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Grade VI (Mathematics)

Revision Worksheet – Annual Exam (May 2023)

Name:_________________________ Section:__________________ Date:______________


Algebra is the branch of mathematics that helps in the representation of problems or situations in the
form of mathematical expressions. It involves variables like x, y, z, and mathematical operations like
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to form a meaningful mathematical expression.

Key words :
1. Variable A variable is any letter that stands for a number. The most commonly used letters are x and y, but
you can use any letter.
2. Constant A constant is a number without a variable. For example: The equation 6m + 7 = –m has one
constant, the number 7.
3. Equation An equation is any set of numbers and symbols that makes sense and includes an equal sign. For
example, here are three equations:

4. Expression An expression is any string of numbers and symbols that makes sense when placed on one side of
an equation. For example, here are four expressions:
5. Term A term is any part of an expression that’s separated from the other parts by either a plus sign (+) or a
minus sign (–). Important: A term always includes the sign that immediately precedes it. For example,
• The expression 3x – 7 has two terms: 3x and –7
• The expression –x2 – 9x + 11 has three terms: –x2, –9x, and 11
6. Coefficient A coefficient is the numerical part of a term, including the sign that precedes it (+ or –).
Important: Every term has a coefficient. When a term appears to have no coefficient, its coefficient is either 1
or –1, depending on the sign. For example:

• The term 3x has a coefficient of 3.

• The term –9x has a coefficient of –9.
• The term –x2 has a coefficient of –1.

Algebraic Expressions: Algebraic expressions involve letters (variables) as well as numbers and mathematical
operations. For example:
• 2x + 5
• 250 – y
• 3x2 + 5y3 – xy + 20xy + 60
Like Terms

Q1. Choose the correct answer.

1. The algebraic expression of sum of 10a and 15c can be written as
A. 10a + 15c
B. 25ac
C. 15a + 10c
D. 150ac
2. On simplifying the expression 10x + 8x, the answer will be
A. 8x
B. 10x
C. 18x
3. The algebraic expression of word expression "subtract eight times of the number b from ten times
of the number c" is
A. 8b - 10c
B. 8c - 10b
C. 10c - 8b

4. Simplify 2p - 3q - 4r + 6r - 2q + p
A. 8q – 5r
B. 10p + 3q – 5r
C. 3p – 5q + 2r
On solving the algebraic expression the answer will be
A. 𝟐
C. 56b
The product of 4 and 3b is
The sum of 5x + 3y and 4x – 2y is
5x – 8y
9x + y
8x + 4y
If a = 20, b = 35 and c = 5 then (4a + b) ⁄ c is
The algebraic form of product of 7y and 4z is
11y + z
In the term 200𝑥, the variable is
The algebraic form of the statement "sum of the product of 2a and 2b and product of 12x and 2y" is
4ab + 24xy
24ab + 4xy
4ab + 12x + 2y
In 15𝑦 and 160𝑎𝑏, the coefficients are
ab, y
160 and 15
The quotient of 7a and 8b can be expressed algebraically as
7a ⁄ 8b
8b ⁄ 7a
If x = 7 and y = 8 then 𝑥 + 3𝑦 is
15. On simplifying the expression 13𝑦 + 2𝑧 + 3𝑦, the answer will be
A. 39𝑥𝑦 + 2𝑧
B. 16𝑦 + 2𝑧
C. 18𝑥𝑦𝑧
16. The algebraic expression of the word expression "product of 8 and four times of a number c" is
A. 16𝑐
B. 4 + 8𝑐
C. 32𝑐
17. On solving the expression 6𝑎 + 8𝑏 − 11𝑎, the answer will be
A. −5𝑎 +8𝑏
B. 66𝑎 + 8𝑏
C. 80𝑎𝑏
18. The algebraic expression of difference of 13𝑥 𝑎𝑛𝑑 7𝑦 can be written as
A. 6𝑥𝑦
B. 13𝑥 − 7𝑦
C. 6𝑥 − 𝑦
19. The algebraic expression of the word expression "2 times the number a increased by 3" is
A. 2𝑎 + 3
B. 3𝑎 + 2
C. 5𝑎
20. The algebraic expression for the sum of 10𝑎 and 5𝑐 can be written as:
A. 15𝑎𝑐
B. 10𝑎 + 5𝑐
C. 50𝑎𝑐
21. There are ___________number of terms in the expression: 5𝑥 + 3𝑦 – 1

22. If t = 5 and u = 2 then, 2(𝑡−𝑢) is

A. 14
B. 6
C. 8
23. The algebraic expression of word expression "subtract eight times of the number b from ten times
of the number c" is:
A. 8𝑏 − 10𝑐
B. 8𝑐 − 10𝑏
C. 10𝑐 − 8𝑏

24. 𝑥 + 𝑦 + 2𝑥𝑦 is:

