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NOCN ESOL International Listening

Level C2 Proficient LIVE Winter 2019

Examination Mark Scheme

Listening Mark Scheme

Part Question Answer Part Question Answer

1 1 b 3.1 1 b
1 2 a 3.1 2 a
1 3 c 3.1 3 c
1 4 b 3.1 4 c
1 5 a 3.1 5 c
1 6 b 3.1 6 a
1 7 c 3.2 1 b
1 8 a 3.2 2 a
1 9 b 3.2 3 b
1 10 c 3.2 4 a
2.1 1 c 3.2 5 c
2.1 2 b
2.1 3 a
2.1 4 b
2.1 5 b
2.2 1 a
2.2 2 b
2.2 3 b
2.2 4 c
2.2 5 a
Total 31

NOCN ESOL International Level C2 Proficient Listening

Examination Mark Scheme LIVE Winter 2019

Page 1 of 1
NOCN ESOL International Reading
Level C2 Proficient LIVE Winter 2019
Examination Mark Scheme

Reading Mark Scheme

Question Answer Question Answer

1 a 21 a
2 b 22 c
3 c 23 b
4 c 24 c
5 b 25 a
6 c 26 b
7 a 27 c
8 c 28 a
9 c 29 b
10 b 30 a
11 c 31 c
12 c
13 c
14 a
15 b
16 b
17 a
18 c
19 b
20 c
Total 31

NOCN ESOL International Level C2 Proficient Reading

Examination Mark Scheme LIVE Winter 2019
Page 1 of 1
TASK 1: 200 – 250 WORDS AND TASK 2: 250 – 300 WORDS Points range from 0-12
Marks 3 2 1 0
Learner uses a variety of Learner demonstrates some use of Learner demonstrates limited use Illegible text and incorrect use of
Range of vocabulary to communicate vocabulary to communicate ideas, of appropriate vocabulary to vocabulary throughout for
Vocabulary ideas, impressions, feelings and impressions, feelings and opinions communicate ideas, impressions, expressing and communicating
and opinions clearly. Vocabulary but not always clearly. Some use of feelings and opinions. Choice of ideas, impressions, feelings and
Spelling meets purpose and idioms are idioms is used but not always vocabulary is limited and many opinions. Spelling is weak; 50%
used naturally throughout. naturally. Spelling basic vocabulary errors in spelling complex words misspellings in unfamiliar
Specialised vocabulary is used is correct, although spelling errors (40%). vocabulary. C2 writing is
correctly with 80% accuracy of do occur in complex structures but unaccomplished. Final product is
spelling unfamiliar words these do not exceed 30%. insufficient.
Learner produces text using Learner produces text where Learner produces text with errors Learner does not produce a
Accuracy appropriate tenses and word occasional structural errors occur in tense forms, punctuation and comprehensible text. Several
and order, complex structures, and punctuation and tenses are not word order. Comprehension is errors in punctuation. Little or no
Grammar subordinate clauses and a always accurate, however impeded in some instances. understanding of grammatical
variety of tenses in active and comprehension is not impeded. 30% 40% of errors occur in more forms and tenses are inaccurate
passive forms. 1-2 errors in of errors occur with more complex complex grammatical forms. throughout 50% and above.
sentence structures and grammatical forms.
grammar, but comprehension
not impeded.
Learner demonstrates high Learner demonstrates awareness of Learner demonstrates a limited Learner does not produce text
Format awareness of the task and the task and can uses appropriate awareness of the task, its relevant to the context of the
ability to use a wide range of language for different functions and function and text type. Argument task. No demonstration of the
formats covering a range of a range of formats, though this may is not coherently expressed and awareness of language function
functions. Effective use of not be consistent throughout the lacking detail. 40% of errors and range of formats. No
paragraphing shows logical text. 30% of errors occur. occur. Paragraphs do not always evidence of paragraphing to show
cohesion and organisation of Paragraphs show logical cohesion show logical cohesion and logical organisation of ideas.
ideas. Well punctuated and and organisation of ideas most of organisation of ideas but are Format is inappropriate to the
overall consistent style. the time. Well punctuated. fairly well punctuated. context.
Learner demonstrates an Learner demonstrates some Learner demonstrates limited Learner does not produce text
Content understanding and awareness understanding and awareness of the understanding and awareness of relevant to the context of the
of task and content is relevant task. Some evidence of presenting the task yet understands the task. No understanding or
with coherently linked ideas. an argument, although key points question. Unable to execute an awareness of the task
Uses well rounded cogent may not be fully elaborated. Learner effective answer and arguments requirements. Attempted answer
expanding on key points for understands the question but are not coherently expressed as does not fully meet the word
complex and abstract subjects. response limited in depth and ideas insufficient detail is presented. count required and is incomplete.
Linguistic markers used to give not written at length. Able to However, an answer is attempted Untidy and illegible writing.
opinions and elaborated maintain expression and argument, on some aspects of the task
answers. Writing is tidy and but key points may not be fully Untidy, illegible writing.
legible. emphasised or expanded.
The learner will be required to complete TWO TASKS at C2
NOCN ESOL International Speaking
Level C2 Proficient
Mark Scheme

Part 1 - Personal information

A learner should be awarded one mark for every accurate response. Grammar and
pronunciation are not assessed at this stage. One or two errors are permitted which could
be self-corrected or do not impede comprehension.

