitys, the eval-
uation order of the RTEEvents and the non-preemption between the RunnableEn-
titys when then RunnableEntitys are individually mapped to several OsTasks for
the purpose of monitoring, a possible solution is to replace the calls to the C-functions
of the RunnableEntitys by activations of the OsTasks to which the monitored
RunnableEntitys are mapped.

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Specification of RTE Software

Figure 4.17: Inter task activation and mapping of runnable to individual task for monitor-
ing purpose

This behavior of the RTE can be configured with the attributes RteVirtual-
lyMappedToTaskRef of the RteEventToTaskMapping. RteVirtuallyMapped-
ToTaskRef references the OsTask in which the execution order of the RunnableEn-
titys and/or the evaluation order of the RTEEvents are controlled. RteMapped-
ToTaskRef references the individual OsTasks to which the RunnableEntitys are
mapped for the purpose of monitoring.
[SWS_Rte_07800] dThe RTE Generator shall respect the configured virtual runn-
able to task mapping (RteVirtuallyMappedToTaskRef) in the RTE configuration.c
Of course this solution requires that the task priorities and scheduling properties are
well configured in the OS to allow immediate preemption by the OsTasks to which the
monitored RunnableEntitys are mapped. A possible solution is:
• Priority of the OsTask to which the RunnableEntity is mapped is higher than
the priority of the OsTask to which the RunnableEntity is virtually mapped
• the OsTask to which the RunnableEntity is virtually mapped have a full pre-
emptive scheduling or
• the RTE call the OS service Schedule() just after activation of the OsTask to
which the RunnableEntity is mapped
Example 1: Without OsEvent
Description of the example:
RunnableEntity RE1 is activated by TimingEvent 100ms T1.
RunnableEntity RE2 is activated by TimingEvent 100ms T2.
RunnableEntity RE3 is activated by TimingEvent 100ms T3.

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Specification of RTE Software

Execution order of the RunnableEntitys shall be R1, R2 then R3.

RE2 shall be monitored.
Possible RTE configuration:
RE1/T1 is mapped to OsTask TaskA with RtePositionInTask equal to 1.
RE2/T2 is mapped to OsTask TaskB but virtually mapped to TaskA with RtePosi-
tionInTask equal to 2.
RE3/T3 is mapped to OsTask TaskA with RtePositionInTask equal to 3.
Possible RTE implementation:
RTE starts cyclic OsAlarm with 100ms period.
This OsAlarm is configured to activate TaskA.
Non preemptive scheduling is configured for Task A.
TaskB priority = TaskA priority + 1
1 void TaskA(void)
2 {
3 RE1();
4 ActivateTask(TaskB);
5 Schedule();
6 RE3();
7 TerminateTask();
8 }

10 void TaskB(void)
11 {
12 RE2();
13 TerminateTask();
14 }

Example 2: With OsEvent

Description of the example:
RunnableEntity RE1 is activated by DataReceivedEvent DR1.
RunnableEntity RE2 is activated by DataReceivedEvent DR2.
RunnableEntity RE3 is activated by DataReceivedEvent DR3.
Evaluation order of the RTEEvents shall be DR1, DR2 then DR3.
All the runnables shall be monitored.
Possible RTE configuration:
RE1 is mapped to OsTask TaskB but virtually mapped to TaskA with a reference to
OsEvent EvtA and RtePositionInTask equal to 1.
RE2 is mapped to OsTask TaskC but virtually mapped to TaskA with a reference to
OsEvent EvtB and RtePositionInTask equal to 2.
RE3 is mapped to OsTask TaskD but virtually mapped to TaskA with a reference to
OsEvent EvtC and RtePositionInTask equal to 3.
Possible RTE implementation:
RTE set EvtA, EvtB and EvtC according to the callbacks from COM.
Full preemptive scheduling is configured for Task A.
TaskB priority = TaskC priority = TaskD priority = TaskA priority + 1
1 void TaskA(void)

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Specification of RTE Software

2 {
3 EventMaskType Event;
5 while(1)
6 {
7 WaitEvent(EvtA | EvtB | EvtC);
8 GetEvent(TaskA, &Event);
9 if (Event & EvtA)
10 {
11 ClearEvent(EvtA);
12 ActivateTask(TaskB);
13 }
14 else if (Event & EvtB)
15 {
16 ClearEvent(EvtB);
17 ActivateTask(TaskC);
18 }
19 else if (Event & EvtC)
20 {
21 ClearEvent(EvtC);
22 ActivateTask(TaskD);
23 }
24 }
25 }
27 void TaskB(void)
28 {
29 RE1();
30 TerminateTask();
31 }
33 void TaskC(void)
34 {
35 RE2();
36 TerminateTask();
37 }
39 void TaskD(void)
40 {
41 RE3();
42 TerminateTask();
43 }

It is also possible to configure the RTE for the monitoring of group of runnable = moni-
toring of the sum of the runnable execution times.
Example 3: Monitoring of group of runnables
Description of the example:
RunnableEntity RE1 is activated by TimingEvent 100ms T1.
RunnableEntity RE2 is activated by TimingEvent 100ms T2.
RunnableEntity RE3 is activated by TimingEvent 100ms T3.
RunnableEntity RE4 is activated by DataReceivedEvent DR1.
RunnableEntity RE5 is activated by DataReceivedEvent DR2.

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Specification of RTE Software

RunnableEntity RE6 is activated by DataReceivedEvent DR3.

RunnableEntity RE7 is activated by DataReceivedEvent DR4.
DataReceivedEvent DR2, DR3 and DR4 references the same dataElement. Eval-
uation order of the RTEEvents shall be T1, T2, T3, DR1, DR2, DR3 then DR4.
RE2 and RE3 shall be monitored as a group.
RE6 and RE7 shall be monitored as a group.
Possible RTE configuration:
RE1 is mapped to OsTask TaskA with a reference to OsEvent EvtA and RtePosi-
tionInTask equal to 1.
RE2 is mapped to OsTask TaskB but virtually mapped to TaskA with a reference to
OsEvent EvtA and RtePositionInTask equal to 2.
RE3 is mapped to OsTask TaskB but virtually mapped to TaskA with a reference to
OsEvent EvtA and RtePositionInTask equal to 3.
RE4 is mapped to OsTask TaskA with a reference to OsEvent EvtB and RtePosi-
tionInTask equal to 4.
RE5 is mapped to OsTask TaskA with a reference to OsEvent EvtC and RtePosi-
tionInTask equal to 5.
RE6 is mapped to OsTask TaskC but virtually mapped to TaskA with a reference to
OsEvent EvtC and RtePositionInTask equal to 6.
RE7 is mapped to OsTask TaskC but virtually mapped to TaskA with a reference to
OsEvent EvtC and RtePositionInTask equal to 7.
Possible RTE implementation:
RTE starts cyclic OsAlarm with 100ms period.
This OsAlarm is configured to set EvtA.
RTE set EvtB and EvtC according to the callbacks from COM.
Full preemptive scheduling is configured for Task A.
TaskB priority = TaskC priority = TaskA priority + 1
1 void TaskA(void)
2 {
3 EventMaskType Event;

5 while(1)
6 {
7 WaitEvent(EvtA | EvtB | EvtC);
8 GetEvent(TaskA, &Event);
9 if (Event & EvtA)
10 {
11 ClearEvent(EvtA);
12 RE1();
13 ActivateTask(TaskB);
14 }
15 else if (Event & EvtB)
16 {
17 ClearEvent(EvtB);
18 RE4();
19 }
20 else if (Event & EvtC)
21 {
22 ClearEvent(EvtC);

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Specification of RTE Software

23 RE5();
24 ActivateTask(TaskC);
25 }
26 }
27 }

29 void TaskB(void)
30 {
31 RE2();
32 RE3();
33 TerminateTask();
34 }
36 void TaskC(void)
37 {
38 RE6();
39 RE7():
40 TerminateTask();
41 } TimingEvent activated runnables

A TimingEvent / BswTimingEvent is a recurring RTEEvent / BswEvent which is

used to perform recurrent activities in RunnableEntitys or BswSchedulableEn-
[SWS_Rte_06728] dThe RTE shall activate RunnableEntitys triggered by a
TimingEvent recurring with the effective period time of an TimingEvent for the
component instance.c(SRS_Rte_00237)
[SWS_Rte_06729] dThe RTE Generator shall determine the effective period time of
a TimingEvent from the period attribute of the TimingEvent if no Instantia-
tionRTEEventProps are defined for the TimingEvent of the component instance.c
[SWS_Rte_06730] dThe RTE Generator shall determine the effective period time of a
TimingEvent from the period attribute of the InstantiationRTEEventProps if
InstantiationRTEEventProps are defined for the TimingEvent of the compo-
nent instance.c(SRS_Rte_00237)
Please note the component instance is defined by RteSoftwareComponentIn-
stanceRef of RteSwComponentInstance referring to the SwComponentProto-
type. See figure 8.2.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09121] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where
an ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent or BswExternalTriggerOccurredE-
vent is mapped to an ISR2 and no BswTriggerDirectImplementation exists
in the connected trigger sourcec()

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Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_04563] dThe RTE shall activate an ExecutableEntity if its

TimingEvent or BswTimingEvent is mapped to an ISR2 (via an RteEventToIs-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09122] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where a
TimingEvent or BswTimingEvent is mapped to an ISR2 and either no OsIsrPe-
riod exists for the OsIsr referenced in the event mapping or the period value is not
an integer multiple of the OsIsrPeriod value.c()
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09123] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where a
TimingEvent or BswTimingEvent is mapped to an OsTask and the OsTaskPe-
riod exists for this OsTask and the period value is not an integer multiple of the
OsTaskPeriod value.c()
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09124] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where a
TimingEvent or BswTimingEvent is mapped to an OsTask and no OsTaskPeriod
exists for this OsTask and when the strictConfigurationCheck is set to true.c() Synchronization of TimingEvent activated runnables

This section describes how the synchronization of TimingEvent activated

RunnableEntitys can be done.
The following cases have to be distinguished:
• the RunnableEntitys are mapped to the same OsTask
• the RunnableEntitys are mapped to different OsTasks in the same OsAp-
• the RunnableEntitys are mapped to different OsTasks in different OsAppli-
cations on the same core
• the RunnableEntitys are mapped to different OsTasks in different OsAppli-
cations on different cores on the same microcontroler
• the RunnableEntitys are mapped to different OsTasks in different OsAppli-
cations on different microcontrollers within the same ECU
• the RunnableEntitys are mapped to different OsTasks in different OsAppli-
cations on different microcontrollers within different ECUs
As OsAlarms and OsScheduleTableExpiryPoints are used to implement
TimingEvents the following different possible solutions exist to synchronize the
RunnableEntitys according to the different cases:
• use the same OsAlarm or OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint to implement all
the TimingEvents

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Specification of RTE Software

• use different OsAlarms or OsScheduleTableExpiryPoints in different Os-

ScheduleTables based on the same OsCounter and start them with absolute
start offset to control the synchronization between them
• use different OsScheduleTableExpiryPoints in different explicitly synchro-
nized OsScheduleTables based on different OsCounters but with same pe-
riod and max value
The choice of the OsAlarms or OsScheduleTableExpiryPoints used to imple-
ment the TimingEvents can be configured in the RTE with RteUsedOsAlarmRef or
RteUsedOsSchTblExpiryPointRef in the RteEventToTaskMapping.
[SWS_Rte_07804] dThe RTE Generator shall respect the configured OsAlarms (
RteUsedOsAlarmRef) and OsScheduleTableExpiryPoints (RteUsedOsSchT-
blExpiryPointRef) for the implementation of the TimingEvents.c(SRS_Rte_-
The choice of the absolute start offset of the OsAlarms and OsScheduleTables can
be configured in the RTE with RteExpectedActivationOffset in the RteUse-
[SWS_Rte_07805] dThe RTE Generator shall respect the configured absolute start off-
set (RteExpectedActivationOffset) when it starts the OsAlarms and OsSched-
uleTables used for the implementation of the TimingEvents.c(SRS_Rte_00232)
The RTE / Basic Software Scheduler is not responsible to synchronize/desynchronize
the explicitly synchronized OsScheduleTables. The RTE / Basic Software Scheduler
is only responsible to start the explicitly synchronized OsScheduleTables. In this
case no RteExpectedActivationOffset has to be configured. BackgroundEvent activated Runnable Entities and BasicSoftware

Schedulable Entities

A BackgroundEvent is a recurring RTEEvent / BswEvent which is used to perform

background activities in RunnableEntitys or BswSchedulableEntitys. It is sim-
ilar to a TimingEvent but has no fixed time period and is typically activated only with
lowest priority.
A BackgroundEvent triggering can be implemented in two principle ways by the
RTE Generator. Either the background activation is done by a real background
OS task; or the BackgroundEvents are activated like TimingEvents on a fixed
recurrence which is defined by the ECU integrator (see [SWS_Rte_07179] and
[SWS_Rte_07180]). The second way might be required to overcome the limitation of a
single real background OS task if BackgroundEvents are used in several partitions.
If the background activation is done by a real background OS task, the OS Task has
to have the lowest priority on the CPU core (see [SWS_Rte_07181]). If a implemen-
tation is used where the OS Task terminates (BasicTask ) the background OS Task is

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Specification of RTE Software

immediately reactivated after its termination, e.g. by usage of ChainTask call of the
OS. InitEvent activated Runnable Entities

An InitEvent which is used to activate RunnableEntitys for initialization purpose

in case of start of the RTE or restart of a partition.
[SWS_Rte_06761] dThe RTE shall activate RunnableEntitys triggered by an
InitEvent once when Rte_Start is executed.c(SRS_Rte_00240)
[SWS_Rte_06762] dThe RTE shall activate RunnableEntitys triggered by
an InitEvent once when Rte_RestartPartition is executed for those
RunnableEntitys belonging to the restarted partition.c(SRS_Rte_00240)
The activation of RunnableEntitys for initialization purpose can basically imple-
mented in two ways. Either the InitEvent is mapped to an OsTask or the
InitEvent is mapped to an RteInitializationRunnableBatch.
In case of an OsTask the RunnableEntitys are scheduled once when the related
task gets active. In this case the RtePositionInTask decides in which order the
RunnableEntitys are scheduled in the whole task. For instance if the InitEvent
is mapped after an TimingEvent and the TimingEvent is already triggered when
the OsTask gets active the initialization runnable is called after time periodic runn-
able. Therefore its in the responsibility of the ECU integrator to ensure the correct and
intended order.
In the case the InitEvent is mapped to an RteInitializationRunnableBatch
the RunnableEntitys are scheduled when the related Rte_Init function is called.
In this case the RtePositionInTask decides in which order the RunnableEntitys
are scheduled in the same Rte_Init function.
The triggering of the recurrent RTEEvents is released with the call of Rte_Start-
Timing. OsTaskExecutionEvent activated Runnable Entities

An OsTaskExecutionEvent/BswOsTaskExecutionEvent is an RTEEvent/Bsw-
Event which gets activated due to the activation of an OS Task. The ExecutableEn-
tity triggered by an OsTaskExecutionEvent/BswOsTaskExecutionEvent gets
activated whenever the OS Task on which the OsTaskExecutionEvent is mapped
is running and reaches the position of the ExecutableEntity. In opposite the VFB
tracing (e.g. Rte_Task_Dispatch) a RunnableEntity triggered by OsTaskExe-
cutionEvent has access to AUTOSAR interfaces. In addition, the RtePosition-
InTask and RteBswPositionInTask allows an arbitrary position between Exe-
cutableEntitys mapped by other RTEEvents/BswEvents.

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Specification of RTE Software

For instance:
1. ’RunA’, triggered by SwcModeSwitchEvent, RtePositionInTask = 10
2. ’RunB’, triggered by OsTaskExecutionEvent, RtePositionInTask = 15
3. ’RunC’, triggered by SwcModeSwitchEvent, RtePositionInTask = 20
4. ’RunD’, triggered by SwcModeSwitchEvent, RtePositionInTask = 25
5. ’RunE’, triggered by OsTaskExecutionEvent, RtePositionInTask = 30
In addition, the OsTaskExecutionEvent can be combined with mode disabling
dependencys like other RTEEvents
[SWS_Rte_82006]{DRAFT} dThe RTE shall activate RunnableEntitys triggered by
an OsTaskExecutionEvent when the OS Task - on which the OsTaskExecution-
Event is mapped - is running and reaches the position of this RunnableEntity.c
[SWS_Rte_82007]{DRAFT} dThe RTE shall activate BswSchedulableEntitys trig-
gered by an BswOsTaskExecutionEvent when the OS Task - on which the
BswOsTaskExecutionEvent is mapped - is running and reaches the position of this

151 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4.2.3 Activation and Start of ExecutableEntitys

This section defines the activation of ExecutableEntity execution-instances

by using a state machine (Fig. 4.18).

[RTE / SchM of the partition is running]

ExecutableEntity execution-instance is schedulable

- activations: int = 0
«continuously increasing timer»
- debounceTimer: float = minimumStartInterval

Main Activation ModeDisabling


/debounceTimer =
terminate suspended not /activations = enabled
activated 1

running [Activation in
wait state activated] [ModeDisabling [ModeDisabling exitsDisablingMode
in state enabled] in state disabled]
waiting entersDisablingMode
preempt resume disabled
[activations == 0]
release [ModeDisabling in
activated disabled
preempted to be started state disabled]
debounce disabled
start activation debounce
[activations > 0] [ModeDisabling in activation
state enabled]
corresponds to task state "ready"

disabled /activations +=
activated (activations <=
queue length) 1:0
[ModeDisabling [ModeDisabling in
in state enabled] state disabled]

activated [debounceTimer >=

start minimumStartInterval]
/activations -= 1;
debounceTimer = 0
/activations += (activations <= queue length) 1:0

[RTE / SchM of the partition is stopped]

Figure 4.18: General state machine of an ExecutableEntity execution-instance.

An ExecutableEntity execution-instance is one execution-instance of an Ex-

ecutableEntity (RunnableEntity or BswSchedulableEntity) with respect to
concurrent execution.
For a RunnableEntity with canBeInvokedConcurrently = false or for a
BswSchedulableEntity whose referenced BswModuleEntry in the role im-
plementedEntry has a isReentrant attribute set to false, there is only one
execution-instance. For a RunnableEntity with canBeInvokedConcurrently =
true or for a BswSchedulableEntity whose referenced BswModuleEntry in the
role implementedEntry has its isReentrant attribute set to true, there is a well
defined number of execution-instances.
E.g., for a server runnable that is executed as direct function call, each Server-
CallPoint relates to exactly one ExecutableEntity execution-instance.
The main principles for the activation of runnables are:
• RunnableEntitys are activated by RTEEvents
• BswSchedulableEntitys are activated by BswEvents
• only server runnables (RunnableEntitys activated by an OperationIn-
vokedEvent) are queued. All other ExecutableEntitys are unqueued.

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Specification of RTE Software

If a RunnableEntity is activated due to several DataReceivedEvents of

dataElements with swImplPolicy = queued, it is the responsibility of the
RunnableEntity to dequeue all queued data.
• A minimumStartInterval will delay the activation of RunnableEntitys
and BswSchedulableEntitys to prevent that a RunnableEntity or a
BswSchedulableEntity is started more than once within the minimum-
Each ExecutableEntity execution-instance has its own state machine. The
full state machine is shown in Fig. 4.18.
Note on Figure 4.18: the debounce timer debounceTimer is an increasing timer. It
is local to the ExecutableEntity execution-instance. The activation counter
activations is a local integer to count the pending activations. The runnable de-
bounce timer and the activation counter are like the whole state machine just concepts
for the specification of the behavior, not for the implementation.

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Specification of RTE Software

The pending activations are only counted for server runnables when RTE imple-
ments a call serialization of their invocation. In all other cases, RTE does not queue
activations and the state machine for the activation of ExecutableEntity execu-
tion-instances simplifies as shown in Figure 4.19.
sm state machine for an EcexutableEntity execution-instance w ith unqueued activ ation

[RTE / SchM of the partition is runni ng]

ExecutableEntity execution-instance is schedulable

continuously increasing timer

- debounceT imer: float = minimumStartInterval

{queue length == 0}

Main Activ ation

/debounceT imer =

terminate not acti vate

activ ated
running [Activation in
wait state acti vated]
w aiting preempt resume activ ation

preempted to be started
activ ated
start [debounceT imer >=
/debounceT imer = 0
corresponds to task state "ready"

[RT E / SchM of the partition is stopped]

Figure 4.19: Statemachine of an unqueued execution-instance (not a server runnable)

If RTE implements an ExecutableEntity execution-instance by direct or

trusted function call, as described in section, the simplified state machine is
shown in Figure 4.22.
The state machine of an ExecutableEntity execution-instance is not identi-
cal to that of the task containing the ExecutableEntity execution-instance,
but there are dependencies between them. E.g., the ExecutableEntity execu-
tion-instance can only be ‘running’ when the corresponding task is ‘running’.
Table 4.3 describes all ExecutableEntity execution-instance states in de-
tail. The ExecutableEntity execution-instance state machine is split in two
threads. The Main states describe the real state of the ExecutableEntity exe-
cution-instance and the transitions between a suspended and a running Exe-
cutableEntity execution-instance, while the supporting Activation states de-
scribe the state of the pending activations by RTEEvents or BswEvents.

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Specification of RTE Software

ExecutableEntity description
execution-instance state
ExecutableEntity execution-
This super state describes the life time of the state machine.
instance is schedulable Only when RTE or the SchM that runs the ExecutableEntity
execution-instance is started in the corresponding partition, this
state machine is active.
ExecutableEntity execution-instance Main states
suspended The ExecutableEntity execution-instance is not started and
there is no pending request to start the ExecutableEntity
to be started The ExecutableEntity execution-instance is activated but not
yet started. Entering the to be started state, usually implies
the activation of a task/ISR2 that starts the ExecutableEn-
tity execution-instance. The ExecutableEntity execution-
instance stays in the ‘to be started’ state, when the task/ISR2 is
already running until the gluecode of the task/ISR2 actually calls
the function implementing the ExecutableEntity.
running The function, implementing the ExecutableEntity code is be-
ing executed. The task/ISR2 that contains the ExecutableEn-
tity execution-instance is running.
waiting A task containing the ExecutableEntity execution-instance is
waiting at a WaitPoint within the ExecutableEntity.
preempted A task/ISR2 containing the ExecutableEntity execution-
instance is preempted from executing the function that imple-
ments the ExecutableEntity.
started ‘started’ is the super state of ‘running’, ‘waiting’ and ‘pre-
empted’ between start and termination of the ExecutableEn-
tity execution-instance.
ExecutableEntity execution-instance Activation states
not activated No RTEEvent / BswEvent requires the activation of the Exe-
cutableEntity execution-instance.
debounce activation One or more RTEEvents with a startOnEvent relation to the
ExecutableEntity execution-instance have occurred 2 , but
the debounce timer has not yet exceeded the minimumStart-
Interval. The activation will automatically advance to acti-
vated, when the debounce timer reaches the minimumStart-
activated One or more RTEEvents or BswEvents with a startOnEvent
relation to the ExecutableEntity have occurred, and the
debounce timer has exceeded the minimumStartInterval.
While the activated state is active, the Main state of the Ex-
ecutableEntity execution-instance automatically advances
from the suspended to the ’to be started’ state.
For a server runnable where RTE implements a serialization
of server calls, an activation counter counts the number of acti-
When the ExecutableEntity execution-instance starts, the
activation counter will be decremented. When there is still a
pending activation, the Activation state will turn to debounce ac-
tivation and otherwise to no activation.

Note that, e.g., the same OperationInvokedEvent may lead to the activation of different Exe-
cutableEntity execution-instances, depending on the client that caused the event.

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Specification of RTE Software

Table 4.3: States defined for each ExecutableEntity execution-instance.

Note: For tasks, the equivalent state machine does not distinguish between preempted
and to be started. They are subsumed as ‘ready’.
ExecutableEntity description of event and actions
execution-instance transi-
initial transition to ‘Exe- RTE or the SchM that runs the ExecutableEntity execution-
cutableEntity execution-instance instance is being started in the corresponding partition.
is schedulable’
termination transition from ‘Exe- RTE or the SchM that runs the ExecutableEntity execution-
cutableEntity execution-instance instance gets stopped in the corresponding partition.
is schedulable’
transitions to ExecutableEntity execution-instance Main states
initial transition to suspended the suspended state is the initial state of the ExecutableEn-
tity execution-instance Main states.
from started to suspended The ExecutableEntity execution-instance has run to comple-
from suspended to ‘to be This transition is automatically executed, while the Activation
started’ state is ’activated’.
from ‘to be started’ to running The function implementing the ExecutableEntity is called
from the context of this execution-instance.
from preempted to running A task that is preempted from executing the ExecutableEn-
tity execution-instance changes state from preempted to run-
from running to waiting The runnable enters a WaitPoint.
from waiting to preempted The task that contains a runnable waiting at a wait point changes
from waiting to preempted.
from running to preempted A task containing the ExecutableEntity execution-instance
gets preempted from executing the function that implements the
transitions to ExecutableEntity execution-instance Activation states
initial transition to ‘not activated’ The ‘not activated’ state is the initial state of the ExecutableEn-
tity execution-instance Activation states.
The debounce timer is set to the minimumStartInterval
value, to prevent a delay for the first activation of the Exe-
cutableEntity execution-instance.
from activated to ‘not activated’ The function implementing the ExecutableEntity is called
from the context of this execution-instance and no further acti-
vations are pending.
The debounce timer is reset to 0.
from ‘not activated’ to ‘debounce The occurrence of an RTEEvent or BswEvent requires the acti-
activation’ vation of the ExecutableEntity execution-instance.
A local activation counter is set to 1. If no minimumStartIn-
terval is configured, or the debounce timer has already ex-
ceeded the minimumStartInterval, the ‘debounce activation’
state will be omitted and the transition leads directly to the acti-
vated state.

156 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

from activated to ‘debounce ac- The function implementing the ExecutableEntity is called
tivation’ from the context of this execution-instance (start), and another
activation is pending (only for server runnable).
The activation counter is decremented and the debounce timer
reset to 0.
If no minimumStartInterval is configured, the ‘debounce ac-
tivation’ state will be omitted and the transition returns directly at
the activated state.
from ‘debounce activation’ to If RTE implements server call serialization for a server runn-
‘debounce activation’ able, and an OperationInvokedEvent occurs for the server
The activation counter is incremented (at most to the queue
from ’debounce activation’ to ac- The debounce timer is expired,
tivated debounce timer > minimumStartInterval.
from activated to activated If RTE implements server call serialization for a server runn-
able, and an OperationInvokedEvent occurs for the server
The activation counter is incremented (at most to the queue

Table 4.4: States defined for each ExecutableEntity execution-instance.

[SWS_Rte_02697] dThe activation of ExecutableEntity execution-instances

shall behave as described by the state machine in Fig. 4.18, Table 4.3, and Table 4.4.c
(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00160, SRS_Rte_00133, SRS_Rte_00211, SRS_Rte_-
00214, SRS_Rte_00217, SRS_Rte_00219)
The RTE will not activate, start or release ExecutableEntity execution-in-
stances of a terminated or restarting partition (see [SWS_Rte_07604]), or when RTE
is stopped in that partition (see [SWS_Rte_02538]).
The following examples in Fig. 4.20 and Fig. 4.21 show the different timing situations
of the ExecutableEntity execution-instances with or without a minimum-
StartInterval. The minimumStartInterval can reduce the number of activa-
tions by collecting more activating RTEEvents / BswEvents within that interval. No
activation will be lost. The activations are just delayed and combined to keep the
minimumStartInterval. The started state of the ExecutableEntity execu-
tion-instance Main states and the activated state of the Activation states are shown
in the figures. Each flash indicates the occurrence of an RTEEvent or BswEvent.

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Specification of RTE Software

Figure 4.20: Activation of an ExecutableEntity execution-instance without minimum-


Figure 4.20 illustrates the activation of an ExecutableEntity execution-in-

stance without minimumStartInterval. The execution-instance can only
be activated once (does not apply for server runnables). The activation is not
queued. The execution-instance can already be activated again when it is still
started (see Figure 4.18).
With configuration of the RteEventToTaskMapping such activation can even be
used for an immediately restart of the ExecutableEntity before other Exe-
cutableEntitys which are mapped subsequently in the task are getting started.
[SWS_Rte_07061] dWhen the parameter RteImmediateRestart / RteBswImme-
diateRestart is TRUE the RTE shall immediately restart the ExecutableEntity
after termination if the ExecutableEntity was activated by this RTEEvent / Bsw-
Event while it was already started.c(SRS_Rte_00072)
This can be utilized to spread a long-lasting calculation in several smaller slices with
the aim to reduce the maximum blocking time of Tasks in a Cooperative Environment.
Typically between each iteration one Schedule Point has to be placed and the num-
ber of iteration might depend on operating conditions of the ECU. Further on in a
calculation chain the long-lasting calculation shall be completed before consecutive
ExecutableEntitys are called.

Example 4.4

Example of RunnableEntity code:

1 LongLastingRunnable()
2 {
3 /* the very long calculation */
4 if(!finished)
5 {
6 /* further call is required to complete the calculation*/
7 Rte_IrTrigger_LongLastingCalculation_ProceedCalculation();
8 }
9 }

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Specification of RTE Software

Therefore the ExecutableEntity with a long lasting calculation issues a trigger as

long as the calculation is not finished. These trigger activates the ExecutableEntity
again. The first activation of the ExecutableEntity might be triggered by another
RTEEvent / BswEvent.

Figure 4.21: Activation of an ExecutableEntity with a minimumStartInterval

Figure 4.21 illustrates the activation of an ExecutableEntity with a minimum-

StartInterval. (Here no execution-instances have to be distinguished, there
is only one.) The red arrows in this figure indicate the minimumStartInterval af-
ter each start of the ExecutableEntity. An RTEEvent or BswEventwithin this
minimumStartInterval leads to the debounce activation state. When the min-
imumStartInterval ends, the debounce activation state changes to the activated
When a data received event activates a runnable when it is still running, it might be
that the data is already dequeued during the current execution of the runnable. Still,
the runnable will be started again. So, it is possible that a runnable that is activated by
a data received event finds an empty receive queue. Activation by direct function call

In many cases, ExecutableEntity execution-instances can be implemented

by RTE by a direct or trusted function call if allowed by the canBeInvokedConcur-
rently. In these cases, the activation and start of the ExecutableEntity ex-
ecution-instance collapse to one event. The states ‘to be started’, ‘debounce
activation’, and ‘activated’ are passed immediately.
Obviously, debounce activation is not possible (see meta model restriction
There is one ExecutableEntity execution-instance per call point, trigger
point, mode switch point, etc.. The state chart simplifies as shown in Figure 4.22.

159 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

sm statemachine for direct function calls of an ExecutableEntity execution-instance

[RTE / SchM of the partition i s running]

ExecutableEntity execution-instance is schedulable

{queue length == 0}
{debounceTimer == 0}
{canBeInvocecConcurrentl y == true}
{runnable not mapped to task}



terminate suspended


waiting preempt resume

preempted activate

corresponds to task state "ready"

[RTE / SchM of the partiti on is stopped]

Figure 4.22: State machine of an ExecutableEntity execution-instance that is imple-

mented by direct or trusted function calls.

A triggered ExecutableEntity is activated at least by one ExternalTrig-

gerOccurredEvent or InternalTriggerOccurredEvent. In some cases, the
Trigger Event Communication or the Inter Runnable Triggering is implemented by RTE
generator as a direct or trusted function call of the triggered ExecutableEntity
by the triggering ExecutableEntity.
An on-entry ExecutableEntity, on-transition ExecutableEntity,
on-exit ExecutableEntity or a ModeSwitchAck ExecutableEntity might
be executed in the context of the Rte_Switch API if an asynchronous mode switch
procedure is implemented.
A server runnable is exclusively activated by OperationInvokedEvents and
implements the server in client server communication. In some cases, the client server
communication is implemented by RTE as a direct or trusted function call of the server
by the client.

160 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Activation Offset for RunnableEntitys and BswSchedulableEntitys

In order to allow optimizations (smooth cpu load, mapping of RunnableEntitys and

BswSchedulableEntitys with different periods in the same task to avoid data shar-
ing, etc.), the RTE has to handle the activation offset information from a task shared
reference point only for time trigger RunnableEntitys and BswSchedulableEn-
titys. The maximum period of a task can be calculated automatically as the great-
est common divisor (GCD) of all runnables period and offset.It is assumed that the
runnables worst case execution is less than the GCD. In case of the worst case execu-
tion is greater than the GCD, the behavior becomes undefined.
[SWS_Rte_07000] dThe RTE shall respect the configured activation offset of
RunnableEntitys mapped within one OS task.c(SRS_Rte_00161)
[SWS_Rte_07520] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall respect the configured acti-
vation offset of BswSchedulableEntitys mapped within one OS task.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09010] Worst case execution time shall be less than the
GCD dThe RunnableEntitys or BswSchedulableEntitys worst case execution
time shall be less than the GCD of all BswSchedulableEntitys and RunnableEn-
titys period and offset in activation offset context for RunnableEntitys and
Note: The following examples are showing RunnableEntitys only. Nevertheless it
is applicable for BswSchedulableEntitys or a mixture of RunnableEntitys and
BswSchedulableEntitys as well.
Example 1:
This example describes 3 runnables mapped in one task with an activation offset de-
fined for each runnables.
Runnable Period Activation Offset
R1 100ms 20ms
R2 100ms 60ms
R3 100ms 100ms

Table 4.5: Runnables timings

The runnables R1, R2 and R3 are mapped in the task T1 at 20 ms which is the GCD
of all runnables period and activation offset.

161 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Figure 4.23: Example of activation offset for runnables

Example 2:
This example describes 4 runnables mapped in one task with an activation offset and
position in task defined for each runnables.
Runnable Period Position in task Activation Offset
R1 50ms 1 0ms
R2 100ms 2 0ms
R3 100ms 3 70ms
R4 50ms 4 20ms

Table 4.6: Runnables timings with position in task

The runnables R1, R2, R3 and R4 are mapped in the task T1 at 10 ms which is the
GCD of all runnables period and activation offset.

Figure 4.24: Example of activation offset for runnables with position in task Provide activating RTE event

It is possible to define the activation of one runnable entity by several RTE events. But
when the runnable entity is invoked by the RTE it is shall be possible to query which of
the RTE events actually triggered the execution of this runnable entity run.

162 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Contract Phase:
The provide activating event feature is enabled if the runnable entity has at least one
activationReason defined.
[SWS_Rte_08051] dIf the provide activating event feature is enabled, the RTE gen-
erator in contract phase shall generate the runnable entity signature according to
[SWS_Rte_01126] and [SWS_Rte_08071].c(SRS_Rte_00238)
[SWS_Rte_08052] dIf the provide activating event feature is enabled, the RTE genera-
tor in contract phase shall generate the type Rte_ActivatingEvent_<name> (ac-
tivation vector), where <name> is the symbol describing the runnable entity’s
entry point, to store the activation bits. Based on the highest value of ExecutableEn-
tityActivationReason.bitPosition for this runnable entity the type shall be ei-
ther uint8, uint16, or uint32 so that the highest value of bitPosition fits into
the data type.c(SRS_Rte_00238)
Note that it is considered an invalid configuration if ExecutableEntityActiva-
tionReason.bitPosition has a value higher than 31 (see [constr_1226] in soft-
ware component template [2])
[SWS_Rte_08053] dIf the provide activating RTE event feature is enabled, the RTE
generator in contract phase shall generate for each ExecutableEntityActiva-
tionReason of one executable entity a definition to provide the specific bit position in
the Rte_ActivatingEvent_<name> data type:
#define Rte_ActivatingEvent_<name>_<activation> xxU
The value of xx is defined by the bitPosition xx = 2∧ bitPosition.c(SRS_Rte_00238)
Example: runnable entity symbol = "greek" and has 3 ExecutableEntityActiva-
tionReasons aggregated. Those are referenced by 4 RTE events:
• RTEEvent: "alpha" symbol: aleph
• RTEEvent: "beta" symbol: beth
• RTEEvent: "gamma" symbol: gimel
• RTEEvent: "delta" symbol: gimel
This will result in a unit8 Rte_ActivatingEvent_<name> data type: typedef
uint8 Rte_ActivatingEvent_greek and 3 definitions:
• #define Rte_ActivatingEvent_greek_aleph 01U
• #define Rte_ActivatingEvent_greek_beth 02U
• #define Rte_ActivatingEvent_greek_gimel 04U
Generation Phase:

163 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08054] dIf the provide activating RTE event feature is enabled, the RTE
shall collect the activating RTE events, which have the activationReasonRep-
resentation reference defined, in the context of the OS task the runnable entity
is mapped to in an activation vector at the corresponding bit position as defined in
[SWS_Rte_08055] dIf the provide activating RTE event feature is enabled, the RTE
shall provide the collected activating RTE events (activation vector) to the runnable
entity API when the runnable entity is "started". The activation vector shall be reset
immediately after it has been provided.c(SRS_Rte_00238)
Since it is possible that there is a time gap between the activation and the execution
(start) of a runnable entity the subsequent activations are summed up and provided
with the start of the runnable entity.
Activations during the execution of a runnable entity are collected for the next start of
that runnable entity.

4.2.4 Cyclic execution of ExecutableEntitys

Between activation and start of an ExecutableEntity there is usually a direct causal

relationship. Either the ExecutableEntity is executed by a direct function call in the
activating RTE API or Basic Software Scheduler API (e.g. SchM_Trigger or Rte_-
Switch) or the activating RTE API or Basic Software Scheduler API activates a task
which then executes the ExecutableEntity. A special case are TimingEvents
and BackgroundEvents where the activation is not provided by an RTE API or Basic
Software Scheduler API but by the OS.
There are cases where this direct causal relationship of activation and execution is not
desired. Reasons can be a better control over the dynamic behavior of the system (e.g.
execution of ExecutableEntitys at well defined points) or just reduction of resource
consumption (e.g. due to reduced number of task activations in burst situations). To
achieve this the causal relationship will be relaxed by separating the activation of the
ExecutableEntity and its execution completely. That is, the activation of an Ex-
ecutableEntity only delivers the information that it has to be executed while the
execution context (i.e. the OsTask) is triggered elsewhere in the desired moment.
This section concentrates on a cyclic execution of ExecutableEntitys. Triggering
the execution context is therefore done outside the RTE or Basic Software Scheduler
via the OS. The OsTask representing the execution context of the ExecutableEn-
tity will in this case have a configured OsTaskPeriod.
[SWS_Rte_04569] dThe RTE shall execute RunnableEntitys referenced by an
RTEEvent being mapped to an OsTask with configured OsTaskPeriod when the
task is executed (See [SWS_Rte_04571] ) and the RunnableEntity was activated
by the RTEEvent.c(SRS_Rte_00237)

164 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_04570] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall execute BswModuleEn-

titys referenced by a BswEvent being mapped to an OsTask with configured Os-
TaskPeriod when the task is executed (See [SWS_Rte_04571] ) and the BswMod-
uleEntity was activated by the BswEvent.c(SRS_Rte_00237)
[SWS_Rte_04571] dThe Basic Software Scheduler / RTE shall assume the execution
of an OsTask with the recurrence defined in OsTaskPeriod, if the OsTask has one.
It shall not perform additional task activations for this OsTask.c(SRS_Rte_00237)
The following two examples will demonstrate the meaning of the requirements. The
first one is very primitive and focuses on TimingEvents. The second one shows the
case of an ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent.
Example 1:
A TimingEvent having period 0.02 (20ms) and starting RunnableEntity RunnA
is mapped to OsTask Task10ms having OsTaskPeriod set to 0.01 (10ms).
[SWS_Rte_04569] (and [SWS_Rte_04571]) applies and forces the RTE to implement
a prescaler to scale down the 10ms of the OsTask to the 20ms requested by the
TimingEvent. The code (optimized for readability, not CPU resources) might then
look as follows:
1 uint8 RunnA_Task10ms_prescaler = 0;
3 TASK(Task10ms)
4 {
5 if (RunnA_Task10ms_prescaler == 0)
6 {
7 RunnA();
8 RunnA_Task10ms_prescaler = 2;
9 }
10 RunnA_Task10ms_prescaler--;
11 }

Example 2:
An ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent starts RunnableEntity RunnB and is
mapped to OsTask Task10ms having OsTaskPeriod set to 0.01 (10ms). Again
[SWS_Rte_04569] but especially also [SWS_Rte_04571] apply. The code (without
defensive code preventing e.g. activation queue overflow) might then look as follows:
1 uint8 RunnA_Task10ms_activation_count = 0;
3 Std_ReturnType Rte_Trigger_myTriggerComponent_myTriggerPort_myTrigger(
4 {
5 RunnA_Task10ms_activation_count++;
6 /* SWS_Rte_04571 prevents the activation of Task10ms here */
7 return RTE_E_OK;
8 }
10 TASK(Task10ms)
11 {

165 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

12 /* the RTE is forced to examine if there was an activation of RunnA,

as Task10ms is executed independently of a possible activation of
RunnA */
13 if (RunnA_Task10ms_activation_count != 0)
14 {
15 RunnA_Task10ms_activation_count--;
16 RunnA();
17 }
18 }

4.2.5 Interrupt decoupling and notifications Basic notification principles

Several BSW modules exist which contain functionality which is not directly activated,
triggered or called by AUTOSAR software-components but by other circumstances, like
digital input port level changes, complex driver actions, CAN signal reception, etc. In
most cases interrupts are a result of those circumstances. For a definition of interrupts,
see the VFB [1].
Several of these BSW functionalities create situations, signalled by an interrupt, when
AUTOSAR SW-Cs have to be involved. To inform AUTOSAR software components of
those situations, runnables in AUTOSAR software components are activated by no-
tifications. So interrupts that occur in the basic software have to be transformed into
notifications of the AUTOSAR software components. Such a transformation has to take
place at RTE level at the latest! Which interrupt is connected to which notification is
decided either during system configuration/generation time or as part of the design of
Complex Device Drivers or the Microcontroller Abstraction Layer.
This means that runnables in AUTOSAR SW-Cs have to be activated or "waiting" cat2
runnables in extended tasks have to be set to "ready to run" again. In addition some
event specific data may have to be passed.
There are two different mechanisms to implement these notifications, depending on
the kind of BSW interfaces.
1. BSW with Standardized interface. Used with COM and OS.
Basic-SW modules with Standardized interfaces cannot create RTEEvents. So
another mechanism must be chosen: "callbacks"
The typical callback realization in a C/C++ environment is a function call.
2. BSW with AUTOSAR interface: Used in all the other BSW modules.
Basic-SW modules with AUTOSAR-Interfaces have their interface specified in an
AUTOSAR BSW description XML file which contains signal specifications accord-
ing to the AUTOSAR specification. The BSW modules can employ RTE API calls
like Rte_Send – see 5.6.5). RTEEvents may be connected with the RTE API
calls, so realizing AUTOSAR SW-C activation.

166 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Note that an AUTOSAR software component can send a notification to another AU-
TOSAR software component or a BSW module only via an AUTOSAR interface. Interrupts

The AUTOSAR concept as stated in the VFB specification [1] does not allow AUTOSAR
software components to run in interrupt context. Only the Microcontroller Abstraction
Layer, Complex Device Drivers and the OS are allowed to directly interact with inter-
rupts and implement interrupt service routines (see Requirement [SRS_BSW_00164].
This ensures hardware independence and determinism.
If AUTOSAR software components were allowed to run in interrupt context, one AU-
TOSAR software component could block the entire system schedule for an unaccept-
ably long period of time. But the main reason is that AUTOSAR software components
are supposed to be independent of the underlying hardware so that exchangeability
between ECUs can be ensured. The schedule of an ECU is more predictable and bet-
ter testable if the timing effects of interrupts are restricted to the basic software of that
Furthermore, AUTOSAR software components are not allowed to explicitly block inter-
rupts as a means to ensure data consistency. They have to use RTE functions for this
purpose instead, see Section 4.2.6. Decoupling interrupts on RTE level

Runnables in AUTOSAR SW-Cs may be running as a consequence of an interrupt but

not in interrupt context, which means not within an interrupt service routine! Between
the interrupt service routine and an AUTOSAR SW-C activation there must always be
a decoupling instance. AUTOSAR SW-C runnables are only executed in the context of
The decoupling instance is latest in the RTE. For the RTE there are several options to
realize the decoupling of interrupts. Which option is the best depends on the configu-
ration and implementation of the RTE, so only examples are given here.
Example 1:
• An interrupt routine calls an RTE callback function
• Start a runnable
RTE job:

167 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• RTE starts a task containing the runnable activation code by using the Acti-
vateTask()" OS service call.
• Other more sophisticated solutions are possible, e.g. if the task containing the
runnable is activated periodically.
Example 2:
• An interrupt routine calls an RTE callback function

• Make a runnable wake up from a wait point

RTE job:
• RTE sets an OS event
These scenarios described in the examples above not only hold for RTE callback func-
tions but for other RTE API functions as well.
[SWS_Rte_03600] dThe RTE shall prevent runnable entities of AUTOSAR software-
components to run in interrupt context.c(SRS_Rte_00099) RTE and interrupt categories

Since category 1 interrupts are not under OS control the RTE has absolutely no pos-
sibility to influence their execution behavior. So no category 1 interrupt is allowed to
reach RTE. This is different for interrupt of category 2.
[SWS_Rte_03594] dThe RTE Generator shall reject the configuration if a SwcB-
swRunnableMapping associates a BswInterruptEntity with a RunnableEn-
tity and the attribute interruptCategory of the BswInterruptEntity is equal
to cat 1.c(SRS_Rte_00018, SRS_Rte_00099)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09012] Category 1 interrupts shall not access the RTE.
dCategory 1 interrupts shall not access the RTE.c()
Most of the Os services can also be called from a category 2 interrupt service routine
(see [4]). The main difference to tasks is that ISRs cannot have a wait state and are
always activated from an external source (never by the Rte). In addition, ISRs always
have a higher priority than a task. Thus, the Rte shall allow to run ExecutableEntities
under certain circumstances. The activation of the ISR2 is not in the scope of the Rte.
[SWS_Rte_04564] dThe RTE shall activate an ExecutableEntity if its External-
TriggerOccurredEvent or BswExternalTriggerOccurredEvent is mapped to
an ISR2 (via an RteEventToIsrMapping).c(SRS_Rte_00237)

168 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09120] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where

an event that triggers a category 2 ExecutableEntity is mapped to an ISR2.c()
Note: ExecutableEntity of category 2 requires a wait point but an ISR2 is not al-
lowed to enter a wait state. For time based activation of ExecutableEntitys please
refer to section
SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09151]
Container Name RteEventToIsrMapping
Parent Container RteSwComponentInstance
Description Maps a RunnableEntity onto one OsIsr based on the activating
Configuration Parameters

Name RtePositionInIsr [ECUC_Rte_09152]

Parent Container RteEventToIsrMapping
Description Each RunnableEntity mapped to an OsIsr has a specific position within
the ISR2 execution. For event driven activation this is the order of
evaluation which actual RunnableEntity has to be executed.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteIsrEventRef [ECUC_Rte_09153]

Parent Container RteEventToIsrMapping
Description Reference to the description of the ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent or
TimingEvent which is pointing to the RunnableEntity being mapped.
This allows a fine grained mapping of RunnableEntites based on the
activating RTEEvent.
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to RTE-EVENT
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

169 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteMappedToIsrRef [ECUC_Rte_09154]

Parent Container RteEventToIsrMapping
Description Reference to the OsISR the RunnableEntity activated by the
RteEventRef is mapped to.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to OsIsr
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteRipsFillRoutineRef [ECUC_Rte_09155]

Parent Container RteEventToIsrMapping
Description Reference to a Buffer-Fill Routine implemented by an RTE
Implementation Plug-In. This routine gets invoked directly before the
ExecutableEntity is started.

Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to destinationUri [ RteRipsUriDefSet/RteRipsPluginFillFlush
Routine ]
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

170 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteRipsFlushRoutineRef [ECUC_Rte_09156]

Parent Container RteEventToIsrMapping
Description Reference to a Buffer-Flush Routine implemented by an RTE
Implementation Plug-In. This routine gets invoked directly after the
ExecutableEntity has terminated.

Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to destinationUri [ RteRipsUriDefSet/RteRipsPluginFillFlush
Routine ]
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers RTE and Basic Software Scheduler and BswExecutionContext

The RTE and Basic Software Scheduler do support the invocation triggered Ex-
ecutableEntity via direct or trusted function call in some special cases. Never-
theless, it shall be prevented that an ExecutableEntity from a particular execution
context calls a triggered ExecutableEntity which requires an execution context
with more permissions.
The constraint [constr_4086] in document [9] describes the possible invocation of
ExecutableEntitys by direct or trusted function call dependent from BswExecu-
This applies to the invocation of a triggered ExecutableEntity by the SchM_-
Trigger, SchM_ActMain or Rte_Trigger APIs, or to the invocation of an on-en-
try ExecutableEntity, on-transition ExecutableEntity, on-exit Ex-
ecutableEntity or ModeSwitchAck ExecutableEntity by the SchM_Switch
or Rte_Switch APIs.

171 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Interrupt decoupling for COM

COM callbacks are used to inform the RTE about something that happened indepen-
dently of any RTE action. This is often interrupt driven, e.g. when a data item has been
received from another ECU or when a S/R transmission is completed.
It is the RTE’s job e.g. to create RTEEvents from the interrupt.
[SWS_Rte_03530] dThe RTE shall provide callback functions to allow COM to signal
COM events to the RTE.c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00099)
[SWS_Rte_03531] dThe RTE shall support runnable activation by COM callbacks.c
(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00099)
[SWS_Rte_03532] dThe RTE shall support category 2 runnables to wake up from a
wait point as a result of COM callbacks.c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00099)
See RTE callback API in chapter 5.9.

4.2.6 Data Consistency General

Concurrent accesses to shared data memory can cause data inconsistencies. In gen-
eral this must be taken into account when several code entities accessing the same
data memory are running in different contexts - in other words when systems using
parallel (multicore) or concurrent (singlecore) execution of code are designed. More
general: Whenever task context-switches occur and data is shared between tasks or
ISR2s, data consistency is an issue.
AUTOSAR systems use operating systems according to the AUTOSAR-OS specifica-
tion which is derived from the OSEK-OS specification. The Autosar OS specification
defines a priority based scheduling to allow event driven systems. This means that
tasks with higher priority levels or ISR2s are able to interrupt (preempt) tasks with
lower priority level.
The "lost update" example in Figure 4.25 illustrates the problem for concurrent read-
modify-write accesses:

172 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

1) Get X‘=5
2) X‘+=2
3) X = X‘

Task A

Task B

1) X*=5 2) X*++ => X*=6

3) X = X* => X=6

Data X 5555555557777766666666

Figure 4.25: Data inconsistency example - lost update

There are two tasks. Task A has higher priority than task B. A increments the commonly
accessed counter X by 2, B increments X by 1. So in both tasks there is a read
(step1) – modify (step2) – write (step3) sequence. If there are no atomic accesses (fully
completed read-modify-write accesses without interruption) the following can happen:
1. Assume X=5.
2. B makes read (step1) access to X and stores value 5 in an intermediate store
(e.g. on stack or in a CPU register).
3. B cannot continue because it is preempted by A.
4. A does its read (step1) – modify (step2) – write (step3) sequence, which means
that A reads the actual value of X, which is 5, increments it by 2 and writes the
new value for X, which is 7. (X=5+2)
5. A is suspended again.
6. B continues where it has been preempted: with its modify (step2) and write
(step3) job. This means that it takes the value 5 form its internal store, incre-
ments it by one to 6 and writes the value 6 to X (X=5+1).
7. B is suspended again.
The correct result after both Tasks A and B are completed should be X=8, but the
update of X performed by task A has been lost.

173 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Communication Patterns

In AUTOSAR systems the RTE has to take care that a lot of the communication is not
corrupted by data consistency problems. RTE Generator has to apply suitable means
if required.
The following communication mechanisms can be distinguished:
• Communication within one atomic AUTOSAR SW-C:
Communication between Runnables of one atomic AUTOSAR SW-C running
in different task/ISR2 contexts where communication between these Runnables
takes place via commonly accessed data. If the need to support data consistency
by the RTE exists, it must be specified by using the concepts of "ExclusiveAreas"
or "InterRunnableVariables" only.
• Intra-partition communication between AUTOSAR SW-Cs:
Sender/Receiver (S/R) communication between Runnables of different AU-
TOSAR SW-Cs using implicit or explicit data exchange can be realized by the
RTE through commonly accessed RAM memory areas. Data consistency in
Client/Server (C/S) communication can be put down to the same concepts as
S/R communication. Data access collisions must be avoided. The RTE is re-
sponsible for guaranteeing data consistency.
• Inter-Partition communication
The RTE has to guarantee data consistency. The different possibilities provided
to the RTE for the communication between partitions are discussed in section
• Intra-ECU communication between AUTOSAR SW-Cs and BSW modules with
AUTOSAR interfaces:
This is a special case of the above two.
• Inter ECU communication
COM has to guarantee data consistency for communication between ECUs on
complete path between the COM modules of different ECUs. The RTE on each
ECU has to guarantee that no data inconsistency might occur when it invokes
COM send respectively receive calls supplying respectively receiving data items
which are concurrently accessed by application via RTE API call, especially when
queueing is used since the queues are provided by the RTE and not by COM.
[SWS_Rte_03514] dThe RTE has to guarantee data consistency for communication
via AUTOSAR interfaces.c(SRS_Rte_00032) Concepts

In the AUTOSAR SW-C Template [2] chapter "Interaction between runnables within
one component", the concepts of
1. ExclusiveAreas (see section below)

174 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

2. InterRunnableVariables (see section below)

are introduced to allow the user (SW-Designer) to specify where the RTE shall guar-
antee data consistency for AUTOSAR SW-C internal communication and execution
circumstances. This is discussed in more detail in next sections.

Additionally exclusive areas are also available for Basic Software Modules to protect
access to module internal data. See [9]. The exclusive areas for Basic Software Mod-
ules are handled by the Basic Software Scheduler.
The AUTOSAR SW-C template specification [2] also states that AUTOSAR SW-Cs may
define PerInstanceMemory or arTypedPerInstanceMemory, allowing reserva-
tion of static (permanent) need of global RAM for the SW-C. Nothing is specified about
the way Runnables might access this memory. RTE only provides a reference to this
memory (see section 5.6) but doesn’t guarantee data consistency for it.
The implementer of an AUTOSAR SW-C has to take care by himself that accesses to
RAM reserved as PerInstanceMemory out of Runnables running in different task/ISR2
contexts don’t cause data inconsistencies. On the other hand this provides more
freedom in using the memory. Mechanisms to guarantee data consistency

ExclusiveAreas and InterRunnableVariables are only mentioned in association with

AUTOSAR SW-C internal communication. Nevertheless the data consistency mecha-
nisms behind can be applied to communication between AUTOSAR SW-Cs or between
AUTOSAR SW-Cs and BSW modules too. Everywhere where the RTE has to guaran-
tee data consistency.
The data consistency guaranteeing mechanisms listed here are derived from AU-
TOSAR SW-C Template and from further discussions. There might be more (see sec-
tion 4.3.4 for the mechanisms involved for inter-partition communication).
The RTE has the responsibility to apply such mechanisms if required. The details how
to apply the mechanisms are left open to the RTE supplier.
• Sequential scheduling strategy
The activation code of Runnables is sequentially placed in one task/ISR2 so that
no interference between them is possible because one Runnable is only activated
after the termination of the other. Data consistency is guaranteed.
• Interrupt blocking strategy
Interrupt blocking can be an appropriate means if collision avoidance is required
for a very short amount of time. This might be done by disabling respectively
suspending all interrupts, Os interrupts only or - if hardware supports it - only
of some interrupt levels. In general this mechanism must be applied with care

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Specification of RTE Software

because it might influence SW in tasks with higher priority too and the timing of
the complete system.
• Usage of OS resources
Usage of OS resources. Advantage in comparison to Interrupt blocking strat-
egy is that less SW parts with higher priority are blocked. Disadvantage is that
implementation might consume more resources (code, runtime) due to the more
sophisticated mechanism. Appropriateness of this mechanism may vary depend-
ing on the number of OSs/cores and/or the number of available resources.
• Task blocking strategy
Mutual task preemption is prohibited. This might be reached e.g. by assigning
same priorities to affected tasks, by assigning same internal OS resource to af-
fected tasks or by configuring the tasks to be non-preemptive. This mechanism
may be inappropriate in multi-partitioned systems.
• Copy strategy
Idea: The RTE creates copies of data items so that concurrent accesses in dif-
ferent task/ISR2 contexts cannot collide because some of the accesses are redi-
rected to the copies.
How it can work:
– Application for read conflicts:
For all readers with lower priority than the writer a read copy is provided.
There exist Runnable R1, Runnable R2, data item X and a copy data
item X*. When Runnable R1 is running in higher priority task context than
R2, and R1 is the only one writing X and R2 is reading X it is possible to
guarantee data consistency by making a copy of data item X to variable X*
before activation of R2 and redirecting write access from X to X* or the read
access from X to X* for R2.

– Application for write conflicts:

If one or more data item receiver with a higher priority than the sender exist,
a write copy for the sender is provided.
There exist Runnable R1, Runnable R2, data item X and copy data item X*.
When Runnable R1 (running in lower priority task context than R2) is
writing X and R2 is reading X, it is possible to guarantee data consistency
by making a copy of data item X to data item X* before activation of R1
together with redirecting the write access from X to X* for R1 or the read
access from X to X* for R2.

Usage of this copy mechanism may make sense if one or more of the following
conditions hold:

176 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

– This copy mechanism can handle those cases when only one instance does
the data write access.
– R2 is accessing X several times.
– More than one Runnable R2 has read (resp. write) access to X.
– To save runtime is more important than to save code and RAM.
– Additional RAM requirements to hold the copies is acceptable.
Further issues to be taken into account:
– AUTOSAR SW-Cs provided as source code and AUTOSAR SW-Cs pro-
vided as object code may or have to be handled in different ways. The
redirecting mechanism for source code could use macros for C and C++
very efficiently whereas object-code AUTOSAR SW-Cs most likely are
forced to use references.

Note that the copy strategy is used to guarantee data consistency for implicit
sender-receiver communication (VariableAccesses in the dataReadAccess
or dataWriteAccess role) and for AUTOSAR SW-C internal communication
using InterRunnableVariables with implicit behavior. Exclusive Areas

The concept of ExclusiveArea is more a working model. It’s not a concrete imple-
mentation approach, although concrete possible mechanisms are listed in AUTOSAR
SW-C template specification [2].
Focus of the ExclusiveArea concept is to block potential concurrent accesses
to get data consistency. ExclusiveAreas implement critical section
ExclusiveAreas are associated with RunnableEntitys. The RTE is forced to guar-
antee data consistency when the RunnableEntity runs in an ExclusiveArea. A
RunnableEntity can run inside one or several ExclusiveAreas completely or can
enter one or several ExclusiveAreas during their execution for one or several times
• If an AUTOSAR SW-C requests the RTE to look for data consistency for it’s inter-
nally used data (for a part of it or the complete one) using the ExclusiveArea
concept, the SW designer can use the API calls "Rte_Enter()" in 5.6.30 and
"Rte_Exit()" in 5.6.31 to specify where he wants to have the protection by RTE
"Rte_Enter()" defines the begin and "Rte_Exit()" defines the end of the code se-
quence containing data accesses the RTE has to guarantee data consistency

177 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• If the SW designer wants to have the mutual exclusion for complete

RunnableEntitys he can specify this by using the ExclusiveArea in the role
"runsInsideExclusiveArea" in the AUTOSAR SW-C description.
In principle the ExclusiveArea concept can handle the access to single data items
as well as the access to several data items realized by a group of instructions. It
also doesn’t matter if one Runnable is completely running in an ExclusiveArea and
another Runnable only temporarily enters the same ExclusiveArea. The RTE has
to guarantee data consistency.
[SWS_Rte_03500] dThe RTE has to guarantee data consistency for arbitrary accesses
to data items accessed by Runnables marked with the same ExclusiveArea.c
(SRS_Rte_00032, SRS_Rte_00046)
[SWS_Rte_03515] dRTE has to provide an API enabling the SW-Cs to access and
leave ExclusiveAreas.c(SRS_Rte_00046)
If Runnables accessing same ExclusiveArea are assigned to be executing in differ-
ent task/ISR2 contexts, the RTE can apply suitable mechanisms, e.g. task/ISR2 block-
ing, to guarantee data consistency for data accesses in the common ExclusiveArea.
However, specials attributes can be set that require certain data consistency mecha-
nisms in which case the RTE generator is forced to apply the selected mechanism.
The Basic Software Scheduler provides ExclusiveAreas for the Basic Software
Modules. Basic Software Modules have to use the API calls SchM_Enter()" in 6.5.1
and SchM_Exit()" in 6.5.2 to specify where the protection by Basic Software Sched-
uler has to be applied.
[SWS_Rte_07522] dThe Basic Software Scheduler has to guarantee data consistency
for arbitrary accesses to data items accessed by BswModuleEntitys marked with
the same ExclusiveArea.c(SRS_Rte_00222, SRS_Rte_00046)
[SWS_Rte_07523] dBasic Software Scheduler has to provide an API enabling the
Basic Software Module to access and leave ExclusiveAreas.c(SRS_Rte_00222,
It is not supported, that a BswModuleEntity which is not a BswSchedulableEn-
tity uses an ExclusiveArea in the role runsInsideExclusiveArea This is not
possible, because such BswSchedulableEntity might be called directly by other
Basic Software Modules and therefore the Basic Software Scheduler is not able to
enter and exit the ExclusiveArea automatically.
[SWS_Rte_07524] dThe RTE generator shall reject a configuration where a BswMod-
uleEntity which is not a BswSchedulableEntity uses an ExclusiveArea in
the role runsInsideExclusiveArea.c(SRS_Rte_00222, SRS_Rte_00046, SRS_-

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Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Assignment of data consistency mechanisms

The data consistency mechanism that has to be applied to anExclusiveArea might

be domain, ECU or even project specific. The decision which mechanism has to be
applied by RTE / Basic Software Scheduler is taken during ECU integration by set-
ting the ExclusiveArea configuration parameter RteExclusiveAreaImplMecha-
nism. This parameter is an input for RTE generator.
As stated in section there might be more mechanisms to realize Exclu-
siveAreas as mentioned in this specification. So RTE implementations might provide
other mechanisms in plus by a vendor specific solutions. This allows further optimiza-
Actually following values for configuration parameter RteExclusiveAreaIm-
plMechanism must be supported:
This value requests enabling and disabling of all Interrupts and is based on the
Interrupt blocking strategy.
This value requests enabling and disabling of Os Interrupts and is based on the
Interrupt blocking strategy.
This value requests to apply the Usage of OS resources mechanism.
This value is used to co-ordinate concurrent access by TASKs/ISR2s on different
cores to a shared resource.
RTE generator shall not apply any mechanisms for data consistency. Data con-
sistency will be ensured by methods outside of RTE implementation control.
This value requests to apply the RTE Implementation Plug-In mechanism.
The strategies / mechanisms are described in general in section

[SWS_Rte_03504] dIf the configuration parameter RteExclusiveAreaImplMech-

anism of an ExclusiveArea is set to value ALL_INTERRUPT_BLOCKING the RTE
generator shall use the mechanism of Interrupt blocking (blocking all interrupts) to guar-
antee data consistency if data inconsistency could occur.c(SRS_Rte_00032)
[SWS_Rte_05164] dIf the configuration parameter RteExclusiveAreaImplMech-
anism of an ExclusiveArea is set to value OS_INTERRUPT_BLOCKING the RTE
generator shall use the mechanism of Interrupt blocking (blocking Os interrupts only)
to guarantee data consistency if data inconsistency could occur.c(SRS_Rte_00032)

179 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03595] dIf the configuration parameter RteExclusiveAreaImplMech-

anism of an ExclusiveArea is set to value OS_RESOURCE the RTE generator shall
use OS resources to guarantee data consistency if data inconsistency could occur.c
The requirements above have the limitation "if data inconsistency could occur"
because it makes no sense to apply a data consistency mechanism if no potential
data inconsistency can occur. This can be relevant if e.g. the "Sequential scheduling
strategy" (described in section still has solved the item by the ECU integrator
defining an appropriate runnable-to-task mapping.

[SWS_Rte_08419] dIf the configuration parameter RteExclusiveAreaImplMech-

anism of an ExclusiveAreais set to value OS_SPINLOCK the RTE generator shall
use OS spinlocks to guarantee data consistency if data inconsistency could occur.c
[SWS_Rte_03999] dIf the configuration parameter RteExclusiveAreaImplMecha-
nism of an ExclusiveArea is set to value NONE then the RTE generator shall create
functionally empty implementations for all required APIs.c(SRS_Rte_00032)
Note: The implementation of ExclusiveAreas via RTE Implementation
Plug-In mechanism (RteExclusiveAreaImplMechanism set to RTE_PLUGIN) is
described in section 7.3.5. Note:
The configuration parameter RteExclusiveAreaImplMechanism can be specified
for each SWC instance and therefore the implementation for each API may differ.
The description "functionally empty" implies no code to lock/unlock the exclusive
area however other code, such as VFB trace, may be present. If all SWC instances
result in identical implementations, e.g. empty, then an RTE generator can provide a
function-like macro within the RTE API mappings to further optimize the generated
API. Such optimization is not possible when implementations differ since the API
mappings are generated per-type.

In a SWC code, it is not allowed to use WaitPoints inside an ExclusiveArea:

The RTE generator might use OSEK services to implement ExclusiveAreas and
waiting for an OS event is not allowed when an OSEK resource has been taken for
example. For RunnableEntityEntersExclusiveArea, the RTE generator cannot check if
WaitPoints are inside an ExclusiveArea. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the
SWC Code writer to ensure that no WaitPoints are used inside an exclusive area.
But for RunnableEntitys running inside an ExclusiveArea, the RTE generator is
able to do the following check.
[SWS_Rte_07005] dThe RTE generator shall reject a configuration with a WaitPoint
applied to a RunnableEntity which is using the ExclusiveArea in the role run-
sInsideExclusiveAreac(SRS_Rte_00032, SRS_Rte_00018)

180 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 InterRunnableVariables

AtomicSwComponents (except for NvBlockComponents) can reserve InterRunnable-

Variables which can be accessed by the Runnables of this one AtomicSwComponent
(also see section Read and write accesses are possible. There is a separate
set of those variables per AUTOSAR SW-C instance.
Again the RTE has to guarantee data consistency. Appropriate means will depend on
Runnable placement decisions which are taken during ECU configuration.
[SWS_Rte_03516] dThe RTE has to guarantee data consistency for communication
between Runnables of one AUTOSAR software-component instance using the same
InterRunnableVariable.c(SRS_Rte_00142, SRS_Rte_00032)
Next the two kinds of InterRunnableVariables are treated:
1. InterRunnableVariables with implicit behavior
2. InterRunnableVariables with explicit behavior
(explicitInterRunnableVariable) InterRunnableVariables with implicit behavior

In applications with very high SW-C communication needs and much real time con-
straints (like in powertrain domain) the usage of a copy mechanism to get data con-
sistency might be a good choice because during RunnableEntity execution no data
consistency overhead in form of concurrent access blocking code and runtime during
its execution exists - independent of the number of data item accesses.
Costs are code overhead in the RunnableEntity prologue and epilogue which is
often be minimal compared to other solutions. Additional RAM need for the copies
comes in plus.
When InterRunnableVariables with implicit behavior are used the RTE is required to
make the data available to the Runnable using the semantics of a copy operation
but is not necessarily required to use a unique copy for each RunnableEntity.
Focus of InterRunnableVariable with implicit behavior is to avoid concurrent ac-
cesses by redirecting second, third, .. accesses to data item copies.
[SWS_Rte_03517] dThe RTE shall guarantee data consistency for InterRunnableVari-
ables with implicit behavior by avoiding concurrent accesses to data items specified
by implicitInterRunnableVariable using one or more copies and redirecting
accesses to the copies.
c(SRS_Rte_00142, SRS_Rte_00032)
Compared with Sender/Receiver communication

181 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• Like with VariableAccesses in the dataReadAccess and dataWriteAc-

cess roles, the Runnable IN data is stable during Runnable execution, which
means that during an Runnable execution several read accesses to an implic-
itInterRunnableVariable always deliver the same data item value.
• Like with VariableAccesses in the dataReadAccess and dataWriteAc-
cess roles, the Runnable OUT data is forwarded to other Runnables not before
Runnable execution has terminated, which means that during an Runnable ex-
ecution write accesses to implicitInterRunnableVariable are not visible
to other Runnables.
This behavior requires that Runnable execution terminates.
[SWS_Rte_03582] dThe value of several read accesses to implicitInter-
RunnableVariable during a RunnableEntity execution shall only change for
write accesses performed within this RunnableEntity to the implicitInter-
[SWS_Rte_03583] dSeveral write accesses to implicitInterRunnableVariable
during a RunnableEntity execution shall result in only one update of the implic-
itInterRunnableVariable content visible to other RunnableEntitys with the
last written value.
[SWS_Rte_03584] dThe update of implicitInterRunnableVariable done dur-
ing a RunnableEntity execution shall be made available to other RunnableEn-
titys after the RunnableEntity execution has terminated.
[SWS_Rte_07022] dIf a RunnableEntity has both read and write access to an
implicitInterRunnableVariable the result of the write access shall be imme-
diately visible to subsequent read accesses from within the same runnable entity.c
The usage of implicitInterRunnableVariables is permitted for all categories of
runnable entities. For runnable entities of category 2, the behavior is guaranteed only
if it has a finite execution time. A category 2 runnable that runs forever will not have its
data updated.
For API of implicitInterRunnableVariable see sections 5.6.24 and 5.6.26.
For more details how this mechanism could work see "Copy strategy" in section InterRunnableVariables with explicit behavior

In many applications saving RAM is more important than saving runtime. Also some
application require to have access to the newest data item value without any delay,
even several times during execution of a Runnable.

182 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Both requirements can be fulfilled when RTE supports data consistency by blocking
second/third/.. concurrent accesses to a signal buffer if data consistency is jeopar-
dized. (Most likely RTE has nothing to do if SW is running on a 16bit machine and
making an access to an 16bit value when a 16bit data bus is present.)
Focus of InterRunnableVariables with explicit behavior is to block potential con-
current accesses to get data consistency.
The mechanism behind is the same as in the ExclusiveArea concept (see section But although ExclusiveAreas can handle single data item accesses too, their
API is made to make the RTE to apply data consistency means for a group of in-
structions accessing several data items as well. So when using an ExclusiveArea to
protect accesses to one single common used data item each time two RTE API calls
grouped around are needed. This is very inconvenient and might lead to faults if the
calls grouped around might be forgotten.
The solution is to support InterRunnableVariables with explicit behavior.
[SWS_Rte_03519] dThe RTE shall guarantee data consistency for InterRunnableVari-
ables with explicit behavior by blocking concurrent accesses to data items specified by
c(SRS_Rte_00142, SRS_Rte_00032)
The RTE generator is not free to select on it’s own if implicit or explicit behavior shall
be applied. Behavior must be known at AUTOSAR SW-C design time because in case
of InterRunnableVariables with implicit behavior the AUTOSAR SW-C designer might
rely on the fact that several read accesses always deliver same data item value.
[SWS_Rte_03580] dThe RTE shall supply different APIs for InterRunnableVariables
with implicit behavior and InterRunnableVariables with explicit behavior.
For API of InterRunnableVariables with explicit behavior see sections 5.6.28 and

4.2.7 Multiple trigger of Runnable Entities and Basic Software Schedulable En-

Concurrent activation
The AUTOSAR SW-C template specification [2] states that runnable entities (further
called "runnables") might be invoked concurrently several times if the Runnables at-
tribute canBeInvokedConcurrently is set. It’s then in the responsibility of the AU-
TOSAR SW-C designer that no data might be corrupted when the Runnable is activated
several times in parallel.
If a SW-C has multiple instances, they have distinct runnables. Two runnables that
use the same RunnableEntity description of the same SwcInternalBehavior
description but are instantiated with two different SW-C instances are treated as two
distinct runnables in the following. This kind of concurrency is always allowed between

183 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

SW-Cs, even if the runnables have their canBeInvokedConcurrently attribute set

to false.
[SWS_Rte_03523] dThe RTE shall support concurrent activation of the same instance
of a runnable entity if the associative attribute canBeInvokedConcurrently is set
to TRUE. This includes concurrent activation in several tasks/ISR2s. If the attribute is
not set resp. set to FALSE, concurrent activation of the runnable entity is forbidden.
(see requirement [SWS_Rte_05083])c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00133)
The Basic Software Module Description Template [9] specifies the possible concurrent
activation of BswModuleEntitys by the attribute isReentrant.
[SWS_Rte_07525] d The Basic Software Scheduler shall support concurrent activation
of the same instance of a BswSchedulableEntity if the attribute isReentrant of
the referenced BswModuleEntry in the role implementedEntry is set to true. This
includes concurrent activation in several tasks/ISR2s. If the attribute is set to false
concurrent activation of the BswSchedulableEntity is forbidden. (see requirement
Concurrent activation of the same instance of an ExecutableEntity results in mul-
tiple ExecutableEntity execution-instances. One for each context of activa-
Activation by several RTEEvents and BswEvents
Nevertheless a Runnable whose attribute canBeInvokedConcurrently is NOT set
might be still activated by several RTEEvents if activation configuration guarantees
that concurrent activation can never occur and the minimumStartInterval condi-
tion is kept. This includes activation in different tasks. In this case, the runnable is
still considered to have only one ExecutableEntity execution-instances. A
standard use case is the activation of same instance of a runnable in different modes.
[SWS_Rte_03520] dThe RTE shall support activation of same instance of a runnable
entity by multiple RTEEvents.c(SRS_Rte_00072)
RTEEvents are triggering runnable activation and may supply 0..several role param-
eters, see section 5.7.3. Role parameters are not visible in the runnables signature -
except in those triggered by an OperationInvokedEvent. With the exception of the
RTEEvent OperationInvokedEvent all role parameters can be accessed by user
with implicit or explicit Receiver API.
[SWS_Rte_03524] dThe RTE shall support activation of same instance of a runnable
entity by RTEEvents of different kinds.c(SRS_Rte_00072)
The RTE does NOT support a runnable entity triggered by an RTEEvent Opera-
tionInvokedEvent to be triggered by any other RTEEvent except for other Opera-
tionInvokedEvents of compatible operations. This limitation is stated in appendix
in section A.2 ([SWS_Rte_03526]).

184 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The similar configuration as mentioned for the RunnableEntitys might be used for
BswSchedulableEntitys. Therefore even a BswSchedulableEntity whose ref-
erenced BswModuleEntry in the role implementedEntry has its isReentrant
attribute set to false can be activated by several BswEvents.
[SWS_Rte_07526] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall support activation of same
instance of a BswSchedulableEntity by multiple BswEvents.c()
[SWS_Rte_07527] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall support activation of same
instance of a BswSchedulableEntity by BswEvents of different kinds.c()

4.2.8 Implementation of Parameter and Data Elements General

A SWC communicates with other SWCs through ports. A port is characterized by a

PortInterface and there are several kinds of PortInterfaces. In this section,
we focus on the ParameterInterface, the SenderReceiverInterface, and the
NvDataInterface. These three kinds of PortInterfaces aggregate some specific
interface elements. For example, a ParameterInterface aggregates 0..* Parame-
terDataPrototypes. Compatibility rules

A receiver port can only be connected to a compatible provider port. The compatibility
rules are explained in the AUTOSAR Software Component Template [2]. The compat-
ibility mainly depends on the attribute swImplPolicy attached to the element of the
interface. The table 4.13 below gives an overview of compatibility rules.
Provide Port Require Port
Port Interface Prm S/R NvD
Interface Element PDP VDP VDP
swImplPolicy fixed const standard standard queued standard
fixed yes yes yes yes no yes
Prm PDP const no yes yes yes no yes
standard no no yes yes no yes
S/R VDP standard no no no yes no yes
queued no no no no yes no
NvD VDP standard no no no yes no yes

Table 4.13: Overview of compatibility of ParameterDataPrototype and VariableDataPro-


Interface Element
PDP : ParameterDataPrototype
VDP : VariableDataPrototype

185 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Port Interface
Prm : ParameterInterface
S/R : SenderReceiverInterface
NvD : NvDataInterface

Table 4.14: Key to table 4.13

For examples, a Require Port that expects a fixed parameter - i.e produced by a macro
#define - can only be connected to a Port that provides a fixed Parameter. This is be-
cause this fixed data may be used in a compilation directive like #IF and only macro
#define (fixed data) can be compiled in this case. On the other hand, this provided fixed
parameter can be connected to almost every require port, except a queued Sender/re-
ceiver interface.
The RTE doesn’t have to check the compatibility between ports since this task is per-
formed at the VFB level. But it shall provide the right implementation of interface el-
ement and API according the attribute swImplPolicy attached to the interface ele-
ment. Implementation of an interface element

The implementation of an interface element depends on the attribute swImplPolicy.

The attribute swCalibrationAccess determines how the interface element can be
accessed by e.g. an external calibration tool. The table 4.15 defines the supported
combinations of swImplPolicy and swCalibrationAccess attribute setting and
gives the corresponding implementation by the RTE.
swImplPolicy SwCalibrationAccess
not Accessi- readOnly readWrite Implementation
fixed yes not sup- not supported macro defini-
ported tion or c const
declaration de-
pendent from
RTE optimiza-
const yes yes not supported c const declara-
standard yes yes yes standard im-
i.e. a variable
for Variable-
in RAM or a
calibration pa-
rameter in ROM

calibration parameter have to be allocated in RAM if data emulation with SW support is required,

186 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

queued yes not sup- not supported FIFO Queue

measurement not sup- yes not supported Variable
Point ported

Table 4.15: Data implementation according swImplPolicy Initialization of VariableDataPrototypes

Basically the need for initialization of any VariableDataPrototypes is specified by

the Software Component Descriptions defining the VariableDataPrototypes. This
information is basically defined by the existence of an initValue, the sectionIni-
tializationPolicy of the related SwAddrMethod. As described in section 8.12
additionally the initialization strategy can be adjusted by the integrator of the RTE to
adjust the behavior to the start-up code.
[SWS_Rte_07046] dVariables implementing VariableDataPrototypes shall be ini-
tialized if
• an initValue is defined
• no SwAddrMethod is defined for VariableDataPrototype.
c(SRS_Rte_00052, SRS_Rte_00068, SRS_Rte_00116)
[SWS_Rte_03852] dVariables implementing VariableDataPrototypes shall be ini-
tialized if
• an initValue is defined
• a SwAddrMethod is defined for VariableDataPrototype
• the RteInitializationStrategy for the sectionInitializationPol-
icy of the related SwAddrMethod is NOT configured to RTE_INITIALIZA-
c(SRS_Rte_00052, SRS_Rte_00068, SRS_Rte_00116) Initialization of optional Elements

The existence of optional elements in a given AutosarDataType needs to be specif-

ically considered for the definition of initial values.

187 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 ApplicationDataType

In case the initial value is provided for a given DataPrototype typed by an Appli-
cationRecordDataType where at least one ApplicationRecordElement has
the attribute isOptional set to TRUE, there is no means to relate to the avail-
abilityBitfield of such a DataPrototype (as the availabilityBitfield is
introduced at the ImplementationDataType level).
Each ApplicationRecordElement (including those where the attribute isOp-
tional is set to TRUE) may be either initialized by an ApplicationValueSpec-
ification or NotAvailableValueSpecification. The usage of a NotAvail-
ableValueSpecification defines that this record element is to be considered not
available already during initialization. The not available record element will also be
initialized with a default pattern (see [TPS_SWCT_01823]). The alternative usage of
ApplicationValueSpecification and NotAvailableValueSpecification
is used to derive the initial value for the availabilityBitfield.
[SWS_Rte_08911] dIf the initial value is provided for a DataPrototype typed by an
ApplicationRecordDataType where at least one ApplicationRecordElement
has the attribute isOptional set to TRUE, then the initial value for the corresponding
availabilityBitfield shall be derived from the existence of ApplicationVal-
ueSpecification and NotAvailableValueSpecification:
• if an ApplicationRecordElement is initialized using an ApplicationVa-
lueSpecification, then the corresponding bit in the availabilityBit-
field shall be set to TRUE (available)
• if an ApplicationRecordElement is initialized using an NotAvailable-
ValueSpecification, then the corresponding bit in the availabilityBit-
field shall be set to FALSE (not available)
c(SRS_Rte_00052, SRS_Rte_00068, SRS_Rte_00116, SRS_Rte_00261) ImplementationDataType

In case the initial value is provided for a DataPrototype typed by an Implemen-

tationDataType of category STRUCTURE where isStructWithOptionalEle-
ment set to the value TRUE, then the [2] defines the initialization strategy in [TPS_-
SWCT_01785]. This results in an explicit initial value definition for all structure mem-
bers, including the availabilityBitfield as defined in [TPS_SWCT_01786].
[SWS_Rte_08912] dIf the initial value is provided for a DataPrototype typed by an
ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE where isStructWithOp-
tionalElement set to the value TRUE, then the initial value for the availability-
Bitfield shall be taken from the initial value for the ImplementationDataType-
Element where the shortName is set to the value "availabilityBitfield".c(SRS_Rte_-
00052, SRS_Rte_00068, SRS_Rte_00116, SRS_Rte_00261)

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Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Initial value calculation

Basically the Meta Model defines two different flavors of rule based value specifica-
• ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification
• NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification
The ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification defines the values in the
physical representation whereas the NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification
defines the values in the numerical representation. (See document [2], section Data
Description) But both are using the RuleBasedValueSpecification to define a
set of values based on a rule and arguments for the rule.
Especially in case of large arrays an high amount of initial values are required. But
many arrays are initialized with identical values or at least filled up to the end with iden-
tical values. For such use case the RuleBasedValueSpecification of category
FILL_UNTIL_END can be used to avoid the creation and maintenance of redundant
[SWS_Rte_06764] dThe RTE Generator shall support ApplicationRuleBased-
ValueSpecifications for DataPrototypes typed by ApplicationArray-
[SWS_Rte_06765] dThe RTE Generator shall support NumericalRuleBasedVal-
ueSpecifications for DataPrototypes typed by ImplementationDataTypes
of category ARRAY and for Compound Primitive Data Types which are
mapped to ImplementationDataTypes of category ARRAY.c(SRS_Rte_00239)
[SWS_Rte_06733] dThe RTE Generator shall support RuleBasedValueSpecifi-
cations with the rule FILL_UNTIL_END.c(SRS_Rte_00239)
[SWS_Rte_08542] dThe RTE Generator shall support RuleBasedValueSpecifi-
cations with the rule FILL_UNTIL_MAX_SIZE.c(SRS_Rte_00239)
[SWS_Rte_06734] dThe RTE shall initialize the elements of the array ac-
cording the values defined by RuleBasedValueSpecification.arguments
if a RuleBasedValueSpecification with the rule FILL_UNTIL_END or
FILL_UNTIL_MAX_SIZE is applicable.
Thereby the order of arguments corresponds to the order of elements in the array, i.e.
the first argument corresponds to the first element of the array, the second argument
corresponds to the second element of the array, and so on.c(SRS_Rte_00239)
AUTOSAR defines a standardized behavior of RuleBasedValueSpecifications
only for the rules FILL_UNTIL_END and FILL_UNTIL_MAX_SIZE. RTE vendors are
free to add additional, non-standardized rules (see [TPS_SWCT_01495]).
[SWS_Rte_06735] dThe RTE Generator shall apply the value of the last RuleBased-
ValueSpecification argument to any following element of the array until the last

189 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

element of the array if the rule is set to FILL_UNTIL_END and the number of ar-
guments is smaller than the number of elements of the array to which it is applied.c
[SWS_Rte_08792] dThe RTE Generator shall apply the value of the last Rule-
BasedValueSpecification argument to so many following elements of the ar-
ray until first maxSizeToFill elements of the array are filled if the rule is set to
FILL_UNTIL_MAX_SIZE and the number of arguments is smaller than the number of
elements of the array to which it is applied.c(SRS_Rte_00239)
[SWS_Rte_06736] dThe RTE Generator shall ignore arguments that go beyond the
last element of the array if the number of arguments exceeds the number of elements
of the array to which it is applied.c(SRS_Rte_00239)

4.2.9 Measurement and Calibration General

Calibration is the process of adjusting an ECU SW to fulfill its tasks to control physical
processes respectively to fit it to special project needs or environments. To do this two
different mechanisms are required and have to be distinguished:
1. Measurement
Measure what’s going on in the ECU e.g. by monitoring communication data
(Inter-ECU, Inter-Partition, Intra-partition, Intra-SWC). There are several ways to
get the monitor data out of the ECU onto external visualization and interpretation
2. Calibration
Based on the measurement data the ECU behavior is modified by changing
parameters like runtime SW switches, process controlling data of primitive or
composite data type, interpolation curves or interpolation fields. In the following
for such parameters the term calibration parameter is used.

With AUTOSAR, a calibration parameter is instantiated with a ParameterDataPro-

totype class that aggregates a SwDataDefProps with properties swCalibra-
tionAccess = readWrite and swImplPolicy = standard.
Nevertheless it is supported, that VariableDataPrototype is instantiated that
aggregates a SwDataDefProps with properties swCalibrationAccess = read-
Write and swImplPolicy = standard. But in this case the implementation of such
VariableDataPrototype is treated identical to swCalibrationAccess = read-
Only and the RTE Generator has not to implement further measures (for instance
"Data emulation with SW support"

190 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

It’s possible that different SwDataDefProps settings are specified for a Variable-
DataPrototype and its referenced AutosarDataType. In this case the rules spec-
ified in the SWC-T shall be applied. See as well [SWS_Rte_07196].
SwDataDefProps contain more information how measurement values or characteris-
tics are to be interpreted and presented by external calibration tools. This information
is needed for the ASAM2 respectively A2L file generation. Afterwards the A2L file is
used by ECU-external measurement and calibration tools so that these tools know e.g.
how to interpret raw data received from ECU and how to get them. Definition of Calibration Parameters

Calibration parameters can be defined in AUTOSAR SW as well as in Basic-SW. In

the AUTOSAR Architecture there are two possibilities to define calibration parameters.
Which one to choose is not in the focus of this RTE specification.
1. RTE provides the calibration parameter access if they are specified via a Param-
eterSwComponentType. A ParameterSwComponentType can be defined
in order to provide ParameterDataPrototypes (via ports) to other Software
2. Calibration parameter access invisible for RTE
Since multiple instantiation with code sharing is not allowed for Basic-SW and
multiple instantiation is not always required for software components it’s possi-
ble for these software to define own methods how calibration parameters are
allocated. Nevertheless these calibration parameters shall be described in the
belonging Basic Software Module Description respectively Software Component
Description. In case data emulation with SW-support is used, the whole software
and tool chain for calibration and measurement, e.g. Basic-SW (respectively XCP
driver) which handles emulation details and data exchange with external calibra-
tion tools then has to deal with several emulation methods at once: The one
the RTE uses and the other ones each Basic-SW or SWC using local calibration
parameters practices. Online and offline calibration

The way how measurement and calibration is performed is company, domain and
project specific. Nevertheless two different basic situations can be distinguished and
are important for understanding:
1. Offline calibration
Measure when ECU is running, change calibration data when ECU is off.
Process might look like this:
(a) Flash the ECU with current program file
(b) PowerUp ECU in target (actual or emulated) environment

191 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

(c) Measure running ECU behavior - log or monitor via external tooling
(d) Switch off ECU
(e) Change calibration parameters and create a new flashable program file (hex-
file) e.g. by performing a new SW make run
(f) Back to (a).
Do loop as long as a need for calibration parameter change exists or the Flash
2. Online calibration

Do measurement and calibration in parallel.

In this case in principle all steps mentioned in "Offline calibration" above have
to be performed in parallel. So other mechanisms are introduced avoiding ECU
flashing when modifying ECU parameters. ECU works temporarily with changed
data and when the calibration process is over the result is an updated set of
calibration data. In next step this new data set might be merged into the existing
program file or the new data set might be an input for a new SW make run. In
both cases the output is a new program file to flash into the ECU.
Process might look like this:
(a) Flash the ECU with current program file
(b) PowerUp ECU in target environment
(c) Measure running ECU behavior and temporarily modify calibration parame-
ters. Store set of updated calibration parameters (not on the ECU but on the
calibration tool computer). Actions in step c) may be done iteratively.
(d) Switch off ECU
(e) Create a new flashable program file (hex-file) containing the new calibration
Procedure over Measurement What can be measured

The AUTOSAR SW-C template specification [2] explains to which AUTOSAR proto-
types a measurement pattern can be applied.
RTE provides measurement support for
1. communication between Ports
Measurable are

192 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• VariableDataPrototypes of a SenderReceiverInterface used in

a PortPrototype (of a SwComponentPrototype) to capture sender-
receiver communication or between SwComponentPrototypes
• VariableDataPrototypes of a NvDataInterface used in a PortPro-
totype (of a SwComponentPrototype) to capture non volatile data com-
munication or between SwComponentPrototypes
• ArgumentDataPrototypes of an ClientServerOperation in a
ClientServerInterface to capture client-server communication be-
tween SwComponentPrototypes
2. communication inside of AUTOSAR SW-Cs
Measurable are implicitInterRunnableVariable, explicitInter-
RunnableVariable or arTypedPerInstanceMemory
3. data structures inside a AUTOSAR NvBlockSwComponent
Measurable are ramBlocks and romBlocks of a NvBlockSwComponent’s
4. Communication inside of AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules
Measurable are VariableDataPrototypes defined in role of arTyped-
Further on AUTOSAR SW-Cs and Basic Software Modules can define measurables
which are not instantiated by RTE. These are described by VariableDataProto-
types in the role staticMemory. Hence those kind of measurables are not described
in the generated McSupportData of the RTE (see RTE support for Measurement

The way how measurement data is read out of the ECU is not focus of the RTE spec-
ification. But the RTE structure and behavior must be specified in that way that mea-
surement values can be provided by RTE during ECU program execution.
To avoid synchronization effort it shall be possible to read out measurement data asyn-
chronously to RTE code execution. For this the measurement data must be stable. As
a consequence this might forbid direct reuse of RAM locations for implementation of
several AUTOSAR communications which are independent of each other but occurring
sequentially in time (e.g. usage of same RAM cell to store uint8 data sender receiver
communication data between Runnables at positions 3 and 7 and later the same RAM
cell for the communication between Runnables at positions 9 and 14 of same periodi-
cally triggered task). So applying measurable elements might lead to less optimizations
in the generated RTE’s code and to increased RAM need.
There are circumstances when RTE will store same communication data in different
RAM locations, e.g. when realizing implicit sender receiver communication or Inter
Runnable Variables with implicit behavior. In these cases there is only the need to

193 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

have the content of one of these stores made accessible from outside.

Please note: In case the Rte implements Inter partition data communication with IOC
the measurement support may become vendor specific since the IOC does not provide
standardized support for measurement of IOC channels. But on the other hand the
creation of distinct measurement buffers in the Rte in addition to the needed buffers in
IOC is also not a worthwhile in any case due to the additional RAM need.
The information that measurement shall be supported by RTE is defined in applied
The value readOnly or readWrite of the property swCalibrationAccess defines
that measurement shall be supported, any other value of the property swCalibra-
tionAccess is to be ignored for measurement.

Please note that the definition of [SWS_Rte_03900] and [SWS_Rte_03902] do

not have further conditions when the location in memory has to be provided to
support the usage of VariableDataPrototype with the swImplPolicy = mea-
surementPoint. In case that the MCD system is permitted to access such a
VariableDataPrototype the RTE is not allowed to do optimization which would
prevent such measurement even if there is no consuming software component in the
input configuration.

The memory locations containing measurement values are initialized according to

[SWS_Rte_07046] and [SWS_Rte_03852].
[SWS_Rte_07044] dThe RTE generator shall reject input configurations in which a
RunnableEntity defines a read access (VariableAccess in the role readLocal-
Variable, dataReadAccess, dataReceivePointByValue or dataReceive-
PointByArgument) to an VariableDataPrototype with a swImplPolicy set to
For sender-receiver resp. client-server communication same or compatible interfaces
are used to specified connected ports. So very often measurement will be demanded
two times for same or compatible VariableDataPrototype on provide and require
side of a 1:1 communication resp. multiple times in case of 1:N or M:1 communication.
In that case providing more than one measurement value for a VariableDataPro-
totype doesn’t make sense and would increase ECU resources need excessively.
Instead only one measurement value shall be provided.

Sender-receiver communication
[SWS_Rte_03900] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a VariableDataPrototype
used in an interface of a sender-receiver port of a SwComponentPrototype is set to
readOnly or readWrite the RTE generator has to provide one reference to a location

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Specification of RTE Software

in memory where the actual content of the instance specific data of the correspond-
ing VariableDataPrototype of the communication can be accessed.c(SRS_Rte_-
To prohibit multiple measurement values for same communication:
(Note that affected VariableDataPrototypes might be specified in same or com-
patible port interfaces.)
[SWS_Rte_03972] dFor 1:1 and 1:N sender-receiver communication the RTE shall
provide measurement values taken from sender side if measurement is demanded in
provide and require port.c(SRS_Rte_00153)
[SWS_Rte_03973] d For N:1 intra-ECU sender-receiver communication the RTE shall
provide measurement values taken from receiver side if measurement is demanded in
provide and require ports.c(SRS_Rte_00153)
See further below for support of queued communication.

[SWS_Rte_03974] dFor a VariableDataPrototype with measurement demand as-

sociated with received data of inter-ECU sender-receiver communication the RTE shall
provide only one measurement store reference containing the actual received data
even if several receiver ports demand measurement.c(SRS_Rte_00153)
[SWS_Rte_07344] dFor a VariableDataPrototype with measurement demand as-
sociated with received data of inter-Partition sender-receiver communication the RTE
shall provide only one measurement store reference per partition containing the actual
received data even if several receiver ports demand measurement in the Partition.c
Client-Server communication
[SWS_Rte_03901] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of an ArgumentDataProto-
type used in an interface of a client-server port of a SwComponentPrototype is set
to readOnly the RTE generator has to provide one reference to a location in memory
where the actual content of the instance specific argument data of the communication
can be read.c(SRS_Rte_00153)
To prohibit multiple measurement values for same communication:
(Note that affected ArgumentDataPrototypes might be specified in same or com-
patible port interfaces.)
[SWS_Rte_03975] dFor intra-ECU client-server communication the RTE shall provide
measurement values taken from client side if measurement of an ArgumentDataPro-
totypes is demanded by provide and require ports.c(SRS_Rte_00153)
[SWS_Rte_03976] dFor inter-ECU client-server communication with the client being
present on same ECU as the RTE, the RTE shall provide measurement values taken
from client side.c(SRS_Rte_00153)

195 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03977] dFor inter-ECU client-server communication with the server being

present on same ECU as the RTE, the RTE shall provide measurement values taken
from server if no client present on same ECU as the server is connected with that
server too.c(SRS_Rte_00153)
[SWS_Rte_07349] dFor inter-Partition client-server communication with the server be-
ing present on the same ECU as the RTE, the RTE shall provide measurement values
taken from server if no client present on the same Partition as the server is connected
with that server too.c(SRS_Rte_00153)
When a measurement is applied to a client-server call additional copy code might be
produced so that a zero overhead direct server invocation is no longer possible for this

Mode Switch Communication

[SWS_Rte_06700] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a ModeDeclarationGroup-
Prototype used in an interface of a mode switch port of a SwComponentPro-
totype is set to readOnly the RTE generator has to provide three references to
locations in memory where the current mode, the previous mode and the next mode of
the related mode machine instance can be accessed.c(SRS_Rte_00153)
The affected ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes might be used at different ports
with the same or compatible port interfaces. [SWS_Rte_06701] prohibits the occur-
rence of multiple measurement values for the same communication:
[SWS_Rte_06701] dFor 1:1 and 1:N mode switch communication the RTE shall pro-
vide measurement values taken from mode manager side if measurement is de-
manded in provide and require port.c(SRS_Rte_00153)
Inter Runnable Variables
[SWS_Rte_03902] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a VariableDataPrototype
in the role implicitInterRunnableVariable or explicitInterRunnable-
Variable is set to readOnly or readWrite the RTE generator has to provide one
reference to a location in memory where the actual content of the Inter Runnable Vari-
able can be accessed for a specific instantiation of the AUTOSAR SWC.
[SWS_Rte_07160] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a VariableDataPrototype
in the role arTypedPerInstanceMemory is set to readOnly or readWrite the
RTE generator has to provide one reference to a location in memory where the actual
content of the arTypedPerInstanceMemory can be accessed for a specific instan-
tiation of the AUTOSAR SWC.

196 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06206] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a VariableDataPrototype

in the role arTypedPerInstanceMemory is set to readOnly or readWrite the
RTE Generator has to provide exactly one reference to a location in memory where the
actual content of the arTypedPerInstanceMemory can be accessed for a specific
instantiation of the Basic Software Module.
Nv RAM Block
[SWS_Rte_07174] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a VariableDataPrototype
in the role ramBlock of a NvBlockSwComponentType’s NvBlockDescriptor is
set to readOnly or readWrite the RTE generator has to provide one reference to a
location in memory where the actual content of the Nv RAM Block can be accessed
for a specific instantiation of the AUTOSAR NvBlockSwComponentType.
Non Volatile Data communication
[SWS_Rte_07197] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a VariableDataPrototype
used in an NvDataInterface of a non volatile data port of a SwComponentPro-
totype is set to readOnly or readWrite the RTE generator has to provide one
reference to a location in memory where the actual content of the instance specific
data of the corresponding VariableDataPrototype of the communication can be
To prohibit multiple measurement values for same communication:
(Note that affected VariableDataPrototypes might be specified in same or com-
patible port interfaces.)
[SWS_Rte_07198] dFor 1:1 and 1:N non volatile data communication the RTE
shall provide measurement values taken from ramBlock if measurement is de-
manded either in provide port, any require port ([SWS_Rte_07197] or ramBlock
Unconnected ports or compatible interfaces
As stated in section 5.2.7 RTE supports handling of unconnected ports.
Measurement support for unconnected sender-receiver provide ports makes sense
since a port might be intentionally added for monitoring purposes only.
Measurement support for unconnected sender-receiver require ports makes sense
since the measurement is specified on the type level of the Software Component and
therefore independent of the individual usage of the Software Component. In case
of unconnected sender-receiver require ports the measurement shall return the initial
Support for unconnected client-server provide port does not make sense since the
server cannot be called and with this no data can be passed there.

197 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Support for unconnected client-server require port makes sense since the measure-
ment is specified on the type level of the Software Component and therefore inde-
pendent of the individual usage of the Software Component. In case of unconnected
client-server require ports the measurement shall return the actually provided and re-
turned values.
[SWS_Rte_03978] dFor sender-receiver communication the RTE generator shall re-
spect measurement demands enclosed in unconnected provide ports.c(SRS_Rte_-
00139, SRS_Rte_00153)
[SWS_Rte_05101] dFor sender-receiver communication the RTE generator shall re-
spect measurement demands enclosed in unconnected require ports and deliver the
initial value.c(SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_00153)
[SWS_Rte_03980] dFor client-server communication the RTE generator shall ignore
measurement demands enclosed in unconnected provide ports.c(SRS_Rte_00139,
[SWS_Rte_05102] dFor client-server communication the RTE generator shall respect
measurement demands enclosed in unconnected require ports. The behavior shall be
similar as if the require port would be connected and the server does not respond.c
(SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_00153)
[SWS_Rte_05170] dFor client-server communication the RTE generator shall ignore
measurement requests for queued client-server communication.c(SRS_Rte_00139,
In case the measurement of client-server communication is not possible due
to requirement [SWS_Rte_05170] the McSupportData need to reflect this
(see [SWS_Rte_05172]).
In principle the same thoughts as above are applied to unused VariableDat-
aPrototypes for sender-receiver communication where ports with compatible but
not same interfaces are connected. It’s no issue for client-server due to compati-
bility rules for client-server interfaces since in compatible client-server interfaces all
ClientServerOperations have to be present in provide and require port (see AU-
TOSAR SW-C Template [2]).
[SWS_Rte_03979] dFor sender-receiver communication the RTE generator shall re-
spect measurement demands of those VariableDataPrototypes in connected
ports when provide and require port interfaces are not the same (but only compati-
ble) even when a VariableDataPrototype in the provide port has no assigned
VariableDataPrototype in the require port.
General measurement disabling switch
To support saving of ECU resources for projects where measurement isn’t required at
all whereas enclosed AUTOSAR SW-Cs contain SwDataDefProps requiring it, it shall
be possible to switch off support for measurement. This shall not influence support for
calibration (see

198 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03903] dThe RTE generator shall have the option to switch off support for
measurement for generated RTE code. This option shall influence complete RTE code
at once.c(SRS_Rte_00153)
There also might be projects in which monitoring of ECU internal behavior is required
but calibration is not.
[SWS_Rte_03904] dThe enabling of RTE support for measurement shall be indepen-
dent of the enabling of the RTE support for calibration.c(SRS_Rte_00153)
Queued communication
Measurement of queued communication is not supported yet. Reasons are:
• A queue can be empty. What’s to measure then?
• Which of the queue entries is the one to take the data from might differ out of
user view?
• Only quite inefficient solutions possible because implementation of queues en-
tails storage of information dynamically at different memory locations. So always
additional copies are required.
[SWS_Rte_03950] dRTE generator shall reject configurations where measurement for
queued sender-receiver communication is configured.c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_-
00018) Calibration

The RTE and Basic Software Scheduler has to support the allocation of calibration
parameters and the access to them for SW using them. As seen later on for some
calibration methods the RTE and Basic Software Scheduler must contain support SW
too (see But in general the RTE and Basic Software Scheduler is not re-
sponsible for the exchange of the calibration data values or the transportation of them
between the ECU and external calibration tools.
The following sections are mentioning only the RTE but this has to be understood in
the context that the support for Calibration is a functionality which affects the Basic
Software Scheduler part of the RTE as well. In case of the Basic Software Scheduler
Generation Phase (see 3.4.1) this functionality might even be provided with out any
other software component related RTE functionality.
With AUTOSAR, a calibration parameter (which the AUTOSAR SW-C template spec-
ification [2] calls ParameterSwComponentType) is instantiated with a Parameter-
DataPrototype that aggregates a SwDataDefProps with properties swCalibra-
tionAccess = readWrite and swImplPolicy = standard. This chapter applies
to this kind of ParameterSwComponentTypes. For other combinations of these prop-
erties, consult the section 4.2.8

199 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Calibration parameters

Calibration parameters can be defined in ParameterSwComponentTypes, in AU-

TOSAR SW-Cs, NvBlockSwComponentTypes and in Basic Software Modules.
1. ParameterSwComponentTypes don’t have an internal behavior but contain
ParameterDataPrototypes and serve to provide calibration parameters used
commonly by several AUTOSAR SW-Cs. The use case that one or several of the
user SW-Cs are instantiated on different ECUs is supported by instantiation of
the ParameterSwComponentType on the affected ECUs too.
Of course several AUTOSAR SW-Cs allocated on one ECU can commonly ac-
cess the calibration parameters of ParameterSwComponentTypes too. Also
several instances of an AUTOSAR SW-Cs can share the same calibration pa-
rameters of a ParameterSwComponentType.
2. Calibration parameters defined in AUTOSAR SW-Cs can only be used inside
the SW-C and are not visible to other SW-Cs. Instance individual and common
calibration parameters accessible by all instances of an AUTOSAR SW-C are
3. For NvBlockSwComponentTypes it is supported to provide calibration access
to the ParameterDataPrototype defining the romBlock. These values can
not be directly accessed by AUTOSAR SW-Cs but are used to serve as default
values for the NVRAM Block applied via InitBlockCallbackFunction.
4. Calibration parameters defined in Basic Software Modules can only be used in-
side the defining Basic Software Module and are not visible to other Basic Soft-
ware Modules. In contrast to AUTOSAR SW-Cs, Basic Software Modules can
only define instance specific calibration parameters.
[SWS_Rte_03958] dSeveral AUTOSAR SW-Cs (and also several instances of AU-
TOSAR SW-Cs) shall be able to share same calibration parameters defined in Pa-
rameterSwComponentTypes.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00159)
[SWS_Rte_07186] dThe generated RTE shall initialize the memory objects implement-
ing ParameterDataPrototypes in p-ports of ParameterSwComponentTypes ac-
cording the ValueSpecification of the ParameterProvideComSpec referring
the ParameterDataPrototype in the p-port,
• if such ParameterProvideComSpec exists and
• if no CalibrationParameterValue refers to the FlatInstanceDescrip-
tor associated to the ParameterDataPrototype
This is also applicable if the swImplPolicy = fixed and if the related Parameter-
DataPrototype is implemented as preprocessor define which does not immediately
allocate a memory object.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00159)

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Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07029] dThe generated RTE shall initialize the memory objects implement-
ing ParameterDataPrototypes in p-ports of ParameterSwComponentTypes ac-
cording the ValueSpecification in the role implInitValue of the Calibra-
tionParameterValue referring the FlatInstanceDescriptor associated to the
ParameterDataPrototype if such CalibrationParameterValue is defined.c
Note: the initialization according [SWS_Rte_07029] and [SWS_Rte_07030] precedes
the initialization values defined in the context of an component type and used in
[SWS_Rte_07185] and [SWS_Rte_07186]. This enables to provide initial values for
calibration parameter instances to:
• predefine start values for the calibration process
• utilizes the result of the calibration process
• take calibration parameter values from previous projects
[SWS_Rte_03959] dIf the SwcInternalBehavior aggregates an ParameterDat-
aPrototype in the role perInstanceParameter the RTE shall support the access
to instance specific calibration parameters of the AUTOSAR SW-C.c(SRS_Rte_00154,
[SWS_Rte_05112] dIf the SwcInternalBehavior aggregates an ParameterDat-
aPrototype in the role sharedParameter the RTE shall create a common access
to the shared calibration parameter.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00159)
[SWS_Rte_07096] dIf the BswInternalBehavior aggregates an ParameterDat-
aPrototype in the role perInstanceParameter the Basic Software Scheduler
shall support the access to instance specific calibration parameters of the Basic Soft-
ware Module.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00158)
[SWS_Rte_07185] dThe generated RTE and Basic Software Scheduler shall initialize
the memory objects implementing ParameterDataPrototype in the role perIn-
stanceParameter or sharedParameter
• if it has a ValueSpecification in the role initValue according to this Val-
ueSpecification and
• if no CalibrationParameterValue refer to the FlatInstanceDescriptor
associated to the ParameterDataPrototype
This is also applicable if the swImplPolicy = fixed and if the related Parameter-
DataPrototype is implemented as preprocessor define which does not immediately
allocate a memory object.c(SRS_Rte_00154)
[SWS_Rte_07030] dThe generated RTE and Basic Software Scheduler shall initialize
the memory objects implementing ParameterDataPrototypes in the role perIn-
stanceParameter or sharedParameter according the ValueSpecification in
the role the implInitValue of the CalibrationParameterValue referring the
FlatInstanceDescriptor associated to the ParameterDataPrototype if such
CalibrationParameterValue is defined.c(SRS_Rte_00154)

201 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

It might be project specific or even project phase specific which calibration parameters
have to be calibrated and which are assumed to be stable. So it shall be selectable
on ParameterSwComponentTypes and AUTOSAR SW-C granularity level for which
calibration parameters RTE shall support calibration.
If an r-port contains a ParameterDataPrototype, the following requirements spec-
ify its behavior if the port is unconnected.
[SWS_Rte_02749] dIn case of an unconnected parameter r-port, the RTE shall set the
values of the ParameterDataPrototypes of the r-port according to the initValue
of the r-port’s ParameterRequireComSpec referring to the ParameterDataPro-
totype.c(SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_00159)
If the port is unconnected, RTE expects an init value, see [SWS_Rte_02750].
ParameterDataPrototypes in role romBlock
[SWS_Rte_07033] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a ParameterDataProto-
type in the role romBlock is set to readWrite the RTE generator has to provide
one reference to a location in memory where the actual content of the romBlock can
be accessed.c(SRS_Rte_00154)
[SWS_Rte_07034] dThe generated RTE shall initialize any ParameterDataProto-
type in the role romBlock
• if it has a ValueSpecification in the role initValue according to this Val-
ueSpecification and
• if no CalibrationParameterValue refer to the FlatInstanceDescriptor
associated to the ParameterDataPrototype
[SWS_Rte_07035] dThe generated RTE shall initialize the memory objects implement-
ing ParameterDataPrototypes in the role romBlock according the ValueSpec-
ification in the role the implInitValue of the CalibrationParameterValue
referring the FlatInstanceDescriptor associated to the ParameterDataPro-
totype if such CalibrationParameterValue is defined.c(SRS_Rte_00154)
ParameterDataPrototype used as romBlock are instantiated according to
Configuration of calibration support
[SWS_Rte_03905] dIt shall be configurable for each ParameterSwComponentType
if RTE calibration support for the enclosed ParameterDataPrototypes is enabled
or not.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
[SWS_Rte_03906] dIt shall be configurable for each AUTOSAR SW-C if RTE calibra-
tion support for the enclosed ParameterDataPrototypes is enabled or not.c(SRS_-
Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)

202 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RTE calibration support means the creation of SW as specified in section

"Data emulation with SW support".

Require ports on ParameterSwComponentTypes don’t make sense. Parameter-

SwComponentTypes only have to provide calibration parameters to other Component
types. So the RTE generator shall reject configurations containing require ports at-
tached to ParameterSwComponentTypes. (see section A.14) Separation of calibration parameters

Sometimes it is required that one or more calibration parameters out of the mass of cal-
ibration parameters of an ParameterSwComponentType respectively an AUTOSAR
SW-C shall be placed in another memory location than the other parameters of the Pa-
rameterSwComponentType respectively the AUTOSAR SW-C. This might be due to
security reasons (separate normal operation from monitoring calibration data in mem-
ory) or the possibility to change calibration data during a diagnosis session (which the
calibration parameter located in NVRAM).
[SWS_Rte_03907] dThe RTE generator shall support separation of calibration param-
eters from ParameterSwComponentTypes, AUTOSAR SW-Cs and Basic Software
Modules depending on the ParameterDataPrototype property swAddrMethod.c
(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00158) Support for offline calibration

As described in section when using an offline calibration process measure-

ment is decoupled from providing new calibration parameters to the ECUs SW. During
measurement phase information is collected needed to define to which values the cal-
ibration parameters are to be set best. Afterwards the new calibration parameter set is
brought into the ECU e.g. by using a bootloader.
[SWS_Rte_03971] dThe RTE generator shall have the option to switch off all data
emulation support for generated RTE code. This option shall influence complete RTE
code at once.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
The term data emulation is related to mechanisms described in section
Out of view of RTE the situation is same as when data emulation without SW support
(described in section is used:
The RTE is only responsible to provide access to the calibration parameters via the
RTE API as specified in section 5.6. Exchange of ParameterDataPrototype con-
tent is done invisibly for ECU program flow and with this for RTE too.
When no data emulation support is required calibration parameter accesses to param-
eters stored in FLASH could be performed by direct memory read accesses without
any indirection for those cases when accesses are coming out of single instantiated

203 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

AUTOSAR SW-Cs or from Basic Software Modules. Nevertheless it’s not goal of this
specification to require direct accesses since this touches implementation. It might be
ECU HW dependent or even be project dependent if other accesses are more efficient
or provide other significant advantages or not. Support for online calibration: Data emulation

To allow online calibration it must be possible to provide alternative calibration param-

eters invisible for application. The mechanisms behind are described here. We talk of
data emulation.
In the following several calibration methods are described:
1. Data emulation without SW support and
2. several methods of data emulation with SW-support.
The term data emulation is used because the change of calibration parameters is
emulated for the ECU SW which uses the calibration data. This change is invisible for
the user-SW in the ECU.

RTE is significantly involved when SW support is required and has to create calibration
method specific SW. Different calibration methods means different support in Basic
SW which typically is ECU integrator specific. So it does not make sense to support
DIFFERENT data emulation with SW support methods in ANY one RTE build. But
it makes sense that the RTE supports direct access (see section for some
AUTOSAR SW-Cs resp. ParameterSwComponentTypes resp. Basic Software Mod-
ules and one of the data emulation with SW support methods (see section
for all the other AUTOSAR SW-Cs resp. ParameterSwComponentTypes resp. Basic
Software Modules at the same time.
[SWS_Rte_03909] dThe RTE shall support only one of the data emulation with SW
support methods at once.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156) Data emulation without SW support (direct access)

For "online calibration" (see section the ECU is provided with additional
hardware which consists of control logic and memory to store modified calibration
parameters in. During ECU execution the brought in control logic redirects memory
accesses to new bought in memory whose content is modified by external tooling
without disturbing normal ECU program flow. Some microcontrollers contain features
supporting this. A lot of smaller microcontrollers don’t. So this methods is highly HW

204 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

To support these cases the RTE doesn’t have to provide e.g. a reference table like
described in section Exchange of ParameterDataPrototype content is
done invisibly for program flow and for RTE too.
[SWS_Rte_03942] dThe RTE generator shall have the option to switch off data emu-
lation with SW support for generated RTE code. This option shall influence complete
RTE code at once.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156) Data emulation with SW support

In case "online calibration" (see section is required, quite often data emulation
without support by special SW constructs isn’t possible. Several methods exist, all
have the consequence that additional need of ECU resources like RAM, ROM/FLASH
and runtime is required.
Data emulation with SW support is possible in different manners. During calibration
process in each of these methods modified calibration data values are kept typically in
RAM. Modification is controlled by ECU external tooling and supported by ECU internal
SW located in AUTOSAR basic SW or in complex driver.
If calibration process isn’t active the accessed calibration data is originated in
ROM/FLASH respectively in NVRAM in special circumstances (as seen later on).
Since multiple instantiation is to be supported several instances of the same
ParameterDataPrototypes have to be allocated. Because the RTE is the only
one SW in an AUTOSAR ECU able to handle the different instances the access to these
calibration parameters can only be handled by the RTE. So the RTE has to provide
additional SW constructs required for data emulation with SW support for calibration.
However the RTE doesn’t know which of the ECU functionality shall be calibrated dur-
ing a calibration session. To allow expensive RAM to be reused to calibrate different
ECU functionalities in one or several online calibration sessions (see in case of
the single and double pointered methods for data emulation with SW support described
below the RTE has only to provide the access to ParameterDataPrototypes dur-
ing runtime but allowing other SW (a BSW module or a complex driver) to redirect the
access to alternative calibration parameter values (e.g. located in RAM) invisibly for
The RTE is neither the instance to supply the alternative values for ParameterDat-
aPrototypes nor in case of the pointered methods for data emulation with SW sup-
port to do the redirection to the alternative values.
[SWS_Rte_03910] dThe RTE shall support data emulation with SW support for cali-
bration.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
[SWS_Rte_03943] dThe RTE shall support these data emulation methods with SW
• Single pointered calibration parameter access
further called "single pointered method"

205 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• Double pointered calibration parameter access further called "double pointered

• Initialized RAM parameters further called "initRAM parameter method"
c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
Please note that the support data emulation methods is applicable for calibration pa-
rameters provided for software components as well as calibration parameters provided
for basic software modules.
To save RAM/ROM/FLASH resources in single pointered method and double point-
ered method ParameterDataPrototype allocation is done in groups. One entry
of the calibration reference table references the begin of a group of Parameter-
DataPrototypes. For better understanding of the following, this group is called
ParameterElementGroup (which is no term out of the AUTOSAR SW-C template
specification [2]). One ParameterElementGroup can contain one or several

[SWS_Rte_03911] dIf data emulation with SW support is enabled, the RTE generator
shall allocate all ParameterDataPrototypes marked with same property swAd-
drMethod of one instance of a ParameterSwComponentType consecutively. To-
gether they build a separate ParameterElementGroup.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_-
Rte_00156, SRS_Rte_00158)
[SWS_Rte_03912] dIf data emulation with SW support is enabled, the RTE shall guar-
antee that all non-shared ParameterDataPrototypes marked with same property
swAddrMethod of an AUTOSAR SWC instance are allocated consecutively. To-
gether they build a separate ParameterElementGroup.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_05194] dIf data emulation with SW support is enabled, the RTE shall
guarantee that all shared ParameterDataPrototypes marked with same property
swAddrMethod of an AUTOSAR SWC type are allocated consecutively. Together they
build a separate ParameterElementGroup.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00158)
It is not possible to access same calibration parameter inside of a ParameterSwCom-
ponentType via several ports. This is a consequence of the need to support the
use case that a ParameterSwComponentType shall be able to contain several cali-
bration parameters derived from one ParameterDataPrototype which is contained
in one interface applied to several ports of the ParameterSwComponentType. Us-
ing only the ParameterDataPrototype names for the names of the elements of a
ParameterElementGroup would lead to a name clash since then several elements
with same name would have to created. So port prototype and ParameterDataPro-
totype name are concatenated to specify the ParameterElementGroup member

206 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

This use case cannot be applied to AUTOSAR SW-C internal calibration parameters
since they cannot be accessed via AUTOSAR ports.
[SWS_Rte_03968] dThe names of the elements of a ParameterElementGroup de-
rived from a ParameterSwComponentType shall be <port>_<element> where
<port> is the short-name of the provided AUTOSAR port prototype and <element>
the short-name of the ParameterDataPrototype within the ParameterInter-
face categorizing the PPort.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156) Single pointered method

There is one calibration reference table in RAM with references to one or several
ParameterElementGroups. Accesses to calibration parameters are indirectly per-
formed via this reference table.
Action during calibration procedure e.g. calibration parameter value exchange is not
focus of this specification. Nevertheless an example is given for better understanding.
Example how the exchange of calibration parameters could be done for single point-
ered method:
1. Fill a RAM buffer with the modified calibration parameter values for complete
2. Modify the corresponding entry in the calibration reference table so that a redi-
rection to new ParameterElementGroup is setup
Now calibration parameter accesses deliver the modified values.

Figure 4.26 illustrates the method.

Figure 4.26: ParameterElementGroup in single pointered method context

[SWS_Rte_03913] dIf data emulation with SW support with single pointered method
is enabled, the RTE generator shall create a table located in RAM with references

207 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

to ParameterElementGroups. The type of the table is an array of void pointers.c

(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
One reason why in this approach the calibration reference table is realized as an array
is to make ECU internal reference allocation traceable for external tooling. Another is to
allow a Basic-SW respectively a complex driver to emulate other calibration parameters
which requires the standardization of the calibration reference table too.
[SWS_Rte_03947] dIf data emulation with SW support with single method is enabled
the name (the label) of the calibration reference table shall be <RteParameter-
RefTab>.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
Calibration parameters located in NVRAM are handled same way (also see section
[SWS_Rte_03936] dIf data emulation with SW support with single or double point-
ered method is enabled and calibration parameter respectively a ParameterEle-
mentGroups is located in NVRAM the corresponding calibration reference table entry
shall reference the PerInstanceMemory working as the NVRAM RAM buffer.c(SRS_-
Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156, SRS_Rte_00157) Double pointered method

There is one calibration reference table in ROM respectively Flash with references
to one or several ParameterElementGroups. Accesses to calibration parameters
are performed through a double indirection access. During system startup the base
reference is initially filled with a reference to the calibration reference table.

Action during calibration procedure e.g. calibration parameter value exchange is not
focus of this specification. Nevertheless an example is given for better understanding.
Example how the exchange of calibration parameters could be done for double point-
ered method:
1. Copy the calibration reference table into RAM
2. Fill a RAM buffer with modified calibration parameter values for complete Param-
3. Modify the corresponding entry in the RAM copy of the reference table so that a
redirection to new ParameterElementGroup is setup
4. Change the content of the base reference so that it references the calibration
reference table copy in RAM.
Now calibration parameter accesses deliver the modified values.

208 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Figure 4.27: ParameterElementGroup in double pointered method context

[SWS_Rte_03914] dIf data emulation with SW support with double pointered method
is enabled, the RTE generator shall create a table located in ROM respectively FLASH
with references to ParameterElementGroups. The type of the table is an array of
void pointers.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
Figure 4.27 illustrates the method.
To allow a Basic-SW respectively a complex driver to emulate other calibration param-
eters the standardization of the base reference is required.
[SWS_Rte_03948] dIf data emulation with SW support with double method is enabled
the name (the label) of the calibration base reference shall be <RteParameterBase>.
This label and the base reference type shall be exported and made available to other
SW on same ECU.
c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
Calibration parameters located in NVRAM are handled same way (also see section
For handling of calibration parameters located in NVRAM with single or double point-
ered method see [SWS_Rte_03936] in section General information is
found in section InitRam parameter method

For each instance of a ParameterDataPrototype the RTE generator creates a cali-

bration parameter in RAM and a corresponding value in ROM/FLASH. During startup of
RTE the calibration parameter values of ROM/FLASH are copied into RAM. Accesses
to calibration parameters are performed through a direct access to RAM without any
Action during calibration procedure e.g. calibration parameter value exchange is not
focus of this specification. Nevertheless an example is given for better understanding:

209 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

An implementation simply would have to exchange the content of the RAM cells during
[SWS_Rte_03915] dIf data emulation with SW support with initRam parameter method
is enabled, the RTE generator shall create code guaranteeing that
1. calibration parameters are allocated in ROM/Flash and
2. a copy of them is allocated in RAM made available latest during RTE startup
for those ParameterDataPrototypes for which calibration support is enabled.c
(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
RTE access


... ...
Parameter in Copied parameter in
Figure 4.28: initRam Parameter method setup

Figure 4.28 illustrates the method.

A special case is the access of ParameterDataPrototypes instantiated in NVRAM

(also see section In this no extra RAM copy is required because a RAM
location containing the calibration parameter value still exists.
[SWS_Rte_03935] dIf data emulation with SW support with initRam parameter method
is enabled, the RTE generator shall create direct accesses to the PerInstanceMemory
working as RAM buffer for the calibration parameters defined to be in NVRAM.c(SRS_-
Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156) Arrangement of a ParameterElementGroup for pointered methods

For data emulation with SW support with single or double pointered methods the RTE
has to guarantee access to each single member of a ParameterElementGroup for
source code and object code delivery independent if the member is a primitive or a
composite data type. For this the creation of a record type for a ParameterEle-
mentGroup was chosen.
[SWS_Rte_03916] dOne ParameterElementGroup shall be realized as one record
type.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)

210 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The sequence order of ParameterDataPrototype in a ParameterElementGroup

and the order of ParameterElementGroups in the reference table will be docu-
mented by the RTE Generator by the means of the McSwEmulationMethodSupport,
see Further definitions for pointered methods

As stated in section, dependent of the value of property swAddrMethod

calibration parameters shall be separated in different memory locations.
[SWS_Rte_03908] dIf data emulation with SW support with single or double point-
ered method is enabled the RTE shall create a separate instance specific Parame-
terElementGroup for all those ParameterDataPrototypes with a common value
of the appended property swAddrMethod. Those ParameterDataPrototypes
which have no property swAddrMethod appended, shall be grouped together too.c
(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156, SRS_Rte_00158)
To allow traceability for external tooling the sequence order of ParameterDataPro-
totype in a ParameterElementGroup and the order of ParameterElement-
Groups in the reference table will be documented by the RTE Generator by the means
of the McSwEmulationMethodSupport, see Calibration parameter access

Calibration parameters are derived from ParameterDataPrototypes. The RTE has

to provide access to each calibration parameter via a separate API call.
API is specified in 5.6.
[SWS_Rte_03922] dIf data emulation with SW support and single or double pointered
method is enabled the RTE generator shall export the label of the calibration reference
table.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
[SWS_Rte_03960] dIf data emulation with SW support and double pointered method
is enabled the RTE generator shall export the label and the type of the calibration base
reference.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
[SWS_Rte_03932] dIf data emulation with SW support with single pointered method is
enabled the RTE generator shall create API calls using single indirect access via the
calibration reference table for those ParameterDataPrototypes which are in a Pa-
rameterElementGroup for which calibration is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_03933] dIf data emulation with SW support with double pointered method
is enabled the RTE generator shall create API calls using double indirection access via

211 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

the calibration base reference and the calibration reference table for those Parame-
terDataPrototypes which are in a ParameterElementGroup for which calibra-
tion is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
[SWS_Rte_03934] dIf data emulation with SW support with double pointered method
is enabled, the calibration base reference shall be located in RAM.c(SRS_Rte_00154,
SRS_Rte_00156) Calibration parameter allocation

Since only the RTE knows which instances of AUTOSAR SW-Cs, ParameterSwCom-
ponentTypes and Basic Software Modules are present on the ECU the RTE has
to allocate the calibration parameters and reserve memory for them. This approach
is also covering multiple instantiated object code integration needs. So memory for
instantiated ParameterDataPrototypes is neither provided by ParameterSwCom-
ponentTypes nor by AUTOSAR SW-C.
Nevertheless AUTOSAR SW-Cs and Basic Software Modules can define calibration
parameters which are not instantiated by RTE. These are described by Parameter-
DataPrototypes in the role constantMemory. Further on the RTE can not imple-
ment any software support for data emulation for such calibration parameters. Hence
those kind of calibration parameters are not described in the generated McSupportData
of the RTE (see
[SWS_Rte_03961] dThe RTE shall allocate the memory for calibration parameters.c
(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
A ParameterDataPrototype can be defined to be instance specific or can be
shared over all instances of an AUTOSAR SW-C or a ParameterSwComponent-
Type. The input for the RTE generator contains the values the RTE shall apply to the
calibration parameters.
To support online and offline calibration (see section all parameter values for
all instances have to be provided.
• For online calibration often initially the same default values for calibration param-
eters can be applied. Variation is then handled later by post link tools. Initial
ECU startup is not jeopardized. This allows the usage of a default value e.g. by
AUTOSAR SW-C or ParameterSwComponentType supplier for all instances of
a ParameterDataPrototype.
• On the other hand applying separate default values for the different instances of
a ParameterDataPrototype will be required often for online calibration too, to
make a vehicle run initially. This requires additional configuration work e.g. for

212 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• Offline calibration based on new SW build including new RTE build and com-
pilation process requires all calibration parameter values for all instances to be
available for RTE.
Shared ParameterDataPrototypes
[SWS_Rte_03962] dFor accesses to a shared ParameterDataPrototype the RTE
API shall deliver the same one value independent of the instance the calibration pa-
rameter is assigned to.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
[SWS_Rte_03963] dThe calibration parameter of a shared ParameterDataProto-
type shall be stored in one memory location only.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_-
Requirements [SWS_Rte_03962] and [SWS_Rte_03963] are to guarantee that only
one physical location in memory has to be modified for a change of a shared
ParameterDataPrototype. Otherwise this could lead to unforeseeable confusion.
Multiple locations are possible for calibration parameters stored in NVRAM. But there
a shared ParameterDataPrototype is allowed to have only one logical data too.

Instance specific ParameterDataPrototypes

[SWS_Rte_03964] dFor accesses to an instance specific ParameterDataProto-
type the RTE API shall deliver a separate calibration parameter value for each in-
stance of a ParameterDataPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
[SWS_Rte_03965] dFor an instance specific ParameterDataPrototype the cali-
bration parameter value of each instance of the ParameterDataPrototype shall be
stored in a separate memory location.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156)
Usage of swAddrMethod
SwDataDefProps contain the optional property swAddrMethod. It contains meta
information about the memory section in which a measurement data store resp. a
calibration parameter shall be allocated in. This abstraction is needed to support the
reuse of unmodified AUTOSAR SW-Cs resp. ParameterSwComponentTypes in
different projects but allowing allocation of measurement data stores resp. calibration
parameters in different sections.
Section usage typically depends on availability of HW resources. In one project the
micro controller might have less internal RAM than in another project, requiring that
most measurement data have to be placed in external RAM. In another project one
addressing method (e.g. indexed addressing) might be more efficient for most of the
measurement data - but not for all. Or some calibration parameters are accessed
less often than others and could be - depending on project specific FLASH availability
- placed in FLASH with slower access speed, others in FLASH with higher access

213 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03981] dThe memory section used to store measurement values in shall

be the memory sections associated with the swAddrMethod enclosed in the Sw-
DataDefProps of a measurement definition.c(SRS_Rte_00153)
Since it’s measurement data obviously this must be in RAM.
[SWS_Rte_03982] dThe memory section used to store calibration parameters in shall
be the memory sections associated with the swAddrMethod enclosed in the Sw-
DataDefProps of a calibration parameter definition.c(SRS_Rte_00153) Calibration parameters in NVRAM

Calibration parameters can be located in NVRAM too. One use case for this is to have
the possibility to modify calibration parameters via a diagnosis service without need for
special calibration tool.
To allow NVRAM calibration parameters to be accessed, NVRAM with statically allo-
cated RAM buffer in form of PIM memory for the calibration parameters has to be de-
fined or the ramBlock of a NvBlockSwComponentType defines readWrite access
for the MCD system. Please see as well [SWS_Rte_07174] and [SWS_Rte_07160].
As the NVRAM Manager might not be able to access the PerInstanceMemory
across core boundaries in a multi core environment, the support of Calibration pa-
rameters in NVRAM for multi core controllers is limited. See also note in Multiple calibration parameters instances

In complex systems the situation occur that calibration parameter values may depend
on the configuration of the vehicle due to functional side effects. The difficulty is that
those dependencies are typically detected after design of the software components and
shall not change the software component design. In addition the overall ECU SW has
to support all vehicle variants and therefore the detection and selection of the concrete
vehicle variant needs to be done post build.
[SWS_Rte_06815] dThe RTE Generator shall provide one separate memory location
per FlatInstanceDescriptor pointing to the identical ParameterDataProto-
type instance in the root software composition.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00191)
Thereby the FlatInstanceDescriptor needs to have different postBuildVari-
antConditions as described in [constr_3114]. As a consequence at most one lo-
cation in memory location created according [SWS_Rte_06815] can be active in a
specific post build variant. This value needs to be accessed by the according RTE
APIs Rte_CData and Rte_Prm accessing parameters.

214 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06816] dFor accesses to a ParameterDataPrototype the RTE API

shall deliver the value of the memory location which belongs to the currently selected
post build variant.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156, SRS_Rte_00191)
In order to ensure the functionality of Rte_CData and Rte_Prm depending on post
build variability it needs to be ensured, that exactly one FlatInstanceDescriptor
is selected in a specific post build variant when the RTE generator creates an RTE Post
Build Data Set, see section 3.6.
The binding of the post build variability is done at the call of SchM_Init according the
passed post build data set as described in sections section 4.7.2 and section 5.3.10
Please note that the requirements [SWS_Rte_07029] and [SWS_Rte_07030] also ap-
ply in this scenario and therefore the different memory locations due to multiple
FlatInstanceDescriptors can get different initial values.
The following example shall illustrate the usage of post build variant FlatIn-
stanceDescriptors in combination with multiple instantiation. The raw ARXML is
listed in the section F.5.
In the given configuration a ParameterSwComponentType ’PSWC’ is defined with on
PPortPrototype ’EP’ typed by the ParameterInterface ’EP’. The root software com-
position defines two SwComponentPrototypes ’SWC_PA’ and ’SWC_PB’.
The ApplicationSwComponentType ’ASWC’ defines RPortPrototype ’EP’, a
perInstanceParameter ’PIP’ and a sharedParameter ’SP’ The root software
composition defines two SwComponentPrototypes ’SWC_A’ and ’SWC_B’ and there-
fore two component instances for the component type ASWC exist. PPortPrototype
’EP’ of ’SWC_PA’ is connected to RPortPrototype ’EP’ of ’SWC_A’, PPortPrototype
’EP’ of ’SWC_PB’ is connected to RPortPrototype ’EP’ of ’SWC_B’. (not shown in the
figure 4.29)

Figure 4.29: Example of component model

When the feature of multiple FlatInstanceDescriptors per ParameterDat-

aPrototype is NOT applied the following locations in memory and access by Rte
APIs would result:

215 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Figure 4.30: Resulting memory location of component model

Please note that the resulting names of the memory locations are not standardized but
the applied pattern shall illustrate to which information in the input model they belong
to. Assuming now following configuration in the Flat Map:
’SWC_A_PIP_Z0’ {depends on PostBuildVariantCriterion ’Z’= 0}
’SWC_A_PIP_Z1’ {depends on PostBuildVariantCriterion ’Z’ = 1}
’SWC_A_SWC_B_SP_Z0’ {depends on PostBuildVariantCriterion ’Z’= 0}
’SWC_A_SWC_B_SP_Z1’ {depends on PostBuildVariantCriterion ’Z’= 1}
’SWC_PA_EP_Prm1_Z0’ {depends on PostBuildVariantCriterion ’Z’= 0}
’SWC_PA_EP_Prm1_Z1’ {depends on PostBuildVariantCriterion ’Z’= 1}

Figure 4.31: Resulting memory location of component model

216 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

There are different possibility to implement this mechanism. Nevertheless there are
cross dependencies to the requirements concerning ’Data emulation with SW support’
in section
One possibility is to create an array of parameter values which contains one array el-
ement for each different Post Build Variant. The used index for this parameter value
array in the relate RTE API is determined by the chosen variant in the post build con-
figuration of the RTE and indexes the active array element. With this approach its
easier to combine multiple calibration data instances with the ’Data emulation with SW
support’ feature since the number of ParameterElementGroups are not changed.
An other approach is to create one base pointer per identical combination of post-
BuildVariantConditions applied to calibration parameters. The related calibra-
tion parameters are grouped into a structure and for each combination of postBuild-
VariantConditions one instance of the structure is created. The base pointer is
initialized according chosen variant in the post build configuration of RTE and points to
the active structure instance. Generation of McSupportData

The RTE Generator supports the definition, allocation and access to measurement
and calibration data for Software Components as well as for Basic Software. The
specific support of measurement and calibration tools however is neither in the focus
of the RTE Generator nor AUTOSAR. This would require the generation of an "A2L"-
file (like specified in [20]) which is the standard in this domain – but out of the focus of
The RTE Generator however shall support an intermediate exchange format called
McSupportData which is building the bridge between the ECU software and the fi-
nal "A2L"-file needed by the measurement and calibration tools. The details about
the McSupportData format and the involved methodology are described in the Basic
Software Module Description Template document [9].
In this section the requirements on the RTE Generator are collected which elements
shall be provided in the McSupportData element. Export of the McSupportData

Figure 4.32 shows the structure of the McSupportData element. The McSupport-
Data element and its sub-content is part of the Implementation element. In case
of the RTE this is the BswImplementation element which is generated / updated by
the RTE Generator in the Generation Phase (see [SWS_Rte_05086] in chapter 3.4.2).
[SWS_Rte_05118] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall create the McSup-
portData element as part of the BswImplementation description of the generated

217 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

ARElement +ecucValue ARElement

EcucModuleConfigurationValues EcucValueCollection


    +ecuExtract 0..1
ARElement ARElement System
Implementation SwSystemconstantValueSet

+measurableSystemConstantValues 0..*

«atpSplitable» +rootSoftwareComposition 0..1

+mcSupport 0..1 AtpPrototype

McSupportData RootSwCompositionPrototype


+flatMap 0..1

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» ARElement


+mcParameterInstance +mcVariableInstance
+emulationSupport 0..* 0..* 0..* +instance 1..*

Identifiable Identifiable
McDataInstance FlatInstanceDescriptor
+ category: Identifier +flatMapEntry
+ shortLabel: Identifier + arraySize: PositiveInteger [0..1] + role: Identifier [0..1]
+ displayIdentifier: McdIdentifier [0..1] 0..1
+ role: Identifier [0..1]
+ symbol: SymbolString [0..1] +mcDataAssignment
+subElement +mcDataInstance + role: Identifier [0..1]
0..* {ordered}

+resultingProperties 0..1
SwDataDefProps RptSwPrototypingAccess

+ additionalNativeTypeQualifier: NativeDeclarationString [0..1] + rptHookAccess: RptAccessEnum [0..1]

+ displayFormat: DisplayFormatString [0..1] + rptReadAccess: RptAccessEnum [0..1]
+ displayPresentation: DisplayPresentationEnum [0..1] + rptWriteAccess: RptAccessEnum [0..1]
+ stepSize: Float [0..1]
+ swAlignment: AlignmentType [0..1]
«enumeration» «enumeration»
+ swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]
RptAccessEnum SwCalibrationAccessEnum
+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]
+ swIntendedResolution: Numerical [0..1] none readOnly
+ swInterpolationMethod: Identifier [0..1] protected notAccessible
+ swIsVirtual: Boolean [0..1] enabled readWrite
+ swValueBlockSize: Numerical [0..1]
+ swValueBlockSizeMult: Numerical [0..*] {ordered} «enumeration» «enumeration»
RptPreparationEnum RptEnablerImplTypeEnum

none none
rptLevel1 rptEnablerRam
rptLevel2 rptEnablerRom
rptLevel3 rptEnablerRamAndRom

Figure 4.32: Overview of the McSupportData element

218 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The individual measurable and calibratable data is described using the element Mc-
DataInstance. This is aggregated from McSupportData in the role mcVariable-
Instance (for measurement) or mcParameterInstance (for calibration).
Usage of the FlatMap
The FlatMap is part of the Ecu Extract of System Description and contains a collection
of FlatInstanceDescriptor elements. The details of the FlatMap are described
in the Specification of the System Template [8].
In particular the FlatMap may be request several parameter instances for the identical
ParameterDataPrototype as described in section
Common attributes of McDataInstance
The element McDataInstance specifies one element of the McSupportData. The
following requirement specify common attributes which shall to be filled in a harmo-
nized way.
[SWS_Rte_05130] dThe RTE Generator shall use the shortName of the FlatIn-
stanceDescriptor as the shortName of the McDataInstance.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_03998] dThe RTE Generator shall use the AliasNameAssignment.-
shortLabel referencing the according FlatInstanceDescriptor as the dis-
playIdentifier of the McDataInstance.c(SRS_Rte_00189)
[SWS_Rte_05131] dIf the input element (e.g. ApplicationDataType or Imple-
mentationDataType) has a category specified the category value shall be
copied to the McDataInstance element.c(SRS_Rte_00189)
[SWS_Rte_05132] dIf the input element (e.g. ApplicationDataType or Imple-
mentationDataType) specifies an array, the attribute arraySize of McDataIn-
stance shall be set to the size of the array.c(SRS_Rte_00189)
[SWS_Rte_05133] dIf the input element (e.g. ApplicationDataType or Imple-
mentationDataType) specifies a record, the McDataInstance shall aggregate
the record element’s parts as subElements of type McDataInstance.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_05119] dThe McSupportData element and its sub-structure shall be self-
contained in the sense that there is no need to deliver the whole upstream descriptions
of the ECU (including the ECU Extract, Software Component descriptions, Basic Soft-
ware Module descriptions, ECU Configuration Values descriptions, Flat Map, etc.) in
order to later generate the final "A2L"-file. This means that the RTE Generator has
to copy the required information from the upstream descriptions into the McSupport-
Data element.c(SRS_Rte_00189)
[SWS_Rte_05129] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall export the effec-
tive SwDataDefProps (including all of the referenced and aggregated sub-elements
like e.g. CompuMethod or SwRecordLayout) in the role resultingProperties

219 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

for each McDataInstance after resolving the precedence rules defined in the SW-
Component Template [2] chapter Properties of Data Definitions. Thereby the Im-
plementationDataType properties compuMethod and dataConstraint are not
taken in consideration for effective SwDataDefProps of the McDataInstance due
to their refinement nature of C and AI.c(SRS_Rte_00189)
[SWS_Rte_05135] dIf a ParameterDataPrototype is associated with a Param-
eterAccess the corresponding SwDataDefProps and their sub-structure shall be
For each flatMapEntry referencing to measurable or calibratible data prototype or
measureable ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype the McDataInstance shall be
generated in the McSupportData. Thereby the effected SwDataDefProps shall be
taken from the data prototype according the precedence rules defined in the SWCT.
[SWS_Rte_08313] dThe RTE Generator shall create McDataInstance element(s)
in the McSupportData for each measurable or calibratible DataPrototype / Mod-
eDeclarationGroupPrototype referenced by a FlatInstanceDescriptor.c
Explanation: In case of connected ports it may occur that the DataPrototype in the
DataInterface of the PPortPrototype and the DataPrototype in the DataInterface
of the RPortPrototype are referenced by FlatInstanceDescriptors. In this
case its intended to get two McDataInstance in order to access the value by MCD
system with two different names and may be with two different scaling (typically offset
and resolution).
In case of composite data FlatInstanceDescriptors may point to one or several
ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototypes in order to define an individual
name for each record or array element. Thereby it is even possible that a FlatIn-
stanceDescriptor exists for the "whole" DataPrototype typed by an Appli-
cationCompositeDataType and additional FlatInstanceDescriptors exist for
the ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototypes of such DataPrototype.
In this case a McDataInstance as child of McSupportData exists due to
the FlatInstanceDescriptors for the "whole" DataPrototype and addi-
tional McDataInstances as child of McSupportData exists for each FlatIn-
stanceDescriptor pointing to a ApplicationCompositeElementDataProto-
types in the "whole" DataPrototypes type.
[SWS_Rte_08314] dIf the input element is typed by an ApplicationDataType the
subElements structure of the McDataInstance is determined by the Applica-
tionDataType. This means
• in case of ApplicationRecordDataType the number and shortName
of the subElement is determined by the ApplicationRecordElement if
[SWS_Rte_05133] and [SWS_Rte_08316] is applied,

220 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• in case of ApplicationArrayDataType the number of the subElements is

determined by the ApplicationArrayElement if [SWS_Rte_08315] is ap-
• in case of a ApplicationPrimitiveDataType, inclusive compound primi-
tives, no subElements are applicable.
[SWS_Rte_08315] dIf the input element (e.g. ApplicationDataType or Imple-
mentationDataType) specifies an array, the McDataInstance shall aggregate
subElementss for each array element. The McDataInstance.subElements.sym-
bol shall express the array index in the C-notation. (e.g. [0], [4]).c(SRS_Rte_00189)
[SWS_Rte_08316] dIf the input element (e.g. ApplicationDataType or Imple-
mentationDataType) specifies a record and no FlatInstanceDescriptor is de-
fined for the record element, the McDataInstance.subElement shortName shall
be set copied either from the related ApplicationRecordElement. Or from the
ImplementationDataTypeElement if no ApplicationDataType is typing the
DataPrototype. The McDataInstance.subElement.symbol is set to the related
General handling of the symbol attribute: The concatenation of all symbol strings start-
ing from the root element over the hierarchy of McDataInstances shall represent
the full combined symbol in the programming language for all hierarchy levels in the
McDataInstance tree. When the concatenation is applied the subElements of
McDataInstances of category STRUCTURE are separated by a dot.
[SWS_Rte_08317] dThe RTE Generator shall document the Rte internal grouping of
measurement and calibration data in composite data datatypes in each symbol at-
tribute of the McDataInstances representing the data which is grouped.
This means the RTE Generator has to document the insertion of structures for Rte
internal purpose in the symbol attribute of the related McDataInstance. For in-
stance if the Rte groups a set of measurable inside a Rte internal structure (here
called RteInternalBuffer) the McDataInstance.symbol of the first measurable child
element carries the information about the internal structure element. e.g. Mc-
DataInstance.shortName: "MyMeasurable" McDataInstance.symbol: "RteIn-
ternalBuffer.measurable1"c(SRS_Rte_00189) Export of Measurement information

Sender-Receiver communication
[SWS_Rte_05120] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a VariableDataPrototype
used in an interface of a sender-receiver port of a SwComponentPrototype is set
to readOnly or readWrite and RteMeasurementSupport is set to true the RTE
Generator shall create a McDataInstance element with

221 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• symbol set to the C-symbol name used for the allocation (see also
• flatMapEntry referencing to the corresponding FlatInstanceDescriptor
element of the VariableDataPrototype
c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00189)
Client-Server communication
[SWS_Rte_05121] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of an ArgumentDataProto-
type used in an interface of a client-server port of a SwComponentPrototype is
set to readOnly and RteMeasurementSupport is set to true the RTE Generator
shall create a McDataInstance element with
• symbol set to the C-symbol name used for the allocation (see also
• flatMapEntry referencing to the corresponding FlatInstanceDescriptor
element of the ArgumentDataPrototype
c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00189)
[SWS_Rte_05172] dIf the measurement of client-server communication is ignored due
to requirement [SWS_Rte_05170] the corresponding McDataInstance in the Mc-
SupportData shall have a resultingProperties swCalibrationAccess set
to notAccessible.c(SRS_Rte_00153)
Mode Switch Communication
[SWS_Rte_06702] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a ModeDeclarationGroup-
Prototype used in an interface of a mode switch port of a SwComponentPro-
totype is set to readOnly and RteMeasurementSupport is set to true the RTE
Generator shall create three McDataInstance elements with
• symbol set to the C-symbol name used for the allocation (see also
• flatMapEntry referencing to the corresponding FlatInstanceDescriptor
element of the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
Thereby the McDataInstance element corresponding to the
• current mode has to reference the FlatInstanceDescriptor which role at-
tribute is set to CURRENT_MODE,
• previous mode has to reference the FlatInstanceDescriptor which role
attribute is set to PREVIOUS_MODE and
• next mode has to reference the FlatInstanceDescriptor which role at-
tribute is set to NEXT_MODE
c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00189)

222 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note that the resultingProperties of the McDataInstance elements cor-

responding to the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype may get associated with a
CompuMethod if a CompuMethod is defined at the FlatInstanceDescriptor due
to [SWS_Rte_05129]. Those CompuMethod may specify a literal display of the mea-
sured modes.
[SWS_Rte_05122] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a VariableDataPrototype
in the role implicitInterRunnableVariable or explicitInterRunnable-
Variable is set to readOnly or readWrite and RteMeasurementSupport is set
to true the RTE Generator shall create a McDataInstance element with
• symbol set to the C-symbol name used for the allocation (see also
• flatMapEntry referencing to the corresponding FlatInstanceDescriptor
element of the VariableDataPrototype
c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00189)
[SWS_Rte_05123] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a VariableDataPrototype
in the role arTypedPerInstanceMemory is set to readOnly or readWrite and
RteMeasurementSupport is set to true the RTE Generator shall create a Mc-
DataInstance element with
• symbol set to the C-symbol name used for the allocation (see also
• flatMapEntry referencing to the corresponding FlatInstanceDescriptor
element of the VariableDataPrototype
c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00189)
Nv RAM Block
[SWS_Rte_05124] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a VariableDataPrototype
in the role ramBlock of a NvBlockSwComponentType’s NvBlockDescriptor is
set to readOnly or readWrite and RteMeasurementSupport is set to true the
RTE Generator shall create a McDataInstance element with
• symbol set to the C-symbol name used for the allocation (see also
• flatMapEntry referencing to the corresponding FlatInstanceDescriptor
element of the NvBlockSwComponentType
c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00189)
Non Volatile Data communication

223 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_05125] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a VariableDataPrototype

used in an NvDataInterface of a non volatile data port of a SwComponentPro-
totype is set to readOnly or readWrite and RteMeasurementSupport is set to
true the RTE Generator shall create a McDataInstance element with
• symbol set to the C-symbol name used for the allocation (see also
• flatMapEntry referencing to the corresponding FlatInstanceDescriptor
element of the VariableDataPrototype
c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00189) Export Calibration information

Calibration can be either actively supported by the RTE using the pre-defined cali-
bration mechanisms of section or calibration can be transparent to the RTE.
In both cases the location and attributes of the calibratable data has to be provided
by the RTE Generator in the Generation Phase in order to support the setup of the
measurement and calibration tools.
ParameterDataPrototypes of ParameterSwComponentType
[SWS_Rte_05126] dFor each FlatInstanceDescriptor referencing a Parame-
terDataPrototype instance in a PortPrototype of a ParameterSwComponent-
Type with the swCalibrationAccess set to readOnly or readWrite an entry in
the McSupportData with the role mcParameterInstance shall be created with the
following attributes:
• symbol set to the C-symbol name used for the allocation
• flatMapEntry referencing to the corresponding FlatInstanceDescriptor
element of the ParameterDataPrototype
Shared ParameterDataPrototypes
[SWS_Rte_05127] dFor each FlatInstanceDescriptor referencing a Parame-
terDataPrototype instance of a AtomicSwComponentType’s SwcInternalBe-
havior aggregated in the role sharedParameter with the swCalibrationAccess
set to readOnly or readWrite an entry in the McSupportData with the role mcPa-
rameterInstance shall be created with the following attributes:
• symbol set to the C-symbol name used for the allocation
• flatMapEntry referencing to the corresponding FlatInstanceDescriptor
element of the ParameterDataPrototype

224 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Instance specific ParameterDataPrototypes

[SWS_Rte_05128] dFor each FlatInstanceDescriptor referencing a Param-
eterDataPrototype instance of a AtomicSwComponentType’s SwcInternal-
Behavior aggregated in the role perInstanceParameter with the swCalibra-
tionAccess set to readOnly or readWrite an entry in the McSupportData with
the role mcParameterInstance shall be created with the following attributes:
• symbol set to the C-symbol name used for the allocation
• flatMapEntry referencing to the corresponding FlatInstanceDescriptor
element of the ParameterDataPrototype
[SWS_Rte_07097] dFor each ParameterDataPrototype of a BswMod-
uleDescription’s BswInternalBehavior aggregated in the role perInstan-
ceParameter with the swCalibrationAccess set to readOnly or readWrite an
entry in the McSupportData with the role mcParameterInstance shall be created
with the following attributes:
• symbol set to the C-symbol name used for the allocation
• flatMapEntry referencing to the corresponding FlatInstanceDescriptor
element of the ParameterDataPrototype
Default values for RAM Block
[SWS_Rte_05136] dIf the swCalibrationAccess of a ParameterDataProto-
type in the role romBlock is set to readOnly or readWrite an entry in the McSup-
portData with the role mcParameterInstance shall be created with the following
• symbol set to the C-symbol name used for the allocation in [SWS_Rte_07033]
• flatMapEntry referencing to the corresponding FlatInstanceDescriptor
element of the ParameterDataPrototype
c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00189) Export of the Calibration Method

The RTE does provide several Software Emulation Methods which can be selected in
the Ecu Configuration of the RTE (see section 8.2).
Which Software Emulation Method has been used for a particular RTE Generation shall
be documented in the McSupportData in order to allow measurement and calibration
tools to support the RTE’s Software Emulation Methods. Additionally it is also possible
for an RTE Vendor to add custom Software Emulation Methods which needs to be

225 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

documented as well. The structure of the McSwEmulationMethodSupport is shown

in figure 4.33.
AtpStructureElement ARElement
InternalBehavior Implementation

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+mcSupport 0..1




+staticMemory 0..* +emulationSupport 0..* Provides the possible

names for the category.
AutosarDataPrototype McSwEmulationMethodSupport This could include vendor
VariableDataPrototype specific methods.
+ category: Identifier
+baseReference + shortLabel: Identifier


0..1 EcucEnumerationParamDef

defaultValue = NONE
+elementGroup 0..*

AutosarDataPrototype + shortLabel: Identifier

0..* ParameterDataPrototype

Figure 4.33: Structure of the McSwEmulationMethodSupport element

[SWS_Rte_05137] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall create the Mc-
SwEmulationMethodSupport element as part of the McSupportData description
of the generated RTE.c(SRS_Rte_00189)
[SWS_Rte_05138] dThe RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall set the value of the
category attribute of McSwEmulationMethodSupport element according to the
implemented Software Emulation Method based on the Ecu configuration parameter
• custom category name: vendor specific Software Emulation Method
The description of the generated structures is using the existing mechanisms already
available in the Basic Software Module Description Template [9].

226 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description of ParameterElementGroup
For the description of the ParameterElementGroup an Implementation-
DataType representing a structure of the group is created ([SWS_Rte_05139]).
[SWS_Rte_05139] dFor each generated ParameterElementGroup an Implemen-
tationDataType shall be created. The contained ParameterDataPrototypes
are aggregated with the role subElement as ImplementationDataTypeEle-
In the example figure 4.34 the ImplementationDataTypes are called RteMcSup-
portGroupType1 and RteMcSupportGroupType2.
McSupport description of the InitRam parameter method
For the description of the InitRam parameter method the specific ParameterEle-
mentGroups allocated in ram and rom are specified ([SWS_Rte_05140] and
[SWS_Rte_05141]). Then the collection and correspondence of these groups is spec-
ified (in [SWS_Rte_05142]).
[SWS_Rte_05140] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the
(INITIALIZED_RAM) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall gen-
erate for each ParameterElementGroup a ParameterDataPrototype with the
role constantMemory in the InternalBehavior of the RTE’s Basic Software
Module Description. The ParameterDataPrototype shall have a reference to the
corresponding ImplementationDataType from [SWS_Rte_05139] with the role
[SWS_Rte_05141] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the
(INITIALIZED_RAM) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall gen-
erate for each ParameterElementGroup a VariableDataPrototype with the
role staticMemory in the InternalBehavior of the RTE’s Basic Software Module
Description. The VariableDataPrototype shall have a reference to the corre-
sponding ImplementationDataType from [SWS_Rte_05139] with the role type.c
[SWS_Rte_05142] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the
(INITIALIZED_RAM) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall gen-
erate for each ParameterElementGroup a McParameterElementGroup with the
role elementGroup in the McSwEmulationMethodSupport [SWS_Rte_05137]
• The McParameterElementGroup shall have a reference to the corresponding
ParameterDataPrototype from [SWS_Rte_05140] with the role romLoca-
• The McParameterElementGroup shall have a reference to the correspond-
ing VariableDataPrototype from [SWS_Rte_05141] with the role ramLo-

227 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

McSupport description of the Single pointered method

For the description of the Single pointered method the specific ParameterElement-
Groups allocated in rom are specified ([SWS_Rte_05143]). Then an array data type
is specified which contains as many number of elements (void pointers) as there are
ParameterElementGroups ([SWS_Rte_05144]). Then the instance of this array is
specified in ram ([SWS_Rte_05152]) and referenced from the McSwEmulationMeth-
odSupport ([SWS_Rte_05153]). The actual values for each array element are speci-
fied as references to the ParameterElementGroup prototypes ([SWS_Rte_05154]).
[SWS_Rte_05143] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the
(SINGLE_POINTERED) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall
generate for each ParameterElementGroup a ParameterDataPrototype with
the role constantMemory in the InternalBehavior of the RTE’s Basic Software
Module Description. The ParameterDataPrototype shall have a reference to the
corresponding ImplementationDataType from [SWS_Rte_05139] with the role
[SWS_Rte_05144] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the
(SINGLE_POINTERED) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall generate
an ImplementationDataType with one ImplementationDataTypeElement in
the role subElement.
• The ImplementationDataTypeElement shall have the attribute arraySize
set to the number of ParameterElementGroups from [SWS_Rte_05139].
• The ImplementationDataTypeElement shall have a SwDataDefProps el-
ement with a reference to an ImplementationDataType representing a void
pointer, in the role implementationDataType.
[SWS_Rte_05152] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the
(SINGLE_POINTERED) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall
generate a VariableDataPrototype with the role staticMemory in the
InternalBehavior of the RTE’s Basic Software Module Description. The Vari-
ableDataPrototype shall have a reference to the ImplementationDataType
from [SWS_Rte_05144] with the role type.c(SRS_Rte_00189)
[SWS_Rte_05153] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the
(SINGLE_POINTERED) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall generate
a reference from the McSwEmulationMethodSupport [SWS_Rte_05137] element
to the VariableDataPrototype [SWS_Rte_05152] in the role referenceTable.c
[SWS_Rte_05154] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the
(SINGLE_POINTERED) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall generate
an ArrayValueSpecification as the initValue of the array [SWS_Rte_05152]
and for each ParameterElementGroup a ReferenceValueSpecification

228 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

element in the ArrayValueSpecification defining the references to the individual

ParameterElementGroup prototypes [SWS_Rte_05143].c(SRS_Rte_00189)
McSupport description of the Double pointered method
The description of the Double pointered method is quite similar to the Single point-
ered method, but the allocation to ram and rom is different and it allocates the addi-
tional pointer parameter. The specific ParameterElementGroups allocated in rom
are specified ([SWS_Rte_05155]). Then an array data type is specified which con-
tains as many number of elements (void pointers) as there are ParameterEle-
mentGroups ([SWS_Rte_05156]). Then the instance of this array is specified in
rom ([SWS_Rte_05157]) and referenced from the McSwEmulationMethodSupport
([SWS_Rte_05158]). The actual values for each array element are specified as ref-
erences to the ParameterElementGroup prototypes ([SWS_Rte_05159]). Then the
type of the base pointer is then created ([SWS_Rte_05160]) and an instance is al-
located in ram ( [SWS_Rte_05161]). The reference is initialized to the array in rom
[SWS_Rte_05155] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the (DOUBLE_-
POINTERED) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall generate for each
ParameterElementGroup a ParameterDataPrototype with the role constant-
Memory in the InternalBehavior of the RTE’s Basic Software Module Description.
The ParameterDataPrototype shall have a reference to the corresponding Im-
plementationDataType from [SWS_Rte_05139] with the role type.c(SRS_Rte_-
In the example figure 4.34 the ParameterDataPrototypes are called RteMcSup-
portParamGroup1 and RteMcSupportParamGroup1.
[SWS_Rte_05156] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the (DOUBLE_-
POINTERED) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall generate an
ImplementationDataType with one ImplementationDataTypeElement in the
role subElement.
• The ImplementationDataTypeElement shall be of category ARRAY with the
attribute arraySize set to the number of ParameterElementGroups from
• The ImplementationDataTypeElement shall have a SwDataDefProps el-
ement with a reference to an ImplementationDataType representing a void
pointer, in the role implementationDataType.
In the example figure 4.34 the ImplementationDataType is called RteMcSup-
[SWS_Rte_05157] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the (DOUBLE_-
POINTERED) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall generate a Param-
eterDataPrototype with the role constantMemory in the InternalBehavior of
the RTE’s Basic Software Module Description. The ParameterDataPrototype shall

229 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

have a reference to the ImplementationDataType from [SWS_Rte_05156] with the

role type.c(SRS_Rte_00189)
In the example figure 4.34 the ParameterDataPrototype is called RteMcSup-
[SWS_Rte_05158] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the (DOUBLE_-
POINTERED) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall generate a ref-
erence from the McSwEmulationMethodSupport [SWS_Rte_05137] element to
the ParameterDataPrototype [SWS_Rte_05157] in the role referenceTable.c
[SWS_Rte_05159] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the (DOUBLE_-
POINTERED) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall generate an Ar-
rayValueSpecification as the initValue of the array [SWS_Rte_05157] and
for each ParameterElementGroup a ReferenceValueSpecification element
in the ArrayValueSpecification defining the references to the individual Param-
eterElementGroup prototypes [SWS_Rte_05155].c(SRS_Rte_00189)
In the example figure 4.34 the ArrayValueSpecification is called RteMc-
SupportPointerTableInit. The ReferenceValueSpecifications are called
RteMcSupportParamGroup1Ref and RteMcSupportParamGroup2Ref.
[SWS_Rte_05160] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the (DOUBLE_-
POINTERED) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall generate an Im-
plementationDataType with one ImplementationDataTypeElement being a
reference to the array type from [SWS_Rte_05156].c(SRS_Rte_00189)
In the example figure 4.34 the ImplementationDataType is called RteMcSup-
[SWS_Rte_05161] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the (DOUBLE_-
POINTERED) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall generate a Vari-
ableDataPrototype with the role staticMemory in the InternalBehavior of
the RTE’s Basic Software Module Description. The VariableDataPrototype shall
have a reference to the ImplementationDataType from [SWS_Rte_05160] with the
role type.c(SRS_Rte_00189)
In the example figure 4.34 the VariableDataPrototype is called RteMcSupport-
[SWS_Rte_05162] dIf the RTE Generator is configured to support the (DOUBLE_-
POINTERED) method the RTE Generator in generation phase shall generate a Refer-
enceValueSpecification to the array from [SWS_Rte_05157] as the initValue
of the reference [SWS_Rte_05161].c(SRS_Rte_00189)
In the example figure 4.34 the ReferenceValueSpecification is called RteMc-

230 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RteInternalBehavior: +staticMemory RteMcSupportBasePointer: +type RteMcSupportBasePointerType:

BswInternalBehavior VariableDataPrototype ImplementationDataType

RteMcSupportBasePointerInit: RteMcSupportBaseTypePointerDDP:
ReferenceValueSpecification SwDataDefProps





+referenceValue +implementationDataType

+constantMemory RteMcSupportPointerTable: +type RteMcSupportPointerTableType:

ParameterDataPrototype ImplementationDataType

+initValue +subElement

RteMcSupportPointerTableInit: RteMcSupportPointerTableElement:
ArrayValueSpecification ImplementationDataTypeElement

arraySize = 2

+element +element

RteMcSupportParamGroup1Ref: RteMcSupportParamGroup2Ref:
ReferenceValueSpecification ReferenceValueSpecification


+constantMemory RteMcSupportParamGroup1:


+constantMemory RteMcSupportParamGroup2:



+subElement MyCalParam111:
+subElement MyCalParam22:


Figure 4.34: Example of the structure for Double Pointered Method

231 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE
Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Export of Variant Handling

The Rte Generator shall provide information on values of system constants. The values
are part of the input information and need to be collected and copied into a dedicated
artifact to be delivered with the McSupportData.
[SWS_Rte_05168] dThe Rte Generator in generation phase shall create an elements
of type SwSystemconstantValueSet and create copies of all system constant val-
ues found in the input information of type SwSystemconstValue where the refer-
enced SwSystemconst element has the swCalibrationAccess set to readOnly.c
(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00191)
In case the SwSystemconstValue is subject to variability and the variability can be
resolved during Rte generation phase
[SWS_Rte_05176] dIf a SwSystemconst with swCalibrationAccess set to read-
Only has an assigned SwSystemconstValue which is subject to variability with
the latest binding time SystemDesignTime or CodeGenerationTime the related
SwSystemconstValue copy in the SwSystemconstantValueSet according to
[SWS_Rte_05168] shall contain the resolved value.c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_05174] dIf a SwSystemconst with swCalibrationAccess set to read-
Only has an assigned SwSystemconstValue which is subject to variability with the
latest binding time PreCompileTime the related SwSystemconstValue copy in the
SwSystemconstantValueSet according to [SWS_Rte_05168] shall have an At-
tributeValueVariationPoint. The PreBuild conditions of the AttributeVal-
ueVariationPoint shall correspond to the PreBuild conditions of the input SwSys-
temconstValue’s conditions.c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00191)
[SWS_Rte_05169] dThe Rte Generator in generation phase shall create a reference
from the McSupportData element ([SWS_Rte_05118]) to the SwSystemconstant-
ValueSet element ([SWS_Rte_05168]).c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00191)
In case the RTE Generator implements variability on an element which is accessible
by a MCD system the related existence condition has to be documented in the McSup-
portData structure as well.
[SWS_Rte_05175] dIf an element in the McSupportData is related to an element
in the input configuration which is subject to variability with the latest binding time
PreCompileTime or PostBuild the RTE Generator shall add a VariationPoint for
such element. The PreBuild and PostBuild conditions of the VariationPoint shall
correspond to the PreBuild and PostBuild conditions of the input element’s conditions.c
(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00191)

232 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4.2.10 Access to NVRAM data General

There are different methods available for AUTOSAR SW-Cs to access data stored in
• “Calibration data” – Calibrations can be stored in NVRAM, but are not modified
during a "normal" execution of the ECU. Calibrations are usually directly read from
their memory location, but can also be read from a RAM buffer when the access
time needs to be optimized (e.g. for interpolation tables). They are described in
section 4.2.9.
• “Access to NVRAM blocks” – This method uses PerInstanceMemory as a
RAM Block for the NVRAM blocks. While this method is efficient, its use is
The NVRAM Manager [21] is a BSW module which provides services for SW-C
to access NVRAM Blocks during runtime. The NVM block data is not accessed
directly, but through a RAM Block, which can be a PerInstanceMemory in-
stantiated by the RTE, or a SW-C internal buffer. When this method is used, the
RTE does not provide any data consistency mechanisms (i.e. different runnables
from the SW-C and the NVM can access the RAM Block concurrently without
being protected by the RTE).
This mechanism permits efficient usage of NVRAM data, but requires the SW-C
designer to take care that accesses to the PerInstanceMemory from different
task contexts don’t cause data inconsistencies. The “Access to NVRAM blocks”
should not be used in multi core environments. In AUTOSAR release 4.0, it can
not be expected that the NVRAM Manager can access the PerInstanceMem-
ory of another core. The presence of a shared memory section is not required by
AUTOSAR. Only in the case of arTypedPerInstanceMemory, a SwDataDef-
Props item is available to assign the PerInstanceMemory to a shared memory
• “Access to NVRAM data with a NvBlockSwComponentType” – The data is
accessed through a NvDataInterface connected to a NvBlockSwCompo-
nentTypes. This access is modeled at the VFB level, and, when necessary,
protected by the RTE against concurrent accesses. It will be described further in
this section.
Please note that the terms NVRAM Block, NV Block, RAM Block, ROM Block and
RAM mirror used in this document are defined in the specification of the NVRAM
Manager [21].

233 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Usage of the NvBlockSwComponentType

The code of NvBlock SwComponentPrototypes is implemented by the RTE Gener-

ator. NvBlockSwComponentTypes provide a port interface for the access and man-
agement of data stored in NVRAM.

Figure 4.35: Connection to the NvBlockSwComponentType

Figure 4.35 illustrates the usage of a NvBlockSwComponentType. Depending on

the use-case SW-Cs can be connected to a NvBlockSwComponentType in different
ways. For example by Ports typed by SenderReceiverInterfaces / NvDataIn-
terfaces only or by Ports typed by SenderReceiverInterfaces / NvDataIn-
terfaces and ClientServerInterfaces. Ports typed by SenderReceiverIn-
terfaces / NvDataInterfaces are used to provide access to NV data and Ports
typed by ClientServerInterfaces are used for the management of NV data. Man-
aging NV data by SW-Cs is useful in order to copy data of the RAM Block to NV
block vice versa at certain points in time (SW-Cs are clients). Additionally SW-Cs can
get notifications from NVM (SW-Cs are servers).
In the following sections the requirements for the usage of NvBlockSwComponent-
Type will be given.
[SWS_Rte_07301] dSeveral AUTOSAR SW-Cs (and also several instances of a AU-
TOSAR SW-C) shall be able to read the same VariableDataPrototypes of a

234 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software



+nvBlockDescriptor 0..*


+ supportDirtyFlag: Boolean [0..1]

+ramBlock 0..1 +romBlock 0..1 +timingEvent 0..1

AutosarDataPrototype AutosarDataPrototype RTEEvent

VariableDataPrototype ParameterDataPrototype TimingEvent

+ offset: TimeValue [0..1]

+ period: TimeValue [0..1]

+initValue 0..1 +initValue 0..1


+ shortLabel: Identifier [0..1]

+nvBlockNeeds 0..1

ServiceNeeds «enumeration»
NvBlockNeeds NvBlockNeedsReliabilityEnum

+ calcRamBlockCrc: Boolean [0..1] noProtection

+ checkStaticBlockId: Boolean [0..1] errorDetection
+ cyclicWritingPeriod: TimeValue [0..1] errorCorrection
+ nDataSets: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ nRomBlocks: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ ramBlockStatusControl: RamBlockStatusControlEnum [0..1]
+ readonly: Boolean [0..1]
+ reliability: NvBlockNeedsReliabilityEnum [0..1]
+ resistantToChangedSw: Boolean [0..1]
+ restoreAtStart: Boolean [0..1]
+ selectBlockForFirstInitAll: Boolean [0..1] api
+ storeAtShutdown: Boolean [0..1] nvRamManager
+ storeCyclic: Boolean [0..1]
+ storeEmergency: Boolean [0..1]
+ storeImmediate: Boolean [0..1]
+ useAutoValidationAtShutDown: Boolean [0..1] «enumeration»
+ useCRCCompMechanism: Boolean [0..1] NvBlockNeedsWritingPriorityEnum
+ writeOnlyOnce: Boolean [0..1]
+ writeVerification: Boolean [0..1] low
+ writingFrequency: PositiveInteger [0..1] medium
+ writingPriority: NvBlockNeedsWritingPriorityEnum [0..1] high

Figure 4.36: NvBlockSwComponentType and NvBlockDescriptor

A NvBlockSwComponentType contains multiple NvBlockDescriptors. Each of

these NvBlockDescriptor is associated to exactly one NVRAM Block.
A NvBlockDescriptor contains a VariableDataPrototype which acts as a RAM
Block for the NVRAM Block, and optionally a ParameterDataPrototype to act as
the default ROM value for the NVRAM Block.

235 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07353] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where a NvBlock-

Descriptor of a NvBlockSwComponentType contains a romBlock whose data
type is not compatible with the type of the ramBlock.c(SRS_Rte_00177, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_07303] dThe RTE shall allocate memory for the ramBlock Variable-
DataPrototype of the NvBlockDescriptor instances.c(SRS_Rte_00177)
[SWS_Rte_07632] dThe variables allocated for the ramBlocks shall be initialized if
the general initialization conditions in [SWS_Rte_07046] are fulfilled. The initialization
as to be applied during Rte_Start and Rte_RestartPartition depending from
the configured RteInitializationStrategy.c(SRS_Rte_00177)
Note: When blocks are configured to be read by NvM_ReadAll, the initialization may
erase the value read by the NVM. These blocks should not have an initValue.
[SWS_Rte_07355] dFor each NvBlockDescriptor with a romBlock Parameter-
DataPrototype, the RTE shall allocate a constant block of default values.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07633] dThe constants allocated for the romBlocks shall be initialized to
the value of the initValue, if they have an initValue.c(SRS_Rte_00177)

236 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software


+type 0..1
{redefines atpType}

AtomicSwComponentType DataInterface DataPrototype AbstractImplementationDataType

NvBlockSwComponentType NvDataInterface AutosarDataPrototype ImplementationDataType

«atpVariation,atpSplitable»     «atpVariation»

+nvBlockDescriptor 0..* +nvData 0..* +subElement 0..* {ordered}

AtpStructureElement AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement
Identifiable ImplementationDataTypeElement


{subsets atpContextElement}






+autosarVariable 0..1 0..1

+instantiationDataDefProps 0..*

InstantiationDataDefProps AutosarVariableRef


0..* +nvBlockDataMapping






Figure 4.37: NvBlockDataMapping

For each element stored in the NVRAM Block of a NvBlockDescriptor, there

should be one NvBlockDataMapping to associate the VariableDataPrototypes
of the ports used for read and write access and the VariableDataPrototype defin-
ing the location of the element in the ramBlock. Thereby the Implementation-
DataTypes of the VariableDataPrototypes have to compatible.

237 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03866] dThe RTE Generator shall reject any configuration that violates
[constr_1395], [constr_1403] and [constr_1404].c(SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_07621] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where [constr_-
2013] or [constr_1285] is violated.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
Note: This is required to ensure that the default values in romBlock are structurally
matching data in the ramBlock and therefore can be copied to the ramBlock in case
that the callback Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock of the related NvBlock is called.
[SWS_Rte_07343] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where a Vari-
ableDataPrototype instance in the role ramBlock is accessed by SW-C instances
of different partitions.c(SRS_Rte_00177, SRS_Rte_00018)
The rational for [SWS_Rte_07343] is to allow the implementation of cleanup activities
in case of termination or restart of a partition. These cleanup activities may require to
invalidate the RAM Block or reload data from the NVRAM device, which would impact
other partitions if a the ramBlock is accessed by SW-Cs of different partitions.
A NvBlockSwComponentType can be used to reduce the quantity of NVRAM Blocks
needed on an ECU:
• the same block can be used to store different flags or other small data elements;
• the same data element can be used by different SW-Cs or different instances of
a SW-C.
It also permits to simplify processes and algorithms when it must be guaranteed that
two SW-Cs of an ECU use the same NVRAM data.
Note: this feature can increase the RAM usage of the ECU because it forces the
NVRAM Manager to instantiate an additional RAM buffer, called RAM mirror. How-
ever, when the same data elements have to be shared between SW-Cs, it reduces the
number of RAM Blocks needed to be instantiated by the RTE, and can reduce the
overall RAM usage of the ECU.
[SWS_Rte_07356] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where a Vari-
ableDataPrototype referenced by a NvDataInterface has a queued swIm-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09011] NvMBlockDescriptor related to a RAM Block of a
NvBlockSwComponentType shall use NvmBlockUseSyncMechanism dThe NVRAM
Block associated to the NvBlockDescriptors of a NvBlockSwComponentType
shall be configured with the NvMBlockUseSyncMechanism feature enabled, and
the NvMWriteRamBlockToNvCallback and NvMReadRamBlockFromNvCallback
parameters set to the Rte_GetMirror and Rte_SetMirror API of the NvBlock-
An NvBlockSwComponentType may have unconnected p-ports or r-ports (see

238 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07669] dAn NvBlockSwComponentType with an unconnected r-port shall

behave as if no updated data were received for VariableDataPrototypes this un-
connected r-port.c(SRS_Rte_00139) Interface of the NvBlockSwComponentType Access to the NVRAM data

The NvBlockSwComponentType provides PPortPrototypes and RPortProto-

types with an NvDataInterface data Sender-Receiver semantic to read the value
of the NVRAM data or write the new value.
Like the SenderReceiverInterfaces, each of these NvDataInterfaces can pro-
vide access to multiple VariableDataPrototypes.
The same Rte_Read, Rte_IRead, Rte_DRead, Rte_Write, Rte_IWrite, Rte_-
IWriteRef APIs are used to access these VariableDataPrototypes as for
Due to the usage of the implicit APIs Rte_IRead and Rte_IWriteRef multiple
buffering can be avoided, i.e. the RunnableEntitys of application SW-Cs or Ex-
ecutableEntitys of BSW modules (e.g. DCM) can directly access the Variable-
DataPrototypes on the RAM Block. To guarantee this behavior one of the following
preconditions must apply:
• VariableDataPrototypes on a RAM Block are only accessed by
• VariableDataPrototypes on a RAM Block are accessed by dataReadAc-
cess and dataWriteAccess and there is no mutual preemption between the
write accesses or between the write and read accesses, including no preemption
by Rte_SetMirror and Rte_GetMirror.
• No PortInterfaceMappings are applied which requiring data conversions
See also chapter about ConsistencyNeeds.
[SWS_Rte_07667] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where an r-port
typed with an NvDataInterface is not connected and no NvRequireComSpec with
an initValue are provided for each VariableDataPrototype of this NvDataIn-
terface. This requirement does not apply if the r-port belongs to a NvBlockSwCom-
ponentType.c(SRS_Rte_00018, SRS_Rte_00139)
[SWS_Rte_07667] is required to avoid unconnected r-port without a defined init-
Value. Please note that for NvBlockSwComponent unconnected r-ports without init
values are not a fault because the init values are defined in the NvBlockDescriptors
ramBlock (see as well [SWS_Rte_07632], [SWS_Rte_07669])

239 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07668] dThe RTE shall initialize the VariableDataPrototypes of an r-

port according to the initValue of the r-port’s NvRequireComSpec referring to the
VariableDataPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_00108, SRS_Rte_00068)
In order to write updated NV data of NVRAM Blocks to NV memory with a certain
timing schema the RTE provides a functionality called "dirty flag mechanism". This
mechanism interacts directly with the NvM module when write APIs of the RTE are
invoked by an AtomicSwComponentType using a PortPrototype typed by an Nv-
DataInterface. The behavior of the dirty flag mechanism depends on the writing
strategy of the related NvBlockDescriptors.
[SWS_Rte_04565] dThe cyclic writing strategy is enabled for an NvBlockDescrip-
tor if the attribute NvBlockNeeds.storeCyclic is set to true.c(SRS_Rte_00177,
[SWS_Rte_04566] dThe shutDown writing strategy is enabled for an NvBlockDe-
scriptor if the attribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategyRole.role is
set to storeAtShutdown or NvBlockNeeds.storeAtShutdown is set to true.c(SRS_-
Rte_00177, SRS_Rte_00245)
[SWS_Rte_04567] dThe immediate writing strategy is enabled for an NvBlockDe-
scriptor if the attribute NvBlockDescriptor.writingStrategyRole.role is
set to storeImmediate or NvBlockNeeds.storeImmediate is set to true.c(SRS_-
Rte_00177, SRS_Rte_00245)
[SWS_Rte_04568] dThe mode switch writing strategy is enabled for an NvBlockDe-
scriptor if the attribute NvBlockDescriptor.modeSwitchEventTriggeredAc-
tivity is set to true.c(SRS_Rte_00177, SRS_Rte_00245)
[SWS_Rte_08080] dIf an AtomicSwComponentType using a PortPrototype with
an NvDataInterface invokes the explicit API Rte_Write and the attribute
NvBlockDescriptor.supportDirtyFlag is set to true and the writing strategy
storeAtShutDown ([SWS_Rte_04566] applies) is enabled, the RTE shall mark the as-
sociated RAM Block(s) as CHANGED by calling the NvM_SetRamBlockStatus func-
tion of the NvM module with the BlockChanged parameter set to true. The NvM_-
SetRamBlockStatus function shall be called by the RTE after the data accessed
by the Rte_Write function is written back to the RAM Block(s).c(SRS_Rte_00177,
[SWS_Rte_08081] dIf an AtomicSwComponentType using a PortPrototype with
an NvDataInterface invokes the implicit APIs Rte_IWrite / Rte_IWriteRef and
the attribute NvBlockDescriptor.supportDirtyFlag is set to true and the writ-
ing strategy storeAtShutDown ([SWS_Rte_04566] applies) is enabled, the RTE shall
mark the associated RAM Block(s) as CHANGED by calling the NvM_SetRamBlock-
Status function of the NvM module with the BlockChanged parameter set to true.
The function NvM_SetRamBlockStatus shall be called by the RTE after the data ac-
cessed by the Rte_IWrite / Rte_IWriteRef functions is written back from the pre-
emption area buffer to the RAM Block(s) (for further details see chapter
(SRS_Rte_00177, SRS_Rte_00245)

240 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08082] dIf an AtomicSwComponentType using a PortPrototype with

an NvDataInterface invokes the explicit API Rte_Write and the attribute is
set to true and the writing strategy storeCyclic ([SWS_Rte_04565] applies) is en-
abled, the RTE shall write the associated RAM Block(s) to NV memory by calling
the NvM_WritePRAMBlock function of the NvM module in the next cycle of a pe-
riodic activity after the data accessed by the Rte_Write function is written back
to the RAM Block(s). The periodic activity shall be implemented in the context of
an NvBlockDescriptor’s RunnableEntity (see requirements [SWS_Rte_08086],
[SWS_Rte_08087], [SWS_Rte_08089], [SWS_Rte_08090]) according to the cycle pe-
riod defined in the attribute NvBlockDescriptor.timingEvent.period.c(SRS_-
Rte_00177, SRS_Rte_00245)
[SWS_Rte_08083] dIf an AtomicSwComponentType using a PortPrototype with
an NvDataInterface invokes the implicit APIs Rte_IWrite / Rte_IWriteRef and
the attribute NvBlockDescriptor.supportDirtyFlag is set to true and the writ-
ing strategy storeCyclic ([SWS_Rte_04565] applies) is enabled, the RTE shall write the
associated RAM Block(s) to NV memory by calling the NvM_WritePRAMBlock func-
tion of the NvM module in the cycle of a periodic activity after the data accessed by the
Rte_IWrite / Rte_IWriteRef functions is written back from the preemption area
buffer to the RAM Block(s) (for further details see chapter The periodic ac-
tivity shall be implemented in the context of an NvBlockDescriptor’s RunnableEn-
tity (see requirements [SWS_Rte_08086], [SWS_Rte_08087], [SWS_Rte_08089],
[SWS_Rte_08090]) according to the cycle period defined in the attribute NvBlockDe-
scriptor.timingEvent.period.c(SRS_Rte_00177, SRS_Rte_00245)
[SWS_Rte_08084] dIf an AtomicSwComponentType using a PortPrototype with
an NvDataInterface invokes the explicit API Rte_Write and the attribute
NvBlockDescriptor.supportDirtyFlag is set to true and the writing strategy
storeImmediate ([SWS_Rte_04567] applies) is enabled, the RTE shall write the asso-
ciated RAM Block(s) to NV memory by calling the NvM_WritePRAMBlock function of
the NvM module. The NvM_WritePRAMBlock function shall be called in the context of
an NvBlockDescriptor’s RunnableEntity (see requirements [SWS_Rte_08086],
[SWS_Rte_08088], [SWS_Rte_08089], [SWS_Rte_08090]) after the data accessed
by the Rte_Write function is written back to the RAM Block(s).c(SRS_Rte_00177,
[SWS_Rte_08085] dIf an AtomicSwComponentType using a PortPrototype with
an NvDataInterface invokes the implicit APIs Rte_IWrite / Rte_IWriteRef and
the attribute NvBlockDescriptor.supportDirtyFlag is set to true and the writ-
ing strategy storeImmediate ([SWS_Rte_04567] applies) is enabled, the RTE shall
write the associated RAM Block(s) to NV memory by calling the NvM_WritePRAM-
Block function of the NvM module. The function NvM_WritePRAMBlock shall be
called in the context of an NvBlockDescriptor’s RunnableEntity (see require-
ments [SWS_Rte_08086], [SWS_Rte_08088], [SWS_Rte_08089], [SWS_Rte_08090])
after the data accessed by the Rte_IWrite / Rte_IWriteRef functions is written
back from the preemption area buffer to the RAM Block(s) (for further details see
chapter, SRS_Rte_00245)

241 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Note: Notifications received from the NVM module (e.g. NvMNotifyJobFinished)

will not be forwarded to the SW-Cs by the dirty flag mechanism. The standardized NvM
Client-Server interfaces can be used (see chapter if a SW-C needs to be
informed regarding the NvM job result. Access to the Bulk NvData

The NvBlockSwComponentType provides PPortPrototypes with an NvDataIn-

terface data Sender-Receiver semantics to read the value of the Bulk NvData.
Like the SenderReceiverInterfaces, each of these NvDataInterfaces can pro-
vide access to multiple VariableDataPrototypes.
The same Rte_Read, Rte_IRead, or Rte_DRead APIs are used to access these
VariableDataPrototypes as for SenderReceiverInterfaces.
Due to the usage of the implicit API Rte_IRead a direct access to the flash block is
[SWS_Rte_03883] dThe RTE shall create for each BulkNvDataDescriptor a
BndMBlockDescriptor in the BndM module. The corresponding BlockId value shall
be used for the invocation of BndM API functions.c(SRS_Rte_00177)
[SWS_Rte_03884] dThe RTE shall use for each read access to the BulkNvDataDe-
scriptor the BndM_GetBlockPtr API to get the base pointer to the Implementa-
tionDataPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00177) NVM interfaces

The NvBlockSwComponentType can also have ports used for NV data management
and typed by Client-Server interfaces derived from the NVRAM Manager [21] stan-
dardized ones. Note that these ports shall always have a PortInterface with the
attribute isService set to FALSE. The definition of blueprints for these interfaces can
be found in document MOD_GeneralBlueprints [22] in the ARPackage AUTOSAR/N-
The standardized NvM Client-Server interfaces are composed as follows:
• NvMService
This interface is used to send commands to the NVM. The NvBlockSwCompo-
nentType provides a server port intended to be used by the SW-C users of this
• NvMNotifyJobFinished
This interface is used by the NVM to notify the end of job. The NvBlockSwCom-
ponentType provides a server port intended to be used by the NVM, and client

242 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

ports intended to be connected to the SW-C users of this NvBlockSwCompo-

• NvMNotifyInitBlock
This interface is used by the NVM to request users to provide the default values
in the RAM Block. The NvBlockSwComponentType provides a server port
intended to be used by the NVM, and client ports intended to be connected to the
SW-C users of this NvBlockSwComponentType.
• NvMAdmin
This interface is used to order some administrative operations to the NVM. The
NvBlockSwComponentType provides a server port intended to be used by the
SW-C users of this NvBlockSwComponentType.
For the implementation of NvBlockSwComponentTypes that have NvM service ports
the RTE has to call the API of NvM. In order to access NvM API the NvM.h file has to
be included.
[SWS_Rte_08063] dThe RTE shall include the NvM.h file, if it has to access NvM API.c
Note: no restrictions have been added to the NVM interfaces. However, some op-
erations of the NVM might require cooperation between the different users of the
NvBlockSwComponentType. For example, a ReadBlock operation will overwrite the
RAM Block, which might affect multiple SW-Cs.

243 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

ARElement +port AtpBlueprintable

AtpBlueprint AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* PortPrototype

+port 0..1



  + isService: Boolean [0..1]
+ serviceKind: ServiceProviderEnum [0..1]

+nvBlockDescriptor 0..* ClientServerInterface

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» Identifiable

+ supportDirtyFlag: Boolean [0..1]    
"  # 
+operation 0..*  $ 

+clientServerPort 0..* + diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1]

+operation 0..1
+ role: Identifier [0..1]
+internalBehavior 0..1

InternalBehavior AtpStructureElement
SwcInternalBehavior ExecutableEntity

+runnable 0..* 0..1 +startOnEvent

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» AtpStructureElement
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» *

+portAPIOption PortAPIOption

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*


  +portArgValue {ordered}

Figure 4.38: SwcInternalBehavior of NvBlockSwComponentTypes

244 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

ARElement +port AtpBlueprintable

AtpBlueprint AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*


AbstractProvidedPortPrototype AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

PPortPrototype PRPortPrototype RPortPrototype


+nvBlockDescriptor 0..*


{redefines atpType}
{redefines atpType}

{redefines atpType}


+ supportDirtyFlag: Boolean [0..1]    


«atpVariation» ARElement
+clientServerPort 0..* AtpBlueprintable
+ role: Identifier [0..1]
+ isService: Boolean [0..1]
+ serviceKind: ServiceProviderEnum [0..1]


 +operation 0..*


+ diagArgIntegrity: Boolean [0..1]

Figure 4.39: NVM notifications

The requests received from the SW-C side are forwarded by the NvBlockSwCompo-
nentType’s runnables to the NVM module, using the NVM C API indicated by the
RoleBasedPortAssignment. See figure 4.38.
Notifications received from the NVM are forwarded to all the SW-C connected to the no-
tification interfaces of the NvBlockSwComponentType with a RoleBasedPortAs-
signment of the corresponding type. See figure 4.39.

245 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07398] dThe RTE Generator shall implement runnables for each con-
nected server port of a NvBlockSwComponentType.c(SRS_Rte_00177)
[SWS_Rte_07399] dThe NvBlockSwComponentType’s runnables used as servers
connected to the SW-C shall forward the request to the NVM by calling the associated
NVM API.c(SRS_Rte_00177)
[SWS_Rte_04535] dThe return values of NvM APIs NvM_WriteBlock
and NvM_SetRAMBlockStatus (See requirements [SWS_Rte_08080],
[SWS_Rte_08081], [SWS_Rte_08082], [SWS_Rte_08083], [SWS_Rte_08084],
[SWS_Rte_08085]) called by the RTE shall be ignored.c(SRS_Rte_00177)
[SWS_Rte_08064] dThe symbol attribute of RunnableEntitys triggered by an Op-
erationInvokedEvent of NvBlockSwComponentTypes shall be used by the RTE
generator to identify the to be called NvM API function (see [constr_1234] in software
component template [2]).c(SRS_Rte_00177)
The NvBlockSwComponentType may define PortDefinedArgumentValues to
provide the BlockId value in case the NvBlockSwComponentType defines server
ports for the call of NvM services. Till R4.2 this was the only possibility to provide
the BlockId value. But these values are not mandatory any longer and are super-
seded by the configuration of RteNvRamAllocation, see [SWS_Rte_06211] and
[SWS_Rte_06211] dThe RTE generator shall determine the appropriate BlockId
value for the invocation of NvM API functions from the parameter of the NvMBlock-
Descriptor which is mapped via RteNvRamAllocation.RteNvmBlockRef to the
according NvBlockDescriptor.c(SRS_Rte_00177)
Please note: Thereby the relationship of an invocation to a specific NvBlockDe-
scriptor can be determined by following ways:
• NvBlockDescriptor.timingEvent for the cyclic invocation
• NvBlockDescriptor.clientServerPort where attribute role has the value
NvMService or NvMAdmin. In this case all OperationInvokedEvents ref-
erencing an operation in such a PPortPrototype are belonging to the
• VariableDataPrototype instances in AbstractProvidedPortPrototype
mapped to the NvBlockDescriptor.ramBlock via an NvBlockDataMap-
ping. In this case all DataReceivedEvents referencing those Variable-
DataPrototype instances are belonging to the NvBlockDescriptor.
• NvBlockDescriptor.modeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity for the mode
switch based invocation.
[SWS_Rte_06212] dThe RTE generator shall ignore the given PortAPIOp-
tion with PortDefinedArgumentValue applied to a PPortPrototype of a
NvBlockSwComponentType when the BlockId value is determined according

246 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Besides forwarding requests from the SW-C side to the NVM module via NvM ser-
vice ports, the NvBlockSwComponentType also supports the dirty flag mechanism
mentioned in chapter In order to realize the behavior of the dirty flag mech-
anism the RTE implements RunnableEntitys for each NvBlockDescriptor that
can be triggered by RTEEvents. Depending on the writing strategy different kind of
RTEEvents will be used for triggering the RunnableEntitys.
The configuration of the NvBlockSwComponentType (i.e. defining RTEEvents for
triggering the RunnableEntitys for the NvBlockDescriptors and mapping of
RTEEvents to tasks) is usually not in the responsibility of the SW-C developer. For
this reason the SW-C developer can provide the required writing strategy in the Swc-
ServiceDependency.serviceNeeds by using the attributes storeAtShutdown,
storeCyclic, cyclicWritingPeriod, storeEmergency and storeImmediate
(for more details see Software Component Template [2]).
[SWS_Rte_08086] dThe RTE generator shall implement RunnableEntitys for each
NvBlockDescriptor of an NvBlockSwComponentType with the attribute sup-
portDirtyFlag set to true.c(SRS_Rte_00177, SRS_Rte_00245)
[SWS_Rte_08087] dA RunnableEntity of an NvBlockDescriptor shall be ac-
tivated by a TimingEvent if the storeCyclic writing strategy is enabled (See
[SWS_Rte_04565]).c(SRS_Rte_00177, SRS_Rte_00245)
[SWS_Rte_08088] dA RunnableEntity of an NvBlockDescriptor shall be acti-
vated by a DataReceivedEvent if the storeAtShutdown or storeImmediate is enabled
(See [SWS_Rte_04566], [SWS_Rte_04567]).c(SRS_Rte_00177, SRS_Rte_00245)
[SWS_Rte_08111] dA RunnableEntity of an NvBlockDescriptor shall be acti-
vated by a SwcModeSwitchEvent if the mode switch writing strategy has been en-
abled (See [SWS_Rte_04568]) .c(SRS_Rte_00177, SRS_Rte_00245)
[SWS_Rte_08089] dFor NvBlockDescriptors which need to combine several
writing strategies (See [SWS_Rte_04565], [SWS_Rte_04566], [SWS_Rte_04567]),
the RunnableEntity of the NvBlockDescriptor shall be activated by one
TimingEvent or DataReceivedEvent per writing strategy according to the re-
quirements [SWS_Rte_08087] and [SWS_Rte_08088].c(SRS_Rte_00177, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_08090] dIf no RteEventToTaskMapping is defined for DataRe-
ceivedEvents or SwcModeSwitchEvents which are responsible for activat-
ing RunnableEntitys of NvBlockDescriptors (see [SWS_Rte_08087] and
[SWS_Rte_08088]), the according activities shall be processed in the RTE code is-
suing the DataReceivedEvents or SwcModeSwitchEvents. For explicit communi-
cation this shall be done in the related Rte_Write function and for implicit commu-
nication in the task bodies where the preemption buffers are handled. For SwcMod-
eSwitchEvents using asynchronous mode switch procedure, this shall be done in
the related Rte_Switch function.
Note: For SwcModeSwitchEvents a direct-call requires an asynchronous mode

247 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

c(SRS_Rte_00177, SRS_Rte_00245) Data Consistency

A VariableDataPrototype contained in a NvBlockSwComponentType is ac-

cessed when SW-Cs read the value or write a new value. It is also accessed by the
NVM when read or write requests are processed by the NVM for the associated block.
The NVM does not access directly the VariableDataPrototypes, but shall use the
Rte_GetMirror, and Rte_SetMirror APIs specified in section 5.9.3
The RTE has to ensure the data consistency of the VariableDataPrototypes, with
any of the data consistency mechanisms defined in section 4.2.6. Depending on the
user’s input, an efficient scheduling with the use of implicit APIs should permit a low
resources (OS resources, RAM, and code) implementation.

4.3 Communication Paradigms

AUTOSAR supports two basic communication paradigms: Client-Server and Sender-
Receiver. AUTOSAR software-components communicate through well defined ports
and the behavior is statically defined by attributes. Some attributes are defined on
the modeling level and others are closely related to the network topology and must be
defined on the implementation level.
The RTE provides the implementation of these communication paradigms. For inter-
ECU communication the RTE uses the functionalities provided by COM. For inter-
Partition communication (within the same ECU) the RTE may use functionalities pro-
vided by the IOC module. For intra-Partition the RTE provides the functionality on its
Both communication paradigms can be used together with data transformation which
is described in chapter 4.10.
With Sender-Receiver communication there are two main principles: Data Distribu-
tion and Event Distribution. When data is distributed, the last received value is of
interest (last-is-best semantics). When events are distributed the whole history of re-
ceived events is of interest, hence they must be queued on receiver side. Therefore
the software implementation policy can be queued or non queued. This is stated in the
swImplPolicy attribute of the SwDataDefProps, which can have the value queued
(corresponding to event distribution with a queue) or standard (corresponding to last-
is-best data distribution). If a data element has event semantics, the swImplPol-
icy is set to queued. The other possible values of this attribute correspond to data

248 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07192] dThe RTE generator shall reject the configuration when an r-port
is connected to an r-port or a p-port is connected to a p-port with an Assem-
For example, a require port (r-port) of a component typed by an AUTOSAR sender-
receiver interface can read data elements of this interface. A provide port (p-port) of
a component typed by an AUTOSAR sender-receiver interface can write data elements
of this interface.
[SWS_Rte_07006] dThe RTE generator shall reject the configuration violating the [con-
str_1032], so when an r-port is connected to a p-port or a p-port is connected
to an r-port with a DelegationSwConnector.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_08767] dIn case of functionality depending on attributes of ComSpecs the
RTE Generator shall consider only the ComSpecs defined in the context of Atomic-
SwComponentTypes or ParameterSwComponentTypes.c(SRS_Rte_00018)

4.3.1 Sender-Receiver Introduction

Sender-receiver communication involves the transmission and reception of signals con-

sisting of atomic data elements that are sent by one component and received by one
or more components. A sender-receiver interface can contain multiple data elements.
Sender-receiver communication is one-way - any reply sent by the receiver is sent as
a separate sender-receiver communication.
A require port (r-port) of a component typed by an AUTOSAR sender-receiver interface
can read data elements of this interface. A provide port (p-port) of a component typed
by an AUTOSAR sender-receiver interface can write data elements of this interface. Receive Modes

The RTE supports multiple receive modes for passing data to receivers. The four
possible receive modes are:
• “Implicit data read access” – when the receiver’s runnable executes it shall
have access to a “copy” of the data that remains unchanged during the execution
of the runnable.
[SWS_Rte_06000] dFor data elements specified with implicit data read access,
the RTE shall make the receive data available to the runnable through the se-
mantics of a copy.c(SRS_Rte_00128, SRS_Rte_00019)
[SWS_Rte_06001] dFor data elements specified with implicit data read access
the receive data shall not change during execution of the runnable.c(SRS_Rte_-

249 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

When “implicit data read access” is used the RTE is required to make the data
available as a “copy”. It is not necessarily required to use a unique copy for each
runnable. Thus the RTE may use a unique copy of the data for each runnable
entity or may, if several runnables (even from different components) need the
same data, share the same copy between runnables. Runnable entities can only
share a copy of the same data when the scheduling structure can make sure the
contents of the data is protected from modification by any other party.
[SWS_Rte_06004] dThe RTE shall read the data elements specified with implicit
data read access before the associated runnable entity is invoked.c(SRS_Rte_-
Composite data types shall be handled in the same way as primitive data types,
i.e. RTE shall make a “copy” available for the RunnableEntity.
[SWS_Rte_06003] dThe “implicit data read access” receive mode shall be valid
for all categories of runnable entity (i.e. 1A, 1B and 2).c(SRS_Rte_00134)
• “Explicit data read access” – the RTE generator creates a non-blocking API
call to enable a receiver to poll (and read) data. This receive mode is an “explicit”
mode since an explicit API call is invoked by the receiver.
The explicit “data read access” receive mode is only valid for category 1B or 2
runnable entities [SRS_Rte_00134].
• “wake up of wait point” – the RTE generator creates a blocking API call that the
receiver invokes to read data.
[SWS_Rte_06002] dThe “wake up of wait point” receive mode shall support a
time-out to prevent infinite blocking if no data is available.c(SRS_Rte_00109,
The “wake up of wait point” receive mode is inherently only valid for a category 2
runnable entity.
A category 2 runnable entity is required since the implementation may need to
suspend execution of the caller if no data is available.
• “activation of runnable entity” – the receiving runnable entity is invoked auto-
matically by the RTE whenever new data is available. To access the new data,
the runnable entity either has to use “implicit data read access” or “explicit data
read access”, i.e. invoke an Rte_IRead, Rte_Read, Rte_DRead or Rte_Re-
ceive call, depending on the input configuration. This receive mode differs from
“implicit data read access” since the receiver is invoked by the RTE in response
to a DataReceivedEvent.
[SWS_Rte_06007] dThe “activation of runnable entity” receive mode shall be
valid for category 1A, 1B and 2 runnable entities.c(SRS_Rte_00134)
The validity of receive modes in conjunction with different categories of runnable entity
is summarized in Table 4.16.

250 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Receive Mode Cat 1A Cat 1B Cat 2

Implicit Data Read Access Yes Yes Yes
Explicit Data Read Access No Yes Yes
Wake up of wait point No No Yes
Activation of runnable entity Yes Yes Yes

Table 4.16: Receive mode validity

The category of a runnable entity is not an inherent property but is instead determined
by the features of the runnable. Thus the presence of explicit API calls makes the
runnable at least category 1B and the presence of a WaitPoint forces the runnable
to be category 2. Applicability

The different receive modes are not just used for receivers in sender-receiver commu-
nication. The same semantics are also applied in the following situations:
• Success feedback – The mechanism used to return transmission acknowledg-
ments to a component. See Section
• Asynchronous client-server result – The mechanism used to return the result
of an asynchronous client-server call to a component. See Section Representation in the Software Component Template

The following list serves as a reference for how the RTE Generator determines the
Receive Mode from its input [SRS_Rte_00109]. Note that references to “the Vari-
ableDataPrototype” within this sub-section will implicitly mean “the Variable-
DataPrototype for which the API is being generated”.
• “wake up of wait point” – A VariableAccess in the dataReceivePointBy-
Value or dataReceivePointByArgument role references a VariableDat-
aPrototype and a WaitPoint references a DataReceivedEvent which in
turn references the same VariableDataPrototype.
• “activation of runnable entity” – a DataReceivedEvent references the Vari-
ableDataPrototype and a runnable entity to start when the data is received.
• “explicit data read access” – A VariableAccess in the dataReceive-
PointByValue or dataReceivePointByArgument role references the
• “implicit data read access” – A VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess
role references the VariableDataPrototype.

251 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

It is possible to combine certain access methods; for example ‘activation of runnable

entity’ can be combined with ‘explicit’ or ‘implicit’ data read access (indeed, one of these
pairings is necessary to cause API generation to actually read the datum) but it is an
input error if ‘activation of runnable entity’ and ‘wakeup of wait point’ are combined (i.e.
a WaitPoint references a DataReceivedEvent that references a runnable entity).
It is also possible to specify both implicit and explicit data read access simultaneously.
For details of the semantics of “implicit data read access” and “explicit data read ac-
cess” see Section Multiple Data Elements

A sender-receiver interface can contain one or more data elements. The transmission
and reception of elements is independent – each data element, e.g. AUTOSAR signal,
can be considered to form a separate logical data channel between the “provide” port
and a “require” port.
[SWS_Rte_06008] dEach data element in a sender-receiver interface shall be sent

Example 4.5

Consider an interface that has two data elements, speed and freq and that a compo-
nent template defines a provide port that is typed by the interface. The RTE generator
will then create two API calls; one to transmit speed and another to transmit freq.

Where it is important that multiple data elements are sent simultaneously they should
be combined into a composite data structure (Section The sender then
creates an instance of the data structure which is filled with the required data before
the RTE is invoked to transmit the data. Initial Values

[SWS_Rte_06009] dFor each data element in an interface specified with data se-
mantics, the RTE shall support the initValue attribute.c(SRS_Rte_00108)
The initValue attribute is used to ensure that AUTOSAR software-components al-
ways access valid data even if no value has yet been received. This information is re-
quired for inter-ECU, inter-Partition, and intra-Partition communication. For inter-ECU
communication initial values can be handled by COM but for intra-ECU communication
RTE has to guarantee that initValue is handled.
In general, the specification of an initValue is mandatory for each data element
prototype with data semantics, see [SWS_Rte_07642]. If all senders and receivers
are located in the same partition, this restriction is relaxed, see [SWS_Rte_04501].

252 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06010] dThe RTE shall use any specified initial value to prevent the
receiver performing calculations based on invalid (i.e. uninitialized) values when
the swImplPolicy is not queued and if the general initialization conditions in
[SWS_Rte_07046] are fulfilled.c(SRS_Rte_00107)
The above requirement ensures that RTE API calls return the initialized value until a
“real” value has been received, possibly via the communication service. The require-
ment does not apply when “event” semantics are used since the implied state change
when the event data is received will mean that the receiver will not start to process
invalid data and would therefore never see the initialized value.
[SWS_Rte_04500] dAn initial value cannot be specified when the implementation pol-
icy is set to ’queued’ attribute is specified as true.c(SRS_Rte_00107)
For senders, an initial value is not used directly by the RTE (since an AUTOSAR SW-C
must supply a value using Rte_Send) however it may be needed to configure the com-
munication service - for example, an un-initialised signal can be transmitted if multiple
signals are mapped to a single frame and the communication service transmits the
whole frame when any contained signal is sent by the application. Note that it is not
the responsibility of the RTE generator to configure the communication service.
It is permitted for an initial value to be specified for either the sender or receiver. In this
case the same value is used for both sides of the communication.
[SWS_Rte_04501] dIf in context of one partition a sender specifies an initial value and
the receiver does not (or vice versa) the same initial value is used for both sides of the
Please note: In case [SWS_Rte_04501] combined with data conversion (section 4.3.7)
applies the init value for the receiver needs to be converted from the sender’s repre-
It is also permitted for both sender and receiver to specify an initial value. In this case
it is defined that the receiver’s initial value is used by the RTE generator for both sides
of the communication.
[SWS_Rte_04502] dIf in context of one partition both receiver and sender specify an
initial value the specification for the receiver takes priority.c(SRS_Rte_00108) Multiple Receivers and Senders

Sender-receiver communication is not restricted to communication connections be-

tween a single sender and a single receiver. Instead, sender receiver communica-
tion connection can have multiple senders (’n:1’ communication) or multiple receivers
(’1:m’ communication) with the restrictions that multiple senders are not allowed for
mode switch notifications, see metamodel restriction [SWS_Rte_02670].
The RTE does not impose any co-ordination on senders – the behavior of senders is
independent of the behavior of other senders. For example, consider two senders A

253 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

and B that both transmit data to the same receiver (i.e. ’n:1’ communication). Trans-
missions by either sender can be made at any time and there is no requirement that
the senders co-ordinate their transmission. However, while the RTE does not impose
any co-ordination on the senders it does ensure that simultaneous transmissions do
not conflict.
In the same way that the RTE does not impose any co-ordination on senders there is no
co-ordination imposed on receivers. For example, consider two receivers P and Q that
both receive the same data transmitted by a single sender (i.e. ’1:m’ communication).
The RTE does not guarantee that multiple receivers see the data simultaneously even
when all receivers are on the same ECU. Implicit and Explicit Data Reception and Transmission

[SWS_Rte_06011] dThe RTE shall support ’explicit’ and ’implicit’ data reception
and transmission.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00098, SRS_Rte_00129, SRS_Rte_-
00128, SRS_Rte_00141)
Implicit data access transmission means that a runnable does not actively initiate the
reception or transmission of data. Instead, the required data is received automatically
when the runnable starts and is made available for other runnables at the earliest when
it terminates.
Explicit data reception and transmission means that a runnable employs an explicit
API call to send or receive certain data elements. Depending on the category of the
runnable and on the configuration of the according ports, these API calls can be either
blocking or non-blocking. Implicit

Implicit Read
For the implicit reading of data, VariableAccesses aggregated with a dataReadAc-
cess role [SRS_Rte_00128], the data is made available when the runnable starts us-
ing the semantics of a copy operation and the RTE ensures that the ’copy’ will
not be modified until the runnable terminates.
If data transformation shall be executed for this data element, the data transformation
takes place after reception of the data from the Com stack and before start of the
runnable execution. (See [SWS_Rte_08570], [SWS_Rte_08108])
When a runnable R is started, the RTE reads all VariableDataPrototypes refer-
enced by a VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess role, if the data elements may
be changed by other runnables a copy is created that will be available to runnable R.
The runnable R can read the data element by using the RTE APIs for implicit read
(see the API description in Section 5.6.18). That way, the data is guaranteed not to
change (e.g. by write operations of other runnables) during the entire lifetime of R. If

254 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

several runnables (even from different components) need the data, they can share the
same buffer. This is only applicable when the scheduling structure can make sure the
contents of the data is protected from modification by any other party.
Note that this concept implies that the runnable does in fact terminate. Therefore, while
implicit read is allowed for category 1A and 1B runnable entities as well as category 2
only the former are guaranteed to have a finite execution time. A category 2 runnable
that runs forever will not see any updated data.
VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess role is only allowed for VariableDat-
aPrototypes with their swImplPolicy different from ’queued’ ([constr_2020]).
Implicit Write
Implicit writing, VariableAccesses aggregated with a dataWriteAccess role
[SRS_Rte_00129], is the opposite concept. VariableDataPrototypes referenced
by a VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role are sent by the RTE after the
runnable terminates. The runnable can write the data element by using the RTE APIs
for implicit write (see the API description in Sect. 5.6.20 and 5.6.21). The sending is
independent from the position in the execution flow in which the Rte_IWrite is per-
formed inside the Runnable. When performing several write accesses during runnable
execution to the same data element, only the last one will be recognized. Here we
have a last-is-best semantics.
If data transformation shall be executed for this data element, the data transformation
takes place after termination of the runnable and before sending the data to the Com
stack. (See [SWS_Rte_08571], [SWS_Rte_08109])
[SWS_Rte_08418] dThe content of a preemption area specific buffer which is used
exclusively for an implicit write access to a VariableDataPrototype shall
be initialized by the generated RTE with a copy of the global buffer between the begin-
ning of the task and the execution of the first RunnableEntity with access to this
VariableDataPrototype in the task/ISR2.c(SRS_Rte_00129)
[SWS_Rte_08418] ensures that no undefined values are written back to a preemp-
tion area specific buffer at runnable termination if a VariableDataPrototype is
referenced by a VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role and no RTE API
for implicit write of this VariableDataPrototype is called during an execution of the
Runnable. For the first entry to the preemption area the "global buffer" will contain
the initValue of the VariableDataPrototype (if no initValue is configured
then the value will depend on the initialization strategy of the startup code). For sec-
ond and subsequent entries the "global buffer" will contain the previously written value
(if any).
[SWS_Rte_03570] dFor VariableAccesses in the dataWriteAccess role the RTE
shall make the sent data available to others (other runnables, other AUTOSAR SWCs,
Basic SW, ..) with the semantics of a copy.c(SRS_Rte_00129)

255 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03571] dFor VariableAccesses in the dataWriteAccess role the RTE

shall make the sent data available to others (other runnables, other AUTOSAR SWCs,
Basic SW, ..) at the earliest when the runnable has terminated.c(SRS_Rte_00129)
[SWS_Rte_03572] dFor VariableAccesses in the dataWriteAccess role several
accesses to the same VariableDataPrototype performed inside a runnable during
one runnable execution shall lead to only one transmission of the VariableDataPro-
[SWS_Rte_03573] dIf several VariableAccesses in the dataWriteAccess role
referencing the same VariableDataPrototype are performed inside a runnable
during the runnable execution, the RTE shall use the last value written. (last-is-best
A VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role is only sensible for runnable enti-
ties that are guaranteed to terminate, i.e. category 1A and 1B. If it is used for a category
2 runnable which does not terminate then no data write-back will occur.
[SWS_Rte_03574] dVariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role shall be valid
for all categories of runnable entity.c(SRS_Rte_00129, SRS_Rte_00134)
To get common behavior in RTEs from different suppliers further requirements
defining the semantic of implicit communication exist:
Please note that the behavior of Implicit Communication can be adjusted with ECU
Configuration. For further information see section 8.7.
Implicit Communication Behavior in case of incoherent implicit data access
[SWS_Rte_03954] dThe RTE generator shall use exactly one buffer to contain data
copies of the same VariableDataPrototype per preemption area for the im-
plementation of the copy semantic of incoherent implicit data access.c
(SRS_Rte_00128, SRS_Rte_00129, SRS_Rte_00134)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_03954] means that all runnable entities mapped to
tasks/ISR2s of a preemption area with an incoherent implicit read ac-
cess or incoherent implicit write access access the same buffers.
[SWS_Rte_03598] dFor implicit communication, the RTE shall provide a single shared
read/write buffer when no runnable entity mapped to tasks/ISR2s of the preemp-
tion area has VariableAccess in both incoherent implicit read access
and incoherent implicit write access referencing the same Variable-
DataPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00128, SRS_Rte_00129)
If either the sender or the receiver uses a data element with status and the
other uses a data element without status, a data element with status
can be implemented and casted in the component data structure when a pointer to a
data element without status is needed.
[SWS_Rte_03955] dFor implicit communication, in case that dedicated RPortPro-
totype and PPortPrototype are used, separate read and write buffers shall be

256 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

used when at least one RunnableEntity mapped to tasks/ISR2s of the preemp-

tion area has implicit read access and implicit write access refer-
encing the same VariableDataPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00128, SRS_Rte_00129)
In the case that a RunnableEntity defines dataWriteAccess and dataReadAc-
cess to the same VariableDataPrototype in the context of a PRPortPrototype
[SWS_Rte_03955] does not apply. In such configuration the writing RunnableEntity
immediately sees its own updates of the data values even before the RunnableEn-
tity has terminated.
[SWS_Rte_08408] dIf a RunnableEntity has both dataWriteAccess and
dataReadAccess to a VariableDataPrototype in the context of a PRPortPro-
totype the result of the write access shall be immediately visible to subsequent
read accesses from within the same RunnableEntity.c(SRS_Rte_00128, SRS_-
Please note that the content of the write buffers are copied into the read buffer of the
preemption area after the RunnableEntity with the write access terminates (see
[SWS_Rte_07041]). Therefore the write buffer might be implemented as temporary
[SWS_Rte_03599] dFor implicit communication with incoherent implicit data
access all readers within a preemption area shall access the same buffer.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_03953] dFor implicit communication with incoherent implicit data
access all writers within a preemption area shall access the same buffer.c(SRS_-
The content of a shared buffer (see [SWS_Rte_03598]) is not guaranteed to stay con-
stant during the whole task/ISR2 since a writer will change the shared copy and hence
readers mapped in the task after the writer will access the updated copy. When buffers
are shared, written data is visible to other RunnableEntitys within the same ex-
ecution of the task/ISR2. However since no runnable within the task/ISR2 will both
read and write the same buffer ([SWS_Rte_03598] and [SWS_Rte_03955]) consis-
tency within a runnable is ensured.
When separate buffers used for implicit communication (see [SWS_Rte_03955]) any
data written by a runnable is not visible (to either other RunnableEntitys or to the
writing runnable) until the data is written back after the runnable has terminated.
Implicit Communication Behavior in case of coherent implicit data access
[SWS_Rte_07062] dThe RTE generator shall use exactly one buffer to contain data
copies of the same VariableDataPrototype per coherency group for the imple-
mentation of the copy semantic of coherent implicit data access.c(SRS_-
Rte_00128, SRS_Rte_00129, SRS_Rte_00134)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_07062] means that all runnable entities with coherent im-
plicit data accesses access the same buffers. Please note that it is only sup-
ported to group implicit read accesses or implicit write accesses of

257 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RunnableEntitys executed in the same OS Task/ISR2. Therefore a coherent

implicit data access results in a task local buffer as it was specified in previ-
ous AUTOSAR releases. With this means a backward compatible bahavior of the RTE
can be ensured.
Please note that [SWS_Rte_03955] applies as well for coherent implicit data access.
[SWS_Rte_07062] includes already that a single shared read/write buffer shall be used
when no runnable entity has coherent implicit read access and coherent
implicit write access belonging to the same coherency group.
Implicit Communication buffer handling
The preemption area specific buffer should not be updated or made available more
often than required. The following requirements detail how to obtain that for read and
write access.
[SWS_Rte_03956] dThe content of a preemption area specific buffer used for an
incoherent implicit read access to a data element shall be filled with actual
data by a copy action between the beginning of the task/ISR2 and the execution of the
first RunnableEntity with access to this data element in the task/ISR2.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_07020] dIf the RteImmediateBufferUpdate = TRUE is configured for an
incoherent implicit read access to a data element the content of a preemp-
tion area specific buffer used for that VariableAccess shall be filled with actual
data by a copy action immediately before the RunnableEntity with the related im-
plicit read access to the data element starts.c(SRS_Rte_00128)
[SWS_Rte_07041] dThe content of a separate write buffer (see [SWS_Rte_03955])
modified by an incoherent implicit write access of a RunnableEntity
shall be made available to RunnableEntitys using an implicit read access
allocated in the same preemption area immediately after the execution of the
RunnableEntity with the related implicit write access to the data element.c
[SWS_Rte_03957] dThe content of a preemption area specific buffer modified by
a incoherent implicit write access in one task shall be made available to
RunnableEntitys using an implicit read access allocated in other preemp-
tion areas at latest after the execution of the last RunnableEntity mapped to the
[SWS_Rte_07021] dIf the RteImmediateBufferUpdate = TRUE is configured for an
incoherent implicit write access the content of a preemption area spe-
cific buffer shall be made available to RunnableEntitys using an implicit read
access allocated in other preemption areas immediately after the execution of the
RunnableEntity with the related implicit write access to the data element.c

258 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

It’s the semantic of implicit communication that a VariableAccess in the
dataWriteAccess role is interpreted as writing the whole dataElement.
Explicit Schedule Points defined by RteOsSchedulePoints are placed between
RunnableEntitys after the data written with implicit write access by the
RunnableEntity are propagated to other RunnableEntitys and before the
preemption area specific buffer used for a implicit read access of the suc-
cessor RunnableEntity are filled with actual data by a copy action according
[SWS_Rte_07020]. This ensures that the data produced by one RunnableEntity
is propagated before RunnableEntitys assigned to other Os Tasks/ISR2s are ac-
tivated due to Task scheduling caused by the explicit Schedule Point. See as well
[SWS_Rte_07042] and [SWS_Rte_07043].
The requirements regarding buffer handling for implicit communication do not apply in
case of filters. Buffer handling of RTE for filters is specified in chapter (require-
ments: [SWS_Rte_08077] and [SWS_Rte_08079]).
Implicit Communication buffer handling for coherent implicit data access
[SWS_Rte_07063] dThe content of a coherency group specific buffer used for an
coherent implicit read access to one or more data elements shall be filled
with actual data by a copy action between the beginning of the task and the execution
of the first RunnableEntity in the task/ISR2 with a coherent implicit read
access belonging to the coherency group.c(SRS_Rte_00128)
[SWS_Rte_07064] dIf the RteImmediateBufferUpdate = TRUE is configured for
coherent implicit read accesses the content of a coherency group spe-
cific buffer used for these VariableAccesses shall be filled with actual data by a
copy action immediately before the first RunnableEntity in the task/ISR2 with a
coherent implicit read access belonging to the coherency group starts.c
[SWS_Rte_07065] dThe content of a separate write buffer (see [SWS_Rte_03955])
modified by a coherent implicit write access of a RunnableEntity shall
be made available to RunnableEntitys using a coherent implicit read ac-
cess belonging to the same coherency group immediately after the execution of the
RunnableEntity with the related coherent implicit write access.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07066] dThe content of a coherency group specific buffer modified by
coherent implicit write accesses in one task/ISR2 shall be made available
to other RunnableEntitys at earliest after the execution of the last RunnableEn-
tity with a coherent implicit write access belonging to this coherency
[SWS_Rte_07067] dThe content of a coherency group specific buffer modified by
coherent implicit write accesses in one task/ISR2 shall be made available
to other RunnableEntitys at latest after the execution of the last RunnableEntity
mapped to the task/ISR2.c(SRS_Rte_00129)

259 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07068] dIf the RteImmediateBufferUpdate = TRUE is configured for a

coherent implicit write accesses the content of a coherency group spe-
cific buffer modified by coherent implicit write accesses in one task/ISR2
shall be made available to other readers not belonging to this coherency group
immediately after the execution of the last RunnableEntity with a coherent im-
plicit write access belonging to this coherency groupc(SRS_Rte_00129)
Direct Access to the RamMirror of a NvBlockComponent
[SWS_Rte_03878] dThe RTE Generator shall allow direct accesses to the ramMirror
of a NvBlockSwComponent in the same partition without additional buffering if the ac-
cesses in the Data Communication Path cannot interrupt each other. The container
RteExclusiveAccessOptimization shall be used to specify the BSW entities (
RteAccessingEntityRef, e. g. to NvM main function) as well as the read access
(RteSoftwareComponentReadRef, e. g. ApplicationSwComponentType) and
write access (RteSoftwareComponentWriteRef, e. g. Dcm Service Component)
involved in the exclusive access to the RAM mirror.c(SRS_Rte_00128, SRS_Rte_-
00129, SRS_Rte_00178)
Handling of ConsistencyNeeds
ConsistencyNeeds are not directly processed by the RTE Generator but providing
an important information for the correct configuration of the RTE and OS with respect
to preemption, RteEventToTaskMapping/RteEventToIsrMapping and RteIm-
plicitCommunication. Therefore following constraints apply:
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09001] Whole DataPrototypeGroup in role dpgRe-
quiresCoherency shall be propagated coherently d
All RunnableEntitys in a RunnableEntityGroup with dataWriteAccess to
data belonging to the same DataPrototypeGroup in the role dpgRequiresCo-
herency shall
• Be mapped to the same OS Task/ISR2
AND shall
• A) either be scheduled in a way that these RunnableEntitys can not be inter-
rupted by RunnableEntitys with dataReadAccess to (more than one) data
belonging to the DataPrototypeGroup.
• B) or the RteImplicitCommunication shall be configured to ensure a coher-
ent propagation (RteCoherentAccess == true) for reading RunnableEntitys
RunnableEntitys with have as well dataWriteAccess to data belonging to the DataProto-
typeGroup are excluded because inside the calculation chain the latest data values are visible

260 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note that the interruption of RunnableEntitys and between RunnableEn-

titys depends from many factors like the configuration of the OS and the configura-
tion of the RTE (e.g. RteOsSchedulePoint).
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09002] The whole DataPrototypeGroup shall be read sta-
ble for the whole RunnableEntityGroup in the role regRequiresStability
All RunnableEntitys with dataReadAccess to data belonging to the same Dat-
aPrototypeGroup and which are belonging to the same RunnableEntityGroup
in the role regRequiresStability shall
• either be configured in a way that the chain of RunnableEntitys with
dataReadAccess to the data of the DataPrototypeGroup can not be inter-
rupted by any of the RunnableEntity(s) with dataWriteAccess to data of
the DataPrototypeGroup
• or the RteImplicitCommunication shall be configured to ensure stable data
values (RteCoherentAccess == true) for reading RunnableEntitys belong-
ing to the RunnableEntityGroup.
Following examples shall illustrate how ConsistencyNeeds can be implemented with
either scheduling or coherency groups.

Example 4.6

Common definition of PortInterfaces

In order to simplify the examples all PortInterfaces are of type SenderReceiver-
Interface and contain exactly one VariableDataPrototype with identical
shortName. For example SenderReceiverInterface "A" contains Variable-
DataPrototype "A"
Additionally the shortName of the SenderReceiverInterface is identical to the
shortName of the PortPrototype. For example PPortPrototype "A" is typed by
SenderReceiverInterface "A".

Example 4.7

Stability need for received data

Setup of SWCs
ApplicationSwComponentType "ASWC_A" with the PPortPrototypes: "A","B"
and the RunnableEntity "ASWC_A_RUN1" which in turn has following

261 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• "DWP_ASWC_A_RUN1_A_A" referencing VariableDataPrototype "A" in

PPortPrototype "A"
• "DWP_ASWC_A_RUN1_B_B" referencing VariableDataPrototype "B" in
PPortPrototype "B"

ApplicationSwComponentType "ASWC_B" with the RPortPrototypes: "A","B"

and the RunnableEntity "ASWC_B_RUN1" which in turn has dataReadAccesses
• "DRP_ASWC_B_RUN1_A_A" referencing VariableDataPrototype "A" in
RPortPrototype "A"
• "DRP_ASWC_B_RUN1_B_B" referencing VariableDataPrototype "B" in
RPortPrototype "B"

ApplicationSwComponentType "ASWC_C" with the RPortPrototypes: "A","B"

and the RunnableEntity "ASWC_C_RUN1" which in turn has dataReadAccesses
• "DRP_ASWC_C_RUN1_A_A" referencing VariableDataPrototype "A" in
RPortPrototype "A"
• "DRP_ASWC_C_RUN1_B_B" referencing VariableDataPrototype "B" in
RPortPrototype "B"

The ConsistencyNeeds "CN_BC" defines a RunnableEntityGroup in the role

regRequiresStability with the members "ASWC_B_RUN1", "ASWC_C_RUN1"
In addition the ConsistencyNeeds "CN_BC" defines a DataPrototypeGroup
in the role dpgDoesNotRequireCoherency to the VariableDataPrototypes
ASWC_B.A.A.A, ASWC_C.A.A.A, ASWC_B.B.B.B and ASWC_C.B.B.B The com-
plete example is listed as ARXML in Appendix F.2.

Assuming now a configuration:

ASWC_A_RUN1 is mapped to OsTask T10MS
ASWC_B_RUN1 is mapped to OsTask T100MS
ASWC_C_RUN1 is mapped to OsTask T100MS
where T10MS can NOT interrupt T100MS during the execution of ASWC_B_RUN1 and
ASWC_C_RUN1. This configuration fulfills [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09002] with respect to
"CN_BC" due the scheduling conditions. Since the producer of "A" and "B" can NOT
interrupt the RunnableEntitys with the dataReadAccesses it is guaranteed that
the value for all accesses of ASWC_B_RUN1 and ASWC_C_RUN1 to the same data is
identical (and therefore stable) during one execution of OsTask T100MS.
Assuming now a configuration:

262 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

ASWC_A_RUN1 is mapped to OsTask T10MS

ASWC_B_RUN1 is mapped to OsTask T100MS + RteOsSchedulePoint == UNCON-
ASWC_C_RUN1 is mapped to OsTask T100MS
where T10MS can interrupt T100MS after the execution of ASWC_B_RUN1. With-
out further means this configuration would violate [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09002] due
the scheduling conditions. Since the producer of "A" and "B" can interrupt the
RunnableEntitys with the dataReadAccesse it is not guaranteed that the value
for all accesses of ASWC_B_RUN1 and ASWC_C_RUN1 to the same data is kept stable
during one execution of OsTask T100MS.
With the additional configuration RteImplicitCommunication "CN_BC_A":
• RteVariableReadAccessRef referencing "DRP_ASWC_B_RUN1_A_A"
• RteVariableReadAccessRef referencing "DRP_ASWC_C_RUN1_A_A"
• RteCoherentAccess = true

RteImplicitCommunication "CN_BC_B":
• RteVariableReadAccessRef referencing "DRP_ASWC_B_RUN1_B_B"
• RteVariableReadAccessRef referencing "DRP_ASWC_C_RUN1_B_B"
• RteCoherentAccess = true
"ASWC_B_RUN1_A_A" and "ASWC_C_RUN1_A_A" as well as "ASWC_B_RUN1_B_B"
and "ASWC_C_RUN1_B_B" are in the same coherency group. Therefore the read
data values for "A" and "B" are from the same age in one execution of OsTask
T100MS for ASWC_B_RUN1 and ASWC_C_RUN1.
Please note, since it is not requested that data "A" and "B" are communicated coher-
ently the setup of RteImplicitCommunication for "A" and "B" can be handled
independently from each other. In particular if there a further RunnableEntitys with
dataReadAccesses to "A" or "B" mapped to the OsTask T100MS the buffers for
"A" and "B" can be loaded at different points in the execution sequence. Further on
it is not requested that "A" and "B" is produced in the same recurrence as it is show
in this example.

Example 4.8

Coherency need and stability need for received data

Setup of SWCs
ApplicationSwComponentType "ASWC_H" with the PPortPrototype: "X"

263 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

and the RunnableEntity "ASWC_H_RUN1" which in turn has following

• "DWP_ASWC_H_RUN1_X_X" referencing VariableDataPrototype "X" in
PPortPrototype "X"

ApplicationSwComponentType "ASWC_I" with the RPortPrototype: "Y"

and the RunnableEntity "ASWC_I_RUN1" which in turn has following
• "DWP_ASWC_I_RUN1_Y_Y" referencing VariableDataPrototype "Y" in
RPortPrototype "Y"

ApplicationSwComponentType "ASWC_J" with the RPortPrototypes: "X","Y"

and the RunnableEntity "ASWC_J_RUN1" which in turn has following
• "DRP_ASWC_J_RUN1_X_X" referencing VariableDataPrototype "X" in
RPortPrototype "X"
• "DRP_ASWC_J_RUN1_Y_Y" referencing VariableDataPrototype "Y" in
RPortPrototype "Y"

ApplicationSwComponentType "ASWC_K" with the RPortPrototype: "X"

and the RunnableEntity "ASWC_K_RUN1" which in turn has following
• "DRP_ASWC_K_RUN1_X_X" referencing VariableDataPrototype "X" in
RPortPrototype "X"

The ConsistencyNeeds "CN_J" defines a RunnableEntityGroup in the role

regDoesNotRequireStability with the member "ASWC_I_RUN1" In addi-
tion the ConsistencyNeeds "CN_J" defines a DataPrototypeGroup in the
role dpgRequiresCoherency to the VariableDataPrototypes ASWC_J.X.X.X,
The ConsistencyNeeds "CN_JK" defines a RunnableEntityGroup in the role
regRequiresStability with the member "ASWC_I_RUN1", "ASWC_J_RUN1"
In addition the ConsistencyNeeds "CN_JK" defines a DataPrototypeGroup
in the role dpgDoesNotRequireCoherency to the VariableDataPrototypes
Assuming now a configuration:
ASWC_H_RUN1 is mapped to OsTask T100MS + RteOsSchedulePoint == UNCON-

264 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

ASWC_I_RUN1 is mapped to OsTask T100MS

ASWC_J_RUN1 is mapped to OsTask T10MS
ASWC_K_RUN1 is mapped to OsTask T10MS
where T10MS can interrupt T100MS Without further means this configuration would
violate [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09001] with respect to "CN_J" due to the scheduling
conditions. Since the consumer of "X" and "Y" can interrupt the RunnableEntitys
witch are producing "X" and "Y"it is not guaranteed that the value for all accesses of
ASWC_J_RUN1 and ASWC_K_RUN1 returning data of the same age during one execu-
tion of OsTask T10MS. The ConsistencyNeeds "CN_JK" is already fulfilled since
the consumers "ASWC_J_RUN1" and "ASWC_K_RUN1" can’t be interrupted by the
producing RunnableEntity ASWC_H_RUN1
With the additional configuration RteImplicitCommunication "CN_J":
• RteVariableWriteAccessRef referencing "DWP_ASWC_H_RUN1_X_X"
• RteVariableReadAccessRef referencing "DWP_ASWC_I_RUN1_Y_Y"
• RteCoherentAccess = true
the write accesses to "X" and "Y" are in the same coherency group. Due to this
"CN_J" is fulfilled since the propagation of "X" and "Y" is delayed until the termination
of ASWC_I_RUN1. Explicit

The behavior of explicit reception depends on the category of the runnable and on the
configuration of the according ports.
An explicit API call can be either non-blocking or blocking. If the call is non-blocking
(i.e. there is a VariableAccess in the dataReceivePointByValue or dataRe-
ceivePointByArgument role referencing the VariableDataPrototype for which
the API is being generated, but no WaitPoint referencing a DataReceivedEvent
which references the VariableDataPrototype for which the API is being gener-
ated), the API call immediately returns the next value to be read and, if the communi-
cation is queued (event reception), it removes the data from the receiver-side queue,
see Section
[SWS_Rte_06012] dA non-blocking RTE API “read” call shall indicate if no data is
In contrast, a blocking call (i.e. the VariableDataPrototype, referenced by a
VariableAccess in the role dataReceivePointByArgument, and for which the
API is being generated, is referenced by a DataReceivedEvent which is itself refer-
enced by a WaitPoint) will suspend execution of the caller until new data arrives (or

265 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

a timeout occurs) at the according port. When new data is received, the RTE resumes
the execution of the waiting runnable. ([SRS_Rte_00092])
To prevent infinite waiting, a blocking RTE API call can have a timeout applied. The RTE
monitors the timeout and if it expires without data being received returns a particular
error status.
[SWS_Rte_06013] dA blocking RTE API “read” call shall indicate the expiry of a time-
The “timeout expired” indication also indicates that no data was received before the
timeout expired.
Blocking reception of data (“wake up of wait point” receive mode as described in Sec-
tion is only applicable for category 2 runnables whereas non-blocking reception
(“explicit data read access” receive mode) can be employed by runnables of category
2 or 1B. Neither blocking nor non-blocking explicit reception is applicable for category
1A runnable because they must not invoke functions with unknown execution time (see
table 4.16).
[SWS_Rte_06016] dThe RTE API call for explicit sending (VariableAccessin the
dataSendPoint role, [SRS_Rte_00098]) shall be non-blocking.c(SRS_Rte_00098)
Using this API call, the runnable can explicitly send new values of the VariableDat-
Explicit writing is valid for runnables of category 1b and 2 only. Explicit writing is not al-
lowed for a category 1A runnable since these require API calls with constant execution
time (i.e. macros).
Although the API call for explicit sending is non-blocking, it is possible for a cate-
gory 2 runnable to block waiting for a notification whether the (explicit) send oper-
ation was successful. This is specified by the AcknowledgementRequest attribute
and occurs by a separate API call Rte_Feedback. If the feedback method is
’wake_up_of_wait_point’, the runnable will block and be resumed by the RTE either
when a positive or negative acknowledgment arrives or when the timeout associated
with the WaitPoint expires. Concepts of data access

Tables 4.17 and 4.18 summarize the characteristics of implicit versus explicit data re-
ception and transmission.
Implicit Read Explicit Read
Receiving of data element values is Runnable decides when and how often
performed only once when runnable a data element value is received
Values of data elements do not change Runnable can always decide to receive
while runnable is running. the latest value

266 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Several API calls to the same signal Several API calls to the same signal
always yield the same data element may yield different data element values
Runnable must terminate (all cate- Runnable is of cat. 1B or 2

Table 4.17: Implicit vs. explicit read

Implicit Write Explicit Write

Sending of data element values is only Runnable can decide when sending of
done once after runnable returns data element values is done via the
API call
Several usages of the API call inside Several usages of the API call inside
the runnable cause only one data ele- the runnable cause several transmis-
ment transmission sions of the data element content. (De-
pending on the behavior of COM, the
number of API calls and the number
of transmissions are not necessarily
Runnable must terminate (all cate- Runnable is cat. 1B or 2

Table 4.18: Implicit vs. explicit write Transmission Acknowledgement

When TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest is specified, the RTE will inform

the sending component if the data has been sent correctly or not. Note that a posi-
tive transmission acknowledgement gives no guaranty that the data is actually sent on
a physical bus nor that it has been received correctly by the corresponding receiver
AUTOSAR software-component. Instead the transmission acknowledgement just con-
firms that the data was accepted for transmission and subsequent transmissions will
not override the sent data.
[SWS_Rte_05504] dThe RTE shall support the use of TransmissionAcknowl-
edgementRequest independently for each data item of an AUTOSAR software-
component’s AUTOSAR interface.c(SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_08076] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations violating [constr_-
3074] in System Template [8].c(SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_07927] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations violating [constr_-
1256] in Software Component Template [2].c(SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00018)
The result of the feedback can be collected using “wake up of wait point”, “explicit data
read access”, “implicit data read access” or “activation of runnable entity”.
The TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest allows to specify a time-out.

267 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03754] dIf TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest is specified, the

RTE shall ensure that time-out monitoring is performed, regardless of the receive mode
of the acknowledgment.c(SRS_Rte_00069, SRS_Rte_00122)
For inter-ECU communication, AUTOSAR COM provides the necessary functionality,
for intra-ECU communication, the RTE has to implement the time-out monitoring.
If a WaitPoint is specified to collect the acknowledgment, two time-out values have
to be specified, one for the TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest and one for
the WaitPoint.
[SWS_Rte_03755] dThe RTE generator shall reject the configuration, violating the
[constr_2033].c(SRS_Rte_00018) The DataSendCompletedEvent associated with
the VariableAccess in the dataSendPoint role for a VariableDataPrototype
shall indicate that the transmission was successful or that the transmission was not
successful. The status information about the success of the transmission shall be
available as the return value of the generated RTE API call.
[SWS_Rte_03756] dFor each transmission of a VariableDataPrototype only one
acknowledgment shall be passed to the sending component by the RTE. The acknowl-
edgment indicates either that the transmission was successful or that the transmission
was not successful.c(SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_03757] dThe status information about the success or failure of the trans-
mission shall be available as the return value of the RTE API call to retrieve the ac-
[SWS_Rte_03604] dThe status information about the success or failure of the trans-
mission shall be buffered with last-is-best semantics. When a data item is sent, the
status information is reset.c(SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_03604] implies that once the DataSendCompletedEvent has occurred,
repeated API calls to retrieve the acknowledgment shall always return the same result
until the next data item is sent.
[SWS_Rte_03758] dIf the time-out value of the TransmissionAcknowledgemen-
tRequest is 0, no time-out monitoring shall be performed.c(SRS_Rte_00069, SRS_-
Rte_00122) Communication Time-out

When sender-receiver communication is performed using some physical network there

is a chance this communication may fail and the receiver does not get an update of data
(in time or at all). To allow the receiver of a data element to react appropriately to
such a condition the SW-C template allows the specification of a time-out which the
infrastructure shall monitor and indicate to the interested software components.
A data element is the actual information exchanged in case of sender-receiver commu-
nication. In the COM specification this is represented by a ComSignal. In the SW-C

268 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

template a data element is represented by the instance of a VariableDataProto-

When present, the aliveTimeout attribute5 enables the monitoring of the timely re-
ception of the data element with data semantics transmitted over the network.
[SWS_Rte_08061] dIf the aliveTimeout attribute is present the RTE shall
provide the RTE COM Rx time-out callback (Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sg> or
The monitoring functionality is provided by the COM module, the RTE transports the
event of reception time-outs to software components as “data element outdated”. The
software components can either subscribe to that event (activation of runnable entity)
or get that situation passed by the implicit and explicit status information (using API
[SWS_Rte_08062] dIf COM indicates a reception time-out (via RTE COM Rx time-out
callback) the RTE shall raise an event of reception time-out to software components as
”data element outdated”.c(SRS_Rte_00147)
[SWS_Rte_05021] dThe RTE shall have time-out monitoring disabled for communica-
tions local to the partition, independently of the presence of aliveTimeout.c(SRS_-
In such case, The RTE does not raise events of reception time-out to software compo-
Therefore the Software Component shall not rely in its functionality on the time-out
notification, because for local communication the notification will never occur. Time-
out notification is intended as pure error reporting.
[SWS_Rte_02710] dIf aliveTimeout is present, and the communication is between
different partitions of the same ECU, time-out monitoring is disabled. Instead, a time-
out notification of the receiver will occur immediately, when the partition of the sender
is stopped and the last correctly received value shall be provided to the software com-
Therefore the Software Component shall not rely in its functionality on the time-out
notification, because for local communication the notification will never occur. Time-
out notification is intended as pure error reporting.
[SWS_Rte_03759] dIf the aliveTimeout attribute is 0, no time-out monitoring shall
be performed.c(SRS_Rte_00069, SRS_Rte_00147)
[SWS_Rte_08004] dIf a signal is received, even if the signal is marked as invalid, the
time-out for the same signal shall be restarted.c(SRS_Rte_00078, SRS_Rte_00147)
Note: time-out detection may already be implemented by COM. Nevertheless this is
the expected behavior towards the software components.
This attribute is called “LIVELIHOOD” in the VFB specification

269 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The time-out support (called “deadline monitoring” in COM) provided by COM has
some restrictions which have to be respected when using this mechanism. Since the
COM module is configured based on the System Description the restrictions mainly
arise from the data element to I-PDU mapping. This already has to be considered
when developing the System Description and the RTE Generator can only provide
warnings when inconsistencies are detected. Therefore the RTE Generator needs to
have access to the configuration information of COM.
In case time-out is enabled on a data element with update bit, there shall be a sep-
arate time-out monitoring for each data element with an update bit [SWS_Com_-
There shall be an I-PDU based time-out for data elements without an update bit
[SWS_Com_00290]. For all data elements without update bits within the same I-PDU,
the smallest configured time-out of the associated data elements is chosen as time-out
for the I-PDU [SWS_Com_00291]. The notification from COM to RTE is performed per
data element.
In case one data element coming from COM needs to be distributed to several
AUTOSAR software-components the AUTOSAR Software Component Template allows
to configure different aliveTimeout values at each Port. In this case the RTE has to
ensure that the time-out notifications for each port will occur according to the configured
aliveTimeout value in the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.
[SWS_Rte_08103] dThe RTE shall pass time-out notifications to the SW-Cs accord-
ing to the configured aliveTimeout values in the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.
Depending on the configuration of the COM module following rules shall apply:
• ComSignal.ComTimeout/ComSignalGroup.ComTimeout configured to 0: No
time-out notifications shall occur.
• ComSignal.ComTimeout/ComSignalGroup.ComTimeout not configured to 0
(ComSignals/ComSignalGroups with update bits): Time-out notifications shall
occur according to the greatest multiple of the ComSignal.ComTimeout/Com-
SignalGroup.ComTimeout value of the associated ComSignal/ComSignal-
Group lower than or equal to the aliveTimeout value in the Nonqueue-
• I-PDU based time-out not equal to 0 (ComSignals/ComSignalGroups without
update bits): Time-out notifications shall occur according to the greatest multiple
of the I-PDU based time-out value lower than or equal to the aliveTimeout
value in the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.
Following example illustrates how the value of the ComTimeout parameter of a Com-
Signal is derived and the time-out monitoring in RTE is performed in case one data
element coming from COM needs to be distributed to several SW-Cs.
Consider 3 SW-Cs receiving same data element with different aliveTimeout values
specified in the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec:

270 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• SW-C1: aliveTimeout = 500ms

• SW-C2: aliveTimeout = 0ms (or not specified)
• SW-C3: aliveTimeout = 1200ms
The derived ComTimeout value of the ComSignal the data element is mapped to
will be in this case 500ms. I.e. the smallest aliveTimeout value of the associated
SW-Cs (This value must be bigger or equal to the main function cycle of the COM
The RTE will pass time-out notifications to the 3 SW-Cs in case of a reception time-out
indicated by COM as follows:
• SW-C1: directly
• SW-C2: no time-out notification
• SW-C3: after 500ms (i.e. the RTE has to count internally further 500ms before
notifying SW-C3)
[SWS_Rte_08104] dThe RTE shall implement a replacement strategy according to
the handleTimeoutType attribute defined by the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec in
each receiving SWC:
• handleTimeoutType configured to none: SWC observes the latest received
• handleTimeoutType configured to replace: SWC observes the Nonqueue-
dReceiverComSpec’s initValue.
Note: In the case of receiving SWCs with different handleTimeout-
Type values it’s expected that the related ComSignal/ComSignalGroup has
attribute ComSignal.ComRxDataTimeoutAction/ComSignalGroup.ComRxData-
TimeoutAction equal to NONE to ensure that the RTE always has access to the
last received value. Data Element Invalidation

The Software Component template allows to specify whether a data element, de-
fined in an AUTOSAR Interface, can be invalidated by the sender. The communication
infrastructure shall provide means to set a data element to invalid and also indicate an
invalid data element to the receiving software components. This functionality is called
“data element invalidation”. For an overview see figure 4.46.
[SWS_Rte_05024] dIf the handleInvalid attribute of the InvalidationPolicy
(when present) is set to keep, replace or externalReplacement the invalidation
support for this dataElement is enabled on sender side. The actual value used to

271 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

represent the invalid data element shall be specified in the Data Semantics part of the
data element definition defined in invalidValue6 .c(SRS_Rte_00078)
For data element invalidation, it is intended that the Rte_Invalidate() API is used
by the software component. Nevertheless, passing the invalid value as a parameter
of the Rte_Write() API may intentionally occur. In this case, the handleInvalid
is only allowed to be set to the value dontInvalidate in order to avoid undesired
behaviour and additional effort in the RTE implementation (see [TPS_SWCT_01646]
and [constr_1390]).
[SWS_Rte_05032] dOn receiver side the handleInvalid attribute of the associated
InvalidationPolicy specifies how to handle the reception of the invalid value.c
Data element invalidation is only supported for data elements with a swIm-
plPolicy different from ’queued’. Configurations violating this constraint are rejected
by the RTE generator, see [SWS_Rte_06727].
[SWS_Rte_06727] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations which are violating
The API to set a dataElement to invalid shall be provided to the RunnableEntitys
on data element level.
In case an invalidated data element is received a software component can be notified
using the activation of runnable entity. If an invalidated data element is read by the
SW-C the invalid status shall be indicated in the status code of the API.
[SWS_Rte_08005] dIf the initValue of an unqueued data element equals the
invalidValue and handleInvalid is set to keep and the handleNever-
Received is set to FALSE, the RTE APIs Rte_Read() and Rte_IStatus()
shall return RTE_E_INVALID until first reception of data element. In this case the
APIs Rte_Read() and Rte_IRead() shall provide the invalidValue.c(SRS_Rte_-
00078, SRS_Rte_00184)
[SWS_Rte_08008] dIf the initValue of an unqueued data element equals the
invalidValue and handleInvalid is set to keep and the handleNever-
Received is not defined, the RTE APIs Rte_Read() and Rte_IStatus() shall
return RTE_E_INVALID until first reception of data element. In this case the APIs
Rte_Read() and Rte_IRead() shall provide the invalidValue.c(SRS_Rte_-
00078, SRS_Rte_00184)
[SWS_Rte_08009] dIf the initValue of an unqueued data element equals the in-
validValue and handleInvalid is set to keep and the handleNeverReceived
is set to TRUE, the RTE APIs Rte_Read() and Rte_IStatus() shall return
RTE_E_NEVER_RECEIVED until first reception of data element. In this case the APIs
Rte_Read() and Rte_IRead() shall provide the initValue.c(SRS_Rte_00078,
When InvalidationPolicy is set to keep, replace or externalReplacement but there is
no invalidValue specified it is considered as an invalid configuration.

