Mock Exam 2 T2 2021: Student Name: Class

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Mock Exam 2 T2 2021

Student Name:


Important Note

The G12 Focus Mock exam is designed to support preparation

for national assessments and has been modelled based on
knowledge to date. Teachers and Students should be advised
that the actual composition of the exam (number / type of
questions) on final national assessments may be subject to
change beyond the knowledge of the creators of this paper.
Please check the relevant exam websites for the latest

G12 Focus Mock Exam 2 Components

Section Minutes Marks
Grammar 1 3 / 10
Grammar 2 6 / 20
Grammar 3 3 / 10
Vocabulary 1 3 / 10
Vocabulary 2 6 / 20
Vocabulary 3 3 / 10
Reading 1 15 /9
Reading 2 15 /8
Reading 3 15 /8
Single Question Reading 6 /1
Paragraph Builder 12 /4
Cloze 1 8 /8
Cloze 2 10 / 10
Writing 30 / 43
TOTAL 2 hrs 15 min / 171

• Students should complete the exam according to the timing for each section.
• It is preferable that the students type the writing component of the exam.

Section: Grammar 1 (10 Questions)

1. I think visiting Dubai is ______ better than staying at home.
A much
B more
C a lot of
D lot of

2. I don’t think we can go ______ because it’s getting dark.

A far the way
B away far
C far way
D far away

3. Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence.

he here was asked why

I .

4. I’m sorry to ______ change the time of our meeting.

A ought
B have to
C should to
D must to

5. This is the best restaurant I’ve been ______.

A from
B on
C for
D to

6. ______ are the most important years for us.

A This
B That
C Thus
D These

7. The times were difficult but we never ______.

A gave up
B took up
C looked up
D put up

8. I ______ for this exam for three months.

A had been study
B had studying
C had been studying
D had be studying

9. ______ we went to the cinema, we bought the tickets online.

A Until
B After
C Although
D Before

10. My success at school has attracted ______ attention.

A peoples
B people’s
C peoples’
D peoples’s

Section: Grammar 2 (20 Questions)

11. Ali ______ his studies by June.
A will not finished
B will not have finish
C will not have finished
D will have not finished

12. ______ you do your homework, you can go out to play football.
A As long as
B As long so
C So soon as
D At long as

13. The new factory _______ as we speak.

A is been built
B is been build
C is being build
D is being built

14. Think about it, ______?

A do you
B did you
C will you
D haven’t you

15. Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence.

worst happen is can thing

that the


16. Maryam doesn’t travel as much as she ______.

A use to
B used to
C using to
D used at

17. ______ is Ali’s favourite hobby.

A Climb
B Climbing
C Climber
D Climbed

18. Which sentence is correct?

A Having studied hard, Zainab took the exam.
B Zainab studied hard, having took the exam.
C Having studied Zainab, hard the exam took.
D Zainab the exam took, hard having studied.

19. Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence.

like fish me my nor eating



20. You ______ constantly ______ trouble.

A are / cause
B do / cause
C do / causing
D are / causing

21. The UAE Space Agency is using ______ technology.

A state-of-the-arts
B state-to-the-art
C state-of-the-art
D art-of-the-state

22. For the project to succeed we need volunteers ______.

A urge
B urgently
C urgency
D urgent

23. ______ is her passion.

A Music
B A Music
C The music
D Musical

24. Be careful because you could get yourself ______.

A injure
B injured
C injury
D injuring

25. Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence.

did he but pass only came he

Not first.

26. I ______ hard at my project before I took a break.

A had been worked
B have been work
C have been working
D had been working

27. Doing sport can help us to feel good about ______.

A itself
B herself
C ourselves
D themselves

28. My mother cooked but I had to ______ after dinner.

A clean up
B speak up
C look up
D go up

29. I spent very ______ time outside.

A few
B little
C a few
D a little

30. Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence.

you anything didn’t the say accident about


Section: Grammar 3 (10 Questions)

31. This was ______ solution that could be found.
A best possible
B possibly best
C the best possible
D the possibly best

32. Not only ______ in fluent English, but I also speak Greek and French.
A I do speak
B don’t I speak
C I don’t speak
D do I speak

