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Product properties Stopaq Paste CZH
Product Information Colour Green
Density 1.4 – 1.6 g/cm³
Product description: Stopaq Paste CZH is a low temperature, cold- Temperature Operational temperatures: - 45°C to + 70°C
applied, non-crosslinked, non-crystalline, monolithic viscous polymer ranges Substrate temperature
based moulding paste with cold flow, self-healing, and visco-elastic during application: - 30°C to + 70°C
properties. Stopaq® Paste CZH is a corrosion preventing, non-toxic Water absorption < 0.03% (ASTM D570)
mouldable material adhering extremely well to steel and factory applied Glass transition ≤ - 65°C (ISO 21809-3/A1)
pipeline coatings like PE, PP and FBE. Stopaq® Paste CZH is viscous at temperature
the indicated operating temperatures and, due to its liquid nature, flows Specific electrical > 108Ω.m² (ISO 21809-3/A1)
into all irregularities of the substrate. The compound does not cure and insulation
is unable to build up internal stress. Stopaq® Paste CZH is fully resistance
resistant to water and has a very low gas- and water vapour
Adhesion test Tested @+23°C and +70°C (ISO 21809-3/A1)
on steel (Sa 2½, St 2 and St 3) and plant
coatings (PP, PE and FBE). Results on all
Stopaq® Paste CZH requires an additional flexible mechanical protective
layer like Stopaq® Outerwrap. Optionally a rigid mechanical protective
 Cohesive failure, no evidence of adhesive
layer can be applied on top like Stopaq® Polyester or Stopaq®
Outerglass Shield. Stopaq® Outerwrap improves impact and indentation
resistance of the coating system and supports the self-healing ability of  ≥ 99% coverage of surface
small damages like dents and cuts.  ≥ 0.6 mm residual thickness
Thermal ageing Ageing 100 days@+90°C (ISO 21809-3/A1), dry
Features: resistance and hot and hot water immersion: Results of adhesion
 Controlled cold flow providing permanent inflow into the finest pores of water immersion test are identical to results obtained with non-
the substrate. aged material.
 Conforms to irregular shapes Salt spray Tested 720 h, 5% NaCl @ + 85°C (ASTM B117):
resistance No corrosion detected
 Low surface tension; adheres on many types of dry substrates at a
molecular level Note: ISO 21809-3/A1 = ISO 21809-3:2008/Amendment 1:2011
 Surface tolerant: no blasting techniques required, wire brushing is
sufficient (ISO 8501-1: St 2) General order information
 Adhesion based on vanderWaals forces Product: Stopaq® Paste CZH is available in sheets,
 Inert to ageing and weathering packed in siliconized foil in cardboard boxes
 Resistant to many chemicals like water, salts, acids, alkalis, polar Art. Nr. Packing size
solvents, etc. For additional information, please consult Stopaq b.v. 6140 Sheet 2kg, 6 pcs./box, 288 pcs./pallet
Handling Handle with care. Keep boxes upright
Benefits: Storage Store in a cool, dry and clean place, away from
 Environmentally friendly, no health and safety hazards to humans direct sunlight and below +45°C.
 Fast and easy to apply Unlimited shelf life.
 Easy to control application
 Can be moulded onto various types of irregular shaped objects
 No osmosis or underfilm migration of moisture
 No cathodic disbondment
 Cathodic Protection (CP) of steel structures is not affected
 Guaranteed performance

Application examples

Flanges: For protection against external corrosion and shaping of

connection flanges, insulation flanges and blind flanges.
Valves: For protection against external corrosion and shaping of valves.
Irregular shaped parts: For protection against external corrosion and
shaping of manhole covers, bolts & nuts, etc.
Cad-welds: For protection against external corrosion of welded CP-wire
connections on underground pipelines (Pin-brazes) and underground
steel structures protected by CP.
Pipe coating repairs: For protection against external corrosion and as
filler for pipeline coating defects of e.g. 3LPE coated pipelines, prior to
application of consecutive mechanical protective coating.

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Application instruction: Preparation Application instruction: Quality control

