The Orc's Treasure

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The Orc’s Treasure


Copyright © 2023 by Clare Archer

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and
retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Cover Art: Hannah Sternjakob

Edited & Proofread by: Heather Creeden
Paperback ISBN: 979-8-9871628-5-9
Created with Vellum
To those who believe that monsters do it better.
1. Catalina
2. Catalina
3. Catalina
4. Catalina
5. Catalina
6. Catalina
7. Glinn
8. Catalina
9. Glinn
10. Catalina
11. Catalina
12. Glinn
13. Catalina
14. Catalina
15. Glinn
16. Catalina
17. Glinn
18. Catalina
19. Catalina
20. Catalina
21. Catalina
22. Glinn
23. Catalina
24. Catalina
25. Glinn
26. Catalina
27. Glinn
28. Catalina
29. Catalina
30. Glinn
31. Catalina
32. Catalina
33. Glinn
34. Catalina
35. Catalina


T he entrance to hell looked surprisingly serene and inviting. Sun rays shone down upon it as if
providing me track lighting to guide my way—dare I even say a divine invitation.
Doubt had been winning my chaotic internal dialogue, but the only thing missing in the scene
before me was a goddamn rainbow and a unicorn.
It felt like a sign that I was doing the right thing.
I stayed crouched, hidden in the high switchgrass, waiting patiently and surveying the land,
making sure there was nobody in the vicinity. Periodically, my hands instinctively touched the blades
on my thigh holster under my dress for reassurance.
In the past three months I had probably made this trip fifty times, planning my route, tracking the
routine patrol of the royal guard, and learning the times of day of duty switch.
Only twice a day was the entrance of hell, also called the grof, left unattended for a mere moment
or two.
But that was all I needed.
My dire circumstances led me to this, and I found myself at rock bottom, attempting to get into
hell to save myself. Had my life taken this horrific turn a few years ago, planning my trip to hell
would never have been possible.
My world, Nadona, was one of hundreds of planets that had magical, invisible entrances to hell.
But recent catastrophic events in our universe shattered almost every single one, causing either small
cracks or full-on protective failure.
Which meant invasion and attacks of demons and monsters were now a normal occurrence.
The most dangerous creatures in the universe were sent there either in attempts to be rehabilitated
or because they were so powerful they couldn’t be killed.
And here I was, plotting my way to get in.
But I wouldn’t be someone’s fucking trophy. A plaything to add to their collection. A slave that
had no real life.
I would spend a year walking through the pits of hell to escape that fate.
I would die for it.
“I knew it!”
All my mastery in stealth went out the window when I yelped and fell to my side in shock, at the
face of my best friend, Ava. The freckles over her nose were crinkled as she looked down at me in
“What did I tell you about this? You are not going into the grof!” She tucked a wavy brown lock
behind her ear before slamming her hands on her hips, not even making an attempt to hide.
“Get down before the guards see you, you buffoon!” I grabbed the sleeve of her fine chiffon dress,
nearly ripping it to get her to crouch down in the grass with me.
“So what if they see me? I should go down there right now and tell them to put more guards out
here to deter you. It’s for your own good! You’ll get yourself killed!”
My heart fluttered so hard it felt like it was in my throat. “No, please don’t. You know what I’m
up against. Please, Ava.” My voice cracked from the influx of emotion and fear.
Her shoulders slumped and she finally softened, seeing my true desperation.
“Cat, you know I’m just looking out for you. You’re my best friend, like a sister. If you died in
hell, it would break me.”
I took her hand—the hand of rich gentry with glittering rings and soft untarnished skin—and
squeezed reassuringly.
“I know, sis. But I have nothing left to lose. Finding the Dream Stone will get father all the money
he could ever dream of and me the life I’ve always wanted. Simple and alone, where nobody can find
me unless I want them to.”
Ava sighed. “But hell is notoriously impossible to navigate. Lands move, disappear, and shift. It’s
eternal darkness with danger lurking everywhere. It’s another plane of existence that doesn’t operate
on the same rules as ours. How can you be sure you’ll find it?”
Soft laughter sounded in the distance, and we stilled, peeking over the switchgrass to see the
guards talking animatedly, unaware of our presence. The plum and black of their royal capes flapping
in a sudden gust of wind.
It was a struggle to keep my wild, long brown curls under control as they flew all around me and I
wouldn’t be surprised if that was what gave our position away.
Use a goddamn hair tie next time, idiot.
“The Dream Stone is a legendary item and there’s tons of historical text on it. I’ve spent hundreds
of hours researching and I’m pretty positive it’s in the Lair of Lazu. I only have to take it, return
safely, and all my problems will be solved.”
I snapped my fingers for effect.
Ava was not at all convinced.
“Lair of Lazu as in the telekinetic demon who started a war with multiple planets and is now the
official torturer and punisher of hell? That Lazu?”
My eyes fluttered and rolled to the side. “No need to be so dramatic, Ava.”
She stomped her fists into the ground and stifled a screech of annoyance. “You are the most
frustrating person I’ve ever known!”
“And that’s why you love me.” She wasn’t impressed with my saccharine smile.
Ava waved her hands and shook her head. “Look, we'll talk about this later. I came for another
reason, as well. Your father has been looking for you for a while and he’s not happy.”
A long slow breath released from me as all my excitement drifted away into the unruly winds. The
humidity was slowly rising, which made me look for the dark storm clouds in the distance. My hair
had now doubled in volume from frizz, it should have been my first warning that a thunderstorm was
not far off—fitting for the storm I was about to face.
How quickly the weather and my life could change. My immediate reaction was to say fuck it and
ignore his summons, but it would end up being more of a headache for me in the end.
“Okay, I’ll head home.”
“No, he’s at our estate. Conal will be there any moment.” She shrugged with her eyes darting
downward. “You know how it is.”
The first crack of thunder boomed through the open pastures and Ava began to sway with nerves.
“Yes, I know how it is.”
Heaven forbid we let anyone see how shamefully poor we were.
Heaven forbid my father ever admit our circumstances were his own fault.
“Let’s go then.”
There was no missing the relief on Ava’s face as she rushed away as quickly as her feet would
carry her, crouching down to avoid the notice of the guards. I took one more glance at the empty space
near the forest, which was now dark and misty, not the least bit inviting anymore.
And I could have sworn I saw shadows with the whites of eyes move beneath the fog as soft
laughter echoed and faded behind the terrified faces of the royal guards.

I t took thirty minutes to walk to Ava’s home which was a fortress that had been in the family for
hundreds of years. The Clossons were a long line of Lords and Ladies of the Royal Court of Varson.
They were particular favorites of King Dante, and the close vicinity of the castle meant frequent
visits from the royal family.
Unfortunately, that meant they saw plenty of me as well, I nearly grew up with Ava and her family,
trying to stay away from my own as much as possible.
The king’s nephew, Conal Varson had become irritatingly present, which is what put me in the
predicament I was in now.
Ava put her hand to mouth after seeing a familiar brown mare by the entrance. “Oh dear, he’s
already here.”
Bless her heart. She had the decency to look utterly mortified for me, her face red and eyes wide.
“Your father is going to be pissed that you’re not there before him.”
Flashbacks played in my mind of seeing that very face of hers countless times through the years,
always by my side in solidarity no matter what kind of trouble I was in.
And he was always unhappy with me. I reminded him too much of my mother.
“Yes, he will be. And I couldn’t care less.”
At sixteen I cared. I would have done anything to win his approval despite knowing its
impossibility. But at twenty-eight, my fucks had run out.
A footman opened the door for us, and I made a lame attempt to flatten out the wrinkles in my
dusty, cheap cotton dress. Not because I wanted to impress anyone, but because I was already
cringing at what father would say.
When we entered the entertaining room, Ava’s father rushed to give me a kiss on each cheek, all
friendliness and welcoming smiles as usual.
Ava’s voice was light and bubbly. “I’ve found her! Looking for herbs again. She’s always thinking
of others.”
What a sweet little liar.
I was only considerate of those I cared for, and that list took up less fingers than one hand. My
interest in herbs was more for unimpressive wiccan witchcraft. I was always looking for a way to
escape my circumstances, and since there was no inherent magic in the people of our planet, we had
to find it in other ways.
“Good Lord, Catalina, your hair.” Father’s lip curled in disgust, his voice deep and full of
displeasure. “And you’re filthy. What impression are you trying to give Prince Conal?”
That I could kill him in his sleep?
That I will never be his?
That I despise the very air he breathes?
Prince Conal chuckled, his hand over the breast of his plum and black royal blazer. He was
dressed in full royal regalia today and it made my stomach churn with acidic bile. The king had no
children, so Conal, his brother’s son, was his heir.
And for some godforsaken reason he had some strange obsession with me.
“I love women with a bit of spirit. Besides, her energy will be quite useful to me.” He shared a
vile look with my father, and I threw up a little in my mouth.
Ava side-eyed me, and her revulsion matched my own.
My father straightened his spine and gave a haughty smile. “Well, rest assured in one week, she
will be clean and resplendent for your wedding.”
The words, I will never marry that misogynist pig nearly left my mouth, but my father’s eyes
were so terrifying that I stopped myself.
This was not the time to fight back, I was smarter than that. I would get the Dream Stone and
change my fate, laughing at their losses afterward.
“No doubt she will. And once we’re married, we can cut off that dreadful hair and get her a wig.”
The prince tilted his head as if studying me like his next five-course meal and it took everything in me
not to run and stab his eyes with my hidden dagger so he couldn’t look at any woman like that again.
But I knew he would. He had a harem of women that lived to provide every debauched sexual
fantasy he could ever dream of, but he still wasn’t happy. He had coveted me for years, and my father
used that to his advantage to restore his title and place among the nobility.
My marriage to this repulsive clown was his ultimate salvation, and he would do anything to
make sure I followed through with it.
“I’ve come to escort you all back to the castle for dinner. The king would like to see your face
again before the marriage takes place.”
Alvaro’s eyes bulged comically as if he’d been waiting to hear those words for twenty years. It
was disappointing that he was my father.
“It’s an honor, Prince. We’re ready to depart at once.” He then looked at my sorry state and
hesitated, but he would rather present me naked than miss this opportunity.
“Excellent. I’ll ride on ahead and you can voyage together in the Closson family carriages.”
Ava’s father, Willem, bent his head in acceptance. “Of course, Prince.”
The second we heard the sound of horseshoes clapping against the ground, Alvaro sneered with
venom in his voice, causing Ava’s parents to look the other way. “Go and wash before we leave, and
do not dawdle. We leave in five minutes.”
My feet were cemented in place, and I glared back at him with such hatred that I was sure it
would burn him away. But unfortunately, I had no innate magic.
My unavoidable defiance and independence burst at the seams, threatening to put me in serious
danger. I pierced my nails into my skin to control myself. Focusing on the sharp sting instead of my
Ava grabbed my arm and pulled me away.
He had me under his thumb and he knew it. It didn’t matter that I was a grown-ass woman
approaching thirty.
I had run away from him on three separate occasions, living alone in the forest. I created a small
wooden shelter for myself on one such occasion when I was gone so long. It was the happiest and
proudest seven months of my life—living off the land, hunting and foraging. Simply living a life for
But he found me. He always found me.
And when he realized he needed me to make his dreams come true he threatened to kill my mother
if I didn’t do everything he told me to.
Even though my mother had long since been estranged with a new husband and a new life, I
couldn’t live with that on my conscience.
And I had loved her once.
After running through the cool, expensive marble hallways with glittering crystal chandeliers, Ava
pulled me into her bedroom and slammed the door a little harder than she needed to.
Her fingers were at her temple before she jerked them away from her. “Why must you always
challenge him? Between that and the freaking grof you seriously have a death wish!”
I quickly washed as she berated me, cleaning the dirt from my skin and dress before pointlessly
running some water into my curls to dull the frizz.
It would only frizz again the moment we stepped back into the humidity, but at least it would shut
Alvaro up for ten minutes.
My ringlet curls reminded him so much of my mother and it infuriated him.
The mother who “betrayed” him and left his ass behind. Which I didn’t blame her for, but it meant
she had left me, too.
“Fine, I’ll keep the peace at dinner, okay?”
Her right eyebrow damn near lifted to her hairline as she tilted her head with sass. I loved her for
it. She was a spicy jalapeño in the guise of sweet little bell pepper. She hated the fine dresses and
conventional manners but didn’t dare be herself since it was instilled in us that we’d die alone if
societal customs were not followed.
She let the veil slip slightly when we were alone, but even then, she still struggled to be free.
Luckily, she seemed to have an excellent sense of self-preservation that I entirely lacked.
I always leaned on hers since she had enough for both of us. But soon I wouldn’t even have that. It
was an effort to push down the sadness of how much I knew I would miss her.
I held up my hands in surrender. “I swear. I’ll be on my best behavior.”
After glaring at me for another moment or two to test my honesty, the corner of her lips turned up
into a smile. “Good. That means I can give you the gift I’ve been holding onto.” She gracefully glided
to her closet and withdrew a clear crystal attached to a leather chain.
“A gift? For what occasion?” I began to uncomfortably shift my weight on my feet. We had agreed
long ago we wouldn’t exchange gifts for each other unless they were free since my family didn’t have
any money.
She saw my unease and waved her hand dismissively. “Oh relax. Can’t you give me one chance to
spoil my best friend since you’re likely going to get yourself killed soon?”
My eyes rolled dramatically, and she huffed with annoyance before shoving the necklace into my
hand. “This is a grade A Lomhara crystal, which means it’s the most powerful and accurate crystal
available. It’s currently programmed for two things: to be used as a potent defense, with the ability to
deflect almost any magical attack and to act as a two-way mirror. We will be able to communicate
only twice, so use it wisely. I’ll wear the corresponding crystal so I’m always available.”
My heart raced so loudly that I could hear the blood flow in my ears. “I—I can’t accept this. Ava,
you could sell this for millions of credits. This could buy you a new life anywhere in the universe,
anywhere you could possibly desire!”
Was she insane? This was the answer to her own prayers. She didn’t have to stay here on Nadona.
She could move to a place where she would be valued for her mind and her talent. She could finally
be herself.
She shook her head, knowing what was racing in my mind. “I could never be free if I knew I
didn’t do everything in my power to help you. I could never live with myself if you died when I had
the means to save you. I don’t have your fighting or survival skills so I would only slow you down in
hell. But I can send you off knowing you have a fighting chance.”
A tear welled in my eye, and I ran and wrapped my arms around her. “What would I do without
you? How can I ever repay you?”
“Just come back to me alive, that would be the best gift I could receive. Okay?”
“Catalina, get your ass down here now or I will drag you down myself!”
We both flinched at the grating sound of my father’s voice. I hid the crystal beneath my modest
dress, and we hurried out the door.

M uch to my dismay we had to take two of Ava’s family carriages and I was stuck alone with my
father. My eyes stayed glued to the window, but that wasn’t any better.
I couldn’t decide if the sight of Alvaro or the castle—my future prison—was worse.
In the end, I decided the castle was no real threat to me. I was certain I would find the Dream
Stone and never be forced to marry.
My father’s disgrace had one great benefit. I had not been plagued by marriage offers or courted
by men I despised. While I had physical needs and most certainly appreciated men, I had no desire to
be a housewife.
There was so much to explore, hundreds of worlds, and exciting cultures. I wanted to be free to
experience what life had to offer.
Our people frowned on that kind of hunger for knowledge. Nadona had gone through an expansive
decivilization due to the near extinction of our natural resources. Technology and modernization were
outlawed, and we adopted a simple, natural, sustainable way of life that saved the planet and
reversed the effects of our senseless abuse.
While I acknowledged the effectiveness of our sacrifices, it didn’t mean we couldn’t try to
modernize with ecological sensitivity.
It didn’t mean we had to live in ignorance with a generally accepted toxic patriarchy.
I wanted more. I demanded more.
Alvaro decided to reinforce my thoughts with impeccable timing, his voice sharp and dismissive.
“You will know your place at this dinner. It is of vital importance that everything goes smoothly,
and that you don’t give the king a reason to change his mind.”
My hands bunched into fists, nearly cutting off my circulation but even that couldn’t contain my
rage—my desire to challenge and stick up for myself.
“Shouldn’t you be giving that little pep talk to yourself? After all, aren’t you the one who lost the
favor of the king by stealing from him?”
A loud crack echoed through the air before the sensation could catch up to me. He backhanded me
so hard that the pain didn’t register for a good moment, until it was so excruciating, I had to choke
back any whimpers of pain. This man would never get the satisfaction of my tears. And I had become
an expert at letting his random slaps roll off me.
Soon you will lose everything, and this face will forever be ingrained into your memory as your
biggest regret.
“Don’t forget about our deal. And to sweeten the pot I will add your ridiculous friend, Ava. If you
do anything to jeopardize this marriage, I will ensure Ava encounters a tragic accident.”
The blood drained from my face and my heart fluttered in my chest with terror. I was already
resolved to leave; he couldn’t throw this in my face now.
If he realized I disappeared tonight, would he really kill Ava?
“You know I’m a man of my word. I have nothing to lose if you don’t go through with this
wedding.” The dead glare in his eyes left me without a shred of doubt at his sincerity.
What the hell was I going to do?
After a few moments of internal festering, we crossed the threshold of the castle grounds, the
building itself one of the last testaments of our advanced history with multiple plum-capped towers
and impressive architecture.
When we exited the carriage, Ava and I locked eyes, and her lips were pursed in camaraderie,
knowing what I’d likely endured during our trip.
I had to keep her safe.
She locked arms with me then quickly let go, remembering herself and that it would be seen as
improper for such a display.
A lavishly dressed footman led us into the royal hall that was decorated for an intimate party with
a small table and lush floral displays surrounding it.
It was a shame such beauty was wasted since I wanted no part of this.
We were seated so that the royal family could make their grand entrance, and after ten minutes, an
appropriate waiting period, a footman announced their presence as they marched in with pomp and
circumstance like they were gods and not simple rulers of a simple society.
We stood in respect and waited until King Dante, Queen Elitha, and Prince Conal were seated
first before we took our seats again.
“My king, I must thank you for the generous invitation. We were much humbled and honored to
dine with His Majesty.”
Dante hmphed before taking a bite of a turkey leg. He spoke while chomping on his food like a
rabid animal which grated against my nerves in a way that made me want to shove the bone down his
throat and wrap his garish cloak around his face.
I promised Ava I’d behave.
“I wanted to make sure your family wasn’t going to embarrass me yet again.”
Alvaro stretched his neck until it cracked, attempting to control his anger.
“That would never happen again, sire.”
The king grunted and then turned his attention to me, making my skin crawl. “Well, she is a pretty
little thing, isn’t she?” He looked to Conal. “The others are going to be insanely jealous of that one.”
He laughed, causing him to choke on his food and Conal joined in before giving me a disgusting wink.
It took everything in me to swallow my food over the massive lump in my throat.
I promised Ava I’d behave. I repeated to myself, starting to resent her for it.
“After dinner I’d love to take you on a quick tour.” Conal chewed slowly then swallowed with
intention before licking the side of his lip slowly. My hand gripped my fork so hard it probably left
marks and I stabbed it into my meat before gently putting it in my mouth.
My father was shooting me daggers, but that’s not what got me to calm down.
I promised Ava I’d behave. Goddamn her!
“How wonderful,” I said in my sweetest, fake nobility voice.
“So, Alvaro!” Dante’s boisterous voice carried through the vastness of the room, a stark contrast
to the beautiful gentility of the décor.
“How’s that strappy wife of yours then?” He stilled, letting a derisive smile grow on his textured
face. He was intentionally provoking Father.
But he could do nothing but be polite and respond even though I knew he was seething beneath his
skin. He took a quick glance at my hair before responding. “I’ve not seen her in years. She’s
remarried to a duke in Lux Kingdom.”
“Oof. That’s quite a ways away. And I hear he’s vastly wealthy. What a shame.”
Alvaro sat back in his seat as he picked at his food with his fork. Ava fought to hide the shock in
her eyes and she hunched over her plate in an uncharacteristic display. I had to look away to avoid
erupting into laughter. But the king’s loud voice spoke again, and it was directed at me, causing me to
“And what about you, sweetness? Have you seen Denna recently?”
I figured the best course of action was honesty, so I avoided Father’s gaze and answered, knowing
it would shock and anger him. “I saw her a few weeks ago.”
“Is that so! And how did you find her? Is she rich and happy?”
If I didn’t hate the king so much, I’d be relishing the humiliation Father was going through.
“Indeed, she’s very rich. She just bought a pony for her six-year-old son.”
That was when I found out I had a half-brother.
Alvaro dropped his fork in utter shock as the king chortled with delight. Prince Conal sat back
and folded his arms in amusement.
This whole dinner was fucking sickening.
“She finally had that boy you wanted so badly! Just with another man. What a blow, Alvaro. But
you can always remarry once you’re a Lord again and the Lopez family is restored. Only a few more
Father’s fury lessened a bit since the king appeared to give his final blessing on this marriage and
his reinstatement into nobility. Looks like the crime for creating fake trade deals and selling the king’s
goods carried a punishment of only twenty years.
He was lucky though, the only reason he wasn’t executed was because my mother told the Queen
of his dealings. Those two ladies were good friends, so the King had mercy on him.
And I knew Alvaro would be devastated by the news of Denna’s new son. He had so desperately
wanted a boy yet was stuck with me. His only child.
Mercifully the conversation shifted to Ava’s family and her father made small talk with the king
and queen for the rest of the stuffy dinner and I had kept my word to Ava.
No outbursts or embarrassing spectacles. I was proud of myself, actually.
But Conal stood and reached his hand out for me, and I was sure all that hard work would go
flying out the window.
“Shall we, my dear betrothed?”
“Lead the way, sir.” I allowed him to lock arms with me and I looked back at Ava once more and
she scrunched her freckled nose at me in a silent threat to keep myself under control.
Yeah, yeah, she thought I was a menace and a danger to myself. It couldn’t be helped. I was set
in my ways.
But Alvaro’s threat echoed in my head, making me uneven on my feet.
“Everything ok, darling?”
“Yes, just tired, I guess. I am just a mere woman after all.” He totally missed the sarcasm in my
voice and Ava ran her hand down her face.
He led me away and our route seemed convoluted and repetitive, as if he was intentionally
making it so I was lost and confused—dependent on him. Until we began to ascend a large tower,
making heat rise in my body.
My breath became shallow, and it felt as if the walls were closing in around me, sealing me into a
fate worse than death.
“This will be your tower, along with your ladies.”
This was the true hell. And hell beyond the grof was my salvation.

C onal’s hand never left my back, as if reminding me he was my master. He opened a door at the top
of the tower and led me inside.
“This will be your room to do with what you will. You will visit me on the nights I request your
presence so we can produce an heir.”
I was going to be sick.
When I turned and looked back at the door, I noticed that there was no knob on the inside.
“Um, how will I get out of this room?”
He pushed me toward another door, and when he opened it, six women stood and bowed to him
with blinding smiles on their faces.
“You have an adjoining room with your ladies-in-waiting who will attend to your every need.”
My ass. Ladies waiting to suck his cock on demand. His own personal harem that he kept to
pleasure him anytime he wanted. And he was adding me to that shelf of trophies. The shiniest one of
them all with a pretty title.
Conal winked at one of the blondes, making my skin crawl.
Were they prisoners too? Were they desperate to escape? Did they long for freedom like I did?
We went back the way we came, and I demanded an answer.
“Conal, how will I get out of this room?”
Yes, I completely believed in my abilities to retrieve the Dream Stone and change my fate, but I
still needed to prepare for plan B.
“My dear, you don’t need to lift a finger anymore. There will always be a servant outside the door
who will let you out.”
Guard me and keep me inside, more like.
My hand gripped the dagger beneath my dress, and I squeezed in silent reassurance.
Soon I will be free.
I will save myself.
And quite possibly kill anyone who gets in my way.
My breathing came easier and ran deeper as we descended the tower, silently thanking The
Creator for allowing me to leave that torture chamber. We walked to a separate wing, and I was in
such a daze I didn’t notice my surroundings until we had reached a new door. It wasn’t like me to
ignore my surroundings and not take in every detail to protect myself, but the possibility of ending up
here for the rest of my life truly shook me to the core.
“This is my room.”
The sound of Conal’s nasally voice brought me back to reality, and all blood drained from my
face when I saw the nightmare before me.
A massive bed with decorative canopy drapes over four elaborate wood carved posters.
Expensive silk sheets so blood red it made my skin crawl.
But what had me so faint I was seeing stars were the handcuffs adhered to the wall and the
plethora of other sex tools, binds, gags, restraints, and toys on display.
This was his pleasure (and torture) den, and it was made for multiple partners.
Conal grabbed my face and lifted it so I was forced to look into his hooded mahogany eyes. If he
wasn’t such a fucking creep he’d be handsome.
“Let me give you a taste of what you will soon enjoy.” He lowered his head and pressed his lips
to mine, causing me to shiver in disgust, and when I tried to jerk my head away, he gripped his fingers
even tighter on my face, causing pain to sear through me.
“Do you want to know why I picked you, Catalina?”
I attempted to move my head to look away from him, but he was so strong that I was stuck in
place, no doubt bruises forming on my face.
“Because the fight will only increase my pleasure. Keep defying me and using that spirit to fight
back—it will be my ultimate fantasy to break you. And I hope it takes years to do so.”
I jerked away from him. “Never. You’ll never break me, and I will never be yours.”
“I’m counting on it, my love.”
I lifted my leg to kick him, but he anticipated my attack and held me against him, my back against
his hard cock. Nausea rolled within me. “You’re falling right into place. Keep fighting.” I stilled so I
didn’t give him what he wanted.
“Let me show you what’s in store for you.”
He lifted a small crystal and my eyes widened in shock and fear. My small practices of Wiccan
herbology were tolerated, but hard magic was forbidden. I trembled beneath him because his hand
was on the leather chain that bound my own crystal, and if he found it, Ava would be executed for it.
Please don’t let him find it.
He put the crystal to my forehead and it glowed as it began to show me disturbing images of
orgies in this very room. Unknown men kissing my body as Conal pounded within me, claiming me as
his own personal plaything. What was most disturbing, was that I was screaming in pleasure. I felt
Conal’s cock pulse behind me, thoroughly enjoying what he was putting me through.
“Just a glimpse of what’s to come. I think you can imagine the rest on your own. I know I will be.”
Why did he play his cards before the wedding and show how much of a monster he was? Why did
he chance me disappearing and never going through with this?
Because he truly thought he had me in his control. My father was desperate enough to ensure this
wedding took place and he was willing to kill the only people who mattered to me to do so.
And he got off on knowing I’d be living in fear and dread for the next week. He was going to be
sucked off and fucked fantasizing about that until he could do anything he wanted to me.
Tonight. I was going into the grof tonight. I couldn’t afford to waste another moment. I would just
have to think of a story to ensure Ava was safe until I returned.

