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09-04 21:49:38.

104 1508 4775 D _V_WindowManager:

finishDrawing:postDrawTransaction, mSyncGroup=null currentSyncId=-1
postDrawTransaction=android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@5c16208 mSyncState=0
09-04 22:11:52.836 5190 5209 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:11:52.841 5190 14320 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:11:52.875 5190 5209 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:11:52.881 5190 5209 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:14:39.809 2999 4545 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=com.google.android.gms.chimera.container.GmsModuleProvider, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=372, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:14:39.838 2999 4545 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=com.google.android.gms.chimera.container.GmsModuleProvider, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=372, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:14:47.702 2999 4906 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=com.google.android.gms.chimera.container.GmsModuleProvider, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=372, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:14:47.731 2999 4906 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=com.google.android.gms.chimera.container.GmsModuleProvider, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=372, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:33:16.667 2999 3145 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=com.google.android.gms.chimera.container.GmsModuleProvider, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=368, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:33:18.088 2999 3144 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=com.google.android.gms.chimera.container.GmsModuleProvider, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=364, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:33:18.548 2999 3144 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=com.google.android.gms.chimera.container.GmsModuleProvider, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=360, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:33:18.726 2999 3144 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=com.google.android.gms.chimera.container.GmsModuleProvider, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=368, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:38:43.868 1018 15783 I installd: set_cpuset: 16208 to bg
09-04 22:38:43.934 16208 16208 I dex2oat64: /apex/com.android.art/bin/dex2oat64 --
input-vdex-fd=10 --output-vdex-fd=9
com.android.location.provider.jar]} --compiler-filter=speed --compilation-
reason=bg-dexopt --max-image-block-size=524288 --resolve-startup-const-strings=true
--generate-mini-debug-info -j4
09-04 22:38:44.045 16208 16208 I dex2oat64: Using CollectorTypeCC GC.
09-04 22:38:44.250 16208 16208 I dex2oat64: Large app, accepted running with swap.
09-04 22:38:48.616 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int ae.t(int, int, int,
int) took 115.993ms
09-04 22:38:49.034 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ejlt ai.a(int) took
09-04 22:38:49.197 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.util.Pair
anb.a(java.lang.String, java.util.List, java.util.Map) took 245.688ms
09-04 22:38:49.929 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
apg.<init>(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, aqw) took 112.766ms
09-04 22:38:52.778 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of diu die.a(did) took
09-04 22:38:52.957 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean djb.i(dix, dix)
took 114.152ms
09-04 22:38:53.574 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
eet.createAccessibilityNodeInfo(int) took 157.421ms
09-04 22:38:53.674 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
eet.performAction(int, int, android.os.Bundle) took 100.236ms
09-04 22:38:54.326 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ewe.a(ewi, evw,
java.util.ArrayList, int) took 155.917ms
09-04 22:38:54.389 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ewh.b(evw, boolean)
took 121.104ms
09-04 22:38:54.718 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
exv.n(android.content.Context, org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser) took 141.614ms
09-04 22:38:54.840 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
exv.v(androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout) took 100.104ms
09-04 22:38:54.866 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
android.graphics.Typeface fee.e(android.content.Context,
android.content.res.Resources, android.util.TypedValue, int, int, fec, boolean,
boolean) took 110.434ms
09-04 22:38:55.104 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/uwb/UwbManager;->getAdapterState()I (blocked, linking, denied)
09-04 22:38:55.277 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void fl.e() took
09-04 22:38:56.014 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/media/MediaRoute2Info;->getType()I (blocked, linking, denied)
09-04 22:38:56.019 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/media/MediaRoute2Info;->getType()I (blocked, linking, denied)
09-04 22:38:56.029 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
MediaRoute2Info$Builder; (blocked, linking, denied)
09-04 22:38:57.875 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ifk ifv.a(ifg, byte[],
byte[]) took 184.326ms
09-04 22:38:57.937 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ifk ift.c(byte[]) took
09-04 22:38:58.120 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of igx ihi.a(igs, byte[],
byte[]) took 123.004ms
09-04 22:38:58.143 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of igx ihg.c(byte[]) took
09-04 22:38:58.178 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ifo ift.e(int,
java.lang.String) took 171.209ms
09-04 22:38:58.409 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ihb ihg.e(int,
java.lang.String) took 196.143ms
09-04 22:39:00.260 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ldl.run() took
09-04 22:39:00.306 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ldp
ldq.b(android.content.Context, lfd, int, lfb, kyn) took 115.737ms
09-04 22:39:00.406 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.ArrayList
lct.c(java.util.List, boolean) took 262.857ms
09-04 22:39:00.408 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int lef.b(dxgm, lfb)
took 114.605ms
09-04 22:39:00.448 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
lem.a(android.content.Context, lfd, int, lfb, kyn) took 118.402ms
09-04 22:39:00.550 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void lct.g(lcw) took
09-04 22:39:00.648 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of lfd lef.f(int,
java.util.List, java.util.List, lly, java.lang.String, java.util.List,
java.util.List, java.util.List, java.lang.String, java.util.List, java.util.List,
lcp) took 210.135ms
09-04 22:39:00.913 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
lmh.m(java.lang.String, ejeq) took 126.582ms
09-04 22:39:01.134 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void lvy.a(lwq, mia,
ltc, com.google.android.gms.contextmanager.internal.ContextManagerClientInfo) took
09-04 22:39:01.679 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void mgp.a(lql, eirc[],
java.util.List, eird, int) took 192.066ms
09-04 22:39:01.910 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of mis mio.a() took
09-04 22:39:01.931 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
mmc.c() took 187.284ms
09-04 22:39:01.987 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
mmu.d(android.view.View, int, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer[],
java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer) took 145.639ms
09-04 22:39:04.332 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bhg.g(java.util.Collection, boolean) took 236.875ms
09-04 22:39:05.394 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
cxm.r(java.util.List, dav) took 104.050ms
09-04 22:39:06.425 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
MediaRoute2Info$Builder; (blocked, linking, denied)
09-04 22:39:07.568 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of itr iyl.b(jco, itq) took
09-04 22:39:07.672 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of itr iym.b(jco, itq) took
09-04 22:39:07.824 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[] jbt.a(jcf, ivb,
ivm) took 134.111ms
09-04 22:39:07.830 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of itr jbq.b(jco, itq) took
09-04 22:39:08.781 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of kex kgm.a(kdh, keu) took
09-04 22:39:08.929 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of kpy
kpn.eT(java.lang.String, kor, java.util.List) took 122.730ms
09-04 22:39:09.458 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.os.Bundle
kvc.p(android.accounts.Account, java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle, int) took
09-04 22:39:09.554 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean kzc.y(lfd, kza,
java.util.Set, ljn, boolean, lcp, java.util.Map) took 173.414ms
09-04 22:39:09.612 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
kvc.a(com.google.android.gms.auth.HasCapabilitiesRequest) took 115.808ms
09-04 22:39:09.733 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean lae.t(ljl,
boolean, ejeq, ejeq, int, java.util.List, java.io.File, ljg) took 239.325ms
09-04 22:39:09.803 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.os.Bundle
