Design Standards Volume 3 05 Drainage

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VOL. 3-05

Vol. 03-05: Drawing Requirements, Approvals and Asset i
Acceptance/Transfer February 2022

The “City of Edmonton Design and Construction Standards Volume 3: Drainage”, henceforth known as
“Volume 3”, is made available for use in the City of Edmonton effective as of February 28, 2022. Volume 3-05:
Drawing Requirements, Approvals and Asset Acceptance/Transfer has been developed to establish standards
and guidelines which align with EPCOR’s expectations in the design and construction of drainage infrastructure
within the City of Edmonton. Volume 3-05 is presented as accurate and complete as of the effective date and
all care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of the information contain herein. The views expressed herein
do not necessarily represent those of any individual contributor. No part of these standards absolves any user
from the obligation to exercise their professional judgment and follow good practice. Should any user have
questions as to the intent or accuracy of any specification or drawing herein, or concern that conflict may exist
between the manufacture’s or suppliers’ recommended installation procedures and Volume 3-05, the user is
advised to seek clarification by sending an email to [email protected].
Vol. 03-05: Drawing Requirements, Approvals and Asset ii
Acceptance/Transfer February 2022

Volume 3 in this update is split into six sub-volumes, as following tables, for easy reference and timely update
of individual sub-volume to address industry requirements and technological advancements.

New Section Old Section Description Date

Vol. 3-01: Development Planning Procedure and Framework
1 1 Planning December 2021
2 2 Planning Approval Process - General December 2021
3 3 Planning and Design Studies December 2021
4 4 Typical Area Master Plan Requirements December 2021
5 5 Typical Neighbourhood Design Report Requirements December 2021
Typical Requirements for Hydrogeotechnical Impact
6 6 December 2021
7 7 Sanitary Sewer - Policy, Goals and Objectives December 2021
8 12 Storm Drainage System - Policy, Goals and Objectives December 2021
Appendix A Appendix G Pump Station Decision Model December 2021
Vol. 3-02: Stormwater Management and Design Manual
1 13 Stormwater Runoff Analysis December 2021
2 13 Tables of Runoff and Rainfall Information February 2022
3 15 Major Conveyance System Design December 2021
4 16 Stormwater Management Facility Design February 2022
5 17 LID Facility Design February 2022
6 18 Lot Grading and Surface Drainage Design December 2021
Appendix A Appendix B Computer Model Transfer Requirement Check List December 2021
Vol. 3-03: Design Guidelines
1 8 Sanitary Sewer Design Criteria February 2022
2 14 Minor Conveyance System Design December 2021
3 19 Sewers, Appurtenances and Structures February 2022
4 20 Structural Design for Pipe December 2021
Appendix A Appendix C Catch Basin Inlet Capacity Curves December 2021
Guidelines for the Design and Installation of Rigid Gravity
Appendix B Appendix D December 2021
Sewer Pipe in the City of Edmonton
Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Flexible
Appendix C Appendix E December 2021
Thermoplastic Pipe in the City of Edmonton
Appendix H: Outfall Structure Monitoring embedded in
3.11.5 ii and iii Appendix H December 2021
Sections 3.11.5 ii and iii
Vol. 3-04: Pump Station and Forcemain Design Guidelines
1 9 Sanitary Wastewater Pumping Systems December 2021
2 10 General Design Requirements for Pump Stations February 2022
3 11 Design of Sewage Forcemains December 2021
Design Guidelines for Electrical and Control Systems for
Appendix A Appendix A February 2022
Wastewater Pump Stations
Appendix F: Pumpwell Unit Confined Space Entry Fall
2.13.2 ii and iii Appendix F Arrest and Rescue System updated and embedded in December 2021
Sections 2.13.2 ii and iii
Vol. 3-05: Drawing Requirements, Approvals and Asset Acceptance/Transfer
1 21 Detailed Engineering Drawings December 2021
2 22 As-Built Drawing Requirements February 2022
3 23 Project Acceptance December 2021
4 - Product Approval Procedure December 2021
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Acceptance/Transfer February 2022

New Section Old Section Description Date

Vol. 3-06: Construction Specifications
1 02412 Tunnel Excavation Using Sequential Excavation Method December 2021
2 02415 Tunnelling by Tunnel Boring Machines December 2021
3 02422 Steel Ribs and Lagging December 2021
4 02423 Shotcrete Tunnel Lining December 2021
5 02426 Pipe Jacking December 2021
6 02427 Precast Concrete Tunnel Lining December 2021
7 02435 Tunnel Liner Grouting December 2021
8 02441 Microtunnelling December 2021
9 02444 Shaft Construction December 2021
10 02445 Bored Undercrossings December 2021
11 02446 Horizontal Directional Drilling December 2021
12 02531 Sewage Forcemains December 2021
13 02535 Sewers December 2021
14 02538 Sewer Services December 2021
15 02559 Factory Applied Pipe Insulation December 2021
16 02620 Subdrains December 2021
17 02631 Manholes and Catch Basins December 2021
18 02632 Drainage Manholes Frames and Covers December 2021
19 02640 Corrugated Steel Pipe Culvert December 2021
20 02645 Precast Concrete Box Sewers December 2021
21 02952 Temporary Flow Control December 2021
22 02953 Cleaning Sewers December 2021
23 02954 Inspection of Sewers December 2021
24 02955 Pipe Bursting December 2021
25 02956 Joint Grouting Concrete Sewers December 2021
26 02957 Relining Sewers December 2021
27 02958 Leakage Testing of Sewers December 2021
28 02959 Deflection Testing of Flexible Pipe December 2021
29 03310 Concrete for Water and Drainage Structures December 2021

