S9 Series Service Manual

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About This Manual

P/N: 4720.00057A03
Release Date: January, 2016
Copyright © 2013-2016 SonoScape Medical Corp. All rights Reserved.

SonoScape Medical Corp. (hereinafter called SonoScape) owns the intellectual property rights
to this manual, and also maintains the contents of this manual as confidential information. This
manual is a reference to operation, maintenance or cleaning for the product and does not convey any
license under the patent rights of SonoScape, nor the rights of others.
This manual contains the information protected by copyrights or patents. Reproduction, amendment
or translation of this manual in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of SonoScape
is strictly forbidden.
All information contained in this manual is believed to be correct. SonoScape shall not be liable
for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the
furnishing, performance or use of this manual. SonoScape does not assume any liability arising out
of any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties.
This manual provides operating instructions for series products, and some options are not available
on some models.
This manual is subject to change without prior notice and legal obligation.

Manufacturer’s Responsibility
SonoScape is responsible for the effects on safety, reliability and performance of this product, only
●●  all installation operations, expansions, changes, modifications and repairs of this product are
conducted by SonoScape authorized personnel;
●●  the use or application of the product or the use of parts or accessories is approved by Sonoscape.
●●  the electrical installation of the relevant room complies with the applicable national and local
requirements; and
●●  the product is used in accordance with the instructions for use.
Signal Words
Signal words in this manual are defined as follows. Please understand their meanings clearly before
reading this manual.

Signal Word Meaning

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result

! in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in

malfunction or damage of the system.

Indicates precautions or recommendations that should be used in operating the


Indicates a potentially biological hazardous situation which, if not avoided,

may result in disease transmission.

Boldfaced Indicates keys and controls located on the control panel, or on-screen objects
Word such as menu items or keys.

Contact Information
Manufacturer: SonoScape Medical Corp.
Address: 4/F, 5/F, 8/F, 9/F & 10/F, Yizhe Building, Yuquan Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen, 518051,
Guangdong, China
Zip Code: 518051
Tel: +86-755-26722890
Fax: +86-755-26722850
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.sonoscape.com
EU Representative: SonoScape Europe S.r.l.
Address: Via Luigino Tandura, 74-00128 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39-06-5082160
Fax: +39-06-5084752
Chapter 1 Safety����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1
1.1 Intended Use����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
1.2 Safety Precautions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
1.2.1 Electrical Safety������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
1.2.2 Mechanical Safety���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
1.2.3 Accessories Caring��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
1.2.4 Biohazard Considerations���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
1.3 Acoustic Power Principle��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
1.3.1 Biological Safety����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
1.3.2 ALARA�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
1.3.3 Mechanical and Thermal Indices����������������������������������������������������������������������������������6
1.3.4 Transducer Surface Temperature Limits�����������������������������������������������������������������������7
1.3.5 Imaging Functions that Change Acoustic Output���������������������������������������������������������7

Chapter 2 Unpacking and System Checks����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9

2.1 Unpacking�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
2.2 System Assembly �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
2.2.1 Assembling the Battery�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
2.2.2 Assembling the Probe Holder�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
2.3 System Connection ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13
2.4 Powering On/Off�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13
2.5 System Checks����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13
2.5.1 Unpacking Checks������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13
2.5.2 General Checks�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 Overview��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 Operating Environment����������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 System Configuration������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 System Information����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 System Running Status����������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
2.5.3 Functional Checks �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16 Workflow��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16 Checklist���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16


2.5.4 Mechanical Checks�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17 Workflow��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17 Checklist���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17
2.5.5 Image Tests�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18 B Image Test��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18 THI Image Test�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18 CFM/PDI/TDI Image Test�����������������������������������������������������������������������������18 PW/CW Image Test����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18 3D Image Test������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19 4D Image Test������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19

Chapter 3 Principle Descriptions����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21

3.1 System Block Diagram����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22
3.2 Hardware Description������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23
3.2.1 Probe Board����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23
3.2.2 VBF Board������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23
3.2.3 High-Voltage Board����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24
3.2.4 Industrial Mainboard���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25
3.2.5 Internal IO Conversion Board�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25
3.2.6 Touch Screen Control Board���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25
3.2.7 Keyboard Unit������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25
3.2.8 Power Supply Unit������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26
3.3 Software Description�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26
3.3.1 Structure����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26
3.3.2 Workflow��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28

Chapter 4 Parts Disassembly ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29

4.1 System Base��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30
4.2 Rear Cover�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31
4.3 Power Switch and Rear Interface Board ������������������������������������������������������������������������������32
4.4 Mainboard�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35
4.5 IO Board��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38
4.6 ATOM Board�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������39
4.7 Probe Board���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40
4.8 Power Supply Board��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������42
4.9 Control Panel ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43


4.10 Control Panel Bottom Cover�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������47

4.11 LCD Screen�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48
4.12 PCB Unit ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50
4.13 Hard Disk����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������51

Chapter 5 Wiring Descriptions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������53

5.1 Concerns for Wiring��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������54
5.2 Pin Connection����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������56
5.2.1 μ-Scan USB Signal Cable�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������56
5.2.2 VBF USB Signal Cable����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57
5.2.3 SATA Hard Disk Signal Cable������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57
5.2.4 ATX Power Cable - Battery Board�����������������������������������������������������������������������������58
5.2.5 ATOM Board - VHV Board ATX Power Cable����������������������������������������������������������59
5.2.6 IO Conversion Board - Top-right Fan Cable��������������������������������������������������������������59
5.2.7 IO Conversion Board - Lower-right Fan Cable����������������������������������������������������������60
5.2.8 ATX Power Cable�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������60
5.2.9 Connection Cable of the Left and Right Loudspeakers of the Keyboard�������������������61
5.2.10 Keyboard - Trackball Signal Cable���������������������������������������������������������������������������61
5.2.11 Connection Cable of the Loudspeaker Located in the Middle of the Keyboard������62
5.2.12 Keyboard Indicator Signal Cable������������������������������������������������������������������������������62
5.2.13 15’’LCD LVDS Signal Cable�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������63
5.2.14 ECG Internal Lead Cable������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������64
5.2.15 IO Conversion Board - PC Mainboard Signal Cable������������������������������������������������64
5.2.16 USB Upgrade Signal Cable��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������65
5.2.17 IO Conversion Board - ATOM Signal Cable������������������������������������������������������������66
5.2.18 15”LCD Power Cable�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������66
5.2.19 Keyboard - Touchscreen - IO Conversion Board Signal Input Cable����������������������67
5.2.20 Foot Switch Video Print Signal Cable����������������������������������������������������������������������68
5.2.21 13”LCD LVDS – Keyboard Signal Cable����������������������������������������������������������������68
5.2.22 Keyboard - IO Conversion Board Audio Signal Cable���������������������������������������������69
5.2.23 Control Panel - ATOM Board - 13”LCD LVDS Signal Cable ��������������������������������70
5.2.24 IO Conversion Board - ATOM Board - PC Board Audio Signal Cable�������������������70
5.2.25 Power Supply Board - Fan Cable�����������������������������������������������������������������������������71
5.2.26 Power Switch - IO Conversion Board Signal Cable�������������������������������������������������71
5.2.27 ATOM Board - LAN Port of PC Mainboard Signal Cable���������������������������������������72


Chapter 6 Software Installation and Update����������������������������������������������������������������������������������73

6.1 Preparation before Update�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������74
6.1.1 Preparation Concerns��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������74
6.1.2 Master and Control No. Files��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������74
6.1.3 Tool Preparation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������74
6.2 Touch Screen Software Update���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������75
6.3 System Software Update ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������76
6.3.1 Simplified Update (Non-Kernel Update)��������������������������������������������������������������������76
6.3.2 Kernel and Software Installation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������77 Update Concerns��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������77 BIOS Settings�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������77 Software Installation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������78 Writing in aconfig File�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������78 μ-Scan Key Activation�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������78

Chapter 7 Settings Import/Export��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������81

7.1 Versions of System Settings��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������82
7.2 System Settings���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������82
7.2.1 System Settings Export�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������82
7.2.2 System Settings Import�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������83
7.3 Application Presets����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������84
7.3.1 Customizing Application Presets��������������������������������������������������������������������������������84
7.3.2 Exporting Application Presets������������������������������������������������������������������������������������85
7.3.3 Importing Application Presets������������������������������������������������������������������������������������85

Chapter 8 System Software Tests����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������87

8.1 Testing System Software�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������88
8.1.1 Testing Software Activation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������88
8.1.2 Storage Test�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������89
8.1.3 FIFO Test��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������89
8.1.4 FIFO Wave-Detector Test�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������89
8.1.5 Analogue-to-Digital Conversion Test�������������������������������������������������������������������������89
8.1.6 Speaker Test����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������89
8.1.7 Probe, HV and Temperature Test��������������������������������������������������������������������������������89
8.1.8 Monitor Test����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������89
8.2 System Simulation Test���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������90


8.2.1 Virtual Probe���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������90

8.2.2 System Simulation Operation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������90
8.2.3 Probe Power Test��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������91
8.3 Touch-Screen Testing Software ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������91
8.3.1 Testing Software Enable���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������91
8.3.2 USB Port Test�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������92
8.3.3 Display Test����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������92
8.3.4 Touch Screen Calibration Test������������������������������������������������������������������������������������92
8.3.5 Keyboard Emulations Test������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������93

Chapter 9 System Troubleshooting�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������95

9.1 Fault Diagnostics�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������96
9.2 System Troubleshooting��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������98
9.2.1 On-Site Inspection������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������99
9.2.2 Fault Identification������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������99
9.2.3 Fault Resolution����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������99
9.2.4 Post Maintenance �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������100 Inspection after Critical Parts Replacement�������������������������������������������������100

Chapter 10 System Maintenance���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������103

10.1 Cleaning the System����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������104
10.2 Probe Maintenance������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������105
10.2.1 Cleaning the Probe��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������105
10.2.2 Disinfecting and Sterilizing the Probe��������������������������������������������������������������������106
10.2.3 Disinfecting and Sterilizing the Probe Cable����������������������������������������������������������108
10.2.4 Storage and Transportation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
10.3 Biopsy Bracket Maintenance���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
10.3.1 Cleaning the Biopsy Bracket����������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
10.3.2 Sterilizing the Biopsy Bracket��������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
10.3.3 Storage��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
10.4 Equipment Disposal����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
10.5 Customer Service��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������111

Appendix A Renewal Parts�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������113

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Chapter 1 Safety

This chapter describes the important information for operating this ultrasound system. To ensure the
safety of both operator and patient, please read the relevant details in this chapter carefully before
using this system.
You should be thoroughly familiar with the precautions provided in this manual. Otherwise, the
manufacturer is not responsible for the effects on safety, reliability and performance of the ultrasound

1 Safety

1.1 Intended Use

The ultrasound system is intended for the following applications: Fetal, Abdominal, Pediatric,
Small Organs (including breast, testes, thyroid), Cardiac (pediatric and adult), OB/GYN, Urology,
Musculoskeletal, Superficial Musculoskeletal, Peripheral Vascular, Trans-rectal, Trans-vaginal,
Trans-esophageal (Cardiac), Laparoscopic and Cephalic.
The ultrasound system also provides the measurement and calculation packages used for clinical
diagnosis purposes. For details, please refer to Advanced User Manual.
Contraindication: The ultrasound system is not intended for ophthalmic use or any use causing the
acoustic beam to pass through the eye.

Precautions must be considered in the use of any application. Otherwise, it may result
! in system damage or serious injury.

1.2 Safety Precautions

Read and understand all precautions in this manual before attempting to use the ultrasound system.
Keep this manual with the ultrasound system at all times. Periodically review the procedures for
operation and safety precautions.

1.2.1 Electrical Safety

●●  Only qualified physicians or sonographers can perform ultrasound scanning on

! human subjects for medical diagnostic reasons.
●●  Any unauthorized personnel should not tamper with the main unit of this system.
●●  Do not operate this system in an atmosphere containing flammable gases or
liquids such as anesthetic gases, hydrogen, and ethanol, because there is danger of
●●  Do not use this system around the strong electric field, the strong electromagnetic
field and the devices which generate radio waves, such as the radio, cellular
telephones, transceivers. Using the system in the improper environment may result
in malfunction or damage.
●●  Do not use this system at the same time with other equipment such as electric knife,
high-frequency therapy equipment and defibrillator. Otherwise, there is a danger of
electric shock.
●●  Connect the earth conductor only before powering on the system. Disconnect the
grounding cable only after powering off the system. Otherwise, there is a danger of
electric shock.
●●  Ensure the potential-equalization lead wire is connected before inserting the
equipment power plug.

2 Service Manual
1 Safety

●●  The AC power connector plug for the ultrasound system is a three-prong grounded
plug and should never be adapted to any two-prong outlet or by using an adapter.
The AC power connector plug should be plugged into a hospital-grade power outlet.
●●  Select the qualified multi-socket outlet with protective grounding, and ensure its
maximum output power exceed the required one of this system.
●●  The multi-socket outlet can only be used to provide power to the recommended
peripheral devices of this system.
●●  Do not place the multi-socket outlet on the floor.
●●  Do not connect other devices to the multi-socket outlet; otherwise, the rated output
power may be exceeded and failure may be resulted.
●●  The video printer should be connected to the specific interface using the cable
provided by the manufacturer; Otherwise, there is a danger of electric shock.
●●  Accessory equipment connected to the analog and digital interfaces must be
certified according to the respective EN/IEC standards (for example, EN/IEC
60950 for data processing equipment and EN/IEC 60601-1 for medical equipment).
Furthermore, all configurations shall comply with EN/IEC 60601-1.
●●  In the environment that patient is 1.8 meters (6 feet) around, connect peripherals
to the auxiliary power outlet which is capable of isolation protection, or power the
peripherals by auxiliary output cable or isolation transformer complied with EN/IEC
60601-1 or the power input of the same safety level.
●●  Parts of non-medical electrical equipment in the patient environment that, after
removal of covers, connectors, etc., without the use of a tool, may be contacted
during the routine maintenance, calibration, etc. You should not touch the referred
parts and the patient simultaneously.
●●  Do not use the probes other than those provided by the manufacturer. Otherwise, the
ultrasound system cannot be performed, and an accident such as a fire may result in
the worst case.
●●  Only the peripherals and accessories provided or recommended by the manufacturer
can be used. Using other devices or accessories may degrade the system
performance and even cause an electrical shock.
●●  Do not pour any fluid onto the ultrasound system surfaces, as fluid seepage into
the electrical circuitry may cause excessive leakage current or system failure. If
carelessly pour any water onto the system, immediately stop using the ultrasound
system and contact Service Representative immediately.