33. Education can affect ______ life forever.

A one
B ones’
C one’s
D ones

34. Practice ______ help us to improve ourselves.

A does undoubtedly go
B is undoubtedly going to
C is undoubtedly going
D be undoubtedly going to

35. You didn’t do the work but at least you ______ me.
A could have told
B could have tell
C can have told
D could told

36. I don’t believe mobile phones ______ sensibly nowadays.

A is being used
B are being used
C are been used
D are be used

37. We ______ only 30 minutes to complete the test yesterday.

A do have
B do had
C did had
D did have

38. Which sentence is correct?

A Why is technology taking over our lives?
B Why technology is taking over our lives?
C Why is taking over technology our lives?
D Why our lives is taking over technology?

39. ______ that these exercises will help us practice.

A Is it hoped
B We are hoped
C It is hoped
D They are hoped

40. Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence.

incredibly growing market fast is in

The mobile



Section: Vocabulary 1 (10 Questions)

41. He is studying at ______ school.
A low
B degree
C university
D secondary

42. Can you give me the ______ to the Ministry of Education page, please?
A link
B web
C online
D backspace

43. He ______ the situation very well.

A coped
B dealt
C manage
D handled

44. We’ll go first and save you a ______. It’s going to be busy.
A pace
B plate
C place
D palace

45. I live on the ______ side of the city.

A another
B opposite
C additional
D opponent


46. Did you ______ my message to your dad?

A let on
B take on
C pass over
D pass on

47. Forests are filled with amazing ______, like wolves and bears.
A creatures
B features
C pictures
D structures

48. The ______ singer of the group was excellent.

A led
B lead
C leader
D lent

49. It took him a long time to ______ from his illness.

A discover
B record
C recover
D uncover

50. The T-shirt I bought is very ______.

A tight
B fight
C site
D night


Section: Vocabulary 2 (20 Questions)

51. The football match starts at 9pm ______.
A alternatively
B constantly
C precisely
D sufficiently

52. Maryam ______ to the next stage of the competition.

A got up
B got into
C got over
D got through

53. You have made ______ mess already. Please stop it!
A a lot
B enough
C many
D lot of

54. He ______ always help me when I was in trouble.

A can
B must
C would
D should

55. Zainab believes ______ the truth all the time.

A in telling
B in tell
C on tell
D on telling


56. ______ all students passed their exams.

A Similarly
B Virtually
C Finely
D Freely

57. ______ subject you decide to study, I’ll support you.

A Whenever
B Whoever
C Wherever
D Whatever

58. His father’s ______ was very important to Omar.

A approval
B providing
C proof
D proving

59. The fog was so ______ it was dangerous to carry on driving.

A fenced
B lensed
C dense
D tense

60. My success ______ my parent’s faith in me.

A confirmed
B deformed
C reformed
D confused


61. I’ll have a short rest ______ all this hard work I’ve done.
A as
B due
C after
D because

62. Maths is my ______ favourite subject at school. I’m not good with numbers.
A less
B more
C most
D least

63. There is no food left. They ______ have eaten it all.

A must
B can
C shall
D ought to

64. Parents always ______ a good example to the children.

A put
B set
C turn
D learn

65. He never gives ______ answers. He always avoids telling the truth.
A late
B rate
C state
D straight


66. UK students should be able to compete _______.

A globally
B highly
C nervously
D slightly

67. I couldn’t drink the milk because it had ______.

A given off
B put off
C gone off
D run off

68. The ______ don’t work. We need to take the lift.

A elevators
B escalators
C steps
D stairs

69. ______ the bridge there is a nice park we can go to.

A Beyond
B Apart
C Amongst
D Throughout

70. We need to ______ our objectives before the meeting.

A stare
B identify
C resist
D scratch


Section: Vocabulary 3 (10 Questions)

71. Modern technology has made most electronic devices ______.
A abnormal
B bulky
C mundane
D portable

72. Etihad Rail ______ claim that Abu Dhabi to Dubai will take just 30 minutes by
A well
B truly
C highly
D precisely

73. The children were just ______ on the computer.

A giving in
B going around
C messing around
D turning off

74. One must ask ______, “Why did this happen?”

A oneself
B itself
C ourselves
D themselves

75. ______, the online conference was a great success.