272 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08007] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations in which the init-
Value of an unqueued data element equals the invalidValue and handleIn-
valid is set to replace.c(SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_08046] dIf the initValue of an unqueued data element equals the in-
validValue and handleInvalid is set to dontInvalidate and the handleN-
everReceived is set to FALSE, the RTE APIs Rte_Read() and Rte_IStatus()
shall return RTE_E_OK until first reception of data element. In this case the APIs
Rte_Read() and Rte_IRead() shall provide the initValue.c(SRS_Rte_00078,
[SWS_Rte_08047] dIf the initValue of an unqueued data element equals the in-
validValue and handleInvalid is set to dontInvalidate and the handleN-
everReceived is not defined, the RTE APIs Rte_Read() and Rte_IStatus()
shall return RTE_E_OK until first reception of data element. In this case the APIs
Rte_Read() and Rte_IRead() shall provide the initValue.c(SRS_Rte_00078,
[SWS_Rte_08048] dIf the initValue of an unqueued data element equals the in-
validValue and handleInvalid is set to dontInvalidate and the handleNev-
erReceived is set to TRUE, the RTE APIs Rte_Read() and Rte_IStatus() shall
return RTE_E_NEVER_RECEIVED until first reception of data element. In this case
the APIs Rte_Read() and Rte_IRead() shall provide the initValue.c(SRS_Rte_-
00078, SRS_Rte_00184)
[SWS_Rte_08096] dIf the initValue of an unqueued data element equals the
invalidValue and handleInvalid is set to externalReplacement and
the handleNeverReceived is set to FALSE, the RTE APIs Rte_Read() and
Rte_IStatus() shall return RTE_E_OK until first reception of data element. In this
case the APIs Rte_Read() and Rte_IRead() shall provide the value sourced from
the ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith.c(SRS_Rte_00078, SRS_Rte_00184)
[SWS_Rte_08097] dIf the initValue of an unqueued data element equals the
invalidValue and handleInvalid is set to externalReplacement and
the handleNeverReceived is not defined, the RTE APIs Rte_Read() and
Rte_IStatus() shall return RTE_E_OK until first reception of data element. In this
case the APIs Rte_Read() and Rte_IRead() shall provide the value sourced from
the ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith.c(SRS_Rte_00078, SRS_Rte_00184)
[SWS_Rte_08098] dIf the initValue of an unqueued data element equals the
invalidValue and handleInvalid is set to externalReplacement and
the handleNeverReceived is set to TRUE, the RTE APIs Rte_Read() and
Rte_IStatus() shall return RTE_E_NEVER_RECEIVED until first reception of data
element. In this case the APIs Rte_Read() and Rte_IRead() shall provide the value
sourced from the ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith.c(SRS_Rte_00078, SRS_Rte_-

273 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Data Element Invalidation in case of Inter-ECU communication

If data element invalidation is enabled and the communication is Inter-ECU:
• explicit data transmission:
– data transformation for this communication enabled: data element invalida-
tion will be performed by RTE.
– no data transformation enabled: data element invalidation will be performed
by COM (COM needs to be configured properly).
• implicit data transmission: the RTE is responsible for flagging the implicit buffer
in the case of invalidation. An implicit valid transmission may occur before the
write back at the end of the task, resetting the invalidation flag. The actual data
element invalidation after runnable termination is done in COM.
If data element invalidation is enabled and the communication is Inter-ECU
• if all receiving software components requesting the same value for handleIn-
valid attribute of the InvalidationPolicy associated to one dataElement
and no data transformation is configured for the communication:
data element invalidation will be performed by COM (COM needs to be config-
ured properly), see [SWS_Rte_05026], [SWS_Rte_05048].
• if the receiving software components requesting different values for handleIn-
valid attribute of the InvalidationPolicy associated to one dataElement
or data transformation is configured for the communication:
data element invalidation will be performed by RTE, see [SWS_Rte_07031],
[SWS_Rte_07032]. This can occur in case of 1:n communication where for one
connector a VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping is applied to two
SenderReceiverInterfaces with different InvalidationPolicys for the
mapped VariableDataPrototype.
[SWS_Rte_05026] dIf a data element has been received invalidated in case of Inter-
ECU communication and the attribute handleInvalid is set to keep for all receiving
software components and no data transformation is configured for the communication
– the query of the value shall return the value provided by COM together with an indi-
cation of the invalid case.c(SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_08405] dIn case of Inter-ECU communication with the attribute handleIn-
valid set to keep for all receiving software components, the RTE shall raise a
DataReceiveErrorEvent in case of reception of a data element invalid.c(SRS_-

274 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_05048] dIf a data element has been received invalidated in case of Inter-
ECU communication and the attribute handleInvalid is set to replace for all re-
ceiving software components – the query of the value shall return the initValue (
ComDataInvalidAction is REPLACE [SWS_Com_00314]).c(SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_08406] dIn case of Inter-ECU communication with the attribute handleIn-
valid set to replace for all receiving software components, in case of reception of
a data element invalid, the RTE shall raise a DataReceivedEvent as if a valid value
would have been received.c(SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_07031] dIf a data element has been invalidated in case of Inter-ECU com-
munication where receiving software components requesting different values for han-
dleInvalid and the attribute handleInvalid is set to keep for a particular r-port
– the query of the value shall return for the r-port the same value as if COM would
have handled the invalidation (copy COM behavior).c(SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_08407] dIn case of Inter-ECU communication where receiving software
components requesting different values for the attribute handleInvalid and this at-
tribute is set to keep for a particular R-Port, in case of reception of a data element
invalid, the RTE shall raise a DataReceiveErrorEvent.c(SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_07032] dIf a data element has been received invalidated in case of Inter-
ECU communication where receiving software components requesting different val-
ues for handleInvalid and the attribute handleInvalid is set to replace for an
particular r-port – RTE shall perform the "invalid value substitution" with the init-
Value for the r-port. Then the reception will be handled as if a valid value would
have been received (activation of runnable entities using the DataReceivedEvent).c
[SWS_Rte_08049] dIf a data element has been received invalidated in case of Inter-
ECU communication and the attribute handleInvalid is set to dontInvalidate –
the query of the value shall return the value provided by COM. Then the reception will
be handled as if a valid value would have been received (activation of runnable entities
using the DataReceivedEvent).c(SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_08099] dIf a data element has been received invalidated in case of Inter-
ECU communication and the attribute handleInvalid is set to externalReplace-
ment for all receiving software components – the query of the value shall return the
value sourced from the ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith (e.g. constant, NVRAM
[SWS_Rte_08100] dIn case of Inter-ECU communication with the attribute handleIn-
valid set to externalReplacement for all receiving software components, in case
of reception of a data element invalid, the RTE shall raise a DataReceivedEvent as
if a valid value would have been received.c(SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_08101] dIf a data element has been received invalidated in case of Inter-
ECU communication where receiving software components requesting different values
for handleInvalid and the attribute handleInvalid is set to externalReplace-
ment for an particular r-port – RTE shall perform the "invalid value substitution" with

275 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

the value sourced from the ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith for the r-port. Then
the reception will be handled as if a valid value would have been received (activation
of runnable entities using the DataReceivedEvent).c(SRS_Rte_00078)

276 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Data Element Invalidation in case of Intra-ECU communication

[SWS_Rte_05025] dIf data element invalidation is enabled, and the commu-
nication is Intra-ECU, data element invalidation shall be implemented by the RTE.c
The actual invalid value is specified in the SW-C template invalidValue.
[SWS_Rte_05030] dIf a data element has been invalidated in case of Intra-ECU com-
munication and the attribute handleInvalid is set to keep – the query of the value
shall return the same value as if COM would have handled the invalidation (copy COM
behavior). Then the reception of the invalid value will be handled as an error and the ac-
tivation of runnable entities can be performed using the DataReceiveErrorEvent.c
[SWS_Rte_05049] dIf a data element has been received invalidated in case of Intra-
ECU communication and the attribute handleInvalid is set to replace – RTE shall
perform the "invalid value substitution" with the initValue. Then the reception will
be handled as if a valid value would have been received (activation of runnable entities
using the DataReceivedEvent).c(SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_08050] dIf a data element has been received invalidated in case of Intra-
ECU communication and the attribute handleInvalid is set to dontInvalidate
– the query of the value shall return the received value. Then the reception will be
handled as if a valid value would have been received (activation of runnable entities
using the DataReceivedEvent).c(SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_02308] dIf data invalidation is enabled for a composite VariableDat-
aPrototype, and the communication is Intra-ECU, the RTE shall invalidate all invali-
dateable primitive elements of the VariableDataPrototype.c()
[SWS_Rte_02309] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations which are violating
[SWS_Rte_08102] dIf a data element has been received invalidated in case of Intra-
ECU communication and the attribute handleInvalid is set to externalReplace-
ment – RTE shall perform the "invalid value substitution" with the value sourced from
the ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith (e.g. constant, NVRAM parameter). Then the
reception will be handled as if a valid value would have been received (activation of
runnable entities using the DataReceivedEvent).c(SRS_Rte_00078) Filters

By means of the filter attribute [SRS_Rte_00121] an additional filter layer can be

added on the receiver side of unqueued S/R-Communication. Value-based filters can

277 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

be defined, i.e. only signal values fulfilling certain conditions are made available for the
receiving component. The possible filter algorithms are taken from OSEK COM version
3.0.2. They are listed in the meta model (see [2]. According to the SW-C template [2],
filters are only allowed for signals that are compatible to C language unsigned integer
types (i.e. characters, unsigned integers and enumerations). Thus, filters cannot be
applied to composite data types like for instance ApplicationRecordDataType or
[SWS_Rte_05503] dThe RTE shall provide value-based filters for unqueued S/R-
Communication as specified in the SW-C template [2].c(SRS_Rte_00121)
[SWS_Rte_05500] dFor inter-ECU communication, the filter implementation is per-
formed/done by the COM module. For intra-ECU and inter-Partition communication,
the RTE shall perform the filtering itself.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00121)
[SWS_Rte_05501] dThe RTE shall support a different filter specification for each
dataElement in a component’s AUTOSAR interface.c(SRS_Rte_00121)
[SWS_Rte_04581] dIn case that filters are defined both on the sender-side and on the
receiver-side then the filter of the sender-side applies before the filter of the receiver-
[SWS_Rte_08077] dIn case that filtering applies the input value shall be calculated
from the "unfiltered buffer" before the RunnableEntity starts, the result of the filter
calculation shall be stored in a "filtered buffer" and the RunnableEntity accessing
a dataElement in a Receiver Port with a filter shall get access to the "filtered buffer"
instead of the "unfiltered buffer".c(SRS_Rte_00121)
Note: For optimization reasons only a "filtered buffer" should be provided, if filtering
applies for a dataElement and the "unfiltered buffer" is not used at all.
[SWS_Rte_08079] dSeparate "filtered buffers" shall be provided, if the same
dataElement is accessed by RunnableEntitys via different Receiver Ports and
filters with different semantics are applied in each Port.c(SRS_Rte_00121) Buffering

[SWS_Rte_02515] dThe buffering of sender-receiver communication shall be done on

the receiver side. This does not imply that COM does no buffering on the sender side.
On the receiver side, two different approaches are taken for the buffering of ‘data’ and
of ‘events’, depending on the value of the software implementation policy.c(SRS_Rte_-

278 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Last-is-Best-Semantics for ‘data’ Reception

[SWS_Rte_02516] dOn the receiver side, the buffering of ‘data’ (swImplPolicy not
queued) shall be realized by the RTE by a single data set for each data element
The use of a single data set provides the required semantics of a single element queue
with overwrite semantics (new data replaces old). Since the RTE is required to ensure
data consistency, the generated RTE should ensure that non-atomic reads and writes
of the data set (e.g. for composite data types) are protected from conflicting concurrent
access. RTE may use lower layers like COM to implement the buffer.
[SWS_Rte_02517] dThe RTE shall initialize this data set [SWS_Rte_02516] with a
startup value depending on the ports attributes and if the general initialization condi-
tions in [SWS_Rte_07046] are fulfilled.c(SRS_Rte_00068, SRS_Rte_00108)
[SWS_Rte_02518] dImplicit or explicit read access shall always return the last received
Requirement [SWS_Rte_02518] applies whether or not there is a DataReceivedE-
vent referencing the VariableDataPrototype for which the API is being gener-
[SWS_Rte_02519] dExplicit read access shall be non blocking in the sense that it does
not wait for new data to arrive. The RTE shall provide mutual exclusion of read and
write accesses to this data, e.g., by ExclusiveAreas.c(SRS_Rte_00109)
[SWS_Rte_02520] dWhen new data is received, the RTE shall silently discard the
previous value of the data, regardless of whether it was read or not.c(SRS_Rte_00107) Queueing for ‘event’ Reception

In case the swImplPolicy is set to queued the received ‘events’ have to be buffered
in a queue.
Note: A loss of events might occur in inter-ECU communication even if the receiver
queue length is sufficient. The timing of the system has to be set up in a way that it is
ensured that the COM stack on the sender side is processed before the next event is
written by the sender.
[SWS_Rte_02521] dThe RTE shall implement a receive queue for each event-like data
element (swImplPolicy = queued) of a receive port.c(SRS_Rte_00107)
The queueLength attribute of the QueuedReceiverComSpec referencing the event
assigns a constant length to the receive queue.
[SWS_Rte_02522] dThe events shall be written to the end of the queue and read
(consuming) from the front of the queue (i.e. the queue is first-in-first-out).c(SRS_-
Rte_00107, SRS_Rte_00110)

279 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_02523] dIf a new event is received when the queue is already filled, the
RTE shall discard the received event and set an error flag.c(SRS_Rte_00107, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_02524] dThe error flag described in [SWS_Rte_02523] shall be reset
during the next explicit read access on the queue. In this case, the status value
RTE_E_LOST_DATA shall be presented to the application together with the data.c
(SRS_Rte_00107, SRS_Rte_00110, SRS_Rte_00094)
[SWS_Rte_02525] dIf an empty queue is polled, the RTE shall return with a status
RTE_E_NO_DATA to the polling function, (see chap. 5.5.1).c(SRS_Rte_00107, SRS_-
Rte_00110, SRS_Rte_00094)
The minimum size of the queue is 1.
[SWS_Rte_02526] dThe RTE generator shall reject a queueLength attribute of an
QueuedReceiverComSpec with a queue length ≤ 0.c(SRS_Rte_00110, SRS_Rte_-
00018) Queueing of mode switches

The communication of mode switch notifications is typically event driven. Ac-

cordingly, RTE offers a similar queueing mechanism as for the ’queued’ sender receiver
communication, described above.
[SWS_Rte_02718] dThe RTE shall implement a receive queue for the mode switch
notifications of each mode machine instance.c(SRS_Rte_00107)
The queueLength attribute of the ModeSwitchSenderComSpec referencing the
mode machine instance, assigns a constant length to the receive queue. In con-
trast to the event communication, for mode switch communication, the length is asso-
ciated with the sender side, the mode manager, because it is unique for the mode
machine instance.
[SWS_Rte_02719] dThe mode switch notification shall be written to the end
of the queue and read (consuming) from the front of the queue (i.e. the queue is
first-in-first-out).c(SRS_Rte_00107, SRS_Rte_00110)
[SWS_Rte_02720] dIf a new mode switch notification is received when the
queue is already filled, the RTE shall discard the received notification.c(SRS_-
Rte_00107, SRS_Rte_00110) In this case, Rte_Switch will return an error, see
[SWS_Rte_02721] dRTE shall dequeue a mode switch notification, when the
mode switch is completed.c(SRS_Rte_00107, SRS_Rte_00110, SRS_Rte_00094)
The minimum size of the queue is 1.

280 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_02723] dThe RTE generator shall reject a queueLength attribute of an

ModeSwitchSenderComSpec with a queue length ≤ 0.c(SRS_Rte_00110, SRS_-
In case of a queue length of 1, RTE will reject new mode switch notifications during the
mode transition. Operation Inter-ECU Mapping

This section describes the mapping from VariableDataPrototypes to COM signals

or COM signal groups for sender-receiver communication. The mapping is described in
the input of the RTE generator, in the DataMapping section of the System Template [8].
If a VariableDataPrototype is mapped to a COM signal or COM signal group but
the communication is local, the RTE generator can use the COM signal/COM signal
group for the transmission or it can use its own direct implementation of the communi-
cation for the transmission.
[SWS_Rte_04504] dIf a sender/receiver communication is inter-ECU, then for each
data element the DataMappings element shall contain a mapping to at least one COM
signal or COM signal group, otherwise the data element shall be treated as if it is part
of an unconnected port.c(SRS_Rte_00091)
The mapping defines all aspects of the signal necessary to configure the communi-
cation service, for example, the network signal endianess and the communication bus
either by the COM configuration or the configured data transformation. The RTE gen-
erator only requires the COM signal handle id since this is necessary for invoking the
COM API and the configuration of the data transformation to execute it. Primitive Data Types

[SWS_Rte_04505] dThe RTE shall use the ComHandleId of the corresponding Com-
Signal when invoking the COM API for signal.c(SRS_Rte_00091)
The actual COM handle id has to be gathered from the ECU configuration of the COM
module. The input information ComSignalHandleId is used to establish the link
between the ComSignal of the COM module’s configuration and the corresponding
ISignal of the System Template. Composite Data Types

When a data prototype has a composite data type the RTE must marshall the data.
This can be achieved by two means: Explicit mapping the atomic sub-elements of the

281 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

composite type to their own COM signals or mapping of the whole composite type to
one COM signal if data transformation is used.
The DataMappings element of the ECU configuration and configuration of the data
transformer contain (or references) sufficient information to allow the data item or op-
eration parameters to be transmitted by indicating the COM signals or signal groups to
be used. It is not necessary to provide a mapping for each primitive typed leaf element
within the composite type.
[SWS_Rte_03863] dThe RTE generator shall support the partial mapping to System-
Signals of the leaf elements of a VariableDataPrototype (typed by a composite data
type) in a PPort.c(SRS_Rte_00091)
A partial mapping means that a subset of the composite data type’s leaf elements are
mapped to SystemSignals in the relevant SystemSignalGroup (e. g. a record with
leaf elements A, B, C, D where only B and C are mapped to SystemSignals of the
SystemSignalGroup). Elements omitted from the partial mapping are simply ignored
by the RTE generator.
For RPorts it is necessary to define how the RTE generator handles the partial mapping
of a composite data type, in particular, how elements omitted from the mapping are
[SWS_Rte_03864] dFor the included element of a partial mapping from SystemSignals
to the leaf elements of a VariableDataPrototype (typed by a composite data type) in a
RPort the RTE generator shall use the data provided by COM.c(SRS_Rte_00091)
[SWS_Rte_03865] dFor the omitted elements from a partial mapping from SystemSig-
nals to the leaf elements of a VariableDataPrototype (typed by a composite data type)
in a RPort the RTE generator shall use the initial value when receiving the composite
data type.c(SRS_Rte_00091)
[SWS_Rte_08793] dIf a data element is a composite data type, the communication
is inter-ECU and data transformation is used (except COM Based Transformer), the
DataMapping element shall map the composite data type directly to one COM signal
to use the data transformation.c(SRS_Rte_00091, SRS_Rte_00247)
The above requirements for mapping atomic sub-elements for them own to distinct
COM signals have two key features; firstly, COM is responsible for endianness con-
version (if any is required) of primitive types and, secondly, differing structure member
alignment between sender and receiver is irrelevant since the COM signals are packed
into I-PDUs by the COM configuration.
The DataMappings shall contain sufficient COM signals to map each primitive element7
of the AUTOSAR signal.
The above requirements for mapping the whole composite data type to one COM signal
on the other hand leaves those features to the data transformation.
An AUTOSAR signal that is a primitive data type contains exactly one primitive element whereas a
signal that is a composite data type one or more primitive elements.

282 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_04508] dThe RTE generator shall reject configuration violating the con-
straint [constr_3059].c(SRS_Rte_00091)
[SWS_Rte_02557] d
1. Each signal that is mapped to an element of the same composite data item shall
be mapped to the same signal group.
2. If two signals are not mapped to an element of the same composite data item,
they shall not be mapped to the same signal group.
3. If a signal is not mapped to an element of a composite data item, it shall not be
mapped to a signal group.
[SWS_Rte_05081] dThe RTE shall use the ComHandleId of the corresponding Com-
SignalGroup when invoking the COM API for signal groups. This also applies for
the array based signal group access with the Com_SendSignalGroupArray() and
[SWS_Rte_05173] dThe RTE shall use the ComHandleId of the corresponding Com-
GroupSignal when invoking the COM API for group signals.c(SRS_Rte_00091)
The actual COM handle id has to be gathered from the ECU configuration of the COM
module. The input information ComHandleId is used to establish the link between the
ComSignalGroup of the COM module’s configuration and the corresponding ISig-
nalGroup of the System Template.
The input information ComHandleId of group signals is used to establish the link be-
tween the ComGroupSignal of the COM module’s configuration and the correspond-
ing ISignal of the System Template. Atomicity

[SWS_Rte_04527] dThe RTE is required to treat AUTOSAR signals transmitted using

sender-receiver communication atomically [SRS_Rte_00073]. To achieve this
• either the “signal group” mechanisms provided by COM shall be utilized. See
[SWS_Rte_02557] for the mapping.
• or the “Data Transformation” approach (see section 4.10) shall be utilized.
c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00073, SRS_Rte_00091)
The RTE decomposes the composite data type into single signals as described above
and passes them to the COM module by using the COM API call Com_SendSignal.
As this set of single signals has to be treated as atomic, it is placed in a “signal group”.
A signal group has to be placed always in a single I-PDU. Thus, atomicity is established.
When all signals have been updated, the RTE initiates transmission of the signal group
by using the COM API call Com_SendSignalGroup.

283 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

As would be expected, the receiver side is the exact reverse of the transmission side:
the RTE must first call Com_ReceiveSignalGroup precisely once for the signal
group and then call Com_ReceiveSignal to extract the value of each signal within
the signal group.
A signal group has the additional property that COM guarantees to inform the receiver
by invoking a call-back about its arrival only after all signals belonging to the signal
group have been unpacked into a buffer.
The Data Transformation approach is described in section 4.10. Fan-out

Fan-out can be divided into two scenarios; PDU fanout where the same I-PDU is sent
to multiple destinations and signal fan-out where the same signal, i.e. data element is
sent in different I-PDUs to multiple receivers.
For Inter-ECU communication, the RTE does not perform PDU fan-out. Instead, the
RTE invokes Com_SendSignal once for a primitive data element or for transformed
data and expects the fan-out to multiple PDU destinations to occur lower down in the
AUTOSAR communication stack. However, it is necessary for the RTE to support
signal fan-out since this cannot be performed by any lower level layer of the AUTOSAR
communication stack.
The data mapping in the System Template[8] is based on the SystemSignal and
SystemSignalGroup. The COM module however uses the ISignal and ISignal-
Group counterparts (ComSignal, ComSignalGroup, ComGroupSignal) to define
the COM API. The RTE Generator needs to identify whether there are several ISig-
nal or ISignalGroup elements defined for the SystemSignal or SystemSignal-
Group and implement the fan-out accordingly. Then the corresponding elements in
the COM ecu configuration (ComSignal, ComSignalGroup, ComGroupSignal) are
required to establish the interaction between Rte and COM.
Please note that in case of a fan-out only ISignal or ISignalGroup elements need
to be considered that are transmitted by the EcuInstance on which the RTE is run-
With the usage of “Data Transformation” a mixture of different serialization technologies
for signal fan-out in the RTE can be used. This is determined by the ISignal or
ISignalGroup association to DataTransformation.
[SWS_Rte_04585] dThe RTE needs to perform a RTE signal fan-out for a System-
Signal and for a number of connected ISignals for which the following conditions
apply in an Ecu Extract:
• the ISignals reference the SystemSignal in the role systemSignal and
• a DataMapping references the SystemSignal and

284 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• the DataMapping references an element in a PPortPrototype and

• the ISignals are transmitted by the EcuInstance, i.e. the ComSignal that
refers with the ComSystemTemplateSystemSignalRef in the COM Configu-
ration to the ISignalToIPduMapping that in turn refers to the ISignal and
the ISignalIPdu from which the ComIPdu is derived that has the ComIPduDi-
rection = SEND.
c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00028)
In other words if two ISignals reference the same SystemSignal, but one of the
ISignals is received and one is transmitted no RTE signal fan-out is performed. Only
if several ISignals that are transmitted reference the same SystemSignal the RTE
signal fan-out is performed.
[SWS_Rte_04586] dThe RTE needs to perform a RTE signal fan-out for a System-
SignalGroup and for a number of connected ISignalGroups for which the following
conditions apply in an Ecu Extract:
• the ISignalGroups reference the SystemSignalGroup in the role system-
SignalGroup and
• a DataMapping references the SystemSignalGroup and
• the DataMapping references an element in a PPortPrototype and
• each of the contained ISignals of the ISignalGroup refers to its correspond-
ing SystemSignal which in turn is part of the SystemSignalGroup and
• the ISignalGroups are transmitted by the EcuInstance, i.e. the ComSig-
nalGroup and its respective ComGroupSignals that refer with the ComSys-
temTemplateSignalGroupRef resp. ComSystemTemplateSystemSig-
nalRef in the COM Configuration to the ISignalToIPduMapping that in turn
refers to the ISignalGroup resp. ISignals and the ISignalIPdu from which
the ComIPdu is derived that has the ComIPduDirection = SEND.
c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00028)
In other words if two ISignalGroups reference the same SystemSignalGroup, but
one of the ISignalGroups is received and one is transmitted no RTE signal fan-out
is performed. Only if several ISignalGroups that are transmitted reference the same
SystemSignalGroup the RTE signal fan-out is performed.
[SWS_Rte_06023] dFor inter-ECU transmission of a primitive data type, the RTE shall
perform for each ISignal to which the primitive data element is mapped
• the transformation if the ISignal references a TransformationTechnology
• the invocation of Com_SendSignal
c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00028, SRS_Rte_00247)

285 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

For the invocation the ComHandleId from the ComSignal of COM’s ecu configuration
shall be used (see [SWS_Rte_04505]).
If the data element is typed by a composite data type several scenarios shall to be
considered for each of the signal fan-out based on the ISignal or ISignalGroup
association to DataTransformation:
• no “Data Transformation”: RTE invokes Com_SendSignal for each primitive el-
ement (ISignal) in the composite data type and each COM signal to which that
primitive element is mapped, and Com_SendSignalGroup for each ISignal-
Group that does not require a “Data Transformation” to which the data element
is mapped.
• “Data Transformation” without COM Based Transformer: RTE performs the trans-
formation and then invokes Com_SendSignal for each ISignal that has the
dataTransformation association to the DataTransformation defined.
• “Data Transformation” with COM Based Transformer: RTE performs the trans-
formation and then invokes Com_SendSignalGroupArray for each ISignal-
Group that has the comBasedSignalGroupTransformation association to
the DataTransformation defined.
It is also possible to configure the system to use multiple of these scenarios at the
same time. Then the RTE executes all configured scenarios.
[SWS_Rte_04526] Inter-ECU transmission of composite data without Data Trans-
formation dFor inter-ECU transmission of composite data type where
• a SenderReceiverToSignalGroupMapping to the VariableDataProto-
type is defined
• and the respective ISignalGroup has no comBasedSignalGroupTrans-
formation defined
the RTE shall invoke Com_SendSignal for each ISignal to which an element in
the composite data type is mapped and Com_SendSignalGroup for each ISignal-
Group to which the composite data element is mapped.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_-
For the invocation the ComHandleId from the ComGroupSignal and ComSig-
nalGroup of COM’s ecu configuration shall be used (see [SWS_Rte_05173] and
[SWS_Rte_08586] Inter-ECU transmission of composite data with COM Based
Data Transformation dFor inter-ECU transmission of composite data type where
• a SenderReceiverToSignalGroupMapping to the VariableDataProto-
type is defined
• and the respective ISignalGroup has a comBasedSignalGroupTransfor-
mation reference defined

286 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

the RTE shall perform the transformation and then invoke Com_SendSignal-
GroupArray for the ISignalGroup to which the composite data type is mapped.c
(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00028, SRS_Rte_00251)
For the invocation the ComHandleId from the ComSignalGroup of COM’s ecu con-
figuration shall be used (see [SWS_Rte_05081]).
[SWS_Rte_08587] Inter-ECU transmission of composite data with Data Transfor-
mation dFor inter-ECU transmission of composite data type where
• a SenderReceiverToSignalMapping to the VariableDataPrototype is
• and the respective ISignal has a dataTransformation reference defined
the RTE shall perform the transformation and then invoke Com_SendSignal for the
ISignal to which composite data type is mapped.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_-
00028, SRS_Rte_00247)
A SystemSignal can be added to a SystemSignalGroup in the role transform-
ingSystemSignal to support the configuration where a complex data element is
transferred via Sender/Receiver communication both using transformation and tradi-
tional mapping of RTE and COM.
For the invocation the ComHandleId from the ComSignal of COM’s ecu configuration
shall be used (see [SWS_Rte_04505]).
For intra-ECU transmission of data elements, the situation is slightly different; the RTE
handles the communication (the lower layers of the AUTOSAR communication stack
are not used) and therefore must ensure that the data elements are routed to all re-
ceivers. For inter-partition communication, RTE may use the IOC.
[SWS_Rte_06024] dFor inter-partition transmission of data elements, the RTE
shall perform the fan-out to each receiver.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00028) Fan-in

When receiving data from multiple senders in inter-ECU communication, either the
RTE on the receiver side has to collect data received in different COM signals or COM
signal groups and pass it to one receiver or the RTE on the sender side has to pro-
vide shared access to a COM signal or COM signal group to multiple senders. The
receiver RTE, which has to handle multiple COM signals or signal groups, is notified
about incoming data for each COM signal or COM signal group separately but has
to ensure data consistency when passing the data to the receiver. The sender RTE,
which has to handle multiple senders sharing COM signals or signal groups, has to
ensure consistent access to the COM API, since COM API calls for the same signal
are not reentrant.

287 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_04587] dThe RTE needs to perform a RTE signal fan-in for a SystemSig-
nal and for a number of connected ISignals for which the following conditions apply
in an Ecu Extract:
• the ISignals reference the SystemSignal in the role systemSignal and
• a DataMapping references the SystemSignal and
• the DataMapping references an element in a RPortPrototype and
• the ISignals are received by the EcuInstance, i.e. the ComSignal that refers
with the ComSystemTemplateSystemSignalRef in the COM Configuration to
the ISignalToIPduMapping that in turn refers to the ISignal and the ISig-
nalIPdu from which the ComIPdu is derived that has the ComIPduDirection
c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00028)
In other words if two ISignals reference the same SystemSignal, but one of the
ISignals is received and one is transmitted no RTE signal fan-in is performed. Only
if several ISignals that are received reference the same SystemSignal the RTE
signal fan-in is performed.
[SWS_Rte_04588] dThe RTE needs to perform a RTE signal fan-in for a SystemSig-
nalGroup and for a number of connected ISignalGroups for which the following
conditions apply in an Ecu Extract:
• the ISignalGroups reference the SystemSignalGroup in the role system-
SignalGroup and
• a DataMapping references the SystemSignalGroup and
• the DataMapping references an element in a RPortPrototype and
• each of the contained ISignals of the ISignalGroup refers to its correspond-
ing SystemSignal which in turn is part of the SystemSignalGroup and
• the ISignalGroups are received by the EcuInstance, i.e. the ComSig-
nalGroup and its respective ComGroupSignals that refer with the ComSys-
temTemplateSignalGroupRef resp. ComSystemTemplateSystemSig-
nalRef in the COM Configuration to the ISignalToIPduMapping that in turn
refers to the ISignalGroup resp. ISignals and the ISignalIPdu from which
the ComIPdu is derived that has the ComIPduDirection = RECEIVE.
c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00028)
In other words if two ISignalGroups reference the same SystemSignalGroup, but
one of the ISignalGroups is received and one is transmitted no RTE signal fan-in
is performed. Only if several ISignalGroups that are received reference the same
SystemSignalGroup the RTE signal fan-in is performed.
[SWS_Rte_03760] dIf multiple senders use different COM signals or signal groups
for inter-ECU transmission of a data element prototype with swImplPolicy different

288 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

from queued to a receiver, the RTE on the receiver side has to pass the last received
value to the receiver component while ensuring data consistency.c(SRS_Rte_00019,
[SWS_Rte_03761] dIf multiple senders use different COM signals or signal groups
for inter-ECU transmission of a data element prototype with event semantics to a
receiver, the RTE on the receiver side has to queue all incoming values while ensuring
data consistency.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00131)
[SWS_Rte_03762] dIf multiple senders share COM signals or signal groups for inter-
ECU transmission of a data element prototype to a receiver, the RTE on the sender
side shall ensure that the COM API for those signals is not invoked concurrently.c
(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00131) Sequence diagrams of Sender Receiver communication

Figure 4.40 shows a sequence diagram of how Sender Receiver communication for
data transmission and non-blocking reception may be implemented by RTE. The se-
quence diagram also shows the Rte_Read API behavior if an initValue is specified.
In case the COM Based Transformer [23] is used the sequence in figure
4.40 is the same, but Com_SendSignalGroupArray() is used instead of
Com_SendSignal() and Com_ReceiveSignalGroupArray() is used instead of

289 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Sender Sender's RTE Sender's Sender's COM Receiver's Receiver's RTE Receiver
A pplic ation Transformer Network Receiver's Transformer applic ation

(1) The initValue is

stored in the RTE buffer
allocated for data item
(4) The data value
provided by the sender
is copied to the RTE (2) The buffer for data
allocated buffer. item a is copied to the
receiver's OUT RTE_E_OK()
(5) the provided data is
converted. Only if data
Rte_Write_p_a() conversion applies

(3) init value is

stored in the
receiver's OUT
X frm_<name>() parameter.

(6) The data element is

transformed to an array
and transferred to the
COM stack

Com_S endSignal()

(8) RTE receives the data
item a from COM and
(7) The received data item is replace the previous
copied to the COM buffer for data value in the RTE buffer
item a and the notification Rte_COMCbk_<sn>() for data item a.
callback provided by RTE is Note! The callback must
invoked. block the RTERead_p_a
Com_ReceiveSignal() call.


(9) The received data in the Rte_Read_p_a()

buffer are re-transformed.
The result is copied to the
receiver's OUT buffer
Inter-ECU communication
Explicit Sender-Receiver communication:
(10) The received data is
Port name = p X frm_Inv_<name>()
converted. Only if data
Data element name = a
conversion applies
VariableDataPrototype with a standard swImplPolicy (Data distribution)
The sender VariableDataPrototype is referenced by a VariableAccess in
role dataSendPoint
The receiver VariableDataPrototype is referenced by a VariableAccess in
role dataReceivePointByArgument


(11) The last received

data item is stored in
the receiver's OUT

Figure 4.40: Sender Receiver communication with data semantics and dataReceive-
PointByArgument as reception mechanism

290 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Figure 4.41 shows a sequence diagram of how Sender Receiver communication for
event transmission and non-blocking reception may be implemented by RTE. The se-
quence diagram shows the Rte_Receive API behavior when the queue is empty.
In case the COM Based Transformer [23] is used the sequence in figure
4.41 is the same, but Com_SendSignalGroupArray() is used instead of
Com_SendSignal() and Com_ReceiveSignalGroupArray() is used instead of

291 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Sender Sender's RTE Sender's RTE Sender's COM Receiver's RTE Receiver's RTE Receiver
A pplic ation Netwok Receiver's applic ation

(1) The RTE -

queue for event
p_e is initialized

(3) The data value (2) The RTE - queue for event p_e
provided by the sender is empty => RTE_E_NO_DATA is
is copied to the RTE returned to Receiver application.
allocated queue. RTE_E_NO_DATA()

(4) the provided data is
converted. Only if data
conversion applies

X frm_<name>()
(5) The queue entry is
transformed to an array and
transferred to the COM stack

Com_S endSignal()



(6) The receiver's COM (7) RTE receives the event

invokes the callback Rte_COMCbk_<sn>() item e from COM and puts
function provided by RTE. it into the RTE - queue for
event e.



(8) RTE fetches an event

from the event e queue, X frm_Inv_<name>()
retransforms and copies it
to the Receiver's OUT (9) The received data is
parameter. converted. Only if data
conversion applies


Inter-ECU communication
Explicit Sender-Receiver communication:
Port name = p (10) The received
Data element name = e event item a is
VariableDataPrototype with a queued swImplPolicy (Event distribution) stored in the
The sender VariableDataPrototype is referenced by a VariableAccess in role dataSendPoint receiver's OUT
The receiver VariableDataPrototype is referenced by a VariableAccess in role dataReceivePointByArgument parameter
No WaitPoint is referencing the DataReceivedEvent that references the VariableDataPrototype (non-blocking

Figure 4.41: Sender Receiver communication with event semantics and dataReceive-
PointByArgument as reception mechanism

292 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Figure 4.42 shows a sequence diagram of how Sender Receiver communication for
event transmission and activation of runnable entity on the receiver side may be imple-
mented by RTE.
In case the COM Based Transformer [23] is used the sequence in figure
4.42 is the same, but Com_SendSignalGroupArray() is used instead of
Com_SendSignal() and Com_ReceiveSignalGroupArray() is used instead of

293 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Sender Sender's RTE Sender's RTE Sender's COM Receiver's RTE Receiver's RTE Receiver runnable
A pplication Netwok Receiver's


The provided data is converted.

Only if data conversion applies

X frm_<name>()

Com_S endSignal()




(2) RTE receives the event

(1) The receiver's COM Com_ReceiveSignal() item e from COM and
invokes the callback puts it into the RTE -
function provided by RTE. queue for event e.

A ctivate an OSEK Task()

Inter-ECU communication task that will execute
Port name = p the receiver's runnable
Data element name = e is started.
VariableDataPrototype with a queued swImplPolicy (Event distribution)
The sender VariableDataPrototype is referenced by a VariableAccess in role
The receiver VariableDataPrototype is referenced by a DataReceivedEvent (4) RTE fetches an event
which in turn references the receiver RunnableEntity. from the event e queue
and calls the receiver's
(5) The task is
runnable. completed

Figure 4.42: Sender Receiver communication with event semantics and activation of
runnable entity as reception mechanism

294 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Figure 4.43 shows a sequence diagram of how Sender Receiver communication for
data transmission and non-blocking reception may be implemented by RTE when using

295 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Sender Application Sender's RTE Sender Transformer Sender's LdCom - Reciever Transformer Receiver's RTE Receiver Application
and Detransformer Netwok- Receiver's and Detransformer


(1) Perfom Data

Conversion (Optional)

opt Transformer
(2) RTE transforms all data
E_OK() elements into a byte array

(3) RTE calls LdCom_Transmit for the transformed
E_OK() byte array. In case LdComApiType == LDCOM_TP the
RTE buffer is now locked.

alt LdComApiType of LdComIPdu (4) Subsequent Transmission requests

on the same signal will return
[LdComApiType == LDCOM_TP] RTE_E_COM_BUSY as long as the
buffer is locked
(5) The Receiver's RTE
buffer is locked

Rte_LdComCbkStartOfReception_<sn>(): BufReq_ReturnType (6) Subsequent Read

requests on the same
BUFREQ_OK() buffer will return
long as the buffer is
Rte_Read_p_a() locked


(7) Data is copied from RTE into

buffer provided by lower layer.
This step may repeated until all loop CopyRxData
data has been processed by lower [until all data received]

copy_data() (8) Data is copied from lower

into buffer provided by RTE.
This step is repeated upon
Rte_LdComCbkCopyRxData_<sn>(): BufReq_ReturnType
reception of each segment of
the segmented transmission



(9) The Receiver's RTE

buffer are unlocked, Data
Received Event can be
Rte_LdComCbkTpRxIndication_<sn>(Std_ReturnType) fired if configured



[LdComApiType == LDCOM_IF]


Inter-ECU communication
Explicit Sender-Receiver communication:

Port name = p
Data element name = a
VariableDataPrototype with a standard swImplPolicy (Data distribution)
The sender VariableDataPrototype is referenced by a VariableAccess in role
dataSendPoint E_OK()
The receiver VariableDataPrototype is referenced by a VariableAccess in role


(10) The re-transformed
data is converted. Only if
data conversion applies

Figure 4.43: Sender Receiver communication with data semantics over LdCom

296 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 “Never received status” for Data Element

The Software Component template allows specifying whether an unqueued data, de-
fined in an AUTOSAR Interface, has been updated since system start (or partition
restart) or not. This additional optional status establishes the possibility to check
whether a data element has been changed since system start (or partition restart).
[SWS_Rte_07381] dOn receiver side the handleNeverReceived attribute of the
NonqueuedReceiverComSpec shall specify the handling of the never received sta-
[SWS_Rte_07382] dThe initial status of the data elements with the attribute handleN-
everReceived set to TRUE shall be RTE_E_NEVER_RECEIVED.c(SRS_Rte_00184)
[SWS_Rte_07383] dThe initial status of the data elements with the attribute handleN-
everReceived set to TRUE shall be cleared when the first reception occurs.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07645] dThe status of data elements shall be reset on the receiver side
to RTE_E_NEVER_RECEIVED when the receiver’s partition is restarted.c(SRS_Rte_-
00184, SRS_Rte_00224)
[SWS_Rte_04529] dThe configuration of the attribute handleNeverReceived to
TRUE shall have no effect for data elements received from an NvBlockSwCompo-
nentType, since these data elements are automatically received during initialization
of the RTE.c(SRS_Rte_00184) “Update flag” for Data Element

The Software Component template allows specifying whether an unqueued data, de-
fined in an AUTOSAR Interface, has been updated since last read or not. This addi-
tional optional status establishes the possibility to check, whether a data element has
been updated since last read.
On receiver side the “enableUpdate” attribute of the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec
has to activate the handling of the update flag.
[SWS_Rte_07385] dThe RTE shall provide one update flag per dataElement
in a RPortPrototype where the “enableUpdate” attribute of the Nonqueue-
dReceiverComSpec is set to true and where at least one RunnableEntity defines
a VariableAccess in the dataReceivePointByArgument or dataReceive-
PointByValue role.c(SRS_Rte_00179)
[SWS_Rte_07386] dThe update flag of the data elements configured with the “en-
ableUpdate” attribute shall be set by receiving new data from COM or from a local
software-component (including NvBlockSwComponentType).c(SRS_Rte_00179)

297 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_01413] dIn case a data element with configured “enableUpdate” attribute

is received as “invalid” the status of it’s update flag shall be determined according to
the handling of the DataReceivedEvent/DataReceiveErrorEvent:
• The update flag shall be set, if the DataReceivedEvent is triggered.
• The update flag shall keep the previous state, if the DataReceiveErrorEvent
is triggered.
[SWS_Rte_07387] dThe update flag of a particular dataElement in a RPortPro-
totype shall be cleared after each read by Rte_Read or Rte_DRead of the data
Please note that the "UpdateFlag" for dataElements is only available for explicit com-
munication, see [SWS_Rte_07391].
[SWS_Rte_07689] dThe update flag shall be cleared when the RTE is started or when
the partition of the software-component is restarted.c(SRS_Rte_00179)
The update flag can be queried by the Rte_IsUpdated API, see 5.6.37.
[SWS_Rte_04528] dUpdate flags of data elements which are received by an
NvBlockSwComponentType shall be set to TRUE after the data was copied from the
NvM module to the NVRAM Block by the execution of the according Rte_SetMirror
callback or after an SW-C has written new data to the NVRAM Block by the execution
of the Rte_Write API.c(SRS_Rte_00179) Dynamic data type

Dynamic data are data whose length varies at runtime.

This includes:
• arrays with variable number of elements
• structures including arrays with variable number of elements
This excludes:
• structures including variable number of elements
The length information which specifies how many elements of the dynamic size array
are valid has to be provided by the SWC to the RTE. This is achieved by the usage
of a dynamic size array with explicit size indicator (see [2] chapter "ApplicationArray-
The dynamic size array is represented in the implementation by a structure which con-
tains the size indicator and the dynamic size array with the payload. The size indicator
shall be hold consistent to the number of valid elements in the dynamic size array by
the SWC.

298 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In case of inter-ECU communication, dynamic data are mapped to dynamic signals

and received/transmitted through the TP by the COM stack.
With the current release of SWS_COM, COM limits the dynamic signals to the Com-
SignalType UINT_8DYN (see the requirement COM569).
The usage of dynamic size arrays together with data transformation with inter-ECU
communication circumvents these restrictions and allows dynamic size arrays also for
other data types because the output of data transformation is of the type uint8[n] which
is supported by COM.
In order to respect the VFB concept the capability of inter-ECU and intra-ECU commu-
nication should be equal. So it has been decided to extend these limitation from COM
also to the intra-ECU communication.
As a consequence dynamic data types different from uint8[n] are only supported by
the RTE (independent whether the communication is intra or inter-ECU) if data trans-
formation for inter-ECU communication is used. See [SWS_Rte_07810].
[SWS_Rte_04583] dThe RTE shall set the value of the size indicator of the variable-
size array to the length of the dynamic length signal, if the value of a data element is
retrieved from COM or LdCom and the data element
• is typed by a uint8 variable-size Array and
• is mapped by a SenderReceiverToSignalMapping to a SystemSignal and
• the corresponding ISignal(s) do not reference a DataTransformation
[SWS_Rte_04584] dThe RTE shall set the length value of the dynamic length signal to
the value of the defined size indicator in the variable-size array, if the value of a data
element is transmitted from COM or LdCom and the data element
• is typed by a uint8 variable-size Array and
• is mapped by a SenderReceiverToSignalMapping to a SystemSignal and
• the corresponding ISignal(s) do not reference a DataTransformation
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_04584] Data type of size indicator in the variable-size array
dIf [SWS_Rte_04583] or [SWS_Rte_04584] applies, the data type of the size indicator
of the variable-size array must match the data type of the length of the dynamic length
signal.c(SRS_Rte_00231) Inter-ECU communication through TP

Inter-ECU communication can be configured in COM to be supported by the TP. This

is especially necessary if:

299 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• Size of the signal exceed the size of the L-PDU (large signals)
• Size of the signal group exceed the size of the L-PDU
In the current release of SWS_COM, COM APIs to access signal values might return
the error code COM_BUSY for the signals mapped to N-PDU. This error code indicates
that the access to the signal value has failed (internally rejected by COM) and should
be retried later. This situation might only be possible when the transmission or the
reception of the corresponding PDU is in progress in COM at the time the access to
the signal value is requested.
This is a problem for the handling of data with data semantic (last is best behavior)
• "COM_BUSY like" errors are not compatible with real time systems that should
have predictable response time.
• Forwarding this error code to the application implies that every applications
should handle it (implement a retry) even if it will never comes (data is not be
mapped to N-PDU).
• Error code can not be forwarded to the application in case of direct read or implicit
This is not a problem for the handling of data with event semantic (queued behav-
ior) because:
• The COM_BUSY error should not be possible during the execution of COM call-
backs (Rx indication and Tx confirmation) that can be used by the RTE to handle
the queue.
• Data are queued internally by RTE and accessible at any time by the application.
Note: First point is especially true if the ComIPduSignalProcessing is configured
as IMMEDIATE. But if the ComIPduSignalProcessing is configured as DEFFERED
and 2 events are closely received, it is possible that at the time the RTE tries to access
the corresponding COM signal the second event reception has already started. In this
case the RTE will received COM_BUSY and the event will be lost but it is more a
problem of configuration than a limitation from COM.
As a consequence it has been decided to limit the data mapped to N-PDU to the event
semantic (queued behavior). See [SWS_Rte_07811].
Note: As the data mapping is not mandatory for the RTE contract phase, it is possible
that a configuration is accepted at contract phase but rejected at generation phase
when the data mapping is known.
Dynamic data are always mapped to N-PDU in case of inter-ECU communication. So
in order to avoid such situation (late rejection at generation phase) and in order to
respect the VFB concept (intra and inter-ECU should be equal) it has been decided
to extend this limitation to every dynamic data whatever the communication is intra or
inter-ECU. See [SWS_Rte_07812].

300 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Inter-ECU communication of arrays of bytes COM

Generally the communication of arrays in the case of inter-ECU communication must

make use of the signal group mechanisms to send an array to COM. This implies
sending each array element to a buffer in COM (with with Com_SendSignal() API,
and in the end send the signal group (with Com_SendSignalGroup() API).
An exception to this general rule is for arrays of bytes. In this case, the RTE shall use
the native COM interface to send directly the data.
[SWS_Rte_07408] dThe RTE shall use the Com_SendSignal or Com_ReceiveSig-
nal APIs to send or receive fixed-length arrays of bytes if the according Variable-
DataPrototype is mapped to a SystemSignal.c(SRS_Rte_00231)
[SWS_Rte_07817] dThe RTE shall use the Com_SendDynSignal or Com_Receive-
DynSignal APIs to send or receive variable-length arrays of bytes if the according
VariableDataPrototype is mapped to a SystemSignal.c(SRS_Rte_00231)
If the VariableDataPrototype of a fixed-length or variable-length array is mapped
to a SystemSignalGroup then requirement [SWS_Rte_04526] applies. Efficient COM for large data

The rules for the decision whether to use Efficient COM for large data (LdCom) are
described in System Template [8], chapter 6.2.
[SWS_Rte_01376] dThe RTE shall use LdCom for sending/receiving arrays of bytes if
the corresponding ISignal is mapped to LdComIPdu.c(SRS_Rte_00246)
[SWS_Rte_01377] dThe RTE shall use the LdCom_Transmit API if LdComApiType
is set to LDCOM_IF in LdComIPdu.c(SRS_Rte_00231)
In case If-API is used upon LdCom_Transmit, the transmit request is passed imme-
diately to the lower layer. After return of the API the data does not need to be locked.
[SWS_Rte_01378] dThe RTE shall use the LdCom_Transmit API if LdComApiType
is set to LDCOM_TP in LdComIPdu.c(SRS_Rte_00231)
In case TP-API is used, after LdCom_Transmit one or more invocations of Rte_-
LdComCbkCopyTxData_<sn> by LdCom will occur asynchronously. The Transmission
is finalized by Rte_LdComCbkTpTxConfirmation_<sn>.
During this time the data has to be available for being passed to LdCom.
[SWS_Rte_01379] dThe RTE shall lock the signal buffer after it initiated a Tp Trans-
mission (LdCom_Transmit returned E_OK).c(SRS_Rte_00246)

301 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

During the signal buffer is locked no further transmit requests are permitted on
that item. For data semantics this means that Rte_Write/Rte_Call will return
[SWS_Rte_01380] dThe RTE shall unlock the signal buffer after Rte_LdComCbkTp-
TxConfirmation_<sn> has been invoked (independent of the result).c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_01381] dThe RTE shall copy the indicated number of bytes to the pro-
vided destination in each invocation of Rte_LdComCbkCopyTxData_<sn>.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_01382] dFor signals for which the Rte_LdComCbkTriggerTransmit_-
<sn> API is configured the data of the corresponding signal has to be available during
the whole runtime of the RTE.c(SRS_Rte_00246)
Rationale: A call to TriggerTransmit may happen at any time, since it originates from
lower BSW layers.
Hint: Main use case for [SWS_Rte_01382] is the transmission of the current value for
newly (late) subscribed receivers in ServiceDiscovery.
[SWS_Rte_01383] dIf Rte_LdComCbkTriggerTransmit_<sn> is invoked, data
shall be copied to the provided destination.c(SRS_Rte_00246)
[SWS_Rte_01384] dIf Rte_LdComCbkRxIndication_<sn> is invoked RTE shall
provide the following steps:
• copy the passed signal data to the buffer
• fire a DataReceivedEvent (if configured)
• return
[SWS_Rte_01385] dIf Rte_LdComCbkStartOfReception_<sn> is invoked RTE
shall lock the corresponding reception buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00246)
[SWS_Rte_01386] dIf Rte_LdComCbkCopyRxData_<sn> is invoked RTE shall copy
the passed signal data (or the indicated portion) to the previously locked reception
[SWS_Rte_01387] dIf Rte_LdComCbkTpRxIndication_<sn> is invoked RTE shall
unlock the previously locked reception buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00246)
[SWS_Rte_01388] dWhen Rte_LdComCbkTpRxIndication_<sn> is invoked and
the passed result code is RTE_E_OK, it shall fire the DataReceivedEvent. For other
result codes, the signal value shall be set to the invalidValue for data elements if in-
validValue was configured.c(SRS_Rte_00246)

302 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Handling of acknowledgment events

As a general rule, the acknowledgment events DataWriteCompletedEvent and

DataSendCompletedEvent shall be raised immediately after the sending to all re-
ceivers has been performed and in case of Inter-ECU communication all acknowledg-
ments from COM or LdCom have been received. As part of the implementation detailed
rules for the following communication scenarios have to be considered:
Intra-Partition communication
[SWS_Rte_08017] dFor intra-partition communication with implicit dataWriteAc-
cess the DataWriteCompletedEvent shall be fired if and only if a task/ISR2 ter-
minates and the write-back copy actions to the global RTE-buffer are completed. The
transmission status shall be RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK and can be collected with Rte_-
IFeedback API.c(SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_08043] dFor intra-partition communication with incoherent implicit
dataWriteAccess no write-back copy actions to a global RTE-buffer will be per-
formed, if the involved runnables are all running in one preemption area. In this
case the DataWriteCompletedEvent shall be fired after the termination of the
last sending runnable in the sending task/ISR2. The transmission status shall be
RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK and can be collected with Rte_IFeedback API.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_08018] dFor intra-partition communication with explicit dataSendPoint
the DataSendCompletedEvent shall be fired if and only if the sending to all receivers
has been performed. The transmission status shall be RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK and
can be collected with Rte_Feedback API.c(SRS_Rte_00122)
Inter-Partition communication
[SWS_Rte_08020] dFor inter-partition communication with implicit dataWriteAc-
cess the DataWriteCompletedEvent shall be fired if and only if a task/ISR2 ter-
minates and the write-back copy actions to the global RTE-buffer are completed. In
addition the execution of the data write operations at the data receiver partitions must
have taken place. Thereby the return status of the IOC for the different write operations
can be neglected. The transmission status shall be RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK and can
be collected with Rte_IFeedback API.c(SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_08044] dFor inter-partition communication with incoherent implicit
dataWriteAccess no write-back copy actions to a global RTE-buffer will be per-
formed, if the involved runnables are all running in one preemption area. In this case
the DataWriteCompletedEvent shall be fired after the termination of the last send-
ing runnable in the sending task/ISR2 and after the execution of the data write oper-
ations at the data receiver partitions have taken place. Thereby the return status of
the IOC for the different write operations can be neglected. The transmission status
shall be RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK and can be collected with Rte_IFeedback API.c

303 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08021] dFor inter-partition communication with explicit dataSendPoint

the DataSendCompletedEvent shall be fired if and only if the sending to all re-
ceivers has been performed and the execution of the data write operations at the
data receiver partitions have taken place. Thereby the return status of the IOC for
the different write operations can be neglected. The transmission status shall be
RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK and can be collected with Rte_Feedback API.c(SRS_Rte_-
Inter-ECU communication
[SWS_Rte_08022] dFor inter-ECU communication with implicit dataWriteAccess
the DataWriteCompletedEvent shall be fired if and only if a task/ISR2 terminates
and the write-back copy actions to the global RTE-buffer are completed. In addition
the transmission acknowledgment from COM or LdCom must be complete, i.e. the
acknowledgment has been received and in case of RTE-fanout all acknowledgments
have been received. The transmission status shall be RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK and
can be collected with Rte_IFeedback API.c(SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_08045] dFor inter-ECU communication with incoherent implicit
dataWriteAccess no write-back copy actions to a global RTE-buffer will be per-
formed, if the involved runnables are all running in one preemption area. In this case
the DataWriteCompletedEvent shall be fired after the termination of the last send-
ing runnable in the sending task/ISR2 and after the transmission acknowledgment from
COM or LdCom is complete, i.e. the acknowledgment has been received and in case
of RTE-fanout all acknowledgments have been received. The transmission status shall
be RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK and can be collected with Rte_IFeedback API.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_08023] dFor inter-ECU communication with explicit dataSendPoint the
DataSendCompletedEvent shall be fired if and only if the sending to all receivers
has been performed and the transmission acknowledgment from COM or LdCom
is complete, i.e. the acknowledgment has been received and in case of RTE-
fanout all acknowledgments have been received. The transmission status shall be
RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK and can be collected with Rte_Feedback API.c(SRS_Rte_-
00122) Meta data for application

[SWS_Rte_03620] dThe RTE shall forward meta data of a data element to/from COM
or LdCom to/from the application if a data element
• is used for inter-ECU communication
• and it is referenced by a MetaDataItemSet of its SenderReceiverInter-

304 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Note: If the data element data is buffered by the Rte, then the meta data must be
buffered as well.
The Software Component Template Specification [2] describes the modeling of meta
data in the context of a SenderReceiverInterface. The specification of AUTOSAR COM
[3] describes the extended COM APIs while for LdCom the already existing SduMeta-
DataPtr struct member of PduInfoType shall be used.
[SWS_Rte_03621] dThe RTE shall provide access to single meta data items if a data
element is referenced by a MetaDataItemSet of its SenderReceiverInterfacec

4.3.2 Client-Server Introduction

Client-server communication involves two entities, the client which is the requirer (or
user) of a service and the server that provides the service.
The client initiates the communication, requesting that the server performs a ser-
vice, transferring a parameter set if necessary. The server, in the form of the RTE,
waits for incoming communication requests from a client, performs the requested
service and dispatches a response to the client’s request. So, the direction of initia-
tion is used to categorize whether a AUTOSAR software-component is a client or a
A single component can be both a client and a server depending on the software
The invocation of a server is performed by the RTE itself when a request is made by
a client. The invocation occurs synchronously with respect to the RTE (typically via
a function call) however the client’s invocation can be either synchronous (wait for
server to complete) or asynchronous with respect to the server.
Note: servers which have an asynchronous operation (i.e. they accept a request
and another provide a feedback by invoking a server of the caller) should be avoided
as the RTE does not know the link between these 2 client-server communications. In
particular, the server should have no OUT (or INOUT) parameters because the RTE
cannot perform the copy of the result in the caller’s environment when the request was
[SWS_Rte_06019] dThe only mechanism through which a server can be invoked is
through a client-server invocation request from a client.c(SRS_Rte_00029)
The above requirement means that direct invocation of the function implementing the
server outside the scope of the RTE is not permitted.

305 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

A server has a dedicated provide port and a client has a dedicated require port.
To be able to connect a client and a server, both ports must be categorized by the
same interface.
The client can be blocked (synchronous communication) respectively non-blocked
(asynchronous communication) after the service request is initiated until the response
of the server is received.
A server implemented by a RunnableEntity with attribute canBeInvokedCon-
currently set to FALSE is not allowed to be invoked concurrently and since a
server can have one or more clients the server may have to handle concur-
rent service calls (n:1 communication) the RTE must ensure that concurrent calls do
not interfere.
[SWS_Rte_04515] dThe RTE shall ensure that call serialization8 of the operation
is enforced when the server runnable attribute canBeInvokedConcurrently is
FALSE.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00033)
Note that the same server may be called using both synchronous and asynchronous
Note also that even when canBeInvokedConcurrently is FALSE, an Atomic-
SwComponentType might be instantiated multiple times. In this case, the implemen-
tation of the RunnableEntity can still be invoked concurrently from several tasks.
However, there will be no concurrent invocations of the implementation with the same
instance handle.
[SWS_Rte_04516] dThe RTE’s implementation of the client-server communication
shall ensure that a service result is dispatched to the correct client if more than
one client uses a service.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00080)
The result of the client/server operation can be collected using “wake up of wait point”,
“explicit data read access” or “activation of runnable entity”.
[SWS_Rte_07409] dIf all the following conditions are satisfied:
• the server runnable’s property canBeInvokedConcurrently is set to TRUE
• the client and server execute in the same partition, i.e. intra-partition
Client-Server communication
• the ServerCallPoint is Synchronous
• the OperationInvokedEvent is not mapped to an OsTask
Call Serialization ensures at most one thread of control is executing an instance of a runnable
entity at any one time. An AUTOSAR software-component can have multiple instances (and therefore
a runnable entity can also have multiple instances). Each instance represents a different server and
can be executed in parallel by different threads of control thus serialization only applies to an individual
instance of a runnable entity – multiple runnable entities within the same component instance may also
be executed in parallel.

306 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

the RTE Generator shall implement the Client-Server communication as a direct

function call.c()
[SWS_Rte_08904] dIf all the following conditions are satisfied:
• the server runnable’s property canBeInvokedConcurrently is set to TRUE
• the client and server execute in different partitions, i.e. inter-partition
Client-Server communication
• the ServerCallPoint is Synchronous
• the OperationInvokedEvent is not mapped to an OsTask
the RTE Generator shall implement the Client-Server communication as a trusted
function call.c()
Note: In case the conditions in [SWS_Rte_04522] are fulfilled the RTE Generator may
implement a client-server call with a direct or trusted function call, even when the server
runnable’s property canBeInvokedConcurrently is set to FALSE.
Since the communication occurs conceptually via the RTE (it is initiated via an RTE API
call) the optimization does not violate the requirement that servers are only invoked via
client-server requests (see Sect. 5.6.13, [SWS_Rte_06019]).
[SWS_Rte_07662] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where an
ClientServerOperation has an ArgumentDataPrototype whose Implemen-
tationDataType is of category DATA_REFERENCE and whose direction is INOUT
or OUT.c(SRS_Rte_00018, SRS_Rte_00019)
[SWS_Rte_08731] dIf the return value of the serialization call is not equal to E_OK the
RTE shall not call Com_SendSignalc(SRS_Rte_00091) Multiplicity

Client-server interfaces contain two dimensions of multiplicity; multiple clients invoking

a single server and multiple operations within a client-server interface. Multiple Clients Single Server

Client-server communication involves an AUTOSAR software-component invoking a

defined “server” operation in another AUTOSAR software-component which may or
may not return a reply.
[SWS_Rte_04519] dThe RTE shall support multiple clients invoking the same server
operation (’n:1’ communication where n ≥ 1).c(SRS_Rte_00029)

307 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Multiple operations

A client-server interface contains one or more operations. A port of a AUTOSAR

software-component that requires an AUTOSAR client-server interface to the com-
ponent can independently invoke any of the operations defined in the interface [
[SWS_Rte_04517] dThe RTE API shall support independent access to operations in a
client-server interface.c(SRS_Rte_00029)

Example 4.9

Consider a client-server interface that has two operations, op1 and op2 and that an
AUTOSAR software-component definition requires a port typed by the interface. As
a result, the RTE generator will create two API calls; one to invoke op1 and another
to invoke op2. The calls can invoke the server operations either synchronously or
asynchronously depending on the configuration.

Recall that each data element in a sender-receiver interface is transmitted indepen-

dently (see Section and that the coherent transmission of multiple data items
is achieved through combining multiple items into a single composite data type. The
transmission of the parameters of an operation in a client-server interface is simi-
lar to a record since the RTE guarantees that all parameters are handled atomically
[SWS_Rte_04518] dThe RTE shall treat the parameters and the results of a client-
server operation atomically.c(SRS_Rte_00033)
However, unlike a sender-receiver interface, there is no facility to combine multiple
client-server operations so that they are invoked as a group. Single Client Multiple Server

The RTE is not required to support multiple server operations invoked by a single client
component request (’1:n’ communication where n > 1) (see [constr_1037] in [2]). Call Serialization

Each client can invoke the server simultaneously and therefore the RTE is required to
support multiple requests of servers. If the server requires call serialization, the RTE
has to ensure it.
[SWS_Rte_04520] dThe RTE shall support simultaneous invocation requests of a
server operation.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00080)

308 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_04522] dThe RTE shall ensure that the RunnableEntity implementing a

server operation has completed the processing of a request before it begins process-
ing the next request, if serialization is required by the server operation, i.e canBeIn-
vokedConcurrently attribute of the server is set to FALSE and client RunnableEn-
titys to OsTask mapping (RteEventToTaskMapping) may lead to concurrent in-
vocations of the server.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00033)
When this requirement is met the operation is said to be “call serialized”. A call se-
rialized server only accepts and processes requests atomically and thus avoids the
potential for conflicting concurrent access.
Client requests that cannot be serviced immediately due to a server operation being
“busy” are required to be queued pending processing. The presence and depth of the
queue is configurable.
If the RunnableEntity implementing the server operation is reentrant, i.e. can-
BeInvokedConcurrently attribute set to TRUE, no serialization is necessary. This
allows to implement invocations of reentrant server operations as direct or trusted func-
tion calls without involving the RTE.
But even when the canBeInvokedConcurrently attribute is set to FALSE the RTE
Generator still can utilize a direct or trusted function call, if the mapping of the client
RunnableEntitys to OsTasks will not imply a concurrent execution of the server.
[SWS_Rte_08001] dIf multiple operations are mapped to the same RunnableEntity,
and [SWS_Rte_04522] requires a call serialization, then the operation invoked events
shall be mapped to same task and they shall have the same position in task. Otherwise
the RTE Generator shall reject configuration.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00033)
[SWS_Rte_08002] dIf multiple operations are mapped to the same RunnableEn-
tity, and [SWS_Rte_04522] requires a call serialization, then a single queue is imple-
mented for invocations coming from any of the operations.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_-
Rte_00033) Communication Time-out

The ServerCallPoint allows to specify a timeout so that the client can be notified
that the server is not responding and can react accordingly. If the client invokes the
server synchronously, the RTE API call to invoke the server reports the timeout. If
the client invokes the server asynchronously, the timeout notification is passed to the
client by the RTE as a return value of the API call that collects the result of the server
[SWS_Rte_03763] dThe RTE shall ensure that timeout monitoring is performed for
client-server communication, regardless of the receive mode for the result.c(SRS_-
Rte_00069, SRS_Rte_00029)

309 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

If the server is invoked asynchronously and a WaitPoint is specified to collect the

result, two timeout values have to be specified, one for the ServerCallPoint and
one for the WaitPoint.
[SWS_Rte_03764] dThe RTE generator shall reject the configuration if different time-
out values are specified for the AsynchronousServerCallPoint and for the
WaitPoint associated with the AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent for this
In asynchronous client-server communication the AsynchronousServerCall-
ReturnsEvent associated with the AsynchronousServerCallPoint for an
ClientServerOperation indicates that the server communication is finished or that
a timeout occurred. The status information about the success of the server operation
is available as the return value of the RTE API call generated to collect the result.
[SWS_Rte_03765] dFor each asynchronous invocation of an operation prototype only
one AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent shall be passed to the client com-
ponent by the RTE. The AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent shall indicate
either that the transmission was successful or that the transmission was not success-
[SWS_Rte_03766] dThe status information about the success or failure of the asyn-
chronous server invocation shall be available as the return value of the RTE API call to
retrieve the result.c(SRS_Rte_00079)
After a timeout was detected, no result shall be passed to the client.
[SWS_Rte_03770] dIn case Rte_Call API returns RTE_E_LIMIT,
the RTE shall not modify the OUT and INOUT parameters.c(SRS_Rte_00069,
[SWS_Rte_08310] dIn case Rte_Result API returns
RTE_E_SEG_FAULT, the RTE shall not modify the OUT and INOUT parameters.c
(SRS_Rte_00069, SRS_Rte_00029)
Since an asynchronous client can have only one outstanding server invocation at a
time, the RTE has to monitor when the server can be safely invoked again.
If a server is invoked asynchronously, no timeout occurs and an Asyn-
chronousServerCallResultPoint exists then the RTE returns RTE_E_LIMIT for
subsequent invocations of the Rte_Call API until the server’s result has been suc-
cessfully passed to the client (See [SWS_Rte_01105]).
If a server is invoked asynchronously, no timeout occurs and no Asyn-
chronousServerCallResultPoint exists then the RTE returns RTE_E_LIMIT for
subsequent invocations of the Rte_Call API until the server has finished to process
the last request of the client (See [SWS_Rte_01105]).

310 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In intra-partition client-server communication, the RTE can determine whether the

server runnable is still running or not.
[SWS_Rte_03771] dIf a timeout was detected in asynchronous intra-partition client-
server communication, the RTE shall ensure that the server is not invoked again by the
same client until the server runnable has terminated.c(SRS_Rte_00069, SRS_Rte_-
In inter-ECU communication, the client RTE has no knowledge about the actual status
of the server. The response of the server could have been lost because of a commu-
nication error or because the server itself did not respond. Since the client-side RTE
cannot distinguish the two cases, the client must be able to invoke the server again
after a timeout expired. As partitions in one ECU are decoupled in a similar way like
separate ECUs, and can be restarted separately, client server communication should
behave similar for inter-ECU and intra-partition communication.
[SWS_Rte_03772] dIf a timeout was detected in asynchronous inter-ECU or in-
ter-partition client-server communication, the RTE shall ensure that the server
can be invoked again by the same client after the timeout notification was passed to
the client.c(SRS_Rte_00069, SRS_Rte_00079)
Note that this might lead to client and server running out of sync, i.e. the response of
the server belongs to the previous, timed-out invocation of the client. The application
has to handle the synchronization of client and server after a timeout occurred.
[SWS_Rte_03767] dIf the timeout value of the ServerCallPoint is 0, no timeout
monitoring shall be performed.c(SRS_Rte_00069, SRS_Rte_00029)
[SWS_Rte_03768] dIf the canBeInvokedConcurrently attribute of the server runn-
able is set to TRUE, no timeout monitoring shall be performed if the RTE API call to
invoke the server is implemented as a direct or trusted function call.c(SRS_Rte_00069,
[SWS_Rte_02709] dIn case of inter partition communication, if the partition of the
server is stopped or restarting at the invocation time of the server call or during the
operation of the server call, the RTE shall immediately provide a timeout indication to
the client.c()
Note: In case of inter-ECU or interpartition client-server communication it is recom-
mended to always specify a timeout>0 when synchronous server calls are used. Oth-
erwise in case of a full server queue the client would wait for the server response
infinitely. Port-Defined argument values

Port-defined argument values exist in order to support interaction between Application

Software Components and Basic Software Modules.

311 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Several Basic Software Modules use an integer identifier to represent an object that
should be acted upon. For instance, the NVRAM Manager uses an integer identifier
to represent the NVRAM block to access. This identifier is not known to the client,
as the client must be location independent, and the NVRAM block to access for a
given application software component cannot be identified until components have been
mapped onto ECUs.
There is therefore a mismatch between the information available to the client and that
required by the server. Port-defined argument values bridge that gap.
The required port-defined arguments (the fact that they are required, their data type
and their values) are specified within the input to the RTE generator.
[SWS_Rte_01360] dWhen invoking the runnable entity specified for an OperationIn-
vokedEvent, the RTE shall include the port-defined argument values between the in-
stance handle (if it is included) and the operation-specific parameters, in the order they
are given in the Software Component Template Specification [2].c(SRS_Rte_00152)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_01360] means that a client will make a request for an opera-
tion on a require (Client-Server) port including only its instance handle (if required) and
the explicit operation parameters, yet the server will be passed the implicit parameters
as it requires.
Note that the values of implicit parameters are constant for a particular server runnable
entity; it is therefore expected that using port-defined argument values imposes no
RAM overhead (beyond any extra stack required to store the additional parameters). Buffering

Client-Server-Communication is a two-way-communication. A request is sent from the

client to the server and a response is sent back.
The buffering mechanisms described here also apply to the serialization of server calls
in the Basic Software Scheduler.
Unless a server call is implemented as direct or trusted function call, the RTE has to
store or buffer the communication on the corresponding receiving sides, requests on
server side and responses on client side, respectively:
• [SWS_Rte_02527] dUnless a server call is implemented as a direct or trusted
function call, the RTE shall buffer a request on the server side in a first-in-first-out
queue as described in chapter for queued data elements.
Note: The data that shall be buffered is implementation specific but at least RTE
should store the IN parameters, the IN/OUT parameters and a client identifier.c
(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00033, SRS_Rte_00110)

312 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• [SWS_Rte_02528] dUnless a server call is implemented as a direct or trusted

function call, RTE shall keep the response on the client side in a queue with
queue length 1.
Note: The data that shall be buffered is implementation specific but at least RTE
should store the IN/OUT parameters, the OUT parameters and the error code.c
(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00033)
[SWS_Rte_02314] dThe RTE shall determine the queue length for the server side
according to the following priority rules (highest priority first):
1. value of the ECU-C parameter RteServerQueueLength
2. value of the queueLength attribute of the ServerComSpec
[SWS_Rte_02315] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall take the queue length for the
server from the ECU-C parameter RteBswServerQueueLength.c()
[SWS_Rte_02529] dThe RTE generator shall reject a queueLength attribute of a
ServerComSpec with a queue length ≤ 0.c(SRS_Rte_00033, SRS_Rte_00110,
[SWS_Rte_02530] dThe RTE shall use the queue of requests to call serialise access
to a server.c(SRS_Rte_00033, SRS_Rte_00110)
A buffer overflow of the server is not reported to the client. The client will receive a time
[SWS_Rte_07008] dIf a server call is implemented by direct function call the RTE shall
not create any copy for parameters passed by reference.c(SRS_Rte_00033, SRS_-
Therefore, it is the responsibility of the application to provide consistency mechanisms
for referenced parameters if necessary. Inter-ECU and Inter-Partition Response to Request Mapping

RTE is responsible to map a response to the corresponding request. With this map-
ping, RTE can activate or resume the corresponding runnable and provide the re-
sponse to the correct client. The following situations can be distinguished:
• Mapping of a response to the correct request within one ECU. In general, this is
solved already by the call stack. The details are implementation specific and will
not be discussed in this document.
• Mapping of a response coming from a different partition or a different ECU.
The problem of request to response mapping in inter-ECU and inter-Partition commu-
nication can be split into:

313 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• Mapping of a response to the correct client. This is discussed in

• Mapping of a response to the correct request within of one client. This is dis-
cussed in
The general approach for the inter-ECU and inter-Partition request response mapping
is to use transaction handles.
[SWS_Rte_02649] dIn case of inter-ECU client-server communication, the transaction
handle shall contain two parts of unsigned integer type:
• Client Identifier
• Client Sequence Counter
c(SRS_Rte_00027, SRS_Rte_00082)
[SWS_Rte_08711] dThe Client Identifier of the transaction handle used for an inter-
ECU client server communication shall be of type uint16.c(SRS_Rte_00082, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07413] dThe Client Identifier of the transaction handle used for an inter-
ECU client server communication may be defined at the ClientIdDefinition be-
longing to the Ecu Extract and referring the operation instance. If defined the RTE
generator shall take the clientId from the ClientIdDefinition. If not defined
the RTE generator shall set the clientId to 0.c(SRS_Rte_00082, SRS_Rte_00091)
[SWS_Rte_08712] dThe Client Sequence Counter part of the transaction handle used
for an inter-ECU client server communication shall be of type uint16.c(SRS_Rte_-
00082, SRS_Rte_00091)
[SWS_Rte_07346] dIn case of inter-Partition client-server communication, the RTE
shall not communicate any response to the client if the client is part of a partition that
was restarted since the request was sent.c(SRS_Rte_00027, SRS_Rte_00082)
[SWS_Rte_07346] could be implemented with a transaction handle that contains a
sequence counter.
[SWS_Rte_02651] dIn case of inter-ECU client-server communication, the transaction
handle shall be used for the identification of client server transactions communicated
via COM or LdCom.c(SRS_Rte_00027, SRS_Rte_00082)
[SWS_Rte_02653] dThe RTE on the server side shall return the transaction handle of
the request without modification together with the response.c(SRS_Rte_00027, SRS_-
Since there is always at most one open request per client (see [SWS_Rte_02658]), the
transaction handle and meta data can be kept within the RTE and does not have to be
exposed to the AUTOSAR SW-C.
[SWS_Rte_03629] dIn case of inter-ECU client-server communication, where meta
data is configured for the PDU, the RTE on the server side shall preserve the meta data

314 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

of the request and pass the meta data along with the response without modification.c
Since the meta data for C/S operation is neither required for the Application SW-C nor
for transformer operations it can be kept within the RTE. Client Identifier

In case of a server on one ECU with clients on other ECUs, the inter-ECU client-server
communication is using one SystemSignal for the Call and one SystemSignal for
the Response. Meta data is used for distinction of calling ECUs. Please note that
in former AUTOSAR releases the usage of different SystemSignals for each client-
ECU was used for the identification of the client-ECU. This is no longer supported by
the AUTOSAR System Template [8] and the usage of meta data for distinction of calling
ECUs is mandatory.
With this mechanism, the server-side RTE must handle the fan-in. This is done in the
same way as for sender-receiver communication.
However it is allowed to have several clients in one client-ECU communicating using
inter-ECU client-server communication with a server on a different ECU, if the client
identifier is used to distinguish the different clients (see [constr_3264]).
[SWS_Rte_03769] dIf multiple clients have access to one server, the RTE on the server
side has to queue all incoming server invocations while ensuring data consistency.c
(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00029, SRS_Rte_00080) SequenceCounter

The purpose of sequence counters is to map a response to the correct request of a

known client.
[SWS_Rte_02658] dIn case of inter-ECU and inter-Partition communication, RTE shall
allow only one request per client and server operation at any time.c(SRS_Rte_00079)
[SWS_Rte_02658] does not apply to intra-partition communication because there can
be several execution-instances.
[SWS_Rte_02658] implies under normal operation that a response can be mapped to
the previous request. But, when a request or response is lost or delayed, this order
can get out of phase. To allow a recovery from lost or delayed signals, a sequence
counter is used. The sequence counter can also be used to detect stale responses
after a restart of the client side RTE and SW-C.
[SWS_Rte_02654] dRTE shall support a sequence counter for the inter ECU client
server connection where configured in the input information.c(SRS_Rte_00027, SRS_-

315 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_02655] dRTE shall initialize all sequence counters with zero during Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_02656] dRTE shall increase each sequence counter in a cyclic manner
after a client server operation has finished successfully or with a timeout.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_02657] dRTE shall ignore incoming responses that do not match the se-
quence counter.c(SRS_Rte_00027, SRS_Rte_00082) Parameter Serialization

Within an input configuration an unconnected or an intra-ECU client will have zero

ClientServerToSignalMapping and an inter-ECU client will have exactly one
such mapping (since a client can connect to exactly one server). Fan-out is not sup-
ported for clients and therefore multiple mappings are not permitted.
[SWS_Rte_08700] dThe RTE generator shall reject an input configuration where a
ClientServerOperation owned by an RPortPrototype is referenced by more
than one ClientServerToSignalMapping with identical values of the attribute
ClientServerOperation .c(SRS_Rte_00018, SRS_Rte_00027, SRS_Rte_00082,
[SWS_Rte_08703] dFor an inter-ECU client-server communication, the RTE of the
client ECU shall communicate the request to a remote server using the callSignal
of the ClientServerToSignalMapping which references the operation instance.c
(SRS_Rte_00027, SRS_Rte_00082, SRS_Rte_00091)
[SWS_Rte_08705] dFor an inter-ECU client-server communication, the RTE of the
client ECU shall receive the results of a remote server using the returnSignal of the
ClientServerToSignalMapping which references the operation instance.c(SRS_-
Rte_00027, SRS_Rte_00082, SRS_Rte_00091, SRS_Rte_00123)
[SWS_Rte_08707] dFor an inter-ECU client-server communication, the RTE of the
server ECU shall receive a request of a remote client using the callSignal of the
ClientServerToSignalMapping which references the operation instance.c(SRS_-
Rte_00027, SRS_Rte_00082, SRS_Rte_00091)
[SWS_Rte_08709] dFor inter-ECU client-server communication, the RTE of the server
ECU shall communicate the results to a remote client using the returnSignal of the
ClientServerToSignalMapping which references the operation instance.c(SRS_-
Rte_00027, SRS_Rte_00082, SRS_Rte_00091, SRS_Rte_00123)

316 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Operation Inter-ECU Mapping

The client server protocol defines how a client call and the server response are mapped
onto the communication infrastructure of AUTOSAR in case of inter-ECU communica-
tion. This allows RTE implementations from different vendors to interpret the client
server communication in the same way.
The AUTOSAR System Template [8] does specify a protocol for the client server com-
munication in AUTOSAR. Atomicity

The requirements for atomicity from Section also apply for the composite
data types described in Section Fault detection and reporting

Client Server communication may encounter interruption like:

• Buffer overflow at transformation
• Buffer overflow at the server side.
• Communication interruption.
• Server might be inaccessible for some reason.
The client specifies a timeout that will expire in case the server or communication fails
to complete within the specified time. The reporting method of an expired timeout
depends on the communication attributes:
• If the C/S communication is synchronous the RTE returns RTE_E_TIMEOUT on
the Rte_Call function (see section 5.6.13).
• If the C/S communication is asynchronous the RTE returns RTE_E_TIMEOUT on
the Rte_Result function (see section 5.6.14).
In the case that RTE detects that the COM service is not available when forwarding sig-
nals to COM, the RTE returns RTE_E_COM_STOPPED on the Rte_Call (see section
In the case a transmission is ongoing (e.g. LdCom transmission using TP-API
with pending TxConfirmation) when forwarding signals to LdCom, the RTE returns
RTE_E_COM_BUSY on the Rte_Call (see section 5.6.13).
If the client still has an outstanding server invocation when the server is invoked again,
the RTE returns RTE_E_LIMIT on the Rte_Call (see chapter 5.6.13).

317 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In the absence of structural errors, application errors will be reported if present. Asynchronous Client Server communication

Figure 4.44 shows a sequence diagram of how asynchronous client server communi-
cation may be implemented by RTE.

318 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Client Application Client's RTE Client's Transformer Client's COM Netwok Server's Transformer Server's RTE Server
Server's COM

(1) RTE transforms all IN
E_OK() parameters of the operation

alt dynamicLength of SystemSignal

[dynamicLength == true]

(2) RTE calls Com_SendSignal for the byte
array to transfer all IN parameters using it's
[dynamicLength == false]



(3) The Server's

COM invokes RTE alt dynamicLength of SystemSignal
(4) The Server's COM
callback when receives the transformed
[dynamicLength == true]
transformed data have byte array
been received. Com_ReceievDynSignalWithMetaData()


(5) RTE calls transformer to

[dynamicLength == false] deserialize the byte array into
Com_ReceiveSignalWithMetaData() parameters. Additionally, the RTE
receives the Client ID and puts
E_OK() them into the RTE queue. The
Inter-ECU communication Server Task is activated.
Asynchronous Client-Server communication
Port name = p
Operation name = o
The ClientResponseRunnable is referencing an
AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent. E_OK()
Activate Server's Task()
The client runnable that invokes the server call is referencing an
The server runnable is refered by an OperationInvokedEvent
ServerComSpec attribute queueLength = number of possible queued
server calls
(6) RTE fetches the server
parameter from its queue and
calls the Server runnable. Xfrm_<name2>()

(7) RTE calls the transformer for
the response OUT parameters and
sends the resulting array back to
alt dynamicLength of SystemSignal
the client
[dynamicLength == true]


[dynamicLength == false]



Activate Client's response task()

(8) The Client's
COM invokes RTE
callback when
transformed data
have been
alt dynamicLength of SystemSignal

[dynamicLength == true]


[dynamicLength == false]



(9) RTE deserializes all OUT parameters and activates the Client's
response runnable.

Figure 4.44: Client Server asynchronous

319 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Synchronous Client Server communication

Figure 4.45 shows a sequence diagram of how synchronous client server communica-
tion may be implemented by RTE.

320 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Client Application Client's RTE Client's Transformer Client's COM Netwok Server's Transformer Server's RTE Server
Server's COM

(1) RTE transforms all IN
parameters of the operation into a
byte array

alt dynamicLength of SystemSignal (2) RTE calls Com_SendSignal for

the byte array to transfer all IN
[dynamicLength == true] parameters using it's COM


[dynamicLength == false]


Client Application is
blocked. Client task is
set waiting Rte_COMCbk_<sg>()

(3) The Server's

alt dynamicLength of SystemSignal
COM invokes RTE
callback when [dynamicLength == true]
transformed data have Com_ReceiveDynSignalWithMetaData()
been received.
(4) The Server's COM
receives the transformed
[dynamicLength == false] byte array



(5) RTE calls transformer to

deserialize the byte array into
parameters. Additionally, the RTE
receives the Client ID and puts
Inter-ECU communication
them into the RTE queue. The
Synchronous Client-Server communication E_OK()
Port name = p Server Task is activated.
Operation name = o

The client runnable that invokes the server call is referencing Activate Server's task()
an SynchronousServerCallPoint
The server runnable is refered by an OperationInvokedEvent
ServerComSpec attribute queueLength = number of possible
queued server calls ServerRunnable()
(6) RTE fetches the server parameter
from its queue and calls the Server


(7) RTE calls the transformer

for the response OUT
alt dynamicLength of SystemSignal parameters and sends the
[dynamicLength == true] resulting array back to the
Com_SendDynSignalWithMetaData() client


[dynamicLength == false]



alt dynamicLength of SystemSignal

[dynamicLength == true]



[dynamicLength == false]


(8) RTE receives
byte array and
transforms it back
Client task is to the OUT
released SetEvent(ClientTask, EventXY)
Client Application

Figure 4.45: Client Server synchronous

321 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4.3.3 SWC internal communication Inter Runnable Variables

Sender/Receiver and Client/Server communication through AUTOSAR ports are the

model for communication between AUTOSAR SW-Cs.
For communication between Runnables inside of an AUTOSAR SW-C the AUTOSAR
SW-C Template [2] establishes a separate mechanism. AtomicSwComponents (ex-
cept for NvBlockComponents) can reserve InterRunnableVariables which can only be
accessed by the Runnables of this one AtomicSwComponent. The Runnables might
be running in the same or in different task/ISR2 contexts. Read and write accesses
are possible.
[SWS_Rte_03589] dThe RTE shall support Inter Runnable Variables for single and
multiple instances of AUTOSAR SW-Cs.c(SRS_Rte_00142)
[SWS_Rte_07187] dThe generated RTE shall initialize a defined implicitInter-
RunnableVariable and explicitInterRunnableVariable according to the
ValueSpecification of the VariableDataPrototype defining the implic-
itInterRunnableVariable respectively explicitInterRunnableVariable if
the general initialization conditions in [SWS_Rte_07046] and [SWS_Rte_03852] are
InterRunnableVariables have a behavior corresponding to Sender/Receiver commu-
nication between AUTOSAR SW-Cs (or rather between Runnables of different AU-
But why not use Sender/Receiver communication directly instead? Purpose is data
encapsulation / data hiding. Access to InterRunnableVariables of an AUTOSAR SW-C
from other AUTOSAR SWCs is not possible and not supported by RTE. InterRunnabl-
eVariable content stays SW-C internal and so no other SW-C can use it. Especially not
misuse it without understanding how the data behaves.
Like in Sender/Receiver (S/R) communication between AUTOSAR SW-Cs two different
behaviors exist:
1. Inter Runnable Variables with implicit behavior (implicitInterRunnable-
This behavior corresponds with VariableAccesses in the dataReadAccess
and dataWriteAccess roles of Sender/Receiver communication and is sup-
ported by implicit S/R API in this specification.
If a VariableAccess in the writtenLocalVariable role referring to a
VariableDataPrototype in the implicitInterRunnableVariable role
is specified for a certain interrunnable variable, but no RTE API for implicit write
of this interrunnable variable is called during an execution of the runnable, an
undefined value is written back when the runnable terminates.

322 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

For more details see section

For APIs see sections 5.6.24 and 5.6.26.
Note 2:
As for the Implicit Sender/Receiver communication, the implicit concept for Inter-
RunnableVariables implies that the runnable does terminate. For runnable enti-
ties of category 2, the behavior is guaranteed only if it has a finite execution time.
A category 2 runnable that runs forever will not have its data updated.
2. Inter Runnable Variables with explicit behavior (explicitInterRunnable-
This behavior corresponds with VariableAccesses in the dataSendPoint,
dataReceivePointByValue, or dataReceivePointByArgument roles of
Sender/Receiver communication and is supported by explicit S/R API in this
For more details see section
For APIs see sections 5.6.28 and 5.6.29.

4.3.4 Inter-Partition communication

Partitions are used to decompose an ECU into functional units. Partitions can con-
tain both SW-Cs and BSW modules. The partitioning is done to protect the software
contained in the partitions against each other or to increase the performance by run-
ning the partitions on different cores of a multi core controller.
Since the partitions may be separated by core boundaries or memory boundaries and
since the partitions can be stopped and restarted independently, the observable be-
havior to the SW-Cs for the communication between different partitions is rather similar
to the inter ECU communication than to the intra partition communication. The RTE
needs to use special mechanisms to communicate from one partition to another.
Like for the inter ECU communication, inter partition communication uses the connec-
tionless communication paradigm. This means, that a send operation is successful for
the sender, even if the receiving partition is stopped. A receiver will only, by means of
a timeout, be notified if the partition of the sender is stopped.
Unlike most basic software, the RTE does not have a main processing function. The
execution logic of the RTE is contained in the generated task bodies, the wrapper code
around the runnables whose execution RTE manages.
As the tasks that contain the SW-Cs runnables are uniquely assigned to partitions (see
page 11EER of [15]), the execution logic of the RTE is split among the partitions. It
can not be expected that the RTE generated wrapper code running in one partition can
directly access the memory objects assigned to the RTE part of another partition.
In this sense, there is one RTE per partition, that contains runnable entities.

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Specification of RTE Software

Still, RTE is responsible to support the communication between SW-Cs allocated to

the different partitions. According to the AUTOSAR software layered architecture, RTE
has to be independent of the micro controller architecture. AUTOSAR supports a wide
variety of multi core and memory protection architectures.
[SWS_Rte_02734] dThe RTE generator shall support a mode in which the generated
code is independent of the micro controller.c(SRS_BSW_00161)
It can not be generally assumed that a cache coherent, shared memory is available
for the communication between partitions. Direct memory access and function calls
across partition boundaries are generally not possible. In the extreme case, communi-
cation might even be limited to a message passing interface.
To allow memory protection and multi core support in spite of [SWS_Rte_02734], the
AUTOSAR OS provides a list of mechanisms, that can be used for the communication
across cores (see [4]). Especially, the IOC has been designed to support the commu-
nication needs of RTE in a way that should not introduce additional run time overhead.
If a communication between Basic Software Modules is necessary for which the IOC
does not suffice, for example Sender-Receiver or Client-Server communication, there
are also mechanisms provided by the Basic Software Scheduler. These mechanisms
follow the Client-Server communication pattern or the Sender-Receiver communica-
tion pattern of the VFB but cannot be used for inter-ECU communication. The Basic
Software Scheduler can internally use the IOC to cross the partition boundaries. See
The following sections describe the use of some OS mechanisms that are designed for
inter partition communication. Inter partition data communication using IOC

The general idea to allow the data communication between partitions in a most efficient
way and still be independent of the micro controller implementation is to take the buffers
and queues from the intra partition communication case and replace them with so
called IOC communication objects in the inter partition communication case.
In the ideal case, the access macros to the IOC communication object resolve to a
direct access to shared memory.
The IOC (Inter OS-Application Communication) is a feature of the AUTOSAR OS, which
provides a data oriented communication mechanism between partitions. The IOC pro-
vides communication buffers, queues, and protected access functions/macros to these
buffers that can be used from any pre-configured partitions concurrently.
The IOC offers communication of data to another core or between memory protected
partitions with guarantee of data consistency.

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Specification of RTE Software

All data communications including the passing of parameters and return values in client
server communication, can be implemented by using the IOC. The basic principle for
using the IOC is to replace the RTE internal communication buffers by IOC buffers.
The IOC supports 1:1 and N:1 communication. For 1:N communication, N IOC com-
munication objects have to be used. The IOC is configured and provides generated
APIs for each IOC communication object. In case of N:1 communication, each sender
has a separate API.
The IOC API is not reentrant.
[SWS_Rte_02737] dRTE shall prevent concurrent access to the same IOC API from
different ExecutableEntity execution-instances.c()
The IOC will use the appropriate mechanism to communicate between the partitions,
whether it requires communicating with another core, communicating with a partition
with a different level of trust, or communicating with another memory partition.
The IOC channels are configured in the OS Configuration. Their configurations has to
be provided as inputs for the RTE generator when the external configuration switch
strictConfigurationCheck [SWS_Rte_05148] is set to true, and can be pro-
vided by the RTE Generator or RTE Configuration Editor when strictConfigura-
tionCheck is set to false (see [SWS_Rte_05150]).
The IOC APIs use:
1. types declared by user on input to RTE (sender-receiver communication across
OsApplication boudaries).
2. types created by RTE to collect client-server operation arguments into single data
For the second item, RTE uses internal types that have to be described as Imple-
mentationDataTypes (see [SWS_Rte_08400]).
The signaling between partitions is not covered by the IOC. The callbacks of IOC are
in interrupt context and are mainly intended for direct use by BSW. For the signaling
between partitions, RTE can use the activation of tasks or setting of events, see section
[SWS_Rte_02736] dThe RTE shall not execute ExecutableEntitys in the context
of IOC callbacks.c()
This is necessary to ensure that ExecutableEntitys will not be executed in interrupt
context or when a partition is terminated or restarted. Inter partition data communication using Basic Software Scheduler

The Basic Software Scheduler provides Sender-Receiver and Client-Server communi-

cations mechanisms for communication between Basic Software Modules in different

325 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

partitions. Therefore these communication paradigms can be used by Basic Software

Modules in a multi core environment.
The usage is described in [9].
For Sender-Receiver communication currently only "explicit" transmission of data ele-
ments with "event" semantic (queued) is supported.
[SWS_Rte_08763] dFor inter-ECU Sender-Receiver communication the length of the
queue is specified by the attribute queueLength of the BswQueuedDataRecep-
tionPolicy which references through receivedData the VariableDataProto-
type of the Sender-Receiver communication.c(SRS_Rte_00243)
[SWS_Rte_08764] dThe RTE generator shall reject a queueLength attribute of a
BswQueuedDataReceptionPolicy with a queue length ≤ 0.c(SRS_Rte_00243) Accessing (Ld)Com and Det in multicore/multipartition configuration

In a multi-core ECU it might be possible for a software component to send data to

another ECU via the communication stack which might be located in a different partition
than the sending software component. Likewise, Det might have to be called but is
located in a different partition.
For LdCom and Det different approaches for the Rte are possible:
1. It is assumed that LdCom and Det can be called from everywhere—they are in
every partition—in case shared buffer is available for the ECU.
2. LdCom and Det are called via a trusted function call.
It is assumed they can be called from each core, but they are in different parti-
tions. In this case, the LdCom or Det are in a trusted OsApplication. This
approach requires an MPU configuration.
3. LdCom and Det are only in one partition.
Here, the Rte could first transmit the data to the LdCom partition and then calls
the required LdCom APIs in the context of the LdCom partition e.g. via an Os-
The following scenarios are possible for inter-ECU communication in sending direction:
1. The data producer and the COM instance responsible for the signal related
to this data are in different partitions on different cores.
The RTE has to transmit the data to the COM instance’s partition. It can use
the IOC to do so. There it has to pass the data to COM using the COM APIs.
One option is to call the COM APIs on each data production. In cases where the
data production rate is bursty or higher than the COM TX frequency, this leads
to high resource consumption. To reduce the load the COM instance offers to
configure a transmission preparation callback (Rte_COMCbkTxPrep_mn), which

326 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

it calls just before it starts signal evaluation and handing over the data to PduR.
The RTE can call the COM APIs from there if new data is available.
2. The data producer and the COM instance responsible for the signal related
to this data are in different partitions on the same core.
The RTE can use the same mechanisms as above. It could also a trusted
function call (see section to call the COM APIs.
3. The data producer and the COM instance responsible for the signal related
to this data are in the same partition.
The RTE can call the COM APIs directly. But it can also use the transmission
preparation callback (Rte_COMCbkTxPrep_mn) for runtime optimization.
The following scenarios are possible for inter-ECU communication in receiving direc-
1. The data consumer and the COM instance responsible for the signal related
to this data are in different partitions on different cores.
The RTE can be informed via the notification callback (Rte_COMCbk_sn/Rte_-
COMCbk_sg) about the reception of the signal or signal group. This callback
is called by the COM instance responsible for this signal or signal group. If
ComIPduSignalProcessing is configured to DEFERRED, the notification call-
back is called by the related ComMainFunctionRx (see [SWS_Com_00301]). If
ComIPduSignalProcessing is configured to IMMEDIATE the notification call-
back is called by the related Com_RxIndication from COM instance’s partition
(see [SWS_Com_00300]). The RTE can call the COM APIs to receive the signal
data directly in the callback. It can then use the IOC to pass the data into the
consumer’s partition.
2. The data consumer and the COM instance responsible for the signal related
to this data are in different partitions on the same core.
The RTE can use the same mechanism as above. It could also use a trusted
function call (see section to call the COM APIs from arbitrary posi-
tions in the data consumer’s partition.
3. The data consumer and the COM instance responsible for the signal related
to this data are in the same partition.
The RTE can call the COM APIs directly from arbitrary positions in the data con-
sumer’s partition. But it can also use the COM notification callback (Rte_COM-
Cbk_sn/Rte_COMCbk_sg) for runtime optimization.

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Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Signaling and control flow support for inter partition communication

The OS representation of a partition is an OS Application.

This is a (non-exhaustive) summary of OS features that can be used for signaling and
control flow across partition boundaries:
• activation of tasks
• start and stop of schedule tables
• event signaling
• alarms
• spin locks (for inter core synchronization)
The following are not available for inter core signaling:
• OS Resource
• DisableAllInterrupts
For inter core synchronization, spin locks are provided. But, for efficiency reasons they
should be used with care. Trusted Functions

The call-trusted-function mechanism of AUTOSAR OS can be used in a memory pro-

tected controller to implement a function call from a trusted or untrusted to a trusted
partition on the same core.
Beware that this mechanism can not be used between two untrusted partitions or be-
tween cores. Also note that because of uncertainties in SWS_OS there might be differ-
ing implementations of trusted functions amongst OS vendors. The resulting possible
constraints on certain properties or capabilities have to be considered carefully by the
integrator before deciding to make use of trusted functions.
The trusted functions are configured in the OS Configuration. Their configurations
shall be provided as inputs for the RTE generator when the external configuration
switch strictConfigurationCheck [SWS_Rte_05148] is set to true, and can be
provided by the RTE Generator or RTE Configuration Editor when strictConfigu-
rationCheck is set to false (see [SWS_Rte_05150]).
[SWS_Rte_08903] dThe RTE Generator shall use a trusted function to call an Exe-
cutableEntity of a RteSwComponentInstance or RteBswModuleInstance of
a different partition than the ExecutableEntity’s call context (OsTask, OsIsr or
RTE API) when both partitions are on the same core.c(SRS_Rte_00036, SRS_Rte_-

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Specification of RTE Software

Please note that the word "use" in the requirement above means that the RTE has to
use the OS mechanism of a trusted function call and has to implement the used trusted
function. In case strictConfigurationCheck is set to FALSE it additionally has to
configure the used trusted function in the OS.
Note that it is not strictly necessary to use a dedicated trusted function per Exe-
cutableEntity callpoint. An RTE implementation could also decide to use the same
trusted function for many callpoints of the same ExecutableEntity or even the
same trusted function for multiple ExecutableEntitys. This could especially be
used to reduce the runtime overhead in cases where multiple ExecutableEntitys
of the same partition are executed in a row. As the complete callpoint is moved into the
trusted function, also the VFB Tracing hooks have to be executed there and potentially
also related RTE implementation specific flag manipulation (e.g. for Rte_IsUpdated)
or implicit buffering code.
[SWS_Rte_07606] dDirect start of an ExecutableEntity execution-instance by the
mean of a trusted function shall only be used for the start of an ExecutableEntity
in a Trusted Partition.c(SRS_Rte_00195, SRS_Rte_00210)
The OS ensures that the partition of the caller is not terminated or restarted when a
trusted function is executed unless the termination of the partition calling the trusted
function is caused by another TRUSTED partition. If needed, the termination or restart
of the caller’s partition is delayed after the trusted function returns.
RTE has to ensure, that the OS does not kill an RTE-generated task due to stopping
or restarting a partition while this task is executing a function call to BSW or to the
software component of another partition when this call is not a pure function.
For this purpose, RTE can use either the OS mechanism of trusted function call, or it
can allocate the callee to a different task than the caller.
[SWS_Rte_02761] dIn a partitioned system that supports stop or restart of partitions,
the RTE shall not use a direct function call (without use of OS call trusted function)
from a task of an untrusted partition to BSW or to the SW-C of another partition.c
Please note that [SWS_Rte_02761] might require the use of OS call trusted function
for a partitioned system even without memory protection. Memory Protection and Pointer Type Parameters in RTE API

In a memory protected ECU, a SW-C from an untrusted partition might misuse the
transition to the trusted context to modify memory in another partition. This can occur
when a pointer to a different memory partition is passed from the untrusted partition to
the trusted context. The RTE shall avoid this misuse by at least checking the validity
of the address of the pointer, and, where possible, also checking the integrity of the
associated memory object.

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Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_02752] dWhen a SW-C in an untrusted partition receives (OUT parameter)

or provides (IN parameter with composite data type) an ArgumentDataPrototype
or VariableDataPrototype, it hands over a pointer to a memory object to an RTE
API. The RTE shall only forward this pointer to a trusted SW-C after it has checked that
the whole memory object is owned by the caller’s partition.c(SRS_Rte_00210)
[SWS_Rte_02753] dWhen a SW-C in an untrusted partition passes an Argument-
DataPrototype or VariableDataPrototype, as a reference type to a SW-C in
a trusted partition (DATA_REFERENCE as an IN parameter), the RTE shall only check
that the caller’s partition owns the start address of the referenced memory.c(SRS_-
Note to [SWS_Rte_02753]: The RTE only checks whether the start address referenced
directly by the DataPrototypes belongs to the calling partition. Because the RTE is
not aware of the semantic of the pointed reference, it cannot check if the referenced
object is completely contained in the calling partition (e.g. the RTE does not know
the size and does not know if the referenced object also contains references to other
objects). The BSW is responsible to make sure that the referenced memory object
does not cross memory section boundaries.
The OS API CheckTaskMemoryAccess can be used to fulfill [SWS_Rte_02752] and

4.3.5 PortInterface Element Mapping and Data Conversion

AUTOSAR supports the connection of an R-port to a P-port with an interface that is not
compatible in the sense of the AUTOSAR compatibility rules. In addition, for sender-
receiver communication it is possible to specify how data elements are represented
given that the communication requires the usage of a dedicated communication bus.
In these cases the generated RTE has to support the conversion and re-scaling of
data. PortInterface Element Mapping

Per default the shortNames of PortInterface elements are used to identify the
matching element pairs of connected ports. In case of non fitting names — might
be caused due to distributed development, off-the-shelf development, or re-use of soft-
ware components — it is required to explicitly specify which PortInterface elements
shall correlate. This is modelled with PortInterfaceMappings. A connection of two
ports can be associated with a set of PortInterfaceMappings. If two ports are
connected and a PortInterfaceMapping for the pair of interfaces of the two ports
is associated with the connection, the interface elements are mapped and converted
as specified in the PortInterfaceMapping. If no PortInterfaceMapping for the
respective pair of interfaces is associated with the connection, the ordinary interface
compatibility rules are applied.

330 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The general approach is to perform the data conversion in the RTE of the ECU imple-
menting the R-port. The reason for this design decision is that in case of 1:n sender-
receiver communication it is inefficient to perform all the data conversions for the mul-
tiple receivers on the sender side and then send multiple sets of the same data just in
different representations over the communication bus.
[SWS_Rte_03815] dThe RTE shall support the mapping of sender-receiver interfaces,
parameter interfaces, non-volatile data interface elements, and NvBlockDescrip-
[SWS_Rte_03816] dIf a P-port specified by a SenderReceiverInterface or Nv-
DataInterface is connected to an R-port with an incompatible interface and a
VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping for both interfaces is associated with
the connection, the RTE of the ECU implementing the R-port shall map and convert the
data elements of the sender’s interface to the data elements of the receiver’s interface.c
[SWS_Rte_07091] dThe RTE shall support the Mapping of elements of composite data
types in the context of a mapping of SenderReceiverInterface, NvDataInter-
face or ParameterInterface elements.c(SRS_Rte_00182, SRS_Rte_00234)
[SWS_Rte_07092] dThe RTE of the ECU implementing the R-port shall map and con-
vert the composite data type elements of DataPrototypes of the sender’s interface
to the composite data type elements of DataPrototypes of the receiver’s interface
according the SubElementMapping
if a P-port specified by a SenderReceiverInterface, NvDataInterface or Pa-
rameterInterface is connected to an R-port with an incompatible interface and
a VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping exists for both interfaces and is as-
sociated with the connection and
the SubElementMapping maps composite data type elements of the provided inter-
face to composite data type elements of the required interface.c(SRS_Rte_00182,
[SWS_Rte_07099] dThe RTE of the ECU implementing the R-port shall map and con-
vert the composite data type elements of DataPrototype of the sender’s interface
to the primitive DataPrototype of the receiver’s interface according the SubEle-
if a P-port specified by a SenderReceiverInterface, NvDataInterface or Pa-
rameterInterface is connected to a R-port with an incompatible interface and
a VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping exists for both interfaces and is as-
sociated with the connection and the SubElementMapping exclusively maps one
composite data type element of the provided interfacec(SRS_Rte_00182, SRS_Rte_-
According to [TPS_SWCT_01551], incomplete SubElementMappings are allowed
for unqueued communication, when unmapped dataElements on the receiver side
have an initValue.

331 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note that the DataPrototypes of the provide port and DataPrototypes of
the require port might use exclusively ApplicationDataTypes, exclusively Imple-
mentationDataTypes or both kinds of AutosarDataTypes in a mixed manner.
[SWS_Rte_02307] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations that violate [constr_-
[SWS_Rte_03817] dIf a P-port specified by a SenderReceiverInterface or Nv-
DataInterface is connected to an R-port with an incompatible interface and no
VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping for this pair of interfaces is associ-
ated with the connection, the RTE generator shall reject the input as an invalid config-
uration.c(SRS_Rte_00182, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_03818] dThe RTE shall support the mapping of client-server interface ele-
[SWS_Rte_03819] dIf a P-port specified by a ClientServerInterface is con-
nected to an R-port with an incompatible interface and a ClientServerInter-
faceMapping for both interfaces is associated with the connection, the RTE of the
ECU implementing the R-port, i. e. the client, shall map the operation and map and
convert the operation arguments of the client’s interface to the operation arguments of
the server’s interface.c(SRS_Rte_00182)
[SWS_Rte_07925] dIf a ClientServerApplicationErrorMapping exists, the
RTE shall translate the error codes of the server into the corresponding error codes
described by the mapping.c(SRS_Rte_00182, SRS_Rte_00123)
[SWS_Rte_07926] dIf a ClientServerApplicationErrorMapping exists and a
particular error of the server is not mapped, this error shall be translated to RTE_E_OK.c
(SRS_Rte_00182, SRS_Rte_00123)
[SWS_Rte_03820] dIf a P-port specified by a ClientServerInterface is con-
nected to an R-port with an incompatible interface and no ClientServerInter-
faceMapping for this pair of interfaces is associated with the connection, the RTE
generator shall reject the input as an invalid configuration.c(SRS_Rte_00182, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_03821] dThe RTE shall support the mapping of ModeSwitchInterface
[SWS_Rte_03822] dIf a P-port specified by a ModeSwitchInterface is connected
to an R-port with an incompatible interface and a ModeInterfaceMapping for both
interfaces is associated with the connection, the RTE of the ECU implementing the
R-port shall map and convert the mode elements of the sender’s interface to the mode
elements of the receiver’s interface.c(SRS_Rte_00182)
[SWS_Rte_03823] dIf a P-port specified by a ModeSwitchInterface is connected
to an R-port with an incompatible interface and no ModeInterfaceMapping for this
pair of interfaces is associated with the connection, the RTE generator shall reject the
input as an invalid configuration.c(SRS_Rte_00182, SRS_Rte_00018)

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Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03824] dThe RTE shall support the mapping of trigger interface elements.c
[SWS_Rte_03825] dIf a P-port specified by a TriggerInterface is connected to
an R-port with an incompatible interface and a TriggerInterfaceMapping for both
interfaces is associated with the connection, the RTE of the ECU implementing the
R-port shall map the trigger of the sender’s interface to the trigger of the receiver’s
[SWS_Rte_03826] dIf a P-port specified by a TriggerInterface is connected to an
R-port with an incompatible interface and no TriggerInterfaceMapping for this
pair of interfaces is associated with the connection, the RTE generator shall reject the
input as an invalid configuration.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_03875] dIf a PPortPrototype specified by a NvDataInterface
is mapped to a NvBlockDescriptor.ramBlock and the respective NvBlock-
DataMapping defines a mapping of bitfields (see [TPS_SWCT_01799]), the RTE shall
convert the data element of the NvBlockDescriptor.ramBlock to the data element
of the NvDataInterface.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_03876] dIf an RPortPrototype specified by a NvDataInterface
is mapped to a NvBlockDescriptor.ramBlock and the respective NvBlock-
DataMapping defines a mapping of bitfields (see [TPS_SWCT_01799]), the RTE
shall convert the data element of the NvDataInterface to the data element of the
[SWS_Rte_03877] dIf a PRPortPrototype specified by a NvDataInterface
is mapped to a NvBlockDescriptor.ramBlock and the respective NvBlock-
DataMapping defines a mapping of bitfields (see [TPS_SWCT_01799]), the RTE shall
convert the data element of the NvBlockDescriptor.ramBlock to the data element
of the NvDataInterface, and convert the data element of the NvDataInterface
to the data element of NvBlockDescriptor.ramBlock.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
In order to generate the RTE for the ECU implementing the R-ports, the RTE gener-
ator has to know the interfaces of the P-ports that are connected over the bus. This
information is provided in the ECU extract via the networkRepresentationProps
(see section 4.3.6) specified at the ISignal representing the data element.

4.3.6 Network Representation

The networkRepresentationProps and physicalProps specified at the ISig-

nal respectively SystemSignal, describing the representation of the data element
on the communication bus via the attributes baseType and compuMethod, are where
the RTE finds the network representation to be considered for conversions and trans-
formations. Other places like ComSpecs or the PortInterfaces of the outerPorts
(except the special case of conversion with data transformation, see chapter
are not relevant for the RTE. However, the outerPorts and potentially existing Port-
InterfaceMappings at the DelegationSwConnectors referencing them still have

333 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

to be considered by the RTE to find the communication graph from/to the communi-
cation element (e.g. a VariableDataPrototype) of the innerPort to/from the
related bus signal(s). It is also important to note that at the time of the RTE genera-
tion phase an Inter-ECU communication will always involve an outerPort and never
connect an innerPort to a SystemSignal(Group) directly (see System Template [8],
chapter "External Communication"). The potentially existing senderToSignalText-
TableMappings or signalToReceiverTextTableMappings related to a System-
Signal(Group) have to be considered for the conversion. Network Representation with no data transformation

For sender-receiver communication where no data transformation applies, it is possible

to specify how data elements are represented given that the communication requires
the usage of a dedicated communication bus. For this purpose networkRepresen-
tationProps and physicalProps can be specified at the ISignal respectively
SystemSignal, describing the representation of the data element on the communi-
cation bus via the attributes baseType and compuMethod.
[SWS_Rte_07842] dThe RTE generator shall reject any input that violates
[TPS_SYST_02001] as an invalid configuration.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_03827] dThe RTE of the transmitting ECU shall perform the conversion of
the data element that has to be sent over a communication bus to the representation
specified by the baseType of the networkRepresentationProps of the ISignal
and the compuMethod of the physicalProps of the respective SystemSignal if
the dataTypePolicy of the ISignal is not set to transformingISignal.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_03828] dThe RTE of the receiving ECU shall perform the conversion of
the data element that is received over a communication bus from the representation
specified by the baseType of the networkRepresentationProps of the ISignal
and the compuMethod of the physicalProps of the respective SystemSignal to
the data element’s application data type if the dataTypePolicy of the ISignal is not
set to transformingISignal. In this case [SWS_Rte_03816] shall not be applied.c
(SRS_Rte_00181) Network Representation with data transformation

For sender-receiver communication where data transformation applies, it is possible, to

specify how data elements are represented given that the communication requires the
usage of a dedicated communication bus. For this purpose ISignal.Transforma-
tionISignalProps. DataPrototypeTransformationProps.networkRepre-
sentationProps can be specified describing the representation of the data element
on the communication bus via the attributes baseType and compuMethod.

334 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_04536] dThe RTE of the transmitting ECU shall perform the conversion of
each primitive element, which belongs to the data to be transformed and sent over
a communication bus to the representation specified by the baseType and com-
puMethod of the ISignal.TransformationISignalProps. DataPrototype-
TransformationProps.networkRepresentationProps for the respective primi-
tive element, if the dataTypePolicy of the ISignal is set to transformingISig-
nal. The converted data shall be passed to the first transformer in the chain.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_04538] dThe RTE of the receiving ECU shall pass the data received over
a communication bus to the retransformers and then perform the conversion of each
primitive element from the representation specified by the baseType and the com-
puMethod of the ISignal.TransformationISignalProps. DataPrototype-
TransformationProps.networkRepresentationProps, if the dataTypePol-
icy of the ISignal is set to transformingISignal.c(SRS_Rte_00181)

4.3.7 Data Conversion

[SWS_Rte_03829] dThe RTE shall support the conversion of an identical or linear

scaled data representation to another identical or linear scaled data representation. In
this context, the term "linear scaled data representation" also includes floating-point
data representations.c(SRS_Rte_00182)
Please note that AUTOSAR supports configurations where the initial value is deter-
mined from the sender side. In such case the data conversion is also applicable for the
initial values.
[SWS_Rte_08801] dThe RTE shall support the conversion integer-to-float and float-to-
integer. It is recommended to consider implication of MISRA-C rule 10.3, in particular,
the requirement for no implicit conversion.c(SRS_Rte_00182)
Today the RTE Specification does not define any specific behavior supporting float to
integer and integer to float conversions. This enables the RTE implementers to develop
the most efficient, stable and robust solution.
[SWS_Rte_03830] dThe RTE shall support the conversion of a texttable data represen-
tation (enumeration or bitfield) to another texttable data representation.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_03855] dThe RTE shall support the conversion of a mixed linear scaled
and texttable data representation to another mixed linear scaled and texttable data
[SWS_Rte_03856] dThe RTE shall support the conversion between a texttable data
representation (enumeration) and a mixed linear scaled and texttable data represen-
tation. In this case only the enumeration part of the data representation shall be con-
verted, the linear scaled part shall be handled as out of range data.c(SRS_Rte_00182)

335 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03857] dThe RTE shall support the conversion between an identical or

linear scaled data representation and a mixed linear scaled and texttable data repre-
sentation. A scale with a compuConst shall be handled as out of range data if the
mapping to a value is not defined by a TextTableMapping.c(SRS_Rte_00182)
[SWS_Rte_03860] dThe RTE shall support the conversion of composite data
representations. In this case, the respective requirements [SWS_Rte_03829],
[SWS_Rte_03830], [SWS_Rte_03855], [SWS_Rte_03856], [SWS_Rte_03857],
[SWS_Rte_03831], [SWS_Rte_03832], and [SWS_Rte_03833] are applicable to the
individual composite elements.c(SRS_Rte_00182)
[SWS_Rte_03831] dThe RTE generator shall reject any input that requires a con-
version which is not supported according to [SWS_Rte_03829], [SWS_Rte_03830],
[SWS_Rte_03855], [SWS_Rte_03856], or [SWS_Rte_03860] as an invalid configura-
tion.c(SRS_Rte_00182, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_07928] dThe data conversion shall be supported for data
types that refer to CompuMethods of category LINEAR, IDENTICAL,
CompuMethods of category RAT_FUNC with a reciprocal linear data scaling.c
Note: The definition of a reciprocal linear data scaling is given in Software Component
Template [2], [TPS_SWCT_01550]
[SWS_Rte_03832] dFor the conversion between two data representations with lin-
ear scaling described either by an ApplicationDataType or a combination of
BaseType and CompuMethod (used for the specification of the network represen-
tation at the ComSpec respectively the SystemSignal) the RTE generator shall
derive the data conversion code automatically from the referred CompuMethods
of the two representations. In this context the scaling of a data representa-
tion is linear if the referred CompuMethod is of category IDENTICAL, LINEAR,
RAT_FUNC or SCALE_LINEAR_AND_TEXTTABLE. In case of a CompuMethod of cat-
egory SCALE_LINEAR_AND_TEXTTABLE this requirement applies to the linear scaled
part only.c(SRS_Rte_00182)
For a linear conversion the linear conversion factor can be calculated out of the fac-
torSiToUnit and offsetSiToUnit attributes of the referred Units and the Com-
puRationalCoeffs of a compuInternalToPhys of the referred CompuMethods.
Further information about Linear Data Scaling is given in document Software Compo-
nent Template [2].

Example 4.10

A software component SwcA on an ECU EcuA sends a data element u of a uint16

type t_VoltageAtSender via its port SenderPort. The referenced CompuMethod
is cm_VoltageAtSender, describing a fixpoint representation with offset 0 and LSB

336 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

= 2−2 . The port SenderPort is connected to the port ReceiverPort of a soft-
ware component SwcB that is deployed on a different ECU EcuB. The sent data el-
ement u is mapped to a data element u of a uint16 type t_VoltageAtReceiver on
the receiving side that references a CompuMethod named cm_VoltageAtReceiver.
cm_VoltageAtReceiver describes a fixpoint representation with offset 16 8
= 2 and
1 −3
LSB 8 = 2 . For transportation over the bus a networkRepresentation that refer-
ences a uint8 type t_VoltageOnNetwork is specified, using a fixpoint representation
described by the CompuMethod cm_VoltageOnNetwork with offset 21 = 0.5 and LSB
= 2−1 .
Definition of the CompuMethods in XML:



337 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software


Implementation of Rte_Send on the sending ECU EcuA:

1 Std_ReturnType
2 Rte_Send_SwcA_SenderPort_u(t_voltageAtSender u)
3 {
4 ...
5 /*
6 u_NetworkRepresentation
7 = ((u * LSB_sender + off_sender) - off_network) / LSB_network
8 = ((u / 4 + 0 ) - 0.5 ) * 2
9 = (u / 2 ) - 1
10 */
11 u_NetworkRepresentation = (uint8) ((u >> 1) - 1);
12 ...
13 }

Implementation of Rte_Receive on the receiving ECU EcuB:

1 Std_ReturnType
2 Rte_Receive_SwcB_ReceiverPort_u(t_voltageAtReceiver * u)
3 {
4 ...
5 /*
6 *u
7 *u = ((u_NetworkRepresentation * LSB_network + off_network)
8 - off_receiver) / LSB_receiver
9 = ((u_NetworkRepresentation / 2 + 0.5 )
10 - 2 ) * 8
11 = (u_NetworkRepresentation * 4 + 4 )
12 - 16
13 = u_NetworkRepresentation * 4 - 12
14 */
15 *u = (uint16) ((u_NetworkRepresentation << 2) - 12);
16 ...
17 }

Following examples show possible implementations for a table conversion where

DataPrototypes with a CompuMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE are in-

Example 4.11

Conversion between a DataPrototype with a CompuMethod of category TEXT-

TABLE (in this case describing a Boolean) and a DataPrototype with a Com-
puMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE:
Definition of the TextTableMapping in XML:

338 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software


C code for Implementation of Rte_Write:

1 Std_ReturnType Rte_Write_<p>_<o>(boolean v) {
2 /* fetch the bit field from the RAM Block */
3 uint32 *bitfield = Rte_RamBlk_<BlkNr>.bitfield;
4 /* data consistency block on */
5 /* bit operation (masking & conversion) - bit position 6 is deduced
7 if(v == 0) Bfx_ClrBit_u8u8(*bitfield, 6);
8 else Bfx_SetBit_u8u8(*bitfield, 6);
9 /* data consistency block off */
10 }

C code for Implementation of Rte_Read:

1 Std_ReturnType Rte_Read_<p>_<o>(boolean *v) {
2 /* fetch the bit field from the RAM Block */
3 uint32 bitfield = Rte_RamBlk_<BlkNr>.bitfield;
4 /* bit operation (masking & conversion) - bit position 6 is deduced
6 * = Bfx_GetBit_u8u8u8(bitfield, 6);
7 }

339 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Example 4.12

Conversion between two DataPrototypes with a CompuMethod of category BIT-

FIELD_TEXTTABLE (mapping of 32bit bitfield of type uint32 to 4bit bitfield of type
Definition of the TextTableMapping in XML:

C code for Implementation of Rte_Read:

1 Std_ReturnType Rte_Read_<p>_<o>(uint8 *v) {
2 /* fetch the bit field from the RAM Block */
3 uint32 bitfield = Rte_RamBlk_<BlkNr>.bitfield;
4 /* bit operation (masking & shifting) - start position 28 and length
5 4 are deduced from BITFIELD-TEXTTABLE-MASK-FIRST */
6 *v = Bfx_GetBits_u8u8u8_u32(bitfield, 28, 4) &
7 BitfieldTexttableMaskSecond;
8 }

The intention of this specification is not to describe any mechanism that supports the
generation of identical conversion code for each implementation of an RTE generator.
Even if the generated C code for the conversion would be the same, the numerical
result of the conversion still depends on the microcontroller target and the compiler.

340 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Strategies how to handle the conversion of values that are out of range of the target
representation are described in section 4.3.8.
[SWS_Rte_03833] dFor the conversion between two texttable data representations
(enumerations or bitfields) described either by an ApplicationDataType or an Im-
plementationDataType (used for the specification of the network representation)
the RTE generator shall generate the data conversion code according to the Text-
TableMapping. This requirement also applies to the texttable part of a mixed linear
scaled and texttable data representation.c(SRS_Rte_00182)

4.3.8 Range Checks during Runtime

A software component might try to send a value that is outside the range that is
specified at a dataElement or ISignal. In case of different ranges the result of a
data conversion might also be a value that is out of range of the target representation.
For a safe handling of these use cases the RTE provides range checks during runtime
. For an overview see figure 4.46.
[SWS_Rte_08024] dRange checks during runtime shall occur after data invalidation,
i.e. first the handleNeverReceived check, then the invalidation check and lastly the
range check shall be effected.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_03861] dThe range check is intended to be performed according to the
following rule: If a upper/lower limit is specified at the DataConstr, this value shall be
taken for the range check. If it is not specified at the DataConstr, the highest/lowest
representable value of the datatype shall be used.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
Whether a range check is required is specified in case of intra ECU communication at
the handleOutOfRange attribute of the respective SenderComSpec or Receiver-
ComSpec and in case of inter ECU communication at the handleOutOfRange at-
tribute of ISignalProps of the sending or receiving ISignal.

Range checks at sender’s side

Range checks during runtime for intra ECU communication at the sender’s side are
described in the following requirements:
[SWS_Rte_08026] dThe RTE shall implement a range check of sent data in the send-
ing path of a particular component if the handleOutOfRange is defined at the
SenderComSpec and has any value other than none. In this case all receivers re-
ceive the value after the range check was applied.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_08039] dThe RTE shall use the preceding limits ([SWS_Rte_07196]) from
the DataPrototype in the PPortPrototype or PRPortPrototype for the range
check of sent data in the sending path of a particular component if the handleOut-
OfRange is defined at the SenderComSpec.c(SRS_Rte_00180)

341 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03839] dIf for a dataElement to be sent a SenderComSpec with han-

dleOutOfRange=ignore is provided, a range check shall be implemented in the
sending component. If the value is out of bounds, the sending of the dataElement
shall not be propagated. This means for a non-queued communication that the last
valid value will be propagated and for a queued communication that no value will be
In case of a composite datatype the sending of the whole dataElement shall not be
propagated, if any of the composite elements is out of bounds.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_03840] dIf for a dataElement to be sent a SenderComSpec with han-
dleOutOfRange=saturate is provided, a range check shall be implemented in the
sending component. If the value is out of bounds, the value actually sent shall be set
to the lower respectively the upper limit.
In case of a composite datatype each composite element whose actual value is out of
bounds shall be saturated.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_03841] dIf for a dataElement to be sent a NonqueuedSenderComSpec
with handleOutOfRange=default is provided, a range check shall be implemented
in the sending component. If the value is out of bounds and the initValue is not
equal to the invalidValue, the value actually sent shall be set to the initValue.
In case of a composite datatype each composite element whose actual value is out of
bounds shall be set to the initValue.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_03842] dIf for a dataElement to be sent a NonqueuedSenderComSpec
with handleOutOfRange=invalid is provided, a range check shall be implemented
in the sending component. If the value is out of bounds, the value actually sent shall
be set to the invalidValue.
In case of a composite datatype each composite element whose actual value is out of
bounds shall be set to the invalidValue.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_03843] dIf for a dataElement to be sent a QueuedSenderComSpec with
handleOutOfRange set to default or invalid is provided, the RTE generator
shall reject the input as an invalid configuration, since for a QueuedSenderComSpec
the attribute initValue is not defined (see SW-C Template [2]) and data invalidation
is not supported (see [SWS_Rte_06727]).c(SRS_Rte_00180)
Range checks during runtime for inter ECU communication at the sender’s side are
described in the following requirements:
[SWS_Rte_08027] dThe RTE shall implement a range check of sent data in the send-
ing path of a particular signal if the handleOutOfRange is defined at the ISignal-
Props and has any value other than none. In this case only receivers of the specific
ISignal receive the value after the range check was applied.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_08040] dThe RTE shall use the limits from the ISignal for the range
check of sent data in the sending path of a particular signal if the handleOutOfRange
is defined at the ISignalProps.c(SRS_Rte_00180)

342 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08030] dIf for an ISignal to be sent an ISignalProps with handle-

OutOfRange=ignore is provided, a range check shall be implemented in the sending
signal. If the value is out of bounds, the sending of the ISignal shall not be propa-
gated. In this case the RTE shall behave as if no sending occurred.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_08031] dIf for an ISignal to be sent an ISignalProps with handle-
OutOfRange=saturate is provided, a range check shall be implemented in the send-
ing signal. If the value is out of bounds, the value actually sent shall be set to the lower
respectively the upper limit.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_08032] dIf for an ISignal to be sent an ISignalProps with handle-
OutOfRange=default is provided, a range check shall be implemented in the send-
ing signal. If the value is out of bounds and the initValue is not equal to the
invalidValue, the value actually sent shall be set to the initValue.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_08033] dIf for an ISignal to be sent an ISignalProps with handle-
OutOfRange=invalid is provided, a range check shall be implemented in the send-
ing signal. If the value is out of bounds, the value actually sent shall be set to the

Range checks at receiver’s side

Range checks during runtime for intra ECU communication at the receiver’s side are
described in the following requirements:
[SWS_Rte_08028] dThe RTE shall implement a range check in the receiving path of a
particular component if the handleOutOfRange is defined at the ReceiverComSpec
and has any value other than none. In this case the range check applies only for data
received by the particular component.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_08041] dThe RTE shall use the preceding limits ([SWS_Rte_07196]) from
the DataPrototype in the rPort for the range check of received data in the re-
ceiving path of a particular component if the handleOutOfRange is defined at the
[SWS_Rte_03845] dIf for a dataElement to be received a ReceiverComSpec with
handleOutOfRange=ignore is provided, a range check shall be implemented in the
receiving component. If the value is out of bounds, the reception of the dataElement
shall not be propagated. This means for a non-queued communication that the last
valid value will be propagated and for a queued communication that no value will be
If the value of the received dataElement is out of bounds and a Nonqueue-
dReceiverComSpec with handleOutOfRangeStatus=indicate is provided, the
return value of the RTE shall be RTE_E_OUT_OF_RANGE.

343 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In case of a composite datatype the reception of the whole dataElement shall not
be propagated, if any of the composite elements is out of bounds. If the handleOut-
OfRangeStatus attribute is set to indicate, the return value of the RTE shall be
[SWS_Rte_03846] dIf for a dataElement to be received a ReceiverComSpec with
handleOutOfRange=saturate is provided, a range check shall be implemented in
the receiving component. If the value is out of bounds, the value actually received shall
be set to the lower respectively the upper limit.
If the value of the received dataElement is out of bounds and a Nonqueue-
dReceiverComSpec with handleOutOfRangeStatus=indicate is provided, the
return value of the RTE shall be RTE_E_OUT_OF_RANGE.
In case of a composite datatype each composite element whose actual value is out
of bounds shall be saturated. If the handleOutOfRangeStatus attribute is set to
indicate, the return value of the RTE shall be RTE_E_OUT_OF_RANGE, if any of the
composite elements is out of bounds.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_03847] dIf for a dataElement to be received a NonqueuedReceiver-
ComSpec with handleOutOfRange=default is provided, a range check shall be
implemented in the receiving component. If the value is out of bounds and the init-
Value is not equal to the invalidValue, the value actually received shall be set to
the initValue.
If the value of the received dataElement is out of bounds and a Nonqueue-
dReceiverComSpec with handleOutOfRangeStatus=indicate is provided, the
return value of the RTE shall be RTE_E_OUT_OF_RANGE.
In case of a composite datatype each composite element whose actual value is out of
bounds shall be set to the initValue. If the handleOutOfRangeStatus attribute
is set to indicate, the return value of the RTE shall be RTE_E_OUT_OF_RANGE, if
any of the composite elements is out of bounds.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_03848] dIf for a dataElement to be received a NonqueuedReceiver-
ComSpec with handleOutOfRange=invalid is provided, a range check shall be im-
plemented in the receiving component. If the value is out of bounds, the value actually
received shall be set to the invalidValue.
If the value of the received dataElement is out of bounds and a ReceiverComSpec
with handleOutOfRangeStatus=indicate is provided, the return value of the RTE
shall be RTE_E_INVALID.
In case of a composite datatype each composite element whose actual value is out
of bounds shall be set to the invalidValue. If the handleOutOfRangeStatus
attribute is set to indicate, the return value of the RTE shall be RTE_E_INVALID, if
any of the composite elements is out of bounds.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_08016] dIf for a dataElement to be received a ReceiverComSpec with
handleOutOfRange=externalReplacement is provided, a range check shall be

344 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

implemented in the receiving component. If the value is out of bounds, the value ac-
tually received shall be replaced by the value sourced from the ReceiverComSpec.
replaceWith (e.g. constant, NVRAM parameter).
If the value of the received dataElement is out of bounds and a Nonqueue-
dReceiverComSpec with handleOutOfRangeStatus=indicate is provided, the
return value of the RTE shall be RTE_E_OUT_OF_RANGE.
In case of a composite datatype the value actually received shall be completely re-
placed by the external value, if any of the composite elements is out of bounds. If the
handleOutOfRangeStatus attribute is set to indicate, the return value of the RTE
shall be RTE_E_OUT_OF_RANGE.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_03849] dIf for a dataElement to be received a QueuedReceiver-
ComSpec with handleOutOfRange set to default or invalid is provided, the
RTE generator shall reject the input as an invalid configuration, since for a Queue-
dReceiverComSpec the attribute initValue is not defined (see SW-C Template [2])
and data invalidation is not supported (see [SWS_Rte_06727]).c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_08025] dIf for a dataElement to be received a QueuedReceiverCom-
Spec is provided and the handleOutOfRangeStatus attribute is set to indicate,
the RTE generator shall reject the input as an invalid configuration.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
Range checks during runtime for inter ECU communication at the receiver’s side are
described in the following requirements:
[SWS_Rte_08029] dThe RTE shall implement a range check in the receiving path of a
particular signal if the handleOutOfRange is defined at the ISignalProps and has
any value other than none. In this case all receivers of the specific ISignal on that
ECU receive the value after the range check was applied.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_08042] dThe RTE shall use the limits from the ISignal for the range
check of received data in the receiving path of a particular signal if the handleOut-
OfRange is defined at the ISignalProps.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_08034] dIf for an ISignal to be received an ISignalProps with han-
dleOutOfRange=ignore is provided, a range check shall be implemented in the
receiving signal. If the value is out of bounds, the reception of the ISignal shall
not be propagated. In this case the RTE shall behave as if no reception occurred.c
[SWS_Rte_08035] dIf for an ISignal to be received an ISignalProps with han-
dleOutOfRange=saturate is provided, a range check shall be implemented in the
receiving signal. If the value is out of bounds, the value actually received shall be set
to the lower respectively the upper limit.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_08036] dIf for an ISignal to be received an ISignalProps with han-
dleOutOfRange=default is provided, a range check shall be implemented in the
receiving signal. If the value is out of bounds and the initValue is not equal to the
invalidValue, the value actually received shall be set to the initValue.c(SRS_-

345 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08037] dIf for an ISignal to be received an ISignalProps with han-

dleOutOfRange=invalid is provided, a range check shall be implemented in the
receiving signal. If the value is out of bounds, the value actually received shall be set
to the invalidValue.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
[SWS_Rte_08038] dIf for an ISignal to be received an ISignalProps with han-
dleOutOfRange=externalReplacement is provided, a range check shall be imple-
mented in the receiving signal. If the value is out of bounds, the value actually received
shall be replaced by the value sourced from the ReceiverComSpec.replaceWith
(e.g. constant, NVRAM parameter).c(SRS_Rte_00180)

346 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

DE producer Configuration RTE status

DE propagation
handleInvalid init != invalid init == invalid
keep init value
replace REJECT init value
dontInvalidate init value
external RTE_E_ RTE_E_ external replacement

before yes handle

first reception? NeverReceived?


Configuration RTE status

no DE propagation
handleInvalid init != invalid init == invalid
keep RTE_E_OK RTE_E_INVALID init value
replace RTE_E_OK REJECT init value
dontInvalidate RTE_E_OK RTE_E_OK init value
external external replacement
Replacement value

Configuration RTE status

DE propagation
handleInvalid init != invalid init == invalid
keep RTE_E_INVALID RTE_E_INVALID last valid value1
yes replace RTE_E_OK REJECT init value
dontInvalidate RTE_E_OK RTE_E_OK value
external external replacement
Replacement value

RTE status
DE propagation
handleOutOfRange handleOutOfRange handleOutOfRange
Status == silent5 Status == indicate4,5

none RTE_E_OK RTE_E_OK value

ignore RTE_E_OK last valid value2
out of yes
bounds? saturate RTE_E_OK lower/upper limit

default4 RTE_E_OK init value3
invalid4 RTE_E_INVALID RTE_E_INVALID invalid value

external RTE_E_ external replacement

Replacement5 OUT_OF_RANGE value

1. If no valid value was received previously then the init value shall be propagated
2. In case of queued communication the RTE behaves as if no value was enqueued
3. Init value shall not be equal to invalid value
DE 4. Applicable only in combination with a non-queued COMSPEC
RTE status 5. Applicable only in combination with a receiver COMSPEC
RTE_E_OK value

Figure 4.46: Overview for data invalidation and range checks

347 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4.4 Modes
AtpStructureElement AbstractEvent
ExecutableEntity +startOnEvent AtpStructureElement
RunnableEntity 0..1 RTEEvent + activation: ModeActivationKind [0..1]

+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]

+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]


+modeSwitchPoint *
AbstractAccessPoint ModeActivationKind
onEntry «instanceRef» «instanceRef»

+modeGroup 0..1 +disabledMode 0..* +mode {ordered}
AtpPrototype «atpVariation» +modeDeclaration AtpStructureElement
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype 0..* Identifiable
+initialMode ModeDeclaration
+ swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1] 0..1
{redefines 0..1 + value: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+type atpType}
+disabledInMode 0..* +mode 1..2
+managedModeGroup 0..* +accessedModeGroup 0..*
ARElement {ordered}
«atpVariation» «atpVariation» AtpType

ExecutableEntity + onTransitionValue: PositiveInteger [0..1]



+startsOnEvent 1

AbstractEvent BswScheduleEvent
BswEvent BswModeSwitchEvent

+ activation: ModeActivationKind

Figure 4.47: Summary of the use of ModeDeclarations by an AUTOSAR software-

components and Basic Software Modules as defined in the Software Component Tem-
plate Specification [2] and Specification of BSW Module Description Template [9].

The purpose of modes is to start RunnableEntitys and Basic Software Schedulable

Entities on the transition between modes and to disable (/enable) specified triggers of
RunnableEntitys and Basic Software Schedulable Entities in certain modes. Here,
we use the specification of modes from the Software Component Template Specifica-
tion [2]. Further on the document Specification of BSW Module Description Template
[9] describes how modes are described for Basic Software Modules.
The first subsection 4.4.1 describes how modes can be used by an AUTOSAR
software-component or Basic Software Module mode user. The role of the mode
manager who initiates mode switches is described in section 4.4.2. How ModeDec-
larations are connected to a state machine is described in subsection 4.4.3. The
behavior of the RTE and Basic Software Scheduler regarding mode switches is de-
tailed in subsection 4.4.4.
One usecase of modes is described in section 4.6.2 for the initialization and finalization
of AUTOSAR software-components. Modes can be used for handling of communica-
tion states as well as for specific application purposes. The specific definition of modes
and their use is not in the scope of this document.

348 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The status of the modes will be notified to the AUTOSAR software-component mode
user by mode communication - mode switch notifications - as described in
the subsection 4.4.7. The port for receiving (or sending) a mode switch notifi-
cation is called
mode switch port.
A Basic Software Module mode users and the Basic Software Module mode man-
ager are not necessarily using ports. Basic Software Modules without AUTOSAR
Interfaces are connected via the configuration of the Basic Software Scheduler.

4.4.1 Mode User

To use modes, an AUTOSAR software-component (mode user) has to reference a

ModeDeclarationGroup by a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of a require
mode switch port, see section 4.4.7. The ModeDeclarationGroup contains the
required modes. Alternatively the mode manager can also contain a ModeAccess-
Point for a provided mode switch port and can combine the roles of mode user
and mode manager for the same ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype.
An Basic Software Module (mode user) has to define a requiredModeGroup Mod-
eDeclarationGroupPrototype.The ModeDeclarationGroup referred by these
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype contains the required modes. Similar to a
software-component mode user, the Basic Software Module mode manager can
also contain a accessedModeGroup for a providedModeGroup ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype. By this it combines the roles of mode user and mode man-
ager for the same ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype.
The ModeDeclarations can be used in two ways by the mode user (see also figure
1. Modes can be used to trigger runnables: The SwcInternalBehavior of
the AUTOSAR SW-C or the BswInternalBehavior of the BSW module
can define a SwcModeSwitchEvent respectively a BswModeSwitchEvent
referencing the required ModeDeclaration. This SwcModeSwitchEvent
or BswModeSwitchEvent can then be used as trigger for a RunnableEn-
tity / BswSchedulableEntity. Both SwcModeSwitchEvent and BswMod-
eSwitchEvent carry an attribute ModeActivationKind which can be ‘exit’,
‘entry’, or ‘transition’.
A RunnableEntity or BswSchedulableEntity that is triggered by a Swc-
ModeSwitchEvent or a BswModeSwitchEvent with ModeActivationKind
‘exit’ is triggered on exiting the mode. For simplicity it will be called
on-exit ExecutableEntity. Correspondingly, an on-transition Ex-
ecutableEntity is triggered by a SwcModeSwitchEvent or a BswMod-
eSwitchEvent with ModeActivationKind ‘transition’ and will be executed
during the transition between two modes, and an

349 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

on-entry ExecutableEntity is triggered by a SwcModeSwitchEvent or

a BswModeSwitchEvent with ModeActivationKind ‘entry’ and will be exe-
cuted when the mode is entered.
Since a RunnableEntity as well as a BswSchedulableEntity can be trig-
gered by multiple RTEEvents respectively BswEvents, both can be an on-exit-,
on-transition and on-entry ExecutableEntity at the same time.
RTE does not support a WaitPoint for a SwcModeSwitchEvent (see
2. An RTEEvent or BswEvent that starts an ExecutableEntity can contain a
mode disabling dependency.
[SWS_Rte_02503] dIf a RunnableEntity r is referenced with startOnEvent
by an RTEEvent e that has a mode disabling dependency on a mode m,
RTE shall not activate runnable r on any occurrence of e while the mode m
is active.
c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00052)
[SWS_Rte_07530] dIf a BswSchedulableEntity r is referenced with start-
sOnEvent by an BswEvent e that has a mode disabling dependency on
a mode m, then Basic Software Scheduler shall not activate BswSchedula-
bleEntitys r on any occurrence of e while the mode m is active.c(SRS_Rte_-
Note: As a consequence of [SWS_Rte_02503] and [SWS_Rte_07530] in combi-
nation with [SWS_Rte_02661], RTE or Basic Software Scheduler will not start
runnable or BswSchedulableEntity r on any occurrence of e while the
mode m is active.
The mode disabling is active during the transition to a mode, during the mode
itself and during the transition for exiting the mode. For a precise definition see
section 4.4.4.
The existence of a mode disabling dependency prevents the RTE to
start the mode disabling dependent ExecutableEntity by the disabled
RTEEvent / BswEvent during the mode, referenced by the mode disabling
dependency, and during the transitions from and to that mode. mode dis-
abling dependencys override any activation of a RunnableEntity and
BswSchedulableEntity by the disabled RTEEvents / BswEvents. This is
also true for the SwcModeSwitchEvent and BswModeSwitchEvent.
A RunnableEntity as well as a BswSchedulableEntity can not be ‘en-
abled’ explicitly. RunnableEntitys are Basic Software Schedulable Entities are
only ‘enabled’ by the absence of any active mode disabling dependencys.
Note that mode disabling dependencys do not prevent the wake up from
a WaitPoint by the ‘disabled’ RTEEvent. This allows the wake-uped

350 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RunnableEntity to run until completion if a transition occurred during the

RunnableEntitys execution.
[SWS_Rte_02504] dThe existence of a mode disabling dependency shall
not instruct the RTE to kill a running runnable at a mode switch.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_07531] dThe existence of a mode disabling dependency shall
not instruct the Basic Software Scheduler to kill a running BswSchedulableEn-
tity at a mode switch.c(SRS_Rte_00213)
The RTE and the Basic Software Scheduler can be configured to switch sched-
ule tables to implement mode disabling dependencies for cyclic triggers of
RunnableEntitys or Basic Software Schedulable Entities. Sets of mutual ex-
clusive modes can be mapped to different schedule tables. The RTE shall imple-
ment the switch between schedule tables according to the mapping of modes to
schedule tables in RteModeScheduleTableRef, see [SWS_Rte_05146].
The mode user can specify in the ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec (software compo-
nents) or BswModeReceiverPolicy (BSW modules) that it is able to deal with asyn-
chronous mode switch behavior (supportsAsynchronousModeSwitch == TRUE).
If all mode users connected to the same ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of
the mode manager support the asynchronous mode switch behavior, the related mode
machine instance can be implemented with the asynchronous mode switching pro-
cedure. Otherwise, the synchronous mode switching procedure has to be applied (see

4.4.2 Mode Manager

Entering and leaving modes is initiated by a mode manager. A mode manager might
be a basic software module, for example the Basic Software Mode Manager (BswM),
the communication manager (ComM), or the ECU state manager (EcuM). The mode
manager may also be an AUTOSAR SW-C. In this case, it is called an application
mode manager.
The mode manager contains the master state machine to represent the modes.
To provide modes, an AUTOSAR software-component (mode manager) has to ref-
erence a ModeDeclarationGroup by a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of a
provide mode switch port, see section 4.4.7. The ModeDeclarationGroup con-
tains the provided modes.
An Basic Software Module (mode manager) has to define a providedModeGroup
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype. The ModeDeclarationGroup referred by
these ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype contains the provided modes.
The RTE / Basic Software Scheduler will take the actions necessary to switch between
the modes. This includes the termination and execution of several ExecutableEntities

351 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

from all mode users that are connected to the same ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
of the mode manager. To do so, the RTE / Basic Software Scheduler needs a state
machine to keep track of the currently active modes and transitions initiated by the
mode manager. The RTE’s / Basic Software Scheduler ’s mode machine is called
mode machine instance. There is exactly one mode machine instance for
each ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of a mode manager’s provide mode switch
port respectively providedModeGroup ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype.
It is the responsibility of the mode manager to advance the RTE’s / Basic Soft-
ware Scheduler ’s mode machine instance by sending mode switch notifi-
cations to the mode users. The mode switch notifications are imple-
mented by a non blocking API (see 5.6.6 / 6.5.7). So, the mode switch notifi-
cations alone provide only a loose coupling between the state machine of the mode
manager and the mode machine instance of the RTE / Basic Software Scheduler.
To prevent, that the mode machine instance lags behind and the states of the
mode manager and the RTE / Basic Software Scheduler get out of phase, the mode
manager can use acknowledgment feedback for the mode switch notification.
RTE / Basic Software Scheduler can be configured to send an acknowledgment of the
mode switch notification to the mode manager when the requested transition
is completed.
At the mode manager, the acknowledgment results in an ModeSwitchedAckEvent.
As with DataSendCompletedEvents, this event can be picked up with the polling
or blocking Rte_SwitchAck API. And the event can be used to trigger a Mod-
eSwitchAck ExecutableEntity to pick up the status. Note: The Basic Soft-
ware Scheduler do not support WaitPoints. Therefore the SchM_SwitchAck never
Some possible usage patterns for the acknowledgement are:
• The most straight forward method is to use a sequence of Rte_Switch and a
blocking Rte_SwitchAck to send the mode switch notification and wait
for the completion. This requires the use of an extended task.
• Another possibility is to have a cyclic RunnableEntity / BswSchedulableEn-
tity (maybe the same that switches the modes via Rte_Switch / SchM_-
Switch) to poll for the acknowledgement using Rte_SwitchAck / SchM_-
• The acknowledgement can also be polled from a RunnableEntity or
BswSchedulableEntity that is started by the ModeSwitchedAckEvent.
The mode manager can also use the Rte_Mode / SchM_Mode API to read the cur-
rently active mode from the RTE’s / Basic Software Scheduler ’s perspective.

352 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4.4.3 Refinement of the semantics of ModeDeclarations and Mode-


To implement the logic of mode switches, the RTE / Basic Software Scheduler needs
some basic information about the available modes. For this reason, RTE / Basic Soft-
ware Scheduler will make the following additional assumptions about the modes of one
1. [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09013] Exactly one mode or one mode transition shall
be active dWhenever any RunnableEntity or BswSchedulableEntity is
running, there shall always be exactly one mode or one mode transition active of
each ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype.c()
2. Immediately after initialization of a mode machine instance, RTE / Basic
Software Scheduler will execute a transition to the initial mode of each Mod-
eDeclarationGroupPrototype (see [SWS_Rte_02544]).
RTE / Basic Software Scheduler will enforce the mode disablings of the initial
modes and trigger the on-entry ExecutableEntitys (if any defined) of the
initial modes of every ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype immediately after
initialization of the RTE / Basic Software Scheduler.
In other words, RTE / Basic Software Scheduler assumes, that the modes of one
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype belong to exactly one state machine without
nested states. The state machines cover the whole lifetime of the atomic AUTOSAR
SW-Cs9 and mode dependent AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules 10 .

4.4.4 Order of actions taken by the RTE / Basic Software Scheduler upon inter-
ception of a mode switch notification

This section describes what the ‘communication’ of a mode switch to a mode user
actually does. What does the RTE Basic Software Scheduler do to switch a mode and
especially in which order.
Mode switch procedures
Depending on the needs of mode users for synchronicity, the mode machine instance
can be implemented with two different realizations.
• synchronous mode switching procedure
• asynchronous mode switching procedure
The differences between these two realizations are the omitted waiting conditions in
case of asynchronous mode switching procedure. For instance with asynchronous
The lifetime of an atomic AUTOSAR SW-C is considered to be the time span in which the SW-C’s
runnables are being executed.
The lifetime of an mode dependent AUTOSAR Basic Software Module is considered to be the time
span in which the Basic Software Schedulable Entities are being executed.

353 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

behavior a software component can not rely that all mode disabling dependent
ExecutableEntitys of the previous mode are terminated before on-entry Exe-
cutableEntitys and on-exit ExecutableEntitys are started. On one hand
this might put some effort to the software component designer to enable the compo-
nents implementation to support this kind of scheduling but on the other hand it enables
fast and lean mode switching.
[SWS_Rte_07150] dThe RTE generator shall use the synchronous mode switching
procedure if at least one mode user of the mode machine instance does not sup-
port the asynchronous mode switch behavior.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213)
[SWS_Rte_07151] dThe RTE generator shall apply the asynchronous mode switch
behavior, if all mode users support the asynchronous mode switch behavior and if
it is configured for the related mode machine instance.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_-
Typical usage of modes to protect resources
RTE / Basic Software Scheduler can start and prevent the execution of RunnableEn-
titys and BswSchedulableEntity. In the context of mode switches,
• RTE / Basic Software Scheduler starts on-exit ExecutableEntitys for
leaving the previous mode. This is typically used by ‘clean up ExecutableEn-
titys’ to free resources that were used during the previous mode.
• RTE / Basic Software Scheduler starts on-entry ExecutableEntitys for
entering the next mode. This is typically used by ‘initialization ExecutableEn-
titys’ to allocate resources that are used in the next mode.
• And RTE / Basic Software Scheduler can prevent the execution of mode dis-
abling dependent ExecutableEntitys within a mode. This is typically
used with time triggered ‘work ExecutableEntity’ that use a resource which is not
available in a certain mode.
According to this use case, during the execution of ‘clean up ExecutableEntitys’
and ‘initialization ExecutableEntitys’ the ‘work ExecutableEntitys’ should be
disabled to protect the resource. Also, if the same resource is used (by different SW-
C’s) in two successive modes, the ‘clean up ExecutableEntitys’ should be safely
terminated before the ‘initialization ExecutableEntitys’ of the next mode are exe-
cuted (synchronous mode switching procedure). In summary, this would lead to the
following sequence of actions by the RTE / Basic Software Scheduler upon reception
of the mode switch notification:
1. activate mode disablings for the next mode
2. wait for the newly disabled ExecutableEntitys to terminate in case of syn-
chronous mode switching procedure
3. execute ‘clean up ExecutableEntitys’
4. wait for the ‘clean up ExecutableEntitys’ to terminate in case of synchronous
mode switching procedure

354 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5. execute ‘initialization ExecutableEntitys’

6. wait for the ‘initialization ExecutableEntitys’ to terminate in case of syn-
chronous mode switching procedure
7. deactivate mode disablings for the previous modes and enable Exe-
cutableEntitys that have been disabled in the previous mode.
RTE / Basic Software Scheduler can also start on-transition ExecutableEnti-
tys on a transition between two modes which is not shown in this use case example.
Often, only a fraction of the SW-Cs, Runnable Entities, Basic Software modules and
Basic Software Schedulable Entities of one ECU depends on the modes that are
switched. Consequently, it should be possible to design the system in a way, that
the mode switch does not influence the performance of the remaining software.

Figure 4.48: This figure shall illustrate what kind of ExecutableEntities will run in what or-
der during a synchronous mode transition. The boxes indicate activated ExecutableEn-
tities. Mode disabling dependant ExecutableEntities are printed in blue (old mode) and
pink (new mode). on-exit, on-transition, and on-entry ExecutableEntity are printed in
red, yellow, and green.

355 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Figure 4.49: This figure shall illustrate what kind of ExecutableEntity will run in what
order during an asynchronous mode transition where the ExecutableEntities are trig-
gered on a mode change are mapped to a higher priority task than the Mode Dependent
ExecutableEntity. The boxes indicate activated ExecutableEntity. Mode disabling de-
pendant ExecutableEntity are printed in blue (old mode) and pink (new mode). on-exit,
on-transition, and on-entry ExecutableEntity are printed in red, yellow, and green.

The remainder of this section lists the requirements that guarantee the behavior de-
scribed above.
All runnables with dependencies on modes have to be executed or terminated during
mode transitions. Restriction [SWS_Rte_02500] requires these runnables to be of
category 1 to guarantee finite execution time.
For simplicity of the implementation to guarantee the order of runnable executions, the
restriction [SWS_Rte_02662] applies.
A mode machine instance implementing an asynchronous mode switch procedure
might be fully implemented inside the Rte_Switch or SchM_Switch API. In this case
the on-entry ExecutableEntitys, on-transition ExecutableEntitys,
on-exit ExecutableEntitys and ModeSwitchAck ExecutableEntitys are
not mapped to tasks as described in chapter 8.5.1.
[SWS_Rte_07173] dThe RTE generator shall support invocation of on-en-
try ExecutableEntitys, on-transition ExecutableEntitys, on-exit
ExecutableEntitys and ModeSwitchAck ExecutableEntitys via direct
function call, if all following conditions are fulfilled:
• if the asynchronous mode switch behavior is configured (see [SWS_Rte_07151])

356 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• the on-entry ExecutableEntitys, on-transition ExecutableEn-

titys, on-exit ExecutableEntitys and ModeSwitchAck Exe-
cutableEntitys do not define a ’minimum start distance’
• the mode manager and mode user are in the same Partition
• if the preconditions of [constr_4086] are fulfilled
c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213)
[SWS_Rte_08905] dThe RTE generator shall support invocation of on-entry
ExecutableEntitys, on-transition ExecutableEntitys, on-exit Ex-
ecutableEntitys and ModeSwitchAck ExecutableEntitys via trusted
function call, if all following conditions are fulfilled:
• if the asynchronous mode switch behavior is configured (see [SWS_Rte_07151])
• the on-entry ExecutableEntitys, on-transition ExecutableEn-
titys, on-exit ExecutableEntitys and ModeSwitchAck Exe-
cutableEntitys do not define a ’minimum start distance’
• the mode manager and mode user are in different Partitions on the same core
• if the preconditions of [constr_4086] are fulfilled
c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213)
Further on the requirements [SWS_Rte_05083], [SWS_Rte_07155] and
[SWS_Rte_07157] has to be considered.
[SWS_Rte_02667] dWithin the mode manager’s Rte_Switch / SchM_Switch API
call to indicate a mode switch, one of the following shall be done:
1. If the corresponding mode machine instance is in a transition, and the queue
for mode switch notifications is full, Rte_Switch / SchM_Switch shall
return an error immediately.
2. If the corresponding mode machine instance is in a transition, and the queue
for mode switch notifications is not full, the mode switch notifica-
tion shall be queued.
3. If the mode machine instance is not in a transition, Rte_Switch /
SchM_Switch shall initiate the transition as described by the sequence
in [SWS_Rte_02665] which in turn activates the mode disablings (see
[SWS_Rte_02661]) of the next mode.
c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213)
The following list holds the requirements for the steps of a mode transition.

357 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• [SWS_Rte_02661] dAt the beginning of a transition of a mode machine in-

stance, the RTE / Basic Software Scheduler shall activate the mode dis-
ablings of the next mode (see also [SWS_Rte_02503]), if any mode dis-
abling dependencys for that mode are defined.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_-
• [SWS_Rte_07152] dIf any mode disabling dependencys for the next mode
are defined (as specified by [SWS_Rte_02661]), the RTE / Basic Software
Scheduler shall wait until the newly disabled RunnableEntitys and Basic Soft-
ware Schedulable Entities are terminated, in case of synchronous mode switch-
ing procedure.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213)
Note: To guarantee in case of synchronous mode switching all activated
mode disabling dependent ExecutableEntitys of this core local
mode user group have terminated before the start of the on-exit Ex-
ecutableEntitys of the transition, RTE generator can exploit the restric-
tion [SWS_Rte_02663] that mode disabling dependent ExecutableEn-
titys run with higher or equal priority than the on-exit ExecutableEnti-
tys and the on-entry ExecutableEntitys.
• [SWS_Rte_02562] dRTE / Basic Software Scheduler shall execute the on-exit
ExecutableEntitys of the previous mode.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_-
00052, SRS_Rte_00213)
• [SWS_Rte_07153] dIf any on-exit ExecutableEntity is configured
the RTE / Basic Software Scheduler shall wait after its execution
( [SWS_Rte_02562]) until all on-exit ExecutableEntitys are terminated in
case of synchronous mode switching procedure.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_-
• [SWS_Rte_02707] dRTE / Basic Software Scheduler shall execute the
on-transition ExecutableEntitys configured for the transition from pre-
vious mode to next mode.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00052, SRS_Rte_-
• [SWS_Rte_02708] dIf any on-transition ExecutableEntity is config-
ured, the RTE / Basic Software Scheduler shall wait after its execution
([SWS_Rte_02707]) until all on-transition ExecutableEntitys are ter-
minated in case of synchronous mode switching procedure.c(SRS_Rte_00143,
• [SWS_Rte_02564] dRTE / Basic Software Scheduler shall execute the on-en-
try ExecutableEntitys of the next mode.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_-
00052, SRS_Rte_00213)
• [SWS_Rte_07154] dIf any on-entry ExecutableEntity is configured the
RTE shall wait after its execution ([SWS_Rte_02564]) until all on-entry Exe-
cutableEntitys are terminated in case of synchronous mode switching pro-
cedure.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213)

358 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• [SWS_Rte_02563] dThe RTE / Basic Software Scheduler shall deactivate the

previous mode disablings and only keep the mode disablings of the next
mode.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213)
With this, the transition is completed.
• [SWS_Rte_02587] dAt the end of the transition, RTE / Basic Software Scheduler
shall trigger the ModeSwitchedAckEvents connected to the mode manager’s
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213)
This will result in an acknowledgment on the mode manager’s side which allows
the mode manager to wait for the completion of the mode switch.
The dequeuing of the mode switch notification shall also be done at the end of
the transition, see [SWS_Rte_02721].
[SWS_Rte_02665] dDuring a transition of a mode machine instance each appli-
cable of the steps
1. [SWS_Rte_02661] (The transition is entered in parallel with this step),
2. [SWS_Rte_07152],
3. [SWS_Rte_02562],
4. [SWS_Rte_07153],
5. [SWS_Rte_02707],
6. [SWS_Rte_02708],
7. [SWS_Rte_02564],
8. [SWS_Rte_07154],
9. [SWS_Rte_02563] (The transition is completed with this step), and
10. immediately followed by [SWS_Rte_02587]
shall be executed in the order as listed for a core local mode user group. If a step is
not applicable, the order of the remaining steps shall be unchanged.
If mode users are belonging to different core local mode user group the steps 1. -
9. may be executed in parallel on the different cores. The step 10. is executed if
the step 1. - 9. is finished for the whole mode machine instance.c(SRS_Rte_00143,
In the case that mode users belonging to the same mode machine instance are
mapped to different partitions which in turn are scheduled on different micro controller
cores the sequence described in [SWS_Rte_02665] can be parallelized.
[SWS_Rte_02668] dImmediately after the execution of a transition as described
in [SWS_Rte_02665], RTE / Basic Software Scheduler shall check the queue for
pending mode switch notifications of this mode machine instance. If a
mode switch notification can be dequeued, the mode machine instance

359 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

shall enter the corresponding transition directly as described by the sequence in

[SWS_Rte_02665].c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213)
In the case of a fast sequence of two mode switches, the Rte_Mode or SchM_Mode
API will not indicate an intermediate mode, if a mode switch notification to the
next mode is indicated before the transition to the intermediate mode is completed.
[SWS_Rte_02630] dIn case of synchronous mode switch procedure, the RTE shall ex-
ecute all steps of a mode switch (see [SWS_Rte_02665]) synchronously for the whole
mode machine instance.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213)
I.e., the mode transitions will be executed synchronously for all mode users that are
connected to the same mode manager’s ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype.
[SWS_Rte_02669] dIf the next mode and the previous mode of a transition are the
same, the transition shall still be executed.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213)

4.4.5 Assignment of mode machine instances to RTE and Basic Software


[SWS_Rte_07533] dA mode machine instance shall be assigned to the RTE if

the correlating ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype is instantiated in a port of a
software-component and if the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype is not synchro-
nized (synchronizedModeGroup of a SwcBswMapping) with a providedModeGroup
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of a Basic Software Module instance.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07534] dA mode machine instance shall be assigned to the Basic
Software Scheduler if the correlating ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype is a pro-
videdModeGroup ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of a Basic Software Mod-
ule instance.c(SRS_Rte_00213)
[SWS_Rte_07535] dThe RTE Generator shall create only one mode machine in-
stance if a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype instantiated in a port of a software-
component is synchronized (synchronizedModeGroup of a SwcBswMapping) with
a providedModeGroup ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of a Basic Software
Module instance. The related common mode machine instance shall be assigned
to the Basic Software Scheduler.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_-
In case of synchronized ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes the correlating com-
mon mode machine instance is initialized during the execution of the SchM_-
Init. At this point of time the scheduling of RunnableEntitys is not enabled due to
the uninitialized RTE. Therefore situation occurs, that the RunnableEntitys being
on-entry ExecutableEntitys are not called if the mode machine instance is
initialized. Further on the current mode of such mode machine instance might be
still switched until the RTE gets initialized. Nevertheless the on-entry Runnables of the
current active mode are executed.

360 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07582] dFor common mode machine instances the on-entry Runn-

able Entities of the current active mode are executed during the initialization of the RTE
if the common mode machine instance is not in transition.c(SRS_Rte_00214)
[SWS_Rte_07583] dA common mode machine instances is not allowed to en-
ter transition phase during the RTE initialization if the common mode machine in-
stances has on-entry Runnable Entities, on-transition Runnable Entities or on-exit
Runnable Entitiesc(SRS_Rte_00214)
Note: [SWS_Rte_07582] and [SWS_Rte_07583] shall ensure a deterministic behavior
that the software components receiving a Mode Switch Request from a common mode
machine instances are receiving the current active mode during RTE initialization.
[SWS_Rte_07564] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where Mod-
eSwitchPoint(s) referencing a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype in a mode
switch port and a managedModeGroup association(s) to a providedModeGroup
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype are not defined mutual exclusively to one of
two synchronized ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_-
Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_00214, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09014] ModeSwitchPoint(s) and managedModeGroup(s)
are mutually exclusive for synchronized ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes dOnly
one of two synchronized ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes shall mutual exclusively be
referenced by ModeSwitchPoint(s) or managedModeGroup association(s).c()
Note: [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09014] shall ensure in the combination with the exis-
tence conditions of the Rte_Switch, Rte_Mode, Rte_SwitchAck, SchM_Switch,
SchM_Mode and SchM_SwitchAck that either the port based RTE API or the Ba-
sic Software Scheduler API ([SWS_Rte_07201] and [SWS_Rte_07264]) offered to the
implementation of the mode manager.

4.4.6 Initialization of mode machine instances

A mode machine instance can either be initialized during Rte_Start or during

Rte_Init. The initialization during Rte_Init enables a defined order when which
mode machine instance gets initialized and the belonging on-entry Runnable En-
tities are scheduled.
[SWS_Rte_06766] dRTE shall initiate the transition to the initial modes of each mode
machine instance belonging to the RTE during Rte_Start if the on-entry Runn-
able Entities for the initialMode are not mapped to any RteInitialization-
RunnableBatch container.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144, SRS_Rte_00116)
[SWS_Rte_06767] dRTE shall initiate the transition to the initial modes of each mode
machine instance belonging to the RTE during Rte_Init if the on-entry Runnable
Entities for the initialMode are mapped to one or several RteInitialization-
RunnableBatch container.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144, SRS_Rte_00116,

361 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note the restrictions on the mapping to RteInitializationRunnable-

Batch containers [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09062], [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09063] and
[SWS_Rte_02544] dDuring the transition to the initial modes of mode machine in-
stances belonging to the RTE, the steps defined in the following requirements have
to be omitted as no previous mode is defined:
• [SWS_Rte_02562],
• [SWS_Rte_07153],
• [SWS_Rte_02707],
• [SWS_Rte_02708],
• [SWS_Rte_02563],
• [SWS_Rte_02587]
If applicable, the steps described by the following requirements still have to be executed
for entering the initial mode:
• [SWS_Rte_02661],
• [SWS_Rte_02564]
c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144, SRS_Rte_00116)
[SWS_Rte_07532] dBasic Software Scheduler shall initiate the transition to the initial
modes of each mode machine instance belonging to the Basic Software Sched-
uler during SchM_Init. During the transition to the initial modes, the steps defined in
the following requirements have to be omitted as no previous mode is defined:
• [SWS_Rte_02562],
• [SWS_Rte_07153],
• [SWS_Rte_02707],
• [SWS_Rte_02708],
• [SWS_Rte_02563],
• [SWS_Rte_02587]
If applicable, the steps described by the following requirements still have to be executed
for entering the initial mode:
• [SWS_Rte_02661],
• [SWS_Rte_02564]

362 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4.4.7 Notification of mode switches

AtpBlueprint +port AtpPrototype
AtpType «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* PortPrototype


AbstractRequiredPortPrototype AbstractProvidedPortPrototype


RPortPrototype PRPortPrototype PPortPrototype

«isOfType» «isOfType» «isOfType»

+requiredInterface +providedRequiredInterface +providedInterface


+ isService: Boolean [0..1]

+ serviceKind: ServiceProviderEnum [0..1]



0..* +modeGroup 0..1
SwcBswSynchronizedModeGroupPrototype +bswModeGroup
+swcModeGroup + swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]

«instanceRef» 1

ARElement +providedModeGroup
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
BswModuleDescription +requiredModeGroup
+ moduleId: PositiveInteger [0..1] «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+type atpType}

+ onTransitionValue: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+modeDeclaration 0..* +initialMode 0..1


+ value: PositiveInteger [0..1]

Figure 4.50: Definition of a ModeSwitchInterface.

363 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• [SWS_Rte_02549] dMode switches shall be communicated via RTE by Mod-

eDeclarationGroupPrototypes of a ModeSwitchInterface as defined in
[2], see Fig. 4.50.c(SRS_Rte_00144)
The mode switch ports of the mode manager and the mode user are of
the type of a ModeSwitchInterface.
• [SWS_Rte_07538] dMode switches shall be communicated via Basic Software
Scheduler via providedModeGroup and requiredModeGroup ModeDecla-
rationGroupPrototypes as defined in [9], see Fig. 4.50. Which ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototypes are connected to each other is defined by the configuration
of the Basic Software Scheduler.c(SRS_Rte_00213)
• RTE / Basic Software Scheduler only requires the notification of switches be-
tween modes.
• AUTOSAR does not support inter ECU communication of mode switch notifica-
For the distributed mode management mode requests can be distributed via
ServiceProxySwComponentTypes and the BswM of each target ECU to the
mode users of the BswMs.
• [SWS_Rte_02508] dA mode switch shall be notified asynchronously as indicated
by the use of a ModeSwitchInterface.c(SRS_Rte_00144)
Rationale: This simplifies the communication. Due to [SWS_Rte_08788] the
communication is ECU local and no handshake is required to guarantee reliable
RTE offers the Rte_Switch API to the mode manager for this notification, see
Basic Software Scheduler offers the SchM_Switch API to the mode manager
for this notification, see 6.5.7.
• The mode manager might still require a feedback to keep it’s internal state
machine synchronized with the RTE / Basic Software Scheduler view of active
The RTE generator shall support an AcknowledgementRequest from the mode
switch port / providedModeGroup ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
of a mode manager, see [SWS_Rte_02587], to notify the mode manager of the
completion of a mode switch.
• [SWS_Rte_02566] dA ModeSwitchInterface shall support 1:n communica-
Rationale: This simplifies the configuration and the communication. One mode
switch can be notified to all receivers simultaneously.

364 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

A ModeSwitchInterface does not support n:1 communication, see

• [SWS_Rte_07539] dThe connection of providedModeGroup and required-
ModeGroup ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype shall support 1:n communi-
• [SWS_Rte_02624] dA mode switch shall be notified with event semantics,
i.e., the mode switch notifications shall be buffered by RTE or Basic Software
Scheduler to which the mode machine instance is assigned.c(SRS_Rte_-
The queueing of mode switches (and SwcModeSwitchEvents) depends like
that of DataReceivedEvents on the settings for the receiving port, see sec-
• [SWS_Rte_02567] dA ModeSwitchInterface shall only indicate the next
mode of the transition.c(SRS_Rte_00144)
• [SWS_Rte_07541] dA providedModeGroup
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype shall only indicate the next mode of the
The API takes a single parameter (plus, optionally, the instance handle) that in-
dicates the requested ’next mode’. For this purpose, RTE and Basic Software
Scheduler will use identifiers of the modes as defined in [SWS_Rte_02568] and
• [SWS_Rte_02546] dThe RTE shall keep track of the active modes of
a mode manager’s ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes (mode machine
instances) which is assigned to the RTE.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
• [SWS_Rte_07540] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall keep track of the active
modes of a mode manager’s ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes (mode
machine instances) which is assigned to the Basic Software Scheduler.c
(SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_00144)
Rationale: This allows the RTE / Basic Software Scheduler to guarantee con-
sistency between the timing for firing of SwcModeSwitchEvents / BswMod-
eSwitchEvents and disabling the start of ExecutableEntities by mode dis-
abling dependency without adding additional interfaces to a mode manager
with fine grained substates on the transitions.
• The RTE offers an Rte_Mode API to the SW-C to get information about the active
mode, see section 5.6.32.
• The Basic Software Scheduler offers an SchM_Mode API to the Basic Software
Module to get information about the active mode, see section 6.5.8.
• In addition to the mode switch ports, the mode manager may offer an AU-
TOSAR interface for requesting and releasing modes as a means to keep modes
alive like for ComM and EcuM.

365 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4.4.8 Mode switch acknowledgment

In case of mode switch communication, the mode manager may specify a Mod-
eSwitchedAckEvent or BswModeSwitchedAckEvent to receive a notification from
the RTE that the mode transition has been completed, see [SWS_Rte_02679] and
The ModeSwitchedAckEvent is triggered by the RTE regardless which runnable en-
tity has requested the mode switch notification, even if the meta model implies a link to
a specific ModeSwitchPoint.
[SWS_Rte_02679] dIf acknowledgment is enabled for a provided ModeDec-
larationGroupPrototype and a ModeSwitchedAckEvent references a
RunnableEntity as well as the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype, the
RunnableEntity shall be activated when the mode switch acknowledgment occurs
or when the RTE detects that any partition to which the mode users are mapped was
stopped or restarted or when a timeout was detected by the RTE.c(SRS_Rte_00051,
The related Entry Point Prototype is defined in [SWS_Rte_02512].
[SWS_Rte_07559] dIf acknowledgment is enabled for a provided (providedMode-
Group) ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype and a BswModeSwitchedAckEvent
references a BswSchedulableEntity as well as the ModeDeclarationGroup-
Prototype, the BswSchedulableEntity shall be activated when the mode switch
acknowledgment occurs or when a timeout was detected by the Basic Software Sched-
uler. [SWS_Rte_02587].c(SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_00143)
The related Entry Point Prototype is defined in [SWS_Rte_04542].
Requirement [SWS_Rte_02679] and [SWS_Rte_07559] merely affects when the runn-
able is activated. The Rte_SwitchAck and SchM_SwitchAck shall still be created,
according to requirement [SWS_Rte_02678] and [SWS_Rte_07558] to actually read
the acknowledgment.
[SWS_Rte_02730] dA ModeSwitchedAckEvent that references a RunnableEn-
tity and is referenced by a WaitPoint shall be an invalid configuration which is
rejected by the RTE generator.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00018, SRS_Rte_00143)
The attributes ModeSwitchedAckRequest and BswModeSwitchAckRequest allow
to specify a timeout.
[SWS_Rte_07056] dIf ModeSwitchedAckRequest or BswModeSwitchAckRe-
quest with a timeout greater than zero is specified, the RTE shall ensure that time-
out monitoring is performed, regardless of the receive mode of the acknowledgment.c
(SRS_Rte_00069, SRS_Rte_00143)
[SWS_Rte_07060] dRegardless of an occurred timeout during a mode transition the
RTE shall complete the transition of a mode machine instance as defined in
[SWS_Rte_02665].c(SRS_Rte_00069, SRS_Rte_00143)

366 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

If a WaitPoint is specified to collect the acknowledgment, two timeout values have to

be specified, one for the ModeSwitchedAckRequest and one for the WaitPoint.
[SWS_Rte_07057] dThe RTE generator shall reject configuration violating [constr_-
4012] in software component template [2].c(SRS_Rte_00018, SRS_Rte_00143)
[SWS_Rte_07058] dThe status information about the success or failure of the mode
transition shall be buffered with last-is-best semantics. When a new mode switch
notification is sent or when the mode switch notification was completed after a
timeout, the status information is overwritten.c(SRS_Rte_00143)
[SWS_Rte_07058] implies that once the ModeSwitchedAckEvent or BswMod-
eSwitchedAckEvent has occurred, repeated API calls (Rte_SwitchAck or SchM_-
SwitchAck to retrieve the acknowledgment can return different values.
[SWS_Rte_07059] dIf the timeout value of the ModeSwitchedAckRequest or
BswModeSwitchAckRequest is 0, no timeout monitoring shall be performed.c(SRS_-
Rte_00069, SRS_Rte_00143)

4.4.9 Mode switch error handling

Since the mode switch communication may cross partitions basically two error scenar-
ios are possible:
• The partition of the mode users gets terminated.
• The partition of the mode manager gets terminated.
In both cases additionally the terminated partition may be restarted. For both error
scenarios the RTE offers functionality to handle the errors. Mode User gets terminated

When a mode manager is getting out of sync with the mode user(s) (because the
partition of the mode user has been terminated) a sequence of error reactions is
This shall support on the one hand to inform the mode manager about the fact that the
mode users are absent. This might be used by the mode manager to set internal
states. This supports an active error handling by the mode manager as well as a
synchronization of the mode manager to the mode user’s partition restart.
Furthermore the RTE offers the ability to switch into a default mode automatically. This
feature can be used to ensure that either the mode users are re-initialized as during
ECU start (default mode is initial mode) or that the mode users are re-initialized by
a dedicated mode (default mode is different from initial mode) which in turn may be
used to ensure a secure behavior of the mode user’s, for instance suppressing the
actuator self tests in the running system.

367 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note that the application of a default mode during mode user partition restart for
modes communicated cross partitions cannot be applied since this would disturb the
execution of the fault free partitions. For this scenario the only applicable error reaction
is modeManagerErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy set to lastMode. Other
configurations are rejected, see [SWS_Rte_08788].
[SWS_Rte_06794] dThe RTE Generator shall take the modeManagerErrorBehav-
ior from the ModeDeclarationGroup typing the ModeDeclarationGroupPro-
totype in the ModeSwitchInterface of the PPortPrototype/PRPortProto-
type.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
[SWS_Rte_06772] dThe RTE shall clear all mode switch notifications in the
queue when all partitions of the mode userss are terminated.c(SRS_Rte_00143,
[SWS_Rte_06773] dThe RTE shall activate RunnableEntitys triggered by a Swc-
ModeManagerErrorEvent when all partitions of the mode userss are terminated.c
(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
[SWS_Rte_06774] dIf ModeSwitchedAckRequest or BswModeSwitchAckRe-
quest is specified, the RTE shall detect a timeout when mode users partitions are
terminated during an ongoing transition.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
Also see [SWS_Rte_02679], [SWS_Rte_07559], and [SWS_Rte_03853].
The further behavior of the mode machine instance depends on the attribute
[SWS_Rte_06775] dIf the attribute
modeManagerErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy is set to lastMode the
mode machine instance stays in the last mode before the termination of the mode
users. If the partition of the mode users gets terminated during an ongoing transition
the last mode is the next mode of the transition.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
Please note: In case the partition of the mode users gets terminated during an on-
going transition logically the transition is still completed even if the mode users didn’t
"survive" the transition.
[SWS_Rte_06776] dIf the attribute
modeManagerErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy is set to defaultMode
the RTE shall enqueue the mode defined by
faultMode to the mode switch notification queue.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_-
If the ModeSwitchInterface does not define a specific modeManagerErrorBe-
havior the RTE uses the initialMode as a default mode.
[SWS_Rte_06777] dIf the attribute modeManagerErrorBehavior is not defined the
RTE shall enqueue the mode defined by initialMode to the mode switch noti-
fication queue.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)

368 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06778] dThe RTE shall execute the error reactions in case the partition of
the mode users gets terminated in following order:
1. [SWS_Rte_06772]
2. [SWS_Rte_06773]
3. [SWS_Rte_06774]
4. [SWS_Rte_06775] or [SWS_Rte_06776] or [SWS_Rte_06777]
c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
If the partition of the mode users is capable to restart (PartitionCanBeRestarted
== true) the mode manager shall be able to enqueue new mode switch requests
during the restart of the partition. This shall support a dedicated error handling by the
mode manager depending on other environmental conditions. In this case the mode
manager may decide which transitions are appropriate to get the mode users either
back in an operational mode or in a secure default mode. Therefore the errorReac-
tionPolicy equals lastMode avoids any automatically forced mode transitions by
the error handling of the RTE.
[SWS_Rte_06779] dRTE shall support the enqueueing of new mode switch requests
during the restart of the mode user’s partition by the mode manager after the call of
Rte_PartitionRestarting.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
[SWS_Rte_06780] dWhen the partition with the mode users is restarted (after call of
Rte_PartitionRestart), RTE shall dequeue queued mode switch notifica-
tions.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
When the first mode switch notification after a partition restart is dequeued
the previous mode is defined as "last mode" or "on transition" depending on the
modeManagerErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy. See [SWS_Rte_06783]
and [SWS_Rte_06784].
Initialization of mode machine instance during mode user’s partition restart
Depending on the modeManagerErrorBehavior the RTE has to re-initialize the
mode machine instance during the restart of the mode user’s partition. In
case modeManagerErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy is set to default-
Mode the behavior is similar as during the transition to the initial mode (see
[SWS_Rte_02544]). During the initialization of the RTE resources for a restarting mode
user partition only a subset of the single steps of a mode transition is applicable.
[SWS_Rte_06796] dDuring the transition to the default mode (next mode is default
mode) of mode machine instances when the mode user’s partition restarts, the
steps defined in the following requirements have to be omitted as no previous mode is
• [SWS_Rte_02562],
• [SWS_Rte_07153],

369 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• [SWS_Rte_02707],
• [SWS_Rte_02708],
• [SWS_Rte_02563],
• [SWS_Rte_02587]
If applicable, the steps described by the following requirements still have to be executed
for entering the default mode:
• [SWS_Rte_02661],
• [SWS_Rte_02564]
c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
In case modeManagerErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy is set to last-
Mode the behavior indicates a stable mode during the re-initialization in order to provide
the means to the mode manager to explicitly decide on the appropriate mode to han-
dle the fault.
[SWS_Rte_06797] dIf the attribute
modeManagerErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy is set to lastMode the
RTE / Basic Software Scheduler shall activate the mode disablings of the last mode
during the partition restart, if any mode disabling dependencys for that mode are
defined.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144) Mode Manager gets terminated

When a mode user gets out of sync with the mode manager (because the partition
of the mode manager has been terminated) a sequence of error reactions is defined.
Hereby the RTE offers the ability to automatically switch into a default mode. This
feature can be used to ensure that the mode users are automatically switched into
a defined mode which in turn may be used to ensure a secure behavior of the mode
users, for instance switching off some actuators.
As an alternative the mode machine instance can stay in the last mode which can
be used to keep the "status quo" until the mode manager is restarted.
[SWS_Rte_06795] dThe RTE Generator shall take the modeUserErrorBehavior
from the ModeDeclarationGroup typing the ModeDeclarationGroupProto-
type in the ModeSwitchInterface of the PPortPrototype/PRPortPrototype.c
(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
[SWS_Rte_06785] dIf the partition of the mode manager gets terminated during an
ongoing transition, the RTE shall complete the transition.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_-

370 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06786] dIf the partition of the mode manager gets terminated during an
ongoing transition, the RTE shall skip the mode switch acknowledgment.c(SRS_Rte_-
00143, SRS_Rte_00144) For mode switch acknowledgment see [SWS_Rte_02587]
and section 4.4.8
[SWS_Rte_06787] dThe RTE shall clear all mode switch notifications in the
queue when the partition of the mode manager gets terminated and after an ongoing
transition is completed.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
[SWS_Rte_06788] dIf the attribute
modeUserErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy is set to lastMode the mode
machine instance stays in the last mode before the termination of the mode man-
ager.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
[SWS_Rte_06789] dIf the attribute
modeUserErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy is set to defaultMode the
RTE shall enqueue the mode defined by modeUserErrorBehavior.defaultMode
to the mode switch notification queue.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
[SWS_Rte_06790] dIf the attribute modeUserErrorBehavior is not defined the RTE
shall enqueue the mode defined by initialMode to the mode switch notifica-
tion queue.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
[SWS_Rte_06791] dThe RTE shall execute the error reactions in case the partition of
the mode manager gets terminated in the following order:
1. [SWS_Rte_06785], [SWS_Rte_06786]
2. [SWS_Rte_06787]
3. [SWS_Rte_06788] or [SWS_Rte_06789] or [SWS_Rte_06790]
c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
[SWS_Rte_06792] dThe RTE shall dequeue queued mode switch notifica-
tions and execute them regardless whether the partition with the mode manager
is terminated, restarting or restarted. Thereby the restart of the mode manager’s par-
tition shall not abort the ongoing transition of a mode machine instance.c(SRS_-
Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
This ensures that the defaultMode in the mode switch notification queue
gets effective.
[SWS_Rte_06793] dThe RTE shall activate RunnableEntitys triggered by a Swc-
ModeManagerErrorEvent when the partition of the mode manager is restarted.c
(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)

371 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4.4.10 Mapping of ModeDeclarations

There exist several use cases (especially if software is reused), where mode users
are connected to mode managers providing ModeDeclarationGroups with differ-
ent ModeDeclarations than the user.
• A mode manager can be able to differentiate more fin grained sub states as it
is required by the generic mode user. But due to the definition of the mode
communication it is not possible to use two p-ports at the mode manager be-
cause this would lead to two independent and unsynchronized mode machine
instances in the RTE.
• A generic mode user can support additionally modes which are not used by all
mode managers.
This would normally lead to an error as incompatible ports are connected. To overcome
this limitation the Software Component Template [2] provides a mapping between dif-
ferent ModeDeclarations so that the RTE can translated on mode to the other.
[SWS_Rte_08511] dIf a ModeDeclaration of a mode user is mapped to a sin-
gle ModeDeclaration of a mode manager the related mode of the mode user is
entered or exit when the mapped mode of the mode manager is entered or exit.c
[SWS_Rte_08512] dIf one ModeDeclaration of a mode user is mapped to sev-
eral ModeDeclarations of a mode manager the related mode of the mode user
is entered when any of the mapped modes of the mode manager mapped by one
modeDeclarationMapping is entered. The related mode of the mode user is exit
when any of the mapped modes of the mode manager mapped by one modeDecla-
rationMapping is exit and if the new mode is not mapped by the same modeDec-
larationMapping to related mode of the mode user.c(SRS_Rte_00236)
Note: If one ModeDeclaration of a mode user is mapped to several ModeDecla-
rations of a mode manager by the means of several modeDeclarationMappings
the semantics is defined in a way that the individual mode transitions of the mode man-
ager are getting visible as “exit” and “enter” events for the mode user. Further on the
transition phase gets visible by the RTE_TRANSITION return value in the case that
Rte_Mode-API is called during such a transition phase.
If one ModeDeclaration of a mode user is mapped to several ModeDeclara-
tions of a mode manager by the means of a single modeDeclarationMapping
the semantics is defined in a way that the individual mode transitions of the mode
manager are not visible for the mode user.
The mode manager and the mode user have different ModeDeclaration-
Groups which are mapped by several modeDeclarationMappings. The Mode-
DeclarationGroup of the mode manager is more fine grained, so more than one

372 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

of its ModeDeclarations has to be mapped onto the same ModeDeclaration of

the mode user. The modeDeclarationMappings can be seen in table 4.19. The
complete example is listed as ARXML in Appendix F.1.
modeDeclarationMapping ModeDeclarations of the Mapped ModeDeclara-
mode manager tions of the mode user
Run_2_RUN Run RUN
Sleep_Hibernate_2_SHUTDOWN Sleep SHUTDOWN

Table 4.19: Example of a modeDeclarationMapping which maps ModeDeclarations

from mode manager to ModeDeclarations of the mode user

Table 4.20 shows a possible scenario how mode transitions of a mode manager
will be seen from the point of view of a mode user when the modeDeclaration-
Mapping maps more than one ModeDeclaration of the mode manager’s Mode-
DeclarationGroup onto the same ModeDeclaration of the mode user’s Mode-
Mode transitions of the Mode transitions of the
mode manager mode user resulting out of the mapping
Undefined → StartUp Undefined → STARTUP
StartUp → Run STARTUP → RUN
Run → PostRun1 RUN → POST_RUN
PostRun1 → PostRun2 — (no transition)
PostRun2 → ShutDown POST_RUN → SHUTDOWN
Sleep → Hibernate — (no transition)

Table 4.20: Possible scenario of mode transitions by the mode manager and the result-
ing transitions from the point of view of the mode user

A configuration that maps several ModeDeclarations of a mode user to a single

ModeDeclaration representing a mode of a mode manager shall be rejected (see
also [constr_1209]). This is not valid as it violates the principle that modes are mutually
[SWS_Rte_08513] dThe RTE-Generator shall reject configurations violating [constr_-
If a modeDeclarationMapping exists that references a ModeDeclaration repre-
senting a mode of the mode manager then ModeDeclarationMappings shall exist
that map all ModeDeclarations of the mode manager to ModeDeclarations of
the mode user (see also [constr_1210]).
[SWS_Rte_08514] dThe RTE-Generator shall reject configurations violating [constr_-

373 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Note: It is only supported that modes of the mode user might not be mapped.

4.4.11 Distributed Shared Mode Queues

In case different mode state machines are switched via synchronous mode switches,
the order of their execution is basically undefined. Limited possibilities exist by using
separate tasks for the different mode state machines. But these would globally give
switches of one mode machine instance a higher priority than switches of another
mode machine instance. In some cases it is required to keep the strict order of
the mode switches, independent to which mode state machine they belong. One ex-
ample, could be the key state (ON, OFF) and the engine state (RUNNING, STOPPED)
which are technically independent mode machine instances, but have a functional
connection. If the mode switch from key ON to OFF occurs first, followed by the switch
from engine RUNNING to STOPPED, it was obviously the user’s intention to stop the
engine. If the two transitions are executed in the reverse order, the system will see a
switch from engine RUNNING to STOPPED while the key state is still ON which in-
dicates a stalled engine which a start stop system might try to restart. This example
shows how important it is for the application software to see the execution of the mode
switches in the order they have been requested. As a result, it is required to have a
mechanism to define a FIFO order for the mode switches of at least a subset of the
mode machine machines in the ECU.
A similar issue occurs in multi core systems in which user components on multiple
cores have to react directly or indirectly on a mode switch. On one side it is already
clear that in case mode disabling dependencies exist on multiple cores, to fulfill the
requirements about the synchronous switching of these disabling dependencies, it
is necessary to have one mode switch task per partition having mode disabling de-
pendencies. But also in case there are SwcModeSwitchEvents in components of
different partitions which react on switches of the same mode machine instance
there have to be multiple tasks performing these switches as it is not legal to execute
RunnableEntitys of a software component assigned to one partition in tasks be-
longing to another partition. To avoid that one partition is already in the new state while
the other one didn’t even start the transition, it is also necessary to synchronize the
mode switch tasks of multiple partitions, especially if they reside on different cores.
This is important for the same reason as above. A component might expect a certain
behavior of the system in a certain state. If now one partitions is still in the old state
while another one is already in the new state, the expectation does not match reality
with the consequence of functional misbehavior.
A distributed shared mode queue is characterized by a set of mode machine
instances and a set of OsTasks in which the mode switches of the participating
mode state machines will be executed.
[SWS_Rte_06832] dThe RTE Generator shall retrieve the set of mode machine in-
stances belonging to one distributed shared mode queue from the set of Rt-
eDSMQModeMachineInstanceRef.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00310)

374 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06833] dThe RTE Generator shall retrieve the set of DSMQ transition Os-
Tasks belonging to one distributed shared mode queue from the set of Rt-
eDSMQOsTaskRefs.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00310)
The OsTasks participating in a single distributed shared mode queue may or
may not belong to a separate partition. If such OsTasks are belonging to OsAppli-
cations executed on the same micro controller core such DSMQ transition OsTasks
have to be chained via the EcuC configuration. But not necessarily each partition will
have an OsTask participating in a distributed shared mode queue.
The OsTasks participating in a single distributed shared mode queue will only
contain ExecutableEntitys mapped to this OsTasks via SwcModeSwitchEvents,
BswModeSwitchEvents, ModeSwitchedAckEvents or BswModeSwitchedAck-
Events referencing one of the mode machine instance participating in this dis-
tributed shared mode queue.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09102] Exclusive usage of OsTasks used for distributed
shared mode queue dAn OsTask belonging to a distributed shared mode
queue shall have only mapped on-entry ExecutableEntitys, on-transition
ExecutableEntitys, on-exit ExecutableEntitys, and ModeSwitchAck
ExecutableEntitys to it which are triggered by mode machine instances be-
longing to the identical distributed shared mode queue.c()
Thereby [SWS_Rte_06839] constraints the order of the event to task mappings.
Similar to the behavior defined in [SWS_Rte_02665] the execution of the mode switch
may be triggered for each partition in parallel. If the partitions are executed on the
same micro controller core the order depends on the priorities of the OsTasks or on a
configured task chaining. In case partitions are executed on different micro controller
cores, execution of the on-entry ExecutableEntitys, on-transition Exe-
cutableEntitys, and on-exit ExecutableEntitys may run concurrently.
[SWS_Rte_06834] dThe RTE shall trigger all OsTasks belonging to a distributed
shared mode queue simultaneously, except the ones which are chained after an-
other OsTask belonging to this distributed shared mode queue.c(SRS_Rte_-
00143, SRS_Rte_00310)
[SWS_Rte_06835] dThe RTE shall execute the mode switches of the mode ma-
chine instances participating in a distributed shared mode queue in the
order of the calls of the related Rte_Switch or SchM_Switch APIs.c(SRS_Rte_-
00143, SRS_Rte_00310)
Thereby the queued mode switches of the mode machine instances of the same
distributed shared mode queue are processed one after the other according
the FIFO principle.
[SWS_Rte_06838] dThe RTE shall switch at most one mode machine instance
of the set of mode machine instances participating in a distributed shared
mode queue at the same time into transition.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00310)

375 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The implementation of the behavior defined in [SWS_Rte_06835] requires a single

mode queue which handles the queuing of the mode switches for all mode machine
instances. In opposite to the mode machine instance local queues such a
shared queue has to memorize which transition in which mode machine instance
was notified.
[SWS_Rte_06836] dThe size of the mode queue of the distributed shared mode
queue shall be the sum of the individual queue lengths of all mode machine instances
participating in this distributed shared mode queue.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_-
Nevertheless the RTE has still to check the individual queue sizes of each mode ma-
chine instances. This ensures, that each mode manager can always enqueue
the maximum number of mode switch notifications reserved for this mode
machine instances.
[SWS_Rte_06840] dIf a new mode switch notification is received the RTE
shall check if not more mode switch notifications of a particular mode ma-
chine instance are queued than the queue size of this particular mode machine
instance supports. If the queue size would be exceeded, the RTE shall discard the
received notification.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00310)
In this case, Rte_Switch will return an error, see [SWS_Rte_02675].
The behavior described in [SWS_Rte_02665] has the consequence, that RTE / Ba-
sic Software Scheduler deactivates the previous mode disablings asynchronous on
each core. But one major use case of distributed shared mode queues is the
synchronization of activities across partitions. Therefore previous mode disablings de-
activated by RTE after all on-exit ExecutableEntitys are executed.
[SWS_Rte_06837] dDuring a transition of a mode machine instance belonging to
one distributed shared mode queue following steps are applicable:
1. [SWS_Rte_02661],
2. [SWS_Rte_07152]
3. [SWS_Rte_02562],
4. [SWS_Rte_07153],
5. [SWS_Rte_02707],
6. [SWS_Rte_02708],
7. [SWS_Rte_02564],
8. [SWS_Rte_07154]
9. [SWS_Rte_02563] (The transition is completed with this step), and
10. immediately followed by [SWS_Rte_02587]
If a step is not applicable, the order of the remaining steps shall be unchanged.

376 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• Step 1. - 2 shall be executed synchronously in each partition for the whole mode
machine instance.
• Step 3. - 8. may be executed in parallel on the different cores and therefore are
triggered in parallel for each partition.
• Step 9. shall be executed synchronously in each partition for the whole mode
machine instance.
The step 10. is executed if the step 1. - 9. is finished for the whole mode machine
instance.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00310)

4.5 External and Internal Trigger

4.5.1 External Trigger Event Communication Introduction

With the mechanism of the trigger event communication a software component or a

Basic Software Module acting as a trigger source is able to request the activation
of Runnable Entities respectively Basic Software Schedulable Entities of connected
trigger sinks. Typically but not necessarily these Runnable Entities and Basic
Software Schedulable Entities are executed in a sequential order.

377 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

ARElement AtpBlueprintable
AtpBlueprint +port AtpPrototype
AtpBlueprintable Components::PortPrototype
AtpType «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*


Components:: Components::
AbstractRequiredPortPrototype AbstractProvidedPortPrototype

Components::RPortPrototype Components:: Components::PPortPrototype


«isOfType» «isOfType» «isOfType»

+requiredInterface +providedRequiredInterface +providedInterface


+ isService: Boolean [0..1]

ARElement + serviceKind: ServiceProviderEnum [0..1]


+synchronizedTrigger 0..* +trigger 0..*
+swcTrigger AtpStructureElement
SwcBswSynchronizedTrigger «instanceRef» Identifiable

+bswTrigger + swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

AtpBlueprint +releasedTrigger
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
BswOverview::BswModuleDescription +requiredTrigger

+ moduleId: PositiveInteger [0..1] «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+masteredTrigger 1

«atpSplitable»   0..*
+internalBehavior 0..*
BswBehavior:: +triggerDirectImplementation
BswInternalBehavior + cat2Isr: Identifier [0..1]
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..* + task: Identifier [0..1]


Figure 4.51: Summary of the use of Trigger by an AUTOSAR software-components and

Basic Software Modules as defined in the Software Component Template Specifica-
tion[2] and Specification of BSW Module Description Template[9].

[SWS_Rte_07212] dThe RTE shall support External Trigger Event Communication.c


378 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07542] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall support the activation of Ba-
sic Software Schedulable Entities occurrence of External Trigger Events.c(SRS_Rte_-
00216) Trigger Sink

A AUTOSAR software-component trigger sink has a dedicated require trigger

port. The trigger port is typed by an TriggerInterface declaring one or more Trig-
ger. See figure 4.51. The Runnable Entities of the software component are activated
at the occurrence of the external event by the means of an ExternalTriggerOc-
An Basic Software Module trigger sink has to define a requiredTrigger Trigger.
The Basic Software Schedulable Entities of the Basic Software Module are activated
at the occurrence of the external event by the means of a BswExternalTriggerOc-
curredEvent. See figure 4.51.
Basically there are two approaches to implement the activation of triggered Ex-
ecutableEntityss. In one case the triggered ExecutableEntityss of the
trigger sinkss triggered by one Trigger of the trigger source are mapped
in one or more tasks/ISR2s. In this case the event communication can be implemented
by the means of activating an Operating System Task. Please note that the tasks/ISR2s
may belong to different partitions.
[SWS_Rte_07213] dThe RTE generator shall support invocation of triggered Ex-
ecutableEntitys via OS Task/ISR2s.c(SRS_Rte_00162, SRS_Rte_00216)
In the other case the Event Communication is mapped to a function call which means
that the triggered ExecutableEntitys of the trigger sinks are executed in
the Rte_Trigger API respectively SchM_Trigger API used to raise the trigger event
in the trigger sinks.
[SWS_Rte_07214] dThe RTE generator shall support invocation of triggered Ex-
ecutableEntitys via direct function calls, if all of the following conditions
are fulfilled:
• the triggered ExecutableEntitys do not define a ‘minimum start distance’
• the trigger sink and trigger source are in the same Partition
• if no BswTriggerDirectImplementation is defined.
• if the preconditions of [constr_4086] are fulfilled
c(SRS_Rte_00162, SRS_Rte_00216)
[SWS_Rte_08906] dThe RTE generator shall support invocation of triggered Ex-
ecutableEntitys via trusted function calls, if all of the following conditions
are fulfilled:

379 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• the triggered ExecutableEntitys do not define a ‘minimum start distance’

• the trigger sink and trigger source are in different Partitions on the
same core
• if no BswTriggerDirectImplementation is defined.
• if the preconditions of [constr_4086] are fulfilled
c(SRS_Rte_00162, SRS_Rte_00216) Trigger Source

An AUTOSAR software-component trigger source has a dedicated provide trig-

ger port. The trigger port is typed by an TriggerInterface declaring one or more
Trigger. See figure 4.51. To be able to connect a provide trigger port and a re-
quire trigger port, both ports must be categorized by the same or by compatible
An Basic Software Module trigger source has to define a releasedTrigger Trigger.
See figure 4.51. The connection of releasedTrigger and requiredTrigger Trigger is
defined by the ECU configuration of the Basic Software Scheduler.
To inform the RTE about an occurrence of the external trigger event the RTE provides
the Rte_Trigger to an AUTOSAR software-component trigger source.
[SWS_Rte_07543] dThe call of the Rte_Trigger API shall activate all Runnable En-
tities that are activated by ExternalTriggerOccurredEvents associated to a connected
Trigger of the trigger source if the trigger queue is empty.c(SRS_Rte_00162)
For Basic Software Module trigger source are two options defined to interfaces
with Basic Software Scheduler.
The first option is that the Basic Software Module trigger source inform the Basic
Software Scheduler about an occurrence of the external trigger event by the call of the
SchM_Trigger API.
[SWS_Rte_07544] dThe call of the SchM_Trigger API shall activate all Exe-
cutableEntitys that are activated by ExternalTriggerOccurredEvents associated to
a connected Trigger of the trigger source if the trigger queue is empty.c(SRS_-
The second option is that the Basic Software Module trigger source directly takes
care about the activation of the particular OS task to which the ExternalTriggerOc-
curredEvents of the triggered ExecutableEntitys are mapped. In this case
the trigger source has to define a BswTriggerDirectImplementation. The name
of the used OS tasks is annotated by the task attribute. If an BswTriggerDirectImple-
mentation is defined no SchM_Trigger API is generated by the RTE generator. see
[SWS_Rte_07548] and [SWS_Rte_07264].

380 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07545] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where a BswTrig-

gerDirectImplementation is specified and an ExecutableEntity that is activated by
an ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent associated to a connected Trigger of the trigger
source is mapped to an OS task different from the one defined by the task attribute of
the BswTriggerDirectImplementation.c(SRS_Rte_00216, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_07548] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where a issuedTrig-
ger association and a BswTriggerDirectImplementation is defined for the same re-
leasedTrigger Trigger.c(SRS_Rte_00216, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09007] issuedTrigger and BswTriggerDirectImplementation
are mutually exclusive dA releasedTrigger Trigger shall not be referenced by both a
issuedTrigger and a BswTriggerDirectImplementation.c()
Note: This shall ensure in the combination with the existence conditions
([SWS_Rte_07264]) of the SchM_Trigger that either the Trigger API or the direct
task activation is offered to the implementation of the trigger source.
Note also that several OS tasks might be used to implement a Trigger (several
BswTriggerDirectImplementation can be defined for a releasedTrigger ).
If the BswTriggerDirectImplementation is defined for a releasedTrigger which
swImplPolicy attribute is set to queued it is part of the trigger source to imple-
ment the queue or to use the means of the OS (OsTaskActivation > 1) to queue the
number of raised triggers. (OsTaskActivation > 1). Further details about queuing of
triggers is described in 4.5.5. Multiplicity Multiple Trigger

A trigger interface contains one or more Trigger. A port of an AUTOSAR software-

component that provides an AUTOSAR trigger interface to the component can inde-
pendently raise events related to each Trigger defined in the interface .
[SWS_Rte_07215] dThe RTE API shall support independent event raising for each
Trigger in a trigger interface.c(SRS_Rte_00162)
Further on a Basic Software Module trigger source can define several re-
leasedTrigger Trigger which can be independently raised.
[SWS_Rte_07546] dThe Basic Software Scheduler API shall support independent
event raising for each releasedTrigger Trigger.c(SRS_Rte_00216)

381 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Multiple Trigger Sinks Single Trigger Source

The concept of external event communication supports, that a trigger source ac-
tivates one or more triggered ExecutableEntitys in one or more trigger
[SWS_Rte_07216] dThe RTE generator shall support triggered ExecutableEn-
titys triggered by the same Trigger of a trigger source (‘1 : n’ communication
where n ≥ 1).c(SRS_Rte_00162, SRS_Rte_00216)
The execution order of the triggered ExecutableEntitys in the trigger sinks
depends from the RteEventToTaskMapping described in chapter 8.5.1 and the
configured priorities of the operating system. Multiple Trigger Sources Single Trigger Sink

The RTE generator does not support multiple trigger sources communicating
events to the same Trigger in a trigger sink (‘n : 1’ communication where n > 1).
[SWS_Rte_07039] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where multiple
trigger sources communicating events to the same Trigger in a trigger sink
(‘n : 1’ communication where n > 1).c(SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09008] The same Trigger in a trigger sink must not be
connected to multiple trigger sources dThe same Trigger in a trigger sink must
not be connected to multiple trigger sources.c() Synchronized Trigger

If two Triggers are synchronized by the definition of a SwcBswSynchronizedTrig-

ger then the Trigger in the referenced provide trigger port and the referenced
releasedTrigger Trigger are treated as one common Trigger. This means that
all ExecutableEntitys activated by an ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent asso-
ciated to one of the connected Trigger s are activated together.
[SWS_Rte_07218] dThe RTE and Basic Software Scheduler shall activate together
all ExecutableEntitys that are activated by ExternalTriggerOccurredEvents
associated to a synchronized connected Trigger.c(SRS_Rte_00162, SRS_Rte_00216,
[SWS_Rte_07549] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where a synchro-
nized Trigger is referenced by more than one type of access method, where the type
is one of the following:
1. ExternalTriggeringPoint
2. issuedTrigger

382 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

3. BswTriggerDirectImplementation
c(SRS_Rte_00216, SRS_Rte_00217, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09009] Synchronized Trigger shall not be referenced by
more than one type of access method dA synchronized Trigger shall only be ref-
erenced by either ExternalTriggeringPoints, issuedTriggers or BswTrig-
Note: This shall ensure in the combination with the existence conditions of the Rte_-
Trigger and SchM_Trigger that only one kind of Trigger API ([SWS_Rte_07201]
and [SWS_Rte_07264]) or the direct task activation is offered to the implementation of
the trigger source.

4.5.2 Inter Runnable Triggering

With the mechanism of Inter Runnable Triggering one Runnable Entity is able to re-
quest the activation of Runnable Entities of the same software-component instance.
[SWS_Rte_07220] dThe RTE shall support Inter Runnable Triggering.c(SRS_Rte_-
Similar to External Trigger Event Communication (described in chapter 4.5.1) the acti-
vation of triggered runnables can be implemented by means of activating an Operating
System Task or by direct or trusted function call.
[SWS_Rte_07555] dThe call of the Rte_IrTrigger API shall activate all triggered
runnables which InternalTriggerOccurredEvents are associated with the related In-
ternalTriggeringPoint of the same software-component instance if the trigger queue is
[SWS_Rte_07221] dThe RTE shall support for Inter Runnable Triggering that trig-
gered runnables entities are invoked via OS Task activation.c(SRS_Rte_00163)
[SWS_Rte_07224] dThe RTE shall support for Inter Runnable Triggering that trig-
gered runnables are invoked via direct function call if all of the following conditions
are fulfilled:
• none of the triggered BswSchedulableEntitys activated by this In-
ternalTriggeringPoint define a ‘minimum start distance’
c(SRS_Rte_00163) Multiplicity

An InternalTriggeringPoint might be referenced by more than one Internal-

TriggerOccurredEvent. Therefore one RunnableEntity is able to request the

383 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

activation of several RunnableEntity’s with the mechanism of Inter Runnable Trig-

gering contemporaneously.
[SWS_Rte_07223] dThe RTE shall support multiple RunnableEntity’s triggered by
the same InternalTriggeringPoint (‘1 : n’ Inter Runnable Triggering where n ≥
The execution order of the runnable entities in the trigger sinks depends from the Runn-
able Entity to task mapping described in chapter 8.5.1 and the configured priorities of
the operating system.

4.5.3 Inter Basic Software Module Entity Triggering

The Inter Basic Software Module Entity Triggering is similar to the mechanism of In-
ter Runnable Triggering (see chapter 4.5.2) with the exception that it is used inside a
Basic Software Module. It can be used to request the activation of a BswSchedula-
bleEntity by a Basic Software Entity of the same a Basic Software Module instance.
[SWS_Rte_07551] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall support Inter Basic Software
Module Entity Triggering.c(SRS_Rte_00230)
Similar to External Trigger Event Communication (described in chapter 4.5.1) the acti-
vation of triggered BswSchedulableEntity can be implemented by means of acti-
vating an Operating System Task or by direct or trusted function call.
[SWS_Rte_07552] dThe call of the SchM_ActMainFunction API shall activate all
triggered BswSchedulableEntitys which BswInternalTriggerOccurredEvents
are associated by the related activationPoint of the same a Basic Software Module
instance if the trigger queue is empty.c(SRS_Rte_00230)
[SWS_Rte_07553] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall support for Inter Basic Soft-
ware Module Entity Triggering that triggered BswSchedulableEntitys are in-
voked via OS Task activation.c(SRS_Rte_00230)
[SWS_Rte_07554] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall support for Inter Basic Soft-
ware Module Entity Triggering that triggered BswSchedulableEntitys are in-
voked via direct or trusted function call if
• the triggered BswSchedulableEntitys do not define a ‘minimum start dis-
• if the preconditions of constraint [constr_4086] are fulfilled
Note: Typically the feature of Inter Basic Software Module Entity Triggering is used
to decouple the execution context of Basic Software Entities. But if this decoupling
is really required depends from the particular scheduling concept and microcontroller

384 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4.5.4 Inter ECU Trigger Communication

The trigger communication is also possible in case of inter-ECU communication. In

this case, a software component on an ECU can act as a trigger source for a soft-
ware component on another ECU, so requesting the activation of software components
on the other ECU.
[SWS_Rte_08409] dThe RTE shall support inter-ECU Trigger Communication.c()
[SWS_Rte_08410] dThe RTE shall support the activation of RunnableEntitys oc-
currence of Trigger Events coming from another ECU.c()
[SWS_Rte_08411] dIn case of an issued Trigger the RTE shall send the ISignal
associated with that Trigger to the Com stack.c()
In case no data transformation is used, the API call argument of Com_SendSignal has
no meaning. In case of data transformation, the first transformer is executed without
input data.
[SWS_Rte_08412] dIn case of a received Trigger without data transformation the
RTE shall only care about the COM Notification which indicates a reception of the zero
size signal. The value of such signal shall not be read (Com_ReceiveSignal shall
not be called).c()
In case of a received Trigger with data transformation the RTE executes the inverse
data transformation on the received data from Com Stack. (See [SWS_Rte_08597]).
This is necessary to recognize transformation errors.
[SWS_Rte_08072] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations violating the [con-

4.5.5 Queuing of Triggers

Conceptually triggers are always queued. The queuing of triggers ensures that the
number of executions of triggered ExecutableEntitys is equal to the number
of released triggers. Further on it ensures that the number of activations of triggered
ExecutableEntitys is equal for all associated triggered ExecutableEntitys
of a trigger emitter if the associated triggered ExecutableEntitys are not
activated by other RTEEvents.
Note: The conceptional queue can be implemented in various ways, depending on
the SWC or BSWM integration and RTE vendor’s choice. In some cases the trigger
queue can be implemented by simple counter. While in other cases the queue is not
even implemented in the RTE at all. For example, in case of using the OS task queue
as the trigger queue (see further down in this chapter), the trigger enqueue operation
boils down to calling ActivateTask and the dequeue operation to the termination of
the activated task(s). In case of trigger events not being mapped to an OsTask the
enqueue and dequeue operations are even both reduced to the same moment when
the execution of the related RunnableEntitys in the Trigger API starts.

385 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07087] dThe RTE shall support the queuing of triggers for

• External Trigger Event Communication
• Inter Runnable Triggering
• Inter Basic Software Module Entity Triggering
regardless of the value of the attribute swImplPolicy of the trigger entity or the ex-
istence or value of RteTriggerSourceQueueLength / RteBswTriggerSource-
[SWS_Rte_07088] dThe RTE shall enqueue a trigger when the RTE gets in-
formed about the occurrence of a trigger by the call of the related API (Rte_Ir-
Trigger, Rte_Trigger, SchM_Trigger, SchM_ActMainFunction) if the maxi-
mum queue length (RteTriggerSourceQueueLength / RteBswTriggerSource-
QueueLength) is not exceeded.c(SRS_Rte_00235)
[SWS_Rte_07089] dThe RTE shall dequeue a trigger when the RTE is informed about
the end of execution of all triggered ExecutableEntitys which are triggered by
this trigger emitter. In the case of triggered ExecutableEntityss whose
execution is disabled by a mode disabling dependency then the trigger is dequeued as
if the entities ran. This behaviour prevents the dequeue operation from being blocked
[SWS_Rte_07090] dThe RTE shall activate all triggered ExecutableEntitys
associated to a trigger emitter when it has successfully dequeued a trigger from
the trigger queue of the trigger emitter except for the last dequeued trigger.c

Figure 4.52: Queued activation of ExecutableEntitys

The figure 4.52 illustrates the basic behavior of a trigger queue.

• At "‘A"’ the RTE gets informed by the call of the API about the occurrence
of a Trigger. Since no trigger is in the queue all associated triggered

386 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

ExecutableEntitys are activated ([SWS_Rte_07544], [SWS_Rte_07555],

[SWS_Rte_07552]) and the trigger is enqueued ([SWS_Rte_07088]).
• At "‘B"’ all triggered ExecutableEntitys which are triggered by this trig-
ger emitter have terminated. The RTE dequeues the trigger but since it is the
last dequeued trigger the associated triggered ExecutableEntitys are
not activated again.
• At "‘C"’ the RTE gets informed by the call of the API about the occurrence of a
Trigger. Enqueuing of triggers and activating of triggered ExecutableEn-
titys is done as in "‘A"’
• At "‘D"’ the RTE gets informed again by occurrence of a trigger. Since a trigger
is already in the queue the associated triggered ExecutableEntitys are
not activated ([SWS_Rte_07544], [SWS_Rte_07555], [SWS_Rte_07552]). Nev-
ertheless the trigger is enqueued ([SWS_Rte_07088]).
• At "‘E"’ all triggered ExecutableEntitys which are triggered by this
trigger emitter have terminated. The RTE dequeues the trigger
([SWS_Rte_07089]) and activates all associated triggered ExecutableEn-
titys ([SWS_Rte_07090]).
• At "‘E"’ all triggered ExecutableEntitys which are triggered by this trig-
ger emitter have terminated. Dequeuing of triggers is done as in "‘B"’
Implementation hint:
One possible solution to implement the queue for the number of released triggers is
to use the means of the operation systems which already can queue the activation
requests for a OS task (OsTaskActivation > 1). This for sure is only possible
if all ExternalTriggerOccurredEvents, InternalTriggerOccurredEvents,
BswExternalTriggerOccurredEvent and BswInternalTriggerOccurredE-
vent connected to the same trigger emitter are mapped exclusively to one OS

4.5.6 Activation of triggered ExecutableEntities

The activation of triggered ExecutableEntitys is done like described in chapter

4.2.3. See also Fig. 4.18.
If the triggered ExecutableEntitys are activated synchronous or asynchronous
depends how the RTEEvents and BswEvents are mapped to OS tasks.
If all ExternalTriggerOccurredEvents of the trigger sinks which are associated to
connected Trigger of the trigger source
• either are mapped to OS task(s) with higher priority as the OS task where the
Executable Entity calling the Rte_Trigger respectively the SchM_Trigger API
is mapped

387 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• or are activated by direct or trusted function call

the triggering behaves synchronous. This means that all "triggered" Executable Entities
of the trigger sinks are executed before the Rte_Trigger or SchM_Trigger
API returns.
If any ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent of the trigger sinks which are associated to
connected Trigger of the trigger source
are mapped to an OS task with lower priority as the OS task where the Executable En-
tity calling the Rte_Trigger respectively the SchM_Trigger API is mapped the trig-
gering behaves asynchronous. This means that not all triggered ExecutableEn-
titys of the trigger sinks are executed before the Rte_Trigger or SchM_-
Trigger API returns.

4.6 Initialization and Finalization

4.6.1 Initialization and Finalization of the RTE

RTE and Basic Software Scheduler have a nested life cycle. It is only
permitted to initialize the RTE if the Basic Software Scheduler is initialized
([SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09036]). Further on it is only supported to finalize the Basic
Software Scheduler after the RTE is finalized ([SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09056]).
EcuM Basic Software RTE


Basic Software Scheduler initialized

alt Rte initialization


RTE initialized



Figure 4.53: Nested life cycle of RTE and Basic Software Scheduler

388 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Initialization of the Basic Software Scheduler

Before the Basic Software Scheduler is initialized only the API calls SchM_Enter and
SchM_Exit are available ([SWS_Rte_07578]).
The ECU state manager calls the startup routine SchM_Init of the Basic Software
Scheduler before any Basic Software Module needs to be scheduled.
The initialization routine of the Basic Software Scheduler will return within finite execu-
tion time (see [SWS_Rte_07273]).
The Basic Software Scheduler will initialize the mode machine instances
([SWS_Rte_02544])assigned to the Basic Software Scheduler. This will activate the
mode disablings of all initial modes during SchM_Init and trigger the execution
of the on-entry ExecutableEntitys of the initial modes. After initialization of the
Basic Software Scheduler internal data structure and mode machine instances
the activation of Basic Software Schedulable Entities triggered by BswTimingEvents
[SWS_Rte_07574] dThe call of SchM_StartTiming shall start the activation of
BswSchedulableEntitys triggered by BswTimingEvents.c(SRS_Rte_00211)
[SWS_Rte_07584] dThe call of SchM_Init shall start the activation of BswSchedu-
lableEntitys triggered by BswBackgroundEvents.c(SRS_Rte_00211)
Note: In case of OS task where BswEvents and RTEEvents are mapped to the RTE
Generator has to ensure, that RunnableEntitys are not activated before the RTE is
initialized or after the RTE is finalized. See [SWS_Rte_07580] and [SWS_Rte_02538].
[SWS_Rte_07580] dThe Basic Software Scheduler has to prevent the activation of
RunnableEntitys before the RTE is initialized.c(SRS_Rte_00220) Initialization of the RTE

The ECU state manager calls the startup routine Rte_Start of the RTE at the end of
startup phase II when the OS is available and all basic software modules are initialized.
The initialization routine of the RTE will return within finite execution time (see
Before the RTE is initialized completely, there is only a limited capability of RTE to
handle incoming data from COM:
The RTE will initialize the mode machine instances ([SWS_Rte_02544]) assigned
to the RTE. This will activate the mode disablings of all initial modes during Rte_-
Start and trigger the execution of the on-entry ExecutableEntitys of the initial
modes. Further on for common mode machine instances the on-entry Runnable
Entities of the current active mode are executed during the initialization of the RTE
([SWS_Rte_07582]). common mode machine instances can not enter the transi-
tion phase during RTE initialization ([SWS_Rte_07583]).

389 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07575] dThe call of Rte_Start shall start the activation of RunnableEn-

titys triggered by TimingEvents if the Rte_StartTiming API does not exist.c
[SWS_Rte_07178] dThe call of Rte_Start shall start the activation of RunnableEn-
titys triggered by BackgroundEvents if the Rte_StartTiming API does not ex-
[SWS_Rte_06759] dThe call of Rte_StartTiming shall start the activation of
RunnableEntitys triggered by TimingEvents if the Rte_StartTiming API does
exist.c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00240)
[SWS_Rte_06760] dThe call of Rte_StartTiming shall start the activation of
RunnableEntitys triggered by BackgroundEvents if the Rte_StartTiming API
does exist.c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00240)
[SWS_Rte_07615] dThe call of Rte_Start shall be executed on every core indepen-
[SWS_Rte_07616] dThe Rte_Start includes the partition specific startup activities
of RTE for all partitions that are mapped to the core, from which the Rte_Start is
called.c() Stop and restart of the RTE

Partitions of the ECU can be stopped and restarted. In a stopped or restarting parti-
tion, the OS has killed all running tasks. RTE has to react to stopping and restarting
The RTE does not execute ExecutableEntitys of a terminated or restarting parti-
[SWS_Rte_07604] dThe RTE shall not activate, start or release ExecutableEntity
execution-instances of a terminated or restarting partition.c(SRS_Rte_00195)
The RTE is notified of the termination (respectively, the beginning of restart) of a parti-
tion by the Rte_PartitionTerminated (respectively, Rte_PartitionRestart-
ing) API. At this point in time, the tasks containing the runnables of this partition are
already killed by the OS. In case of restart, RTE is notified by the Rte_RestartPar-
tition API when the communication can be re-initialized and re-enabled.
[SWS_Rte_07604] also applies to ExecutableEntitys whose execution started be-
fore the notification to the RTE. RTE can rely on the OS functionality to stop or restart
an OS application and all related OS objects.
When a partition is restarted, the RTE will restore an initial environment for its SW-Cs.
[SWS_Rte_02735] dWhen the Rte_RestartPartition API for a partition is called,
the RTE shall restore an initial environment for its SW-Cs on this partition.c()

390 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The SW-Cs themselves are responsible to restore their internal initial environment and
should not rely on any initialization performed by the compiler. This should be done in
initialization runnables.
[SWS_Rte_07610] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where the han-
dleTerminationAndRestart attribute of a SW-C is not set to canBeTermi-
natedAndRestarted and this SW-C is mapped on a Partition with the Par-
titionCanBeRestarted parameter set to TRUE.c(SRS_Rte_00018, SRS_Rte_-
When a partition is terminated or is being restarted, it is important that the runnable
entities of this partition are not activated before the partition returns to the ACTIVE
In case of partition restart or termination, event sent to this partition or activation of
tasks of this partition are discarded. The RTE can use these mechanism to ensure that
ExecutableEntitys are not activated. Finalization of the RTE

The finalization routine Rte_Stop of the RTE is called by the ECU state manager at
the beginning of shutdown phase I when the OS is still available. (For details of the
ECU state manager, see [7]. For details of Rte_Start and Rte_Stop see section
[SWS_Rte_02538] dThe RTE shall not activate, start or release RunnableEntitys
on a core after Rte_Stop has been called on this core.c(SRS_Rte_00116, SRS_Rte_-
Note: RTE does not kill the tasks during the ‘running’ state of the runnables.
[SWS_Rte_02535] dRTE shall ignore incoming client server communication requests,
before RTE is initialized completely and when it is stopped.c(SRS_Rte_00116)
[SWS_Rte_02536] dIncoming data and events from sender receiver communication
shall be ignored, before RTE is initialized completely and when it is stopped.c(SRS_-
Rte_00116) Finalization of the Basic Software Scheduler

The ECU state manager calls the finalization routine SchM_Deinit of the Basic Soft-
ware Scheduler if the scheduling of Basic Software Modules has to be stopped.
[SWS_Rte_07586] dThe BSW Scheduler shall neither activate nor start BswSchedu-
lableEntitys on a core after SchM_Deinit has been called on this core.c(SRS_-

391 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Note: The BSW Scheduler does not kill the tasks during the ‘running’ state of the
[SWS_Rte_04552] dThe basic software scheduler shall ignore incoming client server
communication requests, before the basic software scheduler is initialized completely
or after it is stopped.c(SRS_Rte_00116)

4.6.2 Initialization and Finalization of AUTOSAR Software-Components

For the initialization and finalization of AUTOSAR software components, RTE provides
the mechanism of mode switches. A SwcModeSwitchEvent of an appropriate Mod-
eDeclaration can be used to trigger a corresponding initialization or finalization
runnable (see [SWS_Rte_02562]). Runnables that shall not run during initialization
or finalization can be disabled in the corresponding modes with a mode disabling
dependency (see [SWS_Rte_02503]).
Since category 2 runnables have no predictable execution time and can not be ter-
minated using ModeDisablingDependencies, it is the responsibility of the imple-
menter to set meaningful termination criteria for the cat 2 runnables. These criteria
could include mode information. At latest, all runnables will be terminated by RTE
during the shutdown of RTE, see [SWS_Rte_02538].
It is appropriate to use user defined modes that will be handled in a proprietary ap-
plication mode manager.
All runnables that are triggered by entering an initial mode, are activated immediately
after the initialization of RTE. They can be used for initialization. In many cases it might
be preferable to have a multi step initialization supported by a sequence of different
initialization modes.
In addition to the mode-based approach RunnableEntitys to be used for initializa-
tion purposes can be activated by InitEvents as well. More information is provided
in section

392 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4.7 Variant Handling Support

4.7.1 Overview

The AUTOSAR Templates support the creation of Variants in a subset of its model
elements. The Variant Handling support in the in AUTOSAR Templates is driven by
the purpose to describe variability in a AUTOSAR System on several aspects, e.g.
• Virtual Functional Bus
• Component SwcInternalBehavior and SwcImplementation
• Deployment of the software components to ECUs
• Communication Matrix
• Basic Software Modules
This approach requires that the RTE Generator is able to process the described Vari-
ability in input configurations and partially to implement described variability in the gen-
erated RTE and Basic Software Scheduler code.
In the meta-model all locations that may exhibit variability are marked with the stereo-
type atpVariation. This allows the definition of possible variation points.
Tagged Values are used to specify additional information.
There are four types of locations in the meta-model which may exhibit variability:
• Aggregations
• Associations
• Attribute Values
• Classes providing property sets
More details about the AUTOSAR Variant Handling Concept can be found in the AU-
TOSAR Generic Structure Template [10].
[SWS_Rte_06543] dThe RTE generator shall support the VariationPoints defined
in the AUTOSAR Meta Modelc(SRS_Rte_00201, SRS_Rte_00202, SRS_Rte_00229,
The list of VariationPoints shall provide an overview about the most prominent
ones which impacting the generated RTE code. Further on tables will show which
implementation of variability is standardized due to the relevance for contract phase.
(see tables 4.23, 4.25, 4.26, 4.27, 4.28, 4.29, 4.33, 4.34, 4.36 and 4.37. But please
note that these tables are not listing all possible variation of the input configuration. For
that the related Template Specifications are relevant.

393 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4.7.2 Choosing a Variant and Binding Variability

To understand the later definition it is required to clarify the difference between Choos-
ing a Variant and Resolving Variability.
A particular PreBuild Variant in a variant rich input configuration is chosen by assigning
particular values to the SwSystemconsts with the means of PredefinedVariants
and associated SwSystemconstantValueSets. With this information SwSystem-
constDependentFormulas can be evaluated which determines PreBuild conditions
of VariationPoints and attribute values. Nevertheless the input configuration con-
tains still the information of all potential variants.
A particular PostBuild Variant in a variant rich input configuration is chosen by as-
signing particular values to the PostBuildVariantCriterion with the means
of PredefinedVariants and associated PostBuildVariantCriterionValue-
Sets. With this information PostBuildVariantConditions can be evaluated for
instance to check the consistency of chosen PostBuild Variant. Nevertheless the input
configuration contains still the information of all potential variants.
From an RTE perspective this information is mainly used to generate the RTE Post
Build Variant Sets which are used to bind the post-build variability during
initialization of the RTE (call of SchM_Init).
The variability of an input configuration is bound if information related to other variants
is removed and only the information of the bound variant is kept. Binding respectively
resolving variability in the scope of this specification means that the generated code
only implements the particular variant which results out of the chosen variant of the
input configuration.
If the variability can not be resolved in a particular phase of the RTE Generation Pro-
cess (see chapter 3) the generated RTE files have to be able to support the potential
variants by implementing all potential variants.
If the variability is relevant for the software components contract the RTE Generator
uses standardized Condition Value Macros to implement the pre-build variabil-
ity. These Condition Value Macros are set in the RTE PreBuild Data Set Contract
Phase and RTE PreBuild Data Set Generation Phase to the resulting value of the eval-
uated ConditionByFormula of the related VariationPoint.
For further definition see sections,,, and General impact of Binding Times on RTE generation

In the AUTOSAR meta-model, each VariationPoint is associated with a tag named

vh.latestBindingTime. The value of the tag yields the applicable latest binding
time for the given VariationPoint.

394 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Each VariationPoint with a swSyscond has an attribute bindingTime in its

ConditionByFormula, which defines when the pre-build condition may be evalu-
ated earliest for this VariationPoint. This controls the capability of the software
implementation to bind the variant earliest at a certain point of time.
Even if the variability is chosen earlier (for instance by assigning SwSystemconst-
Values to the SwSystemconsts used by the VariationPoint’s condition) the RTE
generator has to respect potential later binding of the VariationPoints.
Please note that variability with the bindingTime PreCompileTime and post-
BuildVariantConditions has a particular semantic for the RTE generation and
impacts the generated output.
For instance a conditional existence RTE API which is bound at PreCompileTime
requires that the RTE generator inserts specific pre processor statements.
RTE Phase System De- Code Gen- Pre Compile Link Time Post Build
signe Time eration Time Time
RTE Contract Phase R R I n/a n/a
Basic Software R R I n/a n/a
Scheduler Contract
RTE PreBuild Data n/a n/a RV n/a n/a
Set Contract Phase
Basic Software R R I n/a I
Scheduler Gener-
ation Phase
RTE Generation R R I n/a I
RTE PreBuild Data n/a n/a RV n/a n/a
Set Generation Phase
RTE PostBuild Data n/a n/a n/a n/a RV
Set Generation Phase

Table 4.21: Overview impact of Binding Times on RTE generation

R resolve variability, a particular variant is the output

I implement variability, all possible variants in the output
RV provide values to resolve implemented variability PreBuild or PostBuild
n/a not applicable

Table 4.22: Key to table 4.21 Choosing a particular variant

A particular variant of the variant rich input configuration is chosen via the ECU con-
figuration For that purpose a set of PredefinedVariants is configured to chosen

395 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

a variant in the input configuration and to later on bind the variability in subsequent
phases of the RTE Generation Process 3. For further information see document [10].
[SWS_Rte_06500] dFor each pre-build variability in the input configuration
the RTE Generator shall choose a particular variant according to the Predefined-
Variants selected by the parameter EcucVariationResolver.c(SRS_Rte_00201,
SRS_Rte_00202, SRS_Rte_00229, SRS_Rte_00191)
[SWS_Rte_06546] dFor each post-build variability in the input configura-
tion the RTE Generator shall choose a particular variant according to the Prede-
finedVariants selected by the parameter RtePostBuildVariantConfigura-
tion.c(SRS_Rte_00201, SRS_Rte_00202, SRS_Rte_00229, SRS_Rte_00191)
Having variants chosen the RTE generator can apply further consistency checks on
the particular variants. SystemDesignTime

Variability with latest binding time SystemDesignTime (called SystemDesignTime

variability) has to be bound before the RTE Contract Phase respectively Basic
Software Scheduler Contract Phase. Such variability is resolved by RTE generator in
all generation phases. Due to that such kind of variability results always in a particular
variant and needs no special code generation rules for RTE generator.
[SWS_Rte_06501] dThe RTE generator shall bind SystemDesignTime variabil-
ity in the RTE Contract Phase, Basic Software Scheduler Contract Phase, RTE
Generation Phase and Basic Software Scheduler Generation Phase (3).c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_06502] dThe RTE Generator shall reject input configurations during the
RTE Contract Phase where not a particular variant is chosen for each SystemDe-
signTime variability affecting the software components contract.c(SRS_Rte_-
00201, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_06503] dThe RTE Generator shall reject input configurations during the
Basic Software Scheduler Contract Phase where not a particular variant is chosen
for each SystemDesignTime variability affecting the Basic Software Scheduler
contract.c(SRS_Rte_00229, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_06504] dThe RTE Generator shall reject input configurations during the
Basic Software Scheduler Generation Phase where not a particular variant is chosen
for each SystemDesignTime variability affecting the Basic Software Scheduler
generation.c(SRS_Rte_00229, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_06505] dThe RTE Generator shall reject input configurations during the
RTE Generation Phase where not a particular variant is chosen for each SystemDe-
signTime variability affecting the RTE generation.c(SRS_Rte_00201, SRS_-
Rte_00202, SRS_Rte_00018)

396 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 CodeGenerationTime

During RTE Contract Phase, RTE Generation Phase and Basic Software Scheduler
Generation Phase the variability with latest binding time CodeGenerationTime (called
CodeGenerationTime variability) has to be bound and the RTE generator re-
solves the variability. This denotes that the code is generated for a particular variant. To
do this it is required that a particular variant for each CodeGenerationTime vari-
ability has to be chosen.
[SWS_Rte_06507] dThe RTE generator shall bind CodeGenerationTime vari-
ability in the RTE Contract Phase, Basic Software Scheduler Contract Phase, RTE
Generation Phase and Basic Software Scheduler Generation Phase (see sections
3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.4.1 and 3.4.2).c(SRS_Rte_00229, SRS_Rte_00191)
[SWS_Rte_06547] dThe RTE Generator shall reject input configurations during the
RTE Contract Phase where not a particular variant is chosen for each CodeGener-
ationTime variability affecting the software components contract.c(SRS_Rte_-
00191, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_06548] dThe RTE Generator shall reject input configurations during the
Basic Software Scheduler Contract Phase where not a particular variant is chosen for
each CodeGenerationTime variability affecting the Basic Software Scheduler
contract.c(SRS_Rte_00229, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_06508] dThe RTE Generator shall reject input configurations during the Ba-
sic Software Scheduler Generation Phase where not a particular variant is chosen for
each CodeGenerationTime variability affecting the Basic Software Scheduler
generation.c(SRS_Rte_00229, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_06509] dThe RTE Generator shall reject input configurations during the
RTE Generation Phase where not a particular variant is chosen for each CodeGener-
ationTime variability affecting the RTE generation.c(SRS_Rte_00191, SRS_-
Rte_00018) PreCompileTime

Variability with latest binding time PreCompileTime (called PreCompileTime vari-

ability) is relevant for the RTE Contract Phase and Basic Software Scheduler Con-
tract Phase as well as for the RTE Generation Phase and Basic Software Scheduler
Generation Phase. The Application Header File, Application Types Header File, Mod-
ule Interlink Header and Module Interlink Types Header and the generated RTE / Basic
Software Scheduler has to support the potential variability of the software components
and Basic Software Modules. The variability is resolved during the execution of the pre
processor of the C-Complier.
[SWS_Rte_06510] dThe RTE generator shall implement PreCompileTime vari-
ability in the RTE Contract Phase, Basic Software Scheduler Contract Phase, RTE
Generation Phase, Basic Software Scheduler Generation Phase via pre processor

397 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

statements in the generated RTE code (see sections 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.4.1 and 3.4.2).c
[SWS_Rte_06553] dThe RTE Generator shall use the defined Attribute Value Macro
instead of immediate values if the value depends on an AttributeValueVaria-
tionPoint where the bindingTime is set to preCompileTime.c(SRS_Rte_00191) LinkTime

The latest Binding Time LinkTime will not be supported for VariationPoints relevant for
the RTE Generator.
[SWS_Rte_06511] dThe RTE generator shall reject configuration which defines RTE
or Basic Software Scheduler relevant LinkTime variability.c(SRS_Rte_00018) PostBuild

Variability with latest binding time PostBuild (called post-build variability)

might be bound / rebound after the generated RTE is compiled and has been linked
to the executable. The generated RTE binary code has to contain all variants. Which
variant is executed during ECU runtime is decided by variant selectors.
[SWS_Rte_06512] dThe RTE generator shall implement post-build variabil-
ity in the RTE Generation Phase and Basic Software Scheduler Generation Phase
via C statements in the generated RTE code (see 3.4.1 and 3.4.2).c(SRS_Rte_00191)
Combining PreBuild and post-build variability
According document [10] it is supported that a VariationPoint defines a
pre-build variability in conjunction with post-build variability. If the
PreBuild condition is false, it is not expected that the element which is subject to vari-
ability including the code evaluating the PostBuild condition gets implemented at all.
[SWS_Rte_06549] dIn cases where a VariationPoint defines a SystemDesign-
Time variability or CodeGenerationTime variability in conjunction with
post-build variability the post-build variability shall only be imple-
mented by the RTE Generator in the generated RTE code if the condition of the
pre-build variability evaluates to true.c(SRS_Rte_00191)
[SWS_Rte_06550] dIn cases where a VariationPoint defines a PreCompileTime
variability in conjunction with post-build variability the post-build
variability shall only be effective in the RTE executable if the condition of the
PreCompileTime variability evaluates to true.c(SRS_Rte_00191)
In this case the post-build variability implemented according
[SWS_Rte_06512] depends from the PreCompileTime variability imple-
mented according [SWS_Rte_06510].

398 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4.7.3 Variability affecting the RTE generation Software Composition

This section describes the affects of the existence of variation points with regards to
compositions. Though the application software compositions have been flattened and
effectively eliminated after allocation to an ECU there is still one composition to con-
sider for the RTE (i.e. the RootSwCompositionPrototype). The RootSwCompo-
sitionPrototype contains the atomic software components allocated to the respec-
tive ECU, its assembly connections,its delegation connections and the connections of
the delegation ports to system signals. Once the variability is resolved for a varia-
tion point it must adhere to the constraints and limitations that apply to a model that
does not have any variations. For example dangling connectors are not allowed and
as such their existence will lead to undefined behavior if such configurations still exist
after resolving post-build variation points.
Also within this specification section the wording "‘a variant is enabled or disabled"’
refers to the variation point’s SwSystemconstDependentFormula and/or PostBuildVari-
antCondition evaluating to "‘true or false"’ respectively. Variant existence of SwComponentPrototypes

[SWS_Rte_06601] dIf a variant is disabled for the aggregation of a SwComponent-

Prototype in a CompositionSwComponentType then all RTEEvents destined for
Runnables in the respective SwComponentPrototype shall be blocked; No RTE-
Event is allowed to reach any Runnable that is contained in a "‘disabled"’ SwCompo-
nentPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00206, SRS_Rte_00207, SRS_Rte_00204)
Potential misconfigurations of connectors connecting to ports of "‘disabled"’ SWC’s
will result in undefined behavior; It is the responsibility of the person considering the
variability of the SwComponentPrototype to make the connections also variable and
valid when a variant selection results in the elimination of a SwComponentPrototype
from a composition. It is recommended to use predefined variants to ensure proper
configurations are established. Variant existence of SwConnectors

[SWS_Rte_06602] dIf a variant is disabled for a SwConnector (i.e. Assem-

blySwConnector or DelegationSwConnector) aggregated in a Composition-
SwComponentType then the PortPrototypes at each end of the connector shall
behave as an unconnected port (see section 5.2.7 for the defined RTE behavior) if
no other variant enables a SwConnector between these ports.c(SRS_Rte_00206,

399 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 COM related Variant existence

This section describes the impact on the RTE interaction with the COM layer as a
result of variability of DataMappings (i.e. SenderReceiverToSignalMapping and
SenderReceiverToSignalGroupMapping in the SystemMapping) as well as the
existence of variants for ISignals The Meta Model allows for mapping the same data
to different SystemSignals as well as associating a SystemSignal with 1 or more
[SWS_Rte_06603] dIf a variant is enabled for a SystemMapping aggregating a
DataMapping then the RTE shall call the appropriate API’s for the applicable map-
ping type.c(SRS_Rte_00206, SRS_Rte_00207)
[SWS_Rte_06604] dThe appropriate API shall be determined based on the existence
of variants of ISignals to which a SystemSignal is associated to. For each enabled
ISignal the RTE shall call the proper COM API to send and receive data System-
Signalsc(SRS_Rte_00206, SRS_Rte_00207)
For example for an instance mapping from a VariableDataPrototype to a Sys-
temSignal the RTE shall call the corresponding Com_SendSignal with the proper
SignalId and SignalDataPtr based on the selected variant DataMapping.
The existence of variants of ISignals is determined by the System element (see also
[SWS_Rte_06605] dDelegation ports on a RootSwCompositionPrototype for
which no DataMapping exists (i.e. no variant DataMapping is enabled) shall be con-
sidered unconnected because no path exists to a designated SystemSignal. Since
this is a delegation port all enabled delegation connectors linking SWC R-ports to the
respective delegation port must be considered unconnected (see section 5.2.7). P-
Ports shall behave as documented in section, SRS_Rte_-
00207) Variant existence of PortPrototypes

[SWS_Rte_06606] dIf no variant is enabled for a delegation port on a RootSwCom-

positionPrototype then all connected R-Ports using a DelegationSwConnec-
tor to this delegation port shall be considered unconnected (see section 5.2.7). The
behavior of the P-ports shall be as defined in section,
Note on variant disabling criteria: In a proper variant configuration the following should
be followed: when a PortPrototype is eliminated from any SwComponentType then
any associated SwConnector should also have a variation point removing the connec-
tion since the connection is illegal.

400 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Atomic Software Component and its Internal Behavior RTE API which is subject to variability

Following VariationPoints in the Meta Model do control the variant existence of

RTE API for a software component. If a RTE API is variant existent, the API mapping
and the related entries in the component data structure are ’variant’ as well. This
means, if a RTE API does not exist the API mapping does not exist as well. A part
of the component data structure entries are related to the existences of the port. In
these cases the component data structure entry depends from the existence of the
Variation Point RTE API which is form kind infix
subject to variability
Condition Value Macro
ExclusiveArea Rte_Enter, component ExAr
Rte_Exit internal
VariableDataPrototype in the role arTyped- Rte_Pim component PIM
PerInstanceMemory internal
PerInstanceMemory Rte_Pim component PIM
ParameterDataPrototype in the role perIn- Rte_CData component Prm
stanceParameter internal
ParameterDataPrototype in the role shared- Rte_CData component Prm
Parameter internal
ServerCallPoint Rte_Call component
AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint Rte_Result component
InternalTriggeringPoint Rte_IrTrigger entity IRT
ExternalTriggeringPoint Rte_Trigger component
ModeSwitchPoint Rte_Switch, component
Rte_SwitchAck port
ModeAccessPoint Rte_Mode component
VariableAccess in the role dataReadAccess Rte_IRead , entity port

401 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

VariableAccess in the role dataWriteAccess Rte_IWrite, entity port

idate, Rte_-
VariableAccess in the role dataSendPoint Rte_Write, component
Rte_Invalidate, port
VariableAccess in the role dataReceive- Rte_Read component
PointByArgument port
VariableAccess in the role dataReceive- Rte_DRead component
PointByValue port
VariableAccess in the role readLocalVari- Rte_IrvRead component IRV
able referring an explicitInterRunnable- internal
VariableAccess in the role writtenLo- Rte_IrvWrite component IRV
calVariable referring an explicitInter- internal
VariableAccess in the role readLocalVari- Rte_IrvIRead entity IRV
able referring an implicitInterRunnable- internal
VariableAccess in the role writtenLo- Rte_IrvIWrite entity IRV
calVariable referring an implicitInter- Rte_IrvI- internal
RunnableVariable WriteRef
PortPrototype referring a ParameterInter- Rte_Prm component
face port
PortAPIOption with attribute indirectAPI Rte_Port

Table 4.23: variant existence of RTE API

column description
kind infix The column kind infix defines infix strings to differentiate condition value
macros belonging to variation points of different API sets
form The column form specifies which names for the macro of the condition
value are concatenated to ensure a unique name space of the macro.

form description
component port The related API is provide for the whole software component and belongs
to a software components port
entity port The related API is provide for a particular RunnableEntity and belongs
to a software components port
component internal The related API is provide for the whole software component and belongs
to a software component internal functionality

402 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

entity internal The related API is provide per RunnableEntity and belongs to a soft-
ware component internal functionality

Table 4.24: Key to table 4.23

[SWS_Rte_06517] dThe RTE generator shall treat RTE API as variant RTE API only
if all elements (e.g. VariableAccess) in the input configuration controlling the exis-
tence of the same RTE API are subject to variability.c(SRS_Rte_00203) Conditional API options

Following variation points in the Meta Model do control the variant properties of RTE
API or allocated Memory.
Variation Point Subject to variability
Condition Value Macro
PortAPIOption with attribute portArgValue PortDefinedArgument-
Value is passed to a
not standardized
PortAPIOption with attribute indirectAPI Number of Ports which are sup-
porting indirect API, see Rte_-
NPorts and Rte_Ports
not standardized

Table 4.25: Conditional API options Runnable Entity’s and RTEEvents

Following variation points in the Meta Model do control the variant existence and acti-
vation of RunnableEntitys.
Variation Point Subject to variability
Condition Value Macro
RunnableEntity Existence of the RunnableEn-
tity prototype
RTEEvent Activation of the RunnableEn-
not standardized

Table 4.26: variation on Runnable Entity’s and RTEEvents

403 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Conditional Memory Allocation

Following variation points in the Meta Model do control the variant existence of RTE
memory allocation for the software component instance.
Variation Point Subject to variability
Condition Value Macro
implicitInterRunnableVariable variable definition implementing
the implicitInterRunnabl-
not standardized
explicitInterRunnableVariable variable definition implementing
the explicitInterRunnabl-
not standardized
arTypedPerInstanceMemory variable definition implementing
the arTypedPerInstance-
not standardized
PerInstanceMemory variable definition implementing
the PerInstanceMemory
not standardized
perInstanceParameter constant definition implementing
the perInstanceParameter
not standardized
sharedParameter variable definition implementing
the sharedParameter
not standardized
InstantiationDataDefProps, SwDataDefProps Allocation of the memory
objects described via swAd-
drMethod, accessibility for
MCD systems described via
displayFormat, mcFunc-
not standardized

Table 4.27: Conditional Memory Allocation NvBlockComponent and its Internal Behavior

Variation Point Subject to variability

Condition Value Macro
PortPrototype of a NvBlockSwComponentType typed by Nv- Existence of the ability to access
DataInterface the memory objects of the ram-
not standardized
NvBlockDataMapping of a NvBlockDescriptor Existence of the ability to access
the memory objects of the ram-
not standardized

404 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

provide PortPrototype of a NvBlockSwComponentType typed Existence of the Block Manage-

by ClientServerInterface, RunnableEntity and referring ment port and the ability to
OperationInvokedEvent access the Block Management
API of the NvRAM Manager
not standardized
require PortPrototype of a NvBlockSwComponentType typed Existence of the callback notifi-
by ClientServerInterface, RoleBasedPortAssignment cation port
and referring the PortPrototype
not standardized
NumericalValueSpecification or TextValueSpecifica- initialization values of the mem-
tion of the ramBlock or romBlocks initValue ValueSpec- ory objects implementing the
ification (aggregated or referred one) ramBlock or romBlock
not standardized
InstantiationDataDefProps Allocation of the memory objects
implementing the ramBlock
or romBlock described via
swAddrMethod, accessibility
for MCD systems described
via swCalibrationAccess,
displayFormat, mcFunc-
not standardized

Table 4.28: variation in NvBlockSwComponentTypes Parameter Component

Variation Point Subject to variability

Condition Value Macro
PortPrototype of a ParameterSwComponentType Existence of the memory objects
/ definitions related to the Pa-
rameterDataPrototypes in
the PortInterface referred
by the PortPrototype
not standardized
NumericalValueSpecification or TextValueSpecifica- initialization values of the mem-
tion of the ParameterProvideComSpecs initValue Value- ory objects / definitions related
Specification (aggregated or referred one) to the ParameterDataProto-
not standardized

Table 4.29: variation in ParameterSwComponentTypes Data Type

Following variation points in the Meta Model do control the variant generation of data
Variation Point Subject to variability
Condition Value Macro
ImplementationDataTypeElement Existence of the structure or
union element

405 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

arraySize Number of elements in the array

CompuMethod upperLimit Upper limit of the Implementa-

CompuMethod lowerLimit Lower limit of the Implementa-


CompuMethod v attributes Coefficients of nominator and


Table 4.30: variation in ImplementationDataTypes

Variation Point Subject to variability

Condition Value Macro
DataConstr upperLimit Upper limit of the Application-
DataConstr lowerLimit Lower limit of the Application-
CompuMethod upperLimit Upper limit of the Application-

CompuMethod lowerLimit Lower limit of the Application-


CompuMethod v attributes Coefficients of nominator and denomi-


Table 4.31: variation in ApplicationDataTypes and related meta classes Constants

Variation Point Subject to variability

Condition Value Macro

NumericalValueSpecification value numerical value

ApplicationValueSpecification v (swArraysize) size of compound primitives

ApplicationValueSpecification v (value) attributes physical value

Table 4.32: variation in ValueSpecifications

406 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Basic Software Modules and its Internal Behavior Basic Software Interfaces

Variation Point Subject to variability

Condition Value Macro
providedEntry Existence of the provided BswMod-
not standardized
outgoingCallback Existence of the expected BswMod-
not standardized
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype in role provided- Existence of the provided ModeDec-
ModeGroup larationGroupPrototype
not standardized
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype in role required- Existence of the required ModeDec-
ModeGroup larationGroupPrototype
not standardized
Trigger in role releasedTrigger Existence of the released Trigger
not standardized
Trigger in role requiredTrigger Existence of the required Trigger
not standardized

Table 4.33: variability affecting Basic Software Interfaces Flat Instance descriptor

It is possible to instruct the RTE Generator to provide various instances for a Pa-
rameterDataPrototype in the component description. Therefore one FlatIn-
stanceDescriptor per expected parameter instance has to point to the Param-
eterDataPrototype. Thereby the FlatInstanceDescriptors needs to define
post build variation points to resolve the access to the various parameter instances.
Further details are described in section

4.7.4 Variability affecting the Basic Software Scheduler generation Basic Software Scheduler API which is subject to variability

The VariationPoints listed in table 4.34 in the input configuration are controlling
the variant existence of Basic Software Scheduler API.
Variation Point Subject to variability form kind infix
Condition Value Macro
ExclusiveArea SchM_Enter, SchM_Exit module ExAr
managedModeGroup association to SchM_Switch, SchM_- module MMod
providedModeGroup ModeDeclara- SwitchAck external

407 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

accessedModeGroup association to pro- SchM_Mode module AMod
videdModeGroup or requiredModeGroup external
issuedTrigger association to re- SchM_Trigger module Tr
leasedTrigger Trigger external
BswModuleCallPoint SchM_Call module SrvCall
BswAsynchronousServerCallResult- SchM_Result module SrvRes
Point external
dataSendPoint association to provided- SchM_Send module DSP
Data external
dataReceivePoint association to re- SchM_Receive module DRP
quiredData external
BswInternalTriggeringPoint SchM_ActMainFunction entity ITr
perInstanceParameter Parameter- SchM_CData module PIP
DataPrototype internal

Table 4.34: variant existence of Basic Software Scheduler API

column description
kind infix The column kind infix defines infix strings to differentiate condition value
macros belonging to variation points of different API sets
form The column form specifies which names for the macro of the condition
value are concatenated to ensure a unique name space of the macro.

form description
module external The related API is provide for the whole module and belongs to a module
module internal The related API is provide for the whole module and belongs to a module
internal functionality
entity internal The related API is provide per ExecutableEntity and belongs to a mod-
ule internal functionality

Table 4.35: Key to table 4.34

[SWS_Rte_06537] dThe RTE generator shall treat the existence of Basic Software
Scheduler API as subject to variability only if all elements (e.g. managedModeGroup
association) in the input configuration controlling the existence of the same Basic Soft-
ware Scheduler API are subject to variability.c(SRS_Rte_00229)

408 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Basic Software Entities

The VariationPoints listed in table 4.36 in the input configuration are controlling the
variant existence of BswModuleEntitys and the variant activation of BswSchedula-
Variation Point Subject to variability
Condition Value Macro
BswSchedulableEntity Existence of the BswSchedu-
lableEntity prototype
BswEvent Activation of the BswSchedu-
not standardized

Table 4.36: variability affecting BswSchedulableEntitys API behavior

The VariationPoints listed in table 4.37 in the input configuration are controlling
the variant behavior of Basic Software Scheduler API.
Variation Point Subject to variability
Condition Value Macro
BswModeSenderPolicy Queue length in the mode ma-
chine instance dependent
from the attribute
not standardized
BswModeReceiverPolicy attribute supportsAsyn-
chronousModeSwitch has to
be considered according the
bound variant
not standardized

Table 4.37: variant existence of BswSchedulableEntity

4.7.5 Variability affecting SWC implementation

In this section some examples will be given in order to describe the affects of variability
with regard to SWC implementation. The implemented variability in SWCs is described
through VariationPointProxys and can be resolved by pre-build evaluation, by
post-build evaluation or by the combination of them. Furthermore for each Varia-
tionPointProxy AUTOSAR defines the categorys VALUE and CONDITION (see
Software Component Template [2]). In the following code examples one scenario for
each category will be described. The first scenario addresses the post-build case
and the second one the case of combination of pre-build and post-build.
Scenario for category VALUE

409 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

VariationPointProxy FRIDA
postBuildValueAccess Rte_PBCon_FRIDA = 3
might result for example in something like:
1 /* Generated RTE-Code */
3 const Rte_PBCon_FRIDA 3

1 /* SWC-Code */
3 if (Rte_PBCon_FRIDA == 3) {
4 /* code depending on proxy FRIDA */
5 }
6 else {
7 /* functional alternative, if FRIDA is not selected */
8 }

Scenario for category CONDITION

SystemConstant FRANZ = 10
VariationPointProxy HUGO
conditionAccess Rte_SysCon_HUGO = (FRANZ == 10)
postBuildVariantCondition A = 3, postBuildVariantCondition B = 5
might result for example in something like:
1 /* Generated RTE-Code */
3 #define Rte_SysCon_HUGO 1
5 #define Rte_PBCon_HUGO (
6 Rte_SysCon_HUGO &&
7 RteInternal_EvalPostBuildVariantCondition_HUGO_A &&
8 RteInternal_EvalPostBuildVariantCondition_HUGO_B
9 )

1 /*SWC-Code*/
3 /* ensure that no code for HUGO remains in
4 the binary, if HUGO is not selected */
5 #if Rte_SysCon_HUGO
7 /* check during run time, if HUGO is
8 active due to post-build conditions */
9 if (Rte_PBCon_HUGO) {
10 /* code depending on proxy HUGO */
11 }
12 else {
13 /* functional alternative, if HUGO is not selected */
14 }
16 #else
17 /* functional alternative is always
18 active since HUGO is not selected */
19 #endif

410 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Since the post-build data structure is not standardized the algorithm for the evaluation
of the expressions RteInternal_EvalPostBuildVariantCondition_HUGO_A
and RteInternal_EvalPostBuildVariantCondition_HUGO_B is up to the im-
In contrast to Rte_SysCon the Rte_PBCon API has no guarantee, that it can be re-
solved in the pre-processor. It is subject to the optimization of the compiler to reduce
code size. If one wants to be absolutely sure, that no superfluous code exists even with
non optimizing compilers, he needs to implement a pre-processor directive in addition
(see example).