kvc.c(android.accounts.Account, java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle, int) took
09-04 22:39:10.325 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ltp.c(java.io.PrintWriter) took 159.789ms
09-04 22:39:10.725 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
com.google.android.gms.contextmanager.internal.ContextManagerClientInfo, mgo,
boolean) took 120.930ms
09-04 22:39:11.493 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
android.support.v7.widget.GridLayoutManager.fm(int, android.os.Bundle) took
09-04 22:39:13.226 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ewi.W() took
09-04 22:39:14.178 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void lrw.a() took
09-04 22:39:14.267 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void lum.g(int) took
09-04 22:39:14.311 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
luq.b(java.util.Set) took 135.001ms
09-04 22:39:15.164 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int mwo.t(mwb, long,
java.io.File) took 110.603ms
09-04 22:39:15.604 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cjl.a(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) took 227.912ms
09-04 22:39:16.294 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ewk.W(int, int,
int, int) took 120.523ms
09-04 22:39:19.530 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
aame.a(java.lang.Long) took 100.963ms
09-04 22:39:19.885 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean aato.c(aatc)
took 253.945ms
09-04 22:39:20.230 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
abhg.call() took 186.722ms
09-04 22:39:20.300 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
abhp.a(java.lang.String, android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor, int) took 169.921ms
09-04 22:39:20.884 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void abms.c() took
09-04 22:39:21.083 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean abme.f() took
09-04 22:39:21.577 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void abzo.c() took
09-04 22:39:22.525 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of adae adaf.e(adbi, adeh,
adaa, addr, adad) took 136.118ms
09-04 22:39:22.657 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void adbj.run() took
09-04 22:39:22.733 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void adcm.a() took
09-04 22:39:22.747 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of long adaf.i(long, adbi,
ejeq) took 215.361ms
09-04 22:39:23.032 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of adab adaf.a(adbi) took
09-04 22:39:23.344 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean adjs.j(int,
adjh, java.util.List, adjr) took 274.178ms
09-04 22:39:23.717 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void aeba.f(axhq, int,
java.util.List) took 116.657ms
09-04 22:39:24.297 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void aeen.a(aeep) took
09-04 22:39:24.332 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of aemw aemy.a() took
09-04 22:39:26.099 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void nim.h(dzko, long,
java.util.Map, nev) took 323.291ms
09-04 22:39:27.175 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of elgy pew.b(afuh,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, java.util.Map, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
java.util.List, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, byte[], int, int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int,
java.lang.String) took 179.222ms
09-04 22:39:27.801 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
pwv.a(android.accounts.Account, android.os.Bundle,
com.google.android.gms.auth.firstparty.shared.AppDescription, ejeq) took 107.520ms
09-04 22:39:27.905 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
pxn.call() took 103.496ms
09-04 22:39:28.543 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.os.Bundle
qja.a(android.content.Context) took 108.047ms
09-04 22:39:28.599 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.String
qju.d(android.content.Context, uvl) took 101.708ms
09-04 22:39:30.973 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
uis.f(android.content.Context, int) took 104.610ms
09-04 22:39:33.394 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
wul.apply(java.lang.Object) took 138.736ms
09-04 22:39:35.083 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dzdi zvx.a() took
09-04 22:39:35.880 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
aawx.f(android.content.Context) took 130.154ms
09-04 22:39:36.422 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
abqo.f(android.content.Context) took 136.438ms
09-04 22:39:37.049 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void acdl.N(dpbm) took
09-04 22:39:38.947 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
aepp.f(android.content.Context) took 273.446ms
09-04 22:39:39.221 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
com.google.android.gms.ads.internal.mediation.client.e.eU(int, android.os.Parcel,
android.os.Parcel) took 162.010ms
09-04 22:39:39.484 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
com.google.android.gms.ads.jams.a.b() took 224.842ms
09-04 22:39:39.857 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
andleIntent(android.content.Intent) took 186.211ms
09-04 22:39:40.338 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
.onHandleIntent(android.content.Intent) took 247.108ms
09-04 22:39:41.986 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
psj.f(android.content.Context) took 116.088ms
09-04 22:39:44.967 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
toq.apply(java.lang.Object) took 104.404ms
09-04 22:39:45.269 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
tzl.f(android.content.Context) took 102.842ms
09-04 22:39:45.527 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean udb.eU(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 217.097ms
09-04 22:39:46.564 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
vid.f(android.content.Context) took 105.409ms
09-04 22:39:46.923 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void vqm.g(ejgr,
java.lang.String) took 175.035ms
09-04 22:39:47.414 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
woh.apply(java.lang.Object) took 112.095ms
09-04 22:39:47.486 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dqik wqm.d() took
09-04 22:39:47.783 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of wui wvk.a(wug) took
09-04 22:39:47.856 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of wui wwk.e(wug,
java.util.Map) took 106.496ms
09-04 22:39:48.081 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of xca xdf.a(xbz) took
09-04 22:39:48.083 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas
xef.a(java.lang.Object) took 110.965ms
09-04 22:39:48.726 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas yjv.a() took
09-04 22:39:48.732 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas yjl.c(dvav, yii,
wsc, dqik, com.google.android.gms.autofill.fill.FillForm, dvas, dqik, wht, wgu,
boolean) took 129.869ms
09-04 22:39:48.733 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
yif.a(android.service.autofill.FillEventHistory) took 173.253ms
09-04 22:39:48.834 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas
ykk.a(java.lang.Object) took 107.707ms
09-04 22:39:50.411 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void aahw.p(aavs) took
09-04 22:39:50.799 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
acqh.e(java.lang.String) took 134.264ms
09-04 22:39:51.087 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void acsx.j(acle,
java.lang.String[]) took 102.502ms
09-04 22:39:51.148 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ejgr acut.a() took
09-04 22:39:53.818 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
criptor, android.app.backup.BackupDataOutput, android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor) took
09-04 22:39:54.036 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
n.a(android.content.Intent) took 124.380ms
09-04 22:39:54.810 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
nnf.G(dzgq, ocp) took 142.972ms
09-04 22:39:55.150 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void otg.N() took
09-04 22:39:57.482 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
took 167.310ms
09-04 22:39:57.718 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
took 154.131ms
09-04 22:39:57.772 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
gS(bbjr) took 104.204ms
09-04 22:39:57.889 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
Service.a() took 100.211ms
09-04 22:39:58.221 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
rvice.gS(bbjr) took 374.686ms
09-04 22:39:58.354 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ent.Intent) took 218.056ms
09-04 22:39:58.634 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
ng) took 268.250ms
09-04 22:39:59.356 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
zek.onViewCreated(android.view.View, android.os.Bundle) took 113.411ms
09-04 22:39:59.887 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ntService.a(android.content.Intent) took 107.957ms
09-04 22:40:01.439 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void wef.b(gic,
java.lang.Object) took 137.907ms
09-04 22:40:02.105 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
oid.os.Bundle) took 101.617ms
09-04 22:40:03.056 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
onClick(android.view.View) took 107.893ms
09-04 22:40:03.992 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void afgi.a() took
