19EC14701-UNIT III Objective Type Questions

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Seventh Semester / Regulation-2019

19EC14701 – RF and Microwave Engineering


1. Power dividers and couplers are ______ microwave components used for power division or power
d) Non linear
d) None of the mentioned
3. If a device is passive and contains no anisotropic elements, then the device is_______ network.
d) Lossy
4. Scattering matrix of a reciprocal network is:
c)Identity matrix
d) Null matrix
5. If all the ports of a microwave network are matched, then the diagonal element of the S matrix of the
network is zero.
b) False
6.  If a microwave network is lossless, then S matrix of the microwave network is:
c)Identity matrix
d) Zero matrix
7. A lossless reciprocal 3 port network can be matched at all the three ports.
a) True
b) False
8. A circulator is a 3 port network that allows energy flow in clockwise direction only.
a) True
b) False
9. The diagonal elements of the S matrix of an improperly matched circulator is zero.
a) True
b) False
10Coupling factor of a directional coupler must be maximum and is a key factor that determines the
performance of the coupler.
a) True
b) False
11Directivity of a directional coupler signifies the direction of power flow in the coupler.
a) True
b) False
12. Isolation of a directional coupler is a measure of the:
a) Power delivered to the uncoupled port
b) Power delivered to the coupled port
c) Power delivered to the second port
d) None of the mentioned
13. Insertion loss is the power delivered to the through port.
a) True
b) False
14. In a symmetric coupler, the power delivered to the through port and output port are equal.
a) True
b) False
15. The output power measured at the 2 ports of the T junction:
a) Is a constant
b) Variable
c) Is not real power
d) None of the mentioned
16. If the input power is divided in the ratio of 2:1 in a T- junction coupler and the characteristic
impedance of the 2 output lines is 150Ω and 75Ω, then the impedance of the input line is:
a) 100Ω
b) 50Ω
c) 150Ω
d) None of the mentioned
17. The mode of propagation of propagation supported by coupled line couplers is:
a) TM mode
b) TE mode
c) TEM mode
d) quasi TEM mode
18. Coupled line couplers are:
a) symmetric couplers
b) asymmetric couplers
c) in phase couplers
d) type of hybrid coupler
19. Ferrite isolators are ____ port microwave devices.
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) None of the mentioned
20. The matrix of an ideal isolator is not ______
a) Unitary
b) Symmetric
c) Lossless
d) None of the mentioned
21. The attenuation of a ________ is very large near the gyro magnetic resonance of the ferrite.
a) Linearly polarized wave
b) Circularly polarized wave
c) Left polarized wave
d) Right polarized wave
22. The isolators constructed using ferrite materials must operate at:
a) Gyro magnetic resonance
b) Magnetic resonance
c) Isolator resonance
d) None of the mentioned
23. Forward attenuation provided by a resonance ferrite isolator is:
a) Zero
b) Low
c) High
d) None of the mentioned
24. _____ is a device that produces a phase shift of a required amount of the input wave.
a) Phase shifter
b) Attenuator
c) Resonator
d) None of the mentioned
25. Phase shifters are used in _______ where the antenna beam can be steered in space by electronically
controlled phase shifters.
a) Phased array antennas
b) Dipole array antennas
c) Slot antennas
d) Patch antennas
26. Gyrator is a device that produces a phase shift of ____ between the input and output.
a) 90⁰
b) 180⁰
c) 45⁰
d) None of the mentioned
27. ________ is a three-port microwave device that can be lossless and matched at all spots.
a) Hybrid junction
b) Magic Tee
c) Circulator
d) Isolator
28The total number of ones in the scattering matrix of an ideal circulator is:
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 5
29. Practically, opposite circulatory in a ferrite circulator can be obtained by:
a) Changing the order of port operation
b) Impedance matching the input ports
c) Changing the polarity of the magnetic bias field
d) None of the mentioned
30. In the scattering matrix representation of a non-ideal circulator, the diagonal elements of the matrix
a) Zero
b) One
c) Reflection coefficient Г
d) None of the mentioned
31.  Silicon and germanium are called ___________ semiconductors.
a) direct gap
b) indirect gap
c) band gap
d) indirect band gap
32. GaAs is used in the fabrication of GUNN diodes because:
a) GaAs is cost effective
b) It less temperature sensitive
c) it has low conduction band electrons
d) less forbidden energy gap
33. When the electric field applied to GaAs specimen is less than the threshold electric field, the current
in the material:
a) increases linearly
b) decreases linearly
c) increases exponentially
d) decreases exponentially
34. GaAs is used in fabricating Gunn diode. Gunn diode is:
a) bulk device
b) sliced device
c) made of different type of semiconductor layers
d) none of the mentioned
35The electrodes of a Gunn diode are made of:
a) molybdenum
b) GaAs
c) gold
d) copper
36. When either a voltage or current is applied to the terminals of bulk solid state compound GaAs, a
differential ______ is developed in that bulk device.
a) negative resistance
b) positive resistance
c) negative voltage
d) none of the mentioned
37The free electron concentration in N-type GaAs is controlled by:
a) effective doping
b) bias voltage
c) drive current
d) none of the mentioned
38. When a reverse bias voltage exceeding the breakdown voltage is applied to an IMPATT diode, it
results in:
a) avalanche multiplication
b) break down of depletion region
c) high reverse saturation current
d) none of the mentioned
39. To prevent an IMPATT diode from burning, a constant bias source is used to maintain _______ at
safe limit.
a) average current
b) average voltage
c) average bias voltage
d) average resistance
40. The number of semiconductor layers in IMPATT diode is:
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) none of the mentioned
41. To fabricate a low frequency circuit using the hybrid microwave IC methodology, the material with
_______ is preferred.
a) high dielectric constant
b) low dielectric constant
c) high resistivity
d) low resistivity
42. __________ is an important consideration for a hybrid integrated circuit.
a) material selection
b) processing units
c) design complexity
d) active sources
43. Progress in ________ and other related semiconductors material processing led to the feasibility of
monolithic microwave integrated circuits.
a) GaAs
b) Silicon
c) Germanium
d) GaAlAs
44. The substrate of an MMIC must be a _____________ to accommodate the fabrication of all the type
of devices.
a) Semiconductor
b) Insulator
c) Partial conductors
d) Metals operable at high frequencies
45. Processing in MMICs is done by __________
a) Ion implantation
b) Net list generation
c) Floor planning
d) None of the mentioned
46. MMICs are the best microwave integrated circuit fabrication methodologies without any drawbacks in
a) True
b) False
47. MMICs have higher circuit flexibility as compared to other microwave integrated fabrication
a) True
b) False
48. Schottky barrier diode is a sophisticated version of the point contact ______________.
a) Germanium diode
b) Silicon crystal diode
c) GaAs diode
d) None of the mentioned
49. As the area of rectifying contact goes on increasing, the forward resistance of the Schottky diode:
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains unchanged
d) None of the mentioned
50. The modes of operation of a Gunn diode are illustrated in a plot of voltage applied to the Gunn diode
v/s frequency of operation of Gunn diode.
a) true
b) false

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