4.8 Development error

Errors which can occur at runtime in the RTE are classified as development errors. The
RTE uses a BSW module report these types of errors to the DET [25] (Default Error

4.8.1 DET Report Identifiers

[SWS_Rte_06631] dThe RTE shall use the OS Application Identifier as the Instance
Id to enable the developer to identify in which runtime section of the RTE the error
occurs. This Instance ID is even unique across multi cores and so implicitly allows the
development error to be traced to a specific core.c(SRS_BSW_00337)
[SWS_Rte_06632] dThe RTE shall use the Service Id as identified in the table 4.39.
Each RTE API template, RTE callback template and RTE API will have an Identifier.
This ID Service ID must be used when running code in the context of the respective
RTE call.c(SRS_BSW_00337)

4.8.2 DET Error Identifiers

Only a limited set of development identifiers are currently recognized. Each of these
need to be detected either at runtime or during initialization of the RTE. To report these
errors extra development code must be generated by the RTE generator.
[SWS_Rte_06633] dAn RTE_E_DET_ILLEGAL_SIGNAL_ID (0x01) shall be reported
at runtime by the RTE when it receives a COM callback for a signal name (e.g.
Rte_COMCbk_<sn>, Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sn>) which was not expected within the
context of the currently-selected postBuild variant. See section for the list of
possible COM callback template API.c(SRS_BSW_00337)
(0x02) shall be reported by the RTE when it determines that a value is assigned to a

411 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

variant criterion which is not in the list of possible values for that criterion. This error
shall be detected during the RTE initialization phase.c(SRS_BSW_00337)
(0x02) shall be reported by the Basic Software Scheduler when the SchM_Init API
is called with a NULL parameter.c(SRS_BSW_00337)
[SWS_Rte_06635] dAn RTE_E_DET_ILLEGAL_INVOCATION (0x03) shall be re-
ported by the RTE when it determines that an RTE API is called by a Runnable which
should not call that RTE API. The RTE can identify the active Runnable when it dis-
patches the RTE Event and if it subsequently receives a call from that Runnable to
an API that is not part of its contract then this particular error ID must me logged.c
[SWS_Rte_06637] dAn RTE_E_DET_WAIT_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA (0x04) shall be
reported by the RTE when an application has called an Rte_Enter API and subse-
quently asks the RTE to enter a wait state. This is illegal because it would lock the
(0x05) shall be reported by the RTE when an application violates
[SWS_Rte_07685] dAn RTE_E_DET_SEG_FAULT (0x06) shall be reported by the
RTE when the parameters of an RTE API call contain a direct or indirect reference to
memory that is not accessible from the callers partition as defined in [SWS_Rte_02752]
and [SWS_Rte_02753].c(SRS_BSW_00337)
[SWS_Rte_07682] dIf RteDevErrorDetectUninit is enabled, an RTE_E_UNINIT
(0x07) shall be reported by the RTE when one of the APIs :
• Specified in 5.6.
• Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock.
• Rte_PartitionTerminated.
• Rte_PartitionRestarting.
• Rte_RestartPartition.
is called before Rte_Start, after Rte_Stop or After the partition to which the API
belongs is terminated.c(SRS_BSW_00337)
• In production mode, No checks are performed.
• In development mode, if an error is detected the API behaviour is undefined and
it is left to the Rte implementer.
Rational: The introduction of this developpement check should not introduce big
changes to production mode configuration.

412 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07683] dIf RteDevErrorDetectUninit is enabled, an RTE_E_UNINIT

(0x07) shall be reported by the Basic Software Scheduler / RTE when one of the
APIs SchM_Switch, SchM_Mode, SchM_SwitchAck, SchM_Trigger, SchM_Send,
SchM_Receive, SchM_Call, SchM_Result, SchM_ActMainFunction, SchM_-
Start, SchM_StartTiming, or Rte_Start is called before SchM_Init.c(SRS_-

4.8.3 DET Error Classification

The following abbreviations are used to identify the DET error in table 4.39.
Abbreviation RTE DET Error

Table 4.38: Abbreviations of RTE DET Errors to APIs

The following table 4.39 indicates which DET errors are relevant for the various RTE
APIs, and the service ID associated with the RTE APIs (see [SWS_Rte_06632]):




API name Service ID

Rte_Ports APIs 0x10 X
Rte_NPorts APIs 0x11 X
Rte_Port APIs 0x12 X
Rte_Send APIs 0x13 X
Rte_Write APIs 0x14 X
Rte_Switch APIs 0x15 X
Rte_Invalidate APIs 0x16 X
Rte_Feedback APIs 0x17 X X
Rte_SwitchAck APIs 0x18 X X
Rte_Read APIs 0x19 X
Rte_DRead APIs 0x1A X
Rte_Receive APIs 0x1B X X
Rte_Call APIs 0x1C X X
Rte_Result APIs 0x1D X X
Rte_Pim APIs 0x1E X
Rte_CData APIs 0x1F X
Rte_Prm APIs 0x20 X
Rte_IRead APIs 0x21 X
Rte_IWrite APIs 0x22 X
Rte_IWriteRef APIs 0x23 X
Rte_IInvalidate APIs 0x24 X
Rte_IStatus APIs 0x25 X
Rte_IrvIRead APIs 0x26 X

413 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Rte_IrvIWrite APIs 0x27 X

Rte_IrvIWriteRef APIs 0x31 X
Rte_IrvRead APIs 0x28 X
Rte_IrvWrite APIs 0x29 X
Rte_Enter APIs 0x2A X
Rte_Exit APIs 0x2B X X
Rte_Mode APIs 0x2C
Rte_Trigger APIs 0x2D X
Rte_IrTrigger APIs 0x2E X
Rte_IFeedback APIs 0x2F X
Rte_IsUpdated APIs 0x30 X
trigger by TimingEvent 0x50 X
trigger by BackgroundEvent 0x51 X
trigger by SwcModeSwitchEvent 0x52 X
trigger by AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent 0x53 X
trigger by DataReceiveErrorEvent 0x54 X
trigger by OperationInvokedEvent 0x55 X
trigger by DataReceivedEvent 0x56 X
trigger by DataSendCompletedEvent 0x57 X
trigger by ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent 0x58 X
trigger by InternalTriggerOccurredEvent 0x59 X
trigger by DataWriteCompletedEvent 0x5A X
trigger by OsTaskExecutionEvent 0x5B X
Rte_Start API 0x70 X
Rte_Stop API 0x71
Rte_PartitionTerminated APIs 0x72
Rte_PartitionRestarting APIs 0x73
Rte_RestartPartition APIs 0x74
Rte_Init API 0x75
Rte_StartTiming API 0x76
Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sn> callbacks 0x90 X
Rte_COMCbkTErr_<sn> callbacks 0x91 X
Rte_COMCbkInv_<sn> callbacks 0x92 X
Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sn> callbacks 0x93 X
Rte_COMCbkTxTOut_<sn> callbacks 0x94 X
Rte_COMCbk_<sg> callbacks 0x95 X
Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sg> callbacks 0x96 X
Rte_COMCbkTErr_<sg> callbacks 0x97 X
Rte_COMCbkInv_<sg> callbacks 0x98 X
Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sg> callbacks 0x99 X
Rte_COMCbkTxTOut_<sg> callbacks 0x9A X
Rte_COMCbk_<sn> callbacks 0x9F X
Rte_COMCbkTxPrep_<mn> callbacks 0xA8 X X
Rte_LdComCbkRxIndication_<sn> callbacks 0xA0 X X
Rte_LdComCbkStartOfReception_<sn> callbacks 0xA1 X X
Rte_LdComCbkCopyRxData_<sn> callbacks 0xA2 X X
Rte_LdComCbkTpRxIndication_<sn> callbacks 0xA3 X X
Rte_LdComCbkCopyTxData_<sn> callbacks 0xA4 X X
Rte_LdComCbkTpTxConfirmation_<sn> callbacks 0xA5 X X
Rte_LdComCbkTriggerTransmit_<sn> callbacks 0xA6 X X
Rte_LdComCbkTxConfirmation_<sn> callbacks 0xA7 X X
Rte_SetMirror callbacks 0x9B
Rte_GetMirror callbacks 0x9C

414 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Rte_NvMNotifyJobFinished callbacks 0x9D

Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock callbacks 0x9E X
SchM_Init API 0x00 X
SchM_Deinit API 0x01
SchM_GetVersionInfo API 0x02
SchM_Enter APIs 0x03
SchM_Exit APIs 0x04 X
SchM_ActMainFunction APIs 0x05 X
SchM_Switch APIs 0x06 X
SchM_Mode APIs 0x07 X
SchM_SwitchAck APIs 0x08 X
SchM_Trigger APIs 0x09 X
SchM_Send APIs 0x0A X
SchM_Receive APIs 0x0B X
SchM_Call APIs 0x0C X
SchM_Result APIs 0x0D X

Table 4.39: Applicability of RTE DET Errors to APIs

415 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4.9 Bypass Support

Rapid prototyping can be used during electronic control unit development to evaluate
and test new software control algorithms for various functions.
With Fullpass technology the original ECU is totally replaced by a Rapid Prototyping
Unit (RPU).
With Bypass technology the original ECU and software stays in the control loop to
supports the majority of the control algorithms and interface with sensors, actuators
and communication buses: only the specific control algorithm that shall be prototyped
is deported into the RPU (external bypass) or even directly executed in the original ECU
(internal bypass). Bypass mainly consists in replacing at run time inputs and/or outputs
of the original software algorithms by value computed by the prototype algorithm under
The RTE does not directly implement bypass but the RTE provides supports for the
integration of such implementation by CDD and/or integration code.

4.9.1 Bypass description

In order to describe a rapid prototyping system as an Autosar Software Component a

System Description with the category RPT_SYSTEM is used. This System Description
is not relevant for the RTE itself but is only a support for the ECU integrator to setup
the rapid prototyping solution.
[SWS_Rte_07833] dRTE shall ignore definitions in System Description of category

4.9.2 Component wrapper method

The component wrapper method consists in wrapping the original software component
implementation with a CDD that implements the bypass. With this method the CDD is
able to take the control of the AUTOSAR interfaces of the software component because
there is no more direct call between RTE and the SWC but everything go through the

416 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software





Figure 4.54: Component wrapper method

The RTE supports the component wrapper method by generating the SWC interfaces
with a c-namespace including an additional [Byps_] infix for the bypassed SWC (i.e.
SWC B in Figure 4.54). This includes:
• naming of Application Header File
• naming of the Application Type Header File
• naming of the RTE APIs (excepted life cycle APIs)
• naming of the runnables
• naming of the instance handle
• naming of the Component Data Structure type
• naming of the memory sections
The component wrapper method for bypass support is enabled per software compo-
nent type.
[SWS_Rte_07840] dThe component wrapper method for bypass support is enabled
for a software component type if the general switch RteBypassSupport is set to
COMPONENT_WRAPPER and the individual switch for this software component type
RteBypassSupportEnabled is set to true.c(SRS_Rte_00244)

417 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07841] dThe component wrapper method for bypass support is disabled

for a software component type if the general switch RteBypassSupport is set to
value different from COMPONENT_WRAPPER or if the individual switch for this software
component type RteBypassSupportEnabled is not configured or is set to false.c
[SWS_Rte_07834] dIf the component wrapper method for bypass support is enabled
for a software component type, the RTE generator shall include the optional infix
[Byps\_] to the name of all the elements generated for this software component
type that are defined in this specification with the optional infix [Byps\_].c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07835] dIf the component wrapper method for bypass support is disabled
for a software component type, the RTE generator shall remove the optional infix
[Byps\_] to the name of all the elements generated for this software component
type that are defined in this specification with the optional infix [Byps\_].c(SRS_-

4.9.3 Direct buffer access method

The direct buffer access method provides runtime direct read and write access to the
RTE buffers that implement the ECU communication infrastructure.
The RTE supports the direct buffer access method by generating the McSupportData
for these buffers. This is already supported by the RTE measurement and calibration
support but for the rapid prototyping purpose additional elements shall be generated.
The component wrapper method for bypass support is enabled per software compo-
nent type.
The component wrapper method for bypass support is enabled for a software compo-
nent type if the individual switch for this software component type RteBypassSup-
portEnabled is set to true.
[SWS_Rte_07836] dIf the direct buffer access method for bypass support is enabled for
a software component type, the RTE generator shall generate McSupportData with
mcDataAccessDetails for each preemption area specific buffer that implements the
implicit communication for this software component type.c(SRS_Rte_00244)

4.9.4 Extended buffer access method

The extended buffer access method enhances the support for rapid prototyping (RP) to
support the bypass use case where the RTE cannot be regenerated by the bypass user.
The goal is to ensure that all VariableDataPrototypes that are communicated
via RTE APIs are written to and read back from a RP global buffer that can be
modified by rapid prototyping tools (RPT). The method applies to all RTE APIs and not
just those for implicit access and hence is termed the extended buffer access method.

418 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software




Figure 4.55: Extended Buffer Access method

Within the Extended buffer access method a VariableDataPrototype, an RTE-

Event or a complete SwComponentPrototype can be flagged for rapid prototyp-
ing at one of three levels depending on whether or not post-build hooking is used.
rptLevel1 is intended for use by post-build hooking tools and rptLevel2 and
rptLevel3 by non post-build hooking. The mapping from RTE API class to supported
level is defined by Table 4.40.
API Class rptLevel1 rptLevel2 rptLevel3
Explicit S/R Yes Yes Yes
Implicit S/R Yes Yes Yes
C/S Yes Yes Yes
Mode Yes Yes Yes
Trigger No No No
Explicit IRV Yes Yes Yes
Implicit IRV Yes Yes Yes

Table 4.40: Table of API classes and supported RPT level Global Enable

[SWS_Rte_06086] dThe Extended Buffer Access method is enabled if the gen-

eral switch RteBypassSupport is set to EXTENDED_BUFFER_ACCESSc(SRS_Rte_-
When RteBypassSupport is set to a value other than EXTENDED_BUFFER_ACCESS
then no bypass support, i.e. no use of RP memory interface, no RP service point,
etc., is generated.
When RteBypassSupport is set to EXTENDED_BUFFER_ACCESS then the RteBy-
passSupportEnabled and/or RteServicePointSupportEnabled must also be
set to true for Extended Buffer Access bypass support to be generated for a software

419 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The configuration options are summarized in Table 4.41.

RteBypassSupport RteBypass- RteServicePoint- Effect
(global) SupportEnabled SupportEnabled
(per-SWC) (per-SWC)
NONE or COMPONENT_- Any Any No bypass support gener-
WRAPPER ated by RTE. No RP ex-
port generated by RTE
EXTENDED_BUFFER_- FALSE FALSE No bypass support for
ACCESS SWC type generated by
RTE in code (i.e. No ser-
vice points and no use
of RP memory interface).
RP export describes ser-
vice points for SWC Inter-
nal service points only.
EXTENDED_BUFFER_- FALSE TRUE Service points generated
ACCESS for SWC. No use of RP
memory interface. RP
export describes resulting
SWC Internal and RTE
assigned service points.
EXTENDED_BUFFER_- TRUE FALSE Service points not gener-
ACCESS ated for SWC. RP mem-
ory interface generated
for RTE APIs. RP export
describes SWC Internal
service points and also
the resulting RP buffers
and enabler flags.
EXTENDED_BUFFER_- TRUE TRUE Service points generated
ACCESS for SWC. RP memory in-
terface generated for RTE
APIs. RP export de-
scribes resulting SWC In-
ternal and RTE assigned
service points, RP buffers
and enabler flags.

Table 4.41: Summary of enable/disable options for Extended Buffer Access method RPT Preparation

The RptImplPolicy.rptPreparationLevel supports three preparation levels:

• Level 1 – When RptImplPolicy.rptPreparationLevel is set to
rptLevel1 then the generated RTE uses a specific memory access pattern
(a write-read cycle within accessing code created by the RTE generator) suitable
for access by post-build hooking tools patch writes to buffers.
• Level 2 – When RptImplPolicy.rptPreparationLevel is set to
rptLevel2 then in addition to the use of an RP global buffer (as for rptLevel1)

420 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

the generated code also includes an RP enabler flag that is used to make update
of the RP global buffer conditional.
The RP enabler flag can be in either (calibratable) ROM or RAM based on Rpt-
• Level 3 – When RptImplPolicy.rptPreparationLevel is set to
rptLevel3 then in addition to the requirements of rptLevel2, the generated
code also records the original ECU-generated value as well as the RP replace-
ment value.
When rptImplPolicy of a RptContainer is used the RptContainer can refer-
• VariableDataPrototype – the preparation level applies to a single data item
(and hence, for example, related Sender-Receiver APIs).
• ArgumentDataPrototype – the preparation level applies to a single opera-
tion argument (and hence related Client-Server APIs).
• ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype – the preparation level applies to a single
ModeDeclaration argument (and hence related Mode APIs).
• operation – the preparation level applies to all ClientServerOperation’s
ArgumentDataPrototypes (and hence related Client-Server APIs).
• RunnableEntity – the preparation level applies to a all data items / arguments
accessed by the RunnableEntity.
• SwComponentPrototype – the preparation level applies to all RunnableEn-
titys (and hence all accessed data items and arguments) in the software com-
ponent. Level 1 - Post-Build Hooking

This level is intended to be used by post-build hooking tools that patch writes to buffers
such that a bypass value is written into a buffer rather than the value calculated by the
Logically this means that a C statement like:
1 buffer = ecu_value;

is patched to be:
1 buffer = f(ecu_value);

where f() is a function calculated by the RP system, e.g. on external RP hardware.

Note that the function call in the example may be, in reality, a simple access to a value
calculated by the RP system rather than an actual function call.

421 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Explicit Sender-Receiver and IRV APIs

As an example of the changes to generated RTE code when rptLevel1 of the Ex-
tended Buffer Access method is enabled, consider an Rte_Write API that sends
VariableDataPrototype D via port P using explicit semantics. A “typical” imple-
mentation might look something like Example 4.13:

Example 4.13
1 Std_ReturnType Rte_Write_P_D(<type> data)
2 {
3 <send> data;
4 return <result of send>;
5 }

Where <type> is the implementation data type of the VariableDataPrototype,

<send> represents the transmission process, e.g. via COM or direct access, and <re-
sult of send> represents the return value of the RTE API.
To support RP the implementation, Example 4.13 is modified as follows:

Example 4.14
1 /* RP global buffer */
2 volatile <type> SWCA_Bypass_P_D;
4 Std_ReturnType Rte_Write_P_D(<type> data)
5 {
6 SWCA_Bypass_P_D = data;
7 <send> SWCA_Bypass_P_D;
8 return <result of send>;
9 }

The changes as a result of rptLevel1 support revolve around the reads/writes of the
RP global buffer. These changes are summarized by the following two require-
[SWS_Rte_06033] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled for a VariableDataPro-
totype accessed using explicit semantics the RTE generator shall write each associ-
ated IN or INOUT API parameter to a RP global buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
Subsequent accesses to the actual parameter within the generated function are re-
placed by use of the RP global buffer instead.
[SWS_Rte_06034] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled for a VariableDataPro-
totype accessed using explicit semantics then within RTE APIs the RTE generator
shall read the value of the associated IN and INOUT parameters from the RP global
buffer rather than use the formal parameter.c(SRS_Rte_00244)

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Specification of RTE Software

These modifications ensure that if an RP tool patches the write to the RP global
buffer SWCA_Bypass_P_D then the value that is written by the RP tool to
SWCA_Bypass_P_D will be sent instead of the actual function parameter data.
The requirements inherently cause the RP global buffer to exist thus there is no
explicit requirement to create the global buffer. However the characteristics of this
buffer are constrained as follows.
[SWS_Rte_06035] dAn RP global buffer used for rptLevel1 data shall be
marked as volatile.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
The volatile keyword is essential to ensure that compiler optimization does not elide
the read of SWCA_Bypass_P_D in <send> SWCA_Bypass_P_D.
[SWS_Rte_06036] dThe RP global buffer contents shall be valid for at least the
lifetime of the accessing RTE function (i.e. the lifetime of the runnable that calls the RTE
function) and any related measurement and stimulation services.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06037] dThe same RP global buffer shall always be used for the
same SWCI/API-type/port/variable-data-prototype.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_06037] ensures stability for post-build hooking tools, e.g. if
we have Rte_Write_P_D for SWCA then the same RP global buffer is used irre-
spective of when or how SWCA calls Rte_Write_P_D. Since the RTE API is created
per-SWC instance then different instances will use different RP global buffers.
Note that requirement [SWS_Rte_06036] indicates the minimum lifetime required; in
an implementation the actual lifetime may be longer.
The above requirements are not intended to indicate that a dedicated RP global
buffer must be created. In particular, if the generated RTE already contains a buffer
whose characteristics satisfy those of an RP global buffer then an implementation
is free to reuse the existing buffer.
As an additional example, consider an Rte_Read API that receives VariableDat-
aPrototype D via port P. A “typical” implementation might look something like Exam-
ple 4.15:

Example 4.15
1 Std_ReturnType Rte_Read_P_D(<type>* const data)
2 {
3 *data = <receive>;
4 <notifications>;
5 return <result of receive>;
6 }

Where <type> is the implementation data type of the VariableDataPrototype,

<receive> represents the reception process, e.g. from COM or direct access, <no-
tifications> the steps required (if any) to notify that the reception has occurred
and <result of receive> represents the return value of the RTE API.

423 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

When using the Extended buffer access method and the rptPreparationLevel is
rptLevel1, the RptContainer references D and rptReadAccess is rptReadAc-
cess the generated RTE API from Example 4.15 is modified to become Example

Example 4.16
1 volatile <type> SWCB_Bypass_P_D; /* RP global buffer */
2 Std_ReturnType Rte_Read_P_D(<type>* const data)
3 {
4 SWCB_Bypass_P_D = <receive>;
5 *data = SWCB_Bypass_P_D;
6 <notifications>;
7 return <result of receive>;
8 }

[SWS_Rte_06038] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled for a VariableDataPro-

totype accessed by explicit semantics the RTE generator shall substitute the write
of received data to an associated OUT or INOUT API parameter with a write to an RP
global buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06039] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled for a VariableDataPro-
totype accessed by explicit semantics the RTE generator shall copy from the RP
global buffer to OUT or INOUT API parameters before performing any AUTOSAR
data reception notifications (and thus before the API returns if there are no notifica-
As with the explicit write, these requirements ensure that if an RP tool patches the write
to SWCB_Bypass_P_D then the value that the tool writes will be returned to the API
caller rather than the originally received value.
The characteristics of the RP global buffer are defined for the <send> pro-
cess above. In particular the volatile keyword is essential to ensure that com-
piler optimization does not elide the read of the RP global buffer in *data =
Additional volatile RP global buffers are also used for IRV arguments in a
similar way to the sender-receiver Rte_Read and Rte_Write APIs. Interaction With Data Conversion

[SWS_Rte_06088] dWhere a VariableDataPrototype is subject to data conver-

sion before being transmitted the conversion shall occur before the write to the RP
global buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
Assuming the data conversion if represented by the function f(x) then the example
Rte_Write API would become Example 4.17:

Example 4.17

424 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

1 /* RP global buffer */
2 volatile <type2> SWCA_Bypass_P_D;
4 Std_ReturnType Rte_Write_P_D(<type> data)
5 {
6 SWCA_Bypass_P_D = f(data);
7 <send> SWCA_Bypass_P_D;
8 return <result of send>;
9 }

Where <type2> is the data type after conversion. Implicit Sender-Receiver and IRV

For implicit Sender-Receiver and IRV communication, RP global buffers are used
when the context-local implicit communication buffers are initialized and written back.
Consider an Rte_IWrite API that sends VariableDataPrototype D via port P
and an Rte_IRead API that reads VariableDataPrototype E via port Q. A “typical”
implementation might look like:
1 local_P_D = global_P_D;
2 local_Q_E = global_Q_E;
3 Runnable();
4 global_P_D = local_P_D;

Where Runnable() uses Rte_IWrite_P_D() and Rte_IRead_Q_E() which in

turn access the context-local buffers local_P_D and local_Q_E to provide the re-
quired semantics.
When rptPreparationLevel is rptLevel1 and the container references the im-
plicitly accessed VariableDataPrototype this is modified as follows:
1 volatile <type> Bypass_P_D; /* RP global buffer */
2 volatile <type> Bypass_Q_E; /* RP global buffer */

And inside the generated task body:

1 TASK(...)
2 {
3 volatile <type> local_P_D;
4 volatile <type> local_Q_E;
6 /* ... */
8 local_P_D = global_P_D; /* Not changed */
9 Bypass_Q_E = global_Q_E; /* Setup via RP global buffer */
10 local_Q_E = Bypass_Q_E;
11 Runnable();
12 Bypass_P_D = local_P_D; /* Write-back via RP global buffer */
13 global_P_D = Bypass_P_D;
14 }

425 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

To enable the RP tool to intercept the update of the context-local buffer used by the
implicit APIs the Extended Buffer Access method uses an RP global buffer in a
similar fashion to the explicit APIs.
[SWS_Rte_06040] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled for a VariableDataPro-
totype accessed by implicit semantics the RTE generator shall first update the RP
global buffer from the RTE global variable / COM signal and then update the pre-
emption area specific buffer from the RP global buffer before runnable invoca-
[SWS_Rte_06087] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled for a VariableDataPro-
totype accessed by implicit semantics the RTE generator shall, after runnable termi-
nation, perform any write-back by first writing the preemption area specific buffer to the
RP global buffer and then updating the RTE global variable / COM signal from
the RP global buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
The Runnable() sequence can comprise of one or more calls to different runnables.
Each runnable has a unique implicit API and therefore can, potentially, access different
context-local buffers.
Finally, the write to the preemption area specific buffer and subsequent use could be
used as the write-read cycle required for post-build hooking. A distinct RP global
buffer may therefore be optimized away in some circumstances and the preemption
area specific buffer used to enforce the requirement memory access pattern.
[SWS_Rte_06091] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled the RTE generator should
avoid dedicated RP global buffer variables for implicit communication by imple-
menting the preemption area specific buffers according to the (implementation) require-
ments on a RP global buffer ([SWS_Rte_06035],[SWS_Rte_06036]).c(SRS_-
For instance in this case the preemption area specific buffers needs to be declared as
volatile. Mode APIs

Mode APIs are handled in a similar manner to explicit Sender-receiver APIs with the
actual function parameters being written to an associated RP global buffer before
[SWS_Rte_06107] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled for a ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype the RTE generator shall write the API parameter to a RP
global buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
Subsequent accesses to the actual parameter within the generated function are re-
placed by use of the RP global buffer instead.
[SWS_Rte_06108] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled for a ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype then within RTE APIs the RTE generator shall read the value

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Specification of RTE Software

of the associated parameter from the RP global buffer rather than use the formal
These modifications ensure that if an RP tool patches the write to the RP global
buffer then the value that is written by the RP tool will be used as the new mode
instead of the actual function parameter.
As an additional example, consider the typical implementation for an Rte_Switch API
shown in Example 4.18 (error handling omitted for clarity):

Example 4.18
1 Std_ReturnType Rte_Switch_P_M( <type> newMode )
2 {
3 if ( ! <in_transition> )
4 {
5 mode = newMode;
6 <notifications>
7 }
8 else
9 {
10 <enQueue>( newMode );
11 }
12 return E_OK;
13 }

When using the Extended buffer access method and the rptPreparationLevel is
rptLevel1 the generated RTE API from Example 4.18 is modified to become Exam-
ple 4.19:

Example 4.19
1 /* RP global buffer */
2 volatile <type> SWCA_Bypass_P_M;
4 Std_ReturnType Rte_Switch_P_M( <type> newMode )
5 {
6 SWCA_Bypass_P_M = newMode;
8 if ( ! <in_transition> )
9 {
10 mode = SWCA_Bypass_P_M;
11 <notifications>
12 }
13 else
14 {
15 <enQueue>( SWCA_Bypass_P_M );
16 }
17 return E_OK;
18 }

427 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Client-Server APIs

rptLevel1 support can be enabled for individual parameters within an operation.

The generated support differs based on the parameter direction. IN Parameters

Client-Server parameters with direction of IN are copied to a dedicated RP

global buffer variable before use to ensure the required write-read cycle. For IN
parameters passed by reference a deep-copy is used.
[SWS_Rte_06092] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled for an ArgumentDat-
aPrototype with direction of IN the generated RTE API shall write the parameter
to a RP global buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
Subsequent accesses to the actual parameter within the generated RTE function are
replaced by use of the RP global buffer instead.
[SWS_Rte_06093] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled for an ArgumentDat-
aPrototype with direction of IN the RTE generator shall read the value of the
associated parameter from the RP global buffer rather than use the formal pa-
These modifications ensure that if an RP tool patches the write to the RP global
buffer SWCA_Bypass_P_OP_a then the value that is written by the RP tool to
SWCA_Bypass_P_OP_a will be see by the server instead of the actual function pa-
rameter a.
As an example of the changes to generated RTE code when rptLevel1 of the Ex-
tended Buffer Access method is enabled, consider an Rte_Call API that invokes
ClientServerOperation OP via port P. A “typical” implementation might look some-
thing like Example 4.20:

Example 4.20
1 Std_ReturnType Rte_Call_P_OP([IN] <type> a)
2 {
3 Server( a );
4 return E_OK;
5 }

[SWS_Rte_06092] and [SWS_Rte_06093] modify Example 4.20 as follows:

Example 4.21
1 /* RP global buffer */
2 volatile <type> SWCA_Bypass_P_OP_a;
4 Std_ReturnType Rte_Call_P_OP([IN] <type> a)
5 {

428 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

6 /* Copy to RP global buffer */

7 SWCA_Bypass_P_OP_a = a;
8 Server( SWCA_Bypass_P_OP_a );
9 return E_OK;
10 }

The RP global buffer is volatile according to [SWS_Rte_06035]. OUT Parameters

When rptLevel1 support is enabled for Client-Server parameters with direction

of OUT the server generated value can be replaced with a value generated by the RPT.
In the generated code the value generated by the server is captured into a dedicated
RP global buffer and then, after the server has completed, returned to the client
via a copy that permits the RPT to affect the returned value.
[SWS_Rte_06094] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled for an ArgumentDat-
aPrototype with direction of OUT the generated RTE API shall invoke the server
with the OUT parameter replaced by a reference to an RP global buffer.c(SRS_-
After the server call the generated RTE API must return either the RPT generated
result or the server generated result returned to the client.
[SWS_Rte_06095] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled for an ArgumentDat-
aPrototype with direction of OUT the RTE generator shall copy the value of the
associated parameter from the RP global buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
These modifications ensure that if an RP tool patches the write to the RP global
buffer SWCA_Bypass_P_OP_a then the value that is written by the RP tool to
SWCA_Bypass_P_OP_a will be see by the server instead of the actual function pa-
rameter a.
As an example of the changes to generated RTE code when rptLevel1 of the Ex-
tended Buffer Access method is enabled, consider an Rte_Call API that invokes
ClientServerOperation OP via port P. A “typical” implementation might look some-
thing like Example 4.22:

Example 4.22
1 Std_ReturnType Rte_Call_P_OP([OUT] <type> a)
2 {
3 Server( a );
4 return E_OK;
5 }

429 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06094] and [SWS_Rte_06095] modify Example 4.22 as follows:

Example 4.23
1 /* RP global buffer */
2 volatile <type> SWCA_Bypass_P_OP_a;
4 Std_ReturnType Rte_Call_P_OP([OUT] <type> a)
5 {
6 /* Pass reference to RP global buffer to server */
7 Server( &SWCA_Bypass_P_OP_a );
9 /* Copy server value (possible modified by RPT) to client */
10 <deep-copy>( a, &SWCA_Bypass_P_OP_a );
11 return E_OK;
12 } IN-OUT Parameters

When rptLevel1 support is enabled for Client-Server parameters with direction

of IN-OUT the server generated value can be replaced with a value generated by the
RPT as well as the value seen by the server being modified by RPT. Therefore in
addition to the support for OUT parameters an initial copy before the server invocation
is necessary.
[SWS_Rte_06096] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled for an ArgumentDat-
aPrototype with direction of IN-OUT the generated RTE API shall initialize the
RP global buffer with the actual parameter before server invocation.c(SRS_Rte_-
After the server call the generated RTE API must return either the RPT generated
result or the server generated result returned to the client.
[SWS_Rte_06097] dWhen rptLevel1 support is enabled for an ArgumentDat-
aPrototype with direction of IN-OUT the RTE generator shall copy the value
of the associated parameter from the RP global buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
As an example of the changes to generated RTE code when rptLevel1 of the Ex-
tended Buffer Access method is enabled, consider an Rte_Call API that invokes
ClientServerOperation OP via port P. A “typical” implementation might look some-
thing like Example 4.24:

Example 4.24
1 Std_ReturnType Rte_Call_P_OP([IN-OUT] <type> a)
2 {
3 Server( a );
4 return E_OK;
5 }

430 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06094] and [SWS_Rte_06095] modify Example 4.22 as follows:

Example 4.25
1 /* RP global buffer */
2 volatile <type> SWCA_Bypass_P_OP_a;
4 Std_ReturnType Rte_Call_P_OP([IN-OUT] <type> a)
5 {
6 /* Copy in value (possible modified by RPT) to RP global buffer */
7 <deep-copy>( &SWCA_Bypass_P_OP_a, a );
9 /* Pass reference to RP global buffer to server */
10 Server( &SWCA_Bypass_P_OP_a );
12 /* Copy server value (possible modified by RPT) to client */
13 <deep-copy>( a, &SWCA_Bypass_P_OP_a );
14 return E_OK;
15 } Level 2 - Non Post-Build Hooking

This level is used for bypass scenarios where the binary code remains unchanged after
RTE generation – in particular any code level requirements for bypass are inserted
when the RTE is generated. For example, RP global buffers may be inserted as
for rptLevel1 however run-time RP enabler flags are also added to allow control
of how the buffers are used.
The typical Rte_Write Example 4.13 becomes Example 4.26:

Example 4.26
1 /* RP global buffer */
2 volatile <type> SWCA_Bypass_P_D;

4 /* RP enabler flag */
5 volatile <flag> SWCA_Bypass_P_D_Enable = FALSE;
7 Std_ReturnType Rte_Write_P_D(<type> data)
8 {
9 if ( FALSE == SWCA_Bypass_P_D_Enable )
10 {
11 SWCA_Bypass_P_D = data;
12 }
13 <send> SWCA_Bypass_P_D;
14 <notifications>;
15 return <result of send>;
16 }

431 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Where <type>, <send>, <notifications> and <result of send> are as be-

rptLevel2 is conceptually similar to rptLevel1 but with the additional constraint
that the RP global buffer is only updated within the generated RTE function when
the RP enabler flag is disabled11 . Thus when the RP enabler flag is dis-
abled, rptLevel2 has the same semantics as rptLevel1.
[SWS_Rte_06041] dWhen rptLevel2 support is enabled for a ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype or a VariableDataPrototype accessed using explicit se-
mantics and the RP enabler flag is disabled the RTE generator shall write each
associated IN or INOUT API parameter to a RP global buffer before the actual
parameter is otherwise used within the generated function.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
Subsequent accesses to the actual parameter within the generated function are re-
placed by use of the RP global buffer instead.
[SWS_Rte_06042] dWhen rptLevel2 support is enabled for a ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype or a VariableDataPrototype accessed using explicit se-
mantics then within RTE APIs the RTE generator shall read the value of the associated
IN and INOUT parameters from the RP global buffer rather than use the formal
The typical Rte_Read Example 4.15 becomes Example 4.27:

Example 4.27
1 /* RP global buffer */
2 volatile <type> SWCB_Bypass_P_D;
4 /* RP enabler flag */
5 volatile <flag> SWCB_Bypass_P_D_Enable = FALSE;
7 Std_ReturnType Rte_Read_P_D(<type>* const data)
8 {
9 <type> temp = <receive>;
10 if ( FALSE == SWCB_Bypass_P_D_Enable )
11 {
12 SWCB_Bypass_P_D = temp;
13 }
14 *data = SWCB_Bypass_P_D;
15 <notifications>;
16 return <result of receive>;
17 }

The RP enabler flags are described using inverted logic to reflect the requirements of bypass en-
able/disable. When rptLevel2/rptLevel3 bypass is disabled we want the API to use the value from
the API’s “data” argument whereas when rptLevel2/rptLevel3 bypass is enabled we do not want
the API to use the value from the “data” argument because the RP service point will have written
the bypass value into the RP global buffer before the runnable containing the API runs.

432 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06043] dWhen rptLevel2 support is enabled for a ModeDeclara-

tionGroupPrototype or a VariableDataPrototype accessed using explicit se-
mantics and the RP enabler flag is disabled the RTE generator shall write the
value destined for each OUT or INOUT API parameter to an associated RP global
buffer after the value is received within the generated function.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06044] dWhen rptLevel2 support is enabled for a VariableDataPro-
totype accessed using explicit semantics then within RTE APIs the RTE generator
shall read the value of the associated OUT and INOUT parameters from the RP global
buffers rather than directly using the values received in the generated function.c
rptLevel2 support can be enabled for individual parameters within an operation.
The generated RP enabler flags control the copies of the parameter before and/or
after the server invocation within the generated RTE API.
For IN and IN-OUT parameters the generated code conditionally overwrites the value
in the associated RP global buffer before server invocation. The overwrite oc-
curs when the RP enabler flag is disabled and hence bypass – use of the RP
generated value – is enabled.
[SWS_Rte_06098] dWhen rptLevel2 support is enabled for a ArgumentDataPro-
totype with direction IN or IN-OUT and the RP enabler flag is disabled the
RTE generator shall write the actual parameter value destined for each IN or IN-OUT
API parameter to an associated RP global buffer after the value is received within
the generated function.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
To enable replacement of the server generated value with one generated by the RPT
a selection can be made based on the RP enabler flag.
[SWS_Rte_06099] dWhen rptLevel2 support is enabled for a ArgumentDataPro-
totype with direction IN-OUT or OUT and the RP enabler flag is disabled
the RTE generator shall copy the server-generated value to the RP global buffer
before copying the RP global buffer to the client’s IN-OUT or OUT parameter .c
[SWS_Rte_06100] dWhen rptLevel2 support is enabled for a ArgumentDataPro-
totype with direction IN-OUT or OUT and the RP enabler flag is enabled
the RTE generator shall copy the RP global buffer to the client’s IN-OUT or OUT
parameter after the server invocation is complete. Note that in this case the server-
generated value is ignored.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
Requirements [SWS_Rte_06099] and [SWS_Rte_06100] require that the output
comes from two different places; the server generated value when bypass is disabled
and the RPT generate value when enabled. This implies the use of a temporary data
store passed to the server to avoid overwriting the RPT value held in the RP global

433 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06101] dWhen rptLevel2 support is enabled for a ArgumentDataPro-

totype with direction IN-OUT the generated code shall use separate RP en-
abler flags for input-side and output-side bypass.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
The Rte_Call Example 4.24 is then modified as follows:

Example 4.28
1 /* Input-side bypass */
2 volatile <type> SWCA_BypassIN_P_OP_a;
3 volatile <flag> SWCA_BypassIN_P_OP_Enable = FALSE;
5 /* Output-side bypass */
6 volatile <type> SWCA_BypassOUT_P_OP_a;
7 volatile <flag> SWCA_BypassOUT_P_OP_Enable = FALSE;
9 Std_ReturnType Rte_Call_P_OP([IN-OUT] <type> a)
10 {
11 if ( FALSE == SWCA_BypassIN_P_OP_Enable )
12 {
13 /* RP disabled... use IN value */
14 <deep-copy>( &SWCA_BypassIN_P_OP_a, a );
15 }
17 /* Pass reference to RP global buffer to server */
18 Server( &SWCA_BypassIN_P_OP_a );
20 if ( FALSE == SWCA_BypassOUT_P_OP_Enable )
21 {
22 /* Output-side bypass disabled: use server value */
23 <deep-copy>( a, &SWCA_BypassIN_P_OP_a );
24 }
25 else
26 {
27 /* Copy RPT-initialized value to client */
28 <deep-copy>( a, &SWCA_BypassOUT_P_OP_a );
29 }

31 return E_OK;
32 }

Note: The update of SWCA_BypassOUT_P_OP_a occurs in the background and is not

shown in Example 4.28. The exact point that this occurs is not defined but will be
before it is used in the generated function.
For IN and OUT parameters the generated code is similar to Example 4.28 but with
either the input-side or output-side bypass omitted as appropriate.

434 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 RP Enabler Flag

The RP enabler flags control how the generated APIs interact with the RP
global buffers (e.g. as updated by a post build hooking tool) depending on the
flag state:
Disabled – When the RP enabler flag for a VariableDataPrototype is dis-
abled the values received by the APIs are written to the RP global buffers
and the APIs behave as normal.
Enabled – When the RP enabler flag for a VariableDataPrototype is en-
abled the write defined by [SWS_Rte_06043] does not occur and thus the API
ignores data generated by runnables and uses bypass values written into the RP
global buffers.
[SWS_Rte_06075] dWhen rptLevel2 support is enabled for a ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype or a VariableDataPrototype accessed using explicit se-
mantics then within RTE APIs the RTE generator shall support RP enabler flags
to permit the write to the RP global buffer to be disabled.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
The RP enabler flags can be variables in RAM (as in the example), calibration
characteristics or both - as specified in the input configuration. The <type> used for
RP enabler flag is implementation dependent, e.g. an AUTOSAR Boolean or a
bit-packed type, but is described in the generated RP description to enable access by
[SWS_Rte_06073] dThe RTE generator shall create RP enabler flags in RAM
when rptEnablerImplType is rptEnablerRam or rptEnablerRamAndRom.c
[SWS_Rte_06074] dThe RTE generator shall create RP enabler flags as calibra-
tion characteristics when a rptEnablerImplType is rptEnablerRom.c(SRS_Rte_-
To enable the bypass to take effect the generated API must use the RP global
buffers (as updated according to [SWS_Rte_06043], [SWS_Rte_06073] and
[SWS_Rte_06074]) within the generated code rather than the values on input to the
[SWS_Rte_06079] dWhen the rptEnablerImplType is rptEnablerRamAndRom
the two RP enabler flags are logically AND’d.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
When both RAM and calibration characteristics are used the formulation would be
something like:

Example 4.29
1 /* RP enabler flag (in RAM) */
2 volatile <flag> SWCA_Bypass_P_D_Enable = FALSE;
4 /* RP enabler flag (as a characteristic) */
5 volatile const <flag> SWCA_Bypass_P_D_Enable_Char = FALSE;

435 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

7 if ( ( FALSE == SWCA_Bypass_P_D_Enable ) &&
8 ( FALSE == SWCA_Bypass_P_D_Enable_Char ) )
9 {
10 SWCA_Bypass_P_D = data;
11 }

In the above examples <flag> represents the RP enabler flag data type. Imple-
mentations are at liberty to provide optimized implementations of the enablers, e.g.
packing multiple enabler flags into a single variable, depending on known hardware
characteristics. Level 3 - Extended Non Post-Build Hooking

rptLevel3 is an extension of rptLevel2 but also records the value the ECU calcu-
lated. For example:

Example 4.30
1 /* RP global buffer */
2 volatile <type> SWCA_Bypass_P_D;
4 /* RP global measurement buffer */
5 volatile <type> SWCA_Bypass_P_D_Original;
7 /* RP enabler flag */
8 volatile <flag> SWCA_Bypass_P_D_Enable = FALSE;
10 Std_ReturnType Rte_Write_P_D(<type> data)
11 {
12 SWCA_Bypass_P_D_Original = data;
13 if ( FALSE == SWCA_Bypass_P_D_Enable )
14 {
15 SWCA_Bypass_P_D = data;
16 }
17 <send> SWCA_Bypass_P_D
18 return <result of send>
19 }

[SWS_Rte_06045] dWhen rptLevel3 support is enabled for a ModeDeclara-

tionGroupPrototype or a VariableDataPrototype accessed using explicit se-
mantics the RTE generator shall write the associated IN or INOUT API parameter to a
RP global measurement buffer on entry to the generated function.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_06046] dWhen rptLevel3 support is enabled for a ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype or a VariableDataPrototype accessed using explicit se-
mantics and the RP enabler flag is disabled the RTE generator shall write each
associated IN or INOUT API parameter to a RP global buffer after the RP

436 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

global measurement buffer is updated and before the RP global buffer is

otherwise used within the generated function.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06102] dWhen rptLevel3 support is enabled for a ArgumentDataPro-
totype the RTE generator shall write the associated IN or INOUT API parameter to a
RP global measurement buffer on entry to the generated function.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_06103] dWhen rptLevel3 support is enabled for a ArgumentDat-
aPrototype and the RP enabler flag is disabled the RTE generator shall write
each associated IN or INOUT API parameter to a RP global buffer after the RP
global measurement buffer is updated and before the RP global buffer is
otherwise used within the generated function.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
Subsequent accesses to the actual parameter within the generated function are re-
placed by use of the RP global buffer instead.
[SWS_Rte_06047] dWhen rptLevel3 support is enabled for a ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype or a VariableDataPrototype accessed using explicit se-
mantics then within RTE APIs the RTE generator shall read the value of the associated
IN and INOUT parameters from the RP global buffer rather than use the formal
[SWS_Rte_06104] dWhen rptLevel3 support is enabled for a ArgumentDataPro-
totype then within RTE APIs the RTE generator shall read the value of the associated
IN and INOUT parameters from the RP global buffer rather than use the formal
And likewise for the Rte_Read API:

Example 4.31
1 /* RP global buffer */
2 volatile <type> SWCB_Bypass_P_D;

4 /* RP global measurement buffer */

5 volatile <type> SWCB_Bypass_P_D_Original;
7 /* RP enabler flag */
8 volatile <flag> SWCB_Bypass_P_D_Enable = FALSE;

10 Std_ReturnType Rte_Read_P_D(<type>* const data)

11 {
12 <type> temp = <receive>;
13 SWCB_Bypass_P_D_Original = temp;
14 if ( FALSE == SWCB_Bypass_P_D_Enable )
15 {
16 SWCB_Bypass_P_D = temp;
17 }
18 *data = SWCB_Bypass_P_D;
19 return <result of receive>;
20 }

437 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06048] dWhen rptLevel3 support is enabled for a ModeDeclara-

tionGroupPrototype or a VariableDataPrototype accessed using explicit se-
mantics the RTE generator shall write the value destined for each OUT or INOUT API
parameter to an associated RP global measurement buffer after the value is
received within the generated function.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06105] dWhen rptLevel3 support is enabled for a ArgumentDataPro-
totype the RTE generator shall write the value destined for each OUT or INOUT API
parameter to an associated RP global measurement buffer after the value is
returned by the server within the generated function.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06049] dWhen rptLevel3 support is enabled for a ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype or a VariableDataPrototype accessed using explicit
semantics and the RP enabler flag is disabled the RTE generator shall write
the value destined for each OUT or INOUT API parameter to an associated RP
global buffer after the RP global measurement buffer is updated.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_06106] dWhen rptLevel3 support is enabled for a ArgumentDat-
aPrototype and the RP enabler flag is disabled the RTE generator shall write
the value destined for each OUT or INOUT API parameter to an associated RP
global buffer after the RP global measurement buffer is updated.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_06050] dWhen rptLevel3 support is enabled for a ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype or a VariableDataPrototype accessed using explicit se-
mantics then within RTE APIs the RTE generator shall read the value of the associated
OUT and INOUT parameters from the RP global buffers rather than directly using
the values received in the generated function.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
The Rte_Call Example 4.24 is then modified as follows:

Example 4.32
1 /* Input-side bypass */
2 volatile <type> SWCA_BypassIN_P_OP_a;
3 volatile <type> SWCA_BypassINMeasurementBuf_P_OP_a;
4 volatile <flag> SWCA_BypassIN_P_OP_Enable = FALSE;
6 /* Output-side bypass */
7 volatile <type> SWCA_BypassOUT_P_OP_a;
8 volatile <type> SWCA_BypassOUTMeasurementBuf_P_OP_a;
9 volatile <flag> SWCA_BypassOUT_P_OP_Enable = FALSE;
11 Std_ReturnType Rte_Call_P_OP([IN-OUT] <type> a)
12 {
13 /* rptLevel3: Retain input value */
14 <deep-copy>( &SWCA_BypassINMeasurementBuf_P_OP_a, a );
15 if ( FALSE == SWCA_BypassIN_P_OP_Enable )
16 {
17 /* RP disabled... use IN value */
18 <deep-copy>( &SWCA_BypassIN_P_OP_a, a );

438 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

19 }
20 else
21 {
22 /* RP enabled... do nothing & use value from RPT */
23 }

25 /* Pass reference to RP global buffer to server */

26 Server( &SWCA_BypassIN_P_OP_a );
28 /* rptLevel3: Retain server generated value */
29 <deep-copy>( &SWCA_BypassOUTMeasurementBuf_P_OP_a, &
SWCA_BypassIN_P_OP_a );
31 if ( FALSE == SWCA_BypassOUT_P_OP_Enable )
32 {
33 /* Output-side bypass disabled: use server value */
34 <deep-copy>( a, &SWCA_BypassIN_P_OP_a );
35 }
36 else
37 {
38 /* Copy RPT-initialized value to client */
39 <deep-copy>( a, &SWCA_BypassOUT_P_OP_a );
40 }
42 return E_OK;
43 }

For IN and OUT parameters the generated code is similar to Example 4.32 but with
either the input-side or output-side bypass omitted as appropriate. Level 2 and 3 - Non Post-Build Hooking and Implicit Communication

For implicit communication the context-local buffer is updated from the global master
via an interception if the RP enabler flag is disabled. For rptLevel3 the original
(master) data is also preserved in the RP global measurement buffer. A typi-
cal implementation for the initialization of the context-local buffer within a task (when
rptLevel3 support is enabled) would therefore look like:

Example 4.33
1 /* RP global buffer */
2 volatile <type> SWCB_Bypass_P_D;
4 /* RP global measurement buffer */
5 volatile <type> SWCB_Bypass_P_D_Original;
7 /* RP enabler flag */
8 volatile <flag> SWCB_Bypass_P_D_Enable = FALSE;
10 TASK(X)
11 {

439 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

12 /* RP global measurement buffer = global master data */

13 SWCB_Bypass_P_D_Original = global_P_D;
15 if ( FALSE == SWCB_Bypass_P_D_Enable )
16 {
17 /* RP global buffer = global master data */
18 SWCB_Bypass_P_D = global_P_D;
19 }
21 /* context-local buffer */
22 local_P_D = SWCB_Bypass_P_D;
23 ...
24 }

When the RP enabler flag is disabled the global master data is used to update
SWCB_Bypass_P_D and hence the RP generated value is not used. Conversely when
bypass is enabled the value written by the RPT into SWCB_Bypass_P_D is used rather
than overwriting with the global master.
[SWS_Rte_06051] dWhen rptLevel3 is enabled for a VariableDataPrototype
accessed by implicit semantics the RTE generator shall update the RP global mea-
surement buffer before the context-local buffer is updated (via the RP global
[SWS_Rte_06052] dWhen rptLevel2 or rptLevel3 is enabled for a Variable-
DataPrototype accessed by implicit semantics and the RP enabler flag is dis-
abled the RTE generator shall write the value from the global master data to the RP
global buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06053] dWhen rptLevel2 or rptLevel3 is enabled for a Variable-
DataPrototype accessed by implicit semantics the RTE generator shall write the
value from the RP global buffer to the context-local buffer after the RP global
buffer is updated.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06054] dThe RTE generator shall perform the above requirements in
the sequence [SWS_Rte_06051] [SWS_Rte_06052] [SWS_Rte_06053].c(SRS_Rte_-
After runnable termination the value produced must be written back to the global mas-
ter. The write-back occurs via an interception if the RP enabler flag is disabled.
For rptLevel3 the original data produced by the runnable is also preserved in the
RP global measurement buffer. A typical implementation for the initialization
of the context-local buffer within a task (when rptLevel3 support is enabled) would
therefore look like:

Example 4.34
1 /* RP global buffer */
2 volatile <type> SWCB_Bypass_P_D;
4 /* RP global measurement buffer */

440 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5 volatile <type> SWCB_Bypass_P_D_Original;

7 /* RP enabler flag */
8 volatile <flag> SWCB_Bypass_P_D_Enable = FALSE;
10 TASK(X)
11 {
12 ...
14 /* RP global measurement buffer = context-local buffer */
15 SWCB_Bypass_P_D_Original = local_P_D;
17 if ( FALSE == SWCB_Bypass_P_D_Enable )
18 {
19 /* RP global buffer = context-local buffer */
20 SWCB_Bypass_P_D = local_P_D;
21 }
23 global_P_D = SWCB_Bypass_P_D;
24 }

[SWS_Rte_06055] dWhen rptLevel3 is enabled for a VariableDataPrototype

accessed by implicit semantics the RTE generator shall update the RP global mea-
surement buffer using the context-local buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06056] dWhen rptLevel2 or rptLevel3 is enabled for a Variable-
DataPrototype accessed by implicit semantics and the RP enabler flag is dis-
abled the RTE generator shall write the value from the context-local buffer to the RP
global buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06057] dWhen rptLevel2 or rptLevel3 is enabled for a Variable-
DataPrototype accessed by implicit semantics the RTE generator shall write the
value from the RP global buffer to the global master after the RP global
buffer is updated.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06058] dThe RTE generator shall perform the above requirements in
the sequence [SWS_Rte_06055] [SWS_Rte_06056] [SWS_Rte_06057].c(SRS_Rte_-
00244) Export

The RTE generator must describe the various buffers and flags created to support the
configured RptImplPolicy.rptPreparationLevel for a VariableDataProto-
type so that the information can be accessed by the RP system after RTE genera-
tion12 .
To be fully used by an RPT system the information exported by the RTE generator may need sub-
sequent augmentation to add details that are not known to the RTE generator, e.g. address information.

441 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

A generated RP buffer, flag, etc. is described by a separate McDataInstance with

a particular role, e.g. RP-GLOBAL-BUFFER, that describe its usage. The role can
describe the following:
1. RP global buffer.
2. RP enabler flag(s) (rptLevel2/rptLevel3).
3. RP global measurement buffer (rptLevel3).
4. RP stimulation enabler flag
The McDataInstance includes a reference to the relevant FlatIn-
stanceDescriptor. This reference is the same one included in the McDataIn-
stance for the RTEs buffer and therefore allows RP tools to make an association
betwen the RTE managed buffers and the RP buffers/flags.

4.9.5 Service Based Prototyping

Access to the RP global buffers and RP global measurement buffers can

be implemented by using a service based ECU interface in which an additional RP
service component, such as an “XCP on CAN” or “XCP on Ethernet” service, is
added to the ECU application.
The integration of the service can be performed pre-build by means of source code
based integration, for example, by adding an XCP or custom BSW component, or
post-build by patching the binary code of an already compiled ECU image.
In a service based scenario data is sampled and/or stimulated at RP service
points. During either sampling or stimulation the data is read and/or written from the
memory associated with the VariableDataPrototype to/from a local buffer during
the execution of the RP service point and hence transferred to/from the RP tool.
Within the context of the RTE the data stimulated by the RP service points are the
RP global buffers and RP global measurement buffers however any data
that is measurable is potentially subject to reading.
A RP service point is simply a call of a RP service function that is provided
by the RP service component. The RP service function is responsible for
sampling (reading) and stimulating (writing) the bypass data. The action of sampling
may then trigger the RP system to perform the bypass (this may involve the commu-
nication of the sampled data to an external system for computation) ready for reading
when the stimulation occurs.

442 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Rapid Prototyping Scenarios

The Extended Buffer Access method augments the RapidPrototypingScenario

to support service-based bypass. A RapidPrototypingScenario aggregates one
or more RptContainers and one or more RptProfiles.
• RptProfile – Each profile defines an RP service profile consisting of:
– The permitted range of RP service point id defined as minService-
PointId to maxServicePointId.
– The C-Symbols of the RP service functions invoked before and after
the runnable entity.
• RptContainer – Each RptContainer defines the entity to be encapsulated
by calls to the RP service function. A single RptContainer instance can
reference a complete SW-C (in which case all invocations of its runnable entities
are encapsulated by calls to RP service functions), a single RTEEvent or
a single VariableDataPrototype.
An RptContainer can optionally define one or more explicitRptProfile-
Selection references. When present the references provide a list of RptPro-
files which needs to be applied when the RPT support is implemented. When
no explicitRptProfileSelection references are defined then all RptPro-
files defined in the RapidPrototypingScenario are applicable.
The RptExecutableEntityProperties within an RptContainer aggre-
gates information about the properties of the executable entity(s) to which the
RP service points apply. This includes rptServicePoint which defines
a switch for RP service point generation and thus permits profiles to define
variable preparation and/or service point support.
For each applicable RptProfile (i.e. selected through explicitRptProfileSe-
lection references or by the use of all profiles when no such references are present)
the RTE generator inserts calls to the RP service function around the invocation
of the runnable entity (or runnable entities) started by the RTEEvent referenced by
each aggregated RptContainer.

Example 4.35

As an example of how RptProfile and RptContainer interact, consider the follow-

ing scenario:
• A RapidPrototypingScenario instance that aggregates a single RptPro-
file instance.
• An RptProfile instance that aggregates two RP service functions:
– servicePointSymbolPre defines ServiceFunc1_pre.
– servicePointSymbolPost defines ServiceFunc1_post.

443 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• A single RptContainer instance (with no explicitRptProfileSelection

references) that:
– Has zero explicitRptProfileSelection references.
– References, using byPassPoint, a single RTEEvent Event1 that triggers
runnable re1.
The RTE would then generate:
1 ServiceFunc1_pre(<rptEventId>, <spId1>, <stim>);
2 re1();
3 ServiceFunc1_post(<rptEventId>, <spId2>, <stim>);

• The RTE event identifier, <rptEventId>, identifies the RTE event and is
within the range specified in the interval [minRptEventId. . .maxRptEventId)
of the RptExecutableEntityProperties.
• The RP service point ids, <spId1> and <spId2>, identify the ser-
vice point and are within the interval [minServicePointId. . .maxService-
PointId) of the RptProfile.
• <stim> is the RP stimulation enabler flag to control RP stimulation.

To extend Example 4.35, an additional RptProfile referencing RP service func-

tion, ServiceFunc2 (both pre- and post) is added to the RapidPrototypingSce-

Example 4.36

The RTE would then generate:

1 ServiceFunc1_pre(<rptEventId>, <spId1>, <stim>);
2 ServiceFunc2(<rptEventId>, <spId2>, <stim>);
3 re1();
4 ServiceFunc1_post(<rptEventId>, <spId3>, <stim>);
5 ServiceFunc2(<rptEventId>, <spId4>, <stim>);

Each RP service function use the same RTE event identifier, i.e.
<rptEvendId>, since all four calls wrap the same runnable invocation however each
uses a different RP service point id.

Multiple RptProfiles can lead to multiple RP service functions for the same
RTEEvent. All such calls are ordered alphabetically ([SWS_Rte_06061]) and have the
same RTE event identifier but different RP service point ids.

444 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Service Functions

The RP service function is responsible for sampling the required data. The pa-
rameters of the RP service function do not include the data, instead, the param-
eters identify the RTE EVent and service point:
<rptEventId> – RTE event identifier indicating the associated RTE Event.
This parameter is defined by the RptContainer’s RptExecutableEnti-
tyProperties and is therefore the same for all RptProfiles aggregated
within the RptContainer.
<servicePointId> – The RP service point id is used by the RP service
component to identify the particular service point.
This parameter is defined by the RptProfile and is therefore differentfor each
<stimEnabler> – Calibratable value to control RP Stimulation. This parameter is
optional, if not configured zero is passed to the RP service function.
This parameter is defined by the RptProfile and is therefore differentfor each
[SWS_Rte_06059] dA RP service point id shall have the type uint16.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_06060] dAn invocation of a RP service function shall conform to the
void <RptServiceSymbol>( uint16 <rptEventId>,
uint16 <servicePointId>
uint8 <stimEnabler> );

Where <RptServiceSymbol> is specified as the RptProfile.service-

PointSymbolPre or
RptProfile.servicePointSymbolPost and <servicePointid> is the RP
service point id. The <stimEnabler> provides run-time control of RP
Note that given the defined type the range of RP service point id is [0 . . . 65535].
[SWS_Rte_06061] dFor all RP service function defined by the input configura-
tion the RTE generator shall invoke the RP service function in alphabetical order
(ASCII / ISO 8859-1 code in ascending order).c(SRS_Rte_00244)
To avoid ambiguity two RptProfiles are not permitted to declare identical <RptSer-
[SWS_Rte_06076] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where RptPro-
file.servicePointSymbolPre or RptProfile.servicePointSymbolPost are
not globally unique.c(SRS_Rte_00244)

445 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The “pre” and “post” positions provide the ability to differentiate RP service points
that are invoked before and after runnable invocation if this is required. The two calls
will have a common RP event ids but different RP service point ids.
To permit one RptProfile to describe variable preparation and/or service points the
rptServicePoint within the RptContainer defines an enable/disable switch:
[SWS_Rte_06120] dThe RTE generator shall create calls to RP service func-
tions defined by an RptProfile only when the RptContainer’s rptService-
Point parameter is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00244) RP Stim Enabler

The RP stimulation enabler flag parameter provides runtime control of RP

stimulation by the RP service function. Example 4.37 shows the same value
passed as the <stimEnabler> parameter to both pre- and post RP service

Example 4.37
1 ServiceFunc1_pre(<rptEventId>, <spId1>, <stimEnabler>);
2 if (! <rp_disabler_flag>)
3 {
4 re1();
5 }
6 ServiceFunc1_post(<rptEventId>, <spId2>, <stimEnabler>);

The <stimEnabler> parameter has a fixed datatype of uint8 and is, when config-
ured, exported into RptSupportData as calibratable.
[SWS_Rte_06111] dWhen RptProfile.stimEnabler is rptEnablerRam or
rptEnablerRom the value of the <stimEnabler> shall be passed as the third pa-
rameter of the RP service function invocation.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06112] dWhen RptProfile.stimEnabler is none the third parameter
of the RP service function invocation shall be 0 (zero).c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06115] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where the RptPro-
file.stimEnabler is rptEnablerRamAndRom.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
Each RP service point has its own <stimEnabler> parameter. As a conse-
quence, there are as many <stimEnabler> parameters as there are enabled RP
service points, i.e. 1000 Service points with enabled RptProfile.stimEnabler
will result in 1000 calibratable <stimEnabler> parameters.
As well as instantiating the <stimEnabler> parameter the RTE generate must output
information in the generated RptSupportData to enable down-stream tools to locate
the calibratable parameter.

446 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06110] dWhen RptProfile.stimEnabler is not none the <sti-

mEnabler> description shall be exported in the RptSupportData.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
The calibratable <stimEnabler> parameters are accessed by MC or RP tools. To
enable the identification of different parameters the name of the generated calibratable
value includes the name of the hooked RTE/BSW Event.
[SWS_Rte_06109] dThe name of generated <stimEnabler> parameter shall include
the name of hooked SwComponentPrototype and RTEEvent/BswEvent to be ref-
erenced.c(SRS_Rte_00244) Integration

There are two possibilities on how to integrate a RP service point pre-build; either
as SWC Internal inserted by the SWC developer or as RTE Assigned created by the
RTE generator.
SWC Internal In this scenario the RP service function signature of the BSW that
provides the service is known by the SWC developer.
The SWC developer implements the RP service function calls at required
positions within the RunnableEntity code, typically one right before and a sec-
ond one right after every area to be prepared for bypassing. This mechanism is
typically used in migration scenarios where a single RunnableEntity contains
multiple functionality.
The SWC developer has to document the integrated RP service point,
whether used for sampling or stimulating RP data, in the context of the
RunnableEntity information of the AUTOSAR SWC description.
In this scenario there is no requirement for the RTE generator to insert RP ser-
vice point calls within generated code. In addition, the RTE generator is not
responsible for assignment of RP service point ids instead these are se-
lected when the RP service functions invocations are created. However
the RTE generator must ensure that the description of the SWC’s service hooks
is exported for subsequent tools.
RTE Assigned In this scenario the RTE generator evaluates the SWC descriptions
for required SWC RP service points and adds them at dedicated positions
before and after the invocation of a RunnableEntity.
In the following discussion the positions for the invocation of SWC RP service
points is defined by the following pseudo-code for the invocation of a runnable

Example 4.38
1 [Point A]
2 <update context-local buffers>
3 <VFB Runnable Start>();

447 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4 [runnable invocation]
5 <VFB Runnable Return>();
6 [Point B]
7 <update global buffers>
8 <RTE notifications>

[SWS_Rte_06064] dWhen an RptContainer references a SwComponentPro-

totype, the RTE generator shall insert RP service points at both [Point
A] and [Point B] for each RptProfile for all applicable RTEEvent/Bsw-
[SWS_Rte_06089] dWhen an RptContainer references an RTEEvent/Bsw-
Event in a SwComponentPrototype, the RTE generator shall insert RP ser-
vice points at both [Point A] and [Point B] for each applicable Rpt-
[SWS_Rte_06090] dWhen an RptContainer references an VariableDat-
aPrototype, the RTE generator shall insert RP service points at both
[Point A] and [Point B] for each applicable RptProfile for each RTE-
Event/BswEvent that can read/write the VariableDataPrototype.c(SRS_-
The invocation of a RunnableEntity may be conditional, for example, as a
result of an execution pre-scaling when multiple RTEEvents are mapped to the
task. If so then the execution of the RP service points has the same condi-
[SWS_Rte_06065] dThe RTE generator shall invoke the SWC RP service
points at [Point A] and [Point B] only if the ExecutableEntity is sub-
ject to invocation at [runnable invocation].c(SRS_Rte_00244)
Note that the invocation of the ExecutableEntity may still be subject to omis-
sion if the execution would conflict with the bypass functionality; see below. Service Point IDs

The RTE input configuration may include SWCs from multiple suppliers that each con-
tain SWC-Internal RP service point ids. The same RP service point id
must never be used twice within the same ECU application and therefore the RTE
generator is required to reject input configurations that result in duplications – it is not
permitted to remap RP service point ids.
[SWS_Rte_06066] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations that contain SWCs
with duplicate SWC-Internal RP service point ids.c(SRS_Rte_00244)

448 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In addition to SWC-Internal RP service point ids the RTE generator is required

to assign RP service point ids used for RTE hooks. To avoid conflicts with SWC-
Internal RP service point ids the input configuration describes permitted range
for IDs for such RP service points.
To enable Pre and Post RP service point invocations to be distinguished differ-
ent RP service point id are used – a unique ID is used for each RP service
point invocation.
[SWS_Rte_06067] dThe RTE generator shall assign the next unused RP service
point id for the RP service point invocations at [Point A] and [Point B]
from the permitted range.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06068] dThe permitted range is defined as minServicePointId to
maxServicePointId inclusive.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
The RP service point ids assigned by the RTE generator are documented in the
generated configuration as part of the RptProfile. See Example 4.38 for locations
of [Point A] and [Point B]. Conditional RunnableEntity Invocation

In addition to data bypass the invocation of the RP service function at [Point

A] (see Example 4.38) may trigger computation that replaces the execution of the
original RunnableEntity either because the execution would be redundant or have
unwanted side effects. Thus it is possible to make the execution conditional and thus
the [runnable invocation] element of the pseudo-code above is replaced by:

Example 4.39
1 if ( FALSE == <RPRunnableDisablerFlag> )
2 {
3 [VFB Trace event - runnable start]
4 symbol() /* runnable invocation */
5 [VFB Trace event - runnable return]
6 }

The conditional execution of the original symbol is unrelated to the normal condi-
tionality of the invocation, e.g. due to the presence of prescalers created by the RTE
generator when multiple RTEEvents are mapped to the task. Mofication, e.g. incre-
ment, of the prescalers should occur even when the RP runnable disabler flag
is TRUE. Example 4.40 shows the combination of RP runnable disabler flag
with RTE generated conditional execution that invokes the runnable once every five
task activations.

Example 4.40
1 if ( --Rte_RunnableDivide == 0 )
2 {

449 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

3 Rte_RunnableDivide = 5u;
4 if ( FALSE == <RPRunnableDisablerFlag> )
5 {
6 [VFB Trace event - runnable start]
7 symbol() /* runnable invocation */
8 [VFB Trace event - runnable return]
9 }
10 }

[SWS_Rte_06069] dWhen the RP rptExecutionControl is conditional the

RTE generator shall invoke the symbol only if the runnable disabler flag is FALSE.c
Note that there is no ability to control the execution of RTEEvents since the intent is to
avoid the side effects of the runnable whatever the triggering event therefore the same
conditionality applies to all uses of the runnable.
[SWS_Rte_06077] dFor each conditional in the input rptExecutionControl
the RTE generator shall document the generated RP runnable disabler flag in
the exported RptSupportData.c(SRS_Rte_00244) Interaction with RTE-Managed buffers

The <update context-local buffers> pseudo-code is responsible for manip-

ulating the RTE-managed context-local buffers (i.e. those used for implicit communi-
cation) based on updates performed by the RP service function invocations –
it must therefore happen after the invocations at [Point A] and [Point B] ((see
Example 4.38 for locations of [Point A] and [Point B]).
The <update context-local buffers> pseudo-code uses the RP global
buffers to update the context-local buffers and thus, potentially, use values provided
by the RP service function [Point A].
As an example of rptLevel3 bypass (which includes the ability to enable/disable
bypass at run-time) the <update context-local buffers> pseudo-code could
be implemented as follows:

Example 4.41
1 /* RP global measurement buffer = global master data */
2 SWCB_Bypass_P1_D_Original = global_P1_D;
4 if ( FALSE == SWCB_Bypass_P1_D_Enable )
5 {
6 /* Bypass disabled */
7 /* RP global buffer = global master data */
8 SWCB_Bypass_P1_D = SWCB_Bypass_P1_D_Original;
9 }

11 /* context-local buffer */

450 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

12 local_P1_D = SWCB_Bypass_P1_D;

Similarly the <update global buffers> pseudo-code that follows [Point B]

uses the RTE-managed context-local buffers to update the RTE-managed global
buffers with either RP global buffer values or context-local values (if using
rptLevel2 or rptLevel3 bypass which include run-time bypass enable/disable).
Consequently the <update global buffers> must occur after RP service
point [Point B] but before configured notifications have been made at <RTE no-

Example 4.42
1 /* RP global measurement buffer = context-local buffer */
2 SWCB_Bypass_P2_D_Original = local_P2_D;
4 if ( FALSE == SWCB_Bypass_P2_D_Enable )
5 {
6 /* Bypass disabled */
7 /* RP global buffer = context-local buffer */
8 SWCB_Bypass_P2_D = local_P2_D;
9 }
11 global_P2_D = SWCB_Bypass_P2_D; Export

For both SWC-Internal and RTE-Assigned RP service point ids the RTE gener-
ator must describe the invoked RP service functions so that the information can
be accessed by the RP system after RTE generation13 .
The exported RTE McSupportData is used to describe the generated configuration and
consists of:
• RptSupportData describing RP execution contexts
• Invoked RP service points (whether SWC-Internal or RTE-Assigned).
• Relationship between RptExecutableEntityEvent and pre-functional RP
service point.
• Relationship between RptExecutableEntityEvent and post-functional RP
service point.
• Relationship between RptExecutableEntityEvent and RP runnable
disabler flag.
To be fully used by an RPT system the information exported by the RTE generator may need sub-
sequent augmentation to add details that are not known to the RTE generator, e.g. address information.

451 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In the following requirements [Point A] and [Point B] refer to locations defined

in Example 4.38.
[SWS_Rte_06080] dWhen a RunnableEntity has implicit read access to a Vari-
ableDataPrototype for which RP service points are generated according to
[SWS_Rte_06064] then the RTE generator shall export rptServicePointPre at the
according RptExecutableEntityEvent documenting the RP service points
generated at [Point A].c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06081] dWhen a RunnableEntity has implicit write access to a
VariableDataPrototype for which RP service points are generated accord-
ing to [SWS_Rte_06064] then the RTE generator shall export rptServicePoint-
Post at the according RptExecutableEntityEvent documenting the RP ser-
vice points generated at [Point B].c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06082] dWhen a RunnableEntity has explicit read access to a
VariableDataPrototype for which RP service points are generated accord-
ing to [SWS_Rte_06064] then the RTE generator shall export rptServicePoint-
Post at the according RptExecutableEntityEvent documenting the RP ser-
vice points generated at [Point B].c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06083] dWhen a RunnableEntity has explicit write access to a
VariableDataPrototype for which service points are generated according to
[SWS_Rte_06064], [SWS_Rte_06089] or [SWS_Rte_06090] then the RTE generator
shall export rptServicePointPre at the according RptExecutableEntityEvent
documenting the RP service points generated at [Point A].c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06084] dWhen a RunnableEntity has explicit read or write access to
a VariableDataPrototype for which service points are generated according to
[SWS_Rte_06064], [SWS_Rte_06089] or [SWS_Rte_06090] then the RTE generator
shall export rptServicePointPre at the according RptExecutableEntityEvent
documenting the RP service points generated at [Point A].c(SRS_Rte_00244)
[SWS_Rte_06085] dWhen a RunnableEntity has explicit read or write access to a
VariableDataPrototype for which RP service points are generated accord-
ing to [SWS_Rte_06064], [SWS_Rte_06089] or [SWS_Rte_06090] then the RTE gen-
erator shall export rptServicePointPost at the according RptExecutableEnti-
tyEvent documenting the RP service points generated at [Point B].c(SRS_-

4.10 Data Transformation

Transformers enable AUTOSAR systems to use a data transformation mechanism to
linearize and transform data. They can be concatenated to transformer chains and
are executed by the RTE for inter-ECU communication which is configured to be trans-
formed. The input of the first transformer in the chain gets the data from the RTE.
Each following transformer uses the output of the preceding transformer as input. All

452 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

transformers following the first one then have a generic signature with just a byte array
as IN and OUT parameter. Such an architecture could be used to design systems,
where you can flexibly add functionality like safety or security protection to a serialized
The transformers for inter-ECU communication are configured in the System Descrip-
Furthermore the RTE can execute transformers for intra-ECU communication to trans-
form different representations of data structures between software components or ba-
sic software modules within one ECU. Transformers for intra-ECU communication are
restricted to unqueued S/R communication. In addition no transformer chains are appli-
cable. Those limitations are formulated since for the currently known use-cases there
is no need for introducing this functionality.
The execution of the transformers and the necessary buffer handling is coordinated by
the RTE.

4.10.1 Execution of Transformer Transformer for inter-ECU communication

[SWS_Rte_08794] dThe RTE shall execute data transformation for inter-ecu commu-
nication if a DataTransformation is referenced by an ISignal that references a
SystemSignal which
1. is referenced by a SenderReceiverToSignalMapping, ClientServer-
ToSignalMapping or TriggerToSignalMapping
2. or is referenced by a SystemSignalGroup in the role transformingSys-
temSignal if the SystemSignalGroup is referenced by a SenderReceiver-
In case of fan-in of inter-ECU communication where the ISignals use different data
transformations, the RTE has to ensure that it executes the correct transformer chain
that belongs to exactly that ISignal. This could be achieved for example by remem-
bering within the Com callback which DataTransformation belongs to the received
[SWS_Rte_08795] dThe RTE shall execute all transformers of a transformer chain
in their execution order for queued (event semantics) sender-receiver communication
even when the queue is empty (because no data are available) if executeDespite-
DataUnavailability of DataTransformation is enabled and the Rte_Receive
API has non-blocking characteristics according to [SWS_Rte_01288]. The input to all
the transformers in the chain shall be NULL with a dataLength equal to 0.c(SRS_Rte_-

453 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note: This functionality is only available on the receiving side of queued
Sender/Receiver communication. Furthermore, if Signal fan-in is used, no signal shall
have the attribute executeDespiteDataUnavailability set to true (see [constr_-
There are two main cases considered when executeDespiteDataUnavailabil-
ity is important: an empty queue in case of queued S/R communication and errors in
the COM stack so that the RTE doesn’t get data from Com or LdCom.
[SWS_Rte_08796] dFor VariableAccesses in the roles dataReceivePointB-
yArgument, dataReceivePointByValue or dataSendPoint the RTE shall ex-
ecute data transformation from within the called RTE API.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
In case of explicit sender-receiver communication, the execution of the data transfor-
mation takes place inside the RTE API which is called by the SWC.
In case of implicit sender-receiver communication, the execution of the data transfor-
mation takes place on sender side between execution of the runnable and handover of
the data to the Com stack and on receiver side between reception of the data from the
Com stack and start of the runnable.
[SWS_Rte_08570] dFor VariableAccesses in the dataReadAccess role the RTE
shall execute data transformation after reception of the data from the Com stack and
before start of the runnable/coherency group.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_08571] dFor VariableAccesses in the dataWriteAccess role the RTE
shall execute data transformation after termination of the runnable/coherency group
and before handing the data over to the Com stack.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_08596] dFor ExternalTriggeringPoints the RTE shall execute data
transformation from within the called RTE API Rte_Trigger.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
In case of external trigger communication, the execution of the data transformation
takes place inside the RTE API which is called by the SWC.
[SWS_Rte_08797] dIf transformer is configured to have access to original data, the
RTE shall ensure that these are unchanged until the end of the execution of the trans-
former chain.c(SRS_Rte_00247) Transformer for intra-ECU communication

[SWS_Rte_08105] dThe RTE shall execute data transformation for intra-ecu commu-
nication if a DataTransformation is referenced by a DataPrototypeMapping.c
[SWS_Rte_08107] dFor VariableAccess in the roles dataReceivePointB-
yArgument, dataReceivePointByValue or dataSendPoint the RTE shall ex-
ecute data transformation from within the called RTE API.c(SRS_Rte_00253)

454 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In case of implicit sender-receiver communication, the execution of the data trans-

formation takes place on sender side after execution of the RunnableEntity/
BswSchedulableEntity and on receiver side before the start of the RunnableEn-
[SWS_Rte_08108] dFor VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess role the RTE
shall execute data transformation before start of the RunnableEntity/BswSchedu-
[SWS_Rte_08109] dFor VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role the
RTE shall execute data transformation after termination of the RunnableEntity/

4.10.2 Transformer Chains

[SWS_Rte_08798] dThe RTE shall support transformer chains (DataTransforma-

tion) with a length up to 255 transformers TransformationTechnology.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_08110] dThe RTE shall support transformer chains (DataTransforma-
tion) only for inter-ecu data transformation.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_08799] dThe RTE on sender side shall execute the transformers of the
chain in order.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_08588] dThe RTE on receiver side shall execute the retransformers of the
chain in reverse order.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_08589] dThe RTE on client side shall execute the transformers of the chain
in order for all IN and IN/OUT arguments of the server call.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_08590] dThe RTE on server side shall execute the retransformers of the
chain in reverse order for all IN and IN/INOUT arguments of the server call.c(SRS_-
Both the IN and the IN/OUT arguments are transferred from the client to the server.
[SWS_Rte_08515] dThe RTE on server side shall execute the transformers of the
chain in order for all IN/OUT and OUT arguments and return code of the server op-
[SWS_Rte_08516] dThe RTE on client side shall execute the retransformers of the
chain in reverse order for all IN/OUT and OUT arguments and return code of the server
All the IN/OUT arguments, OUT arguments and the return value are transferred from
the server to the client. The IN/OUT arguments have to be included in both communi-
cation directions because these arguments represent bi-directional communication.

455 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08517] dIf data conversion does not apply, the input of the first transformer
(in execution order) on sender side for sender-receiver communication shall be the
data from the VariableDataPrototype by the SWC.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_04540] dIf data conversion applies, the input of the first transformer (in exe-
cution order) on sender side for sender-receiver communication shall be the converted
data from the VariableDataPrototype by the SWC.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_08518] dThe input for the first transformer (in execution order) on receiver
side for inter-ECU sender-receiver communication shall be the received data from the
Com stack.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_08519] dThe input for the first transformer (in execution order) on client side
for client-server communication shall be the data from the ClientServerOperation
by the SWC.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_08520] dThe input for the first transformer (in execution order) on server
side for the request of a client-server communication shall be the received data from
the Com stack.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_08521] dThe input for the first transformer (in execution order) on server
side for the response of a client-server communication shall be the data from the
ClientServerOperation by the SWC.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_08522] dThe input for the first transformer (in execution order) on client
side for the response of a client-server communication shall be the received data from
the Com stack.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
The input for the first transformer (in execution order) on the Trigger Source side for
external trigger communication contains no payload data (See [SWS_Xfrm_00102] in
[26, ASWS Transformer General]).
[SWS_Rte_08597] dThe input for the first transformer (in execution order) on Trigger
Sink side for external trigger communication shall be the received data from the Com
[SWS_Rte_08523] dThe output of the last transformer (in execution order) on sender
side for inter-ECU sender-receiver communication shall be transmitted to the Com
[SWS_Rte_08524] dIf data conversion does not apply, the output of the last trans-
former (in execution order) on receiver side for sender-receiver communication shall
be handed over to the SWC.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_04541] dIf data conversion applies, the RTE shall convert the output of the
last transformer (in execution order) on receiver side for sender-receiver communica-
tion before handing it over to the SWC.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_08525] dThe output of the last transformer (in execution order) on client
side for the request of a client-server communication shall be transmitted to the COM
or Com stack.c(SRS_Rte_00247)

456 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08598] dThe output of the last transformer (in execution order) on Trigger
Source side for external trigger communication shall be transmitted to the Com stack.c
[SWS_Rte_08599] dOn Trigger Sink side for external trigger communication, the RTE
shall trigger the execution of the triggered RunnableEntity if no transformer in the
transformer chain returns a hard error.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
This means that only the RunnableEntity for the TransformerHardErrorEvents
but not the RunnableEntitys for ExternalTriggerOccurredEvents shall be
triggered if a hard transformer error occurred.
[SWS_Rte_08526] dOn server side for client/server communication, the RTE shall trig-
ger the execution of the triggered RunnableEntity and hand the output of the last
transformer over to the triggered RunnableEntity if and only if no transformer in the
transformer chain returns a hard error.c(SRS_Rte_00247)
[SWS_Rte_08527] dThe output of the last transformer (in execution order) on server
side for the response of a client-server communication shall be transmitted to the Com
[SWS_Rte_08528] dThe output of the last transformer (in execution order) on client
side for the response of a client-server communication shall be handed over to the
[SWS_Rte_08529] dThe output of a non-last transformer (in execution order) in a trans-
former chain shall be the input for the next transformer in the execution order of the
If there is a signal fanout, it is possible to optimize the execution of the transformers. If
multiple transformer chains in case of a signal fanout have the same set of transform-
ers at the beginning of the transformer chain, the RTE optimizes and executes those
transformers only once for all transformer chains together. The result can be shared
between all transformers chains. This is only possible if no ComBasedTransformer
is involved.
[SWS_Rte_08530] dIf the XfrmImplementationMapping (see [ECUC_Xfrm_-
00001]) maps multiple transformers (which are used to transform different ISignals)
to the same BswModuleEntry, the RTE shall execute those first transformers only
once using the mapped BswModuleEntry and take the result as input for the further
transformers for those ISignals.c(SRS_Rte_00247)

457 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Configuration Generated Code

Sending Can be Sending

Application Application
combined SWC

Transformer 1 Transformer 1 Transformer 1

Transformer 2 Transformer 3 Transformer 2 Transformer 3

Transformer 4 Transformer 4

Transformer 5 Transformer 5

Transformer 6 Transformer 6

Receiving Receiving
ISignal1 Application ISignal2 ISignal1 Application ISignal2

Figure 4.56: Example of a transformer optimization

4.10.3 Buffer Handling

[SWS_Rte_08531] dIf the attribute inPlace in the BufferProperties of a Trans-

formationTechnology is set to FALSE, the RTE shall provide a separate buffer to
the transformers in which they can write their output.c(SRS_Rte_00248)
[SWS_Rte_08532] dIf the attribute inPlace in the BufferProperties of a Trans-
formationTechnology is set to TRUE, the RTE shall provide one buffer to the trans-
Rationale: With inplace buffer handling the transformer will read the input data from
a buffer and writes its output into the same buffer. For this, the RTE hands over to
the transformer a pointer and a length which represents the buffer both for input and
[SWS_Rte_08534] dThe RTE shall calculate the needed buffer size for the output
buffer size using the formula specified in bufferComputation.c(SRS_Rte_00248)
[SWS_Rte_08535] dThe RTE shall interprete the formula specified in the Com-
puScale in the role bufferComputation as a function: OutputBufferLength =

458 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03867] dThe RTE shall calculate the InputBufferLength (used for output
buffer calculation; see [SWS_Rte_08535]) the following way:
• For External Triggers:
The InputBufferLength shall be 0.
• For Sender/Receiver communication:
The InputBufferLength shall be equal to the size needed for VariableDataPro-
totype of the dataElement of the SenderReceiverInterface that shall be
• For Client/Server communication:
The InputBufferLength shall be the sum of
– the size of the TransactionHandle
– for the request: the sizes of the VariableDataPrototypes of all
IN and INOUT arguments of the ClientServerOperation of the
– or for the response:
∗ the sizes of the VariableDataPrototypes of all INOUT and OUT
arguments of the ClientServerOperation of the ClientServer-
∗ 1 Byte for the return code of the ClientServerOperation of the
ClientServerInterface if at least one possibleError is defined
for the ClientServerInterface.
The BufferProperties contain a CompuScale in the role bufferComputation
which describes the computation formula how to create the size of the output buffer
depending of the size of the input buffer. Because transformer chains are modeled for
the sending side, the formula has to be inversed for the receiving side.
The input of this formula is the size of the AUTOSAR data type of the interface.
[SWS_Rte_08536] dThe RTE shall consider the headerLength information in the
BufferProperties if inPlace in the BufferProperties is set:
• On the sending side (transformation) the RTE shall increase the buffer from the
beginning by the size given in headerLength.
• On the receiving side (retransformation) the RTE shall decrease the buffer from
the beginning by the size given in headerLength.
If a transformer with in-place buffering on the sending side for example is configured to
add a header, the RTE is responsible for handing over a buffer which is large enough.
So the buffer grows beween two transformers if the second of those adds a header

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Specification of RTE Software

with in-place buffering. To realize this, the RTE can have a buffer which stays the same
size and is large enough to hold the output of the last transformer but only subsets of
the buffer are handed over to the transformers depending on the buffer size needs of
the specific transformers in the chain. This can be achieved by pointers. A free space
in front of the existing data to insert the header there can be provided by the RTE by
descreasing the pointer address which is handed over to the transformer. This adds
a free space to the beginning of the buffer. It can be determined how long the header
shall be by headerLength of BufferProperties.
The corresponding retransformer on the receiving side (which implements the inverse
operation) has to remove the header. For this, the transformer simply has to make sure
that no part of its output is inside the place of the header which shall be removed. From
this transformer to the next one, the RTE increases the pointer address by the length
of the header and hence removes the header using that mechanism.
[SWS_Rte_08537] dIf the attribute inPlace in the BufferProperties of a Trans-
formationTechnology is set and a fanout in the transformer optimization is directly
done before this transformer, the RTE shall duplicate the buffer beforehand.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_08550] dThe RTE shall hand over the original data provided by a software
component to a transformer on the sender side if the attribute needsOriginalData
is set to true.c(SRS_Rte_00248)

4.10.4 Interfaces to Transformer

The interfaces of the transformers depend on the transformer chain in which the trans-
former is placed and the transformed data. They are specified in [26, ASWS Trans-
former General].
Also see chapter 5.10.4.
[SWS_Rte_08538] dThe RTE shall determine which data are passed up from a trans-
former to the SWC by using the PortInterfaceMapping or ISignal.Transfor-
mationISignalProps. DataPrototypeTransformationProps.networkRep-
resentationProps (See Chapter

4.10.5 Error Handling

[SWS_Rte_08539] dThe RTE shall evaluate the return codes of transformers.c(SRS_-

Transformers have a fixed set of errors depending on their transformer class. Each
transformer of a transformer class can only produce those errors.
Errors can be soft errors and hard errors. Soft errors correspond to warnings and hard
errors stop the execution of the transformer chain. For client server communication it

460 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

is possible on the server side to trigger an autonomous error reaction which generates
the response of the client server communication automatically without involvement of
any runnable.
[SWS_Rte_03608] dIf there is a PortAPIOption with the attribute errorHan-
dling set to transformerErrorHandling referencing a PortPrototype to
which no data transformation applies, the Std_TransformerClass shall be set to
STD_TRANSFORMER_UNSPECIFIED and Std_TransformerErrorCode to E_OK.c
Rationale: The generation condition of the optional OUT parameter transformer-
Error only depends on the attribute errorHandling. Nevertheless it is possible to
integrate such SW-Cs supporting transformerErrorHandling without any trans-
formers. And in this case the data transformation is always logically assumed to be
[SWS_Rte_08540] dThe RTE shall continue with the execution of a transformer chain
if a transformer returns a soft error.c(SRS_Rte_00249)
[SWS_Rte_08541] dThe RTE shall abort the execution of a transformer chain if a
transformer returns a hard error and executeDespiteDataUnavailability of the
DataTransformation is set to false.c(SRS_Rte_00249)
[SWS_Rte_08424] dThe RTE shall continue with the execution of a transformer chain
if a transformer returns a hard error and executeDespiteDataUnavailability of
the DataTransformation is set to true.c(SRS_Rte_00249)
A transformer shall not modify its output buffer, when it returns a hard error to the RTE
(see [SWS_Xfrm_00051]).
To return the transformer errors to the runnables, the RTE APIs which can trigger
transformer executions have a parameter which is written by the RTE and read by the
SWC if the attribute errorHandling of PortAPIOption is set to transformer-
[SWS_Rte_08558] dIf a transformer which doesn’t transform the request of a client
server communication on the server side (i.e., a transformer that either transforms the
request of a client server communication on the client side or transforms the response
of a client server communication or transforms an sender receiver communication)
returns a hard error, the Rte shall notify this hard error to the runnable which called the
RTE API that triggered the transformer execution.c(SRS_Rte_00249)
[SWS_Rte_07417] dIf a transformer which transforms the request of a client server
communication on the server side returns a hard error, the Rte shall not trigger the
assigned OperationInvokedEvents for the server runnables.c(SRS_Rte_00249)
[SWS_Rte_07418] dIf a transformer which transforms the request of a client server
communication on the server side returns a hard error, the Rte shall trigger the as-
signed TransformerHardErrorEvents.c(SRS_Rte_00249)

461 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07419] dIf a transformer which transforms the request of a client server

communication on the server side returns a hard error, and the corresponding csEr-
rorReaction is set to autonomous, the Rte shall trigger an autonomous error reac-
[SWS_Rte_07420] dFor an autonomous error reaction the Rte shall execute the trans-
former chain of the response of the client server communication on the server side with
the following arguments:
• TransactionHandle shall be handed over in an unaltered fashion
• As return value the error code of the transformer which issued the hard error shall
be used
• All parameters passed by value shall be equal to 0
• All parameters passed by reference shall be equal to NULL_PTR
Note: The result of this executed transformer chain can be treated by the Rte like a
regular response.
[SWS_Rte_08559] dIf no transformer in the transformer chain returned a hard error
and at least one transformer returned a soft error, the Rte shall notify the first soft error
(in transformer execution order) to the SWC.c(SRS_Rte_00249)
[SWS_Rte_08584] dIf multiple custom transformers in a transformer chain (Trans-
formationTechnology with transformerClass set to custom) produce more
than one error and all errors are soft errors, the RTE shall hand over to the SWC
the first soft error of all custom transformers (in execution order).c(SRS_Rte_00249)
[SWS_Rte_08585] dIf multiple custom transformers in a transformer chain (Trans-
formationTechnology with transformerClass set to custom) produce more
than one error and on of those is a hard error, the RTE shall hand over to the SWC
this hard error (which caused the abortion of the execution of the transformer chain).c

4.10.6 Transformer Status Forwarding

There exist use-cases where the application software needs to influence the behav-
ior of the sending transformer chain. One prominent example is a signal to ser-
vice translation application where the forwarding of E2E status information into the
E2ETransformer on the sending side is required. In case E2E protection is to be ap-
plied for a communication path with signal to service translation on the way, then the
E2E status assessed for the received data needs to be forwarded to the E2E informa-
tion generated for the sending side. Thus the application which is going to use the data
can identify data exchange faults by using the standard E2E check function.

462 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_04572]{DRAFT} dIf there is a PortAPIOption with the attribute trans-

formerStatusForwarding set to transformerStatusForwarding referencing
a PortPrototype then this PortPrototype is used to set the status of the trans-
former according to the API defined in ASWS TransformerGeneral [26].c(SRS_Rte_-

4.10.7 Transformer Transaction Handling

There are use-cases where a transformer and its corresponding inverse transformer
are not completely independent, but actually are part of a transaction chain. One promi-
ment example of this is the inverse transformer for the reception of the request and the
transformer for the transmission of the reply in the handling of an inter-ECU call of a
ClientServerOperation. In those scenarios it is often required that information
is propagated between the corresponding transformers of such a transaction chain. In
case of the an inter-ECU call of a ClientServerOperation information propagation
from the inverse transformer for the reception to the transformer for the transmission
of the reply is sometimes needed.
To address this need, each implementation of a transformer may advertise this need
of information propagation via the dedicated configuration element XfrmCSTansac-
tionHandleImplementationDataTypeRef. If existing, this configuration element
refers to an ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE in the trans-
former’s BSWMD. This referenced ImplementationDataType defines the type (ac-
cording to [SWS_Rte_07114] and [SWS_Rte_06812]) of a so-called transaction han-
dle which is allocated by the RTE, filled by the inverse transformer for the reception of
the request, and forwarded by the RTE without modification to the transformer for the
transmission of the response.
[SWS_Rte_03885] Ensuring correct type of the transaction handle dThe RTE gen-
erator shall reject configuration where an existing XfrmCSTansactionHandleIm-
plementationDataTypeRef attribute (see [ECUC_Xfrm_00021]) of an XfrmIm-
plementationMapping (see [ECUC_Xfrm_00001]) refers to something different
than an ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_03886] Ensuring consistency of the transaction handle dThe RTE gen-
erator shall reject configuration where the XfrmCSTansactionHandleImplemen-
tationDataTypeRef attributes (see [ECUC_Xfrm_00021]) of the XfrmImplemen-
tationMappings (see [ECUC_Xfrm_00001]) of the corresponding transformer im-
plementations (i.e., implementation of the inverse transformer handling the received
request and the transformer handling the to be transmitted response) refer to different
[SWS_Rte_03887] Allocation of transaction handle dIf the XfrmImplementa-
tionMapping (see [ECUC_Xfrm_00001]) of a transformer contains an Xfrm-
CSTansactionHandleImplementationDataTypeRef attribute (see [ECUC_-
Xfrm_00021]), the RTE shall allocate a transaction handle of the type (according to

463 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07114] and [SWS_Rte_06812]) defined by the referenced Implementa-

[SWS_Rte_03888] Passing the transaction handle - inverse transformer - server
dIf the XfrmImplementationMapping (see [ECUC_Xfrm_00001]) of the inverse
transformer contains an XfrmCSTansactionHandleImplementationDataType-
Ref attribute (see [ECUC_Xfrm_00021]), the RTE shall pass a reference to the allo-
cated transaction handle (see [SWS_Rte_03887]) as additional argument csTrans-
actionHandle to the call of <Mip>_Inv_<transformerId> (see [SWS_Xfrm_-
00044] and [SWS_Xfrm_00046]).c(SRS_Rte_00249)
Note: <Mip>_Inv_<transformerId> will fill the transaction handle passed via
csTransactionHandle according to its needs.
[SWS_Rte_03889] Propagating the transaction handle dThe RTE shall propagate
the content of the transaction handle to the corresponding <Mip>_<transformerId>
without altering its content.c(SRS_Rte_00249)
[SWS_Rte_03890] Passing the transaction handle - transformer - server dIf the
XfrmImplementationMapping (see [ECUC_Xfrm_00001]) of the transformer con-
tains an XfrmCSTansactionHandleImplementationDataTypeRef attribute (see
[ECUC_Xfrm_00021]), the RTE shall pass a reference to the allocated transaction
handle (see [SWS_Rte_03887]) as additional argument csTransactionHandle to
the call of <Mip>_<transformerId> (see [SWS_Xfrm_00038] and [SWS_Xfrm_-

4.10.8 Transformer Protocol Header Peeking

In addition to the need to propagate information between corresponding transformers,

some use-cases require a transformer to peek into protocol header fields of another
transformer in a transformer chain and extract required information from there.
To address this need, each implementation of a transformer may advertise this need
to obtain information from some other transformer in a transformer chain via the ded-
icated configuration element XfrmTransformerClassExtractProtocolHeader-
Fields. If existing, this configuration element defines the transformerClass of
the other transformer the particular transformer needs protocol header information
from (e.g., in case the XfrmTransformerClassExtractProtocolHeaderFields
configuration attribute of an XfrmImplementationMapping contains the value SE-
RIALIZER, this means that the paricular transformer requires protocol header infor-
mation of the transformer associated with the TransformationTechnology with
transformerClass serializer within its transformer chain (i.e., within the ordered
transformerChain of a DataTransformation)).
If such a need is expressed by a certain transformer, the RTE invokes this transformer’s
function passing <Mip>_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields of the other transformer
as an additional argument in order to extract the required information and provide it in
a canonical form.

464 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03891] Passing the protocol header field extraction function dIf

the XfrmImplementationMapping (see [ECUC_Xfrm_00001]) of the transformer
contains an XfrmTransformerClassExtractProtocolHeaderFields attribute
(see [ECUC_Xfrm_00022]), the RTE shall pass <Mip>_ExtractProtocolHead-
erFields as additional argument extractProtocolHeaderFields to the call
of <Mip>_<transformerId> (see [SWS_Xfrm_00040]) and <Mip>_Inv_<trans-
formerId> (see [SWS_Xfrm_00040]).
Hereby <Mip> shall be the module implementation prefix of the transformer imple-
menation associated with the TransformationTechnology within the ordered
transformerChain of a DataTransformation, which has a transformer-
Class equal to XfrmTransformerClassExtractProtocolHeaderFields.c
Note: XfrmTransformerClassExtractProtocolHeaderFields does not di-
rectly reference a BswModuleEntry or a BswModuleDescription since this would
imply a concrete knowledge of the structure of the transformer chain at the individual
transformer and thus introduce a tight coupling between the different transformers in a
transformer chain.

4.10.9 COM Based Transformer

The COM Based Transformer approach is an alternative transformation handling which

has several aspects:
• the first transformer is the ’COM Based Transformer’ [23] for the ’serialization’ of
• the further transformers are invoked normally and enhance the array representa-
tion of the data element,
• the handling of the transformed data towards the COM Module [3] is done via a
specific array based signal group API.
The ’COM Based Transformer’ [23] serializes the data elements into the array repre-
sentation exactly as the COM module would have done it.
The System Template [8] provides means to define which data elements shall be han-
dled by the ’COM Based Transformer’ and - via the communication matrix section - also
how the data shall be serialized. This is the basis for the COM module’s configuration
and ’COM Based Transformer’ behavior.
The RTE interacts with the COM module via dedicated array based signal group APIs
for sending and receiving the transformed data.

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Specification of RTE Software

5 RTE Reference
“Everything should be as simple as possible, but no simpler.”
– Albert Einstein

5.1 Scope
This chapter presents the RTE API from the perspective of AUTOSAR applications
and basic software – the same API applies to all software whether they are AUTOSAR
software-components or basic software.
Section 5.2 presents basic principles of the API including naming conventions and
supported programming languages. Section 5.3 describes the header files used by the
RTE and the files created by an RTE generator. The data types used by the API are
described in Section 5.5 and Sections 5.6 and 5.7 provide a reference to the RTE API
itself including the definition of runnable entities. Section 5.11 defines the events that
can be monitored during VFB tracing.

5.1.1 Programming Languages

The RTE is required to support components written using the C and C++ programming
languages [SRS_Rte_00126] as well as legacy software modules. The ability for mul-
tiple languages to use the same generated RTE is an important step in reducing the
complexity of RTE generation and therefore the scope for errors.
[SWS_Rte_01167] dThe RTE shall be generated in C.c(SRS_Rte_00126)
[SWS_Rte_01168] dAll RTE code, whether generated or not, shall conform to the
MISRA C standard [27]. In technically reasonable, exceptional cases MISRA viola-
tions are permissible. Except for MISRA rules #5.1 to #5.5 and and directive #1.1,
such violations shall be clearly identified and documented. Specified MISRA violations
are defined in Appendix C. In realistic use cases, the RTE will generate C identifiers
(functions, types, variables, etc) whose name will be longer than the maximum size
supported by the MISRA C standard (rules #5.1 to #5.5 and directive #1.1). Users
should configure the RTE to indicate the maximum C identifiers’ size supported by
their tool chain to make sure that no issues will be caused by these MISRA violations.c
Specified MISRA violations are defined in Appendix C.
In realistic use cases, the RTE will generate C identifiers (functions, types, variables,
etc) whose name will be longer than the maximum size supported by the MISRA C
standard. Users should configure the RTE to indicate the maximum C identifiers’ size
supported by their tool chain to make sure that no issues will be caused by these
MISRA violation.

466 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07300] dIf a RteToolChainSignificantCharacters limit has been configured,

the RTE generator shall provide the list of C RTE identifiers whose name is not unique
when only the first RteToolChainSignificantCharacters characters are considered.c
The RTE API presented in Section 5.6 is described using C. The API is also directly
accessible from an AUTOSAR software-component written using C++ provided all API
functions and instances of data structures are imported with C linkage.
[SWS_Rte_01011] dThe RTE generator shall ensure that, for a component written in
C++ , all imported RTE symbols are declared using C linkage.c(SRS_Rte_00138)
For the RTE API for C and C++ components the import of symbols occurs within the
application header file (Section 5.3.3).

5.1.2 Generator Principles Operating Modes

An object-code component is compiled against an application header file that is cre-

ated during the first “RTE Contract” phase of RTE generation. The object code is then
linked against an RTE created during the second “RTE Generation” phase. To ensure
that the object-code component and the RTE code are compatible the RTE generator
supports compatibility mode that uses well-defined data structures and types for the
component data structure. In addition, an RTE generator may support a vendor oper-
ating mode that removes compatibility between RTE generators from different vendors
but permits implementation specific, and hence potentially more efficient, data struc-
tures and types.
[SWS_Rte_01195] dAll RTE operating modes shall be source-code compatible at the
SW-C level.c(SRS_Rte_00024, SRS_Rte_00140)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_01195] ensures that a SW-C can be used in any operating
mode as long as the source is available. The converse is not true – for example, an
object-code SW-C compiled after the “RTE Contract” phase must be linked against an
RTE created by an RTE generator operating in the same operating mode. If the vendor
mode is used in the “RTE Contract” phase, an RTE generator from the same vendor
(or one compatible to the vendor-mode features of the RTE generator used in the “RTE
Contract” phase) has to be used for the “RTE Generation” phase. Compatibility Mode

Compatibility mode is either enabled in the default operating mode for an RTE genera-
tor or specific for a SW-C that is delivered as object code (i.e. object-code SW-C) and
guarantees compatibility even between RTE generators from different vendors through

467 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

the use of well-defined, “standardized”, data structures. The data structures that are
used by the generated RTE in the compatibility mode are defined in Section 5.4.
Support for compatibility mode is required and therefore is guaranteed to be imple-
mented by all RTE generators.
[SWS_Rte_01151] dThe compatibility mode shall be the default operating mode and
shall be supported by all RTE generators, whether they are for the “RTE Contract” or
“RTE Generation” phases.c(SRS_Rte_00145)
[SWS_Rte_03871] dThe RTE generator shall enable the compatibility mode for all SW-
Cs that are delivered as object code.c(SRS_Rte_00145)
Note: Whether a SW-C is delivered as source code or object code can be determined
from the codeDescriptor of the respective SW-C implementation.
The compatibility mode uses custom (generated) functions with standardized names
and data structures that are defined during the “RTE Contract” phase and used when
compiling object-code components.
[SWS_Rte_01216] dSW-Cs that are compiled against an “RTE Contract” phase appli-
cation header file (i.e. object-code SW-Cs) generated in compatibility mode shall be
compatible with an RTE that was generated in compatibility mode.c(SRS_Rte_00145)
The use of well-defined data structures imposes tight constraints on the RTE imple-
mentation and therefore restricts the freedom of RTE vendors to optimize the solution
of object-code components but have the advantage that RTE generators from different
vendors can be used to compile a binary-component and to generate the RTE.
Note that even when an RTE generator is operating in compatibility mode the data
structures used for source-code components are not defined thus permitting vendor-
specific optimizations to be applied. Vendor Mode

Vendor mode is an optional operating mode where the data structures defined in the
“RTE Contract” phase and used in the “RTE Generation” phase are implementation
specific rather than “standardized”.
[SWS_Rte_01152] dAn RTE generator may optionally support vendor mode.c(SRS_-
The data structures defined and declared when an RTE generator operates in vendor
mode are implementation specific and therefore not described in this document. This
omission is deliberate and permits vendor-specific optimizations to be implemented for
object-code components. It also means that RTE generators from different vendors
are unlikely to be compatible when run in the vendor mode.

468 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_01234] dAn AUTOSAR software-component shall be assumed to be oper-

ating in “compatibility” mode unless “vendor mode” is explicitly requested.c(SRS_Rte_-
00145, SRS_Rte_00146)
The potential for more efficient implementations of object-code components offered by
the vendor mode comes at the expense of requiring high cohesion between object-
code components (compiled after the “RTE Contract” phase) and the generated RTE.
However, this is not as restrictive as it may seem at first sight since the tight coupling
is also reflected in many other aspects or the AUTOSAR methodology, not least of
which is the requirement that the same compiler (and compatible options) is used when
compiling both the object-code component and the RTE. Optimization Modes

The actual RTE code is generated – based on the input information – for each ECU
individually. To allow optimization during the RTE generation one of the two general
optimization directions can be specified: MEMORY consumption or execution RUNTIME.
[SWS_Rte_05053] dThe RTE Generator shall optimize the generated RTE code ei-
ther for memory consumption or execution runtime depending on the provided input
information RteOptimizationMode.c(SRS_Rte_00023) Build support

The generated RTE code has to respect several rules in order to be integrated with
other AUTOSAR software in the build process.
[SWS_Rte_05088] dAll memory1 allocated by the RTE shall be wrapped in the Mem-
ory Allocation Keyword as defined in the Specification of Memory Mapping [28] using
RTE_<SCOPE> as the <PREFIX> where <SCOPE> is either
• the shortName of the AtomicSwComponentType
• the shortName of the EcucPartition the allocated memory object belongs to
• one of the defined <SCOPE>s in [SWS_Rte_07421], [SWS_Rte_07422],
[SWS_Rte_07423], [SWS_Rte_07424], or [SWS_Rte_07425].
c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
Due to the structure of the AUTOSAR Meta Model the input configuration might contain
several DataPrototypes which are resulting only in one memory object. In this case
memory refers to all elements in the generated RTE which will later occupy space in the ECU’s
memory and is directly associated with the RTE. This includes code, static data, parameters, etc.

469 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

it is required to define rules which SwAddrMethod is used to allocate the memory and
to decide about its initialization. Therefore precedence rules for SwAddrMethods are
defined by [SWS_Rte_07590] and [SWS_Rte_07591].
In order to ensure proper allocation of the variables and code instantiated by RTE, the
RTE code utilizes the memory mapping mechanism described in document [28]. The
requirements below follow the principles of the document [28], section "Requirements
on implementations using memory mapping header files for BSW Modules and Soft-
ware Components". However the basic granularity of constants and variables created
due to DataPrototypes in the input configuration is driven by the properties of the
applied data types and the applied SwAddrMethods.
[SWS_Rte_07421] dFor component data structure (CDS) instances the <SCOPE> for
the Memory Allocation Keyword shall be set to the shortName of the AtomicSwCom-
ponentType they belong to.c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
[SWS_Rte_07422] dFor AutosarDataPrototype implementations the <SCOPE> for
the Memory Allocation Keyword shall be set to the shortName of the AtomicSwCom-
ponentType they belong to.c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
[SWS_Rte_07423] dFor mode machine instance implementations the <SCOPE>
for the Memory Allocation Keyword shall be set to the shortName of the Atomic-
SwComponentType they belong to.c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
[SWS_Rte_07424] dFor RTE APIs implemented as functions the <SCOPE> for the
Memory Allocation Keyword shall be set to the shortName of the AtomicSwCom-
ponentType they belong to.c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
[SWS_Rte_07425] dFor RTE Call-back implementations the <SCOPE> for the Memory
Allocation Keyword shall be set according table 5.1 where:
<sn> is the name of the COM signal,
<sg> is the name of the COM signal group,
<sn> is the name of the LdCom signal/I-PDU,
<c> is the shortName of the NvBlockSwComponentType, and
<d> is the shortName of the NvBlockDescriptor
c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)

Callback Function SCOPE

shortName of the EcucPar-
shortName of the EcucPar-

470 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Callback Function SCOPE
shortName of the EcucPar-
Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sn> SIG_<sn>
Rte_COMCbkTErr_<sn> SIG_<sn>
Rte_COMCbkInv_<sn> SIG_<sn>
Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sn> SIG_<sn>
Rte_COMCbkTxTOut_<sn> SIG_<sn>
Rte_COMCbk_<sg> SIG_<sg>
Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sg> SIG_<sg>
Rte_COMCbkTErr_<sg> SIG_<sg>
Rte_COMCbkInv_<sg> SIG_<sg>
Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sg> SIG_<sg>
Rte_COMCbkTxTOut_<sg> SIG_<sg>
Rte_COMCbk_<sn> SIG_<sg>
Rte_LdComCbkRxIndication_<sn> SIG_<sn>
Rte_LdComCbkStartOfReception_<sn> SIG_<sn>
Rte_LdComCbkCopyRxData_<sn> SIG_<sn>
Rte_LdComCbkTpRxIndication_<sn> SIG_<sn>
Rte_LdComCbkCopyTxData_<sn> SIG_<sn>
Rte_LdComCbkTpTxConfirmation_<sn> SIG_<sn>
Rte_LdComCbkTriggerTransmit_<sn> SIG_<sn>
Rte_LdComCbkTxConfirmation_<sn> SIG_<sn>
Rte_SetMirror <c>_<d>
Rte_GetMirror NVM_<c>_<d>
Rte_NvMNotifyJobFinished <c>_<d>
Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock <c>_<d>
Table 5.1: <SCOPE> for the Memory Allocation Keywords of RTE Call-back implementa-

[SWS_Rte_07589] dFor AutosarDataPrototype implementations the <SEG-

MENT> infix for the Memory Allocation Keyword shall be set to the shortName
of the preceding SwAddrMethod if there is one defined and if [SWS_Rte_07592] is not
applicable.c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
[SWS_Rte_07426] dFor RTE APIs implemented as functions the <SEGMENT> infix for
the Memory Allocation Keyword shall be set to CODE.c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_07427] dFor RTE Call-back implementations the <SEGMENT> infix for the
Memory Allocation Keyword shall be set to CODE.c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)

471 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07047] dIf the memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy of the preceding

SwAddrMethod is set to addrMethodShortName the <ALIGNMENT> suffix with lead-
ing underscore of the Memory Allocation Keyword used by the AutosarDat-
aPrototype implementations and PerInstanceMemory implementations
shall be omitted.c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
[SWS_Rte_07048] dIf the memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy of the preceding
SwAddrMethod is set to addrMethodShortNameAndAlignment the <ALIGN-
MENT> suffix with leading underscore of the Memory Allocation Keyword
used by the AutosarDataPrototype implementations and PerInstance-
Memory implementations shall be set to the resulting alignment as defined in
[SWS_Rte_07049], [SWS_Rte_07050], [SWS_Rte_07051], [SWS_Rte_07052] and
[SWS_Rte_07053].c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
[SWS_Rte_08303] dThe alignment of a PerInstanceMemory shall be set to UN-
SPECIFIED.c(SRS_Rte_00013, SRS_Rte_00077)
[SWS_Rte_07049] dThe alignment defined by the preceding (see [SWS_Rte_07196])
swAlignment attribute of a AutosarDataPrototype precedes the alignment
defined by the ImplementationDataType related to the AutosarDataProto-
type as defined in [SWS_Rte_07050], [SWS_Rte_07051], [SWS_Rte_07052] and
[SWS_Rte_07053].c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
[SWS_Rte_07050] dThe alignment of a AutosarDataPrototype related to a Prim-
itive Implementation Data Type or Array Implementation Data Type
shall be set to the baseTypeSize of the referred SwBaseType.c(SRS_Rte_00148,
Note: Requirement [SWS_Rte_07050] uses "size" rather than "alignment" as it is con-
sidered to be the integrator’s job to ensure via appropriate memory mapping configura-
tion (i.e. using the proper alignment #pragmas or omitting them at all to let the compiler
decide) that the platform specific alignment requirements of objects of the respective
size are honored.
[SWS_Rte_07051] dThe alignment of a AutosarDataPrototype related to
a Structure Implementation Data Type or Union Implementation Data
Type shall be set to to biggest baseTypeSize of the SwBaseTypes used by the ele-
ments.c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
Note: According [SWS_Rte_07051] structures and unions are aligned according the
size of the biggest primitive element in the structure.
[SWS_Rte_07052] dThe alignment of a AutosarDataPrototype related to a Re-
definition Implementation Data Type shall be determined from the rede-
fined ImplementationDataType.c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
[SWS_Rte_07053] dThe alignment of a AutosarDataPrototype related to a
Pointer Implementation Data Type shall be set to PTR.c(SRS_Rte_00148,

472 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03868] dThe alignment of an AutosarDataPrototype typed by an

Array Implementation Data Type, or Structure Implementation Data
Type, or Union Implementation Data Type which solely contains elements
typed by Pointer Implementation Data Type shall be set to PTR.c(SRS_Rte_-
00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
Note: If the RTE generator does not implement the memory objects related to Vari-
ableDataPrototypes and ParameterDataPrototypes for instance due to com-
munication via IOC the assigned SwAddrMethods might have no effect on the gener-
ated RTE code.
[SWS_Rte_07592] dIf the RTE Generator requires several non automatic memory ob-
jects per AutosarDataPrototypes (e.g. due to partitioning) the RTE Generator is
permitted to select the <SEGMENT> infix for the auxiliary memory objects.c(SRS_Rte_-
00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
Note: For definitions and declarations for memory objects allocated by the RTE and
implementing AutosarDataPrototypes without an assigned SwAddrMethod the
RTE Generator is permitted to select the <SEGMENT> infix but still has to follow
[SWS_Rte_08787] dThe <NAME> part of the memory allocation keyword shall adhere
to the following pattern: <SEGMENT>[_<ALIGNMENT>]c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07590] dThe SwAddrMethod of a AutosarDataPrototype in the
PPortPrototype precedes the assigned SwAddrMethod(s) of the AutosarDat-
aPrototype in the RPortPrototype and PRPortPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00148,
[SWS_Rte_06741] dThe SwAddrMethod of a AutosarDataPrototype in the PR-
PortPrototype precedes the assigned SwAddrMethod(s) of the AutosarDat-
aPrototype in the RPortPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
[SWS_Rte_07591] dThe SwAddrMethod of the ramBlocks has always higher prece-
dence as the assigned SwAddrMethods of the VariableDataPrototypes in the
PortPrototypes.c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00169)
[SWS_Rte_05089] dThe RTE Generator shall provide information on the used memory
segments and their attributes from [SWS_Rte_05088] in the generated Basic Software
Module Description(see [SWS_Rte_05086]). The information shall be provided in the
MemorySection elements of the Basic Software Module Description [9].c(SRS_Rte_-
00148, SRS_Rte_00169, SRS_Rte_00170)
[SWS_Rte_05090] dThe RTE Generator shall provide information about the gener-
ated artifacts which are produced during the RTE generation, using the generated
Basic Software Module Description(see [SWS_Rte_05086]). The information shall be
provided in the BswImplementation::generatedArtifact elements of the Basic
Software Module Description [9].c()

473 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Software Component Namespace

The concept of RTE requires that objects and definitions which are related to one soft-
ware component are generated in a global name space. Nevertheless in this global
name space labels have to be unique for instance to support a correct linkage by
C Linker Locater. To ensure unique labels such objects and definitions related to a
specific software component are typically prefixed or infixed with the component type
When AtomicSwComponentTypes of several vendors are integrated in the same
ECU name clashes might occur if the identical component type name is accidentally
used twice. To ease the dissolving of name clashes the RTE supports the supersed-
ing of the AtomicSwComponentType.shortName with the SymbolProps.symbol
The resulting name related to an AtomicSwComponentType is called component
type symbol in this document.
[SWS_Rte_06714] dThe component type symbol shall be the value of the Sym-
bolProps.symbol attribute of the AtomicSwComponentType if the symbol attribute
is defined.c()
[SWS_Rte_06715] dThe component type symbol shall be the shortName of the
AtomicSwComponentType if no symbol attribute for this AtomicSwComponent-
Typeis defined.c()
Please note that the component type symbol is not applied for file names, e.g
Application Header File or includes of Memory Mapping Header files. Its expected that
a build environment can handle two equally named files.

5.1.3 Generator external configuration switches

There are use-cases where there is need to influence the behavior of the RTE Gen-
erator without changing the RTE Configuration description. In order to support such
use-cases this section collects the external configuration switches.
Note: it is not specified how these switches shall be implemented in the actual RTE
Generator implementation.
Unconnected R-Port check
[SWS_Rte_05099] dThe RTE Generator shall support the external configuration switch
strictUnconnectedRPortCheck which, when enabled, forces the RTE Generator
to consider unconnected R-Ports as an error.c(SRS_Rte_00139)
Missing input configuration check
[SWS_Rte_05148] dThe RTE Generator shall support the external configuration switch
strictConfigurationCheck which, when enabled, forces the RTE Generator to

474 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

consider missing input configuration information as an error. If the external configura-

tion switch strictConfigurationCheck is not provided the value shall be consid-
ered as true.c()
For Details on the use-cases please refer to section 3.7.
Missing initialization values
[SWS_Rte_07680] dThe RTE Generator shall support the external configuration
switch strictInitialValuesCheck. This switch, when enabled, forces the RTE
Generator to check initial values against constraints defined in [TPS_SYST_02011],
[SWS_Rte_07642] and [SWS_Rte_07681]. Not fulfilled constraints shall be consid-
ered as errors by the RTE Generator.c(SRS_Rte_00108)

5.2 API Principles

[SWS_Rte_01316] dThe RTE shall be configured and/or generated for each ECU.c
Part of the process is the customization (i.e. configuration or generation) of the RTE
API for each AUTOSAR software-component on the ECU. The customization of the
API implementation for each AUTOSAR software-component, whether by generation
anew or configuration of library code, permits improved run-time efficiency and reduces
memory overheads.
The design of the RTE API has been guided by the following core principles:
• The API should be orthogonal – there should be only one way of performing a
• [SWS_Rte_01314] dThe API shall be compiler independent.c(SRS_Rte_00100)
• [SWS_Rte_03787] dThe RTE implementation shall use the compiler abstrac-
The consequence of [SWS_Rte_03787] is that no additional memory modifiers
(e.g. volatile) are permitted in the signatures of the RTE APIs.
• [SWS_Rte_01315] dThe API shall support components where the source-
code is available [SRS_Rte_00024] and where only object-code is available
[SRS_Rte_00140].c(SRS_Rte_00024, SRS_Rte_00140)
• The API shall support the multiple instantiation of AUTOSAR software-
components [SRS_Rte_00011] that share code [SRS_Rte_00012].
Two forms of the RTE API are available to software-components; direct and indirect.
The direct API has been designed with regard to efficient invocation and includes an
API mapping that can be used by an RTE generator to optimize a component’s API, for
example, to permit the direct invocation of the generated API functions or even eliding
the generated RTE completely. The indirect API cannot be optimized using the API

475 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

mapping but has the advantage that the handle used to access the API can be stored
in memory and accessed, via an iterator, to apply the same API to multiple ports.
[SWS_Rte_03619] dIf the RTE emits a <suffix> as a result of an Autosar-
DataType being used (See [SWS_Rte_08802] for the meaning of the term "used")
in the input, it shall
• be set to "U" if the ImplementationDataType boils down to a SwBaseType
with baseTypeEncoding set to NONE and the baseTypeSize <= 16
• be set to "UL" if the ImplementationDataType boils down to a SwBaseType
with baseTypeEncoding set to NONE and the baseTypeSize > 16 and <= 32
• be set to "ULL" if the ImplementationDataType boils down to a SwBaseType
with baseTypeEncoding set to NONE and the baseTypeSize > 32
• be set to "L" if the ImplementationDataType boils down to a SwBaseType
with baseTypeEncoding set to 2C and the baseTypeSize > 16 and <= 32
• be set to "LL" if the ImplementationDataType boils down to a SwBaseType
with baseTypeEncoding set to 2C and the baseTypeSize > 32
• be set to "F" if the ImplementationDataType boils down to a SwBaseType
with baseTypeEncoding set to IEEE754 and the baseTypeSize <= 32
• be left empty if the ImplementationDataType boils down to
– a SwBaseType with baseTypeEncoding set to BOOLEAN
– a SwBaseType with baseTypeEncoding set to IEEE754 and the base-
TypeSize > 32
– a SwBaseType with baseTypeEncoding set to 2C and baseTypeSize
<= 16

5.2.1 RTE Namespace

All RTE symbols (e.g. function names, global variables, etc.) visible within the global
namespace are required to use the “Rte” prefix.
[SWS_Rte_01171] dAll externally visible symbols created by the RTE generator shall
use the prefix Rte_.
This rule shall not be applied for the following symbols:

476 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• type names representing AUTOSAR Data Types (specified in [SWS_Rte_07104],

[SWS_Rte_07109], [SWS_Rte_07110], [SWS_Rte_07111], [SWS_Rte_07148])
• enumeration literals of implementation data types (specified in
• range limits of ApplicationDataTypes (specified in [SWS_Rte_05052])
This rule shall be applied for RTE internal types to avoid name clashes with other
modules and SWCs.c(SRS_BSW_00307, SRS_BSW_00300, SRS_Rte_00055)
In order to maintain control over the RTE namespace the creation of symbols in the
global namespace using the prefix Rte_ is reserved for the RTE generator.
The generated RTE is required to work with components written in several source lan-
guages and therefore should not use language specific features, such as C++ names-
paces, to ensure symbol name uniqueness.

5.2.2 Direct API

The direct invocation form is the form used to present the RTE API in Section 5.6. The
RTE direct API mapping is designed to be optimizable so that the instance handle is
elided (and therefore imposes zero run-time overhead) when the RTE generator can
determine that exactly one instance of a component is mapped to an ECU.
All runnable entities for a AUTOSAR software-component type are passed the same
instance handle type (as the first formal parameter) and can therefore use the same
type definition from the component’s application header file.
The direct API can also be further optimized for source code components via the API
The direct API is typically implemented as macros that are modified by the RTE gen-
erator depending on configuration. This technique places certain restrictions on how
the API can be used within a program, for example, it is not possible in C to take the
address of a macro and therefore direct API functions cannot be placed within a func-
tion table or array. If it is required by the implementation of a software-component to
derive a pointer to an object for the port API the PortAPIOption enableTakeAd-
dress can be used. For instance in an implementation of an AUTOSAR Service this
feature might be used to setup a constant function pointer table storing the configura-
tion of callback functions per ID. Additionally the indirect API provides support for API
addresses and iteration over ports.
[SWS_Rte_07100] dIf a PortPrototype is referenced by PortAPIOption with en-
ableTakeAddress = TRUE the RTE generator shall provide true/native C functions
(as opposed to function-like preprocessor macros) for the API related to this port.c()
The PortAPIOption enableTakeAddress = TRUE is not supported for software-
components supporting multiple instantiation.

477 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5.2.3 Indirect API

The indirect API is an optional form of API invocation that uses indirection through
a port handle to invoke RTE API functions rather than direct invocation. This form
is less efficient (the indirection cannot be optimized away) but supports a different
programming style that may be more convenient. For example, when using the indirect
API, an array of port handles of the same interface and provide/require direction is
provided by RTE and the same RTE API can be invoked for multiple ports by iterating
over the array.
Both direct and indirect forms of API call are equivalent and result in the same gener-
ated RTE function being invoked.
Whether the indirect API is generated or not can be specified for each software com-
ponent and for each port prototype of the software component separately with the
indirectAPI attribute.
The semantics of the port handle must be the same in both the “RTE Contract” and
“RTE Generation” phases since the port handle accesses the standardized data struc-
tures of the RTE.
It is possible to mix the indirect and direct APIs within the same SW-C, if the indirect
API is present for the SW-C.
The indirect API uses port handles during the invocation of RTE API calls. The type
of the port handle is determined by the port interface that types the port which means
that if a component declares multiple ports typed by the same port interface the port
handle points to an array of port data structures and the same API invoked for each
The port handle type is defined in Section Accessing Port Handles

An AUTOSAR SW-C needs to obtain port handles using the instance handle before the
indirect API can be used. The definition of the instance handle in Section 5.4.2 defines
the “Port API” section of the component data structure and these entries can be used
to access the port handles in either object-code or source-code components.
The API Rte_Ports and Rte_NPorts provides port data handles of a given interface.
Example 5.1 shows how the indirect API can be used to apply the same operation to
multiple ports in a component within a loop.

Example 5.1

The port handle points to an array that can be used within a loop to apply the same
operation to each port. The following example sends the same data to each receiver:
1 void TT1(Rte_Instance instance)
2 {

478 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

3 Rte_PortHandle_interface1_P my_array;
4 my_array=Rte_Ports_interface1_P(instance);
5 uint8 s;
6 for(s = 0u; s < Rte_NPorts_interface1_P(instance); s++) {
7 my_array[s].Send_a(23);
8 }
9 }

Note that if csInterface1 is a client/server interface with an operation op, the

mechanism sketched in Example5.1 only works if op is invoked either by all clients
synchronously or by all clients asynchronously, since the signature of Rte_Call
and the existence of Rte_Result depend on the kind of invocation (see restriction

5.2.4 VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess and dataWriteAccess roles

The RTE is required to support access to data with implicit semantics. The required
semantics are subject to two constraints:
• For VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess role, the data accessed by a
runnable entity must not change during the lifetime of the runnable entity.
• For VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role, the data written by a
runnable entity is only visible to other runnable entities after the accessing runn-
able entity has terminated.
The generated RTE satisfies both requirements through data copies that are created
when the RTE is generated based on the known task and runnable mapping.

Example 5.2

Consider a data element, a, of port p which is accessed using a VariableAc-

cess in the dataReadAccess role by runnable re1 and a VariableAccess in the
dataWriteAccess role by runnable re2. Furthermore, consider that re1 and re2
are mapped to different tasks and that execution of re1 can pre-empt re2.
In this example, the RTE will create two different copies to contain a to prevent updates
from re2 ‘corrupting’ the value access by re1 since the latter must remain unchanged
during the lifetime of re1.

The RTE API includes three API calls to support VariableAccesses in the
dataReadAccess and dataWriteAccess roles for a software-component; Rte_-
IRead (see Section 5.6.18), Rte_IWrite, and Rte_IWriteRef (see Section 5.6.20
and 5.6.21). The API calls Rte_IRead and Rte_IWrite access the data copies
(for read and write access respectively). The API call Rte_IWriteRef returns a ref-
erence to the data copy, thus enabling the runnable to write the data directly. This

479 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

is especially useful for Structure Implementation Data Type and Array Im-
plementation Data Type. The use of an API call for reading and writing enables
the definition to be changed based on the task and runnable mapping without affecting
the software-component code.

Example 5.3

Consider a data element, a, of port p which is declared as being accessed using

VariableAccesses in the dataWriteAccess role by runnables re1 and re2 within
component c. The RTE API for component c will then contain four API functions to
write the data element;
1 void Rte_IWrite_re1_p_a(Rte_Instance instance, <type> val);
2 void Rte_IWrite_re2_p_a(Rte_Instance instance, <type> val);
3 <type> Rte_IWriteRef_re1_p_a(Rte_Instance instance);
4 <type> Rte_IWriteRef_re2_p_a(Rte_Instance instance);

The API calls are used by re1 and re2 as required. The definitions of the API depend
on where the data copies are defined. If both re1 and re2 are mapped to the same
task then each can access the same copy. However, if re1 and re2 are mapped to
different (pre-emptable) tasks then the RTE will ensure that each API access a different

The Rte_IRead and Rte_IWrite use the “data handles” defined in the component
data structure (see Section 5.4.2).

5.2.5 Per Instance Memory

The RTE is required to support Per Instance Memory [SRS_Rte_00013].

The component’s instance handle defines a particular instance of a component and is
therefore used when accessing the Per Instance Memory using the Rte_Pim API.
The Rte_Pim API does not impose the RTE to apply a data consistency mechanism
for the access to Per Instance Memory. An application is responsible for consistency
of accessed data by itself. This design decision permits efficient (zero overhead) ac-
cess when required. If a component possesses multiple runnable entities that require
concurrent access to the same Per Instance Memory, an exclusive area can be used to
ensure data consistency, either through explicit Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit API calls
or by declaring that, implicitly, the runnable entities run inside an exclusive area.
Thus, the Per Instance Memory is exclusively used by a particular software-component
instance and needs to be declared and allocated (statically).
In general there are two different kinds of Per Instance Memory available which are
varying in the typing mechanisms. ’C’ typed PerInstanceMemory is typed by
the description of a ’C’ typedef whereas arTypedPerInstanceMemory (AUTOSAR

480 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Typed Per Instance Memory ) is typed by the means of an AutosarDataType. Nev-

ertheless both kinds of Per Instance Memory are accessed via the Rte_Pim API.
[SWS_Rte_07161] dThe generated RTE shall declare arTypedPerInstanceMem-
ory in accordance to the associated ImplementationDataType of a particular
arTypedPerInstanceMemory.c(SRS_Rte_00013, SRS_Rte_00077)
Note: The related AUTOSAR data type will generated in the RTE Types Header File
(see chapter 5.3.6).
[SWS_Rte_02303] dThe generated RTE shall declare ’C’ typed PerInstanceMem-
ory in accordance to the attribute type of a particular PerInstanceMemory.c(SRS_-
Rte_00013, SRS_Rte_00077)
In addition, the attribute type needs to be defined in the corresponding software-
component header. Therefore, the attribute typeDefinition of the PerInstance-
Memory contains its definition as plain text string. It is assumed that this text is valid
’C’ syntax, because it will be included verbatim in the application header file.
[SWS_Rte_02304] dThe generated RTE shall define the type of a ’C’ typed PerIn-
stanceMemory by interpreting the text string of the attribute typeDefinition of a
particular PerInstanceMemory as the ’C’ definition. This type shall be named ac-
cording to the attribute type of the PerInstanceMemory.c(SRS_Rte_00013, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07133] dThe type of a ’C’ typed PerInstanceMemory shall be defined in
the RTE Types Header File as
typedef <typedefinition> Rte_PimType_<cts>_<type>;
where <typedefinition> is the content of the typeDefinition attribute of the
<type> is the type name defined in the type attribute of the the PerInstanceMem-
ory and
<cts> the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType to which
the PerInstanceMemory belongs..c(SRS_Rte_00013, SRS_Rte_00077)
[SWS_Rte_03782] dThe type of a ’C’ typed PerInstanceMemory shall be defined in
the Application Header File as
typedef Rte_PimType_<cts>_<type> <type>;
where <cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType
to which the PerInstanceMemory belongs and
<type> is the type name defined in the type attribute of the PerInstanceMemory.c
(SRS_Rte_00013, SRS_Rte_00077)
[SWS_Rte_07134] dThe RTE generator shall generate type definitions for ’C’ typed
PerInstanceMemory (see [SWS_Rte_07133] and [SWS_Rte_03782]) only once for
all ’C’ typed PerInstanceMemorys of same Software Component Type defining iden-
tical couples of type and typeDefinition attributes.c(SRS_Rte_00013, SRS_-

481 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Note: This shall support, that a Software Component Type can define several PerIn-
stanceMemory’s using the identical ’C’ type.
[SWS_Rte_07135] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations, violating [constr_-
2007], where ’C’ typed PerInstanceMemorys with identical type attributes but differ-
ent typeDefinition attributes in the same Software Component Type are defined.c
(SRS_Rte_00013, SRS_Rte_00018)
Note: This would lead to an compiler error due to incompatible redefinition of a ’C’ type.
[SWS_Rte_02305] dThe generated RTE shall instantiate (or allocate) declared
PerInstanceMemory.c(SRS_Rte_00013, SRS_Rte_00077)
[SWS_Rte_07182] dThe generated RTE shall initialize declared PerInstanceMem-
ory according the initValue attribute if
• an initValue is defined
• no SwAddrMethod is defined for PerInstanceMemory.
c(SRS_Rte_00013, SRS_Rte_00077)
[SWS_Rte_08304] dVariables implementing PerInstanceMemory shall be initialized
by RTE if
• an initValue is defined
• a SwAddrMethod is defined for PerInstanceMemory
• the RteInitializationStrategy for the sectionInitializationPol-
icy of the related SwAddrMethod is NOT configured to RTE_INITIALIZA-
c(SRS_Rte_00013, SRS_Rte_00077)
[SWS_Rte_07183] dThe generated RTE shall instantiate (or allocate) declared
arTypedPerInstanceMemory.c(SRS_Rte_00013, SRS_Rte_00077)
[SWS_Rte_07184] dThe generated RTE shall initialize declared arTypedPerIn-
stanceMemory according the ValueSpecification of the VariableDataPro-
totype defining the arTypedPerInstanceMemory if the general initialization con-
ditions in [SWS_Rte_07046] are fulfilled.c(SRS_Rte_00013, SRS_Rte_00077)
[SWS_Rte_05062] dIn case the PerInstanceMemory or arTypedPerInstance-
Memory is used as a permanent RAM Block for the NvRam manager the name for the
instantiated PerInstanceMemory or arTypedPerInstanceMemory shall be taken
from the input information RteNvmRamBlockLocationSymbol. Otherwise the RTE
generator is free to choose an arbitrary name.c(SRS_Rte_00013, SRS_Rte_00077)

482 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Note that, in cases where a PerInstanceMemory is not initialized due to

[SWS_Rte_07182] or [SWS_Rte_07184], the memory allocated for a PerInstance-
Memory is not initialized by the generated RTE, but by the corresponding software-
component instances.
[SWS_Rte_07693] dIn case a ParameterDataPrototype in the role perInstan-
ceParameter is used as a ROM Block for the NVRam Manager, then the name for
the instantiated ParameterDataPrototype shall be taken from the input information
RteNvmRomBlockLocationSymbol. Otherwise the RTE generator is free to choose
an arbitrary name.c(SRS_Rte_00154)

Example 5.4

This description of a software component

<TYPE-DEFINITION>struct {uint16 val1; uint8 * val2;}</

will e. g. result in the following code:

In the RTE Types Header File:
1 /* typedef to ensure unique typename */
2 /* according to the attributes */
3 /* ’type’ and ’typeDefinition’ */
4 typedef struct{
5 uint16 val1;
6 uint8 * val2;
7 } Rte_PimType_TheSwc_MyMemType;

In the respective Application Header File:

1 /* typedef visible within the scope */
2 /* of the component according to the attributes */
3 /* ’type’ and ’typeDefinition’ */
4 typedef Rte_PimType_TheSwc_MyMemType MyMemType;

483 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In Rte.c:
1 /* declare and instantiate mem1 */
2 /* "mem1" name may be taken from RteNvmRamBlockLocationSymbol */
3 Rte_PimType_TheSwc_MyMemType mem1;

Note that the name used for the definition of the PerInstanceMemory may be used
outside of the RTE. One use-case is to support the definition of the link between the
NvRam Manager’s permanent blocks and the software-components. The name in
RteNvmRamBlockLocationSymbol is used to configure the location at which the
NvRam Manager shall store and retrieve the permanent block content. For a detailed
description please refer to the AUTOSAR Software Component Template [2].

5.2.6 API Mapping

The RTE API is implemented by macros and generated API functions that are created
(or configured, depending on the implementation) by the RTE generator during the
“RTE Generation” phase. Typically one customized macro or function is created for
each “end” of a communication though the RTE generator may elide or combine custom
functions to improve run-time efficiency or memory overheads.
[SWS_Rte_01274] dThe API mapping shall be implemented in the application
header file.c(SRS_BSW_00330, SRS_Rte_00027, SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_-
00083, SRS_Rte_00087)
The RTE generator is required to provide a mapping from the RTE API name to the
generated function [SRS_Rte_00051]. The API mapping provides a level of indirec-
tion necessary to support binary components and multiple component instances. The
indirection is necessary for two reasons. Firstly, some information may not be known
when the component is created, for example, the component’s instance name, but
are necessary to ensure that the names of the generated functions are unique. Sec-
ondly, the names of the generated API functions should be unique (so that the ECU
image can link correctly) and the steps taken to ensure this may make the names not
“user-friendly”. Therefore, the primary rationale for the API mapping is to provide the
required abstraction that means that a component does not need to concern itself with
the preceding problems.
The requirements on the API mapping depend on the phase in which an RTE gen-
erator is operating. The requirements on the API mapping are only binding for RTE
generators operating in compatibility mode. “RTE Contract” Phase

Within the “RTE Contract” phase the API mapping is required to convert from the
source API call (as defined in Section 5.6) to the runnable entity provided by a software-
component or the implementation of the API function created by the RTE generator.

484 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

When compiled against a “RTE Contract” phase header file a software-component that
can be multiple instantiated is required to use a general API mapping that uses the
instance handle to access the function table defined in the component data structure.
[SWS_Rte_03706] dIf a software-component supportsMultipleInstantiation,
the “RTE Contract” phase API mapping shall access the generated RTE functions using
the instance handle to indirect through the generated function table in the component
data structure.c(SRS_Rte_00051)

Example 5.5

For a require client-server port ‘p1’ with operation ‘a’ with a single argument, the gen-
eral form of the API mapping would be:
1 #define Rte_Call_p1_a(instance,v) ((instance)->p1.Call_a(v))

Where s is the instance handle.

[SWS_Rte_06516] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each API mapping and API func-
tion definition of a variant existent API according table 4.23 if the variability shall be
1 #if (<condition> [||<condition>])
3 <API Mapping>
5 #endif

where condition are the condition value macro(s) of the VariationPoints rel-
evant for the conditional existence of the RTE API (see table 4.23), API Map-
ping is the code according an invariant API Mapping (see also [SWS_Rte_01274],
[SWS_Rte_03707], [SWS_Rte_03837], [SWS_Rte_01156])c(SRS_Rte_00201)
Note: In case of explicit communication any existent access points in the meta model
might result in the related API which results in a or condition for the pre processor.

Example 5.6

For a require client-server port ‘p1’ with operation ‘a’ with a single argument of the
component ‘c1’ defining a ServerCallPoint which is subject of variability in runn-
able ‘run1’, the general form of the conditional API mapping would be:
2 #if (Rte_VPCon_c1_run1_p1_a==TRUE)
4 #define Rte_Call_p1_a(instance,v) ((instance)->p1.Call_a(v))
6 #endif

485 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03707] dIf a software-component does not supportsMultipleInstan-

tiation, the “RTE Contract” phase API mapping shall access the generated RTE
functions directly.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_08073] dIn compatibility mode or “RTE Contract” phase, the API mapping
for Rte_PBCon shall access the generated RTE functions directly.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
When accessed directly, the names of the generated functions are formed according
to the following rule:
[SWS_Rte_03837] dThe function generated for API calls
Rte_<name>_<api_extension> that are intended to be called by the software
component shall be
where <name> is the API root (e.g. Receive),
<cts> the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType,
and <api_extension> is the extension of the API dependent on <name> (e.g.
[SWS_Rte_01156] dIn compatibility mode, the following API calls shall be implemented
as macros:
• Rte_Pim
• Rte_IrvIRead
• Rte_IrvIWrite
• Rte_IrvIWriteRef
The generated macros for these API calls shall map to the relevant fields of the com-
ponent data structure.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
For APIs not mentioned in [SWS_Rte_01156], and not subject to enableTakeAd-
dress, requirement [SWS_Rte_03707] means that in contract phase a function must
be generated for single instantiated SWCs. Likewise for multiple instantiated SWCs a
function must also be generated in contract phase as the relevant fields in the CDS
are omitted and therefore macros cannot be used in the API mapping. In compatibility
mode and RTE phase the same limitations apply due to the constraints of the CDS.
Note that the rule described in [SWS_Rte_03837] does not apply for the life cycle
APIs, nor for the callback APIs, nor for the APIs that are implemented as macros
(see [SWS_Rte_01156]).
[SWS_Rte_06831] dIn compatibility mode, the following API calls shall be implemented
either as macros (that map directly to the relevant field of the component data structure)
or as a C function (that may use the fields of the component data structure) based on
the state of the enableTakeAddress attribute [SWS_Rte_07100]:
• Rte_IRead

486 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• Rte_IWrite
• Rte_IWriteRef
• Rte_IStatus
• Rte_IFeedback
• Rte_IInvalidate
Note: For [SWS_Rte_01156] and [SWS_Rte_06831] when the APIs are implemented
as macros the API mapping in the application header file directly uses relevant fields of
the component data structure. However the enableTakeAddress attribute only ap-
plies for single instantiated SWCs and therefore the body of the generated function can
directly access the relevant data if required without indirection through the component
data structure.
The functions generated that are the destination of the API mapping, which is created
during the “RTE Contract” phase, are created by the RTE generator during the second
“RTE Generation” phase.
[SWS_Rte_01153] dThe generated function (or runnable) shall take the same param-
eters, in the same order, as the API mapping.c(SRS_Rte_00051)

Example 5.7

For a require client-server port ‘p1’ with operation ‘a’ with a single argument for compo-
nent type ‘c1’ for which multiple instantiation is forbidden, the following mapping would
be generated:
1 #define Rte_Call_p1_a Rte_Call_c1_p1_a “RTE Generation” Phase

There are no requirements on the form that the API mapping created during the “RTE
Generation” phase should take. This is because the application header files defined
during this phase are used by source-code components and therefore compatibility
between the generated RTE and source-code components is automatic.
The RTE generator is required to produce the component data structure instances re-
quired by object-code components and multiple instantiated source-code components.
If multiple instantiation of a software-component is forbidden, then the API mapping
specified for the “RTE Contract” phase (Section defines the names of the
generated functions. If multiple instantiation is possible, there are no corresponding
requirements that define the name of the generated function since all accesses to the
generated functions are performed via the component data structure which contains
well-defined entries (Sections and

487 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Function Elision

Using the “RTE Generation” phase API mapping, it is possible for the RTE generator
to elide the use of generated RTE functions.
[SWS_Rte_01146] dIf the API mapping elides an RTE function the “RTE Generation”
phase API mapping mechanism shall ensure that the invoking component still receives
a “return value” so that no changes to the AUTOSAR software-component are neces-
In C, the elision of API calls can be achieved using a comma expression2

Example 5.8

As an example, consider the following component code:

1 Std_ReturnType s;
2 s = Rte_Send_p1_a(instance,23);

Furthermore, assume that the communication attributes are specified such that the
sender-receiver communication can be performed as a direct assignment and there-
fore no RTE API call needs to be generated. However, the component source cannot
be modified and expects to receive an Std_ReturnType as the return. The “RTE
Generation” phase API mapping could then be rewritten as:
1 #define Rte_Send_p1_a(s,a) (<var> = (a), RTE_E_OK)

Where <var> is the implementation dependent name for an RTE created cache be-
tween sender and receiver. API Naming Conventions

An AUTOSAR software-component communicates with other components (including

basic software) through ports and therefore the names that constitute the RTE API are
formed from the combination of the API call’s functionality (e.g. Call, Send) that defines
the API root name and the access point through which the API operates.
For any API that operates through a port, the API’s access point includes the port
A SenderReceiverInterface can support multiple data items and a
ClientServerInterface can support multiple operations, any of which can be in-
voked through the requiring port by a client. The RTE API therefore needs a mech-
anism to indicate which data item/operation on the port to access and this is imple-
mented by including the data item/operation name in the API’s access point.
This is contrary to MISRA Rule 12.3 “The comma operator should not be used ”.However, a comma
expression is valid, legal, C and the elision cannot be achieved without a comma expression and there-
fore the rule must be relaxed.

488 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

As described above, the RTE API mapping is responsible for mapping the RTE API
name to the correct generated RTE function. The API mapping permits an RTE gener-
ator to include targeted optimization as well as removing the need to implement func-
tions that act as routing functions from generic API calls to particular functions within
the generated RTE.
For C and C++ the RTE API names introduce symbols into global scope and therefore
the names are required to be prefixed with Rte_ [SWS_Rte_01171]. API Parameters

All API parameters fall into one of two classes; parameters that are strictly read-only
(“In” parameters) and parameters whose value may be modified by the API function
(“In/Out” and “Out” parameters).
The type of these parameters is taken from the data element prototype or operation
prototype in the interface that characterizes the port for which the API is being gener-
In the following, requirement [SWS_Rte_06806] reflects the standard defined by [29].
The remaining requirements are include to ensure the consistency between different
RTE implementations. The rules described below regarding the default argument pass-
ing strategy may be overwritten by more specific requirements, e.g. ServerArgu-
[SWS_Rte_06804] dAll input parameters using the P2CONST macro shall use memclass
AUTOMATIC and ptrclass RTE_APPL_DATA.c(SRS_Rte_00060, SRS_BSW_00007)

[SWS_Rte_06805] dAll parameters using the VAR macro shall use memclass AUTO-
MATIC.c(SRS_Rte_00059, SRS_BSW_00007)

[SWS_Rte_06806] dAll output and bi-directional parameters (i.e. both input and out-
put) parameters shall use the P2VAR macro.c(SRS_Rte_00061, SRS_BSW_00007)
[SWS_Rte_06807] dAll parameters using the P2VAR macro shall use memclass AU-
TOMATIC and ptrclass RTE_APPL_DATA.c(SRS_Rte_00059, SRS_Rte_00060, SRS_-
• “In” Parameters
[SWS_Rte_01017] dAll input parameters that are a Primitive Implemen-
tation Data Type shall be passed by value.c(SRS_Rte_00059, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_01018] dAll input parameters that are of type Structure Imple-
mentation Data Type or Union Implementation Data Type shall be
passed by reference.c(SRS_Rte_00060, SRS_Rte_00061)

489 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_05107] dAll input parameters that are an Array Implementation

Data Type shall be passed as an array expression (that is a pointer to the array
base type).c(SRS_Rte_00060, SRS_Rte_00061)
[SWS_Rte_07661] dAll input parameters that are a data type of category
DATA_REFERENCE shall be passed as a pointer to the data type specified by
the SwPointerTargetProps.c(SRS_Rte_00059, SRS_Rte_00061)
[SWS_Rte_07086] dAll input parameters that are passed by reference
([SWS_Rte_01018]) or passed as an array expression ([SWS_Rte_05107]) shall
be declared as pointer to const with the means of the P2CONST macro.c(SRS_-
Rte_00060, SRS_BSW_00007)
Please note that the description of the P2CONST macro can be found in [30].
• “Out” Parameters
[SWS_Rte_01019] dAll output parameters that are of type Primitive Imple-
mentation Data Type shall be passed by reference.c(SRS_Rte_00061)
[SWS_Rte_07082] dAll output parameters that are of type Structure Imple-
mentation Data Type or Union Implementation Data Type shall be
passed by reference.c(SRS_Rte_00060, SRS_Rte_00061)
[SWS_Rte_05108] dAll output parameters that are an Array Implementa-
tion Data Type shall be passed as an array expression (that is a pointer to
the array base type).c(SRS_Rte_00060, SRS_Rte_00061)
[SWS_Rte_07083] dAll output parameters that are of type Pointer Imple-
mentation Data Type shall be passed as a pointer to the Pointer Imple-
mentation Data Type.c(SRS_Rte_00059, SRS_Rte_00061)
• “In/Out” Parameters
[SWS_Rte_01020] dAll bi-directional parameters (i.e. both input and output) that
are of type Primitive Implementation Data Type or Structure Im-
plementation Data Type or Union Implementation Data Type shall
be passed by reference.c(SRS_Rte_00059, SRS_Rte_00061)
[SWS_Rte_05109] dAll bi-directional parameters (i.e. both input and output) that
are an Array Implementation Data Type shall be passed as an array ex-
pression (that is a pointer to the array base type).c(SRS_Rte_00061)
[SWS_Rte_07084] dAll input, output and bi-directional parameters which related
DataPrototype is typed or mapped to an Redefinition Implementation
Data Type shall be treated according the kind of data type redefined by the
Redefinition Implementation Data Type. The possible kinds of data
types supported by RTE are listed in, SRS_Rte_-
00060, SRS_Rte_00061)
In order to indicate the direction of the individual API parameters, the descriptions
of the API signatures in this API reference chapter use the direction qualifiers ”IN”,

490 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

”OUT”, and ”INOUT”. These direction qualifiers are not part of the actual API proto-
types. Especially, the user cannot expect that these direction qualifiers are available
for the application.

Example 5.9

This would be the Rte_Write API generated for the example 5.5 (example of a two
dimension array typed by an ImplementationDataType):
1 FUNC(Std_ReturnType, RTE_CODE) Rte_Write_<p>_<o>(P2CONST(uint8,

Which can be used in the SWC code:

1 status = Rte_Write_<p>_<o> (&array[0][0]); Return Values

A subset of the RTE API’s returning the values instead of using OUT Parameters. In
the API section these API signatures defining a <return> value. In addition to the
following rules some of the APIs might specify additionally const qualifiers.
[SWS_Rte_07069] dThe RTE Generator shall determine the <return> type according
the applicable ImplementationDataType of the DataPrototype for which the API
provides access.c(SRS_Rte_00059)
[SWS_Rte_08300] dA pointer return value of an RTE API shall be declared as pointer
to const with the means of the FUNC_P2CONST macro or P2CONST if the pointer is not
used to modify the addressed object.c(SRS_Rte_00059)
Please note that the FUNC_P2CONST macro is applicable if the RTE API is implemented
as an real function and the P2CONST might be used if the RTE API is implemented as
a macro.
Requirement [SWS_Rte_08300] applies for instance for the RTE APIs Rte_Prm,
Rte_CData, Rte_IrvRead, Rte_IrvIRead in the cases where the API grants ac-
cess to composite data (arrays, structures, unions).
Please note, that the the implementation of the C data types are specified in section
5.3.4 "RTE Types Header File".
[SWS_Rte_07070] dIf the DataPrototype is associated to a Primitive Imple-
mentation Data Type the RTE API shall return the value of the DataPrototype
for which the API provides access. The type name shall be equal to the shortName
of these ImplementationDataType.c(SRS_Rte_00059)

Example 5.10

Consider an RTE API call return a primitive as defined in the example 5.2 for a singly
instantiated SW-C. The signature of the API will be:

491 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

1 MyUint8 Rte_IRead_<re>_<p>_<o>(void);

Please note that the usage of Compiler Abstraction is not shown in the example.

[SWS_Rte_07071] dIf the DataPrototype is associated to a Structure Imple-

mentation Data Type or Union Implementation Data Type, the RTE API
shall return a pointer to a variable holding the DataPrototype value provided by the
API. The type name shall be equal to the shortName of these Implementation-

Example 5.11

Consider an RTE API call return a structure as defined in the example 5.6 for a singly
instantiated SW-C. The signature of the API will be:


3 Rte_IRead_<re>_<p>_<o>(void);

Please note that the usage of Compiler Abstraction assumes that the SwAddrMethod
of the accessed VariableDataPrototype is named "‘VAR_FAST_INIT"’. Further
on the example does not respect the principles of API mapping.

[SWS_Rte_07072] dIf the DataPrototype is associated to an Array Implemen-

tation Data Type the RTE API shall return an array expression (that is a pointer
to the array base type) pointing to variable holding the value of the DataPrototype
for which the API provides access. If the leaf ImplementationDataTypeElement
is typed by a SwBaseType the array type name shall be equal to the nativeDecla-
ration attribute of the SwBaseType. If the leaf ImplementationDataTypeEle-
ment is typed by an ImplementationDataType the type name shall be equal to
the shortName of this ImplementationDataType. If the leaf Implementation-
DataTypeElement is of category STRUCTURE or UNION the type name shall be equal
to the shortName of this ImplementationDataTypeElement.c(SRS_Rte_00059)

Example 5.12

Consider an RTE API call return an array as defined in the example 5.4 for a singly
instantiated SW-C. The signature of the API will be:
2 Rte_IRead_<re>_<p>_<o>(void);

Please note that the usage of Compiler Abstraction assumes that the SwAddrMethod
of the accessed VariableDataPrototype is named "‘VAR_POWER_ON_INIT"’.
Further on the example does not respect the principles of API mapping.

Example 5.13

492 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Consider an RTE API call return an array as defined in the example 5.5 for a singly
instantiated SW-C. The signature of the API will be:
2 Rte_IRead_<re>_<p>_<o>(void);

Please note that the usage of Compiler Abstraction assumes that the SwAddrMethod
of the accessed VariableDataPrototype is named "‘VAR_NO_INIT"’. Further on
the example does not respect the principles of API mapping.

[SWS_Rte_07073] dIf the DataPrototype is associated to a Pointer Implemen-

tation Data Type the RTE API shall return the value of the DataPrototype for
which the API provides access. The type name shall be equal to the shortName of
these ImplementationDataType.c(SRS_Rte_00059) Please not that in this case
the value is a pointer.
[SWS_Rte_07074] dIf the DataPrototype is associated to a Redefinition Im-
plementation Data Type the RTE Generator shall determine the API return value
behaviour as described in [SWS_Rte_07070], [SWS_Rte_07071], [SWS_Rte_07072],
[SWS_Rte_07073], [SWS_Rte_07074] according the referenced Implementation-
DataType. Nevertheless except for Array Implementation Data Type the type
name shall be equal to the shortName of these ImplementationDataType.c
Please note that Redefinition Implementation Data Type might redefine an
other Redefinition Implementation Data Type again. Return References

A subset of the RTE API’s returning a reference to the memory location where the data
can be accessed instead of using IN/OUT Parameters. In the API section these API
signatures defining a <return reference> value.
[SWS_Rte_06808] dA <return reference> shall use the FUNC_P2VAR or P2VAR
[SWS_Rte_06809] dA <return reference> which uses either the P2VAR or the
FUNC_P2VAR macro shall use memclass AUTOMATIC and ptrclass RTE_DATA.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07076] dThe RTE Generator shall determine the <return reference>
type according the applicable ImplementationDataType of the DataPrototype
for which the API provides access.c(SRS_Rte_00059)
Please note, that the the implementation of the C data types are specified in section
5.3.4 "RTE Types Header File".
[SWS_Rte_07077] dIf the DataPrototype is associated to a Primitive Imple-
mentation Data Type the RTE API shall return a pointer to variable holding the

493 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

data of the value of the DataPrototype for which the API provides access. The
type name shall be equal to the shortName of these ImplementationDataType.c

Example 5.14

Consider an RTE API call return a reference to a primitive as defined in the example
5.2 for a singly instantiated SW-C. The signature of the API will be:
1 MyUint8 * Rte_IWriteRef_<re>_<p>_<o>(void);

Please note that the usage of Compiler Abstraction is not shown in the example.

[SWS_Rte_07078] dIf the DataPrototype is associated to a Structure Imple-

mentation Data Type or Union Implementation Data Type the RTE API
shall return a pointer to variable holding the value of the DataPrototype for which
the API provides access. The type name shall be equal to the shortName of these

Example 5.15

Consider an RTE API call return a reference to a structure as defined in the example
5.6 for a singly instantiated SW-C. The signature of the API will be:
1 RecA * Rte_IWriteRef_<re>_<p>_<o>(void);

Please note that the usage of Compiler Abstraction is not shown in the example.

[SWS_Rte_07079] dIf the DataPrototype is associated to an Array Implemen-

tation Data Type the RTE API shall return an array expression (that is a pointer
to the array base type) pointing to variable holding the value of the DataPrototype
for which the API provides access. If the leaf ImplementationDataTypeElement
is typed by a SwBaseType the array type name shall be equal to the nativeDecla-
ration attribute of the SwBaseType. If the leaf ImplementationDataTypeEle-
ment is typed by an ImplementationDataType the type name shall be equal to the
shortName of these ImplementationDataType.c(SRS_Rte_00059)

Example 5.16

Consider an RTE API call return a reference to an array as defined in the example 5.4
for a singly instantiated SW-C. The signature of the API will be:
1 unsigned char * Rte_IWriteRef_<re>_<p>_<o>(void);

Example 5.17

Consider an RTE API call return a reference to an array as defined in the example 5.5
for a singly instantiated SW-C. The signature of the API will be:
1 uint8 * Rte_IWriteRef_<re>_<p>_<o>(void);

494 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note that the usage of Compiler Abstraction is not shown in the examples.

[SWS_Rte_07080] dIf the DataPrototype is associated to a Pointer Implemen-

tation Data Type the RTE API shall return a pointer pointing to variable holding
the value of the DataPrototype for which the API provides access. The type name
shall be equal to the shortName of these ImplementationDataType.c(SRS_Rte_-
00059) Please not that in this case the value is a pointer again.
[SWS_Rte_07081] dIf the DataPrototype is associated to a Redefinition Im-
plementation Data Type the RTE Generator shall determine the API return value
behaviour as described in [SWS_Rte_07077], [SWS_Rte_07078], [SWS_Rte_07079],
[SWS_Rte_07080], [SWS_Rte_07081] according the referenced Implementation-
DataType. Nevertheless except for Array Implementation Data Type the type
name shall be equal to the shortName of these ImplementationDataType.c
Please note that Redefinition Implementation Data Type might redefine an
other Redefinition Implementation Data Type again. Error Handling

In RTE, error and status information is defined with the data type Std_ReturnType,
see Section 5.5.1.
It is possible to distinguish between infrastructure errors and application errors. Infras-
tructure errors are caused by a resource failure or an invalid input parameter. Infras-
tructure errors usually occur in the basic software or hardware along the communica-
tion path of a data element. Application errors are reported by a SW-C or by AUTOSAR
services. RTE has the capability to treat application errors that are forwarded
• by return value in client server communication or
• by signal invalidation in sender receiver communication with data semantics.
Errors that are detected during an RTE API call are notified to the caller using the API’s
return value.
[SWS_Rte_01034] dError states (including ’no error’) shall only be passed as return
value of the RTE API to the AUTOSAR SW-C.c(SRS_Rte_00094)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_01034] ensures that, irrespective of whether the API is block-
ing or non-blocking, the error is collected at the same time the data is made available
to the caller thus ensuring that both items are accessed consistently.
Certain RTE API calls operate asynchronously from the underlying communication
mechanism. In this case, the return value from the API indicates only errors detected
during that API call. Errors detected after the API has terminated are returned using a
different mechanism [SWS_Rte_01111]. RTE also provides an ’implicit’ API for direct
access to virtually shared memory. This API does not return any errors. The underlying

495 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

communication is decoupled. Instead, an API is provided to pick up the current status

of the corresponding data element. Success Feedback

The RTE supports the notification of results of transmission attempts to an AUTOSAR

The Rte_Feedback API [SWS_Rte_01083] or the Rte_IFeedback API
[SWS_Rte_07367] can be configured to return the transmission result as either
a blocking or non-blocking API or via activation of a runnable entity.

5.2.7 Unconnected Ports

[SWS_Rte_01329] dThe RTE shall handle both require and provide ports that are not
The handling of require ports as an error is described in requirement
[SWS_Rte_06030] dThe RTE shall consider a PRPortPrototype as always con-
Note: [SWS_Rte_06030] is the consequence of [TPS_SWCT_01573]. This is because
a PRPortPrototype is logically an overlay of require and provide semantics hence
the PRPortPrototype needs no further explicitly defined connection in the form of
an SwConnector or signal mapping.
RTE event handling and the API calls for unconnected ports are specified to behave
as if the port was connected but the remote communication point took no action.
Unconnected require ports are regarded by the RTE generator as an invalid
configuration (see [SWS_Rte_03019]) if the strict handling has been enabled
(see [SWS_Rte_05099]). Data Elements Explicit Communication

[SWS_Rte_01330] dA Rte_Read API for an unconnected require port typed

by a SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface shall return the
RTE_E_UNCONNECTED code and provide the initValue as if a sender was con-
nected but did not transmit anything.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_-

496 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07663] dA Rte_DRead API for an unconnected require port typed by a

SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface shall return the initValue as
if a sender was connected but did not transmit anything.c(SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_-
Requirements [SWS_Rte_01330] and [SWS_Rte_07663] apply to elements with
"‘data"’ semantics and therefore "last is best"’ semantics. This means that the initial
value will be returned.
[SWS_Rte_01331] dA blocking or non-blocking Rte_Receive API for an un-
connected require port typed by a SenderReceiverInterface shall return
RTE_E_UNCONNECTED immediately.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00107, SRS_Rte_-
00110, SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_00200)
The existence of blocking and non-blocking Rte_Read, Rte_DRead and Rte_-
Receive API calls is controlled by the presence of VariableAccesses in the
dataReceivePointByValue or dataReceivePointByArgument role, DataRe-
ceivedEvents and WaitPoints within the SW-C description [SWS_Rte_01288],
[SWS_Rte_01289] and [SWS_Rte_01290].
[SWS_Rte_01344] dA blocking or non-blocking Rte_Feedback API for a Variable-
DataPrototype of an unconnected provide port shall return RTE_E_UNCONNECTED
immediately.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00139)
The existence of blocking and non-blocking Rte_Feedback API is controlled by the
presence of VariableAccesses in the dataSendPoint role, DataSendComplet-
edEvents and WaitPoints within the SW-C description for a VariableDataPro-
totype with acknowledgement enabled, see [SWS_Rte_01283], [SWS_Rte_01284],
[SWS_Rte_01285] and [SWS_Rte_01286].
[SWS_Rte_01332] dThe Rte_Send or Rte_Write API for an unconnected provide
port typed by a SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface shall discard
the input parameters and return RTE_E_OK.c(SRS_Rte_00139)
The existence of Rte_Send or Rte_Write is controlled by the presence of
VariableAccesses in the dataSendPoint role within the SW/C description
[SWS_Rte_01280] and [SWS_Rte_01281].
[SWS_Rte_03783] dThe Rte_Invalidate API for an unconnected provide port
typed by a SenderReceiverInterface shall return RTE_E_OK.c(SRS_Rte_00139)
The existence of Rte_Invalidate is controlled by the presence of VariableAc-
cesses in the dataSendPoint role within the SW/C description for a Variable-
DataPrototype which is marked as invalidatable by an associated Invalidation-
Policy. The handleInvalid attribute of the InvalidationPolicy has to be set
to keep, replace or externalReplacement to enable the invalidation support for
this dataElement ([SWS_Rte_01282]).

497 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Implicit Communication

[SWS_Rte_07378] dAn Rte_IFeedback API for a VariableDataPrototype of

an unconnected provide port shall return RTE_E_UNCONNECTED immediately.c(SRS_-
Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_00185)
The existence of an Rte_IFeedback API is controlled by the presence of Vari-
ableAccesses in the dataWriteAccess role, and DataWriteCompletedEvents
within the SWC description for a VariableDataPrototype with acknowledgement
enabled, see [SWS_Rte_07646], [SWS_Rte_07647].
[SWS_Rte_01346] dAn Rte_IRead API for an unconnected require port typed by a
SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface shall return the initial value.c
The existence of Rte_IRead is controlled by the presence of a VariableAccess in
the dataReadAccess role in the SW-C description [SWS_Rte_01301].
[SWS_Rte_01347] dAn Rte_IWrite API for an unconnected provide port typed by a
SenderReceiverInterface or NvDataInterface shall discard the written data.c
The existence of Rte_IWrite is controlled by the presence of a VariableAccess in
the dataWriteAccess role in the SW-C description [SWS_Rte_01302].
[SWS_Rte_03784] dAn Rte_IInvalidate API for an unconnected provide port
typed by a SenderReceiverInterface shall perform no action.c(SRS_Rte_00139)
The existence of Rte_IInvalidate is controlled by the presence of a VariableAc-
cess in the dataWriteAccess role in the SW-C description for a VariableDat-
aPrototype which is marked as invalidatable by an associated InvalidationPol-
icy. The handleInvalid attribute of the InvalidationPolicy has to be set to
keep, replace or externalReplacement to enable the invalidation support for this
dataElement ([SWS_Rte_03801]).
[SWS_Rte_03785] dAn Rte_IStatus API for an unconnected require port typed
by a SenderReceiverInterface shall return RTE_E_UNCONNECTED.c(SRS_Rte_-
00094, SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_00200)
The existence of Rte_IStatus is controlled by the presence of a VariableAc-
cess in the dataReadAccess role in the SW-C description for a VariableDat-
aPrototype with data element outdated notification or data element invalidation
[SWS_Rte_02600]. Mode Switch Ports

For the mode user an unconnected mode switch port behaves as if it was connected
to a mode manager that never sends a mode switch notification.

498 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_02638] dA Rte_Mode API for an unconnected mode switch port of a mode

user shall return the initial state.c(SRS_Rte_00139)
[SWS_Rte_02639] dRegarding the modes of an unconnected mode switch port of a
mode user, the mode disabling dependencies on the initial mode shall be permanently
active and the mode disabling dependencies on all other modes shall be inactive.c
[SWS_Rte_02640] dRegarding the modes of an unconnected mode switch port of a
mode user, RTE will only generate a SwcModeSwitchEvent for entering the initial
mode which occurs directly after startup.c(SRS_Rte_00139)
[SWS_Rte_02641] dThe Rte_Switch API for an unconnected mode switch port of
the mode manager shall discard the input parameters and return RTE_E_OK.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_02642] dA blocking or non blocking Rte_SwitchAck API for an uncon-
nected mode switch port of the mode manager shall return RTE_E_UNCONNECTED
[SWS_Rte_01375] dA provided mode switch port of a mode manager shall be
considered unconnected only if there are no connections at the composition level and
no ModeAccessPoint exists for the provided mode switch port and no synchro-
nizedModeGroup refers to the provided mode switch port.c(SRS_Rte_00139) Client-Server

[SWS_Rte_01333] dThe Rte_Result API for an unconnected asynchronous require

port typed by a ClientServerInterface shall return RTE_E_UNCONNECTED imme-
diately.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_00200)
[SWS_Rte_01334] dThe Rte_Call API for an unconnected require port typed by a
ClientServerInterface shall return RTE_E_UNCONNECTED immediately.c(SRS_-
Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_00200)
[SWS_Rte_04530] dIf a client/server communication is inter-ECU, then for each
ClientServerOperation the DataMappings element shall contain a mapping to at least
one COM signal or being referenced at least by a LdCom I-PDU, otherwise the
ClientServerOperation shall be treated as if it is part of an unconnected port.c(SRS_-
Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_00200) External Triggers

For unconnected RPortPrototypes the associated ExternalTriggerOccurre-

dEvents will never get fired (i.e. it behaves as if the remote communication partner
never triggers the event).

499 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06210] dThe Rte_Trigger API for an unconnected PPortProto-

types typed by a TriggerInterface shall discard the trigger request and return
RTE_E_OK.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_00162, SRS_Rte_00200)

5.2.8 Non-identical port interfaces

Two ports are permitted to be connected provided that they are characterized by com-
patible, but not necessarily identical, interfaces. For the full definition of whether two
interfaces are compatible, see the Software Component Template [2].
[SWS_Rte_01368] dThe RTE generator shall report an error if the [constr_1036] and
the [constr_1069] are violated so if two connected ports are connected by incompatible
A significant issue in determining whether two interfaces are compatible is that the
interface characterizing the require port may be a strict subset of the interface char-
acterizing the provide port. This means that there may be provided data elements or
operations for which there is no corresponding element in the require port. This can be
imagined as a multi-strand wire between the two ports (the assembly connector) where
each strand represents the connection between two data elements or operations, and
where some of the strands from the ‘provide’ end are not connected to anything at the
‘require’ end.
Define, for the purposes of this section, an “unconnected element” as a data element
or operation that occurs in the provide interface, but for which no corresponding data
element or operation occurs in a particular R-Port’s interface.
[SWS_Rte_01369] dFor each data element or operation within the provide interface,
every connected requirer with an “unconnected element” must be treated as if it were
not connected.c(SRS_Rte_00137)
Note that requirement [SWS_Rte_01369] means that in the case of a 1:n Sender-
Receiver the Rte_Write call may transmit to some but not all receivers.
The extreme is if all connected requirers have an “unconnected element”:
[SWS_Rte_01370] dFor a data element or operation in a provide interface which is
an unconnected element in every connected R-Port, the generated Rte_Send, Rte_-
Write, Rte_IWrite, or Rte_IWriteRef APIs must act as if the port were uncon-
See Section 5.2.7 for the required behavior in this case.

5.2.9 Return type Std_ReturnType

Many APIs use a return value of type Std_ReturnType to indicate communication

errors. Such errors can occur because a port is unconnected, the CAN bus is not

500 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

functioning, the OS cannot accept more task activations etc. There are integration
scenarios however in which just no error can occur. E.g. if a trigger source raises
a trigger with lower frequency than the trigger sinks can consume it or if a Sender-
Receiver communication is a pure intra-partition communication without transformers.
Many components in an ECU are designed for a specific system and can therefore as-
sume a certain integration scenario and omit the evaluation of the error code returned
by the RTE APIs. This way those components can reduce CPU resource consump-
tion by omitting the status evaluation and also the RTE does not have to compute the
The RTE can usually not check if such an optimization is valid in a given SWC integra-
tion as it does not have the full knowledge about e.g. the call frequency of a trigger or
write API. It is the SWC’s integrator who has to ensure that the SWC’s assumptions
are fulfilled. But the RTE offers the technical possibility to omit the Std_ReturnType
and generate an API with return type void instead. This is achieved via the at-
tribute returnValueProvision which can be set to noReturnValueProvided.
If it is not set or set to returnValueProvided the standard behavior of return type
Std_ReturnType will be used. Please note that returnValueProvision is only
meaningful for AccessPoints resulting in an API with return type Std_ReturnType.
Also note that APIs with the purpose of retrieving the communication status (e.g.
Rte_Feedback or Rte_IStatus) are not affected by any setting of returnValue-
Provision as it doesn’t make sense to ask for a status and at the same time ignoring

5.3 RTE Modules

Figure 5.1 defines the relationship between header files and how those files are in-
cluded by modules implementing AUTOSAR software-components and by general,
non-component, code.

501 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Figure 5.1: Relationships between RTE Header Files

The output of an RTE generator can consist of both generated code and configuration
for “library” code that may be supplied as either object code or source code. Both
configured and generated code reference standard definitions that are defined in the
RTE Header File.
The relationship between the RTE header file, Application Header Files, the Lifecycle
Header File and AUTOSAR software-components is illustrated in Figure 5.1.
In general a RTE can be partitioned in several files. The partitioning depends from
the RTE vendors software design and generation strategy. Nevertheless it shall be
possible to clearly identify code and header files which are part of the RTE module.
[SWS_Rte_07139] dEvery file of the RTE beside Rte.h and Rte.c shall be named with
the prefix Rte_.c(SRS_BSW_00300)

5.3.1 RTE Header File

The RTE header file defines fixed elements of the RTE that do not need to be generated
or configured for each ECU.
[SWS_Rte_01157] dFor C/C++ AUTOSAR software-components, the name of the RTE
header file shall be Rte.h.c(SRS_BSW_00300)
Typically the contents of the RTE header file are fixed for any particular implementation
and therefore it is not created by the RTE generator. However, customization for each
generated RTE is not forbidden.

502 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_01164] d The RTE header file shall include the file Std_Types.h.c(SRS_-
Rte_00149, SRS_Rte_00150, SRS_BSW_00353)
The file Std_Types.h is the standard AUTOSAR file [31] that defines basic data types
including platform specific definitions of unsigned and signed integers and provides
access to the compiler abstraction.
The contents of the RTE header file are not restricted to standardized elements that
are defined within this document – it can also contain definitions specific to a particular

5.3.2 Lifecycle Header File

[SWS_Rte_08309] dThe RTE generator shall provide declarations for RTE and SchM
Lifecycle APIs (see Section 5.8 and 6.7) through the Lifecycle header file.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_01158] dFor C/C++ AUTOSAR software-components, the name of the life-
cycle header file shall be Rte_Main.h.c(SRS_BSW_00300)
[SWS_Rte_01159] dThe lifecycle header file shall include the RTE header file.c(SRS_-

5.3.3 Application Header File

The application header file [SRS_Rte_00087] is central to the definition of the RTE API.
An application header file defines the RTE API and any associated data structures that
are required by the SW-C to use the RTE implementation. But the application header
file is not allowed to create objects in memory.
[SWS_Rte_01000] dThe RTE generator shall create an application header file for each
software-component type (excluding ParameterSwComponentTypes and NvBlock-
SwComponentTypes) defined in the input.c(SRS_Rte_00087, SRS_Rte_00024,
[SWS_Rte_03786] dThe application header file shall not contain code that creates
objects in memory.c(SRS_Rte_00087, SRS_BSW_00308)
RTE generation consists of two phases; an initial “RTE Contract” phase and a second
“RTE Generation” phase (see Section 2.3). Object-code components are compiled
after the first phase of RTE generation and therefore the application header file should
conform to the form of definitions defined in Sections 5.4.1 and 5.5.2. In contrast,
source-code components are compiled after the second phase of RTE generation and
therefore the RTE generator produces an optimized application header file based on
knowledge of component instantiation and deployment.

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Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 File Name

[SWS_Rte_01003] dThe name of the Application Header File of an AUTOSAR software

component shall be Rte_[Byps_]<name>.h. <name> is the AUTOSAR software
component type name. [Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper
method for bypass support is enabled for the related software component type (See
chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00300)

Example 5.18

The following declaration in the input XML:


should result in the application header file Rte_Source.h being generated when the
component wrapper method for bypass support is disabled.

The component type name is used rather than the component instance name for two
reasons; firstly the same component code is used for all component instances and,
secondly, the component instance name is an internal identifier, and should not appear
outside of generated code. Scope

RTE supports two approaches for the scope of the application header file, a SW-C
based, and a runnable based approach.
1. Always, the application header file provides only the API that is specific for one
atomic SW-C, see [SWS_Rte_01004].
2. The scope of the application header file can be further reduced to one runnable
by using the mechanism described in [SWS_Rte_02751].
Many of the RTE APIs are specific to runnables. The restrictions for the usage of the
generated APIs are defined in the ‘Existence’ parts of each API subsection in 5.6. To
prevent run time errors by the misuse of APIs that are not supported for a runnable, it
is recommended to use the runnable based approach of the application header file.
[SWS_Rte_01004] dThe application header file for a component shall contain only
information relevant to that component.c(SRS_Rte_00087, SRS_Rte_00017, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_02751] dIf the pre-compiler Symbol RTE_RUNNABLEAPI_<rn> is defined
for a runnable with short name <rn> when the application header file is included,
the application header file shall not declare APIs that are not valid to be used by the
runnable rn.c(SRS_Rte_00017)

504 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

For example, to restrict the application header file of the SW-C mySwc to the API of the
runnable myRunnable, the following sequence can be used:
1 #define RTE_RUNNABLEAPI_myRunnable
2 #include <Rte_mySwc.h>
4 // runnable source code

Note that this mechanism does not support to restrict the application header file to the
super set of two or more runnable APIs. In other words, runnables should be kept in
separate source files, if the runnable based approach is used.
Requirements [SWS_Rte_01004] and [SWS_Rte_02751] mean that compile time
checks ensure that a component (or runnable) that uses the application header file
only accesses the generated data structures and functions to which it has been con-
figured. Any other access, e.g. to fields not defined in the customized data structures
or RTE API, will fail with a compiler error [SRS_Rte_00017].
The definitions of the RTE API contained in the application header file can be opti-
mized during the “RTE Generation” phase when the mapping of software-components
to ECUs and the communication matrix is known. Consequently multiple application
header files must not be included in the same source module to avoid conflicting defi-
nitions of the RTE API definitions that the files contains.
Listing 5.1 illustrates the code structure for the declaration of the entry point of a
runnable entity that provides the implementation for a ServerPort in component c1.
The RTE generator is responsible for creating the API and tasks used to execute the
server and the symbol name of the entry point is extracted from the attribute symbol
of the runnable entity. The example shows that the first parameter of the entry point
function is the software-component’s instance handle [SWS_Rte_01016].
Listing 5.1: Skeleton server runnable entity
1 #include <Rte_c1.h>
3 void runnable_entry(Rte_Instance instance)
4 {
5 /* ... server code ... */
6 }

Listing 5.1 includes the component-specific application header file Rte_c1.h created
by the RTE generator. The RTE generator will also create the supporting data struc-
tures and the task body to which the runnable is mapped.
The RTE is also responsible for preventing conflicting concurrent accesses when the
runnable entity implementing the server operation is triggered as a result of a request
from a client received via the communication service or directly via inter-task commu-

505 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 File Contents

Multiple application header file must not be included in the same module ([
SWS_Rte_01004]) and therefore the file contents should contain a mechanism to en-
force this requirement.
[SWS_Rte_01006] dAn application header file shall include the following mechanism
before any other definitions.
2 #error Multiple application header files included.

[SWS_Rte_07131] dThe application header file shall include the Application Types
Header File.c(SRS_Rte_00087)
The name of the Application Types Header File is defined in Section 5.3.6.
[SWS_Rte_07924] dThe application header file shall include the RTE Data Handle
Types Header File (see Section 5.3.5).c(SRS_Rte_00087)
[SWS_Rte_01005] dThe application header file shall be valid for both C and C++
source.c(SRS_Rte_00126, SRS_Rte_00138)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_01005] is met by ensuring that all definitions within the appli-
cation header file are defined using C linkage if a C++ compiler is used.
[SWS_Rte_03709] dAll definitions within in the application header file shall be pre-
ceded by the following fragment;
1 #ifdef __cplusplus
2 extern "C" {
3 #endif /* __cplusplus */

c(SRS_Rte_00126, SRS_Rte_00138)
[SWS_Rte_03710] dAll definitions within the application header file shall be suffixed by
the following fragment;
1 #ifdef __cplusplus
2 } /* extern "C" */
3 #endif /* __cplusplus */

c(SRS_Rte_00126, SRS_Rte_00138)
[SWS_Rte_03628] dThe Rte shall generate the APIs [SWS_Rte_03622],
[SWS_Rte_03624] and [SWS_Rte_03626] as macros in the Application Header
File of each software component.c(SRS_Rte_00322)

506 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Instance Handle

The RTE uses an instance handle to identify different instances of the same component
type. The definition of the instance handle type [SWS_Rte_01148] is unique to each
component type and therefore should be included in the application header file.
[SWS_Rte_01007] dThe application header file shall define the type of the instance
handle for the component.c(SRS_Rte_00012)
All runnable entities for a component are passed the same instance handle type (as
the first formal parameter [SWS_Rte_01016]) and can therefore use the same type
definition from the component’s application header file.
The example 5.23 illustrates the definition of an instance handle. Runnable Entity Prototype

The application header file also includes a prototype for each runnable entity entry
point ([SWS_Rte_01132]) and the API mapping ([SWS_Rte_01274]). Initial Values

[SWS_Rte_05078] dThe Application Header File shall define the init value of non-
queued VariableDataPrototypes of sender receiver or non volatile data ports and
typed by an ImplementationDataType or ApplicationDataType of category
1 #define Rte_InitValue_<Port>_<DEPType> <initValue><suffix>

where <Port> is the PortPrototype shortName, <DEPType> is the short-

Name of the VariableDataPrototype, and <initValue> is the initValue spec-
ified in the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec respectively NonqueuedSenderCom-
Spec. <suffix> shall be set according to [SWS_Rte_03619].c(SRS_Rte_00068,
SRS_Rte_00087, SRS_Rte_00108)
Note that the initValue defined may be subject to change due to the fact that for
COM configuration it may be possible to change this value during ECU Configuration
or even post-build time. PerInstanceMemory

The Application Header File shall type definitions for PerInstanceMemory’s as defined
in Chapter 5.2.5, [SWS_Rte_07133].

507 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 RTE-Component Interface

The application header file defines the “interface” between a component and the RTE.
The interface consists of the RTE API for the component and the prototypes for runn-
able entities. The definition of the RTE API requires that both relevant data structures
and API calls are defined.
The data structures required to support the API are defined in the Application Header
file (CDS) (see chapter 5.3.3), in the Application Types Header file (see chapter 5.3.6),
in the RTE Types Header file (see chapter 5.3.1) and in the RTE Data Handle Types
Header file (see chapter 5.3.5).
The data structure types are declared in the header files whereas the instances are
defined in the generated RTE. The necessary data structures for object-code software-
components are defined in chapter 5.5.2 and chapter 5.4.2.
The RTE generator is required [SWS_Rte_01004] to limit the contents of the applica-
tion header file to only that information that is relevant to that component type. This
requirement includes the definition of the API mapping. The API mapping is described
in chapter 5.2.6.
Requirement [SWS_Rte_01004] and [SWS_Rte_01006] ensure that attempts to invoke
invalid API calls will be rejected as a compile-time error [SRS_Rte_00017]. Application Errors

The concept of client server supports application specific error codes. Symbolic
names for Application Errors are defined in the application header file to avoid con-
flicting definitions between several AtomicSwComponentTypes mapped one ECU.
See [SWS_Rte_02575] and [SWS_Rte_02576].

5.3.4 RTE Types Header File

The RTE Types Header File includes the RTE specific type declarations derived from
the ImplementationDataTypes created from the definitions of AUTOSAR meta-
model classes within the RTE generator’s input. The available meta-model classes
are defined by the AUTOSAR software-component template and include classes for
defining primitive values, structures, arrays and pointers.
The types declared in the RTE Types Header File intend to be used for the implemen-
tation of RTE internal data buffers as well as for RTE API.
[SWS_Rte_01160] dThe RTE generator shall create the RTE Types Header File includ-
ing the type declarations corresponding to the ImplementationDataTypes defined
in the input configuration as well as the RTE implementation types.c()

508 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The RTE Data Types header file should be output for “RTE Contract” and “RTE Gener-
ation” phases. File Contents

[SWS_Rte_02648] dThe RTE Types Header File shall include the type declarations,
structure defintions, and union definitions for all the AUTOSAR Data Types according
to [SWS_Rte_07104], [SWS_Rte_07110], [SWS_Rte_06706], [SWS_Rte_06707],
[SWS_Rte_06708] [SWS_Rte_07111], [SWS_Rte_07114], [SWS_Rte_06812],
[SWS_Rte_07144], [SWS_Rte_06813], [SWS_Rte_07109] and [SWS_Rte_07148]
depending on the values of attributes typeEmitter and nativeDeclaration but
irrespective of their use by the generated RTE.c()
The attribute typeEmitter controls which part of the AUTOSAR toolchain is sup-
posed to provide data type definitions. For legacy reasons the RTE generator is sup-
posed to generate the corresponding data type if the ImplementationDataType
defines no typeEmitter.
[SWS_Rte_06709] dThe RTE generator shall generate the corresponding data type
definition if the value of attribute typeEmitter is NOT defined.c()
[SWS_Rte_06710] dThe RTE generator shall generate the corresponding data type
definition if the value of attribute typeEmitter is set to "RTE".c()
[SWS_Rte_06711] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where the attribute
typeEmitter is not defined or set to "RTE", and the ImplementationDataType
references a SwBaseType without defined nativeDeclaration.c()
[SWS_Rte_06712] dThe RTE generator shall silently not generate the corresponding
data type definition if the value of attribute typeEmitter is set to anything else but
This requirement ensures the availability of ImplementationDataTypes for the in-
ternal use in AUTOSAR software components.
Nevertheless the RTE Types Header File does not contain any data type belonging
to an ImplementationDataType where typeEmitter is set to anything else but
"RTE" regardless if the ImplementationDataType references SwBaseTypes and if
this SwBaseTypes define nativeDeclarations.
[SWS_Rte_08732] dThe RTE generator shall generate the type
Rte_Cs_TransactionHandleType of the transaction handle for inter-ECU
Client-Server communication as a structure:

typedef struct {
uint16 clientId;
uint16 sequenceCounter;
} Rte_Cs_TransactionHandleType;

509 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

where clientId and sequenceCounter contain the client identifier and sequence
counter as specified in [SWS_Rte_02649].
The types header file may need types in terms of BSW types (from the file
Std_Types.h) or from the implementation specific RTE header file to declare types.
However, since the RTE header file includes the file Std_Types.h already so only the
RTE header file needs direct inclusion within the types header file.
[SWS_Rte_01163] dThe RTE Types Header File shall include the RTE Header File.c
(SRS_BSW_00353) Classification of Implementation Data Types

The type model ImplementationDataTypes is able to express following kinds of

data types:
• Primitive Implementation Data Type
• Array Implementation Data Type
• Structure Implementation Data Type
• Union Implementation Data Type
• Redefinition Implementation Data Type
• Pointer Implementation Data Type
A Primitive Implementation Data Type is classified that it directly refers by its Sw-
DataDefProps to a SwBaseType in the role baseType. The category attribute
is set to VALUE.
An Array Implementation Data Type is classified that it defines Implementation-
DataTypeElements for each dimension of the array. The swArraySize specifies
the number of array elements of the dimension. The category attribute Array Imple-
mentation Data Type is set to ARRAY.
A Structure Implementation Data Type is categorized that it has Implementation-
DataTypeElement’s. The category attribute of the ImplementationDataType
is set to STRUCTURE. Each ImplementationDataTypeElement it self can be one
of the listed kinds again.
A Union Implementation Data Type is categorized that it has Implementation-
DataTypeElement’s. The category attribute of the ImplementationDataType
is set to UNION. Each ImplementationDataTypeElement it self can be one of the
listed kinds again.

510 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

A Redefinition Implementation Data Type is classified that it refers to other Imple-

mentationDataTypes. The category attribute of the referring Implementation-
DataType has to be set to TYPE_REFERENCE.
A Pointer Implementation Data Type is classified that its SwDataDefProps has a
swPointerTargetProps attribute. The swDataDefProps in the role swPoint-
erTargetProps is specifying the target to which the pointer refers. The category
attribute of the ImplementationDataType has to be set to DATA_REFERENCE. Primitive Implementation Data Type

The RTE Types Header File declares C types for all Primitive Implementation
Data Types where the referred BaseType has a nativeDeclaration attribute.
[SWS_Rte_07104] dFor each Primitive Implementation Data Type with a
nativeDeclaration attribute, the RTE Types Header File shall include the corre-
sponding type declaration as:
typedef <nativeDeclaration> <name>;
where <nativeDeclaration> is the nativeDeclaration attribute of the re-
ferred BaseType and <name> is the Implementation Data Type symbol of the
Primitive Implementation Data Type.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00166,
SRS_Rte_00168, SRS_BSW_00353)

MyUint8: :SwDataDefProps MyUint8Base: SwBaseType

ImplementationDataType +swDataDefProps +baseType
category = FIXED_LENGTH
category = VALUE nativeDeclaration = unsigned char


Figure 5.2: Primitive Implementation Data Type

Note: All Primitive Implementation Data Types where the referred Base-
Type has no nativeDeclaration attribute resulting not in a type declaration. This
is intended to prevent the redeclaration of the predefined Standard Types and Platform

uint8: :SwDataDefProps uint8: SwBaseType

ImplementationDataType +swDataDefProps +baseType
category = FIXED_LENGTH
category = VALUE


Figure 5.3: Primitive Implementation Data Type included from Platform_Types.h

511 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07105] dIf more than one Primitive Implementation Data Type

with equal shortName and equal nativeDeclaration attribute of the referred
BaseType are defined, the RTE Types Header File shall include only once the cor-
responding type declaration according to [SWS_Rte_07104].c(SRS_Rte_00165)
Note: This avoids the redeclaration of C types due to the multiple descriptions of equiv-
alent Primitive Implementation Data Types in the ECU extract. Array Implementation Data Type

In addition to the primitive data-types defined in the previous section, it is also neces-
sary for the RTE generator to declare composite data-types: arrays and records.
An array definition following information:
• the array type
• the number of dimensions
• the number of elements for each dimension.
[SWS_Rte_07110] dFor each Array Implementation Data Type which leaf Im-
plementationDataTypeElement is typed by a BaseType and the respective ar-
rayImplPolicy is not defined or set to payloadAsArray, the RTE Types Header
File shall include the corresponding type declaration as:
typedef <nativeDeclaration> <name>[<size 1>]{[<size 2>]...
[<size n>]};
where <nativeDeclaration> is the nativeDeclaration attribute of the referred
<name> is the Implementation Data Type symbol of the Array Implemen-
tation Data Type,
[<size x>] is the arraySize of the Array’s ImplementationDataTypeElement.
For each array dimension defined by one Array’s ImplementationDataTypeEle-
ment one array dimension definition [<size x>] is defined. The array dimension
definitions [<size 1>], [<size 2>] ... [<size n>] ordered from the root to
the leaf ImplementationDataTypeElement.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_02317] dFor each Array Implementation Data Type which leaf Im-
plementationDataTypeElement is typed by a BaseType and the respective ar-
rayImplPolicy is set to payloadAsPointerToArray, the RTE Types Header File
shall include the corresponding type declaration as:
typedef <nativeDeclaration> * <name>;
where <nativeDeclaration> is the nativeDeclaration attribute of the referred

512 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<name> is the Implementation Data Type symbol of the Array Implemen-

tation Data Type.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_07111] dFor each Array Implementation Data Type which leaf Im-
plementationDataTypeElement is typed by an ImplementationDataType and
the respective arrayImplPolicy is not defined or set to payloadAsArray, the RTE
Types Header File shall include the corresponding type declaration as:
typedef <type> <name>[<size 1>]{[<size 2>]...[<size n>]};
where <type> is the shortName of the referred ImplementationDataType,
<name> is the Implementation Data Type symbol of the Array Implemen-
tation Data Type,
[<size x>] is the arraySize of the Array’s ImplementationDataTypeElement.
For each array dimension defined by one Array’s ImplementationDataTypeEle-
ment one array dimension definition [<size x>] is defined.
The array dimension definitions [<size 1>], [<size 2>] ... [<size n>] or-
dered from the root to the leaf ImplementationDataTypeElement.c(SRS_Rte_-
00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_02318] dFor each Array Implementation Data Type which leaf Im-
plementationDataTypeElement is typed by an ImplementationDataType and
the respective arrayImplPolicy is set to payloadAsPointerToArray, the RTE
Types Header File shall include the corresponding type declaration as:
typedef <type> * <name>;
where <type> is the shortName of the referred ImplementationDataType,
<name> is the Implementation Data Type symbol of the Array Implemen-
tation Data Type.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_03609] dFor each Array Implementation Data Type which last
ImplementationDataTypeElement is of category STRUCTURE, the RTE Types
Header File shall include the corresponding type declaration as:
typedef struct { <elements> } <name>;

where <elements> is the record element specification and

<name> is the Implementation Data Type Element shortName of the Array
Implementation Data Type.
For each record element defined by one ImplementationDataTypeElement one
record element specification <elements> is defined. The record element specifica-
tions are ordered according the order of the related ImplementationDataTypeEle-
ments in the input configuration.
Sequent record elements are separated with a semicolon.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_-

513 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The definition of the record element specification is defined in section

[SWS_Rte_06706] dFor each Array Implementation Data Type which last
ImplementationDataTypeElement is of category STRUCTURE, the RTE Types
Header File shall include the corresponding type declaration as:
typedef <type> <name>[<size 1>]{[<size 2>]...[<size n>]};

where <type> is the Implementation Data Type Element shortName,

<name> is the Implementation Data Type symbol of the Array Implemen-
tation Data Type, [<size x>] is the arraySize of the Array’s Implementa-
For each array dimension defined by one Array’s ImplementationDataTypeEle-
ment one array dimension definition [<size x>] is defined.
The array dimension definitions [<size 1>], [<size 2>] ... [<size n>]
ordered from the root to the last ImplementationDataTypeElement belonging to
the array definition.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_03610] dFor each Array Implementation Data Type which last Im-
plementationDataTypeElement is of category UNION, the RTE Types Header File
shall include the corresponding type declaration as:
typedef union { <elements> } <name>;
where <elements> is the union element specification and <name> is the Imple-
mentation Data Type Element shortName of the Array Implementation
Data Type.
For each union element defined by one ImplementationDataTypeElement one
union element specification <elements> is defined. The union element specifications
are ordered according the order of the related ImplementationDataTypeElements
in the input configuration.
Sequent union elements are separated with a semicolon.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_-
The definition of the union element specification is defined in section
[SWS_Rte_06707] dFor each Array Implementation Data Type which last Im-
plementationDataTypeElement is of category UNION, the RTE Types Header File
shall include the corresponding type declaration as:
typedef <type> <name>[<size 1>]{[<size 2>] ... [<size n>]};
where <type> is the Implementation Data Type Element shortName,
<name> is the Implementation Data Type symbol of the Array Implemen-
tation Data Type, [<size x>] is the arraySize of the Array’s Implemen-
tationDataTypeElement. For each array dimension defined by one Array’s
ImplementationDataTypeElement one array dimension definition [<size x>]
is defined.

514 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The array dimension definitions [<size 1>], [<size 2>] ... [<size n>]
ordered from the root to the last ImplementationDataTypeElement belonging to
the array definition.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_06708] dFor each Array Implementation Data Type which last Im-
plementationDataTypeElement is of category DATA_REFERENCE, the RTE Types
Header File shall include the corresponding type declaration as:
typedef <tqlA> <addtqlA> <type> * <tqlB> <addtqlB> <name> [<size
1>]{[<size 2>]...[<size n>]};
where <name> is the Implementation Data Type symbol of the Array Im-
plementation Data Type and
[<size x>] is the arraySize of the Array’s ImplementationDataTypeElement.
For each array dimension defined by one Array’s ImplementationDataTypeEle-
ment one array dimension definition [<size x>] is defined. The array dimension
definitions [<size 1>], [<size 2>] ... [<size n>] ordered from the root
to the last ImplementationDataTypeElement belonging to the array definition.c
(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
For the definition of <tqlA> and <tqlB> see [SWS_Rte_07149] and
For the definition of <addtqlA> and <addtqlB> see [SWS_Rte_07036] and
[SWS_Rte_07112] dIf more than one Array Implementation Data Type with
equal shortName of the ImplementationDataType and equal nativeDeclara-
tion attribute of the referred BaseType are defined, the RTE Types Header File shall
include only once the corresponding type declaration according to [SWS_Rte_07110].c
[SWS_Rte_07113] dIf more than one Array Implementation Data Type with
equal shortName of the ImplementationDataType and equal shortName of the
referred ImplementationDataType are defined, the RTE Types Header File shall in-
clude only once the corresponding type declaration according to [SWS_Rte_07111].c
Note: This avoids the redeclaration of C types due to the multiple descriptions of equiv-
alent Array Implementation Data Types in the ECU extract.
ArrA: ImplementationDataType ArrAElement:

category = ARRAY +subElement ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = VALUE
arraySize = 5



:SwDataDefProps +baseType MyUint8Base: SwBaseType

category = FIXED_LENGTH
nativeDeclaration = unsigned char

Figure 5.4: Example of a single dimension array typed by an BaseType

515 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

FirstDim: SecondDim:
ArrArrD: ImplementationDataTypeElement +subElement ImplementationDataTypeElement
ImplementationDataType +subElement
category = ARRAY category = TYPE_REFERENCE
arraySize = 15 arraySize = 10
category = ARRAY

:SwDataDefProps +implementationDataType ImplementationDataType

category = VALUE

Figure 5.5: Example of a two dimension array typed by an ImplementationDataType

ANSI C does not allow a type declaration to have zero elements and therefore we
require that the “number of elements” to be a positive integer.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09042] Array Implementation Data Types needs at
least one element dThe arraySize defining number of elements in one dimension of
an Array Implementation Data Type shall be an integer that is ≥ 1 for each dimension.c
() Structure Implementation Data Type

[SWS_Rte_07114] dFor each Structure Implementation Data Type, the RTE

Types Header File shall include the corresponding structure declaration as:

struct Rte_struct_<name> { <elements> };

where <elements> is the record element specification and <name> is the Implemen-
tation Data Type symbol of the Structure Implementation Data Type.
For each record element defined by one ImplementationDataTypeElement one record
element specification <elements> is defined. The record element specifications are
ordered according the order of the related ImplementationDataTypeElements in
the input configuration. Sequent record elements are separated with a semicolon.c
(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_06812] dFor each Structure Implementation Data Type, the RTE
Types Header File shall include the corresponding type declaration as:

typedef struct Rte_struct_<name> <name>;

where <name> is the Implementation Data Type symbol of the Structure

Implementation Data Type.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
An example is listed as ARXML and ’C’-code in Appendix F.4.

516 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Union Implementation Data Type

[SWS_Rte_07144] dFor each Union Implementation Data Type, the RTE

Types Header File shall include the corresponding union declaration as:

union Rte_union_<name> { <elements> };

where <elements> is the union element specification and <name> is the Implemen-
tation Data Type symbol of the Union Implementation Data Type.
For each union element defined by one ImplementationDataTypeElement one
union element specification <elements> is defined. The union element specifications
are ordered according the order of the related ImplementationDataTypeElements
in the input configuration. Sequent union elements are separated with a semicolon.c
(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_06813] dFor each Union Implementation Data Type, the RTE
Types Header File shall include the corresponding type declaration as:

typedef union Rte_union_<name> <name>;

where <name> is the Implementation Data Type symbol of the Union Im-
plementation Data Type.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_07115] dRecord and Union element specifications <elements> shall be
generated as
<nativeDeclaration> <name>;
if the ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category attribute set to
VALUE and if it refers to an BaseType. The meaning of the fields is identical to
[SWS_Rte_07104]c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_07116] dRecord and Union element specifications <elements> shall be
generated as
<type> <name>;
if the ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category attribute set to
TYPE_REFERENCE and if it refers to an ImplementationDataType. <type>
is the Implementation Data Type symbol of the referred Implementation-
DataType and <name> is the shortName of the ImplementationDataTypeEle-
ment.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_07117] dRecord and Union element specifications <elements> shall be
generated as
<nativeDeclaration> <name>[<size 1>]{[<size 2>]...[<size n>]};
if the ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category attribute set to ARRAY
and which leaf ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category attribute set

517 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

to VALUE and the respective arrayImplPolicy is not defined or set to payload-

AsArray and is typed by an BaseType. The meaning and order of the fields is identi-
cal to [SWS_Rte_07110].c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_02319] dRecord and Union element specifications <elements> shall be
generated as
<nativeDeclaration> * <name>;
if the ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category attribute set to ARRAY
and which leaf ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category attribute set
to VALUE and the respective arrayImplPolicy is set to payloadAsPointerToAr-
ray and is typed by an BaseType. The meaning and order of the fields is identical to
[SWS_Rte_07110].c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_07118] dRecord and Union element specifications <elements> shall be
generated as
<type> <name>[<size 1>]{[<size 2>]...[<size n>]};
if the ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category attribute set to ARRAY
and which leaf ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category attribute set
to TYPE_REFERENCE and the respective arrayImplPolicy is not defined or set to
payloadAsArray and is typed by an ImplementationDataType. The meaning
and order of the fields is identical to [SWS_Rte_07111].c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_02320] dRecord and Union element specifications <elements> shall be
generated as
<type> * <name>;
if the ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category attribute set to ARRAY
and which leaf ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category attribute set
to TYPE_REFERENCE and the respective arrayImplPolicy is set to payloadAs-
PointerToArray and is typed by an ImplementationDataType. The meaning
and order of the fields is identical to [SWS_Rte_07111].c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_07119] dRecord and Union element specifications <elements> shall be
generated as
struct { <elements> } <name>;
if the ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category attribute set to
STRUCTURE. The meaning and order of the fields is identical to [SWS_Rte_07114] Se-
quent elements are separated with a semicolon.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_07145] dRecord and Union element specifications <elements> shall be
generated as
union { <elements> } <name>;

518 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

if the ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category attribute set to

UNION. The meaning and order of the fields is identical to [SWS_Rte_07144]. Sequent
elements are separated with a semicolon.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
[SWS_Rte_07146] dPointer element specifications <elements> shall be generated
<tqlA> <addtqlA> <type> * <tqlB> <addtqlB> <name>;
if the ImplementationDataTypeElement has the category attribute set to
DATA_REFERENCE where <name> is the shortName of the Implementation-
DataTypeElement.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00164)
For the definition of <tqlA> and <tqlB> see [SWS_Rte_07149] and
For the definition of <addtqlA> and <addtqlB> see [SWS_Rte_07036] and
For the definition of <type> see [SWS_Rte_07162], [SWS_Rte_07163].
RecA: ImplementationDataType +subElement M: ImplementationDataTypeElement
category = STRUCTURE category = TYPE_REFERENCE


category = VALUE


+subElement N: ImplementationDataTypeElement
category = VALUE

+baseType MyUint16Base: SwBaseType
category = FIXED_LENGTH
nativeDeclaration = unsigned short

O: ImplementationDataTypeElement

:SwDataDefProps ImplementationDataType

category = VALUE

Figure 5.6: Example of a structure type

519 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RecA: +subElement M: ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = STRUCTURE

:SwDataDefProps +implementationDataType ImplementationDataType

category = VALUE

+subElement ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = VALUE


    MyUint16Base: SwBaseType

:SwDataDefProps category = FIXED_LENGTH

nativeDeclaration = unsigned short


  +subElement ImplementationDataTypeElement


+swDataDefProps ImplementationDataType
:SwDataDefProps category = VALUE


P: PA:
ImplementationDataTypeElement +subElement ImplementationDataTypeElement
category = STRUCTURE category = TYPE_REFERENCE


+subElement :SwDataDefProps

+subElement ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = VALUE



Figure 5.7: Example of a nested structure type

520 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

UnionFoo: ImplementationDataType TheWord: +swDataDefProps «atpVariation»

+subElement ImplementationDataTypeElement :SwDataDefProps
category = UNION

category = VALUE +baseType


      MyUint16Base: SwBaseType

category = FIXED_LENGTH

nativeDeclaration = unsigned short


  TheBytes: FirstByte:
ImplementationDataTypeElement +subElement ImplementationDataTypeElement

category = VALUE
category = STRUCTURE

+subElement +swDataDefProps


+subElement SecondByte:

category = VALUE



+baseType +baseType

MyUint8Base: SwBaseType

category = FIXED_LENGTH
nativeDeclaration = unsigned char

Figure 5.8: Example of a union type

[SWS_Rte_07107] dIf more than one Structure Implementation Data Type or

Union Implementation Data Type with equal shortName of the Implementa-
tionDataType are defined, the RTE Types Header File shall include only once the
corresponding type declaration according to [SWS_Rte_07114] or [SWS_Rte_07144].c
Note: This avoids the redeclaration of C types due to the multiple descriptions of equiv-
alent Structure Implementation Data Types and Union Implementation
Data Types in the ECU extract.
ANSI C does not allow a struct to have zero elements and therefore we require that
a record include at least one element.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09043] Structure Implementation Data Types needs
at least one element dA structure shall include at least one element defined by a
A union data type describes a kind of structural overlay. Defining only one sub element
of a union ist therefore not reasonable and indicates an error.

521 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Implementation Data Type redefinition

[SWS_Rte_07109] dFor each Redefinition Implementation Data Type

which is typed by an ImplementationDataType, the RTE Types Header File shall
include the corresponding type declaration as:
typedef <type> <name>;
where <type> is the Implementation Data Type symbol of the referred Im-
plementationDataType and <name> is the Implementation Data Type sym-
bol of the Primitive Implementation Data Type.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_-

EngSpd: ImplementationDataType +swDataDefProps :SwDataDefProps +implementationDataType uint16:



Figure 5.9: Example of an Implementation Data Type redefinition

[SWS_Rte_07167] dIf more than one Redefinition Implementation Data

Types with equal shortNames which are referring to compatible Implementation-
DataTypes with identical shortNames are defined, the RTE Types Header File shall
include only once the corresponding type declaration according to [SWS_Rte_07109].c
Note: This avoids the redeclaration of C types due to the multiple descriptions of equiv-
alent Redefinition Implementation Data Type in the ECU extract. Pointer Implementation Data Type

[SWS_Rte_07148] dFor each Pointer Implementation Data Type, the RTE

Types Header File shall include the corresponding type declaration as:
typedef <tqlA> <addtqlA> <type> * <tqlB> <addtqlB> <name>;
where <name> is the Implementation Data Type symbol of the Pointer Im-
plementation Data Type.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00166)
[SWS_Rte_07149] d<tqlA> (type qualifier A) of a Pointer Implemen-
tation Data Type ([SWS_Rte_07148]) or Pointer element specifications
([SWS_Rte_07146]) shall be set to const if the swImplPolicy of the sw-
PointerTargetProps is set to const and shall be omitted for all other values of
swImplPolicy.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00166)
[SWS_Rte_07166] d<tqlB> (type qualifier B) of a Pointer Implemen-
tation Data Type ([SWS_Rte_07148]) or Pointer element specifications

522 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

([SWS_Rte_07146]) shall be set to const if the swImplPolicy of the Sw-

DataDefProps of the ImplementationDataType respectively Implementa-
tionDataTypeElement is set to const and shall be omitted for all other values of
swImplPolicy.c(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00166)
[SWS_Rte_07036] d<addtqlA> (additional type qualifier A) of a Pointer Im-
plementation Data Type ([SWS_Rte_07148]) or Pointer element specifications
([SWS_Rte_07146]) shall be set to the content of the additionalNativeType-
Qualifier attribute of the swPointerTargetProps if the attribute exists and shall
be omitted if such additionalNativeTypeQualifier attribute dose not exist.c
(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00166)
[SWS_Rte_07037] d<addtqlB> (additional type qualifier B) of a Pointer Im-
plementation Data Type ([SWS_Rte_07148]) or Pointer element specifications
([SWS_Rte_07146]) shall be set to the content of the additionalNativeType-
Qualifier attribute of the SwDataDefProps of the ImplementationDataType
respectively ImplementationDataTypeElement and shall be omitted if such
additionalNativeTypeQualifier attribute dose not exist.c(SRS_Rte_00055,
[SWS_Rte_07162] d<type> shall be set to the nativeDeclaration attribute of the
referred BaseType if the targetCategory of a Pointer Implementation Data
Type ([SWS_Rte_07148]) or Pointer element specifications ([SWS_Rte_07146]) is set
to VALUEc(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_00166)
[SWS_Rte_07163] d<type> shall be the Implementation Data Type symbol
of the referred ImplementationDataType if the targetCategory of a Pointer
Implementation Data Type ([SWS_Rte_07148]) or Pointer element specifica-
tions ([SWS_Rte_07146]) is set to TYPE_REFERENCEc(SRS_Rte_00055, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_07169] dIf more than one Pointer Implementation Data Types
with equal shortNames which are resulting in the same C pointer type declaration
are defined, the RTE Types Header File shall include only once the corresponding type
declaration according to [SWS_Rte_07148].c(SRS_Rte_00165)
Note: This avoids the redeclaration of C types due to the multiple descriptions of equiv-
alent Pointer Implementation Data Type in the ECU extract.
+swDataDefProps :SwDataDefProps RecA: ImplementationDataType
category = STRUCTURE




:SwPointerTargetProps +swDataDefProps :SwDataDefProps

targetCategory = TYPE_REFERENCE swImplPolicy = const

Figure 5.10: Example of a Pointer Implementation Data Type

523 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 ImplementationDataTypes with VariationPoints

[SWS_Rte_06539] d
The RTE Generator shall wrap each code related to ImplementationDataType-
Elements which are subject to variability in Structure Implementation Data
Type and Union Implementation Data Type (see 4.30 if the variability shall be
1 #if (<condition>)

3 <elements>
5 #endif

where <condition> are the condition value macro(s) of the VariationPoints ac-
cording table 4.30 and
<elements> is the code according invariant ImplementationDataType-
Elements (see also [SWS_Rte_07115], [SWS_Rte_07116], [SWS_Rte_07117],
[SWS_Rte_07118], [SWS_Rte_07119], [SWS_Rte_07145], [SWS_Rte_07146])
[SWS_Rte_06540] dThe RTE Generator shall implement the <size x> of an Array
Implementation Data Type for each arraySize which is subject to variability
with the corresponding attribute value macro according table 4.30 if the variability shall
be implemented.c(SRS_Rte_00201) Naming of data types

The Implementation Data Type symbol is defined as follows:

[SWS_Rte_06716] dThe Implementation Data Type symbol shall be the

shortName of the ImplementationDataType if no symbol attribute for this Im-
plementationDataTypeis defined.c(SRS_Rte_00167)

Example 5.19

The Primitive Implementation Data Type in example 5.2 results in the type
1 /* RTE Types Header File */
2 typedef unsigned char MyUint8;

[SWS_Rte_06717] dThe Implementation Data Type symbol shall be the value

of the SymbolProps.symbol attribute of the ImplementationDataType if the sym-
bol attribute is defined.c(SRS_Rte_00167)

524 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06718] dIf the RTE Types Header File contains a generated C data type
whose Implementation Data Type symbol differs from the Implementation-
DataType shortName, the Application Type Header Files of each software compo-
nent using the type shall contain a definition which redefines the Implementation
Data Type symbol to the shortName of the ImplementationDataType.c(SRS_-

MyUint8: +swDataDefProps :SwDataDefProps +baseType MyUint8Base: SwBaseType

category = FIXED_LENGTH
category = VALUE nativeDeclaration = unsigned char

+symbolProps :SymbolProps

symbol = MyUint8OfVendorNil


Figure 5.11: Primitive Implementation Data Type with SymbolProps

Example 5.20

If the input configuration contains a two ImplementationDataTypes with same

name but different definition the SymbolProps can be used to avoid the name clash.
The Primitive Implementation Data Type in example 5.11 results in following
1 /* RTE Types Header File */
2 typedef unsigned char MyUint8OfVendorNil;

The Application Types Header File an using component contain the remapping to the
original name:
1 /* Application Types Header File */
2 define MyUint8 MyUint8OfVendorNil;

[SWS_Rte_06719] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where Implemen-

tationDataTypes result in the same Implementation Data Type symbol but
whose definition would not resulting in the same type declaration.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
Note: This would result in compiler errors due to incompatible redefinition of C types.
[SWS_Rte_06724] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where the same
software component uses ImplementationDataTypes with equal shortNames
which would result in the mapping to different Implementation Data Type sym-
Note: This would result in compiler errors due to incompatible redefinition of the
mapping from ImplementationDataType.shortName to Implementation Data
Type symbol

525 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The following requirements apply to RTEs generated for C and C++ .

[SWS_Rte_01161] dThe name of the RTE Types Header File shall be Rte_Type.h.c
[SWS_Rte_01162] dWithin the RTE Types Header File, each data type shall be de-
clared using typedef.c(SRS_Rte_00126)
A typedef is used when declaring a new data type instead of a #define even though
C only provides weak type checking since other static analysis tools can then be used
to overlay strong type checking onto the C before it is compiled and thus detect type
errors before the module is even compiled.

5.3.5 RTE Data Handle Types Header File

The RTE Data Handle Types Header File contains the Data Handle type declarations
necessary for the component data structures (see Section 5.4.2). The RTE Data
Handle Types Header File code is not allowed to create objects in memory.
[SWS_Rte_07920] dThe RTE generator shall create the RTE Data Handle Types
Header File including the type declarations of
data element without status ([SWS_Rte_01363], [SWS_Rte_01364],
data element with status ([SWS_Rte_01365], [SWS_Rte_01366],
[SWS_Rte_03734], [SWS_Rte_02666], [SWS_Rte_02589], [SWS_Rte_02590]),
and data element with extended status ([SWS_Rte_06817],
[SWS_Rte_06818], [SWS_Rte_06819], [SWS_Rte_06820], [SWS_Rte_06821],
[SWS_Rte_06822], [SWS_Rte_06823], [SWS_Rte_06824], [SWS_Rte_06825],
[SWS_Rte_07921] dThe RTE Data Handle Types Header File shall not contain code
that creates object in memory.c(SRS_BSW_00308)
The RTE Data Handle Types Header File should be an output of the “RTE Contract”
and “RTE Generation” phases. File Name

[SWS_Rte_07922] dThe name of the RTE Data Handle Types Header File shall be

526 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 File Contents

The RTE Data Handle Types Header File contains the type declarations of data el-
ement without status and data element with status (see Section 5.4.2).
[SWS_Rte_07923] dThe RTE Data Handle Types Header File shall include the follow-
ing mechanism to prevent multiple inclusions.
4 /* File contents */
6 #endif /* RTE_DATA_HANDLE_TYPE_H */


5.3.6 Application Types Header File

The Application Types Header File provides a component local name space for enu-
meration literals and range values. The Application Types Header File is not allowed to
create objects in memory.
The Application Types Header File file should be identical output for “RTE Contract”
and “RTE Generation” phases.
[SWS_Rte_07120] dThe RTE generator shall create an Application Types Header File
for each software-component type (excluding ParameterSwComponentTypes and
NvBlockSwComponentTypes) defined in the input.c(SRS_Rte_00024, SRS_Rte_-
00140, SRS_BSW_00447)
[SWS_Rte_07121] dThe Application Types Header File shall not contain code that
creates objects in memory.c(SRS_BSW_00308) File Name

[SWS_Rte_07122] dThe name of the Application Types Header File shall be formed
by prefixing the AUTOSAR software-component type name with Rte_[Byps_] and
appending the result with _Type.h. [Byps_] is an optionnal infix used when compo-
nent wrapper method for bypass support is enabled for the related software component
type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00300, SRS_Rte_00167)

Example 5.21

The following declaration in the input XML:


527 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

should result in the Application Types Header File Rte_Source_Type.h being gen-
erated when the component wrapper method for bypass support is disabled. Scope

[SWS_Rte_07124] dThe Application Types Header File shall be valid for both C and
C++ source.c(SRS_Rte_00126, SRS_Rte_00138)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_07124] is met by ensuring that all definitions within the Appli-
cation Types Header File are defined using C linkage if a C++ compiler is used.
[SWS_Rte_07125] dAll definitions within in the Application Types Header File shall be
preceded by the following fragment;
1 #ifdef __cplusplus
2 extern "C" {
3 #endif /* __cplusplus */

c(SRS_Rte_00126, SRS_Rte_00138)
[SWS_Rte_07126] dAll definitions within the application types header file shall be suf-
fixed by the following fragment;
1 #ifdef __cplusplus
2 } /* extern "C" */
3 #endif /* __cplusplus */

c(SRS_Rte_00126, SRS_Rte_00138)
[SWS_Rte_07678] dThe Application Types Header File shall be protected against mul-
tiple inclusions:
1 #ifndef RTE_<SWC>_TYPE_H
2 #define RTE_<SWC>_TYPE_H
3 ...
4 /*
5 * Contents of file
6 */
7 ...
8 #endif /* !RTE_<SWC>_TYPE_H */

Where <SWC> is the AUTOSAR software-component type name.3 c(SRS_Rte_00126) File Contents

In contrast to the Application Header File the Application Types Header File supports
that multiple Application Types Header File’s are included in the same module. This is
necessary if for instance a BSW module uses several AUTOSAR Services.
No additional capitalization is applied to the names.

528 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07127] dThe Application Types Header File shall include the RTE Types
Header File.c(SRS_Rte_00087)
The name of the RTE Types Header File is defined in Section 5.3.4. RTE Modes

The Application Types Header File shall contain identifiers for the ModeDeclarations
and type definitions for ModeDeclarationGroup’s as defined in Chapter 5.5.3 Enumeration Data Types

The Application Types Header File shall contain the enumeration constants as defined
in Chapter 5.5.4 Range Data Types

The Application Types Header File shall contain definitions of Range constants as
defined in Chapter 5.5.5 Implementation Data Type symbols

The Application Types Header File may contain definitions to redefine the Imple-
mentation Data Type symbol to the shortName of the Implementation-
DataType in order to provide the expected type name to the software component
implementation. See section Macros for accessing Availability Information in Structs for optional


AUTOSAR supports that elements of Structure Implementation Data Types are defined
as optional. In the meta model, the attribute isOptional of those Implementa-
tionDataTypeElements is set to True. These members may or may not exist at
Structure Implementation Data Types with optional members have to fulfill special
structural requirements (see [2] for details). The availability information is stored in
a special ImplementationDataTypeElement with the shortName availabili-
tyBitfield which is a fixed-size array of uint8.
The software component needs support to evaluate and set the availability information
for optional members.

529 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03617] dA macro to access the availability information shall be generated

for each ImplementationDataTypeElement of an ImplementationDataType
where the attribute isOptional is set true. The macro shall be generated in the
Application Types Header File of each software component using this type as follows:
1 #define Rte_IsAvailable_<i>_<e>(data) (((data)->availabilityBitfield[<
pos/8>]) & (1<<(<pos mod 8>)) != 0)

• <i> is the shortName of the ImplementationDataType
• <e> is the shortName of the ImplementationDataTypeElement
• <pos> is the position of the optional ImplementationDataTypeElement
among all optional ImplementationDataTypeElements within the Imple-
mentationDataType starting with pos = 0.
[SWS_Rte_03618] dA macro to set the availability information shall be generated
for each ImplementationDataTypeElement of an ImplementationDataType
where the attribute isOptional is set true. The macro shall be generated in the
Application Types Header File of each software component using this type as follows:
1 #define Rte_SetAvailable_<i>_<e>(data, available) \
2 ( \
3 (data)->availabilityBitfield[<pos/8>] = ((available) ? \
4 (data)->availabilityBitfield[<pos/8>] | (1<<(<pos mod 8>)) : \
5 (data)->availabilityBitfield[<pos/8>] & ~(1<<(<pos mod 8>)) ) \
6 )

• <i> is the shortName of the ImplementationDataType
• <e> is the shortName of the ImplementationDataTypeElement
• <pos> is the position of the optional ImplementationDataTypeElement
among all optional ImplementationDataTypeElements within the Imple-
mentationDataType starting with pos = 0.
Note: Non-optional ImplementationDataTypeElements do not count since they
do not need a bit in the availabilityBitfield. So the bit position within the
availabilityBitfield is determined by the order of the optional Implementa-
• 1st optional ImplementationDataTypeElement (pos=0): (availabilityBitfield[0] &
0x01) != 0

530 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• 8th optional ImplementationDataTypeElement (pos=7): (availabilityBitfield[0] &

0x08) != 0
• 9th optional ImplementationDataTypeElement (pos=8): (availabilityBitfield[1] &
0x01) != 0

5.3.7 VFB Tracing Header File

The VFB Tracing Header File defines the configured VFB Trace events.
[SWS_Rte_01319] dThe VFB Tracing Header File shall be created by the correspond-
ing VFB Trace client for RTE Generation Phase or Basic Software Scheduler Genera-
tion Phase only.c(SRS_Rte_00045)
The VFB Tracing Header Files are included by the generated RTE and may also be
included by the corresponding VFB Trace client. The header file includes the decla-
rations (in case of function implementation) or definitions (in case of inline or macro
implementation) of the configured functions to ensure consistency between the invo-
cation by the RTE and the definition by the user. C/C++

The following requirements apply to RTEs generated for C and C++ .

[SWS_Rte_01250] dThe name of the VFB Tracing Header File shall be
Rte_Hook[_<client>].h, where <client> is the shortName of the correspond-
ing RteVfbTraceClient container. In case of the client without client prefix there
is no corresponding RteVfbTraceClient container and the optional part of the file
name will be omitted.c(SRS_Rte_00045) File Contents

[SWS_Rte_08901] dThe VFB Tracing Header File shall be self-contained. I.e. it shall
include all header files necessary to compile the defined or declared data, code and
types.c(SRS_Rte_00003, SRS_Rte_00004, SRS_Rte_00008, SRS_Rte_00045)
Note that the requirement above might especially lead to inclusion of Os.h, the RTE
Types Header File or the RTE Configuration Header File.
[SWS_Rte_01236] dFor each trace event hook function defined in Section 5.11.5, the
VFB Trace client shall define the implementation (in case of inline function or macro) or
declare the trace event hook function (in case of C function) in the VFB Tracing Header

531 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

File. For empty macro implementations it shall use a mapping to ((void)(0)) to

enable usage in comma separated lists.c(SRS_Rte_00008)

Example 5.22

Consider an API call Rte_Write_p1_a for an instance of SW-C c writing primitive

data of type SwcCsType. In case of a trace client tcd this will result in two trace event
hook functions being created by the RTE generator, if enabled:
1 Rte_tcd_WriteHook_c_p1_a_Start

1 Rte_tcd_WriteHook_c_p1_a_Return

The trace client tcd would now have to provide declarations or definitions for those
hook functions. It might emit in Rte_Hook_tcd.h:
1 extern void Rte_tcd_WriteHook_c_p1_a_Start(SwcCsType data); // tcd
chose a function implementation of this hook
2 #define Rte_tcd_WriteHook_c_p1_a_Return(data) ((void)(0)) // tcd chose
not being interested in this hook

5.3.8 RTE Configuration Header File

The RTE Configuration Header File contains user definitions that affect the behavior of
the generated RTE.
The RTE Configuration Header File is generated by the RTE generator. C/C++

The following requirements apply to RTEs generated for C and C++ .

[SWS_Rte_01321] dThe name of the RTE Configuration Header File shall be
Rte_Cfg.h.c(SRS_Rte_00008, SRS_Rte_00045) File Contents

[SWS_Rte_07641] dThe RTE Configuration Header File shall include the file
Std_Types.h.c(SRS_Rte_00149, SRS_Rte_00150, SRS_BSW_00353)

532 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Condition Value Macros

The Condition Value Macros are generated in the PreBuild Data Set Contract Phase
and PreBuild Data Set Generation Phase. To do this a particular variant out of the
pre-build variability of the input configuration has to be chosen by the means
described in by [SWS_Rte_06500].
[SWS_Rte_06514] dIf evaluated BooleanValueVariationPoints or Condition-
ByFormulas are resulting to true the <value> for Condition Value Macros shall be
coded as TRUE and if these are resulting to false the value shall be coded as FALSE.c
(SRS_Rte_00201, SRS_Rte_00203)
[SWS_Rte_06513] dFor each VariationPointProxy which bindingTime = Pre-
CompileTime the RTE Configuration Header File shall contain a definition of a Con-
dition Value Macro in the RTE PreBuild Data Set Contract Phase and RTE PreBuild
Data Set Generation Phase
#define Rte_SysCon_<cts>_<name> <value><suffix>

Where <cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType,

<name> is the shortName of the VariationPointProxy,
<value> is the evaluated value of the AttributeValueVariationPoint or Con-
and <suffix> shall be set according to [SWS_Rte_03619].
c(SRS_Rte_00203, SRS_Rte_00167)
This requirements makes the SwSystemconst values available to resolve the
pre-build variability in the software components via the Preprocessor. This
might be used to
• read the actual value of the value assigned to a SwSystemconst
• read the setting of an attribute (e.g. array size) dependent from a SwSystem-
• check the existence of a conditional existent object, e.g. an code fragment imple-
menting a particular functionality
Please note the Rte_SysCon macro holds the internal value of the evaluated At-
tributeValueVariationPoint or ConditionByFormula. Therefore the RTE
does not perform value conversions for SwSystemconst using a compuMethod. See
[SWS_Rte_03854] dFor each VariationPointProxy which bindingTime = Pre-
CompileTime the RTE Application Header File shall contain a definition

#define Rte_SysCon_<name> Rte_SysCon_<cts>_<name>

533 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

where <cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType

<name> is the shortName of the VariationPointProxy.c(SRS_Rte_00203,
[SWS_Rte_06515] dFor each RTE API which is subject to variability and following the
form component port or entity port in table 4.23 the RTE Configuration Header File
shall contain one definition of a Condition Value
#define Rte_VPCon_<cts>_<re>[_<resl>]_<p>_<o>[_<psl>] <value>

where <cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType,

<re> is the short name of the RunnableEntity,
<resl> is the shortLabel of the RunnableEntity’s VariationPoint containing
the reference element (e.g. a VariableAccess) to the PortInterface element,
<p> is the name of the PortPrototype,
<o> is the short name of the PortInterface element and
<psl> is the shortLabel of the PortPrototype’s VariationPoint which is re-
ferred by the VariableAccess
If there is no VariationPoint at the RunnableEntity owning the VariableAc-
cess the <resl> with leading underscore is omitted ([_<resl>]).
If there is no VariationPoint at the PortPrototype referred by the Vari-
ableAccess the <psl> with leading underscore is omitted ([_<psl>]).
<value> is the evaluated value of the ConditionByFormula of the Variation-
Point vary the existence of the RTE API in table 4.23.c(SRS_Rte_00201, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_08789] dFor each VariationPointProxy which bindingTime = Pre-
CompileTime the RTE Configuration Header File shall contain a definition of a Con-
dition Value Macro in the RTE PreBuild Data Set Contract Phase and RTE PreBuild
Data Set Generation Phase
#define SchM_SysCon_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<ki>_<name> <value>

<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according [SWS_Rte_07593] and
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module,
<ki> is the kind infix according table 4.34,

534 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<name> is the short name of the element which is subject to variability in table 4.34
defining the Basic Software Scheduler API name infix and
<value> is the evaluated value of the AttributeValueVariationPoint or Con-
The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no vendorApiInfix
is defined for the Basic Software Module. See [SWS_Rte_07528].c(SRS_Rte_00229,
This requirement makes the SwSystemconst value available to resolve the
pre-build variability in the BSW module via the Preprocessor. This might be
used to
• read the actual value of the value assigned to a SwSystemconst
• read the setting of an attribute (e.g. array size) dependent from a SwSystem-
• check the existence of a conditional existent object, e.g. a code fragment imple-
menting a particular functionality
[SWS_Rte_06518] dFor each RTE API which is subject to variability and following the
form component internal in table 4.23 the RTE Configuration Header File shall contain
one definition of a Condition Value
#define Rte_VPCon_<cts>_<ki>_<name>_<sl> <value>

where <cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType,

<ki> is the kind infix according table 4.23,
<name> is the short name of the element which is subject to variability in table 4.23
and is defining the API name infix,
<sl> is the shortLabel of the elements’ VariationPoint defining the API name
<value> is the evaluated value of the ConditionByFormula of the Variation-
Point defining the variant existence of the RTE API in table 4.23.c(SRS_Rte_00201,
[SWS_Rte_06519] dFor each RTE API which is subject to variability and which vari-
ability shall be implemented and which is following the form entity internal in table 4.23
the RTE Configuration Header File shall contain one definition of a Condition Value
#define Rte_VPCon_<cts>_<re>[_<resl>]_<ki>_<name>_<sl> <value>

where <cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType,

<re> is the short name of the RunnableEntity,
<resl> is the shortLabel of the RunnableEntity’s VariationPoint containing
the reference element (e.g. a VariableAccess) to the PortInterface element,

535 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<ki> is the kind infix according table 4.23 and

<name> is the short name of the element which is subject to variability in table 4.23
and is defining the API name infix.
<sl> is the shortLabel of the elements’ VariationPoint defining the API name
If there is no VariationPoint at the RunnableEntity owning the reference ele-
ment (e.g. a VariableAccess) to the PortInterface element the <resl> with
leading underscore is omitted ([_<resl>]).
<value> is the evaluated value of the ConditionByFormula of the Variation-
Point defining the variant existence of the RTE API in table 4.23.c(SRS_Rte_00201,
[SWS_Rte_06520] dFor each PortPrototype which is subject to variability and
which variability shall be implemented the RTE Configuration Header File shall con-
tain one definition of a Condition Value
#define Rte_VPCon_<cts>_<p>_<psl> <value>

where <cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType,

<p> is the short name of the PortPrototype and
<psl> is the shortLabel of the PortPrototype’s VariationPoint and
<value> is the evaluated value of the ConditionByFormula of the Variation-
Point defining the variant existence of the PortPrototype in table 4.23.c(SRS_-
Rte_00201, SRS_Rte_00167)
[SWS_Rte_06530] dFor each RunnableEntity which is subject to variability and
which variability shall be implemented the RTE Configuration Header File shall contain
one definition of a Condition Value
#define Rte_VPCon_<cts>_<re>[_<resl>]_<sl> <value>

where <cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType,

<re> is the short name of the RunnableEntity
<resl> is the shortLabel of the RunnableEntity’s VariationPoint containing
the reference element (e.g. a VariableAccess) to the PortInterface element,
<sl> is the shortLabel of the RTEEvent’s VariationPoint referencing the
<value> is the evaluated value of the ConditionByFormula of the Variation-
Point defining the variant existence of the RunnableEntity in table 4.26.c(SRS_-
Rte_00201, SRS_Rte_00167)
[SWS_Rte_06541] dFor each arraySize which subject to variability the RTE Config-
uration Header File shall contain one definition of a Attribute Value

536 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

#define Rte_VPVal_<t>_<e 1>[_<e 2> ... _<e n>] <value>

where <t> is the shortName of the ImplementationDataType,

[<e x>] are the shortNames of the Array’s ImplementationDataTypeElements
with a leading underscore ordered from the root to the Array’s Implementation-
DataTypeElement with the arraySize being subject to variability and
<value> is the evaluated value of the AttributeValueVariationPoint of the
arraySizec(SRS_Rte_00201, SRS_Rte_00167)
[SWS_Rte_06542] dFor each Array’s ImplementationDataTypeElement which
subject to variability the RTE Configuration Header File shall contain one definition
of a Condition Value
#define Rte_VPCon_<t>_<e 1>[_<e 2> ... _<e n>] <value>

where <t> is the shortName of the ImplementationDataType,

[<e x>] are the shortNames of the Array’s ImplementationDataTypeElements
with a leading underscore ordered from the root to the Array’s Implementation-
DataTypeElement being subject to variability and
<value> is the evaluated value of the ConditionByFormula of the Variation-
Point defining the conditional existence of the Array’s ImplementationDataType-
Elementc(SRS_Rte_00201, SRS_Rte_00167)
[SWS_Rte_06551] dFor each DataConstr referenced by a ApplicationPrimi-
tiveDataType where the upperLimit is subject to PreCompileTime variabil-
ity the RTE Configuration Header File shall contain one definition of a Attribute Value
#define Rte_VPVal_<cts>_<prefix><t>_UpperLimit <upperValue><suffix>

where <cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType,

<t> is the shortName of the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType,
<prefix> is the optional literalPrefix attribute defined by the Included-
DataTypeSet referring the AutosarDataType to which the DataConstr belongs,
<upperValue> are the upperLimit value of the dataConstr referenced by the
ApplicationPrimitiveDataType onto which the corresponding CompuMethod
has been applied (see [SWS_Rte_07038]). The value in the macro definitions shall
always reflect the closed interval, regardless of the interval type specified by the Dat-
<suffix> shall be set according to [SWS_Rte_03619].c(SRS_Rte_00201, SRS_-

537 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06552] dFor each DataConstr referenced by a ApplicationPrimi-

tiveDataType where the lowerLimit is subject to PreCompileTime variabil-
ity the RTE Configuration Header File shall contain one definition of a Attribute Value
#define Rte_VPVal_<cts>_<prefix><t>_LowerLimit <lowerValue><suffix>

where <cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType,

<t> is the shortName of the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType,
<prefix> is the optional literalPrefix attribute defined by the Included-
DataTypeSet referring the AutosarDataType to which the DataConstr belongs,
<lowerValue> are the lowerLimit value of the dataConstr referenced by the
ApplicationPrimitiveDataType onto which the corresponding CompuMethod
has been applied (see [SWS_Rte_07038]). The value in the macro definitions shall
always reflect the closed interval, regardless of the interval type specified by the Dat-
<suffix> shall be set according to [SWS_Rte_03619].c(SRS_Rte_00201, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_06535] dFor each Basic Software Scheduler API which is subject to vari-
ability and following the form module internal in table 4.34 the RTE Configuration
Header File shall contain one definition of a Condition Value
#define SchM_VPCon_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<ki>_<name>_<sl> <value>

where here
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according [SWS_Rte_07593] and
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module,
<ki> is the kind infix according table 4.34,
<name> is the short name of the element which is subject to variability in table 4.34
defining the Basic Software Scheduler API name infix and
<sl> is the shortLabel of the elements’ VariationPoint defining the API name
<value> is the evaluated value of the ConditionByFormula of the Variation-
Point defining the variant existence of the Basic Software Scheduler API in table
The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no vendorApiInfix
is defined for the Basic Software Module. See [SWS_Rte_07528].c(SRS_Rte_00229,

538 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06536] dFor each Basic Software Scheduler API which is subject to vari-
ability and which variability shall be implemented and which is following the form mod-
ule external and entity internal in table 4.34 the RTE Configuration Header File shall
contain one definition of a Condition Value
#define SchM_VPCon_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<ki>_
<entity>[_<esl>]_<name>[_<sl>] <value>

where here
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according [SWS_Rte_07593] and
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module,
<ki> is the kind infix according table 4.34,
entity is the shortName of the BswModuleEntity
<esl> is the shortLabel of the BswModuleEntity’s VariationPoint containing
the subject to variability,
<name> is the shortName of the element/referenced element which is subject to vari-
ability in table 4.34 defining the Basic Software Scheduler API name infix and
<sl> is the shortLabel of the elements’s VariationPoint defining the API name
<value> is the evaluated value of the ConditionByFormula of the Variation-
Point defining the variant existence of the Basic Software Scheduler API in table
The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no vendorApiInfix
is defined for the Basic Software Module. See [SWS_Rte_07528].
If there is no VariationPoint at the BswModuleEntity referring to the subject to
variability in table 4.34 the <esl> with leading underscore is omitted ([_<esl>]).
If there is no VariationPoint at the elements defining the Basic Software Scheduler
API name infix 4.34 the <sl> with leading underscore is omitted ([_<sl>]).c(SRS_-
Rte_00229, SRS_BSW_00347)
[SWS_Rte_06532] dFor each BswSchedulableEntity which is subject to variability
and which variability shall be implemented the RTE Configuration Header File shall
contain one definition of a Condition Value
#define SchM_VPCon_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<entry>_<esl> <value>

where here
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according [SWS_Rte_07593] and

539 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module,

<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module,
<entry> is the shortName of the implemented (implementedEntry) entry point
<esl> is the shortLabel of the BswModuleEntity’s VariationPoint
<value> is the evaluated value of the ConditionByFormula of the Variation-
Point defining the variant existence of the BswSchedulableEntity in table 4.36.
The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no vendorApiInfix
is defined for the Basic Software Module. See [SWS_Rte_07528].c(SRS_Rte_00229,
An example about the usage of condition value macros is shown in 5.6.

5.3.9 Generated RTE

Figure 5.1 defines the relationship between generated and standardized header files.
It is not necessary to standardize the relationship between the C module, Rte.c,
and the header files since when the RTE is generated the application header files are
created anew along with the RTE. This means that details of which header files are
included by Rte.c can be left as an implementation detail. Header File Usage

[SWS_Rte_01257] dIn compatibility mode, the Generated RTE module shall include
[SWS_Rte_03794] dIn compatibility mode, the generated RTE module shall include
[SWS_Rte_01279] dIn compatibility mode, the Generated RTE module shall include
[SWS_Rte_01326] dIn compatibility mode, the Generated RTE module shall include
the VFB Tracing Header Files.c(SRS_Rte_00045, SRS_Rte_00145)
[SWS_Rte_03788] dExcept for the declaration of entry points for components (see
[SWS_Rte_07194]), the RTE shall map its memory objects in files in the RTE’s own
namespace using the AUTOSAR memory mapping mechanism (see [28]).c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07692] dThe Generated RTE module shall perform Inter Module Checks
to avoid integration of incompatible files. The imported included files shall be checked
by preprocessing directives.

540 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The following version numbers shall be verified:

Where <MODULENAME> is the module short name of the other (external) modules which
provide header files included by the Generated RTE module.
If the values are not identical to the expected values, an error shall be reported.c(SRS_-
Figure 5.12 provides an example of how the RTE header and generated header files
could be used by a generated RTE.

Figure 5.12: Example of header file use by the generated RTE.

In the example in Figure 5.12, the generated RTE C module requires access to the data
structures created for each AUTOSAR software-component and therefore includes
each application header file4 . In the example, the generated RTE also includes the
RTE header file and the lifecycle header file in order to obtain access to RTE and
lifecycle related definitions.
Note: Inclusion of Application Header Files of different software components into the
RTE C module needs support in the Application Header Files in order to avoid that
some local definitions of software components are producing name clashes. If the
RTE C module does not include any Application Header File, some type definitions
(e.g. component data structure) might have to be generated twice.
The requirement that a software module include at most one application header file applies only to
modules that actually implement a software-component and therefore does not apply to the generated

541 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The following requirements apply to RTEs generated for C and C++ .

Note: The <PartitionName>s referred to in requirements [SWS_Rte_02712],
[SWS_Rte_02713] and [SWS_Rte_02740] are implementation-specific identifiers for
the modules. They need not be the same as the CoreId identifiers configured for the
multi core OS. Refer to section 4.3.4 for a discussion of the allocation of ECU execution
logic to partitions and the allocation of partitions to cores.
[SWS_Rte_01169] dThe name of the C module containing the generated RTE code
that is shared by all cores of an ECU shall be Rte.c.c(SRS_BSW_00300, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_02711] dOn a multi core ECU, RTE shall only use global and static vari-
ables in the Rte.c module, if it is used in a single image system that supports shared
memory. In this case, RTE shall guarantee consistency of this memory, e.g. by using
OS mechanisms.c()
[SWS_Rte_02712] dOn a multi partition ECU, there shall be additional code and
header files named Rte_Partition_<PartitionName> for the core specific code
parts of RTE where <PartitionName> is the shortName of the container Ecuc-
[SWS_Rte_02713] dThere shall not be symbol redefinitions between different
Rte_Partition_<PartitionName> files.c()
These requirements makes sure, that all Rte modules can be linked in one image. On
a multi core ECU, the RTE may be linked in one image or distributed over separate
images, one per core.
An RTE that includes configured code from an object-code or source-code library may
use additional modules. Further on due to the encapsulation of a component local
name space [SRS_Rte_00167], it might be required to encapsulate part of the gener-
ated RTE code in component specific files as well to avoid name clashes in the RTE’s
[SWS_Rte_07140] dThe RTE generator is allowed to partition the generated RTE mod-
ule in several files additionally to Rte.c and Rte_Partition_<PartitionName>.c
(SRS_Rte_00167) File Contents

By its very nature the contents of the generated RTE is largely vendor specific. It is
therefore only possible to define those common aspects that are visible to the “outside
world” such as the names of generated APIs and the definition of component data
structures that apply any operating mode.

542 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Component Data Structures

The Component Data Structure (Section 5.4.2) is a per-component data type used to
define instance specific information required by the generated RTE.
[SWS_Rte_03711] dThe generated RTE shall contain an instance of the relevant Com-
ponent Data Structure for each software-component instance on the ECU for which the
RTE is generated.c(SRS_Rte_00011)
[SWS_Rte_03712] dThe name of a Component Data Structure instantiated by the RTE
generator shall be Rte_Instance_<name> where <name> is an automatically gen-
erated name, created in some manner such that all instance data structure names
are unique. The name of a Component Data Structure instantiated by the RTE gen-
erator shall be Rte_Instance_<name> where <name> is an automatically gener-
ated name, created in some manner such that all instance data structure names are
The software component instance name referred to in [SWS_Rte_03712] is never
made visible to the users of the generated RTE. There is therefore no need to specify
the precise form that the unique name takes. The Rte_Instance_ prefix is mandated
in order to ensure that no name clashes occur and also to ensure that the structures
are readily identifiable in map files, debuggers, etc.
The Rte_Instance_ prefix does NOT mean that the Component Data Structure in-
stance is identical to the instance handle type Rte_Instance described in section
5.5.2; the prefix is mandated in order to ensure that no name clashes occur and also
to ensure that the structures are readily identifiable in map files, debuggers, etc. Generated API

[SWS_Rte_01266] dThe RTE module shall define the generated functions that will be
invoked when an AUTOSAR software-component makes an RTE API call.c(SRS_Rte_-
The semantics of the generated functions are not defined (since these will obviously
vary depending on the RTE API call that it is implementing) nor are the implementation
details (which are vendor specific). However, the names of the generated functions
defined in Section
The signature of a generated function is the same as the signature of the relevant RTE
API call (see Section 5.6) with the exception that the instance handle can be omitted
since the generated function is applicable to a specific software-component instance.

543 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Callbacks

In addition to the generated functions for the RTE API, the RTE module includes call-
backs invoked by COM when signal events (receptions, transmission acknowledge-
ment, etc.) occur.
[SWS_Rte_01264] dThe RTE module shall define COM callbacks for relevant signals.c
The required callbacks are defined in Section 5.9.
[SWS_Rte_03795] dThe RTE generator shall generate a separate header file contain-
ing the prototypes of callback functions.c(SRS_Rte_00019)
[SWS_Rte_03796] dThe name of the header file containing the callback prototypes
shall be Rte_Cbk.h in a C/C++ environment.c(SRS_Rte_00019)
[SWS_Rte_03796] refers to the callbacks defined in section 5.9. Task bodies

The RTE module define task bodies for tasks created by the RTE generator only in
compatibility mode.
[SWS_Rte_01277] dIn compatibility mode [SWS_Rte_01257], the RTE module shall
define all task bodies created by the RTE generator.c(SRS_Rte_00145)
Note that in vendor mode it is assumed that greater knowledge of the OS is available
and therefore the above requirement does not apply so that specific optimizations,
such as creating each task in a separate module, can be applied. Lifecycle API

[SWS_Rte_01197] dThe RTE module shall define the RTE lifecycle API.c(SRS_Rte_-
The RTE lifecycle API is defined in Section 5.8. Reentrancy

All code invoked by generated RTE code that can be subject to concurrent execution
must be reentrant. This requirement for reentrancy can be overridden if the gener-
ated code is not subject to concurrent execution, for example, if protected by a data
consistency mechanism to ensure that access to critical regions is call serialized.

544 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5.3.10 RTE Post Build Variant Sets

[SWS_Rte_06620] dThe RTE generator shall generate in the Rte_PBcfg.h file the
SchM_ConfigType type declaration of the predefined post build variants data struc-
ture. This header file must be used by other RTE modules to resolve their runtime
[SWS_Rte_06638] dThe RTE generator must generate a Rte_PBcfg.c file containing
the declarations and initializations of one or more RTE post build variants. Only one of
these variants can be active at runtime.c(SRS_Rte_00201, SRS_BSW_00346)
Within an RTE with post build variants, one active RtePostBuildVariantConfig-
uration will exist. It is a pointer to this structure that shall be passed to SchM_Init.
Also note that the container PredefinedVariant is only a Meta Model construct to
allow the designer to create a validated collection of values assigned to a criterion. It
is up to the implementer of the RTE generator to optimize variant configurations either
for size and/or performance by using different levels of indirection to the PostBuild-
VariantCriterionValues. For the least amount of indirection for example one can
have the criterion values at the level of the Sch_ConfigType. If you use post build
loadable then you may want to reduce memory storage by reusing variant sets if they
remain unchanged across two or more predefined variants.
The following subsections provide examples for the SchM_ConfigType declaration
and instantiation only for demonstration purposes. No requirement what so ever is
implied. Example 1: File Contents Rte_PBcfg.h

An example of a flat data structure to represent the criterion values defined in the
Rte_PBcfg.h file containing theSchM_ConfigType type which can contain the list of
unique PostBuildVariantCriterion members. This approach immediately en-
forces that only one single criterion assignment can exist. The member names can,
for example, follow the template defined below where <sn> is the PostBuildVari-
antCriterion shortName.
1 struct SchM_ConfigType {
2 /* The PostBuildVariantCriterion shortname */
3 int VarCri_<sn>;
4 .
5 .
6 .
7 };

545 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Example 2: File Contents Rte_PBcfg.h

An example showing an additional level of indirection and as such allows for reuse of
variant sets to optimize memory storage acorss for example several predefined vari-
ants is shown below. The RTE generator in this case can reuse some PostBuild-
VariantCriterionValueSets to reduce the memory resource consumption of an
ECU. The RTE generator can declare in the Rte_PBcfg.h file a structure type for each
distinct unique collection of PostBuildVariantCriterionValueSets containing
the PostBuildVariantCriterions as members. This implies that if two Prede-
finedVariants are defined each referring to a named PostBuildVariantCrite-
rionValueSet and the list of PostBuildVariantCriterions in each of these
PostBuildVariantCriterionValueSets is identical that only one type is defined
for these two named PostBuildVariantCriterionValueSets. The name of the
type can, for example, follow the pattern below where the <id> is a unique identifier
for that type (e.g. a counter).
1 struct Rte_VarSet_<id>_t {
2 /* The PostBuildVariantCriterion shortname */
3 int VarCri_<sn>;
4 .
5 .
6 .
7 };

Now the SchM_ConfigType type can be declared with pointers to these variant sets.
The member names of this struct can, for example, follow the template below where
<id> is a unique identifier.
1 struct SchM_ConfigType {
2 /* The PostBuildVariantCriterion shortname */
3 Rte_VarSet_<id>_t* VarSet_<id>_Ptr;
4 .
5 .
6 .
7 }; Examples: File Contents Rte_PBcfg.c

In correlation with example 1 of the header file the RTE generator can declare and op-
tionally initialize a default variant configuration named Rte_VarCfg in the Rte_PBcfg.c
file of the SchM_ConfigType type.
For example (the initializers are the criterion values):
1 const struct SchM_ConfigType Rte_VarCfg = {1,2,3,4,5};

And likewise for the example 2 header file the RTE generator can declare and initialize
in the Rte_PBcfg.c file all possible PostBuildVariantCriterionValueSets and
the RtePostBuildVariantConfiguration using references to these variant sets.
For example:

546 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

1 const struct Rte_VarSet_1_t Rte_VarSet_1a = {1,2,3};

2 const struct Rte_VarSet_1_t Rte_VarSet_1b = {1,4,1};
3 const struct Rte_VarSet_2_t Rte_VarSet_2 = {2,5,7,3,2};
4 .
5 .
6 .

1 const struct SchM_ConfigType Rte_VarCfg_1 =

2 {&Rte_VarSet_1a,&Rte_VarSet_2};
3 const struct SchM_ConfigType Rte_VarCfg_2 =
4 {&Rte_VarSet_1b,&Rte_VarSet_2};
5 .
6 .
7 .

When SchM_Init is called, a pointer to the active SchM_ConfigType will be

passed along which shall be assigned to the named Rte_VarCfgPtr which is of type
SchM_ConfigType*. This pointer shall be used to determine the values for actual
used PostBuildVariantCriterions and for variant validation when the DET is
Example 1 pseudo code evaluating the criterions
1 switch(Rte_VarCfg->VarCri_1)
2 {
3 case 1:
5 break;
6 case 2:
8 }

Example 2 pseudo code evaluating the criterions

1 switch(Rte_VarCfgPtr->VarSet_1_Ptr->VarCri_1)
2 {
3 case 1:
5 break;
6 case 2:
8 }

Another type of optimization strategy (besides flattening) that can be applied is double
buffering for frequently used variant criterion values. The additional buffer can then be
used in the conditions to optimize the performance of the RTE, e.g.
1 BufferedVarCri_1 = Rte_VarCfgPtr->VarSet_1->VarCri_1;

547 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5.4 RTE Data Structures

Object-code software components are compiled against an application header file cre-
ated during the “RTE Contract” phase but are linked against an RTE (and application
header file) created during the “RTE Generation” phase. When generated in com-
patibility mode, an RTE has to work for object-code components compiled against an
application header file created in compatibility mode, even if the application header file
was created by a different RTE generator. It is thus necessary to define the data struc-
tures and naming conventions for the compatibility mode to ensure that the object-code
is compatible with the generated RTE. An RTE generated in vendor mode only has to
work for those object-code components that were compiled against application header
files created in vendor mode by a compatible RTE generator (which in general would
mean an RTE generator supplied by the same vendor).
The use of standardized data structures imposes tight constraints on the RTE imple-
mentation and therefore restricts the freedom of RTE vendors to optimize the solution
of object-code components but has the advantage that RTE generators from different
vendors can be used to compile an object-code software-component and to generate
the RTE. No such restrictions apply for the vendor mode. If an RTE generator operating
in vendor mode is used for an object-code component in both phases, vendor-specific
optimizations can be used.
Note that with the exception of data structures required for support object-code soft-
ware components in compatibility mode, the data structures used for “RTE Generation”
phase are not defined. This permits vendor specific API mappings and data structures
to be used for a generated RTE without loss of portability.
The following definitions only apply to RTE generators operating in compatibility mode –
in this mode the instance handle and the component data structure have to be defined
even for those (object-code) software components for which multiple instantiation is
forbidden to ensure compatibility.

