Extlistjuly2023 Discont

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Status (recently discontinued titles in bold red): July 2023 (more information on Scopus Re-evaluation)

Sourcerecord ID Source Title (newly added titles are highlighted in red) Print-ISSN E-ISSN
18665 ABB Review 10133119
19700182619 Academic Journal of Cancer Research 19958943
19300157018 Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 10963685
19700175174 Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 10879595 15282686
19700175175 Academy of Marketing Studies Journal 10956298 15282678
19700175176 Academy of Strategic Management Journal 15441458 19396104
21100943519 Accounting 23697393 23697407
16755 Acta Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana 03252957 18516114
27819 Acta Endoscopica 0240642X 19585454
21287 Acta Medica Mediterranea 03936384 22839720
26562 Acta Medica Nagasakiensia 00016055
19399 Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica 00016659 15871495
13884 Acta Technica CSAV (Ceskoslovensk Akademie Ved) 00017043
19700167903 Actual Problems of Economics 19936788
19700187642 Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 20424868 20424876
21100223579 Advanced Materials Letters 09763961 0976397X
4700151906 Advanced Materials Research 10226680 16628985
19700181106 Advanced Science Letters 19366612 19367317
10600153363 Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics (Kyungshang) 12293067 25087908
11300153315 Advanced Studies In Theoretical Physics 13131311 13147609
19700187801 Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics 09734686
5100152904 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 21945357 21945365
21100913565 Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal 18578365 18578438
28043 Advances in Modelling and Analysis A 12585769
28046 Advances in Modelling and Analysis C 12404535
6400153142 Advances in Multimedia 1687-5680 1687-5699
21100898760 Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems 24156698
17606 African Journal of Neurological Sciences 10158618 19922647
18500168200 African Journal of Psychiatry (South Africa) 19948220
4700152608 African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines 01896016 25050044
71472 Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech 17226996 20354606
100147321 Air and Space Power Journal 1555385X 15542505
19364 Aktuality v Nefrologii 1210955X 12133248
5100155058 Aktualnosci Neurologiczne 16419227 24510696
20159 Alergie 12123536 1212687X

Page 1
65672 AMA - Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America 00845841
8300153132 American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 15574989 15574997
6400153122 American Journal of Applied Sciences 15469239 15543641
19700188317 American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 21504210 21504253
21100399172 American Journal of Cancer Research 21566976
19700188326 American Journal of Drug Discovery and Development 2150427X 21504296
21100437958 American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 19417039
5400152617 American Journal of Environmental Sciences 1553345X 15583910
5700165154 American Journal of Food Technology 15574571 1557458X
21100855407 American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 23745398
10400153308 American Journal of Immunology 1553619X 15583775
5400152637 American Journal of Infectious Diseases 15536203 15586340
21100334845 American Journal of Neurodegenerative Disease 2165591X
5400152620 American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 15574962 15574970
5700165153 American Journal of Plant Physiology 15574539 15574547
5700170931 American Journal of Semiotics 02777126 21532990
21100332454 American Journal of Stem Cells 21604150
19700174998 American Journal of Translational Research 19438141
16300154755 Analecta Bollandiana 00032468 25070290
21100255395 Anales de Documentacion 15752437 16977904
70864 Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia 16974271 1697428X
10600153357 Anales Venezolanos de Nutricion 07980752
19700167901 Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology 15836258
21100469375 Annals of Translational Medicine 23055839 23055847
19700175302 Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 09746005
21100791821 Annual Research and Review in Biology 2347565X
5700161108 Anthropologist 09720073
25166 Applied Mathematical Sciences 1312885X 13147552
4700151914 Applied Mechanics and Materials 16609336 16627482
17400154823 Arabian Journal of Geosciences 18667511 18667538
22756 Archiv fur Kriminologie 00039225
21100225606 Archives of Clinical Microbiology 19898436
4600151508 Archivos de Medicina 16989465
9800153152 Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacología y Terapeutica 07980264 26107988
19978 Ars Pharmaceutica 23409894
20100195016 Asia Life Sciences 01173375
16228 Asian Agri-History 09717730
12100156333 Asian EFL Journal 17381460
21100318417 Asian ESP Journal 18333001 22060979