A At short notice
B By all accounts
C For the time being
D It’s only a matter of time


76. ______ lucky student will get the scholarship to the University of Cambridge.
A Any
B Many
C None
D Some

77. Our ______ is ready for the winter break.

A itinerary
B condition
C coverage
D insight

78. We had to ______ the meeting because nobody was here.

A give in
B call in
C call off
D give off

79. The theory is very good. Now we need to ______.

A put a stop to the ideas
B put the ideas into practice
C turn the ideas down
D put pressure on the ideas

80. His behaviour is ______. He is usually polite and friendly.

A abnormal
B fabulous
C occasional
D rational


Extended Reading 1 (9 Questions)

Read the following prospectus carefully and answer the questions Photography

that follow. Photography and filming is permitted in all Museum exhibition areas, except
for the Archaic Acropolis Gallery. No use of flash or any portable equipment
The Acropolis Museum such as tripod and lighting kit is allowed inside the Museum. The publication
Location of the material in print and electronic media is not allowed.
The Acropolis Museum is located in the historical area of Makriyianni, Museum Guide
southeast of the Rock of the Acropolis, on Dionysiou Areopagitou Street,
Athens. It is only 300 metres from the Acropolis and approximately two Covering more than 300 exhibits and with the help of images, templates,
kilometres from Syntagma Square, the main square of the city of Athens. drawings and reconstructions, the Acropolis Museum Official Guide provides
The Museum entrance is located at the beginning of the pedestrian walkway a colourful introduction to the richness and diversity of its unique collections
of Dionysiou Areopagitou Street, which constitutes the central route for the and is a perfect companion for visitors who wish to get acquainted with the
unified network of the city’s archaeological sites. The Acropolis metro station Museum’s highlights. It is available for purchase in the Museum Shops
is on the east side of the Museum site. in Greek, English, French, German and Spanish. A Short Guide is also
available for purchase in the Museum Shops in Greek, English, French,
Baggage Control and Cloakroom German and Spanish. This Guide can be found in Braille,
Upon arrival at the Museum, visitors go through an x-ray baggage control Greek and English, for loan at the Museum’s Information Desk.
system. To avoid delays, visitors are asked to avoid carrying large bags and
Opening Hours – Exhibition Areas
luggage into the Museum. The cloakroom is located on the ground floor of
the Museum, where all backpacks and packages must be deposited. To Winter season hours (1 November - 31 March)
avoid lengthy delays in queues, such items should not be brought into the Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (last admission: 4:30 p.m.)
Museum. The Museum holds no responsibility for valuables or fragile items Friday 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. (last admission: 9:30 p.m.)
deposited in the cloakroom. Saturday – Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (last admission: 7:30 p.m.)

Summer season hours (1 April - 31 October)
Pets are not allowed inside the Museum. Guide and assistance dogs Monday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (last admission: 3:30 p.m.)
accompanying individuals with disabilities are welcome. Tuesday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (last admission: 7:30 p.m.)
Friday 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. (last admission: 9:30 p.m.)
Wi-Fi and Mobile Phones
The Museum provides free wifi internet access. The use of mobile phones
is only permitted in the Museum lobby, restaurant and cafe areas.


81. The historical area of Makriyianni is about ______.

A 300 metres from the Acropolis
B 300 metres from the Acropolis Museum
C 2 kilometres from Syntagma Square
D 2 kilometres from the Acropolis metro station

82. When you arrive at the Acropolis Museum, ______.

A there is a baggage control system
B you are asked to carry large bags
C you avoid the baggage control system
D other visitors carry your luggage

83. You are advised ______ when you visit the museum.
A to go to the ground floor
B not to bring any backpacks and packages
C avoid long queues
D to bring fragile items with you

84. Certain dogs ______.

A are not allowed in the Museum at all
B are allowed in the Museum alone
C are allowed if they don’t accompany individuals with disabilities
D are allowed if they accompany individuals with disabilities

85. You can use your mobile phone ______.

A if it has free internet access
B anywhere you want inside the Museum
C at the restaurant of the Museum
D at the lobby of the Museum but not the café area


86. Photography is allowed in the Museum ______.

A in all areas
B only if you use a lighting kit
C in all areas except for one
D but you have to use a tripod

87. What is true about the Acropolis Museum Official Guide?

A You cannot buy it in the Museum Shops.
B It is not available in Arabic.
C It has more than 300 images in it.
D You can borrow one from the Museum Shops.

