Week 4 Applying Lime To Correct Soil Acidity

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First Quarter – Week 4
Aquaculture – Grade 10
Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) – Based Exemplar
Quarter 1 – Week 4: Applying Lime To Correct Soil Acidity
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

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Development and Quality Assurance Teams

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Content Evaluator: SANDY G. SAPONG JR.
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Management Team: PSDS/DIC


Project PPE (Portfolio Predicate on Exemplar) is a backup contingency response

of the Schools Division of Surigao del Sur for learning delivery and learning resource
which parallel to the on-going endeavors of the higher offices in the Department.
It is the utilization of a lesson exemplar that is streamlined in a teacher-and-learner-
friendly format to cater to the new classroom setup in light of the COVID-19 health
crisis. These exemplars will be paired with a self-contained and self-instructional

The portfolio is a deliberate collection of works that highlight a learner’s effort that
would enable the him/her to see his/her growth and achievement, ability to
reflect on his/her own work and ability to establish goals for future learning.

Introductory Message

For the teacher:

Welcome to the TLE_AQUACULTURE - 10 – First Quarter Exemplar on Prepare Grow-


This exemplar was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by

educators from different schools in the Division to assist you in helping the learners
meet the standards anchored on Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
set by the Department while overcoming the constraints in schooling brought by
the COVID-19 pandemic.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.

As a teacher, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this exemplar
in the most fit modality. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while
allowing them to manage their own learning through portfolio assessments.

For the learner:

Welcome to TLE_AQUACULTURE - 10 – First Quarter) Exemplar on Prepare Grow-


This exemplar was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be
enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active
learner, either at home or in school. To help you with this, this exemplar comes with

a Weekly Portfolio Assessment. Your teacher will provide you with a template and
you will be given a privilege to organize the portfolio in your own creative way.

This exemplar has the following parts and corresponding icons:

This will give you an idea of the competencies

What I Need to Know
you are expected to learn in the exemplar and
the objectives you are expected to realize.
This part includes an activity that aims to check
What I Know
what you already know about the lesson to
This section provides a brief discussion of the
What is It
lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.
This section provides an activity which will help
What I Can Do (1,2 & 3)
you transfer your new knowledge or skill into real
life situations or concerns.

This task aims to evaluate your level of mastery

What I Have Learned
in achieving the learning objectives.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


This contain instructions about recording your

Portfolio Goal Setting
positive, realistic goals before going through this
This contain instructions about completing the
Portfolio Completion -Your
components of the portfolio. This also includes a
Growth Clue!
rubric to guide you of how your portfolio will be

At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in

developing this exemplar.

What I Need to Know

Most Essential Learning Competency:

LO 1. Grow-Out Facilities (TLE_AFGOO9-12GF-Ia-j-1)


1.1.4 Applying Lime To Correct Soil Acidity


After going through this exemplar, you are expected to:

A. Knowledge: Define Liming and explain the different method of

controlling and correcting soil acidity.
B. Skill: Describe the different method of lime application.

C. Attitude: manifest appreciation of the importance of applying

lime to correct soil acidity.

Portfolio Goal Setting

Using the Portfolio Assessment Template provided by your teacher along

with this exemplar, accomplish now your weekly goal setting. Refer to the
objectives above. Think of positive and realistic goals that you can
considerably achieve with this exemplar. List them as your plans. Remember:
Do not proceed with this exemplar unless you have accomplished your goal

What I Know

Multiple Choice.
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. It is define as a preventive measure or remedial process to increase

alkalinity of the ponds and improve aquatic organism survival, optimize
growth, and ensure desirable water quality.
A. Fertilizing
B. Liming
C. Mooring
D. Tilling

2. _____________ typically is applied to lawns, gardens, pastures, and croplands

to supply calcium, an essential plant nutrient, and to decrease soil acidity.

