Erection by Command

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Erectile dysfunction refers to the
inability to acquire and maintain an 8 Strategies
erection that is firm enough for a man To Boost Your Erection &
to have satisfactory intercourse. Transform Your Sex Life!
Some men are not able achieve an Who else wants to know how to
erection at all; others may simply lose stay hard longer and have better,
the erection during sex. firmer erections during sex? If you're
anything like most men reading this,
Don't let erection problems keep you you probably have issues getting
down (pardon the pun!). and/or keeping an erection during
intercourse. You are NOT alone.
Instead, make a resolve to overcome
this issue and enjoy the kind of sex Erectile dysfunction is far more
that you and your partner deserve! common than most men believe.
It is an embarrassing problem in
the bedroom. But before you even
8 STEPS TO SENSATIONAL ERECTIONS consider the myriad of pills, pumps
or treatments that claim to boost
1. You’re What You Eat your erection, you should know that
2. Get In Shape many of these solutions do NOT yield
3. Position Mastery permanent results, and can be risky
4. Banish “Condom Fear” to boot!
5. Ring Of Love
6. Stub Out Nicotine This quick-start guide provides
7. Cut The Alcohol an overview of 8 proven, natural
8. Call Me PC For Short strategies that will give you a better,
stronger and firmer erection. It
complements the main “Erection
By Command” manual to help you
25% of erectile dysfunction perform at your sexual peak!
cases are psychological in nature.
Source: American Urological

This well-known adage holds true for A protein called arginine found
your sex life too. If you are looking to in pistachio nuts can also help
get a strong, healthy erection, good relax blood vessels. In a recent
nutrition is necessary. While there study, men with erection problems
are no miracle foods that can prevent who ate pistachio nuts daily for
ED, there is evidence some foods can 3 weeks experienced significant
help lower the risk of your rod going improvements in their sexual health,
limp. including their ability to get it up.

Erection problems usually arise Carbohydrates are essential for

because of insufficient blood supply sexual energy, so you will do well to
to the penis, so foods that are good stock up plenty of those in your body!
for your vascular system can help Bread, pasta and rice are excellent
prevent ED. For instance, beet juice sources of carbs.
and leafy green vegetables such
as spinach and celery contain high A daily dose of zinc will also boost
nitric oxide concentration, which is your testosterone levels (low
beneficial in opening up the blood
vessels and enhancing blood flow to
the penis.

Flavonoids - naturally-occurring
antioxidants - found in dark chocolate
are also great for improving blood
circulation. Dark chocolate helps with
the dilation of penile blood vessels
which is exactly what ED drugs such
as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra do to help
men achieve erections. However, as
dark chocolate contain high fat and
calorie levels, it is recommended that
you limit your consumption to 100g
per day, and supplement it with a
healthy diet and regular exercise.

testosterone levels. are often cited as The bottom line is to eat a healthy
one of the causes for ED). Foods such diet that is beneficial for your heart
as liver, oyster (which has aphrodisiac and blood circulation. If you take
reputation), beans and peas contain care of your vascular health, you
the necessary amount of zinc that can easily avoid many of the causes
your body needs. Alternatively you that contribute to ED and enjoy good
could consume zinc supplements. erectile functions.

It also pays to stay away from high

fat meals. Excess fat intake lowers
testosterone levels, reduces libido
and affects erection ability. Also, an
unhealthy diet causes poor circulation
of blood to the extremities, leading to
erection problems.

Erectile Dysfunction… A
Barometer Of Your Health?

For guys suffering from erection problems, the penis is a

barometer of what’s going on with the rest of the body. The key
to this is the endothelium, the inner lining of blood vessels that
promotes efficient blood flow. Regular exercise helps improve
the way the endothelium works. The endothelium lines the blood
vessels in the heart and the penis. However, penile blood vessels
are about half the size of those in the heart. So if you can’t get
an erection due to vascular problems, it can be an indication of
heart problems as well.

