Research Defended Cutie Revised

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



GSC South District

Lagao National High School




A Qualitative Research

Presented to the Faculty of

Lagao National High School


Balolong, Abigail Layderos, Angel Kate

Beronilla, Elicer Mayo, Rosalie

Bornales, Jillian Nebres, Ivy Lorraine

Consular, Laurence Jay Ostan, John Rey

Callao, Lara Joan Soministrado, Angel Rose

Enriquez, Ma. Kena Soliva, Mikko Jay

Florida, Melchelle Villarico, Wenna

Labios, Jhosua Mark

June 2023

Single spaced


TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………….1-2

TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………………………………3

LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………3-4




Statement of the Problem…………………………………………..8

Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………..8-9

Significance of the Study………………………………………..9-10

Definition of Terms……………………………………………..10-12


Related Literature………………………………………………13-16

Theoretical Framework…………………………………………..17



Research Methodology………………………………………….18

Research Design………………………………………………………….18

Respondents………………………………………………………….. 18

Research Locale…………………………………………………………..19

Sampling Techniques……………………………………………………..19

Research Instruments……………………………………………………..19

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………………..20

Statistical Treatment of Data……………………………………………..20




Adolescence is one of the most crucial life stages, and because it is so

crucial, we should concentrate our efforts on treating difficult illnesses like

depression and anxiety. Depression is a top mental health concern, described

as a common and serious mood disorder that results in persistent feelings of

sadness, hopelessness, as well as loss of interest in life. It is a prevalent

mental illness that is marked by melancholy, lack of interest or pleasure,

feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or eating, feelings of

exhaustion and poor concentration, and is a significant contributor to the

global burden of disease. These problems are not new and have existed for a

very long time. Many individuals with anxiety also have depression and vice-

versa (Alharbi et al. 2019).

One of the most prevalent psychological issues, depression can impact

an individual or an entire family and affects practically everyone throughout

every aspect of life and around the globe. No one is immune as this condition

hits individuals of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, but teens account for

the majority. Depression can interfere with daily life, which could cause issues

adjusting to work, social, and family situations. A person who suffers from

severe depression can ruin their own family life. It can be identified as a

condition that typically manifests and disappears at a given stage of life and is

influenced by biological, genetic, and other sorts of elements, such as a

person's reaction to significant life experiences. (Lopiga et al., 2020)

Although the converse has also been discovered, numerous research

have shown that teenagers with low social status are more likely to have poor

mental health. Additionally, it has been noticed that teenagers' poor mental

health has worsened social disparity (Wirback, 2018). Depressed students run

the danger of encountering stereotype threat in academic settings. The risk of

confirming negative perceptions about a group to which one belongs is

referred to as stereotype threat. Students with depression may do worse than

peers without mental health disorders when they believe their intellectual

ability is being evaluated if they believe that people with mental disorders

struggle academically (Cooper et al., 2020).

In the Philippines alone, the World Health Organization-Philippines

(2019) reported that over 3.9 million individuals suffer from depression, and

approximately 3.07 million people suffer from anxiety. They further stated that

one of the most important causes of suicide is depression. They continued by

stating the urgent need for a genuine national conversation about depression

in which every Filipino is involved. On the basis of their research, they also

came to the conclusion that depression is a mental condition that affects

people all over the world and can interfere with daily life. In contrast to many

significant global issues, depression has a workable cure right at our

fingertips. Additionally, the American Psychological Association, generally

known as the APA, recognized depression as a mental condition in 2017

rather than just a state of melancholy. People who experience depression

often have frequent thoughts of suicide or death, considerable weight loss or

increase, insomnia or excessive sleeping, a lack of energy, trouble

concentrating, along with a sense of feeling worthless or excessive guilt.

Numerous studies have been conducted on the subject of depression

in the past, but they have never attempted to examine or analyze the themes

or experiences of young students who are experiencing depression in a

classroom setting. Additionally, the World Health Organization did not indicate

the age range of those affected. The American Psychological Association

hasn't gone into much detail or provided additional justification for their

definition of depression.

Through this, this study attempted to demonstrate the experiences of

students undergo depression of Grade 11 and Grade 12 Tourism of Lagao

National High School.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to explore the experiences of Tourism SHS students

who underwent anxiety and depression

1. What are the factors that influenced students depression in relation


1.1. Socio-economic Status

1.2. Poor Academic Performance

2. What are the intervention measures/programs initiated by the school

administration to address depression and anxiety among the students?