Vol 3-06: Standard Drawings

New Drawing Old Drawing
Description Date
Number Number
Typical Davit Base, Guard Rail and Hatch Layout on
DR-02-04-01 - November 2021
Control Structure
DR-02-05-01 7001 Bioretention Cleanouts October 2021
DR-02-05-02 7003 Soil Cell Cleanouts October 2021
DR-06-13-01 7980 Trench Bedding Types October 2021
DR-06-13-02 7981 Concrete Pipe Butt Joint Detail October 2021
Standard Riser Connections to Storm and Sanitary Sewers
DR-06-14-01 7063 October 2021
in Common Trench
Standard 600 Catch Basin with Type 2A Grating and
DR-06-17-01 7005 October 2021
Standard 600 Catch Basin with Type K-7 Grating and
DR-06-17-02 7006 October 2021
Neck Section Details for Type 4A, 6B and 8 Grating and
DR-06-17-03 7007 October 2021
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New Drawing Old Drawing

Description Date
Number Number
Neck Section Details for Type F-51 and K-7 Grating and
DR-06-17-04 7008 October 2021
Standard 900 Catch Basin with Type DK-7 Grating and
DR-06-17-05 7009 October 2021
Standard 900 Catch Basin with Type F-51 Grating and
DR-06-17-06 7010 October 2021
Frame with Side Inlet
Standard 1200 CB Manhole with Type 6B or 8 Grating and
DR-06-17-07 7011 October 2021
Standard 1200 CB Manhole with Type F-51 Grating and
DR-06-17-08 7012 October 2021
Frame with Side Inlet
Standard 1200 Manhole for Piping up to 600mm Diameter
DR-06-17-09 7013 October 2021
with Type 6A Cover and Frame
DR-06-17-10 7014 Neck Section Details for Standard 1200 Manhole October 2021
DR-06-17-11 7020 Benching Detail for Standard 1200 Manhole October 2021
DR-06-17-12 7021 Safety Steps for Manholes October 2021
DR-06-17-13 7030 Grade Rings October 2021
DR-06-17-14 7031 Rings/Tops October 2021
DR-06-17-15 7032 Slab Tops for Standard 900 Catch Basin October 2021
DR-06-17-16 7033 Slab Top for Standard 900 Catch Basin October 2021
DR-06-17-17 7034 Slab Tops for Standard 1200mm Manhole October 2021
Type 2A Two Piece Side Inlet Catch Basin Grating and
DR-06-18-01 7040 October 2021
Type 4A Two Piece Side Inlet Catch Basin Manhole
DR-06-18-02 7041 October 2021
Grating and Frame
DR-06-18-03 7042 Type 8 Catch Basin Manhole Grating and Frame October 2021
Type 6 Standard Manhole Frame, Cover and Round Catch
DR-06-18-04 7043A/B October 2021
Basin Cover
DR-06-18-05 7043C Type 6S Manhole Frame and Cover October 2021
DR-06-18-06 7044 Type 80 Cover and Floating Type Manhole Frame October 2021
DR-06-18-07 7045 Type K-7 and DK-7 Catch Basin Frame and Grating October 2021
Type F-51 Three Piece Catch Basin Frame and Grating
DR-06-18-08 7047 October 2021
with Side Inlet
DR-06-18-09 7048 Type F-51 Two Piece Curb Component Frame and Grating October 2021
DR-06-18-10 7050 Type 41 Manhole Frame and Cover October 2021
Type 6C Slotted Flat Cover to be used on Type 6 Frame
DR-06-18-11 7051 October 2021
for Air Release
DR-06-19-01 7062 Culvert End Riprap October 2021

The following is a list of revisions in Vol. 3-05: Drawing Requirements, Approvals and Asset
Section Changes Date
4.0 Added New Section Product Approval Procedure. December 2021
2.1.2 vi Added as-built drawing requirement of pump/lift station. February 2022
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1.0 DETAILED ENGINEERING DRAWINGS ............................................................................................. 1

