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Olympiad Class Work Book

Linear momentum:

Quantity of motion momentum of the moving body is known as

possessed by a
body (or) The total quantity of motion contained in a body is called linear

Mathematical expression:
Momentum of a body is equal to the product of the mass (m) of the body and the

velocity (V) of the body. It is denoted by (P).

P mV

P = mv
Units of momentum:
SI unit of momentum S.I unit of S.I unit of
mass x
velocity =
kg x
m/s =kgmns.
Similarly CGS unit of momentum is g cms.

The direction of momentum of a body is same as that of the direction of the

velocity of the body.
The work done by a force on a body depends on two factors. They are:

1) Magnitude of the force

2) Distance through which the body moves (in the direction of force)
Units of work:

The unit of work in CGS system is 'erg'.

W =F.S = 1 dyne x lcm =
Definition of erg: Work done is said to be one 'erg' if a force of one dyne displaces
the body through a distance of lcm along the direction of force.
1 erg = 1 dynex1 cm =
1gcm s xcm or 1 erg 1g cm s* =

The unit of work in SI system is joule (J)

W F.S= INx 1m = 1joule

Definition of joule: Work is said to be one

joule, if a force 1
body through a distance of 1 m along the direction of force. newton displaces a

1J 1Nx 1m lkg =
m1J= lkgm's.

Naravana Groun af 0
=VI-Physics (Vol- I)=

between momentum (P) and Kinetic energy (K):

body by virtue of its motion is called
Kinetic energy: Energy possessed by a

kinetic energy.

Kinetic energyK-m

2 m

m'y F pP
2m 2m

K = p =2mK

Special Case:
Case i: f p' is constant


Case ii: If 'm' is constant


K, P
Case ii: If k' is constant


P2 m

P m
1. A force or a set of forces may change the
1) speed of a
2) direction of motion of a body
3) shape of a
4) all the above
2 In which of the
following cases forces may not require to keep the.
1) particle going in a circle
2) particle going along a straight line
3) momentum of the particle constant
4) acceleration of the particle constant
3 Among the following, the correct relation
(s) is/are:

1) P 2Km 2) P =V2Km 3) p 2mK? 4) 2m

4. Internal forces can change-
1) The K.E but not the linear momentum
2) The linear momentum but not the K.E

3) Linear momentum as well as K.E

4) Neither the linear momentum nor the K.E

5 The ratio of the linear momentum of two
kinetic energies are. particles of masses 1
kg and 4 kg, if their
1) 1:2 2) 2:1 3) 4:1
4) 1:4
6. A bomb at rest explodes into two pieces of
in the equal mass. Then the pieces will fly off
1) same direction with equal speeds

2) same direction with unequal speeds

3) opposite direction with equal speeds

4) opposite directions with unequal speeds

7. A bomb at rest explodes into two pieces of unequal mass. Then the pieces will fly
off in the

1) same direction with equal speeds

2) same direction with unequal speeds
3) opposite direction with equal speeds
4) opposite directions with unequal speeds


Single Answer Choice Type:

1. A body of mass 'm' and velocity v' has a momentum of P'. If the velocity of a body is
doubled, mass is halved, then value of momentum is
1) P 2) 2P 3) P/2 4) 4P

moments. Their kinetic energy in the

2 Two bodies mass m, and m, have equal are


1) m,:ym, 2) m,/m, 3) m m, 4) m,:m

If the kinetic energy and linear momentum of a body are equal, then the velocity
of the body is_

1) 1m/s 2) 2 m/s 3)m/s 4) 2 m/s

linear momentum P is doubled. The final
4 The kinetic energy of a moving body of the
momentum of a body is

2) P/2 3) 2P 4) p/2
1) 2P

and linear momentum 2Ns is_

The kinetic energy of a body of mass 1kg
3) 4J 4) 2J
2) 2.5 J
1) 1J
in the ratio 8:1,
'm' have their kinetic energies
m a s s e s 2m' and
6. Two bodies of
their m o m e n t u m is
then the ratio of
3) 8:1 4) 4:1
1) 1:4 2) 1:8
with same linear
the ratio 4:1are moving
kinetic energies a r e in
7 Two bodies with
m o m e n t u m . The
ratio of their m a s s e s is
3) 4:1 4) 1:4
2) 1:1
1) 1:2 13
n of Schools
8 P 1 s the momentum of a body of mass m, then its kinetic energy is given
1) 2m p p2
2) 2m 3) 2m 4) 4m
9. Momentum can defined as

