Java Miniproject Report
Java Miniproject Report
Java Miniproject Report
Abstract : Tic-tac-toe is a classic two-player game played on a 3x3 grid. Each player
takes turns marking a square with their symbol (usually X or O) until one player gets three in
a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The game is simple to learn, but can be
challenging to master, as players must anticipate their opponent's moves and plan their own
strategy accordingly. In this abstract, we explore the rules and strategies of tic-tac-toe, and
discuss various approaches to playing the game, including optimal play and heuristic-based
strategies. We also examine variations of the game, such as larger boards and different win
conditions, and consider how these changes affect gameplay. Tic-tac-toe is a timeless game
that continues to be enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels, and serves as an important
example of simple but engaging game design.
The objective of the Tic Tac Toe project is to create a game that allows two players to take
turns marking cells in a 3x3 grid. The first player marks cells with an 'X' and the second
player marks cells with an 'O'. The winner is the player who places three of their marks in a
row, column, or diagonal. The game continues until one player wins, the board is filled up,
or the players decide to end the game. The objective of the game is to get three of your
symbols in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. This project is a Java
implementation of the Tic Tac Toe game using GUI components from the Swing library.
We have created a very user friendly graphical user interface so that user can easily run
through it without any difficulty. The goal of Tic-Tac-Toe is to be one of the players to get
three same symbols in a row - horizontally, vertically, or diagonally - on a 3 x 3 grid.
The main objective of tic-tac-toe is to place three of your marks (either X or O) in a row,
either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, on a 3x3 grid. Players take turns placing their
marks on the board until one player achieves three in a row, or all nine squares are filled
without either player achieving three in a row, resulting in a tie. Tic-tac-toe is a popular
beginner programming project because it is easy to understand and implement, but still
requires logical thinking and decision-making.
Tic-tac-toe is a classic two-player game where each player takes turns marking a 3x3 grid with
their symbol (usually X or O) until one player gets three in a row (horizontally, vertically, or
diagonally) or all the spaces are filled. The game is often used to introduce basic game theory
concepts and strategies. In programming, tic-tac-toe is a popular game to implement as a
beginner project as it can be done with simple logic and basic coding skills.
The Tic Tac Toe project is implemented in Java using the Swing GUI toolkit. It
uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture to separate the game logic
from the user interface. The TicTacToe class represents the game model, which
includes the state of the game board and the logic for checking for a win or a
draw. The user interface is implemented using JButton objects arranged in a
3x3 grid. The ActionListener interface is used to handle button clicks and
update the game state accordingly. The JLabel class is used to display messages
to the user, such as whose turn it is and who won the game.
Future Scope:
**Keyboard functions will be added.
**We want to design more complex boards for the game in future
Improved user interface: The user interface for the game could be
improved to make it more visually appealing and user-friendly. This could
include adding animations and sound effects, as well as improving the
design of the game board and menu system
Difficulty levels: Adding different difficulty levels to the game could make
it more interesting for players of different skill levels. For example, the game
could have an easy mode where the AI opponent makes random moves, and
a hard mode where the AI opponent is more strategic and difficult to beat.
Score tracking: Keeping track of scores and displaying them on the screen
could add a competitive element to the game, encouraging players to try to
beat their high scores and compete against each other.
Board size customization: Tic Tac Toe traditionally has a 3x3 board, but
allowing the user to choose a different board size, like 4x4 or 5x5, could
create more complex gameplay.
The system requirements for a Tic Tac Toe project can vary depending on
the platform and java programming language being used. However, here
are some general hardware and software requirements:
Hardware Requirements:
The Tic Tac Toe project uses the following Java libraries and methods:
• java.awt.*: This library provides classes for creating and manipulating
graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
• java.awt.event.*: This library provides classes and interfaces for handling
events, such as button clicks, in GUIs.
• javax.swing.*: This library provides a set of GUI components that are
built on top of the AWT toolkit.
• JFrame(): This is a constructor for the JFrame class that creates a new
window for the game board.
• JButton(): This is a constructor for the JButton class that creates a new
button object.
• addActionListener(): This method adds an action listener to a button
object to handle button clicks.
