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7/8 Technology and

Livelihood Education
Module 3
Module 3
Perform Mensuration and Calculation
TLE_ICTIL7/8MC-0d-1 & TLE_ICTIL7/8MC-0e-2
Technology and Livelihood Education – Grade 7/8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Perform Mensuration and Calculation
Information and Communications Technology – Illustration
First Edition 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Region III

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Author: Gabrielle Anne S. San Gabriel
Language Reviewer: Kreiss Maria B. Alindayo
Content Editor: Keith Richard R. Hernandez
Illustrator: Gabrielle Anne S. San Gabriel
Layout Artist: Gabrielle Anne S. San Gabriel

Management Team:
Gregorio C. Quinto, Jr., Ed.D.
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Rainelda M. Blanco, Ph.D.

Education Program Supervisor - LRMDS

Agnes R. Bernardo, Ph.D.

EPS-Division ADM Coordinator

Joel I. Vasallo, Ph.D.


Glenda S. Constantino
Project Development Officer II

Joannarie C. Garcia
Librarian II

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email address: [email protected]
Technology and
Livelihood Education
Module 3
Perform Mensuration and
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the Technology and Livelihood Education 7/8 Project CAP-LRE Alternative
Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Perform Mensuration and Calculation.
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators from public
institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator, in helping the learners meet the standards
set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic
constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the
needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the module:

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also
need to keep track of the learners’ progress while allowing them to manage their own learning.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks
included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to the Technology and Livelihood Education 7/8 Project CAP-LRE Alternative
Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Perform Mensuration and Calculation.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided
and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the
contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

At the end of this module you will also find:
References This is a list of all sources used in developing this module.
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities included
in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult
your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know

This module provides discussion and series of activities that will give you
a deep understanding of concepts and principles in performing measurements
and calculation.

At the end of this module you are expected to:

1. interpret object or component to be measured according to the

appropriate regular geometric shape;
2. select measuring tools appropriate to the object to be measured based
on requirements;
3. obtain correct specification from relevant sources;
4. select appropriate measuring instruments according to job requirements;
5. use alternative measuring tools without sacrificing cost and quality of
6. perform calculation needed to complete task by applying trade
7. integrate different techniques in checking for accuracy of the
8. perform simple trade mathematical conversions;

What I Know
Hello! I hope that you are energized today. Make yourself physically and
mentally ready for our new lesson. But before that, let us check your prior knowledge
about our new lesson. Feel free to answer the following questions.

Directions: Identify the following statements. Choose your answer from
the box below.
metric system mathematics English France
measurement meter inch 1/16

__________1. This word come from the Greek word “metron”.

__________2. This system of measurement came from England.
__________3. It is the basic unit in Systems International measurement.
__________4. Other name for Systems International measurement.
__________5. In English System, it is the smallest value of graduation line.

Directions: Match column A with column B. Write only the letter of the correct


1. This instrument is used to draw a. t-square

circles, arcs, radii, and parts of b. triangle
many symbols. c. ruler
2. A measuring tool used to layout an d. triangular scale
angle or an arc. e. protractor
3. This is used as a guide in drawing f. tape or tape ruler
horizontal lines. g. tape measure
4. The most popular type of measuring h. yard stick
tools, usually 6 or 12 inches in i. meter stick
length. j. compass
5. These are used to measure k. divider
dimensions. l. measuring tools
6. Its main purpose is to reproduce, m. geometric shapes
reduce or enlarge the dimension of
size on a drawing.
7. It is a concave spring steel blade
ranging from ¼” to 1” wide and 6 to
about 300 feet in length.
8. Figure or are closed by a boundary
which is created by combining the
specific number of curves, points
and lines.
9. It is used for drawing vertical and
oblique lines.
10. It is used for dividing distances into
a number of equal parts by the trial-
and-error method.

