Identify and Resolve Network Problems
Identify and Resolve Network Problems
Identify and Resolve Network Problems
DNS Lookup
(Is my computer data going to the right place?)
■ The first thing you should do is remove the saved DNS information in
your computer, this may now be out of date.
■ To Flush your DNS Cache:
– In the command line window, type "ipconfig /flushdns"
– Press Enter.
– Watch for the flush to complete with the message. "Successfully
flushed the DNS Resolver Cache."
– Retest to see if you can browse popular websites.
DNS lookups
■ You can test to see if your DNS is working properly by doing a DNS
lookup, using the command line tool nslookup.
■ To do a DNS Lookup:
– In the command line window, type "nslookup [Website Address]"
for example "nslookup
– Press Enter.
– Check the results to see if an (IP) address is found that
corresponds with the name of the website address.
■ If your DNS is not working properly, nslookup won't be able to return
an IP address.
(what's my computer connecting to?)
■ Netstat tells you what your computer is connected.
■ This makes if useful for seeing if your computer is connected to
servers that you don't know about.
■ If you think that your computer is infected with "Spyware" or certain
types of viruses Netstat may help you find them out.
■ To run Netstat:
– In the command line window, type "netstat -a"
– Press Enter
– View the list of connections on your PC.
■ Different programs and processes may connect to remote computers.
In most cases there's nothing to worry about.
■ The two things to look for are the numbers after the colon (port
numbers), and the Foreign Addresses.
■ Ports are the doorways that different computer programs use to send
data over a network.
– For example, browser traffic uses Port 80, email uses ports 25
and port 110.
■ Foreign addresses are the systems that are connected to your
computer that appear to be remote. While it can be hard to know what
to look for, one solution is to run netstat while no programs are
running and save the results to compare later.
(Can I connect to it?)
■ Telnet is a program that allows you to access and use other computers
remotely. It has lots of uses for testing problems because it can let you
manually test Internet services as if you were a browser or email
program. You can then see if a problem you have is due to the service
or your computer setup. You can use telnet to confirm that a service
like email is accepting connections.
■ A telnet client is included with most versions of Windows, though in
Windows Vista it has to be added as follows:
– Click Start > Control Panel > Programs
– Then Turn Windows Features on or off.
– In the list, scroll down and select Telnet Client.
– Click OK to start the installation.
Problem receiving email - test your mailbox
1. In the command line window type "telnet 110"
2. Press Enter.
3. You should be connected to the mail server - you should see the response "+OK
Hello there" which confirms the mail server is OK.
4. Type 'user [username]' where [username] is your account mailbox username.
5. Press Enter.
6. You should see a message "+OK Password required".
7. Type "pass, for example, if your password is pa55w0rd you should type pass
8. Press Enter.
■ You will see the message "+OK Logged in". You are now in your mailbox and can be
sure your email account details are correct, and that the mail server is responding to
connections. If your normal mail program can't connect, you should consider checking
that your settings are correct, or reinstalling the program.
Problem sending email - test you access to
mail relay server
1. In the command line window type "telnet 25".
2. Press Enter.
3. You should see a response that begins "220" which indicates that you
have successfully connected to the mail relay server.
– If you don't get a response that beings with "220" then either the
relay server is not responding, or port 25 is being blocked.
Trace route command
■ When IP was first standardized in September 1981, the specification required that each
system attached to an IP-based internet be assigned a unique, 32-bit Internet address
■ Some systems, such as routers which have interfaces to more than one network, must be
assigned a unique IP address for each network interface.
■ In recent years, the network-number field has been referred to as the "network-prefix" because the
leading portion of each IP address identifies the network number.
■ All hosts on a given network share the same network-prefix but must have a unique host-number.
Similarly, any two hosts on different networks must have different network-prefixes but may have
the same host-number.
■ Each Class B network address has a 16-bit network-prefix with the two
highest order bits set to 1-0 and a 14-bit network number, followed by a
16-bit host-number.
■ Class B networks are now referred to as"/16s" since they have a 16-bit
■ A maximum of 16,384 (214) /16 networks can be defined with up to
65,534 (216-2) hosts per network. Since the entire /16 address block
contains 230 (1,073,741,824) addresses, it represents 25% of the total
IPv4 unicast address space.
Class C Networks (/24 Prefixes)
■ Each Class C network address has a 24-bit network-prefix with the three
highest order bits set to 1-1-0 and a 21-bit network number, followed by
an 8-bit host-number.
■ Class C networks are now referred to as "/24s" since they have a 24-bit
■ A maximum of 2,097,152 (221) /24 networks can be defined with up to
254 (28-2) hosts per network. Since the entire /24 address block contains
229 (536,870,912) addresses, it represents 12.5% (or 1/8th) of the total
IPv4 unicast address space.
Other Classes
■ In addition to the three most popular classes, there are two additional
– Class D addresses have their leading four-bits set to 1-1-1-0 and are
used to support IP Multicasting.
– Class E addresses have their leading four-bits set to 1-1-1-1 and are
reserved for experimental use.
■ In 1985, RFC 950 defined a standard procedure to support the subnetting, or division, of
a single Class A, B, or C network number into smaller pieces. Subnetting was introduced
to overcome some of the problems that parts of the Internet were beginning to
experience with the classful two-level addressing hierarchy:
- Internet routing tables were beginning to grow.
- Local administrators had to request another network number from the Internet
before a new network could be installed at their site.
■ Both of these problems were attacked by adding another level of hierarchy to the IP
addressing structure. Instead of the classful two-level hierarchy, subnetting supports a
three-level hierarchy.
■ The basic idea of subnetting which is to divide the standard classful host-number field
into two parts - the subnet-number and the host number on that subnet.
Private Address Space
■ Label the cables. This practice will save troubleshooting time later. Refer to wiring
diagrams and always follow your company's cable labeling guidelines.
■ Test devices on a regular basis.
■ AC power adapters should be checked regularly.
■ The uninterruptible power supply (UPS), which provides backup power, should be
tested to ensure that you have power in the case of an outage. Before installing a new
UPS, plug it into a power source to charge the batteries. The initial charge time is
usually 12 hours or more.
Troubleshoot a network
▪ Network issues can be simple or complex. To assess how complicated the problem is,
you should determine how many computers on the network are experiencing the
▪ If there is a problem with one computer on the network, start the troubleshooting process
at that computer.
▪ If there is a problem with all computers on the network, start the troubleshooting process
in the network room where all computers are connected.
▪ As a technician, you should develop a logical and consistent method for diagnosing
network problems by eliminating one problem at a time.
Network Troubleshooting Process