Exercise turns back the clock. Many remodeling, or the rebuilding of small
men have discovered that exercise is veins and capillaries throughout your
literally a fountain of youth, especially body, including the penis. And that
for their sex life. The underlying can only be good news below the
concept is that regular exercise belt!
improves blood flow throughout your
whole body. This includes the pelvic So if you hardly run, even for an
area where the blood vessels needed emergency, it is time to take a reality
for erection are located. check! This may be damaging your
sex life and erectile health in more
In fact, regular exercise is so effective ways than you can think of.
in preventing erection problems that
it has been compared to Viagra – the Even a small amount of physical
blockbuster impotence drug. Studies activity - equivalent to walking 30
have shown that men with ED who minutes a 3 times a week – can boost
exercise regularly are able to restore your libido, improve erectile health
their erection ability in the same way and lower the risk of ED.
that Viagra does.

So why is regular exercise so

important to your sexual health?
The most important reason is that
exercise increases Nitric Oxide levels,
which helps to relax and enlarge
blood vessels throughout your body,
including the penis. ED drugs such as
Viagra, Cialis and Levitra work on a
similar principle, by increasing Nitric
Oxide and enhancing penile blood

Furthermore, exercise does

something that Viagra and Cialis are
never capable of: vascular

Stronger Abs,
Harder Erections!

Perform abdominal exercises that strengthen your abs. When

your abs are in good shape, those muscles will help support
and hold your erection, instead of holding your belly. In addition,
having a large gut also makes your penis small by comparison!
Being in good physical shape makes you more confident about
your body and gives you more confidence in bed.

The position you use during sex can than you could say "ahh". Having
also affect the strength and size of your female partner on top also
your erection. Positions that allow gives her control of the penetration
you to be on top - such as missionary movements. This loss of control on
and doggie style - enable greater and your part can result in an inability to
more efficient flow of blood to your hold your erection for long.
genitals, giving you bigger, stronger
and firmer erections. Also, if you tend to lose your erection
when changing sex positions, try
In fact, studies have suggested that making subtle adjustments instead
in treating ED with drugs, the best of major shifts. For instance, when
results occur when the man have you are in the standard missionary
sex in a dominant position (e.g. position, try placing a pillow below
missionary, doggie style) instead of a her butt and rest her feet flat on your
passive position (e.g. woman on top). shoulders. This allows for deeper
penetration and better access to her
So try to avoid starting sex with her G-spot.
on top. The effects of gravity will drain
the blood from your penis faster Or, if she’s on all fours in doggie style,

place a pillow beneath her tummy
and let on lie flat on the bed. This
slight elevation will enable you to
thrust downwards directly into her
orgasmic zone, stimulate the upper
walls of her vagina and potentially
send her into multiple, ripping waves
of orgasms :)

actually enjoy…

 Watching their partners getting aroused and achieving an


 Helping their men get hard through what they (women) do

in bed

So if you find yourself getting nervous during sex, my advice is

to stop worrying and allow your wife or girlfriend to rebuild your
erection. She will enjoy watching it grow again, especially if she
has a hand in it!

We all know condoms can be a And when it’s time to roll on the
passion killer for most guys. Many rubber, make it a sexy game… have
men go limp the moment they need her stimulate you and then roll oneon
to roll on one. you!

The trick is to make the act of Most women actually enjoy putting
putting on the condom part of on the condom for their partners,
your sexual act. Before you get while at the same time making them
into foreplay, unwrap the condom excited. Making the penis hard can be
and place it within easy reach. This a turn on for women, which in turn
makes transition from foreplay to make their guys even harder.
intercourse easier.

Porn-Induced ED
a Growing Problem

In this high-speed Internet age, porn-induced ED is a very REAL phenomenon.

Instead of just affecting middle-aged and older men, ED due to porn is becoming
rapidly common, especially for young men in their 20s and in the prime of their
sex lives.