1.1 Prerequisites to Review of Engineering Drawings by the City .................................................1
1.2 Engineering Drawing Requirements ......................................................................................... 2
1.3 Statutory Requirements for Approvals by Other Authorities ....................................................3
1.4 Post Approval Submission Requirements ................................................................................ 4
1.5 Design Revisions after Approval of Engineering Drawings ......................................................4
2.0 AS-BUILT DRAWING REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 4
2.1 Requirements for Submission of As-Built Drawings at CCC and FAC Stages ........................4
2.2 Detail Requirements for As-Built Drawings .............................................................................. 5
3.0 PROJECT ACCEPTANCE .................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Developer Requirements at Construction Completion and Final Acceptance .........................8
3.2 Inspection of Completed Systems by EPCOR ......................................................................... 9
3.3 Inspection and Testing of Sewers ............................................................................................ 9
4.0 PRODUCT APPROVAL PROCEDURE ..............................................................................................12
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This section outlines the requirements for the submission of detailed engineering drawings for approval
by the City pursuant to the terms of Servicing Agreements between the City and the Developer for new
subdivision development.
1.1 Prerequisites to Review of Engineering Drawings by the City
1.1.1 Neighbourhood Design Report
A NDR for the development area, defining the basis for detailed design of the sewer and drainage
system components may be required. The City may refuse to undertake review for approval of detailed
engineering drawings in the absence of an approved NDR.
1.1.2 Inspection of Existing Infrastructure
Prior to the submission of detailed engineering drawings, inspection of existing infrastructure (the tie-
in points and one facility upstream and downstream of existing infrastructure which has passed 10
years after FAC) shall be conducted if the existing infrastructure is to be connected to or possibly
affected by future construction activity. This aids in determining the condition of existing infrastructure
and in identifying existing features that may not be recorded in order to minimize impacts on design. It
also determines whether the existing infrastructure is suitable for connection (refer to Section 5.6.10 -
Vol. 3-01: Development Planning Procedure and Framework). The Developers to contact the City to
determine the specific requirements based on the scope of work, location, etc. during pre-engineering
and NDR.
1.1.3 Detailed Submission Requirements
In order for review for the approval of detailed engineering drawings to be undertaken by the City, the
submission of the drawings shall be accompanied by support documents as described below.
i. Hydraulic calculations
The Developer shall provide all storm and sanitary hydraulic calculations and documentation for
justification of the pipe sizes and hydraulic structures presented in the engineering drawings. The
calculations and support documentation shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer and may
 a copy of the approved NDR including relevant computer simulation output for SWMF designs
and storm and sanitary sewer design computations;
 storm sewer rational method design computations;
 sanitary sewer design computations;
 when not provided within the NDR, calculations to support designs for hydraulic structures,
including but not limited to outfalls to watercourses or wet ponds, inlets to sewers or wet ponds,
outlets from wet ponds, drop manholes and structures, junctions and pumping stations.
ii. Geotechnical reports
The Developer shall provide copies of all soil and geotechnical reports prepared for the
iii. Trench loading calculations
The Developer shall provide all trench loading calculations for sewer mains with greater than 7.0
m of cover over the top of the pipe. Refer to Section 4.4 - Vol. 3-03: Design Guidelines.
iv. Crossing permit drawings
The Developer shall also submit approved drawings for permits for any oil or gas pipeline, power
transmission main, or railway crossings. Refer to Section 10, Chapter 1 - Volume 1: General .
v. Project cost information
 The Developer shall submit with the drawings a detailed breakdown of the costs of the storm
and sanitary system as shown on the plans, based on accepted bids or tenders, for use by
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the City in preparation of the development cost analysis for the Development Servicing
 This cost information shall be updated and resubmitted after initial review or approval of the
drawings, if necessary, to account for revisions. A cost analysis is not prepared until after
confirmation of the costs by the Consultant and until after an initial review of the development
engineering drawings.
1.2 Engineering Drawing Requirements
1.2.1 Plan Standards
All construction plans shall conform to the plan standards outlined in Volume 1: General, Chapter 1.
1.2.2 Detail Content Requirements
Further to the requirements of Volume 1: General, Chapter 1, Guidelines to Engineering Drawing
Submissions, the engineering drawings shall include details to address the following specific
i. Detail plans - plans and profiles shall be provided to show:
 The location of streets and rights-of-way and sewers.
 The ground profile, proposed final road grade, size and type of pipe, length and grade of pipe
between adjacent manholes, invert and surface elevation at each manhole.
 All manholes shall be numbered on the plan and correspondingly numbered on the profile.
The numbering on extensions should be in accordance with the overall numbering system.
This numbering system shall correspond to storm or sanitary calculation sheets.
ii. Special details - detail drawings, to a scale that clearly shows the nature of the design, shall be
furnished to show the following particulars:
 All structures and storm sewer outlets.
 Details of all sewer appurtenances such as special manholes or junctions, inspection
chambers, inverted syphons, sampling devices and weirs.
 Details of special bedding for pipe where the design includes high flow velocities. Where poor
foundation conditions are identified in advance of construction, details and limits of special
subgrade improvements are to be shown on the engineering drawings. When unsatisfactory
conditions are encountered during the progress of construction, the Engineer shall be advised
of the conditions and measures being taken in advance of their implementation. These
measures shall be subject to approval. The details and scope of application of special
subgrade improvements shall be shown on the as-built submission of engineering drawings.
 Specific details of all proposed LID measures in accordance with the City of Edmonton
Low Impact Development - Best Management Practices Design Guide and Section 5.0 -
Vol. 3-02: Stormwater Management and Design Manual.
 The details must also include specific information on the LID measures including size of
the catchment area, size of the LID measure footprint, the depth and volume of amended
soils and the amended soil mix parameters. The details must also include information on
the under drain pipe size, length, slope, material as well as coordinates and invert
elevations for the under drain pipe at key locations (i.e. at ends, connections, bends etc.)
(See Section 5.10 - Vol. 3-02: Stormwater Management and Design Manual).
iii. Lot grading plans
Refer to Section 6.4 - Vol. 3-02: Stormwater Management and Design Manual.
iv. Project specific ESC Plan designed in accordance with the ESC Guidelines. Address ESC of LID
features and reference checklists. For more information, refer to the Low Impact Development
Construction, Inspection, and Maintenance Guide.
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1.3 Statutory Requirements for Approvals by Other Authorities

