#New Templete Jurnal ECOTIPE (ENG)

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Jurnal ECOTIPE, Volume x, Issue x, October 20xx, pp.

p-ISSN 2355-5068, e-ISSN 2622-4852
Akreditasi Kemenristekdikti (SINTA 4), SK. No.10/E/KPT/2019
DOI: 10.33019/ecotipe.v5i2.xxxx

Paper Title  [Times New Roman/TNR, 14 pt, Bold, Center]

First Author¹, Second Author²  [TNR, 12 pt, Center]

Affiliation Author¹  [TNR, 10 pt, Center]
Affiliation Author²  [TNR, 10 pt, Center]
*Author’s email address¹, Author’s email address²  [TNR, 10 pt, Center]

ABSTRACT  [TNR, 10 pt, Bold Italic, Center]

Using Times New Roman / TNR font size of 10 pt in Bold Italic with line spacing 1.0 between lines. The maximum length is
250 words. The abstract should be written in the past tense. Standard nomenclature must be used and abbreviations must
be avoided. There is no literature to be quoted. Keywords are used for indexing and abstract services, in addition to those
already in the title. Wise use of keywords can increase the ease that can be found by interested parties in our article  [TNR,
10 pt, Bold Italic, Justify]

Keywords : Hints, keywords are written in alphabetical order with 3-5 words and separated by commas  [TNR, 10 pt, Bold
Italic, Justify]

INTISARI  [TNR, 10 pt, Center]

Abstract written in standard Indonesian. The maximum length is 250 words. Using Times New Roman / TNR font size of 10 pt
without Bold with line spacing 1.0 between lines. The abstract is written in a single paragraph, the abstract includes an
introduction, methods and results achieved, without any reference to the bibliography. The abstract must describe the research
carried out explicitly with clear and clear sentences. [TNR, 10 pt, Justify]

Kata kunci: Hint, keywords using Indonesian and sequentially written alphabet with the number of words 3-5 words separated
by commas [TNR, 10 pt, Justify]

I. INTRODUCTION  [TNR, 11 pt, Center] The format of this article was intentionally taken
and modified from the IEEE website with the
The introduction is written using the 11 pt Times intention that the author are more familiar with
New Roman font with line spacing 1.0 between lines writing scientific articles in international journals.
and paragraphs and for the first line 0.75. Manuscripts are manuscripts that journal will
To maintain the quality of the article's prepare in the format as in this template, in an
appearance in the journal, the authors are required to unpublished form. For the time being the writing
pay close attention to all the provisions described format is only available in Microsoft Word. By using
below. Please note that the format of the article will this template, the author have helped this publication
be checked first by the Editor before being submitted media (Journal) display all scientific articles
to the Peer Reviewer. The editor will return the article consistently.
submitted if it deviates far from the terms of this In general, manuscripts are arranged in subtitles
writing, before being examined by Peer Reviewer. consisting of INTRODUCTION, BASIC THEORY (if
The decision of the Peer Reviewer regarding the the author want to be included), RESEARCH
eligibility of the article to be published in the journal METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION,
is absolute and fully belongs to the Journal. Review CONCLUSION, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (if the
by Peer Reviewer is done in a blind-review. If needed, author want to be included), REFERENCES.
the writer can always consult with the Editorial Board However, this sequence can be adjusted to the written
regarding the loading of journal articles. field of science.

Jurnal ECOTIPE, Volume x, Issue x, October 20xx: xx-xx 1 Short title…(First Author, et al.)
(*) Correspondence Author
Received: / /2020; Reviced: / /2020; Accepted: / /2020
(TNR, 11pt, center)
Jurnal ECOTIPE, Volume x, Issue x, October 20xx, pp. xx-xx
p-ISSN 2355-5068, e-ISSN 2622-4852
Akreditasi Kemenristekdikti (SINTA 4), SK. No.10/E/KPT/2019
DOI: 10.33019/ecotipe.v5i2.xxxx