Tools, equipment  Temperature probe, Dew point tester, High Visual inspection The appearance of Stopaq® Paste CZH must
and auxiliaries voltage holiday tester look smooth and tight and should cover all
 Scissors, Knife, Putty knife, Measuring tape details with a thickness of at least 20 mm.
 Abrading pads, Wire brushes Holiday detection Immediately after application of Stopaq® Paste
 Isopropyl alcohol, cas. nr. 67-63-0 CZH, a holiday test should be carried out with a
 Heating blanket High voltage holiday tester at ≥15 kV. A brush
 Protective gloves probe is recommended. No further testing is
 Personal protective gear required.
Additional Depending on type of application, various
materials additional materials might be needed: Application instruction: Mechanical protection
 Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH Mechanical Once applied, Stopaq® Paste CZH should be
 Stopaq® Outerwrap PVC / PE / HTPP protection protected against impacts, indentations, soil
 Stopaq® Polyester pressure and other influences by wraps of
 Stopaq® Outerglass Shield Stopaq® Outerwrap, eventually followed by
High humidity Stopaq® Paste CZH can be applied in a humid Stopaq® Polyester or Stopaq® Outerglass Shield.
atmosphere. The substrate should be free from Mechanical protection should overlap the
condensing water which can be reached by boundaries of applied Paste CZH.
keeping the temperature at least 3°C above dew
point. Bringing into service
Work area and The substrate surface should be dry, clean and Exposure to loads Objects coated with Stopaq® Paste CZH should
substrate protected against negative weather influences. not be exposed to loads from supports- or lifting
Product conditions Stopaq® Paste CZH should be dry and the equipment.
temperature should be above +35°C for the ease Immersion or Immersion or burying is possible immediately
of application. To achieve this, the sheets can be burying after completion of the coating application.
heated with the heating blanket. Backfill and compact with clean sand and filling
material without sharp stones or hard lumps of
Application instruction: Surface preparation soil.
General The area to be coated has to be clean, dry, and
free from oil, grease and dust. All contamination
including mill-scale has to be removed. Stopaq information and warranty
Degreasing Degrease surfaces with isopropyl alcohol Documentation Extensive information is available on our web-
Salts and bacteria No need for additional cleaning. site. Application instructions, “Stopaq® Technical
Condensation of Prior to and during the application, the Standard” and other documentation can be
water temperature of the substrate(s) must be at least obtained from our head office, from our local
3°C above the dew point. distributor or by email to [email protected]
Substrate Temperature of the substrate should preferably Certified staff The application of Stopaq® coating systems
temperature between +20 and +40°C. Preheating may be should always be carried out by certified
required. personnel.
Steel Minimum requirement for surface preparation is Stopaq ® Extensive laboratory tests and more than 10
St-2 according to ISO 8501-1. Roughness profile performance years of service in extreme wet and chemical
is not essential for adhesion. aggressive environments have proven that
Bitumen Remove loose bitumen. For proper adhesion, corrosion, bacterial growth or stress corrosion
make sure that the surface is clean and dry. cracking cannot develop on substrates coated
Heating up the surface to +60ºC may be with Stopaq® coating systems.
required. Avoid recoating of moist bitumen parts. Long term Stopaq® offers a 30 year guarantee on the
Other substrates De-gloss and degrease the surfaces by using an guarantee material properties of the Stopaq® Paste
abrasive pad and isopropyl alcohol. materials as described in this document.
Final control The substrates prepared for coating, should be
clean, dry and free of dust according to ISO
8502-3, grade 3.

Application instruction: Brief version

Boundaries in Apply wraps of Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH
flange application onto the pipe sections underneath and beyond STOPAQ B.V.
the planned boundaries of Stopaq® Paste CZH. Gasselterstraat 20
Application Apply lumps of mouldable paste around the 9503 JB Stadskanaal
shaped objects. Press the paste. Avoid air P.O. Box 285
9500 AG Stadskanaal
entrapment. After shaping, the surface should be
The Netherlands
smooth to enable proper application of additional T: +31 (0) 599 696 170
materials. F: +31 (0) 599 696 177
Reinforcement In case the layer thickness of Stopaq® Paste E: [email protected]
CZH exceeds 20mm, it is recommended to apply I:
a reinforcement interlayer web for stabilization of
the moulded paste layer.

DISCLAIMER: To the best of our knowledge, the technical data contained herein is true and accurate on the date of publication and is subject to change without prior notice. User must contact Stopaq
B.V. to verify correctness before specifying and ordering. No guarantee of accuracy is given or implied. We do not accept any responsibility for coverage, performance or injuries resulting from use.
Liability, if any, is replacement of products. No other warranty or guarantee of any kind is made by Stopaq B.V., express or implied, statutory, by operation of law, or otherwise, including merchantability
and fitness for a particular purpose. Stopaq® is a registered trademark of Stopaq B.V.

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Product properties of Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH
Product Information Colour Green
Thickness 2,0 ± 0,2 mm [80 ± 8 mils]
Product description: Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH is a corrosion preventing Density 1,5 ± 0,1 g/cm³ [12.5 ± 0.8 lbs/gal] (ISO 1183-1)
wrap material adhering extremely well to steel and plant applied pipeline Temperature ranges Operational: -45 °C to +70 °C [-49 °F to +158 °F]
coatings like PE, PP and FBE. Short term: +90 °C {+194°F]
A), B)
Glass transition temp. ≤ - 65 °C [-85 °F]
Crystallization temp. Tested range -100 °C to +190 °C [-148 °F to +374 °F] :
Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH is a non-toxic, cold-applied, prefabricated wrap
 No evidence of crystallization or melting point.
coating, based on a compound consisting of non-crystalline, low-viscosity, non- Holiday detection No holidays at 15 kV