88. If you wish to visit the Museum in December on a Friday, the opening hours are
from ______.
A 9:00 in the morning until 10:00 in the evening
B 9:00 in the morning until 5:00 in the evening
C 9:00 in the morning until 8:00 in the evening
D 8:00 in the morning until 10:00 in the evening

89. On Monday 10th May, you cannot visit the museum later than ______.
A 3.30pm
B 4.30pm
C 7.30pm
D 9.30pm

Text adapted from: ‘Acropolis Museum’ (2020). [online]. [viewed 12/12/2020].
Available from:


Extended Reading 2 (8 Questions)

The Power of Green Technology

2021 will be the most significant year yet for combating climate change. Two recent
developments have made this possible.

First, while scientists warn the world that the worst impacts of climate change will soon
be felt if we do not reduce emissions dramatically, these impacts can already be seen.
From the historic and deadly wildfires in Australia and California, to severe flooding
around the world, there is no denying that climate change is already disrupting our
daily lives. At the same time, support for climate action has never been stronger as
society is ever more unified against the threat of climate change.

Second, we are seeing promising technologies which will bring carbon-free energy
within reach. Not long ago it was very hard to imagine a constant carbon-free electricity
supply as the wind does not always blow and there is no sun at night. However, better
energy storage and the reduction of costs associated with wind and solar power, have
made the world more optimistic. Compared to ten years ago, it costs 70% less to
produce wind power and this reduction is even higher, 89%, when it comes to the
production of solar power.

Another one of those promising technologies is artificial technology (AI). Mainly

technological companies use AI to optimise electricity consumption in their
workplaces. Their approach can also be used by other commercial buildings, including
airports and shopping malls. AI can also be used to make wind power more
predictable, which will increase the value, utilization and adoption of renewable

Technology is helping cities reduce their carbon emissions. This is a critical step
forward as cities contribute over 70% of the world’s greenhouse-gas emissions.
Technology is also helping communities adapt to the effects of climate change that
are already apparent. Scientists, for example, are in a position to use satellite data to


map wild-fires in real time and better predict how they might spread. In India, flood
forecasting models use AI to predict when floods will hit and how deep the waters will
get, helping save lives.

There is no doubt that global frameworks to ensure we are working towards the same
goals. This is possible as we have seen this kind of collaboration during the pandemic.
The private sector and governments have worked together to deliver personal
protective equipment, medical devices and contacting apps needed to fight the virus.
This strong partnership will be just as critical in fighting climate change.

90. Australia and California have already suffered from ______.

A very serious floods
B dramatic emissions
C wildfires that killed people
D a reduction in emissions

91. What is true about society?

A Society is unified against climate change.
B There is weak support in favour of climate change.
C There is no disruption in everyday life.
D Society does not want to take action against climate change.

92. Constant carbon-free energy ______.

A will never be possible
B is a reality because of promising technologies
C is based on wind blowing at night
D has made the world less optimistic

93. What has helped the development of carbon-free energy?

A The lack of storage methods.
B The increase in cost using the sun.
C How expensive it is to produce it.
D The reduction of costs producing it.


94. Artificial intelligence (AI) ______.

A cannot be used in commercial buildings
B helps companies improve electricity consumption
C is used at airports but not shopping malls
D is only used by technological companies

95. Predicting wind power with the use of AI will ______ of renewable energy.
A increase the value and utilization
B decrease the utilization and adoption
C decrease the value or adoption
D either increase the value or utilization

96. How do scientists use satellite data?

A They predict when the next wild-fire will happen.
B They map wild-fires as they happen.
C They predict how floods might spread in India.
D They map where the next wild-fire will hit.