Service Manual 3
1 Safety

1.2.2 Mechanical Safety

●●  Do not knock or shake the ultrasound system.

! ●●  Do not place other objects on top of the control panel. Do not sit on the control
panel or other part of the ultrasound system.
●●  Always use the handle to move the ultrasound system.
●●  Ensure the footswitch and AC adapter are disconnected, the system is powered off
before moving the ultrasound system.

●●  Do not let the system strike walls or door frame.

●●  Limit movement to a slow careful walk.

1.2.3 Accessories Caring

●●  Do not use the footswitch in the operating room.

! ●●  Disconnect the probe from the system after freezing an image or powering off the
system. Otherwise, the system or the probe could be damaged.
●●  Freeze the image at any time if you do not operate the ultrasound system for a long

●●  Use the transducer carefully. If any part of the transducer surface is scratched,
immediately stop using the transducer. Otherwise, there is a danger of electric
●●  After disinfecting the accessories, chemicals must be washed out or gases must be
discharged thoroughly from the accessories. Remaining residual chemicals or gases
could not only result in damage to the accessories but also can be harmful to human
●●  Only the trained physicians or sonographers under ultrasound guidance can
handle the biopsy needle guides. During the operation, the operator must observe
proper needle insertion sequencing with the needle guide in order to avoid undue
discomforts, unnecessary risks or injuries to the patient.
●●  Contact with natural rubber latex may cause a severe anaphylactic reaction in
persons sensitive to the natural latex protein. The operator and patients must avoid
contact with these items. Refer to package labeling to determine latex content and
FDA’s March 29, 1991 Medical Alert on latex products.
●●  Use the legally marketed coupling gel in accordance with the relevant local
regulations. Read and understand all precautions in the relevant manual of the
coupling gel before using it.
●●  Prepare, use, store and dispose the cleaner, disinfectant and sterilant according to
the instructions provided by manufacturers.

4 Service Manual
1 Safety

1.2.4 Biohazard Considerations

●●  To minimize the risk of cross-contamination or infectious diseases when per-

forming the biopsy, the operator should wear disposable gloves, protective clothing
or protective goggle if it is needed. Follow the working regulations strictly in case
the skin contacts the samples.

●●  Some disinfectants are acid or alkaline, the operator should take cautions in
preventing hands or clothing from being directly contact with them. Wash hands or
eyes immediately if they are contaminated by the disinfectants.
●●  Dispose of the cleaners, disinfectants or discard solutions in accordance with the
local standards or regulations.

1.3 Acoustic Power Principle

●●  Perform ultrasound procedures prudently under the guidance of the ALARA (as low
! as reasonably achievable) principle. Expose the patient to only the lowest practical
transmit power levels in the shortest possible period to achieve a satisfactory

●●  Do not continuously scan the same part of a patient or expose the patient to
prolonged scanning. Doing so may harm the patient.
●●  Do not expose the fetus to prolonged scanning in the Doppler mode.
●●  Although the output power is automatically controlled for the selected applications,
high TI values should be kept to a minimum or avoided in obstetric applications.
●●  You should be familiar with the performances and operations of the system, observe
the ultrasound output parameters on the screen all the time.

1.3.1 Biological Safety

Diagnostic ultrasound is recognized as being safe, but the possibility of biological effects exists
when using it in high exposure levels and long exposure times. Thus ultrasound should be used in a
prudent manner to provide medical benefit to the patient.

1.3.2 ALARA
It is required to practice ALARA when using ultrasound energy. Practicing ALARA ensures that the
total energy level is controlled below a low enough level at which bioeffects are not generated while
diagnostic information is being accumulated. The total energy is controlled by output intensity and
total radiation time. The output intensity necessary for examinations differs depending on the patient
and the clinical case.
Not all examinations can be performed with an extremely low level of acoustic energy. Controlling
the acoustic level at an extremely low level leads to low-quality images or insufficient Doppler
signals, adversely affecting the reliability of the diagnosis. However, increasing the acoustic power
more than necessary does not always contribute to an increase in quality of information required for
diagnosis, rather increasing the risk of generating bioeffects.

Service Manual 5
1 Safety

The operator must take responsibility for the safety of patients and utilize ultrasound deliberately.
Deliberate use of ultrasound means that output power of ultrasound must be selected based on
ALARA. Additional information regarding the concept of ALARA and the possible bioeffects of
Ultrasound is available in a document from the AIUM (American Institute of Ultrasound Medicine)
title “Medical Ultrasound Safety”.

1.3.3 Mechanical and Thermal Indices

The display of the ultrasound system consists of two parts: Thermal Index (TI) and Mechanical Index

„„  MI/TI Explanation

In October 1987, the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) ratified a report
prepared by its Bioeffects Committee (Bioeffects Considerations for the Safety of Diagnostic
Ultrasound, J Ultrasound Med.,Sept. 1988: Vol. 7, No. 9 Supplement), sometimes referred to
as the StoweReport, which reviewed available data on possible effects of ultrasound exposure.
Another report “Bioeffects and Safety of Diagnostic Ultrasound” dated January28, 1993, provides
more current information.
Mechanical Index (MI)
Mechanical bioeffects are threshold phenomena that occur when a certain level of output is
exceeded. The threshold level varies, however, with the type of tissue. The potential mechanical
bioeffects varies with peak pressure and ultrasound frequency. The MI accounts for these two
factors. The higher the MI value, the greater the likelihood of mechanical bioeffects occurring.
There is no specific MI value that means that a mechanical effect is actually occurring. The MI
should be used as a guide for implementing the ALARA principle.
Thermal Index (TI)
The TI value informs the operator about the conditions that might lead to an increase in
temperature at the surface of the body, within the body tissue, or at the point of focus of
the ultrasound beam on bone. That is, the TI value informs the operator about the potential
temperature rise in body tissue. It is an estimate of temperature increase in body tissue with
specific properties. The actual amount of any temperature rise is influenced by factors such as
tissue type, vascularity, mode of operation and others. The TI value should be used as a guide for
implementing the ALARA principle.
Depending on the examination and type of tissue involved, TI could be one of three types:
●●  Soft Tissue Thermal Index (TIS) is used when imaging soft tissue only, it provides an estimate
of potential temperature rise in soft tissue.
●●  Bone Thermal Index (TIB) is used when bone is near the focus of the image as in the third
cropester OB examination, it provides an estimate of potential temperature rise in the bone or
adjacent soft tissue.
●●  Cranial Bone Thermal Index (TIC) is used when bone is near the skin surface as in
transcranial examination, it provides an estimate of potential temperature rise in the bone or
adjacent soft tissue.

6 Service Manual
1 Safety

„„  MI/TI Display

TI and MI values are displayed in real time on the screen. The operator should observe these
index values during examinations and ensure that exposure time and output values are maintained
at the minimum amounts needed for effective diagnosis.
The MI and TI precision is 0.1.

1.3.4 Transducer Surface Temperature Limits

For transducers intended for internal applications, e.g. the intracavitary or transesophageal
transducers, the surface temperature of the transducer may be changed by adjusting the system
The maximum surface temperature of the intracavitary transducers is 43°C. To protect the patient
against the harm of excessive temperature, the transducer stops working automatically when its
temperature reaches the limit. The surface temperature of the transducer displays on the lower left
side of the screen.

PAT: 37℃ Patient Threshold Temperature

TIP: <28℃ Transducer Tip Temperature

1.3.5 Imaging Functions that Change Acoustic Output

The qualified operator may use the system controls to limit the ultrasound output and to adjust the
quality of the images. The operator should observe the acoustic output display for possible effects.
There are three categories of system controls relative to output. They are controls that have direct
effect on the output, controls that indirectly control output and controls that are receiver controls.

Service Manual 7
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Chapter 2 Unpacking and System Checks

This chapter describes how to unpack, assemble, connect, power on/off this ultrasound system, and
system checks are also detailed herein. The unpacking, general and functional checks are necessarily
performed after you assemble the ultrasound system for the first time. The functional checks are
necessarily performed after you service the ultrasound system.

2 Unpacking and System Checks

2.1 Unpacking
One pair of scissors or knife is needed during the unpacking.
Perform the following steps.
1. Use the scissors to cut off all binding straps and wrapping films.
2. Cut off the packing tape, open the cover and remove the foam.
Packing tape


3. Take out the accessory box from the foam.

4. Take out all probe boxes.

10 Service Manual
2 Unpacking and System Checks

5. Take out the adapter and main unit.

Service Manual 11
2 Unpacking and System Checks

2.2 System Assembly

2.2.1 Assembling the Battery

1. Match the protrusion on one end of the battery to the battery compartment (as arrow shows) and
insert the battery.

Battery compartment Battery

2. Press down the other end of the battery until the battery latch locks.

2.2.2 Assembling the Probe Holder

1. Align the groove with the screw at the right side of the ultrasound system, and insert the probe
holder to the direction as arrow shows until it is secure.

12 Service Manual
2 Unpacking and System Checks

2.3 System Connection

Ensure the ultrasound system works with the required voltage before you connect it
to the mains supply. Adapter input is 110-240V~, 2.7-1.2A, 50/60Hz, and the system
! input/adapter output is 17.5V 10A.

To connect the system:

1. Connect the grounding terminal to the protective ground using the power grounding cable.
2. Connect one end of the adapter to the system and connect the other end to the mains supply
For details on connecting the peripheral device, please refer to Basic User Manual.

2.4 Powering On/Off

„„  To power on the system
Press on the left side of the system to power on the system.
All operating indicators illuminates, the initial screen and the application mode screen appear
after the system completes the initialization.

„„  To power off the system

Press on the left side of the system to power off the system.

2.5 System Checks

System checks consist of unpacking, general, functional, mechanical and image checks.

2.5.1 Unpacking Checks

„„  To check the equipment
You should check the LCD monitor and main unit covers, and ensure there are not any scratches
or damages after the unpacking.

„„  To check accessories

You should match all accessories with the items on the packing list, and ensure all accessories are
of the correct types and PN.

Service Manual 13
2 Unpacking and System Checks

2.5.2 General Checks Overview
You can check the following items or log with the user to make the diagnostics.

„„  Any exceptions occurred during system running

„„  Accidental exception
„„  Other requirements proposed by the user Operating Environment

You should check the operating environment of the system. The measurement accuracy is closely
related to humidity, measurement application and circuit.
The system insulation worsens with life-to-date depreciation or malfunction, and the measurement
error may be larger with a greater humidity. System Configuration

You should check the system configuration, including system settings, status indicators, and optional

„„  To check system settings

Select the Menu key to display the System Setting menu. You can check the relevant settings by
viewing this menu.

„„  To check power supply indicators

Power supply indicator and batter charging indicator on the control panel should be lighted after
the system is powered on. Battery discharging indicator should be lighted after the adapter is

14 Service Manual
2 Unpacking and System Checks

„„  To check probe

Perform the following steps to check the basic functions of the probe.
1. Connect the probe (such as L741) to the ultrasound system and ensure the touch screen
displays the correct icons for the probe.
2. Tap an icon , and the system automatically enters the B mode.
3. Select the D key on the control panel or CFM on the touch screen to enter the Color Flow
mode, and ensure color ROI displays on the screen. Adjust the color gain to the maximum to
check whether color noise is normal.
4. Select the Freeze key, replay the cine by using the trackball to check whether data display
5. Select M on the touch screen to enter the inactivated M mode, select the Update key to
ensure the M trace displays, and TGC, depth and frequency can be adjusted.
6. Select PW on the touch screen to enter the inactivated PW mode, select the Update key to
ensure the spectral Doppler trace displays and no nosies exist.
7. Select THI to ensure the system enters the THI mode.
8. Disconnect the probe from the ultrasound system. System Information

Select the Menu key, and select System Information to display the System Information menu.
You can check the system information by viewing this menu. System Running Status

You can check the following items to identify whether the system runs well.

„„  All menus or screens can be displayed normally.

„„  Measurements can be performed in every exam mode.
„„  All display mode can be switched normally.
„„  The desired probe can be selected.

Service Manual 15
2 Unpacking and System Checks

2.5.3 Functional Checks Workflow

Check System Time and Date

Check Intital Operations

Check General Operations

Check Keyboard and Keys


Check Trackball

Check Peripheral Devices


Check Fan
检查常规操作 Checklist
„„  System Time and Date
Ensure system time and date are consistent with the current time and date.

„„  Initial Operations

●●  Features can be applied in every exam mode.
●●  Images can be scanned normally by using the corresponding probe and can be printed out.
●●  Peripheral devices can work normally.
„„  General Operations
●●  The Freeze key can respond.
●●  The Gain knob can be rotated normally.
●●  The CW/CFM/PW/M/B mode can be switched from one to another.
„„  Keyboard and Keys
●●  Keys can respond to the up-down and left-right functional tests.
●●  The Print key can respond when the video printer is connected.
„„  Trackball
1. Select Calc on the touch screen to start measurement.