1.3.1 It shall be a responsibility of the Consultant undertaking a development project to comply with the
statutory requirements governing the work. The Consultant shall obtain all approvals from the
authorities having jurisdiction, including but not limited to those mentioned below.
1.3.2 Where these standards refer to bylaws, acts, regulations and standards, this shall mean the most
recent edition or amendment of the referenced document.
1.3.3 Where due to amendment of statutory requirements, conflicts or inconsistencies with these standards
arise, the Consultant is to be responsible for satisfying the more stringent requirement and shall refer
the discrepancy to the Engineer.
1.3.4 Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (AEPEA)
i. Letter of Authorization requirement
 Pursuant to the AEPEA, the City will apply on behalf of the City for Letters of Authorization
from AEP to permit the construction of sewer and drainage infrastructure for the areas of
subdivisions approved by the City of Edmonton Subdivision Authority. Construction of the
sewer and drainage infrastructure for a specific development shall not commence prior to the
issuance by AEP of a Letter of Authorization including the development area.
 After approval by the Engineer, the City may require the engineering drawings to be submitted
to AEP further to their requirements under the AEPEA and/or the Water Act and to other
authorities whose approval must be obtained prior to commencement of any construction.
ii. Special features - Letter of Authorization
 When a development proposal includes the construction of any infrastructure classified as a
“special feature” by AEP a Letter of Authorization be obtained from them prior to the
commencement of construction. Special features include SWMFs, storm system outlets to a
natural watercourse, and sanitary system or storm drainage pumping stations.
 It is the responsibility of the Developer, through the Consultant to do all that is necessary to
obtain the Letter of Authorization on behalf of the City from AEP.
1.3.5 Water Act
Pursuant to the Water Act, a license is required for drainage facilities involving the impoundment of
water for the purpose of water management, or the diversion of water, or the discharge of water to a
watercourse. The Consultant shall be responsible for applying to AEP for a drainage license when
required and for obtaining the necessary approvals prior to the construction of those facilities.
1.3.6 Restricted Development Area Regulation
Any surface disturbing activity or change in land use within areas governed by the Restricted
Development Area Regulations further to The Department of the Environment Act requires the consent
of the Minister of the Environment and Parks. Applications are to be made to the Land Use Branch,
Environmental Assessment Division, AEP. They may refer proposals to other affected branches for
1.3.7 Public Lands Act
Where a proposed facility may encroach on crown lands, a License of Occupation would be required
under the Public Lands Act. Construction of an outfall discharging to a major watercourse is an
example of this.
1.3.8 Navigable Waters Protection Act
Should an improvement involve crossing over or under a "navigable water," such as the North
Saskatchewan River, either a permit or an exemption from the requirement must be obtained from the
appropriate federal department.
1.3.9 River Valley Bylaw No. 7188
Development or construction that would impact the designated areas within the North Saskatchewan
River valley and ravine system within Edmonton requires assessment and review further to the
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requirements of and in accordance with Bylaw No. 7188. The River Valley bylaw approval should be
obtained prior or concurrent to the review of the engineering drawings.
1.3.10 Edmonton Garrison Zoning Regulations
The Department of National Defence (DND) have regulations for height restrictions, bird hazard
mitigation and noise attenuation that impact areas adjacent to and under the flight paths for the
Edmonton Garrison. Contact Planning Services, Planning and Development for DND’s requirements.
1.4 Post Approval Submission Requirements
After engineering drawing approval and prior to commencement of construction the following
information shall be provided to the City:
 E-plan of the approved engineering drawings;
 Construction cost estimates that include separate costs for storm sewers, sanitary sewers,
foundation drainage sewers, sanitary services and storm sewer services and/or foundation
drainage services as applicable;
 A schedule of the proposed construction including the starting date and the estimated duration of
1.5 Design Revisions after Approval of Engineering Drawings
Any changes to the sewer component of the engineering drawings are to be approved by the Engineer
prior to construction of the affected portion. Refer to Volume 1: General, Chapter 1, Section 8.7 for the
procedure to obtain approval of revisions to approved engineering drawings.


