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Department of Business Administration, University of Lucknow

MBA I| Semester Examination- 2022

Business Law
Time: 1 hr
Attempt any 3questions Max Marks (5*3)
X. What is partnership deed? State its main contents. Is it campulsory for every
partnership deed? partnership to have a

2. Explain various types of companies. When a private company Can become a public
3 What is Memorandum of Association? Set out its imporiarce and various clauses of it.

4. Briefly explain consumer protection act. What are the varDus Restrictive Trade Practice &
Trade Practice?

5. What are the salient features of copyrights? Distinguish be:ween trade mark and patents.
Question Paper Code : 6142
Examination, 2022
M.B.A. (Semester-I)


( Marketing Management)
.Maximum Marks: 70
Time : Three Hours]

All questions carry equal

Note: Attempt any five questions in all.

"Holistic marketing acknowieoges that everything
marketing and that a broad, integrated perspective is
this statement. [14]
often necessary." Elucidate

defining the new marketing realities?

2. What forces are
necessary for successful marketing
What tasks are

it be used by
3. Explain the VALS framework. How can
marketers totailor their products to prospective buyers?

6142/300 (1) [P.T.O.]

"Ansoff matrixis a strategic planning tool that provides a
framework to help marketers devise strategies for future

growth." Discuss with the help of suitable examples.[14]

5. What is a product ?Explain the five levels fo aproduct.

How can value be added at every level? Explain with the

helpof a suitable example. [14]

6 Discuss in detail the various price adaptation strategies

along with reasons for their diployment. [14)

What is the role of marketing channels?

Diagrammatically illustrate the several consumer goods

marketing channels of different lengths. [14]

8 "After a company has chosen a channel
individual intermediaries must be selected, trained.
motivated and evaluated." Explain. How can channel
conflict be managed? (14)

What do you understand by Integrated Marketing

Communication'? How can Hierarchy- of-Effects Model
help in establishing communication objectives? (14]
6142/300 (2 )
10. What are the non-personalchannels of communication?
Give suitable examples. Briefly explain the concepts of
viral marketing and guerilla marketing. [14]

6142/300 (3 )
Question Paper Code : 6143
M.B.A.(Semester-II) Examination, 2022
[Paper : MBACC 202 |
Time: Three Hours]
IMaximum Marks: 70
Note : Answer any five questions. All
questions carry equal

"From the point of viewof a corporate unit,

Management is reiated not only to funds raising but
encompasses the under perspective of managing the
finances for the company efficiency." Explain this
statement in the context of scope of financial
management. [14]

Critically evaluate the objective of profit maximisation.

Explain how is the objective of wealth maximisation a
superior objective. [14]

Rank the projects using the following techniques of capital

budgeting : [14]

0 Net Present Value

6143/300 (1) [P.T.0.]
Discounted pay back

Profitability Index
rate is 12%
The discount

Cash flow
Cash flow
Year (Project A) (Project B)
(5,00,000) | (5,80,000)
?1,00,000 72,00,000
?1.50,000 72,10,000
1,80,000 1,80,000
4 72,00,000 71,70,000
?1,70,000 760,000

analysis is an essential feature of investment

4. "Risk
decision making process." Explain.
structure on 31st March,
5 AB Ltd. has the following capitai

14% Debenture 73,00,000

11% Preference Share ?1,00,000
Equity (1,00,000 shares)16,00,000
7 20,00,000

The company's share hascurrent market price of 23.60

per share. The expected dividend in the next year is
F 1.18 and is expected to grow at 10% p.a. The

6143/300 (2 )
debenture is currently selling at 96 and the
issued at 9.20.
preference shareswere

after tax cost of debt, cost or preference

Calculate the
equity and overallcost of capital for the
shares,cost of

needs 10 lakhs for expansion. The expansion

6. XY Ltd.
expected to yield an annual EBIT of 1,60,000. It is
consideringthe possibility of issuingequity shares
raising debt of 1lakh or 4 lakhs. The current
borrowed at the
price per share is Rs. 25. Fund can be
following rates:

(a) upto Rs. 1lakh at 8%

Over Rs. 1 lakh at 12%

determine the EPS in each
Assuming atax rate of 50%,
and comment on the suitability of the financial plans.
determine the dividend
7. (a) Discuss the factors that
policy of a firm.