5.4.1 Instance Handle

The RTE is required to support object-code components as well as multiple instances

of the same AUTOSAR software-component mapped to an ECU [SRS_Rte_00011].
To minimise memory overhead all instances of a component on an ECU share code
[SRS_Rte_00012] and therefore both the RTE and the component instances require a
means to distinguish different instances.
Support for both object-code components and multiple instances requires a level of
indirection so that the correct generated RTE custom function is invoked in response to
a component action. The indirection is supplied by the instance handle in combination
with the API mapping defined in Section 5.2.6.
[SWS_Rte_01012] dThe component instance handle shall identify particular instances
of a component.c(SRS_BSW_00312, SRS_Rte_00011)

548 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The instance handle is passed to each runnable entity in a component when it is ac-
tivated by the RTE as the first parameter of the function implementing the runnable
entity [SWS_Rte_01016]. The instance handle is then passed back by the runnable
entity to the RTE, as the first parameter of each direct RTE API call, so that the RTE
can identify the correct component instance making the call. This scheme permits
multiple instances of a component on the same ECU to share code.
The instance handle indirection permits the name of the RTE API call that is used within
the component to be unique within the scope of a component as well as independent
of the component’s instance name. It thus enables object-code AUTOSAR software-
components to be compiled before the final “RTE Generation” phase when the instance
name is fixed.
[SWS_Rte_01013] dFor the RTE C/C++ API, any call that can operate on different
instances of a component that supports multiple instantiation supportsMultiple-
Instantiation shall have an instance handle as the first formal parameter.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_03806] dIf a component does not support multiple instantiation, the in-
stance handle parameter shall be omitted in the RTE C/C++ API and in the signature
of the RTE Hook functions.c(SRS_Rte_00011)
If the component does not support multiple instantiation, the instance handle is not
passed to the API calls and runnable entities as parameters. In order to support access
to the component data structure the name of the CDS is specified.
[SWS_Rte_03793] dIf a software component does not support multiple instantiation,
the name of the component data instance shall be Rte_Inst_<cts>, where <cts>
is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType.c(SRS_Rte_-
The data type of the instance handle is defined in Section 5.5.2.

Example 5.23
1 // --------------------------------------
2 // Application header file
3 // --------------------------------------
5 // ComponentDataStructure declaration
6 // [SWS_Rte_02310],[SWS_Rte_03733]
7 struct Rte_CDS_c
8 {
9 Rte_DE_uint8* re1_p_a;
10 Rte_DES_uint8* re2_p_a;
11 ...
12 };
14 // [SWS_Rte_02311]
15 typedef struct Rte_CDS_c Rte_CDS_c;
17 // Instance handle type
18 // [SWS_Rte_01007], [SWS_Rte_01148],[SWS_Rte_01150],[SWS_Rte_06810]

549 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

19 typedef CONSTP2CONST(Rte_CDS_c, AUTOMATIC, RTE_CONST) Rte_Instance;

21 // Instance handle declaration for swc without multiple instantiation
22 // [SWS_Rte_03793]
24 #include "Rte_MemMap.h"
25 extern CONSTP2CONST(Rte_CDS_c, RTE_CONST, RTE_CONST) Rte_Inst_c;
27 #include "Rte_MemMap.h"
29 //Api
30 #define Rte_IWrite_re1_p_a(v) ((Rte_Inst_c)->re1_p_a->value = (v))
31 #define Rte_IRead_re2_p_a() ((Rte_Inst_c)->re2_p_a->value)
32 #define Rte_IStatus_re2_p_a() ((Rte_Inst_c)->re2_p_a->status)
34 // -----------------------------------
35 // Rte.c file
36 // -----------------------------------
38 // ComponentDataStructure definition
39 // [SWS_Rte_03711],[SWS_Rte_03712],[SWS_Rte_03715]
40 const Rte_CDS_c Rte_Instance_c1 =
41 {
42 ...
43 };
45 // Instance handle definition for swc without multiple instantiation
46 // [SWS_Rte_03793]
48 #include "Rte_MemMap.h"
51 #include "Rte_MemMap.h"

5.4.2 Component Data Structure

Different component instances share many common features - not least of which is
support for shared code. However, each instance is required to invoke different RTE
API functions and therefore the instance handle is used to access the component data
structure that defines all instance specific data.
It is necessary to define the component data structure to ensure compatibility between
the two RTE phases when operating in compatibility mode – for example, a “clever”
compiler and linker may encode type information into a pointer type to ensure type-
safety. In addition, the structure definition cannot be empty since this is an error in
[SWS_Rte_02310] dThe Application Header File shall include a structure declaration
for the component data structure as follows:

550 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

1 struct Rte_[Byps_]CDS_<cts> { <component data sections> };

where <cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType.

[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method for bypass sup-
port is enabled for the related software componenttype (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_-
BSW_00305, SRS_Rte_00011, SRS_Rte_00167)
[SWS_Rte_02311] dThe Application Header File shall include a type declaration for
the component data structure type as follows:
1 typedef struct Rte_[Byps_]CDS_<cts> Rte_[Byps_]CDS_<cts>;

where <cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponent-

Type.[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method for by-
pass support is enabled for the related software componenttype (See chapter 4.9.2).c
(SRS_BSW_00305, SRS_Rte_00011, SRS_Rte_00167)
The members of the component data structure include function pointers. It is important
that such members are not subject to run-time modification and therefore the compo-
nent data structure is required to be placed in read-only memory.
[SWS_Rte_03715] dAll instances of the component data structure shall be defined as
“const” (i.e. placed in read-only memory).c(SRS_BSW_00007)
The elements of the component data structure are sorted into sections, each of which
defines a logically related section. The sections defined within the component data
structure are:
• [SWS_Rte_03718] dData Handles section.c(SRS_Rte_00011, SRS_Rte_00051)
• [SWS_Rte_03719] dPer-instance Memory Handles section.c(SRS_Rte_00011,
• [SWS_Rte_01349] dInter-runnable Variable Handles section.c(SRS_Rte_00011,
• [SWS_Rte_03720] dCalibration Parameter Handles section.c(SRS_Rte_00011,
• [SWS_Rte_03721] dExclusive-area API section.c(SRS_Rte_00011, SRS_Rte_-
• [SWS_Rte_03716] dPort API section.c(SRS_Rte_00011, SRS_Rte_00051)
• [SWS_Rte_03717] dInter Runnable Variable API section.c(SRS_Rte_00011,
• [SWS_Rte_07225] dInter Runnable Triggering API section.c(SRS_Rte_00011,
• [SWS_Rte_07837] dInstance Id section.c(SRS_Rte_00011, SRS_Rte_00051,

551 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• [SWS_Rte_08091] dRAM Block Data Updated Handles section.c(SRS_Rte_-

00011, SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00245)
• [SWS_Rte_03722] dVendor specific section.c(SRS_Rte_00011)
The order of elements within each section of the component data structure is defined
as follows;
[SWS_Rte_03723] dSection entries shall be sorted alphabetically (ASCII / ISO 8859-1
code in ascending order) unless stated otherwise.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
The sorting of entries is applied to each section in turn.
Note that there is no prefix associated with the name of each entry within a section;
the component data structure as a whole has the prefix and therefore there is no need
for each member to have the same prefix.
ANSI C does not permit empty structure definitions yet an instance handle is required
for the RTE to function. Therefore if there are no API calls then a single dummy entry
is defined for the RTE.
[SWS_Rte_03724] dIf all sections of the Component Data Structure are empty the
Component Data Structure shall contain a uint8 with name Rte_Dummy.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_08900] dAll data handles (i.e. the Data Handles themselves, the Per-
instance Memory Handles, Inter Runnable Variable Handles and RAM Block Data
Updated Handles) of the component data structure shall be defined as P2VAR.c(SRS_-
Rationale: Many data handles are used for write access and have to be P2VAR anyway.
But also data handles used for read accesses might contain a status in which case
they have to be P2VAR as well. The logic to determine when to use P2CONST and when
not is complex while the risk of a misuse (i.e. write access to a read handle) is low as
it were the RTE to misuse its own data structure, which is unlikely to happen. Data Handles Section

The data handles section is required to support the Rte_IRead and Rte_IWrite
calls (see Section 5.2.4).
[SWS_Rte_03733] dData Handles shall be named <re>_<p>_<o> where <re> is the
runnable entity name that reads (or writes) the data item, <p> the port name, <o> the
data element.c(SRS_BSW_00305, SRS_Rte_00051)
A RunnableEntity can read and write to the same port/data element in case of a
PRPortPrototypes where as PPortPrototypes and RPortPrototypes are in-
herently uni-directional (a provide port can only be written, a require port can only be

552 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

read). Please note that for read and write access of a runnable to data in a PRPort-
Prototype only one data handle exist.
[SWS_Rte_06827] dThe Data Handle shall be a pointer to a data element with
extended status if and only if the runnable has write access via a PRPortPro-
totype and acknowledgement is enabled for this data element.c(SRS_Rte_00051,
[SWS_Rte_02608] dThe Data Handle shall be a pointer to a data element with
status if and only if either
• the runnable has read access (via a RPortPrototype or PRPortPrototype)
and either
– data element outdated notification or
– data element invalidation or
– data element never received status or
– data element range check or
– handleDataStatus
is activated for this data element, or
• the runnable has write access via a PPortPrototype and acknowledgement is
enabled for this data element.
c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00185)
[SWS_Rte_02588] dOtherwise, the data type for a Data Handle shall be a pointer to a
data element without status.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
See below for the definitions of these terms.
[SWS_Rte_06529] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each entry of Data Handles Sec-
tion in the component data structure of a variant existent Rte_IRead or Rte_IWrite
API if the variability shall be implemented.
1 #if (<condition>)
3 <Data Handles Section Entry>

5 #endif

where condition is the condition value macro of the VariationPoint relevant for
the variant existence of the Rte_IRead or Rte_IWrite API (see [SWS_Rte_06515]),
Data Handles Section Entry is the code according an invariant Data Handles
Section Entry (see also [SWS_Rte_03733], [SWS_Rte_02608], [SWS_Rte_02588])c
[SWS_Rte_08777] dIn compatibility mode, if the software component does not support
multiple instantiation the data handles section shall be empty.c(SRS_Rte_00051)

553 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Data Element without Status

[SWS_Rte_01363] dThe data type for a “data element without status” shall be named
Rte_DE_<dt> where <dt> is the data element’s ImplementationDataType
[SWS_Rte_01364] dA data element without status shall be a structure con-
taining a single member named value.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_02607] dThe value member of a data element without status
shall have the same data type as the corresponding data element.c(SRS_Rte_00051,
SRS_Rte_00147, SRS_Rte_00078)
Note that requirements [SWS_Rte_01364] and [SWS_Rte_02607] together imply that
creating a variable of data type Rte_DE_<dt> allocates enough memory to store the
data copy. Data Element with Status

[SWS_Rte_01365] dThe data type for a “data element with status” shall be named
Rte_DES_<dt> where <dt> is the data element’s ImplementationDataType
[SWS_Rte_01366] dA data element with status shall be a structure containing
exactly two members.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_03734] dThe first member of each data element with status shall
be named ’value’c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_02666] dThe value member of a data element with status shall
have the type of the corresponding data element.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00147,
SRS_Rte_00078, SRS_Rte_00185)
[SWS_Rte_02589] dThe second member of each data element with status
shall be named ’status’.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00147, SRS_Rte_00078,
[SWS_Rte_02590] dThe status member of a data element with status shall
be of the Std_ReturnType type.c(SRS_Rte_00147, SRS_Rte_00078, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_02609] dIn case of read access, the status member of a data element
with status shall contain the error status corresponding to the value member.c
(SRS_Rte_00147, SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_03836] dIn case of write access, the status member of a data element
with status shall contain the transmission status corresponding to the value mem-

554 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Data Element with Extended Status

[SWS_Rte_06817] dThe data type for a data element with extended status
(applies only for PRPortPrototypes) shall be named Rte_DEX_<dt> where <dt>
is the data element’s ImplementationDataType name.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_06818] dA data element with extended status shall be a struc-
ture containing exactly three members.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_06819] dThe first member of each data element with extended
status shall be named ’value’.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_06820] dThe value member of a data element with extended sta-
tus shall have the type of the corresponding data element.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_-
Rte_00147, SRS_Rte_00078, SRS_Rte_00185)
[SWS_Rte_06821] dThe second member of each data element with extended
status shall be named ’status’.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00147, SRS_Rte_-
00078, SRS_Rte_00185)
[SWS_Rte_06822] dThe status member of a data element with extended
status shall be of the Std_ReturnType type.c(SRS_Rte_00147, SRS_Rte_00078,
[SWS_Rte_06823] dThe third member of each data element with extended
status shall be named ’feedback’.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00147, SRS_Rte_-
00078, SRS_Rte_00185)
[SWS_Rte_06824] dThe feedback member of a data element with extended
status shall be of the Std_ReturnType type.c(SRS_Rte_00147, SRS_Rte_00078,
[SWS_Rte_06825] dIn case of read access, the status member of a data element
with extended status shall contain the error status corresponding to the value
member.c(SRS_Rte_00147, SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_06826] dIn case of write access, the feedback member of a data ele-
ment with extended status shall contain the transmission status corresponding
to the value member.c(SRS_Rte_00185) Usage

A definition for every required data element with status, every data element
without status, and every data element with extended status is emitted
in the RTE Data Handle Types Header File (see Section 5.3.5).

Example 5.24

555 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Consider a uint8 data element, a, of port p which is accessed using a VariableAc-

cess in the dataWriteAccess role by runnables re1 and re2 and a VariableAc-
cess in the dataReadAccess role by runnable re2 within component c. data el-
ement outdated is defined for this dataElement.
The required data types within the RTE Data Handle Types Header File would be:
1 typedef struct {
2 uint8 value;
3 } Rte_DE_uint8;
5 typedef struct {
6 uint8 value;
7 Std_ReturnType status;
8 } Rte_DES_uint8;

Considering additionally a uint16 data element d, of a port being a PRPortPro-

totype pr which is accessed using a VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess
role and a dataReadAccess role by runnable re3 within component c. data ele-
ment outdated is defined for this dataElement and additionally acknowledgement
(transmissionAcknowledge) is requested.
The required data type within the RTE Data Handle Types Header File would be:
1 typedef struct {
2 uint16 value;
3 Std_ReturnType status;
4 Std_ReturnType feedback;
5 } Rte_DEX_uint16;

The component data structure for c would also include:

1 Rte_DE_uint8* re1_p_a;
2 Rte_DES_uint8* re2_p_a;
3 Rte_DEX_uint16* re3_pr_d;

A software-component that is supplied as object-code or is multiple instantiated re-

quires “general purpose” definitions of Rte_IRead, Rte_IWrite, Rte_IStatus and
Rte_IFeedback that use the data handles to access the data copies created within
the generated RTE. For example:
1 #define Rte_IWrite_re1_p_a(instance,v) ((instance)->re1_p_a->value = (v
2 #define Rte_IWrite_re2_p_a(instance,v) ((instance)->re2_p_a->value = (v
3 #define Rte_IRead_re2_p_a(instance,v) ((instance)->re2_p_a->value)
4 #define Rte_IStatus_re2_p_a(instance) ((instance)->re2_p_a->status)
5 #define Rte_IWrite_re3_pr_d(instance,v) ((instance)->re3_pr_d->value =
6 #define Rte_IRead_re3_pr_d(instance) ((instance)->re3_pr_d->value)
7 #define Rte_IStatus_re3_pr_d(instance) ((instance)->re3_pr_d->status)
8 #define Rte_IFeedback_re3_pr_d(instance) ((instance)->re3_pr_d->

556 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The definitions of Rte_IRead, Rte_IWrite, Rte_IStatus, and Rte_IFeedback

are type-safe since an attempt to assign an incorrect type will be detected by the com-
For source code component that does not use multiple instantiation the definitions
of Rte_IRead, Rte_IWrite, Rte_IStatus, and Rte_IFeedback can remain as
above or vendor specific optimizations can be applied without loss of portability.

The values assigned to data handles within instances of the component data structure
created within the generated RTE depend on the mapping of tasks and runnables –
See Section 5.2.4. Per-instance Memory Handles Section

The Per-instance Memory Section Handles section enables to access instance specific
memory (sections).
[SWS_Rte_02301] dThe CDS shall contain a handle for each Per-instance Memory.
This handle member shall be named Pim_<name> where <name> is the per-instance
memory name.c(SRS_BSW_00305, SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00013)
The Per-instance Memory Handles are typed; [SWS_Rte_02302] dThe data type of
each Per-instance Memory Handle shall be a pointer to the type of the per instance
memory that is defined in the Application Header file.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_-
The RTE supports the access to the per-instance memories by the Rte_Pim API.
[SWS_Rte_06527] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each entry of Per-instance Memory
Handles Section in the component data structure of a variant existent PerInstance-
Memory or arTypedPerInstanceMemory if the variability shall be implemented.
1 #if (<condition>)
3 <Per-instance Memory Handles Section Entry>
5 #endif

where condition is the condition value macro of the VariationPoint relevant for
the variant existence of the Rte_Pim API (see [SWS_Rte_06518]), Per-instance
Memory Handles Section Entry is the code according an invariant Per-instance
Memory Handles Section Entry (see also [SWS_Rte_02301], [SWS_Rte_02302])c

Example 5.25

Referring to the specification items [SWS_Rte_02301], [SWS_Rte_02302], and

[SWS_Rte_07133] Example 5.4 can be extended –
with respect to the software-component header:

557 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

1 struct Rte_CDS_c {
2 ...
3 /* per-instance memory handle section */
4 Rte_PimType_c_MyMemType *Pim_mem;
6 ...
7 };
9 typedef struct Rte_CDS_c Rte_CDS_c;
11 #define Rte_Pim_mem(instance) ((instance)->Pim_mem)

and in Rte.c:
1 Rte_PimType_c_MyMemType mem1;

3 const Rte_CDS_c Rte_Instance_c1 = {

4 ...
5 /* per-instance memory handle section */
6 /* Rte_PimType_c_MyMemType Pim_mem */
7 &mem1
8 ...
9 };

[SWS_Rte_08778] dIf the software component does not support multiple instantiation
nor requires compatibility mode, the per-instance memory handles section shall be
empty.c(SRS_Rte_00051) Inter Runnable Variable Handles Section

Each runnable may require separate handling for the inter runnable variables that it
accesses. The indirection required for explicit access to inter runnable variables is
described in section The inter runnable variable handles section within the
component data structure contains pointers to the (shadow) memory of inter runn-
able variables that can be directly accessed with the implicit API macros. The inter
runnable variable handles section does not contain pointers for memory to
handle inter runnable variables that are accessed with explicit API only.
[SWS_Rte_02636] dFor each runnable and each inter runnable variable that is ac-
cessed implicitly by the runnable, there shall be exactly one inter runnable handle
member within the component data structure and this inter runnable variable handle
shall point to the (shadow) memory of the inter runnable variable for the runnable.c
[SWS_Rte_01350] dThe name of each inter runnable variable handle member within
the component data structure shall be Irv_<re>_<o> where <o> is the Inter-
Runnable Variable short name and <re> is short name of the runnable name.c(SRS_-

558 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_01351] dThe data type of each inter runnable variable handle member shall
be a pointer to the type of the inter runnable variable.c(SRS_Rte_00142)
[SWS_Rte_06528] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each entry of Inter Runnable Vari-
able Handles Section in the component data structure of a variant existent Rte_-
IrvRead or Rte_IrvWrite if the variability shall be implemented.
1 #if (<condition> [|| <condition>])
3 <Inter Runnable Variable Handles Section Entry>
5 #endif

where condition are the condition value macro(s) of the VariationPoint rele-
vant for the variant existence of the Rte_IrvRead or Rte_IrvWrite API access-
ing the same Inter Runnable Variable (see [SWS_Rte_06519]), Inter Runnable
Variable Handles Section Entry is the code according an invariant Inter Runn-
able Variable Handles Section Entry (see also [SWS_Rte_02636], [SWS_Rte_01350],
[SWS_Rte_08779] dIf the software component does not support multiple instantiation
nor requires compatibility mode, the inter runnable variable handles section shall be
empty.c(SRS_Rte_00051) Exclusive-area API Section

The exclusive-area API section includes exclusive areas that are accessed explicitly,
using the RTE API, by the SW-C. Each entry in the section is a function pointer to the
relevant RTE API function generated for the SW-C instance.
[SWS_Rte_03739] dIf the according SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy.apiPrinciple of
the ExclusiveArea is set to "common", the name of each Exclusive-area API section
entry shall be <root>_<name> where <root> is either Entry or Exit and <name>
is the shortName of the ExclusiveArea.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00032)
[SWS_Rte_04545] dIf the according SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy.apiPrinciple of
the ExclusiveArea is set to "perExecutable", the name of each Exclusive-area
API section entry shall be <root>_<re>_<name> where <root> is either Entry
or Exit, <re> is the shortName of the RunnableEntity with the canEnterEx-
clusiveArea association, and <name> is the shortName of the ExclusiveArea.c
(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00032)
[SWS_Rte_03740] dThe data type of each Exclusive-area API section entry shall be
a function pointer that points to the generated RTE API function.c(SRS_Rte_00051,
[SWS_Rte_06521] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each definition of a variant existent
Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit in the Exclusive-area API section according table 4.23 if
the variability shall be implemented.

559 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

1 #if (<condition>)
3 <Exclusive-area API section entry>
5 #endif

where condition is the condition value macro of the VariationPoint rel-

evant for the variant existence of the Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit API (see
[SWS_Rte_06518]), Exclusive-area API section entry is the code ac-
cording an invariant Exclusive-area section entry (see also [SWS_Rte_03739],
[SWS_Rte_03812] dEntries in the Exclusive-area API section shall be sorted alpha-
betically (ASCII / ISO 8859-1 code in ascending order).c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_-
Note that two function pointers will be required for each accessed exclusive area; one
for the Entry function and one for the Exit function.
[SWS_Rte_08780] dIf the software component does not support multiple instantiation
nor requires compatibility mode, the exclusive-area API section shall be empty.c(SRS_-
Rte_00051) Port API Section

Port API section comprises zero or more function references within the component
data structure type that defines all API functions that access a port and can be invoked
by the software-component (instance).
[SWS_Rte_02616] dThe function table entries for port access shall be grouped by the
port names into port data structures.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
Each entry in the port API section of the component data structure is a “port data
[SWS_Rte_02617] dThe name of each port data structure in the component data struc-
ture shall be <p> where <p> is the port short-name.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_03799] dThe component data structure shall contain a port data structure
for port p only if at least one API from table 5.2 is present and either the component
supports multiple instantiation, or the component requires compatibility mode, or if the
indirectAPI attribute for p is set to ’true’.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_06522] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each port data structure of a vari-
ant existent PortPrototype if the variability shall be implemented.
1 #if (<condition>)
3 <port data structure>
5 #endif

560 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

where condition is the condition value macro of the VariationPoint relevant

for the variant existence of the PortPrototype (see [SWS_Rte_06520], port
data structure is the code according an invariant port data structures (see also
[SWS_Rte_02617], [SWS_Rte_03799])c(SRS_Rte_00201)
[SWS_Rte_03731] dThe data type name for a port data structure shall be
struct Rte_PDS_<cts>_<i>_<P/R/PR>
where <cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType,
<i> is the port interface name and
‘P’, ’R’ or ‘PR’ are literals to indicate provide, require or provide-require ports respec-
tively.c(SRS_BSW_00305, SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09080] The shortNames of PortInterfaces shall be unique
within a software component if it supports multiple instantiation or indirec-
tAPI attribute is set to ’true’ dThe shortNames of PortInterfaces shall be unique
within a software component for each set of PPortPrototypes or RPortPrototypes if the
software component supports multiple instantiation or if the indirectAPI attribute is
set to ’true’ for at least one require or provide port.
This is required to generate distinguishable Port Data Structure data types.c()
[SWS_Rte_08312] dThe RTE generator shall reject a configuration violating the
[SWS_Rte_07137] dThe port data structure type(s) shall be defined in the Application
Header file.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
A port data structure type is defined for each port interface that types a port. Thus
different ports typed by the same port interface structure share the same port data
structure type.
[SWS_Rte_07138] dThe Application Header file shall contain a definition of a port data
structure type for interface i and port type R, P, PR only if the component supports
multiple instantiation or at least one require, provide or provide-require port exists that
has the indirectAPI attribute set to ’true’.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_06523] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each port data structure type re-
lated to variant existent PortPrototypes if the variability shall be implemented and if
all require PortPrototypes or all provide PortPrototypes are variant.
1 #if (<condition> [|| <condition>])
3 <port data structure type>
5 #endif

where condition are the condition value macro(s) of the VariationPoints rele-
vant for the variant existence of the PortPrototypes requiring the port data structure
type (see [SWS_Rte_06520]), port data structure type is the code according

561 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

an invariant port data structure type (see also [SWS_Rte_03731], [SWS_Rte_07138],

[SWS_Rte_03730] [SWS_Rte_02620])c(SRS_Rte_00201)
Note: If any invariant PortPrototype requires the port data structure type it shall be
defined unconditional.
[SWS_Rte_07677] dThe RTE shall support an indirect API for the port access func-
tions listed in table 5.2.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_03730] dA port data structure shall contain a function table entry for each
API function associated with the port as referenced in table 5.2. Pure API macros,
like Rte_IRead and other implicit API functions, do not have a function table entry.c
API function reference
Rte_Send_<p>_<o> 5.6.5
Rte_Write_<p>_<o> 5.6.5
Rte_Switch_<p>_<o> 5.6.6
Rte_Invalidate_<p>_<o> 5.6.7
Rte_Feedback_<p>_<o> 5.6.8
Rte_SwitchAck_<p>_<o> 5.6.9
Rte_Read_<p>_<o> 5.6.10
Rte_DRead_<p>_<o> 5.6.10
Rte_Receive_<p>_<o> 5.6.12
Rte_Call_<p>_<o> 5.6.13
Rte_Result_<p>_<o> 5.6.14
Rte_Prm_<p>_<o> 5.6.17
Rte_Mode_<p>_<o> 5.6.32
Rte_Trigger_<p>_<o> 5.6.34
Rte_IsUpdated_<p>_<o> 5.6.37

Table 5.2: Table of API functions that are referenced in the port API section.

[SWS_Rte_02620] dAn API function shall only be included in a port data structure, if it
is required at least by one port.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_02621] dIf a function table entry is available in a port data structure, the cor-
responding function shall be implemented for all ports that use this port data structure
type. API functions related to ports that are not required by the AUTOSAR configuration
shall behave like those for an unconnected port.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
APIs may be required only for some ports of a software component instance
due to differences in for example the need for transmission acknowledgement.
[SWS_Rte_02621] is necessary for the concept of the indirect API. It allows iteration
over ports.
[SWS_Rte_01055] dThe name of each function table entry in a port data structure
shall be <name>_<o> where <name> is the API root (e.g. Call, Write) and <o> the
data element or operation name.c(SRS_BSW_00305, SRS_Rte_00051)

562 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Requirement [SWS_Rte_01055] does not include the port name in the function table
entry name since the port is implicit when using a port handle.
[SWS_Rte_03726] dThe data type of each function table entry in a port data struc-
ture shall be a function pointer that points to the generated RTE function.c(SRS_Rte_-
The signature of a generated function, and hence the definition of the function pointer
type, is the same as the signature of the relevant RTE API call (see Section 5.6) with
the exception that the instance handle is omitted.

Example 5.26

This example shows a port data structure for the provide ports of the interface type i2
in an AUTOSAR SW-C c.
i2 is a SenderReceiverInterface which contains a data element prototype of type
uint8 with data semantics.
If one of the provide ports of c for the interface i2 has a transmission acknowledge-
ment defined and i2 is not used with data element invalidation, the Applica-
tion Header file would include a port data structure type like this:
1 struct Rte_PDS_c_i2_P {
2 Std_ReturnType (*Feedback_a)(uint8);
3 Std_ReturnType (*Write_a)(uint8);
4 }

If the provide port p1 of the AUTOSAR SW-C c is of interface i2, the generated Ap-
plication Header file would include the following macros to provide the direct API func-
tions Rte_Feedback_p1_a and Rte_Write_p1_a:
1 /*direct API*/
2 #define Rte_Feedback_p1_a(inst,data)
3 ((inst)->p1.Feedback_a)(data)
4 #define Rte_Write_p1_a(inst,data) ((inst)->p1.Write_a)(data)

[SWS_Rte_02618] dThe port data structures within a component data structure shall
first be sorted on the port data structure type name and then on the short name of the
The requirements [SWS_Rte_03731] and [SWS_Rte_02618] guarantee, that all port
data structures within the component data structure are grouped by their interface type
and require/provide-direction.

Example 5.27

This example shows the grouping of port data structures within the component data
The Application Header file for an AUTOSAR SW-C c with three provide ports p1, p2,
and p3 of interface i2 would include a block of port data structures like this:

563 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

1 struct Rte_CDS_c {
2 ...
3 struct Rte_PDS_c_i1_R z;
5 /* port data structures *
6 * for provide ports of interface i2 */
7 struct Rte_PDS_c_i2_P p1;
8 struct Rte_PDS_c_i2_P p2;
9 struct Rte_PDS_c_i2_P p3;
11 /* further port data structures */
12 struct Rte_PDS_c_i2_R c;
13 ...
14 }
16 typedef struct Rte_CDS_c Rte_CDS_c;

If inst is a pointer to a component data structure, and ph is defined by

1 struct Rte_PDS_c_i2_P *ph = &(inst->p1);

ph points to the port data structure p1 of the instance handle inst. Since the three
provide port data structures p1, p2, and p3 of interface i2 are ordered sequentially
in the component data structure, ph can also be interpreted as an array of port data
structures. E.g., ph[2] is equal to inst->p3.
In the following, ph will be called a port handle.

[SWS_Rte_01343] dRTE shall create port handle types for each port data structure
using typedef to a pointer to the appropriate port data structure.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_01342] dThe port handle type name shall be
Rte_PortHandle_<i>_<P/R/PR> where <i> is the port interface name and
‘P’, ‘R’ or ‘PR’ are literals to indicate provide, require or provide-require ports
[SWS_Rte_06524] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each port handle type related to
variant existent PortPrototypes if the variability shall be implemented and if all re-
quire PortPrototypes or all provide PortPrototypes are variant.
1 #if (<condition> [|| <condition>])
3 <port handle type>
5 #endif

where condition are the condition value macro(s) of the VariationPoints rele-
vant for the variant existence of the PortPrototypes requiring the port data structure
type (see [SWS_Rte_06520]), port data structure type is the code according
an invariant port data structure type (see also [SWS_Rte_01343], [SWS_Rte_01342])c

564 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_01053] dThe port handle types shall be written to the application header
RTE provides port handles for access to the arrays of port data structures of the same
interface type and provide/receive direction by the macro Rte_Ports, see section
5.6.1, and to the number of similar ports by the macro Rte_NPorts, see 5.6.1.

Example 5.28

For the provide port i2 of AUTOSAR SW-C c from example 5.26, the following port
handle type will be defined in the Application Header file:
1 typedef struct Rte_PDS_c_i2_P *Rte_PortHandle_i2_P;

The macros to access the port handles for the indirect API might look like this in the
generated Application Header file:
1 /*indirect (port oriented) API*/
2 #define Rte_Ports_i2_P(inst) &((inst)->p1)
3 #define Rte_NPorts_i2_P(inst) 3

So, the port handle ph of the previous example 5.27 could be defined by a user as:
1 Rte_PortHandle_i2_P ph = Rte_Ports_i2_P(inst);

To write ‘49’ on all ports p1 to p3, the indirect API can be used within the software
component as follows:
1 uint8 p;
2 Rte_PortHandle_i2_P ph = Rte_Ports_i2_P(inst);
3 for(p=0;p<Rte_NPorts_i_P(inst);p++) {
4 ph[p].Write_a(49);
5 }

Software components may also want to set up their own port handle arrays to iterate
over a smaller sub group than all ports with the same interface and direction.
Rte_Port can be used to pick the port handle for one specific port, see 5.6.3. Calibration Parameter Handles Section

The RTE is required to support access to calibration parameters derived by per-

instance ParameterDataPrototypes (see using the Rte_CData (see sec-
tion 5.6.16).
[SWS_Rte_03835] dThe name of each Calibration parameter handle shall be
CData_<name> where <name> is the ParameterDataPrototype name.c(SRS_-
Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00155)

565 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03949] dThe type of each calibration parameter handle shall be a function

pointer that points to the generated RTE function.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00154,
Note that accesses to ParameterDataPrototypes within ParameterSwCompo-
nentTypes do not result in any handles within this section since the generated Rte_-
Prm (see section 5.6.17) API is accessed either directly (single instantiation) or through
handles in the port API section (multiple instantiation). Likewise, access to shared Pa-
rameterDataPrototypes does not result in any handle in the Calibration Parameter
Handles Section since, by definition, no per-instance data is present.
[SWS_Rte_08782] dIf the software component does not support multiple instantiation
nor requires compatibility mode, the calibration parameter handles section shall be
empty.c(SRS_Rte_00051) Inter Runnable Variable API Section

The Inter Runnable Variable API section comprises zero or more function table entries
within the component data structure type that defines all explicit API functions to access
an inter runnable variable by the software-component (instance). The API for implicit
access of inter runnable variables does not have any function table entries, since the
implicit API uses macro’s to access the inter runnable variables or their shadow mem-
ory directly, see section
Since the entries of this section are only required to access the explicit InterRunnable-
Variable API if a software component supports multiple instantiation, it shall be omitted
for software components which do not support multiple instantiation.
[SWS_Rte_03725] dIf the component supports multiple instantiation, the member
name of each function table entry within the component data structure shall be
<name>_<re>_<o> where <name> is the API root (e.g. IrvRead), <re> the runnable
name, and <o> the inter runnable variable name.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_03752] dThe data type of each function table entry shall be a function
pointer that points to the generated RTE function.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
The signature of a generated function, and hence the definition of the function pointer
type, is the same as the signature of the relevant RTE API call (see Section 5.6) with
the exception that the instance handle is omitted.
[SWS_Rte_02623] dIf the component supports multiple instantiation or requires com-
patibility mode, the Inter Runnable Variable API Section shall contain pointers to API
functions as listed in table 5.3.c(SRS_Rte_00051)

API function reference

Rte_IrvRead_<re>_<o> 5.6.28
Rte_IrvWrite_<re>_<o> 5.6.29

Table 5.3: Table of API functions that are referenced in the inter runnable variable API

566 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06525] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each entry of Inter Runnable Vari-
able API Section in the component data structure of a variant existent Rte_IrvRead
or Rte_IrvWrite API if the variability shall be implemented.
1 #if (<condition>)
3 <Inter Runnable Variable API Section Entry>
5 #endif

where condition is the condition value macro of the VariationPoint rele-

vant for the variant existence of the Rte_IrvRead or Rte_IrvWrite API (see
[SWS_Rte_06519]), Inter Runnable Variable API Section Entry is the
code according an invariant Inter Runnable Variable API Section Entry (see also
[SWS_Rte_03725], [SWS_Rte_03752], [SWS_Rte_02623])c(SRS_Rte_00201)
[SWS_Rte_08783] dIf the software component does not support multiple instantiation
nor requires compatibility mode, the inter runnable variable API section shall be empty.c
(SRS_Rte_00051) Inter Runnable Triggering API Section

The Inter Runnable Triggering API Section includes the Inter Runnable Triggering API
handles. Each entry in the section is a function pointer to the relevant RTE API function
generated for the SW-C instance.
[SWS_Rte_07226] dThe name of each Inter Runnable Triggering handle shall be
Rte_IrTrigger_<re>_<name> where <re> is the name of the runnable entity the
API might be used and <name> is the name of the InternalTriggeringPoint.c
(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00163)
[SWS_Rte_07227] dThe data type of each Inter Runnable Triggering handle entry shall
be a function pointer that points to the generated RTE API function defined in 5.6.35.c
(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00163)
[SWS_Rte_06526] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each entry of Inter Runnable Trig-
gering handle in the component data structure of a variant existent Rte_IrTrigger
API if the variability shall be implemented.
1 #if (<condition>)
3 <Inter Runnable Variable API Section Entry>

5 #endif

where condition is the condition value macro of the VariationPoint rele-

vant for the variant existence of the Rte_IrTrigger API (see [SWS_Rte_06519],
Inter Runnable Variable API Section Entry is the code according an in-
variant Inter Runnable Variable API Section Entry (see also [SWS_Rte_03725],
[SWS_Rte_03752], [SWS_Rte_02623])c(SRS_Rte_00201)

567 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07228] dEntries in the Inter Runnable Triggering handles section shall be

sorted alphabetically (ASCII / ISO 8859-1 code in ascending order).c(SRS_Rte_00051,
[SWS_Rte_08784] dIf the software component does not support multiple instantia-
tion nor requires compatibility mode, the inter runnable triggering API section shall be
empty.c(SRS_Rte_00051) Instance Id Section

[SWS_Rte_07838] dIf a software component type supports multiple instantiation, the

RTE generator shall add in the Component Data Structure Instance Id Section an el-
ement named Instance_Id of type uint8.c(SRS_Rte_00011, SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07839] dFor each prototype of a software component type that supports
multiple instantiation, the RTE generator shall set the value of the element Instance_Id
from 0 to N-1 according to the number (N) of software component prototypes and
according to the names of the software component prototypes sorted alphabetically
(ASCII / ISO 8859-1 code in ascending order).c(SRS_Rte_00011, SRS_Rte_00051,
Example: Two prototypes (instances) named A and B of a software component type
• Instance_Id for instance A takes the value 0.
• Instance_Id for instance B takes the value 1.
Note: The Instance_Id should not be used by the runnable implementation. The In-
stance_Id has been created to support implementation of bypass on software compo-
nent that supports multiple instantiation.
[SWS_Rte_08785] dIf the software component does not support multiple instantiation,
the instance id section shall be empty.c(SRS_Rte_00051) RAM Block Data Updated Handles Section

The RAM Block Data Updated Handles section is required to express an update of
implicit written NV data in case the NvBlockSwComponentType is used (see section For that purpose each RAM Block Updated Handle accesses a separate
"dirty flag".
[SWS_Rte_08092] dThe CDS shall contain a handle for each SwcServiceDepen-
dency defining a RoleBasedPortAssignment in the role NvDataPort. This handle
member shall be named DF_<name> where <name> is the SwcServiceDependency
name.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00245)

568 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In addition to a "dirty flag" on port level the RTE also supports "dirty flags" on data
element level.
[SWS_Rte_03879] dThe CDS shall contain a handle for each SwcServiceDepen-
dency defining a RoleBasedDataAssignment in the role NvDataElement. This
handle member shall be named DF_<name> where <name> is the SwcServiceDe-
pendency name.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00245)
[SWS_Rte_08093] dThe data type of each RAM Block Data Updated Handle shall be
a pointer to boolean.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00245)
The RTE supports the access to dirty flags for implicit communication by invoking the
Rte_IWrite and Rte_IWriteRef APIs.
[SWS_Rte_08094] dThe invocation of any Rte_IWrite or Rte_IWriteRef API of
a data belonging to a PPortPrototype / PRPortPrototype referenced in the role
NvDataPort by a SwcServiceDependency shall set the related dirty flag addressed
by the RAM Block Updated Handle to TRUE.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00245)
[SWS_Rte_03880] dThe invocation of any Rte_IWrite or Rte_IWriteRef API
of a data belonging to a RoleBasedDataAssignment referenced in the role Nv-
DataElement by a SwcServiceDependency shall set the related dirty flag ad-
dressed by the RAM Block Updated Handle to TRUE.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_07416] dFor a VariableDataPrototype belonging to a PPortProto-
type / PRPortPrototype referenced in the role NvDataPort by a SwcServiceDe-
pendency the RTE shall, after the NvM has been informed, set the related dirty flag
addressed by the RAM Block Updated Handle to FALSE.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_03881] dFor a VariableDataPrototype belonging to a RoleBased-
DataAssignment referenced in the role NvDataElement by a SwcServiceDepen-
dency the RTE shall, after the NvM has been informed, set the related dirty flag ad-
dressed by the RAM Block Updated Handle to FALSE.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_-
The NvM is informed of the status change through either the invocation of
NvM_SetRamBlockStatus [SWS_Rte_08081] or directly through NvM_WriteBlock
[SWS_Rte_08085]. The invocation of either is guarded by a check on the dirty flag.
[SWS_Rte_03882] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each entry of RAM Block Data
Updated Handles Section related to variant existent PPortPrototypes / PRPort-
Prototypes referenced in the role NvDataPort by a SwcServiceDependency if
the variability shall be implemented.
The RTE Generator shall wrap each entry of RAM Block Data Updated Handles
Section related to variant existent VariableDataPrototypes referred by a Role-
BasedDataAssignment referenced in the role NvDataElement by a SwcSer-
viceDependency if the variability shall be implemented.
1 #if (<condition>)

569 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

3 <RAM Block Data Updated Handles Section Entry>
5 #endif

where condition are the condition value macros of the VariationPoints rele-
vant for the variant existence of the Rte_IWrite and Rte_IWriteRef APIs (see
[SWS_Rte_06518]); the single condition value macros are concatenated with logical
or (k) operators to ensure the availability of the handle if any relevant API is existent,
RAM Block Data Updated Handles Section Entry is the code according an
invariant RAM Block Data Updated Handles Section Entry where condition are the
condition value macros of the VariationPoints concatenated with logical or (k)
operators (see also [SWS_Rte_08092], [SWS_Rte_08093]).c(SRS_Rte_00201)
[SWS_Rte_03872] dIf the software component does not support multiple instantiation
nor requires compatibility mode, the RAM Block Data Updated Handles Section shall
be empty.c(SRS_Rte_00051) Vendor Specific Section

The vendor specific section is used to contain any vendor specific data required to be
supported for each instances. By definition the contents of this section are outside the
scope of this chapter and only available for use by the RTE generator responsible for
the “RTE Generation” phase.
[SWS_Rte_08786] dIf the software component does not support multiple instantiation
nor requires compatibility mode, the vendor specific section shall be empty.c(SRS_-

5.5 API Data Types

Besides the API functions for accessing RTE services, the API also contains RTE-
specific data types.

5.5.1 Std_ReturnType

The specification in [31] specifies a standard API return type Std_ReturnType. The
Std_ReturnType defines the "‘status"’ and "‘error values"’ returned by API functions.
It is defined as a uint8 type. The value “0” is reserved for “No error occurred”.

570 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Overlayed Error Flag

Error Flag
Immediate Infrastructure
error codes
available for
6 bits
Figure 5.13: Bit-Layout of the Std_ReturnType

Figure 5.13 shows the general layout of Std_ReturnType.

The two most significant bits of the Std_ReturnType are reserved flags:
• The most significant bit 7 of Std_ReturnType is the “Immediate Infrastructure
Error Flag” with the following values
– “1” the error code indicates an immediate infrastructure error.
– “0” the error code indicates no immediate infrastructure error.
• The second most significant bit 6 of Std_ReturnType is the Overlayed Error
Flag. The use of this flag depends on the context and will be explained in table
In order to avoid explicit access to bit numbers in the code, the RTE provides the three
following macros that enables an application to check the return value of an API:
• [SWS_Rte_07404] dFor infrastructure errors, this macro is a boolean expression
that is true if the corresponding bit is set:
1 #define Rte_IsInfrastructureError(status) ((status & 128U) !=

• [SWS_Rte_07405] dFor overlayed errors, this macro is a boolean expression that
is true if the corresponding bit is set:
1 #define Rte_HasOverlayedError(status) ((status & 64U) != 0)

• [SWS_Rte_07406] dFor reading only the application error code without the even-
tual overlayed error, the following macro returns the lower 6 bits of the error code:
1 #define Rte_ApplicationError(status) (status & 63U)


571 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Infrastructure Errors

Infrastructure errors are split into two groups:

• “Immediate Infrastructure Errors” can be associated with the currently available
data set. These Immediate Infrastructure Errors are mutually exclu-
sive. Only one of these errors can be notified to a SW-C with one API call.
[SWS_Rte_02593] dImmediate Infrastructure Errors shall override
any application level error.c(SRS_Rte_00084, SRS_Rte_00123)
Immediate Infrastructure Error codes are used on the receiver side for
errors that result in no reception of application data and application errors.
An Immediate Infrastructure Error is indicated in the
Std_ReturnType by the Immediate Infrastructure Error Flag
being set.
• “Overlayed Errors” are associated with communication events that happened af-
ter the reception of the currently available data set, e.g., data element out-
dated notification, or loss of data elements due to queue overflow.
[SWS_Rte_01318] dOverlayed Error Flags shall be reported using the
unique bit of the Overlayed Error Flag within the Std_ReturnType type.c
(SRS_Rte_00084, SRS_Rte_00094)
An Overlayed Error can be combined with any other application or infrastruc-
ture error code. Application Errors

[SWS_Rte_02573] dRTE shall support application errors with the following format def-
inition: Application errors are coded in the least significant 6 bits of Std_ReturnType
with the Immediate Infrastructure Error Flag set to “0”. The application er-
ror code does not use the Overlayed Error Flag.c(SRS_Rte_00124)
This results in the following value range for application errors:
range minimum value maximum value
application errors 1 63

Table 5.4: application error value range

In client server communication, the server may return any value within the application
error range. The client will then receive one of the following:
• An Immediate Infrastructure Error to indicate that the communication
was not successful, or

572 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• The server return code, or

• The server return code might be overlayed by the Overlayed Error Flag in
a future release of RTE. In this release, there is no overlayed error defined for
client server communication.
The client can filter the return value, e.g., by using the following code:

Std_ReturnType status;
status = Rte_Call_<p>_<o>(<instance>, <parameters>);
if (Rte_HasOverlayedError(status)) {
/* handle overlayed error flag *
* in this release of the RTE, the flag is reserved *
* but not used for client server communication */

if(Rte_IsInfrastructureError(status)) {
/* handle infrastructure error */
else {
/* handle application error with error code status */
status = Rte_ApplicationError(status);
} Predefined Error Codes

For client server communication, application error values are defined per client server
interface and shall be passed to the RTE with the interface configuration.
The following standard error and status identifiers are defined:
Symbolic name Value Comments
RTE_E_OK 0 [SWS_Rte_01058]

Standard Application Error Values:

RTE_E_INVALID 1 [SWS_Rte_02594]
To be defined by the corresponding 1 Returned by AUTOSAR Services to indicate a
AUTOSAR Service generic application error.

Immediate Infrastructure Error codes

RTE_E_COM_STOPPED 128 [SWS_Rte_01060]
RTE_E_TIMEOUT 129 [SWS_Rte_01064]
RTE_E_LIMIT 130 [SWS_Rte_01317]
RTE_E_NO_DATA 131 [SWS_Rte_01061]
RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK 132 [SWS_Rte_01065]
RTE_E_SEG_FAULT 136 [SWS_Rte_02757]
RTE_E_OUT_OF_RANGE 137 [SWS_Rte_08065]

573 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Symbolic name Value Comments

RTE_E_COM_BUSY 141 [SWS_Rte_01389]

Overlayed Errors
These errors do not refer to the data returned with the API. They can be overlayed
with other Application- or Immediate Infrastructure Errors.
RTE_E_LOST_DATA 64 [SWS_Rte_02571]

Table 5.5: RTE Error and Status values

The underlying type for Std_ReturnType is defined as a uint8 for reasons of com-
patibility – it avoids RTEs from different vendors assuming a different size if an enum
was the underlying type. Consequently, #define is used to declare the error values:
1 typedef uint8 Std_ReturnType;
3 #define RTE_E_OK 0U

[SWS_Rte_01269] dThe standard errors as defined in table 5.5 including RTE_E_OK

shall be defined in the RTE Header File.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_02575] dApplication Error Identifiers with exception of RTE_E_INVALID
shall be defined in the Application Header File.c(SRS_Rte_00124, SRS_Rte_00167)
[SWS_Rte_02576] dThe application errors shall have a symbolic name defined as fol-
1 #define RTE_E_<interface>_<error> <error value>U

where <interface> PortInterface and <error> ApplicationError are the

interface and error names from the configuration.5 c(SRS_Rte_00123)
An Std_ReturnType value can be directly compared (for equality) with the above
pre-defined error identifiers.
[SWS_Rte_07143] dThe RTE generator shall generate symbolic name for application
errors with equal <interface> name, <error> name and <error value> only
No additional capitalization is applied to the names.

574 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_01058] d
Symbolic name: RTE_E_OK
Value: 0
Comments: No error occurred.c(SRS_BSW_00327) Standard Application Error Values RTE_E_INVALID

[SWS_Rte_02594] d
Symbolic name: RTE_E_INVALID
Value: 1
Comments: Generic application error indicated by signal invalidation in sender re-
ceiver communication with data semantics on the receiver side.c(SRS_BSW_-
00327, SRS_Rte_00078) RTE_E_RAM_UNCHANGED

[SWS_Rte_04582] d
Symbolic name: RTE_E_RAM_UNCHANGED
Value: 142
Comments: Indication that the NVM RAM block was not changed (This is no error).c
(SRS_BSW_00327) Immediate Infrastructure Error Codes RTE_E_COM_STOPPED

[SWS_Rte_01060] d
Symbolic name: RTE_E_COM_STOPPED
Value: 128
Comments: An IPDU group was disabled while the application was waiting for the
transmission acknowledgment. No value is available. This is not considered a fault,
since the IPDU group is switched off on purpose.
This semantics are as follows:
• the OUT buffers of a client are not modified,
• the explicit read APIs read the last known value (or init value),

575 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• no runnable with startOnEvent on a DataReceivedEvent for this, VariableDat-

aPrototype is triggered,
• the buffers for implicit read access will keep the previous value.

[SWS_Rte_01064] d
Symbolic name: RTE_E_TIMEOUT
Value: 129
Comments: A blocking API call returned due to expiry of a local timeout rather than
the intended result. OUT buffers are not modified. The interpretation of this being an
error depends on the application.c(SRS_BSW_00327, SRS_Rte_00069) RTE_E_LIMIT

[SWS_Rte_01317] d
Symbolic name: RTE_E_LIMIT
Value: 130
Comments: An internal RTE limit has been exceeded. Request could not be handled.
OUT buffers are not modified.c(SRS_BSW_00327) RTE_E_NO_DATA

[SWS_Rte_01061] d
Symbolic name: RTE_E_NO_DATA
Value: 131
Comments: An explicit read API call returned no data. (This is no error.)c(SRS_-

[SWS_Rte_01065] d
Symbolic name: RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK
Value: 132
Comments: Transmission acknowledgement received.c(SRS_BSW_00327)

576 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07384] d
Value: 133
Comments: No data received for the corresponding unqueued data element since
system start or partition restart.c(SRS_BSW_00327, SRS_Rte_00184) RTE_E_UNCONNECTED

[SWS_Rte_07655] d
Symbolic name: RTE_E_UNCONNECTED
Value: 134
Comments: The port used for communication is not connected.c(SRS_BSW_00327,

[SWS_Rte_02739] d
Value: 135
Comments: The error is returned by a blocking API and indicates that the runnable
could not enter a wait state. This could be for example because one ExecutableEn-
tity of the current task’s call stack has entered an ExclusiveArea.c(SRS_BSW_-

[SWS_Rte_02757] d
Symbolic name: RTE_E_SEG_FAULT
Value: 136
Comments: The error can be returned by an RTE API, if the parameters contain a
direct or indirect reference to memory that is not accessible from the callers partition.c

[SWS_Rte_08065] d
Symbolic name: RTE_E_OUT_OF_RANGE
Value: 137
Comments: The received data is out of range.c(SRS_BSW_00327, SRS_Rte_00180)

577 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08725] d
Value: 138
Comments: An error during transformation occured.c(SRS_Rte_00091, SRS_BSW_-

[SWS_Rte_08726] d
Value: 139
Comments: Buffer for transformation operation could not be created.c(SRS_Rte_-

[SWS_Rte_08551] d
Value: 140
Comments: An error during transformation occured which shall be notified to the SWC
but still produces valid data as output (comparable to a warning).c(SRS_Rte_00091,

[SWS_Rte_01389] d
Symbolic name: RTE_E_COM_BUSY
Value: 141
Comments: The transmission/reception could not be performed due to another trans-
mission/reception currently ongoing for the same signal.c(SRS_Rte_00246) Overlayed Error

These errors do not refer to the data returned with the API. They can be overlayed with
other Application- or Immediate Infrastructure Errors.

578 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_02571] d
Symbolic name: RTE_E_LOST_DATA
Value: 64
Comments: An API call for reading received data with event semantics indicates
that some incoming data has been lost due to an overflow of the receive queue or due
to an error of the underlying communication stack.c(SRS_BSW_00327, SRS_Rte_-
00107, SRS_Rte_00110, SRS_Rte_00094) RTE_E_MAX_AGE_EXCEEDED

[SWS_Rte_02702] d
Value: 64
Comments: An API call for reading received data with data semantics indicates
that the available data has exceeded the aliveTimeout limit. A COM signal outdated
callback will result in this error.c(SRS_BSW_00327, SRS_Rte_00078)

5.5.2 Rte_Instance

The Rte_Instance data type defines the handle used to access instance specific
information from the component data structure.
[SWS_Rte_01148] dThe underlying data type for an instance handle shall be a pointer
to a Component Data Structure.c(SRS_Rte_00011, SRS_Rte_00051)
The component data structure (see Section 5.4.2) is uniquely defined for a component
type and therefore the data type for the instance handle is automatically unique for
each component type.
The instance handle type is defined in the application header file [SWS_Rte_01007].
To avoid long and complex type names within SW-C code the following requirement
imposes a fixed name on the instance handle data type.
[SWS_Rte_01150] dThe name of the instance handle type shall be defined, using
typedef as Rte_[Byps_]Instance. [Byps_] is an optional infix used when com-
ponent wrapper method for bypass support is enabled for the related software compo-
nent type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00305)
[SWS_Rte_06810] dThe instance handle typedef shall use the CONSTP2CONST macro
with memclass AUTOMATIC and ptrclass RTE_CONST.c(SRS_BSW_00007)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_06810] uses memclass AUTOMATIC rather than memclass
TYPEDEF because the instance handle is used as a function parameter and hence
automatic. This means the typedef is guaranteed to be compatible when the RTE

579 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

implementation must use a pointer to the component data structure rather than the
instance handle typedef.
The example 5.23 illustrates the definition of the instance handle typedef.

5.5.3 RTE Modes

[SWS_Rte_02659] dFor each ModeDeclarationGroup of category

"ALPHABETIC_ORDER", used in the SW-C’s ports, the Application Types Header
File shall contain a definition
1 #ifndef RTE_TRANSITION_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup>
2 #define RTE_TRANSITION_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup> <n>U
3 #endif

where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the shortName of the ModeDeclaration-

<prefix> is the optional prefix attribute defined by the IncludedModeDeclara-
tionGroupSet referring the ModeDeclarationGroup and
<n> is the number of modes declared within the group.6 c(SRS_Rte_00144)
[SWS_Rte_03858] dFor each ModeDeclarationGroup of category
"EXPLICIT_ORDER", used in the SW-C’s ports, the Application Types Header
File shall contain a definition
1 #ifndef RTE_TRANSITION_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup>
2 #define RTE_TRANSITION_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup> \
3 <onTransitionValue>U
4 #endif

where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the shortName of the ModeDeclaration-

<prefix> is the optional prefix attribute defined by the IncludedModeDeclara-
tionGroupSet referring the ModeDeclarationGroup and
<onTransitionValue> is the onTransitionValue of the ModeDeclaration-
[SWS_Rte_07640] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where two Mode-
DeclarationGroups, used in the SW-C’s ports, with the same name but different
ModeDeclarations exists.c(SRS_Rte_00144, SRS_Rte_00018)
The rational for [SWS_Rte_07640] is to protect against conditions which would lead to
[SWS_Rte_02659] to generate conflicting types or macro definitions.
[SWS_Rte_02568] dFor each mode of a ModeDeclarationGroup of category
"ALPHABETIC_ORDER", used in the SW-C’s ports, the Application Types Header File
shall contain a definition
No additional capitalization is applied to the names.

580 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

1 #ifndef RTE_MODE_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup>_<ModeDeclaration>
2 #define RTE_MODE_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup>_<ModeDeclaration> \
3 <index>U
4 #endif

where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the ModeDeclaration-

<prefix> is the optional prefix attribute defined by the IncludedModeDeclara-
tionGroupSet referring the ModeDeclarationGroup
<ModeDeclaration> is the shortName of a ModeDeclaration, and <index> is
the index of the ModeDeclarations in alphabetic ordering (ASCII / ISO 8859-1 code
in ascending order) of the shortNames within the ModeDeclarationGroup7 .
The lowest index shall be ‘0’ and therefore the range of assigned values is 0..<n-1>
where <n> is the number of modes declared within the group.c(SRS_Rte_00144)
[SWS_Rte_03859] dFor each mode of a ModeDeclarationGroup of category
"EXPLICIT_ORDER", used in the SW-C’s ports, the Application Types Header File shall
contain a definition
1 #ifndef RTE_MODE_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup>_<ModeDeclaration>
2 #define RTE_MODE_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup>_<ModeDeclaration> \
3 <value>U
4 #endif

where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the ModeDeclaration-

<prefix> is the optional prefix attribute defined by the IncludedModeDeclara-
tionGroupSet referring the ModeDeclarationGroup
<ModeDeclaration> is the shortName of a ModeDeclaration, and <value> is
the value specified at the ModeDeclaration.c(SRS_Rte_00144)

5.5.4 Enumeration Data Types

Enumeration is not a plain primitive ImplementationDataType. Rather a range of

integers can be used as a structural description. The mapping of integers on "labels"
in the enumeration is actually modeled in the SwC-T with the semantics class Com-
puMethod of a SwDataDefProps [2]. Enumeration data types are modeled as Im-
plementationDataTypes having a SwDataDefProps referencing a CompuMethod
that contains only CompuScales with point ranges (i. e. lower and upper limit of a
CompuScale are identical).
[SWS_Rte_03809] dThe Application Types Header File shall include the def-
initions of all constants of ImplementationDataTypes and Application-
DataTypes for each ImplementationDataType/ApplicationDataTypes used
No additional capitalization is applied to the names.

581 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

(See [SWS_Rte_08802] for the meaning of the term "used") by this software compo-
This includes constants for CompuMethods referenced by Implementation-
DataTypeElements of ImplementationDataTypes directly referenced by the soft-
ware component and constants for CompuMethods of ImplementationDataTypes
which are referenced indirectly via ImplementationDataTypes / Implementa-
tionDataTypeElements of category TYPE_REFERENCE.c(SRS_Rte_00167)
[SWS_Rte_03809] is applicable regardless if the AutosarDataType is referenced
by an DataPrototypes in PortInterfaces used for SwComponentTypes Ports,
DataPrototypes defined in the InternalBehavior of the SwComponentType or
AutosarDataTypes which are only referenced by the IncludedDataTypeSet.
This requirement ensures the availability of AutosarDataType constants for the in-
ternal use in AUTOSAR software components, for example enumeration constants.
The name of those constants bases on the CompuScale symbolic name as de-
fined in [TPS_SWCT_01569].
[SWS_Rte_03810] dFor each CompuScale which has a point range and is
located in the compuInternalToPhys container of a CompuMethod referenced
by an ImplementationDataType or ApplicationPrimitiveDataType according
[SWS_Rte_03809] with category "TEXTTABLE", "SCALE_LINEAR_AND_TEXTTABLE",
Types Header File file shall contain a definition
1 #ifndef <prefix><EnumLiteral>
2 #define <prefix><EnumLiteral> <value><suffix>
3 #endif /* <prefix><EnumLiteral> */

where the name of the enumeration literal <EnumLiteral> is derived according to the
following rule:
if (attribute symbol of CompuScale is available and not empty) {
<EnumLiteral> := C identifier specified in symbol attribute of CompuScale
} else {
if (string specified in the VT element of the CompuConst of the CompuScale
is a valid C identifier) {
<EnumLiteral> :=
string specified in the VT element of the CompuConst of the CompuScale
} else {
if (attribute shortLabel of CompuScale is available and not empty) {
<EnumLiteral> :=
string specified in shortLabel attribute of CompuScale
<prefix> is the optional literalPrefix attribute defined by the Included-
DataTypeSet referring the AutosarDataType using the CompuMethod.

582 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<value> is the value representing the CompuScale’s point range.

<suffix> shall be set according to [SWS_Rte_03619].c(SRS_Rte_00167)
Please note that the IncludedDataTypeSet.literalPrefix applies only to the
AutosarDataType(s) explicitly referenced by the IncludedDataTypeSet and
does not automatically propagate to other AutosarDataType(s) associated via
DataTypeMaps. Both ApplicationDataType and mapped Implementation-
DataType must be explicitly referenced if all associated labels are to have the prefix.
[SWS_Rte_03810] implies that the RTE does add prefix to the names of the enumer-
ation constants on explicit demand only. This is necessary in order to handle enu-
meration constants supplied by Basic Software modules which all use their own prefix
convention. Such Enumeration constant names have to be unique in the whole AU-
TOSAR system.
[SWS_Rte_08401] dIn the case that the same ImplementationDataType
or ApplicationPrimitiveDataType is referenced via different Included-
DataTypeSets with different literalPrefix attributes, the definition according
to [SWS_Rte_03810] has to be provided once for each different literalPrefix.c
[SWS_Rte_03851] dIf the input of the RTE generator contains a Com-
CompuScale with a point range, and
• neither the attribute symbol of the CompuScale is available and not empty,
• nor the string specified in the VT element of the CompuConst of the CompuScale
is a valid C identifier,
• nor the attribute shortLabel of CompuScale is available and not empty,
the RTE generator shall reject this input as an invalid configuration.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_03813] dThe RTE shall reject configurations where the same
software component type uses ImplementationDataTypes and Appli-
cationPrimitiveDataTypes referencing two or more CompuMethods
a CompuScale with a different point range and an identical CompuScale symbolic
names as an invalid configuration. The only exception is that the usage of the Imple-
mentationDataTypes and ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes are defined with
non identical <literalPrefix>es.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_07175] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations violating the [con-
This rejects configurations where an ImplementationDataType or
an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType references a CompuMethod

583 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software


CompuScales with identical CompuScale Value symbolic names.
Note that there might exist additional CompuScales with non-point ranges inside
a CompuMethod of category "TEXTTABLE", "SCALE_LINEAR_AND_TEXTTABLE",
enumeration literals are generated by the RTE generator.
The RTE generator does not support the use of C enums for DataPrototypes used
in application software.
[SWS_Rte_03862] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations violating the [con-
str_1244], so where a DataPrototype that is used in an AtomicSwComponentType
has set the swDataDefProps.additionalNativeTypeQualifier attribute set to
[SWS_Rte_08802] The meaning of the term "used" with respect to Autosar-
DataTypes dAn AutosarDataType is used if it meets any one of the following con-
• it is referenced by a DataPrototype in the SwcInternalBehavior, or
• it is referenced by a VariationPointProxy in the SwcInternalBehavior,
• it is referenced by a DataPrototype in a PortInterface referenced by a
PortPrototype, or
• it is referenced by an IncludedDataTypeSet in the SwcInternalBehavior,
• it is the ImplementationDataType mapped to an ApplicationDataType
(i.e. via the DataTypeMappingSet) that is used in one of the above ways, or
• it is an ImplementationDataTypeElement of a complex Implementation-
DataType that is used in one of the above ways, or
• it is referenced as the target type of an ImplementationDataType or Imple-
mentationDataTypeElement of category TYPE_REFERENCE that is used in
one of the above ways, or
• it is an ApplicationDataType referenced as the type of a sub-element of a
complex ApplicationDataType that is used in one of the above ways.

5.5.5 Range Data Types

For the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType a Range might be specified by referenc-

ing a data constraint (dataConstr) giving the lowerLimit and the upperLimit. To

584 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

allow a Software Component the access to these values two definitions for these values
shall be generated.
[SWS_Rte_05051] dThe Application Types Header File shall include the definitions
of all lowerLimit and upperLimit constants of each ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType used by this software component once per ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType if the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType is not referenced via different
[SWS_Rte_08402] dThe Application Types Header File shall include the definitions
of all lowerLimit and upperLimit constants of each ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType used by this software component for each combination of different liter-
alPrefix and ApplicationPrimitiveDataType when the same Implementa-
tionDataType or ApplicationPrimitiveDataType is referenced via different
[SWS_Rte_05052] dThe lowerLimit and upperLimit constants for Application-
PrimitiveDataType referencing a DataConstr shall be generated by RTE generator in
the Application Type Header File as:
1 #define <prefix><DataType>_LowerLimit <lowerValue><suffix>
2 #define <prefix><DataType>_UpperLimit <upperValue><suffix>

where <DataType> is the name of the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType used by

the software component.
<prefix> is the optional literalPrefix attribute defined by the Included-
DataTypeSet referring the AutosarDataType to which the DataConstr belongs.
<lowerValue> and <upperValue> are the values lowerLimit and upperLimit
of the dataConstr referenced by the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType onto which the
corresponding CompuMethod has been applied (see [SWS_Rte_07038]). The values
in the macro definitions shall always reflect the closed interval, regardless of the interval
type specified by the dataConstr.
<suffix> shall be set according to [SWS_Rte_03619].c(SRS_Rte_00167)
Please note that [SWS_Rte_07196] is not applicable for [SWS_Rte_05052]. Further
on it’s possible that a DataPrototype using an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType might
reference additional dataConstr (see [SWS_Rte_07196]). In this case the upper-
Limit and lowerLimit definitions according [SWS_Rte_05052] do not reflect the
real applicable range of the DataPrototype. No macros are generated for Dat-
aPrototype specific data constraints.
Please note that the prefix can either be defined that the IncludedDataType-
Set with a literalPrefix attribute references the ApplicationDataType or it
references the ImplementationDataType.
Rationale: ApplicationPrimitiveDataType is taken as the basis for the gener-
ation of limits (as opposed to take the corresponding ImplementationDataType)
because the limits defined on the ImplementationDataType) may be wider than

585 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

the limits of the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType ((see subsection "Data Types

for Single Values" in the AUTOSAR SW-C Template [2]).
[SWS_Rte_08403] dFor AUTOSAR data types which have an invalidValue speci-
fied, the Application Types header file shall contain the definition
1 #define InvalidValue_<prefix><DataType> <invalidValue><suffix>

<prefix> is the optional literalPrefix attribute defined by the Included-DataTypeSet
referring the AutosarDataType
<DataType> is the short name of the data type.
<invalidValue> is the value defined as invalidValue for the data type.
<suffix> shall be set according to [SWS_Rte_03619].c()
[SWS_Rte_08416] dThe Application Types Header File shall include the definitions of
all invalidValue constants used by this software component for each combination of
different literalPrefix and ApplicationPrimitiveDataType when the same
ImplementationDataType or ApplicationPrimitiveDataType is referenced
via different IncludedDataTypeSets.c(SRS_Rte_00167)

5.5.6 Data Types with bitfield conversions

AutosarDataTypes associated with a CompuMethod of category BIT-

FIELD_TEXTTABLE support the concatenation of a value set inside a single
scalar variable. Thereby single bits may get an individual (boolean) meaning or a
set of bits is used carry an enumeration. Please note that those data types are not
mapped to C bit fields rather than to scalars (e.g. uint8). Thereby the RTE Generator
provides a set of definitions for the "Bit Mask", "Bit Start Position" and the "Number
of Bits" in order to support the usage of the AUTOSAR Bit Handling Routines [32] for
those kind of data types. For some operations on a set of bits (the set may contain
only 1 bit) the AUTOSAR bitfield library requires a single contiguous bit field which
means that all bits set to 1 in the CompuScale.mask attribute value are adjoining, e.g.
0b00010000 or 0b00111100.
[SWS_Rte_07410] dFor each unique CompuScale.shortLabel / CompuScale.
mask value pair for a CompuScale which is located in the compuInternalToPhys
container of a CompuMethod referenced by an ImplementationDataType or Ap-
plicationPrimitiveDataType according [SWS_Rte_03809] with category BIT-
FIELD_TEXTTABLE the Application Types Header File shall contain a definition for the
bit field mask
1 #ifndef <prefix><BflMaskLabel>_BflMask
2 #define <prefix><BflMaskLabel>_BflMask <mask>U
3 #endif /* <prefix><BflMaskLabel>_BflMask */

586 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<BflMaskLabel> is the value of the attribute CompuScale.shortLabel
<mask> is the value of the attribute mask
<prefix> is the optional literalPrefix attribute defined by the Included-
DataTypeSet referring the AutosarDataType using the CompuMethod.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07411] dFor each unique CompuScale.shortLabel / CompuScale.
mask value pair for a CompuScale with a single contiguous bit field which is
located in the compuInternalToPhys container of a CompuMethod referenced
by an ImplementationDataType or ApplicationPrimitiveDataType accord-
ing [SWS_Rte_03809] with category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE the Application Types
Header File shall contain a definition for the bit start position
1 #ifndef <prefix><BflStartPnLabel>_BflPn
2 #define <prefix><BflStartPnLabel>_BflPn <BflStartPnNumber>U
3 #endif /* <prefix><BflStartPnLabel>_BflPn */

<BitStartPnLabel> is the value of the attribute CompuScale.shortLabel
<BflStartPnNumber> is the number of the first bit in the attribute value CompuS-
cale.mask which is set to 1. Thereby the bit counting starts from 0 (LSB) to n (MSB).
<prefix> is the optional literalPrefix attribute defined by the Included-
DataTypeSet referring the AutosarDataType using the CompuMethod.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07412] dFor each unique CompuScale.shortLabel / CompuScale.
mask value pair for a CompuScale with a single contiguous bit field which is
located in the compuInternalToPhys container of a CompuMethod referenced
by an ImplementationDataType or ApplicationPrimitiveDataType accord-
ing [SWS_Rte_03809] with category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE the Application Types
Header File shall contain a definition for the bit field length
1 #ifndef <prefix><BflLengthLabel>_BflLn
2 #define <prefix><BflLengthLabel>_BflLn <BflLength>U
3 #endif /* <prefix><BflLengthLabel>_BflLn */

<BflLengthLabel> is the value of the attribute shortLabel <BflLength> is the
number of contiguous bits set to 1 in the attribute value CompuScale.mask. <prefix>
is the optional literalPrefix attribute defined by the IncludedDataTypeSet re-
ferring the AutosarDataType using the CompuMethod.c(SRS_Rte_00167)
Please note the example in section F.3.
[SWS_Rte_07414] dThe requirements [SWS_Rte_07410], [SWS_Rte_07411], and
[SWS_Rte_07412] are only applied to CompuScales where the attribute shortLa-
bel is defined.c(SRS_Rte_00167)

587 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5.6 API Reference

The functions described in this section are organized by the RTE API mapping name
used by C and C++ AUTOSAR software-components to access the API. The API map-
ping hides from the AUTOSAR software-component programmer any need to be aware
of the steps taken by the RTE generator to ensure that the generated API functions
have unique names.
The instance handle as the first parameter of the API calls is marked as an optional
parameter in this section. If an AUTOSAR software-component supports multiple in-
stantiation, the instance handle shall be passed [SWS_Rte_01013].
Note that [SWS_Rte_03806] requires that the instance handle parameter does not
exist if the AUTOSAR software-component does not support multiple instantiation.

5.6.1 Rte_Ports

Purpose: Provide an array of the ports of a given interface type and a given
provide / require usage that can be accessed by the indirect API.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_02619] d
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

Where here <i> is the port interface name and ‘P’,‘R’ or ‘PR’ are lit-
erals to indicate provide, require or provide-require ports respectively.
[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method
for bypass support is enabled for the related software component
type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_Rte_00051)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_02613] dAn Rte_Ports API shall be created for each
interface type and usage by a port in at least one PreCompileTime
variant when the indirectAPI attribute of that port is set to true.c
Please note that the usage of the Rte_Ports API is not restricted
to particular runnables of the software component. Nevertheless the
constraints with respect to RTE API usage by specific runnables are
applicable for the according elements in the port data structure.
Description: The Rte_Ports API provides access to an array of ports for the port
oriented API.
[SWS_Rte_03602] dRte_Ports API shall return an array of ports
which contains only those ports for which the indirect API was gen-
erated or it shall return a NULL_PTR if the port data structure for this
port interface does not exist.c(SRS_Rte_00051)

588 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Return Value: Array of port data structures of the corresponding interface type and
Notes: The existence condition for the port data structure is specified in

5.6.2 Rte_NPorts

Purpose: Provide the number of ports of a given interface type and provide /
require usage that can be accessed through the indirect API.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_02614] d
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

Where here <i> is the port interface name and ‘P’, ‘R’ or ‘PR’ are
literals to indicate provide, require or provide-require ports respec-
tively. [Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper
method for bypass support is enabled for the related software com-
ponent type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_Rte_00051)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_02615] dAn Rte_NPorts API shall be created for each
interface type and usage by a port in at least one PreCompileTime
variant when the indirectAPI attribute of the port is set to true.c
Description: The Rte_NPorts API supports access to an array of ports for the
port oriented API.
[SWS_Rte_03603] dThe Rte_NPorts shall return the number of
ports of a given interface and provide / require usage for which the
indirect API was generated or 0 if the port port data structure for this
port interface does not exist.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
Return Value: Number of port data structures of the corresponding interface type
and usage.
Notes: The existance condition for the port data structure is specified in

5.6.3 Rte_Port

Purpose: Provide access to the port data structure for a single port of a particu-
lar software component instance. This allows a software component
to extract a sub-group of ports characterized by the same interface in
order to iterate over this sub-group.

589 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Signature: [SWS_Rte_01354] d
Rte_[Byps_]Port_<p>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

where <i> is the port interface name and <p> is the name of the port.
[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method
for bypass support is enabled for the related software component
type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_Rte_00051)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01355] dAn Rte_Port API shall be created for each port
of an AUTOSAR SW-C, for which the indirectAPI attribute is set
to true.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
Please note that the usage of the Rte_Port API is not restricted
to particular runnables of the software component. Nevertheless the
constraints with respect to RTE API usage by specific runnables are
applicable for the according elements in the port data structure.
Description: The Rte_Port API provides a pointer to a single port data structure,
in order to support the indirect API.
Return Value: Pointer to port data structure for the appropriate port.
Notes: None.

5.6.4 Rte_Write

Purpose: Initiate an “explicit” sender-receiver transmission of data elements

with “data” semantic (swImplPolicy different from queued).
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01071] d
If returnValueProvision of the related dataSendPoint(s) is
not set to noReturnValueProvided:
Rte_[Byps_]Write_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
IN <data>,
[IN Std_TransformerForward forwardedStatus],
[IN uint8* metaDataPtr],
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError])

If returnValueProvision of the related dataSendPoint(s) is

set to noReturnValueProvided:
Rte_[Byps_]Write_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
IN <data>,
[IN Std_TransformerForward forwardedStatus],
[IN uint8* metaDataPtr],
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError])

590 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Where <p> is the port name and <o> the VariableDataPro-

totype within the sender-receiver interface categorizing the port.
[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method
for bypass support is enabled for the related software component
type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00098,
SRS_Rte_00028, SRS_Rte_00131)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01280] dThe presence of a VariableAccess in the
dataSendPoint role for a provided VariableDataPrototype
with data semantics shall result in the generation of an Rte_-
Write API for the provided VariableDataPrototype.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09015] Rte_Write API may only be used
by the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_Write API may
only be used by the runnable that contains the corresponding Vari-
ableAccess in the dataSendPoint rolec()
[SWS_Rte_08574] dThe optional OUT parameter transformer-
Error of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of port
<p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute er-
rorHandling set to transformerErrorHandling.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_04573]{DRAFT} dThe optional IN parameter forward-
edStatus of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of
port <p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute
transformerStatusForwarding set to transformerStatus-
Description: The Rte_Write API call initiates a sender-receiver communication
where the transmission occurs at the point the API call is made (cf.
explicit transmission).
The Rte_Write API call includes the IN parameter <data> to pass
the data element to write.
The IN parameter <data> is passed by value or reference accord-
ing to the ImplementationDataType as described in the section
If the IN parameter <data> is passed by reference, the pointer must
remain valid until the API call returns.
The optional IN parameter metaDataPtr contains a pointer to the
meta data byte array which is to be forwarded to COM or LdCom.
See [SWS_Rte_03620].
The optional IN parameter forwardedStatus contains the trans-
former status which shall be reconstructed inside the transformer
chain. See ASWS TransformerGeneral [26].

591 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer

error which occurred during execution of the transformer chain. See
chapter 4.10.5.
The RTE generator shall take into account the kind of connected re-
quire port which might not be just a variable but also a NV data. The
table 4.13 gives an overview of compatibility rules.
Return Value: None in case returnValueProvision of the related dataSend-
Point(s) is set to noReturnValueProvided. Otherwise, the re-
turn value is used to indicate errors detected by the RTE during exe-
cution of the Rte_Write.
• [SWS_Rte_07820] dRTE_E_OK – data passed to communica-
tion service successfully.c(SRS_Rte_00094)
• [SWS_Rte_07822] dRTE_E_COM_STOPPED – the RTE could not
perform the operation because the communication service is
currently not available (inter ECU communication only). RTE
shall return RTE_E_COM_STOPPED when:
– in case of COM the corresponding service returns
– in case of LdCom the corresponding LdCom_Transmit re-
turns E_NOT_OK
• [SWS_Rte_02756] dRTE_E_SEG_FAULT – a segmentation vio-
lation is detected in the handed over parameters to the RTE API
as required in [SWS_Rte_02752] and [SWS_Rte_02753]. No
transmission is executed.c(SRS_Rte_00210)
• [SWS_Rte_01390] dRTE_E_COM_BUSY – The transmission is
rejected due to a currently ongoing transmission. The transmis-
sion is not executed.c(SRS_Rte_00246)
Note: API call can be retried after the currently ongoing request
has finished.
The return value of one transformer in the transformer chain
represented a hard transformer error.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-
The return value of at least one transformer in the transformer
chain was a soft error and no hard error occurred in the trans-
former chain.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)

592 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Notes: The Rte_Write call is used to transmit “data” (swImplPolicy not

[SWS_Rte_07824] dIn case of inter ECU communication, the Rte_-
Write shall cause an immediate transmission request.c(SRS_Rte_-
00028, SRS_Rte_00131)
Note that depending on the configuration a transmission request may
not result in an actual transmission, for example transmission may be
rate limited (time-based filtering) and thus dependent on other factors
than API calls.
[SWS_Rte_07826] dIn case of inter ECU communication, the Rte_-
Write API shall return when the signal has been passed to the com-
munication service for transmission.c(SRS_Rte_00028, SRS_Rte_-
Depending on the communication server the transmission may or
may not have been acknowledged by the receiver at the point the
API call returns.
[SWS_Rte_02635] dIn case of intra ECU communication, the Rte_-
Write API call shall return after copying the data to RTE local mem-
ory or using IOC buffers.c(SRS_Rte_00028, SRS_Rte_00131)
[SWS_Rte_01080] dIf the transmission acknowledgement is en-
abled, the RTE shall notify component when the transmission is ac-
knowledged or a transmission error occurs.c(SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_01082] dIf a provide port typed by a sender-receiver in-
terface has multiple require ports connected (i.e. it has multiple re-
ceivers), then the RTE shall ensure that writes to all receivers are
Requirement [SWS_Rte_01082] ensures that an error detected by
the RTE when writing to one receiver, e.g. communication is stopped,
does not prevent the transmission of this message to other compo-
[SWS_Rte_08413] dIf a provide port typed by a sender-receiver in-
terface has multiple require ports connected (i.e. it has multiple re-
ceivers), then the RTE shall return RTE_E_OK only if no error at all
[SWS_Rte_08414] dIn case of multiple faults during a call of Rte_-
Write the resulting return value shall be derived according to the
following priority rules (highest priority first):

593 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software


5.6.5 Rte_Send

Purpose: Initiate an “explicit” sender-receiver transmission of data elements

with “event” semantic (swImplPolicy equal to queued).
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01072] d
If returnValueProvision of the related dataSendPoint(s) is
not set to noReturnValueProvided:
Rte_[Byps_]Send_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
IN <data>,
[IN Std_TransformerForward forwardedStatus],
[IN uint8* metaDataPtr],
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError])

If returnValueProvision of the related dataSendPoint(s) is

set to noReturnValueProvided:
Rte_[Byps_]Send_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
IN <data>,
[IN Std_TransformerForward forwardedStatus],
[IN uint8* metaDataPtr],
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError])

Where <p> is the port name and <o> the VariableDataPro-

totype within the sender-receiver interface categorizing the port.
[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method
for bypass support is enabled for the related software component
type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00141,
SRS_Rte_00028, SRS_Rte_00131)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01281] dThe presence of a VariableAccess in the
dataSendPoint role for a provided VariableDataPrototype
with event semantics shall result in the generation of an Rte_-
Send API for the provided VariableDataPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09016] Rte_Send API may only be used by
the runnable that describes its usage dThe Rte_Send API may
only be used by the runnable that contains the corresponding Vari-
ableAccess in the dataSendPoint rolec()

594 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08562] dThe optional OUT parameter transformer-

Error of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of port
<p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute er-
rorHandling set to transformerErrorHandling.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_04574]{DRAFT} dThe optional IN parameter forward-
edStatus of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of
port <p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute
transformerStatusForwarding set to transformerStatus-
Description: The Rte_Send API call initiates a sender-receiver communication
where the transmission occurs at the point the API call is made (cf.
explicit transmission).
The Rte_Send API call includes the IN parameter <data> to pass
the data element to send.
The IN parameter <data> is passed by value or reference accord-
ing to the ImplementationDataType as described in the section
If the IN parameter <data> is passed by reference, the pointer must
remain valid until the API call returns.
The optional IN parameter metaDataPtr contains a pointer to the
meta data byte array which is to be forwarded to COM or LdCom.
See [SWS_Rte_03620].
The optional IN parameter forwardedStatus contains the trans-
former status which shall be reconstructed inside the transformer
chain. See ASWS TransformerGeneral [26].
The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occurred during execution of the transformer chain. See
chapter 4.10.5.
The RTE generator has to take into account the kind of connected
require port which might not be just a variable but also a NV data.
The table 4.13 gives an overview of compatibility rules.
Return Value: None in case returnValueProvision of the related dataSend-
Point(s) is set to noReturnValueProvided. Otherwise, the re-
turn value is used to indicate errors detected by the RTE during exe-
cution of the Rte_Send.
• [SWS_Rte_07821] dRTE_E_OK – data passed to communica-
tion service successfully.c(SRS_Rte_00094)
• [SWS_Rte_07823] dRTE_E_COM_STOPPED – the RTE could not
perform the operation because the communication service is

595 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

currently not available (inter ECU communication only). RTE

shall return RTE_E_COM_STOPPED when:
– in case of COM the corresponding service returns
– in case of LdCom the corresponding LdCom_Transmit re-
turns E_NOT_OK
• [SWS_Rte_02634] dRTE_E_LIMIT – an ‘event’ has been dis-
carded due to a full queue by one of the ECU local receivers
(intra ECU communication only).c(SRS_Rte_00143)
• [SWS_Rte_02754] dRTE_E_SEG_FAULT – a segmentation vio-
lation is detected in the handed over parameters to the RTE API
as required in [SWS_Rte_02752] and [SWS_Rte_02753]. No
transmission is executed.c(SRS_Rte_00210)
The return value of one transformer in the transformer chain
represented a hard transformer error.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-
The return value of at least one transformer in the transformer
chain was a soft error and no hard error occurred in the trans-
former chain.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
Notes: The Rte_Send call is used to transmit “events” (swImplPolicy =
[SWS_Rte_07825] dIn case of inter ECU communication, the Rte_-
Send shall cause an immediate transmission request.c(SRS_Rte_-
00028, SRS_Rte_00131)
Note that depending on the configuration a transmission request may
not result in an actual transmission, for example transmission may be
rate limited (time-based filtering) and thus dependent on other factors
than API calls.
[SWS_Rte_07827] dIn case of inter ECU communication, the Rte_-
Send API shall return when the signal has been passed to the com-
munication service for transmission.c(SRS_Rte_00028, SRS_Rte_-
Depending on the communication server the transmission may or
may not have been acknowledged by the receiver at the point the
API call returns.

596 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_02633] dIn case of intra ECU communication, the Rte_-

Send API call shall return after attempting to enqueue the data in the
IOC or RTE internal queues.c(SRS_Rte_00028, SRS_Rte_00131)
If the transmission acknowledgement is enabled, the RTE has to no-
tify component when the transmission is acknowledged or a trans-
mission error occurs. [SWS_Rte_01080]
If a provide port typed by a sender-receiver interface has multi-
ple require ports connected (i.e. it has multiple receivers), then
the RTE shall ensure that writes to all receivers are independent.
Requirement [SWS_Rte_01082] ensures that an error detected by
the RTE when writing to one receiver, e.g. an overflow in one compo-
nent’s queue, does not prevent the transmission of this message to
other components.
If a provide port typed by a sender-receiver interface has multi-
ple require ports connected (i.e. it has multiple receivers), then
the RTE shall return RTE_E_OK only if no error at all occurred.
[SWS_Rte_08415] dIn case of multiple faults during a call of Rte_-
Send the resulting return value shall be derived according to the fol-
lowing priority rules (highest priority first):
2. RTE_E_LIMIT (only in case of Intra-ECU communication)

5.6.6 Rte_Switch

Purpose: Initiate a mode switch. The Rte_Switch API call is used for ‘explicit’
sending of a mode switch notification.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_02631] d
If returnValueProvision of the related ModeSwitchPoint(s) is
not set to noReturnValueProvided:
Rte_[Byps_]Switch_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
IN <mode>)

597 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

If returnValueProvision of the related ModeSwitchPoint(s) is

set to noReturnValueProvided:
Rte_[Byps_]Switch_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
IN <mode>)

Where <p> is the port name and <o> the ModeDeclarationGroup-

Prototype within the ModeSwitchInterface categorizing the port.
[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method
for bypass support is enabled for the related software component
type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00143,
SRS_Rte_00028, SRS_Rte_00131)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_02632] dThe existence of a ModeSwitchPoint shall result
in the generation of a Rte_Switch API.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09017] Rte_Switch API may only be used
by the runnable that describes its usage dThe Rte_Switch API
may only be used by the runnable that contains the corresponding
Description: The Rte_Switch triggers a mode switch for all connected require
The Rte_Switch API call includes exactly one IN parameter for the
next mode <mode>. The IN parameter <mode> is passed by value
according to the ImplementationDataType on which the Mode-
DeclarationGroup is mapped. The type name shall be equal to the
shortName of the ImplementationDataType.
Return Value: None in case returnValueProvision of the related Mod-
eSwitchPoint(s) is set to noReturnValueProvided. Otherwise,
the return value is used to indicate errors detected by the RTE during
execution of the Rte_Switch call.
• [SWS_Rte_02674] dRTE_E_OK – data passed to service suc-
• [SWS_Rte_02675] dRTE_E_LIMIT – a mode switch has been
discarded by the receiving partition due to a full queue.c(SRS_-
Notes: Rte_Switch is restricted to ECU local communication.
If a mode instance is currently involved in a transition then the
Rte_Switch API will attempt to queue the request and re-
turn [SWS_Rte_02667]. However if no transition is in progress
for the mode instance, the mode disablings and the activations
of on-entry, on-transition, and on-exit ExecutableEntities for this

598 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

mode instance are executed before the Rte_Switch API returns

Note that the mode switch might be discarded when the queue is full
and a mode transition is in progress, see [SWS_Rte_02675].

5.6.7 Rte_Invalidate

Purpose: Invalidate a data element for an “explicit” sender-receiver transmis-

Signature: [SWS_Rte_01206] d
If returnValueProvision of the related dataSendPoint(s) is
not set to noReturnValueProvided:
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError])

If returnValueProvision of the related dataSendPoint(s) is

set to noReturnValueProvided:
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError])

Where <p> is the port name and <o> the VariableDataPro-

totype within the sender-receiver interface categorizing the port.
[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method
for bypass support is enabled for the related software component
type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00078)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01282] dAn Rte_Invalidate API shall be created for
any VariableAccess in the dataSendPoint role that references
a provided VariableDataPrototype which associated Invali-
dationPolicy is set to keep, replace or externalReplace-
ment.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09018] Rte_Invalidate API may only be
used by the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_Inval-
idate API may only be used by the runnable that contains the cor-
responding VariableAccess in the dataSendPoint rolec()
[SWS_Rte_08582] dThe optional OUT parameter transformer-
Error of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of port

599 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute er-

rorHandling set to transformerErrorHandling.c(SRS_Rte_-
Description: The Rte_Invalidate API takes the instance handle as input pa-
rameter. The return value is used to indicate the success, or other-
wise, of the API call to the caller.
The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occured during execution of the transformer chain. See
chapter 4.10.5.
Return Value: None in case returnValueProvision of the related dataSend-
Point(s) is set to noReturnValueProvided. Otherwise, the re-
turn value is used to indicate the “OK” status or errors detected by
the RTE during execution of the Rte_Invalidate call.
• [SWS_Rte_01207] dRTE_E_OK – No error occurred.c(SRS_-
• [SWS_Rte_01339] dRTE_E_COM_STOPPED – the RTE could not
perform the operation because the communication service is
currently not available (inter ECU communication only). RTE
shall return RTE_E_COM_STOPPED when:
– in case of COM the corresponding service returns
– in case of LdCom the corresponding LdCom_Transmit re-
turns E_NOT_OK
The return value of one transformer in the transformer chain
represented a hard transformer error.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-
The return value of at least one transformer in the transformer
chain was a soft error and no hard error occurred in the trans-
former chain.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
[SWS_Rte_08583] dIn case of multiple faults during a call of
Rte_Invalidate the resulting return value shall be derived ac-
cording to the following priority rules (highest priority first): (1)
Notes: The API name includes an identifier <p>_<o> that is formed from the
port and operation item names. See Section for details on the
naming convention.

600 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The communication service configuration determines whether the

signal receiver(s) receive an “invalid signal” notification or whether
the invalidated signal is silently replaced by the signal’s initial value.

5.6.8 Rte_Feedback

Purpose: Provide access to acknowledgement notifications for explicit sender-

receiver communication and to pass error notification to senders.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01083] d
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

Where <p> is the port name and <o> the VariableDataPro-

totype within the sender-receiver interface categorizing the port.
[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method
for bypass support is enabled for the related software component
type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00122)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01283] dAcknowledgement is enabled for a provided
VariableDataPrototype by the existence of a Transmission-
AcknowledgementRequest in the SenderComSpec.c(SRS_Rte_-
00051, SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_01284] dA blocking Rte_Feedback API shall be gener-
ated for a provided VariableDataPrototype if acknowledgement
is enabled and a WaitPoint references a DataSendCompletedE-
vent that in turn references the VariableAccess which in turn ref-
erences the VariableDataPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07850] dA blocking Rte_Feedback API shall block when
a transmission of the related VariableDataPrototype is ongo-
ing.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_07851] dA blocking Rte_Feedback API shall return:
• if the sender port is not connected or
• if the calling runnable runs in an exclusive area or
• if no transmission of the related VariableDataPrototype is
ongoing or
• when the wait point timeout occurs or
• when the related DataSendCompletedEvent is triggered.
c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00122)

601 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_01285] dA non-blocking Rte_Feedback API shall be

generated for a provided VariableDataPrototype if acknow-
ledgement is enabled and a VariableAccess in the dataSend-
Point role references the VariableDataPrototype but no
WaitPoint references the DataSendCompletedEvent that ref-
erences the VariableAccess which in turn references the Vari-
ableDataPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00122)
Please note that a non-blocking Rte_Feedback API does not re-
quire the existence of a DataSendCompletedEvent. If the
DataSendCompletedEvent exists it can be used to trigger the exe-
cution of a RunnableEntity in which the non-blocking Rte_Feed-
back API function may be called.
[SWS_Rte_01286] dIf acknowledgement is enabled for a provided
VariableDataPrototype and a DataSendCompletedEvent refer-
ences a runnable entity as well as the VariableAccess which in
turn references the VariableDataPrototype, the runnable entity
shall be activated when the transmission acknowledgement occurs
or when a timeout was detected by the RTE. [SWS_Rte_01137].c
(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00122)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_01286] merely affects when the runnable is
activated – an API call should still be created, according to require-
ment [SWS_Rte_01285] to actually read the data.
[SWS_Rte_01287] dA DataSendCompletedEvent that references
a RunnableEntity and is referenced by a WaitPoint shall be an
invalid configuration which is rejected by the RTE generator.c(SRS_-
Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09019] Rte_Feedback API may only be
used by the runnable that describe its usage dA blocking Rte_-
Feedback API may only be used by the runnable that contains the
corresponding WaitPointc()
[SWS_Rte_07634] dA call to Rte_Feedback shall not change the
status returned by Rte_Feedback.c(SRS_Rte_00122)
The Rte_Feedback API return value is only changed when a new
transmission is requested (Rte_Send or Rte_Write) or when the
notification from COM is received.
[SWS_Rte_07635] dAfter a Rte_Send or Rte_Write transmission
request, only the first notification from COM shall be taken into ac-
count for a given Signal or SignalGroup.c(SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_07635] is needed in case of cyclic transmission which
could result in multiple transmissions with different status.

602 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description: The Rte_Feedback API takes no parameters other than the in-
stance handle – the return value is used to indicate the acknowledge-
ment status to the caller.
The Rte_Feedback API applies only to explicit sender-receiver
Return Value: The return value is used to indicate the status of the transmission and
errors detected by the RTE.
• [SWS_Rte_01084] dRTE_E_NO_DATA – No acknowledgments
or error notifications were received from COM when the Rte_-
Feedback API was called (non-blocking call) or when the
WaitPoint timeout expired (blocking call).c(SRS_Rte_00094,
• RTE_E_COM_STOPPED – returned in one of these cases:
– [SWS_Rte_07636] d(Inter-ECU communication only)
The last transmission was rejected (when the
Rte_Send or Rte_Write API was called), with an
RTE_E_COM_STOPPED return code.c(SRS_Rte_00094,
– [SWS_Rte_03774] d(Inter-ECU communication only) An er-
ror notification from COM was received before any timeout
notification.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00122)
• [SWS_Rte_07637] dRTE_E_TIMEOUT – (Inter-ECU and Inter-
Partition only) A timeout notification was received from COM or
IOC before any error notification.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_-
• [SWS_Rte_01086] dRTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK – In case of inter-
ECU communication, a transmission acknowledgment was re-
ceived from COM; or in case of intra-ECU communication, even
if a queue overflow occurred.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_-
• RTE_E_UNCONNECTED – Indicates that the sender port is not
connected [SWS_Rte_01344].
• [SWS_Rte_02740] dRTE_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA – Used
only for the blocking API. RTE_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA indi-
cates that the runnable can not enter wait, as one of the Ex-
ecutableEntitys in the call stack of this task is currently
in an exclusive area, see [SWS_Rte_02739]. - In a properly
configured system, this error should not occur. The check can
be disabled according to [SWS_Rte_08318].c(SRS_Rte_00092,
SRS_Rte_00046, SRS_Rte_00032)

603 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The return value of one transformer in the transformer chain
represented a hard transformer error.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-
The return value of at least one transformer in the transformer
chain was a soft error and no hard error occurred in the trans-
former chain.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_08318] dIf RteInExclusiveAreaCheckEnabled
is set to false the RTE generator shall omit the check and return
of [SWS_Rte_02740].c(SRS_Rte_00092, SRS_Rte_00046,
RTE_E_UNCONNECTED return values are not considered to be
an error but rather indicates correct operation of the API call.
[SWS_Rte_07652] dThe initial return value of the Rte_Feed-
back API, before any attempt to write some data shall
be RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00122,
SRS_Rte_00128, SRS_Rte_00185)
[SWS_Rte_08075] dIn case of multiple faults during a
call of Rte_Feedback the resulting return value shall
be derived according to the following priority rules
(highest priority first): (1) RTE_E_UNCONNECTED, (2)
Notes: If multiple transmissions on the same port/element are outstanding
it is not possible to determine which is acknowledged first. If this is
important, transmissions should be call serialized with the next oc-
curring only when the previous transmission has been acknowledged
or has timed out.
A transmission acknowledgment (or error and timeout) notification is
not always provided by COM (the bus or PDU Router may not sup-
port transmission acknowledgment for this PDU, or COM may not be
configured to perform transmission deadline monitoring).
In case of a blocking Rte_Feedback the value of the WaitPoint
timeout depends on the timeout defined at the COM level.

604 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5.6.9 Rte_SwitchAck

Purpose: Provide access to mode switch completed acknowledgements and

error notifications to mode managers.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_02725] d
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

Where <p> is the port name and <o> the ModeDeclara-

tionGroupPrototype within the ModeSwitchInterface cate-
gorizing the port. [Byps_] is an optional infix used when compo-
nent wrapper method for bypass support is enabled for the related
software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310,
Existence: [SWS_Rte_02676] dAcknowledgement is enabled for a provided
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype by the existence of a Mod-
eSwitchedAckRequest in the ModeSwitchSenderComSpec.c
(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_02677] dA blocking Rte_SwitchAck API shall be gen-
erated for a provided ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype if ack-
nowledgement is enabled and a WaitPoint references a Mod-
eSwitchedAckEvent that in turn references the ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_07846] dA blocking Rte_SwitchAck API shall block
when a mode switch in the related mode machine instance is on-
going.c(SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00092)
[SWS_Rte_07847] dA blocking Rte_SwitchAck API shall return:
• if the mode machine instance behaves as unconnected or
• if the calling runnable runs in an exclusive area or
• if no mode switch in the related mode machine instance is on-
going or
• when the wait point timeout occurs or
• when the related ModeSwitchedAckEvent is triggered.
c(SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00092, SRS_Rte_00139)
[SWS_Rte_02678] dA non-blocking Rte_SwitchAck API shall be
generated for a provided ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
if acknowledgement is enabled but no WaitPoint references
a ModeSwitchedAckEvent that references the ModeDeclara-

605 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note that a non-blocking API does not require the existence
of a ModeSwitchedAckEvent. If the ModeSwitchedAckEvent
exists it can be used to trigger the execution of a RunnableEntity
in which the non-blocking API function may be called.c(SRS_Rte_-
00051, SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09020] The blocking Rte_SwitchAck API
may only be used by the runnable that describes its usage. dA
blocking Rte_SwitchAck API must only be used by the runnable
that contains the corresponding WaitPointc()
Description: The Rte_SwitchAck API takes no parameters other than the in-
stance handle – the return value is used to indicate the acknowledge-
ment status to the caller.
Return Value: The return value is used to indicate the status of a mode switch and
errors detected by the RTE.
• [SWS_Rte_02727] dRTE_E_NO_DATA – (non-blocking read)
The mode switch is still in progress.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-
• [SWS_Rte_02728] dRTE_E_TIMEOUT – The configured time-
out exceeds before the mode transition was completed.c(SRS_-
Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00210)
• [SWS_Rte_03853] dRTE_E_TIMEOUT – Any mode users par-
tition is stopped or restarting or has been restarted while
the mode switch was requested.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_-
• [SWS_Rte_02729] dRTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK – The mode
switch has been completed (see [SWS_Rte_02587]).c(SRS_-
Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00122)
• [SWS_Rte_07659] dRTE_E_UNCONNECTED – Indicates that the
mode provider port is not connected.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-
Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00139)
• [SWS_Rte_02741] dRTE_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA – Used
only for the blocking API. RTE_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA indi-
cates that the runnable can not enter wait, as one of the Ex-
ecutableEntitys in the call stack of this task is currently
in an exclusive area, see [SWS_Rte_02739]. - In a properly
configured system, this error should not occur. The check can
be disabled according to [SWS_Rte_08319].c(SRS_Rte_00092,
SRS_Rte_00046, SRS_Rte_00032)
• [SWS_Rte_08319] dIf RteInExclusiveAreaCheckEnabled
is set to false the RTE generator shall omit the check and return

606 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

of [SWS_Rte_02741].c(SRS_Rte_00092, SRS_Rte_00046,
The RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK return value is not considered to be
an error but rather indicates correct operation of the API call.
When RTE_E_NO_DATA occurs, a component is free to re-invoke
Rte_SwitchAck and thus repeat the attempt to read the status of
the mode switch.
[SWS_Rte_07848] dThe initial return value of the Rte_-
SwitchAck API before any attempt to switch a mode shall be
RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_07849] dIn case of multiple faults during
a call of Rte_SwitchAck the resulting return value
shall be derived according to the following priority rules
(highest priority first): (1) RTE_E_UNCONNECTED, (2)
Notes: If multiple mode switches of the same mode machine instance
are outstanding, it is not possible to determine which is acknowl-
edged first. If this is important, switches should be serialized with
the next switch occurring only when the previous switch has been
acknowledged. The queue length should be 1.

5.6.10 Rte_Read

Purpose: Performs an “explicit” read on a sender-receiver communication data

element with “data” semantics (swImplPolicy != queued). By
compatibility, the port may also have a ParameterInterface or
a NvDataInterface. The Rte_Read API is used for explicit read
by argument.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01091] d
If returnValueProvision of the related dataReceivePointB-
yArgument(s) is not set to noReturnValueProvided:
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
OUT <data>,
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError],
[OUT uint8* metaDataPtr])

If returnValueProvision of the related dataReceivePointB-

yArgument(s) is set to noReturnValueProvided:

607 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
OUT <data>,
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError],
[OUT uint8* metaDataPtr])

Where <p> is the port name and <o> the VariableDataPro-

totype within the sender-receiver interface categorizing the port.
[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method
for bypass support is enabled for the related software component
type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00141,
SRS_Rte_00028, SRS_Rte_00131)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01289] dA non-blocking Rte_Read API shall be gener-
ated if a VariableAccess in the dataReceivePointByArgu-
ment role references a required VariableDataPrototype with
‘data’ semantics.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_07396] dThe RTE shall ensure that direct explicit read
accesses will not deliver undefined data item values. In case there
may be an explicit read access before the first data reception an initial
value shall be provided as the result of this explicit read access.c
(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00183)
A WaitPoint cannot reference a DataReceivedEvent that
in turn references a required VariableDataPrototype with
‘data’ semantics shall be considered an invalid configuration (see
[SWS_Rte_03018]). Hence there are no blocking Rte_Read API.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09021] Rte_Read API may only be used by
the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_Read API may
only be used by the runnable that contains the corresponding Vari-
ableAccess in the dataReceivePointByArgument rolec()
[SWS_Rte_01313] dA DataReceivedEvent that references a
runnable entity and is referenced by a WaitPoint shall be an in-
valid configuration.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00018)
The RTE generator shall take into account the kind of provide port
which might not be just a variable but also a Parameter (fixed, const
or standard), a standard sender (i.e. a variable) or a NV data. The
table 4.13 gives an overview of compatibility rules.
[SWS_Rte_08563] dThe optional OUT parameter transformer-
Error of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of port
<p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute er-
rorHandling set to transformerErrorHandling.c(SRS_Rte_-

608 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The optional OUT parameter metaDataPtr contains a pointer to the

meta data byte array which is to be forwarded from COM or LdCom.
See [SWS_Rte_03620].
Description: The Rte_Read API call includes the OUT parameter <data> to pass
back the received data.
The pointer to the OUT parameter <data> must remain valid until
the API call returns.
The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occured during execution of the transformer chain. See
chapter 4.10.5.
Return Value: None in case returnValueProvision of the related dataRe-
ceivePointByArgument(s) is set to noReturnValueProvided.
Otherwise, the return value is used to indicate errors detected by the
RTE during execution of the Rte_Read API call or errors detected by
the communication system.
• [SWS_Rte_01093] dRTE_E_OK – data read successfully.c
• [SWS_Rte_02626] dRTE_E_INVALID – data element in-
• [SWS_Rte_02703] dRTE_E_MAX_AGE_EXCEEDED – data
element outdated. This Overlayed Error can be
combined with any other error code.c(SRS_Rte_00147)
• [SWS_Rte_07643] dRTE_E_NEVER_RECEIVED – No data re-
ceived since system start or partition restart.c(SRS_Rte_00184,
• [SWS_Rte_01371] dRTE_E_OUT_OF_RANGE – data ele-
ment out of range.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
• [SWS_Rte_01391] dRTE_E_COM_BUSY – The read request is
rejected due to a currently ongoing reception. No received data
can be provided.c(SRS_Rte_00246)
Note: API call can be retried after the currently ongoing request
has finished.
• [SWS_Rte_06830] dRTE_E_COM_STOPPED – The RTE could
not perform the operation because the COM service is currently
not available (inter ECU communication only). RTE shall return
RTE_E_COM_STOPPED when the corresponding COM service
returns COM_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE. In case of stopped
I-PDUS the last known value (or init value) is given back as

609 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• RTE_E_UNCONNECTED – Indicates that the receiver port is not

connected [SWS_Rte_01330].
The return value of one transformer in the transformer chain
represented a hard transformer error.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-
The return value of at least one transformer in the transformer
chain was a soft error and no hard error occurred in the trans-
former chain.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
[SWS_Rte_08592] dIn case of multiple faults during a call of Rte_-
Read the resulting return value shall be derived according to the fol-
lowing priority rules (highest priority first):
Please note that RTE_E_MAX_AGE_EXCEEDED is an overlay error
and could be combined with any other error. Nevertheless in case
itoring is NOT active which in turn excludes the coincidence of
Notes: The API name includes an identifier <p>_<o> that indicates the read
access point name and is formed from the port and operation item
names. See section for details on the naming convention.

5.6.11 Rte_DRead

Purpose: Performs an “explicit” read on a sender-receiver communication data

element with “data” semantics (swImplPolicy != queued). By
compatibility, the port may also have a ParameterInterface or

610 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

a NvDataInterface. The Rte_DRead API is used for explicit read

by value.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_07394] d
Rte_[Byps_]DRead_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError],
[OUT uint8* metaDataPtr])

Where <p> is the port name and <o> the VariableDataPro-

totype within the sender-receiver interface categorizing the port.
[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method
for bypass support is enabled for the related software component
type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00141,
SRS_Rte_00028, SRS_Rte_00131, SRS_Rte_00183)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_07395] dA non-blocking Rte_DRead API shall be gen-
erated if a VariableAccess in the dataReceivePointByValue
role references a required VariableDataPrototype with ‘data’
semantics. This requirement is applicable only for primitive data
types.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00183)
The RTE shall ensure that direct explicit read accesses will not de-
liver undefined data item values. In case there may be an explicit
read access before the first data reception an initial value has to be
provided as the result of this explicit read access. [SWS_Rte_07396]
A WaitPoint cannot reference a DataReceivedEvent that in turn
references a required VariableDataPrototype with ‘data’ se-
mantics. Such a configuration has to be considered as invalid (see
[SWS_Rte_03018]). Hence there are no blocking Rte_DRead API.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09022] Rte_DRead API may only be used
by the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_DRead API may
only be used by the runnable that contains the corresponding Vari-
ableAccess in the dataReceivePointByValue rolec()
A DataReceivedEvent that references a runnable entity and
is referenced by a WaitPoint shall be an invalid configuration.
The RTE generator shall take into account the kind of provide port
which might not be just a variable but also a Parameter (fixed, const
or standard), a standard sender (i.e. a variable) or a NV data. The
table 4.13 gives an overview of compatibility rules.
[SWS_Rte_08565] dThe optional OUT parameter transformer-
Error of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of port

611 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute er-

rorHandling set to transformerErrorHandling.c(SRS_Rte_-
The optional OUT parameter metaDataPtr contains a pointer to the
meta data byte array which is to be forwarded from COM or LdCom.
See [SWS_Rte_03620].
Description: The Rte_DRead API returns the received data as a return value.
The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occured during execution of the transformer chain. See
chapter 4.10.5.
Return Value: The Rte_DRead return value provide access to the data value of the
The return type of Rte_DRead is dependent on the Implementa-
tionDataType of the VariableDataPrototype. Thus the com-
ponent does not need to use type casting to convert access to the
VariableDataPrototype data.
For details of the <return> value definition see section
Please note that the Rte_DRead API only supports VariableDat-
aPrototypes typed by a Primitive Implementation Data
Type or Redefinition Implementation Data Type redefin-
ing a Primitive Implementation Data Type.
Notes: The API name includes an identifier <p>_<o> that indicates the read
access point name and is formed from the port and operation item
names. See section for details on the naming convention.

5.6.12 Rte_Receive

Purpose: Performs an “explicit” read on a sender-receiver communication data

element with “event” semantics (swImplPolicy = queued).
[SWS_Rte_01092] d
If returnValueProvision of the related dataReceivePointB-
yArgument(s) is not set to noReturnValueProvided:
Rte_[Byps_]Receive_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
OUT <data>,
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError],
[OUT uint8* metaDataPtr])

If returnValueProvision of the related dataReceivePointB-

yArgument(s) is set to noReturnValueProvided:

612 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Rte_[Byps_]Receive_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
OUT <data>,
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError],
[OUT uint8* metaDataPtr])

Where <p> is the port name and <o> the data element within the
sender-receiver interface categorizing the port. [Byps_] is an op-
tional infix used when component wrapper method for bypass sup-
port is enabled for the related software component type (See chap-
ter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00141, SRS_Rte_00028,
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01288] dA non-blocking Rte_Receive API shall be gen-
erated if a VariableAccess in the dataReceivePointByArgu-
ment role references a required VariableDataPrototype with
‘event’ semantics.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_07638] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations
were a VariableDataPrototype with ‘event’ semantics is refer-
enced by a VariableAccess in the dataReceivePointByValue
[SWS_Rte_01290] dA blocking Rte_Receive API shall be gener-
ated if a VariableAccess in the dataReceivePointByArgu-
ment role references a required VariableDataPrototype with
‘event’ semantics that is, in turn, referenced by a DataReceivedE-
vent and the DataReceivedEvent is referenced by a Wait-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09023] Rte_Receive API may only be
used by the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_Re-
ceive API may only be used by the runnable that contains the cor-
responding VariableAccess in the dataReceivePointByArgu-
ment rolec()
A DataReceivedEvent that references a runnable entity and is refer-
enced by a WaitPoint has to be treated as an invalid configuration.
[SWS_Rte_08564] dThe optional OUT parameter transformer-
Error of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of port
<p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute er-
rorHandling set to transformerErrorHandling.c(SRS_Rte_-
The optional OUT parameter metaDataPtr contains a pointer to the
meta data byte array which is to be forwarded from COM or LdCom.
See [SWS_Rte_03620].

613 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description: The Rte_Receive API call includes the OUT parameter <data> to
pass back the received data element.
The pointers to the OUT parameters must remain valid until the API
call returns.
[SWS_Rte_07673] dIn case return value is
RTE_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA, the OUT parameters shall remain
unchanged.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00141)
The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occured during execution of the transformer chain. See
chapter 4.10.5.
Return Value: None in case returnValueProvision of the related dataRe-
ceivePointByArgument(s) is set to noReturnValueProvided.
Otherwise, the return value is used to indicate errors detected by the
RTE during execution of the Rte_Receive API call or errors de-
tected by the communication system.
• [SWS_Rte_02598] dRTE_E_OK – data read successfully.c
• [SWS_Rte_01094] dRTE_E_NO_DATA – (explicit non-blocking
read) no events were received and no other error occurred when
the read was attempted.c(SRS_Rte_00094)
• [SWS_Rte_01095] dRTE_E_TIMEOUT – (explicit blocking read)
no events were received and no other error occurred when the
read was attempted.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00069)
• [SWS_Rte_02572] dRTE_E_LOST_DATA – Indicates that some
incoming data has been lost due to an overflow of the receive
queue or due to an error of the underlying communication lay-
ers. This is not an error of the data returned in the parameters.
This Overlayed Error can be combined with any other er-
ror.c(SRS_Rte_00107, SRS_Rte_00110, SRS_Rte_00094)
• RTE_E_UNCONNECTED – Indicates that the receiver port is not
connected [SWS_Rte_01331].
Unlike RTE_E_NO_DATA, there is no need to retry receiving an
event in this case.
• [SWS_Rte_02743] dRTE_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA – Used
only for the blocking API. RTE_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA indi-
cates that the runnable can not enter wait, as one of the Ex-
ecutableEntitys in the call stack of this task is currently
in an exclusive area, see [SWS_Rte_02739]. - In a properly
configured system, this error should not occur. The check can

614 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

be disabled according to [SWS_Rte_08320].c(SRS_Rte_00092,

SRS_Rte_00046, SRS_Rte_00032)
• [SWS_Rte_08320] dIf RteInExclusiveAreaCheckEnabled
is set to false the RTE generator shall omit the check and return
of [SWS_Rte_02743].c(SRS_Rte_00092, SRS_Rte_00046,
The return value of one transformer in the transformer chain
represented a hard transformer error.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-
The return value of at least one transformer in the transformer
chain was a soft error and no hard error occurred in the trans-
former chain.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
RTE_E_UNCONNECTED return values are not considered to be
errors but rather indicate correct operation of the API call.
[SWS_Rte_08593] dIn case of multiple faults during a call of Rte_-
Receive the resulting return value shall be derived according to the
following priority rules (highest priority first):
Please note that RTE_E_LOST_DATA is an overlay error and could
be combined with any other error. Nevertheless in case of
RTE_E_UNCONNECTED its not possible to lose data which in turn ex-
cludes the coincidence of RTE_E_LOST_DATA.
Notes: The API name includes an identifier <p>_<o> that indicates the read
access point name and is formed from the port and operation item
names. See Section for details on the naming convention.

615 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5.6.13 Rte_Call

Purpose: Initiate a client-server communication.

Signature: [SWS_Rte_01102] d
If returnValueProvision of the related ServerCallPoint(s) is
not set to noReturnValueProvided:
Rte_[Byps_]Call_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[IN|IN/OUT|OUT] <data_1>...
[IN|IN/OUT|OUT] <data_n>,
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError])

If returnValueProvision of the related ServerCallPoint(s) is

set to noReturnValueProvided:
Rte_[Byps_]Call_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[IN|IN/OUT|OUT] <data_1>...
[IN|IN/OUT|OUT] <data_n>,
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError])

Where <p> is the port name and <o> the operation within the client-
server interface categorizing the port. [Byps_] is an optional infix
used when component wrapper method for bypass support is en-
abled for the related software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c
(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00029)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01293] dA synchronous Rte_Call API shall be gener-
ated if a SynchronousServerCallPoint references a required
ClientServerOperation.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00111)
[SWS_Rte_01294] dAn asynchronous Rte_Call API shall be gen-
erated if an AsynchronousServerCallPoint references a re-
quired ClientServerOperation.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_-
A configuration that includes both synchronous and asynchronous
ServerCallPoints for a given ClientServerOperation is invalid
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09024] Rte_Call API may only be used by
the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_Call API may only
be used by the runnable that contains the corresponding Server-
[SWS_Rte_08566] dThe optional OUT parameter transformer-
Error of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of port

616 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute er-

rorHandling set to transformerErrorHandling.c(SRS_Rte_-
Description: Client function to initiate client-server communication. The Rte_-
Call API is used for both synchronous and asynchronous calls.
The Rte_Call API includes zero or more IN, IN/OUT and OUT pa-
[SWS_Rte_06639] dIN/OUT parameters are passed by value when
they are "Primitive Implementation Data Type"s and the call is asyn-
chronous.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00111)
Rational: In case of an asynchronous call, the IN/OUT parameters
are only IN parameters.
The IN, IN/OUT and OUT parameters are passed by value or refer-
ence according to the ImplementationDataType as described in
the section
The pointers to all parameters passed by reference must remain valid
until the API call returns.
The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occured during execution of the transformer chain. See
chapter 4.10.5.
Return Value: None in case returnValueProvision of the related Server-
CallPoint(s) is set to noReturnValueProvided. Otherwise:
[SWS_Rte_01103] dThe return value shall be used to indicate infras-
tructure errors detected by the RTE during execution of the Rte_-
Call call and, for synchronous communication, infrastructure and
application errors during execution of the server.c(SRS_Rte_00094,
SRS_Rte_00123, SRS_Rte_00124)
• [SWS_Rte_01104] dRTE_E_OK – The API call completed suc-
Note: This means that RTE_E_OK is returned when neither an
infrastructure error nor an overlay error occurred at the invoca-
tion of the server runnable and the invoked server runnable was
returning a value equal to E_OK.
• [SWS_Rte_01105] dRTE_E_LIMIT – The client has multiple
outstanding asynchronous client-server invocations of the same
operation in the same port. The server invocation shall be dis-
carded, the buffers of the return parameters shall not be mod-
ified (see also [SWS_Rte_02658]).c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-

617 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software


is not able to allocate the buffer needed to transform the data.c
(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
The return value of one transformer in the transformer chain
represented a hard transformer error.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-
The return value of at least one transformer in the transformer
chain was a soft error and no hard error occurred in the trans-
former chain.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_01106] dRTE_E_COM_STOPPED – the RTE could not
perform the operation because the communication service is
currently not available (inter ECU communication only). RTE
shall return RTE_E_COM_STOPPED when:
– in case of COM the corresponding service returns
– in case of LdCom the corresponding LdCom_Transmit re-
turns E_NOT_OK
The buffers of the return parameters shall not be modified.c
• [SWS_Rte_01107] dRTE_E_TIMEOUT – (synchronous inter-
task and inter-ECU only) No reply was received within the con-
figured timeout. The buffers of the return parameters shall not
be modified.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00069)
• RTE_E_UNCONNECTED – Indicates that the client port is not con-
nected [SWS_Rte_01334].
• [SWS_Rte_02744] dRTE_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA – Used
only for the blocking API. RTE_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA indi-
cates that the runnable can not enter wait, as one of the Ex-
ecutableEntitys in the call stack of this task is currently
in an exclusive area, see [SWS_Rte_02739]. - In a properly
configured system, this error should not occur. The check can
be disabled according to [SWS_Rte_08321].c(SRS_Rte_00092,
SRS_Rte_00046, SRS_Rte_00032)
• [SWS_Rte_08321] dIf RteInExclusiveAreaCheckEnabled
is set to false the RTE generator shall omit the check and return
of [SWS_Rte_02744].c(SRS_Rte_00092, SRS_Rte_00046,

618 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• [SWS_Rte_02755] dRTE_E_SEG_FAULT – a segmentation vio-

lation is detected in the handed over parameters to the RTE API
as required in [SWS_Rte_02752] and [SWS_Rte_02753]. No
transmission is executed.c(SRS_Rte_00210)
• [SWS_Rte_02577] dThe application error (synchronous client-
server) from a server shall only be returned if none of the above
infrastructure errors (other than RTE_E_OK) have occurred.c
• [SWS_Rte_01392] dRTE_E_COM_BUSY – The transmission is
rejected due to a currently ongoing transmission. The transmis-
sion is not executed.c(SRS_Rte_00246)
• [SWS_Rte_04553] dRTE_E_TIMEOUT – if the call is ignored ac-
cording to [SWS_Rte_02535]c()
Note: API call can be retried after the currently ongoing request
has finished.
[SWS_Rte_08594] dIn case of multiple faults during a call of Rte_-
Call the resulting return value shall be derived according to the fol-
lowing priority rules (highest priority first):
9. "application error"
Note that the RTE_E_OK return value indicates that the Rte_Call
API call completed successfully. In case of a synchronous client
server call it also indicates successful processing of the request by
the server.
An asynchronous server invocation is considered to be outstanding,
if alternatively

619 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

1. no timeout has occurred, an AsynchronousServerCallRe-

sultPoint exists, and the client has not retrieved the result
successfully yet.
2. no timeout has occurred, no AsynchronousServerCallRe-
sultPoint exists, and the server has not finished to process
the last request of the client yet.
3. a timeout has been detected by the RTE in inter-ECU and inter-
partition communication.
4. the server runnable has terminated after a timeout was detected
in intra-ECU communication.
When the RTE_E_TIMEOUT error occurs, RTE shall discard any sub-
sequent responses to that request, (see [SWS_Rte_02657]).
Notes: [SWS_Rte_01109] dThe interface operation’s OUT parameters shall
be omitted for an asynchronous call.c(SRS_Rte_00029, SRS_Rte_-
In case of asynchronous communication:
• the Rte_Call only includes IN and IN/OUT parameters.
• the Rte_Result only includes IN/OUT and OUT parameters to
collect the result of the server call.
• the IN/OUT parameters provided during the Rte_Call can be
a different addresse than the IN/OUT parameter passed during
the Rte_Result.

5.6.14 Rte_Result

Purpose: Get the result of an asynchronous client-server call.

Signature: [SWS_Rte_01111] d
If returnValueProvision of the related Asyn-
chronousServerCallResultPoint(s) is not set to noRe-
Rte_[Byps_]Result_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[IN/OUT|OUT <param 1>]...
[IN/OUT|OUT <param n>],
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError])

If returnValueProvision of the related Asyn-

chronousServerCallResultPoint(s) is set to noReturn-

620 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Rte_[Byps_]Result_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[IN/OUT|OUT <param 1>]...
[IN/OUT|OUT <param n>],
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError])

Where <p> is the port name and <o> the operation within the client-
server interface categorizing the port. [Byps_] is an optional infix
used when component wrapper method for bypass support is en-
abled for the related software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c
The signature can include zero or more IN/OUT and OUT parame-
ters depending on the signature of the operation in the client-server
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01296] dA non-blocking Rte_Result API shall be gen-
erated if an AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint exists for
the specific RunnableEntity and this AsynchronousServer-
CallResultPoint references an AsynchronousServerCall-
Point which according to [SWS_Rte_01294] leads to the genera-
tion of an asynchronous Rte_Call API but no WaitPoint (of the
RunnableEntity) references an AsynchronousServerCallRe-
turnsEvent that references the AsynchronousServerCallRe-
Please note that a non-blocking Rte_Result API does not require
the existence of a AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent. If
the AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent exists it can be
used to trigger the execution of a RunnableEntity in which the
non-blocking Rte_Result API function may be called.
[SWS_Rte_01297] dA blocking Rte_Result API shall be gen-
erated if an AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint exists for
the specific RunnableEntity and this AsynchronousServer-
CallResultPoint references an AsynchronousServerCall-
Point which according to [SWS_Rte_01294] leads to the genera-
tion of an asynchronous Rte_Call API and a WaitPoint (of the
RunnableEntity) references an AsynchronousServerCallRe-
turnsEvent that references the AsynchronousServerCallRe-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09025] Blocking Rte_Result API may only
be used by the runnable that describe the WaitPoint dThe block-
ing Rte_Result API may only be used by the runnable that contains
the corresponding WaitPointc()
[SWS_Rte_01298] dIf an AsynchronousServerCallRe-
turnsEvent references a RunnableEntity and a required

621 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

ClientServerOperation, the RunnableEntity shall be acti-

vated when the operation’s result is available or when a timeout was
detected by the RTE [SWS_Rte_01133].c(SRS_Rte_00051)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_01298] merely affects when the runnable is
activated – an API call should still be created to actually read the
reply based on requirement [SWS_Rte_01296].
[SWS_Rte_01312] dAn AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEv-
ent that references a runnable entity and is referenced by a Wait-
Point is invalid.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_08567] dThe optional OUT parameter transformer-
Error of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of port
<p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute er-
rorHandling set to transformerErrorHandling.c(SRS_Rte_-
Description: The Rte_Result API is used by a client to collect the result of an
asynchronous client-server communication.
The Rte_Result API includes zero or more IN/OUT and OUT pa-
rameters to pass back results.
The pointers to all parameters passed by reference must remain valid
until the API call returns.
The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occured during execution of the transformer chain. See
chapter 4.10.5.
Return Value: None in case returnValueProvision of the related Asyn-
chronousServerCallResultPoint(s) is set to noReturnVal-
ueProvided. Otherwise, the return value is used to indicate errors
from either the Rte_Result call itself or communication errors de-
tected before the API call was made.
• [SWS_Rte_01112] dRTE_E_OK – The API call completed suc-
Note: This means that RTE_E_OK is returned when neither an
infrastructure error nor an overlay error occurred at the invoca-
tion of the server runnable and the invoked server runnable was
returning a value equal to E_OK.
is not able to allocate the buffer needed to transform the data.c
(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
The return value of one transformer in the transformer chain

622 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

represented a hard transformer error.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-

The return value of at least one transformer in the transformer
chain was a soft error and no hard error occurred in the trans-
former chain.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_01113] dRTE_E_NO_DATA – (non-blocking read)
The server’s result is not available but no other error occurred
within the API call or the server was not called since Rte_-
Start or the restart of the Partition. The buffers for the IN/OUT
and OUT parameters shall not be modified.c(SRS_Rte_00094)
• [SWS_Rte_08301] dRTE_E_NO_DATA – (non-
blocking read) The previous Rte_Call returned an
• [SWS_Rte_01114] dRTE_E_TIMEOUT – The server’s result is
not available within the specified timeout but no other error oc-
curred within the API call. The buffers for the IN/OUT and OUT
parameters shall not be modified.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-
• [SWS_Rte_03606] dRTE_E_COM_STOPPED – the RTE could not
perform the operation because the COM service is currently
not available (inter ECU communication only). RTE shall re-
turn RTE_E_COM_STOPPED when the corresponding COM ser-
vice returns COM_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE. The server’s re-
sult has not been successfully retrieved from the communication
service. The buffers of the return parameters shall not be modi-
• RTE_E_UNCONNECTED – Indicates that the client port is not con-
nected [SWS_Rte_01333].
• [SWS_Rte_02745] dRTE_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA – Used
only for the blocking API. RTE_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA indi-
cates that the runnable can not enter wait, as one of the Ex-
ecutableEntitys in the call stack of this task is currently
in an exclusive area, see [SWS_Rte_02739]. - In a properly
configured system, this error should not occur. The check can
be disabled according to [SWS_Rte_08322].c(SRS_Rte_00092,
SRS_Rte_00046, SRS_Rte_00032)
• [SWS_Rte_08322] dIf RteInExclusiveAreaCheckEnabled
is set to false the RTE generator shall omit the check and return
of [SWS_Rte_02745].c(SRS_Rte_00092, SRS_Rte_00046,

623 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_02746] dRte_Result shall not return

RTE_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA, if the wait is resolved by a
mapping of the server runnable to a task with higher prior-
ity on the same core.c(SRS_Rte_00092, SRS_Rte_00046,
• [SWS_Rte_08302] dRTE_E_SEG_FAULT – a segmentation vio-
lation is detected in the handed over parameters to the RTE API
as required in [SWS_Rte_02752] and [SWS_Rte_02753]. No
transmission is executed.c(SRS_Rte_00094)
• [SWS_Rte_01393] dRTE_E_COM_BUSY – The query for the re-
sult is rejected due to a currently ongoing reception. No result
data can be provided.c(SRS_Rte_00246)
• [SWS_Rte_04554] dRTE_E_TIMEOUT – if the call is ignored ac-
cording to [SWS_Rte_02535]c()
Note: API call can be retried after the currently ongoing request
has finished.
• [SWS_Rte_02578] dApplication Errors – The error code of the
server shall only be returned, if none of the above infrastructure
errors or indications have occurred.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_08595] dIn case of multiple faults during a call of Rte_-
Result the resulting return value shall be derived according to the
following priority rules (highest priority first):
7. "application error"
RTE_E_UNCONNECTED return values are not considered to be
errors but rather indicate correct operation of the API call.
When the RTE_E_TIMEOUT error occurs, RTE has to discard any
subsequent responses to that request, (see [SWS_Rte_02657]).

624 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

When RTE_E_NO_DATA occurs, a component is free to invoke Rte_-

Result again and thus repeat the attempt to read the server’s result.
Notes: The API name includes an identifier <p>_<o> that indicates the read
access point name and is formed from the port and operation item
names. See Section for details on the naming convention.
If a AsynchronousServerCallPoint exists which is not refer-
enced by a WaitPoint, a non-blocking Rte_Result API shall be
generated. In this case Rte_Result has to return RTE_E_NO_DATA
until the timeout expires and RTE_E_TIMEOUT afterwards.

5.6.15 Rte_Pim

Purpose: Provide access to the defined per-instance memory (section) of a

software component.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01118] d

<type>/<return reference>
Rte_[Byps_]Pim_<name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

Where <name> is the (short) name of the per-instance name.

[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method
for bypass support is enabled for the related software component
type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00075)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01299] dAn Rte_Pim API shall be created for each
defined PerInstanceMemory or arTypedPerInstanceMemory
within the AUTOSAR software-component (description).c(SRS_Rte_-
Description: The Rte_Pim API provides access to the per-instance memory
(section) defined in the context of a SwcInternalBehavior of a
software-component description.
Return Value: [SWS_Rte_01119] dThe API returns a typed reference (in C a typed
pointer) to the per-instance memory.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_-
Notes: For a ’C’ typed PerInstanceMemory, the name of the re-
turn type <type> has to be defined in the type attribute of the
PerInstanceMemory. The type itself is defined using the type-
Definition attribute of the PerInstanceMemory. It is as-
sumed that this attribute contains a string that represents a C
type definition (typedef) in valid C syntax (see [SWS_Rte_02304]
and [SWS_Rte_07133]). For an arTypedPerInstanceMemory

625 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

the <return reference> is defined by the associated Autosar-

DataType (see [SWS_Rte_07161]). For details of the <return
reference> definition see section

5.6.16 Rte_CData

Purpose: Provide access to the calibration parameter an AUTOSAR software-

component defined internally. The ParameterDataPrototype in
the role perInstanceParameter or sharedParameter is used
to define software component internal calibration parameters. Inter-
nal because the ParameterDataPrototype cannot be reused out-
side the software-component. Access is read-only. It can be config-
ured for each calibration parameter individually if it is shared by all
instances of an AUTOSAR software-component or if each instance
has an own data value associated with it.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01252] d
Rte_[Byps_]CData_<name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

Where <name> is the calibration parameter name. [Byps_] is an

optional infix used when component wrapper method for bypass sup-
port is enabled for the related software component type (See chapter
4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00155)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01300] dAn Rte_CData API shall be generated if a Pa-
rameterAccess references a ParameterDataPrototype in the
role perInstanceParameter or sharedParameter within the
SwcInternalBehavior of an AUTOSAR software-component.c
(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00155)
Description: The Rte_CData API provides access to the defined calibration pa-
rameter within a software-component. The actual data values for a
software-component instance may be set after component compila-
Return Value: The Rte_CData return value provide access to the data value of the
ParameterDataPrototype in the role perInstanceParameter
or sharedParameter.
The return type of Rte_CData is dependent on the Implementa-
tionDataType of the ParameterDataPrototype and can either
be a value or a pointer to the location where the value can be ac-
cessed. Thus the component does not need to use type casting to
convert access to the ParameterDataPrototype data.
For details of the <return> value definition see section

626 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03927] dIf a ParameterDataPrototype is aggregated

by an SwcInternalBehavior in the role of sharedParameter,
the return value of the corresponding Rte_CData API shall provide
access to the calibration parameter value common to all instances
of the AtomicSwComponentType.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_03952] dIf a ParameterDataPrototype is aggregated
by an SwcInternalBehavior in the role of perInstancePa-
rameter, the return value of the corresponding Rte_CData API
shall provide access to the calibration parameter value specific to
the instance of the AtomicSwComponentType.c(SRS_Rte_00051,
Notes: None.

5.6.17 Rte_Prm

Purpose: Provide access to the parameters defined by an AUTOSAR Param-

eterSwComponentType. Access is read-only.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_03928] d
Rte_[Byps_]Prm_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

Where <p> is the port name and <o> is the name of the Param-
eterDataPrototype within the ParameterInterface catego-
rizing the port. [Byps_] is an optional infix used when compo-
nent wrapper method for bypass support is enabled for the related
software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310,
Existence: [SWS_Rte_03929] dA Rte_Prm API shall be generated if a Param-
eterAccess references a ParameterDataPrototype in a require
PortPrototype.c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00155)
Description: The Rte_Prm API provides access to the defined parameter within a
In the case of a standard parameter (swImplPolicy = stan-
dard), i.e. a calibration, the actual data values for a Parameter-
SwComponentType instance may be set after ParameterSwCom-
ponentType compilation.
In the case of fixed parameter or constant parameter, the value
is set during compilation time.

627 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Return Value: [SWS_Rte_03930] dFor primitive data types, the Rte_Prm API shall
return the parameter value. For composite data types, the Rte_-
Prm API shall return a reference (in C, a pointer) to the parameter,
which shall be const. With fixed parameters, only primitive data is
The return type of Rte_Prm is specified by the Implementation-
DataType associated to the ParameterDataPrototype. Thus
the component does not need to use type casting to access the cal-
ibration parameter.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00155, SRS_Rte_-
00171) The Rte_Prm return value provide access to the data value
of the ParameterDataPrototype.
The return type of Rte_Prm is dependent on the Implementation-
DataType of the ParameterDataPrototype and can either be a
value or a pointer to the location where the value can be accessed.
Thus the component does not need to use type casting to convert
access to the ParameterDataPrototype data.
For details of the <return> value definition see section
Notes: The Rte_Prm API should not be used within a pre-compilation direc-
tive, e.g. #if. For such case, the coder should use the Rte_SysCon
definitions which are dedicated to variant handling.

5.6.18 Rte_IRead

Purpose: Provide read access to the VariableDataPrototype referenced

by VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess role.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_03741] d
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[OUT uint8* metaDataPtr] )

Where <re> is the runnable entity name, <p> the port name and <o>
the VariableDataPrototype name. [Byps_] is an optional infix
used when component wrapper method for bypass support is en-
abled for the related software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c
(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00128)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01301] dAn Rte_IRead API shall be created for a re-
quired VariableDataPrototype if the RunnableEntity has a
VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess role referring to this
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09083] Rte_IRead API may only be used
by the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_IRead API may

628 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

only be used by the runnable that contains the corresponding Vari-

ableAccess in the dataReadAccess role.c()
Description: The Rte_IRead API provides access to the VariableDataPro-
totypes declared as accessed by a runnable using VariableAc-
cesses in the dataReadAccess role. As the APIcan also be used
in context of category 1A runnables an implementation has to ensure
finite and constant execution times.
No error information is provided by this API. If required, the error
status can be picked up with a separate API, see 5.6.23
The data value can always be read. To provide the required consis-
tency the API provides access to a copy of the data data element for
which it’s guaranteed that it never changes during the actual execu-
tion of the runnable entity.
Implicit data read access by a SW-C should always return defined
[SWS_Rte_01268] dThe RTE shall ensure that implicit read ac-
cesses will not deliver undefined data item values.c(SRS_Rte_00108,
SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00128)
[SWS_Rte_01394] dIn case read access is not possible due to a cur-
rently ongoing reception the invalidValue shall be provided as the
result of this implicit read access.c(SRS_Rte_00246)
In case where there may be an implicit read access before the first
data reception an initial value has to be provided as the result of this
implicit read access.
The optional OUT parameter metaDataPtr contains a pointer to the
meta data byte array which is to be forwarded from COM or LdCom.
See [SWS_Rte_03620].
Return Value: The Rte_IRead return value provides access to the data value of
the VariableDataPrototype.
The return type of Rte_IRead is dependent on the Implementa-
tionDataType of the VariableDataPrototype and can either
be a value or a pointer to the location where the value can be ac-
cessed. Thus the component does not need to use type casting to
convert access to the VariableDataPrototype data.
For details of the <return> value definition see section
Notes: None.

629 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5.6.19 Rte_IReadRef

Purpose: Provide a reference to the VariableDataPrototype referenced

by VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess role.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_04577] d
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[OUT uint8* metaDataPtr] )

Where <re> is the runnable entity name, <p> the port name and <o>
the VariableDataPrototype name. [Byps_] is an optional infix
used when component wrapper method for bypass support is en-
abled for the related software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c
(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00128)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_04578] dAn Rte_IReadRef API shall be created for a
required VariableDataPrototype if the RunnableEntity has
a VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess role referring to this
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09094] Rte_IReadRef API may only be
used by the runnable that describes its usage dThe Rte_IRead-
Ref API may only be used by the runnable that contains the corre-
sponding VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess role.c()
Description: The Rte_IReadRef API provides access to the VariableDat-
aPrototypes declared as accessed by a runnable using Vari-
ableAccesses in the dataReadAccess role. As the API can also
be used in context of category 1A runnables an implementation has
to ensure finite and constant execution times.
No error information is provided by this API. If required, the error
status can be picked up with a separate API, see 5.6.23
The data value can always be read. To provide the required con-
sistency the API provides access to a copy of the data element for
which it’s guaranteed that it never changes during the actual execu-
tion of the runnable entity.
Implicit data read access by a SW-C should always return defined
The optional OUT parameter metaDataPtr contains a pointer to the
meta data byte array which is to be forwarded from COM or LdCom.
See [SWS_Rte_03620].
Return Value: The Rte_IReadRef return value provide access to the data value of
the VariableDataPrototype.

630 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The return type of Rte_IReadRef is a pointer to the location where

the value can be accessed.
Notes: None.

5.6.20 Rte_IWrite

Purpose: Provide write access to the VariableDataPrototypes referenced

by VariableAccesses in the dataWriteAccess role.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_03744] d
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
IN <data>,
[IN Std_TransformerForward forwardedStatus],
[IN uint8* metaDataPtr])

Where <re> is the runnable entity name, <p> the port name and <o>
the VariableDataPrototype name. [Byps_] is an optional infix
used when component wrapper method for bypass support is en-
abled for the related software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c
(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00129)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01302] dAn Rte_IWrite API shall be created for a
provided VariableDataPrototype if the RunnableEntity has a
VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role referring to this
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09084] Rte_IWrite API may only be used
by the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_IWrite API
may only be used by the runnable that contains the corresponding
VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role.c()
[SWS_Rte_04575]{DRAFT} dThe optional IN parameter forward-
edStatus of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of
port <p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute
transformerStatusForwarding set to transformerStatus-
Description: The Rte_IWrite API provides write access to the VariableDat-
aPrototypes declared as accessed by a runnable using Vari-
ableAccesses in the dataWriteAccess role. The API function
is guaranteed to be have constant execution time and therefore can
also be used within category 1A runnable entities.
No access error information is required for the user – the value can
always be written. To provide the required write-back semantics the

631 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RTE only makes written values available to other entities after the
writing runnable entity has terminated.
[SWS_Rte_03746] dThe Rte_IWrite API call includes the IN pa-
rameter <data> to pass the data element to write.c(SRS_Rte_-
00051, SRS_Rte_00129)
The IN parameter <data> is passed by value or reference accord-
ing to the ImplementationDataType as described in the section
If the IN parameter <data> is passed by reference, the pointer must
remain valid until the API call returns.
The optional IN parameter forwardedStatus contains the trans-
former status which shall be reconstructed inside the transformer
chain. See ASWS TransformerGeneral [26].
The optional IN parameter metaDataPtr contains a pointer to the
meta data byte array which is to be forwarded to COM or LdCom.
See [SWS_Rte_03620].
Return Value: None.
Notes: None.

5.6.21 Rte_IWriteRef

Purpose: Provide a reference to the VariableDataPrototype referenced

by a VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_05509] d
<return reference>
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[IN Std_TransformerForward forwardedStatus],
[IN uint8* metaDataPtr])

Where <re> is the runnable entity name, <p> the port name and <o>
the VariableDataPrototype name. [Byps_] is an optional infix
used when component wrapper method for bypass support is en-
abled for the related software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c
(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00129)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_05510] dAn Rte_IWriteRef API shall be created for a
provided VariableDataPrototype if the RunnableEntity has
a VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role referring to this

632 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09085] Rte_IWriteRef API may only be

used by the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_-
IWriteRef API may only be used by the runnable that contains the
corresponding VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role.c()
[SWS_Rte_04576]{DRAFT} dThe optional IN parameter forward-
edStatus of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of
port <p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute
transformerStatusForwarding set to transformerStatus-
Description: The Rte_IWriteRef API returns a reference to the VariableDat-
aPrototypes declared as accessed by a runnable using Vari-
ableAccesses in the dataWriteAccess role. The reference
can be used by the runnable to directly update the correspond-
ing data elements. This is especially useful for data elements
of Structure Implementation Data Type or Array Imple-
mentation Data Type. The API function is guaranteed to be have
constant execution time and therefore can also be used within cate-
gory 1A runnable entities.
No error information is required for the user. To provide the required
write-back semantics the RTE only makes written values available to
other entities after the writing runnable entity has terminated.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09026] Rte_IWriteRef may not return val-
ues written in previous executions dThe reference returned by
Rte_IWriteRef shall not be used by the runnables for reading the
value previously written.c()
The rationale for [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09026] is that Rte_-
IWriteRef has a write semantic. Also, in case of an un-
connected port, the written data shall be discarded (similarly to
[SWS_Rte_01347]), and implementations may return a reference
to the same buffer for all Rte_IWriteRef of unconnected provide
The optional IN parameter forwardedStatus contains the trans-
former status which shall be reconstructed inside the transformer
chain. See ASWS TransformerGeneral [26].
The optional IN parameter metaDataPtr contains a pointer to the
meta data byte array which is to be forwarded to COM or LdCom.
See [SWS_Rte_03620].
Return Value: The Rte_IWriteRef return value provide access to the data write
buffer of the VariableDataPrototype.
[SWS_Rte_05511] dRte_IWriteRef returns a reference to the cor-
responding VariableDataPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00051)

633 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The return reference type of Rte_IWriteRef is dependent on

the ImplementationDataType of the VariableDataProto-
type and is a pointer to the location where the value can be ac-
cessed. Thus the component does not need to use type casting to
convert access to the VariableDataPrototype data.
For details of the <return reference> definition see section
Notes: None.

5.6.22 Rte_IInvalidate

Purpose: Invalidate a VariableDataPrototype referenced by a Vari-

ableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_03800] d
void Rte_[Byps_]IInvalidate_<re>_<p>_<o>(
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

Where <re> is the runnable entity name, <p> the port name and <o>
the VariableDataPrototype name. [Byps_] is an optional infix
used when component wrapper method for bypass support is en-
abled for the related software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c
(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00078)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_03801] dAn Rte_IInvalidate API shall be created for
a provided VariableDataPrototype if the RunnableEntity has
VariableAccesses in the dataWriteAccess role referring to this
VariableDataPrototype and the associated Invalidation-
Policy of the VariableDataPrototype is set to keep, replace
or externalReplacement.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09086] Rte_IInvalidate API may only be
used by the runnable that is describing an write access to
the data dThe Rte_IInvalidate API may only be used by the
runnable that contains the corresponding VariableAccess in the
dataWriteAccess role to the VariableDataPrototype where
the associated InvalidationPolicy of the VariableDataPro-
totype is set to keep or replace.c()
Description: The Rte_IInvalidate API takes no parameters other than the in-
stance handle – the return value is used to indicate the success, or
otherwise, of the API call to the caller.
[SWS_Rte_03802] dIn case of a primitive VariableDataProto-
type the Rte_IInvalidate shall be implemented as a macro that
writes the invalidValue to the buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00078)

634 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_05064] dIn case of a composite VariableDataProto-

type the Rte_IInvalidate shall be implemented as a macro that
writes the invalidValue of every primitive part of the composition
to the buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_03778] dIf Rte_IInvalidate is followed by an Rte_-
IWrite call for the same VariableDataPrototype or vice versa,
the RTE shall use the last value written before the runnable entity
terminates (last-is-best semantics).c(SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_03778] states that an Rte_IWrite overrules an Rte_-
IInvalidate call if it occurs after the Rte_IInvalidate, since
Rte_IWrite overwrites the contents of the internal buffer for the
data element prototype before it is made known to other runnable
Return Value: None.
Notes: The communication service configuration determines whether the
signal receiver(s) receive an “invalid signal” notification or whether
the invalidated signal is silently replaced by the signal’s initial value.

5.6.23 Rte_IStatus

Purpose: Provide the error status of a VariableDataPrototype referenced

by a VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess role.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_02599] d
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError])

Where <re> is the runnable entity name, <p> the port name and <o>
the VariableDataPrototype name. [Byps_] is an optional infix
used when component wrapper method for bypass support is en-
abled for the related software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c
(SRS_Rte_00147, SRS_Rte_00078)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_02600] dAn Rte_IStatus API shall be created for a
required VariableDataPrototype if a RunnableEntity has a
VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess role referring to this
VariableDataPrototype, and
• if at the RPortPrototype or PRPortPrototype a Non-
queuedReceiverComSpec with either
– the attribute aliveTimeout set to a value greater than zero

635 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

– the attribute handleNeverReceived set to TRUE and/or

– the attribute handleOutOfRange not set to none and/or
– the attribute handleDataStatus set to TRUE
• if at the SenderReceiverInterface classifying the RPort-
Prototype or PRPortPrototype an InvalidationPolicy
set to keep
is specified for this VariableDataPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00147,
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09027] Rte_IStatus API shall only be
used by a RunnableEntity describing an read access to
the related data dThe Rte_IStatus API shall only be used
by a RunnableEntity that has a VariableAccess in the
dataReadAccess role referring to the VariableDataPrototype
to which the status belongs.c()
[SWS_Rte_08568] dThe optional OUT parameter transformer-
Error of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of port
<p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute er-
rorHandling set to transformerErrorHandling.c(SRS_Rte_-
Description: The Rte_IStatus API provides access to the current status of the
data elements declared as accessed by a runnable using a Vari-
ableAccess in the dataReadAccess role. The API function is
guaranteed to be have constant execution time and therefore can
also be used within category 1A runnable entities.
To provide the required consistency access by a runnable is to a copy
of the status together with the data that is guaranteed never to be
modified by the RTE during the lifetime of the runnable entity.
The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occured during execution of the transformer chain. See
chapter 4.10.5.
Return Value: The return value is used to indicate errors detected by the communi-
cation system.
• [SWS_Rte_02602] dRTE_E_OK – no errors.c(SRS_Rte_00094)
• [SWS_Rte_02603] dRTE_E_INVALID – data element in-

636 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• [SWS_Rte_02604] dRTE_E_MAX_AGE_EXCEEDED – data

element outdated. This Overlayed Error can be
combined with any other error code.c(SRS_Rte_00147)
• [SWS_Rte_07644] dRTE_E_NEVER_RECEIVED – No data re-
ceived since system start or partition restart.c(SRS_Rte_00184,
• [SWS_Rte_01372] dRTE_E_OUT_OF_RANGE – data ele-
ment out of range.c(SRS_Rte_00180)
• [SWS_Rte_06828] dRTE_E_COM_STOPPED – the RTE could not
perform the operation because the communication service is
currently not available (inter ECU communication only). RTE
shall return RTE_E_COM_STOPPED when:
– in case of COM the corresponding service returns
– in case of LdCom the corresponding LdCom_Transmit re-
turns E_NOT_OK
In case of stopped I-PDUS the last known value (or init value) is
given back as data by the according Rte_IRead API.c(SRS_-
• RTE_E_UNCONNECTED – Indicates that the receiver port is not
connected [SWS_Rte_03785].
The return value of one transformer in the transformer chain
represented a hard transformer error.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-
The return value of at least one transformer in the transformer
chain was a soft error and no hard error occurred in the trans-
former chain.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
Notes: [SWS_Rte_06829] dIn case of multiple faults during reception of the
related data the resulting return value of Rte_IStatus shall be de-
rived according to the following priority rules (highest priority first):

637 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

c(SRS_Rte_00147, SRS_Rte_00078, SRS_Rte_00184, SRS_Rte_-
Please note that RTE_E_MAX_AGE_EXCEEDED is an overlay error
and could be combined with any other error. Nevertheless in case
itoring is NOT active which in turn excludes the coincidence of

5.6.24 Rte_IrvIRead

Purpose: Provide read access to the InterRunnableVariables with implicit be-

havior of an AUTOSAR SW-C.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_03550] d
<return> Rte_[Byps_]IrvIRead_<re>_<o>(
[IN RTE_Instance <instance>])

Where <re> is the name of the runnable entity the API might be
used in, <o> is the name of the VariableDataPrototype in role
implicitInterRunnableVariable. [Byps_] is an optional in-
fix used when component wrapper method for bypass support is en-
abled for the related software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c
(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00142)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01303] dAn Rte_IrvIRead API shall be created for
each VariableAccess in role readLocalVariable to an
implicitInterRunnableVariable.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09087] Rte_IrvIRead API may only be
used by the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_-
IrvIRead API may only be used by the runnable that contains
the corresponding VariableAccess in the readLocalVariable
Description: The Rte_IrvIRead API provides read access to the defined Inter-
RunnableVariables with implicit behavior within a component descrip-
The return value is used to deliver the requested data value. The
return value is not required to pass error information to the user be-
cause no inter-ECU communication is involved and there will always
be a readable value present.

638 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Return Value: The Rte_IrvIRead return value provide access to the data value of
the InterRunnableVariable.
The return type of Rte_IrvIRead is dependent on the Implemen-
tationDataType of the InterRunnableVariable and can either be a
value or a pointer to the location where the value can be accessed.
Thus the component does not need to use type casting to convert
access to the InterRunnableVariable data.
For details of the <return> value definition see section
Notes: The runnable entity name in the signature allows runnable context
specific optimizations.
The concept of InterRunnableVariables is explained in section More details about InterRunnableVariables with implicit be-
havior is explained in section

5.6.25 Rte_IrvIReadRef

Purpose: Provide read access to the InterRunnableVariables with implicit be-

havior of an AUTOSAR SW-C.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_04579] d
<return> Rte_[Byps_]IrvIReadRef_<re>_<o>(
[IN RTE_Instance <instance>])

Where <re> is the name of the runnable entity the API might be
used in, <o> is the name of the VariableDataPrototype in role
implicitInterRunnableVariable. [Byps_] is an optional in-
fix used when component wrapper method for bypass support is en-
abled for the related software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c
(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00142)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_04580] dAn Rte_IrvIReadRef API shall be cre-
ated for each VariableAccess in role readLocalVariable
to an implicitInterRunnableVariable.c(SRS_Rte_00051,
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09095] Rte_IrvIReadRef API may only
be used by the runnable that describes its usage dThe Rte_-
IrvIReadRef API may only be used by the runnable that contains
the corresponding VariableAccess in the readLocalVariable
Description: The Rte_IrvIReadRef API provides read access to the defined In-
terRunnableVariables with implicit behavior within a component de-

639 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Return Value: The Rte_IrvIReadRef return value provides access to the data
value of the InterRunnableVariable.
The return type of Rte_IrvIReadRef is a pointer to the location
where the value can be accessed.
Notes: The runnable entity name in the signature allows runnable context
specific optimizations.
The concept of InterRunnableVariables is explained in section More details about InterRunnableVariables with implicit be-
havior is explained in section

5.6.26 Rte_IrvIWrite

Purpose: Provide write access to the InterRunnableVariables with implicit be-

havior of an AUTOSAR SW-C.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_03553] d
void Rte_[Byps_]IrvIWrite_<re>_<o>(
[IN RTE_Instance <instance>],
IN <data>)

Where <re> is the name of the RunnableEntity the API might be

used in, <o> is the name of the VariableDataPrototype in the
role implicitInterRunnableVariable to access and <data>
is the placeholder for the data the InterRunnableVariable shall be
set to. [Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper
method for bypass support is enabled for the related software com-
ponent type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_-
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01304] dAn Rte_IrvIWrite API shall be created
for each VariableAccess in role writtenLocalVariable
to an implicitInterRunnableVariable.c(SRS_Rte_00142,
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09088] Rte_IrvIWrite API may only be
used by the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_IrvI-
Write API may only be used by the runnable that contains the corre-
sponding VariableAccess in the writtenLocalVariable role.c
Description: The Rte_IrvIWrite API provides write access to the InterRunnabl-
eVariables with implicit behavior within a component description. The
runnable entity name in the signature allows runnable context specific

640 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The data given by Rte_IrvIWrite is dependent on the Inter-

RunnableVariable data type. Thus the component does not need to
use type casting to write the InterRunnableVariable.
The return value is unused. The return value is not required to pass
error information to the user because no inter-ECU communication is
involved and the value can always be written.
The IN parameter <data> is passed by value or reference accord-
ing to the ImplementationDataType as described in the section
Return Value: None.
Notes: The runnable entity name in the signature allows runnable context
specific optimizations.
The concept of InterRunnableVariables is explained in section Further details about InterRunnableVariables with implicit
behavior are explained in Section

5.6.27 Rte_IrvIWriteRef

Purpose: Provide a reference to the VariableDataPrototype defined with

the implicitInterRunnableVariable role referenced by a
VariableAccess in the writtenLocalVariable role.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_06207] d
<return reference> Rte_[Byps_]IrvIWriteRef_<re>_<o>(
[IN RTE_Instance <instance>])

Where <re> is the name of the RunnableEntity the API might

be used in, <o> is the name of the VariableDataPrototype in
the role implicitInterRunnableVariable to access. [Byps_]
is an optional infix used when component wrapper method for by-
pass support is enabled for the related software component type (See
chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00142)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_06208] dAn Rte_IrvIWriteRef API shall be cre-
ated for each VariableAccess in role writtenLocalVariable
to an implicitInterRunnableVariable.c(SRS_Rte_00142,
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09092] Rte_IrvIWriteRef API may only
be used by the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_IrvI-
WriteRef API may only be used by the runnable that contains the
corresponding VariableAccess in the writtenLocalVariable

641 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description: The Rte_IrvIWriteRef API returns a reference to the Variable-

DataPrototypes declared as accessed by a runnable using Vari-
ableAccesss in the writtenLocalVariable role. The reference
can be used by the runnable to directly update the corresponding
data elements. This is especially useful for data elements of Struc-
ture Implementation Data Type or Array Implementation Data Type.
The API function is guaranteed to have constant execution time and
therefore can also be used within category 1A runnable entities.
No error information is required for the user. To provide the required
write-back semantics the RTE only makes written values available to
other entities after the writing runnable entity has terminated.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09093] Rte_IrvIWriteRef may not return
values written in previous executions dThe reference returned by
Rte_IrvIWriteRef shall not be used by the runnables for reading
the value previously written.c()
Return Value: The Rte_IrvIWriteRef return value provides access to the data
write buffer of the VariableDataPrototype.
[SWS_Rte_06209] dRte_IrvIWriteRef returns a reference to the
corresponding VariableDataPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
The return reference type of Rte_IrvIWriteRef is dependent
on the ImplementationDataType of the VariableDataProto-
type and is a pointer to the location where the value can be ac-
cessed. Thus the component does not need to use type casting to
convert access to the VariableDataPrototype data. For details
of the <return reference> definition see section
Notes: None.

5.6.28 Rte_IrvRead

Purpose: Provide read access to the InterRunnableVariables with explicit be-

havior of an AUTOSAR SW-C.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_03560] d
primitive type signature:

<return> Rte_[Byps_]IrvRead_<re>_<o>(
[IN RTE_Instance <instance>])

complex type signature:

642 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

void Rte_[Byps_]IrvRead_<re>_<o>(
[IN RTE_Instance <instance>],
OUT <data>)

Where <re> is the name of the runnable entity the API might be used
in, <o> is the name of the InterRunnableVariables. [Byps_] is an
optional infix used when component wrapper method for bypass sup-
port is enabled for the related software component type (See chapter
The complex type signature is used, if the Implementation-
DataType of the InterRunnableVariable resolves to Array
Implementation Data Type or Structure Implementation
Data Type, otherwise the primitive type signature is used.c(SRS_-
BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00142)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01305] dAn Rte_IrvRead API shall be created for each
read InterRunnableVariable using explicit access.c(SRS_Rte_00142,
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09089] Rte_IrvRead API may only be
used by the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_IrvRead
API may only be used by the runnable that contains the correspond-
ing VariableAccess in the readLocalVariable role.c()
Description: The Rte_IrvRead API provides read access to the defined Inter-
RunnableVariables with explicit behavior within a component descrip-
The return value is not required to pass error information to the user
because no inter-ECU communication is involved and there will al-
ways be a readable value present.
For the primitive type signature, the return value is used to deliver
the requested data value. For the complex type signature, the return
value is void.
For the complex type signature, the Rte_IrvRead API call includes
the OUT parameter <data> to pass back the received data. The
OUT parameter <data> is typed as reference (pointer) to the type
of the InterRunnableVariable. The pointer to the OUT parameter
<data> must remain valid until the API call returns.
Return Value: The Rte_IrvRead return value provide access to the data value of
the InterRunnableVariable.
The return type of Rte_IrvRead is dependent on the Implementa-
tionDataType of the InterRunnableVariable. Thus the component
does not need to use type casting to convert access to the Inter-
RunnableVariable data.

643 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

For details of the <return> value definition see section

Please note that the Rte_IrvRead API Signature only has a
return value if the InterRunnableVariable is typed by a Primi-
tive Implementation Data Type or Redefinition Imple-
mentation Data Type redefining a Primitive Implementa-
tion Data Type.
[SWS_Rte_03562] dFor the primitive type signature, the Rte_-
IrvRead call shall return the value of the accessed InterRunnabl-
eVariable.c(SRS_Rte_00142, SRS_Rte_00051)
For complex type signature, the Rte_IrvRead call does not return
any value (void).
Notes: The runnable entity name in the signature allows runnable context
specific optimizations.
The concept of InterRunnableVariables is explained in section Further details about InterRunnableVariables with explicit
behavior are explained in Section

5.6.29 Rte_IrvWrite

Purpose: Provide write access to the InterRunnableVariables with explicit be-

havior of an AUTOSAR SW-C.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_03565] d
void Rte_[Byps_]IrvWrite_<re>_<o>(
[IN RTE_Instance <instance>],
IN <data>)

Where <re> is the name of the runnable entity the API might be
used in, <o> is the name of the InterRunnableVariable to access
and <data> is the placeholder for the data the InterRunnableVari-
able shall be set to. [Byps_] is an optional infix used when com-
ponent wrapper method for bypass support is enabled for the related
software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310,
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01306] dAn Rte_IrvWrite API shall be created for
each written InterRunnableVariable using explicit access.c(SRS_-
Rte_00142, SRS_Rte_00051)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09090] Rte_IrvWrite API may only be
used by the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_-
IrvWrite API may only be used by the runnable that contains the
corresponding VariableAccess in the writtenLocalVariable

644 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description: The Rte_IrvWrite API provides write access to the InterRunnabl-

eVariables with explicit behavior within a component description.
The return value is unused. The return value is not required to pass
error information to the user because no inter-ECU communication is
involved and the value can always be written.
[SWS_Rte_03567] dThe Rte_IrvWrite API call include the IN
parameter <data> to pass the data element to write.c(SRS_Rte_-
00142, SRS_Rte_00051)
The IN parameter <data> is passed by value or reference accord-
ing to the ImplementationDataType as described in the section
If the IN parameter <data> is passed by reference, the pointer must
remain valid until the API call returns.
Return Value: None.
Notes: The runnable entity name in the signature allows runnable context
specific optimizations.
The concept of InterRunnableVariables is explained in section Further details about InterRunnableVariables with explicit
behavior are explained in Section

5.6.30 Rte_Enter

Purpose: Enter an exclusive area.

Signature: [SWS_Rte_01120] d
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

Where <re> is the runnable entity name, <name> is the exclusive

area name. The sub part in squared brackets [<re>_] is emitted
if the attribute SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy.apiPrinciple is set
to "perExecutable". [Byps_] is an optional infix used when compo-
nent wrapper method for bypass support is enabled for the related
software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310,
SRS_Rte_00046, SRS_Rte_00115)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01307] dAn Rte_Enter API shall be created for each
ExclusiveArea that is declared and which has an canEnterExclu-
siveArea association.c(SRS_Rte_00115, SRS_Rte_00051)
Description: The Rte_Enter API call is invoked by an AUTOSAR software-
component to define the start of an exclusive area.

645 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Return Value: None.

Notes: The RTE is not required to support nested invocations of Rte_Enter
for the same exclusive area.
[SWS_Rte_01122] dThe RTE shall permit calls to Rte_Enter and
Rte_Exit to be nested as long as different exclusive areas are
exited in the reverse order they were entered.c(SRS_Rte_00046,
SRS_Rte_00032, SRS_Rte_00115)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09028] Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit API may
only be used by runnables describing its usage dThe Rte_En-
ter and Rte_Exit API may only be used by Runnable Entities that
contain a corresponding canEnterExclusiveArea associationc()
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09029] Nested call of Rte_Enter and
Rte_Exit is restricted dThe Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit API may
only be called nested if different exclusive areas are invoked; in this
case exclusive areas shall exited in the reverse order they were en-
Within the AUTOSAR OS an attempt to lock a resource cannot fail
because the lock is already held. The lock attempt can only fail due
to configuration errors (e.g. caller not declared as accessing the re-
source) or invalid handle. Therefore the return type from this function
is void.

5.6.31 Rte_Exit

Purpose: Leave an exclusive area.

Signature: [SWS_Rte_01123] d
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

Where <re> is the runnable entity name, <name> is the exclusive

area name. The sub part in squared brackets [<re>_] is emitted
if the attribute SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy.apiPrinciple is set
to "perExecutable". [Byps_] is an optional infix used when compo-
nent wrapper method for bypass support is enabled for the related
software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310,
SRS_Rte_00046, SRS_Rte_00051)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_01308] dAn Rte_Exit API shall be created for each
ExclusiveArea that is declared and which has an canEnterExclu-
siveArea association.c(SRS_Rte_00115, SRS_Rte_00051)

646 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description: The Rte_Exit API call is invoked by an AUTOSAR software-

component to define the end of an exclusive area.
Return Value: None.
Notes: The RTE is not required to support nested invocations of Rte_Exit
for the same exclusive area.
Requirement [SWS_Rte_01122] permits calls to Rte_Enter and
Rte_Exit to be nested as long as different exclusive areas are ex-
ited in the reverse order they were entered.

5.6.32 Rte_Mode

There exist two versions of the Rte_Mode API. Depending on the attribute enhanced-
ModeApi in the software component description there shall be provided different ver-
sions of this API (see also 5.6.33).
Purpose: Provides the currently active mode of a mode switch port.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_02628] d
Rte_[Byps_]Mode_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

Where <p> is the port name, and <o> the ModeDeclara-

tionGroupPrototype name within the ModeSwitchInterface
categorizing the port. [Byps_] is an optional infix used when com-
ponent wrapper method for bypass support is enabled for the related
software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_Rte_00144)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_02629] dIf a ModeAccessPoint exists and if the at-
tribute enhancedModeApi of the ModeSwitchSenderComSpec
resp. ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec is set to false or does not
exist a Rte_Mode API according to [SWS_Rte_02628] shall be gen-
erated.c(SRS_Rte_00147, SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09030] Rte_Mode API may only be used by
the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_Mode API may only
be used by the runnable that contains the corresponding ModeAc-
Description: The Rte_Mode API tells the AUTOSAR software-component which
mode of a ModeDeclarationGroup of a given port is currently ac-
tive. This is the information that the RTE uses for the mode dis-
abling dependency’s. A new mode will not be indicated imme-
diately after the reception of a mode switch notification from
a mode manager, see section 4.4.4. During mode transitions, i.e.
during the execution of runnables that are triggered on exiting one
mode or on entering the next mode, overlapping mode disablings

647 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

of two modes are active. In this case, the Rte_Mode will return
The Rte_Mode will return the same mode for all mode switch
ports that are connected to the same mode switch port of the
mode manager (see [SWS_Rte_02630]).
It is supported to have ModeAccessPoint(s) referring the provide
mode switch ports of the mode manager to provide access for
the mode manager on the information that the RTE uses for the
mode disabling dependency’s.
Return Value: The return type of Rte_Mode is dependent on the Implementa-
tionDataType of the ModeDeclarationGroup. It shall return
the value of the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype. The type
name shall be equal to the shortName of the Implementation-
The return value of the Rte_Mode is used to inform the caller about
the current mode of the mode machine instance. The Rte_Mode
API shall return the following values:
[SWS_Rte_07666] dDuring a transition of the
mode machine instance, Rte_Mode shall return
RTE_TRANSITION_<ModeDeclarationGroup>, where
<ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the Mode-
[SWS_Rte_02660] dWhen the mode machine in-
stance is in a defined mode, Rte_Mode shall return
where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the Mode-
DeclarationGroup and <ModeDeclaration> is the short name
of the currently active ModeDeclaration.c(SRS_Rte_00144)
[SWS_Rte_06742] dThe API Rte_Mode shall return the value
RTE_TRANSITION_<ModeDeclarationGroup> for a mode ma-
chine instance assigned to the RTE ([SWS_Rte_07533]) un-
til the RTE has been initialized and where <ModeDeclaration-
Group> is the short name of the ModeDeclarationGroup.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_06781] dIf
modeManagerErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy is set
to defaultMode the API Rte_Mode shall return the value
RTE_TRANSITION_<ModeDeclarationGroup> for a mode ma-
chine instance while the partition of the mode users is stopped
or restarting and until the RTE dequeues the next mode switch

648 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the Mode-

DeclarationGroup.c(SRS_Rte_00144) This indicates a transition
and therefore the behavior is identical as during the initialization of
the RTE (see [SRS_Rte_00144]).
[SWS_Rte_06782] dIf the
modeManagerErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy is set
to lastMode, the API enhanced Rte_Mode shall return the value
of the last mode for a mode machine instance while the partition
of the mode users is stopped or restarting and until the RTE
dequeues the next mode switch notifications.
<ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the Mode-
DeclarationGroup.c(SRS_Rte_00144) This indicates a stable
mode during the re-initialization of the partition until the RTE is
capable to dequeue the first mode switch notification after
the partition restart.
[SWS_Rte_06743] dThe Rte_Mode API shall return the values ac-
cording [SWS_Rte_07666] and [SWS_Rte_02660] for a common
mode machine instance already after initialization of the Basic
Software Scheduler.c(SRS_Rte_00144)
In inter partition mode management, RTE on the mode manager
sided partition might not have direct access to the state variables of
the mode machine instance.
[SWS_Rte_02732] dIn inter partition mode management, the return
value of the Rte_Mode API to the mode manager shall be consistent
with the start of a transition by the Rte_Switch API and the inter
partition communication of the ModeSwitchedAckEvent.c(SRS_-
Rte_00144, SRS_Rte_00210)
Notes: The Rte_Mode API may already indicate the next ModeDeclaration,
before the mode manager has picked up the ModeSwitchedAck-
Event with the Rte_SwitchAck. This is not in contradiction to
[SWS_Rte_06744] dThe RTE shall support calls of Rte_Mode after
initialization of the Basic Software Scheduler but before the RTE is

5.6.33 Enhanced Rte_Mode

Purpose: Provides the currently active mode of a mode switch port. If the
mode machine instance is in transition additionally the values of
the previous and the next mode are provided.

649 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Signature: [SWS_Rte_08500] d
Rte_[Byps_]Mode_<p>_<o>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>,]
OUT <previousmode>,
OUT <nextmode>)

Where <p> is the port name, and <o> the ModeDeclara-

tionGroupPrototype name within the ModeSwitchInterface
categorizing the port. [Byps_] is an optional infix used when com-
ponent wrapper method for bypass support is enabled for the related
software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_Rte_00144)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_08501] dThe existence of a ModeAccessPoint given
that the attribute enhancedModeApi of the ModeSwitchSender-
ComSpec resp. ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec is set to true
shall result in the generation of a Rte_Mode API according to
[SWS_Rte_08500].c(SRS_Rte_00147, SRS_Rte_00078)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09031] Rte_Mode API may only be used by
the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_Mode API may only
be used by the runnable that contains the corresponding ModeAc-
Description: The Rte_Mode API tells the AUTOSAR software-component which
mode of a ModeDeclarationGroup of a given port is currently ac-
tive. This is the information that the RTE uses for the mode dis-
abling dependency’s. A new mode will not be indicated imme-
diately after the reception of a mode switch notification from
a mode manager, see section 4.4.4. During mode transitions, i.e.
during the execution of runnables that are triggered on exiting one
mode or on entering the next mode, overlapping mode disablings
of two modes are active. In this case, the Rte_Mode will return
RTE_TRANSITION_<ModeDeclarationGroup>. The parameter
<previousmode> than contains the mode currently being left,the
parameter <nextmode> the mode being entered.
The Rte_Mode will return the same mode for all mode switch
ports that are connected to the same mode switch port of the
mode manager (see [SWS_Rte_02630]).
It is supported to have ModeAccessPoint(s) referring the provided
mode switch ports of the mode manager to provide access for
the mode manager on the information that the RTE uses for the
mode disabling dependency’s.
Return Value: The return type of Rte_Mode is dependent on the Implementa-
tionDataType of the ModeDeclarationGroup. It shall return
the value of the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype. The type
name shall be equal to the shortName of the Implementation-
DataType. The return value of the Rte_Mode and the parameters

650 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<previousmode> and <nextmode> are used to inform the caller

about the current mode of the mode machine instance.
[SWS_Rte_08504] dDuring a transition of a mode machine in-
stance Rte_Mode shall return the following values
• the return value shall be
• <previousmode> shall contain the value of the
of the mode being left,
• <nextmode> shall contain the
of the mode being entered,
where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the Mode-
DeclarationGroup and <ModeDeclaration> is the short name
of the ModeDeclaration.c(SRS_Rte_00144, SRS_Rte_00210)
[SWS_Rte_08505] dWhen the mode machine instance is in a
defined mode, Rte_Mode shall return the following values
• the return value shall contain the value of
• <previousmode> shall contain the value of the
• <nextmode> shall contain the
where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the Mode-
DeclarationGroup and <ModeDeclaration> is the short name
of the currently active ModeDeclaration.c(SRS_Rte_00144)
[SWS_Rte_06745] dThe API enhanced Rte_Mode shall return the
following values for a mode machine instance assigned to the
RTE ([SWS_Rte_07533]) until the RTE has been initialized:
• the return value shall be
• <previousmode> shall contain the value of the
of the initialMode of the ModeDeclarationGroup
• <nextmode> shall contain the value of the
of the initialMode of the ModeDeclarationGroup

651 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the Mode-

[SWS_Rte_06783] dIf
modeManagerErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy is set to
defaultMode the API enhanced Rte_Mode shall return the follow-
ing values for a mode machine instance while the partition of the
mode users is stopped or restarting and until the RTE dequeues the
next mode switch notifications.
• the return value shall be
• <previousmode> shall contain the value of the
of the modeUserErrorBehavior.defaultMode of the Mode-
• <nextmode> shall contain the value of the
of the modeUserErrorBehavior.defaultMode of the Mode-
where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the Mode-
DeclarationGroup.c(SRS_Rte_00144) This indicates a transition
from and to the defaultMode. If the defaultMode is identical to
the initialMode the behavior is identical as during the initialization
of the RTE (see [SRS_Rte_00144]).
[SWS_Rte_06784] dIf the
modeManagerErrorBehavior.errorReactionPolicy is set to
lastMode, the API enhanced Rte_Mode shall return the following
values for a mode machine instance while the partition of the
mode users is stopped or restarting and until the RTE dequeues the
next mode switch notifications.
• the return value shall be
of the last mode,
• <previousmode> shall contain the value of the
of the last mode
• <nextmode> shall contain the value of the
of the last mode
where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the
ModeDeclarationGroup.c(SRS_Rte_00144) This indicates a sta-
ble mode during the re-initialization of the partition until the RTE is

652 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

capable to dequeue the first mode switch notification after

the partition restart.
[SWS_Rte_06746] dThe enhanced Rte_Mode API shall return the
values according [SWS_Rte_08504] and [SWS_Rte_08505] for a
common mode machine instance already after initialization of
the Basic Software Scheduler.c(SRS_Rte_00144)
In inter partition mode management, RTE on the mode manager
sided partition might not have direct access to the state variables of
the mode machine instance.
[SWS_Rte_08506] dIn inter partition mode management, the return
value and the contents of the parameters <previousmode> and
<nextmode> of the Rte_Mode API to the mode manager shall be
consistent with the start of a transition by the Rte_Switch API and
the inter partition communication of the ModeSwitchedAckEvent.c
(SRS_Rte_00144, SRS_Rte_00210)
Notes: The Rte_Mode API may already indicate the next ModeDecla-
ration, before the mode manager has picked up the Mod-
eSwitchedAckEvent with the Rte_SwitchAck. This is not in con-
tradiction to [SWS_Rte_02732].
[SWS_Rte_06747] dThe RTE shall support calls of the enhanced
Rte_Mode after initialization of the Basic Software Scheduler but be-
fore the RTE is initialized.c(SRS_Rte_00144)

5.6.34 Rte_Trigger

Purpose: Raise an external trigger of a trigger port.

Signature: [SWS_Rte_07200] d
signature if returnValueProvision of the related External-
TriggeringPoint(s) is set to noReturnValueProvided:
void Rte_[Byps_]Trigger_<p>_<o>(
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[OUT Std_TransformerError transformerError])

signature if returnValueProvision of the related External-

TriggeringPoint(s) not set to noReturnValueProvided:
Std_ReturnType Rte_[Byps_]Trigger_<p>_<o>(
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

Where <p> is the port name and <o> the Trigger within the trig-
ger interface categorizing the port. [Byps_] is an optional infix used
when component wrapper method for bypass support is enabled for

653 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

the related software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_-

Data Transformation of external triggers is only supported for external
triggers without queueing support.
Existence: [SWS_Rte_07201] dThe existence of an ExternalTriggering-
Point shall result in the generation of a Rte_Trigger API.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_05300] dThe optional OUT parameter transformer-
Error of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of port
<p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute er-
rorHandling set to transformerErrorHandling.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09032] Rte_Trigger API may only be
used by the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_Trigger
API may only be used by the runnable that contains the correspond-
ing ExternalTriggeringPoint.c()
Description: The Rte_Trigger API triggers an execution for all runnables whose
ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent is associated to the Trigger.
The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occurred during execution of the transformer chain. See
chapter 4.10.5.
Return Value: None if returnValueProvision of the related ExternalTrig-
geringPoint(s) is set to noReturnValueProvided.
[SWS_Rte_06720] dThe Rte_Trigger API shall return the follow-
ing values:
• RTE_E_OK if the trigger was successfully queued
• RTE_E_LIMIT if the trigger was not queued because the maxi-
mum queue size is already reached.
if returnValueProvision of the related ExternalTrigger-
ingPoint(s) not set to noReturnValueProvided.c(SRS_Rte_-

5.6.35 Rte_IrTrigger

Purpose: Raise an internal trigger to activate Runnable entities of the same

software component instance.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_07203] d
signature if returnValueProvision of the related Internal-
TriggeringPoint(s) is set to noReturnValueProvided:

654 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

void Rte_[Byps_]IrTrigger_<re>_<o>(
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

signature if returnValueProvision of the related Internal-

TriggeringPoint(s) not set to noReturnValueProvided:
Std_ReturnType Rte_[Byps_]IrTrigger_<re>_<o>(
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

Where <re> is the name of the runnable entity the API might be
used in and <o> is the name of the InternalTriggeringPoint.
[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method
for bypass support is enabled for the related software component
type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_Rte_00163)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_07204] dThe existence of an InternalTriggering-
Point shall result in the generation of a Rte_IrTrigger API.c
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09033] Rte_IrTrigger API may only be
used by the runnable that describe its usage dThe Rte_IrTrig-
ger API may only be used by the runnable that contains the corre-
sponding InternalTriggeringPoint.c()
Description: The Rte_IrTrigger triggers an execution for all runnables whose
InternalTriggerOccurredEvent is associated to the In-
Return Value: None if returnValueProvision of the related InternalTrig-
geringPoint(s) is set to noReturnValueProvided.
[SWS_Rte_06721] dThe Rte_IrTrigger API shall return the fol-
lowing values:
• RTE_E_OK if the trigger was successfully queued
• RTE_E_LIMIT if the trigger was not queued because the maxi-
mum queue size is already reached.
if returnValueProvision of the related InternalTrigger-
ingPoint(s) not set to noReturnValueProvided.c(SRS_Rte_-
Notes: None.

5.6.36 Rte_IFeedback

Purpose: Provide access to acknowledgement notifications for implicit sender

receiver communication and to pass error notification to senders.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_07367] d

655 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Rte_[Byps_]IFeedback_<re>_<p>_<o> (
[IN RTE_Instance <instance>])

Where <re> is the runnable entity name, <p> the port name and <o>
the VariableDataPrototype within the sender-receiver interface
categorizing the port. [Byps_] is an optional infix used when com-
ponent wrapper method for bypass support is enabled for the related
software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310,
SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00129, SRS_Rte_00185)
Existence: Note: according to [SWS_Rte_01283], acknowledgment is enabled
for a provided VariableDataPrototype by the existence of a
TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest in the SenderCom-
[SWS_Rte_07646] dAn Rte_IFeedback API shall be created for
a provided VariableDataPrototype if acknowledgment is en-
abled and the RunnableEntity has a VariableAccess in the
dataWriteAccess role referring to this VariableDataProto-
type.c(SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00129, SRS_Rte_00185)
[SWS_Rte_07647] dAn Rte_IFeedback API shall be created for a
provided VariableDataPrototype if acknowledgment is enabled
and a DataWriteCompletedEvent references the RunnableEn-
tity as well as the VariableAccess which in turn references the
VariableDataPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00129,
[SWS_Rte_07648] dIf acknowledgment is enabled for a pro-
vided VariableDataPrototype and a DataWriteCompletedE-
vent references a runnable entity as well as the VariableAc-
cess which in turn references the VariableDataPrototype,
the runnable entity shall be activated when the transmission ac-
knowledgment occurs or when a timeout was detected by the
RTE. See [SWS_Rte_07379].c(SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00129,
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09000] Rte_IFeedback API may only be
used by the RunnableEntitys that describe its usage dThe
Rte_IFeedback API shall only be used by a RunnableEntity
that either has a VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role
referring to the VariableDataPrototype or is triggered by a
DataWriteCompletedEvent referring to the VariableAccess
which in turn references the VariableDataPrototype.c()
Description: The Rte_IFeedback API takes no parameters other than the in-
stance handle – the return value is used to indicate the acknowledg-
ment status to the caller.

656 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The Rte_IFeedback API applies only to implicit sender-receiver

The Rte_IFeedback API provides access to the transmission feed-
back of the data elements, declared as sent by a runnable using a
VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role, and sent after the
previous invocation of the runnable. The API function is guaranteed
to be have constant execution time and therefore can also be used
within category 1A runnable entities.
The required consistency access by a runnable can be provided by
copying of the status before the execution of the runnable so that it
cannot be modified by the RTE during the lifetime of the runnable
Return Value: The return value is used to indicate the “status” status and errors
detected by the RTE during execution of the Rte_IFeedback call.
• [SWS_Rte_07374] dRTE_E_NO_DATA – No acknowledgments
or error notifications were received from COM when the runn-
able entity was started.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00122,
SRS_Rte_00129, SRS_Rte_00185)
• [SWS_Rte_07375] dRTE_E_COM_STOPPED – (Inter-ECU com-
munication only) The last transmission was rejected (when the
local buffer was sent), with an RTE_E_COM_STOPPED return
code or an error notification was received from COM before
any timeout notification.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00122,
SRS_Rte_00129, SRS_Rte_00185)
• [SWS_Rte_07650] dRTE_E_TIMEOUT – (Inter-ECU only) A
timeout notification was received from COM before any error
notification.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_-
00129, SRS_Rte_00185)
• [SWS_Rte_07376] dRTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK – A transmission
acknowledgment was received. This error code is valid for both
inter-ECU and intra-ECU communication.c(SRS_Rte_00094,
SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00129, SRS_Rte_00185)
• [SWS_Rte_07660] dRTE_E_UNCONNECTED – Indicates that the
sender port is not connected.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_-
00122, SRS_Rte_00129, SRS_Rte_00185, SRS_Rte_00139)
The return value of one transformer in the transformer chain
represented a hard transformer error.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-
The return value of at least one transformer in the transformer

657 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

chain was a soft error and no hard error occurred in the trans-
former chain.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
RTE_E_UNCONNECTED return values are not considered to be
an error but rather indicates correct operation of the API call.
[SWS_Rte_07651] dThe initial return value of the Rte_IFeed-
back API, when the runnable entity is executed before any attempt
to write some data shall be RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK.c(SRS_Rte_-
00094, SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00129, SRS_Rte_00185)
[SWS_Rte_08074] dIn case of multiple faults during a call
of Rte_IFeedback the resulting return value shall be de-
rived according to the following priority rules (highest prior-
ity first): (1) RTE_E_UNCONNECTED, (2) RTE_E_TIMEOUT, (3)
Notes: See the notes for the Rte_Feedback API in section 5.6.8.

5.6.37 Rte_IsUpdated

Purpose: Provide access to the update flag for an explicit receiver.

Signature: [SWS_Rte_07390] d
boolean Rte_[Byps_]IsUpdated_<p>_<o>(
[IN RTE_Instance <instance>])

Where <p> is the port name and <o> the VariableDataPro-

totype within the sender-receiver interface categorizing the port.
[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method
for bypass support is enabled for the related software component
type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00179)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_07391] dAn Rte_IsUpdated API shall be created for
a required VariableDataPrototype if a RunnableEntity has
a VariableAccess in the dataReceivePointByArgument or
dataReceivePointByValue role referring to the Variable-
DataPrototype and the enableUpdate attribute is enabled in
the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec of the VariableDataProto-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09034] Rte_IsUpdated API may only be
used by the runnable that describe the access to the corre-
sponding data dThe Rte_IsUpdated API may only be used by
the runnable that contains the corresponding VariableAccess in

658 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

the dataReceivePointByArgument or dataReceivePointBy-

Value role.c()
Description: The Rte_IsUpdated API takes no parameters other than the in-
stance handle – the return value is used to indicate if the Vari-
ableDataPrototype has been updated or not.
The Rte_IsUpdated API applies only to sender-receiver communi-
Return Value: The return value is used to indicate if the VariableDataProto-
type has been updated or not.
• [SWS_Rte_07392] dTRUE – Data element updated since last
read.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00179)
• [SWS_Rte_07393] dFALSE – Data element not updated since
last read.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00179)
Notes: None.

5.6.38 Rte_PBCon

Purpose: Provide access to the individual post-build artifacts of a Variation-

PointProxy for SWCs of a system containing different variants.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_08066] d
Rte_[Byps_]PBCon_<vpp> ()

Where <vpp> is the shortName of the VariationPointProxy.

[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method
for bypass support is enabled for the related software component
type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_Rte_00191)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_08067] dA Rte_PBCon API shall be generated, if a
PostBuildVariantCriterion or at least one PostBuildVari-
antCondition is defined for the VariationPointProxy.c(SRS_-
Description: Depending on the category of the VariationPointProxy (see
Software Component Template [2]), the Rte_PBCon API provides ei-
ther access to the PostBuildVariantCriterion or to the result
of the evaluation of the PostBuildVariantConditions against
the PostBuildVariantCriterion.
Return Value: [SWS_Rte_08068] dFor VariationPointProxys of category
VALUE the return value of Rte_PBCon shall be an integer value
yielding from the VariationPointProxy.postBuildValueAc-

659 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The return type of Rte_PBCon shall be in this case conform with the
ImplementationDataType defined by VariationPointProxy.
[SWS_Rte_08069] dFor VariationPointProxys of category
CONDITION the return value of Rte_PBCon shall be the result of
the evaluated expression P BExp: P BV arCon (

VariationPointProxy.postBuildValueAccess = Post-
BuildVariantCondition.value), where PBVarCon is the set of
all postBuildVariantConditions of the VariationPoint-
Proxy. If a pre-build condition is defined in addition the return
value shall be the result of the evaluated expression P P BExp:
VariationPointProxy.conditionAccess P BExp.
The return type of Rte_PBCon shall be in this case the Platform Type
Notes: [SWS_Rte_08070] dFor VariationPointProxys of category
CONDITION that are using both conditionAccess and post-
BuildVariantCondition the RTE shall ensure in Rte_PBCon
that pre-build conditions have precedence over post-build condi-
More details regarding Rte_PBCon API can be found in section 4.7.5.

5.6.39 Rte_IsAvailable

Purpose: Provide access to the availability information for an optional member

of an ImplementationDataType of category STRUCTURE.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_03611] d
Rte_IsAvailable_<i>_<e>(IN <data>)

Where <i> is the shortName of the ImplementationDataType

of category STRUCTURE and <e> the shortName of the Implemen-
Existence: [SWS_Rte_03612] dAn Rte_IsAvailable API shall be generated
for an ImplementationDataTypeElement of an Implementa-
tionDataType when the attribute isOptional of the Implemen-
tationDataTypeElement is set to true.c(SRS_Rte_00261)
Description: The Rte_IsAvailable API takes a concrete variable as input by
reference (e.g. the returned data of Rte_Read). The variable must
be of type <i>. The return value is used to indicate whether the
optional member <e> is available within the variable of type <i>.

660 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Return Value: • [SWS_Rte_03613] dTRUE – The optional member <i> is avail-

• [SWS_Rte_03614] dFALSE – The optional member <i> is not
Notes: None.

5.6.40 Rte_SetAvailable

Purpose: Sets the availability information for an optional member of an Imple-

mentationDataType of category STRUCTURE.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_03615] d
Rte_SetAvailable_<i>_<e>(IN/OUT <data>,
boolean available)

Where <i> is the shortName of the ImplementationDataType

of category STRUCTURE and <e> the shortName of the Implemen-
Existence: [SWS_Rte_03616] dAn Rte_SetAvailable API shall be gener-
ated for an ImplementationDataTypeElement of an Imple-
mentationDataType when the attribute isOptional of the
ImplementationDataTypeElement is set to true.c(SRS_Rte_-
Description: The Rte_SetAvailable API takes a concrete variable as input by
reference (e.g. a variable which will be passed to an Rte_Write
call). The variable must be of type <i>. The API sets the availability
of the struct member <e> within the variable to the value defined by
the available parameter.
Return Value: None.
Notes: None.

5.6.41 Rte_SetMetaDataItem

Purpose: Sets the value of a MetaDataItem of optional meta data of a data

Signature: [SWS_Rte_03622] d
IN/OUT <metaDataPtr>, IN <metaDataItemValue>)

661 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Where <o> is the VariableDataPrototype which is referenced

by a MetaDataItemSet and <m> is the shortLabel of the Val-
ueSpecification aggregated by the MetaDataItem. <meta-
DataPtr> is the pointer to the meta data byte array. <meta-
DataItemValue> is an integer determined by the length of the
Existence: [SWS_Rte_03623] dAn Rte_SetMetaDataItem API shall be gen-
erated for each MetaDataItem of a MetaDataItemSet which ref-
erences a VariableDataPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00322)
Description: The Rte_SetMetaDataItem API takes a meta data byte array as
input and writes the given <metaDataItemValue> into this byte ar-
ray. The position in the byte array can be determined by the position
of the MetaDataItem in the MetaDataItemSet and by the length
attribute of the MetaDataItems.
Return Value: None.
Notes: None.

5.6.42 Rte_GetMetaDataItem

Purpose: Gets the value of a MetaDataItem of optional meta data of a data

Signature: [SWS_Rte_03624] d
Rte_GetMetaDataItem_<o>_<m>(IN <metaDataPtr>)

Where <o> is the VariableDataPrototype which is referenced

by a MetaDataItemSet and <m> is the shortLabel of the Val-
ueSpecification aggregated by the MetaDataItem. <meta-
DataPtr> is the pointer to the meta data byte array. <meta-
DataItemValue> is an integer determined by the length of the
Existence: [SWS_Rte_03625] dAn Rte_GetMetaDataItem API shall be gen-
erated for each MetaDataItem of a MetaDataItemSet which ref-
erences a VariableDataPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00322)
Description: The Rte_GetMetaDataItem API takes a meta data byte array as
input and returns the value of the MetaDataItem as stored in this
byte array. The position in the byte array can be determined by the
position of the MetaDataItem in the MetaDataItemSet and by the
length attribute of the MetaDataItems.
Return Value: The value of the MetaDataItem.
Notes: None.

662 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5.6.43 Rte_GetMetaDataLength

Purpose: Gets the length of the meta data byte array of optional meta data of
a data element.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_03626] d

Where <o> is the VariableDataPrototype which is referenced

by a MetaDataItemSet. <length> is an integer determined by
the sum of all MetaDataItem.length in the MetaDataItemSet.c
Existence: [SWS_Rte_03627] dAn Rte_GetMetaDataLength API shall be
generated for each VariableDataPrototype which is referenced
by a MetaDataItemSet.c(SRS_Rte_00322)
Description: The Rte_GetMetaDataLength API returns the length of the meta
data byte array.
Return Value: The length of the meta data byte array.
Notes: None.

5.7 Runnable Entity Reference

An AUTOSAR component defines one or more “runnable entities”. A runnable entity
is a piece of code with a single entry point and an associate set of data. A software-
component description provides definitions for each runnable entity within the software-
For components implemented using C or C++ the entry point of a runnable entity is
implemented by a function with global scope defined within a software-component’s
source code. The following sections consider the function signature and prototype.

5.7.1 Signature

The definition of all runnable entities, whatever the RTEEvent that triggers their exe-
cution, follows the same basic form.
[SWS_Rte_01126] d
<void|Std_ReturnType> [Byps_]<prefix><name>(
[IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[IN Rte_ActivatingEvent_<name> <activation>],
[role parameters])

663 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Where <name> 8 is the symbol describing the runnable’s entry point and <prefix> is
the optional SymbolProps.symbol attribute of the AtomicSwComponentType own-
ing the RunnableEntity, i.e. <prefix> will only appear if the attribute Symbol-
Props.symbol exists. The usage of Rte_ActivatingEvent is optional and defined
in [SWS_Rte_08051]. The definition of the role parameters is defined in Section 5.7.3.
[Byps_] is an optional infix used when component wrapper method for bypass sup-
port is enabled for the related software component type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_-
Rte_00031, SRS_Rte_00011, SRS_Rte_00238)
Section contains details on a recommended naming conventions for runnable
entities based on the RTEEvent that triggers the runnable entity. The recommended
naming convention makes explicit the functions that implement runnable entities as well
as clearly associating the runnable entity and the applicable data element or operation.

5.7.2 Entry Point Prototype

The RTE determines the required role parameters, and hence the prototype of the
entry point, for a runnable entity based on information in the input information. The
entry point defined in the component source must be compatible with the parameters
passed by the RTE when the runnable entity is triggered by the RTE and therefore the
RTE generator is required to emit a prototype for the function.
[SWS_Rte_01132] dThe RTE generator shall emit a prototype for the runnable entity’s
entry point in the Application Header File, if the RunnableEntity is triggered by an
RTEEvent and no SwcBswRunnableMapping exists for it.c(SRS_Rte_00087, SRS_-
Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00031)
The prototype for a function implementing the entry point of a runnable entity is emitted
for both “RTE Contract” and “RTE Generation” phases. The function name for the
prototype is the runnable entity’s entry point. The prototype of the entry point function
includes the runnable entity’s instance handle and its role parameters, see Listing 5.1.
[SWS_Rte_07194] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each RunnableEntity’s Entry
Point Prototype in the Application Header File with the Memory Mapping and Compiler
Abstraction macros.
1 #define [Byps_]<c>_START_SEC_<sadm>
2 #include "[Byps_]<c>_MemMap.h"

4 FUNC(<void|Std_ReturnType>, <c>_<sadm>) [Byps_]<prefix><name> (

5 [IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
6 [IN Rte_ActivatingEvent_<name> <activation>],
7 [role parameters]);

Runnable entities have two “names” associated with them in the AUTOSAR Software Component
Template; the runnable’s identifier and the entry point’s symbol. The identifier is used to reference
the runnable entity within the input data and the symbol used within code to identify the runnable’s
implementation. In the context of a prototype for a runnable entity, “name” is the runnable entity’s entry
point symbol.

664 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

9 #define [Byps_]<c>_STOP_SEC_<sadm>
10 #include "[Byps_]<c>_MemMap.h"

where <c> is the shortName of the software component type,

<sadm> is the shortName of the referred swAddrMethod.
<prefix> is the optional SymbolProps.symbol attribute of the AtomicSwCompo-
nentType owning the RunnableEntity, i.e. <prefix> will only appear if the at-
tribute SymbolProps.symbol exists.
<name> is the attribute symbol describing the RunnableEntity’s entry point.
The usage of Rte_ActivatingEvent is optional and defined in [SWS_Rte_08051].
The definition of the role parameters is defined in Section 5.7.3. The Memory Map-
ping macros could wrap several Entry Point Prototype if these are referring to the
same swAddrMethod. If RunnableEntity does not refer a swAddrMethod the
<sadm> is set to default CODE. [Byps_] is an optionnal infix used when compo-
nent wrapper method for bypass support is enabled for the related software compo-
nent type (See chapter 4.9.2).c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00149, SRS_Rte_00238,
[SWS_Rte_06531] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each Entry Point Prototype in the
Application Header File of a variant existent RunnableEntity if the variability shall
be implemented.c(SRS_Rte_00201)
1 #if (<condition>)
3 <Entry Point Prototype>

5 #endif

where condition is the Condition Value Macro of the VariationPoint rele-

vant for the variant existence of the RunnableEntity (see table 4.26), Entry
Point Prototype is the code according an invariant Entry Point Prototype (see
also [SWS_Rte_01131], [SWS_Rte_07177], [SWS_Rte_02512], [SWS_Rte_01133],
[SWS_Rte_01359], [SWS_Rte_01166], [SWS_Rte_01135], [SWS_Rte_01137],
[SWS_Rte_07207], [SWS_Rte_07208], [SWS_Rte_07379]).
[SWS_Rte_01016] dThe function implementing the entry point of a runnable entity
shall define an instance handle as the first formal parameter if and only if the software
component’s supportsMultipleInstantiation attribute is set to TRUE.c(SRS_-
Rte_00011, SRS_Rte_00031)
The RTE will ensure that when the runnable entity is triggered the instance handle pa-
rameter indicates the correct component instance. The remaining parameters passed
to the runnable entity depend on the RTEEvent that triggers execution of the runnable
Due to the global name space of a C Linker Locater symbols of RunnableEntitys
have to be unique in the ECU. When AtomicSwComponentTypes of several vendors

665 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

are integrated in the same ECU name clashes might occur if the same symbol is ac-
cidentally used twice. To ease the dissolving of name clashes the RTE supports an
abstraction of the RunnableEntity symbol in the implementation of the software
[SWS_Rte_06713] dThe RTE generator shall emit for each RunnableEntity a define
for a symbolic name of the RunnableEntity.
1 #define RTE_RUNNABLE_<name> <prefix><symbol>

where <name> is the shortName of the RunnableEntity,

<prefix> is the optional SymbolProps.symbol attribute of the AtomicSwCompo-
nentType owning the RunnableEntity.
<symbol> is the attribute symbol describing the RunnableEntity’s entry point.
c(SRS_Rte_00087, SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00031)
This symbolic name of the RunnableEntity can be used as follows in the software
component implementation.

Example 5.29

For software component "‘HugeSwc"’ with a runnable "‘FOO"’ where the Symbol-
Props.symbol is set to "‘TinySwc"’ the Application Header File contains the definition:
1 /* Application Header File of HugeSwc*/
2 #define RTE_RUNNABLE_FOO TinySwcfoo

This can be used in the software components c file for the definition of the runnable:
1 /* software component c file */
3 {
4 /* The algorithm of foo */
5 return;
6 }

A change of the SymbolProps.symbol valued would have no effect on the c imple-

mentation of the software component but it would change the contract and the used
labels in a object code delivery.

In case that the RunnableEntity is mapped to BswModuleEntity the RTE Gener-

ator has to additionally respect the definitions in

5.7.3 Role Parameters

The role parameters are optional and their presence and types depend on the RTE-
Event that triggers the execution of the runnable entity. The role parameters that are
necessary for each triggering RTEEvent are defined in Section 5.7.5.

666 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06703] dThe RTE Generator shall name role parameters according to the
value of the symbol attribute of RunnableEntityArguments if RunnableEntit-
yArguments are defined for the related RunnableEntity and if no mapping to a
BswModuleEntry is defined.c(SRS_Rte_00087)
[SWS_Rte_06704] dThe RTE Generator shall name role parameters according to the
shortName of the SwServiceArgs of the mapped BswModuleEntry if a mapping
of the RunnableEntity to a BswModuleEntry is defined.c(SRS_Rte_00087)
Please note that RunnableEntityArguments defined for a RunnableEntity
which is mapped to a BswModuleEntry are irrelevant.
[SWS_Rte_06705] dThe RTE Generator shall generate nameless role parameters if
neither RunnableEntityArguments nor a mapping to a BswModuleEntry is de-
fined for the RunnableEntity.c(SRS_Rte_00087)
Further details about the mapping of RunnableEntitys and BswModuleEntry can
be found section "‘Synchronization with a Corresponding SWC"’ of the document [9]

5.7.4 Return Value

A function in C or C++ is required to have a return type. The RTE only uses the function
return value to return application error codes of a server operation.
[SWS_Rte_01130] dA function implementing a runnable entity entry point shall only
have the return type Std_ReturnType, if the runnable entity represents a server op-
eration and the AUTOSAR interface description of that client server communication
lists potential application errors. All other functions implementing a runnable entity
entry point shall have a return type of void.c(SRS_Rte_00124, SRS_Rte_00031)
Note: If the potential application errors include RTE_E_OK, this shall also lead to a
return type of Std_ReturnType.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09045] The upper two bits of the of the server return value
are reserved dOnly the least significant six bit of the return value of a server runnable
shall be used by the application to indicate an error. The upper two bit shall be zero.c()
See also [SWS_Rte_02573].

5.7.5 Triggering Events

The RTE is the sole entity that can trigger the execution of a runnable entity. The RTE
triggers runnable entities in response to different RTEEvents.
The most basic RTEEvent that can trigger a runnable entity is the TimingEvent
that causes a runnable entity to be periodically triggered by the RTE. In contrast, the
remaining RTEEvents that can trigger runnable entities all occur as a result of com-
munication activity or as a result of mode switches.

667 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The following subsections describe the conditions that can trigger execution of a runn-
able entity. For each triggering event the signature of the function (the “entry point”)
that implements the runnable entity is defined. The signature definition includes two
classes of parameters for each function;
1. The instance handle – the parameter type is always Rte_Instance.
2. The role parameters – used to pass information required by the runnable entity
as a consequence of the triggering condition. The presence (and number) of role
parameters depends solely on the triggering condition. TimingEvent

Purpose: Trigger a runnable entity periodically at a rate defined within the

software-component description.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01131] d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

c(SRS_Rte_00072) BackgroundEvent

Purpose: A recurring RTEEvent which is used to perform background activi-

ties. It is similar to a TimingEvent but has no fixed time period and
is activated only with low priority.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_07177] d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

c(SRS_Rte_00072) SwcModeSwitchEvent

Purpose: Trigger of a runnable entity as a result of a mode switch. See also

sections 4.4.4 and 4.4.7 for reference.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_02512] d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00143)

668 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent

Purpose: Triggers a runnable entity used to “collect” the result and status infor-
mation of an asynchronous client-server operation.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01133] d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00029, SRS_Rte_00079)

Notes: The runnable entity triggered by an AsynchronousServerCall-
ReturnsEvent RTEEvent should use the Rte_Result API to ac-
tually receive the result and the status of the server operation. DataReceiveErrorEvent

Purpose: Triggers a runnable entity used to “collect” the error status of a data
element with “data” semantics on the receiver side.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01359] d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00029, SRS_Rte_00079)

Notes: The runnable entity triggered by a DataReceiveErrorEvent RTE-
Event should use the Rte_IStatus API to actually read the status. OperationInvokedEvent

Purpose: An RTEEvent that causes the RTE to trigger a runnable entity whose
entry point provides an implementation for a client-server operation.
This event occurs in response to a received request from a client to
execute the operation.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01166] d
<void|Std_ReturnType> <name>
([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[IN <portDefArg 1>, ...
IN <portDefArg n>],
[IN|INOUT|OUT] <param 1>, ...
[IN|INOUT|OUT] <param n>,
[IN Std_TransformerError transformerError])

Where <portDefArg 1>, ..., <portDefArg n> represent the

port-defined argument values (see Section and
<param 1>, ... <param n> indicates the operation IN, INOUT
and OUT parameters.c(SRS_Rte_00029, SRS_Rte_00079, SRS_-
Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00152)

669 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The data type of each port defined argument is taken from the soft-
ware component template, as defined in valueType.
Note that the port-defined argument values are optional, depending
upon the server’s internal behavior.
[SWS_Rte_07023] dThe operation parameters <param 1>, ...
<param n> are the specified ArgumentDataPrototypes of the
ClientServerOperation that is associated with the Opera-
tionInvokedEvent. The operation parameters shall be ordered
according to the ClientServerOperation’s ordered list of the
ArgumentDataPrototypes.c(SRS_Rte_00029, SRS_Rte_00079,
[SWS_Rte_07024] dIf the ServerArgumentImplPolicy is set
to useArgumentType the data type of the <param> is de-
rived from the ArgumentDataPrototype’s Implementation-
DataType.c(SRS_Rte_00029, SRS_Rte_00079, SRS_Rte_00072)
In case of [SWS_Rte_07024] the RunnableEntitys parameter are
equally typed as the parameter for the Rte_Call API described in
[SWS_Rte_08569] dThe optional IN parameter transformer-
Error of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of port
<p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute er-
rorHandling set to transformerErrorHandling.c(SRS_Rte_-
The IN parameter transformerError contains the transformer er-
ror which occured during execution of the transformer chain. See
chapter 4.10.5. Because the runnable can only be triggered if the
error is no hard error, the error given here is always a soft error.
Hard errors are notified via TransformerHardErrorEvents.
[SWS_Rte_07026] dThe RTE-Generator shall reject configurations
violating [constr_1297].c(SRS_Rte_00029, SRS_Rte_00079, SRS_-
Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_07027] dIf the ServerArgumentImplPolicy is set to
useVoid the data type of the <param> is set to void * for any kind
of data type.c(SRS_Rte_00029, SRS_Rte_00079, SRS_Rte_00072)
It is considered an invalid configuration if ServerArgumentIm-
plPolicy uses void in case of primitive IN arguments. See [con-
str_1286] in Software Component Template specification.
[SWS_Rte_08800] dThe RTE-Generator shall reject configurations
violating [constr_1286].c(SRS_Rte_00079, SRS_Rte_00018)

670 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Return Value: If the AUTOSAR interface description of the client server commu-
nication lists possible error codes, these are returned by the func-
tion using the return type Std_ReturnType. If no error codes
are defined for this interface, the return type shall be void (see
This means that even if a runnable entity implementing a server "only"
returns E_OK, application errors have to be defined. Else the return
types do not match. DataReceivedEvent

Purpose: A runnable entity triggered by the RTE to receive and process a signal
received on a sender-receiver interface.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01135] d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00028, SRS_Rte_00131, SRS_Rte_-

Notes: The data or event is not passed as an additional parameter. Instead,
the previously described reception API should be used to access the
data/event. This approach permits the same signature for runnables
that are triggered by time (TimingEvent) or data reception.
Caution: For intra-ECU communication, the DataReceivedEvent
is fired after each completed write operation to the shared data. In
case of implicit access, write operation is considered to be completed
when the runnable ends. While for inter-ECU communication, the
DataReceivedEvent is fired by the RTE after a callback from COM
or LdCom due to data reception. Over a physical network, ‘data’ is
commonly transmitted periodically and hence not only will the latency
and jitter of DataReceivedEvents vary depending on whether a
configuration uses intra or inter-ECU communication, but also the
number and frequency of these RTEEvents may change significantly.
This means that a TimingEvent should be used to periodically ac-
tivation of a runnable rather than relying on the periodic transmission
of data. DataSendCompletedEvent

Purpose: A runnable entity triggered by the RTE to receive and process trans-
mit acknowledgment notifications.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01137] d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

671 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00107)

Notes: The runnable entity triggered by a DataSendCompletedEvent
RTEEvent should use the Rte_Feedback API to actually receive
the status of the acknowledgment. ModeSwitchedAckEvent

Purpose: A runnable entity triggered by the RTE to receive and process mode
switched acknowledgment notifications.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_02758] d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00107)

Notes: The runnable entity triggered by an ModeSwitchedAckEvent
should use the Rte_SwitchAck API to actually receive the status
of the acknowledgment. SwcModeManagerErrorEvent

Purpose: A runnable entity triggered by the RTE to react on errors occurring

during mode handling.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_06771] d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00107)

Notes: – ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent

Purpose: A runnable entity triggered by the RTE at the occurrence of an exter-

nal event.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_07207] d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
[IN Std_TransformerError transformerError])

c(SRS_Rte_00162, SRS_Rte_00072)
[SWS_Rte_05301] dThe optional IN parameter transformer-
Error of the API shall be generated if the PortPrototype of port

672 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<p> is referenced by a PortAPIOption which has the attribute er-

rorHandling set to transformerErrorHandling.c(SRS_Rte_-
The IN parameter transformerError contains the transformer er-
ror which occurred during execution of the transformer chain. See
chapter 4.10.5. Because the RunnableEntity can only be trig-
gered if the error is no hard error, the error given here is always a soft
error. Hard errors are notified via TransformerHardErrorEvents.
Notes: – InternalTriggerOccurredEvent

Purpose: A runnable entity triggered by the RTE by an inter runnable trigger.

Signature: [SWS_Rte_07208] d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

c(SRS_Rte_00163, SRS_Rte_00072)
Notes: – DataWriteCompletedEvent

Purpose: A runnable entity triggered by the RTE to receive and process trans-
mit acknowledgment notifications for implicit communication.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_07379] d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00185)

Notes: The runnable entity triggered by a DataWriteCompletedEvent
RTEEvent should use the Rte_IFeedback API to actually receive
the status of the acknowledgment. InitEvent

Purpose: A runnable entity triggered by the RTE for initialization.

Signature: [SWS_Rte_06748] d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00240)
Notes: The runnable entity triggered by an InitEvent RTEEvent is sup-
posed to be used for initialization purposes, i.e. for starting and

673 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

restarting a partition. It is not guaranteed that all RunnableEn-

titys referenced by this InitEvent are executed before the ’regu-
lar’ RunnableEntitys are executed for the first time. TransformerErrorEvent

Purpose: A RunnableEntity triggered by the RTE because a transforma-

tion error occurred during the transformation of a server runnable’s
arguments or during the transformation of an external trigger event
(external trigger sink).
Signature: [SWS_Rte_08791] d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>],
IN Std_TransformerError transformerError)

c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00249)
Notes: The RunnableEntity triggered by a TransformerHardEr-
rorEvent RTEEvent is supposed to be used for reaction on a hard
transformer error on the server side of a client/server communication
or in the external trigger sink. The IN parameter transformer-
Error contains the transformer error which occurred during execu-
tion of the transformer chain. See chapter 4.10.5. OsTaskExecutionEvent

Purpose: The RunnableEntity triggered by a OsTaskExecutionEvent is

supposed to react on the execution of specific OS Tasks.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_82008]{DRAFT} d
void <name>([IN Rte_Instance <instance>])

Notes: The runnable entity triggered by an OsTaskExecutionEvent re-
acts on the execution of the OS Task to which it is mapped. The
main use case for this event is scheduling of RunnableEntitys of
complex drivers which have to react on task executions.

5.7.6 Reentrancy

A runnable entity is declared within a software-component type. The RTE ensures

that concurrent activation of same instance of a runnable entity is only allowed if the
runnables attribute "canBeInvokedConcurrently" is set to TRUE (see Section 4.2.7).

674 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

When a software-component is multiple instantiated each separate instance has its

own instance of the runnable entities in the software-component. Whilst instances of a
software-component are independent, the runnable entities instances share the same
code ([SWS_Rte_03015]).

Example 5.30

Consider a component c1 with runnable entity re1 and entry point ep that is instanti-
ated twice on the same ECU.
The two instances of c1 each has a separate instance of re1. Software-component
instances are scheduled independently and therefore each instance of re1 could be
concurrently executing ep.

The potential for concurrent execution of runnable entities when multiple instances of
a software-component are created means that each entry point should be reentrant.

5.8 RTE Lifecycle API Reference

This section documents the API functions used to start and stop the RTE. RTE Lifecy-
cle API functions are not invoked from AUTOSAR software-components – instead they
are invoked from other basic software module(s).

5.8.1 Rte_Start

The API Rte_Start initializes the RTE itself.

[] d
Service Name Rte_Start
Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_Start (

Service ID [hex] 0x70

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value Std_ReturnType RTE_E_OK: No error occurred.
RTE_E_LIMIT: An internal limit has been exceeded. The
allocation of a required resource has failed.
Description Rte_Start is intended to allocate and initialize system resources and communication resources
used by the RTE.

675 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Available via Rte.h

c() Signature

[SWS_Rte_02569] d
Std_ReturnType Rte_Start(void)

c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00116) Existence

[SWS_Rte_01309] dThe Rte_Start API is always created.c(SRS_Rte_00051) Description

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09035] Rte_Start shall be called only once dRte_Start

shall be called only once by the EcuStateManager from trusted OS context on a core
after the basic software modules required by RTE are initialized.c()
These modules include:
• OS
• memory services
The Rte_Start API shall not be invoked from AUTOSAR software components.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09036] Rte_Start API may only be used after call of
SchM_Init dThe Rte_Start API may only be used after the Basic Software Sched-
uler is initialized (after termination of the SchM_Init).c()
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09037] Rte_Start API shall be called on every core dThe
Rte_Start API shall be called on every core that hosts AUTOSAR software-
components of the ECU.c()
[SWS_Rte_02585] dRte_Start shall return within finite execution time – it must not
enter an infinite loop.c(SRS_Rte_00116)
Rte_Start may be implemented as a function or a macro.

676 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Return Value

If the allocation of a resource fails, Rte_Start shall return with an error.

• [SWS_Rte_01261] dRTE_E_OK – No error occurred.c(SRS_Rte_00094)
• [SWS_Rte_01262] dRTE_E_LIMIT – An internal limit has been exceeded. The
allocation of a required resource has failed.c(SRS_Rte_00094) Notes

Rte_Start is declared in the lifecycle header file Rte_Main.h. The initialization of

AUTOSAR software-components takes place after the termination of Rte_Start and
is triggered by a mode change event on entering run state.

5.8.2 Rte_Stop

The API Rte_Stop finalizes the RTE itself.

[] d
Service Name Rte_Stop
Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_Stop (

Service ID [hex] 0x71

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value Std_ReturnType RTE_E_OK: No error occurred.
RTE_E_LIMIT: A resource could not be released.
Description Rte_Stop is used to finalize the RTE on the core it is called. This service releases all system
and communication resources allocated by the RTE on that core.
Available via Rte.h

c() Signature

[SWS_Rte_02570] d
Std_ReturnType Rte_Stop(void)


677 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Existence

[SWS_Rte_01310] dThe Rte_Stop API is always created.c(SRS_Rte_00051) Description

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09038] Rte_Stop shall be called before BSW shutdown d

Rte_Stop shall be called by the EcuStateManager before the basic software modules
required by RTE are shut down.c()
These modules include:
• OS
• memory services
Rte_Stop shall be called from trusted context and not by an AUTOSAR software com-
[SWS_Rte_02584] dRte_Stop shall return within finite execution time.c(SRS_Rte_-
Rte_Stop may be implemented as a function or a macro. Return Value

• [SWS_Rte_01259] dRTE_E_OK – No error occurred.c(SRS_Rte_00094)

• [SWS_Rte_01260] dRTE_E_LIMIT – a resource could not be released.c(SRS_-
Rte_00094) Notes

Rte_Stop is declared in the lifecycle header file Rte_Main.h.

5.8.3 Rte_PartitionTerminated

The API Rte_PartitionTerminated indicates to the RTE that a partition is going

to be terminated, and the communication with the Partition shall be ignored.
[] d

678 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_PartitionTerminated_<PID>

Syntax void Rte_PartitionTerminated_<PID> (

Service ID [hex] 0x72

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_PartitionTerminated is intended to notify the RTE that a given partition is terminated or is
being restarted.
Available via Rte.h

c() Signature

[SWS_Rte_07330] d
void Rte_PartitionTerminated_<PID>(void)

Where <PID> is the name of the EcucPartition according to the ECU Configuration
Description [5]. Existence

[SWS_Rte_07331] dAn Rte_PartitionTerminated API shall be created for every

Partition.c(SRS_Rte_00223) Description

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09039] Rte_PartitionTerminated shall be called only

once dRte_PartitionTerminated shall be called only once by the Protection-
Rte_PartitionTerminated may be implemented as a function or a macro.
[SWS_Rte_07334] dThe treatments in Rte_PartitionTerminated shall be re-
stricted to the ones allowed in the context of a ProtectionHook.c(SRS_Rte_00223)

679 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Since Rte_PartitionTerminated is called from the ProtectionHook context, it

should be as fast as possible. Moreover, it cannot be assumed any more that par-
tition local data including RTE data is consistent. Therefore, actions should be limited
to setting a flag. Actual cleanup needs to be deferred to another task.
The notification provided by Rte_PartitionTerminated can be used later by the
RTE to immediately return an error status when SW-Cs of other partitions tries to com-
municate with the stopped partition. See [SWS_Rte_02710] and [SWS_Rte_02709].
[SWS_Rte_07335] dTerminating an already terminated Partition shall be ignored.c
(SRS_Rte_00223) Return Value

None. Notes

Rte_PartitionTerminated is declared in the lifecycle header file Rte_Main.h.

5.8.4 Rte_PartitionRestarting

The API Rte_PartitionRestarting indicates to the RTE that a Partition is

going to be restarted and that the communication with the Partition shall be ignored.
[] d
Service Name Rte_PartitionRestarting_<PID>
Syntax void Rte_PartitionRestarting_<PID> (

Service ID [hex] 0x73

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_PartitionRestarting is intended to notify the RTE that a given partition is being restarted. As
Rte_PartitionTerminated, Rte_PartitionRestarting indicates that the communication with the
partition shall be ignored, but in case of Rte_PartitionRestarting, the partition may be restarted
later in the ECU lifecycle.
Available via Rte.h


680 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Signature

[SWS_Rte_07620] d
void Rte_PartitionRestarting_<PID>(void)

Where <PID> is the name of the EcucPartition according to the ECU Configuration
Description [5].c(SRS_Rte_00223) Existence

[SWS_Rte_07619] dAn Rte_PartitionRestarting API shall be created for any

Partition which can be restarted (i.e. a Partition whose PartitionCanBeR-
estarted parameter is enabled).c(SRS_Rte_00223) Description

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09040] Rte_PartitionRestarting shall be called only

onc dRte_PartitionRestarting shall be called only once by the ProtectionHook.c
Rte_PartitionRestarting may be implemented as a function or a macro.
[SWS_Rte_07617] dThe treatments in Rte_PartitionRestarting shall be re-
stricted to the ones allowed in the context of a ProtectionHook.c(SRS_Rte_00223)
Since Rte_PartitionRestarting is called from the ProtectionHook context, it
should be as fast as possible. It should be limited to setting a flag. Actual cleanup
should be deferred to another task.
[SWS_Rte_07622] dRestarting an already terminated Partition or restarting a
Partition during an ongoing restart shall be ignored.c(SRS_Rte_00223) Return Value

None. Notes

Rte_PartitionRestarting is declared in the lifecycle header file Rte_Main.h.

681 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5.8.5 Rte_RestartPartition

The API Rte_RestartPartition initializes the RTE resources allocated for a parti-
[] d
Service Name Rte_RestartPartition_<PID>
Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_RestartPartition_<PID> (

Service ID [hex] 0x74

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value Std_ReturnType RTE_E_OK: No error occurred.
RTE_E_LIMIT: An internal limit has been exceeded. The
allocation of a required resource has failed.
Description Rte_RestartPartition is intended to notify the RTE that a given partition will be restarted.
Available via Rte.h

c() Signature

[SWS_Rte_07188] d
Std_ReturnType Rte_RestartPartition_<PID>(void)

Where <PID> is the name of the EcucPartition according to the ECU Configuration
Description [5].c(SRS_Rte_00224) Existence

[SWS_Rte_07336] dAn Rte_RestartPartition API shall be created for any Par-

tition which can be restarted (i.e. a Partition whose PartitionCanBeR-
estarted parameter is enabled).c(SRS_Rte_00224) Description

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09041] Rte_RestartPartition shall be called from

RestartTask dRte_RestartPartition shall be called only in the context of the
RestartTask of the given partition.c()

682 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07338] dRte_RestartPartition shall return within finite execution time

– it must not enter an infinite loop.c(SRS_Rte_00224)
Rte_RestartPartition may be implemented as a function or a macro.
[SWS_Rte_07339] dThe Rte_RestartPartition shall restore an initial RTE envi-
ronment for the partition and re-activate communication with this partition.c(SRS_Rte_-
This includes:
• signal initial values,
• modes,
• queued events,
• sequence counters.
[SWS_Rte_07340] dRte_RestartPartition shall be ignored if the given partition
was not stopped before (with Rte_PartitionTerminated or Rte_Partition-
Restarting).c(SRS_Rte_00224) Return Value

If the allocation of a resource fails, Rte_RestartPartition shall return with an

• [SWS_Rte_07341] dRTE_E_OK – No error occurred.c(SRS_Rte_00224)
• [SWS_Rte_07342] dRTE_E_LIMIT – An internal limit has been exceeded. The
allocation of a required resource has failed.c(SRS_Rte_00224) Notes

Rte_RestartPartition is declared in the lifecycle header file Rte_Main.h.

5.8.6 Rte_Init

The API Rte_Init schedules RunnableEntitys for initialization purpose.

[] d

683 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_Init_<InitContainer>

Syntax void Rte_Init_<InitContainer> (

Service ID [hex] 0x75

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Init is intended schedule RunnableEntitys for initialization purpose which are mapped to
the related RteInitializationRunnableBatch container.
Available via Rte.h

c() Signature

[SWS_Rte_06749] d
void Rte_Init_<InitContainer>(void)

Where <InitContainer> is the short name of the RteInitialization-

RunnableBatch container.c(SRS_Rte_00240) Existence

[SWS_Rte_06750] dAn Rte_Init API shall be created for each RteInitializa-

tionRunnableBatch container.c(SRS_Rte_00240) Description

[SWS_Rte_06751] dAn Rte_Init API shall invoke the RunnableEntitys which

are associated with an RTEEvent mapped to the related RteInitialization-
RunnableBatch container in the order defined by the RtePositionInTask param-
[SWS_Rte_06752] dRte_Init shall return within finite execution time – it must not
enter an infinite loop.c(SRS_Rte_00240)
[SWS_Rte_06753] dRte_Init shall be implemented as a function.c(SRS_Rte_-

684 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09060] Rte_Init API may only be used after call of Rte_-

Start dThe Rte_Init API may only be used after the RTE is initialized (after termi-
nation of the Rte_Start).c() Return Value

none Notes

Rte_Init is declared in the lifecycle header file Rte_Main.h.

5.8.7 Rte_StartTiming

The API Rte_StartTiming starts the triggering of recurrent events.

[] d
Service Name Rte_StartTiming
Syntax void Rte_StartTiming (

Service ID [hex] 0x76

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_StartTiming API is intended to release the activation of RunnableEntitys triggered by
TimingEvents and BackgroundEvents after the last call of a Rte_Init function.
Available via Rte.h

c() Signature

[SWS_Rte_06754] d
void Rte_StartTiming(void)


685 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Existence

[SWS_Rte_06755] dAn Rte_StartTiming API shall be created if any Rte_Init

API is created.c(SRS_Rte_00240) Description

[SWS_Rte_06756] dRte_StartTiming API shall release the activation of

RunnableEntitys triggered by TimingEvents and BackgroundEvents.c(SRS_-
See as well [SWS_Rte_06759] and [SWS_Rte_06760].
[SWS_Rte_06757] dRte_StartTiming shall return within finite execution time – it
must not enter an infinite loop.c(SRS_Rte_00240)
[SWS_Rte_06758] dRte_StartTiming shall be implemented as a function.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09061] Rte_StartTiming API may only be used after call
of Rte_Start dThe Rte_StartTiming API may only be used after the RTE is ini-
tialized (after termination of the Rte_Start).c() Return Value

none Notes

Rte_StartTiming is declared in the lifecycle header file Rte_Main.h.

5.9 RTE Call-backs Reference

This section documents the call-backs that are generated by the RTE that must be
invoked by other components, such as the communication service, and therefore must
have a well-defined name and semantics.
[SWS_Rte_01165] dA call-back implementation created by the RTE generator is not
permitted to block.c(SRS_Rte_00022)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_01165] serves to constrain RTE implementations so that all
implementations can work with all basic software.

686 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5.9.1 RTE-COM Message Naming Conventions

The COM signals used for communication are defined in the input information provided
by Com.
[SWS_Rte_03007] dThe RTE shall initiate an inter-ECU transmission using the COM
API with the handle id of the corresponding COM signal for primitive data element
[SWS_Rte_03008] dThe RTE shall initiate an inter-ECU transmission using the COM
API with the handle id of the corresponding COM signal group for composite data ele-
ments or operation arguments SenderReceiverToSignalGroupMapping.c(SRS_-

5.9.2 Communication Service Call-backs

Purpose: Implement the call-back functions that AUTOSAR COM / LdCom in-
vokes as a result of inter-ECU communication, where:
• A data item/event is ready for reception by a receiver.
• A transmission acknowledgment shall be routed to a sender.
• An operation shall be invoked by a server.
• The result of an operation is ready for reading by a client.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_03000] d
void <CallbackRoutineName> (void);

Where <CallbackRoutineName> is the name of the call-back func-
Description: Prototypes for the call-back <CallbackRoutineName> provided by
Return Value: No return value : void
In the following sections, the naming convention of <CallBackRoutineName> are
defined: Call-backs for communication over AUTOSAR COM Rte_COMCbk_<sn>

687 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[] d
Service Name Rte_COMCbk_<sn>
Syntax void Rte_COMCbk_<sn> (

Service ID [hex] 0x9f

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This callback function indicates that the signal of the primitive data item/event is ready for
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_03001] d
void Rte_COMCbk_<sn>(void)

where <sn> is the name of the COM signal.c(SRS_Rte_00019)

This callback function indicates that the signal of the primitive data item/event is ready
for reception by a receiver.
It is called from
1. the ComMainFunctionRx referenced by the ComIPdu related to the signal (see
[SWS_Com_00885]), if the ComIPduSignalProcessing is set to DEFERRED
(see [SWS_Com_00301]). This ComMainFunctionRx will be executed in the
EcucPartition referenced by its ComMainRxPartitionRef.
2. the EcucPartition referenced by the ComMainRxPartitionRef of the Com-
MainFunctionRx in turn referenced by the ComIPdu related to the signal (see
[SWS_Com_00885]), if the ComIPdu references one and ComIPduSignalPro-
cessing is set to IMMEDIATE (see [SWS_Com_00300]).
3. the partition referenced by the Pdu related to the signal via EcucPduDedicat-
edPartitionRef, if there is such a reference and the ComIPdu related to the
signal does not reference a ComMainFunctionRx.
4. the partition referenced by the Pdu related to the signal via EcucPduDefault-
PartitionRef, if there is such a reference and the ComIPdu related to the
signal does not reference a ComMainFunctionRx and the Pdu related to the
signal has no EcucPduDedicatedPartitionRef.
Configured in Com: ComNotification [ECUC_Com_00498] as part of ComSignal

688 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sn>

[] d
Service Name Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sn>
Syntax void Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sn> (

Service ID [hex] 0x90

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This callback function indicates that the signal of the primitive data item/event is already handed
over by COM to the PDU router.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_03002] d
void Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sn>(void)

where <sn> is the name of the COM signal.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00122)

“TAck” is literal text indicating transmission acknowledgment. This callback function is
used to route a transmission acknowledgment of a primitve data item/event to a sender.
Configured in Com: ComNotification [ECUC_Com_00498] as part of ComSignal Rte_COMCbkTErr_<sn>

[] d
Service Name Rte_COMCbkTErr_<sn>
Syntax void Rte_COMCbkTErr_<sn> (

Service ID [hex] 0x91

Sync/Async Synchronous

689 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This callback function indicates that an error occurred when the signal of the primitive data
item/event was handed over by COM to the PDU router.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_03775] d
void Rte_COMCbkTErr_<sn>(void)

where <sn> is the name of the COM signal.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00122)

“TErr” is literal text indicating transmission error. This callback function is used to route
a transmission error notification of a primitve data item/event to a sender.
Configured in Com: ComErrorNotification [ECUC_Com_00499] as part of Com-
Signal Rte_COMCbkInv_<sn>

[] d
Service Name Rte_COMCbkInv_<sn>
Syntax void Rte_COMCbkInv_<sn> (

Service ID [hex] 0x92

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This callback function indicates that COM has received a signal and parsed it as "invalid".
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_02612] d
void Rte_COMCbkInv_<sn>(void)

690 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

where <sn> is the name of the COM signal.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00122)

“Inv” is literal text indicating signal invalidation. This callback function is used to route
a signal invalidation of a primitive data item to a receiver.
Configured in Com: ComInvalidNotification [ECUC_COM_00315] as part of
ComSignal Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sn>

[] d
Service Name Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sn>
Syntax void Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sn> (

Service ID [hex] 0x93

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This callback function indicates that the aliveTimeout after the last successful reception of the
signal of the primitive data item/event has expired (data element outdated).
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_02610] d
void Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sn>(void)

where <sn> is the name of the COM signal.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00147)

“RxTOut” is literal text indicating reception signal time out. This callback function is
used to indicate that a signal of a primitve data item is outdated and no new data is
Configured in Com: ComTimeoutNotification [ECUC_Com_00552] as part of
ComSignal Rte_COMCbkTxTOut_<sn>

[] d

691 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_COMCbkTxTOut_<sn>

Syntax void Rte_COMCbkTxTOut_<sn> (

Service ID [hex] 0x94

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This callback function indicates that the timeout of TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest for
sending the signal of the primitive data item/event has expired.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_05084] d
void Rte_COMCbkTxTOut_<sn>(void)

where <sn> is the name of the COM signal.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00122)

“TxTOut” is literal text indicating transmission failure and time out. This callback func-
tion is used to indicate that transmission has failed and timed out for a primitve data
Configured in Com: ComTimeoutNotification [ECUC_Com_00552] as part of
ComSignal Rte_COMCbk_<sg>

[] d
Service Name Rte_COMCbk_<sg>
Syntax void Rte_COMCbk_<sg> (

Service ID [hex] 0x95

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None

692 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This callback function indicates that the signals of the composite data item/event or the
arguments of an operation are ready for reception.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_03004] d
void Rte_COMCbk_<sg>(void)

where <sg> is the name of the COM signal group, which contains all the signals of the
composite data item/event or an operation.c(SRS_Rte_00019)
This callback function indicates that the signals of the composite data item/event or the
arguments of an operation are ready for reception.
It is called from
1. the ComMainFunctionRx referenced by the ComIPdu related to the signal
group (see [SWS_Com_00885]), if the ComIPduSignalProcessing is set to
DEFERRED (see [SWS_Com_00301]). This ComMainFunctionRx will be exe-
cuted in the EcucPartition referenced by its ComMainRxPartitionRef.
2. the EcucPartition referenced by the ComMainRxPartitionRef of the Com-
MainFunctionRx in turn referenced by the ComIPdu related to the signal group
(see [SWS_Com_00885]), if the ComIPdu references one and ComIPduSig-
nalProcessing is set to IMMEDIATE (see [SWS_Com_00300]).
3. the partition referenced by the Pdu related to the signal group via EcucPduDed-
icatedPartitionRef, if there is such a reference and the ComIPdu related to
the signal group does not reference a ComMainFunctionRx.
4. the partition referenced by the Pdu related to the signal group via EcucPduDe-
faultPartitionRef, if there is such a reference and the ComIPdu related to
the signal group does not reference a ComMainFunctionRx and the Pdu related
to the signal group has no EcucPduDedicatedPartitionRef.
Configured in Com: ComNotification [ECUC_Com_00498] as part of ComSig-
nalGroup Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sg>

[] d

693 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sg>

Syntax void Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sg> (

Service ID [hex] 0x96

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This callback function indicates that the signals of the composite data item/event is already
handed over by COM to the PDU router.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_03005] d
void Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sg>(void)

where <sg> is the name of the COM signal group, which contains all the signals of the
composite data item/event or an operation.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00122)
“TAck” is literal text indicating transmission acknowledgment. This callback function
indicates that the signals of the composite data item/event is already handed over by
COM to the PDU router.
Configured in Com: ComNotification [ECUC_Com_00498] as part of ComSig-
nalGroup Rte_COMCbkTErr_<sg>

[] d
Service Name Rte_COMCbkTErr_<sg>
Syntax void Rte_COMCbkTErr_<sg> (

Service ID [hex] 0x97

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant

694 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This callback function indicates that an error occurred when the signal of the composite data
item/event was handed over by COM to the PDU router.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_03776] d
void Rte_COMCbkTErr_<sg>(void)

where <sg> is the name of the COM signal group, which contains all the signals of the
composite data item/event or an operation.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00122)
“TErr” is literal text indicating transmission error. This callback function indicates that
an error occurred when the signal of the composite data item/event was handed over
by COM to the PDU router.
Configured in Com: ComErrorNotification [ECUC_Com_00499] as part of
ComSignalGroup Rte_COMCbkInv_<sg>

[] d
Service Name Rte_COMCbkInv_<sg>
Syntax void Rte_COMCbkInv_<sg> (

Service ID [hex] 0x98

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This callback function indicates that COM has received a signal group and parsed it as "invalid".
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_05065] d

695 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

void Rte_COMCbkInv_<sg>(void)

where <sg> is the name of the COM signal group, which contains all the signals of the
composite data item/event or an operation.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00122)
“Inv” is literal text indicating signal group invalidation. This callback function indicates
that COM has received a signal group and parsed it as “invalid”.
Configured in Com: ComInvalidNotification [ECUC_Com_00315] as part of
ComSignalGroup Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sg>

[] d
Service Name Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sg>
Syntax void Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sg> (

Service ID [hex] 0x99

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This callback function indicates that the aliveTimeout after the last successful reception of the
signal group carrying the composite data item has expired (data element outdated).
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_02611] d
void Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sg>(void)

where <sg> is the name of the COM signal group, which contains all the signals of the
composite data item/event or an operation.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00147)
“RxTOut” is literal text indicating reception signal time out. This callback function indi-
cates that the aliveTimeout after the last successful reception of the signal group
carrying the composite data item has expired (data element outdated).
Configured in Com: ComTimeoutNotification [ECUC_Com_00552] as part of

696 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Rte_COMCbkTxTOut_<sg>

[] d
Service Name Rte_COMCbkTxTOut_<sg>
Syntax void Rte_COMCbkTxTOut_<sg> (

Service ID [hex] 0x9a

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This callback function indicates that the timeout of TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest for
sending the signal group of the composite data item/event has expired.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_05085] d
void Rte_COMCbkTxTOut_<sg>(void)

where <sg> is the name of the COM signal group, which contains all the signals of the
composite data item/event or an operation.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00122)
“TxTOut” is literal text indicating transmission failure and time out. This callback func-
tion indicates that the timeout of TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest for
sending the signal group of the composite data item/event has expired.
Configured in Com: ComTimeoutNotification [ECUC_Com_00552] as part of
ComSignalGroup Rte_COMCbkTxPrep_<mn>

[] d

697 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_COMCbkTxPrep_<mn>

Syntax void Rte_COMCbkTxPrep_<mn> (

Service ID [hex] 0xA8

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This callback function indicates that the signals/signal groups to be sent via a dedicated Com_
MainFunctionTx instance will now be prepared for transmission.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_08907] d
void Rte_COMCbkTxPrep_<mn>(void)

where <mn> is the name of the Com_MainFunctionTx instance.c(SRS_Rte_00019)

“TxPrep” is literal text indicating transmission preparation. This callback function indi-
cates that COM is preparing the signals/signal groups to be sent via the COM instance
of this partition.
The transmission preparation callback (Rte_COMCbkTxPrep_mn) for a signal or sig-
nal group is called from the ComMainFunctionTx (see [SWS_Com_00886]) refer-
enced by the ComIPdu related to the signal or signal group (see [SWS_Com_00885]).
This ComMainFunctionTx will be executed in the EcucPartition referenced by its
Configured in Com: ComPreparationNotification [ECUC_Com_10020] as part
of ComMainFunctionTx Call-backs for communication over AUTOSAR LdCom

[SWS_Rte_01412] dThe RTE shall import the following type from Com-
• BufReq_ReturnType
• PduIdType
• PduInfoType
• PduLengthType
• RetryInfoType

698 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

c(SRS_BSW_00384) Rte_LdComCbkRxIndication_<sn>

[] d
Service Name Rte_LdComCbkRxIndication_<sn>
Syntax void Rte_LdComCbkRxIndication_<sn> (
const PduInfoType* PduInfoPtr

Service ID [hex] 0xA0

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant for same sn, otherwise Reentrant
Parameters (in) PduInfoPtr Contains the length (SduLength) of the received PDU, a pointer
to a buffer (SduDataPtr) containing the PDU, and the MetaData
related to this PDU.
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Indication of a received PDU from a lower layer communication interface module.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_01395] d
void Rte_LdComCbkRxIndication_<sn> (
IN const PduInfoType* info

Where <sn> is a LdCom signal/I-PDU name.c(SRS_Rte_00246)

It is configured in LdCom:
LdComRxIndication [ECUC_LdCom_00014] as part of LdComIPdu Rte_LdComCbkStartOfReception_<sn>

[] d

699 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_LdComCbkStartOfReception_<sn>

Syntax BufReq_ReturnType Rte_LdComCbkStartOfReception_<sn> (
const PduInfoType* info,
PduLengthType TpSduLength,
PduLengthType* bufferSizePtr

Service ID [hex] 0xA1

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant for same sn, otherwise Reentrant
Parameters (in) info Pointer to a PduInfoType structure containing the payload data
(without protocol information) and payload length of the first
frame or single frame of a transport protocol I-PDU reception, and
the MetaData related to this PDU. If neither first/single frame data
nor MetaData are available, this parameter is set to NULL_PTR.
TpSduLength Total length of the N-SDU to be received.
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) bufferSizePtr Available receive buffer in the receiving module. This parameter
will be used to compute the Block Size (BS) in the transport
protocol module.
Return value BufReq_ReturnType BUFREQ_OK: Connection has been accepted. bufferSizePtr
indicates the available receive buffer; reception is continued. If no
buffer of the requested size is available, a receive buffer size of 0
shall be indicated by bufferSizePtr.
BUFREQ_E_NOT_OK: Connection has been rejected; reception
is aborted. bufferSizePtr remains unchanged.
BUFREQ_E_OVFL: No buffer of the required length can be
provided; reception is aborted. bufferSizePtr remains unchanged.
Description This function is called at the start of receiving an N-SDU. The N-SDU might be fragmented into
multiple N-PDUs (FF with one or more following CFs) or might consist of a single N-PDU (SF).
The service shall provide the currently available maximum buffer size when invoked with TpSdu
Length equal to 0.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_01396] d
BufReq_ReturnType Rte_LdComCbkStartOfReception_<sn> (
IN const PduInfoType* SduInfoPtr,
IN PduLengthType SduLength,
OUT PduLengthType* RxBufferSizePtr

Where <sn> is a LdCom signal/I-PDU name.c(SRS_Rte_00246)

It is configured in LdCom:
LdComRxStartOfReception [ECUC_LdCom_00015] as part of LdComIPdu
[SWS_Rte_01397] dThe Rte_LdComCbkStartOfReception_<sn> Call back shall
return BUFREQ_OK when connection has been accepted. RxBufferSizePtr indi-
cates the available receive buffer.c(SRS_Rte_00246)
[SWS_Rte_01398] dThe Rte_LdComCbkStartOfReception_<sn> Call back shall
return BUFREQ_E_NOT_OK when connection has been rejected. RxBufferSizePtr
remains unchanged.c(SRS_Rte_00246)

700 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_01399] dThe Rte_LdComCbkStartOfReception_<sn> Call back shall

return BUFREQ_E_OVFL when configured buffer size as specified via LdComP-
duRef.PduLength is smaller than TpSduLength.c(SRS_Rte_00246) Rte_LdComCbkCopyRxData_<sn>

[] d
Service Name Rte_LdComCbkCopyRxData_<sn>
Syntax BufReq_ReturnType Rte_LdComCbkCopyRxData_<sn> (
const PduInfoType* info,
PduLengthType* bufferSizePtr

Service ID [hex] 0xA2

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant for same sn, otherwise Reentrant
Parameters (in) info Provides the source buffer (SduDataPtr) and the number of bytes
to be copied (SduLength). An SduLength of 0 can be used to
query the current amount of available buffer in the upper layer
module. In this case, the SduDataPtr may be a NULL_PTR.
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) bufferSizePtr Available receive buffer after data has been copied.
Return value BufReq_ReturnType BUFREQ_OK: Data copied successfully
BUFREQ_E_NOT_OK: Data was not copied because an error
Description This function is called to provide the received data of an I-PDU segment (N-PDU) to the upper
layer. Each call to this function provides the next part of the I-PDU data. The size of the
remaining data is written to the position indicated by bufferSizePtr.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_01400] d
BufReq_ReturnType Rte_LdComCbkCopyRxData_<sn> (
IN const PduInfoType* SduInfoPtr,
OUT PduLengthType* RxBufferSizePtr

Where <sn> is a LdCom signal/I-PDU name.c(SRS_Rte_00246)

It is configured in LdCom:
LdComRxCopyRxData [ECUC_LdCom_00013] as part of LdComIPdu
[SWS_Rte_01401] dThe Rte_LdComCbkCopyRxData_<sn> Call back shall return
BUFREQ_OK when data has been copied to the receive buffer completely as re-

701 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_01402] dThe Rte_LdComCbkCopyRxData_<sn> Call back shall return

BUFREQ_E_NOT_OK when data has not been copied. Request failed.c(SRS_Rte_-
00246) Rte_LdComCbkTpRxIndication_<sn>

[] d
Service Name Rte_LdComCbkTpRxIndication_<sn>
Syntax void Rte_LdComCbkTpRxIndication_<sn> (
Std_ReturnType result

Service ID [hex] 0xA3

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant for same sn, otherwise Reentrant
Parameters (in) result Result of the reception.
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Called after an I-PDU has been received via the TP API, the result indicates whether the
transmission was successful or not.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_01403] d
void Rte_LdComCbkTpRxIndication_<sn> (
IN Std_ReturnType Result

where <sn> is a LdCom signal/I-PDU name.c(SRS_Rte_00246)

It is configured in LdCom:
LdComTpRxIndication [ECUC_LdCom_00016] as part of LdComIPdu Rte_LdComCbkCopyTxData_<sn>

[] d

702 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_LdComCbkCopyTxData_<sn>

Syntax BufReq_ReturnType Rte_LdComCbkCopyTxData_<sn> (
const PduInfoType* info,
const RetryInfoType* retry,
PduLengthType* availableDataPtr

Service ID [hex] 0xA4

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant for same sn, otherwise Reentrant
Parameters (in) info Provides the destination buffer (SduDataPtr) and the number of
bytes to be copied (SduLength). If not enough transmit data is
available, no data is copied by the upper layer module and
BUFREQ_E_BUSY is returned. The lower layer module may
retry the call. An SduLength of 0 can be used to indicate state
changes in the retry parameter or to query the current amount of
available data in the upper layer module. In this case, the Sdu
DataPtr may be a NULL_PTR.
retry Will not be handled by LdCom and its upper layer.
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) availableDataPtr Indicates the remaining number of bytes that are available in the
upper layer module’s Tx buffer. availableDataPtr can be used by
TP modules that support dynamic payload lengths (e.g. FrIsoTp)
to determine the size of the following CFs.
Return value BufReq_ReturnType BUFREQ_OK: Data has been copied to the transmit buffer
completely as requested.
BUFREQ_E_BUSY: Request could not be fulfilled, because the
required amount of Tx data is not available. The lower layer
module may retry this call later on. No data has been copied.
BUFREQ_E_NOT_OK: Data has not been copied. Request
Description This function is called to acquire the transmit data of an I-PDU segment (N-PDU). Each call to
this function provides the next part of the I-PDU data unless retry->TpDataState is TP_
DATARETRY. In this case the function restarts to copy the data beginning at the offset from the
current position indicated by retry->TxTpDataCnt. The size of the remaining data is written to
the position indicated by availableDataPtr
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_01404] d
BufReq_ReturnType Rte_LdComCbkCopyTxData_<sn> (
IN const PduInfoType* SduInfoPtr,
IN RetryInfoType* RetryInfoPtr,
OUT PduLengthType* TxDataCntPtr

Where <sn> is a LdCom signal/I-PDU name.c(SRS_Rte_00246)

It is configured in LdCom:
LdComTxCopyTxData [ECUC_LdCom_00018] as part of LdComIPdu
[SWS_Rte_01405] dThe Rte_LdComCbkCopyTxData_<sn> Call back shall return
BUFREQ_OK when data has been copied to the receive buffer completely as re-

703 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_01406] dThe Rte_LdComCbkCopyTxData_<sn> Call back shall return

BUFREQ_E_NOT_OK when data has not been copied to the receive buffer completely
as requested.c(SRS_Rte_00246) Rte_LdComCbkTpTxConfirmation_<sn>

[] d
Service Name Rte_LdComCbkTpTxConfirmation_<sn>
Syntax void Rte_LdComCbkTpTxConfirmation_<sn> (
Std_ReturnType result

Service ID [hex] 0xA5

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant for same sn, otherwise Reentrant
Parameters (in) result E_OK - transmission successful E_NOT_OK - transmission not
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description This function is called after a Signal has been transmitted via the TP-API on its network.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_01407] d
void Rte_LdComCbkTpTxConfirmation_<sn> (
IN Std_ReturnType Result

where <sn> is a LdCom signal/I-PDU name.c(SRS_Rte_00246, SRS_Com_02044)

It is configured in LdCom:
LdComTpTxConfirmation [ECUC_LdCom_00017] as part of LdComIPdu Rte_LdComCbkTriggerTransmit_<sn>

[] d

704 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_LdComCbkTriggerTransmit_<sn>

Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_LdComCbkTriggerTransmit_<sn> (
PduInfoType* PduInfoPtr

Service ID [hex] 0xA6

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant for same sn, otherwise Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) PduInfoPtr Contains a pointer to a buffer (SduDataPtr) to where the SDU
data shall be copied, and the available buffer size in SduLengh.
On return, the service will indicate the length of the copied SDU
data in SduLength.
Parameters (out) None
Return value Std_ReturnType E_OK: SDU has been copied and SduLength indicates the
number of copied bytes.
E_NOT_OK: No SDU data has been copied. PduInfoPtr must not
be used since it may contain a NULL pointer or point to invalid
Description Within this API, the upper layer module (called module) shall check whether the available data
fits into the buffer size reported by PduInfoPtr->SduLength. If it fits, it shall copy its data into the
buffer provided by PduInfoPtr->SduDataPtr and update the length of the actual copied data in
PduInfoPtr->SduLength. If not, it returns E_NOT_OK without changing PduInfoPtr.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_01408] d
Std_ReturnType Rte_LdComCbkTriggerTransmit_<sn> (
PduInfoType* PduInfoPtr

where <sn> is a LdCom signal/I-PDU name.c(SRS_Rte_00246)

It is configured in LdCom:
LdComTxTriggerTransmit [ECUC_LdCom_00019] as part of LdComIPdu
[SWS_Rte_01409] dThe Rte_LdComCbkTriggerTransmit_<sn> Call back shall
return E_OK when SDU has been copied. In this case PduInfoPtr->SduLength
shall indicate the number of copied bytes.c(SRS_Rte_00246)
[SWS_Rte_01410] dThe Rte_LdComCbkTriggerTransmit_<sn> Call back shall
return E_NOT_OK when No SDU data has been copied.c(SRS_Rte_00246)
In case of failure, PduInfoPtr must not be used since it may contain a NULL pointer
or point to invalid data. Rte_LdComCbkTxConfirmation_<sn>

[] d

705 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_LdComCbkTxConfirmation_<sn>

Syntax void Rte_LdComCbkTxConfirmation_<sn> (
Std_ReturnType result

Service ID [hex] 0xA7

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant for same sn, otherwise Reentrant
Parameters (in) result E_OK: The PDU was transmitted. E_NOT_OK: Transmission of
the PDU failed.
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description The lower layer communication interface module confirms the transmission of a PDU, or the
failure to transmit a PDU.
Available via Rte_Cbk.h

[SWS_Rte_01411] d
void Rte_LdComCbkTxConfirmation_<sn> (
Std_ReturnType result

where <sn> is a LdCom signal/I-PDU name.c(SRS_Rte_00246, SRS_Com_02044)

It is configured in LdCom:
LdComTxConfirmation [ECUC_LdCom_00021] as part of LdComIPdu

5.9.3 NVM Service Call-backs Rte_SetMirror

[] d
Service Name Rte_SetMirror_<b>_<d>
Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_SetMirror_<b>_<d> (
const void* NVMBuffer

Service ID [hex] 0x9b

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) NVMBuffer source buffer pointer
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None

706 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Return value Std_ReturnType E_OK: the copy is successful.
E_NOT_OK: the copy could not be performed.
Description The Rte_SetMirror API copies the values of the VariableDataPrototypes contained in a NvBlock
Descriptor from a NVM internal buffer to their locations in the RTE.
Available via <application.h> or Rte_<Mip>.h

Rte_SetMirror warranties the consistency of the VariableDataPrototypes con-
tained in a NvBlockSwComponentType, when the associated NVM block is read and
copied to the VariableDataPrototypes storage locations.
[SWS_Rte_07310] d
Rte_SetMirror_<b>_<d> (const void *NVMBuffer)

where <b> is the SwComponentPrototype’s name of the NvBlockSwComponent-

Type and <d> is the NvBlockDescriptor name.c(SRS_Rte_00178)
[SWS_Rte_07311] dAn Rte_SetMirror API shall be created for each instance of a
[SWS_Rte_07312] dThe Rte_SetMirror API shall copy the specified buffer to
the NvBlockDescriptor’s ramBlock, according to the NvBlockDescriptor’s
The RTE is responsible for ensuring the data consistency, see section 4.2.6 In par-
ticular for the NvBlockDescriptor, the Sender-Receiver ports, the Rte_SetMir-
ror, and Rte_GetMirror may access concurrently the same VariableDataPro-
[SWS_Rte_07319] dThe Rte_SetMirror API shall be callable before the Rte is
started (with Rte_Start), and can rely on a running OS.c(SRS_Rte_00178)
The NVM module uses the return value of the Rte_SetMirror API to check if the
copy was successful. In case of failure, the NVM may retry later.
[SWS_Rte_07602] dThe Rte_SetMirror API shall return E_OK if the copy is suc-
[SWS_Rte_07613] dThe Rte_SetMirror API shall return E_NOT_OK if the copy
could not be performed.c(SRS_Rte_00178)
The NVM shall be configured to use this function when ReadBlock requests are pro-
cessed (see NvmWriteRamBlockFromNvm in [21]). Rte_GetMirror

[] d

707 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_GetMirror_<b>_<d>

Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_GetMirror_<b>_<d> (
void* NVMBuffer

Service ID [hex] 0x9c

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) NVMBuffer destination buffer pointer
Return value Std_ReturnType E_OK: the copy is successful.
E_NOT_OK: the copy could not be performed.
Description The Rte_GetMirror API copies the values of the VariableDataPrototypes contained in a NvBlock
Descriptor to a specified NVM internal buffer.
Available via <application.h> or Rte_<Mip>.h

Rte_GetMirror warranties the consistency of the VariableDataPrototypes con-
tained in a NvBlockSwComponentType, when their values are written to the NVRAM
device by the NVM.
[SWS_Rte_07315] d
Rte_GetMirror_<b>_<d> (void *NVMBuffer)

where <b> is the SwComponentPrototype’s name of the NvBlockSwComponent-

Type and <d> is the NvBlockDescriptor name.c(SRS_Rte_00178)
[SWS_Rte_07316] dAn Rte_GetMirror API shall be created for each instance of a
The Rte_GetMirror API copies the values of the VariableDataPrototypes con-
tained in a NvBlockDescriptor to a specified NVM internal buffer.
[SWS_Rte_07317] dThe Rte_GetMirror API shall copy the NvBlockDescriptor’s
ramBlock to the specified buffer, according to the NvBlockDescriptor’s NvBlock-
The RTE is responsible for ensuring the data consistency, see section 4.2.6 In par-
ticular for the NvBlockDescriptor, the Sender-Receiver ports, the Rte_SetMir-
ror, and Rte_GetMirror may access concurrently the same VariableDataPro-
[SWS_Rte_07350] dThe Rte_GetMirror API shall be callable after the Rte is
stopped (with Rte_Stop), and can rely on a running OS.c(SRS_Rte_00178)
The NVM module uses the return value of the Rte_GetMirror API to check if the
copy was successful. In case of failure, the NVM may retry later.