97. During the pandemic ______.

A only the private sector has delivered medical devices to the world
B only governments have set up contacting apps to fight it
C governments and the private sector have collaborated
D the private sector is fighting climate change

Text adapted from: Pichai, S. (2020). The power of green technology. The Economist.
November 2020. p.117.


Extended Reading 3 (8 Questions)

Shakespeare Four Hundred Years On

More than four hundred years after he died, in 1616, William Shakespeare is still one
of the most influential forces in the world of theatre and cinema today. Back in 1999,
people in Britain chose Shakespeare as the "Man of the Millennium" – the greatest
Briton in 1000 years.

The works of Shakespeare have been translated into all of the major languages in the
world – over 80 languages; 400 years after he died, Shakespeare is studied in schools
and universities worldwide, and throughout the world he is still considered by many as
the greatest writer of all time.

Shakespeare's plays have been made into over 420 films – far more than any other
author – and each year there are hundreds of Shakespeare festivals worldwide,
including many in non-English-speaking countries like Poland, Germany, France,
Spain, Japan or Argentina. For a writer who died 400 years ago, this volume of
attention and respect is incredible, almost unbelievable.

In short, Shakespeare is seen as the world's greatest writer because he was an

incredibly good one. Shakespeare distinguished himself from other writers of his time,
in that while many other writers mastered one side of dramatic art, Shakespeare
mastered them all. He could write amazing poetry, but he was also a master of
ordinary prose dialogue; he could write lines of the most tragic sincerity, but he was
also a master of comedy and he could even mix comedy and tragedy in the same play,
inventing the dramatic technique known as "comic relief".

One surprising thing about Shakespeare's plays is that few of the stories were original.
Most frequently, Shakespeare took well-known stories, or stories from history, and
even classic plots of situational comedy, and retold the stories in his own words.


On the other hand, one area in which Shakespeare was amazingly original was in his
use of the English language; literally hundreds of words and expressions that are still
in common use today were invented by Shakespeare. These include vanish into thin
air, foul play, a tower of strength, the wish is father to the thought
and a foregone conclusion. Many of these expressions have since been translated
into other languages, too.

Indeed, universality is Shakespeare's greatest strength, and the reason for

his enduring success. His tragedies are not just about the characters in them; they are
about humanity. Hamlet is not just a play about the troubles of a Danish prince, but a
tragedy about revenge and being true to oneself. Shakespeare's history plays are not
just stories; in them he explores the universal themes of loyalty and treachery, power
and the abuse of power, strategy and choices.

In 2016, a worldwide survey by the British Council, marking the 400th anniversary of
Shakespeare's death, found that Shakespeare is actually more popular today outside
Britain than in Britain itself. This is surely due to the fact that in many parts of the world,
Shakespeare's plays are read in modern translations which are understandable by all.
In Britain, Shakespeare is usually studied and presented in the original 16th/17th
century English in which it was written, which is not always easy to understand,
especially for teenagers in school.


98. When did Shakespeare die?

A in 400
B in 1000
C in 1616
D in 1999

99. What is true about the works of Shakespeare?

A They have been translated into over 80 languages.
B They were studied at universities 80 years ago.
C They were studied at schools 400 years ago.
D They have been translated in 400 languages.

100. Shakespeare festivals ______.

A cannot be found in Poland and Spain
B are only found in France and Argentina
C show that people do not pay attention to his work anymore
D can be found in countries whose English is not their first language

101. What does “one” refer to in the fourth paragraph?

A world
B writer
C short
D Shakespeare

102. What could Shakespeare do differently than other writers?

A He mastered all sides of dramatic art.
B He was an amazing poet but not good with prose.
C He was a master of tragedy but not of comedy.
D He could rarely apply the “comic relief” technique.


103. Shakespeare’s plays were ______.

A all based on original stories
B all based on historical plots
C usually retold, well-known stories
D only plots of situational comedy

104. What is true about Shakespeare and the English language?

A He was the father of English thought.
B They both vanished in thin air.
C He would translate expressions from other languages.
D He invented many of the words and expressions used today.

105. Shakespeare’s stories ______.

A are about the characters in them
B explore universal themes
C never endured success
D abuse the powers of a Danish prince

Text adapted from: ‘Shaekespeare 400 years on’. Linguapress. [viewed 20/12/2020]. Available from:


Single Question Reading (1 Question)

Read the passage and answer the question.