1) 2x mass x kinetic energy 2x mass

2x mass 4) 2xK.E
3) 4)
K.E2 mass

10. Two bodies having kinetic energy K, and K, have equal masses. Their momentum

are P and P, respectively, then p is

1) K, K2 2) K:K, 3) R:R, 4)K, K

11. Two bodies A and B have their masses in the ratio 3:1. Then the ratio of their
velocities i s

1) 1:1 2) 1:3 3) 3:1 4) 1:3

12. The momentum of a body is 20,000 dyne-sec. Its K.E is 200
erg. Then the mass of
the body is_

1) 100 kg 2) 200 kg 3) 2000 kg 4) 1000 kg

13. If the linear momentum of a sphere is doubled. Its kinetic
energy will become

1) Twice 2) Four times 3) Eight times 4) Sixteen times

14. The ratio of kinetic energies of two bodies is 2:1 and their
momentum are in the
ratio of 1:2, then the ratio of their masses is

1) 1:4 2) 4:1 3) 8:1 4) 1:8

15. TrO bodies of equal masses move with uniform velocities V & 2V
then ratio of their K.E is respectively,
2) 1:4 3) 1:2
1)4:1 4) 2:1

14 Naraana.
Oympad l a s S Work BoOK

16. A body of mass 3 kg ascends a slope with a speed of 10m/s. If 15J of energy of
the body is lost due to friction, the height to which the
body will rise is
take g 10m/s*)
1) 0.5 m 2) 4.5 m 3) 3.5 mn 4) 2.0 mn


Statement Type:
17. Statement-I: A body at rest can have kinetic energy and momentum.
Statement-II: A body cannot have momentum without kinetic energy
1) Both statements are true, statement II is the correct explanation of statement I.
explanation of statement I.
2) Both statements are true, statement II is not correct
3) Statement I is true, statement II is false.
4) Statement I is false, statement II is true.

Multi Correct Choice Type:

Which of the following are correct?
momentum of a body is increased to 2 times, its kinetic energy
1) If the
to 4 times.
body is increased to 4 times, its momentum
2) If the kinetic energy of a

to 2 times.
increased to 2 times, its kinetic energy increases
3) If the momentum of a body is
to 2 times.
of a body is increased to 4 times, its momentum

4) If the kinetic energy

to 8 times.

Matrix Match Type:

19. Column-I
it's K.E increased to
x2 times
momentum of a body increased p)
to x times
momentum increases to vx
increased q)
of a body is
b) If the K.E
to x times

r ratio of their momenta is P

c) D.F of

d) Work-energy theorem

BooK VI-Pnysics(Vol-


Single Answer Choice Type:
20 A lat hose pipe held horizontally by a fireman. It delivers water through
COnstricting nozzle of 1lit/s. If by increasing the pressure, the water is delivereda
at 2 lit/s. The fireman has to
1) Push forward1 2) Push forward 4 times hard
3) Push forward 8 times hard 4) Push backward 4 times hard
21. A block of
weight 'w' is suspended at the midpoint of a rope whose ends are at the
same horizontal level. The force required to straighten the rope is
1) w
2)2w 3) w/2 4) infinitely large
22. The following quantities which have same directions are
1) force, impulsc
2) impulse, change in momentum
3) change in velocity, change in momentum
4) all the above
Multi Correct Choice Type:
23. A player caught a cricket ball of mass 150g moving with 20ms'. Ir the catching
process is completed in 0.1s, then

1) Force exerted by the ball on the hand of player is 30N

2) Force exerted by the ball on the hand of player is 40N

3) Impulse of the ball is 3N-s

4) Force exerted by the ball on the hand of player is 50N


Single Answer Choice Type:

A iet of water with cross sectional area 'a striking against a wall at an angle e
to the horizontal and rebounds elastically. If the velocity of water jet is v and the
density is 'p', then the normal force acting on the wall i s

1) 2avp cos 2) av'pcos0 3) 2avp cos 4) avpcos 6

Integer Type:
A ball of mass 600g strikes a wall with a velocity of Sms at an angle 30" with the
25 wall and rebounds with same speed at the same angle with the wall. The magnitude

in momentum of ball is (inkg ms").

of change

16 Narayana Group of Schools

Newton's second law in terms of
is proportional to the net force
The rate of change of momentum of an object
of momentum is the same as
applied on the object. The direction of the change
the direction of the net 1orce.