European urologists recently conducted a large-scale study that confirmed the

link between ED and porn use. In the study, 70 percent of the young men in their
early to mid-20s who were treated for erection problems were heavy porn users.

Excessive exposure to porn desensitizes a man to the point where he is

increasingly unable to become excited by ordinary sexual encounters.

But the good news is, heavy porn users can get their erection and libido back
on track over several weeks, by stopping all porn and eliminating (or drastically
reducing) masturbation.

Many guys swear by this. Constriction
devices such as the penis ring can
be a very dependable way to make
your erections firmer. The penis ring
is a small rubber or plastic ring that
fits snugly at the base of your male
anatomy. It helps to trap blood in
your genitals (much like the effects
of tying a balloon), makes your penis
firmer and keeps your erection UP.

Smoking affects a man’s erection you want your erection and your sex
ability, both in the short- and long- life back, stubbing out the cigarette
term. In the short-term, nicotine might not be a bad idea after all!
constricts the blood vessels resulting
in a sluggish erection.

In the long-term, nicotine causes

hardening of the arteries, resulting in
a host of blood circulatory problems
including erectile dysfunction.

In a recent study, men who puffed

more than 20 cigarettes a day
had a 60% higher risk of erectile
dysfunction, compared to those who
never smoked.

The bottom line? If you want to get it

up, the blood has got to flow! So if

Consuming alcohol in small quantities Long -term use of alcohol can
can relieve anxiety and may help adversely affect a man’s ability to
in reducing erectile dysfunction. A achieve and maintain erections. Years
glass or two of your favorite alcoholic of nerve damage induced by drinking
beverage dilates the blood vessels, hinders the transmission of signals
allowing better blood flow into the from the brain to the penis, if not
penis and enhancing erection ability. stopping them completely.

However, with excessive The bottom line? If you need to drink,

consumption, the blood vessels are do so in moderation.
kept open, allowing the blood to
drain out quickly. When this occurs,
the penis will lose its hardness, and
intercourse becomes difficult, if not

The “Curse"
of Performance Anxiety

Psychological factors such as performance anxiety or nervousness from the

overwhelming desire to please, can wreak havoc on your ability to get and/keep
an erection. A man may be afraid of not being able to perform, and in his fear he
fails to perform at all. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s kind of a bad case
of “sexual stage fright”. It happens to most young men in their 20s and 30s all
the time.

To determine if your ED is caused by psychological factors, you can perform a

simple “stamp test”. It might turn out that your erection problems originate from
your mind.

To perform the stamp test, simply affix a small stamp on your penis before
going to bed. If the stamp is no longer in place when you wake up, it means that
nocturnal erections have taken place while you sleep.

Kegel exercises are very helpful in To perform a simple Kegel, simply
strengthening the pelvic floor muscles contract or tense this muscle, hold
and giving you stronger, harder it for 10 to 15 seconds, and then
erections. release the tension. Practice this for 5
minutes a day.
Within the pelvic floor, there is a
specific group of muscles called the Within two weeks, you should notice
pubococcygeus muscle, or PC muscle. a significant improvement in the
This is the muscle that controls both strength or your erection. The great
the flow of urine and ejaculation thing about kegel is that you can
during sex. practice this simple exercise anytime,
anytime, in any position (sitting,
To locate this muscle, simply try to standing, and even lying down)
stop peeing mid-flow. You will feel a without anyone knowing. And you can
muscle around your anus contracting. achieve sensational results in pretty
This is the PC muscle. short order to boot!

When to seek
medical help

Consult your doctor if:

 Erection problems do not go away with lifestyle changes

 The problem begins after an injury or prostate surgery
 Other symptoms exist, for example, lower back pain,
abdominal pain, or pain during urination

If you are already suffering from erectile dysfunction, you

may want to address that issue first, by talking to your doctor.
This is because ED may be an indication of an underlying
serious health issue (such as hypertension, heart disease,
atherosclerosis, or diabetes), so you want to get that properly
diagnosed first.


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