Page 2
16500154705 Asian Journal of Agricultural Research 18191894
10600153337 Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 16839919
13600154732 Asian Journal of Animal Sciences 18191878
21100201062 Asian Journal of Applied Sciences 19963343
11300153309 Asian Journal of Biochemistry 18159923
12000154492 Asian Journal of Cell Biology 18140068
17100154710 Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition 19921470 20772033
15600154708 Asian Journal of Crop Science 19947879 20772041
17600155134 Asian Journal of Earth Sciences 18191886 21523509
19700175036 Asian Journal of Epidemiology 19921462 2077205X
19700171018 Asian Journal of Information Technology 16823915 19935994
19632 Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences 09723005
19700174904 Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 09742441 24553891
21000195625 Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care 22501444 22501460
19700174931 Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics 09738398 1998409X
17800156756 Asian Journal of Plant Pathology 18191541
16500154706 Asian Journal of Poultry Science 18193609
16500154707 Asian Journal of Scientific Research 19921454 20772076
21100198464 Asian Social Science 19112017 19112025
17700155011 AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 18638155 18638163
21100787020 Astra Salvensis 23934727 23441887
21100367736 Atti della Societa Toscana di Scienze Naturali 03657655
30411 Aufbereitungs-Technik 0004783X
19700174627 Australasian Medical Journal 18361935
11300153722 Australian Entomologist 13206133
7900153132 Australian Field Ornithology 14480107 22063447
21719 BAG - Journal of Basic and Applied Genetics 16660390 18526233
12300154715 Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 10282092 22247297
21101044895 BiLD Law Journal 25186523 25231618
21000196006 Biochemical and Cellular Archives 09725075 09761772
21100202936 Biology and Medicine 09748369
28594 Biomedical Research 0970938X 09761683
18412 Biomedical Reviews 1310392X 13141929
7200153130 Biophysical Reviews and Letters 17930480 17937035
19700176044 Bioscience Research 18119506 22183973
5100152606 Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia 09731245
15300154804 Biotechnology 1682296X 16822978
20500195433 BioTechnology: An Indian Journal 09747435
25253 Blutalkohol 00065250

Page 3
17266 Blyttia 00065269 18943985
28657 Bolest 12120634 12126861
16127 Boletin Tecnico/Technical Bulletin 0376723X
21100784750 Bridge 07376278
27490 Bulletin d'Association de Geographes Francais 00045322 22755195
21100860009 Bulletin Minerologie Petrologie 25707337 25707345
21100435543 Business and Economic Horizons 18045006
50077 C e ca 00456152
21100863113 Campus Virtuales 22551514
4800152402 Canadian Journal of Geriatrics 17181879
17900156733 Carbon Science and Technology 09740546
21100205702 Cardiology (Pakistan) 18118194 19936117
21100374810 Central Asia and the Caucasus 14046091
19182 Ceska Revmatologie 12107905 18054463
16390 Chemical Engineering 00092460 1945368X
16395 Chemical Engineering Education 00092479 21656428
16402 Chemical Engineering Progress 03607275 19450710
4000148801 Chemistry 08619255 13138235
29239 Chinese Journal of Cancer Research 10009604 19930631
62974 Chinesische Medizin 09302786 21965668
65449 Chung Cheng Ling Hsueh Pao 02556030
21100223146 Clay Research 02557193 09744509
21100854010 Clinical Case Reports 20500904
21000195011 Clinical Rhinology 09744630 09756968
11500153515 Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses 19351232 19412010
29444 Colourage 00101826
28633 Communications In Applied Analysis 10832564
21100868092 Compusoft 23200790
11000153760 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 1748670X 17486718
7000153240 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 1687-5265 1687-5273
21100825150 Computer Methods in Materials Science 16418581
29851 Congenital Anomalies 09143505
21100265048 Contemporary Engineering Sciences 13136569 13147641
21101038576 Contemporary Voice of Dalit 2455-328X 2456-0502
5400152704 Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging 1555-4309 0555-4317
4000151703 Core Evidence 15551741 1555175X
11300153738 Corella 01550438 22034420
21100316027 Corporate Board Role Duties and Composition 18108601 23122722
5800198357 Corporate Ownership and Control 17279232 18103057

Page 4
21100872051 Corps and Psychisme 24964476 25536087
6500153240 Cryptologia 01611194 15581586
21100228084 Cuadernos de Vivienda y Urbanismo 20272103 21450226
21100831810 Current Biomarker Findings 22302492
19700190354 Current Neurobiology 09759042 09761705
14984 Current Pediatric Research 0971-9032 0976-1691
19700175008 Current Research In Tuberculosis 18193366 21523363
21100896881 Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences 13059076 1305905X
19700188428 Der Pharma Chemica 0975413X
19700200724 Der Pharmacia Lettre 09755071
24343 Dermatolgie in Beruf und Umwelt 1438776X 16167090
144676 Dermatologia Cosmetica, Medica y Quirurgica 16654390
12446 Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Akupunktur 04156412 14394359
19600164100 Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Onkologie 16175891 14390930
5600153105 Deviance et Societe 03787931 22964096
19700174893 Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 18161820 18161839
5200152617 Diabetes and Primary Care 14668955
13100154702 Diabetes, Stoffwechsel und Herz 18617603
7200153143 Dialisis y Trasplante 18862845 18867278
29729 Disease Markers 0278-0240 1875-8630
21100239831 Diversity & Equality in Health and Care 20495471
21100202909 Drug Invention Today 09757619
28720 Dynamic Systems and Applications 10562176
15458 Dynamische Psychiatrie 0012740X
51117 Eastern Anthropologist 00128686
14598 Ecology, Environment and Conservation 0971765X
21100886412 Economics, Management and Financial Markets 18423191 1938212X
17895 Ecos - Review of Conservation 23970944
3400148107 ECS Transactions 19385862 19386737
21100903490 Education in the Knowledge Society 24448729
21101065325 Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine 16872002 20907125
21100237426 Ekonomista 00133205 22996184
15642 Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 10893032
21100235609 Elementary Education Online 13053515
15400155900 Endokrinologya 13108131
19700182042 Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research
19700182031 Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational 13087711
16061 Engineering Design Graphics Journal 00462012 19499167
21100205743 English Language Teaching 19164742 19164750

