Iso 10993

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ISO 10993: Biological Evaluation

of Medical Devices

Pugazhenthan Thangaraju and Shoban Babu Varthya

1  S
 election and Qualification of Reference Materials
for Biological Tests (ISO 10993-8)

Before selection of certified/reference material, a reference material must be avail-

able not less than 5 years from the supplier, and it should publish its source and
method of processing. Certification of reference material is done by interlaboratory
studies. Reference material must be used for screening of biocompatibility of medi-
cal devices and prevention of misuse of certified reference material.

2  Chemical Characterization of Material (ISO 10993-18)

Chemical characterization of material is essential for assessing biological safety of

the device, quantification of material leached due to clinical use, supporting equiva-
lence with existing device/prototype device and suitability of new device for clinical
application. Chemical characterization along with risk assessment increases the bio-
compatibility of device for clinical use. It also plays an important role in the device’s
biological evaluation and toxicological risk assessment.
General Principles of Characterization  For chemical characterization of device,
its composition and quantification of extraction material are essential. Chemical

P. Thangaraju (*)
Department of Pharmacology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),
Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
S. B. Varthya
Department of Pharmacology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 163
P. S. Timiri Shanmugam et al. (eds.), Medical Device Guidelines and Regulations
164 P. Thangaraju and S. B. Varthya

composition enables to compare with pre-existing/standard device and also toxico-

logical risk assessment. The extent of chemical characterization is determined by
nature and duration of the clinical exposure, physical form of the device used clini-
cally and its previous use. Chemical characterization in biological analysis is essen-
tial because potential biological risks are arising from the use of medical devices by
risk assessment. A medical device must undergo extraction test to see the potential
bioavailability of test material or its additive in the process of manufacturing. It
depends on the duration of clinical use and physical characteristics (liquid, gels,
polymers, metals, ceramics, etc.) of material used.

Characterization Procedure  To assess the risk of the material, characterization of

material must have information on composition of finished device including its
additives; material must be equivalent to clinically established material. To test the
equivalence, a test material is compared with already used material with respect to
its composition and extractable profile along with duration of contact and invasive-
ness and leachable material, and it must have better toxicological profile or similar
toxicological profile. While establishing composition and configuration of device,
the hypothetical worst-case scenario will be taken from source of material or appro-
priate compositional testing. Quantitate information of material to describe the total
amount of chemical present in the material. Quantitative risk assessment is done
with existing toxicological information.
Chemical characterization parameters and methods are essential for the stepwise
generation of qualitative and chemical quantitative characterization data used in the
risk assessment.
1. For material composition based on material type, analytical test varies. In case of
synthetic polymers, chromatographic (GC, LC), spectrophotometric and fluores-
cence techniques are used. In case of metals and alloys, X-ray fluorescence, elec-
tron microscopy, etc. are used. In case of ceramics, X-ray fluorescence, ion
chromatography, etc. are indicated.
2. For extractable and leachable compounds: In case of organic compounds based
on volatility, headspace sampling for gas chromatography (HS-GC) is typically
used to analyse VOCs, gas chromatography (GC) is typically used to analyse
SVOCs, and LC is used to analyse NVOCs.
3. For structural composition or configuration, spectrophotometric studies are

Reporting of analytical tests used chemical characterization done in a format,
which includes description on test material and sample preparation, analytical
method and extraction conditions, stability testing, analytical evaluation threshold
and qualitative and quantitative data, along with clinical exposure to chemical.
Below we will be discussing specific parameters and methods used for character-
ization of materials:
ISO 10993: Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices 165

3  P
 hysicochemical, Morphological and Topographical
(PMT) Characterization of Materials (ISO 10993-19)

PMT characterization along with above framework is essential for judging a pro-
posed material to clinical established material or a prototype device to final device.
Few examples to understand the relation between PMT evaluation and clinical
effectiveness are as follows:
1. Porous materials as surfaces on orthopaedic implants can encourage tissue
ingrowth at the surface of the implant for better integration.
2. The use of material scaffolds and meshes aids in healing process.
3. The PMT characterization enables to understand the bacterial adherence to cath-
eters and their role in infections and blockages.
4. Alterations to the microtopography of surfaces, e.g. producing microgrooves or
other defined patterns, have been shown to influence the adhesion and direction
of movement of certain types of cells on that surface.
5. For certain medical devices, e.g. orthopaedic implants and vascular prostheses,
mechanical properties may influence biological responses such as tissue

4  F
 ramework for Identification and Quantification
of Potential Degradation Products (ISO 10993-9)

Under this we will be looking at general principles for systemic evaluation of the
potential and observed biodegradation of medical devices and for the design and
performance of biodegradation studies. It depends on nature of material and its
anatomical location during use. Study design depends on chemical and physio-
chemical properties, surface morphology and biochemical properties. In case of
biodegradable material or material implanted for more than 30 days or toxic sub-
stance released from the material, biodegradable studies shall be conducted. But in
case if biodegradable products are similar to parent material or if safety data is
available, then there is no need to conduct further studies. When studies are planned
to study, then in vitro and in vivo studies are to be conducted.
Characterization of potential degradation products: Degradation products can be
particulate or soluble compound or ions; based on type of particulate matter, it must
be characterized (if particulate material, then size, shape, surface area and other
relevant characteristics recorded). Protocol of such study must aim at evaluating the
changes in bulk material and mechanism of change in its characteristics. Bulk mate-
rial undergoes changes during storage, or processing, or sterilization, during implan-
tation or after implantation, or leeching from the site of implantation. Substance
from implant can be released by chemical reaction, leeching, migration, depolymer-
ization or peeling of material.
166 P. Thangaraju and S. B. Varthya

A study must report nature of material and its intended use, assessment of degra-
dation and its rationale for same, description of degradation products related to test
material and methodologies including analytical test and statement of compliance to
good laboratory practice.