16 Service Manual
2 Unpacking and System Checks

2. The trackball can be moved well from left to right and up to down.
„„  Peripheral Devices
●●  The probe can be disconnected normally.
●●  The connected probe can work normally.
„„  Fan
●●  Fan works well when the ultrasound system is powered on.
●●  No noises are produced during fan working.

2.5.4 Mechanical Checks Workflow
The ultrasound system is verified to work abnormally if some functional test fails. In this case,
you should stop using the system immediately and seek for help.

Check Handle

Check Control Panel Support Part

Check Monitor and Control Panel

Swiveling Structure

Check Cable Connection


Check Probe Appearance


Check Other Mechanical

Structures Checklist

Parts Check Items

„„  No cracks on the front and back handles.

„„  Shake handle with hands to ensure it is firm.

Service Manual 17
2 Unpacking and System Checks

Parts Check Items

Control Panel Support Part Shake the whole support part with hands to ensure it is firm.

„„  The monitor can be swiveled forward or backward within the

Monitor and Control Panel required range.
Swiveling Structure
„„  The control panel can be opened or closed.

Cables No cracks or damages on the cables.

Probe No cracks, peeling, loosen part or damages on the probe.

Other Parts No cracks or exposed conductive parts.

2.5.5 Image Tests B Image Test

Adjust the B gain to the maximum in accordance with depths or frequencies, and check the following
items in the B mode.

„„  The initial echo field of the image should be displayed in an appropriate brightness without any
„„  No unexpected stripes caused by artifacts are displayed on the image. THI Image Test

Adjust the B gain to the maximum in accordance with depths or frequencies, and check the following
items in the THI mode.

„„  The initial echo field of the image should be displayed in an appropriate brightness without any
„„  No unexpected stripes caused by artifacts are displayed on the image. CFM/PDI/TDI Image Test

Adjust the B gain and ROI to the maximum with the default depth and frequency, adjust the CFM/
PDI/TDI gain until few color interferences occur. In this case, there are no unexpected stripes on the
image. However, it is normal if some color noises appears accidentally. PW/CW Image Test

Adjust the PW/CW gain in the real time PW/CW mode, until a clear spectral Doppler image
displays. Adjust the pulse repetition frequency, and no noises appears on the image.

18 Service Manual
2 Unpacking and System Checks 3D Image Test

Perform the following steps to take the test.
1. Select a probe type and an exam type, the system automatically enters the B mode.
2. Ensure no unexpected stripes are displayed on the image.
3. Select the Freeze key, and select FreeHand 3D to enter the 3D mode.
4. Ensure the 3D image is not separated or deformed. 4D Image Test

Perform the following steps to take the test.

1. Select a probe type and an exam type, the system automatically enters the B mode.
2. Ensure no unexpected stripes are displayed on the image.
3. Select 3D/4D to enter the inactivated 4D mode, and then select Start or the Freeze key to
activate the 4D mode.
4. Ensure 4D probe motor start working, and run at a uniform speed.
5. Ensure the 4D image is not separated or deformed.
6. Select Exit to quit 4D imaging, and ensure 4D probe stop working immediately.

Service Manual 19
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Chapter 3 Principle Descriptions

This chapter provides hardware and software principle descriptions, you should read these
descriptions thoroughly before attempting to service the ultrasound system.

3 Principle Descriptions

3.1 System Block Diagram

The ultrasound system consists of the electronic unit in the main unit, the control panel unit and the
power supply unit. They are described as follows:

„„  Main unit consists of system core unit (including probe board, VBF board and high-voltage
board), industrial mainboard unit and interface conversion unit. The system core unit
accomplishes the transmit and acquisition of ultrasound beams, the compound of AD sampling
beams and the process of Doppler signals. The industrial mainboard unit servers as the control
platform of the ultrasound system. The interface conversion unit converts signals for all module
inside or outside the system.
„„  Control panel unit (including touch screen unit, keypad unit, trackball and etc.) provides the
ergonomic platform for the ultrasound system. The touch screen unit includes touch screen
control panel, monitor and etc. Keypad unit includes keyboard and trackball.
„„  Power supply unit (including adapter, power supply board and battery indicators) provides the
power for the ultrasound system, monitor the battery charging or discharging, control the battery
Connections between boards are shown in Figure 3-1.

+5V,+12V +/-5V,+12V,

Digital beam Image processing

Transmit & Receive & timing control

Probe 1

FPGA High voltage
Probe Echo filter Data generator
Conversion & processing
Probe 2

Front end control & Communication


AC adapter
USB 2.0
Control Signal

Touch AC input
Screen Battery
Linux Operation
Scan System Control
Touch Screen Video Converter +12V
Control Board
X86 Industrial Mainboard


PS/2 SATA LVDS Monitor


Keyboard Trackball
Foot switch

Figure 3-1  System Block Diagram

22 Service Manual
3 Principle Descriptions

3.2 Hardware Description

3.2.1 Probe Board

The probe board provides 2-idential interchangeable probe ports.


Port 1

Interface to TR Board(½)


Port Relay Port 2



Latch Relay

FZ,BP Non-Latch

Interface to TR Board(2/2)

Logic Relay MLA A/B/C/D


MLA_D0~3; SEL0-1; SEL0-1

PRB_EN Probe ID selecting

+5V +4.6V

Figure 3-2  Probe Board Diagram

The probe board adopts +5V and +12V DC power supply, provided by the main unit power supply.
The working current of +5V is about 500mA, and that of +12V is about 500mA.

3.2.2 VBF Board

VBF board is an ultrasound signal processing board, used to control the transmit and acquisition of
ultrasound beam, perform the relevant post processing.

Echo Singal

Transception Beam Coumpound
Switch & Control (FPGA)
& AD

Figure 3-3  VBF Board Diagram

Service Manual 23
3 Principle Descriptions

The transmit stimulus signal produced by FPGA is sent to high voltage board, and output high-
voltage to transducer. Ultrasound beam transmit signal is output, and is reflexed by the obstacle.
The echo signal acquired by AD (AFE5808) is transmitted to FPGA, accomplishes beam compound
and dynamic focusing in FPGA, the processed echo signal is finally transmitted to the ultrasound
system, thereafter, the signal becomes one received ultrasound beam. The transmit stimulus is
provided and controlled by FPGA. The transmit-receive switch (MAX4936) is used to isolate
transmit stimulus from echo signal, i.e. identifying transmit stimulus to be high-voltage signal and
echo signal to be small signal. The recurring signal processing produces a ultrasound image, and
displays it on the monitor.

3.2.3 High-Voltage Board

High-voltage board provides various of power supplies for the ultrasound system. The mains
supply (including +5V and +12V) is transformed by voltage booster, DC-DC conversion and LDO
conversed circuit to the desired voltage, such as -12V, +3.3V, +2.5V, +85V, -85V.

TPS76801 -VFL


+12V VP3-0055-R TPS76801 +5VA


(2 PCS) +3.3V

240KP0 +85V
+12V VP3-0138
960KHZ 240KP1 +12V -85V

240KHZ -12V


-50V +50V



+50V +HV(非CW)
(2pcs) -HV(非CW)
AD8676 +HV(CW)
CD74HCT4053 (2pcs) -HV(CW)


Figure 3-4  High-Voltage Board Diagram

24 Service Manual
3 Principle Descriptions

3.2.4 Industrial Mainboard

The ultrasound system adopts Intel X86-based industrial mainboard. It is core of the whole system,
which is used to receive user input, control and process the ultrasound data generated from the
ultrasound core unit and show it on the display.

3.2.5 Internal IO Conversion Board

Internal IO conversion board is used to optimize the internal wiring by converting the connector
signal of PCB board firstly, and then converting the integrated signal to other PCB board or system
connectors. The following boards can be connected to internal IO board: power supply board, PC
mainboard, ATOM mainboard, keyboard, USB conversion board, power switch board, and power
supply board for fan. And the footswitch signal and video print signal can be output to the external
system. Internal IO board is designed as a straight-through board, without special processing. If the
board is connected to the external system and TVS tube is not added to the relevant signal, TVS tube
should be added to avoid static electricity.

3.2.6 Touch Screen Control Board

Touch screen control board provides 12V and 5V voltage to touch screen and is used as CPU of
image display processing. The backlight of the touch screen is powered by 12V and CPU and
peripheral circuit is powered by 5V. The touch screen receives signal of peripheral device and
transmits the signal to industrial mainboard.

3.2.7 Keyboard Unit

Keyboard consists of keys, knobs, and backlight LED. Operation to the keypad is processed by the
main control chip (LPC1764 processor), key and knob code are sent to system through RS232 serial
port. Trackball is connected to the ultrasound system through PS2 port. The system sends many
control commands to keyboard during work, and the command is resent to keyboard through the
same path.

System (Ultrasound system/touch screen)

Trackball (PS2
Power communication)/keys
supply and knobs (RS232

Key scan Key

Main control
(LPC1764) LED
Logical signal
Knob Trackball

Figure 3-5  Keyboard Diagram

Service Manual 25
3 Principle Descriptions

3.2.8 Power Supply Unit

Power supply unit consists of adapter, power supply board, and adapter-battery conversion board. It
is used to convert power supply and manage battery charging.

AC/DC adapter

management IC
Battey charging and

conversion board
and battery
Power supply

S9 Power supply board

12VSB 12V 5V

Figure 3-6  Power Supply Diagram

3.3 Software Description

3.3.1 Structure
Software system consists of hardware layer, operating system layer, intermediate layer and
application layer.

Ultrasound system applications + Associated applications

layer C++ Gtk CVS applications

File Task RAM Required

Operating system management management applications Gentoo OS
system layer

Hardware driver

layer Computer platform + Ultrasound module + Control panel

Figure 3-7  Software System Structure

26 Service Manual
3 Principle Descriptions

System module can be divided by applications into imaging mode, system setting and system

System Function Modules

Imaging Modes System Settings System Functions

B CW General Power On/Off Clip Board

M Peripheral Probe Patient

(B+M) Identification Information

CFM Color + Comment Exam Exam History


PDI Scanning
4D Bodymark Touch Screen

TDI 3D Image Control DICOM

PW Measurements
(B+PW) Report /Calculation TGC Control

Report Biopsy Guide

Load Default Workstation

Body Marks System Upgrade

Image/Date System
Storage Information

Figure 3-8  System Module

Service Manual 27
3 Principle Descriptions

3.3.2 Workflow
Software system is an ultrasound system program on basis of linux operating system. Its workflow is
shown as below.


Start BIOS

Start Grub

Start Kernel

Start File system

Start all kinds of servers

(init0, cups, usb, etc)

Start Application

Figure 3-9  Workflow

To start up the ultrasound system,
1. Power on the system.
2. Start up BIOS to check whether the hardware works normally.
3. If the hardware works normally, start up Grub bootstrap program of the operating system.
4. Start up the kernel of Linux operating system by using Grub.
5. Start up file system and various service processes, such as init0, cpus, usb.
6. Start up the software.
You can also control the ultrasound system by operating and checking interfaces.

28 Service Manual
Chapter 4 Parts Disassembly

This chapter contains information for disassembling the ultrasound system. You can assembly the
ultrasound system by performing disassembly procedures on the contrary. During the disassembly,
cabling and wiring should be paid great attention, disassembled parts should be taken care. If you
are not familiar to the replacement procedures, you are recommended to take photos during the
disassembly and take them for assembly reference.

4 Parts Disassembly

●● Any unauthorized personnel should not assemble or disassemble the ultrasound system.
●● Only the parts provided or recommended by the manufacturer can be used as renewal parts.

The ultrasound system consists of system base and rear cover, power supply switch and rear interface
board, mainboard, IO board, ATOM board, probe board, power supply board, keypad panel, keypad
base cover, the LCD display, PCB unit and hard disk disassembly.
Tools includes,

„„  one cross screwdriver

„„  one short-handled screwdriver (shorter than 100mm)
„„  one precision screwdriver

4.1 System Base

One cross screwdriver is needed during system base disassembly.
Perform the following steps,
1. Use the cross screwdriver to remove seven screws and take out the system base.

2. Remove three screws securing the shield cover of the power PCB board, and take out the power
conversion board. Then remove the system base.

30 Service Manual
4 Parts Disassembly

4.2 Rear Cover

One cross screwdriver and one precision screwdriver are needed during the rear cover disassembly.
Perform the following steps,
1. Disassemble the system base. For details, refer to Section 4.1 System Base.
2. Switch the probe lock to position, and use the precision screwdriver to remove two screws.
Switch the probe lock to position, and take out the probe locks.

3. Take out the rubber plug on the rear cover, and use the precision screwdriver to remove two
M3×12 round-head screws and one M2×6 round-head screws in sequence.

4. Use the screwdriver to remove four M3×6 countersunk screws, and take out the rear cover in the
direction as arrow show.

Service Manual 31
4 Parts Disassembly

4.3 Power Switch and Rear Interface Board

One cross screwdriver is needed during the power switch and rear interface board disassembly.
Perform the following steps,
1. Disassemble the rear cover. For details, refer to Section 4.2 Rear Cover.
2. Pull out the power cable in the direction as arrow shows, use the screwdriver to remove two
round head self-tapping screws, and then take out the power switch unit from inside to outside.

3. Pull out signal cables 1-4 in the following figure, and pull out the cable terminals in the direction
as arrow shows.

32 Service Manual
4 Parts Disassembly

4. User the screwdriver to remove four M3×6 combination screws and take out the interface board

Service Manual 33
4 Parts Disassembly

34 Service Manual
4 Parts Disassembly

4.4 Mainboard
One cross screwdriver and one short-handled screwdriver are needed during the mainboard
Perform the following steps,
1. Use the screwdriver to remove 14 screws from the shielding cover of the mainboard, and take out
the shielding cover.