708 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07601] dThe Rte_GetMirror API shall return E_OK if the copy is suc-
[SWS_Rte_07614] dThe Rte_GetMirror API shall return E_NOT_OK if the copy
could not be performed.c(SRS_Rte_00178)
The NVM shall be configured to use this function when WriteBlock requests are pro-
cessed (see NvmWriteRamBlockToNvm in [21]). Rte_NvMNotifyJobFinished

[] d
Service Name Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock_<b>_<d>
Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock_<b>_<d> (
NvM_BlockRequestType BlockRequest,
NvM_RequestResultType JobResult

Service ID [hex] 0x9d

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) BlockRequest The request type (read, write, ... etc.) of the previous processed
block job
JobResult Covers the job result of the processed NvM job.
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value Std_ReturnType The Rte_NvMNotifyJobFinished API shall return E_OK.
Description The Rte_NvMNotifyJobFinished receives the notification from the NvM when a job is finished
and forward it to the SW-C.
Available via Rte_NvM.h

Rte_NvMNotifyJobFinished forwards notifications back to the SW-Cs.
[SWS_Rte_07623] d
Rte_NvMNotifyJobFinished_<b>_<d> (
NvM_BlockRequestType BlockRequest,
NvM_RequestResultType JobResult)

where <b> is the SwComponentPrototype’s name of the NvBlockSwComponent-

Type and <d> is the NvBlockDescriptor name.c(SRS_Rte_00228)
[SWS_Rte_07624] dAn Rte_NvMNotifyJobFinished API shall be created for each
instance of a NvBlockDescriptor.c(SRS_Rte_00228)
[SWS_Rte_07625] dThe Rte_NvMNotifyJobFinished API shall call the servers
referenced by RoleBasedPortAssignment with a NvMNotifyJobFinished role
which are aggregated to the NvBlockDescriptor.c(SRS_Rte_00228)

709 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07671] dThe Rte_NvMNotifyJobFinished API shall return without any

action when the RTE is not started, when the RTE is stopped, or when the partition
containing the NvBlockSwComponentType is terminated or restarting.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_07626] dThe Rte_NvMNotifyJobFinished API shall return E_OK.c
The NVM shall be configured to use this function (see NvmSingleBlockCallback
in [21]). Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock

[] d
Service Name Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock_<b>_<d>
Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock_<b>_<d> (
NvM_InitBlockRequestType InitBlockRequest

Service ID [hex] 0x9e

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) InitBlockRequest The request type (read, restore, ... etc.) of the currently
processed block
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value Std_ReturnType The Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock API shall return RTE_E_RAM_
UNCHANGED if the NvBlockDescriptor’s RAM block was not
changed, otherwise it shall return E_OK.
Description The Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock API receives the notification from the NvM when initialization of the
RAM block is requested.
Available via Rte_NvM.h

Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock indicates to the SW-Cs that initialization of the RAM
block is requested by the NvM.
[SWS_Rte_07627] d
Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock_<b>_<d> (
NvM_InitBlockRequestType InitBlockRequest)

where <b> is the SwComponentPrototype’s name of the NvBlockSwComponent-

Type and <d> is the NvBlockDescriptor name.c(SRS_Rte_00228)
[SWS_Rte_07628] dAn Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock API shall be created for each
instance of a NvBlockDescriptor.c(SRS_Rte_00228)

710 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07629] dIf the NvBlockDescriptor is configured with a romBlock

initValue, this initValue shall be copied into the NvBlockDescriptor’s RAM
block before calling any SW-C server.c(SRS_Rte_00228)
[SWS_Rte_07630] dThe Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock API shall call the servers ref-
erenced by RoleBasedPortAssignment with a NvMNotifyInitBlock role which
are aggregated to the NvBlockDescriptor.c(SRS_Rte_00228)
[SWS_Rte_07672] dThe Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock API shall return without any
action when the RTE is not started, when the RTE is stopped, or when the partition
containing the NvBlockSwComponentType is terminated or restarting.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_07631] dThe Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock API shall return
RTE_E_RAM_UNCHANGED if the NvBlockDescriptor’s RAM block was not changed,
otherwise it shall return E_OK.c(SRS_Rte_00228)
The Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock API shall consider a RAM block as changed if either
the ROM block default values are copied to the RAM block (see [SWS_Rte_07629]) or
if the servers for the NvMNotifyInitBlock are called (see [SWS_Rte_07630]).
The NVM shall be configured to use this function (see InitBlockCallbackFunc-
tion in [21]).

5.10 Expected interfaces

5.10.1 Expected Interfaces from Com

The specification of the RTE requires the usage of the following COM API functions.
Com API function Context
Com_SendSignal to transmit a data element of primitive type using COM.
Com_SendDynSignal to transmit a data element of primitive dynamic type
uint8[n] using COM.
Com_ReceiveSignal to retrieve the new value of a data element of primitive
type from COM.
Com_ReceiveDynSignal to retrieve the new value of a data element of primitive
dynamic type uint[8] from COM.
Com_SendSignalWithMetaData to transmit a data element of primitive type and meta data
using COM.
Com_SendDynSignalWithMetaData to transmit a data element of primitive dynamic type
uint8[n] and meta data using COM.
Com_ReceiveSignalWithMetaData to retrieve the new value of a data element of primitive
type and meta data from COM.
Com_ReceiveDynSignal to retrieve the new value of a data element of primitive
WithMetaData dynamic type uint[8] and meta data from COM.
Com_SendSignalGroup to initiate sending of a data element of composite type
using COM.
Com_ReceiveSignalGroup to retrieve the new value of a data element of composite
type from COM.

711 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Com API function Context

Com_SendSignalGroup to initiate sending of a data element of composite type
WithMetaData and meta data using COM.
Com_ReceiveSignalGroup to retrieve the new value of a data element of composite
WithMetaData type and meta data from COM.
Com_InvalidateSignal to invalidate a data element of primitive type using COM.
Com_InvalidateSignalGroup to invalidate a whole signal group using COM.
Com_SendSignalGroupArray to initiate sending of a data element of composite type
using COM array based signal group API.
Com_ReceiveSignalGroup to retrieve the new data element of composite type using
Array COM array based signal group API.
Com_SendSignalGroup to initiate sending of a data element of composite type
ArrayWithMetaData and meta data using COM array based signal group API.
Com_ReceiveSignalGroup to retrieve the new data element of composite type and
ArrayWithMetaData meta data using COM array based signal group API.

Table 5.6: COM API functions used by the RTE

Please note that [SWS_Rte_02761] may require to access COM through the use of
call trusted function in a partitioned system.

5.10.2 Expected Interfaces from LdCom

The specification of the RTE requires the usage of the following LdCom API functions.
LdCom API function Context
LdCom_Transmit to transmit a data element of primitive type or uint8[n]
using LdCom API.

Table 5.7: LdCom API functions used by the RTE

Please note that [SWS_Rte_02761] may require to access LdCom through the use of
call trusted function in a partitioned system.

5.10.3 Expected Interfaces from Os

The usage of APIs provided by the Os module [4] is up to the implementation of a spe-
cific RTE Generator, System description and Ecu configuration. In general a RTE may
utilize any standardized API. Therefore no dedicated list of expected APIs is specified
In case of multi-core the RTE may utilize the IOC-Module [4] to implement the inter-
core communication. The IOC-Module is specified to be part of the Os. Therefore no
specific APIs are listed here.

712 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5.10.4 Expected Interfaces for Data Transformation

The specification of the RTE requires the usage of the following Transformer API func-
Transformer API function Context
<Mip>_<transformerId> API of a transformer on the sending/calling side of the
communcation. The name pattern follows [SWS_Xfrm_-
<Mip>_Inv_<transformerId> API of a transformer on the receiving/called side of the
communcation. The name pattern follows [SWS_Xfrm_-

Table 5.8: Transformer API functions used by the RTE

Please note that the exact names of the API depend on the EcuC of the respective
transformer module.
The EcuC of a transformer module contains a mapping from the transformer and
ISignal or ISignalGroup with the to the BswModuleEntry which implements this
specific transformer. (See [ECUC_Xfrm_00001].
This mapping can be used by the RTE to determine which BswModuleEntry shall be
executed by the RTE for a specific transformer.

5.10.5 Expected Interfaces from NvM

The specification of the RTE requires the usage of the following NvM API functions.
NvM API function Context
NvM_SetBlockProtection to set/reset the write protection for a NV block
NvM_EraseBlock to erase a NV block.
NvM_GetDataIndex to get the currently set DataIndex of a dataset NVRAM
NvM_GetErrorStatus to read the block dependent error/status information.
NvM_InvalidateNvBlock to invalidate a NV block.
NvM_ReadBlock to copy the data of the NV block to its corresponding RAM
NvM_ReadPRAMBlock to copy the data of the NV block to its corresponding per-
manent RAM block.
NvM_RestoreBlockDefaults to restore the default data to its corresponding RAM
NvM_RestorePRAMBlock to restore the default data to its corresponding permanent
Defaults RAM block.
NvM_SetDataIndex to set the DataIndex of a dataset NVRAM block.
NvM_SetRamBlockStatus to set the RAM block status of an NVRAM block.
NvM_WriteBlock to copy the data of the RAM block to its corresponding
NV block.
NvM_WritePRAMBlock to copy the data of the RAM block to its corresponding
permanent RAM block.

713 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

NvM API function Context

Table 5.9: NvM API functions used by the RTE

5.11 VFB Tracing Reference

The RTE’s “VFB Tracing” functionality permits the monitoring of AUTOSAR signals as
they are sent and received across the VFB.
The RTE supports a two-step approach to define if and which VFB Trace hooks shall
be called. In a first step RteVfbTraceEnabled globally enables or disables the VFB
Tracing feature at generation time of the RTE. If disabled, no trace hooks are called by
the RTE at all. If enabled, the trace hooks configured via RteVfbTraceFunction are
called. This is a second, finer grained step.
Note that a trace client might introduce more steps to switch tracing on or off globally or
individually per hook. This corresponds to the possibility in previous releases to switch
VFB Tracing on or off via compiler switches (e.g. RTE_VFB_TRACE). The responsibility
and decision to offer such possibilities is now handed over to the trace clients.
[SWS_Rte_01327] dThe RTE generator shall support a mode where no VFB events
are traced.c(SRS_Rte_00005)
[SWS_Rte_01328] dThe RTE generator shall support a mode that traces (configured)
VFB events.c(SRS_Rte_00005)
The RTE generator’s ‘trace’ mode is enabled or disabled through parameter RteVf-
bTraceEnabled in the RTE Configuration. Note that this ‘trace’ mode is intended to
enable debugging of software components and not the RTE itself.

5.11.1 Principle of Operation

The “VFB Tracing” mechanism is designed to offer a lightweight means to monitor the
interactions of AUTOSAR software-components with the VFB.
The VFB tracing in ‘debug’ mode is implemented by a series of “hook” functions that
are invoked automatically by the generated RTE when “interesting events” occur. Each
hook function corresponds to a single event.
The supported trace events are defined in Section 5.11.5. A mechanism is described in
Section 5.11.6 for configuring which of the many potential trace events are of interest.
The overall VFB Trace workflow consists of three phases: configuration, RTE genera-
tion and trace client generation.
1. During configuration phase each trace client creates its RteVfbTraceClient
container and configures the prefixes covering all interesting trace hooks in its

714 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RteVfbTraceFunction and optionally references via RteVfbTraceHook-

sRef the container where the RTE shall place extended information about the
created hooks.
2. During RTE generation an RTE calling all configured trace hooks will be gener-
ated. The RTE’s BSWMD will contain descriptions of the called trace hooks –
at least as far as the RTE can judge their properties. I.e. the RTE knows which
hooks it calls and which signature they have, but it does not know their swServi-
ceImplPolicy or MemorySection. See Section 5.11.4. Also the referenced
container in the trace client’s configuration will contain extended descriptions of
the hooks generated for the respective client.
3. During trace client generation the trace client will examine RTE’s BSWMD and/or
the RteVfbTraceHooks created by the RTE generator in the client’s own con-
figuration for the called trace hooks and create an implementation of them. It will
also update RTE’s BSWMD with the missing information, i.e. swServiceIm-
plPolicy and MemorySection.
Note that (just as RIPS plugins) the trace clients are functionally seen as part of the
RTE even though they might be implemented by a party different from the RTE vendor.
Trace clients can therefore enrich RTE’s BSWMD.

5.11.2 Support for multiple clients

The “VFB Tracing” mechanism is designed to support multiple clients for each trace
[SWS_Rte_05093] dFor each RteVfbTraceClient configured in the RTE Configu-
ration input each Trace Event shall be generated using that RteVfbTraceClient’s
shortName as the client prefix in the optional <client> position of the API function
name.c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00008, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_05091] dThe RTE Generator shall provide each Trace Event without a
client prefix if RteVfbTraceAnonymousClientEnabled is set to TRUE.c(SRS_-
Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00008, SRS_Rte_00192)
There are cases where the default (alphabetical) VFB Trace hook ordering is not de-
sired. In such cases the VFB Trace hooks have to be called in a different, user defined
order. This order can be defined by aggregating a call position to the trace client con-
figuration. If the user decides to define the trace hook order he has to do this for all
configured clients of course.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09065] dEither all or no RteVfbTraceClient shall have a
RteVfbTraceClientPosition.c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00008, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09066] dRteVfbTraceClientPosition shall have unique
values.c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00008, SRS_Rte_00192)

715 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_04591] dThe RTE shall reject configurations violating

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09065] and [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09066]c(SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_05092] dIn case of multiple clients for one Trace Event the individual ac-
tion or start trace functions (i.e. RTE API Start, BSW Scheduler API Start, COM Trace
Events, OS Trace Events, Runnable Entity Invocation, BSW Schedulable Entity Invo-
cation and RPT Trace Events) shall be called in the following order:
1. The trace functions without client prefix.
2. The trace functions with client prefix in alphabetically ascending order of the
shortName of the RteVfbTraceClient (ASCII / ISO 8859-1), if RteVfb-
TraceClientPosition is not set.
3. The trace functions with client prefix in ascending order of their RteVfbTrace-
ClientPosition, if RteVfbTraceClientPosition is set.
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00008, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04592] dIn case of multiple clients for one Trace Event the individual stop
or return trace functions (i.e. RTE API Return, BSW Scheduler API Return, Runnable
Entity Termination and BSW Schedulable Entity Termination) shall be called in the
following order:
1. The trace functions with client prefix in descending order of their RteVfbTrace-
ClientPosition, if RteVfbTraceClientPosition is set.
2. The trace functions with client prefix in alphabetically descending order of the
shortName of the RteVfbTraceClient (ASCII / ISO 8859-1), if RteVfb-
TraceClientPosition is not set.
3. The trace functions without client prefix.
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00008, SRS_Rte_00192)
The calling order specification ensures a deterministic execution of the multiple clients.

5.11.3 Support for Multiple Instantiation

[SWS_Rte_06031] dThe Component Data Structure type for a multiply instantiatable

SWC type (see [SWS_Rte_02311]) shall be introduced as a forward reference in the
RTE Configuration Header File when used in a VFB Tracing hook.c(SRS_Rte_00005,
The use of a forward reference enables a pointer to the object to be taken (since the
size of the data structure does not need to be known).

716 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

5.11.4 Contribution to the Basic Software Module Description and the client’s

The RTE Generator in Generation Phase shall also update its Basic Software Module
Description ([SWS_Rte_05086]) in order to document the possibly traceable functions
and their signatures.
[SWS_Rte_05106] dFor each generated hook function – including multiple trace clients
([SWS_Rte_05093]) – the RTE generator shall enter a BswModuleEntry in its Basic
Software Module Description describing the hook function and its signature. The im-
plementedEntry element of the BswModuleDescription shall be used to capture
the information.c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
A trace client would find the hook functions called by the RTE for it by either searching
all RteVfbTraceHooks in its EcucModuleConfigurationValues (if it configured
one) or searching the RTE’s Basic Software Module Description for those BswMod-
uleEntrys having the client’s name as functionPrototypeEmitter or by com-
paring the BswModuleEntry’s shortName against the hook function pattern provided
in its configuration (RteVfbTraceFunction).
[SWS_Rte_04593] dIf a trace client referenced an RteVfbTraceHooks via RteVf-
bTraceHooksRef, the RTE generator shall create an RteVfbTraceHook for each
hook function generated for that trace client to the container referenced via RteVfb-
TraceHooksRef.c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04594] dIf the trace hook is of type RTE API Start (i.e. according
[SWS_Rte_01238]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfbTrace-
Hook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to RTE_API_START
• RteVfbTraceHookApi.shortName: set to the <api> name part defined in
• RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol.shortName: set to the <cts>
name part defined in [SWS_Rte_01238]
• RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol.RteVfbTraceHookSwCompo-
nentTypeRef: referencing the SwComponentType from which <cts> was
• RteVfbTraceHookAccessPoint.shortName: set to the <ap> name part de-
fined in [SWS_Rte_01238]
• RteVfbTraceHookAccessPoint.RteVfbTraceHookAccessPointEle-
mentRef: referencing all model elements from which <ap> was derived

717 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04595] dIf the trace hook is of type RTE API Return (i.e. according
[SWS_Rte_01239]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfbTrace-
Hook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to RTE_API_RETURN
• RteVfbTraceHookApi.shortName: set to the <api> name part defined in
• RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol.shortName: set to the <cts>
name part defined in [SWS_Rte_01239]
• RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol.RteVfbTraceHookSwCompo-
nentTypeRef: referencing the SwComponentType from which <cts> was
• RteVfbTraceHookAccessPoint.shortName: set to the <ap> name part de-
fined in [SWS_Rte_01239]
• RteVfbTraceHookAccessPoint.RteVfbTraceHookAccessPointEle-
mentRef: referencing all model elements from which <ap> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04596] dIf the trace hook is of type BSW Scheduler API Start (i.e. ac-
cording [SWS_Rte_04531]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfb-
TraceHook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to SCHM_API_START
• RteVfbTraceHookApi.shortName: set to the <api> name part defined in
• RteVfbTraceHookBswSchedulerNamePrefix.shortName: set to the
<bsnp> name part defined in [SWS_Rte_04531]
• RteVfbTraceHookBswSchedulerNamePrefix.RteVfbTraceHookBswIm-
plementationRef: referencing the BswImplementation from which <bsnp>
was derived

718 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• RteVfbTraceHookVendorId.shortName: set to the <vi> name part defined

in [SWS_Rte_04531], if it is not omitted there
• RteVfbTraceHookVendorApiInfix.shortName: set to the <ai> name part
defined in [SWS_Rte_04531], if it is not omitted there
• RteVfbTraceHookName.shortName: set to the <name> name part defined in
• RteVfbTraceHookName.RteVfbTraceHookNameElementRef: referencing
all model elements from which <name> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04597] dIf the trace hook is of type BSW Scheduler API Return (i.e. ac-
cording [SWS_Rte_04532]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfb-
TraceHook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to SCHM_API_RETURN
• RteVfbTraceHookApi.shortName: set to the <api> name part defined in
• RteVfbTraceHookBswSchedulerNamePrefix.shortName: set to the
<bsnp> name part defined in [SWS_Rte_04532]
• RteVfbTraceHookBswSchedulerNamePrefix.RteVfbTraceHookBswIm-
plementationRef: referencing the BswImplementation from which <bsnp>
was derived
• RteVfbTraceHookVendorId.shortName: set to the <vi> name part defined
in [SWS_Rte_04532], if it is not omitted there
• RteVfbTraceHookVendorApiInfix.shortName: set to the <ai> name part
defined in [SWS_Rte_04532], if it is not omitted there
• RteVfbTraceHookName.shortName: set to the <name> name part defined in
• RteVfbTraceHookName.RteVfbTraceHookNameElementRef: referencing
all model elements from which <name> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04598] dIf the trace hook is of type Runnable Entity Invocation (i.e. ac-
cording [SWS_Rte_01248]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfb-
TraceHook the following way:

719 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol.shortName: set to the <cts>
name part defined in [SWS_Rte_01248]
• RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol.RteVfbTraceHookSwCompo-
nentTypeRef: referencing the SwComponentType from which <cts> was
• RteVfbTraceHookExecutableEntityName.shortName: set to the <re-
Name> name part defined in [SWS_Rte_01248]
• RteVfbTraceHookExecutableEntityName.RteVfbTraceHookExe-
cutableEntityRef: referencing the RunnableEntity from which <reName>
was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04599] dIf the trace hook is of type Runnable Entity Termination (i.e. ac-
cording [SWS_Rte_01249]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfb-
TraceHook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol.shortName: set to the <cts>
name part defined in [SWS_Rte_01249]
• RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol.RteVfbTraceHookSwCompo-
nentTypeRef: referencing the SwComponentType from which <cts> was
• RteVfbTraceHookExecutableEntityName.shortName: set to the <re-
Name> name part defined in [SWS_Rte_01249]
• RteVfbTraceHookExecutableEntityName.RteVfbTraceHookExe-
cutableEntityRef: referencing the RunnableEntity from which <reName>
was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)

720 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_04600] dIf the trace hook is of type BSW Schedulable Entity Invocation
(i.e. according [SWS_Rte_04533]), the RTE generator shall configure the created
RteVfbTraceHook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookBswSchedulerNamePrefix.shortName: set to the
<bsnp> name part defined in [SWS_Rte_04533]
• RteVfbTraceHookBswSchedulerNamePrefix.RteVfbTraceHookBswIm-
plementationRef: referencing the BswImplementation from which <bsnp>
was derived
• RteVfbTraceHookVendorId.shortName: set to the <vi> name part defined
in [SWS_Rte_04533], if it is not omitted there
• RteVfbTraceHookVendorApiInfix.shortName: set to the <ai> name part
defined in [SWS_Rte_04533], if it is not omitted there
• RteVfbTraceHookExecutableEntityName.shortName: set to the <enti-
tyName> name part defined in [SWS_Rte_04533]
• RteVfbTraceHookExecutableEntityName.RteVfbTraceHookExe-
cutableEntityRef: referencing the BswModuleEntity from which <enti-
tyName> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04601] dIf the trace hook is of type BSW Schedulable Entity Termination
(i.e. according [SWS_Rte_04534]), the RTE generator shall configure the created
RteVfbTraceHook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookBswSchedulerNamePrefix.shortName: set to the
<bsnp> name part defined in [SWS_Rte_04534]
• RteVfbTraceHookBswSchedulerNamePrefix.RteVfbTraceHookBswIm-
plementationRef: referencing the BswImplementation from which <bsnp>
was derived

721 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• RteVfbTraceHookVendorId.shortName: set to the <vi> name part defined

in [SWS_Rte_04534], if it is not omitted there
• RteVfbTraceHookVendorApiInfix.shortName: set to the <ai> name part
defined in [SWS_Rte_04534], if it is not omitted there
• RteVfbTraceHookExecutableEntityName.shortName: set to the <enti-
tyName> name part defined in [SWS_Rte_04534]
• RteVfbTraceHookExecutableEntityName.RteVfbTraceHookExe-
cutableEntityRef: referencing the BswModuleEntity from which <enti-
tyName> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04602] dIf the trace hook is of type RPT Transmission (i.e. according
[SWS_Rte_06113]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfbTrace-
Hook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to RPT_TRANSMISSION
• RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol.shortName: set to the <cts>
name part defined in [SWS_Rte_06113]
• RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol.RteVfbTraceHookSwCompo-
nentTypeRef: referencing the SwComponentType from which <cts> was
• RteVfbTraceHookVariable.shortName: set to the <var> name part defined
in [SWS_Rte_06113]
• RteVfbTraceHookVariable.RteVfbTraceHookVariableElementRef:
referencing all model elements from which <var> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04603] dIf the trace hook is of type RPT Reception (i.e. according
[SWS_Rte_06114]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfbTrace-
Hook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to RPT_RECEPTION

722 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol.shortName: set to the <cts>

name part defined in [SWS_Rte_06114]
• RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol.RteVfbTraceHookSwCompo-
nentTypeRef: referencing the SwComponentType from which <cts> was
• RteVfbTraceHookVariable.shortName: set to the <var> name part defined
in [SWS_Rte_06114]
• RteVfbTraceHookVariable.RteVfbTraceHookVariableElementRef:
referencing all model elements from which <var> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04604] dIf the trace hook is of type Task Activate (i.e. according
[SWS_Rte_01243]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfbTrace-
Hook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to OS_TASK_ACTIVATION
• RteVfbTraceHookOsApplication.shortName: set to the <application>
name part defined in [SWS_Rte_01243]
• RteVfbTraceHookOsApplication.RteVfbTraceHookOsApplication-
Ref: referencing the OsApplication from which <application> was
• RteVfbTraceHookTask.shortName: set to the <task> name part defined in
• RteVfbTraceHookTask.RteVfbTraceHookTaskRef: referencing the Os-
Task from which <task> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04605] dIf the trace hook is of type Task Dispatch (i.e. according
[SWS_Rte_01244]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfbTrace-
Hook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to OS_TASK_DISPATCH

723 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• RteVfbTraceHookTask.shortName: set to the <task> name part defined in

• RteVfbTraceHookTask.RteVfbTraceHookTaskRef: referencing the Os-
Task from which <task> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04606] dIf the trace hook is of type Task Termination (i.e. according
[SWS_Rte_06032]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfbTrace-
Hook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to OS_TASK_TERMINATION
• RteVfbTraceHookTask.shortName: set to the <task> name part defined in
• RteVfbTraceHookTask.RteVfbTraceHookTaskRef: referencing the Os-
Task from which <task> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04607] dIf the trace hook is of type Set OS Event (i.e. according
[SWS_Rte_01245]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfbTrace-
Hook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to OS_SET_EVENT
• RteVfbTraceHookOsApplication.shortName: set to the <application>
name part defined in [SWS_Rte_01245]
• RteVfbTraceHookOsApplication.RteVfbTraceHookOsApplication-
Ref: referencing the OsApplication from which <application> was
• RteVfbTraceHookTask.shortName: set to the <task> name part defined in
• RteVfbTraceHookTask.RteVfbTraceHookTaskRef: referencing the Os-
Task from which <task> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)

724 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_04608] dIf the trace hook is of type Wait OS Event (i.e. according
[SWS_Rte_01246]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfbTrace-
Hook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to OS_WAIT_EVENT
• RteVfbTraceHookTask.shortName: set to the <task> name part defined in
• RteVfbTraceHookTask.RteVfbTraceHookTaskRef: referencing the Os-
Task from which <task> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04609] dIf the trace hook is of type Received OS Event (i.e. according
[SWS_Rte_01247]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfbTrace-
Hook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to OS_RECEIVED_EVENT
• RteVfbTraceHookTask.shortName: set to the <task> name part defined in
• RteVfbTraceHookTask.RteVfbTraceHookTaskRef: referencing the Os-
Task from which <task> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04610] dIf the trace hook is of type COM Signal Transmission (i.e. ac-
cording [SWS_Rte_01240]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfb-
TraceHook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to COM_SIGNAL_TRANSMISSION
• RteVfbTraceHookSignal.shortName: set to the <signalName> name part
defined in [SWS_Rte_01240]

725 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• RteVfbTraceHookSignal.RteVfbTraceHookSignalRef: referencing the

ComSignal from which <signalName> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04611] dIf the trace hook is of type COM Signal Reception (i.e. according
[SWS_Rte_01241]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfbTrace-
Hook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to COM_SIGNAL_RECEPTION
• RteVfbTraceHookSignal.shortName: set to the <signalName> name part
defined in [SWS_Rte_01241]
• RteVfbTraceHookSignal.RteVfbTraceHookSignalRef: referencing the
ComSignal from which <signalName> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04612] dIf the trace hook is of type COM Signal Invalidation (i.e. according
[SWS_Rte_03814]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfbTrace-
Hook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to COM_SIGNAL_INVALIDATION
• RteVfbTraceHookSignal.shortName: set to the <signalName> name part
defined in [SWS_Rte_03814]
• RteVfbTraceHookSignal.RteVfbTraceHookSignalRef: referencing the
ComSignal from which <signalName> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04613] dIf the trace hook is of type COM Signal Group Invalidation (i.e.
according [SWS_Rte_07639]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVf-
bTraceHook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.

726 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software


• RteVfbTraceHookSignalGroup.shortName: set to the <signalGroup-
Name> name part defined in [SWS_Rte_07639]
• RteVfbTraceHookSignalGroup.RteVfbTraceHookSignalGroupRef: ref-
erencing the ComSignalGroup from which <signalGroupName> was derived
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
[SWS_Rte_04614] dIf the trace hook is of type COM Callback (i.e. according
[SWS_Rte_01242]), the RTE generator shall configure the created RteVfbTrace-
Hook the following way:
• shortName: set to the shortName of the BswModuleEntry created for the trace
hook (i.e. the symbol of the C function)
• RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: referencing the BswModuleEntry created for
the trace hook.
• RteVfbTraceHookType: set to COM_SIGNAL_CALLBACK
• RteVfbTraceHookComHookEvent.shortName: set to the <Event> name
part defined in [SWS_Rte_01242]
• RteVfbTraceHookSignal.shortName: set to the <signalName> name part
defined in [SWS_Rte_01242], in case <signalName> refers to a COM signal
• RteVfbTraceHookSignal.RteVfbTraceHookSignalRef: referencing the
ComSignal from which <signalName> was derived, in case <signalName>
refers to a COM signal
• RteVfbTraceHookSignalGroup.shortName: set to the <signalName>
name part defined in [SWS_Rte_01242], in case <signalName> refers to a
COM signal group
• RteVfbTraceHookSignalGroup.RteVfbTraceHookSignalGroupRef: ref-
erencing the ComSignalGroup from which <signalName> was derived, in
case <signalName> refers to a COM signal group
c(SRS_Rte_00005, SRS_Rte_00192)
The trace client then has to provide an implementation for those hooks in the VFB Trac-
ing Header File ([SWS_Rte_01236]) and enrich the RTE’s BSWMD with the missing
implementation information of those hooks.
[SWS_Rte_08902] dThe VFB trace client has to complete the RTE’s Bsw Module De-
scription for the hook functions implemented by it. This specifically means to provide
the swServiceImplPolicy of the related BswModuleEntry, add a BswCalle-
dEntity referencing the related BswModuleEntry, add MemorySections for each
memory section used by the VFB Trace client code and add a requiredArtifact
for the related Memmap Header file.c()

727 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note that the MemorySections used by the VFB Trace client should have
prefix RTE_ to avoid namespace clashes with other modules and to make clear that
from a functional perspective the functions belong to the RTE.

5.11.5 Trace Events RTE API Trace Events

RTE API trace events occur when an AUTOSAR software-component interacts with the
generated RTE API. For implicit S/R communication, however, tracing is not supported. RTE API Start

Description: RTE API Start is invoked by the RTE when an API call is made by a
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01238] d
void Rte_[<client>_]<api>Hook_<cts>_<ap>_Start
([const Rte_CDS_<cts>*, ]<param>)

Where <api> is the RTE API Name (Write, Call, etc.),

<cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwCompo-
nentType and
<ap> the access point name (e.g. port and data element or operation
name, exclusive area name, etc.).
The parameters of the API shall be the same as the corresponding
RTE API. As with the API itself, the instance handle is included if and
only if the software component’s supportsMultipleInstantia-
tion attribute is set to true and the RTE API function is per-instance.
Thus the instance handle is always omitted for SWCs supporting
single instantiation and also for per-SWC functions, such as Rte_-
CData for shared ParameterDataPrototypes, for SWCs support-
ing multiple instantiation. Note that Rte_Instance cannot be used
directly, as there will be pointers to multiple components’ structure
types within the single VFB Tracing header file, and Rte_Instance
would therefore be ambiguous.c(SRS_Rte_00045, SRS_Rte_00003,
SRS_Rte_00004) RTE API Return

Description: RTE API Return is a trace event that is invoked by the RTE just before
an API call returns control to a component.

728 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Signature: [SWS_Rte_01239] d
void Rte_[<client>_]<api>Hook_<cts>_<ap>_Return
([const Rte_CDS_<cts>*, ]<param>)

Where <api> is the RTE API Name (Write, Call, etc.),

<cts> is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwCompo-
nentType and
<ap> the access point name (e.g. port and data element or operation
name, exclusive area name, etc.).
The parameters of the API are the same as the corresponding RTE
API and contain the values of OUT and INOUT parameters on exit
from the function.
As with the API itself, the instance handle is included if and only
if the software component’s supportsMultipleInstantiation
attribute is set to true and the RTE API function is per-instance.
Thus the instance handle is always omitted for SWCs supporting
single instantiation and also for per-SWC functions, such as Rte_-
CData for shared ParameterDataPrototypes, for SWCs support-
ing multiple instantiation. Note that Rte_Instance cannot be used
directly, as there will be pointers to multiple components’ structure
types within the single VFB Tracing header file, and Rte_Instance
would therefore be ambiguous.c(SRS_Rte_00045) BSW Scheduler API Trace Events

BSW Scheduler API trace events occur when an AUTOSAR Basic Software Module
interacts with the generated BSW Scheduler API. BSW Scheduler API Start

Description: BSW Scheduler API Start is invoked by the BSW Scheduler when an
API call is made by a Basic Software Module.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_04531] d
void SchM_[<client>_]<api>Hook_<bsnp>_[<vi>_<ai>]_

Where <api> is the BSW Scheduler API Name (Send, Call, etc.),
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according
[SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594],
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module,

729 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module and

<name> is the name provided by the API (e.g. shortName of the
VariableDataPrototype of a sender-receiver connection).
The parameters of the API shall be the same as the corresponding
BSW Scheduler API.
The sub part in square brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no
vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
c(SRS_Rte_00003, SRS_Rte_00004, SRS_Rte_00045) BSW Scheduler API Return

Description: BSW Scheduler API Return is invoked by the BSW Scheduler just
before an API call returns control to a Basic Software Module.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_04532] d
void SchM_[<client>_]<api>Hook_<bsnp>_[<vi>_<ai>]_

Where <api> is the BSW Scheduler API Name (Send, Call, etc.),
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according
[SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594],
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module and
<name> is the name provided by the API (e.g. shortName of the
VariableDataPrototype of a sender-receiver connection).
The parameters of the API shall be the same as the corresponding
BSW Scheduler API.
The sub part in square brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no
vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
c(SRS_Rte_00003, SRS_Rte_00004, SRS_Rte_00045) COM Trace Events

COM trace events occur when the generated RTE interacts with the AUTOSAR com-
munication service.

730 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Signal Transmission

Description: A trace event indicating a transmission request of an Inter-ECU signal

(or signal in a signal group) by the RTE. Invoked by the RTE just be-
fore Com_SendSignal, Com_SendDynSignal, or Com_SendSig-
nalGroupArray is invoked.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01240] d
void Rte_[<client>_]ComHook_<signalName>_SigTx

Where <signalName> is the COM signal name and <data> is a

pointer to the signal data to be transmitted.c(SRS_Rte_00045, SRS_-
Rte_00003, SRS_Rte_00004) Signal Reception

Description: A trace event indicating a successful attempt to read an Inter-ECU

signal (or signal in a signal group) by the RTE. Invoked by the RTE af-
ter return from Com_ReceiveSignal, Com_ReceiveDynSignal,
or Com_ReceiveSignalGroupArray.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01241] d
void Rte_[<client>_]ComHook_<signalName>_SigRx

Where <signalName> is the COM signal name and <data> is a

pointer to the signal data received.c(SRS_Rte_00045, SRS_Rte_-
00003, SRS_Rte_00004) Signal Invalidation

Description: A trace event indicating a signal invalidation request of an Inter-ECU

signal (or of a signal in a signal group) by the RTE. Invoked by the
RTE just before Com_InvalidateSignal is invoked.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_03814] d
void Rte_[<client>_]ComHook_<signalName>_SigIv

Where <signalName> is the COM signal or a signal group name.c

(SRS_Rte_00045, SRS_Rte_00003, SRS_Rte_00004)

731 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Signal Group Invalidation

Description: A trace event indicating a signal group invalidation request of an Inter-

ECU signal group by the RTE. Invoked by the RTE just before Com_-
InvalidateSignalGroup is invoked.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_07639] d
void Rte_[<client>_]ComHook_<signalGroupName>_SigGroupIv

Where <signalGroupName> is the name of the signal group.c

(SRS_Rte_00045, SRS_Rte_00003, SRS_Rte_00004) COM Callback

Description: A trace event indicating the start of a COM call-back. Invoked by

generated RTE code on entry to the COM call-back.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01242] d
void Rte_[<client>_]ComHook<Event>_<signalName>

Where <signalName> is the name of the COM signal or signal

group and <Event> indicates the callback type and can take the val-
• “Rx” for a reception indication callback
• “Inv” for an invalidation callback
• “RxTOut” for a reception timeout callback
• “TxTOut” for a transmission timeout callback
• “TAck” for a transmission acknowledgement callback
• “TErr” for a transmission error callback
c(SRS_Rte_00045, SRS_Rte_00003, SRS_Rte_00004) OS Trace Events

OS trace events occur when the generated RTE interacts with the AUTOSAR operating

732 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Task Activate

Description: A trace event that is invoked by the RTE immediately prior to the
activation of a task containing runnable entities.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01243] d
void Rte_[<client>_]Task_Activate_<application>_<task>

Where <application> is the name of the OsApplication activating

the task and <task> is the name of the activated task.c(SRS_Rte_-
00045) Task Dispatch

Description: A trace event that is invoked immediately an RTE generated task

(containing runnable entities) has commenced execution.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01244] d
void Rte_[<client>_]Task_Dispatch_<task>(void)

Where <task> is the name of the task.c(SRS_Rte_00045) Task Termination

Description: A trace event invoked immediately prior to an RTE generated task

(containing runnable entities) terminating execution. The same task
termination VFB event is used whether the RTE generated task ter-
minates by either a TerminateTask or a ChainTask OS Service
Signature: [SWS_Rte_06032] d
void Rte_[<client>_]Task_Terminate_<task>(void)

Where <task> is the name of the task.c(SRS_Rte_00045) Set OS Event

Description: A trace event invoked immediately before generated RTE code at-
tempts to set an OS Event.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01245] d
void Rte_[<client>_]Task_SetEvent_<application>_<task>
(EventMaskType ev)

733 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Where <application> is the name of the OsApplication setting the

event and <task> is the name of the task for which the event is being
set and ev the OS event mask.c(SRS_Rte_00045) Wait OS Event

Description: Invoked immediately before generated RTE code attempts to wait on

an OS Event. This trace event does not indicate that the caller has
suspended execution since the OS call may immediately return if the
event was already set.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01246] d
void Rte_[<client>_]Task_WaitEvent_<task>
(EventMaskType ev)

Where <task> is the name of the task (that is waiting for the event)
and ev the OS event mask.c(SRS_Rte_00045) Received OS Event

Description: Invoked immediately after generated RTE code returns from waiting
on an event.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01247] d
void Rte_[<client>_]Task_WaitEventRet_<task>
(EventMaskType ev)

Where <task> is the name of the task (that was waiting for an event)
and and ev the event mask indicating the received event.c(SRS_-
Note that not all of the trace events listed above may be available for a given input
configuration. For example if a task is activated by a schedule table, it is activated by
the OS rather than by the RTE, hence no trace hook function for task activation can be
invoked by the RTE. Runnable Entity Trace Events

Runnable entity trace events occur when a runnable entity is started.

734 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Runnable Entity Invocation

Description: Event invoked by the RTE just before execution of runnable entry
starts via its entry point. This trace event occurs after any copies of
data elements are made to support the Rte_IRead API Call.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01248] d
void Rte_[<client>_]Runnable_<cts>_<reName>_Start
([const Rte_CDS_<cts>*])

Where <cts> is the component type symbol of the Atomic-

and reName the runnable entity name.
The instance handle is included if and only if the software compo-
nent’s supportsMultipleInstantiation attribute is set to true.
Note that Rte_Instance cannot be used directly, as there will be
pointers to multiple components’ structure types within the single VFB
Tracing header file, and Rte_Instance would therefore be ambigu-
ous.c(SRS_Rte_00045) Runnable Entity Termination

purpose: Event invoked by the RTE immediately execution returns to RTE code
from a runnable entity. This trace event occurs before any write-back
of data elements are made to support the Rte_IWrite API Call.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_01249] d
void Rte_[<client>_]Runnable_<cts>_<reName>_Return
([const Rte_CDS_<cts>*])

Where <cts> is the component type symbol of the Atomic-

and reName the runnable entity name.
The instance handle is included if and only if the software compo-
nent’s supportsMultipleInstantiation attribute is set to true.
Note that Rte_Instance cannot be used directly, as there will be
pointers to multiple components’ structure types within the single VFB
Tracing header file, and Rte_Instance would therefore be ambigu-
ous.c(SRS_Rte_00045) BSW Schedulable Entities Trace Events

BSW Schedulable entity trace events occur when a BSW Schedulable entity is started.

735 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 BSW Schedulable Entity Invocation

Description: Event invoked by the BSW Scheduler just before execution of BSW
Schedulable entry starts via its entry point.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_04533] d
void SchM_[<client>_]Schedulable_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]

<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according
[SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594],
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module and
<entityName> is the name of the BSW Schedulable Entity or BSW
Callable Entity.
The sub part in square brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no
vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
c(SRS_Rte_00045) BSW Schedulable Entity Termination

Description: Event invoked by the BSW Scheduler immediately after execution re-
turns to BSW Scheduler code from a BSW Schedulable Entity.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_04534] d
void SchM_[<client>_]Schedulable_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]

<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according
[SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594],
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module and
<entityName> is the name of the BSW Schedulable Entity or BSW
Callable Entity.
The sub part in square brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no
vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See

736 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

c(SRS_Rte_00045) RPT Trace Events

RPT trace events occur when a RP global buffer is sent or received. Transmission

Description: Event invoked by the RTE immediately before transmission of an RP

global buffer.
The event takes as parameter a reference to the RP global
buffer allowing the VFB trace hook to both monitor and influence
the value.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_06113] d
void Rte_[<client>_]RptHook_<cts>_<var>_Transmit
([const Rte_CDS_<cts>*], <type>* <buffer> )

Where <cts> is the component type symbol of the Atomic-

SwComponentType, <var> the identifying name of the RP global
buffer, e.g. port and data element names. <buffer> is a refer-
ence to the RP global buffer.
The instance handle is included if and only if the software compo-
nent’s supportsMultipleInstantiation attribute is set to true.
Note that Rte_Instance cannot be used directly, as there will be
pointers to multiple components’ structure types within the single VFB
Tracing header file, and Rte_Instance would therefore be ambigu-
ous.c(SRS_Rte_00045, SRS_Rte_00244) Reception

Description: Event invoked by the RTE immediately before the received value is
copied from the RP global buffer to the RTE API’s OUT param-
eter or return value. Placing the VFB trace hook at this position en-
sures that any conditional writes to the RP global buffer gov-
erned by RP enabler flag will have taken effect.
The event takes as parameter a reference to the RP global
buffer allowing the VFB trace hook to both monitor and influence
the value.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_06114] d

737 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

void Rte_[<client>_]RptHook_<cts>_<var>_Reception
([const Rte_CDS_<cts>*], <type>* <buffer> )

Where <cts> is the component type symbol of the Atomic-

SwComponentType, <var> the identifying name of the RP global
buffer, e.g. port and data element names. <buffer> is a refer-
ence to the RP global buffer.
The instance handle is included if and only if the software compo-
nent’s supportsMultipleInstantiation attribute is set to true.
Note that Rte_Instance cannot be used directly, as there will be
pointers to multiple components’ structure types within the single VFB
Tracing header file, and Rte_Instance would therefore be ambigu-
ous.c(SRS_Rte_00045, SRS_Rte_00244)

5.11.6 Configuration

The VFB tracing mechanism works by the RTE invoking the tracepoint hook function
whenever the tracing event occurs.
The support trace events and their hook function name and signature are defined in
Section 5.11.5. There are many potential trace events and it is likely that only a few will
be of interest at any one time. Therefore, the RTE generator supports a mechanism to
configure which trace events are of interest.
In order to minimize RTE Overheads, trace events that are not enabled should have
no run-time effect on the generated system. This is achieved by the RTE not emitting
function calls to hook functions that have not been configured as being of interest. A
trace function is configured being of interest if its name starts with one of the strings
defined in parameter RteVfbTraceFunction of the respective trace client.
[SWS_Rte_08000] dWhen RteVfbTraceEnabled is configured to TRUE, the RTE
shall call all configured VFB Trace hooks (see [ECUC_Rte_09017]).c(SRS_Rte_00005,
Note that there is no way to configure interesting tracing hooks for the trace client
without prefix. So if enabled (see [SWS_Rte_05091]), all trace hooks will be provided
for the trace client without prefix.

5.11.7 Interaction with Object-code Software-Components

VFB tracing is only available during the “RTE Generation” or “Basic Software Scheduler
Generation” phase [SWS_Rte_01319] and therefore hook functions never appear in an
application header or in a Module Interlink Header file created during “RTE Contract”
resp. “Basic Software Scheduler Contract” phase. However, object-code software-
components and / or Basic Software Modules are compiled against the “RTE Contract”
resp. “Basic Software Scheduler Contract” phase headers and can therefore only trace

738 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

events that are inserted into the generated RTE. In particular they cannot trace events
that require invocation of hook functions to be inserted into the API mapping such as
the Rte_Pim API. However, many trace events are applicable to object-code software-
components including trace events related to the explicit communication API, to task
activity and for runnable entity start and stop.
This approach means that the external interactions of the object-code software-
component can be monitored without requiring modification of the delivered object-
code and without revealing the internal activity of the software-component. The ap-
proach is therefore considered to be consistent with the desire for IP protection that
prompts delivery of a software-component as object-code. Finally, tracing can easily
be disabled for a production build without invalidating tests of the object-code software-

739 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

6 Basic Software Scheduler Reference

6.1 Scope
This chapter presents the Basic Software Scheduler API from the perspective of AU-
TOSAR Basic Software Module – these API is not applicable for AUTOSAR software-
Section 6.2 presents basic principles of the API including naming conventions and
supported programming languages. Section 6.3 describes the header files used by
the Basic Software Scheduler and the files created by an RTE generator. The data
types used by the API are described in Section 6.4 and Sections 6.5 and 6.6 provide
a reference to the Basic Software Scheduler API itself including the definition of Basic
Software Module Entities.

6.2 API Principles

6.2.1 Basic Software Scheduler Namespace

The Basic Software Scheduler is interleaved with the scheduling part of the RTE. Fur-
ther on it is generated by the RTE Generator together with the RTE so Basic Software
Scheduler and RTE can not be separated if both are generated. Therefore the Basic
Software Scheduler uses the namespace of the RTE for internal symbols, variables
and functions, see [SWS_Rte_01171].
The only exceptions are defines, data types and functions belonging to the interface of
the Basic Software Scheduler. These are explicitly mentioned in the specification.
[SWS_Rte_07284] dAll Basic Software Scheduler symbols (e.g. function names, data
types, etc.) belonging to the Basic Software Scheduler s interfaces are required to use
the SchM_ prefix.c(SRS_BSW_00307, SRS_BSW_00300, SRS_Rte_00055)
In case of Basic Software Modules supporting multiple instances of the same Ba-
sic Software Module the name space of the BswSchedulableEntitys and the
Basic Software Scheduler API related to one instance of a Basic Software Mod-
ule is extended by the vendorId and the vendorApiInfix. See document [12]
[SRS_BSW_00347]. In the following chapters this optional part is denoted by usage of
squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>].
[SWS_Rte_07528] dIf the attribute vendorApiInfix exists for a Basic Software Mod-
ule, the RTE generator shall insert the vendorId (<vi>) and the vendorApiIn-
fix (<ai>) with leading underscores where it is denoted by [_<vi>_<ai>].c(SRS_-

740 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

6.2.2 BSW Scheduler Name Prefix and Section Name Prefix

Since the Basic Software Module Description supports the description of BSW Module
Clusters one Basic Software Module Description can contain the content of several
BSW Modules. In order to fulfill the Standardized Interfaces with the cluster interface
different ICC3 Module abbreviations [9] inside one cluster can occur. For the Basic
Software Scheduler the Module abbreviation is used as BSW Scheduler Name Prefix
in the SchM API. Nevertheless the shortName of the BswModuleDescription can
as well describe the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix and Section Name Prefix
in order to provide one common prefix in case of ICC3 modules.
In the Meta Model Module abbreviations relevant for the Schedule Manager API are
explicitly expressed with the meta class BswSchedulerNamePrefix. Further infor-
mation can be found in document [9].

741 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

AtpStructureElement Identifiable
InternalBehavior +exclusiveArea ExclusiveArea
«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+canEnterExclusiveArea 0..* +runsInsideExclusiveArea 0..*

+ minimumStartInterval: TimeValue [0..1]
+ reentrancyLevel: ReentrancyLevelEnum [0..1]

BswInternalBehavior BswModuleEntity +implementedEntry
1 AtpBlueprintable


«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+issuedTrigger AtpStructureElement
«atpVariation» 0..* Trigger

«atpVariation» «atpVariation»

+schedulerNamePrefix 0..1 +accessedModeGroup 0..* +managedModeGroup 0..*

+schedulerNamePrefix ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype


+behavior 1

+ arReleaseVersion: RevisionLabelString
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]
+ vendorApiInfix: Identifier [0..1]


+resourceConsumption 0..1 SectionNamePrefix
Identifiable +sectionNamePrefix

ResourceConsumption «atpVariation» 0..*

+prefix 0..1

+memorySection MemorySection
«atpVariation,atpSplitable»0..* + alignment: AlignmentType [0..1]
+ memClassSymbol: CIdentifier [0..1]
+ option: Identifier [0..*]
+ size: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ symbol: Identifier [0..1]

Figure 6.1: BswSchedulerNamePrefix and SectionNamePrefix

In several requirements of this specification the Module Prefix is required and deter-
mined as follows:
[SWS_Rte_07593] dThe BSW Scheduler Name Prefix <bsnp> of the calling
BSW module shall be derived from the BswModuleDescription shortName if no
BswSchedulerNamePrefix is defined for the BswModuleEntity using the related
Basic Software Scheduler API.c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00149)

742 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07594] dThe BSW Scheduler Name Prefix <bsnp> shall be the value
of the symbol attribute of the BswSchedulerNamePrefix of the BswModuleEn-
tity if a BswSchedulerNamePrefix is defined for the BswModuleEntity using
the related Basic Software Scheduler API.c(SRS_Rte_00148, SRS_Rte_00149)
Please note that no matter if the <bsnp> is derived via BswModuleDescription.
shortName (see [SWS_Rte_07593]) or via BswSchedulerNamePrefix.symbol
(see [SWS_Rte_07594]) [TPS_BSWMDT_04008] always applies. That means, ex-
cept for the potential vendor infix, the BswModuleEntry.shortName is always equal
to the C function name. And therefore the BswModuleEntry.shortName is al-
ways prefixed by the <bsnp>. For regular BSWMs this also means that the <bsnp>
will always be equal to the BswModuleDescription.shortName, if a BswSched-
ulerNamePrefix.symbol exists or not. Only for BSWMs being ICC2 clusters the
BswModuleDescription.shortName will typically be different to the prefix of the
BswModuleEntry.shortName because the BswModuleEntrys they implement are
originally defined in different BSWMs. The definition of a BswSchedulerNamePrefix
is then necessary to define where the prefix of the C symbol of the BswModuleEntry
ends and the <name> part starts (see figure 6.2).
Further on the Memory Mapping inside one cluster can either keep or abolish the ICC3
borders. For some cases (e.g. Entry Point Prototype) the RTE has to know the used
prefixes for the Memory Allocation Keywords as well.
In the Meta Model these prefixes are expressed with the meta class Section-
NamePrefix. Further information can be found in document [9].
[SWS_Rte_07595] dThe Section Name Prefix <snp> shall be the module ab-
breviation (in uppercase letters) of the BSW module derived from the BswMod-
uleDescription’s shortName if no SectionNamePrefix is defined for the
BswModuleEntity implementing the related BswModuleEntry.c(SRS_Rte_00148,
[SWS_Rte_07596] dThe Section Name Prefix <snp> shall be the symbol of the
SectionNamePrefix of the MemorySection associated to the BswModuleEntity
implementing the related BswModuleEntry if a SectionNamePrefix is defined
for the BswModuleEntity implementing the related BswModuleEntry.c(SRS_Rte_-
00148, SRS_Rte_00149)
For instance the following input configuration

743 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

MEM: BswModuleDescription +implementedEntry NvM_MainFunction: +implementedEntry

category = BSW_CLUSTER

+implementedEntry NvM_WriteBlock: +implementedEntry


+implementedEntry MemIf_SetMode: +implementedEntry



MEM: +entity
BswInternalBehavior NvM_MainFunction:




+schedulerNamePrefix BswSchedulerNamePrefix

symbol = NvM
+entity MemIf_SetMode:


+schedulerNamePrefix BswSchedulerNamePrefix
symbol = MemIf +swAddrMethod
CODE: SwAddrMethod

sectionType = code

MEM: +swAddrmethod +swAddrmethod



ResourceConsumption MemorySection  

symbol = CODE

MEMIF_PART: +prefix
+sectionNamePrefix SectionNamePrefix

symbol = MEMIF

+memorySection MemorySection

symbol = CODE

+sectionNamePrefix +prefix

symbol = NVM

Figure 6.2: Example of ICC2 cluster

would result in the generation of the Entry Point Prototype according

[SWS_Rte_07195] as:
2 #include "MEM_MemMap.h"

744 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

4 FUNC(void, NVM_CODE) NvM_MainFunction (void);

7 #include "MEM_MemMap.h"

6.2.3 BSW Scheduler API options

[SWS_Rte_06811] dIf the attribute enableTakeAddress is set to TRUE for

a providedData, requiredData, perInstanceParameter, providedMode-
Group, requiredModeGroup, releasedTrigger, requiredClientServerEn-
try, BswInternalTriggeringPoint or arTypedPerInstanceMemory the RTE
generator shall provide an API implementation of the related SchM APIs for which it is
valid to take the address of an API function at compile time.c()
In C it is valid to take the address of a function but not of a function-like macro. If the
enableTakeAddress attribute is not set or set to FALSE for a particular SchM API,
the RTE generator may provide ’C’ functions or function like macro depending from the

6.3 Basic Software Scheduler modules

[SWS_Rte_07288] dEvery file of the Basic Software Scheduler shall be named with
the prefix SchM_.c(SRS_BSW_00300)

6.3.1 Module Interlink Types Header

The Module Interlink Types Header defines specific types related to this basic software
module derived either from the input configuration or from the RTE / Basic Software
Scheduler implementation.
[SWS_Rte_07503] dThe RTE generator shall create a Module Interlink Types Header
File for each BswSchedulerNamePrefix in the BswInternalBehavior of each
BswImplementation referencing such BswInternalBehavior defined in the in-
For instance an input configuration with two BswImplementations (typical with dif-
ferent API infix) referencing a BswInternalBehavior with three BswScheduler-
NamePrefixes would result in the generation of six Module Interlink Types Header

745 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 File Name

[SWS_Rte_07295] dThe name of the Module Interlink Types Header File shall be
formed in the following way:
Where here
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according [SWS_Rte_07593] and
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module and
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module.
The sub part in squared brackets [<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no vendorApiInfix is
defined for the Basic Software Module. See [SWS_Rte_07528].c(SRS_BSW_00415,
SRS_BSW_00300, SRS_BSW_00347)

Example 6.1

The following declaration in the input XML:


should result in the Module Interlink Types Header SchM_Can_25_Dev0815Type.h

being generated.

The concatenation of the basic software module prefix (which has to be equally with
the short name of the basic software module description) and the vendor API infix is
required to support the separation of several basic software module instances. In dif-
ference to the multiple instantiation concept of software components, where the same

746 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

component code is used for all component instances, basic software modules are mul-
tiple instantiated by creation of own code per instance in a different name space. Scope

[SWS_Rte_07297] dThe Module Interlink Types Header shall be valid for both C and
C++ source.c(SRS_Rte_00126, SRS_Rte_00138)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_07297] is met by ensuring that all definitions within the Appli-
cation Types Header File are defined using C linkage if a C++ compiler is used.
[SWS_Rte_07298] dAll definitions within in the Module Interlink Types Header File shall
be preceded by the following fragment:
1 #ifdef __cplusplus
2 extern "C" {
3 #endif /* __cplusplus */

c(SRS_Rte_00126, SRS_Rte_00138)
[SWS_Rte_07299] dAll definitions within the Module Interlink Types Header shall be
suffixed by the following fragment:
1 #ifdef __cplusplus
2 } /* extern "C" */
3 #endif /* __cplusplus */

c(SRS_Rte_00126, SRS_Rte_00138) File Contents

[SWS_Rte_07500] dThe Module Interlink Types Header shall include the RTE Types
Header File.c(SRS_BSW_00415)
The name of the RTE Types Header File is defined in Section 5.3.4. Basic Software Scheduler Modes

The Module Interlink Types Header File shall contain identifiers for the ModeDecla-
rations and type definitions for ModeDeclarationGroups as defined in Chapter

6.3.2 Module Interlink Header

747 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The Module Interlink Header defines the Basic Software Scheduler API and any asso-
ciated data structures that are required by the Basic Software Scheduler implementa-
tion. But the Module Interlink Header file is not allowed to create objects in memory.
[SWS_Rte_07501] dThe RTE generator shall create a Module Interlink Header File for
each BswSchedulerNamePrefix in the BswInternalBehavior of each BswIm-
plementation referencing such BswInternalBehavior defined in the input.c
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09059] Usage of Basic Software Scheduler API prerequi-
sites the include of the Module Interlink Header File dEach BSW module implemen-
tation shall include its Module Interlink Header File if it uses Basic Software Scheduler
API or if it implements BswSchedulableEntitys.c()
[SWS_Rte_07502] dThe Module Interlink Header File shall not contain code that cre-
ates objects in memory.c(SRS_BSW_00308) File Name

[SWS_Rte_07504] d
The name of the Module Interlink Header File shall be formed in the following way:
1 SchM_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>].h

Where here
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according [SWS_Rte_07593] and
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module and
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module.
The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no vendorApiIn-
fix is defined for the Basic Software Module.c(SRS_BSW_00415, SRS_BSW_00300,

Example 6.2

The following declaration in the input XML:


748 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software


should result in the Module Interlink Header SchM_Can_25_Dev0815.h being gener-


The concatenation of the basic software module prefix (which has to be equally with
the short name of the basic software module description) and the vendorApiInfix
is required to support the separation of several basic software module instances. In dif-
ference to the multiple instantiation concept of software components, where the same
component code is used for all component instances, basic software modules are mul-
tiple instantiated by creation of own code per instance in a different name space. Scope

[SWS_Rte_07505] dThe Module Interlink Header for a component shall contain dec-
larations relevant for that instance of a basic software module.c(SRS_BSW_00415)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_07505] means that compile time checks ensure that a Module
Interlink Header File that uses the Module Interlink Header File only accesses the
generated data types to which it has been configured. The use of data types which are
not used by the basic software module, will fail with a compiler error [SRS_Rte_00017]. File Contents

[SWS_Rte_07506] dThe Module Interlink Header File shall include the Module Interlink
Types Header File.c(SRS_BSW_00415)
The name of the Module Interlink Types Header File is defined in Section 6.3.1.
[SWS_Rte_07507] dThe Module Interlink Header shall be valid for both C and C++
source.c(SRS_Rte_00126, SRS_Rte_00138)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_07507] is met by ensuring that all definitions within the Appli-
cation Types Header File are defined using C linkage if a C++ compiler is used.
[SWS_Rte_07508] dAll definitions within in the Module Interlink Header File shall be
preceded by the following fragment:
1 #ifdef __cplusplus
2 extern "C" {

749 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

3 #endif /* __cplusplus */

c(SRS_Rte_00126, SRS_Rte_00138)
[SWS_Rte_07509] dAll definitions within the Module Interlink Header File shall be suf-
fixed by the following fragment:
1 #ifdef __cplusplus
2 } /* extern "C" */
3 #endif /* __cplusplus */

c(SRS_Rte_00126, SRS_Rte_00138) Entry Point Prototype

The Module Interlink Header File also includes a prototype for each BswSchedula-
bleEntitys entry point ([SWS_Rte_04542]). Basic Software Scheduler - Basic Software Module Interface

The Module Interlink Header File defines the “interface” between a Basic Software
Module and the Basic Software Scheduler. The interface consists of the Basic
Software Scheduler API for the Basic Software Module and the prototypes for
BswSchedulableEntitys entry point. The definition of the Basic Software Sched-
uler API requires in case of macro implementation that both relevant data structures
and API calls are defined. In case of interfaces implemented as functions, the proto-
types for the Basic Software Scheduler API of the particular Basic Software Module
instance is sufficient. The data structures are dependent from the implementation and
configuration of the Basic Software Scheduler and are not standardized. If data struc-
tures are required these shall be accessible via the Module Interlink Header File as
The RTE generator is required [SWS_Rte_07505] to limit the contents of the Module
Interlink Header file to only that information that is relevant to that instance of a basic
software module. This requirement includes the definition of the API.
[SWS_Rte_07510] dOnly Basic Software Scheduler API calls that are valid for the
particular instance of a basic software module shall be defined within the modules
Module Interlink Header File.c(SRS_BSW_00415, SRS_Rte_00017)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_07510] ensures that attempts to invoke invalid API calls will
be rejected as a compile-time error [SRS_Rte_00017].
[SWS_Rte_06534] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each Basic Software Scheduler
API definition of a variant existent API according table 4.34 if the variability shall be
1 #if (<condition> [||<condition>])

750 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

3 <Basic Software Scheduler API Definition>

5 #endif

where condition are the condition value macro(s) of the VariationPoints

relevant for the conditional existence of the RTE API (see table 4.34), Basic Soft-
ware Scheduler API Definition is the code according an invariant Basic
Software Scheduler API definition (see also [SWS_Rte_07510], [SWS_Rte_07250],
[SWS_Rte_07253], [SWS_Rte_07255], [SWS_Rte_07260], [SWS_Rte_07556],
[SWS_Rte_07263], [SWS_Rte_07266])c(SRS_Rte_00229)
The Basic Software Scheduler API for basic software modules is defined in 6.5
[SWS_Rte_07511] dThe Basic Software Scheduler API of the particular Basic Soft-
ware Module instance shall be implemented as functions if the basic software module
is delivered as object code.c(SRS_BSW_00342)
In case of basic software modules delivered as source code the definitions of the Basic
Software Scheduler API contained in the Module Interlink Header File can be optimized
during the “RTE Generation” phase when the mapping of the BswSchedulableEn-
titys to OS Tasks is known. Provide activating Bsw event

The provide activating event feature is enabled if the executable entity has at least one
activationReason defined.
[SWS_Rte_08056] dIf the provide activating event feature is enabled, the RTE gen-
erator in contract phase shall generate the executable entity signature according to
[SWS_Rte_07282] and [SWS_Rte_08071].c(SRS_Rte_00238)
[SWS_Rte_08057] dIf the provide activating event feature is enabled, the RTE gen-
erator in contract phase shall generate the type SchM_ActivatingEvent_<name>
(activation vector), where <name> is the symbol describing the executable
entity’s entry point, to store the activation bits. Based on the highest value of Ex-
ecutableEntityActivationReason.bitPosition for this executable entity the
type shall be either uint8, uint16, or uint32 so that the highest value of bitPo-
sition fits into the data type.c(SRS_Rte_00238)
Note that it is considered an invalid configuration if ExecutableEntityActiva-
tionReason.bitPosition has a value higher than 31 (see [constr_1226] in soft-
ware component template [2]).
[SWS_Rte_08058] dIf the provide activating event feature is enabled, the RTE gen-
erator in contract phase shall generate for each ExecutableEntityActivation-
Reason of one executable entity a definition to provide the specific bit position in the
Rte_ActivatingEvent_<name> data type:
#define SchM_ActivatingEvent_<name>_<activation> xxU

751 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The value of xx is defined by the bitPosition xx = 2∧ bitPosition.c(SRS_Rte_00238)

For further details see section Provide activating RTE event. RunnableEntity mapped to BswModuleEntity

In the case that a RunnableEntity is mapped to a BswSchedulableEntity the

RTE Generator only emits the Entry Point Prototype ( for the BswSchedula-
bleEntity (see [SWS_Rte_01132]). Since RunnableEntity and BswModuleEn-
try define a overlapping set of attributes it is technically possible to have redundancy
in the AUTOSAR models between the BSW Module Description and the Software Com-
ponent Description.
[SWS_Rte_06732] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations violating the [con-
Within the scope of a SwcBswRunnableMapping both RTEEvents and BswEvents
are applicable. Therefore the ExecutableEntityActivationReasons of the
RunnableEntity and the mapped BswModuleEntity have to be overlayed.
[SWS_Rte_08071] dThe signature of a RunnableEntity and a BswModuleEntity
with a SwcBswRunnableMapping shall contain all ExecutableEntityActiva-
tionReasons that are defined for each entity.c(SRS_Rte_00238)
Note: Multiple definition of identical activationReasons with respect to shortName
and bitPosition yields to a valid configuration since both RunnableEntitys and
BswModuleEntitys may provide separate activationReasons. Condition Value Macros

[SWS_Rte_08790] dFor each VariationPointProxy which bindingTime = Pre-

CompileTime the Module Interlink Header File shall contain a definition
#define SchM_SysCon_<name>

<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according [SWS_Rte_07593] and
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module,
<ki> is the kind infix according table 4.34,
<name> is the short name of the element which is subject to variability in table 4.34
defining the Basic Software Scheduler API name infix.

752 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no vendorApiInfix

is defined for the Basic Software Module. See [SWS_Rte_07528].c(SRS_Rte_00229,

6.4 API Data Types

Besides the API functions for accessing Basic Software Scheduler services, the API
also contains Basic Software Scheduler specific data types.

6.4.1 Predefined Error Codes for Std_ReturnType

The specification in [31] specifies a standard API return type Std_ReturnType. The
Std_ReturnType defines the "‘status"’ and "‘error values"’ returned by API functions.
It is defined as a uint8 type. The value “0” is reserved for “No error occurred”.
Symbolic name Value Comments
SCHM_E_OK 0 [SWS_Rte_07289]
SCHM_E_LIMIT 130 [SWS_Rte_07290]
SCHM_E_NO_DATA 131 [SWS_Rte_07562]
SCHM_E_TIMEOUT 129 [SWS_Rte_07054]
SCHM_E_LOST_DATA 64 [SWS_Rte_02312]

Table 6.1: Basic Software Scheduler Error and Status values

The underlying type for Std_ReturnType is defined as a uint8 for reasons of com-
patibility. Consequently, #define is used to declare the error values:
1 typedef uint8 Std_ReturnType; /* defined in Std_Types.h */

3 #define SCHM_E_OK 0U

[SWS_Rte_07291] dThe errors as defined in table 6.1 shall be defined in the RTE
Header File.c(SRS_Rte_00051)
An Std_ReturnType value can be directly compared (for equality) with the above
pre-defined error identifiers. SCHM_E_OK

[SWS_Rte_07289] d
Symbolic name: SCHM_E_OK
Value: 0
Comments: No error occurred.c(SRS_BSW_00327)

753 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07290] d
Symbolic name: SCHM_E_LIMIT
Value: 130
Comments: An internal Basic Software Scheduler limit has been exceeded. Request
could not be handled. OUT buffers are not modified.
Note: The value has to be identical with [SWS_Rte_01317]c(SRS_BSW_00327) SCHM_E_NO_DATA

[SWS_Rte_07562] d
Symbolic name: SCHM_E_NO_DATA
Value: 131
Comments: An explicit read API call returned no data. (This is no error.)
Note: The value has to be identical with [SWS_Rte_01061]c(SRS_BSW_00327) SCHM_E_TRANSMIT_ACK

[SWS_Rte_07563] d
Symbolic name: SCHM_E_TRANSMIT_ACK
Value: 132
Comments: Transmission acknowledgement received.
Note: The value has to be identically with [SWS_Rte_01065]c(SRS_BSW_00327) SCHM_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA

[SWS_Rte_02747] d
Value: 135
Comments: The error is returned by a blocking API and indicates that the schedulable
entity could not enter a wait state, because one ExecutableEntity of the current
task’s call stack has entered an ExclusiveArea.
Note: There are no blocking SchM APIs and therefore this value cannot be returned.
It is defined here for future use and for consistency with [SWS_Rte_02739]. Both error
values have to be identical.c(SRS_BSW_00327)

754 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07054] d
Symbolic name: SCHM_E_TIMEOUT
Value: 129
Comments: The configured timeout exceeds before the intended result was ready.
Note: The value has to be identical with [SWS_Rte_01064]c(SRS_BSW_00327) SCHM_E_LOST_DATA

[SWS_Rte_02312] d
Symbolic name: SCHM_E_LOST_DATA
Value: 64
Comments: An API call for reading received data with event semantics indicates that
some incoming data has been lost due to an overflow of the receive queue or due to
an error of the underlying communication stack.
Note: The value has to be identical with [SWS_Rte_02571]c(SRS_BSW_00327,
SRS_Rte_00107, SRS_Rte_00110, SRS_Rte_00094)

6.4.2 Basic Software Modes

[SWS_Rte_07293] dFor each ModeDeclarationGroup of category

"ALPHABETIC_ORDER", the Module Interlink Types Header File shall contain a
1 #ifndef RTE_TRANSITION_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup>
2 #define RTE_TRANSITION_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup> \
3 <n>U
4 #endif

where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the ModeDeclaration-

Group1 ,
<prefix> is the optional prefix attribute defined by the IncludedModeDeclara-
tionGroupSet referring the ModeDeclarationGroup and
<n> is the number of modes declared within the group.c(SRS_Rte_00213)
[SWS_Rte_08600] dFor each ModeDeclarationGroup of category
"EXPLICIT_ORDER", the Module Interlink Types Header File shall contain a def-
1 #ifndef RTE_TRANSITION_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup>
2 #define RTE_TRANSITION_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup> \
3 <onTransitionValue>U
4 #endif
No additional capitalization is applied to the names.

755 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the ModeDeclaration-

Group2 ,
<prefix> is the optional prefix attribute defined by the IncludedModeDeclara-
tionGroupSet referring the ModeDeclarationGroup and
<onTransitionValue> is the onTransitionValue of the ModeDeclaration-
[SWS_Rte_07294] dFor each mode of a ModeDeclarationGroup of category
"ALPHABETIC_ORDER", the Module Interlink Types Header File shall contain a defi-
1 #ifndef RTE_MODE_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup>_<ModeDeclaration>
2 #define RTE_MODE_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup>_<ModeDeclaration> \
3 <index>U
4 #endif

where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the ModeDeclaration-

<prefix> is the optional prefix attribute defined by the IncludedModeDeclara-
tionGroupSet referring the ModeDeclarationGroup
<ModeDeclaration> is the short name of a ModeDeclaration3 ,
and <index> is the index of the ModeDeclarations in alphabetic ordering (ASCII
/ ISO 8859-1 code in ascending order) of the short names within the Mode-
The lowest index shall be ‘0’ and therefore the range of assigned values is 0..<n>
where <n> is the number of modes declared within the groupc(SRS_Rte_00213)
[SWS_Rte_08601] dFor each mode of a ModeDeclarationGroup of category
"EXPLICIT_ORDER", the Module Interlink Types Header File shall contain a definition
1 #ifndef RTE_MODE_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup>_<ModeDeclaration>
2 #define RTE_MODE_<prefix><ModeDeclarationGroup>_<ModeDeclaration> \
3 <value>U
4 #endif

where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the ModeDeclaration-

<prefix> is the optional prefix attribute defined by the IncludedModeDeclara-
tionGroupSet referring the ModeDeclarationGroup
<ModeDeclaration> is the short name of a ModeDeclaration4 ,
and <value> is the value specified at the ModeDeclaration.c(SRS_Rte_00213)
No additional capitalization is applied to the names.
No additional capitalization is applied to the names.
No additional capitalization is applied to the names.

756 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

6.4.3 Enumeration Data Types

Enumeration is not a plain primitive ImplementationDataType. Rather a range of

integers can be used as a structural description. The mapping of integers on "labels"
in the enumeration is actually modeled in the SwC-T with the semantics class Com-
puMethod of a SwDataDefProps [2]. Enumeration data types are modeled as Im-
plementationDataTypes having a SwDataDefProps referencing a CompuMethod
that contains only CompuScales with point ranges (i. e. lower and upper limit of a
CompuScale are identical).
[SWS_Rte_03983] dThe The Module Interlink Types Header File shall include the
definitions of all constants of ImplementationDataTypes and Application-
DataTypes for each ImplementationDataType/ApplicationDataTypes used
(See [SWS_Rte_08803] for the meaning of the term "used") by this Basic Software
This includes constants for CompuMethods referenced by Implementation-
DataTypeElements of ImplementationDataTypes directly referenced by the
Basic Software module and constants for CompuMethods of Implementation-
DataTypes which are referenced indirectly via ImplementationDataTypes /
ImplementationDataTypeElements of category TYPE_REFERENCE.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_03983] is applicable regardless if the AutosarDataType is referenced
in DataPrototypes defined in the InternalBehavior of the Basic Software
module or AutosarDataTypes which are only referenced by the Included-
This requirement ensures the availability of AutosarDataType constants for the in-
ternal use in Basic Software modules, for example enumeration constants.
The name of those constants bases on the CompuScale symbolic name as defined
in [TPS_SWCT_01569].
[SWS_Rte_03984] dFor each CompuScale which has a point range and is
located in the compuInternalToPhys container of a CompuMethod referenced
by an ImplementationDataType or ApplicationPrimitiveDataType according
[SWS_Rte_03983] with category "TEXTTABLE", "SCALE_LINEAR_AND_TEXTTABLE",
link Types Header File shall contain a definition
1 #ifndef <prefix><EnumLiteral>
2 #define <prefix><EnumLiteral> <value><suffix>
3 #endif /* <prefix><EnumLiteral> */

where the name of the enumeration literal <EnumLiteral> is derived according to the
following rule:
if (attribute symbol of CompuScale is available and not empty) {
<EnumLiteral> := C identifier specified in symbol attribute of CompuScale
} else {

757 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

if (string specified in the VT element of the CompuConst of the CompuScale

is a valid C identifier) {
<EnumLiteral> :=
string specified in the VT element of the CompuConst of the CompuScale
} else {
if (attribute shortLabel of CompuScale is available and not empty) {
<EnumLiteral> :=
string specified in shortLabel attribute of CompuScale
<prefix> is the optional literalPrefix attribute defined by the Included-
DataTypeSet referring the AutosarDataType using the CompuMethod.
<value> is the value representing the CompuScale’s point range.
<suffix> shall be set according to [SWS_Rte_03619].c(SRS_Rte_00252)
Please note that the prefix can either be defined that the IncludedDataType-
Set with a literalPrefix attribute references the ApplicationDataType or it
references the ImplementationDataType.
[SWS_Rte_03984] implies that the RTE does add prefix to the names of the enumer-
ation constants on explicit demand only. This is necessary in order to handle enu-
meration constants supplied by Basic Software modules which all use their own prefix
convention. Such Enumeration constant names have to be unique in the whole AU-
TOSAR system.
[SWS_Rte_03985] dIn the case that the same ImplementationDataType
or ApplicationPrimitiveDataType is referenced via different Included-
DataTypeSets with different literalPrefix attributes, the definition according
to [SWS_Rte_03984] has to be provided once for each different literalPrefix.c
[SWS_Rte_03986] dIf the input of the RTE generator contains a Com-
CompuScale with a point range, and
• neither the attribute symbol of the CompuScale is available and not empty,
• nor the string specified in the VT element of the CompuConst of the CompuScale
is a valid C identifier,
• nor the attribute shortLabel of CompuScale is available and not empty,
the RTE generator shall reject this input as an invalid configuration.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_03987] dThe RTE shall reject configurations where the same Basic Soft-
ware module uses ImplementationDataTypes and ApplicationPrimitive-
DataTypes referencing two or more CompuMethods with category "TEXTTABLE",

758 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE that both contain a CompuScale with a different point range

and an identical CompuScale symbolic names as an invalid configuration. The
only exception is that the usage of the ImplementationDataTypes and Applica-
tionPrimitiveDataTypes are defined with non identical <literalPrefix>es.c
[SWS_Rte_03988] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations violating the [con-
This rejects configurations where an ImplementationDataType or
an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType references a CompuMethod
puScales with identical CompuScale symbolic names but different CompuScale.
lowerLimit or CompuScale.upperLimit.
Note that there might exist additional CompuScales with non-point ranges inside
a CompuMethod of category "TEXTTABLE", "SCALE_LINEAR_AND_TEXTTABLE",
enumeration literals are generated by the RTE generator.
The RTE generator does not support the use of C enums for DataPrototypes used
in Basic Software.
[SWS_Rte_03989] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations violating the [con-
str_1244], so where a DataPrototype that is used in an Basic Software module
has set the swDataDefProps.additionalNativeTypeQualifier attribute set to
[SWS_Rte_08803] The meaning of the term "used" with respect to Autosar-
DataTypes dAn AutosarDataType is used if it meets any one of the following con-
• it is referenced by a DataPrototype in the BswInternalBehavior, or
• it is referenced by a VariationPointProxy in the BswInternalBehavior,
• it is referenced by a DataPrototype referenced by a providedData or re-
quiredData, or
• it is referenced by an IncludedDataTypeSet in the BswInternalBehavior,
• it is the ImplementationDataType mapped to an ApplicationDataType
(i.e. via the DataTypeMappingSet) that is used in one of the above ways, or
• it is an ImplementationDataTypeElement of a complex Implementation-
DataType that is used in one of the above ways, or

759 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• it is referenced as the target type of an ImplementationDataType or Imple-

mentationDataTypeElement of category TYPE_REFERENCE that is used in
one of the above ways, or
• it is an ApplicationDataType referenced as the type of a sub-element of a
complex ApplicationDataType that is used in one of the above ways.
Please note that in contrast to the TYPE_REFERENCE case, when an Implementa-
tionDataType of category DATA_REFERENCE is "used" the target Implementa-
tionDataType it references is not considered used, unless it is independently used
in its own right.

6.4.4 Range Data Types

For the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType a Range might be specified by referenc-

ing a data constraint (dataConstr) giving the lowerLimit and the upperLimit. To
allow a Basic Software Module the access to these values two definitions for these val-
ues shall be generated.
[SWS_Rte_03990] dThe The Module Interlink Types Header File shall include the def-
initions of all lowerLimit and upperLimit constants of each ApplicationPrim-
itiveDataType used by this Basic Software Module once per ApplicationPrim-
itiveDataType if the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType is not referenced via dif-
ferent IncludedDataTypeSets.c(SRS_Rte_00252)
[SWS_Rte_03991] dThe Module Interlink Types Header File shall include the defini-
tions of all lowerLimit and upperLimit constants of each ApplicationPrimi-
tiveDataType used by this Basic Software Module for each combination of different
literalPrefix and ApplicationPrimitiveDataType when the same Imple-
mentationDataType or ApplicationPrimitiveDataType is referenced via dif-
ferent IncludedDataTypeSets.c(SRS_Rte_00252)
[SWS_Rte_03992] dThe lowerLimit and upperLimit constants for Application-
PrimitiveDataType referencing a DataConstr shall be generated by RTE generator in
the Module Interlink Types Header File as:
1 #define <prefix><DataType>_LowerLimit <lowerValue><suffix>
2 #define <prefix><DataType>_UpperLimit <upperValue><suffix>

where <DataType> is the name of the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType used by

the Basic Software Module.
<prefix> is the optional literalPrefix attribute defined by the Included-
DataTypeSet referring the AutosarDataType to which the DataConstr belongs.
<lowerValue> and <upperValue> are the values lowerLimit and upperLimit
of the dataConstr referenced by the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType onto which the
corresponding CompuMethod has been applied (see [SWS_Rte_07038]). The values

760 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

in the macro definitions shall always reflect the closed interval, regardless of the interval
type specified by the dataConstr.
<suffix> shall be set according to [SWS_Rte_03619].c(SRS_Rte_00252)
Please note that [SWS_Rte_07196] is not applicable for [SWS_Rte_03992]. Further
on it’s possible that a DataPrototype using an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType might
reference additional dataConstr (see [SWS_Rte_07196]). In this case the upper-
Limit and lowerLimit definitions according [SWS_Rte_03992] do not reflect the
real applicable range of the DataPrototype. No macros are generated for Dat-
aPrototype specific data constraints.
Please note that the prefix can either be defined that the IncludedDataType-
Set with a literalPrefix attribute references the ApplicationDataType or it
references the ImplementationDataType.
Rationale: ApplicationPrimitiveDataType is taken as the basis for the gener-
ation of limits (as opposed to take the corresponding ImplementationDataType)
because the limits defined on the ImplementationDataType) may be wider than
the limits of the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType ((see subsection "Data Types
for Single Values" in the AUTOSAR SW-C Template [2]).
[SWS_Rte_03993] dFor AUTOSAR data types which have an invalidValue speci-
fied, the Module Interlink Types Header File shall contain the definition
1 #define InvalidValue_<prefix><DataType> <invalidValue><suffix>

<prefix> is the optional literalPrefix attribute defined by the Included-DataTypeSet
referring the AutosarDataType
<DataType> is the short name of the data type.
<invalidValue> is the value defined as invalidValue for the data type.
<suffix> shall be set according to [SWS_Rte_03619].c()
[SWS_Rte_03994] dThe Module Interlink Types Header File shall include the def-
initions of all invalidValue constants used by this Basic Software Module for
each combination of different literalPrefix and ApplicationPrimitive-
DataType when the same ImplementationDataType or ApplicationPrimi-
tiveDataType is referenced via different IncludedDataTypeSets.c(SRS_Rte_-

6.4.5 Data Types with bitfield conversions

AutosarDataTypes associated with a CompuMethod of category BIT-

FIELD_TEXTTABLE support the concatenation of a value set inside a single
scalar variable. Thereby single bits may get an individual (boolean) meaning or a set
of bits is used to carry an enumeration. Please note that those data types are not

761 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

mapped to C bit fields rather than to scalars (e.g. uint8). Thereby the RTE Generator
provides a set of definitions for the "Bit Mask", "Bit Start Position" and the "Number
of Bits" in order to support the usage of the AUTOSAR Bit Handling Routines [32] for
those kind of data types. For some operations on a set of bits (the set may contain
only 1 bit) the AUTOSAR bitfield library requires a single contiguous bit field which
means that all bits set to 1 in the CompuScale.mask attribute value are adjoining, e.g.
0b00010000 or 0b00111100.
[SWS_Rte_03995] dFor each unique CompuScale.shortLabel / CompuScale.
mask value pair for a CompuScale which is located in the compuInternalToPhys
container of a CompuMethod referenced by an ImplementationDataType or Ap-
plicationPrimitiveDataType according [SWS_Rte_03984] with category BIT-
FIELD_TEXTTABLE the Module Interlink Types Header File shall contain a definition
for the bit field mask
1 #ifndef <prefix><BflMaskLabel>_BflMask
2 #define <prefix><BflMaskLabel>_BflMask <mask>U
3 #endif /* <prefix><BflMaskLabel>_BflMask */

<BflMaskLabel> is the value of the attribute CompuScale.shortLabel
<mask> is the value of the attribute mask
<prefix> is the optional literalPrefix attribute defined by the Included-
DataTypeSet referring the AutosarDataType using the CompuMethod.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_03996] dFor each unique CompuScale.shortLabel / CompuScale.
mask value pair for a CompuScale with a single contiguous bit field which is lo-
cated in the compuInternalToPhys container of a CompuMethod referenced by
an ImplementationDataType or ApplicationPrimitiveDataType according
[SWS_Rte_03984] with category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE the Module Interlink Types
Header File shall contain a definition for the bit start position
1 #ifndef <prefix><BflStartPnLabel>_BflPn
2 #define <prefix><BflStartPnLabel>_BfltPn <BflStartPnNumber>U
3 #endif /* <prefix><BflStartPnLabel>_BfltPn */

<BitStartPnLabel> is the value of the attribute CompuScale.shortLabel
<BflStartPnNumber> is the number of the first bit in the attribute value CompuS-
cale.mask which is set to 1. Thereby the bit counting starts from 0 (LSB) to n (MSB).
<prefix> is the optional literalPrefix attribute defined by the Included-
DataTypeSet referring the AutosarDataType using the CompuMethod.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_03997] dFor each unique CompuScale.shortLabel / CompuScale.
mask value pair for a CompuScale with a single contiguous bit field which is lo-
cated in the compuInternalToPhys container of a CompuMethod referenced by
an ImplementationDataType or ApplicationPrimitiveDataType according

762 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03984] with category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE the Module Interlink Types

Header File shall contain a definition for the bit field length
1 #ifndef <prefix><BflLengthLabel>_BflLn
2 #define <prefix><BflLengthLabel>_BflLn <BflLength>U
3 #endif /* <prefix><BflLengthLabel>_BflLn */

<BflLengthLabel> is the value of the attribute shortLabel.
<BflLength> is the number of contiguous bits set to 1 in the attribute value CompuS-
<prefix> is the optional literalPrefix attribute defined by the Included-
DataTypeSet referring the AutosarDataType using the CompuMethod.c(SRS_-
Please note the example in section F.3.
[SWS_Rte_07415] dThe requirements [SWS_Rte_03995], [SWS_Rte_03996], and
[SWS_Rte_03997] are only applied to CompuScales where the attribute shortLa-
bel is defined.c(SRS_Rte_00252)

6.5 API Reference

This chapter defines the “interface” between a particular instance of a Basic Software
Module and the Basic Software Scheduler. The wild-card <bsnp> is the BSW Sched-
uler Name Prefix according [SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594].

6.5.1 SchM_Enter

Purpose: SchM_Enter function enters an exclusive area of an Basic Software

Signature: [SWS_Rte_07250] d
void SchM_Enter_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_[<me>_]<name>()

Where here
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according
[SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594],
<vi> is the vendorId of the calling BSW module,
<ai> vendorApiInfix of the calling BSW module,
<me> is the shortName of the BswModuleEntity and
<name> is the exclusive area name. The sub part in squared brack-
ets [<me>_] is emitted if the attribute BswExclusiveAreaPol-
icy.apiPrinciple is set to "perExecutable". The sub part in

763 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no vendorApiInfix

is defined for the Basic Software Module. See [SWS_Rte_07528].c
(SRS_Rte_00222, SRS_BSW_00347, SRS_Rte_00046)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_07251] dA SchM_Enter API shall be created for each
ExclusiveArea that is declared in the BswInternalBehavior
and which has an canEnterExclusiveArea association.c(SRS_-
Rte_00222, SRS_Rte_00046)
Description: The SchM_Enter API call is invoked by an AUTOSAR BSW module
to define the start of an exclusive area.
Return Value: None.
Notes: The Basic Software Scheduler is not required to support nested in-
vocations of SchM_Enter for the same exclusive area.
[SWS_Rte_07252] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall permit calls
to SchM_Enter and SchM_Exit to be nested as long as different
exclusive areas are exited in the reverse order they were entered.c
(SRS_Rte_00222, SRS_Rte_00046)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09046] SchM_Enter and SchM_Exit API
may only be used by BswModuleEntitys describing its us-
age dThe SchM_Enter and SchM_Exit API may only be used by
BswModuleEntitys that contain a corresponding canEnterEx-
clusiveArea associationc()
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09047] Nested call of SchM_Enter and
SchM_Exit API is restricted dThe SchM_Enter and SchM_Exit
API may only be called nested if different exclusive areas are invoked;
in this case exclusive areas shall exited in the reverse order they were
[SWS_Rte_07578] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall support
calls of SchM_Enter and SchM_Exit after initialization of the OS
but before the Basic Software Scheduler is initialized.c(SRS_Rte_-
00222, SRS_Rte_00046)
[SWS_Rte_07579] dThe Basic Software Scheduler shall support
calls of SchM_Enter and SchM_Exit in the context of os tasks,
category 1 and category 2 interrupts.c(SRS_Rte_00222, SRS_Rte_-
Note: the possible implementation mechanism for such an exclusive
area is limited in this case to mechanism available for the related
kind of context. For instance SuspendAllInterrupts and Re-
sumeAllInterrupts service of the OS are available for all kind of
context but GetResource and ReleaseResource is only available
for tasks and category 2 interrupts.

764 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Within the AUTOSAR OS an attempt to lock a resource cannot fail

because the lock is already held. The lock attempt can only fail due
to configuration errors (e.g. caller not declared as accessing the re-
source) or invalid handle. Therefore the return type from this function
is void.
Mutual exclusion of tasks requesting the same exclusive area shall
be ensured across partition and core boundaries.

6.5.2 SchM_Exit

Purpose: SchM_Exit function leaves an exclusive area of an Basic Software

Signature: [SWS_Rte_07253] d

<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according
[SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594],
<vi> is the vendorId of the calling BSW module,
<ai> vendorApiInfix of the calling BSW module,
<me> is the shortName of the BswModuleEntity and
<name> is the exclusive area name. The sub part in squared brack-
ets [<me>_] is emitted if the attribute BswExclusiveAreaPol-
icy.apiPrinciple is set to "perExecutable". The sub part in
squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no vendorApiInfix
is defined for the Basic Software Module. See [SWS_Rte_07528].c
(SRS_Rte_00222, SRS_BSW_00347, SRS_Rte_00046)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_07254] dA SchM_Exit API shall be created for each
ExclusiveArea that is declared in the BswInternalBehavior
and which has an canEnterExclusiveArea association..c(SRS_-
Rte_00222, SRS_Rte_00046)
Description: The SchM_Exit API call is invoked by an AUTOSAR BSW module
to define the end of an exclusive area.
Return Value: None.
Notes: The Basic Software Scheduler is not required to support nested in-
vocations of SchM_Exit for the same exclusive area.

765 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Requirement [SWS_Rte_07252] permits calls to SchM_Exit and

SchM_Exit to be nested as long as different exclusive areas are
exited in the reverse order they were entered.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09048] SchM_Exit API may only be used
by BswModuleEntitys that describe its usage dThe SchM_Exit
API may only be used by BswModuleEntitys that contain a corre-
sponding canEnterExclusiveArea associationc()

6.5.3 SchM_Call

Purpose: Invokes a Client-Server operation between BSW modules, possibly

crossing partition boundaries.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_08733] d
Std_ReturnType SchM_Call_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<name>(
[OUT <typeOfReturnValue> returnValue]
[IN|IN/OUT|OUT] <data_n>)

where there is a BSW module providing an entry which

is the base for a generated function <typeOfReturnValue>
<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<name>( <data_1>...<data_n>)
with <typeOfReturnValue> is the returnType of the referenced
BswModuleEntry. If the returnType of the referenced BswMod-
uleEntry is of type void or execution is asynchronous, this part
should be omitted.
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix of the BSW mod-
ule providing the entry according to [SWS_Rte_07593] and
<vi> is the vendorId of the calling BSW module,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the calling BSW module,
<name> is the shortName of the BswModuleClientServerEntry de-
fined with the role of requiredClientServerEntry.
The sub part in square brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no
vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
Existence: [SWS_Rte_08734] dA synchronous SchM_Call API shall be gener-
ated if a callPoint association to a BswSynchronousServer-
CallPoint exists and the BswSynchronousServerCallPoint
references a BswModuleClientServerEntry as calledEntry
and this BswModuleClientServerEntry is referenced by the

766 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

BswModuleDescription as a requiredClientServerEntry.c
[SWS_Rte_08735] dAn asynchronous SchM_Call API shall
be generated if a callPoint association to a BswAsyn-
chronousServerCallPoint exists and the BswAsyn-
chronousServerCallPoint references a BswModule-
ClientServerEntry as calledEntry and this BswModule-
ClientServerEntry is referenced by the BswModuleDescrip-
tion as a requiredClientServerEntry.c(SRS_Rte_00243)
A configuration that includes both synchronous and asynchronous
Call Points is invalid.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09079] SchM_Call API may only be used
by the BswModuleEntity that describe its usage dThe SchM_-
Call API may only be used within the BswModuleEntity that refer-
ences the corresponding BswSynchronousServerCallPoint re-
spectively BswAsynchronousServerCallPoint using a call-
Point association.c()
Description: Function to initiate Client-Server communication between BSW mod-
ules. The SchM_Call API is used for both synchronous and asyn-
chronous calls.
When the BswModuleClientServerEntry is called
the SchM shall invoke the referenced BswMod-
uleEntry providing the C-function with the signature
<bpns>[_<vi>_<ai>]_name(<data_1>...(<data_n>) on
the partition of the task assigned to the respective BswOpera-
tionInvokedEvent, or on the local partition if the BswOpera-
tionInvokedEvent is not mapped to a task.
[SWS_Rte_08736] dThe OUT parameter returnValue shall only
exist if the returnType of BswModuleEntry is not void and the
SchM_Call is synchronous.c(SRS_Rte_00243)
[SWS_Rte_08737] dThe datatype of the OUT parameter return-
Value shall be equal to returnType of the called BswModuleEn-
[SWS_Rte_08738] dThe return value of the called BswModuleEn-
try shall be returned inside the OUT parameter returnValue.c
[SWS_Rte_08739] dThe SchM shall ensure that the BswModuleEn-
tity implementing a server operation has completed the process-
ing of a request before it begins processing the next request, if call

767 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

serialization is required by the server operation, i.e the isReen-

trant attribute of the corresponding BswModuleClientServer-
Entry which is referenced as providedClientServerEntry is
set to false and more than one BswModuleClientServerEntry
in the role requiredClientServerEntry references this server.
If the SchM_Call crosses partition borders, the call is mapped to
IOCSend_<id>() or uses trusted functions if [SWS_Rte_08903] ap-
The pointers to all parameters passed by reference must remain valid
until the API call returns.
Return Value: [SWS_Rte_08740] dThe return value shall be used to indicate infras-
tructure errors detected by the RTE during execution of the SchM_-
Call call.c()
• [SWS_Rte_08741] dSCHM_E_OK - The API call completed suc-
• [SWS_Rte_08742] dSCHM_E_LIMIT - There are multiple out-
standing asynchronous calls of the same BswModuleEntry.
The invocation shall be discarded, the buffers of the return pa-
rameters shall not be modified.c()
• [SWS_Rte_04555] dSCHM_E_TIMEOUT – if the call is ignored
according to [SWS_Rte_04552]c()

6.5.4 SchM_Result

Purpose: Get the result of an asynchronous call of a BswModuleEntry.

Signature: [SWS_Rte_08743] d
[OUT <typeOfReturnValue> returnValue]
[IN/OUT|OUT]<data_1> ...
[IN/OUT|OUT] <data_n>)

where there is a BSW module providing an en-

try which is the base for a generated function
with <bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix of the BSW
module sending the callback according to [SWS_Rte_07593] and
<vi> is the vendorId of the calling BSW module,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the calling BSW module,

768 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<name> is the shortName of the BswModuleClientServerEntry de-

fined with the role of requiredClientServerEntry.
The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no
vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
[SWS_Rte_08420] dThe OUT parameter returnValue shall ex-
ist if the returnType of BswModuleEntry is different fromvoid.c
[SWS_Rte_08421] dThe datatype of the OUT parameter return-
Value shall be equal to returnType of the called BswModuleEn-
[SWS_Rte_08422] dThe return value of the called BswModuleEn-
try shall be returned inside the OUT parameter returnValue.c
Existence: [SWS_Rte_08744] dA non-blocking SchM_Result API shall
be generated if a callPoint association to a BswAsyn-
chronousServerCallResultPoint exists.c(SRS_Rte_00243)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09076] SchM_Result API may only be used
by the BswModuleEntity that describe its usage dThe SchM_-
Result API may only be used within the BswModuleEntity that
references the corresponding BswAsynchronousServerCallRe-
sultPoint using a callPoint association.c()
Description: The SchM_Result is used to collect the result of
an asynchronous call of a BswModuleEntry in-
voked by SchM_Call_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_name(
Using SchM_Result it is possible get back the result of call.
The SchM_Result API includes zero or more IN/OUT and OUT pa-
rameters to pass back results.
The pointers to all parameters passed by reference must remain valid
until the API call returns.
If the SchM_Result crosses partition borders, the callback is
mapped to IOCSend_<id>().
Return Value: The return value is used to indicate errors from either the SchM_-
Result call itself or communication errors detected before the API
call was made.
• [SWS_Rte_08745] dSCHM_E_OK - The API call completed suc-

769 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• [SWS_Rte_08746] dSCHM_E_NO_DATA - The BswModuleEn-

try’s result is not available but no other error occurred within the
API call or the BswModuleEntry was not called using SchM_-
Call. The buffers for the IN/OUT and OUT parameters shall
not be modified.c()
• [SWS_Rte_04556] dSCHM_E_TIMEOUT – if the call is ignored
according to [SWS_Rte_04552]c()
The SCHM_E_NO_DATA return value is not considered to be an er-
ror but rather indicate correct operation of the API call. When
SCHM_E_NO_DATA occurs, a BSW module is free to invoke SchM_-
Result again and thus repeat the attempt to read the result.

6.5.5 SchM_Send

Purpose: Initiate an "explicit" sender-receiver transmission of data elements

with "event" semantic (queued) between BSW modules.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_08747] d
SchM_Send_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<name>(IN <data>)

with <bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix of the BSW

module providing the data according to [SWS_Rte_07593] and
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module providing the data,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module providing the
<name> is the shortName of the VariableDataPrototype of this
sender-receiver connection.
The sub part in square brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no
vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
Existence: [SWS_Rte_08748] dThe existence of a dataSendPoint associa-
tion to a providedData VariableDataPrototype shall result in
the generation of a SchM_Send API for the provided VariableDat-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09077] SchM_Send API may only be used
by the BswModuleEntity that describes its usage dThe SchM_-
Send API may only be used within the BswModuleEntity that ref-
erences the VariableDataPrototype using a dataSendPoint.c

770 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description: When a BSW module writes data to a sender-receiver connection on

a system with the BSW running on multiple partitions, it shall invoke
SchM_Send_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<name>(<data>). The
SchM_Send API call initiates a sender-receiver communication
where the transmission occurs at the point the API call is made (cf.
explicit transmission). The SchM_Send API call includes the IN pa-
rameter <data> to pass the data element to write. The IN parameter
<data> is passed by value or reference according to the Imple-
mentationDataType as described in the section If the IN
parameter <data> is passed by reference, the pointer must remain
valid until the API call returns.
Return Value: The return value is used to indicate errors detected by the SchM dur-
ing execution of the SchM_Send.
• [SWS_Rte_08749] dSCHM_E_OK - data passed to communica-
tion service successfully.c()
• [SWS_Rte_08750] dSCHM_E_LIMIT - an ’event’ has been dis-
carded due to a full queue by one of the partition local receivers.c
Notes: The SchM_Send API is used to transmit data with "events" semantics
which means that they are getting queued.
[SWS_Rte_08751] dIn case of inter partition communication, the
SchM_Send API call shall cause an immediate transmission re-
For inter-partition communication the IOC can be used for transmit-
ting the data to the other partition.
[SWS_Rte_08752] dIf the VariableDataPrototype in the pro-
videdData role is connected to multiple VariableDataProto-
types in the role requiredData, then the SchM shall ensure that
writes to all receivers are independent.c(SRS_Rte_00243)
This ensures that an error detected by the SchM when writing to one
receiver does not prevent the transmission of this message to other
BSW modules.
[SWS_Rte_08753] dIn case of intra partition communication, the
SchM_Send API call shall return after copying the data to RTE lo-
cal memory or using IOC buffers.c(SRS_Rte_00243)

6.5.6 SchM_Receive

Purpose: Perfoms an "explicit" sender-receiver reception of data elements with

"event" semantic (queued) between BSW modules.

771 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Signature: [SWS_Rte_08754] d
SchM_Receive_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<name>(OUT <data>)

with <bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix of the BSW

module reading the data according to [SWS_Rte_07593] and
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module reading the data,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module reading the data,
<name> is the shortName of the VariableDataPrototype of this
sender-receiver connection.
The sub part in square brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no
vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
Existence: [SWS_Rte_08755] dThe existence of a dataReceivePoint asso-
ciation to a requiredData VariableDataPrototype shall result
in the generation of a SchM_Receive API for the required Vari-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09078] SchM_Receive API may only be
used by the BswModuleEntity that describes its usage dThe
SchM_Receive API may only be used within the BswModuleEn-
tity that references the VariableDataPrototype using a
Description: When a BSW module handles a BswDataReceivedEvent on a
system with the BSW running on multiple partitions, it shall in-
voke SchM_Receive_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<name>(<data>).
For a sender-receiver connection crossing partition boundaries, the
SchM shall then read the data from a shared buffer, where it has been
put by SchM_Send.
The SchM_Receive API call includes the OUT parameter <data>
to pass back the received data element.
The pointers to the OUT parameters must remain valid until the API
call returns.
Return Value: The return value is used to indicate errors detected by the SchM dur-
ing execution of the SchM_Receive or errors detected by the com-
munication system.
• [SWS_Rte_08757] dSCHM_E_OK - data read successfully.c()
• [SWS_Rte_08758] dSCHM_E_NO_DATA - no "events" (means
queued data) were received and no other error occurred when
the read was attempted.c()

772 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_02313] dSCHM_E_LOST_DATA - Indicates that some

incoming data has been lost due to an overflow of the receive
queue or due to an error of the underlying communication layers.
This is not an error of the data returned in the parameters. This
Overlayed Error can be combined with any other error.c(SRS_-
Rte_00107, SRS_Rte_00110, SRS_Rte_00094)
[SWS_Rte_08756] dIn case return value is SCHM_E_NO_DATA the
OUT parameters shall remain unchanged.c(SRS_Rte_00243)
The SCHM_E_NO_DATA return value is not considered to be an error
but rather indicates correct operation of the API call.

6.5.7 SchM_Switch

Purpose: Initiate a mode switch. The SchM_Switch API call is used for send-
ing of a mode switch notification by a Basic Software Mod-
Signature: [SWS_Rte_07255] d
IN <mode>)

Where here
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according
[SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594],
<vi> is the vendorId of the calling BSW module,
<ai> vendorApiInfix of the calling BSW module and
<name> is the provided (providedModeGroup) ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype name.
The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no
vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
[SWS_Rte_07528].c(SRS_Rte_00215, SRS_BSW_00347)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_07256] dThe existence of a managedModeGroup as-
sociation to a providedModeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup-
Prototype shall result in the generation of a SchM_Switch API.c
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09049] SchM_Switch API may only be
used by BswModuleEntitys that describe its usage dThe
SchM_Switch API may only be used by BswModuleEntitys that
contain a corresponding managedModeGroup associationc()

773 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description: The SchM_Switch triggers a mode switch for all connected required
(requiredModeGroup) ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes.
The SchM_Switch API call includes exactly one IN parameter for
the next mode <mode>. The IN parameter <mode> is passed by
value according to the ImplementationDataType on which the
ModeDeclarationGroup is mapped. The type name shall be equal
to the ImplementationDataType symbol.
Return Value: The return value is used to indicate errors detected by the Basic Soft-
ware Scheduler during execution of the SchM_Switch call.
• [SWS_Rte_07258] dSCHM_E_OK – data passed to service
successfully.c(SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_00214, SRS_Rte_-
• [SWS_Rte_07259] dSCHM_E_LIMIT – a mode switch has been
discarded due to a full queue.c(SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_-
00214, SRS_Rte_00143)
Notes: SchM_Switch is restricted to ECU local communication.
If a mode instance is currently involved in a transition then the
SchM_Switch API will attempt to queue the request and return
[SWS_Rte_02667]. However if no transition is in progress for the
mode instance, the mode disablings and the activations of on-entry,
on-transition, and on-exit runnables for this mode instance are exe-
cuted before the SchM_Switch API returns [SWS_Rte_02665].
Note that the mode switch might be discarded when the queue is full
and a mode transition is in progress, see [SWS_Rte_02675].
[SWS_Rte_07286] dIf the mode switched acknowledgment is en-
abled, the RTE shall notify the mode manager when the mode
switch is completed.c(SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_00214, SRS_-

6.5.8 SchM_Mode

There exist two versions of the SchM_Mode APIs. Depending on the attribute en-
hancedModeApi in the basic software module description there shall be provided dif-
ferent versions of this API (see also 6.5.9).
Purpose: Provides the currently active mode of a (requiredModeGroup or
providedModeGroup) ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_07260] d

774 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Where here
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according
[SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594],
<vi> is the vendorId of the calling BSW module,
<ai> vendorApiInfix of the calling BSW module and
<name> is the (requiredModeGroup or providedModeGroup)
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype name.
The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no
vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
[SWS_Rte_07528].c(SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_BSW_00347)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_07261] dIf a accessedModeGroup association to a
providedModeGroup or requiredModeGroup ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype exists and if the attribute enhanced-
ModeApi of the BswModeSenderPolicy resp. BswModeRe-
ceiverPolicy is set to false a SchM_Mode API according to
[SWS_Rte_07260] shall be generated.c(SRS_Rte_00215)
Note: This ensures the availability of the SchM_Mode API for the
mode manager and mode user
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09050] SchM_Mode API may only be used
by BswModuleEntitys that describe its usage dThe SchM_Mode
API may only be used by BswModuleEntitys that contain a cor-
responding managedModeGroup association or accessedMode-
Group associationc()
Description: The SchM_Mode API tells the Basic Software Module which mode
of a required or provided ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype is
currently active. This is the information that the RTE uses for the
ModeDisablingDependencys. A new mode will not be indicated
immediately after the reception of a mode switch notification
from a mode manager, see section 4.4.4.During mode transitions,
i.e. during the execution of runnables that are triggered on exiting
one mode or on entering the next mode, overlapping mode disablings
of two modes are active. In this case, the SchM_Mode API will return
The SchM_Mode will return the same mode for all required or pro-
vided ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes that are connected.
(see [SWS_Rte_02630]).
Return Value: The return type of SchM_Mode is dependent on the Implementa-
tionDataType of the ModeDeclarationGroup. It shall return the
value of the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype. The type name
shall be equal to the ImplementationDataType symbol.

775 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07262] dThe SchM_Mode API shall return the following

• during mode transitions:
where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the
• else:
where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the
ModeDeclarationGroup and <ModeDeclaration> is the
short name of the currently active ModeDeclaration
Notes: None.

6.5.9 Enhanced SchM_Mode

Purpose: Provides the currently active mode of a (requiredModeGroup or

providedModeGroup) ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype. If
the corresponding mode machine instance is in transition addi-
tionally the values of the previous and the next mode are provided.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_07694] d
OUT <previousmode>,
OUT <nextmode>)

Where here
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according
[SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594],
<vi> is the vendorId of the calling BSW module,
<ai> vendorApiInfix of the calling BSW module and
<name> is the (requiredModeGroup or providedModeGroup)
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype name.
The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no
vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
[SWS_Rte_07528].c(SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_BSW_00347)

776 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Existence: [SWS_Rte_08507] dThe existence of a accessedModeGroup as-

sociation to a providedModeGroup or requiredModeGroup
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype given that the attribute en-
hancedModeApi of the BswModeSenderPolicy resp. BswMod-
eReceiverPolicy is set to true a SchM_Mode API according to
[SWS_Rte_07694] shall be generated.c(SRS_Rte_00215)
Note: This ensures the availability of the SchM_Mode API for the
mode manager and mode user
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09051] SchM_Mode API may only be used
by BswModuleEntitys that describe its usage dThe SchM_Mode
API may only be used by BswModuleEntitys that contain a cor-
responding managedModeGroup association or accessedMode-
Group associationc()
Description: The SchM_Mode API tells the Basic Software Module which mode
of a required or provided ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype is
currently active. This is the information that the RTE uses for the
ModeDisablingDependencys. A new mode will not be indicated
immediately after the reception of a mode switch notification
from a mode manager, see section 4.4.4.During mode transitions,
i.e. during the execution of runnables that are triggered on exiting
one mode or on entering the next mode, overlapping mode disablings
of two modes are active. In this case, the SchM_Mode API will re-
turn RTE_TRANSITION_<ModeDeclarationGroup>. The param-
eter <previousmode> then contains the mode currently being left.
The parameter <nextmode> contains the mode being entered.
The SchM_Mode will return the same mode for all required or pro-
vided ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes that are connected.
(see [SWS_Rte_02630]).
Return Value: The return type of SchM_Mode is dependent on the Implementa-
tionDataType of the ModeDeclarationGroup. It shall return the
value of the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype. The type name
shall be equal to the ImplementationDataType symbol.
[SWS_Rte_08509] dDuring transitions SchM_Mode API shall return
the following values:
• the return value shall be
• <previousmode> shall contain the
of the mode being left,

777 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• <nextmode> shall contain the

of the mode being entered,
where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the Mode-
[SWS_Rte_08510] dIf the mode machine instance is in a de-
fined mode SchM_Mode shall return the follwing values:
• the return value shall contain the value of the
• <previousmode> shall contain the value of the
• <nextmode> shall contain the the value of
where <ModeDeclarationGroup> is the short name of the Mode-
DeclarationGroup and <ModeDeclaration> is the short name
of the currently active ModeDeclaration.
Notes: None.

6.5.10 SchM_SwitchAck

Purpose: Provide access to acknowledgment notifications for mode communi-

Signature: [SWS_Rte_07556] d

Where here
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according
[SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594],
<vi> is the vendorId of the calling BSW module,
<ai> vendorApiInfix of the calling BSW module and
<name> is the provided (provideModeGroup) ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype name.

778 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no

vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
[SWS_Rte_07528].c(SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_Rte_00213)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_07557] dAcknowledgement is enabled for a provided
(providedModeGroup) ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype by
the presence of an ackRequest attribute of the BswModeSender-
Policy.c(SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_00122)
[SWS_Rte_07558] dA non-blocking SchM_SwitchAck API shall
be generated for a provided (providedModeGroup) ModeDecla-
rationGroupPrototype if acknowledgement is enabled and a
managedModeGroup association references the providedMode-
Group ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00213,
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09052] SchM_SwitchAck API may only be
used by BswModuleEntitys that describe its usage dThe
SchM_SwitchAck API may only be used by BswModuleEntitys
that contain a corresponding managedModeGroup associationc()
Description: The SchM_SwitchAck API takes no parameters – the return value
is used to indicate the acknowledgement status to the caller.
Return Value: The return value is used to indicate the “status” status and errors
detected by the Basic Software Scheduler during execution of the
Rte_SwitchAck call.
• [SWS_Rte_07560] dSCHM_E_NO_DATA – (non-blocking read)
no error is occurred when the SchM_SwitchAck read was at-
tempted.c(SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_00122)
• [SWS_Rte_07561] dSCHM_E_TRANSMIT_ACK – For communi-
cation of mode switches, this indicates, that the BswSchedu-
lableEntitys on the transition have been executed and the
mode disablings have been switched to the new mode (see
[SWS_Rte_02587]).c(SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_00122)
• [SWS_Rte_07055] dSCHM_E_TIMEOUT The configured timeout
exceeds before the mode transition was completed.
Any mode users partition is stopped or restarting or has been
restarted while the mode switch was requested.c(SRS_Rte_-
00213, SRS_Rte_00122)
The SCHM_E_TRANSMIT_ACK return value is not considered to be
an error but rather indicates correct operation of the API call.
When SCHM_E_NO_DATA occurs, a Basic Software Module is free to
reinvoke SchM_SwitchAck and thus repeat the attempt to read the
mode switch acknowledgment status.

779 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The SCHM_E_TIMEOUT return value can denote a stopped or restart-

ing partition even for the SchM_SwitchAck API in case of a common
mode machine instance.
Notes: If multiple transmissions on the same provided (providedMode-
Group) ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype are outstanding it is
not possible to determine which is acknowledged first. If this is im-
portant, transmissions should be serialized with the next occurring
only when the previous transmission has been acknowledged or has
timed out.

6.5.11 SchM_Trigger

Purpose: Triggers the activation of connected BswSchedulableEntitys of

the same or other Basic Software Modules.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_07263] d
signature if swImplPolicy of the Trigger is not set to queued:

signature if swImplPolicy of the Trigger is set to queued:


Where here
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according
[SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594],
<vi> is the vendorId of the calling BSW module,
<ai> vendorApiInfix of the calling BSW module and
<name> is the released (releasedTrigger) Trigger name.
The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no
vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
[SWS_Rte_07528].c(SRS_Rte_00218, SRS_BSW_00347)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_07264] dThe existence of a issuedTrigger associa-
tion to the released (releasedTrigger) Trigger shall result in
the generation of a SchM_Trigger API.c(SRS_Rte_00218)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09053] SchM_Trigger API may only be
used by the BswModuleEntitys that describe its usage dThe
SchM_Trigger API may only be used by the BswModuleEntity
that contains the corresponding issuedTrigger association.c()

780 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description: The SchM_Trigger triggers an execution for all BswSchedu-

lableEntitys whose BswExternalTriggerOccurredEvent is
associated to connected required Trigger.
Return Value: None if swImplPolicy of the Trigger is not set to queued.
[SWS_Rte_06722] dThe SchM_Trigger API shall return the follow-
ing values:
• SCHM_E_OK if the trigger was successfully queued
• SCHM_E_LIMIT if the trigger was not queued because the max-
imum queue size is already reached.
if swImplPolicy of the Trigger is set to queued.c(SRS_Rte_-
Notes: SchM_Trigger is restricted to ECU local communication.

6.5.12 SchM_ActMainFunction

Purpose: Triggers the activation of the BswSchedulableEntity which is as-

sociated with an activationPoint of the same or Basic Software
Signature: [SWS_Rte_07266] d
signature if swImplPolicy of the Trigger is not set to queued:

signature if swImplPolicy of the Trigger is set to queued:


Where here
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according
[SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594],
<vi> is the vendorId of the calling BSW module,
<ai> vendorApiInfix of the calling BSW module and
<name> is the associated BswInternalTriggeringPoint short
The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no
vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
[SWS_Rte_07528].c(SRS_Rte_00218, SRS_BSW_00347)

781 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Existence: [SWS_Rte_07267] dThe existence of an activationPoint shall

result in the generation of a SchM_ActMainFunction API.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09054] SchM_ActMainFunction API may
only be used by the BswModuleEntitys that describe its us-
age dThe SchM_ActMainFunction API may only be used by the
BswModuleEntity that contains the corresponding activation-
Point association.c()
Description: The SchM_ActMainFunction triggers an execution for all
BswSchedulableEntitys whose BswInternalTriggerOc-
curredEvent is associated by activationPoint.
Return Value: None if swImplPolicy of the Trigger is not set to queued.
[SWS_Rte_06723] dThe SchM_ActMainFunction API shall return
the following values:
• SCHM_E_OK if the trigger was successfully queued
• SCHM_E_LIMIT if the trigger was not queued because the max-
imum queue size is already reached.
if swImplPolicy of the Trigger is set to queued.c(SRS_Rte_-
Notes: SchM_ActMainFunction is restricted to ECU local communication.

6.5.13 SchM_CData

Purpose: Provide access to the calibration parameter of a Basic Software Mod-

ule defined internally. The ParameterDataPrototype in the role
perInstanceParameter is used to define Basic Software Module
internal calibration parameters. Internal because the Parameter-
DataPrototype cannot be reused outside the Basic Software Mod-
ule. Access is read-only. Each instance has an own data value asso-
ciated with it.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_07093] d
<return> SchM_CData_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<name>()

Where here
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according
[SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594],
<vi> is the vendorId of the calling BSW module,
<ai> vendorApiInfix of the calling BSW module and

782 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<name> is the shortName of the ParameterDataPrototype.

The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no
vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
[SWS_Rte_07528].c(SRS_BSW_00347, SRS_Rte_00155)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_07094] dAn SchM_CData API shall be created for each
defined ParameterDataPrototype in the role perInstancePa-
Description: The SchM_CData API provides access to the defined calibration pa-
rameter within a Basic Software Module. The actual data values for
a Basic Software Module instance may be set after component com-
Return Value: The SchM_CData return value provide access to the data value of the
ParameterDataPrototype in the role perInstanceParameter.
The return type of SchM_CData is dependent on the Implementa-
tionDataType of the ParameterDataPrototype and can either
be a value or a pointer to the location where the value can be ac-
cessed. Thus the component does not need to use type casting to
convert access to the ParameterDataPrototype data.
For details of the <return> value definition see section
[SWS_Rte_07095] dThe return value of the corresponding SchM_-
CData API shall provide access to the calibration parameter value
specific to the instance of the Basic Software Module.c(SRS_Rte_-
Notes: None.

6.5.14 SchM_Pim

Purpose: Provide access to the defined per-instance memory (section) of a

Basic Software Module.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_06203] d
<return> SchM_Pim_<bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<name>()

with <bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix of the BSW

module reading the data according to [SWS_Rte_07593] and
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module reading the data,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module reading the data,
<name> is the shortName of the VariableDataPrototype de-
fined in the role arTypedPerInstanceMemory.

783 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The sub part in square brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no

vendorApiInfix is defined for the Basic Software Module. See
[SWS_Rte_07528].c(SRS_BSW_00347, SRS_Rte_00075)
Existence: [SWS_Rte_06204] dA SchM_Pim API shall be created for each
defined VariableDataPrototype in the role arTypedPerIn-
stanceMemory within the Basic Software Module description.c
Description: The SchM_Pim API provides access to the arTypedPerInstance-
Memory defined in the context of a BswInternalBehavior of a
Basic Software Module description.
Return Value: [SWS_Rte_06205] dThe API returns a typed reference (in C a typed
pointer) to the arTypedPerInstanceMemory.c(SRS_Rte_00051,
Notes: For an arTypedPerInstanceMemory the <return ref-
erence> is defined by the associated AutosarDataType (see
[SWS_Rte_07161]). For details of the <return reference> defi-
nition see section

6.6 Bsw Module Entity Reference

An AUTOSAR Basic Software Module defines one or more “BSW module entities”.
A BSW Module Entity is a piece of code with a single entry point and an associate
set of attributes. In contrast to runnable entities which are exclusively scheduled by
the RTE only a subset of the BSW module entities, the BswSchedulableEntitys
and BswCalledEntitys are called by the Basic Software Scheduler. Others might
implement ’C’ function interfaces which are directly called by other BSW modules or
interrupts which are called by OS / interrupt controller.
A Basic Software Module Description provides definitions for each BswModuleEn-
tity within the BSW Module. The Basic Software Scheduler triggers the execution of
BswSchedulableEntitys and BswCalledEntitys in response to different Bsw-
The BswCalledEntitys are triggered by BswOperationInvokedEvents, the
BswSchedulableEntitys by BswScheduleEvents.
For BSW modules implemented using C or C++ the entry point of a BswSchedu-
lableEntity is implemented by a function with global scope defined within a BSW
Modules source code. The following sections consider the function signature and pro-

784 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

6.6.1 Signature

The definition of all BswSchedulableEntitys, whatever the BswScheduleEvent

that triggers their execution, follows the same basic form.
Purpose: Trigger a BswSchedulableEntity if the related BswSched-
uleEvent defined within the BswModuleDescription is raised.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_07282] d
FUNC(void, <memclass>) <bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<name>(
[IN SchM_ActivatingEvent_<name> <activation>])

c(SRS_BSW_00347, SRS_Rte_00211, SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_-

Rte_00216, SRS_Rte_00238)
The usage of SchM_ActivatingEvent is optional and defined in
For BswCalledEntitys the signature contains the parameters and return type. It can
be seen in [SWS_Rte_08765].
Purpose: Trigger a BswCalledEntity if the related BswOperationIn-
vokedEvent defined within the BswModuleDescription is raised.
Signature: [SWS_Rte_08765] d
FUNC(<returnType>, <memclass>)
[IN|IN/OUT|OUT] <parameter_1>...
[IN|IN/OUT|OUT] <parameter_n>)

c(SRS_BSW_00347, SRS_Rte_00241, SRS_Rte_00243)

There is currently no possibility to obtain the activating BswOpera-
tionInvokedEvent of a BswCalledEntity.
Where here for both of them
<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according [SWS_Rte_07593] and
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module
<name> is the substring after "<bsnp>_" of the BswModuleEntry shortName re-
ferred as implementedEntry.
<memclass> is the Compiler Abstraction Memory Class according
[SWS_Rte_06739] and [SWS_Rte_06740].
<returnType> is the return type defined in the SwServiceArg in the role
returnType of the BswModuleEntry which is referenced by the BswModule-
ClientServerEntry in the role encapsulatedEntry. If no type is defined, the
<returnType> is of type void.

785 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<parameter_x> are the arguments defined in the SwServiceArgs in the role

argument of the BswModuleEntry which is referenced by the BswModule-
ClientServerEntry in the role encapsulatedEntry. For each argument the type
has to be give according to [SWS_Rte_08766].
The sub part in square brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no vendorApiInfix is
defined for the Basic Software Module. See [SWS_Rte_07528].
[SWS_Rte_08766] dThe datatype of the argument is depending on SwServiceArgs.
For category of SwServiceArg of type TYPE_REFERENCE:
If the ImplementationDataType in the role implementationDataType of the
SwDataDefProps of the SwServiceArg resolves to a primitive and the direc-
tion of the SwServiceArg is IN, the datatype of the argument is defined by
the ImplementationDataType (possibly referred over a chain of Implementa-
tionDataTypes of category TYPE_REFERENCE) in the role implementation-
DataType of the SwDataDefProps of the SwServiceArg which represents the ar-
If the ImplementationDataType in the role implementationDataType of the
SwDataDefProps of the SwServiceArg resolves to a pointer type where the final
pointer target is a primitive or composite and the direction of the SwServiceArg
is IN, INOUT or OUT, the datatype of the argument is defined by the SwPointer-
TargetProps element referred by the ImplementationDataType of category
DATA_REFERENCE (possibly referred over a chain of ImplementationDataTypes
of category TYPE_REFERENCE).
For category of SwServiceArg of type DATA_REFERENCE:
If the SwPointerTargetProps in the role swPointerTargetProps of the Sw-
DataDefProps of the SwServiceArg resolves to a primitive or composite and the
direction of the SwServiceArg is IN, INOUT or OUT, the datatype of the argument
is defined by the SwPointerTargetProps in the SwDataDefProps of the SwSer-
viceArg which represents the argument (which may include resolving a chain of Im-
plementationDataTypes if the target category of the SwPointerTargetProps
For category of SwServiceArg of type FUNCTION_REFERENCE:
This case is not supported.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09058] BswSchedulableEntity is not allowed to have ser-
vice arguments or return value dThe Basic Software Scheduler requires that the
BswModuleEntry has no service arguments (unless SchM_ActivatingEvent is
enabled) and no return value.c()
[SWS_Rte_06739] d<memclass> shall be defined as
<snp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<memClassSymbol> if a MemorySection.memClassSym-
bol and an associated MemorySection is defined and where

786 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<snp> is the Section Name Prefix according [SWS_Rte_07595] and

<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module, and
<memClassSymbol> is the value of the attribute memClassSymbol the of the Mem-
orySection associated via executableEntity reference to the BswModuleEn-
tity implementing the related BswModuleEntry.c()
[SWS_Rte_06740] d<memclass> shall be defined as
<snp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<sadm> if no MemorySection.memclassSymbol is
applicable (see [SWS_Rte_06739]) and where
<snp> is the Section Name Prefix according [SWS_Rte_07595] and
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module, and
<sadm> is the shortName of the referred swAddrMethod.c()

6.6.2 Entry Point Prototype

The entry point defined in the Basic Software Modules source must be compatible
with the called function when the BswSchedulableEntity or BswCalledEntity is
triggered by the Basic Software Scheduler and therefore the RTE generator is required
to emit a prototype for the function.
[SWS_Rte_04542] dThe RTE generator shall emit an Entry Point Prototype for each
BswSchedulableEntitys implementedEntry in the Module Interlink Header file.
See chapter 6.3.2 according [SWS_Rte_07282].c(SRS_Rte_00211, SRS_Rte_00213,
[SWS_Rte_04543] dThe RTE generator shall emit an Entry Point Prototype for each
BswCalledEntitys implementedEntry in the Module Interlink Header file, if the
value of the attribute functionPrototypeEmitter is set to "RTE" . See chapter
6.3.2 according [SWS_Rte_08765].c(SRS_Rte_00211, SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_07195] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each BswSchedulableEntity’s
Entry Point Prototype in the Module Interlink Header with the Memory Mapping and
Compiler Abstraction macros.
1 #define <snp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_START_SEC_<sadm>
2 #include "<MemMap_filename.h>"
4 FUNC(void, <memclass>) <bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<name>
5 ([IN SchM_ActivatingEvent_<name> <activation>]);

787 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

7 #define <snp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_STOP_SEC_<sadm>
8 #include "<MemMap_filename.h>"

The RTE Generator shall wrap each BswCalledEntity’s Entry Point Prototype in the
Module Interlink Header with the Memory Mapping and Compiler Abstraction macros.
1 #define <snp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_START_SEC_<sadm>
2 #include "<MemMap_filename.h>"
4 FUNC(<returnType>, <memclass>) <bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_<name>(
5 [IN|IN/OUT|OUT] <parameter_1> ... [IN|IN/OUT|OUT] <parameter_n>);
7 #define <snp>[_<vi>_<ai>]_STOP_SEC_<sadm>
8 #include "<MemMap_filename.h>"

Where here for both of them

<bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according [SWS_Rte_07593] and
<snp> is the Section Name Prefix according [SWS_Rte_07595] and
<vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module,
<ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module,
<name> is the substring after "<bsnp>_" of the BswModuleEntry shortName re-
ferred as implementedEntry and
<returnType> is the return type defined in the SwServiceArg in the role
returnType of the BswModuleEntry which is referenced by the BswModule-
ClientServerEntry in the role encapsulatedEntry. If no type is defined, the
<returnType> is of type void.
<parameter_x> are the arguments defined in the SwServiceArgs in the role
argument of the BswModuleEntry which is referenced by the BswModule-
ClientServerEntry in the role encapsulatedEntry. For each argument the type
has to be give according to [SWS_Rte_08766].
<sadm> is the shortName of the referred swAddrMethod.
<memclass> is the Compiler Abstraction Memory Class according
[SWS_Rte_06739] and [SWS_Rte_06740]
<MemMap_filename.h> is the Applicable Memory Mapping Header File Name ac-
cording [SWS_Rte_07830], [SWS_Rte_07831] and [SWS_Rte_07832].
The sub part in square brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no vendorApiInfix is
defined for the Basic Software Module. See [SWS_Rte_07528].
The usage of SchM_ActivatingEvent is optional for BswSchedulableEntity
and defined in [SWS_Rte_08056]. It does currently not exist for BswCalledEntitys.

788 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The Memory Mapping macros could wrap several Entry Point Prototype if these refer-
ring the same swAddrMethod. If the BswSchedulableEntity or the BswCalle-
dEntity does not refer a swAddrMethod the <sadm> is set to CODE.c(SRS_Rte_-
00148, SRS_Rte_00149, SRS_Rte_00238)
[SWS_Rte_07830] dThe RTE Generator shall emit the Applicable Memory Mapping
Header File Name <MemMap_filename.h> as <Msn>[_<vi>_<ai>]_MemMap.h
if the BswImplementation does not contain a DependencyOnArtifact in the
role requiredArtifact where the DependencyOnArtifact.category is set to
MEMMAP. <Msn> is the shortName (case sensitive) of the BswModuleDescrip-
[SWS_Rte_07831] dThe RTE generator shall emit the Applicable Memory Map-
ping Header File Name <MemMap_filename.h> identical to the attribute value
requiredArtifact.artifactDescriptor.shortLabel if the BswImplementa-
tion does contain exactly one DependencyOnArtifact in the role requiredAr-
tifact where the DependencyOnArtifact.category is set to MEMMAP.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_07832] dThe RTE Generator shall emit the Applicable Memory Map-
ping Header File Name <MemMap_filename.h> identical to the attribute value re-
quiredArtifact.artifactDescriptor.shortLabel of the DependencyOnAr-
tifact in the role requiredArtifact where the
egory is set to MEMMAP and which is associated with the SectionNamePrefix
implementedIn of the MemorySection associated to the BswModuleEntity.c
Please note the example 6.2 of Entry Point Prototype.
[SWS_Rte_06533] dThe RTE Generator shall wrap each Entry Point Prototype in
the Module Interlink Header file of a variant existent BswSchedulableEntity or
BswCalledEntity if the variability shall be implemented.
1 #if (<condition>)
3 <Entry Point Prototype>
5 #endif

where condition is the Condition Value Macro of the VariationPoint relevant for
the variant existence of the BswSchedulableEntity or BswCalledEntity (see
table 4.36), Entry Point Prototype is the code according an invariant Entry Point
Prototype (see also [SWS_Rte_07282], [SWS_Rte_04542]).c(SRS_Rte_00229)

6.6.3 Reentrancy

The BswSchedulableEntitys and BswCalledEntitys are declared within a BSW

Module. The Basic Software Module Scheduler ensures that concurrent activation
of the same BswSchedulableEntity or BswCalledEntity is only allowed if the

789 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

implemented entry points attribute "isReentrant" is set to "true" (see Section

Consistency rule:
[SWS_Rte_07588] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where a
BswSchedulableEntity whose referenced BswModuleEntry in the role imple-
mentedEntry has its isReentrant attribute set to false, and this BswSchedula-
bleEntity is mapped to different tasks which can pre-empt each other.c(SRS_Rte_-

6.6.4 Provide activating Bsw event

[SWS_Rte_08059] dIf the provide activating Bsw event feature is enabled, the RTE
shall collect the activating Bsw events, which have the activationReasonRepre-
sentation reference defined, in the context of the OS task the executable entity
is mapped to in an activation vector at the corresponding bit position as defined in
[SWS_Rte_08060] dIf the provide activating Bsw event feature is enabled, the RTE
shall provide the collected activating Bsw events (activation vector) to the executable
entity API when the executable entity is "started". The activation vector shall be reset
immediately after it has been provided.c(SRS_Rte_00238)
Provision of the activating Bsw event is curerntly not availbale for BswCalledEntitys.
Since it is possible that there is a time gap between the activation and the execution
(start) of an executable entity the subsequent activations are summed up and provided
with the start of the executable entity.
Activations during the execution of an executable entity are collected for the next start
of that runnable entity.

6.7 Basic Software Scheduler Lifecycle API Reference

6.7.1 SchM_Init

[] d
Service Name SchM_Init
Syntax void SchM_Init (
const SchM_ConfigType* ConfigPtr

790 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service ID [hex] 0x00
Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) ConfigPtr Pointer to configuration set in Variant Post-Build.
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description SchM_Init is intended to allocate and initialize system resources used by the Basic Software
Scheduler part of the RTE for the core on which it is called.
Available via SchM.h

SchM_Init is intended to allocate and initialize system resources used by the Basic
Software Scheduler part of the RTE for the core on which it is called.
[SWS_Rte_07270] d
void SchM_Init(const SchM_ConfigType * ConfigPtr)

c(SRS_BSW_00101, SRS_Rte_00116)
[SWS_Rte_07271] dThe SchM_Init API is always created.c(SRS_BSW_00101)
[SWS_Rte_07273] dSchM_Init shall return within finite execution time – it must not
enter an infinite loop.c(SRS_BSW_00101)
SchM_Init may be implemented as a function or a macro.
SchM_Init is declared in the lifecycle header file Rte_Main.h.

6.7.2 SchM_Start

[] d
Service Name SchM_Start
Syntax void SchM_Start (

Service ID [hex] 0x70

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None

791 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description Basic Software Scheduler initialized. Shall be called before BswM_Init().
Available via SchM.h

SchM_Start is intended to initialize the Basic Software Scheduler. It shall be called
before BswM_Init().
[SWS_Rte_04546] d
void SchM_Start(void)

[SWS_Rte_04547] dThe SchM_Start API is always created.c(SRS_BSW_00101)
[SWS_Rte_04548] dSchM_Start shall return within finite execution time – it must not
enter an infinite loop.c(SRS_BSW_00101)
SchM_Start may be implemented as a function or a macro.
SchM_Start is declared in the lifecycle header file Rte_Main.h.

6.7.3 SchM_StartTiming

[] d
Service Name SchM_StartTiming
Syntax void SchM_StartTiming (

Service ID [hex] 0x76

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Start periodical events for BSW/SWCs. SchM_Init() has to be called before.
Available via SchM.h

SchM_StartTiming starts the Basic Software Scheduler part of the RTE.
SchM_Start starts periodical events for BSW/SWCs. SchM_Init() has to be called
[SWS_Rte_04549] d
void SchM_StartTiming(void)

792 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_04550] dThe SchM_StartTiming API is always created.c(SRS_BSW_-
[SWS_Rte_04551] dSchM_StartTiming shall return within finite execution time – it
must not enter an infinite loop.c(SRS_BSW_00101)
SchM_StartTiming may be implemented as a function or a macro.
SchM_StartTiming is declared in the lifecycle header file Rte_Main.h.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09055] SchM_Init, SchM_Start, SchM_StartTiming shall
be called only once dSchM_Init, SchM_Start, SchM_StartTiming shall be
called only once by the EcuStateManager on each core after the basic software mod-
ules required by the Basic Software Scheduler part of the RTE are initialized.c()
These modules include:
• OS

6.7.4 SchM_Deinit

[] d
Service Name SchM_Deinit
Syntax void SchM_Deinit (

Service ID [hex] 0x01

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description SchM_Deinit is used to finalize Basic Software Scheduler part of the RTE of the core on which
it is called. This service releases all system resources allocated by the Basic Software
Scheduler part on that core.
Available via SchM.h

SchM_Deinit finalizes the Basic Software Scheduler part of the RTE on the core it is
[SWS_Rte_07274] d
void SchM_Deinit(void)


793 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07275] dThe SchM_Deinit API is always created.c(SRS_BSW_00336)

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09057] SchM_Deinit shall be called before shut down of
BSW dSchM_Deinit shall be called by the EcuStateManager before the basic soft-
ware modules required by Basic Software Scheduler part are shut down.c()
These modules include:
• OS
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09056] SchM_Deinit API may only be used after the was
RTE finalized dThe SchM_Deinit API may only be used after the RTE finalized (after
termination of the Rte_Stop)c()
[SWS_Rte_07277] dSchM_Deinit shall return within finite execution time.c(SRS_-
SchM_Deinit may be implemented as a function or a macro.
SchM_Deinit is declared in the lifecycle header file Rte_Main.h.

6.7.5 SchM_GetVersionInfo

[] d
Service Name SchM_GetVersionInfo
Syntax void SchM_GetVersionInfo (
Std_VersionInfoType* versioninfo

Service ID [hex] 0x02

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) versioninfo Pointer to the memory location holding the version information of
the module
Return value None
Description Returns the version information of the Basic Software Scheduler.
Available via SchM.h

[SWS_Rte_07278] d
void SchM_GetVersionInfo(Std_VersionInfoType * versioninfo)

[SWS_Rte_07279] dThe SchM_GetVersionInfo API is only created if
RteSchMVersionInfoApi is set to true.c(SRS_BSW_00407)

794 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07280] dSchM_GetVersionInfo shall return the version information of

the RTE module which includes the Basic Software Scheduler. The version information
• Module Id
• Vendor Id
• Vendor specific version numbers
[SWS_Rte_07281] dThe parameter versioninfo of the SchM_GetVersionInfo
shall point to the memory location holding the version information of the Basic Software
SchM_GetVersionInfo may be implemented as a function or a macro.
SchM_GetVersionInfo is declared in the lifecycle header file Rte_Main.h.
The existence of the API SchM_GetVersionInfo depends on the parameter
Vendor specific version numbers shall represent build version which depends from
the RTE generator version and the input configuration. It is not in the scope if this
specification to standardize the way how the version numbers are created in detail
because these are the vendor specific version numbers.

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Specification of RTE Software

7 RTE Implementation Plug-Ins Reference

Please note, that the requirements concerning RTE Implementation Plug-Ins in
this chapter are set to draft to support a simple revise of requirements in case of de-
fects. Nevertheless, all addressed concept elements were fully elaborated and incor-
porated in the AUTOSAR specifications.
It’s expected, that all draft requirements in this section will be set to valid in the next
minor release.

7.1 Introduction
For a standard RTE Generator, the possibilities to determine the system dynamics are
very limited (task priorities, internal OsResources ...). A real ECU SW will have more
constraints, e.g. tasks that only run in different system states, tasks that follow the
execution of other tasks (i.e. chains of tasks). Without this knowledge an RTE will on
one side use more protection of internal variables and on the other side perform more
data buffering than necessary. This will lead to higher CPU resource consumption than
necessary. AUTOSAR provides some ideas and requirements regarding buffering of
implicitly accessed data, but mostly leaves the optimization up to the RTE vendor. For
the RTE vendor, the buffer optimization is one of the most challenging jobs when im-
plementing an RTE Generator. And it does again not have all the knowledge about
the system dynamics nor about the optimization goals (AUTOSAR only provides op-
timization switches MEMORY and RUNTIME). The idea of RTE Implementation
Plug-In is to move the jobs of protection and buffering optimizations from the RTE
vendor to some domain specific tool which has a more detailed knowledge about opti-
mization goals and system dynamics.
With the introduction of Software Clusters in the AUTOSAR Classic Platform
additionally the Cross Cluster Communication is realized by means of RTE Im-
plementation Plug-Ins.
The interface between the RTE and the domain specific tooling will mostly be a C
code interface. Further on in this document this domain specific tooling with the RTE
extending C-code will be called RTE Implementation Plug-In. Those RTE Im-
plementation Plug-Ins can exist in two specializations characterizing the different
communication scope:
• Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins
• Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins

796 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

7.1.1 RTE Implementation Plug-Ins in the AUTOSAR Architecture

From the AUTOSAR software layered architecture point of view the RTE Implemen-
tation Plug-Ins are a part of the RTE. This means the "Core" RTE provided by
the RTE Generator plus the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins implement the over-
all RTE. Nevertheless the interface between the "Core" RTE and the RTE Implemen-
tation Plug-Ins is standardized in order to support, that the RTE Generator and
the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins can be provided by different vendors.

Figure 7.1: Example of implicit communication via RTE Implementation Plug-In

The Figure 7.1 shows the principle of implicit communication implementation via an
RTE Implementation Plug-In. Based on the Software Component Description
the RTE provides the Rte_IRead API. This Rte_IRead API uses the Rte_Rips_IR-
BufferRef API from the RTE Implementation Plug-In to get the address of the
implicit communication buffer Buf_Task1_dat1. The RTE Implementa-
tion Plug-In provides the fill- and flush routines and the implicit communica-
tion buffer instance. Via interface conventions it knows as well the global copy
Rte_dataInstance1 which is related to the Data Communication Graph. This
supports the creation of the according copy code for the fill- and flush routines.

797 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

7.1.2 Multiple RTE Implementation Plug-Ins handling one Communication


It’s possible that a Communication Graph is handled by at most two different RTE
Implementation Plug-Ins with a different communication scope. This enables
e.g. that for one communication graph a Local Software Cluster Communi-
cation Plug-In implements optimized implicit buffering or LET compliant buffering
and additionally a Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In imple-
ments the communication from / to other Software Clusters. Nevertheless the as-
sociation via the RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors has to be done in a consistent
manner. This consistency restrictions are defined by following constraints:
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80019]{DRAFT} associatedRtePlugin shall only
reference a Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In d
FlatInstanceDescriptor.rtePluginProps.associatedRtePlugin shall
only reference a RteRipsPluginProps EcucContainerValue where
the parameter value RteRipsPluginCommunicationScope is set to
RTE_RIPS_LOCAL_SW_CLUSTER_COM or is omitted.c(SRS_Rte_00304, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80030]{DRAFT} associatedCrossSwClusterCom-
RtePlugin shall only reference a Cross Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In dFlatInstanceDescriptor.rtePluginProps.associatedCrossS-
wClusterComRtePlugin shall only reference a RteRipsPluginProps EcucCon-
tainerValue where the parameter value RteRipsPluginCommunicationScope
is set to RTE_RIPS_CROSS_SW_CLUSTER_COM.c(SRS_Rte_00304, SRS_Rte_00318)
Please note that for specific types of communication the usage might be re-
stricted to the assignment of either a Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In or a Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In. For other
types of communication the parallel assignment of a Local Software Cluster
Communication Plug-In AND a Cross Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In might be supported. Such details are are defined in the according chapters
of the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins support.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80201]{DRAFT} Communication Graph is handled by at
most one Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In and one
Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In. dA Communication
Graph is handled by at most one Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In and at most one Cross Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In. But it’s possible, that both RTE Implementation Plug-Inss are en-
abled together.c(SRS_Rte_00304, SRS_Rte_00318)
Rationale: Incase of an arbitrary number of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins the
interaction between RTE and the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins is unspecified.

798 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80202]{DRAFT} Cross Software Cluster Communica-

tion Plug-In is only applicable in the Cluster Generation Phase dA FlatIn-
stanceDescriptor shall only be associated to Cross Software Cluster Com-
munication Plug-In in the Cluster Generation Phase.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_-
Rationale: A Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In is not sup-
ported in a non-cluster ECU SW.

7.2 Interface between RTE Implementation Plug-Ins and RTE

7.2.1 File Structure

The following subsection describes the content of the RTE Implementation

Plug-In specific files and the additional requirements on the standardized Header
Files of the RTE.
The shown file structure is the one relevant for Generation Phase or Cluster Generation
Phase. RTE Implementation Plug-Ins do not have any influence on the RTE
Contract Phase or Basic Software Scheduler Contract Phase.
The general coding rules mandate to have exactly one declaration for each C symbol
definition and that this declaration is visible to the definition as well as the users of the
C symbol. Furthermore the file structure represents only the idea and some kind of
best practice. The RTE as well as the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins are free to
adapt this structure to their needs. However, the essence of the interface between the
two has to be maintained. That is,
• which file of one domain (RTE or RTE Implementation Plug-In) exports
which declaration or definition into the other domain and
• which files (or better their contents) have to be expected to be visible in other files
at the same time (risk of double declarations, double inclusion protection taking
effect etc.).
The term ’export’ in that sense means that the exported definition or declaration shall
be visible in the file including the exporting header. It does not matter if that header
performs the declarations or definitions itself or if they are performed by another header
included into this one.

799 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Figure 7.2: Include Structure of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins for RTE

800 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 RTE Global Buffer Declaration File

The RTE Global Buffer Declaration File makes all global copies of data in-
stantiated by the RTE visible to the RTE Implementation Plug-In Services
and the RTE Implementation Plug-In C-code. As the RTE Implementation
Plug-In only knows their name by the related RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor,
it might be necessary to have an according mapping in case the resulting global
copy name differs from this one. The RTE therefore has to map the name derived
from the RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor domain to the real C name implemented
by the RTE. An example of a RTE Global Buffer Declaration File containing
a plain declaration and a declaration with mapping can be seen below in Example 7.1.

Example 7.1
1 #ifndef RTE_BUFFERS_H
2 #define RTE_BUFFERS_H
4 #include "Rte_DataHandleType.h"
5 #include "Rte_Rips_myPlugin1_Buffers.h"
6 #include "Rte_Rips_myPlugin2_Buffers.h"
8 extern uint32 Rte_someInternalNameForData;
10 #define Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myMappedData Rte_someInternalNameForData
12 #endif /* RTE_BUFFERS_H */

[SWS_Rte_80000] dThe RTE Global Buffer Declaration File shall have the
name Rte_Buffers.h.c(SRS_Rte_00306)
[SWS_Rte_80001] dThe RTE Generator shall create the RTE Global Buffer
Declaration File when the RTE Implementation Plug-In mode is enabled.c
[SWS_Rte_80002] dThe RTE Global Buffer Declaration File shall include
the RTE Data Handle Types Header File.c(SRS_Rte_00306)
[SWS_Rte_80003] dThe RTE Global Buffer Declaration File shall include
all RIPS Buffer Declaration Files of all participating RTE Implementation
[SWS_Rte_80005] dThe RTE Global Buffer Declaration File shall export
the declarations of all global copies for implicit communication instantiated by the RTE,
where the Data Communication Graph is associated with a RTE Implementa-
tion Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00306)

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Specification of RTE Software

Please note: The data structures for queues inside an RTE are considered as specific
for each RTE implementation. Since there is never the use case to buffer queued com-
munication there is no need to make them accessible for the RTE Implementation
Plug-In code.
[SWS_Rte_80006] dFor each global copy of a Data Communication Graph
associated to an RTE Implementation Plug-In and implemented by the RTE
where the C symbol is different to the shortName of the respective RIPS FlatIn-
stanceDescriptor prefixed by Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_, the RTE Global
Buffer Declaration File shall export a mapping from the shortName of the
RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor prefixed by Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_ to the ac-
cording C symbol of the global copy.c(SRS_Rte_00306)
[SWS_Rte_80131]{DRAFT} dFor each parameter instace of a Parameter
Communication Graph associated to an RTE Implementation Plug-In where
the C symbol (decided by the RTE) is different to the shortName of the respec-
tive RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor prefixed by Rte_Rips_PrmInst_, the RTE
Global Buffer Declaration File shall export a mapping from the shortName
of the RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor prefixed by Rte_Rips_PrmInst_ to the
according C symbol of the parameter instance.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_-

Example 7.2
1 #ifndef RTE_BUFFERS_H
2 #define RTE_BUFFERS_H
4 extern uint32 Rte_someInternalNameForData;
5 extern uint16 Rte_someInternalNameForParameter;
7 /*SWS_Rte_80006*/
8 #define Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myMappedData Rte_someInternalNameForData
9 /*SWS_Rte_80131*/
10 #define Rte_Rips_PrmInst_myParameter Rte_someInternalNameForParameter
12 #endif /* RTE_BUFFERS_H */

[SWS_Rte_80007] dThe RTE shall be implemented in a way that the mappings re-
sulting from [SWS_Rte_80006] and [SWS_Rte_80131] shall not have any effect on the
AUTOSAR RTE code, specifically Rte.c, as they might cause unintended replacements
there. In particular this means that they shall not change the C symbol of the global
Note: [SWS_Rte_80007] can be simply implemented by the fact that the RTE
code does not use any symbols starting with Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_ or

802 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 RIPS Buffer Declaration Files

The RIPS Buffer Declaration File makes all global copies of data instantiated
by the RTE Implementation Plug-In visible to the RTE.
[SWS_Rte_70000] dThe RIPS Buffer Declaration File shall have the name
Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Buffers.h, where <PlugIn> is the name of the related RTE
Implementation Plug-In defined by the container RteRipsPluginProps.c
[SWS_Rte_70001] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall create the RIPS
Buffer Declaration File.c(SRS_Rte_00306)
Note: Each participating RTE Implementation Plug-In creates a separate RIPS
Buffer Declaration File.
[SWS_Rte_70002] dThe RIPS Buffer Declaration File shall include the RTE
Data Handle Types Header File (Rte_DataHandleType.h).c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_70003] dThe RIPS Buffer Declaration File shall export the decla-
rations of the implicit communication buffers for the RIPS relevant data han-
dled by this RTE Implementation Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_70004] dThe RIPS Buffer Declaration File shall export the type
definitions of the implicit communication buffers for RIPS relevant data han-
dled by this RTE Implementation Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301) RTE Implementation Plug-In Header File

[SWS_Rte_70005] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In Header File shall

have the name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h, where <PlugIn> is the name of the re-
lated RTE Implementation Plug-In defined by the container RteRipsPlugin-
[SWS_Rte_70006] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall create the RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In Header File.c(SRS_Rte_00306)
Note: Each participating RTE Implementation Plug-In creates a separate RTE
Implementation Plug-In Header File.
[SWS_Rte_70007] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In Header File shall ex-
port the Rte_Rips_Enter and Rte_Rips_Exit Services related to Exclu-
siveAreas used as runsInsideExclusiveArea.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_-

803 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_70098] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In Header File shall

export the Rte_Rips_EnterModeQueue and Rte_Rips_ExitModeQueue Ser-
vices related to mode machine instances and distributed shared mode
queues.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00310, SRS_Rte_00315)
[SWS_Rte_70029] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In Header File shall ex-
port the declarations of the lifecycle APIs of the RTE Implementation Plug-In.c
Please note: The lifecycle APIs of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins are defined in
[SWS_Rte_70046] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In Header File shall ex-
port the declarations of the Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutines of the RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_82009]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In Header
File shall export the declarations of the Rte_Rips_InvocationHandlers of the
RTE Implementation Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_82010]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In Header
File shall export the declarations of the Rte_Rips_DataIsUpdated_Even-
tActivations of the RTE Implementation Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00306,
[SWS_Rte_80026] dThe RTE shall include the RTE Implementation Plug-In
Header File where it needs the contained definitions and declarations.c(SRS_Rte_-
Note: Due to the relationship to the lifecycle API a reasonable include might be the
Rte.h file as shown in 7.2. RIPS SWC-BSW-Instance Header File

[SWS_Rte_70031] dThe RIPS SWC-BSW-Instance Header File shall be named

Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h, where <PlugIn> is the name of the related
RTE Implementation Plug-In defined by the container RteRipsPluginProps
and <SwcBswI> is the SWC-BSW-Instance name according to [SWS_Rte_70035]c
[SWS_Rte_70032] dThe RIPS SWC-BSW-Instance Header File shall be gener-
ated by the RTE Implementation Plug-In for each Software Component or BSW
Module which either has
• an ExclusiveArea with enabled RTE Implementation Plug-In support
mapped to this RTE Implementation Plug-In (see [SWS_Rte_80024]), OR

804 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• an access to a Data Communication Graph with enabled RTE Implemen-

tation Plug-In support mapped to this RTE Implementation Plug-In,
• an access to a Parameter Communication Graph with enabled RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In support mapped to this RTE Implementation
• an access to a mode machine instance with enabled RTE Implementa-
tion Plug-In support mapped to this RTE Implementation Plug-In,
• an access to a mode machine instance belonging to a distributed
shared mode queue with enabled RTE Implementation Plug-In support
mapped to this RTE Implementation Plug-In,
• an access to a Trigger Communication Graph with enabled RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In support mapped to this RTE Implementation
Plug-In, OR
• an access to a Client Server Communication Graph with enabled RTE
Implementation Plug-In support mapped to this RTE Implementation
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301, SRS_Rte_00302, SRS_Rte_-
00310, SRS_Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00315)
[SWS_Rte_70033] dThe RIPS SWC-BSW-Instance Header File shall include
the RTE Global Buffer Declaration File.c(SRS_Rte_00306)
[SWS_Rte_70039] dThe RIPS SWC-BSW-Instance Header File shall export the
definitions of the
• Rte_Rips_Enter/Rte_Rips_Exit Services for ExclusiveAreas with a ca-
nEnterExclusiveArea association
• Rte_Rips_StartRead, Rte_Rips_StopRead, Rte_Rips_StartWrite,
and Rte_Rips_StopWrite Services for explicit access protection
• Rte_Rips_Read, Rte_Rips_Write, Rte_Rips_DRead, Rte_Rips_Feed-
back and Rte_Rips_DataIsUpdated for Services for explicit data accesses
• Rte_Rips_IRead, Rte_Rips_IWrite, Rte_Rips_IRBufferRef, Rte_-
Rips_IWBufferRef and Rte_Rips_Feedback Services for implicit accesses
• Rte_Rips_Invoke and Rte_Rips_ReturnResult for clients and trigger

805 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• Rte_Rips_Prm for calibration parameter accesses

• Rte_Rips_Switch for cross cluster mode communication
• Rte_Rips_Trigger for cross cluster trigger communication
handled by this RTE Implementation Plug-In for this component instance / Ba-
sic Software Module instance.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301,
SRS_Rte_00302, SRS_Rte_00310, SRS_Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00315) RTE Implementation Plug-In Implementation File

[SWS_Rte_70008] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall name the RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In Implementation Files in a way that name collisions
with file names of AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules and Software Components are
Please note that the file structure of the RTE Implementation Plug-In is not
strictly standardized. Nevertheless [SWS_Rte_70009] defines a recommendation for
the case the RTE Implementation Plug-In needs only one source file. For sure
the given name pattern can also be extended to support more than one file, e.g. one
source file per ASIL level.
[SWS_Rte_70009] dIf the RTE Implementation Plug-In uses a single source
file, the RTE Implementation Plug-In Implementation File should have
the name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.c, where <PlugIn> is the name of the re-
lated RTE Implementation Plug-In defined by the container RteRipsPlugin-
[SWS_Rte_70010] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall create the RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In Implementation Files.c(SRS_Rte_00306)
Note: Each participating RTE Implementation Plug-In creates a separate set of
RTE Implementation Plug-In Implementation Files.
[SWS_Rte_70011] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In Implementation
Files shall include the RTE Global Buffer Declaration File.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_70012] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In Implementation
Files shall include the RTE Implementation Plug-In Header File.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_70013] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In Implementation
Files shall contain the definition of the implicit communication buffers for
RIPS relevant data handled by this RIPS plug-in.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301)

806 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The RIPS Implementation File shall contain the definition of the implicit commu-
nication buffers for RIPS relevant data handled by this RIPS plug-in, the imple-
mentation of the fill- and flush-Runnables and all further memory consuming C objects
that might be necessary by the RIPS implementation of this plug-in. RTE Header File

This subsection describes the additional requirements on the RTE Header File of
the RTE when the RTE Implementation Plug-In mode is enabled.
[SWS_Rte_80008] dThe RTE Header File (Rte.h) shall include the RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-In Header Files of all participating RTE Implementation
Plug-Ins.c(SRS_Rte_00306) Application Header File

This subsection describes the additional requirements on the Application Header

File of the RTE when the RTE Implementation Plug-In mode is enabled.
[SWS_Rte_80027] dThe Application Header File of a Software Component
shall include the RIPS SWC-BSW-Instance Header File of all RTE Implemen-
tation Plug-Ins applicable for this component instance, if they exist (refer to
[SWS_Rte_70032]).c(SRS_Rte_00306) Module Interlink Header

This subsection describes the additional requirements on the Module Interlink

Header of the Basic Software Scheduler when the RTE Implementation Plug-In
mode is enabled.
[SWS_Rte_80028] dThe Module Interlink Header of a BSW Module shall in-
clude the RIPS SWC-BSW-Instance Header File of all RTE Implementation
Plug-Ins applicable for this Basic Software Module instance, if they exist (refer to
[SWS_Rte_70032]).c(SRS_Rte_00306) RTE Data Handle Types Header File

This subsection describes the additional requirements on the RTE Data Handle
Types Header File of the RTE when the RTE Implementation Plug-In mode
is enabled.
[SWS_Rte_80079] dIn case the RTE implements a global copy of some RIPS rel-
evant Data Communication Graphs or Parameter Communication Graphs,

807 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

the RTE Data Handle Types Header File shall contain a wrapper type defini-
tion for each global copy
typedef <type of global copy> Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_<CGI>_Type;
where <CGI> is the name of the Communication Graph Instance defined by the
shortName of the RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor referencing the Communica-
tion Graph.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301, SRS_Rte_00302)
[SWS_Rte_82011]{DRAFT} dIn case the RTE implements a parameter instance
of some RIPS relevant Parameter Communication Graphs, the RTE Data Han-
dle Types Header File shall contain a wrapper type definition for each parame-
ter instance
typedef <type of parameter instance> Rte_Rips_PrmInst_<CGI>_Type;
where <CGI> is the name of the Communication Graph Instance defined by the
shortName of the RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor referencing the Communica-
tion Graph.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301, SRS_Rte_00302)
This wrapper type is intended for RTE Implementation Plug-Ins with type inde-
pendent buffering strategy. In this case the buffering decisions are driven by the timing
behavior and interference of readers and writers. For instance LET based buffering. In
this case the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins can omit the gathering of types from
the AUTOSAR model.
[SWS_Rte_80009] dThe RTE Data Handle Types Header File
(Rte_DataHandleType.h) shall include the RTE Types Header File inde-
pendent whether this is directly needed or not.c(SRS_Rte_00306)

7.2.2 API principles API name pattern

The RTE Implementation Plug-In Services are defined according to the fol-
lowing principles.
The RTE APIs towards the Software Components or Basic Software Modules are de-
fined amongst the AUTOSAR Meta Model (e.g. providing an explicit write access to
a specific data element in a specific port of a SwComponentType). In contrast the
interface towards the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins is on one hand strictly use
case oriented resp. instance based. Use case oriented means that for the same use
case (e.g. starting the protection of an ExclusiveArea) which may exist in Software
Components or Basic Software Modules the same kind of RTE Implementation
Plug-In Service is defined and provided for use by the RTE code.
Instance based means that the name of a RTE Implementation Plug-In Ser-
vice reflects the specific activity on a specific entity in the ECU SW implemented by

808 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

a specific RTE Implementation Plug-In, e.g. determining the location in mem-

ory where data values from a communication graph can be read from for a specific
RunnableEntity of a specific Software Component Instance.
Except for the lifecycle APIs any RTE Implementation Plug-In Service is de-
fined according the following name scheme:
[SWS_Rte_70034] d<PlugIn> is the name of the related RTE Implementation
Plug-In defined by the container RteRipsPluginProps.c(SRS_Rte_00306)
[SWS_Rte_70099] d<useCase> is the name part which denotes the purpose of the
RTE Implementation Plug-In Service and is one of the following:
• IRead
• IWrite
• IRBufferRef
• IWBufferRef
• StartRead
• StopRead
• StartWrite
• StopWrite
• Read
• DRead
• Write
• Enter
• Exit
• EnterModeQueue
• ExitModeQueue
• Switch
• DequeueModeSwitch
• Trigger
• Invoke
• ReturnResult
• Prm

809 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Further details are described in section 7.2.4.
[SWS_Rte_70035] d<SwcBswI> SWC-BSW-Instance name is either the short-
Name of the SwComponentPrototype (in the RootSwComposition of the ECU
Extract) or the BSW Module Instance Name according to [SWS_Rte_70036].c(SRS_-
Note: in some RTE Implementation Plug-In Services the name part <SwcB-
swI> is mandatory, in others it is alternatively used with <Partition>
[SWS_Rte_70135]{DRAFT} d<Partition> is the shortName of the EcucParti-
tion on which the SwComponentPrototype (in the RootSwComposition of the
ECU Extract) of the accessing software component is mapped to or to which the using
RTE code belongs.c(SRS_Rte_00306)
[SWS_Rte_70036] dThe BSW Module Instance Name <bsnp>[_<vi>_<ai>]
is composed out of <bsnp> is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix according
[SWS_Rte_07593] and [SWS_Rte_07594], <vi> is the vendorId of the accessing
BSW module, <ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the accessing BSW module.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_70037] d<ExE> is the shortName of the ExecutableEntity accessing
an element instance. The name part <ExE> only exists in case the RTE offers the abil-
ity to distinguish the accesses of different ExecutableEntitys.c(SRS_Rte_00306)
[SWS_Rte_70038] d<elementInstance> identifies the element to which the access
is provided. Since a specific use case is typically linked to a specific element, following
specific element instance name parts will be used:
• <CGI> is the name of the Communication Graph Instance defined by the
shortName of the RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor referencing the Commu-
nication Graph.
• <ExclusiveArea> is the shortName of the ExclusiveArea.
• <MMI> is the shortName of the RteModeMachineInstanceConfig or RteB-
swModeMachineInstanceConfig container.
• <DSMQ> is the shortName of the RteDistributedSharedModeQueue or
RteBswModeMachineInstanceConfig container.
• <DE> is the shortName of the DataReceivedEvent.
c(SRS_Rte_00306) Basic requirements on RTE Implementation Plug-In Service

The RTE Implementation Plug-In Services are intended to be used in the

RTE’s C-implementation. Hereby an important aspect is the fact that RTE APIs can

810 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

be implemented as C-functions and function like macros, see section In case
of function like macros the RTE implementation uses very likely comma expressions to
return either the error code or a read return value. This requires that an RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-In Service can be used in such a comma expression.
[SWS_Rte_70030] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall implement every
RTE Implementation Plug-In Service that it can be used in a comma expres-
sion.c(SRS_Rte_00306) Basic requirements on RTE Implementation Macro API implementations

API implementations as function like macros can have strange side effects. A special
case is the nested call of APIs, e.g. an Rte_DRead as a parameter of an Rte_-
Write. The user would naturally expect that the code of Rte_DRead is executed
before entering into the Rte_Write API. But since macros are just text replacements,
this is technically not the case. Instead, the Rte_DRead will be executed where the
parameter is used inside the Rte_Write. This can lead to various effects, such as
undesired nesting of (RTE or RTE Implementation Plug-Ins) protection code or
multiple executions of Rte_DRead with differing results. This has to be avoided.
[SWS_Rte_80025] dThe RTE shall implement its code in a way to be robust against
the undesired nesting of passed as macro parameter into the critical sections pro-
tected by the call of RTE Implementation Plug-In Services, e.g. Rte_-
Rips_StartRead, Rte_Rips_StopRead, Rte_Rips_StartWrite, and Rte_-
Rips_StopWrite.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00314)
Note: This can be achieved by either using real functions, inline functions, or by as-
signing the macro argument to an temporary variable outside the critical section.

7.2.3 API Data Types

[SWS_Rte_70087] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall determine the <re-

turn> type according to the ImplementationDataType applicable for the global
copy or parameter instance.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_-
Please note, that <return> is only applicable for primitive types, e.g. uint8, float.
[SWS_Rte_70088] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall determine
the <rips_return_ref> type applicable for global copy according to
[SWS_Rte_80041]. Thereby the <rips_return_ref> type is a pointer to the
type of the global copy using P2VAR.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_-

811 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In addition RTE Implementation Plug-In Services may use standard types or

RTE specific types, e.g. Std_TransformerError. Those are not impacted by the
usage of an RTE Implementation Plug-In.

7.2.4 API Reference Implicit buffer value access Rte_Rips_IRead

[SWS_Rte_89000] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_IRead_<SwcBswI>_<ExE>_<CGI>
Syntax <return> Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_IRead_<SwcBswI>_<ExE>_<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xE0

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value <return> returns the value of the implicitly read primitive data.
Description Rte_Rips_IRead returns the value of the implicitly read primitive data.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

Please note that the Rte_Rips_IRead Service is only applicable for Local Soft-
ware Cluster Communication Plug-Ins since a Cross Software Cluster
Communication Plug-Ins does not implement implicit communication buffering.
[SWS_Rte_70015] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_IRead Service for each VariableAc-
cess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataReadAccess and each VariableAc-
cess in role readLocalVariable to an implicitInterRunnableVariable if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• where the data instance is typed by a primitive data type
• the data instance is a data element without status according to

812 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RtePluginSupportsIReadIWrite is true.
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_80010] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_IRead Service to implicitly read
data if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• where the data instance is typed by a primitive data type
• the data instance is a data element without status according to
• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RtePluginSupportsIReadIWrite is true.
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301) Rte_Rips_IWrite

[SWS_Rte_89001] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_IWrite_<SwcBswI>_<ExE>_<CGI>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_IWrite_<SwcBswI>_<ExE>_<CGI> (
IN data

Service ID [hex] 0xE1

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) data primitive data to write
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_IWrite writes the value of the implicitly written primitive data.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h


813 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note that the Rte_Rips_IWrite Service is only applicable for Local Soft-
ware Cluster Communication Plug-Ins since a Cross Software Cluster
Communication Plug-Ins does not implement implicit communication buffering.
[SWS_Rte_70016] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_IWrite Service for each VariableAc-
cess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataWriteAccess and each VariableAc-
cess in role writtenLocalVariable to an implicitInterRunnableVariable
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• where the data instance is typed by a primitive data type
• the data instance is a data element without status according to
• for the associated RTE Implementation Plug-In the RtePluginSup-
portsIReadIWrite is true.
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_80011] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_IWrite Service to implicitly write
data if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• where the data instance is typed by a primitive data type
• the data instance is a data element without status according to
• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RtePluginSupportsIReadIWrite is true.
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301)

814 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Implicit buffer address access Rte_Rips_IRBufferRef

[SWS_Rte_89002] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_IRBufferRef_<SwcBswI>_<ExE>_<CGI>
Syntax <rips_return_ref> Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_IRBufferRef_<SwcBswI>_<ExE>_
<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xE2

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value <rips_return_ref> Reference to the location in memory where the data values and
optionally status can be read.
Description Rte_Rips_IRBufferRef returns a pointer to the location in memory where the data value and
status can be read. In case the SWC is provided as source code and not multiple instantiable,
this macro is not guaranteed to resolve to a reference at compile time. It might also be resolved
to a function or expression.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

Please note that the Rte_Rips_IRBufferRef Service is only applicable for Lo-
cal Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins since a Cross Software
Cluster Communication Plug-Ins does not implement implicit communication
[SWS_Rte_70017] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_IRBufferRef Service for each Vari-
ableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataReadAccess and each Vari-
ableAccess in role readLocalVariable to an implicitInterRunnableVari-
able if for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_80012] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_IRBufferRef Service to get the
address of the memory from which the value and/or status of an implicitly read data
instance can be read. Thereby Rte_Rips_IRBufferRef shall only be applied if the
usage of Rte_Rips_IRead is not applicable.(See [SWS_Rte_80010]).c(SRS_Rte_-
00306, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_80013] dThe RTE shall initialize the related data handle for implicit read
only access in the CDS with the Rte_Rips_IRBufferRef if the implicit data ac-
cess needs to be implemented via a data handle in a data handles section

815 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

or an inter runnable variable handles section.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_-

See also [SWS_Rte_70108].
Please note: A read only implicit access is required in case the RunnableEntity
accesses an data element in an RPortPrototype or PRPortPrototype or the
RunnableEntity has exclusive read access to an implicitInterRunnable-
Variable. Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef

[SWS_Rte_89003] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_IWBufferRef_<SwcBswI>_<ExE>_<CGI>
Syntax <rips_return_ref> Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_IWBufferRef_<SwcBswI>_<ExE>_
<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xE3

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value <rips_return_ref> Reference to the location in memory where the data values and
optionally status can be written.
Description Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef returns a pointer to the implicitly written data element. In case the SWC
is provided as source code and not multiple instantiable, this macro is not guaranteed to resolve
to a reference at compile time. It might also be resolved to a function or expression.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

Please note that the Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef Service is only applicable for Lo-
cal Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins since a Cross Software
Cluster Communication Plug-Ins does not implement implicit communication
[SWS_Rte_70018] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef Service for each Vari-
ableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataWriteAccess and each Vari-
ableAccess in role writtenLocalVariable to an implicitInterRunnable-
Variable if for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software
Cluster Communication Plug-In support is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_80014] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef Service to get the
address of the memory to which the value and/or status of an implicitly written data

816 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

instance can be written. Thereby Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef shall only be applied if

the usage of Rte_Rips_IWrite is not applicable.(See [SWS_Rte_80011]).c(SRS_-
Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_80015] dThe RTE shall initialize the related data handle for implicit write or
implicit read-write access in the CDS with the Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef if the implicit
data access needs to be implemented via a data handle in a data handles sec-
tion or an inter runnable variable handles section.c(SRS_Rte_00306,
See also [SWS_Rte_70108].
Please note: A read-write implicit access is required in case the RunnableEntity
accesses a data element in an PRPortPrototype or the RunnableEntity has read
and write access to an implicitInterRunnableVariable. For read-write implicit
access Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef Service applies as well. Implicit communication buffer Fill Flush Routines Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine

[SWS_Rte_89014] d
Service Name <name of the Fill-Flush-Routine>
Syntax void <name of the Fill-Flush-Routine> (

Service ID [hex] 0xEF

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Conditional Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Performs buffer fill and flush operations for implicit communication
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

Please note that the Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine Service is only applicable for
Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins since a Cross Soft-
ware Cluster Communication Plug-Ins does not implement implicit commu-
nication buffering.
[SWS_Rte_70078] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine Service for
each configured RteRipsPluginFillFlushRoutineFnc.c(SRS_Rte_00306,

817 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Further details about the RTE usage of Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine are de-

scribed in Explicit access protection Rte_Rips_StartRead

[SWS_Rte_89004] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_StartRead_<SwcBswI>[_<ExE>]_<CGI>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_StartRead_<SwcBswI>[_<ExE>]_<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xE4

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_StartRead starts the protection for explicit read access.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

Please note that the Rte_Rips_StartRead Service is only applicable for Lo-
cal Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins since a Cross Software
Cluster Communication Plug-Ins does not implement access protection for
RTE code.
[SWS_Rte_70019] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_StartRead Service for each Vari-
ableDataPrototype instance in an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype for
which an VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataReceivePoint-
ByArgument or dataReceivePointByValue exists and
for each VariableAccess in role readLocalVariable to an explicitInter-
RunnableVariable if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300)

818 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note: In case of protection of explicitInterRunnableVariables the

name part [_<ExE>] exists.
[SWS_Rte_70020] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_StartRead Service for each BswVari-
ableAccess of a BswModuleEntity in the role dataReceivePoint if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300)
[SWS_Rte_80016] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_StartRead at the position and
instead of the RTE’s regular AUTOSAR get access protection action, e.g. Sus-
pendOsInterrupts() or GetResource(), if for the related Data Communica-
tion Graph the Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In support
is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300) Rte_Rips_StopRead

[SWS_Rte_89005] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_StopRead_<SwcBswI>[_<ExE>]_<CGI>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_StopRead_<SwcBswI>[_<ExE>]_<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xE5

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_StopRead stops the protection for explicit read access
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

Please note that the Rte_Rips_StopRead Service is only applicable for Lo-
cal Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins since a Cross Software
Cluster Communication Plug-Ins does not implement access protection for
RTE code.

819 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_70021] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-

tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_StopRead Service for each Variable-
DataPrototype instance in an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype for which an
VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataReceivePointByArgu-
ment or dataReceivePointByValue exists and
for each VariableAccess in role readLocalVariable to an explicitInter-
RunnableVariable if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300)
Please note: In case of protection of explicitInterRunnableVariables the
name part [_<ExE>] exists.
[SWS_Rte_70022] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_StopRead Service for each BswVari-
ableAccess of a BswModuleEntity in the role dataSendPoint if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300)
[SWS_Rte_80017] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_StopRead at the position and
instead of the RTE’s regular AUTOSAR release access protection action, e.g. Re-
sumeOsInterrupts() or ReleaseResource(), if for the related Data Communi-
cation Graph the Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In sup-
port is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300) Rte_Rips_StartWrite

[SWS_Rte_89006] d

820 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_StartWrite_<SwcBswI>[_<ExE>]_<CGI>

Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_StartWrite_<SwcBswI>[_<ExE>]_<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xE6

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_StartWrite starts the protection for explicit write access.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

Please note that the Rte_Rips_StartWrite Service is only applicable for Lo-
cal Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins since a Cross Software
Cluster Communication Plug-Ins does not implement access protection for
RTE code.
[SWS_Rte_70023] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_StartWrite Service for each Vari-
ableDataPrototype instance in an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype for
which an VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataSendPoint ex-
and for each VariableAccess in role writtenLocalVariable to an explicit-
InterRunnableVariable if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300)
Please note: In case of protection of explicitInterRunnableVariables the
name part [_<ExE>] exists.
[SWS_Rte_70024] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_StartWrite Service for each
BswVariableAccess of a BswModuleEntity in the role dataSendPoint if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled

821 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300)
[SWS_Rte_80018] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_StartWrite at the position and
instead of the RTE’s regular AUTOSAR get access protection action, e.g. Sus-
pendOsInterrupts() or GetResource(), if for the related Data Communica-
tion Graph the Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In support
is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300) Rte_Rips_StopWrite

[SWS_Rte_89007] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_StopWrite_<SwcBswI>[_<ExE>]_<CGI>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_StopWrite_<SwcBswI>[_<ExE>]_<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xE7

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_StopWrite stops the protection for explicit write access.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

Please note that the Rte_Rips_StopWrite Service is only applicable for Lo-
cal Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins since a Cross Software
Cluster Communication Plug-Ins does not implement access protection for
RTE code.
[SWS_Rte_70025] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_StopWrite Service for each Vari-
ableDataPrototype instance in an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype for
which an VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataSendPoint ex-
and for each VariableAccess in role writtenLocalVariable to an explicit-
InterRunnableVariable if

822 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300)
Please note: In case of protection of explicitInterRunnableVariables the
name part [_<ExE>] exists.
[SWS_Rte_70026] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_StopWrite Service for each BswVari-
ableAccess of a BswModuleEntity in the role dataSendPoint if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300)
[SWS_Rte_80019] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_StopWrite at the position and
instead of the RTE’s regular AUTOSAR release access protection action, e.g. Re-
sumeOsInterrupts() or ReleaseResource(), if for the related Data Communi-
cation Graph the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In support is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300) Explicit data access services Rte_Rips_Read

[SWS_Rte_89010]{OBSOLETE} d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Read_<SwcBswI>[_<ExE>]_<CGI> (obsolete)
Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Read_<SwcBswI>[_<ExE>]_<CGI> (
OUT <data>,
[Std_TransformerError transformerError]

Service ID [hex] 0xEA


823 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) <data> The OUT parameter <data> pass back the received data.
transformerError The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occurred during execution of the transformer chain.
Return value Std_ReturnType The return value is used to indicate communication errors.
Description Rte_Rips_Read Performs an "explicit" read on a sender-receiver communication data element.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

Please note that [SWS_Rte_89010] is set to obsolete and will be replaced
by [SWS_Rte_89020] to support Cross Software Cluster Communication
[SWS_Rte_89020]{DRAFT} d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Read_[<SwcBswI>][Partition][_<ExE>]_<CGI>(draft)
Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Read_[<SwcBswI>][Partition][_<
ExE>]_<CGI> (
OUT <data>,
[Std_TransformerError transformerError]

Service ID [hex] 0xEA

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) <data> The OUT parameter <data> pass back the received data.
transformerError The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occurred during execution of the transformer chain.
Return value Std_ReturnType The return value is used to indicate communication errors.
Description Rte_Rips_Read Performs an "explicit" read on a sender-receiver communication data element.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_BSW_00310)

Please note that the Rte_Rips_Read Service is applicable for Local Software
Cluster Communication Plug-Ins and Cross Software Cluster Commu-
nication Plug-Ins.
[SWS_Rte_70050] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_Read Service for each Variable-
DataPrototype instance in an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype for which an

824 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataReceivePointByArgu-

ment or dataReceivePointByValue exists and for each VariableAccess in role
readLocalVariable to an explicitInterRunnableVariable if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
– for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
– a data transformation is configured according [SWS_Rte_08794] or
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
Please note: In case the related VariableDataPrototype resolves to a Primi-
tive Implementation Data Type, service Rte_Rips_DRead is available as an
alternative. In case of protection of explicitInterRunnableVariables the name
part [_<ExE>] exists.
[SWS_Rte_70051] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_Read Service for each BswVari-
ableAccess of a BswModuleEntity in the role dataReceivePoint if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
[SWS_Rte_70127]{DRAFT} dThe associated Cross Software Cluster
Communication Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_Read Service for each
VariableDataPrototype instance in an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype
for which an VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataReceive-
PointByArgument exists if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Cross Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• for the dataElement “event” semantics (swImplPolicy = queued) applies.

825 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)

[SWS_Rte_70128]{DRAFT} dIn case of the existence condition described in
[SWS_Rte_70050], [SWS_Rte_70050], [SWS_Rte_70127] the optional name part
[<SwcBswI>] exists for the related Rte_Rips_Read Services.c(SRS_Rte_00306,
SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
[SWS_Rte_70129]{DRAFT} dThe associated Cross Software Cluster
Communication Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_Read Service once for
each partition which has a software component mapped to it where the software
component has a VariableDataPrototype instance in an AbstractRequired-
PortPrototype for which an VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the
• dataReceivePointByArgument
• dataReceivePointByValue
• dataReadAccess
exists.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
[SWS_Rte_70130]{DRAFT} dIn case of the existence condition described in
[SWS_Rte_70129] the optional name part [Partition] exists for the related Rte_-
Rips_Read Services.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
[SWS_Rte_70052] dThe optional OUT parameter transformerError of the Rte_-
Rips_Read service shall be generated according [SWS_Rte_08563].c(SRS_Rte_-
00306, SRS_Rte_00300)
The return value is used to indicate errors detected by the RTE Implementation
Plug-In during execution of the Rte_Rips_Read service call or errors detected by
the communication system.
• [SWS_Rte_70053] dRTE_E_OK – data read successfully.c(SRS_Rte_00306,
SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094)
• [SWS_Rte_70054] dRTE_E_HARD_TRANSFORMER_ERROR – The return value of
one transformer in the transformer chain represented a hard transformer error.c
(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_70055] dRTE_E_SOFT_TRANSFORMER_ERROR – The return value of
at least one transformer in the transformer chain was a soft error and no hard
error occurred in the transformer chain.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300,
SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_70100] dRTE_E_NO_DATA – (explicit non-blocking read) no events
were received and no other error occurred when the read was attempted.c(SRS_-
Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094)

826 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• [SWS_Rte_70101] dRTE_E_LOST_DATA – Indicates that some incoming data

has been lost due to an overflow of the receive queue or due to an error of the
underlying communication layers. This is not an error of the data returned in the
parameters. This Overlayed Error can be combined with any other error.c
(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00107, SRS_Rte_00110, SRS_-
• [SWS_Rte_70125]{DRAFT} dRTE_E_UNCONNECTED – Indicates that the re-
ceiver port is not connectedc(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_-
00200, SRS_Rte_00094)
[SWS_Rte_70126]{DRAFT} dIn case of multiple faults during a call of Rte_Rips_-
Read the resulting return value shall be derived according to the following priority rules
(highest priority first):
c(SRS_Rte_00028, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300)
[SWS_Rte_80065] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_Read or Rte_Rips_DRead at the
position and instead of the RTE’s regular read access to the data, if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
[SWS_Rte_80100] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_Read or Rte_Rips_DRead at the
position and instead of the RTE’s regular access to the transformed data, if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• a data transformation is configured according [SWS_Rte_08794] or
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300)

827 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_80148]{DRAFT} dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_Read at the position and

instead of the RTE’s regular read access to the data, if for the related Data Com-
munication Graph the Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In
support is enabled.
In case of explicit communication (queued or last is the best) the the usage is expected
in the context of the Rte_Receive or Rte_Read API.
In case of implicit communication the the usage is expected in the context where
the RTE would fill the buffers of the preemption area in the OS tasks where
RunnableEntitys with implicit access to related Data Communication Graph
are mapped to it .
In case of data element with status the return value of Rte_Rips_Read is used to
determine the data elements status.
And yet the Rte_Rips_Read related to the partition where the OS tasks belongs shall
be applied.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300)
[SWS_Rte_80149]{DRAFT} dThe RTE shall call the Rte_Rips_Read Services cre-
ated according to [SWS_Rte_70051], [SWS_Rte_70127], and [SWS_Rte_70129]
for the related Data Communication Graph on which Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In and Cross Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In has been enabled in the following order:
• first the Rte_Rips_Read Service created according the Local Software
Cluster Communication Plug-In and then
• the Rte_Rips_Read Service created according the Cross Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301) Rte_Rips_Write

[SWS_Rte_89011]{OBSOLETE} d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Write_<SwcBswI>[_<ExE>]_<CGI> (obsolete)
Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Write_<SwcBswI>[_<ExE>]_<CGI> (
IN <data>,
[Std_TransformerError transformerError]

Service ID [hex] 0xEB

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) <data> The IN parameter <data> pass the received data.

828 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) transformerError The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occurred during execution of the transformer chain.
Return value Std_ReturnType The return value is used to indicate communication errors.
Description Rte_Rips_Write Performs an "explicit" write on a sender-receiver communication data element.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

Please note that [SWS_Rte_89011] is set to obsolete and will be replaced
by [SWS_Rte_89021] to support Cross Software Cluster Communication
[SWS_Rte_89021]{DRAFT} d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Write_[<SwcBswI>][Partition][_<ExE>]_<CGI>(draft)
Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Write_[<SwcBswI>][Partition][_<
ExE>]_<CGI> (
IN <data>,
[Std_TransformerError transformerError]

Service ID [hex] 0xEB

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) <data> The IN parameter <data> pass the received data.
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) transformerError The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occurred during execution of the transformer chain.
Return value Std_ReturnType The return value is used to indicate communication errors.
Description Rte_Rips_Write Performs an "explicit" write on a sender-receiver communication data element.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_BSW_00310)

Please note that the Rte_Rips_Write Service is applicable for Local Software
Cluster Communication Plug-Ins and Cross Software Cluster Commu-
nication Plug-Ins.
[SWS_Rte_70056] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_Write Service for each Variable-
DataPrototype instance in an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype for which an
VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataSendPoint exists
and for each VariableAccess in role writtenLocalVariable to an explicit-
InterRunnableVariable if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled

829 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

– for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
– a data transformation is configured according [SWS_Rte_08794] or
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
Please note: In case of protection of explicitInterRunnableVariables the
name part [_<ExE>] exists.
[SWS_Rte_70057] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_Write Service for each BswVari-
ableAccess of a BswModuleEntity in the role dataSendPoint if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
[SWS_Rte_70131]{DRAFT} dThe associated Cross Software Cluster
Communication Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_Wrie Service for each
VariableDataPrototype instance in an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype
for which an VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataSendPoint
exists if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Cross Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• for the dataElement “event” semantics (swImplPolicy = queued) applies.
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
[SWS_Rte_70132]{DRAFT} dIn case of the existence condition described in
[SWS_Rte_70056], [SWS_Rte_70057], [SWS_Rte_70131] the optional name part
[<SwcBswI>] exists for the related Rte_Rips_Write Services.c(SRS_Rte_00306,
SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
[SWS_Rte_70133]{DRAFT} dThe associated Cross Software Cluster
Communication Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_Write Service once for
each partition which has a software component mapped to it where the software

830 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

component has a VariableDataPrototype instance in an AbstractProvid-

edPortPrototype for which an VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the
• dataSendPoint
• dataWriteAccess
exists.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
[SWS_Rte_70134]{DRAFT} dIn case of the existence condition described in
[SWS_Rte_70133] the optional name part [Partition] exists for the related Rte_-
Rips_Write Services.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
[SWS_Rte_70058] dThe optional OUT parameter transformerError of the Rte_-
Rips_Write service shall be generated according to [SWS_Rte_08574].c(SRS_Rte_-
00306, SRS_Rte_00300)
The return value is used to indicate errors detected by the RTE Implementation
Plug-In during execution of the Rte_Rips_Write service call or errors detected by
the communication system.
• [SWS_Rte_70059] dRTE_E_OK – data written successfully.c(SRS_Rte_00306,
SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094)
• [SWS_Rte_70060] dRTE_E_HARD_TRANSFORMER_ERROR – The return value of
one transformer in the transformer chain represented a hard transformer error.c
(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_70061] dRTE_E_SOFT_TRANSFORMER_ERROR – The return value of
at least one transformer in the transformer chain was a soft error and no hard
error occurred in the transformer chain.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300,
SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_70102] dRTE_E_LIMIT – an ‘event’ has been discarded due to a
full queue by one of the ECU local receivers (intra ECU communication only).c
(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00143)
[SWS_Rte_70138]{DRAFT} dIn case of multiple faults during a call of Rte_Rips_-
Write the resulting return value shall be derived according to the following priority
rules (highest priority first):
c(SRS_Rte_00028, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300)
[SWS_Rte_80066] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_Write at the position and instead
of the RTE’s regular write access to the data, if

831 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
[SWS_Rte_80101] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_Write at the position and instead
of the RTE’s regular access to the data transformer, if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• a data transformation is configured according to [SWS_Rte_08794] or
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300)
[SWS_Rte_80150]{DRAFT} dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_Write at the position
and instead of the RTE’s regular read access to the data, if for the related Data Com-
munication Graph the Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In
support is enabled.
In case of explicit communication (queued or last is the best) the the usage is expected
in the context of the Rte_Send or Rte_Write API.
In case of implicit communication the the usage is expected in the context where
the RTE would flush the buffers of the preemption area in the OS tasks where
RunnableEntitys with implict access to related Data Communication Graph are
mapped to.
And yet the Rte_Rips_Write related to the partition where the OS tasks belongs
shall be applied.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300)
[SWS_Rte_80151]{DRAFT} dThe RTE shall call the Rte_Rips_Write Services
created according to [SWS_Rte_70056], [SWS_Rte_70131], and [SWS_Rte_70133]
for the related Data Communication Graph on which Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In and Cross Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In has been enabled in the following order:
• first the Rte_Rips_Write Service created according the Local Software
Cluster Communication Plug-In and then
• the Rte_Rips_Write Service created according the Cross Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301)

832 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Rte_Rips_DRead

[SWS_Rte_91112] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DRead_<SwcBswI>[_<ExE>]_<CGI>
Syntax <return> Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DRead_<SwcBswI>[_<ExE>]_<CGI> (
[Std_TransformerError transformerError]

Service ID [hex] 0xFF

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) transformerError The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occurred during execution of the transformer chain.
Return value <return> Return value provides access to the data value of the Variable
For details of the <return> value definition see section
Description Rte_Rips_DRead Performs an "explicit" read on a sender-receiver communication data
element typed by a primitive data type.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

Please note that [SWS_Rte_91112] will be replaced by [SWS_Rte_91122] to support
Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins.
[SWS_Rte_91122]{DRAFT} d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DRead_<SwcBswI>[Partition][_<ExE>]_<CGI>(draft)
Syntax <return> Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DRead_<SwcBswI>[Partition][_<ExE>]_<
CGI> (
[Std_TransformerError transformerError]

Service ID [hex] 0xFF

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) transformerError The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occurred during execution of the transformer chain.
Return value <return> Return value provides access to the data value of the Variable
For details of the <return> value definition see section
Description Rte_Rips_DRead Performs an "explicit" read on a sender-receiver communication data
element typed by a primitive data type.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_-


833 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08910] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-

tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_DRead Service for each Variable-
DataPrototype instance in an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype for which an
VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataReceivePointByValue
exists and for each VariableAccess in role readLocalVariable to an explic-
itInterRunnableVariable if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• the related VariableDataPrototype resolves to Primitive Implementa-
tion Data Type
– for the associated Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to
– a data transformation is configured according [SWS_Rte_08794] or
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
Please note: The service is provided only if the related VariableDataPro-
totype resolves to Primitive Implementation Data Type. Otherwise,
[SWS_Rte_70050] applies. In case of protection of explicitInterRunnableVari-
ables the name part [_<ExE>] exists.
[SWS_Rte_70139]{DRAFT} dThe associated Cross Software Cluster
Communication Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_DRead Service once for
each partition which has a software component mapped to it with a VariableDat-
aPrototype instance in an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype where
• a VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataReceivePoint-
ByValue exists,
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Cross Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled,
• the related VariableDataPrototype resolves to a Primitive Implemen-
tation Data Type.
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)

834 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_70140]{DRAFT} dIn case of the existence condition described in

[SWS_Rte_70139] the optional name part [Partition] exists for the related Rte_-
Rips_DRead Services.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303) ExclusiveArea protection Rte_Rips_Enter

[SWS_Rte_89008] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Enter_<SwcBswI>[_<Event>/_<ExE>]_<ExclusiveArea>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Enter_<SwcBswI>[_<Event>/_<ExE>]_<
ExclusiveArea> (

Service ID [hex] 0xE8

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_Enter starts the protection of an ExclusiveArea.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h or Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

Please note that the Rte_Rips_Enter Service is only applicable for a Local Soft-
ware Cluster Communication Plug-Ins.
[SWS_Rte_70027] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_Enter Service for all following cases:
• for each RTEEvent with a startOnEvent to RunnableEntity with a
runsInsideExclusiveArea association with the name parts <SwcBswI>,
<Event>, and <ExclusiveArea>
• for each BswEvent with a startsOnEvent to BswModuleEntity with a
runsInsideExclusiveArea association with the name parts <SwcBswI>,
<Event>, and <ExclusiveArea>
• for each ExecutableEntity with a canEnterExclusiveArea associ-
ation if the ExclusiveArea’s SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy/ BswExclu-
siveAreaPolicy.apiPrinciple is set to perExecutable with the name
parts <SwcBswI>, <ExE>, and <ExclusiveArea>

835 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• for each ExclusiveArea referenced by a canEnterExclusiveArea as-

sociation if the ExclusiveArea’s SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy/BswExclu-
siveAreaPolicy.apiPrinciple is set to common with the name parts
<SwcBswI> and <ExclusiveArea>
if the Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In support is enabled
for the related ExclusiveArea.c(SRS_Rte_00302, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_80020] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_Enter at the position and in-
stead of the RTE’s regular ExclusiveArea implementation mechanism, if the Local
Software Cluster Communication Plug-In support is enabled for the related
ExclusiveArea.c(SRS_Rte_00302, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00304)
For more details see section 7.3.5. Rte_Rips_Exit

[SWS_Rte_89009] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Exit_<SwcBswI>[_<Event>/_<ExE>]_<ExclusiveArea>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Exit_<SwcBswI>[_<Event>/_<ExE>]_<
ExclusiveArea> (

Service ID [hex] 0xE9

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_Exit stops the protection of an ExclusiveArea.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h or Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

Please note that the Rte_Rips_Exit Service is only applicable for a Local Soft-
ware Cluster Communication Plug-Ins.
[SWS_Rte_70028] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_Exit Service for all following cases:
• for each RTEEvent with a startOnEvent to RunnableEntity with a
runsInsideExclusiveArea association with the name parts <SwcBswI>,
<Event>, and <ExclusiveArea>

836 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• for each BswEvent with a startsOnEvent to BswModuleEntity with a

runsInsideExclusiveArea association with the name parts <SwcBswI>,
<Event>, and <ExclusiveArea>
• for each ExecutableEntity with a canEnterExclusiveArea associ-
ation if the ExclusiveArea’s SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy/ BswExclu-
siveAreaPolicy.apiPrinciple is set to perExecutable with the name
parts <SwcBswI>, <ExE>, and <ExclusiveArea>
• for each ExclusiveArea referenced by a canEnterExclusiveArea as-
sociation if the ExclusiveArea’s SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy/BswExclu-
siveAreaPolicy.apiPrinciple is set to common with the name parts
<SwcBswI> and <ExclusiveArea>
c(SRS_Rte_00302, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00304)
[SWS_Rte_80021] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_Exit at the position and instead of
the RTE’s regular ExclusiveArea implementation mechanism, if the Local Soft-
ware Cluster Communication Plug-In support is enabled for the related Ex-
clusiveArea.c(SRS_Rte_00302, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00304)
For more details see section 7.3.5. Mode queue protection functions Rte_Rips_EnterModeQueue

[SWS_Rte_91100] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_EnterModeQueue_<MMI/DSMQ>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_EnterModeQueue_<MMI/DSMQ> (

Service ID [hex] 0xF4

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_EnterModeQueue starts the protection for enqueue, dequeue, and read operations in
a mode machine instance or distributed shared mode queue.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_70096] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_EnterModeQueue Service if the Local
Software Cluster Communication Plug-In support is enabled for the related

837 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

mode machine instance or distributed shared mode queue .c(SRS_Rte_-

[SWS_Rte_80080] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_EnterModeQueue at the position
and instead of the RTE’s regular AUTOSAR get access protection action for the mode
queue, e.g. SuspendOsInterrupts() or GetResource(), if for the related mode
machine instance or distributed shared mode queue the Local Soft-
ware Cluster Communication Plug-In support is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00315) Rte_Rips_ExitModeQueue

[SWS_Rte_91101] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_ExitModeQueue_<MMI/DSMQ>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_ExitModeQueue_<MMI/DSMQ> (

Service ID [hex] 0xF5

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_ExitModeQueue stops the protection for enqueue, dequeue, and read operations in a
mode machine instance or distributed shared mode queue.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_70097] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_ExitModeQueue Service if the Local
Software Cluster Communication Plug-In support is enabled for the related
mode machine instance or distributed shared mode queue .c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_80081] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_ExitModeQueue at the position
and instead of the RTE’s regular AUTOSAR release access protection action, e.g. Re-
sumeOsInterrupts() or ReleaseResource(), if for the related mode machine
instance or distributed shared mode queue the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00315) Cross cluster mode communication functions

838 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_91113]{DRAFT} d
Name Rte_Rips_SwitchNotificationStatusType (draft)
Kind Type
Derived from uint8
Range RTE_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION_ 0x00 mode switch notification cannot
SKIP be dequeued
RTE_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION_ 0x01 mode switch notification is
ENQUEUED_FIRST enqueued into an empty mode
RTE_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION_ 0x02 mode switch notification is
ENQUEUED_NOT_FIRST enqueued into a non empty mode
RTE_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION_ 0x03 enqueue operation into a non
ENQUEUE_FAILED empty mode queue failed
RTE_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION_ 0x04 last mode switch notification was
DEQUEUED_LAST enqueued from mode queue
RTE_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION_ 0x05 mode switch notification was
DEQUEUED_NOT_LAST enqueued from mode queue,
further mode switch notifications
are in the queue
Description Status of the en- and dequeue operation on a mode queue
Available via Rte_Type.h

c(SRS_Rte_00321, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_BSW_00310) Rte_Rips_Switch

[SWS_Rte_91114]{DRAFT} d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Switch_<BswSwcI>_<MMI> (draft)
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Switch_<BswSwcI>_<MMI> (
Rte_Rips_SwitchNotificationStatusType switchNotificationStatus
uint32 previousmode,
uint32 nextmode

Service ID [hex] 0xB0

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) switchNotificationStatus Status of the enqueue operation
previousmode The value of the ModeDeclaration of the mode being left
nextmode The value of the ModeDeclaration of the mode being entered
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None

839 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description Rte_Rips_StartModeSwitch notifies the RTE Implementation Plug-In about an enqueue
operation in a mode queue.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

c(SRS_Rte_00321, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_BSW_00310)

[SWS_Rte_70122] dThe Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In
assigned to the Mode Communication Graph where the mode switch port is pro-
vided for other Software Clusters shall provide the Rte_Rips_Switch Service.c
(SRS_Rte_00321) Rte_Rips_DequeueModeSwitch

[SWS_Rte_91115]{DRAFT} d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DequeueModeSwitch_<MMI>_<OsTask> (draft)
Syntax Rte_Rips_SwitchNotificationStatusType Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>
_DequeueModeSwitch_<MMI>_<OsTask> (

Service ID [hex] 0xB1

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value Rte_Rips_Switch The return value is used indicate the status of the dequeue
NotificationStatusType operation in a mode queue
Description Rte_Rips_DequeueModeSwitch dequeues a mode switch notification from the mode queue
when it is called after the last on-entry ExecutableEntity terminated.
Available via Rte_Buffers.h

c(SRS_Rte_00321, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_BSW_00310)

[SWS_Rte_80141] dThe RTE in an Applicative Software Cluster shall pro-
vide the Rte_Rips_DequeueModeSwitch function for each mode switch task
if the Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In support for a Mode
Communication Graph is enabled where the mode is provided to other Software
Clusters.c(SRS_Rte_00321) Distributed Shared Mode Queue schedule synchronization functions

840 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_91102] d
Name Rte_DsmqStatusType
Kind Type
Derived from uint8
Range RTE_DSMQ_ENQUEUED_ 0x01 mode switch notification is
FIRST enqueued into an empty
distributed shared mode queue
RTE_DSMQ_ENQUEUED_NOT_ 0x02 mode switch notification is
FIRST enqueued into a non empty
distributed shared mode queue
RTE_DSMQ_ENQUEUE_FAILED 0x03 enqueue operation into a non
empty distributed shared mode
queue failed
RTE_DSMQ_DEQUEUED_LAST 0x04 last mode switch notification was
enqueued from distributed shared
mode queue
RTE_DSMQ_DEQUEUED_NOT_ 0x05 mode switch notification was
LAST enqueued from distributed shared
mode queue, further mode switch
notifications are in the queue
Description Status of the enqueue operation on a distributed shared mode queue
Available via Rte_Type.h

[SWS_Rte_80085] dThe RTE shall define the Rte_DsmqStatusType and the belong-
ing literals in the Rte_Type.h file.c(SRS_Rte_00315) Rte_Rips_DsmqSwitch

[SWS_Rte_91103] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DsmqSwitch_<BswSwcI>_<MMI>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DsmqSwitch_<BswSwcI>_<MMI> (
Rte_DsmqStatusType dsmqstatus,
uint32 previousmode,
uint32 nextmode

Service ID [hex] 0xF6

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) dsmqstatus Status of the enqueue operation
previousmode The value of the ModeDeclaration of the mode being left
nextmode The value of the ModeDeclaration of the mode being entered
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None

841 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_DsmqSwitch notifies the RTE Implementation Plug-In about an enqueue operation in
a distributed shared mode queue.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_70103] dThe Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In
assigned to the distributed shared mode queue shall provide the Rte_Rips_-
DsmqSwitch Service for each mode machine instance belonging to this dis-
tributed shared mode queue.c(SRS_Rte_00315) Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionStart

[SWS_Rte_91104] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DsmqTransitionStart_<BswSwcI>_<MMI>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DsmqTransitionStart_<BswSwcI>_<MMI> (
uint32 previousmode,
uint32 nextmode

Service ID [hex] 0xF7

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) previousmode The value of the ModeDeclaration of the mode being left
nextmode The value of the ModeDeclaration of the mode being entered
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionStart notifies the RTE Implementation Plug-In about the start of a
specific mode transition in a DSMQ transition OsTask
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_70104] dThe Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In
assigned to the distributed shared mode queue shall provide the Rte_Rips_-
DsmqTransitionStart Service for each mode machine instance belonging to
this distributed shared mode queue.c(SRS_Rte_00315) Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionSync

[SWS_Rte_91105] d

842 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DsmqTransitionSync_<DsmqOsTask>

Syntax boolean Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DsmqTransitionSync_<DsmqOsTask> (

Service ID [hex] 0xF8

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value boolean The return value is used to release the dequeue operation on the
distributed shared mode queue
Description DsmqTransitionSync synchronizes (when necessary) the end of mode transition in the DSMQ
transition OsTask and releases the dequeue operation on the distributed shared mode queue
for the last DSMQ transition OsTask which quits this synchronization point.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_70105] dThe Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In
assigned to the distributed shared mode queue shall provide the Rte_Rips_-
DsmqTransitionSync Service for each DSMQ transition OsTask belonging to this
distributed shared mode queue.c(SRS_Rte_00315) Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionEnd

[SWS_Rte_91106] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DsmqTransitionEnd_<BswSwcI>_<MMI>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DsmqTransitionEnd_<BswSwcI>_<MMI> (
Rte_DsmqStatusType dsmqstatus,
uint32 previousmode,
uint32 nextmode

Service ID [hex] 0xF9

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) dsmqstatus Status of the enqueue operation
previousmode The value of the ModeDeclaration of the mode being left
nextmode The value of the ModeDeclaration of the mode being entered
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionEnd notifies the RTE Implementation Plug-In about the end of a
specific mode transition in a DSMQ transition OsTask

843 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_70106] dThe Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In
assigned to the distributed shared mode queue shall provide the Rte_Rips_-
DsmqTransitionEnd Service for each mode machine instance belonging to this
distributed shared mode queue.c(SRS_Rte_00315) Server Function Invocations Rte_Rips_Invoke

[SWS_Rte_89012]{OBSOLETE} d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Invoke_<SwcBswI>_<CGI> (obsolete)
Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Invoke_<SwcBswI>_<CGI> (
[IN|IN/OUT|OUT] <data_1>,
[IN|IN/OUT|OUT] ...,
[IN|IN/OUT|OUT] <data_n>,
[Std_TransformerError transformerError]

Service ID [hex] 0xEC

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) <data_1> The Rte_Rips_Invoke API includes zero or more IN, IN/OUT and
OUT parameters according SWS_Rte_01102 and none in case of
Parameters (inout) ... The Rte_Rips_Invoke API includes zero or more IN, IN/OUT and
OUT parameters according SWS_Rte_01102 and none in case of
Parameters (out) <data_n> The Rte_Rips_Invoke API includes zero or more IN, IN/OUT and
OUT parameters according SWS_Rte_01102 and none in case of
transformerError The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occurred during execution of the transformer chain.
Return value Std_ReturnType The return value is used to indicate communication errors.
Description Rte_Rips_Invoke Performs a transformer invocation for clients or trigger sources.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

Please note that [SWS_Rte_89012] is set to obsolete and will be replaced
by [SWS_Rte_89022] to support Cross Software Cluster Communication
[SWS_Rte_89022]{DRAFT} d

844 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Invoke_<SwcBswI>_<CGI>(draft)

Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Invoke_<SwcBswI>_<CGI> (
[IN|IN/OUT|OUT] <data_1>,
[IN|IN/OUT|OUT] ...,
[IN|IN/OUT|OUT] <data_n>,
[Std_TransformerError transformerError]

Service ID [hex] 0xEC

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) <data_1> The Rte_Rips_Invoke API includes zero or more IN, IN/OUT and
OUT parameters according SWS_Rte_01102 and none in case of
Parameters (inout) ... The Rte_Rips_Invoke API includes zero or more IN, IN/OUT and
OUT parameters according SWS_Rte_01102 and none in case of
Parameters (out) <data_n> The Rte_Rips_Invoke API includes zero or more IN, IN/OUT and
OUT parameters according SWS_Rte_01102 and none in case of
transformerError The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occurred during execution of the transformer chain.
Return value Std_ReturnType The return value is used to indicate communication errors.
Description Rte_Rips_Invoke performs a transformer or cross cluster invocation for clients or trigger
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

c(SRS_Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00317, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_BSW_00310)

[SWS_Rte_70062] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall pro-
vide the Rte_Rips_Invoke Service for each ClientServerOperation instance in
an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype of a Atomic Software Component if
• for the related ClientServerOperation a ServerCallPoint exists AND
• for the related Client Server Communication Graph the RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-In support is enabled
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00304, SRS_Rte_00312)
[SWS_Rte_70063] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall pro-
vide the Rte_Rips_Invoke Service for each trigger instance in an Abstract-
ProvidedPortPrototype of a Atomic Software Component if
• for the related Trigger Communication Graph the Software Cluster
Local Communication support is enabled
• a transformation is configured according to [SWS_Rte_08794] or
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00304, SRS_Rte_00312)

845 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_70064] dThe optional OUT parameter transformerError of the Rte_-

Rips_Invoke service shall be generated according to [SWS_Rte_08566].c(SRS_-
Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00312)
The return value is used to indicate errors detected by the RTE Implementation
Plug-In during execution of the Rte_Rips_Invoke service call or errors detected
by the communication system.
• [SWS_Rte_70065] dRTE_E_OK – The API call completed successfully and the
invoked server did not return an error.c(SRS_Rte_00094)
• [SWS_Rte_70066] dRTE_E_TRANSFORMER_LIMIT – The RTE Implementa-
tion Plug-In is not able to allocate the buffer needed to transform the data.c
(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_70067] dRTE_E_HARD_TRANSFORMER_ERROR – The return value of
one transformer in the transformer chain represented a hard transformer error.c
(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_70068] dRTE_E_SOFT_TRANSFORMER_ERROR – The return value of
at least one transformer in the transformer chain was a soft error and no hard
error occurred in the transformer chain.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_70069] dRTE_E_COM_STOPPED – the RTE Implementation
Plug-In could not perform the operation because the communication service
is currently not available.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_70118] dRTE_E_COM_BUSY – the RTE Implementation
Plug-In could not perform the operation because the transmission is re-
jected due to a currently ongoing transmission. The transmission is not
executed.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_72004]{DRAFT} dRTE_E_TIMEOUT – The server’s result is not avail-
able within the specified timeout but no other error occurred within the API call.
The buffers for the IN/OUT and OUT parameters shall not be modified.c(SRS_-
Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_72005]{DRAFT} dApplication Errors – The error code of the server
shall only be returned, if none of the above infrastructure errors or indications
have occurred.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
[SWS_Rte_80071] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_Invoke at the position and instead
of the RTE’s regular transformer invocation, if for the related Client Server Com-
munication Graph or Trigger Communication Graph the RTE Implementa-
tion Plug-In support is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00304, SRS_Rte_-

846 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Rte_Rips_ReturnResult

[SWS_Rte_89013]{OBSOLETE} d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_ReturnResult_<SwcBswI>_<CGI> (obsolete)
Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_ReturnResult_<SwcBswI>_<CGI> (
[IN/OUT|OUT] <param_1>,
[IN/OUT|OUT] <param_n>,
[Std_TransformerError transformerError]

Service ID [hex] 0xED

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) <param_1> The Rte_Rips_ReturnResult API includes zero or more IN/OUT
and OUT parameters according SWS_Rte_01111.
Parameters (out) <param_n> The Rte_Rips_ReturnResult API includes zero or more IN/OUT
and OUT parameters according SWS_Rte_01111.
transformerError The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occurred during execution of the transformer chain.
Return value Std_ReturnType The return value is used to indicate communication errors
Description Rte_Rips_ReturnResult Performs a transformer invocation for clients to get the server results.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

Please note that [SWS_Rte_89013] is set to obsolete and will be replaced
by [SWS_Rte_89023] to support Cross Software Cluster Communication
[SWS_Rte_89023]{DRAFT} d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_ReturnResult_<SwcBswI>_<CGI>(draft)
Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_ReturnResult_<SwcBswI>_<CGI> (
[IN/OUT|OUT] <param_1>,
[IN/OUT|OUT] <param_n>,
[Std_TransformerError transformerError]

Service ID [hex] 0xED

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) <param_1> The Rte_Rips_ReturnResult API includes zero or more IN/OUT
and OUT parameters according SWS_Rte_01111.
Parameters (out) <param_n> The Rte_Rips_ReturnResult API includes zero or more IN/OUT
and OUT parameters according SWS_Rte_01111.
transformerError The OUT parameter transformerError contains the transformer
error which occurred during execution of the transformer chain.

847 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Return value Std_ReturnType The return value is used to indicate communication errors
Description Rte_Rips_ReturnResult get the server results of a performed a transformer or cross cluster
invocation for clients.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

c(SRS_Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_BSW_00310)

[SWS_Rte_70070] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall pro-
vide the Rte_Rips_ReturnResult Service for each ClientServerOperation in-
stance in an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype of a Atomic Software Com-
ponent if
• for the related ClientServerOperation an AsynchronousServerCallRe-
sultPoint exists AND
• for the related Client Server Communication Graph the RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-In support is enabled
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00304, SRS_Rte_00312)
[SWS_Rte_70071] dThe optional OUT parameter transformerError of the Rte_-
Rips_ReturnResult service shall be generated according to [SWS_Rte_08567].c
(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00304, SRS_Rte_00312)
The return value is used to indicate errors detected by the RTE Implementation
Plug-In during execution of the Rte_Rips_ReturnResult service call or errors
detected by the communication system:
• [SWS_Rte_70072] dRTE_E_OK – The API call completed successfully and the
invoked server did not return an error.c(SRS_Rte_00094)
• [SWS_Rte_70073] dRTE_E_TRANSFORMER_LIMIT – The RTE Implementa-
tion Plug-In is not able to allocate the buffer needed to transform the data.c
(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_70074] dRTE_E_HARD_TRANSFORMER_ERROR – The return value of
one transformer in the transformer chain represented a hard transformer error.c
(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_70075] dRTE_E_SOFT_TRANSFORMER_ERROR – The return value of
at least one transformer in the transformer chain was a soft error and no hard
error occurred in the transformer chain.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_70076] dRTE_E_COM_STOPPED – the RTE Implementation
Plug-In could not perform the operation because the communication service
is currently not available.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_70119] dRTE_E_COM_BUSY – the RTE Implementation
Plug-In could not perform the operation because the query for the result
is rejected due to a currently ongoing reception. No result data can be provided.c
(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)

848 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• [SWS_Rte_72006]{DRAFT} dRTE_E_NO_DATA – (non-blocking read) The

server’s result is not available but no other error occurred within the API call or the
server was not called since Rte_Start or the restart of the Partition. The buffers
for the IN/OUT and OUT parameters shall not be modified.c(SRS_Rte_00094,
• [SWS_Rte_72007]{DRAFT} dRTE_E_TIMEOUT – The server’s result is not avail-
able within the specified timeout but no other error occurred within the API call.
The buffers for the IN/OUT and OUT parameters shall not be modified.c(SRS_-
Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_72008]{DRAFT} dApplication Errors – The error code of the server
shall only be returned, if none of the above infrastructure errors or indications
have occurred.c(SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
[SWS_Rte_80072] dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_ReturnResult at the position
and instead of the RTE’s regular transformer invocation for transformation of the server
results, if for the related Client Server Communication Graph the RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In support is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00304,
SRS_Rte_00312) Rte_Rips_InvocationHandler

[SWS_Rte_89015] d
Service Name <name of the Invocation Handler>
Syntax void <name of the Invocation Handler> (

Service ID [hex] 0xEE

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Conditional Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Performs invocation of server runnables, hard error runnables, ASCR runnables and triggered
runnables via a transformer".
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_70077] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall pro-
vide the Rte_Rips_InvocationHandler Service for each configured RteRipsIn-
vocationHandlerFnc.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00304, SRS_Rte_00312)
Further details about the RTE usage of Rte_Rips_InvocationHandler are de-
scribed in

849 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Signal notifications for transformer Rte_Rips_NotifyRxAck

[SWS_Rte_91107] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_NotifyRxAck_<CGI>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_NotifyRxAck_<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xFA

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_NotifyRxAck notifies the RTE Implementation Plug-In that the signal used for the
Data Communication Graph requiring transformation is ready for reception
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_70110] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall pro-
vide the Rte_Rips_NotifyRxAck Service for each
• dataElement instance in an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype of an
Atomic Software Component
• operation instance in a PortPrototype of an Atomic Software Compo-
• trigger instance in an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype of an Atomic
Software Component
• for the related Communication Graph the RTE Implementation Plug-In
support is enabled
• a transformation is configured according [SWS_Rte_08794].
c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00317)
[SWS_Rte_80106] dThe RTE Generator shall call all Rte_Rips_NotifyRxAck Ser-
vices from the Rte_COMCbk_<sn> or Rte_COMCbk_<sg> callback respectively for
Communication Graphs where
• Rx signals are configured

850 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• for the related Communication Graph the RTE Implementation Plug-In

support is enabled
• a transformation is configured according to [SWS_Rte_08794].
c(SRS_Rte_00312) Rte_Rips_NotifyRxTOut

[SWS_Rte_91108] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_NotifyRxTOut_<CGI>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_NotifyRxTOut_<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xFB

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_NotifyRxTOut notifies the RTE Implementation Plug-In that for the signal used for the
Data Communication Graph requiring transformation the aliveTimeout has expired.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_70111] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall pro-
vide the Rte_Rips_NotifyRxTOut Service for each
• dataElement instance in an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype of an
Atomic Software Component
• operation instance in a PortPrototype of an Atomic Software Compo-
• trigger instance in an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype of an Atomic
Software Component
• for the related Communication Graph the RTE Implementation Plug-In
support is enabled
• a transformation is configured according to [SWS_Rte_08794].

851 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00317)

[SWS_Rte_80107] dThe RTE Generator shall call all Rte_Rips_NotifyRxTOut Ser-
vices from the Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sn> or Rte_COMCbkRxTOut_<sg> callback
respectively for Communication Graphs where
• Rx signals are configured
• for the related Communication Graph the RTE Implementation Plug-In
support is enabled
• a transformation is configured according to [SWS_Rte_08794].
c(SRS_Rte_00312) Rte_Rips_NotifyTxAck

[SWS_Rte_91109] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_NotifyTxAck_<CGI>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_NotifyTxAck_<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xFC

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_NotifyTxAck notifies the Rte Implementation Plug-In that the signal used for the Data
Communication Graph requiring transformation is already handed to the PDU router.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_70112] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall pro-
vide the Rte_Rips_NotifyTxAck Service for each
• dataElement instance in an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype of an
Atomic Software Component
• operation instance in a PortPrototype of an Atomic Software Compo-
• trigger instance in an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype of an Atomic
Software Component

852 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• for the related Communication Graph the RTE Implementation Plug-In
support is enabled
• a transformation is configured according to [SWS_Rte_08794].
c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00317)
[SWS_Rte_80108] dThe RTE Generator shall call all Rte_Rips_NotifyTxAck Ser-
vices from the Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sn> or Rte_COMCbkTAck_<sg> callback respec-
tively for Communication Graphs where
• Tx signals are configured
• for the related Communication Graph the RTE Implementation Plug-In
support is enabled
• a transformation is configured according to [SWS_Rte_08794].
c(SRS_Rte_00312) Rte_Rips_NotifyTxErr

[SWS_Rte_91110] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_NotifyTxErr_<CGI>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_NotifyTxErr_<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xFD

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_NotifyTxErr notifies the RTE Implementation Plug-In that for the signal used for the
Data Communication Graph requiring transformation an error occurred when the signal was
handed over to the PDU router.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_70113] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall pro-
vide the Rte_Rips_NotifyTxErr Service for each

853 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• dataElement instance in an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype of an

Atomic Software Component
• operation instance in a PortPrototype of an Atomic Software Compo-
• trigger instance in an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype of an Atomic
Software Component
• for the related Communication Graph the RTE Implementation Plug-In
support is enabled
• a transformation is configured according to [SWS_Rte_08794].
c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00317)
[SWS_Rte_80109] dThe RTE Generator shall call all Rte_Rips_NotifyTxErr Ser-
vices from the Rte_COMCbkTErr_<sn> or Rte_COMCbkTErr_<sg> callback respec-
tively for Communication Graphs where
• Tx signals are configured
• for the related Communication Graph the RTE Implementation Plug-In
support is enabled
• a transformation is configured according to [SWS_Rte_08794].
c(SRS_Rte_00312) Rte_Rips_NotifyTxTOut

[SWS_Rte_91111] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_NotifyTxTOut_<CGI>
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_NotifyTxTOut_<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xFE

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant

854 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_NotifyTxTOut notifies the RTE Implementation Plug-In that for signal used for the
Data Communication Graph requiring transformation the timeout of Transmission
AcknowledgementRequest for sending the signal has expired.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_70114] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall pro-
vide the Rte_Rips_NotifyTxTOut Service for each
• dataElement instance in an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype of an
Atomic Software Component
• operation instance in a PortPrototype of an Atomic Software Compo-
• trigger instance in an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype of an Atomic
Software Component
• for the related Communication Graph the RTE Implementation Plug-In
support is enabled
• a transformation is configured according to [SWS_Rte_08794].
c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00317)
[SWS_Rte_80110] dThe RTE Generator shall call all Rte_Rips_NotifyTxTOut Ser-
vices from the Rte_COMCbkTOut_<sn> or Rte_COMCbkTOut_<sg> callback respec-
tively for Communication Graphs where
• Tx signals are configured
• for the related Communication Graph the RTE Implementation Plug-In
support is enabled
• a transformation is configured according to [SWS_Rte_08794].

855 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Cross cluster trigger communication functions Rte_Rips_Trigger

[SWS_Rte_91117]{DRAFT} d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Trigger_<BswSwcI>_<MMI> (draft)
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Trigger_<BswSwcI>_<MMI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xB2

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_Trigger notifies the RTE Implementation Plug-In about a raised trigger.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

c(SRS_Rte_00317, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_BSW_00310)

[SWS_Rte_70124]{DRAFT} dThe Cross Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In assigned to the Trigger Communication Graph where the trigger port
is provided for other Software Clusters shall provide the Rte_Rips_Trigger
Service.c(SRS_Rte_00162, SRS_00235) Data and Event Notifications Rte_Rips_Feedback

[SWS_Rte_91121]{DRAFT} d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Feedback_[<SwcBswI>][Partition]_<CGI> (draft)
Syntax Std_ReturnType Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Feedback_[<SwcBswI>][Partition]
_<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xB6

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None

856 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value Std_ReturnType The return value is used to pass error notifications.
Description The Rte_Rips_Feedback API provides access to acknowledgment notifications for explicit and
implicit sender-receiver communication and to pass error notification to senders in a Software
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

c(SRS_Rte_00319, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_BSW_00310)

[SWS_Rte_72009]{DRAFT} dThe associated Cross Software Cluster
Communication Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_Feedback Service for each
VariableDataPrototype instance in an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype
for which a VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataSendPoint
exists, if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Cross Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• acknowledgement is enabled for a provided VariableDataPrototype by the
existence of a TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest in the SenderCom-
In this case the name part [<SwcBswI>] exists.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300,
[SWS_Rte_72010]{DRAFT} dThe associated Cross Software Cluster
Communication Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_Feedback Service once
for each partition which has a software component map to it where the software
component has VariableDataPrototype instance in an AbstractProvided-
PortPrototype for which a VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role
dataWriteAccess exists, if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Cross Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• acknowledgement is enabled for a provided VariableDataPrototype by the
existence of a TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest in the SenderCom-
In this case the name part [Partition] exists.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300,
[SWS_Rte_82013]{DRAFT} dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_Feedback at the posi-
tion and instead of the RTE’s regular acknowledgement notification API for explicit

857 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

sender receiver communication, if for the related Data Communication Graph

the Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In support is enabledc
(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
[SWS_Rte_82014]{DRAFT} dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_Feedback to determine
the acknowledgement notification status for implicit sender receiver communication
at the position where the according data is written o global copy, if for the related
Data Communication Graph the Cross Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In support is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
The return value is used to indicate errors detected by the RTE Implementation
Plug-In during execution of the Rte_Rips_Feedback service call or errors detected
by the communication system.
• [SWS_Rte_72011] dRTE_E_NO_DATA – No acknowledgments or error notifica-
tions were received from COM when the Rte_Rips_Feedback servive was
called (non-blocking call).
This error code is only applicable in case of transformer handling by the
Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00306,
SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00122)
• RTE_E_COM_STOPPED – returned in one of these cases:
– [SWS_Rte_72012] dRTE_E_COM_STOPPED is returned in case the last
transmission was rejected (when the Rte_Rips_Write service was called).
This error code is only applicable in case of transformer handling
by the Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In.c(SRS_-
Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00122)
– [SWS_Rte_72013] dRTE_E_COM_STOPPED is returned in case an error no-
tification from COM was received before any timeout notification.
This error code is only applicable in case of transformer handling
by the Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In.c(SRS_-
Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00122)
• [SWS_Rte_72014] dRTE_E_TIMEOUT – A timeout notification was received from
COM, IOC or Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In before
any error notification.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094,
• [SWS_Rte_72015] dRTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK – In case of inter ECU commu-
nication via transformer, a transmission acknowledgment was received from
COM; or in case of Cross Cluster Communication, even if a queue over-
flow occurred.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_-
• [SWS_Rte_72016] dRTE_E_UNCONNECTED is returned in case that the sender
port is not connected to another Software Cluster.

858 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

This error code is only applicable in case of Cross Cluster Communica-

tion.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00122,
• [SWS_Rte_72017] dRTE_E_HARD_TRANSFORMER_ERROR – The return value of
one transformer in the transformer chain represented a hard transformer error.
This error code is only applicable in case of transformer handling by the
Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00306,
SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
• [SWS_Rte_72018] dRTE_E_SOFT_TRANSFORMER_ERROR – The return value of
at least one transformer in the transformer chain was a soft error and no hard
error occurred in the transformer chain.
This error code is only applicable in case of transformer handling by the
Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00306,
SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00091)
values are not considered to be an error but rather indicates correct operation of the
API call.
[SWS_Rte_72019] dThe initial return value of the Rte_Rips_Feedback service,
before any attempt to write some data shall be RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK.c(SRS_-
Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00122, SRS_Rte_00128,
[SWS_Rte_72020] dIn case of multiple faults during a call of Rte_Rips_Feedback
the resulting return value shall be derived according to the following priority rules (high-
est priority first):
(7) RTE_E_TRANSMIT_ACK.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00122) Rte_Rips_DataIsUpdated

[SWS_Rte_91119]{DRAFT} d

859 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DataIsUpdated_<SwcBswI>_<CGI> (draft)

Syntax boolean Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DataIsUpdated_<SwcBswI>_<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xB4

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value boolean The return value is used to indicate if the data has been updated
or not.
Description The Rte_Rips_DataIsUpdated API provides access to the update flag for an explicit receiver
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_BSW_00310)

[SWS_Rte_72021]{DRAFT} dThe associated Cross Software Cluster
Communication Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_DataIsUpdated Service
for each VariableDataPrototype in an AbstractRequiredPortPrototype for
which a VariableAccess of a RunnableEntity in the role dataReceivePoint-
ByValue or dataReceivePointByValue exists, if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Cross Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• the enableUpdate attribute is enabled in the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec
of the VariableDataPrototype.
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303, SRS_Rte_00179)
[SWS_Rte_82015]{DRAFT} dThe RTE shall call Rte_Rips_DataIsUpdated at the
position and instead of the RTE’s regular API to access the update flag for an ex-
plicit receiver, if for the related Data Communication Graph the Cross Software
Cluster Communication Plug-In support is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_-
Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303)
The return value of the Rte_Rips_DataIsUpdated is used to indicate status of data
detected by the RTE Implementation Plug-In during by the communication sys-
• [SWS_Rte_72002]{DRAFT} dTRUE – Data element updated since last call
of corresponding Rte_Rips_Read or Rte_Rips_DRead.c(SRS_Rte_00306,
SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00179)

860 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• [SWS_Rte_72003]{DRAFT} dFALSE – Data element not updated since last call

of corresponding Rte_Rips_Read or Rte_Rips_DRead.c(SRS_Rte_00306,
SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00179) Rte_Rips_DataIsUpdated_EventActivation

[SWS_Rte_91000]{DRAFT} d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DataIsUpdatedEventActivation_<SwcBswI>_<DR>_<CGI> (draft)
Syntax boolean Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_DataIsUpdatedEventActivation_<SwcBswI>
_<DR>_<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0xB5

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value boolean The return value is used to indicate if the Runnable shall be
activated or not.
Description The Rte_Rips_DataIsUpdated_EventActivation API indicates the RTE to activate the Runnable
Entity triggered by DataReceivedEvent when the related VariableDataPrototype has been
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_BSW_00310)

[SWS_Rte_72022]{DRAFT} dThe associated Cross Software Cluster
Communication Plug-In to a Data Communication Graph shall provide the
Rte_Rips_DataIsUpdated_EventActivation Service for each RunnableEn-
tity accessing a VariableDataPrototype in the role dataReadAccess, or
dataReceivePointByValue, or dataReceivePointByArgument, if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the Cross Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled
• the RunnableEntity accessing a VariableDataPrototype is triggered by
a DataReceivedEvent.
c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00303, SRS_Rte_00179)
[SWS_Rte_82016]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator shall invoke Rte_Rips_-
DataIsUpdated_EventActivation Service and evaluate its return value (See
[SWS_Rte_72000], [SWS_Rte_72001]) to determine whether or not it shall fire
the related DataReceivedEvent if for the related Data Communication Graph

861 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

the Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In support is enabled.c

Please note as well the specific mapping of DataReceivedEvents in
The return value of the Rte_Rips_DataIsUpdated_EventActivation is used to
indicate status of data detected by the RTE Implementation Plug-In during by
the communication system.
• [SWS_Rte_72000]{DRAFT} dTRUE – Data element updated since last call of
corresponding Rte_Rips_DataIsUpdated_EventActivation.c(SRS_Rte_-
00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00179)
• [SWS_Rte_72001]{DRAFT} dFALSE – Data element not updated since last call
of corresponding Rte_Rips_DataIsUpdated_EventActivation.c(SRS_-
Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00094, SRS_Rte_00179) External Parameter Access Rte_Rips_Prm

[SWS_Rte_91116]{DRAFT} d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Prm_<CGI> (draft)
Syntax <return> Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Prm_<CGI> (

Service ID [hex] 0x100

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value <return> For primitive data types, the Rte_Rips_Prm API returns the
parameter value. For composite data types, the Rte_Rips_Prm
API returns a reference (in C, a pointer) to the constant
Description The Rte_Rips_Prm API provides access to a parameter provided by another Software Cluster
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_<SwcBswI>.h

[SWS_Rte_70141]{DRAFT} dThe associated Cross Software Cluster
Communication Plug-In shall provide the Rte_Rips_Prm Service for each
parameter instance in an RPortPrototype at the at the CompositionSwCom-
ponentType of the rootSoftwareComposition of the Ecu Extract if for the

862 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

related Parameter Communication Graph the Cross Software Cluster

Communication Plug-In support is enabled.
c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00319)
[SWS_Rte_80126]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator shall call all Rte_Rips_Prm Ser-
vices at the position and instead of the RTE’s regular access to the parameter for
the related Parameter Communication Graph if the Cross Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00312) RTE Implementation Plug-In Lifecycle API

RTE Implementation Plug-Ins might need initialization in the same way the RTE
might need it. Consequently, there will be init/deinit and start/stop APIs, which the RTE
has to call. As the RTE’s lifecycle APIs will be called on every core, also the RTE
Implementation Plug-In’s lifecycle APIs will do so.
[SWS_Rte_70047] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall always provide
the Lifecycle APIs Rte_Rips_SchM_Init, Rte_Rips_Rte_Start, Rte_Rips_-
Rte_Stop, and Rte_Rips_SchM_Deinit.c(SRS_BSW_00101, SRS_BSW_00336,
SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00304)
[SWS_Rte_80055] dThe RTE shall call the Lifecycle APIs of all participating RTE Im-
plementation Plug-Ins in the order given by index of the RteRipsPluginCon-
figurationRefs.c(SRS_BSW_00101, SRS_BSW_00336, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_-
Rte_00304) Rte_Rips_SchM_Init

[SWS_Rte_89016] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_SchM_Init
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_SchM_Init (

Service ID [hex] 0xF0

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_SchM_Init initializes those RTE Implementation Plug-In parts which are relevant for
the SchM related operations.

863 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_80051] dThe RTE shall call the init functions Rte_Rips_SchM_Init
of all participating RTE Implementation Plug-Ins in SchM_Init.c(SRS_BSW_-
00101, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00304) Rte_Rips_Rte_Start

[SWS_Rte_89017] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Rte_Start
Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Rte_Start (

Service ID [hex] 0xF1

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_Rte_Start initializes those RTE Implementation Plug-In parts which are relevant for
the RTE related operation.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_80052] dThe RTE shall call the init functions Rte_Rips_Rte_Start of
all participating RTE Implementation Plug-Ins in Rte_Start, after the variable
initializations have been performed, but before the execution of any RunnableEntity
(e.g. on-entry ExecutableEntitys).c(SRS_BSW_00101, SRS_Rte_00306,
SRS_Rte_00304) Rte_Rips_Rte_Stop

[SWS_Rte_89018] d

864 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Service Name Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Rte_Stop

Syntax void Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>_Rte_Stop (

Service ID [hex] 0xF2

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_Rte_Stop deinitializes those RTE Implementation Plug-In parts which are relevant for
the RTE related operation.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_80053] dThe RTE shall call the stop functions Rte_Rips_Rte_Stop of all
participating RTE Implementation Plug-Ins in Rte_Stop.c(SRS_BSW_00336,
SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00304) Rte_Rips_SchM_Deinit

[SWS_Rte_89019] d
Service Name Rte_Rips_SchM_Deinit
Syntax void Rte_Rips_SchM_Deinit (

Service ID [hex] 0xF3

Sync/Async Synchronous
Reentrancy Non Reentrant
Parameters (in) None
Parameters (inout) None
Parameters (out) None
Return value None
Description Rte_Rips_SchM_Deinit deinitializes those RTE Implementation Plug-In parts which are relevant
for the SchM related operations.
Available via Rte_Rips_<PlugIn>.h

[SWS_Rte_80054] dThe RTE shall call the deinit functions Rte_Rips_SchM_Deinit
of all participating RTE Implementation Plug-Ins in SchM_Deinit.c(SRS_-
BSW_00336, SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00304)

865 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

7.3 RTE Implementation Plug-Ins Functional Specification

7.3.1 Specializations of AtomicSwComponentTypes

The AUTOSAR Metamodel defines several specializations of AtomicSwComponent-

Types in order to indicate the architectural meaning of such an software component in
the AUTOSAR Layered Software Architecture, e.g. an ApplicationSwComponent-
Type or an EcuAbstractionSwComponentType. In the context of RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-Ins all specializations of AtomicSwComponentTypes except for
the NvBlockSwComponentType require identical support with respect to protection of
port based communication and are just called in the following chapter Atomic Soft-
ware Component.

7.3.2 Interaction with VFB Tracing

RTE Implementation Plug-In Service opening and closing some protection

mechanisms is required to always be called as close as possible to the protected code
in order to keep the lock-times low. This especially means that VFB Tracing hooks shall
enclose the related RIPS hooks and not vice versa.
[SWS_Rte_80078] dThe RTE shall call RTE Implementation Plug-In protection
macros closer to the "to be protected" code than the related VFB Tracing hooks.c
Please note that [SWS_Rte_80078] applies in particular for Rte_Rips_StartRead,
Rte_Rips_StopRead, Rte_Rips_StartWrite, and Rte_Rips_StopWrite ser-

Example 7.3
1 uint64 Rte_DRead_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitLargePrimitveData(void)
2 {
3 uint64 rtn;
4 Rte_DReadHook_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitLargePrimitveData_Start
5 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartRead_myComponent_myLargePrimitveData1();
6 rtn = Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myLargePrimitveData1.value;
7 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopRead_myComponent_myLargePrimitveData1();
8 Rte_DReadHook_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitLargePrimitveData_Return
9 return rtn;
10 }

866 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

7.3.3 Validation Strategy for RTE Implementation Plug-Ins Graduated Validation Strategy Validation Implication w.r.t. Exclusive Areas

Implementing ExclusiveAreas with the means of RTE Implementation

Plug-Ins can optimize the ECU software when very selective measures are taken
to protect a particular ExclusiveArea. In addition it is easier to ensure the con-
sistency of the ExclusiveArea implementations with the protections applied in RTE
APIs using RTE Implementation Plug-Ins.
Nevertheless this kind of optimization cannot overcome the general limitations stated
in A.15. Especially since the current capability of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins
does not include blocking APIs. Further on the consistent handling of Exclu-
siveAreas APIs by the software component or Basic Software Module’s implementa-
tion is still required. The following requirements and constraints are still applicable:
• [SWS_Rte_07524]
• [SWS_Rte_07005]
• [SWS_Rte_02741]
• [SWS_Rte_02740]
• [SWS_Rte_02744]
• [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09028]
• [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09029]
• [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09046]
• [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09047] Validation Implication w.r.t. Event To Task Mapping

In general, which kind of direct or trusted function calls an RTE Generator supports is
a property of the RTE Generator. But an important use case of the utilization of RTE
Implementation Plug-Ins is the resource optimized scheduling and implementa-
tion of data consistency mechanisms in complex scenarios. Therefore it is beneficial
if an RTE Generator supports additionally the ExecutableEntity activation via di-
rect or trusted function calls in additional scenarios as the already standardized ones,
see [SWS_Rte_06798], [SWS_Rte_07409], [SWS_Rte_07173], [SWS_Rte_07214],
[SWS_Rte_07224], and [SWS_Rte_07554].
[SWS_Rte_80029] dThe RTE and Basic Software Scheduler should support the acti-
vation of ExecutableEntity via direct and trusted function call for

867 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• DataReceivedEvents
• DataReceiveErrorEvents,
• DataWriteCompletedEvents,
• DataSendCompletedEvents
• OperationInvokedEvents where the client uses SynchronousServer-
CallPoints as well as AsynchronousServerCallPoints
• AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvents where the server’s Opera-
tionInvokedEvent is not mapped to a OsTask.
when the support for RTE Implementation Plug-Ins is globally enabled (
RteRipsSupport = true)c(SRS_Rte_00305)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80013] dRestrictions on direct and trusted function call configu-
rations in the scope of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins If an RTE Generator sup-
ports an activation of ExecutableEntitys via direct or trusted function call listed in
[SWS_Rte_80029] only when the support for RTE Implementation Plug-Ins is
enabled the input configuration needs to fulfill following condition:
• all Communication Graphs, ExclusiveAreas and mode machine in-
stances accessed by the to-be-activated ExecutableEntity are assigned
to RTE Implementation Plug-Inss
• the to-be-activated ExecutableEntity do not in turn activate RTEEvents or
BswEvents which are mapped to OsTasks.
Please note: The activation of OsTasks is still a duty of the RTE.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80011] shall ensure, that the RTE Generator is not forced to
implement OS interacting code in a context which can only occur in an RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-Ins specific configuration.
When utilizing RTE Implementation Plug-Ins the RTE Generator is no longer
able to validate the overall scenario. This means the RTE Generator can only validate,
if the activation of an ExecutableEntity at the configured position in the OsTask or
via direct or trusted function call can be supported by the RTE Generator. But it can not
finally judge whether the utilized RTE Implementation Plug-Ins can support the
requested functionality (e.g. an implicit communication) in the resulting call context(s).
But the specific validation whether the implementation of the data consistency mecha-
nism or ExclusiveAreas implementations is possible is the task of the utilized RTE
Implementation Plug-Ins.
[SWS_Rte_70040] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-Ins tool shall validate
whether the requested functionality can be implemented with the given Event To Task

868 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_80030] dThe RTE Generator shall restrict its applied validation on the
input configuration w.r.t. Event To Task Mapping and the resulting call tree to the
aspects concerning the RTE code generation, when the support for RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-Ins is globally enabled (RteRipsSupport) and all Communi-
cation Graphs, ExclusiveAreas, and mode machine instances accessed
by the to-be-activated ExecutableEntity are assigned to RTE Implementation
For instance:
According [SWS_Rte_07007] the RTE generator would reject configurations where a
RunnableEntity with implicit access gets potentially concurrently invoked. When
configuring such a component the RTE Generator would be required to create an im-
plicit buffering which depends on the current invocation context of the RunnableEn-
tity and this is not foreseen in chapter
Now when applying RTE Implementation Plug-Ins according
[SWS_Rte_80030] the validation scope of the RTE Generator is reduced to the
scope of the RTE, which just ensures, that the triggering of the RunnableEntity
can be implemented by the RTE Generator. If the implicit buffering strategy can
deal with the dynamic side conditions - like a potential concurrent invocation - shall
be checked by the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins handling a specific Data
Communication Graph accessed by this RunnableEntity with implicit access. Validation Implication w.r.t. communication multiplicity

In case a Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In and a Local

Software Cluster Communication Plug-In is assigned to a Data Communi-
cation Graph the Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In may
utilize a Complex Driver to access the Cross Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In. See section
[SWS_Rte_80152]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator shall restrict its applied validation
on the input configuration w.r.t. communication multiplicity to the aspects concerning
the RTE code generation, when the support for RTE Implementation Plug-Ins
is globally enabled (RteRipsSupport) and a Communication Graphs is assigned
to an RTE Implementation Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00305)

7.3.4 Data Communication Enable RTE Implementation Plug-In support for communication graphs

According Document [8] a Data Communication Graph gets assigned to an

RTE Implementation Plug-In with a FlatInstanceDescriptor that points
on one hand to the instance of a VariableDataPrototype and on the

869 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

other hand points via FlatInstanceDescriptor.rtePluginProps.associate-

dRtePlugin or via FlatInstanceDescriptor.rtePluginProps.associated-
CrossSwClusterComRtePlugin to the container RteRipsPluginProps.
[SWS_Rte_80031] dThe RTE Generator shall enable the RTE Implementa-
tion Plug-In support for a Data Communication Graph, if a FlatIn-
stanceDescriptor with rtePluginProps references the Data Communication
Graph .c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_80128]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator shall enable the Local Soft-
ware Cluster Communication Plug-In support for a Data Communication
Graph, if a FlatInstanceDescriptor with rtePluginProps.associate-
dRtePlugin references the Data Communication Graph .c(SRS_Rte_00300,
[SWS_Rte_80129]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator shall enable the Cross Soft-
ware Cluster Communication Plug-In support for a Data Communication
Graph, if a FlatInstanceDescriptor with rtePluginProps.associated-
CrossSwClusterComRtePlugin references the Data Communication Graph .c
(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
In the later document those specific FlatInstanceDescriptors are called RIPS
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80203]{DRAFT} Data Communication Graph is handled
by at most one Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In and one
Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In. dA Data Communica-
tion Graph is handled by at most one Local Software Cluster Communi-
cation Plug-In and at most one Cross Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In. But it’s possible, that both RTE Implementation Plug-Inss are en-
abled together.c(SRS_Rte_00304, SRS_Rte_00318)
Rationale: Incase of an arbitrary number of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins the
interaction between RTE and the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins is unspecified.
[SWS_Rte_70042] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall im-
plement the required implicit communication buffering and data protection for the re-
lated Data Communication Graphs.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_80032] dThe RTE Generator shall treat RIPS FlatInstanceDescrip-
tors as regular AUTOSAR FlatInstanceDescriptors, independent of their
special meaning for RTE Implementation Plug-In support.c(SRS_Rte_00300,
Besides the RTE Implementation Plug-In related special meaning, the RIPS
FlatInstanceDescriptors keep their AUTOSAR meaning. This especially means
that also RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors can lead to entries in the McSupport-
Data as described in section This has the intended side effect that the globally
unique names used for RTE Implementation Plug-In can be kept identical to the
names visible in a MCD tool.

870 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Examples of Data Communication Graphs are given in figures 7.3 and 7.4. Details on RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors for Data Communica-

tion Graphs

Since a Data Communication Graph - in case of port based communication

- is typically composed out of various PortPrototypes, DataPrototypes in
PortInterfaces, and AssemblySwConnectors in theory such a RIPS FlatIn-
stanceDescriptor could point to different locations in the Data Communication
Graph . To harmonize the interface between the RTE Generator and the RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In tools [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80002] regulates the creation
of RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors for Rte Implementation Plug-Ins.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80002] dValid instance reference targets of Rte Implemen-
tation Plug-Ins The RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors for a Data Commu-
nication Graph shall reference the data instances according table 7.1c(SRS_Rte_-
00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
Data Com- Data Com- Conversion Communi- RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors
muni- muni- cation multi-
cation cation plicity
Graph Graph in-
involves volves
Cross SW NvBlock-
Cluster SwCompo-
Com nent
VariableDataPrototype instance in
No No No 1:n the AbstractProvidedPortProto-
VariableDataPrototype instance in
the RPortPrototype at the Com-
Yes No No 1:n positionSwComponentType of the
rootSoftwareComposition of the
Ecu Extract.
VariableDataPrototype instance in
the RPortPrototype
OR VariableDataPrototype in-
Yes/No No No n:1 stance in the PPortPrototype at the
CompositionSwComponentType of
the rootSoftwareComposition of
the Ecu Extract.
n:m where n VariableDataPrototype instance in
No/Yes No No > 1 and m > any of the PRPortPrototypes

871 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

n:m where n VariableDataPrototype instance in
No/Yes Yes No >= 1 and m the AbstractProvidedPortProto-
>= 1 type at the NvBlockSwComponent
VariableDataPrototype instance in
the AbstractProvidedPortProto-
No No Yes 1:n
AND one per different representation of
VariableDataPrototype instance in
the RPortPrototype
VariableDataPrototype instance in
the AbstractProvidedPortProto-
AND one per different representation
of VariableDataPrototype instance
Yes No Yes 1:n in the RPortPrototype AND one
per different representation of Vari-
ableDataPrototype instance in the
PPortPrototype at the Composi-
tionSwComponentType of the root-
SoftwareComposition of the Ecu
VariableDataPrototype instance in
the AbstractRequiredPortProto-
No No Yes n:1
AND one per different representation of
VariableDataPrototype instance in
the PPortPrototype
VariableDataPrototype instance in
the AbstractRequiredPortProto-
AND one per different representation
of VariableDataPrototype instance
Yes No Yes n:1 in the PPortPrototype AND one
per different representation of Vari-
ableDataPrototype instance in the
PPortPrototype at the Composi-
tionSwComponentType of the root-
SoftwareComposition of the Ecu
VariableDataPrototype instance in
the AbstractProvidedPortProto-
where n >= type at the NvBlockSwComponent
No Yes Yes 1 and m >=
1 AND one per different representation of
VariableDataPrototype instance in
the PortPrototype

872 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

VariableDataPrototype instance in
the AbstractProvidedPortProto-
type at the NvBlockSwComponent
AND one per different representation of
VariableDataPrototype instance in
where n >=
the PortPrototype
Yes Yes Yes 1 and m >=
1 AND one per different representation
of VariableDataPrototype instance
in the PPortPrototype at the Com-
positionSwComponentType of the
rootSoftwareComposition of the
Ecu Extract.
Table 7.1: Reference targets of RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors

In case of conversion several RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors are required to

define the interface name spaces for the individual different representations of data
and/or data status. Nevertheless it is not possible that the different representations get
handled by different RTE Implementation Plug-Ins.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80003] dA Data Communication Graph is handled by at
most one Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In In the case
that a Data Communication Graph is referenced by several RIPS FlatIn-
stanceDescriptors all those RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors shall refer-
ence via FlatInstanceDescriptor.rtePluginProps.associatedRtePlugin
the identical RteRipsPluginProps container.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)

873 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Figure 7.3: Data Communication Graph with conversion

The figure 7.3 illustrates an example for a Data Communication Graph with data
conversion. Thereby it shall be assumed, that the dataElements data given in two
different SenderReceiverInterfaces are typed by ApplicationDataTypes de-
scribing a different resolution (not shown in the figure).
The RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor dataVers1 assigns the blue part of the
Data Communication Graph for the ports of the Atomic Software Compo-
nents SWCA, SWCB, and SWCC to the RTE Implementation Plug-In. The RIPS

874 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

FlatInstanceDescriptor dataVers2 assigns the green part of the Data Com-

munication Graph - with the converted representation of data - for the Atomic
Software Components SWCD and SWCE to the RTE Implementation Plug-In.
As demanded by [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80003] both parts of the Data Communica-
tion Graph are assigned to the same RTE Implementation Plug-In myPlu-
The RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor is referencing the targets as demanded by
Please note that the RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor dataVers2 is applicable for
all ports of the Atomic Software Components accessing the Data Communica-
tion Graph on the basis of the dataElement data in SenderReceiverInter-
face DataVers2.
Further details about conversion are described in section Data Communication Graphs involving NvBlockSwComponents

In the special case of non volatile data the RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor will ref-
erence the AbstractProvidedPortPrototype of the NvBlockSwComponent. As
the protection and buffering always has to consider the complete Data Communica-
tion Graph and this Data Communication Graph in this case not only includes
the direction from the data element of the ramBlock to the consuming software com-
ponent, but also from the producing software component to the data element in the
ramBlock, this single RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor also affects the latter con-
[SWS_Rte_80033] dThe RTE Generator and the RTE Implementation Plug-In
shall consider all VariableDataPrototype instances in PortPrototypes of
Atomic Software Components which are connected to VariableDataProto-
type instances in PortPrototypes of the NvBlockSwComponent which in turn are
mapped together with the same NvBlockDataMapping to an element of the ram-
Block as belonging to the same Data Communication Graph. Additionally the
mapped element of the ramBlock belongs to this Data Communication Graph.c
(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
The RTE Generator can use the fact of [SWS_NvM_00347] that all ramBlock ac-
cesses within a NvBlockSwComponent are done in the call context of the Exe-
cutableEntity NvM_MainFunction.

875 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Figure 7.4: Data Communication Graph involving a NvBlockSwComponent

The figure 7.4 illustrates an example for a Data Communication Graph involving
a NvBlockSwComponent. Thereby the RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor MyN-
vData1 is referencing the p-port ppNvDat1 of the NvBlockSwComponent myN-
vBlockSwc. This enables the RTE Implementation Plug-In also for the partial
Data Communication Graph from the p-port ppNvDat1 of the Atomic Soft-
ware Component myComponent to the r-port rpNvDat1 of the NvBlockSwCom-
ponent. The shortName of this FlatInstanceDescriptor defines the name of
the RTE Implementation Plug-In Services for this, not explicitly marked Data
Communication Graph.
Due to the structure nature of the ramBlock it is possible, that different Data Commu-
nication Graphs overlay within the same ramBlock. There exist valid use cases
for such configurations, since it can be required to write (and optionally also read) the
whole ramBlock or a larger sub-structure of it via one port whereas the single data
elements are provided in distinct p-ports.
[SWS_Rte_80103] dThe RTE Generator shall support the overlay of Data Communi-
cation Graphs in ramBlocks.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)

876 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Figure 7.5: Overlay of Data Communication Graphs in a ramBlock

The figure 7.5 illustrates an example for the overlay of Data Communication
Graphs in a ramBlock. In this example the Data Communication Graph All-
NvData gets written by the Atomic Software Component myComponent via the
p-port ppNvAllData. Further on Data Communication Graph AllNvData
overlays the Data Communication Graphs MyNvData1 and MyNvData2 which
are sub-elements of the ramBlock.

877 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Handling of Communication Status and Conversion with RTE Implemen-

tation Plug-Ins

In general compatibility of PortInterfaces and PortInterface mapping rules are not

affected by the usage of RTE Implementation Plug-In. But as a consequence,
besides the buffering or access protection there are some operations the RTE has to
perform on the data. These are the online conversion of data, range checks, and status
calculations and updates.
Although these are basically RTE internal operations not having any relation to RTE
Implementation Plug-Ins, the RTE still needs to know when and where (in terms
of memory address) it can perform these operations. Remember that the RTE will not
know the buffering decision for the individual data and therefore e.g. also does not
know whether to operate on the global or local copy of this data. So there is a need for
an agreement between RTE and RTE Implementation Plug-In on this. The first
important point to note is that in this sense status calculations of data are treated just
as online conversions, although they do not affect the value of the data itself.
For instance such a status conversion occurs when in a Data Communication
Graph software components request different settings in ReceiverComSpec at-
tributes, which would lead to a different status value for the individual software compo-
[SWS_Rte_80034] dThe RTE Generator shall handle a conversion between different
VariableDataPrototype instances in PortPrototypes inside a Data Commu-
nication Graph if either the data values can differ for the individual Atomic Soft-
ware Components or if the status belonging to the data can differ for the individual
Atomic Software Components as defined in table 7.2.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_-

878 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

PRPortPrototype (1) PPortPrototype (2) RPortPrototype (3) Status Conversion

None None None no
None None Receiver Status no
None Sender Status None no
None Sender Status Receiver Status Yes (1,2 -> 3)
Sender Status None None no
Sender Status None Receiver Status Yes (1,2 -> 3)
Sender Status Sender Status None no
Sender Status Sender Status Receiver Status Yes (1,2 -> 3)
Receiver Status None None no
Receiver Status None Receiver Status No
Receiver Status Sender Status None Yes (2 -> 1,3)
Receiver Status Sender Status Receiver Status Yes (2 -> 1,3)
Sender Status
None None no
Receiver Status
Sender Status
None Receiver Status No
Receiver Status
Sender Status
Sender Status None Yes (2 -> 1,3)
Receiver Status
Sender Status
Sender Status Receiver Status Yes (2 -> 1,3)
Receiver Status
Table 7.2: Status Conversion between the provide and the require ports

The existence of the Sender Status and Receiver Status depends on the configuration
of the communication features in a Data Communication Graph . The enabling of
communication features is controlled by the SenderComSpec, ReceiverComSpec,
and the InvalidationPolicy.
[SWS_Rte_80035] dThe RTE Generator and the RTE Implementation Plug-In
consider the Sender Status as required, if
• InvalidationPolicy.handleInvalid is not set to dontInvalidate
• SenderComSpec.handleOutOfRange is not set to none
• SenderComSpec.transmissionAcknowledge is defined
c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_80036] dThe RTE Generator and the RTE Implementation Plug-In
consider the Receiver Status as required, if
• InvalidationPolicy.handleInvalid is not set to dontInvalidate

879 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• ReceiverComSpec.handleOutOfRange is not set to none

• NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.aliveTimeout is set to a value greater than
• NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.handleNeverReceived is set to TRUE
• NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.enableUpdate is set to TRUE
• NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.handleDataStatus is set to TRUE.
c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
Additionally the enabling of communication features can impact the data value which
is accessible by the reading software component. Since this value can differ from the
written value the setup of following communication attributes requires a conversion
between the sender and the receiver in any case.
[SWS_Rte_80037] dThe RTE Generator and the RTE Implementation Plug-In
consider a conversion between Sender and Receiver, if
• NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.handleTimeoutType is not set to none
• InvalidationPolicy.handleInvalid is not set to dontInvalidate nor
c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
When several AbstractProvidedPortPrototypes are connected in one Data
Communication Graph it is possible that the Sender Statuses differ due to differ-
ent communication attributes.
[SWS_Rte_80038] dThe RTE Generator and the RTE Implementation Plug-In
consider different Senders Statuses, if the values of SenderComSpec.transmis-
sionAcknowledge.timeout are not set identically.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_-
Last but not least when several AbstractRequiredPortPrototypes are con-
nected in one Data Communication Graph it is possible that the Receiver Statuses
or the received values differ due to different communication attributes.
[SWS_Rte_80039] dThe RTE Generator and the RTE Implementation Plug-In
shall consider different Receiver Statuses or received data values, if

880 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.handleTimeoutType is not equal for all Ab-

• NonqueuedReceiverComSpec.handleTimeoutType is set to replaceBy-
TimeoutSubstitutionValue AND timeoutSubstitutionValue is not
equal for all AbstractRequiredPortPrototypes
• InvalidationPolicy.handleInvalid is not equal for all AbstractRe-
• InvalidationPolicy.handleInvalid is set to replace AND initValue
is not equal for all AbstractRequiredPortPrototypes
• InvalidationPolicy.handleInvalid is set to externalReplacement
AND replaceWith results in a different data instance providing the replace-
ment value
• ReceiverComSpec.handleOutOfRange is not equal for all AbstractRe-
• ReceiverComSpec.handleOutOfRange is set to default AND initValue
is not equal for all AbstractRequiredPortPrototypes
• ReceiverComSpec.handleOutOfRange is set to invalid AND invalid-
Value is not equal for all AbstractRequiredPortPrototypes
• ReceiverComSpec.handleOutOfRange is set to externalReplacement
AND replaceWith results in a different data instance providing the replace-
ment value.
c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
If a Data Communication Graph is handled by an RTE Implementation
Plug-In, the online data conversion will always be done during the production of
the data rather than the consumption. This implies that there will be a separate local or
global copy of the data for each of its representations (see also [SWS_Rte_80034]).
This might take some optimization potential, but as usually each of the representations
will be measurable anyway, the risk is very limited.