W hen we returned arm in arm to the dining room, the company was standing and mingling. Ava
saw the hollowness in my eyes and ran to me.
“Do you mind if I take her home, Prince?”
“Please do. I know she’ll be safe in your capable hands.”
The king and queen left, appearing thankful to be rid of us and Ava walked me to the carriage, my
father close behind.
I whispered so that only she could hear. “Meet me tonight, in the switchgrass where we were
today. I’m leaving tonight.”
Her eyes were full of sorrow, but she saw how shaken I was and only nodded her agreement. Her
family allowed us to borrow their carriage to take us home, and I sat in a daze the entire way, Alvaro
mercifully saying nothing.
When we arrived at our sorry little shack in a deserted area he huffed and began walking toward
the door to hide in his room for the rest of the night.
“Father.” He turned and eyed me with suspicion, waiting for me to tell him I wasn’t going through
with the wedding.
“I enjoyed my time with Conal today. Tomorrow I will scavenge some herbs and flowers to make
him some ceremonial soaps for our wedding day. Don’t be alarmed if you don’t see me because it’ll
take me a few days to complete.”
His eyes squinted for a moment, but he nodded, simply pleased I didn’t plan to make a fool of
“I will choose to believe you since you know what’s at stake, and you wouldn’t do anything to put
Ava’s life in danger.”
As expected, he walked into the hut and slammed the door to his bedroom, disappearing as he
always did, unable to bear the shame of living in such a dump.
The poverty and lack of status didn’t bother me. The solitude suited me, and I preferred living
away from the weariness of society. I relished being in nature, scavenging for herbs, hunting for food,
and honing my fighting skills.
Ava’s older brother was the one who taught me how to fight and live off the land. He was a
trained warrior, and I had a serious crush on him growing up, but he got married and went into
service so I hadn’t seen him in years.
I also hadn’t had a real crush since, even though I’d found a few regulars from town that would
scratch my itch for me with no strings attached.
Once in my room I began quickly collecting the tonics, weapons, potions, and various supplies I’d
had hidden for months for this very moment.
Excitement bloomed within me. There was something incredibly satisfying about making a plan,
preparing for it over a long period of time, and finally seeing the moment it all came together, despite
the serious danger involved.
Yes, I realized I could very well perish in hell or end up trapped there. But it always came down
to the fact that it was better than doing nothing. It was better than ending up Conal’s twisted plaything
and not having tried everything I could to save myself.
I was the creator of my own destiny, and I would ensure my future was beautiful or die trying.

A bin under my bed stored my combat pants and protective leathers which I had commissioned
from an old lady in a nearby village who hated her circumstances as much as I did. She agreed to
keep my secret and it had only cost a fresh kill of deer, some hours of companionship, and help
around her house.
Finally, being able to take out my custom combat clothes had me giddy, and I slid the bin from
under my bed and hung up my dress, hopefully, to never be worn again. I secured my long hair into a
tight bun so that it was out of my way.
Opening my leather bag, I carefully arranged each glass tube of healing potions within clean
cloths and clothing so they wouldn’t shatter. Next, I packed dried fruit leathers and meats I had made
which would last me months without spoiling along with nuts, seeds, and berries I had foraged.
My various knives were packed into the side pockets while throwing knives were secured on my
left thigh holster and small homemade incendiary bombs were adhered to my waist belt. Ava’s
brother had gifted me a handheld crossbow, so I included that with fifty arrows.
The usual dagger I wore on my right thigh was like a second skin to me, never leaving unless I
And my hand went to my neck, feeling the precious gift that Ava had given me—protection against
magical attacks.
I was ready. And when night fell, I would leave Nadona.

The second the sun disappeared from the sky I peered outside my room and was relieved to see
Alvaro hadn’t come out of his room. I secured my bag to my back and silently left our home without a
backward glance.
There was no love lost or precious memories to miss.
Ava was already waiting for me in the long grass, and the moonlight illuminated the glistening
tears in her eyes as her soft, fine dress flapped in the crisp wind.
She was incredibly beautiful and had refused four suitors over the years, partly because she
refused to settle just as I did, and I secretly believed partly because she didn’t want to leave me
alone. Ava was a true sister to me.
As I approached, crouching through the grass, the lips on her heart shaped face began to quiver
and I wrapped my arms around her tightly, taking in her fresh, clean floral scent—ingraining it into
memory in case I didn’t make it back.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes. I’m going.”
“Maybe we can escape to another kingdom and start a new life elsewhere,” she suggested with
hope in her eyes.
“Our families would find us. And it’s no better in any other kingdom. This is happening, Ava.”
She nodded as a tear escaped her face. “Okay. It was worth a shot.”
“And I love you for it.”
“I love you too. Take care of yourself, Cat.”
“You too. Keep your eyes open, and your head down. I will be back for you.”
“You better, you wench. Or I’ll find you and kill you myself.”
“It’s a deal, Ava.”
The guards began to leave for duty shift and I locked eyes with Ava, knowing it could be the last
time—but movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention. The next guards were already on
their way, sooner than they usually were.
My heart began to race, and my hands shook with adrenaline. I had to leave and now.
“Cat, they’re coming! You have to run!”
Not waiting to be told twice, I ran as fast as I could while staying crouched as low as possible to
remain hidden in the switchgrass. The guards paused to chit-chat with the newcomers, giving me a
few extra moments to move unseen. But my heart began to pound out of my chest when I reached the
break in the grass, and I had to run across the dirt path and into the clearing in the woods where the
grof was located.
Then, I had to pray it simply let me in.
“Hey, who’s there!”
Fuck. With my body trembling in fear, I beelined for the invisible entrance as the four guards
darted toward me at full speed.
This couldn’t be the end of my journey. I couldn’t let them catch me.
I was an incredibly fast runner, but my bag was so full and heavy it slowed me down
considerably. The guards were well trained and just as fast, so they quickly closed in on me.
My lungs burned with the extra effort, but I didn’t dare slow because they were right on my heels.
If my hair had been down, they probably could have grabbed it and ended it all for me then and there.
The wind brushed away the tears that welled in my eyes from the horror of what it would mean if
they caught me. Their screams were so close I knew it was only a moment or two before they caught
“Caw caw!” A strange bird sound echoed from behind us, causing the guards to slow and turn to
inspect it, giving me the last push I needed to make it to the invisible barrier.
There was no doubt that it was Ava. Saving my ass yet again. And it was all I needed. With the
force of my speed I jumped into the air, flying through the grof and tumbling through the entrance of
hell, into total darkness.

A n unavoidable scream escaped my lips, but I couldn’t hear my own voice. There was no sound,
no light, and I thought the severe pressure in the space around me was going to crack me in half.
It was extremely difficult to breathe, as if there was a vice around my throat and I trembled in fear
and pain.
The lack of oxygen had me hyperventilating, and I nearly passed out from lightheadedness.
None of this was in the textbooks.
There was no mention of this plane being devoid of any existence whatsoever.
The moments stretched on, and a sense of madness began to creep into my psyche. Was I alive?
Was this real? How long have I been here?
I sat up and began rocking myself back and forth. How was I going to get the Dream Stone if I
couldn’t see or hear anything?
The only senses I did have was an acidic taste on my tongue and a foul smell, like a chemical
toxin. They were the only indicators that I was still living and breathing.
I knew that time in hell didn’t move the same as on our plane of existence, so a year here could
only be a day on Nadona. And that was what I was banking on. It was my hope that I could find the
Dream Stone and return to ensure Ava’s safety within a day or two. Before they realized I was
missing for the wedding.
My shaking hand reached into a side leg pocket of my combat pants. It was my secret weapon that
nobody knew about. The whole reason I was so confident in my mission.
The recent visit to see my mother wasn’t to reminisce and catch up on girl time. It was to steal a
magical item her parents had given her long ago.
A magical programmable compass. And before I left, I had performed the ritual to have it encoded
to take me to the Dream Stone. Once it was completed, I activated it to see if the dial rotated to the
direction of the stone and indicate its existence on our plane, but it whirled around indeterminately,
letting me know it was in another plane.
I retrieved a match from my pocket and lit it so I could see around me. Luckily the flame held and
didn’t die out instantly. The round orb compass glowed in the dark, immediately pulsating, and
pointing off into the distance.
Yes! The stone was definitely here.
Standing took effort and I had to stay still for a moment to fight off the vertigo. But once I was
steady on my feet some senses returned, and I began to hear soft whispers of foreign, eerie voices and
laughter echo in the darkness. All the hairs on my body rose and I could feel hundreds of pairs of eyes
on me.
Blood rushed through my veins as my heart fluttered out of my chest. Sweat began to bead at my
brow and the chain of the golden compass clanked in my shaking hands.
I had never been this scared before. Not knowing what beasts and creatures were approaching or
what they would do to me, had me wild with fear.
My hand flew to my dagger, withdrawing it from my holster. Wasting no more time I clicked the
top button on the compass activating the magic. Right before it initiated, a black hairy beast jumped
from the darkness, snarling with sharp bloody teeth as if from a recent kill.
I screamed, the sound still slightly muted, as it managed to slice my arm before a force sucked me
forward and the beast and all his new friends disappeared.
Within seconds I was in an entirely new place, and my senses were almost all back to normal.
Blood rushed down my arm, and my shaking hand removed my bag to retrieve a healing potion. It
wasn’t an instant fix like true magic, but it would greatly speed up the healing for a mortal.
Faint noises caught my attention, as if there were people in the distance, even though I couldn’t
see more than twenty feet beyond me. The compass had taken me to a massive stone fortress that
stood one hundred feet high.
Above me there was no sun, no real sky or sense of the universe, only a slight red misty glow
amongst the mysterious black. It was like I was stuck in a container, a lab mouse in an experiment that
would never escape.
There was an overwhelming sense of doom and hopelessness, as if there was no point in living.
My pulse was weak and slow, and I could barely remember what joy and life felt like. I had an
intense desire to lay down and curl up in the fetal position, and I was about to do just that before a
small voice in the back of my mind reminded me why I was here.
Save yourself. Remember who you are. Fight for what you want.
I shuddered profusely, terrified by this place and how easily it could change me. It was
imperative to find the stone as quickly as possible before I succumbed to the depression and lost my
sense of purpose.
Refocusing on the compass, I studied the dial which was pointing downward as if the stone was
underground, so I quickly circled the fortress, bypassing the front entrance and found a door that
looked like it led to the lower levels.
My hand twisted the doorknob which was unsurprisingly locked. I opened my bag and took out a
small tool that looked like a knife. It was from our technologically advanced history—the items that
weren’t destroyed were sold in the black market or secretly handed down through family.
This device was a family heirloom on my father’s side, and I stole it from him years ago before he
could sell it for cash.
I pressed a button on its underside activating the dangerous laser that melted away the doorknob
until it broke off and clanged onto the ground.
My head turned around, looking to see if there were any creatures approaching. And while I
couldn’t see anything beyond the cover of darkness, I knew there was something out there—I just
didn’t know if it was aware of my presence or not.
Howling cries of piercing pain sounded in the distance causing me to haul ass, opening the now
cooled door and closing it behind me. I pocketed the laser tool and retrieved a small oil lamp I had
Once lit, I descended the stairs, but my steps faltered as more screams sounded in the direction I
was heading. Cries of anguish pierced through me, and it was evident that someone was being
tortured, which cemented my belief that this was the Lair of Lazu—torturer of hell.
Doubt seeped into my brain again, but I quickly cast it away. There was absolutely no room for it.
I needed all my confidence and skill about me if I was going to survive the torture dungeons of the
demon Lazu.
A guard with large backward-facing horns stood at the intersecting hallway a few feet in front of
me. I snuffed out my light and waited a moment for my eyes to adjust to the very dimly lit area.
As quietly as my feet could carry me, I stepped toward him, and a massive growl escaped him
almost causing me to yelp in shock. But my hand clasped over my mouth just in time. He was
growling just for the hell of it, probably to remind the prisoners that he was there and ready to torture.
Stepping directly behind him I raised my dagger and right before he was able to fully turn to face
me, I plunged it deep into the front of his neck, making sure to sever his vocal cords so he couldn’t
My arms reached out to grab him to avoid a loud thump onto the floor. His deep red blood began
to pool around him. I had read that a lot of demons of hell couldn’t be killed and they could
regenerate after a wound that should be fatal, so I made quick work of removing the keys from his
Stepping over the liquid, I quickly peered toward each end of the hallway to see if there were any
more guards, but luckily there was no one in sight.
Seemed I was the only idiot stupid enough to try to break into a torture dungeon so only one guard
was needed.
I withdrew the orb compass, it pointed toward the right, and slowly walked in that direction. I
damn near fell over in a scream when a brutish-looking demon slammed against the bars of his cell.
He screamed in a language I didn’t understand, his red eyes wide with desperation.
Blood seeped from his mouth and from various cuts on his skin. When I ignored him he hissed and
began to scream like he wanted to kill me.
There was no way I was letting any of these creatures out. As I kept walking, every cell had a
demon or monster of various races in captivity, doing their very best to bang down the iron bars at the
very sight of me. All of them injured and nearly mad with delirium from years of torture and suffering.
Sweat began to form on my brow. They were making far too much noise, and since I couldn’t
understand their language, I didn’t know if they were alerting Lazu to my presence. Disregarding my
stealth strategy, I ran as fast as my legs would carry me to the end of the hall. The compass began to
turn toward the left as I moved so I knew the stone was in the last cell, and mercifully, the door was
already open.
That had to mean it was empty and that I could take it and escape within seconds. Once I had the
stone, I could reprogram the compass to take me to the Nadona grof entrance.
My heart pounded in my chest with anticipation. I was so close to getting what I had worked so
hard for.
My pace quickened and when I turned to enter the cell, I smashed face first into a massive wall of
green, causing me to fall back to the ground, cutting my hand on my dagger after losing control.
When I attempted to stand, I froze in place, my heart beating out of my chest and my extremities
going ice cold in fear.
That wasn’t a green wall.
It was a massive green person, muscled and tall with two sharp bottom teeth just peeking over his
bottom lip.
His brown shoulder length-hair was half tied back, and the loose strands began to fall forward as
he bent down and reached his arm toward me.
Instinctively I took my dagger and rammed it through his hand.

F uuuuck!
Every inch of my body convulsed, pleasure and pain coursing through me causing the most mind-
blowing, life-altering orgasm of my entire godsdamned life.
A scream escaped me as my come erupted from my cock as if I’d had hours of foreplay.
What the fuck just happened?
My cock continued to pulse, releasing more seed than I ever had in my life.
This tiny spicy tidbit of a woman had just stabbed me and caused me to see stars. But when I saw
the cut on her own hand the blood drained from my face and I stumbled, almost unable to keep my
It was clear what had just happened between the blood mixing, the euphoric orgasm and the
strange inexplicable pull I felt toward her.
In hell, the most random of places, on a dangerous treasure hunt, I had found my mate. And we had
just accidentally performed the Orcish Blood Rite, sealing our bond.
If I didn’t believe in fate before—I did now.
The smug and adorable little smirk on her lips most likely meant she thought I was just reacting in
pain to the wound she caused me. But the reality was much different.
Her smile slowly disappeared as she reached for her collar and pulled it away from her neck,
likely overcome with heat from her blooming desire. It was unavoidable after the rite was performed,
and while I didn’t know how it would affect whatever race she was, I knew she would feel desire to
some degree.
My cock already started to harden again, smelling her arousal permeating the air and affecting me
like she was my own personal drug, and I crouched over, trying to will it away so I could attempt to
think straight on what to do next.
But a soft, sickening chuckle sounded behind her and when I looked up, I had never felt more
dread in my entire existence. The demon Lazu was behind my fragile, beautiful mate, and all time
stood still for a terrifying moment.
I was strong, quick and incredibly powerful. Trained to be a warrior since the moment I could
walk. But nothing could have prepared me for the unnatural speed and magic of a Level One demon—
the most powerful of them all.
The scene unfolded as if in slow motion. My sweet mate turned her head to see what had me so
overcome, and the scream barely escaped her lips before Lazu’s magic burst from his hands and sent
her flying into the wall behind me.
A fierce roar bellowed from deep within my core, instinctively doing whatever I could to protect
my mate. I reached deep down to access every bit of energy I had to cause a thousand cuts to sear
onto his dark blue-gray skin, on his backward-facing horns, and over his red eyes.
I had done lots of research on Lazu, and I knew his power would be automatically utilized to heal
each one of his wounds before he was able to use another offensive attack of substance.
But apparently research didn’t account for everything, because while my constant slicing attacks
did slow him down, his power was still wildly abundant. His gnarled sharp claw raised and
squeezed as if he were holding someone by the neck. And it only took a second to realize it was me.
His power raised my heavy body with ease as he clamped down even harder around my throat
without ever touching me. My concentration faltered as I lost circulation, but my resolve ensured I
continued to slice at his skin, over and over.
Lazu was a disgusting bloody mess, smiling at the pain and gore I was creating on him. He was
more terrifying than any book could ever convey.
Stars began to blink in my vision and panic rolled over me. Not for myself, but for my mate. I
gave the last of everything I had, attacked Lazu, nearly skinning him alive.
But a loud snap sounded, and I was dropped into a heap on the ground. When I looked up Lazu
had an arrow in each of his eyes, glancing back my mate was reloading a small crossbow with
incredible speed, attacking him again and again.
That was my chance to end this.
My hand reached behind me, and I unsheathed Soulbane, my most trusted sword. Still using my
power to slice at his gruesome body while the tidbit shot at him with shocking accuracy, I lunged at
him and swung my sword into his neck until his head fell from his torso.
As far as all text indicated, Lazu could not be killed and a beheading wasn’t permanent, so I had
to get my mate out of here quickly.
My body was cemented in place for a moment, shocked at the fact that she was standing, eyes
wide and watching me with hesitation, waiting to see if I was going to rush at her next.
How was that little morsel conscious and upright after such an attack? What wonders were hiding
under that slight façade?
I held up my hands in resignation. “I will never harm you, but we must leave now.”
Her head tilted to the side as her eyes squinted. She had no idea what I was saying.
There was no time for this. I rushed toward her, threw her over my arm as she thrashed and
“You’ll thank me later, sweet mate.”

“L et me down you fucking ogre! I will kill you!” My attempts to rip out his hair and gauge his eyes
out were unsuccessful and my breath became hitched in my throat as we were sucked between an
invisible vice again before reappearing back into the bleak expanses of hell.
“Where are you taking me? I need to go back! I need the Dream Stone!”
He let me down gently and I stared at him for a moment. A violent, potent rush of lust rushed
through me like nothing I’d ever felt before.
What in the fuck was that!
Yes, the man before me was green, but he had the most attractive face and body I’d ever seen in
my life. A hint of scruff covered his strong, square jaw and there was an inherent kindness in his
hazel, brown-greenish eyes.
“Are you doing something to me? Are you using some kind of mind control?”
He spoke again but only gibberish came out. I huffed and retrieved my compass again, but the dial
had disappeared, indicating that I had found my intended target and the programming was dissolved.
My lip quivered and I fought with every bone in my body to stop any tears. It wouldn’t change my
The ogre-man reached into his own bag and took out a storage box with eighteen compartments of
different crystals. He removed one and started to move toward me with it.
“Oh, hell no! I’m not your lunch or your souvenir. Whatever you plan to do to me, forget it!”
He shook his head and pointed to his lips and then the crystal. Gibberish came out of his mouth,
then he pointed to the crystal and then to my ears.
Was he trying to say that the crystal would translate for us? At this point I had nothing else to lose.
Ava’s sweet voice entered my mind, imagining what she would say. Behave yourself, Cat, he
hasn’t done anything but save you, stop being pigheaded and stay alive.
Fine, miss bossy pants.
But not without reassurance. I held up a finger to him, telling him to wait. He put his fingers to the
bridge of his nose and looked around with a slight panic.
Okay, he had a point. We needed to get out of hell, but I would be quick. I removed a second
dagger since he had pocketed the one I stabbed him with.
I held it out in display before his face then put it down at my side. He nodded, understanding my
meaning. If he tried any funny business, he’d be getting another stab.
The second he stepped toward me I moaned, loudly, overcome with his mere presence, which
made me slap my hand over my face in embarrassment.
His lips pursed together as if attempting to suppress a laugh which only ignited my rage even
more. I lifted my dagger again and raised my brows, silently asking if he wanted to get cut. He held up
his hands as if to say “Okay, okay I’ll stop.”
Our effective communication made my own smirk form on my lips, and I huffed and motioned my
hand telling him to hurry up.
“Let’s get this over with hot ogre-man. I need to come up with a plan B quickly.”
He shrugged and moved the crystal toward my head, stopping one more time to make sure I wasn’t
going to slit his throat. I moved my hand again to get him moving.
Once the crystal touched my temple it glowed, and I felt a small rush of energy but nothing after
“I don’t get it. Did anything happen?”
“I should say so, tidbit. We can now communicate. I gave you knowledge of the ten more common
universal languages, and now I can understand English as well.”
Holy fuck balls. His deep guttural voice made liquid heat pool in my panties.
Nearly choking on my spit, I cleared my throat. “Uh, it’s Catalina. Catalina Lopez.”
He repeated my name as if it were a song and a shiver crept up my spine with sheer delight.
“Beautiful name.”
Oh wow. “T-thank you.”
“I am called Glinn.”
Why did his name evoke some kind of near mental breakdown in me?
“Glinn.” My eyes darted down quickly, avoiding the stunning intensity in his eyes. He was
certainly unlike the males I was used to. When he looked at me, he was giving his one hundred
percent undivided attention, and he seemed to enjoy it.
“Well, thanks for getting me out of there, Glinn. And I’m sorry I stabbed you. I just thought you
were going to attack me.”
I hated that I wasn’t the one to save myself, but I could give credit where it was due. Even if it
was only due to Ava repeatedly telling me not to be such a wench.
“It was my pleasure, tidbit, and all is forgiven. To be honest your fight impressed me. But we must
get moving. The closest exit from hell will have already moved. There’s no telling how far the next
compromised door is allowing us to escape.”
“Well, I hate to burst your bubble but I need to get back. I need to get the Dream Stone.”
Glinn stilled and looked down at me with suspicion. “You were looking for the Dream Stone?”
“Yes…” It then occurred to me it was the same reason he was there. “Is that what you were
looking for, too?”
“Yes, but it wasn’t there.”
“How could that be! I had a magical compass that ensured it was there.”
His eyes widened and he scratched the back of his head. “It must be faulty.”
We continued to walk through the dark, pathetic cries and terrified screams echoing in the
“How long until one of them finds us and rips us to shreds?”
“I’d give it two more minutes. They can smell outsiders from miles away. That’s why we must
hurry.” He put his hand toward the back of my arm to direct me, which caused another rush of lust
through me but I pushed it aside and yanked free of him.
“No!” I bared my teeth at him in anger, but it quickly dissolved into despair. My lip trembled once
again. “I—I cannot leave without it.”
His face changed from shock to sympathy, and his massive hand cupped my face gently.
“Whatever you need it for, I will help you find a suitable solution or replacement if you leave with me
now. I promise.”
“How can you promise something like that?”
“Because I’m a treasure hunter. I can find anything in the universe. I can help you.”
While my hopes and dreams now felt like they had shattered into a thousand pieces, there was
something about Glinn that made me trust him, no matter how idiotic that might be.
He nodded with an adorable smile, his fangs peeking out more from his bottom lip. His stride
increased, making it difficult to keep up. But after a few more steps I stopped him.
“Wait. I have a better plan than simply running through the darkness and praying for an exit.”
One of his brows raised as if he was incredibly amused. “What is it, tidbit?”
My hand planted on my hip. “It’s Catalina.”
“Okay, Lina.”
Oh, good heavens. The way he said Lina like he was performing a tongue dance made me clench
my thighs. I would do absolutely anything to have that tongue on my clit, licking me until I saw stars.
What was wrong with me!
I cleared my throat. “Lina works. Anyway, I can reprogram the compass to instantly travel us to
the nearest workable exit.”
The smile that crept onto his lips should have been freaking criminal. “Excellent, Lina. Can you
do that and walk?”
“Well, I need to go into a meditative state and bind my intentions with the compass. It’s better if I
He nodded and lifted me up into his bulging, green arms as if I weighed no more than a leaf. His
biceps were bare since he wore a sleeveless brown leather vest paired with forearm cuffs, a fuzzy
hood and soft black pants with knee-high boots.
It was unfathomable to me how incredibly handsome I found him, and I goddamn melted in his
This wasn’t like me at all. I had never gone gaga over a man.
“I can walk, I don't need to be carried.” I put as much sass as I could into my voice for my own
piece of mind. It appeared as if I needed to convince myself more than anyone else.
“It is more prudent to keep moving. Don’t even think of it, my Lina. You worry about your device
so we can make it out of here and I can help you with your search.”
What could I say? The man was convincing.
After a quiet moment or two, the despair and hopelessness began to seep into me again, clamping
down on my throat making it difficult to breathe, but I came back to the present and allowed the soft
sway of Glinn’s long strides lull me into a sense of quiet and calm, letting the compass connect with
my energy.
“Disera Lotsura Nova.” I spoke the magical incantation out loud which would activate the energy
source within the compass. It latched onto my energy signature, and I spoke my intention in my mind
over and over.
Take us to a grof that is quick and easy to exit.
Take us to a grof that is quick and easy to exit.
Take us to a grof that is quick and easy to exit.
Eventually, the compass made a snapping noise, indicating the deed was done and it was ready to
be used. Just as I opened my eyes, I yelped at the sight of a swarm of demons heading in our direction.
“Oh God.”
“Hurry, activate the compass and stay behind me.”
It was an effort to calm my mind enough to turn it on, when it was finally glowing the horde was
upon us. Glinn was dodging, swaying, and slicing with double blades. Showing immense skill and
precision, effectively slaying all the red eyed monsters in our vicinity. But there were too many to
make it away safely.
Undoing two small orbs from my waist belt I grabbed Glinn and started running. “Come on, pick
me up and run!”
Without hesitation, he scooped me up and we ran as the horde followed closely at our heels. I
threw the two orbs at each end of the violent beasts with sharp fangs and bony claws, a massive boom
sounded as they went up in flames and dropped to the ground in a gory mess.
Finally ready, I activated the compass and we were violently pulled to another location. We must
have been in front of the exit but I couldn’t tell where it was.
Glinn looked down at me with his brows raised. “I’m impressed, my Lina. You pack quite a
punch for such a little tidbit. It seems you are full of surprises.”
The heat that bloomed onto my cheeks seemed as if it was working overtime. “Right. Do you
sense where the exit is?”
“Yes, right through that way.” My eyes followed the direction he was pointing, but to my shock I
realized I actually felt a small pulse of energy indicating magic.
I was mortal with no innate magic. I had never felt something like that before.
My thoughts were interrupted when he took my hand and interlaced his fingers with mine, causing
fireworks to erupt in my core.
Holy shit this ogre-man did serious things to me, and my panties were so wet by this point that I
was cursing that I didn’t bring ten extra pairs with me.
But I hadn’t planned on finding the monster version of Casanova, now did I?
The Pied Piper to my pussy. I wanted to follow him anywhere, and that left me in shit tons of