(b) What is a bons issue ? Explain its advantages

and disadvantages.

6143/300 (3) [PTO.]

8 Differential between Walter model and Goden model of
dividend policy. (14]
9 Discuss the significance and determinants of
capitalrequirement in a manufacturing firm.

10. Following information is available for a company: [14]

Costs (per unit) (in Rs.)|

Raw material 52.0
Direct labour 19.5
Overheads 39.0
Totalcost (per unit) 110.5
Profit 19.5
Selling price 130.0

The following additionai information is available.

Average raw materiai in stock: 1 month

Average materials in process :%month

Credit allowed by suppliers: 1month

Credit allowed todebtors: 2months

Time lag in payment of wages: 1½ weeks

Overheads : 1 month

6143/300 (4)
One-fourth of sales are on cashbasis.
Cash balance is expected to be Rs.

Prepare a statement showing the working capital needed

to finance a levelof activity of 70,000 units of output.
Assume that production is carried on evenly throughout
the year and wages and overheads accrue accordingly.

6143/300 (5)
Question Paper Code : 6144
MBA (Semester-II) Examination, 2022
|Paper : MBACC 203 |

Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 70

Note : Answer any five questions. All questions carry


Howdo Human Resource Management models influence

employee outcomes in organizations ? Discuss in the
light of HRM models. [14]

Explain: [7+7=14)

(a) AMOFramework

(b) StrategicHRM

How is recruitment different from selection ? Explain the

steps involved in recruitment and selection process.

6144/300 (1) PT.O]

4 What are Management Assessment Centres ?
the activities performed at the centre.
[14] .
5 Discuss the application and contribution of e-training
programs with respect to changing nature of work in
Industry 4.0. [14]
6. "Need assessment and evaluationof training often get
less importance in
organizations." Discuss this
statement highlighting the significance of training need
assessment and evaluation for effective training. [14]

What is the purpose of performance appraisal ? Explain

the use of any two performance appraisal methods.

8 What are the basic factors in determining pay rates ?

Discussany two methods of job evaluation. (14]

"Industrial relations ensure fair treatment to the

stakeholders." Discuss this statement highlighting the
role of stakeholders in maintaining good industrial
relations. [14]

10. Explain: [5+5+4=14)

Collective Bargaining

Psychological contact

Employee well-being

6144/300 (3)
Question Paper Code : 6145
M.B.A.(Semester-II) Examination, 2022

[Paper: MBACC 204]

Time: Three Hours) [Maximum Marks: 70

Note : Answer any five questions in all. All questions carry equal

1. How has the Mass Production era made way for mass
customization era. Discuss the concept of Green
Manufacturing and its importance in today's world. (14]
2. Think of anew or revised product or service that you
Would like to see in the market. Discuss the different

phases involved in its design and development. [14]

3. Elaborate on various factors which you will consider to

design a layout of a restaurant. Also draw its layout.[14]

4. (a) With the help of a flow chart, Explain the Master

Production Schedule. What are the various inputs
and outputs to MPS ? [10]

6145/300 (1) P.I.O.]

considered important in
(b) Why is ergonomics
today's contemporary world ?
integrate business
5. Man organizations depend on ERPto
procesS and thereby reduce costs and
productivity.'Elucidate with the help of ageneral model
of ERP. [14]

to sell
6 (a) Potential location for a product expected
and Chile has the
for $130 in Argentina, Brazil
following cost structure.

Potential Location | Fixed Cost/Year Cost/unit

Argentina $ 150,000 $75.00

Brazil $ 200,000 $50.00
Chile $400,000 $25.00

Find the most economical location for an expected

volume of 6,000 units per year.

(b) What is ISO-9000 ? Why is it important for global

organizations to have ISO-9000 certification ?

7. (a) Briefly explain how an organization adopts a lean

manufacturing system.
6145/300 (2 )
(b) What are Gantt charts ? What are
the advantages
of using Gantt charts ?

