Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

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Non-Destructive Diagnostics

of Concrete Floors
Concrete floors should be diagnosed in order to obtain the proper durability. Non-
destructive testing (NDT) methods, which have numerous advantages and are very
effective for in situ testing, are recommended for this purpose. Non-Destructive
Diagnostics of Concrete Floors: Methods and Case Studies offers useful NDT
methods, test methodologies, and case studies. This book contains classifications of
NDT methods, examines their areas of usefulness in floor diagnostics, and explains
the complementarity and reliability of NDT methods as well as the need to calibrate
research equipment. It presents interesting case studies of concrete floors, such as
dowelled floors, floors with a top layer made of stone slabs, industrial floors, indus-
trial floors with a top layer of polyurethane-cement, layered floors, post-tensioned
floors, and cement screeds. The authors have drawn on many years of experience in
both academia and the practical diagnosis of concrete floors using NDT methods.

Łukasz Sadowski is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department at the

Faculty of Civil Engineering of Wroclaw University of Science Technology, Poland.

Professor Jerzy Hoła is an employee and former dean of the Faculty of Civil
Engineering of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland.
Non-Destructive Diagnostics
of Concrete Floors

Methods and Case Studies

Łukasz Sadowski
Jerzy Hoła
First edition published 2023
by CRC Press
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© 2023 Łukasz Sadowski and Jerzy Hoła

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DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374

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Chapter 1 Introduction........................................................................................... 1

Chapter 2 The Problem of the Degradation of Concrete Floors............................5

Chapter 3 Introductory Information to the Diagnostics of Floors....................... 11

Chapter 4 The Classification of Methods for Floor Diagnostics......................... 17

Chapter 5 The Overview of Methods Useful in Floor Diagnostics..................... 29

Chapter 6 The Reliability of Non-Destructive Methods in

Floor Diagnostics................................................................................ 41

Chapter 7 The Calibration and Scaling of Test Equipment................................. 57

Chapter 8 The Diagnosis of Dowelled Concrete Floors...................................... 63

Chapter 9 The Diagnostics of Stone Floors......................................................... 73

Chapter 10 The Diagnostics of Concrete Industrial Floors................................... 87

Chapter 11 The Diagnostics of Polyurethane-Cement Floors............................. 101

Chapter 12 The Diagnostics of Cement Screeds................................................. 111

Chapter 13 The Diagnostics of Layered Concrete Floors.................................... 123

vi Contents

Chapter 14 The Diagnostics of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors......................... 131

Chapter 15 Closure.............................................................................................. 141

Index....................................................................................................................... 145
This book is devoted to non-destructive diagnostics of concrete floors. It contains
new knowledge and research experience, which is preceded by an update and sys-
temization of the already available knowledge concerning the subject covered in the
title. This book meets the needs of those who already deal with, or intend to deal
with, the assessment of the condition of floors, as well as those who seek support in
literature with regards to, among others, the field of non-destructive testing methods,
methodologies, and case studies.
This book is divided into 14 chapters. Chapter 1 provides an introduction. Chapter
2 is devoted to the problem of the degradation of floors. Chapter 3 provides introduc-
tory information to the diagnostics of floors. Chapter 4 presents the classifications of
non-destructive and semi-destructive methods, and indicates the areas of their use-
fulness in the diagnostics of floors. In turn, Chapter 5 contains synthetic descriptions
of selected non-destructive and semi-destructive methods useful in floor diagnostics.
Chapter 6 is devoted to the reliability of the use of non-destructive methods, while
Chapter 7 deals with the issues of the calibration and scaling of research equipment.
Chapters 8−14 contain case studies concerning, in order of diagnostics: dowelled
concrete floors, concrete floors with a top layer made of stone, industrial concrete
floors, concrete floors with a top layer made of polyurethane, cement screeds, layered
concrete floors, and post-tensioned concrete floors. For researchers and experts who
want to broaden their knowledge with regards to the subject of this book, useful ref-
erence items are provided at the end of each chapter.
While writing this book, it was not only literature studies that were used, but also
the authors’ own thoughts and many years of experience acquired in both academia
and in the practical diagnostics of floors using non-destructive methods. The authors
of this book are recognized practicing specialists in this field, and they are also, or
have been, active participants in scientific committees and scientific and technical
events related to non-destructive testing in the construction industry.
In the opinion of the authors the published book should not only meet the expecta-
tions of experienced scientists and experts specializing in the field of non-destructive
testing in floors, but also civil engineers, both experienced and beginners, in the
field of the non-destructive diagnostics of floors. Moreover, students of construction
and architecture courses should consider this book a useful source of knowledge in
the field of non-destructive and semi-destructive methods of testing and diagnosing

Łukasz Sadowski is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering
of Wroclaw University of Science Technology. He is the Head of the Department
of Materials Engineering and Construction Processes. He was a fellow of the
Foundation for Polish Science and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
He is a senior member of RILEM and a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
His achievements include more than 200 publications, 2 books, and tens of expertise

Professor Jerzy Hoła is employed at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Wroclaw

University of Science and Technology (WUST). He is a former Dean of the Faculty
and a former senator of WUST. He is a member of the Civil Engineering Committee
and the Chairman of the Construction and Mechanics Committee of the Polish
Academy of Sciences. He specializes in general construction and non-destructive
testing. He has published more than 300 scientific works, including several books
and several hundred expertise reports.

1 Introduction

One should agree with the statement that floors undergo degradation during opera-
tion, resulting in a gradual reduction in their durability [1–5]. In various operational
situations, the intensity of these processes may be different in the sense that it may
be slowed down or accelerated [6–8]. It can be slowed down when floors are properly
protected against the adverse effects of environmental factors, are free from defects, and
are properly used and maintained. It can be accelerated, in particular, as a result of the
action of various extreme weather conditions or mechanical factors (single or cumula-
tive), due to the presence of significant workmanship or design defects, due to improper
use, and also due to negligence in maintaining a proper technical condition. The con-
sequence of degradation processes is the occurrence of more serious or less serious
damage in the floor, which in turn requires repair. In some cases, it may be necessary
to strengthen the damaged floor, for example, by over-concreting, without which more
serious damage may occur, resulting in the floor being excluded from operation.
When taking care of the original durability and safety of use of floors, they should
be subjected to preventive technical inspections. These inspections, as a desirable ele-
ment of proper maintenance, are also performed in necessary situations, such as a sud-
den deterioration of the technical condition. Such a situation may occur, for example,
as a result of damage caused by the disclosure of an existing significant latent defect
in the floor or in the floor’s sub-base, due to extreme weather conditions, or due to
overload or fire in the object. When a structure is in use, there are more serious defects
and irregularities, or the defects that are revealed usually result in the need to conduct
a diagnostic procedure. Conducting such a procedure may also result from the need
to assess the possibilities and conditions of the planned modernization, or operational
changes resulting in a change in the nature and value of the current loads.
Diagnostic management is very important, the results of which constitute the
basis for the preparation of an appropriate technical study. Such a study is, for exam-
ple, an expert study, which is usually characterized by a high degree of detail and
inquisitiveness. For this reason, in diagnostic procedures, it is even necessary to use
a variety of research methods and techniques that are appropriately selected for a
given situation and needs.
Among the many available research methods and techniques that are useful for
diagnosing floors, non-destructive methods and techniques deserve special attention.
This is mainly due to their numerous advantages, such as their very high usefulness
in in situ studies, the fact that there is no interference in the structure of the tested
floor, and the possibility of multiple tests in any number of places and at any time. It
is worth noting at this point that some of the non-destructive methods, such as sclero-
metric or ultrasonic methods, have long been standardized in terms of their indirect
methodical evaluation of the compressive strength of concrete in a floor [9–11]. In
addition to non-destructive methods, in many situations it is also advisable to use
non-destructive methods that do not cause significant violations of the structure of

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-1 1
2 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

the tested floor. Moreover, in the case of these methods, some of them are standardized
in relation to the strength tests of concrete. An example is the pull-out method [12].
Recently, significant technical progress has been noticed − on the one hand with
the development of the known non-destructive methods, and on the other hand with
the development of new non-destructive measurement methods and techniques.
These methods are more and more often enriched with specialized software, which
not only facilitates and speeds up the recording of measurement data, but is also
useful in their interpretation. An example in this case is ultrasonic tomography. This
development is largely aimed at creating the possibility of floor diagnostics in ele-
ments accessible from one side, which include floors. In existing floors, there is often
a need to assess their thickness, locate the reinforcement, assess the depth of formed
cracks, or locate various undesirable defects or damage on the surface. Moreover,
in the case of newly erected floors accessible from one side, there is a need to sup-
port the effective control of their execution using non-destructive methods. Such
methodical control is very advisable, especially in the case of large-area floors. This
is because it favours the fulfilment of the required requirements, and minimizes or
even eliminates manufacturing defects, which is important from the point of view of
the durability and safety of use of floors.
Expert practice shows that it is mainly large-surface floors in which various sig-
nificant defects occur during their exploitation (especially defects related to their
execution). The sources of such defects can be seen to be due to the absence of
an effective methodological control carried out at the stage of execution [13–16].
These are large-surface dowelled concrete floors used on port quays and in storage
and manoeuvring yards; large-surface industrial floors in production and warehouse
facilities; large-area concrete industrial floors with a polyurethane-cement top layer
in industrial and warehouse facilities with the required increased hygiene regime;
and concrete floors with a stone top layer in large-area commercial and service facil-
ities, as well as other representative facilities. Taking into account the significant
increase in the number of buildings of this type today, the problem of methodologi-
cal quality control of the execution of the large-scale flat floors in them should not be
underestimated [17]. The problem of significant defects occurring during operation
also applies to cement floors that are commonly used in housing construction.
In relation to the above considerations, it should be said that the purpose of this
book is to share knowledge and experience in the field of floor diagnostics. According
to the authors, this is a desirable form of meeting the expectations of those who, for
example, assess the technical condition of floors and who seek support in literature
regarding research methodology or case studies. Therefore, this book introduces the
problem of the degradation of floors and the need to diagnose them, and includes a
classification of non-destructive and semi-destructive methods with their usefulness
areas, synthetic descriptions of selected methods, and the problems concerning the
reliability of using non-destructive methods in concrete floor diagnostics. This book
also looks at the calibration and scaling of research equipment. It contains interest-
ing case studies that are enriched with proprietary non-destructive testing method-
ologies, including those related to dowelled concrete floors, large-surface industrial
floors, large-surface polyurethane-cement floors, stone floors, and layered floors.
Cement screeds were also not forgotten.
Introduction 3

The authors hope that this book will be useful to both experienced researchers
and experts specializing in non-destructive testing, as well as, and even especially,
engineers first encountering the problem of floor diagnostics using non-destructive
methods. It should also be useful for students studying in the faculties of construc-
tion and architecture, both with regards to its content and given therein sources of

1. Czarnecki, L., Łukowski, P., & Garbacz, A. (2017). Repair and protection of concrete
structures: Commentary to PN-EN 1504 (in Polish). Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publish-
ers PWN SA.
2. De Schutter, G. (2012). Damage to concrete structures. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
3. Sarja, A., & Vesikari, E. (Eds.). (2004). Durability design of concrete structures. Boca
Raton, FL: CRC Press.
4. Dyer, T. (2014). Concrete durability. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
5. Gjørv, O.E. (2009). Durability design of concrete structures in severe environments.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
6. Zybura, A., Jaśniok, M., & Jaśniok, T. (2017). Diagnostics of reinforced concrete struc-
tures (in Polish). Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN SA.
7. Bungey, J.H., Millards, S.G., & Grantham, M.G. (2006). Testing of concrete in structures.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
8. Malhotra, V.M., & Carino, N.J. (2003). Handbook on nondestructive testing of con-
crete. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
9. EN 12504-2:2013-03 Testing concrete in structures. Part 2: Non-destructive testing.
Determination of the rebound number
10. EN 12504-2:2013-03 Testing concrete in structures. Part 4: Determination of ultrasonic
wave velocity
11. Brunarski, L., & Dohojda, M. (2015). Diagnostyka wytrzymałości betonu w konstrukcji.
Warszawa: Instytut Techniki Budowlanej.
12. EN 12504-2:2013-03 Testing concrete in structures. Part 2: Non-destructive testing.
Determination of the pull-out force.
13. Sadowski, Ł., Hoła, J., Żak, A., & Chowaniec, A. (2020). Microstructural and mechan-
ical assessment of the causes of failure of floors made of polyurethane-cement compos-
ites. Composite structures, 238, 112002.
14. Hoła, J., Sadowski, Ł., & Nowacki, A. (2019). Analysis of the causes of cracks in marble
slabs in a large-surface floor of a representative commercial facility. Engineering fail-
ure analysis, 97, 1–9.
15. Hoła, J., Sadowski, Ł., & Hoła, A. (2019). The effect of failure to comply with tech-
nological and technical requirements on the condition of newly built cement mortar
floors. Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part l: Journal of mate-
rials: Design and applications, 233(3), 268–275.
16. Hajduk, P. (2018). Design and technical assessment of concrete industrial floors (in
Polish). Warszawa: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN.
17. Sadowski, Ł., Hoła, A., & Hoła, J. (2020). Methodology for controlling the technologi-
cal process of executing floors made of cement-based materials. Materials, 13(4), 948.
2 The Problem
of the Degradation
of Concrete Floors


When designing and constructing floors, it is assumed, depending on their intended
use, that they will be able to operate for several dozen years without failure [1].
However, they sometimes require repair due to the appearance of more serious or
less serious defects and the occurrence of damage. The damage results from the
unfavourable influence of various environmental and utility factors, which contrib-
ute to the degradation of concrete and reinforcing steel that progresses over time
[2–6]. To illustrate the following, the principal statements of these factors are shown
schematically in Figure 2.1 (on the basis of [7–9]).
The basic mechanisms of the degradation of floors include, among others, physi-
cal, chemical, and biological mechanisms. Physical mechanisms are the most numer-
ous groups. They are related to physical phenomena and contribute to the progress
of, inter alia, such degradation mechanisms as the accumulation of inorganic dirt,
cyclic freezing/thawing, erosion, salt crystallization, the impact of extreme tempera-
tures, shrinkage and creep, overload, leaching, dampness, flooding, fatigue, changes
of geotechnical conditions, hit, and abrasion. A less numerous groups can be seen to
be chemical mechanisms that are associated with chemical phenomena, which con-
tribute to the progress of, inter alia, such degradation mechanisms as carbonation,
corrosion, the effects of aggressive substances, as well as the reactivity between
concrete components. The least common degradation mechanisms are biological
mechanisms, which include, among others, the accumulation of organic dirt, the
impact of microorganisms, and the impact of plants.


Among the degradation mechanisms of floors, physical, chemical, and biological
mechanisms should be mentioned [10–12]. These mechanisms can be divided into
basic and additional mechanisms. In practice, there is usually a combination of a vari-
ety of basic and additional mechanisms. The result is the emergence of complex deg-
radation processes that cause damage to a floor, and as a result they are decisive for its
safe use, reliability, and durability. The activity and practical significance of the above-
mentioned degradation mechanisms vary depending on the material from which the
floor is made. Figures 2.2 and 2.3 illustrate this for concrete and steel reinforcement.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-2 5
6 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 2.1  Diagram showing the basic mechanisms of the degradation of floors.

FIGURE 2.2  Basic and additional mechanisms of degradation of concrete in concrete floors.
The Problem of the Degradation of Concrete Floors 7

FIGURE 2.3  Basic and additional mechanisms of degradation of steel reinforcement in floors.

It is worth noting that the progression of degradation processes over time in the
case of floors made of concrete is inevitable, as is also the case of floors made of other
materials. However, the intensity of these processes may vary in different operating
situations. They can be slowed down when a floor is correctly used and properly pro-
tected against adverse environmental influences. However, they can also accelerate, for
example, as a result of sudden mechanical factors such as overload, impact or explo-
sion, and the occurrence of extraordinary weather conditions; other random events
such as extreme rainfall or fire, improper use, a lack of care for the structure over time;
due to its use; and also as a result of errors made in terms of execution or design.
The consequence of degradation processes, when the primary durability of the floor
becomes insufficient, is the appearance of more serious or less serious damage in it, which
in turn requires repair or strengthening [13]. However, such degradation processes can also
be the cause of more serious damage, which can lead to taking the floor out of service.


As previously noted, in practice, as a rule, there are combinations of different mech-
anisms that result in complex degradation processes, which in turn cause damage
to the floor and ultimately determine its service life. The main degradation mecha-
nisms affecting the durability of floors are related to changes in the geometry of the
8 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

Relationships between the Selected Main Degradation Mechanisms and the
Selected Properties of Floors

Selected Properties of Floors

Selected Main
Degradation Surface Mechanical Water Degree of Chemical
Mechanisms Geometry Morphology Structure Properties Resistance Dampness Composition
Accumulation of      - -
inorganic dirt
Cyclic freezing/      - -
Erosion  - -  - - -
Salt crystallization - -    - 
The impact of  -  - -  -
Shrinkage     - - -
Creep      - 
Overload      - -
Leaching - -    - 
Dampness  -     
Flooding - -     
Fatigue -     - -
Change of      - -
Hit      - -
Abrasion      - -
Carbonation - - -   - 
Corrosion -     - 
The effects of - -   - - 
Reactivity -     - 
between concrete
Accumulation -   - -  
of organic dirt
The impact of -   - -  
Plant impact  -     

 – Basic mechanism;  – Additional mechanism; - Not applicable

The Problem of the Degradation of Concrete Floors 9

floor (deformation and displacement, changes in the dimensions, etc.), changes in

the morphology of the floor (the formation of unevenness, scratches), changes in the
floor’s structure (the formation of cracks, delamination, etc.), changes in the mechan-
ical properties of the floor, changes in the water resistance of concrete, changes in
the degree of dampness in concrete, and changes in the chemical composition of
concrete. The relationships between the selected main degradation mechanisms and
the selected properties of floors are presented in Table 2.1.
The inevitability of the progression of degradation processes over time, which
deteriorate the condition of a floor in the sense of successively lowering its safety of
use and shortening its life time, forces preventive measures to be taken. These activi-
ties include, first of all, technical inspections that differ in terms of scope and detail.
These inspections are usually individualized due to diverse environmental and oper-
ational conditions, as well as the specificity of the work of individual floors. The
result of these reviews are technical studies with a scope and detail tailored to the
purpose they are supposed to serve. Some of these studies are based on the results
of diagnostic procedures carried out with the use of various research methods [14].

This chapter presents the problem of the degradation of concrete floors. Attention
is drawn to the unfavourable impact of various environmental and utility factors,
contributing to the degradation mechanisms of concrete and steel progressing over
time. These mechanisms were divided into physical, chemical, and biological, and
the basic and additional ones were classified. The relationships between these mech-
anisms and selected properties of floors are presented. It was emphasized that the
inevitability of the degradation processes progressing over time, reducing the safety
of use and durability, necessitates taking preventive measures based on diagnostic

1. EN 1990:2004 Basics of structure design, 2004
2. De Schutter, G. (2012). Damage to concrete structures. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
3. Kmiecik, P., & Kamiński, M. (2011). Modelling of reinforced concrete structures and
composite structures with concrete strength degradation taken into consideration.
Archives of civil and mechanical engineering, 11(3), 623–636.
4. Glasser, F.P., Marchand, J., & Samson, E. (2008). Durability of concrete—Degradation
phenomena involving detrimental chemical reactions. Cement and concrete research,
38(2), 226–246.
5. Sarja, A., & Vesikari, E. (Eds.). (2004). Durability design of concrete structures. Boca
Raton, FL: CRC Press.
6. Ballarini, R., Gencturk, B., Jain, A., Aryan, H., Xi, Y., Abdelrahman, M., & Spen-
cer, B.W. (2020). Multiple degradation mechanisms in reinforced concrete structures,
modeling and risk analysis (No. INL/EXT-20-57095-Rev000). Idaho Falls, ID: Idaho
National Lab.(INL).
7. Czarnecki, L., Łukowski, P., & Garbacz, A. (2017). Repair and protection of concrete
structures - commentary to PN-EN 1504 (in Polish). Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publish-
ers PWN.
10 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

8. Czarnecki, L., & Emmons, P. (2002). Repair and protection of concrete structures (in
Polish). Kraków: Polski Cement.
9. Golewski, G.L. (2016). Reinforced concrete structures loaded dynamically. Lublin:
Lublin University of Technology Publishing House.
10. Poonguzhali, A., Shaikh, H., Dayal, R.K., & Khatak, H.S. (2008). A review on deg-
radation mechanism and life estimation of civil structures. Corrosion reviews, 26(4),
11. Bertron, A. (2014). Understanding interactions between cementitious materials and
microorganisms: A key to sustainable and safe concrete structures in various contexts.
Materials and structures, 47(11), 1787–1806.
12. Bertolini, L. (2008). Steel corrosion and service life of reinforced concrete structures.
Structure and infrastructure engineering, 4(2), 123–137.
13. Runkiewicz, L. (2016). Strengthening reinforced concrete structures (in Polish). Porad-
nik. Warsaw: Building Research Institute.
14. Runkiewicz, L., & Kowalewski, J. (1999). Principles of safety assessment of reinforced
concrete structures (in Polish). Warsaw: Building Research Institute.
3 Introductory Information
to the Diagnostics
of Floors


As was stated at the end of Chapter 2, technical studies are the result of technical
inspections of floors, both periodic (cyclical) and those carried out in necessary situ-
ations [1–4]. Such studies, depending on the purpose they are to serve, differ in terms
of the name of the scope, detail, and inquisitiveness. Figure 3.1 lists the names of
technical studies that are customary in construction practice − they have not been
defined in the regulations.
It is therefore customary to assume that:

• technical evaluation, which is the simplest of the studies listed in Figure 3.1,
concerns the assessment of specific events, phenomena or processes, and
includes an assessment of the threats and the condition of the floor. This study
usually describes and analyses the expected (designed) technical condition,
and is based on design principles, and not on the results of diagnostic tests,
• technical opinion concerns the assessment of specific design solutions,
events or phenomena occurring in the process of construction implementa-
tion or use. It may include the judgement of material solutions and financial
outlays. Technical opinion expresses an opinion or belief about something,
and is not supported by a research process (diagnostics), therefore often
being subjective,
• technical judgement is a study that is broader in terms of scope and detail
than the technical assessment and opinion. It concerns the assessment of
technical solutions, phenomena, and events occurring in the process of the
design, implementation, and use of floors. It may include the assessment
of individual structural elements, as well as the assessment of technologi-
cal and material solutions. These assessments are usually supported by the
results of diagnostic procedures. In the case of unfavourable events or phe-
nomena, the decision specifies the reasons for their occurrence and formu-
lates the final assessment,
• technical expertise is a study of the broadest scope (detailed and inquisi-
tive) and is based primarily on the results of diagnostic procedures and
the research included in these procedures. It documents and assesses the
phenomena, events, and processes occurring during the construction or use
of the floor. The aim of the expert’s opinion is to determine the current

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-3 11
12 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 3.1  Types of technical studies.

technical condition of the assessed floor after the occurrence of circum-

stances, the effect of which is, for example, the formation of displacements,
cracks, or excessive deflections. Its task is also to indicate the causes of
irregularities, and to indicate effective methods of their removal, etc. The
expertise also includes the identification and location of any damage and
defects of the assessed floor, the testing of selected features embedded in
the floor, and mechanical and structural tests of these materials, etc. For this
purpose, diagnostic procedures, which use non-destructive and destructive
methods, are usually tailored to specific needs. It is worth noting that the
technical expertise may also include a computational verifying static analy-
sis of either individual elements or the entire floor system. The conclusions
resulting from the technical expertise should constitute the basis for deter-
mining the further course of action concerning the assessed floor.

Typically, the layout of the technical expertise is illustrated in Figure 3.2, and is
included in several sections (marked for the purpose of this chapter) with Arabic
numerals in parentheses. It is worth briefly commenting on this arrangement (fol-
lowing work [5]).

FIGURE 3.2  Usual layout of the content of technical expertise.

Introductory Information to the Diagnostics of Floors 13

With regard to the basis of the study (1), the following should be provided: the
formal basis for the understanding of the data on the order and the concluded con-
tract, dates of on-site visits and visual tests, materials used for the study, detailing
the data received from the client or obtained from another source, the literature used,
standards, recipes, and recommendations.
The subject, purpose, and scope of the studies (2) should be specified clearly and
precisely, because deficiencies in this regard may be used in the event of civil law
The description of the subject of the study (3) should be concise, and supple-
mented, if necessary, with drawings or sketches and photographs that include the
necessary dimensions. The foundation method, soil and water conditions, and pos-
sible environmental impacts should also be specified.
The scope of diagnostics (4) should be selected according to the purpose of the
expertise. In the case of floors, it may be wide and include, among others: the anal-
ysis of technical documentation, the assessment of the technical condition of the
structure or its fragments, various tests of structures or their fragments, geotechnical
tests of the subsoil, geodetic and inventory tests of the structure, specialist tests of
concrete and reinforcing steel in situ and in the laboratory, environmental tests, and
tests identifying defects and damages. In addition, test loads may also be included.
Bearing in mind the numerous cases from construction practice that show that a
structure works in a way not as it was designed, but as it was made, it is also reason-
able to identify static patterns and loads on the structure as part of the performed
expertise performed [5]. For the purposes of diagnostics, modern non-destructive
and semi-destructive testing methods should first be used. These diagnostic activi-
ties, which are not a closed set, are the key to explaining the causes of the situations
or phenomena that have occurred [6].
Analyses of occurring phenomena, for example, in the form of existing and iden-
tified structural damages and defects, as well as the determination of the reasons for
their occurrence will be included in Chapter (5). It is based on the results of measure-
ments and diagnostic tests of floors that are also helpful in carrying out the necessary
checking calculations, including static, strength, structural reliability, maintenance,
and serviceability limit states. If the comprehensiveness of calculations, including
numerical ones, is significant, transferring them to the appendix should be consid-
ered (8), with the results being left in this chapter in the form of, for example, tabu-
lar summaries. As a result of calculations and analyses, the difference between the
existing and the desired state is determined, with the conditions of emergence and
the meaning of the phenomena (genesis) on which the basis of the hypotheses that
explain the phenomena being formulated.
Chapters (6) and (7) of the content of the technical expertise arranged in this
way are, in order, conclusions (forecasts) formulated on the basis of the results of
diagnostic activities, calculations, and analyses obtained in (4) and (5), as well
as recommendations and orders (directives). These sections of expert opinions
usually formulate the course of further proceedings regarding a floor, concern-
ing, among others: improvement of the existing technical condition, meeting
the basic requirements, concepts and guidelines for repairs, reinforcements,
demolition, etc.
14 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

In the appendices (8) it is worth including, inter alia, photographic documentation,

drawing documentation with an inventory of defects and damage (with the places of
the conducted excavations marked), detailed results of diagnostic tests, extensive cal-
culations, etc. Placing these “materials” in accordance with the presented diagram
(Figure 3.2) has a positive effect on the readability of the expert opinion.