09-04 22:40:05.727 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void agsj.run() took
09-04 22:40:06.074 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
aguq.h(ahdn, java.lang.String,
com.google.android.gms.constellation.VerifyPhoneNumberRequest, java.util.List) took
09-04 22:40:06.117 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of epdv agvr.f(ahdn, ejhz,
boolean, boolean, java.lang.String) took 198.307ms
09-04 22:40:06.405 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void agvr.m(ahdn,
boolean, boolean, epee) took 102.510ms
09-04 22:40:07.947 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[]
akbh.a(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, android.content.Context,
com.google.android.gms.droidguard.DroidGuardResultsRequest, akff, java.util.Map,
int, java.lang.Throwable) took 176.927ms
09-04 22:40:08.427 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean akms.s(akid,
akis, byte[]) took 167.740ms
09-04 22:40:08.601 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
akec.a(android.content.Context, byte[], akgb, akdx) took 698.962ms
09-04 22:40:08.850 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/media/MediaRoute2Info;->getType()I (blocked, linking, denied)
09-04 22:40:08.850 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/media/MediaRoute2Info;->getType()I (blocked, linking, denied)
09-04 22:40:10.369 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ekii
amxz.b(com.google.android.gms.feedback.ErrorReport, android.content.Context) took
09-04 22:40:10.472 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.String
anjk.b(aoyr, java.lang.String, anjn, aoym) took 144.397ms
09-04 22:40:10.852 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
anto.h(com.google.android.gms.fido.u2f.api.common.ProtocolVersion, java.util.List)
took 102.347ms
09-04 22:40:11.178 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void aoep.run() took
09-04 22:40:11.196 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void aofj.run() took
09-04 22:40:12.682 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of arfa arfb.b(ares, emzy)
took 240.465ms
09-04 22:40:12.997 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.fitness.data.DataType artr.a(emzp) took 143.403ms
09-04 22:40:14.321 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void asyy.run() took
09-04 22:40:15.322 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void aufk.run() took
09-04 22:40:15.439 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void aufv.run() took
09-04 22:40:15.604 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of auwu aula.b() took
09-04 22:40:16.999 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dsyv
avvl.a(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, int, avvr) took 254.214ms
09-04 22:40:17.259 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
avvl.f(android.content.Context, ejeq) took 156.208ms
09-04 22:40:17.576 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void awhh.b(int, int,
int) took 220.084ms
09-04 22:40:17.682 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
away.t(java.io.PrintWriter, boolean, int) took 189.950ms
09-04 22:40:17.757 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of awid
awig.a(java.lang.String) took 113.092ms
09-04 22:40:17.761 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
awhr.f(java.lang.String, dqsa, com.google.android.gms.appdatasearch.CacheSpec) took
09-04 22:40:17.927 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
awjd.a(android.content.pm.PackageInfo, boolean, awij, android.accounts.Account[],
boolean, awak) took 120.756ms
09-04 22:40:18.186 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void awkq.d() took
09-04 22:40:20.160 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ageh ageh.b(int) took
09-04 22:40:20.179 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of agef agef.b(int) took
09-04 22:40:20.589 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void aguz.d(boolean,
java.util.Map) took 134.112ms
09-04 22:40:21.800 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean ajae.eU(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 112.284ms
09-04 22:40:21.964 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ajdo.onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 112.846ms
09-04 22:40:23.039 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
aljy.a(com.google.android.gms.dtdi.core.AnalyticsInfo, java.lang.String,
java.util.List, byte[], aldg) took 116.408ms
09-04 22:40:23.195 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
allm.f(android.content.Context) took 154.628ms
09-04 22:40:25.318 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void aoli.e(byte[]) took
09-04 22:40:25.950 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas
apps.a(java.lang.Object) took 129.043ms
09-04 22:40:27.901 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
arcg.c(long, long, long, java.util.List, arcw, arax) took 117.067ms
09-04 22:40:28.697 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean aske.a(int,
java.lang.Object, arrn) took 118.366ms
09-04 22:40:28.788 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean aslq.a(int,
java.lang.Object, arrn) took 102.437ms
09-04 22:40:28.959 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean askp.a(int,
java.lang.Object, arrn) took 353.335ms
09-04 22:40:28.976 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean asmc.a(int,
java.lang.Object, arrn) took 268.944ms
09-04 22:40:29.231 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
asph.onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 357.749ms
09-04 22:40:29.667 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
atnl.a(android.content.Context, atpc) took 135.692ms
09-04 22:40:29.697 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.os.Bundle
atoh.a(android.os.Bundle, int) took 129.048ms
09-04 22:40:29.729 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cnyf atqf.a() took
09-04 22:40:30.317 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void auqu.c(auxg) took
09-04 22:40:30.797 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int avtg.a(bbjr) took
09-04 22:40:30.896 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
avug.f(android.content.Context) took 215.751ms
09-04 22:40:31.403 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.util.Pair
awwq.h(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, android.content.res.Resources,
boolean, java.util.Collection) took 108.528ms
09-04 22:40:31.429 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas
axbi.a(java.lang.Object) took 116.517ms
09-04 22:40:31.602 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
(android.content.Intent) took 102.175ms
09-04 22:40:31.893 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
tent) took 322.171ms
09-04 22:40:32.109 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
tentOperation.onHandleIntent(android.content.Intent) took 101.521ms
09-04 22:40:32.221 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
t(android.content.Intent) took 100.932ms
09-04 22:40:33.436 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
algv.c(com.google.android.gms.dtdi.orchestration.SpatialEvent) took 178.705ms
09-04 22:40:34.250 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
aslr.f(java.io.PrintWriter) took 126.996ms
09-04 22:40:34.761 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[] auxx.i() took
09-04 22:40:34.870 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Boolean
awao.c() took 184.149ms
09-04 22:40:35.045 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
awej.a() took 243.927ms
09-04 22:40:35.148 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of awjo awjp.c(awbw, awjm,
long) took 252.173ms
09-04 22:40:37.597 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/net/VpnTransportInfo;->isBypassable()Z (blocked, linking, denied)
09-04 22:40:38.482 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
alfb.onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup,
android.os.Bundle) took 103.846ms
09-04 22:40:39.103 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of androidx.slice.Slice
amrm.a(android.net.Uri) took 212.392ms
09-04 22:40:39.341 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ardw
arlj.f(java.util.List, arec) took 112.119ms
09-04 22:40:39.863 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of awgo
awgx.f(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, awfc, awik, awhi) took 111.311ms
09-04 22:40:40.134 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dqsa aspw.X(asny) took
09-04 22:40:40.739 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
com.google.android.gms.fitness.service.sync.SyncGcmTaskChimeraService.gS(bbjr) took
09-04 22:40:45.448 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
id.os.Bundle) took 127.234ms
09-04 22:40:46.189 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.instantapps.internal.AppInfo ayai.a(aycr) took 154.810ms
09-04 22:40:46.226 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void aybr.run() took
09-04 22:40:49.810 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void beyk.run() took
09-04 22:40:49.912 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
beza.call() took 189.194ms
09-04 22:40:50.458 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bfis.run() took
09-04 22:40:50.479 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bfie.run() took
09-04 22:40:50.611 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.mobiledataplan.MdpDataPlanStatusResponse bfjj.c(dzuw,
java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle) took 111.399ms