This section outlines the requirements for submission of detailed "as- built Plan of Record (POR)” with
regard to drainage sewer systems and facilities.
2.1 Requirements for Submission of As-Built Drawings at CCC and FAC Stages
Refer to Chapter 1, Intent and Use of the Design and Construction Standards, Volume 1: General for
general information in regard to the requirements for CCC and FAC as-built drawings for sewers.
2.1.1 CCC First Submission
Detailed engineering CCC information is to be provided to EPCOR Drainage Services by the
Consultant. The CCC information is to be provided electronically in the form of one “.pdf” drawing file
and a Consultant Data Loading (CDL) file both submitted to EPCOR Drainage Services via Citrix. If
the Consultant is unable to access CDL program, the Consultant shall produce one “pdf” drawing file
at CCC and FAC.
Any revisions and field changes approved by the Engineer in CCC drawings must be identified and
shall be marked in red or highlighted in yellow.
2.1.2 FAC Final Submission
The detailed engineering “As-built Plan of Record (POR)” information must be received and approved
by EPCOR Drainage Services before FAC is to be issued.
i. A complete set of as-built POR drawings shall be submitted 3 months prior to FAC approval.
ii. All changes to drawings from CCC to FAC are to be identified and submitted to EPCOR Drainage
iii. All errors/deficiencies identified by EPCOR Drainage Services on CCC first submission must be
addressed and corrected.
iv. As-built lot corner, swale and drainage route elevations are to be shown on the lot grading plan.
The specific approval of the City is required for changes of design elevations from those shown
on the lot grading plan as approved by the City. Refer the Lot Grading Guidelines.
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v. All Department License of Occupation (DLO) approvals when required to be submitted to EPCOR
Drainage Services with the package as mentioned in Section 2.1.2 i above.
vi. As-built drawings of pump station/lift station are to be submitted in both CAD and pdf files.
2.1.3 Checking of Detailed Engineering “As-Built POR” Information
i. As part of the recording process, EPCOR Drainage Services reviews CCC and FAC information
to ensure sufficient information is included for the establishment of permanent records. If
deficiencies are found, and if necessary, files are returned to the Consultant for revision and
ii. When the CCC first submission is received a letter of “Received” will be sent to the Consultant.
iii. When the FAC final submission is approved a letter of “Approval” is forwarded to the Consultant.
2.2 Detail Requirements for As-Built Drawings
The following minimum requirements are to be addressed in the preparation of as-built plans:
2.2.1 Location of drainage facilities, for example manholes, CBs and the end of pipe stubs.
Cadastral real world coordinates are to be provided based on the Alberta survey control system.
Note: Coordinates shall be given to the centreline of each manhole, CB or pipe stub, not to the
centreline of any cover.
2.2.2 Manholes, Oversized Manholes, Drop Manholes and Tunnel Access Manholes:
 size;
 type - e.g. round, eye;
 description - e.g. access;
 directional offset from the centreline of sewer to the centreline of manhole - e.g. 4.5 m E. of
centreline of sewer;
 at the connection to tunnel give the size and invert elevation of the pipe section connecting the
drop or access manhole to the tunnel;
 elevation of bottom of manhole;
 oversize manhole transition top slab elevation
 location - give coordinates. See Section 2.2.1.
2.2.3 Rims and Inverts:
 rim elevations only if in place;
 elevations of all inverts including previously constructed manholes and pumping stations to which
the new line is connected.
2.2.4 Alignments of Centreline of Trench or Tunnel:
 perpendicular tie to property line;
 azimuth where necessary.
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2.2.5 Curves:
 radius;
 central angle;
 sub-tangent;
 length of curve;
 BC and EC Cadastral coordinates.
2.2.6 Distances to be Checked Between:
 manholes;
 centrelines of chambers;
 outfalls;
 BCs and ECs of curves;
 points where sewer changes grade;
 underground drop structures, or similar.
 points where size of pipe changes
2.2.7 Sewer Pipes and CB Leads:
 size;
 invert elevation at each end of pipe
 type or shape – e.g. round, eye, monolithic;
 material - e.g. concrete, tile;
 pipe strength;
 slope of pipe;
 bedding type;
 trench foundation improvements noting ballasting, subdrainage or geotextiles installed - provide
detailed cross sections and limits;
 locations (see Section 2.2.1) are to be given for all horizontal and vertical bends in sewer pipe and
forcemains - accurate bend locations must be determined during construction before the trench is
2.2.8 Structures such as Chambers, Pumpwells and Wing Walls.
 location – see Section 2.2.1;
 verification of construction as per plan, referring to drawing number.
 Any changes are to be noted, with a description and a sketch if constructed without plan or major
2.2.9 Special Construction
 reconnecting of CBs - verification or a sketch;
 cross connections - sketch, inverts and pipe size;
 plugs – placement, e.g. E. side of manhole;
 weirs - elevation of the top, placement and a sketch description of any similar construction.
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2.2.10 Lot Grading Information:

 all lot corner elevations are to be confirmed;
 swales and drainage route locations (see Section 2.2.1) are to be provided at the beginning and
end of the swale, as well as any horizontal or vertical bends.
 swale and drainage route invert and channel edge elevations at property line crossings.
2.2.11 Stormwater Storage Facilities:
 stage-storage volume and stage-area curves and tables of the values;
 the high water level (HWL) design event basis;
 elevations at pond bottom, normal water level (NWL), 5 year 25 year, 100 year level and HWL;
 storage volumes at NWL, 5 year, 25 year, 100 year level, HWL and freeboard level;
 area at pond bottom, NWL, 5 yr, 25 yr, 100 yr HWL and freeboard level
 freeboard elevation;
 notation indicating the elevation of the lowest allowable building opening for lots abutting the wet
 depth of pond and forebay at NWL, 5 year level, 25 year level 100 year level, and HWL;
 length of shoreline at NWL, 5 year level 25 year, 100 year and HWL;
 pond and forebay area in ha at NWL, 5 year, 25 year, 100 year level and HWL;
 contributing basin size in ha;
 measurements to locate submerged inlets, outlets and sediment traps referenced to identifiable,
permanent features which are not submerged at NWL.
2.2.12 Culverts
 location (see Section 2.2.1) at each end of culvert
 material
 diameter
 invert at each end
 slope
2.2.13 General Information:
 name of the Contractor;
 start date;
 completion data;
 unusual ground conditions.


This section describes the Developers responsibilities with regard to certification and documentation
of quality control and system performance when applying to the City/EPCOR Drainage Services for
acceptance of sewer and drainage improvements constructed under the terms of a Servicing
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3.1 Developer Requirements at Construction Completion and Final Acceptance