The term diagnostics comes from the Greek language (diagnosis) and in general
terms refers to the assessment of the technical condition of a structure, as well as the
prognosis and reasons for its development or change [6].
Floor diagnostics is carried out, mentioned in Section 3.1, primarily during
periodic (periodic) technical inspections, and has a significant share in the efforts
to take care of the safety of use and the maintaining of the projected durability
of a structure. In addition, it is carried out in necessary situations when there are
unintentional violations of the structure caused by a change in operating condi-
tions, overload, fire, etc.
In construction practice, there are basically three types of diagnostics of floors:
(1) periodic, (2) ad hoc, and (3) target. In addition, there are one-stage and two-stage
diagnostics. Therefore:

• Periodic diagnostics is carried out during periodic technical inspections on

dates most often resulting from applicable law or arrangements made by
the user,
• Ad hoc diagnostics is carried out in emergency situations, which include
damage to the structure or its individual elements, and the need for execu-
tion is indicated by the user or by technical supervision or state construction
• Target diagnostics is usually carried out when there is a need to assess the
possibilities and conditions of the planned reconstruction, change of use,
modernization, etc.

When it comes to single-stage diagnostics, it should be understood as normal,

performed according to schedule, and uncaused, for example, due to the poor
condition of the structure, the need to take quick actions in connection with the
planned modernization or change in the way of use, or the need for temporary
reinforcement. When quick decisions are needed, two-stage diagnostics are per-
formed [6–10].


In the diagnosis of concrete structures, a key role is played by the test methods, the
selection of which should be adapted to the purpose and technical condition of the
diagnosed floor. The methods used to diagnose the floor should make it possible to
obtain reliable test results with the required accuracy that are useful for character-
izing the condition of the structure [11]. Among the numerous research methods,
Introductory Information to the Diagnostics of Floors 15

non-destructive and semi-destructive methods are especially recommended, the

main advantage of which is the lack or very little interference in the tested floors.
These non-invasive or minimally invasive methods, apart from not interfering with
the examined floor, can be used for examinations in any number of places and at any
time [12]. These methods are covered in Chapters 4−6.


The results of diagnostic procedures constitute the basis for the prepared technical
studies of an expert opinion. The general principles that should be taken into account
have been listed below (according to the authors of works [5, 6]).
Existing concrete floors should be assessed according to current standards. Earlier
standards, which were in force at the time of designing these structures, can only be
the so-called Informative “background”. The levels of safety and reliability of the
floor should not be lower than the levels required for designing new floors.
Depending on the specific needs, diagnostic procedures can be applied to either
the entire floor or only to some of its elements, for example, damaged parts.
In tests of floors or their components, the actual condition of the floor and the
working conditions should be taken into account.
The type of diagnostics of floors should be adapted to the purpose that the par-
ticular diagnosis is to serve.
The selection of diagnostic methods and techniques should be adapted to the
conditions and technical condition of the diagnosed floors. In a situation where the
tests performed with non-destructive and semi-destructive methods turn out to be
insufficient, it is worth supporting them with test loads.
The applied non-destructive and semi-destructive methods should ensure that the
obtained results have a required accuracy and are numerous enough to enable the
statistical evaluation required by the standard regulations.
Tests of floors, both in operation and out of use, should be preceded by an analy-
sis of the available design documentation and other documents, which include,
inter alia, a construction log, facility book, past opinions, and judgements and
technical expertise regarding the floor. The source of information may also be
interviews with construction contractors, its users and managers, state construc-
tion supervisors, etc.
During the tests, attention should be paid to factors that may not directly affect
the limit states of the bearing capacity or serviceability of the assessed floor, but
which indirectly, in the long term, may significantly affect its safety and reliabil-
ity. Examples of such factors are, among others, an aggressive environment, a lack
of anti-dampness protection, and vibrations transmitted to the structure from the
For the safety and reliability of floors, it is very important to evaluate them based
on actual data, including: the dimensions of elements: the properties and character-
istics of the concrete, including its strength and homogeneity; the properties and fea-
tures of the reinforcing steel, including its distribution: the concrete cover; corrosion;
loads and their nature; models (diagrams) of work; deformation; and the identifica-
tion and location of damage and defects.
16 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

This chapter gathers and presents introductory information to the diagnosis of con-
crete floors. It was emphasized that floor diagnostics is usually carried out during
periodic technical inspections and that the most detailed and inquisitive result is a
technical expertise based on the results of diagnostic procedures and tests. The types
of diagnostics distinguished in construction practice were discussed and the problem
of the proper selection of appropriate research methods was signalled. In addition,
this chapter provides the principles of diagnostic procedures.

1. Runkiewicz, L. (2016). Strengthening reinforced concrete structures. Guide (in Polish).
Warsaw: Building Research Institute.
2. Abdou, A., Haggag, M., & Al Khatib, O. (2016). Use of building defect diagnosis in
construction litigation: Case study of a residential building. Journal of legal affairs and
dispute resolution in engineering and construction, 8(1), C4515007.
3. Zoidis, N., Tatsis, E., Vlachopoulos, C., Gotzamanis, A., Clausen, J.S., Aggelis, D.G.,
& Matikas, T.E. (2013). Inspection, evaluation and repair monitoring of cracked con-
crete floor using NDT methods. Construction and building materials, 48, 1302–1308.
4. Garcia, J., & De Brito, J. (2008). Inspection and diagnosis of epoxy resin industrial floor
coatings. Journal of materials in civil engineering, 20(2), 128–136.
5. Bortolini, R., & Forcada, N. (2018). Building inspection system for evaluating the tech-
nical performance of existing buildings. Journal of performance of constructed facili-
ties, 32(5), 04018073.
6. Czapliński, K. (2012). The method and form of developing construction expertise (in
Polish). Wrocław: Lower Silesian Educational Publisher.
7. Drobiec, Ł., Jasiński, R., & Piekarczyk, A. (2010). Diagnostics of reinforced concrete
structures (in Polish). Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN.
8. François, R., Laurens, S., & Deby, F. (2018). Corrosion and its consequences for rein-
forced concrete structures. London and Kidlington, UK: ISTE Press – Elsevier.
9. Delgado, J.M. (Ed.). (2021). Durability of concrete structures (Vol. 16). Cham, Switzer-
land: Springer Nature.
10. Bungey, J.H., Millard, S.G., & Grantham, M.G. (2006). Testing of concrete in struc-
tures. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
11. Runkiewicz, L. (1999). Diagnostics and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures
(in Polish). Kielce: Publishing House of the Kielce University of Technology.
12. Panasyuk, V.V., Marukha, V.I., & Sylovanyuk, V.P. (2014). Methods and devices for
technical diagnostics of long-term concrete structures. In Injection technologies for the
repair of damaged concrete structures (pp. 185–206). Dordrecht: Springer.
4 The Classification
of Methods for
Floor Diagnostics


Various non-destructive methods and techniques are used in concrete structures
diagnostics. Attempts to classify them, as well as their descriptions, can be found,
among others, in the works [1–11]. Based on the analysis of these works and the
authors’ own experiences, Figure 4.1 presents the basic groups of the non-destructive
methods that are useful in floor diagnostics, namely: physical methods, chemical
methods, and biological methods. The group of physical methods uses physical phe-
nomena, chemical methods use chemical processes, with biological methods being
related to biological processes.
The group of physical methods is the most numerous and the most commonly
used in floor diagnostics, and it has therefore been treated with more detail in rela-
tion to the other groups. It can be divided into the eight subgroups listed in Figure 4.1.
In each of these subgroups, a number of methods are used, which are detailed in
Figure 4.2.

FIGURE 4.1  Basic groups of non-destructive methods useful in floor diagnostics.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-4 17
18 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 4.2  Classification of non-destructive methods from the group of physical methods
useful in floor diagnostics.
The Classification of Methods for Floor Diagnostics 19


For the groups of non-destructive, physical, chemical, and biological methods distin-
guished in Figure 4.1, the areas of usefulness in floors diagnostics were determined in
work [1]. The methods that are classified as physical groups are shown in Table 4.1.
Table 4.2 shows the methods classified as chemical and biological, and specifies
the areas of usefulness in research with regards to geometry, material properties,
and the detection and identification of damage, along with information on which
methods are considered basic in the sense of universal application, and which are
In floor diagnostics, the visual assessment of the surface of these structures plays
an important role. Figure 4.3 breaks down the non-destructive methods that are use-
ful for the visual assessment of the surface of into direct and indirect.
As floor diagnostics very often assess the strength of concrete and the homogeneity
of the distribution of strength, Figure 4.4 lists the non-destructive methods that are use-
ful for this purpose. These are mainly static and dynamic sclerometric methods, and
also some of the acoustic methods, in particular the ultrasonic and resonance methods.
Methods that are useful for assessing the elements accessible from one side and deter-
mining the location of defects and damage invisible on the surface are also very often
used in floor diagnostics. Therefore, in Figure 4.5, and with reference to Table 4.1, these
methods are summarized. The most suitable for these purposes are acoustic meth-
ods, such as impulse response, impact-echo, seismic, ultrasonic and acoustic emission;
radiological methods; and electromagnetic methods such as radar methods.
Floors made of concrete are predominantly reinforced with reinforcing steel.
Therefore, Figure 4.6 shows the non-destructive methods used to locate the rein-
forcement and assess its corrosion. For these purposes, radiological and electrical
methods, as well as electromagnetic methods, are most useful.
When diagnosing floors, it is also very often necessary to know the moisture and
temperature of the concrete, and in some cases also the distribution of these parame-
ters on the surface, with the methods useful for this purpose being given in Figure 4.7.
Among the electrical methods, the most useful are dielectric, frequency dispersion,
dielectric permittivity, microwave, and electrical impedance tomography. Of the
optical methods, videography is useful. Among the thermographic methods, passive
and active thermography are useful, and among the radiological methods, radio-
graphic and radiometric are useful.

FIGURE 4.3  Non-destructive methods useful for the visual assessment of the surface of
20 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

Areas of Usefulness of Non-Destructive Methods from the Group of
Physical Methods in Floor Diagnostics (Own Study Based on [1])
               Usability Areas                                                        
For the Study of Geometry For the Study of Material Properties
Dimensions Porosity/
Name of the Spatial of the Reinforcement Type of Strength/ Modulus of Water
Method Configuration Elements Identification Material Homogeneity Deformation Absorption
Optical Methods
Visual   -   - -
Geometric    - - - -
Penetrating - - -   - 
Geodetic   - - - - -
Videographic - - - - - - -
Microscopic - - - - - - -
Acoustic Methods
Ultrasonic -  - - - - 
Resonant - - - - - - -
Acoustic emission - - - - - - -
Impulse responses -  - - - - 
Impact-echo -  - - - - 
Seismic - - - - - - -
Ultrasound - -  - - - -
Radiological Methods
Radiographic - -    - 
Radiometric - -    - 
Electromagnetic Methods
Magnetic - -  - - - -
Radar    - - - -
Electromagnetic - -  - - - -
Laser Methods
Laser beam   - - - - -
Laser triangulation   - - - - -
Sclerometric Methods
Static - - - -   -
Dynamic - - - -   -
Thermographic Methods
Passive - -  - - - -
Active - -  - - - -
Electrical Methods
Electric potential - - - - - - -
Electrical - - - - - - -
Dielectric - - - - - - -
Frequency - - - - - - -
dispersion of
Microwave - - - - - - -
Electrical - - - - - - -
Designation:  – Basic method;  – Complementary method; - Not applicable

The Classification of Methods for Floor Diagnostics 21

TABLE 4.1 (Continued)

Areas of Usefulness of Non-Destructive Methods from the Group of
Physical Methods in Floor Diagnostics (Own Study Based on [1])
                                                        Usability Areas
                   For Damage Detection
Temperature Destruction Loss of
Frost and Chemical of the Material Material Changes in
Resistance Humidity Composition Deformations Material Losses Continuity Impurities Location

-  -      
- - -      
- - - -   - - -
- - -  -  - - 
-  - - - - - - -
- - - -  - -  -

 - - -    - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -  - -
 - - -    - -
 - - -    - -
- - - -  - - - -
- - - -    - -

- - - -    - -
- - - -    - -

- - - - - - - - -
- - - -    - -
- - - - - - - - -

- - -  - - - - 
- - -  - - - - 

- - - -  - - - -
- - - -  - - - -

-  - -    - -
-  - -    - -

-  - -   - - -
-  - -   - - -

-  - - - - - - -
-  - - - - - - -

-  - - - - - - -
-  - - - - - - -
22 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

Areas of Usefulness of Non-Destructive Methods from the Group of Chemical
and Biological Methods in Floor Diagnostics (Own Study Based on [1])
             Usability Areas                                                 
For the Study of Geometry For the Study of Material Properties
Dimensions Porosity/
Spatial of the Reinforcement Type of Strength/ Modulus of Water
Name of the Method Configuration Elements Identification Material Homogeneity Deformation Absorption
Group of Chemical Methods
Qualitative analysis - - -  - - -
Quantitative analysis - - -  - - -
Group of Biological Methods
Macroscopic methods - - - - - - -
Microscopic methods - - - - - - -
Cultivated methods - - - - - - -
Designation:  – Basic method;  – Complementary method; - Not applicable


FIGURE 4.4  Non-destructive methods useful for the assessment of concrete strength and
the homogeneity of its distribution in the floor.

FIGURE 4.5  Non-destructive methods useful for assessing the thickness of floors and the
location of defects and damage.
The Classification of Methods for Floor Diagnostics 23

TABLE 4.2 (Continued)

Areas of Usefulness of Non-Destructive Methods from the Group of Chemical
and Biological Methods in Floor Diagnostics (Own Study Based on [1])
                                                           Usability Areas
For Damage Detection
Destruction Loss of
Frost Temperature Chemical of the Material Material Changes in
Resistance and Humidity Composition Deformations Material Losses Continuity Impurities Location

- -  -  - -  -

- -  -  - -  -

- - - -  - -  -

- - - -  - -  -

- - - -  - -  -

FIGURE 4.6  Non-destructive methods useful for the location of reinforcement in a floor
and the assessment of its corrosion.

FIGURE 4.7  Non-destructive methods useful for assessing the moisture and temperature of
concrete and the distribution of these parameters on the surface.
24 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 4.8  Non-destructive methods useful for the assessment of the morphology of floors.

When diagnosing floors, it is necessary in some cases to know the morphology of

the surface. Figure 4.8 lists the methods useful for this purpose.


Similarly to non-destructive methods, semi-destructive methods are also very useful
in many research situations in floor diagnostics. They are used primarily in the field
(in situ research), but also in laboratory conditions. Their use does not significantly
affect the structure of the tested floors, which is usually only point-like. Figure 4.9,
according to [11], is a proposal of a general classification of the basic methods and
techniques of non-destructive failure in floor diagnostics in the field (in situ). As
in the case of non-destructive methods, physical, chemical, and biological methods
have been distinguished in this classification.


For the groups of the semi-destructive (physical, chemical, and biological) methods listed
in Figure 4.9, the areas of usefulness in the diagnosis of selected properties of concrete
were determined. They were based, similarly to the non-destructive methods, on work
[11]. Table 4.3 presents the areas of usefulness of the semi-destructive methods.

FIGURE 4.9  Classification of semi-destructive methods useful in floor diagnostics in field

The Classification of Methods for Floor Diagnostics 25

Areas of Usefulness of Semi-Destructive Methods in the Diagnosis of Selected
Properties of Floors under Field Conditions (Own Elaboration Based on [11])

Usability Areas

In the Study of In Water

In the Study of the Mechanical In the Study and Gas In the Study of
Name of the the Structure of Parameters of of Material Permeability the Chemical
Method the Material the Material Discontinuities Tests Composition

Group of Physical Methods

Pull-out method -  - - -
Pull-off method -  - - -
Torque test -  - - -
Permeability test -  - - -
Water tightness  - -  -
Polarization - - - - 
Group of Chemical Methods
PH evaluation - - - - 
Assessment of - - - - 
Alkaline test - - - - 
Chloride test - - - - 
Electroanalytical - - - - 
Group of Biological Methods
Macroscopic  -  - -
Microscopic  -  - -

Designation:  – Basic method;  – Complementary method; - Not applicable

A proposal for a general classification of basic semi-destructive methods and

techniques useful in floor diagnostics under laboratory conditions, according to [11],
is shown in Figure 4.10. Physical, chemical, and biological methods were also distin-
guished. They are used in the laboratory testing of samples, including, for example,
for core samples taken from the structure. Table 4.4 provides information on the suit-
ability of these methods in the diagnosis of selected properties of floors.

This chapter proposes classifications of non-destructive and semi-destructive meth-
ods. These classifications distinguish groups of these methods with the division into
physical, chemical, and biological. Much attention was paid to the group of physical
26 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

Usefulness of Semi-Destructive Methods in Floor Diagnostics under
Laboratory Conditions (Own Elaboration Based on [11])

Usability Areas

In the Study
In the Study of the In Water In the Study
of the Mechanical In the Study and Gas of the
Name of the Structure of Parameters of Material Permeability Chemical
Method the Material of the Material Discontinuities Tests Composition

Group of Physical Methods

Strength tests -  - - -
Research on -  - - -
Water absorption  - -  -
Porosity tests  - -  -
Frost resistance -  - - -
Abrasion tests   - - -
Structure    - -
Group of Chemical Methods
Electroanalytical - - - - 
Spectral analysis - - - - 
Chromatographic - - - - 
Group of Biological Methods
Microbiological  -  - -
Cultivated  -  - -

Designation:  – Basic method;  – Complementary method; - Not applicable

methods most commonly used in the diagnosis of concrete floors, distinguishing

numerous subgroups therein and assigning the named methods to each subgroup. In
order to facilitate the selection of the appropriate method for a specific research need
(situation), areas of suitability in the diagnosis of concrete floors have been assigned
in this chapter.
The Classification of Methods for Floor Diagnostics 27

FIGURE 4.10  Classification of semi-destructive methods useful in floor diagnostics under

laboratory conditions.

1. Bień, J. (2010). Defects and diagnostics of bridge structures (in Polish). Warsaw:
Wydawnictwo Komunikacji i Łączności.
2. Malhotra, V.M., & Carino, N.J. (2003). Handbook on nondestructive testing of con-
crete. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
3. Bungey, J.H., Millard, S.G., & Grantham, M.G. (2006). Testing of concrete in structures.
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
4. Blitz, J., & Simpson, G. (1995). Ultrasonic methods of non-destructive testing (Vol. 2).
London, UK: Chapman & Hall.
5. Maierhofer, C., Arndt, R., Röllig, M., Rieck, C., Walther, A., Scheel, H., & Hillemeier,
B. (2006). Application of impulse-thermography for non-destructive assessment of
concrete structures. Cement and concrete composites, 28(4), 393–401.
6. Pucinotti, R. (2015). Reinforced concrete structure: Non destructive in situ strength
assessment of concrete. Construction and building materials, 75, 331–341.
7. Maierhofer, C., Reinhardt, H.W., & Dobmann, G. (Eds.). (2010). Non-destructive evalu-
ation of reinforced concrete structures: non-destructive testing methods. Sawston, UK:
Woodhead Publishing.
8. Dobmann, G., Maierhofer, C., & Reinhardt, H.W. (Eds.). (2010). Non-destructive evalu-
ation of reinforced concrete structures: Deterioration processes and standard test meth-
ods. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
9. Hoła, J., & Schabowicz, K. (2010). State-of-the-art non-destructive methods for diag-
nostic testing of building structures–anticipated development trends. Archives of civil
and mechanical engineering, 10(3), 5–18.
10. Drobiec, Ł., Jasiński, R., & Piekarczyk, A. (2014). Diagnostics of concrete structures
(in Polish). Warsaw, Poland: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN.
11. Hoła, J., Bień, J., Sadowski, Ł., & Schabowicz, K. (2015). Non – destructive and semi -
destructive diagnostics of concrete structures in assessment of their durability. Bulletin
of the Polish academy of science. Technical sciences, 63(1), 87–96.
5 The Overview of
Methods Useful in
Floor Diagnostics


Non-destructive methods useful for the visual assessment of concrete floors include
measurement techniques that use simple instruments such as magnifying glasses,
as well as optical test equipment such as endoscopes, borescopes, and videoscopes,
which enable the examination of surfaces and places inaccessible to the eye [1–4].
These methods are divided into direct and indirect methods, as shown in Table 5.1.

Synthetic Description of the Non-Destructive Methods Useful for the Visual
Assessment of Concrete Floors

Name and Description Recorded Parameters,

of the Method View of the Apparatus Used Exemplary Test Results
The visual methods rely on the s – scratch width,
visual assessment of concrete L – scratch length.
floors. The image is visible with the use
The direct method is used to of a magnifying glass:
examine the surface directly
accessible to the eye, and the
examination does not require
the use of special
instruments − at most a
magnifying glass.
The indirect method (optical
tests) is used to examine
surfaces and places
inaccessible directly to the eye, Image captured by an endoscope
and the testing uses devices camera:
equipped with special cameras,
for example, endoscopes,
borescopes, videoscopes.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-5 29
30 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors


As mentioned in Section 4.1 in Chapter 4, sclerometric methods and some of the
acoustic methods, in particular the ultrasonic method, are especially useful for the
non-destructive evaluation of the strength of concrete and its distribution in a floor. A
synthetic description of the dynamic sclerometric method and the ultrasonic method
is presented in Table 5.2.


Of the non-destructive acoustic test methods listed in Chapter 4, the most useful for
assessing the thickness of floors and the location of defects are the impulse response
method, the impact-echo method and the ultrasonic tomography method. These
methods are discussed below in Table 5.3.


A synthetic description of selected methods useful for the location of reinforcement
is presented in Table 5.4. Among these methods, the magnetic and radar methods
are discussed.


The methods useful in field conditions, in in situ tests, include the pull-off method.
This method allows the subsurface tensile strength of concrete floor or the interlayer
tensile adhesion to be assessed, and involves measuring the detachment forces of
metal discs glued to the concrete floor surface. The method is described in [26, 27],
and is standardized in [26, 28]. A synthetic description of the method is presented
in Table 5.6.


The non-destructive methods useful in laboratory conditions include the method of
assessing the structure of concrete samples taken from a floor. A synthetic descrip-
tion of selected non-destructive methods useful for this purpose is presented in
Table 5.7.
The Overview of Methods Useful in Floor Diagnostics 31

Synthetic Description of Selected Non-Destructive Methods Useful for the
Assessment of Concrete Strength and Its Distribution in the Floor

View of the Recorded Parameters,

Name and Description of the Method Apparatus Used Exemplary Test Results
The sclerometric (dynamic) method involves the R − rebound number.
measuring, by assessing the energy change of a metal Sample table with the
mandrel, the rebound of the mandrel from the tested results of work [9]:
In this method, it is required to define a parameter in the
form of the so-called rebound number R and then to
correlate it with the compressive strength fc by selecting
an appropriate correlation or hypothetical relationship Examples of the
fc-R. In order to select such a relationship, it is required to correlation relationships
collect a certain number of concrete samples from the used in [9]:
floor for strength and sclerometric tests. The correct
application of this method, ensuring that reliable results
are obtained, requires the absolute application of the
principles of conducting research (collected in works
[5−7]). Work [5] provides a detailed procedure for in situ
concrete testing. In addition, standard [8] also applies.
The ultrasonic (classical) method involves the t − time of the ultrasonic
generating and transmitting of longitudinal ultrasonic wave transit from the
waves, followed by their registration after passing transmitting head to the
through the tested concrete floor. The apparatus receiving head,
consists of an ultrasonic probe and ultrasonic heads l − the path from the
(transmitting and receiving) of various shapes transmitting head to the
(cylindrical, conical, exponential) and different receiving head.
frequencies (from 25 to 1000 kHz). Due to the way An example of the course
the probes are applied, three basic methods of testing of the concrete
should be distinguished: through, surface and corner. compressive strength fc
To evaluate strength, it is required to determine the velocity as a function of the
of the ultrasonic longitudinal waves propagating in the thickness h of the floor
tested concrete by measuring their transition time t from correlated with the
the transmitting head to the receiving head (path l), and ultrasonic wave velocity
then correlating them with the compressive strength cL obtained from the
obtained on the basis of strength tests of samples taken tests obtained by the
from the floor. The results of measurements of the strength ultrasonic method with
of concrete in the floor should be verified by calibrating the use of conical heads:
the method, which involves selecting an appropriate
correlation or hypothetical relationship. Correct application
of these methods requires absolute observance of the
principles of conducting research (collected in [5], as well
as in [10]), which provides a detailed procedure for
ultrasonic testing of concrete in situ. Moreover, standards
[11, 12] are in force. When cylinder heads are used, it is
necessary to use a coupling agent between the cylinder
heads and the concrete surface.
32 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

Synthetic Description of Selected Methods Useful for Assessing
the Thickness of Floors and the Location of Defects

View of the Recorded Parameters,

Name and Description of the Method Apparatus Used Exemplary Test Results
The impulse response method involves Nav − average mobility,
inducing an ultrasonic elastic wave in the Kd − dynamic stiffness,
tested element, which is calibrated with a Mp/N − mobility slope,
hammer that has a built-in rubber tip. The Nav ·Mp/N − average mobility
frequency of the induced wave is in the times mobility slope,
range from 1 to 800 Hz, while the excitation v − voids index.
range around the test point is up to about An exemplary map of the
1000 mm. The apparatus consists of a average mobility Nav prepared
hammer with a rubber tip and a geophone, for a fragment of a concrete
and the received signal is amplified by an floor:
amplifier and recorded on a laptop.
A quick search of large concrete floors, and
the rough identification and surface location
of defects in the form of delamination,
cracks, inclusions and air voids is in practice
carried out with this method at test sites.
A grid of measuring points with a spacing
of 500 to 1000 mm is formed.
The impact-echo method is based on the A − amplitude,
excitation of an elastic wave of low fD − frequency of reflection of
frequency from 1 to 60 kHz in the tested the ultrasonic wave from the
element by hitting its surface with an defect,
inductor in the form of a steel ball. The fT − frequency of reflection of
equipment includes a set of steel ball the ultrasonic wave from the
inductors of various diameters, a measuring bottom of the concrete floor..
(receiving) head and a laptop with specialized An example of an amplitude-
software. Specialized software allows a frequency diagram in the case
graphic image of an elastic wave propagating of reflection of an ultrasonic
in the tested floor to be recorded (in the wave from the bottom of a
amplitude-time system), and for this image to concrete floor and from
be converted into an amplitude-frequency defects:
spectrum using the fast Fourier transform.
The impact-echo method is suitable for
testing concrete floors and assessing:
thickness when there is only one-sided
access, the depth of scratches visible on the
surface, adhesion between concrete layers,
delamination, cracks, foreign inclusions, air
voids, the efficiency of cable channel
injection in post-reinforced concrete
elements, etc. [13, 14].