Page 5
19872 Entomologist''s Gazette 00138894
19700175101 Entrepreneurial Executive 10878955 19394667
21100856538 Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 23450282
21566 Environnement, Risques et Sante 16350421 19523998
21100227410 EPJ Web of Conferences 21016275 2100014X
21100854119 Erciyes Medical Journal 21492247 21492549
28109 Espace Geographique 00462497 17762936
17700156205 Essaim 1287258X 17762839
21101012520 Estudios de Economia Aplicada 11333197 16975731
145357 Ethique et Sante 17654629 1769695X
21100232418 Ethnobiology Letters 21598126
21100195303 Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry 13063057
21100898023 European Chemical Bulletin 20635346
4900153302 European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences 14502275
21100200821 European Journal of Electrical Engineering 21033641 21167109
29764 European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology 03922936
21100863640 European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine 25158260
4700152772 European Journal of Palliative Care 13522779 14790793
4400151716 European Journal of Scientific Research 1450202X
89410 European Journal of Social Sciences 14502267
21101016504 European Journal of Sustainable Development 22395938 22396101
21100216333 European Research Studies Journal 11082976
130094 Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 1741-427X 1741-4288
19700176236 Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 17920981 17921015
14148 Familiendynamik 03422747
21100244835 Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications 09737006
17900156722 Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 09720871
21795 Farmaceuticky Obzor 00148172
21800 Farmacevtski Vestnik 00148229
4500151502 Food Science and Technology (Brazil) 0101-2061 1678-457X
17900156726 Formalized Mathematics 14262630 18989934
27958 Forum Logopadie 09320547
145526 Foundations of Chemistry 13864238 15728463
18551 Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 1640629X 24498890
22018 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 10184619 16102304
23632 Frontiers 01609009 15360334
21100838044 Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 19489145 23744383
28195 GIM International 15669076
37673 Giornale Italiano di Diabetologia e Metabolismo 15936104

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19700181240 Global Journal of Pharmacology 19920075
19700200853 Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 09731768 09739750
14000156160 Global Media Journal 15507521
19900192601 Global Veterinaria 19926197 19998163
63434 Gogus-Kalp-Damar Anestezi ve Yogun Bakim Dernegi Dergisi 13055550
14243 Group Analysis 05333164 1461717X
15687 Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik 00174947 21967989
18082 Gummi, Fasern, Kunststoffe 01761625
19700174813 Head and Neck Oncology 17583284
17700156513 Health Science Journal 11087366
25980 Hematologie 12647527 19506368
25975 Hitachi Review 0018277X
21100201055 Human and Veterinary Medicine 20667655 20667663
21100886224 Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews 23956518
28739 Hygiena 18026281 18031056
4500151521 ICGA Journal 13896911 24682438
17700156703 IEJME - Mathematics Education 13063030 24684945
19700188348 IIAOB Journal 09763104
21100836263 Incas Bulletin 20668201 22474528
21100913891 Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering 09765166 22313850
39264 Indian Journal of Ecology 03045250
21100944119 Indian Journal of Economics and Business 09725784
15196 Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 00195189 09751009
19700174971 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 09739122 09739130
14671 Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 00195359 19983654
22392 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0250474X 19983743
19700188435 Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development 09760245 09765506
21100201522 Indian Journal of Science and Technology 09746846 09745645
21100201065 Information (Japan) 13434500 13448994
22476 Information Tecnoliga 07168756 07180764
5000157006 Informatologia 1330-0067
14714 Intensiv- und Notfallbehandlung 09475362
19700166519 International archives of medicine 17557682
19300157107 International Business Management 19935250
20600195618 International Conference on Applied and Computational Mathematics 22232877
19900191942 International Conference on Applied Computer Science - Proceedings 17924863
19900192205 International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Informatics - Proceedings
19900191946 International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Simulation, Modelling - Proceedings 17924332
19900191924 International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Signals - Proceedings 17924324

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19900192202 International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control and Signal Processing - Proceedings
19900191928 International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications - Proceedings
19900192206 International Conference on Communication and Management in Technological Innovation and Academic Globalization - Proceedings
21100495829 International Conference on Communications - Proceedings
19900191923 International Conference on Communications and Information Technology - Proceedings17924316
19900192209 International Conference on Data Networks, Communications, Computers - Proceedings
19900192207 International Conference on Development, Energy, Environment, Economics - Proceedings
19900191927 International Conference on Education and Educational Technologies - Proceedings 17925061
19900191916 International Conference on Electric Power Systems, High voltages, Electric machines, International conference on Remote sensing - Proceedings
19900191925 International Conference on Energy and Development, Environment and Biomedicine - Proceedings
21100521165 International Conference on Engineering Education and International Conference on Education and Educational Technologies - Proceedings
19900191965 International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering Geology, International Conference on Geography and Geology - Proceedings
20500195412 International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Production Systems,17924693
MEQAPS - Proceedings
19900192210 International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering - Proceedings
19900191960 International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering - Proceedings
19900192208 International Conference on Mathematical Models for Engineering Science - Proceedings
19900191939 International conference on System Science and Simulation in Engineering - Proceedings1792507X
19900191926 International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, International Conference 17924359
on Fluid Mechanics and Heat and Mass Transfer - Proceedings
19900191919 International Conference on Urban Planning and Transportation - Proceedings
20500195414 International Conference on Urban Sustainability, Cultural Sustainability, Green Development, Green Structures and Clean Cars, USCUDAR - Proceedings
19900192203 International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Simulation - Proceedings
21100201982 International Education Studies 19139020
21101041557 International Journal Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 22502459
21100856144 International Journal of Advanced Computer Research 22497277 22777970
21100944103 International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology09766480 09766499
21100829147 International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 20054238 22076360
21100896268 International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering 22783091
19700188318 International Journal of Advances In Pharmaceutical Sciences 09761055
21101039058 International Journal of Agricultural Extension 23118547 23116110
7200153152 International Journal of Agricultural Research 18164897 21522553
21100218545 International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 09727302
19700173002 International Journal of Applied Chemistry 09731792 09739734
21100217234 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 09734562 09739769
21100936125 International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Netherlands) 26662795
21100422125 International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature 22003592 22003452
19900193502 International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products 19406223
19900192586 International Journal of Bio Science and Bio Technology 22337849
19700188407 International Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 21524114
15500154707 International Journal of Biological Chemistry 1819155X 21522561