crosslinked (fully amorphous), pure homopolymer Polyisobutene. Drip resistance Tested 48h @ +130 °C [+266 °F]
A), B)
: No dripping of compound
8 9 A), B)
Specific electrical Rs100 ≥ 10 (1E+08) Ω.m² [≥ 10 (1E+09) Ω.ft²]
Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH is viscous at the indicated operating insulation resistance
temperatures. Due to its liquid nature it has a set of unique properties like Adhesion Peel tests on carbon steel (Sa 2½, St 3, and St 2) and plant
cold-flow into all irregularities of the substrate, and self-healing of the coatings PP, PE, and FBE .
complete coating system. The compound does not cure and is unable to build Peel strengths before ageing:
up internal stress. Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH is fully resistant to water and  @ -45 °C [-49 °F]:
PP, PE, and FBE ≥ 3 N/mm [≥ 274 ozf/in]
has a low gas- and water vapour permeability. Carbon steel ≥ 20 N/mm [≥ 1820 ozf/in]
 @ +23 °C [+73 °F] ≥ 0,2 N/mm [≥ 18 ozf/in]
Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH requires application of a polymeric outerwrap like  @ +70 °C [+158 °F] ≥ 0,02 N/mm [≥ 1.8 oz/in]
Stopaq® Outerwrap (various types available) or Stopaq® High Impact Shield. Peel strengths after hot water immersion and after thermal
This improves impact and indentation resistance of the coating system and ageing, both for 100 days at 90 °C [+194 °F]: A)
supports the self-healing ability of small damages like dents and cuts.  @ +23 °C [+73 °F] ≥ 0,2 N/mm [≥ 18 ozf/in]
Optionally additional mechanical protective layers can be applied on top like  @ +70 °C [+158 °F] ≥ 0,02 N/mm [≥ 1.8 ozf/in]
Stopaq® Polyester or Stopaq® Outerglass Shield XT Grey. In all cases cohesive separation mode and ≥ 95% coverage of
Lap shear resistance Tested on carbon steel (Sa 2½, St 3, and St 2) A), B)
Features:  Lap shear strengths:
 Controlled cold flow providing permanent inflow into the finest pores of the  @-45 °C [-49 °F] ≥ 3,0 N/mm² [≥ 435 psi]
substrate  @+23 °C [+73 °F] ≥ 0,02 N/mm² [≥ 2.9 psi]
 Resistant to low temperatures without getting brittle  @+70 °C [+158 °F] ≥ 0,002 N/mm² [≥ 0.29 psi]
 Conforms to irregular shapes In all cases cohesive separation mode and ≥ 95% coverage of
 Low surface tension; adheres on many types of dry substrates at a molecular surface
level ®
Properties of coating system comprising Stopaq Wrappingband CZH
 Surface tolerant: no blasting techniques required, wire brushing is sufficient (ISO ®
and Stopaq Outerwrap
8501-1: St 2)
Thickness 3,0 ± 0,3 mm [120 ± 12 mils]
 Constant film thickness Impact resistance Tested with 15 J [132 in.lbf] @ -45 °C [-49 °F], @ +23 °C [+73
 Adhesion based on vanderWaals forces °F] and @ +70 °C [+158 °F] A), B): No holidays
 Self-healing of small dents, voids and cracks Indentation resistance Tested with 1,0 N/mm² [145 psi] @ -45 °C [-49°F], @ +23 °C
 Inert to ageing and weathering [+73 °F] and @ +70 °C [+158 °F] A), B):
 Resistant to many chemicals like water, salts, acids, alkalis, polar solvents, etc.  Residual thickness ≥ 0,6 mm [24 mils]
For additional information, please consult Stopaq B.V. Cathodic disbondment Tested @ +23 °C [+73 °F] and @ +70 °C [+158 °F] A), B):
resistance  Disbondment 0 mm, no holiday. Defect Ø 6 mm [1/4”] self-
Benefits: healed within 1 day.
 Safe to use. No physical, health or environmental hazards. Corrosion protection Tested according ISO 12944-6:1998 incl. 480 h Neutral Salt
performance test Spray acc. ISO 9227, and 240 h condensation acc. ISO 6270-2
 Fast and easy field application
(corrosivity category C5-M):
 Can be moulded onto various types of irregular shaped objects
 No blistering (ISO 4628-2: 0 (S0)); No rusting (ISO 4628-3: Ri
 No osmosis or underfilm migration of moisture 0); No cracking (ISO 4628-4: 0 (S0)); No flaking (ISO 4628-5:
 No cathodic disbondment 0 (S0))
 Cathodic Protection (CP) of steel structures is not affected Self-healing test Artificial defect Ø 6mm [1/4”] tested for completion of self-
Product certificates: @ -45 °C [-49 °F]: completed < 90 days, no holiday
 Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH is certified by KIWA: “Kiwa Product certificate for @ +23 °C [+73 °F]: completed < 24 hours, no holiday
corrosion protection compound and tapes for tank and pipeline installations @ +70 °C [+158 °F]: completed < 24 hours, no holiday
according to the Evaluation Guideline BRL-K911/02 with a verification according According to ISO 21809-3:2016 coating type 13; B) According to KIWA BRL-K911/02
to standard EN-12068.”
 Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH is certified according to NSF/ANSI Standard 61: General order information
“Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects” Product Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH is available in rolls of various
widths and lengths (others on request):
Application examples Art. Nr.: Product dimensions and contents:
Piping and vessels: For protection against external corrosion of buried, 6110 50mm x 5m [2”x16.5’]; 24 pcs/box; 576 pcs/pallet
immersed or above ground carbon steel, alloyed steel and ductile iron 6120 50mm x 10m [2”x33’]; 12 pcs/box; 360 pcs/pallet
6125 100mm x 10m [4”x33’]; 6 pcs/box; 180 pcs/pallet
pipelines structures and reservoirs.
(container 360 pcs/pallet)
Field joints: For protection against external corrosion of buried, immersed or 6136 150mm x 10m [6”x33’]; 2 pcs/box; 128 pcs/pallet
above ground carbon steel, alloyed steel and ductile iron pipeline girth-weld 6134 150mm x 20m [6”x66’]; 2 pcs/box; 128 pcs/pallet
joints. 6130 200mm x 10m [8”x33’]; 2 pcs/box; 96 pcs/pallet
6131 200mm x 20m [8”x66’]; 2 pcs/box; 96 pcs/pallet
Fittings: For protection against external corrosion of buried, immersed or 6248 300mm x 10m [12”x33’]; 2 pcs/box; 80 pcs/pallet
above ground carbon steel, alloyed steel and ductile iron pipe fittings such as Handling Handle with care. Keep boxes upright.
elbows, bends, tees, reducers, flanges, etc. Storage Store indoor, clean and dry, away from direct sunlight in a
Pipe coating repair and rehabilitation: For repair and rehabilitation and cool place below +45 °C [+113 °F].
protection against external corrosion of pipeline coating defects. Unlimited shelf life.