09-04 22:40:51.053 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dzuq
bfjg.d(java.lang.String, java.lang.Long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long, int) took 325.609ms
09-04 22:40:51.222 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean bfkh.c() took
09-04 22:40:52.214 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bglu.run() took
09-04 22:40:53.166 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
bgtt.call() took 104.513ms
09-04 22:40:53.171 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
bgtv.call() took 103.755ms
09-04 22:40:53.186 5190 6282 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:40:53.192 5190 6282 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:40:53.232 5190 5447 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:40:53.238 5190 5447 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:40:53.254 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Boolean
bgtc.a() took 245.241ms
09-04 22:40:53.480 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bguj.run() took
09-04 22:40:53.530 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bgul.run() took
09-04 22:40:53.868 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bhfx.b() took
09-04 22:40:54.105 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bhgx.d(android.content.Intent) took 119.334ms
09-04 22:40:54.110 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bhhe.run() took
09-04 22:40:54.381 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bhhp.o(android.content.Context, bhfh, java.lang.String, byte[], edij, bhxs, bidr)
took 254.289ms
09-04 22:40:54.689 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bhib.t(eelv, ejeq)
took 354.410ms
09-04 22:40:55.287 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
BluetoothDevice;)I (blocked, linking, denied)
09-04 22:40:55.383 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bidi.c(int, elfb)
took 144.413ms
09-04 22:40:55.538 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bidi.d(com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.Message, java.lang.String,
com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.internal.BleSignalImpl, byte[]) took
09-04 22:40:55.640 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dqsa
bijw.b(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, java.util.List) took 108.144ms
09-04 22:40:56.147 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bird.b() took
09-04 22:40:56.279 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
bipn.i(java.lang.Iterable, java.lang.String) took 338.723ms
09-04 22:40:57.202 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bjwn.run() took
09-04 22:40:57.908 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
bknx.S(java.lang.String) took 106.295ms
09-04 22:40:58.030 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean bknx.A(bknc)
took 108.318ms
09-04 22:40:59.535 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void blke.b() took
09-04 22:41:00.490 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
bmmv.d(android.accounts.Account) took 122.860ms
09-04 22:41:00.598 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bmmv.f(android.accounts.Account, java.util.List) took 106.526ms
09-04 22:41:02.033 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boge
bogf.e(android.accounts.Account) took 220.959ms
09-04 22:41:02.058 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of bgcx bohg.g(bnou, bmsx,
java.util.List, boolean) took 109.089ms
09-04 22:41:02.657 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void boxz.b() took
09-04 22:41:03.159 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eods enyb.e(eoev) took
09-04 22:41:03.396 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eoii eohk.a(eoif,
java.lang.String, java.util.List) took 221.861ms
09-04 22:41:03.671 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eoii eoig.a() took
09-04 22:41:04.088 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
axvn.f(android.content.Context) took 153.352ms
09-04 22:41:04.100 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
axvr.f(android.content.Context) took 125.188ms
09-04 22:41:04.559 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of gzr aymu.a(hfl) took
09-04 22:41:06.469 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean bckc.eU(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 101.825ms
09-04 22:41:07.229 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean bddk.eU(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 110.238ms
09-04 22:41:07.664 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean bdto.eU(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 208.013ms
09-04 22:41:08.231 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cnyf
bfeo.a(java.lang.Object) took 104.119ms
09-04 22:41:08.550 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bfcs.J(com.google.android.gms.measurement.internal.AppMetadata) took 101.787ms
09-04 22:41:08.585 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bfkr.f(android.content.Context) took 104.114ms
09-04 22:41:08.611 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bfks.f(android.content.Context) took 109.970ms
09-04 22:41:08.964 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bfcs.S() took
09-04 22:41:09.258 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.measurement.internal.AppMetadata) took 293.673ms
09-04 22:41:09.478 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
bfcs.U(java.lang.String, long) took 217.809ms
09-04 22:41:09.789 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean bgxx.f(bgnp,
java.lang.String, bgpc) took 104.060ms
09-04 22:41:09.963 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[]
bgyk.d(java.lang.String, bgnp, java.lang.String, int, eehj) took 115.404ms
09-04 22:41:10.378 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bhma.run() took
09-04 22:41:10.452 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bhmc.e(bhzx, bhya)
took 118.785ms
09-04 22:41:10.951 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bici.run() took
09-04 22:41:11.310 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bigc.f(android.content.Intent) took 147.462ms
09-04 22:41:11.820 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bisf.c(android.content.Context) took 278.526ms
09-04 22:41:13.329 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bldq.run() took
09-04 22:41:13.397 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of elas blev.n(elga) took
09-04 22:41:13.512 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
blgv.f(com.google.location.nearby.messages.debug.internal.DebugPokeRequest, eefe)
took 101.842ms
09-04 22:41:13.617 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ekyk
blev.b(com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.ClientAppIdentifier, ejgr, ejgr, int,
java.util.Set) took 217.924ms
09-04 22:41:13.809 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bllh.run() took
09-04 22:41:14.204 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
bmhh.apply(java.lang.Object) took 104.182ms
09-04 22:41:14.911 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of bofn bofy.p() took
09-04 22:41:15.155 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of androidx.slice.Slice
boki.b(android.net.Uri) took 107.920ms
09-04 22:41:15.398 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bofc.aM(com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.ShareTarget, java.lang.String) took
09-04 22:41:15.534 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boer
bofc.ad(com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.ShareTarget) took 103.113ms
09-04 22:41:15.741 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bofc.au() took
09-04 22:41:16.622 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dogl, java.lang.String) took 145.048ms
09-04 22:41:17.147 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[] eoke.j() took
09-04 22:41:17.190 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eoku eolc.F(boolean)
took 111.859ms
09-04 22:41:18.837 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
bmhg.t(java.util.Collection) took 114.554ms
09-04 22:41:21.144 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
on.b(android.content.Intent, int) took 107.894ms
09-04 22:41:21.871 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
rnalChimeraService.a(android.content.Intent) took 121.039ms
09-04 22:41:21.872 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
and(android.content.Intent, int, int) took 209.487ms
09-04 22:41:22.154 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
rnalChimeraService.dump(java.io.FileDescriptor, java.io.PrintWriter,
java.lang.String[]) took 257.998ms
09-04 22:41:23.286 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
eogt.a(java.lang.CharSequence) took 108.204ms
09-04 22:41:23.424 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[] eojc.b(byte[])
took 177.117ms
09-04 22:41:24.031 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
bfmh.onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup,
android.os.Bundle) took 245.167ms
09-04 22:41:24.381 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
) took 110.059ms
09-04 22:41:24.397 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
.gS(bbjr) took 121.834ms
09-04 22:41:24.725 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.common.internal.GetServiceRequest) took 111.715ms
09-04 22:41:24.970 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
eraService.a(bbah, com.google.android.gms.common.internal.GetServiceRequest) took
09-04 22:41:25.207 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
.lang.Exception) took 131.655ms