Newton's Second law (F=ma):

after a time t' it's
of m' is moving with a velocity u initially,
Consider a body mass

then change in momentum is (Ap= P - P.

= mv
- mu.
velocity becomes y,
mv - mu

Rate of change of momentum=


According to the above

F nV-mu

F v - u

Fcma » F =kma
on the definition of unit
constant and its value depends
Here k is proportionality
force. Here k = 1.

F = ma

Absolute Units of Force:

kg m/s?

SI unit of force

force =
g cm/s* =
CGS unit of

Definition of newton (N): of 1 m/s< in a body

force which produces
1 newton is that much
of mass lkg.

Definition of dyne: acceleration in a body of 1g

be 1 dyne if it produces
1 cm/s
said to
The force is
n e w t o n and dyne:
Relation b e t w e e n
1000g x 100 cm/s2
kg m/s*

newton (N) =
1 105 dyne
1 105 gcm/s2

g cm/s2

= 100000
laruana Grovp of Schools
ympiad Class VWork Book VIl- Physics (Vol.

Gravitational units of force:

ravitational units of force is the force which produces an acceleration equal to
the acceleration due to gravity in a unit mass.

a) Gravitational unit of force in SI is kg-wt

system or kilogram force.
1 kg-wt 1
kg x
9.8 m/s2 (on earth)
1 kg wt (kgf) =
9.8 kg m/s? =
9.8 N (on earth)
b) Gravitational unit of force in CGS
system is 1 gm-wt or gram force.
g-wt 1g 980 cm/s2 (on earth) *

1 g-wt =
980 g cm /s2 =
980 dyne (on earth)

1. Newton's 2nd law
explains us.
1) Definition of force
2) Measure of force
3) Nature of force
4) Types of force
2 When a constant force is applied to a body, it mnoves with
/1) acceleration
2) velocity 3) speed
4) momentum
3. An object will continue to have acceleration
1) Resultant force on it begins to decrease
2) Its velocity changes direction
/3) Resultant force on it is zero

4) Resultant force is at right angle to its direction of motiona

A. An unbalanced force acts on a body. Then the body must
1) remains at rest
2) move with uniform velocity
3) be accelerated
4) move along a circle
5. A marble of mass 'm' is
the same
dropped from a
height h' on a hard floor. If it
height, the change in momentum of marble is rebounds to

1) m2gh
2)m2gh 3) 1 2m/2gh
6. 1 kilogram force is equal to- N
1) 9.8 2) 19.8
3) 28.8
4) 4.9
VIl-Physics (Vol-)= Olympiad Class Work Book
7. 1 gram force is equal to
1) 980 dyne 2) 9.8 dyne 3) 9.8 Newton 4) None of these
Single Answer Choice Type:
1. A force acts on a particle of mass 200g. The velocity of the particle changes from
15ms to 25ms in 2.5s. Assuming the force to be constant, the magnitude of force
1) 8N 2) 0.8 N 3) 0.08 N 4) 80 N

2. A force of o.6 N acting on a particle increases its velocity from 5 ms to 6ms' in

2s. The mass of the particle is_

1) 12 kg 2) 0.12 kg 3) 1.2 kg 4) 120 kg

3. A constant force of 12N acts on a body for 4s. The change in the linear momentum
of the body is_

3) 4.8 kg ms 4) 480 kg ms
1) 48kg ms 2) 0.48kg ms


a n acceleration of -5 cms, when it acts on a body of mass
4. A force produces
The force is
2) -10 N 3) 10 N 4) 10'N
1) 10 N
acceleration of 2.5ms2. Another
5 A force Facting on a 2kg body produces an

F and F,
an acceleration of 2 ms. The forces
F acting on 5kg body produces
are 4) 2N, 1N
2) 10N, 5N 3) IN, 2N
1) 5N, 1ON
and 5cm in
of on body 'A' of mass 2kg
acceleration 2cm
6 A force produces
A & B is
The ratio of the

a n o t h e r body B.