Total marks for Part 1 is 9.

Question Number Learner

of Score

1. 1

2. 3

3. 1

4. 3

5. 1

Total Marks /9

ESOL International Level C2 Proficient Speaking Mark Scheme

Version 1.0
NOCN ESOL International Speaking
Level C2 Proficient
Mark Scheme

Part 2 - Responding to the situation / general use of English in formal and informal

The purpose is to differentiate between formal/informal register, to assess accuracy and

grammar appropriate for Level C2 and assess learner’s pronunciation.

Skills 3 marks 2 marks 1 mark 0 marks

Register Clear distinction Distinction Distinction between Learner does not

between formal and between formal formal/informal maintain a clear
informal situations is and informal situations is not fully distinction between
made throughout. situations is made throughout. formal and informal
Learner shows mainly Some degree of situations
confidence maintained confidence shown. throughout. Lacks
throughout. throughout. confidence.
Mainly confident.
Accuracy A high degree of Occasional errors Lack of accuracy A significant number
accuracy in the use are made but occasionally impedes of errors which are
of complex most are self- the meaning. Most not corrected.
grammatical corrected. errors are self-
structures is Meaning is not corrected but not all.
maintained impeded.
throughout. One or
two errors are made
which are self-
corrected or do not
Pronunciation Stress, pronunciation Some evidence of Largely connected Learner’s speech is
and intonation are the use of stress, speech where stress, monotonous, and
used naturally in pronunciation pronunciation and some errors in
connected speech to and intonation is intonation is used pronunciation.
convey finer shades demonstrated but does not convey
of meaning, with occasional shades of meaning.
highlighting, lapses to convey
emphasising and finer points of
modifying meaning. meaning.
Effective Clarity of interaction Mainly controlled Limited evidence of Minimal discourse
communication with natural use of use of discourse discourse organisation and
discourse organisation, organisation and use appropriate turn
organisation, connectors and of connectors and taking management.
connectors and cohesive devices cohesive devices.
cohesive devices. with occasional Limited evidence of
Confident in errors. Able to using appropriate
management of turn backtrack when turn taking
taking. encountering conventions.

ESOL International Level C2 Proficient Speaking Mark Scheme

Version 1.0
NOCN ESOL International Speaking
Level C2 Proficient
Mark Scheme

Part 3 - Discussion

The purpose of Part 3 is to demonstrate comprehension and fluency of speaking with an

application of accurate grammar and pronunciation.

Skill 3 marks 2 marks 1 mark 0 marks

Use of vocabulary Uses complex Some use of Minimal use of Very limited use of
sentences, idiomatic complex complex sentences. complex sentences.
expressions and sentences, Occasional errors in Repetitive and
colloquialisms idiomatic the use of limited vocabulary.
naturally. Able to expressions and vocabulary.
provide sophisticated colloquialisms. Occasionally has to
explanations, Able to qualify search to find the
narratives, ideas and opinions and right word.
opinions and come to statements but
a conclusion. not always
Accuracy and A high degree of Occasional errors Lack of accuracy A significant number
grammar accuracy in the use of are made but occasionally impedes of errors which are
complex grammatical most are self- the meaning. Most not corrected.
structures is corrected. errors are self-
maintained Meaning is not corrected but not all.
throughout. One or impeded.
two errors are made
which are self-
corrected or do not
Pronunciation Stress, pronunciation Some evidence of Largely connected Learner’s speech is
and intonation are the use of stress, speech where stress, monotonous and
used naturally in pronunciation pronunciation and some errors in
connected speech to and intonation is intonation is used pronunciation.
convey finer shades demonstrated but does not convey
of meaning, with occasional shades of meaning.
highlighting, lapses to convey
emphasising and finer points of
modifying meaning. meaning.
Listening and Engages in discussion Clear interaction Some evidence of Very limited
responding to express and elicit with occasional detailed and clear interaction to show
opinion, defend and errors in responses to others. any evidence of
justify arguments understanding or Limited evidence of being able to give
when challenged. giving responses. detailed arguments and defend
Able to persuade Arguments and and opinions. arguments and
someone to a point opinions not opinions.
of view. always clearly
made or justified.

ESOL International Level C2 Proficient Speaking Mark Scheme

Version 1.0

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