5  I dentification and Quantification of Degradation Products

from Polymeric Medical Devices (ISO 10993-13)

Under this we will be discussing tests in a stimulatory environment for identifying

and quantification of degraded products from polymeric medical devices.
Test Designs  Analytical methods designed to test the polymeric materials are solu-
tion viscometry (molecular mass average, branching); swellability (cross-link den-
sity); rheology (melting range, melt viscosity, thermal stability, molecular mass
distribution); chromatographic methods (e.g. gas and/or high-performance liquid
chromatography for residual monomers, additives and leachables; size exclusion/
gel permeation chromatography for molecular mass averages and changes in molec-
ular mass distribution; mass spectrometry for identification); spectroscopic methods
(e.g. ultraviolet spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance,
mass spectroscopy for identity, composition, distributions; atomic absorption spec-
troscopy for catalyst content, heavy metals); and thermal analysis (e.g. differential
scanning calorimetry for glass transition, melting range or softening point, blends).
Test solution must mimic the biological state in which it is intended for use. For
example, for hydrolytic degradation, grade 2 laboratory water is used along with
buffer. Similarly for oxidative degradation, water and hydrogen peroxide with
Fenton’s reagent will be used.

5.1  The Accelerated Degradation Test

This is a screening method to identify and/or quantify degradation products. This

test is conducted between 37 °C and less than melting point of polymer. Duration of
test depends on intended clinical use of the material. (For devices whose intended
use is longer than 30 d, test periods of 2 d and 60 d shall be used. For devices whose
intended use is less than 30 d, test periods of 2 d and 7 d shall be used.)

5.2  Real-Time Degradation Test in a Simulated Environment

Carry out the test at 37 ± 1 °C.

ISO 10993: Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices 167

Test Period  For devices whose intended use is longer than 30 d, test periods of
1  month, 3  months, 6  months and 12  months shall be used. For devices whose
intended use is less than 30 d, four alternative test periods shall be used, includ-
ing 30 d.

5.3  Test Report

Description of the test material, batch or lot number, dimensions and number of
samples tested; test solution and conditions; detailed description and justification of
the test methods used, including (where appropriate) specificity, sensitivity, detec-
tion and quantification limits; method used to determine mass loss, including preci-
sion; mass/volume ratio of sample and shape of sample; sample pretreatment and
drying method; selected pH; test temperature; test periods; test results; (1) mass
balance; (2) molecular mass/distribution (cross-link density); (3) results of tests run
on the solution, debris and/or bulk polymer; (4) identified degradation products; (5)
rationale for final decision.

6  I dentification and Quantification of Degradation Products

from Ceramics (ISO 10993-14)

There are two tests available.

An Extreme Solution Test  This is conducted at low pH, based on a low pH citric
acid buffer solution. This test can be used for screening of all ceramics. Best results
are obtained if specimen run on granulated specimen. Characterization of test sam-
ple shall be done by gas absorption, density, solubility, microstructural and X-ray
diffraction method.

Simulation Solution Test  This test is performed at physiological pH (7.4 ± 0.1).

This test is applicable to all ceramics to see that degradation products are generated
under simulated test conditions. Test specimens shall be prepared as coatings on
blank discs for getting finished products. Surface area, microstructure and X-ray
characterization shall be recorded after the procedure.

7  I dentification and Quantification of Degradation Products

from Metals and Alloys (ISO 10993-15)

A potentiodynamic test and a potentiostatic test are used to identify and quantify
degradation from metals and alloys.
168 P. Thangaraju and S. B. Varthya

8  Compatibility Testing

8.1  Biocompatibility (ISO 10993)

8.2  S
 elections of Tests for Interactions with Blood (ISO

In this section, we will discuss on devices coming into contact with blood. They
may be externally communicating devices like cannulae, IV catheters, cardiopul-
monary bypass circuit, capillary filters, guiding wires, etc. and implant devices like
AV shunts, IVC filters, ventricular assist devices, vascular stents, etc.
Characterization of Blood Interaction  For characterization of devices, they need
to undergo certain test for interaction like haemolysis due to device or mechanical
force and thrombosis.

In Vitro Tests  Haematocrit, anticoagulant (type and amount), test sample prepara-
tion, test sample age, blood/blood component age, test sample storage, aeration and
pH, temperature, proper randomization, test sample surface area to blood volume
ratio and, for dynamic studies, fluid flow conditions, especially flow rate, wall shear
rate and pressure(s).

Ex Vivo Tests  Platelet adhesion, emboli generation, fibrinogen deposition, throm-

bus mass, white cell adhesion, platelet consumption and platelet activation.
In vivo testing involves implanting the material or device in animals. This pri-
marily tests the patency of a conduit or device. The percent of occlusion and throm-
bus mass are determined after the device is removed. The tendency of thrombi
formed on a device to embolize to distal organs should be assessed by careful gross
as well as microscopic examination of organs downstream from the device. In addi-
tion, histopathological evaluation of the surrounding tissue and organs is useful (e.g.
in case of ventricular assist devices or artificial hearts, the kidney primarily gets
affected by emboli).
Arteriograms or imaging from intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) catheters are
used to determine patency or thrombus deposition on devices. Radioimaging can be
used to monitor platelet deposition at various time periods in vivo; platelet survival
and consumption can be used as indicators of blood/device interactions and passiv-
ation due to neointima formation or protein adsorption.
In vivo test protocols should contain precise and stand-alone sections stating how
each test category identified for testing, i.e. haemolysis, thrombosis, coagulation,
platelets, haematology and complement system, will be evaluated.
ISO 10993: Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices 169

Preclinical Evaluation of Cardiovascular Devices and Prostheses

Animal studies are conducted to study interactions or potential interactions, which

are to be prevented to make device suitable. These are adsorption of plasma pro-
teins, lipids, calcium or other substances from the blood onto the surface or into the
device; adhesion of platelets, leukocytes or erythrocytes; formation of pseudointima
or neointima on the blood contacting surface and tissue capsule on the surface of the
device; alterations in mechanical and other properties of the device; activation of
platelets, leukocytes or other cells, or activation of the coagulation, fibrinolytic or
complement pathways; formation of thrombus on the device surface; embolization
of thrombotic or other material from the device’s surface to another site within the
circulation; injury to circulating blood cells resulting in anaemia, haemolysis, leu-
copoenia, thrombocytopenia or altered function of blood cells; injury to cells and
tissues adjacent to the device; intimal hyperplasia or accumulation of other tissue on
or adjacent to the device, resulting in reduced flow or affecting other functions of
the device; and adhesion and growth of bacteria or other infectious agents on or near
the device.

Advantages and Limitations of Animal Models

They help for simulation of test device and continuous monitoring for device, but its
usage was restricted by size of the animal, duration of implantation and cost.

Advantages and Limitations of In Vitro Models

Avoidance of costly animal models; high replication testing of test objects alongside
controls and reference materials using the same batch of blood and, at the same
time, use of human or animal blood where flow, temperature and anticoagulation are
standardized; worst-case scenario testing, where activation products accumulate
without clearance by kidneys or liver or other organs and activation-inhibiting func-
tions of endothelial cells are absent; and isolation from confounding factors associ-
ated with device implantation/tissue injury associated with in vivo usage.