I led my sweet tidbit of a mate into the land of the living, the sun temporarily blinding us having
become accustomed to the gloomy darkness of hell.
When our eyes adjusted, she rewarded me with the most stunning smile I’d ever seen. She was all
attitude and defensiveness, so letting her guard down and enjoying our return to the living plane was
bliss for me.
My cock jerked and swelled in my pants, and I wondered if her beautiful cunt was as delicious as
it smelled. Her arousal bloomed around me, and I breathed in deeply, etching that scent into my
memory so it had permanent residence.
The desire to claim her was overwhelming. To mark her with the mating scent so the whole world
knew she was mine. My possessiveness was a nasty sharp creature that kept growing in my gut, but I
tried to keep it at bay so as not to scare her.
But if anyone tried to harm my sweet tidbit that fought like a hydra, I’d sever their heads from
their spinal cords just as I did with Lazu.
A movement of glittering water caught my eye, and I sighed in relief. “Thank Our Creator. If you
don’t mind, the first thing I’d like to do is bathe.” It was an utter embarrassment that I had lost control
of my load like an infatuated boy, but the blood rite was a powerful mind and body connection that
overcame every orc. It was unavoidable.
She was wary for a moment but nodded her agreement. I took the pack off her back and she
whirled, grabbing it back.
“Relax, Lina. I’m merely carrying this load for you. Take some rest. It’s impressive how you’re
even able to carry this much weight.”
She gave in, letting me carry the bag for her. Lina straightened and curved backward, stretching
her back so far it cracked, likely relieving some pressure.
“Yeah, I suppose it was pretty heavy to carry it for that long. But it has my whole world in there.
Everything I could need to stay alive.”
I retrieved my comm device so I could check our location, and my heart sank when it appeared to
have been damaged in the brawl. There was no telling where we were and there was no calling for
help without magic. My skills on repairing such things were high, but I'd need tools. We’d have to
attempt this the old-fashioned way.
When we reached the fresh springs, I quickly removed my chest and arm leathers but began to
slow when I realized my Lina’s eyes were glued to me with infatuation. Perhaps if I enticed her, she'd
let me lick that sweet cunt of hers.
After unlacing my boots, I unclasped my pants in one swift go and let them fall to the ground. It
was only fair Lina got a full view of her mate, even if she didn’t know what I was yet.
Her jaw nearly hit the ground as she struggled to speak. I withdrew a small bar of soap from my
own bag and brought my clothes with me to wash them in the fresh springs.
“Come and join me, Lina.”
She stood with her arms covering her heavy supple breasts as if she were already naked, which
made me smile since I knew she was considering it.
“I know I have large teeth, but I won’t bite you, tidbit.”
She inched closer to the water and when she began removing her clothing I turned around and
thoroughly washed my pants before setting them aside to dry. I lathered myself all over my body,
cleaning away dirt, blood and sweat.
When she was fully submerged into the water I turned and lost my breath.
She dunked her head under the water to get it wet and let her hair down from the tight wad it was
“May I clean you?”
“I—I know how to clean myself ogre-man.”
A soft chuckle escaped me. I loved her feisty nature, but there was a fierce protectiveness hidden
in there that saddened me. Why did she need to be so defensive? Who had hurt her for so long that it
was now the second skin she wore?
“I beg your pardon, but I am an orc. Orcandish to be precise. We’re a more humanoid appearing
orc with innate magic. And I have absolutely no doubts in any of your abilities. You have blown me
away with your cunning skills, knowledge of magical items, tactical prowess, and adaptability. You
look like a soft wind could blow you away, yet you are as strong and fierce as an orcish tiger.”
Her lips parted in shock as if she couldn’t believe someone would speak so positively about her
and it made the protectiveness in me rumble with anger.
“O-okay then. I could use some suds.”
I would do everything in my power to wash away her hesitation to allow attention and help. It
was my mission to make sure she was comfortable being the most important person in the universe.
“Excellent, my Lina.”
She shivered as I put the wet bar to her shoulders and began to lather the soap down each of her
arms. Her eyes fluttered closed, and I used that opportunity to learn more about her.
“Now you know what I am. Tell me about your race and your world.”
Her voice was low and calm, fully enjoying my touch on her skin. “I’m a mortal human from the
world Nadona. Our people originated from a planet called Earth. The humans from that world who
had knowledge of the expanded universe and wanted to keep it made a deal with the High Creator to
relocate to a new habitable world to form our own society. He wanted to keep Earth innocent and free
of the knowledge of magic and the thousands of other races and worlds out there.”
She moaned softly as I turned her around and began to massage her shoulder.
“Fuck that’s nice. Anyway, the ironic part of the story is that we grew technologically advanced—
so much so that we depleted our resources at an alarming rate and nearly killed the planet. We
reverted to simple ways of living so that we’re now more primitive than Earth. We share a lot of their
stories, fairy tales, older customs, and way of thinking. Unfortunately, we took the worst of it and held
on tight and fast.”
I turned her back around. “I do not like this sadness in your voice. It has something to do with the
Dream Stone, doesn’t it?”
She sighed but stood from her crouch in the water showing her magnificent round breasts with
brown nipples complimenting her tawny skin. She was a goddess.
And she was my mate.
“Yes, it has everything to do with the Dream Stone. My father basically sold me off to be married
to the prince of our kingdom so that he could have a title and wealth. The prince is a complete
fuckwad who showed me that he intends to keep me locked away as his personal plaything. He said
he couldn’t wait to break my spirit.”
Immediately, I released my hold on Catalina. My anger was so great that my fists caused blood to
reemerge from the cut she had given me.
“Oh no. I’m so sorry about that. I didn’t realize your cut was still open. I’m sorry I cut you.”
“Do not apologize for protecting yourself, my Lina. I heal very quickly, see?” The wound had
already closed again, and I placed it under the water to wash the blood away.
“I can’t pretend that I am happy about these two men in your life. If I ever encounter them, I will
need to break their backs for putting you through such horrors.”
Her eyes widened but she smiled. “Well, you’ll have to get in line. I’ve been eager to do that
myself for many years.”
“I would never deny you your due vengeance, so I will try to behave myself.”
She lit up at that sentence as if it meant something important to her. “I would appreciate that.” She
giggled, causing my cock to jerk in the water.
Lina didn’t miss a thing, and she worked hard to swallow. I used that as my opportunity to touch
her again. “I am being remiss. I haven’t finished washing you.”
I placed the soap over her beautiful right breast, and she tilted her head back and moaned with
“My Lina, if you make noises like that, I can’t promise what I will do.”
“I’m so confused, I don’t know why I feel such a strong connection to you after knowing you for
five minutes. I’m never like this.”
My eyes darted away, and her head tilted. “You know why we feel this way, don’t you?”
“I do. But grant me one day with you, and I will tell you tomorrow.”
She hesitated then shrugged. “As long as it doesn’t hurt me, I suppose it’s fine.”
“Rest assured, Lina. I have nothing but your pleasure in mind.”

I was dangerously close to coming with only his hands washing me. My God, I wanted this man so
badly it hurt deep in my pussy. My thighs clenched together tightly, trying to gain control and lessen
the ache, but it wouldn’t dissipate.
There was no denying that I wanted to be utterly railed by this magnificent beast. His cock was
long and wide, and my mouth watered merely thinking of it filling me and stretching me to the max. If I
wasn’t in the water, I would be utterly saturated from the mere thought of him releasing within me,
filling me with his come until he was utterly spent.
I wanted him to mark me, claim me as his own. I wanted him to possess me in a way that was so
primal I could think of nothing but fucking him.
“Are you okay, Lina?”
His deep melodic voice brought me out of my fantasy, and I nodded silently. My throat was dry,
my skin was hot and flush, and I felt feverish. I was utterly overcome by his presence.
His large hand cupped my face and lifted it to lock eyes with me. “I think I know a way to help
you think straight again.”
“Y-you do? I think that would be great.”
He nodded as his eyes grew heady, causing my heart to race. “Would you like me to pleasure your
sweet cunt, my Lina? Rub you until you’re screaming my name in ecstasy and give you the release you
so desperately need?”
There was no thought process involved since my brain couldn’t function properly. “Yes! Yes…”
“That is music to my ears, my Lina.”
And my name on his lips was music to mine. His hand went into the water, causing it to ripple
around the curve of my waist as his finger mercifully touched my clit.
The whimper that fell from my lips might have once embarrassed me by how much I was letting
go, but in this moment, with this man, he felt nurturing, kind, and—mine—I couldn’t care less.
His finger moved in lazy, tantalizing circles as his other hand cupped my breast causing a burst of
pleasure and sensation. He was barely doing anything—almost being unbearably gentle as if he knew
how overstimulated my body was.
I yearned for him and his touch in a way that was baffling, but I completely gave in, beginning to
pulse on him, needing more.
“Would you like me to enter you, Lina? I hope you say yes because I’m dying to feel and taste your
slick heat on my fingers, on my tongue…on my cock.”
“Oh God! Yes…please, Glinn.”
The moment I said his name a loud grumble erupted from his chest, and it made me wild, only
increasing my desire. It was so intense that the moment his large finger plunged within me, it only
took two pulses for me to burst apart in the most mind-blowing orgasm.
He held my ass in the water, and I spread my legs and pulsed on him, pounding down over and
over riding out the high to experience the longest climax I’d ever had in my life, and screams of
ecstasy escaped with each hard pound.
“Mmmm. That’s it, use me to pleasure yourself. Come on me so that I can carry your scent with
me all day. You feel incredible, my Lina, and feeling you clench around me has me hard as a rock.”
Oh God, what would I give to have his cock deep within me instead of his finger? But my orgasm-
to-end-all-orgasms finally stopped and I slumped forward in a useless heap against Glinn.
He picked me up and wrapped my legs around him, simply holding me and letting me rest. I heard
a soft purr-like sound coming from his broad, strong chest and the heavy rise and fall of it caused my
breasts to move with it. He was struggling to breathe, likely just as horny as I just was.
“That was fucking incredible. Let me return the favor.”
“I would relish the feel of your hands on my cock, but it would cause a frenzy in me that I
wouldn’t be able to control. We need to find shelter and create a plan to get you safely home. I also
want to get as far away as possible from the grof to avoid any more danger. So, another time my
He made an excellent point. There was no way I wanted to end up back in hell any time soon or
see a creature from there enter this world. That deep pit of despair would haunt me for months.
“Are you sure?” I was a little disappointed because I wanted to watch his seed drip from him
after I was the one to make him come, but it would be a pleasure for another day. Damn, I really
wanted to do wicked things to this man.
“I am. Come, let’s finish you off.”
My eyebrow raised at him and the roar of laughter that burst from him made butterflies erupt in my
core in a delightful way. How was I so fond of him so quickly?
“I meant finish washing you, my deliciously naughty tidbit.”
My shoulder shrugged nonchalantly. “Ah, well. A woman can dream.”
“I’d be more than happy to make you come again and again until walking is impossible.”
My hands shot up in surrender. “That’s not necessary! I need to recover after that explosion you
caused.” Although to my horror, warmth spread through my pussy causing even more wetness.
There could quite possibly be something wrong with me.
He washed my hair and the rest of my body, then led me back onto land. His eyes were wide with
growing hunger as he stood still as a statue devouring every inch of my body.
I couldn’t stop the smirk from growing on my lips. I thoroughly enjoyed his attention and the way
he didn’t look at me as a piece of meat, but something to be worshiped and cherished.
Retrieving my brush and cream from my bag, I worked through my knots and moisturized my wet
He shook his head and came back to reality. “Here, let me dry you.” His hands raised, and even
though they were an inch away from my skin, it was as if I could feel his touch wherever they moved.
Like he was connected to me in some magical and wonderful way that I couldn’t get enough of.
His innate magic released warm wind, drying off every part of me including my hair, and when he
was done, he stood and gaped.
Instinct took over, and long, painful years of degrading emotional abuse had me crossing my arms
in front of me.
“I know, my hair is a mess. The men in my life have told me it’s ugly. I'm sure you think so too.”
Even though I was constantly belittled for being small, I was proud of my body. Through the
years, I had fought and worked hard to be self-reliant in a world where men were dominant, and it
made me strong, lithe, and capable.
There was nothing but pride there.
I had even grown to fiercely love my thick, spiral curls, but old habits die hard. I would not
apologize for who I was, but I so desperately wanted Glinn’s approval that it sent me back ten years.
His fists bunched so tightly that they began to whiten, and a terrifying roar erupted from him, his
intensity shocking me. "Who said this to you? Give me the names because I will stab their eyes out of
their head since they clearly don't work. I stare at you, Lina, because this is the most beautiful hair
I’ve ever seen. The way it bounces as you walk has my cock as hard as a rock.”
He gently wrapped a curl around his finger, and I damn near swooned to the ground. My brain
sputtered and my heart beat unevenly and all I could say was, “Oh.”
Gratitude overcame me. I had not faltered in my fortitude and confidence in so long, and Glinn
had just reminded me that I was valid. My strength and will to fight was valid. My body, just the way
it was, was valid.

A fter quickly redressing and shamelessly watching Glinn’s body gracefully move as he dressed as
well, I took out some of the dried meats, fruits, seeds and nuts I had packed. I popped a handful of
shelled walnuts into my mouth before handing some over to Glinn.
“Here, I’m sure you’re just as starved as I am.”
His eyes widened before locking eyes with me. “I will not take the nutrition you need. I am
positive you harvested and prepared all of this yourself.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Yes, I did, but I always overpack just in case. I have enough for weeks.
Besides, we’re in a forest, I can always forage more.” I dumped a cloth full of food into his massive
hand and a small hint of red bled through his green cheeks.
“It is an honor for a woman to share her food with a man, so I take it in gratitude.”
My hand covered my mouth in laughter. “No need to be so dramatic, I offered it freely. No big
deal.” I played it off, but if I was being honest, it pleased me to no end that he was so grateful and
aware of my efforts. He was truly incredible.
“Mmm, this paper fruit is quite delicious, tidbit.”
My hand touched the scruffy cleft of his chin as I laughed at how adorable such a large beast of a
man could be.
We sat together and ate, enjoying the soothing trickling sound of the water. Between that, being so
near Glinn, and utterly satiated with food and a mind-blowing orgasm, I was on cloud nine, utterly at
But a faint sound of music brought me out of my meditative state.
“What is that?” I asked.
“There must be a nearby city, and it sounds close enough to walk. Come, let’s investigate and see
if it’s safe to stay the night. I have no idea what world we entered, so we need to be careful.”
He began to pack, so I readied myself, repacking and closing my bag. I began to swing it onto my
back, but he grabbed it and put it on his own instead.
“You already have a heavy bag, I can carry mine.”
“I will not watch as you struggle with a bag half the size of your body while it weighs nothing to
“Well…thank you. Please let me know if it gets to be too much, I don’t mind.”
“You worry too much, my Lina. Let me pamper you and lighten your load. Save your fierce
strength for any enemies that come our way so you can save me from a hundred demons again.”
How freaking wonderful was he?
Before we departed, I grabbed about thirty small rocks near the water and Glinn raised his
eyebrow but didn’t say a word. As we walked through the forest that looked very similar to the one
near my home on Nadona, I dropped a stone every few feet.
I also assessed the forest, and the bright green color of the leaves and the strong heat with low
humidity suggested it was likely early summer. And the position of various fungi and moss around the
trees and the low position of the sun suggested it was early afternoon.
It was imperative we find shelter soon, we would be exposed to the elements when darkness fell,
especially since we didn’t know the environment. I picked up some more rocks and continued laying
my track.
“How clever are you? Making sure we can find our way back if we need to?”
“Yes. I’m terrible at direction so I’ve learned to always mark my route unless I’m trying to stay
“Good idea. But luckily you have me now, and I am excellent at direction. My sense of smell is
highly developed, and I can scent the places I’ve visited before on the air.”
You have me now. My heart dropped for a moment wondering how long I would have him. Did I
want to keep him? What would happen when we made a plan to stop my marriage? Would we go our
separate ways? Would I ever see him again?
The thought of parting with him was too painful to imagine, so I thought of Ava. I didn’t want to
waste my small number of chances to communicate with her, so when we were safe and settled for the
night, I would contact her and let her know about my mishap with the Dream Stone.
Our footsteps crunched over fallen leaves and brush, staples in any forest. I watched Glinn’s long,
sure strides, his muscles contracting with grace and strength. His shoulders and neck were thick and
tight, made beautiful by his hair that was half up, tied in a bun. A curious desire to know everything
about him made me speak.
“You mentioned you’re a treasure hunter. Do you enjoy that? How did you get into it?”
“Treasure hunting is thrilling, and I do much enjoy it. But it’s also extremely dangerous since it
often requires—borrowing.”
So this sweet monster stole from scary people. Got it.
“I never take anything that was come by honestly, and most times the treasure is purchased from
another interested party. We’re an order of hunters called The Paragon, and many times I’m paired
with one of my brothers.”
“Your family works with you?”
He smiled and shook his head, causing a small strand of hair to fall toward his eye. “No, they’re
my very best friends so I’ve come to know them as brothers.”
“Yeah, I have one of those. Ava. She’s like a sister to me, but she’s just my friend. What made you
become part of The Paragon?”
His eyes darted downward, and his jaw twitched. “I needed to escape my home. My only source
of money was my family’s wealth and estate, so I had to find a way to support myself. When I was
young I traveled to Drexia, a melting pot of a city, infamous for its progressiveness with a wide
variety of monsters and creatures that could coexist, free of judgment. It was an amazing place, the
only problem being that the rest of the planet, Yolberg, was not as enlightened. Once a monster left the
city they were in danger.”
“I don’t understand, if they’re not dangerous why would anyone care where they went?”
He shrugged. “They had an image of how they wanted their community, and we weren’t in it.
People fear what they do not understand. Anyway, during my time in Drexia I met my friends, Eagon
and Mason, and they convinced me to work with them.”
“And your job sent you to hell to find the Dream Stone.”
His eyes glazed over as he looked away in the distance. “Yes.”
“What will happen when you report back empty-handed?”
“Nothing good.”
There was something haunted in his face, but I decided not to press him. I had time to get it out of

G uilt and shame were suffocating me. My sweet mate didn’t know that she was in grave danger
simply being near me. She couldn’t possibly know that her life had changed forever the moment she
met me. That there was a bounty on my head which would only end in my death.
That she would never be able to find another bonded mate after me because we had accidentally
performed the blood rite.
I was being unbelievably selfish keeping her with me.
But I couldn’t let her go.
I couldn’t let her out of my sight, my mating bond wouldn’t allow it. The overwhelming desire to
protect her and serve her every need and desire was a screaming demand on repeat.
There was only her happiness and comfort.
Every second we were together I calculated our risks and her status. Was she cold, hot, hungry, or
tired? Was she mad, happy, or upset?
What could I do to put that stunning smile on her face?
The most sensible course of action would be to find an alternative to the Dream Stone—make
sure that (future dead man) fiancée of hers never bothered her again and let her live in peace on her
home planet far away from me.
But she had no idea we were mates. Would she hate the idea of it? Would she be repulsed that she
was paired with an orc? Maybe my internal festering was pointless, and she would choose to walk
away anyway.
It’s why I wanted one day with her not knowing. I wanted to enjoy this innocent time alone
together to enjoy each other with no expectations. I needed to collect these blissful moments so I
could replay them in my memory when she was gone.
“Hey look! It’s a large city.” Her excited voice brought my attention back to our surroundings and
my jaw opened in shock.
“I don’t believe this.”
“What? What is it?” There was fear in her eyes and her hand went to the holster at her thigh.
“We somehow stumbled onto the planet Yolberg! That city is Drexia, and I just happen to have a
home here.”
The smile that grew on her face was something that I wanted painted into a piece of art that I
could look at forever. Her beauty and enthusiasm were intoxicating drugs to me.
“What are the chances! Of all the worlds we could have ended up in, we landed in a place you
know well.”
“I am truly pleased. And that means I can drive us there.”
“Oh, you can instant travel?”
“Yes, I can because I have innate magic and because I know where I need to go. And this planet
has magical energy as well so I can use my powers. Are you ready?”
A goofy laugh escaped me which only made heat rush in my cheeks. This goddess probably
thought I was a doofus.
I brought her in close to me and her fresh scent of lilac mixed with coconut filled my lungs,
making me giddy and painfully hard. She felt it and looked down with her brows raised.
“I apologize, my Lina, your very presence sends a violent aching direct to my cock in a way I’m
not used to.”
Her beautiful eyes looked up at me. Beautiful brown with hints of green near the pupil. Simply
“I—I know what you mean. You do the same thing to me.” Her voice was soft and vulnerable, and
it made me want to shelter her in my arms.
“That pleases me to no end.”
In serious danger of ripping her clothes off and thrusting inside her, I traveled to my home in
When we appeared, it took her a moment to lose the vertigo. And she when was able to focus on
her surroundings, a gasp escaped her. “Don’t tell me that is your house.”
It was still in the city proper, but my house was on the outskirts where the largest mansions were,
away from the crowded apartments. “It is.”
“Holy shit you’re loaded.”
“My job pays well. Please make yourself at home. Whatever is mine is yours.”