The Overview of Methods Useful in Floor Diagnostics 33

TABLE 5.3 (Continued)

Synthetic Description of Selected Methods Useful for Assessing
the Thickness of Floors and the Location of Defects

View of the Recorded Parameters,

Name and Description of the Method Apparatus Used Exemplary Test Results
Ultrasonic tomography method involves Quantitative images of the
the excitation of elastic waves in the tested concrete floor structure in
floor. The inductor is a multi-head antenna which the numerical values of
with several dozen independent ultrasonic each pixel describe the speed
heads built into it, which is also used to of ultrasonic wave propagation
receive and process ultrasonic signals. The in the concrete. An example of
heads generate ultrasonic pulses with a such an image is given below:
frequency of 50 kHz. This method does not
require the use of a coupling agent at the
joint of the heads with the concrete surface.
The ultrasonic tomography method,
described in detail in [15−17], is used to
test concrete floors that are up to 2500 mm
thick on one side; to determine their
thickness; to detect the distribution of
reinforcement consisting, for example, of
several layers of mesh; and to detect cracks
invisible on the surface, foreign inclusions,
air voids or areas filled with a liquid or
material significantly different in physical
properties from the surrounding concrete.

Synthetic Description of Selected Non-Destructive Methods Useful for the
Location of Reinforcement

View of the Recorded Parameters,

Name and Description of the Method Apparatus Used Exemplary Test Results
The magnetic method is based on the ϕ − rebar diameter,
analysis of the change in the magnetic field c − rebar cover.
in the vicinity of rebar. The location of the reinforcing
This method is used to locate reinforcing bars and bars is marked with chalk on the
to determine their diameter and the thickness of surface of the tested floor:
their concrete cover. During the tests, the test
apparatus is moved over the surface of the floor.
In order to determine the class and grade of the
reinforcement steel, a control outcrop should
be made for this purpose, because it cannot be
done with the non-destructive method [18−20].

34 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

TABLE 5.4 (Continued)

Synthetic Description of Selected Non-Destructive Methods Useful for the
Location of Reinforcement

View of the Recorded Parameters,

Name and Description of the Method Apparatus Used Exemplary Test Results

The radar method involves emitting A sample image of the phalogram

electromagnetic waves with frequencies obtained during the tests
ranging from short to ultra-short radio described in [22]:
waves, and then recording the waves
reflected from layers that are
characterized by variable dielectric
properties [21].
The operating range of the radar method, in
terms of the depth calculated from the
surface of the floor, depends on the structure
of the concrete, the type of radar antenna
and the magnitude of the excited pulse
frequencies. In typical devices, this range is
up to 750 mm.
The result of research on the location of
reinforcement, carried out using the radar
method, are the so-called phalograms, i.e., a
record of all the reflected signals recorded
during profiling (the probe travels over the
surface of the floor). The image of the
reinforcement on the phalogram is a
distortion of the course of contour lines in
the form of a hyperbola with arms pointing
towards the bottom of the phalogram. The
top of the hyperbola shows the location of
the rebar.
The test devices do not make it possible to
explicitly determine the diameter of the
reinforcement. However, it is possible to
determine the diameter of the bars
crossing the floor. For this purpose, a
scan of the structure is made in two
perpendicular directions over the crossing
bars, and then the thickness of the
concrete cover is measured. The
difference between the thickness of the
coverings of the crossing bars is the
diameter of the bar located closer to the
surface of the tested floor.
The Overview of Methods Useful in Floor Diagnostics 35

Synthetic Description of Selected Methods Useful for the Assessment of
Concrete Floor Surface Morphology

Name and Description View of the Recorded Parameters,

of the Method Apparatus Used Exemplary Test Results
The laser triangulation method Laser scanner: Sq − Root mean square height,
involves measuring the Ssk − Skewness,
deformation of the line produced Sku − Kurtosis,
by the laser beam by a measuring Sp − Maximum height of
device in the form of a special summits,
triangulation scanner. The Sv − Maximum depth of valleys,
measuring system of the scanner Sz − Maximum height,
consists of a laser light source, a Sa − Arithmetic mean height,
measuring object and a camera. Driving platform: Smr − Areal material ratio,
In the scanner, a camera driven Smc − Inverse areal material
by a stepper motor is responsible ratio,
for measuring the distance Sxp − Extreme peak height,
between individual points located Sal − Auto-correlation length,
on the tested surface. An original Str − Texture-aspect ratio,
3D laser scanner of a new design Std − Texture direction,
was developed to study the Sdq − Root mean square
morphology of concrete surfaces, gradient,
with dimensions of 50 × 50 mm, Sdr − Developed interfacial area
using the non-contact method ratio,
and laser triangulation. This Vm − Material volume,
scanner is described in detail in Vv − Void volume,
[23]. A diode laser generator was Vmp − Peak material volume,
used as the light source. In the Vmc − Core material volume,
case of laser triangulation testing Vvc − Core void volume.
of large areas, for example, The above parameters are listed
industrial floors or floors in in the ISO 25178 standard
large-scale garages, where the [25].
research of the concrete surface An exemplary isometric view of
morphology is carried out at a surface tested with a laser
many points, the testing process scanner:
can be improved by using a
driving platform. Such a platform
is an element of a utility model
[24]. It is made of a frame base
to which, at its corners, electric
motors and road wheels are
attached. The platform is
equipped with a remote control.

TABLE 5.5 (Continued)
Synthetic Description of Selected Methods Useful for the Assessment of
Concrete Floor Surface Morphology

Name and Description View of the Recorded Parameters,

of the Method Apparatus Used Exemplary Test Results
The optical method is useful for Parameter values are recorded
assessing the morphology of a analogically to the laser
concrete floor surface and is based triangulation method listed in
on the projection of fringes with the ISO 25178 standard [25].
white light. The measurement
involves projecting these fringes,
and then two cameras registering
them simultaneously. Thanks to
this, the measuring system
determines the position of the
sensor and then analyses the values
of the measurement points in the
coordinate system of the measured
object. A typical measurement
system in this method is equipped
with two cameras that record light
fringes forming a point cloud. The
cameras assign three coordinates
to each measurement point with an
accuracy of 20 μm. Both cameras
independently measure the
refractions of the light fringes and
perform the test again in the case
of significant differences at the
same test point.

Synthetic Description of the Pull-off Method Useful in in Situ Research

Name and Description View of the Recorded Parameters,

of the Method Apparatus Used Exemplary Test Results
In the pull-off method, the measurement of the Fb − maximum strength of the
near-surface tensile strength or interlayer steel disc breaking off the
pull-off off adhesion is made by measuring concrete floor,
the maximum pull-off force value of the metal fb − interlayer pull-off
discs glued to the concrete floor surface with adhesion,
an actuator that has a digital or dial gauge. For fh − subsurface tensile strength.
this purpose, holes are made in the concrete
floor of the surface layer with a diameter of 50
mm and a depth of at least 5 mm, and steel
discs are glued and torn off the surface.
The Overview of Methods Useful in Floor Diagnostics 37

Synthetic Description of Selected Non-Destructive Methods
Useful in Laboratory Tests

Name and Description View of the Recorded Parameters,

of the Method Apparatus Used Exemplary Test Results
The X-ray tomography method μ − material x-ray absorption
allows the reconstruction of a coefficient.
three-dimensional image of a An exemplary view of the
concrete sample taken from the floor structure of a tested concrete
under study. The image is based on sample:
two-dimensional projections
obtained during the floor’s scanning
with an X-ray beam. This method
makes it possible to determine many
of the parameters that characterize
the concrete structure, including
porosity, the distribution of pores in
terms of size, the distribution of
aggregate grains, the distribution of
microdamages, the distribution of
dispersed reinforcement, the degree
of carbonation of concrete, and also
the determination of the value of the
modulus of elasticity. The test results
obtained with this method can be
very useful, for example, in the
interpretation of the causes of
structural damage.
Optical microscopic methods involve According to [29], values of the
illuminating the surface of the tested following parameter can be
concrete sample, which is taken from obtained:
the floor, at an angle α, usually equal AA − share of exposed aggregate
to 45°, through a narrow slit. This visible on the surface.
method uses the principles of Optical view of an analysed
geometric optics, and on this basis, the concrete sample:
height and spacing of unevenness on
the tested surface are determined. The
advantage of this method is the lack of
direct contact between the measuring
equipment and the tested concrete
surface. The disadvantages include the
limitation of the sample size by the
size of the chamber of the device and
the dependence of the measurement on
the scattering of light by the material
of the measured surface.
38 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

This chapter contains synthetic information on selected non-destructive and semi-
destructive methods. The choice of methods was guided primarily by their appli-
cation in the case studies presented in Chapters 8−14. The information provided
includes the name and a very brief description of the method, a view of the apparatus
used in a given method, specification of the recorded parameters supported by exem-
plary results from own research.

1. Zybura, A., Jaśniok, M., & Jaśniok, T. (2017). Diagnostics of reinforced concrete struc-
tures (in Polish). Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN.
2. Bungey, J.H., Millards, S.G., & Grantham, M.G. (2006). Testing of concrete in struc-
tures. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
3. Malhotra, V.M., & Carino, N.J. (2003). Handbook on nondestructive testing of con-
crete. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
4. Drobiec, Ł., Jasiński, R., & Piekarczyk, A. (2010). Diagnostics of reinforced concrete
structures (in Polish). Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN.
5. Brunarski, L., & Dohojda, M. (2015). Diagnostics of concrete strength in a structure (in
Polish). Warsaw: Building Research Institute.
6. Breysse, D., & Martínez-Fernández, J.L. (2014). Assessing concrete strength with
rebound hammer: Review of key issues and ideas for more reliable conclusions. Mate-
rials and structures, 47(9), 1589–1604.
7. Runkiewicz, L., & Sieczkowski, J. (2018. Assessment of concrete strength in a structure
based on sclerometric tests. Guide (in Polish). Warsaw: Building Research Institute.
8. EN 12504-2:2013-03. Testing concrete in structures - Part 2: Non-destructive testing -
Determination of rebound number.
9. Nieświec, M., & Sadowski, Ł. (2021). The assessment of strength of cementitious mate-
rials impregnated using hydrophobic agents based on near-surface hardness measure-
ments. Materials, 14(16), 4583.
10. Brunarski, L., & Runkiewicz, L. (1997). ITB instruction no. 209. instructions for the
use of the ultrasonic method for non-destructive quality control of concrete in a struc-
ture (in Polish). Warsaw: Building Research Institute.
11. EN 12504-4:2005. Testing concrete - Part 4: Determination of ultrasonic pulse velocity.
12. EN 13791:2008. Assessment of in-situ compressive strength in structures and precast
concrete components
13. Hoła, J., Bień, J., Sadowski, Ł., & Schabowicz, K. (2015). Non-destructive and semi-de-
structive diagnostics of concrete structures in assessment of their durability. Bulletin of
the Polish Academy of Science. Technical sciences, 63(1), 87–96.
14. Sansalone, M., & Streett, W.: Impact – echo. (1997) Nondestructive evaluation of con-
crete and masonary. Ithaca: Bullbrier Press.
15. Bishko, A.V., Samokrutov, A.A., & Shevaldykin, V.G. (2008). Ultrasonic echo-pulse
tomography of concrete using shear waves low frequency phased antenna arrays.
e-Journal of non-destructive testing & ultrasonics, 13, 1–9.
16. Kozlov, V.N., Samokrutov, A.A., & Shevaldykin, V.G.: Thickness measurements and
flaw detection in concrete using ultrasonic echo method. Journal of Nondestructive
testing and evaluation, 1997, 13, 73–84.
17. Hoła, J., & Schabowicz, K. (2010). State-of-the-art. Nondestructive methods for diag-
nostic testing Of building structures – Anticipated development trends. Archines of
civil and mechanical engineering, 10(3), 5–18.
18. Drobiec, Ł., Determining the parameters of reinforcing steel in a structure (in Pol-
ish). XXIX National Workshop of Structural Designers. Szczyrk, March 26−29, 2014
pp. 181–256.
The Overview of Methods Useful in Floor Diagnostics 39

19. Drobiec, Ł., Jasiński, R., & Piekarczyk, A., Localization of defects in structures and
reinforcing steel – methods (in Polish), 21st Polish National Conference Workshop for
Structural Designers, Szczyrk, March 8−11, 2006, pp. 133–208.
20. Drobiec, Ł., Jasiński, R., & Piekarczyk, A. (2007) Methods of locating reinforcing steel
in reinforced concrete structures. The electromagnetic method (in Polish)). Building
review, 12, 31–37.
21. Conyers, L., & Goodman, D. (1997). Ground – Penetrating radar. Walnut, Creek, CA:
AltraMira Press.
22. Pospisil, K., Manychova, M., Stryk, J., Korenska, M., Matula, R., & Svoboda, V. (2021).
Diagnostics of reinforcement conditions in concrete structures by GPR, impact-echo
method and metal magnetic memory method. Remote sensing, 13(5), 952.
23. Czarnecki, S., Hoła, J., & Sadowski, Ł., A nondestructive method of investigating the
morphology of concrete sur-faces by means of newly designed 3D scanner. XI Euro-
pean Nondestructive Testing Conference “ECNDT 2014”, Prague, Czech Republic
24. Żelazny, Z., Sadowski, Ł., Kupczyk, M., Czarnecki, S., Hoła, J., & Wrzecioniarz, P.,
Utility model. Poland, no. 70494. A mobile platform for a device for examining the
morphology of flat surfaces, especially concrete ones (in Polish): Int. Cl. B62D 39/00,
B62D 25/02. Application no 126268 z 14.04.2017. Published 31.01.2019.
25. EN ISO 25178: Geometric Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: areal
26. EN 12504-3:2006. Testing concrete in structures - Part 3: Determination of pull-out
27. Malhotra, V.M., & Carino, N.J. (2004). Handbook on nondestructive testing of con-
crete. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
28. ATM C 900-82: Standard Method for Pullout Strength of Hardened Concrete, ASTM
Committee on Standards, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, USA.
29. Sadowski, Ł., Żak, A., & Hoła, J. (2018). Multi-sensor evaluation of the concrete within
the interlayer bond with regard to pull-off adhesion. Archives of civil and mechanical
engineering, 18(2), 573–582.
6 The Reliability of Non-
Destructive Methods
in Floor Diagnostics


6.1.1  Sclerometric Method
Despite the fact that the sclerometric method is well known and widely used, it was
decided to highlight the most important limitations and conditions of its use. In the
case of the sclerometric method, in which the basic research device is the N-type
Schmidt hammer, it should be taken into account that:

• With the Schmidt N-type hammer, the compressive strength fc of the con-
crete is not directly determined − but instead the rebound R number. This
number is a measure of the dynamic hardness of the concrete − therefore
the empirical relationship between fc and R in the form fc = fc (R). According
to [1–3], it should be noted that there is no universal such relationship for
all concretes.
• The fc − R relationship is influenced by many different factors, such as the
age of the concrete, the moisture in the concrete, stresses in the concrete,
geometry and shape of the test pieces under test, the position of the hammer
in relation to the level during the test, etc. In order to correctly assess the
strength, these factors should be taken into account by introducing appro-
priate correction or correction factors, either to the rebound number or to
the strength [4, 5]. The influence of some of the above-mentioned factors
is very important for a reliable assessment, which is demonstrated below:
• Age influence − this is mainly related to the carbonation phenomenon
progressing over time, and the resulting calcium carbonate “harden-
ing” the concrete structure, in turn causing an uneven distribution of
concrete strength. As shown in Figure 6.1, based on [6], as the distance
from the surface of the concrete element increases, the rebound number
R decreases its value more than the value of the compressive strength
fc. The influence of age is also manifested in the number of crystalline
deposits in the concrete structure, which increase with age.

As can be seen in Figure 6.2, based on [6], the greatest cumulative effect of carbon-
ation and crystallization on the hardness of concrete in the near-surface layer of a floor

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-6 41
42 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 6.1  An exemplary graph of the distribution of the rebound number R and the con-
crete strength fc with regards to the distance from the concrete surface.

occurs in the first year. The ratio of the concrete strength in the deeper layers fcint to the
subsurface strength fcext stabilizes over time at about 0.6.

• The influence of humidity − this manifests itself in the deterioration of

the dynamic hardness of concrete and a decrease in the rebound num-
ber. The scale of this phenomenon is shown in Figure 6.3, based on the
data contained in [6–8].

FIGURE 6.2  An exemplary diagram of the dependence of the change in the quotient of
concrete strength in the deeper layers fcint of the floor and in the subsurface layers fcext of the
floor on the time t.
The Reliability of Non-Destructive Methods 43

FIGURE 6.3  Empirical relationships fc – R for the Schmidt N-type hammer in tests of ordi-
nary concrete (fca – air-dry concrete, fcd – dry concrete, fch – wet concrete).

• The influence of the geometry and shape of the tested floor, including
the scale effect − this is clearly noticeable as the strength of the concrete
increases, hence the empirical relations for the same concrete. However,
for different types of test elements, they will differ, as shown in Figure 6.4 −
developed on the basis of the data contained in [6–8].
• The positioning of the Schmidt hammer during the diagnostics of con-
crete structures − in a direction other than horizontal is acceptable, but

FIGURE 6.4  Empirical relationships fc – R for the Schmidt N-type hammer for different
dimensions of the sample elements.
44 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

Comparison of the Requirements for Measurement Sites on the Floor Surface
According to the Standards EN-12504-2:2002 [5] and PN-B-06262 [9]

Type of Requirement EN-12504-2:2002 [5] PN-B-06262 [9]

The area of the measuring site About 900 cm2 About 50 cm2
Minimum number of measurement sites No requirements 12
The minimum number of measurement points at a 9 5
given measurement site
Minimum distance between measurement points 25 mm 20 mm

then the correction factor ΔR for the rebound number R must be intro-
duced. In the case of concrete floors, this is illustrated in Figure 6.5,
based on the data contained in [4].
• The minimum size of the measurement site (area) and the distribution
of the measurement points on the floor surface, according to [5, 9],
should be as specified in Table 6.1.
• The thickness of the diagnosed concrete floor is limited. In the case
of the N-type Schmidt hammer, according to [5–10], it should not be
smaller than 100 mm. Moreover, according to [10], it should not be
greater than 200 mm, but may be up to 400 mm, with two-sided access
interpreted as from the top and side of the floor.
• Selection of test sites − this is important for the reliability of the scle-
rometric measurements. Test sites should be evenly distributed over

FIGURE 6.5  Correction factor ΔR for the rebound number in the case of positioning the
N-type Schmidt hammer in a direction other than horizontal.
The Reliability of Non-Destructive Methods 45

the entire surface of the floor in order to be representative for it. They
should not be located less than 30 mm from the edge, should not be
on the line of reinforcement located in the concrete at a depth of less
than 30 mm, and should not be located in places where thick aggregate
grains are visible right next to the surface.
• In the early stage of concrete maturation, or where the compressive
strength of concrete in the floor is less than 7 MPa, the use of the scle-
rometric method is limited − the rebound numbers are too low, and
do not ensure the accuracy of the reading. In addition, it causes unde-
sirable damage to the floor surface during tests, which then requires
repair [11]. As stated in [5], the minimum age of the tested concrete
should not be less than 3 days, but in the case of high-performance
concretes, this restriction does not apply.

6.1.2  Ultrasonic Method

In the case of the ultrasonic method, it is worth considering the following consider-
ations with regards to floor diagnostics:

• When using the ultrasonic method, the compressive strength fc of the con-
crete is not directly determined, but instead the velocity of the longitudinal
ultrasonic wave cL. In practical applications, in analogy to the sclerometric
method, an empirical relationship between fc and cL should each time be
established in the form fc = fc (cL). This relationship is established with the
exact or simplified method.
• There is no universal relationship between the velocity of the longitudinal
ultrasonic wave cL and the compressive strength of the concrete fc, which is
representative for all concretes.
• The fc − cL relationship is influenced by many different factors, resulting
not only from the composition and technology of execution and structure of
the concrete floor, but also from the operating conditions of the diagnosed
floor. These are, among others: the type of aggregate, coarse aggregate
grain size, grain size distribution, moisture of the concrete, conditions for
concrete maturation, the presence of reinforcement at the test site, and the
level of stresses in the concrete. They are important when determining the
empirical dependence, which is most often done with the use of test ele-
ments taken from the floor for which this dependence is established. For
some factors, for example, concrete moisture or the influence of reinforce-
ment on the results of sclerometric tests (which are already identified and
described in literature), correction factors are used. These correction fac-
tors are approximated below:
• The increase in concrete moisture is manifested by an increase in the
ultrasonic wave velocity cL. The scale of this phenomenon is explained
in Figure 6.6, based on the data contained in [12].
46 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 6.6  Influence of concrete moisture on the longitudinal ultrasonic wave velocity
cL (fcd – dry concrete, fcw – wet concrete).

• The influence of the reinforcement on the ultrasonic wave velocity

depends on the amount and location of the reinforcement in the mea-
suring section. It is recommended to avoid areas of the floor where the
measurement is taken parallel to the rebar. In order to determine the
location of the reinforcement, supporting tests, performed with the use
of non-destructive methods suitable for this purpose, are necessary. For
example, Figure 6.7, based on the data presented in [7], shows the values
of the correction factor while taking into account the effect of the length
of reinforcing bars ls perpendicular to the direction of the propagation of
the ultrasonic wave in the case of testing an element with a length of l.

FIGURE 6.7  Values of the correction factor taking into account the effect of the length of
reinforcing bars ls perpendicular to the direction of the propagation of the ultrasonic wave in
the case of testing an element with a length l.
The Reliability of Non-Destructive Methods 47

FIGURE 6.8  The value of the correction coefficient reducing the ultrasonic wave velocity
measured on different bases.

On the other hand, [13], shows how the ultrasonic wave velocity in a tested element
(cLe) depends on the diameter of the reinforcement (d) and the velocity of the ultrasonic
wave in the concrete without taking into account the reinforcement (cLc):

5.9 − cLc
cLe = 5.9 − 10.4 (6.1)

Relation (6.1) is valid for ultrasonic heads with a frequency of 54 kHz.

• The influence of the measurement path length is presented in detail in [14].
Its minimum length should be 100 mm if the maximum grain size of the
coarse aggregate in the concrete is 20 mm. As the length of the measuring
path increases, the ultrasonic wave velocity decreases cL. If the length of the
path exceeds 600 mm, then on the basis of [7], cL must be corrected by the
value of the correction factor that can be read from Figure 6.8.

Moreover, according to [12], the measurement path length should be greater than
the ultrasonic wavelength. The size of the coarse aggregate must also be smaller
than the ultrasonic wavelength in order to avoid a reduction of the wave energy and
possible signal loss at the receiver. In Table 6.2, on the basis of the data contained
in [12], restrictions on the measurement path length in the ultrasonic method are

6.1.3  Ultrasonic Tomography Method

Currently, according to [15], in the case of the ultrasonic tomography method, it is
worth considering that:
48 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

Basic Restrictions Regarding the Measurement Path Length in the
Ultrasonic Method

Recommended Measurement Path Length The Smallest Side Dimension or

(for Coarse Aggregate with a Maximum Diameter the Maximum Size of Coarse
of 20 mm) Aggregate (mm)
For ultrasonic wave For ultrasonic wave
velocity of 3800 m/s velocity of 4600 m/s
100 mm − 10 m for ultrasonic heads with a frequency 70 85
of 54 kHz
100 mm − 3 m for ultrasonic heads with a frequency 46 56
of 82 kHz

• The minimum thickness of a tested concrete floor is limited to 50 mm,

while the maximum thickness is practically not limited, and may be up to
2500 mm.
• The researcher’s experience is important for the credibility of the obtained
results. The relatively small number of research cases to date means that
in some cases the correct interpretation of the obtained images may still
be difficult for some researchers. With the passage of time, the importance
of this will decrease, which is due to the fact that ultrasonic tomographs
are more and more widely available and the number of their applications is
growing, resulting in more experience being gained.