Recommended Laboratory Tests

Thrombosis  This is analysed from the distal organ microscopy after autopsy. In
this we look for per cent of occlusion, surface area covered by thrombus and surface
area free from thrombus.

In Vitro Haemocompatibility  Haemolysis can be screened by testing plasma hae-

moglobin levels; the higher the value, the higher will be the haemolysis. Coagulation:
Thrombin-antithrombin and fibrin assay using ELISA method indicates reflective of
170 P. Thangaraju and S. B. Varthya

the level of coagulation activity. Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) is to test the
activation of intrinsic coagulation pathway. The activated partial thromboplastin
time (APTT) must be avoided because the activator used in this test may interfere
with material activation.

Methods to Test the Activity of Platelets  Medical devices can cause platelet
depletion due to adhesion, aggregation and/or sequestration. To assess the activity
of platelets, platelet granule-release proteins beta-thromboglobulin (ß-TG) and
platelet factor 4 (PF4), thromboxane B2 (TxB2) and platelet morphological changes
are to be tested.

Methods to Test Haematological Parameters  Complete blood count, including

peripheral smear, leukocyte activation by estimation of leukocyte on the surface of
the device or their presence on the thrombi along with platelets.

Estimation Complement Cascade Parameters  C3a and SC5b-9 using

ELISA. Complement system plays an important role in innate immunity of the body.

8.3  Tests for In Vitro Cytotoxicity (ISO 10993-5)

Three categories of test are used for in vitro cytotoxicity studies: extract test, direct
contact test and indirect contact test. These are primarily to study the biological
response of mammalian cells to medical devices and/or their extracts.
Endpoints under this test are (1) assessments of cell damage by morphological
means, (2) measurements of cell damage, (3) measurements of cell growth and (4)
measurements of specific aspects of cellular metabolism.

Tests Used Under In Vitro Cytotoxicity

1. The extract test: In this test we simulate or exaggerate the condition intended
for use to assess the potential toxic effects in sample by fusion, melting or any
alteration of the chemical structure, unless this is expected during clinical appli-
cation. In case where two or more substances are mixed in sample, then extrac-
tion test shall be applied before washing the sample to remove residues.
Extraction vehicles in this test can be culture medium with serum, physiological
saline solution or other vehicles.
2. Neutral red uptake (NRU) cytotoxicity test: In this test BALB/c 3T3 cell lines
are used and seeded in 96-well cell plate for 24 h. At different concentrations test
sample will be applied for 24 h. The IC50 (i.e. the concentration producing 50%
reduction of NRU) is calculated from the concentration-response and expressed
as a dilution percentage of the extract.
ISO 10993: Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices 171

3. Colony formation cytotoxicity test: V79 cells are seeded into six-well plates
and maintained in culture for 24 h to start growing in a logarithmic phase. They
are then exposed to the test compound over a range of concentrations. They are
incubated for 6 days to make colonies large enough to count. Colonies are fixed
with methanol, stained with Giemsa solution and counted. If the extract exhibits
a cytotoxic effect on the cells, the IC50 (the concentration inhibiting plating
efficiency to 50%) is calculated and expressed as a percentage of the extract.
4. MTT cytotoxicity test (direct contact test): Test protocol is based on the mea-
surement of the viability of cells via metabolic activity. L929 cells are seeded
into 96-well plates and maintained in culture for 24 h (≈1 doubling period) to
form a semi-confluent monolayer (see Reference [5] for more information on
cell maintenance and culture procedures). They are then exposed to the test com-
pound over a range of concentrations. After 24 h exposure, the formazan forma-
tion is determined for each treatment concentration and compared to that
determined in control cultures. For each treatment the percentage inhibition of
growth is calculated.
5. XTT cytotoxicity test (indirect contact test): This is based on the measurement
of the viability of cells via mitochondrial dehydrogenases. L929 cells are seeded
into 96-well plates and maintained in culture for 24 h (≈1 doubling period) to
form a semi-confluent monolayer (see Reference [5] for more information on
cell maintenance and culture procedures). They are then exposed to the test com-
pound over a range of concentrations. After 24 h exposure, the formazan forma-
tion is determined for each treatment concentration and compared to that
determined in control cultures. For each treatment the percentage inhibition of
growth is calculated.

9  Toxicity Screening

9.1  Sample Preparation and Reference Materials

9.2  E
 valuation and Testing Within a Risk Management
Process (ISO 10993-1:2009)

To prevent the potential risk arising from the medical devices (from now we called
it as devices) to humans, their biological evaluation is essential. Biological evalua-
tion is done by in vitro and ex vivo tests using animal to identify potential adverse
The primary role of this document is to serve as a framework to plan a biological
evaluation. A secondary role is to utilize scientific advances in our understanding of
172 P. Thangaraju and S. B. Varthya

basic mechanisms, preferably physical, chemical, morphological and topographical

characterization testing and in vitro models than the in vivo models.
Biological evaluation is done through extensive literature search to know the
existing information on physical and chemical characteristics of device, nonclinical
and clinical safety and toxicological data of the device. Details of this will be dis-
cussed in their respective frameworks. If there is gap in the literature, risk analysis
is performed to complete the data sets needed for the biological evaluation of the
particular medical device.
Re-evaluation of test material is necessary, if there is a change in source of mate-
rial, or change in processing or its transport, or change in its intended use or adverse
events are observed in humans after their use.
Biological evaluation is done by weighing between risks and benefits by devices.
Any acceptable risk after getting expected benefit from the device is considered to
be acceptable. Initially risk assessment is done from the identified and estimated
risk of a device in contact with biological material. After risk analysis, risk estima-
tion is done from the use and hazards of device. Finally risk management is done
after taking risk control measures and improving overall acceptability of the device.

9.3  Animal Welfare Requirements (ISO 10993-2)

Primary aim of ISO is protection of humans from any adverse events or potential
adverse events due to medical devices. In this respect, animal studies are conducted
to study the biological effects of medical devices. These tests are conducted in
humanly approach. Animal welfare primarily focuses on minimization of animal
use, minimizing or eliminating the pain and distress and replacement of animal test,
if alternative tests are available. Animal welfare primarily deals with vertebrate non-­
human species.
In this part we will be discussing what essential prerequisites for testing medical
devices in animals are.
Essential Requirement for Minimizing or Eliminating Pain and Distress in
Animals  Under this all experiments are conducted in accordance with legal provi-
sions of their jurisdiction and ethical provisions. Number of animals in each group
must be based on literature search, data sharing and replacement of animals wher-
ever possible and appropriate test strategy and study design. All these experiments
are conducted in good laboratory care and presence of competent personnel and
expert veterinarian service to alleviate their suffering.

