Bahasa Inggris

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Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct ancswer

1. Teacher : Good morning class!
Students : ….. Sir
Teacher : How are you?
Students : We are fine. Thank you. And mom?
Teacher : I am fine too, thank you.
All right, for today lesson, we are going to learn about Greeting and
Introduction. Now listen and repeat after me!
A. Good afternoon
B. Good evening
C. Good luck
D. Good morning

2. The suitable expression for this picture is …

A. Good morning. Mrs. Widia
B. Good evening. Mrs. Widia
C. Good afternoon. Mrs. Widia
D. Good night. Mrs. Widia
3. You meet your friend at the mall at 6 p.m. What is the suitable expression used?
A. You are welcome
B. Good morning
C. Good night
D. Good afternoon
4. Here some polite expression of greeting that are used to start a conversation, except…
A. Hello
B. Hi, nice to meet you
C. Good morning
D. See you
5. Mrs. Sartika : It’s late night, dear. You should sleep. You have to wake up early
Erlin : All right, grandma. Good night. Sweet dreams.
A. See you, bye
B. Good evening
C. Nice to meet you
D. Good night, sweet dreams too
6. The suitable expression for the picture is…
A. Good night. Have a nice dream
B. Good morning. How are you?
C. Good afternoon. How are you?
D. Good evening. How are you?
7. You are going to school. How would you bid farewell to your mother?
A. I’m sorry mom
B. Hi mom
C. I’m feeling well
D. See you later
8. Which of the following expressions is not the expression of leave taking?
A. Good morning
B. Good bye
C. Good night
D. See you later
9. Andi : May I borrow your pen?
Tuti : Yes, you may. Here it is
Andi : …….
Tuti : It’s OK
A. Thank you very much
B. Never mind
C. No problem
D. You’re welcome
10. Which one is the response of expressing gratitude?
A. You’re welcome
B. I’m ok
C. I’m not feeling well
D. Not bad
11. Nana : Rama. I’ve been waiting for half an hour. Why are you late?
Rama : ………. I have got a flat tire.
A. Thanks
B. No problem
C. I’m sorry
D. Get well soon
12. Sandy forget to return Emily’s book that he borrowed yesterday.
The right expression that Sandy say to Emily is …
A. I’m really sorry. I cannot return your book today.
B. Did you send me the book?
C. Thank you
D. May I borrow your book?
The following text is for question 13 – 15
Hello friends. I am Rina. My full name is Rina Ayuningsih. I was born in Surabaya, September
18 , 2004. I study at SMP Harapan Bangsa. It is on Jl. Pramuka no. 25, Surabaya. Mr. Wibowo is

my father. He is a taxi driver. Mrs. Lestari is my mother. She is a nurse at Sarjito Hospital.
13. Who is introducing herself in the text?
A. Mr. Wibowo
B. Mrs. Lestari
C. Rina Ayuningsih
D. Rina’s father
14. How old is Rina?
A. Thirteen
B. Eleven
C. Twelve
D. Fourteen
15. “I study at SMP Harapan Bangsa”.
The underline word has the same meaning with….
A. Sing
B. Learn
C. Swim
D. Go
Pictures for number 16 – 17

Mr. Jaka
Mr. Jaka Mrs. Jaka
Mrs. Jaka

Mr. Rosi
Mr. Rosi Mrs. Rosi
Mrs. Rosi Mr. Fikri
Mr. Fikri Mrs. Fikri
Mrs. Fikri

Fatur Fatur Seli Seli Rafi Rafi

16. Aan : Hi Yeyen, this is Fikri, he is Fathur’s …

Yeyen : Hi, nice to meet you Fathur.
A. Father
B. Mother
C. Uncle
D. Aunt
17. Seli is Fathur’s….
A. Brother
B. Father
C. Sister
D. Niece
18. Faiz and Rizqi is in the cinema to watch a movie. Suddenly……meets Aji, friend of Faiz
outside of the cinema.
A. She
B. They
C. Them
D. Their
Text for number 19 – 21
Complete the following conversation with the most appropriate words od phrases.
Irma : Excuse me, ….(19) Cahyo?
Cahyo : Yes, …..(20)
Irma : ….(21) I’m Irma. How do you do?
Cahyo : How do you do, Irma.
19. A. How are you
B. How do you do
C. I’d like to introduce myself. I,m…
D. Are you

