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Instructor: Howard Chang

KGHS 111 學年度高二第一學期第一次段考 單字整理

課本單字區【L1.L2.L3】 (原則:課本上有附例句的要會拼+寫,沒有的話就請務必認得它們!)
N. V. Adj. Adv. / Prep. Phrases
 employer  employ  corporate  tremendously  dress up
 employee  suffer  terminal (adv.)  pass on…to…
 employment  frighten  ill  cheer…up
 corporation  contact  tremendous  turn…down
 terminal  prompt  frail  be about to
 illness  confine  prompt  after all
 laughter  sparkle  drowsy  make a
L1  fright  hug difference
 contact  stretch
 germ  refuse
 warmth  hesitate
 sparkle
 hug
 refusal
 hesitation
 promise  promise  capable  slightly (adv.)  trial and error
 material  mention  constructive  in charge
 structure  collaborate  slight  figure out
 capability  graduate  unique  roll up one’s
 collaboration  construct  innovative sleeves
 architect  rank  reliable  get down to
 architecture  innovate  elementary
 graduate  adjust  stable
 graduation  rely
 construction  explore
 ranking
 innovation
 adjustment
 feedback
 element
 stability
 route
 exploration
 humankind  enable  universal  upright (adv.)  run out (of…)
 universe  conflict  upright  underneath  make up for
 fur  distribute  generous (prep.)  as a result
 generosity  benefit  beneficial  fall victim to
 conflict  slaughter  miserable  feed on
 distribution  freeze  hollow  set the stage
 benefit  punish  furious for
 slaughter  banish
 victim  torture
 misery
 fury
 theft
 punishment
 banishment
 torture
 civilization
Instructor: Howard Chang
雜誌單字區【9/1~9/30】 (要會拼+寫!)
N. V. Adj. Adv. / Prep. Phrases
 greeting  grab  thoughtful  thoughtfully  by hand
09/01  signature (adv.)  make someone’s day
 thoughtfulness  personal touch
 popularity  commit  unacceptable  go viral
09/02  stunt  launch  move out
|  complexity  sponsor  on good terms
 campaign  move on
 sludge  purify  invisible  out of sight, out of
09/05  equation  unleash  excess mind
|  boost  extensive  the heart of (sth.)
09/06  give way to
 Who knew?
 fantasy  thrill  explosive  in style
09/07  earplug  deceive  graceful  turn heads
|  worthy  the best of the best
09/08  technological  run on
 precise
 impression  adjust  well-rounded  recently (adv.)  on the other hand
09/09  plenty  academic  sign up
09/10  scholarship  organized  let’s say
 adjustment  adjustable
09/12  masterpiece  adapt  veteran  exclusively  under (one’s) belt
|  morality  interfere  vicious (adv.)  take on
09/13  horrifying  go over
 variable  evoke  adverse  go without saying
09/14  aesthetics  toxic  do the trick
09/15  palette  conducive  lead to
 therapy  straighten up
 chill  signal  fancy  typically  break out
 stadium  own (adv.)  hand in hand
09/16  ownership  run high
|  tent
 campus
 owner
 hassle  socialize  initially (adv.)  gather together
09/19  realization  attain  incredibly  little does (one)
|  misgiving  contemplate (adv.) know
 connect with
 suggestion  confuse  loose  make sense
09/21  situation  breathe  tricky  come in
09/22  gratitude  blend
 lick
 shortcut  bounce  ordinarily  fall over
09/23  recipient  crush (adv.)  take up
09/24  compassion  expose  move on
 specify
 judgment  spin  judgmental  shut down
 rewind  send in
09/26  perform
 judge
 notification  aspire  out loud
 harness  decipher  let in
09/27  assess  provide for
|  empathize
 scan
 intervene
09/29  memorial  cease  metropolitan  bring in
|  tribute  boast  splendid  around the globe
09/30  booth  specialty  take time
Instructor: Howard Chang
雜誌句型片語區【9/1~9/30】 (原則:雜誌上有附例句的要會拼+寫,沒有的就請務必認得它們!)
Sentence Patterns & Phrases
 commit sth to N/Ving p.14 line 1  end up + Ving/N/介系詞片語 line 6
 since 搭配完成式 line 7  It is adj. to V [Usage Tip] line 8
 one of the + 形容詞最高級 line 8  remove A from B p.33 L line 1
 at the age of + 數字 line 10  ensure +N/that S+V line 2
 rather V than V line 15  tend to V R line 2
 consider/find/make+O+OC [Usage Tip] line 16  pile up line 4
 in an attempt to V line 17  too…to V line 8
 one…another… p.15 line 5  much 修飾形容詞比較級 line 13
 in part line 14  have an influence on sth. p.34 line 4
 not only…but also… [Usage Tip] line 17  the sky is the limit [Usage Tip] line 8
 raise money line 20  be ready for N/Ving p.36 line 1
 make + O + OC(N) line 25  so…that… [Usage Tip] line 14
 地方副詞放句首的倒裝 [Usage Tip] p.16 line 1  be traced back to line 17
 once line 2  thanks to N line 19
 both A and B line 8  the freedom to V line 22
 function (v.) p.17 L line 1  take on p.37 line 3
 contribute to sth. line 12  take place line 6
 be critical to N R line 2  on the campus line 10
 play a role in + N/Ving line 4  no matter wh-clause, S+V [Usage Tip] line 18
 as a consequence line 8  due to N/Ving p.38 L line 4
 cope with sth. line 13  provide 人 with 物 R line 5
 to/in order to +V 表目的 [Usage Tip] p.18 line 1  be dear to sb. line 7
 A, B, and C line 3  否定副詞放句首的倒裝 [Usage Tip] line 10
 so 當指示代名詞 p.20 line 2  come to the realization that line 13
 分詞構句 [Usage Tip] line 3  a range of line 16
 be praised for sth. line 3  from A to B line 16
 despite/in spite of + N/Ving line 11  keep in touch with line 17
 be worthy of + N p.21 line 5  either A or B [Usage Tip] p.39 line 3
 stand out line 9  lack 的用法 line 15
 in addition to sth. line 13  contemplate + Ving line 24
 be different from line 21  at times p.42 L line 5
 分詞構句 [Usage Tip] line 22  part of speech [Usage Tip] line 6
 focus on sth. p.22 line 7  result in Ving/N R line 10
 plan to V p.23 L line 5  the effect on sth./sb. line 10
 prefer to V line 6  lend 的用法 p.44 R line 7
 overhear + O + OC [Usage Tip] line 9  the more…the more…[Usage Tip] p.45 line 4
 so far line 17  expose oneself to N line 6
 get to V R line 1  say no to sth. line 9
 sign up for sth. line 3  let go of sth. line 15
 plenty of +可數/不可數名詞 line 14  hold onto sth. line 17
 keep + O + OC line 15  be kind to sb. line 21
 be interested in N/Ving p.24 line 2  time after time p.46 line 4
 to one’s benefit line 8  S + V + O + Ving/p.p. [Usage Tip] line 14
 aim for sth. line 11  translate…into… p.48 line 0
 set sb./sth. apart line 14  aspire to V line 1
 whatever=no matter what [Usage Tip] line 19  after all line 1
 an expert at N/Ving line 26  be able to V line 2
 be good at N/Ving line 31  the connection to N line 3
 be adapted into sth. p.28 L line 3  a number of +複數可數名詞 line 4
 it is/was…that… [Usage Tip] R line 1  while/whereas p.49 L line 5
 be meant to V line 6  improve at N/Ving line 8
 one…another… p.29 line 4  in other words line 9
 interfere with sb./sth. line 7  specialize in N/Ving line 9
 be new to sth./sb. line 10  in particular line 10
 be known for line 11  meet one’s needs R line 14
 must have + p.p. [Usage Tip] line 13  benefit from N p.50 line 9
 rather (adv.) line 19  interact with N line 11
 a variety of p.32 L line 5  latter (a.) [Usage Tip] p.51 L line 1
 have an impact on N/Ving line 7  associate A with B line 2
 have an effect on sth. R line 5  be home to line 9
Instructor: Howard Chang
Sentence Patterns & Phrases
 around the globe line 11  start out as p.52 line 1
 in the center of N R line 1  S + has/have + been + p.p. [Usage Tip] line 13
 house (v.) line 5  boast + N line 16
 be related to N line 5  remaining (a.) p.53 line 2
 pay tribute to N line 14  what 複合關代 line 8
 be voted sth. line 17  have sth. to offer line 8
課本 Words for Recognition【L1.L2.L3】 (要認得它們!)
N V Adj
 Ronald McDonald  empathy  confide  heartfelt
L1  wig  Santa
 reasoning