Justification of Animal Studies  Animal studies are useful for characterization of

medical device, when there was no validated test available. But such method must
follow the refinement and reduction of animals in the study. These studies must be
relevant to their endpoints; data must be part of characterization of medical device.
ISO 10993: Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices 173

Planning and Performance of Studies  Species selection, number of animals per

group, test used in characterization of device and measures taken to minimize or
prevent pain and distress at the discretion of expert but must be in compliance with
local ethical committee prerequisites and their legal provisions.

Reuse  Reuse of animals is warranted to reduce the cost of animal welfare and
minimize number of animals used, but in such condition reuse must be based on
scientific objective, because pain and distress in the course of experiment may inter-
fere with other test. Whenever animals are reused, it must be well documented.

Test Strategy  Test strategy follows appropriate hierarchical approach to minimize

the number of tests and to reduce pain and distress to the animals. Animal test must
not be performed if adequate data relevant to such test is available.

Animal Care and Accommodation  Animal care and accommodation must be

according to the national or international animal care, accommodation and hus-
bandry guidelines. Compliance to such guidelines must be justified and docu-
mented. Animals which are social species must be housed in groups except during
experiment if required. In case single housing is required, it must be documented for
that duration. In case animals require restraint, then such application must be mini-
mum duration and degree of restraint to meet scientific objective. In case of surgical
procedures, surgeries are conducted under adequate anaesthesia and prevent chances
of sepsis along with proper pre-, intra- and post-operative care of the animals.

Humane Endpoints  A competent person must supervise animals at least once in a

day, and observation number increased, if number possible adverse welfare out-
comes present. If animals are in severe pain and/or distress and cannot be alleviated,
such animals must be euthanized immediately. Euthanasia of animal is done by
using methods which can cause rapid irreversible loss of consciousness of animal.
Study documentation: Under this all experiments must be documented related to
the test strategy, the rationale for use of specific species, strain and numbers along
with number of animals per group and procedure followed in the study, health status
of animals during study protocol, details of the care and husbandry systems, the
observation schedules and humane endpoints to be implemented, the contact details
for key personnel, the method of euthanasia and the justification for the choice of
method to be used and details of the analytical and statistical methods to be applied.
Validity of Test Results and Mutual Acceptance of Data  Mutual acceptance of
test data can significantly reduce animal test requirements and facilitate timely and
ethical regulatory decisions. Whenever possible, test methods shall be based on
internationally recognized protocols and conducted in accordance with recognized
quality assurance systems, for example, in accordance with the principles of good
laboratory practice.
174 P. Thangaraju and S. B. Varthya

9.4  Tests for Local Effects After Implantation (ISO 10993-6)

In this part we will be discussing about test methods for assessment of local effects
by direct contact samples. This test applies for solid and non-absorbable; non-solid,
such as porous materials, liquids, gels, pastes and particulates; and degradable and/
or absorbable, which may be solid or non-solid.

9.5  Tests for Systemic Toxicity (ISO 10993-11)

In this part we will be discussing procedures followed in evaluating the potential

systemic toxicity associated with medical devices. Generally systemic toxicity stud-
ies are conducted based on mode and duration of use. Tests are conducted on final
or representative product, and it depends on the physical and chemical properties of
device like pH, solubility, osmolality, etc. Dose of the study is determined from
in vitro acute toxicity and in vitro cytotoxicity studies. Animals are selected based
on type of device and their intended route of use (e.g. for acute oral, intravenous,
dermal and inhalation studies of medical devices, the rodent is preferred with the
option of the rabbit in the case of dermal and implantation studies. Other non-rodent
species may also need to be considered for testing, recognizing that a number of
factors might dictate the number or choice of species for study). Preferably single
species is used in this study.
Size and number of animals per group: For systemic toxicity studies, it depends
on number of animals used per dose level and duration of therapy. In the below
table, we will be mentioning minimum number of animals per group required based
on treatment duration. Matching control group to match with test sample prepara-
tion and treatment procedure.
Recommended minimum group sizes:

Study type Rodent Non-rodent

Acute 5 3
Subacute 10 (5 per sex) 6 (3 per sex)
Subchronic 20 (10 per sex) 8 (4 per sex)
Chronic 30 (15 per sex)

As the duration of therapy is increasing, we use more number of animals taking

the possible mortality due to treatment in long-term therapy. Sex-based grouping is
required, if device is used in both sexes.
Single-dose group vs multi-dose group: Single-dose group is used in acute toxicity
studies to get mean lethal dose or hazard dose, but to draw dose response curve,
we need to have multi-dose group.
ISO 10993: Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices 175

Route of exposure: The test route of exposure shall be the most clinically relevant to
the use of the device, where possible. If an alternative route of exposure is neces-
sary, it shall be justified.
Dosing: Under this test sample is administered either single dose per day or multiple
doses in a day depending on the volume of administration, and test sample is
administered mostly at physiological temperature of animal.
Clinical observation:
Respiratory system: Dyspnoea (abdominal breathing, gasping), apnoea, cyanosis,
tachypnoea and/or discharge through nostrils
Motor activities: Decrease/increase of somnolence, loss of righting, catalepsy,
ataxia, unusual locomotion, prostration, tremors and fasciculation
CNS: Convulsion, reflexes (corneal, righting, myotactic, light, startle reflex).
Ophthalmological: Lacrimation, pupil size (miosis and mydriasis), extraocular
muscles (exophthalmos, ptosis), lens (opacity), iritis, conjunctivitis, chromodac-
ryorrhea, relaxation of nictitating membrane
Cardiovascular signs: Bradycardia, tachycardia, arrhythmia, vasodilation and
Gastrointestinal: Soft stool, diarrhoea, emesis, diuresis, rhinorrhoea, etc.
Dermatological signs: Oedema, erythema, etc.
Other systems if required:
Clinical pathology: To analyse the toxic effects of devices, blood test along with
other analytical tests is performed. Sample collection is done as per protocol.
Haematology (clotting potential (PT, APTT), haemoglobin concentration, haemato-
crit, platelet count, red blood cell count, white blood cell count, WBC
Clinical chemistry (LFT, RFT, lipid profile, blood glucose, serum electrolytes,
immunoglobulin, etc.)
Urine analysis for appearance, bilirubin, glucose, ketones, occult blood, protein,
sediment, specific gravity or osmolality, volume, etc.
Anatomic Pathology  Under this gross morphological changes in the intact body
after euthanasia or death, discharge from all opening, and cranial, thoracic and
abdominal cavities. Gross morphology and histopathology of selected organs done
after harvesting adequate tissue.