6.1.4 Impact-echo and Impulse Response Methods

The most important remarks concerning the impact-echo and impulse response
methods, from the point of view of the reliability of the obtained results, are as

• Both methods are not applicable when the structure is influenced by

mechanical noise or high amplitude electrical noise.
• It is not possible to assess the depth of cracks if they are partially or com-
pletely filled with water.
• According to [16], a reliable assessment of the thickness of a layered
concrete floor is only possible when there is a sufficient difference in
acoustic impedance or if there are enough air voids between the overlay
and the substrate to produce a measurable reflection from the bottom of
the floor.
• In the impact-echo method, the inductor must be positioned at a distance
from the transducer that is less than 0.4 times the thickness of the tested
The Reliability of Non-Destructive Methods 49

• The thickness of the tested floor is not limited, because according to [17]
the thickness of the element tested with this method can be up to 1 m.
• Due to the edge effect, the tests should not be carried out closer than
300 mm from the edge of the floor.

6.1.5 Methods of Assessing Humidity

Non-destructive humidity testing methods have certain limitations and conditions
that make their use in some situations problematic, with the obtained results not
being very reliable:

• Not all methods can quantitatively evaluate the moisture content and its
distribution in a concrete floor, and instead they assess these features only
qualitatively. This applies to the chemical method of indicator papers, in
which the moisture is determined graphically on the basis of the colour
change of the papers as a result of contact with the surface of the moist
material. The same applies to methods based on the measurement of ther-
mal, optical and videography properties. They are only useful for locating
wet areas, and do not have the possibility of determining the humidity val-
ues of individual places. This is a significant limitation.
• In the case of the most commonly used electrical, dielectric, resistive, and
microwave methods in construction practice, an important condition is the
need to scale the test equipment on a given object (accurate or simplified) in
order to determine the correlation relationship between concrete moisture
and the dimensionless parameter measured in a given method.
• The assessment of humidity by the dielectric or resistance method can be
reliable only for the subsurface zone of the tested concrete floor with a
thickness of about 60 mm, because this is the test range of these meth-
ods. For the microwave method, this condition practically does not exist,
because its test range is up to about 300 mm.


Limitations and conditions of using individual non-destructive methods for the
purpose of diagnosing concrete floors mean that, in order to increase the cred-
ibility of tests conducted with these methods the most rational direction is to
use at least two non-destructive methods simultaneously [18, 19]. If there is no
such possibility, but it is possible to determine several parameters with a given
method, then this option should be used. According to [20], several possible vari-
ants of such an approach can be distinguished, and are described briefly below
(Figure 6.9).
It is important to note here that the current trends in the development of non-
destructive methods of the diagnostics of concrete floors are focused on the auto-
mation of tests carried out with specific methods. Work is also underway on the
50 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 6.9  Variants of the approach to the complementarity of non-destructive testing in

the diagnostics of concrete floors.

construction of special scanners that facilitate and accelerate the performance of

tests using several non-destructive methods [21–23].

6.2.1  Variant 1
An example of the use of several different parameters determined by the same non-
destructive method can be the ultrasonic method. These parameters are the velocity
and amplitude of the longitudinal ultrasonic wave.
Another example of this would be the hammer method, where the following
parameters can be used:

• the frequency corresponding to the ultrasonic wave reflected from the

defect f D,
• the frequency corresponding to the ultrasonic wave reflected from the bot-
tom f T,
• the velocity of an elastic longitudinal ultrasonic wave Cp.

Another example is the impulse response method, which makes it possible to obtain
the values of the following five parameters:

• average mobility Nav,

• dynamic stiffness Kd,
• mobility slope Mp/N,
• average mobility times mobility slope Nav Mp/N,
• voids index v.
The Reliability of Non-Destructive Methods 51

6.2.2  Variant 2
An example of the use of at least two non-destructive methods are the ultrasonic and
sclerometric methods used to determine the compressive strength of concrete. The
test results obtained with these methods are most often assessed independently and
then compared with each other. In the past, attempts were made to apply empirical
relationships for two variables and to statistically analyse the results obtained inde-
pendently with individual methods [24]. Such a combination concerned the ultra-
sonic and sclerometric methods. Although it allowed the average relative error of the
strength assessment to be significantly reduced, it required, a new empirical relation-
ship to be each time developed for the tested concrete [25].
An example of the use of two non-destructive methods are the impulse response
method and the impact-echo method for assessing delamination in layered concrete
floors [26]. In this case, the impulse response method was suitable for a rough search
for areas of the floor in order to identify fragments in which delamination is likely
to occur. In turn, the impact-echo method was used to accurately locate the depth of
delamination in the floor.


The results of non-destructive diagnostics of concrete floors should be, if possible,
verified each time by making control sections that give credibility to non-destructive
They should also give the expert who diagnoses the concrete floor a more com-
plete basis for a more precise assessment of the destructive processes and the assess-
ment of safety in use, or more precise conclusions regarding the floor’s expected
durability. In some situations, for example those indicated below, making a control
section (or sections) is highly advisable, or even necessary, for not only confirming
the non-destructive results, but also for supplementing the information obtained in a
non-destructive manner as highlighted in Examples 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 provided below.

Example 6.1

An example of one such situation is non-destructive testing aimed at determining

the location of rebars in the floor and the thickness of their concrete cover. This can
be done non-destructively with different levels of accuracy. This can be confirmed
by a control section (Figure 6.10), and then the following can be further assessed:

• the accuracy of the measurements made in relation to that provided by a

given method, or the measurement with a given measuring device, could
be disturbed by such factors as, for example: the non-parallel location of
reinforcing bars in relation to the surface of the concrete floor, the pres-
ence of dispersed steel reinforcement in the concrete or aggregate with
magnetic properties, or reinforcement corrosion,
• the type of reinforcing steel in terms of its ribbing and cross-section of
reinforcing bars,
• the size of corrosion losses in the steel reinforcement.
52 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 6.10  An exemplary view: (a) control section of reinforcement, which allows the
diameter of the bars and cover thickness to be measured and type of steel, as well as the size
of corrosion losses to be assessed, (b) close-up of the control section.

Example 6.2

Another example is non-destructive testing to determine the crack depth of a con-

crete floor. This can be done using acoustic methods (impact-echo or ultrasonic),
but it is not certain whether the accuracy of the measurement is not disturbed by the
presence of water in the crack. Since the width of the cracks is usually not the same
along their entire height (thickness of the floor), and that they are hairline closer to
the tip, they can often be filled with water in this zone (but not only there). Making
a control section by taking a core sample along the crack line clearly explains this
doubt and clarifies the non-destructive measurement (Figure 6.11).

Example 6.3

One more example is non-destructive testing aimed at determining the mass mois-
ture content of concrete in the floor. It should be remembered that the range of

FIGURE 6.11  An exemplary view of: (a) a 50 mm diameter core sample taken along the
crack line, (b) close-ups of the core sample.
The Reliability of Non-Destructive Methods 53

FIGURE 6.12  Typical distribution of moisture content along the thickness of a concrete

non-destructive methods is much shorter and amounts to about 60 mm in the case

of dielectric and resistive methods. If this information is compared with Figure 6.12,
prepared on the basis of [27], which shows a typical distribution of mass moisture
over the thickness of the concrete element, it becomes clear that in the case of a
thick floor it is advisable to perform a control drilling through the floor in order
to collect concrete samples for testing concrete moisture with the gravimetric
method in the laboratory [28].

This chapter is devoted to highlighting the problem of the reliability of the use of
non-destructive methods in the diagnosis of concrete floors. It has been clearly stated
that the sine qua non conditions for obtaining reliable results with these methods are,
firstly, the knowledge and consideration of the limitations and conditions for the use
of non-destructive methods in the research, and secondly, their complementary use
and, thirdly, verification of the test results obtained with non-destructive control sec-
tions. For a few selected methods, the most important constraints and conditions are
given, and possible compatibility variants are also given.

1. Malhotra, V.M., & Carino, N.J. (2003). Handbook on nondestructive testing of con-
crete. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
2. Hoła, J., & Runkiewicz, L. (2018). Methods and diagnostic techniques used to analyse
the technical state of reinforced concrete structures. Structure and environment, 10,
3. Skramtaev, B.G., & Leshchinszy, M.Y. (1966). Complex methods of non-destructive
tests of concrete in construction and structural works, RILEM Bull. (Paris), New Series
No. 30, 99.
4. ITB 210/1977 manual. Instructions for the use of Schmidt hammers for non-destructive
quality control of concrete (in Polish)
54 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

5. EN 12504-2:2013-03. Testing concrete in structures - Part 2: Non-destructive testing -

Determination of rebound number.
6. Runkiewicz, L. (1991). Influence of selected factors on the results of sclerometric tests
of concrete (in Polish). Warsaw: Scientific works of the Building Research Institute.
7. Drobiec, Ł., Jasiński, R., & Piekarczyk, A. (2010). Diagnostics of reinforced concrete
structures (in Polish). Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN.
8. Flaga, K. (1970) Influence of the size of test elements on the evaluation of concrete
strength using the sclerometric method (in Polish). Inżynieria i Budownictwo, no 10,
pp. 395–399
9. PN-74/B-06262 Non-destructive testing of concrete structures - Sclerometric method -
Tests of concrete compressive strength with a Schmidt N-type hammer (in Polish)
10. Runkewicz, L., & Sieczkowski, J. (2018). Assessment of concrete strength in a structure
based on sclerometric tests. Guide (in Polish). Warsaw: Building Research Institute.
11. Mitchell, L.J., & Hoagland, G.G. (1961) Investigation of the impact tube concrete test
hammer, Bull. No. 305, Highway Research Board, 14.
12. Bungey, J.H. (1980). The validity of ultrasonic pulse velocity testing of in-place con-
crete for strength. NDT International, 13(6), 296–300.
13. Chung, H.W. (1978). ‘Effects of embedded steel bars upon ultrasonic testing of con-
crete’. Magazine of Concrete Research, 30, No. 102, March, 19–25.
14. Stawiski, B. (1988) Badania niektórych materiałów i konstrukcji budowlanych
wybranymi metodami nieniszczącymi. Centrum Usług Techniczno-Organizacyjnych
Budownictwa. Ośrodek we Wrocławiu, Wrocław.
15. Hoła, J., Bień, J., Sadowski, Ł, & Schabowicz, K. (2015). Non-destructive and semi-de-
structive diagnostics of concrete structures in assessment of their durability. Bulletin of
the Polish Academy of Science. Technical sciences, 63(1), 87–96.
16. ASTM, C. (2000). Test method for measuring the P-wave speed and the thickness of
concrete plates using the impact-echo method. Annual Book of ASTM Standards,
17. ASTM C1740-10, “Evaluating the condition of concrete plates using the impulse
response method.” Standard practice. West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.
18. Breysse, D. (2012). Nondestructive evaluation of concrete strength: An historical
review and a new perspective by combining NDT methods. Construction and building
materials, 33, 139–163.
19. Ali-Benyahia, K. Sbartaïc, Z.M., Breyssec, D., Kenaid, S., Ghricia, M. (2017) “Anal-
ysis of the single and combined non-destructive test approaches for on-site concrete
strength assessment: General statements based on a real case-study.” Case studies in
construction materials 6, 109–119.
20. Adamczewski, G., Garbacz, A., Piotrowski, T., & Załęgowski, K. (2013). Application
of complementary NDT methods in the diagnosis of concrete structures (in Polish).
Building materials.
21. Reichling, K., Raupach, M., Wiggenhauser, H., Stoppel, M., Dobmann, G., & Kurz, J.:
BETOSCAN-Robot controlled non-destructive diagnosis of reinforced concrete decks,
7th International Symposium on Non Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering 2009,
Nantes, France.
22. Leibbrandt, A., Caprari, G., Angst, U., Siegwart, R.Y., Flatt, R.J., & Elsener, B. (2012,
September). Climbing robot for corrosion monitoring of reinforced concrete structures.
In 2012 2nd International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry
(CARPI) (pp. 10–15). IEEE.
23. Garbacz, A., Piotrowski, T., Zalegowski, K., & Adamczewski, G. (2013). UIR-scanner
potential to defect detection in concrete. Advanced materials research, 687, 359–365.
24. Nagrodzka-Godycka, K. (1999). Testing the properties of concrete and reinforced con-
crete in laboratory conditions (in Polish). Warsaw: Arkady.
25. Runkiewicz, L. (2002). Research of reinforced concrete structures (in Polish). Warsaw:
Gamma office.
The Reliability of Non-Destructive Methods 55

26. Hola, J., Sadowski, L., & Schabowicz, K. (2011). Nondestructive identification of
delaminations in concrete floor toppings with acoustic methods. Automation in con-
struction, 20(7), 799–807.
27. Hoła, J. (2018). Degradation of historic buildings as a result of excessive moisture -
selected problems (in Polish). Construction and architecture, 17(1), 133–148.
28. Hussain, A., & Akhtar, S. (2017). Review of non-destructive tests for evaluation of
historic masonry and concrete structures. Arabian journal for science and engineering,
42(3), 925–940.
7 The Calibration and
Scaling of Test Equipment


To ensure the required measurement accuracy, the test equipment used should be
calibrated in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the
equipment, usually before each use or at regular intervals [1].
The terms “calibration” and “scaling” are often used interchangeably in non-
destructive testing. In ultrasonic flaw detectors, they are usually scaled using refer-
ence or reference samples [2–6]. Therefore, in ultrasonic testing, there is a “time
base scaling” performed using a reference sample (Figure 7.1).
In turn, in the case of the sclerometric method, calibration is performed using
hardness standards with calibration certificates. Typically, a calibration anvil is used
for this purpose, on which, with an N-type sclerometer, an average rebound number
R of 80±2 should be obtained [7].
Calibration is a set of operations that establish, under certain conditions, relations
between the values of the measured quantity indicated by the test device, or the
values represented by the standard of measurement or reference material, and the
appropriate values of the quantity realized by the standards of the measurement unit.
On the other hand, scaling (of test equipment) is the determination of the position
of indications of a measuring instrument, depending on the appropriate value of the
measured quantity.
In the case of defectoscopic tests, the accuracy and reliability of test results are sig-
nificantly influenced by the test equipment and apparatus, probes and test heads, basic
test materials, standard samples and reference samples. Of this group, only reference and
reference samples can be calibrated. On the other hand, the test equipment and appara-
tus, probes and test heads, and basic test materials cannot be “calibrated” due to the fact
that the connection with the standards of measurement units in their case does not apply.
Conversely, test equipment used directly in defectoscopic tests, i.e., measures,
calipers, lux meters, densitometers, etc., as well as instruments for measuring envi-
ronmental conditions − should be calibrated if the uncertainty of the test result
related to their calibration is a fraction of the total uncertainty of the test.


The presented procedure for expressing uncertainty with fine scaling is adapted to
the specificity of correlation. The specificity of the relationship is a small sample
population from a statistical point of view. However, the main task here is not to
assess the existence of correlation relationships, but only to determine the regression
function (equation) [8–11].

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-7 57
58 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 7.1  Reference sample used to scale the test equipment for ultrasonic testing.

The input data for the regression analysis using the fine scaling method is a set
of pairs of X and Y results obtained at individual measuring sites (a minimum of
18 pairs is recommended in accordance with [1] for compressive strength, and a
minimum of 30 for moisture). The indicated regression functions are most often
expressed in the form of a simple equation:

f (Y ) = a1 + a2Y , (7.1)

or parabola equation:

f (Y ) = a1 + a2Y + a3Y 2 . (7.2)

The parameters a1, a2, and a3 (appropriately nominated numbers) of the regression
function are determined by the method of the least squares of deviations of the
marked Y values from the theoretical values (calculated from regression equations)
corresponding to the Ŷ . These parameters can be determined in the traditional way
or with the use of available numerical programs. For example, in accordance with [1],
in the case of the sclerometric method, these pairs of results represent the values of
the compressive strength fc of the concrete on the core samples with a diameter of
100 mm, and the determination of the rebound numbers R − reduced to readings with
a horizontal sclerometer setting (angle of inclination α = 0).
An important issue is the fit (reliability) of the determined regression f(Y), and in
particular the fulfilment of the following requirements:

• calculation of the standard error of estimation, determining the confidence

limits of the fit, and the limits of the single result tolerance,
• the correlation relationship should be determined assuming the possibility
of a 10% underestimation of the strength.
The Calibration and Scaling of Test Equipment 59

Exact Scaling for Determining the Correlation Relationship f(Y) – Y in Tests
Aimed at Determining the Compressive Strength of Concrete and the Bulk
Moisture of Concrete in Floors

Selection of the Relationship f(Y) – Y

The Type of Feature to be Determined by Means of Correlation Analysis
Compressive strength of concrete fc It is required to collect a minimum of 18 core
samples of concrete from the structure for testing
in order to obtain a minimum of 18 pairs of fc – R
results, where R is the rebound number determined
using a sclerometer
Bulk moisture of concrete Um It is required to collect a minimum of 30 concrete
samples from the structure for testing in order to
obtain a minimum of 30 pairs of Um – X, where X
is a unitless number determined with a moisture

In other words, the appropriate correlation relationship is a curve or a straight line

that limits the confidence area of the plot from the bottom of the designated func-
tion f(Y) with a significance level of 10%. According to [1], such a dependence then
provides a level of safety, at which it is expected that 90% of the strength value will
be higher than the value determined from this relationship.
The standard deviation of the residuals (the correct name for the standard error
of the estimate), i.e., the deviations of the marked values Y, i.e., the deviations of the
determined values from the theoretical values (calculated from regression equations)
corresponding to the value of Ŷ , in the case of one explanatory variable, is expressed
by the formula:

∑(Y − Yˆ ) .
1 2
S= (7.3)
i =1

For example, in the case of sclerometric testing, fine scaling determines the cor-
relation between the rebound number R, and the compressive strength fc. Table 7.1
shows the methods of determining the correlation relationship f(Y) − Y in tests
aimed at determining the compressive strength of concrete and the bulk moisture
of concrete.


Approximate scaling is based on the adoption of hypothetical ready base (basic)
regression curves that are prepared, for example, from the literature. They are then
shifted based on the test results of the marked values at selected measurement points.
Regardless of the method of determining this dependence, it is necessary to take a
60 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

Approximate Scaling for Determining the Correlation Relationship f(Y) – Y
in Tests to Determine the Compressive Strength of Concrete and the Bulk
Moisture of Concrete in Floors

Selection of the Hypothetical Relationship f(Y) – Y

The Type of Feature to be Determined from Among Those Available in the Literature
Compressive strength of concrete fc It is required to collect a minimum of 9 concrete samples
from the structure for testing in order to obtain a minimum
of 9 pairs of results fc – R, where R is the rebound number
determined using a sclerometer
Concrete bulk moisture Um It is required to collect a minimum of 6 concrete samples
from the structure for testing in order to obtain a minimum
of 6 pairs of results Um – X, where X is a unitless number
determined with a moisture meter

certain minimum number of samples from the tested element for destructive testing,
which is specified in Table 7.2.
For scaling the underlying type regression curve f (Y ) = a1 + a2Y + a3Y 2 pre-
sented in Equation (7.2), a sample population is required with a specific, depend-
ing on the algorithm used, number of n pairs of results (Table 7.2), which come
from the construction of the material of the same population as the Y value
markings. On the basis of the base regression curve f(Y), theoretical Ŷ   and Y
values, and the differences δYi = Yi – Yi , the mean value of δYm(n), and standard
deviation s should be determined. The parameter of shifting the base curve up
to the position corresponding to the lower confidence interval of the corrected
curve is determined by:

∆f = δ Ym ( n )  − k1s (7.4)

in which the values of the k1 coefficient are selected from the t-Student distribution,
depending on the number of measuring points n. The equation of the scaling curve
corrected according to the base standard has the final form:

( )
f Yˆ = f (Y ) + δ Ym ( n )  − k1s


For example, in the case of the compressive strength of concrete, a scaling curve,
which was previously adopted according to [7] and is described by the following
equation, can be considered as a reliable base regression curve:

f R = 7.4 − 0.915 R + 0.041R 2 (7.6)

Figure 7.2 shows the correction of the scaling curve described by Equation (7.6).
The Calibration and Scaling of Test Equipment 61

FIGURE 7.2  Correcting the scaling curve described by Equation (7.6) (δf1…n – the differ-
ence between the unit compressive strength of the concrete core sample and the value of the
strength resulting from the base curve).

This short chapter highlights the need for calibration and scaling of test equipment
used in non-destructive methods. This leads to the correct assessment of the proper-
ties of concrete embedded in floors. The problem of fine scaling and rough scaling is
highlighted in a synthetic way.

1. Brunarski, L., & Dohojda, M. (2015). Diagnostics of concrete strength in a structure (in
Polish). Warsaw: Building Research Institute.
2. Baboux, J.C., Lakestani, F., Fleischmann, P., & Perdrix, M. (1977). Calibration of ultra-
sonic transmitters. NDT international, 10(3), 135–138.
3. Bungey, J.H. (1980). The validity of ultrasonic pulse velocity testing of in-place con-
crete for strength. NDT international, 13(6), 296–300.
4. Popovics, J.S., & Subramaniam, K.V. (2015). Review of ultrasonic wave reflection
applied to early-age concrete and cementitious materials. Journal of nondestructive
evaluation, 34(1), 267.
5. Wiciak, P., Cascante, G., & Polak, M.A. (2020). Frequency and geometry effects on
ultrasonic pulse velocity measurements of concrete specimens. ACI materials journal,
117(2), 205–216.
6. Villain, G., Garnier, V., Sbartaï, Z.M., Derobert, X., & Balayssac, J.P. (2018).
Development of a calibration methodology to improve the on-site non-destruc-
tive evaluation of concrete durability indicators. Materials and structures, 51(2),
7. Runkewicz, L., & Sieczkowski, J. (2018). Assessment of concrete strength in a
structure based on sclerometric tests. Guide (in Polish) Warsaw: Building Research
8. Alwash, M., Breysse, D., Sbartaï, Z.M., Szilágyi, K., & Borosnyói, A. (2017). Fac-
tors affecting the reliability of assessing the concrete strength by rebound hammer and
cores. Construction and building materials, 140, 354–363.
62 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

9. Brencich, A., Bovolenta, R., Ghiggi, V., Pera, D., & Redaelli, P. (2020). Rebound ham-
mer test: An investigation into its reliability in applications on concrete structures.
Advances in materials science and engineering, 2020, 6450183.
10. Breysse, D., Romao, X., Alwash, M., Sbartaï, Z.M., & Luprano, V.A. (2020). Risk eval-
uation on concrete strength assessment with NDT technique and conditional coring
approach. Journal of building engineering, 32, 101541.
11. Brencich, A., Cassini, G., Pera, D., & Riotto, G. (2013). Calibration and reliability of
the rebound (Schmidt) hammer test. Civil engineering and architecture, 1(3), 66–78.
8 The Diagnosis
of Dowelled
Concrete Floors

Dowelled concrete floors are used inside warehouses (Figure 8.1a) and production halls,
as well as in hangars and sheds. They are also used in storage and manoeuvring yards, at
airports, and on port quays (Figure 8.1b), and in these cases they are called concrete pave-
ments. The implementation of these floors is recommended when the point load, caused,
for example, by the movement of heavy means of transport, exceeds 40 kN. Moreover, it
is recommended when it is impossible to rule out uneven settling of the expanded areas
(slabs) of the floor in relation to each other. As construction practice proves, these floors
relatively frequently have significant latent performance flaws, which usually result in the
formation of serious failures that have an effect on safe operation.
One of the significant hidden defects in the performance of dowelled concrete
floors is their too small thickness in relation to the designed thickness. The thickness
of these floors is determined by the designer and is usually in the range from 260 to
400 mm. This defect ultimately translates into a reduced durability when compared
to that expected. It is the reason for the breaking of concrete slabs, as well as the
breaking of large fragments of corners, which makes it difficult or impossible for the
floor to be used safely.
Another important hidden disadvantage is the incorrect dowelling of concrete
slabs in strips along expansion joints. This defect may even include several irregu-
larities [1–7]. Defective dowelling makes the cooperation of individual boards with
neighbouring ones during the transferring of service loads impossible, does not
reduce the bending moments in the slab’s corners, and also does not improve the
operation of expansion joints, i.e., by causing their smaller expansion. This can lead
to the keying of the dilated floor panels (fields), the cracking and breaking off of
corners, and also a reduction of the projected durability and safety of use.
These disadvantages often add up, in turn increasing the problem of reduced
durability and danger during use.


As mentioned in Section 8.1, the significant hidden disadvantages of dowelled con-
crete floors, which reduce their durability and safety of use, include insufficient
thickness and the incorrect dowelling of concrete slabs. The risk of these defects

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-8 63
64 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 8.1  Examples of dowelled concrete floors.

arises at the execution stage in the absence of an effective and systematic control of
the works in the form of technical supervision.
As evidenced by construction practice, the reason for too low thickness in relation
to the designed thickness is the incorrect (often only rough) levelling of the upper
surface (without the use of geodetic methods) of the substrate under the floor. In a sit-
uation where the desired level of the upper floor surface is geodetic while laying the
concrete mix, the thickness of the floor is not the same over the entire surface. It is
obvious that areas that are too thin are undesirable. An example of this can be seen in
the test results shown in Figure 8.2, which show that the thickness of the floor, which
should be 300 mm, is in the range between 230−295 and 259.87 mm on average.

FIGURE 8.2  Testing the thickness of an exemplary dowelled concrete floor: (a) measure-
ment of the thickness in one of the eight core boreholes made, (b) the results of the measure-
ment of the thickness in the floor.
The Diagnosis of Dowelled Concrete Floors 65

In an extreme case, the lack of thickness is over 23%, and such places are the first to
be damaged during operation.
Faulty dowelling of concrete slabs can be caused by numerous irregularities:

• the chaotic arrangement of individual steel dowels − not parallel to each

other, at different intervals, not in the lines of cut expansion slits, and not
perpendicular to the plane of these slots,
• not horizontal arrangement of steel dowels, with them not being in the mid-
dle of the slab’s thickness,
• displacement of the composite structure made of steel dowels that are con-
nected with a wire, which is caused by the pressure of the laid and vibrated
concrete mix,
• cutting expansion joints in bands that are different to those designed,
• no steel dowels at all.