The recommended number of pages of articles is Figures and tables that the author has set will
6-12 pages. In the journal to be published, the article appear as they are at the time of publication. The
page is made back and forth (mirror margin), the image title must be placed at the bottom of the image
article should be arranged in advance with A4 paper at the bottom of the image related to Justify
size (21 cm x 29.7 cm). On page 1, the top margin is alignment. If the author image consists of more than
2.5 cm, the left margin is 2.5 cm, the right margin is 2 one section, add the labels "(a)", "(b)", and so on as
cm, the bottom margin is 2 cm, and the spacing part of the image. Don't draw a border on the image.
columns are 0.5 cm or the author are still following Meanwhile, the table title must be placed at the top of
this template. the table by Center alignment. Make sure that every
Authors of articles need to consider the figure or table that is referenced actually exists and
possibility of other publications so as to avoid that every figure or table that is actually referred to.
duplication, the potential of the patent, the emergence To write labels on the axes of a diagram / picture
of a complaint for illegal use of software and other it is better to use words rather than symbols. Make
parties involved in the research cooperation. sure all symbols and words can be read (readable).
B. Mathematical Formula  [TNR, 11 pt, Justify]
II. BASIC THEORY (if you want to be included)
 [TNR, 11 pt, Center] If the author use Word, use Microsoft Equation
Editor to write each formula or equation that appears
A. Basic Theory Section  [TNR, 11 pt, Italic] (Insert | Object | Create New | Microsoft Equation
Each section begins with the alphabetical 3.0). Do not select the "Float over text" option.
numbers A, B, and so on. Subsections are written
using Times New Roman font size of 11 pt with line C. Abbreviations and Acronyms  [TNR, 11 pt, Italic]
spacing 1.0 between lines and paragraphs and for the Define abbreviations and acronyms when first
first line 0.75. used in text, even though they have been defined in
the abstract. Abbreviations that are already popular in
III. RESEARCH METHOD  [TNR, 11 pt, Center] their fields do not need to be defined, such as IEEE,
SI, ac, and dc (electronics). Abbreviations containing
Research methods are procedures or research periods do not require spaces: write "C.N.N." not "C.
techniques. Between one study and another, the N. N. " Don't use abbreviations in the title unless it
procedures and techniques may differ. The method is can't be avoided.
written using the 11 pt Times New Roman font with
1.0 line spacing between lines and paragraphs and for D. Rekomendasi Lainnya  [TNR, 11 pt, Italic]
the first line 0.75. The instructions for writing articles The author should use a space after the period or
such as the use of figures and tables, writing comma. Use standard numbers that apply in
mathematical formulas, abbreviations and acronyms, Indonesia, for example decimal values: "0.25" not
and other recommendations. "0.25". The author can also present numbers with
scientific writing such as "2.4 × 10-6" with the
A. Pictures and Tables  [TNR, 11 pt, Italic]
multiplier symbol "×" instead of the letter "x". Use
Because the publication's editorial team will not
units of magnitude according to the International
re-edit the position and size of the images or tables
listed, the author should ensure that all images and System (SI). Uncertainty (errors) should be displayed
tables meet the criteria such as a suitable and legal according to standard rules, namely the average value
graphic image format, adjusting the size and and uncertainty have the same decimal number, for
resolution of the image so that any writing or object example "2,580,07", using the symbol "" not "+ -"
form contained therein can still be read or or "+/-" . Uncertainty can also be displayed on images
distinguished, and photographic and grayscale images using error bars.
must be prepared in 400dpi resolution and stored The statement in parentheses at the end of the
without having to compress (8 bits per pixel / sentence should be a period after the closing
grayscale). parenthesis (like this). (A statement in parentheses
should end with a period before the closing

Jurnal ECOTIPE, Volume x, Issue x, October 20xx: xx-xx 2 Short title…(First Author, et al.)
(*) Correspondence Author
Received: / /2020; Reviced: / /2020; Accepted: / /2020
(TNR, 11pt, center)
Jurnal ECOTIPE, Volume x, Issue x, October 20xx, pp. xx-xx
p-ISSN 2355-5068, e-ISSN 2622-4852
Akreditasi Kemenristekdikti (SINTA 4), SK. No.10/E/KPT/2019
DOI: 10.33019/ecotipe.v5i2.xxxx



The results of research and discussion are the
presentation of the main results objectively, without
interpretation, in a logical and orderly arrangement
using illustrative language (pictures and tables) and
text. The results and discussion should be organized in
a series of tables or figures in order to present the
main findings in a logical arrangement. Generally
presented gradually in three parts: a description of the
findings of the data and information collected, an
analysis in accordance with the research design, and
interpretation and explanation of the synthesis.
Include supporting data in the form of tables, graphs,
figures, or other tools as needed to clarify and shorten
the description that must be given.

V. CONCLUSION  [TNR, 11 pt, Center]

Write the conclusions of the research carried out
without repeating the things that have been submitted
in the Abstract. Conclusions can also be filled about
the importance of the results achieved and suggestions
for their application and development. The
conclusions are presented in accordance with the
results obtained by researchers and written briefly and

Supplement: Acknowledgments written for all people

or institutions who helped the implementation of the
research (if any).

REFERENCES  [TNR, 11 pt, Center]

Reference presents a list of references/
bibliography that is actually quoted in the paper.
References can be sourced from books, articles in
journals and collections of articles, articles in seminar
proceedings, articles from online conferences picked
from the internet, articles from a website on the
internet and so on. Minimum references are 10 pieces
with a composition of at least 60% of journal articles.

The references are arranged according to the IEEE

Reference Guide standards

Jurnal ECOTIPE, Volume x, Issue x, October 20xx: xx-xx Short title…(First Author, et al.)
(*) Correspondence Author
Received: / /2020; Reviced: / /2020; Accepted: / /2020
(TNR, 11pt, center)

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