Acute Systemic Toxicity  This information gives about clinical effects on acute
exposure to device. Dosage regimen is established based on this study and mode of
toxic effects seen. Under this study, data regarding adverse clinical signs, body
weight change, gross pathological findings and death (if any) shall be recorded.
Repeated exposure systemic toxicity (subacute, subchronic and chronic sys-
temic toxicity):
1. Health hazards likely to arise from a prolonged exposure
176 P. Thangaraju and S. B. Varthya

2 . The mode of toxic action of a substance

3. Detailed information on toxic effects, target organs, reversibility or other effects
and may serve as the basis for safety estimation

9.6  Tests for Irritation and Skin Sensitization (ISO 10993-10)

Medical devices or their release chemicals may cause irritation of the skin and
mucous membrane or may cause sensitization leading to delayed type of hypersen-
sitivity reaction. To test such reaction, in vitro test, animal studies and human trials
are to be conducted. These tests are performed in case of devices intended as an
implant and externally communicating device.
Under this we follow stepwise approach:
Characterization of test material: In this part physicochemical characterization of
device shall be done. Details are already discussed.
Literature review: Through literature review essential for extracting information on
device or structurally similar components about physicochemical properties, irri-
tation and/or sensitization.
In vitro tests: In silico methods gaining popularity to identify potentially important
reactions and sensitization.
In vivo animal tests: In this test we will be demonstrating the potential irritation and
sensitization using positive controls. To test the sensitization, we use local lymph
node assay in mice, the occluded patch test in guinea pigs or the guinea pig maxi-
mization test (GPMT).
Non-invasive human tests/clinical trials: If test material is found negative in animal
studies, these are taken for further evaluation.

9.7  P
 rinciples and Methods for Immunotoxicology Testing
of Medical Devices (ISO 10993-20)

9.8  T
 ests for Genotoxicity, Carcinogenicity and Reproductive
Toxicity (ISO 10993-3)

The assessment of mutagenic, carcinogenic and reproductive hazards (potentially

irreversible biological effects) is an essential component of the control of these
risks. In this part we will be discussing the test methods that are most acceptable and
which will assist for achieving maximum test sensitivity.
ISO 10993: Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices 177

Carcinogenicity test: test to determine the carcinogenic potential of medical

devices, materials and/or extracts using multiple exposures for a major portion of
the life span of the test animal
Genotoxicity test: test using mammalian or non-mammalian cells, bacteria, yeasts,
fungi or whole animals to determine whether gene mutations, changes in chro-
mosome structure or other DNA or gene changes are caused by the test samples
Reproductive and developmental toxicity test: test to evaluate the potential
effects of test samples on reproductive function, embryonic morphology (terato-
genicity) and prenatal and early postnatal development
Risk assessment of these tests is done using different tests. Signals for these stud-
ies are drawn from their structure, manufacturing process, degradation products or
metabolites and/or their structure activity relationship. Other important parameters
are route of exposure, patient population, duration of exposure to device, etc.
Apart from above characteristics of device for carcinogenicity studies, other
additional information-related device physical characteristics (particle size and
shape, pore size, surface continuity, surface condition, device thickness) and results
from implantation and genotoxicity studies. In case of reproductive toxicity testing,
direct or indirect cumulative contact duration with reproductive tissue or foetal
development and energy depositing medical devices.
Tests for genotoxicity studies: These are used to test the genetic mutation
screened using gene mutations (point mutations) and chromosomal damage [struc-
tural aberrations such as translocations, small or large deletions and insertions and
numerical chromosomal aberrations (aneuploidy)].

In vitro tests In vivo tests

The test battery shall include: 1. Rodent bone marrow cells chromosomal
1. Gene mutations in bacteria aberrations, micronuclei in bone marrow or peripheral
2. Cytogenetic evaluation of blood erythrocytes
chromosomal damage with mammalian 2. Micronucleus test in rodents
cells 3. Metaphase analysis in rodent bone marrow
3. Mouse lymphoma tk assay 4. Transgenic mutagenicity tests
4. Mammalian cell micronucleus test
for chromosomal damage and

Carcinogenicity Tests  To test this, in general a single study for chronic toxicity
and carcinogenicity studies are conducted in case of where potential risk is associ-
ated with device.

Criteria  Materials for which the degradation time is greater than 30 days; materi-
als introduced in the body and/or its cavities with a cumulative contact of greater
than 30 days.
178 P. Thangaraju and S. B. Varthya

Test Methods  Under this test human safety factor of 100 (100 times to the maxi-
mum dose exposed by human). Dose should be physiologically compatible. And all
tests are based on OECD guidelines.

Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity Tests  Test procedure followed for F1

and F2 generation based on OECD guidelines with few modification with dose,
route of application, extraction media and exposure time.

9.9  T
 oxicokinetic Study Design for Degradation Products
and Leachable (ISO 10993-16)

In this framework we will be discussing principles on designing and performing

toxicokinetic studies (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) relevant
to medical devices. It is essential to understand the fate of medical devices and their
degraded or leachable products. Therefore we will understand the safety and mech-
anism of adverse events associated with products.
Toxicokinetic studies vary from device to device. Physicochemical and surface
morphology of products are essential along with leachable products, if any for
designing the study protocol. All analytical tests to be standardized detect and char-
acterize degradation products, leachable and metabolites in biological fluids and
tissues. Data must be plotted against different time interval to get information on
various kinetic parameters (rate of absorption, bioavailability, bioresorption, clear-
ance, Cmax, tmax, distribution, elimination half-life and volume of distribution).
Test methods: In general study should be conducted on suitable species and sex.
Usually non-radiolabelled substances will be used. If, radiolabelled substances are
being used than there is a need to target metabolically stable positions like 14C or 3H.
Absorption  It depends on route of administration; bioavailability studies are con-
ducted in case of non-parenteral route of administration.