Are you done answering? Are the statements above are familiar to you? Well,
if you answered no this module will help you understand more about this lesson. So,
keep moving with the activities. Enjoy learning!

What’s In

Before we proceed to our next discussion, let us

try to recall our previous lesson. Can you apply
what you have learned in the previous module?


Directions: Complete the following sentences. Write your answers on your answer

1. Drawing ________ should be stored in rolled form.

2. Do not use the _________ as substitute for thumbtacks in fastening the
drawing paper on the drawing board or tabletop.
3. Inspection Report is used to state the condition of the illustration tools and
equipment that are used or inspected especially if _________ or damages are
4. Drawing tools are illustrators and artists’ ____________.
5. Always keep the pencil’s ________ sharp.

Good job! The result of your activity showed how to really mastered the previous
lesson. Now, be ready for the new challenges that this module will give you. Good

What’s New

Directions: Read carefully and answer the given questions below. Write MI if the
following tool is a measuring instrument or NMI if it is not a measuring

_______1. ruler _______6. divider

_______2. pencil _______7. compass
_______3. triangle _______8. protector
_______4. square _______9. compass
_______5. eraser _______10.drawing pad

What is It

Lesson 1


Different Measuring Tools/Instrument and their Application

For all parts of manufacturing and production technology, an understanding of
measurement is essential. In order for people to have common understanding and
application in the production and use of manufactured objects, measurements must
be uniform.

For the purposes of measuring dimensions, measuring tools are used to perform
any work with precision. Measuring instruments are also mainly used to carry out
various types of measurements.

Importance of Measuring Tools

To examine a finished product or semi-finished product, measuring tools are vital.
Inspection or inspection operations involve inspection or testing of an object on the
basis of the required dimensions specified in a diagram or drawing. The
measurements taken must be precise and accurate.

Different Measuring Tools

1. T-Square is used as guide in drawing horizontal lines and in measuring up to

48” straight line.

2. Triangles are used for drawing vertical and oblique lines. The most commonly
used triangles are the 45° and the 30° x 60°. Illustrations below show the proper
use of drawing lines and measuring angles using the T-square and triangle.

3. Ruler is the most popular type of measuring tool. It is usually 6 or 12 inches in
length. It is needed for measuring sizes and distances. It is also used to
measure things that are small. Most rulers show customary units of
measurement like inches and metric units of measurement such as millimeter
and centimeter.

4. Triangular Scale is used in general drawing. Its main purpose is to reproduce

the dimension in full size or to reduce or enlarge them on a drawing. Scales
help a drafter keep the proportions accurate.

Steps in Using a Scale

a. Place the edge of the scale parallel to the line being measured.
b. Face the edge of the scale that you're reading toward your non
dominant side (if it's oriented vertically) or away from you (if it's
oriented horizontally). This helps keep you from casting shadows on
the relevant face of the scale as you work.
c. Make light marks to indicate the distance you're measuring or drawing
out, as measured by the scale.
d. Adjust dividers with the scale by making a pencil line as long as the
dividers should be wide, using the scale as a guide. Then adjust the
dividers by orienting the points on the ends of the pencil line. Adjusting
the dividers by placing the points directly on the scale might nick the
surface of the scale, making it hard to read.

5. Protractor is used for measuring and setting of angles other than those
obtainable with the triangles.

6. Tape or tape ruler is a concave, spring-steel blade ranging from 1/4" to 1"
wide and 6 to about 300 feet in length, coiled inside a carrying case. Metric
tape ruler comes in comparable widths and lengths up to 10 meters. It provides
an easy means for accurately measuring curved surfaces.

7. Tape Measure is used to measure length. They are used to measure many of
the distances that are too long for a ruler to measure easily and they are
flexible, not rigid.

8. Yard Stick/ Meter Stick measures one yard/meter and shows only metric units
of measurement of feet, inches, centimeters and millimeters. It is used to
measure objects that are larger than a piece of paper.