Service Manual 35
4 Parts Disassembly

2. Use the screwdriver to remove four M3×6 round head screws and take out the right interface

3. Pull out signal cables 1-6 in the following figure and remove two M3×6 round head screws. Cut
off the cable ties, remove the cable collection board, and pull out signal cables 7-16 in sequence.

36 Service Manual
4 Parts Disassembly

Service Manual 37
4 Parts Disassembly

4. Use the screwdriver to remove three M3×6 combination screws and one hex head copper nut, and
take out the mainboard.

4.5 IO Board
One cross screwdriver is needed during the IO board disassembly.

38 Service Manual
4 Parts Disassembly

1. Use the screwdriver to remove four M3×12 round head screws and take out μScan cover and

2. Pull out signal cable 1-5 in sequence and take out IO board.

4.6 ATOM Board

One cross screwdriver is needed during the ATOM board disassembly.
Perform the following steps,
1. Remove four M3×6 combination screws and take out the mainboard bracket.

Service Manual 39
4 Parts Disassembly

2. Pull out signal cables 1-6 in sequence, remove two M3×6 combination screws and two M3×12
round head screws, and then take out ATOM board.

4.7 Probe Board

One cross screwdriver is needed during the probe board disassembly.
Perform the following steps,
1. Use the screwdriver to remove 11 screws.

40 Service Manual
4 Parts Disassembly

2. Use the screwdriver to remove four screws and take out the shielding cover of the probe board in
the direction as arrow shows.

3. Use the screwdriver to remove three screws and take out fastener 1 and fastener 2.

Service Manual 41
4 Parts Disassembly

4. Use the cross screwdriver to remove three M3×6 combination screws (marked by circle), and
loosen four M3×16 countersunk screws (marked by rhombus) to take out the probe board.

4.8 Power Supply Board

One cross screwdriver is needed during the power supply board disassembly.
Perform the following steps,
1. Use the screwdriver to remove nine M3×6 combination screws and take out the shielding cover
of power supply board.

2. Use the screwdriver to remove six M3×6 round head screws that secure the power supply board.

42 Service Manual
4 Parts Disassembly

3. Pull out the power cable in the direction as arrow shows and take out the power supply board.

4.9 Control Panel

One cross screwdriver and one tweezers are needed in the control panel disassembly.
Perform the following steps,
1. Use the tweezers to remove six rubber plugs, and use the screwdriver to remove six M2.5×5
round head screws.

Service Manual 43
4 Parts Disassembly

2. Uncover the control panel in the direction as arrow shows.

3. Use the screwdriver to remove four M3×6 countersunk screws (marked by circle), and take out
two cable-fixing sheet metals.
4. Pull out signal cable 1-8 in sequence, and take out the control panel unit.

44 Service Manual
4 Parts Disassembly

5. Pull out signal cable 9-10 in sequence, and use the screwdriver to remove four combination
screws (marked by rhombus) that secure PCB of keypad and 15 round head self-tapping screws
(marked by square).

Service Manual 45
4 Parts Disassembly

6. Take out D knob, B knob and Depth knob and then remove keypad PCB and trackball unit.

7. Use the screwdriver to remove 10 M3×6 combination screws and two M3×6 countersunk screws
and take out LCD screen of keypad.

8. Use the screwdriver to remove four M2×3 pan head screws, and take out the control panel.

46 Service Manual
4 Parts Disassembly

4.10 Control Panel Bottom Cover

One cross screwdriver is needed during the bottom cover disassembly.
Perform the following step,
1. Use the screwdriver to remove three M3×6 countersunk screws and three M3×8 countersunk
screws and take out the bottom cover of the control panel. Note that the rotation shaft is turned
upward during bottom cover disassembly.

Service Manual 47
4 Parts Disassembly

4.11 LCD Screen

One cross screwdriver and one short-handled screwdriver are needed during LCD screen
Perform the following steps,
1. Use the short-handled screwdriver to remove two M3×6 countersunk screws that secure the

2. Turn over the system, remove two M3×10 combination screws and two M3×8 combination
screws, and then take out LCD screen unit.

3. Remove eight M2×6 round head screws on the back of LCD screen unit, open the front frame of
LCD and reveal the connecting sheet on four corners.

48 Service Manual
4 Parts Disassembly

4. Remove eight M2×3 screws that secure the connecting sheets and take out LCD screen.

Service Manual 49
4 Parts Disassembly

4.12 PCB Unit

One cross screwdriver is needed during PCB unit disassembly.
Perform the following steps,
1. Use the screwdriver to remove four M36 combination screws, remove 13 combination screws
that secure the main frame of the system and take out the main frame.

2. Remove four M310 countersunk screws, take out four protective sheets that fix on EBF board,
and then take out EBF board.

50 Service Manual
4 Parts Disassembly

3. Remove four hexagonal prisms and take out high-voltage board.

4.13 Hard Disk

One bend screwdriver or short-handled screwdriver is needed during the hard disk disassembly.
Perform the following steps,
1. Place the system on a level surface, and open the control panel and LCD screen. Remove four
M38 countersunk screws that secure the hard disk cover and take out the cover.

Service Manual 51
4 Parts Disassembly

2. Remove four countersunk screws that secure the hard disk bracket, push the hard disk downwards
to disconnect it from the connector of the signal cable, and take out the hard disk.

52 Service Manual
Chapter 5 Wiring Descriptions

This chapter provides descriptions for pin connections between the boards inside the system.. You
should get a general overview of pins before the service.

5 Wiring Descriptions

5.1 Concerns for Wiring

„„  As shown in Figure 5-1, when deploying hard disk signal cable, pay attention that the harness
can’t be pressed by the shield cover. Otherwise, it may result in short circuit.
„„  Ensure the startup switch is connected correctly to the mainboard. Otherwise, the ultrasound
system cannot be started up.
„„  The connection of IO board cables are complex, take attentions when connecting them.
Otherwise, the ultrasound system may result in malfunction.

15"LCD 3900.00002

Hard Disk

911-00708/ 2275.00301 J3




J5 13.3"LCD
911-00704/ 2275.00297

911-00723/ 2275.00309


911-00707/ 2275.00300
IO Board signal cable


911-00675/2275.00289 911-00785/2275.00381

VHV board

A D4012 MB-90K


VBF board

PBCON  7500-0826
USB5 6 USB3 4









PC Main COM1


Fan cable

911-00698/ 2275.00293 911-00711/ 2275.00304

conversion board
911-00725/ 2275.00310

Power supply 911-00827/2275.00395

board 911-00712/ 2275.00305

Power on/off button


3 2

A D4012 MB-90K

911-00681/2275.00292 ATX
A D4012 MB-90K

Chargeable Li-ion battery Battery board

Figure 5-1  Overall System Connection

54 Service Manual
5 Wiring Descriptions

For details about the connection cables, refer to the following table and sections.
Table 5-1  Codes and Names of Connection Cables

No. P/N Description Figure

1 2275.00288 S9 μScan USB signal cable See Figure 5-2

2 2275.00289 S9 VBF USB signal cable See Figure 5-3

3 2275.00291 S9 SATA hard disk signal cable See Figure 5-4

4 2275.00292 S9 ATX power cable - battery board See Figure 5-5

5 2275.00293 S9 ATOM board - VHV board ATX power cable See Figure 5-6

6 2275.00294 S9 IO conversion board - top-right fan cable See Figure 5-7

7 2275.00295 S9 IO conversion board - lower-right fan cable See Figure 5-8

8 2275.00296 S9 ATX power cable See Figure 5-9

S9 Connection cable of the left and right

9 2275.00297 See Figure 5-10
loudspeakers of the control panel

10 2275.00299 S9 Control panel - trackball signal cable See Figure 5-11

S9 Connection cable of the loudspeaker located

11 2275.00300 See Figure 5-12
in the middle of the control panel

12 2275.00301 S9 Control panel indicator signal cable See Figure 5-13

13 2275.00302 S9 15”LCD LVDS signal cable See Figure 5-14

14 2275.00303 S9 ECG internal lead cable See Figure 5-15

S9 IO conversion board - PC mainboard signal

15 2275.00304 See Figure 5-16

16 2275.00305 S9 USB upgrade signal cable See Figure 5-17

17 2275.00306 S9 IO conversion board - ATOM signal cable See Figure 5-18

18 2275.00307 S9 15”LCD power cable See Figure 5-19

S9 Control panel - touch screen - IO converison

19 2275.00309 See Figure 5-20
board signal input cable

Service Manual 55
5 Wiring Descriptions

No. P/N Description Figure

20 2275.00310 S9 Foot switch video print signal cable See Figure 5-21

21 2275.00311 S9 13"LCD LVDS - control panel signal cable See Figure 5-22

S9 Control panel - IO conversion board audio

22 2275.00380 See Figure 5-23
signal cable

S9 Control panel - ATOM board - 13”LCD

23 2275.00381 See Figure 5-24
LVDS signal cable

S9 IO conversion board - ATOM board - PC

24 2275.00390 See Figure 5-25
board audio signal cable

25 2275.00393 S9 Power supply - fan cable See Figure 5-26

S9 Power switch - IO conversion board signal

26 2275.00395 See Figure 5-27

S9 ATOM Board - LAN port of PC mainboard

27 2275.00398 See Figure 5-28
signal cable

5.2 Pin Connection

5.2.1 μ-Scan USB Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00288
Cable Material:

Figure 5-2  μ-Scan USB Signal Cable

Table 5-2  μ-Scan USB Signal Cable Pins

Signal +5V D- D+ GND N/C GND

Color Red White Green Black N/C Shielded
CN1 1 3 5 7 9
CN2 1 2 3 4 Shell
CN3 Terminal

56 Service Manual
5 Wiring Descriptions

Connect CN1 to PC mainboard (USB56).

5.2.2 VBF USB Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00289
Cable Material:

Figure 5-3  VBF USB Signal Cable

Table 5-3  VBF USB Signal Cable Pins
Signal +5V D- D+ GND N/C GND
Color Red White Green Black N/C Shielded
CN1 1 3 5 7 9
CN2 1 2 3 4 Shell
CN3 Terminal

Connect CN1 to PC mainboard (00205-USB2) and connect CN2 to VBF board.

5.2.3 SATA Hard Disk Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00291
Cable Material:

Figure 5-4  SATA Hard Disk Signal Cable

Table 5-4  SATA Hard Disk Signal Cable Pins
Signal GND +5V GND +12V
Color Black Red Black Yellow
CN3 2 1 3 4
CN2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Service Manual 57
5 Wiring Descriptions

Color Shielded Blue White Shielded Blue White Shielded

CN2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CN1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Connect CN1 to PC mainboard SATA, connect CN2 to keyboard and connect CN3 to PC mainboard

5.2.4 ATX Power Cable - Battery Board

P/N: 2275.00292
Cable Material:

Figure 5-5  ATX Power Cable - Battery Board

Table 5-5  ATX Power Cable - Battery Board Pins

Signal GND P+
Color Blue Blue Brown Brown
CN1 1
CN2 1

Connect CN1 and CN2 to power board and connect CN3 and CN4 to D- and D+ respectively.

58 Service Manual
5 Wiring Descriptions

5.2.5 ATOM Board - VHV Board ATX Power Cable

P/N: 2275.00293
Cable Material:

Figure 5-6  ATOM Board - VHV Board ATX Power Cable

Table 5-6  ATOM Board - VHV Board ATX Power Cable Pins

Signal 12V GND 5V GND

Color Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Black Black Black Black
CN1 1
CN2 1
CN3 1
CN4 1
CN5 1 3 5 2 4 6
CN6 1 2 4 3

Connect CN1, CN2, CN3 and CN4 to power board, connect CN5 to ATOM mainboard DC and
connect CN6 to VHV board.

5.2.6 IO Conversion Board - Top-right Fan Cable

P/N: 2275.00294
Cable Material:

Figure 5-7  IO Conversion Board - Top-right Fan Cable

Service Manual 59
5 Wiring Descriptions

Table 5-7  IO Conversion Board - Top-right Fan Cable Pins


Color Red Black Red White
CN2 1 2 3 4
CN1 + -

Connect CN1 to the top-right fan and connect CN2 to IO conversion board 00215-J8.

5.2.7 IO Conversion Board - Lower-right Fan Cable

P/N: 2275.00295
Cable Material:

Figure 5-8  IO Conversion Board - Lower-right Fan Cable

Table 5-8  IO Conversion Board - Lower-right Fan Cable Pins
Color Red Black Red White
CN2 1 2 3 4
CN1 + -
Connect CN1 to the lower-right fan and connect CN2 to IO conversion board 00215-J4.

5.2.8 ATX Power Cable

P/N: 2275.00296
Cable Material:

Figure 5-9  ATX Power Cable

60 Service Manual
5 Wiring Descriptions

Table 5-9  ATX Power Cable Pins

Color UL1185Yellow UL1007Black

CN3 H1

CN1 3 4 1 2

CN2 H2

Connect CN1 to PC mainboard, connect CN2 to power board H2 and connect CN3 to power board

5.2.9 Connection Cable of the Left and Right Loudspeakers of the Keyboard
P/N: 2275.00297
Cable Material:

Figure 5-10  Connection Cable of the Left and Right Loudspeakers of the Keyboard

Table 5-10  Connection Cable of the Left and Right Loudspeakers of the Keyboard Pins
Color Red Black
CN1 2 1
CN2 + -
Connect CN1 to keyboard (00171-J7) and connect CN2 to the left and right sides of the keyboard.