Distribution  Generally radiolabelled compounds are used. In this quantitative esti-

mation, determining the levels of radiolabelled compound in dissected tissues will
be done, and in qualitative, using whole-body autoradiography (WBA), or semi-
quantitative, using graded WBA reference doses.

Metabolism and Excretion  In this test metabolic cages are to be used to collect
urine and faeces. In case of collecting volatile gases like CO2, in such situation
special devices are to be used.

1 . Indications for toxicokinetic studies

2. If a device is undergoing bioresorption
3. If an implant is undergoing significant corrosion or biodegradable compounds or
leachable substances are likely to be released from the implant
ISO 10993: Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices 179

4. Significant quantity of toxic component or active ingredient or nano-objects

released from the medical device
If toxicological or toxicokinetic data is available or clinical safety data on medi-
cal device or their leachable products available, in such situation there is no need to
conduct toxicokinetic studies.

10  Other Frameworks

10.1  Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Residuals (ISO 10993-7)

In this we will be studying devices which are in contact with patients. For medical
devices sterilized by ethylene oxide (EO), it is important to ensure the levels of
residual EO, ethylene chlorohydrin (ECH) and ethylene glycol (EG) and risks to
Based on duration medical devices are classified into different categories to
avoid more than permissible limit of exposure.
Classification of medical devices is delivered to patients and their permissible
limit for EO and ECH.

Limited Prolonged Permanent

Categories of exposure exposure exposure exposure
Duration ≤24 h 24 h–30 days >30 days (lifetime)
Permanent contact devices with EO 4 mg 60 mg 2.5 g
Permanent contact with ECH 9 mg 60 mg 10 g
Prolonged exposure devices with 4 mg 60 mg
Prolonged exposure devices with 9 mg 60 mg

Device category EO ECH

Limited (<24 h) 4 mg 9 mg
Prolonged (>24 h < 30 d) 60 mg/30 d 60 mg/30 d
Permanent (>30 d) 2.5 g/lifetime 10 g/lifetime
Tolerable count limit (TCL) 10 μg/cm2 or negligible 5 μg/cm2 or negligible
irritation irritation
Intraocular lens 0.5 μg/lens/d 4*EO limit suggested
Blood cell separator (apheresis) 10 mg 22 mg
Blood oxygenators 60 mg 22 mg
Cardiopulmonary bypass devices 20 mg 9 mg
Blood purification devices 20 mg 9 mg
180 P. Thangaraju and S. B. Varthya

Device category EO ECH

Drapes contacting intact skin 10 μg/cm2 or negligible 5 μg/cm2 or negligible
irritation irritation

Adopted from ISO 10933 series

Tolerable contact limits for surface contacting devices and implants (mg/sqcm):
Primary aim is to prevent localized irritation. Tolerable contact limit for EO > 10 μg/
cm2 or negligible irritation. For ECH 5 mg/cm2 or negligible irritation. But in
special situations their exposure limit further changes (e.g. EO in intraocular
lenses shall not exceed 0.5 μg EO per lens per day, or 1.25 μg per lens).

Determination of EO and ECH Residuals

Ethylene oxide: Ethylene oxide is an irritating inflammable gas and mutagenic,

fetogenic and teratogenic.
Ethylene Chlorohydrin  This is a flammable liquid that is irritating to body sur-
faces, acutely toxic and readily absorbed through the skin in toxic amounts. It has
weak mutagenic potential, has some potential to produce fetotoxic and teratogenic
changes and can produce injury to several organ systems in the body including
lungs,kidneys, central nervous system and cardiovascular system.
To evaluate their levels, gas chromatographic test can be performed.

Factors Influencing Product Residual

Material Composition  Materials that contain a source of free chloride ions exhibit
a wide degree of variation in the concentration of ECH formed; therefore a single
device composed of two dissimilar materials may require a representative sample of
both materials to ensure accurate analysis.

Packaging  Packaging material based on their packing density and the density of
the shipping container varies the penetration and dissipation of both EO gas and the
other possible residues, which may in turn affect ECH residue levels.

Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Cycle  Gas concentration, exposure time, tempera-

ture, type of cycle (i.e. pure EO or EO mixtures), humidity (including the quality of
the water source), re-evacuations and air washes and the product and load density or
the configuration of the product load in the sterilizer can modify the residual levels.
ISO 10993: Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices 181

Aeration  Residual EO in devices may vary as a function of aeration temperature,

load density and configuration, air flow, loading pattern, surface area of products
being aerated and aeration time. Some materials demonstrate aeration rates which
can roughly double (aeration time reduced by one half) for each 10 °C increase in
aeration temperature.
Factors such as humidity, temperature and air flow may influence ECH formation
depending on EO content in the product after removal from the sterilizer.
Factors such as humidity, temperature and air flow may influence ECH formation
depending on EO content in the product after removal from the sterilizer.
Analysts should be aware of seasonal variations in aeration rates when samples
are stored under laboratory conditions which differ from the ambient warehouse
conditions. Under certain circumstances, which can best be determined by experi-
ence, it may be necessary to hold samples prior to analysis under conditions that
approximate the lowest temperature at which the product is likely to be stored dur-
ing aeration.
D.1.6 Sample Retrieval
Caution should be exercised when product samples are routinely removed for
analysis from the sterilization load soon after the sterilization process is completed.
Caution should also be exercised when the product sample or an extract thereof is
shipped to an analysis site remote from the sterilization site. In such cases, the errors
associated with attempting to correlate the residue amounts on samples and on the
rest of the load should be recognized and an experiment to establish the relation-
ships between these conditions carried out.
D.2 Controlling variables
Given sufficient experimental evidence on residue diffusion kinetics (e.g. the rate
of EO gas dissipation from the packaging for the range of given devices), it may be
possible to group devices for quality assurance testing based on similarities of mate-
rials, manufacturing processes and use. For such a classification system to work, the
variables discussed above must be controlled. Lack of control may yield data about
residue levels that are applicable only to the samples analysed.
Extraction Conditions for Determination of Residual EO
Below table represents suggested extraction conditions that could facilitate labora-
tory operations.