The placement of steel dowels is illustrated in Figure 8.3. It is clear that the existence
of the above mentioned irregularities proves that the contractor and supervisor lack
awareness concerning the very important role of steel dowels. This role is especially
important when ensuring the proper support of individual dilated floor fields.
It still requires clarification that dowels should be made of smooth steel bars without
hooks. In practice, their diameter is usually from 16 to 32 mm, and their length is from
500 to 700 mm, with their spacing most often being from 300 to 400 mm. They can be
made of single bars (Figure 8.3), but structures (so-called “baskets”) are also used, which
consist of steel bars connected with a wire and placed on steel supports (Figure 8.4).


Figure 8.5 presents the authors’ original methodology of the non-destructive diag-
nosis of dowelled concrete floors in terms of the non-destructive detection of the
invisible defects described in Section 8.2, i.e., too small thickness in relation to that
designed, as well as defective dowelling. This methodology is based on the use of
the ultrasonic tomography method. It can be useful in both tests of newly constructed
floors prior to their commissioning, as well as in diagnosing exploited floors. For a
better understanding, this methodology is illustrated with exemplary results obtained
for a doweled concrete floor tested by the authors.
The first step in the developed methodology is to test the thickness of the concrete
floor using a non-destructive ultrasonic tomography method (Figure 8.6). In this
step, start by positioning the ultrasound tomograph antenna on the top surface of
each dilated floor area at randomly selected 500 × 100 mm test sites, and then per-
form the tests. Then record the results and prepare flat images in three mutually per-
pendicular directions. Based on a detailed analysis of these images, the thickness of
the floor should be determined at each test site. In the case of the ultrasonic tomog-
raphy method, the accuracy of this determination is 10 mm. The results obtained in
a non-destructive way by the ultrasonic tomography method need to be validated
with control boreholes, for example, by a control section in randomly selected places.
66 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 8.3  Placement of steel dowels in a concrete floor: (a) correct, (b) incorrect.

FIGURE 8.4  View of steel bars connected with a wire (the so-called “basket”).
The Diagnosis of Dowelled Concrete Floors 67

FIGURE 8.5  Methodology of the non-destructive diagnosis of dowelled concrete floors.

68 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 8.6  Examination of the thickness of an exemplary concrete floor with a non-destruc-
tive ultrasonic tomography method: (a) view of the ultrasonic tomograph antenna placed on the
upper surface of the floor, (b) analysis of the obtained test results (imaging), (c) exemplary image
of a fragment of the floor with a diagnosed thickness of approximately 230 mm, (d) authentication
of the results of non-destructive tests using a control section in the form of core drilling.

The next step is to investigate the distribution of steel dowels using ultrasonic
tomography, as illustrated in Figures 8.7 and 8.8. The tests should begin with
the setting of the ultrasonic antenna on the upper surface of the floor in strips of
incised expansion slits, which is followed by its successive shifting (in the direc-
tion parallel to the expansion joint) to the next test sites that have dimensions of
500 × 100 mm. The results should then be recorded and flat images should be
prepared in three perpendicular directions. Detailed analysis of the obtained flat
images at each test site enables the assessment of the dowel arrangement in the
floor with an accuracy of 10 mm. In situations where there is doubt, it is possible
to build a three-dimensional image from flat images, which can then be analysed.
It can be seen from Figure 8.8 that the arrangement of the steel dowels in the cross-
section of the floor, which is determined in the tested example floor by means of ultra-
sonic tomography, is defective. The spacing of the dowels ranges from 27 to 42 cm −
The Diagnosis of Dowelled Concrete Floors 69

FIGURE 8.7  Non-destructive testing of the distribution of steel dowels in the cross-section of an
exemplary floor: (a) searching for the location of dowels along the expansion joint cut in the floor
using the ultrasonic tomography method, (b) an exemplary test result in the form of a localized
position of dowels that are shifted significantly beyond the strip with an incised expansion joint.

in each case the dowels are shifted in relation to the axis of the expansion joint, with
one dowel (No. 4) running diagonally. Figure 8.8 also shows that the depth of the
dowels in the vicinity of the expansion joint is in the range of 13−22 cm, and at the
end of the dowel it is in the range of 16−24 cm. As can be seen from Figure 8.8, all
the dowels are not placed in the middle of the thickness of the concrete floor, with
seven of them not being placed horizontally.
Moreover, the test results shown in Figure 8.8 document the exemplary views of
the fragments of the tested concrete floor presented in Figure 8.9. The fragments
include the area near the expansion joint, and also the area at the end of dowels
3, 5, and 10.

FIGURE 8.8  View of: (a) the upper surface of the tested concrete floor with the locations of
steel dowels marked on it − localized using the ultrasonic tomography method, (b) a sketch of
the dowel arrangement in the floor in the top view and a sketch of the dowel arrangement in
the cross-section of the concrete floor.
70 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 8.9  View of the images obtained with an ultrasonic tomograph on a fragment of
the concrete floor near the expansion joint and at the end of the steel dowels: (a) no. 3, (b) no. 5,
(c) no. 10.
The Diagnosis of Dowelled Concrete Floors 71

The last step of the developed test methodology is to validate the results of the
tests of the correct distribution of the steel dowels in the cross-section of the con-
crete floor, which were obtained non-destructively using the ultrasonic tomography
method. This validation is conducted by randomly making control exposures.

In dowelled concrete floors, serious damage occurs relatively often, preventing safe
use and reducing durability. They are the result of significant hidden defects aris-
ing at the execution stage. In this chapter, these disadvantages have been indicated,
discussed and supported by exemplary results from the author’s own experience.
This chapter also includes the developed original methodology of non-destructive
performance of these defects, enriched with credible examples of results from own
research. This methodology can be useful both in diagnosing dowelled concrete
floors already in use as well as in tests of newly made floors during their quality
acceptance before putting into use.

1. Jung, Y.S., & Zollinger, D.G. (2011). New laboratory-based mechanistic–empirical
model for faulting in jointed concrete pavement. Transportation research record,
2226(1), 60–70.
2. Khazanovich, L., Darter, M.I., & Yu, H.T. (2004). Mechanistic-empirical model to pre-
dict transverse joint faulting. Transportation research record, 1896(1), 34–45.
3. Bakhsh, K.N., & Zollinger, D. (2014). Faulting prediction model for design of con-
crete pavement structures. In Pavement materials, structures, and performance
(pp. 327–342).
4. Seruga, A., Seruga, T., & Juliszewski, L. (2011). Dowels in concrete road surfaces
(in Polish). Czasopismo Techniczne. Budownictwo, 108, 113–134.
5. Maitra, S.R., Reddy, K.S., & Ramachandra, L.S. (2009). Load transfer characteristics of
dowel bar system in jointed concrete pavement. Journal of transportation engineering,
135(11), 813–821.
6. Szydło, A. (2004). Cement concrete road pavements (in Polish). Kraków: Polski
7. Choi, S., Ha, S., & Won, M.C. (2011). Horizontal cracking of continuously reinforced
concrete pavement under environmental loadings. Construction and building materials,
25(11), 4250–4262.
9 The Diagnostics
of Stone Floors

Concrete floors in large representative commercial and public facilities (Figure 9.1)
are usually finished with stone slabs (most often marble or granite) that are laid on a
cement substrate [1–4]. The dimensions of the slabs can be large, even up to 1000 ×
1000 mm, with their thickness being from 30 to 50 mm. The technology of making
floors from such slabs seems to be simple. The slabs are placed on the substrate,
which is a layer of cement mortar with a moist consistency, and the substrate is
located on a concrete substrate, which is, for example, a ceiling slab. Immediately
after laying the mortar and it being levelled, cement laitance is gradually and
evenly spread on the surface of the fresh substrate, constituting the bonding layer.
On the prepared substrate, stone slabs are immediately laid and levelled.
Figure 9.2 summarizes the most important technological and technical require-
ments for the implementation of concrete floors with a top layer made of stone slabs.
In construction practice, there are cases where newly made concrete floors with a
top layer made of stone slabs are seriously damaged after short-term use. This damage
manifests itself in the form of:

• cracks (breaking) of plates,

• chipping off of corners, and
• chipping edges.

These damages can be considered typical and are usually caused by:

• local deficiencies of the cement mortar that constitutes the substrate under
the stone slabs and its lack of levelling,
• not spreading the cement laitance over the entire surface of the cementitious
substrate, and
• too small thickness in relation to the designed thickness of the stone slabs.

Cracked stone slabs and slabs with broken corners and jagged edges not only reduce
the aesthetic value, but also the durability and safety of using the floor.


When diagnosing damaged concrete floors that have the top layer made of stone
slabs, local deficiencies in the cement mortar under the stone slabs, and their lack
of alignment, are very often found. This irregularity results in cracking of the stone

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-9 73
74 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 9.1  Sample views of the surface of concrete floors that have the top layer made of
stone slabs.

FIGURE 9.2  Summary of the most important requirements for the implementation of con-
crete floors that have the top layer made of stone slabs.
The Diagnostics of Stone Floors 75

FIGURE 9.3  The mechanism of cracking of stone slabs during operation as a result of:
(a) a local lack of cement mortar under the slab and its lack of alignment resulting in a “point”
support of the slab, (b) a lack of cement mortar under the slab in the corner area, resulting in
a cantilever support of the slab corners.

slabs due to their “point” support during operation, as well as due to a “point” load
caused by, for example, a wheel of a freight trolley. The cracking mechanism is
explained in Figure 9.3(a). When there is no mortar in the area of the slab corner,
the loaded corner becomes a support, which then breaks off during operation. The
mechanism of this damage is explained in Figure 9.3(b). It is important that this
mechanical damage is not repairable. A troublesome replacement of such damaged
boards with new ones is required, because, as was stated in Figure 9.2, cracks in
the stone slabs are not allowed.
For example, Figure 9.4 shows a view of typical damage (formed during the use
of the floor) in the form of a stone slab fracture in the middle of its span due to its

FIGURE 9.4  View of typical cracks formed in the exploited concrete floor that has the top
layer made of stone slabs: (a) in the middle of the span of the stone slab due to its “point” sup-
port, (b) in the corner of the stone slab due to its cantilever support.
76 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

Examples of the Average Values of Strength Parameters Obtained in the
Authors’ Own Research [5] for Marble Stone Slabs When Compared to
the Values Required
The Tested The Required Value of
The value of the Strength Parameter
Strength the Strength Parameter
Obtained on the Basis of Tests
Parameter of the Along and Across the
Stone Slab Along the Split Line Across the Split Line Split Line

Flexural strength 12.2 MPa 12.2 MPa 13.8 MPa

“point” support, and a corner of the stone slab breaking off due to its cantilever
These cracks may also be the result of the accumulation of irregularities in
the preparation of the cement substrate that has a lower flexural strength than the
required values of the flexural strength of the stone slabs. Examples of average
values of the flexural strength of stone slabs obtained on the basis of own research
[5] for a floor made of marble slabs, in comparison with the requirements, are
summarized in Table 9.1. The flexural strength was determined in accordance with
the standard [6]. Twenty-four samples were used for the tests, 12 of which were cut
along the split line (flexural load perpendicular to the anisotropy plane), with the
remaining 12 samples being cut across the split line (flexural load parallel to the
anisotropy plane).
When commenting on the results in Table 9.1, it should be noted that the average
value of the flexural strength of the tested slab samples in the bending strength test
is 12.2 MPa both along and across the interfacing line, which is lower by more than
13% than the required value. This means that due to their too low flexural strength,
they are more susceptible to mechanical damage caused by point loads.
Chipping of the edges of individual stone slabs is also a problem that is trouble-
some to remove. An example of such a typical failure is shown in Figure 9.5. These
chipped edges usually arise as a result of the passage of various types of transport,
both during construction and use. The cause of their formation is the same as in the
case of the breaking off of the corners (Figure 9.3). Chipped plates must be replaced
with new ones, in the same way as cracked slabs or slabs with broken corners must
also be replaced.
In the case of concrete floors that have the top layer made of stone slabs, a very
frequent technological irregularity is the lack of spreading of the cement laitance
over the entire surface of the cement substrate. The importance of this treatment
for the quality and durability of these floors is not appreciated by contractors or
technical supervision. The cement laitance is a bonding layer and determines the
proper bonding of stone slabs with the cement substrate. If this combination is
absent, delamination forms in its place. This promotes cracking of the plates dur-
ing operation, meaning that the required durability and safety of the floor in use
The Diagnostics of Stone Floors 77

FIGURE 9.5  View of a chipped edge of a stone slab [5].

will not be sufficient. For this reason, before quality acceptance and the commis-
sioning of floors that have stone slabs, this combination should be unconditionally
Another observed problem with these floors is sometimes the thickness of the
stone slabs being too small in relation to the designed thickness. For example,
the results presented in Figure 9.6 show (for a floor investigated by the authors
[5]) that the thickness of the stone slabs, which should be 30 mm, is too small.
It is in the range between 19.8 and 20.5 mm, and amounts to an average of 20.11
mm, which means a thickness deficiency of almost 30%. Embedding into the
surface layer of the concrete floor with such a large shortage of thickness should
not take place.

FIGURE 9.6  The results of tests of the thickness of stone slabs embedded in the floor.
78 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors


An effective counteraction to the occurrence of the above-mentioned dam-
age to stone slabs that constitute the top layer of concrete floors is to prevent
the causes of their formation. The original two-stage methodology of control
and research, which was developed by the authors, may be useful for this pur-
pose. This original methodology for testing concrete floors that have the top
layer made of stone slabs is shown graphically in Figures 9.7−9.9, and is also
described below. Figure 9.7 shows an overview, and Figures 9.8 and 9.9 show
a detailed diagram of the methodology. The first stage of this methodology is
dedicated to the execution stage of the floor, while the second stage is useful
when testing before the technical acceptance that allows floors to be used and
to be diagnosed during operation. At this stage, it is recommended to use non-
destructive research methods.
Stage 1 involves checking the implementation of the floors that have the top layer
made of stone slabs (Figure 9.8). The first step in this stage is to check that the thick-
ness of the stone slabs meets the design requirements. This step may be combined
with testing the flexural strength and abrasion of the stone slabs. The next step is to
control the consistency of the cement mixture that is used to make the substrate for
the stone slabs. In accordance with the requirements given in Figure 9.2, this con-
sistency should be moist. Then, using the visual method and with the support of a
non-destructive geodetic method, it is necessary to control the thickness, evenness
and level of the laid layer of cement mortar. The next step is to control the implemen-
tation of the bonding layer of cement laitance using a direct visual method, and then
to control the levelling of the laid boards using a non-destructive geodetic method.
The unevenness of the upper surface of the floor is only permissible while main-
taining the upper and lower deviation. The next step is to control the execution of
expansion joints in terms of maintaining the appropriate size of the dilated field,

FIGURE 9.7  General diagram illustrating the developed methodology of testing concrete
floors that have the top layer made of stone slabs.
The Diagnostics of Stone Floors 79

FIGURE 9.8  Methodology of performance control and tests at the execution stage of con-
crete floors that have the top layer made of stone slabs − stage 1.

the length of the dilated field, and the proportions of the sides of the dilated field.
Then, the expansion joint widths should be tested using the direct visual method,
followed by filling them with a permanently elastic mass and masking them with
metal system profiles.
Stage 2 includes tests after the floor has been made and before technical
acceptance that allows it to be used, as well tests of already operated and diag-
nosed floors (Figure 9.9). The first step in stage 2 is a rough quality control of
the bonding between the stone slabs and the cement substrate. Such control can
be executed using the tapping method, for example, with a wooden element mov-
ing along one direction, and in selected areas that raise doubts. In places where
80 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 9.9  Methodology of testing concrete floors that have the top layer made of stone
slabs − stage 2.
The Diagnostics of Stone Floors 81

FIGURE 9.10  Non-destructive investigation of the bonding of the stone slabs with the
cement substrate using the impulse response method: (a) conducting research, (b) close-up
of the research site.

noise is heard, it should be suspected that the cement mortar is not bonding with
the stone slabs.
The questionable areas (fields) should then be subjected to non-destructive
testing using impulse response and impact-echo methods. First, the impulse
response method should be used and a grid of measurement points at a distance
of 1000 mm should be applied to this area of the floor. At individual test points,
the elastic wave should be excited with a special hammer with a rubber tip. The
elastic wave should be recorded with a geophone and the values of the param-
eters of the average mobility Nav and the dynamic stiffness Kd should be deter-
mined (Figure 9.10). On the basis of the obtained results, maps of the distribution
of the values of these parameters on the surface of the tested part of the floor
should be prepared (Figure 9.11).
The prepared maps should then be analysed, and fragments of the floor in
which the parameter of the average mobility Nav and dynamic stiffness Kd have
a low value should be selected. The local increase in the value of the average
mobility Nav parameter on the analysed map, and the accompanying low value
of the dynamic stiffness Kd parameter mean that the floor is susceptible to
“sagging”, which may indicate a lack of bonding between the layers and the
presence of delamination at the interface between the cement substrate and the
stone slabs.
Then, the selected fragments should be tested using the non-destructive impact-
echo method (Figure 9.12). These tests should be carried out with the mesh of points
densified to 100 mm. Examples of test results in one of such points are illustrated in
Figure 9.13. In the amplitude-frequency spectra shown in this figure, one can distin-
guish the dominant frequency f T corresponding to the thickness of the element (total
thickness of the concrete slab, cement base and stone slab), and also the frequency
f D corresponding to the reflection of the elastic wave from the delamination between
the stone slabs and the cement substrate. On the basis of these tests, it is necessary
to indicate those fragments where there is no bonding of the stone slabs with the
cement substrate.
Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors
FIGURE 9.11  The results of non-destructive tests obtained with the impulse response method, in the form of parameter
distribution maps: (a) average mobility Nav, (b) dynamic stiffness Kd.
The Diagnostics of Stone Floors 83

FIGURE 9.12  Non-destructive tests of the bonding of the stone slabs with the cement sub-
strate using the non-destructive impact-echo method.

In order to validate the non-destructive test results, a control section should be

made by disassembling one of the boards from the floor, as shown in Figure 9.14.
If a floor in use is the subject of the research, then as part of its diagnostics, flex-
ural strength tests of its stone slabs should be performed on the basis of randomly

FIGURE 9.13  Examples of the amplitude-frequency spectra of an elastic wave recorded

using the non-destructive impact-echo method: (a) indicating the presence of delamination
at the interface between the stone slab and the substrate, (b) in the absence of delamination.
84 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 9.14  View of the control section confirming a lack of bonding, which was investi-
gated on the basis of non-destructive tests: (a) unevenness of the cement substrate and a lack
of cement laitance, (b) strong sporulation of the substrate mortar.

taken samples from the floor. According to [6], the flexural strength should
first be determined. For this purpose, three fragments of slabs (possibly three
whole slabs) should be taken for testing. Afterwards, in order to conduct flexural
strength tests, at least three samples should be cut from the slabs: 120−150 mm
long, 50−60 mm wide, and with a thickness equal to the thickness of the floor.
The increase of the destructive force during the flexural strength tests should
amount to 0.25 MPa/s. From the taken fragments of the floor, at least three sam-
ples − with a length of 71 mm, a width of 71 mm, and a height equal to the thick-
ness of the top layer of the floor − should also be prepared in order to test their
abrasion resistance according to [7].

This chapter, devoted to the diagnosis of concrete floors that have the top layer
made of stone slabs, illustrates the damage that stone slabs often suffer after a
short-term use. The causes and mechanisms of these damages were explained,
and examples of own research were presented. In order to counteract the occur-
rence of damage, the authors proposed a methodology for checking the execution
of these floors and testing of newly-made floors as part of technical acceptance
before they are allowed to use. This methodology is also useful in diagnosing
exploited floors.

1. Nicoletti, G.M., Notarnicola, B., & Tassielli, G. (2002). Comparative life cycle assess-
ment of flooring materials: Ceramic versus marble tiles. Journal of cleaner production,
10(3), 283–296.
2. Springfield, J. (2004). Use of clay tiles in floor and wall construction. Practice periodi-
cal on structural design and construction, 9(1), 2–4.
3. Carrino, L., Polini, W., & Turchetta, S. (2002). An automatic visual system for marble
tile classification. Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part b. Jour-
nal of engineering manufacture, 216(8), 1095–1108.
The Diagnostics of Stone Floors 85

4. Stainton, S. (1980). The care of floors and floor coverings. Studies in conservation,
25(1), 44–46.
5. Hoła, J., Sadowski, Ł., & Nowacki, A. (2019). Analysis of the causes of cracks in mar-
ble slabs in a large-surface floor of a representative commercial facility. Engineering
failure analysis, 97, 1–9.
6. EN 12372:2007, Natural stone test methods – Determination of flexural strength under
concentrated load.
7. EN 14157:2017, Natural stone test methods – Determination of the abrasion resistance
10 The Diagnostics of
Concrete Industrial

Currently, industrial floors are made in the form of a concrete or reinforced concrete
slab, with the upper surface finished either by rubbing or with the use of various
types of toppings [1–3]. Such floors are widely used in large-scale industrial and
warehouse facilities, of which more and more have recently been built. Concrete
reinforced with steel fibres, and reinforcement bars, is used to make these floors.
Diffuse reinforcement and rebars are also used [4–7]. There is no doubt that the
entire process of making concrete industrial floors should comply with the condi-
tions and requirements specified by the designer − there is then a guarantee that the
concrete industrial floor will meet the requirements set for it [8]. The most important
of these requirements is given in Figure 10.1.
In construction practice, there are numerous cases of industrial concrete floors
that are defective and significantly damaged after short-term use. This lowers their
durability and safety of use, leading to their shutdown. When diagnosing these
floors, the following can often be found:

• too small thickness in relation to the designed thickness, which is an invis-

ible defect,
• the occurrence of unacceptable cracks,
• the presence of unacceptable hairline and mesh cracks on the surface,
• too low strength parameters in relation to those required.

According to the authors, the formation of these defects is mainly due to the lack
of methodical control of the floors during their execution, which means that the
requirements, listed in Figure 10.1, are not met.


As mentioned in Section 10.1, the thickness of an industrial concrete floor is often
found to be too small in relation to its designed thickness. For example, Figure 10.3
shows example of research results that prove the existence of this kind of defect in
one of the floors investigated by the authors Figure 10.2. As shown in Figure 10.3, its
thickness, which should be 180 mm, falls within the range between 139 and 193 mm,

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-10 87
88 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 10.1  Summary of the most important requirements for the implementation of con-
crete industrial floors.

depending on the test site, and on average amounts to 161.62 mm. This means that,
in extreme cases, the thickness deficiency is significant and amounts to about 23%,
with the average thickness deficiency being over 11%.
According to Figure 10.1, the occurrence of cracks in an industrial concrete floor
is not allowed. This defect may be the result of, inter alia, the incorrect shape of
expansion joints made, for example, of the columns from the floor. For example,
The Diagnostics of Concrete Industrial Floors 89

FIGURE 10.2  General view of an industrial concrete floor tested by the authors.

Figure 10.4 shows how the correct expansion should be performed, and also how the
incorrect expansion was performed.
Cracks are also the result of the improper execution of cut expansion joints, i.e.,
making the joints too late, too large expansion fields, too long expansion fields,
exceeding the recommended maximum proportions of the sides of the expanded
field, a too small depth of the cut expansion joints. The expansion joints made in
this way do not play an antispasmodic role. Examples of these abnormalities are
illustrated in Figure 10.5.

FIGURE 10.3  The results of measuring the thickness of an industrial concrete floor: (a) view
of one of the core samples taken from the floor for testing, (b) the results of the measurement.
90 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 10.4  Separation of a column in a concrete industrial floor: (a) correct, in the form
of A cut slit (“diamond” form), (b) incorrect, causing the floor to crack, (c) close-up of the
resulting crack.

FIGURE 10.5 Effects of the improper incision of antispasmodic expansion slots in the con-
crete floor: (a) too shallow depth of the cut expansion joint, (b) cracks due to exceeding the
maximum proportions of the sides of the dilatation field, (c) multi-directional cracks caused
by the lack of cut slots, (d) crack perpendicular to the cut expansion joint caused by exceeding
the size of the dilated field.
The Diagnostics of Concrete Industrial Floors 91

FIGURE 10.6  General and close-up view of unacceptable local abrasions on the surface.

Figures 10.6 and 10.7, on the other hand, show an exemplary view of unaccept-
able local abrasions and hairline and mesh cracks in concrete floors, which result in
generally reduced near-surface tensile strength and increased abrasion.
By diagnosing industrial concrete floors, it can be concluded that they are very
often characterized by a too low compressive strength of concrete. This statement
is related especially to the upper zone of the floor. Based on [9], Figure 10.8 shows

FIGURE 10.7  View of unacceptable hairline and mesh scratches on the surface.
92 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 10.8  A test result of the compressive strength of concrete along the thickness of a
concrete industrial floor determined by the non-destructive ultrasonic method.

exemplary test results of the course of the compressive strength of concrete along the
thickness of an industrial concrete floor obtained with the use of the non-destructive
ultrasonic method. In Figure 10.8, the required average compressive strength of
25 MPa and the average strength of 23.3 MPa obtained from the tests are marked
with vertical lines. Moreover, the non-vertical continuous line shows the com-
pressive strength determined on the basis of non-destructive ultrasonic tests, and
also the developed correlation relationship − as mentioned earlier in Chapter 3.
It shows that up to a depth of about 50 mm (counting from the top surface of the
industrial concrete floor), the compressive strength of the concrete is lower than
the required strength. This strength is drastically too low in the 20 mm-thick
upper zone of the floor.


As mentioned in Section 10.1, the formation of defects in concrete industrial floors
is mainly due to the lack of methodological and effective control of their imple-
mentation. In order to counteract this, the authors (based on their own experience)
have developed an original three-stage methodology, which is not only useful when
testing prior to the commencement of constructing a concrete industrial floor newly
made floors, during the construction of a concrete industrial floor, before handing
them over for use, but also when diagnosing already used floors. This methodology
was developed while taking into account useful non-destructive testing methods.
The Diagnostics of Concrete Industrial Floors 93

FIGURE 10.9  General scheme of the methodology of testing concrete industrial floors.