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21100381259 International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering 19984510
19700174967 International Journal of Biomedical Science 15509702 15552810
4700152857 International Journal of Botany 18119700 18119719
21100322426 International Journal of Business Research 15551296 23788577
4400151502 International Journal of Cancer Research 18119727 18119735
21100792740 International Journal of Celiac Disease 23343427 23343486
20400195007 International Journal of Chemical Sciences 0972768X
19700175055 International Journal of Chemtech Research 09744290 24559555
20000195053 International Journal of Circuits Systems and Signal Processing 1998-4464
21100785495 International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 09766308 09766316
17600155122 International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 19405901
17600155123 International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology 19362625
21101017732 International Journal of Combinatorial Graph Theory and Applications 09737421
21100902642 International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control 09748571
21100197912 International Journal of Control and Automation 20054297
21100231630 International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 09745572
21100884991 International Journal of Criminology and Sociology 19294409
19700200860 International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research 0976822X
21100944136 International Journal of Current Research and Review 22312196 09755241
21100903068 International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science 23778075
21100223710 International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations 14479532 14479583
19700201333 International Journal of Drug Delivery 09750215
19700175758 International Journal of Drug Development and Research 09759344
21100201518 International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education 13085581
19700188324 International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering 09745904
21100408983 International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics 09731385 09737537
17700156220 International Journal of Ecology and Development 09729984 09737308
22749 International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 0377015X 23205199
19700177302 International Journal of Economic Perspectives 13071637
19700181206 International Journal of Economic Research 09729380
21100890303 International Journal of Economics and Business Administration 22414754
21100373226 International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 21464138
21100983110 International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 09766545 09766553
21101038826 International Journal of Electrospun Nanofibers and Applications 0973628X
21100913341 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 23473983
21100899502 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 22498958
21100200832 International Journal of Engineering and Technology 23198613 09754024
21100805731 International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) 2227524X
78090 International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering
and Communications

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21100828027 International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 09743154
19700175083 International Journal of Entrepreneurship 10999264
17700155408 International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 13063065
21100890290 International Journal of Finance Research 19234023 19234031
19700174900 International Journal of Green Pharmacy 09738258 19984103
21100806998 International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing 20054262 22076379
21101052764 International Journal of Health Sciences 25506978 2550696X
12400154721 International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 17400562 17400570
21100896634 International Journal of Higher Education 19276044 19276052
19600161809 International Journal of Human Genetics 09723757
20500195139 International Journal of Imaging and Robotics 2231525X
21100819610 International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 22011315 22011323
21100889409 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 22783075
17500155122 International Journal of Integrative Biology 09742816 09738363
21100787766 International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications 2074904X 20749058
21100840026 International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing 20103700
21100945713 International Journal of Management 09766502 09766510
17300154704 International Journal of Mathematical Analysis 13128876 13147579
18100156703 International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 19980140
17700156720 International Journal of Mathematics and Computers In Simulation 19980159
21100199803 International Journal of Mechanical and Mechanics Engineering 22272771 2077124X
21100814505 International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and
21101016918 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering 09745823
21100808402 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 09766340 09766359
19511 International Journal of Mobile Communications 1470949X 17415217
19700175829 International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics 19481756
21100197523 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering 19750080
20000195080 International Journal of Network Security 1816353X 18163548
21100873480 International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications 20086822
19700174617 International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography 09732667 09744827
19800188067 International Journal of Osteoporosis and Metabolic Disorders 19945442 20772157
21100790061 International Journal of Pediatrics- Mashhad 23455055
20600195619 International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 09756299
19900192173 International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 09751556
19700174645 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 09752366
19700188319 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research 0976044X
20400195018 International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 09754873
3900148201 International Journal of Pharmacology 18117775 18125700
19700174810 International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 09751491