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Application instruction - Job preparation Application instruction - Brief version

Tools, equipment and  Temperature probe, Dew point tester, High See specific Stopaq coating instructions for e.g. field joints, pipe wrapping,
auxiliaries voltage holiday tester coating repair, fittings, etc.
 Scissors, Knife, Measuring tape Wrapping Start with removal of a small part of the release liner
 Abrading pads, Wire brushes and apply the Wrappingband on the substrate. Apply
 SFL™ Cleaning Wipes, SFL™ Substrate Cleaner, Wrappingband without any tension onto the
or Isopropyl alcohol, cas. nr. 67-63-0 substrate. Avoid air-enclosures. Mould the
 Personal protective gear Wrappingband tight onto the substrate.
Additional coating Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH requires application of Release foil Do not remove the release foil before application of
materials a polymeric outer wrap, such as: the Wrappingband. Remove just prior to application
 Stopaq® Outerwrap PE/PVC/HSPE/HSPEX/HTPP of the Wrappingband to the surface.
 Stopaq® High Impact Shield Overlap of wraps Side-by-side overlap: ≥ 10 mm [3/8“]
Optionally, additional mechanical protective layers Consecutive rolls: ≥ 50 mm [2”]
can be applied over the complete coating, like: Overlap on existing coatings: See specific Stopaq
 Stopaq® Outerglass Shield XT Grey coating instructions.
 Stopaq® Polyester Visual inspection The appearance of Wrappingband should look
High humidity Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH can be applied in a smooth and tight, and should be shaped around all
humid atmosphere. The substrate must be free from details and into corners.
condensing water which can be reached by keeping Holiday detection The coated surface must be checked for holidays
the temperature at least 3 °C [6 °F] above dew point. using a high voltage holiday detector at 15 kV
Work area and The substrate must be dry, clean and protected equipped with a brush probe prior to application of
substrate against negative weather influences. any outer wrap material.
Product conditions Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH must be dry and the Application of outer Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH must be protected
temperature should preferably be between +20 °C wrap materials against impacts, indentations, soil pressure and
and +40 °C [+68 °F to +104 °F] for the ease of other influences by application of Stopaq®
application. Outerwrap or Stopaq® High Impact Shield.
Optionally, additional mechanical protective
materials like Stopaq® Outerglass Shield XT Grey or
Application instruction - Surface preparation Stopaq® Polyester can be installed over the complete
General The area to be coated must be clean, dry, and free coating system. Please consult Stopaq B.V. for
from oil, grease and dust. All contamination further information.
including mill-scale must be removed.
Degreasing Degrease surfaces with SFL™ Cleaning Wipes, or
with SFL™ Substrate Cleaner and a lint-free cloth.
Handling and commissioning
Preventing Prior to and during the application, the temperature Exposure to loads Objects coated with Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH
condensation of of the substrate(s) must be at least 3 °C [6 °F] above should not be exposed to loads e.g. from supports-
water the dew point. or lifting equipment.
Substrate Temperature of the substrate should preferably be Immersion or burying Immersion or burying is possible immediately after
temperature between +20 °C and +40 °C [+68 °F to +104 °F] for completion of the coating application. Consult data
fast and easy application. Preheating may be sheets for specific instructions of additional
required. materials used. Backfill and compact with clean sand
and filling material without sharp stones or hard
Carbon Steel Minimum requirement for surface preparation is St
lumps of soil.
2 according to ISO 8501-1. Roughness profile is not
essential for adhesion.
Existing coating - Remove loose bitumen. For proper adhesion, make Information
Bitumen sure that the surface is clean and dry. The product Documentation Extensive information is available on our web-site.
must not be applied on moist bitumen. Moderate Application instructions and other documentation
heating of bitumen is recommended in order to let can be obtained by contacting our head office, from
trapped water evaporate. After this, bitumen should our local distributor or by sending email to
be allowed to cool down to preferred substrate [email protected]
temperature. Certified staff Application of the described coating system should
Existing coatings - De-gloss and degrease the surfaces with SFL™ be carried out by certified personnel.
others Cleaning Wipes, or with SFL™ Substrate cleaner and
an abrasive pad.
Cleanliness check Take a piece of Wrappingband of ± 150 mm [6”]
length, remove the release foil and fold it back for
about 25 mm [1”]. Put the Wrappingband onto the
surface, press it firmly and leave it for 5 minutes.
Pull the Wrappingband from the substrate with an
angle of app. 135 deg. and a speed of 100 mm/min
[4”/min]. Cohesive separation mode should occur
and coverage of the surface with remaining material
should be ≥ 95%. If this is less, surface cleaning is
insufficient. At too low substrate temperatures this
test may not be successful. Preheat the substrate to
preferred temperature and repeat the test.

Seal For Life Industries Mexico S de R.L. de C.V. Seal For Life Industries - Stopaq B.V. Seal For Life Industries BVBA Seal For Life India Private Ltd.
Tijuana, Mexico Stadskanaal, the Netherlands Westerlo, Belgium Baroda, India
USA Tel: +1 858 633 9797 Tel: +31 599 696 170 Tel: +32 14 722 500 Tel: +91 2667 264 721
Mx Tel: +52 664 647 4397 Fax: +31 599 696 177 Fax: +32 14 722 570 Fax: +91 2667 264 724
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Anodeflex™ - Stopaq® - Polyken® - Covalence® - Powercrete® - Sealtaq® - Blockr® - Easy.Qote® - SynergyQ®
DISCLAIMER: Seal For Life Industries warrants that the product conforms to its chemical and physical description and is appropriate for the use stated on the technical data sheet when used in compliance with Seal For Life Industries’ written instructions. Because
many installation factors are beyond the control of Seal For Life Industries, the user shall determine the suitability of the products for the intended uses and assume all risks and liabilities in connection herewith. Seal for Life’s liability is stated in its General Terms and
Conditions of Sale. Seal For Life Industries makes no other warranty either express or implied. All information contained in this technical data sheet is to be used as a guide and is subject to change without notice. This technical data sheet supersedes all previous data
sheets on this product.