The developed original methodology is shown graphically in Figures 10.9−10.11, and

described below. Figure 10.9 shows an overview, and Figures 10.10 and 10.11 show a
detailed diagram of the methodology.
Stage 1 consists of tests prior to commencing the production of an industrial con-
crete floor (Figure 10.10). In this stage, it is necessary to check whether the building
has built-in window and door joinery. Building in the woodwork is necessary because
it prevents the formation of so-called drafts, which result in rapid evaporation of water
from the concrete mixture. Next, the temperature and relative air humidity in the facility
should be checked, which, according to the requirements given in Figure 10.1, should

FIGURE 10.10  Methodology of testing concrete industrial floors – stage 1.

94 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 10.11  Methodology of testing concrete industrial floors − stage 2.

be in the range of +10°C to +25°C for temperature, and 65%−95% for humidity.
The last step in this stage is to test the testing of the compaction quality of the
subfloor under the floor and the evenness and level of its upper surface with a non-
destructive geodetic method.
Stage 2 consists of tests during the construction of the industrial concrete floor
(Figure 10.11). The first step in this stage is to control the consistency of the concrete
mix required in the design. Next, the required thickness of the flexible material used
to form the perimeter expansion joints should be checked by a direct visual method.
Then, while laying the concrete mix, the thickness of the laid concrete layer and the
evenness of the top surface of the concrete industrial floor should be successively
checked (controlled) using a non-destructive geodetic method. The unevenness of the
upper surface is acceptable within the permissible upper and lower deviation, the val-
ues of which are given in Figure 10.1. However, the level of the top surface must be as
designed. The next step is to control the incised antispasmodic expansion slits in terms
The Diagnostics of Concrete Industrial Floors 95

FIGURE 10.12  View: (a) of the process of cutting the expansion joint, (b) testing the depth
of the cut anti-contraction expansion joint using the direct visual method.

of: their completion date, maintaining the appropriate size of the dilated field, the
length of the dilated field, and the aspect ratio of the dilated field. The depth and width
of these fissures should then be tested using the direct visual method (Figure 10.12).
After performing these tests and confirming the correctness of the expansion joints,
it is possible to fill these joints with elastic material.
When diagnosing an existing industrial concrete floor, which is characterized
by filled expansion joints, the depth of these joints can be examined using the
non-destructive ultrasound or impact-echo method, which excludes the occurrence
of the damage of the filling in many places. In tests carried out with the ultra-
sonic method, an ultrasonic probe with cylindrical heads is used for this purpose
(Figure 10.13). First, the ultrasonic heads should be set on the floor surface with
a spacing of 400 mm in a place with no visible cut expansion gaps and cracks.
Afterwards, the time in which the ultrasonic wave in the concrete passes from
the transmitting to the receiving head should be measured in order to determine
its speed. The heads should then be set at the same spacing, but at a distance of
200 mm from each head to the cut expansion joint, in order to determine the depth
of the expansion joint.
Stage 3 includes the tests of the concrete industrial floor (Figure 10.14) before
it is put into use, or on the existing floor to be diagnosed. The first diagnostic
step in stage 3 is thickness control using non-destrictive ultrasonic tomography
(Figure 10.15). Testing with this method should be carried out in the same way as
described in Chapter 8.
Then, the evaluation of the near-surface tensile strength of the industrial concrete
floor should be carried out using the non-destructive pull-off method in randomly
96 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 10.13  Examination of the depth of a cut expansion joint using the ultrasonic
method in an industrial concrete floor.

made places. The test should begin with the selection of representative measure-
ment sites and preparation of the surface. In each of these places, an incision at least
15 mm deep in the floor should be made, where a steel measuring disc with a diam-
eter of 50 mm is then placed. The disc should then be detached from the floor, and
the tensile strength value should be determined next to the surface.
The depth of cracks in the industrial concrete floor, if there are any, should be
examined using the non-destructive ultrasonic method in accordance with the meth-
odology provided in stage 2 for testing the depth of cut antispasmodic expansion
Then, a minimum of six core samples with a diameter of 150 mm and a height
equal to the thickness of the floor should be obtained from the concrete floor in order
to test the compressive strength of the concrete along the thickness of the floor. In
addition, a small piece of concrete must be cut to obtain at least three specimens
71 mm long, 71 mm wide, and as high as the thickness of the industrial concrete floor
in order to test the abrasion in accordance with the standard [10]. In the case of newly
constructed floors, all tests should be performed after 28 days.
For ultrasonic testing of core samples, it is proposed to use an ultrasonic probe
with special exponential heads with a frequency of 40 kHz and point contact with
the tested surface, with measuring points being placed on the side surfaces of the
samples with a spacing of 5 mm (Figure 10.16).
After performing ultrasonic tests, the core samples should be cut so that their
height is 150 mm, and then subjected to compressive strength tests in a testing
machine. Based on the performed ultrasonic tests, a correlation relationship (or pos-
sibly a hypothetical relationship from the literature) should be developed for the
The Diagnostics of Concrete Industrial Floors 97

FIGURE 10.14  Methodology of testing concrete industrial floors – stage 3.

concrete embedded in the industrial floor under test between the longitudinal ultra-
sonic wave velocity and the compressive strength, as described in Chapter 3. This
relationship will be used to identify the value of the compressive strength of the
concrete along the thickness of the tested floor (see Figure 10.8). The compressive
strength in the upper zone of the industrial concrete floor should not be less than 10%
when compared to that in the middle zone. Abrasion tests should be performed in
accordance with the standard [10]. The abrasion test involves measuring the change
in height and weight of a cubic sample with a side of 71 mm. The sample is placed on
a disc sprinkled with abrasive powder, and is then pressed and put into rotation with
the help of a grinding machine [10].
Finally, it should be added that the compressive strength, near-surface tensile
strength, and abrasion resistance of the industrial concrete floor should not be less
than those required by the floor designer.
98 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 10.15  Exemplary tests of the thickness of the industrial concrete floor using the
non-destructive ultrasonic tomography method: (a) conducting research, (b) current analysis
of the obtained results (imaging), (c) exemplary imaging of fragments of the industrial con-
crete floor with a thickness of about 200 mm, (d) exemplary imaging of fragments of the floor
with a thickness of about 160 mm.

The defectiveness of industrial floors commonly used in industrial and warehouse
facilities in many cases results in their exclusion from use in order to perform the
necessary repairs. This chapter lists and discusses common disadvantages of these
floors, illustrating them with examples from civil engineering practice and giving
reasons for their occurrence. It was pointed out that the lack of effective control of
the execution of floors had a large share in the formation of these defects. In order to
counteract this shortcoming, the authors, based on their own experience acquired in
The Diagnostics of Concrete Industrial Floors 99

FIGURE 10.16  View of the core sample tested using the ultrasonic method with the use of
exponential heads.

construction practice, have developed and included in this chapter an original meth-
odology that is also useful in non-destructive testing of newly built floors before they
are put into use and in diagnosing already used floors.

1. Mynarčík, P. (2013). Technology and trends of concrete industrial floors. Procedia
engineering, 65, 107–112.
2. Hedebratt, J. (2012). Industrial fibre concrete floors. TRITA-BKN. Bulletin, 113, 90.
3. Marushchak, U.D., Sydor, N.I., Braichenko, S.P., Margal, I.V., & Soltysik, R.A. (2019,
December). Modified fiber reinforced concrete for industrial floors. IOP conference
series: Materials science and engineering, 708(1), 012094.
4. Neal, F.R. (2002). Concrete industrial ground floors. London, UK: Thomas Telford
5. Vitt, G. (2003). Steel fibre concrete industrial floors. In International RILEM workshop
on test and design methods for steelfibre reinforced concrete (pp. 201–208). RILEM
Publications SARL.
6. Tatnall, P.C., & Kuitenbouwer, L. (1992). Steel fiber reinforced concrete in industrial
floors. Concrete international, 14(12), 43–47.
7. Silfwerbrand, J.L., & Farhang, A.A. (2014). Reducing crack risk in industrial concrete
floors. ACI materials journal, 111(6), 681.
8. Medeliene, V., & Žiogas, V.A. (2010). Making solutions for choosing industrial con-
crete floors and expedience of reliability evaluation. Journal of civil engineering and
management, 16(3), 320–331.
9. Stawiski, B., & Radzik, Ł. (2017, October). Need to identify parameters of concrete in
the weakest zone of the industrial floor. IOP conference series: Materials science and
engineering, 245, 2, p. 022063.
10. EN 13892-3 Methods of test for screed materials – Part 3: Determination of wear resist-
ance - Böhme.
11 The Diagnostics
of Polyurethane-
Cement Floors

Polyurethane-cement composites are more and more commonly used to make the top
layer of concrete industrial floors [1–5]. This is the case in large-scale facilities where it
is required to ensure a higher standard in terms of hygienic conditions [6, 7]. An exam-
ple of such facilities are warehouses for medical and food products, etc. As a rule, these
composites are characterized by a material composition that is prepared and controlled
in factory conditions [8]. In this way, the consistency of the composition is ensured, and
possible errors in the dosing of the composite components are limited to a minimum.
Afterwards, under construction conditions, the process of laying the resulting mixture
is carried out after the previous mixing of the dry ingredients with polyurethane resin.
This process should comply with the conditions and requirements specified by the man-
ufacturer, because then the floor is guaranteed to meet the technical requirements for
such floors [9–13]. The most important of these requirements are given in Figure 11.1.
Bearing in mind Chapter 10, which is devoted to the diagnostics of industrial con-
crete floors, an attempt was made in this chapter to not duplicate what was written
there. In relation to top layers made of polyurethane-cement composites, a frequent
disadvantage is the lack of compliance of the thickness with the designed thickness.
As a rule, this thickness is too small, and often considerably, which results in wear-
ing out in a shorter time than that assumed. Another important disadvantage is the
susceptibility to the formation on the surface of the top layer of local abrasions and
dark discolorations, local roughening, and even deep damage reaching up to the con-
crete substrate. The amount of this damage increases with the period of operation.
The consequence of this significant disadvantage is not only the deterioration or loss
of the “hygienic” standard, but most of all the significantly reduced durability of the
top layer made of polyurethane-cement composite.


In line with what was said above, the disadvantage of many concrete industrial floors
with a polyurethane-cement top layer is that the thickness of the top layer is too
small in relation to the designed one. Such problems are found during the diagnosis
of these floors. An example can be seen in one of the large-area floors investigated
by the authors (Figure 11.2), from which core samples were taken for testing. Based

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-11 101

102 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 11.1  Summary of the most important requirements for concrete industrial floors
with a polyurethane-cement top layer.
The Diagnostics of Polyurethane-Cement Floors 103

FIGURE 11.2  View: (a) general view of the diagnosed floor, (b) numerous local floor
abrasions [14].

on measurements using the geometric method, it was found that the thickness of the
polyurethane-cement top layer in this floor is in the range from 3.03 mm to 4.46 mm
(average 3.83 mm), which is a shortage of 23.4% in relation to the thickness design of
5 mm. Such a large shortage of thickness prevents the floor from being approved for
use. The results are illustrated by the diagram presented in Figure 11.3. The reason
for this defect is the contractor’s unreliability and the lack of effective control by the
technical supervision at the execution stage.
Strength parameters of concrete industrial floors with a polyurethane-cement top
layer, such as the compressive strength of the concrete substrate and, above all, the
pull-off strength of the top layer and its abrasion, are not tolerated to be lower than
those required. Figure 11.4 shows an example of the damaged surface of the top
layer due to reduced abrasion resistance, and also an example of a local loss of the

FIGURE 11.3  Results of measurements of the thickness of the polyurethane-cement top

layer in the tested industrial concrete floor.
104 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 11.4  Examples: (a) local loss of the polyurethane-cement top layer, which is char-
acteristic for places with a reduced pull-off strength to the concrete substrate, (b) a worn top
polyurethane-cement layer due to its reduced abrasion.

polyurethane-cement top layer. Such a loss is characteristic for places with a reduced
resistance to detachment from the concrete substrate. The reason for the reduced
pull-off strength, either locally or over the entire surface, is usually the failure of the
concrete substrate and the primer requirements, including, in particular, the lack of
full quartz sand sprinkles (detailed in Figure 11.1). Civil engineering practice also
shows that a possible cause is a lack of primer on the concrete substrate. Effective
technical supervision can eliminate these causes. On the other hand, the causes of
reduced abrasion resistance may be caused by many things, for example, incorrect
dosing of the polyurethane resin with the dry ingredients, and the failure to meet
the required conditions (given in Figure 11.1) for starting the production of the floor.
As shown in Figure 11.1, industrial concrete floors with a polyurethane-cement
top layer are characterized by resistance to thermal shock of up to +70°C. This
should be understood as a lack of such resistance at higher temperatures. However, in
practice, and also during use, in many buildings the temperature of +70°C in the top
layer is exceeded. The lack of resistance to temperatures above +70°C is manifested
by the formation of both abrasions and dark discoloration on the surface, and also
local roughness and burns of the surface of the top layer, as illustrated in Figure 11.5.
This happens when the wheels of driving forklifts move on the floor.

FIGURE 11.5  View of damage in the form of abrasions and dark discoloration as a result of
overburning of the polyurethane-cement layer.
The Diagnostics of Polyurethane-Cement Floors 105

TABLE 11.1
Sample Results of the Pull-off Strength of the Polyurethane-Cement
Top Layer from the Concrete Substrate after the Forklift Drive Wheel
Spinning Test

The Value of the Pull-off The Value of the Pull-off Percentage Decrease in the
Strength fb Directly at the Place Strength fb Next to the Place Value of the Pull-off Strength fb
of the Spinning Test of the Where the Forklift Drive Wheel at the Point of Spinning of the
Forklift Drive Wheel Spinning Test was Performed Forklift Drive Wheel
1.22 MPa 1.68 MPa 28.17 %

This has been proven on the basis of the authors’ research (conducted during
attempts to spin the wheels of these forklifts) described in [14], which undoubtedly
shows that after just 3 seconds of the forklift drive wheel spinning, regardless of
whether it is loaded or not, the surface temperature of concrete industrial floors with
a polyurethane-cement top layer is very quickly close to 70°C. After 9 seconds it is
almost 100°C, and after 12 seconds it is over 120°C. There is an unequivocal conclu-
sion from this that floor with a polyurethane-cement top layer should be used in such
a way that there is no spinning of the wheels of the means of transport that travel over
them. This should be strictly specified in the user manual.
The consequence of the damage caused by the lack of resistance to thermal shock
exceeding the temperature of 70°C on the floor surface is the reduction of the pull-
off strength of the polyurethane-cement top layer to the concrete substrate in the
damaged places, which was demonstrated on the basis of tests, the results of which
are presented in Table 11.1.
As shown in Table 11.1, the consequence of local abrasions and burns on the
top polyurethane-cement layer is a significant loss of its pull-off strength, reaching
almost 30%, compared to the pull-off strength determined in the undamaged parts of
the top layer. This results in wear of the top layer similar to that shown in Figure 11.1.


Following the example of previous chapters in this chapter, an original methodology
for testing industrial concrete floors with a polyurethane-cement top layer has also
been developed. It is shown graphically in Figures 11.6−11.8, and is described below.
Figure 11.6 shows a general diagram, and Figures 11.7 and 11.8 show a detailed
diagram of the methodology. This methodology may be useful not only for newly
constructed floors, but also for floors diagnosed during operation.
Stage 1 includes tests prior to commencing the production of an industrial con-
crete floor with a polyurethane-cement top layer (Figure 11.7). It is necessary to
check whether the building has built-in window and door joinery. Then, the tempera-
ture and relative air humidity in the building should be measured, which, according
to the requirements given in Figure 11.1, should be in the range from +10°C to +45°C
106 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 11.6  General diagram illustrating the methodology of testing industrial concrete
floors with a polyurethane-cement top layer.

for temperature and up to 65% for humidity. The next step is to test the tempera-
ture and bulk moisture content of the concrete substrate on which the polyurethane-
cement top layer will be laid. According to Figure 11.1, it is usually required that
the substrate temperature is in the range of +10°C to +40°C, and the bulk moisture
content is not higher than 4%. Then, using a non-destructive geodetic method, the
level and evenness of the upper surface of the concrete substrate should be checked.
Unevenness of this surface is acceptable, but only with the admissible upper and
lower deviation. Typically, they total a maximum of 6 mm. If these conditions are
met, the polyurethane-cement top layer can be laid.

FIGURE 11.7  Methodology of testing concrete industrial floors with a polyurethane-

cement top layer − stage 1.
The Diagnostics of Polyurethane-Cement Floors 107

FIGURE 11.8  Methodology of testing concrete industrial floors with a polyurethane-

cement top layer − stage 2.

The first diagnostic step in stage 2 (Figure 11.8) is to test the evenness of the
floor using the geodetic method, and then to conduct the bond testing of the poly-
urethane-cement top layer with the concrete substrate using the impact-echo or
ultrasonic method (Figure 11.9). In newly constructed floors, tests of the bonding
of the top layer with the substrate should be performed 7 days after the top layer
has been made.
The next step is to determine the pull-off strength of a concrete industrial floor
with a polyurethane-cement top layer using the semi-destructive pull-off method in
randomly made places. In the case of newly constructed floors, these tests should be
carried out after 28 days, as described in Chapter 12 in Stage 3. The depth of cracks
in the floor, if there are any, should then be examined using the non-destructive ultra-
sonic or impact-echo method in accordance with the methodology given in Chapter 10
in Stage 2 concerning the examination of the depth of cut antispasmodic expansion
108 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 11.9  Tests of the bonding of the polyurethane-cement top layer with the concrete
substrate using: (a) impact-echo method, (b) ultrasonic method.

Then, at least three core samples with a diameter of 150 mm should be taken from
the floor to test the compressive strength of the concrete substrate. At least three
small fragments of the floor should also be taken. From the obtained fragments,
samples that are 71 mm long, 71 mm wide, and 71 mm high should be obtained in
order to test the abrasion resistance of the top polyurethane-cement layer in accor-
dance with the standard [15]. The compressive strength of the concrete substrate
and the abrasion resistance of the industrial concrete floor with a top polyurethane-
cement layer should not be lower than those specified by the designer.

This chapter discusses the disadvantages of concrete floors with a polyurethane-
cement top layer. They are illustrated with examples and exemplary research results
taken from my own construction practice. The reasons for the occurrence of these
defects were indicated. Much space has been devoted to one of the significant draw-
backs resulting from improper use of these floors. This chapter also includes the
methodology of testing these floors with the use of non-destructive methods, useful
for newly constructed floors as well as those diagnosed during operation.

1. Ryszkowska, J., Rębiś, J., & Langner, M. (2007). Polyurethane coating for protecting
concrete floors using the system with fillers produced by recycling. Archives of civil
and mechanical engineering, 7(1), 53–60.
2. Carneiro, A.F.B., Daschevi, P.A., Langaro, E.A., Pieralisi, R., & Medeiros, M.H.F.
(2021). Effectiveness of surface coatings in concrete: Chloride penetration and carbon-
ation. Journal of building pathology and rehabilitation, 6(1), 1–8.
3. Hussain, H.K., Liu, G.W., & Yong, Y.W. (2014). Experimental study to investigate
mechanical properties of new material polyurethane–cement composite (PUC). Con-
struction and building materials, 50, 200–208.
4. Das, A., & Mahanwar, P. (2020). A brief discussion on advances in polyurethane appli-
cations. Advanced industrial and engineering polymer research, 3(3), 93–101.
The Diagnostics of Polyurethane-Cement Floors 109

5. Mundo, R.D., Labianca, C., Carbone, G., & Notarnicola, M. (2020). Recent advances in
hydrophobic and icephobic surface treatments of concrete. Coatings, 10(5), 449.
6. Carpentier, B. (2005). Improving the design of floors. In Handbook of hygiene control
in the food industry (pp. 168–184). Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing.
7. Yilin, P., Wenhua, Z., Wanting, Z., & Yunsheng, Z. (2022) Study on the mechanical
behaviors and failure mechanism of polyurethane cement composites under uniaxial
compression and tension. Archives of civil and mechanical engineering, 22, 18. https://
8. Somarathna, H.M.C.C., Raman, S.N., Mohotti, D., Mutalib, A.A., & Badri, K.H. (2018).
The use of polyurethane for structural and infrastructural engineering applications: A
state-of-the-art review. Construction and building materials, 190, 995–1014
9. Maj, M., Ubysz, A., & Tamrazyan, A. (2018). Durability of polyurethane-cement floors.
MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 251, p. 02026). EDP Sciences.
10. Vipulanandan, C., & Liu, J. (2005). Performance of polyurethane-coated concrete in
sewer environment. Cement and concrete research, 35(9), 1754–1763.
11. Somarathna, H.M.C.C., Raman, S.N., Mohotti, D., Mutalib, A.A., & Badri, K.H.
(2021). Behaviour of concrete specimens retrofitted with bio-based polyurethane coat-
ings under dynamic loads. Construction and building materials, 270, 121860.
12. Pan, X., Shi, Z., Shi, C., Ling, T.C., & Li, N. (2017). A review on surface treatment for
concrete–Part 2: Performance. Construction and building materials, 133, 81–90.
13. Almusallam, A.A., Khan, F.M., Dulaijan, S.U., & Al-Amoudi, O.S.B. (2003). Effec-
tiveness of surface coatings in improving concrete durability. Cement and concrete
composites, 25(4−5), 473–481.
14. Sadowski, Ł., Hoła, J., Żak, A., & Chowaniec, A. (2020). Microstructural and mechan-
ical assessment of the causes of failure of floors made of polyurethane-cement compos-
ites. Composite structures, 238, 112002.
15. EN 13892-3 Methods of test for screed materials – Part 3: Determination of wear resist-
ance – Böhme.
12 The Diagnostics of
Cement Screeds

One of the conditions for the flawless execution of cement screeds is compliance
with the technological and technical requirements (established by the designer) con-
tained in the applicable standards [1–6]. The most important of the requirements are
summarized in Figure 12.1.
However, it is also necessary to control the entire production process on an ongo-
ing basis by carrying out technical supervision with the use of non-destructive and
semi-destructive methods [7–10]. For the control of the screeding process to be
effective, it should be methodical. A lack of such control can result in defective
cement screeds. Construction practice shows that the frequent, significant defects of
cement screeds include, first of all, a thickness that is inconsistent with that which
is designed, too low strength parameters in relation to those required, the unaccept-
able occurrence of deep and surface cracks, shallowly cut expansion joints, and no
circumferential expansion from load-bearing walls.


A significant disadvantage that is often found when diagnosing cement screeds is a
thickness that is not in accordance with that which is designed. Let one of the cement
screeds investigated by the authors serve as an example (Figure 12.2). Using the results
shown in Figure 12.3, it was found that the thickness for this screed, which should
be 60 mm, differs in individual rooms of the building and falls within a wide range
of between 28 and 70 mm, meaning that the maximum thickness shortage is over
50% [11].
The strength parameters of cement screeds (such as compressive strength, flexural
strength, and tensile strength) that are lower than those required are not tolerated.
This is often the reason for removing a screed that does not meet these requirements.
In such circumstances, the screed needs to be made it again. Exemplary values of the
mechanical parameters obtained in work [11] for one of the cement screeds shown
in Figure 12.2, in comparison with the requirements given in Figure 12.1, are sum-
marized in Table 12.1.
As was stated in Figure 12.1, the values of all tested strength parameters are
lower than required. On the other hand, the value of the near-surface tensile
strength is definitely too low. This is due to the too low compressive strength of the
upper zone of the screed, which was found on the basis of research. Figure 12.4
shows the course of the compressive strength of the cement mortar along the thick-
ness of the cement screed, which was obtained using the non-destructive ultrasonic

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-12 111

112 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 12.1  A list of the most important technological and technical requirements for the
implementation of cement screeds.
The Diagnostics of Cement Screeds 113

FIGURE 12.2  View of the screed to be assessed with an example of the cutout of a fragment
of the screed to be tested.

FIGURE 12.3  Examples of the results of testing the thickness of one of the cement screeds:
(a) fragment cut out for testing, (b) test results.

TABLE 12.1
Comparison of the Mechanical Parameters for the Tested Cement Screed
with the Required Values

The Tested Mechanical Parameter The Value of the Mechanical The Required Value of the
of the Cement Screed Parameter Obtained in [11] Mechanical Parameter
Near-surface tensile strength 0.55 MPa 1.5 MPa
Compressive strength 15.1 MPa 20.0 MPa
Flexural strength 2.3 MPa 5.0 MPa
114 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 12.4  The course of the compressive strength of the cement mortar along
the thickness of the cement screed, determined using the non-destructive ultrasonic

method. In Figure 12.4, the required average compressive strength of 20 MPa and
the average strength obtained from tests of 15.1 MPa are marked with dashed verti-
cal lines, while the continuous non-vertical line shows the values obtained using the
ultrasonic method.
It can be seen from Figure 12.4 that up to a depth of about 16 mm, counting
from the top surface of the screed, the compressive strength is lower than the
required strength, and in the near-surface zone with a thickness of about 10 mm,
it is far too low.
Cracks are also a significant disadvantage of cement screeds. They are not
acceptable, and are found very often, as illustrated in Figure 12.5. They can have a
length of up to several meters and an opening of up to 1 mm. They can go through,
or nearly through, the entire thickness. Their course is most often multidirectional
or parallel to the lines of the incorrectly cut antispasmodic expansion joints in the
screed. This anomaly is due to making the slots too late, too large expansion slots,
too long expansion slots, exceeding the recommended maximum proportions of
the sides of the expansion slots, and a too small depth of the cut expansion slots.
Examples of these irregularities are illustrated in Figure 12.6. This is the result
of non-compliance with the technological and technical requirements listed in
Figure 12.1, as well as the lack of effective methodological control by the technical
The Diagnostics of Cement Screeds 115

FIGURE 12.5  An exemplary view of cracks on the surface of screeds with a close-up of
small cut out core samples: (a) measurement of the crack width using a magnifying glass and
a comparative template, (b) proof of the crack’s thoroughness.


