Speech 30 Module 5 - Jhocson

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JHOCSON, Dominique Beatrice D.

Speech 30 WFU

After a shocking revelation that Phoebe doesn’t believe in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, (Dr.)
Ross was triggered and thus the whole episode revolved around him trying to convince her
otherwise. Phoebe being the eccentric character she is disclosed that she is a skeptic of many
scientific facts like gravity. Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model, Ross scrutinized Phoebe's
statement of evolution being too “easy”. Ross immediately responded with the facts about the
theory. Since Phoebe was not in it to change her mind, these facts seem to fly over her head.
She responded in a manner that seemed to cut the conversation right there but Ross not being
able to accept her responses kept the conversation going. This model was not working
effectively from the beginning because Phoebe just was not going to change her mind. She was
not motivated to understand Ross’ reasoning.

In the second clip, Ross asks Phoebe why she doesn’t believe in evolution. In an attempt to
hear her reasoning out, she shuts down the conversation with an “I don’t know, just don’t”. Thus
driving Ross more towards convincing her since she doesn’t seem to have any good reason as
to why she doesn’t believe in the theory. Ross then continues to believe that with enough
evidence he will be able to convince Phoebe.

In the last clip, he arrives in the apartment with a brief-case full of artifacts ready to finally
convince her. Ideally, the evidence he brought should convince someone who is willing to have
their mind changed. Since Phoebe is set on her decision, she resorts to her own negotiation in
order to convince Ross to believe her reasoning. I believe she utilized more of the Social
Judgement Theory. She knew that Ross wouldn’t not quit until she agreed with him. She
presented her reasoning but instead of relying on facts to convince him, she stretched his
logical reasoning by saying that scientists like him were wrong at some point about their
theories and only time could tell if the theory of evolution is real or not. She finished her
argument by appealing to his emotions by asking if he’s that arrogant that he wouldn’t even
admit that he could be slightly wrong about the theory of evolution. Unexpectedly, Ross agrees
with her latter question that he could be wrong about the theory. She then makes him question
his response by asking how he could face himself after being convinced by her short but
emotional rebuttal. The grounds of this debate were obviously not made on fair grounds. Both
sides were stern about their beliefs and were not in this to change their minds. But Phoebe's
sudden attitude change from her usual soft and cheeky self to a serious one was enough to
convince a doctor of paleontology that maybe Darwin was wrong after all.


Life, Fam’s. “Social Judgement Theory v. Elaboration Likelihood Model.” THE FAM’S LIFE, 12
Sept. 2018, famlife.home.blog/2018/09/12/sjt-vs-elm/. Accessed 9 June 2023.

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