Prior to or concurrent with an application for a CCC, and a FAC, the Developer is to address the
following requirements:
3.1.1 Material Inspection and Testing Certification
Certifications for all materials used are to be submitted as detailed in General Provisions for
Developers, Volume 1 General.
3.1.2 Leakage Testing Results
Leakage testing for CCC shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Section 27 - Vol.
3-06 Construction Specifications and the results of testing shall be submitted. Leakage testing for FAC
shall conform to the requirements of Section 3.3 herein.
3.1.3 Pre-Inspection by the Consultant
Prior to requesting inspection of sewer and drainage systems by EPCOR or application for a CCC or
FAC, the Consultant shall inspect the improvements and verify that the works are complete and
functional, in accordance with the approved engineering drawings and the requirements of these
3.1.4 Commissioning of Special Structures/Facilities (Applicable for CCC)
i. Where the improvements include special structures or devices, the Consultant shall fully test the
operation and function of these facilities to prove that they comply with the design specifications
including fail safe response, fault and status monitoring. For all such structures, the Consultant
shall submit a commissioning report to the Engineer in advance of or concurrently with a request
for a construction completion inspection or application for a CCC. This report shall identify the
scope of the testing performed and the specific measurement and parameter values recorded.
The report is to bear the stamp of the professional engineer responsible for the project and include
a statement that the facility meets all of criteria specified in the approved design reports and
engineering drawings.
ii. Specific requirements for commissioning of particular special structures are outlined below. Similar
requirements shall apply to other types of special structures as may be determined by the
 Pumping stations - the commissioning report for a pumping station is to include, but not
necessarily be limited to, the following items:
a) Test results and calibration of all major equipment including pumping pressures and
rates, power consumption of drivers, power supply voltage and amperage.
b) A checklist and verification of operability of all valves, gates, air release and blowoff
valves, and lifting equipment.
c) A ventilation system balancing report. See Section 2.13.5 - Vol. 3-04: Pump Station and
Forcemain Design Guidelines.
d) A completed checklist of the testing of all auxiliary devices including the lighting, heating,
plumbing and electrical utility systems.
e) A copy of the commissioning report for a pumping station is to be included in the O&M
manual to be provided. Refer to Section 2.17.1 - Vol. 3-04: Pump Station and Forcemain
Design Guidelines.
 Stormwater management storage facilities - the commissioning report for a SWMF is to
include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following items:
a) A complete checklist of all operating features, including valves, flow gates and control
and measurement devices, with verification of the proper function of such features.
b) Flow control mechanisms or devices are to be tested in the installed condition, calibrated
and verified to function in accordance with the design specifications.
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3.1.5 A copy of the commissioning report shall be included within the O&M manual to be provided. Refer to
Section 4.4 - Vol. 3-02: Stormwater Management and Design Manual.
3.1.6 Surface Grading Verification (Applicable for CCC)
i. The Consultant is to provide certification to verify that the surface grading requirements for the
development have been established. “Established” means that all lot corner elevations and swale
invert profiles and cross sections, are within a tolerance of -70 mm to -200 mm below the design
elevation, measured on clay. Whenever site-specific constraints prevent the establishment of
specific surface elevations prior to the proposed date for CCC application for surface grading and
swales, deficiencies are to be noted on the certification. In these cases, the applications shall be
accompanied by written confirmation of the intent to rectify the surface grading deficiencies prior
to final acceptance for sewer and drainage improvements and a commitment to coordinate with
all other parties so that the interim surface grading deficiencies do not result in misinterpretation
by others of the final grading requirements.
ii. Refer to the Lot Grading Guidelines.
3.1.7 Erosion and Sediment Controls (ESC)
i. The consultant shall ensure the implementation of the ESC Plan during construction and post-
construction stages in accordance with the ESC Guidelines and Field Manual until the FAC is
signed off.
ii. Inspection of the ESC BMPs and installations shall be performed to ensure they are functioning
adequately. Maintenance shall be carried out as required on failing ESC measures.
3.2 Inspection of Completed Systems by EPCOR
3.2.1 Cleaning of the System
When the works are completed and prior to requesting inspection of sewers by the EPCOR’s inspector,
the Developer is to ensure that the system to be inspected is thoroughly clean and free from mud or
any other obstructions. Unsatisfactory conditions shall be remedied to the satisfaction of the Engineer
or the inspector at the Developer's expense.
3.2.2 Inspection by EPCOR upon CCC and FAC application
Upon application by the Developer for a CCC, and also for a FAC for an improvement, the EPCOR’s
inspector conducts visual inspections of the improvement, provided that the Developer has reasonably
complied with the requirements of Section 3.1.
3.2.3 Inspection Prior to Completion of Total Systems
In response to reasonable requests from the Developer, at the discretion of the Engineer, EPCOR’
inspector may inspect portions of the sewer and drainage improvements in advance of formal
application for a CCC. This is to identify and correct deficiencies in underground works in advance of
the construction of surface improvements or with regard to seasonal considerations. The Engineer
shall not be obliged, however, to conduct piecemeal inspections for acceptance of work in progress,
or to provide separate or advanced approval of a CCC or a FAC for any portion of the sewer and
drainage improvements constructed under the terms of a single servicing agreement. The City will
approve a CCC or an FAC only upon completion of all portions of each separate improvement itemized
within the servicing agreement.
3.2.4 Wet Well Inspection Prior to Operation
A wet well inspection must be done by EPCOR Drainage Services before flooding with sewage in
order to inspect proper seating/fastening of the pump and for any garbage left by the contractor in the
well that could cause clogging in the future.
3.3 Inspection and Testing of Sewers
3.3.1 Manual Visual Inspection
All sewers greater than 1200 mm in diameter, and all manholes, CBs leads, CBs and appurtenances
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shall be subject to visual inspection by the Engineer or an authorized inspector at CCC and where
feasible to do so, at FAC. Manual walk-through inspections shall conform to Section 23 - Vol. 3-06:
Construction Specifications. Where manual walk-through inspections are not feasible to be carried out
at FAC, sewer inspection shall be carried out by CCTV methods meeting the technical requirements
of Section 23 - Vol. 3-06: Construction Specifications.
Acceptance criteria for sewer pipe at both CCC and FAC shall conform to the requirements of Clause
3.12 – Visual Inspection and Acceptance Criteria, Section 13 - Vol. 3-06: Construction Specifications.
Manholes, CBs and other appurtenances shall show no evidence of structural damage at CCC nor no
evidence or premature material degradation at FAC
3.3.2 Sewer Inspection by CCTV Methods
i. CCTV inspection of the sanitary and storm sewer improvements shall be completed in accordance
with Section 23 - Vol. 3-06: Construction Specifications and the associated inspection results
submitted to the Engineer prior to application for a CCC and a FAC.
ii. This shall include all sewers not subject to visual walk-through inspections. The Consultant shall
review every CCTV inspection and provide to the Engineer a written summary indicating any
deficiencies detected, including recommendations for repair. The interpretation of the CCTV
inspection shall remain the responsibility of the Consultant.
iii. Any additional CCTV inspection of sewers to verify the Consultant's interpretation or to inspect
deficiency repairs shall be done at the Developer's expense.
iv. If CCTV inspection reveals that any of the conditions noted in Section 3.3.1 Manual visual
inspection exist, then these deficiencies shall be remedied to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
3.3.3 Leakage Testing
All leakage tests shall be conducted after the service connections to the main have been installed.
Service connections include in-line tees, wyes and saddles.
No leakage testing other than visual interpretation of the CCTV inspections is required to comply with
Leakage Testing Criteria at FAC.
i. Minimum requirement for leakage testing
Leakage tests shall be conducted on 10% of all sanitary sewers unless a further requirement for
testing is defined below. The Engineer shall choose those sewers to be tested after construction
is complete.
ii. Additional leakage testing in case of test failure
In the event that initial leakage tests described within the Construction Specifications reveal
deficiencies in the 10% of the system tested, then in addition to retesting after repairs have been
carried out, an additional 10% of the system shall be tested. Should this additional testing reveal
further deficiencies, then the remainder of the system shall also be tested for leakage. All
deficiencies detected shall be repaired and the system retested for leakage. The cycle of testing
and repair shall be repeated until leakage from the system is within the allowances specified in the
Construction Specifications.
iii. Sanitary sewers below the groundwater table
All sanitary sewers that are anticipated to be below the groundwater table at any time of year are
to be tested for leakage.
iv. Sanitary sewers located near top of bank
All sanitary sewers situated within top of bank as defined in the subdivision plan shall be tested
for leakage.
v. Storm sewers designed for surcharge
Storm sewers which are designed to operate under surcharged conditions for extended periods,
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Acceptance/Transfer February 2022

