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Manual Logger 2.0 EN

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Use and Setup Guide


First look at Logger 2.0 ................................................................................................................................................. 2

Software Requirements ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Installation .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Setting Logger 2.0 ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Recording from an audio entry ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Recording from web streaming .................................................................................................................................... 8
Streaming Sending ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Using timeline ....................…...................................................................................................................................... 10
Saving an audio file ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Recording events ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Listening / saving an audio from an event …………….................................................................................................... 14
Notifications ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
Configuration .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Configuring a remote recording from other Logger ................................................................................................... 17
First look at Logger 2.0

Logger 2.0 is a complete system that records audios through recording devices recognized by the operating
system (audio entries available), also allowing streaming audios for SHOUTcast or Icecast servers.
The records of the service are stereo, with an AAC format and bit rates from 8 to 320 kbps.
With Logger 2.0 is possible to record the audio from the web that uses SHOUTcast, Icecast and others. The
bitrate and format is the same used by the server that streams the audio.
Another tool is the remote recording from another Logger 2.0. It'll be necessary to configure both to send
and receive the recording. Logger 2.0 is installed as a windows service and the management/monitoring of the
software is made using apps or the web browser (intranet or Ethernet).

Software requirements

Minimum requirements for Logger 2.0 installation is:

Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.13 GHz;
 RAM memory: 2 GB;
 Operating system: Windows 7 or above;
 Firewall: permission to access port 80 (After installation);
 Web Browser: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox;
 Disk space: 100 GB free;
 Medium recording per encoder: 30 GB/month.


Running the installer

Run the file LoggerPlaylist2.0.2.1.exe, in the computer where the service will be installed. We recommend
that you use the machine that receives the audio for recording.

Step 1: Running the file LoggerPlaylist2.0.2.1.exe. Click in Next.

Step 2: Accept the License contract terms. Confirm and click in Next.

Step 3: Select the tasks that the installation will complete while installing Logger Playlist. Click Next.

Step 4: Details about the installation. Confirm and click in Install.

Step 5: Wait for the installation to be done and click in "Finish" to open Logger 2.0 at the web browser set as

A shortcut for settings and to the webpage of the Recording central will be created at the desktop and start

Setting up Logger 2.0

The Recording central access is done configuring a new user at the Client Area, at Playlist Website
Obs.: The user must have an active account at the Client Area at www.playlistsolutions.com, to use Logger
2.0 system. The register at the Client Area is free and anyone can have access to it.

If the computer doesn’t have an active license, click in the link at the initial page. The user is redirected to
enter with the credentials of Client area to get the license that'll be activated at the computer where Logger Service
was installed.

Select the radio station where the license will be activated at the machine and click in "Activate".

After confirming the license activation, the user is redirected to Logger 2.0 home page.

Recording audio from an audio entry

After the first access it’s presented a panel that looks like the image below. To configure a new recorder,
click inside the indicated area.

Select if the recorded will be set to an audio entry, from a stream to remotely record from a remote Logger.

If you already have a recorder set from an audio device recognized by Windows, you can click at the button

“New recorder” or the icon “+”, at the side of “Recorders” , to configure a

recorder from another audio entry.
The recorder settings show with the following options:

Entry – Select the audio device to be recorded.

Tocou Code – Tocou code of the radio station.
Radio Station's name – Name of the radio station to be recorded.
ID – Id of the radio station to be recorded (can only be set once, can't be changed later).
Description - A small description of the radio or its slogan.
Gender – Radio's gender.
Website – Inform the radio's website.

*Note.: A few words are reserved and can't be used as ID, once it can have an unexpected behavior in the
Some of these words are: crash – restart – config – log – codecs – audiodevices

After setting a recorder of a device, a message is shown informing that a recording format must be added.

The recording format must be added clicking at the button .

The "Add Format" window is automatically shown after saving the recorder.

At the window "Add Format", the following options are available:

Enable format – Allows enable or disable a recording format;

Record events only – Allows set to record only events during a period;
Do not record silence – Allows the recorder not to recorder, if the radio is in silence;
Recording format – Allows select at the ACC format different bitrates.
Period of storage – Allows select the period of time that the recorded files will be saved. Also
allows to define if the period will be undetermined (enabled by default).