8. Followingis the list of materials used by one industrial

unit classify the items into A, B andC categories such
that: (14]

A-75% of thevalue

B- 15% of the value

C-10% of the value

Annual Consumption Price

Symbol Item
(units) (per unit in Rs.)
A Benzylpenicillin 5,000 10
B Dexamethasone 650 10
Mannitol 1,800 18
D Chloroxylenol 4,200
E Ampicilin 60
Gentamycin 6,500
G Tetracycine 2,500
H 4,200 1
Imipramine 50 10
J Diazepam 100 7
K Streptopenicilin 100 35
Oxytetracycline 50 8
M Phenobarbitone 2,000 0.25
N Analgin 20 10
Prednisolone 30
P A.P.C. 80 0.15
Sulphone 200 0.50
R Vitamin C 750
Aluminium Hydroxide 300 7
T Aspirin 20 10

6145/300 (3) [PT.O.]

9. (a) Discuss the 'Gap theorv of service quality. [7

(b) College. students trying to register for a course

sometimes find that the course has been closed or
the section that they want has been closed.
aCause-Effect Diagram for this problem.

following data.
10. Draw the relevant control chart for the
Also state your conclusions.

Sample No. 1 23/4|5]6|7 9110

(each of 100) 10/68|9/9|7|1011|8
No. of defectives12|
other samples 'A' and
The Quality Manager inspects 2
19 and 14 defectives
'B' (each of 100) and found
accept the
respectively in each. Will the Quality Manager
sample 'A and 'B'? Justify. your answer.

6145/300 (4)
Question Paper Code : 6146
MBA (Semester-II) Examination, 2022
[Paper :MBACC-205]
(Research Methods for Business )
Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks :70
Note: Attempt any five questions in all. Allquestions carry equal

1 Define business research. Describe the steps in the

business research process.

What do you. understand by conclusive research?

Explain descriptive and experimental design of research.

3 Explain measurement and scaling. Discuss with
example the primary levelof measurement.

What is the major difference between a sample and

census? How do probability sampling techniques differ
from nonprobability sarmpling techniques?

6146/300 (1) PT.O.]

5. What do you understand by multivariate technique?
Differentiate between multiple regression analysis and
discriminant analysis.

with suitable
6. Discuss the null and alternate hypothesis
examples. Explain Type-l and Type-ll errors.

research? Discuss
7. What do you mean by qualitative
narrative and phenomenological

you understand by projective techniques?

What do
Discuss various methods of projective

with a suitable
9 Describe the guidelines for report writing

10. Discuss the following terms:

(a) Bibliography

(b) Plagiarism
(c) SPSS Software

6146/300 (2)
Question Paper Code : 6147
MBA (Semester-II) Examination, 2022

| Paper:MBACC-206 ]
Time:Three Hours] IMaximum Marks: 70

Note : Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal


"information requirernents vary at different levels of

management in an organization." Discuss various types
of informationsysterms that might be usefulto managers
depending on their roles and responsibility with the help
of examples. (14]

2. What is DSS generator? Explain the construction of DSS

using a DSS generator. [14]

Explain different business models with reference to B2C

and E-Commerce companies with suitable examples.

6147/300 (1) [P.T.O.]

4 "Transaction processing systems are the most vital and
first systems to be implemented in the context of
computer based information systems. Discuss
relationship among different types of Computer Based
Information Systems (CBIS) ? [14)
5. What challenges do you see for a company that wants
to implement collatborative Supply Chain Management
systems (SCM) ? How would you meet such challenges?

Write adetailed note on E-BusinesS and E-Commerce.

Elaborate the ciiallenges that a business may encounter
while transiting from a traditional to E-Business approach.

7. Is the form and use of Information and Decision Support

Systems for managers and business
changing and expanding ? Why or why not ? [14)

8. What potential security problems do you see

with increasing use of "Intranets and Extranets" in
business ? What might be done to solve such
problems ? Give examples with reference to security and
control of Information Systems. [14)

6147/300 (2 )
Explain howvalue chain model can help companies in
developing business process strategies using
Information Systems. [14j
10. If Intelligence is the capacity to acquire and apply
knowledge then what is knowledge ? Explain the
functions of Knowledge Management Systems. [14]

6147/300 (3 )

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