5.2.10 Keyboard - Trackball Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00299
Cable Material:

Figure 5-11  Keyboard - Trackball Signal Cable

Service Manual 61
5 Wiring Descriptions

Table 5-11  Keyboard - Trackball Signal Cable
Color Brown Green White Orange Yellow Red
CN1 1 2 3 5 6 7
CN2 1 6 5 2 4 3
Connect CN1 to keyboard KBD J4 and connect CN2 to trackball 2100-0043.

5.2.11 Connection Cable of the Loudspeaker Located in the Middle of the

P/N: 2275.00300
Cable Material:

Figure 5-12  Connection Cable of the Loudspeaker Located in the Middle of the Keyboard

Table 5-12  Connection Cable of the Loudspeaker Located in the Middle of the Keyboard Pins
Color Red Black
CN1 2 1
CN2 + -

Connect CN1 to keyboard.

5.2.12 Keyboard Indicator Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00301
Cable Material:

Figure 5-13  Keyboard Indicator Signal Cable

62 Service Manual
5 Wiring Descriptions

Table 5-13  Keyboard Indicator Signal Cable Pins
Signal VDD5V VDD3.3V GND PROD D2G D2Y Light Convert Light Hall

Color Brown Red Black Orange Yellow Green Blue White Peachy
CN1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
CN2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Connect CN1 to keyboard KBD J3 and connect CN2 to power supply indicator board J1.

5.2.13 15’’LCD LVDS Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00302

Cable Material:

Figure 5-14  15''LCD LVDS Signal Cable

Table 5-14  15''LCD LVDS Signal Cable Pins

Signal VCC CK+ CK- GND RX0+ RX0- GND RX1+ RX1- GND RX2+ RX2- GND RX3+ RX3-
black/ Brown/white White purple/ White/white Green/green
Color Red yellow Black brown twist Black purple twist Black black twist Black black twist
twist pair pair cable pair cable pair cable pair cable
CN1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
CN2 1 15 14 3 6 5 7 9 8 10 12 11 13 18 17


Blue/ Blue/
Color Red N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C Blue N/C N/C
Yellow green
CN1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
CN2 2 4 19 16

Connect CN1 to PC mainboard LVDS and connect CN2 to 15”LCD.

Service Manual 63
5 Wiring Descriptions

5.2.14 ECG Internal Lead Cable

P/N: 2275.00303
Cable Material:
Red Black

Green Shield

Figure 5-15  ECG Internal Lead Cable

Table 5-15  ECG Internal Lead Cable Pins

Color Shielded Green Brown Red Black Yellow
CN1 1 2 3 4 5 6
CN2 6 5 4 3 2 1
Connect CN1 to VHV board 7500-00135C (J5).

5.2.15 IO Conversion Board - PC Mainboard Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00565

Cable Material:

Figure 5-16  IO Conversion Board - PC Mainboard Signal Cable

Table 5-16  IO Conversion Board - PC Mainboard Signal Cable Pins


Color White Red Black White Red Black Green Black White
CN1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17
CN5 3 2 1
CN4 3 2 1
CN6 1 2
CN8 2

64 Service Manual
5 Wiring Descriptions


Color Blue Yellow Black Brown Gray Black Black Purple Black

CN1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
CN3 13 15 19
CN2 3 6 4
CN7 3 2
CN8 8

Connect CN1 to IO conversion board 00215 (J9), connect CN2 to PC mainboard 00205 (KBMS1),
connect CN3 to PC mainboard 00205 (COM1234), connect CN4 to PC mainboard 00205 (FN1/
FN2), connect CN6 to PC mainboard 00205 (JPWRBTN1), connect CN7 to PC mainboard 00205
(JPSON+V5SB1) and connect CN8 to PC mainboard 00205 (VIDEO).

5.2.16 USB Upgrade Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00305
Cable Material:

Figure 5-17  USB Upgrade Signal Cable

Table 5-17  USB Upgrade Signal Cable Pins
Signal +5V D- D+ GND
Color Red White Green Black
CN1 1 2 3 4
CN2 1 2 3 4
Connect CN1 to USB upgrade connector (00175-J1), and connect CN2 to IO conversion board

Service Manual 65
5 Wiring Descriptions

5.2.17 IO Conversion Board - ATOM Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00306

Cable Material:

Figure 5-18  IO Conversion Board - ATOM Signal Cable

Table 5-18  IO Conversion Board - ATOM Signal Cable Pins
Color Red White Black Red White Black
CN1 1 2 3 4 5 6
CN2 1 2 3 4 5 6


Color Red White Green Black Red White Green Black
CN1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
CN2 9 7 5 3 10 8 6 4
Connect CN1 to IO conversion board 00215-J10, connect CN2 to ATOM board 00218-CN28 and
connect CN3 to ATOM board 00218-CN22.

5.2.18 15”LCD Power Cable

P/N: 2275.00307
Cable Material:

Figure 5-19  15”LCD Power Cable

66 Service Manual
5 Wiring Descriptions

Table 5-19  15”LCD Power Cable
Color Red Red Black Black White Blue
CN1 1 2 3 4
CN2 1 2 3 4 5 6
Connect CN1 to VHV board 7500-00135C (J5).

5.2.19 Keyboard - Touchscreen - IO Conversion Board Signal Input Cable

P/N: 2275.00309
Cable Material:

Figure 5-20  Keyboard - Touchscreen - IO Conversion Board Signal Input Cable

Table 5-20  Keyboard - Touchscreen - IO Conversion Board Signal Input Cable Pins
RS232_ RS232_
Brown/ Light White Peachy/ White/ Blue/
Color Brown blue/ Purple Peachy Red Blue Green Yellow
white blue purple black black white
CN1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 22 21 23 25 27
CN2 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 22 21 23 25 27
CN3 3 2

Light Light Light
Light White Peachy/ Yellow/ Red/
Color Brown blue/ Purple Peachy Yellow blue/ blue/ Black Red
blue purple balck black black
black green yellow
CN1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
CN2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
CN3 4 1

Connect CN1 to keyboard 7500.00171 (J9), connect CN2 to IO conversion board 7500.00215 (J2),
and connect CN3 to touch screen controller.
Service Manual 67
5 Wiring Descriptions

5.2.20 Foot Switch Video Print Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00310
Cable Material:
Shield Red

BNC socket
Nut Shield Black/white

Foot Switch Welding Diagram

BNC socket
Red Shield
Gasket Gasket

Structure part
Black/white Shield

Figure 5-21  Foot Switch Video Print Signal Cable

Table 5-21  Foot Switch Video Print Signal Cable Pins


Color Red Shielded Shielded White Red Black White Black
CN1 3 1 2 4 6 5 7 8 9
CN2 2 3 1
2 1
Connect CN1 to IO conversion board 00215-J6, and weld CN4 to BNC video socket.

5.2.21 13”LCD LVDS – Keyboard Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00311
Cable Material:

Figure 5-22  13"LCD LVDS – Keyboard Signal Cable

68 Service Manual
5 Wiring Descriptions

Table 5-22  13"LCD LVDS – Keyboard Signal Cable Pins
Signal GND VCC VCC VCC R0- R0+ GND R1- R1+ GND R2- R2+
Twist pair Twist pair Twist pair
Color Black Red Red Red Black Black
cable cable cable
CN1 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
CN2 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Color Black Twist pair cable Black Green Green Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue
CN1 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29
CN2 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29
Connect CN1 to VHV board 7500-00135C (J5).

5.2.22 Keyboard - IO Conversion Board Audio Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00380
Cable Material:

Figure 5-23  Keyboard - IO Conversion Board Audio Signal Cable

Table 5-23  Keyboard - IO Conversion Board Audio Signal Cable Pins
Color Shielded Red Shielded Black N/C Shielded Red Shielded Black
CN1 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 1
CN2 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 1

Connect CN1 to keyboard KBD (J2), and connect CN2 to IO conversion board (J3).

Service Manual 69
5 Wiring Descriptions

5.2.23 Control Panel - ATOM Board - 13”LCD LVDS Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00381
Cable Material:

Figure 5-24  Control Panel - ATOM Board - 13”LCD LVDS Signal Cable

Table 5-24  Control Panel - ATOM Board - 13”LCD LVDS Signal Cable Pins
Signal GND GND CLKIN- CLKIN+ RIN2- RIN2+ RIN1- RIN1+ RIN0- RIN0+ 3.3V 3.3V
Yellow Yellow White Blue White
Color Black Black Orange Blue Purple Red Red
blue red brown black purple
CN1 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
CN2 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 4 3 2 1
Twist pair Twist pair Twist pair
Twist pair cable
cable cable cable

Connect CN1 to keyboard 00171-J10, and connect CN2 to ATOM board 00218-CB18.

5.2.24 IO Conversion Board - ATOM Board - PC Board Audio Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00390
Cable Material:

Figure 5-25  IO Conversion Board - ATOM Board - PC Board Audio Signal Cable

Table 5-25  IO Conversion Board - ATOM Board - PC Board Audio Signal Cable Pins
Color Red Shielded White Shielded Red Shield White Shielded
CN1 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
CN2 5 2 9
CN3 1 2 3

70 Service Manual
5 Wiring Descriptions

Connect CN1 to IO conversion board 00215-J7, connect CN2 to PC mainboard (00205-FPAUD1),
and connect CN3 to ATOM board (00218-CN29).

5.2.25 Power Supply Board - Fan Cable

P/N: 2275.00393
Cable Material:

Figure 5-26  Power Supply Board - Fan Cable

Table 5-26  Power Supply Board - Fan Cable Pins
Signal +12V GND
Color Red Black
CN2 1 2
CN1 + -

Connect CN2 to power supply board (J2, J3).

5.2.26 Power Switch - IO Conversion Board Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00395
Cable Material:

Figure 5-27  Power Switch - IO Conversion Board Signal Cable

Table 5-27  Power Switch - IO Conversion Board Signal Cable Pins
Color Red White Black
CN1 1 2 3
CN2 1 2 3
Connect CN1 to IO conversion board (00215-J11), and connect CN2 to power switch board (00173-

Service Manual 71
5 Wiring Descriptions

5.2.27 ATOM Board - LAN Port of PC Mainboard Signal Cable

P/N: 2275.00398
Cable Material:

10 9
2 1
CN2 00218-CN23 2275.00398X02 00205-LAN2

2 1 10 9

Figure 5-28  ATOM Board - LAN Port of PC Mainboard Signal Cable

Table 5-28  ATOM Board - LAN Port of PC Mainboard Signal Cable Pins

Signal TX0- TX0+ TX1- TX1+ TX2- TX2+ TX3- TX3+

Blue White
Color Yellow blue Yellow red Blue Brown White purple Purple
black brown
CN1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CN2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

Connect CN1 to PC mainboard 00205 (LAN2)and connect CN2 to ATOM board 00218 (CN23).

72 Service Manual
Chapter 6 Software Installation and Update

The service department or local distributer can obtain the upgraded software package from the
manufacturer by the CD disk or Email. You can copy the package into the USB2.0 drive to update
the system with a reference to this chapter.

6 Software Installation and Upgrade

6.1 Preparation before Update

Ensure versions of master file and control code file are consistent, the kernel is writen into a USB

6.1.1 Preparation Concerns

●●  Ensure the prepared USB drive works normally on the desired ultrasound system. You can
confirm the USB drive works normally by storing the system image successfully into the USB
●●  Ensure names of update file and control number are consistent, the ultrasound can be started up
●●  Ensure only one update file is saved in the USB drive.
●●  Do not alter the format and file name of the update file in the USB drive. Otherwise, the
ultrasound system may fail to update.
●●  Ensure the ultrasound system displays the current date. Otherwise, the ultrasound system may fail
to update.
●●  Name or format of the update file provided by the manufacturer may be inconsistent with that
of the file user recevies if the update file is sent through E-mail. In such case, you can correct its
name manually. For example, you can correct asecurexxxxxx.tar.gz(1) to asecurexxxxxx.tar.gz.

6.1.2 Master and Control No. Files

The master file is in a format of adata_*.*.*.*.tgz, and the control No. file is in a format of
asecure******_*.*.*.*.tgz. *.*.*.*. stands for software version, ******stands for a 6-digital
control number, versions of the master and the control No. files must be consistent. Take master file
adata_3.0.5.1.tgz and control No. file asecure101106_3.0.5.1.tgz for instance, stands for the
current software version, 101106 is consistent with VBF board No., standing for the control number.
You can view the control number in the following ways,

„„  Choose Menu -> System Information to view the control number on the System Information
„„  The control number is consistent with serial number of VBF board. If the ultrasound system
cannot work normally, you can view the serial number of VBF board by removing the shell.

6.1.3 Tool Preparation

You need prepare the following tools before the update.
Tool Specification Remark

USB drive Kingston Data Traveler 4G 4G Capacity

USB Keyboard / USB Port

CD Written with Kernel Files (13.6) / Latest Kernel

74 Service Manual
6 Software Installation and Upgrade

„„  To write the kernel file to USB drive through PC

1. Place the CD written with kernel files on the PC CD-ROM, and connect the USB drive to PC.
2. Start up the CD, press the Enter key on the external USB keyboard when Press any key to
make bootable USB key pops up. Press the Enter key again to complete the writing when
Press ENTER key to shutdown pops up.
3. Remove the USB drive and CD, restart PC.
„„  To write the kernel file to USB drive through ultrasound system
1. Start up the ultrasound system, and connect the external USB keyboard to the system when
the user interface displays.
2. Hold the Delete key for 5 seconds to enter the BIOS screen.
3. Place the CD written with kernel files on the PC CD-ROM, and then connect the USB drive
to the system.
4. Set First Boot Device of Advanced BIOS Features to CDROM on the BIOS screen.