On the basis of the above-mentioned defects of cement screeds, attention was paid
to the fact that they arise as a result of non-compliance with the technological and
technical requirements at the stage of making them, as well as ineffective control

FIGURE 12.6  View: (a) behind a shallow expansion joint, (b) cracks due to exceeding the
maximum proportions of the sides of the dilated field.
116 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 12.7  General diagram illustrating the developed test methodology for cement screeds.

during the technical supervision. This is one of the reasons why the authors devel-
oped an original methodology for testing cement screeds. Knowing this methodol-
ogy and applying it in practice can help to reduce defects. The methodology may also
be useful for testing new screeds prior to their commissioning, and may be useful
in diagnosing already exploited screeds. This methodology is shown graphically in
Figures 12.7 and 12.8, and is described below. Figure 12.7 shows an overview of the
methodology, and Figures 12.8 and 12.9 show a detailed diagram of it.
Stage 1, in terms of checking the incorporation of window and door joinery in
the building and testing the air temperature and relative humidity, is identical to the

FIGURE 12.8  Methodology of testing cement screeds − stage 1.

The Diagnostics of Cement Screeds 117

FIGURE 12.9  Methodology of testing cement screeds − stage 2.

test of concrete industrial screeds described in Chapter 9. As cement screeds are

primarily laid on a concrete substrate, the last step in this stage is testing the tem-
perature and mass humidity of the substrate on which the screed will be installed.
According to Figure 12.1, it is usually required that the temperature of the substrate
is in the range of +10°C to +25°C, with the mass moisture content of the substrate not
being higher than 4%. The final step in this stage is to test the level and evenness of
the top surface of the concrete substrate using a non-destructive surveying method.
Unevenness of the upper surface of the substrate is acceptable, but the permissible
upper and lower deviation must be maintained. Typically, they amount to a maxi-
mum of 6 mm (in total) − according to [1–6].
It is then possible to move on to the second stage, which is followed by carrying
out tests during the screeding process (Figure 12.9). These tests do not differ signifi-
cantly from those performed in stage 2 for industrial concrete screeds, as described
in Chapter 10, and should be completed with tests of the depth and width of the cut
anti-contraction expansion joints.
Stage 3 includes tests that are carried either after the screed has been made and
before it is put into use (Figure 12.10), or during the diagnosis of a screed that is
already in use.
118 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 12.10  The methodology of testing cement screeds − stage 3.

The first diagnostic step in stage 3 is the semi-destructive pull-off strength test-
ing of the near-surface tensile strength using the pull-off method. In the case of
newly made screeds, these tests should be performed after 28 days. The study should
begin with the selection of measurement sites and surface preparation. Then, in these
places, incision should be made at least 15 mm deep in the screed and a steel mea-
suring disc with a diameter of 50 mm should be attached. The disc should then be
detached from the screed using the pull-off method, and the value of the near-
surface tensile strength should be determined. Figure 12.11 shows a view of the
near-surface tensile strength tests carried out using the pull-off method, and also a
close-up of a fragment of the screed surface after the tests. The depth of the cracks
in the screed should then be examined using the non-destructive ultrasonic or
impact-echo method in accordance with the methodology provided and described
in stage 2.
Afterwards, small fragments of the screed should be cut out. Their size should
enable at least six bar samples that are 160 mm long, 40 mm wide, and which are
equal to the thickness of the screed to be obtained. These samples are needed in
order to test the compressive strength of the cement mortar along the thickness of
the screed, as well as to test the flexural and compressive strength. Moreover, a small
fragment of the screed should be cut out in order to obtain at least three samples
The Diagnostics of Cement Screeds 119

FIGURE 12.11  View: (a) tests of near-surface tensile strength carried out using the pull-
off method (b) close-up of a fragment of the screed surface after testing of the near-surface
tensile strength.

(71 mm long, 71 mm wide, and as high as the screed thickness) for the purpose of
testing abrasion resistance in accordance with the standard [12].
First, the bar samples should be subjected to ultrasonic tests along the direction of
the concreting of the screed. For ultrasonic tests, it is proposed to use an ultrasonic
probe with special exponential heads with a frequency of 40 kHz and point contact
with the tested surface. Measurement points should be placed on the side surfaces of
the samples in three rows with a spacing of 5 mm (Figure 12.12).
After performing the ultrasonic tests, the lower zone of the bar samples should be
cut so that their thickness is 40 mm. The samples should then be subjected to flexural
strength and compression tests in a testing machine [13]. Based on the performed

FIGURE 12.12  View: (a) bar samples cut from the cement screed, which were prepared for
ultrasonic testing, (b) bar samples tested using the ultrasonic method.
120 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

ultrasonic tests, a correlation relationship between the velocity of the longitudinal

ultrasonic wave and the compressive strength of the cement mortar should be devel-
oped for the tested screeds (it is also possible to choose a hypothetical one from the
literature), as was already explained in Chapter 10. This relationship will be used to
identify the value of the compressive strength of the cement mortar along the thick-
ness of the screed. The compressive strength in the upper zone of the screed should
not be less than 10% when compared to that in the middle zone. On the other hand,
the abrasion test, as explained in Chapter 10, consists in measuring the change in
height and weight of a cubic sample with a side of 71 mm. The sample is placed on a
disc sprinkled with abrasive powder, and then pressed and put into rotation with the
help of a grinding machine.
The flexural and compressive strength, as well as the abrasion resistance of the
screed, should not be lower than those specified by the screed designer.

This chapter lists and discusses the disadvantages of cement screeds. Examples of
common flaws are included, along with research results from in-house expert prac-
tice. It was indicated that these defects are the result of non-compliance with the
technological and technical requirements at the execution stage of the floors, as well
as ineffective control of the technical supervision. This chapter also contains and
discusses the original three-stage methodology of testing these floors, the use of
which in practice can help to reduce the defectiveness. This methodology should also
be useful in testing new floors before putting them into service and in diagnosing
used floors.

1. DIN 18202 04.97, “Toleranzen im Hochbau Bauwerke; Bauwerke”.
2. Loprencipe, G., & Cantisani, G. (2015). Evaluation methods for improving surface
geometry of concrete floors: A case study. Case studies in structural engineering, 4,
3. Walsh, K.D., Bashford, H.H., & Mason, B.C. (2001). State of practice of residential
floor slab flatness. Journal of performance of constructed facilities, 15(4), 127–134.
4. Face, A. (1987). Floor flatness and levelness: The F-number system. Constr. Specifier,
40(April, 4), 124–132.
5. PN-62/B-10145 Concrete and cement mortar floors. Requirements and technical tests
upon receipt (in Polish)
6. ASTM 1155M-96 (2001), “Standard test method for determining FF floor flatness and
FL floor levelness numbers”.
7. Sadowski, Ł., Hoła, A., & Hoła, J. (2020). Methodology for controlling the technologi-
cal process of executing floors made of cement-based materials. Materials, 13(4), 948.
8. Bijen, J.M.J.M., & Schlangen, E. (1999). Modelling and testing of floor systems with
cementitious screeds and adhesives. In Radical design and concrete practices: Proceed-
ings of the international seminar held at the University of Dundee, (pp. 103–114). Scot-
land, UK: Thomas Telford Publishing.
9. Carruth, W.D. (2019). Evaluation of commercially available screeds for finishing of
rapid-setting concrete.
The Diagnostics of Cement Screeds 121

10. Schlangen, E. (1999). Cementitious screeds and adhesives. In Radical design and con-
crete practices: Proceedings of the international seminar held at the University of Dun-
dee, Scotland, UK on 7 September 1999 (p. 103). Thomas Telford Publishing.
11. Hoła, J., Sadowski, Ł., & Hoła, A. (2019). The effect of failure to comply with tech-
nological and technical requirements on the condition of newly built cement mortar
floors. Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, part l: Journal of mate-
rials: Design and applications, 233(3), 268–275.
12. EN 13892-3 Methods of test for screed materials – Part 3: Determination of wear resist-
ance – Böhme.
13. EN 13892-2:2004, Methods of test for screed materials – Part 2: Determination of flex-
ural and compressive strength.
13 The Diagnostics of
Layered Concrete Floors

In exploited concrete floors, as a result of various environmental impacts, the near-
surface zone is destroyed over time. The thickness of this zone may be even several
tens of millimetres. For further safe use of such floors, they are subjected to surface
repair, consisting in removing the damaged concrete layer and adding a new layer
to it. Over-concreting can be made of concrete with a material composition that is
similar to that used to make the floor, but it can also be made of special fine-grained
repair concrete. After the new layer is over-concreted, the floor becomes a layered
floor. Figure 13.1 shows a diagram explaining the surface repair of a concrete floor
with the use of over-concreting.
For a layered floor created in this way, in which the over-concreted layer is the
top layer, and the floor with topping up is the bottom layer, the inter-layer bonding
is of key importance for durability [1]. Therefore, it needs to be assessed before the
floor is put into use. The measure of anastomosis is the pull-off adhesion value f b.
In practice, this adhesion is determined using the semi-destructive pull-off method
[2]. According to [3], pull-off adhesion value f b should be at least 1.5 MPa in each
test site.
According to [4], however, it is required that in all areas of the floor there
should be one test site for an area of no more than 3 m 2 , because then there is
sufficient probability of the possibility of omitting the areas of the floor that
have lower adhesion than that provided for in [3]. The semi-destructive adhesion
test, however, involves local damage to the floor in each test site, and then the
necessary repair of these places after completion of the tests. For this reason, in
practice, the above-mentioned standard requirement is frequently not followed.
This is especially true for large-area concrete floors, where even several hundred
local damages may be required. Therefore, in practice, the number of test sites
in these floors is drastically reduced. This in turn translates into the possibility
of overlooking defective areas in which the interlayer bonding does not meet the
condition specified in [3], which, due to the durability of surface repaired floors,
is not beneficial.
Therefore, it is advisable and possible to use non-destructive methods for the
assessment of interlayer bonding, which the authors have shown in their research.
Depending on the needs, such an assessment may be limited to zero-one, involving
the locating of delamination between layers. Or it can also be full, in the sense of
determining the pull-off adhesion value f b of the layers. Useful for this purpose are
the non-destructive methods described in Chapter 5, namely the 3D laser scanning,
impulse response, and impact-echo methods.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-13 123

124 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 13.1  Diagram explaining the repair of a surface damaged concrete floor: (a) concrete
floor before repair, (b) concrete floor after repair.

These methods, used individually, can be used to successfully perform a zero-one

assessment of bonding [5]. However, the pull-off adhesion f b values cannot be deter-
mined using these methods if they are used alone. This can be seen in works [6–8],
because it is not possible to determine reliable correlation relationships between the
pull-off adhesion f b and the parameters determined separately using individual non-
destructive methods.
As can be seen, inter alia, from the authors’ own research, with the comprehen-
sive combined use of the above-mentioned non-destructive methods and the use of
artificial neural networks (ANNs) with a properly selected structure and a learning
algorithm as a tool for associating non-destructive test results, it is possible to assess
the pull-off adhesion f b value of concrete layers in floors. These tests formed the
basis for the development of a non-destructive method of assessing this adhesion in
surface-repaired concrete floors, which is presented below.


The non-destructive neural method of assessing the pull-off adhesion value of con-
crete layers in floors was developed in PhD thesis [9, 10] and then published, among
others, in [11–21].
It is based on the comprehensive application of three non-destructive methods
and ANNs, namely: the 3D laser scanning method, which is used to determine the
values of parameters describing the morphology of the bottom surface layer before
its over-concreting; the acoustic impulse and impact-echo response methods, which
determine the values of parameters on the top surface of the over-concreted layer;
and ANNs, which are used as tools for associating parameters obtained with the
above-mentioned methods. The 3D laser scanning method and the acoustic impulse
response and impact-echo methods are described synthetically in Chapter 5.
For the purpose of developing such an assessment method, a database was built
by making and testing model layered concrete floors, for which different (but used
in construction practice) methods of treating the surface of the bottom layer were
adopted. Therefore, on the surface of the bottom layer, the values of the Sa and
Sq parameters, which describe the bottom layer’s morphology in several hundred
research sites, were determined by means of 3D laser scanning. Then, on the surface
of the concrete top layer, the acoustic parameters Kd and Nav were determined using
The Diagnostics of Layered Concrete Floors 125

TABLE 13.1
An Exemplary Fragment of a Database Built in [9] Used to Train, Test,
and Validate the Artificial Neural Network

Method Name, Symbol, and Value of Measured Parameters

3D Laser Scanning Impulse Response Impact-echo Pull-off

Sa Sq Kd Nav fT fb
Research Site
Number mm mm - m/s·N kHz MPa
1 0.307 0.403 0.058 72.839 8.500 0.870
2 0.317 0.424 0.037 57.736 5.500 0.640
3 0.077 0.241 0.075 43.906 9.500 0.990
4 0.057 0.223 0.071 55.123 9.500 1.020
5 0.359 0.478 0.056 56.002 8.000 0.740
6 0.442 0.582 0.010 89.706 7.000 0.610
7 0.525 0.685 0.009 85.122 8.000 0.780
8 0.592 0.793 0.008 70.897 7.000 0.660
9 0.283 0.369 0.110 39.779 8.500 1.120
10 0.295 0.377 0.072 55.349 8.500 1.040
… … … … … … …
460 0.059 0.401 57.808 0.369 8.500 0.870

the impulse response method, with the f T parameter being determined using the
impact-echo method. These parameters were also determined in several hundred
identically distributed research sites. Then, in these places, semi-destructive pull-
off tests were performed in order to obtain the pull-off adhesion f b value needed to
train, test and validate the ANN. The database built on the basis of these studies
had several hundred sets of parameters, which for selected research points is pre-
sented in Table 13.1. The full database is included in [9]. The names of its param-
eters, in accordance with the nomenclature adopted in Chapter 5 of this book, are
as follows:

• Sa − arithmetic mean height,

• Sq − root mean square height,
• Kd − dynamic stiffness,
• Nav − average mobility,
• f T − frequency of reflection of the ultrasonic wave from the bottom of the
concrete floor.

On the basis of the analyses carried out in [9], it has been shown that a back
propagation ANN with the Quasi-Newton learning algorithm, with the number
of neurons of the hidden layer equal to 10, is useful for the non-destructive neural
assessment of the bonding of layers in floors. The structure of the network is shown
in Figure 13.2.
126 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 13.2  Structure of a back propagation artificial neural network with the Quasi-
Newton learning algorithm, with the number of neurons of the hidden layer equal to 10,
which is useful for the non-destructive evaluation of the pull-off adhesion value f b of the
concrete layers in floors.

In the process of training this network, the value of the linear correlation coef-
ficient R equal to 0.9775 was obtained, with 0.9725 being obtained in the testing
process, and 0.9481 in the validation process. It allows for the statement that it is
possible to provide a reliable neural evaluation of the pull-off adhesion f b value of
the top and bottom concrete layers. This evaluation is based on parameters that
are assessed with the following three non-destructive methods: 3D laser scanning,
impulse response, and impact-echo methods.
The use of the built database, which is included in [9], as well as the use of the
learned, tested and validated (in [9]) back propagation ANN with the Quasi-Newton
learning algorithm and the number of neurons of the hidden layer equal to 10 (with
the structure given in Figure 13.2) is possible in practice. This was confirmed by
experimental verification carried out in laboratory conditions and the practical appli-
cation documented in [19]. It is possible in situations where the tested layered floor is
similar to the one that was used to create the database in [9]. Most important is the
The Diagnostics of Layered Concrete Floors 127

FIGURE 13.3  Methodology of assessing (using non-destructive methods) the values of the
pull-off adhesion between the top layer and the bottom layer in the diagnosed layered con-
crete floors. The methodology uses the database included in [9], and also the trained, tested,
and validated ANN.

similarity of the materials of the bottom layer and the over-concreted top layer, as well
as the similar thickness of the new over-concreted layer to the one analysed in [9].
The methodology helpful for this application is given in Figure 13.3. In addition,
Figure 13.4 shows the developed methodology for creating the database for a differ-
ent material configuration of the bottom layer and the concrete top layer than the one
included in [9].


In the case of using the database and the trained, tested and validated ANNs in con-
struction practice, as in [9], it is necessary to obtain two parameters (Sa and Sq) that
describe the morphology of the bottom layer surface. These parameters are assessed
using 3D laser scanning at each test site before the over-concreting of the bottom
layer. After that it is also necessary to obtain three acoustic parameters (Kd, Nav, and
f T), which are assessed on the surface of the over-concreted top layer using two non-
destructive acoustic methods (the impulse response and impact-echo methods), as
shown in Figure 13.3.
128 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 13.4  Methodology of building a database for the purpose of the non-destructive
neural assessment of the pull-off adhesion between the top layer and the bottom layer in floors
(in the case of a different material configuration of these layers than in [9]).

In the methodology presented in Figure 13.3, one should start with determining
the values of the surface morphology parameters Sa and Sq on the floor surface
prepared for over-concreting. The values are determined, according to [3], with the
use of 3D laser scanning in as many test locations in order for 1 place to be allocated
per 3 m2 of the floor. The next step involves the determination of the values of the
acoustic parameters Nav, Kd, and f T using the impulse response and impact-echo
methods on the surface of the top layer in test sites that correspond to those on the
surface of the floor prepared for concreting. The obtained results should then be
analysed with the use of a back propagation ANN with the Quasi-Newton learning
algorithm, with the number of neurons of the hidden layer equal to 10. The pull-
off adhesion value at individual test sites can then be predicted. The next step is to
verify the accuracy of the pull-off adhesion f b values assessed by the ANN using
the non-destructive pull-off method in selected test locations, for example, in 1
place per 90−120 m 2 of the floor.
In turn, the methodology that explains the method of building a database for a
material configuration of the bottom layer (subjected to surface repair) and the newly
topped layer (e.g., with the use of repair mortars), which is different than the configu-
ration in [9], is given in Figure 13.4.
In the case of the methodology presented in Figure 13.4, it is necessary to
start with the implementation of experimental tests of the floor that needs to be
surface repaired by over-concreting a new layer. The results of the tests will be
The Diagnostics of Layered Concrete Floors 129

used to create a database. First, it is necessary to perform tests using the 3D laser
scanning method on the surface of the bottom layer (intended for over-concret-
ing) in 1 test site for every 3 m 2 of the floor. Afterwards, the values of the surface
morphology parameters Sa and Sq need to be determined. The next step is to
perform impulse response and impact-echo non-destructive acoustic tests on the
surface of the newly topped concrete top layer in similarly distributed research
sites, with the values of the acoustic parameters Nav, Kd, and f T being determined
in these places. Then, pull-off tests should be performed at the same test points,
and the pull-off adhesion f b value should be determined. This research completes
the process of building a database with sets of the following parameter values:
Sa , Sq, Nav, Kd, and f T.
This database should be used to train and test a back propagation ANN with the
Quasi-Newton learning algorithm, with the number of neurons of the hidden layer
equal to 10, as was the case in [9]. Such a database and ANNs that are trained and
tested can be used for the non-destructive neural evaluation of the pull-off adhesion
of layers. In particular, the non-destructive neural evaluation of the pull-off adhesion
of layers can be conducted while supervising the execution of floors, and before put-
ting into use subsequent surface repaired floors with a similar material configuration
of the back and top layers. The course of action in such cases is analogous to that
used in the methodology illustrated in Figure 13.3.

This chapter is devoted to the diagnostics of layered concrete floors created after
a surface repair involving the over-concreting of a new layer. It was explained that
for layered floors created in this way, the key to durability is the inter-layer bond-
ing, which is assessed in practice using the semi-destructive pull-off method. The
disadvantages of this research method, resulting in the minimization of the scope of
research in construction practice, are highlighted in this chapter. A new proprietary
method of assessing this bonding using non-destructive 3D laser scanning methods,
as well as impulse-response and impact-echo methods using ANNs, was proposed.
The type and structure of the ANN useful for this purpose, which were established
on the basis of the authors’ own research and numerical analyses, were provided.
The methodology of the non-destructive evaluation of the value of this bonding was
also proposed.

1. Sadowski, Ł. (2019). Adhesion in layered cement composites. Switzerland: Springer.
2. Czarnecki, L., & Chmielewska, B. (2005). Factors affecting adhesion in building joints.
Cement Wapno Beton, 2, 74–85.
3. EN 12504: 2006 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete struc-
tures – definitions, requirements, quality control and evaluation of conformity – part 2:
Surface protection systems for concrete, 2006.
4. EN 1542:2000 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures –
Test methods – Measurement of bond strength by pull-off, 2000.
130 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

5. Hoła, J., Sadowski, Ł, & Schabowicz, K. (2011). Nondestructive identification of delam-

inations in concrete floor toppings with acoustic methods. Automation in construction,
20(7), 799–807.
6. Hoła, J., & Sadowski, Ł. Testing interlayer pull-off adhesion in concrete floors by
means of nondestructive acoustic methods. 18th World Conference on Non Destructive
Testing, Durban 2012.
7. Sadowski, Ł., & Mathia, T.G. (2016). Multi-scale metrology of concrete surface mor-
phology: Fundamentals and specificity. Construction and building materials, 113,
8. Sadowski, Ł. Analysis of the influence of the roughness of the concrete substrate on the
adhesion of the surface layer (in Polish). Informatyka, Automatyka Pomiary w Gosp-
odarce i Ochronie Środowiska (IAPGOŚ), 2013, 1, s. 39–42.
9. Sadowski, Ł. Non-destructive assessment of the bonding of concrete layers in floors
with the use of artificial neural networks (in Polish), PhD thesis, Wrocław: Wrocław
University of Science and Technology, 2012.
10. Czarnecki, S. Assessment of the joining of the concrete repair layer with the sub-
strate using non-destructive methods and artificial intelligence (in Polish), PhD thesis,
Wrocław: Wrocław University of Science and Technology, 2019.
11. Sadowski, Ł. (2013). Non-destructive evaluation of the pull-off adhesion of concrete
floor layers using RBF neural network. Journal of civil engineering and management,
19(4), 550–560.
12. Sadowski, Ł., & Hoła, J. (2014). New non-destructive way of identifying the values of
pull-off adhesion between concrete layers in floors. Journal of civil engineering and
management, 20(4), 561–569.
13. Sadowski, Ł., & Hoła, J (2015). ANN modeling of pull-off adhesion of concrete layers.
Advances in engineering software, 89, 17–27.
14. Sadowski, Ł., Nikoo, M., & Nikoo, M. (2015). Principal component analysis combined
with a self organization feature map to determine the pull-off adhesion between con-
crete layers. Construction and building materials, 78, 386–396.
15. Sadowski, Ł. Non-destructive identification of pull-off adhesion between concrete lay-
ers. Automation in construction, 2015, 57, 146–155.
16. Czarnecki, S. (2017). Non-destructive evaluation of the bond between a concrete added
repair layer with variable thickness and a substrate layer using ANN. Procedia engi-
neering, 172, 194–201.
17. Sadowski, Ł., Hoła, J., & Czarnecki, S. (2016). Non-destructive neural identification
of the bond between concrete layers in existing elements. Construction and building
materials, 127, 49–58.
18. Sadowski, Ł., Hoła, J., Czarnecki, S., & Wang, D. (2018). Pull-off adhesion prediction
of variable thick overlay to the substrate. Automation in construction, 85, 10–23.
19. Sadowski, Ł. (2018). Methodology of the assessment of the interlayer bond in concrete
composites using NDT methods. Journal of adhesion science and technology, 32(2),
20. Czarnecki, S., Sadowski, Ł., & Hoła, J. (2020). Artificial neural networks for non-de-
structive identification of the interlayer bonding between repair overlay and concrete
substrate. Advances in engineering software, 141, 102769,
21. Czarnecki, S., Sadowski, Ł., & Hoła, J. (2021). Evaluation of interlayer bonding in
layered composites based on non-destructive measurements and machine learning:
Comparative analysis of selected learning algorithms. Automation in construction, 132,
14 The Diagnostics
of Post-Tensioned
Concrete Floors

Post-tensioned concrete floors have been used since around the mid-twentieth cen-
tury in, among others, large-scale industrial and commercial buildings, aviation
hangars, sports facilities, and apartment construction. They are mainly made on the
ground in the form of concrete slabs that are prestressed with tendon ducts. The pre-
stressing minimizes the problem of shrinkage tensile stresses in the concrete to such
an extent that there is no need for cutting expansion joints in these floors. As a result,
surfaces of up to about 5000 m2 can be produced without these gaps. The lack of
cut expansion joints, but also the lack of dowelling of expansion joints, excludes the
occurrence of many defects in these floors that are characteristic and burdensome for
the concrete floors discussed in Chapters 8 and 10. For this reason, post-tensioned
concrete floors are definitely easier and cheaper to maintain when compared to tra-
ditional floors.
Post-tensioned concrete floors have thicknesses ranging from 150 to 350 mm.
They are prestressed by tendons, usually consisting of a bundle of tendon ducts
[1–6]. This stress is an internal force that opposes the external loads acting on the
floor. Moreover, these floors are reinforced in their edge zones with traditional
reinforcement in the form of steel reinforcing bars. Tendons are placed bidirection-
ally in the middle of the floor’s thickness at equal intervals, have a straight trajec-
tory, and are most often single or paired (Figure 14.1). They are stabilized in the
floor before concreting. At their ends, special system anchors are installed on the
edge surfaces of the floor, which transfer the prestressing force to the concrete.
The contact of the prestressing wires with the concrete mix during concreting is
prevented by the special steel or plastic casings in which these tendon ducts are
placed. The tendon ducts are tensioned after the concrete has achieved the required
compressive strength to prevent it from being crushed in the pressure zone of the
anchorage. After stressing, cable sheaths are pressure filled with a cement-based
injection. Due to the long cable length of several dozen meters, this procedure is
not easy to perform, but it is very important for the durability of the floor. Its pur-
pose is to prevent corrosion of the steel tendon ducts that form the cables when the
floor is in use [7–12].
Post-tensioned concrete floors are also susceptible to some inaccuracies in perfor-
mance, which may result in, for example, the disclosure of cracks during operation
[13–20]. Although the scale of inaccuracies in performance is much smaller than for

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-14 131

132 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 14.1  Scheme illustrating the arrangement of prestressing cables in a post-

tensioned concrete floor.

the floors in Chapters 8−13, some of them may result in a reduction in load capacity
and durability. The following executive inaccuracies are the most common:

• the arrangement of the tendon ducts’ routes that is different from the design
may result in cracks in parts of the floor,
• the ineffective stabilization of tendon ducts, which results in their displace-
ment up or down in relation to the middle of the floor thickness during
concreting. This in turn may result in cracks and scratches that are visible
on the top surface,
• leaky filling of the space inside the tubular sheaths of tendons with cement injec-
tion, which, in the long term, may reduce the load-bearing capacity and durabil-
ity of the floor due to the corrosion and subsequent cracking of tendon ducts.