20. A. That’s right

B. Nice to meet you
C. Have we met?
D. How are you?

21. A. May I introduce a good friend of mine?

B. May I introduce myself?
C. Excuse me. Do you know my friend?
D. Have we met before?

Text for number 22 – 24

This is Yeyen’s Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Math Science English Indonesian Social English
English Indonesian Math Science Sports Math
Science Religion Arts Citizenship - Arts
Indonesian Arts Religion Arts - Religion
22. Father : When do you study Indonesian?
Son : I study Indonesian ….
A. On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
B. On Monday and Thursday
C. On Thursday and Friday
D. On Wednesday and Thursday

23. Rudi : When do you study Citizenship?

Rika : We study it on…
A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
D. Thursday
24. Dede : On what day do we study religion?
Soni : We study religion on
A. Monday and Saturday
B. Tuesday and Wednesday
C. Wednesday and Saturday
D. Thursday and Monday
25. Rara : ….
Rere : It is September
A. What is the month?
B. Is it September
C. What month is now?
D. It is not September, is it?
26. Kiki : Last month was March and what is the next month Neni?
Neni : The next month ….
A. Is June
B. Was February
C. Is Mei
D. Is April
27. Teacher : The month after August is …
Student : …., isn’t it?
Teacher : You are right.
A. September
B. December
C. July
D. October

Picture for number 28

Zafran : What time is it?
Nabil : it is ….

A. Thirteen past six

B. Thirteen past five
C. Six past thirteen
D. Two thirty

Ali : What time is it?

Yati : It is…

A. Eight past twenty

B. Twenty five past eight
C. What month is now?
D. Twenty five to eight

Dialogue for number 30 – 31

Doddy : When do you usually have dinner?
Lily : I usually have inner in the/at …..
Doddy : How about breakfast?
Lily : I usually have breakfast in the/at ….

28. A. afternoon
B. morning
C. evening
D. night

29. A. afternoon
B. morning
C. evening
D. night

30. Ninik : When were you born?

Doni : I was born on …..
A. March twenty third
B. March
C. March twenty three
D. Twenty second of march

31. What is the date before 23rd. it is….

A. Twenty third
B. Twenty first
C. Twenty fourth
D. Twenty second

32. Rahel : What year is it now?

Dod : It is….
A. Two thousand fourteen
B. Two thousand fifteen
C. Two thousand eighteen
D. Two thousand seventeen

33. The most suitable English to say the year is…

A. One nine hundred ninety seven

B. One thousand nineteen seventeen
C. Nintety nineteen seven
D. Nineteen ninety seven

Picture for number 36 – 37

Aan : What animal are these?
Oon : These are …. (36)
Aan : Where do you usually find …. (37)
Oon : They are on the stable
34. A. Horses
B. Buffalo
C. Birds
D. Donkey

35. A. It
B. Them
C. They
D. Its
36. Riri : It is a lovely pet. It often hunts mousses. Guess what it is….
Onox : It is a…
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Wolf
D. Cock

37. “it is a lovely pet animal….” The opposite meaning of the underlined word is….
A. Bad
B. Bed
C. Good
D. Beautiful
Picture for number 40 – 41.
Tiara : what picture are these?
Rio : these are …. (40)
Tiara : how many of the thing in the picture?
Rio : there are …. (41)
38. A. Toy
B. Rule
C. Caps
D. Tie

39. A. One
B. Three
C. Two
D. Four

Picture for number 42

40. Salma : where are the pens?
Hendrik : the pens are …. The book.

A. In
B. Under
C. On
D. Behind

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