9. Compass is used to draw circles, arcs, radii, and parts of many symbols.

Steps in Using a Compass

a. Place the point of the drafting compass at the center point of the circle
you intend to draw. If you're drawing an arc, imagine that the arc
extends all the way around into a circle and place the point of the
compass at the center of that imaginary circle.
b. Adjust the leaded end of the compass so that it touches where you'd
like the edge of the arc--or circle--to be. If you're drawing an arc at a
specific distance from the center point, make a line of the desired
distance, adjust the point and leaded end of the compass against the
ends of that line, then place the point of the compass back at the
center point of your circle or arc.
c. Grasp the middle of the compass between your thumb and fingers.
Twist your fingers, applying light downward pressure on the compass
to mark out the desired length of arc or circle with the leaded end of
the compass.

10. Divider is similar to the compass in construction. As the name implies, divider
is used for dividing distances into a number of equal parts by the trial-and-error

Steps in Using a Divider
a. Align each arm of the dividers so that one point is laying on the start
point of the measurement you want to transfer, and the other divider
point is laying on the endpoint of that same measurement.
b. Lift the dividers off the measurement you intend to transfer, being
careful not to change their alignment.
c. Place the dividers over the location you'd like to transfer the
measurement to and make a pencil mark to indicate where each of the
dividers' pointers sits. This duplicates the measurement.

Geometric Shapes
Geometric shapes can be defined by combining the specific number of
curves, points and lines as a figure or area closed by a boundary that is created.
Common Geometric Shapes
1. Circle – is a shape that can be made by tracing curve that is always
the same distance from a point that we call the center.
2. Triangle – is a shape that is formed by three straight lines that are
called sides.
3. Rectangle – is a shape that has four sides. The distinguishing
characteristic of a rectangle is that all four angles measure 90°.
4. Rhombus – is a shape formed by four straight lines. Its sides measure
the same length but unlike the rectangle, any of all angles measure
5. Square – is a type of rectangle, but also a type of rhombus. It has
characteristics of both.

Circle Rectangle Square


Alternative Measuring Tools

Straight Edge Rules – are used specifically to draw or scribe straight lines or for
checking the straightness of a surface. Examples are straight hard paper, book edges,
identification card edges, etc.
Lesson 2



Trade Mathematics/Measurement
The word measurement comes from the word "metron" in Greek, meaning a
limited proportion. After the French Revolution, the metre (U.S. meter) was
standardized as the unit for length, and it has been adopted worldwide. When the
meter is used for linear measurement, metric scales are applied. In many areas,
accurate measurement is essential, and since all measurements are necessarily
approximations, it is necessary to make a great deal of effort to make measurements
as accurate as possible.

Accurately measuring is a skill that should be developed. Improper measurement

would mean that time, effort and materials would be wasted. The development of the
measurement skill begins with the ability to read measurements that enhance one's
numeracy skills that can be used in trades, hence the term trade mathematics.

Two Systems of Measurement

1. English System which originated in England
2. Metric System or Systems International (S.I) which originated in France.

The basic unit in S.I. measurement is called the meter. The meter is divided into
100 centimeters. Each centimeter is divided into 10 millimeters. They are
abbreviated as follows:

Millimeters mm
Centimeters cm
Decimeters dm
Meters m

In the English system, the inch is divided into 16 graduation lines and the smallest
graduation is read 1/16.

1 1 1 3
3/16 7/16 11/16 15/16 16 16
1/16 5/16 9/16 13/16

1 3 5 7
1 8 8 8 1 1
3 8
4 1 1
1 4 4
0 10 1 INCH
To read measurement exceeding 1 inch, say 2 inches (2”) and for smaller
𝟒 𝟏
graduations, it is read and written as: 2 or 2 in.
𝟏𝟔 𝟒

Converting Units of Conversion

We often come across circumstances where we need to bring a uniformity in
the units, when it comes into play to convert between units. There are a whole lot of
benefits to learning metric units, it's easy as its units scale to the power of 10.