I t felt like I was in some kind of fantasy land. The vast difference between Nadona and this city was
as astonishing as an Earth human just learning that magic was real.
His mansion was something out of a science fiction story. Somewhat trapezoidal in shape, the
widest part was at the very top, which housed a strange vehicle-like piece of technology.
Why was there a vehicle on the roof?
The thought didn’t plague me long because I became distracted again by the beauty of his home.
Three levels of wrap around balconies in front of massive floor-to-ceiling windows. It was easy to
close my eyes and imagine myself sitting out there daily, surveying the vast city from that elevated
vantage point.
His hand touched my back, causing me to shiver, and he led me up the thirty or so cement steps
then inside, which made my bewilderment continue.
He really was loaded. And our lives could not have been more vastly different.
“Come, let me show you where you can stay and store your bag.”
We passed a bright, roomy kitchen that I couldn’t have imagined in my wildest dreams. The
highlights being what I assumed was an oven, a wash basin, cutting counters, and endless cupboards.
A whisper escaped me before I knew what I was doing. “Holy shit.”
“Do you like cooking, tidbit?”
“I actually really do enjoy it, but I’ve never had the resources, spices, or ingredients to do it
He stopped dead in his tracks. “You had no ingredients or spices?”
Heat bloomed in my cheeks. I had never been ashamed to be poor, but I was embarrassed by my
lack of experience and intelligence. I had a wild hunger for knowledge, travel, and education. It
simply wasn’t available to me.
“It’s not a big deal. My family was just…not well off. I didn’t have access to it.”
He approached me and cupped my face, his nutmeg and cardamom spice scent filling my lungs
and making me woozy. Spices Ava had that I would have killed for. “No matter where you end up,
Lina, you will never lack means again. I will ensure it.”
“Glinn, I’m not one for charity, I can make my own way in life.” There was a little more attitude
in my voice than I intended, but there was nothing I was prouder of in life than being able to thrive on
my own.
“I know sweet one. But there is a desperate need in me to ensure your every desire and comfort is
well met, and I intend to do so.”
There was absolutely no sarcastic or snappy comeback in me to that, so I stayed quiet and let him
continue to lead me past a luxurious sitting room, sparkling modern chandeliers, and up a massive
grand staircase until we entered a bedroom.
For some unfathomable reason my heart sank when he introduced me to my own room. One he
obviously wouldn’t be sharing.
What was wrong with me? I just met this guy. Of course, we’re not sharing a room.
Didn’t I just get testy about my independence? Get your shit together, Cat.
“It’s beautiful, thank you.” And it truly was. The room was large and spacious with the softest,
most plush carpeting I’d ever seen. Without waiting for an invitation, I took my boots off and wiggled
my toes into the plush flooring and melted, my shoulders lowering instantly.
Glinn’s appreciative smile made me truly believe that my comfort was very important to him. I
dumped my bag on the massive postered bed with sheer drapes, and I sat and laid back to look up at
the high ceiling.
“The balcony is always open. Make yourself at home. I am just going to do a perimeter sweep to
ensure our safety.”
I sat up and squinted. “Do you expect there to be trouble?”
“Do not fret, tidbit. It is just a habit of mine in my line of work.”
“Well, okay then. I’m going to contact my friend, Ava, to let her know I’m okay.”
“Do you have the means to do so?”
I considered for a moment if I should show him my secret crystal, but he had already seen it when
we bathed, plus magic was commonplace here. Taking it out of my shirt, I showed him. “She gifted
this to me. It’s why Lazu’s attack bounced off me. It’s also programmed for me to be able to contact
her twice.”
His smirk was knowing. “You are the devious little one, aren’t you? Spending a little too much
time in the face of danger, using a crystal that is forbidden by your people.”
“Where’s the fun in following the rules?”
He closed the distance between us and leaned down, placing the softest of kisses on my lips
making me shudder with intense pleasure. Holy shit his lips felt incredible.
And I wanted more.
“I will be back in a bit. Come down whenever you like.”
“Oh wait! Before you go, can you show me where people…relieve themselves?”
He blinked and shook his head as if chiding himself for not automatically showing me. “Of
course, follow me, it's right down the hall.”
We passed door after door after door. How many people did he have stay over? He stopped at the
very last one off the hall, and when he opened it, I damn near had a heart attack.
The room was massive, light, and airy with pristine white tiles and another door to the left with a
porcelain round seat. He pointed at it. “That’s the toilet, you just wave your hand over that spot, and it
“My urine will disappear?”
He chuckled at my ignorance. I would have too. “Yes. This is actually not very advanced
technology, it’s mid-tier. There are some worlds that have portals where your leavings disappear as
you let go of it in real time and eliminates odor from the air instantly.”
“And if you need to shower, you can do this.” He pressed a button on the wall and water sprayed
like rain from every surface imaginable. “Oh my God!”
“That’s my waterfall shower. It’s my favorite thing in this house. And behind there is my jacuzzi
tub and sink where you can wash your hands and brush your teeth.”
“This place is literally heaven.”
“I’m very pleased that you’re happy with it. I’ll leave you to it.” He closed the door for me, and I
used the toilet, sitting on it for a new record amount of time. My bladder had been bursting for hours.
When I waved my hand over the flat square on the top of the toilet it made a loud noise and the
contents disappeared as promised. I squealed in joy.
After washing my hands with the handy sink, I sprinted back to my room and toward the floor-to-
ceiling glass doors. I eagerly stepped onto the third-floor balcony and my gasp was the only thing that
registered for a moment.
The air flew all around me, and because of our altitude I could see most of the city. What caught
my eye first was the same flying vehicles Glinn had on his roof. About fifty of them of various shapes
and colors glided easily through the clear, cloudless sky. They hovered about fifty to one hundred feet
in the air, not getting too high.
There were plenty of those vehicles on the ground as well, cruising in straight lines through an
orderly grid.
We were too far away for me to study any people, but I could hear the festive music echoing
through the city. It seemed like there was some kind of celebration going on, and I was dying to
I had never been in a large city like this before, and I was overcome with giddy excitement.
Running back inside, I jumped back on the plush bed and kicked my arms and legs while squealing
with glee like a teenage girl.
The astounding difference and culture shock made it clear just how much I had yet to learn. This
was what I had always wanted. To explore, to grow, to expand my mind and culture.
And Glinn was handing me a first-class ticket, all expenses paid.
How did my life take such a drastic turn? Yes, it still irked me a bit that he was indulging me, but
it could also be argued that I had done the work myself to get to this moment. Couldn’t it?
Not wasting anymore time I grabbed my crystal, closed my eyes and focused.
Connect me to Ava.
The crystal released a pulsating glow until it stayed alight, and a face appeared within it.
“Ava! Thank goodness it worked.”
“Oh my God, Cat, thank Our Creator you’re alive! I haven’t been able to sleep since you left.”
She stuttered then went quiet for a moment. “B—but you look absolutely glowing. You must have
found the Dream Stone then! I haven’t seen you look this radiantly happy in a long time.”
I shook my head quietly. “It wasn’t there.”
Heat bloomed on my cheeks by how closely she was inspecting me.
“And now you’re blushing! What the hell is going on? Fill me in on everything.”
My first thought was complete and utter denial because of how sudden and bizarre this whole
scenario was. Stepping into hell apparently made me lose my flipping mind. But every sixty seconds
when I re-questioned myself am I actually this attracted to a man I just met? The answer is always
the same. Fuck yes! So, I decided to go with the truth. Ava could just read me like a book anyway.
“Well…there’s this guy.”
Her jaw dropped and she shook her head.
“I don’t freaking believe it.”
“Cat, only you could go into hell and find the man of your dreams. You’re so fucking twisted.”
I belly laughed at the truth of her words. “Girl, you’re not wrong.”
“Tell me about him, I’m dying for details. You have never gushed over a man before.”
“I know! It’s freaking insane. I don’t know what the hell is happening to me. When he’s near I
become overcome with lust and my brain short circuits. I can’t breathe, yet at the same time I breathe
so hard just to take in his incredible smell. He’s massive, strong, and the most considerate man I’ve
ever met. I didn’t even know they made those.”
“You’re in love. I never thought I’d see the day.”
“It’s been one day. I’m absolutely not in love.”
“Uh huh. Denialllll.” She sang the word in a falsetto voice.
“It’s impossible to love someone that quickly.”
“If you say so. Ever heard of love at first sight?”
“Be real, Ava. That’s not a thing. It’s fantasy.”
“Well, whatever. We’ll most certainly be talking more about this later. But for now, back to the
stone. If you didn’t get it, what are you going to do? Just bring hunky back and have him beat the shit
out of Conal?’
“That’s not a bad plan. The only thing I’m worried about is his ability to trace me. He has magical
trinkets. He probably has a whole shit load of them at his disposal.”
“So much for laws applying to the royalty.”
“I know. Glinn and I are going to come up with a plan today and I'll let you know about it once we
“Okay, sounds good.”
“You alright? Have you been in any danger?”
“No, why would you think that?”
“You’re the only person I care about, Ava. If they notice I’m gone they’ll come after you.”
She huffed with a hint of defiance. “I’m not scared of them. Besides, I saw your father this
morning and I told him I had seen you and that you were busy in the woods.”
“You’re a lifesaver, sis.”
“Damn straight. You can pay me back by bringing me a hunk of my own to whisk me away.”
“I’ll keep my eyes peeled.”
“Someone’s coming! I have to run.”
“Okay, love you, girl.”
“Love you, Cat.”

The connection died and an instant ache bloomed in my gut. I missed Ava more than I even
realized I would, and I was still very concerned about her welfare. She was intelligent and cautious,
but she didn’t know how to fight as well as I did.
She had never needed a reason.
Hiding the crystal back under my shirt, I yawned and suddenly felt ten-pound weights on my
eyelids. I had every intention of going downstairs immediately to investigate and see the buzzing
town, but debilitating fatigue was fighting against me.
Maybe I could just lay down for a moment and rest until Glinn came back.

My breasts rose and fell with my increased breaths and my whimpers were full of desperate need.
“Glinn, please.”
His voice spoke in a deep low rumble. “Say it. Say what you need from me, Lina.”
The sweet nickname he gave me always made a thrill run through me when it lilted off his tongue
like a sensual song.
“I need you, Glinn. I need your thick cock to fill and stretch me. I want to feel every inch of you in
me until we both come apart.”
“Literally nothing in this universe would give me greater pleasure.”
He undressed quickly but took his time removing my pants and shirt. His eyes seared into every
inch of my flesh as an approving purr-like noise rumbled in his chest.
“You are the greatest treasure I ever could have found in all the cosmos.”
His words nearly made water line my eyes, but then the head of his shaft lined up with my
But he didn’t enter right away. He bent to my breast, taking it into his mouth and lightly sucking my
nipple between his teeth, causing a delicious pleasure mixed with pain. The scruff on his face
scratched at my soft skin and his hand that held my other breast was rough and calloused.
I relished the various textures and sensations and when his tongue flicked my nipple with his
sharp tooth against my skin, I became flooded with heat and wetness.
He gave long, slow kisses as he tasted my neck and ran his fingers through my scalp. With my
curls he wasn’t able to run his hands through, and he was mindful about gently touching where it
would feel amazing, and avoiding what would hurt. It was like he instinctively knew what I needed.
What I wanted. What I desired.
His kisses trailed down my body, down my stomach as his fingers touched with such featherlight
pressure that it had every inch of my skin singing.
“Oh, Glinn. I need this so badly. You just feel right.”
He finally inched his cock into me causing a moan from my lips.
“How does that feel, my Lina? Is it too much for my tidbit?”
“Never. You’ll never be too much.”
“That is because you are so wet and inviting.” He inched in even more until I was almost full.
“Look how well you take me, Lina. You were plucked from the stars and made for me.”
“And you were made for me.”
He purred again, his eyes filled with tenderness. “Yes. We fit together.”
He intertwined his fingers into mine and looked deeply into my eyes as he pushed until we were
completely joined. I screamed out in joy, relief, bliss, lust, greed—a myriad of sensations and
Glinn began to pulse slowly at first until I became more accustomed to his large size, but then he
increased, his rhythm steady and hypnotic. It was so blissful I wondered for a moment if it was real.
“Are you going to take my knot, sweet one?”
“Your what?”
“My knot. The base of my cock will swell, locking us together as one to ensure you take every
drop of my come.”
My mouth watered at that idea. It was obviously something I had never heard of before, but I
instantly wanted it—with him. “Then I will without a doubt take your knot. I want all of you.”
“It could be too much, tidbit.”
My screams drowned him out. And he began to pound into me, over and over causing the bed to
hit against the wall.
But then a strange touch had me out of the moment and shooting up in bed.
“What…what the hell?”
We were not fucking. Glinn was sitting in the dark in a chair that was pulled up next to the bed and
he reached out and touched my arm. “Shh, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not! That was all just a dream? None of that was real?”
It was so devastating, I felt like I was robbed of such a strong intimate connection and that we had
just taken five steps back.
“It was real. We both shared that. It’s called a Dreamshare, and it felt every bit as real for me as it
did for you.” He took my hand and led it to his impressively large, hard cock.
“Oh my God.” The feel of his intense, rigid erection had me overwhelmed. My hand instantly
went down my pants to my clit. I couldn’t bear existing in his presence and not coming. It was clear
that I had jumped face first into the deep end and I was in unfamiliar waters. Glinn consumed me.
His voice was low and guttural, only adding to my desire. “Show me how you pleasure yourself,
“Take off my pants.”
His grin was near feral as he unfastened them and slid them and my panties down. “So beautiful,”
he murmured.
My finger circled my nub, increasing speed sooner than I normally would because I was so wild
in the throes of lust.
“I love your precious little noises when you’re being pleasured.”
“I just love how you make me so riled up.”
He removed my hand and looked deep into my eyes. “I can’t wait anymore. I need to taste you.”
Glinn waited for my approval and I nodded with gusto.
He laid on his stomach and threw my legs over his arms, pulling me toward him. And the second
his tongue touched my clit I lost my damn mind.
A feral growl rumbled through him, vibrating on me and it sent me over the edge. I came so fast it
was practically over before it began.
“I couldn’t hold out, I have no idea why I was so overcome! You are some kind of magic sex
machine.” My eyes darted down toward him through my legs. “Are you using some kind of magic?”
He shook his head, but it was comical the way his eyes bulged as if he was unable to speak. Glinn
appeared to be a monster possessed, and a deep rumble vibrated in his chest as he lowered and began
feasting on me again.
I yelped in shock, and speaking was difficult through my labored breathing.“Woah! I’m so
sensitive, I don’t think I can do this again.”
His fierce growl told me to shut up and take it, and as his finger slid into me, my eyes rolled into
the back of my head. Turned out I could do this again.
This time the build-up was slow, tantalizing, and erotic. He removed his fingers so that his tongue
could plunge deep within me and his moans of ecstasy made my body quiver. The sharp little sting of
his protruding teeth added a phenomenal sensation I never would have thought I’d enjoy. But I was
addicted, and as he slid three fingers into me and began sucking on my clit my screams were
unavoidable. Lights flashed under my lids as I came not once, but twice in a long, incredible wave of
Glinn was the first to speak since my brain simply wasn’t able to function yet. “I have never
tasted anything so incredible. There will never be anything that will be able to compare to your sweet
cunt, Lina.”
I spoke through labored breaths, still recovering from the mind-blowing orgasms he so easily
gave me. “You make me blush.”
“There is no need for any embarrassment, we are beautiful together. But I will say the small hint
of red is quite adorable on your cheeks even if it’s barely noticeable.”
“My skin might not show the blush on my cheeks, but it feels as if fire is burning beneath it.” I
laughed and pulled at him so he laid on the bed next to me. He stilled, watching as I rolled over and
straddled him, still naked.
“It is my turn to taste you, Glinn.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I told you I might not be able to control myself.”
“I’ll just use my mouth, not my pussy.”
His eyes fluttered shut as if he had just heard the most amazing thing of his life.

I t took multiple pinches of my forefinger into my thumb to ensure I wasn’t dreaming. This stunning
creature eagerly wanted to pleasure me with no coaxing despite the fact that I was green with small,
sharp protruding tusks.
An orc must have seemed bizarre and strange to her, especially coming from a Tier Four planet—
one step above the most underdeveloped civilizations—Tier Five.
I had read about her planet. The only reason they weren’t at a Five was because of their
knowledge of magic and the expanded universe, but they didn’t know much more than that since they
had destroyed most of their texts and technology documenting their past.
This generation had little idea how advanced they really once were, it would definitely be a great
shock if they were to find out.
But my Lina, my mate, saw beyond a monster. Even extremely advanced civilizations had trouble
with that sometimes.
She saw a man that she enjoyed being with, and as she slid off my pants, precome dripped from
the tip of my cock from the sheer anticipation and need to explode.
Lina put her tongue to my glistening head and licked it off with a smile, making sure to lock eyes
with me causing a violent shudder to shoot down my spine.
She took that opportunity to shove my huge erection in her mouth, as far as it would go, nearly
down her throat as her hand wrapped around the base that couldn’t fit.
The soft skin of her hand twisted and pumped as her head bobbed, taking me in and out of her
Her other hand cupped my heavy, full balls and squeezed causing a growl of unbearable pleasure
to erupt from me.
“Is this okay?” She asked.
“Lina, you are blowing my mind. I’m already about to come, sweet one.”
She smiled before taking me in her mouth again. Squeezing my sac, using her hands, and sucking
my cock. I was mesmerized by watching how she worked on me, her head bobbing and her mouth
stretched to the max to accommodate my cock which was just a tad too large for her.
Her eyes fluttered as she took me, relishing in my pleasure, which drove me wild. She stopped for
a moment, removing her shirt and stroking my erection between her silky soft breasts and over her
mouthwatering brown nipples. A roar erupted from me, and my sharp nails ripped the sheets as my
legs trembled uncontrollably. This woman utterly and completely had me under her thumb, and I
would gladly live there as long as she’d have me.
She went back to her previous efforts, taking me deep in her mouth and I watched her breasts
bounce and I salivated noticing some of my precome glistening over her nipple and down her breast.
The constant stimulation combined with the tug in my heart of our mate bond caused me to explode,
and my cock pulsed over and over, releasing my come with an impressive abundance. She firmly held
my balls as I continued to release, feeling them empty into her.
She swallowed every bit of it to my utter shock, and the smile that grew on her lips caused a
flutter in my chest.
“That was incredible, thank you.”
She fell to my side and burrowed into my shoulder and chest, and with her in my arms, everything
in the world simply felt right.
“There is no need for thanks. You’re so selfless, you deserve some pleasure. A lot of it.”
“And a lot is what you gave me.”
Her head tilted up to look at me and I kissed the tip of her nose. She smiled before looking
“How did that shared dream happen? I don’t have any magic so something like that shouldn’t be
“Hmmm. I have a theory, but it’s part of the discussion we’re going to have tomorrow.”
“Why are you being so mysterious?”
“I thought women liked that in a man.”
She burst into laughter causing my cock to stir again even though it was incredibly tired. “I’m not
most women.”
I brushed my thumb gently over her bottom lip. “And that is what I love about you.”
Her eyes grew heavy so I tucked her back into me closely so she could burrow into my body and
my arm cradled her in a cocoon of monster.
It was my sincerest wish that she would emerge as a woman transformed into someone who
wouldn’t want to leave me.

T he next morning, the light of the rising sun trickled in through the large, glass windows providing
a beautiful orange and yellow glow.
A smile emerged on my lips before my eyes fluttered open, fully aware of my amazingly
comfortable position in Glinn’s man-nook. The perfect space made for a woman to lay claim to.
When I opened my eyes, Glinn was already looking down at me lovingly, silently studying my
face. It made butterflies erupt within me.
“Good morning, handsome.”
“Good morning, tidbit.”
My euphoric glow was shattered into pieces with an immense knocking a few flights down,
causing the whole mansion to shake. Glinn shot up immediately, jumping from the bed and
withdrawing a sword within a matter of seconds.
Goddamn, I had no idea such a massive man could move so fast.
“Stay here, my Lina. Keep your weapons close.”
I bolted into action, securing my thigh holsters and bomb belt. Throwing my bag over my shoulder
with all my necessities.
As quietly as my feet could carry me, I left the room and tiptoed down the grand staircase, already
hearing an explosive voice. But to my relief, it sounded friendly.
“You’re alive! What are you thinking ignoring all our calls and messages, Meanie Greenie?” The
voice sounded young and lighthearted in a way a teen would speak to his mate.
Not attempting stealth anymore, I hurried down the rest of the stairs and nearly fell down them
when I saw who was at the door.
“No way, Lean Mean Green Machine! You actually have a living breathing woman in your den?”
Glinn slid a hand down his face in mortification, but the sight of his friends ripping him a new one
gave me a strange new kind of joy I thoroughly enjoyed.
The one who spoke had bizarre grayish-white skin which constantly changed and moved along his
body as if in a constant state of morphing. He had black, backward-pointing horns protruding from an
unruly mass of black hair and red eyes with gray flecks near the center.
If I didn’t just hear him speak or see the blindingly big, welcoming smile on his face he would
have looked terrifying.
The one next to him had a slight red tinge in sporadic places on his tanned skin matched by
reddish-orange eyes. He was enormous, strong, and muscled with deeply furrowed brows with
permanently etched eleven lines.
“Catalina, I told you to stay hidden upstairs.”
Oh, full name. He must be pissed. My hands parked on my hips, and I shifted my weight to one
foot. “You’ll find I don’t really take orders from men, Meanie Greenie.”
The shifting monster clapped his hands and yelped. “Oh shit! I like the tidbit. Let’s keep her.”
Glinn growled loudly and shot a sharp eye at him before taking a step toward me. “Don’t call her
that or I’ll send you away bleeding for the next few hours.”
I had to force away a laugh at his overprotectiveness.
“Damn, he’s got it bad!” He sniffed the air, and I tilted my head in confusion. Glinn’s eyes went
wild, flashing with a bright light as he swiped a claw at him, but his friend was extremely fast and
seemed to know him well, easily avoiding his attack.
Glinn was breathing out of control, like a cornered animal about to attack.
The red silent one stepped forward smacking the gray one in the back of the head. He then
clapped his hand to the back of Glinn and led him away.
“Come on, brother. Take a breather. Walk it off so you don’t tear the house down.” His voice was
deep and gravelly, and his speech was short and to the point. Clearly, not one to mess with.
Glinn huffed and stalked away with fists clenched at his side, disappearing upstairs.
I eyed both of them. “Mason and Eagon, I take it?”
“Sweet, we’re infamous! Yeah, I’m Mason.” He bounced on his toes with his hands in his leather
jacket pockets as if putting himself on display.
My eyes rolled even though there was an unavoidable smirk on my lips. “And does anyone want
to explain what the fuck is going on?”
“Well, obviously it’s the mating frenzy. He’s out of his freaking mind with male possessive
My hand shot to my ear and cupped it for dramatic effect. “The what now?”
Eagon put his fingers to the bridge of his nose before smoke emerged from it. I stepped away, not
knowing what kind of monster he was. But anything that breathed smoke couldn’t be good.
“The mating frenzy. You’re clearly bonded mates, right?”
The blood drained from my face and my heart raced in my chest.
Mates? Bonded mates—like a magical connection?
Something like that was unheard of for a mortal human—but my physical reactions and lust made
a whole lot more sense now.
Frenzy was the most accurate word for it. The race of my pulse, the pit of aching need, my
constant wet panties, our Dreamshare.
I knew it was right without Glinn confirming it. This was what he wanted to tell me. Why did he
want to wait? Did he think I would reject the relationship?
It was a good question. What did that mean for me and going back home? Would we part ways?
Would he kill Conal? Would I—stay with him?
My heart pounded out of my chest at that thought, letting me know it was what I secretly wanted.
But was that the smart decision? Even if we were mates, we still only knew each other for a day.
My eyes locked back with Mason’s. “Is he okay?”
“Oh, for sure. He just needs to cool off. He’ll go through a brutal period of hyper-protectiveness
and pig-headedness. It’s all part of the process.” He nodded nonchalantly like this all wasn’t blowing
my mind.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what are you?”
“This is a monster city, we’re all open here. I’m a ghoul.”
My mouth opened and then closed again. “I’m sorry, a what?”
“Why are we always the unheard-of ones? I’m a demon who’s served his time in hell and given a
trial period back on this plane. But I’m cursed to have no true form of my own. It’s why my skin and
eyes constantly change. And I can shapeshift into just about anything.”
My lips pursed as I shook my head. “That’s a neat trick.” I turned to Eagon.
“And you are?”
His lip curled a little, but he answered. “Dragon.”
Oh, of course. Just a fire-breathing dragon. No big deal. He might as well have just told me his
favorite color was blue.
Steps sounded from above, and I turned to see Glinn descending, looking chaste. But the second I
laid eyes on him all the physical mayhem came rushing back. I was instantly turned on and dreaming
of his cock.
Fucking frenzy.
He had a device in his hand which he flashed at Mason. “I fixed it, so next time freaking call
before you scare the entire neighborhood.”
The second he touched down, he straightened and waited for me to speak.
“We need to talk.”