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19700201471 International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 0975766X
19700175060 International Journal of Pharmtech Research 09744304 24559563
19700174979 International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 19448171
19700188355 International Journal of Phytomedicine 09750185
4000151807 International Journal of Poultry Science 16828356 19947992
21101045037 International Journal of Professional Business Review 2525-3654
17700156008 International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 14757192
19700182690 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 13143395
21100889873 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 22773878
21100293201 International Journal of Research In Ayurveda and Pharmacy 22774343 22293566
21100942112 International Journal of Research in Education and Science 21489955
19700175778 International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 09757538
21100894501 International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 22778616
21100199112 International Journal of Security and Its Applications 17389976
19700182218 International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology 1473804X 14738031
21100846309 International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy 23154462 23733594
20200195004 International Journal of Smart Home 19754094 2383725X
21100940522 International Journal of Sociology of the Family 09732039
17200154704 International Journal of Soft Computing 18169503
21100199850 International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications 17389984
6100153027 International Journal of Soil Science 18164978
21100429502 International Journal of Supply Chain Management 20513771 20507399
19700173022 International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Application19975422 23099607
21100298063 International Journal of Tomography and Simulation 23193336
21100205709 International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research 09755160
19700175161 International Journal of Tropical Medicine 18163319 1818779X
4700153606 International Journal of Virology 18164900
21100201525 International Journal of Wine Research 11791403
4700152479 International Journal of Zoological Research 18119778 18119786
21100246541 International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences 19422660
21100901133 International Journal on Emerging Technology 09758364 22493255
14770 International Medical Journal 13412051 24363294
17700156323 International Research Journal of Finance and Economics 14502887
21100408192 International Review of Management and Marketing 21464405
21100943317 International Review of Modern Sociology 09732047
18800156705 International Review on Computers and Software 18286003 18286011
19700175066 Internet Journal of Microbiology 19378289
19700200831 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 1757899X
17700155031 Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal 20741804 20741812

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21100241786 ISACA Journal 19441967 19441975
15314 Japanese Journal of Antibiotics 03682781 21865477
25299 JOP. Journal of the Pancreas 15908577
23806 Journal des Maladies Vasculaires 03980499
21100869510 Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 2149360X
23823 Journal fur Hypertonie 10282327 16809378
23824 Journal fur Kardiologie 10240098 1680936x
26946 Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies 12038407 23711175
20500195215 Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 1943023X
21100286923 Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics 2068696X
10900153329 Journal of Agricultural Food and Environmental Sciences 19347235
21101056815 Journal of Agriculture and Crops 24126381
4000151604 Journal of Agronomy 18125379 18125417
21100244802 Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research 21556113
25312 Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 00901482 21624119
21100316045 Journal of Analytical Oncology 19277210 19277229
21100244847 Journal of Anesthesia and Clinical Research 21556148
12300154727 Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 16805593 1993601X
19700175833 Journal of Antivirals and Antiretrovirals 19485964
19700174647 Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 13071130 21460108
19700171306 Journal of Applied Economic Sciences 23935162
3900148513 Journal of Applied Science 18125654 18125662
21100264003 Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development 21559546
19203 Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 01466623
18800156718 Journal of Artificial Intelligence 19945450 20772173
21100877173 Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 22884637 22884645
19700188309 Journal of Bioanalysis and Biomedicine 1948593X
18300156718 Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 15566560 15566579
19700188484 Journal of Bioequivalence and Bioavailability 09750851
3900148202 Journal of Biological Sciences 17273048 18125719
21100782386 Journal of Biology and Today's World 24765376 23223308
21100278103 Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 21579083 21579091
21100329555 Journal of Business and Retail Management Research 17518202 20566271
19700175828 Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy 19485956
19700201139 Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research 09753583 09762833
19700201521 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 09757384
19700201516 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 09742115 23498552
19700188420 Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine 13090720 13092014
16400154778 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2249782X 0973709X

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21100313913 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology 21559880
16338 Journal of Clinical Engineering 03638855
19700186829 Journal of Computers 1796203X
21100228316 Journal of Computers (Taiwan) 19911599 2312993X
21100920227 Journal of Critical Reviews 23945125
16693 Journal of Dementia Care 13518372
4800152306 Journal of Digital Information Management 09727272
19300157035 Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research 15333604 15333590
23344 Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health 09724397 09740805
21100230500 Journal of Electrical Engineering 15824594
21100199344 Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence 17980461
52429 Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa 16089677 22201009
21100231100 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1816949X 18187803
21100902545 Journal of English as an International Language 22002014
4700152483 Journal of Entomology 18125670 18125689
19700176302 Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 10988394 15282651
21100887430 Journal of Environment Treatment Techniques 23091185
19700175283 Journal of Environmental and Public Health 16879805 16879813
145018 Journal of Environmental Hydrology 10583912 19967918
17100154711 Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 20772181
17614 Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology 00220930 16083202
15500154702 Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 18164927 19960751
3200147807 Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 14590263
19900193655 Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications 17365279 17364337
144613 Journal of Generic Medicines 17411343 17417090
19700200708 Journal of Global Pharma Technology 09758542
21100237401 Journal of Green Engineering 19044720 22454586
5700161261 Journal of Human Ecology 09709274 24566608
21100781704 Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design 18578489
23413 Journal of Industrial Pollution Control 09702083
19700201308 Journal of Information Technology Research 19387857 19387865
21100798510 Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology 21468397
19300157108 Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research 19453019 19366264
17700156404 Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education 10770755
21100415050 Journal of International Business and Economics 15448037 23789174
18300156727 Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce 12045357
19216 Journal of Japanese Botany 00222062
21100229162 Journal of Konbin 18958281 20834608
21100936532 Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 1305578X

