15-Sensory Organs

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Dr. Sándor Katz Ph.D.

Tympanic (middle
ear) cavity

It is lined with mucous

membrane and filled with
air, which reaches it from
the nasopharynx via the
E u s t a c h i a n
(pharyngotympanic) tube.
It contains three small
bones, the malleus, incus
and stapes (auditory
ossicles). They form an
articulated chain
connecting the lateral and
medial walls of the cavity,
and which transmits and
accelerates the vibrations
of the tympanic membrane
across the cavity to the
Tympanic Cavity: posterior wall

Aditus to the mastoid antrum:

large irregular aperture which
leads back from the epitympanic
recess into the upper part of the
mastoid antrum. The mastoid antrum
is an air sinus in the temporal bone
representing mastoid air cells. They
interconnect and communicate with the
middle ear cavity.
Carotid (anterior) wall
It is a thin lamina and forms the posterior wall of the carotid canal. It represents the caroticotympanic
canaliculi for penetrating structures: the caroticotympanic nerves (sympathetic fibers) and tympanic
branches of the internal carotid artery. Above them two bony canals are presented: (semi)canal for
the Eustachian tube and (semi)canal for the tensor tympani muscle. They are separated by a bony
septum. These (semi)canals are parts of the musculotubarian canal.
Labyrinthine (medial) wall
It forms the lateral boundary of the inner ear. The promontory is the projection of the
basal turn of the cochlea and represents the tympanic plexus.
The oval window (fenestra vestibuli) is a kidney-shaped opening situated above the
promontory, and leading from the tympanic cavity to the vestibule of the inner ear. It is
occupied by the footplate of the stapes, which is attached to the margin by an anular

The round window

(fenestra cochleae) is in the oval window
situated below and a
little behind the oval
w i n d o w. I n d r i e d
specimens it opens into
the scala tympani of the
cochlea, but in life it is
closed by the secondary
tympanic membrane.
The prominence of the
facial nerve crosses the
medial wall from the
cochleariform process to
the posterior wall. It
contains the facial nerve.
Tympanic plexus
Is formed by the tympanic nerve, caroticotympanic nerves and a communicating branch of
the facial nerve. The tympanic plexus supplies the mucosa of the tympanic cavity, Eustachian
tube and mastoid air cells. The secretomotor fibers of the tympanic plexus leave the cavity
(hiatus of the lesser petrosal nerve) and become the lesser petrosal nerve which leaves the
skull through the foramen lacerum to join the otic ganglion. Postganglionic secretomotor
fibers leave this ganglion in the auriculotemporal nerve to innervate the parotid gland.
2: mastoid antrum
13: facial canal
7: promontory
10: oval window
11: round window
14: carotid canal


Ossicular chain:
• malleus (hammer)
• incus (anvil)
• stapes (stirrup)
Ossicular chain:
• malleus (hammer)
• incus (anvil)
• stapes (stirrup)
Ossicular articulations

The incudomalleolar
joint (black arrow) is
saddle-shaped and the
incudostapedial joint
(red arrow) is ball and
socket articulation. The
articular surfaces are
covered by articular
cartilage, and each joint
is enveloped by a
capsule lined by
synovial membrane.
The tensor tympani
occupies the bony canal
above the osseous part of
the Eustachian tube. It
arises from the
cartilaginous part of the
tube and its tendon turns
on the pulley-like
cochleariform process and
attaches to the handle of
the malleus.

Actions: It draws the

handle of the malleus
medially and so tenses the
tympanic membrane. Its
action also pushes the
footplate of the stapes
more tightly into the oval

Innervation: V/3

The stapedius arises from

the wall of the cavity of
pyramidal eminence and
attaches to the neck of the

Actions: It helps to damp

down the excessive sound
vibration. It opposes the
action of the tensor

Innervation: stapedial
nerve of CN VII
Membranous (lateral) wall
The lateral wall consists mainly of the tympanic membrane (eardrum) and
ring of bone to which the membrane is attached. The tympanic membrane
separates the tympanic cavity from the external acoustic meatus. It is thin,
semi-transparent, and almost oval. Most of its circumference is a thickened
fibrocartilaginous ring. Two bands, the anterior and posterior malleolar folds
border a lax and thin part of the membrane (pars flaccida) but the majority of
the membrane is taut (pars tensa). The handle of the malleus is firmly
attached to internal surface of the membrane as far as its centre, which
projects toward the tympanic cavity.
Chorda tympani

It enters the tympanic cavity via the

posterior canaliculus close to the
tympanic membrane, then crosses medial
to the upper part of the handle of the
malleus. On the anterior tympanic wall, it
enters the anterior canaliculus.
It exits the skull at the petrotympanic

It contains parasympathetic fibers which

supply the submandibular and sublingual
glands via the submandibular ganglion and
taste fibers from the anterior two-thirds of
the tongue.
Otitis media

Infection of the middle ear cavity. A

mixture of factors predispose to otitis
media, but Eustachian tube
dysfunction or obstruction is thought
to be one of the most important
factors. Congenital palate defects, host
immunity, and viral or bacterial
infection may all be contributing
Tympanocentesis is a minor surgical
procedure that refers to puncture of the
tympanic membrane with a needle in
order to aspirate fluid from the middle
ear cleft or to provide a route for
tympanocentesis administration of intratympanic
medications. It is used mainly for the
management of complex cases that
have not responded to antibiotic
Inner ear
It contains the organ of hearing, the cochlea, and
the organs of balance, the utricle, saccule and
semicircular canals.
Inner ear

It consists of the bony

(osseous) labyrinth, a
series of interlinked
cavities in the petrous
bone, and the
membranous labyrinth
of interconnected
membranous sacs and
ducts that lie within the
bony labyrinth.
The oval window leads
into the middle part of the
osseous labyrinth, the
The vestibule
communicates anteriorly
with the bony cochlea
and posteriorly with the
bony semicircular
The osseous cochlea has
two and half turns.
Inner ear

The space between the

bony and membranous
labyrinths (purple) is
filled by a clear fluid with
an ionic composition
similar to that of the other
extracellular fluids, the
The membranous
labyrinth contains
endolymph, a fluid with
an ionic composition
more like that of cytosol
The oscillations of sound waves are transmitted to the perilymph trough the oval window
via tympanic membrane and auditory ossicles. The resulting movements of the fluid ascend
in the scala vestibuli and descend in the scala tympani to the round window, where the
waves of movement are absorbed. Movements of the fluid lead to oscillations in the
endolymphatic space at the sensory cells.
Inner ear

The three semicircular ducts are arranged

perpendicularly to each other. The anterior
semicircular duct is oriented toward the
surface of the pyramid, the posterior
semicircular duct runs parallel to the posterior
bony surface, and the lateral semicircular
duct runs horizontally.
Thank you for your attention.
References: Prof. Dr. Ágoston Szél’s lectures (2006, 2007)
Gray’s Anatomy for Students
Gray’s Anatomy, The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice
Thieme, Atlas of Anatomy, Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy
Thieme, Flexibook, Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Nervous System and Sensory Organs

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