T his was the moment I’d been dreading. I was certain that Mason had opened his idiotic mouth and
told Lina what was my secret to tell.
Did she feel betrayed? Did she hate me? Did she regret being mated to an orc?
Was she going to leave me?
I took her to a private room toward the back of the first floor and she looked all around her in
“What is this room?”
“It’s my entertainment room for movies and gaming.”
“A what?”
“I’ll show you sometime soon, you’ll like it. Lina, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“Why didn’t you?”
Her face was blank, and for the life of me I couldn’t read what she was feeling. “At first because
it was an utter shock to me. And then because I enjoyed you so much, I didn’t want to lose you. It
seemed unlikely that such a rare and beautiful treasure would want to be with an orc.”
Her head jerked back in genuine surprise which caught me off guard.
“You really thought that?” I nodded and she huffed in annoyance. “I don’t care what you look like,
you doofus. Although to be honest, I think you’re seriously hot.”
My brain must have short circuited for a moment. Not only was she not destroying me for not
telling her, but she also thought I was pleasing to the eyes. What did I do to deserve such a precious
“So, you’re not angry with me?”
“I’m a little annoyed but, surprisingly, I'm not mad. Normally I would be fuming at something like
this, but I do understand. And it probably would have been too soon to tell me.”
It was time to drop the bomb of information then. “There is one more thing you should know.”
“Oh lord, what is it?”
“Orc-kind have a mating tradition that binds two people on a spiritual connection, joining them as
one. Once this ritual is performed there can be no other mate for either person. It is rare to find a
second possible mate in one lifetime, but it is possible. They will also never fall in love again.”
My voice failed me and I stalled, trying to get it back.
“Go on,” she said.
“It is called a Blood Rite. When two magic mates accept a bond and want to cement it for eternity,
the couple mix their blood together and it activates the connection.”
Her eyes slowly slid open wide. She was incredibly intelligent, and she knew where I was going
with this.
“You’re telling me that when both of our open cuts made contact, we performed a Blood Rite?”
My eyes tightly closed before speaking. “Yes. It was entirely by accident, there was nothing I
could do to stop it. I would never betray your right to choose, your right to independent thought by
forcing this on you. I’m so very sorry.”
She put her hand to her mouth and breathed out deeply. Lina turned and walked to one of the
theater seats as her stunning spiral curls bounced with every step. I followed her and knelt beside her
to beg for forgiveness again.
I took her hand in mine and kissed her knuckles, but she spoke first.
“So, you’re telling me if we decide to part ways, I will never find love again?”
My head shook silently. “You can have sexual partners, but you would never feel true love.”
She sat back and twisted her finger into her hair. A nervous tick she seemed to have, and after a
moment she laughed with disbelief.
“Orcs just go around stabbing people they have feelings for?”
I didn’t want to keep anything from her, so I decided to explain the truth of it. “Not exactly. It’s a
ceremony that a couple decides to undergo together. The method is entirely their choice, but usually
one would use their tusks to intimately bite their mate and then the bite would be reciprocated. They
would then mix their blood, and the experience is extremely pleasurable. So much so that they are
usually joined when they do it to maximize the bonding.”
Her brows lifted and her mouth parted, her beautiful bottom lip causing a natural pout. “Oh. Wow.
Yeah, that sounds better than what we did.”
“Again, I am so very sorry that this happened. I want you to know that I have absolutely no
expectations. You are free to decide what will make your heart truly sing. If that is to go home and
find a way to be free in the land you were born to, I will make sure you get there. If it’s to marry
Conal, I will give him a black eye and threaten him, but stay out of the way.”
She chuckled, finally looking into my eyes. “I will be honest with you. I’m not sure what to think
about this. You were spot on, that choice is very important to me, and I need time to think about this
with a clear and rational mind, and not with raging hormones.”
A breath released from me in relief. It wasn’t an immediate refusal, for now, that was hope
“This is not your fault, Glinn. You did nothing wrong and have not forced me to do anything.”
“And I never will. But if I wasn’t an orc this never would have happened.”
“But then you wouldn’t be my Glinn.” She put her hand to my scruffy face and my eyes fluttered
My Glinn.
“You can’t help who you are. Our best chance at happiness is simply accepting it and being proud
of what makes us unique. With all the elements of the cosmos, the stars, gasses, planets, and races,
there is only one you. And that is beautiful.”
“I really hope you decide to stick around because you are truly remarkable.”

W e left the entertainment room and the most amazing, mouthwatering smell wafted into my nose.
My head lifted toward the ceiling and inhaled as much air as I could into my lungs. “Oh, that’s
“Mason is actually a decent cook.”
“Hell yes.” I immediately sprinted down the annoyingly long and expensive hallway to the kitchen
causing Glinn’s laughter to echo in the massive expanses of the mansion.
“What timing! I hope your lover’s tiff has worked up an appetite. Breakfast is ready.” Mason
looked utterly ridiculous in a white apron covered in red hearts with matching potholders resting over
his horns.
A demon my ass. What the hell could this silly creature before me have done to end up with a
sentence in that horrific place known as hell? And how could he come out of it so delightful? I still
hadn’t recovered from the horrible confinement, but the dread and despair. The creatures who only
wanted to see your suffering and pain.
I shook my head, wanting to scrub that experience from my memory forever, and I had a new
respect for Mason and his positivity.
“Um, you have something on your head.” My finger pointed to his horns and his brows wiggled
back at me causing me to laugh.
“These puppies are handy little shelves for me. They hold tons of stuff when my hands are busy.”
I took a seat on a stool at the impressively large island that held plates of divine smelling food.
Eggs with a yellow cream sauce and shaved green herbs, chocolate, flaky pastries, plump sausages,
hot buttery bread, juicy ripe berries, hard, pungent cheeses, red meat with a thick brown gravy, and
crispy potatoes with light green oil and herbs.
I had no idea how he had prepared all this in the span of our discussion, but I didn’t care, and I
wasn’t about to start being shy. My hand grabbed for a plate, and I took some of everything.
“Never eaten before?” Eagon looked at me with genuine curiosity and a small amount of aversion.
“This is more food than I would have had access to in two weeks. And there would be no
seasoning, flavor, or intoxicating smells like this. You are truly blessed to be able to enjoy such
incredible meals.”
I took a bite of eggs with a piece of buttery bread, and I slumped back in my chair in bliss,
pounding my fist on the table. Who knew food was so euphoric?
“Then, I apologize for my comment. Take as much as you need.” Eagon was being sincere, and I
smiled back at him.
“No worries, I grew up that way, I’m used to it. But this is incredible. Thank you, Mason.”
“It is my pleasure. And I’d be happy to show you the ropes in the kitchen if you’d like.”
“Yes! That would be fun.”
“Excellent. It’s a date, tidbit.”
“Don’t call her that.” It was the first time I noticed Glinn utterly still next to me, glaring at Mason
and Eagon for daring to speak words in my direction. I took a huge bite of a chocolate pastry,
shuddering with a foodgasm before taking his hand.
“Glinn. They’re allowed to talk to me. It’s just words.”
“If he keeps calling you tidbit, I might kill him.”
“Okay, that’s a little harsh considering they’re your long-time friends.”
“We’re in for a long few months,” Eagon said, taking a bite of sausage. “Hey, did Soulbane really
take the head of Lazu the Torturer?”
“It was really impressive. That demon was freaking terrifying.”
“I would have given anything to see that. That fucker needs to be taught a lesson and I’ll take it as
the payback I’ll never be able to get.”
I stilled, realizing that probably meant poor Mason was once a prisoner of Lazu, tortured for an
unfathomable amount of time. It nearly brought me to tears, but he kept talking, a smile plastered on
his face.
“You’ll have to let me borrow Soulbane sometime so I can use that story to pick up some ladies.”
“Not sure that will help, but maybe. Once.”
Mason shrugged and changed topics. “Anyway, we’re actually here for a reason. You know The
Paragon is looking for you, right? Do you have it? Are you even prepared?” The anger in Eagon’s
face made it evident that he truly cared for Glinn, even if he thought he was an idiot right now.
Glinn was silent and Mason’s eyes bulged. “Oh hell, you don’t have it, do you? Glinn, they’re
going to execute you.”
A potato lodged in my throat causing me to choke. “Woah, wait. Excuse me? Is this about the
Dream Stone? It wasn’t there. They can’t fault him for that.”
Both of his friends straightened and dropped their utensils.
Silence was deafening in a mansion.
“What the fuck are we going to go?” Mason asked.
“It’s imperative to come up with a plan. How are we going to avoid execution?” Eagon asked.
My eyes darted to Glinn who still wasn’t saying a word. “Well, you said we would come up with
a plan to keep Conal from ever bothering me again. Maybe we can find you an object of equal value
to bargain with.”
“Good idea, my Lina.” He looked at Mason. “Is your dealer friend here for Masquerade?”
“He is, actually. We can see what kind of wares he has.”
Eagon scratched the back of his head. “This isn’t—”
“It’s settled,” Glinn said, interrupting him with finality.
“Amazing. That means we get to go shopping.” Mason moved his shoulders, doing a little dance
in his chair.
“Shopping for what?” I asked.
“Masquerade costumes of course.”

A fter that amazing breakfast I was so full it was hard to breathe, but I was also bursting with
energy. Who knew eating enough food could do that?
Mason had explained that Masquerade was a citywide, weeklong celebration where people
dressed up as anything they wanted and danced and partied in the streets with music, food,
performances, and parades. It signified a diverse array of monsters, coming together and loving life,
no matter what was on the outside.
It sounded like the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me, and I wanted in.
Glinn told me that there were a lot of temporary shop spaces where vendors all over the galaxy
could pay exorbitant money to host there for the week, and Mason’s rare and valuable artifacts dealer
friend was one of them. The perfect chance to find two things equally as impressive as the Dream
Stone. A magic relic that could grant you any two of your deepest desires.
You need only hold it and say the incantation: my wishes, my design, these two dreams are mine
and it belonged to you until the wishes were fulfilled or it was gifted to someone else.
Sometimes our dreams were early stages of manifestations that shaped our future into something
new and bright.
But sometimes dreams need to be let go. And occasionally when we finally do, we don’t find
what we wanted, but we get what we need.
There was more than one way to avoid my marriage to Conal, escape my father’s control and
keep Ava safe. And Glinn and I would figure it out together.
When we cleaned up the kitchen, I grabbed my bag, used the bathroom again, and we were ready
to leave.
“I think it would be best to take the aerial to avoid losing each other in the crowds and to save
our energy,” Glinn said.
Mason shrugged. “Sure, okay.”
“What’s an aerial?” I asked.
“The hovercraft on the roof.” Glinn pointed to the ceiling and I literally jumped and clapped in
Eagon and Mason looked at me like I had lost it. “It’s not that special,” Eagon said.
“She’s from a Tier Four planet. It’s special to her.” Ginn responded.
Eagon nodded. “That makes a lot of sense now.”
“Tier Four planet?” It was infuriating how much I didn’t know. But it was also thrilling how much
I was learning in so short a time.
“Aw, how adorable is she? It's like a toddler asking five thousand questions a day,” Mason said.
Glinn elbowed him in the nose and he grunted in pain and doubled over. “Fuck!”
“If you’re dumb enough to test the bounds of the mating frenzy, you deserve the consequences,”
Eagon said before disappearing.
“But I meant it! She’s cute!” Glinn growled with a growing mania and Mason’s eyes bulged
before he joined Eagon.
Glinn took a few deep breaths and then answered my question about planets and their tiers.
“There’s a rating system of five tiers measuring the technological and intellectual advancement of
a civilization evaluated by the United Galactic Federation. They reevaluate worlds every few years
or so as knowledge and technology advance. Nadona is Tier Four, which is pretty low.”
“What Tier is Earth?”
“It’s still classified as a Tier Five, but it hasn’t been reevaluated in quite some time. I’d say it’s
probably very close to a Tier Four now. The thing that could keep them at a Five is them being in the
dark on magic and the universe.”
Wow. Earth, the place we had escaped from because they weren’t enough for us, was well on its
way to surpassing Nadona.
He brought me close, and we reappeared on the roof, my curls flying all about from the wind.
The aerial was stunning, painted a dark blue with a green stripe in the center. Four doors
automatically opened downward without any dials or buttons which blew my mind.
“You two bozos are in the back. Lina, sit in the front with me.”
I squealed in delight and ran to the passenger side, sinking into the soft, comfortable leather seat.
The front windshield was as wide as the car, and the top had a clear glass ceiling for a full view of
the sky.
Glinn put his finger to the console, and it lit up at his touch, causing a loud noise and a rumble
throughout the craft.
My hands jumped out to my side to hold on for dear life. I was excited as hell, but this was
scarier than I thought it’d be.
“It’s okay, Lina. It’s safe. It’s supposed to be loud. Now buckle up, we’re about to fly.” He
winked, causing me to smile back at him and intertwine my fingers with his. His bottom teeth peeked
out a little more with this big, bright smile and the aerial lifted into the air.
The rumble and loud mechanical noises were so foreign to me, but I had never felt such a rush of
That was before it moved forward, cleared the roof and fell twenty feet, causing my stomach to
lift into my throat. I yelped in utter joy while Glinn’s friends laughed at my antics behind me.
“Everything is fresh and new to her eyes. It’s quite enjoyable. Reminds you to be grateful for the
little things you take for granted,” Mason said jovially.
“I’m glad to be of assistance.” My hand went to my temple and saluted, causing another laugh.
Glinn raised the craft again, and I knew he was taking a long route just so I could take in the
thriving metropolis. Tall thin buildings, monsters and humanoids of various races walking together,
plus those already dressed for the evening Masquerade festivities.
Musicians played in bunches on the sidewalks and artists painted caricatures of patrons. There
were food street vendors, kids playing, glowing signs in various languages I didn’t understand, and
large decorative pictures of models promoting products.
It was all so stimulating and new.
A gasp escaped me when I saw two massive air vehicles in the distance. “Oh my goodness!”
Glinn was the one to explain. “They’re space crafts, likely bringing tourists from all over the
universe. The Drexia Masquerade is a huge draw, but admission is limited since we can’t admit
millions of people at once. There’s a headquarters on another planet that monitors interplanetary
space travel, and the Yolberg representative coordinates all of that. These are likely the only two
ships you’ll see today.”
“Would we be able to use one of these ships to get to Nadona? I’m shocked I’ve never seen a
spacecraft visit us before.”
“Spacecraft stations and travel are only approved for Tier Three planets and up unless given
special dispensation. And we won’t need to take a ship, The Paragon allots us a certain amount of
travel portal crystals a month on their credit. We can use one of them to get there when we need to.”
His lips pursed together as if hoping I wouldn’t want to return. But there was still a lot to consider.
“I’m embarrassed by how much I don’t know. I’ve always wanted to leave Nadona and
experience more than my lot. And seeing this city, your home, your craft, your food—only intensifies
my hunger. It’s all so magical.”
Glinn glanced toward me quickly with raised brows. “You truly wanted to leave Nadona? I
thought you loved your home, other than the men in your life.”
“There are some things I love about it. But I don’t agree with our society staying the way it is. Our
lack of education is upsetting, and our customs are degrading. I want more from life. I’ve always
wanted more.”
Glinn took my hand and squeezed so hard I thought he was going to pop something. Mason
dramatically cleared his throat as if reminding us not to fuck in the car while company was in the
“We travel all over the universe and it’s the best. It’s truly remarkable what is out there. You’re
welcome to come anytime,” Mason said kindly.
“If Glinn isn’t executed first.”
“Way to kill the fucking mood, Eagon,” I snapped.
“Seriously, brother. Come on.”
Glinn looked in the rearview mirror and scowled. “What do you think we’re doing out here?
We’re about to go shopping for an alternative.”
“I’m just worried about you. I hope you’re thinking clearly.”
“The mating frenzy makes me want to fuck and protect. It doesn’t make me lose my sense of self-
That seemed to shut them up.
We lowered and approached a dock that had multiple aerials, unmoving. Glinn arranged for the
vehicle to land between two white lines.
“This is a parking area. It’s not too full because there are limited permits granted for the
ownership of an aerial. It avoids dangerous congestion in the air. The test to pass is also quite
“Yeah, Glinn is a big shot, so they immediately gave him a permit,” Mason laughed.
Indeed. His clout, skill, and knowledge unfolded layer by layer and it only made me desperate to
know more about him.
“Come, tidbit. The costume store is directly next door.”

I nearly skipped as we walked, my hand secured tightly into Glinn’s as if we’d known each other
for ages. My excitement got the better of me and I quietly squealed when we walked onto the wide
cement street with masses of people mingling on it.
The amount of trees, shrubbery, and flowers surprised me. It still wasn’t nearly as much as I was
used to, having lived in a rural area, the stark contrast between city buildings, cement roads and
sidewalks with a decent amount of plant life was strange and beautiful.
The colored stone store fronts were enchanting, with decorated window displays that drew you
in. Mason opened the door to The Monster Skirt causing a bell to chime. He let me walk in first and I
took in the wide variety of costumes and masks.
A shriek sounded behind one of the racks causing me to jump as a woman ran toward me.
“Oh my god, a human! An actual human!” She put her arms around me and squeezed so tightly I
thought I would suffocate. When she stood back her dark purple lips curved into a smile and she
tucked a strand of platinum white and lavender hair behind her hair.
She was stunning, but I was not accustomed to humans looking so outlandish.
“My name is Lottie, we should stick together.”
“Nice to meet you Lottie, I’m Cat. This is Glinn, Mason, and Eagon.”
Mason scooted in front of me and knocked me backwards faster than I knew what was happening.
He took her hand and put it to his lips, lowering his voice making me stifle a laugh. “Charmed. Is
there anything I can help you with, you lovely little creature?”
Her eyebrows narrowed in annoyance as her mouth continuously chewed something that was in
her mouth.
“No. Go away, I was talking to Cat.”
“As you wish, gorgeous. I’ll be right over here.” He took a step to the side, not at all deterred by
her blatant refusal.
She turned her attention back to me and the kindness returned to her face. I instantly liked her and
how she didn’t take shit from anyone.
“Anyway, I’m all alone and I don’t know this planet. I was brought here by two Paladins because
they have some mission, but they couldn’t take me so I decided to check out the Masquerade
Mason’s skin flashed in various colors that changed quickly, resembling a strobe light.
“Paladins…are here?”
She continued to chew whatever food was able to last that long and gave a curt nod. He instantly
turned into an insect and flew away.
Lottie scoffed. “Figures. He looks exactly the type the Paladins would go after.”
I looked to Glinn and he put a massive green hand on my shoulder. “The Paladins are a sacred
order of protectors of the galaxy. They work directly for the High Creator and are responsible for
putting most of the demons into hell.”
My eyes widened in shock, and it was clear why Mason had disappeared. One of them must have
put him in there.
“Want to pick out a costume with me?” She immediately began pilfering through the women’s
section, inspecting dresses.
“Sounds great.” But my voice trailed off, immediately drawn in by a pale blush colored dress
with off-the-shoulder scalloped sleeves and a sparkling flowing skirt. The corset had a sweetheart
neckline and delicate white lace and flowers.
My hand ran over it in awe. It had been a very long time since I’d worn anything fine and
beautiful, which had never bothered me. But this dress spoke to me.
“Is the dress you want, my Lina?” Glinn reached down from behind me and planted a sweet kiss
near my ear which sent electric shocks through my body. If we didn’t have sex soon, I was probably
going to lose it.
“Yes, this is it.”
Mason reappeared in his usual form, not able to help himself.
“Are you serious? She really is your mate, Glinn. How perfect is that?”
“What does he mean?”
Glinn fought hard to fight a giddy smirk which just melted my insides. “This is an infamous dress
from an ancient orc princess.” He took the dress off the rack and showed me the accompanying mask.
It sparkled in the light, the shimmery green color was apparent, as well as the tiny bottom tusks
peeking over the mouth opening.
“That is interesting.” It felt like the universe was screaming at me in a not-so-subtle way, and the
word it was trying to convey was Glinn.
He handed the dress to the shopkeeper and she used magic to alter the dress to my size. Damn, I
loved this planet.
The bell at the doorway sounded and Mason instantly disappeared from sight. A tall, lean but
muscular man with a jet-black leather jacket and black combat pants entered the store. The sides of
his head were shaved with thick black hair sleek and full at the top.
There were tattoos peeking through the collar on his neck with a piercing over his chin but below
his bottom lip. Multiple guns were strapped all over him, looking similar to the Earth weapons I read
about in the meager available texts on Nadona.
His face was boyishly handsome, but there was something utterly terrifying about his threatening
“Blake! There you are! Look, this is the dress I picked out.” Lottie brought out a light blue long
sleeved chiffon dress that glittered just as much as mine. She looked at me. “Cat, this is one of the
Paladins I told you about.”
The blood drained from my face. This man who looked like death incarnate was a holy warrior?
Remind me to never get on the bad side of The Creator.
He spoke and everyone in the shop instantly went silent. Every few words out of his mouth had a
light hint of an accent in there, barely noticeable. “I heard my pal Mason was here. Thought I’d check
in and see how he was doing.”
She waved her hand in dismissal. “Oh, he disappeared when he saw you coming.”
“Figures. Tell that chicken shit he can’t hide from me forever. And I’ll appear when he least
expects it.”
Her mouth continued to chew on her everlasting food, unperturbed by Blake’s ferocity. “Will do.
If you need me, I’ll be with Cat here, partying in the streets.”
His eyes turned to Glinn and his chin raised in a greeting. “Glinn, good to see you.”
Glinn put a fist to his heart in some kind of salute. “Safe travels, my friend.”
Blake gave me a short nod of recognition before exiting the store.
“Holy shit he was scary.” I blurted.
“He is. And he has jurisdiction over almost every single being in the entire universe. He is the
leader of the Paladin Order and reports directly to The Creator. We cross paths often, our Orders
require us to travel a great deal, and to higher-tier planets.”
“There is so much I need to learn.”

G linn graciously paid for mine and Lottie’s dresses as well as his own Hydra monster mask. Lottie
and I changed in the back dressing room, and we gushed like schoolgirls with excitement. For
humans, this was as exhilarating as it got.
“Where are you from?” I asked.
“Oh, I’m from Earth.”
“And you know about the expanded universe?”
“Yes, I kind of stumbled upon it by accident. There are a few creatures that live undetected there
and since the openings to hell have become faulty, that number has dramatically increased. My family
was attacked and killed by a group of nasty vampires.”
My eyes widened in utter shock. “Vampires are real?”
“Oh yes. Some of them aren’t mean and keep to themselves, but there are those who are scarier
than any monster. After my family died, the Earth Paladin headquarters found me and took me in. They
started to train me to become a Junior Paladin, but it wasn’t for me. Blake brought me here to hide out
until he could figure out what to do with me.”
Lottie was lighthearted and bubbly, but the haunted look in her eye made it apparent that she was
extremely close to her loved ones. “I’m so sorry about your family.”
“Thank you.” She inhaled deeply, trying to shake off the sadness and keep her cool demeanor.
“I’m still not over it, but that’s exactly why I need this day of escape.”
When we exited the store, the three monsters were waiting for us. Glinn looked extremely
handsome in his gruesome black shimmering Hydra mask. Mason had a huge feathered headdress
contraption (likely to be completely unrecognizable to Blake), and Eagon wore some kind of
gruesome demon mask with two screaming heads.
“What are you supposed to be?” I asked, crossing my arms.
“A ghoul, of course.” The corner of his lips turned up into a smirk in reaction to my shock. “Don’t
let Mason fool you. He’s the most dangerous of us all.”
My swallow got stuck in my throat from the knot stuck there. All the small little puzzle pieces
began to come together, creating a picture that Mason had a tragic, painful history he was desperately
trying to forget.
“Let’s go to Jason’s storefront first. We need to find our replacement items.” Glinn grabbed my
hand and led the way, mingling through the crowd. I couldn’t help but dance-walk to the music,
swaying my hips, twirling and letting my dress billow like an umbrella.
The brass horns, drums, and wind instruments created an exhilaration within me, and Lottie joined
in, dancing with me.
Jason’s shop, Rarities & Valuables, was only a few blocks away, and Lottie and I whined about
passing by the shops with incredible smelling sweet confections and savory delicacies.
“I’ll tell you what. You guys go to your shop and I’ll wait in this long line and get us some tasty
goodies,” Lottie offered.
I was still stuffed beyond belief from breakfast, but I wasn’t going to turn down a chance to at
least sample something new. “Great idea! If you get done first, come and find us.”
Mason dramatically slid before her, putting his hand to his heart. “It would probably be best if I
accompanied you, my lovely.”
“No thanks. Go away.”
His smile had not at all dimmed, in fact, he seemed to accept the challenge of her continued
refusal. “Alrighty then, but you’ll beg for me one day.”
“In your dreams, weirdo.”
“Absolutely. Yes.”
“Ew.” Lottie walked away and joined the massive line for Torrin’s Treats.
As we continued on, guilt began to clamp down on my throat. Ava would have loved this as much
as I did. Here I was having the time of my life while she was alone and in danger of being killed
because of my actions. It only reaffirmed my resolve and the importance of this mission. I wasn’t just
here for my sense of adventure. I was here to save us both.