09-04 22:41:25.413 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
mp(java.io.FileDescriptor, java.io.PrintWriter, java.lang.String[]) took 613.864ms
09-04 22:41:25.562 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
(boolean) took 216.769ms
09-04 22:41:25.906 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.NearbySharingChimeraService.G() took
09-04 22:41:26.036 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.NearbySharingChimeraService.H() took
09-04 22:41:26.150 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.NearbySharingChimeraService.I() took
09-04 22:41:26.365 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
(android.content.Intent) took 400.058ms
09-04 22:41:26.463 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.NearbySharingChimeraService.at() took
09-04 22:41:26.500 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas
aygb.b(java.lang.Object) took 169.632ms
09-04 22:41:26.620 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas
ayig.b(java.lang.Object) took 104.640ms
09-04 22:41:26.629 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas
ayhe.b(java.lang.Object) took 147.380ms
09-04 22:41:26.636 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas
ayih.b(java.lang.Object) took 112.702ms
09-04 22:41:27.427 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
besa.b(java.lang.String, java.util.List, java.util.List, java.lang.Long) took
09-04 22:41:27.493 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
besm.G(java.lang.String, long, long, bfcq) took 131.202ms
09-04 22:41:27.748 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
beyc.p(java.lang.String, byte[], java.lang.String, java.lang.String) took 137.685ms
09-04 22:41:29.222 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List bivl.z()
took 110.653ms
09-04 22:41:30.422 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of bpnk bpnk.a(bpnh) took
09-04 22:41:31.489 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of bwqk
bqtz.a(android.accounts.Account) took 197.631ms
09-04 22:41:32.109 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.content.Intent
btbs.b(elzn, android.content.Context, java.lang.String, long,
android.accounts.Account) took 129.166ms
09-04 22:41:32.176 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byow btdh.B() took
09-04 22:41:32.262 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ejgr btch.u(bqmn,
java.lang.String, ejgr, ejgr, java.util.Map, int, long, java.lang.String, boolean,
int) took 217.637ms
09-04 22:41:32.538 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of bsru bsuh.b(bsrj) took
09-04 22:41:32.583 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dqik
btef.f(android.content.Context, eayo, int, android.os.Bundle) took 101.705ms
09-04 22:41:32.589 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of btfj btdh.f() took
09-04 22:41:32.701 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of btmi btdh.g() took
09-04 22:41:33.213 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of btrf btdh.r() took
09-04 22:41:33.238 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
btqn.a(java.util.List, boolean) took 160.316ms
09-04 22:41:33.458 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dgmn btsh.a(dgmn) took
09-04 22:41:33.473 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dgkd btqz.u(emqv, dgkd,
int, eaon) took 119.653ms
09-04 22:41:33.726 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ebby buai.a() took
09-04 22:41:33.755 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
btqz.e(java.lang.String, dqik) took 193.770ms
09-04 22:41:33.981 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enoy buiv.c(ebmk) took
09-04 22:41:34.268 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dqik buwo.a(buwp, ebbu,
ebau, dgix, bulq, bulo, bulh, bule, java.lang.String, long) took 150.991ms
09-04 22:41:34.887 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dqsa bvvx.a() took
09-04 22:41:35.004 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cwlc
bvyj.c(java.util.List, java.util.List, dqik) took 100.485ms
09-04 22:41:36.964 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bzin.c(com.google.android.gms.pay.UpdateSettingsRequest) took 229.569ms
09-04 22:41:37.034 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bztr.b(bztq) took
09-04 22:41:37.067 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bzvk.b(java.util.List, java.util.Map) took 169.518ms
09-04 22:41:37.147 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
bzvp.f(java.util.List, long) took 124.804ms
09-04 22:41:37.366 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bzxl.b(bzxk) took
09-04 22:41:38.282 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cbop.run() took
09-04 22:41:38.339 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dzzg cbne.a() took
09-04 22:41:38.851 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cchj.call() took 127.045ms
09-04 22:41:39.474 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of doip ccxc.a(ccul) took
09-04 22:41:39.509 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ccvp.j(android.content.Context, android.accounts.Account, cdcw, ejeq) took
09-04 22:41:39.683 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ccyv.p(java.util.List, java.util.List) took 115.378ms
09-04 22:41:39.804 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cczh.a() took
09-04 22:41:40.481 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase cdup.h() took 133.186ms
09-04 22:41:40.604 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.phenotype.ExperimentTokens cdwy.a(cdup) took 162.390ms
09-04 22:41:40.988 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cdzf.E(java.util.Set, long, dwic, dwid, java.util.List, java.util.LinkedHashMap,
ejeq, cdzd, boolean, java.util.Map) took 374.245ms
09-04 22:41:41.293 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cdzf.F(java.util.Set, java.util.List, dwhr, java.lang.String, boolean, ejeq, cdzd,
java.util.LinkedHashMap, dqtk, boolean, enio) took 302.619ms
09-04 22:41:41.516 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cdzf.q(dwhr,
java.lang.String, dqtk, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[], boolean, enio) took
09-04 22:41:41.871 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.common.api.Status cfee.a(java.lang.String, boolean,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String) took 107.977ms
09-04 22:41:42.285 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dozz
cfmg.g(com.google.android.gms.reminders.model.Task) took 153.216ms
09-04 22:41:42.472 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cfqs.f(dzzg,
boolean, java.lang.String, cfqr, boolean) took 145.128ms
09-04 22:41:42.567 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
cfsc.a(android.content.Context, cfst, zna, cfsa) took 103.910ms
09-04 22:41:42.578 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cfrd
cfsd.a(android.content.res.Resources, long, long) took 103.234ms
09-04 22:41:42.644 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dzzg cfqp.a(boolean)
took 197.851ms
09-04 22:41:42.856 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ejeq cfso.a(dsjq, dsjt,
dqsi) took 321.807ms
09-04 22:41:44.496 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
boolean, java.lang.String) took 100.068ms
09-04 22:41:44.656 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void chep.b() took
09-04 22:41:45.012 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ontent.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) took 113.083ms
09-04 22:41:45.748 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
fbtb.a(java.lang.String, org.json.JSONObject) took 114.273ms
09-04 22:41:45.873 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bqco.inject(java.lang.Object) took 121.308ms
09-04 22:41:46.654 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
brcw.a(java.lang.Object) took 175.359ms
09-04 22:41:47.015 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
brle.inject(java.lang.Object) took 124.242ms
09-04 22:41:47.792 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean bscf.eU(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 159.423ms
09-04 22:41:48.587 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
btdj.inject(java.lang.Object) took 117.789ms
09-04 22:41:49.197 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of btob btre.c() took
09-04 22:41:49.630 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dgms btsj.a(dgms) took
09-04 22:41:49.685 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
btyf.inject(java.lang.Object) took 109.455ms
09-04 22:41:51.049 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bvmy.a(java.lang.Object) took 103.377ms
09-04 22:41:52.215 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bwow.inject(java.lang.Object) took 103.327ms
09-04 22:41:53.220 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ebgm bxfe.P(bwzq, dqik,
dqik, dqik, int) took 336.610ms
09-04 22:41:53.259 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bxtf.inject(java.lang.Object) took 103.152ms
09-04 22:41:53.281 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bxth.inject(java.lang.Object) took 100.235ms
09-04 22:41:54.408 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bysq.inject(java.lang.Object) took 108.151ms
09-04 22:41:54.619 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
byst.inject(java.lang.Object) took 116.924ms
09-04 22:41:54.973 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
byvq.f(android.content.Context) took 115.508ms
09-04 22:41:55.169 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of btob byxn.c() took