 marshmallow  outperform
 Tom Wujec
 kindergartener
 Prometheus  offering  gnaw  Olympian
 Titan  beast
L3  Epimetheus  stalk
 Zeus  fennel
 Mecone  liver

雜誌字彙小筆記區【9/1~9/30】 (要認得它們!)
N V Adj Adv/Others
 YouTuber (p.15)  abound (p.30)  tedious (p.15)  notably (p.29)
 Minecraft (p.15)  overhear (p.24)  aerodynamic (p.22)
 Arbor Day Foundation (p.15)  juggle (p.24)  sanitary (p.18)
 sewer (p.18)  declutter (p.34)  high-performance (p.22)
 sewage (p.18)  clutter (p.34)  worthwhile (p.24)
 drainage (p.18)  cater (p.37)  Victorian (p.53)
 flood detention facility (p.18)  meow (p.50)
 hybrid (p.22)  perish (p.53)
 virtual cockpit (p.22)
 adaptation (p.29)
 seagull (p.29)
 antagonist (p.29)
 tailgating (p.37)
 tailgate (p.37)
 chandelier (p.37)
 hangout (p.39)
 template (p.39)
 moderation (p.39)
 contraction (p.43)
 hack (p.45)
 comfort zone (p.45)
 spool (p.46)
 federation (p.46)
 vocalization (p.50)
 artificial intelligence (p.50)
 Botanic Gardens (p.53)

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