L ina suddenly went quiet, setting off my protection alerts. She had been utterly thriving, loving each
new experience she came across, so this sudden mood shift worried me.
“What has happened, my Lina? Are you alright?”
Her tiny hand grabbed mine and squeezed with adorable weakness. “Yes, I’m just very worried
for my friend, Ava. The longer I’m here, the greater the chance someone will attack her. I’m just
feeling guilty.”
It was my job to protect her body and her heart, and that included her friend, Ava. “Not to worry,
sweet one. I will not let anything happen to either of you. I promise this on my own life.”
Her smile made my entire body warm and buzzing. Mercifully she had been so distracted and
engaged with her new environments that the mating heat had subsided a little in her, but it was still
strong and unbearable for me. Watching her come alive at the simplest things I hadn’t noticed in thirty
years made me melt—and made my cock constantly throb and ache.
The massive release from last night was transcendent, but it wasn’t enough. I needed to bury my
cock deep within her until it felt like my new home.
I needed to mark and claim my Lina. Only then might I get some relief from this constant throbbing
“Let’s not make any promises on your life, okay? I quite like having you around. But I really
appreciate it, I believe it when you say you will do everything in your power to help us.”
A purring hum of approval rumbled in my chest. “Good.”
“We’re here!” Mason did a little dance of excitement causing my tidbit to laugh. He may be an
idiot, but I’ll let it slide if it makes my Lina smile.
Eagon held up a hand. “I see Erix from The Paragon. I’m going to catch up with him and get a
debrief on his recent mission. It was a particularly dangerous one and I want to hear all the details.
Call if you need me.”
“Tell him I said hi. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him.”
“Will do.”
Mason, Lina, and I entered Rarities & Valuables, and Jason’s slimy, spotted blue-green face
yelped at us in the dim lighting of the store.
“Oy! Well, if it isn’t my favorite monster treasure hunters!”
Jason was some sort of amphibious creature. Even after all these years he still hadn’t confessed
exactly what he is. His personality was very similar to Mason’s so they were close friends that meet
They were also the same age, forty years, which is incredibly young for immortal or long-lived
creatures. Although, I was thirty-seven and vastly more mature than them.
I think.
“Hey, Aquaman! What do you have for us? Give us your best treasures, my man Glinn and his
sweet mate are looking for some very special items.”
The small slits on Jason’s neck flittered with excitement causing Lina’s head to jerk back in
“You’re in luck. I brought all the new acquisitions.” He came around the corner and left to
retrieve the items, and when he returned, he held a tray with a few different boxes.
He placed it on the glass counter and took two items off the tray. “These are the rare ones I have
right now.” His hands left a slight residue on the tray.
“Sorry, it’s the season. I’ll dry up in a few days. Can’t be helped, I’m afraid.”
I knew what that meant, as I witnessed it myself once. It meant that he was in heat, and that
substance was an aphrodisiac that naturally secreted from him. Women would flock to him, desperate
to mate, and it always seemed a bit like cheating to me. But I was an orc, not an amphibian. Luckily it
did not affect Lina because she was already mated to me.
I reached for the larger box and opened it to find a glass orb. Lina bent over and studied it with
intense curiosity.
“That is programmed to cause any one person to forget you, no matter how long you’ve known
“What’s the undesirable?” I asked with boredom, knowing it would be a big one. Once you were
in this business long enough you had an innate sense for those things. I turned to Lina to explain.
“Most magical items have an undesirable aspect to them. It’s required for the seller to disclose it if
you ask them.”
Jason huffed and rolled his eyes in annoyance, hoping to make a quick sale. “Half of the time the
memories come back after five or so years.”
“What!” Lina said, taking off her mask to glare at Jason. “This is your most precious item and it’s
faulty after five years? What kind of sham is this?”
Her ferocity made my balls clench tight and my cock jerk. She was really something special. “It
seems my mate is not pleased. The next item better be more impressive.”
Jason opened the next box to reveal a vial. “This is a repellent, making you unnoticeable to
anyone you wish. And it lasts a lifetime.”
Lina put her hand on her hip. “What’s the undesirable?”
My mate catches on quickly.
“It can become faulty with changes in your body chemistry, like fever, illness, infection, hormone
imbalances, things like that.”
Her head tilted in disbelief. “This is all you have? These are your best items?” The desperation
was quickly growing in her and I grabbed her hand to stop it from quivering.
“There’s one more thing I can show you, but you probably won’t like it.”
“Geez, for your sake I hope it’s good. Glinn gets punchy when he’s grumpy,” Mason murmured.
After a few moments, Jason returned with a black box and a skeleton key. He unlocked the box
and used tweezers to take out a necklace which looked shockingly similar to the one Ava had given
“This is a death crystal. All you need to do is speak the name of your intended victim and they
will fall dead instantly.”
“How did you come upon something so dangerous?” I asked, anger running through me at such a
disgusting object. What if there were two people of the same name standing side by side?
“What’s the undesirable?” Lina asked in a quiet voice.
Jason closed the necklace back up with a smile. “None. Once the crystal is used it dissolves and
can never be traced back to you”
“Blatant murder with no repercussions or consequences?” Lina put her hand over her mouth and
thought silently. “I think we’ll pass on that one, and you should consider destroying it.”
“It’s the most expensive thing in here. That’s not going to happen.”
My forefinger went to Lina’s chin and I raised it gently so she looked at me. “What do you think?”
She bit her lip and the corners of her brows tilted downward. “I don’t like any of this. But I think
we can take the forgetting stone as a precaution. Perhaps our real plan should be to get Ava and leave
Nadona forever. We can live here or someplace else that Conal and my father will never find us.”
My heart thumped in my chest so hard it was causing chest pain. “Y—you would want to leave
Nadona? And stay with me?”
She nodded her head. “We have time to figure ‘us’ out. But I have no intention of parting with you
any time soon, and in the meantime, we can get Ava to safety. I’ve been thinking about it a lot and I
believe this is the best course of action.”
She stood silent for a moment, considering her next words.
“Before, we had no way to escape and we didn’t know anybody outside our world, so it wasn’t
an option. But now, it’s the best one we have. And I could never go back, now that I know what’s out
My torso bent down and I wrapped my arms under hers and lifted her into the air, hugging her
tight. “That is the best idea I’ve ever heard. You’ve made me so happy, tidbit.”
To my utter shock heat welled in my eyes and it took considerable effort to fight away the liquid
forming. She leaned back and looked deep into me as if peering into my soul, acknowledging our
precious connection. But then she jerked away as if remembering something.
“Wait, what about your item? You need something for The Paragon.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of them.”
Lina nodded, accepting my answer and leaned in and pressed her lips to mine causing a mighty
purr to rumble in my chest and my cock to leak with precome.
She was my everything. And she wanted to stay, with me.

A s Glinn held me tight in his arms I felt as if nothing could ever harm me. And that included my
best friend, Ava.
We had just planned to commit to each other to see where this would take us. And if for some
reason we split down the road, I knew I could survive on my own, in a world of my choosing. This
adventure had done more for me than prove my bravery by entering hell, it had made me come alive
and realize I could handle more advanced ways of life.
And to find a bonded mate in the process? My world had changed forever the second I stepped
into the grof. And I will be forever grateful.
The tenderness and appreciation in Glinn’s brown and green eyes had me physically weak. At this
moment there was only him and me, and our decision to stay together. I leaned down again, and this
time kissed him with more gusto, grabbing his bottom lip and pulling for a delicious taste.
Such softness was surprising on an orc, but I relished it. I was addicted to it. Our lips kept
brushing, until he opened his mouth and our tongues met causing sparks of intense desire and relief
rushing through me.
Glinn tasted incredible, like dark berries and fresh rain from a thunderstorm.
“Uh, guys should I wrap this up? Should I just get you a room?”
Mason responded, but I barely registered the interaction. “Yes, pack it up for them and put it on
Glinn’s credit line.”
Without even acknowledging them, Glinn carried me out of the shop, our lips never leaving as the
sun set low in the sky. It was already late afternoon and the streets were filled with partygoers ready
for the festivities to start.
My hands were glued to his rough stubble, and I made a point to kiss the small protrusion of both
of his tusks which made him smile. His cock was massively hard between us, and like a being lost in
the wanton haze of a heat frenzy, I began to grind against him, not giving a shit where we were.
His purr was proof that he didn’t care either, and we continued to devour each other, needing
more and more.
“There you are! Those lines were sick. It took forever to get food so I made sure to get a shit ton.”
Before he let me down I bent to his ear and whispered. “You will fuck me tonight, Glinn. I will
not stand for another night not feeling your cock deep inside me. Do you understand?”
His eyes bulged, and so did his cock. “I live to serve you, my mate.”
We finally parted and he let me stand, although he used me as a human shield to hide his enormous
“Hey, Lottie. Thanks for getting all that for us.”
“Don’t mention it. Did you get what you needed?” I looked up and locked eyes with Glinn.
My orc. My monster. My mate.
“Yes, I believe I did.”

After about an hour the sun had officially set. “Damn we must have gotten up much later than I
expected,” I said.
“It was quite late, early afternoon. But you needed the rest. Slaying Level One demons of hell is
no walk in the park.”
He had done most of the work in putting Lazu in his place, but he was sweet to insinuate that it
was all thanks to me.
We had eaten all the delicious fare Lottie purchased for us. Fried potato slices, chocolate and
caramel fudges, a crispy sweet dough with white sugar that looked like snow. If I stayed in Drexia I
was going to have to alter my clothing. Which was fine, because I didn’t have any anyway, I’d have to
get a whole new wardrobe for a whole new life.
My favorite part of the festivities were the flashing lights on every building, decorated with every
color of the rainbow. The darkness made the lights pop like magical little beacons.
Lottie and I had a blast, dancing through the streets and earning beads from nearly everyone by
playing street games or for merely being human. It was delightful to me that we were the strange
creatures among a mass of monsters.
But these monsters were friendlier, kinder, and more alive than any human I had met other than
Ava and Lottie. And I couldn’t wait to bring Ava here.
Tomorrow. We’d go back tomorrow, and I’d call her in the morning to tell her of our new plan.
Boisterous laughter sounded behind us, causing us to turn. To my shock it was Eagon with his arm
wrapped around a man. He took a long drink of what I assumed was alcohol.
“Look who I found, Glinn. He’s just returned from an epic hunt.”
“That I did. Best find I ever had. Earned me millions of credits.”
“Oooh, hello, sir.” Lottie stepped in, removing her gorgon mask with her lips methodically
puckered and her arms bunched together to accentuate her bountiful cleavage. He bit his lip, took her
hand and kissed her knuckles, taking a generous glance at her breasts.
“Charmed, my dear.”
Mason crossed his arms and let out a vicious hissing noise as his eyes glowed violet and his skin
fluttered from tan to black to white repeatedly.
Glinn chuckled at the interaction and introduced me. “Lina, this is Erix. He’s a basilisk and part of
The Paragon.”
Erix shook my hand which made me flinch because he was ice cold. He held eye contact with me,
and a serene sense of calm flittered over me, making me feel like I was in some kind of trance. The
vertical slit in his yellow eyes narrowed and I thought I was going to fall asleep.
“Stop entrancing her fuckwad!” Mason said, slapping his arm.
He flinched and blinked quickly. “Sorry! It's a habit and I’m drunk.”
He looked to Glinn, then squinted at him, attempting to sober up. “Hey, don’t you have some
dangerous deadline you’re working on? What are you doing partying here? They’ll fucking kill you,
Now that I had gotten over the strange trance, worry overtook me. That’s one too many times
someone had insinuated that Glinn was in serious danger.
He bared his teeth and spoke with force. “Mind your business, Erix. Everything is under control.”
He held up his hands in surrender. “If you say so, just looking out for you.”
Glinn was strangely defensive about this topic, but I decided to let it go for now and enjoy the last
few hours of the night before we had to return.
Erix folded his arm with Lottie’s and spoke seductively. “How would you like to stroll the streets
with me and see the debauched side of Drexia during Masquerade.”
“Now you’re speaking my language.” She walked to me and gave me a hug before taking out a
small piece of paper from her pocket.
“This is where I’m staying in Drexia. Do you have a comm?”
“Since I don’t even know what it is I’ll have to say no.”
“I’ll make sure you get one, Lina,” Glinn said.
“They’re small communication devices that can interact with people all over the universe if
they’re associated with a registered world. Use the planet code for Yolberg, then these characters and
it’ll connect you to me. If I move on to another planet, it’ll forward the information to the new
registration office and I’ll be notified that you’re trying to reach me. When you get a comm device
connect with me so it’s saved in my records.”
“Okay. Sounds good. I had a lot of fun with you.”
She winked, back to chewing the unidentified substance in her mouth. “We independent gals need
to stick together. Keep in touch, hope to see you soon.”
She left with Erix and Eagon as Mason seethed. “I was about to turn in anyway.” His little pout
didn’t fool anyone. “I’m heading home. I’ll stop by tomorrow to make breakfast again, Lina. Here’s
your bag back, it has your item in it.”
“Sounds great.” He disappeared without another word and I turned to Glinn who grabbed my bag
and secured it to his back.
“Looks like it’s just you and me, Meanie Greenie.”
“Ugh.” His grunt and cringing lips had me buckling over in laughter. “I’m sorry I just couldn’t
resist. Mason is something else.”
“He’s a fuckwad. Anyway, this celebration is a week long. What do you say to taking this party
My pulse raced. Home. One night in Glinn’s home already felt more comforting than mine ever
did in twenty-eight years.
“That sounds like just what I need.”

W e walked hand in hand which was still surreal to me. His hand was green, strong, and massive,
double the size of mine, yet it somehow felt like they were created for each other.
The perfect fit.
Costumed monsters stopped to high-five, fist pound, or kiss my mask as if I were a rare treat. It
started to become clear that they appreciated outsiders here accepting them and their way of life.
My light pink dress trailed behind me as my curls lightly flowed in the wind. I had never felt so
beautiful before—so feminine—and this was the perfect night to seal this bond of ours.
When we reached the location of his aerial he let me in first, then went around to his side, taking
my mask from me, putting it in my bag, and placing it in the back seat.
He took me around the city so I could see it at night, exactly as I would have wanted. He
anticipated my wants and desires without me even having to utter a word.
“Do you mind if I make a quick stop?” he asked.
“Of course not. Whatever you need.” He nodded and turned the wheel toward the left so that we
headed in the direction of the west end of the city. He slowly maneuvered the aerial so that it was
parallel to a building, but twenty feet in the air.
“You can enter the building from up here?” A suction noise released as if attaching to his vehicle.
“I can.”
“Oh, right I forgot. You’re a hot shot.” He chuckled and pressed a button on the door causing it to
disappear downward. The building door opened and he crouched, entering the hallway of the
“Wait here I’ll be back quickly.”
After about ten minutes he finally returned with a small leather pouch. When he sat, he closed the
door and handed the fine leather to me.
“What’s this?”
“Open it.”
Pulling open the drawstring, I removed a thick paper box, and inside was a metal device with a
clear, glossy front.
“This is your very own comm. I quickly had you registered to Yolberg, so you now have your
own ping signature. When we get home I’ll change the language to yours so you can read it and add
my information plus Lottie’s.”
Butterflies erupted in me at his constant selflessness. This device didn’t look cheap either. My
very first piece of advanced technology. A way to contact anyone important to me anywhere in the
universe, no matter where I went.
This device represented the ultimate freedom.
I couldn’t stop the tear that formed in my eye.
“Does this upset you, my Lina?”
My voice cracked as I spoke. “Not at all. It’s so incredibly thoughtful. I’m just overwhelmed
because I’ve never had a man even come close enough to giving me anything, much less kindness.” I
locked eyes with him as my tears fell down my cheeks. “Thank you.”
“My mate, I think we need to change our plan to me simply killing all the men you’ve come across
in Nadona.”
I burst out laughing. “That is a very generous offer, but I could have just taken the death crystal.
I’d like to come up with a solution that doesn’t involve murder. But that’s not to say that I will not kill
to protect myself and my friends.”
He nodded and took my hand. “Good.”
We pulled away and began flying through the star-filled sky, and I looked through the clear glass
on the roof so I could examine the beauty of it next to the man who had quickly become everything to
When we reached his unfathomable mansion, he took me in his arms and instantly traveled inside.
“Would you like to shower first?
“Use that incredible washing room? Hell yeah!”
He chuckled and took my hand, leading me down the third-floor hallway to the stunning bathroom,
as he called it.
He pressed a button near the doorway and half of the room began raining hot water from every
angle, steam instantly filling the room from its heat.
Glinn locked eyes with me and removed his vest, followed by his pants. I wasted no time at all
quickly removing my beautiful Masquerade dress and panties, so I was bare before him.
My eyes traced over the defined lines in his abs, the vee over his hips, his large heavy balls and
rock-hard cock pointing directly at me.
He untied the portion of his hair that was secured back, letting it fall into his face.
This man was stunning.
And he was mine. My mate.
“You are a work of art, my Lina.”
“That’s funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you.” I walked toward the impressive
sprays of hot water and let out a long, satisfied breath.
“This feels incredible.”
Glinn picked up a bar of soap that was resting on an indented shelf in the wall, and began rubbing
it on my body. My hands glided over his large arms muscles, and I shuddered at his strength and
beauty. It overwhelmed me.
“Once we fuck, we will officially be a mated pair. I will not be able to avoid permanently
marking you with my scent. It’s a special hormone that releases from me and stays with you as my
bonded mate. The whole world will know that you are mine and that death will come to anyone that
hurts you. Do you still want to go through with this, Lina?”
He leaned down and kissed my neck, his tiny tusks creating a small pinch at my skin.
“There is no going back for me. I need you. I’m sure.”
He roared and threw the soap to the ground. Using his magic to turn the water off and instantly
drying us off. He picked me up by the ass and I wrapped my legs around him as he took us back to his
It looked similar to the one he had me in, but the bed was even larger, with black silk sheets and
more personal trinkets and furniture.
My lips found his and an incredible surge rushed through me. The mating bond was a living thing
within me, and it was ready to be completed.

M y body trembled with a force I had never felt before. It was powerful, uncontrollable, and
hypnotic. The mating frenzy was in full force—all engines go. There was no stopping it now.
But I would find a way if Lina requested it of me.
I prayed that she wouldn’t, because my balls were full to bursting with an ache so strong one
pump might do me in. Lina would be getting the largest load I’d ever had. And she would be taking
my knot.
Something I’d never used on a woman before. I had always pulled partially out so we were not
locked together. It had never felt right.
This was the moment.
Her tongue danced on mine, she tasted of sugar and sunshine. My hands kneaded her gloriously
full, round ass. I couldn’t get enough of it, and I knew it would feel fucking incredible with me
slapping against her from behind.
But for our first time, I wanted to take her from above, to stare into her eyes and see her
recognition the moment we locked together, and I filled her with every drop of my come as she pulsed
on me with her own climax.
I wanted her to sit on my face, so I could feast on her greedily, but it was likely my teeth would
scratch her. We’d have to attempt that another time.
For now, I threw her on the edge of the bed, spread her legs and knelt before her like the goddess
she was. Then, I tossed her legs over my shoulders and gave a long, slow lick of her sensitive nub.
She yelped in surprise, instantly gripping the black silk sheets and clenching her toes against me. I
licked and sucked, enjoying her sweet taste but wanting more. My tongue thrusted inside her while my
finger circled her nub. She arched her back, grabbed her breasts, and squeezed them, which fucking
ignited something in me.
“Let’s test how well you’ll be able to take me, my Lina.”
“Oh, I will take all of you, Glinn.”
I chuckled at her confidence and eagerness. All for me. “I’m counting on it. I want to get you
warm and ready so you take me entirely.”
My fingers were large and round, double the size of hers, so I slipped one in first and began
edging her. Pulsing, causing her to pant and build in pleasure and sensation, then I stopped.
“Glinn! What are you doing!”
“Patience my sweet tidbit.”
She huffed with defiance. “Now is not the time for patience! Now is the time for your massive
A laugh escaped me, and I slid a second finger in ever so slowly to watch her lovely cunt spread
and accommodate me.
A satisfied deep purr rumbled in my chest. “That’s it, my Lina. You’re so perfect.” Both fingers
slid into her wet cunt that was so very tight on me. The feeling of her clenching, enjoying each stroke I
gave her made me feel complete.
When I knew she was close to coming, I removed my fingers causing her to whimper.
“Glinn, come here now. I’m done waiting!” Her eyes were filled with lust and need and it was
time to see a satisfied glow on her instead.
“As you wish, my mate.”

O h fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck!

Whatever Glinn was doing to me was torture, absolute torture.
But also fucking euphoric.
He was being so slow and intentional, building my pleasure, bringing me right to the edge then
stopping. And when he removed his fingers, I damn near screamed in frustration.
But now his massive body was inching over mine, and I bent my knees and spread as far as
possible for him, inviting him in.
I wanted him to impale me with his cock. I wanted him to take me, claim me, and mark me as his
as he promised to.
He was mine, and I wanted all of him.
His hair softly brushed over my skin as he kissed me, creating a delicious explosion of sensations.
But I quickly became distracted when I felt his large, satiny soft head at my entrance. His hand went
to my chin and lifted so we locked eyes.
He teased me for a moment, rubbing his head around my pussy and the feel of his precome on me
was intoxicating. His cock was so stiff and hard that he didn’t need a hand to guide him, he simply
began to push gently into me, and I knew it was going to be more filling than his three fingers.
This was already so much better than the Dreamshare we had. The reality just couldn’t compare
to a dream. He watched me intently as he inched further and further, and my lips parted in bliss with
the smallest tinge of pain as I adjusted.
“That’s it, Lina. You’re accommodating my cock so well. You’re so wet and ready for me it feels
His words alone caused me to create more wetness and his cock inched further in without trying.
He began slow and short pulses, easing into me only becoming more euphoric by the second.
“Glinn, you are amazing. Keep going. I want to feel every inch of you in me.”
He moaned which made me wild. His pleasure was a sort of aphrodisiac for me.
His pace quickened which caused him to finally give one final push and he was fully seated
within me.
We both cried out in relief, having basically needed this since the moment I stabbed him. My legs
spread as far as possible, and he quickened his thrusts until they became hard and sure.
“That feels so good. Keep going, Glinn, harder.”
“You want to feel me pounding against your cunt, Lina?”
“Yes!” My hands reached down to his ass and I slammed him up into me causing a smile from
“As long as it doesn’t hurt you, I will rail you until you see stars.”
The bed shook and hanging frames clapped against the wall. My nails dug into his skin and he
groaned in sheer delight. Thrust after thrust, pound after pound, my core began building and building
to the beautiful end I was seeking.
“Are you ready to take my knot, Lina?”
“Yes. I’m ready. I’m about to come.”
I whimpered and howled in ecstasy as Glinn’s cock grew to an unimaginable size. His base
expanded, filling me until I thought I would explode.
And then I did. We both did.
A world-shattering orgasm tore through me, causing me to see colors and textures, and Glinn
yelled in place, his cock convulsing over and over again, spilling an unfathomable amount of come in
It was the most incredible, most intense feeling of my life, and as Glinn kept releasing, he held me
tight against him, filling me with his essence. An intoxicating scent began to permeate the room and it
made me giddy yet serenely calm.
He had marked me. I was now his and his alone.
I would carry him with me, always.