A. Granite
B. Calcite
C. Malachite
D. Sand

3. What type of lime that has an efficiency rating of 100%.

A. Agricultural Lime
B. Slaked Lime
C. Unslaked Lime
D. None of the Above

4. Response to fertilization is best when pH is brought within the range of ____.

A. 3.5-4.5
B. 4.5-7.5
C. 6.5-9.0
D. 9.0 above

5. What color indicates a very acidic content with a pH level of 4,0 or less
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Red
D. Yellow

6. According to several studies, it was revealed that soft pond bottom with pH of
_________ has rapid growth of green and blue algae.
A. 5.5
B. 6.5
C. 7.5

D. 8.5
7. ___________ is a scientific instrument that measures the hydrogen-ion activity
in water-based solutions, indicating its acidity or basicity expressed as pH.
A. D.O Meter
B. pH Meter
C. Refractometer
D. Secchi Disc

8. It has an efficiency rating of 135% CaCO3. It is also fast-acting.

A. Agricultural Lime
B. Slaked Lime
C. Unslaked Lime
D. None of the above

9. It is an other term for dolomictic lime (CACO3) crushed limestone or

A. Agricultural Lime
B. Slake Lime
C. Unslaked Lime
D. None of the above

10. It has an efficiency rating of 173% CaCO3. Its main function is to control
soil and water acidity, and pond pests and diseases.
A. Agricultural Lime
B. Slake Lime
C. Unslaked Lime
D. None of the above

11. What is the other term referred to as slaked lime?

A. Dolomictic Lime
B. Hydrated Lime
C. Quick Lime
D. None of the Above

12. What form of lime that is considered as the fastest acting form of lime and
is manufactured by heating crushed limestone and seashells?
A. Agricultural Lime
B. Slake Lime
C. Unslaked Lime
D. None of the above

13. This form of lime is relatively slow acting but due to the low cost and ease
of application it may be best for long term control of soil acidity.
A. Agricultural Lime
B. Slake Lime
C. Unslaked Lime

D. None of the above

14. The following statement identifies acidic pond except:

A. a newly excavated pond is likely acidic
B. ponds that do not respond to fertilization
C. ponds with plenty of decaying “bakawan” roots
D. pond bottom that turns into color blue when exposed
to sunlight for more than three days.

15. What is the color of dye that indicates neutral to basic pH level value of 7
and above?
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Red
D. Yellow

What is It

Grow-Out Facilities
Applying Lime to Correct Soil Acidity
“Liming,” as the word suggests, is the addition of limestone (calcite),
primarily calcium carbonate (CaCO3), to neutralize acid waters and soils and
buffer them from rapid fluctuations in pH. Limestone typically is applied to
lawns, gardens, pastures, and croplands to supply calcium, an essential plant
nutrient, and to decrease soil acidity.
Liming is a preventive measure or remedial process to increase alkalinity
of the ponds and improve aquatic organism survival, optimize growth, and
ensure desirable water quality. Lime is commonly applied on the pond’s
bottom. To achieve maximum effectivity, lime should be raked and plowed
into the soil.


A. Methods of Controlling and Correcting Soil Acidity

 Leaching – During the process of drying pond bottoms, acid-forming
elements are exposed to air and sunlight, and by oxidation will combine
with water or form precipitates. Acidity is significantly reduced by
washing or flushing pond bottoms. This process is effective in slightly
acidic soil. In extremely acidic soil, it will take a longer time to correct
 Liming – There are three commonly used forms of lime:

Unslaked lime (CaCO3 or quicklime), manufactured by heating

crushed limestone and seashells, is the fastest acting form. It has an
efficiency rating of 173% CaCO3. Its main function is to control soil and
water acidity, and pond pests and diseases.

Slaked lime (Ca (OH)2 or hydrated lime) also a burned lime with
water added has an efficiency rating of 135% CaCO3. It is also fast-

Agricultural lime (CaCO3 or dolomitic lime) is crushed limestone or

shells. It has an efficiency rating of 100%. This material is relatively slow
acting but due to the low cost and ease of application it may be best
for long term control of soil acidity.

B. Procedure in Lime Application

1. Soil Analysis

Pond soil should be properly evaluated to determine

whether lime is needed. Then the rate of application or lime
requirement must be established. Knowing the proper rate of lime
application is important to prevent over liming to minimize
expenses and possible loss of phosphate from pond waters
through the formation of insoluble calcium compounds.