3. How do the students cope with depression and anxiety?

Scope and Delimitation

This study will deal with exploring the experiences of students who

underwent depression and anxiety. The respondents of the study are the

grade 11 and 12 Tourism students of Lagao National High School using

random sampling. This study will be conducted at Lagao National High

School, Purok Malakas, Aparente Street, General Santos City.

This study is limited to consider participants who are currently enrolled

as grade 11 and 12 Tourism students of Lagao National High School for the

A.Y. 2022-2023.

Significance of the Study

Parents - The findings of this study will benefit the respondents’

parents emotional well – being.

Teachers – The finding will help mentors and educators in providing

inspiration and motivation to come up with concepts that would properly direct

the students. In addition, this can boost their self-esteem and self- worth.

Students – that students may not ostracize fellow students, who have

absentee parents but to acknowledge and support them physically, morally,

emotionally, financially and spiritually. And those students undergoing this

matter will be able to find ways to cope with the challenges and having

positive outlook in life.

School Administration – With the known challenges, they may be

able to provide and conduct program that needs of the students with absentee


Researchers - This research would beneficial to the researchers to be

more aware and get more information that needed that most of the questions

possibly be answered.

Future Researchers – The conclusion will used as resources and

manual by future researchers who wants to carry out the same study. They

may be able to study further and they may present ways to counter the

challenges experienced by the students having depression and anxiety.

Definition of terms

The following terms are defined for the understanding of the readers:

Anxiety - Operationally, is a feeling of fear, dread and uneasiness. Type of

mental health condition.

Depression - Operationally, is a common and serious medical illness that

negatively affects how you feel.

Biological - Operationally, it is a study of living things and their vital


Crucial - Operationally, extremely important because many other things

depend on it.

Disorder - Operationally, a disturbance of normal functioning of the mind or


Disparity - Operationally, a situation in which two or more things are not

equal or similar.

Genetic - Operationally, the scientific study of genes and heredity.

Prevalent - Operationally, existing commonly or happening frequently.

Stereotype - Operationally, an idea that is used to describe a particular type

of person or thing.

Socioeconomic status - Operationally, a way of describing people based on

their education, income and type of job.

Suicide - Operationally, the act of killing yourself intentionally. It is

sometimes a way for people to escape pain or suffering.

Struggle - Operationally, to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with

something that is difficult or that causes problems.

Undergo - Operationally, to experience something that is unpleasant or

something that involves a change.

Vice-versa - Operationally, used to say that what you have just said is also

true in the opposite order.

Grade 11 and 12 Tourism Students – Operationally, defined as the

researcher’s respondents who are currently enrolled at Lagao National High




This chapter will present the literature and the theoretical framework

that will support the facts about the study.

Related Literature

Young people with depression and anxiety are at risk for a variety of

co-occurring illnesses, such as conduct issues, personality disorders,

substance addiction, obesity, interpersonal conflict, unsatisfying social

interactions, and underachievement in school and the workplace. According to

literature, numerous symptoms of anxiety and depression, including attention

issues, an absence in interest and motivation, preoccupations, fatigue, and

poor attendance, have been linked to lower academic performance. The

results show that many students experienced psychological issues, which in

turn had an impact on their academic performance. Numerous studies were

conducted to address this issue, and it was unquestionably discovered that

psychological issues like depression and anxiety do have an impact on

students' academic success. For instance, it has been reported that stressful

life events are significantly more common in anxious and depressed youths,

which may contribute to their poor performance in academic achievement

(Journal Family Med Prim Care, 2019).


Depression is a mood disorder that causes weariness, loss of interest,

hopelessness, and protracted sadness. A diagnosis of major depressive

illness means that symptoms have been present for at least two weeks,

almost every day. Depression, though, involves more than just being

miserable. It could be severe enough to interfere with day-to-day activities like

relationships, school, work, and others. Clinical depression and major

depressive disorder are other names for this condition (Watson, 2021).


Anxiety is a psychological concept that can negatively impact anyone's

mental health, including students. Students frequently use various phrases,

moods, sentiments, and emotions to portray their inner problems. According

to Bayangard (2020) students describe their internal challenges by using

words like nervousness or worry. According to the psychological analysis

hypothesis, anxiety is one of the key causes of all mental diseases. The

psychological analysis of pupils' activities at school, particularly during test

conditions, emphasizes the importance of anxiety (Baltimore, 2020).