09-04 22:41:56.181 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bzbq.inject(java.lang.Object) took 101.252ms
09-04 22:41:57.075 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of btfj bzgd.d() took
09-04 22:41:58.318 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
caxb.fT(java.lang.Object) took 109.638ms
09-04 22:41:59.034 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dsjt
cbol.d(java.util.List, java.util.Set, cbon) took 262.909ms
09-04 22:41:59.347 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean ccak.eU(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 166.158ms
09-04 22:41:59.467 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cbxn.onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 228.191ms
09-04 22:42:00.007 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ccul ccut.a() took
09-04 22:42:00.066 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cctp.c(android.accounts.Account, android.os.Bundle, android.content.SyncResult)
took 125.100ms
09-04 22:42:00.200 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cctp.d(android.accounts.Account, android.os.Bundle, cdcw, java.lang.Exception) took
09-04 22:42:00.241 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ccwy
ccwz.f(java.util.LinkedHashMap, dzwt[]) took 110.816ms
09-04 22:42:00.394 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cczd.a() took
09-04 22:42:01.990 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.Map
cfry.h(java.util.List) took 138.256ms
09-04 22:42:02.214 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas cfuq.a(dapu) took
09-04 22:42:02.220 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dsjt
cfry.a(java.util.List, java.util.Set, cfsa, dzzx[]) took 153.148ms
09-04 22:42:02.290 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cflp.j(android.accounts.Account, android.os.Bundle, java.lang.String,
android.content.SyncResult) took 463.952ms
09-04 22:42:02.470 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean cfry.c(cfsa)
took 171.437ms
09-04 22:42:03.325 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cgyo.f(android.content.Context) took 165.598ms
09-04 22:42:03.787 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.pay.secard.model.SeCommuterPassModel.<init>(bwzq, dqik,
eblb, bxfc, bwyp) took 175.400ms
09-04 22:42:05.882 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
bvrt.dJ(java.lang.Object) took 199.959ms
09-04 22:42:06.667 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
byvj.f(android.content.Context) took 101.265ms
09-04 22:42:06.776 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
byvy.f(android.content.Context) took 101.938ms
09-04 22:42:06.878 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bywv.f(android.content.Context) took 120.805ms
09-04 22:42:07.040 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
byys.f(android.content.Context) took 165.982ms
09-04 22:42:07.225 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bzed.f(android.content.Context) took 110.232ms
09-04 22:42:07.251 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bzex.f(android.content.Context) took 114.521ms
09-04 22:42:07.307 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bzgf.f(android.content.Context) took 103.592ms
09-04 22:42:09.550 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of efgx
ejeq, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) took 168.562ms
09-04 22:42:09.703 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ntent.Intent, int) took 112.654ms
09-04 22:42:09.923 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.database.Cursor
ang.String[], java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long, boolean, dsmv,
java.lang.String) took 118.710ms
09-04 22:42:09.994 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
a.io.FileDescriptor, java.io.PrintWriter, java.lang.String[]) took 132.134ms
09-04 22:42:10.094 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.database.Cursor
droid.net.Uri, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, java.lang.String[],
java.lang.String) took 126.161ms
09-04 22:42:10.159 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.database.Cursor
d.net.Uri, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, java.lang.String[],
java.lang.String) took 120.370ms
09-04 22:42:11.743 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
byze.f(android.content.Context) took 107.308ms
09-04 22:42:11.766 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
byyx.f(android.content.Context) took 174.070ms
09-04 22:42:12.126 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.util.Pair
cbnd.b(android.content.Context) took 346.704ms
09-04 22:42:12.688 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cgpu.a() took 105.123ms
09-04 22:42:12.870 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cgrw.a() took 228.742ms
09-04 22:42:12.887 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.appdatasearch.SearchResults cgsf.n(away,
com.google.android.gms.search.queries.QueryCall$Request, awik, axgd, boolean) took
09-04 22:42:13.890 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
brkc.onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup,
android.os.Bundle) took 115.973ms
09-04 22:42:15.142 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bugp.W() took
09-04 22:42:15.193 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
buep.onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup,
android.os.Bundle) took 101.324ms
09-04 22:42:15.210 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
buhi.onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup,
android.os.Bundle) took 113.224ms
09-04 22:42:15.573 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bvpt.onResume()
took 106.716ms
09-04 22:42:15.585 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bvmx.G(eaxw, eayi,
emfx) took 325.469ms
09-04 22:42:17.081 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
byer.onViewCreated(android.view.View, android.os.Bundle) took 114.488ms
09-04 22:42:18.408 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.common.data.DataHolder cbme.b(android.content.Context) took
09-04 22:42:18.434 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.util.Pair
cbml.e(android.content.Context, cblg, afuh) took 163.503ms
09-04 22:42:20.050 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void btzr.U() took
09-04 22:42:20.155 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
took 135.330ms
09-04 22:42:21.454 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void chky.c(byte[],
byte[], cich) took 137.695ms
09-04 22:42:22.440 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
cimc.i(android.content.Context, android.accounts.Account) took 124.056ms
09-04 22:42:22.650 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ciws.b(gnz, gpf,
dhg, dgr, ezpv, ezpv, ezpv, ezpv, cuk, int) took 110.425ms
09-04 22:42:23.924 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ckpx.run() took
09-04 22:42:24.133 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
cksu.c(java.util.List) took 118.940ms
09-04 22:42:24.410 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void clfl.c(aeyf, aegq,
aehl, ejeq, boolean, java.util.List, boolean, boolean, int) took 106.359ms
09-04 22:42:24.474 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enmi[]
clgx.c(android.content.Context, android.os.DropBoxManager, java.lang.String, cles,
long, long) took 123.871ms
09-04 22:42:25.089 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
clra.h(clkm, int, int, int, int, boolean) took 132.265ms
09-04 22:42:25.274 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void clwy.run() took
09-04 22:42:25.692 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cmit.g(boolean)
took 266.124ms
09-04 22:42:25.754 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cmkf
cmkt.p(android.content.Context, byte[], java.lang.String, cmpv, boolean) took
09-04 22:42:25.872 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cmiy.b(android.content.Context, java.lang.String) took 261.224ms
09-04 22:42:26.615 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cnpk.b() took
09-04 22:42:26.713 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cnuv.run() took
09-04 22:42:27.150 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
cohw.c(java.util.Collection) took 103.260ms
09-04 22:42:28.027 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void coup.a(int,
java.lang.Object, ejeq) took 195.914ms
09-04 22:42:28.510 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cphp cpoc.b(ezih, ezih,
ezih, ezih, ezih) took 107.647ms
09-04 22:42:29.231 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cqvs.a(int) took
09-04 22:42:29.365 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eyli cqvn.b(boolean)
took 191.876ms
09-04 22:42:30.746 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dpoo
cscn.q(com.google.android.chimera.Fragment, android.os.Bundle) took 186.429ms
09-04 22:42:31.001 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
csmi.b(java.lang.String) took 186.583ms
09-04 22:42:31.014 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
csne.a(android.content.Context, csqt, csna, csnn, csno,
com.google.android.gms.wallet.service.ib.ProcessBuyFlowResultRequest) took
09-04 22:42:31.095 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dqfy
csrl.c(com.google.android.gms.wallet.wobs.CommonWalletObject) took 101.955ms
09-04 22:42:32.488 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cuyr.g(android.content.Context) took 145.136ms
09-04 22:42:32.682 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cvdz.b(android.content.Context) took 239.920ms
09-04 22:42:32.799 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of inv cvep.a(inv, inv)