After setting the recorder and the format, Logger 2.0 service will be recording the videos that income by
the device. The timeline is also shown, where is possible to listen to live recordings or selecting a start place, save
an audio file selecting the period to save or save an event, as long as set at the recorder.

Recording an web streaming

To set a recorder from a web streaming, click at the button "New recorder" and select the

option "record from web streaming" or at the icon “+” by the side of "Web recorders"

The setting panel shows the options bellow:

URL – Inform the URL of the streaming to record
Tocou Code – Tocou code of the radio station.
Radio Station's name – Name of the radio station to be recorded.
ID – Id of the radio station to be recorded (can only be set once, can't be changed later).
Description - A small description of the radio or its slogan.
Gender – Radio's gender.
Website – Inform the radio's website.

*Note.: A few words are reserved and can't be used as ID, once it can have an unexpected behavior in the
Some of these words are: crash – restart – config – log – codecs – audiodevices

After configuring the web recorder, a recorder with the information of the streaming recordings is shown.

Streaming sending

Logger 2.0 brings the possibility to stream the recordings of audio devices to SHOUTcast or Icecast, servers,
adding information of the streaming server through server control panel.

To configure a streaming, click in in the setting icon of the recording format next to the recording

format. At the settings of the format, presents an option to add a new stream .

As adding a new streaming, the options for setting are:

Type – Select the type of SHOUTcast or Icecast available (the Logger type is selected to set a remote
Number – Enter the streaming channel set at the server.
Host – Stream server host.
Port – Stream communication port.
Password – Password to access the streaming server.

After configuring to add the new streaming, the information show with the recording format of the audio
entry. This information comes with the audio entry, informing if it's "Online", as the streaming is being send.

Using the time line

The timeline is a tool that makes it possible listen configured records, listen what's live, select the time to
start listening, save an audio file from a determined period of time; listen to an event audio, for example, a specific
show at the radio station, was set as an event at the recording format and it also shows the period of time without

The timeline has these options:

- Recorder and format selected that'll play at the timeline.

- Plays the selected audio.

- Shows the events set at the format of the day selected at the timeline, so, its possible to download
the audio of an event and listen to it.

- If the format doesn’t have any events, the icon is disabled.

- Plays the live programming of the selected recorder.
- Indicates that is playing the live recording.

- Pauses the audio playing.

- Allows selecting a period to save an audio file.

- Pipeline shows where the timeline begins to play. The timeline plays from this point.

- Shows the time where the pipeline is over at the timeline. The timeline starts to play at the
specified time on this field.

- Buttons zoom in or out the periods of time on the timeline. The timeline shows the blocks
separated up to 24 hours and minimum of 1 minute.

- Calendar to insert the data and time wanted in the timeline.

- Goes back 30 seconds from the time shown in the pipeline.

- Goes back 3 minutes from the time shown in the pipeline.

- Goes back 30 minutes from the time shown in the pipeline.

- Goes back 1 day from the time shown in the pipeline.

-Goes forward 30 seconds from the time shown in the pipeline.

- Goes forward 3 minutes from the time shown in the pipeline.

- Goes forward 30 minutes from the time shown in the pipeline.

-Goes forward 1 day from the time shown in the pipeline.

*Note.: The buttons access the times with recording in the timeline.

Saving a file

To save an audio file, just click in the button to select the beginning/ end determinate . Clicking
in the first button, it’ll determinate the time and date shown by the pipeline, as the image below.

As moving the timeline, a green strip informs the time in seconds that'll be selected.

Clicking with the second button, of end and beginning determinate, will show the date and time of the file

that will be saved. Clicking in the button "Save" , a window will be opened that determines the place where the
file will be saved.

Recording events

Logger 2.0 allows recording to specific events, such as Shows, musicals, news, news programs, interviews,
political time, etc.

To set a recorder to record only events, click in the settings icon of the recording format .
At the configuration window, click in "Record Only Events", in a way it become enabled

After, click in the option “Set events" to define the period of time of the event .