2. Application of Lime
Lime is broadcast and spread over the drained pond. The
lime should be mixed with the soil to attain maximum
effectiveness. Sufficient time of about a week or two after
applying lime is allowed to elapse before the application of
phosphate fertilizer.
Several studies show that soft pond bottom with pH of 6.5
has rapid growth of green and blue algae. Those with pH less than
6.5 should either be washed or treated with lime depending upon
the degree of acidity. Some practical ways of determining soil
acidity are as follows:
1. Identify an acidic pond
a. a newly excavated pond is likely acidic
b. ponds that do not respond to fertilization

c. ponds with plenty of decaying “bakawan”
d. pond bottom that turns reddish when exposed
to sunlight for more than three days

2. Determine the soil pH color metrically by preparing the

following solutions:
a. dissolve 0.8 g Bromothymol blue indicator in 1 liter
distilled water
b. dissolve 0.4 g Methyl red powder in 1 liter distilled
c. dissolve 0.2 g Methyl orange powder in 1 liter
distilled water. Place a small quantity of soil on
a white porcelain plate and mix it with several
drops of the indicator then tilt the plate so that
excess liquid flows away from the soil. Observe
the color. (Table 1)

Color Level of Acidity pH

Red very acidic 4.0 or less
Yellow Acidic between 5.0 and 6.0
Green Neutral to basic 7.0 and above
Table 1. Color Indication of pH Level

C. Pond Types that Require Liming

1. Mostly new built in ponds require lime because they are

likely to have acidic soils. Response to fertilization is best
when pH is brought within the range of 6.5 to 9.0.
2. When the water pH is below 6.5.
3. After subsequent fertilization, natural food is not adequately
4. Pond that are heavily stained with humic substance and
decomposition matter.

D. Computation of the Amount of Lime

In using the correct amount of lime is advisable; in application of

the correct rate of lime must be computed using the formula:

Amt. of Lime= Rate of Application to be followed X Area

(Neutralizing value) (Efficiency rate

1. A pond is using a Neutralizing Value (NV) of 85% and
Efficiency rate (ER) of 90%. How many kilograms of lime will you need to
disinfect and neutralize a 1 ha. Pond, if the rate of application rate is

Amt. of lime = 1500kgs/ha x 1 ha

= 1500kgs/ha x 1 ha
= 1.960.78kgs/ha x 1 ha

Amt. of lime = 1,960.78 kgs.

What I Can Do 1

Activity I - Cloze Test

Supply the missing words in the paragraph that completes the idea
about Applying Lime to Correct Soil Acidity. Choose the appropriate words
listed inside the box. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

Water quality calcium acidity

calcium carbonate alkalinity

“Liming,” as the word suggests, is the addition of limestone (calcite),

primarily ___________(CaCO3), to neutralize acid waters and soils and buffer
them from rapid fluctuations in pH. Limestone typically is applied to lawns,
gardens, pastures, and croplands to supply_________, an essential plant
nutrient, and to decrease soil ___________.
Liming is a preventive measure or remedial process to increase
_________of the ponds and improve aquatic organism survival, optimize

growth, and ensure desirable ___________. Lime is commonly applied on the
pond’s bottom. To achieve maximum effectivity, lime should be raked and
plowed into the soil.

Activity II – True or False

The following statements determines application of lime to correct soil
acidity. Write TRUE if the statement identifies about Lime application and FALSE
if it is not.

1. Ponds that are heavily stained with humic substance and

decomposition matter are ideal for pond liming.

2. The optimum pH level of pond is 4.5-6.0 to attain fast growth of the

natural food in the pond.

3. Sufficient time of about a week or two after applying lime is allowed

to elapse before the application of phosphate fertilizer.

4. Fertilizer is efficient without prior application of lime if the soil pH level

is already 4.0 and below.

5. Pond soil should be properly evaluated to determine whether lime is


What I Can Do 2

Activity: Discussion

The following situations talk about Application of lime to correct soil pH.
Provide necessary information on the following given conditions. Give brief
and concise answer. Write it on your activity notebook.

1. What would probably be the result if the pond will not undergo
liming and the soil pH is acidic?

2. Differentiate the 3 types of lime according to its function and

efficiency rating.

What I Can Do 3


Compute the amount of lime to be applied in the following situation:

1. A pond is using a Neutralizing Value (NV) of 85% and Efficiency rate

(ER) of 90%. How many kilograms of lime will you need to disinfect and
neutralize a 2 ha. Pond, if the rate of application rate is 1500kgs/ha?

2. A pond is using a Neutralizing Value (NV) of 85% and Efficiency rate

(ER) of 90 %. How many kilograms of lime will you need to disinfect and
neutralize a 2 ha. Pond, if the rate of application rate is 1000kgs/ha?