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Product properties of Stopaq® Outerwrap PVC
Product Information Colour Black
Thickness Backing: 0,45 mm [18 mils] ± 10%
Product description: Stopaq® Outerwrap PVC is a UV-resistant flexible Total: 0,5 mm [20 mils] ± 10%
polyvinyl chloride tape, coated with a modified pressure sensitive rubber resin Temperatures Service: - 45 to +70 ºC [-49 to 158 °F]
adhesive. Stopaq® Outerwrap PVC is used for the mechanical protection of Short term max.: +90 ºC [194 °F]
corrosion preventing coating systems such as Stopaq® Wrappingband CZ and Peel strength between Before ageing (P0) A)
CZH. It is well suited for underground and submerged applications. The heavy- layers - @ +23 ºC [73 °F]: ≥ 0,20 N/mm *≥18 ozf/in]
duty adhesive layer provides good adhesion to the outer surface of the - @ +70 ºC [158 °F]: ≥ 0,02 N/mm *≥1.8 ozf/in]
Stopaq® Wrappingband as well as to its own backing. The Outerwrap has good
resistance to impacts, indentations and abrasion, and is also resistant to After thermal ageing for 100 days @ 90 ºC [194 °F]
chemicals like alkalis and acids. - P100 / P0 ≥ 0,50 A)

After hot water immersion for 100 days at 70 ºC [158 °F]

- P100 / P0 ≥ 0,75 A)
 Easy to apply Thermal ageing Elastic modulus after thermal ageing for 100 days @ +90
 Cold applied resistance ºC [194 °F]
 Flexible, good conformability - E100 / E0 ≥ 0,75 A)
 Good adhesion to Stopaq® Wrappingband as well as to its own backing
 Excellent impact resistance Elongation at break after thermal ageing for 100 days @
 Wide service temperature range 90 ºC [194 °F]
 REACH compliant, does not contain Substances of Very High Concern - E’100 / E’0 ≥ 0,75 A)
(SVHC). Properties of coating system comprising Stopaq® Wrappingband CZH
and Stopaq® Outerwrap PVC
Benefits: Total thickness 3,0 mm ± 10%
 Very well suited for manual application Self-healing test Self-healing of an artificial defect of Ø 6 mm *1/4”+:
 Easy to stretch and to apply - @ -45 ºC [-49 °F]: no holiday (≤ 3 months)
 Excellent mechanical protection of Stopaq® corrosion prevention products - @ +23 ºC [73 °F]: no holiday (≤ 24 hr.)
 Resists impacts and indentations which may occur during installation and - @ +70 ºC [158 °F]: no holiday (≤ 24 hr.)
backfilling Impact resistance Tested at 15 J [132 in.lbf] and @ +23 ºC [73 °F] A)
- no holidays
 Supports self-healing of completed coating system
Indentation resistance Tested at 1,0 N/mm² [145 psi] A)
 Good resistance to ageing, even when exposed to maximum temperature
- @ +23 ºC [73 °F]: no holiday, residual coating
for longer periods of time thickness ≥ 0,6 mm [1/4”+
 No curing or waiting time, ready for immediate service - @ +70 ºC [158 °F]: no holiday, residual coating
thickness ≥ 0,6 mm *1/4”+
Cathodic disbondment After 28 days A)
Application examples resistance  @ +23 ºC [73 °F]: disbondment 0 mm, no holiday
 @ +70 ºC [158°F]: disbondment 0 mm, no holiday
Pipes and Vessels: Mechanical protection of Stopaq® corrosion preventing In all cases self-healing completed within 24 hr.
coating systems applied on carbon steel pipeline structures and reservoirs. ISO 21809-3:2016 coating type 13A

Field joints: Mechanical protection of Stopaq® corrosion preventing coating General order information
systems applied on carbon steel girth-weld joints of on-shore pipelines. Product Stopaq® Outerwrap PVC is available in rolls, wound
on cardboard cores, packed in cardboard boxes:
Pipe fittings: Mechanical protection of Stopaq® corrosion preventing coating Art. Nr.: Product dimensions (W x L) and contents:
systems applied on carbon steel pipe fittings like elbows, bends, tees, reducers Black – 1120: 50mm x 10m: 60 pcs/box;1800 pcs/pallet
and flanges. 1122: 50mm x 30m: 18 pcs/box; 630 pcs/pallet
1121: 75mm x 30m: 12 pcs/box; 420 pcs/pallet
1125: 100mm x 30m: 12 pcs/box;336 pcs/pallet
1126: 150mm x 30m: 6 pcs/box; 210 pcs/pallet
1124: 400mm x 40m: 4 pcs/box; 72 pcs/pallet
Handling Handle with care. Keep boxes upright.
Storage Store indoor, clean and dry, away from direct
sunlight in a cool place below +40°C [104°F].