At the event window, these are the options:

Registered events – Presents the list of events registered for recording;
Name – Allows inserting the name of the event;
Color – Defines a color for the event;
Start time – time for the beginning of the recording;
End time – time when the event finishes;
Days of the week – Allows defining the days of the week that the event will be recorded;
Beginning date – Start day for the recordings;
End date – Allows to configure an end date for the recordings;

*Note.: If the event to be recorded doesn't have a period of time defined, as a weekly radio station's show,
the fields "Beginning date" and "End date" doesn't need to be configured.

When events are set, as clicking in the icon at the recording format, the events are shown and its
recording formats.

Listening/Saving an audio from an event
When configuring events in a recording format, it's possible to listen to it through timeline or download the
file for the period set at the event.

Select the recorder and the configured format with the events and click in the icon .
At the daily events panel, the configured events in the selected formats are shown at the day selected in
the timeline.

At the panel, it's possible to see all the events with the link to download the audio from the event,

opening a window to inform the place where the file is going to be saved.

Clicking in the option to listen to an audio from an event , the timeline changes the pipeline position
to the start of the event and begins to play.


Logger 2.0 has a panel for notifications, that shows information of the machine where the service is
installed. At the settings menu, is possible to configure a limit to for Logger to send notifications, over e-mail or
push, when the machine exceed the limit. Besides HD, RAM and CPU, Logger 2.0 allows configuring and sending
notifications for silence and low level of recording.

- Informs the percentage of consumption of the machine's Hard Drive.

- Informs the percentage of consumption of RAM memory of the machine.

- Informs the percentage of consumption of machines CPU.


The settings panel allows changing the HTTP and RTSP communication ports, used to access the service,
edit information of limit for notifications, and inform the location for backup of the recordings and information of
the license.

To access the settings panel, click in the "Settings" button , between welcome and the button log off.

The settings panel is shown with the options below:

 Ports
HTTP – Edits the HTTP communication port through browser.
RTSP – Edits the RSTP communication port to access of the service through Logger monitor and Logger
 Backup
Location to save/move backup – It's possible to set a location in another folder of the computer or in a
network computer to move a backup the files recorded, according to the radio stations needs. For example, if the
recording computer has low disk space.
 Language
It's possible to change de language of the Recording central to Portuguese, Spanish and English.
 Notifications
Silence – Edits the silence time. If the recordings go over that time, a notification is sent to the radio
Level – Edits the level of modulations. If the recordins go below that level, a notification is sent.
CPU – Edits the percentage of maximum consumption of CPU. If the CPU go over that limit, a notification is
sent to the radio station.
RAM – Edits the percentage of maximum consumption of RAM. If the RAM go over that limit, a notification
is sent to the radio station.
HD – Edits the percentage of maximum consupmtion of HD. If the HD go over that limit, a notification is
sent to the radio station.
Redirects to the information of the radio station's license, which shows the button remove, if it's necessary
to remove the license active in the machine.

Configuring remote records from another Logger

To configure the remote recording from another Logger, click in the button “New recorder”

and choose the option “Web recorder or the icon “+” by the side

of "Remote recorders” .
A configuration window it’s presented to add a remote recording server, with the options below. The fields
with * are necessary:

Password– The password configured to the audio streaming.

Tocou Code – Tocou code of the radio station.
Radio Station's name – Name of the radio station to be recorded.
ID – Id of the radio station to be recorded (can only be set once, can't be changed later).
Description - A small description of the radio or its slogan.
Gender – Radio's gender.
Website – Inform the radio's website.

*Note.: A few words are reserved and can't be used as ID, once it can have na unexpected behavior in the
Some of these words are: crash – restart – config – log – codecs – audiodevices

After finishing the audio recording settings, it is necessary to configure logger to send the audio to the
remote recorder.

Click at the option of configuration of the recording format that'll send the audio and select the

option "Add stream" .

Type – Select the option “Logger”.

Number – Inform the ID of the remote Logger (Ex.: source3).
Host – IP address of the machine at the remote recorder.
Port – HTTP port of the remote recorder.
Password – Password to access the remote recorder.

After saving the audio streaming configuration, at the side of the recording format and sending that looks
like the streaming.


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