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21100200601 Journal of Language and Literature 20780303
19700173245 Journal of Legal Ethical and Regulatory Issues 15440036 15440044
21100805732 Journal of Management Information and Decision Science 15247252 15325806
21100244634 Journal of Manufacturing Research 19438095
21100223585 Journal of Materials and Environmental Science 20282508
21100944441 Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science 19275307
21100877663 Journal of Mathematical Control Science and Applications 09740570
7400153105 Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 15493644 15586359
21100398858 Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 22894659 22318380
20980 Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Development 10241752
21100247092 Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 21567018 21567026
19600164600 Journal of Medical Sciences 16824474 18125727
19700188444 Journal of Microbial and Biochemical Technology 19485948
19700186852 Journal of Multimedia 17962048
21100825369 Journal of Namibian Studies 1863-5954 2197-5523
18500166400 Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 1555130X 15551318
21100241608 Journal of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology 21577439
28546 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 15334880 15334899
19700186825 Journal of Networks 17962056
21100399105 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 20081898 20081901
21100875478 Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Power Generation Technology 23259809
19700175177 Journal of Organizational Culture Communications and Conflict 15440508 19394691
19700175270 Journal of Pain Management 19395914
21100216519 Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 0976-9234 2229-7723
19700174933 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 09751459
19700175858 Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy 21412502
11200153306 Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 1816496X 2152100X
21100237602 Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences 22233806 19275951
144942 Journal of Physical Therapy Science 21875626
7700153105 Journal of Plant Sciences 18164951
25900 Journal of Polymer Materials 09738622 09763449
20125 Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology 25618741
21100983356 Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing 27177564 25870130
21100199307 Journal of Probability and Statistics 1687952X 16879538
19600157004 Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics 0974276X
30049 Journal of Psychohistory 01453378
23587 Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education 15214842 19308914
21100435271 Journal of Research in Gender Studies 21640262 23783524
13600154725 Journal of Residuals Science and Technology 15448053 2376578X

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21100817618 Journal of Reviews on Global Economics 19297092
21100867942 Journal of RNA and Genomics 25917781
7000153222 Journal of Rubber Research 15111768
18800156704 Journal of Science Education 01245481
23650 Journal of Scientific Exploration 08923310
21100301405 Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 20297017 20297025
21100887701 Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics 23294175 23770996
21100870214 Journal of Social Sciences Research 24119458 24136670
21100899004 Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology 09766634 24566764
19700186824 Journal of Software 1796217X
19700173025 Journal of Software Engineering 18194311 21520941
20100195054 Journal of Solid Mechanics 20083505 20087683
21100905326 Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 23687487
21100377768 Journal of Sustainable Development 19139063
21100332206 Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering 21801843
31872 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 00236152 2433488X
21100201076 Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology 00194247
19700173325 Journal of The International Academy For Case Studies 10784950 15325822
21101039054 Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine 19930909 26633116
16838 Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education 15442896
21100244805 Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination 21577560
21100248002 Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology 21577579
5200152804 Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology 1063455X 1934936X
19700177128 Journal of Young Pharmacists 09751483 09751505
19700188206 JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications 09725555
19700188162 JP Journal of Geometry and Topology 0972415X
13585 Kemija u Industriji 00229830 13349090
12009 Kinderanalyse 09426051 25104209
144793 Kindheit und Entwicklung 09425403 21906246
16505 Kitakanto Medical Journal 13432826 18811191
14111 Klinicka Biochemie a Metabolismus 12107921 25709402
16550 Kosmetische Medizin 14304031
6300153113 Larmbekampfung 18634672
24065 LC-GC Europe 14716577
13800154702 Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies 15831078
14046 Library Philosophy and Practice 15220222
13600154710 Life Science Journal 10978135
22049 Limosa 00243620 25431552
21100928820 Linguistics Journal 17182301

Page 15
16300154705 Literary Review 00244589
24498 Lowland Technology International 13449656 21878870
82170 Man in India 00251569
21100854867 Management Science Letters 19239335 19239343
21100316064 MATEC Web of Conferences 22747214 2261236X
24557 Mathematical and Computational Applications 1300686X 22978747
17500155017 Medecine du Sommeil 17694493 23523395
21760 Medecine et Chirurgie du Pied 07592280 17652855
21100317903 Media Watch 09760911 22498818
21100894504 Medical Journal of Cell Biology 25443577
21100855844 Medicina e Chirurgia della Caviglia e del Piede 22842993 25321234
63518 Medico-Legal Update 0971720X 09741283
21100857169 Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry 20283997
21100283701 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 20399340 20392117
18500159400 Melliand Textilberichte/International Textile Reports 09319735
13770 Memoranda - Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 03736873 17969816
12100156721 Mental Health in Family Medicine 1756834X
21100197765 Metallurgical and Mining Industry 20760507 20788312
21100201971 Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 19909233 19998147
18584 Mitsubishi Electric Advance 13453041
28513 Modelling, Measurement and Control A 12595985
28515 Modelling, Measurement and Control B 12595969
28531 Modelling, Measurement and Control C 12595977
19900191611 Modern Applied Science 19131844 19131852
12986 Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics 02786419 19348428
21100782416 Music Scholarship 19970854 25876341
19700186885 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 19414900 19414919
21100301603 National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 22313206
21100904334 Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils 21489637
110124 Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Klinische Chemie en Laboratoriumgeneeskunde15708306
21100773742 Network Biology 22208879
24805 Neural Parallel and Scientific Computations 10615369
6700153288 Neurochemical Journal 18197124 18197132
11600154151 NeuroQuantology 1303-5150
20511 Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 03005224
5700165212 Obesite 19515995
29782 Occupational Health and Safety 03624064 19383851
12930 Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica 0030154X 1881154X
21100446518 Oncoscience 23314737

