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5/19/23 8:19 PM

God of Thunder
"Whether or not I am truly destined to fall come Ragnarok, I will stop at
nothing to protect mankind from the evils of these infinite worlds"

Description: Thor most often appears as a 7 foot tall, musclebound man with thick red hair and a beard
to match, along with possessing eyes that constantly arc with lightning. Thor is often wearing black and
yellow chain armor, and is never seen without his eponymous hammer, Mjolnir on his hip.


Personality: Stubborn

Ideals: Thor is a very straightforward deity. He eats, drinks, fights, and makes merry with his fellow
Aesir. Thor also allows no sleight against his honor to go unpunished, always seeking revenge against
those that do so. These relatable attributes make Thor very popular among the common folk and in-turn,
Thor holds a special love for humans.

Bonds: Thor while extremely intelligent, faces almost all opposition with overwhelming force rather than
any cunning he may posses very unlike his father. Due to this fact, Thor despises most magic, especially
illusory magic due to all of Loki's trickery and because it is commonly employed by the Giants. Thor only
works with spellcasters if he is forced to by Odin, or if he trusts the spellcaster with his life.

Flaws: Thor is extremely quick-tempered and reckless and this has put him in plenty of dire situations,
such as taking on hundreds of giants my himself, losing his hammer, spewing threats at Asmodeus as he
tears through Hell and the Abyss for fun. Thor's biggest flaw however, is that he is fated to die come
Ragnarok by the poison of Jormungandr. A fated death is quite common among the Aesir and Vanir.

Legend: Thor, son of Odin the All-Father and the giantess Jord is one of the most powerful deities in the
multiverse, second to only his father and other deities like Moradin and Corellon. Thor is the Aesir god of
Storms, Thunder, and War and is quite possibly the most physically strong entity that resides in the
known multiverse thanks to some of his enchanted equipment. Thor is married to Sif, Aesir Goddess of
Battle and they have sired two deities as children; being Uller a god of Archery, and Thrud a lesser
Goddess. Thor has also sired two sons with the giantess Jarnsaxa, with the two children being Magni, a
god of Strength that will inherit Mjolnir and Modi, a god of Courage. Like many of the Norse pantheon,
Thor is fated to die, taking a mere nine steps before falling from the poison of the Midgard Serpent
Jormungandr when Ragnarok is brought upon Ysgard, and the multiverse.


Thor rules from his "palace" known as Bilskirnir, a massive structure made entirely of oak wood and iron.
The palace is located in Thrudvangar within the realm of Asgard, and Thor keeps only the rowdiest and
most vicious warriors in his halls.

Regional Effects
Thrudvangar is influenced by Thor's divine power, which manifests across this portion of Asgard in the
following ways.
• Anytime there is a conflict containing 10 or more people, Thor becomes aware of it and can choose
to teleport into the center of the conflict if he so wishes.
• Thor can control the weather of any of the realms at will so long as Odin allows it, being able to
increase or decrease an incremental effects requiring no action by him.
• Whenever a creature within the realm attempts to cast a spell or produce an effect that deals
lightning or thunder damage, Thor must allow it. Otherwise, the creature attempting to cast the spell
or use the ability in question must succeed on a DC 28 Constitution saving throw or have the spell or
ability immediately go off with the caster as the target.

Lair Actions
While anywhere within Thrudvangar, Thor can choose to produce one of the following effects on
initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), or take a Mythic Action but he cannot do both.
• Thor summons a massive bolt of lightning to hit centered on a point he can see. This bolt takes the
form of a 1-mile high column that has a 20-foot radius. Each creature within the affected area must
make a DC 28 Constitution saving throw taking 45 (10d8) lightning damage plus 45 (10d8) thunder
damage and be blinded and deafened until the next initiative count 20 on failed saving throw, or take
half as much damage and not be blinded or deafened on a successful one.
• Thor increases the speed of the winds in the are by an immense degree until the next initiative count
20. While in these winds, a creature hostile to Thor has disadvantage on any ranged attack roll
(including spell attacks), its speed is decreased by 10 feet, and at the start of its turn it must make a
DC 28 Strength saving throw or be thrown 50 feet backwards, landing prone on a failed save.
• Thor lets out a battle cry that emboldens all allies that can hear and or see him until the next
initiative count 20. Affected allies add 1d6 to the result of all of their attack and damage rolls, their
speed increases by 10 feet, they have advantage on all saving throws, and they gain 25 temporary hit


Thor has many allies, many of which are other deities in the Norse pantheon. But, Thor has many heroes
as allies that are epic in power who have helped immensely throughout his divine existence. But, his most
notable companions are his two immortal goats that lead his chariot; Tanngrisnir and Tanngjost, their
statistics are provided below.