6.2 Touch Screen Software Update

1. Copy the update file to a USB drive.
2. Hold the Keyboard key to enter the following screen.

Touch Version System

Exit Exit Exit
Adjust Update


Figure 6-1  Touch Screen Information Screen

3. Plug the USB drive in the USB port at the rear panel of the system.
If the USB is found, the icon is highlighted.
4. Select System Update, “Update Standby” appears on the display, indicating that the system is
5. The upgrading process will take several minutes. The screen will show “Update Finished,
Restart!” when the update is completed. Please remove the USB and restart the system.
Select OK to return to the Touch Screen Information screen if “Illegal Update File” appears on
the display.

Service Manual 75
6 Software Installation and Upgrade

During the process of updating, the message or icon about system busy will appear on the
screen. If you turn off the system or disconnect the power cable in this case, the system will
unable to restart.

6.3 System Software Update

You can make a simple update if the system installed with low software but standard hard disk files.
If hard disk files are damaged, you need to update kernel and software by the USB drive.

6.3.1 Simplified Update (Non-Kernel Update)

1. Connect the USB drive written with update files to the ultrasound system.
2. Start up the ultrasound system, select to enable the keyboard, and then select the Shift, E
and Menu keys successively.
3. Enter the year password with the following prompt, and then select the Enter key.


4. Select Software Update in the following dialogue, and select the Set key.

Software Update


5. Select Exit when Files successfully copied. Please exit and reboot system to complete update.
pops up. Remove the USB drive, and then reboot the ultrasound system.

76 Service Manual
6 Software Installation and Upgrade

●● The password is not case sensitive. If the password is wrong, invalid password is displayed
to remind you for password retry.
●● You need to re-insert the USB drive or use another USB port if check the USB pops up.
●● Do not remove the USB drive during the system reboot. Otherwise, the system cannot be
started up.
●● The stored images or patient information will not be damaged or lost if you update the
software by the USB drive.

6.3.2 Kernel and Software Installation Update Concerns

●●  System data on the hard disk will be erased during software installation. Ensure you back up all
data before the installation.
●●  Ensure the USB drive is written with the latest kernel files.
●●  Place the master file (adata file) and the control number file (asecure file) into the Update
directory of the USB drive. Ensure only one asecure file is in the Update directory.
●●  Unload the USB drive before you remove it.
●●  When configuring BIOS, use the arrow keys on the USB keyboard to highlight an item, and press
the Enter key to confirm. Or, select the Freeze key to back to the previous screen. BIOS Settings

„„  To enter BIOS
Connect the USB drive written with kernel and updated files, the USB keyboard to the ultrasound
system. Hold down the Delete key on the USB keyboard, a prompt reminds you to enter the
password. Enter service, and then press the Enter key to enter the BIOS Settings screen.

„„  To enable priority

1. Select Hard Drive BBS Priorities in the Boot menu, set Boot Option1 to the desired USB

Boot Option #1 [Kingston Data Travel...]

Boot Option #2 [Built-in EFI Shell]

2. Exit the Boot menu, ensure Boot Option1 is set to the desired USB drive in the Boot Option
Priorities menu.

Boot Option Priorities

Boot Option #1 [Kingston Data Travel...]
Boot Option #2 [Built-in EFI Shell]

Service Manual 77
6 Software Installation and Upgrade

„„  To set time and date

Set System Date and System Time in the Main menu to the current time and date.

„„  To save settings

Highlight Save Changes and Exit, and press the Enter key to save settings. Software Installation

1. Remove the USB keyboard before the system reboot, wait for Linux self-test until the following
massage appears.

Image Recovery Version 13.6

Warning! System Recovery Starting.
Continue? (y/n)

2. Connect the USB keyboard to the specific USB port, type y or forcekill, and then press the Enter
key on the USB keyboard to install the software. The software installation needs 7-10 minutes.
●●  Type y to save the user data (such as saved images and system configurations) and re-install
the kernel.
●●  Type forcekill to clear the user data and re-install the kernel.
If FAIL pops up during the installation process, check that kernel files in the USB drive is
complete, UPDATE folder is decompressed and the hardware parts are connected well. Type y
or forcekill in the dialogue box after the above troubles are cleared, and press the Enter key on
the USB keyboard to re-install the software. If the software still cannot be installed, check the
USB drive or hard disk, and then re-install the software.

3. Press the Enter key when Press Enter key to shutdown appears, and the ultrasound system
automatically shuts down after exiting the USB drive system.
4. Remove the USB drive, reboot the ultrasound system.
If error message pops up during the start-up process, check that asecurexxxxxx.tar.gz is
consistent with the control number. Writing in aconfig File

For details, refer to Section 6.3.1 Simplified Update (Non-Kernel Update). μ-Scan Key Activation

1. Insert the μ-scan key into the ultrasound system.
2. When the system displays the Exam screen, connect the USB drive written with the keypass file.
Ensure the keypass file is placed in the root directory of the USB drive.

78 Service Manual
6 Software Installation and Upgrade

3. Select to enable the keyboard, and select the Shift, E and Menu keys successively. Type
the month password when the following dialogue box pops up, and then select the Enter key to


4. Select Probe Table In in the following dialogue box, select the Set key to import the keypass
file, and select Exit after a successful import.
Probe Table Out

Probe Table In

Software Update


5. Select the Menu key, and select System Information to display the System Information menu.
6. Type the month password, and select the Enter to enter the engineering mode.

System Memory
EC <——>FIFO Bus
Detector to FIFO
ADC Test (RxOn)
Probe ID, HV&Temp
Speaker test
Probe Security Test
ADC Pattern Test

Select All Repeat

Engineer Config Screen Pattern Exit

Service Manual 79
6 Software Installation and Upgrade

7. Select Engineer Config to display the following screen, and type i to activate keypass. Select
Exit after all items are activated.

Force Probe ID License set!

Engineer Status Check License
License OK!
Frame Rate Limit
Key Record TDI support ON
HPRF support ON
C Frame Rate .......
Change LOGO .......
Mouse Threshold .......
N/A .......
Image Rotate support ON

Engineer Config Screen Pattern Exit

8. Reboot the system, and ensure the touch screen contains the μ-scan item in the B mode.

80 Service Manual
Chapter 7 Settings Import/Export

This chapter describes how to import/export the settings, which is closely related to system settings,
and customized application mode.

7 Settings Import/Export

7.1 Versions of System Settings

Select the Menu key, and select System Information to display the System Information menu.

Lincense Valid Days: No expire

Software Build On 2012/09/12

Probe table Version 2

User setting Version 2

Control Number: 101106

Software Version:
Kernel Version: 2

RTC Rev: 1.7

ACM Rev: 1.5
TTG Rev: 1.0
FIFO Rev: 1.0
DBF Rev: 0.8
DBF BID Rev: 1.b
HV BID Rev: 1.2
EC Rev: 3.0
ECG Rev: 0.0


7.2 System Settings

The system settings file is in a format of userdataX.X.X.X-oo.tar.gz, X.X.X.X stands for the current
software version, oo stands for the system settings version. X.X.X.X is only for reference, but oo
must be consistent with the system settings version. Otherwise, the system settings could not be

7.2.1 System Settings Export

You can back up system settings, including General settings, Periperal settings, Comment settings,
Bodymark settings, Measure settings, Report settings, DICOM settings, and Load Default settings to
the USB drive.
Perform the steps as follows,
1. Connect the USB drive to the ultrasound system.
2. Choose Menu -> System Settings -> Load Default -> Export/Import to display the following

82 Service Manual
7 Settings Import/Export

System Setting

Peripheral Load New Export/Import

Bodymark Make sure USB drive in the USB slot


Copy user setting to USB
Copy user preset to USB
Load Default
About Load USB user setting to system

Load USB user preset to system

Export Log
Caution: Copy USB to hard drive will replace all user setting
in the sytem including patient database, Please use it wisely

3. Select Copy user setting to USB, and then type Y in the following dialogue box to export
settings to the USB drive.

!Make sure USB driver ready!

Copy setting?
Continue? [Y/N]

7.2.2 System Settings Import

1. Copy the system settings file into the root directory of the USB drive, and ensure its version is
consistent with that of the ultrasound system. Otherwise, a failure prompt Version is not match
is displayed.
2. Start up the ultrasound system, and connect the USB drive to the system when the Exam screen
is displayed.
3. Choose Menu -> System Settings -> Load Default -> Export/Import -> Load USB user
setting to system -> Y to confirm.
4. Remove the USB drive from the system when Load userdata successful pops up.
Ensure only one userdataX.X.X.X.-oo.tar.gz file is in the USB drive. Otherwise, a failure import
may result or the imported file cannot be recognized.

Service Manual 83
7 Settings Import/Export

7.3 Application Presets

The application preset file is in a format of userpreset_X.X.X.X-oo.tar.gz, X.X.X.X stands for the
current software version, oo stands for the system settings version. X.X.X.X is only for reference,
but oo must be consistent with the system settings version. Otherwise, the application presets could
not be imported.

7.3.1 Customizing Application Presets

Perform the steps as follows,
1. Select an exam type to be applied.
2. Select an imaging mode, and then make settings of imaging parameters.
3. Select the S key on the keyboard to display the following dialogue box.

Going to
User Pre-Set Menu
Are you sure(Y/N) ?

4. Select the Y key to enter the User preset screen.

Create preset

Probe XXX
Presets display
Exam Name

Exam Type < Vascular >

Exam Icon < C-Vascular >

Create Exam Replace Exam


5. Enter the name of the application preset in the Exam Name textbox.
6. Select the department and exam type from the Exam Type and Exam Icon lists.
7. Click Create Exam to create the customized application preset.
If the name of the application preset exists, you can click Replace Exam to replace it.

84 Service Manual
7 Settings Import/Export

7.3.2 Exporting Application Presets

Perform the steps as follows,
1. Connect the USB drive to the ultrasound system.
2. Choose Menu -> System Settings -> Load Default -> Export/Import -> Copy user preset to

7.3.3 Importing Application Presets

Perform the steps as follows,
1. Connect the USB drive to the ultrasound system.
2. Choose Menu -> System Settings -> Load Default -> Export/Import -> Load USB user
preset to system.
●● Ensure only one userpresetX.X.X.X.-oo.tar.gz file is in the USB drive. Otherwise, a failure
import may result or the imported file cannot be recognized.
●● The default system icons would not be replaced or deleted when you import application
presets to the ultrasound system.
●● Ensure all the probe presettings are deleted before restroing the application presets.
Otherwise, the system cannot restore the presets.

Service Manual 85
This page is intentionally left blank.
Chapter 8 System Software Tests

You should perform system software tests with a reference to this chapter after software installation
or update. In case of any test fails, you should solve it and perform the system software test again
until the system works normally.

8 System Software Tests

●● Only service engineers / representatives trained or qualified by the manufacturer could
perform the system functional tests on the ultrasound system.
●● To maintain the safety and functionality of the ultrasound system, do not remove or replace
any circuit boards when the system is powered on.
●● Due to the potential hazardous voltage in the system, do not remove the insulation unit of the

8.1 Testing System Software

The system has a built-in testing software which can be utilized to test the performance and
functionality of the system hardware. After the system passed all the necessary functional tests,
service personal should reset and restart the system before delivering it for normal usage.
The testing software can be used to test storage function, FIFO function, FIFO wave-detector,
analogue-to-digital conversion, probe code, HV and temperature. During the test, the green identifier
on the screen indicates that the testing item works normally and passes the test. While, the red
identifier indicates that the tested item results in malfunction, and you should re-test it after servicing

8.1.1 Testing Software Activation

1. Select the Menu key, and select System Information to display the System Information menu.
2. Select the Freeze key, and enter a correct password to enter the engineering mode screen.

System Memory
EC <——>FIFO Bus
Detector to FIFO
ADC Test (RxOn)
Probe ID, HV&Temp
Speaker test
Probe Security Test
ADC Pattern Test

Select All Repeat

Engineer Config Screen Pattern Exit

Figure 8-1  Engieering Mode Screen

88 Service Manual
8 System Software Tests

8.1.2 Storage Test

You can use the testing software to test all available registers and memories in the scanning module.
1. Move the cursor on the check box before System memory by using the trackball, and then press
the Set key to select it.
2. Click to start the test, the testing status is displayed in the right information box.
A green icon appears if the test passes, but a red icon appears if the test fails.
If necessary, select Repeat to re-test the item.

3. All testing status reports are saved to the system hard disk. You can click , select the up or
down arrow keys to view the reports.
4. Move the cursor on the check box before System memory by using the trackball, and then press
the Set key to cancel the test.

8.1.3 FIFO Test

You can check FIFO function on the VBF board by testing EC<->FIFO. For details, refer to Section
8.1.2 Storage Test.

8.1.4 FIFO Wave-Detector Test

You can check FIFO circuits inter-function on the VBF board by testing Detector to FIFO. For
details, refer to Section 8.1.2 Storage Test.

8.1.5 Analogue-to-Digital Conversion Test

The analogue-to-digital converter is located on the VBF board, used to test amplitude and phase. Its
working is closely related storage and transception bus.
You can check this function by testing ADC Test (Rx on). For details, refer to Section 8.1.2 Storage

8.1.6 Speaker Test

You can check speaker test function by testing Speaker Test. For details, refer to Section 8.1.2
Storage Test.

8.1.7 Probe, HV and Temperature Test

If the probe is connected to the ultrasound system, ID information is displayed on the screen. If no
probe is connected to the ultrasound system, 255 is displayed on the screen. You can use the testing
software to test the high-voltage generator and regulator, or test the temperature of the high-voltage
regulator board on the basis of VHV test.
You can check this function by testing Probe ID, HV and Temp. For details, refer to Section 8.1.2
Storage Test.