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13900154722 Opcion 10121587
21100824403 Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 18579655
19700186827 Open Electrical and Electronic Engineering Journal 18741290
19700175151 Open Infectious Diseases Journal 18742793
19700186910 Open Materials Science Journal 1874088X
19300157028 Open Petroleum Engineering Journal 18748341
11900154394 Oriental Journal of Chemistry 0970020X 22315039
22621 Ornithologische Beobachter 00305707
21248 Osteopathische Medizin 16159071 16118928
17675 Osterreichische Wasser- Und Abfallwirtschaft 0945358X 16137566
14332 Otorinolaryngologie a Foniatrie 12107867
19700175122 Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology 18121837 23127791
21100215707 Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 19967195
4400151521 Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 16805194 19947984
22998 Parazitologiia 00311847
18280 PCI Journal 08879672
15683 Pediatria Catalana 11358831
22891 Pediatric Dentistry 01641263 19425473
21100197942 Periodico Tche Quimica 18060374 21790302
88997 Pestology 09703012
20631 Pharma Kritik 10105409
19700201509 Pharma Research 09758216
21083 Pharmaceutical Care Espana 11396202
19200156706 Pharmacognosy Magazine 09731296 09764062
19700174941 Pharmacognosy Research 09764836 09748490
19700175143 Pharmacognosy Reviews 09737847 09762787
5800179590 Pharmacologyonline 18278620
4700152769 Pharmacopeial Forum 15421945
84320 Phlebologie 00318280
20533 Phlebolymphology 12860107
29201 Physics Essays 08361398 23712236
16556 Phyton 00792047
19900193211 Plant Archives 09725210 25816063
71491 Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 09722025
4700152475 Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology 18173721 18188745
24741 Pollution Research 02578050
19400158817 Ponte 0032423X
20341 Postepy Mikrobiologii 00794252
32824 Pracovni Lekarstvi 00326291 18054536

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17133 Pravention und Rehabilitation 0937552X
17644 Prensa Medica Argentina 0032745X
21100821129 Problems of Education in the 21st Century 18227864 25387111
23020 Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 02049155
21100810604 Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
66263 Prostor 13300652 13339117
21100889429 Prozesswaerme 25673742
15252 Przeglad Papierniczy 00332291 24499498
13398 Psyche 00332623 25104187
15784 Psychiatrie de l'Enfant 0079726X 21025320
19400157128 Psychoanalysis and History 14608235 1755201X
50205 Psychology and Education 00333077 15536939
64325 Psychotropes 12452092 17821487
21100204304 Quaderns de l'Institut Catala d'Antropologia 02115557 23854472
17717 Quality in Primary Care 14791072
19400157518 RASAYAN Journal Of Chemistry 09741496 09760083
18626 Rassegna di Patologia dell''Apparato Respiratorio 00339563
21101049548 Remittances Review 2059-6588 2059-6596
21100908447 Res Militaris 22656294
21100890307 Research in World Economy 19233981 1923399X
17600155110 Research Journal of Applied Sciences 1815932X 19936079
19700187706 Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 20407459 20407467
11500153415 Research Journal of Botany 18164919 21520461
18800156725 Research Journal of Business Management 18191932 21520437
19700175106 Research Journal of Cardiology 18193404 21518297
17700155411 Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology 18193420
19700175045 Research Journal of Immunology 19947909 20772211
17200154703 Research Journal of Information Technology 18157432 21517959
19700174950 Research Journal of Medical Sciences 18159346 19936095
17700155030 Research Journal of Medicinal Plant 18193455 21517924
9500154041 Research Journal of Microbiology 18164935
19700174907 Research Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 19947925 2077222X
17700154923 Research Journal of Parasitology 18164943
19700188422 Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 09758585
19700175031 Research Journal of Pharmacology 18159362 19936109
18800156745 Research Journal of Phytochemistry 18193471 21516081
18800156724 Research Journal of Seed Science 18193552 21516146
19700174987 Research Journal of Toxins 18193560 21517258
21100228751 Review of European Studies 19187173 19187181