His Highness Sheikh Dr Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme
Council and Ruler of Sharjah, visited a number of vital, academic and service projects
in Khor Fakkan on Sunday. There, he was briefed about the projects, their workflow,
as well as their completion status.

Sheikh Sultan began his visit by inspecting the academic projects and the new
expansion of the University of Sharjah – Khor Fakkan branch, and examining the
progress of work in the buildings, classes and various facilities. He then instructed that
all new facilities need to provide the optimal academic educational environment for
students, in line with the development of the level of the university has reached.

106. What were HH Sheikh Dr Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi’s instructions in

Khor Fakkan?
A The University of Sharjah new facilities should provide the best possible
environment for students.
B Work progress in the buildings and various facilities should be
C All academic and service projects should reach the highest level.
D The University of Sharjah should have a Khor Fakkan branch.

Text adapted from: ‘Sharjah Ruler inspects number of vital projects in Khor Fakkan’ (2020). Emirates
News Agency [online]. [viewed: 21/12/20]. Available from:


Paragraph Builder (4 Questions)

107. Drag the sentences in the spaces below to make a paragraph.

(A) The internet provides access to news and feature articles from the press of the
UK and other English-speaking countries.

(B) Students should be encouraged to follow their own interests while reading
outside the classroom, e.g. looking on the internet for articles in English on work,
technology, music and others.

(C) This will enable them to become familiar with a wide range of language.

(D) The Reading section includes a range of text types, so students should aim to
read a variety of authentic texts.

For the Reading section, both in class and at home, students need to read as widely
as possible. (1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______. Extensive reading can be
supported by asking students to provide verbal or written feedback on their reading,
or by using it as the basis for classroom discussion.

Text adapted from: ‘C2 Proficiency Handbook for Teachers’ (2020). [viewed 20/12/2020]. Available
from: file:///Users/christosvasileiosmargaritis/Downloads/168194-c2-proficiency-teachers-handbook.pdf


Cloze Passage 1 (8 Questions)

108. Complete the following text using the words in boxes. There are two extra
final accomplished doing realise relatively

arranged factory industry together collaborative

In 2021, we will (a) ______ we can free ourselves from the idea of a “workplace” as
we know it. The space (b) ______ offers a striking example. The (c) _______ stages
of the Emirates Mars mission pre-launch process were (d) ______ by a team working
from home. In fact, the whole mission was put (e) ______ by a multinational team
working over (f) ______ online tools. Our mission-control facility is based around a
pair of (g) ______ uninteresting rooms with screens and laptops. Gone are the days
of hundreds of workstations (h) ______ around 100-metre screens of the kind found
in the United States space centre of Cape Canaveral.

Text adapted from: Al Amiri, S. (2020). Space for opportunity. The Economist. November 2020. p.


Cloze Passage 2 (10 Questions)

109. Complete the following text using the words in boxes. There are two extra
to filming before more compared average

Whether has watching than Whereas used to

With audiences asked to stay at home, the pandemic (a) ______ made ascendant
streaming services (b) ______ powerful. One streaming company added 10.1m new
subscribers globally in the second quarter of 2020 ((c) ______ to a forecast of 8.3m).
According (d) ______ a media regulator, people in Britain spent an (e) ______ of six
hours and 25 minutes a day in April (f) ______ television and online video content –
an hour and a half more (g) ______ in 2019. (h) ______ studios once put their poor
or average programmes online, they are now making their premium content available
there, too. As a result, some cinemas had to compromise on their exclusivity rights. In
the past, cinemas (i) ______ screen a film for 90 days (j) ______ it went online. Now
this period has been reduced to 17 days.

Text adapted from: Lloyd, R. (2020). Hollywood quake. The Economist. November 2020. pp. 135 -


Writing Section (30 Minutes)

110. Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is to
travel to or work in a foreign country.

To what extent do you agree or disagree? Write an essay of about 200 - 250

Question adapted from: ‘IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 1111’ (2020). Reason for learning a foreign
language [online]. IELTS Mentor. [viewed 22/12/2020]. Available from: https://www.ielts-



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