Device contact duration

Permanent contact (>30 d) Prolonged exposure (24 h to 30 d) Limited exposure (>24 h)
Extensive extraction Simulated use Simulated use

Adopted from ISO 10993 series

182 P. Thangaraju and S. B. Varthya

Ethylene Oxide Residue Measuring Methods

EO method Intralaboratory Interlaboratory

Headspace method 3.7% 21.3%
Acetone method 4.1% 16.3%
DMF method 2.9% 8.3%
Aqueous method 2.7% 17.0%

Adopted from ISO 10993 series

ECH Methods
If devices are classified under more than one category, rigorous testing is performed.
Allowable limits: In general, maximum allowable limit in case of prolonged
exposure and permanent contact are mentioned in the table under heading of 10.1.

10.2  E
 stablishment of Allowable Limits for Leachable
Substances (ISO 10993-17)

Risks associated with exposure to hazardous leachable substances are managed by

identifying the leachable substances, quantifying the associated risks and limiting
exposure within tolerable levels. Allowable limits may be based upon health risks
that can be systemic or local, immediate or delayed, and range in severity from
minor localized adverse effects to life-threatening risks. A method for the determi-
nation of allowable limits for substances leachable from medical devices should be
predetermined. It is intended for use in deriving standards and estimating appropri-
ate limits where standards do not exist. It describes a systematic process through
which identified risks arising from toxicologically hazardous substances present in
medical devices can be quantified.
General Principles for Establishing Allowable Limits  Evaluating the biological
risk associated with the leachable substance from previous data and critical health-­
related endpoints, identification of tolerable limit based on route of administration
and duration of exposure along with tolerable contact limit in case of irritation as an
endpoint. Tolerable exposure depends on patient’s body mass index and device uti-
lization factor. Feasibility of test also evaluated based on general approach or case-­
by-­case basis.

Establishment of Tolerable Intake (TI) for Specific Leachable Substances  From

toxicological data, no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) is to be established.
Part 22
ISO 10993: Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices 183

Guidance on Nanomaterials  In this we will be discussing materials which con-

tain or generate nanomaterials. Any structure with 1 nm and 100 nm dimensions is
considered as nanomaterial. In this size materials potentially interact with subcel-
lular components like DNA. Therefore it is essential to evaluate the materials which
are prepared with nanomaterials, or produced during its use.
Biological risk evaluation of nanomaterials depends on type and duration of con-
tact. Initially extract the available information related to the material, and if the
available data suggests acceptable risk, then no further testing is required.
Characterization of nanomaterials: Physiochemical characterization of nanoma-
terials is essential to understand their behaviour in the biological systems.
Physiochemical of material includes their composition, external features and its
activity surrounding environment. Toxicological testing of nanomaterial is based on
its chemical structure, size, distribution, purity, solubility, etc., along with additional
properties like crystallinity, redox potential, radical formation potential, etc.
Chemical composition and purity test, X-ray fluorescence, X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy + XRD
or energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), nuclear magnetic resonance and
single-particle, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (spICP-MS) can
be used.
Particle size and particle size distribution are assessed by dynamic light scatter-
ing, small-angle X-ray scattering, size exclusion chromatography, analysis of
images of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) or scanning probe microscopy (SPM), differential mobility analysis, cen-
trifugal liquid sedimentation, nanoparticle tracking analysis, Raman spectroscopy,
laser-induced incandescence, confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM), single-­
particle ICP-MS, tangential flow filtration for nanomaterial and separation followed
by appropriate detection, e.g. ICP-MS.
Biological tests for nanomaterial are done by using representative test material
instead of positive and/or negative controls. A representative test material must be
homogenous and stable with respect to one or more specified properties. Currently
available reference materials are titanium dioxide, colloidal silica, gold and single-­
walled carbon nanotubes. Reference materials play a very critical role in the risk
assessment of nanomaterials.
Sample Preparation for Testing Nanomaterials  Sample preparation for nanoma-
terials is difficult compared to bulk products because of its size and potentially
altered physiochemical properties. Nano-objects have larger surface area leading to
more reactivity, formation of aggregates, transformation due to hydration or other
processes, etc. The surface area of nanomaterials will be higher than the regular
devices and it is important to understand the hazard potential. In case of nanomateri-
als along with the effects of residues, the nanomaterials to be dispersed in a liquid
for direct risk assessment has to be tested. Dispersion test is primarily used for polar
products. Endotoxin considered to be most common confounding factor with stock
solution is therefore properly evaluated for its contamination. Commonly used test
184 P. Thangaraju and S. B. Varthya

for this test is limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) assay. Sterilization is a mandatory
process before preclinical evaluation of nanomaterials.

Release of Nanomaterials from Medical Devices  It is necessary to understand

the rate of release of particle, its quantity, movement and accumulation in the differ-
ent parts of the body. This is to be evaluated in special conditions like joint replace-
ment implant because they have potential to bind to cells and their components and
cause their anomaly.

Toxicokinetic of Nanomaterials  A toxicokinetic study is only required if the

nanomaterial has the potential to be released from a medical device and become
absorbed, distributed, metabolized and/or excreted. Factors such as route of admin-
istration, size of the nano-object or its aggregates/agglomerates, surface properties
(chemistry and charge), animal species, dose and dosing methods have all been
reported to influence the toxicokinetics in animal models. Toxicological evaluation
is done.

In vitro cytotoxicity testing In vivo testing

In this test, the impairment of cellular functions like the In this part apart from toxicokinetic
disruption of plasma membrane integrity, interference studies, reproductive toxicity,
with organelle function, disruption of the cytoskeleton, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity
etc. tested studies
1. Neutral red uptake Commonly performed tests for
2. Colony formation genotoxicity studies are:
3. MTT [3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5- Micronucleus test in rodent
diphenyltetrazolium bromide] erythrocytes or bone marrow
4. XTT {2,3-bis[2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl]-5- Chromosomal analysis in rodent bone
[(phenylamino)carbonyl]-2H-tetrazolium marrow
hydroxide} DNA strand break analysis (in vivo
For the genotoxicity testing: comet assay)
 The mouse lymphoma tk assay Single-cell gel assay
 Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase Transgenic animal models
(HPRT) mutation assay Commonly performed tests for
 Double-strand breaks are neutral comet carcinogenicity studies are: life time
 Single-strand breaks are alkaline comet and bioassays; apart from studies explained
oxidative damage earlier transgenic animals like the
murine rasH2 model

Immunotoxicity, Irritation and Sensitization  In general, immunotoxicity is

evaluated during repeat dose toxicity testing (e.g. 28 d or 90 d) during which the
first indications for immunosuppression and/or immunostimulation can be detected.
In vitro models provide a reliable and preferred method of studying the immune cell
function. The impact of nanomaterials on immune cell function can be studied by
evaluating signaling pathways, such as the nuclear factor kappa B pathway, in spe-
cific immune cell lines. These are phagocytosis, chemotaxis and nitric oxide
production by macrophages in addition to many other endpoints.
ISO 10993: Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices 185

Nano-objects have been used as haptens or hapten carriers, which indicates that
they are capable of exerting an adjuvant activity affecting the immune system. For
silver nanoparticles, the effects on the immune system were found to be the most
sensitive parameter of systemic toxicity after intravenous administration for 28 d.
Sensitization  To assess local toxicity, various tests, such as the Buehler test (BT),
guinea pig maximization test (GPMT), local lymph node assay (LLNA), human
patch test (HPT) and a modified GPMT (GPMT with surface application), are used.
In vivo tests like the direct peptide reactivity assay (DPRA), the human cell line
activation test (h-CLAT), etc. are used.