A. An expression
B. An equation
C. A term
25. 3 subtracted from 𝑥 can be expressed as:
A. 3 – 𝑥
B. 𝑥 – 3
C. 3𝑥
26. The value of ‘variable’ in an expression is:
A. One
B. Fixed
C. Not fixed
27. In the expression 𝑥2+ 1, the variable(s) is/are:
A. 𝑥
B. 1
C. 𝑥2
28. How many terms are there in the expression 2𝑥2𝑦?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
29. What is the coefficient of 𝑥 in the expression 2 – 𝑥 + 𝑦?
A. 2
B. 1
C. -1
30. Which of the following pairs of terms is a pair of like terms?
A. Which of the following pairs of terms is a pair of unlike terms?
B. p2q2, 12q2p2
C. 41, 100
32. 14yx2, 4xy2
A. How many terms are there in the expression 2x2y?
B. 1
C. 2
33. 3
A. How many terms are there in expression 2𝑦+5
B. 1
C. 2
A. What is the coefficient of x in expression 4𝑥+3𝑦
B. 1
C. 3
35. 4
A. How do we write 6 more than thrice a number x.
C. 6+3
36. 𝑥
37. 3
3 𝑥 − the expression 3𝑎+2𝑏 −2𝑎−5𝑏?
Simplify 3𝑚𝑛 – 5𝑚𝑛 + 8𝑚𝑛 – 4𝑚𝑛
2 𝑚𝑛
20 𝑚𝑛
−2 𝑚𝑛
38. Get the algebraic expression of subtraction of z from y.
A. 𝑧 – 𝑦
B. 𝑦 – 𝑧
C. – 𝑧 + 𝑦
39. By solving the equation 2a – 2 = 20, the value of a will be
A. 12
B. 14
C. 11
40. By solving the expression 𝟓𝒂²𝒃³ × 𝟓𝒂𝒃, the answer will be,
A. 25a5 b6
B. 25a4 b6
C. 25a³b4
41. Constants have _________________ value.
42. The exponent of 1𝑥² is _____________ [-2/2]
43. Coefficient of 𝑥 in −32 𝑥 is _________________
44. In the algebraic expression (3a + 4b – c – 4a + 3ab), the like terms are 3a and ____________
45. A ___________________________________________________can take various values.
46. The variables of linear equation are implicitly raised to,
A. First power
B. Second power
C. Third power
47. Give an example of Linear Equation involving two variables: ______________________
Q2. State true or false and solve where required.
a) Every number can be expressed as a fraction. _________
2 7
b) The reciprocal of is ___________
7 2
c) The product of 7 and is __________
d) We get the equivalent fractions by multiplying or dividing the numerator and denominator with
different numbers. _____________
e) 0.59 = ________________
f) The word “of” means Divide ____________
g) A fraction is a number which can be written in the form 𝑎/𝑏, where b ≠ 0 _____________
h) Simplest form of is 0.5 ________________
i) 55.38 × 100 = 5538 __________________
j) In order to add or subtract the fractions, the denominators should not be same _____________
k) – = 1 ___________
l) 52% in Fraction (simplest form): ___________________________________________________
m) 300 minutes to hours: ___________________________________________________________
n) Write 20 05 in 12-hours clock: ____________________________________________________
o) Square has ______________ line (s) of symmetry.
p) Median is the difference between highest and lowest value (True / False) _________________
q) 20% of 4500 KM is _____________________________________________________________
r) 44% of 200?___________________________________________________________________
s) 7.9 in Percentage:______________________________________________________________
t) ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 into minutes: __________________________________________________________
u) Write the time “Five Thirty in the evening” in 24-hours clock: __________________________

Q3. Convert into an algebraic expression.

(a) Sum of 2x and 3z (b) Product of x and 7y (c) Divide 3ab by 2c
(d) Subtract 6q from 10z (e) Subtract the product of x and y from the sum of p and q
(f) Divide the sum of 3 and y by 5 (g) Subtract the product of 2 and c from the positive square root of b
Q4. Find as stated below: 𝒙𝒚 + 𝟓𝒙 −𝒚𝟑 + 𝟔𝒙𝟒 – 𝟕𝟐
Terms:_____________________________ Coefficients:____________________________
Constants: _______________________ Variables: ________________ Exponents:_______________
Q5. Simplify:
a ) 2 3𝑦3 × 𝑥𝑦224𝑥𝑦𝑧2𝑥 × 𝑥b) c)
d) 9𝑎𝑏2𝑐 ÷36𝑎2𝑏2𝑐 e) 5𝑥 − 10 +3𝑥 +6
f) 2𝑎2 +4𝑎𝑏 −4𝑎𝑏 +10𝑎2 g) 4𝑥2−3−𝑥+ 5𝑥2+𝑥
7𝑥 8𝑧2
h ) × i) 4𝑥2𝑦 ×𝑥3𝑦2
14𝑥𝑧 𝑦

Q6. Evaluate:

Q7. Evaluate:

Q8. Fill the table.