C onnected to my Lina was like being blessed by Our Creator. Holding her in my arms with her
allowing me to fill her body with my seed and mark her as my mate was the absolute highlight of my
life. It was unfathomable that anything could ever top this moment, unless she was gracious enough to
bear my children one day in the future.
Watching her belly swell with my babies and becoming a mother was absolutely a dream, but it
was a dream for another day. First, we had to figure out our lives and Lina had to be free to
experience her place in the world.
My cock had pumped more than I even thought possible, the mating bond being a truly amazing
In one fluid movement, I scooped her up and sat her on my lap so we could both sit comfortably
and look at each other while locked with my knot.
“I feel the fullness of you, and it’s incredible. I’m a mega fan of your knot.”
“I have to confess to you, I’ve never given a woman my knot before. You are my first.”
Her eyes lit up and my cock jerked at her joy. She laughed and clenched on me in response. Her
lips touched mine and my tongue entered her mouth. We kissed slowly, with intent, enjoying each
other’s bodies while locked together. It was absolute bliss.
“So, you marked me, huh?”
“So effectively and thoroughly that nobody will have any doubt.”
She bit the bottom of my lip gently and smiled. “Good. I don’t care to share.”
A growl rolled through me and her eyes widened at my antics. “No need to be so testy. I said I’m
not sharing.”
“I know, Lina, but for a nanosecond I had a vision of you with someone else and lost it. The
territorial urge won’t subside for many months. Well, it will never completely go away, but I’ll be
able to control myself from beheading anyone.”
“Oh, well that’s a bargain then.”
“My knot is disappearing, prepare yourself.”

“F or what?”
But I immediately got my answer. His come rushed out of me and all over him and the sheets in
the most massive mess I’d ever seen.
“Holy shit. Good thing I’m on birth control or you would have gotten me pregnant twenty times
He laughed, kissing my forehead with a vulnerable look in his eye.
“What is it?”
His right shoulder shrugged with the most adorable shyness. “One day, the sight of your swollen
belly from my seed will make me the happiest man in the universe. But only if that’s something you
want. And only when you’re ready, years from now.”
Why did that admission turn me on so fucking much?
“I love kids, and my deepest secret desire is that I long to create a loving family of my own one
day since I’ve never experienced one. I want to be able to give the love, security, and nurturing that I
never had, with a partner who shares that dream. It’s something I yearn for so badly it hurts, but not
until my life is safe and settled.”
He purred as his eyes fluttered shut. When they opened he kissed me again. “Thank you for
sharing that beautiful secret with me, my bonded mate.”
“I’ll share another one with you.”
“What is that?”
“I love the feeling of your come in me for so long. I’m the luckiest woman in the world to have
your body at my disposal anytime I want.”
Glinn belly laughed and waved his hand so the sheets and his body were dry again.
“We’re not clean, just dried off. So we’ll still need to bathe later.”
My lips formed into a pout for effect. “Oh no, what a hardship. Your lake sized bath or your
rainforest shower. However will I manage with such luxuries?”
“My sweet mate, you haven’t even begun to see me pamper you yet. The things I have in store for
you are mammoth.”
Oh holy fuck.
That night we bathed together in candlelight, with aged wine from the most infamous planet of fine
wines in the universe. We ate cheese and nuts and relaxed in new silk sheets until we fell asleep in
each other’s arms—I had never been more content.
I legitimately had no idea that life could be this beautiful, this exciting, this incredible. And I
couldn’t wait to see what was in store.
The next morning, I woke to the smell of another incredible breakfast.
A woman could seriously get used to this.
Glinn’s eyes were closed but the sweet smile on his face gave him away.
“Good morning, mate,” I said.
“It is exceptionally good.”
“I’m going to call Ava really quickly to let her know we’re coming to get her. Cover any
protruding body parts, now or never!”
His laugh was infectious, and I giggled as he covered himself with the blanket and I activated my
necklace. The glow pulsed on and off for a while, but there was no response.
“That’s odd. She’s not responding. I wonder if she’s just not near it or if the connection died.”
“That is possible.”
“Hmm, I’ll try her again after breakfast.”
We both dressed, and I chose my combat pants and protective leathers, knowing we were going to
a tenuous situation in Nadona where I might need to fight. I was about to leave the room when a deep
vibration shook the entire mansion and a booming voice echoed through the entirety of it.
Glinn Boryk, Paragon member 553RX7, report outside your quarters for surrender.
This is your only warning. Your failure to produce your agreed item has caused a forfeit of our
contract and you are being apprehended for execution. Remove the shield from your quarters.
Glinn Boryk, Paragon member 553RX7, report outside your quarters for surrender.
“Oh my god, Glinn, what do we do?”
Mason kicked down the bedroom door and his eyes were wild with panic.
Glinn immediately jumped into action. “Mason, stay here and distract them. Come up with a story
of my whereabouts. You can’t be involved in this or they’ll come for you too. I’m going to my hideout,
and I’ll contact you when I can.”
Mason grabbed his forearm and squeezed. “Good luck, brother.”
I grabbed my bag and threw it onto my back, and Glinn looked down at me only sparing one
second of terror for my well-being before we disappeared.

T his was seriously unfamiliar territory.

I had no doubt in my skills fighting anyone, man or woman, on Nadona, but an advanced Order
that streamlined the selling of culturally significant items from all over the universe? There’s no
telling what weapons, magic and knowledge they had. There was no way I could compete with that.
The feeling of fear and inadequacy was a vice on my throat. The wondrous glow from our night
together was now gone and confusion remained.
Glinn had taken us into a forest that looked different than the one we arrived in from hell.
“Are we going back into the grof?”
“No, we’re nowhere near it. We’re on the other side of the planet where I have a magically
hidden and guarded cave.” He slowed to a stop and raised his hand, removing an invisible veil to
reveal the cave entrance.
He took my hand and led me inside, grabbing a torch on the wall and lighting it with magic. He
did the same to the torch on the other side. Once they were lit and I was able to see the entire cave my
eyes bulged in shock.
“Do you expect to go to war?” The cave was filled to the brim with swords, daggers, maces,
shields, some guns like Blake the Paladin wore and technological weapons I wasn’t familiar with.
There were shelves filled with small potion bottles and first aid supplies.
“I’m prepared for any event. This is one of them.”
“Glinn, I know you’ve been holding out on me. Tell me what the hell is going on. Why are they
looking to execute you?”
He put a shield back over the entrance and turned to look at me. He sighed, blinking tightly once.
“There is a contract we sign when we begin work with The Paragon. We agree that royalty,
government officials, and elected planetary representatives cannot join. The punishment is bringing it
to the attention of your planet and letting them decide your sentence.”
My eyebrows lowered in confusion. I had no idea where he was going with this.
“I was born to a planet called Vaston, which has three races of orcs. We don’t reproduce easily or
frequently so our population is incredibly low. There is only one kingdom on the entire planet, so the
duties of the monarchy are strict and severe.”
He began pacing with his hands behind his back, clearly agitated and in pain.
“My brother was killed in a ridiculous trivial honor rite. His lover became involved with another
man, and he challenged him without even thinking of the consequences. In orc tradition, an honor rite
is law-binding and to the death. The unenlightened, brutal, and ridiculous laws and customs of my
people make my fucking skin crawl and my blood boil.”
Glinn was trembling in a rage, so I went to him and held his hand.
“My brother was killed in the rite, and the woman ended up leaving the other man anyway. It was
all for nothing, and my brother was killed for a barbaric ideal.”
His eyes glazed over and he began breathing deeply, trying to center himself.
“What happened?”
“My brother was king of Vaston, and my parents were dead. So I was to be crowned king.”
My lips parted and I gasped in shock. Now I knew where he was going with this.
“I wanted no part of a Tier Four world that was so uncivilized. I wanted more from life and to
experience something real. I escaped, taking nothing from my home but the clothes off my back. It was
important to me to find my own way, make a living on my own and create a safe space where I
My heart began pounding out of my chest. These words he was admitting…they were all things I’d
said about my own life. We truly were mates—made for each other.
“With the limited number of texts and information available to me, I had read about a city for
monsters where they were enlightened and free. I found a way to get there, and when I met Eagon and
Mason, the rest was history. I knew the risk of lying to The Paragon, but I didn’t care. I never planned
on going back and our people rarely leave, so there was little risk. But one orc did leave, and we ran
into each other by chance. He informed Vaston about my status and they contacted The Paragon.”
A tear formed in my eye, knowing the end of the story.
“As stated in the bylaws, they allowed Vaston to decide my fate, and they decided death for
treason. They’re not a forgiving people, and their grudges last a lifetime. There were no royals left,
and they likely felt abandoned and slighted.”
He took two swords and a holster off the wall and began preparing for battle.
“But The Paragon offered me a deal. They said they would refuse to carry out the sentence if I
found The Dream Stone for them. Something nobody had ever had the balls to do before. They said I
was their best hunter and they didn’t want to lose me, so they would give me one dispensation—one
chance at redemption. And then I met you, and everything changed.”
“Oh, Glinn.” The tears escaped down my cheeks as he continued.
“My only concern was protecting you and keeping you safe. My own problems no longer
mattered. All I wanted was to enjoy you, mate with you, and help you save Ava.”
“But now you’re in serious trouble. What are we going to do?”

M y sweet mate looked at me lovingly and supportively. A stark contrast to what I expected. I
anticipated her screaming at me, telling me I was foolish and careless. Calling me a coward for
leaving my people.
But she did none of that. She only held me and stood her ground.
“I will help you. Whatever we must do, I will be by your side, Glinn.”
She was truly remarkable, and I knew I was in love with her. It didn’t matter how fast or
unexpected it was. Catalina Lopez was in my heart.
“That means the world to me, Lina, but perhaps you should go back to Nadona. Take two of my
portal crystals, save Ava and relocate with her. You can come back here and have Mason program
your comm for you, then the universe is yours to explore, as you always wanted.”
Her eyes were red and bloodshot from her tears. She sniffed, crossed her arms and shook her
head. “It’s true, I want that more than anything, but none of it would matter without you. By my side. I
want more education. I want to travel and leave the world a better place than I found it. But not
without you, Glinn.”
A male shout from directly outside the cave made us jump, and I moved closer to the exit to
investigate. As long as we stayed in here, they wouldn’t be able to see us or enter.
But even the best laid plans disintegrate in the face of the chaos of the universe.
Lina looked around my shoulder and screamed when she saw a woman bound, gagged, and
beaten, next to two men.
“Ava! What did they do to you!”
She darted from the cave so quickly I couldn’t grab her to stop her. “Ava no! They can’t get us
from here!”
But it was too late. The one that looked to be Conal had a sharp sword pointed to her throat, and
my heart stopped beating at the sight of Catalina’s blood.

“Y ou fucking coward. You’ll never change, will you? Not happy unless you’re abusing women
emotionally or physically, Conal?”
He lowered his sword and backhanded me, just as my father, Alvaro had. The same father who
looked at me now and did absolutely nothing.
Glinn’s feral growl ripped through the forest, causing birds and small creatures to immediately
retreat for safety. Glinn’s magic burst from him to kill him for touching me, but it bounced off from
some sort of illegal magical shield. Glinn was still huffing, struggling to breathe as his muscles
popped on display. “You ever touch her again and I will castrate you.”
But Conal paid no mind to a truly terrifying Glinn. Clearly thinking he was immune to whatever
we could do to him. “Catalina. Are you really fucking a monster? You could at least carry out our
wedding and marry a handsome monster.”
I spat in his direction, and smug satisfaction ran through me as it hit his shoes. “You disgust me.
You’re the ugliest motherfucker I’ve ever seen in my life and I’ve been in a whole city full of
He came to backhand me again, but Glinn grabbed his arm and twisted. A massive crack sounded,
followed by Conal’s cowardly screams.
“Did I not warn you you’ll never harm my mate again?”
Alvaro’s shout broke through Conal’s pathetic whimpers. “What!” His back straightened and his
mouth contorted into a cringe. “That’s vile, Catalina. Even for you.”
“How can you even understand what he’s saying?” But I knew the answer. They were well
“We have our ways,” Alvaro said.
I completely ignored him and turned my eyes to Ava who was sitting on the ground, her hands tied
behind her back and a serious black eye. “Ava, are you okay?” And then it occurred to me, she
probably couldn’t understand anything that Glinn was saying even though they could. He had given me
the translation crystal, I would have to use it on her.
Conal was still a whimpering mess, grabbing something out of his pocket, so my father spoke.
“She’s the one who helped us find you. We searched her room and her body and found the necklace. I
knew what it was so we waited for you to contact her and that pinged your location. Conal has a
meige on staff and he was able to send us here.”
Conal downed a potion and his arm slowly healed back into place. Sweat dripped down from his
brow as a wicked smile grew on his face. “I see you’re surprised. Don’t be. The rules only apply to
peasant low-lives such as yourself. But you still have the chance to change all that. Or I will find a
way to kill you. No matter where you disappear to in the universe, your father and I will find you,
The wind picked up causing us to look around in alarm. The trees swayed and a noise grew
louder by each passing second.
“Oh no,” Glinn murmured. He turned back to Conal and Alvaro and raised his hands releasing an
alarming amount of magic, again, it bounced right off them.
Conal chuckled and shook his head. “Our meige protected us. The shield only lasts about five
more minutes but nice try.”
Glinn took his dagger and ran to Conal, but just when he was about to slice his throat an invisible
force clapped his hands together in some kind of invisible manacles.
Glinn’s eyes widened in genuine fear. “No, it’s too soon. I’m not ready. It’s too soon.”
I ran to him and tried to free him, but it was impossible.
“Lina, come here.” He indicated that he wanted to whisper to me as the mid-sized spaceship
began to approach the ground.
“What is it?” Tears were freely falling down my face, my hands shaking out of control. This
couldn’t be goodbye. This couldn’t be the end. We had just found each other, and people were coming
to take him away from me.
“Hurry, go into my right pocket, take it out.”
I did as he said as quickly as my trembling hands would allow. My brows furrowed as I inspected
it. It looked eerily familiar.
Glinn whispered with a wild desperation. “This is the Dream Stone. I tried to save you and me so
we could be together but there is only time to save one of us. Take it, save yourself and Ava and
disappear to a safe world where you can be happy. I love you, Lina.”
My brain short circuited. There was too much happening too quickly and it couldn’t catch up.
Conal had found me. The Paragon found Glinn.
Glinn had possession of the Dream Stone the entire time and didn’t tell me.
Instead of handing it over to The Paragon and avoiding his execution he gave it to me so I could
thrive. He had been waiting to see if we could solve the issue of Conal and then hand over the stone,
but they found him first.
And now the ship and Glinn—were gone.

A n all-encompassing rage like I had never felt before boiled within me.
They took my mate.
They took my mate.
They were going to kill my mate.
And it was all the fault of Conal and his fucking idiotic greed. We were this close to getting Ava
and disappearing forever. And they had ruined it.
“I guess you’re coming back with us, Catalina. I’m sure it was exciting while it lasted.”
My teeth stayed clamped together as I spoke. “No.”
“Catalina, your misguided insolence and defiance will not be tolerated! You will cease
dishonoring this family as you’ve done for twenty years.”
Was he daft? Seriously, was he mental? He was the one who had disgraced us. He was the one
who made me feel small and unimportant.
I was done, and I was never going to see them again.
I screamed as loud as my vocal cords would allow and a powerful force erupted from my body,
rushing toward Conal and Alvaro sending them shrieking and flying back thirty feet.
Ava screeched in shock behind her mouth gag, and I tried to process what just happened.
D—did I just use magic? Did magic just come from me? Was it perhaps from the Dream Stone?
But I knew it wasn’t the stone, because I felt the energy well within me and the force came from
my body. Glinn had magic and we had mated and performed a blood rite. Did I share some of his
abilities now?
There was no time for me to think about it. I ran to Ava who yelled against her mouth gag and I
ripped it off of her. Then, I retrieved the translation stone and held it to her head, watching it
successfully sync to her.
“What was that?”
“It will help you understand most of the people we come across.”
She barely registered what I was saying, instead she began to cry. “Cat, I’m so sorry. Please
forgive me. I’m sorry that it was me that led them to you.” Quickly
“Shhh. Don’t you dare apologize.”
“What are we going to do?” she whispered with tears falling.
“We’re going to save my mate.”
Holding the Dream Stone tight, I closed my eyes and said the required incantation.
My wishes, my design, these two dreams are mine.
The crystal glowed and I wasted no time using my first wish. “Take me and Ava to my mate, Glinn
My arms were wrapped tightly around Ava to ensure we weren’t separated, and a force pulled us
forward until we were sucked into the darkness and reappeared onto the ship that took Glinn.
A piercing alarm immediately sounded, some kind of security measure, and two guards came
running for us with guns pointed at us.
“I have the Dream Stone! Take me to Glinn, release him and I will give it to you plus my second
They slowed and looked at me with curiosity and surprise. Before deciding what they were going
to do with us, they removed my thigh daggers. Hopefully they didn’t inspect my hair pin too closely
because it was a secret weapon I almost never went without.
“You’d better come with us then.”
My arm was folded through Ava’s to provide her with support. They had badly beaten her, and I
had to fight incredibly hard to keep the sting out of my eyes. She was hurt because of me, and it would
eat away at me for the rest of my life.
But at least she was with me now, and I intended to never leave her alone again.
In this time of crisis and uncertainty I effortlessly reverted to my training and routines. I took in
my surroundings, studying our path and attempting to commit it to memory since I couldn’t leave
There was a steady light hum, likely from the circulation of oxygen through the spacecraft. The
halls were lit with a long light beam along the top corner of the wall creating a soft blue glow paired
with spaced blue track lights at the bottom. The walls had a shiny iridescent quality which was
accented by the blue light. Everywhere I looked was pristinely clean and orderly which was utterly
foreign to me.
We approached an opal door framed with white light and it opened automatically from our
presence. My jaw dropped at the mind-blowing design and technology within. My imagination was
active, but I could have never pictured a place such as this.
There was no indication that this was a spaceship. If I didn’t know where I was heading when I
used the Dream Stone, I would have assumed I was in a luxury home or office on a Tier One planet.
The walls and ceilings were dark royal purple or blue with a soft velvety texture. Again, the
various colored lighting added a great deal to the atmosphere, highlighting certain areas to make them
pop. This ship seemed like a living entity, and the multitude of screens flashing with exciting worlds,
people, places and coordinates made it quite apparent I was in over my head.
“I have multiple business ventures and interests, so it’s prudent for me to monitor my
The deep, gravelly voice boomed through the room, and Ava shuttered in my arms. A large round,
shimmering black object began to turn and an audible gasp escaped me.
I had no idea that the object was a chair, it had seemed like a decorative item in the room. But
what was in it was the truly terrifying part.
“I am Nazim Zurla, but you may call me Naz. I am the founder of The Paragon.”
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. What did I get myself into?
The being before me was clearly a gargoyle, with massive leathery black wings, horns, claws,
and sharp teeth. There was no telling if he had innate magic from his looks, but someone this wealthy
and powerful undoubtedly did. I squared my shoulders, raised my chin and reminded myself that I
was a force to be reckoned with, and what I lacked in strength I made up for with sheer determination
and intelligence.
“I’m here to negotiate Glinn’s release.”
There was utter silence for a few seconds which felt like an eternity, until he belted out in laughter
sending overwhelming pulses of fear rushing through me. Naz was incredibly frightening.
An alarm sounded on one of the screens in the room, displaying glowing characters I didn’t
understand. Naz walked to the screen, summoned a sheer projection in the air where he input some
commands then started to speak in a foreign language.
But I could understand his body language and his tone. He was displeased about something, and
he was barking orders at a subordinate. The alarm stopped, and the largest screen changed to show a
room full of people dancing under flashing lights and pounding music.
“That is Hypnotic, one of my businesses. The most infamous nightclub in the universe. Extremely
exclusive and hard to get into, but still, sometimes we come across bad apples.”
The small grin on his face made my blood run cold, and I jumped out of my skin when a loud pop
sounded on the screen followed by the screams of all the patrons.
A man fell to the ground, blood pooling around him as everyone in the room ran and dispersed,
leaving him to die alone.
Naz had just ordered someone’s execution as if it was a simple item on his to-do list. And nausea
rolled within me that Glinn was also a line item on that list. The smirk was still plastered on his face
as he watched me, waiting to see how I would react. If I would panic and crumble.
I would not give him the satisfaction of my loss of control. Yes, I was scared, but I would keep my
wits about me.
My arms folded and I shifted my weight to one foot, ignoring the dead man still on display on the
massive monitor. “As I said, I want to negotiate Glinn’s release. I have the Dream Stone and I’m
willing to give it to you, plus gift you my second wish.”
Naz’s eyelid rose by such a minuscule amount it was almost imperceptible.
But I saw it.
Being an outsider in life meant I was an expert at reading facial movements and micro
expressions to assess someone’s emotions, truths and lies. And I had hooked Naz to the point where
he couldn’t refuse.
He desperately wanted this stone.
“I could just take it from you by force and kill Glinn anyway, little girl.”
Little girl. I’d fucking show him what a little girl could do.
I forced a smile despite the nausea in my gut. “No, I don’t believe you could. Because I found and
activated it, so it is now owned by me. Nobody in this universe can use it until I use my second wish
or gift it away. So you need me. Give me your promise of Glinn’s safe release with the pact you will
never seek him out or harm him from this day forward, and it’s yours. Free and clear.”
Ava’s head turned ever so slowly and she glared at me with bulging eyes full of utter disbelief.
Yeah, I would be getting a serious ear-full from her when we made it out of here alive. I could
already hear her scolding me from her mind.
Why do you have to poke, prod and argue with scary-ass monsters? Your death wish is
unbelievable! Stop being a wench and stay alive!
A rumble vibrated in Naz’s massive chest. He wore no shirt, so you could see every sculpted line,
every inch of power in his body.
“I’m impressed. The tiny mortal girl has done her research.”
“Yes, I have. So there will be no tricks, no backing out, and no broken promises.”
His brows raised at me as if he’d never had anyone speak to him in such a way in his whole life.
The two guards shifted nervously on their feet, baffled that I would dare to speak this way to their
“It seems you have yourself a deal, little girl.”
“My name is Catalina, and you will call me by it.”
“So feisty. I could use you on my team.”
“I have no interest, thank you.”
“Very well. Hand over the stone and we will release Glinn.”
I shook my head. “First I want a blood contract, documenting all of these terms to ensure our
My nerves got the better of me again and I began trembling. I had come across the mention of
blood contracts in my personal studies, but I had no idea if they were actually real or not. But the
massive growl that erupted from Naz quickly told me that it was.
“Fine!” he bellowed, causing the guards to flinch and take a step back.
Naz produced a piece of paper with magic and wrote down the terms of our agreement. When he
handed it to me I huffed and tilted my head at him.
“I think I’ve proved I’m not a fucking idiot. I can’t read this language, translate it into English,
He bared his teeth at me but obliged, and the words began to become clear. Everything was
documented as I requested which made me do a silent squeal of excitement but kept my face
When I nodded my approval, he produced a knife and handed it to me. Ava stepped back and
watched with rapt attention as I made a cut in my skin and placed it on the document. Naz did the
same and I felt a clamp tighten within me as if binding me to this promise.
Naz looked at me with sheer surprise which pissed me off. “Interesting.”
“What is interesting, Naz?”
“Blood contracts only work if both parties have magic. You’ve been holding out on me.”
Ava gasped. “Cat, is this true?”
“You still intended to screw me over, didn’t you?”
“One does not become this powerful by playing by the rules. But it seems you have won this
round, Catalina. Our contract is binding.”
Relief rushed through me, causing my jaw to unclench and my shoulders to relax. Glinn was going
to be safe. And we were going to be together.
And apparently…I do have magic now.
The last few days have been utterly mind-blowing.
Naz reached out his hand and I shook my head. “Glinn first. Then stone.”
The muscles around his jaw clenched but his voice was overly friendly. “You’d better follow me
We walked the halls of the ship which was a surreal experience on its own. This craft felt like the
luxurious vacation paradise getaway I never had. But I didn’t care. I just wanted to be off it with
Glinn starting our new life together.
When we entered his holding area and I saw his handsome green face my knees nearly buckled
with joy, relief, gratitude—love.
“Lina! What the hell are you doing here!”
“Shhh, it’s okay. We’re leaving. And you’re coming with me.”
His eyes blinked rapidly, in utter disbelief. “How? Why?”
Naz opened the cell and Glinn ran to me, picking me up and giving me the most delicious kiss of
my life.
“Your turn, Catalina.” Naz was quickly losing patience and I didn’t want to do anything to
jeopardize our deal.
I took the stone from my pocket and spoke aloud. I give my second wish, uninfluenced and free,
to Nazim Zurla so that he has three.
The stone glowed in response, accepting my terms and I threw it to Naz who caught it with one
“Naz—” Glinn began to speak but he cut him off.
“You’re free, don’t burden my sight any longer.” He raised his hands and I grabbed Ava and
pulled her in close to me, and Glinn grabbed his bag that was resting on a chair.
Naz activated a portal crystal and we were sucked into the void until we disappeared from the

W hen my eyes opened, Lina and Ava were on top of me, groaning with aches and pains. They
began to sit up and get their bearings and as I took in my surroundings my heart pounded in my chest.
“I—I don’t believe it. We’re back in Drexia. We’re home.”
Naz had transported us by portal directly in front of my house. My mate must have done some
serious negotiating to get me here.
“Oh thank goodness,” she cried.
“Don’t tell me that is your home,” Ava said.
Lina laughed and hugged her friend. “Ava, I’m so sorry you were hurt, and you must have been
terrified and confused on that ship.”
“That is an understatement, Cat!”
“Let’s go inside. I will explain to you everything that’s happened and Glinn, I will tell you about
my dealings with Naz.”
I followed my beautiful, strong, independent mate into our home. I’d follow her anywhere she
wanted to lead me, even if it was back into the Lair of Lazu.
Once inside, Lina showed a flabbergasted Ava around and began to tell her all about our journey
so far. I gave them some time alone and retrieved some food and drinks so we could recover our
Mason was the skilled chef, so I retrieved a bunch of his leftovers and put them in the instant heat
machine, causing pleasing smells to waft through the kitchen. Hunger pains clenched at my stomach,
but I would wait for my mate to take the first bite. My mating bond demanded that her nutrition came
Once the food was ready and arranged on the counter, I retrieved my comm and sent messages to
Eagon, Mason, and Erix to let them know I was released from The Paragon’s execution order and that
I’d get back to them with more details soon.
Their responses were immediate, relieved and happy to hear of my safety. Mason had responded
that he knew the tidbit would be saving my ass.
I walked to the common room and sat on the plush couch, and while sitting still and quiet, my
myriad of emotions hit me all at once.
My mate had come for me.
She saved me.
She had the chance at freedom, at a life she had always dreamed of but used the stone to come for
me. I was the luckiest damn man in the universe.
Lina and Ava’s voices grew louder as they descended the stairs.
My sweet mate had a huge smile on her face and it instantly soothed my soul and made me feel at
“Glinn, I have to tell you, that bathroom is just beyond anything of my wildest dreams. Seriously.
And what is that incredible smell!” Ava had come alive in the short time she had alone with Lina, and
I knew exactly how she felt. Catalina was everything to me too.
“The food is hot and in the kitchen. Help yourself.”
“It’s to die for, sis. Try absolutely everything.”
“You better believe I will!”
“I’m going to speak with Glinn, you better leave some food for us!”
“Hey, no promises. You snooze, you lose.” She was already chomping on something and groaning
in approval. “It’s so freaking good!”
Mason was right. The way these women cherished and appreciated the things we took for granted
was humbling and endearing.
My mate led me to the entertainment room, and she closed the door, sitting on the loveseat.
“Lina. I cannot thank you enough for coming back for me, but it breaks my heart that you wasted
your wishes.”
Her eyes bulged and she scoffed. “Wasted my wishes? That’s absurd. When I left home, met you
and experienced a new world, I already got everything I could have ever dreamed of. You are my
wish, Glinn. And I would have given anything to get you back.”
My heart fluttered in my chest as my eyes burned with heat. I rested my forehead against hers and
we simply held each other, absorbing the fact that we had everything we wanted.
“By the way. Apparently, I have magic now? I slapped around Alvaro and Conal something
fierce. Anything you need to tell me?”
Her face was angelic while her words were filled with amusing sarcasm, which filled me with
happiness and gratitude. I laughed, even though I was somewhat surprised.
“Interesting. I knew power-sharing was possible with mating and performing the blood rite, but I
wasn’t sure if it was the same with mortals. It also means that your life force is tied with mine, and
you will live for many, many more years than you anticipated.”
Her jaw dropped and her hands went to her mouth. “Y-you’re telling me, I’m immortal now?”
“Not immortal, but long-lived. We will die together when we are old and gray, having lived a
long, happy, fulfilled life.”