took 171.663ms
09-04 22:42:32.905 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cvex.call() took 154.535ms
09-04 22:42:33.255 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enie enhz.a(int) took
09-04 22:42:33.314 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enie enib.a(int) took
09-04 22:42:33.349 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enie enic.a(int) took
09-04 22:42:33.572 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enre
enrb.b(java.lang.String, enqu, java.util.Map) took 111.509ms
09-04 22:42:33.997 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int eneh.a(int) took
09-04 22:42:34.071 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
chni.apply(java.lang.Object) took 162.015ms
09-04 22:42:34.201 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
choq.apply(java.lang.Object) took 128.742ms
09-04 22:42:34.242 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
chqi.apply(java.lang.Object) took 100.583ms
09-04 22:42:34.829 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas cidz.a() took
09-04 22:42:34.859 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas ciep.a() took
09-04 22:42:34.938 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dqsa
ciey.b(android.accounts.Account) took 186.528ms
09-04 22:42:35.327 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cinm.apply(java.lang.Object) took 135.485ms
09-04 22:42:35.511 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cipg.f(android.content.Context) took 124.094ms
09-04 22:42:35.592 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ciqd.f(android.content.Context) took 110.838ms
09-04 22:42:35.664 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cipz.f(android.content.Context) took 211.130ms
09-04 22:42:35.730 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas
cirj.a(java.lang.Object) took 109.611ms
09-04 22:42:35.893 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cjbv.a(cnyf) took 134.756ms
09-04 22:42:35.899 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cjbz.a(cnyf) took 125.899ms
09-04 22:42:37.226 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ckns.j(com.google.android.gms.smartdevice.d2d.data.MessagePayload) took 124.202ms
09-04 22:42:37.305 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ckob.j(com.google.android.gms.smartdevice.d2d.data.MessagePayload) took 174.030ms
09-04 22:42:38.168 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean clyq.eU(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 107.586ms
09-04 22:42:38.366 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cmkb cmjk.o(cmka) took
09-04 22:42:38.386 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cmkb cmjg.o(cmka) took
09-04 22:42:38.514 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cmjk cmjn.f(clkm, cmkf,
dqcj, byte[], long) took 242.500ms
09-04 22:42:38.569 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cmjg cmjj.f(clkm, cmkf,
dqcj, byte[], long) took 328.755ms
09-04 22:42:38.931 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cmle cmlg.d(clkm, cmkf,
dqcj, byte[], long) took 256.997ms
09-04 22:42:39.670 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cobe.f(android.content.Context) took 139.223ms
09-04 22:42:39.760 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cobd.c(android.content.Context, dvck) took 195.235ms
09-04 22:42:39.883 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
coht.apply(java.lang.Object) took 130.086ms
09-04 22:42:40.142 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
andleIntent(android.content.Intent) took 118.226ms
09-04 22:42:40.298 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
bjr, android.content.Context) took 129.812ms
09-04 22:42:40.347 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
.b(clkm, int, dqex, dogb) took 160.557ms
09-04 22:42:40.464 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
.onHandleIntent(android.content.Intent) took 116.141ms
09-04 22:42:40.573 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
android.content.Context) took 250.160ms
09-04 22:42:41.249 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.westworld.FetchOperation.c(android.content.Context, aeyf,
aehl, android.app.StatsManager, long, int) took 178.108ms
09-04 22:42:42.566 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cqwn cqxy.a() took
09-04 22:42:44.161 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean ctrx.eU(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 106.135ms
09-04 22:42:44.657 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ctyp.handleMessage(android.os.Message) took 258.711ms
09-04 22:42:45.052 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cuee.onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 148.412ms
09-04 22:42:45.677 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cugf.q(java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream, ctkt) took 166.612ms
09-04 22:42:45.730 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cupp.h(vr, int)
took 104.876ms
09-04 22:42:47.103 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enmk
clfq.q(android.content.Context, java.io.InputStream, long, long, aehl) took
09-04 22:42:49.081 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
(android.content.Intent) took 125.016ms
09-04 22:42:50.713 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.udc.UdcCacheResponse cqmq.d(android.content.Context,
java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean, boolean) took 106.248ms
09-04 22:42:50.866 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cqwz.g(boolean)
took 120.415ms
09-04 22:42:50.898 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cqwn cqxr.a() took
09-04 22:42:51.424 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.wallet.service.orchestration.BuyflowInitializeRequest) took
09-04 22:42:51.550 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.wallet.firstparty.ExecuteBuyFlowRequest) took 132.682ms
09-04 22:42:51.837 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
csrg.s(com.google.android.gms.wallet.IsReadyToPayRequest, android.os.Bundle, csid)
took 133.356ms
09-04 22:42:52.547 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enmk
clgm.q(android.content.Context, java.io.InputStream, long, long, aehl) took
09-04 22:42:52.855 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean clge.I(ejeq,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) took 398.443ms
09-04 22:42:52.929 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cmsu.b(android.content.Context) took 150.327ms
09-04 22:42:53.076 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ejkw
clge.J(java.lang.String, ejeq) took 215.192ms
09-04 22:42:53.098 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas
took 109.819ms
09-04 22:42:53.473 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas
com.google.android.gms.semanticlocationhistory.edit.EditUploadJob.hX(bbjr) took
09-04 22:42:55.816 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ent.Intent) took 119.119ms
09-04 22:42:56.517 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ctpv.h(aexn) took
09-04 22:42:59.931 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
csvd.d(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup, android.os.Bundle) took
09-04 22:43:01.426 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void crza.r(boolean)
took 134.567ms
09-04 22:43:02.495 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.wallet.ow.ChooseAccountShimChimeraActivity.b() took
09-04 22:43:04.546 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.wallet.ib.IbChimeraActivity.g(int, dlwb) took 187.402ms
09-04 22:43:06.331 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cwjp cwik.b(byte[],
cwkl, cwko) took 265.034ms
09-04 22:43:06.411 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fbuw
cwlt.a(android.content.Context, java.lang.Integer) took 108.399ms
09-04 22:43:06.442 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cwjp cwjo.b(byte[]) took
09-04 22:43:06.581 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cwpf.a(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, ejqt) took 110.336ms
09-04 22:43:07.286 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cxrl.run() took
09-04 22:43:07.988 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas cyse.b(boolean)
took 115.367ms
09-04 22:43:08.041 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cysd.n(long,
boolean, cyss, java.lang.Long, boolean, boolean, ejeq) took 114.629ms
09-04 22:43:09.263 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dbaj.onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 170.584ms
09-04 22:43:09.848 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dqik dbmu.c(dqik,
android.content.Context, java.util.Map, dbib) took 212.376ms
09-04 22:43:09.988 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dqik dbmu.d(eoze,
android.content.Context, java.util.Map, dbib) took 140.040ms
09-04 22:43:10.195 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dqik
dbxd.b(org.json.JSONObject) took 117.617ms
09-04 22:43:11.194 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of faod ddmg.h(faod, faod)
took 102.749ms
09-04 22:43:11.201 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ddmi
ddlq.a(java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long, android.os.health.HealthStats, fanr, ddlr)
took 145.602ms
09-04 22:43:11.321 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ddom.uncaughtException(java.lang.Thread, java.lang.Throwable) took 162.142ms
09-04 22:43:11.330 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of faqq ddrm.c(ddrl[]) took