8.1.8 Monitor Test

Move the cursor on Screen pattern by using the trackball, press the Set key to enter the monitor test
screen. You can check the function by viewing images, display color or display information.

Service Manual 89
8 System Software Tests

8.2 System Simulation Test

Select Dealer Config on the engineering mode screen to enter the following screen. You can test
about virtual probe settings, virtual functions and power.

Force ProbeID
Key Record
Power Measurement
Boot Setting

Dealer Config Screen Pattern Exit

Figure 8-2  System Simulation Screen

8.2.1 Virtual Probe

The virtual probe is only a demo, and do not use it when performing an exam.

The virtual probe allows you to test the system function without probes.
1. Move the cursor on the check box before Force probe ID by using the trackball, and press the
Set key to select it with a × mark.
2. Select to enable the keyboard, select the left or right arrow key to select the desired
virtual probe.
3. Select Exit, and the touch screen displays the desired virtual probe.

8.2.2 System Simulation Operation

You can apply system simulation operation to check the system operating or perform the aging test.
1. Move the cursor on the check box before Key record by using the trackball, and press the Set
key to select it with a × mark.
2. Select Exit to back to the main screen.
3. Select the T-Ball key on the control panel to activate system simulation operation with PLAY
BACK identifier.

90 Service Manual
8 System Software Tests

8.2.3 Probe Power Test

You can perform probe power test to check probe working.
1. Connect L742 to the ultrasound system, enter the configuration screen, and select Power
2. Select Exit to back to the main screen.
3. Select Neck as exam type, and enter the B mode.
4. Adjust the gain to the maximum, and adjust the depth to the minimum. To enhance the brightness
of the initial waveform, you can immerse the acoustic window of the probe into water.
5. Select Print to display the Power Test menu.
6. Select the up or down arrow keys to choose S.Elm, and then select the Enter key to confirm.
7. Select the left or right arrow keys to set S.Elm to All, the initial waveform image is smooth
without obvious dark strips. If there are dark strips, you should promptly find in the malfunction
array on the imaging area.
8. Select the left or right arrow keys to locate the malfunction array, and record the number of the
malfunction array.
9. Ensure there are no disturbances or separating images in the B/THI/CFM/B+THI+Color/M/PW/
CW mode.
Special Concern: There are no regular color bars or abnormal color disturbances when the gain is
adjusted to the maximum and D gain is set to 50 or above in the CFM/PW/CW mode.

If the channel is damaged, you can check probe, MPC board, VBF board or connection among
the three parts to find the problem before the delivery.

8.3 Touch-Screen Testing Software

The system has a built-in testing software which can be utilized to test the performance and
functionality of the system hardware. The software supports both in-factory and field tests. After the
system passes all the necessary functional tests, service personal should reset and restart the system
before delivering it for normal usage.
Touch-screen testing software is used to calibrate the touch screen, import, export, test the display,
USB, keyboard of the touch screen.

8.3.1 Testing Software Enable

1. Select to display the keyboard of the touch screen.
2. Tap Enable, type ts.test in the textbox, tap OK to enter the touch-screen test screen.

Service Manual 91
8 System Software Tests

Touch Keyboard
Adjust Test

Import /Export Monitor Test

Write log USB Test

SetUp Screenshot

TPPost Keyboard Telecontrol Exit

Update Binding

Figure 8-3  Touch-Screen Test Screen

●●  Tap the test item to display corresponding options. Touch screen may result in malfunction if
there are no relevant options, and you should immediately contact the service personnel.
●●  If the key does not respond, you should immediately contact the service personnel.
●●  Select Exit after the test.

8.3.2 USB Port Test

You can test USB port of the touch screen by inserting the USB drive.
1. Connect the USB drive written with files to the ultrasound system after entering the touch screen
test software screen, and appears.
2. Select USB Test, USB works normally if the USB drive is read by the software. USB port works
abnormally if the USB drive cannot be read by the software.

8.3.3 Display Test

You can check the display by viewing images.
1. Select Monitor Test after entering the touch screen test software screen, images are played in
If the USB drive written with pictures is connected, the pictures are played in turns.
2. Rotate the Dep. knob to exit the test screen.

8.3.4 Touch Screen Calibration Test

You can verify the functions of touch screen and display monitor.
1. Select Touch Adjust to enter the touch-screen calibration test screen.
2. Tap the center of every pop-up continuously to calibrate the touch screen.
Press the Freeze key on the control panel to exit at any time.

92 Service Manual
8 System Software Tests

8.3.5 Keyboard Emulations Test

You can test keys, knobs by viewing the corresponding display information. They are verified to
work normally with correct display information.

Trackball, Update and Set keys cannot be tested.

Perform the steps as follows,

1. Select Keyboard Test to enter the keyboard test screen.
2. Test keys, knobs, or the corresponding keys on the touch screen.
3. Select Exit to exit the screen.

Service Manual 93
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Chapter 9 System Troubleshooting

This chapter contains important information for system troubleshooting. You can make fault
diagnostics and resolute it with a reference to this chapter.

9 System Troubleshooting

●●  Potentially hazardous voltage exists inside the ultrasound system. Remove personal
! jewelry that contains metallic substances when you operate the system.
●●  Do not disassembly or remove any circuit boards when the ultrasound system is
powered on.
●●  Identify whether the system malfunction is caused by incorrect operations or
system hardware/software failures to make a fault diagnostics.
●●  Propose all possible factors, including system running time and external
interferences, that affect system functions.
●●  Identify whether the system malfunction is a common fault. Fault caused by power
supply socket, (extension) power cord or fuse can be attributed to a common fault.
●●  If the system malfunction is identified as a unusual fault, you can make the fault
recurrence in a similar test environment.
●●  You can identify the system malfunction and solve it with your knowledge,
experience or a reference to Chapter 3 Principle Descriptions, Section 8.1 Testing
System Software and 9.1 Fault Diagnostics.
●●  Do not replace a component if you are unsure if it is the cause.
●●  If certain component is identified to be the fault cause, you should replace it only,
but not replace the whole circuit board that holds it. For example, a faulty capacitor
is identified to be fault cause, you should replace it only, but not the PCB board that
holds it.
●●  Only the fault cause is identified, you should solve it and perform necessary tests
described in this chapter to ensure the system performance.

9.1 Fault Diagnostics

The common faults are listed as follows, you can take them as reference.

The following sections are for reference only, you should make a on-site fault diagnostics with

„„  Startup Faults

Fault Description Solution

„„  Check whether the battery is fully

The ultrasound system cannot
Unable to start up the „„  Check whether the power supply
be started up by pressing
system is correctly connected.
„„  Check wheter the Power on/off
button is pressed.

96 Service Manual
9 System Troubleshooting

Fault Description Solution

„„  Replace the VGA monitor, and

connect it to the VGA port of the
No Display No display on the monitor. ultrasound system.
„„  Reconnect RAM, and reboot the
ultrasound system.

„„  Ensure the monitor is connected

well if it can be started up. Power
off the ultrasound system, and
The ultrasound system stops reboot it.
Blue Screen
at a blue screen after startup.
„„  If the fault cannot be solved,
replace RAM or re-install the
system software.

„„  Operating Faults

Fault Description Solution

„„  Replace the probes.

Probe icons appear after the
Flashing Probe Icons system enters the Exam screen, „„  Ensure the probe and VBF
but they are constantly flashing. boards are connected well or
there are no dry joints.

„„  Ensure the probe board works

Probe cannot be selected or in „„  Ensure no sound produced when
Unable to select probe
partial display. selecting a probe.
„„  Ensure the probe and VBF
boards are connected well.

„„  Ensure voltages on the high-

voltage board are normal.
No initial echo on the No initial echo displayed on the „„  Ensure there are high voltage
image image. output.
„„  Ensure the VBF board works

„„  The Set key cannot respond.

„„  Reboot the system.
„„  The Update key cannot
„„  Clean the trackball.
Trackball Malfunction respond.
„„  If the fault cannot be solved,
„„  The cursor cannot be moved
replace the trackball.
by using the trackball.

Service Manual 97
9 System Troubleshooting

Fault Description Solution

The ultrasound system

automatically shuts down when „„  Identify the operation causing
you perform general system the auto shutdown, and inform
Auto Shutdown operations, such as performing the malfunction frequency to the
measurements, connecting manufacturer.
the USB drive or freezing an „„  Update the system software.

„„  Ensure the printer cable and

The printer cannot work after signal cable are well connected.
Printer Malfunction
selecting Print.
„„  Ensure the ink is enough.

„„  Ensure S terminal cable is

correctly connected.
Color video printer The printed image is not in
„„  Ensure S terminal cable is not
malfunction color.
too long.
„„  Replace S terminal cable.

„„  Shutdown Fault

Fault Description Solution

Unable to shut down The ultrasound system cannot be

the system shut down by pressing button.
„„  Hold key to shut down the
Enter other screen The ultrasound system enters the system.
other than shutdown Exam screen other than shutdown
screen during shutdown. „„  If the fault cannot be solved, re-
install the system software.
Monitor stops at The monitor stops at the shutdown
shutdown screen. screen during shutdwon.

9.2 System Troubleshooting

Ensure you are familiar with the internal system structure, software installation, parts assembly,
corresponding principles and you can make a correct fault diagnostics before you attempt to service
the system.

●● If the ultrasound system requires a password to continue during startup, type the password
(consist of case-sensitive letters and numbers, select the Shift key to change letter
case), select the Enter key, and reboot the system. You can get the password from the

98 Service Manual
9 System Troubleshooting

●● If the ultrasound system cannot work normally or abnormal startup screen is display, you
can ignore serial port or keyboard failure as follows. Firstly, ensure the serial port of the
mainboard is connected well, touch screen communicates well with the ultrasound system.
Secondly, ensure there are no failure keys and knobs. Lastly, select all keys on the keyboard
to ensure their performance.

9.2.1 On-Site Inspection

Get detailed information from the user before the on-site inspection, including system working
environment, fault description, fault frequency and frequency of system being moved.
1. Check power supply and operating environment of the ultrasound system, also get a knowledge
of local weather.
2. Make a detailed record of the system malfunction, including malfunction duration and fault
cause proposed by the user, and then make an initial solution plan with a reference to Chapter 3
Principle Descriptions or your experiences.

9.2.2 Fault Identification

1. If there is burn smell from the ultrasound system, identify the burned board by checking power
supply, VHV board, VBF board and mainboard successively.
2. Ensure all connection cables, especially hard disk cables, USB cable between the mainboard
and the VBF board, power supply cable, are complete and connected well before servicing the
ultrasound system.

9.2.3 Fault Resolution

1. Disassemble Parts
Observe and record the location and connection direction of parts when you replace them. The
parts in incorrect location or connection direction may result in system startup failure, system
malfunction, board burning, or even serious damages.
2. Replace Parts
Replace failure parts one by one and test it after each replacement until the fault is solved. You
are not recommended to replace failure parts before system test. Meanwhile, make a detailed
record of the replacement sequence.
3. Assemble Parts
Install all replaced parts in the ultrasound system by fastening all necessary screws. Meanwhile,
ensure there are no screws left and the ultrasound system is in the original cable routing.
Otherwise, interferences may result.
4. Take a Simple Test
Take a simple test with a reference to Chapter 8 after you replace all failure parts. If the
ultrasound system is connect to a server, ensure all images can be backed up to the server. Ensure
all images can be displayed normal and available in all working modes, such PW/CW/4D.
Moreover, adjust contrast and brightness of the monitor or other imaging parameters, such as
dynamic range, grayscale or gain, based on the user’s needs.

Service Manual 99
9 System Troubleshooting

9.2.4 Post Maintenance Inspection after Critical Parts Replacement

The ultrasound system mainly consists of keyboard, touch screen, power supply, computer system
and ultrasound module. It is very important to ensure the full connections among these parts.
Therefore, you should check the connections both before and after servicing the equipment.

„„  Keyboard
Ensure all keys, knobs, switches and trackball work normally after you re-install the keyboard.

„„  Touch Screen

Ensure the touch screen is not squeezed by any frames and frames are installed without any
deviations. Ensure all probes, all imaging modes or keys are available after the replacement.

„„  Probe Board

The probe board serves as the important transmission channel between the probe and the front
end, it is connected to the VBF board by J1. The probe board transmits ultrasound signals and
probe codes, connects the power supply by J2 and provides power for relay and other parts.
Connection failure between J1 and VBF board may result in stripes on the diagnostic image or
even probe detection failure. J2 connection failure may result in probe detection failure.

„„  Mainboard
The mainboard is the control center of the ultrasound system, any failure part or connection
may result in system malfunction. Ensure power supply socket, RAM and hard disk SATA are
connected well. Any failure of the above parts, especially serial cable between the ultrasound
system and touch screen, may result in system startup failure, auto shutdown, no video output,
and/or other system malfunctions.
CPU fan is an easily worn out part, ensure it can work well when the ultrasound system is

„„  Ultrasound Unit

The ultrasound unit consists of VBF, VHV and probe boards, processes most signals and time
sequence. Ensure all boards in it are connected well, especially the following items.
●●  USB2.0 Cable
The ultrasound unit is connected to the mainboard through USB2.0 port on the VBF board.
Ensure USB2.0 cable is connected well, or else system crash or auto shutdown may result.
●●  Power Supply
All the power consumed by the ultrasound unit is transferred through P3 and P4 (or P1
and P2 on some models), the current flowing through power supply socket is rather large.
Failure connection of power supply may result in great resistance, low voltage inputted to
components, overheat socket, or even system damage. Ensure P3 and P4 (or P1 and P2 on
some models) are in good contacts, hold the plug not the cable when unplug the power supply

100 Service Manual

9 System Troubleshooting

„„  Maintenance Items

●●  Start up or shut down the ultrasound system for several times to ensure no malfunction occurs.
●●  Clean the ultrasound system if it has been used for a long period. For details, refer to Chapter
10 System Maintenance.
●●  Record or solve problems proposed by the user.
●●  Make a detailed service record for future maintenance or service. The fault cause, replaced
parts and their corresponding part numbers, repairing procedures should be detailed in this
record. Moreover, a signature from the hospital on this record is required.