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Application instruction - Job preparation Example - After application of the circumferential wraps,
Tools, equipment and Scissors, knife and measuring tape Pipe wrapping consecutive spiral wraps should have an overlap of ≥
auxiliaries (continued) 50%.
Additional coating Stopaq® Outerwrap PVC is applied on Stopaq® Avoid air inclusions. Avoid tenting and bridging
materials corrosion preventing coating materials, such as: Continue spiral wrapping until reaching the
 Stopaq® Wrappingband CZ or CZH boundary of the area to be coated, leaving 3 mm
 Stopaq® Paste CZ or CZH *1/8”+ of the previously applied Stopaq®
Additional mechanical protective materials may be Wrappingband visible at the boundary.
applied over the Outerwrap, e.g.:
 Stopaq® Polyester When more than one roll of Outerwrap PVC is
 Stopaq® Outerglass Shield XT Grey needed to continue wrapping, an overlap on the end
High humidity Stopaq® Outerwrap PVC can be applied in a humid of the previously applied Outerwrap PVC should be
atmosphere. The substrate should be free from created of at least 100 mm *4”+.
condensing water which can be reached by keeping End wrapping with two full circumferential wraps
the temperature at least 3 °C [6 °F] above dew point. perpendicular to the pipe. End with a quarter
Work area and The substrate should be dry, clean and protected circumferential wrap of Outerwrap PVC without
substrate against negative weather influences. Temperature of tension. In case of wrapping on horizontal pipes, the
the substrate should preferably be between +10 °C tape end should face downwards ending at 3 o’clock
[50 °F] and +70 °C [158°F]. position. Cut off in a tie-form.
Product conditions Stopaq® Outerwrap PVC should be dry and the The applied Outerwrap PVC must look smooth and
temperature should preferably be between +10 °C tight and should be shaped around all details and
[50 °F] and +30 °C [86 °F] for the ease of application. into corners..

Application instruction - Brief version Handling and commissioning

Specific application instructions are available at Seal For Life Industries, e.g. for Exposure to loads Objects coated with Stopaq® Outerwrap PVC should
wrapping of pipes, field joints, fittings, etc. not be exposed to excessive loads e.g. from
Example - Horizontal pipelines should be spirally wrapped from supports- or lifting equipment.
Pipe wrapping left-to-right or from right-to-left. Pipelines Immersion or burying Immersion or burying is possible immediately after
positioned with an angle deviating from horizontal completion of the coating application. Consult data
should be wrapped from bottom to top (e.g. risers). sheets for specific instructions of additional
In general Stopaq® Outerwrap PVC should be materials used. Backfill and compact with clean sand
applied with tension by gently pulling the roll of and filling material without sharp stones or hard
material, unless stated otherwise in specific lumps of soil.
application instructions.
Start wrapping Outerwrap PVC with two full Information
circumferential wraps perpendicular to the pipe, Documentation Extensive information is available on our web-site.
leaving 3 mm *1/8”+ of the previously applied Application instructions and other documentation
Stopaq® Wrappingband visible at the boundary. can be obtained by contacting our head office, from
our local distributor or by sending email to
[email protected]
Certified staff Application of the described coating system should
be carried out by certified personnel.

Seal For Life Industries Mexico S de R.L. de C.V. Seal For Life Industries - Stopaq B.V. Seal For Life Industries BVBA Seal For Life India Private Ltd.
Tijuana, Mexico Stadskanaal, the Netherlands Westerlo, Belgium Baroda, India
USA Tel: +1 858 633 9797 Tel: +31 599 696 170 Tel: +32 14 722 500 Tel: +91 2667 264 721
Mx Tel: +52 664 647 4397 Fax: +31 599 696 177 Fax: +32 14 722 570 Fax: +91 2667 264 724
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Anodeflex™ - Stopaq® - Polyken® - Covalence® - Powercrete® - Sealtaq® - Blockr® - Easy.Qote® - SynergyQ®
DISCLAIMER: Seal For Life Industries warrants that the product conforms to its chemical and physical description and is appropriate for the use stated on the technical data sheet when used in compliance with Seal For Life Industries’ written instructions. Because
many installation factors are beyond the control of Seal For Life Industries, the user shall determine the suitability of the products for the intended uses and assume all risks and liabilities in connection herewith. Seal for Life’s liability is stated in its General Terms and
Conditions of Sale. Seal For Life Industries makes no other warranty either express or implied. All information contained in this technical data sheet is to be used as a guide and is subject to change without notice. This technical data sheet supersedes all previous data
sheets on this product.