09-04 22:43:11.914 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.String
depa.a(java.lang.String, int) took 115.164ms
09-04 22:43:12.911 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dgbd.b(eknm, eknn,
dgbe, android.content.Context, java.lang.String) took 256.356ms
09-04 22:43:13.304 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dhtr dgyx.a(dhry) took
09-04 22:43:13.799 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dhfk.h(dhrq, dhfs)
took 157.357ms
09-04 22:43:14.244 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dhqi.run() took
09-04 22:43:15.224 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void diqg.e(dixo,
dhug[], boolean) took 165.940ms
09-04 22:43:15.348 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
ditv.call() took 187.867ms
09-04 22:43:15.811 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.Map
djko.d(android.content.Intent) took 176.277ms
09-04 22:43:16.067 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of djmp
djmq.b(android.accounts.Account, int, java.lang.String, djky, long) took 195.267ms
09-04 22:43:16.089 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
djnh.d(com.google.android.location.reporting.state.update.ReportingConfig, long)
took 100.530ms
09-04 22:43:16.237 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
java.lang.String, boolean) took 132.416ms
09-04 22:43:16.240 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void djnt.run() took
09-04 22:43:17.676 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dldh.run() took
09-04 22:43:18.826 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int ekxi.a(int) took
09-04 22:43:19.828 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cvrn cvsd.a(cvrn, dqik)
took 106.022ms
09-04 22:43:20.355 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas
cwqd.a(java.lang.Object) took 100.988ms
09-04 22:43:20.382 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas cwqe.a() took
09-04 22:43:20.392 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cwbm cwcc.y(boolean)
took 128.944ms
09-04 22:43:20.654 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cwbm cwcc.d(byte[]) took
09-04 22:43:24.977 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dqik
daye.k(org.json.JSONObject) took 144.090ms
09-04 22:43:25.062 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
dbet.apply(java.lang.Object) took 102.426ms
09-04 22:43:25.118 5190 5447 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:43:25.125 5190 5447 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:43:25.159 5190 5447 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:43:25.167 5190 14320 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:43:25.359 5190 5447 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:43:25.364 5190 5447 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:43:25.392 5190 5381 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:43:25.398 5190 5381 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 22:43:25.610 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas dbnu.a(epan) took
09-04 22:43:25.818 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dvas dbpb.a(epan) took
09-04 22:43:28.362 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dgai.b(java.lang.Object) took 116.719ms
09-04 22:43:29.046 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of double[] dhgt.b(dhgf,
dhir) took 108.676ms
09-04 22:43:29.110 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
android.location.GnssMeasurementCorrections dhfn.g(long, dhir,
android.location.Location, android.location.Location, double, dhgs, boolean, dhfs,
dhhm) took 164.371ms
09-04 22:43:29.146 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dhhl.a(java.io.PrintWriter) took 120.299ms
09-04 22:43:30.638 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void diwe.o(ecoq, long,
long, int, boolean, boolean) took 106.870ms
09-04 22:43:30.914 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void djaz.b(diym) took
09-04 22:43:32.695 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ejew ejiz.c(ejgr, int)
took 141.180ms
09-04 22:43:32.927 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
ejgu.c(java.lang.Object, byte[], int, int, int, ejcu) took 178.143ms
09-04 22:43:33.190 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ejgu.k(java.lang.Object, ejdq, ejef) took 166.223ms
09-04 22:43:35.438 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.location.reporting.state.update.ReportingConfig, boolean) took
09-04 22:43:35.624 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
djns.b(android.content.Intent) took 185.104ms
09-04 22:43:41.505 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
tinterface.walletdatatypes.DsrpInputData) took 329.421ms
09-04 22:43:41.685 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
gine.walletinterface.walletdatatypes.QrcInputData) took 179.871ms
09-04 22:43:41.696 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dmhb.a(dmhq, djxu,
dmmz, dmho, int) took 108.591ms
09-04 22:43:42.145 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of egtu dmis.b() took
09-04 22:43:42.319 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dmlx
dmlv.a(java.lang.String, dmmg) took 318.980ms
09-04 22:43:42.420 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
dmmq.a(ehua) took 100.737ms
09-04 22:43:42.490 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ehwe dmlz.b(byte[],
android.content.res.Resources, android.content.res.Resources$Theme) took 446.190ms
09-04 22:43:42.702 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ehua dmmq.b(ehua, bmw)
took 280.785ms
09-04 22:43:43.259 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dpje dncl.b() took
09-04 22:43:43.648 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
dnre.a() took 163.179ms
09-04 22:43:44.289 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int dnvh.a(int) took
09-04 22:43:46.404 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int dswf.b(int) took
09-04 22:43:47.070 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int dwhm.b(int) took
09-04 22:43:47.968 16208 16210 I dex2oat64: Method exceeds compiler instruction
limit: 17634 in int dyor.a(int)
09-04 22:43:48.439 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ecwq.run() took
09-04 22:43:48.762 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of elbv edfl.a() took
09-04 22:43:48.773 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
(blocked, linking, denied)
09-04 22:43:48.792 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
BluetoothAdapter$BluetoothConnectionCallback;)Z (blocked, linking, denied)
09-04 22:43:48.800 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
(blocked, linking, denied)
09-04 22:43:48.894 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
BluetoothAdapter$BluetoothConnectionCallback;)Z (blocked, linking, denied)
09-04 22:43:50.367 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dmau.p(byte[],
byte[]) took 182.474ms
09-04 22:43:53.482 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean dwyo.eU(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 119.377ms
09-04 22:43:54.253 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dyoy dyoy.b(int) took
09-04 22:43:54.368 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dyxe.c(azbv) took
09-04 22:43:54.999 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
edht.a(com.google.android.libraries.bluetooth.fastpair.fmd.FmdRequest) took
09-04 22:43:55.158 16208 16208 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
edgx.i(com.google.location.nearby.common.fastpair.ProtoWrapper, java.util.List,
boolean) took 122.739ms
09-04 22:43:56.528 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dlwb dlxa.b(dlwa) took
09-04 22:43:56.872 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dlwb dmew.b(dlwa) took
09-04 22:43:57.558 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void doqs.b(dosl,
java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream) took 179.079ms
09-04 22:44:09.990 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.wallet.ui.expander.SummaryExpanderWrapper, dpmx,
java.lang.String, int, int, boolean) took 161.048ms
09-04 22:44:10.197 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
dnuo.d(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup, android.os.Bundle) took
09-04 22:44:10.685 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean eoqy.f(boolean)
took 114.169ms
09-04 22:44:11.001 16208 16212 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void eysv.run() took
09-04 22:44:11.202 16208 16210 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ezcy.run() took
09-04 22:44:12.038 16208 16211 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int faxk.read(byte[],
int, int) took 193.206ms
09-04 22:44:43.869 1018 15783 I installd: wait dex2oat timeout, kill
09-04 22:44:43.870 1018 15783 I installd: kill ...16208 success
09-04 22:49:41.083 2373 2511 D _V_DeathInfoFilter: dex2oat64(16208) is died for
reason [native]
09-04 22:49:41.085 2373 3031 I _V_DeathInfoFilter: Detected process death,
dex2oat64(16208), death info:[EXCEPTION-NE|||]
09-04 23:12:25.676 5190 5373 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 23:12:25.684 5190 14320 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 23:12:25.720 5190 5373 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 23:12:25.726 5190 5373 D CursorWindow: Writing to parcel:
CursorWindow{name=/data/user/0/com.vivo.weather.provider/databases/weather.db, fd=-
1, size=16384, inflatedSize=2097152, allocOffset=208, slotsOffset=16208, numRows=1,
09-04 23:14:16.111 2191 2306 E _V_SysProcFs:

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