Bitumenous Surfacing
Bitumenous Surfacing
Bitumenous Surfacing
This method statement covers all the procedures to be adopted for asphaltic concrete
surfacing work consisting of furnishing materials, mixing at a central plant, and
spreading and compacting asphaltic concrete wearing, binder and regulating course on an
approved base course.
3.3 Material
4.1 General
1. Prior to application of prime coat the base would be brushed to remove all dust,
loose particles and other extraneous material and the surface would be moistened
with water just before priming.
2. Where local irregularities in the existing surface, the surface would be brought to
uniform contour by patching with an asphalt mixture to be approved by the
3. Where the mix is laid over cement concrete pavements, joints and cracks would
be cleaned and filled with bituminous material as approved, and any unevenness
of the surface would be corrected as required. A tack coat would then be applied
to the surface.
4. Tack coat should be spread on cleaned and brushed surface according to the
method statement QA/MS-06/PT.
1. Asphaltic mixtures would be placed only when the surface is dry, when the
weather is not rainy or will not soon be rainy and prepared road bed is in a
satisfactory condition.
2. For use in an emergency such as rain, chilling wind or unavoidable delay enough
tarpaulin covers would be used for the purpose of covering or protecting any
material that may have been dumped and not spread.
1. No work would be carried out when there is insufficient equipment for hauling,
spreading, compaction and finishing or insufficient labour to ensure progress at a
rate compatible with the output of the mixing plant to ensure a continuous paving
2. Trucks for hauling asphaltic mixtures would be tight, clean, and smooth metal
beds that have been sprayed with soapy water, thinned fuel oil, paraffin oil, or
lime solution to prevent the mixture from adhering to the bed and the amount of
sprayed fluid would be kept to the practical minimum.
3. Each load would be covered with a canvas or other suitable material of such size
as to protect the mixture from the weather.
4. Any truck causing excessive segregation of material by its spring suspension or
that causes undue delays shall, upon direction of the Engineer, be removed from
the work until such conditions are corrected.
5. When necessary, in order that the mixture would be delivered to the site within
the specified temperature range, a properly fastened insulating cover would be
6. Loading and transporting would be such that spreading, compacting and finishing
would all be carried out during daylight hours unless satisfactory illumination is
7. The equipment for spreading and finishing would be approved mechanical, self
powered pavers, capable of spreading and furnishing the mixture to the lines,
grades, levels, dimensions and cross sections.
8. The mixture after spreading and initial tamping by the paver would have a smooth
surface free of distortions caused by dragging, tearing or gouging.
9. Any defects in the finished surface would immediately be rectified before any
rolling takes place and there would be no unnecessary scattering back by hand of
material on paver laid work.
10. For keeping all small tools clean and free of accumulation of asphaltic material,
suitable means would be provided.
4.5 Compaction
1. Immediately after the mixture has been spread and struck off, the surface would
be checked and any inequalities adjusted. The mixture would then be thoroughly
and uniformly compacted by rolling.
2. Each course would be rolled as soon as after being placed as the material would
support the roller without undue displacement or cracking.
3. Each course would be rolled as soon as after being placed as the material would
support the roller without undue displacement or cracking.
4. First in the break down rolling stage, paved stretch including all joints and edges
shall be compacted with 8 ton Steel wheeled tandem roller at a speed of 3 km/h,
4 no of passes.
5. The intermediate rolling shall be done by means of pneumatic tired roller at a
speed of 5km/h, 20 no of passes.
6. Breakdown and intermediate rolling shall be carried out at a temperature not less
than 135 º C and 115 º C respectively.
7. Then final rolling shall be carried out by means of steel wheeled tandem roller at
a speed of 5km/h, 2 no of passes. The final rolling shall be completed before the
temperature of the mix falls below 90 º C.
8. Finally the surface irregularities shall be checked using standard straight edge
9. Rolling would be started longitudinally at the sides and proceed towards the
center of the pavement except that on super elevated curves rolling would begin at
the low side and progress towards the high side.
10. Rolling would progress continuously as may be necessary to obtain uniform
compaction while the mixture is in a workable condition and until all roller marks
are eliminated.
11. To prevent adhesion of the mixture to the roller, the wheels would be kept
properly moistened but excess motor would not be permitted.
12. Heavy equipments or rollers would not be permitted to stand on the finished
surface until it has thoroughly cooled or set.
13. The surface of the mixture after compaction would be smooth and true top the
established crown and grade within the tolerance specified.
14. Any mixture that becomes loose and broken, mixed with dirt or which is defective
in any way, would be removed and replaced with fresh hot mixture, which would
be compacted immediately to conform to the surrounding area. All high spots,
high joints, depressions and honeycombs would be adjusted and corrected as
directed by the Engineer.
15. Both longitudinal and lateral joints in successive courses would be staggered so as
not to be one above the other.
16. Longitudinal joints would be arranged so that the longitudinal joint on the top
course shall be at the location of the line dividing the traffic lanes.
17. Lateral joints would be staggered a minimum of 250mm and would be straight.
18. Longitudinal and transverse joints would be made in the careful manner so that
well bonded and sealed joints are provided for the full depth of the course.
19. When the wearing course is placed adjacent to kerbs to from an asphalt gutter
would be sealed with asphalt.
20. Sections of newly finished work would be protected from traffic of any kind until
the mix has sufficiently hardened. Also traffic would normally not be permitted
over newly laid surfaces at least for 12 hours after laying or until the temperature
of the newly laid surfacing has achieved the ambient temperature.
5.1.1 General
1. Safety Induction Training would be conducted to all new employees by the Safety
Officer prior to start any work.
2. Regular safety induction courses and toolbox talks would be arranged on site for
operative and supervisory staffs and in particular for new workers.
3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as safety boots, helmets, masks etc would
be provided with workers.
4. All tools, plant, equipment and temporary facilities and all other items use to carry
out the work should be in a safe, sound and good condition.
5. Alcoholic drinks and other substances, which may impair judgment, would be
prohibited from the Site.
6. Investigation would be taken place to identify falling hazards and preventive
measures would be taken immediately.
7. A notice would be erected to prevent outsiders entering to our work sites, “No Entry
for Outsiders”.
8. First aid facilities such as a first aid box would be made available for in case of minor
injury treatment.
9. In every work place portable water would be available through out the day
1. Effort would be made to clean the affected road surface, i.e., brushed off, and washed
2. Every effort would be made to ensure no environmental pollution complaints from
residents of the work area.
3. Environmental complaints would be registered in the complaint register as specified
in the Environmental Implementation Action Plan.
4. Every effort would be made not to disturb prevailing surface water run off.
5. Water pool area would not be disturbed.
6. Water streams and water wells would be prevent from pollution. Equipment and
vehicles shall not be allowed to wash in the drinking water wells or streams.
7. Noise pollution prevention effort would be made to minimize construction noise
levels. Vehicles and equipments would be maintained in good condition in order to
prevent from noise pollution.
Annex A: Checklist
Annex B: Inspection & Test Plan
Standard Specification for Construction & Maintenance of Roads and Bridges (Volume