881 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Typical examples of different representations are different resolutions or different sets

of status bits. On the other hand a pure name mapping of TEXTTABLEs does not rep-
resent a different representation. Please note however that this does not mean that
the only reason for a RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors on an RPortPrototype
is having a different representation. It could as well happen that the "conversion" be-
tween producer and consumer of data in an Data Communication Graph is just a
This means, either the RTE provides an individual data instance per representation
(see [SWS_Rte_80040]), or, in case RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy
is set to RTE_RIPS_INSTANTIATION_BY_PLUGIN, it is a duty of the RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-Ins to do so.
[SWS_Rte_80057] dThe RTE shall reject configurations where not for each required
representation according [SWS_Rte_80040] a RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor is
provided.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
Please note: On the opposite side a configuration may contain RIPS FlatIn-
stanceDescriptors which are not needed by the RTE but have to be accepted
by the RTE.
As the online conversion shall be done on producer side, it is obvious that for explicit
producers this means inside the explicit write API. For implicit producers this is not
so obvious. Such a conversion could be done during the whole life cycle of the local
copy, including the flush operation. However, as the RTE does not know the buffering
decision, it is not clear, whether for certain data there will even be a dedicated flush
operation. So the conversion has to be done directly after termination of the producer
For explicit communication this means:
[SWS_Rte_80058] dFor explicit producers, the RTE generator shall place the conver-
sion or status update code necessary for a Data Communication Graph handled
by RTE Implementation Plug-Ins into the explicit write API. The conversion code
shall manipulate the global copies of all representations of the written data.c(SRS_-
Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
Manipulating the other global copies as well will also mean to either protect their write
accesses via the Rte_Rips_StartWrite / Rte_Rips_StopWrite or to use the
write API Rte_Rips_Write of the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins for all repre-
sentations of the data.
[SWS_Rte_80059] dIn case of explicit write access to a Data Communication
Graph handled by RTE Implementation Plug-Ins with RTE_RIPS_INSTANTI-
ATION_BY_RTE where the Data Communication Graph requires status or data
conversion , the RTE shall use the explicit access protection macros of all representa-
tions to protect the write action of their calculated values or status, just as if the pro-
ducer ExecutableEntity would have explicit write accesses to all representations.c
(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)

882 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_80060] dIn case of explicit write access to a Data Communication

Graph handled by RTE Implementation Plug-Ins with RTE_RIPS_INSTANTI-
ATION_BY_PLUGIN where the Data Communication Graph requires status or
data conversion , the RTE shall use the explicit write service of all representations
to implement the write action of their calculated values or status, just as if the pro-
ducer ExecutableEntity would have explicit write accesses to all representations.c
(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_70048] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-Ins shall provide the set of
explicit access protection services or explicit write services for each representation in
a Data Communication Graph, even though the producing Runnable only models
a single access point.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
For implicit communication this means:
[SWS_Rte_80061] dFor implicit producers, the RTE generator shall place the conver-
sion or status update code necessary for a certain Data Communication Graph
handled by RTE Implementation Plug-Ins directly after the call of the implicit
producer RunnableEntity. Thereby executing the VFB tracing hook for this
RunnableEntity still before the conversion or the status update code is acceptable.c
(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
As in the implicit case, the RTE Generator still does not know whether the other rep-
resentations are buffered or not. It needs a clear interface to get access to the loca-
tions where the original producer has written the data to and where the consumers will
read the converted data from. Note that the unconverted data will be written by the
Rte_Rips_IWrite / Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef API or the Flush-Routine, depending
on the buffering strategy. A separate name space will be used for the Rte_Rips_-
IWBufferRef and Rte_Rips_IRBufferRef services used by the RTE conversion
and status calculation code. This avoids name clashes as well as it supports source
code implementations of the Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef and Rte_Rips_IRBuffer-
Ref services used by the RTE, even if the software component is delivered as object
[SWS_Rte_80063] dThe name space of Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef and Rte_Rips_-
IRBufferRef services used by the RTE conversion and status calculation code is
created by prefixing the <SwcBswI> and <ExE> name part with RteCnv.c(SRS_Rte_-
00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_80064] dIn case of implicit write access to a Data Communication
Graph handled by RTE Implementation Plug-Ins with data or status conver-
sion, the RTE shall use Rte_Rips_IWrite without RteCnv prefix and Rte_Rips_-
IWBufferRef without RteCnv prefix to implement the dataWriteAccess of the
RunnableEntity, and the implicit Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef service with RteCnv
prefix of all representations different to the producer’s one to write their calculated
values or status. If needed, the unconverted value written by the producer shall be re-
trieved via the Rte_Rips_IRBufferRef with RteCnv prefix only.c(SRS_Rte_00300,

883 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_70049] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-Ins shall provide for the

RunnableEntity with the dataWriteAccess for each representation in a Data
Communication Graph the set of implicit access services Rte_Rips_IWrite /
Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef, Rte_Rips_IRBufferRef, even though the producing
Runnable only models a single access point. Thereby following set of RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-In Services shall be provided:
• For the data representation in the accessed PPortPrototype:
– Rte_Rips_IWrite without RteCnv prefix, if applicable due to data type
– Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef without RteCnv prefix
– Rte_Rips_IRBufferRef with RteCnv prefix.
• For each to be converted data representation connected to the accessed PPort-
Prototype: One Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef with RteCnv prefix.
c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
For illustration please note example 7.11. Instantiation of global copy

The RTE Implementation Plug-In interface assumes that the RTE implements
a variable that holds the actual value of communication data and where readers and
writers can set or get the data value. This variable is called global copy in the
RTE Implementation Plug-In relevant sections. In addition the concept of im-
plicit communication requires further buffers to ensure the stability of data for spe-
cific accessing RunnableEntitys. Those are called implicit communication
As described in section one or multiple RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors
can point to a Data Communication Graph to enable the RTE Implementation
Plug-In support. Thereby the number of RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors de-
termines the number of possible different representations of the data. Furthermore
the shortName of the RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor defines the name space
of such a global copy and the belonging RTE Implementation Plug-In Ser-
[SWS_Rte_80040] dThe RTE shall provide an individual global copy for each
RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor referencing the Data Communication Graph,
if the associated Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In has
set the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy to RTE_RIPS_INSTANTIA-
TION_BY_RTE.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
Please note that the RTE Generator still has the freedom to decide about the naming of
the global copy as well as to group several global copies in RTE specific structures.

884 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In this case the requirement [SWS_Rte_80006] ensures the accessibility by a defined

The typing of the global copies reuses the already existing concept of data handles
(see data handles section). This eases encapsulation of the implicit buffering
into a RTE Implementation Plug-In, since the types of the handles already fit to
the global copy. This supports an easy fill and flush of the data with the belong-
ing status values. Further on it avoids additional RTE Implementation Plug-In
Services to access the status of data.
[SWS_Rte_80041] dWhen the RTE provides an individual global copy for a Data
Communication Graph with any implicit access, it shall use the data type according
table 7.3.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)

Sender Status Receiver Status Type of global copy

No No data element without status
Yes No data element with status
No Yes data element with status
data element with extended sta-
Yes Yes
Table 7.3: Data type of global copy

Please note: [SWS_Rte_80041] ensures a well defined data type for Data Commu-
nication Graphs with implicit accesses, but it leaves the data type open for Data
Communication Graphs with solely explicit accesses.
To support the coexistence of multiple optimization domains in a single ECU, cer-
tain Data Communication Graphs can be assigned to distinct, specialized Local
Software Cluster Communication Plug-In. Those RTE Implementation
Plug-Ins could then even take over the responsibility to instantiate the global copies
of the related Data Communication Graph.
[SWS_Rte_70043] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In shall instantiate the required global copies for a Data Communica-
tion Graphs, if the associated RTE Implementation Plug-In has set the
RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy to RTE_RIPS_INSTANTIATION_-
BY_PLUGIN.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301, SRS_Rte_00303)
Please note, that in case of [SWS_Rte_70043] the associated Local Software
Cluster Communication Plug-In has now freedom to name and group the
global copy. It could even implement strategies working with multiple global copies
for the same Data Communication Graph .
In contrast to Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins, Cross
Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins will create a communication
buffer which is accessible to / from other Software Clusters. In case only a Cross
Software Cluster Communication Plug-In is associated to a Data Commu-
nication Graph the RTE could omit its global copy, except it is still required for
measurement purpose or other RTE requirements leading to those global copy.

885 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_70116] dThe associated Local Software Cluster Communica-

tion Plug-In shall initialize the global copies for Data Communication Graphs
• an initValue is defined
• either
– no SwAddrMethod is defined for the VariableDataPrototype.
– a SwAddrMethod is defined for the VariableDataPrototype.
– the sectionInitializationPolicy of the related SwAddrMethod is
NOT set to NO-INIT.
c(SRS_Rte_00052, SRS_Rte_00068, SRS_Rte_00116)
Note: Concerning the calculation of the init values the RTE Implementation
Plug-In has to support the different possibilities of init value expression offered by
the meta model, in particular:
• NumericalValueSpecification
• ApplicationValueSpecification
• NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification
• ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification
• CompositeValueSpecification
• ConstantReference
• TextValueSpecification
[SWS_Rte_70117] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall support the differ-
ent kind of ValueSpecifications applicable for software components.c(SRS_Rte_-
00052, SRS_Rte_00068, SRS_Rte_00116)
ValueSpecifications are defined in document [2]. Explicit Communication and RTE Implementation Plug-Ins

The support for handling explicit communication via RTE Implementation

Plug-In basically differs whether the RTE Implementation Plug-In provides
the global copy or whether the RTE provides the global copy. In the first case the RTE

886 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

just forwards the explicit accesses via the RTE Implementation Plug-In Ser-
vices whereas in the second case the RTE has to use the RTE Implementation
Plug-In Services to protect potentially non atomic accesses. Global copy provided by RTE

In the case the global copy is provided by the RTE the only point of interest for the RTE
Implementation Plug-In is the kind of protection. For that purpose for read and
write accesses pairs of RTE Implementation Plug-In Services are provided
for opening the protection block and another one for closing it. The rest remains like
in an RTE code not using an RTE Implementation Plug-In. The RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-In only needs to know whether there is an according interruption
scenario and whether the data type is atomic in the given platform or not. Special care
has to be taken for the data status handling, as this might also lead to a protection
need, even though the pure data would be atomic otherwise. So the RTE Implemen-
tation Plug-In has to check whether a Sender Status or Receiver Status exists.
An RTE in turn has to make sure that the complete buffer manipulation happens under
a single protection block.
[SWS_Rte_80043] dThe RTE shall use the protecting RTE Implementation
Plug-In Services Rte_Rips_StartRead, Rte_Rips_StopRead, Rte_Rips_-
StartWrite, and Rte_Rips_StopWrite for any access to the Data Communi-
cation Graph where the implemented algorithm would suffer from a pre-emption
or concurrent execution. The usage shall be independent of the actual pre-emption
scenario found in the configuration.c(SRS_Rte_00300)
Please note: [SWS_Rte_80043] applies for unqueued and queued communication.
The RTE Implementation Plug-Ins will know the possible pre-emptions and pro-
vides an appropriate protection macro implementation.
[SWS_Rte_70044] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall pro-
vide the protecting RTE Implementation Plug-In Services Rte_Rips_-
StartRead, Rte_Rips_StopRead, Rte_Rips_StartWrite, and Rte_Rips_-
StopWrite with an appropriate protection functionality for any explicit access to the
Data Communication Graph. Thereby the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins
shall consider whether the access is non-atomic due to the following side conditions
• the size of the data
• the existence of Sender Status or Receiver Status
• potential pre-emptions caused due to configured scheduling during the accesses
to the Data Communication Graphs
• usage of queued communication.

887 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note, that the associated RTE Implementation Plug-In has to provide
the protecting RTE Implementation Plug-In Services regardless whether any
protection is needed. In case that no protection is needed the RTE Implementa-
tion Plug-In Services can be empty. See also the according existence condi-
tions [SWS_Rte_70019], [SWS_Rte_70020], [SWS_Rte_70021], [SWS_Rte_70022],
[SWS_Rte_70023], [SWS_Rte_70024], [SWS_Rte_70025], [SWS_Rte_70026].
The protection blocks can be nested, e.g. when a Runnable uses explicit communi-
cation while being executed in an ExclusiveArea. It is therefore recommended to
generally use protection block implementations which support nesting. As a minimum,
such implementations have to be used where nesting can occur, which would have to
be analyzed beforehand. On one hand those ExclusiveAreas are relevant which
are directly used by the ExecutableEntity (1) accessing the Data Communica-
tion Graphs. Additionally those ExclusiveAreas are relevant which are used by
all ExecutableEntitys invoking the ExecutableEntity (1) by a direct or trusted
function call with the Data Communication Graphs access.
[SWS_Rte_70045] dRTE Implementation Plug-In shall implement the protect-
ing RTE Implementation Plug-In Services Rte_Rips_StartRead, Rte_-
Rips_StopRead, Rte_Rips_StartWrite, and Rte_Rips_StopWrite in a way,
that those support a potential nesting with ExclusiveAreas when it can occur in the
call graph.c(SRS_Rte_00300) Simple example about non-queued read and write

The example code below shows the basic implementation in case the data does not
have any assigned status and the software component does not support multiple in-
stantiation and is provided as source code. Additionally, 64bit accesses are not atomic
on the underlying platform to demonstrate a protection scenario. In contrast to the
others, Rte_DRead is not implemented as a macro in order to show a different imple-
mentation flavour.

Example 7.4

Code example for Rte_myComponent.h in case the RTE Generator implements the
explicit APIs:
1 extern uint64 Rte_myExplicitSimpleData;
3 #define Rte_Write_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(data) ( \
4 Rte_WriteHook_myComponent_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Start(data),
5 SuspendOSInterrupts(), \
6 (Rte_myExplicitSimpleData = data), \
7 ResumeOSInterrupts(), \
8 Rte_WriteHook_myComponent_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Return(data),

888 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

11 #define Rte_Read_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(data) ( \
12 Rte_ReadHook_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Start(data), \
13 SuspendOSInterrupts(), \
14 ((*(data)) = Rte_myExplicitSimpleData), \
15 ResumeOSInterrupts(), \
16 Rte_ReadHook_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Return(data), \
17 RTE_E_OK)
19 extern uint64 Rte_DRead_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(void)
20 #define Rte_DRead_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData() (

Code example for Rte.c in case the RTE Generator implements the explicit APIs:
1 #include "Rte_myComponent.h"

3 uint64 Rte_myExplicitSimpleData;
4 uint64 Rte_DRead_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(void)
5 {
6 uint64 rtn;
8 Rte_DReadHook_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Start();
9 SuspendOSInterrupts();
10 rtn = Rte_myExplicitSimpleData;
11 ResumeOSInterrupts();
12 Rte_DReadHook_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Return();
13 return rtn;
14 }

The following example 7.5 shows an equivalent implementation of the explicit APIs via
an RTE Implementation Plug-In.

Example 7.5

Code example for Rte_DataHandleType.h in case the RTE Generator redirects to-
wards an RTE Implementation Plug-In to implement the scenario:
1 /* Since the Communication Graph has only explicit accesses
SWS_Rte_80041 is not applicable */

Code example for Rte_myComponent.h in case the RTE Generator redirects towards
an RTE Implementation Plug-In to implement the explicit APIs:
1 #include "Rte_Rips_myPlugin_myComponent.h"
3 extern uint64 Rte_myExplicitSimpleData;

5 #define Rte_Write_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(data) ( \
6 Rte_WriteHook_myComponent_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Start(data), \
7 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartWrite_myComponent_myGlobalData1(), \
8 (Rte_myExplicitSimpleData = data), \
9 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopWrite_myComponent_myGlobalData1(), \
10 Rte_WriteHook_myComponent_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Return(data),

889 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

11 RTE_E_OK)
13 #define Rte_Read_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(data) ( \
14 Rte_ReadHook_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Start(data), \
15 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartRead_myComponent_myGlobalData1(), \
16 ((*(data)) = Rte_myExplicitSimpleData), \
17 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopRead_myComponent_myGlobalData1(), \
18 Rte_ReadHook_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Return(data), \
19 RTE_E_OK)
21 extern uint64 Rte_DRead_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(void)
23 #define Rte_DRead_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData() (

Code example for Rte.c in case the RTE Generator redirects towards an RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In to implement the explicit APIs:
1 #include "Rte_myComponent.h"
3 uint64 Rte_myExplicitSimpleData;
4 uint64 Rte_DRead_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(void)
5 {
6 uint64 rtn;
8 Rte_DReadHook_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Start();
9 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartRead_myComponent_myGlobalData1();
10 rtn = Rte_myExplicitSimpleData;
11 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopRead_myComponent_myGlobalData1();
12 Rte_DReadHook_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Return();
13 return rtn;
14 }

Code example for Rte_Buffers.h when an RTE Implementation Plug-In is

associated to the Data Communication Graph:
1 /* Since the Communication Graph has only explicit accesses
SWS_Rte_80041 and SWS_Rte_80005 is not applicable */

Code example for Rte_Rips_myPlugin_myComponent.h when an RTE Imple-

mentation Plug-In is associated to the Data Communication Graph:
1 #include "Rte_Buffers.h"
3 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartWrite_myComponent_myGlobalData1() \
4 SuspendOSInterrupts()
6 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopWrite_myComponent_myGlobalData1() \
7 ResumeOSInterrupts()
9 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartRead_myComponent_myGlobalData1() \
10 SuspendOSInterrupts()

12 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopRead_myComponent_myGlobalData1() \
13 ResumeOSInterrupts()

890 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Simple example about queued read and write

The example 7.6 shows the basic implementation in case the data does not have any
assigned status and the software component does not support multiple instantiation.
The RTE uses own standard queue implementations, but those are not protected.

Example 7.6

Code example for Rte_myComponent.h in case the RTE Generator implements the
explicit APIs:
1 extern Std_ReturnType
Rte_Write_myComponent_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(uint32 data);
3 #define Rte_Write_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(data) (
5 extern Std_ReturnType
Rte_Read_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(uint32 * data);
7 #define Rte_Read_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(data) (

Code example for Rte.c in case the RTE Generator implements the explicit APIs:
1 #include "Rte_myComponent.h"
3 Rte_QueueType_uint32 Rte_Queue_myExplicitSimpleData;
5 Std_ReturnType Rte_Write_myComponent_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(
uint32 data)
6 {
7 Std_ReturnType rtn;
9 Rte_WriteHook_myComponent_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Start(data)
10 SuspendOSInterrupts();
11 rtn = Rte_EnqueueUInt32(&Rte_Queue_myExplicitSimpleData, data);
12 ResumeOSInterrupts();
13 Rte_WriteHook_myComponent_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Return(data
14 return rtn;
15 }
17 Std_ReturnType Rte_Read_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(
uint32 * data)
18 {
19 Std_ReturnType rtn;

21 Rte_ReadHook_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Start(data);
22 SuspendOSInterrupts();
23 rtn = Rte_DequeueUInt32(&Rte_Queue_myExplicitSimpleData, data);
24 ResumeOSInterrupts();
25 Rte_ReadHook_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Return(data)
26 return rtn;

891 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

27 }

The following example 7.7 shows an equivalent implementation of the explicit APIs via
an RTE Implementation Plug-In.

Example 7.7

Code example for Rte_myComponent.h in case the RTE Generator redirects towards
an RTE Implementation Plug-In to implement the explicit APIs:
1 extern Std_ReturnType
Rte_Write_myComponent_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(uint32 data);
3 #define Rte_Write_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(data) (
5 extern Std_ReturnType
Rte_Read_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(uint32 * data);
7 #define Rte_Read_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(data) (

Code example for Rte.c in case the RTE Generator redirects towards an RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In to implement the explicit APIs:
1 #include "Rte_myComponent.h"
3 Rte_QueueType_uint32 Rte_Queue_myExplicitSimpleData;
5 Std_ReturnType Rte_Write_myComponent_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(
uint32 data)
6 {
7 Std_ReturnType rtn;
9 Rte_WriteHook_myComponent_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Start(data)
10 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartWrite_myComponent_myGlobalData1();
11 rtn = Rte_EnqueueUInt32(&Rte_Queue_myExplicitSimpleData, data);
12 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopWrite_myComponent_myGlobalData1();
13 Rte_WriteHook_myComponent_myPPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Return(data
14 return rtn;
15 }
17 Std_ReturnType Rte_Read_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData(
uint32 * data)
18 {
19 Std_ReturnType rtn;
21 Rte_ReadHook_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Start(data);
22 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartRead_myComponent_myGlobalData1();
23 rtn = Rte_DequeueUInt32(&Rte_Queue_myExplicitSimpleData, data);
24 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopRead_myComponent_myGlobalData1();
25 Rte_ReadHook_myComponent_myRPort1_myExplicitSimpleData_Return(data)

892 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

26 return rtn;
27 }

Code example for Rte_Buffers.h when an RTE Implementation Plug-In is

associated to the Data Communication Graph:
1 // empty, as the communication is queued

Code example for Rte_Rips_myPlugin_myComponent.h when an RTE Imple-

mentation Plug-In is associated to the Data Communication Graph:
1 #include "Rte_Buffers.h"
3 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartWrite_myComponent_myGlobalData1()
5 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopWrite_myComponent_myGlobalData1()
7 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartRead_myComponent_myGlobalData1()
9 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopRead_myComponent_myGlobalData1()
ResumeOSInterrupts() Global copy provided by RTE Implementation Plug-In

In the case the global copy is provided by the RTE Implementation Plug-In the
RTE Implementation Plug-In has to provide the read and write RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-In Services Rte_Rips_Read, Rte_Rips_DRead and Rte_-
Rips_Write. Those access services implement the pure data access in a protected
manner to the global copy(s) provided by the RTE Implementation Plug-In.
Thereby it is assumed, that a data access in an intra ECU communication scenario
is always successful. In case the Rte_Rips_Read, Rte_Rips_DRead and Rte_-
Rips_Write services are used for transformer access the according error codes can
occur. (see section
Further on requirements about existence and usage are already stated in section
The creation of the global copy is described in section
[SWS_Rte_80075] dThe RTE shall use the data access RTE Implementation
Plug-In Services Rte_Rips_Read, Rte_Rips_DRead and Rte_Rips_Write
for any explicit access to the Data Communication Graph.c(SRS_Rte_00300,
The RTE Implementation Plug-Ins will know the possible pre-emptions and pro-
vide an appropriate protection implementation.

893 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_70090] dThe associated Implementation Plug-In shall provide

the data access RTE Implementation Plug-In Services Rte_Rips_Read
and Rte_Rips_Write with an appropriate protection functionality for any access to
the Data Communication Graph. Thereby the RTE Implementation Plug-In
shall consider whether the access is non-atomic due to the size of the data and due to
the existence of Sender Status or Receiver Status and whether the configured schedul-
ing causes potential pre-emptions during the accesses to the Data Communication
Graph.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00306)
In case of queued communication the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins is addition-
ally obliged to implement the queue.
[SWS_Rte_70107] dIn case the swImplPolicy is set to queued in the Data
Communication Graph the associated Implementation Plug-In shall im-
plement the queuing.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00306) The queuing behavior is
decribed in section
The figure 7.6 illustrates how the RTE provides access with the Rte_Rips_Read
and Rte_Rips_Write services to the queue implemented by the Cross Software
Cluster Communication Plug-In. In addition, the Cross Software Cluster
Communication Plug-In manages the access from other Software Clusters
without RTE.

Figure 7.6: Example of queued communication with Cross Software Cluster Com-
munication Plug-In

894 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The protection blocks can be nested, e.g. when a Runnable uses explicit communi-
cation while being executed in an ExclusiveArea. It is therefore recommended, to
generally use protection block implementations which support nesting. As a minimum,
such implementations have to be used where nesting can occur, which would have to
be analysed beforehand. On one hand those ExclusiveAreas are relevant which
are directly used by the ExecutableEntity (1) accessing the Data Communica-
tion Graphs. Additionally those ExclusiveAreas are relevant which are used by
all ExecutableEntitys invoking the ExecutableEntity (1) by direct or trusted
function call with the Data Communication Graph access.
[SWS_Rte_70091] dRTE Implementation Plug-In shall implement the pro-
tecting RTE Implementation Plug-In Services Rte_Rips_Read and Rte_-
Rips_Write in a way, that those support a potential nesting with ExclusiveAreas
when it can occur in the call graph.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00306) Implicit Communication and RTE Implementation Plug-Ins

Generally, implicit access APIs point directly to or work directly on a memory address
(the task buffer or the global copy). The goal is therefore to offer a possibility that
the Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In defines this memory
address. This implies that also the buffer synchronization (i.e. fill and flush) has to be
done by the Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In. To do so, it
needs a possibility to insert the respective code at the desired positions in the runnable
call context (which might be a task body but also a caller’s Rte_Call, Rte_Trigger
or Rte_Switch API). The RTE in turn has to disable its respective model checks
(e.g. if implicit communication is allowed in a certain interruption scenario) and buffer
creation for the Data Communication Graphs handled by an associated Local
Software Cluster Communication Plug-In.
In case of source code delivered software components, not for all implicit access
macros it is strictly necessary that the implicit access macros work on a memory ad-
dress, but in case of Rte_IWrite or Rte_IRead there could be some more optimized
implementations. To make such implementations possible, the RTE should not provide
component data structures in case of software components not requiring the compat-
ibility mode due to source code delivery which it should anyway not do in this case to
reduce ROM consumption.
The usage of the according RTE Implementation Plug-In Services is de-
scribed in section and
[SWS_Rte_80044] dThe RTE shall use the Data Handles Section and Inter Runnable
Variable Handles Section for implicit communication only if the specific software com-
ponent requires compatibility mode due to delivery as object code or if the specific
software component supports multiple instantiations.c(SRS_Rte_00301, SRS_Rte_-

895 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_80046] dThe RTE Generator shall inhibit the creation of implicit buffers and
according fill and flush routines for a Data Communication Graph if it is assigned
to an Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_80056] dThe RTE shall reject the configuration if any RteImplicitCom-
munication buffering related needs (RteCoherentAccess or RteImmediate-
BufferUpdate) affect a Data Communication Graph which is associated to an
Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00301)
This refers to the section
In case a Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In is assigned to
a Data Communication Graph using implicit accesses, RTE utilizes the Rte_-
Rips_Read and Rte_Rips_Write services to get the data from a other Software
Cluster or to communicate data towards other Software Clusters. Please note
[SWS_Rte_80148] and [SWS_Rte_80150].
In case a Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In and a Local
Software Cluster Communication Plug-In is assigned to a Data Commu-
nication Graph using implicit accesses, RTE can not handle read and writes
from the Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In since it neither
knows the real point in time when the Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In fill or flush the data nor can the RTE impact the implementation of those fill
and flush routines.
[SWS_Rte_70136]{DRAFT} dIf the data is required from another Software Clus-
ter the Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In shall call the
Rte_Rips_Read Services of the Cross Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In when it would read from the global copy.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_-
00306, SRS_Rte_00320)
[SWS_Rte_70137]{DRAFT} dIf the data is provided to another Software Clus-
ter the Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In shall call the
Rte_Rips_Write Services of the Cross Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In when it writes to the global copy.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00306,
Please note: Due to [SWS_Rte_70136] and [SWS_Rte_70137] the Local Software
Cluster Communication Plug-In is free in the point in time when Rte_Rips_-
Read and Rte_Rips_Write are called. This point in time depends on the to be
implemented buffering strategy. For example, this can be compliant to the classical
implicit communication behavior or be compliant to Logical Execution Time (LET).
The Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In is free to implement
[SWS_Rte_70136] and [SWS_Rte_70136] with the means of a Complex Driver. This
is illustrated in figure 7.7.

896 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Figure 7.7: Example of implicit communication via RTE Implementation Plug-In

For sure an approach may change the communication multiplicity seen by the RTE.
Please note section Fill Flush Routines

Nevertheless the RTE needs to invoke the Buffer Fill Routines and Buffer Flush Rou-
tines at the right place in the call sequence of ExecutableEntitys. In general
an associated Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In is free
to implement both functionalities in one common function. Therefore those func-
tions are called Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine. The information whether an Rte_-
Rips_FillFlushRoutine shall be invoked before or after an ExecutableEntity
is given by configuration via RteRipsFillRoutineRef and RteRipsFlushRou-
tineRef at the related RteEventToTaskMapping / RteBswEventToTaskMap-
[SWS_Rte_80047] dThe RTE shall invoke Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutines config-
ured via RteRipsFillRoutineRef with the identical activation conditions as the

897 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RTEEvent / BswEvent mapped by the owing RteEventToTaskMapping / RteB-

swEventToTaskMapping before the to-be-activated ExecutableEntity gets in-
voked and after configured RteSyncPoint given via RteEventPredecessorSync-
PointRef / RteBswEventPredecessorSyncPointRef is passed.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_80048] dThe RTE shall invoke Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutines config-
ured via RteRipsFlushRoutineRef with the identical activation conditions as the
RTEEvent / BswEvent mapped by the owing RteEventToTaskMapping / RteBsw-
EventToTaskMapping after the to-be-activated ExecutableEntity gets invoked.
Thereby the Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine runs after a configured RteOsSched-
ulePoint, but before a configured RteSyncPoint given via RteEventSucces-
sorSyncPointRef / RteBswEventSuccessorSyncPointRef is entered.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_80049] dWhen the RteRipsModeDisablingHandling is set to RTE_-
RIPS_IGNORE_MODE_DISABLINGS, the RTE shall invoke the configured Rte_-
Rips_FillFlushRoutines regardless of currently active mode disabling dependen-
[SWS_Rte_80050] dWhen the RteRipsModeDisablingHandling is set to RTE_-
RIPS_CONSIDER_MODE_DISABLINGS, the RTE shall invoke the configured Rte_-
Rips_FillFlushRoutines, only if the RTEEvent / BswEvent mapped by the ow-
ing RteEventToTaskMapping / RteBswEventToTaskMapping is currently not dis-
abled by a mode disabling dependencies.c(SRS_Rte_00301)
Please note: The configuration of Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutines is applicable
for any kind of RTEEvent or BswEvent, regardless whether the activated Exe-
cutableEntity has any access to a Data Communication Graph handled by
any RTE Implementation Plug-In, and regardless whether the RteEventTo-
TaskMapping or RteBswEventToTaskMapping is mapped to an OsTask, to a
RteInitializationRunnableBatch, or no OsTask at all. This enables the
Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In to apply its Rte_Rips_-
FillFlushRoutines at any level in the call graph in any circumstance of activation.
[SWS_Rte_80084] dThe RTE Generator shall create an unconditional call to the Os
API Schedule after the execution of the Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine, if the
RteRipsOsSchedulePoint configuration parameter is set to UNCONDITIONAL. In
the generated code the call to the Os API Schedule shall only be performed when
the Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine itself has been executed (called).c(SRS_Rte_-
Please note: A schedule point according [SWS_Rte_80084] is useful to trigger the
scheduler of the OS in a pre-emptive task after the implicit communication
buffers are written back to the global copy. Therefore RunnableEntitys ex-
ecuted in tasks which get in running state after such schedule point may already see
the latest written value. But this depends on the placement of their fill routines.

898 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In opposite, a schedule point placed at the RteEventToTaskMapping via RteOsS-

chedulePoint is always executed before the execution of the RteRipsOsSched-
ulePoint and therefore before the implicit communication buffers are writ-
ten back to the global copy! Simple example about implicit w/o component data structure

The example 7.8 shows the basic implementation in case the data is primitive, the
Data Communication Graph does not require Sender Status nor Receiver Status,
and the software component does not support multiple instantiation and is provided as
source code.

Example 7.8

Code example for Rte_DataHandleType.h in case the RTE Generator implements

the implicit communication:
1 typedef struct
2 {
3 uint32 value;
4 } Rte_DE_uint32;
6 typedef struct
7 {
8 Rte_DE_uint32 myImplicitSimpleData;
9 } Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS_Type;
11 typedef struct
12 {
13 Rte_DE_uint32 myImplicitSimpleData;
14 } Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS_Type;

Code example for Rte_myComponent.h in case the RTE Generator implements the
implicit communication:
1 #include "Rte_DataHandleType.h"
3 /* task buffer for TASK_COOP_10MS */
4 extern Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS_Type
6 /* task buffer for TASK_PREEMPT_1MS */
7 extern Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS_Type
8 #define Rte_IWrite_myProducerRunnable1_myPPort1_myImplicitSimpleData(
data) ( \
9 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS.myImplicitSimpleData.value = (data)
11 #define Rte_IWriteRef_myProducerRunnable1_myPPort1_myImplicitSimpleData
() ( \
12 &Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS.myImplicitSimpleData.value )

899 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

13 #define Rte_IRead_myConsumerRunnable_myRPort1_myImplicitSimpleData() (
14 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS.myImplicitSimpleData.value )

Code example for Rte.c in case the RTE Generator implements the implicit commu-
1 #include "Rte_myComponent.h"
3 Rte_DE_uint32 Rte_myImplicitSimpleData;
5 /* task buffer for TASK_COOP_10MS */
6 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS_Type
8 /* task buffer for TASK_PREEMPT_1MS */
9 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS_Type
12 {
13 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myProducerRunnable1_Start();
14 myProducerRunnable1();
15 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myProducerRunnable1_Return();
16 Rte_myImplicitSimpleData = Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS.
17 }
20 {
21 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS.myImplicitSimpleData =
22 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myConsumerRunnable_Start();
23 myConsumerRunnable();
24 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myConsumerRunnable_Return();
25 }

In the following example the Data Communication Graph is handled by an

RTE Implementation Plug-In named myPlugin having RtePluginSupport-
sIReadIWrite set to true, a flush-routine with RteRipsPluginFillFlushRou-
tineFncSymbol set to Rips_Flush_Runnable1, and a fill-routine with RteRip-
sPluginFillFlushRoutineFncSymbol set to Rips_Fill_Runnable1.

Example 7.9

Code example for Rte_DataHandleType.h in case the RTE Implementation

Plug-In implements the implicit communication:
1 typedef struct
2 {
3 uint32 value;
4 } Rte_DE_uint32;

6 /* wrapper type according SWS_Rte_80079 */

900 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

7 typedef Rte_DE_uint32 Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData2_Type;

Code example for Rte_myComponent.h in case the RTE Implementation

Plug-In implements the implicit communication:
1 #include "Rte_DataHandleType.h"
2 #include "Rte_Rips_myPlugin_myComponent.h"
4 #define Rte_IWrite_myProducerRunnable1_
myPPort1_myImplicitSimpleData(data) ( \
5 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IWrite_myComponent_
myProducerRunnable1_myGlobalData2(data) )
7 #define Rte_IWriteRef_myProducerRunnable1_
myPPort1_myImplicitSimpleData() ( \
8 &Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IWBufferRef_myComponent_
10 #define Rte_IRead_myConsumerRunnable_
myRPort1_myImplicitSimpleData() ( \
11 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IRead_myComponent_
myConsumerRunnable_myGlobalData2() )

Code example for Rte.c in case the RTE Implementation Plug-In implements
the implicit communication:
1 #include "Rte_myComponent.h"
2 #include "Rte.h" /* which will include Rte_Rips_myPlugin.h */
4 Rte_DE_uint32 Rte_myGlobalData2;
7 {
8 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myProducerRunnable1_Start();
9 myProducerRunnable1();
10 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myProducerRunnable1_Return();
11 Rips_Flush_Runnable1();
12 }
15 {
16 Rips_Fill_Runnable1();
17 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myConsumerRunnable_Start();
18 myConsumerRunnable();
19 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myConsumerRunnable_Return();
20 }

Code example for Rte_Buffers.h in case the RTE Implementation Plug-In

implements the implicit communication:
1 #include "Rte_DataHandleType.h"
2 #include "Rte_Rips_myPlugin_Buffers.h"

4 #extern Rte_DE_uint32 Rte_myGlobalData2;


901 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

6 /* the mapping according SWS_Rte_80006 below can be omitted, if the RTE

Generator names the variable Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData2 */
7 #define Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData2 Rte_myGlobalData2

Code example for Rte_Rips_myPlugin_myComponent.h in case the RTE Imple-

mentation Plug-In implements the implicit communication:
1 #include "Rte_Buffers.h"
3 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IWrite_myComponent_
myProducerRunnable1_myGlobalData2(data) \
4 (Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS.myGlobalData2.value = data)
6 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IWBufferRef_myComponent_
myProducerRunnable1_myGlobalData2() \
7 (&Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS.myGlobalData2)
9 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IRead_myComponent_
myConsumerRunnable_myGlobalData2() \
10 (Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS.myGlobalData2.value)

Code example for Rte_Rips_myPlugin_Buffers.h in case the RTE Implemen-

tation Plug-In implements the implicit communication:
1 #include "Rte_DataHandleType.h"
3 /* task buffer type for TASK_COOP_10MS */
4 typedef struct
5 {
6 Rte_DE_uint32 myGlobalData2;
7 } Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS_Type;
9 /* task buffer type for server runnable */
10 typedef struct
11 {
12 Rte_DE_uint32 myGlobalData2;
13 } Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS_Type;
15 /* task buffer for TASK_COOP_10MS */
16 extern Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS_Type

18 /* task buffer for TASK_PREEMPT_1MS */

19 extern Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS_Type

Code example for Rte_Rips_myPlugin.c in case the RTE Implementation

Plug-In implements the implicit communication:
1 #include "Rte_Buffers.h"
3 /* task buffer for TASK_COOP_10MS */
4 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS_Type
6 /* task buffer for TASK_PREEMPT_1MS */

902 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

8 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS_Type
9 void Rips_Flush_Runnable1(void)
10 {
11 Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData2 =
12 }
14 void Rips_Fill_Runnable1(void)
15 {
16 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS.myGlobalData2 =
17 } Example of object code software component with conversion

The example 7.10 shows the basic implementation in case the data is primitive, the
Communication Graph does not require Sender Status nor Receiver Status, but has
a different resolution on sender and receiver side, the software component does not
support multiple instantiation, but is provided as object code. Besides being an object
code delivered software component and showing conversion, the example is identical
to example 7.8.

Example 7.10

Code example for Rte_DataHandleType.h in case the RTE Generator implements

the implicit communication:
1 typedef struct
2 {
3 uint16 value;
4 } Rte_DE_uint16;
6 typedef struct
7 {
8 uint32 value;
9 } Rte_DE_uint32;
11 typedef struct
12 {
13 Rte_DE_uint32 myImplicitSimpleData;
14 } Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS_Type;
16 typedef struct
17 {
18 Rte_DE_uint16 myImplicitSimpleData2;
19 } Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS_Type;

Code example for Rte_myComponent.h (already compiled into the software compo-
nent) in case the RTE Generator implements the implicit communication:

903 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

1 #include "Rte_DataHandleType.h"
3 typedef struct
4 {
5 Rte_DE_uint16 * myConsumerRunnable_myRPort1_myImplicitSimpleData2;
6 Rte_DE_uint32 * myProducerRunnable1_myPPort1_myImplicitSimpleData;
7 } Rte_CDS_myComponent;
9 extern CONSTP2CONST(Rte_CDS_myComponent, RTE_CONST, RTE_CONST)

11 #define Rte_IWrite_myProducerRunnable1_myPPort1_myImplicitSimpleData(
data) ( \
12 Rte_Inst_myComponent->
myProducerRunnable1_myPPort1_myImplicitSimpleData->value = (data)

14 #define Rte_IWriteRef_myProducerRunnable1_myPPort1_myImplicitSimpleData
() ( \
15 &Rte_Inst_myComponent->
myProducerRunnable1_myPPort1_myImplicitSimpleData->value )
17 #define Rte_IRead_myConsumerRunnable_myRPort1_myImplicitSimpleData2() (
18 Rte_Inst_myComponent->
myConsumerRunnable_myRPort1_myImplicitSimpleData2->value )

Code example for Rte.c in case the RTE Generator implements the implicit commu-
1 #include "Rte_myComponent.h"
3 Rte_DE_uint32 Rte_myImplicitSimpleData;
5 /* task buffer for TASK_COOP_10MS */
6 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS_Type
8 /* task buffer for TASK_PREEMPT_1MS */
9 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS_Type
11 const Rte_CDS_myComponent Rte_Inst_myComponent = {
12 &Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS.myImplicitSimpleData2,
13 &Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS.myImplicitSimpleData };
16 {
17 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myProducerRunnable1_Start();
18 myProducerRunnable1();
19 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myProducerRunnable1_Return();
20 Rte_myImplicitSimpleData = Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS.
21 }

904 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

24 {
25 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS.myImplicitSimpleData2 =
26 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myConsumerRunnable_Start();
27 myConsumerRunnable();
28 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myConsumerRunnable_Return();
29 }

In the following example the Data Communication Graph is handled by

an RTE Implementation Plug-In. Due to data conversion two RIPS
FlatInstanceDescriptors need to be configured. The first RIPS FlatIn-
stanceDescriptor named myGlobalData2 points to myImplicitSimpleData
of myPPort1. The second RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor named myGlobal-
Data1 points to data element myImplicitSimpleData2 of RPortPrototype myR-
Port1 of the software component myComponent.
There is also an additional flush-routine with
RteRipsPluginFillFlushRoutineFncSymbol = Rips_Flush_Runnable1 and
configured at the RteEventToTaskMapping of the RunnableEntity myProduc-
Furthermore there is a fill-routine with
RteRipsPluginFillFlushRoutineFncSymbol = Rips_Fill_Runnable1 and
configured at the RteEventToTaskMapping of the RunnableEntity myCon-

Example 7.11

Code example for Rte_DataHandleType.h in case the RTE Implementation

Plug-In implements the implicit communication:
1 typedef struct
2 {
3 uint16 value;
4 } Rte_DE_uint16;
6 typedef struct
7 {
8 uint32 value;
9 } Rte_DE_uint32;
11 /* wrapper type according SWS_Rte_80079 */
12 typedef Rte_DE_uint16 Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData1_Type;
13 typedef Rte_DE_uint32 Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData2_Type;
15 /* definition of RTE Task buffers are not necessary any longer */

Code example for Rte_myComponent.h from contract phase (already compiled into
the software component) in case the RTE Implementation Plug-In implements
the implicit communication. Please note, that the contract phase is not impacted by the
application of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins.

905 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

1 #include "Rte_DataHandleType.h"
3 typedef struct
4 {
5 Rte_DE_uint16 * myConsumerRunnable_myRPort1_myImplicitSimpleData2;
6 Rte_DE_uint32 * myProducerRunnable1_myPPort1_myImplicitSimpleData;
7 } Rte_CDS_myComponent;
9 extern CONSTP2CONST(Rte_CDS_myComponent, RTE_CONST, RTE_CONST)

11 #define Rte_IWrite_myProducerRunnable1_myPPort1_myImplicitSimpleData(
data) ( \
12 Rte_Inst_myComponent->
myProducerRunnable1_myPPort1_myImplicitSimpleData->value = (data)

14 #define Rte_IWriteRef_myProducerRunnable1_myPPort1_myImplicitSimpleData
() ( \
15 &Rte_Inst_myComponent->
myProducerRunnable1_myPPort1_myImplicitSimpleData->value )
17 #define Rte_IRead_myConsumerRunnable_myRPort1_myImplicitSimpleData2() (
18 Rte_Inst_myComponent->
myConsumerRunnable_myRPort1_myImplicitSimpleData2->value )

Code example for Rte.c in case the RTE Implementation Plug-In implements
the implicit communication:
1 #include "Rte_myComponent.h"
2 #include "Rte.h"

4 /* SWS_Rte_80006 is implemented by suitable naming of the RTE variables

5 Rte_DE_uint16 Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData1;
6 Rte_DE_uint32 Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData2;
8 const Rte_CDS_myComponent Rte_Inst_myComponent =
9 {
10 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IRBufferRef_myComponent_
11 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IWBufferRef_myComponent_
12 };
15 {
16 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myProducerRunnable1_Start();
17 myProducerRunnable1();
18 (Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IWBufferRef_RteCnvmyComponent_
RteCnvmyProducerRunnable1_myGlobalData1()->value) =
19 (Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IRBufferRef_RteCnvmyComponent_
20 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myProducerRunnable1_Return();
21 Rips_Flush_Runnable1();

906 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

22 }
25 {
26 Rips_Fill_Runnable1();
27 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myConsumerRunnable_Start();
28 myConsumerRunnable();
29 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myConsumerRunnable_Return();
30 } Inter Runnable Variables and RTE Implementation Plug-Ins

Besides the fact that InterRunnableVariables are used by a SWC internally and use an
own set of APIs (i.e. Rte_IrvIRead, Rte_IrvIWrite and Rte_IrvIWriteRef),
there is no difference in their implementing code or their need for protection or buffering
compared to regular data instances. They shall therefore not be treated differently to
regular inter SWC implicit communication. I.e. the InterRunnableVariable will also
be referenced by a RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor and their access APIs will as
well be routed via the same RTE Implementation Plug-In Services as regular
implicit accesses would be.
There are no specific requirements on InterRunnableVariables since those are already
covered in the requirements for Implicit and Explicit communication. For instance
[SWS_Rte_70015], [SWS_Rte_70016], [SWS_Rte_70017], [SWS_Rte_70018],
[SWS_Rte_70019], [SWS_Rte_70021], [SWS_Rte_70023], [SWS_Rte_70025],
[SWS_Rte_70050], [SWS_Rte_70056]. RTE Implementation Plug-Ins and NvBlockSwComponents

When a Data Communication Graph involves a NvBlockSwComponent (see also, the data gets additionally accessed via the callback functions
• Rte_GetMirror (reading)
• Rte_SetMirror (writing)
• Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock (writing)
provided by the RTE for the NvBlock.
The access to the data shall be considered as an "explicit" like access. Therefore
similar protection services and access services are used. In addition the access
to the NvBlock can be seen as an overlay of Data Communication Graphs,
the first Data Communication Graph described by the VariableDataProto-
type instances in the NvBlockSwComponent’s ports and the Data Communica-
tion Graph of the whole ramBlock.

907 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note, that for all of those Data Communication Graphs individual RIPS
FlatInstanceDescriptors need to be provided.
Further on its not required, that all Data Communication Graphs overlaying in a
NvBlock are associated to the same RTE Implementation Plug-In nor are han-
dled by an RTE Implementation Plug-In at all.
[SWS_Rte_70082] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall pro-
vide a set of Rte_Rips_StartRead and Rte_Rips_StopRead Services for each
Data Communication Graph involving a NvBlockSwComponent, if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the RTE Implementation
Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated RTE Implementation Plug-In the RteRipsGlobal-
CopyInstantiationPolicy is set to RTE_RIPS_INSTANTIATION_BY_RTE.
• <SwcBswI> is the SwComponentPrototype’s name of the NvBlockSwCom-
• <ExE> is the name of the callback GetMirror,
• <CGI> is the name of the Communication Graph Instance according to
c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_70083] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall pro-
vide a set of Rte_Rips_StartWrite and Rte_Rips_StopWrite Services for each
Data Communication Graph involving a NvBlockSwComponent, if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the RTE Implementation
Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated RTE Implementation Plug-In the RteRipsGlobal-
CopyInstantiationPolicy is set to RTE_RIPS_INSTANTIATION_BY_RTE.
• <SwcBswI> is the SwComponentPrototype’s name of the NvBlockSwCom-
• <ExE> is the name of the callbacks SetMirror and NvMNotifyInitBlock,
• <CGI> is the name of the Communication Graph Instance according to
c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)

908 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_70084] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall pro-

vide the Rte_Rips_Read Service for each Data Communication Graph involving
a NvBlockSwComponent, if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the RTE Implementation
Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated RTE Implementation Plug-In the RteRipsGlob-
alCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to RTE_RIPS_INSTANTIATION_BY_-
• <SwcBswI> is the SwComponentPrototype’s name of the NvBlockSwCom-
• <ExE> is the name of the callback GetMirror,
• <CGI> is the name of the Communication Graph Instance according to
c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_70085] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall pro-
vide a set of Rte_Rips_Write Services for each Data Communication Graph
involving a NvBlockSwComponents, if
• for the related Data Communication Graph the RTE Implementation
Plug-In support is enabled
• for the associated RTE Implementation Plug-In the RteRipsGlob-
alCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to RTE_RIPS_INSTANTIATION_BY_-
• <SwcBswI> is the SwComponentPrototype’s name of the NvBlockSwCom-
• <ExE> is the name of the callbacks SetMirror and NvMNotifyInitBlock,
• <CGI> is the name of the Communication Graph Instance according to
c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_Rte_00301, SRS_Rte_00303)
For instance for a single data myNvData mapped into a NvBlock in the
NvBlockSwComponent myNvBlockSwc the associated RTE Implementation
Plug-In - when it has RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy set to RTE_-
RIPS_INSTANTIATION_BY_RTE - provides the following set of services:

909 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartRead_myNvBlockSwc_GetMirror_myNvData
• Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopRead_myNvBlockSwc_GetMirror_myNvData
• Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartWrite_myNvBlockSwc_SetMirror_myNvData
• Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopWrite_myNvBlockSwc_SetMirror_myNvData
• Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartWrite_myNvBlockSwc_
• Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopWrite_myNvBlockSwc_
In case the global copy is provided by the RTE and Data Communication
Graphs overlay in the ramBlock of a NvBlockSwComponent the order in which the
Rte_Rips_StartRead and Rte_Rips_StopRead Services for the different Data
Communication Graphs are called needs to be defined.
[SWS_Rte_80104] dThe RTE Generator shall call the Rte_Rips_StartRead and
Rte_Rips_StopRead Services for overlaid Data Communication Graphs in the
following order:
1. The Rte_Rips_StartRead / Rte_Rips_StartWrite Service of a Data
Communication Graph containing other Data Communication Graphss is
called before the Rte_Rips_StartRead / Rte_Rips_StartWrite Services
of the contained Data Communication Graphs.
2. The Rte_Rips_StopRead / Rte_Rips_StopWrite Service of a Data Com-
munication Graphs containing other Data Communication Graphs is
called after the Rte_Rips_StopRead / Rte_Rips_StopWrite Service of the
contained Data Communication Graphs.
The calls shall be placed in the callback functions
• Rte_GetMirror
• Rte_SetMirror
• Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock
belonging to the ramBlock of a NvBlockSwComponent.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_-
In case the global copy is provided by the RTE Implementation Plug-In it is
not useful to call the Rte_Rips_Read and Rte_Rips_Write Services for the Data
Communication Graphs which are already contained in another Data Communi-
cation Graph.
[SWS_Rte_80105] dIn case of overlaid Data Communication Graphs the RTE
Generator shall only call the Rte_Rips_Read, Rte_Rips_DRead and Rte_Rips_-
Write Services for the Data Communication Graphs which are not contained in
another Data Communication Graph in the callback functions

910 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• Rte_GetMirror
• Rte_SetMirror
• Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock
belonging to the ramBlock of a NvBlockSwComponent.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_-
Rte_00301) Example about source code software component with complex call
tree and NV data

The example 7.12 shows a more complex constellation of implicit communication. That
• the software component is delivered as source code and
• the software component does not support multiple instantiation and
• the data writing RunnableEntity is executed conditionally (e.g. due to a Swc-
ModeSwitchEvent) and
• the data reading RunnableEntity is executed as a direct function call server
• writer and reader are called in interrupting tasks and
• the data is part of a RamBlock of an NvBlockSwComponent and
• the NonqueuedReceiverComSpec has handleNeverReceived set to TRUE,
the NonqueuedSenderComSpec does not set any option enforcing a data ele-
ment status and
• the data is an array.

Example 7.12

Code example for Rte_Type.h in case the RTE Generator implements the implicit
1 typedef uint32 myArrayType[4];

Code example for Rte_DataHandleType.h in case the RTE Generator implements

the implicit communication:
1 typedef struct
2 {
3 myArrayType value;
4 Std_ReturnType status;
5 } Rte_DES_myArrayType;
7 typedef struct
8 {
9 myArrayType value;

911 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

10 } Rte_DE_myArrayType;
12 /* NV block type */
13 typedef struct
14 {
15 myArrayType myBlockElement1;
16 } myNvBlockType;
18 /* task buffer type for TASK_COOP_10MS */
20 typedef struct
21 {
22 Rte_DE_myArrayType myArrayData;
23 } Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS_Type;
25 /* task buffer type for server runnable */

27 typedef struct
28 {
29 Rte_DES_myArrayType myArrayData;
30 } Rte_PerTaskBuffers_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation_Type;

Code example for Rte_myComponent.h in case the RTE Generator implements the
implicit communication:
1 #include "Rte_DataHandleType.h"

3 /* task buffer for TASK_COOP_10MS */

4 extern Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS_Type
6 /* task buffer for TASK_PREEMPT_1MS */

8 extern Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_PREEMPT_1MS_Type
10 #define Rte_IWriteRef_myProducerRunnable2_myPPort2_myArrayData() ( \
11 (uint32 *)&Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS.myArrayData.value )

13 #define Rte_IWrite_myProducerRunnable2_myPPort2_myArrayData(data) ( \
14 Rte_MemCopy(&Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS.myArrayData.value, \
15 data, \
16 sizeof data); )

18 #define Rte_IRead_myServerRunnable_myRPort2_myArrayData() ( \
19 (const uint32 *) &
myArrayData.value )
21 #define Rte_IStatus_myServerRunnable_myRPort2_myArrayData() ( \
22 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation.myArrayData.
status )
24 #define Rte_Call_myServerRPort_myOperation() \ (
Rte_Call_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation() )

912 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Code example for Rte.c in case the RTE Generator implements the implicit commu-
1 #include "Rte_myComponent.h"
2 #include "Rte.h"
4 Rte_DES_myArrayType Rte_myArrayData = {{0,1,255,4294967295},
6 /* RomBlock */
7 const myNvBlockType Rte_RomBlock = {{0,1,255,4294967295}};
9 /* task buffer for TASK_COOP_10MS */
10 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS_Type
12 /* task buffer for server runnable */
13 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation_Type \
14 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation;
16 Std_ReturnType Rte_Call_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation(void)
17 {
18 Std_ReturnType rtn;
19 Rte_CallHook_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation_Start();
20 SuspendOsInterrupts();
21 Rte_MemCopy(&
myArrayData, \
22 &Rte_myArrayData, \
23 sizeof Rte_myArrayData);
24 ResumeOsInterrupts();
25 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myServerRunnable_Start()
26 myServerRunnable();
27 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myServerRunnable_Return()
28 rtn = RTE_E_OK;
29 Rte_CallHook_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation_Return();
30 return rtn;
31 }
33 Std_ReturnType Rte_GetMirror_myNvBlockSwc_myNvBlockDescriptor(void *
34 {
35 SuspendOSInterrupts();
36 Rte_MemCopy(&((myNvBlockType *)NvmBuffer)->myBlockElement1,
37 &Rte_myArrayData.value,
38 sizeof Rte_myArrayData.value);
39 ResumeOSInterrupts();
40 return RTE_E_OK;
41 }
43 Std_ReturnType Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock_myNvBlockSwc_myNvBlockDescriptor(
44 {
45 SuspendOSInterrupts();
46 Rte_MemCopy(&Rte_myArrayData.value,
47 &Rte_RomBlock->myBlockElement1,

913 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

48 sizeof Rte_myArrayData.value);
49 ResumeOSInterrupts();
50 return RTE_E_OK;
51 }
54 {
55 Std_ReturnType ret;
56 if (...myProducerRunnable2 execution condition...)
57 {
58 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myProducerRunnable2_Start();
59 myProducerRunnable2();
60 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myProducerRunnable2_Return();
61 }
62 ... some unrelated runnables ...
63 if (...myProducerRunnable2 execution condition...)
64 {
65 SuspendOsInterrupts();
66 Rte_MemCopy(&Rte_myArrayData.value, \
67 &Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS.myArrayData.value, \
68 sizeof Rte_myArrayData.value);
69 Rte_myArrayData.status &= (Std_ReturnType)(~RTE_E_NEVER_RECEIVED)
70 ResumeOsInterrupts();
71 }
72 }
75 {
76 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myClientRunnable_Start();
77 myClientRunnable(); // will execute
78 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myClientRunnable_Return();
79 }

The following example 7.13 shows an equivalent implementation of the scenario

via an RTE Implementation Plug-In. In this case, there exists addition-
ally a Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine as RteRipsFlushRoutineRef at the
RteEventToTaskMapping for the RTEEvent activating runnable myProducer-
Runnable2. The RteRipsPluginFillFlushRoutineFncSymbol of the Rte_-
Rips_FillFlushRoutine is set to Rips_Flush_Runnable2.
Furthermore there exists additionally a Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine as
RteRipsFillRoutineRef at the RteEventToTaskMapping for the RTEEvent ac-
tivating runnable myServerRunnable.
And finally, the RAM block of NvBlockDescriptor myNvBlockDescriptor
of NvBlockSwComponent myNvBlockSwc is referenced by a RIPS FlatIn-
stanceDescriptor named myRamBlock, which references the RTE Implemen-
tation Plug-In myPlugin.

Example 7.13

914 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Code example for Rte_Type.h in case the RTE Generator redirects towards an RTE
Implementation Plug-In to implement the scenario:
1 typedef uint32 myArrayType[4];

Code example for Rte_DataHandleType.h in case the RTE Generator redirects to-
wards an RTE Implementation Plug-In to implement the scenario:
1 typedef struct
2 {
3 myArrayType value;
4 } Rte_DE_myArrayType;

6 typedef struct
7 {
8 myArrayType value;
9 Std_ReturnType status;
10 } Rte_DES_myArrayType;
12 /* NV block type */
14 typedef struct
15 {
16 myArrayType myBlockElement1;
17 } myNvBlockType;
19 /* wrapper type according SWS_Rte_80079 */
20 typedef Rte_DE_myArrayType Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData3_Type;
21 typedef Rte_DES_myArrayType Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData4_Type;

Code example for Rte_myComponent.h in case the RTE Generator redirects towards
an RTE Implementation Plug-In to implement the scenario:
1 #include "Rte_DataHandleType.h"
2 #include "Rte_Rips_myPlugin_myComponent.h"
4 #define Rte_IWriteRef_myProducerRunnable2_myPPort2_myArrayData() ( \
5 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IWBufferRef_myComponent_myProducerRunnable2_myGlobalData3
() )
7 #define Rte_IWrite_myProducerRunnable2_myPPort2_myArrayData(data) ( \
8 Rte_MemCopy( \
9 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IWBufferRef_myComponent_myProducerRunnable2_myGlobalData3
(), \
10 data, \
11 sizeof data); )
13 #define Rte_IRead_myServerRunnable_myRPort2_myArrayData() ( \
14 (const uint32 *) &Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IRBufferRef_myComponent
_myServerRunnable_myGlobalData4()->value )
16 #define Rte_IStatus_myServerRunnable_myRPort2_myArrayData() ( \
17 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IRBufferRef_myComponent
_myServerRunnable_myGlobalData4()->status )

19 #define Rte_Call_myServerRPort_myOperation() \
20 (Rte_Call_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation() )

915 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Code example for Rte.h in case the RTE Generator redirects towards an RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In to implement the scenario:
1 #include "Rte_Rips_myPlugin.h"

Code example for Rte.c in case the RTE Generator redirects towards an RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In to implement the scenario:
1 #include "Rte.h"
2 #include "Rte_Buffers.h"
3 #include "Rte_myComponent.h"
5 Rte_DES_myArrayType Rte_myGlobalData4 = {{0,1,255,4294967295},
6 Rte_DE_myArrayType Rte_myGlobalData3 = {0,1,255,4294967295};

8 /* RomBlock */
9 const myNvBlockType Rte_RomBlock = {{0,1,255,4294967295}};
11 Std_ReturnType Rte_Call_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation(void)
12 {
13 Std_ReturnType rtn;
14 Rte_CallHook_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation_Start();
15 Rips_Fill_Runnable2();
16 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myServerRunnable_Start();
17 myServerRunnable();
18 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myServerRunnable_Return();
19 rtn = RTE_E_OK;
20 Rte_CallHook_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation_Return();
21 return rtn;
22 }
24 Std_ReturnType Rte_GetMirror_myNvBlockSwc_myNvBlockDescriptor(void *
25 {
26 /* start protection whole ramBlock */
27 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartRead_myNvBlockSwc_GetMirror_myRamBlock();
28 /* start protection single data element */
29 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartRead_myNvBlockSwc_GetMirror_myGlobalData3();
30 Rte_MemCopy(&((myNvBlockType *)NvmBuffer)->myBlockElement1,
31 &Rte_myGlobalData3, sizeof Rte_myGlobalData3);
32 /* stop protection single data element */
33 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopRead_myNvBlockSwc_GetMirror_myGlobalData3();
34 /* stop protection whole ramBlock */
35 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopRead_myNvBlockSwc_GetMirror_myRamBlock();
36 return RTE_E_OK;
37 }
39 Std_ReturnType Rte_NvMNotifyInitBlock_myNvBlockSwc_myNvBlockDescriptor(
40 {
41 /* start protection whole ramBlock */
42 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartWrite_myNvBlockSwc_GetMirror_myRamBlock();
43 /* start protection single data element */
44 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartWrite_myNvBlockSwc_GetMirror_myGlobalData3();

916 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

46 Rte_MemCopy(&Rte_myGlobalData3,
47 &Rte_RomBlock->myBlockElement1,
48 sizeof Rte_myGlobalData3);
50 /* stop protection single data element */
51 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopWrite_myNvBlockSwc_GetMirror_myGlobalData3();
52 /* start protection single data element */
53 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartWrite_myNvBlockSwc_GetMirror_myGlobalData4();
55 Rte_MemCopy(&Rte_myGlobalData4.value,
56 &Rte_RomBlock->myBlockElement1,
57 sizeof Rte_myGlobalData4.value);
59 /* stop protection single data element */
60 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopWrite_myNvBlockSwc_GetMirror_myGlobalData4();
61 /* stop protection whole ramBlock */
62 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopWrite_myNvBlockSwc_GetMirror_myRamBlock();
63 return RTE_E_OK;
64 }
67 {
68 Std_ReturnType ret;
69 if (...myProducerRunnable2 execution condition...)
70 {
71 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myProducerRunnable2_Start();
72 myProducerRunnable2();
73 Rte_MemCopy(
74 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IWBufferRef_myComponent
75 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IWBufferRef_myComponent
76 sizeof Rte_myGlobalData4.value);
77 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IWBufferRef_myComponent
78 &= (Std_ReturnType)(~RTE_E_NEVER_RECEIVED);
79 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myProducerRunnable2_Return();
80 Rips_Flush_Runnable2();
81 }
82 ... some unrelated runnables ...
83 /* RTE specifc buffer handling at the end of the task is inhibited
84 }
87 {
88 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myClientRunnable_Start();
89 myClientRunnable(); // will execute
90 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_myClientRunnable_Return();
91 }

Code example for Rte_Buffers.h in case the RTE Generator redirects towards an
RTE Implementation Plug-In to implement the scenario:
1 #include "Rte_DataHandleType.h"

917 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

2 #include "Rte_Rips_myPlugin_Buffers.h"
4 /* the mapping according SWS_Rte_80006 below can be omitted, if the RTE
Generator names the variable Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData4 */
5 extern Rte_DES_myArrayType Rte_myGlobalData4;

7 #define Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData4 Rte_myGlobalData4

9 /* the mapping according SWS_Rte_80006 below can be omitted, if the RTE
Generator names the variable Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData3 */
10 extern Rte_DE_myArrayType Rte_myGlobalData3;
12 #define Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData3 Rte_myGlobalData3

Code example for Rte_Rips_myPlugin_myComponent.h in case the RTE Genera-

tor redirects towards an RTE Implementation Plug-In to implement the scenario:
1 #include "Rte_Buffers.h"
3 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IWBufferRef_myComponent
_myProducerRunnable2_myGlobalData3() \
4 &Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS.myGlobalData3
6 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_IWBufferRef_myComponent
_myProducerRunnable2_myGlobalData4() \
7 &Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS.myGlobalData4

9 #define
() \
10 &Rte_PerTaskBuffers_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation.

Code example for Rte_Rips_myPlugin_Buffers.h in case the RTE Generator

redirects towards an RTE Implementation Plug-In to implement the scenario:
1 #include "Rte_DataHandleType.h"

3 /* task buffer type for TASK_COOP_10MS */

5 typedef struct
6 {
7 Rte_DE_myArrayType myGlobalData4;
8 Rte_DES_myArrayType myGlobalData3;
9 } Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS_Type;
11 /* task buffer type for server runnable */
13 typedef struct
14 {
15 Rte_DES_myArrayType myGlobalData3;
16 } Rte_PerTaskBuffers_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation_Type;
18 /* task buffer for TASK_COOP_10MS */

918 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

20 extern Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS_Type
21 /* task buffer for server runnable */
23 extern Rte_PerTaskBuffers_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation_Type \
24 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation;

Code example for Rte_Rips_myPlugin.h in case the RTE Generator redirects to-
wards an RTE Implementation Plug-In to implement the scenario:
1 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_FillEnter_Rips_Fill_Runnable2() \
2 SuspendOSInterrupts()
3 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_FillExit_Rips_Fill_Runnable2() \
4 ResumeOSInterrupts()
5 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_FlushEnter_Rips_Flush_Runnable2() \
6 SuspendOSInterrupts()
7 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_FlushExit_Rips_Flush_Runnable2() \
8 ResumeOSInterrupts()
9 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartReadCallback_NvM_myRamBlock() \
10 SuspendOSInterrupts()
11 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopReadCallback_NvM_myRamBlock() \
12 ResumeOSInterrupts()
13 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StartWriteCallback_NvM_myRamBlock() \
14 SuspendOSInterrupts()
15 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_StopWriteCallback_NvM_myRamBlock() \
16 ResumeOSInterrupts()

Code example for Rte_Rips_myPlugin.c in case the RTE Generator redirects to-
wards an RTE Implementation Plug-In to implement the scenario:
1 #include "Rte_Buffers.h"

3 /* task buffer for TASK_COOP_10MS */

4 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS_Type
6 /* task buffer for server runnable */
7 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation_Type \
8 Rte_PerTaskBuffers_myComponent_myServerRPort_myOperation;
10 void Rips_Flush_Runnable2(void)
11 {
12 Rte_MemCopy(&Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData3, \
13 &Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS.myGlobalData3, \
14 sizeof Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData3);
15 Rte_MemCopy(&Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData4, \
16 &Rte_PerTaskBuffers_TASK_COOP_10MS.myGlobalData4, \
17 sizeof Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData4);
18 }
20 void Rips_Fill_Runnable2(void)
21 {
22 Rte_MemCopy(&
myGlobalData3, \
23 &Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData3, \

919 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

24 sizeof Rte_Rips_GlobalCopy_myGlobalData3);
25 }

7.3.5 Exclusive Areas Exclusive Areas and RTE Implementation Plug-Ins

For ExclusiveAreas RTE already offers a possibility to configure which protection

mechanism shall be used for any given ExclusiveArea. The mechanisms foreseen
are described in section Nevertheless the AUTOSAR standardized config-
uration does not foresee a detailed specification of the applied mechanism, e.g. a
specific spin lock, nor it defines guaranteed optimizations, e.g. omitting the blocking
from the highest prior call context or call contexts which are executed exclusively on
the whole ECU. Additionally in complex dynamic architectures (like for multi / many
core systems) a fine grained selection - usually tool based - of the appropriate block-
ing mechanism is beneficial to avoid unnecessary block and unblock activity as well
as to avoid the unnecessary blocking of cores without interference to the impacted
To overcome this limitation the RTE Implementation Plug-In has to choose an
appropriate implementation and the RTE has to suspend its related model acceptance
checks. As not every ExclusiveArea will need a treatment beyond RTE internal
mechanisms, individual ExclusiveAreas can be assigned to a specific RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In.
Regarding ExclusiveAreas there is no difference between source code and object
code integrated software components, except that for source code integrated software
components the RTE is free to implement the Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit API already
in the application header file. Therefore the statements in this chapter are valid for both
source and object code integrated software components.
There are two kinds of ExclusiveAreas, the ones which can explicitly be entered and
left inside an ExecutableEntity (in canEnterExclusiveArea role) and the ones
which protect the complete ExecutableEntity (in runsInsideExclusiveArea
role). Related examples are shown in individual chapters.
When invoking the RTE Implementation Plug-In Service to enter or exit an
ExclusiveArea, the RTE Generator has to respect the granularity of the Rte_-
Rips_Enter and Rte_Rips_Exit Services depending on whether the Exclu-
siveArea is handled as
• runsInsideExclusiveArea
• canEnterExclusiveArea
AND in the second case whether the respective apiPrinciple is set to
• perExecutable

920 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• common.
[SWS_Rte_80022] dIf an ExecutableEntity defines a canEnterExclusiveArea
association, the RTE Generator shall call the corresponding Rte_Rips_Enter and
Rte_Rips_Exit Services inside the belonging Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit APIs.c
[SWS_Rte_80023] dIf an ExecutableEntity defines a runsInsideExclu-
siveArea association, the RTE shall call the corresponding Rte_Rips_Enter
and Rte_Rips_Exit Services where the according RunnableEntity or BswMod-
uleEntity is called due to the activation of a specific RTEEvent or BswEvent.c
Please note: If the related event has been mapped as a direct or trusted function call,
this can be inside another RTE API. In case the event is mapped to a task it is inside
the according task body. Enable RTE Implementation Plug-In support for ExclusiveAreas

[SWS_Rte_80024] dThe RTE Generator shall enable the RTE Implementation

Plug-In support for the related ExclusiveArea, if the related RteExclu-
siveAreaImplMechanism is set to RTE_PLUGIN.c(SRS_Rte_00302)
RteExclusiveAreaImplementation requires the configuration of an RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-In The usage of the enumeration literal RTE_PLUGIN for the pa-
rameter RteExclusiveAreaImplMechanism requires the configuration of the ref-
erence RteExclusiveAreaResponsibleRipsPluginRef in the owning container
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80001] dRTE_PLUGIN in RteBswExclusiveAreaImpl re-
quires the configuration of an RTE Implementation Plug-In The usage of the
enumeration literal RTE_PLUGIN for the parameter RteExclusiveAreaImplMecha-
nism requires the configuration of the reference RteBswExclusiveAreaResponsi-
bleRipsPluginRef in the owning container RteBswExclusiveAreaImpl.c(SRS_-
Please note that ExclusiveAreas do not have an communication aspect and can
not be shared between Software Clusters. Hence, ExclusiveAreas can only
be handled by Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80025]{DRAFT} RteBswExclusiveAreaResponsib-
leRipsPluginRef ins only applicable for Local Software Cluster Commu-
nication Plug-Ins dThe reference RteBswExclusiveAreaResponsibleRip-
sPluginRef shall only reference a Local Software Cluster Communication

921 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Exclusive Areas in Role canEnterExclusiveArea

The ExclusiveAreas which a software component or Basic Software Module can

explicitly enter and exit are referenced in the ExecutableEntity property canEn-
terExclusiveArea. The according RTE and SchM APIs only differ in their name,
not their content. The examples therefore only show the RTE flavor. The content of the
file Rte_myComponent.h represents the version for source code integrated software
components and Basic Software Modules. The implementation in Rte.c represents
the version for object code integrated software components and Basic Software Mod-
ules. This is only to demonstrate the different implementation flavors.
The following example 7.14 shows an implementation of the ExclusiveArea with the
RTE Generator where the RTE Generator uses OS_INTERRUPT_BLOCKING.

Example 7.14

Code example for Rte_myComponent.h in case the RTE Generator implements the
1 #define Rte_Enter_myExclusiveArea1() ( \
2 (Rte_EnterHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Start()), \
3 SuspendOSInterrupts(), \
4 (Rte_EnterHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Return()) )

6 #define Rte_Exit_myExclusiveArea1() ( \
7 (Rte_ExitHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Start()), \
8 ResumeOSInterrupts(), \
9 (Rte_ExitHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Return()) )

Code example for Rte.c in case the RTE Generator implements the Exclu-
1 #include "Rte_myComponent.h"
2 void Rte_Enter_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1(void)
3 {
4 Rte_EnterHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Start();
5 SuspendOSInterrupts();
6 Rte_EnterHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Return();
7 }

9 void Rte_Exit_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1(void)
10 {
11 Rte_ExitHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Start();
12 ResumeOSInterrupts();
13 Rte_ExitHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Return();
14 }

The following example 7.15 shows an equivalent implementation of the Exclu-

siveArea via an RTE Implementation Plug-In.

Example 7.15

922 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Code example for Rte_myComponent.h in case the RTE Generator redirects towards
an RTE Implementation Plug-In to implement the ExclusiveArea:
1 #include "Rte_Rips_myPlugin_myComponent.h"
2 #define Rte_Enter_myExclusiveArea1() ( \
3 (Rte_EnterHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Start()), \
4 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_Enter_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1(), \
5 (Rte_EnterHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Return()) )
7 #define Rte_Exit_myExclusiveArea1() ( \
8 (Rte_ExitHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Start()), \
9 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_Exit_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1(), \
10 (Rte_ExitHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Return()) )

Code example for Rte.c in case the RTE Generator redirects towards an RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In to implement the ExclusiveArea:
1 #include "Rte_myComponent.h"
2 void Rte_Enter_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1(void)
3 {
4 Rte_EnterHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Start();
5 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_Enter_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1();
6 Rte_EnterHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Return();
7 }
9 void Rte_Exit_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1(void)
10 {
11 Rte_ExitHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Start();
12 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_Exit_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1();
13 Rte_ExitHook_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1_Return();
14 }

Code example for Rte_Rips_myPlugin_myComponent.h when the Plug-in

chooses OS Interrupt suspension to implement the ExclusiveArea:
1 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_Enter_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1()
2 #define Rte_Rips_myPlugin_Exit_myComponent_myExclusiveArea1()
ResumeOSInterrupts() Exclusive Areas in Role runsInsideExclusiveArea

The ExclusiveAreas which enclose the complete ExecutableEntity of a soft-

ware component or Basic Software Modules are referenced in the ExecutableEn-
tity property runsInsideExclusiveArea. Such ExclusiveAreas do not result
in the generation of an API, but in protective actions before the ExecutableEntity
starts and after it terminates.

923 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The following example 7.16 shows an implementation of the ExclusiveArea where

the whole RunnableEntity runsInsideExclusiveArea and where the RTE Gen-

Example 7.16

Code example for Rte.c in case the RTE Generator implements the Exclu-
1 #include "Rte.h"
3 {
4 SuspendOSInterrupts();
5 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_EvMyRunnable10ms_Start();
6 myRunnable();
7 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_EvMyRunnable10ms_Return();
8 ResumeOSInterrupts();
9 }

The following example 7.17 shows an equivalent implementation of the Exclu-

siveArea via an RTE Implementation Plug-In.:

Example 7.17

Code example for Rte.c in case the RTE Generator redirects towards an RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In to implement the ExclusiveArea:
1 #include "Rte.h"
2 #include "Rte_Rips_myPlugin_myComponent.h"
4 {
5 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_EvMyRunnable10ms_Start();
6 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_Enter_myComponent_EvMyRunnable10ms_myExclusiveArea
7 myRunnable();
8 Rte_Rips_myPlugin_Exit_myComponent_EvMyRunnable10ms_myExclusiveArea
9 Rte_Runnable_myComponent_EvMyRunnable10ms_Return();
10 }

Code example for Rte_Rips_myPlugin_myComponent.h when the Plug-in

chooses OS Interrupt suspension to implement the Exclusive Area:
1 #define
() \
2 SuspendOSInterrupts()
4 #define
() \
5 ResumeOSInterrupts()

924 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

7.3.6 Modes Modes and Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In

Without Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins the protection of

the mode queues is a duty of the RTE Generator. Due to the requirements on mode
machine instances and distributed shared mode queues for queuing and
consistent reading of a set of mode values (current mode, previous mode, next mode)
via Rte_Mode APIs, it is very likely that the implementation requires a protection mech-
But in case Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins are applied
there is an interest to control the applied protection mechanisms for basically two rea-
• The applied protection mechanisms shall fit to the overall strategy of protection
mechanisms applied for Communication Graphs.
• If Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-Ins are used to sup-
port a scheduling setup which the RTE Generator cannot handle via its im-
plementation, it is consistently required to move also the protection of mode
queues to the responsibility of the Local Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-Ins.
Nevertheless the supporting pattern for those protections deviates from the pattern
defined for data communication. There are two rationales for this deviation:
An ECU usually uses a high number of data communications which in turn results in a
high frequency of calls to communication APIs. In opposite the number of mode ma-
chine instances is significantly lower. Furthermore modes are not switched such
frequently. But on the other hand the implementation of mode machine instances
and distributed shared mode queues is not purely driven by the accessing Ex-
ecutableEntitys. Furthermore the requirements to apply mode disablings and to
dequeue mode switch notification at the end of transitions result in mode queue ac-
cesses in the context of OsTasks.
For this reason the RTE Implementation Plug-In Service Rte_Rips_Enter-
ModeQueue and Rte_Rips_ExitModeQueue are designed like exclusive areas with-
out a specific name space for the call context. Modes and Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In

In case a mode switch notification needs to be communicated to another

Software Cluster its the duty of the Cross Software Cluster Communi-
cation Plug-In to implement the functionality to cross the Software Cluster

925 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In case the mode switch notification is received by the Software Cluster,

the regular Rte_Switch API is enough to inform the RTE about the ongoing mode
switch. The only difference to a mode switch, which is completely locally handled in
the Applicative Software Cluster, is the fact, that the task activation for mode
switch task is coordinated by the Host Software Cluster in the background.
In case the mode switch notification is provided by the Software Cluster, the
Cross Cluster Communication needs on one hand to be informed about newly
enqueued mode switch notifications. So as to, the Rte_Switch API calls the
related Rte_Rips_Switch service of the Cross Software Cluster Communi-
cation Plug-In. When the mode switch is started, it is executed on all the receiving
Software Clusters and needs there to be fully processed before the next mode
switch can be dequeued. For this purpose, the Software Cluster Connection
notifies the RTE via Rte_Rips_DequeueModeSwitch service. Enable RTE Implementation Plug-In support for mode machine in-

[SWS_Rte_80082] dThe RTE Generator shall enable the Local Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support for a mode machine instance, if the
related RteModeMachineInstanceConfig or RteBswModeMachineInstance-
Config container contains the reference RteModeMachineInstanceResponsib-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80024]{DRAFT} RteModeMachineInstanceRespon-
sibleRipsPluginRef ins only applicable for Local Software Cluster
Communication Plug-Ins dThe reference RteModeMachineInstanceRe-
sponsibleRipsPluginRef shall only reference a Local Software Cluster
Communication Plug-In.c()
[SWS_Rte_80132] dThe RTE Generator shall enable the Cross Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In support for a mode machine instance, if for a
Mode Communication Graph
• a FlatInstanceDescriptor references the Mode Communication Graph
• and the rtePluginProps.associatedCrossSwClusterComRtePlugin ref-
erences the RteRipsPluginProps container of the Cross Software Clus-
ter Communication Plug-In.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80026]{DRAFT} modeGroup instance reference for Rte
Implementation Plug-Ins I dThe RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor for a Mode
Communication Graph shall reference the modeGroup instance in the Abstract-
ProvidedPortPrototype, if the configuration contains the mode manager for the
Mode Communication Graph.c(SRS_Rte_00321)

926 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80027]{DRAFT} Valid modeGroup instance reference for

Rte Implementation Plug-Ins II dThe RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor for
a Mode Communication Graph shall reference the modeGroup instance in the
RPortPrototype at the CompositionSwComponentType of the rootSoftware-
Composition of the Ecu Extract, if the configuration contains only the mode user
for the Mode Communication Graph.c(SRS_Rte_00321)
Note that [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80026] and [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80027] refers to the
configuration before the Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In
provides the ’proxy’ mode manager as described in document [33].
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80028]{DRAFT} Valid modeGroup instance reference for
Rte Implementation Plug-Ins III dThe RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor for
a modeGroup is only applicable, if the rtePluginProps.associatedCrossS-
wClusterComRtePlugin references a Cross Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00321) Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In support for mode com-
munication Rte_Rips_Switch indication

[SWS_Rte_80133]{DRAFT} dThe RTE shall call the Rte_Rips_Switch Service in

the Rte_Switch API of the related mode manager of the mode machine in-
stance , if the Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In support
for a Mode Communication Graph is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00321)
Thereby the parameters are set according to the following requirements:
[SWS_Rte_80134]{DRAFT} dIn case the Rte_Switch API enqueued into an empty
mode queue, the RTE shall pass the current mode of the related mode machine in-
stance as parameter previousmode, the requested mode as parameter nextmode,
ficationStatus to the Rte_Rips_Switch Service.c(SRS_Rte_00321)
[SWS_Rte_80135]{DRAFT} dIn case the Rte_Switch API enqueued into a non
empty mode queue, the RTE shall pass the requested mode as parameter nextmode
NotificationStatus to the Rte_Rips_Switch Service.c(SRS_Rte_00321)
[SWS_Rte_80136]{DRAFT} dIn case the Rte_Switch API could not enqueue into
the mode queue, the RTE shall pass the requested mode as parameter nextmode
ficationStatus to the Rte_Rips_Switch Service.c(SRS_Rte_00321)
Please note: In case of [SWS_Rte_80134] and [SWS_Rte_80135] it is possible that
a mode transition of this mode machine instance is ongoing. Therefore the pa-
rameter previousmode is not reliable since it may change at any time during the

927 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

execution of the Rte_Rips_Switch Service. Therefore the value of the parameter

previousmode is implementation specific and will not be evaluated by the RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In in case of already ongoing mode switches. Rte_Rips_DequeueModeSwitch indication

With the Rte_Rips_DequeueModeSwitch service the RTE can dequeue the next
mode switch from the mode queue at the point in time when the mode switch is finished
at all Software Clusters. In case the mode providing Applicative Software
Cluster utilizes multiple mode switch tasks (e.g. in a multi core or mode switch config-
uration) the Rte_Rips_DequeueModeSwitch gets called by the Cross Software
Cluster Communication Plug-In for each mode switch tasks. It’s up on the RTE
to decide in which of the calls the real dequeue operation happens. Please note, that
the Rte_Rips_DequeueModeSwitch service is only applicable in an Applicative
Software Cluster. In the Host Software Cluster, the RTE implements the
mode switches on top of the real OS tasks - in which the execution of mode switches in
Applicative Software Clusters are scheduled. Hence, it is not possible, that
a mode switch in another Software Cluster is not finished after the mode switch of
the Host Software Cluster is finished.
[SWS_Rte_70123]{DRAFT} dThe Cross Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In in an Applicative Software Cluster shall call the Rte_Rips_De-
queueModeSwitch Service in a context which behaves identical as any mode switch
task w.r.t preemption and priority after the last on-entry ExecutableEntitys
terminated, if the Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In support
for a Mode Communication Graph is enabled in an Applicative Software
Cluster where the mode is provided to other Software Clusters.c(SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_80137]{DRAFT} dThe RTE shall dequeue the next mode when the Rte_-
Rips_DequeueModeSwitch gets called and
• the last on-entry ExecutableEntitys terminated ()
OR if no on-entry ExecutableEntitys is configured
• the last on-transition ExecutableEntitys terminated
OR if no on-transition ExecutableEntitys is configured
• the last on-exit ExecutableEntitys terminated (if any is configured)
OR if no on-exit ExecutableEntitys is configured
• immediately

928 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_80138]{DRAFT} dIn case the Rte_Rips_DequeueModeSwitch cannot

execute the dequeue operation since still executions of on-entry ExecutableEn-
titys, on-transition ExecutableEntitys or on-exit ExecutableEnti-
tys are pending the function shall return RTE_SWITCH_NOTIFCATION_SKIP.c
[SWS_Rte_80139]{DRAFT} dIn case the Rte_Rips_DequeueModeSwitch exe-
cute the dequeue operation from the mode queue and no further mode is in the
queue the function shall return RTE_SWITCH_NOTIFCATION_ DEQUEUED_LAST.c
[SWS_Rte_80140]{DRAFT} dIn case the Rte_Rips_DequeueModeSwitch exe-
cute the dequeue operation from the mode queue and any further mode is in the queue
(SRS_Rte_00321) Enable RTE Implementation Plug-In support for distributed shared

mode queues

[SWS_Rte_80083] dThe RTE Generator shall enable the RTE Implementation

Plug-In support for a distributed shared mode queue, if the related RteDis-
tributedSharedModeQueue container contains the reference RteDSMQResponsi-
In case the mode machine instance belongs to a distributed shared mode
queue the participating mode machine instances cannot be associated with an
RTE Implementation Plug-In. Since the distributed shared mode queue
requires a common queue handling for all mode machine instances, a consis-
tent protection mechanism for all mode machine instances is required. Therefore
the individual assignment of mode machine instances to RTE Implementation
Plug-Ins is not possible.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80012] dmode machine instance belonging to a dis-
tributed shared mode queue is not allowed to be configured for individual RTE
Implementation Plug-In support In case a mode machine instance belongs
to a distributed shared mode queue the reference RteModeMachineIn-
stanceResponsibleRipsPluginRef shall not be configured.c(SRS_Rte_00310)
Nevertheless, when a mode machine instance belongs to a distributed
shared mode queue which is assigned to an RTE Implementation Plug-In,
the protection of all accesses to the mode machine instance which require protec-
tion are implemented via the RTE Implementation Plug-In.

929 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 RTE Implementation Plug-In support for distributed shared mode


The RTE Implementation Plug-In support for a distributed shared mode

queue has the purpose to connect an external task coordinator functionality imple-
mented as part of the RTE Implementation Plug-In. This enables a well defined
ramp-down and ramp-up of the task schedule during a mode switch. Further on such
an RTE Implementation Plug-In can actively manage the gap in the periodic
schedule in which mode switches are processed. For instances this might be imple-
mented with the means of priority ceiling caused by getting an OsResource.
Each mode switch of a mode machine instance belonging to a distributed
shared mode queue causes the following four kind of notifications:
1. Rte_Rips_DsmqSwitch indicates that a mode switch notification was en-
queued or discarded.
2. Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionStart indicates the start of each (non chained)
DSMQ transition OsTask.
3. Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionSync indicates that DSMQ transition OsTask
has executed its mapped on-entry ExecutableEntitys, on-transition
ExecutableEntitys, and on-exit ExecutableEntitys for this mode
4. Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionEnd indicates the successful completion of the
previous mode switch and (if applicable) the enqueueing of the next mode switch. DSMQ transition OsTask activation

In order to ensure a constant number of notification calls to the RTE Implementa-

tion Plug-In for any mode switch following requirement applies:
[SWS_Rte_80125] dThe RTE shall always activate all non-chained DSMQ transition
OsTasks when a new mode transition starts, regardless whether any on-entry
ExecutableEntitys, on-transition ExecutableEntitys, or on-exit Ex-
ecutableEntitys of the currently switching mode machine instance is mapped
to such an OsTask.c(SRS_Rte_00311) Rte_Rips_DsmqSwitch indication

[SWS_Rte_80111] dThe RTE shall call the Rte_Rips_DsmqSwitch Service in the

Rte_Switch API of the related mode manager of the mode machine instance ,
if the RTE Implementation Plug-In support for a distributed shared mode
queue is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00311)
Thereby the parameters are set according to the following requirements:

930 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_80112] dIn case the Rte_Switch API enqueued into an empty dis-
tributed shared mode queue, the RTE shall pass the current mode of the re-
lated mode machine instance as parameter previousmode, the requested mode
as parameter nextmode, and RTE_DSMQ_ENQUEUED_FIRST as parameter dsmqs-
tatus to the Rte_Rips_DsmqSwitch Service.c(SRS_Rte_00311)
[SWS_Rte_80113] dIn case the Rte_Switch API enqueued into a non empty dis-
tributed shared mode queue, the RTE shall pass the requested mode as param-
eter nextmode and RTE_DSMQ_ENQUEUED_NOT_FIRST as parameter dsmqstatus
to the Rte_Rips_DsmqSwitch Service.c(SRS_Rte_00311)
[SWS_Rte_80114] dIn case the Rte_Switch API could not enqueue into the dis-
tributed shared mode queue, the RTE shall pass the requested mode as pa-
rameter nextmode and RTE_DSMQ_ENQUEUE_FAILED as parameter dsmqstatus to
the Rte_Rips_DsmqSwitch Service.c(SRS_Rte_00311)
Please note: In case of [SWS_Rte_80113] and [SWS_Rte_80114] it is possible that
a mode transition of this mode machine instance is ongoing. Therefore the pa-
rameter previousmode is not reliable since it may change at any time during the
execution of the Rte_Rips_DsmqSwitch Service. Therefore the value of the param-
eter previousmode is implementation specific and will not be evaluated by the RTE
Implementation Plug-In. Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionStart indication

[SWS_Rte_80115] dThe RTE shall call the Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionStart Ser-

vice of the mode machine instance related to the to be performed mode switch
in each DSMQ transition OsTask participating in the distributed shared mode
• after the RTE examined the mode transition to be performed in this OsTask exe-
cution and
• before calling any ExecutableEntity in this task and
• before any operation on the implicit buffers of this task.
[SWS_Rte_80116] dThe RTE shall pass the mode from which the mode switch will be
performed as parameter previousmode to the Rte_Rips_DsmqSwitch Service.c
[SWS_Rte_80117] dThe RTE shall pass the mode to which the mode switch will be
performed as parameter nextmode to the Rte_Rips_DsmqSwitch Service.c(SRS_-

931 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Thereby the the RTE can assume that the Rte_Rips_DsmqSwitch Service will not
return before all "non-chained" DSMQ transition OsTasks participating in the dis-
tributed shared mode queue called the Rte_Rips_DsmqSwitch Service.
[SWS_Rte_70109] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall stay in the Rte_-
Rips_DsmqSwitch Service until all Rte_Rips_DsmqSwitch Services of "non-
chained" DSMQ transition OsTasks are entered.c(SRS_Rte_00315) Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionSync indication

[SWS_Rte_80118] dThe RTE shall call the Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionSync Ser-

vice of the DSMQ transition OsTask
• after termination of any on-exit ExecutableEntitys, on-transition
ExecutableEntitys, and on-entry ExecutableEntitys in this task
• and after any operation on the implicit buffers of this task,
• before any manipulation of the distributed shared mode queue (e.g the
dequeuing the next transition).
Thereby the Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionSync Service combines two functionali-
ties. On one hand it is a synchronization point between concurrently executed DSMQ
transition OsTasks. On the other hand the return value controls when and in which
OsTask the dequeue operation on the distributed shared mode queue is done.
[SWS_Rte_70115] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall return for exactly
one Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionSync Service TRUE, and for all others (if present)
Please note: The return value of Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionSync Service is de-
cided at runtime and can change between different mode switches.
[SWS_Rte_80119] dThe RTE shall only execute the dequeue operation on the dis-
tributed shared mode queue in the DSMQ transition OsTasks in which the
Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionSync Service returned TRUE.c(SRS_Rte_00311) Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionEnd indication

[SWS_Rte_80120] dThe RTE shall call the Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionEnd Ser-

vice in the DSMQ transition OsTask in which the dequeue operation is executed (see
[SWS_Rte_80119]) after the distributed shared mode queue has been manip-
ulated and the new mode has been made visible to the mode users, but before the
execution of ModeSwitchAck ExecutableEntitys.c(SRS_Rte_00311)

932 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_80121] dThe RTE shall treat the time between the dequeue operation of
the current mode switch and the return of the Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionEnd Ser-
vice of the current mode switch as a critical section. Enqueue operations into this
distributed shared mode queue occurring during the critical section shall be
executed when the critical section is left.c(SRS_Rte_00311)
Note: Since the distributed shared mode queue is protected by a
pair of Rte_Rips_EnterModeQueue and Rte_Rips_ExitModeQueue Services,
[SWS_Rte_80121] requires the following sequence:
1. call of Rte_Rips_EnterModeQueue
2. manipulation of the distributed shared mode queue (set new current
mode, dequeue next mode transition)
3. call of Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionEnd
4. call of Rte_Rips_ExitModeQueue.
Thereby the parameters are set according to the following requirements:
[SWS_Rte_80122] dIn case the distributed shared mode queue was emptied
by the mode switch, the RTE shall pass RTE_DSMQ_DEQUEUED_LAST as parameter
dsmqstatus, the mode from which the mode switch was performed as parameter
previousmode, and the mode to which the mode switch was performed as parameter
nextmode to the Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionEnd Service to the just switched mode
machine instance.c(SRS_Rte_00311)
[SWS_Rte_80123] dIn case the distributed shared mode queue was not emp-
tied by the mode switch, the RTE shall pass RTE_DSMQ_DEQUEUED_NOT_LAST as
parameter dsmqstatus, the mode from which the next mode switch will be performed
as parameter previousmode, and the mode to which the next mode switch will be
performed as parameter nextmode to the Rte_Rips_DsmqTransitionEnd Service
related to the next to be switched mode machine instance.c(SRS_Rte_00311)
[SWS_Rte_80124] dIn case the distributed shared mode queue was not emp-
tied by the mode switch, the RTE shall activate the non chained DSMQ transition
OsTasks participating in the distributed shared mode queue after the Rte_-
Rips_DsmqTransitionEnd Service returned.c(SRS_Rte_00311)

7.3.7 Parameters Enable RTE Implementation Plug-In support for Parameter Communica-

tion Graphs

According Document [8] a Parameter Communication Graph gets assigned

to an RTE Implementation Plug-In with a FlatInstanceDescriptor that
points on one hand to the instance of a ParameterDataPrototype and on the

933 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

other hand points via FlatInstanceDescriptor.rtePluginProps.associat-

edCrossSwClusterComRtePlugin to the container RteRipsPluginProps.
Please note, Parameter Communication Graphs only support RTE Implemen-
tation Plug-Ins for Cross Cluster Communication!
[SWS_Rte_80127]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator shall enable the RTE Implemen-
tation Plug-In support for Cross Cluster Communication for a Parame-
ter Communication Graph, if a FlatInstanceDescriptor with rtePlugin-
Props.associatedCrossSwClusterComRtePlugin references the Parameter
Communication Graph .c(SRS_Rte_00319)
Please note:
Thereby the FlatInstanceDescriptor’s target is the parameter.
In this document those specific FlatInstanceDescriptors are called RIPS
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80020]{DRAFT} A Parameter Communication Graph is
handled by at most one RTE Implementation Plug-In dA Parameter
Communication Graph shall be referenced by at most one RIPS FlatIn-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80021]{DRAFT} Valid parameter instance reference for
Rte Implementation Plug-Ins I dThe RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor for a
Parameter Communication Graph shall reference the parameter instance in the
PPortPrototype of the ParameterSwComponentType, if the Parameter Com-
munication Graphs contains a PPortPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00319)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80022]{DRAFT} Valid parameter instance reference for
Rte Implementation Plug-Ins II dThe RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor for a
Parameter Communication Graph shall reference the parameter instance in the
RPortPrototype at the CompositionSwComponentType of the rootSoftware-
Composition of the Ecu Extract, if the Parameter Communication Graphs
contains NOT any PPortPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00319)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80023]{DRAFT} Valid parameter instance reference for
Rte Implementation Plug-Ins III d
For the RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor of a Parameter Communication
Graph shall only use the FlatInstanceDescriptor.rtePluginProps.associ-
atedCrossSwClusterComRtePlugin reference to assign the RteRipsPlugin-
Props container.c(SRS_Rte_00319)
[SWS_Rte_70142]{DRAFT} dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In
shall implement the provison of access to the parameter instance by other Software
Clusters for the related Parameter Communication Graphs if the Parameter
Communication Graphs contains a PPortPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00319)

934 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_70120]{DRAFT} dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In

shall implement the access to the parameter instance of another Software Clus-
ters for the related Parameter Communication Graphs if the Parameter Com-
munication Graphs does not contain any PPortPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_00319)
[SWS_Rte_70121]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator shall treat RIPS FlatIn-
stanceDescriptors of a Parameter Communication Graphs as regular AU-
TOSAR FlatInstanceDescriptors, independent of their special meaning for RTE
Implementation Plug-In support.c(SRS_Rte_00319)
Besides the RTE Implementation Plug-In related special meaning, the RIPS
FlatInstanceDescriptors keep their AUTOSAR meaning. This especially means
that also RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors can lead to entries in the McSupport-
Data as described in section This has the intended side effect that the globally
unique names used for RTE Implementation Plug-In can be kept identical to the
names visible in a MCD tool. Further information is provided in section Instantiation of parameter

The RTE Implementation Plug-In interface assumes that the RTE implements
per Parameter Communication Graphs containing a PPortPrototype exactly
one constant variable that holds the value of the parameter. This constant variable is
called parameter instance.
[SWS_Rte_80130]{DRAFT} dThe RTE shall provide exactly one parameter in-
stance for each Parameter Communication Graphs containing a PPortPro-
totype if the Parameter Communication Graphs is assigned to an RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00319)
Please note that the RTE Generator still has the freedom to decide about the naming
of the parameter instance as well as to group parameter instances in RTE
specific structures. In this case the requirement [SWS_Rte_80131] ensures the acces-
sibility by a defined name.
[SWS_Rte_80154]{DRAFT} dWhen the RTE provides an parameter instance
for a Parameter Communication Graph it shall use the Implementation-
DataType applicable for the parameter in the PPortPrototype.c(SRS_Rte_-
00300, SRS_Rte_00301)

7.3.8 Compatibility Mode Detection of source code vs. object code software components

AUTOSAR provides means to describe the delivery content of a software component.

It also describes the different behavior in case of source code and object code deliv-
eries. But what is missing there is a rule how to detect the kind of delivery out of the

935 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

component description. Thereby [SWS_Rte_80045] shall ensure a consistent behavior

of RTE Generator and RTE Implementation Plug-Ins.
[SWS_Rte_80045] dThe Rte Generator and the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins
shall discover a source code delivery of a software component, if the according SwcIm-
plementation mentions at least one codeDescriptor.artifactDescriptor
category set to SWSRC and none of category SWOBJ.c(SRS_Rte_00316)
Note: In all other cases the software component is delivered as object code. Compatibility Mode and RTE Implementation Plug-Ins

The usage of the RTE Implementation Plug-In Services by the RTE is trans-
parent for the software component. When a RTE has to support compatibility mode,
e.g. due to an object code delivered software component, the RTE Implementa-
tion Plug-In Services are used either in the real RTE API C-functions or in the
component data structure only.
As a consequence, applying RTE Implementation Plug-Ins does not impact the
contract phase.
Nevertheless the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins has to consider the usage of
the Rte_Rips_IRBufferRef and Rte_Rips_IWBufferRef Services for the initial-
ization of the handles in the component data structure.
[SWS_Rte_70108] dIn case an Atomic Software Component requires compati-
bility mode due to object code integration (see [SWS_Rte_80045]) or the software
component supports multiple instantiation, the associated RTE Implementation
Plug-In shall implement all Rte_Rips_IRBufferRef and Rte_Rips_IWBuffer-
Ref Services for every instance of this Atomic Software Component in a way that
those services can be used as static initializer.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301)

7.3.9 Client Server Communication Enable RTE Implementation Plug-In support for client server Communi-

In case a Client Server Communication enabling of the RTE Implementation

Plug-In support is done as follows:
[SWS_Rte_80067] dThe RTE Generator shall enable the RTE Implementation
Plug-In support for a Client Server Communication Graph, if a FlatIn-
stanceDescriptor with rtePluginProps references the Client Server Com-
munication Graph.c(SRS_Rte_00312)
Please note: Thereby the FlatInstanceDescriptor’s target is the

936 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In contrast to Data Communication Graphs, Client Server Communica-

tion Graphs only support either a Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In for transformer handling or a Cross Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In for the communicate to other Software Clusters.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80004] dA Client Server Communication Graph is han-
dled by at most one RTE Implementation Plug-In In the case that a
Client Server Communication Graph is referenced by several RIPS FlatIn-
stanceDescriptors, all those RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors shall refer-
ence via FlatInstanceDescriptor.rtePluginProps.associatedRtePlugin
the same RteRipsPluginProps container.c(SRS_Rte_00312)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80005] dValid operation instance reference for Rte Imple-
mentation Plug-Ins I The RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor for a Client
Server Communication Graph shall reference the ClientServerOperation
instance in the AbstractProvidedPortPrototype, if the configuration contains
only the Server or the Clients and Server for the Client Server Communication
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80006] dValid operation instance reference for Rte Imple-
mentation Plug-Ins II The RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor for a Client
Server Communication Graph shall reference the ClientServerOperation
instance in the RPortPrototype, if the configuration contains only the Clients for
the Client Server Communication Graph.c(SRS_Rte_00312)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80204]{DRAFT} Cross Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In supports asynchronous Client Server Communication only
I dThe RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor for a Client Server Communication
Graph referencing Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In is only
applicable, if all clients invoke the server asynchronously via AsynchronousServer-
CallPoint .c(SRS_Rte_00312)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80205]{DRAFT} Cross Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In supports asynchronous Client Server Communication only
I dA configuration where the RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor for a Client
Server Communication Graph references a given ClientServerOperation
on which both synchronous and asynchronous ServerCallPoints apply is invalid .c

7.3.10 Trigger Communication Enable RTE Implementation Plug-In support for triggers

In case a Trigger Communication uses data transformation, enabling of the RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In support is done as follows:

937 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_80102] dThe RTE Generator shall enable the RTE Implementa-

tion Plug-In support for a Trigger Communication Graph, if a FlatIn-
stanceDescriptor with rtePluginProps references the Trigger Communica-
tion Graph.c(SRS_Rte_00317)
Please note: Thereby the FlatInstanceDescriptor’s target is the trigger.
[SWS_Rte_80145]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator shall enable the RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-In support for Software Cluster Local Communication
for a Trigger Communication Graph, if a FlatInstanceDescriptor with
rtePluginProps.associatedRtePlugin references the Trigger Communica-
tion Graph .c(SRS_Rte_00317)
[SWS_Rte_80146]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator shall enable the RTE Implemen-
tation Plug-In support for Cross Cluster Communication for a Trigger
Communication Graph, if a FlatInstanceDescriptor with rtePluginProps.
associatedCrossSwClusterComRtePlugin references the Trigger Commu-
nication Graph .c(SRS_Rte_00317)
In contrast to Data Communication Graphs, Trigger Communication
Graphs only support either a Local Software Cluster Communication
Plug-In for transformer handling or a Cross Software Cluster Communica-
tion Plug-In for the communicate to other Software Clusters.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80014] dA Trigger Communication Graph is handled
by at most one RTE Implementation Plug-In In the case that a Trigger
Communication Graph is referenced by several RIPS FlatInstanceDescrip-
tors, all those RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptors shall reference via FlatIn-
stanceDescriptor.rtePluginProps.associatedRtePlugin the same
RteRipsPluginProps container.c(SRS_Rte_00317)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80015] dValid trigger instance reference for Rte Imple-
mentation Plug-Ins I The RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor for a Trigger
Communication Graph shall reference the trigger instance in the Abstract-
ProvidedPortPrototype, if the configuration contains only the trigger source or the
trigger sink(s) and trigger source for the Trigger Communication Graph.c(SRS_-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80016] dValid trigger instance reference for Rte Imple-
mentation Plug-Ins II The RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor for a Trigger
Communication Graph shall reference the trigger instance in the RPortPro-
totype, if the configuration contains only the trigger sink for the Trigger Communi-
cation Graph.c(SRS_Rte_00317)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80017] dValid trigger instance reference for Rte Imple-
mentation Plug-Ins III The RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor for a Trigger
Communication Graph is only applicable, if
• the trigger communication configures a transformer according [SWS_Rte_08794]
(inter ECU),

938 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• the trigger communication occurs cross Software Clusters.
c(SRS_Rte_00317) Trigger and Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In

In case a trigger needs to be communicated to another Software Cluster its the

duty of the Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In to implement
the functionality to cross the Software Cluster boarders.
In case the trigger is received by the Software Cluster, the regular Rte_-
Trigger API is enough to inform the RTE about the raised trigger. The only dif-
ference to a trigger, which is completely locally handled in the Applicative Soft-
ware Cluster, is the fact, that the task activation for tasks executing triggered
ExecutableEntitys is coordinated by the Host Software Cluster in the back-
In case the trigger is provided by the Software Cluster, the Cross Cluster
Communication needs on one hand to be informed about newly raised triggers.
So as to, the Rte_Trigger API calls the related Rte_Rips_Trigger service of the
Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In.
For any trigger is provided by a Applicative Software Cluster, the Host
Software Cluster gets also informed about the raised triggers. This enables
the Host Software Cluster to activate all tasks executing triggered Exe-
cutableEntitys. In case triggers needs to be queued, the queue is configured
and implemented in the RTE of the Host Software Cluster. Rte_Rips_Trigger indication

[SWS_Rte_80147]{DRAFT} dThe RTE shall call the Rte_Rips_Trigger Service

in the Rte_Trigger API of the related trigger source, if the Cross Soft-
ware Cluster Communication Plug-In support for a Trigger Communica-
tion Graph is enabled.c(SRS_Rte_00317)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80029]{DRAFT} Trigger queue is only supported in Host
Software Cluster dThe configuration of a trigger queue according [SWS_Rte_07087]
for a trigger communicated between Software Clusterss is only supported in
the Host Software Cluster.c(SRS_Rte_00317)
Please note, that in the context of [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80029] the Host Software
Cluster might require or provide the trigger.

939 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

7.3.11 Transformers Handling of DataTransformation for Data Communication Graphs

[SWS_Rte_80074] dThe RTE Generator shall inhibit the call of the transformers (
4.10.1) and the creation of the belonging transformer buffer (4.10.3) for a Data Com-
munication Graph, if
• the Software Cluster Local Communication support is enabled on it,
• a transformation is configured according [SWS_Rte_08794] or
Instead of the RTE now the RTE Implementation Plug-In has the duty to call the
belonging transformers in the correct order. Nevertheless carving out this functionality
into an RTE Implementation Plug-In supports sophisticated buffer reuse opti-
mizations relying on the precise scheduling scenario as well as the distinct transfer of
the transformer calls in specific call contexts.
Thereby the RTE Implementation Plug-In Services Rte_Rips_Read, Rte_-
Rips_DRead and Rte_Rips_Write are called in the context of the related Rte_-
Read,Rte_DRead and Rte_Write APIs.
[SWS_Rte_70089] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In assigned to a Data
Communication Graph shall call transformers behaving functionally correctly ac-
cording to section (4.10.1). This includes the handling of the transformerError
and return value described in section Handling of Client Server Communication Graphs and Trigger

Communication Graphs

[SWS_Rte_80068] dThe RTE Generator shall inhibit the call of the transformers (
4.10.1) and the creation of the belonging transformer buffer (4.10.3) for a Client
Server Communication Graph and Trigger Communication Graph, if
• the Software Cluster Local Communication support is enabled on it
• a transformation is configured according [SWS_Rte_08794] or
c(SRS_Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00317)
On the client / trigger source side the RTE calls the according Rte_Rips_Invoke
service in the context of the belonging RTE API (Rte_Call or Rte_Trigger). In

940 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

case of AsynchronousServerCallPoints and AsynchronousServerCallRe-

sultPoints the RTE calls the Rte_Rips_ReturnResult service from the Rte_-
Result API. In case of SynchronousServerCallPoints the RTE might call the
Rte_Rips_ReturnResult service from the Rte_Call API.
On the client side the RTE Implementation Plug-In calls the ASCR runnable
instead of the RTE.
On the server side the RTE Implementation Plug-In calls the server runn-
able respectively the hard error runnable instead of the RTE.
On the trigger sink side the RTE Implementation Plug-In calls the triggered
runnable instead of the RTE.
In order to support the use case, that these server runnables, hard error
runnables, ASCR runnables and triggered runnables in turn invoke an RTE
API which is not handled by any RTE Implementation Plug-In at all, it is re-
quired, that the call of these RunnableEntitys occurs in a defined and predictable
call context.
Therefore the according OperationInvokedEvents, AsynchronousServer-
CallReturnsEvents and TransformerHardErrorEvents are still mapped with
RteEventToTaskMappings either to an OsTask or to a direct or trusted function
call. But in addition those RteEventToTaskMappings shall define an RteRipsIn-
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80009] dMandatory Rte_Rips_InvocationHandler in case
of transformers In the case a server runnable, hard error runnable,
ASCR runnable or triggered runnable invoked by an RTE Implementation
Plug-In handles the transformers the belonging RteEventToTaskMapping shall
define an RteRipsInvocationHandlerRef.c(SRS_Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00317)
[SWS_Rte_80069] dThe RTE Generator shall inhibit the call of the server runn-
ables, hard error runnables, ASCR runnables and triggered runnables
in case the related Client Server Communication Graph or Trigger Commu-
nication Graph is assigned to an RTE Implementation Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_-
00312, SRS_Rte_00317)
[SWS_Rte_80070] dThe RTE Generator shall call the configured Rte_Rips_Invo-
cationHandler at the configured position in task or via a direct or trusted function
call. The call shall be unconditional.c(SRS_Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00317)
[SWS_Rte_70079] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In assigned to a Client
Server Communication Graph or Trigger Communication Graph shall call
the server runnable respectively the triggered runnable in the context of
the Rte_Rips_InvocationHandler configured for the RteRipsInvocationHan-
dlerRef belonging to the server runnable and triggered runnablec(SRS_-
Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00317)

941 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_02321] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In assigned to a Client

Server Communication Graph shall call the hard error runnable in the con-
text of the Rte_Rips_InvocationHandler configured for the RteRipsInvoca-
tionHandlerRef belonging to the hard error runnable.c(SRS_Rte_00312,
[SWS_Rte_02322] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In assigned to a Client
Server Communication Graph shall call the ASCR runnable in the context of
the Rte_Rips_InvocationHandler configured for the RteRipsInvocationHan-
dlerRef belonging to the ASCR runnable.c(SRS_Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00317)
Instead of the RTE now the RTE Implementation Plug-In has the duty to call the
belonging transformers in the correct order. Nevertheless carving out this functional-
ity into an RTE Implementation Plug-In enables support for sophisticated buffer
reuse optimizations relying on the precise scheduling scenario as well as the distinct
transfer of the transformer calls in specific call contexts.
[SWS_Rte_70080] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In assigned to a Client
Server Communication Graph or Trigger Communication Graph shall call
transformers behaving functionally correctly according to section (4.10.1).c(SRS_Rte_-
00312, SRS_Rte_00317)
[SWS_Rte_70081] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In assigned to a Client
Server Communication Graph or Trigger Communication Graph shall cre-
ate the belonging transformer buffers with sufficient size according to section (4.10.3).c
(SRS_Rte_00312, SRS_Rte_00317)

7.3.12 Measurement

In general the usage of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins does not fundamentally

change the general functionality to support Measurement as described in section Measurement on Data Communication Graphs

The only impact occurs when the RTE Implementation Plug-In instantiates the
global copy as described in section In this case the RTE Generator is not
able to provide the McDataInstance.symbol for the described McDataInstances
in the McSupportData.
[SWS_Rte_80073] dThe RTE Generator shall inhibit the export of McDataIn-
stance.symbol attributes for McDataInstances belonging to Data Communi-
cation Graphs associated to an RTE Implementation Plug-In where the
RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to RTE_RIPS_INSTANTIA-
TION_BY_PLUGIN.c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00303)

942 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In this case it is the responsibility of the associated RTE Implementation

Plug-In to provide the symbol information.
[SWS_Rte_70086] dThe associated RTE Implementation Plug-In shall en-
rich the McSupportData provided by the RTE Generator with the McDataInstance.
symbol information in case
• swCalibrationAccess is set to readOnly or readWrite for the Data Com-
munication Graph
• the RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy is set to RTE_RIPS_IN-
c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00303)
Please note: To implement [SWS_Rte_70086] the RTE Implementation Plug-In
tooling can use the McDataInstance.flatMapEntry reference to the according
RIPS FlatInstanceDescriptor to identify the McDataInstances relevant for a
Data Communication Graph. Measurement on Parameter Communication Graphs

Another impact occurs when the parameter instance as described in section can not be provided by the RTE Generator since the parameter is provided
by another Software Cluster In this case the RTE Generator is not able to provide
the McDataInstance.symbol for the described McDataInstances in the McSup-
[SWS_Rte_80153]{DRAFT} dThe RTE Generator shall inhibit the export of Mc-
DataInstance.symbol attributes for McDataInstances belonging to Parameter
Communication Graphs associated to an RTE Implementation Plug-In if the
Parameter Communication Graphs contains NOT any PPortPrototype.
c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00319)
In this case it is the responsibility of the associated RTE Implementation
Plug-In of the other Software Cluster to provide the symbol information.

7.3.13 Inter-Partition communication

In general the RTE Implementation Plug-Ins can be applied to Communication

Graphs crossing partition borders. This would mean, that an RTE Implementation
Plug-In implementation is executed on different cores or capable of supporting dif-
ferent ASIL levels.

943 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Nevertheless currently no support for explicit life-cycle handling of those different par-
titions is standardized. Therefore as a prerequisite all partitions affecting one RTE
Implementation Plug-In need to have the same life-cycle. For instance this ex-
cludes the usage of individual termination and restart of partitions.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80010] dPartitions shall have the same life-cycle All partitions
affecting the same RTE Implementation Plug-In shall have the same life-cycle.c
(SRS_Rte_00307, SRS_Rte_00309)
[SWS_Rte_80077] dThe Rte shall support the implementation of Communication
Graphs with inter-partition-communication handled by an RTE Implementation
Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00307, SRS_Rte_00309)
Please note: [SWS_Rte_80077] includes inter-partition-communication between mul-
tiple cores as well as inter-partition-communication for the separation of different ASIL
Thereby it is the responsibility of the RTE Implementation Plug-In to check,
whether it can handle the according configuration.
[SWS_Rte_70093] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall reject configura-
tions which cannot be implemented by the RTE Implementation Plug-In.c
(SRS_Rte_00307, SRS_Rte_00309)

7.3.14 Bypass Support

When using RTE Implementation Plug-Ins in combination with Bypass Support

(see section 4.9) the following principles and restrictions apply. Component wrapper method

The Component wrapper method is not impacted by the usage of RTE Implementa-
tion Plug-Ins Direct buffer access method

When using the Direct buffer access method the RTE Generator can not describe the
buffers when the RTE Implementation Plug-In implements the implicit commu-
nication in a Data Communication Graph.
[SWS_Rte_70094] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall generate the Mc-
SupportData for the implicit communication buffers when Direct buffer ac-
cess method is selected as defined in section 4.9.3.c(SRS_Rte_00244)

944 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Extended buffer access method

In case the Extended buffer access method is selected (see section 4.9.4), the re-
sponsibility is shared between the RTE and the RTE Implementation Plug-In.
For rptPreparationLevels greater than rptLevel1 the RTE implementation and
the implementation of the RTE Implementation Plug-In would suffer from a lot
of cross dependencies due to the required RP enabler flags.
Therefore those configurations are currently not supported in a standardized manner.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80011] dLimitation on RTE Implementation Plug-In sup-
port for rptPreparationLevels Data Communication Graphs with rpt-
PreparationLevels greater than rptLevel1 shall not be assigned to an RTE Im-
plementation Plug-In.c(SRS_Rte_00244)
Except for implicit communication the bypass support is implemented by the RTE Gen-
erator as it is defined in section 4.9.4:
API Class rptLevel1
Explicit S/R RTE
Implicit S/R RTE Implementation
Mode RTE
Trigger No
Explicit IRV RTE
Implicit IRV RTE Implementation

Table 7.4: Table of API classes and responsibility of implementation

[SWS_Rte_70095] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall implement the by-

pass support for implicit communication as specified in section, if the Ex-
tended buffer access method is configured and if rptLevel1 is selected for the Data
Communication Graphc(SRS_Rte_00244)

7.3.15 Activation of RTEEvents and BswEvents

Basically the usage of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins does not replace the RTE
internal mechanism of RTEEvents and BswEvents triggering. But the chapter 4.2.3 still
leaves some freedom when an RTE activates a sequence of ExecutableEntitys
exactly in a OsTask. But for the interaction with RTE Implementation Plug-Ins
some additional definitions are required in order to preserve certain sequences. In the
case RTEEvents and BswEvents for ExecutableEntitys, which do have the same
activation condition, are mapped to an OsTask, an unintended out of order execution
shall be prevented. For instance such identical activation condition can be
• a set of ExternalTriggerOccurredEvents connected to the same trigger
source or

945 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

• a set of SwcModeSwitchEvent with the same activation, modes, and con-

nected to the same mode manager.
For illustration assume the following set-up:
• position 1, Run1, condition A
• position 2, Run2, condition A
• position 3, Run3, condition B
• position 4, Run4, condition B
• position 5, Run5, condition A
In the case the OsTask has also mapped RTEEvents and BswEvents with other
activation conditions, it is possible that the OsTask is already running when the other
activation condition occurs.
Assume now that the OsTask was started due to condition A and now condi-
tion B is fulfilled right after the execution sequence has passed already Run3. In this
case Run4 might be executed before Run3. But for a stable interference calculation
and the deterministic scheduling of Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine Services such a
situation needs to be avoided.
[SWS_Rte_80076] dThe RTE shall preserve the order of execution of Exe-
cutableEntitys mapped to the same OsTask after the common activation condition
occurred for all kinds of RTEEvents and BswEvents.
Thereby the order of execution is given by the RtePositionInTask and RteBswPo-
sitionInTask parameter values.c(SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_82017]{DRAFT} dWhen a Client Server Communication Graph
is associated to a Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In, the
RTE shall support the mapping of AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvents
and OperationInvokedEvents to periodically activated OsTasks. In this case
the Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In calls the according
RunnableEntity via the Rte_Rips_InvocationHandler but its guaranteed for
the Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In that the related invo-
cation handler gets called cyclically.c(SRS_Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301)
[SWS_Rte_82018]{DRAFT} dWhen a Data Communication Graph is associated
to a Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In, the RTE shall sup-
port the mapping of DataReceivedEvents to periodically activated OsTasks. In
this case the RTE shall check the activation of the according DataReceivedEvent
with the related Rte_Rips_DataIsUpdated_EventActivation service.c(SRS_-
Rte_00306, SRS_Rte_00301)

946 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

8 RTE ECU Configuration

The RTE provides the glue layer between the AUTOSAR software-components and the
Basic Software thus enabling several AUTOSAR software-components to be integrated
on one ECU. The RTE layer is shown in figure 8.1.

Figure 8.1: ECU Architecture RTE

The overall structure of the RTE configuration parameters is shown in figure 8.2. It has
to be distinguished between the configuration parameters for the RTE generator and
the configuration parameters for the generated RTE itself.
Most of the information needed to generate an RTE is already available in the ECU
Extract of the System Description [8]. From this extract also the links to the AUTOSAR
software-component descriptions and ECU Resource description are available. So
only additional information not covered by the three aforementioned formats needs to
be provided by the ECU Configuration description.
To additionally allow the most flexibility and freedom in the implementations of the RTE,
only configuration parameters which are common to all implementations are standard-
ized in the ECU Configuration Parameter definition. Any additional configuration pa-
rameters which might be needed to configure a full functional RTE have to be specified
using the vendor specific parameter definition mechanism described in the ECU Con-
figuration specification document [5].

8.1 RTE Module Configuration

Figure 8.2 shows the module configuration of the Rte and its sub-containers.

947 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Software Component template

Rte: EcucModuleDef RteGeneration:
+container EcucParamConfContainerDef ARElement
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1
EcucBooleanParamDef SwComponentType

lowerMultiplicity = 0
RteSwComponentType: upperMultiplicity = 1 +type 0..1
EcucParamConfContainerDef defaultValue = false {redefines
lowerMultiplicity = 0 atpType}
+container upperMultiplicity = *
+reference RteComponentTypeRef:

destinationType = SW-COMPONENT-TYPE

RteSwComponentInstance: RteSoftwareComponentInstanceRef:
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucForeignReferenceDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0 destinationType = SW-COMPONENT-PROTOTYPE
upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef
upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0


lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

+container EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * RteInitializationRunnableBatch:
+container EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0
+container EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

+container EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0

Figure 8.2: RTE configuration overview

948 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Module SWS Item ECUC_Rte_09000

Module Name Rte
Module Description Configuration of the Rte (Runtime Environment) module.
Post-Build Variant true
Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
RteBswGeneral 1 General configuration parameters of the Bsw
Scheduler section.
RteBswModuleInstance 0..* Represents one instance of a Bsw-Module configured
on one ECU.
RteDistributedSharedMode 0..* This container holds the configuration of a distributed
Queue shared mode queue.
RteExclusiveAccess 0..* Configuration of the optimized access behavior to be
Optimization generated. In other words, access shall be mutually
exclusive. How this is realized e.g. non preemptive
task mapping, exclusive areas, mode management,
exclusive access during ECU startup and shutdown or
scheduling in exclusive time slots is up to the ECU
RteGeneration 1 This container holds the parameters for the
configuration of the RTE Generation.
RteImplicitCommunication 0..* Configuration of the Implicit Communication behavior
to be generated.
RteInitializationBehavior 1..* Specifies the initialization strategy for variables
allocated by RTE with the purpose to implement

The container defines a set of

RteSectionInitializationPolicys and one
RteInitializationStrategy which is applicable for this set.
RteInitializationRunnable 0..* This container corresponds to an
Batch Rte_Init_<shortName of this container> function
invoking the mapped RunnableEntities.
RteOsInteraction 1..* Interaction of the Rte with the Os.
RtePostBuildVariant 0..1 Specifies the PostbuildVariantSets for each of the
Configuration PostBuild configurations of the RTE.
RteRips 0..1 This container provides the configuration of the Rte
Implementation Plug-In support by RTE. If the
container is NOT defined, the support for Rte
Implementation Plug-Ins (RIPS) is globally disabled.
RteSwComponentInstance 0..* Representation of one SwComponentPrototype
located on the to be configured ECU. All subcontainer
configuration aspects are in relation to this

The RteSwComponentInstance can be associated

with either a AtomicSwComponentType or
RteSwComponentType 0..* Representation of one SwComponentType for the
base of all configuration parameter which are affecting
the whole type and not a specific instance.

949 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

8.1.1 RTE Configuration Version Information

In order to identify the RTE Configuration version a dedicated RTE code has been
generated from the RTE Configuration information may contain one or more DOC-
RTE Configuration (see example 8.1).
[SWS_Rte_05184] dThe REVISION-LABEL shall be parsed according to the rules
defined in the Generic Structure Template [10] for RevisionLabelString allowing
to parse the three version informations for AUTOSAR:
• major version: first part of the REVISION-LABEL
• minor version: second part of the REVISION-LABEL
• patch version: third part of the REVISION-LABEL
• optional fourth part shall be used for documentation purposes in the Basic Soft-
ware Module Description (see section 3.4.4)
If the parsing fails all three version numbers shall be set to zero.c(SRS_Rte_00233)
[SWS_Rte_05185] dIf there are several DOC-REVISION elements in the input ECUC-
MODULE-CONFIGURATION-VALUES the newest according to the DATE shall be taken
into account.
If the search for the newest DOC-REVISION fails three version numbers shall be set to

Example 8.1
<AUTOSAR xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="
/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="
/4.0.0 AUTOSAR.xsd">

950 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<!-- ... -->


8.2 RTE Generation Parameters

The parameters in the container RteGeneration are used to configure the RTE gen-
erator. They all need to be defined during pre-compile time.

951 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

+parameter RteDevErrorDetect: EcucBooleanParamDef

EcucParamConfContainerDef RteDevErrorDetectUninit:
defaultValue = false +parameter
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1 defaultValue = false
+parameter RteCodeVendorId: EcucIntegerParamDef

min = 0
max = 65535 +parameter RteValueRangeCheckEnabled:

RteMeasurementSupport: defaultValue = false


defaultValue = false
RteVfbTraceEnabled: EcucBooleanParamDef
defaultValue = false

+parameter RteGenerationMode: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
defaultValue = COMPATIBILITY_MODE VENDOR_MODE: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

+parameter RteOptimizationMode: RUNTIME: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
defaultValue = RUNTIME
MEMORY: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

+parameter defaultValue = 31
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 RteVfbTraceClientPosition:
min = 0 EcucIntegerParamDef
max = 65535 min = 0
max = 65535
RteVfbTraceClient: +parameter lowerMultiplicity = 0
+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef upperMultiplicity = 1

lowerMultiplicity = 0 +parameter
upperMultiplicity = * RteVfbTraceFunction: EcucFunctionNameDef

upperMultiplicity = *
+reference lowerMultiplicity = 0

RteVfbTraceHooksRef: +destinationUri
EcucUriReferenceDef EcucDestinationUriDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
defaultValue = true

RteCalibrationSupport: NONE: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
EcucEnumerationParamDef +literal
+parameter SINGLE_POINTERED: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
defaultValue = NONE
DOUBLE_POINTERED: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
INITIALIZED_RAM: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

RteBypassSupport: NONE: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

+parameter defaultValue = NONE +literal

COMPONENT_WRAPPER: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef



defaultValue = false
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1

Figure 8.3: RTE generation parameters

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09009]

Container Name RteGeneration
Parent Container Rte

952 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description This container holds the parameters for the configuration of the RTE
Configuration Parameters

Name RteBypassSupport [ECUC_Rte_09113]

Parent Container RteGeneration
Description General switch to enable and select the bypass support method.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Default Value NONE
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteCalibrationSupport [ECUC_Rte_09007]

Parent Container RteGeneration
Description The RTE generator shall have the option to switch off support for
calibration for generated RTE code. This option shall influence
complete RTE code at once.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Default Value NONE
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

953 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteCodeVendorId [ECUC_Rte_09086]

Parent Container RteGeneration
Description Holds the vendor ID of the generated Rte code.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteDevErrorDetect [ECUC_Rte_09008]

Parent Container RteGeneration
Description Switches the development error detection and notification on or off.
• true: detection and notification is enabled.
• false: detection and notification is disabled.

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteDevErrorDetectUninit [ECUC_Rte_09085]

Parent Container RteGeneration
Description The Rte shall detect if it is started when its APIs are called, and the
BSW Scheduler shall check if it is initialized when its APIs are called.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

954 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteGenerationMode [ECUC_Rte_09010]

Parent Container RteGeneration
Description Switch between the two available generation modes of the RTE
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteInExclusiveAreaCheckEnabled [ECUC_Rte_09126]

Parent Container RteGeneration
Description Enables the check for RTE_E_IN_EXCLUSIVE_AREA (for blocking
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value true
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteMeasurementSupport [ECUC_Rte_09011]

Parent Container RteGeneration
Description The RTE generator shall have the option to switch off support for
measurement for generated RTE code. This option shall influence
complete RTE code at once.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

955 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteOptimizationMode [ECUC_Rte_09012]

Parent Container RteGeneration
Description Switch between the two available optimization modes of the RTE
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Default Value RUNTIME
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteToolChainSignificantCharacters [ECUC_Rte_09013]

Parent Container RteGeneration
Description If present, the RTE generator shall provide the list of C RTE identifiers
whose name is not unique when only the first
RteToolChainSignificantCharacters characters are considered.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535
Default Value 31
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteValueRangeCheckEnabled [ECUC_Rte_09014]

Parent Container RteGeneration
Description If set to true the RTE generator shall enable the value range checking
for the specified VariableDataPrototypes.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false

956 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteVfbTraceAnonymousClientEnabled [ECUC_Rte_09163]

Parent Container RteGeneration
Description The RTE generator shall globally enable VFB trace functions without
client prefix when RteVfbTraceAnonymousClientEnabled is set to
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteVfbTraceEnabled [ECUC_Rte_09015]

Parent Container RteGeneration
Description The RTE generator shall globally enable VFB tracing when
RteVfbTrace is set to "true".
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
RteVfbTraceClient 0..* The RTE shall add the VFB Trace client with the
ShortName of this container as the client’s prefix.

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_03870] dIn case that RteDevErrorDetectUninit is config-

ured to true, RteDevErrorDetect shall be configured to true.c()
SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09164]
Container Name RteVfbTraceClient
Parent Container RteGeneration

957 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description The RTE shall add the VFB Trace client with the ShortName of this
container as the client’s prefix.
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

Name RteVfbTraceClientPosition [ECUC_Rte_09174]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceClient
Description Defines the position within all trace clients at which to call the trace
functions of this trace client. The bigger the number the later the start
trace functions and the sooner the stop trace functions will be called.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteVfbTraceFunction [ECUC_Rte_09017]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceClient
Description The RTE generator shall enable VFB tracing for a given hook function
when its name starts with the string configured here. Example: If
Rte_Dbg_WriteHook_i2 is configured,
Rte_Dbg_WriteHook_i1_p1_a_Start will be enabled.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

958 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteVfbTraceHooksRef [ECUC_Rte_09175]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceClient
Description Reference to the container in the VFB Trace client’s configuration to
which the RTE shall add the descriptions of the trace hooks created for
this client.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to destinationUri [ RteVfbTraceUriDefSet/RteVfbTraceHooks
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

959 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RteVfbTraceUriDefSet: +destinationUriDef RteVfbTraceHooks:

EcucDestinationUriDefSet EcucDestinationUriDef


RteVfbTraceHooks: +container :EcucDestinationUriPolicy

destinationUriNestingContract = targetContainer
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1



lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

RteVfbTraceHookType: RTE_API_START: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
EcucEnumerationParamDef +literal
RTE_API_RETURN: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

SCHM_API_START: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

SCHM_API_RETURN: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef





RPT_TRANSMISSION: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

RPT_RECEPTION: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

OS_TASK_ACTIVATION: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

OS_TASK_DISPATCH: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

OS_TASK_TERMINATION: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

OS_SET_EVENT: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

OS_WAIT_EVENT: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

OS_RECEIVED_EVENT: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

COM_SIGNAL_TRANSMISSION: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

COM_SIGNAL_RECEPTION: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

COM_SIGNAL_INVALIDATION: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef


COM_SIGNAL_CALLBACK: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

Figure 8.4: RTE VFB Trace Hook

960 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

SWS Item ECUC_Rte_09176

EcucDestinationUriDefSet RteVfbTraceUriDefSet
Description RteVfbTraceUriDefSet
Included EcucDestinationUriDefs
Name Description
RteVfbTraceHooks RteVfbTraceHooks

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09177]

EcucDestinationUriDef RteVfbTraceHooks
Destination Uri RteVfbTraceUriDefSet
Definition Set
Description RteVfbTraceHooks
destinationUriNesting targetContainer
Configuration Parameters

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
RteVfbTraceHooks 1 This container defines the parent container to which all
trace hook containers are added.

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09179]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHooks
Destination Uri RteVfbTraceHooks
Description This container defines the parent container to which all trace hook
containers are added.
Configuration Parameters

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
RteVfbTraceHook 0..* This container represents a specific VFB Trace hook. Its
ShortName equals the hook function’s C symbol.

961 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RteVfbTraceHook: RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef: ARElement

EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference EcucForeignReferenceDef AtpBlueprint
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * BswModuleEntry
upperMultiplicity = 1
destinationType = BSW-MODULE-ENTRY

RteVfbTraceHookApi: AtpBlueprint
+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef AtpBlueprintable
lowerMultiplicity = 0 SwComponentType
upperMultiplicity = 1

RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol: RteVfbTraceHookSwComponentTypeRef:
+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference EcucForeignReferenceDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = 1
destinationType = SW-COMPONENT-TYPE

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef + arReleaseVersion: RevisionLabelString
+ vendorApiInfix: Identifier [0..1]
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

RteVfbTraceHookBswSchedulerNamePrefix: +reference
+subContainer lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 destinationType = BSW-IMPLEMENTATION
upperMultiplicity = 1

RteVfbTraceHookAccessPointElementRef: MultilanguageReferrable
EcucForeignReferenceDef Identifiable
RteVfbTraceHookAccessPoint: +reference
+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef destinationType = IDENTIFIABLE
lowerMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = *
upperMultiplicity = 1

RteVfbTraceHookName: EcucForeignReferenceDef
+subContainer +reference
destinationType = IDENTIFIABLE
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *

+subContainer RteVfbTraceHookVariableElementRef:
EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference
lowerMultiplicity = 0
destinationType = IDENTIFIABLE
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = *

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef RteVfbTraceHookExecutableEntityRef:
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1
destinationType = EXECUTABLE-ENTITY


Figure 8.5: RTE VFB Trace Hook Part 1

962 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RteVfbTraceHook: RteVfbTraceHookSignal: RteVfbTraceHookSignalRef: ComSignal:

EcucParamConfContainerDef +subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference EcucReferenceDef +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0

upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *

RteVfbTraceHookSignalGroup: RteVfbTraceHookSignalGroupRef: ComSignalGroup:

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference EcucReferenceDef +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0

upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

RteVfbTraceHookOsApplication: RteVfbTraceHookOsApplicationRef: OsApplication:

+subContainer +destination
EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference EcucReferenceDef EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *

upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0

RteVfbTraceHookTask: RteVfbTraceHookTaskRef: OsTask:

+subContainer +reference +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucReferenceDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *

upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0

Figure 8.6: RTE VFB Trace Hook Part 2

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09180]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHook
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHooks
Description This container represents a specific VFB Trace hook. Its ShortName
equals the hook function’s C symbol.
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

Name RteVfbTraceHookType [ECUC_Rte_09181]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description This specifies the type of the hook.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range BSW_SCHEDULABLE_E The hook called just before execution
NTITY_INVOCATION of a BSW Schedulable entry starts via
its entry point
BSW_SCHEDULABLE_E The hook called immediately after
NTITY_TERMINATION execution returns to BSW Scheduler
code from a BSW Schedulable Entity
COM_SIGNAL_CALLBAC The hook called on entry to the COM
K call-back
COM_SIGNAL_GROUP_I The hook called just before
NVALIDATION Com_InvalidateSignalGroup is invoked

963 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

COM_SIGNAL_INVALIDA The hook called just before

TION Com_InvalidateSignal is invoked
COM_SIGNAL_RECEPTI The hook called after return from
ON Com_ReceiveSignal,
Com_ReceiveDynSignal or
COM_SIGNAL_TRANSMI The hook called just before
SSION Com_SendSignal,
Com_SendDynSignal or
Com_SendSignalGroupArray is
OS_RECEIVED_EVENT The hook called immediately after
generated RTE code returns from
waiting on an event
OS_SET_EVENT The hook called immediately before
generated RTE code attempts to set an
OS Event
OS_TASK_ACTIVATION The hook called immediately prior to
the activation of a task containing
runnable entities
OS_TASK_DISPATCH The hook called immediately an RTE
generated task (containing runnable
entities) has commenced execution
OS_TASK_TERMINATIO The hook called immediately prior to
N an RTE generated task (containing
runnable entities) terminating execution
OS_WAIT_EVENT The hook called immediately before
generated RTE code attempts to wait
on an OS Event
RPT_RECEPTION The hook called before copying the
received RP global buffer to the RTE
API’s OUT buffer or return value
RPT_TRANSMISSION The hook called before the
transmission of an RP global buffer
RTE_API_RETURN The hook called before an API call
returns control to a SwComponent
RTE_API_START The hook called when an API call is
made by a SwComponent
RUNNABLE_ENTITY_INV The hook called just before execution
OCATION of a runnable entry starts via its entry
RUNNABLE_ENTITY_TE The hook called immediately after
RMINATION execution returns to RTE code from a
runnable entity
SCHM_API_RETURN The hook called just before an API call
returns control to a Basic Software
SCHM_API_START The hook called when an API call is
made by a Basic Software Module
Post-Build Variant false

964 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteVfbTraceHookEntryRef [ECUC_Rte_09182]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description Reference to the BswModuleEntry of this VFB Trace hook in the
BSWMD of the generated RTE
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to BSW-MODULE-ENTRY
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
RteVfbTraceHookAccess 0..1 In case of an RTE API Trace hook the ShortName of this
Point container is the Access Point name part of the VFB
Trace hook (<ap> in SWS_Rte).
RteVfbTraceHookApi 0..1 In case of a BSW Scheduler API Trace hook or RTE API
Trace hook the ShortName of this container is the API
name part of the VFB Trace hook (<api> in SWS_Rte).
RteVfbTraceHookBsw 0..1 In case of a BSW Scheduler API Trace hook or BSW
SchedulerNamePrefix Schedulable Entities Trace hook the ShortName of this
container is the BSW Scheduler Name Prefix name part
of the VFB Trace hook (<bsnp> in SWS_Rte).
RteVfbTraceHookCom 0..1 In case of a COM Trace hook the ShortName of this
HookEvent container is the COM hook event part of the VFB Trace
hook (<Event> in SWS_Rte).
RteVfbTraceHook 0..1 In case of an RTE API Trace hook, Runnable Entity
ComponentTypeSymbol Trace hook or RPT Trace hook the ShortName of this
container is the component type symbol name part of
the VFB Trace hook (<cts> in SWS_Rte).
RteVfbTraceHook 0..1 In case of a Runnable Entity Trace hook or BSW
ExecutableEntityName Schedulable Entities Trace hook the ShortName of this
container is the Executable Entity name part of the VFB
Trace hook (<reName> or <entityName> in SWS_Rte).
RteVfbTraceHookName 0..1 In case of a BSW Scheduler API Trace hook the
ShortName of this container is the "Name provided by
the API" name part of the VFB Trace hook (<name> in
RteVfbTraceHookOs 0..1 In case of an OS Trace hook the ShortName of this
Application container is the application name part of the VFB Trace
hook (<application> in SWS_Rte).

965 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RteVfbTraceHookSignal 0..1 In case of a COM Trace hook the ShortName of this

container is the COM signal name part of the VFB Trace
hook (<signalName> in SWS_Rte).
RteVfbTraceHookSignal 0..1 In case of a COM Trace hook the ShortName of this
Group container is the COM signal group name part of the VFB
Trace hook (<signalGroupName> in SWS_Rte).
RteVfbTraceHookTask 0..1 In case of an OS Trace hook the ShortName of this
container is the task name part of the VFB Trace hook
(<task> in SWS_Rte).
RteVfbTraceHook 0..1 In case of an RPT Trace hook the ShortName of this
Variable container is the "identifying name of the RP global
buffer" name part of the VFB Trace hook ( in SWS_Rte).
RteVfbTraceHookVendor 0..1 In case of a BSW Scheduler API Trace hook or BSW
ApiInfix Schedulable Entities Trace hook the ShortName of this
container is the optional VendorApiInfix name part of the
VFB Trace hook (<ai> in SWS_Rte).
RteVfbTraceHookVendor 0..1 In case of a BSW Scheduler API Trace hook or BSW
Id Schedulable Entities Trace hook the ShortName of this
container is the optional VendorId name part of the VFB
Trace hook (<vi> in SWS_Rte).

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09190]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHookAccessPoint
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description In case of an RTE API Trace hook the ShortName of this container is
the Access Point name part of the VFB Trace hook (<ap> in SWS_Rte).
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

Name RteVfbTraceHookAccessPointElementRef [ECUC_Rte_09191]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceHookAccessPoint
Description Reference to the elements from which the Access Point was derived.
Number and type of the referenced objects depend on the API.
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Foreign reference to IDENTIFIABLE
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –

966 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09183]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHookApi
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description In case of a BSW Scheduler API Trace hook or RTE API Trace hook
the ShortName of this container is the API name part of the VFB Trace
hook (<api> in SWS_Rte).
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

No Included Containers

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09186]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHookBswSchedulerNamePrefix
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description In case of a BSW Scheduler API Trace hook or BSW Schedulable
Entities Trace hook the ShortName of this container is the BSW
Scheduler Name Prefix name part of the VFB Trace hook (<bsnp> in
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

Name RteVfbTraceHookBswImplementationRef [ECUC_Rte_09187]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceHookBswSchedulerNamePrefix
Description Reference to the BswImplementation from which the BSW Scheduler
Name Prefix was derived
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to BSW-IMPLEMENTATION
Post-Build Variant

967 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09202]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHookComHookEvent
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description In case of a COM Trace hook the ShortName of this container is the
COM hook event part of the VFB Trace hook (<Event> in SWS_Rte).
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

No Included Containers

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09184]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description In case of an RTE API Trace hook, Runnable Entity Trace hook or RPT
Trace hook the ShortName of this container is the component type
symbol name part of the VFB Trace hook (<cts> in SWS_Rte).
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

Name RteVfbTraceHookSwComponentTypeRef [ECUC_Rte_09185]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceHookComponentTypeSymbol
Description Reference to the SwComponentType from which the component type
symbol was derived
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to SW-COMPONENT-TYPE
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –

968 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09196]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHookExecutableEntityName
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description In case of a Runnable Entity Trace hook or BSW Schedulable Entities
Trace hook the ShortName of this container is the Executable Entity
name part of the VFB Trace hook (<reName> or <entityName> in
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

Name RteVfbTraceHookExecutableEntityRef [ECUC_Rte_09197]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceHookExecutableEntityName
Description Reference to the Executable Entity from which the Runnable Entity or
BSW Schedulable Entitiy name was derived
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to EXECUTABLE-ENTITY
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09192]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHookName
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description In case of a BSW Scheduler API Trace hook the ShortName of this
container is the "Name provided by the API" name part of the VFB
Trace hook (<name> in SWS_Rte).
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

969 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteVfbTraceHookNameElementRef [ECUC_Rte_09193]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceHookName
Description Reference to the elements from which the "Name provided by the API"
was derived. Number and type of the referenced objects depend on
the API.
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Foreign reference to IDENTIFIABLE
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09203]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHookOsApplication
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description In case of an OS Trace hook the ShortName of this container is the
application name part of the VFB Trace hook (<application> in
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

Name RteVfbTraceHookOsApplicationRef [ECUC_Rte_09204]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceHookOsApplication
Description Reference to the OsApplication from which the application name was
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to OsApplication
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

970 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

No Included Containers

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09198]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHookSignal
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description In case of a COM Trace hook the ShortName of this container is the
COM signal name part of the VFB Trace hook (<signalName> in
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

Name RteVfbTraceHookSignalRef [ECUC_Rte_09199]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceHookSignal
Description Reference to the ComSignal from which the signal name was derived
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to ComSignal
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

No Included Containers

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09200]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHookSignalGroup
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description In case of a COM Trace hook the ShortName of this container is the
COM signal group name part of the VFB Trace hook
(<signalGroupName> in SWS_Rte).
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

971 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteVfbTraceHookSignalGroupRef [ECUC_Rte_09201]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceHookSignalGroup
Description Reference to the ComSignalGroup from which the signal group name
was derived
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to ComSignalGroup
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

No Included Containers

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09205]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHookTask
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description In case of an OS Trace hook the ShortName of this container is the
task name part of the VFB Trace hook (<task> in SWS_Rte).
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

Name RteVfbTraceHookTaskRef [ECUC_Rte_09206]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceHookTask
Description Reference to the OsTask from which the task name was derived
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to OsTask
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

No Included Containers

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09194]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHookVariable
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook

972 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description In case of an RPT Trace hook the ShortName of this container is the
"identifying name of the RP global buffer" name part of the VFB Trace
hook ( in SWS_Rte).
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

Name RteVfbTraceHookVariableElementRef [ECUC_Rte_09195]

Parent Container RteVfbTraceHookVariable
Description Reference to the elements from which the "identifying name of the RP
global buffer" was derived. Number and type of the referenced objects
depend on the API.
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Foreign reference to IDENTIFIABLE
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09189]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHookVendorApiInfix
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description In case of a BSW Scheduler API Trace hook or BSW Schedulable
Entities Trace hook the ShortName of this container is the optional
VendorApiInfix name part of the VFB Trace hook (<ai> in SWS_Rte).
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

No Included Containers

973 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09188]

Container Name RteVfbTraceHookVendorId
Parent Container RteVfbTraceHook
Description In case of a BSW Scheduler API Trace hook or BSW Schedulable
Entities Trace hook the ShortName of this container is the optional
VendorId name part of the VFB Trace hook (<vi> in SWS_Rte).
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

No Included Containers

8.3 RTE PreBuild configuration

In order to support PreBuild configuration variation of the Rte input (see also section
4.7) the container EcucVariationResolver is providing a set of references to Pre-
definedVariant. These define values for SwSystemconst.
Note that the information for the EcucVariationResolver is provided in the EcuC
part of the ECU Configuration, since it does not only influence the Rte but also many
other BSW Modules.

974 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

EcuC: EcucModuleDef

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0

+includedVariant 0..*
EcucParamConfContainerDef PredefinedVariantRef: EcucForeignReferenceDef ARElement
lowerMultiplicity = 0 destinationType = PREDEFINED-VARIANT
upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = *

+swSystemconstantValueSet 0..*


+swSystemconstantValue 0..*


+ value: Numerical

+swSystemconst 1


Figure 8.7: RTE PreBuild configuration

SWS Item [ECUC_EcuC_00009]

Container Name EcucVariationResolver
Parent Container EcuC
Description Collection of PredefinedVariant elements containing definition of values
for SwSystemconst which shall be applied when resolving the
variability during ECU Configuration.
Configuration Parameters

Name PredefinedVariantRef [ECUC_EcuC_00010]

Parent Container EcucVariationResolver
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Foreign reference to PREDEFINED-VARIANT
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –

975 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

No Included Containers

8.4 RTE PostBuild configuration

In order to support PostBuild configuration variation of the generated Rte (see also
section 4.7) the container RtePostBuildVariantConfiguration is used. Each
instance of RtePostBuildUsedPredefinedVariant inside this container specifies
one PostBuild variant of the generated Rte. The shortName of the RtePostBuil-
dUsedPredefinedVariant specifies the variant name.
The actual values for the PostBuildVariantCriterion are defined in a two step
1. The reference RtePostBuildUsedPredefinedVariant collects the Prede-
finedVariant elements.
2. Each PredefinedVariant element collects a set of PostBuildVari-
3. Each PostBuildVariantCriterionValueSet defines the PostBuild-
VariantCriterionValues for a set of PostBuildVariantCriterion.
The basic idea is that
• the PostBuildVariantCriterionValueSet can be provided by sub-system
• the PredefinedVariant can be designed by the Ecu integrator.

976 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software


lowerMultiplicity = 0 GenericStructureTemplate
upperMultiplicity = 1 +includedVariant
ARElement 0..*


destinationType = PREDEFINED-VARIANT
+postBuildVariantCriterionValueSet 0..*
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * ARElement

+postBuildVariantCriterionValue 0..*


+ value: Integer

+variantCriterion 1


Figure 8.8: RTE PostBuild configuration

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09084]

Container Name RtePostBuildVariantConfiguration
Parent Container Rte
Description Specifies the PostbuildVariantSets for each of the PostBuild
configurations of the RTE.
Configuration Parameters

Name RtePostBuildUsedPredefinedVariant [ECUC_Rte_09083]

Parent Container RtePostBuildVariantConfiguration
Description Reference to the PredefinedVariant element which defines the values
for PostBuildVariationCriterion elements. The shortName of the
referenced PredefinedVariant defines the name of the
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Foreign reference to PREDEFINED-VARIANT
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time –
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD

977 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

978 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

8.5 Handling of Software Component instances

When entities of Software-Components are to be configured there is the need to actu-
ally address the instances of the AtomicSwComponentType. Since the Ecu Extract
of System Description contains a flat view on the Ecu’s Software-Components [8] the
SwComponentPrototypes in the Ecu Extract already represent the instances of the
Software Components.

+ecuExtract 0..1


+ containerIPduHeaderByteOrder: ByteOrderEnum [0..1] AtomicSwComponentType

+ ecuExtractVersion: RevisionLabelString [0..1]
+ pncVectorLength: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ pncVectorOffset: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ systemVersion: RevisionLabelString


+rootSoftwareComposition 0..1
Identifiable AtpType
RootSwCompositionPrototype SwComponentType

+type 0..1
+softwareComposition «isOfType»
atpType} «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

CompositionSwComponentType AtpPrototype
+component SwComponentPrototype

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

+connector * +port 0..*

AtpStructureElement     AtpBlueprintable
SwConnector  AtpPrototype

AssemblySwConnector +requester AbstractRequiredPortPrototype



«instanceRef» 0..1

Figure 8.9: Services in the ECU Configuration

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09005]

Container Name RteSwComponentInstance
Parent Container Rte

979 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description Representation of one SwComponentPrototype located on the to be

configured ECU. All subcontainer configuration aspects are in relation
to this SwComponentPrototype.

The RteSwComponentInstance can be associated with either a

AtomicSwComponentType or ParameterSwComponentType.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteSoftwareComponentInstanceRef [ECUC_Rte_09004]

Parent Container RteSwComponentInstance
Description Reference to a SwComponentPrototype.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to SW-COMPONENT-PROTOTYPE
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
RteEventToIsrMapping 0..* Maps a RunnableEntity onto one OsIsr based on the
activating ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent.
RteEventToTaskMapping 0..* Maps an instance of a RunnableEntity onto one OsTask
based on the activating RTEEvent. In the case of a
RunnableEntity executed via a direct or trusted function
call this RteEventToTaskMapping is still specified but no
RteMappedToTask element is included. The
RtePositionInTask parameter is necessary to provide an
ordering of events invoked by the same RTE API.
RteExclusiveArea 0..* Specifies the implementation to be used for the data
Implementation consistency of this ExclusiveArea.
RteExternalTriggerConfig 0..* Defines the configuration of External Trigger Event
Communication for Software Components
RteInternalTriggerConfig 0..* Defines the configuration of Inter Runnable Triggering
for Software Components
RteModeMachine 0..* Defines the configuration of RTE assigned
InstanceConfig (SWS_Rte_07533) mode machine instances.
RteNvRamAllocation 0..* Specifies the relationship between the
AtomicSwComponentType’s NVRAMMapping / NVRAM
needs and the NvM module configuration.

980 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The container RteSwComponentInstance collects all the configuration information

related to one specific instance of a AtomicSwComponentType. The individual as-
pects will be described in the next sections.

8.5.1 RTE Event to task/ISR mapping

One of the major fragments of the RTE configuration is the mapping of AUTOSAR
Software-Components’ RunnableEntitys to OS Tasks or ISRs. The parameters de-
fined to achieve this are shown in figure 8.10 and figure 8.11.

981 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RteSwComponentInstance: Software Component template

EcucParamConfContainerDef AtpStructureElement
lowerMultiplicity = 0 ExecutableEntity
upperMultiplicity = * RunnableEntity

RteEventRef: + canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]

EcucForeignReferenceDef + symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]

+reference destinationType = RTE-EVENT +startOnEvent 0..1

RteEventToTaskMapping: lowerMultiplicity = 1 +waitPoint *
EcucParamConfContainerDef upperMultiplicity = *
AbstractEvent +trigger Identifiable
upperMultiplicity = * AtpStructureElement
0..1 WaitPoint
lowerMultiplicity = 0
RteMappedToTaskRef: RTEEvent
+ timeout: TimeValue [0..1]
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 +destination Os

+reference RteVirtuallyMappedToTaskRef: EcucParamConfContainerDef
EcucReferenceDef +destination
upperMultiplicity = *
RtePositionInTask: upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0
EcucIntegerParamDef lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0
min = 0
max = 65535
min = 0
+parameter max = INF
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

RteOsSchedulePoint: +literal
EcucEnumerationParamDef EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
+parameter lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 +literal
UNCONDITIONAL: EcucParamConfContainerDef
upperMultiplicity = *
+destination lowerMultiplicity = 0
+reference EcucReferenceDef

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 OsAlarm:
RteUsedOsAlarmRef: +destination
+reference EcucReferenceDef upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0
RteUsedOsSchTblExpiryPointRef: OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint:
+reference EcucReferenceDef +destination
upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 1
defaultValue = false

RteUsedInitFnc: EcucReferenceDef +destination RteInitializationRunnableBatch:

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0

+reference EcucReferenceDef

upperMultiplicity = 1 +destination RteSyncPoint:

lowerMultiplicity = 0 EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *
+reference EcucReferenceDef

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0
+parameter upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0
min = 0
max = 65535

Figure 8.10: RTE Event to task mapping

982 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Rte: EcucModuleDef

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0


EcucParamConfContainerDef Software Component template
lowerMultiplicity = 0 AtpStructureElement
upperMultiplicity = * ExecutableEntity
+subContainer RtePositionInIsr:
+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]
+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]
+parameter min = 0
EcucParamConfContainerDef +startOnEvent 0..1
max = 65535
lowerMultiplicity = 1 +waitPoint *
upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 1 AbstractEvent +trigger Identifiable
AtpStructureElement WaitPoint
+ timeout: TimeValue [0..1]
+reference EcucForeignReferenceDef

destinationType = RTE-EVENT
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1

+destination OsIsr:
+reference RteMappedToIsrRef:
EcucReferenceDef EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *
upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0

+reference RteRipsFillRoutineRef:

requiresIndex = true +destinationUri RteRipsPluginFillFlushRoutine:

lowerMultiplicity = 0 EcucDestinationUriDef
upperMultiplicity = *

RteRipsFlushRoutineRef: +destinationUri
+reference EcucUriReferenceDef

requiresIndex = true
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

Figure 8.11: RTE Event to ISR mapping

The mapping is based on the RTEEvent because it is the source of the activation.
For each RunnableEntity which belongs to an AUTOSAR Software-Component in-
stance mapped on the ECU there needs to be a mapping container specifying how this
RunnableEntity activation shall be handled.
[SWS_Rte_07843] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where the same
RTEEvent instance which can start a RunnableEntity is mapped to tasks multiple
[SWS_Rte_03630] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where the same
RTEEvent instance which can start a RunnableEntity is mapped to RteInitial-
izationRunnableBatches multiple times.c(SRS_Rte_00240)
[SWS_Rte_03631] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where the same
RTEEvent instance which can start a RunnableEntity is mapped to both a
task and an RteInitializationRunnableBatch with the exception of SwcMod-
eSwitchEvents with activation = onEntry and referring to the initialMode.c

983 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In order to specify different RtePositionInTask values for on-entry Exe-

cutableEntitys for the initialMode in the context of a RteInitialization-
RunnableBatch and in the context of a transition of a mode machine instance
(e.g. task context of all on-entry ExecutableEntitys, on-transition Exe-
cutableEntityss, and on-exit ExecutableEntityss of the same core lo-
cal mode user group), two RteEventToTaskMapping containers are required
for these SwcModeSwitchEvents.
Having the same RteEventToTaskMapping container to map such a SwcMod-
eSwitchEvent instance (with activation = onEntry and referring to the ini-
tialMode) to both an OsTask container and a RteInitializationRunnable-
Batch container, the same RtePositionInTask value will be specified for both
cases. This is useful if a separate RteInitializationRunnableBatch is created
for each initial mode machine instance to handle the initial mode transitions as the
relative ordering of the mapped events stays the same.
Having two separate RteEventToTaskMapping containers to map such a SwcMod-
eSwitchEvent (with activation = onEntry and referring to the initialMode)
allows using two different RtePositionInTask values for the mapped OsTask con-
tainer and the mapped RteInitializationRunnableBatch container. This is use-
ful if the RteInitializationRunnableBatch container has other mapped RTE-
[SWS_Rte_03632] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where a Swc-
ModeSwitchEvent with activation = onEntry referring to the initialMode is
mapped to an RteInitializationRunnableBatch container via an RteEvent-
ToTaskMapping if the SwcModeSwitchEvent’s mode references a synchronized
mode group.c(SRS_Rte_00240)
Rationale: Synchronized mode groups are initialized with the SchM by the SchM_-
Init() call and are allowed to perform mode switches even before the RTE is started
by Rte_Start() call. Having the aforementioned SwcModeSwitchEvents of a
synchronized mode group mapped to such RteInitializationRunnableBatch
would not guarantee either that the triggered RunnableEntity instance is executed
or it is executed according to the mode switch semantics while making the configuration
more complex than necessary. Evaluation and execution order

Another important parameter is the RtePositionInTask which provides an order of

RunnableEntitys within the associated OsTask. When the task is executed period-
ically the RtePositionInTask parameter defines the order of execution within the
task. When the task is used to define a context for event activated RunnableEntitys
the RtePositionInTask parameter defines the order of evaluation which actual
RunnableEntity shall be executed. Thus providing means to define a deterministic
delay between the beginning of execution of the task and the actual execution of the
RunnableEntity’s code.

984 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In case of triggered runnables, on-entry ExecutableEntitys, on-tran-

sition ExecutableEntitys, on-exit ExecutableEntitys, and Mod-
eSwitchAck ExecutableEntitys the RtePositionInTask parameter defines
the order of evaluation which actual RunnableEntity shall be executed. All other
parameters or references are not required. Direct and trusted function call

[SWS_Rte_06798] dIf the ExecutableEntity is a server ExecutableEntity,

triggered ExecutableEntity, on-entry ExecutableEntity, on-transi-
tion ExecutableEntity, on-exit ExecutableEntity, or a ModeSwitchAck
ExecutableEntity and shall be executed in the context of the caller (i.e. using a
direct or trusted function call) then the element RteEventToTaskMapping or RteB-
swEventToTaskMapping still shall be provided to indicate that this RTEEvent / Bsw-
Event has been considered in the mapping.c()
In case of server ExecutableEntitys its not possible that several servers get
invoked by the same API call. Therefore, no further parameters in the RteEvent-
ToTaskMapping or RteBswEventToTaskMapping associated to the RTEEvent /
BswEvent are required to configure the direct or trusted function call for server Ex-
[SWS_Rte_06799] dFor directly invoked server ExecutableEntitys no further
parameters or references are required, in particular RteMappedToTaskRef and
RtePositionInTask are omitted.c()
In case of ExecutableEntitys which are not server ExecutableEntitys it is
possible that several ExecutableEntitys get invoked by the same API call when di-
rect or trusted function call configuration is used. Thereby the RteMappedToTaskRef
/ RteBswMappedToTaskRef is omitted. However the order of invocation needs to
be configured with the RtePositionInTask and RteBswPositionInTask param-
[SWS_Rte_06800] dFor directly invoked triggered ExecutableEntity, on-en-
try ExecutableEntity, on-transition ExecutableEntity, on-exit Ex-
ecutableEntity, or a ModeSwitchAck ExecutableEntity the RtePosition-
InTask and RteBswPositionInTask parameter respectively is required to indicate
the order of invocation.c()
The invocation context for an ExecutableEntity can be either a task or
a function call. For ExecutableEntitys invoked from an OsTasks then
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09082] means that all mapped ExecutableEntities must have
unique values for the task to ensure predictable generation of the task body. In the case
of RTEEvents or BswEvents invoked by direct invocation from an RTE-generated API
function then [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09082] means that all events invoked by the call-
ing function must have unique values to ensure predictable generation of the calling

985 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09082] RtePositionInTask and RteBswPositionInTask

values shall be unique in a particular context dRtePositionInTask and RteB-
swPositionInTask shall have unique values for any particular task in the case
RTEEvents and BswEvents are mapped to OsTasks and shall have unique values
for any particular scope of direct invocation in the case that a direct or trusted function
call is configured.c()
Concerning the mapping of several operations to the same server runnables
see [SWS_Rte_08001].

Example 8.2

BSW module BswA defines BswModuleEntity BswA_ProcessBigBang triggered

by BswExternalTriggerOccurredEvent Ev_BswA_ProcessBigBang
Software component SwcA defines RunnableEntity SwcA_Run_BigBang triggered
by ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent Ev_SwcA_Run_BigBang
Software component SwcB defines RunnableEntity SwcB_Run_BigBang triggered
by ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent Ev_SwcB_Run_BigBang
All required Triggers are connected to one common synchronized Trigger.
Scenario A
A configuration:
Ev_BswA_ProcessBigBang is mapped to OsTask T_BIG_BANG with RtePosi-
tionInTask = 1
Ev_SwcA_Run_BigBang is mapped to OsTask T_BIG_BANG with RtePosition-
InTask = 2
Ev_SwcB_Run_BigBang is mapped to OsTask T_BIG_BANG with RtePosition-
InTask = 3
results in Rte code where the ExecutableEntitys are called in the context of the
OsTask T_BIG_BANG in the order:
1. Ev_BswA_ProcessBigBang
2. Ev_SwcA_Run_BigBang
3. Ev_SwcB_Run_BigBang
In addition [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09082] is fulfilled even if the RtePositionInTask
values 1, 2, 3 are used for other RteEventToTaskMappings mapping to other Os-
Task or configuring a direct function call.
Scenario B
A configuration:

986 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Ev_BswA_ProcessBigBang is not mapped to any OsTask and RtePositionIn-

Task = 1
Ev_SwcA_Run_BigBang is not mapped to any OsTask and RtePositionInTask =
Ev_SwcB_Run_BigBang is not mapped to any OsTask and RtePositionInTask =
results in Rte code where the ExecutableEntitys are called in the context of the
issuing Trigger API, e.g SchM_Trigger which invokes the ExecutableEntitys in
the order:
1. Ev_BswA_ProcessBigBang
2. Ev_SwcA_Run_BigBang
3. Ev_SwcB_Run_BigBang Schedule Points

In order to allow explicit calls to the Os scheduler in an non-preemptive scheduling

setup, the configuration element RteOsSchedulePoint shall be used.
[SWS_Rte_05113] dThe RTE Generator shall create an unconditional call to the
Os API Schedule after the execution call of the RunnableEntity if the RteOsS-
chedulePoint configuration parameter is set to UNCONDITIONAL. In the generated
code the call to the Os API Schedule shall always be performed, even when the
RunnableEntity itself has not been executed (called).c()
Since the execution of a RunnableEntity may be performed (e.g. due to mode de-
pendent scheduling) the call of the Os API Schedule without any RunnableEntity
execution in between might occur. in order to prohibit such a call chain the CONDI-
TIONAL schedule point is available.
[SWS_Rte_05114] dThe RTE Generator shall create a conditional call to the Os API
Schedule after the execution call of the RunnableEntity if the RteOsSchedule-
Point configuration parameter is set to CONDITIONAL. In the generated code the call
to the Os API Schedule shall be omitted when there was already a call to the Os API
Schedule before without any RunnableEntity execution in between.c()
[SWS_Rte_07042] dThe Os API Schedule according [SWS_Rte_05113] and
[SWS_Rte_05114] shall be called after the data written with implicit write access by
the RunnableEntity are propagated to other RunnableEntitys as specified in
[SWS_Rte_07021], [SWS_Rte_03957], [SWS_Rte_07041] and [SWS_Rte_03584]c()
[SWS_Rte_07043] dThe Os API Schedule according [SWS_Rte_05113] and
[SWS_Rte_05114] shall be called before the preemption area specific buffer used
for a implicit read access of the successor RunnableEntity are filled with actual data
by a copy action according [SWS_Rte_07020].c()

987 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_05115] dThe RTE Generator shall create no call to the Os API Schedule af-
ter the execution of the RunnableEntity if the RteOsSchedulePoint configuration
parameter is not present or is set to NONE.c()
[SWS_Rte_01373] dThe RTE Generator shall support the independent setting
of RteOsSchedulePoint for RteEventToTaskMappings that map the same
RunnableEntity.c(SRS_Rte_00018) Timeprotection support

[SWS_Rte_07801] dIf RteMappedToTaskRef is configured but RteVirtual-

lyMappedToTaskRef is not configured, the RTE shall implement/evaluate the RTE-
Event that activates the RunnableEntity and execute the RunnableEntity in the
OsTask referenced by RteMappedToTaskRef.c()
[SWS_Rte_07802] dIf both RteMappedToTaskRef and RteVirtuallyMappedTo-
TaskRef are configured, the RTE shall implement/evaluate the RTEEvent that acti-
vates the RunnableEntity in the OsTask referenced by RteVirtuallyMapped-
ToTaskRef but execute the RunnableEntity in the OsTask referenced by
RteMappedToTaskRef. The RTE shall implement this by an activation of the OsTask
referenced by RteMappedToTaskRef when the RTEEvent is evaluated as "TRUE" in
the OsTask referenced by RteVirtuallyMappedToTaskRef.c(SRS_Rte_00193)
[SWS_Rte_07803] dThe RTE shall reject the configuration if RteMappedToTaskRef
is not configured but RteVirtuallyMappedToTaskRef is configured.c(SRS_Rte_-
00018) Os Interaction

When an OsEvent is used to activate the OsTask the reference RteUsedOsEven-

tRef specifies which OsEvent is used.
When an OsAlarm is used to implement a TimingEvent or a BackgroundEvent
the reference RteUsedOsAlarmRef specifies which OsAlarm is used.
[SWS_Rte_07806] dIf RteUsedOsAlarmRef is configured and RteEventRef refer-
ences a TimingEvent the RTE shall implement the TimingEvent with the OsAlarm
referenced by RteUsedOsAlarmRef.c(SRS_Rte_00232)
[SWS_Rte_07179] dIf RteUsedOsAlarmRef is configured and RteEventRef refer-
ences a BackgroundEvent the RTE shall implement the BackgroundEvent with
the OsAlarm referenced by RteUsedOsAlarmRef.c()
When an OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint is used to implement a TimingEvent or
a BackgroundEvent the reference RteUsedOsSchTblExpiryPointRef specifies
which OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint is used.

988 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07807] dIf RteUsedOsSchTblExpiryPointRef is configured and

RteEventRef references a TimingEvent the RTE shall implement the
TimingEvent with the OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint referenced by RteUse-
[SWS_Rte_07180] dIf RteUsedOsSchTblExpiryPointRef is configured and
RteEventRef references a BackgroundEvent the RTE shall implement the Back-
groundEvent with the OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint referenced by RteUse-
If neither RteUsedOsSchTblExpiryPointRef nor RteUsedOsAlarmRef are con-
figured and RteEventRef references a TimingEvent the RTE is free to imple-
ment the TimingEvent with the OsAlarm or OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint of
its choice.
[SWS_Rte_07808] dThe RTE shall reject the configuration if both RteUsedOsAlarm-
Ref and RteUsedOsSchTblExpiryPointRef are configured.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_07809] dThe RTE shall reject the configuration if RteUsedOsAlarmRef or
RteUsedOsSchTblExpiryPointRef is configured and RteEventRef doesn’t ref-
erence a TimingEvent or a BackgroundEvent.c(SRS_Rte_00018) Background activation

If neither RteUsedOsSchTblExpiryPointRef nor RteUsedOsAlarmRef is con-

figured and RteEventRef references a BackgroundEvent the RteMappedTo-
TaskRef has to reference the OsTask used for Background activation of RunnableEn-
tities and Basic Software Schedulable Entities on the related CPU core where the par-
tition of the software component is mapped.
The OsTask used for BackgroundEvent triggering has to have the lowest priority on
the core. There can only be one ’Background’ OsTask per CPU core.
[SWS_Rte_07181] dThe RTE shall reject the configuration if
• RteEventRef references a BackgroundEvent and
• neither RteUsedOsAlarmRef nor RteUsedOsSchTblExpiryPointRef are
configured and
• if RteMappedToTaskRef reference an OsTask which has not the lowest priority
of the core.

989 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Constraints

There are some constraints which do apply when actually mapping the RunnableEn-
tity to an OsTask:
[SWS_Rte_05082] dThe following restrictions apply to RTEEvents which are used
to activate RunnableEntity. OsEvents that are used to wakeUpFromWaitPoint
shall not be included in the mapping.c()
When a wakeUpFromWaitPoint is occurring the RunnableEntity resumes its ex-
ecution in the context of the originally activated OsTask.
One major constraint is posed by the canBeInvokedConcurrently attribute of each
RunnableEntity because data consistency issues have to be considered.
[SWS_Rte_05083] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where a
RunnableEntity has its canBeInvokedConcurrently attribute set to false, and
this RunnableEntity is mapped to different tasks which can preempt each other.c()
[SWS_Rte_07229] dTo evaluate [SWS_Rte_05083] in case of triggered
runnables which are activated by a direct or trusted function call ([SWS_Rte_07214],
[SWS_Rte_07224] and [SWS_Rte_07554]) the OsTask (context of the caller) is defined
by the RunnableEntity’s containing the activating InternalTriggeringPoint
or ExternalTriggeringPoint.c(SRS_Rte_00162, SRS_Rte_00163, SRS_Rte_-
[SWS_Rte_07155] dTo evaluate [SWS_Rte_05083] in case of on-entry Ex-
ecutableEntitys, on-transition ExecutableEntitys, on-exit Ex-
ecutableEntitys, and ModeSwitchAck ExecutableEntitys which are
activated by a direct or trusted function call the OsTask (context of the caller) is
defined by the RunnableEntity’s containing the activating ModeSwitchPoint.c
(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_03873] dAll OperationInvokedEvents/ BswOperationIn-
vokedEvents which are activating the same server ExecutableEntity shall be
mapped by at most one RteEventToTaskMapping/RteBswEventToTaskMapping
which references an OsTask.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00033)
Note: This shall ensure that direct or trusted function calls and server serialization can
be mixed for the same server ExecutableEntity. But the server serialization can
only be configured at exactly one RtePositionInTask/RteBswPositionInTask.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_03874] dA RteEventToTaskMapping/ RteBswEventTo-
TaskMapping shall only own more than one RteEventRef/RteBswEventRef ref-
erence if all owned RteEventRefs/RteBswEventRefs refer to OperationIn-
vokedEvents/BswOperationInvokedEvents which in turn are triggering the same
server ExecutableEntity.c(SRS_Rte_00019, SRS_Rte_00033)
SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09020]
Container Name RteEventToTaskMapping
Parent Container RteSwComponentInstance

990 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description Maps an instance of a RunnableEntity onto one OsTask based on the

activating RTEEvent. In the case of a RunnableEntity executed via a
direct or trusted function call this RteEventToTaskMapping is still
specified but no RteMappedToTask element is included. The
RtePositionInTask parameter is necessary to provide an ordering of
events invoked by the same RTE API.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteActivationOffset [ECUC_Rte_09018]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description Activation offset in seconds.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteImmediateRestart [ECUC_Rte_09092]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description When RteImmediateRestart is set to true the RunnableEntitiy shall be
immediately re-started after termination if it was activated by this
RTEEvent while it was already started.

This parameter shall not be set to true when the mapped RTEEvent
refers to a RunnableEntity which minimumStartInterval attribute is > 0.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

991 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteOsSchedulePoint [ECUC_Rte_09022]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description Introduce a schedule point by explicitly calling Os Schedule service
after the execution of the ExecutableEntity. The Rte generator is
allowed to optimize several consecutive calls to Os schedule into one
single call if the ExecutableEntity executions in between have been

The absence of this parameter is interpreted as "NONE".

It shall be considered an invalid configuration if the task is preemptable

and the value of this parameter is not set to "NONE" or the parameter
is absent.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range CONDITIONAL A Schedule Point shall be introduced at
the end of the execution of this
ExecutableEntity. The Schedule Point
can be skipped if several Schedule
Points would be called without any
ExecutableEntity execution in between.
NONE No Schedule Point shall be introduced
at the end of the execution of this
UNCONDITIONAL A Schedule Point shall always be
introduced at the end of the execution
of this ExecutableEntity.
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RtePositionInTask [ECUC_Rte_09023]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description Each RunnableEntity mapped to an OsTask has a specific position
within the task execution. For periodic activation this is the order of
execution. For event driver activation this is the order of evaluation
which actual RunnableEntity has to be executed. In case of direct or
trusted function calls this parameter is necessary to provide an
ordering of events when several ExecutableEntities are invoked by the
same RTE API.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535

992 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteServerQueueLength [ECUC_Rte_09133]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description Specifies the length of the queue for the server call serialization. This
value overwrites the queueLength specified at the ServerComSpec.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

993 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteEventPredecessorSyncPointRef [ECUC_Rte_09128]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description The RteEventPredecessorSyncPointRef is necessary to provide a
cross core synchronization in case of RteEvents triggered by the same
event source but mapped to tasks belonging to different partitions on
different cores.

The synchronization point must be reached by all referencing

RteEvents before the execution in all related tasks is continued.

In case of RteEventPredecessorSyncPointRef the RunnableEntity

activated by the mapped RteEvent is executed after the
synchronization point is passed.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to RteSyncPoint
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteEventRef [ECUC_Rte_09019]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description Reference to the description of the RTEEvent which is pointing to the
RunnableEntity being mapped. This allows a fine grained mapping of
RunnableEntites based on the activating RTEEvent.
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Foreign reference to RTE-EVENT
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

994 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteEventSuccessorSyncPointRef [ECUC_Rte_09129]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description The RteEventSuccessorSyncPointRef is necessary to provide a cross
core synchronization in case of RteEvents triggered by the same event
source but mapped to tasks belonging to different partitions on
different cores.

The synchronization point must be reached by all referencing

RteEvents before the execution in all related tasks is continued.

In case of RteEventSuccessorSyncPointRef the RunnableEntity

activated by the mapped RteEvent is executed before the
synchronization point is entered.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to RteSyncPoint
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteMappedToTaskRef [ECUC_Rte_09021]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description Reference to the OsTask the RunnableEntity activated by the
RteEventRef is mapped to.

If no reference to the OsTask is specified the RunnableEntity shall be

executed via a direct or trusted function call.

The fact that no reference to an OsTask is specified for a

RunnableEntity does not necessarily imply that every RTE generator
has to support the implementation of this RunnableEntity as a direct or
trusted function call. The standard set of use cases for direct or trusted
function calls that has to be supported by every RTE generator is
explicitly stated as requirements in this document. For further
optimization RTE vendors are free to support additional scenarios of
direct or trusted function call implementations that are not explicitly
required in this document.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsTask
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

995 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteRipsFillRoutineRef [ECUC_Rte_89005]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description Reference to a Buffer-Fill Routine implemented by an RTE
Implementation Plug-In. This routine gets invoked directly before the
ExecutableEntity is started.

Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to destinationUri [ RteRipsUriDefSet/RteRipsPluginFillFlush
Routine ]
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteRipsFlushRoutineRef [ECUC_Rte_89006]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description Reference to a Buffer-Flush Routine implemented by an RTE
Implementation Plug-In. This routine gets invoked directly after the
ExecutableEntity has terminated.

Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to destinationUri [ RteRipsUriDefSet/RteRipsPluginFillFlush
Routine ]
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

996 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteRipsInvocationHandlerRef [ECUC_Rte_89008]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description Reference to a Buffer-Fill Routine implemented by an RTE
Implementation Plug-In. This routine gets invoked directly before the
ExecutableEntity is started.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to destinationUri [ RteRipsUriDefSet/RteRipsInvocation
Handler ]
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteUsedInitFnc [ECUC_Rte_09116]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description The RunnableEntity is executed during initialization in the context of
the Rte_Init_<InitContainer> function.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to RteInitializationRunnableBatch
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –

997 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteUsedOsAlarmRef [ECUC_Rte_09024]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description If an OsAlarm is used to activate the OsTask this RteEvent is mapped
to it shall be referenced here.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsAlarm
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteUsedOsEventRef [ECUC_Rte_09025]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description If an OsEvent is used to activate the OsTask this RteEvent is mapped
to it shall be referenced here.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsEvent
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

998 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteUsedOsSchTblExpiryPointRef [ECUC_Rte_09026]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description If an OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint is used to activate the OsTask this
RteEvent is mapped to it shall be referenced here.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteVirtuallyMappedToTaskRef [ECUC_Rte_09027]

Parent Container RteEventToTaskMapping
Description Optional reference to an OsTask where the activation of this RteEvent
shall be evaluated. The actual execution of the Runnable Entity shall
happen in the OsTask referenced by RteMappedToTaskRef.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsTask
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

8.5.2 Rte Os Interaction

This section contains configuration items which are closely related to the interaction of
the Rte with the Os.

999 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RteOsInteraction: RteUsedOsActivation:
EcucParamConfContainerDef +subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *
upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 0

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

Figure 8.12: Specification of the Rte/Os Interaction

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09059]

Container Name RteOsInteraction
Parent Container Rte
Description Interaction of the Rte with the Os.
Configuration Parameters

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
RteModeToSchedule 0..* Provides configuration input in which Modes of a
TableMapping ModeDeclarionGroupPrototype of a Mode Manager a
OsScheudleTable shall be active. The Mode Manager is
either specified as a SwComponentPrototype
(RteModeSchtblMapSwc) or as a BSW-Module
RteOsTaskChain 0..* This container holds the configuration of one task chain
RteSyncPoint 0..* The RteSyncPoint is necessary to provide an cross core
synchronization in case of RteEvents triggered by the
same event source but mapped to tasks belonging to
different partitions on different cores.

The synchronization point must be reached by all

referencing RteEvents before the execution in all related
tasks is continued.

In case of Rte(Bsw)EventSuccessorSyncPointRef the

ExecutableEntity activated by the mapped event is
executed before the synchronization point is entered.

In case of Rte(Bsw)EventPredecessorSyncPointRef the

ExecutableEntity activated by the mapped event is
executed after the synchronization point is passed.
RteUsedOsActivation 0..* Attributes used in the activation of OsTasks and
Runnable Entities.

1000 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 Activation using Os features

This is a collection of possible ways how the Rte might utilize Os to achieve various ac-
tivation scenarios. The used Os objects are referenced in these configuration entities.

lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = *


RteUsedOsActivation: RteActivationOsTaskRef: OsTask:

EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference EcucReferenceDef +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *

lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0

RteActivationOsSchTblRef: OsScheduleTable:
+reference EcucReferenceDef +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0

RteActivationOsAlarmRef: OsAlarm:
+reference EcucReferenceDef +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0

min = 0
max = INF
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1

min = 0
max = INF
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1

Figure 8.13: Configuration how activation is implemented

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09060]

Container Name RteUsedOsActivation
Parent Container RteOsInteraction
Description Attributes used in the activation of OsTasks and Runnable Entities.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteExpectedActivationOffset [ECUC_Rte_09048]

Parent Container RteUsedOsActivation
Description Activation offset in seconds.

Important: This is a requirement from the Rte towards the Os/Mcu

setup. The Rte Generator shall assume this activation offset to be
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]

1001 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteExpectedTickDuration [ECUC_Rte_09049]

Parent Container RteUsedOsActivation
Description The expected tick duration in seconds which shall be configured to
drive the OsScheduleTables or OsAlarm.

Important: This is a requirement from the Rte towards the Os/Mcu

setup. The Rte Generator shall assume this tick duration to be fulfilled.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteActivationOsAlarmRef [ECUC_Rte_09045]

Parent Container RteUsedOsActivation
Description Reference to an OsAlarm.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsAlarm
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1002 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteActivationOsSchTblRef [ECUC_Rte_09046]

Parent Container RteUsedOsActivation
Description Reference to an OsScheduleTable.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsScheduleTable
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteActivationOsTaskRef [ECUC_Rte_09047]

Parent Container RteUsedOsActivation
Description Reference to an OsTask.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsTask
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers Modes and Schedule Tables

Optional configuration of the Rte to support the mapping of modes and Os’ schedule

1003 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_05146] dThe referenced schedule table of RteModeScheduleTableRef

shall be activated if one of the modes referenced in RteModeSchtblMapModeDec-
larationRef is active in the mode machine instances from the references of
• RteModeSchtblMapSwc or
• RteModeSchtblMapBsw.

1004 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software


lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * RteModeScheduleTableRef: OsScheduleTable:
EcucReferenceDef +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef
+subContainer upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0

lowerMultiplicity = 0
RteModeSchtblMapBsw: +reference RteModeSchtblMapBswInstanceRef:
upperMultiplicity = *
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucReferenceDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 +destination

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

+reference RteModeSchtblMapBswProvidedModeGroupRef:

lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1

RteModeSchtblMapSwc: +reference RteModeSchtblMapSwcInstanceRef:

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucReferenceDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 +destination

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

+reference RteModeSchtblMapSwcPortRef: EcucForeignReferenceDef


lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = *
destinationType = MODE-DECLARATION

SW-Component- and BswModule-Template

ARElement AbstractProvidedPortPrototype
AtpBlueprint PPortPrototype
AtpBlueprintable «isOfType»
{redefines atpType}

ModeSwitchInterface +modeGroup AtpPrototype


«isOfType» 0..1
+type atpType}
AtpStructureElement ARElement
Identifiable +modeDeclaration AtpBlueprint
ModeDeclaration 0..* «atpVariation» AtpBlueprintable
+ value: PositiveInteger [0..1] +initialMode

Figure 8.14: Configuration how modes are interacting with schedule tables

1005 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_02759] dRTE shall reject a configuration, if the RteModeSchtblMapSwc-

PortRef : EcucForeignReferenceDef does not reference a PPortPrototype or
PRPortPrototype of the type of an ModeSwitchInterface.c()
[SWS_Rte_02760] dRTE shall reject a configuration, if the ModeDeclara-
tionGroupPrototype referenced by a RteModeSchtblMapBswProvidedMode-
GroupRef:EcucForeignReferenceDef is not in the role of a providedMode-
SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09058]
Container Name RteModeToScheduleTableMapping
Parent Container RteOsInteraction
Description Provides configuration input in which Modes of a
ModeDeclarionGroupPrototype of a Mode Manager a
OsScheudleTable shall be active. The Mode Manager is either
specified as a SwComponentPrototype (RteModeSchtblMapSwc) or as
a BSW-Module (RteModeSchtblMapBsw).
Configuration Parameters

Name RteModeScheduleTableRef [ECUC_Rte_09050]

Parent Container RteModeToScheduleTableMapping
Description Reference to the OsScheduleTable which shall be active in the
specified RteModeSchblMapModeDeclarationRefs.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to OsScheduleTable
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteModeSchtblMapModeDeclarationRef [ECUC_Rte_09054]

Parent Container RteModeToScheduleTableMapping
Description Reference to the ModeDeclarations.
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Foreign reference to MODE-DECLARATION
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –

1006 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
RteModeSchtblMapBsw 0..1 Specifies an instance of a
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of a Bsw-Module.
RteModeSchtblMapSwc 0..1 Specifies an instance of a
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of a

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09055]

Container Name RteModeSchtblMapSwc
Parent Container RteModeToScheduleTableMapping
Description Specifies an instance of a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of a
Configuration Parameters

Name RteModeSchtblMapSwcInstanceRef [ECUC_Rte_09056]

Parent Container RteModeSchtblMapSwc
Description Reference to an instance specification of a SwComponentPrototype.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to RteSwComponentInstance
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteModeSchtblMapSwcPortRef [ECUC_Rte_09057]

Parent Container RteModeSchtblMapSwc
Description Reference to the PPortPrototype of a SwComponentPrototype.
Multiplicity 1
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1007 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

No Included Containers

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09051]

Container Name RteModeSchtblMapBsw
Parent Container RteModeToScheduleTableMapping
Description Specifies an instance of a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of a
Configuration Parameters

Name RteModeSchtblMapBswInstanceRef [ECUC_Rte_09052]

Parent Container RteModeSchtblMapBsw
Description Reference to an instance specification of a Bsw-Module.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to RteBswModuleInstance
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteModeSchtblMapBswProvidedModeGroupRef [ECUC_Rte_09053]

Parent Container RteModeSchtblMapBsw
Description Reference to an instance of a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of a
Multiplicity 1
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

8.5.3 Exclusive Area implementation

The RTE Generator can be configured to implement a different data consistency mech-
anism for each ExclusiveArea defined for an AUTOSAR software-component.

1008 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

In figure 8.15 the configuration of the actually selected data consistency mechanism is
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_03510] Exclude usage of OS_SPINLOCK in RteExclu-
siveAreaImplementation dThe usage of the enumeration literal OS_SPINLOCK
for the parameter RteExclusiveAreaImplMechanism shall be excluded if the pa-
rameter RteExclusiveAreaImplMechanism is used in the context of the container

1009 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RteSwComponentInstance: RteSoftwareComponentInstanceRef:
EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference EcucForeignReferenceDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 destinationType = SW-COMPONENT-PROTOTYPE

upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0
(from RTE)
(from RTE)

Software Component template

AtpPrototype ARElement
+type AtpBlueprint
0..1 «isOfType» AtpType
{redefines atpType} Components::SwComponentType


Identifiable +exclusiveArea InternalBehavior::
InternalBehavior:: InternalBehavior «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
ExclusiveArea 0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+internalBehavior 0..1


+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]

+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]


RteExclusiveAreaImplementation: RteExclusiveAreaRef:
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucForeignReferenceDef

upperMultiplicity = * destinationType = EXCLUSIVE-AREA

lowerMultiplicity = 0

RteExclusiveAreaImplMechanism: +literal NONE: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef




+literal OS_RESOURCE: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

OS_SPINLOCK: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

+literal RTE_PLUGIN: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef


RteExclusiveAreaOsResourceRef: OsResource:
+reference EcucReferenceDef +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = *
upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0

(from OS)

+reference EcucUriReferenceDef +destinationUri RteRipsPlugin:
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
(from RteRips)

Figure 8.15: Configuration of the ExclusiveArea implementation

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09030]

Container Name RteExclusiveAreaImplementation

1010 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Parent Container RteSwComponentInstance

Description Specifies the implementation to be used for the data consistency of this
Configuration Parameters

Name RteExclusiveAreaImplMechanism [ECUC_Rte_09029]

Parent Container RteExclusiveAreaImplementation
Description To be used implementation mechanism for the specified ExclusiveArea.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
RTE_PLUGIN RTE Implementation Plug-in
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteExclusiveAreaOsResourceRef [ECUC_Rte_09031]

Parent Container RteExclusiveAreaImplementation
Description Optional reference to an OsResource in case
RteExclusiveAreaImplMechanism is configured to OS_RESOURCE for
this ExclusiveArea.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsResource
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1011 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteExclusiveAreaRef [ECUC_Rte_09032]

Parent Container RteExclusiveAreaImplementation
Description Reference to the ExclusiveArea.
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to EXCLUSIVE-AREA
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteExclusiveAreaResponsibleRipsPluginRef [ECUC_Rte_89010]

Parent Container RteExclusiveAreaImplementation
Description Optional reference to the configuration container of the RTE
Implementation Plug-in implementing the ExclusiveArea. It’s required
in case RteExclusiveAreaImplMechanism is configured to
RTE_PLUGIN for this ExclusiveArea.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to destinationUri [ RteRipsUriDefSet/RteRipsPlugin ]
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

No Included Containers

8.5.4 NVRam Allocation

The configuration of the NVRam access does involve several templates, because it
closes the gap between the AUTOSAR software-components, the NVRAM Manager
Services and the BSW Modules.
In figure 8.16 the related information from the AUTOSAR Software Component Tem-
plate is shown.

1012 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Software Component template

Identifiable AtpStructureElement Int

ServiceNeeds Identifiable SwcInternalBehavior
+serviceNeeds ServiceDependency +serviceDependency
SwcServiceDependency + handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndResta
0..1 0..*«atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

«atpVariation» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+assignedData 0..* +perInstanceMemory *

NvBlockNeeds RoleBasedDataAssignment
+ role: Identifier [0..1] PerInstanceMemory
+ initValue: String [0..1]
+ type: CIdentifier [0..1]
+ typeDefinition: String [0..1]


role of owning
RoleBasedDataAssignement shall be
{role of owning
RoleBasedDataAssignement +usedDataElement 0..1 +arTypedPerInstanceMemory *
shall be defaultValue}
AutosarVariableRef +localVariable

+usedParameterElement 0..1 +perInstanceParameter *

+localParameter AtpPrototype
AutosarParameterRef 0..1 DataPrototype

«instanceRef» 0..1

Figure 8.16: software-component information of NVRam Service needs

In figure 8.17 the ECU Configuration part of the NVRam allocation is shown. It re-
lates the software-components’ SwcServiceDependency and NvBlockNeeds infor-
mation with the NVRam Managers NvMBlockDescriptor and the linker symbols of
the RAM and ROM sections to be used.

1013 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RteNvRamAllocation: +parameter RteNvmRomBlockLocationSymbol:

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucLinkerSymbolDef

upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 NvMRomBlockDataAddress: lowerMultiplicity = 0

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

+parameter 0..1

+reference RteNvmBlockRef: EcucReferenceDef +destination NvMBlockDescriptor:

requiresSymbolicNameValue = true
upperMultiplicity = 65536
lowerMultiplicity = 1

+parameter 0..1

RteNvmRamBlockLocationSymbol: NvMNvramBlockIdentifier:
NvMRamBlockDataAddress: EcucIntegerParamDef
+parameter EcucLinkerSymbolDef
upperMultiplicity = 1 symbolicNameValue = true
lowerMultiplicity = 0 min = 2
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 max = 65535

+reference +reference

RteSwNvRamMappingRef: EcucForeignReferenceDef RteSwNvBlockDescriptorRef:

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0
destinationType = SWC-SERVICE-DEPENDENCY upperMultiplicity = 1
destinationType = NV-BLOCK-DESCRIPTOR

Software Component template


+ supportDirtyFlag: Boolean [0..1]

Identifiable AtpStructureElement
+serviceNeeds AtpStructureElement
ServiceNeeds Identifiable Identifiable
0..1 ServiceDependency PerInstanceMemory
+ initValue: String [0..1]
+ type: CIdentifier [0..1]
+nvBlockNeeds 0..1 + typeDefinition: String [0..1]
NvBlockNeeds +assignedData 0..* 0..1 +usedPim 0..1
+writingStrategyRole role of owning
RoleBasedDataAssignment RoleBasedDataAssignement
+ role: Identifier [0..1] shall be ramBlock}
+ramBlock 0..1

+usedDataElement AutosarDataPrototype
AutosarVariableRef VariableDataPrototype
0..1 0..1

+romBlock 0..1
AutosarParameterRef AutosarDataPrototype

{role of owning
RoleBasedDataAssignement shall be

Figure 8.17: ECU Configuration of the NVRam Service

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09091] RteSwNvRamMappingRef and RteSwNvBlockDe-

scriptorRef are excluding each other dIf an RteSwNvBlockDescriptorRef is

1014 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

defined there shall be no RteSwNvRamMappingRef, RteNvmRomBlockLocation-

Symboland RteNvmRamBlockLocationSymbol defined. If an RteSwNvRamMap-
pingRef is defined there shall be no RteSwNvBlockDescriptorRef defined.c()
SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09040]
Container Name RteNvRamAllocation
Parent Container RteSwComponentInstance
Description Specifies the relationship between the AtomicSwComponentType’s
NVRAMMapping / NVRAM needs and the NvM module configuration.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteNvmRamBlockLocationSymbol [ECUC_Rte_09042]

Parent Container RteNvRamAllocation
Description This is the name of the linker object name where the NVRam Block will
be mirrored by the Nvm. This symbol will be resolved into the
parameter "NvmRamBlockDataAddress" from the
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucLinkerSymbolDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteNvmRomBlockLocationSymbol [ECUC_Rte_09043]

Parent Container RteNvRamAllocation
Description This is the name of the linker object name where the NVRom Block will
be accessed by the Nvm. This symbol will be resolved into the
parameter "NvmRomBlockDataAddress" from the
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucLinkerSymbolDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

1015 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteNvmBlockRef [ECUC_Rte_09041]

Parent Container RteNvRamAllocation
Description Reference to the used NvM block for storage of the NVRAMMapping
Multiplicity 1
Type Symbolic name reference to NvMBlockDescriptor
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteSwNvBlockDescriptorRef [ECUC_Rte_09132]

Parent Container RteNvRamAllocation
Description Reference to the NvBlockDescriptor in case the RTE needs to call the
NvM directly (e.g. for the supportDirtyFlag feature, storeCyclic feature,
server invocation for NV data management or mode switch based
invocation NvM services).
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to NV-BLOCK-DESCRIPTOR
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1016 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteSwNvRamMappingRef [ECUC_Rte_09044]

Parent Container RteNvRamAllocation
Description Reference to the SwSeriveDependency which is used to specify the

Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to SWC-SERVICE-DEPENDENCY
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

8.5.5 SWC Trigger queuing

This configuration determine the size of the queue queuing the issued triggers.
The RteExternalTriggerConfig container and RteInternalTriggerConfig
container is defined in the context of the RteSwComponentInstance which already
predefines the context of the Trigger / InternalTriggeringPoint.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09005] The references RteSwcTriggerSourceRef has to
be consistent with the RteSoftwareComponentInstanceRef dThe references
RteSwcTriggerSourceRef has to be consistent with the RteSoftwareCompo-
nentInstanceRef. This means the referenced Trigger / InternalTrigger-
ingPoint has to belong to the AtomicSwComponentType which is referenced by
the related SwComponentPrototype.c()

1017 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

From SWC-T

AtpBlueprintable ARElement
AtpPrototype +port AtpBlueprint
PortPrototype AtpBlueprintable
0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable» AtpType




+internalBehavior 0..1
0..1 InternalBehavior
+providedInterface {redefines atpType}
+runnable 0..*


+trigger 0..* «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+internalTriggeringPoint 0..*
Trigger Identifiable
+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1] InternalTriggeringPoint

+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

RteSwComponentInstance: RteExternalTriggerConfig: RteSwcTriggerSourceRef: EcucInstanceReferenceDef

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucParamConfContainerDef
+reference destinationType = TRIGGER
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 1


defaultValue = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1
min = 0
max = 4294967295

RteInternalTriggerConfig: RteSwcTriggerSourceRef: EcucForeignReferenceDef

+reference destinationType = INTERNAL-TRIGGERING-POINT
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 1


defaultValue = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1
min = 0
max = 4294967295

Figure 8.18: Configuration of SWC Trigger queuing

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09105]

Container Name RteExternalTriggerConfig
Parent Container RteSwComponentInstance

1018 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description Defines the configuration of External Trigger Event Communication for

Software Components
Configuration Parameters

Name RteTriggerSourceQueueLength [ECUC_Rte_09095]

Parent Container RteExternalTriggerConfig
Description Length of trigger queue on the trigger source side.

The queue is implemented by the RTE. A value greater or equal to 1

requests an queued behavior. Setting the value of
RteTriggerSourceQueueLength to 0 requests an none queued
implementation of the trigger communication.

If there is no RteTriggerSourceQueueLength configured for a Trigger

Emitter the default value of 0 applies as well.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default Value 0
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteSwcTriggerSourceRef [ECUC_Rte_09106]

Parent Container RteExternalTriggerConfig
Description Reference to a Trigger instance in the pPortPrototype of the related
component instance.

The referenced Trigger instance has to belong to the same software

component instance as the RteSwComponentInstance owning this
parameter configures.
Multiplicity 1
Type Instance reference to TRIGGER context: ABSTRACT-PROVIDED-PO
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

1019 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09096]

Container Name RteInternalTriggerConfig
Parent Container RteSwComponentInstance
Description Defines the configuration of Inter Runnable Triggering for Software
Configuration Parameters

Name RteTriggerSourceQueueLength [ECUC_Rte_09098]

Parent Container RteInternalTriggerConfig
Description Length of trigger queue on the trigger source side.

The queue is implemented by the RTE. A value greater or equal to 1

requests an queued behavior. Setting the value of
RteTriggerSourceQueueLength to 0 requests an none queued
implementation of the trigger communication.

If there is no RteTriggerSourceQueueLength configured for a Trigger

Emitter the default value of 0 applies as well.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default Value 0
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteSwcTriggerSourceRef [ECUC_Rte_09097]

Parent Container RteInternalTriggerConfig
Description Reference to an InternalTriggeringPoint of the related component

The referenced InternalTriggeringPoint has to belong to the same

software component instance as the RteSwComponentInstance
owning this parameter configures.
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to INTERNAL-TRIGGERING-POINT
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1020 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

No Included Containers

8.5.6 SWC Mode Machine Instance configuration

This configuration provides the settings for the implementation of a RTE assigned
mode machine instance (see [SWS_Rte_07533].
The RteModeMachineInstanceConfig container is defined in the context of the
RteSwComponentInstance which already predefines the context of the ModeDec-
larationGroupPrototype in the RteSwcModeManagerRef .
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09100] The reference RteSwcModeManagerRef has to be
consistent with the RteSoftwareComponentInstanceRef dThe reference
RteSwcModeManagerRef has to be consistent with the RteSoftwareCompo-
nentInstanceRef. This means the referenced ModeDeclarationGroupProto-
type shall be instantiated in the context of an AbstractProvidedPortPrototype
owned by the AtomicSwComponentType which is referenced by the related SwCom-

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

(from RTE)


RteModeMachineInstanceConfig: RteSwcModeManagerRef: EcucInstanceReferenceDef

+reference destinationType = MODE-DECLARATION-GROUP-PROTOTYPE
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 1

+parameter defaultValue = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1
min = 0
max = 4294967295

+reference EcucUriReferenceDef +destinationUri RteRipsPlugin:
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
(from RteRips)

Figure 8.19: Configuration of a RTE assigned mode machine instance

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09142]

Container Name RteModeMachineInstanceConfig
Parent Container RteSwComponentInstance
Description Defines the configuration of RTE assigned (SWS_Rte_07533) mode
machine instances.

1021 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Configuration Parameters

Name RteModeMachineQueueLength [ECUC_Rte_09144]

Parent Container RteModeMachineInstanceConfig
Description Length of mode machine instance queue on the trigger source side.

If there is no RteModeMachineQueueLength configured for a mode

machine instance the value given in the
ModeSwitchSenderComSpec.queueLength applies.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default Value 1
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteModeMachineInstanceResponsibleRipsPluginRef
Parent Container RteModeMachineInstanceConfig
Description Optional reference to the configuration container of the RTE
Implementation Plug-in implementing the protection of the mode
machine instance.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to destinationUri [ RteRipsUriDefSet/RteRipsPlugin ]
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

1022 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteSwcModeManagerRef [ECUC_Rte_09143]

Parent Container RteModeMachineInstanceConfig
Description Reference to a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype instance in the
provided PortPrototype (AbstractProvidedPortPrototype) of the related
component instance.

The referenced ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype instance has to

belong to the same software component instance as the
RteSwComponentInstance owning this parameter configures.
Multiplicity 1
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

1023 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

8.6 Handling of Software Component types

8.6.1 Selection of Software-Component Implementation

During the system development there is no need to select the actual implementation
which will be later integrated on one ECU. Therefore the ECU Extract of System De-
scription may not specify the SwcImplementation information yet.
For RTE Generation the information about the to be used SwcImplementation
for each SwComponentType needs be provided to the RTE Generator (regardless
whether the information is from the Ecu Extract or the Ecu Configuration.
The mapping of SwcImplementation to SwComponentType is done in the Ecu Con-
figuration of the Rte using the two references RteComponentTypeRef and RteIm-
plementationRef (see figure 8.20). For the mapping in the Ecu Extract please refer
to the Specification of the System Template [8].
RteComponentTypeRef: RteSwComponentType: RteImplementationRef:
EcucForeignReferenceDef +reference EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucForeignReferenceDef

destinationType = SW-COMPONENT-TYPE lowerMultiplicity = 0 destinationType = SWC-IMPLEMENTATION

upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0


ARElement SwcImplementation
+ requiredRTEVendor: String [0..1]
+behavior 0..1

AtomicSwComponentType +internalBehavior SwcInternalBehavior

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..1 + handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]

+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]

Figure 8.20: Selection of the Implementation for an AtomicSwComponentType

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09006]

Container Name RteSwComponentType
Parent Container Rte
Description Representation of one SwComponentType for the base of all
configuration parameter which are affecting the whole type and not a
specific instance.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteBypassSupportEnabled [ECUC_Rte_09114]

Parent Container RteSwComponentType
Description Individual switch to enable the bypass support for this software
component type.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false

1024 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Post-Build Variant false

Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteComponentTypeRef [ECUC_Rte_09003]

Parent Container RteSwComponentType
Description Reference to either AtomicSwComponentType or
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to SW-COMPONENT-TYPE
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteImplementationRef [ECUC_Rte_09028]

Parent Container RteSwComponentType
Description The Implementation which shall be assigned to the
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to SWC-IMPLEMENTATION
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1025 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
RteComponentType 0..1 Specifies for each ParameterSwComponentType or
Calibration AtomicSwComponentType whether calibration is
enabled. If references to SwAddrMethod are provided in
RteCalibrationSwAddrMethodRef only
ParameterDataPrototypes with the referenced
SwAddrMethod shall have software calibration support

8.6.2 Component Type Calibration

In the AUTOSAR Software Component Template two places may provide calibration
data: the ParameterSwComponentType and the AtomicSwComponentType (or
more precisely the subclasses of AtomicSwComponentType). Whether the calibra-
tion is enabled for a specific SwComponentType can be configured as shown in figure
RteSwComponentType: RteComponentTypeRef: Software Component template
+reference EcucForeignReferenceDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0 destinationType = SW-COMPONENT-TYPE AtpBlueprint
upperMultiplicity = * AtpBlueprintable

AtomicSwComponentType ParameterSwComponentType


+swAddrMethod 0..1


+parameter RteCalibrationSupportEnabled:
upperMultiplicity = 1 EcucBooleanParamDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0


lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *
destinationType = SW-ADDR-METHOD

Figure 8.21: Configuration of the calibration for the ParameterSwComponentType

The foreign reference RteComponentTypeRef identifies the SwComponentType

(which is limited to ParameterSwComponentType and AtomicSwComponentType).

1026 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The boolean parameter RteCalibrationSupportEnabled specifies whether cali-

bration shall be enabled for the specified SwComponentType.
[SWS_Rte_05145] dFor a ParameterDataPrototype of the referenced SwCompo-
nentType software calibration support shall be enabled if the parameter RteCali-
brationSupportEnabled is set to true and in the corresponding container Rte-
• not a single RteCalibrationSwAddrMethodRef exists or
• a reference RteCalibrationSwAddrMethodRef to the SwAddrMethod of the
ParameterDataPrototype exists.
c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156, SRS_Rte_00158)
SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09039]
Container Name RteComponentTypeCalibration
Parent Container RteSwComponentType
Description Specifies for each ParameterSwComponentType or
AtomicSwComponentType whether calibration is enabled. If references
to SwAddrMethod are provided in RteCalibrationSwAddrMethodRef
only ParameterDataPrototypes with the referenced SwAddrMethod
shall have software calibration support enabled.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteCalibrationSupportEnabled [ECUC_Rte_09037]

Parent Container RteComponentTypeCalibration
Description Enables calibration support for the specified
ParameterSwComponentType or AtomicSwComponentType.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteCalibrationSwAddrMethodRef [ECUC_Rte_09038]

Parent Container RteComponentTypeCalibration
Description Reference to the SwAddrMethod for which software calibration support
shall be enabled.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Foreign reference to SW-ADDR-METHOD
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

1027 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

1028 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

8.7 Implicit communication configuration



Software Component template

+type 0..1
{redefines atpType}


+internalBehavior 0..1


+ handleTerminationAndRestart: HandleTerminationAndRestartEnum [0..1]

+ supportsMultipleInstantiation: Boolean [0..1]
+runnable 0..*


+ canBeInvokedConcurrently: Boolean [0..1]

+ symbol: CIdentifier [0..1]
Rte: EcucModuleDef «atpVariation,atpSplitable» «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+dataReadAccess 0..* +dataWriteAccess 0..*
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 AbstractAccessPoint

+ scope: VariableAccessScopeEnum [0..1]


RteImplicitCommunication: RteVariableReadAccessRef:
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucForeignReferenceDef
upperMultiplicity = * destinationType = VARIABLE-ACCESS
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

destinationType = VARIABLE-ACCESS
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *


defaultValue = false

+parameter RteCoherentAccess: EcucBooleanParamDef

defaultValue = false

RteSoftwareComponentInstanceRef: EcucInstanceReferenceDef

upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 1

Figure 8.22: Configuration of the implicit communication

1029 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09034]

Container Name RteImplicitCommunication
Parent Container Rte
Description Configuration of the Implicit Communication behavior to be generated.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteCoherentAccess [ECUC_Rte_09091]

Parent Container RteImplicitCommunication
Description If set to true the referenced VariableAccess’es of this
RteImplicitCommunication container are in one CoherencyGroup.

Data values for Coherent Implicit Read Access’es are read before the
first reading RunnbaleEntity starts and are stable during the execution
of all the reading RunnableEntitys; except Coherent Implicit Write
Access’es belongs to the same Coherency Group. Data values written
by Coherent Implicit Write Access’es are available for readers not
belonging to the Coherency Group after the last writing RunnableEntity
has terminated.

Please note that a Coherent Implicit Data Access can be defined for
VariableAccess’es to same and different data element. Nevertheless
all Coherent Implicit Data Access’es of one Coherency Group have to
be executed in the same task.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteImmediateBufferUpdate [ECUC_Rte_09033]

Parent Container RteImplicitCommunication
Description If set to true the RTE will perform preemption area specific buffer
update immediately before (for VariableAccess in the role
dataReadAccess) resp. after (for VariableAccess in the role
dataWriteAccess) Runnable execution.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1030 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteSoftwareComponentInstanceRef [ECUC_Rte_09090]

Parent Container RteImplicitCommunication
Description Reference to a SwComponentPrototype. This denotes the instances of
the VariableAccess belonging to the RteImplicitCommunication.
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Instance reference to SW-COMPONENT-PROTOTYPE context: ROO
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteVariableReadAccessRef [ECUC_Rte_09035]

Parent Container RteImplicitCommunication
Description Reference to the VariableAccess in the dataReadAccess role.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Foreign reference to VARIABLE-ACCESS
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteVariableWriteAccessRef [ECUC_Rte_09036]

Parent Container RteImplicitCommunication
Description Reference to the VariableAccess in the dataWriteAccess role.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Foreign reference to VARIABLE-ACCESS
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

1031 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

Please note, that RteImplicitCommunication is defined as a container of Rte

EcucModuleDef to support the creation of the ECU Configuration Parameter Values
related to RteImplicitCommunication independent from the other ECU Config-
uration Parameter Values. Typically the need for coherent implicit data ac-
cesses is known by the vendor of a set of software components. As long as short-
Names of the RootSwCompositionPrototype and the referenced Composition-
SwComponentType - describing the software of a flat ECU Extract - are known the
ECU Configuration Parameter Values related to RteImplicitCommunication can
be prescribed. In this case it is preferable to use relative references to the Vendor
Specific Module Definition (VSMD), to RootSwCompositionPrototype and Com-
positionSwComponentType describing the software of a flat ECU Extract. With this
relative references the ECU Configuration Parameter Values are independent from
ARPackage structure only known by the ECU integrator. Nevertheless the short-
Name and location of of the EcucModuleConfigurationValues must be defined

1032 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

8.8 Exclusive access optimization

Rte: EcucModuleDef

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0


RteExclusiveAccessOptimization: Identifiable
RteAccessingEntityRef: EcucForeignReferenceDef
+reference ExecutableEntity
lowerMultiplicity = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = * + minimumStartInterval: TimeValue [0..1]
upperMultiplicity = * + reentrancyLevel: ReentrancyLevelEnum [0..1]

RteSoftwareComponentReadRef: EcucInstanceReferenceDef

+reference upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0
destinationType = VARIABLE-ACCESS


+ scope: VariableAccessScopeEnum [0..1]

RteSoftwareComponentWriteRef: EcucInstanceReferenceDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
destinationType = VARIABLE-ACCESS

Figure 8.23: Configuration of exclusive access optimization

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09165]

Container Name RteExclusiveAccessOptimization
Parent Container Rte
Description Configuration of the optimized access behavior to be generated. In
other words, access shall be mutually exclusive. How this is realized
e.g. non preemptive task mapping, exclusive areas, mode
management, exclusive access during ECU startup and shutdown or
scheduling in exclusive time slots is up to the ECU integrator.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteAccessingEntityRef [ECUC_Rte_09166]

Parent Container RteExclusiveAccessOptimization
Description Reference to executable entities (e.g. NvM main function) that access
the CommunicationGraph with non-modeled standardized interfaces.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Foreign reference to
Scope / Dependency

1033 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteSoftwareComponentReadRef [ECUC_Rte_09167]

Parent Container RteExclusiveAccessOptimization
Description Reference to the read variableAccess role.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Instance reference to VARIABLE-ACCESS context: ROOT-SW-COMP
Scope / Dependency

Name RteSoftwareComponentWriteRef [ECUC_Rte_09168]

Parent Container RteExclusiveAccessOptimization
Description Reference to the VariableAccess in the dataSendPoint role of the
writing software-component.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Instance reference to VARIABLE-ACCESS context: ROOT-SW-COMP
Scope / Dependency

No Included Containers

8.9 Communication infrastructure

The configuration of the communication infrastructure (interaction of the RTE with the
Com-Stack) is entirely predetermined by the ECU Extract provided as an input. The
required input can be found in the AUTOSAR System Template [8] sections "Data Map-
ping" and "Communication".
In case the RTE does utilize the Com module for intra-ECU communication it is up to
the vendor-specific configuration of the RTE to ensure configuration consistency.

8.10 Configuration of the BSW Scheduler

The configuration of the BSW Scheduler part of the RTE is shown in the overview in
figure 8.24.

1034 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Rte: EcucModuleDef RteBswGeneral: BswModuleTemplate

upperMultiplicity = 1 +container EcucParamConfContainerDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0 Implementation
lowerMultiplicity = 1 +moduleDescription ARElement
upperMultiplicity = 1 BswImplementation


+container lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = *

RteBswModuleInstance: RteBswImplementationRef: EcucForeignReferenceDef

+reference lowerMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * destinationType = BSW-IMPLEMENTATION

RteBswModuleConfigurationRef: EcucForeignReferenceDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

+container RteBswEventToIsrMapping:
+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

Figure 8.24: Configuration of BSW Scheduler overview

8.10.1 BSW Scheduler General configuration

Rte: EcucModuleDef

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0


RteBswGeneral: RteSchMVersionInfoApi:
EcucParamConfContainerDef +parameter EcucBooleanParamDef

lowerMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = 1
defaultValue = false

Figure 8.25: General configuration of BSW Scheduler

1035 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09061]

Container Name RteBswGeneral
Parent Container Rte
Description General configuration parameters of the Bsw Scheduler section.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteSchMVersionInfoApi [ECUC_Rte_09062]

Parent Container RteBswGeneral
Description Enables the generation of the SchM_GetVersionInfo() API.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

8.10.2 BSW Module Instance configuration

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09002]

Container Name RteBswModuleInstance
Parent Container Rte
Description Represents one instance of a Bsw-Module configured on one ECU.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteBswImplementationRef [ECUC_Rte_09066]

Parent Container RteBswModuleInstance
Description Reference to the BswImplementation for which the Rte /SchM is
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to BSW-IMPLEMENTATION
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1036 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteBswModuleConfigurationRef [ECUC_Rte_09001]

Parent Container RteBswModuleInstance
Description Reference to the ECU Configuration Values provided for this
Multiplicity 0..1
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
RteBswEventToIsr 0..* Maps a BswModuleEntity onto an OsIsr based on the
Mapping activating BswExternalTriggerOccurredEvent.
RteBswEventToTask 0..* Maps a BswModuleEntity onto an OsTask based on the
Mapping activating BswEvent. A BswModuleEntity can be
activated by more than one BswEvent and thus be
mapped to more than one OsTask. In the case of a
BswSchedulableEntity executed via a direct or trusted
function call this RteBswEventToTaskMapping is still
specified but no RteBswMappedToTaskRef element is
included. The RteBswPositionInTask parameter is
necessary to provide an ordering of events invoked by
the same RTE API.
RteBswExclusiveArea 0..* Represents one ExclusiveArea of one
Impl BswImplementation. Used to specify the implementation
means of this ExclusiveArea.
RteBswExternalTrigger 0..* Defines the configuration of Inter Basic Software Module
Config Entity Triggering
RteBswInternalTrigger 0..* Defines the configuration of internal Basic Software
Config Module Entity Triggering
RteBswModeMachine 0..* Defines the configuration of Basic Software Scheduler
InstanceConfig assigned (SWS_Rte_07534) mode machine instances.
RteBswRequiredClient 0..* Defines the connection between one
ServerConnection requiredClientServerEntry and one
providedClientServerEntry of a BswModuleDescription.
This container shall be provided on the client side of the
RteBswRequiredMode 0..* Defines the connection between one
GroupConnection requiredModeGroup of this BSW Module instance and
one providedModeGroup instance.

1037 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RteBswRequiredSender 0..* Defines the connection between one requiredData and

ReceiverConnection one providedData of a BswModuleDescription. This
container shall be provided on the receiver side of the
RteBswRequiredTrigger 0..* Defines the connection between one requiredTrigger of
Connection this BSW Module instance and one releasedTrigger

1038 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 BSW ExclusiveArea configuration

RteBswModuleInstance: RteExclusiveAreaImplMechanism: +literal NONE: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucEnumerationParamDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = * +literal

+subContainer EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

EcucParamConfContainerDef +literal OS_RESOURCE: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *
+literal OS_SPINLOCK: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

+literal RTE_PLUGIN: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

+reference EcucReferenceDef OsResource:
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0

RteBswExclusiveAreaOsSpinlockRef: OsSpinlock:
+reference EcucReferenceDef +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *

+reference EcucUriReferenceDef +destinationUri RteRipsPlugin:
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1
destinationType = EXCLUSIVE-AREA



+canEnterExclusiveArea 0..* +runsInsideExclusiveArea 0..*


+ minimumStartInterval: TimeValue [0..1]

+ reentrancyLevel: ReentrancyLevelEnum [0..1]



Figure 8.26: Configuration of BSW ExclusiveArea

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09072]

1039 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Container Name RteBswExclusiveAreaImpl

Parent Container RteBswModuleInstance
Description Represents one ExclusiveArea of one BswImplementation. Used to
specify the implementation means of this ExclusiveArea.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteExclusiveAreaImplMechanism [ECUC_Rte_09029]

Parent Container RteBswExclusiveAreaImpl
Description To be used implementation mechanism for the specified ExclusiveArea.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
RTE_PLUGIN RTE Implementation Plug-in
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswExclusiveAreaOsResourceRef [ECUC_Rte_09073]

Parent Container RteBswExclusiveAreaImpl
Description Optional reference to an OsResource in case
RteExclusiveAreaImplMechanism is configured to OS_RESOURCE for
this ExclusiveArea.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsResource
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1040 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteBswExclusiveAreaOsSpinlockRef [ECUC_Rte_09112]

Parent Container RteBswExclusiveAreaImpl
Description Optional reference to an OsSpinlock in case
RteExclusiveAreaImplMechanism is configured to OS_SPINLOCK for
this ExclusiveArea.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsSpinlock
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswExclusiveAreaRef [ECUC_Rte_09074]

Parent Container RteBswExclusiveAreaImpl
Description Reference to the ExclusiveArea for which the implementation
mechanism shall be specified.
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to EXCLUSIVE-AREA
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswExclusiveAreaResponsibleRipsPluginRef [ECUC_Rte_89011]

Parent Container RteBswExclusiveAreaImpl
Description Optional reference to the configuration container of the RTE
Implementation Plug-in implementing the ExclusiveArea. It’s required
in case RteExclusiveAreaImplMechanism is configured to
RTE_PLUGIN for this ExclusiveArea.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to destinationUri [ RteRipsUriDefSet/RteRipsPlugin ]
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –

1041 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

No Included Containers

1042 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 BswEvent to task mapping


RteBswImplementationRef: Implementation
EcucForeignReferenceDef BswImplementation
EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference
lowerMultiplicity = 1 + arReleaseVersion: RevisionLabelString
lowerMultiplicity = 0 + vendorApiInfix: Identifier [0..1]
upperMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = *
destinationType = BSW-IMPLEMENTATION
+behavior 1


EcucForeignReferenceDef «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
+event 0..*
+reference destinationType = BSW-EVENT
RteBswEventToTaskMapping: AbstractEvent
lowerMultiplicity = 1
EcucParamConfContainerDef BswEvent
upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *
+reference EcucReferenceDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0 +destination
upperMultiplicity = 1 OsTask:

RteBswUsedOsEventRef: upperMultiplicity = *
+reference EcucReferenceDef lowerMultiplicity = 0

upperMultiplicity = 1 +destination
lowerMultiplicity = 0 OsEvent:

upperMultiplicity = *
RteBswUsedOsAlarmRef: lowerMultiplicity = 0
+reference EcucReferenceDef

upperMultiplicity = 1 +destination
lowerMultiplicity = 0 OsAlarm:

upperMultiplicity = *
RteBswUsedOsSchTblExpiryPointRef: lowerMultiplicity = 0
+reference EcucReferenceDef

upperMultiplicity = 1 +destination
lowerMultiplicity = 0 OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint:

upperMultiplicity = *
RteBswPositionInTask: lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0
min = 0 +literal NONE:
max = 65535 RteOsSchedulePoint: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0 +literal
upperMultiplicity = 1

EcucFloatParamDef +literal
min = 0 EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
max = INF
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 RteBswImmediateRestart:
+parameter EcucBooleanParamDef

defaultValue = false

+reference EcucReferenceDef
+destination RteSyncPoint:
upperMultiplicity = 1 EcucParamConfContainerDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 0
+destination upperMultiplicity = *
+reference EcucReferenceDef
upperMultiplicity = 1 EcucIntegerParamDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
+parameter upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0
min = 0
max = 65535

Figure 8.27: Configuration of BSW Event to Task Mapping

1043 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09065]

Container Name RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Parent Container RteBswModuleInstance
Description Maps a BswModuleEntity onto an OsTask based on the activating
BswEvent. A BswModuleEntity can be activated by more than one
BswEvent and thus be mapped to more than one OsTask. In the case
of a BswSchedulableEntity executed via a direct or trusted function call
this RteBswEventToTaskMapping is still specified but no
RteBswMappedToTaskRef element is included. The
RteBswPositionInTask parameter is necessary to provide an ordering
of events invoked by the same RTE API.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteBswActivationOffset [ECUC_Rte_09063]

Parent Container RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Description Activation offset in seconds.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswImmediateRestart [ECUC_Rte_09093]

Parent Container RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Description When RteBswImmediateRestart is set to true the
BswSchedulableEntitiy shall be immediately re-started after termination
if it was activated by this BswEvent while it was already started.

This parameter shall not be set to true when the mapped BswEvent
refers to a BswSchedulableEntitiy which minimumStartInterval attribute
is > 0.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false

1044 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswPositionInTask [ECUC_Rte_09068]

Parent Container RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Description Each BswSchedulableEntity activation mapped to an OsTask has a
specific position within the task execution. For periodic activation this is
the order of execution. For event driver activation this is the order of
evaluation which actual BswSchedulableEntity has to be executed. In
case of direct or trusted function calls this parameter is necessary to
provide an ordering of events when several ExecutableEntities are
invoked by the same RTE API.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswServerQueueLength [ECUC_Rte_09134]

Parent Container RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Description Specifies the length of the queue for the server call serialization.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –

1045 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteOsSchedulePoint [ECUC_Rte_09022]

Parent Container RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Description Introduce a schedule point by explicitly calling Os Schedule service
after the execution of the ExecutableEntity. The Rte generator is
allowed to optimize several consecutive calls to Os schedule into one
single call if the ExecutableEntity executions in between have been

The absence of this parameter is interpreted as "NONE".

It shall be considered an invalid configuration if the task is preemptable

and the value of this parameter is not set to "NONE" or the parameter
is absent.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range CONDITIONAL A Schedule Point shall be introduced at
the end of the execution of this
ExecutableEntity. The Schedule Point
can be skipped if several Schedule
Points would be called without any
ExecutableEntity execution in between.
NONE No Schedule Point shall be introduced
at the end of the execution of this
UNCONDITIONAL A Schedule Point shall always be
introduced at the end of the execution
of this ExecutableEntity.
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1046 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteBswEventPredecessorSyncPointRef [ECUC_Rte_09130]

Parent Container RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Description The RteBswEventPredecessorSyncPointRef is necessary to provide a
cross core synchronization in case of BswEvents triggered by the same
event source but mapped to tasks belonging to different partitions on
different cores.

The synchronization point must be reached by all referencing

BswEvents before the execution in all related tasks is continued.

In case of RteBswEventPredecessorSyncPointRef the

BswModuleEntity activated by the mapped BswEvent is executed after
the synchronization point is passed.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to RteSyncPoint
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswEventRef [ECUC_Rte_09064]

Parent Container RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Description Reference to the BswEvent.
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Foreign reference to BSW-EVENT
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1047 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteBswEventSuccessorSyncPointRef [ECUC_Rte_09131]

Parent Container RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Description The RteBswEventSuccessorSyncPointRef is necessary to provide a
cross core synchronization in case of BswEvents triggered by the same
event source but mapped to tasks belonging to different partitions on
different cores.

The synchronization point must be reached by all referencing

BswEvents before the execution in all related tasks is continued.

In case of RteBswEventSuccessorSyncPointRef the BswModuleEntity

activated by the mapped BswEvent is executed before the
synchronization point is entered.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to RteSyncPoint
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswMappedToTaskRef [ECUC_Rte_09067]

Parent Container RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Description Reference to the OsTask the BswSchedulableEntity activated by the
RteBswEventRef is mapped to. If no reference to the OsTask is
specified the BswSchedulableEntity activated by this BswEvent is
executed in the context of the caller.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsTask
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1048 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteBswUsedOsAlarmRef [ECUC_Rte_09069]

Parent Container RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Description If an OsAlarm is used to activate the OsTask this BswEvent is mapped
to it shall be referenced here.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsAlarm
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswUsedOsEventRef [ECUC_Rte_09070]

Parent Container RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Description If an OsEvent is used to activate the OsTask this BswEvent is mapped
to it shall be referenced here.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsEvent
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswUsedOsSchTblExpiryPointRef [ECUC_Rte_09071]

Parent Container RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Description If an OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint is used to activate the OsTask this
BswEvent is mapped to it shall be referenced here.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

1049 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteRipsFillRoutineRef [ECUC_Rte_89005]

Parent Container RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Description Reference to a Buffer-Fill Routine implemented by an RTE
Implementation Plug-In. This routine gets invoked directly before the
ExecutableEntity is started.

Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to destinationUri [ RteRipsUriDefSet/RteRipsPluginFillFlush
Routine ]
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteRipsFlushRoutineRef [ECUC_Rte_89006]

Parent Container RteBswEventToTaskMapping
Description Reference to a Buffer-Flush Routine implemented by an RTE
Implementation Plug-In. This routine gets invoked directly after the
ExecutableEntity has terminated.

Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to destinationUri [ RteRipsUriDefSet/RteRipsPluginFillFlush
Routine ]
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

1050 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers BSW Trigger configuration BSW Trigger connection

The RteBswRequiredTriggerConnection container is defined in the context of

the RteBswModuleInstance which is the required trigger context. So the reference
to the RteBswRequiredTriggerRef is sufficient to define the required trigger. For
the released trigger the tuple of RteBswReleasedTriggerModInstRef and RteB-
swReleasedTriggerRef is specified.

1051 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RteBswModuleInstance: EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *



RteBswRequiredTriggerConnection: +reference RteBswReleasedTriggerModInstRef:

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucReferenceDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1
destinationType = TRIGGER

lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1
destinationType = TRIGGER


ARElement +releasedTrigger AtpStructureElement

AtpBlueprint Identifiable
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
0..* Trigger
BswModuleDescription +requiredTrigger + swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

+ moduleId: PositiveInteger [0..1] «atpVariation,atpSplitable»

+masteredTrigger 1
+internalBehavior 0..* 0..*

+triggerDirectImplementation BswTriggerDirectImplementation
«atpVariation,atpSplitable»0..* + cat2Isr: Identifier [0..1]
+ task: Identifier [0..1]

Figure 8.28: Configuration of BSW Trigger connection

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09077]

Container Name RteBswRequiredTriggerConnection
Parent Container RteBswModuleInstance
Description Defines the connection between one requiredTrigger of this BSW
Module instance and one releasedTrigger instance.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteBswReleasedTriggerModInstRef [ECUC_Rte_09075]

Parent Container RteBswRequiredTriggerConnection
Description Reference to the RteBswModuleInstance configuration container which
identifies the instance of the BSW Module. Used with the
RteBswReleasedTriggerRef to unambiguously identify the Trigger
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to RteBswModuleInstance
Post-Build Variant

1052 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswReleasedTriggerRef [ECUC_Rte_09076]

Parent Container RteBswRequiredTriggerConnection
Description References the releasedTrigger to which this requiredTrigger shall be
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to TRIGGER
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswRequiredTriggerRef [ECUC_Rte_09078]

Parent Container RteBswRequiredTriggerConnection
Description References one requiredTrigger which shall be connected to the
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to TRIGGER
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers BSW Trigger queuing

This configuration determine the size of the queue queuing the issued triggers.
The RteBswExternalTriggerConfig container and RteBswInternalTrigger-
Config container is defined in the context of the RteBswModuleInstance which
already predefines the context of the provided Trigger / BswInternalTrigger-

1053 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09006] The references RteBswTriggerSourceRef has to

be consistent with the RteBswImplementationRef dThe references RteB-
swTriggerSourceRef has to be consistent with the RteBswImplementationRef.
This means the referenced Trigger / BswInternalTriggeringPoint has to be-
long to the BswModuleDescription which is referenced by the related BswImple-

+releasedTrigger Identifiable
BswModuleDescription «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
+ swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]
+ moduleId: PositiveInteger [0..1]


+internalBehavior 0..*

«atpVariation,atpSplitable» + swImplPolicy: SwImplPolicyEnum [0..1]

RteBswModuleInstance: RteBswExternalTriggerConfig: RteBswTriggerSourceRef:

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucForeignReferenceDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0 destinationType = TRIGGER
upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 1


defaultValue = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1
min = 0
max = 4294967295

RteBswInternalTriggerConfig: RteBswTriggerSourceRef: EcucForeignReferenceDef

+reference destinationType = BSW-INTERNAL-TRIGGERING-POINT
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 1


defaultValue = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1
min = 0
max = 4294967295

Figure 8.29: Configuration of BSW Trigger queuing

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09099]

Container Name RteBswExternalTriggerConfig
Parent Container RteBswModuleInstance
Description Defines the configuration of Inter Basic Software Module Entity

1054 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Configuration Parameters

Name RteBswTriggerSourceQueueLength [ECUC_Rte_09101]

Parent Container RteBswExternalTriggerConfig
Description Length of trigger queue on the trigger source side.

The queue is implemented by the RTE. A value greater or equal to 1

requests an queued behavior. Setting the value of
RteTriggerSourceQueueLength to 0 requests an none queued
implementation of the trigger communication.

If there is no RteBswTriggerSourceQueueLength configured for a

Trigger Emitter the default value of 0 applies as well.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default Value 0
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswTriggerSourceRef [ECUC_Rte_09100]

Parent Container RteBswExternalTriggerConfig
Description Reference to a Trigger instance in the role releasedTrigger of the
related BSW Module instance.

The referenced Trigger has to belong to the same BSW Module

instance as the RteBswModuleInstance owning this parameter
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to TRIGGER
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09102]

Container Name RteBswInternalTriggerConfig
Parent Container RteBswModuleInstance

1055 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description Defines the configuration of internal Basic Software Module Entity

Configuration Parameters

Name RteBswTriggerSourceQueueLength [ECUC_Rte_09104]

Parent Container RteBswInternalTriggerConfig
Description Length of trigger queue on the trigger source side.

The queue is implemented by the RTE. A value greater or equal to 1

requests an queued behavior. Setting the value of
RteTriggerSourceQueueLength to 0 requests an none queued
implementation of the trigger communication.

If there is no RteBswTriggerSourceQueueLength configured for a

Trigger Emitter the default value of 0 applies as well.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default Value 0
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswTriggerSourceRef [ECUC_Rte_09103]

Parent Container RteBswInternalTriggerConfig
Description Reference to a BswInternalTriggeringPoint of the related BSW Module

The referenced BswInternalTriggeringPoint has to belong to the same

BSW Module instance as the RteBswModuleInstance owning this
parameter configures.
Multiplicity 1
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

1056 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software
AUTOSAR CP R20-11 BSW ModeDeclarationGroup configuration

The RteBswRequiredModeGroupConnection container is defined in the context

of the RteBswModuleInstance which is the required mode group context. So the
reference to the RteBswRequiredModeGroupRef is sufficient to define the required
mode group. For the provided mode group the tuple of RteBswProvidedModeGrp-
ModInstRef and RteBswProvidedModeGroupRef is specified.
RteBswModuleInstance: EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *


RteBswRequiredModeGroupConnection: +reference RteBswProvidedModeGrpModInstRef:

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucReferenceDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

RteModeDeclarationMappingSetRef: EcucForeignReferenceDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

RteBswProvidedModeGroupRef: EcucForeignReferenceDef
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1

RteBswRequiredModeGroupRef: EcucForeignReferenceDef
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1


ARElement +requiredModeGroup AtpPrototype

AtpBlueprint ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable»
AtpStructureElement + swCalibrationAccess: SwCalibrationAccessEnum [0..1]
+ moduleId: PositiveInteger [0..1]

+type {redefines atpType}
+modeDeclaration ARElement
AtpStructureElement AtpBlueprint
Identifiable 0..* «atpVariation» AtpBlueprintable
ModeDeclaration +initialMode AtpType
+ value: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ onTransitionValue: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+firstMode 0..* +secondMode 0..1

AtpStructureElement ARElement
Identifiable +modeDeclarationMapping AtpType
ModeDeclarationMapping ModeDeclarationMappingSet

Figure 8.30: Configuration of BSW Scheduler overview

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09081]

Container Name RteBswRequiredModeGroupConnection
Parent Container RteBswModuleInstance

1057 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description Defines the connection between one requiredModeGroup of this BSW

Module instance and one providedModeGroup instance.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteBswProvidedModeGroupRef [ECUC_Rte_09079]

Parent Container RteBswRequiredModeGroupConnection
Description References the providedModeGroupPrototype to which this
requiredModeGroup shall be connected.
Multiplicity 1
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswProvidedModeGrpModInstRef [ECUC_Rte_09080]

Parent Container RteBswRequiredModeGroupConnection
Description Reference to the RteBswModuleInstance configuration container which
identifies the instance of the BSW Module. Used with the
RteBswProvidedModeGroupRef to unambiguously identify the
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype instance.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to RteBswModuleInstance
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswRequiredModeGroupRef [ECUC_Rte_09082]

Parent Container RteBswRequiredModeGroupConnection
Description References requiredModeGroupPrototype which shall be connected to
the providedModeGroupPrototype.
Multiplicity 1
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –

1058 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteModeDeclarationMappingSetRef [ECUC_Rte_09125]

Parent Container RteBswRequiredModeGroupConnection
Description This defines the effective ModeDeclarationMappingSet in the case that
the provided ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype and the required
ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype are not compatible.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to MODE-DECLARATION-MAPPING-SET
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers BSW Client Server configuration

The RteBswRequiredClientServerConnection container is defined in the con-

text of the RteBswModuleInstance. So the reference to the RteBswRe-
quiredClientServerEntryRef is sufficient to define the required BswModule-
ClientServerEntry. For the provided BswModuleClientServerEntry the
RteBswProvidedClientServerEntryRef is specified.

1059 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RteBswModuleInstance: EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *



RteBswRequiredClientServerConnection: +reference RteBswProvidedClientServerEntryModInstRef: EcucReferenceDef


lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *
RteBswProvidedClientServerEntryRef: EcucForeignReferenceDef

+reference lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1

RteBswRequiredClientServerEntryRef: EcucForeignReferenceDef

+reference lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1


ARElement +providedClientServerEntry Referrable

AtpBlueprint BswModuleClientServerEntry
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
AtpStructureElement + isReentrant: Boolean [0..1]
BswModuleDescription +requiredClientServerEntry + isSynchronous: Boolean [0..1]

+ moduleId: PositiveInteger [0..1] «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

Figure 8.31: Configuration of BSW Client Server Communication

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09117]

Container Name RteBswRequiredClientServerConnection
Parent Container RteBswModuleInstance
Description Defines the connection between one requiredClientServerEntry and
one providedClientServerEntry of a BswModuleDescription. This
container shall be provided on the client side of the connection.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteBswProvidedClientServerEntryModInstRef [ECUC_Rte_09124]

Parent Container RteBswRequiredClientServerConnection
Description Reference to the RteBswModuleInstance configuration container which
identifies the instance of the BSW Module. Used with the
RteBswProvidedClientServerEntryRef to unambiguously identify the
BswModuleClientServerEntry instance.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to RteBswModuleInstance
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –

1060 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswProvidedClientServerEntryRef [ECUC_Rte_09119]

Parent Container RteBswRequiredClientServerConnection
Description Reference the providedClientServerEntry for this connection.
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to BSW-MODULE-CLIENT-SERVER-ENTRY
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswRequiredClientServerEntryRef [ECUC_Rte_09118]

Parent Container RteBswRequiredClientServerConnection
Description Reference the requiredClientServerEntry for this connection.
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to BSW-MODULE-CLIENT-SERVER-ENTRY
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers BSW Sender Receiver configuration

The RteBswRequiredSenderReceiverConnection container is defined in the

context of the RteBswModuleInstance. So the reference to the RteBswRequired-
VariableDataPrototypeRef is sufficient to define the required VariableDat-
aPrototype. For the provided VariableDataPrototype the RteBswProvided-
VariableDataPrototypeRef is specified.

1061 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RteBswModuleInstance: EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *



+reference RteBswProvidedDataModInstRef: EcucReferenceDef


lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1

lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1


ARElement AutosarDataPrototype
AtpBlueprintable «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*
BswModuleDescription +requiredData

+ moduleId: PositiveInteger [0..1] «atpVariation,atpSplitable» 0..*

Figure 8.32: Configuration of BSW Sender Receiver Communication

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09120]

Container Name RteBswRequiredSenderReceiverConnection
Parent Container RteBswModuleInstance
Description Defines the connection between one requiredData and one
providedData of a BswModuleDescription. This container shall be
provided on the receiver side of the connection.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteBswProvidedDataModInstRef [ECUC_Rte_09123]

Parent Container RteBswRequiredSenderReceiverConnection
Description Reference to the RteBswModuleInstance configuration container which
identifies the instance of the BSW Module. Used with the
RteBswProvidedVariableDataPrototypeRef to unambiguously identify
the VariableDataPrototype instance.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to RteBswModuleInstance
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –

1062 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswProvidedVariableDataPrototypeRef [ECUC_Rte_09122]

Parent Container RteBswRequiredSenderReceiverConnection
Description Reference the providedData for this connection.
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to VARIABLE-DATA-PROTOTYPE
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswRequiredVariableDataPrototypeRef [ECUC_Rte_09121]

Parent Container RteBswRequiredSenderReceiverConnection
Description Reference the requiredData for this connection.
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to VARIABLE-DATA-PROTOTYPE
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers BSW Mode Machine Instance configuration

This configuration provides the settings for the implementation of a Basic Software
Scheduler assigned mode machine instance (see [SWS_Rte_07534].
The RteBswModeMachineInstanceConfig container is defined in the context of
the RteBswModuleInstance which already predefines the context of the ModeDec-
larationGroupPrototype in the RteBswModeManagerRef .
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09101] The reference RteBswModeManagerRef has to be
consistent with the RteBswImplementationRef dThe reference RteBswModeM-
anagerRef has to be consistent with the RteBswImplementationRef. This means

1063 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

the referenced ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype has to be a providedMode-

Group in the BswModuleDescription which is referenced by the related BswIm-

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

(from RTE)


RteBswModeManagerRef: EcucForeignReferenceDef
+reference destinationType = MODE-DECLARATION-GROUP-PROTOTYPE
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 1


+parameter defaultValue = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1
min = 0
max = 4294967295

+reference EcucUriReferenceDef +destinationUri RteRipsPlugin:
lowerMultiplicity = 0 EcucDestinationUriDef
upperMultiplicity = 1
(from RteRips)
(from RteModeConfiguration)

Figure 8.33: Configuration of a Basic Software Scheduler assigned mode machine in-

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09148]

Container Name RteBswModeMachineInstanceConfig
Parent Container RteBswModuleInstance
Description Defines the configuration of Basic Software Scheduler assigned
(SWS_Rte_07534) mode machine instances.
Configuration Parameters

Name RteBswModeMachineQueueLength [ECUC_Rte_09150]

Parent Container RteBswModeMachineInstanceConfig
Description Length of mode machine instance queue on the trigger source side.

If there is no RteBswModeMachineQueueLength configured for a

mode machine instance the value given in the
BswModeSenderPolicy.queueLength applies.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default Value 1
Post-Build Variant false

1064 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteBswModeManagerRef [ECUC_Rte_09149]

Parent Container RteBswModeMachineInstanceConfig
Description Reference to a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of the related BSW
Module instance.

The referenced ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype has to belong to the

same BSW Module instance as the RteBswModuleInstance owning
this parameter configures.
Multiplicity 1
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteModeMachineInstanceResponsibleRipsPluginRef
Parent Container RteBswModeMachineInstanceConfig
Description Optional reference to the configuration container of the RTE
Implementation Plug-in implementing the protection of the mode
machine instance.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to destinationUri [ RteRipsUriDefSet/RteRipsPlugin ]
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

No Included Containers

1065 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

8.11 Configuration of Synchronization Points

With synchronization points it possible to ensure the correct execution order in case of
RTEEvents activated by the identical event source (in particular the same mode man-
ager) but mapped to OsTasks belonging to different partitions which in turn are be-
longing to different cores. With this configuration it is possible to ensure for instance the
execution of all on-exit ExecutableEntitys before the on-transition Exe-
cutableEntitys when required. Therefore the current applicability is constraint to
RTEEvents triggered by mode communication.
RteEventToTaskMapping: RteOsInteraction: RteBswEventToTaskMapping:
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0

lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = *

+reference +subContainer +reference

RteEventPredecessorSyncPointRef: RteSyncPoint: RteBswEventPredecessorSyncPointRef:

EcucReferenceDef +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef +destination EcucReferenceDef

upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 1

lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 0

+reference +reference

RteEventSuccessorSyncPointRef: +destination +destination RteBswEventSuccessorSyncPointRef:

EcucReferenceDef EcucReferenceDef

upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0

Figure 8.34: Configuration of Synchronization Points

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09127]

Container Name RteSyncPoint
Parent Container RteOsInteraction
Description The RteSyncPoint is necessary to provide an cross core
synchronization in case of RteEvents triggered by the same event
source but mapped to tasks belonging to different partitions on
different cores.

The synchronization point must be reached by all referencing

RteEvents before the execution in all related tasks is continued.

In case of Rte(Bsw)EventSuccessorSyncPointRef the ExecutableEntity

activated by the mapped event is executed before the synchronization
point is entered.

In case of Rte(Bsw)EventPredecessorSyncPointRef the

ExecutableEntity activated by the mapped event is executed after the
synchronization point is passed.
Configuration Parameters

No Included Containers

RteEventPredecessorSyncPointRef and RteEventSuccessorSync-

PointRef are only applicable for RteEventToTaskMappings where the mapped

1066 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

RTEEvent is either a SwcModeSwitchEvent or a ModeSwitchedAckEvent.

RteBswEventPredecessorSyncPointRef and RteBswEventSuccessorSync-
PointRef are only applicable for RteBswEventToTaskMappings where the
mapped BswEvent is either a BswModeSwitchEvent or a BswModeSwitchedAck-

8.12 Configuration of Initialization

In order to support different interactions with the start up code of the ECU the RTE
supports different initialization strategies for variables implementing VariableDat-
aPrototypes. Basically the initialization can be done either by start-up code or by the
Rte_Start function. Further on it is possible to avoid any initialization for data which
has to be reset safe or is explicitly initialized by other SW, e.g. the RAM Blocks might
be initialized by NVRAM Manager.
Software Component Template and BSW Module Description Template
Rte: EcucModuleDef
upperMultiplicity = 1 AtpBlueprint
lowerMultiplicity = 0 AtpBlueprintable
+ memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy: MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicyType [0..1]
+ option: Identifier [0..*]
RteInitializationBehavior: RteSectionInitializationPolicy:
+parameter + sectionInitializationPolicy: SectionInitializationPolicyType [0..1]
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucStringParamDef + sectionType: MemorySectionType [0..1]
upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = * SectionInitializationPolicyType
lowerMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 1

RteInitializationStrategy: RTE_INITIALIZATION_STRATEGY_NONE: EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

upperMultiplicity = 1 +literal
lowerMultiplicity = 1



Figure 8.35: Configuration of initialization strategy

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09087]

Container Name RteInitializationBehavior
Parent Container Rte
Description Specifies the initialization strategy for variables allocated by RTE with
the purpose to implement VariableDataPrototypes.

The container defines a set of RteSectionInitializationPolicys and one

RteInitializationStrategy which is applicable for this set.
Configuration Parameters

1067 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteInitializationStrategy [ECUC_Rte_09089]

Parent Container RteInitializationBehavior
Description Definition of the initialization strategy applicable for the
SectionInitializationPolicys selected by RteSectionInitializationPolicy.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range RTE_INITIALIZATION_ST Variables shall be initialized at its
RATEGY_AT_DATA_DEC declaration to the value defined by the
LARATION related initValue attribute.
RTE_INITIALIZATION_ST Variables shall be initialized at its
RATEGY_AT_DATA_DEC declaration to the value defined by the
LARATION_AND_PARTIT related initValue attribute and during
ION_RESTART execution of Rte_RestartPartition to
the value defined by the related
initValue attribute.
RTE_INITIALIZATION_ST Variables shall be initialized during
RATEGY_AT_RTE_STAR execution of Rte_Start and
T_AND_PARTITION_RES Rte_RestartPartition to the value
TART defined by the related initValue
RTE_INITIALIZATION_ST Variables shall not be initialized at all.
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1068 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteSectionInitializationPolicy [ECUC_Rte_09088]

Parent Container RteInitializationBehavior
Description This parameter describes the SectionInitializationPolicys for which a
particular RTE initialization strategy applies.

The SectionInitializationPolicy describes the intended initialization of


The following values are standardized in AUTOSAR Methodology:

• NO-INIT: No initialization and no clearing is performed. Such
data elements must not be read before one has written a value
into it.
• INIT: To be used for data that are initialized by every reset to the
specified value (initValue).
• POWER-ON-INIT: To be used for data that are initialized by
"Power On" to the specified value (initValue). Note: there might
be several resets between power on resets.
• CLEARED: To be used for data that are initialized by every reset
to zero.
• POWER-ON-CLEARED: To be used for data that are initialized
by "Power On" to zero. Note: there might be several resets
between power on resets.

Multiplicity 1..*
Type EcucStringParamDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

[SWS_Rte_07075] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where not all oc-
curring sectionInitializationPolicy attribute values are configured to an
The call of Rte_Start may trigger RunnableEntitys for initialization purpose.
Those RunnableEntitys are either triggered by SwcModeSwitchEvents or

1069 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

InitEvents. To support the scheduling of such RunnableEntitys in the start up

code of the ECU (e.g. by BswM or EcuM) its possible to map such RTEEvents to
RteInitializationRunnableBatch containers which results in the existence of
Rte_Init APIs.
Rte: EcucModuleDef

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0



upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0



upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0


RteEventToTaskMapping: RtePositionInTask:
EcucParamConfContainerDef +parameter EcucIntegerParamDef
upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0
min = 0
max = 65535

Figure 8.36: Configuration of Rte_Init functions

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09115]

Container Name RteInitializationRunnableBatch
Parent Container Rte
Description This container corresponds to an Rte_Init_<shortName of this
container> function invoking the mapped RunnableEntities.
Configuration Parameters

No Included Containers

Rte_Init API may only schedule RunnableEntitys for initialization purpose ore
which are on-entry Runnable Entities.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09063] Restricted kinds of RTEEvents which may
mapped to RteInitializationRunnableBatch containers dOnly SwcMod-
eSwitchEvents with activation = onEntry and referring to the initialMode or
InitEvents may be mapped to RteInitializationRunnableBatch containers
with the means of a RteUsedInitFnc reference.c()
[SWS_Rte_06769] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations violating
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09063].c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00240, SRS_Rte_-

1070 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09064] A single RteInitializationRunnableBatch con-

tainer may not handle RTEEvents of different partitions dAll RTEEvents
mapped to a RteInitializationRunnableBatch container may only trigger
RunnableEntitys belonging to partitions of the same core.c()
[SWS_Rte_06770] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations violating
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09064].c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00240, SRS_Rte_-

8.13 Configuration of Task Chains

The configuration of RteOsTaskChain enables the definition of the task chain behav-
ior. Please note [SWS_Rte_04558] and [SWS_Rte_04559].

lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = *


RteOsTaskChain: RtePredecessorOsTaskRef: OsTask:

EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference EcucReferenceDef +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *

upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0

+reference EcucReferenceDef +destination

lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1

(from OS)

Figure 8.37: Configuration of task chains

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09135]

Container Name RteOsTaskChain
Parent Container RteOsInteraction
Description This container holds the configuration of one task chain configuration.
Configuration Parameters

Name RtePredecessorOsTaskRef [ECUC_Rte_09136]

Parent Container RteOsTaskChain
Description OsTask which shall chain another OsTask when it terminates.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to OsTask
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –

1071 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name RteSuccessorOsTaskRef [ECUC_Rte_09137]

Parent Container RteOsTaskChain
Description OsTask which shall be chained from the predecessor OsTask.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to OsTask
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

8.14 Configuration of distributed shared mode queues

The section lists the configuration for the general settings for distributed shared
mode queues.

1072 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Rte: EcucModuleDef

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0

(from RTE)

+container EcucParamConfContainerDef

RteDSMQModeMachineInstanceRef: +destination lowerMultiplicity = 0

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucChoiceReferenceDef upperMultiplicity = *
upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 1 (from RteModeConfiguration)
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = *

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

(from RteBswModeConfiguration)

RteDSMQOsTaskRef: EcucReferenceDef OsTask: EcucParamConfContainerDef

+reference +destination
lowerMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *
upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 0

(from OS)

+reference EcucUriReferenceDef +destinationUri RteRipsPlugin:
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
(from RteRips)

Figure 8.38: Configuration of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09145]

Container Name RteDistributedSharedModeQueue
Parent Container Rte
Description This container holds the configuration of a distributed shared mode
Configuration Parameters

Name RteDSMQModeMachineInstanceRef [ECUC_Rte_09146]

Parent Container RteDistributedSharedModeQueue
Description Reference to the mode machine instances which participate in this
distributed shared mode queue.
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Choice reference to [RteBswModeMachineInstanceCon-
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

1073 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteDSMQOsTaskRef [ECUC_Rte_09147]

Parent Container RteDistributedSharedModeQueue
Description Reference to the DSMQ transition OsTasks which are used to
exclusively schedule on-entry ExecutableEntitys, on-transition
ExecutableEntitys, on-exit ExecutableEntitys, and ModeSwitchAck
ExecutableEntity activated by mode machine instances of this
distributed shared mode queue.
Multiplicity 1..*
Type Reference to OsTask
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

Name RteDSMQResponsibleRipsPluginRef [ECUC_Rte_89014]

Parent Container RteDistributedSharedModeQueue
Description Optional reference to the configuration container of the RTE
Implementation Plug-in implementing the protection of all mode
machine instances assigned to this distributed shared mode queue.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to destinationUri [ RteRipsUriDefSet/RteRipsPlugin ]
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

No Included Containers

8.15 Configuration of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins

8.15.1 General configuration definitions for Uri References

Please note, that for the structural decoupling of the RTE’s configuration and the config-
uration of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins Uri References are used. See doc-
ument [5], section Uri Reference. Thereby each RTE Implementation Plug-In

1074 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

define its own EcucModuleDef. AUTOSAR itself does not standardize those Ecuc-
ModuleDefs. Instead the required references in the ECU configuration of the RTE are
defined as EcucUriReferenceDefs and for the reference destination containers the
EcucDestinationUriDefs are standardized in the RteRipsUriDefSet.
SWS Item ECUC_Rte_89003
EcucDestinationUriDefSet RteRipsUriDefSet
Description Defines the set of DestinationUriDefs for the RTE Implementation
Plug-in support.
Included EcucDestinationUriDefs
Name Description
RteRipsInvocationHandler Defines the configuration container content of an invocation handler
of an RTE Implementation Plug-In.
RteRipsPlugin Defines the configuration container content of the RIPS Plug-in
holding the Rte relevant settings.
RteRipsPluginFillFlush Defines the configuration container content of a Fill-Flush Routine
Routine implemented by a RTE Implementation Plug-In.

