NCM 122 Ratio Finals

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NCM 122 (FUNDA LEC) RATIONALIZATION In which following system would the nurse

organize data according to SOAP format?

UNIT 3 EXAM - Source-oriented method

A student nurse is caring for a 72-year-old The head nurse observes a new nurse
with Alzheimer’s disease. Which is the most discussing changes in a patient’s
appropriate communication strategy to condition with a physician over the phone.
be used of the student nurse. The new nurse accepts telephone orders
- Give written directions, like for for a new medication and for some
example during bathing laboratory tests from the physician at the
end of the conversation. During the
After making a documentation error, conversation, the new nurse writes the
which action should the nurse take orders down on a piece of paper to enter
- Draw a line in the mistake and write them into the electronic medical record
with initial when a computer terminal is available. At
this hospital new medication orders
While reviewing a Pulmonary Assessment, entered into the electronic medical
entered by a nurse in a patient’s electric record can be viewed immediately by
medical record (EMR), a physician notices hospital pharmacists, and hospital policy
that the only information documented in states that all new medications, must be
that section is “WDL” (within defined limits). reviewed by a pharmacist before being
The physician also is not able to find a administered to patients. Which of the
narrative description of the patient’s following actions requires the head nurse
respiratory status in the nurse’s progress to intervene?
notes. What is the most likely reason for - Gives a newly ordered medication
this? before entering the order in the
- Simple ask why the nurse caring for patient’s medical record
the patient forgot to document on
the pulmonary system The nurses on the medical unit have seen
an increase in the number of medication
A nurse tells a client who is struggling with errors on their unit. They decide to
cancer pain. “It is normal to feel frustrated evaluate the medication administration
about the discomfort”. Which is most process on the basis of data gained from
representative of the skills associated with chart reviews and direct observation of
the working phase of the helping nurses administering medications. Which
relationship? process are the nurses using?
- Respect - Quality improvement

What is the appropriate way for a nurse to A group of nurses of research council in a
dispose of the information from the local hospital is measuring nursing sensitive
patient’s electronic record? outcomes. Which of the following is a
- Rip the papers up into small pieces nursing-sensitive outcome that the nurses
and place the pieces into the need to consider measuring?
standard trashcan - Number of patients who developed a
Urinary Tract Infection from Foley catheter
- Number of patients who fall and
Which of the following statements experience subsequent injury on the
regarding patient record is accurate? evening shift
- Most patient records are
microfilmed and stored in
Arrange the following step of evidence-
based practice (EBP) in the appropriate
order. UNIT 4 EXAM
• 1st step- Share the results with
others Which is more commonly a characteristic
• 2nd step- Ask the burning clinical of a manager rather than a leader.
question - Has been given a legitimate power
• 3rd step- Integrate the evidence by the organization
• 4th step- critically evaluate the
evidence you gather Senior staff members oppose the change,
• 5th step- Collect the most relevant whereas newer staff members are more
and best evidence accepting. Which is the most effective
• 6th step- Evaluate the practice strategy for resolving this difference?
decision or change - Encourage communication
• 7th step- Create a spirit of inquiry between

Nursing student is reviewing a process When the nurse provides the information
recording with the instructor. The student and support the information
engaged the patient in a discussion - Autonomy
about availability of family members to
provide support at home once the A home health nurse notices significant
patient is discharged. The student reviews bruising on a 2-year-old patient's head,
with the instructor whether the comments arms, abdomen, and legs. The patient's
used encouraged opened and allowed mother describes the patient's frequent
the patient to “tell his story”. This is an falls. What is the best nursing action for the
example of which step of the nursing home health nurse to take?
process? - Contact a child abuse hotline
- Evaluation
A primary care provider’s orders indicate
The nurse uses silence as a therapeutic that a surgical consent form needs to be
communication technique. What is the signed. Because the nurse was not present
purpose of the nurse’s silence? when the primary care provider discussed
- Prompt the patient to talk when the surgical procedure, which statement
he/she is ready best illustrates the nurse fulfilling the client
- Allow the patient to think and gain advocate role?
insight - “What were you told about the
procedure you are going to have?”
In which of the following phases of
helping relationship is an agreement or
contract about the relationship
- Orientation phase

Which of the following are

recommended techniques to help
improve listening skills?
- Use appropriate facial expression
and body gesture
- Think before responding to the
- Listen for themes in the patient’s

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