Mythic Effects
When Thor is a mythic creature, he produces the following effects.

Deific Being
Thor is greater deity with a divine rank of 18. This grants him the following benefits against non-Deific
• Thor automatically scores a critical on his attacks.
• When Thor deals damage, he deals the maximum amount of damage on each of his dice.
• Thor has Truesight out to 18 miles, and can communicate telepathically with any creature that is on the
same plane as him.
• Thor can't be banished, diseased, disintegrated, have his ability scores reduced, be imprisoned, be put to
sleep, killed outright, or have his form changed against his will.
• Thor automatically succeeds on all ability checks and saving throws as if he rolled a 20, and non-Deific
creatures can't succeed on saving throws against his spells or abilities.

These advantages are muted against Epic creatures. When Thor encounters Epic creatures for the first
time in a day, he does not gain these benefits for a number of rounds equal to the creature’s Epic (not
total) character level or Epic CR.

The Thunderer
Thor is the Greater Deity of Storms, Thunder, and War. This grants him the following benefits in combat.
• Thor cannot be surprised and always acts first in initiative no matter another creatures result.
• Whenever a creature starts its turn and can see Thor, it loses any resistance or immunity to lightning and
or thunder damage that it may have until Thor is slain, or on a different plane. An affected creature cannot
reduce lightning or thunder damage dealt by Thor by any means.
• Thor is so strong that his blows simply disintegrate lesser creatures. Whenever Thor successfully hits a
creature of CR/Level 15 or lower with Mjolnir, the target must succeed on a DC 40 Constitution saving
throw or instantly dies as if slain by the disintegrate spell.

Thor, the Guardian of Asgard

Mythic Thor

Slaying the mighty god of thunder is not only an immensely difficult task, but in doing so you defy fate
itself and can possibly either prevent Ragnarok or even expedite it and ensure that more of the Aesir and
Vanir fall in the conflict. You will also gain the ire of the entire Norse pantheon, and are likely to be
assailed by avatars or the deities themselves on masse. A silver lining is that you gain the respect and likely
allegiance of the giants, Loki, and many lawful evil entities that wished to see the Guardian of Asgard
brought low. But, most importantly for a any group that would take up this task, you will gain very
powerful magic items. The statistics for Thor's Jarngreiper gauntlets, Megingjarder belt, and the Relic
Mjolnir are detailed below.

Very Rare, Wondrous Item (requires attunement)

These ornate gauntlets carved with runes are heavy and sturdy. While attuned to these gauntlets, your
carrying, dragging, and lifting capacities are tripled. Additionally, these gauntlets allow you to wield the
Relic Mjolnir without incurring the life draining effect that it has if your possess the strength to pick it up
and any weapon you wield cannot be affected by spells or magical effects that would harm you (e.g. Heat
Metal, or similar effects). Finally, any weapon thrown while you wear these gauntlets has its inner and
outer range tripled.

Legendary, Wondrous Item (requires attunement)

This ornate rune emblazoned belt shrinks or grows to accommodate its wearers size upon attunement.
While attuned to this belt, the wearer gains the following.
Built Different. The wearer counts as one size larger when determining it carrying, dragging, and lifting
Immense Strength. The wearers Strength score increases by 5, this increase does not have a maximum
value limit.
Unbeatable. Whenever the wearer fails a Strength ability check, or saving throw it can choose to
substitute the result with its Strength score. This can be used a number of times equal to half the wearers
proficiency bonus, and all uses are replenished upon a Long Rest.
Wrestle With the Divine. The wearer gains proficiency in the Strength (Athletics) skill, if it already has
proficiency it gains expertise instead.