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_89009]

EcucDestinationUriDef RteRipsInvocationHandler
Destination Uri RteRipsUriDefSet
Definition Set
Description Defines the configuration container content of an invocation handler of
an RTE Implementation Plug-In.
destinationUriNesting targetContainer
Configuration Parameters

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
RteRipsInvocation 0..* This container describes an invocation handler function
HandlerFnc implemented by an RTE Implementation Plug-In to
handle the invocation of server runnables and triggered
runnables via a transformer.

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_89004]

EcucDestinationUriDef RteRipsPlugin
Destination Uri RteRipsUriDefSet
Definition Set
Description Defines the configuration container content of the RIPS Plug-in holding
the Rte relevant settings.
destinationUriNesting targetContainer
Configuration Parameters

1075 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
RteRipsPluginProps 1 This container defines the identity of the Rte
Implementation Plug-in and provides the RTE relevant
parameters of the Rte Implementation Plug-in. The
shortName of the container defines the name of the Rte
Implementation Plug-in used for the API infixes.

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_89007]

EcucDestinationUriDef RteRipsPluginFillFlushRoutine
Destination Uri RteRipsUriDefSet
Definition Set
Description Defines the configuration container content of a Fill-Flush Routine
implemented by a RTE Implementation Plug-In.
destinationUriNesting targetContainer
Configuration Parameters

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
RteRipsPluginFillFlush 0..* This container describes a Fill-Flush Routine function
RoutineFnc implemented by a RTE Implementation Plug-In to
handle the buffering for implicit communication.

The general configuration of the RTE Generator concerning the used RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-Ins are defined in the container RteRips.

8.15.2 General configuration of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins utilization

The section lists the configuration for the general settings to enable the RTE Imple-
mentation Plug-In support by RTE Generator.

1076 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Rte: EcucModuleDef
+module AUTOSARParameterDefinition:
upperMultiplicity = 1 EcucDefinitionCollection
lowerMultiplicity = 0
(from ECUCParameterDefinitions)
(from RTE)


RteRips: RteRipsSupport: +literal RTE_RIPS_OFF:

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucEnumerationParamDef EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 +parameter upperMultiplicity = 1

upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 1
defaultValue = RTE_RIPS_OFF +literal RTE_RIPS_ON:


RteRipsPluginConfigurationRef: +destinationUriDef

+reference EcucUriReferenceDef
+destinationUri RteRipsPlugin:
lowerMultiplicity = 0 EcucDestinationUriDef
upperMultiplicity = *
requiresIndex = true



destinationUriNestingContract = targetContainer


RteRipsPluginProps: RteRipsPluginCommunicationScope: +literal RTE_RIPS_LOCAL_SW_CLUSTER_COM:

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucEnumerationParamDef EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

+parameter defaultValue = RTE_RIPS_LOCAL_SW_CLUSTER_COM

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy: +literal RTE_RIPS_INSTANTIATION_BY_RTE:

EcucEnumerationParamDef EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
lowerMultiplicity = 1 +literal

RtePluginSupportsIReadIWrite: EcucParamConfContainerDef
+parameter EcucBooleanParamDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
defaultValue = false upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1 (from

Figure 8.39: Configuration of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_89000]

Container Name RteRips
Parent Container Rte
Description This container provides the configuration of the Rte Implementation
Plug-In support by RTE. If the container is NOT defined, the support for
Rte Implementation Plug-Ins (RIPS) is globally disabled.

1077 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

Name RteRipsSupport [ECUC_Rte_89001]

Parent Container RteRips
Description Globally enables or disables the support for Rte Implementation
Plug-Ins (RIPS)
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range RTE_RIPS_OFF Support for Rte Implementation
Plug-Ins (RIPS) is globally disabled.
RTE_RIPS_ON Support for Rte Implementation
Plug-Ins (RIPS) is globally enabled.
Default Value RTE_RIPS_OFF
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteRipsPluginConfigurationRef [ECUC_Rte_89002]

Parent Container RteRips
Description Reference to the configuration container of the RTE Implementation
Plug-in holding the RTE relevant settings. All referenced RTE
Implementation Plug-ins are considered for the RTE generation.

Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to destinationUri [ RteRipsUriDefSet/RteRipsPlugin ]
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

No Included Containers

1078 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

The general implementation properties of the RTE Implementation Plug-In are

defined in RteRipsPluginProps.
SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_09173]
Container Name RteRipsPluginProps
Destination Uri RteRipsPlugin
Description This container defines the identity of the Rte Implementation Plug-in
and provides the RTE relevant parameters of the Rte Implementation
Plug-in. The shortName of the container defines the name of the Rte
Implementation Plug-in used for the API infixes.
Configuration Parameters

Name RtePluginSupportsIReadIWrite [ECUC_Rte_09169]

Parent Container RteRipsPluginProps
Description Denotes if or if not the plug-in supports the Rte_Rips_IRead/IWrite
macros for primitive data.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteRipsGlobalCopyInstantiationPolicy [ECUC_Rte_09170]

Parent Container RteRipsPluginProps
Description Globally enables or disables the support for Rte Implementation
Plug-Ins (RIPS)
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range RTE_RIPS_INSTANTIATI The Rte Implementation Plug-In shall
ON_BY_PLUGIN provide the global copy(s) for each
Communication Graph.
RTE_RIPS_INSTANTIATI The RTE shall provide an individual
ON_BY_RTE global copy for each Communication
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1079 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteRipsPluginCommunicationScope [ECUC_Rte_09171]

Parent Container RteRipsPluginProps
Description Defines the communication scope for which the Rte Implementation
Plug-Ins (RIPS) serves. If this parameter is not set, the default
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range RTE_RIPS_CROSS_SW_ The Rte Implementation Plug-In
CLUSTER_COM handles the Cross Software Cluster
RTE_RIPS_LOCAL_SW_ The Rte Implementation Plug-In
CLUSTER_COM handles the Local Software Cluster
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

The container RteRipsPluginProps is mandatory to describe the properties and

the name infix used for the RTE Implementation Plug-In Services and header
[SWS_Rte_70092] dThe RTE Implementation Plug-In shall describe its proper-
ties with an instance of an RteRipsPluginProps.c(SRS_Rte_00313)

8.15.3 Configuration of Fill-Flush-Routines of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins

The section lists the configuration for the Fill-Flush-Routines needed in case a RTE
Implementation Plug-In implements implicit communication. The details are de-
scribed in section

1080 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software



+reference RteRipsFillRoutineRef: RteRipsPluginFillFlushRoutine:

EcucUriReferenceDef EcucDestinationUriDef
EcucParamConfContainerDef +destinationUri
upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 0
+reference upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0
requiresIndex = true
(from RteEventToTaskMapping)

EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference +destinationUri
lowerMultiplicity = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 0
+reference upperMultiplicity = *
upperMultiplicity = *
requiresIndex = true



destinationUriNestingContract = targetContainer


RteRipsPluginFillFlushRoutineFnc: RteRipsModeDisablingHandling: +literal RTE_RIPS_CONSIDER_MODE_DISABLINGS:

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucEnumerationParamDef EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0 +parameter
upperMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 1

+parameter upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 1

RteRipsOsSchedulePoint: +literal
EcucEnumerationParamDef EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

+parameter lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

Figure 8.40: Configuration of Fill-Flush-Routines of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_79003]

Container Name RteRipsPluginFillFlushRoutineFnc
Destination Uri RteRipsPluginFillFlushRoutine
Description This container describes a Fill-Flush Routine function implemented by
a RTE Implementation Plug-In to handle the buffering for implicit
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

1081 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name RteRipsModeDisablingHandling [ECUC_Rte_79004]

Parent Container RteRipsPluginFillFlushRoutineFnc
Description This parameter configures whether mode disabling dependencies are
considered for the invocation of Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutines.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range RTE_RIPS_CONSIDER_ Support for Rte Implementation
MODE_DISABLINGS Plug-Ins (RIPS) is globally disabled.
RTE_RIPS_IGNORE_MO Support for Rte Implementation
DE_DISABLINGS Plug-Ins (RIPS) is globally enabled.
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteRipsOsSchedulePoint [ECUC_Rte_79006]

Parent Container RteRipsPluginFillFlushRoutineFnc
Description Introduce a schedule point by explicitly calling Os Schedule service
after the execution of the Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range NONE No Schedule Point shall be introduced
at the end of the execution of this
UNCONDITIONAL A Schedule Point shall always be
introduced at the end of the execution
of this Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine.
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name RteRipsPluginFillFlushRoutineFncSymbol [ECUC_Rte_79005]

Parent Container RteRipsPluginFillFlushRoutineFnc
Description C-Symbol of the Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine function.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value

1082 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

8.15.4 Configuration of invocation handlers of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins

The section lists the configuration for the invocation handles needed in case a RTE
Implementation Plug-In needs to invoke server runnables respectively the
triggered runnables. The details are described in section


RteEventToTaskMapping: RteRipsInvocationHandlerRef: RteRipsInvocationHandler:

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucUriReferenceDef EcucDestinationUriDef
+reference +destinationUri
upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 1

(from RteEventToTaskMapping)



destinationUriNestingContract = targetContainer


RteRipsInvocationHandlerFnc: RteRipsInvocationHandlerFncSymbol:
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucFunctionNameDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0 +parameter
upperMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 1

Figure 8.41: Configuration of invocation handler of RTE Implementation Plug-Ins

SWS Item [ECUC_Rte_79007]

Container Name RteRipsInvocationHandlerFnc
Destination Uri RteRipsInvocationHandler

1083 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description This container describes an invocation handler function implemented

by an RTE Implementation Plug-In to handle the invocation of server
runnables and triggered runnables via a transformer.
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

Name RteRipsInvocationHandlerFncSymbol [ECUC_Rte_79008]

Parent Container RteRipsInvocationHandlerFnc
Description C-Symbol of the Rte_Rips_FillFlushRoutine function.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

1084 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

A Metamodel Restrictions
This chapter lists all the restrictions to the AUTOSAR meta-model this version of the
AUTOSAR RTE specification document relies on. The RTE generator shall reject con-
figuration where any of the specified restrictions are violated.

A.1 Restrictions concerning WaitPoint

1. [SWS_Rte_01358] dThe RTE shall raise an error if [constr_1091] is violated, so
if RunnableEntity has WaitPoint connected to any of the following RTE-
• OperationInvokedEvent
• SwcModeSwitchEvent
• TimingEvent
• BackgroundEvent
• DataReceiveErrorEvent
• ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent
• InternalTriggerOccurredEvent
• DataWriteCompletedEvent
These events can only start a runnable.c(SRS_Rte_00092, SRS_Rte_00018)
Note: The only events that can unblock a WaitPoint are those listed in [con-
Rationale: For OperationInvokedEvents, SwcModeSwitchEvents,
TimingEvents, BackgroundEvents DataReceiveErrorEvent, Ex-
ternalTriggerOccurredEvent, InternalTriggerOccurredEvent,
and DataWriteCompletedEvent it suffices to allow the activation of a
2. [SWS_Rte_07402] dThe RTE generator shall reject a model where two (or more)
different RunnableEntitys in the same internal behavior each have a Wait-
Point referencing the same DataReceivedEvent, and the runnables are
mapped to different tasks.c(SRS_Rte_00092, SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: In the same software components, the two runnables will attempt to
read from the same queue, and only the one that accesses the queue first will
actually receive the data.
3. [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80031]{DRAFT} Software Components integrated in
an Applicative Software Cluster shall not define any WaitPoint

1085 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

dThe ECU Extract of an Applicative Software Cluster shall not instan-

tiate any AtomicSwComponentType defining a WaitPoint.c()
4. [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80206]{DRAFT} dThe RTE generator shall reject a model
violating [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80031] in the Cluster Generation phase.c(SRS_-
Rte_00092, SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: No blocking APIs are expected in Applicative Software Clus-
ters. Several Software Clusters share the same Basic Software including
the operating system. This requires a ’gentle’ behavior of the Software Clus-
ters in order to avoid blocking of the common schedule.

A.2 Restrictions concerning RTEEvent

1. [SWS_Rte_03526] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations in which a
RunnableEntity is triggered by multiple OperationInvokedEvents but vi-
olating the constraint [constr_2000] Compatibility of ClientServerOperations trig-
gering the same RunnableEntity as defined in document [2]c(SRS_Rte_00072,
Rationale: The signature of the RunnableEntity is dependent on its
connected RTEEvent. Multiple OperationInvokedEvents are only sup-
ported if all referred ClientServerOperations would result in the same
RunnableEntity prototype for the server runnable (see
2. [SWS_Rte_03010] dOne runnable entity shall only be resumed by one single
RTEEvent on its WaitPoint. The RTE doesn’t support the WaitPoint of one
runnable entity connected to several RTEEvents.c(SRS_Rte_00092, SRS_Rte_-
Rationale: The WaitPoint of the runnable entity is caused by calling of the
RTE API. One runnable entity can only call one RTE API at a time, and so it can
only wait for one RTEEvent.
3. [SWS_Rte_07007] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where dif-
ferent execution instances of a runnable entity, which use implicit data access,
are mapped to different preemption areas.c(SRS_Rte_00018, SRS_Rte_00128,
SRS_Rte_00129, SRS_Rte_00133, SRS_Rte_00142)
Rationale: Buffers used for implicit communication shall be consistent during
the whole task/ISR2 execution. If it is guaranteed that one task/ISR2 does
not preempt the other, direct accesses to the same copy buffer from different
tasks/ISR2s are possible.
4. [SWS_Rte_07403] dThe RTE generator shall reject a model where in the same
SwcInternalBehavior two (or more) different DataReceivedEvents, that

1086 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

reference the same VariableDataPrototype with event semantics, trig-

ger different runnable entities mapped to different tasks.c(SRS_Rte_00072,
Rationale: In the same software components, the two runnables will attempt to
read from the same queue, and only the one that accesses the queue first will
actually receive the data.

A.3 Restrictions concerning queued implementation policy

1. [SWS_Rte_03018] dRTE does not support receiving with WaitPoint for Vari-
ableDataPrototypes with their swImplPolicy attribute is not set to queued.c
(SRS_Rte_00109, SRS_Rte_00092, SRS_Rte_00018)
Requirement [SWS_Rte_03018] rejects configurations where a DataRe-
ceivedEvent is referenced by a WaitPoint and references a VariableDat-
aPrototype referenced by a NvDataInterface.
Rationale: unqueued implementation policy indicates that the receiver shall not
wait for the VariableDataPrototype.
2. All the VariableAccesses in the dataSendPoint role referring to one Vari-
ableDataPrototype through one PPortPrototype are considered to have
the same behavior by sending and acknowledgment reception. All DataSend-
CompletedEvents that reference VariableAccesses in the dataSendPoint
role referring to the same VariableDataPrototype are considered equiva-
Rationale: The API Rte_Send/Rte_Write is dependent on the port name and
the VariableDataPrototype name, not on the VariableAccesses. For
each combination of one VariableDataPrototype and one port only one API
will be generated and implemented for sending or acknowledgement reception.

A.4 Restrictions concerning ServerCallPoint

1. [SWS_Rte_03014] dAll the ServerCallPoints referring to one
ClientServerOperation through one RPortPrototype are consid-
ered to have the same behavior by calling service. The RTE generator shall
reject configuration where this is violated.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: The API Rte_Call is dependent on the port name and the operation
name, not on the ServerCallPoints. For each combination of one operation
and one port only one API will be generated and implemented for calling a ser-
vice. It is e.g. not possible to have different timeout values specified for different

1087 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

ServerCallPoints of the same ClientServerOperation. It is also not al-

lowed to specify both, a synchronous and an asynchronous server call point for
the same ClientServerOperation instance.
2. [SWS_Rte_03605] dIf several require ports of a software component are cate-
gorized by the same client/server interface, all invocations of the same operation
of this client/server interface have to be either synchronous, or all invocations of
the same operation have to be asynchronous. This restriction applies under the
following conditions:
• the usage of the indirect API is specified for at least one of the respective
port prototypes and/or
• the software component supports multiple instantiation, and the RTE gener-
ation shall be performed in compatibility mode.
c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: The signature of Rte_Call and the existence of Rte_Result de-
pend on the kind of invocation.
3. [SWS_Rte_07170] dThe RTE generator shall reject the configuration where [con-
str_2006] is violated.c(SRS_Rte_00051, SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: The support of several AsynchronousServerCallResultPoints per
AsynchronousServerCallPoint would potentially support multiple Asyn-
chronousServerCallReturnsEvents as well as multiple WaitPoints for
the same AsynchronousServerCallPoint.

A.5 Restriction concerning multiple instantiation of software

1. [SWS_Rte_07101] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where [con-
str_2024] is violated, so in which a PortAPIOption with enableTakeAddress
= TRUE is defined by a software-component supporting multiple instantiation.c
Rationale: The main focus of the feature is support for configuration of AU-
TOSAR Services which are limited to single instances.

A.6 Restrictions concerning runnable entity

1. [SWS_Rte_03527] dThe RTE does NOT support multiple Runnable Entities that
share the same entry point.c(SRS_Rte_00072, SRS_Rte_00018)

1088 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Rationale: The name of the runnable entity entry point is formed by a combi-
nation of SWC symbol prefix and symbol attribute of RunnableEntity. This
means that two runnables in different SWCs can have the same symbol attribute
as long as different SWC prefixes are used.
2. [SWS_Rte_02733] dThe RTE Generator shall reject a configuration where a
runnable has the attribute canBeInvokedConcurrently set to true and the
attribute minimumStartInterval set to greater zero.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: If a runnable should run concurrently (i.e., have several Exe-
cutableEntity execution-instances), this implies that the minimum in-
terval between the start of the runnables is zero. The configuration to be rejected
is inconsistent.
3. [SWS_Rte_08909] dThe RTE Generator shall reject a configuration where a
RunnableEntity defines a dataWriteAccess and a dataSendPoint to the
same data element, except when those data accesses are subject to variability
with bindingTime later than codeGenerationTime.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
Note: Please note that if the accesses are subject to variability, this misconfigu-
ration can only be detected if the latest bindingTime is codeGenerationTime. In
other cases it is in the responsibility of the user to ensure that at run-time only one
variant is active, i.e. either dataWriteAccess (implict sending) or dataSendPoint
(explicit sending), but not both.

A.7 Restrictions concerning runnables with dependencies on

1. Operations may not be disabled by a mode disabling dependency.
[SWS_Rte_02706] dRTE shall reject the configurations violating [constr_1523].c
(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_03869] dRTE shall reject the configurations violating [constr_4098].c
(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: It is a preferable implementation, if the server responds with an ex-
plicit application error, when the server operation is not supported in a mode.
To implement the disabling of operations would require a high amount of book
keeping even for internal client server communication to prevent that the unique
request response mapping gets lost.
2. Only a category 1 runnable may be triggered by
• a SwcModeSwitchEvent
• an RTEEvent with a mode disabling dependency

1089 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_02500] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations with cate-

gory 2 runnables connected to SwcModeSwitchEvents and RTEEvents / Bsw-
Events with mode disabling dependencys if the mode machine instance is
synchronous. The rejection may be reduced to a warning when the RTE gener-
ator is explicitly set to a non strict mode.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213,
Rationale: The above runnables are executed or terminated on the transitions
between different modes. To execute the mode switch withing finite time, also
these runnables have to be executed within finite execution time.
3. All on-entry ExecutableEntitys, on-transition ExecutableEnti-
tys, and on-exit ExecutableEntitys of the same core local mode
user group should be mapped to the same task in case of synchronous mode
switching procedure.
[SWS_Rte_02662] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations with on-entry,
on-transition, or on-exit ExecutableEntity’s of the same core local mode
user group that are mapped to different tasks in case of synchronous mode
switching procedure.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_00018)
In case of asynchronous mode switching procedure, a mapping of all affected
runnables to no task is also possible.
Rationale: This restriction simplifies the implementation of the semantics of a
synchronous mode switch.
4. To guarantee that all mode disabling dependent ExecutableEntitys of
a core local mode user group have terminated before the start of the
on-exit ExecutableEntitys of the transition, the mode disabling de-
pendent ExecutableEntitys should run with higher or equal priority.
[SWS_Rte_02663] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations with mode
disabling dependent ExecutableEntitys that are mapped to a task with
lower priority than the task that contains the on-entry ExecutableEnti-
tys and on-exit ExecutableEntitys of that core local mode user
group supporting a synchronous mode switching procedure.c(SRS_Rte_00143,
SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_00018)
5. [SWS_Rte_02664] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations of a task with
• on-exit ExecutableEntitys mapped after on-entry Exe-
cutableEntitys or
• on-transition ExecutableEntitys mapped after on-entry Exe-
cutableEntitys or
• on-exit ExecutableEntitys mapped after on-transition Exe-
of the same mode machine instance supporting a synchronous mode switch-
ing procedure.c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_00018)

1090 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Rationale: This restriction simplifies the implementation of the semantics of a

synchronous mode switch.
6. [SWS_Rte_06839] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations of a DSMQ
transition OsTask with
• on-exit ExecutableEntitys mapped after on-entry Exe-
cutableEntitys or
• on-exit ExecutableEntitys mapped after on-transition Exe-
cutableEntitys or
• on-exit ExecutableEntitys mapped after ModeSwitchAck Exe-
cutableEntitys or
• on-transition ExecutableEntitys mapped after on-entry Exe-
cutableEntitys or
• on-transition ExecutableEntitys mapped after ModeSwitchAck
ExecutableEntitys or
• on-entry ExecutableEntitys mapped after ModeSwitchAck Exe-
of mode machine instances belonging to a distributed shared mode
group.c(SRS_Rte_00310, SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_-
Rationale: This restriction simplifies the implementation of the semantics of a
synchronous mode switch in combination with a distributed shared mode
7. [SWS_Rte_07157] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations with
• on-exit ExecutableEntitys mapped after on-entry Exe-
cutableEntitys or
• on-transition ExecutableEntitys mapped after on-entry Exe-
cutableEntitys or
• on-exit ExecutableEntitys mapped after on-transition Exe-
of the same software component or Basic Software Module for a mode machine
instance supporting an asynchronous mode switching procedure.c(SRS_Rte_-
00143, SRS_Rte_00213, SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: This restriction simplifies the implementation of the semantics of an
asynchronous mode switch.
8. If a mode is used to trigger a runnable for entering or leaving the mode, but this
runnable has a mode disabling dependency on the same mode, the mode

1091 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

disabling dependency inhibits the activation of the runnable on the transition

(see section 4.4.4).
To prevent such a misleading configuration, it is strongly recommended
not to configure a mode disabling dependency for an on-entry Exe-
cutableEntity or on-exit ExecutableEntity, using the same mode.
9. In case that the mode machine instance is initialized by Rte_Init API the related
on-entry Runnable Entities for the initialMode have to be executed
in the context of the Rte_Init API. In order to enable the complete transition
to the initialMode it is required that all on-entry Runnable Entities
are mapped to RteInitializationRunnableBatch containers otherwise a
part of the on-entry Runnable Entities wouldn’t be scheduled during the
transition to the initialMode.
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09062] Entire mapping of on-entry Runnable En-
tities for initialMode to RteInitializationRunnableBatch contain-
ers dEither all or none of the on-entry Runnable Entities of a particular
mode machine instance for the initialMode shall be mapped to RteIni-
tializationRunnableBatch containers.c()
[SWS_Rte_06768] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations violating
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09062].c(SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00240, SRS_Rte_-
Please note as well [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09063] which limits the applicability of
the mapping to RteInitializationRunnableBatch containers.

A.8 Restriction concerning SwcInternalBehavior

1. [SWS_Rte_07686] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations where
an ApplicationSwComponentType, ServiceSwComponentType, Com-
plexDeviceDriverSwComponentType, EcuAbstractionSwComponent-
Type, SensorActuatorSwComponentType or ServiceProxySwCompo-
nentType does not contain a SwcInternalBehavior.c(SRS_Rte_00018)

A.9 Restrictions concerning Initial Value

1. [SWS_Rte_07642] dWhen the external configuration switch strictInitial-
ValuesCheck is enabled, the RTE Generator shall reject configurations where
a SwAddrMethod has a sectionInitializationPolicy set to init but no
initValues are specified on the sender or receiver side.c(SRS_Rte_00068,
SRS_Rte_00108, SRS_Rte_00018)

1092 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Rationale: The initValue is used to guarantee that the RTE won’t deliver un-
defined values.
2. [SWS_Rte_08311] dWhen the external configuration switch strictInitial-
ValuesCheck is enabled, the RTE Generator shall reject configurations where
a SwAddrMethod has a sectionInitializationPolicy set to init but no
initValue is specified on the inter runnable variable.c(SRS_Rte_00068, SRS_-
Rte_00108, SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: The initValue is used to guarantee that the RTE won’t deliver un-
defined values.
3. [SWS_Rte_07681] dIf strict checking of initial values is enabled
(see [SWS_Rte_07680]), the RTE Generator shall reject configurations
where a ParameterDataPrototype has no initValues.c(SRS_Rte_00108,
Rationale: This allows to provide the values with a calibration without any in-
volvements from the RTE Generator, and still permits to enable a stricter check
on projects where it is required.

A.10 Restriction concerning PerInstanceMemory

1. [SWS_Rte_07045] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where the
type attribute of a ’C’ typed PerInstanceMemory is equal to the name of a
ImplementationDataType contained in the input configuration.c(SRS_Rte_-
00013, SRS_Rte_00077)
Rationale: This would lead to equally named C type definitions.

A.11 Restrictions concerning unconnected r-port

1. [SWS_Rte_03019] dIf strict checking has been enabled (see [SWS_Rte_05099])
in the RTE Generation phase there shall not be unconnected r-port. The RTE
generator shall in this case reject the configuration with unconnected r-port.c
(SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: Unconnected r-port is considered as wrong configuration of the sys-
2. [SWS_Rte_02750] dThe RTE Generator phase shall reject configurations where
an r-port typed with a ParameterInterface is not connected and an init-
Value of a ParameterRequireComSpec is not provided for each Parameter-
DataPrototypes of this ParameterInterface.c(SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_-
Rte_00159, SRS_Rte_00018)

1093 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

3. [SWS_Rte_82004]{DRAFT} dIf strict checking has been enabled

(see [SWS_Rte_05099]) in the Cluster Generation phase there shall not
be unconnected r-port where for the related Data Communication Graph no
RTE Implementation Plug-In support is enabled. The RTE generator shall in
this case reject the configuration with unconnected r-port.c(SRS_Rte_00139,

A.12 Restrictions concerning unconnected requiredData,

requiredModeGroup, requiredTrigger and required-
1. [SWS_Rte_02316] dIf strict checking has been enabled (see [SWS_Rte_05099])
there shall not be unconnected requiredData, requiredModeGroup, re-
quiredTrigger or requiredClientServerEntry. The RTE generator
shall in this case reject the configuration with unconnected requiredData,
requiredModeGroup, requiredTrigger, or requiredClientServerEn-
try.c(SRS_Rte_00139, SRS_Rte_00018)

A.13 Restrictions regarding communication of mode switch noti-

1. [SWS_Rte_02670] dRTE shall not support connections with multiple senders (n:1
communication) of mode switch notifications connected to the same re-
ceiver. The RTE generator shall reject configurations with multiple senders of
mode switch notifications connected to the same receiver.c(SRS_Rte_-
00131, SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: No use case is known to justify the required complexity.
2. [SWS_Rte_08788] dRTE shall reject configurations
• where one ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of a provide port is con-
nected to ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes of require ports from
more than one partition
• where at least one of the mode user partitions can be restarted
• where the modeUserErrorBehavior of ModeDeclarationGroup is not
set to lastMode
c(SRS_Rte_00131, SRS_Rte_00018)

1094 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

3. For each ModeDeclarationGroup, used in the SW-C’s ports, RTE needs a

unique mapping to an ImplementationDataType.
[SWS_Rte_02738] dRTE shall reject a configuration, in which there is not ex-
actly one ModeRequestTypeMap referencing the ModeDeclarationGroup
used in a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of the SW-C’s ports.c(SRS_-
Rte_00144, SRS_Rte_00018)
4. [SWS_Rte_08908] dThe Rte Generator shall reject configurations violating [con-
str_1098].c(SRS_Rte_00018, SRS_Rte_00143, SRS_Rte_00144)

A.14 Restrictions regarding Measurement and Calibration

1. [SWS_Rte_03951] dRTE does not support measurement of queued communica-
tion.c(SRS_Rte_00153, SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: Measurement of queued communication is not supported yet. Rea-
sons are:
• A queue can be empty. What’s to measure then? Data interpretation is
• Which of the queue entries the measurement data has to be taken from
(first pending entry, last entry, an intermediate one, mean value, min. or
max. value)? Needs might differ out of user view? Data interpretation is
• Compared e.g. to sender-receiver last-is-best approach only inefficient so-
lutions are possible because implementation of queues entails storage of
information dynamically at different memory locations. So always additional
copies are required.
2. [SWS_Rte_03970] d The RTE generator shall reject configurations violating [con-
str_1092] so containing require ports attached to ParameterSwComponent-
Types.c(SRS_Rte_00154, SRS_Rte_00156, SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: Require ports on ParameterSwComponentTypes don’t make
sense. ParameterSwComponentTypes only have to provide calibration param-
eters to other SwComponentTypes.

A.15 Restriction concerning ExclusiveAreaImplMechanism

1. Usage of WaitPoints is restricted depending on ExclusiveAreaImplMech-
If an exclusive area’s configuration value for ExclusiveAreaImplMechanism is In-
terruptBlocking or OsResource, no runnable entity shall contain any WaitPoint
inside this exclusive area.

1095 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Please note that a wait point can either be a modelling WaitPoint e. g. a Wait-
Point in the SW-C description caused by the usage of a blocking API (e. g.
Rte_Receive) or an implementation wait point caused by a special implementa-
tion to fulfill the requirements of the ECU configuration, e. g. the runnable-to-task
Rationale: The operating system has the limitation that a WaitEvent call is
not allowed with disabled interrupts. Therefore the implementation mechanism
InterruptBlocking cannot be used if the exclusive area contains a WaitPoint.
Further the operating system has the limitation that an OS WaitPoint cannot
be entered with occupied OS Resources. This implies that the implementation
mechanism OsResource cannot be used if the exclusive area contains a Wait-

A.16 Restrictions concerning AtomicSwComponentTypes

1. [SWS_Rte_07190] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where multiple
SwComponentTypes have the same component type symbol regardless of
the ARPackage hierarchy.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
Rational: This is required to generated unique names for the Application Header
Files and component data structures.
2. [SWS_Rte_07191] dThe RTE generator shall reject configurations where a
SwComponentType has PortPrototypes typed by different PortInter-
faces with equal short name but conflicting ApplicationErrors. Applica-
tionErrors are conflicting if ApplicationErrors with same name do have
different errorCodes.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
Rational: This is required to generated unique symbolic names for Applica-
tionErrors. (see also [SWS_Rte_02576])

A.17 Restriction concerning the enableUpdate attribute of Non-

1. [SWS_Rte_07654] dThe RTE Generator shall reject configurations violating [con-
str_1103] so where a VariableDataPrototype is referenced by a Non-
queuedReceiverComSpec with the enableUpdate attribute enabled, when
this VariableDataPrototype is referenced by a VariableAccess in the
dataReadAccess role.c(SRS_Rte_00179, SRS_Rte_00018)
Rational: the update flag is restricted to explicit communication currently.

1096 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

A.18 Restrictions concerning the large and dynamic data type

1. [SWS_Rte_07810] dThe RTE shall reject the configuration if a dataEle-
ment that contain an ImplementationDataType with subElements with ar-
raySizeSemantics equal to variableSize resolves to another type than
Rationale: COM limits the dynamic signals to the ComSignalType UINT_8DYN
(see the requirement COM569). COM doesn’t support dynamic signals included
into signal groups. See more explanations in chapter
2. [SWS_Rte_08423] dThe RTE shall reject the configuration if an Implementa-
tionDataType does not have a dynamicArraySizeProfile defined and
contains a subElement with the category ARRAY that in turn contains a
subElement with arraySizeSemantics set to variableSize.c(SRS_Rte_-
3. [SWS_Rte_07811] dThe RTE shall reject configurations where a dataElement
mapped to a Com I-PDU with ComIPduType equal to TP and swImplPolicy is
different from queued and supportedFeatures of the PortAPIOption is not
set to supportsBufferLocking.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: Otherwise COM might return COM_BUSY. See more explanations in
4. [SWS_Rte_08603] dThe RTE shall reject configurations where a dataElemnt
mapped to a LdCom I-PDU with LdComApiType equals to LdCom_TP and
swImplPolicy is different from queued and supportedFeatures of the
PortAPIOption is not set to supportsBufferLocking.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
5. [SWS_Rte_08604] dThe RTE shall reject configurations where a
ClientServerOperation mapped to a Com I-PDU with ComIPduType
equal to TP and supportedFeatures of the PortAPIOption is not set to
6. [SWS_Rte_08605] dThe RTE shall reject configurations where a
ClientServerOperation mapped to a LdCom I-PDU with LdComApi-
Type equals to LdCom_TP and supportedFeatures of the PortAPIOption
is not set to supportsBufferLocking.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
7. [SWS_Rte_07812] dThe RTE shall reject the configuration if a dataElement
with an ImplementationDataType with subElements with arraySize-
Semantics equal to variableSize has a swImplPolicy different from
Rationale: Otherwise COM might return COM_BUSY. See more explanations in

1097 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

A.19 Restriction concerning REFERENCE types

1. [SWS_Rte_07670] dThe RTE shall reject a configuration violating [constr_-
Rationale: This prevents the misuse of references for communication via the ref-
erenced memory (intra-partition scope) between ApplicationSwComponentTypes
and/or SensorActuatorSwComponentTypes. For example, such a misuse could
occur with application software components communicating together and being
mapped to different partitions or ECUs.

A.20 Restriction concerning ModeDeclarationGroup categories

and value attributes
1. [SWS_Rte_06801] dThe RTE generator shall reject a configuration if constraint
[constr_1298] is violated.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_06802] dThe RTE generator shall reject a configuration if constraint
[constr_1299] is violated.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
[SWS_Rte_06803] dThe RTE generator shall reject a configuration if constraint
[constr_1181] is violated.c(SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: In case of category EXPLICIT_ORDER the onTransitionValue
and value attributes are required to generate the according definitions (see
5.5.3 and 6.4.2). Thereby unique numbers are required. In case of ALPHA-
BETIC_ORDER the definition of those values are meaningless and causing the
risk of inconsistency to the numbering according the alphabetical sorting.

A.21 Restrictions concerning C/S Interfaces

1. [SWS_Rte_07845] dThe Rte Generator shall reject configurations where
a ClientServerOperation in a PPortPrototype is defined but no
RunnableEntity is triggered by an OperationInvokedEvent that refer-
ences the ClientServerOperation.c(SRS_Rte_00029, SRS_Rte_00018)
Rationale: Otherwise the implementation by a server runnable of the operation
in the C/S interface does not exist.
2. [SWS_Rte_72023]{DRAFT} dIn the Cluster Generation Mode the RTE generator
shall reject configurations where a SynchronousServerCallPoint requires a
blocking serialization of the server call.c(SRS_Rte_00029, SRS_Rte_00018)
Please note that [SWS_Rte_72023] does not prevent from usage of direct
function call or trusted function call configuration.

1098 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Rationale: No blocking APIs are expected in Applicative Software

Clusters to avoid blocking of the common schedule. See as well

A.22 Restrictions concerning S/R Features

1. [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80200]{DRAFT} dIf at any RPortPrototype belonging
to a Data Communication Graph an NonqueuedReceiverComSpec is de-
fined with either
• the attribute aliveTimeout set to a value greater than zero and/or
• the attribute handleNeverReceived set to TRUE and/or
• the attribute handleOutOfRange not set to none and/or
• the attribute handleDataStatus set to TRUE and/or
• the attribute the enableUpdate set to TRUE
exists the CpSoftwareClusterCommunicationResource.comProps.
sendIndication shall be set to anySendOperation.c(SRS_Rte_00300,
SRS_Rte_00301, SRS_Rte_00018)
2. [SWS_Rte_82012]{DRAFT} dThe RTE generator shall reject a configuration
if constraint [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80200] is violated.c(SRS_Rte_00300, SRS_-
Rte_00301, SRS_Rte_00018)

1099 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

B External Requirements
A summary on model constraints is provided in document [34].

1100 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

C MISRA C Compliance
In general, all RTE code, whether generated or not, shall conform to the MISRA C
standard [SWS_Rte_01168] [27]. This chapter lists all the MISRA C rules that may be
violated by the generated RTE.
The MISRA C standard was defined with having mainly hand-written code in mind. Part
of the MISRA C rules only apply to hand-written code, they do not make much sense
in the context of automatic code generation. Additionally, there are some rules that are
violated because of technical reasons, mainly to reduce RTE overhead.
The rules listed in this chapter are expected to be violated by RTE code. Violations to
the rules listed here do not need to be documented as non-compliant to MISRA C in
the generated code itself.
MISRA rule 2.3
Description A project should not contain unused type declarations.
Violations This is in support of [SWS_Rte_02648].

Table C.1: MISRA rule 2.3

MISRA rules 5.1 to 5.5, Dir1.1

Identifiers (internal and external) shall not rely on significance of more than 31
Description characters. Furthermore the compiler/linker shall be checked to ensure that 31
character significance and case sensitivity are supported for external identifiers.
The defined RTE naming convention may result in identifiers with more than 31
characters. The compliance to this rule is under user’s control.

Table C.2: MISRA rules 5.1 to 5.5, Dir1.1

MISRA rule 8.5

Description An external object or function shall be declared once and in one and only one file.
Violations This is in support of application header file generation.

Table C.3: MISRA rule 8.5

MISRA rule 8.8

The static storage class specifier shall be used in all declarations of objects and
functions that have internal linkage.
E.g. for the purpose of monitoring during calibration or debugging it may be nec-
essary to use non-static declarations at file scope.

Table C.4: MISRA rule 8.8

MISRA rule 12.3

Description The comma operator should not be used.
Function-like macros may have to use the comma operator. Function-like macros
are required for efficiency reasons [SRS_BSW_00330].

Table C.5: MISRA rule 12.3

1101 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

MISRA rule 11.2

Conversions shall not be performed between a pointer to an incomplete type and
any other type.
Casting to/from pointer type may be needed for the interface with COM. Casting
Violations from a pointer to a data element with status to a pointer to a data ele-
ment without status.

Table C.6: MISRA rule 11.2

MISRA rule 11.3

A cast shall not be performed between a pointer to object type and a pointer to a
different object type.
Casting to/from pointer type may be needed for the interface with COM. Casting
Violations from a pointer to a data element with status to a pointer to a data ele-
ment without status.

Table C.7: MISRA rule 11.3

MISRA rule 8.7

Functions and objects should not be defined with external linkage if they are refer-
enced in only one translation unit.
Support the use cases where SW-Cs are delivered as OBJ code and the ports
might not be connected during generation time.

Table C.8: MISRA rule 8.7

MISRA rule 11.5

Description A conversion should not be performed from pointer to void into pointer to object.
Casting to/from pointer type may be needed for the interface with COM. Casting
Violations from a pointer to a data element with status to a pointer to a data element without

Table C.9: MISRA rule 11.5

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Specification of RTE Software

D Referenced Meta Classes

Class ARPackage
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::ARPackage
Note AUTOSAR package, allowing to create top level packages to structure the contained ARElements.
ARPackages are open sets. This means that in a file based description system multiple files can be used
to partially describe the contents of a package.
This is an extended version of MSR’s SW-SYSTEM.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arPackage ARPackage * aggr This represents a sub package within an ARPackage,
thus allowing for an unlimited package hierarchy.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=arPackage.shortName, arPackage.variation
element PackageableElement * aggr Elements that are part of this package
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=element.shortName, element.variation
referenceBase ReferenceBase * aggr This denotes the reference bases for the package. This is
the basis for all relative references within the package.
The base needs to be selected according to the base
attribute within the references.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

Table D.1: ARPackage

Class AbstractAccessPoint (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::AccessCount
Note Abstract class indicating an access point from an ExecutableEntity.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Subclasses AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint, ExternalTriggeringPointIdent, InternalTriggeringPoint, ModeAccess
PointIdent, ModeSwitchPoint, ParameterAccess, ServerCallPoint, VariableAccess
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
returnValue RteApiReturnValue 0..1 attr This attribute controls the provision of return values for
Provision ProvisionEnum RTE APIs that correspond to the enclosing access point.

Table D.2: AbstractAccessPoint

Class AbstractProvidedPortPrototype (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note This abstract class provides the ability to become a provided PortPrototype.

1103 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class AbstractProvidedPortPrototype (abstract)
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprintable, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Port
Prototype, Referrable
Subclasses PPortPrototype, PRPortPrototype
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
providedCom PPortComSpec * aggr Provided communication attributes per interface element
Spec (data element or operation).

Table D.3: AbstractProvidedPortPrototype

Class AbstractRequiredPortPrototype (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note This abstract class provides the ability to become a required PortPrototype.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprintable, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Port
Prototype, Referrable
Subclasses PRPortPrototype, RPortPrototype
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
requiredCom RPortComSpec * aggr Required communication attributes, one for each
Spec interface element.

Table D.4: AbstractRequiredPortPrototype

Class AnyInstanceRef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::AnyInstanceRef
Note Describes a reference to any instance in an AUTOSAR model. This is the most generic form of an
instance ref. Refer to the superclass notes for more details.
Base ARObject, AtpInstanceRef
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
base AtpClassifier 1 ref This is the base from which navigation path begins.
Stereotypes: atpDerived
contextElement AtpFeature * ref This is one step in the navigation path specified by the
instance ref.
target AtpFeature 1 ref This is the target of the instance ref.

Table D.5: AnyInstanceRef

Enumeration ApiPrincipleEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::InternalBehavior
Note This enumeration represents the ability to control the granularity of API generation.
Literal Description
common The Rte or SchM API is provided for the whole software component / BSW Module
perExecutable The Rte or SchM API is provided for a specific ExecutableEntity of a software component / BSW

Table D.6: ApiPrincipleEnum

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Specification of RTE Software

Class ApplicationArrayDataType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note An application data type which is an array, each element is of the same application data type.
Base ARElement, ARObject, ApplicationCompositeDataType, ApplicationDataType, AtpBlueprint, Atp
Blueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, AutosarDataType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dynamicArray String 0..1 attr Specifies the profile which the array will follow if it is a
SizeProfile variable size array.
element ApplicationArray 0..1 aggr This association implements the concept of an array
Element element. That is, in some cases it is necessary to be able
to identify single array elements, e.g. as input values for
an interpolation routine.

Table D.7: ApplicationArrayDataType

Class ApplicationArrayElement
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note Describes the properties of the elements of an application array data type.
Base ARObject, ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, DataPrototype,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arraySize ArraySizeHandling 0..1 attr The way how the size of the array is handled.
Handling Enum
arraySize ArraySizeSemantics 0..1 attr This attribute controls how the information about the array
Semantics Enum size shall be interpreted.
indexDataType ApplicationPrimitive 0..1 ref This reference can be taken to assign a CompuMethod of
DataType category TEXTTABLE to the array. The texttable entries
associate a textual value to an index number such that
the element with that index number is represented by a
symbolic name.
maxNumberOf PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The maximum number of elements that the array can
Elements contain.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.8: ApplicationArrayElement

Class ApplicationCompositeDataType (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note Abstract base class for all application data types composed of other data types.
Base ARElement, ARObject, ApplicationDataType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType,
AutosarDataType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement,
Subclasses ApplicationArrayDataType, ApplicationRecordDataType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.9: ApplicationCompositeDataType

1105 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note This class represents a data prototype which is aggregated within a composite application data type
(record or array). It is introduced to provide a better distinction between target and context in instance
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, DataPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses ApplicationArrayElement, ApplicationRecordElement
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
type ApplicationDataType 0..1 tref This represents the corresponding data type.
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table D.10: ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype

Class ApplicationDataType (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note ApplicationDataType defines a data type from the application point of view. Especially it should be used
whenever something "physical" is at stake.
An ApplicationDataType represents a set of values as seen in the application model, such as
measurement units. It does not consider implementation details such as bit-size, endianess, etc.
It should be possible to model the application level aspects of a VFB system by using ApplicationData
Types only.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, AutosarDataType,
CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Subclasses ApplicationCompositeDataType, ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.11: ApplicationDataType

Class ApplicationError
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This is a user-defined error that is associated with an element of an AUTOSAR interface. It is specific for
the particular functionality or service provided by the AUTOSAR software component.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
errorCode Integer 0..1 attr The RTE generator is forced to assign this value to the
corresponding error symbol. Note that for error codes
certain ranges are predefined (see RTE specification).

Table D.12: ApplicationError

Class ApplicationPrimitiveDataType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note A primitive data type defines a set of allowed values.
Base ARElement, ARObject, ApplicationDataType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType,
AutosarDataType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.13: ApplicationPrimitiveDataType

1106 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ApplicationRecordDataType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note An application data type which can be decomposed into prototypes of other application data types.
Base ARElement, ARObject, ApplicationCompositeDataType, ApplicationDataType, AtpBlueprint, Atp
Blueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, AutosarDataType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
element ApplicationRecord * aggr Specifies an element of a record.
(ordered) Element
The aggregation of ApplicationRecordElement is subject
to variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of elements inside a ApplicationrecordData
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.14: ApplicationRecordDataType

Class ApplicationRecordElement
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note Describes the properties of one particular element of an application record data type.
Base ARObject, ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, DataPrototype,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
isOptional Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute represents the ability to declare the
enclosing ApplicationRecordElement as optional. This
means the that, at runtime, the ApplicationRecord
Element may or may not have a valid value and shall
therefore be ignored.
The underlying runtime software provides means to set
the ApplicationRecordElement as not valid at the sending
end of a communication and determine its validity at the
receiving end.

Table D.15: ApplicationRecordElement

Class ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class represents rule based values for DataPrototypes typed by ApplicationDataTypes
(ApplicationArrayDataType or a compound ApplicationPrimitiveDataType which also boils down to an
Base ARObject, AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
category Identifier 0..1 attr This represents the category of the RuleBasedValue
swAxisCont RuleBasedAxisCont * aggr This represents the axis values of a Compound Primitive
(ordered) Data Type (curve or map).
The first swAxisCont describes the x-axis, the second sw
AxisCont describes the y-axis, the third swAxisCont
describes the z-axis. In addition to this, the axis can be
denoted in swAxisIndex.

1107 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification
swValueCont RuleBasedValueCont 0..1 aggr This represents the values of an array or Compound
Primitive Data Type.

Table D.16: ApplicationRuleBasedValueSpecification

Class ApplicationSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note The ApplicationSwComponentType is used to represent the application software.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.17: ApplicationSwComponentType

Class ApplicationValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class represents values for DataPrototypes typed by ApplicationDataTypes (this includes in
particular compound primitives).
For further details refer to ASAM CDF 2.0. This meta-class corresponds to some extent with
Base ARObject, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
category Identifier 0..1 attr Specifies to which category of ApplicationDataType this
ApplicationValueSpecification can be applied (e.g. as an
initial value), thus imposing constraints on the structure
and semantics of the contained values, see [constr_1006]
and [constr_2051].
swAxisCont SwAxisCont * aggr This represents the axis values of a Compound Primitive
(ordered) Data Type (curve or map).
The first swAxisCont describes the x-axis, the second sw
AxisCont describes the y-axis, the third swAxisCont
describes the z-axis. In addition to this, the axis can be
denoted in swAxisIndex.
swValueCont SwValueCont 0..1 aggr This represents the values of a Compound Primitive Data

Table D.18: ApplicationValueSpecification

Class ArgumentDataPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note An argument of an operation, much like a data element, but also carries direction information and is
owned by a particular ClientServerOperation.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, AutosarDataPrototype, DataPrototype, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
direction ArgumentDirection 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the direction of the argument
Enum prototype.

1108 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ArgumentDataPrototype
serverArgument ServerArgumentImpl 0..1 attr This defines how the argument type of the servers
ImplPolicy PolicyEnum RunnableEntity is implemented.
If the attribute is not defined this has the same semantics
as if the attribute is set to the value useArgumentType for
primitive arguments and structures.

Table D.19: ArgumentDataPrototype

Enumeration ArgumentDirectionEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes
Note Use cases:
• Arguments in ClientServerOperation can have different directions that need to be formally
indicated because they have an impact on how the function signature looks like eventually.
• Arguments in BswModuleEntry already determine a function signature, but the direction is
used to specify the semantics, especially of pointer arguments.
Literal Description
in The argument value is passed to the callee.
inout The argument value is passed to the callee but also passed back from the callee to the caller.
out The argument value is passed from the callee to the caller.

Table D.20: ArgumentDirectionEnum

Enumeration ArrayImplPolicyEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ImplementationDataTypes
Note This meta-class provides values to configure the implementation of the payload part of an array.
Literal Description
payloadAsArray This configuration demands the implementation of the payload as an array.
payloadAsPointerTo This configuration demands the implementation of the payload as a pointer to an array.

Table D.21: ArrayImplPolicyEnum

Enumeration ArraySizeSemanticsEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ImplementationDataTypes
Note This type controls how the information about the number of elements in an ApplicationArrayDataType
is to be interpreted.
Literal Description
fixedSize This means that the ApplicationArrayDataType will always have a fixed number of elements.
variableSize This implies that the actual number of elements in the ApplicationArrayDataType might vary at
run-time. The value of arraySize represents the maximum number of elements in the array.

Table D.22: ArraySizeSemanticsEnum

1109 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ArrayValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note Specifies the values for an array.
Base ARObject, CompositeValueSpecification, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
element ValueSpecification * aggr The value for a single array element. All Value
(ordered) Specifications aggregated by ArrayValueSpecification
shall have the same structure.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
intendedPartial PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute shall only have a meaning for dynamic
Initialization arrays and shall be taken as a sanity check: the number
Count filled in the attribute shall be identical to the number of
If the attribute does not exist it means that no partial
initialization is intended.
Table D.23: ArrayValueSpecification

Class AssemblySwConnector
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition
Note AssemblySwConnectors are exclusively used to connect SwComponentPrototypes in the context of a
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Referrable, SwConnector
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
provider AbstractProvidedPort 0..1 iref Instance of providing port.
InstanceRef implemented by:PPortInComposition
requester AbstractRequiredPort 0..1 iref Instance of requiring port.
InstanceRef implemented by:RPortInComposition
Table D.24: AssemblySwConnector

Class AsynchronousServerCallPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ServerCall
Note An AsynchronousServerCallPoint is used for asynchronous invocation of a ClientServerOperation.
IMPORTANT: a ServerCallPoint cannot be used concurrently. Once the client RunnableEntity has made
the invocation, the ServerCallPoint cannot be used until the call returns (or an error occurs!) at which
point the ServerCallPoint becomes available again.
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServerCallPoint
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.25: AsynchronousServerCallPoint

1110 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ServerCall
Note If a RunnableEntity owns a AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint it is entitled to get the result of the
referenced AsynchronousServerCallPoint. If it is associated with AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent,
this RTEEvent notifies the completion of the required ClientServerOperation or a timeout. The
occurrence of this event can either unblock a WaitPoint or can lead to the invocation of a RunnableEntity.
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
asynchronous AsynchronousServer 0..1 ref The referenced Asynchronous Server Call Point defines
ServerCallPoint CallPoint the asynchronous server call from which the results are
Table D.26: AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint

Class AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised when an asynchronous server call is finished.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
eventSource AsynchronousServer 0..1 ref The referenced AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint
CallResultPoint which is raises the RTEEvent in case of returning
asynchronous server call.

Table D.27: AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent

Class AtomicSwComponentType (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note An atomic software component is atomic in the sense that it cannot be further decomposed and
distributed across multiple ECUs.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, SwComponentType
Subclasses ApplicationSwComponentType, ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType, EcuAbstractionSwComponent
Type, NvBlockSwComponentType, SensorActuatorSwComponentType, ServiceProxySwComponent
Type, ServiceSwComponentType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
internalBehavior SwcInternalBehavior 0..1 aggr The SwcInternalBehaviors owned by an AtomicSw
ComponentType can be located in a different physical file.
Therefore the aggregation is <<atpSplitable>>.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=internalBehavior.shortName, internal
symbolProps SymbolProps 0..1 aggr This represents the SymbolProps for the AtomicSw
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

Table D.28: AtomicSwComponentType

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Specification of RTE Software

Class <<atpMixedString>> AttributeValueVariationPoint (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling::AttributeValueVariationPoints
Note This class represents the ability to derive the value of the Attribute from a system constant (by Sw
SystemconstDependentFormula). It also provides a bindingTime.
Base ARObject, FormulaExpression, SwSystemconstDependentFormula
Subclasses AbstractEnumerationValueVariationPoint, AbstractNumericalVariationPoint, BooleanValueVariationPoint,
FloatValueVariationPoint, IntegerValueVariationPoint, PositiveIntegerValueVariationPoint, TimeValue
ValueVariationPoint, UnlimitedIntegerValueVariationPoint
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bindingTime BindingTimeEnum 0..1 attr This is the binding time in which the attribute value needs
to be bound.
If this attribute is missing, the attribute is not a variation
point. In particular this means that It needs to be a single
value according to the type specified in the pure model. It
is an error if it is still a formula.
blueprintValue String 0..1 attr This represents a description that documents how the
value shall be defined when deriving objects from the
sd String 0..1 attr This special data is provided to allow synchronization of
Attribute value variation points with variant management
systems. The usage is subject of agreement between the
involved parties.
shortLabel PrimitiveIdentifier 0..1 attr This allows to identify the variation point. It is also
intended to allow RTE support for CompileTime Variation

Table D.29: AttributeValueVariationPoint

Class AutosarDataPrototype (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note Base class for prototypical roles of an AutosarDataType.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, DataPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses ArgumentDataPrototype, ParameterDataPrototype, VariableDataPrototype
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
type AutosarDataType 0..1 tref This represents the corresponding data type.
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table D.30: AutosarDataPrototype

Class AutosarDataType (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note Abstract base class for user defined AUTOSAR data types for software.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Subclasses AbstractImplementationDataType, ApplicationDataType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Specification of RTE Software

Class AutosarDataType (abstract)
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr The properties of this AutosarDataType.

Table D.31: AutosarDataType

Class BackgroundEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is used to trigger RunnableEntities that are supposed to be executed in the background.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.32: BackgroundEvent

Class BaseType (abstract)

Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::BaseTypes
Note This abstract meta-class represents the ability to specify a platform dependant base type.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Subclasses SwBaseType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
baseType BaseTypeDefinition 1 aggr This is the actual definition of the base type.

Table D.33: BaseType

Class BaseTypeDirectDefinition
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::BaseTypes
Note This BaseType is defined directly (as opposite to a derived BaseType)
Base ARObject, BaseTypeDefinition
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
baseType BaseTypeEncoding 0..1 attr This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is
Encoding String encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
baseTypeSize PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Describes the length of the data type specified in the
container in bits.
byteOrder ByteOrderEnum 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the byte order of the base type.

1113 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class BaseTypeDirectDefinition
memAlignment PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute describes the alignment of the memory
object in bits. E.g. "8" specifies, that the object in
question is aligned to a byte while "32" specifies that it is
aligned four byte. If the value is set to "0" the meaning
shall be interpreted as "unspecified".
native NativeDeclarationString 0..1 attr This attribute describes the declaration of such a base
Declaration type in the native programming language, primarily in the
Programming language C. This can then be used by a
code generator to include the necessary declarations into
a header file. For example
BaseType with shortName: "MyUnsignedInt" native
Declaration: "unsigned short"
Results in
typedef unsigned short MyUnsignedInt;
If the attribute is not defined the referring Implementation
DataTypes will not be generated as a typedef by RTE.
If a nativeDeclaration type is given it shall fulfill the
characteristic given by basetypeEncoding and baseType
This is required to ensure the consistent handling and
interpretation by software components, RTE, COM and
MCM systems.

Table D.34: BaseTypeDirectDefinition

Enumeration BindingTimeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This enumerator specifies the applicable binding times for the pre build variation points.
Literal Description
codeGeneration • Coding by hand, based on requirements document.
• Tool based code generation, e.g. from a model.
• The model may contain variants.
• Only code for the selected variant(s) is actually generated.
linkTime Configure what is included in object code, and what is omitted Based on which variant(s) are selected
E.g. for modules that are delivered as object code (as opposed to those that are delivered as source
preCompileTime This is typically the C-Preprocessor. Exclude parts of the code from the compilation process, e.g.,
because they are not required for the selected variant, because they are incompatible with the
selected variant, because they require resources that are not present in the selected variant. Object
code is only generated for the selected variant(s). The code that is excluded at this stage code will
not be available at later stages.

1114 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Enumeration BindingTimeEnum
systemDesignTime • Designing the VFB.
• Software Component types (PortInterfaces).
• SWC Prototypes and the Connections between SWCprototypes.
• Designing the Topology
• ECUs and interconnecting Networks
• Designing the Communication Matrix and Data Mapping

Table D.35: BindingTimeEnum

Class <<atpMixedString>> BooleanValueVariationPoint

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling::AttributeValueVariationPoints
Note This class represents an attribute value variation point for Boolean attributes.
Note that this class might be used in the extended meta-model on
Base ARObject, AttributeValueVariationPoint, FormulaExpression, SwSystemconstDependentFormula
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.36: BooleanValueVariationPoint

Class BswApiOptions (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define options for the definition of the signature of function
Base ARObject
Subclasses BswClientPolicy, BswDataReceptionPolicy , BswDataSendPolicy, BswExclusiveAreaPolicy, BswInternal
TriggeringPointPolicy, BswParameterPolicy, BswPerInstanceMemoryPolicy, BswReleasedTriggerPolicy
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
enableTake Boolean 0..1 attr If set to true, the BSW Module is able to use the API
Address reference for deriving a pointer to an object

Table D.37: BswApiOptions

Class BswAsynchronousServerCallPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Represents an asynchronous procedure call point via the BSW Scheduler.
Base ARObject, BswModuleCallPoint, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
calledEntry BswModuleClientServer 1 ref The entry to be called.

Table D.38: BswAsynchronousServerCallPoint

Class BswAsynchronousServerCallResultPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note The callback point for an BswAsynchronousServerCallPoint i.e. the point at which the result can be
retrieved from the BSW Scheduler.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class BswAsynchronousServerCallResultPoint
Base ARObject, BswModuleCallPoint, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
asynchronous BswAsynchronous 1 ref The call point invoking the call to which the result belongs.
ServerCallPoint ServerCallPoint

Table D.39: BswAsynchronousServerCallResultPoint

Class BswBackgroundEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note A recurring BswEvent which is used to perform background activities. It is similar to a BswTimingEvent
but has no fixed time period and is activated only with low priority.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, BswEvent, BswScheduleEvent, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.40: BswBackgroundEvent

Class BswCalledEntity
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note BSW module entity which is designed to be called from another BSW module or cluster.
Base ARObject, BswModuleEntity , ExecutableEntity , Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.41: BswCalledEntity

Class BswDataReceivedEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note This event is thrown on reception of the referenced data via Sender-Receiver-Communication over the
BSW Scheduler.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, BswEvent, BswScheduleEvent, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
data VariableDataPrototype 1 ref The received data.

Table D.42: BswDataReceivedEvent

Class BswDataReceptionPolicy (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Specifies the reception policy for the referred data in sender-receiver communication over the BSW
Scheduler. To be used for inter-partition and/or inter-core communication.
Base ARObject, BswApiOptions
Subclasses BswQueuedDataReceptionPolicy
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
receivedData VariableDataPrototype 1 ref The data received over the BSW Scheduler using this

Table D.43: BswDataReceptionPolicy

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Specification of RTE Software

Class BswEvent (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Base class of various kinds of events which are used to trigger a BswModuleEntity of this BSW module or
cluster. The event is local to the BSW module or cluster. The short name of the meta-class instance is
intended as an input to configure the required API of the BSW Scheduler.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses BswOperationInvokedEvent, BswScheduleEvent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
context BswDistinguished * ref The existence of this reference indicates that the usage of
Limitation Partition the event is limited to the context of the referred Bsw
disabledInMode ModeDeclaration * iref The modes, in which this event is disabled.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
DeclarationGroup, disabledInMode.targetMode
InstanceRef implemented by:ModeInBswModule
startsOnEvent BswModuleEntity 1 ref The entity which is started by the event.

Table D.44: BswEvent

Class BswExclusiveAreaPolicy
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note The ExclusiveArea for which the BSW Scheduler using this policy.
Base ARObject, BswApiOptions
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
apiPrinciple ApiPrincipleEnum 0..1 attr Specifies for this ExclusiveArea if either one common set
of Enter and Exit APIs for the whole BSW module is
requested from the SchM or if the set of Enter and Exit
APIs is expected per BswModuleEntity. The default value
is "common".
exclusiveArea ExclusiveArea 1 ref The ExclusiveArea for which the BSW Scheduler using
this policy.

Table D.45: BswExclusiveAreaPolicy

Enumeration BswExecutionContext
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswInterfaces
Note Specifies the execution context required or guaranteed for the call associated with this service.
Literal Description
hook Context of an OS "hook" routine always
interruptCat1 CAT1 interrupt context always
interruptCat2 CAT2 interrupt context always
task Task context always
unspecified The execution context is not specified by the API

Table D.46: BswExecutionContext

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Specification of RTE Software

Class BswExternalTriggerOccurredEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note A BswEvent resulting from a trigger released by another module or cluster.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, BswEvent, BswScheduleEvent, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
trigger Trigger 1 ref The trigger associated with this event. The trigger is
external to this module.
Table D.47: BswExternalTriggerOccurredEvent

Class BswImplementation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswImplementation
Note Contains the implementation specific information in addition to the generic specification (BswModule
Description and BswBehavior). It is possible to have several different BswImplementations referring to
the same BswBehavior.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Implementation, MultilanguageReferrable,
PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arRelease RevisionLabelString 1 attr Version of the AUTOSAR Release on which this
Version implementation is based. The numbering contains three
levels (major, minor, revision) which are defined by
behavior BswInternalBehavior 1 ref The behavior of this implementation.
This relation is made as an association because
• it follows the pattern of the SWCT
• since ARElement cannot be splitted, but we want
supply the implementation later, the Bsw
Implementation is not aggregated in BswBehavior
preconfigured EcucModule * ref Reference to the set of preconfigured (i.e. fixed)
Configuration ConfigurationValues configuration values for this BswImplementation.
If the BswImplementation represents a cluster of several
modules, more than one EcucModuleConfigurationValues
element can be referred (at most one per module),
otherwise at most one such element can be referred.
recommended EcucModule * ref Reference to one or more sets of recommended
Configuration ConfigurationValues configuration values for this module or module cluster.
vendorApiInfix Identifier 0..1 attr In driver modules which can be instantiated several times
on a single ECU, SRS_BSW_00347 requires that the
names of files, APIs, published parameters and memory
allocation keywords are extended by the vendorId and a
vendor specific name. This parameter is used to specify
the vendor specific name. In total, the implementation
specific API name is generated as follows: <Module
Name>_<vendorId>_ <vendorApiInfix>_<API name from
E.g. assuming that the vendorId of the implementer is
123 and the implementer chose a vendorApiInfix of
"v11r456" an API name Can_Write defined in the SWS
will translate to Can_123_v11r456_Write.

1118 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class BswImplementation
This attribute is mandatory for all modules with upper
multiplicity > 1. It shall not be used for modules with
upper multiplicity =1.
See also SWS_BSW_00102.
vendorSpecific EcucModuleDef * ref Reference to
• the vendor specific EcucModuleDef used in this
BswImplementation if it represents a single
• several EcucModuleDefs used in this Bsw
Implementation if it represents a cluster of
• one or no EcucModuleDefs used in this Bsw
Implementation if it represents a library

Table D.48: BswImplementation

Class BswInternalBehavior
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Specifies the behavior of a BSW module or a BSW cluster w.r.t. the code entities visible by the BSW
Scheduler. It is possible to have several different BswInternalBehaviors referring to the same BswModule
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, InternalBehavior , Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arTypedPer VariableDataPrototype * aggr Defines an AUTOSAR typed memory-block that needs to
Instance be available for each instance of the Basic Software
Memory Module. The aggregation of arTypedPerInstanceMemory
is subject to variability with the purpose to support
variability in the Basic Software Module’s
implementations. Typically different algorithms in the
implementation are requiring different number of memory
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=arTypedPerInstanceMemory.shortName, ar
bswPerInstance BswPerInstance * aggr Policy for a arTypedPerInstanceMemory The policy
MemoryPolicy MemoryPolicy selects the options of the Schedule Manager API
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=bswPerInstanceMemoryPolicy, bswPer
clientPolicy BswClientPolicy * aggr Policy for a requiredClientServerEntry. The policy selects
the options of the Schedule Manager API generation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=clientPolicy, clientPolicy.variationPoint.short

1119 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class BswInternalBehavior
distinguished BswDistinguished * aggr Indicates an abstract partition context in which the
Partition Partition enclosing BswModuleEntity can be executed.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
entity BswModuleEntity * aggr A code entity for which the behavior is described
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=entity.shortName, entity.variationPoint.short
event BswEvent * aggr An event required by this module behavior.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=event.shortName, event.variationPoint.short
exclusiveArea BswExclusiveArea * aggr Policy for an ExclusiveArea in this BswInternalBehavior.
Policy Policy The policy selects the options of the Schedule Manager
API generation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=exclusiveAreaPolicy, exclusiveArea
includedData IncludedDataTypeSet * aggr The includedDataTypeSet is used by a basic software
TypeSet module for its implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
internal BswInternalTriggering * aggr An internal triggering point.
TriggeringPoint Point
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=internalTriggeringPoint.shortName, internal
internal BswInternalTriggering * aggr Policy for an internalTriggeringPoint in this BswInternal
TriggeringPoint PointPolicy Behavior.. The policy selects the options of the Schedule
Policy Manager API generation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=internalTriggeringPointPolicy, internal

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Specification of RTE Software

Class BswInternalBehavior
modeReceiver BswModeReceiver * aggr Implementation policy for the reception of mode switches.
Policy Policy
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=modeReceiverPolicy, modeReceiver
modeSender BswModeSenderPolicy * aggr Implementation policy for providing a mode group.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=modeSenderPolicy, modeSender
parameterPolicy BswParameterPolicy * aggr Policy for a perInstanceParameter in this BswInternal
Behavior. The policy selects the options of the Schedule
Manager API generation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=parameterPolicy, parameterPolicy.variation
perInstance ParameterData * aggr Describes a read only memory object containing
Parameter Prototype characteristic value(s) needed by this BswInternal
Behavior. The role name perInstanceParameter is chosen
in analogy to the similar role in the context of SwcInternal
In contrast to constantMemory, this object is not allocated
locally by the module’s code, but by the BSW Scheduler
and it is accessed from the BSW module via the BSW
Scheduler API. The main use case is the support of
software emulation of calibration data.
The aggregation is subject to variability with the purpose
to support implementation variants.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=perInstanceParameter.shortName, per
receptionPolicy BswDataReception * aggr Data reception policy for inter-partition and/or inter-core
Policy communication.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=receptionPolicy, receptionPolicy.variation
releasedTrigger BswReleasedTrigger * aggr Policy for a releasedTrigger. The policy selects the
Policy Policy options of the Schedule Manager API generation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=releasedTriggerPolicy, releasedTrigger

1121 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class BswInternalBehavior
schedulerName BswSchedulerName * aggr Optional definition of one or more prefixes to be used for
Prefix Prefix the BswScheduler.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=schedulerNamePrefix.shortName, scheduler
sendPolicy BswDataSendPolicy * aggr Policy for a providedData. The policy selects the options
of the Schedule Manager API generation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=sendPolicy, sendPolicy.variationPoint.short
service BswService * aggr Defines the requirements on AUTOSAR Services for a
Dependency Dependency particular item.
The aggregation is subject to variability with the purpose
to support the conditional existence of ServiceNeeds.
The aggregation is splitable in order to support that
ServiceNeeds might be provided in later development
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
triggerDirect BswTriggerDirect * aggr Specifies a trigger to be directly implemented via OS
Implementation Implementation calls.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=triggerDirectImplementation, triggerDirect
variationPoint VariationPointProxy * aggr Proxy of a variation points in the C/C++ implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

Table D.49: BswInternalBehavior

Class BswInternalTriggerOccurredEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note A BswEvent, which can happen sporadically. The event is activated by explicit calls from the module to
the BSW Scheduler. The main purpose for such an event is to cause a context switch, e.g. from an ISR
context into a task context. Activation and switching are handled within the same module or cluster only.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, BswEvent, BswScheduleEvent, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
eventSource BswInternalTriggering 1 ref The activation point is the source of this event.
Table D.50: BswInternalTriggerOccurredEvent

1122 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class BswInternalTriggeringPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Represents the activation point for one or more BswInternalTriggerOccurredEvents.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swImplPolicy SwImplPolicyEnum 0..1 attr This attribute, when set to value queued, specifies a
queued processing of the internal trigger event.

Table D.51: BswInternalTriggeringPoint

Class BswInterruptEntity
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note BSW module entity, which is designed to be triggered by an interrupt.
Base ARObject, BswModuleEntity , ExecutableEntity , Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
interrupt BswInterruptCategory 1 attr Category of the interrupt
interruptSource String 1 attr Allows a textual documentation of the intended interrupt
Table D.52: BswInterruptEntity

Class BswModeReceiverPolicy
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Specifies the details for the reception of a mode switch for the referred mode group.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
enhancedMode Boolean 0..1 attr This controls the creation of the enhanced mode API that
Api returns information about the previous mode and the next
mode. If set to TRUE the enhanced mode API is
supposed to be generated. For more details please refer
to the SWS_RTE.
requiredMode ModeDeclarationGroup 1 ref The required mode group for which the policy is specified.
Group Prototype
supports Boolean 1 attr Specifies whether the module can handle the reception of
Asynchronous an asynchronous mode switch (true) or not (false).

Table D.53: BswModeReceiverPolicy

Class BswModeSenderPolicy
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Specifies the details for the sending of a mode switch for the referred mode group.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
ackRequest BswModeSwitchAck 0..1 aggr Request for acknowledgement
enhancedMode Boolean 0..1 attr This controls the creation of the enhanced mode API that
Api returns information about the previous mode and the next
mode. If set to TRUE the enhanced mode API is
supposed to be generated. For more details please refer
to the SWS_RTE.

1123 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class BswModeSenderPolicy
providedMode ModeDeclarationGroup 1 ref The provided mode group for which the policy is specified.
Group Prototype
queueLength PositiveInteger 1 attr Length of call queue on the sender side. The queue is
implemented by the RTE resp.BswScheduler. The value
shall be greater or equal to 0. Setting the value of queue
Length to 0 implies non-queued communication.

Table D.54: BswModeSenderPolicy

Class BswModeSwitchAckRequest
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Requests acknowledgements that a mode switch has been processed successfully
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
timeout TimeValue 1 attr Number of seconds before an error is reported.

Table D.55: BswModeSwitchAckRequest

Class BswModeSwitchEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note A BswEvent resulting from a mode switch.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, BswEvent, BswScheduleEvent, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
activation ModeActivationKind 1 attr Kind of activation w.r.t. to the referred mode.
mode (ordered) ModeDeclaration 0..2 iref Reference to one or two Modes that initiate the Mode
Switch Event.
InstanceRef implemented by:ModeInBswModule

Table D.56: BswModeSwitchEvent

Class BswModeSwitchedAckEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note The event is raised after a switch of the referenced mode group has been acknowledged or an error
occurs. The referenced mode group shall be provided by this module.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, BswEvent, BswScheduleEvent, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 1 ref A mode group provided by this module. The
Prototype acknowledgement of a switch of this group raises this
Table D.57: BswModeSwitchedAckEvent

Class BswModuleCallPoint (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Represents a point at which a BswModuleEntity handles a procedure call into a BswModuleEntry, either
directly or via the BSW Scheduler.
Base ARObject, Referrable

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Specification of RTE Software

Class BswModuleCallPoint (abstract)
Subclasses BswAsynchronousServerCallPoint, BswAsynchronousServerCallResultPoint, BswDirectCallPoint, Bsw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
context BswDistinguished * ref The existence of this reference indicates that the call
Limitation Partition point is used only in the context of the referred Bsw

Table D.58: BswModuleCallPoint

Class BswModuleClientServerEntry
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswInterfaces
Note This meta-class represents a single API entry into the BSW module or cluster that has the ability to be
called in client-server fashion via the BSW Scheduler.
In this regard it is more special than BswModuleEntry and can be seen as a wrapper around the Bsw
ModuleEntry to which it refers (property encapsulatedEntry).
Base ARObject, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
encapsulated BswModuleEntry 1 ref The underlying BswModuleEntry.
isReentrant Boolean 0..1 attr Reentrancy from the viewpoint of clients invoking the
service via the BSW Scheduler:
• True: Enables the service to be invoked again,
before the service has finished.
• False: It is prohibited to invoke the service again
before is has finished.
isSynchronous Boolean 0..1 attr Synchronicity from the viewpoint of clients invoking the
service via the BSW Scheduler:
• True: This calls a synchronous service, i.e. the
service is completed when the call returns.
• False: The service (on semantical level) may not
be complete when the call returns.

Table D.59: BswModuleClientServerEntry

Class BswModuleDependency
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswInterfaces
Note This class collects the dependencies of a BSW module or cluster on a certain other BSW module.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
targetModuleId PositiveInteger 0..1 attr AUTOSAR identifier of the target module of which the
dependencies are defined.
This information is optional, because the target module
may also be identified by targetModuleRef.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class BswModuleDependency
targetModule BswModuleDescription 0..1 ref Reference to the target module. It is an <<atpUriDef>>
Ref because the reference shall be used to identify the target
module without actually needing the description of that
target module.
Stereotypes: atpUriDef; atpVariation

Table D.60: BswModuleDependency

Class BswModuleDescription
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswOverview
Note Root element for the description of a single BSW module or BSW cluster. In case it describes a BSW
module, the short name of this element equals the name of the BSW module.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement,
CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bswModule BswModuleDependency * aggr Describes the dependency to another BSW module.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=bswModuleDependency.shortName, bsw
bswModule SwComponent 0..1 aggr This adds a documentation to the BSW module.
Documentation Documentation
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=bswModuleDocumentation, bswModule
expectedEntry BswModuleEntry * ref Indicates an entry which is required by this module.
Replacement of outgoingCallback / requiredEntry.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=expectedEntry.bswModuleEntry, expected
implemented BswModuleEntry * ref Specifies an entry provided by this module which can be
Entry called by other modules. This includes "main" functions,
interrupt routines, and callbacks. Replacement of
providedEntry / expectedCallback.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation

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Specification of RTE Software

Class BswModuleDescription
internalBehavior BswInternalBehavior * aggr The various BswInternalBehaviors associated with a Bsw
ModuleDescription can be distributed over several
physical files. Therefore the aggregation is <<atp
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
moduleId PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Refers to the BSW Module Identifier defined by the
AUTOSAR standard. For non-standardized modules, a
proprietary identifier can be optionally chosen.
providedClient BswModuleClientServer * aggr Specifies that this module provides a client server entry
ServerEntry Entry which can be called from another parition or core.This
entry is declared locally to this context and will be
connected to the requiredClientServerEntry of another or
the same module via the configuration of the BSW
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
providedData VariableDataPrototype * aggr Specifies a data prototype provided by this module in
order to be read from another partition or core.The
providedData is declared locally to this context and will be
connected to the requiredData of another or the same
module via the configuration of the BSW Scheduler.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=providedData.shortName, provided
providedMode ModeDeclarationGroup * aggr A set of modes which is owned and provided by this
Group Prototype module or cluster. It can be connected to the required
ModeGroups of other modules or clusters via the
configuration of the BswScheduler. It can also be
synchronized with modes provided via ports by an
associated ServiceSwComponentType, EcuAbstraction
SwComponentType or ComplexDeviceDriverSw
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=providedModeGroup.shortName, provided
releasedTrigger Trigger * aggr A Trigger released by this module or cluster. It can be
connected to the requiredTriggers of other modules or
clusters via the configuration of the BswScheduler. It can
also be synchronized with Triggers provided via ports by
an associated ServiceSwComponentType, Ecu
AbstractionSwComponentType or ComplexDeviceDriver

1127 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class BswModuleDescription
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=releasedTrigger.shortName, released
requiredClient BswModuleClientServer * aggr Specifies that this module requires a client server entry
ServerEntry Entry which can be implemented on another parition or
core.This entry is declared locally to this context and will
be connected to the providedClientServerEntry of another
or the same module via the configuration of the BSW
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
requiredData VariableDataPrototype * aggr Specifies a data prototype required by this module in oder
to be provided from another partition or core.The required
Data is declared locally to this context and will be
connected to the providedData of another or the same
module via the configuration of the BswScheduler.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=requiredData.shortName, required
requiredMode ModeDeclarationGroup * aggr Specifies that this module or cluster depends on a certain
Group Prototype mode group. The requiredModeGroup is local to this
context and will be connected to the providedModeGroup
of another module or cluster via the configuration of the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=requiredModeGroup.shortName, required
requiredTrigger Trigger * aggr Specifies that this module or cluster reacts upon an
external trigger.This requiredTrigger is declared locally to
this context and will be connected to the providedTrigger
of another module or cluster via the configuration of the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=requiredTrigger.shortName, required

Table D.61: BswModuleDescription

1128 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class BswModuleEntity (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Specifies the smallest code fragment which can be described for a BSW module or cluster within
Base ARObject, ExecutableEntity , Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses BswCalledEntity, BswInterruptEntity, BswSchedulableEntity
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
accessedMode ModeDeclarationGroup * ref A mode group which is accessed via API call by this
Group Prototype entity. It shall be a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
required by this module or cluster.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
activationPoint BswInternalTriggering * ref Activation point used by the module entity to activate one
Point or more internal triggers.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
callPoint BswModuleCallPoint * aggr A call point used in the code of this entitiy.
The variablity of this association is especially targeted at
debug scenarios: It is possible to have one variant calling
into the AUTOSAR debug module and another one which
Stereotypes: atpVariation
dataReceive BswVariableAccess * aggr The data is received via the BSW Scheduler.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
dataSendPoint BswVariableAccess * aggr The data is sent via the BSW Scheduler.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
implemented BswModuleEntry 1 ref The entry which is implemented by this module entity.
issuedTrigger Trigger * ref A trigger issued by this entity via BSW Scheduler API call.
It shall be a BswTrigger released (i.e. owned) by this
module or cluster.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
managedMode ModeDeclarationGroup * ref A mode group which is managed by this entity. It shall be
Group Prototype a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype provided by this
module or cluster.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
schedulerName BswSchedulerName 0..1 ref A prefix to be used in generated names for the Bsw
Prefix Prefix ModuleScheduler in the context of this BswModuleEntity,
for example entry point prototypes, macros for dealing
with exclusive areas, header file names.
Details are defined in the SWS RTE.
The prefix supersedes default rules for the prefix of those
Table D.62: BswModuleEntity

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Specification of RTE Software

Class BswModuleEntry
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswInterfaces
Note This class represents a single API entry (C-function prototype) into the BSW module or cluster.
The name of the C-function is equal to the short name of this element with one exception: In case of
multiple instances of a module on the same CPU, special rules for "infixes" apply, see description of class
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
argument SwServiceArg * aggr An argument belonging to this BswModuleEntry.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
bswEntryKind BswEntryKindEnum 0..1 attr This describes whether the entry is concrete or abstract.
If the attribute is missing the entry is considered as
callType BswCallType 1 attr The type of call associated with this service.
execution BswExecutionContext 1 attr Specifies the execution context which is required (in case
Context of entries into this module) or guaranteed (in case of
entries called from this module) for this service.
function NameToken 0..1 attr This attribute is used to control the generation of function
Prototype prototypes. If set to "RTE", the RTE generates the
Emitter function prototypes in the Module Interlink Header File.
isReentrant Boolean 1 attr Reentrancy from the viewpoint of function callers:
• True: Enables the service to be invoked again,
before the service has finished.
• False: It is prohibited to invoke the service again
before is has finished.
isSynchronous Boolean 1 attr Synchronicity from the viewpoint of function callers:
• True: This calls a synchronous service, i.e. the
service is completed when the call returns.
• False: The service (on semantical level) may not
be complete when the call returns.
returnType SwServiceArg 0..1 aggr The return type belonging to this bswModuleEntry.
role Identifier 0..1 attr Specifies the role of the entry in the given context. It shall
be equal to the standardized name of the service call,
especially in cases where no ServiceIdentifier is specified,
e.g. for callbacks. Note that the ShortName is not always
sufficient because it maybe vendor specific (e.g. for
callbacks which can have more than one instance).

1130 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class BswModuleEntry
serviceId PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Refers to the service identifier of the Standardized
Interfaces of AUTOSAR basic software. For
non-standardized interfaces, it can optionally be used for
proprietary identification.
swServiceImpl SwServiceImplPolicy 1 attr Denotes the implementation policy as a standard function
Policy Enum call, inline function or macro. This has to be specified on
interface level because it determines the signature of the

Table D.63: BswModuleEntry

Class BswOperationInvokedEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note This event is thrown on operation invocation in Client-Server-Communication via the BSW Scheduler. Its
"entry" reference provides the BswClientServerEntry that is called subsequently.
Note this event is not needed in case of direct function calls.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, BswEvent, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
entry BswModuleClientServer 1 ref The providedClientServerEntry invoked by this event.

Table D.64: BswOperationInvokedEvent

Class BswOsTaskExecutionEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note This BswEvent is supposed to execute BswSchedulableEntitys which have to react on the execution of
specific OsTasks. Therefore, this event is unconditionally raised whenever the OsTask on which it is
mapped is executed. The main use case for this event is scheduling of Runnables of Complex Drivers
which have to react on task executions.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, BswEvent, BswScheduleEvent, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.65: BswOsTaskExecutionEvent

Class BswQueuedDataReceptionPolicy
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Reception policy attributes specific for queued receiving.
Base ARObject, BswApiOptions, BswDataReceptionPolicy
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
queueLength PositiveInteger 1 attr Length of queue for received events.

Table D.66: BswQueuedDataReceptionPolicy

1131 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class BswSchedulableEntity
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note BSW module entity, which is designed for control by the BSW Scheduler. It may for example implement a
so-called "main" function.
Base ARObject, BswModuleEntity , ExecutableEntity , Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.67: BswSchedulableEntity

Class BswScheduleEvent (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note BswEvent that is able to start a BswSchedulabeEntity.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, BswEvent, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses BswAsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent, BswBackgroundEvent, BswDataReceivedEvent, Bsw
ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent, BswInternalTriggerOccurredEvent, BswModeManagerErrorEvent, Bsw
ModeSwitchEvent, BswModeSwitchedAckEvent, BswOsTaskExecutionEvent, BswTimingEvent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.68: BswScheduleEvent

Class BswSchedulerNamePrefix
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note A prefix to be used in names of generated code artifacts which make up the interface of a BSW module
to the BswScheduler.
Base ARObject, ImplementationProps, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.69: BswSchedulerNamePrefix

Class BswSynchronousServerCallPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Represents a synchronous procedure call point via the BSW Scheduler.
Base ARObject, BswModuleCallPoint, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
calledEntry BswModuleClientServer 1 ref The entry to be called.
calledFrom ExclusiveAreaNesting 0..1 ref This indicates that the call point is located at the deepest
WithinExclusive Order level inside one or more ExclusiveAreas that are nested
Area in the given order.

Table D.70: BswSynchronousServerCallPoint

Class BswTimingEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note A recurring BswEvent driven by a time period.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, BswEvent, BswScheduleEvent, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

1132 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class BswTimingEvent
period TimeValue 1 attr Requirement for the time period (in seconds) by which
this event is triggered.

Table D.71: BswTimingEvent

Class BswTriggerDirectImplementation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note Specifies a released trigger to be directly implemented via OS calls, for example in a Complex Driver
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
cat2Isr Identifier 0..1 attr The name of the OS category 2 ISR, which is controlled
by the referred trigger. This means, that the module
manages the category 2 ISR (e.g. according hardware
initialization and enabling of ISR). Instead of calling an
RTE / SchM API to raise the appropriate events in
components or modules receiving the trigger, this ISR
directly schedules the triggered ExecutableEntitys. The
ISR name is required by the integrator to map the Bsw
Events and RTEEvents to this ISR.
masteredTrigger Trigger 1 ref The trigger which is directly mastered by this module.
There may be several different BswTriggerDirect
Implementations mastering the same Trigger. This may
be required e.g. due to memory partitioning.
task Identifier 0..1 attr The name of the OS task, which is controlled by the
referred trigger. This means, that the module uses the
trigger condition to directly activate an OS task instead of
calling an API of the BswScheduler. The task name is
required by the RTE generator resp. BswScheduler to
raise the appropriate events in components or modules
receiving the trigger.

Table D.72: BswTriggerDirectImplementation

Class BswVariableAccess
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswBehavior
Note The presence of a BswVariableAccess implies that a BswModuleEntity needs access to a VariableData
Prototype via the BSW Scheduler.
The kind of access is specified by the role in which the class is used.
Base ARObject, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
accessed VariableDataPrototype 1 ref The data accessed via the BSW Scheduler.
context BswDistinguished * ref The existence of this reference indicates that the variable
Limitation Partition is recevied resp. sent only in the context of the referred

Table D.73: BswVariableAccess

1133 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class BufferProperties
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note Configuration of the buffer properties the transformer needs to work.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
buffer CompuScale 0..1 aggr If the transformer changes the size of the data, the
Computation CompuScale can be used to specify a rule to derive the
size of the output data based on the size of the input data.
headerLength Integer 1 attr Defines the length of the header (in bits) this transformer
will add in front of the data.
inPlace Boolean 1 attr If set, the transformer uses the input buffer as output
Table D.74: BufferProperties

Class BulkNvDataDescriptor
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::NvBlockComponent
Note This meta-class represents one bulk NV Data Block that is read-only for the application software. The
purpose of a bulk NV Data Block is to provide access to information uploaded to the vehicle at e.g. the
end of the production line.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bulkNvBlock VariableDataPrototype 0..1 aggr This aggregation represents the actual bulk NVBlock.
nvBlockData NvBlockDataMapping * aggr Defines the mapping between the VariableData
Mapping Prototypes in the NvBlockComponents ports and the
VariableDataPrototypes of the non-volatile memory.
The aggregation of NvBlockDataMapping is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of nv data ports.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.75: BulkNvDataDescriptor

Enumeration CSTransformerErrorReactionEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note Possible kinds of error reaction in case of a hard transformer error.
Literal Description
applicationOnly The application is responsible for any error reaction. No autonomous error reaction of RTE and
autonomous RTE and Transformer coordinate an autonomous error reaction on their own.

Table D.76: CSTransformerErrorReactionEnum

Class CalibrationParameterValue
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::MeasurementAndCalibration::CalibrationParameter

1134 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class CalibrationParameterValue
Note Specifies instance specific calibration parameter values used to initialize the memory objects
implementing calibration parameters in the generated RTE code.
RTE generator will use the implInitValue to override the initial values specified for the DataPrototypes of a
component type.
The applInitValue is used to exchange init values with the component vendor not publishing the
transformation algorithm between ApplicationDataTypes and ImplementationDataTypes or defining an
instance specific initialization of components which are only defined with ApplicationDataTypes.
Note: If both representations of init values are available these need to represent the same content.
Note further that in this case an explicit mapping of ValueSpecification is not implemented because
calibration parameters are delivered back after the calibration phase.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
applInitValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr This is the initial value specification structured according
to the ApplicationDataType
implInitValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr This is the initial value specification structured according
to the ImplementationDataType
initialized FlatInstanceDescriptor 0..1 ref This represents the parameter that is initialized by the
Parameter CalibrationParameterValue.

Table D.77: CalibrationParameterValue

Class ClientIdDefinition
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate
Note Several clients in one client-ECU can communicate via inter-ECU client-server communication with a
server on a different ECU, if a client identifier is used to distinguish the different clients. The Client
Identifier of the transaction handle that is used by the RTE can be defined by this element.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
clientId Numerical 1 attr The Client Identifier of the transaction handle used for an
inter-ECU client server communication is defined by this
attribute. If defined the RTE generator shall use this client
clientServer ClientServerOperation 1 iref Reference to the ClientServerOperation that is called by
Operation the client.
InstanceRef implemented by:OperationInSystem
Table D.78: ClientIdDefinition

Class ClientServerApplicationErrorMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This meta-class represents the ability to map ApplicationErrors onto each other.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
firstApplication ApplicationError 0..1 ref This represents the first ApplicationError in the context of
Error the ClientServerApplicationErrorMapping.
second ApplicationError 0..1 ref This represents the second ApplicationError in the
ApplicationError context of the ClientServerApplicationErrorMapping.

Table D.79: ClientServerApplicationErrorMapping

1135 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ClientServerInterface
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note A client/server interface declares a number of operations that can be invoked on a server by a client.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
operation ClientServerOperation * aggr ClientServerOperation(s) of this ClientServerInterface.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
possibleError ApplicationError * aggr Application errors that are defined as part of this interface.

Table D.80: ClientServerInterface

Class ClientServerInterfaceMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Defines the mapping of ClientServerOperations in context of two different ClientServerInterfaces.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PortInterfaceMapping,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
errorMapping ClientServerApplication * aggr Map two different ApplicationErrors defined in the context
ErrorMapping of two different ClientServerInterfaces.
operation ClientServerOperation * aggr Mapping of two ClientServerOperations in two different
Mapping Mapping ClientServerInterfaces

Table D.81: ClientServerInterfaceMapping

Class ClientServerOperation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note An operation declared within the scope of a client/server interface.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
argument ArgumentDataPrototype * aggr An argument of this ClientServerOperation
Stereotypes: atpVariation
diagArgIntegrity Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute shall only be used in the implementation of
diagnostic routines to support the case where input and
output arguments are allocated in a shared buffer and
might unintentionally overwrite input arguments by
tentative write operations to output arguments.
This situation can happen during sliced execution or while
output parameters are arrays (call by reference). The
value true means that the ClientServerOperation is aware
of the usage of a shared buffer and takes precautions to
avoid unintentional overwrite of input arguments.
If the attribute does not exist or is set to false the Client
ServerOperation does not have to consider the usage of a
shared buffer.
possibleError ApplicationError * ref Possible errors that may by raised by the referring

Table D.82: ClientServerOperation

1136 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ClientServerToSignalMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::DataMapping
Note This element maps the ClientServerOperation to call- and return-SystemSignals.
Base ARObject, DataMapping
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
callSignal SystemSignal 1 ref Reference to the callSignal to which the IN and INOUT
ArgumentDataPrototypes are mapped.
clientServer ClientServerOperation 1 iref Reference to a ClientServerOperation, which is mapped
Operation to a call SystemSignal and a return SystemSignal.
InstanceRef implemented by:OperationInSystem
returnSignal SystemSignal 0..1 ref Reference to the returnSignal to which the OUT and
INOUT ArgumentDataPrototypes are mapped.

Table D.83: ClientServerToSignalMapping

Class Code
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Implementation
Note A generic code descriptor. The type of the code (source or object) is defined via the category attribute of
the associated engineering object.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
artifact AutosarEngineering * aggr Refers to the artifact belonging to this code descriptor.
Descriptor Object
callbackHeader ServiceNeeds * ref The association callbackHeader describes in which
header files the function declarations of callback functions
are provided to a service module. With this information
the service module can include the appropriate header
files in its configuration files.

Table D.84: Code

Class ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note The ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType is a special AtomicSwComponentType that has direct
access to hardware on an ECU and which is therefore linked to a specific ECU or specific hardware. The
ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType introduces the possibility to link from the software
representation to its hardware description provided by the ECU Resource Template.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
hardware HwDescriptionEntity * ref Reference from the ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponent
Element Type to the description of the used HwElements.

Table D.85: ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType

1137 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class CompositeValueSpecification (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This abstract meta-class acts a base class for ValueSpecifications that have a composite form.
Base ARObject, ValueSpecification
Subclasses ArrayValueSpecification, RecordValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.86: CompositeValueSpecification

Class CompositionSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition
Note A CompositionSwComponentType aggregates SwComponentPrototypes (that in turn are typed by Sw
ComponentTypes) as well as SwConnectors for primarily connecting SwComponentPrototypes among
each others and towards the surface of the CompositionSwComponentType. By this means hierarchical
structures of software-components can be created.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, SwComponentType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
component SwComponent * aggr The instantiated components that are part of this
Prototype composition. The aggregation of SwComponentPrototype
is subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of a SwComponentPrototype.
Please be aware: if the conditional existence of Sw
ComponentPrototypes is resolved post-build the
deselected SwComponentPrototypes are still contained in
the ECUs build but the instances are inactive in in that
they are not scheduled by the RTE.
The aggregation is marked as atpSplitable in order to
allow the addition of service components to the ECU
extract during the ECU integration.
The use case for having 0 components owned by the
CompositionSwComponentType could be to deliver an
empty CompositionSwComponentType to e.g. a supplier
for filling the internal structure.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=component.shortName, component.variation
connector SwConnector * aggr SwConnectors have the principal ability to establish a
connection among PortPrototypes. They can have many
roles in the context of a CompositionSwComponentType.
Details are refined by subclasses.
The aggregation of SwConnectors is subject to variability
with the purpose to support variant data flow.
The aggregation is marked as atpSplitable in order to
allow the extension of the ECU extract with AssemblySw
Connectors between ApplicationSwComponentTypes and
ServiceSwComponentTypes during the ECU integration.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class CompositionSwComponentType
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=connector.shortName, connector.variation
constantValue ConstantSpecification * ref Reference to the ConstantSpecificationMapping to be
Mapping MappingSet applied for initValues of PPortComSpecs and RPortCom
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
dataType DataTypeMappingSet * ref Reference to the DataTypeMapping to be applied for the
Mapping used ApplicationDataTypes in PortInterfaces.
Background: when developing subsystems it may happen
that ApplicationDataTypes are used on the surface of
CompositionSwComponentTypes. In this case it would be
reasonable to be able to also provide the intended
mapping to the ImplementationDataTypes. However, this
mapping shall be informal and not technically binding for
the implementors mainly because the RTE generator is
not concerned about the CompositionSwComponent
Rationale: if the mapping of ApplicationDataTypes on the
delegated and inner PortPrototype matches then the
mapping to ImplementationDataTypes is not impacting
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
instantiation InstantiationRTEEvent * aggr This allows to define instantiation specific properties for
RTEEventProps Props RTE Events, in particular for instance specific scheduling.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation

Table D.87: CompositionSwComponentType

Class CompuConst
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the fact that the value of a computation method scale is constant.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuConst CompuConstContent 0..1 aggr This is the actual content of the constant compu method
ContentType scale.

Table D.88: CompuConst

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Specification of RTE Software

Class CompuMethod
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the ability to express the relationship between a physical value and the
mathematical representation.
Note that this is still independent of the technical implementation in data types. It only specifies the
formula how the internal value corresponds to its physical pendant.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuInternal Compu 0..1 aggr This specifies the computation from internal values to
ToPhys physical values.
compuPhysTo Compu 0..1 aggr This represents the computation from physical values to
Internal the internal values.
displayFormat DisplayFormatString 0..1 attr This property specifies, how the physical value shall be
displayed e.g. in documents or measurement and
calibration tools.
unit Unit 0..1 ref This is the physical unit of the Physical values for which
the CompuMethod applies.

Table D.89: CompuMethod

Class CompuNominatorDenominator
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This class represents the ability to express a polynomial either as Nominator or as Denominator.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
v (ordered) Numerical * attr this is the list of polynomial factors. Note that the first vf
represents the power=0. The polynomial is v[0] * xˆ0 +
v[1] * xˆ1 ...
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.90: CompuNominatorDenominator

Class CompuRationalCoeffs
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the ability to express a rational function by specifying the coefficients of
nominator and denominator.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Specification of RTE Software

Class CompuRationalCoeffs
compu CompuNominator 0..1 aggr This is the denominator of the expression.
Denominator Denominator
compu CompuNominator 0..1 aggr This is the numerator of the rational expression.
Numerator Denominator

Table D.91: CompuRationalCoeffs

Class CompuScale
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the ability to specify one segment of a segmented computation method.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuInverse CompuConst 0..1 aggr This is the inverse value of the constraint. This supports
Value the case that the scale is not reversible per se.
compuScale CompuScaleContents 0..1 aggr This represents the computation details of the scale.
desc MultiLanguageOverview 0..1 aggr <desc> represents a general but brief description of the
Paragraph object in question.
lowerLimit Limit 0..1 attr This specifies the lower limit of the scale.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
mask PositiveInteger 0..1 attr In difference to all the other computational methods every
COMPU-SCALE will be applied including the bit MASK.
Therefore it is allowed for this type of COMPU-METHOD,
that COMPU-SCALES overlap.
To calculate the string reverse to a value, the string has to
be split and the according value for each substring has to
be summed up. The sum is finally transmitted.
The processing has to be done in order of the
COMPU-SCALE elements.
shortLabel Identifier 0..1 attr This element specifies a short name for the particular
scale. The name can for example be used to derive a
programming language identifier.
symbol CIdentifier 0..1 attr The symbol, if provided, is used by code generators to get
a C identifier for the CompuScale. The name will be used
as is for the code generation, therefore it needs to be
unique within the generation context.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class CompuScale
upperLimit Limit 0..1 attr This specifies the upper limit of a of the scale.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.92: CompuScale

Class CompuScaleConstantContents
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the fact that a particular scale of the computation method is constant.
Base ARObject, CompuScaleContents
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuConst CompuConst 0..1 aggr This represents the fact that the scale is a constant. The
use case is mainly a non interpolated scale. It is a
simplification of the fact that a constant scale can also be
expressed as rational function of order 0.

Table D.93: CompuScaleConstantContents

Class CompuScales
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::ComputationMethod
Note This meta-class represents the ability to stepwise express a computation method.
Base ARObject, CompuContent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuScale CompuScale * aggr This represents one scale within the compu method. Note
(ordered) that it contains a Variationpoint in order to support
blueprints of enumerations.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.94: CompuScales

Class <<atpMixedString>> ConditionByFormula

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This class represents a condition which is computed based on system constants according to the
specified expression. The expected result is considered as boolean value.
The result of the expression is interpreted as a condition.
• "0" represents "false";
• a value other than zero is considered "true"
Base ARObject, FormulaExpression, SwSystemconstDependentFormula
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Specification of RTE Software

Class <<atpMixedString>> ConditionByFormula
bindingTime BindingTimeEnum 1 attr This attribute specifies the point in time when condition
may be evaluated at earliest. At this point in time all
referenced system constants shall have a value.

Table D.95: ConditionByFormula

Class ConsistencyNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ImplicitCommunicationBehavior
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define requirements on the implicit communication behavior.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dpgDoesNot DataPrototypeGroup * aggr This group of VariableDataPrototypes does not require
Require coherency with respect to the implicit communication
Coherency behavior.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
dpgRequires DataPrototypeGroup * aggr This group of VariableDataPrototypes requires coherency
Coherency with respect to the implicit communication behavior, i.e.
all read and write access to VariableDataPrototypes in the
DataPrototypeGroup by the RunnableEntitys of the
RunnableEntityGroup need to be handled in a coherent
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dpgRequiresCoherency.shortName, dpg
regDoesNot RunnableEntityGroup * aggr This group of RunnableEntities does not require stability
RequireStability with respect to the implicit communication behavior.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=regDoesNotRequireStability.shortName, reg
regRequires RunnableEntityGroup * aggr This group of RunnableEntities requires stability with
Stability respect to the implicit communication behavior, i.e. all
read and write access to VariableDataPrototypes in the
DataPrototypeGroup by the RunnableEntitys of the
RunnableEntityGroup need to be handled in a stable
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=regRequiresStability.shortName, reg

Table D.96: ConsistencyNeeds

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Specification of RTE Software

Class ConstantReference
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note Instead of defining this value inline, a constant is referenced.
Base ARObject, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
constant ConstantSpecification 0..1 ref The referenced constant.

Table D.97: ConstantReference

Class ConstantSpecificationMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class is used to create an association of two ConstantSpecifications. One Constant
Specification is supposed to be defined in the application domain while the other should be defined in the
implementation domain.
Hence the ConstantSpecificationMapping needs to be used where a ConstantSpecification defined in
one domain needs to be associated to a ConstantSpecification in the other domain.
This information is crucial for the RTE generator.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
applConstant ConstantSpecification 0..1 ref A ConstantSpecification defined in the application
implConstant ConstantSpecification 0..1 ref A ConstantSpecification defined in the implementation
Table D.98: ConstantSpecificationMapping

Class CpSoftwareCluster
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::SoftwareCluster
Note This meta class provides the ability to define a CP Software Cluster. Each CP Software Cluster can be
integrated and build individually. It defines the sub-set of hierarchical tree(s) of Software Components
belonging to this CP Software Cluster. Resources required or provided by this CP Software Cluster are
given in the according mappings.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swComponent SwComponent * aggr This is the colllection of SwComponentPrototype
Assignment PrototypeAssignment Assignments
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=swComponentAssignment, swComponent
swComposition CompositionSw * ref Software Components in the context of a CompositionSw
ComponentType ComponentType belonging to this CP Software Cluster.
This reference can be used to describe the belonging
SWCs when the CP Software Cluster is described out of
the context of a System, e.g. reusable CP Software

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Specification of RTE Software

Class CpSoftwareCluster
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Type, swComposition.variationPoint.shortLabel

Table D.99: CpSoftwareCluster

Class CpSoftwareClusterCommunicationResource
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::SoftwareCluster
Note Represents a single resource required or provided by a CP Software Cluster which relates to the port
based communication on VFB level.
Base ARObject, CpSoftwareClusterResource, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
comProps CpSoftwareCluster 0..1 aggr This aggregation supports the further qualification of the
Communication enclosing CpSoftwareClusterCommunicationRecource by
ResourceProps means of additional attributes depending on the nature of
the CpSoftwareClusterCommunicationRecource.

Table D.100: CpSoftwareClusterCommunicationResource

Class DataComProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::SoftwareCluster
Note Represents a single resource required or provided by a CP Software Cluster which relates to the port
based communication on VFB level.
Base ARObject, CpSoftwareClusterCommunicationResourceProps
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
sendIndication SendIndicationEnum 0..1 attr Send indication behavior for last-is-the best data
Table D.101: DataComProps

Class DataConstr
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::Constraints::GlobalConstraints
Note This meta-class represents the ability to specify constraints on data.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataConstrRule DataConstrRule * aggr This is one particular rule within the data constraints.

Table D.102: DataConstr

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Specification of RTE Software

Class DataMapping (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::DataMapping
Note Mapping of port elements (data elements and parameters) to frames and signals.
Base ARObject
Subclasses ClientServerToSignalMapping, SenderReceiverCompositeElementToSignalMapping, SenderReceiverTo
SignalGroupMapping, SenderReceiverToSignalMapping, TriggerToSignalMapping
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
communication Communication 0..1 attr This attribute controls the direction into which the mapped
Direction DirectionType SystemSignal is communicated with respect to the kind of
PortPrototype used as the context element of the Data
introduction DocumentationBlock 0..1 aggr This represents introductory documentation about the
data mapping.

Table D.103: DataMapping

Class DataPrototype (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note Base class for prototypical roles of any data type.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype, AutosarDataPrototype
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr This property allows to specify data definition properties
Props which apply on data prototype level.

Table D.104: DataPrototype

Class DataPrototypeGroup
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ImplicitCommunicationBehavior
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define a collection of DataPrototypes that are subject to the
formal definition of implicit communication behavior. The definition of the collection can be nested.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataPrototype DataPrototypeGroup * iref This represents the ability to define nested groups of
Group VariableDataPrototypes.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
InstanceRef implemented by:InnerDataPrototypeGroup
implicitData VariableDataPrototype * iref This represents a collection of VariableDataPrototypes
Access that belong to the enclosing DataPrototypeGroup
Stereotypes: atpVariation
InstanceRef implemented by:VariableDataPrototypeIn

Table D.105: DataPrototypeGroup

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Specification of RTE Software

Class DataPrototypeMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Defines the mapping of two particular VariableDataPrototypes, ParameterDataPrototypes or Argument
DataPrototypes with unequal names and/or unequal semantic (resolution or range) in context of two
different SenderReceiverInterface, NvDataInterface or ParameterInterface or Operations.
If the semantic is unequal following rules apply: The textTableMapping is only applicable if the referred
DataPrototypes are typed by AutosarDataType referring to CompuMethods of category TEXTTABLE,
In the case that the DataPrototypes are typed by AutosarDataType either referring to CompuMethods of
category LINEAR, IDENTICAL or referring to no CompuMethod (which is similar as IDENTICAL) the
linear conversion factor is calculated out of the factorSiToUnit and offsetSiToUnit attributes of the referred
Units and the CompuRationalCoeffs of a compuInternalToPhys of the referred CompuMethods.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
firstData AutosarDataPrototype 0..1 ref First to be mapped DataPrototype in context of a Sender
Prototype ReceiverInterface, NvDataInterface, ParameterInterface
or Operation.
firstToSecond DataTransformation 0..1 ref This reference defines the need to execute the Data
Data Transformation <Mip>_<transformerId> functions of the
Transformation transformation chain when communicating from the Data
PrototypeMapping.firstDataPrototype to the Data
This reference also specifies the reverse Data
Transformation <Mip>_Inv_<transformerId> functions of
the transformation chain (i.e. from the DataPrototype
Mapping.secondDataPrototype to the DataPrototype
Mapping.firstDataPrototype) if the referenced Data
Transformation is symmetric, i.e. attribute Data
Transformation.dataTransformationKind is set to
secondData AutosarDataPrototype 0..1 ref Second to be mapped DataPrototype in context of a
Prototype SenderReceiverInterface, NvDataInterface, Parameter
Interface or Operation.
secondToFirst DataTransformation 0..1 ref This defines the need to execute the reverse Data
Data Transformation <Mip>_Inv_<transformerId> functions of
Transformation the transformation chain when communicating from the
DataPrototypeMapping.secondDataPrototype to the Data
subElement SubElementMapping * aggr This represents the owned SubelementMapping.
textTable TextTableMapping 0..2 aggr Applied TextTableMapping(s)

Table D.106: DataPrototypeMapping

Class DataPrototypeTransformationProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note DataPrototypeTransformationProps allows to set the attributes for the different Transformation
Technologies that are DataPrototype specific.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataProtototype DataPrototype 0..1 aggr Reference to a DataPrototype that is transported in the
InPortInterface Reference serialized ISignal.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class DataPrototypeTransformationProps
dataPrototypeIn DataPrototype 0..1 aggr Reference to a DataPrototype that is transported in the
PortInterface Reference serialized ISignal.
network SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr Specification of the actual network representation for the
Representation referenced primitive DataPrototype. If a network
Props representation is provided then the baseType shall be
used by the Transformer as input for the serialization/
transformation TransformationProps 0..1 ref Collection of AutosarDataPrototype related configuration
Props settings for a transformer.

Table D.107: DataPrototypeTransformationProps

Class DataReceiveErrorEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised by the RTE when the Com layer detects and notifies an error concerning the
reception of the referenced data element.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
data VariableDataPrototype 0..1 iref Data element referenced by event
InstanceRef implemented by:RVariableInAtomicSwc
Table D.108: DataReceiveErrorEvent

Class DataReceivedEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note The event is raised when the referenced data elements are received.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
data VariableDataPrototype 0..1 iref Data element referenced by event
InstanceRef implemented by:RVariableInAtomicSwc
Table D.109: DataReceivedEvent

Class DataSendCompletedEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note The event is raised when the referenced data elements have been sent or an error occurs.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
eventSource VariableAccess 0..1 ref The variable access that triggers the event.

Table D.110: DataSendCompletedEvent

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Specification of RTE Software

Class DataTransformation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note A DataTransformation represents a transformer chain. It is an ordered list of transformers.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
data DataTransformationKind 0..1 attr This attribute controls the kind of DataTransformation to
Transformation Enum be applied.
executeDespite Boolean 1 attr Specifies whether the transformer chain is executed even
Data if no input data are available.
transformer Transformation 1..* ref This attribute represents the definition of a chain of
Chain (ordered) Technology transformers that are supposed to be executed according
to the order of being referenced from DataTransformation.

Table D.111: DataTransformation

Enumeration DataTransformationErrorHandlingEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PortAPIOptions
Note This enumeration defines different ways how a RunnableEntity shall handle transformer errors.
Literal Description
noTransformerError A runnable does not handle transformer errors.
transformerError The runnable implements the handling of transformer errors.

Table D.112: DataTransformationErrorHandlingEnum

Enumeration DataTransformationStatusForwardingEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PortAPIOptions
Note This enumeration defines different ways how a RunnableEntity shall be able to forward status into the
transformer chain.
Literal Description
noTransformer The runnable is not able to forward a transformer status.
transformerStatus The runnable is able to forward a transformer status.

Table D.113: DataTransformationStatusForwardingEnum

Class DataTypeMap
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note This class represents the relationship between ApplicationDataType and its implementing Abstract
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
applicationData ApplicationDataType 0..1 ref This is the corresponding ApplicationDataType
implementation AbstractImplementation 0..1 ref This is the corresponding AbstractImplementationData
DataType DataType Type.

Table D.114: DataTypeMap

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Specification of RTE Software

Class DataTypeMappingSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::Datatypes
Note This class represents a list of mappings between ApplicationDataTypes and ImplementationDataTypes.
In addition, it can contain mappings between ImplementationDataTypes and ModeDeclarationGroups.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataTypeMap DataTypeMap * aggr This is one particular association between an Application
DataType and its AbstractImplementationDataType.
modeRequest ModeRequestTypeMap * aggr This is one particular association between an Mode
TypeMap DeclarationGroup and its AbstractImplementationData

Table D.115: DataTypeMappingSet

Enumeration DataTypePolicyEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::DataMapping
Note This class lists the supported DataTypePolicies.
Literal Description
legacy In case the System Description doesn’t use a complete Software Component Description (VFB View)
this value can be chosen. This supports the inclusion of legacy signals.
The aggregation of SwDataDefProps shall be used to configure the "ComSignalDataInvalidValue"
and the Data Semantics.
network Ignore any networkRepresentationProps of this ISignal and use the networkRepresentation from the
Representation ComSpec.
Please note that the usage does not imply the existence of the SwDataDefProps in the role network
Representation aggregated by the SenderComSpec or ReceiverComSpec if an ImplementationData
Type is defined.
override If this value is chosen the requirements specified in the ComSpec (networkRepresentationFromCom
Spec) are not fullfilled by the aggregated SwDataDefProps. In this case the networkRepresentation is
specified by the aggregated swDataDefProps.
transformingISignal This literal indicates that a transformer chain shall be used to communicate the ISignal as UINT8_N
over the bus.

Table D.116: DataTypePolicyEnum

Class DataWriteCompletedEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised if an implicit write access was successful or an error occurred.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
eventSource VariableAccess 0..1 ref The variable access that triggers the event.

Table D.117: DataWriteCompletedEvent

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Specification of RTE Software

Class DelegationSwConnector
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition
Note A delegation connector delegates one inner PortPrototype (a port of a component that is used inside the
composition) to a outer PortPrototype of compatible type that belongs directly to the composition (a port
that is owned by the composition).
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Referrable, SwConnector
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
innerPort PortPrototype 0..1 iref The port that belongs to the ComponentPrototype in the
InstanceRef implemented by:PortInCompositionType
outerPort PortPrototype 0..1 ref The port that is located on the outside of the Composition

Table D.118: DelegationSwConnector

Class DependencyOnArtifact
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Implementation
Note Dependency on the existence of another artifact, e.g. a library.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
artifact AutosarEngineering 0..1 aggr The specified artifact needs to exist.
Descriptor Object
usage DependencyUsage 1..* attr Specification for which process step(s) this dependency is
Enum required.

Table D.119: DependencyOnArtifact

Class EcuAbstractionSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note The ECUAbstraction is a special AtomicSwComponentType that resides between a software-component
that wants to access ECU periphery and the Microcontroller Abstraction. The EcuAbstractionSw
ComponentType introduces the possibility to link from the software representation to its hardware
description provided by the ECU Resource Template.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
hardware HwDescriptionEntity * ref Reference from the EcuAbstractionComponentType to the
Element description of the used HwElements.

Table D.120: EcuAbstractionSwComponentType

Class EcuInstance
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreTopology
Note ECUInstances are used to define the ECUs used in the topology. The type of the ECU is defined by a
reference to an ECU specified with the ECU resource description.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class EcuInstance
Base ARObject, CollectableElement, FibexElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
associatedCom ISignalIPduGroup * ref With this reference it is possible to identify which ISignal
IPduGroup IPduGroups are applicable for which Communication
Connector/ ECU.
Only top level ISignalIPduGroups shall be referenced by
an EcuInstance. If an ISignalIPduGroup contains other
ISignalIPduGroups than these contained ISignalIPdu
Groups shall not be referenced by the EcuInstance.
Contained ISignalIPduGroups are associated to an Ecu
Instance via the top level ISignalIPduGroup.
associated ConsumedProvided * ref With this reference it is possible to identify which
Consumed ServiceInstanceGroup ConsumedProvidedServiceInstanceGroups are
Provided applicable for which ECUInstance.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
associatedPdur PdurIPduGroup * ref With this reference it is possible to identify which PduR
IPduGroup IPdu Groups are applicable for which Communication
Connector/ ECU.
clientIdRange ClientIdRange 0..1 aggr Restriction of the Client Identifier for this Ecu to an
allowed range of numerical values. The Client Identifier of
the transaction handle is generated by the client RTE for
inter-Ecu Client/Server communication.
com TimeValue 0..1 attr The period between successive calls to Com_Main
Configuration FunctionRouteSignals of the AUTOSAR COM module in
GwTimeBase seconds.
com TimeValue 0..1 attr The period between successive calls to Com_Main
ConfigurationRx FunctionRx of the AUTOSAR COM module in seconds.
com TimeValue 0..1 attr The period between successive calls to Com_Main
ConfigurationTx FunctionTx of the AUTOSAR COM module in seconds.
comEnable Boolean 0..1 attr Enables for the Com module of this EcuInstance the
MDTForCyclic minimum delay time monitoring for cyclic and repeated
Transmission transmissions (TransmissionModeTiming has cyclic
Timing assigned or eventControlledTiming with numberOf
Repetitions > 0).
commController Communication 1..* aggr CommunicationControllers of the ECU.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
connector Communication * aggr All channels controlled by a single controller.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
dltConfig DltConfig 0..1 aggr Describes the Dlt configuration on this EcuInstance.
doIpConfig DoIpConfig 0..1 aggr DoIp configuration on this EcuInstance.
ethSwitchPort Boolean 0..1 attr Defines whether the derivation of SwitchPortGroups
Group based on VLAN and/or CouplingPort.pncMapping shall be
Derivation performed for this EcuInstance. If not defined the
derivation shall not be done.
partition EcuPartition * aggr Optional definition of Partitions within an Ecu.
pncPrepare TimeValue 0..1 attr Time in seconds the PNC state machine shall wait in

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Specification of RTE Software

Class EcuInstance
pnc Boolean 0..1 attr If this parameter is available and set to true then all
Synchronous available PNCs will be woken up as soon as a channel
Wakeup wakeup occurs. This is ensured by adding all PNCs to all
channel wakeup sources during upstream mapping.
pnResetTime TimeValue 0..1 attr Specifies the runtime of the reset timer in seconds. This
reset time is valid for the reset of PN requests in the EIRA
and in the ERA.
sleepMode Boolean 1 attr Specifies whether the ECU instance may be put to a "low
Supported power mode"
• true: sleep mode is supported
• false: sleep mode is not supported
Note: This flag may only be set to "true" if the feature is
supported by both hardware and basic software.
tcpIpIcmpProps EthTcpIpIcmpProps 0..1 ref EcuInstance specific ICMP (Internet Control Message
Protocol) attributes
tcpIpProps EthTcpIpProps 0..1 ref EcuInstance specific TcpIp Stack attributes.
v2xSupported V2xSupportEnum 0..1 attr This attribute is used to control the existence of the V2X
stack on the given EcuInstance.
wakeUpOver Boolean 1 attr Driver support for wakeup over Bus.

Table D.121: EcuInstance

Class EcucContainerValue
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::ECUCDescriptionTemplate
Note Represents a Container definition in the ECU Configuration Description.
Base ARObject, EcucIndexableValue, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
definition EcucContainerDef 0..1 ref Reference to the definition of this Container in the ECU
Configuration Parameter Definition.
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor
parameterValue EcucParameterValue * aggr Aggregates all ECU Configuration Values within this
atpVariation: [RS_ECUC_00079]
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=parameterValue.definition, parameter
referenceValue EcucAbstractReference * aggr Aggregates all References with this container.
atpVariation: [RS_ECUC_00079]
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=referenceValue.definition, reference

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Specification of RTE Software

Class EcucContainerValue
subContainer EcucContainerValue * aggr Aggregates all sub-containers within this container.
atpVariation: [RS_ECUC_00078]
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=subContainer.definition, subContainer.short
Name, subContainer.variationPoint.shortLabel

Table D.122: EcucContainerValue

Class EcucDestinationUriDef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::ECUCParameterDefTemplate
Note Description of an EcucDestinationUriDef that is used as target of EcucUriReferenceDefs.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
destinationUri EcucDestinationUri 0..1 aggr Description of the targeted EcucContainerDef.
Policy Policy

Table D.123: EcucDestinationUriDef

Class EcucForeignReferenceDef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::ECUCParameterDefTemplate
Note Specify a reference to an XML description of an entity described in another AUTOSAR template.
Base ARObject, AtpDefinition, EcucAbstractExternalReferenceDef , EcucAbstractReferenceDef , Ecuc
CommonAttributes, EcucDefinitionElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
destinationType String 0..1 attr The type in the AUTOSAR Metamodel to which instance
this reference is allowed to point to.

Table D.124: EcucForeignReferenceDef

Class EcucModuleConfigurationValues
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::ECUCDescriptionTemplate
Note Head of the configuration of one Module. A Module can be a BSW module as well as the RTE and ECU
As part of the BSW module description, the EcucModuleConfigurationValues element has two different
The recommendedConfiguration contains parameter values recommended by the BSW module vendor.
The preconfiguredConfiguration contains values for those parameters which are fixed by the
implementation and cannot be changed.
These two EcucModuleConfigurationValues are used when the base EcucModuleConfigurationValues
(as part of the base ECU configuration) is created to fill parameters with initial values.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Specification of RTE Software

Class EcucModuleConfigurationValues
container EcucContainerValue * aggr Aggregates all containers that belong to this module
atpVariation: [RS_ECUC_00078]
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=container.definition, container.shortName,
definition EcucModuleDef 0..1 ref Reference to the definition of this EcucModule
ConfigurationValues element. Typically, this is a vendor
specific module configuration.
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor
ecucDefEdition RevisionLabelString 0..1 attr This is the version info of the ModuleDef ECUC
Parameter definition to which this values conform to / are
based on.
For the Definition of ModuleDef ECUC Parameters the
AdminData shall be used to express the semantic
changes. The compatibility rules between the definition
and value revision labels is up to the module’s vendor.
implementation EcucConfiguration 0..1 attr Specifies the kind of deliverable this EcucModule
ConfigVariant VariantEnum ConfigurationValues element provides. If this element is
not used in a particular role (e.g. preconfigured
Configuration or recommendedConfiguration) then the
value shall be one of VariantPreCompile, VariantLink
Time, VariantPostBuild.
module BswImplementation 0..1 ref Referencing the BSW module description, which this
Description EcucModuleConfigurationValues element is configuring.
This is optional because the EcucModuleConfiguration
Values element is also used to configure the ECU
infrastructure (memory map) or Application SW-Cs.
However in case the EcucModuleConfigurationValues are
used to configure the module, the reference is mandatory
in order to fetch module specific "common" published
postBuildVariant Boolean 0..1 attr Indicates whether a module implementation has or plans
Used to have (i.e., introduced at link or post-build time) new
post-build variation points. TRUE means yes, FALSE
means no. If the attribute is not defined, FALSE
semantics shall be assumed.
Table D.125: EcucModuleConfigurationValues

Class EcucModuleDef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::ECUCParameterDefTemplate
Note Used as the top-level element for configuration definition for Software Modules, including BSW and RTE
as well as ECU Infrastructure.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpDefinition, CollectableElement, Ecuc
DefinitionElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Specification of RTE Software

Class EcucModuleDef
apiServicePrefix CIdentifier 0..1 attr For CDD modules this attribute holds the apiService
The shortName of the module definition of a Complex
Driver is always "Cdd". Therefore for CDD modules the
module apiServicePrefix is described with this attribute.
container EcucContainerDef * aggr Aggregates the top-level container definitions of this
specific module definition.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
postBuildVariant Boolean 0..1 attr Indicates if a module supports different post-build variants
Support (previously known as post-build selectable configuration
sets). TRUE means yes, FALSE means no.
refinedModule EcucModuleDef 0..1 ref Optional reference from the Vendor Specific Module
Def Definition to the Standardized Module Definition it refines.
In case this EcucModuleDef has the category
shall not be provided. In case this EcucModuleDef has
DEFINITION this reference is mandatory.
Stereotypes: atpUriDef
supported EcucConfiguration * attr Specifies which ConfigurationVariants are supported by
ConfigVariant VariantEnum this software module. This attribute is optional if the Ecuc
ModuleDef has the category STANDARDIZED_
MODULE_DEFINITION. If the category attribute of the
EcucModuleDef is set to VENDOR_SPECIFIC_
MODULE_DEFINITION then this attribute is mandatory.

Table D.126: EcucModuleDef

Class EcucUriReferenceDef
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::ECUCParameterDefTemplate
Note Definition of reference with a destination that is specified via a destinationUri. With such a reference it is
possible to define a reference to a EcucContainerDef in a different module independent from the
concrete definition of the target container.
Base ARObject, AtpDefinition, EcucAbstractInternalReferenceDef , EcucAbstractReferenceDef , EcucCommon
Attributes, EcucDefinitionElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
destinationUri EcucDestinationUriDef 0..1 ref Any EcucContainerDef with a destinationUri that is
identical to the destinationUri that is referenced here
defines a valid target.
Stereotypes: atpUriDef

Table D.127: EcucUriReferenceDef

Class EngineeringObject (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::EngineeringObject
Note This class specifies an engineering object. Usually such an object is represented by a file artifact. The
properties of engineering object are such that the artifact can be found by querying an ASAM catalog file.
The engineering object is uniquely identified by domain+category+shortLabel+revisionLabel.
Base ARObject

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Specification of RTE Software

Class EngineeringObject (abstract)
Subclasses AutosarEngineeringObject, BuildEngineeringObject, Graphic
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
category NameToken 1 attr This denotes the role of the engineering object in the
development cycle. Categories are such as
• SWSRC for source code
• SWOBJ for object code
• SWHDR for a C-header file
Further roles need to be defined via Methodology.
domain NameToken 0..1 attr This denotes the domain in which the engineering object
is stored. This allows to indicate various segments in the
repository keeping the engineering objects. The domain
may segregate companies, as well as automotive
domains. Details need to be defined by the Methodology.
Attribute is optional to support a default domain.
revisionLabel RevisionLabelString * attr This is a revision label denoting a particular version of the
engineering object.
shortLabel NameToken 1 attr This is the short name of the engineering object. Note
that it is modeled as NameToken and not as Identifier
since in ASAM-CC it is also a NameToken.

Table D.128: EngineeringObject

Class ExclusiveArea
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::InternalBehavior
Note Prevents an executable entity running in the area from being preempted.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.129: ExclusiveArea

Class ExecutableEntity (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::InternalBehavior
Note Abstraction of executable code.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses BswModuleEntity , RunnableEntity
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
activation ExecutableEntity * aggr If the ExecutableEntity provides at least one activation
Reason ActivationReason Reason element the RTE resp. BSW Scheduler shall
provide means to read the activation vector of this
executable entity execution.
If no activationReason element is provided the feature of
being able to determine the activating RTEEvent is
disabled for this ExecutableEntity.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class ExecutableEntity (abstract)
canEnter ExclusiveArea * ref This means that the executable entity can enter/leave the
ExclusiveArea referenced exclusive area through explicit API calls.
exclusiveArea ExclusiveAreaNesting * ref This represents the set of ExclusiveAreaNestingOrders
NestingOrder Order recognized by this ExecutableEntity.
minimumStart TimeValue 0..1 attr Specifies the time in seconds by which two consecutive
Interval starts of an ExecutableEntity are guaranteed to be
reentrancyLevel ReentrancyLevelEnum 0..1 attr The reentrancy level of this ExecutableEntity. See the
documentation of the enumeration type ReentrancyLevel
Enum for details.
Please note that nonReentrant interfaces can have also
reentrant or multicoreReentrant implementations, and
reentrant interfaces can also have multicoreReentrant
runsInside ExclusiveArea * ref The executable entity runs completely inside the
ExclusiveArea referenced exclusive area.
swAddrMethod SwAddrMethod 0..1 ref Addressing method related to this code entity. Via an
association to the same SwAddrMethod, it can be
specified that several code entities (even of different
modules or components) shall be located in the same
memory without already specifying the memory section
Table D.130: ExecutableEntity

Class ExecutableEntityActivationReason
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::InternalBehavior
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define the reason for the activation of the enclosing Executable
Base ARObject, ImplementationProps, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bitPosition PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute allows for defining the position of the
enclosing ExecutableEntityActivationReason in the
activation vector.
Table D.131: ExecutableEntityActivationReason

Class ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note The event is raised when the referenced trigger have been occurred.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
trigger Trigger 0..1 iref Reference to the applicable Trigger.
InstanceRef implemented by:RTriggerInAtomicSwc
Table D.132: ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent

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Specification of RTE Software

Class ExternalTriggeringPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::Trigger
Note If a RunnableEntity owns an ExternalTriggeringPoint it is entitled to raise an ExternalTriggerOccurred
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
ident ExternalTriggeringPoint 0..1 aggr The aggregation in the role ident provides the ability to
Ident make the ExternalTriggeringPoint identifiable.
From the semantical point of view, the ExternalTriggering
Point is considered a first-class Identifiable and therefore
the aggregation in the role ident shall always exist (until it
may be possible to let ModeAccessPoint directly inherit
from Identifiable).
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor
trigger Trigger 0..1 iref The trigger taken for the ExternalTriggeringPoint.
InstanceRef implemented by:PTriggerInAtomicSwcType
Table D.133: ExternalTriggeringPoint

Class FlatInstanceDescriptor
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::FlatMap
Note Represents exactly one node (e.g. a component instance or data element) of the instance tree of a
software system. The purpose of this element is to map the various nested representations of this
instance to a flat representation and assign a unique name (shortName) to it.
Use cases:
• Specify unique names of measurable data to be used by MCD tools
• Specify unique names of calibration data to be used by MCD tool
• Specify a unique name for an instance of a component prototype in the ECU extract of the
system description
Note that in addition it is possible to assign alias names via AliasNameAssignment.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
ecuExtract AtpFeature 0..1 iref Refers to the instance in the ECU extract. This is valid
Reference only, if the FlatMap is used in the context of an ECU
The reference shall be such that it uniquely defines the
object instance. For example, if a data prototype is
declared as a role within an SwcInternalBehavior, it is not
enough to state the SwcInternalBehavior as context and
the aggregated data prototype as target. In addition, the
reference shall also include the complete path identifying
instance of the component prototype and the Atomic

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Specification of RTE Software

Class FlatInstanceDescriptor
SoftwareComponentType, which is refered by the
particular SwcInternalBehavior.
InstanceRef implemented by:AnyInstanceRef
role Identifier 0..1 attr The role denotes the particular role of the downstream
memory location described by this FlatInstanceDescriptor.
It applies to use case where one upstream object results
in multiple downstream objects, e.g. ModeDeclaration
GroupPrototypes which are measurable. In this case the
RTE will provide locations for current mode, previous
mode and next mode.
rtePluginProps RtePluginProps 0..1 aggr The properties of a communication graph with respect to
the utilization of RTE Implementation Plug-in.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr The properties of this FlatInstanceDescriptor.
upstream AtpFeature 0..1 iref Refers to the instance in the context of an "upstream"
Reference descriptions, wich could be the system or system extract
description, the basic software module description or (if a
flat map is used in preliminary context) a description of an
atomic component or composition. This reference is
optional in case the flat map is used in ECU context.
The reference shall be such that it uniquely defines the
object instance in the given context. For example, if a
data prototype is declared as a role within an SwcInternal
Behavior, it is not enough to state the SwcInternal
Behavior as context and the aggregated data prototype
as target. In addition, the reference shall also include the
complete path identifying the instance of the component
prototype that contains the particular instance of Swc
InstanceRef implemented by:AnyInstanceRef

Table D.134: FlatInstanceDescriptor

Class FlatMap
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::FlatMap
Note Contains a flat list of references to software objects. This list is used to identify instances and to resolve
name conflicts. The scope is given by the RootSwCompositionPrototype for which it is used, i.e. it can be
applied to a system, system extract or ECU-extract.
An instance of FlatMap may also be used in a preliminary context, e.g. in the scope of a software
component before integration into a system. In this case it is not referred by a RootSwComposition
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

1160 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class FlatMap
instance FlatInstanceDescriptor 1..* aggr A descriptor instance aggregated in the flat map.
The variation point accounts for the fact, that the system
in scope can be subject to variability, and thus the
existence of some instances is variable.
The aggregation has been made splitable because the
content might be contributed by different stakeholders at
different times in the workflow. Plus, the overall size might
be so big that eventually it becomes more manageable if
it is distributed over several files.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=instance.shortName, instance.variation

Table D.135: FlatMap

Enumeration HandleInvalidEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Strategies of handling the reception of invalidValue.
Literal Description
dontInvalidate Invalidation is switched off.
external Replace a received invalidValue. The replacement value is sourced from the externalReplacement.
keep The application software is supposed to handle signal invalidation on RTE API level either by Data
ReceiveErrorEvent or check of error code on read access.
replace Replace a received invalidValue. The replacement value is specified by the initValue.

Table D.136: HandleInvalidEnum

Enumeration HandleOutOfRangeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note A value of this type is taken for controlling the range checking behavior of the AUTOSAR RTE.
Literal Description
default The RTE will use the initValue if the actual value is out of the specified bounds.
external This indicates that the value replacement is sourced from the attribute replaceWith.
ignore The RTE will ignore any attempt to send or receive the corresponding dataElement if the value is out
of the specified range.
invalid The RTE will use the invalidValue if the value is out of the specified bounds.
none A range check is not required.

1161 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Enumeration HandleOutOfRangeEnum
saturate The RTE will saturate the value of the dataElement such that it is limited to the applicable upper
bound if it is greater than the upper bound. Consequently, it is limited to the applicable lower bound if
the value is less than the lower bound.

Table D.137: HandleOutOfRangeEnum

Enumeration HandleOutOfRangeStatusEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note This enumeration defines how the RTE handles values that are out of range.
Literal Description
indicate The RTE sets the return status to RTE_E_OUT_OF_RANGE if the received value is out of range and
the attribute handleOutOfRange is not set to "none" or "invalid".
silent The RTE sets the return status to RTE_E_OK

Table D.138: HandleOutOfRangeStatusEnum

Enumeration HandleTimeoutEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Strategies of handling a reception timeout violation.
Literal Description
none If set to none no replacement shall take place.
replace If set to replace, the replacement value shall be the ComInitValue.
replaceByTimeout If set to replace, the replacement value shall be the timeout substitution value.

Table D.139: HandleTimeoutEnum

Class HwElement
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::EcuResourceTemplate
Note This represents the ability to describe Hardware Elements on an instance level. The particular types of
hardware are distinguished by the category. This category determines the applicable attributes. The
possible categories and attributes are defined in HwCategory.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, HwDescriptionEntity , Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
hwElement HwElementConnector * aggr This represents one particular connection between two
Connection hardware elements.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

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Specification of RTE Software

Class HwElement
hwPinGroup HwPinGroup * aggr This aggregation is used to describe the connection
facilities of a hardware element. Note that hardware
element has no pins but only pingroups.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
nestedElement HwElement * ref This association is used to establish hierarchies of hw
elements. Note that one particular HwElement can be
target of this association only once. I.e. multiple
instantiation of the same HwElement is not supported (at
any hierarchy level).
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.140: HwElement

Class ISignal
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication
Note Signal of the Interaction Layer. The RTE supports a "signal fan-out" where the same System Signal is
sent in different SignalIPdus to multiple receivers.
To support the RTE "signal fan-out" each SignalIPdu contains ISignals. If the same System Signal is to
be mapped into several SignalIPdus there is one ISignal needed for each ISignalToIPduMapping.
ISignals describe the Interface between the Precompile configured RTE and the potentially Postbuild
configured Com Stack (see ECUC Parameter Mapping).
In case of the SystemSignalGroup an ISignal shall be created for each SystemSignal contained in the
Base ARObject, CollectableElement, FibexElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
data DataTransformation 0..1 ref Optional reference to a DataTransformation which
Transformation represents the transformer chain that is used to transform
the data that shall be placed inside this ISignal.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
dataTypePolicy DataTypePolicyEnum 1 attr With the aggregation of SwDataDefProps an ISignal
specifies how it is represented on the network. This
representation follows a particular policy. Note that this
causes some redundancy which is intended and can be
used to support flexible development methodology as well
as subsequent integrity checks.
If the policy "networkRepresentationFromComSpec" is
chosen the network representation from the ComSpec
that is aggregated by the PortPrototype shall be used. If
the "override" policy is chosen the requirements specified

1163 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ISignal
in the PortInterface and in the ComSpec are not fulfilled
by the networkRepresentationProps. In case the System
Description doesn’t use a complete Software Component
Description (VFB View) the "legacy" policy can be
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Optional definition of a ISignal’s initValue in case the
System Description doesn’t use a complete Software
Component Description (VFB View). This supports the
inclusion of legacy system signals.
This value can be used to configure the Signal’s "Init
If a full DataMapping exist for the SystemSignal this
information may be available from a configured Sender
ComSpec and ReceiverComSpec. In this case the
initvalues in SenderComSpec and/or ReceiverComSpec
override this optional value specification. Further
restrictions apply from the RTE specification.
iSignalProps ISignalProps 0..1 aggr Additional optional ISignal properties that may be stored
in different files.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
iSignalType ISignalTypeEnum 0..1 attr This attribute defines whether this iSignal is an array that
results in a UINT8_N / UINT8_DYN ComSignalType in the
COM configuration or a primitive type.
length Integer 1 attr Size of the signal in bits. The size needs to be derived
from the mapped VariableDataPrototype according to the
mapping of primitive DataTypes to BaseTypes as used in
the RTE. Indicates maximum size for dynamic length
The ISignal length of zero bits is allowed.
network SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr Specification of the actual network representation. The
Representation usage of SwDataDefProps for this purpose is restricted to
Props the attributes compuMethod and baseType. The optional
baseType attributes "memAllignment" and "byteOrder"
shall not be used.
The attribute "dataTypePolicy" in the SystemTemplate
element defines whether this network representation shall
be ignored and the information shall be taken over from
the network representation of the ComSpec.
If "override" is chosen by the system integrator the
network representation can violate against the
requirements defined in the PortInterface and in the
network representation of the ComSpec.
In case that the System Description doesn’t use a
complete Software Component Description (VFB View)
this element is used to configure "ComSignalDataInvalid
Value" and the Data Semantics.
systemSignal SystemSignal 1 ref Reference to the System Signal that is supposed to be
transmitted in the ISignal.
timeout ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Defines and enables the ComTimeoutSubstituition for this
Substitution ISignal.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class ISignal
transformation TransformationISignal * aggr A transformer chain consists of an ordered list of
ISignalProps Props transformers. The ISignal specific configuration
properties for each transformer are defined in the
TransformationISignalProps class. The transformer
configuration properties that are common for all ISignals
are described in the TransformationTechnology class.

Table D.141: ISignal

Class ISignalGroup
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication
Note SignalGroup of the Interaction Layer. The RTE supports a "signal fan-out" where the same System
Signal Group is sent in different SignalIPdus to multiple receivers.
An ISignalGroup refers to a set of ISignals that shall always be kept together. A ISignalGroup represents
a COM Signal Group.
Therefore it is recommended to put the ISignalGroup in the same Package as ISignals (see
Base ARObject, CollectableElement, FibexElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
comBased DataTransformation 0..1 ref Optional reference to a DataTransformation which
SignalGroup represents the transformer chain that is used to transform
Transformation the data that shall be placed inside this ISignalGroup
based on the COMBasedTransformer approach.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Transformation, comBasedSignalGroup
iSignal ISignal * ref Reference to a set of ISignals that shall always be kept
systemSignal SystemSignalGroup 1 ref Reference to the SystemSignalGroup that is defined on
Group VFB level and that is supposed to be transmitted in the
transformation TransformationISignal * aggr A transformer chain consists of an ordered list of
ISignalProps Props transformers. The ISignalGroup specific configuration
properties for each transformer are defined in the
TransformationISignalProps class. The transformer
configuration properties that are common for all ISignal
Groups are described in the TransformationTechnology
Table D.142: ISignalGroup

Class ISignalIPdu
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication
Note Represents the IPdus handled by Com. The ISignalIPdu assembled and disassembled in AUTOSAR
COM consists of one or more signals. In case no multiplexing is performed this IPdu is routed to/from the
Interface Layer.
A maximum of one dynamic length signal per IPdu is allowed.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class ISignalIPdu
Base ARObject, CollectableElement, FibexElement, IPdu, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Pdu, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
iPduTiming IPduTiming 0..1 aggr Timing specification for Com IPdus (Transmission
Specification Modes). This information is mandatory for the sender in a
System Extract. This information may be omitted on
receivers in a System Extract.
atpVariation: The timing of a Pdu can vary.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
iSignalToPdu ISignalToIPduMapping * aggr Definition of SignalToIPduMappings included in the Signal
Mapping IPdu.
atpVariation: The content of a PDU can be variable.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
pduCounter SignalIPduCounter 0..1 aggr An included Pdu counter is used to ensure that a
sequence of Pdus is maintained.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
pduReplication SignalIPduReplication 0..1 aggr Pdu Replication is a form of redundancy where the data
content of one ISignalIPdu (source) is transmitted inside a
set of replica ISignalIPdus. These ISignalIPdus (copies)
have different Pdu IDs, identical PduCounters, identical
data content and are transmitted with the same frequency.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
unusedBit Integer 1 attr AUTOSAR COM and AUTOSAR IPDUM are filling not
Pattern used areas of an IPDU with this bit-pattern. This attribute
is mandatory to avoid undefined behavior. This
byte-pattern will be repeated throughout the IPdu.

Table D.143: ISignalIPdu

Class ISignalProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication
Note Additional ISignal properties that may be stored in different files.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
handleOutOf HandleOutOfRange 1 attr This attribute defines the outOfRangeHandling for
Range Enum received and sent signals.

Table D.144: ISignalProps

Class ISignalToIPduMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication
Note An ISignalToIPduMapping describes the mapping of ISignals to ISignalIPdus and defines the position of
the ISignal within an ISignalIPdu.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Specification of RTE Software

Class ISignalToIPduMapping
iSignal ISignal 0..1 ref Reference to a ISignal that is mapped into the ISignal
Each ISignal contained in the ISignalGroup shall be
mapped into an IPdu by an own ISignalToIPduMapping.
The references to the ISignal and to the ISignalGroup in
an ISignalToIPduMapping are mutually exclusive.
iSignalGroup ISignalGroup 0..1 ref Reference to an ISignalGroup that is mapped into the
SignalIPdu. If an ISignalToIPduMapping for an ISignal
Group is defined, only the UpdateIndicationBitPosition
and the transferProperty is relevant. The startPosition
and the packingByteOrder shall be ignored.
Each ISignal contained in the ISignalGroup shall be
mapped into an IPdu by an own ISignalToIPduMapping.
The references to the ISignal and to the ISignalGroup in
an ISignalToIPduMapping are mutually exclusive.
packingByte ByteOrderEnum 0..1 attr This parameter defines the order of the bytes of the signal
Order and the packing into the SignalIPdu. The byte ordering
"Little Endian" (MostSignificantByteLast), "Big Endian"
(MostSignificantByteFirst) and "Opaque" can be selected.
For opaque data endianness conversion shall be
configured to Opaque. The value of this attribute impacts
the absolute position of the signal into the SignalIPdu
(see the startPosition attribute description).
For an ISignalGroup the packingByteOrder is irrelevant
and shall be ignored.
startPosition Integer 0..1 attr This parameter is necessary to describe the bitposition of
a signal within an SignalIPdu. It denotes the least
significant bit for "Little Endian" and the most significant
bit for "Big Endian" packed signals within the IPdu (see
the description of the packingByteOrder attribute). In
AUTOSAR the bit counting is always set to "sawtooth"
and the bit order is set to "Decreasing". The bit counting
in byte 0 starts with bit 0 (least significant bit). The most
significant bit in byte 0 is bit 7.
Please note that the way the bytes will be actually sent on
the bus does not impact this representation: they will
always be seen by the software as a byte array.
If a mapping for the ISignalGroup is defined, this attribute
is irrelevant and shall be ignored.
transferProperty TransferPropertyEnum 0..1 attr Defines how the referenced ISignal contributes to the
send triggering of the ISignalIPdu.
update Integer 0..1 attr The UpdateIndicationBit indicates to the receivers that the
IndicationBit signal (or the signal group) was updated by the sender.
Position Length is always one bit. The UpdateIndicationBitPosition
attribute describes the position of the update bit within the
SignalIPdu. For Signals of a ISignalGroup this attribute is
irrelevant and shall be ignored.
Note that the exact bit position of the updateIndicationBit
Position is linked to the value of the attribute packingByte
Order because the method of finding the bit position is
different for the values mostSignificantByteFirst and most
SignificantByteLast. This means that if the value of
packingByteOrder is changed while the value of update
IndicationBitPosition remains unchanged the exact bit
position of updateIndicationBitPosition within the
enclosing ISignalIPdu still undergoes a change.

1167 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ISignalToIPduMapping
This attribute denotes the least significant bit for "Little
Endian" and the most significant bit for "Big Endian"
packed signals within the IPdu (see the description of the
packingByteOrder attribute). In AUTOSAR the bit
counting is always set to "sawtooth" and the bit order is
set to "Decreasing". The bit counting in byte 0 starts with
bit 0 (least significant bit). The most significant bit in byte
0 is bit 7.

Table D.145: ISignalToIPduMapping

Class Identifiable (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::Identifiable
Note Instances of this class can be referred to by their identifier (within the namespace borders). In addition to
this, Identifiables are objects which contribute significantly to the overall structure of an AUTOSAR
description. In particular, Identifiables might contain Identifiables.
Base ARObject, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses ARPackage, AbstractDoIpLogicAddressProps, AbstractEvent, AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement,
AbstractSecurityEventFilter , AbstractSecurityIdsmInstanceFilter , AbstractServiceInstance, Application
Endpoint, ApplicationError, ApplicationPartitionToEcuPartitionMapping, AsynchronousServerCallResult
Point, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AutosarOperationArgumentInstance,
AutosarVariableInstance, BinaryManifestAddressableObject, BinaryManifestItemDefinition, Binary
ManifestResource, BinaryManifestResourceDefinition, BlockState, BswInternalTriggeringPoint, Bsw
ModuleDependency, BuildActionEntity , BuildActionEnvironment, CanTpAddress, CanTpChannel, CanTp
Node, Chapter, ClassContentConditional, ClientIdDefinition, ClientServerOperation, Code, Collectable
Element, ComManagementMapping, CommConnectorPort, CommunicationConnector , Communication
Controller , Compiler, ConsistencyNeeds, ConsumedEventGroup, CouplingPort, CouplingPortStructural
Element, CpSoftwareClusterResource, CpSoftwareClusterResourceToApplicationPartitionMapping, Cp
SoftwareClusterToEcuInstanceMapping, CpSoftwareClusterToResourceMapping, CryptoService
Mapping, DataPrototypeGroup, DataTransformation, DependencyOnArtifact, DiagEventDebounce
Algorithm, DiagnosticConnectedIndicator, DiagnosticDataElement, DiagnosticFunctionInhibitSource,
DiagnosticRoutineSubfunction, DltArgument, DltLogChannel, DltMessage, DoIpInterface, DoIpLogic
Address, DoIpRoutingActivation, ECUMapping, EOCExecutableEntityRefAbstract, EcuPartition, Ecuc
ContainerValue, EcucDefinitionElement, EcucDestinationUriDef, EcucEnumerationLiteralDef, Ecuc
Query, EcucValidationCondition, EndToEndProtection, EthernetWakeupSleepOnDatalineConfig,
ExclusiveArea, ExecutableEntity , ExecutionTime, FMAttributeDef, FMFeatureMapAssertion, FMFeature
MapCondition, FMFeatureMapElement, FMFeatureRelation, FMFeatureRestriction, FMFeatureSelection,
FlatInstanceDescriptor, FlexrayArTpNode, FlexrayTpConnectionControl, FlexrayTpNode, FlexrayTpPdu
Pool, FrameTriggering, GeneralParameter, GlobalTimeGateway, GlobalTimeMaster , GlobalTimeSlave,
HeapUsage, HwAttributeDef, HwAttributeLiteralDef, HwPin, HwPinGroup, IPSecRule, IPv6ExtHeader
FilterList, ISignalToIPduMapping, ISignalTriggering, IdentCaption, InternalTriggeringPoint, J1939Shared
AddressCluster, J1939TpNode, Keyword, LifeCycleState, LinScheduleTable, LinTpNode, Linker, Mac
MulticastGroup, McDataInstance, MemorySection, ModeDeclaration, ModeDeclarationMapping, Mode
SwitchPoint, NetworkEndpoint, NmCluster , NmEcu, NmNode, NvBlockDescriptor, PackageableElement,
ParameterAccess, PduToFrameMapping, PduTriggering, PerInstanceMemory, PhysicalChannel, Port
ElementToCommunicationResourceMapping, PortGroup, PortInterfaceMapping, PossibleErrorReaction,
ResourceConsumption, RootSwCompositionPrototype, RptComponent, RptContainer, RptExecutable
Entity, RptExecutableEntityEvent, RptExecutionContext, RptProfile, RptServicePoint, RunnableEntity
Group, SdgAttribute, SdgClass, SecureCommunicationAuthenticationProps, SecureCommunication
FreshnessProps, SecurityEventContextProps, ServerCallPoint, ServiceNeeds, SignalServiceTranslation
ElementProps, SignalServiceTranslationEventProps, SignalServiceTranslationProps, SocketAddress,
SomeipTpChannel, SpecElementReference, StackUsage, StaticSocketConnection, StructuredReq, Sw
GenericAxisParamType, SwServiceArg, SwcServiceDependency, SwcToApplicationPartitionMapping,
SwcToEcuMapping, SwcToImplMapping, SystemMapping, TDCpSoftwareClusterMapping, TDCp
SoftwareClusterResourceMapping, TcpOptionFilterList, TimingCondition, TimingConstraint, Timing
Description, TimingExtensionResource, TimingModeInstance, TlsCryptoCipherSuite, Topic1, TpAddress,
TraceableTable, TraceableText, TracedFailure, TransformationProps, TransformationTechnology, Trigger,
VariableAccess, VariationPointProxy, ViewMap, VlanConfig, WaitPoint

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Specification of RTE Software

Class Identifiable (abstract)
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
adminData AdminData 0..1 aggr This represents the administrative data for the identifiable
annotation Annotation * aggr Possibility to provide additional notes while defining a
model element (e.g. the ECU Configuration Parameter
Values). These are not intended as documentation but
are mere design notes.
category CategoryString 0..1 attr The category is a keyword that specializes the semantics
of the Identifiable. It affects the expected existence of
attributes and the applicability of constraints.
desc MultiLanguageOverview 0..1 aggr This represents a general but brief (one paragraph)
Paragraph description what the object in question is about. It is only
one paragraph! Desc is intended to be collected into
overview tables. This property helps a human reader to
identify the object in question.
More elaborate documentation, (in particular how the
object is built or used) should go to "introduction".
introduction DocumentationBlock 0..1 aggr This represents more information about how the object in
question is built or is used. Therefore it is a
uuid String 0..1 attr The purpose of this attribute is to provide a globally
unique identifier for an instance of a meta-class. The
values of this attribute should be globally unique strings
prefixed by the type of identifier. For example, to include a
DCE UUID as defined by The Open Group, the UUID
would be preceded by "DCE:". The values of this attribute
may be used to support merging of different AUTOSAR
models. The form of the UUID (Universally Unique
Identifier) is taken from a standard defined by the Open
Group (was Open Software Foundation). This standard is
widely used, including by Microsoft for COM (GUIDs) and
by many companies for DCE, which is based on CORBA.
The method for generating these 128-bit IDs is published
in the standard and the effectiveness and uniqueness of
the IDs is not in practice disputed. If the id namespace is
omitted, DCE is assumed. An example is
"DCE:2fac1234-31f8-11b4-a222-08002b34c003". The
uuid attribute has no semantic meaning for an AUTOSAR
model and there is no requirement for AUTOSAR tools to
manage the timestamp.

Table D.146: Identifiable

Class Implementation (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Implementation
Note Description of an implementation a single software component or module.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable

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Specification of RTE Software

Class Implementation (abstract)
Subclasses BswImplementation, SwcImplementation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
buildAction BuildActionManifest 0..1 ref A manifest specifying the intended build actions for the
Manifest software delivered with this implementation.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
codeDescriptor Code * aggr Specifies the provided implementation code.
compiler Compiler * aggr Specifies the compiler for which this implementation has
been released
generated DependencyOnArtifact * aggr Relates to an artifact that will be generated during the
Artifact integration of this Implementation by an associated
generator tool. Note that this is an optional information
since it might not always be in the scope of a single
module or component to provide this information.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
hwElement HwElement * ref The hardware elements (e.g. the processor) required for
this implementation.
linker Linker * aggr Specifies the linker for which this implementation has
been released.
mcSupport McSupportData 0..1 aggr The measurement & calibration support data belonging to
this implementation. The aggregtion is <<atpSplitable>>
because in case of an already exisiting BSW
Implementation model, this description will be added later
in the process, namely at code generation time.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
programming Programminglanguage 0..1 attr Programming language the implementation was created
Language Enum in.
requiredArtifact DependencyOnArtifact * aggr Specifies that this Implementation depends on the
existance of another artifact (e.g. a library). This
aggregation of DependencyOnArtifact is subject to
variability with the purpose to support variability in the
implementations. Different algorithms in the
implementation might cause different dependencies, e.g.
the number of used libraries.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
required DependencyOnArtifact * aggr Relates this Implementation to a generator tool in order to
GeneratorTool generate additional artifacts during integration.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
resource ResourceConsumption 0..1 aggr All static and dynamic resources for each implementation
Consumption are described within the ResourceConsumption class.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
swcBsw SwcBswMapping 0..1 ref This allows a mapping between an SWC and a BSW
Mapping behavior to be attached to an implementation description
(for AUTOSAR Service, ECU Abstraction and Complex
Driver Components). It is up to the methodology to define
whether this reference has to be set for the Swc- or Bsw
Implementtion or for both.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class Implementation (abstract)
swVersion RevisionLabelString 0..1 attr Software version of this implementation. The numbering
contains three levels (like major, minor, patch), its values
are vendor specific.
usedCode String 0..1 attr Optional: code generator used.
vendorId PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Vendor ID of this Implementation according to the
AUTOSAR vendor list

Table D.147: Implementation

Class ImplementationDataType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ImplementationDataTypes
Note Describes a reusable data type on the implementation level. This will typically correspond to a typedef in
Base ARElement, ARObject, AbstractImplementationDataType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier ,
AtpType, AutosarDataType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dynamicArray String 0..1 attr Specifies the profile which the array will follow in case this
SizeProfile data type is a variable size array.
isStructWith Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute is only valid if the attribute category is set to
If set to True, this attribute indicates that the
ImplementationDataType has been created with the
intention to define at least one element of the structure as
subElement ImplementationData * aggr Specifies an element of an array, struct, or union data
(ordered) TypeElement type.
The aggregation of ImplementionDataTypeElement is
subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of elements inside a Implementation
DataType representing a structure.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
symbolProps SymbolProps 0..1 aggr This represents the SymbolProps for the Implementation
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
typeEmitter NameToken 0..1 attr This attribute is used to control which part of the
AUTOSAR toolchain is supposed to trigger data type
Table D.148: ImplementationDataType

Class ImplementationDataTypeElement
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ImplementationDataTypes
Note Declares a data object which is locally aggregated. Such an element can only be used within the scope
where it is aggregated.
This element either consists of further subElements or it is further defined via its swDataDefProps.
There are several use cases within the system of ImplementationDataTypes fur such a local declaration:

1171 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ImplementationDataTypeElement
• It can represent the elements of an array, defining the element type and array size
• It can represent an element of a struct, defining its type
• It can be the local declaration of a debug element.
Base ARObject, AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arrayImplPolicy ArrayImplPolicyEnum 0..1 attr This attribute controls the implementation of the payload
of an array. It shall only be used if the enclosing
ImplementationDataType constitutes an array.
arraySize PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The existence of this attributes (if bigger than 0) defines
the size of an array and declares that this Implementation
DataTypeElement represents the type of each single
array element.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
arraySize ArraySizeHandling 0..1 attr The way how the size of the array is handled in case of a
Handling Enum variable size array.
arraySize ArraySizeSemantics 0..1 attr This attribute controls the meaning of the value of the
Semantics Enum array size.
isOptional Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute represents the ability to declare the
enclosing ImplementationDataTypeElement as optional.
This means that, at runtime, the ImplementationDataType
Element may or may not have a valid value and shall
therefore be ignored.
The underlying runtime software provides means to set
the CppImplementationDataTypeElement as not valid at
the sending end of a communication and determine its
validity at the receiving end.
subElement ImplementationData * aggr Element of an array, struct, or union in case of a nested
(ordered) TypeElement declaration (i.e. without using "typedefs").
The aggregation of ImplementionDataTypeElement is
subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of elements inside a Implementation
DataType representing a structure.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr The properties of this ImplementationDataTypeElement.

Table D.149: ImplementationDataTypeElement

Class ImplementationProps (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Implementation
Note Defines a symbol to be used as (depending on the concrete case) either a complete replacement or a
prefix when generating code artifacts.
Base ARObject, Referrable
Subclasses BswSchedulerNamePrefix, ExecutableEntityActivationReason, SectionNamePrefix, SymbolProps,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Specification of RTE Software

Class ImplementationProps (abstract)
symbol CIdentifier 0..1 attr The symbol to be used as (depending on the concrete
case) either a complete replacement or a prefix.

Table D.150: ImplementationProps

Class IncludedDataTypeSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::IncludedDataTypes
Note An includedDataTypeSet declares that a set of AutosarDataType is used by a basic software module or a
software component for its implementation and the AutosarDataType becomes part of the contract.
This information is required if the AutosarDataType is not used for any DataPrototype owned by this
software component or if the enumeration literals, lowerLimit and upperLimit constants shall be
generated with a literalPrefix.
The optional literalPrefix is used to add a common prefix on enumeration literals, lowerLimit and upper
Limit constants created by the RTE.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataType AutosarDataType * ref AutosarDataType belonging to the includedDataTypeSet
literalPrefix Identifier 0..1 attr LiteralPrefix defines a common prefix for all AutosarData
Types of the includedDataTypeSet to be added on
enumeration literals, lowerLimit and upperLimit constants
created by the RTE.

Table D.151: IncludedDataTypeSet

Class IncludedModeDeclarationGroupSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ModeDeclarationGroup
Note An IncludedModeDeclarationGroupSet declares that a set of ModeDeclarationGroups used by the
software component for its implementation and consequently these ModeDeclarationGroups become
part of the contract.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
mode ModeDeclarationGroup * ref This represents the referenced ModeDeclarationGroup.
prefix Identifier 0..1 attr The prefix shall be used by the RTE generator as a prefix
for the creation of symbols related to the referenced
ModeDeclarationGroups, e.g RTE_TRANSITION_<Mode

Table D.152: IncludedModeDeclarationGroupSet

Class InitEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This RTEEvent is supposed to be used for initialization purposes, i.e. for starting and restarting a
partition. It is not guaranteed that all RunnableEntities referenced by this InitEvent are executed before
the ’regular’ RunnableEntities are executed for the first time. The execution order depends on the task
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.153: InitEvent

1173 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class InstantiationDataDefProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::InstantiationDataDefProps
Note This is a general class allowing to apply additional SwDataDefProps to particular instantiations of a Data
Typically the accessibility and further information like alias names for a particular data is modeled on the
level of DataPrototypes (especially VariableDataPrototypes, ParameterDataPrototypes). But due to the
recursive structure of the meta-model concerning data types (a composite (data) type consists out of
data prototypes) a part of the MCD information is described in the data type (in case of Application
This is a strong restriction in the reuse of data typed because the data type should be re-used for
different VariableDataPrototypes and ParameterDataPrototypes to guarantee type compatibility on
C-implementation level (e.g. data of a Port is stored in PIM or a ParameterDataPrototype used as ROM
Block and shall be typed by the same data type as NVRAM Block).
This class overcomes such a restriction if applied properly.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
parameter AutosarParameterRef 0..1 aggr This is the particular ParameterDataPrototypes on which
Instance the swDataDefProps shall be applied.
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr These are the particular data definition properties which
Props shall be applied
variableInstance AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr This is the particular VariableDataPrototypes on which
the swDataDefProps shall be applied.

Table D.154: InstantiationDataDefProps

Class InstantiationRTEEventProps (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition
Note This meta class represents the ability to refine the properties of RTEEvents for particular instances of a
software component.
Base ARObject
Subclasses InstantiationTimingEventProps
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
refinedEvent RTEEvent 0..1 iref This instance ref denotes the Timing Event for which the
period shall be refined on an instance level.
InstanceRef implemented by:InstanceEventIn
shortLabel Identifier 0..1 attr The main purpose of the shortLabel is to contribute to the
splitkey of aggregations that are <<atpSplitable>>.
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor

Table D.155: InstantiationRTEEventProps

Class InternalBehavior (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::InternalBehavior
Note Common base class (abstract) for the internal behavior of both software components and basic software
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Subclasses BswInternalBehavior, SwcInternalBehavior
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Specification of RTE Software

Class InternalBehavior (abstract)
constant ParameterData * aggr Describes a read only memory object containing
Memory Prototype characteristic value(s) implemented by this Internal
The shortName of ParameterDataPrototype has to be
equal to the ”C’ identifier of the described constant.
The characteristic value(s) might be shared between Sw
ComponentPrototypes of the same SwComponentType.
The aggregation of constantMemory is subject to
variability with the purpose to support variability in the
software component or module implementations.
Typically different algorithms in the implementation are
requiring different number of memory objects.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=constantMemory.shortName, constant
constantValue ConstantSpecification * ref Reference to the ConstanSpecificationMapping to be
Mapping MappingSet applied for the particular InternalBehavior
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
dataType DataTypeMappingSet * ref Reference to the DataTypeMapping to be applied for the
Mapping particular InternalBehavior
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
exclusiveArea ExclusiveArea * aggr This specifies an ExclusiveArea for this InternalBehavior.
The exclusiveArea is local to the component resp.
module. The aggregation of ExclusiveAreas is subject to
variability. Note: the number of ExclusiveAreas might vary
due to the conditional existence of RunnableEntities or
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=exclusiveArea.shortName, exclusive
exclusiveArea ExclusiveAreaNesting * aggr This represents the set of ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder
NestingOrder Order owned by the InternalBehavior.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
staticMemory VariableDataPrototype * aggr Describes a read and writeable static memory object
representing measurerment variables implemented by
this software component. The term "static" is used in the
meaning of "non-temporary" and does not necessarily
specify a linker encapsulation. This kind of memory is
only supported if supportsMultipleInstantiation is FALSE.
The shortName of the VariableDataPrototype has to be
equal with the ”C’ identifier of the described variable.
The aggregation of staticMemory is subject to variability
with the purpose to support variability in the software
component’s implementations.

1175 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class InternalBehavior (abstract)
Typically different algorithms in the implementation are
requiring different number of memory objects.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=staticMemory.shortName, static

Table D.156: InternalBehavior

Class InternalTriggerOccurredEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note The event is raised when the referenced internal trigger have been occurred.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
eventSource InternalTriggeringPoint 0..1 ref Internal Triggering Point that triggers the event.

Table D.157: InternalTriggerOccurredEvent

Class InternalTriggeringPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::Trigger
Note If a RunnableEntity owns an InternalTriggeringPoint it is entitled to trigger the execution of Runnable
Entities of the corresponding software-component.
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swImplPolicy SwImplPolicyEnum 0..1 attr This attribute, when set to value queued, allows for a
queued processing of Triggers.

Table D.158: InternalTriggeringPoint

Class InvalidationPolicy
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Specifies whether the component can actively invalidate a particular dataElement.
If no invalidationPolicy points to a dataElement this is considered to yield the identical result as if the
handleInvalid attribute was set to dontInvalidate.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataElement VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref Reference to the dataElement for which the Invalidation
Policy applies.
handleInvalid HandleInvalidEnum 0..1 attr This attribute controls how invalidation is applied to the
Table D.159: InvalidationPolicy

1176 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class McDataInstance
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport
Note Describes the specific properties of one data instance in order to support measurement and/or
calibration of this data instance.
The most important attributes are:
• Its shortName is copied from the ECU Flat map (if applicable) and will be used as identifier and
for display by the MC system.
• The category is copied from the corresponding data type (ApplicationDataType if defined,
otherwise ImplementationDataType) as far as applicable.
• The symbol is the one used in the programming language. It will be used to find out the actual
memory address by the final generation tool with the help of linker generated information.
It is assumed that in the M1 model this part and all the aggregated and referred elements (with the
exception of the Flat Map and the references from ImplementationElementInParameterInstanceRef and
McAccessDetails) are completely generated from "upstream" information. This means, that even if an
element like e.g. a CompuMethod is only used via reference here, it will be copied into the M1 artifact
which holds the complete McSupportData for a given Implementation.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arraySize PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The existence of this attribute turns the data instance into
an array of data. The attribute determines the size of the
array in terms of number of elements.
displayIdentifier McdIdentifier 0..1 attr An optional attribute to be used to set the ASAM ASAP2
flatMapEntry FlatInstanceDescriptor 0..1 ref Reference to the corresponding entry in the ECU Flat
Map. This allows to trace back to the original specification
of the generated data instance. This link shall be added
by the RTE generator mainly for documentation purposes.
The reference is optional because
• The McDataInstance may represent an array or
struct in which only the subElements correspond
to FlatMap entries.
• The McDataInstance may represent a task local
buffer for rapid prototyping access which is
different from the "main instance" used for
measurement access.
instanceIn ImplementationElement 0..1 aggr Reference to the corresponding data instance in the
Memory InParameterInstance description of calibration data structures published by the
Ref RTE generator. This is used to support emulation
methods inside the ECU, it is not required for A2L
mcDataAccess McDataAccessDetails 0..1 aggr Refers to "upstream" information on how the RTE uses
Details this data instance. Use Case: Rapid Prototyping
mcData RoleBasedMcData * aggr An assignment between McDataInstances. This supports
Assignment Assignment the indication of related McDataElement implementing
the of "RP global buffer", "RP global measurement
buffer", "RP enabler flag".
resulting SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr These are the generated properties resulting from
Properties decisions taken by the RTE generator for the actually
implemented data instance. Only those properties are
relevant here, which are needed for the measurement
and calibration system.
resultingRptSw RptSwPrototyping 0..1 aggr Describes the implemented accessibility of data and
Prototyping Access modes by the rapid prototyping tooling.

1177 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class McDataInstance
role Identifier 0..1 attr An optional attribute to be used for additional information
on the role of this data instance, for example in the
context of rapid prototyping.
rptImplPolicy RptImplPolicy 0..1 aggr Describes the implemented code preparation for rapid
prototyping at data accesses for a hook based bypassing.
subElement McDataInstance * aggr This relation indicates, that the target element is part of a
(ordered) "struct" which is given by the source element. This
information will be used by the final generator to set up
the correct addressing scheme.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
symbol SymbolString 0..1 attr This String is used to determine the memory address
during final generation of the MC configuration data (e.g.
"A2L" file) . It shall be the name of the element in the
programming language such that it can be identified in
linker generated information.
In case the McDataInstance is part of composite data in
the programming language, the symbol String may
include parts denoting the element context, unless the
context is given by the symbol attribute of an enclosing
McDataInstance. This means in particular for the C
language that the "." character shall be used as a
separator between the name of a "struct" variable the
name of one of its elements.
The symbol can differ from the shortName in case of
generated C data declarations.
It is an optional attribute since it may be missing in case
the instance represents an element (e.g. a single array
element) which has no name in the linker map.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

Table D.160: McDataInstance

Class McParameterElementGroup
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport
Note Denotes a group of calibration parameters which are handled by the RTE as one data structure.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
ramLocation VariableDataPrototype 1 ref Refers to the RAM location of this parameter group. To be
used for the init-RAM method.
romLocation ParameterData 1 ref Refers to the ROM location of this parameter group. To
Prototype be used for the init-RAM method.
shortLabel Identifier 1 attr Assigns a name to this element.

Table D.161: McParameterElementGroup

Class McSupportData
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport
Note Root element for all measurement and calibration support data related to one Implementation artifact on
an ECU. There shall be one such element related to the RTE implementation (if it owns MC data) and a
separate one for each module or component, which owns private MC data.

1178 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class McSupportData
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
emulation McSwEmulationMethod * aggr Describes the calibration method used by the RTE. This
Support Support information is not needed for A2L generation, but to setup
software emulation in the ECU.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
mcParameter McDataInstance * aggr A data instance to be used for calibration.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=mcParameterInstance.shortName, mc
mcVariable McDataInstance * aggr A data instance to be used for measurement.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=mcVariableInstance.shortName, mcVariable
measurable SwSystemconstant * ref Sets of system constant values to be transferred to the
System ValueSet MCD system, because the system constants have been
ConstantValues specified with "swCalibrationAccess" = readonly.
rptSupportData RptSupportData 0..1 aggr The rapid prototyping support data belonging to this
implementation. The aggregtion is <<atpSplitable>>
because in case of an already exisiting BSW
Implementation model, this description will be added later
in the process, namely at code generation time.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

Table D.162: McSupportData

Class McSwEmulationMethodSupport
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport
Note This denotes the method used by the RTE to handle the calibration data. It is published by the RTE
generator and can be used e.g. to generate the corresponding emulation method in a Complex Driver.
According to the actual method given by the category attribute, not all attributes are always needed:
• double pointered method: only baseReference is mandatory
• single pointered method: only referenceTable is mandatory
• initRam method: only elementGroup(s) are mandatory
Note: For single/double pointered method the group locations are implicitly accessed via the reference
table and their location can be found from the initial values in the M1 model of the respective pointers.
Therefore, the description of elementGroups is not needed in these cases. Likewise, for double pointered
method the reference table description can be accessed via the M1 model under baseReference.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
baseReference VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref Refers to the base pointer in case of the double-pointered

1179 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class McSwEmulationMethodSupport
category Identifier 1 attr Identifies the actual method. The possible names shall
correspond to the symbols of the ECU configuration
parameter for the calibration method of the RTE, and can
include vendor specific methods.
elementGroup McParameterElement * aggr Denotes the grouping of calibration parameters in the
Group actual RTE code. Depending on the category, this
information maybe required to set up the emulation code.
referenceTable VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref Refers to the pointer table in case of the single-pointered
shortLabel Identifier 1 attr Assigns a name to this element.

Table D.163: McSwEmulationMethodSupport

Enumeration MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicyType
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::AuxillaryObjects
Note Enumeration to specify the name pattern of the Memory Allocation Keyword.
Literal Description
addrMethodShort The MemorySection shortNames of referring MemorySections and therefore the belonging Memory
Name Allocation Keywords in the code are build with the shortName of the SwAddrMethod. This is the
default value if the attribute does not exist.
addrMethodShort The MemorySection shortNames of referring MemorySections and therefore the belonging Memory
NameAndAlignment Allocation Keywords in the code are build with the shortName of the SwAddrMethod and a variable
alignment postfix.
Thereby the alignment postfix needs to be consistent with the alignment attribute of the related

Table D.164: MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicyType

Class MemorySection
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ResourceConsumption::MemorySectionUsage
Note Provides a description of an abstract memory section used in the Implementation for code or data. It shall
be declared by the Implementation Description of the module or component, which actually allocates the
memory in its code. This means in case of data prototypes which are allocated by the RTE, that the
generated Implementation Description of the RTE shall contain the corresponding MemorySections.
The attribute "symbol" (if symbol is missing: "shortName") defines the module or component specific
section name used in the code. For details see the document "Specification of Memory Mapping".
Typically the section name is build according the pattern:
<SwAddrMethod shortName>[_<further specialization nominator>][_<alignment>] where
• [<SwAddrMethod shortName>] is the shortName of the referenced SwAddrMethod
• [_<further specialization nominator>] is an optional infix to indicate the specialization in the
case that several MemorySections for different purpose of the same Implementation Description
referring to the same or equally named SwAddrMethods.
• [_<alignment>] is the alignment attributes value and is only applicable in the case that the
memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy value of the referenced SwAddrMethod is set to addrMethod

1180 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class MemorySection
MemorySection used to Implement the code of RunnableEntitys and BswSchedulableEntitys shall have a
symbol (if missing: shortName) identical to the referred SwAddrMethod to conform to the generated RTE
header files.
In addition to the section name described above, a prefix is used in the corresponding macro code in
order to define a name space. This prefix is by default given by the shortName of the BswModule
Description resp. the SwComponentType. It can be superseded by the prefix attribute.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
alignment AlignmentType 0..1 attr The attribute describes the alignment of objects within
this memory section.
executableEntity ExecutableEntity * ref Reference to the ExecutableEntitites located in this
section. This allows to locate different Executable
Entitities in different sections even if the associated Sw
Addrmethod is the same.
This is applicable to code sections only.
memClass CIdentifier 0..1 attr Defines a specific symbol in order to generate the
Symbol compiler abstraction "memclass" code for this Memory
Section. The existence of this attribute supersedes the
usage of swAddrmethod.shortName for this purpose.
The complete name of the "memclass" preprocessor
symbol is constructed as <prefix>_<memClassSymbol>
where prefix is defined in the same way as for the
enclosing MemorySection. See also AUTOSAR_SWS_
CompilerAbstraction SWS_COMPILER_00040.
option Identifier * attr This attribute introduces the ability to specify further
intended properties of this MemorySection. The following
two values are standardized (to be used for code sections
only and exclusively to each other):
• INLINE - The code section is declared with the
compiler abstraction macro INLINE.
• LOCAL_INLINE - The code section is declared
with the compiler abstraction macro LOCAL_
In both cases (INLINE and LOCAL_INLINE) the inline
expansion depends on the compiler specific
implementation of these macros. Depending on this, the
code section either corresponds to an actual section in
memory or is put into the section of the caller. See
AUTOSAR_SWS_CompilerAbstraction for more details.
prefix SectionNamePrefix 0..1 ref The prefix used to set the memory section’s namespace
in the code. The existence of a prefix element
supersedes rules for a default prefix (such as the Bsw
ModuleDescription’s shortName). This allows the user to
define several name spaces for memory sections within
the scope of one module, cluster or SWC.
size PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The size in bytes of the section.
swAddrmethod SwAddrMethod 0..1 ref This association indicates that this module specific
(abstract) memory section is part of an overall SwAddr
Method, referred by the upstream declarations (e.g.
calibration parameters, data element prototypes, code
entities) which share a common addressing strategy. This
can be evaluated for the ECU configuration of the build

1181 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class MemorySection
This association shall always be declared by the
Implementation description of the module or component,
which allocates the memory in its code. This means in
case of data prototypes which are allocated by the RTE,
that the software components only declare the grouping
of its data prototypes to SwAddrMethods, and the
generated Implementation Description of the RTE actually
sets up this association.
symbol Identifier 0..1 attr Defines the section name as explained in the main
description. By using this attribute for code generation
(instead of the shortName) it is possible to define several
different MemorySections having the same name - e.g.
symbol = CODE - but using different sectionName
Table D.165: MemorySection

Class MetaDataItem
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This meta-class represents a single meta-data item.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
length PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute determines the length of the MetaDataItem
at run-time.
metaDataItem TextValueSpecification 0..1 aggr This aggregation contributes the specification of the
Type concrete meta-data item type.

Table D.166: MetaDataItem

Class MetaDataItemSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define a set of meta-data items to be used in SenderReceiver
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataElement VariableDataPrototype * ref This reference identifies the dataElement for which the
ordered list of meta-data items is defined.
metaDataItem MetaDataItem * aggr This aggregation represents the ordered definition of
(ordered) meta-data items.

Table D.167: MetaDataItemSet

Class ModeAccessPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ModeDeclarationGroup
Note A ModeAccessPoint is required by a RunnableEntity owned by a Mode Manager or Mode User. Its
semantics implies the ability to access the current mode (provided by the RTE) of a ModeDeclaration
GroupPrototype’s ModeDeclarationGroup.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

1182 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ModeAccessPoint
ident ModeAccessPointIdent 0..1 aggr The aggregation in the role ident provides the ability to
make the ModeAccessPoint identifiable.
From the semantical point of view, the ModeAccessPoint
is considered a first-class Identifiable and therefore the
aggregation in the role ident shall always exist (until it
may be possible to let ModeAccessPoint directly inherit
from Identifiable).
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 iref The mode declaration group that is accessed by this
Prototype runnable.
InstanceRef implemented by:ModeGroupInAtomicSwc
Table D.168: ModeAccessPoint

Enumeration ModeActivationKind
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note Kind of mode switch condition used for activation of an event, as further described for each
enumeration field.
Literal Description
onEntry On entering the referred mode.
onExit On exiting the referred mode.
onTransition On transition of the 1st referred mode to the 2nd referred mode.

Table D.169: ModeActivationKind

Class ModeDeclaration
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note Declaration of one Mode. The name and semantics of a specific mode is not defined in the meta-model.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
value PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The RTE shall take the value of this attribute for
generating the source code representation of this Mode
Table D.170: ModeDeclaration

Class ModeDeclarationGroup
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note A collection of Mode Declarations. Also, the initial mode is explicitly identified.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable

1183 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ModeDeclarationGroup
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initialMode ModeDeclaration 0..1 ref The initial mode of the ModeDeclarationGroup. This
mode is active before any mode switches occurred.
mode ModeDeclaration * aggr The ModeDeclarations collected in this ModeDeclaration
Declaration Group.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
modeManager ModeErrorBehavior 0..1 aggr This represents the ability to define the error behavior
ErrorBehavior expected by the mode manager in case of errors on the
mode user side (e.g. terminated mode user).
modeTransition ModeTransition * aggr This represents the avaliable ModeTransitions of the
modeUserError ModeErrorBehavior 0..1 aggr This represents the definition of the error behavior
Behavior expected by the mode user in case of errors on the mode
manager side (e.g. terminated mode manager).
onTransition PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The value of this attribute shall be taken into account by
Value the RTE generator for programmatically representing a
value used for the transition between two statuses.
Table D.171: ModeDeclarationGroup

Class ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note The ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype specifies a set of Modes (ModeDeclarationGroup) which is
provided or required in the given context.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swCalibration SwCalibrationAccess 0..1 attr This allows for specifying whether or not the enclosing
Access Enum ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype can be measured at
type ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 tref The "collection of ModeDeclarations" ( = ModeDeclaration
Group) supported by a component
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table D.172: ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype

Class ModeDeclarationMappingSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This meta-class implements a container for ModeDeclarationGroupMappings
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
mode ModeDeclaration * aggr This represents the collection of ModeDeclaration
Declaration Mapping Mappings owned by the enclosing ModeDeclaration
Mapping MappingSet.

Table D.173: ModeDeclarationMappingSet

1184 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ModeErrorBehavior
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note This represents the ability to define the error behavior in the context of mode handling.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
defaultMode ModeDeclaration 0..1 ref This represents the ModeDeclaration that is considered
the error mode in the context of the enclosing Mode
errorReaction ModeErrorReaction 0..1 attr This represents the ability to define the policy in terms of
Policy PolicyEnum which default model shall apply in case an error occurs.

Table D.174: ModeErrorBehavior

Enumeration ModeErrorReactionPolicyEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note This represents the ability to specify the reaction on a mode error.
Literal Description
defaultMode This represents the ability to switch to the defaultMode in case of a mode error.
lastMode This represents the ability to keep the last mode in case of a mode error.

Table D.175: ModeErrorReactionPolicyEnum

Class ModeInterfaceMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Defines the mapping of ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes in context of two different ModeInterfaces.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PortInterfaceMapping,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
modeMapping ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 aggr Mapping of two ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes in two
PrototypeMapping different ModeInterfaces

Table D.176: ModeInterfaceMapping

Class ModeRequestTypeMap
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ModeDeclaration
Note Specifies a mapping between a ModeDeclarationGroup and an ImplementationDataType. This
ImplementationDataType shall be used to implement the ModeDeclarationGroup.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
implementation AbstractImplementation 0..1 ref This is the corresponding AbstractImplementationData
DataType DataType Type. It shall be modeled along the idea of an "unsigned
integer-like" data type.
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 ref This is the corresponding ModeDeclarationGroup.

Table D.177: ModeRequestTypeMap

1185 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ModeSwitchInterface
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note A mode switch interface declares a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype to be sent and received.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 aggr The ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype of this mode
Prototype interface.

Table D.178: ModeSwitchInterface

Class ModeSwitchPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ModeDeclarationGroup
Note A ModeSwitchPoint is required by a RunnableEntity owned a Mode Manager. Its semantics implies the
ability to initiate a mode switch.
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 iref The mode declaration group that is switched by this
Prototype runnable.
InstanceRef implemented by:PModeGroupInAtomic

Table D.179: ModeSwitchPoint

Class ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes of RPortPrototypes with respect to mode communication
Base ARObject, RPortComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
enhancedMode Boolean 0..1 attr This controls the creation of the enhanced mode API that
Api returns information about the previous mode and the next
mode. If set to "true" the enhanced mode API is
supposed to be generated. For more details please refer
to the SWS_RTE.
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 ref ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype (of the same Port
Prototype Interface) to which these communication attributes apply.
supports Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute controls the behavior of the corresponding
Asynchronous RPortPrototype with respect to the question whether it
ModeSwitch can deal with asynchronous mode switch requests, i.e. if
set to true, the RPortPrototype is able to deal with an
asynchronous mode switch request.

Table D.180: ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec

Class ModeSwitchSenderComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes of PPortPrototypes with respect to mode communication
Base ARObject, PPortComSpec

1186 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ModeSwitchSenderComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
enhancedMode Boolean 0..1 attr This controls the creation of the enhanced mode API that
Api returns information about the previous mode and the next
mode. If set to "true" the enhanced mode API is
supposed to be generated. For more details please refer
to the SWS_RTE.
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 ref ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype (of the same Port
Prototype Interface) to which these communication attributes apply.
modeSwitched ModeSwitchedAck 0..1 aggr If this aggregation exists an acknowledgement for the
Ack Request successful processing of the mode switch request is
queueLength PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Length of call queue on the mode user side. The queue is
implemented by the RTE. The value shall be greater or
equal to 1. Setting the value of queueLength to 1 implies
that incoming requests are rejected while another request
that arrived earlier is being processed.

Table D.181: ModeSwitchSenderComSpec

Class ModeSwitchedAckEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note The event is raised when the referenced modes have been received or an error occurs.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
eventSource ModeSwitchPoint 0..1 ref Mode switch point that triggers the event.

Table D.182: ModeSwitchedAckEvent

Class ModeSwitchedAckRequest
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Requests acknowledgements that a mode switch has been proceeded successfully
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
timeout TimeValue 0..1 attr Number of seconds before an error is reported or in case
of allowed redundancy, the value is sent again.

Table D.183: ModeSwitchedAckRequest

Class NonqueuedReceiverComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes specific to non-queued receiving.
Base ARObject, RPortComSpec, ReceiverComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
aliveTimeout TimeValue 0..1 attr Specify the amount of time (in seconds) after which the
software component (via the RTE) needs to be notified if
the corresponding data item have not been received
according to the specified timing description.
If the aliveTimeout attribute is 0 no timeout monitoring
shall be performed.

1187 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class NonqueuedReceiverComSpec
enableUpdate Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute controls whether application code is entitled
to check whether the value of the corresponding Variable
DataPrototype has been updated.
filter DataFilter 0..1 aggr The applicable filter algorithm for filtering the value of the
corresponding dataElement.
handleData Boolean 0..1 attr If this attribute is set to true than the Rte_IStatus API shall
Status exist. If the attribute does not exist or is set to false then
the Rte_IStatus API may still exist in response to the
existence of further conditions.
handleNever Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute specifies whether for the corresponding
Received VariableDataPrototype the "never received" flag is
available. If yes, the RTE is supposed to assume that
initially the VariableDataPrototype has not been received
before. After the first reception of the corresponding
VariableDataPrototype the flag is cleared.
• If the value of this attribute is set to "true" the flag
is required.
• If set to "false", the RTE shall not support the
"never received" functionality for the
corresponding VariableDataPrototype.
handleTimeout HandleTimeoutEnum 0..1 attr This attribute controls the behavior with respect to the
Type handling of timeouts.
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Initial value to be used in case the sending component is
not yet initialized. If the sender also specifies an initial
value the receiver’s value will be used.
timeout ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr This attribute represents the substitution value applicable
Substitution in the case of a timeout.
Table D.184: NonqueuedReceiverComSpec

Class NonqueuedSenderComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes for non-queued sender/receiver communication (sender side)
Base ARObject, PPortComSpec, SenderComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataFilter DataFilter 0..1 aggr The applicable filter algorithm for filtering the value of the
corresponding dataElement.
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Initial value to be sent if sender component is not yet fully
initialized, but receiver needs data already.

Table D.185: NonqueuedSenderComSpec

Class NotAvailableValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class provides the ability to specify a ValueSpecification to state that the respective element is
not available. This ability is needed to support the existence of ApplicationRecordElements where
attribute isOptional ist set to the value True.
Base ARObject, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

1188 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class NotAvailableValueSpecification
defaultPattern PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The content of this attribute shall be used to initialize gaps
in the memory occupied by a structured data type in the
case that an NotAvailableValueSpecification is used. Note
that this pattern is only applied during initialization!

Table D.186: NotAvailableValueSpecification

Class NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class is used to support a rule-based initialization approach for data types with an array-nature
(ImplementationDataType of category ARRAY).
Base ARObject, AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
ruleBased RuleBasedValue 0..1 aggr This represents the rule based value specification for the
Values Specification array.

Table D.187: NumericalRuleBasedValueSpecification

Class NumericalValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note A numerical ValueSpecification which is intended to be assigned to a Primitive data element. Note that
the numerical value is a variant, it can be computed by a formula.
Base ARObject, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
value Numerical 0..1 attr This is the value itself.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.188: NumericalValueSpecification

Class NvBlockDataMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::NvBlockComponent
Note Defines the mapping between the VariableDataPrototypes in the NvBlockComponents ports and the
VariableDataPrototypes of the RAM Block.
The data types of the referenced VariableDataPrototypes in the ports and the referenced sub-element
(inside a CompositeDataType) of the VariableDataPrototype representing the RAM Block shall be
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bitfieldTextTable PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute identifies the applicable bit mask on the side
MaskNvBlock of the Nv Block.
bitfieldTextTable PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute identifies the applicable bit mask on the side
MaskPort of the PortPrototype.
nvRamBlock AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr Reference to a VariableDataPrototype of a RAM Block.

1189 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class NvBlockDataMapping
readNvData AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr Reference to a VariableDataPrototype of a pPort of the
NvBlockComponent providing read access to the RAM
Block.If there is no PortPrototype providing read access
(write-only) the reference can be omitted.
writtenNvData AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr Reference to a VariableDataPrototype of a rPort of the Nv
BlockComponent providing write access to the RAM
Block. If there is no port providing write access
(read-only) the reference can be omitted.
writtenReadNv AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr Reference to a VariableDataPrototype of a PRPort
Data Prototype of the NvBlockSwComponentType providing
write and read access to the RAM Block.
Table D.189: NvBlockDataMapping

Class NvBlockDescriptor
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::NvBlockComponent
Note Specifies the properties of exactly on NVRAM Block.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
clientServerPort RoleBasedPort * aggr The RoleBasedPortAssignement defines which client
Assignment server port of the NvBlockSwComponentType serves for
which kind of service or notification. In case of
notifications one common callback function is provided by
the RTE for each individual kind of notification defined by
the "role".
The aggregation of RoleBasedPortAssignment is subject
to variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of ports.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
constantValue ConstantSpecification * ref Reference to the ConstanSpecificationMapping to be
Mapping MappingSet applied for the particular NVRAM Block
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
dataType DataTypeMappingSet * ref Reference to the DataTypeMapping to be applied for the
Mapping particular NVRAM Block.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
instantiation InstantiationDataDef * aggr The purpose of InstantiationDataDefProps are the
DataDefProps Props refinement of some data def properties of individual
instantiations within the context of a NvBlockSw
The aggregation of InstantiationDataDefProps is subject
to variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of ports, component internal memory objects
and those attributes.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

1190 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class NvBlockDescriptor
modeSwitch ModeSwitchEvent * aggr This represents the collection of ModeSwitchEvent
EventTriggered TriggeredActivity TriggeredActivities related to the enclosing NvBlock
Activity Descriptor.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=modeSwitchEventTriggeredActivity, mode
nvBlockData NvBlockDataMapping * aggr Defines the mapping between the VariableData
Mapping Prototypes in the NvBlockComponents ports and the
VariableDataPrototypes of the RAM Block.
The aggregation of NvBlockDataMapping is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of nv data ports.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
nvBlockNeeds NvBlockNeeds 0..1 aggr Specifies the abstract needs on the configuration of the
NVRAM Manager for the single NVRAM Block described
by this NvBlockDescriptor.
In addition, it may define requirements for writing
strategies in an implementation of an NvBlockSw
ComponentType by the RTE.
Please note that the attributes nDataSets and nRom
Blocks are not relevant for this aggregation because the
RTE will allocate just one block anyway. In a different
context, however, they do make sense.
ramBlock VariableDataPrototype 0..1 aggr Defines the RAM Block of the NVRAM Block provided by
romBlock ParameterData 0..1 aggr Defines the ROM Block of the NVRAM Block provided by
Prototype NvBlockSwComponentType.
supportDirty Boolean 0..1 attr Specifies whether calling of NvM functions for writing and/
Flag or status control of potentially modified RAM Blocks to NV
memory shall be controlled by the RTE.
timingEvent TimingEvent 0..1 ref this reference can be taken to identify the TimingEvent to
be used by the RTE for implementing a cyclic writing
strategy for this block
writingStrategy RoleBasedData 0..1 aggr This attribute allows for assigning a specific writing
Role Assignment strategy for an incoming AutosarDataPrototype.

Table D.190: NvBlockDescriptor

Class NvBlockNeeds
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note Specifies the abstract needs on the configuration of a single NVRAM Block.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServiceNeeds
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
calcRamBlock Boolean 0..1 attr Defines if CRC (re)calculation for the permanent RAM
Crc Block is required.
checkStatic Boolean 0..1 attr Defines if the Static Block Id check shall be enabled.
cyclicWriting TimeValue 0..1 attr This represents the period for cyclic writing of NvData to
Period store the associated RAM Block.

1191 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class NvBlockNeeds
nDataSets PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Number of data sets to be provided by the NVRAM
manager for this block. This is the total number of ROM
Blocks and RAM Blocks.
nRomBlocks PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Number of ROM Blocks to be provided by the NVRAM
manager for this block. Please note that these multiple
ROM Blocks are given in a contiguous area.
ramBlockStatus RamBlockStatusControl 0..1 attr This attribute defines how the management of the RAM
Control Enum Block status is controlled.
readonly Boolean 0..1 attr True: data of this NVRAM Block are write protected for
normal operation (but protection can be disabled)
false: no restriction
reliability NvBlockNeeds 0..1 attr Reliability against data loss on the non-volatile medium.
resistantTo Boolean 0..1 attr Defines whether an NVRAM Block shall be treated
ChangedSw resistant to configuration changes (true) or not (false). For
details how to handle initialization in the latter case,
please refer to the NVRAM specification.
restoreAtStart Boolean 0..1 attr Defines whether the associated RAM Block shall be
implicitly restored during startup by the basic software.
selectBlockFor Boolean 0..1 attr If this attribute is set to true the NvM shall process this
FirstInitAll block in the NvM_FirstInitAll() function.
storeAt Boolean 0..1 attr Defines whether or not the associated RAM Block shall be
Shutdown implicitly stored during shutdown by the basic software.
storeCyclic Boolean 0..1 attr Defines whether or not the associated RAM Block shall
be implicitly stored periodically by the basic software.
store Boolean 0..1 attr Defines whether or not the associated RAM Block shall
Emergency be implicitly stored in case of ECU failure (e.g. loss of
power) by the basic software. If the attribute store
Emergency is set to true the associated RAM Block shall
be configured to have immediate priority.
storeImmediate Boolean 0..1 attr Defines whether or not the associated RAM Block shall
be implicitly stored immediately during or after execution
of the according SW-C RunnableEntity by the basic
useAuto Boolean 0..1 attr If set to true the RAM Block shall be auto validated during
ValidationAt shutdown phase.
useCRCComp Boolean 0..1 attr If set to true the CRC of the RAM Block shall be
Mechanism compared during a write job with the CRC which was
calculated during the last successful read or write job in
order to skip unnecessary NVRAM writings.
writeOnlyOnce Boolean 0..1 attr Defines write protection after first write:
true: This block is prevented from being changed/erased
or being replaced with the default ROM data after first
initialization by the software-component.
false: No such restriction.
writeVerification Boolean 0..1 attr Defines if Write Verification shall be enabled for this
NVRAM Block.
writing PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Provides the amount of updates to this block from the
Frequency application point of view. It has to be provided in "number
of write access per year".
writingPriority NvBlockNeedsWriting 0..1 attr Requires the priority of writing this block in case of
PriorityEnum concurrent requests to write other blocks.

Table D.191: NvBlockNeeds

1192 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class NvBlockSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note The NvBlockSwComponentType defines non volatile data which data can be shared between Sw
ComponentPrototypes. The non volatile data of the NvBlockSwComponentType are accessible via
provided and required ports.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bulkNvData BulkNvDataDescriptor * aggr This aggregation formally defines the bulk Nv Blocks that
Descriptor are provided to the application software by the enclosing
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=bulkNvDataDescriptor.shortName, bulkNv
nvBlock NvBlockDescriptor * aggr Specification of the properties of exactly one NVRAM
Descriptor Block.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=nvBlockDescriptor.shortName, nvBlock

Table D.192: NvBlockSwComponentType

Class NvDataInterface
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note A non volatile data interface declares a number of VariableDataPrototypes to be exchanged between non
volatile block components and atomic software components.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
DataInterface, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
nvData VariableDataPrototype * aggr The VariableDataPrototype of this nv data interface.

Table D.193: NvDataInterface

Class NvRequireComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes of RPortPrototypes with respect to Nv data communication on the required
Base ARObject, RPortComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr The initial value owned by the NvComSpec
variable VariableDataPrototype 0..1 ref The VariableDataPrototype the ComSpec applies for.

Table D.194: NvRequireComSpec

1193 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class OperationInvokedEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note The OperationInvokedEvent references the ClientServerOperation invoked by the client.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
operation ClientServerOperation 0..1 iref The operation to be executed as the consequence of the
InstanceRef implemented by:POperationInAtomicSwc
Table D.195: OperationInvokedEvent

Class OsTaskExecutionEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This RTEEvent is supposed to execute RunnableEntities which have to react on the execution of specific
OsTasks. Therefore, this event is unconditionally raised whenever the OsTask on which it is mapped is
executed. The main use case for this event is scheduling of Runnables of Complex Drivers which have to
react on task executions.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.196: OsTaskExecutionEvent

Class PPortPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note Component port providing a certain port interface.
Base ARObject, AbstractProvidedPortPrototype, AtpBlueprintable, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, PortPrototype, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
provided PortInterface 0..1 tref The interface that this port provides.
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table D.197: PPortPrototype

Class PRPortPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note This kind of PortPrototype can take the role of both a required and a provided PortPrototype.
Base ARObject, AbstractProvidedPortPrototype, AbstractRequiredPortPrototype, AtpBlueprintable, Atp
Feature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PortPrototype, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
provided PortInterface 0..1 tref This represents the PortInterface used to type the PRPort
Required Prototype
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table D.198: PRPortPrototype

1194 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ParameterAccess
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::DataElements
Note The presence of a ParameterAccess implies that a RunnableEntity needs access to a ParameterData
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
accessed AutosarParameterRef 0..1 aggr Refernce to the accessed calibration parameter.
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr This allows denote instance and access specific
Props properties, mainly input values and common axis.

Table D.199: ParameterAccess

Class ParameterDataPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note A parameter element used for parameter interface and internal behavior, supporting signal like parameter
and characteristic value communication patterns and parameter and characteristic value definition.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, AutosarDataPrototype, DataPrototype, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Specifies initial value(s) of the ParameterDataPrototype

Table D.200: ParameterDataPrototype

Class ParameterInterface
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note A parameter interface declares a number of parameter and characteristic values to be exchanged
between parameter components and software components.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
DataInterface, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
parameter ParameterData * aggr The ParameterDataPrototype of this ParameterInterface.

Table D.201: ParameterInterface

Class ParameterProvideComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note "Communication" specification that applies to parameters on the provided side of a connection.
Base ARObject, PPortComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr The initial value applicable for the corresponding
parameter ParameterData 0..1 ref The ParameterDataPrototype to which the Parameter
Prototype ComSpec applies.

Table D.202: ParameterProvideComSpec

1195 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ParameterRequireComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note "Communication" specification that applies to parameters on the required side of a connection.
Base ARObject, RPortComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr The initial value applicable for the corresponding
parameter ParameterData 0..1 ref The ParameterDataPrototype to which the Parameter
Prototype RequireComSpec applies.

Table D.203: ParameterRequireComSpec

Class ParameterSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note The ParameterSwComponentType defines parameters and characteristic values accessible via provided
Ports. The provided values are the same for all connected SwComponentPrototypes
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, SwComponentType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
constant ConstantSpecification * ref Reference to the ConstanSpecificationMapping to be
Mapping MappingSet applied for the particular ParameterSwComponentType
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
dataType DataTypeMappingSet * ref Reference to the DataTypeMapping to be applied for the
Mapping particular ParameterSwComponentType
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
instantiation InstantiationDataDef * aggr The purpose of this is that within the context of a given
DataDefProps Props SwComponentType some data def properties of individual
instantiations can be modified.
The aggregation of InstantiationDataDefProps is subject
to variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of PortPrototypes
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.204: ParameterSwComponentType

Class PerInstanceMemory
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PerInstanceMemory
Note Defines a ’C’ typed memory-block that needs to be available for each instance of the SW-component.
This is typically only useful if supportsMultipleInstantiation is set to "true" or if the software-component
defines NVRAM access via permanent blocks.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initValue String 0..1 attr Specifies initial value(s) of the PerInstanceMemory
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr This represents the ability to to allocate RAM at specific
Props memory sections, for example, to support the RAM Block
recovery strategy by mapping to uninitialized RAM.

1196 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class PerInstanceMemory
type CIdentifier 0..1 attr The name of the "C"-type
typeDefinition String 0..1 attr A definition of the type with the syntax of a ’C’ typedef.

Table D.205: PerInstanceMemory

Class PortAPIOption
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PortAPIOptions
Note Options how to generate the signatures of calls for an AtomicSwComponentType in order to
communicate over a PortPrototype (for calls into a RunnableEntity as well as for calls from a Runnable
Entity to the PortPrototype).
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
enableTake Boolean 0..1 attr If set to true, the software-component is able to use the
Address API reference for deriving a pointer to an object.
errorHandling DataTransformation 0..1 attr This specifies whether a RunnableEntity accessing a Port
ErrorHandlingEnum Prototype that is referenced by this PortAPIOption shall
specifically handle transformer errors or not.
indirectAPI Boolean 0..1 attr If set to true this attribute specifies an "indirect API" to be
generated for the associated port which means that the
software-component is able to access the actions on a
port via a pointer to an object representing a port. This
allows e.g. iterating over ports in a loop. This option has
no effect for PPortPrototypes of client/server interfaces.
port PortPrototype 0..1 ref The option is valid for generated functions related to
communication over this port
portArgValue PortDefinedArgument * aggr An argument value defined by this port.
(ordered) Value
supported SwcSupportedFeature * aggr This collection specifies which features are supported by
Feature the RunnableEntitys which access a PortPrototype that it
referenced by this PortAPIOption.
transformer DataTransformation 0..1 attr This specifies whether a RunnableEntity accessing a Port
Status StatusForwardingEnum Prototype that is referenced by this PortAPIOption shall
Forwarding be able to forward a status to the transformer chain.

Table D.206: PortAPIOption

Class PortDefinedArgumentValue
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::PortAPIOptions
Note A PortDefinedArgumentValue is passed to a RunnableEntity dealing with the ClientServerOperations
provided by a given PortPrototype. Note that this is restricted to PPortPrototypes of a ClientServer
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
value ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Specifies the actual value.
valueType ImplementationData 0..1 tref The implementation type of this argument value. It should
Type not be composite type or a pointer.
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table D.207: PortDefinedArgumentValue

1197 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class PortInterface (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Abstract base class for an interface that is either provided or required by a port of a software component.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Subclasses ClientServerInterface, DataInterface, ModeSwitchInterface, TriggerInterface
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
isService Boolean 0..1 attr This flag is set if the PortInterface is to be used for
communication between an
• ApplicationSwComponentType or
• ServiceProxySwComponentType or
• SensorActuatorSwComponentType or
• ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType
• ServiceSwComponentType
• EcuAbstractionSwComponentType
and a ServiceSwComponentType (namely an AUTOSAR
Service) located on the same ECU. Otherwise the flag is
not set.
serviceKind ServiceProviderEnum 0..1 attr This attribute provides further details about the nature of
the applied service.

Table D.208: PortInterface

Class PortInterfaceMapping (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Specifies one PortInterfaceMapping to support the connection of Ports typed by two different Port
Interfaces with PortInterface elements having unequal names and/or unequal semantic (resolution or
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses ClientServerInterfaceMapping, ModeInterfaceMapping, TriggerInterfaceMapping, VariableAndParameter
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.209: PortInterfaceMapping

Class PortPrototype (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note Base class for the ports of an AUTOSAR software component.
The aggregation of PortPrototypes is subject to variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of ports.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprintable, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses AbstractProvidedPortPrototype, AbstractRequiredPortPrototype
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
clientServer ClientServerAnnotation * aggr Annotation of this PortPrototype with respect to client/
Annotation server communication.
delegatedPort DelegatedPort 0..1 aggr Annotations on this delegated port.
Annotation Annotation

1198 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class PortPrototype (abstract)
ioHwAbstraction IoHwAbstractionServer * aggr Annotations on this IO Hardware Abstraction port.
Server Annotation
modePort ModePortAnnotation * aggr Annotations on this mode port.
nvDataPort NvDataPortAnnotation * aggr Annotations on this non voilatile data port.
parameterPort ParameterPort * aggr Annotations on this parameter port.
Annotation Annotation
senderReceiver SenderReceiver * aggr Collection of annotations of this ports sender/receiver
Annotation Annotation communication.
triggerPort TriggerPortAnnotation * aggr Annotations on this trigger port.
Table D.210: PortPrototype

Class PostBuildVariantCondition
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This class specifies the value which shall be assigned to a particular variant criterion in order to bind the
variation point. If multiple criterion/value pairs are specified, they shall all match to bind the variation
In other words binding can be represented by
(criterion1 == value1) && (condition2 == value2) ...
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
matching PostBuildVariant 1 ref This is the criterion which needs to match the value in
Criterion Criterion order to make the PostbuildVariantCondition to be true.
value Integer 1 attr This is the particular value of the post-build variant
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.211: PostBuildVariantCondition

Class PostBuildVariantCriterion
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This class specifies one particular PostBuildVariantSelector.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpDefinition, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
compuMethod CompuMethod 1 ref The compuMethod specifies the possible values for the
variant criterion serving as an enumerator.

Table D.212: PostBuildVariantCriterion

Class PostBuildVariantCriterionValue
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This class specifies the value which shall be assigned to a particular variant criterion in order to bind the
variation point. If multiple criterion/value pairs are specified, they all shall match to bind the variation

1199 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class PostBuildVariantCriterionValue
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
annotation Annotation * aggr This provides the ability to add information why the value
is set like it is.
value Integer 1 attr This is the particular value of the post-build variant
Stereotypes: atpVariation
variantCriterion PostBuildVariant 1 ref This association selects the variant criterion whose value
Criterion is specified.

Table D.213: PostBuildVariantCriterionValue

Class PostBuildVariantCriterionValueSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This meta-class represents the ability to denote one set of postBuildVariantCriterionValues.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
postBuildVariant PostBuildVariant * aggr This is is one particular postbuild variant criterion/value
CriterionValue CriterionValue pair being part of the PostBuildVariantSet.

Table D.214: PostBuildVariantCriterionValueSet

Class PredefinedVariant
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This specifies one predefined variant. It is characterized by the union of all system constant values and
post-build variant criterion values aggregated within all referenced system constant value sets and post
build variant criterion value sets plus the value sets of the included variants.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
includedVariant PredefinedVariant * ref The associated variants are considered part of this
PredefinedVariant. This means the settings of the
included variants are included in the settings of the
referencing PredefinedVariant. Nevertheless the included
variants might be included in several predefined variants.
postBuildVariant PostBuildVariant * ref This is the postBuildVariantCriterionValueSet contributing
CriterionValue CriterionValueSet to the predefinded variant.
sw SwSystemconstant * ref This ist the set of Systemconstant Values contributing to
Systemconstant ValueSet the predefined variant.

Table D.215: PredefinedVariant

1200 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class QueuedReceiverComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes specific to queued receiving.
Base ARObject, RPortComSpec, ReceiverComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
queueLength PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Length of queue for received events.

Table D.216: QueuedReceiverComSpec

Class QueuedSenderComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes specific to distribution of events (PPortPrototype, SenderReceiverInterface and
dataElement carries an "event").
Base ARObject, PPortComSpec, SenderComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.217: QueuedSenderComSpec

Class RPortPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note Component port requiring a certain port interface.
Base ARObject, AbstractRequiredPortPrototype, AtpBlueprintable, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, PortPrototype, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
required PortInterface 0..1 tref The interface that this port requires.
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table D.218: RPortPrototype

Class RTEEvent (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note Abstract base class for all RTE-related events
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Subclasses AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent, BackgroundEvent, DataReceiveErrorEvent, DataReceivedEvent,
DataSendCompletedEvent, DataWriteCompletedEvent, ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent, InitEvent,
InternalTriggerOccurredEvent, ModeSwitchedAckEvent, OperationInvokedEvent, OsTaskExecutionEvent,
SwcModeManagerErrorEvent, SwcModeSwitchEvent, TimingEvent, TransformerHardErrorEvent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
disabledMode ModeDeclaration * iref Reference to the Modes that disable the Event.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
GroupPrototype, disabledMode.contextPort, disabled
InstanceRef implemented by:RModeInAtomicSwc
startOnEvent RunnableEntity 0..1 ref RunnableEntity starts when the corresponding RTEEvent
Table D.219: RTEEvent

1201 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class RapidPrototypingScenario
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note This meta class provides the ability to describe a Rapid Prototyping Scenario. Such a Rapid Prototyping
Scenario consist out of two main aspects, the description of the byPassPoints and the relation to an rpt
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
hostSystem System 0..1 ref System which describes the software components of the
host ECU.
rptContainer RptContainer * aggr Top-level rptContainer definitions of this specific rapid
prototyping scenario.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=rptContainer.shortName, rpt
rptProfile RptProfile * aggr Defiens the applicable Rapid Prototyping profils which are
especially defining the smbol of the service functions and
the valid id range. The order of the RptProfiles determines
the order of the service function invocation by RTE.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
rptSystem System 0..1 ref System which describes the rapid prototyping algorithm in
the format of AUTOSAR Software Components.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

Table D.220: RapidPrototypingScenario

Class ReceiverComSpec (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Receiver-specific communication attributes (RPortPrototype typed by SenderReceiverInterface).
Base ARObject, RPortComSpec
Subclasses NonqueuedReceiverComSpec, QueuedReceiverComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
composite CompositeNetwork * aggr This represents a CompositeNetworkRepresentation
Network Representation defined in the context of a ReceiverComSpec. The
Representation purpose of this aggregation is to be able to specify the
network representation of leaf elements of Application
dataElement AutosarDataPrototype 0..1 ref Data element these attributes belong to.
handleOutOf HandleOutOfRange 0..1 attr This attribute controls how values that are out of the
Range Enum specified range are handled according to the values of
handleOutOf HandleOutOfRange 0..1 attr Control the way how return values are created in case of
RangeStatus StatusEnum an out-of-range situation.

1202 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class ReceiverComSpec (abstract)
maxDelta PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Initial maximum allowed gap between two counter values
CounterInit of two consecutively received valid Data, i.e. how many
subsequent lost data is accepted. For example, if the
receiver gets Data with counter 1 and MaxDeltaCounter
Init is 1, then at the next reception the receiver can accept
Counters with values 2 and 3, but not 4.
Note that if the receiver does not receive new Data at a
consecutive read, then the receiver increments the
tolerance by 1.
Caveat: The E2E wrapper approach involves
technologies that are not subjected to the AUTOSAR
standard and is superseded by the superior E2E
transformer approach (which is fully standardized by
AUTOSAR). Hence, new projects (without legacy
constraints due to carry-over parts) shall use the fully
standardized E2E transformer approach.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
maxNoNewOr PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The maximum amount of missing or repeated Data which
RepeatedData the receiver does not expect to exceed under normal
communication conditions.
Caveat: The E2E wrapper approach involves
technologies that are not subjected to the AUTOSAR
standard and is superseded by the superior E2E
transformer approach (which is fully standardized by
AUTOSAR). Hence, new projects (without legacy
constraints due to carry-over parts) shall use the fully
standardized E2E transformer approach.
network SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr A networkRepresentation is used to define how the data
Representation Element is mapped to a communication bus.
receptionProps ReceptionComSpec 0..1 aggr "This aggregation represents the definition transmission
Props props in the context of the enclosing ReceiverComSpec.
replaceWith VariableAccess 0..1 aggr This aggregation is used to identify the AutosarData
Prototype to be taken for sourcing an external
replacement in the out-of-range handling.
syncCounterInit PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Number of Data required for validating the consistency of
the counter that shall be received with a valid counter (i.e.
counter within the allowed lock-in range) after the
detection of an unexpected behavior of a received
Caveat: The E2E wrapper approach involves
technologies that are not subjected to the AUTOSAR
standard and is superseded by the superior E2E
transformer approach (which is fully standardized by
AUTOSAR). Hence, new projects (without legacy
constraints due to carry-over parts) shall use the fully
standardized E2E transformer approach.
transformation TransformationCom * aggr This references the TransformationComSpecProps which
ComSpecProps SpecProps define port-specific configuration for data transformation.
usesEndToEnd Boolean 0..1 attr This indicates whether the corresponding dataElement
Protection shall be transmitted using end-to-end protection.
Caveat: The E2E wrapper approach involves
technologies that are not subjected to the AUTOSAR
standard and is superseded by the superior E2E
transformer approach (which is fully standardized by

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Specification of RTE Software

Class ReceiverComSpec (abstract)
AUTOSAR). Hence, new projects (without legacy
constraints due to carry-over parts) shall use the fully
standardized E2E transformer approach.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.221: ReceiverComSpec

Class ReferenceValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note Specifies a reference to a data prototype to be used as an initial value for a pointer in the software.
Base ARObject, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
referenceValue DataPrototype 0..1 ref The referenced data prototype.

Table D.222: ReferenceValueSpecification

Class Referrable (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::Identifiable
Note Instances of this class can be referred to by their identifier (while adhering to namespace borders).
Base ARObject
Subclasses AtpDefinition, BswDistinguishedPartition, BswModuleCallPoint, BswModuleClientServerEntry, Bsw
VariableAccess, CouplingPortTrafficClassAssignment, DiagnosticDebounceAlgorithmProps, Diagnostic
EnvModeElement, EthernetPriorityRegeneration, EventHandler, ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder, Hw
DescriptionEntity , ImplementationProps, LinSlaveConfigIdent, ModeTransition, MultilanguageReferrable,
PduActivationRoutingGroup, PncMappingIdent, SingleLanguageReferrable, SoConIPduIdentifier, Socket
ConnectionBundle, TimeSyncServerConfiguration, TpConnectionIdent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
shortName Identifier 1 attr This specifies an identifying shortName for the object. It
needs to be unique within its context and is intended for
humans but even more for technical reference.
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor
shortName ShortNameFragment * aggr This specifies how the Referrable.shortName is
Fragment composed of several shortNameFragments.

Table D.223: Referrable

Primitive RevisionLabelString
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::PrimitiveTypes
Note This primitive represents an internal AUTOSAR revision label which identifies an engineering object. It
represents a pattern which
• supports three integers representing from left to right MajorVersion, MinorVersion, PatchVersion.
• may add an application specific suffix separated by one of ".", "_", ";".
Legal patterns are for example:

1204 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Primitive RevisionLabelString
• 4.0.0
• 4.0.0_vendor specific;13
• 4.0.0;12

Table D.224: RevisionLabelString

Class RoleBasedDataAssignment
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ServiceNeeds
Note This class specifies an assignment of a role to a particular data object in the SwcInternalBehavior of a
software component (or in the BswModuleBehavior of a module or cluster) in the context of an AUTOSAR
With this assignment, the role of the data can be mapped to a specific ServiceNeeds element, so that a
tool is able to create the correct access.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
role Identifier 0..1 attr This is the role of the assigned data in the given context,
for example for an NVRAM Block it is used to distinguish
between an mirror block and a ROM default block.
Possible values need to be specified on M1 level.
This also is intended to support the so called "Signal
based Approach" of the DCM. In this use case the name
of the involved data element is required. This name shall
be taken from the DataElement referenced by the
property usedDataElement.
The following values are standardized:
• ramBlock indicates data to be used as a mirror
for an NVRAM Block.
• defaultValue indicates constant data to be used
as default in the context of this ServiceNeeds,
e.g. for an NVRAM Block.
• signalBasedDiagnostics indicates the Role
BasedDataAssignment shall be used for signal
based diagnostics.
usedData AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr The VariableDataPrototype used in this role, e.g.
• Permanent RAM Block of an NVRAM Block
which shall belong to the same SwcInternal
Behavior or BswInternalBehavior.
• In the role signalBasedDiagnostics it has to refer
to a VariableDataPrototype in a SenderReceiver
Interface or a NvDataInterface.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class RoleBasedDataAssignment
usedParameter AutosarParameterRef 0..1 aggr The ParameterDataPrototype used in this role, e.g.
• ROM Block of an NVRAM Block. It shall belong
to the same SwcInternalBehavior or Bsw
• In the role signalBasedDiagnostics it has to refer
to a ParameterDataPrototype in a Parameter
usedPim PerInstanceMemory 0..1 ref The (untyped) PerInstanceMemory used in this role (e.g.
as a Permanent RAM Block for an NVRAM Block).

Table D.225: RoleBasedDataAssignment

Class RoleBasedPortAssignment
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ServiceMapping
Note This class specifies an assignment of a role to a particular service port (RPortPrototype or PPort
Prototype) of an AtomicSwComponentType. With this assignment, the role of the service port can be
mapped to a specific ServiceNeeds element, so that a tool is able to create the correct connector.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
portPrototype PortPrototype 0..1 ref Service PortPrototype used in the assigned role. This
PortPrototype shall either belong to the same AtomicSw
ComponentType as the SwcInternalBehavior which owns
the ServiceDependency or to the same NvBlockSw
ComponentType as the NvBlockDescriptor.
role Identifier 0..1 attr This is the role of the assigned Port in the given context.
The value shall be a shortName of the Blueprint of a Port
Interface as standardized in the Software Specification of
the related AUTOSAR Service.

Table D.226: RoleBasedPortAssignment

Class RootSwCompositionPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate
Note The RootSwCompositionPrototype represents the top-level-composition of software components within a
given System.
According to the use case of the System, this may for example be a more or less complete VFB
description, the software of a System Extract or the software of a flat ECU Extract with only atomic SWCs.
Therefore the RootSwComposition will only occasionally contain all atomic software components that are
used in a complete VFB System. The OEM is primarily interested in the required functionality and the
interfaces defining the integration of the Software Component into the System. The internal structure of
such a component contains often substantial intellectual property of a supplier. Therefore a top-level
software composition will often contain empty compositions which represent subsystems.
The contained SwComponentPrototypes are fully specified by their SwComponentTypes (including Port
Prototypes, PortInterfaces, VariableDataPrototypes, SwcInternalBehavior etc.), and their ports are
interconnected using SwConnectorPrototypes.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
calibration CalibrationParameter * ref Used CalibrationParameterValueSet for instance specific
ParameterValue ValueSet initialization of calibration parameters.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

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Specification of RTE Software

Class RootSwCompositionPrototype
flatMap FlatMap 0..1 ref The FlatMap used in the scope of this RootSw
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
software CompositionSw 1 tref We assume that there is exactly one top-level composition
Composition ComponentType that includes all Component instances of the system
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table D.227: RootSwCompositionPrototype

Enumeration RptAccessEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport::RptSupport
Note Determines the access rights to a data object with respect to rapid prototyping.
Literal Description
enabled The related data element is accessible by RP tool.
none The related data element is not accessible by RP tool.
protected The data element is known to the RP tool however its usage for RP can be restricted. Use case:
limitation based on access rights

Table D.228: RptAccessEnum

Class RptContainer
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note This meta class defines a byPassPoint and the relation to a rptHook.
Additionally it may contain further rptContainers if the byPassPoint is not atomic. For example a byPass
Point refereing to a RunnableEntity may contain rptContainers referring to the data access points of the
The RptContainer structure on M1 shall follow the M1 structure of the Software Component Descriptions.
The category attribute denotes which level of the Software Component Description is annotated.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
byPassPoint AtpFeature * iref byPassPoint desribes the required preparation of the host
ECU. At a byPassPoint the host ECU shall be capable to
communicate with a RPT System in order to support the
execution of the rapid prototyping algorithms with the
original data calculated by the host system and to replace
dedicated results of the host system by the results of the
rapid prototyping algorithm.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=byPassPoint.contextElement, byPass, byPassPoint.variationPoint.shortLabel
InstanceRef implemented by:AnyInstanceRef

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Specification of RTE Software

Class RptContainer
explicitRpt RptProfile * ref This attribute defines the applicable RptProfiles for the
ProfileSelection specific RptContainer. If not any references to a specific
RptProfile is defined, all RptProfiles defined in the Rapid
PrototypingScenario are applicable.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
rptContainer RptContainer * aggr Sub-level rptContainer definitions of this specific rapid
prototyping scenario.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=rptContainer.shortName, rpt
rptExecutable RptExecutableEntity 0..1 aggr Describes the required code preparation for rapid
EntityProperties Properties prototyping at ExecutableEntity invocation.
rptHook RptHook 0..1 aggr The rptHook describes the link between a byPassPoint
and the rapid prototyping algorithm.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=rptHook, rptHook.variationPoint.shortLabel
rptImplPolicy RptImplPolicy 0..1 aggr Describes the required code preparation for rapid
prototyping at data accesses.
rptSw RptSwPrototyping 0..1 aggr Describes the required accessibility of data and modes by
Prototyping Access the rapid prototyping tooling.
Table D.229: RptContainer

Enumeration RptEnablerImplTypeEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport::RptSupport
Note Describes the required / implemented usage of enabler flags for data access in the code.
Literal Description
none No "RP enabler" is implemented.
rptEnablerRam "RP enabler" is implemented as a RAM variable
rptEnablerRamAnd The RTE generator implements both the RAM and ROM "RP enabler".
rptEnablerRom "RP enabler" is implemented as a calibrateable ROM variable.

Table D.230: RptEnablerImplTypeEnum

Class RptExecutableEntityEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport::RptSupport
Note This describes an ExecutableEntity event instance which can be bypassed.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Specification of RTE Software

Class RptExecutableEntityEvent
execution RptExecutionContext 1..* ref This describes the context in which the event of the
Context executable entity is executed.
mcData RoleBasedMcData * aggr Reference to related McDataElements describing the
Assignment Assignment implementation of "RP runnable disabler flag" and
"stimulation enabler flag"
The possible roles of the RoleBasedMcData
Assignment.role attribute are:
• RpRunnableDisablerFlag"
rptEventId PositiveInteger 1 attr RPT event id used for service points call.
rptExecutable RptExecutableEntity 1 aggr Describes the implemented code preparation for rapid
EntityProperties Properties prototyping at ExecutableEntity invocation.
rptImplPolicy RptImplPolicy 0..1 aggr Describes the RptImplPolicy of a RptExecutableEvent for
service based bypassing.
rptServicePoint RptServicePoint 1..* ref This describes the applicable Post Service Points for a
Post RTEEvent / BswEvent of a bypassed ExecutableEntity.
rptServicePoint RptServicePoint 1..* ref This describes the applicable Pre Service Points for a
Pre RTEEvent / BswEvent of a bypassed ExecutableEntity.

Table D.231: RptExecutableEntityEvent

Class RptExecutableEntityProperties
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note Describes the code preparation for rapid prototyping at ExecutableEntity invocation.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
maxRptEventId PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Highest RPT event id useable for RTE generated service
points. This attribute is relevant, if dedicated id range
shall be applied to the ExecutableEntitys of a software
component or specific ExecutableEntitys.
minRptEventId PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Lowest RPT event id useable for RTE generated service
points. This attribute is relevant, if dedicated id range
shall be applied to the ExecutableEntitys of a software
component or specific ExecutableEntitys.
rptExecution RptExecutionControl 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the rapid prototyping control of the
Control Enum executable
rptServicePoint RptServicePointEnum 0..1 attr Enables generation of service points by the RTE

Table D.232: RptExecutableEntityProperties

Enumeration RptExecutionControlEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport::RptSupport
Note Determines rapid prototyping preparation of an ExecutableEntity.
Literal Description
conditional The ExecutableEntity is only executed when the rapid prototyping disable flag is NOT set.
none The ExecutableEntity is executed without specific rapid prototyping condition.

Table D.233: RptExecutionControlEnum

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Specification of RTE Software

Class RptImplPolicy
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note Describes the code preparation for rapid prototyping at data accesses.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
rptEnablerImpl RptEnablerImplType 0..1 attr For Level 2 or Level3 this property determines how the
Type Enum RTE implements the additional "RP enabler" flag.
rptPreparation RptPreparationEnum 0..1 attr Mandates RP preparation level for access to VariableData
Level Prototype within generated RTE implementation.

Table D.234: RptImplPolicy

Enumeration RptPreparationEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport::RptSupport
Note Determines the RP preparation level for access to VariableDataPrototypes within the generated RTE
Literal Description
none No RP preparation for VariableDataPrototype.
rptLevel1 The RTE implementation uses an "RP global buffer" for measurement and post-build hooking
rptLevel2 As rpLevel1 but the RTE implementation also uses both "RP enabler flag" to permit RP overwrite at
rptLevel3 As rpLevel2 but the RTE implementation also uses "RP global measurement buffer" to record the
original ECU-generated value in addition to the RP value.

Table D.235: RptPreparationEnum

Class RptProfile
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::RPTScenario
Note The RptProfile describes the common properties of a Rapid Prototyping method.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
maxService PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Highest service point id useable for RTE generated
PointId service points.
minServicePoint PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Lowest service point id useable for RTE generated
Id service points.
servicePoint CIdentifier 0..1 attr Complete symbol of the function implementing the post
SymbolPost service point. This symbol is used for post-build hooking
servicePoint CIdentifier 0..1 attr Complete symbol of the function implementing the pre
SymbolPre service point. This symbol is used for post-build hooking

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Specification of RTE Software

Class RptProfile
stimEnabler RptEnablerImplType 0..1 attr Defines if the service points support the stimulation
Enum enabler. If RptProfile.stimEnabler is "none" then no
stimulation enabler is passed to the service function.
Otherwise the stimulation enabler will be passed as a

Table D.236: RptProfile

Class RptSupportData
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport::RptSupport
Note Root element for rapid prototyping support data related to one Implementation artifact on an ECU, in
particular the RTE. The rapid prototyping support data may reference to elements provided for Mc
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
execution RptExecutionContext 1..* aggr Defines an environment for the execution of Executable
Context Entites.
rptComponent RptComponent 1..* aggr Description of components for which rapid prototyping
support is implemented.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
rptServicePoint RptServicePoint 1..* aggr This aggregation represents the collection of service
points associated with the enclosing RptSuportData
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.237: RptSupportData

Class RptSwPrototypingAccess
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::MeasurementCalibrationSupport::RptSupport
Note Describes the accessibility of data and modes by the rapid prototyping tooling.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
rptHookAccess RptAccessEnum 0..1 attr The related data element can be modified using a
post-build hooking tool. An ENABLED VariableData
Prototype is implicitly READABLE/WRITABLE.
rptReadAccess RptAccessEnum 0..1 attr The related data element can be used as input for bypass
functionality by RP tool. If rptImplPolicy is not specified
then RTE generation shall ensure at least suitable MC
read points are created.
rptWriteAccess RptAccessEnum 0..1 attr The related data element can be used as output for
bypass functionality by RP tool. The data element shall
be prepared to rptLevel2 and related write service points
are present.

Table D.238: RptSwPrototypingAccess

Enumeration RteApiReturnValueProvisionEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::AccessCount
Note This meta-class provides values to control how return values from RTE APIs are provided.
Literal Description

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Specification of RTE Software

Enumeration RteApiReturnValueProvisionEnum
noReturnValue The RTE API shall not provide a return value.
returnValue The RTE API shall provide a return value.

Table D.239: RteApiReturnValueProvisionEnum

Class RtePluginProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::FlatMap
Note The properties of a communication graph with respect to the utilization of RTE Implementation Plug-in.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
associated EcucContainerValue 0..1 ref This associates a communication graph to a specific RTE
CrossSwCluster Implementation Plug-in handling cross Software Cluster
ComRtePlugin communication.
associatedRte EcucContainerValue 0..1 ref This associates a communication graph to a specific RTE
Plugin Implementation Plug-in handling local Software Cluster
communication or communication in a non-cluster ECU.

Table D.240: RtePluginProps

Class RuleBasedValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note This meta-class is used to support a rule-based initialization approach for data types with an array-nature
(ApplicationArrayDataType and ImplementationDataType of category ARRAY) or a compound Application
PrimitiveDataType (which also boils down to an array-nature).
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arguments RuleArguments 0..1 aggr This represents the arguments for the RuleBasedValue
Stereotypes: atpVariation
maxSizeToFill Integer 0..1 attr If a rule is chosen which does not fill until the end, this
determines until which size the rule shall fill the values.
rule Identifier 0..1 attr This denotes the name of the rule of the RuleBasedValue
Specification. The rule determines the calculation
specification according which the arguments are used to
calculated the values.

Table D.241: RuleBasedValueSpecification

Class RunnableEntity
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior
Note A RunnableEntity represents the smallest code-fragment that is provided by an AtomicSwComponent
Type and are executed under control of the RTE. RunnableEntities are for instance set up to respond to
data reception or operation invocation on a server.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class RunnableEntity
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, ExecutableEntity , Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
argument RunnableEntity * aggr This represents the formal definition of a an argument to
(ordered) Argument a RunnableEntity.
asynchronous AsynchronousServer * aggr The server call result point admits a runnable to fetch the
ServerCall CallResultPoint result of an asynchronous server call.
The aggregation of AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint
is subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of client server PortPrototypes and
the variant existence of server call result points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Name, asynchronousServerCallResultPoint.variation
canBeInvoked Boolean 0..1 attr If the value of this attribute is set to "true" the enclosing
Concurrently RunnableEntity can be invoked concurrently (even for one
instance of the corresponding AtomicSwComponent
Type). This implies that it is the responsibility of the
implementation of the RunnableEntity to take care of this
form of concurrency. Note that the default value of this
attribute is set to "false".
dataRead VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has implicit read access to dataElement
Access of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
The aggregation of dataReadAccess is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of sender receiver ports or the variant existence
of dataReadAccess in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dataReadAccess.shortName, dataRead
dataReceive VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has explicit read access to dataElement
PointBy of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
Argument PortPrototype. The result is passed back to the
application by means of an argument in the function
The aggregation of dataReceivePointByArgument is
subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of sender receiver PortPrototype or
the variant existence of data receive points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation

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Specification of RTE Software

Class RunnableEntity
dataReceive VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has explicit read access to dataElement
PointByValue of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
The result is passed back to the application by means of
the return value. The aggregation of dataReceivePointBy
Value is subject to variability with the purpose to support
the conditional existence of sender receiver ports or the
variant existence of data receive points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dataReceivePointByValue.shortName, data
dataSendPoint VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has explicit write access to dataElement
of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
The aggregation of dataSendPoint is subject to variability
with the purpose to support the conditional existence of
sender receiver PortPrototype or the variant existence of
data send points in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dataSendPoint.shortName, dataSend
dataWrite VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has implicit write access to dataElement
Access of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
The aggregation of dataWriteAccess is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of sender receiver ports or the variant existence
of dataWriteAccess in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dataWriteAccess.shortName, dataWrite
external ExternalTriggeringPoint * aggr The aggregation of ExternalTriggeringPoint is subject to
TriggeringPoint variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of trigger ports or the variant existence of
external triggering points in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
internal InternalTriggeringPoint * aggr The aggregation of InternalTriggeringPoint is subject to
TriggeringPoint variability with the purpose to support the variant
existence of internal triggering points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=internalTriggeringPoint.shortName, internal

1214 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class RunnableEntity
modeAccess ModeAccessPoint * aggr The runnable has a mode access point. The aggregation
Point of ModeAccessPoint is subject to variability with the
purpose to support the conditional existence of mode
ports or the variant existence of mode access points in
the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=modeAccessPoint.ident.shortName, mode
modeSwitch ModeSwitchPoint * aggr The runnable has a mode switch point. The aggregation
Point of ModeSwitchPoint is subject to variability with the
purpose to support the conditional existence of mode
ports or the variant existence of mode switch points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=modeSwitchPoint.shortName, modeSwitch
parameter ParameterAccess * aggr The presence of a ParameterAccess implies that a
Access RunnableEntity needs read only access to a Parameter
DataPrototype which may either be local or within a Port
The aggregation of ParameterAccess is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of parameter ports and component local
parameters as well as the variant existence of Parameter
Access (points) in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=parameterAccess.shortName, parameter
readLocal VariableAccess * aggr The presence of a readLocalVariable implies that a
Variable RunnableEntity needs read access to a VariableData
Prototype in the role of implicitInterRunnableVariable or
The aggregation of readLocalVariable is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of implicitInterRunnableVariable and explicit
InterRunnableVariable or the variant existence of read
LocalVariable (points) in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=readLocalVariable.shortName, readLocal
serverCallPoint ServerCallPoint * aggr The RunnableEntity has a ServerCallPoint. The
aggregation of ServerCallPoint is subject to variability with
the purpose to support the conditional existence of client
server PortPrototypes or the variant existence of server
call points in the implementation.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class RunnableEntity
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=serverCallPoint.shortName, serverCall
symbol CIdentifier 0..1 attr The symbol describing this RunnableEntity’s entry point.
This is considered the API of the RunnableEntity and is
required during the RTE contract phase.
waitPoint WaitPoint * aggr The WaitPoint associated with the RunnableEntity.
writtenLocal VariableAccess * aggr The presence of a writtenLocalVariable implies that a
Variable RunnableEntity needs write access to a VariableData
Prototype in the role of implicitInterRunnableVariable or
The aggregation of writtenLocalVariable is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of implicitInterRunnableVariable and explicit
InterRunnableVariable or the variant existence of written
LocalVariable (points) in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=writtenLocalVariable.shortName, written

Table D.242: RunnableEntity

Class RunnableEntityArgument
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RunnableEntity
Note This meta-class represents the ability to provide specific information regarding the arguments to a
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
symbol CIdentifier 0..1 attr This represents the symbol to be generated into the
actual signature on the level of the C programming

Table D.243: RunnableEntityArgument

Class RunnableEntityGroup
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::ImplicitCommunicationBehavior
Note This meta-class represents the ability to define a collection of RunnableEntities. The collection can be
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
runnableEntity RunnableEntity * iref This represents a collection of RunnableEntitys that
belong to the enclosing RunnableEntityGroup.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
InstanceRef implemented by:RunnableEntityIn

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Specification of RTE Software

Class RunnableEntityGroup
runnableEntity RunnableEntityGroup * iref This represents the ability to define nested groups of
Group RunnableEntitys.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
InstanceRef implemented by:InnerRunnableEntity

Table D.244: RunnableEntityGroup

Class Sdg
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::SpecialData
Note Sdg (SpecialDataGroup) is a generic model which can be used to keep arbitrary information which is not
explicitly modeled in the meta-model.
Sdg can have various contents as defined by sdgContentsType. Special Data should only be used
moderately since all elements should be defined in the meta-model.
Thereby SDG should be considered as a temporary solution when no explicit model is available. If an sdg
Caption is available, it is possible to establish a reference to the sdg structure.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
gid NameToken 1 attr This attributes specifies an identifier. Gid comes from the
SGML/XML-Term "Generic Identifier" which is the
element name in XML. The role of this attribute is the
same as the name of an XML - element.
sdgCaption SdgCaption 0..1 aggr This aggregation allows to assign the properties of
Identifiable to the sdg. By this, a shortName etc. can be
assigned to the Sdg.
sdgContents SdgContents 0..1 aggr This is the content of the Sdg.

Table D.245: Sdg

Class ScaleConstr
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::Constraints::GlobalConstraints
Note This meta-class represents the ability to specify constraints as a list of intervals (called scales).
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
desc MultiLanguageOverview 0..1 aggr <desc> represents a general but brief description of the
Paragraph object in question.
lowerLimit Limit 0..1 attr This specifies the lower limit of the scale.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

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Specification of RTE Software

Class ScaleConstr
shortLabel Identifier 0..1 attr This element specifies a short name for the scaleConstr.
This can for example be used to create more specific
messages of a constraint checker. The constraints cannot
be associated in the meta-model, therefore shortLabel is
somehow a substitute for shortName.
upperLimit Limit 0..1 attr This specifies the upper limit of a the scale.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
validity ScaleConstrValidity 0..1 attr Specifies if the values defined by the scales are
Enum considered to be valid. If the attribute is missing then the
default value is "VALID".

Table D.246: ScaleConstr

Class SectionNamePrefix
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ResourceConsumption::MemorySectionUsage
Note A prefix to be used for generated code artifacts defining a memory section name in the source code of
the using module or SWC.
Base ARObject, ImplementationProps, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
implementedIn DependencyOnArtifact 0..1 ref Optional reference that allows to Indicate the code artifact
(header file) containing the preprocessor implementation
of memory sections with this prefix.
The usage of this link supersedes the usage of a memory
mapping header with the default name (derived from the
BswModuleDescription’s shortName).

Table D.247: SectionNamePrefix

Enumeration SendIndicationEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::SoftwareCluster
Note This meta-class provides a way to specify in which way redundancy shall be applied on collection
Literal Description
anySendOperation This value represents the requirement that any send operation of the Software Cluster is indicated.
none This value represents the requirement that send operations of the Software Cluster are not indicated.

Table D.248: SendIndicationEnum

Class SenderComSpec (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes for a sender port (PPortPrototype typed by SenderReceiverInterface).
Base ARObject, PPortComSpec

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SenderComSpec (abstract)
Subclasses NonqueuedSenderComSpec, QueuedSenderComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
composite CompositeNetwork * aggr This represents a CompositeNetworkRepresentation
Network Representation defined in the context of a SenderComSpec.
dataElement AutosarDataPrototype 0..1 ref Data element these quality of service attributes apply to.
handleOutOf HandleOutOfRange 0..1 attr This attribute controls how out-of-range values shall be
Range Enum dealt with.
network SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr A networkRepresentation is used to define how the data
Representation Element is mapped to a communication bus.
transmission Transmission 0..1 aggr Requested transmission acknowledgement for data
Acknowledge Acknowledgement element.
transmission TransmissionComSpec 0..1 aggr This aggregation represents the definition transmission
Props Props props in the context of the enclosing SenderComSpec.
usesEndToEnd Boolean 0..1 attr This indicates whether the corresponding dataElement
Protection shall be transmitted using end-to-end protection.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.249: SenderComSpec

Class SenderReceiverInterface
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note A sender/receiver interface declares a number of data elements to be sent and received.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
DataInterface, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataElement VariableDataPrototype * aggr The data elements of this SenderReceiverInterface.
invalidation InvalidationPolicy * aggr InvalidationPolicy for a particular dataElement
metaDataItem MetaDataItemSet * aggr This aggregation defines fixed sets of meta-data items
Set associated with dataElements of the enclosing Sender
Table D.250: SenderReceiverInterface

Class SenderReceiverToSignalGroupMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::DataMapping
Note Mapping of a sender receiver communication data element with a composite datatype to a signal group.
Base ARObject, DataMapping
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataElement VariableDataPrototype 1 iref Reference to a data element with a composite datatype
which is mapped to a signal group.
InstanceRef implemented by:VariableDataPrototypeIn
signalGroup SystemSignalGroup 1 ref Reference to the signal group, which contain all primitive
datatypes of the composite type

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SenderReceiverToSignalGroupMapping
typeMapping SenderRecComposite 1 aggr The CompositeTypeMapping maps the ApplicationArray
TypeMapping Elements and ApplicationRecordElements to Signals of
the SignalGroup.

Table D.251: SenderReceiverToSignalGroupMapping

Class SenderReceiverToSignalMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::DataMapping
Note Mapping of a sender receiver communication data element to a signal.
Base ARObject, DataMapping
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataElement VariableDataPrototype 1 iref Reference to the data element.
InstanceRef implemented by:VariableDataPrototypeIn
senderToSignal TextTableMapping 0..1 aggr This mapping allows for the text-table translation between
TextTable the sending DataPrototype that is defined in the Port
Mapping Prototype and the physicalProps defined for the System
signalTo TextTableMapping 0..1 aggr This mapping allows for the text-table translation between
ReceiverText the physicalProps defined for the SystemSignal and a
TableMapping receiving DataPrototype that is defined in the Port
systemSignal SystemSignal 1 ref Reference to the system signal used to carry the data
Table D.252: SenderReceiverToSignalMapping

Class SensorActuatorSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note The SensorActuatorSwComponentType introduces the possibility to link from the software representation
of a sensor/actuator to its hardware description provided by the ECU Resource Template.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
sensorActuator HwDescriptionEntity 0..1 ref Reference from the Sensor Actuator Software Component
Type to the description of the actual hardware.

Table D.253: SensorActuatorSwComponentType

Enumeration ServerArgumentImplPolicyEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This defines how the argument type of the servers RunnableEntity is implemented.
Literal Description
useArgumentType The argument type of the RunnableEntity is derived from the AutosarDataType of the Argument
useVoid The argument type of the RunnableEntity is void.

Table D.254: ServerArgumentImplPolicyEnum

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Specification of RTE Software

Class ServerCallPoint (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ServerCall
Note If a RunnableEntity owns a ServerCallPoint it is entitled to invoke a particular ClientServerOperation of a
specific RPortPrototype of the corresponding AtomicSwComponentType
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses AsynchronousServerCallPoint, SynchronousServerCallPoint
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
operation ClientServerOperation 0..1 iref The operation that is called by this runnable.
InstanceRef implemented by:ROperationInAtomicSwc
timeout TimeValue 0..1 attr Time in seconds before the server call times out and
returns with an error message. It depends on the call type
(synchronous or asynchronous) how this is reported.

Table D.255: ServerCallPoint

Class ServerComSpec
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Communication attributes for a server port (PPortPrototype and ClientServerInterface).
Base ARObject, PPortComSpec
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
operation ClientServerOperation 0..1 ref Operation these communication attributes apply to.
queueLength PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Length of call queue on the server side. The queue is
implemented by the RTE. The value shall be greater or
equal to 1. Setting the value of queueLength to 1 implies
that incoming requests are rejected while another request
that arrived earlier is being processed.
transformation TransformationCom * aggr This references the TransformationComSpecProps which
ComSpecProps SpecProps define port-specific configuration for data transformation.

Table D.256: ServerComSpec

Class ServiceProxySwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note This class provides the ability to express a software-component which provides access to an internal
service for remote ECUs. It acts as a proxy for the service providing access to the service.
An important use case is the request of vehicle mode switches: Such requests can be communicated via
sender-receiver interfaces across ECU boundaries, but the mode manager being responsible to perform
the mode switches is an AUTOSAR Service which is located in the Basic Software and is not visible in
the VFB view. To handle this situation, a ServiceProxySwComponentType will act as proxy for the mode
manager. It will have R-Ports to be connected with the mode requestors on VFB level and Service-Ports
to be connected with the local mode manager at ECU integration time.
Apart from the semantics, a ServiceProxySwComponentType has these specific properties:
• A prototype of it can be mapped to more than one ECUs in the system description.
• Exactly one additional instance of it will be created in the ECU-Extract per ECU to which the
prototype has been mapped.
• For remote communication, it can have only R-Ports with sender-receiver interfaces and 1:n
• There shall be no connectors between two prototypes of any ServiceProxySwComponentType.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class ServiceProxySwComponentType
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.257: ServiceProxySwComponentType

Class ServiceSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note ServiceSwComponentType is used for configuring services for a given ECU. Instances of this class are
only to be created in ECU Configuration phase for the specific purpose of the service configuration.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.258: ServiceSwComponentType

Class SubElementMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note This meta-class allows for the definition of mappings of elements of a composite data type.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
firstElement SubElementRef 0..1 aggr This represents the first element referenced in the scope
of the mapping.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
secondElement SubElementRef 0..1 aggr This represents the second element referenced in the
scope of the mapping.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
textTable TextTableMapping 0..2 aggr This allows for the text-table translation of individual
Mapping elements of a composite data type.

Table D.259: SubElementMapping

Class SwAddrMethod
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::AuxillaryObjects
Note Used to assign a common addressing method, e.g. common memory section, to data or code objects.
These objects could actually live in different modules or components.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
memory MemoryAllocation 0..1 attr Enumeration to specify the name pattern of the Memory
Allocation KeywordPolicyType Allocation Keyword.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SwAddrMethod
option Identifier * attr This attribute introduces the ability to specify further
intended properties of the MemorySection in with the
related objects shall be placed.
These properties are handled as to be selected. The
intended options are mentioned in the list.
In the Memory Mapping configuration, this option list is
used to determine an appropriate MemMapAddressing
section SectionInitialization 0..1 attr Specifies the expected initialization of the variables
Initialization PolicyType (inclusive those which are implementing VariableData
Policy Prototypes). Therefore this is an implementation
constraint for initialization code of BSW modules
(especially RTE) as well as the start-up code which
initializes the memory segment to which the AutosarData
Prototypes referring to the SwAddrMethod’s are later on
If the attribute is not defined it has the identical semantic
as the attribute value "INIT"
sectionType MemorySectionType 0..1 attr Defines the type of memory sections which can be
associated with this addresssing method.

Table D.260: SwAddrMethod

Class SwBaseType
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::BaseTypes
Note This meta-class represents a base type used within ECU software.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, BaseType, CollectableElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table D.261: SwBaseType

Enumeration SwCalibrationAccessEnum
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note Determines the access rights to a data object w.r.t. measurement and calibration.
Literal Description
notAccessible The element will not be accessible via MCD tools, i.e. will not appear in the ASAP file.
readOnly The element will only appear as read-only in an ASAP file.
readWrite The element will appear in the ASAP file with both read and write access.

Table D.262: SwCalibrationAccessEnum

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SwComponentPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition
Note Role of a software component within a composition.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
type SwComponentType 0..1 tref Type of the instance.
Stereotypes: isOfType

Table D.263: SwComponentPrototype

Class SwComponentType (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note Base class for AUTOSAR software components.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Subclasses AtomicSwComponentType, CompositionSwComponentType, ParameterSwComponentType
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
consistency ConsistencyNeeds * aggr This represents the collection of ConsistencyNeeds
Needs owned by the enclosing SwComponentType.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=consistencyNeeds.shortName, consistency
port PortPrototype * aggr The PortPrototypes through which this SwComponent
Type can communicate.
The aggregation of PortPrototype is subject to variability
with the purpose to support the conditional existence of
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=port.shortName, port.variationPoint.short
portGroup PortGroup * aggr A port group being part of this component.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
swComponent SwComponent 0..1 aggr This adds a documentation to the SwComponentType.
Documentation Documentation
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=swComponentDocumentation, sw
unitGroup UnitGroup * ref This allows for the specification of which UnitGroups are
relevant in the context of referencing SwComponentType.

Table D.264: SwComponentType

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SwConnector (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Composition
Note The base class for connectors between ports. Connectors have to be identifiable to allow references from
the system constraint template.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Subclasses AssemblySwConnector, DelegationSwConnector, PassThroughSwConnector
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
mapping PortInterfaceMapping 0..1 ref Reference to a PortInterfaceMapping specifying the
mapping of unequal named PortInterface elements of the
two different PortInterfaces typing the two PortPrototypes
which are referenced by the ConnectorPrototype.

Table D.265: SwConnector

Class <<atpVariation>> SwDataDefProps

Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note This class is a collection of properties relevant for data objects under various aspects. One could
consider this class as a "pattern of inheritance by aggregation". The properties can be applied to all
objects of all classes in which SwDataDefProps is aggregated.
Note that not all of the attributes or associated elements are useful all of the time. Hence, the process
definition (e.g. expressed with an OCL or a Document Control Instance MSR-DCI) has the task of
implementing limitations.
SwDataDefProps covers various aspects:
• Structure of the data element for calibration use cases: is it a single value, a curve, or a map, but
also the recordLayouts which specify how such elements are mapped/converted to the Data
Types in the programming language (or in AUTOSAR). This is mainly expressed by properties
like swRecordLayout and swCalprmAxisSet
• Implementation aspects, mainly expressed by swImplPolicy, swVariableAccessImplPolicy, sw
AddrMethod, swPointerTagetProps, baseType, implementationDataType and additionalNative
• Access policy for the MCD system, mainly expressed by swCalibrationAccess
• Semantics of the data element, mainly expressed by compuMethod and/or unit, dataConstr,
• Code generation policy provided by swRecordLayout
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
additionalNative NativeDeclarationString 0..1 attr This attribute is used to declare native qualifiers of the
TypeQualifier programming language which can neither be deduced
from the baseType (e.g. because the data object
describes a pointer) nor from other more abstract
attributes. Examples are qualifiers like "volatile", "strict" or
"enum" of the C-language. All such declarations have to
be put into one string.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class <<atpVariation>> SwDataDefProps
annotation Annotation * aggr This aggregation allows to add annotations (yellow pads
...) related to the current data object.
baseType SwBaseType 0..1 ref Base type associated with the containing data object.
compuMethod CompuMethod 0..1 ref Computation method associated with the semantics of
this data object.
dataConstr DataConstr 0..1 ref Data constraint for this data object.
displayFormat DisplayFormatString 0..1 attr This property describes how a number is to be rendered
e.g. in documents or in a measurement and calibration
display DisplayPresentation 0..1 attr This attribute controls the presentation of the related data
Presentation Enum for measurement and calibration tools.
implementation AbstractImplementation 0..1 ref This association denotes the ImplementationDataType of
DataType DataType a data declaration via its aggregated SwDataDefProps. It
is used whenever a data declaration is not directly
referring to a base type. Especially
• redefinition of an ImplementationDataType via a
"typedef" to another ImplementationDatatype
• the target type of a pointer (see SwPointerTarget
Props), if it does not refer to a base type directly
• the data type of an array or record element within
an ImplementationDataType, if it does not refer to
a base type directly
• the data type of an SwServiceArg, if it does not
refer to a base type directly
invalidValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Optional value to express invalidity of the actual data
stepSize Float 0..1 attr This attribute can be used to define a value which is
added to or subtracted from the value of a DataPrototype
when using up/down keys while calibrating.
swAddrMethod SwAddrMethod 0..1 ref Addressing method related to this data object. Via an
association to the same SwAddrMethod it can be
specified that several DataPrototypes shall be located in
the same memory without already specifying the memory
section itself.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class <<atpVariation>> SwDataDefProps
swAlignment AlignmentType 0..1 attr The attribute describes the intended alignment of the
DataPrototype. If the attribute is not defined the alignment
is determined by the swBaseType size and the memory
AllocationKeywordPolicy of the referenced SwAddr
swBit SwBitRepresentation 0..1 aggr Description of the binary representation in case of a bit
Representation variable.
swCalibration SwCalibrationAccess 0..1 attr Specifies the read or write access by MCD tools for this
Access Enum data object.
swCalprmAxis SwCalprmAxisSet 0..1 aggr This specifies the properties of the axes in case of a
Set curve or map etc. This is mainly applicable to calibration
swComparison SwVariableRefProxy * aggr Variables used for comparison in an MCD process.
swData SwDataDependency 0..1 aggr Describes how the value of the data object has to be
Dependency calculated from the value of another data object (by the
MCD system).
swHostVariable SwVariableRefProxy 0..1 aggr Contains a reference to a variable which serves as a
host-variable for a bit variable. Only applicable to bit
swImplPolicy SwImplPolicyEnum 0..1 attr Implementation policy for this data object.
swIntended Numerical 0..1 attr The purpose of this element is to describe the requested
Resolution quantization of data objects early on in the design
The resolution ultimately occurs via the conversion
formula present (compuMethod), which specifies the
transition from the physical world to the standardized
world (and vice-versa) (here, "the slope per bit" is present
implicitly in the conversion formula).
In the case of a development phase without a fixed
conversion formula, a pre-specification can occur through
The resolution is specified in the physical domain
according to the property "unit".
swInterpolation Identifier 0..1 attr This is a keyword identifying the mathematical method to
Method be applied for interpolation. The keyword needs to be
related to the interpolation routine which needs to be

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Specification of RTE Software

Class <<atpVariation>> SwDataDefProps
swIsVirtual Boolean 0..1 attr This element distinguishes virtual objects. Virtual objects
do not appear in the memory, their derivation is much
more dependent on other objects and hence they shall
have a swDataDependency .
swPointerTarget SwPointerTargetProps 0..1 aggr Specifies that the containing data object is a pointer to
Props another data object.
swRecord SwRecordLayout 0..1 ref Record layout for this data object.
swRefresh MultidimensionalTime 0..1 aggr This element specifies the frequency in which the object
Timing involved shall be or is called or calculated. This timing
can be collected from the task in which write access
processes to the variable run. But this cannot be done by
the MCD system.
So this attribute can be used in an early phase to express
the desired refresh timing and later on to specify the real
refresh timing.
swTextProps SwTextProps 0..1 aggr the specific properties if the data object is a text object.
swValueBlock Numerical 0..1 attr This represents the size of a Value Block
Stereotypes: atpVariation
swValueBlock Numerical * attr This attribute is used to specify the dimensions of a value
SizeMult block (VAL_BLK) for the case that that value block has
(ordered) more than one dimension.
The dimensions given in this attribute are ordered such
that the first entry represents the first dimension, the
second entry represents the second dimension, and so
For one-dimensional value blocks the attribute swValue
BlockSize shall be used and this attribute shall not exist.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
unit Unit 0..1 ref Physical unit associated with the semantics of this data
object. This attribute applies if no compuMethod is
specified. If both units (this as well as via compuMethod)
are specified the units shall be compatible.
valueAxisData ApplicationPrimitive 0..1 ref The referenced ApplicationPrimitiveDataType represents
Type DataType the primitive data type of the value axis within a
compound primitive (e.g. curve, map). It supersedes
CompuMethod, Unit, and BaseType.