H oly shit. Not only did I have the man of my dreams, but we would have years and years together.
My heart was so full it was near bursting.
“I’m glad you were able to fight off Conal and Alvaro, but we need to be prepared in the future.
I’m well aware of men like them, they will never live this slight down, and they will eventually find
I shrugged, no longer worried about those small men and their insecurities. “That’s fine. We will
prepare, and we’ll be ready.”
But another problem occurred to me that did have me worried. “Glinn, what about your people?
They’ll still likely want your death so we’re in danger there too.”
“It had occurred to me.”
“Well, I actually have an idea.”
Glinn smirked with appreciation, and he leaned down and playfully bit my bottom lip, causing me
to shiver.
“Tell me about your idea, mate.”
“Well, now that you’re out of a job, why don’t we go back to your home planet and try to create
some order among the chaos? Apologize to your people, tell them you want a chance to lead them to a
brighter future. I know you said they were slow to change and adapt new ideas, but you and I have the
same vision of how life could be. What if we made Vaston into the new Drexia? Not just a city for
monsters but a whole planet. You could appoint leaders for different territories and we could
cohabitate peacefully.”
Glinn’s smile continued to grow so he looked like my adorable goofball.
“We could continue to travel together, visiting different worlds, learning useful technologies, and
implementing a new ecologically responsible way of living for anyone who wanted to live that way.
Orcs who don’t like the idea can stay in their land, but hopefully, when they see the growth, the
advantages, the possibilities, they will come around.”
“What a beautiful idea, Lina. I think this is the beautiful life we were always meant to lead.”
I nodded in agreement. “And we can figure out another way to make money if we need additional
capital to get things running since you’re out of The Paragon. Maybe you can go into business for
yourself, and we can go on treasure hunts only when we need to. I want my own jobs as well, so you
can teach me the ropes.”
“This is sounding better and better by the second. People work for The Paragon because it creates
job security and avoids the stress of finding jobs all over the universe and provides protection and
paid expenses. But I’m an expert now and can do it on my own. Plus, I never signed a non-compete
My heart fluttered with sheer excitement. “When would you want to go to Vaston?”
“How about tomorrow? We can rest up, take Ava to Masquerade and get a good night’s sleep.”
“Then we have a plan.” My hands squeezed his, and this amount of happiness and exhilaration
wasn’t normal for me. It almost didn’t feel real.
Was it too good to be true?
But he squeezed back in response, reminding me it was real. This was my life now and I deserved
all the love, support, and happiness that was coming to me.
“We can keep this as our second house. Whenever we need an escape.”
“I was hoping you were going to say that because I freaking love this house.”
“Then it’s settled. Because I will ensure you get everything you could ever possibly want. It is my
honor and pleasure to pamper and spoil you for the rest of our lives.”
Shit. Life was good.
When we returned to the kitchen, I belted out in laughter at the sight of Ava sprawled out on the
common room floor, her hand on her belly as she looked at me and groaned.
“You should have warned me. It was too good. I couldn’t stop.”
“You enjoy it, sis. Hey, we have a surprise for you.”
She stayed on the floor as we sat and began eating, Glinn waiting for me to take the first bite. I
told her all about Masquerade which had her squealing and shaking in excitement on the ground, as
much as her full stomach would allow. I also told her about our plan to go back to Glinn’s home
world and that she should come with us and make a home there or stay here in this house.
Tears welled in her eyes until she was fully bawling with overwhelming happiness. I completely
understood her emotions. It was everything I had already gone through. Freedom and independence
for the rest of our lives—it was magical.
That night, we took Ava to the dress shop and she chose an edgy succubus costume. The dress
was black and shimmery with two separate pieces leaving a large amount of exposed skin. The sweet,
polite woman raised on manners and submission was gone.
Ava was finally free to be herself. And boy did she shine.
In my ignorance, I assumed she’d need some time to grow out of her modesty, to break free from
her shell of imprisonment to find out who she really was, but I was very mistaken. Her act of decorum
and gentle behavior was one hundred percent self-preservation.
Ava threw her old fine clothes into the nearest trash bin, strutting with a confidence and poise that
had me cheering.
“Look at you! If you were walking down the street I never would have recognized you!”
“It’s the new me. Well, I suppose it was the old me, but now I can show it.”
We both laughed and locked arms as Lottie bolted down the street waving her arms with
Glinn had programmed my comm for me so that I could read it, and it was insane how quickly I’d
become addicted to it. There were endless lists available such as the most highly rated worlds to the
worst rated, what made them desirable, highlighted points on their rules and regulations by country
and territory. A list of wildlife with descriptions, what Tier rating they were, magic capabilities
etcetera. The information was boundless, and I knew I would be spending hours on it, learning
everything there was to know.
I had messaged Lottie and let her know we were meeting at Masquerade and that there was
someone for her to meet.
“Another human! We’re growing in numbers!”
“Lottie, this is Ava.”
“That outfit is sick! Nice pick, Ava.”
“Thanks, Lottie.”
I was dying to know how her mysterious night went. “Lottie, how was your little date with Erix?”
She huffed. “Total bust. He’s hot, but not for me. You wouldn’t believe where he took me.”
“Where? Ava asked, just as interested as I was.
She leaned in to whisper. “He took me to an exclusive vampire club. A Suck and Fuck.”
My blank face indicated for her to continue. “You know, a place where people volunteer to get fed
on. Apparently, monster blood is a delicacy for vampires so they always flock during Masquerade.”
Lottie turned to Ava. “My family was killed by vamps so the date was in really bad taste.”
“Oh I’m so sorry. What an ass,” she said.
“Yeah, I know not all vampires are murderers, but it still irked me. And even more irritated was
how the women flocked to Erix. Turns out his cold, snake blood is some kind of mind-blowing
aphrodisiac for them. I think he was hoping I’d join in the festivities, but hell no. That’s when I split
and Eagon made sure I got home safely.”
Ava locked arms with her, appalled by her story. “You’re sticking with us the whole night. And
I’m so excited to see everything. Show me around?”
“You bet!”
But before we could go exploring Mason and Eagon showed up, going to Glinn immediately. They
hugged, slapping him on the back and expressing their gratefulness that he was okay.
“I owe it all to my mate. I highly recommend you guys find one too.”
Eagon scoffed, but when he looked over at Ava, he became utterly still, the blood draining from
his face. His eyes began to glow bright, causing a reddish-yellow glow on his face. His skin began to
scale over and his hands enlarged into red, menacing claws. Smoke billowed from his nose and
mouth and his breathing became hard and labored.
“Eagon, what the hell? Calm down, man, you’re shifting,” Glinn said.
“What’s wrong?” Mason asked.
Ava’s brows furrowed in confusion right before she bit her lip and flipped her brown wavy hair,
causing her breasts to bounce in the low-cut bandeau top. Her blue-gray eyes stayed glued to Eagon
as he backed up away from us and slowly turned into a humongous, red and orange honest-to-
goodness dragon.
The crowd watched in curiosity and some cheers and applause but didn’t interfere since they
were likely used to beasts shifting and occasionally losing control. He began to shift back into his
previous form, and when he looked more humanoid, he immediately disappeared.
“What the hell was that all about?” I asked.
Mason clapped his hands and yelled, “Damn! I never thought I’d see the day. I think Eagon has a
crush on Ava.”
We all looked at her and a smile formed at the corner of her lips.
“He is pretty hot.”

W e partied at Masquerade well into the night. I had never seen Ava so free, unencumbered and
happy. Lottie had quickly bonded with us, and we danced in the streets with tons of different
monsters, who showed us their faces under the masks, and we reciprocated.
At the end of the night, we escorted Ava to her own room on the second floor which was hers to
keep as long as she wanted. I waited for a moment to make sure she was okay and watched as she
jumped on the bed and basked in contentment. She would be just fine.
Glinn and I did the same thing we did the previous night. Sipped rare, expensive wine, floated in
the bath and dreamed of our wondrous future.
The next morning, I awoke to a euphoric sensation. It took me a long time to realize I wasn’t
dreaming, and that Glinn was licking my pussy until I was almost ready to come.
“Oh my God. This is how I want to wake up from now on.”
“That works for me,” he purred. Within only a few moments I was coming apart, climaxing before
I even knew what was happening.
I spoke through huff, trying to catch my breath. “I’m not dreaming right?”
“No, my sweet mate.” He flipped me over onto my belly with such ease it caused a yelp from me.
“I have been dying to fuck your cunt this way. Your ass is so delectable, I want to feel my balls
and cock slapping against it while I get to watch.”
I hummed with delight. “Mmmm, I’m ready, mate.”
He hoisted me up, licking some of my come off me causing me to shudder and moan. “I will never
get over how divine you taste. You are so wet for me already, Lina. You’re ready to take my cock and
my knot.”
I whimpered with need. Every time I thought about his knot and his huge load in me it made
something primal and debauched take over.
“Fuck me, Glinn.”
“As you wish.”
He slid into me forcefully, and I screamed in pleasure, feeling him so completely, so deeply from
this angle.
“Holy shit you’re huge. You feel so good, Glinn.”
“I will make you orgasm again, and again, and again, my mate.”
I lost all ability to form coherent sentences or thoughts at that point. He thrusted into me, claiming
my pussy again and again. I was so overcome with need that I began pounding back onto him,
matching his rhythm so that we were creating a powerful noise that surely made the floor shake. He
growled with approval, feeling my ass bounce as I smacked against him.
“Touch yourself, Lina. Come with me.”
There was no argument from me. My fingers went to my clit and I rubbed eagerly, the exultant
build in my core reaching its apex. Glinn groaned out loudly, instantly causing me to come, and I felt
his knot forming, growing larger and larger until it secured us in place causing me to come again. The
wave of this climax was so long, that time seemed to halt and he continuously pulsed, releasing his
massive load into me.
Utterly and completely spent I fell to the bed and Glinn spooned me against him in the only
position we could lay since we were still joined together. I still felt him pulsing even with his
enormous knot, come started to spill over.
“Holy shit, Glinn.”
“It’s you, my Lina. You drive me absolutely wild and make me produce more than I ever thought
possible. My body definitely wants to secure the future of our family.”
“Well, that turns me on to no end. I love it.”
He purred contentedly in response and it was another five minutes before he was calm enough to
release from me.
After simply laying and basking in the afterglow, we made our way to the bathroom and lazily
washed under the extraordinary rain shower. When we were clean and I went to dress in my only
outfit other than my Masquerade dress, Glinn spoke. “I took the liberty of stocking your closet so that
you had more options to dress in. I hired a well-known fashion shopper to pick some things. I gave
her an image of you that I took from my comm so she could see your body size and what you look like.
I hope you don’t mind.”
When I opened the closet, it was filled to the brim with sleek and everyday dresses, pants, denim-
like pants, fancy slacks, shirts of all shapes and sizes, pajamas and loungewear. I was utterly blown
away by the vast options.
“I can’t believe you did this for me. Of course, it’s okay.” Running my hands through all the
luxurious fabrics and colors I fought not to tear up again.
Sheesh, I’d never cried so much in my life than I had since meeting this man. And it was all
because of his thoughtfulness and kindness towards me.
“I think since we’re visiting your home world today as a royal presence, I should wear a nicer
dress. Will you help me pick one you think your people might like?”
He smiled and approached, looking thoroughly pleased to be asked. After examining a few
options, he picked a peach-colored dress with a deep plunging vee neckline and a long semi sheer
chiffon skirt.
“Peach is a common color with our people because it complements our green skin well.”
I held it against me and smiled. “Hmm, it goes well with my tawny skin and brown curls too.”
“It absolutely does. You will look irresistible.”
The dress fit perfectly, and I forwent a bra since it wouldn’t work well with the sleeveless straps
and abundant amount of showing skin. I chose a nude silky thong so nothing would show beneath the
delicate fabric.
“I was right. You’re stunning.”
Glinn took my bag for me so I still had access to my weapons and tonics. My thigh holster didn’t
exactly match my outfit. Plus, he flat out refused for me to carry anything.
We left our room and found Ava waiting for us in a short cream-colored summer dress. A length
that never would have been tolerated on Nadona, which means she got it from here.
Glinn saw me staring at her, puzzled, and he explained. “I took the liberty of filling her closet as
My eyes bulged at him. “Oh my God, you’re too perfect.”
“He most certainly is, I was floored when I saw the amount of clothing in my size in the closet.
Thank you for thinking of me, Glinn.”
“Any family of Lina is my family too.”
“Aw. And I love the nickname, Lina. I might use it sometime if I can ever stop automatically
calling you Cat.”
My shoulders shrugged. “Either works for me.”
“Are we ready?” Glinn asked. He had weapons up the wazoo strapped all over his body, ready
for the worst-case scenario.
He took out a portal crystal. “We’ll have to use these quickly before The Paragon deactivates
them. I have a few of my own but they’re astronomically expensive, so they’re for emergencies.
Eventually we’ll probably have to purchase our own spacecraft.”
My eyes bulged and Ava yipped with excitement. “Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, it’s
incredibly difficult to get approved for a personal spacecraft permit. Anyway, here we go.”
Glinn pulled us both close and activated the crystal, concentrating hard on where he wanted to go,
and a moment later we were in an entirely new location.
Before I even opened my eyes the smell of the freshness of nature and sweet and spicy flowers
filled my nose. A steady rush of running water had me excited to open my eyes and investigate.
“Oh my gosh, it’s so incredibly beautiful!” Ava exclaimed.
“What she said.” We were on a large outdoor balcony, high up on a castle looking out to lush
green lands of forests, farms, a lake on one side and running springs on the other.
I did a double take when I saw four orcs walking into the castle. It was hard to get a great amount
of detail from high up, but it was enough to see they looked very different from Glinn. These orcs
looked more monster-like, with huge tusks, larger claws, and even more muscle.
It hadn’t occurred to me just how humanoid Glinn was despite his coloring, his size, and his teeth.
“Most of the planet looks like this. There’s a tremendous amount of unutilized land, so we have a
great deal of possibility.”
“It’s truly stunning, Glinn.”
He sighed, bracing for our next move. “Let’s go find Ogmar, the royal coordinator. Just be
forewarned. He’s going to have a shit fit. He’s a bit dramatic.”
We exited the balcony and into a spacious suite. If I thought Glinn’s bedroom on Drexia was
massive, this was a whole apartment on its own.
“This is the king’s quarters. We’ll do a more thorough tour later.”
We followed him through the castle which was full of antique looking stones, candles, old
paintings, and décor.
“This tower is usually filled with duty guards, but since there has been no sovereign, I suppose
there is no need.”
There was a hint of sadness and regret in him. He had painful memories that seemed to be
flooding back and he was fighting hard to keep himself composed. I grabbed his hand and held tight,
putting a grateful smile on his face.
When we walked into a grand room which looked to be where daily royal business was
conducted, eight men sat at a long farm-style wooden table with two matching benches. They all
immediately went silent.
An orc that looked more humanoid in appearance like Glinn did, shot up from his seat and yelled.
“Glinn Boryk? Is that you?”
“It is, Ogmar.”
He threw his notepad down on the table and stomped with long heavy steps right for Glinn. I kept
looking at him to see if he was going to leave or defend himself, but Glinn stood his ground, accepting
whatever Ogmar decided to do to him.
He wound his arm back almost so slowly that it was comical as if waiting to see if Glinn would
chicken out and run. But he didn’t, so Ogmar sucker punched him right in the eye, causing Ogmar to
hiss in pain and wag his hand.
Glinn barely even flinched.
“Ow, goddamnit. You motherfucker! Do you know how long I’ve been dealing with your bullshit?
Cleaning up your messes, appeasing the orc lords, assuring them of your return, keeping the peace
amongst a race of people who love to fight? You’re really a dick you know that?”
I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. This was not how I expected this scenario to play out. At
Ogmar’s eyes bulged in disbelief as if he really just couldn’t take any more of our shit.
“I’m at my wit’s end, Glinn. You better be here to grovel at my warty feet because I need a fucking
vacation. Sending out a death summons was the only way to get your pig-headed ass back!”
Glinn stayed silent, letting Ogmar get everything he needed out of his system. But I wanted
“You’re the one who sent the summons?”
“Yes, and I’d fucking do it again. I knew it was the only way to get his stubborn ass home.”
“He literally almost died! Did that ever occur to you?”
His hand shot to his hip with attitude. “No. I knew nothing could kill someone that cunning and
evasive. It was the best chance to get him home.”
“You have no idea how close he came.”
Ogmar straightened his chin and put his hands behind his back. “Is that true? Did he really almost
die because of me?”
“Oh.” He mumbled so softly that it was unintelligible. I’m sorry about that.
“What was that?” My hand cupped my ear with dramatic flair.
He repeated himself so we couldn’t hear again. I hated to admit that I really liked Ogmar.
“We can’t hear you Ogmar,” Glinn growled.
“I’m sorry, okay? It wasn’t my intention to actually get you killed, only to get you home. And,
well, it worked so there was no harm done.”
He looked down at his feet and avoided Glinn’s eyes. Glinn finally moved, showing signs of life,
and outstretched his arms. Ogmar immediately jumped into them, clapping Glinn’s back as if they
were lifelong friends.
“I’m sorry I left you, my brother.”
“You should be.”
“And I’m giving you a raise.”
“Oh, okay this is getting better.”
“And a nice, long vacation wherever you wish.”
Ogmar squealed in delight, making me wonder if he was another creature in the guise of an orc.
“Have I told you you’re my favorite person? I never doubted you.”
Glinn rolled his eyes and laughed. He turned to the other men seated at the table and bowed in
their direction. “Orc lords. I come with my sincerest apologies for leaving after my brother died. I
was lost in a dark place for a long time, and if you agree to it, I would like to return to rule as king of
Vaston with my mate, Catalina, at my side.”
They looked at each other in surprise and whispered amongst themselves.
The oldest looking orc stood. “There has been a lot of talk about what we would do if you
returned, Glinn. I must be honest that our decision has changed many times over the years. Initially,
we did want your death. But after the long years, struggling to keep our people in line and satisfied
we have humbled, and we welcome you back. We accept your apology, but we want to know your
plans as ruler. We want to know how you see the future of Vaston.”
Glinn nodded with a smile. “I was hoping you would say that. We have lots of ideas.”
We sat with the orc lords and Glinn explained everything we had previously discussed about art,
culture, literature, science, technology, ecological responsibility and the coming together of races.
The lords were surprisingly open to the idea, wanting a way to expand and earn more money. We
explained how we wanted to travel to different enlightened worlds and take back the best ideas to
create our own unique identity. A new Vaston.
When they asked how we expected so many different races to come together so easily I proposed
a quarterly Monster Mixer ball, inspired by the intoxicating energy of Masquerade. We could start
slowly, inviting people from all over the universe and see how it went.
Ogmar took his papers and dramatically threw them behind him. “I was sure you’d come home but
I never expected you to come back with actual intelligent plans of colonization, growth and financial
Everyone at the table chuckled, but the air was charged with buzzing excitement.
“This is our time, gentleman.” Glinn looked at me and intertwined his fingers with mine.
This is our chance to change the world.

“O h, hold still you big, baby.”

“Orcs are not meant to be in such finery. It’s ridiculous.”
“You’re a king. Suck it up.”
“No need to be so bossy, Mrs. Boryk.”
“I’m a queen. I can do what I want. And as your wife it is my honor and privilege to tell you want
to do for the rest of your life.”
“I suppose you have a point there. Okay, you win.”
“And I will win every argument as well. You catch on very quickly.”
He bent down and endearingly kissed me on the nose as I finished buttoning his fine blazer to head
to our first Monster Mixer ball.
A few months had passed since we laid out our plans to the orc lords, and last night, we had a
small intimate wedding ceremony with Ava, Lottie, Mason, Eagon, Erix and Ogmar in attendance.
Eagon was only able to last ten minutes before he had to escape the allure of Ava.
Was it insane that Glinn and I already married?
Yes. Probably.
Did I give a shit?
Nope. I did not.
What we had, felt right—blessed by the stars. We were blood-bonded and mated. We were king
and queen of a bright new world that we would be able to mold into our image of paradise.
He held out his arms, causing his gold arm cuffs to shine. As was orc custom, we had exchanged
gold bracelets, mine thin delicate bands, one for each wrist, and his thick gold cuffs. They signified
our bond, being tied to each other for eternity, and I absolutely loved it.
“Shall we?”
He locked his arm around mine, never looking more regal or handsome as we left and made our
way to the outdoor castle grounds. Waiting by the door were all our friends that were at our wedding
ceremony, followed by hundreds of monsters from Drexia, many of the orcs from Vaston, and even
some new faces from other worlds that were interested in our vision.
Fireworks erupted in the sky, initiating the start of the ball, and music played with a rapid, catchy
People from all walks of life came together to dance and celebrate this new world, where one
could yearn for knowledge, acceptance, love and family without repercussions or fear. There would
of course be hurdles and bumps in the road along the way, but Glinn and I would be there to ensure
our path to unity.
And our long future together looked so beautiful and bright.

Thank you, dear reader, for taking a chance on this little monster romance of mine. It has always been
a dream to write in this genre, and when Glinn and Catalina’s story came to me suddenly, I ran with it.

This passion project took me a little over a week to complete, and I hope you enjoyed the story as
much as I did. Stay tuned for future books featuring a lot of the characters you met in book one!

I want to give a special thanks to Heather Creeden, who has quickly become my rock and a good
friend. You always give me strength and courage to continue writing when I’m deep into imposter
syndrome. Thank you for being you!

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