What I Have Learned

Activity I - Multiple Choice

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. It is define as a preventive measure or remedial process to increase

alkalinity of the ponds and improve aquatic organism survival, optimize
growth, and ensure desirable water quality.
A. Fertilizing
B. Liming
C. Mooring
D. Tilling

2. _____________ typically is applied to lawns, gardens, pastures, and croplands
to supply calcium, an essential plant nutrient, and to decrease soil acidity.
A. Granite
B. Calcite
C. Malachite
D. Sand

3. What type of lime that has an efficiency rating of 100%.

A. Agricultural Lime
B. Slaked Lime
C. Unslaked Lime
D. None of the Above

4. Response to fertilization is best when pH is brought within the range of ____.

A. 3.5-4.5
B. 4.5-7.5
C. 6.5-9.0
D. 9.0 above

5. What color indicates a very acidic content with a pH level of 4,0 or less
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Red
D. Yellow

6. According to several studies, it was revealed that soft pond bottom with pH of
_________ has rapid growth of green and blue algae.
B. 5.5
B. 6.5
C. 7.5
D. 8.5
7. ___________ is a scientific instrument that measures the hydrogen-ion activity
in water-based solutions, indicating its acidity or basicity expressed as pH.
C. D.O Meter
D. pH Meter
C. Refractometer
D. Secchi Disc

8. It has an efficiency rating of 135% CaCO3. It is also fast-acting.

A. Agricultural Lime
B. Slaked Lime
C. Unslaked Lime
D. None of the above

9. It is an other term for dolomictic lime (CACO3) crushed limestone or

A. Agricultural Lime
B. Slake Lime
C. Unslaked Lime
D. None of the above

10. It has an efficiency rating of 173% CaCO3. Its main function is to control
soil and water acidity, and pond pests and diseases.
A. Agricultural Lime
B. Slake Lime
C. Unslaked Lime
D. None of the above

What I Have Learned
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. B What I Know
9. A
10. C 1. B
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. C
11. B
12. C
13. A
What I Can Do 3 14. D
What I Can Do 2 15. B
1. Amt. of lime = 1500kgs/ha x 2 ha
1. Fertilizer might not work if the pond
(.85)(.90) will not undergo liming specially if the
pond soil is acidic. Mostly new built in
= 1500kgs/ha x 2 ha ponds require lime because they are What I Can Do 1
likely to have acidic soils. Response
.765 to fertilization is best when pH is
= 1.960.78kgs/ha x 2 ha brought within the range of 6.5 to 9.0. I – Cloze Test
1. Calcium carbonate
Amt. of lime = 3921.56 kgs. 2. - Unslaked lime (CaCO3 or 2. Calcium
quicklime), manufactured by heating
crushed limestone and seashells, is 3. Acidity
2. Amt. of lime = 1000kgs/ha x 2 ha the fastest acting form. It has an 4. Alkalinity
(.85)(.90) efficiency rating of 173% CaCO3. 5. Water Quality
- Slaked lime (Ca (OH)2 or hydrated
lime) also a burned lime with water
= 1000kgs/ha x 2 ha added has an efficiency rating of II – True or False
.765 135% CaCO3. It is also fast-
acting. 1. True
= 1,307.19 kgs/ha x 2 ha -Agricultural lime (CaCO3 or 2. False
dolomitic lime) is crushed limestone
or shells. It has an efficiency rating of 3. True
Amt. of lime = 2,614.38 kgs.
100%. This material is relatively slow 4. False
acting but due to the low cost and 5. True
ease of application it may be best
for long term control of soil acidity.
Answer Key
Portfolio Completion – Your Growth Clue!

You now go back to your portfolio and work on the other components
that follow your Goal Setting. Remember that your portfolio is a deliberate
collection of your works with the help of the exemplar. Highlighting your efforts
here enables you to see and reflect on your growth and achievement and
your ability to establish goals just to learn. Upon completion of your portfolio,
please be guided of the rubric below.

Rubric for Portfolio Assessment


Delincé G (1992) The ecology of the fish pond ecosystem Kluwer Academic
Publishers. ISBN 978-0-7923-1628-2.

FAO (1995) Simple methods for aquaculture: Pond Construction for Freshwater
Fish Culture: Building Earthen Ponds[permanent dead link] FAO Training
Series No. 20/1, Rome.

John Clegg (1986). The New Observer's Book of Pond Life. Frederick Warne. p.
460. ISBN 978-0723233381.


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