English to English 1 foot = 12 inches
Metric to Metric 1 meter = 100 centimeters
1 meter = 10 decimeters
1 dm = 10 centimeters
1 cm = 10 millimeters
English to Metric 1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 foot = 30.48 cm
Metric to English 1 meter = 3.28 feet
1 meter = 39.37 inches

Sample Solutions in Conversion

A. Foot to inches
8 ft = _________ inches
Solution: Multiply 8 ft by 12 inches / feet = 96 inches

B. Inch to feet
100 inches = _________ feet
Solution: Divide 100 inches by 12 inches / feet = 8.34 feet

C. Centimeter to millimeter
10.5 cm = _________ millimeters
Solution: Multiply 10.5 cm by 10 mm / cm = 105 mm

D. Inch to centimeter
5.8 inches = _________ centimeter
Solution: Multiply 5.8 inches by 2.54 cm / inch = 14.732 cm

Percentage, Fraction and Decimal

How To Compute Percentage

The simplest way to compute percentage is to divide the given amount by the
total and then multiply the answer by 100.

The equation can be put up as follows:

(Given Amount /Total Amount) x100
For example, if Maribeth scores 37 out of 50 in Illustration, we can find the
percentage of his marks by dividing 37 by 50 the answer is 0.74, then multiplying
it by 100 the percentage of his marks is 74%.
Example: (37/50) x 100= 74%

Rounding Off Decimals

Metric decimal measurements are often lengthy numbers. They need to be
rounded to a convenient number of digits frequently. Most metric dimensions in this
text are either entire millimeters or decimals of two places that have been rounded
off. The rounding rules are discussed below to help you round out your own

1. If the first number to be eliminated is less than 5, simply drop it (and the
number to the right of it) and let the last significant digit stand.
a. Round off 67.4 mm to whole millimeter.
Solution: Simply drop the .4
Answer: 67
b. Round off 0.3125 (5/16) into two significant digits.
Solution: The first number to be eliminated is 2: Simply drop it
and all numbers to its right(5)
Answer: 0.31
2. If the number to be eliminated is 5 or more, drop the number, then add one to
the last digit retained.
a. Round off 54.6 into its nearest ones.
The number to be rounded off is 6 which is greater than 5, drop
6 and add one to the last digit retained.
Answer: 55
b. Round off 43.65 into its nearest tenths.
The number to be rounded off is 5, drop 5 and add one to 6
which is the last digit retained.
Answer: 43.7
Convert the Fraction into Decimals:
Practice Activity
Sample : Solution: 0.625
⅝=N 8 5.0 0 0
40 0.5
Answer:0.625 0

After completing the lesson about Mensuration and Calculation, let’s check
the level of your understanding by answering series of activities and assessments.

What’s More

Independent Activity 1
Directions: Find the percentage of the following given. Show your solution.

A shopkeeper bought 600 oranges and 400 bananas. He found 15% of

oranges and 8% of bananas were rotten. Find the percentage of fruits in good

Independent Assessment 1
Take Measurements
Directions: Write the correct measurements starting from the left end of the ruler to
the points as indicated by extension lines. Write the measurements in
your answer sheets.

A. English System


B. Metric System


1 2 CM

Independent Activity 2

Directions: Convert the following measurements with its unit equivalents. Use an
extra piece of paper in showing your solution.

1. 0.875 meters = __________ cm

2. 10 meters = __________ ft
3. 5.01 feet = _____________ inches
4. 9.34 inches = __________ cm
5. 236.22 inches = _______meters

Independent Assessment 2

Directions: Change the following fractions into decimals and round off to the nearest
hundreds. Show your solution. Use an extra piece of paper in showing
your solution.