When using post-tensioned concrete floors, the visual effects of these possible irregu-
larities should be paid attention to. The appearance of cracks on the floor surface is a
signal for diagnostic tests to determine their causes. Moreover, many years of failure-free
operation does not mean that preventive diagnostic tests do not need to be performed at
some point to assess the load-bearing capacity and the expected further durability of
these floors. Such tests are especially carried out to check the tightness of the filling of
the tendon ducts with injection, as well as for assessing any possible corrosion of the ten-
dons. The authors have also developed an appropriate original test methodology, which is
presented below, taking into account the use of non-destructive testing methods.


The developed original methodology of the non-destructive testing of post-tensioned
concrete floors is shown graphically in Figures 14.2, 14.3, and 14.5, and is described
below. Figure 14.2 shows an overall view, and Figure 14.3 and Figure 14.5 show
detailed diagrams of the methodology.
The Diagnostics of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors 133

FIGURE 14.2  General scheme of the methodology of testing post-tensioned concrete floors
using non-destructive methods.

Stage 1 of the methodology should be preceded by getting acquainted with the

design documentation (if such documentation exists) for the post-tensioned concrete
floor, as well as getting to know the designed arrangement of the tendon ducts and
traditional reinforcement bars in the edge zones of the floor. The first stage of the
research can then be conducted. Initial tests should be performed with a method that
allows the traditional reinforcement in the form of longitudinal and transverse bars

FIGURE 14.3  Methodology of testing post-tensioned concrete floors using the non-destruc-
tive electromagnetic method – stage 1.
134 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 14.4  The peripheral zone of the post-tensioned concrete floor is tested with the
electromagnetic method in order to locate the traditional reinforcement bars.

to be located (Figure 14.3). The electromagnetic method works well for this. The
floor edge zones on the floor’s upper surface should also be tested. The purpose of
these tests is to determine the actual position of the “mesh” of the longitudinal and
transverse reinforcing bars located above the tendon ducts (Figure 14.4).

FIGURE 14.5  Methodology of testing post-tensioned concrete floors using the non-destruc-
tive ultrasonic tomography method – stage 2.
The Diagnostics of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors 135

Locating the position of the traditional reinforcement bars is helpful for basic
tests (carried out using the ultrasonic tomography method) during the analysis of
the obtained images. The electromagnetic method uses a device consisting of a
meter and a probe that has two transmitting and receiving coils placed on a com-
mon steel core. A magnetic flux is generated between these coils with different
magnetic poles. During tests involving the movement of a steel core across the
concrete surface, first along the floor to detect transverse bars and then across the
floor to detect longitudinal bars, a change in this field is observed on the gauge
screen. In the place where the steel rod is located, the maximum value of the mag-
netic field occurs.
After documenting the results of these tests, for example, by applying a grid of
localized bars on the surface of the floors, it is necessary to proceed to stage 2 of
the tests. In the second stage, the main tests are carried out using the ultrasonic
tomography method in order to accurately locate the routes of cable ducts and the
prestressing cables placed in them, as well as when assessing the concreting tight-
ness of the closely spaced tendon ducts (Figures 14.1 and 14.5). These tests involve
successively shifting the ultrasonic antenna on the upper surface of the reinforced
concrete floor (along its width, and then along its length) every 100 mm in strips
500 mm wide, unless an ultrasonic antenna of other dimensions is used. To locate
the tendon route, it is sufficient to test in a few or a dozen strips evenly spaced
along the length and width of the floor. The excitation, registration, and process-
ing of acoustic signals, as well as the creation of a graphic image takes place at
each research site. If the floor design documentation is available to the examiner,
which includes the location of tendons ducts in selected characteristic sections, the
tests should be started from these sections. This enables the results obtained from
the non-destructive testing to be compared with the project on an ongoing basis.
For each test site, the obtained graphic images documenting the location of the
tendon duct and any defects in its concreting should be recorded. With reference
to the literature suggestions included, among others, in Chapter 6, the results of
the non-destructive tests obtained by making control sections should be authenti-
cated at this stage. It is advisable to make at least two sections − one in a place that
raises doubts as to the tendon duct location, and the other in a place that does not
raise any doubts. An exemplary result of the ultrasonic tomography examination
is shown in Figure 14.6.
After locating the tendon duct routes using an ultrasonic tomograph, proceed to
stage 3, which includes impact-echo tests (Figure 14.7).
The tests carried out in stage 3 aim to locate the empty spaces in the tendon
ducts that are not filled with cement injection. This injection protects the tendons
against corrosion. The test using this method involves inducing an elastic wave at
individual test points with the use of an inductor placed on the measuring head,
and then introducing this wave into the tested floor. The returning elastic wave
is picked up by the same head. The test sites are arranged on the floor surface
approximately every 20 cm above each tendon duct located along the floor’s entire
length. The elastic wave received by the measuring head at each test site should
be processed by specialized software using the Fourier transform. The graphic
image of this processing is the amplitude-frequency spectrum of the elastic wave,
136 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 14.6  Examples of ultrasonic tomography tests: (a) view of the tomograph during
testing on the upper floor surface, (b) visualization of the position of the tendon duct at a depth
of about 160 mm from the top surface.

FIGURE 14.7  Methodology of testing post-tensioned concrete floors using the non-destruc-
tive impact-echo method – stage 3.
The Diagnostics of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors 137

FIGURE 14.8  The results of the impact-echo test: (a) an exemplary shape of the ampli-
tude-frequency spectrum diagram in a situation where there are no premises for find-
ing a defect in the form of an air gap in the tendon duct, (b) an exemplary shape of the
amplitude-frequency spectrum diagram in a situation where void air in the tendon duct
is possible.

which should then be analysed. On the basis of this analysis (in the obtained spec-
trum), the dominant frequency corresponding to the floor’s thickness, and also the
frequency corresponding to the reflection of the elastic wave from the tendon duct
or from the air gap caused by the lack of cement injection at a given test point are
distinguished. Examples of the results of such a study are shown in Figure 14.8.
As in the case of the ultrasonic tomography method, the test results obtained
using the impact-echo method should be authenticated by making control sec-
tions in randomly selected cables. The outcrops should involve the removal of the
concrete along the cable along the length of a few to several dozen centimetres to
the cable sheath, cutting the cable sheath and exposing its interior in the process.
The control sections should be made in the place where there is a probability of the
existence of an air gap resulting from the lack of a cement injection covering the
tendons in a non-destructive manner, as well as in the place where there is no
such qualitative objection. The performing of the control section will also allow
for the measurement of the diameter of the tendons, as well as their evaluation
with regard to possible corrosion. Figure 14.9 shows a view of exemplary out-
crops. Figure 14.9(a) shows a situation corresponding to the test result shown in
Figure 14.8(a), and Figure 14.9(b) shows a situation corresponding to the result
shown in Figure 14.8(b).
138 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

FIGURE 14.9  Inside of exposed tendon ducts: (a) view of the tendons and the presence of
cement injection; (b) view of the tendon ducts and the absence of cement injection.

In conclusion, it should be said that post-tensioned concrete floors are also
exposed to certain inaccuracies in performance that may result in cracking, as
well as the reduction of load capacity, durability, and safety of use during opera-
tion. For these reasons, depending on the situation, such floors should be sub-
jected to purposeful non-destructive diagnostic tests and preventive examinations
after many years of failure-free operation. This chapter presented a methodology
focused on such non-destructive tests, which was illustrated with examples of
results from the authors’ own research. The authors hope that it will be useful to
other researchers.

1. Breen, J.E. (1994). Anchorage zone reinforcement for post-tensioned concrete girders
(Vol. 356). Transportation Research Board.
2. Williams, M., & Khan, S. (1995). Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors.
3. Martin, J., Broughton, K.J., Giannopolous, A., Hardy, M.S.A., & Forde, M.C. (2001).
Ultrasonic tomography of grouted duct post-tensioned reinforced concrete bridge
beams. NDT&E e international, 34(2), 107–113.
4. Jaeger, B.J., Sansalone, M.J., & Poston, R.W. (1996). Detecting voids in grouted tendon
ducts of post-tensioned concrete structures using the impact-echo method. Structural
journal, 93(4), 462–473.
5. Im, S.B., & Hurlebaus, S. (2012). Non-destructive testing methods to identify voids in
external post-tensioned tendons. KSCE journal of civil engineering, 16(3), 388–397.
6. Gales, J., Hartin, K., & Bisby, L. (2015). Structural fire performance of contemporary
post-tensioned concrete construction. New York, NY: Springer.
The Diagnostics of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors 139

7. Woodward, R.J. (1989). Collapse of a segmental post-tensioned concrete bridge. Trans-

portation research record, 1211, 38–59.
8. Coronelli, D., Castel, A., Vu, N.A., & François, R. (2009). Corroded post-tensioned
beams with bonded tendons and wire failure. Engineering structures, 31(8), 1687–1697.
9. Zhang, X., Wang, L., Zhang, J., Ma, Y., & Liu, Y. (2017). Flexural behavior of bonded
post-tensioned concrete beams under strand corrosion. Nuclear engineering and design,
313, 414–424.
10. Li, K., Chen, Z., & Lian, H. (2008). Concepts and requirements of durability design for
concrete structures: An extensive review of CCES01. Materials and structures, 41(4),
11. Freyermuth, C.L. (1991). Durability of post-tensioned concrete structures. Concrete
international, 13(10), 58–65.
12. Schupack, M. (1994). Durability study of 35 year old post-tensioned bridge. Concrete
international, 16(2), 54–58.
13. Woodward, R.J., & Miller, E. (1990). Grouting post-tensioned concrete bridges: The
prevention of voids. Highways & Transportation, 37(6).
14. Muldoon, R., Chalker, A., Forde, M.C., Ohtsu, M., & Kunisue, F. (2007). Identifying
voids in plastic ducts in post-tensioning prestressed concrete members by resonant fre-
quency of impact–echo, SIBIE and tomography. Construction and building materials,
21(3), 527–537.
15. Tinkey, Y., & Olson, L.D. (2008). Applications and limitations of impact echo scan-
ning for void detection in posttensioned bridge ducts. Transportation research record,
2070(1), 8–12.
16. Iyer, S.R., Sinha, S.K., & Schokker, A.J. (2005). Ultrasonic C-scan imaging of post-ten-
sioned concrete bridge structures for detection of corrosion and voids. Computer-aided
civil and infrastructure engineering, 20(2), 79–94.
17. Garg, S., & Misra, S. (2020). Efficiency of NDT techniques to detect voids in grouted
post-tensioned concrete ducts. Nondestructive testing and evaluation, 36(5), 1–22.
18. Im, S.B., Hurlebaus, S., & Trejo, D. (2010). Effective repair grouting methods and mate-
rials for filling voids in external posttensioned tendons. Transportation research record,
2172(1), 3–10.
19. Iyer, S., Schokker, A.J., & Sinha, S.K. (2003). Ultrasonic C-scan imaging: Preliminary
evaluation for corrosion and void detection in posttensioned tendons. Transportation
research record, 1827(1), 44–52.
20. Bednarz, L., Bajno, D., Matkowski, Z., Skrzypczak, I., & Leśniak, A. (2021). Elements
of pathway for quick and reliable health monitoring of concrete behavior in cable
post-tensioned concrete girders. Materials, 14(6), 1503.
15 Closure

The purpose of this book is to share our knowledge and experience in the non-
destructive diagnosis of concrete floors. This is a desirable form of meeting those
who deal, or intend to hare, assess the condition of floors and look for support in the
literature, inter alia, in the field of useful non-destructive methods, research method-
ologies and case studies.
This book is divided into 14 chapters. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the
subject covered by the book’s title. On the other hand, Chapter 2 highlights the prob-
lem of floor degradation and the need to diagnose them.
Bearing in mind the fact that diagnostics of concrete floors is usually carried out
during technical inspections [1, 2], which result in the preparation of technical stud-
ies on the condition of floors, Chapter 3 contains knowledge about the types of tech-
nical studies, types of diagnostics, and general principles of diagnostic procedures.
Many different non-destructive methods are recommended for floor testing. In
some research situations, it is also beneficial to use semi-destructive methods. In
order to systematize the knowledge in this area, Chapter 4 proposes general and
detailed classifications of non-destructive and semi-destructive methods, along with
the assignment of usefulness areas to individual methods.
Chapter 5, on the other hand, contains synthetic descriptions of selected methods.
Considering the fact that detailed descriptions of non-destructive and non-destruc-
tive methods have been included in many books, including [3–6], the authors inten-
tionally did not expand Chapter 5 by providing only very short descriptions and
detailing the recorded parameters. This was done primarily for those methods that
have found their application in the case studies presented in Chapters 8−14.
Since the conditions for obtaining reliable results of diagnosing concrete floors
with non-destructive methods is, first of all, the knowledge and consideration of the
limitations and conditions of their use in the tests and the complementary use of non-
destructive methods, Chapter 6 indicates the more important limitations and appli-
cation conditions for a few selected methods from among those listed in Chapter 4,
more often used in floor testing. Possible variants of complementarity of non-
destructive tests are also given. This was done for the commonly used sclerometric
methods, for researchers who still have little experience in non-destructive testing,
and for several newer, less used methods. Moreover, the importance of the control
sections in validating the results of non-destructive tests was emphasized.
In order to correctly assess the properties of concrete embedded in the floor
with non-destructive methods, it is necessary to calibrate and scale the test equip-
ment. While ensuring a statistical evaluation of the tested property, it is required to
establish a correlation between the parameter specified by a given method and the
material feature of interest. For this purpose, it is necessary to prepare input data
for the evaluation of a given feature in the form of direct testing of this feature on

DOI: 10.1201/9781003288374-15 141

142 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

sample elements taken from the floor (exact scaling) or indirect testing of this feature
(approximate scaling). With this in mind, Chapter 7 provides information on calibra-
tion and scaling of test equipment.
The case study described in Chapter 8 deals with the diagnosis of dowelled con-
crete floors. The focus was on significant hidden disadvantages of these floors, in
the form of too small thickness in relation to the designed and incorrect dowelling
of concrete slabs. The causes of these defects are described in detail. The main
part of Chapter 8 is the developed original methodology of non-destructive assess-
ment of the above-mentioned defects, using the ultrasonic tomography method. This
methodology, which can be useful both in tests of newly constructed floors during
their quality acceptance, as well as exploited floors, has been enriched with credible
exemplary results of own research.
Chapter 9, on the other hand, is devoted to concrete floors with a top layer made
of stone slabs, which are expected to be both aesthetically attractive, durable, and
safe to use. It was emphasized that these expectations are not always met as a result
of cracking stone slabs, breaking off corners and chipping the edges of these slabs.
These damages were illustrated, the reasons for their formation were indicated and,
what is very important, the mechanism of damage to the slabs was explained. In the
opinion of the authors, the effective prevention of the above-mentioned damage to
stone slabs is to prevent the causes of their formation. The original methodology of
inspection and testing with the use of non-destructive methods, developed by the
authors, may be useful for this purpose. The first stage of the developed methodol-
ogy is dedicated to the execution stage, while the second stage is dedicated to tests
carried out prior to technical acceptance, which allow the floor to be used, and to
diagnose floors during their operation. The methodology was enriched with own
examples from expert practice.
Chapter 10 is devoted to the diagnosis of industrial concrete floors, which are
commonly used in large-scale industrial and warehouse facilities. The chapter speci-
fies and illustrates with own examples from construction practice the most common
defects of these floors, together with a description of the reasons for their occurrence.
In order to counteract these defects, the authors developed and included in Chapter 10
an original three-step methodology. This methodology can be useful in testing
not only newly built floors before putting them into service, but also in diagnosing
already used floors. The presented methodology takes into account non-destructive
methods useful in research and one of the semi-destructive methods.
Chapter 11 deals with the diagnosis of concrete industrial floors with a polyure-
thane-cement top layer. These floors are used when it is required to provide hygienic
conditions of a higher standard in the facility. This chapter discusses and illustrates
common disadvantages with these floors. Much space was devoted to one of the
significant drawbacks resulting from improper use of these floors, consisting in high
susceptibility to the formation of numerous local roughening and deep damage to
the surface layer. The cause of this defect was indicated, supported by the results of
own research. An original two-stage methodology for testing these floors using non-
destructive and semi-destructive methods has also been developed and presented in
the chapter.
Closure 143

Chapter 12 is devoted to the diagnosis of cement screeds commonly used in hous-

ing and public utility buildings. The frequent disadvantages of these screeds include,
among others, the thickness inconsistent with the designed, too low in relation to the
required strength parameters, unacceptable occurrence of deep and surface cracks.
This chapter is illustrated with examples of these drawbacks, derived from authors
own expert experience. Using this experience, an original three-stage methodology
for testing these floors was developed and presented in Chapter 12, with the use of
non-destructive and semi-destructive methods useful for this purpose. The knowl-
edge and application of this methodology in practice can significantly contribute to
the elimination of defects. It can also be helpful in testing new floors before their
final qualitative acceptance, as well as in diagnosing already used floors.
The next chapter is Chapter 13, devoted to the diagnosis of layered concrete floors
in terms of the assessment of the bonding of layers. These floors are created after a
surface repair consisting in over-concreting a new layer. The chapter points out that
the over-concreting can be made of concrete with a material composition similar to
that used to make the repaired floor, but it can also be made of special fine-grained
repair material. For the durability of the layered concrete floor created in this way,
the key is to join the new top layer with the bottom layer, which requires a quanti-
tative evaluation by means of a test procedure before being put into use. Such an
assessment is performed in practice with the semi-destructive pull-off method. The
chapter indicates the inconvenience of this research method, resulting in a signifi-
cant minimization of the scope of the necessary tests in construction practice, which
helps to omit the defective areas of the floor. The authors proposed a new method of
assessing the bonding of layers in these floors, using non-destructive 3D laser scan-
ning, impulse response, impact-echo method, and artificial neural networks. This
new method has been described in the chapter and enriched with a helpful original
methodology of non-destructive neural evaluation of the pull-off adhesion value of
the top layer from the bottom layer.
Chapter 14 deals with the diagnosis of post-tensioned concrete floors, which are
not as widely used as the floors presented in Chapters 8−13. These floors, however,
are also exposed to certain performance irregularities, specified in the chapter,
resulting in, for example, cracking. Despite the fact that the scale of this phenom-
enon is much smaller than in other floors, it should not be underestimated in terms
of load-bearing capacity, safety of use, and durability. For these reasons, these floors
should undergo targeted diagnostic tests, but also diagnostic tests after many years
of failure-free operation. The chapter presents a methodology focused on such non-
destructive tests, illustrated with examples of results from own research.
At the end of each chapter, there are reference items related to what the chapter
As mentioned in the Preface, the authors hope that this book will be of use to
experienced researchers and experts specializing in non-destructive testing, espe-
cially structural engineers beginning with the problem of floor diagnostics using
non-destructive methods. It should also be useful in expanding the knowledge of
students studying at the faculties of construction and architecture, both in its content
and reference sources in the field of non-destructive floor diagnostics.
144 Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Floors

1. Pye, P.W., & Harrison, H.W. (1997). Floors and flooring. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
2. Garber, G. (2006). Design and construction of concrete floors. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
3. Zybura, A., Jaśniok, M., & Jaśniok, T. (2017). Diagnostics of reinforced concrete struc-
tures (in Polish). Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN.
4. Bungey, J.H., Millards, S.G., & Grantham, M.G. (2006). Testing of concrete in struc-
tures. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
5. Malhotra, V.M., & Carino, N.J. (2003). Handbook on nondestructive testing of con-
crete. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
6. Drobiec, Ł, Jasiński, R., & Piekarczyk, A. (2010). Diagnostics of reinforced concrete
structures (in Polish). Warsaw: Polish Scientific Publishers PWN.
Note: Locators in italics represent figures and bold indicate tables in the text.

A Correlation relationship, 49, 57, 59, 96,

120, 124
Abrasion test, 97, 120 Cracks, 75–76, 75, 89, 96, 114, 115, 118
Acoustic methods, 19, 30, 127
Ad hoc diagnostics, 14
ANNs, see Artificial neural networks D
Appropriate correlation relationship, 59 Degradation of concrete floors, 1, 5
Approximate scaling of test equipment, 59–61 basic mechanisms of, 6
Artificial neural networks (ANNs), 124, 125, 128 biological mechanisms, 5
chemical mechanisms, 5
B classification of, 5–7
of concrete in concrete floors, 6
Back propagation artificial neural network, 126 consequence of, 7
Borescopes, 29 inevitability of the progression of, 9
physical mechanisms, 5
C relationships with properties of floors, 7–9
of steel reinforcement in floors, 7
Cable sheaths, 131, 137 Diagnostic management, 1
Calibration of test equipment, 57 Dowelled concrete floors, 63, 64
Cement laitance, 73, 76, 78 methodology of non-destructive diagnosis
Cement screeds, 111 of, 65–71
cracks and, 114 reasons for hidden defects of, 63–65
defects, examples of, 111–115
implementation of, 112
methodology of testing, 115–120, 116, 117
strength parameters of, 111 Electromagnetic method, 19, 134–135
Classification of methods for floor diagnostics, 17 Empirical dependence, 45
non-destructive methods, 17, 17, 18 Endoscopes, 29
usability areas of, 19–24, 20–21, 22
visual assessment, 19 F
semi-destructive methods, 24, 24
usability areas of, 24–25, 25, 26 Fourier transform, 135
Complementarity of non-destructive testing,
49–51 G
Compressive strength, 1, 41, 45, 51, 58, 92,
96–97, 108, 111, 114, 118, 120, 131 Geodetic method, 64, 78, 94, 106, 107
Concrete floor surface, 30, 35–36
Concrete industrial floors, 87
industrial concrete floors, most common
defects in, 87–92 Humidity, 42, 49
methodology of testing, 92–98, 93, 94
requirements for the implementation of, 88
separation of a column in, 90
Concrete slabs, faulty dowelling of, 65 Impact-echo method, 32, 48–49, 51, 125,
Concrete strength, non-destructive methods 137
useful for assessing, 30, 31 Impulse response method, 30, 32, 48–49, 50–51,
Control sections, importance of, 51–53, 125
52, 137 Incised antispasmodic expansion slits, 94

146 Index

Industrial concrete floors, most common defects R

in, 87–92
Industrial floors, see Concrete industrial Radar method, 34
floors Rebound R number, 41
Informative “background,” 15 Reinforcement, 2, 30, 33–34
Interlayer bonding, 123 Reliability, 41
complementarity of non-destructive testing,
L control sections, importance of, 51–53
Laboratory conditions, non-destructive methods humidity, methods of assessing, 49
used in, 30, 37 impact-echo and impulse response methods,
Laser triangulation method, 35 48–49
Layered concrete floors, diagnostics of, 123 sclerometric method, 41–45
pull-off adhesion, non-destructive neural ultrasonic method, 45–47
method of assessing, 124–127 ultrasonic tomography method, 47–48
pull-off adhesion value, non-destructive
neural evaluation of, 127–129 S
Sagging, 81
M Scaling of test equipment, 57
Magnetic flux, 135 approximate scaling, 59–61
Magnetic method, 33 precise scaling, 57–59
Measurement path length, 47 Schmidt N-type hammer, 41, 43, 44
Sclerometric (dynamic) method, 31, 41–45
Scope of diagnostics, 13
N Selection of diagnostic methods, 14–15
Near-surface tensile strength, 95, 111, Semi-destructive adhesion test, 123
118, 119 Semi-destructive methods
Non-vertical continuous line, 92 for floor diagnostics, 24
N-type Schmidt hammer, 41, 44, 44 usability areas of, 24–25
N-type sclerometer, 57 pull-off method, 107
pull-off strength testing, 118
useful in in situ research, 30
O Stone floors, diagnostics of, 73
Optical method, 19, 36, 37 concrete floors
causes of damage to, 73–77
methodology of testing, 78–84
P Stone slab, chipped edge of, 77
Periodic diagnostics, 14
Physical methods, group of, 17, 18, 20–21 T
Polyurethane-cement floors, 101
methodology of testing concrete industrial Target diagnostics, 14
floors with, 102, 105–108 Technical evaluation, 11
significant defects, 101–105 Technical expertise, 11–12, 12, 13, 15, 16
Post-tensioned concrete floors, 131 Technical judgement, 11
methodology of non-destructive testing of, Technical opinion, 11
132–137, 134, 136 Technical studies, types of, 11–14, 12
Precise scaling of test equipment, 57–59 Test equipment, 57
Principles of diagnostic procedure, 15 approximate scaling of, 59–61
Pull-off adhesion value, 124–129 calibration of, 57
Pull-off method, 2, 36, 95, 118 precise scaling of, 57–59
Thickness of floors, non-destructive methods
useful for assessing, 30, 32–33
Q 3D laser scanning method, 124, 127, 128, 129
Quasi-Newton learning algorithm, 125, 126, 126, T-Student distribution, 60
128–129 Types of diagnostics, 14
Index 147

Ultrasonic method, 31, 45–47, 58, 119 Videography, 19
Ultrasonic tomography method, 2, 47–48, Videoscopes, 29
65, 68 Visual assessment, non-destructive methods
Ultrasonic wave velocity, reinforcement useful for, 29, 29
on, 46
Usability areas of non-destructive methods, X
19–24 X-ray tomography method, 37

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