4) 1
2)5 312
1)5 LEVEL-3

2.0m. The
barrel length
in a gun with
a speed of 120 ms
bullet acquires
7. A 5g on the bullet is
force 4) 72 N
average 3) 36 N
2) 18 N 19
1) 3.6 N

Narayana Group
VWork BoOK

8. A force of 100 N stops a body moving with a velocity of 20 m s . The torce required

to stop the same body when moving with 3 0 m s 'in the same distance is

1) 550 N 2) 225 N 3) 112.5 N 4) 65 N

9. A Dody of mass 5kg is dropped from the top of a tower. The force acting on the body
during motion is
1) 0 2) 9.8 N 3) 5 kg-wt 4) None

10. A body moving with constant velocity is brought to rest in 0.25s by
applying a
retarding force of 100N. The initial momentum of the body is
1) 25 kg m/s 2) 50 kg m/s 3) 100 kg m/s 4) 125 kg m/s
11. A body of 5
mass kg started from rest moves with an acceleration of 4 ms. Its
momentum after 5s is_

1) 20 kg ms 2) 100 kg ms 3) 4 kg ms 4) 9.8 kg ms"

12. A machine gun fires 20 bullets per second into
target. Each bullet weighs 150g
and has speed of
800 ms. The force
necessary to hold the gun is
1) 2.4n /2) 24N
3) 24ON 4) 2400N
13. If constant force acts on a body
initially kept at rest, the distance moved by the,
body in time t' is proportional to_

1) t 2) t
3)t 4) t
14. Force may effects LEVEL-1
A stationary object into motion
2) A
moving body to stop
3) Direction of moving body
4) Dimensions of the body
Comprehension Type:
A ball mass 2 kg moving with iniual
velocity 5 m/s hits in
velocity by bat for 0.1 s, then the ball
a the direction of initial
velocity becomes mc
15. Calculate the acceleration of the ball.

1) 5m/s 2) 10m/s 3) 1.25 m/s*

4) 2.5 m/s
Calculate the change in momentum ot the
ball. (in kg
2) 1
1) 0.5 /3) 2
4) 4

Narayana Group of Schools

VIl-Physics (Vol - Il)=
17. Calculate the force on the ball in newton.
3) 15 4) 20
1) 5 2) 10

Matrix Match Type:

18. Column - I Column II
in momentumn
a) f = ma p) Change

q) Newton's second law

b) m(v- u) a

c) 1 kg-wt r)980 g cm/s

s) 980 dyne
d) 1g-wt
t) 9.8 N


Integer Type:
19. IN dyne.
Comprehension Type:
and acceleration (a) is F=ma.
The correct relation between force (F), mass (m)
is reduced
20. A block of 8kg
mass is moving with a velocity of 36 km/hr. If its velocity
to 18 kmph in 0.5 s e c . What is the retarding force o n the block?
3) 60 N 4) 80 N
1) 20 N 2) 40 N
and a furtheer
force travels 3m in the first second
acted on by a
21. A body of mass 2kg the body in n e w t o n
in the next second. The force acting o n
distance of lm

3) 3 4) 4
1) 1 2) 2
constant acceleration 'a', then
The force on a body is 'g' N. When it is moving with
the weight body is_
3) ga 4) g/a
1) B 2) g
Comprehension Type:
it, then
frictionless floor. lf 48N force
acts on
rests on a
A 16kg mass

23. What will be its
3) 3m/s 4) 4m/s
1)1m/s 2) 2m/s
24. How far will it slide
in 2.50 sec?
3) 3.98mn 4) 8.39mn
2) 7.38mn
after 2.50 seconds?
25. How fast will it be moving
3) 32.3 m/s 4) V62.3 m/s
1) 47.25 m/s 2) 56.28 m/s

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