Irritation  Irritation tests (including intracutaneous reactivity) should be consid-

ered to estimate the irritation potential of medical devices, materials and/or their
extracts, using an appropriate site for application such as the skin, eye and mucous
membrane in a suitable model. The test(s) performed should be appropriate for the
route (skin, eye, mucosa) and duration of exposure or contact. Various properties of
nano-objects can affect their uptake after skin, eye or mucosa exposure; these prop-
erties include (but are not limited to) size, shape, surface area, surface charge, sur-
face energy/activity, solubility, aggregation state, polydispersity and ion dissolution
kinetics. Chemical composition of the main nanomaterial can also affect potential
irritation caused by nanomaterials.

Ocular Irritation Test  The Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) test
method and the Isolated Chicken Eye (ICE) test method.

Oral Mucosa Irritation Test  After applying test agents in the oral cavity, gross
and histological examination done and results are evaluated based on severity of
local inflammation from changes.

Penile Irritation Test  For acute exposure, note the appearance of the penis in 1 h
after the initial application (e.g. immediately prior to the next application) and sub-
sequent treatments. Also observe at 1, 24 and 48 h of post-application.
For prolonged repeated exposure tests, note the appearance of the penis at first
hour after the initial application and immediately prior to the next application.
Grade the skin surface reactions for erythema accordingly.
Rectal Irritation Test  It is indicated in case the material contacts with the rectal
tissue during clinical use. In case a test material showed to be skin/eye irritant, those
with a pH < 2.0 or > 11.5, then it is characterized as rectal irritant; in such scenario
it is not essential to perform rectal irritation tests. A short catheter or cannula is
inserted in the rectum and test solution delivered and observed for changes. This test
should be repeated for 5 days. Observe for appearance of the perineum for signs of
discharge, erythema and irritation. Results are evaluated by macro- and microscopic
appearance of rectal tissue by pathologist.
186 P. Thangaraju and S. B. Varthya

Vaginal irritation test: It is indicated in case the material contacts with the vaginal
tissue during clinical use. In case a test material showed to be skin/eye irritant, those
with a pH < 2.0 or > 11.5, then it is characterized as rectal irritant; in such scenario
it is not essential to perform rectal irritation tests. Healthy young adult female albino
rabbits (n = 3) from a single strain weighing not less than 2 kg shall be used. A short
catheter or cannula is inserted in the vagina and test solution delivered and observed
for changes. This test should be repeated for 5 days. Observe for appearance of the
perineum for signs of discharge, erythema and irritation. Results are evaluated by
macro- and microscopic appearance of rectal tissue by pathologist.
Human Skin Irritation Test  At least 30 volunteers shall complete the test, with no
less than one-third of either sex. Apply the test material to intact skin at a suitable
site, e.g. the upper outer arm, by means of an occlusive chamber containing a gauze
pad. The application site shall be the same in all volunteers and shall be recorded.
Generally, the patch shall measure at least 1.8 cm, preferably 2.5 cm in diameter.
The patch shall be held in contact with the skin by means of a suitable non-irritating
dressing, including non-irritating tape, for the duration of the exposure period.
Duration of exposure starts from 15 or 30 min to up to 4 h.
Clinical evaluation is done using observable changes on skin like erythema, dry-
ness and oedema.
In Vitro Tests for Skin Irritation  Human skin models can be obtained commer-
cially (e.g. EpiDerm, EPISKIN, Vitrolife-Skin, TESTSKIN, LabCyte EPI-MODEL)
or be developed or constructed in the testing laboratory. The preferred ones are
EpiDerm and EPISKIN tests.

Haemocompatibility  These tests are performed in case of nanomaterials contact-

ing with blood or blood products (biological evaluation materials already explained).


ISO 10993-1:2018 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 1: Evaluation and testing within
a risk management process
ISO 10993-2:2006 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 2: Animal welfare requirements
ISO 10993-3:2014 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 3: Tests for genotoxicity, carci-
nogenicity and reproductive toxicity
ISO 10993-4:2017 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 4: Selection of tests for interac-
tions with blood
ISO 10993-5:2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 5: Tests for in vitro cytotoxicity.
ISO 10993-6:2016 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 6: Tests for local effects after
ISO 10993-7:2008 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 7: Ethylene oxide sterilization
ISO 10993-8:2001 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 8: Selection of reference materi-
als (withdrawn)
ISO 10993: Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices 187

ISO 10993-9:2010 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 9: Framework for identification
and quantification of potential degradation products
ISO 10993-10:2013 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 10: Tests for irritation and skin
ISO 10993-11:2018 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 11: Tests for systemic toxicity
ISO 10993-12:2012 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 12: Sample preparation and
reference materials (available in English only)
ISO 10993-13:2010 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 13: Identification and quantifi-
cation of degradation products from polymeric medical devices
ISO 10993-14:2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 14: Identification and quantifi-
cation of degradation products from ceramics
ISO 10993-15:2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 15: Identification and quantifi-
cation of degradation products from metals and alloys
ISO 10993-16:2018 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 16: Toxicokinetic study design
for degradation products and leachables
ISO 10993-17:2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 17: Establishment of allowable
limits for leachable substances
ISO 10993-18:2020 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 18: Chemical characterization
of medical device materials within a risk management process
ISO/TS 10993-19:2006 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 19: Physico-chemical, mor-
phological and topographical characterization of materials
ISO/TS 10993-20:2006 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 20: Principles and methods
for immunotoxicology testing of medical devices
ISO/TR 10993-22:2017 Biological evaluation of medical devices Part 22: Guidance on

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