Fraction Equivalent Fraction Simplest Form
0 4
1 8
80 8
14 0


Q11. Convert into Algebraic expression:

i. Double k add 3
ii. Subtract half of 2 from x
iii. 5 more than a
iv. Multiply p by 5 and subtract 2.
v. Decrease x by 3.
vi. Quotient of 9 and w.
Q12. Solve the linear equations:
i2 .5 𝑦 − 7 = 2 2 i i ) 3 𝑧 + 4 = 1 6 i i i ) = 2
i1 v9 .
16𝑏 = 64 v) 5𝑐 – 10 = 55 vi) = 10
Q13. Simplify the following expressions.
a. 𝑎2×𝑎3
b. 𝑘2𝑙4÷𝑘𝑙3
Q14. Do as directed.
i. Express 15 as an improper fraction. ______________________________
ii. = _______________________________________________________
iii. Simplest form of ____________________________________________
iv. Write mix number of _________________________________________
v. Decimal form of ______________________________________________
vi. of 100 km ____________________________________________________
100 70
vii. Subtract and simplify – _____________________________________
9 1
viii. Calculate ÷ = ______________________________________________
1 5
ix. 566.24 ÷ 100 = __________________________________________________
x. 3.5 × 10 = _____________________________________________________
3 6 5
xi. Write in descending ordrer ,, _________________________________
8 8 8
13 13 13
xii. Write in ascending ordrer ,, _________________________________
3 2 5
xiii. Decimal form of _________________________________________________

Q15. Evaluate each of the following.

15 8 2 2
a) × b) 1 − 1
64 3 3 5
1 2 1 1 3
c) 3 ÷ 3 d) 3 −1 +7
5 5 6 2 4
1 1 1 1
e) 3 +4 f) 2 ×4 ×
3 5 2 3
5 9 2 3
g) ÷ h) 𝑜𝑓
4 8 7 4
i) of 70 runs j) 22 % 𝑜𝑓 140
Q16. a) Compare the fractions , using < or > sign.
𝟏 𝟓 𝟑
b) Arrange the fractions ,
𝟐 𝟑 𝟕
Q17. Multiply following decimals.
a) 5.2 × 100 = _________________ d) 2.6219 × 1000 = _________________
b) 21.67× 10 = ________________ e) 987.8 × 10 = ___________________
c) 0.039 × 1000 = ______________ f) 10.63 × 100 = __________________

Q18. Evaluate the following.

a) 44.05 ÷100 = ________________ d) 0.8865 ÷ 10 = _________________

b) 413.5 ÷ 10 = _________________ e) 1222.2 ÷ 1000 = _______________
c) 7301.2 ÷ 1000 = _______________ f) 0.2 ÷ 100 = ____________________

Q19. Convert the following fractions into decimals.

a) b) c)
8 16 17
d) e) 5 f)
14 7 90

Q20. Convert the following decimals into frcations.

Decimals Fractions Decimas Fractions
0.48 29.8
0.236 0.006
12.90 7.36
Q21. Do as stated.

Q22. Solve the following word problems.

1) The weight of a baby elephant was 218.99 kg. After two years, his weight increased by 109.85 kg.
Find the weight of elephant after two years.

2) Find the cost of 47.2 m cloth if the cost of 1 m cloth is $35.

3) There are 150 books in a library, out of which 40 books are in English, 50 books are in math and the
rest of them were in science. What is the fraction of science books in the library? Write simplest

4) Sam is 1.85 m tall. He can throw a javelin a distance that is 38 times his height. How far can he
throw a javelin?
5 3
5) Lily rode her bicycle miles from her house to the park. Then she rode miles from the park to the
4 2

library. How many miles did Lily ride in all?

6) of a number is 84. Find the number.

7) Dina added five-sixths of a bag of soil to her garden. Her neighbour Natasha added eleven-eighths
bags of soil to her garden. How much more soil did Natasha add than Dina?
8) Salina bought 9.25m of cloth for $425.50 Find the cost price per meter.

9) A water pitcher weighs 0.64 kg when empty and 1.728 kg when filled with water. How much does
the water weigh?
10) It took Sam 90 minutes to paint 24 feet of fence. Painting at the same speed, how long will it take
him to paint the rest of the 48 feet long fence?
11) Gul earns $90 for seven hours of work. In how many hours will she earn $720?

12) An international phone call costs $41 per hour. How much would a call of 30 minutes cost? Q5) For
each the problem below, write a proportion and solve it.
13) To paint 800𝑚2 Usman needs 50 liters of paint. How much paint does he need to paint 200𝑚2?

14) If 7lb of chicken costs $12, how much would 100 lb cost?