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21100855502 Review of International Geographical Education Online 21460353
21100417465 Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives 2168-0965 2168-0973
14500154705 Revista Argentina de Clinica Psicologica 03276716 18517951
26700 Revista Argentina de Endocrinologia y Metabolismo 03264610 18513034
19917 Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte 1517-8692 1806-9940
4100151710 Revista Chilena de Enfermedades Respiratorias 07175698 07177348
22219 Revista Cubana de Cirugia 00347493 15612945
18225 Revista Cubana de Medicina 00347523 1561302X
21496 Revista de Chimie (Bucuresti) 00347752 26688212
17300154715 Revista de Filosofia (Venezuela) 0798-1171 2477-9598
25197 Revista de Toxicologia 16970748
17600155009 Revista del Laboratorio Clinico 18884008 19890389
11200153556 Revista Espacios 07981015
24244 Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales 01851918 2448492X
19400158357 Revista Romana de Medicina de Laborator 18416624 22845623
17600155138 Revue Francaise de Psychosomatique 11644796 21052603
100147021 Revue Francophone des Laboratoires 1773035X
11700154724 Revue Francophone d'Orthoptie 18762204 18762212
21100840445 Revue Internationale de Soins Palliatifs 16641531 22352155
21100389315 Risk Governance and Control Financial Markets and Institutions 2077429X 20774303
19400158329 Romanian Biotechnological Letters 12245984 22483942
21100201709 Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 0975-2935
19700194018 Russian Journal of Biopharmaceuticals 20738099
21100850746 Russian Journal of Criminology 25004255 25001442
130151 Russian Journal of Developmental Biology 10623604 16083326
14268 Science and Technology of Energetic Materials 13479466
21100904912 Science for Education Today 26586762
19900191347 Science of Advanced Materials 19472935 19472943
19335 Sciences Sociales et Sante 02940337 17775914
21101037290 Scientific Bulletin of Naval Academy 1454864X 23928956
24221 Scientist 08903670 19455127
98396 SD Revista Medica Internacional Sobre el Sindrome de Down 11382074 21719721
19201 Sensor Letters 1546198X 15461971
19700187707 Sensors & Transducers 17265479
80618 Silva Balcanica 13118706
21100212600 Social Sciences 18185800 19936125
3900148509 Soins Cadres 19622287
24051 Somatosensory and Motor Research 08990220 13691651
21100198713 Space Research Journal 18193382

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20000195017 Studii si Cercetari Stiintifice, Chimie si Inginerie Chimica, Biotehnologii, Industrie
13154 Surveying and Land Information Science 15381242 15597202
17284 Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 0039646X
6400153128 SWS - Rundschau 10131469
19700201140 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 09758453 09762779
21100208309 Talent Development and Excellence 18690459 18692885
70245 Teikyo Medical Journal 03875547
16606 Tekstil 04925882 18491537
23886 Telma 03404927
21100871693 Tesol International Journal 20943938
12997 Test Engineering and Management 01934120
21100265336 The International Arabic Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 21749094
17600155047 Therapie Familiale 02504952 22352112
20145 Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 0371683X 17849721
21101048271 Tobacco Regulatory Science 23339748
20180 Trace Elements and Electrolytes 09462104
21100199822 Translational Biomedicine 21720479
19700175035 Trends in Bioinformatics 19947941 20772254
19700175137 Trends In Medical Research 18193587 21516065
38536 Turk Serebrovaskuler Hastaliklar Dergisi 13011375 21469113
21100902608 Turkisch Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education 13094653
19500156802 Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 13036521
21101019739 Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry 13096591
21101023074 Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance 23319712 23319720
21100898670 Universal Journal of Educational Research 23323205 23323213
21100856014 Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 23323280 23323299
21100855996 Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering 23323353 23323361
5700164382 Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana 13165216 24779555
20804 Verdauungskrankheiten 0174738X
21100829275 Veterinary Research 19944659
19700169710 Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Povijest Dalmatinsku 18490336
22725 Vogelwarte 00496650
5700155185 Voprosy Istorii 00428779
21100356015 Water and Ecology: Problems and Solutions 23053488
145515 Waves in Random and Complex Media 17455030 17455049
4400151723 Webology 1735-188X
21100873483 Wisdom 18293824
6000195383 WIT Transactions on Biomedicine and Health 17433525
5700191222 WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies 17433517

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144842 WIT transactions on Modelling and Simulation 1743355X
20500195146 World Applied Sciences Journal 18184952 19916426
19700174914 World Heart Journal 15564002 25776584
21100874917 World Journal of Clinical Cases 23078960
21100411340 World Journal of Clinical Oncology 22184333
19700174801 World Journal of Medical Sciences 18173055 19904061
17600155114 World Journal of Modelling and Simulation 17467233
21100925870 World Journal on Educational Technology 1309-1506 1309-0348
19600157349 WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine 11099518
1900147401 WSEAS Transactions on Communications 22242864 11092742
144885 WSEAS Transactions on Computers 22242872 11092750
17700156005 WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer 17905044
12100154403 WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing 22243488 17905052
87584 Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu 10011749
76272 Zairyo to Kankyo 09170480 18819664
19700174730 Zeitschrift fur Familienforschung 14372940 21962154
11300153601 Zeitschrift fur Feldherpetologie 09467998
5600152865 Zeitschrift fur Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 14361957
21416 Zentralsterilisation - Central Service 09426086
65906 ZFV - Zeitschrift fur Geodasie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement 16188950
22137 Ziegelindustrie International/Brick and Tile Industry International 03410552
18060 ZKG International 23661313

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