1. 3/78 = __________
2. 2/16 = __________
3. 12/34 = __________
4. 15/16 = __________
5. 84/100 = __________

What I Have Learned

• Measuring tools are essential for examining a finished product or semi-

finished product.
• The accuracy of measurements depends on one's ability to use
measuring tools correctly.
• There are two systems of measurement: the English system and the
Metric system or Systems International (S.I) which originated in France.
• We need to convert between units to bring uniformity in the units.
• Metric measurements in decimals are often long numbers. They must
often be rounded to a convenient number of digits.

The following are the measuring tools/instruments that you have

already familiarized:

• T-square is used to guide in drawing horizontal lines and in measuring

up to 48” straight line.
• Triangles are used for drawing vertical and oblique lines.
• Ruler is the most popular type of measuring tool, 6 or 12 inches in
length, needed for measuring sizes and distances.
• Triangular scale is used to reproduce the dimension in full size or to
reduce or enlarge them on a drawing.
• Protractor is used for measuring and setting of angles other than those
obtainable with the triangles.
• Tape or tape ruler is a concave, spring-steel blade ruler that provides
an easy means for accurate measuring curved surfaces.
• Compass is used to draw circles, arcs, radii, and parts of many
• Divider is used for dividing distances into several equal parts by trial-
and-error method.

What I Can Do
Directions: Using the appropriate measuring instruments, measure the
angles of the triangles drawn below.







You are a smart student for reaching this stage. Now, let us test your learning for
the whole module. Answer this post assessment.

Directions: Match column A with column B. Write only the letter of the correct


1. This instrument is used to draw a. t-square

circles, arcs, radii, and parts of b. triangle
many symbols. c. ruler
2. A measuring tool used to layout an d. triangular scale
angle or an arc. e. protractor
3. This is used as a guide in drawing f. tape or tape ruler
horizontal lines. g. tape measure
4. The most popular type of measuring h. yard stick
tools, usually 6 or 12 inches in i. meter stick
length. j. compass
5. These are used to measure k. divider
dimensions. l. measuring tools
6. Its main purpose is to reproduce, m. geometric shapes
reduce or enlarge the dimension of
size on a drawing.
7. It is a concave spring steel blade
ranging from ¼” to 1” wide and 6 to
about 300 feet in length.
8. Figure or are closed by a boundary
which is created by combining the
specific number of curves, points
and lines.
9. It is used for drawing vertical and
oblique lines.
10. It is used for dividing distances into
a number of equal parts by the trial-
and-error method.

Directions: Identify the following statements. Choose your answer from
the box below.
metric system mathematics English France
measurement meter inch 1/16

__________1. This word come from the Greek word “metron”.

__________2. This system of measurement came from England.
__________3. It is the basic unit in Systems International measurement.
__________4. Other name for Systems International measurement.
__________5. In English System, it is the smallest value of graduation line.

Additional Activity

Directions: Using appropriate measuring instruments, draw the following in a

long size bond paper and label them with the correct measurement.

1. straight angle 5. supplementary angles

2. right angle 6. complementary angles
3. acute angle 7. circle
4. obtuse angle 8. square

Your output will be rated using the rubric below:

All lines are drawn Some lines are Most of the lines are
appropriately and drawn inappropriately
ACCURACY freehand. inappropriately. drawn.

Finished output was Erasures/smudges Finished output has

neatly done, no are observable on so many
NEATNESS erasures/ smudges. the finished output. erasures/smudges.

Answer Key


Learning Module

Boniao et. al. Alternative Delivery Mode – Technology and Livelihood Education (Technical Drafting
NC II : Select Measuring Instruments & Carry out Mensuration and Calculation. 2020. Philippines:
Department of Education.

Bermas, D., & Dasig M. K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum - Technology and Livelihood Education
Learning Module : Mechanical Drafting Exploratory Course. Philippines: Department of Education.


iTeach Updates. " perform mensuration and calculation module 4 technical drafting 8 melc 2020."
YouTube video, 12:38. September 20, 2020.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email address: [email protected]


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