Combining physical, emotional, psycho-motor, and cognitive

impairments, depression is characterized by symptoms like sleep disturbance,

difficulty concentrating, unpleasant thoughts, and feelings of guilt. However,

remarkably little research has examined the impact of depression on

academic performance, despite the high rates of depression among student

populations and the clear potential negative implications for academic studies.

Pre-university depression and financial difficulties were related to exam

performance at the end of the first year of study, with depression being the

only independent predictor, according to one of the few longitudinal studies to

examine the relationship between emotional difficulties and objective

academic performance (Awadalla et al., 2020).

Students in senior year have grown increasingly sensitive to social

media as well as psychological disorders caused by developmental and

academic qualifications (Alfoukha et al., 2019).

Depression is one of the main reasons of damage in modern

civilizations' populations. Having been affected by epidemics or natural

disasters (Dong et al., 2020)

Mental Health

Positive mental health is used in life therapy. To date, studies have

used community samples with individuals of different ages, with a lot of

research focusing on adult community samples. The present research is

unique in that it examined the effectiveness of an evidence-based (cognitive-

behavioral, solution-focused) life-coaching program in enhancing cognitive

toughness and hope in senior high school students (Tee & Passmore 2022).

Depression is a serious mental disorder that makes it difficult for a

person to carry out everyday tasks in their personal as well as their

professional lives. For the diagnosis of depression, a thorough examination by

an expert doctor is typically required. In an effort to increase the precision and

efficacy of depression research, automatic depression prediction has attracted

a lot of attention recently (Azher et al., 2020).

Given that the number of case of mental disorders has greatly

increased over time, we must promote community awareness of mental health

concerns. Students should get health education from health professionals on

how to manage stress and depression through exercise and adequate rest

(Alharbi et al., 2019).


Problem Objective
THE EXPERIENCE OF 1. To determine the factors that
STUDENTS UNDERGO influenced students depression and

2. To discover the intervention

measures/programs initiated by the
school administration to address
depression and anxiety among the

3. To discover the students cope with

depression and anxiety.

Research Question

1. What are the factors that influenced students depression in

relation to.
1.1. Socio-economic Status
1.2. Poor Academic Performance

2. What are the intervention measures/programs initiated by the

school administration to address depression and anxiety among
the students?

3. How do the students cope with depression and anxiety?



The researchers will present the methodology which will be employed

during the study. In conducting this research, it will include the research

design, respondents, research locale, sampling techniques, research

instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data to

gather more relevant data that was needed in making the study.

Research Design

The researchers will use a qualitative research which focuses on the

experience of the students undergoing depression. The researchers will utilize

the Phenomenological method that seek in-depth understanding of social

phenomenon related to the experiences of students who have undergone

depression and anxiety.


The respondents of this study will be the purposely grade 11 and 12

Tourism students of Lagao National High School.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted within the premises of Lagao National

High School located at Aparente Street. Purok Malakas, Barangay San Isidro

General Santos City.

Sampling Techniques

This study on the level of satisfaction was conducted in Lagao

National High School. The respondents are the Grade 11 & 12 Tourism

students and the researchers will be using the structured method. Structured

method provide a means to overcome this communication problem through a

framework which co- ordinates the efforts of the project participants.

Research Instrument

Survey questionnaire will be the instrument used to conduct the study.

The survey guide will contain questions pertaining to the factors of

depression, the intervention measures and how to cope with depression. The

questionnaire will be close- ended where the respondents will be able to make

a choice or choices corresponding to their answer about the factors and

challenges experienced the students undergo depression.

Data Gathering Procedure

In conducting the study, the researchers will gather the important data
in completion of the study. The following procedures in completion were
enumerated below:

First, the researchers will send an approval letter to the school principal in
requesting the number of students of grade 11 and 12 Tourism.

Second, the researchers will formulate survey questionnaires to be used in

the survey.

Third,after the survey questionnaire will be formulated, the researchers will

start to conduct the survey.

Fourth, the survey questionnaire will be retrieved and the researchers will give
a word of appreciation to the respondents.

Lastly, the data gathered will be interpreted in various methods.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers will employ a thematic method of interpreting the data

gathered define thematic merho


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