Table D.266: SwDataDefProps

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Specification of RTE Software

Enumeration SwImplPolicyEnum
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note Specifies the implementation strategy with respect to consistency mechanisms of variables.
Literal Description
const forced implementation such that the running software within the ECU shall not modify it. For example
implemented with the "const" modifier in C. This can be applied for parameters (not for those in
NVRAM) as well as argument data prototypes.
fixed This data element is fixed. In particular this indicates, that it might also be implemented e.g. as in
place data, (#DEFINE).
measurementPoint The data element is created for measurement purposes only. The data element is never read directly
within the ECU software. In contrast to a "standard" data element in an unconnected provide port is,
this unconnection is guaranteed for measurementPoint data elements.
queued The content of the data element is queued and the data element has ’event’ semantics, i.e. data
elements are stored in a queue and all data elements are processed in ’first in first out’ order. The
queuing is intended to be implemented by RTE Generator. This value is not applicable for parameters.
standard This is applicable for all kinds of data elements. For variable data prototypes the ’last is best’
semantics applies. For parameter there is no specific implementation directive.

Table D.267: SwImplPolicyEnum

Class SwPointerTargetProps
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note This element defines, that the data object (which is specified by the aggregating element) contains a
reference to another data object or to a function in the CPU code. This corresponds to a pointer in the
The attributes of this element describe the category and the detailed properties of the target which is
either a data description or a function signature.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
functionPointer BswModuleEntry 0..1 ref The referenced BswModuleEntry serves as the signature
Signature of a function pointer definition. Primary use case: function
pointer passed as argument to other function.
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr The properties of the target data type.
targetCategory Identifier 0..1 attr This specifies the category of the target:
• In case of a data pointer, it shall specify the
category of the referenced data.
• In case of a function pointer, it could be used to
denote the category of the referenced Bsw
ModuleEntry. Since currently no categories for
BswModuleEntry are defined it will be empty.

Table D.268: SwPointerTargetProps

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SwRecordLayout
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::RecordLayout
Note Defines how the data objects (variables, calibration parameters etc.) are to be stored in the ECU
memory. As an example, this definition specifies the sequence of axis points in the ECU memory.
Iterations through axis values are stored within the sub-elements swRecordLayoutGroup.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swRecord SwRecordLayoutGroup 0..1 aggr This is the top level record layout group.

Table D.269: SwRecordLayout

Class SwServiceArg
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::ServiceProcessTask
Note Specifies the properties of a data object exchanged during the call of an SwService, e.g. an argument or
a return value.
The SwServiceArg can also be used in the argument list of a C-macro. For this purpose the category
shall be set to "MACRO". A reference to implementationDataType can optional be added if the actual
argument has an implementationDataType.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
direction ArgumentDirection 0..1 attr Specifies the direction of the data transfer. The direction
Enum shall indicate the direction of the actual information that is
being consumed by the caller and/or the callee, not the
direction of formal arguments in C.
The attribute is optional for backwards compatibility
reasons. For example, if a pointer is used to pass a
memory address for the expected result, the direction
shall be "out". If a pointer is used to pass a memory
address with content to be read by the callee, its direction
shall be "in".
swArraysize ValueList 0..1 aggr This turns the argument of the service to an array.
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr Data properties of this SwServiceArg.

Table D.270: SwServiceArg

Class SwSystemconst
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::SystemConstant

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SwSystemconst
Note This element defines a system constant which serves an input to select a particular variation point. In
particular a system constant serves as an operand of the binding function (swSyscond) in a Variation
Note that the binding process can only happen if a value was assigned to to the referenced system
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpDefinition, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swDataDef SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr This denotes the data defintion properties of the system
Props constant. This supports to express the limits and
optionally a conversion within the internal to physical
values by a compu method.

Table D.271: SwSystemconst

Class <<atpMixedString>> SwSystemconstDependentFormula (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This class represents an expression depending on system constants.
Base ARObject, FormulaExpression
Subclasses AttributeValueVariationPoint, BlueprintFormula, ConditionByFormula, FMFormulaByFeaturesAndSw
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
sysc SwSystemconst 1 ref This refers to a system constant. The internal (coded)
value of the system constant shall be used.
syscString SwSystemconst 1 ref syscString indicates that the referenced system constant
shall be evaluated as a string according to

Table D.272: SwSystemconstDependentFormula

Class SwSystemconstValue
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This meta-class assigns a particular value to a system constant.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
annotation Annotation * aggr This provides the ability to add information why the value
is set like it is.
swSystemconst SwSystemconst 1 ref This is the system constant to which the value applies.
value Numerical 1 attr This is the particular value of a system constant. It is
specified as Numerical. Further restrictions may apply by
the definition of the system constant.
The value attribute defines the internal value of the Sw
Systemconst as it is processed in the Formula Language.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SwSystemconstValue
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.273: SwSystemconstValue

Class SwSystemconstantValueSet
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This meta-class represents the ability to specify a set of system constant values.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
sw SwSystemconstValue * aggr This is one particular value of a system constant.
Table D.274: SwSystemconstantValueSet

Class <<atpMixed>> SwValues

Package M2::MSR::CalibrationData::CalibrationValue
Note This meta-class represents a list of values. These values can either be the input values of a curve
(abscissa values) or the associated values (ordinate values).
In case of multidimensional structures, the values are ordered such that the lowest index runs the fastest.
In particular for maps and cuboids etc. the resulting long value list can be subsectioned using Value
Group. But the processing needs to be done as if vg is not there.
Note that numerical values and textual values should not be mixed.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
v Numerical 0..1 attr This is a non variant Value. It is provided for sake of
Compatibility to ASAM CDF.
vf Numerical 0..1 attr This allows to specify the value as VariationPoint. It is
distinguished to non variant for sake of compatibility to
Stereotypes: atpVariation
vg ValueGroup 0..1 aggr This allows to have intersections in the values in order to
support specific rendering (eg. using stylesheets). For
tools it is important that the v values are always
processed in the same (flattened) order and the tool is
able to interpret it without respecting vg.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class <<atpMixed>> SwValues
vt VerbatimString 0..1 attr This represents the values of textual data elements
(Strings). Note that vt uses the | to separate the values for
the different bitfield masks in case that the semantics of
the related DataPrototype is described by means of a
BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE in the associated CompuMethod.
vtf NumericalOrText 0..1 aggr Thias aggregation represents the ability to provide a value
that is either numerical or text which existence is subject
to variability.
From the formal point of view, the aggregation needs to
have the multiplicity 1 because SwValues is modelled with
stereotype <<atpMixed>>. Nevertheless, the existence of
vtf is optional and subject to constraints.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.275: SwValues

Class SwcBswMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::SwcBswMapping
Note Maps an SwcInternalBehavior to an BswInternalBehavior. This is required to coordinate the API
generation and the scheduling for AUTOSAR Service Components, ECU Abstraction Components and
Complex Driver Components by the RTE and the BSW scheduling mechanisms.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bswBehavior BswInternalBehavior 0..1 ref The mapped BswInternalBehavior
runnable SwcBswRunnable * aggr A mapping between a pair of SWC and BSW runnables.
Mapping Mapping
Stereotypes: atpVariation
swcBehavior SwcInternalBehavior 0..1 ref The mapped SwcInternalBehavior.
synchronized SwcBswSynchronized * aggr A pair of SWC and BSW mode group prototypes to be
ModeGroup ModeGroupPrototype synchronized by the scheduler.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
synchronized SwcBswSynchronized * aggr A pair of SWC and BSW Triggers to be synchronized by
Trigger Trigger the scheduler.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.276: SwcBswMapping

Class SwcBswRunnableMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::SwcBswMapping
Note Maps a BswModuleEntity to a RunnableEntity if it is implemented as part of a BSW module (in the case of
an AUTOSAR Service, a Complex Driver or an ECU Abstraction). The mapping can be used by a tool to
find relevant information on the behavior, e.g. whether the bswEntity shall be running in interrupt context.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SwcBswRunnableMapping
bswEntity BswModuleEntity 1 ref The mapped BswModuleEntity
swcRunnable RunnableEntity 1 ref The mapped SWC runnable.

Table D.277: SwcBswRunnableMapping

Class SwcBswSynchronizedTrigger
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::SwcBswMapping
Note Synchronizes a Trigger provided by a component via a port with a Trigger provided by a BSW module or
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bswTrigger Trigger 1 ref The BSW Trigger.
swcTrigger Trigger 1 iref The SWC Trigger provided by a particular port.
InstanceRef implemented by:PTriggerInAtomicSwcType
Table D.278: SwcBswSynchronizedTrigger

Class SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior
Note Options how to generate the ExclusiveArea related APIs. If no SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy is specified for
an ExclusiveArea the default values apply.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
apiPrinciple ApiPrincipleEnum 0..1 attr Specifies for this ExclusiveArea if either one common set
of Enter and Exit APIs for the whole software component
is requested from the Rte or if the set of Enter and Exit
APIs is expected per RunnableEntity. The default value is
exclusiveArea ExclusiveArea 0..1 ref This reference represents the ExclusiveArea for which the
policy applies.

Table D.279: SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy

Class SwcImplementation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcImplementation
Note This meta-class represents a specialization of the general Implementation meta-class with respect to the
usage in application software.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Implementation, MultilanguageReferrable,
PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
behavior SwcInternalBehavior 0..1 ref The internal behavior implemented by this
perInstance PerInstanceMemory * aggr Allows a definition of the size of the per-instance memory
MemorySize Size for this implementation. The aggregation of PerInstance
MemorySize is subject to variability with the purpose to
support variability in the software components
implementations. Typically different algorithms in the

1234 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class SwcImplementation
implementation are requiring different number of memory
objects, in this case PerInstanceMemory.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
required String 0..1 attr Identify a specific RTE vendor. This information is
RTEVendor potentially important at the time of integrating (in
particular: linking) the application code with the RTE. The
semantics is that (if the association exists) the
corresponding code has been created to fit to the
vendor-mode RTE provided by this specific vendor.
Attempting to integrate the code with another RTE
generated in vendor mode is in general not possible.

Table D.280: SwcImplementation

Class SwcInternalBehavior
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior
Note The SwcInternalBehavior of an AtomicSwComponentType describes the relevant aspects of the
software-component with respect to the RTE, i.e. the RunnableEntities and the RTEEvents they respond
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, InternalBehavior , Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arTypedPer VariableDataPrototype * aggr Defines an AUTOSAR typed memory-block that needs to
Instance be available for each instance of the SW-component.
This is typically only useful if supportsMultipleInstantiation
is set to "true" or if the component defines NVRAM
access via permanent blocks.
The aggregation of arTypedPerInstanceMemory is subject
to variability with the purpose to support variability in the
software component’s implementations. Typically different
algorithms in the implementation are requiring different
number of memory objects.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=arTypedPerInstanceMemory.shortName, ar
event RTEEvent * aggr This is a RTEEvent specified for the particular Swc
The aggregation of RTEEvent is subject to variability with
the purpose to support the conditional existence of RTE
events. Note: the number of RTE events might vary due
to the conditional existence of PortPrototypes using Data
ReceivedEvents or due to different scheduling needs of
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=event.shortName, event.variationPoint.short

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SwcInternalBehavior
exclusiveArea SwcExclusiveArea * aggr Options how to generate the ExclusiveArea related APIs.
Policy Policy When no SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy is specified for an
ExclusiveArea the default values apply.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=exclusiveAreaPolicy, exclusiveArea
explicitInter VariableDataPrototype * aggr Implement state message semantics for establishing
Runnable communication among runnables of the same
Variable component. The aggregation of explicitInterRunnable
Variable is subject to variability with the purpose to
support variability in the software components
implementations. Typically different algorithms in the
implementation are requiring different number of memory
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
handle HandleTerminationAnd 0..1 attr This attribute controls the behavior with respect to
TerminationAnd RestartEnum stopping and restarting. The corresponding AtomicSw
Restart ComponentType may either not support stop and restart,
or support only stop, or support both stop and restart.
implicitInter VariableDataPrototype * aggr Implement state message semantics for establishing
Runnable communication among runnables of the same
Variable component. The aggregation of implicitInterRunnable
Variable is subject to variability with the purpose to
support variability in the software components
implementations. Typically different algorithms in the
implementation are requiring different number of memory
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
includedData IncludedDataTypeSet * aggr The includedDataTypeSet is used by a software
TypeSet component for its implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
includedMode IncludedMode * aggr This aggregation represents the included Mode
Declaration DeclarationGroupSet DeclarationGroups
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
instantiation InstantiationDataDef * aggr The purpose of this is that within the context of a given
DataDefProps Props SwComponentType some data def properties of individual
instantiations can be modified. The aggregation of
InstantiationDataDefProps is subject to variability with the
purpose to support the conditional existence of Port
Prototypes and component local memories like "per
InstanceParameter" or "arTypedPerInstanceMemory".

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SwcInternalBehavior
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=instantiationDataDefProps, instantiationData
perInstance PerInstanceMemory * aggr Defines a per-instance memory object needed by this
Memory software component. The aggregation of PerInstance
Memory is subject to variability with the purpose to
support variability in the software components
implementations. Typically different algorithms in the
implementation are requiring different number of memory
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=perInstanceMemory.shortName, perInstance
perInstance ParameterData * aggr Defines parameter(s) or characteristic value(s) that needs
Parameter Prototype to be available for each instance of the
software-component. This is typically only useful if
supportsMultipleInstantiation is set to "true". The
aggregation of perInstanceParameter is subject to
variability with the purpose to support variability in the
software components implementations. Typically different
algorithms in the implementation are requiring different
number of memory objects.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=perInstanceParameter.shortName, per
portAPIOption PortAPIOption * aggr Options for generating the signature of port-related calls
from a runnable to the RTE and vice versa. The
aggregation of PortPrototypes is subject to variability with
the purpose to support the conditional existence of ports.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=portAPIOption, portAPIOption.variation
runnable RunnableEntity * aggr This is a RunnableEntity specified for the particular Swc
The aggregation of RunnableEntity is subject to variability
with the purpose to support the conditional existence of
RunnableEntities. Note: the number of RunnableEntities
might vary due to the conditional existence of Port
Prototypes using DataReceivedEvents or due to different
scheduling needs of algorithms.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=runnable.shortName, runnable.variation

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SwcInternalBehavior
service SwcService * aggr Defines the requirements on AUTOSAR Services for a
Dependency Dependency particular item.
The aggregation of SwcServiceDependency is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of ports as well as the conditional existence of
The SwcServiceDependency owned by an SwcInternal
Behavior can be located in a different physical file in order
to support that SwcServiceDependency might be
provided in later development steps or even by different
expert domain (e.g OBD expert for Obd related Service
Needs) tools. Therefore the aggregation is <<atp
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=serviceDependency.shortName, service
shared ParameterData * aggr Defines parameter(s) or characteristic value(s) shared
Parameter Prototype between SwComponentPrototypes of the same Sw
ComponentType The aggregation of sharedParameter is
subject to variability with the purpose to support variability
in the software components implementations. Typically
different algorithms in the implementation are requiring
different number of memory objects.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=sharedParameter.shortName, shared
supports Boolean 0..1 attr Indicate whether the corresponding software-component
Multiple can be multiply instantiated on one ECU. In this case the
Instantiation attribute will result in an appropriate component API on
programming language level (with or without instance
variationPoint VariationPointProxy * aggr Proxy of a variation points in the C/C++ implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable

Table D.281: SwcInternalBehavior

Class SwcModeManagerErrorEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This represents the ability to react on errors occurring during mode handling.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
modeGroup ModeDeclarationGroup 0..1 iref This represents the ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype for
Prototype which the error behavior of the mode manager applies.
InstanceRef implemented by:PModeGroupInAtomic

Table D.282: SwcModeManagerErrorEvent

1238 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class SwcModeSwitchEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This event is raised upon a received mode change.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
activation ModeActivationKind 0..1 attr Specifies if the event is activated on entering or exiting
the referenced Mode.
mode (ordered) ModeDeclaration 0..2 iref Reference to one or two Modes that initiate the SwcMode
InstanceRef implemented by:RModeInAtomicSwc
Table D.283: SwcModeSwitchEvent

Class SwcServiceDependency
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ServiceMapping
Note Specialization of ServiceDependency in the context of an SwcInternalBehavior. It allows to associate
ports, port groups and (in special cases) data defined for an atomic software component to a given
ServiceNeeds element.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Referrable, ServiceDependency
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
assignedData RoleBasedData * aggr Defines the role of an associated data object of the same
Assignment component.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
assignedPort RoleBasedPort * aggr Defines the role of an associated port of the same
Assignment component.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=assignedPort, assignedPort.variation
representedPort PortGroup 0..1 ref This reference specifies an association between the
Group ServiceNeeeds and a PortGroup, for example to request
a communication mode which applies for communication
via these ports. The referred PortGroup shall be local to
this atomic SWC, but via the links between the Port
Groups, a tool can evaluate this information such that all
the ports linked via this port group on the same ECU can
be found.
serviceNeeds ServiceNeeds 0..1 aggr The associated ServiceNeeds.

Table D.284: SwcServiceDependency

Class SymbolProps
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note This meta-class represents the ability to attach with the symbol attribute a symbolic name that is conform
to C language requirements to another meta-class, e.g. AtomicSwComponentType, that is a potential
subject to a name clash on the level of RTE source code.
Base ARObject, ImplementationProps, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SymbolProps
– – – – –
Table D.285: SymbolProps

Class SynchronousServerCallPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::ServerCall
Note This means that the RunnableEntity is supposed to perform a blocking wait for a response from the
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable, ServerCallPoint
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
calledFrom ExclusiveAreaNesting 0..1 ref This indicates that the call point is located at the deepest
WithinExclusive Order level inside one or more ExclusiveAreas that are nested
Area in the given order.

Table D.286: SynchronousServerCallPoint

Class System
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate
Note The top level element of the System Description. The System description defines five major elements:
Topology, Software, Communication, Mapping and Mapping Constraints.
The System element directly aggregates the elements describing the Software, Mapping and Mapping
Constraints; it contains a reference to an ASAM FIBEX description specifying Communication and
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
clientId ClientIdDefinitionSet * ref Set of Client Identifiers that are used for inter-ECU
DefinitionSet client-server communication in the System.
containerIPdu ByteOrderEnum 0..1 attr Defines the byteOrder of the header in ContainerIPdus.
ecuExtract RevisionLabelString 0..1 attr Version number of the Ecu Extract.
fibexElement FibexElement * ref Reference to ASAM FIBEX elements specifying
Communication and Topology.
All Fibex Elements used within a System Description shall
be referenced from the System Element.
atpVariation: In order to describe a product-line, all Fibex
Elements can be optional.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
interpolation InterpolationRoutine * ref This reference identifies the InterpolationRoutineMapping
Routine MappingSet Sets that are relevant in the context of the enclosing
MappingSet System.

1240 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class System
j1939Shared J1939SharedAddress * aggr Collection of J1939Clusters that share a common
AddressCluster Cluster address space for the routing of messages.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
mapping SystemMapping * aggr Aggregation of all mapping aspects (mapping of SW
components to ECUs, mapping of data elements to
signals, and mapping constraints).
In order to support OEM / Tier 1 interaction and shared
development for one common System this aggregation is
atpSplitable and atpVariation. The content of System
Mapping can be provided by several parties using
different names for the SystemMapping.
This element is not required when the System description
is used for a network-only use-case.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=mapping.shortName, mapping.variation
pncVector PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Length of the partial networking request release
Length information vector (in bytes).
pncVectorOffset PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Absolute offset (with respect to the NM-PDU) of the
partial networking request release information vector that
is defined in bytes as an index starting with 0.
rootSoftware RootSwComposition 0..1 aggr Aggregation of the root software composition, containing
Composition Prototype all software components in the System in a hierarchical
structure. This element is not required when the System
description is used for a network-only use-case.
atpVariation: The RootSwCompositionPrototype can vary.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=rootSoftwareComposition.shortName, root
swCluster CpSoftwareCluster * ref CP Software Clusters of this System
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=swCluster.cpSoftwareCluster, sw
system Chapter * aggr Possibility to provide additional documentation while
Documentation defining the System. The System documentation can be
composed of several chapters.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=systemDocumentation.shortName, system
systemVersion RevisionLabelString 1 attr Version number of the System Description.

Table D.287: System

1241 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class SystemMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate
Note The system mapping aggregates all mapping aspects (mapping of SW components to ECUs, mapping of
data elements to signals, and mapping constraints).
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
application ApplicationPartitionTo * aggr Mapping of ApplicationPartitions to EcuPartitions
PartitionToEcu EcuPartitionMapping
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Mapping.shortName, applicationPartitionToEcuPartition
com ComManagement * aggr Mappings between Mode Management PortGroups and
Management Mapping communication channels.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
cryptoService CryptoServiceMapping * aggr This aggregation represents the collection of crypto
Mapping service mappings in the context of the enclosing System
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=cryptoServiceMapping.shortName, crypto
dataMapping DataMapping * aggr The data mappings defined.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
ecuResource ECUMapping * aggr Mapping of hardware related topology elements onto their
Mapping counterpart definitions in the ECU Resource Template.
atpVariation: The ECU Resource type might be variable.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
j1939Controller J1939Controller * aggr Mapping of a J1939ControllerApplication to a J1939Nm
ApplicationTo ApplicationToJ1939Nm Node.
J1939NmNode NodeMapping
mapping MappingConstraint * aggr Constraints that limit the mapping freedom for the
Constraint mapping of SW components to ECUs.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
pncMapping PncMapping * aggr Mappings between Virtual Function Clusters and Partial
Network Clusters.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
portElementTo PortElementTo * aggr maps a communication resource to CP Software Clusters
ComResource Communication
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Mapping ResourceMapping
Name, portElementToComResourceMapping.variation

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SystemMapping
resource EcuResourceEstimation * aggr Resource estimations for this set of mappings, zero or
Estimation one per ECU instance.
atpVariation: Used ECUs are variable.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
resourceTo CpSoftwareCluster * aggr Maps a Software Cluster resource to an Application
Application ResourceToApplication Partition to restrict the usage.
Partition PartitionMapping
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Mapping.shortName, resourceToApplicationPartition
signalPath SignalPathConstraint * aggr Constraints that limit the mapping freedom for the
Constraint mapping of data elements to signals.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
softwareCluster CpSoftwareClusterTo * aggr maps a service resource to CP Software Clusters
ToResource ResourceMapping
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Name, softwareClusterToResourceMapping.variation
swCluster CpSoftwareClusterTo * aggr The mappings of SW cluster to ECUs.
Mapping EcuInstanceMapping
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=swClusterMapping.shortName, swCluster
swcTo SwcToApplication * aggr Allows to map a given SwComponentPrototype to a
Application PartitionMapping formally defined partition at a point in time when the
Partition corresponding EcuInstance is not yet known or defined.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Name, swcToApplicationPartitionMapping.variation
swImplMapping SwcToImplMapping * aggr The mappings of AtomicSoftwareComponent Instances to
atpVariation: Derived, because SwcToEcuMapping is
Stereotypes: atpVariation
swMapping SwcToEcuMapping * aggr The mappings of SW components to ECUs.
atpVariation: SWC shall be mapped to other ECUs.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.288: SystemMapping

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Specification of RTE Software

Class SystemSignal
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication
Note The system signal represents the communication system’s view of data exchanged between SW
components which reside on different ECUs. The system signals allow to represent this communication
in a flattened structure, with exactly one system signal defined for each data element prototype sent and
received by connected SW component instances.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dynamicLength Boolean 1 attr The length of dynamic length signals is variable in
run-time. Only a maximum length of such a signal is
specified in the configuration (attribute length in ISignal
physicalProps SwDataDefProps 0..1 aggr Specification of the physical representation.

Table D.289: SystemSignal

Class SystemSignalGroup
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Fibex::FibexCore::CoreCommunication
Note A signal group refers to a set of signals that shall always be kept together. A signal group is used to
guarantee the atomic transfer of AUTOSAR composite data types.
The SystemSignalGroup defines a signal grouping on VFB level. On cluster level the Signal grouping is
described by the ISignalGroup element.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
systemSignal SystemSignal * ref Reference to a set of SystemSignals that shall always be
kept together.
transforming SystemSignal 0..1 ref Optional reference to the SystemSignal which shall
SystemSignal contain the transformed (linear) data.

Table D.290: SystemSignalGroup

Class TextTableMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Defines the mapping of two DataPrototypes typed by AutosarDataTypes that refer to CompuMethods of
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bitfieldTextTable PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute can be used to support the mapping of bit
MaskFirst field to bit field, boolean values to bit fields, and vice
versa. The attribute defines the bit mask for the first
element of the TextTableMapping.
Stereotypes: atpVariation

1244 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Class TextTableMapping
bitfieldTextTable PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute can be used to support the mapping of bit
MaskSecond field to bit field, boolean values to bit fields, and vice
versa. The attribute defines the bit mask for the second
element of the TextTableMapping.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
identical Boolean 0..1 attr If identicalMapping is set == true the values of the two
Mapping referenced DataPrototypes do not need any conversion of
the values.
mapping MappingDirectionEnum 0..1 attr Specifies the conversion direction for which the TextTable
Direction Mapping is applicable.
valuePair TextTableValuePair * aggr Defines a pair of values which are translated into each
Table D.291: TextTableMapping

Class TextValueSpecification
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note The purpose of TextValueSpecification is to define the labels that correspond to enumeration values.
Base ARObject, ValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
value VerbatimString 0..1 attr This is the value itself.
Note that vt uses the | operator to separate the values for
the different bitfield masks in case that the semantics of
the related DataPrototype is described by means of a
BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE in the associated CompuMethod.

Table D.292: TextValueSpecification

Class TimingEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note TimingEvent references the RunnableEntity that need to be started in response to the TimingEvent
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
offset TimeValue 0..1 attr The value makes an assumption about the time offset of
the first activation of the RunnableEntity triggered by the
mapped TimingEvent relative to the periodic activation of
the time base of this TimingEvent. Unit: second.
period TimeValue 0..1 attr Period of timing event in seconds. The value of this
attribute shall be greater than zero.

Table D.293: TimingEvent

Class <<atpVariation>> TransformationISignalProps (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note TransformationISignalProps holds all the attributes for the different TransformationTechnologies that are
ISignal specific.
Base ARObject, Describable

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Specification of RTE Software

Class <<atpVariation>> TransformationISignalProps (abstract)
Subclasses EndToEndTransformationISignalProps, SOMEIPTransformationISignalProps, UserDefinedTransformation
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
csErrorReaction CSTransformerError 0..1 attr Defines whether the transformer chain of client/server
ReactionEnum communication coordinates an autonomous error reaction
together with the RTE or whether any error reaction is the
responsibility of the application.
dataPrototype DataPrototype * aggr Fine granular modeling of TransfromationProps on the
Transformation TransformationProps level of DataPrototypes.
transformer Transformation 1 ref Reference to the TransformationTechnology description
Technology that contains transformer specific and ISignal
independent configuration properties.

Table D.294: TransformationISignalProps

Class TransformationTechnology
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note A TransformationTechnology is a transformer inside a transformer chain.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bufferProperties BufferProperties 1 aggr Aggregation of the mandatory BufferProperties.
hasInternal Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute defines whether the Transformer has an
State internal state or not.
needsOriginal Boolean 0..1 attr Specifies whether this transformer gets access to the
Data SWC’s original data.
protocol String 1 attr Specifies the protocol that is implemented by this
transformation Transformation 0..1 aggr A transformer can be configured with transformer specific
Description Description parameters which are represented by the Transformer
Stereotypes: atpVariation
transformer TransformerClassEnum 1 attr Specifies to which transformer class this transformer
Class belongs.
version String 1 attr Version of the implemented protocol.

Table D.295: TransformationTechnology

Enumeration TransformerClassEnum
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::Transformer
Note Specifies the transformer class of a transformer.
Literal Description
custom The transformer is a custom transformer.
safety The transformer is a safety transformer.

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Specification of RTE Software

Enumeration TransformerClassEnum
security The transformer is a security transformer.
serializer The transformer is a serializing transformer.

Table D.296: TransformerClassEnum

Class TransformerHardErrorEvent
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note The event is raised when data are received which should trigger a Client/Server operation or an external
trigger but during transformation of the data a hard transformer error occurred.
Base ARObject, AbstractEvent, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, RTEEvent, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
operation ClientServerOperation 0..1 iref This represents the ClientServerOperation to which the
TransformerHardErrorEvent refers to.
InstanceRef implemented by:POperationInAtomicSwc
requiredTrigger Trigger 0..1 iref Trigger for which the transformer can trigger this
InstanceRef implemented by:RTriggerInAtomicSwc
Table D.297: TransformerHardErrorEvent

Class TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Communication
Note Requests transmission acknowledgement that data has been sent successfully. Success/failure is
reported via a SendPoint of a RunnableEntity.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
timeout TimeValue 0..1 attr Number of seconds before an error is reported or in case
of allowed redundancy, the value is sent again.

Table D.298: TransmissionAcknowledgementRequest

Class Trigger
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::TriggerDeclaration
Note A trigger which is provided (i.e. released) or required (i.e. used to activate something) in the given
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
swImplPolicy SwImplPolicyEnum 0..1 attr This attribute, when set to value queued, allows for a
queued processing of Triggers.
triggerPeriod MultidimensionalTime 0..1 aggr Optional definition of a period in case of a periodically
(time or angle) driven external trigger.

Table D.299: Trigger

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Specification of RTE Software

Class TriggerInterface
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note A trigger interface declares a number of triggers that can be sent by an trigger source.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, PortInterface, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
trigger Trigger * aggr The Trigger of this trigger interface.

Table D.300: TriggerInterface

Class TriggerInterfaceMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Defines the mapping of unequal named Triggers in context of two different TriggerInterfaces.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PortInterfaceMapping,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
triggerMapping TriggerMapping * aggr Mapping of two Trigger in two different TriggerInterface

Table D.301: TriggerInterfaceMapping

Class TriggerToSignalMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::DataMapping
Note This meta-class represents the ability to map a trigger to a SystemSignal of size 0. The Trigger does not
transport any other information than its existence, therefore the limitation in terms of signal length.
Base ARObject, DataMapping
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
systemSignal SystemSignal 1 ref This is the SystemSignal taken to transport the Trigger
over the network.
trigger Trigger 1 iref This represents the Trigger that shall be used to trigger
RunnableEntities deployed to a remote ECU.
InstanceRef implemented by:TriggerInSystemInstance
Table D.302: TriggerToSignalMapping

Class Unit
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::Units
Note This is a physical measurement unit. All units that might be defined should stem from SI units. In order to
convert one unit into another factor and offset are defined.
For the calculation from SI-unit to the defined unit the factor (factorSiToUnit ) and the offset (offsetSiTo
Unit ) are applied as follows:
x [{unit}] := y * [{siUnit}] * factorSiToUnit [[unit]/{siUnit}] + offsetSiToUnit [{unit}]
For the calculation from a unit to SI-unit the reciprocal of the factor (factorSiToUnit ) and the negation of
the offset (offsetSiToUnit ) are applied.
y {siUnit} := (x*{unit} - offsetSiToUnit [{unit}]) / (factorSiToUnit [[unit]/{siUnit}]

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Specification of RTE Software

Class Unit
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
displayName SingleLanguageUnit 0..1 aggr This specifies how the unit shall be displayed in
Names documents or in user interfaces of tools.The displayName
corresponds to the Unit.Display in an ASAM MCD-2MC
factorSiToUnit Float 0..1 attr This is the factor for the conversion from SI Units to units.
The inverse is used for conversion from units to SI Units.
offsetSiToUnit Float 0..1 attr This is the offset for the conversion from and to siUnits.
physical PhysicalDimension 0..1 ref This association represents the physical dimension to
Dimension which the unit belongs to. Note that only values with units
of the same physical dimensions might be converted.

Table D.303: Unit

Class <<atpMixed>> ValueList

Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note This is a generic list of numerical values.
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
v Numerical 0..1 attr This is a particular numerical value without variation.
vf (ordered) Numerical * attr This is one entry in the list of numerical values
Stereotypes: atpVariation

Table D.304: ValueList

Class ValueSpecification (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Constants
Note Base class for expressions leading to a value which can be used to initialize a data object.
Base ARObject
Subclasses AbstractRuleBasedValueSpecification, ApplicationValueSpecification, CompositeValueSpecification,
ConstantReference, NotAvailableValueSpecification, NumericalValueSpecification, ReferenceValue
Specification, TextValueSpecification
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
shortLabel Identifier 0..1 attr This can be used to identify particular value specifications
for human readers, for example elements of a record type.

Table D.305: ValueSpecification

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Specification of RTE Software

Class VariableAccess
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::DataElements
Note The presence of a VariableAccess implies that a RunnableEntity needs access to a VariableData
The kind of access is specified by the role in which the class is used.
Base ARObject, AbstractAccessPoint, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
accessed AutosarVariableRef 0..1 aggr This denotes the accessed variable.
scope VariableAccessScope 0..1 attr This attribute allows for constraining the scope of the
Enum corresponding communication. For example, it possible to
express whether the communication is intended to cross
the boundary of an ECU or whether it is intended not to
cross the boundary of a single partition.

Table D.306: VariableAccess

Class VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::PortInterface
Note Defines the mapping of VariableDataPrototypes or ParameterDataPrototypes in context of two different
SenderReceiverInterfaces, NvDataInterfaces or ParameterInterfaces.
Base ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PortInterfaceMapping,
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dataMapping DataPrototypeMapping * aggr Defines the mapping of two particular VariableData
Prototypes or ParameterDataPrototypes with unequal
names and/or unequal semantic (resolution or range) in
context of two different SenderReceiverInterfaces, Nv
DataInterfaces or ParameterInterfaces
Table D.307: VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping

Class VariableDataPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note A VariableDataPrototype is used to contain values in an ECU application. This means that most likely a
VariableDataPrototype allocates "static" memory on the ECU. In some cases optimization strategies
might lead to a situation where the memory allocation can be avoided.
In particular, the value of a VariableDataPrototype is likely to change as the ECU on which it is used
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, AutosarDataPrototype, DataPrototype, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Specifies initial value(s) of the VariableDataPrototype

Table D.308: VariableDataPrototype

Class VariationPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::VariantHandling
Note This meta-class represents the ability to express a "structural variation point". The container of the
variation point is part of the selected variant if swSyscond evaluates to true and each postBuildVariant
Criterion is fulfilled.
Base ARObject

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Specification of RTE Software

Class VariationPoint
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
blueprint DocumentationBlock 0..1 aggr This represents a description that documents how the
Condition variation point shall be resolved when deriving objects
from the blueprint.
Note that variationPoints are not allowed within a
desc MultiLanguageOverview 0..1 aggr This allows to describe shortly the purpose of the
Paragraph variation point.
formalBlueprint BlueprintGenerator 0..1 aggr This represents a description that documents how the
Generator variation point shall be resolved when deriving objects
from the blueprint by using ARMQL.
Note that variationPoints are not allowed within a formal
postBuildVariant PostBuildVariant * aggr This is the set of post build variant conditions which all
Condition Condition shall be fulfilled in order to (postbuild) bind the variation
sdg Sdg 0..1 aggr An optional special data group is attached to every
variation point. These data can be used by external
software systems to attach application specific data. For
example, a variant management system might add an
identifier, an URL or a specific classifier.
shortLabel Identifier 0..1 attr This provides a name to the particular variation point to
support the RTE generator. It is necessary for supporting
splitable aggregations and if binding time is later than
codeGenerationTime, as well as some RTE conditions. It
needs to be unique with in the enclosing Identifiables with
the same ShortName.
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor
swSyscond ConditionByFormula 0..1 aggr This condition acts as Binding Function for the Variation
Point. Note that the mulitplicity is 0..1 in order to support
pure postBuild variants.

Table D.309: VariationPoint

Class VariationPointProxy
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::VariantHandling
Note The VariationPointProxy represents variation points of the C/C++ implementation. In case of bindingTime
= compileTime the RTE provides defines which can be used for Pre Processor directives to implement
compileTime variability.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
conditionAccess ConditionByFormula 0..1 aggr This condition acts as Binding Function for the Variation

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Specification of RTE Software

Class VariationPointProxy
implementation ImplementationData 0..1 ref This association to ImplementationDataType shall be
DataType Type taken as an implementation hint by the RTE generator.
postBuildValue PostBuildVariant 0..1 ref This represents the applicable PostBuildVariantCriterion
Access Criterion in the context of a VariationPointProxy.
Note that the technical details how to access the
particular postBuildValueAccess are still considered
internal to the RTE and are consequently not
postBuildVariant PostBuildVariant * aggr This represents that applicable PostBuoldVariant
Condition Condition Condition in the context of aVariationPointProxy.
valueAccess AttributeValueVariation 0..1 aggr This value acts as Binding Function for the VariationPoint.
Table D.310: VariationPointProxy

Class WaitPoint
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior::RTEEvents
Note This defines a wait-point for which the RunnableEntity can wait.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
timeout TimeValue 0..1 attr Time in seconds before the WaitPoint times out and the
blocking wait call returns with an error indicating the
trigger RTEEvent 0..1 ref This is the RTEEvent this WaitPoint is waiting for.

Table D.311: WaitPoint

Class <<atpVariation>> SwDataDefProps

Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::DataDefProperties
Note This class is a collection of properties relevant for data objects under various aspects. One could
consider this class as a "pattern of inheritance by aggregation". The properties can be applied to all
objects of all classes in which SwDataDefProps is aggregated.
Note that not all of the attributes or associated elements are useful all of the time. Hence, the process
definition (e.g. expressed with an OCL or a Document Control Instance MSR-DCI) has the task of
implementing limitations.
SwDataDefProps covers various aspects:
• Structure of the data element for calibration use cases: is it a single value, a curve, or a map, but
also the recordLayouts which specify how such elements are mapped/converted to the Data
Types in the programming language (or in AUTOSAR). This is mainly expressed by properties
like swRecordLayout and swCalprmAxisSet
• Implementation aspects, mainly expressed by swImplPolicy, swVariableAccessImplPolicy, sw
AddrMethod, swPointerTagetProps, baseType, implementationDataType and additionalNative
• Access policy for the MCD system, mainly expressed by swCalibrationAccess
• Semantics of the data element, mainly expressed by compuMethod and/or unit, dataConstr,
• Code generation policy provided by swRecordLayout
Base ARObject
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

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Specification of RTE Software

Class <<atpVariation>> SwDataDefProps
additionalNative NativeDeclarationString 0..1 attr This attribute is used to declare native qualifiers of the
TypeQualifier programming language which can neither be deduced
from the baseType (e.g. because the data object
describes a pointer) nor from other more abstract
attributes. Examples are qualifiers like "volatile", "strict" or
"enum" of the C-language. All such declarations have to
be put into one string.
annotation Annotation * aggr This aggregation allows to add annotations (yellow pads
...) related to the current data object.
baseType SwBaseType 0..1 ref Base type associated with the containing data object.
compuMethod CompuMethod 0..1 ref Computation method associated with the semantics of
this data object.
dataConstr DataConstr 0..1 ref Data constraint for this data object.
displayFormat DisplayFormatString 0..1 attr This property describes how a number is to be rendered
e.g. in documents or in a measurement and calibration
display DisplayPresentation 0..1 attr This attribute controls the presentation of the related data
Presentation Enum for measurement and calibration tools.
implementation AbstractImplementation 0..1 ref This association denotes the ImplementationDataType of
DataType DataType a data declaration via its aggregated SwDataDefProps. It
is used whenever a data declaration is not directly
referring to a base type. Especially
• redefinition of an ImplementationDataType via a
"typedef" to another ImplementationDatatype
• the target type of a pointer (see SwPointerTarget
Props), if it does not refer to a base type directly
• the data type of an array or record element within
an ImplementationDataType, if it does not refer to
a base type directly
• the data type of an SwServiceArg, if it does not
refer to a base type directly
invalidValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Optional value to express invalidity of the actual data
stepSize Float 0..1 attr This attribute can be used to define a value which is
added to or subtracted from the value of a DataPrototype
when using up/down keys while calibrating.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class <<atpVariation>> SwDataDefProps
swAddrMethod SwAddrMethod 0..1 ref Addressing method related to this data object. Via an
association to the same SwAddrMethod it can be
specified that several DataPrototypes shall be located in
the same memory without already specifying the memory
section itself.
swAlignment AlignmentType 0..1 attr The attribute describes the intended alignment of the
DataPrototype. If the attribute is not defined the alignment
is determined by the swBaseType size and the memory
AllocationKeywordPolicy of the referenced SwAddr
swBit SwBitRepresentation 0..1 aggr Description of the binary representation in case of a bit
Representation variable.
swCalibration SwCalibrationAccess 0..1 attr Specifies the read or write access by MCD tools for this
Access Enum data object.
swCalprmAxis SwCalprmAxisSet 0..1 aggr This specifies the properties of the axes in case of a
Set curve or map etc. This is mainly applicable to calibration
swComparison SwVariableRefProxy * aggr Variables used for comparison in an MCD process.
swData SwDataDependency 0..1 aggr Describes how the value of the data object has to be
Dependency calculated from the value of another data object (by the
MCD system).
swHostVariable SwVariableRefProxy 0..1 aggr Contains a reference to a variable which serves as a
host-variable for a bit variable. Only applicable to bit
swImplPolicy SwImplPolicyEnum 0..1 attr Implementation policy for this data object.
swIntended Numerical 0..1 attr The purpose of this element is to describe the requested
Resolution quantization of data objects early on in the design
The resolution ultimately occurs via the conversion
formula present (compuMethod), which specifies the
transition from the physical world to the standardized
world (and vice-versa) (here, "the slope per bit" is present
implicitly in the conversion formula).
In the case of a development phase without a fixed
conversion formula, a pre-specification can occur through
The resolution is specified in the physical domain
according to the property "unit".

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Specification of RTE Software

Class <<atpVariation>> SwDataDefProps
swInterpolation Identifier 0..1 attr This is a keyword identifying the mathematical method to
Method be applied for interpolation. The keyword needs to be
related to the interpolation routine which needs to be
swIsVirtual Boolean 0..1 attr This element distinguishes virtual objects. Virtual objects
do not appear in the memory, their derivation is much
more dependent on other objects and hence they shall
have a swDataDependency .
swPointerTarget SwPointerTargetProps 0..1 aggr Specifies that the containing data object is a pointer to
Props another data object.
swRecord SwRecordLayout 0..1 ref Record layout for this data object.
swRefresh MultidimensionalTime 0..1 aggr This element specifies the frequency in which the object
Timing involved shall be or is called or calculated. This timing
can be collected from the task in which write access
processes to the variable run. But this cannot be done by
the MCD system.
So this attribute can be used in an early phase to express
the desired refresh timing and later on to specify the real
refresh timing.
swTextProps SwTextProps 0..1 aggr the specific properties if the data object is a text object.
swValueBlock Numerical 0..1 attr This represents the size of a Value Block
Stereotypes: atpVariation
swValueBlock Numerical * attr This attribute is used to specify the dimensions of a value
SizeMult block (VAL_BLK) for the case that that value block has
(ordered) more than one dimension.
The dimensions given in this attribute are ordered such
that the first entry represents the first dimension, the
second entry represents the second dimension, and so
For one-dimensional value blocks the attribute swValue
BlockSize shall be used and this attribute shall not exist.
Stereotypes: atpVariation
unit Unit 0..1 ref Physical unit associated with the semantics of this data
object. This attribute applies if no compuMethod is
specified. If both units (this as well as via compuMethod)
are specified the units shall be compatible.

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Specification of RTE Software

Class <<atpVariation>> SwDataDefProps
valueAxisData ApplicationPrimitive 0..1 ref The referenced ApplicationPrimitiveDataType represents
Type DataType the primitive data type of the value axis within a
compound primitive (e.g. curve, map). It supersedes
CompuMethod, Unit, and BaseType.

Table D.312: SwDataDefProps

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Specification of RTE Software

E Referenced ECUC Configuration Parameters

E.1 Com

E.1.1 ComMainFunctionTx

SWS Item [ECUC_Com_10014]

Container Name ComMainFunctionTx
Parent Container ComConfig
Description Each element of this container defines one instance of
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

Name ComMainTxTimeBase [ECUC_Com_10010]

Parent Container ComMainFunctionTx
Description The period between successive calls to according instance of
Com_MainFunctionTx in seconds. This parameter may be used by the
COM generator to transform the values of the reception related timing
configuration parameters of the COM module to internal
implementation specific counter or tick values. The COM module’s
internal timing handling is implementation specific.

The COM module (generator) may rely on the fact that

Com_MainFunctionTx is scheduled according to the value configured
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range ]0 .. INF[
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Name ComPreparationNotification [ECUC_Com_10020]

Parent Container ComMainFunctionTx
Description This callback function indicates that the signals/signal groups to be
sent via a dedicated Com_MainFunctionTx instance will now be
prepared for transmission.

If this parameter is omitted no notification shall take place.

Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComMainTxPartitionRef [ECUC_Com_10019]

Parent Container ComMainFunctionTx
Description Reference to EcucPartition, where the according Com_MainFunction
instance is assigned to.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to EcucPartition
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

E.1.2 ComMainFunctionRx

SWS Item [ECUC_Com_10011]

Container Name ComMainFunctionRx
Parent Container ComConfig

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Specification of RTE Software

Description Each element of this container defines one instance of

Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

Name ComMainRxTimeBase [ECUC_Com_10018]

Parent Container ComMainFunctionRx
Description The period between successive calls to according instance of
Com_MainFunctionRx in seconds. This parameter may be used by the
COM generator to transform the values of the reception related timing
configuration parameters of the COM module to internal
implementation specific counter or tick values. The COM module’s
internal timing handling is implementation specific.

The COM module (generator) may rely on the fact that

Com_MainFunctionRx is scheduled according to the value configured
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range ]0 .. INF[
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComMainRxPartitionRef [ECUC_Com_10017]

Parent Container ComMainFunctionRx
Description Reference to EcucPartition, where the according Com_MainFunction
instance is assigned to.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to EcucPartition
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

No Included Containers

E.1.3 ComGroupSignal

SWS Item [ECUC_Com_00520]

Container Name ComGroupSignal
Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description This container contains the configuration parameters of group signals.
I.e. signals that are included within a signal group.
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Configuration Parameters

Name ComBitPosition [ECUC_Com_00259]

Parent Container ComGroupSignal
Description Starting position within the I-PDU. This parameter refers to the position
in the I-PDU and not in the shadow buffer. If the endianness
conversion is configured to Opaque the parameter ComBitPosition
shall define the bit0 of the first byte like in little endian byte order
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default Value
Post-Build Variant true
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComBitSize [ECUC_Com_00158]

Parent Container ComGroupSignal
Description Size in bits, for integer signal types. For ComSignalType UINT8_N and
UINT8_DYN the size shall be configured by ComSignalLength. For
ComSignalTypes FLOAT32 and FLOAT64 the size is already defined
by the signal type and therefore may be omitted.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 64
Default Value
Post-Build Variant true

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Specification of RTE Software

Post-Build Variant true

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComHandleId [ECUC_Com_00165]

Parent Container ComGroupSignal
Description The numerical value used as the ID.

This ID identifies signals and signal groups in the COM APIs using
Com_SignalIdType or Com_SignalGroupIdType parameter
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

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Specification of RTE Software

Name ComSignalDataInvalidValue [ECUC_Com_00391]

Parent Container ComGroupSignal
Description Defines the data invalid value of the signal.

In case the ComSignalType is UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64,

SINT8, SINT16, SINT32, SINT64 the string shall be interpreted as
defined in the chapter Integer Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC
specification. In case the ComSignalType is FLOAT32, FLOAT64 the
string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Float Type in the
AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the ComSignalType is
BOOLEAN the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter
Boolean Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the
ComSignal is a UINT8_N, UINT8_DYN the string shall be interpreted
as a decimal representation of the characters separated by blanks, e.g.
"97 98 100" means a string "abd", where the char "a" is in byte 0(lowest
address), "b" is in byte 1, and "d" is in byte 2 and (highest address).
For the ComSignalType UINT8_DYN the dynamic length shall be set to
the number of configured characters. An empty string "" shall be
interpreted as 0-sized dynamic signal.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucStringParamDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: In case of UINT8_N the length of
ComSignalDataInvalidValue has to be the same as ComSignalLength.

Name ComSignalEndianness [ECUC_Com_00157]

Parent Container ComGroupSignal
Description Defines the endianness of the signal’s network representation.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Post-Build Variant true

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComSignalInitValue [ECUC_Com_00170]

Parent Container ComGroupSignal
Description Initial value for this signal. In case of UINT8_N the default value is a
string of length ComSignalLength with all bytes set to 0x00. In case of
UINT8_DYN the initial size shall be 0.

In case the ComSignalType is UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64,

SINT8, SINT16, SINT32, SINT64 the string shall be interpreted as
defined in the chapter Integer Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC
specification. In case the ComSignalType is FLOAT32, FLOAT64 the
string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Float Type in the
AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the ComSignalType is
BOOLEAN the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter
Boolean Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the
ComSignal is a UINT8_N, UINT8_DYN the string shall be interpreted
as a decimal representation of the characters separated by blanks, e.g.
"97 98 100" means a string "abd", where the char "a" is in byte 0(lowest
address), "b" is in byte 1, and "d" is in byte 2 and (highest address).
For the ComSignalType UINT8_DYN the dynamic length shall be set to
the number of configured characters. An empty string "" shall be
interpreted as 0-sized dynamic signal.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucStringParamDef
Default Value 0
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: In case of UINT8_N the length of ComSignalInitValue
has to be the same as ComSignalLength.

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Specification of RTE Software

Name ComSignalLength [ECUC_Com_00437]

Parent Container ComGroupSignal
Description Description: For ComSignalType UINT8_N this parameter specifies the
length n in bytes. For ComSignalType UINT8_DYN it specifies the
maximum length in bytes. For all other types this parameter shall be

The supported maximum length is restricted by the used transportation

system. For non TP-PDUs the maximum size of a PDU, and therefore
also of any included signal, is limited by the concrete bus
characteristic. For example, the limit is 8 bytes for CAN and LIN, 64
bytes for CAN FD and 254 for FlexRay.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComSignalType [ECUC_Com_00127]

Parent Container ComGroupSignal
Description The AUTOSAR type of the signal. Whether or not the signal is signed
or unsigned can be found by examining the value of this attribute. This
type could also be used to reserved appropriate storage in AUTOSAR
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef

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Specification of RTE Software

Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComTimeoutSubstitutionValue [ECUC_Com_10006]

Parent Container ComGroupSignal
Description The signal substitution value will be used in case of a timeout and
ComRxDataTimeoutAction is set to SUBSTITUTE. In case of UINT8_N
the default value is a string of length ComSignalLength with all bytes
set to 0x00.

In case ofUINT8_DYN the initial size shall be 0.

In case the ComSignalType is UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64,

SINT8, SINT16, SINT32, SINT64 the string shall be interpreted as
defined in the chapter Integer Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC

In case the ComSignalType is FLOAT32, FLOAT64 the string shall be

interpreted as defined in the chapter Float Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC

In case the ComSignalType is BOOLEAN the string shall be interpreted

as defined in the chapter Boolean Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC

In case the ComSignal is a UINT8_N, UINT8_DYN the string shall be

interpreted as a decimal representation of the characters separated by
blanks, e.g. "97 98 100" means a string "abd", where the char "a" is in
byte 0(lowest address), "b" is in byte 1, and "d" is in byte 2 and (highest
address). For the ComSignalType UINT8_DYN the dynamic length
shall be set to the number of configured characters. An empty string ""
shall be interpreted as 0-sized dynamic signal.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucStringParamDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComTransferProperty [ECUC_Com_00560]

Parent Container ComGroupSignal
Description Optionally defines whether this group signal shall contribute to the
TRIGGERED_ON_CHANGE transfer property of the signal group. If at
least one group signal of a signal group has the "ComTransferProperty"
configured all other group signals of that signal group shall have the
attribute configured as well.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range PENDING A change of the value of this group
signal shall not be considered in the
evaluation of the signal groups
TRIGGERED_ON_CHAN A change of the value of this group
GE signal shall be considered in the
evaluation of the signal groups
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComSystemTemplateSystemSignalRef [ECUC_Com_00002]

Parent Container ComGroupSignal
Description Reference to the ISignalToIPduMapping that contains a reference to
the ISignal (System Template) which this ComSignal (or
ComGroupSignal) represents.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to I-SIGNAL-TO-I-PDU-MAPPING
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true

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Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
ComFilter 0..1 This container contains the configuration parameters of
the AUTOSAR COM module’s Filters.

Note: On sender side the container is used to specify

the transmission mode conditions.

E.1.4 ComIPdu

SWS Item [ECUC_Com_00340]

Container Name ComIPdu
Parent Container ComConfig
Description Contains the configuration parameters of the AUTOSAR COM
module’s I-PDUs.
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Configuration Parameters

Name ComIPduCallout [ECUC_Com_00387]

Parent Container ComIPdu
Description This parameter defines the existence and the name of a callout
function for the corresponding I-PDU. If this parameter is omitted no
I-PDU callout shall take place for the corresponding I-PDU.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

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Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComIPduCancellationSupport [ECUC_Com_00709]

Parent Container ComIPdu
Description Defines for I-PDUs with ComIPduType NORMAL: If the underlying
IF-modul supports cancellation of transmit requests.

Defines for I-PDUs with ComIPduType TP: If the underlying TP-module

supports RX and TX cancellation of ongoing requests.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time –
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: This parameter shall not be set to true if
ComCancellationSupport is set to false

Name ComIPduDirection [ECUC_Com_00493]

Parent Container ComIPdu
Description The direction defines if this I-PDU, and therefore the contributing
signals and signal groups, shall be sent or received.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Post-Build Variant false

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: If configured to Sent also a ComTxIpdu container shall
be included, see ECUC_Com_00496

Name ComIPduHandleId [ECUC_Com_00175]

Parent Container ComIPdu
Description The numerical value used as the ID of this I-PDU. The
ComIPduHandleId is required by the API calls Com_RxIndication,
Com_TpRxIndication, Com_StartOfReception and Com_CopyRxData
to receive I-PDUs from the PduR (ComIP-duDirection: Receive), as
well as the PduId passed to an Rx-I-PDU-callout. For Tx-I-PDUs
(ComIPduDirection: Send), this handle Id is used for the APIs calls
Com_TxConfirmation, Com_TriggerTransmit, Com_TriggerIPDUSend
or Com_TriggerIPDUSendWithMetaData, Com_CopyTxData and
Com_TpTxConfirmation to transmit respectively confirm transmissions
of I-PDUs, as well as the PduId passed to the Tx-I-PDU-callout
configured with ComIPduCallout and/or
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name ComIPduSignalProcessing [ECUC_Com_00119]

Parent Container ComIPdu
Description For the definition of the two modes Immediate and Deferred.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range DEFERRED signal indication / confirmations are
deferred for example to a cyclic task
IMMEDIATE the signal indications / confirmations
are performed in Com_RxIndication/

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Specification of RTE Software

Post-Build Variant true

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComIPduTriggerTransmitCallout [ECUC_Com_00765]

Parent Container ComIPdu
Description If there is a trigger transmit callout defined for this I-PDU this
parameter contains the name of the callout function.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComIPduType [ECUC_Com_00761]

Parent Container ComIPdu
Description Defines if this I-PDU is a normal I-PDU that can be sent unfragmented
or if this is a large I-PDU that shall be sent via the Transport Protocol of
the underlying bus.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range NORMAL sent or received via normal L-PDU
TP sent or received via TP
Post-Build Variant true
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Name ComIPduGroupRef [ECUC_Com_00206]

Parent Container ComIPdu
Description Reference to the I-PDU groups this I-PDU belongs to.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to ComIPduGroup
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComIPduMainFunctionRef [ECUC_Com_10012]

Parent Container ComIPdu
Description Reference to the Com_MainFunctionRx/Com_MainFunctionTx this
I-PDU belongs to.

Mandatory, if multiple main functions of the relevant type are defined.

Multiplicity 0..1
Type Choice reference to [ComMainFunctionRx,ComMainFunctionTx]
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComIPduSignalGroupRef [ECUC_Com_00519]

Parent Container ComIPdu
Description References to all signal groups contained in this I-Pdu
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to ComSignalGroup
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true

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Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComIPduSignalRef [ECUC_Com_00518]

Parent Container ComIPdu
Description References to all signals contained in this I-PDU.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to ComSignal
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComPduIdRef [ECUC_Com_00711]

Parent Container ComIPdu
Description Reference to the "global" Pdu structure to allow harmonization of
handle IDs in the COM-Stack.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to Pdu
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
ComIPduCounter 0..1 This optional container contains the configuration
parameters of PDU Counter.

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Specification of RTE Software

ComIPduReplication 0..1 This optional container contains the information needed

for each I-PDU replicated.
ComTxIPdu 0..1 This container contains additional transmission related
configuration parameters of the AUTOSAR COM
module’s I-PDUs.

E.1.5 ComSignal

SWS Item [ECUC_Com_00344]

Container Name ComSignal
Parent Container ComConfig
Description Contains the configuration parameters of the AUTOSAR COM
module’s signals.
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Configuration Parameters

Name ComBitPosition [ECUC_Com_00259]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description Starting position within the I-PDU. This parameter refers to the position
in the I-PDU and not in the shadow buffer. If the endianness
conversion is configured to Opaque the parameter ComBitPosition
shall define the bit0 of the first byte like in little endian byte order
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default Value
Post-Build Variant true
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComBitSize [ECUC_Com_00158]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description Size in bits, for integer signal types. For ComSignalType UINT8_N and
UINT8_DYN the size shall be configured by ComSignalLength. For
ComSignalTypes FLOAT32 and FLOAT64 the size is already defined
by the signal type and therefore may be omitted.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 64

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Specification of RTE Software

Default Value
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComDataInvalidAction [ECUC_Com_00314]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description This parameter defines the action performed upon reception of an
invalid signal. Relating to signal groups the action in case if one of the
included signals is an invalid signal. If Replace is used the
ComSignalInitValue will be used for the replacement.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
REPLACE Literal for DataInvalidAction
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComErrorNotification [ECUC_Com_00499]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description Only valid on sender side: Name of Com_CbkTxErr callback function
to be called. If this parameter is omitted no error notification shall take
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value

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Specification of RTE Software

Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComFirstTimeout [ECUC_Com_00183]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description Defines the length of the first deadline monitoring timeout period in
seconds. This timeout is used immediately after start (or restart) of the
deadline monitoring service. The timeout period of the successive
periods is configured by ECUC_Com_00263.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 3600]
Default Value
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Name ComHandleId [ECUC_Com_00165]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description The numerical value used as the ID.

This ID identifies signals and signal groups in the COM APIs using
Com_SignalIdType or Com_SignalGroupIdType parameter
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name ComInitialValueOnly [ECUC_Com_00811]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description This parameter defines that the respective signal’s initial value shall be
put into the respective PDU but there will not be any update of the
value through the RTE. Thus the Com implementation does not need
to expect any API calls for this signal (group).
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Name ComInvalidNotification [ECUC_Com_00315]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description Only valid on receiver side: Name of Com_CbkInv callback function to
be called. Name of the function which notifies the RTE about the
reception of an invalidated signal/ signal group. Only applicable if
ComDataInvalidAction is configured to NOTIFY.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComNotification [ECUC_Com_00498]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description On sender side: Name of Com_CbkTxAck callback function to be
called. On receiver side: Name of Com_CbkRxAck callback function to
be called.

If this parameter is omitted no notification shall take place.

Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –

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Specification of RTE Software

Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComRxDataTimeoutAction [ECUC_Com_00412]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description This parameter defines the action performed upon expiration of the
reception deadline monitoring timer.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range NONE no replacement shall take place
REPLACE signals shall be replaced by their
SUBSTITUTE signals shall be replaced by their
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComSignalDataInvalidValue [ECUC_Com_00391]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description Defines the data invalid value of the signal.

In case the ComSignalType is UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64,

SINT8, SINT16, SINT32, SINT64 the string shall be interpreted as
defined in the chapter Integer Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC
specification. In case the ComSignalType is FLOAT32, FLOAT64 the
string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Float Type in the
AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the ComSignalType is
BOOLEAN the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter
Boolean Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the
ComSignal is a UINT8_N, UINT8_DYN the string shall be interpreted
as a decimal representation of the characters separated by blanks, e.g.
"97 98 100" means a string "abd", where the char "a" is in byte 0(lowest
address), "b" is in byte 1, and "d" is in byte 2 and (highest address).
For the ComSignalType UINT8_DYN the dynamic length shall be set to
the number of configured characters. An empty string "" shall be
interpreted as 0-sized dynamic signal.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucStringParamDef
Default Value

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Specification of RTE Software

Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: In case of UINT8_N the length of
ComSignalDataInvalidValue has to be the same as ComSignalLength.

Name ComSignalEndianness [ECUC_Com_00157]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description Defines the endianness of the signal’s network representation.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Post-Build Variant true
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1279 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name ComSignalInitValue [ECUC_Com_00170]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description Initial value for this signal. In case of UINT8_N the default value is a
string of length ComSignalLength with all bytes set to 0x00. In case of
UINT8_DYN the initial size shall be 0.

In case the ComSignalType is UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64,

SINT8, SINT16, SINT32, SINT64 the string shall be interpreted as
defined in the chapter Integer Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC
specification. In case the ComSignalType is FLOAT32, FLOAT64 the
string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter Float Type in the
AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the ComSignalType is
BOOLEAN the string shall be interpreted as defined in the chapter
Boolean Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC specification. In case the
ComSignal is a UINT8_N, UINT8_DYN the string shall be interpreted
as a decimal representation of the characters separated by blanks, e.g.
"97 98 100" means a string "abd", where the char "a" is in byte 0(lowest
address), "b" is in byte 1, and "d" is in byte 2 and (highest address).
For the ComSignalType UINT8_DYN the dynamic length shall be set to
the number of configured characters. An empty string "" shall be
interpreted as 0-sized dynamic signal.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucStringParamDef
Default Value 0
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: In case of UINT8_N the length of ComSignalInitValue
has to be the same as ComSignalLength.

1280 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name ComSignalLength [ECUC_Com_00437]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description Description: For ComSignalType UINT8_N this parameter specifies the
length n in bytes. For ComSignalType UINT8_DYN it specifies the
maximum length in bytes. For all other types this parameter shall be

The supported maximum length is restricted by the used transportation

system. For non TP-PDUs the maximum size of a PDU, and therefore
also of any included signal, is limited by the concrete bus
characteristic. For example, the limit is 8 bytes for CAN and LIN, 64
bytes for CAN FD and 254 for FlexRay.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComSignalType [ECUC_Com_00127]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description The AUTOSAR type of the signal. Whether or not the signal is signed
or unsigned can be found by examining the value of this attribute. This
type could also be used to reserved appropriate storage in AUTOSAR
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef

1281 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComTimeout [ECUC_Com_00263]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description Defines the length of the deadline monitoring timeout period in
seconds. The period for the first timeout period can be configured
separately by ECUC_Com_00183.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 3600]
Default Value
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComTimeoutNotification [ECUC_Com_00552]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description On sender side: Name of Com_CbkTxTOut callback function to be
called. On receiver side: Name of Com_CbkRxTOut callback function
to be called.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

1282 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComTimeoutSubstitutionValue [ECUC_Com_10006]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description The signal substitution value will be used in case of a timeout and
ComRxDataTimeoutAction is set to SUBSTITUTE. In case of UINT8_N
the default value is a string of length ComSignalLength with all bytes
set to 0x00.

In case ofUINT8_DYN the initial size shall be 0.

In case the ComSignalType is UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64,

SINT8, SINT16, SINT32, SINT64 the string shall be interpreted as
defined in the chapter Integer Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC

In case the ComSignalType is FLOAT32, FLOAT64 the string shall be

interpreted as defined in the chapter Float Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC

In case the ComSignalType is BOOLEAN the string shall be interpreted

as defined in the chapter Boolean Type in the AUTOSAR EcuC

In case the ComSignal is a UINT8_N, UINT8_DYN the string shall be

interpreted as a decimal representation of the characters separated by
blanks, e.g. "97 98 100" means a string "abd", where the char "a" is in
byte 0(lowest address), "b" is in byte 1, and "d" is in byte 2 and (highest
address). For the ComSignalType UINT8_DYN the dynamic length
shall be set to the number of configured characters. An empty string ""
shall be interpreted as 0-sized dynamic signal.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucStringParamDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true

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Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComTransferProperty [ECUC_Com_00232]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description Defines if a write access to this signal can trigger the transmission of
the corresponding I-PDU. If the I-PDU is triggered, depends also on
the transmission mode of the corresponding I-PDU.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range PENDING A write access to this signal never
triggers the transmission of the
corresponding I-PDU.
TRIGGERED Depending on the transmission mode,
a write access to this signal can trigger
the transmission of the corresponding
TRIGGERED_ON_CHAN Depending on the transmission mode,
GE a write access to this signal can trigger
the transmission of the corresponding
I-PDU, but only in case the written
value is different to the locally stored
(last sent or initial value) in length or
TRIGGERED_ON_CHAN Depending on the transmission mode,
GE_WITHOUT_REPETITI a write access to this signal can trigger
ON the transmission of the corresponding
I-PDU just once without a repetition,
but only in case the written value is
different to the locally stored (last sent
or initial value) in length or value.
TRIGGERED_WITHOUT_ Depending on the transmission mode,
REPETITION a write access to this signal can trigger
the transmission of the corresponding
I-PDU just once without a repetition.
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComUpdateBitPosition [ECUC_Com_00257]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description Bit position of update-bit inside I-PDU. If this attribute is omitted then
there is no update-bit. This setting must be consistently on sender and
on receiver side.

Range: 0..63 for CAN and LIN, 0..511 for CAN FD, 0..2031 for FlexRay,
0..4294967295 for TP.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default Value
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComSystemTemplateSystemSignalRef [ECUC_Com_00002]

Parent Container ComSignal
Description Reference to the ISignalToIPduMapping that contains a reference to
the ISignal (System Template) which this ComSignal (or
ComGroupSignal) represents.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to I-SIGNAL-TO-I-PDU-MAPPING
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD

1285 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
ComFilter 0..1 This container contains the configuration parameters of
the AUTOSAR COM module’s Filters.

Note: On sender side the container is used to specify

the transmission mode conditions.

E.1.6 ComSignalGroup

SWS Item [ECUC_Com_00345]

Container Name ComSignalGroup
Parent Container ComConfig
Description Contains the configuration parameters of the AUTOSAR COM
module’s signal groups.
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Configuration Parameters

Name ComDataInvalidAction [ECUC_Com_00314]

Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description This parameter defines the action performed upon reception of an
invalid signal. Relating to signal groups the action in case if one of the
included signals is an invalid signal. If Replace is used the
ComSignalInitValue will be used for the replacement.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
REPLACE Literal for DataInvalidAction
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –

1286 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComErrorNotification [ECUC_Com_00499]

Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description Only valid on sender side: Name of Com_CbkTxErr callback function
to be called. If this parameter is omitted no error notification shall take
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComFirstTimeout [ECUC_Com_00183]

Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description Defines the length of the first deadline monitoring timeout period in
seconds. This timeout is used immediately after start (or restart) of the
deadline monitoring service. The timeout period of the successive
periods is configured by ECUC_Com_00263.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 3600]
Default Value
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD

1287 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComHandleId [ECUC_Com_00165]

Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description The numerical value used as the ID.

This ID identifies signals and signal groups in the COM APIs using
Com_SignalIdType or Com_SignalGroupIdType parameter
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name ComInitialValueOnly [ECUC_Com_00811]

Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description This parameter defines that the respective signal’s initial value shall be
put into the respective PDU but there will not be any update of the
value through the RTE. Thus the Com implementation does not need
to expect any API calls for this signal (group).
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –

1288 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComInvalidNotification [ECUC_Com_00315]

Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description Only valid on receiver side: Name of Com_CbkInv callback function to
be called. Name of the function which notifies the RTE about the
reception of an invalidated signal/ signal group. Only applicable if
ComDataInvalidAction is configured to NOTIFY.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComNotification [ECUC_Com_00498]

Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description On sender side: Name of Com_CbkTxAck callback function to be
called. On receiver side: Name of Com_CbkRxAck callback function to
be called.

If this parameter is omitted no notification shall take place.

Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

1289 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComRxDataTimeoutAction [ECUC_Com_00412]

Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description This parameter defines the action performed upon expiration of the
reception deadline monitoring timer.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range NONE no replacement shall take place
REPLACE signals shall be replaced by their
SUBSTITUTE signals shall be replaced by their
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComSignalGroupArrayAccess [ECUC_Com_10003]

Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description Defines whether the uint8-array based access shall be used for this
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

1290 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

Name ComTimeout [ECUC_Com_00263]

Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description Defines the length of the deadline monitoring timeout period in
seconds. The period for the first timeout period can be configured
separately by ECUC_Com_00183.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 3600]
Default Value
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComTimeoutNotification [ECUC_Com_00552]

Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description On sender side: Name of Com_CbkTxTOut callback function to be
called. On receiver side: Name of Com_CbkRxTOut callback function
to be called.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

1291 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComTransferProperty [ECUC_Com_00232]

Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description Defines if a write access to this signal can trigger the transmission of
the corresponding I-PDU. If the I-PDU is triggered, depends also on
the transmission mode of the corresponding I-PDU.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range PENDING A write access to this signal never
triggers the transmission of the
corresponding I-PDU.
TRIGGERED Depending on the transmission mode,
a write access to this signal can trigger
the transmission of the corresponding
TRIGGERED_ON_CHAN Depending on the transmission mode,
GE a write access to this signal can trigger
the transmission of the corresponding
I-PDU, but only in case the written
value is different to the locally stored
(last sent or initial value) in length or
TRIGGERED_ON_CHAN Depending on the transmission mode,
GE_WITHOUT_REPETITI a write access to this signal can trigger
ON the transmission of the corresponding
I-PDU just once without a repetition,
but only in case the written value is
different to the locally stored (last sent
or initial value) in length or value.
TRIGGERED_WITHOUT_ Depending on the transmission mode,
REPETITION a write access to this signal can trigger
the transmission of the corresponding
I-PDU just once without a repetition.
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComUpdateBitPosition [ECUC_Com_00257]

Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description Bit position of update-bit inside I-PDU. If this attribute is omitted then
there is no update-bit. This setting must be consistently on sender and
on receiver side.

Range: 0..63 for CAN and LIN, 0..511 for CAN FD, 0..2031 for FlexRay,
0..4294967295 for TP.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default Value
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name ComSystemTemplateSignalGroupRef [ECUC_Com_00001]

Parent Container ComSignalGroup
Description Reference to the ISignalToIPduMapping that contains a reference to
the ISignalGroup (SystemTemplate) which this ComSignalGroup
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to I-SIGNAL-TO-I-PDU-MAPPING
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
ComGroupSignal 0..* This container contains the configuration parameters of
group signals. I.e. signals that are included within a
signal group.

E.2 LdCom

Module SWS Item ECUC_LdCom_00001

Module Name LdCom
Module Description Configuration of the AUTOSAR LdCom module.
Post-Build Variant true
Variants COMPILE
Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
LdComConfig 1 This container contains the configuration parameters
and sub containers of the AUTOSAR LdCom module.
LdComGeneral 1 Contains the general configuration parameters of the
LdCom module.

E.2.1 LdComConfig

SWS Item [ECUC_LdCom_00003]

Container Name LdComConfig
Parent Container LdCom
Description This container contains the configuration parameters and sub
containers of the AUTOSAR LdCom module.
Configuration Parameters

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
LdComIPdu 0..* Contains the configuration parameters of the IPdu inside

E.2.2 LdComIPdu

SWS Item [ECUC_LdCom_00006]

Container Name LdComIPdu
Parent Container LdComConfig

1294 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Description Contains the configuration parameters of the IPdu inside LdCom.

Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Configuration Parameters

Name LdComApiType [ECUC_LdCom_00002]

Parent Container LdComIPdu
Description Defines if this I-PDU is a normal I-PDU that shall be sent unfragmented
or if this is a large I-PDU that shall be sent via the Transport Protocol of
the underlying bus.

This setting is used by RTE to invoke the proper API.

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range LDCOM_IF sent or received via interface API.
LDCOM_TP sent or received via transport protocol
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name LdComHandleId [ECUC_LdCom_00005]

Parent Container LdComIPdu
Description This is the ID used by RTE to invoke LdCom. A corresponding
shortName is created, which is used for the invocations of the RTE.
The same ID is used for invocations by PduR.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

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Specification of RTE Software

Name LdComIPduDirection [ECUC_LdCom_00007]

Parent Container LdComIPdu
Description The direction defines if this IPdu, and therefore the contributing signal,
shall be sent or received.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name LdComRxCopyRxData [ECUC_LdCom_00013]

Parent Container LdComIPdu
Description Only on receiver side: Name of Rte_LdComCbkCopyRxData callback
function to be called.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name LdComRxIndication [ECUC_LdCom_00014]

Parent Container LdComIPdu
Description Only on receiver side: Name of Rte_LdComCbkRxIndication callback
function to be called.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression

1296 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Post-Build Variant false

Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name LdComRxStartOfReception [ECUC_LdCom_00015]

Parent Container LdComIPdu
Description Only on receiver side: Name of Rte_LdComCbkStartOfReception
callback function to be called.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name LdComTpRxIndication [ECUC_LdCom_00016]

Parent Container LdComIPdu
Description Only on receiver side: Name of Rte_LdComCbkTpRxIndication
callback function to be called.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression

1297 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Post-Build Variant false

Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name LdComTpTxConfirmation [ECUC_LdCom_00017]

Parent Container LdComIPdu
Description Only on sender side: Name of Rte_LdComCbkTpTxConfirmation
callback function to be called.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name LdComTxConfirmation [ECUC_LdCom_00021]

Parent Container LdComIPdu
Description Only on sender side: Name of Rte_LdComCbkTxConfirmation callback
function to be called.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression

1298 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Post-Build Variant false

Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name LdComTxCopyTxData [ECUC_LdCom_00018]

Parent Container LdComIPdu
Description Only on sender side: Name of Rte_LdComCbkCopyTxData callback
function to be called.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name LdComTxTriggerTransmit [ECUC_LdCom_00019]

Parent Container LdComIPdu
Description Only on sender side: Name of Rte_LdComCbkTriggerTransmit callback
function to be called. If defined TriggerTransmit has to be supported for
this signal.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression

1299 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Post-Build Variant false

Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name LdComPduRef [ECUC_LdCom_00010]

Parent Container LdComIPdu
Description Reference to the global Pdu.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to Pdu
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name LdComSystemTemplateSignalRef [ECUC_LdCom_00011]

Parent Container LdComIPdu
Description Reference to the ISignalToIPduMapping that contains a reference to
the ISignal (System Template).
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to I-SIGNAL-TO-I-PDU-MAPPING
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD

1300 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

E.3 EcuC

Module SWS Item ECUC_EcuC_00008

Module Name EcuC
Module Description Virtual module to collect ECU Configuration specific / global
configuration information.
Post-Build Variant true
Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
EcucConfigSet 0..1 This container contains the configuration parameters
and sub containers of the global PduCollection.
EcucHardware 0..1 Hardware definition of this Ecu.
EcucPartitionCollection 0..1 Collection of Partitions defined for this ECU.
EcucPostBuildVariants 0..1 Collection of toplevel PostBuildSelectable variants.
The PredefinedVariants linked inside this container will
determine how many PostBuildSelectableVariants
exist. If this container exist the name pattern for
initialization of BSW modules will be
<Mip>_Config_<PredefinedVariant.shortName>. If this
container does not exist the name pattern for
initialization of BSW modlues will be <Mip>_Config.
EcucUnitGroupAssignment 0..1 Collection of UnitGroup references to support the
generation of ASAM MCD file.
EcucVariationResolver 0..1 Collection of PredefinedVariant elements containing
definition of values for SwSystemconst which shall be
applied when resolving the variability during ECU

E.3.1 EcucPartition

SWS Item [ECUC_EcuC_00005]

Container Name EcucPartition
Parent Container EcucPartitionCollection
Description Definition of one Partition on this ECU. One Partition will be
implemented using one Os-Application.
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE,
Configuration Class VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Link time –
Post-build time –

1301 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Configuration Parameters

Name EcucDefaultBswPartition [ECUC_EcuC_00037]

Parent Container EcucPartition
Description Denotes the default BSW partition. This partition will host all BSW
Modules, which are not explicitly mapped to a different partition.

For partitions other than the default BSW partition this parameter can
be omitted.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

Name PartitionCanBeRestarted [ECUC_EcuC_00006]

Parent Container EcucPartition
Description Specifies the requirement whether the Partition can be restarted. If set
to true all software executing in this partition shall be capable of
handling a restart.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

Name EcucEcuPartitionRef [ECUC_EcuC_00083]

Parent Container EcucPartition
Description Reference to the EcuPartition to define the link to the partition
described in the System description.


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Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to ECU-PARTITION
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name EcucPartitionBswModuleDistinguishedPartition [ECUC_EcuC_00068]

Parent Container EcucPartition
Description This maps the abstract partition of the Bsw Module to a concrete
Partition existing in the ECU.
Multiplicity 0..*
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

Name EcucPartitionSoftwareComponentInstanceRef [ECUC_EcuC_00036]

Parent Container EcucPartition
Description References the SW Component instances from the Ecu Extract that
shall be executed in this partition.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Instance reference to SW-COMPONENT-PROTOTYPE context: ROO
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

No Included Containers

E.3.2 EcucPdu

SWS Item [ECUC_EcuC_00001]

Container Name Pdu
Parent Container EcucPduCollection
Description One Pdu flowing through the COM-Stack. This Pdu is used by all
Com-Stack modules to agree on referencing the same Pdu.
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Configuration Parameters

Name DynamicLength [ECUC_EcuC_00078]

Parent Container Pdu
Description This parameter defines whether the Pdu has dynamic length (true) or
not (false). Please note that the usage of this attribute is restricted by
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time –
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency

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Specification of RTE Software

Name J1939Requestable [ECUC_EcuC_00072]

Parent Container Pdu
Description Pdu can be triggered by the J1939 request message.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time –
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency

Name PduLength [ECUC_EcuC_00003]

Parent Container Pdu
Description Length of the Pdu in bytes. It should be noted that in former AUTOSAR
releases (Rel 2.1, Rel 3.0, Rel 3.1, Rel 4.0 Rev. 1) this parameter was
defined in bits.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default Value
Post-Build Variant true
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time –
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency

Name EcucPduDefaultPartitionRef [ECUC_EcuC_00082]

Parent Container Pdu
Description Reference to EcucPartition, where the according Pdu is assigned to.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to EcucPartition
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name MetaDataTypeRef [ECUC_EcuC_00077]

Parent Container Pdu
Description Reference to meta data that is transported in the Pdu through the
AUTOSAR layers.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to MetaDataType
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

Name SysTPduToFrameTriggeringRef [ECUC_EcuC_00052]

Parent Container Pdu
Description Reference to the FrameTriggering from the SystemTemplate which this
Pdu belongs to.

SysTPduToFrameTriggeringRef shall be used for UserDefinedPdus,

NmPdus and NPdus which are not going through the Pdu Router. This
reference shall not be used if SysTPduToPduTriggeringRef exists.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to FRAME-TRIGGERING
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time –
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency dependency: SysTPduToFrameTriggeringRef shall be used for
UserDefinedPdus, NmPdus and NPdus which are not going through
the Pdu Router. This reference shall not be used if
SysTPduToPduTriggeringRef exists.

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Specification of RTE Software

Name SysTPduToPduTriggeringRef [ECUC_EcuC_00054]

Parent Container Pdu
Description Reference to the PduTriggering from the SystemTemplate which this
Pdu represents.

SysTPduToPduTriggeringRef shall be used for all Pdus except

UserDefinedPdus, NmPdus and NPdus which are not going through
the Pdu Router. For these Pdus, SysTPduToFrameTriggeringRef shall
be used.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to PDU-TRIGGERING
Post-Build Variant true
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time –
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency dependency: SysTPduToPduTriggeringRef shall be used for all Pdus
except UserDefinedPdus, NmPdus and NPdus which are not going
through the Pdu Router. This reference shall not be used if
SysTPduToFrameTriggeringRef exists.

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
EcucPduDedicated 0..* Module specific container for Pdu to partition
Partition assignment.

E.3.3 EcucPduDedicatedPartition

SWS Item [ECUC_EcuC_00079]

Container Name EcucPduDedicatedPartition
Parent Container Pdu
Description Module specific container for Pdu to partition assignment.
Post-Build Variant true
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Configuration Parameters

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Specification of RTE Software

Name EcucPduDedicatedPartitionBswModuleRef [ECUC_EcuC_00080]

Parent Container EcucPduDedicatedPartition
Description Reference to BSW module, for which the according dedicated Pdu
assignment is valid.
Multiplicity 1
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name EcucPduDedicatedPartitionRef [ECUC_EcuC_00081]

Parent Container EcucPduDedicatedPartition
Description Module specific reference to EcucPartition, where the according Pdu is
assigned to. The dedicated partition reference shall overrule the
default partition reference for the respective module.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to EcucPartition
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

E.4 NvM

E.4.1 NvMBlockDescriptor

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Specification of RTE Software

SWS Item [ECUC_NvM_00061]

Container Name NvMBlockDescriptor
Parent Container NvM
Description Container for a management structure to configure the composition of
a given NVRAM Block Management Type. Its multiplicity describes the
number of configured NVRAM blocks, one block is required to be
configured. The NVRAM block descriptors are condensed in the
NVRAM block descriptor table.
Configuration Parameters

Name NvMBlockCrcType [ECUC_NvM_00476]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines CRC data width for the NVRAM block. Default: NVM_CRC16,
i.e. CRC16 will be used if NVM_BLOCK_USE_CRC==true
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range NVM_CRC16 (Default) CRC16 will be used if
NVM_CRC32 CRC32 is selected for this NVRAM
block if
NVM_CRC8 CRC8 is selected for this NVRAM block
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: NVM_BLOCK_USE_CRC,

Name NvMBlockHeaderInclude [ECUC_NvM_00554]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines the header file where the owner of the NVRAM block has the
declarations of the permanent RAM data block, ROM data block (if
configured) and the callback function prototype for each configured
callback. If no permanent RAM block, ROM block or callback functions
are configured then this configuration parameter shall be ignored.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucStringParamDef
Default Value
Regular Expression

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Specification of RTE Software

Post-Build Variant false

Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMBlockJobPriority [ECUC_NvM_00477]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines the job priority for a NVRAM block (0 = Immediate priority).
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMBlockManagementType [ECUC_NvM_00062]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines the block management type for the NVRAM
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range NVM_BLOCK_DATASET NVRAM block is configured to be of
dataset type.
NVM_BLOCK_NATIVE NVRAM block is configured to be of
native type.
NVM_BLOCK_REDUNDA NVRAM block is configured to be of
NT redundant type.
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Name NvMBlockUseAutoValidation [ECUC_NvM_00557]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines whether the RAM Block shall be auto validated during
shutdown phase.

true: if auto validation mechanism is used, false: otherwise

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMBlockUseCompression [ECUC_NvM_00563]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines whether the data is compressed before written. true: data
compression activated (takes more time to read and write) false: no

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMBlockUseCrc [ECUC_NvM_00036]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines CRC usage for the NVRAM block, i.e. memory space for CRC
is reserved in RAM and NV memory.

true: CRC will be used for this NVRAM block. false: CRC will not be
used for this NVRAM block.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMBlockUseCRCCompMechanism [ECUC_NvM_00556]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines whether the CRC of the RAM Block shall be compared during
a write job with the CRC which was calculated during the last
successful read or write job.

true: if compare mechanism is used, false: otherwise

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: False if NvMBlockUseCrc = False

Name NvMBlockUsePort [ECUC_NvM_00559]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description If this parameter is true it defines whether:
• the port with interface ’NvMMirror’ for synchronization
mechanism callbacks are generated if the parameter
NvMBlockUseSyncMechanism is configured TRUE;
• the port with interface ’NvMNotifyInitBlock’ for initialization block
callback is generated if NvMInitBlockCallback parameter is
configured (independent of the content);
• the port with interface ’NvMNotifyJobFinished’ for single block
callback is generated if NvMSingleBlockCallback parameter is
configured (independent of the content);
• the port with interface ’NvMAdmin’ for SetBlockProtection
operation is generated.

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMBlockUseSetRamBlockStatus [ECUC_NvM_00552]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines if NvMSetRamBlockStatusApi shall be used for this block or

Note: If NvMSetRamBlockStatusApi is disabled this configuration

parameter shall be ignored.

true: calling of NvMSetRamBlockStatus for this RAM block shall set the
status of the RAM block.

false: calling of NvMSetRamBlockStatus for this RAM block shall be

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMBlockUseSyncMechanism [ECUC_NvM_00519]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines whether an explicit synchronization mechanism with a RAM
mirror and callback routines for transferring data to and from NvM
module’s RAM mirror is used for NV block. true if synchronization
mechanism is used, false otherwise.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1313 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name NvMBlockWriteProt [ECUC_NvM_00033]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines an initial write protection of the NV block

true: Initial block write protection is enabled. false: Initial block write
protection is disabled.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMBswMBlockStatusInformation [ECUC_NvM_00551]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description This parameter specifies whether BswM is informed about the current
status of the specified block.

True: Call BswM_NvM_CurrentBlockMode on changes False: Don’t

inform BswM at all
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMCalcRamBlockCrc [ECUC_NvM_00119]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines CRC (re)calculation for the permanent RAM block or NVRAM
blocks which are configured to use explicit synchronization mechanism.

true: CRC will be (re)calculated for this permanent RAM block. false:
CRC will not be (re)calculated for this permanent RAM block.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

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Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: NVM_BLOCK_USE_CRC

Name NvMMaxNumOfReadRetries [ECUC_NvM_00533]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines the maximum number of read retries.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 7
Default Value 0
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMMaxNumOfWriteRetries [ECUC_NvM_00499]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines the maximum number of write retries for a NVRAM block with
[ECUC_NvM_00061]. Regardless of configuration a consistency check
(and maybe write retries) are always forced for each block which is
processed by the request NvM_WriteAll and NvM_WriteBlock.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 7
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Name NvMNvBlockBaseNumber [ECUC_NvM_00478]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Configuration parameter to perform the link between the
NVM_NVRAM_BLOCK_IDENTIFIER used by the SW-Cs and the
FEE_BLOCK_NUMBER expected by the memory abstraction modules.
The parameter value equals the FEE_BLOCK_NUMBER or
EA_BLOCK_NUMBER shifted to the right by NvMDatasetSelectionBits
bits. (ref. to chapter

Calculation Formula: value = TargetBlockRefer-

ence.[Ea/Fee]BlockConfiguration.[Ea/Fee]BlockNumber »
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 65534
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMNvBlockLength [ECUC_NvM_00479]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines the NV block data length in bytes.

Note: The implementer can add the attribute ’withAuto’ to the

parameter definition which indicates that the length can be calculated
by the generator automatically (e.g. by using a parser that searches
and analyzes the data structure corresponding to the block). When
’withAuto’ is set to ’true’ for this parameter definition the ’isAutoValue’
can be set to ’true’. If ’isAutoValue’ is set to ’true’ the actual value will
not be considered during ECU Configuration but will be (re-)calculated
by the code generator and stored in the value attribute afterwards.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 65535
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Name NvMNvBlockNum [ECUC_NvM_00480]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines the number of multiple NV blocks in a contiguous area
according to the given block management type.

1-255 For NVRAM blocks to be configured of block management type

NVM_BLOCK_DATASET. The actual range is limited according to

1 For NVRAM blocks to be configured of block management type


2 For NVRAM blocks to be configured of block management type

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 255
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMNvramBlockIdentifier [ECUC_NvM_00481]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Identification of a NVRAM block via a unique block identifier.

Implementation Type: NvM_BlockIdType.

min = 2 max = 2ˆ (16- NVM_DATASET_SELECTION_BITS)-1

Reserved NVRAM block IDs: 0 -> to derive multi block request results
via NvM_GetErrorStatus 1 -> redundant NVRAM block which holds the
configuration ID (generation tool should check that this block is
correctly configured from type,CRC and size point of view)
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 2 .. 65535
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Name NvMNvramDeviceId [ECUC_NvM_00035]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines the NVRAM device ID where the NVRAM block is located.

Calculation Formula: value = TargetBlockRefer-

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 1
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMRamBlockDataAddress [ECUC_NvM_00482]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines the start address of the RAM block data.

If this is not configured, no permanent RAM data block is available for

the selected block management type.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucStringParamDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Name NvMReadRamBlockFromNvCallback [ECUC_NvM_00521]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Entry address of a block specific callback routine which shall be called
in order to let the application copy data from the NvM module’s mirror
to RAM block. Implementation type: Std_ReturnType

E_OK: copy was successful E_NOT_OK: copy was not successful,

callback routine to be called again
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMResistantToChangedSw [ECUC_NvM_00483]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines whether a NVRAM block shall be treated resistant to
configuration changes or not. If there is no default data available at
configuration time then the application shall be responsible for
providing the default initialization data. In this case the application has
to use NvM_GetErrorStatus()to be able to distinguish between first
initialization and corrupted data.

true: NVRAM block is resistant to changed software. false: NVRAM

block is not resistant to changed software.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Name NvMRomBlockDataAddress [ECUC_NvM_00484]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines the start address of the ROM block data.

If not configured, no ROM block is available for the selected block

management type.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucStringParamDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMRomBlockNum [ECUC_NvM_00485]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines the number of multiple ROM blocks in a contiguous area
according to the given block management type.

0-254 For NVRAM blocks to be configured of block management type

NVM_BLOCK_DATASET. The actual range is limited according to

0-1 For NVRAM blocks to be configured of block management type


0-1 For NVRAM blocks to be configured of block management type

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 254
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1320 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Name NvMSelectBlockForFirstInitAll {NVM_SELECT_BLOCK_FOR_FIRST_I

NIT_ALL} [ECUC_NvM_00558]
Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines whether a block will be processed or not by NvM_FirstInitAll. A
block can be configured to be processed even if it doesn’t have
permanent RAM and/or explicit synchronization.

TRUE: block will be processed by NvM_FirstInitAll

FALSE: block will not be processed by NvM_FirstInitAll

Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMSelectBlockForReadAll [ECUC_NvM_00117]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines whether a NVRAM block shall be processed during
NvM_ReadAll or not. This configuration parameter has only influence
on those NVRAM blocks which are configured to have a permanent
RAM block or which are configured to use explicit synchronization

true: NVRAM block shall be processed by NvM_ReadAll false: NVRAM

block shall not be processed by NvM_ReadAll
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –

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Specification of RTE Software

Scope / Dependency scope: local


Name NvMSelectBlockForWriteAll [ECUC_NvM_00549]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines whether a NVRAM block shall be processed during
NvM_WriteAll or not. This configuration parameter has only influence
on those NVRAM blocks which are configured to have a permanent
RAM block or which are configured to use explicit synchronization

true: NVRAM block shall be processed by NvM_WriteAll false: NVRAM

block shall not be processed by NvM_WriteAll
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMStaticBlockIDCheck [ECUC_NvM_00532]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines if the Static Block ID check is enabled.

false: Static Block ID check is disabled. true: Static Block ID check is

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Name NvMWriteBlockOnce [ECUC_NvM_00072]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines write protection after first write. The NVRAM manager sets the
write protection bit either after the NV block was written the first time or
if the block was already written and it is detected as valid and
consistent during a read for it.

true: Defines write protection after first write is enabled.

false: Defines write protection after first write is disabled.

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMWriteRamBlockToNvCallback [ECUC_NvM_00520]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Entry address of a block specific callback routine which shall be called
in order to let the application copy data from RAM block to NvM
module’s mirror. Implementation type: Std_ReturnType

E_OK: copy was successful E_NOT_OK: copy was not successful,

callback routine to be called again
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default Value
Regular Expression
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Class
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Name NvMWriteVerification [ECUC_NvM_00534]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines if Write Verification is enabled.

false: Write verification is disabled. true: Write Verification is enabled.

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMWriteVerificationDataSize [ECUC_NvM_00538]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Defines the number of bytes to compare in each step when comparing
the content of a RAM Block and a block read back.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 65535
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name NvMBlockCipheringRef [ECUC_NvM_00567]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Reference to ciphering container.

If configured, NvM encrypt the data before storage and decrypt the
data after restoring. If empty, the NvM stores and restore the original
user data.

Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to NvMBlockCiphering
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

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Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: Key will be located in RAM if this configuration item is not

Name NvMBlockEcucPartitionRef [ECUC_NvM_00564]

Parent Container NvMBlockDescriptor
Description Maps the NV block to zero or one ECUC partition to limit the access to
this NV block. The ECUC partition referenced is within the subset of
the ECUC partitions where the NvM is mapped to.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to EcucPartition
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
NvMInitBlockCallback 0..1 The presence of this container indicates, that a block
specific callback routine is called if no ROM data is
available for initialization of the NVRAM block. If the
container is not present, no callback routine is called for
initialization of the NVRAM block with default data.

In case the container has a NvMInitBlockCallbackFnc,

the NvM will call this function.

In case there is no NvMInitBlockCallbackFnc, the NvM

will have an port PNIB_{Block}.
NvMSingleBlockCallback 0..1 The presence of this container indicates, that the block
specific callback routine which shall be invoked on
termination of each asynchronous single block request
[SWS_NvM_00113] If the container is not present, no
callback routine is called..

In case the container has a

NvMSingleBlockCallbackFnc, the NvM will call this

In case there is no NvMSingleBlockCallbackFnc, the

NvM will have an port PNJF_{Block}.

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Specification of RTE Software

NvMTargetBlock 1 This parameter is just a container for the parameters for

Reference EA and FEE

E.5 Os

E.5.1 OsAlarm

SWS Item [ECUC_Os_00003]

Container Name OsAlarm
Parent Container Os
Description An OsAlarm may be used to asynchronously inform or activate a
specific task. It is possible to start alarms automatically at system
start-up depending on the application mode.
Configuration Parameters

Name OsAlarmAccessingApplication [ECUC_Os_00004]

Parent Container OsAlarm
Description Reference to applications which have an access to this object.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to OsApplication
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

Name OsAlarmCounterRef [ECUC_Os_00005]

Parent Container OsAlarm
Description Reference to the assigned counter for that alarm
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to OsCounter
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
OsAlarmAction 1 This container defines which type of notification is used
when the alarm expires.
OsAlarmAutostart 0..1 If present this container defines if an alarm is started
automatically at system start-up depending on the
application mode.

E.5.2 OsApplication

SWS Item [ECUC_Os_00114]

Container Name OsApplication
Parent Container Os
Description An AUTOSAR OS must be capable of supporting a collection of OS
objects (tasks, interrupts, alarms, hooks etc.) that form a cohesive
functional unit. This collection of objects is termed an OS-Application.

All objects which belong to the same OS-Application have access to

each other. Access means to allow to use these objects within API

Access by other applications can be granted separately.

Configuration Parameters

Name OsTrusted [ECUC_Os_00115]

Parent Container OsApplication
Description Parameter to specify if an OS-Application is trusted or not.

true: OS-Application is trusted false: OS-Application is not trusted

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 3 and 4.

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Specification of RTE Software

Name OsTrustedApplicationDelayTimingViolationCall [ECUC_Os_00395]

Parent Container OsApplication
Description Parameter to specify if a timing violation which occurs within an trusted
OS-Application is raised immediately of if it is delayed until the current
task returns to the calling OS-Application (return of
CallTrustedFunction) true: violation / call to ProtectionHook() is delayed
false: timing violation cause an immediate call to the ProtectionHook().
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value true
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name OsTrustedApplicationWithProtection [ECUC_Os_00394]

Parent Container OsApplication
Description Parameter to specify if a trusted OS-Application is executed with
memory protection or not.

true: OS-Application runs within a protected environment. This means

that write access is limited. false: OS-Application has full write access
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value false
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name OsAppAlarmRef [ECUC_Os_00231]

Parent Container OsApplication
Description Specifies the OsAlarms that belong to the OsApplication.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to OsAlarm
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name OsAppCounterRef [ECUC_Os_00234]

Parent Container OsApplication
Description References the OsCounters that belong to the OsApplication.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to OsCounter
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name OsAppEcucPartitionRef [ECUC_Os_00392]

Parent Container OsApplication
Description Denotes which "EcucPartition" is implemented by this "OSApplication".
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to EcucPartition
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

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Specification of RTE Software

Name OsAppIsrRef [ECUC_Os_00221]

Parent Container OsApplication
Description references which OsIsrs belong to the OsApplication
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to OsIsr
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name OsApplicationCoreRef [ECUC_Os_00393]

Parent Container OsApplication
Description Reference to the Core Definition in the Ecuc Module where the CoreId
is defined. This reference is used to describe to which Core the
OsApplication is bound.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to EcucCoreDefinition
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name OsAppScheduleTableRef [ECUC_Os_00230]

Parent Container OsApplication
Description References the OsScheduleTables that belong to the OsApplication.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to OsScheduleTable
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

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Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name OsAppTaskRef [ECUC_Os_00116]

Parent Container OsApplication
Description references which OsTasks belong to the OsApplication
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to OsTask
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name OsRestartTask [ECUC_Os_00120]

Parent Container OsApplication
Description Optionally one task of an OS-Application may be defined as Restart

Multiplicity = 1: Restart Task is activated by the Operating System if the

protection hook requests it.

Multiplicity = 0: No task is automatically started after a protection error

Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to OsTask
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Required for scalability class 3 and 4.

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
OsApplicationHooks 1 Container to structure the OS-Application-specific hooks
OsApplicationTrusted 0..* Container to structure the configuration parameters of
Function trusted functions

E.5.3 OsCounter

SWS Item [ECUC_Os_00026]

Container Name OsCounter
Parent Container Os
Description Configuration information for the counters that belong to the
Configuration Parameters

Name OsCounterMaxAllowedValue [ECUC_Os_00027]

Parent Container OsCounter
Description Maximum possible allowed value of the system counter in ticks.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 ..
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name OsCounterMinCycle [ECUC_Os_00028]

Parent Container OsCounter
Description The MINCYCLE attribute specifies the minimum allowed number of
counter ticks for a cyclic alarm linked to the counter.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 ..
Default Value

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Specification of RTE Software

Post-Build Variant false

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name OsCounterTicksPerBase [ECUC_Os_00029]

Parent Container OsCounter
Description The TICKSPERBASE attribute specifies the number of ticks required to
reach a counterspecific unit. The interpretation is
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 4294967295
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name OsCounterType [ECUC_Os_00255]

Parent Container OsCounter
Description This parameter contains the natural type or unit of the counter.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range HARDWARE This counter is driven by some
hardware e.g. a hardware timer unit.
SOFTWARE The counter is driven by some software
which calls the IncrementCounter
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

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Specification of RTE Software

Name OsSecondsPerTick [ECUC_Os_00030]

Parent Container OsCounter
Description Time of one counter tick in seconds.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. INF]
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name OsCounterAccessingApplication [ECUC_Os_00031]

Parent Container OsCounter
Description Reference to applications which have an access to this object.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to OsApplication
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

1334 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
OsDriver 0..1 This Container contains the information who will drive
the counter. This configuration is only valid if the counter
has OsCounterType set to HARDWARE.

If the container does not exist (multiplicity=0) the timer is

managed by the OS internally (OSINTERNAL).

If the container exists the OS can use the GPT interface

to manage the timer. The user have to supply the GPT

If the counter is driven by some other (external to the

OS) source (like a TPU for example) this must be
described as a vendor specific extension.
OsTimeConstant 0..* Allows the user to define constants which can be e.g.
used to compare time values with timer tick values.
A time value will be converted to a timer tick
value during generation and can later on accessed
via the OsConstName. The conversation is done by
rounding time values to the nearest fitting tick

E.5.4 OsEvent

SWS Item [ECUC_Os_00033]

Container Name OsEvent
Parent Container Os
Description Representation of OS events in the configuration context. Adopted
from the ISO 17356-6 specification.
Configuration Parameters

Name OsEventMask [ECUC_Os_00034]

Parent Container OsEvent
Description If event mask would be set to AUTO in OIL, this parameter should be
omitted here.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

E.5.5 OsScheduleTable

SWS Item [ECUC_Os_00141]

Container Name OsScheduleTable
Parent Container Os
Description An OsScheduleTable addresses the synchronization issue by providing
an encapsulation of a statically defined set of alarms that cannot be
modified at runtime.
Configuration Parameters

Name OsScheduleTableDuration [ECUC_Os_00053]

Parent Container OsScheduleTable
Description This parameter defines the modulus of the schedule table (in ticks).
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name OsScheduleTableRepeating [ECUC_Os_00144]

Parent Container OsScheduleTable
Description true: first expiry point on the schedule table shall be processed at final
expiry point delay ticks after the final expiry point is processed.

false: the schedule table processing stops when the final expiry point is
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name OsScheduleTableCounterRef [ECUC_Os_00145]

Parent Container OsScheduleTable
Description This parameter contains a reference to the counter which drives the
schedule table.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to OsCounter
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name OsSchTblAccessingApplication [ECUC_Os_00054]

Parent Container OsScheduleTable
Description Reference to applications which have an access to this object.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to OsApplication
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
OsScheduleTable 0..1 This container specifies if and how the schedule table is
Autostart started on startup of the Operating System. The options
to start a schedule table correspond to the API calls to
start schedule tables during runtime.
OsScheduleTableExpiry 1..* The point on a Schedule Table at which the OS activates
Point tasks and/or sets events

1337 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

OsScheduleTableSync 0..1 This container specifies the synchronization parameters

of the schedule table.

E.5.6 OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint

SWS Item [ECUC_Os_00143]

Container Name OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint
Parent Container OsScheduleTable
Description The point on a Schedule Table at which the OS activates tasks and/or
sets events
Configuration Parameters

Name OsScheduleTblExpPointOffset [ECUC_Os_00062]

Parent Container OsScheduleTableExpiryPoint
Description The offset from zero (in ticks) at which the expiry point is to be
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
OsScheduleTableEvent 0..* Event that is triggered by that schedule table.
OsScheduleTableTask 0..* Task that is triggered by that schedule table.
OsScheduleTbl 0..1 Adjustable expiry point

E.5.7 OsTask

SWS Item [ECUC_Os_00073]

Container Name OsTask
Parent Container Os
Description This container represents an ISO 17356 task.
Configuration Parameters

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Specification of RTE Software

Name OsTaskActivation [ECUC_Os_00074]

Parent Container OsTask
Description This attribute defines the maximum number of queued activation
requests for the task. A value equal to "1" means that at any time only
a single activation is permitted for this task. Note that the value must
be a natural number starting at 1.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 4294967295
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name OsTaskPeriod [ECUC_Os_00404]

Parent Container OsTask
Description This parameter specifies the period in seconds of this task in case of a
cyclically activated task.

If this parameter is not given the task can be activated sporadicly or

cyclically with a unknown period value.

This value is information, e.g. for time base calculations in the RTE in
case TimingEvents are mapped onto this OsTask.Be aware, that this
parameter is not supposed to be relevant for the OS! This information
is given as part of the OS configuration to support configuration work
flows using a fixed set of OsTasks.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [-INF .. INF]
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

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Specification of RTE Software

Name OsTaskPriority [ECUC_Os_00075]

Parent Container OsTask
Description The priority of a task is defined by the value of this attribute. This value
has to be understood as a relative value, i.e. the values show only the
relative ordering of the tasks.

ISO 17356-3 defines the lowest priority as zero (0); larger values
correspond to higher priorities.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name OsTaskSchedule [ECUC_Os_00076]

Parent Container OsTask
Description The OsTaskSchedule attribute defines the preemptability of the task.

If this attribute is set to NON, no internal resources may be assigned to

this task.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range FULL Task is preemptable.
NON Task is not preemptable.
Post-Build Variant false
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name OsMemoryMappingCodeLocationRef [ECUC_Os_00402]

Parent Container OsTask
Description Reference to the memory mapping containing details about the section
where the code is placed.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to SW-ADDR-METHOD
Post-Build Variant

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name OsTaskAccessingApplication [ECUC_Os_00077]

Parent Container OsTask
Description Reference to applications which have an access to this object.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to OsApplication
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name OsTaskEventRef [ECUC_Os_00078]

Parent Container OsTask
Description This reference defines the list of events the extended task may react
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to OsEvent
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Name OsTaskResourceRef [ECUC_Os_00079]

Parent Container OsTask
Description This reference defines a list of resources accessed by this task.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to OsResource
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
OsTaskAutostart 0..1 This container determines whether the task is activated
during the system start-up procedure or not for some
specific application modes.

If the task shall be activated during the system start-up,

this container is present and holds the references to the
application modes in which the task is auto-started.
OsTaskTimingProtection 0..1 This container contains all parameters regarding timing
protection of the task.

E.5.8 OsIsr

SWS Item [ECUC_Os_00041]

Container Name OsIsr
Parent Container Os
Description The OsIsr container represents an ISO 17356 interrupt service routine.
Configuration Parameters

Name OsIsrCategory [ECUC_Os_00042]

Parent Container OsIsr
Description This attribute specifies the category of this ISR.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range CATEGORY_1 Interrupt is of category 1
CATEGORY_2 Interrupt is of category 2
Post-Build Variant false

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Specification of RTE Software

Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name OsIsrPeriod [ECUC_Os_00403]

Parent Container OsIsr
Description This parameter specifies the period in seconds of this ISR in case of a
cyclically triggered interrupt.

If this parameter is not given the interrupt can be activated sporadicly

or cyclically with a unknown period value.

This value is information, e.g. for time base calculations in the RTE in
case TimingEvents are mapped onto this OsIsr. Be aware, that this
parameter is not supposed to be relevant for the OS! It’s the
responsibility of the integrator to ensure the activation of the ISR
according the configured period. This information is given as part of
the OS configuration to support configuration work flows using a fixed
set of OsIsrs.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [-INF .. INF]
Default Value
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Name OsIsrResourceRef [ECUC_Os_00043]

Parent Container OsIsr
Description This reference defines the resources accessed by this ISR.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type Reference to OsResource
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false

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Specification of RTE Software

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants

Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name OsMemoryMappingCodeLocationRef [ECUC_Os_00402]

Parent Container OsIsr
Description Reference to the memory mapping containing details about the section
where the code is placed.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to SW-ADDR-METHOD
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
OsIsrTimingProtection 0..1 This container contains all parameters which are related
to timing protection

If the container exists, the timing protection is used for

this interrupt. If the container does not exist, the
interrupt is not supervised regarding timing violations.

E.6 Xfrm

E.6.1 XfrmImplementationMapping

SWS Item [ECUC_Xfrm_00001]

Container Name XfrmImplementationMapping
Parent Container Xfrm
Description For each transformer (TransformationTechnology) in a transformer
chain (DataTransformation) which is applied to an ISignal it is
necessary to specify the BswModuleEntry which implements it. This is
the container to hold these mappings.
Configuration Parameters

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Specification of RTE Software

Name XfrmTransformerClassExtractProtocolHeaderFields
Parent Container XfrmImplementationMapping
Description Defines the transformerClass of the TransformationTechnology
containing information in its protocol header that is required to
distinguish between requests vs. responses and normal vs. error
responses in C/S communication. Usually this shall be the
TransformationTechnology with transformerClass equal to "serializer".
Setting this parameter basically instructs the RTE to pass a pointer to
the Mip_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields() function of the respective
transformer as an additional argument to the called transformer
function. E.g., if the serializing transformer in the transformer chain is
SomeIpXf and this parameter is set to SERIALIZER, then
SomeIpXf_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields() will be passed as additional
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range SAFETY The Mip_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields
function of the safety transformer in the
chain shall be called.
SECURITY The Mip_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields
function of the security transformer in
the chain shall be called.
SERIALIZER The Mip_ExtractProtocolHeaderFields
function of the serializing transformer
in the chain shall be called
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name XfrmCSTansactionHandleImplementationDataTypeRef
Parent Container XfrmImplementationMapping
Description Reference to the ImplementationDataType with category STRUCTURE
which defines the type of the C/S transaction handle. Setting this
parameter basically instructs the RTE to pass a reference to a variable
of exactly this ImplementationDataType as an additional argument to
the called transformer function.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to IMPLEMENTATION-DATA-TYPE
Post-Build Variant false

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Specification of RTE Software

Post-Build Variant false

Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name XfrmInvTransformerBswModuleEntryRef [ECUC_Xfrm_00005]

Parent Container XfrmImplementationMapping
Description Reference to the BswModuleEntry which implements the referenced
inverse transformer on the receiving/called side.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to BSW-MODULE-ENTRY
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name XfrmTransformationTechnologyRef [ECUC_Xfrm_00003]

Parent Container XfrmImplementationMapping
Description Reference to the TransformationTechnology in the DataTransformation
of the system description for which the implementation
(BswModuleEntry) shall be mapped.
Multiplicity 1
Post-Build Variant
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Specification of RTE Software

Name XfrmTransformerBswModuleEntryRef [ECUC_Xfrm_00018]

Parent Container XfrmImplementationMapping
Description Reference to the BswModuleEntry which implements the referenced
transformer on the sending/calling side.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Foreign reference to BSW-MODULE-ENTRY
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Name XfrmVariableDataPrototypeInstanceRef [ECUC_Xfrm_00011]

Parent Container XfrmImplementationMapping
Description Instance Reference to a VariableDataPrototype in case a dedicated
transformer BswModuleEntry is required per VariableDataPrototype
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Instance reference to VARIABLE-DATA-PROTOTYPE context: SW-C
Post-Build Variant false
Post-Build Variant false
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Class
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
XfrmDemEvent 0..1 Container for the references to DemEventParameter
ParameterRefs elements which shall be invoked using the API
Dem_SetEventStatus in case the corresponding error
occurs. The EventId is taken from the referenced
DemEventParameter’s DemEventId symbolic value. The
standardized errors are provided in this container and
can be extended by vendor-specific error references.

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Specification of RTE Software

XfrmSignal 0..1 Reference to the signal in the system description that

transports the transformed data.

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Specification of RTE Software

F Examples
This chapter contains more detailed information for examples which were shown inside
the preceding chapters of the specification.

F.1 ModeDeclarationGroupMapping
The example for Mapping of ModeDeclarations in chapter 4.4.10 is based on the
following ARXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AUTOSAR xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="http://autosar.
org/schema/r4.0 AUTOSAR_4-2-1.xsd">
<L-2 L="EN">Example about Connection of Mode Managers and Mode
Users with different number of ModeDeclarations</L-2>

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Specification of RTE Software


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Specification of RTE Software


<L-2 L="EN">Startup phase of the Ecu</L-2>
<L-2 L="EN">Run phase of the Ecu</L-2>
<L-2 L="EN">post run phase of the Ecu</L-2>

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Specification of RTE Software

<L-2 L="EN">shutdown phase of the Ecu</L-2>

1352 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

<L-2 L="EN">Start up phase of the Ecu</L-2>
<L-2 L="EN">Run phase of the Ecu</L-2>
<L-2 L="EN">First post run phase of the Ecu</L-2>
<L-2 L="EN">Second post run phase of the Ecu</L-2>
<L-2 L="EN">Shut down phase of the Ecu</L-2>
<L-2 L="EN">Sleep mode of the Ecu with reduced
<L-2 L="EN">Hibernate mode of the Ecu with extreme
reduced functionality</L-2>

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Specification of RTE Software


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Specification of RTE Software


F.2 Stability need for received data

The example for Stability need for received data in example 4.7 is based on the
following ARXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AUTOSAR xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="http://autosar.
org/schema/r4.0 AUTOSAR_4-2-1.xsd">

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Specification of RTE Software

<DESC><L-2 L="EN">Stability need for received data (see




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Specification of RTE Software



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Specification of RTE Software


F.3 CompuMethod with bitfield texttable conversion

The following CompuMethod of category BITFIELD_TEXTTABLE
Listing F.1: example for bit field text table CompuMethod
6 <!-- problem -->
9 <SYMBOL>problem_flat_tire</SYMBOL>
10 <MASK>0b11110000</MASK>
14 <VT>flat tire</VT>
19 <SYMBOL>problem_low_pressure</SYMBOL>
20 <MASK>0b11110000</MASK>

1361 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

24 <VT>low pressure</VT>
29 <SYMBOL>problem_unbalanced</SYMBOL>
30 <MASK>0b11110000</MASK>
34 <VT>unbalanced</VT>
39 <SYMBOL>problem_unknown</SYMBOL>
40 <MASK>0b11110000</MASK>
44 <VT>unknown</VT>
49 <SYMBOL>problem_invalid</SYMBOL>
50 <MASK>0b11110000</MASK>
54 <VT>invalid</VT>
57 <!-- rear right -->
60 <SYMBOL>rearRight_no</SYMBOL>
61 <MASK>0b11001000</MASK>
65 <VT>no</VT>
70 <SYMBOL>rearRight_yes</SYMBOL>
71 <MASK>0b11001000</MASK>
75 <VT>yes</VT>
78 <!-- rear left -->

1362 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

81 <SYMBOL>rearLeft_no</SYMBOL>
82 <MASK>0b11000100</MASK>
86 <VT>no</VT>
91 <SYMBOL>rearLeft_yes</SYMBOL>
92 <MASK>0b11000100</MASK>
96 <VT>yes</VT>
99 <!-- front right -->
102 <SYMBOL>frontRight_no</SYMBOL>
103 <MASK>0b11000010</MASK>
107 <VT>no</VT>
112 <SYMBOL>frontRight_yes</SYMBOL>
113 <MASK>0b11000010</MASK>
117 <VT>yes</VT>
120 <!-- front left -->
123 <SYMBOL>frontLeft_no</SYMBOL>
124 <MASK>0b11000001</MASK>
128 <VT>no</VT>
133 <SYMBOL>frontLeft_yes</SYMBOL>
134 <MASK>0b11000001</MASK>

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Specification of RTE Software


138 <VT>yes</VT>

results in this definitions:

Listing F.2: literals for bit field text table CompuMethod
1 /* [SWS_Rte_07410] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "problem" / 0
b11110000 */
2 #ifndef problem_BflMask
3 #define problem_BflMask 240U
4 #endif /* problem_BflMask */
6 /* [SWS_Rte_07411] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "problem" / 0
b11110000 with a single contiguous bit field*/
7 #ifndef problem_BflPn
8 #define problem_BflPn 4U
9 #endif /* problem_BflPn */
11 /* [SWS_Rte_07412] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "problem" / 0
b11110000 with a single contiguous bit field*/
12 #ifndef problem_BflLn
13 #define problem_BflLn 4U
14 #endif /* problem_BflLn */
16 /* [SWS_Rte_03810] CompuScale with point range "0b00000000", symbol
attribute "problem_flat_tire"*/
17 #ifndef problem_flat_tire
18 #define problem_flat_tire 0U
19 #endif /* problem_flat_tire */
21 /* [SWS_Rte_03810] CompuScale with point range "0b00010000", symbol
attribute "problem_low_pressure"*/
22 #ifndef problem_low_pressure
23 #define problem_low_pressure 16U
24 #endif /* problem_low_pressure */
26 /* [SWS_Rte_03810] CompuScale with point range "0b00100000", symbol
attribute "problem_unbalanced"*/
27 #ifndef problem_unbalanced
28 #define problem_unbalanced 32U
29 #endif /* problem_unbalanced */
31 /* [SWS_Rte_03810] CompuScale with point range "0b00110000", symbol
attribute "problem_unknown"*/
32 #ifndef problem_unknown
33 #define problem_unknown 48U
34 #endif /* problem_unknown */

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Specification of RTE Software

36 /* [SWS_Rte_03810] CompuScale with point range "0b11110000", symbol

attribute "problem_invalid"*/
37 #ifndef problem_invalid
38 #define problem_invalid 240U
39 #endif /* problem_invalid */

41 /* [SWS_Rte_07410] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "rearRight" / 0

b11001000 */
42 #ifndef rearRight_BflMask
43 #define rearRight_BflMask 200U
44 #endif /* rearRight_BflMask */
46 /* [SWS_Rte_07411] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "rearRight" / 0
b11001000 but not a single contiguous bit field*/
48 /* [SWS_Rte_07412] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "rearRight" / 0
b11001000 bot not a single contiguous bit field*/
50 /* [SWS_Rte_03810] CompuScale with point range "0b00000000", symbol
attribute "rearRight_no"*/
51 #ifndef rearRight_no
52 #define rearRight_no 0U
53 #endif /* rearRight_no */
55 /* [SWS_Rte_03810] CompuScale with point range "0b00001000", symbol
attribute "rearRight_yes"*/
56 #ifndef rearRight_yes
57 #define rearRight_yes 8U
58 #endif /* rearRight_yes */
60 /* [SWS_Rte_07410] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "rearLeft" / 0
b11000100 */
61 #ifndef rearLeft_BflMask
62 #define rearLeft_BflMask 200U
63 #endif /* rearLeft_BflMask */
65 /* [SWS_Rte_07411] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "rearLeft" / 0
b11000100 but not a single contiguous bit field*/
67 /* [SWS_Rte_07412] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "rearLeft" / 0
b11000100 bot not a single contiguous bit field*/
69 /* [SWS_Rte_03810] CompuScale with point range "0b00000000", symbol
attribute "rearLeft_no"*/
70 #ifndef rearLeft_no
71 #define rearLeft_no 0U
72 #endif /* rearLeft_no */
74 /* [SWS_Rte_03810] CompuScale with point range "0b00000100", symbol
attribute "rearLeft_yes"*/
75 #ifndef rearLeft_yes
76 #define rearLeft_yes 4U
77 #endif /* rearLeft_yes */
79 /* [SWS_Rte_07410] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "frontRight" / 0
b11000010 */

1365 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

80 #ifndef frontRight_BflMask
81 #define frontRight_BflMask 194U
82 #endif /* frontRight_BflMask */
84 /* [SWS_Rte_07411] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "frontRight" / 0
b11000010 but not a single contiguous bit field*/
86 /* [SWS_Rte_07412] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "frontRight" / 0
b11000010 bot not a single contiguous bit field*/
88 /* [SWS_Rte_03810] CompuScale with point range "0b00000000", symbol
attribute "frontRight_no"*/
89 #ifndef frontRight_no
90 #define frontRight_no 0U
91 #endif /* frontRight_no */
93 /* [SWS_Rte_03810] CompuScale with point range "0b00000010", symbol
attribute "frontRight_yes"*/
94 #ifndef frontRight_yes
95 #define frontRight_yes 2U
96 #endif /* frontRight_yes */
98 /* [SWS_Rte_07410] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "frontLeft" / 0
b11000001 */
99 #ifndef frontLeft_BflMask
100 #define frontLeft_BflMask 193U
101 #endif /* frontLeft_BflMask */
103 /* [SWS_Rte_07411] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "frontLeft" / 0
b11000001 but not a single contiguous bit field*/
105 /* [SWS_Rte_07412] unique "shortLabel" / "mask" pair "frontLeft" / 0
b11000001 bot not a single contiguous bit field*/

107 /* [SWS_Rte_03810] CompuScale with point range "0b00000000", symbol

attribute "frontLeft_no"*/
108 #ifndef frontLeft_no
109 #define frontLeft_no 0U
110 #endif /* frontLeft_no */

112 /* [SWS_Rte_03810] CompuScale with point range "0b00000001", symbol

attribute "frontLeft_yes"*/
113 #ifndef frontLeft_yes
114 #define frontLeft_yes 1U
115 #endif /* frontLeft_yes */

F.4 Structure type with self-reference

The example Structure type with self-reference in the following ARXML shows a
structure type which contains as an element a pointer witch can point to objects being
of the type of the structure. Those types are usually needed for linked lists.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Specification of RTE Software

<AUTOSAR xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="http://autosar.
org/schema/r4.0 AUTOSAR_4-2-1.xsd">
<L-2 L="EN">Example about structure with a reference to its own

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Specification of RTE Software


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Specification of RTE Software


This results according [SWS_Rte_07114] and [SWS_Rte_06812] in following code in

the Rte_Type.h file.
Listing F.3: Structure type with self-reference
1 /* typedef is created as forward declaration according SWS_Rte_06812 */
2 typedef struct Rte_struct_DataSet DataSet;

4 /* declaration of the structure according SWS_Rte_07114 */

5 struct Rte_struct_DataSet
6 {
7 uint32 data1;
8 uint8 data2;
9 DataSet * dataSetPtr;
10 struct
11 {
12 uint8 sub1;
13 uint8 sub2;
14 } substruct;
15 };

F.5 Multiple calibration parameters instances

The example Multiple calibration parameters instances in the following ARXML
shows the example of multiple calibration data instances as explained in section
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AUTOSAR xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="http://www." xsi:schemaLocation="http://autosar.
org/schema/r4.0 AUTOSAR_4-2-1.xsd">

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Specification of RTE Software


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Specification of RTE Software


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Specification of RTE Software


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Specification of RTE Software


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Specification of RTE Software


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Specification of RTE Software

<!-- points to SWC_A but applies also for SWC_B due
to sharedParameter behavior -->
<!-- points to SWC_A but applies also for SWC_B due
to sharedParameter behavior -->

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Specification of RTE Software


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Specification of RTE Software


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Specification of RTE Software

G Changes History

G.1 Changes in Rel. 4.0 Rev. 2 compared to Rel. 4.0 Rev. 1

G.1.1 Deleted SWS Items

The following SWS Items were removed in Rel. 4.0 Rev. 2:

rte_sws_1254, rte_sws_3552, rte_sws_3557, rte_sws_3559, rte_sws_3563,
rte_sws_3564, rte_sws_3568, rte_sws_3588, rte_sws_3593, rte_sws_3743,

G.1.2 Changed SWS Items

The following SWS Items were changed in Rel. 4.0 Rev. 2:

[SWS_Rte_01086], [SWS_Rte_01111], [SWS_Rte_01113], [SWS_Rte_01114],
[SWS_Rte_01118], [SWS_Rte_01156], [SWS_Rte_01355], [SWS_Rte_02517],
[SWS_Rte_02527], [SWS_Rte_02528], [SWS_Rte_02613], [SWS_Rte_02615],
[SWS_Rte_02679], [SWS_Rte_02728], [SWS_Rte_02730], [SWS_Rte_02747],
[SWS_Rte_02752], [SWS_Rte_02753], [SWS_Rte_03001], [SWS_Rte_03560],
[SWS_Rte_03562], [SWS_Rte_03567], [SWS_Rte_03598], [SWS_Rte_03599],
[SWS_Rte_03774], [SWS_Rte_03827], [SWS_Rte_03837], [SWS_Rte_03930],
[SWS_Rte_03953], [SWS_Rte_03954], [SWS_Rte_03955], [SWS_Rte_03956],
[SWS_Rte_03957], [SWS_Rte_05021], [SWS_Rte_05156], SWS_Rte_05506,
[SWS_Rte_05509], [SWS_Rte_06010], [SWS_Rte_06633], [SWS_Rte_07020],
[SWS_Rte_07021], [SWS_Rte_07041], [SWS_Rte_07184], [SWS_Rte_07187],
[SWS_Rte_07195], [SWS_Rte_07262], [SWS_Rte_07280], [SWS_Rte_07282],
[SWS_Rte_07293], [SWS_Rte_07294], [SWS_Rte_07375], [SWS_Rte_07376],
[SWS_Rte_07409], [SWS_Rte_07586], [SWS_Rte_07589], [SWS_Rte_07632],
[SWS_Rte_07636], [SWS_Rte_07637], [SWS_Rte_07667], [SWS_Rte_07680],
[SWS_Rte_07683], rte_sws_ext_3811.

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Specification of RTE Software

G.1.3 Added SWS Items

The following SWS Items were added in Rel. 4.0 Rev. 2:

[SWS_Rte_02761], rte_sws_3850, rte_sws_3851, [SWS_Rte_03852], [SWS_Rte_-
03853], [SWS_Rte_07045], [SWS_Rte_07046], [SWS_Rte_07047], [SWS_Rte_-
07048], [SWS_Rte_07049], [SWS_Rte_07050], [SWS_Rte_07051], [SWS_Rte_-
07052], [SWS_Rte_07053], [SWS_Rte_07054], [SWS_Rte_07055], [SWS_Rte_-
07056], [SWS_Rte_07057], [SWS_Rte_07058], [SWS_Rte_07059], [SWS_Rte_-
07060], [SWS_Rte_07061], [SWS_Rte_07062], [SWS_Rte_07063], [SWS_Rte_-
07064], [SWS_Rte_07065], [SWS_Rte_07066], [SWS_Rte_07067], [SWS_Rte_-
07068], [SWS_Rte_07069], [SWS_Rte_07070], [SWS_Rte_07071], [SWS_Rte_-
07072], [SWS_Rte_07073], [SWS_Rte_07074], [SWS_Rte_07075], [SWS_Rte_-
07076], [SWS_Rte_07077], [SWS_Rte_07078], [SWS_Rte_07079], [SWS_Rte_-
07080], [SWS_Rte_07081], [SWS_Rte_08000], [SWS_Rte_08001], [SWS_Rte_-
08002], [SWS_Rte_08300], [SWS_Rte_08301], [SWS_Rte_08302].

G.2 Changes in Rel. 4.0 Rev. 3 compared to Rel. 4.0 Rev. 2

G.2.1 Deleted SWS Items

The following SWS Items were removed in Rel. 4.0 Rev. 3:

rte_sws_3838, rte_sws_3844, rte_sws_3850, rte_sws_5171, rte_sws_7106,
rte_sws_7108, rte_sws_7164, rte_sws_7165, rte_sws_7168, rte_sws_7176,

G.2.2 Changed SWS Items

The following SWS Items were changed in Rel. 4.0 Rev. 3:

[SWS_Rte_01018], [SWS_Rte_01019], [SWS_Rte_01020], [SWS_Rte_01156],
[SWS_Rte_01171], [SWS_Rte_01238], [SWS_Rte_01239], [SWS_Rte_01248],
[SWS_Rte_01249], [SWS_Rte_01300], [SWS_Rte_02500], [SWS_Rte_02568],
[SWS_Rte_02576], [SWS_Rte_02627], [SWS_Rte_02628], [SWS_Rte_02629],
[SWS_Rte_02631], [SWS_Rte_02648], [SWS_Rte_02659], [SWS_Rte_02662],
[SWS_Rte_02664], [SWS_Rte_02675], [SWS_Rte_02732], [SWS_Rte_03526],
[SWS_Rte_03714], [SWS_Rte_03731], [SWS_Rte_03782], [SWS_Rte_03793],
[SWS_Rte_03809], [SWS_Rte_03810], [SWS_Rte_03813], [SWS_Rte_03827],
[SWS_Rte_03828], [SWS_Rte_03829], [SWS_Rte_03831], [SWS_Rte_03832],
[SWS_Rte_03833], [SWS_Rte_03837], [SWS_Rte_03839], [SWS_Rte_03840],
[SWS_Rte_03841], [SWS_Rte_03842], [SWS_Rte_03843], [SWS_Rte_03845],
[SWS_Rte_03846], [SWS_Rte_03847], [SWS_Rte_03848], [SWS_Rte_03849],
[SWS_Rte_03851], [SWS_Rte_03907], [SWS_Rte_03949], [SWS_Rte_04526],
[SWS_Rte_05051], [SWS_Rte_05052], SWS_Rte_05059, [SWS_Rte_05062],
[SWS_Rte_05078], [SWS_Rte_05127], [SWS_Rte_05128], [SWS_Rte_06513],
[SWS_Rte_06515], [SWS_Rte_06518], [SWS_Rte_06519], [SWS_Rte_06520],

1379 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06530], [SWS_Rte_06532], [SWS_Rte_06535], [SWS_Rte_06536],

[SWS_Rte_07022], [SWS_Rte_07030], [SWS_Rte_07036], [SWS_Rte_07037],
[SWS_Rte_07038], [SWS_Rte_07047], [SWS_Rte_07048], [SWS_Rte_07069],
[SWS_Rte_07104], [SWS_Rte_07109], [SWS_Rte_07110], [SWS_Rte_07111],
[SWS_Rte_07113], [SWS_Rte_07114], [SWS_Rte_07116], [SWS_Rte_07133],
[SWS_Rte_07136], [SWS_Rte_07144], [SWS_Rte_07148], [SWS_Rte_07149],
[SWS_Rte_07157], [SWS_Rte_07162], [SWS_Rte_07163], [SWS_Rte_07166],
[SWS_Rte_07175], [SWS_Rte_07182], [SWS_Rte_07185], [SWS_Rte_07190],
[SWS_Rte_07194], [SWS_Rte_07195], [SWS_Rte_07200], [SWS_Rte_07203],
[SWS_Rte_07214], [SWS_Rte_07224], [SWS_Rte_07250], [SWS_Rte_07253],
[SWS_Rte_07255], [SWS_Rte_07260], [SWS_Rte_07261], [SWS_Rte_07263],
[SWS_Rte_07266], [SWS_Rte_07282], [SWS_Rte_07292], [SWS_Rte_07293],
[SWS_Rte_07294], [SWS_Rte_07295], [SWS_Rte_07310], [SWS_Rte_07315],
[SWS_Rte_07381], [SWS_Rte_07382], [SWS_Rte_07383], [SWS_Rte_07501],
[SWS_Rte_07503], [SWS_Rte_07504], [SWS_Rte_07543], [SWS_Rte_07544],
[SWS_Rte_07552], [SWS_Rte_07554], [SWS_Rte_07555], [SWS_Rte_07556],
[SWS_Rte_07670], [SWS_Rte_07682], [SWS_Rte_08300].

G.2.3 Added SWS Items

The following SWS Items were added in Rel. 4.0 Rev. 3:

[SWS_Rte_03854], [SWS_Rte_03855], [SWS_Rte_03856], [SWS_Rte_03857],
[SWS_Rte_03858], [SWS_Rte_03859], [SWS_Rte_03860], [SWS_Rte_03861],
[SWS_Rte_06700], [SWS_Rte_06701], [SWS_Rte_06702], [SWS_Rte_06703],
[SWS_Rte_06704], [SWS_Rte_06705], [SWS_Rte_06706], [SWS_Rte_06707],
[SWS_Rte_06708], [SWS_Rte_06709], [SWS_Rte_06710], [SWS_Rte_06711],
[SWS_Rte_06712], [SWS_Rte_06713], [SWS_Rte_06714], [SWS_Rte_06715],
[SWS_Rte_06716], [SWS_Rte_06717], [SWS_Rte_06718], [SWS_Rte_06719],
[SWS_Rte_06720], [SWS_Rte_06721], [SWS_Rte_06722], [SWS_Rte_06723],
[SWS_Rte_06724], [SWS_Rte_06725], [SWS_Rte_06726], [SWS_Rte_07082],
[SWS_Rte_07083], [SWS_Rte_07084], [SWS_Rte_07085], [SWS_Rte_07086],
[SWS_Rte_07087], [SWS_Rte_07088], [SWS_Rte_07089], [SWS_Rte_07090],
[SWS_Rte_07091], [SWS_Rte_07092], [SWS_Rte_07093], [SWS_Rte_07094],
[SWS_Rte_07095], [SWS_Rte_07096], [SWS_Rte_07097], [SWS_Rte_07099],
[SWS_Rte_07593], [SWS_Rte_07594], [SWS_Rte_07595], [SWS_Rte_07596],
[SWS_Rte_07692], [SWS_Rte_07693], [SWS_Rte_07694], [SWS_Rte_07920],
[SWS_Rte_07921], [SWS_Rte_07922], [SWS_Rte_07923], [SWS_Rte_07924],
[SWS_Rte_08004], [SWS_Rte_08005], [SWS_Rte_08007], [SWS_Rte_08008],
[SWS_Rte_08009], [SWS_Rte_08016], [SWS_Rte_08017], [SWS_Rte_08018],
[SWS_Rte_08020], [SWS_Rte_08021], [SWS_Rte_08022], [SWS_Rte_08023],
[SWS_Rte_08024], [SWS_Rte_08025], [SWS_Rte_08026], [SWS_Rte_08027],
[SWS_Rte_08028], [SWS_Rte_08029], [SWS_Rte_08030], [SWS_Rte_08031],
[SWS_Rte_08032], [SWS_Rte_08033], [SWS_Rte_08034], [SWS_Rte_08035],
[SWS_Rte_08036], [SWS_Rte_08037], [SWS_Rte_08038], [SWS_Rte_08039],
[SWS_Rte_08040], [SWS_Rte_08041], [SWS_Rte_08042], [SWS_Rte_08043],

1380 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08044], [SWS_Rte_08045], [SWS_Rte_08303], [SWS_Rte_08304],

[SWS_Rte_08305], [SWS_Rte_08306], [SWS_Rte_08307], [SWS_Rte_08308],
[SWS_Rte_08400], [SWS_Rte_08401], [SWS_Rte_08402], [SWS_Rte_08403],
[SWS_Rte_08404], [SWS_Rte_08500], [SWS_Rte_08501], SWS_Rte_08503,
[SWS_Rte_08504], [SWS_Rte_08505], [SWS_Rte_08506], [SWS_Rte_08507],
[SWS_Rte_08509], [SWS_Rte_08510], rte_sws_ext_7597, rte_sws_ext_7598,
rte_sws_ext_8502, rte_sws_ext_8508.

G.3 Changes in Rel. 4.1 Rev. 1 compared to Rel. 4.0 Rev. 3

G.3.1 Renamed SWS Items

The external requirements are redefined as AUTOSAR constraints.

rte_sws_ext_3811 [constr_9004] Usage of WaitPoints is restricted depending
on ExclusiveAreaImplMechanism
rte_sws_ext_7598 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09005] The references RteSwcTriggerSourceRef
has to be consistent with the RteSoftware-
rte_sws_ext_7597 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09006] The references RteBswTriggerSourceRef
has to be consistent with the RteBswImple-
rte_sws_ext_7547 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09007] issuedTrigger and BswTriggerDirectImplementa-
tion are mutually exclusive
rte_sws_ext_7040 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09008] The same Trigger in a Trigger Sink must not
be connected to multiple Trigger Sources
rte_sws_ext_7550 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09009] Synchronized Trigger shall not be referenced
by more than one type of access method
rte_sws_ext_7521 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09010] Worst case execution time shall be less than the
rte_sws_ext_7351 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09011] NvMBlockDescriptor related to a RAM
Block of a NvBlockSwComponentType shall
use NvMBlockUseSyncMechanism
rte_sws_ext_7816 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09012] Category 1 interrupts shall not access the RTE
rte_sws_ext_2542 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09013] Exactly one mode or one mode transition shall
be active
rte_sws_ext_7565 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09014] ModeSwitchPoint(s) and managedMode-
Group(s) are mutually exclusive for synchronized
rte_sws_ext_7818 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09015] Rte_Write API may only be used by the runn-
able that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_7819 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09016] Rte_Send API may only be used by the runn-
able that describes its usage
rte_sws_ext_2681 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09017] Rte_Switch API may only be used by the runn-
able that describes its usage
rte_sws_ext_2682 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09018] Rte_Invalidate API may only be used by the
runnable that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_2687 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09019] Rte_Feedback API may only be used by the
runnable that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_2726 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09020] Rte_SwitchAck API may only be used by the
runnable that describe its usage

1381 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

rte_sws_ext_2683 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09021] Rte_Read API may only be used by the runn-

able that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_7397 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09022] Rte_DRead API may only be used by the runn-
able that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_2684 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09023] Rte_Receive API may only be used by the
runnable that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_2685 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09024] Rte_Call API may only be used by the runn-
able that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_2686 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09025] Blocking Rte_Result API may only be used by
the runnable that describe the WaitPoint
rte_sws_ext_7679 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09026] Rte_IWriteRef may not return values written
in previous executions
rte_sws_ext_2601 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09027] Rte_IStatus API shall only be used by a
RunnableEntity describing an access to the
data or which is triggered by an error event re-
lated to this data
rte_sws_ext_7171 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09028] Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit API may only be
used by runnables describing its usage
rte_sws_ext_7172 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09029] Nested call of Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit is re-
rte_sws_ext_7568 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09030] Rte_Mode API may only be used by the runn-
able that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_8502 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09031] Rte_Mode API may only be used by the runn-
able that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_7202 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09032] Rte_Trigger API may only be used by the
runnable that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_7205 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09033] Rte_IrTrigger API may only be used by the
runnable that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_7603 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09034] Rte_IsUpdated API may only be used by the
runnable that describe the access to the corre-
sponding data
rte_sws_ext_2582 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09035] Rte_Start shall be called only once
rte_sws_ext_7577 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09036] Rte_Start API may only be used after call of
rte_sws_ext_2714 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09037] Rte_Start API shall be called on every core
rte_sws_ext_2583 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09038] Rte_Stop shall be called before BSW shutdown
rte_sws_ext_7332 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09039] Rte_PartitionTerminated shall be called
only once
rte_sws_ext_7618 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09040] Rte_PartitionRestarting shall be called
only once
rte_sws_ext_7337 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09041] Rte_RestartPartition shall be called from
rte_sws_ext_1190 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09042] Array Implementation Data Types
needs at least one element
rte_sws_ext_1192 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09043] Structure Implementation Data Types
needs at least one element
rte_sws_ext_7147 [constr_9044] Union Implementation Data Type shall include at
least two elements
rte_sws_ext_2704 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09045] The upper two bits of the of the server return
value are reserved
rte_sws_ext_7285 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09046] SchM_Enter and SchM_Exit API may only be
used by BswModuleEntitys describing its us-
rte_sws_ext_7529 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09047] Nested call of SchM_Enter and SchM_Exit
API is restricted

1382 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

rte_sws_ext_7189 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09048] SchM_Exit API may only be used by BswMod-

uleEntitys that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_7257 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09049] SchM_Switch API may only be used by
BswModuleEntitys that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_7587 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09050] SchM_Mode API may only be used by BswMod-
uleEntitys that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_8508 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09051] SchM_Mode API may only be used by BswMod-
uleEntitys that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_7567 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09052] SchM_SwitchAck API may only be used by
BswModuleEntitys that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_7265 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09053] SchM_Trigger API may only be used by the
BswModuleEntitys that describe its usage
rte_sws_ext_7268 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09054] SchM_ActMainFunction API may only be
used by the BswModuleEntitys that describe
its usage
rte_sws_ext_7272 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09055] SchM_Init shall be called only once
rte_sws_ext_7576 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09056] SchM_Deinit API may only be used after the
was RTE finalized
rte_sws_ext_7276 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09057] SchM_Deinit shall be called before shut down
of BSW
rte_sws_ext_7287 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09058] BswSchedulableEntity is not allowed to
have service arguments or return value
rte_sws_ext_7512 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09059] Usage of Basic Software Scheduler API prereq-
uisites the include of the Module Interlink Header

Table G.1: external requirements converted to constraints

rte_sws_7649 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09000] Rte_IFeedback API may only be used by the

RunnableEntitys that describe its usage

Table G.2: requirements converted to constraints

G.3.2 Added constraints

The following constraints were added in Rel. 4.1 Rev. 1:

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_03510], [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09060],
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09061], [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09062],
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09063], [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09064]

G.3.3 Deleted SWS Items

The following SWS items were removed in Rel. 4.1 Rev. 1:

SWS_Rte_02652, SWS_Rte_02731, SWS_Rte_03555, SWS_Rte_03569,
SWS_Rte_03581, SWS_Rte_03747, SWS_Rte_03803, SWS_Rte_05020,
SWS_Rte_05033, SWS_Rte_05054, SWS_Rte_05055, SWS_Rte_05056,
SWS_Rte_05057, SWS_Rte_05058, SWS_Rte_05059, SWS_Rte_05066,

1383 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

SWS_Rte_05067, SWS_Rte_05110, SWS_Rte_05163, SWS_Rte_06028,

SWS_Rte_07296, SWS_Rte_07649, SWS_Rte_07656, SWS_Rte_07657,
SWS_Rte_07658, SWS_Rte_07665, SWS_Rte_07687, SWS_Rte_07688,
SWS_Rte_07690, SWS_Rte_07691, SWS_Rte_08503.

G.3.4 Changed SWS Items

The following SWS items were changed in Rel. 4.1 Rev. 1:

[SWS_Rte_01003], [SWS_Rte_01019], [SWS_Rte_01058], [SWS_Rte_01060],
[SWS_Rte_01061], [SWS_Rte_01064], [SWS_Rte_01065], [SWS_Rte_01071],
[SWS_Rte_01072], [SWS_Rte_01083], [SWS_Rte_01091], [SWS_Rte_01092],
[SWS_Rte_01102], [SWS_Rte_01111], [SWS_Rte_01118], [SWS_Rte_01120],
[SWS_Rte_01123], [SWS_Rte_01126], [SWS_Rte_01150], [SWS_Rte_01206],
[SWS_Rte_01252], [SWS_Rte_01284], [SWS_Rte_01285], [SWS_Rte_01286],
[SWS_Rte_01317], [SWS_Rte_01354], [SWS_Rte_01358], [SWS_Rte_01360],
[SWS_Rte_01368], [SWS_Rte_02516], [SWS_Rte_02530], [SWS_Rte_02544],
[SWS_Rte_02571], [SWS_Rte_02579], [SWS_Rte_02594], [SWS_Rte_02599],
[SWS_Rte_02600], [SWS_Rte_02610], [SWS_Rte_02611], [SWS_Rte_02612],
[SWS_Rte_02613], [SWS_Rte_02614], [SWS_Rte_02615], [SWS_Rte_02619],
[SWS_Rte_02623], [SWS_Rte_02628], [SWS_Rte_02631], [SWS_Rte_02649],
[SWS_Rte_02651], [SWS_Rte_02679], [SWS_Rte_02702], [SWS_Rte_02707],
[SWS_Rte_02709], [SWS_Rte_02712], [SWS_Rte_02713], [SWS_Rte_02725],
[SWS_Rte_02736], [SWS_Rte_02739], [SWS_Rte_02747], [SWS_Rte_02757],
[SWS_Rte_02759], [SWS_Rte_02760], [SWS_Rte_03001], [SWS_Rte_03002],
[SWS_Rte_03004], [SWS_Rte_03005], [SWS_Rte_03012], [SWS_Rte_03503],
[SWS_Rte_03504], [SWS_Rte_03526], [SWS_Rte_03527], [SWS_Rte_03550],
[SWS_Rte_03553], [SWS_Rte_03560], [SWS_Rte_03565], [SWS_Rte_03589],
[SWS_Rte_03595], [SWS_Rte_03598], [SWS_Rte_03602], [SWS_Rte_03603],
[SWS_Rte_03714], [SWS_Rte_03741], [SWS_Rte_03744], [SWS_Rte_03755],
[SWS_Rte_03760], [SWS_Rte_03764], [SWS_Rte_03770], [SWS_Rte_03775],
[SWS_Rte_03776], [SWS_Rte_03788], [SWS_Rte_03800], [SWS_Rte_03809],
[SWS_Rte_03827], [SWS_Rte_03828], [SWS_Rte_03843], [SWS_Rte_03849],
[SWS_Rte_03857], [SWS_Rte_03927], [SWS_Rte_03928], [SWS_Rte_03952],
[SWS_Rte_03955], [SWS_Rte_03970], [SWS_Rte_04508], [SWS_Rte_04515],
[SWS_Rte_04516], [SWS_Rte_04518], [SWS_Rte_05021], [SWS_Rte_05026],
[SWS_Rte_05048], [SWS_Rte_05052], [SWS_Rte_05065], [SWS_Rte_05084],
[SWS_Rte_05085], [SWS_Rte_05090], [SWS_Rte_05111], [SWS_Rte_05131],
[SWS_Rte_05145], [SWS_Rte_05146], [SWS_Rte_05147], [SWS_Rte_05164],
[SWS_Rte_05189], SWS_Rte_05506, [SWS_Rte_05509], [SWS_Rte_06532],
[SWS_Rte_06533], [SWS_Rte_06713], [SWS_Rte_06714], [SWS_Rte_06715],
[SWS_Rte_06718], [SWS_Rte_07006], [SWS_Rte_07008], [SWS_Rte_07031],
[SWS_Rte_07047], [SWS_Rte_07048], [SWS_Rte_07054], [SWS_Rte_07056],
[SWS_Rte_07059], [SWS_Rte_07075], [SWS_Rte_07092], [SWS_Rte_07093],
[SWS_Rte_07099], [SWS_Rte_07101], [SWS_Rte_07122], [SWS_Rte_07135],
[SWS_Rte_07140], [SWS_Rte_07152], [SWS_Rte_07170], [SWS_Rte_07175],

1384 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07178], [SWS_Rte_07187], [SWS_Rte_07194], [SWS_Rte_07195],

[SWS_Rte_07200], [SWS_Rte_07203], [SWS_Rte_07251], [SWS_Rte_07254],
[SWS_Rte_07270], [SWS_Rte_07282], [SWS_Rte_07283], [SWS_Rte_07289],
[SWS_Rte_07290], [SWS_Rte_07293], [SWS_Rte_07294], [SWS_Rte_07346],
[SWS_Rte_07367], [SWS_Rte_07384], [SWS_Rte_07385], [SWS_Rte_07387],
[SWS_Rte_07390], [SWS_Rte_07394], [SWS_Rte_07396], [SWS_Rte_07530],
[SWS_Rte_07559], [SWS_Rte_07562], [SWS_Rte_07563], [SWS_Rte_07575],
[SWS_Rte_07586], [SWS_Rte_07590], [SWS_Rte_07621], [SWS_Rte_07647],
[SWS_Rte_07648], [SWS_Rte_07654], [SWS_Rte_07655], [SWS_Rte_07675],
[SWS_Rte_07680], [SWS_Rte_08001], [SWS_Rte_08002], [SWS_Rte_08016],
[SWS_Rte_08039], [SWS_Rte_08301], [SWS_Rte_08500], [SWS_Rte_08505].

G.3.5 Added SWS Items

The following SWS items were added in Rel. 4.1 Rev. 1:

[SWS_Rte_03862], [SWS_Rte_06727], [SWS_Rte_06728], [SWS_Rte_06729],
[SWS_Rte_06730], [SWS_Rte_06731], [SWS_Rte_06732], [SWS_Rte_06733],
[SWS_Rte_06734], [SWS_Rte_06735], [SWS_Rte_06736], [SWS_Rte_06737],
[SWS_Rte_06738], [SWS_Rte_06739], [SWS_Rte_06740], [SWS_Rte_06741],
[SWS_Rte_06742], [SWS_Rte_06743], [SWS_Rte_06744], [SWS_Rte_06745],
[SWS_Rte_06746], [SWS_Rte_06747], [SWS_Rte_06748], [SWS_Rte_06749],
[SWS_Rte_06750], [SWS_Rte_06751], [SWS_Rte_06752], [SWS_Rte_06753],
[SWS_Rte_06754], [SWS_Rte_06755], [SWS_Rte_06756], [SWS_Rte_06757],
[SWS_Rte_06758], [SWS_Rte_06759], [SWS_Rte_06760], [SWS_Rte_06761],
[SWS_Rte_06762], [SWS_Rte_06764], [SWS_Rte_06765], [SWS_Rte_06766],
[SWS_Rte_06767], [SWS_Rte_06768], [SWS_Rte_06769], [SWS_Rte_06770],
[SWS_Rte_06771], [SWS_Rte_06772], [SWS_Rte_06773], [SWS_Rte_06774],
[SWS_Rte_06775], [SWS_Rte_06776], [SWS_Rte_06777], [SWS_Rte_06778],
[SWS_Rte_06779], [SWS_Rte_06780], [SWS_Rte_06781], [SWS_Rte_06782],
[SWS_Rte_06783], [SWS_Rte_06784], [SWS_Rte_06785], [SWS_Rte_06786],
[SWS_Rte_06787], [SWS_Rte_06788], [SWS_Rte_06789], [SWS_Rte_06791],
[SWS_Rte_06792], [SWS_Rte_06793], [SWS_Rte_06794], [SWS_Rte_06795],
[SWS_Rte_06796], [SWS_Rte_06797], [SWS_Rte_07828], [SWS_Rte_07829],
[SWS_Rte_07830], [SWS_Rte_07831], [SWS_Rte_07832], [SWS_Rte_07833],
[SWS_Rte_07834], [SWS_Rte_07835], [SWS_Rte_07836], [SWS_Rte_07837],
[SWS_Rte_07838], [SWS_Rte_07839], [SWS_Rte_07840], [SWS_Rte_07841],
[SWS_Rte_07925], [SWS_Rte_07926], [SWS_Rte_07927], [SWS_Rte_08046],
[SWS_Rte_08047], [SWS_Rte_08048], [SWS_Rte_08049], [SWS_Rte_08050],
[SWS_Rte_08051], [SWS_Rte_08052], [SWS_Rte_08053], [SWS_Rte_08054],
[SWS_Rte_08055], [SWS_Rte_08056], [SWS_Rte_08057], [SWS_Rte_08058],
[SWS_Rte_08059], [SWS_Rte_08060], [SWS_Rte_08061], [SWS_Rte_08062],
[SWS_Rte_08063], [SWS_Rte_08064], [SWS_Rte_08065], [SWS_Rte_08066],
[SWS_Rte_08067], [SWS_Rte_08068], [SWS_Rte_08069], [SWS_Rte_08070],
[SWS_Rte_08071], [SWS_Rte_08072], [SWS_Rte_08073], [SWS_Rte_08309],
[SWS_Rte_08310], [SWS_Rte_08311], [SWS_Rte_08405], [SWS_Rte_08406],

1385 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08407], [SWS_Rte_08408], [SWS_Rte_08409], [SWS_Rte_08410],

[SWS_Rte_08411], [SWS_Rte_08412], [SWS_Rte_08511], [SWS_Rte_08512],
[SWS_Rte_08513], [SWS_Rte_08514], [SWS_Rte_08600], [SWS_Rte_08601],
[SWS_Rte_08700], [SWS_Rte_08701], [SWS_Rte_08702], [SWS_Rte_08703],
[SWS_Rte_08704], [SWS_Rte_08705], [SWS_Rte_08706], [SWS_Rte_08707],
[SWS_Rte_08708], [SWS_Rte_08709], [SWS_Rte_08710], [SWS_Rte_08711],
[SWS_Rte_08712], [SWS_Rte_08713], [SWS_Rte_08725], [SWS_Rte_08726],
[SWS_Rte_08727], [SWS_Rte_08728], [SWS_Rte_08729], [SWS_Rte_08730],
[SWS_Rte_08731], [SWS_Rte_08732], [SWS_Rte_08733], [SWS_Rte_08734],
[SWS_Rte_08735], [SWS_Rte_08736], [SWS_Rte_08737], [SWS_Rte_08738],
[SWS_Rte_08739], [SWS_Rte_08740], [SWS_Rte_08741], [SWS_Rte_08742],
[SWS_Rte_08743], [SWS_Rte_08744], [SWS_Rte_08745], [SWS_Rte_08746],
[SWS_Rte_08747], [SWS_Rte_08748], [SWS_Rte_08749], [SWS_Rte_08750],
[SWS_Rte_08751], [SWS_Rte_08752], [SWS_Rte_08753], [SWS_Rte_08754],
[SWS_Rte_08755], [SWS_Rte_08756], [SWS_Rte_08757], [SWS_Rte_08758],
[SWS_Rte_08759], [SWS_Rte_08761], [SWS_Rte_08762], [SWS_Rte_08763],
[SWS_Rte_08764], [SWS_Rte_08765], [SWS_Rte_08766].

G.4 Changes in Rel. 4.1 Rev. 2 compared to Rel. 4.1 Rev. 1

G.4.1 Added Traceables in 4.1.2

[SWS_Rte_01371] [SWS_Rte_01372] [SWS_Rte_07410] [SWS_Rte_07411] [SWS_-

Rte_07412] [SWS_Rte_07842] [SWS_Rte_07843] [SWS_Rte_07844] [SWS_Rte_-
07928] [SWS_Rte_08074] [SWS_Rte_08075] [SWS_Rte_08076] [SWS_Rte_08312]
[SWS_Rte_08313] [SWS_Rte_08314] [SWS_Rte_08315] [SWS_Rte_08316] [SWS_-
Rte_08317] [SWS_Rte_08413] [SWS_Rte_08414] [SWS_Rte_08415] [SWS_Rte_-
08416] [SWS_Rte_08767] [SWS_Rte_08768] [SWS_Rte_08769] [SWS_Rte_08770]
[SWS_Rte_08771] [SWS_Rte_08772] [SWS_Rte_08773] [SWS_Rte_08774] [SWS_-
Rte_08775] [SWS_Rte_08776] [SWS_Rte_08800] [SWS_Rte_08801]

G.4.2 Changed Traceables in 4.1.2

[SWS_Rte_01003] [SWS_Rte_01296] [SWS_Rte_01297] [SWS_Rte_01358] [SWS_-

Rte_01360] [SWS_Rte_01368] [SWS_Rte_02549] [SWS_Rte_02600] [SWS_Rte_-
02678] [SWS_Rte_03012] [SWS_Rte_03526] [SWS_Rte_03527] [SWS_Rte_03571]
[SWS_Rte_03755] [SWS_Rte_03788] [SWS_Rte_03809] [SWS_Rte_03810] [SWS_-
Rte_03813] [SWS_Rte_03832] [SWS_Rte_03843] [SWS_Rte_03849] [SWS_Rte_-
03851] [SWS_Rte_03862] [SWS_Rte_03970] [SWS_Rte_04508] [SWS_Rte_05052]
[SWS_Rte_05088] [SWS_Rte_05089] [SWS_Rte_05090] [SWS_Rte_05097] [SWS_-
Rte_05129] [SWS_Rte_05147] [SWS_Rte_05177] [SWS_Rte_05184] [SWS_Rte_-
05191] [SWS_Rte_05503] [SWS_Rte_06727] [SWS_Rte_06731] [SWS_Rte_06732]

1386 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06737] [SWS_Rte_06738] [SWS_Rte_06780] [SWS_Rte_07006] [SWS_-

Rte_07027] [SWS_Rte_07085] [SWS_Rte_07101] [SWS_Rte_07135] [SWS_Rte_-
07170] [SWS_Rte_07175] [SWS_Rte_07188] [SWS_Rte_07196] [SWS_Rte_07260]
[SWS_Rte_07261] [SWS_Rte_07385] [SWS_Rte_07538] [SWS_Rte_07620] [SWS_-
Rte_07621] [SWS_Rte_07654] [SWS_Rte_07662] [SWS_Rte_07694] [SWS_Rte_-
07831] [SWS_Rte_07832] [SWS_Rte_07927] [SWS_Rte_08017] [SWS_Rte_08018]
[SWS_Rte_08020] [SWS_Rte_08021] [SWS_Rte_08022] [SWS_Rte_08023] [SWS_-
Rte_08043] [SWS_Rte_08044] [SWS_Rte_08045] [SWS_Rte_08064] [SWS_Rte_-
08072] [SWS_Rte_08403] [SWS_Rte_08404] [SWS_Rte_08407] [SWS_Rte_08501]
[SWS_Rte_08507] [SWS_Rte_08513] [SWS_Rte_08514] [SWS_Rte_08733] [SWS_-

G.4.3 Deleted Traceables in 4.1.2

[SWS_Rte_02673] [SWS_Rte_05001] [SWS_Rte_05506]

G.4.4 Added Constraints in 4.1.2

Id Heading
[constr_9080] The shortNames of PortInterfaces shall be unique within a software component if it
supports multiple instantiation or indirectAPI attribute is set to ’true’
[constr_9081] Mapping to partition vs the value of VariableAccess.scope

Table G.3: Added Constraints in 4.1.2

G.4.5 Changed Constraints in 4.1.2

Id Heading
[constr_9020] The blocking Rte_SwitchAck API may only be used by the runnable that describes
its usage.

Table G.4: Changed Constraints in 4.1.2

G.4.6 Deleted Constraints in 4.1.2


1387 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

G.5 Changes in Rel. 4.1 Rev. 3 compared to Rel. 4.1 Rev. 2

G.5.1 Added Traceables in 4.1.3

[SWS_Rte_01373] [SWS_Rte_01374] [SWS_Rte_01375] [SWS_Rte_06030] [SWS_-

Rte_06031] [SWS_Rte_06032] [SWS_Rte_06551] [SWS_Rte_06552] [SWS_Rte_-
06553] [SWS_Rte_06790] [SWS_Rte_06798] [SWS_Rte_06799] [SWS_Rte_06800]
[SWS_Rte_06801] [SWS_Rte_06802] [SWS_Rte_06803] [SWS_Rte_06804] [SWS_-
Rte_06805] [SWS_Rte_06806] [SWS_Rte_06807] [SWS_Rte_06808] [SWS_Rte_-
06809] [SWS_Rte_06810] [SWS_Rte_07845] [SWS_Rte_07846] [SWS_Rte_07847]
[SWS_Rte_07848] [SWS_Rte_07849] [SWS_Rte_07850] [SWS_Rte_07851] [SWS_-
Rte_08077] [SWS_Rte_08078] [SWS_Rte_08079] [SWS_Rte_08318] [SWS_Rte_-
08319] [SWS_Rte_08320] [SWS_Rte_08321] [SWS_Rte_08322] [SWS_Rte_08777]
[SWS_Rte_08778] [SWS_Rte_08779] [SWS_Rte_08780] [SWS_Rte_08781] [SWS_-
Rte_08782] [SWS_Rte_08783] [SWS_Rte_08784] [SWS_Rte_08785] [SWS_Rte_-

G.5.2 Changed Traceables in 4.1.3

[SWS_Rte_01071] [SWS_Rte_01072] [SWS_Rte_01083] [SWS_Rte_01091] [SWS_-

Rte_01092] [SWS_Rte_01102] [SWS_Rte_01111] [SWS_Rte_01118] [SWS_Rte_-
01120] [SWS_Rte_01123] [SWS_Rte_01206] [SWS_Rte_01252] [SWS_Rte_01354]
[SWS_Rte_02568] [SWS_Rte_02599] [SWS_Rte_02614] [SWS_Rte_02619] [SWS_-
Rte_02628] [SWS_Rte_02631] [SWS_Rte_02659] [SWS_Rte_02667] [SWS_Rte_-
02725] [SWS_Rte_02740] [SWS_Rte_02741] [SWS_Rte_02743] [SWS_Rte_02744]
[SWS_Rte_02745] [SWS_Rte_03527] [SWS_Rte_03550] [SWS_Rte_03553] [SWS_-
Rte_03560] [SWS_Rte_03565] [SWS_Rte_03741] [SWS_Rte_03744] [SWS_Rte_-
03800] [SWS_Rte_03813] [SWS_Rte_03832] [SWS_Rte_03858] [SWS_Rte_03859]
[SWS_Rte_03928] [SWS_Rte_05129] [SWS_Rte_05501] [SWS_Rte_05509] [SWS_-
Rte_06536] [SWS_Rte_07026] [SWS_Rte_07038] [SWS_Rte_07039] [SWS_Rte_-
07057] [SWS_Rte_07195] [SWS_Rte_07200] [SWS_Rte_07203] [SWS_Rte_07214]
[SWS_Rte_07216] [SWS_Rte_07223] [SWS_Rte_07224] [SWS_Rte_07367] [SWS_-
Rte_07394] [SWS_Rte_07554] [SWS_Rte_07640] [SWS_Rte_07680] [SWS_Rte_-
07928] [SWS_Rte_08066] [SWS_Rte_08314] [SWS_Rte_08315] [SWS_Rte_08316]

G.5.3 Deleted Traceables in 4.1.3

[SWS_Rte_03012] [SWS_Rte_03790] [SWS_Rte_04525] [SWS_Rte_05116] [SWS_-


G.5.4 Added Constraints in 4.1.3

1388 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

Id Heading
[constr_9082] RtePositionInTask and RteBswPositionInTask values shall be unique in a
particular context

Table G.5: Added Constraints in 4.1.3

G.5.5 Changed Constraints in 4.1.3


G.5.6 Deleted Constraints in 4.1.3

Id Heading
[constr_9004] Usage of WaitPoints is restricted depending on ExclusiveAreaImplMechanism

Table G.6: Deleted Constraints in 4.1.3

G.6 Changes in Rel. 4.2 Rev. 1 compared to Rel. 4.1 Rev. 3

G.6.1 Added Traceables in 4.2.1

[SWS_Rte_01376] [SWS_Rte_01377] [SWS_Rte_01378] [SWS_Rte_01379] [SWS_-

Rte_01380] [SWS_Rte_01381] [SWS_Rte_01382] [SWS_Rte_01383] [SWS_Rte_-
01384] [SWS_Rte_01385] [SWS_Rte_01386] [SWS_Rte_01387] [SWS_Rte_01388]
[SWS_Rte_01389] [SWS_Rte_01390] [SWS_Rte_01391] [SWS_Rte_01392] [SWS_-
Rte_01393] [SWS_Rte_01394] [SWS_Rte_01395] [SWS_Rte_01396] [SWS_Rte_-
01397] [SWS_Rte_01398] [SWS_Rte_01399] [SWS_Rte_01400] [SWS_Rte_01401]
[SWS_Rte_01402] [SWS_Rte_01403] [SWS_Rte_01404] [SWS_Rte_01405] [SWS_-
Rte_01406] [SWS_Rte_01407] [SWS_Rte_01408] [SWS_Rte_01409] [SWS_Rte_-
01410] [SWS_Rte_01411] [SWS_Rte_01412] [SWS_Rte_01413] [SWS_Rte_02307]
[SWS_Rte_02308] [SWS_Rte_02309] [SWS_Rte_03863] [SWS_Rte_03864] [SWS_-
Rte_03865] [SWS_Rte_03983] [SWS_Rte_03984] [SWS_Rte_03985] [SWS_Rte_-
03986] [SWS_Rte_03987] [SWS_Rte_03988] [SWS_Rte_03989] [SWS_Rte_03990]
[SWS_Rte_03991] [SWS_Rte_03992] [SWS_Rte_03993] [SWS_Rte_03994] [SWS_-
Rte_03995] [SWS_Rte_03996] [SWS_Rte_03997] [SWS_Rte_06811] [SWS_Rte_-
06812] [SWS_Rte_06813] [SWS_Rte_06814] [SWS_Rte_06815] [SWS_Rte_06816]
[SWS_Rte_06817] [SWS_Rte_06818] [SWS_Rte_06819] [SWS_Rte_06820] [SWS_-
Rte_06821] [SWS_Rte_06822] [SWS_Rte_06823] [SWS_Rte_06824] [SWS_Rte_-
06825] [SWS_Rte_06826] [SWS_Rte_06827] [SWS_Rte_06828] [SWS_Rte_06829]
[SWS_Rte_06830] [SWS_Rte_07413] [SWS_Rte_08080] [SWS_Rte_08081] [SWS_-
Rte_08082] [SWS_Rte_08083] [SWS_Rte_08084] [SWS_Rte_08085] [SWS_Rte_-
08086] [SWS_Rte_08087] [SWS_Rte_08088] [SWS_Rte_08089] [SWS_Rte_08090]
[SWS_Rte_08091] [SWS_Rte_08092] [SWS_Rte_08093] [SWS_Rte_08094] [SWS_-
Rte_08095] [SWS_Rte_08096] [SWS_Rte_08097] [SWS_Rte_08098] [SWS_Rte_-
08099] [SWS_Rte_08100] [SWS_Rte_08101] [SWS_Rte_08102] [SWS_Rte_08103]

1389 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_08515] [SWS_Rte_08516] [SWS_Rte_08517] [SWS_Rte_08518] [SWS_-

Rte_08519] [SWS_Rte_08520] [SWS_Rte_08521] [SWS_Rte_08522] [SWS_Rte_-
08523] [SWS_Rte_08524] [SWS_Rte_08525] [SWS_Rte_08526] [SWS_Rte_08527]
[SWS_Rte_08528] [SWS_Rte_08529] [SWS_Rte_08530] [SWS_Rte_08531] [SWS_-
Rte_08532] [SWS_Rte_08533] [SWS_Rte_08534] [SWS_Rte_08535] [SWS_Rte_-
08536] [SWS_Rte_08537] [SWS_Rte_08538] [SWS_Rte_08539] [SWS_Rte_08540]
[SWS_Rte_08541] [SWS_Rte_08542] [SWS_Rte_08543] [SWS_Rte_08544] [SWS_-
Rte_08545] [SWS_Rte_08546] [SWS_Rte_08547] [SWS_Rte_08548] [SWS_Rte_-
08549] [SWS_Rte_08550] [SWS_Rte_08551] [SWS_Rte_08552] [SWS_Rte_08553]
[SWS_Rte_08554] [SWS_Rte_08555] [SWS_Rte_08556] [SWS_Rte_08557] [SWS_-
Rte_08558] [SWS_Rte_08559] [SWS_Rte_08560] [SWS_Rte_08561] [SWS_Rte_-
08562] [SWS_Rte_08563] [SWS_Rte_08564] [SWS_Rte_08565] [SWS_Rte_08566]
[SWS_Rte_08567] [SWS_Rte_08568] [SWS_Rte_08569] [SWS_Rte_08570] [SWS_-
Rte_08571] [SWS_Rte_08572] [SWS_Rte_08573] [SWS_Rte_08574] [SWS_Rte_-
08575] [SWS_Rte_08576] [SWS_Rte_08577] [SWS_Rte_08578] [SWS_Rte_08579]
[SWS_Rte_08580] [SWS_Rte_08581] [SWS_Rte_08582] [SWS_Rte_08583] [SWS_-
Rte_08584] [SWS_Rte_08585] [SWS_Rte_08586] [SWS_Rte_08587] [SWS_Rte_-
08588] [SWS_Rte_08589] [SWS_Rte_08590] [SWS_Rte_08591] [SWS_Rte_08787]
[SWS_Rte_08788] [SWS_Rte_08789] [SWS_Rte_08790] [SWS_Rte_08791] [SWS_-
Rte_08792] [SWS_Rte_08793] [SWS_Rte_08794] [SWS_Rte_08795] [SWS_Rte_-
08796] [SWS_Rte_08797] [SWS_Rte_08798] [SWS_Rte_08799]

G.6.2 Changed Traceables in 4.2.1

[SWS_Rte_01071] [SWS_Rte_01072] [SWS_Rte_01091] [SWS_Rte_01092] [SWS_-

Rte_01102] [SWS_Rte_01111] [SWS_Rte_01118] [SWS_Rte_01119] [SWS_Rte_-
01166] [SWS_Rte_01206] [SWS_Rte_01238] [SWS_Rte_01239] [SWS_Rte_01252]
[SWS_Rte_01282] [SWS_Rte_01299] [SWS_Rte_01300] [SWS_Rte_02599] [SWS_-
Rte_02600] [SWS_Rte_02607] [SWS_Rte_02608] [SWS_Rte_02648] [SWS_Rte_-
02651] [SWS_Rte_02662] [SWS_Rte_02663] [SWS_Rte_02665] [SWS_Rte_02710]
[SWS_Rte_03530] [SWS_Rte_03531] [SWS_Rte_03532] [SWS_Rte_03594] [SWS_-
Rte_03600] [SWS_Rte_03754] [SWS_Rte_03758] [SWS_Rte_03759] [SWS_Rte_-
03770] [SWS_Rte_03795] [SWS_Rte_03801] [SWS_Rte_03830] [SWS_Rte_03833]
[SWS_Rte_03927] [SWS_Rte_03928] [SWS_Rte_03929] [SWS_Rte_03952] [SWS_-
Rte_04505] [SWS_Rte_04526] [SWS_Rte_04527] [SWS_Rte_05021] [SWS_Rte_-
05024] [SWS_Rte_05025] [SWS_Rte_05026] [SWS_Rte_05049] [SWS_Rte_05062]
[SWS_Rte_05081] [SWS_Rte_05088] [SWS_Rte_05126] [SWS_Rte_05127] [SWS_-
Rte_05128] [SWS_Rte_06002] [SWS_Rte_06023] [SWS_Rte_06613] [SWS_Rte_-
06630] [SWS_Rte_06631] [SWS_Rte_06632] [SWS_Rte_06633] [SWS_Rte_06634]
[SWS_Rte_06635] [SWS_Rte_06637] [SWS_Rte_06734] [SWS_Rte_06735] [SWS_-
Rte_06772] [SWS_Rte_06773] [SWS_Rte_06774] [SWS_Rte_06804] [SWS_Rte_-
06805] [SWS_Rte_06806] [SWS_Rte_06807] [SWS_Rte_07032] [SWS_Rte_07114]
[SWS_Rte_07144] [SWS_Rte_07163] [SWS_Rte_07173] [SWS_Rte_07195] [SWS_-
Rte_07214] [SWS_Rte_07282] [SWS_Rte_07317] [SWS_Rte_07355] [SWS_Rte_-
07356] [SWS_Rte_07394] [SWS_Rte_07554] [SWS_Rte_07670] [SWS_Rte_07675]

1390 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07676] [SWS_Rte_07682] [SWS_Rte_07683] [SWS_Rte_07684] [SWS_-

Rte_07685] [SWS_Rte_07693] [SWS_Rte_07810] [SWS_Rte_07813] [SWS_Rte_-
07814] [SWS_Rte_07846] [SWS_Rte_07847] [SWS_Rte_07848] [SWS_Rte_07849]
[SWS_Rte_07920] [SWS_Rte_07927] [SWS_Rte_07928] [SWS_Rte_08016] [SWS_-
Rte_08022] [SWS_Rte_08023] [SWS_Rte_08038] [SWS_Rte_08045] [SWS_Rte_-
08061] [SWS_Rte_08062] [SWS_Rte_08074] [SWS_Rte_08075] [SWS_Rte_08076]
[SWS_Rte_08301] [SWS_Rte_08310] [SWS_Rte_08414] [SWS_Rte_08415] [SWS_-
Rte_08711] [SWS_Rte_08712] [SWS_Rte_08713] [SWS_Rte_08725] [SWS_Rte_-
08726] [SWS_Rte_08727] [SWS_Rte_08728] [SWS_Rte_08729] [SWS_Rte_08800]

G.6.3 Deleted Traceables in 4.2.1

[SWS_Rte_02724] [SWS_Rte_04506] [SWS_Rte_04507] [SWS_Rte_07136] [SWS_-

Rte_08702] [SWS_Rte_08704] [SWS_Rte_08706] [SWS_Rte_08708] [SWS_Rte_-
08710] [SWS_Rte_08730] [SWS_Rte_08761] [SWS_Rte_08762]

G.6.4 Added Constraints in 4.2.1

Id Heading
[constr_9083] Rte_IRead API may only be used by the runnable that describe its usage
[constr_9084] Rte_IWrite API may only be used by the runnable that describe its usage
[constr_9085] Rte_IWriteRef API may only be used by the runnable that describe its usage
[constr_9086] Rte_IInvalidate API may only be used by the runnable that is describing an write
access to the data
[constr_9087] Rte_IrvIRead API may only be used by the runnable that describe its usage
[constr_9088] Rte_IrvIWrite API may only be used by the runnable that describe its usage
[constr_9089] Rte_IrvRead API may only be used by the runnable that describe its usage
[constr_9090] Rte_IrvWrite API may only be used by the runnable that describe its usage
[constr_9091] RteSwNvRamMappingRef and RteSwNvBlockDescriptorRef are excluding
each other

Table G.7: Added Constraints in 4.2.1

G.6.5 Changed Constraints in 4.2.1

Id Heading
[constr_9011] NvMBlockDescriptor related to a RAM Block of a NvBlockSwComponentType
shall use NvmBlockUseSyncMechanism
[constr_9027] Rte_IStatus API shall only be used by a RunnableEntity describing an read
access to the related data

Table G.8: Changed Constraints in 4.2.1

G.6.6 Deleted Constraints in 4.2.1

Id Heading

1391 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[constr_9044] Union Implementation Data Type shall include at least two elements
[constr_9065] Signature of Serializer
[constr_9066] A BswModuleEntry representing a serializer shall comply to a serializer’s signature
[constr_9068] Return value for successful serialization
[constr_9069] Return value for a serialization error
[constr_9071] Signature of Deserializer
[constr_9072] A BswModuleEntry representing a deserializer shall comply to a deserializer’s signa-
[constr_9073] Return value for successful deserialization
[constr_9074] Return value for a deserialization error

Table G.9: Deleted Constraints in 4.2.1

G.7 Changes in Rel. 4.2 Rev. 2 compared to Rel. 4.2 Rev. 1

G.7.1 Added Traceables in 4.2.2

[SWS_Rte_03866] [SWS_Rte_03998] [SWS_Rte_05300] [SWS_Rte_05301] [SWS_-

Rte_06200] [SWS_Rte_06201] [SWS_Rte_06203] [SWS_Rte_06204] [SWS_Rte_-
06205] [SWS_Rte_06206] [SWS_Rte_06207] [SWS_Rte_06208] [SWS_Rte_06209]
[SWS_Rte_06831] [SWS_Rte_07414] [SWS_Rte_07415] [SWS_Rte_07416] [SWS_-
Rte_07417] [SWS_Rte_07418] [SWS_Rte_07419] [SWS_Rte_07420] [SWS_Rte_-
08104] [SWS_Rte_08105] [SWS_Rte_08106] [SWS_Rte_08107] [SWS_Rte_08108]
[SWS_Rte_08109] [SWS_Rte_08110] [SWS_Rte_08417] [SWS_Rte_08418] [SWS_-
Rte_08419] [SWS_Rte_08592] [SWS_Rte_08593] [SWS_Rte_08594] [SWS_Rte_-
08595] [SWS_Rte_08596] [SWS_Rte_08597] [SWS_Rte_08598] [SWS_Rte_08599]

G.7.2 Changed Traceables in 4.2.2

[SWS_Rte_01156] [SWS_Rte_01366] [SWS_Rte_01403] [SWS_Rte_02250] [SWS_-

Rte_02254] [SWS_Rte_02572] [SWS_Rte_02604] [SWS_Rte_02703] [SWS_Rte_-
03724] [SWS_Rte_03793] [SWS_Rte_03832] [SWS_Rte_05094] [SWS_Rte_05095]
[SWS_Rte_05096] [SWS_Rte_05097] [SWS_Rte_05098] [SWS_Rte_05105] [SWS_-
Rte_05500] [SWS_Rte_06545] [SWS_Rte_06611] [SWS_Rte_06630] [SWS_Rte_-
06631] [SWS_Rte_06799] [SWS_Rte_06811] [SWS_Rte_06818] [SWS_Rte_06829]
[SWS_Rte_07038] [SWS_Rte_07089] [SWS_Rte_07200] [SWS_Rte_07207] [SWS_-
Rte_07310] [SWS_Rte_07315] [SWS_Rte_07408] [SWS_Rte_07409] [SWS_Rte_-
07413] [SWS_Rte_07623] [SWS_Rte_07627] [SWS_Rte_07676] [SWS_Rte_07686]
[SWS_Rte_07817] [SWS_Rte_08064] [SWS_Rte_08409] [SWS_Rte_08411] [SWS_-
Rte_08412] [SWS_Rte_08515] [SWS_Rte_08516] [SWS_Rte_08518] [SWS_Rte_-
08523] [SWS_Rte_08526] [SWS_Rte_08533] [SWS_Rte_08558] [SWS_Rte_08711]
[SWS_Rte_08712] [SWS_Rte_08732] [SWS_Rte_08794] [SWS_Rte_08795] [SWS_-

1392 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

G.7.3 Deleted Traceables in 4.2.2

[SWS_Rte_01231] [SWS_Rte_01276] [SWS_Rte_02251] [SWS_Rte_05022] [SWS_-

Rte_05063] [SWS_Rte_08713]

G.7.4 Added Constraints in 4.2.2

Id Heading
[constr_9092] Rte_IrvIWriteRef API may only be used by the runnable that describe its usage
[constr_9093] Rte_IrvIWriteRef may not return values written in previous executions

Table G.10: Added Constraints in 4.2.2

G.7.5 Changed Constraints in 4.2.2


G.7.6 Deleted Constraints in 4.2.2


G.8 Changes in Rel. 4.3 Rev. 0 compared to Rel. 4.2 Rev. 2

G.8.1 Added Traceables in 4.3.0

[SWS_Rte_03867] [SWS_Rte_03868] [SWS_Rte_03999] [SWS_Rte_04528] [SWS_-

Rte_04529] [SWS_Rte_04530] [SWS_Rte_04531] [SWS_Rte_04532] [SWS_Rte_-
04533] [SWS_Rte_04534] [SWS_Rte_04535] [SWS_Rte_04536] [SWS_Rte_04537]
[SWS_Rte_04538] [SWS_Rte_04539] [SWS_Rte_04540] [SWS_Rte_04541] [SWS_-
Rte_04542] [SWS_Rte_04543] [SWS_Rte_04544] [SWS_Rte_04545] [SWS_Rte_-
04546] [SWS_Rte_04547] [SWS_Rte_04548] [SWS_Rte_04549] [SWS_Rte_04550]
[SWS_Rte_04551] [SWS_Rte_06033] [SWS_Rte_06034] [SWS_Rte_06035] [SWS_-
Rte_06036] [SWS_Rte_06037] [SWS_Rte_06038] [SWS_Rte_06039] [SWS_Rte_-
06040] [SWS_Rte_06041] [SWS_Rte_06042] [SWS_Rte_06043] [SWS_Rte_06044]
[SWS_Rte_06045] [SWS_Rte_06046] [SWS_Rte_06047] [SWS_Rte_06048] [SWS_-
Rte_06049] [SWS_Rte_06050] [SWS_Rte_06051] [SWS_Rte_06052] [SWS_Rte_-
06053] [SWS_Rte_06054] [SWS_Rte_06055] [SWS_Rte_06056] [SWS_Rte_06057]
[SWS_Rte_06058] [SWS_Rte_06059] [SWS_Rte_06060] [SWS_Rte_06061] [SWS_-
Rte_06064] [SWS_Rte_06065] [SWS_Rte_06066] [SWS_Rte_06067] [SWS_Rte_-
06068] [SWS_Rte_06069] [SWS_Rte_06073] [SWS_Rte_06074] [SWS_Rte_06075]
[SWS_Rte_06076] [SWS_Rte_06077] [SWS_Rte_06079] [SWS_Rte_06080] [SWS_-
Rte_06081] [SWS_Rte_06082] [SWS_Rte_06083] [SWS_Rte_06084] [SWS_Rte_-
06085] [SWS_Rte_06086] [SWS_Rte_06087] [SWS_Rte_06088] [SWS_Rte_06089]

1393 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06090] [SWS_Rte_06091] [SWS_Rte_06092] [SWS_Rte_06093] [SWS_-

Rte_06094] [SWS_Rte_06095] [SWS_Rte_06096] [SWS_Rte_06097] [SWS_Rte_-
06098] [SWS_Rte_06099] [SWS_Rte_06100] [SWS_Rte_06101] [SWS_Rte_06102]
[SWS_Rte_06103] [SWS_Rte_06104] [SWS_Rte_06105] [SWS_Rte_06106] [SWS_-
Rte_06107] [SWS_Rte_06108] [SWS_Rte_06109] [SWS_Rte_06110] [SWS_Rte_-
06111] [SWS_Rte_06112] [SWS_Rte_06113] [SWS_Rte_06114] [SWS_Rte_06115]
[SWS_Rte_06120] [SWS_Rte_06210] [SWS_Rte_06211] [SWS_Rte_06212] [SWS_-
Rte_08111] [SWS_Rte_08420] [SWS_Rte_08421] [SWS_Rte_08422] [SWS_Rte_-
08423] [SWS_Rte_08424] [SWS_Rte_08603] [SWS_Rte_08604] [SWS_Rte_08605]

G.8.2 Changed Traceables in 4.3.0

[SWS_Rte_01072] [SWS_Rte_01092] [SWS_Rte_01120] [SWS_Rte_01123] [SWS_-

Rte_01150] [SWS_Rte_01168] [SWS_Rte_01238] [SWS_Rte_01239] [SWS_Rte_-
01240] [SWS_Rte_01241] [SWS_Rte_01319] [SWS_Rte_01342] [SWS_Rte_01354]
[SWS_Rte_01408] [SWS_Rte_01411] [SWS_Rte_02579] [SWS_Rte_02599] [SWS_-
Rte_02614] [SWS_Rte_02619] [SWS_Rte_02653] [SWS_Rte_02679] [SWS_Rte_-
03602] [SWS_Rte_03603] [SWS_Rte_03712] [SWS_Rte_03714] [SWS_Rte_03731]
[SWS_Rte_03739] [SWS_Rte_03741] [SWS_Rte_03744] [SWS_Rte_03799] [SWS_-
Rte_03810] [SWS_Rte_03827] [SWS_Rte_03828] [SWS_Rte_03832] [SWS_Rte_-
03984] [SWS_Rte_04504] [SWS_Rte_05509] [SWS_Rte_06533] [SWS_Rte_06612]
[SWS_Rte_06620] [SWS_Rte_06638] [SWS_Rte_06768] [SWS_Rte_06769] [SWS_-
Rte_06770] [SWS_Rte_06813] [SWS_Rte_07053] [SWS_Rte_07100] [SWS_Rte_-
07138] [SWS_Rte_07170] [SWS_Rte_07250] [SWS_Rte_07253] [SWS_Rte_07270]
[SWS_Rte_07386] [SWS_Rte_07411] [SWS_Rte_07556] [SWS_Rte_07574] [SWS_-
Rte_07675] [SWS_Rte_07683] [SWS_Rte_07810] [SWS_Rte_07811] [SWS_Rte_-
07928] [SWS_Rte_08080] [SWS_Rte_08081] [SWS_Rte_08090] [SWS_Rte_08312]
[SWS_Rte_08517] [SWS_Rte_08524] [SWS_Rte_08538] [SWS_Rte_08541] [SWS_-
Rte_08700] [SWS_Rte_08733] [SWS_Rte_08736] [SWS_Rte_08740] [SWS_Rte_-
08743] [SWS_Rte_08744] [SWS_Rte_08795] [SWS_Rte_08801]

G.8.3 Deleted Traceables in 4.3.0

[SWS_Rte_02627] [SWS_Rte_03503] [SWS_Rte_03773] [SWS_Rte_05094] [SWS_-

Rte_05095] [SWS_Rte_05096] [SWS_Rte_05097] [SWS_Rte_05098] [SWS_Rte_-
05103] [SWS_Rte_05104] [SWS_Rte_05105] [SWS_Rte_06544] [SWS_Rte_06545]
[SWS_Rte_06630] [SWS_Rte_07283] [SWS_Rte_07292] [SWS_Rte_07357] [SWS_-
Rte_07813] [SWS_Rte_07814] [SWS_Rte_08106] [SWS_Rte_08701] [SWS_Rte_-
08759] [SWS_Rte_08781]

G.8.4 Renamed Constraints in 4.3.0

1394 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

constr_9081 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09081] Mapping to partition vs the value of VariableAc-

constr_9010 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09010] Worst case execution time shall be less than the
constr_9012 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09012] Category 1 interrupts shall not access the RTE.
constr_9011 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09011] NvMBlockDescriptor related to a RAM Block of
a NvBlockSwComponentType shall use NvM-
constr_9001 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09001] Whole DataPrototypeGroup in role Consisten-
cyNeeds.dpgRequiresCoherency shall be prop-
agated coherently
constr_9002 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09002] The whole DataPrototypeGroup shall be read
stable for the whole RunnableEntityGroup in the
role ConsistencyNeeds.regRequiresStability
constr_9013 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09013] Exactly one mode or one mode transition shall
be active
constr_9014 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09014] ModeSwitchPoint(s) and managedMode-
Group(s) are mutually exclusive for synchronized
constr_9007 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09007] issuedTrigger and BswTriggerDirectImplementa-
tion are mutually exclusive
constr_9008 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09008] The same Trigger in a trigger sink must not be
connected to multiple trigger sources
constr_9009 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09009] Synchronized Trigger shall not be referenced by
more than one type of access method
constr_9042 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09042] Array Implementation Data Type needs at least
one element
constr_9043 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09043] Structure Implementation Data Type needs at
least one element
constr_9080 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09080] The shortNames of PortInterfaces shall be
unique within a software component if it
supports multiple instantiation or PortAPIOp-
tion.indirectAPI attribute is set to ’true’
constr_9015 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09015] Rte_Write API may only be used by the runnable
that describe its usage
constr_9016 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09016] Rte_Send API may only be used by the runnable
that describes its usage
constr_9017 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09017] Rte_Switch API may only be used by the runn-
able that describes its usage
constr_9018 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09018] Rte_Invalidate API may only be used by the
runnable that describe its usage
constr_9019 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09019] Rte_Feedback API may only be used by the
runnable that describe its usage
constr_9020 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09020] The blocking Rte_SwitchAck API may only be
used by the runnable that describes its usage.
constr_9021 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09021] Rte_Read API may only be used by the runnable
that describe its usage
constr_9022 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09022] Rte_DRead API may only be used by the runn-
able that describe its usage
constr_9023 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09023] Rte_Receive API may only be used by the runn-
able that describe its usage
constr_9024 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09024] Rte_Call API may only be used by the runnable
that describe its usage
constr_9025 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09025] Blocking Rte_Result API may only be used by
the runnable that describe the WaitPoint

1395 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

constr_9083 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09083] Rte_IRead API may only be used by the runn-

able that describe its usage
constr_9084 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09084] Rte_IWrite API may only be used by the runnable
that describe its usage
constr_9085 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09085] Rte_IWriteRef API may only be used by the
runnable that describe its usage
constr_9026 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09026] Rte_IWriteRef may not return values written in
previous executions
constr_9086 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09086] Rte_IInvalidate API may only be used by the
runnable that is describing an write access to the
constr_9027 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09027] Rte_IStatus API shall only be used by a
RunnableEntity describing an read access to the
related data
constr_9087 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09087] Rte_IrvIRead API may only be used by the runn-
able that describe its usage
constr_9088 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09088] Rte_IrvIWrite API may only be used by the runn-
able that describe its usage
constr_9092 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09092] Rte_IrvIWriteRef API may only be used by the
runnable that describe its usage
constr_9093 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09093] Rte_IrvIWriteRef may not return values written in
previous executions
constr_9089 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09089] Rte_IrvRead API may only be used by the runn-
able that describe its usage
constr_9090 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09090] Rte_IrvWrite API may only be used by the runn-
able that describe its usage
constr_9028 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09028] Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit API may only be used
by runnables describing its usage
constr_9029 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09029] Nested call of Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit is re-
constr_9030 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09030] Rte_Mode API may only be used by the runnable
that describe its usage
constr_9031 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09031] Rte_Mode API may only be used by the runnable
that describe its usage
constr_9032 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09032] Rte_Trigger API may only be used by the runn-
able that describe its usage
constr_9033 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09033] Rte_IrTrigger API may only be used by the runn-
able that describe its usage
constr_9000 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09000] Rte_IFeedback API may only be used by the
RunnableEntitys that describe its usage
constr_9034 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09034] Rte_IsUpdated API may only be used by the
runnable that describe the access to the corre-
sponding data
constr_9045 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09045] The upper two bits of the of the server return
value are reserved
constr_9035 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09035] Rte_Start shall be called only once
constr_9036 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09036] Rte_Start API may only be used after call of
constr_9037 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09037] Rte_Start API shall be called on every core
constr_9038 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09038] Rte_Stop shall be called before BSW shutdown
constr_9039 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09039] Rte_PartitionTerminated shall be called only
constr_9040 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09040] Rte_PartitionRestarting shall be called only onc
constr_9041 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09041] Rte_RestartPartition shall be called from

1396 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

constr_9060 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09060] Rte_Init API may only be used after call of

constr_9061 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09061] Rte_StartTiming API may only be used after call
of Rte_Start
constr_9059 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09059] Usage of Basic Software Scheduler API prereq-
uisites the include of the Module Interlink Header
constr_9046 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09046] SchM_Enter and SchM_Exit API may only be
used by BswModuleEntitys describing its usage
constr_9047 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09047] Nested call of SchM_Enter and SchM_Exit API
is restricted
constr_9048 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09048] SchM_Exit API may only be used by BswMod-
uleEntitys that describe its usage
constr_9079 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09079] SchM_Call API may only be used by the
BswModuleEntity that describe its usage
constr_9076 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09076] SchM_Result API may only be used by the
BswModuleEntity that describe its usage
constr_9077 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09077] SchM_Send API may only be used by the
BswModuleEntity that describes its usage
constr_9078 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09078] SchM_Receive API may only be used by the
BswModuleEntity that describes its usage
constr_9049 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09049] SchM_Switch API may only be used by BswMod-
uleEntitys that describe its usage
constr_9050 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09050] SchM_Mode API may only be used by BswMod-
uleEntitys that describe its usage
constr_9051 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09051] SchM_Mode API may only be used by BswMod-
uleEntitys that describe its usage
constr_9052 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09052] SchM_SwitchAck API may only be used by
BswModuleEntitys that describe its usage
constr_9053 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09053] SchM_Trigger API may only be used by the
BswModuleEntitys that describe its usage
constr_9054 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09054] SchM_ActMainFunction API may only be used
by the BswModuleEntitys that describe its usage
constr_9058 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09058] BswSchedulableEntity is not allowed to have ser-
vice arguments or return value
constr_9055 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09055] SchM_Init, SchM_Start, SchM_StartTiming shall
be called only once
constr_9057 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09057] SchM_Deinit shall be called before shut down of
constr_9056 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09056] SchM_Deinit API may only be used after the was
RTE finalized
constr_9082 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09082] RteEventToTaskMapping.RtePositionInTask
and RteBswEventToTaskMap-
ping.RteBswPositionInTask values shall be
unique in a particular context
constr_3510 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_03510] Exclude usage of RteExclusiveAreaImplMecha-
nism.OS_SPINLOCK in RteExclusiveAreaImple-
constr_9091 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09091] RteNvRamAllocation.RteSwNvRamMappingRef
and RteNvRamAlloca-
tion.RteSwNvBlockDescriptorRef are excluding
each other
constr_9005 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09005] The references RteInternalTriggerCon-
fig.RteSwcTriggerSourceRef has to be
consistent with the RteSwComponentIn-

1397 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

constr_9006 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09006] The references RteBswInternalTrigger-

Config.RteBswTriggerSourceRef has to
be consistent with the RteBswModuleIn-
constr_9063 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09063] Restricted kinds of RTEEvents which may
mapped to RteInitializationRunnableBatch con-
constr_9064 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09064] A single RteInitializationRunnableBatch con-
tainer may not handle RTEEvents of different
constr_9062 [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09062] Entire mapping of on-entry Runnable Entities for
ModeDeclarationGroup.initialMode to RteInitial-
izationRunnableBatch containers

Table G.11: Renamed Constraints in 4.3.0

G.8.5 Added Constraints in 4.3.0


G.8.6 Changed Constraints in 4.3.0


G.8.7 Deleted Constraints in 4.3.0


G.9 Changes in Rel. 4.3 Rev. 1 compared to Rel. 4.3 Rev. 0

G.9.1 Added Traceables in 4.3.1

[SWS_Rte_02310] [SWS_Rte_02311] [SWS_Rte_03608] [SWS_Rte_03609] [SWS_-

Rte_03610] [SWS_Rte_03869] [SWS_Rte_04552] [SWS_Rte_04553] [SWS_Rte_-
04554] [SWS_Rte_04555] [SWS_Rte_04556] [SWS_Rte_04557] [SWS_Rte_08802]

G.9.2 Changed Traceables in 4.3.1

[SWS_Rte_01058] [SWS_Rte_01060] [SWS_Rte_01061] [SWS_Rte_01064] [SWS_-

Rte_01065] [SWS_Rte_01106] [SWS_Rte_01238] [SWS_Rte_01239] [SWS_Rte_-
01248] [SWS_Rte_01317] [SWS_Rte_01339] [SWS_Rte_01379] [SWS_Rte_01389]

1398 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_02568] [SWS_Rte_02571] [SWS_Rte_02594] [SWS_Rte_02702] [SWS_-

Rte_02706] [SWS_Rte_02739] [SWS_Rte_02747] [SWS_Rte_02757] [SWS_Rte_-
03809] [SWS_Rte_03810] [SWS_Rte_03812] [SWS_Rte_03853] [SWS_Rte_03983]
[SWS_Rte_04526] [SWS_Rte_05173] [SWS_Rte_06061] [SWS_Rte_06113] [SWS_-
Rte_06114] [SWS_Rte_06611] [SWS_Rte_06631] [SWS_Rte_06706] [SWS_Rte_-
06707] [SWS_Rte_06711] [SWS_Rte_06828] [SWS_Rte_07054] [SWS_Rte_07055]
[SWS_Rte_07072] [SWS_Rte_07087] [SWS_Rte_07175] [SWS_Rte_07228] [SWS_-
Rte_07289] [SWS_Rte_07290] [SWS_Rte_07384] [SWS_Rte_07410] [SWS_Rte_-
07411] [SWS_Rte_07412] [SWS_Rte_07562] [SWS_Rte_07563] [SWS_Rte_07655]
[SWS_Rte_07822] [SWS_Rte_07823] [SWS_Rte_08001] [SWS_Rte_08002] [SWS_-
Rte_08065] [SWS_Rte_08082] [SWS_Rte_08083] [SWS_Rte_08084] [SWS_Rte_-
08085] [SWS_Rte_08400] [SWS_Rte_08531] [SWS_Rte_08532] [SWS_Rte_08551]
[SWS_Rte_08725] [SWS_Rte_08726]

G.9.3 Deleted Traceables in 4.3.1

[SWS_Rte_02579] [SWS_Rte_03714] [SWS_Rte_05111] [SWS_Rte_07132] [SWS_-

Rte_07676] [SWS_Rte_08533]

G.9.4 Added Constraints in 4.3.1


G.9.5 Changed Constraints in 4.3.1


G.9.6 Deleted Constraints in 4.3.1


G.10 Changes in Rel. 4.4 Rev. 0 compared to Rel. 4.3 Rev. 1

G.10.1 Added Traceables in 4.4.0

[SWS_Rte_02312] [SWS_Rte_02313] [SWS_Rte_02314] [SWS_Rte_02315] [SWS_-

Rte_03611] [SWS_Rte_03612] [SWS_Rte_03613] [SWS_Rte_03614] [SWS_Rte_-
03615] [SWS_Rte_03616] [SWS_Rte_03617] [SWS_Rte_03618] [SWS_Rte_03871]

1399 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_03872] [SWS_Rte_04558] [SWS_Rte_04559] [SWS_Rte_06832] [SWS_-

Rte_06833] [SWS_Rte_06834] [SWS_Rte_06835] [SWS_Rte_06836] [SWS_Rte_-
06837] [SWS_Rte_06838] [SWS_Rte_06839] [SWS_Rte_06840] [SWS_Rte_07421]
[SWS_Rte_07422] [SWS_Rte_07423] [SWS_Rte_07424] [SWS_Rte_07425] [SWS_-
Rte_07426] [SWS_Rte_07427] [SWS_Rte_70000] [SWS_Rte_70001] [SWS_Rte_-
70002] [SWS_Rte_70003] [SWS_Rte_70004] [SWS_Rte_70005] [SWS_Rte_70006]
[SWS_Rte_70007] [SWS_Rte_70008] [SWS_Rte_70009] [SWS_Rte_70010] [SWS_-
Rte_70011] [SWS_Rte_70012] [SWS_Rte_70013] [SWS_Rte_70015] [SWS_Rte_-
70016] [SWS_Rte_70017] [SWS_Rte_70018] [SWS_Rte_70019] [SWS_Rte_70020]
[SWS_Rte_70021] [SWS_Rte_70022] [SWS_Rte_70023] [SWS_Rte_70024] [SWS_-
Rte_70025] [SWS_Rte_70026] [SWS_Rte_70027] [SWS_Rte_70028] [SWS_Rte_-
70029] [SWS_Rte_70030] [SWS_Rte_70031] [SWS_Rte_70032] [SWS_Rte_70033]
[SWS_Rte_70034] [SWS_Rte_70035] [SWS_Rte_70036] [SWS_Rte_70037] [SWS_-
Rte_70038] [SWS_Rte_70039] [SWS_Rte_70040] [SWS_Rte_70042] [SWS_Rte_-
70043] [SWS_Rte_70044] [SWS_Rte_70045] [SWS_Rte_70046] [SWS_Rte_70047]
[SWS_Rte_70048] [SWS_Rte_70049] [SWS_Rte_70050] [SWS_Rte_70051] [SWS_-
Rte_70052] [SWS_Rte_70053] [SWS_Rte_70054] [SWS_Rte_70055] [SWS_Rte_-
70056] [SWS_Rte_70057] [SWS_Rte_70058] [SWS_Rte_70059] [SWS_Rte_70060]
[SWS_Rte_70061] [SWS_Rte_70062] [SWS_Rte_70063] [SWS_Rte_70064] [SWS_-
Rte_70065] [SWS_Rte_70066] [SWS_Rte_70067] [SWS_Rte_70068] [SWS_Rte_-
70069] [SWS_Rte_70070] [SWS_Rte_70071] [SWS_Rte_70072] [SWS_Rte_70073]
[SWS_Rte_70074] [SWS_Rte_70075] [SWS_Rte_70076] [SWS_Rte_70077] [SWS_-
Rte_70078] [SWS_Rte_70079] [SWS_Rte_70080] [SWS_Rte_70081] [SWS_Rte_-
70082] [SWS_Rte_70083] [SWS_Rte_70084] [SWS_Rte_70085] [SWS_Rte_70086]
[SWS_Rte_70087] [SWS_Rte_70088] [SWS_Rte_70089] [SWS_Rte_70090] [SWS_-
Rte_70091] [SWS_Rte_70092] [SWS_Rte_70093] [SWS_Rte_70094] [SWS_Rte_-
70095] [SWS_Rte_70096] [SWS_Rte_70097] [SWS_Rte_70098] [SWS_Rte_70099]
[SWS_Rte_70100] [SWS_Rte_70101] [SWS_Rte_70102] [SWS_Rte_70103] [SWS_-
Rte_70104] [SWS_Rte_70105] [SWS_Rte_70106] [SWS_Rte_70107] [SWS_Rte_-
70108] [SWS_Rte_70109] [SWS_Rte_70110] [SWS_Rte_70111] [SWS_Rte_70112]
[SWS_Rte_70113] [SWS_Rte_70114] [SWS_Rte_70115] [SWS_Rte_80000] [SWS_-
Rte_80001] [SWS_Rte_80002] [SWS_Rte_80003] [SWS_Rte_80005] [SWS_Rte_-
80006] [SWS_Rte_80007] [SWS_Rte_80008] [SWS_Rte_80009] [SWS_Rte_80010]
[SWS_Rte_80011] [SWS_Rte_80012] [SWS_Rte_80013] [SWS_Rte_80014] [SWS_-
Rte_80015] [SWS_Rte_80016] [SWS_Rte_80017] [SWS_Rte_80018] [SWS_Rte_-
80019] [SWS_Rte_80020] [SWS_Rte_80021] [SWS_Rte_80022] [SWS_Rte_80023]
[SWS_Rte_80024] [SWS_Rte_80025] [SWS_Rte_80026] [SWS_Rte_80027] [SWS_-
Rte_80028] [SWS_Rte_80029] [SWS_Rte_80030] [SWS_Rte_80031] [SWS_Rte_-
80032] [SWS_Rte_80033] [SWS_Rte_80034] [SWS_Rte_80035] [SWS_Rte_80036]
[SWS_Rte_80037] [SWS_Rte_80038] [SWS_Rte_80039] [SWS_Rte_80040] [SWS_-
Rte_80041] [SWS_Rte_80043] [SWS_Rte_80044] [SWS_Rte_80045] [SWS_Rte_-
80046] [SWS_Rte_80047] [SWS_Rte_80048] [SWS_Rte_80049] [SWS_Rte_80050]
[SWS_Rte_80051] [SWS_Rte_80052] [SWS_Rte_80053] [SWS_Rte_80054] [SWS_-
Rte_80055] [SWS_Rte_80056] [SWS_Rte_80057] [SWS_Rte_80058] [SWS_Rte_-
80059] [SWS_Rte_80060] [SWS_Rte_80061] [SWS_Rte_80063] [SWS_Rte_80064]

1400 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_80065] [SWS_Rte_80066] [SWS_Rte_80067] [SWS_Rte_80068] [SWS_-

Rte_80069] [SWS_Rte_80070] [SWS_Rte_80071] [SWS_Rte_80072] [SWS_Rte_-
80073] [SWS_Rte_80074] [SWS_Rte_80075] [SWS_Rte_80076] [SWS_Rte_80077]
[SWS_Rte_80078] [SWS_Rte_80079] [SWS_Rte_80080] [SWS_Rte_80081] [SWS_-
Rte_80082] [SWS_Rte_80083] [SWS_Rte_80084] [SWS_Rte_80085] [SWS_Rte_-
80100] [SWS_Rte_80101] [SWS_Rte_80102] [SWS_Rte_80103] [SWS_Rte_80104]
[SWS_Rte_80105] [SWS_Rte_80106] [SWS_Rte_80107] [SWS_Rte_80108] [SWS_-
Rte_80109] [SWS_Rte_80110] [SWS_Rte_80111] [SWS_Rte_80112] [SWS_Rte_-
80113] [SWS_Rte_80114] [SWS_Rte_80115] [SWS_Rte_80116] [SWS_Rte_80117]
[SWS_Rte_80118] [SWS_Rte_80119] [SWS_Rte_80120] [SWS_Rte_80121] [SWS_-
Rte_80122] [SWS_Rte_80123] [SWS_Rte_80124] [SWS_Rte_80125] [SWS_Rte_-

G.10.2 Changed Traceables in 4.4.0

[SWS_Rte_01003] [SWS_Rte_01016] [SWS_Rte_01055] [SWS_Rte_01058] [SWS_-

Rte_01060] [SWS_Rte_01061] [SWS_Rte_01064] [SWS_Rte_01065] [SWS_Rte_-
01071] [SWS_Rte_01072] [SWS_Rte_01083] [SWS_Rte_01084] [SWS_Rte_01086]
[SWS_Rte_01091] [SWS_Rte_01092] [SWS_Rte_01093] [SWS_Rte_01094] [SWS_-
Rte_01095] [SWS_Rte_01102] [SWS_Rte_01104] [SWS_Rte_01105] [SWS_Rte_-
01106] [SWS_Rte_01107] [SWS_Rte_01111] [SWS_Rte_01112] [SWS_Rte_01113]
[SWS_Rte_01114] [SWS_Rte_01118] [SWS_Rte_01120] [SWS_Rte_01123] [SWS_-
Rte_01126] [SWS_Rte_01130] [SWS_Rte_01132] [SWS_Rte_01150] [SWS_Rte_-
01157] [SWS_Rte_01158] [SWS_Rte_01161] [SWS_Rte_01162] [SWS_Rte_01164]
[SWS_Rte_01166] [SWS_Rte_01169] [SWS_Rte_01171] [SWS_Rte_01206] [SWS_-
Rte_01207] [SWS_Rte_01236] [SWS_Rte_01238] [SWS_Rte_01239] [SWS_Rte_-
01240] [SWS_Rte_01241] [SWS_Rte_01242] [SWS_Rte_01243] [SWS_Rte_01244]
[SWS_Rte_01245] [SWS_Rte_01246] [SWS_Rte_01247] [SWS_Rte_01248] [SWS_-
Rte_01249] [SWS_Rte_01250] [SWS_Rte_01252] [SWS_Rte_01257] [SWS_Rte_-
01259] [SWS_Rte_01260] [SWS_Rte_01261] [SWS_Rte_01262] [SWS_Rte_01269]
[SWS_Rte_01279] [SWS_Rte_01317] [SWS_Rte_01318] [SWS_Rte_01321] [SWS_-
Rte_01322] [SWS_Rte_01323] [SWS_Rte_01324] [SWS_Rte_01325] [SWS_Rte_-
01330] [SWS_Rte_01331] [SWS_Rte_01332] [SWS_Rte_01333] [SWS_Rte_01334]
[SWS_Rte_01339] [SWS_Rte_01342] [SWS_Rte_01343] [SWS_Rte_01344] [SWS_-
Rte_01350] [SWS_Rte_01354] [SWS_Rte_01363] [SWS_Rte_01364] [SWS_Rte_-
01365] [SWS_Rte_01371] [SWS_Rte_01372] [SWS_Rte_01376] [SWS_Rte_01379]
[SWS_Rte_01388] [SWS_Rte_01389] [SWS_Rte_01390] [SWS_Rte_01391] [SWS_-
Rte_01392] [SWS_Rte_01393] [SWS_Rte_01395] [SWS_Rte_01396] [SWS_Rte_-
01397] [SWS_Rte_01398] [SWS_Rte_01399] [SWS_Rte_01400] [SWS_Rte_01401]
[SWS_Rte_01402] [SWS_Rte_01403] [SWS_Rte_01404] [SWS_Rte_01405] [SWS_-
Rte_01406] [SWS_Rte_01407] [SWS_Rte_01408] [SWS_Rte_01409] [SWS_Rte_-
01410] [SWS_Rte_01411] [SWS_Rte_01412] [SWS_Rte_02301] [SWS_Rte_02310]
[SWS_Rte_02311] [SWS_Rte_02568] [SWS_Rte_02571] [SWS_Rte_02572] [SWS_-
Rte_02573] [SWS_Rte_02575] [SWS_Rte_02576] [SWS_Rte_02577] [SWS_Rte_-
02590] [SWS_Rte_02594] [SWS_Rte_02598] [SWS_Rte_02599] [SWS_Rte_02602]

1401 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_02603] [SWS_Rte_02604] [SWS_Rte_02607] [SWS_Rte_02610] [SWS_-

Rte_02611] [SWS_Rte_02612] [SWS_Rte_02614] [SWS_Rte_02617] [SWS_Rte_-
02619] [SWS_Rte_02623] [SWS_Rte_02626] [SWS_Rte_02628] [SWS_Rte_02631]
[SWS_Rte_02634] [SWS_Rte_02641] [SWS_Rte_02642] [SWS_Rte_02659] [SWS_-
Rte_02660] [SWS_Rte_02674] [SWS_Rte_02675] [SWS_Rte_02702] [SWS_Rte_-
02703] [SWS_Rte_02711] [SWS_Rte_02712] [SWS_Rte_02713] [SWS_Rte_02725]
[SWS_Rte_02727] [SWS_Rte_02728] [SWS_Rte_02729] [SWS_Rte_02739] [SWS_-
Rte_02740] [SWS_Rte_02741] [SWS_Rte_02743] [SWS_Rte_02744] [SWS_Rte_-
02745] [SWS_Rte_02746] [SWS_Rte_02747] [SWS_Rte_02751] [SWS_Rte_02754]
[SWS_Rte_02755] [SWS_Rte_02756] [SWS_Rte_02757] [SWS_Rte_03001] [SWS_-
Rte_03002] [SWS_Rte_03004] [SWS_Rte_03005] [SWS_Rte_03517] [SWS_Rte_-
03519] [SWS_Rte_03550] [SWS_Rte_03553] [SWS_Rte_03560] [SWS_Rte_03565]
[SWS_Rte_03567] [SWS_Rte_03580] [SWS_Rte_03583] [SWS_Rte_03584] [SWS_-
Rte_03602] [SWS_Rte_03606] [SWS_Rte_03607] [SWS_Rte_03608] [SWS_Rte_-
03609] [SWS_Rte_03610] [SWS_Rte_03712] [SWS_Rte_03724] [SWS_Rte_03725]
[SWS_Rte_03731] [SWS_Rte_03733] [SWS_Rte_03739] [SWS_Rte_03741] [SWS_-
Rte_03744] [SWS_Rte_03746] [SWS_Rte_03770] [SWS_Rte_03775] [SWS_Rte_-
03776] [SWS_Rte_03782] [SWS_Rte_03783] [SWS_Rte_03785] [SWS_Rte_03788]
[SWS_Rte_03793] [SWS_Rte_03794] [SWS_Rte_03796] [SWS_Rte_03799] [SWS_-
Rte_03800] [SWS_Rte_03810] [SWS_Rte_03813] [SWS_Rte_03814] [SWS_Rte_-
03835] [SWS_Rte_03837] [SWS_Rte_03845] [SWS_Rte_03846] [SWS_Rte_03847]
[SWS_Rte_03848] [SWS_Rte_03851] [SWS_Rte_03853] [SWS_Rte_03854] [SWS_-
Rte_03858] [SWS_Rte_03859] [SWS_Rte_03867] [SWS_Rte_03902] [SWS_Rte_-
03928] [SWS_Rte_03930] [SWS_Rte_03943] [SWS_Rte_03947] [SWS_Rte_03948]
[SWS_Rte_03968] [SWS_Rte_03979] [SWS_Rte_03984] [SWS_Rte_03986] [SWS_-
Rte_03987] [SWS_Rte_03990] [SWS_Rte_03991] [SWS_Rte_03992] [SWS_Rte_-
03993] [SWS_Rte_03995] [SWS_Rte_03996] [SWS_Rte_03997] [SWS_Rte_04528]
[SWS_Rte_04529] [SWS_Rte_04531] [SWS_Rte_04532] [SWS_Rte_04533] [SWS_-
Rte_04534] [SWS_Rte_04535] [SWS_Rte_04545] [SWS_Rte_04553] [SWS_Rte_-
04554] [SWS_Rte_04555] [SWS_Rte_04556] [SWS_Rte_04557] [SWS_Rte_05051]
[SWS_Rte_05052] [SWS_Rte_05065] [SWS_Rte_05078] [SWS_Rte_05081] [SWS_-
Rte_05084] [SWS_Rte_05085] [SWS_Rte_05088] [SWS_Rte_05093] [SWS_Rte_-
05099] [SWS_Rte_05148] [SWS_Rte_05150] [SWS_Rte_05300] [SWS_Rte_05301]
[SWS_Rte_05509] [SWS_Rte_06009] [SWS_Rte_06032] [SWS_Rte_06033] [SWS_-
Rte_06034] [SWS_Rte_06035] [SWS_Rte_06038] [SWS_Rte_06039] [SWS_Rte_-
06041] [SWS_Rte_06042] [SWS_Rte_06043] [SWS_Rte_06044] [SWS_Rte_06045]
[SWS_Rte_06046] [SWS_Rte_06047] [SWS_Rte_06048] [SWS_Rte_06049] [SWS_-
Rte_06050] [SWS_Rte_06079] [SWS_Rte_06092] [SWS_Rte_06093] [SWS_Rte_-
06094] [SWS_Rte_06095] [SWS_Rte_06096] [SWS_Rte_06097] [SWS_Rte_06098]
[SWS_Rte_06099] [SWS_Rte_06100] [SWS_Rte_06101] [SWS_Rte_06102] [SWS_-
Rte_06103] [SWS_Rte_06104] [SWS_Rte_06105] [SWS_Rte_06106] [SWS_Rte_-
06113] [SWS_Rte_06114] [SWS_Rte_06120] [SWS_Rte_06203] [SWS_Rte_06206]
[SWS_Rte_06207] [SWS_Rte_06210] [SWS_Rte_06211] [SWS_Rte_06212] [SWS_-
Rte_06513] [SWS_Rte_06514] [SWS_Rte_06515] [SWS_Rte_06516] [SWS_Rte_-
06518] [SWS_Rte_06519] [SWS_Rte_06520] [SWS_Rte_06521] [SWS_Rte_06522]

1402 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_06523] [SWS_Rte_06524] [SWS_Rte_06525] [SWS_Rte_06526] [SWS_-

Rte_06527] [SWS_Rte_06528] [SWS_Rte_06529] [SWS_Rte_06530] [SWS_Rte_-
06532] [SWS_Rte_06533] [SWS_Rte_06534] [SWS_Rte_06535] [SWS_Rte_06536]
[SWS_Rte_06539] [SWS_Rte_06540] [SWS_Rte_06541] [SWS_Rte_06542] [SWS_-
Rte_06551] [SWS_Rte_06552] [SWS_Rte_06620] [SWS_Rte_06633] [SWS_Rte_-
06706] [SWS_Rte_06707] [SWS_Rte_06708] [SWS_Rte_06710] [SWS_Rte_06711]
[SWS_Rte_06712] [SWS_Rte_06713] [SWS_Rte_06720] [SWS_Rte_06721] [SWS_-
Rte_06722] [SWS_Rte_06723] [SWS_Rte_06734] [SWS_Rte_06739] [SWS_Rte_-
06740] [SWS_Rte_06742] [SWS_Rte_06745] [SWS_Rte_06749] [SWS_Rte_06761]
[SWS_Rte_06762] [SWS_Rte_06781] [SWS_Rte_06782] [SWS_Rte_06783] [SWS_-
Rte_06784] [SWS_Rte_06808] [SWS_Rte_06809] [SWS_Rte_06811] [SWS_Rte_-
06812] [SWS_Rte_06813] [SWS_Rte_06817] [SWS_Rte_06822] [SWS_Rte_06824]
[SWS_Rte_06828] [SWS_Rte_06829] [SWS_Rte_06830] [SWS_Rte_07020] [SWS_-
Rte_07021] [SWS_Rte_07023] [SWS_Rte_07024] [SWS_Rte_07027] [SWS_Rte_-
07036] [SWS_Rte_07037] [SWS_Rte_07041] [SWS_Rte_07047] [SWS_Rte_07048]
[SWS_Rte_07054] [SWS_Rte_07055] [SWS_Rte_07069] [SWS_Rte_07072] [SWS_-
Rte_07076] [SWS_Rte_07092] [SWS_Rte_07093] [SWS_Rte_07099] [SWS_Rte_-
07104] [SWS_Rte_07109] [SWS_Rte_07110] [SWS_Rte_07111] [SWS_Rte_07114]
[SWS_Rte_07115] [SWS_Rte_07116] [SWS_Rte_07117] [SWS_Rte_07118] [SWS_-
Rte_07119] [SWS_Rte_07122] [SWS_Rte_07133] [SWS_Rte_07138] [SWS_Rte_-
07139] [SWS_Rte_07140] [SWS_Rte_07143] [SWS_Rte_07144] [SWS_Rte_07145]
[SWS_Rte_07146] [SWS_Rte_07148] [SWS_Rte_07149] [SWS_Rte_07160] [SWS_-
Rte_07162] [SWS_Rte_07163] [SWS_Rte_07166] [SWS_Rte_07174] [SWS_Rte_-
07188] [SWS_Rte_07194] [SWS_Rte_07195] [SWS_Rte_07200] [SWS_Rte_07201]
[SWS_Rte_07203] [SWS_Rte_07204] [SWS_Rte_07207] [SWS_Rte_07226] [SWS_-
Rte_07250] [SWS_Rte_07253] [SWS_Rte_07255] [SWS_Rte_07258] [SWS_Rte_-
07259] [SWS_Rte_07260] [SWS_Rte_07262] [SWS_Rte_07263] [SWS_Rte_07266]
[SWS_Rte_07281] [SWS_Rte_07284] [SWS_Rte_07288] [SWS_Rte_07289] [SWS_-
Rte_07290] [SWS_Rte_07293] [SWS_Rte_07294] [SWS_Rte_07295] [SWS_Rte_-
07310] [SWS_Rte_07315] [SWS_Rte_07341] [SWS_Rte_07342] [SWS_Rte_07367]
[SWS_Rte_07374] [SWS_Rte_07375] [SWS_Rte_07376] [SWS_Rte_07378] [SWS_-
Rte_07382] [SWS_Rte_07383] [SWS_Rte_07384] [SWS_Rte_07390] [SWS_Rte_-
07392] [SWS_Rte_07393] [SWS_Rte_07394] [SWS_Rte_07410] [SWS_Rte_07411]
[SWS_Rte_07412] [SWS_Rte_07413] [SWS_Rte_07416] [SWS_Rte_07420] [SWS_-
Rte_07504] [SWS_Rte_07525] [SWS_Rte_07528] [SWS_Rte_07556] [SWS_Rte_-
07560] [SWS_Rte_07561] [SWS_Rte_07562] [SWS_Rte_07563] [SWS_Rte_07588]
[SWS_Rte_07589] [SWS_Rte_07592] [SWS_Rte_07601] [SWS_Rte_07602] [SWS_-
Rte_07613] [SWS_Rte_07614] [SWS_Rte_07620] [SWS_Rte_07623] [SWS_Rte_-
07625] [SWS_Rte_07626] [SWS_Rte_07627] [SWS_Rte_07631] [SWS_Rte_07636]
[SWS_Rte_07637] [SWS_Rte_07639] [SWS_Rte_07641] [SWS_Rte_07642] [SWS_-
Rte_07643] [SWS_Rte_07644] [SWS_Rte_07645] [SWS_Rte_07650] [SWS_Rte_-
07651] [SWS_Rte_07652] [SWS_Rte_07655] [SWS_Rte_07659] [SWS_Rte_07660]
[SWS_Rte_07661] [SWS_Rte_07662] [SWS_Rte_07666] [SWS_Rte_07667] [SWS_-
Rte_07673] [SWS_Rte_07678] [SWS_Rte_07680] [SWS_Rte_07682] [SWS_Rte_-
07683] [SWS_Rte_07684] [SWS_Rte_07692] [SWS_Rte_07694] [SWS_Rte_07820]

1403 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07821] [SWS_Rte_07822] [SWS_Rte_07823] [SWS_Rte_07830] [SWS_-

Rte_07831] [SWS_Rte_07832] [SWS_Rte_07834] [SWS_Rte_07835] [SWS_Rte_-
07848] [SWS_Rte_07849] [SWS_Rte_07922] [SWS_Rte_07926] [SWS_Rte_08005]
[SWS_Rte_08008] [SWS_Rte_08009] [SWS_Rte_08016] [SWS_Rte_08017] [SWS_-
Rte_08018] [SWS_Rte_08020] [SWS_Rte_08021] [SWS_Rte_08022] [SWS_Rte_-
08023] [SWS_Rte_08043] [SWS_Rte_08044] [SWS_Rte_08045] [SWS_Rte_08046]
[SWS_Rte_08047] [SWS_Rte_08048] [SWS_Rte_08052] [SWS_Rte_08053] [SWS_-
Rte_08057] [SWS_Rte_08058] [SWS_Rte_08061] [SWS_Rte_08063] [SWS_Rte_-
08065] [SWS_Rte_08066] [SWS_Rte_08068] [SWS_Rte_08069] [SWS_Rte_08070]
[SWS_Rte_08074] [SWS_Rte_08075] [SWS_Rte_08080] [SWS_Rte_08081] [SWS_-
Rte_08082] [SWS_Rte_08083] [SWS_Rte_08084] [SWS_Rte_08085] [SWS_Rte_-
08086] [SWS_Rte_08092] [SWS_Rte_08093] [SWS_Rte_08094] [SWS_Rte_08095]
[SWS_Rte_08096] [SWS_Rte_08097] [SWS_Rte_08098] [SWS_Rte_08301] [SWS_-
Rte_08302] [SWS_Rte_08310] [SWS_Rte_08311] [SWS_Rte_08402] [SWS_Rte_-
08403] [SWS_Rte_08413] [SWS_Rte_08414] [SWS_Rte_08415] [SWS_Rte_08420]
[SWS_Rte_08422] [SWS_Rte_08500] [SWS_Rte_08504] [SWS_Rte_08505] [SWS_-
Rte_08506] [SWS_Rte_08509] [SWS_Rte_08510] [SWS_Rte_08543] [SWS_Rte_-
08544] [SWS_Rte_08545] [SWS_Rte_08546] [SWS_Rte_08547] [SWS_Rte_08548]
[SWS_Rte_08549] [SWS_Rte_08550] [SWS_Rte_08551] [SWS_Rte_08552] [SWS_-
Rte_08553] [SWS_Rte_08554] [SWS_Rte_08555] [SWS_Rte_08556] [SWS_Rte_-
08557] [SWS_Rte_08560] [SWS_Rte_08561] [SWS_Rte_08562] [SWS_Rte_08563]
[SWS_Rte_08564] [SWS_Rte_08565] [SWS_Rte_08566] [SWS_Rte_08567] [SWS_-
Rte_08568] [SWS_Rte_08569] [SWS_Rte_08572] [SWS_Rte_08573] [SWS_Rte_-
08574] [SWS_Rte_08575] [SWS_Rte_08576] [SWS_Rte_08577] [SWS_Rte_08578]
[SWS_Rte_08579] [SWS_Rte_08580] [SWS_Rte_08581] [SWS_Rte_08582] [SWS_-
Rte_08583] [SWS_Rte_08591] [SWS_Rte_08592] [SWS_Rte_08593] [SWS_Rte_-
08594] [SWS_Rte_08595] [SWS_Rte_08600] [SWS_Rte_08601] [SWS_Rte_08711]
[SWS_Rte_08712] [SWS_Rte_08725] [SWS_Rte_08726] [SWS_Rte_08727] [SWS_-
Rte_08728] [SWS_Rte_08729] [SWS_Rte_08731] [SWS_Rte_08733] [SWS_Rte_-
08736] [SWS_Rte_08738] [SWS_Rte_08739] [SWS_Rte_08741] [SWS_Rte_08742]
[SWS_Rte_08743] [SWS_Rte_08745] [SWS_Rte_08746] [SWS_Rte_08747] [SWS_-
Rte_08749] [SWS_Rte_08750] [SWS_Rte_08754] [SWS_Rte_08756] [SWS_Rte_-
08757] [SWS_Rte_08758] [SWS_Rte_08766] [SWS_Rte_08777] [SWS_Rte_08778]
[SWS_Rte_08779] [SWS_Rte_08780] [SWS_Rte_08782] [SWS_Rte_08784] [SWS_-
Rte_08786] [SWS_Rte_08787] [SWS_Rte_08789] [SWS_Rte_08790] [SWS_Rte_-
08795] [SWS_Rte_08802] [SWS_Rte_08803]

G.10.3 Deleted Traceables in 4.4.0

[SWS_Rte_05193] [SWS_Rte_07025] [SWS_Rte_08306] [SWS_Rte_08307] [SWS_-


1404 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

G.10.4 Added Constraints in 4.4.0

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_03873] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_03874] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_-

04558] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_04559] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09100] [SWS_Rte_CON-
STR_09101] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09102] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80000] [SWS_-
Rte_CONSTR_80001] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80002] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80003]
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80004] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80005] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_-
80006] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80007] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80009] [SWS_Rte_CON-
STR_80010] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80011] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80012] [SWS_-
Rte_CONSTR_80013] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80014] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80015]
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80016] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80017]

G.10.5 Changed Constraints in 4.4.0

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09058] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09082]

G.10.6 Deleted Constraints in 4.4.0


G.11 Changes in R19-11 compared to Rel. 4.4 Rev. 0

G.11.1 Added Traceables in 19-11

[SWS_Rte_02316] [SWS_Rte_03619] [SWS_Rte_03620] [SWS_Rte_03621] [SWS_-

Rte_03622] [SWS_Rte_03623] [SWS_Rte_03624] [SWS_Rte_03625] [SWS_Rte_-
03626] [SWS_Rte_03627] [SWS_Rte_03628] [SWS_Rte_03629] [SWS_Rte_03875]
[SWS_Rte_03876] [SWS_Rte_03877] [SWS_Rte_03878] [SWS_Rte_03879] [SWS_-
Rte_03880] [SWS_Rte_03881] [SWS_Rte_03882] [SWS_Rte_03883] [SWS_Rte_-
03884] [SWS_Rte_04560] [SWS_Rte_04561] [SWS_Rte_04562] [SWS_Rte_04563]
[SWS_Rte_04564] [SWS_Rte_04565] [SWS_Rte_04566] [SWS_Rte_04567] [SWS_-
Rte_04568] [SWS_Rte_04569] [SWS_Rte_04570] [SWS_Rte_04571] [SWS_Rte_-
04572] [SWS_Rte_04573] [SWS_Rte_04574] [SWS_Rte_04575] [SWS_Rte_04576]
[SWS_Rte_08900] [SWS_Rte_08901] [SWS_Rte_08902] [SWS_Rte_08903] [SWS_-
Rte_08904] [SWS_Rte_08905] [SWS_Rte_08906] [SWS_Rte_08907] [SWS_Rte_-
70116] [SWS_Rte_70117] [SWS_Rte_89000] [SWS_Rte_89001] [SWS_Rte_89002]
[SWS_Rte_89003] [SWS_Rte_89004] [SWS_Rte_89005] [SWS_Rte_89006] [SWS_-
Rte_89007] [SWS_Rte_89008] [SWS_Rte_89009] [SWS_Rte_89010] [SWS_Rte_-
89011] [SWS_Rte_89012] [SWS_Rte_89013] [SWS_Rte_89014] [SWS_Rte_89015]
[SWS_Rte_89016] [SWS_Rte_89017] [SWS_Rte_89018] [SWS_Rte_89019] [SWS_-
Rte_91100] [SWS_Rte_91101] [SWS_Rte_91103] [SWS_Rte_91104] [SWS_Rte_-
91105] [SWS_Rte_91106] [SWS_Rte_91107] [SWS_Rte_91108] [SWS_Rte_91109]

1405 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_91110] [SWS_Rte_91111] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09120] [SWS_Rte_-

CONSTR_09121] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09122] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09123]

G.11.2 Changed Traceables in 19-11

[SWS_Rte_01071] [SWS_Rte_01072] [SWS_Rte_01091] [SWS_Rte_01092] [SWS_-

Rte_01102] [SWS_Rte_01111] [SWS_Rte_01166] [SWS_Rte_01206] [SWS_Rte_-
01236] [SWS_Rte_01250] [SWS_Rte_01319] [SWS_Rte_01326] [SWS_Rte_01327]
[SWS_Rte_01328] [SWS_Rte_01388] [SWS_Rte_02204] [SWS_Rte_02207] [SWS_-
Rte_02254] [SWS_Rte_02527] [SWS_Rte_02528] [SWS_Rte_02599] [SWS_Rte_-
02653] [SWS_Rte_02761] [SWS_Rte_03523] [SWS_Rte_03598] [SWS_Rte_03608]
[SWS_Rte_03609] [SWS_Rte_03610] [SWS_Rte_03611] [SWS_Rte_03612] [SWS_-
Rte_03613] [SWS_Rte_03614] [SWS_Rte_03615] [SWS_Rte_03616] [SWS_Rte_-
03617] [SWS_Rte_03618] [SWS_Rte_03741] [SWS_Rte_03744] [SWS_Rte_03768]
[SWS_Rte_03788] [SWS_Rte_03810] [SWS_Rte_03815] [SWS_Rte_03837] [SWS_-
Rte_03955] [SWS_Rte_03956] [SWS_Rte_03957] [SWS_Rte_03984] [SWS_Rte_-
03992] [SWS_Rte_03993] [SWS_Rte_03995] [SWS_Rte_04538] [SWS_Rte_04557]
[SWS_Rte_05052] [SWS_Rte_05078] [SWS_Rte_05091] [SWS_Rte_05092] [SWS_-
Rte_05093] [SWS_Rte_05106] [SWS_Rte_05177] [SWS_Rte_05179] [SWS_Rte_-
05180] [SWS_Rte_05181] [SWS_Rte_05509] [SWS_Rte_06031] [SWS_Rte_06513]
[SWS_Rte_06551] [SWS_Rte_06552] [SWS_Rte_06706] [SWS_Rte_06707] [SWS_-
Rte_06708] [SWS_Rte_06798] [SWS_Rte_07063] [SWS_Rte_07064] [SWS_Rte_-
07066] [SWS_Rte_07067] [SWS_Rte_07068] [SWS_Rte_07089] [SWS_Rte_07110]
[SWS_Rte_07111] [SWS_Rte_07155] [SWS_Rte_07173] [SWS_Rte_07200] [SWS_-
Rte_07207] [SWS_Rte_07213] [SWS_Rte_07214] [SWS_Rte_07229] [SWS_Rte_-
07347] [SWS_Rte_07394] [SWS_Rte_07409] [SWS_Rte_07410] [SWS_Rte_07516]
[SWS_Rte_07517] [SWS_Rte_07518] [SWS_Rte_07525] [SWS_Rte_07554] [SWS_-
Rte_07606] [SWS_Rte_08000] [SWS_Rte_08017] [SWS_Rte_08020] [SWS_Rte_-
08022] [SWS_Rte_08043] [SWS_Rte_08044] [SWS_Rte_08045] [SWS_Rte_08080]
[SWS_Rte_08081] [SWS_Rte_08082] [SWS_Rte_08083] [SWS_Rte_08084] [SWS_-
Rte_08085] [SWS_Rte_08087] [SWS_Rte_08088] [SWS_Rte_08089] [SWS_Rte_-
08111] [SWS_Rte_08403] [SWS_Rte_08417] [SWS_Rte_08418] [SWS_Rte_08739]
[SWS_Rte_08783] [SWS_Rte_08791] [SWS_Rte_70000] [SWS_Rte_70001] [SWS_-
Rte_70002] [SWS_Rte_70003] [SWS_Rte_70004] [SWS_Rte_70005] [SWS_Rte_-
70006] [SWS_Rte_70007] [SWS_Rte_70008] [SWS_Rte_70009] [SWS_Rte_70010]
[SWS_Rte_70011] [SWS_Rte_70012] [SWS_Rte_70013] [SWS_Rte_70015] [SWS_-
Rte_70016] [SWS_Rte_70017] [SWS_Rte_70018] [SWS_Rte_70019] [SWS_Rte_-
70020] [SWS_Rte_70021] [SWS_Rte_70022] [SWS_Rte_70023] [SWS_Rte_70024]
[SWS_Rte_70025] [SWS_Rte_70026] [SWS_Rte_70027] [SWS_Rte_70028] [SWS_-
Rte_70029] [SWS_Rte_70030] [SWS_Rte_70031] [SWS_Rte_70032] [SWS_Rte_-
70033] [SWS_Rte_70034] [SWS_Rte_70035] [SWS_Rte_70036] [SWS_Rte_70037]
[SWS_Rte_70038] [SWS_Rte_70039] [SWS_Rte_70040] [SWS_Rte_70042] [SWS_-
Rte_70043] [SWS_Rte_70044] [SWS_Rte_70045] [SWS_Rte_70046] [SWS_Rte_-
70047] [SWS_Rte_70048] [SWS_Rte_70049] [SWS_Rte_70050] [SWS_Rte_70051]

1406 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_70052] [SWS_Rte_70053] [SWS_Rte_70054] [SWS_Rte_70055] [SWS_-

Rte_70056] [SWS_Rte_70057] [SWS_Rte_70058] [SWS_Rte_70059] [SWS_Rte_-
70060] [SWS_Rte_70061] [SWS_Rte_70062] [SWS_Rte_70063] [SWS_Rte_70064]
[SWS_Rte_70065] [SWS_Rte_70066] [SWS_Rte_70067] [SWS_Rte_70068] [SWS_-
Rte_70069] [SWS_Rte_70070] [SWS_Rte_70071] [SWS_Rte_70072] [SWS_Rte_-
70073] [SWS_Rte_70074] [SWS_Rte_70075] [SWS_Rte_70076] [SWS_Rte_70077]
[SWS_Rte_70078] [SWS_Rte_70079] [SWS_Rte_70080] [SWS_Rte_70081] [SWS_-
Rte_70082] [SWS_Rte_70083] [SWS_Rte_70084] [SWS_Rte_70085] [SWS_Rte_-
70086] [SWS_Rte_70087] [SWS_Rte_70088] [SWS_Rte_70089] [SWS_Rte_70090]
[SWS_Rte_70091] [SWS_Rte_70092] [SWS_Rte_70093] [SWS_Rte_70094] [SWS_-
Rte_70095] [SWS_Rte_70096] [SWS_Rte_70097] [SWS_Rte_70098] [SWS_Rte_-
70099] [SWS_Rte_70100] [SWS_Rte_70101] [SWS_Rte_70102] [SWS_Rte_70103]
[SWS_Rte_70104] [SWS_Rte_70105] [SWS_Rte_70106] [SWS_Rte_70107] [SWS_-
Rte_70108] [SWS_Rte_70109] [SWS_Rte_70110] [SWS_Rte_70111] [SWS_Rte_-
70112] [SWS_Rte_70113] [SWS_Rte_70114] [SWS_Rte_70115] [SWS_Rte_80000]
[SWS_Rte_80001] [SWS_Rte_80002] [SWS_Rte_80003] [SWS_Rte_80005] [SWS_-
Rte_80006] [SWS_Rte_80007] [SWS_Rte_80008] [SWS_Rte_80009] [SWS_Rte_-
80010] [SWS_Rte_80011] [SWS_Rte_80012] [SWS_Rte_80013] [SWS_Rte_80014]
[SWS_Rte_80015] [SWS_Rte_80016] [SWS_Rte_80017] [SWS_Rte_80018] [SWS_-
Rte_80019] [SWS_Rte_80020] [SWS_Rte_80021] [SWS_Rte_80022] [SWS_Rte_-
80023] [SWS_Rte_80024] [SWS_Rte_80025] [SWS_Rte_80026] [SWS_Rte_80027]
[SWS_Rte_80028] [SWS_Rte_80029] [SWS_Rte_80030] [SWS_Rte_80031] [SWS_-
Rte_80032] [SWS_Rte_80033] [SWS_Rte_80034] [SWS_Rte_80035] [SWS_Rte_-
80036] [SWS_Rte_80037] [SWS_Rte_80038] [SWS_Rte_80039] [SWS_Rte_80040]
[SWS_Rte_80041] [SWS_Rte_80043] [SWS_Rte_80044] [SWS_Rte_80045] [SWS_-
Rte_80046] [SWS_Rte_80047] [SWS_Rte_80048] [SWS_Rte_80049] [SWS_Rte_-
80050] [SWS_Rte_80051] [SWS_Rte_80052] [SWS_Rte_80053] [SWS_Rte_80054]
[SWS_Rte_80055] [SWS_Rte_80056] [SWS_Rte_80057] [SWS_Rte_80058] [SWS_-
Rte_80059] [SWS_Rte_80060] [SWS_Rte_80061] [SWS_Rte_80063] [SWS_Rte_-
80064] [SWS_Rte_80065] [SWS_Rte_80066] [SWS_Rte_80067] [SWS_Rte_80068]
[SWS_Rte_80069] [SWS_Rte_80070] [SWS_Rte_80071] [SWS_Rte_80072] [SWS_-
Rte_80073] [SWS_Rte_80074] [SWS_Rte_80075] [SWS_Rte_80076] [SWS_Rte_-
80077] [SWS_Rte_80078] [SWS_Rte_80079] [SWS_Rte_80080] [SWS_Rte_80081]
[SWS_Rte_80082] [SWS_Rte_80083] [SWS_Rte_80084] [SWS_Rte_80085] [SWS_-
Rte_80100] [SWS_Rte_80101] [SWS_Rte_80102] [SWS_Rte_80103] [SWS_Rte_-
80104] [SWS_Rte_80105] [SWS_Rte_80106] [SWS_Rte_80107] [SWS_Rte_80108]
[SWS_Rte_80109] [SWS_Rte_80110] [SWS_Rte_80111] [SWS_Rte_80112] [SWS_-
Rte_80113] [SWS_Rte_80114] [SWS_Rte_80115] [SWS_Rte_80116] [SWS_Rte_-
80117] [SWS_Rte_80118] [SWS_Rte_80119] [SWS_Rte_80120] [SWS_Rte_80121]
[SWS_Rte_80122] [SWS_Rte_80123] [SWS_Rte_80124] [SWS_Rte_80125] [SWS_-
Rte_91102] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09001] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09064] [SWS_-
Rte_CONSTR_09082] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80000] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80001]
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80002] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80003] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_-
80004] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80005] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80006] [SWS_Rte_CON-
STR_80007] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80009] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80010] [SWS_-
Rte_CONSTR_80011] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80012] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80013]

1407 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80014] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80015] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_-

80016] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80017]

G.11.3 Deleted Traceables in 19-11

[SWS_Rte_01251] [SWS_Rte_01320] [SWS_Rte_01322] [SWS_Rte_01323] [SWS_-

Rte_01324] [SWS_Rte_01325] [SWS_Rte_01357] [SWS_Rte_03607] [SWS_Rte_-
03791] [SWS_Rte_04544] [SWS_Rte_06731] [SWS_Rte_07123] [SWS_Rte_08095]
[SWS_Rte_08543] [SWS_Rte_08544] [SWS_Rte_08545] [SWS_Rte_08560] [SWS_-
Rte_08561] [SWS_Rte_08575]

G.12 Changes in R20-11 compared to R19-11

G.12.1 Added Traceables in R20-11

[SWS_Rte_02317] [SWS_Rte_02318] [SWS_Rte_02319] [SWS_Rte_02320] [SWS_-

Rte_02321] [SWS_Rte_02322] [SWS_Rte_03630] [SWS_Rte_03631] [SWS_Rte_-
03632] [SWS_Rte_03885] [SWS_Rte_03886] [SWS_Rte_03887] [SWS_Rte_03888]
[SWS_Rte_03889] [SWS_Rte_03890] [SWS_Rte_03891] [SWS_Rte_04577] [SWS_-
Rte_04578] [SWS_Rte_04579] [SWS_Rte_04580] [SWS_Rte_04581] [SWS_Rte_-
04582] [SWS_Rte_04583] [SWS_Rte_04584] [SWS_Rte_04585] [SWS_Rte_04586]
[SWS_Rte_04587] [SWS_Rte_04588] [SWS_Rte_04591] [SWS_Rte_04592] [SWS_-
Rte_04593] [SWS_Rte_04594] [SWS_Rte_04595] [SWS_Rte_04596] [SWS_Rte_-
04597] [SWS_Rte_04598] [SWS_Rte_04599] [SWS_Rte_04600] [SWS_Rte_04601]
[SWS_Rte_04602] [SWS_Rte_04603] [SWS_Rte_04604] [SWS_Rte_04605] [SWS_-
Rte_04606] [SWS_Rte_04607] [SWS_Rte_04608] [SWS_Rte_04609] [SWS_Rte_-
04610] [SWS_Rte_04611] [SWS_Rte_04612] [SWS_Rte_04613] [SWS_Rte_04614]
[SWS_Rte_04615] [SWS_Rte_08908] [SWS_Rte_08909] [SWS_Rte_08910] [SWS_-
Rte_08911] [SWS_Rte_08912] [SWS_Rte_70118] [SWS_Rte_70119] [SWS_Rte_-
70120] [SWS_Rte_70121] [SWS_Rte_70122] [SWS_Rte_70123] [SWS_Rte_70124]
[SWS_Rte_70125] [SWS_Rte_70126] [SWS_Rte_70127] [SWS_Rte_70128] [SWS_-
Rte_70129] [SWS_Rte_70130] [SWS_Rte_70131] [SWS_Rte_70132] [SWS_Rte_-
70133] [SWS_Rte_70134] [SWS_Rte_70135] [SWS_Rte_70136] [SWS_Rte_70137]
[SWS_Rte_70138] [SWS_Rte_70139] [SWS_Rte_70140] [SWS_Rte_70141] [SWS_-
Rte_70142] [SWS_Rte_72000] [SWS_Rte_72001] [SWS_Rte_72002] [SWS_Rte_-
72003] [SWS_Rte_72004] [SWS_Rte_72005] [SWS_Rte_72006] [SWS_Rte_72007]
[SWS_Rte_72008] [SWS_Rte_72009] [SWS_Rte_72010] [SWS_Rte_72011] [SWS_-
Rte_72012] [SWS_Rte_72013] [SWS_Rte_72014] [SWS_Rte_72015] [SWS_Rte_-
72016] [SWS_Rte_72017] [SWS_Rte_72018] [SWS_Rte_72019] [SWS_Rte_72020]
[SWS_Rte_72021] [SWS_Rte_72022] [SWS_Rte_72023] [SWS_Rte_80126] [SWS_-
Rte_80127] [SWS_Rte_80128] [SWS_Rte_80129] [SWS_Rte_80130] [SWS_Rte_-
80131] [SWS_Rte_80132] [SWS_Rte_80133] [SWS_Rte_80134] [SWS_Rte_80135]

1408 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_80136] [SWS_Rte_80137] [SWS_Rte_80138] [SWS_Rte_80139] [SWS_-

Rte_80140] [SWS_Rte_80141] [SWS_Rte_80145] [SWS_Rte_80146] [SWS_Rte_-
80147] [SWS_Rte_80148] [SWS_Rte_80149] [SWS_Rte_80150] [SWS_Rte_80151]
[SWS_Rte_80152] [SWS_Rte_80153] [SWS_Rte_80154] [SWS_Rte_82000] [SWS_-
Rte_82001] [SWS_Rte_82002] [SWS_Rte_82003] [SWS_Rte_82004] [SWS_Rte_-
82005] [SWS_Rte_82006] [SWS_Rte_82007] [SWS_Rte_82008] [SWS_Rte_82009]
[SWS_Rte_82010] [SWS_Rte_82011] [SWS_Rte_82012] [SWS_Rte_82013] [SWS_-
Rte_82014] [SWS_Rte_82015] [SWS_Rte_82016] [SWS_Rte_82017] [SWS_Rte_-
82018] [SWS_Rte_89020] [SWS_Rte_89021] [SWS_Rte_89022] [SWS_Rte_89023]
[SWS_Rte_91000] [SWS_Rte_91112] [SWS_Rte_91113] [SWS_Rte_91114] [SWS_-
Rte_91115] [SWS_Rte_91116] [SWS_Rte_91117] [SWS_Rte_91119] [SWS_Rte_-
91121] [SWS_Rte_91122] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_04584] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_-
09065] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09066] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09094] [SWS_Rte_CON-
STR_09095] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80019] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80020] [SWS_-
Rte_CONSTR_80021] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80022] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80023]
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80024] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80025] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_-
80026] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80027] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80028] [SWS_Rte_CON-
STR_80029] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80030] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80031] [SWS_-
Rte_CONSTR_80200] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80201] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80202]
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80203] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80204] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_-
80205] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80206]

G.12.2 Changed Traceables in R20-11

[SWS_Rte_01071] [SWS_Rte_01072] [SWS_Rte_01091] [SWS_Rte_01092] [SWS_-

Rte_01102] [SWS_Rte_01111] [SWS_Rte_01206] [SWS_Rte_01243] [SWS_-
Rte_01244] [SWS_Rte_01245] [SWS_Rte_01246] [SWS_Rte_01247] [SWS_Rte_-
01376] [SWS_Rte_01399] [SWS_Rte_02614] [SWS_Rte_02619] [SWS_Rte_02631]
[SWS_Rte_02750] [SWS_Rte_03019] [SWS_Rte_03620] [SWS_Rte_03621] [SWS_-
Rte_03622] [SWS_Rte_03623] [SWS_Rte_03624] [SWS_Rte_03625] [SWS_Rte_-
03626] [SWS_Rte_03627] [SWS_Rte_03628] [SWS_Rte_03629] [SWS_Rte_03827]
[SWS_Rte_03828] [SWS_Rte_03867] [SWS_Rte_03878] [SWS_Rte_03879] [SWS_-
Rte_03880] [SWS_Rte_03881] [SWS_Rte_03882] [SWS_Rte_03883] [SWS_Rte_-
03884] [SWS_Rte_03995] [SWS_Rte_03996] [SWS_Rte_03997] [SWS_Rte_04531]
[SWS_Rte_04532] [SWS_Rte_04533] [SWS_Rte_04534] [SWS_Rte_04536] [SWS_-
Rte_04538] [SWS_Rte_04559] [SWS_Rte_04560] [SWS_Rte_04561] [SWS_Rte_-
04569] [SWS_Rte_04570] [SWS_Rte_04571] [SWS_Rte_05092] [SWS_Rte_05503]
[SWS_Rte_06032] [SWS_Rte_06060] [SWS_Rte_06530] [SWS_Rte_06720] [SWS_-
Rte_06721] [SWS_Rte_06722] [SWS_Rte_06723] [SWS_Rte_06775] [SWS_Rte_-
06776] [SWS_Rte_06781] [SWS_Rte_06782] [SWS_Rte_06783] [SWS_Rte_06784]
[SWS_Rte_06788] [SWS_Rte_06789] [SWS_Rte_06797] [SWS_Rte_07087] [SWS_-
Rte_07088] [SWS_Rte_07110] [SWS_Rte_07111] [SWS_Rte_07117] [SWS_Rte_-
07118] [SWS_Rte_07195] [SWS_Rte_07200] [SWS_Rte_07203] [SWS_Rte_07214]

1409 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

Specification of RTE Software

[SWS_Rte_07224] [SWS_Rte_07263] [SWS_Rte_07266] [SWS_Rte_07410] [SWS_-

Rte_07411] [SWS_Rte_07412] [SWS_Rte_07419] [SWS_Rte_07541] [SWS_Rte_-
07543] [SWS_Rte_07544] [SWS_Rte_07552] [SWS_Rte_07554] [SWS_Rte_07555]
[SWS_Rte_07627] [SWS_Rte_07629] [SWS_Rte_07631] [SWS_Rte_07662] [SWS_-
Rte_07843] [SWS_Rte_08069] [SWS_Rte_08530] [SWS_Rte_08535] [SWS_Rte_-
08777] [SWS_Rte_08906] [SWS_Rte_08907] [SWS_Rte_70015] [SWS_Rte_70016]
[SWS_Rte_70017] [SWS_Rte_70018] [SWS_Rte_70019] [SWS_Rte_70020] [SWS_-
Rte_70021] [SWS_Rte_70022] [SWS_Rte_70023] [SWS_Rte_70024] [SWS_Rte_-
70025] [SWS_Rte_70026] [SWS_Rte_70027] [SWS_Rte_70028] [SWS_Rte_70032]
[SWS_Rte_70038] [SWS_Rte_70039] [SWS_Rte_70043] [SWS_Rte_70050] [SWS_-
Rte_70051] [SWS_Rte_70056] [SWS_Rte_70057] [SWS_Rte_70062] [SWS_Rte_-
70063] [SWS_Rte_70070] [SWS_Rte_70078] [SWS_Rte_70087] [SWS_Rte_70088]
[SWS_Rte_70096] [SWS_Rte_70097] [SWS_Rte_70099] [SWS_Rte_70103] [SWS_-
Rte_70104] [SWS_Rte_70105] [SWS_Rte_70106] [SWS_Rte_70107] [SWS_Rte_-
70110] [SWS_Rte_70111] [SWS_Rte_70112] [SWS_Rte_70113] [SWS_Rte_70114]
[SWS_Rte_70116] [SWS_Rte_80007] [SWS_Rte_80010] [SWS_Rte_80011] [SWS_-
Rte_80016] [SWS_Rte_80017] [SWS_Rte_80018] [SWS_Rte_80019] [SWS_Rte_-
80020] [SWS_Rte_80021] [SWS_Rte_80030] [SWS_Rte_80040] [SWS_Rte_80046]
[SWS_Rte_80056] [SWS_Rte_80065] [SWS_Rte_80066] [SWS_Rte_80068] [SWS_-
Rte_80069] [SWS_Rte_80074] [SWS_Rte_80075] [SWS_Rte_80079] [SWS_Rte_-
80080] [SWS_Rte_80081] [SWS_Rte_80082] [SWS_Rte_80100] [SWS_Rte_80101]
[SWS_Rte_80105] [SWS_Rte_89010] [SWS_Rte_89011] [SWS_Rte_89012] [SWS_-
Rte_89013] [SWS_Rte_89015] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_03873] [SWS_Rte_CON-
STR_03874] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09122] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_09123] [SWS_-
Rte_CONSTR_09124] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80005] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80006]
[SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80009] [SWS_Rte_CONSTR_80017]

G.12.3 Deleted Traceables in R20-11

[SWS_Rte_04537] [SWS_Rte_04539] [SWS_Rte_06737] [SWS_Rte_06738] [SWS_-

Rte_07828] [SWS_Rte_07829] [SWS_Rte_07844] [SWS_Rte_08078] [SWS_Rte_-

1410 of 1410 Document ID 84: AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE

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