• setLayout(): This method sets the layout manager for a panel object to
determine how its components are arranged.
• add(): This method adds a component to a container, such as a panel or a
• getSource(): This method returns the source of an event, such as the button
that was clicked.
• setText(): This method sets the text of a button or label object.
• setBackground(): This method sets the background color of a button
• setEnabled(): This method enables or disables a button object.
• equals(): This method checks if two objects are equal.
• setSize(): This method sets the size of a window or a component.
• setVisible(): This method shows or hides a window or a component.
• public TicTacToe(): Constructor method for the TicTacToe class. It
initializes the game board with nine buttons and sets the layout of the main
panel and message label.
• public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e): This method is called
when a button on the game board is clicked. It handles the logic for placing
X's and O's on the board, checking for a win or a draw, and updating the
message label.
• private boolean checkForWin(): This method checks if there is a winner
by calling the checkRow() method with all the possible winning
• private boolean checkRow(int a, int b, int c): This method checks if the
three buttons at indices a, b, and c have the same non-empty text. It is
called by the checkForWin() method with all possible winning
• private boolean checkForDraw(): This method checks if the game has
ended in a draw by checking if all the buttons on the board have been filled
with X's or O's.
• private void resetBoard(): This method resets the game board by clearing
all the button text and background color, enabling all the buttons, setting
the turn to X's, and updating the message label.
The GUI of this project consists of a JFrame window with a title of "Tic Tac
Toe". The window contains a main panel with a 3x3 grid of JButtons
representing the game board. Each button has an ActionListener attached to it
that triggers the actionPerformed() method when it is clicked. The main panel
is placed at the center of the window using the BorderLayout.CENTER
At the top of the window is a JLabel named "message" that displays the turn of
the current player and any game-ending messages such as a win or a draw. The
JLabel is placed at the top of the window using the BorderLayout.NORTH
At the bottom of the window is a JPanel named "buttonPanel" that contains a
single JButton named "Reset". The JButton has an ActionListener attached to it
that triggers the resetBoard() method when it is clicked. The JPanel is placed at
the bottom of the window using the BorderLayout.SOUTH constant.
The Tic Tac Toe project uses the Swing GUI toolkit to create the user interface
for the game. The user interface consists of a window with a 3x3 grid of buttons
that represent the cells of the game board. The buttons are arranged in a JPanel
object with a GridLayout layout manager. Each button has an action listener
attached to it to handle button clicks. When a button is clicked, the action
listener checks if the button is empty and updates the game state accordingly.
If a player wins or the game ends in a draw, the action listener disables all the
buttons and displays a message to the user.
• After compiling the code this is the
interface that’ll appear as
**Then the second has to select a cell with
an ‘o’
• The game continues until one player
wins, the board fills up
or the players decide to end the game
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public TicTacToe() {
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 3));
frame.add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
frame.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
frame.add(message, BorderLayout.NORTH);
frame.setSize(300, 300);
if (button.getText().equals("")) {
if (xTurn) {
message.setText("O's turn");
} else {
message.setText("X's turn");
if (checkForWin()) {
message.setText(button.getText() + " wins!");
for (JButton b : buttons) {
} else if (checkForDraw()) {
message.setText("It's a draw!");
} else {
xTurn = !xTurn;
private boolean checkForWin() {
return checkRow(0, 1, 2) || checkRow(3, 4, 5) || checkRow(6, 7, 8) ||
checkRow(0, 3, 6) || checkRow(1, 4, 7) || checkRow(2, 5, 8) ||
checkRow(0, 4, 8) || checkRow(2, 4, 6);
return true;
In conclusion, we successfully implemented the Tic Tac Toe game using Java's Swing GUI
toolkit and the MVC design pattern. The game features a 3x3 grid of buttons that players can
click on to place either an "X" or an "O". The game ends when a player wins by getting three
in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, or when the game ends in a draw. The
TicTacToe class implements the ActionListener interface to handle button click events and
updates the game state accordingly. Overall, this project demonstrates the use of event-
driven programming and graphical user interfaces in Java to create a simple game. It could
be expanded upon by adding more features, such as a scoring system or different game
modes, to make it more challenging and engaging for the players.