15) A school has 1500 students. Given that 5% of them were late for school on a particular day, find the
number of students who were late for school. What are the number of students who were on time
for school?
16) On Monday, Salwa went to the park. She arrived at 9:00 am, she stayed there for 2 hours 35 mins.
What time did she leave the park?
17) Hira has a piano lesson at 12 45, her lesson ends at 16 35. How long was her piano lesson?

18) Zara baked a pie, she put it in the oven at 6 12. It has to be cooked for 1 hour 17 mins. What time
will the cake be done?
19) On Saturday, Shiza’s family went to the mountains at 9 30. They were there for 18 hours 45 mins.
At what time they will be back to home?
20) During a full season a football team scored 84 goals. If William scored of the goals, how many
goals din William score?

21) of my weekly earnings must be paid as tax to the government. If I earn $840.00 in one week, how
much tax need to be paid?

22) A chef made 240 cookies. He packed three-eighths of them in a box and sent them to a party and
the rest of them to a cake shop. What is the number of cookies that were sent to the party? How
many were sent to the cake shop?

23) Salina earns $36 for 3 hours of work. At that rate, how long would he have to work to earn $720?

24) Oliver takes 14 hours and 32 minutes to travel from Ayton to Plumpton by train. He leaves Ayton
at 05:15. What time does he arrive in Plumpton.
25) Five bottles of perfume cost $200. What would 11 bottles cost? Write a proportion and solve.

26) A coach left from station A at 0520 and took 6 hours 20 minutes to reach at station B. At what time
coach arrived at station B?
27) There are 33 apples and 20 bananas in a basket. Find the ratio of

a) The number of apples to the number of bananas,

b) The number of bananas to the total number of fruits in the basket.

Q23. Simplify the following expressions.

Q24. Solve the following questions.

25. Draw the lines of symmetry for each of these diagrams.

Q26. Solve.

a)14.40 + 82.25 b)6.048 + 8.854 c) 7.55 − 5.70

895.32 −14.56 326.5− 0.08 0.865 +0.494

d) e) f)

4.29× 7 321.4× 22 14.5× 13

g) h) i)

6.86× 6.9 76.2× 0.41 89.87× 5.2

j) k) l)

0.2 ÷1.50 69.3 ÷3 116.2 ÷8

m) n) o)

76.45 ÷5.4 28.6 ÷1.6 7.6 ÷0.8

p) q) r)

2.56 ÷0.02 72.05 ÷0.05 156.25 ÷2.5

s) t) u)

Q27. Draw reflection images of the following.

Q28. Write ordered pair of the following points given in the graph and the plot the following ordered pair
on the same graph A(1, -1), B(-5, -2) , C(4, 2), D(0, -6)

Q31. For each shape write the order of rotational symmetry.

Q32. Draw mirror image of the following.

Q33. Do as stated.

Q34. Do as stated.
Q35. Complete the table and show the time as 12-hour clock.

Q36. Determine the mean, median and mode of the following sets of data.

Q37. Calculate the mean, median, mode and range of the following marks.

Q38. Find the mean, median, mode and range of the following sets of data.

Q39. Draw all possible lines of symmetry.

Q40. Write down the order of rotational symmetry.

Order: Order: Order: Order: Order:

Q41. Here are two triangles on the grid.

a) Mention the coordinates of Point A: Point C: Point O:

b) Describe the translation that moves triangle A to triangle B.

c) Mention the coordinates of the points A`, B and C`.

Q42. Here is a coordinate grid.

a) Which point has the coordinates (3, 0)? ________________________

b) Which point has the coordinates (-5, 4)? ________________________
c) Join the points in order: A to B, B to D, D to A with straight lines. Identify shape: ____________
d) Mention the coordinates:
Point E: Point C: Point G:
Q43. Here is a trapezium on a square grid. It is translated 3 squares right and 4 squares up. Draw the
trapezium in its new position.
Q44. Do as stated.
Q45.Complete the table.

Q46.Do as stated.
Find the unknown values in the following equivalent ratios.
Q47. Solve the following word problems. (Hint: Use Proportion)

Q48. Do as stated
Q49. Complete the table

Division Mixed Number Decimal

𝟏𝟐 ÷ 𝟓
𝟏𝟕 ÷ 𝟒
Q50. Answer the questions.

Q51. Solve the following equations.

Q52. Simplify

Q53 a) Translate the following object.

Q53 b) Describe the translation.

Q54. Do as stated
Q55. Draw the following ordered pair on the below mentioned grid.
A(-4, 10) B(7, -9) C(0 , 9) D ( -8, -6) E (-4, -6) F ( 6, 5 ) G (-3, -1)
J (-3, -6) K(5 , 9) L( 1, 5) M(-4, 9) N (2, 8) H ( 5,5) I( -5, 6)

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