V 11 / 20191007 (EN) Page 2 / 2


Product properties of Stopaq Polyester
Product Information Colour Off-white
Thickness 1.7 mm
Product description: Stopaq Polyester is a polyester resin pre- Density 1.84 g/cm³ (ISO 1183)
impregnated glass-fibre reinforced outer wrap material, curing by means Light sources for UV-A lamps (wavelength 380 – 400 nm)
of Ultraviolet light. curing Sunlight
Temperature Ambient during application: Above +5°C
Stopaq® Polyester is applied on top of Stopaq® corrosion preventing ranges Operation: -165°C to +90°C
coating systems to provide additional resistance against mechanical
Heat distortion: +225°C
impacts, weathering, UV-radiation and chemicals.
Hardness Barcol: ≥ 60 (ASTM D2583)
After curing with UV-light, Stopaq Polyester forms a hard and rigid shell Impact resistance 57 kJ/m² (ISO 179)
on top of previously applied Stopaq® coating systems. Elongation at break 1.7 % (ISO 527-4)
Tensile strength 65 MPa (ISO 527-4)
Tensile modulus 9 GPa (ISO 527-4)
Features: Flexural strength 150 MPa (ISO 14125)
• Fast and easy to apply Flexural modulus 9 GPa (ISO 14125)
• High resistance to mechanical impacts and indentations Compressive 150 MPa (ISO 14126)
• Long-term resistance to ageing effects, even when used continuously strength
at maximum or minimum temperature specified. Compressive 14 GPa (ISO 14126)
• Resistant to cold, hot, wet and chemically aggressive environments modulus
• Wide operational temperature range
• Long pot life when sheltered from UV-light sources General order information
Product Stopaq® Polyester is supplied in rolls, packed in
Benefits: light-blocking foil in cardboard boxes.
• Fast curing, relatively independent from ambient temperature Art. Nr.: Product dimensions and contents:
• Complete curing to be obtained by UV-A light sources and by sunlight 1144-01000 Stopaq® Polyester 1000mm x 10m, 1 roll/box
• Low styrene emission Supplementary Supplementary available Stopaq® Compression
• Top coats can be applied immediately after complete curing product Tape must be used to complete application of
Stopaq® Polyester. As a rule of thumb, 3 rolls of
Compression Tape are needed for the
Application examples application of 1 roll of Polyester.
Art. Nr.: Product dimensions and contents:
Soil-to-air transitions of pipelines: Rigid mechanical protection of 1143-06600 Stopaq® Compression Tape 100mm x 66m, 1
Stopaq® corrosion preventing coating systems on risers against soil roll each
shear, mechanical impacts, indentations and weathering. Handling Handle with care.
Avoid unnecessary exposure to light.
Field joint coatings: Rigid mechanical protection of Stopaq corrosion Storage − Store in a cool, dark, dry, and well
preventing coating systems on pipeline girth welds against soil shear, ventilated place in original light-blocking foil
mechanical impacts and indentations. in original cardboard boxes.
Pipe saddles: Rigid mechanical protection of Stopaq® corrosion − Storage temperature between +5°C and
preventing coating systems on pipe saddles against indentations and +25°C.
abrasion by movements of the pipeline. − Shelf-life: 6 months when stored in original
Pipelines and fittings: Rigid mechanical protection of Stopaq® − Do not use if product is hardened.
corrosion preventing coating systems on above ground and buried − See applicable Safety Data Sheet for
pipeline sections, bends, tees, valves and flanges against soil shear, further instructions.
mechanical impacts, indentations and weathering.

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Application instruction - Job preparation Wrapping Start wrapping the cut piece of Stopaq®
OHSE measures Consult Safety Data Sheet for applicable Polyester, complete the full circumferential wrap
exposure controls and personal protection while applying slight tension and create a
Tools, equipment − Scissors, knife, measuring tape, application circumferential overlap of ≥ 50 mm.
and auxiliaries roller With consecutive wraps:
− UV-A lamps (depending on surface − circumferential overlaps shall be made
dimensions, two or more lamps are alternatingly at opposite sides of the object.
needed), or – in case of curing by sunlight − side-by-side overlaps should be ≥ 50 mm
– UV-reflective mirrors. onto the previously applied piece of
− Personal protective gear according to Polyester.
Safety Data Sheet, UV-blocking safety − overlaps should preferably be made on
glasses. non-cured applied polyester.
Ambient Ambient temperatures should be above +5ºC. Minimize air entrapment underneath the
conditions During application of Stopaq® Polyester, the Polyester. An application roller may be used to
rolls, the cut pieces of material and the work shape the Polyester towards the contour of the
area should be shielded against: coated object.
− UV-radiation and light to prevent premature Compressing and Prior to curing the applied pieces of Stopaq®
curing. fastening Polyester should be compressed and fastened
− Water, rain, moisture and condensing by tensioned wrapping with Stopaq®
water on the substrate to prevent Compression Tape on top of the applied
detrimental effects on the curing process. Polyester. Compression tape should be spirally
Premature curing of the sheets of Polyester may wrapped with an overlap of ≥ 50%.
occur when ambient UV intensity is (too) high. It Curing Place UV-lamps - or, in case of curing by
should then be considered to conduct sunlight, the reflective mirrors - around the object
application in UV-sheltered habitats, or even coated with Stopaq® Polyester. Ensure that the
shift to application at night time. entire coated surface will be enlightened.
Work area and The substrate should be dry and clean, i.e. free Switch on the UV-lamps; be careful not to look
substrate from foreign matter such as loose particles, oil into UV-light sources without adequate eye
and grease. The substrate should be free from protection!
condensing water which can be reached by After curing time has elapsed, check for
keeping the temperature at least 3°C above dew completion of curing. The cured Polyester shall
point. feel hard.
Product conditions Stopaq® Polyester should be dry and the Coating of Stopaq® Polyester can be coated with various
temperature should be above +5°C and Polyester types of liquid top-coatings for esthetical
preferably not beyond +30°C. reasons. It is then recommended to remove the
Calculation of Stopaq® Polyester is applied in straight wraps Stopaq® Compression Tape and remainders of
material perpendicular to the pipe with the following outer release foil. Please consult Stopaq B.V.
consumption overlap-dimensions: for further information about suitable liquid top-
− Circumferential overlap: ≥ 50 mm
Sealing of coating Above ground situated coating transition area
− Side-by-side overlap of consecutive pieces:
transition area should be sealed against ingress of water (rain,
≥ 50 mm
condensation) by circumferential application of
Stopaq® Sealing Tape. The Sealing Tape must
Application instruction - Brief version overlap the coated Polyester and the original
See specific Stopaq coating instructions for e.g. soil-to-air risers, field pipe coating.
joints, pipe wrapping, coating of fittings, etc.
Cutting to size Take the roll of Stopaq® Polyester from its Handling and commissioning
original package. Cut off the appropriate length.
Handling before Coated objects should not be exposed to loads
Immediately after cutting, the remaining roll of
complete curing before curing of the coating has completed.
Stopaq® Polyester shall be stored into its original
Handling after Cured coatings should not be exposed to
package to prevent premature curing.
curing excessive forces. Burying and commissioning is
Release liners The inner release liner (blue) must be carefully
possible after full curing of Stopaq® Polyester.
removed from the Stopaq® Polyester prior to
Backfill and compact using clean fill materials
wrapping. In overlap areas, the outer release
not containing foreign objects such as stones,
liner (colourless) has to be removed also.
hard lumps, etc. Such objects would otherwise
cause excessive impact on the coating.