for instance in the case of an outlet from a SWMF with flow controlled at the downstream end, may
be required to be tested for leakage at the Engineer’s discretion.
3.3.4 Methods for Leakage Testing
Leakage testing shall be conducted in accordance with Section 27 - Vol. 3-06: Construction
3.3.5 Leakage Testing Acceptance at FAC
As it is not feasible to conduct leakage tests at FAC, acceptance shall be based on visual acceptance
criteria based on the results of the CCTV inspections. The CCTV inspections shall be reviewed for any
infiltration type defect observations using the nomenclature noted in the EPCOR Closed-Circuit
Television Inspection Manual and the National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO)’s
Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP) Reference Manual.
Any observed infiltration greater than the “seeper” level of infiltration shall be rectified at the
Developer’s expense. Rectification of infiltration type deficiencies can be made utilizing approved
grouting or trenchless point repair techniques. The Consultant shall make a recommendation to the
City/EPCOR on an appropriate method of defect rectification in accordance with the methods outlined
in Section 13 - Vol. 3-06: Construction Specifications, Clause 13.12.4 (Flexible Pipe Defects) or
13.12.5 (Rigid Pipe Defects) for infiltration through pipe defects or Clause 13.12.6 for infiltration
through Joint Defects and an appropriate monitoring period to confirm that the defects were adequately
3.3.6 Easements and Restrictive Covenants
All easement, restrictive covenant and right-of-way documents indicated on the engineering drawings,
shall be registered against the properties and on file at the Land Titles Office before CCC for the
development is issued.
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February 2022


• Submit new product review request to [email protected] with supporting information as:
• Product documentation including catalogues, data sheet, authenticated and validated drawings, photographs, affidavits of compliance, etc.
• Certificates of compliance to national and/or international standards (e.g. CSA, ASTM, AASHTO, etc.) as referenced in the recent edition of Drainage
Design and Construction Standards.
• Test results from certified testing lab(s) to support the product to meet CSA/ASTM/AASHTO Standards, etc.
• Lifetime expectation when required, warranty documentation/information, cost-benefit and risk analysis.
New Product Review • Product approval letters from other municipalities within the province of Alberta or other municipalities with similar climate, if applicable.
Request • Performance history, successes and lessons learned from the past projects, reference projects with contact information (municipality/company name,
contact name, email and phone number).

• EPCOR Drainage Engineering team in consultation with subject matter expert will review the submitted information.
• It will be determined if the product review should be recommended to the Drainage Management of Change (MOC) committee review.

Drainage Engineering

• Additional steps are needed in order to provide recommendations to the MOC committee to either accept or decline the application. The
following steps may occur:
• Additional Product Information Request: To supplement the information provided with the initial submission, additional information may be requested.
• Product Presentation, Demonstration, or Sample: The need for a product presentation, demonstration or sample of the product may be determined to
gain a better understanding of the product. All costs associated with the supply and delivery of the product will be incurred by the applicant. No
reimbursement will be provided for a product demonstration or sample regardless of the outcome of the review.
• Product Field Test/Pilot Installation: Some products may require a field test to evaluate the performance of the product. The duration of the field test is
Product Investigation dependent on the product and will be determined by the product investigator on a case-by-case basis.
• If the applicant does not respond to requests for further information at any point within the process for a period of one year the review will be closed
without notification.

• The product investigator prepares an investigation report and a presentation and submits to the MOC committee.
• After reviewing the investigation report and presentation, the MOC committee schedule a date for the product presentation.
• The product investigator presents the findings from investigation and recommendations to the committee and answers the MOC committee questions.
• MOC committee votes and decides on the proposed product.
MOC Committe Review

• Once the product investigation recommendation is accepted by the MOC committee a product approval letter outlining the product review decision,
conditions if any, on behalf of EPCOR Drainage will be sent to the applicant. A copy of this letter will also be circulated to appropriate EPCOR Staff.
• If the product has been accepted, it will be added to the current Drainage Approved Products List (DAPL) during the next DAPL revision. Once a
product has been accepted, the supplier will be able to tender for the supply of the product on the next applicable tender.

• The applicant or other interested parties may not agree with the decision regarding product approval. Any comments or concerns with the decision can
be emailed to [email protected].
• All concerns regarding the product, as outlined in the notification letter, must be addressed before another product review can enter Drainage
Engineering review.

• Products on the Drainage Approved Products List (DAPL) will be reviewed periodically to ensure they continue to meet EPCOR's requirements.
• Approved products not continuing to meet EPCOR's requirements will be reviewed by the MOC committee. After this review, the products may be
removed from the DAPL and have their approval revoked.
• When a product is removed from the DAPL, a DAPL revision is posted on EPCOR’s website. The revised DAPL comes into effect 60 days after the
revision is posted. At that time, the product can no longer be identified as a general use product approved for the construction of EPCOR-owned
drainage projects.
Maintenance of the
Drainage Approved • Regular updates to the DAPL will be made available once per year (January) or as deemed necessary by EPCOR. It is the responsibility of all DAPL
Products List (DAPL) users to ensure they have the most current version and all amendments.

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