IoT Operated Door Lock Using ESP32 CAM Module

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Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

IoT Operated Door Lock using ESP32 CAM Module


Abstract:- In terms of house security, the doors are such as stepper motor and drivers we increase the utilization
playing important roll. To have the residence safe and of this application. After adding the new unparallel features
secure, the door will be kept locked by the owner at all of Wi-Fi based door lock with an access point to open or close
times. When sometimes, landlords left the house. the the door. Itis unique and very user friendly.
landlords forget to lock the door, or the landlords are not
definite if they close the door or not. This paper will The people are taking more interest in digital lock
represent a wi-fi base smart door lock system. It also uses because of its more attractive features. There is various
the ESP32 CAM module and telegram. In the working advantages such as easy to use, compatible etc and it provide
system when a person presses the doorbell the landlord great functionality. The digital lock also have few
receives a message on his/her mobile handset with the disadvantages which are based on that the industries working
photo of that person. This paper also represents that if the in this field and trying to improve the security models. The
owner wants to operate the smart lock with his/ her phone creation ofthe smart home is weather the parts of a home is
he/she is free to do so or the landlord is able to open or manipulated and designed to operate wirelessly, in this
close the door with his/her phone after checking the photo paper the example of parts of a home is the door. The
of that person. The ESP32 CAM and internet of things system should be scalable so that new devices can easily be
(IoT) is used by this door security system to monitor and integrated or mounted on it. It must provide a user- friendly
watched the status of the door, so it enhances the security interface on the host side, so that the devices can be easily
of the home. setup, monitored and controlled. This interface should also
provide some extra services so that if there is any problem
Keywords:- Wi-Fi lock security system, House security, with the system, it can be tracked down quickly. Moreover
ESP32 Camera, IoT based door lock. the overall system must be fast enough to realize the true
power of wireless technology. Lastly the system should be
I. INTRODUCTION cost effective .now a days, there are lots of thefts are going
on, become significant issues for all. By these of wi-fi based
Nowadays everyone is worried about his/her security; door lock become more simple and secure in these fields, here
either it could be a security about the data of security of home. we can use scanner for fingerprint recognition, so that
Now a days the digital lock increase very rapidly in the recent unknown cannot enter inside.
years because of technology advancement and rapidly growth
of internet. The digital locks are also known as smart lock III. METHODOLOGY
because they do not required physical key to operate. The
digital lock normally uses radio frequency identification In this part covered the essential settings including the
(RFID), fingerprint, face ID, passwords, pins and other ESP32 Camera board manager installation. The system is
method to operate. With the help of these technologies a powered by ESP 32 CAM circuit. The Circuit Diagram for
number of digital locks can be built. We use a camera (ESP32 IOT operated door lock using ESP32-CAM and is combined
CAM) and IoT (internet of things) for operating a digital lock with an USB to TTL for operating the Solenoid Lock we can
smartly and for the better security. It is very straight forward use TIP NPN 122 transistor. The USB to TTL boards are
operating model. once an individual press the doorbell, the employed to flash the code into ESP32-CAM because ESP
landlord receives a notification on his/her phone with a 32 cam does not have the self programming IC, for that we
photograph of that person. The landlord also can unlock the can use USB to TTL convertor.
door with the mobile device after checking the photograph.
Here Arduino IDE is employed to program ESP32-
II. LITRATURE REVIEW CAM. The entire code is separated into four parts. One for
the main code for the camera and relay module which is used
Most of the industries working in the field of internet of to locks or unlocks the door consistent with face recognition,
things (IoT) in last few years and the major goal of these and so the other three codes are for website, camera index,
industries are to make things simples, easy and smart. it needs and camera pins. After completing the code, insert the
digital connectivity with internet of things (IoT) for security network credentials, SSID, password. After configure the
reasons. The internet of things (IoT) makes the digital locks SSID and password we can open the telegram app because in
smart and also introduced the use of stepper motor. It needs the programming section we can configure the telegram bot
digital pad to receive the input and also required a Bluetooth token that have generated by the telegram app and the BOT
module to operate the devices. It is the great thing that a smart ID. BOT ID also generated by the telegram app. After
digital lock does not require a stepper motor and this generating the BOT ID and token open the telegram app
application also detect the person at the door. Using this and click on the link generated by the BOT Token after that
application the owner also received the photograph of the you can see your new channel ID. In the channel id we
person at the door. After removing the unused component can tap on the/start button then we will get a

IJISRT23AUG791 1644

Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
interface:— Welc ome to the ESP32-CA M Telegra m S ma rtLock. suitable smart devices for home, industrial wireless control
system, wireless monitoring system, QR wireless
/photo: Takes a new photo; identification, wireless positioning system signals and other
/unlock: Unlock the door internet of things (IoT) applications. The AN-USB-TTL
/lock: Lock the door module is a less expensive and it is used to convert TTL signal
To get the photo please tap on /photo a USB interface. When connected to the PC USB port it is is
automatically detected module and is installed as a native
When someone press the doorbell we get notification COM port which is suitable with any existing serial
on our telegram app, and also get the photo of the person communication interface.
entered at the door. After getting the notification with the
telegram app we can take the multiple photos by just click on The TTL Serial cables are a range of USB to serial
/photo. We can lock and unlock the door with telegram app converter cables that provide connectivity between USB and
by click on the /lock and /unlock. serial UART interfaces. There are various cables are available
offering connectivity at 5V, 3.3V or user specified signal
ESP 32 Cam, latest small-size camera module released levels with Varity of connector interfaces. The USB-TTL
by Essence. This component can easily work separately due Interface is a USB module which provides 16 I/O lines that
to its tiniest design with a size of 27*40.5mm and wide sleep can have very high accuracy. It can be used to replace parallel
current as low as 6mA. ESP32-CAM is usually broadly port interfaces that are no longer common on computers.
utilized in various internets of things (IoT) applications,

Fig. 1: Circuit Diagram of ESP32-CAM

Fig 2: ESP32-CAM programming with USB to TTLconvertor

IV. RESULT AND CONCLUSION our proposed model can be extended by integrating
temperature sensors, that can be used to trigger the system to
We successfully designed internets of things (IoT)- open and close the doors automatically as per the variations
based door lock security system which uses the ESP32Cam of the room temperature. The android applications should be
to monitor the status of door and boost home security. The able to manage more doors, windows, and basic home
communication protocols are used between the smart phone electronic equipment. To assure the system's completeness, a
and the door lock system. In this situation, due to the current battery backup system must be considered
COVID environment, the smart locking door system is very
important and applying this internet of things (IoT)-based
door lock system without using our hands is necessary and

IJISRT23AUG791 1645

Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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[2.] Norarzemi, Ummi Annisa, et al. "Development of
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