Service Manual 101

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Chapter 10 System Maintenance

To maintain the safety and functionality of the ultrasound system, you should periodically perform
the maintenance for the ultrasound system and accessories.

10 System Maintenance

●●  To avoid electric shock and damage to the ultrasound system, power off and unplug
! the system from the AC power outlet before cleaning.
●●  To maintain the safety and functionality of the ultrasound system, maintenance must
be performed at least every 1 year. Electrical safety tests must also be performed at
regular intervals as specified by local safety regulations.

10.1 Cleaning the System

„„  To clean the system surface
1. Power off and unplug the ultrasound system from the AC power outlet.
2. Dampen a lint-free soft cloth with 75% ethanol.
3. Use this lint-free soft cloth to clean the surfaces of the monitor screen, the touch screen, the
control panel, and the main unit. Take special care and avoid to scratch the screens.
4. Use a cotton swab to remove solids from between keys and controls.
5. In case of blood or any infectious, use a lint-free soft cloth dampened with 70% isopropyl
„„  To clean the trackball
1. Power off and unplug the ultrasound system from the AC power outlet.
1. Press the bulges in the ring by both hands.
2. Turn the ring anticlockwise until the ring lifts.

3. Take out the ring and ball (careful not to drop the ball) from the control panel.
4. Use a lint-free soft cloth dampened with 75% ethyl alcohol to clean the trackball.
5. Use a cotton swab dampened with 75% ethyl alcohol to remove stains from the ring.
6. Place the trackball and the ring back to the control panel, press the bulges in the ring by both
hands and turn the ring clockwise to install the trackball.

104 Service Manual

10 System Maintenance

„„  To clean the dust filter

The dust filter must be cleaned at least every 3 months for ventilation.
1. Power off and unplug the ultrasound system from the AC power outlet.
2. Pinch the dust filter with fingers as the figure shown above.
3. Rinse the taken out sponge with refresh running water, and use a brush to rinse the dust filter
with refresh running water.
4. Place the sponge and dust filter back to the ultrasound system after a thorough airing.

10.2 Probe Maintenance

10.2.1 Cleaning the Probe

●●  To avoid probe damages, do not bump the probe on hard surfaces during the
! cleaning.
●●  To avoid the electric shock, disconnect the probe from the ultrasound system before
the cleaning.
●●  To avoid the potential disease transmission, you should wear medical sterile gloves
and protective goggle during the cleaning.

You should clean the probe after each use.

Perform the following steps to clean the probe.
1. Disconnect the probe from the ultrasound system, and remove the probe sheath and the biopsy
bracket from the probe.
2. Use a lint-free soft cloth dampened with mild soapy water to wipe the probe.
„„  If the probe carries blood, body fluid or dried stains, you should wipe it with enzymatic
„„  If there are stains on surface or grooves of the probe, you should use a brush dampened with
portable water to remove them.
3. Rinse the probe with the fresh running water to remove the residual cleaner completely.
4. Dry the probe with a lint-free soft cloth dry cloth.

Service Manual 105

10 System Maintenance

10.2.2 Disinfecting and Sterilizing the Probe

●●  There is a cleared list of sterilants and high-level disinfectants for use in processing
! reusable medical and dental devices on FDA website. That list can be consulted to
find agents that may be useful for probe disinfection. Please refer to the following
URL for FDA-Cleared Sterilants and High Level Disinfectants: http://www.fda.
●●  Use the liquid disinfectant/sterilant that meets the local laws and regulations.
●●  If you use the recommended disinfectant/sterilant, ensure its level and the probe
soak period meets the requirements. Otherwise, the probe could be damaged and
your warranty might be void. If you have other use or needs, ensure the level of
the make-up disinfectant/sterilant and the probe soak period are suitable for the
intended clinical application.
●●  Do not use the expired disinfectant/sterilant.
●●  Store the probe in a sterile environment, and mention its expiry date before use.
●●  Do not disinfect or sterilize the probe through autoclaving or contact with ethylene
●●  Do not use thermal disinfection/sterilzation. Temperatures higher than 66°C (150°F)
will damage the probe.
●●  Not allow any disinfectant/sterilant to be air-dried on the probe.

„„  Disinfection Levels

To choose an appropriate disinfectant, you first must determine the required level of disinfection,
based on the probe applications.

Level of
Classification Definition Application

Device enters otherwise sterile tissue
Critical Sterilization biopsy use or blood
(intraoperative applications)
contacting probe

Device contacts mucous membranes

Semi-critical High Endocavitary probe
(intracavity applications)

Noncritical Device contacts intact skin Medium or low Body surface probe

„„  Soak Requirements

Do not immerse the probe beyond its junction line.

Disinfectants listed in this manual are recommended because of their chemical compatibility
with product materials, not their biological effectiveness. For the biological effectiveness of a
disinfectant, refer to the guidelines and recommendations of the disinfectant manufacturer,
Association for Practitioners in Infection Control, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and U.S.
106 Service Manual
10 System Maintenance

Centers for Disease Control.

„„  To disinfect the body surface probe

You should disinfect the surface probe after each use.
Perform the steps as follows:
1. Clean the probe.
For details, refer to Section 10.2.1 Cleaning the Probe.
2. Perform the medium-level disinfection to the surface probe as shown in Table 10-1 until the
recommended disinfection period expires.
3. Rinse the probe with the fresh running water to remove the residual disinfectant completely.
4. Dry the probe with a lint-free soft cloth dry cloth.

Table 10-1 Recommended Method for Medium-level Disinfection

Level for Active Contact

Disinfectant Manufacturer Active Ingredients Contact Type
Ingredient Period

70% Isopropyl alcohol All 70% Isopropyl alcohol 70% Spray/Wipe <10 minutes

T-spray II Pharm. Inc. Quat.Ammonia / Spray/Wipe <10 minutes

T-spray Pharm. Inc. Quat.Ammonia / Spray/Wipe <10 minutes

„„  To disinfect the endocavitary probe

You should disinfect the endocavitary probe before and after each use.
Perform the steps as follows:
1. Clean the probe.
For details, refer to Section 10.2.1 Cleaning the Probe.
2. Perform the high-level disinfection to the endocavitary probe as shown in Table 10-2 until the
recommended soak period expires.
3. Rinse the probe with the running sterile water to remove the residual disinfectant completely.
4. Dry the probe with a lint-free soft cloth dry cloth.
Table 10-2 Recommended Method for High-level Disinfection

Level for Active

Disinfectant Manufacturer Active Ingredients Contact Type Contact Period

Cidex™ Activated
J&J Glutaraldehyde 2.4% Soak 45-50 minutes
Dialdehyde Solution

Resert XL HLD STERIS H2O2 2.0% Soak 8 minutes

„„  To sterilize the probe

You should sterilize the intraoperative, biopsy use or blood contacting probe after each use.

Service Manual 107

10 System Maintenance

Perform the steps as follows:

1. Clean the probe.
For details, refer to Section 10.2.1 Cleaning the Probe.
2. Sterilize the probe as shown in Table 10-3 until the recommended soak period expires.
3. Rinse the probe with the running sterile water to remove the residual sterilant completely.
4. Dry the probe with a lint-free soft cloth dry cloth.
Table 10-3 Recommended Method for Sterilization

Level for Active

Sterilant Manufacturer Active Ingredients Contact Type Contact Period

Cidex™ Activated
J&J Glutaraldehyde 2.4% Soak 10 hours
Dialdehyde Solution

10.2.3 Disinfecting and Sterilizing the Probe Cable

●●  Do not immerse the probe connector or handle into disinfectant or sterilant.
! ●●  To avoid potential disease transmission, you should wear medical sterile gloves and
protective goggle during the disinfection or serialization.
●●  Do not immerse the probe cable into alcohol or isopropyl alcohol at any
concentration for a long period. Avoid any contact with iodine or phenols.

„„  Daily Disinfection

Perform the steps as follows:
1. Use a lint-free soft cloth dampened with mild soapy water to wipe the probe cable.
2. Perform the medium-level disinfection to the probe cable as shown in Table 10-4 until the
recommended disinfection period expires.
3. Rinse the probe cable with the fresh running water to remove the residual disinfectant
4. Dry the probe cable with a lint-free soft cloth dry cloth.
Table 10-4 Recommended Method for Medium-level Disinfection

Level for Active Contact

Disinfectant Manufacturer Active Ingredients Contact Type
Ingredient Period

T-spray II Pharm. Inc. Quat.Ammonia / Spray/Wipe <10 minutes

T-spray Pharm. Inc. Quat.Ammonia / Spray/Wipe <10 minutes

„„  Sterilization
If the probe cable contacts with any blood or body fluid you should sterilize it. For details, refer
to the information about probe sterilization.

108 Service Manual

10 System Maintenance

10.2.4 Storage and Transportation

Store and transport the probe to ensure the probe is in a good condition.

„„  To transport the probe

1. Ensure the probe is cleaned and disinfected before the transportation.
2. Place the probe fully into the carrying case, and carefully wind the cable.
3. Ensure no parts of the probe left outside the carrying case before the package.
4. Pack the carrying case with sponge, and place it in a carton.
„„  To store the probe
The following items are recommended to be performed for the storage.
●●  Always store the probe in the probe holder or the specific package.
●●  Ensure the probe holder or the specific package is clean.
●●  Do not expose it in direct sunlight or environmental temperature of sudden changes.
●●  Store the probe alone to avoid any impact on the probe head.
●●  Carefully wind the probe cable.
●●  Dry the probe before the storage.

10.3 Biopsy Bracket Maintenance

10.3.1 Cleaning the Biopsy Bracket

●●  Clean the biopsy bracket after each use.

! ●●  Wear medical sterile gloves and protective goggle during the cleaning.

Perform the steps as follows:

1. Disconnect the probe from the ultrasound system, and remove the biopsy bracket and biopsy
guide tube from the probe.
2. Brush and rinse the bracket with enzymatic cleaner to remove the residue.
3. Dry the bracket with a lint-free soft dry cloth.

Service Manual 109

10 System Maintenance

10.3.2 Sterilizing the Biopsy Bracket

●●  Use the liquid sterilant that meets the local laws and regulations.
! ●●  If you use the recommended sterilant, ensure its level and the biopsy bracket soak
period meets the requirements. Otherwise, the biopsy bracket could be damaged and
your warranty might be void. If you have other use or needs, ensure the level of the
make-up sterilant and the biopsy bracket soak period are suitable for the intended
clinical application.
●●  Do not use the expired sterilant.
●●  Store the biopsy bracket in a sterile environment, and mention its expiry date before
●●  Do not sterilize the plastic biopsy bracket through autoclaving. Avoid biopsy
bracket of any kinds contacting with ethylene oxide.
●●  Not allow any sterilant to be air-dried on the biopsy bracket.

You should sterilize the biopsy bracket after each use.

Perform the steps as follows:
1. Clean the biopsy bracket.
For details, refer to Section 10.3.1 Cleaning the Biopsy Bracket.
2. Sterilize the biopsy bracket as shown in Table 10-5 until the recommended soak period expires.
3. Rinse the bracket with the running sterile water to remove the residual sterilant completely.
4. Dry the bracket with a lint-free soft cloth dry cloth.
Table 10-5 Recommended Method for Sterilization

Level for Active

Sterilant Manufacturer Active Ingredients Contact Type Contact Period

Cidex™ Activated
J&J Glutaraldehyde 2.4% Soak 10 hours
Dialdehyde Solution

10.3.3 Storage
Store the biopsy bracket in a sterile environment.

10.4 Equipment Disposal

You should dispose of the main unit, the probe, the biopsy bracket or other accessories in accordance
with the local laws or regulations.

110 Service Manual

10 System Maintenance

For the detailed disposal information, consult the manufacturer or the local distribution. The
manufacturer is not responsible for any system content or accessories that have been discarded

10.5 Customer Service

Only the service personnel of or authorized by the manufacturer can service the ultrasound system.
Any feedbacks or inquires concerning our product or service should be directed to the following
Address: 4/F, 5/F, 8/F, 9/F & 10/F, Yizhe Building, Yuquan Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen, 518051,
Guangdong, China
Tel: +86-755-26722890
Fax: +86-755-26722850
Email: [email protected]

Service Manual 111

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Appendix A Renewal Parts

Parts P/N Quantity

VHV board 7500.00440 1

Third part manufacturer:

VBF board 7500.0851 1
System Board
Self-made: 7500.00621

Probe board 7500.00537 1

Keyboard 7500.00171 1

ATOM mainboard 2100.00317 1

Internal IO board 7500.00215 1

Circuit Borad USB connector board 7500.00175 1

Remote control PCBA 7500.00177 1

Power supply indicator

7500.00172 1

Battery 2100.00299 1

Adapter 2100.00138 1

Power supply soft switch

7500.00173 1
Power supply board

Power supply - battery

7500.00170 1
conversion board

Power supply board 7500.00168 1

PC mainboard 2100.00302 1

Hard disk 2100.00571 1

PC System Dongle USB 2101.002801 1

Trackball 2100.00294 1

Touch screen 3900.00030 1

Parts P/N Quantity

2100.00292 1

PC System 2100.00351 1

2100.00352 1

Square speaker 2100.00352 2

Round speaker 2100.00396 1


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