Relic, Warhammer (requires attunement)

Mjolnir, one of if not the most well known divine weapons across the multiverse. It takes the shape of an ornate, runic
warhammer with an oversized head, and a short handle made of star metal and wood from Yggdrasil itself. It is the
weapon wielded by Thor, the Aesir god of Thunder and is meant to be inherited by his son Magni, the Aesir god of

While unattuned, the relic has the following properties

• Crack of Thunder. Attacks deal an extra 2d12 thunder damage on a hit, and a creature critically hit by
Mjolnir must make a DC 30 Constitution saving throw or be permanently deafened.
• Into the Fray. You cannot be surprised and have Epic advantage on initiative rolls so long as Mjolnir is
touching you and you aren't incapacitated.
• Mastercraft. This weapon was forged by the dwarves that inhabit Midgard, some of the best smiths to
ever exist. This grants the weapon a +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. Additionally, this
weapon has the thrown property (60/120 ft.), deals an extra die of damage when thrown, and immediately
returns to the wielders hand whether it hits or not.
• Unstoppable Force. Mjolnir is one of the most destructive items in the known multiverse, making it so
that no creature can be resistant or immune to bludgeoning damage dealt by this weapon by any means.
Additionally, whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with this weapon, it dies and the hammer
flies through it to the next nearest creature within range. You must make a separate attack against each
subsequent target but it doesn't count towards the number of attacks you've made that turn.

To access the full power of Mjolnir, you must first ensure that no one else can lay claim to the weapon.
The only way to do this is to slay the rightful inheritor of the weapon in combat, Thor's son Magni, the
Aesir god of Strength. Upon Magni's death, you are granted access to the unfettered power of Mjolnir.

Upon attunment, the weapon gains the following properties in addition to its unattuned properties.
• Like Lightning. Your walking speed increases to 70 feet unless it was already higher, in which case it
increases by 10. Additionally, you can take the dash action as a bonus action. If you were already able to
do so, your speed is doubled during that dash.
• Storm Empowered. The weapon is further empowered by its previous owners hold over the elements,
and deals an extra 2d12 lightning damage on a successful hit. Additionally, the weapon allows the wielder
to cast the following spells up-casted to 7th level (unless already higher) requiring no material or verbal
components with a DC of 30, and +23 to hit:
5/Long Rest each: Chromatic Orb (lightning or thunder damage only), Shatter, Thunderous Smite, Witch Bolt
3/Long Rest each: Call Lightning, Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Thunder Step
2/Long Rest each: Destructive Wave, Elemental Bane, Prismatic Spray, Storm Sphere
1/Long Rest each: Mera's Miraculous Lightning Leap (Tier 1), Sonic Boom (Tier 1), Prismatic Wall
• Outsiders Bane. The hammer allows its wielder to see into the ethereal plane (120 feet), and it can effect
and damage any creature inhabiting the ethereal plane as if it weren't. Additionally, the weapon deals an
extra 2d8 damage to creatures of lawful and or evil alignment.
• Wrath of the Sky. Once per Long Rest, the wielder can shoot forth an immensely powerful storm bolt.
This bolt is 15-feet wide, and 1-mile long. Each creature in the affected area must make a DC 30
Constitution saving throw taking 10d12 lightning damage plus 10d12 thunder damage and be blinded,
dazed, and deafened permanently on a failed save, or taking half as much damage and being unable to
take reactions on a successful one. If damage from this property would reduce a creature to 50 or fewer hit
points, it dies and is disintegrated.

To even pick this weapon up, one must have a Strength score of 35 or higher and expertise in the Strength
(Athletics) skill. Even then, if the wielder isn't attuned and actively wearing Thor's unique Jarngreipr
gauntlets, it loses 50 hit points each round it wields the hammer. Finally, if the wielder is of a Lawful or
Evil alignment, it has Epic disadvantage on all ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws while
wielding Mjolnir and all damage dealt by Mjolnir is halved.

Destroying the Weapon

There is currently no known, or hypothesized way to destroy Mjolnir. It is purely a DM's discretion on
how simple or complex the task would be, and whether or not it involves an event like Ragnarok or not.

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