Documentation Extensive information is available on our web-
site. Application instructions and other
documentation can be obtained by contacting
our head office, from our local distributor or by
sending email to [email protected]
Certified staff Application of the described coating system
should be carried out by certified personnel.

Seal For Life Industries LLC Seal For Life Industries Mexico Seal For Life Industries Seal For Life Industries BVBA Seal For Life India Private Ltd.
Charlotte NC, USA S de R.L. de C.V. Stopaq B.V. Westerlo, Belgium Baroda, India
Tel: +1 858 633 9708 Tijuana, Mexico Stadskanaal, the Netherlands Tel: +32 14 722 500 Tel: +91 2667 264 721
[email protected] Tel USA: +1 858 633 9797 Tel: +31 599 696 170 Fax: +32 14 722 570 Fax: +91 2667 264 724
Fax USA: +1 858 633 9740 Fax: +31 599 696 177 [email protected] [email protected]
Tel Mx: +52 664 647 4397 [email protected]
Fax Mx: +52 664 607 9105
[email protected]

Anodeflex® - Stopaq® - Polyken® - Covalence® - Powercrete® - Sealtaq® - Blockr® - Easy.Qote® - SynergyQ® - Protecta-mesh®
DISCLAIMER: Seal For Life Industries warrants that the product conforms to its chemical and physical description and is appropriate for the use stated on the technical data sheet when used in compliance with Seal For Life Industries’ written
instructions. Because many installation factors are beyond the control of Seal For Life Industries, the user shall determine the suitability of the products for the intended uses and assume all risks and liabilities in connection herewith. Seal for
Life’s liability is stated in its General Terms and Conditions of Sale. Seal For Life Industries makes no other warranty either express or implied. All information contained in this technical data sheet is to be used as a guide and is subject to
change without notice. This technical data sheet supersedes all previous data sheets on this product. Seal For Life Industries is a registered marks of the Berry Global Group, Inc. or its affiliates.

V6 / 20181003 (EN) Page 2 / 2

Permanently plastic sealing compounds designed to prevent or stop any corrosive processes on buried
or surface pipes or individual components (parts of storage tanks, manholes, flanges, joints).
Guarantees long-term protection, acting like a barrier against water, air and gases.


• Does not harden, retains its original soft state and therefore can be removed and reused with
the utmost ease.
• Environment friendly and non toxic
• Thermal and electrical insulator
• Does not require preliminary treatment such as sanding or the application of Primers
• Easy to apply
• Adheres to most materials and has seen long-term use on gas pipelines, chemical plants,
petrochemical plants and oil refinery plants as well as on structures subject to saline, acid or
basic corrosion.
• Has an almost limitless lifetime
• No need to interrupt supply of the service during application.

Ingredients CZ WRAPPING BAND: 2 mm thick tape, consisting in an external sheet of EPDM (0.8 mm thick), by an
internal reinforcement made of LPDE (a 0.08 mm thick special type of polyethylene) and by a layer of
CZ PASTE: Mix of hydrocarbon polymers vitrified at a temperature below -10 °C
Colour light green
Odour none
Density of paste 1.2-1.4 g/cm3
PH neutral
Solubility in water not soluble
Stability total
Toxicity none
Resistance diluted and saturate sodium and potassium chloride saline solutions.
diluted acids and bases (pH 3-14), such as hydrochloric, acetic, sodium and potassium hydroxide
solutions. Polluted underground water with <5g/l concentrations
for brief periods of time, petrol solutions or ethane and isopropyl alcohol solutions.

Working temperature CZ type < 50°C max. temperature

CZH type < 70°C max. temperature
CZHT type < 95°C max. temperature
Electric conductivity Specific resistance: > 10 Ohm/cm
Adhesion to the support 130 N/10 2 mm, average value on polyethylene pipes,
175 N/10 2 mm, average value on metal pipes


The products do not require any prior treatment such as sandblasting or primers. It is advisable to use a
rag to remove any deposits, inconsistent items, oil stains or moulds from the pipes. STOPAQ CZ
PASTE is applied to flanged pipes or pipes with joints; STOPAQ CZ WRAPPING BAND is applied to
smooth conduction pipes or parts of pipes located between one flange and another.
The paste is applied using a special gun, covering the entire flange surface. The product is then
covered using sheets of geofabric and PVC adhesive tape which is overlapped by half its width.
The tape is wrapped around the pipe so that it overlaps by half of its width (5 cm wide tape, overlapping
by 2.5 cm, and 10 cm wide tape, overlapping by approx. 5 cm). A PVC tape is applied to protect the
product (as described above). There is no need to interrupt supply of the service during application.


The products are produced with the best row materials available on the market in order to obtain a high
quality product. Our guarantee covers the quality of the product but not its applications which cannot be
under our control.

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