Week 1 Moina
Week 1 Moina
Week 1 Moina
External intercostal Inferior border of Superior border of Intercostal With 1st rib fixed, they
muscle (11) (fibers rib rib below nerves raise ribs during
pass downward and inspiration and thus
forward increase
anteroposterior and
transverse diameters
of thorax
Internal intercostal Inferior border of Superior border of Intercostal With last rib fixed by
muscle (11) (fibers rib rib below nerves abdominal muscles,
pass downward and they lower ribs during
backward) expiration
Trapezius Occipital bone, Upper fibers into Spinal part of Upper fibers elevate
ligamentum lateral third of accessory nerve the scapula; middle
nuchae, spine of clavicle; middle and (motor) and C3 fibers pull scapula
7th cervical lower fibers into and 4 (sensory) medially; lower fibers
vertebra, spines of acromion and pull medial border of
all thoracic spine of scapula
Pectoralis major Clavicle, sternum, Lateral lip of Medial and Adducts arm and
and upper six bicipital groove of lateral pectoral rotates it medially;
costal cartilages humerus nerves from clavicular fibers also
brachial plexus flex arm
Pectoralis minor 3rd, 4th, and 5th Coracoid process Medial pectoral Depresses point of
ribs of scapula nerve from shoulder; if the
brachial plexus scapula is fixed, it
elevates the ribs of
Serratus anterior Upper eight ribs Medial border and Long thoracic Draws the forward
inferior angle of nerve anterior around the
scapula thoracic wall; rotates
Serratus posterior Lower cervical and Upper ribs Intercostal Raises ribs and
superior upper thoracic nerves therefore inspiratory
spines muscles
Serratus posterior Upper lumbar and Lower ribs Intercostal Depresses ribs and
inferior lower thoracic nerves therefore expiratory
spines muscles
Sternocleidomastoid Manubrium sterni Mastoid process of Spinal part of Two muscles acting
and medial third of temporal bone and accessory nerve together extend head
clavicle occipital bone and C2 and 3 and flex neck; one
muscle rotates head
to opposite side
Latissimus dorsi Iliac crest, lumbar Floor of bicipital Thoracodorsal Extends, adducts, and
fascia, spines of groove of humerus nerve medially rotates the
lower six thoracic arm
vertebrae, lower
three or four ribs,
and inferior angle
of scapula
Scalenus anterior Transverse 1st rib C4, 5, and 6 Elevates 1st rib;
processes of 3rd, laterally flexes and
4th, 5th, and 6th rotates cervical part
cervical vertebrae of vertebral column
Scalenus medius Transverse 1st rib Anterior rami of Elevates 1st rib;
processes of upper cervical nerves laterally flexes and
six cervical rotates cervical part
vertebrae of vertebral column.
Scalenus posterior Transverse 2nd rib Anterior rami of Elevates 2nd rib;
processes of lower cervical nerves laterally flexes and
cervical vertebrae rotates cervical part
of vertebral column.
Transversus Lower six costal Xiphoid process, Lower six Compresses
cartilages, lumbar linea alba, thoracic nerves abdominal contents
fascia, iliac crest, symphysis pubis and
lateral third of iliohypogastric
inguinal ligament and ilioinguinal
nerves (L1)
External oblique Lower eight ribs Xiphoid process, Lower six Supports abdominal
linea alba, pubic thoracic nerves contents; compresses
crest, pubic and abdominal contents;
tubercle, iliac crest iliohypogastric assists in flexing and
and ilioinguinal rotation of trunk;
nerves (L1) assists in forced
expiration, micturition,
defecation, parturition,
and vomiting
Internal oblique Lumbar fascia, iliac Lower three ribs Lower six As above
crest, lateral two and costal thoracic nerves
thirds of cartilages, xiphoid and
process, linea alba, iliohypogastric
symphysis pubis and ilioinguinal
nerves (L1)
Rectus abdominis Symphysis pubis 5th, 6th and 7th Lower six Compresses
and pubic crest costal cartilages thoracic nerves abdominal contents
and xiphoid and flexes vertebral
process column; accessory
muscle of expiration
Pyramidalis (if Anterior surface of Linea alba 12th thoracic Tenses the linea alba
present) pubis nerve