DRRR Module 8 SDLP

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Date: April 11-15, 2022 Grade Level: 11

Teacher: Roberto Paolo Apilan 3rd QUARTER 2nd SEM

Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Content Standard: Various elements that may be exposed to hazards: Physical, Social, Economic,
Environmental Vulnerability of each exposed element.
Performance Standard: The learners conduct hazard hunts of exposed elements and propose
corresponding corrective actions for one’s preparedness.
1. Define hazards, exposure, and vulnerabilities.
2. Explain the difference among hazards, exposure, and vulnerabilities.
3. Appreciate the importance of understanding the concepts about hazard, exposure, and vulnerabilities so
that it will be applied in everyday situations.

I. Subject Matter
Topic: Effects of Hazard, Exposure and Vulnerability to Disaster Risk.
Lesson: Hazzard, Exposure, and Vulnerabilities from actual situations.
Materials: TV, Laptop, Chalkboard,
References: Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

II. Procedures
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Checking of Attendance
2. Reminders

B. Development of the Lesson

1. Review:
Through a question-and-answer portion, the teacher will ask some questions related to the past topic
(Recognize vulnerabilities of different elements exposed to specific hazard).
Let the students define the following elements exposed to specific hazard.
- Physical Vulnerability
- Social Vulnerability
- Economic Vulnerability
- Socio Economic
- Environmental Vulnerability

2. Motivation:
- Picture Analysis – Scenario based learning strategy
Let the students analyze picture given by the teacher and answer the following questions.
Direction: Below is a picture of an incident in a mining community in Itogon, Benguet after the
onslaught of the Typhoon Ompong in 2018. Look at the picture then answer the questions after the

Guide Questions:
1. What is the hazard shown in the picture?
2. Which area is exposed to hazard?
3. What do you think is the cause of this incident?
4. If the portion of the mountain slides down towards the remaining residential buildings on
the left, what part of the community will be most affected?
5. Which part in the presented image will be least likely affected?
3. Presentation:
Let the teacher presents the outline of today’s discussion.
1. Define hazards, exposure, and vulnerabilities.
2. Explain the difference among hazards, exposure, and vulnerabilities.
3. Appreciate the importance of understanding the concepts about hazard, exposure, and vulnerabilities so
that it will be applied in everyday situations.
Pre-Activity - Case based learning strategy
Let the students Analyze and answer the following questions after the given

You are a mom. You live in Brgy. Aplaya, which is right next to Laguna de Bay. You have a 2-
storey house, and the ground floor where your sari-sari store is situated already flooded. You wrapped
your baby and went to the second floor, but the flood is fast rising, and you are likely to get trapped.
Your husband went to Barangay Hall, where they prepared boats, but he has not yet come back.Lesson
Teacher presents the power point presentation.
Use inquiry-based learning strategy

1. Determine the hazards given in the story.

2. What are the possible ways to lessen the vulnerability of the exposed elements to hazard? Explain
your answer.
You are in grade 12, at your age you usually spend your time with your friends and go other places with
them. You are very much excited because this is the day where you and your friends have been waiting
for, A moment later President Duterte announced the Enhanced Community Quarantine in entire Luzon
because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. You and your friends decided not to continue your outing and
change it into friends gathering party near you.
1. Determine the hazards given in the story.
2. What are the possible ways to lessen the vulnerability of the exposed elements to hazard? Explain
your answer.

Integration – Pansariling Kaunlaran

Hazzard - hazards are elements of the work environment, management practices or organizational
practices that pose a risk to mental health and well-being. Common psychosocial hazards include
exposure to harassment, violence or traumatic events.

4. Lesson Proper
Teacher presents the power point presentation.
Use inquiry-based learning strategy

Let the students define the following:

Integration – General Chemistry
Exposure - chemical exposure” can be defined as the measurement of both the amount of, and the
frequency with which, a substance comes into contact with a person or the environment.

Let a student to synthesize the discussion and explain the difference among hazards, exposure, and

5. Application
Let the students analyze the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

1. What can you say about the picture? What does the quotation mean?
2. What is the hazard in the picture/ situation?
3. What is being exposed in the picture/ situation?
4. Why do you think the character in the picture is vulnerable?

6. Generalization:
Let the students complete the following sentences by giving the appropriate
answer needed in the blank.
Vulnerability is ______________________________________________________________.
Exposure refers to ____________________________________________________________
while hazard is defined as ____________________________________________________
Hazards may be caused by ___________________________________________________
and can be mitigated through_________________________________________________
The difference between hazard, exposure, and vulnerability among each other is
III. Valuing:
It is significant to understand hazards, exposure, and vulnerabilities because

IV. Evaluation:
Let the students read each item carefully and choose the best answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. It is a harmful event, material, human behavior, or disease that may cause loss of life, injury or other health
effects, harm to property, loss of livelihood and services, social and economic disturbance, or damage to the
a. disaster b. hazard c. risk d. vulnerability
2. ___________________ signifies the possibility of adverse effects in the future. It is derived from the
interaction of social and environmental processes, from the combination of physical hazard and the
vulnerabilities of exposed elements.
a. disaster b. hazard c. risk d. vulnerability
6. Which group belongs to the most vulnerable?
a. employees b. professional c. indigenous people d. small entrepreneurs
7. Which of the following is not a man-made hazard event?
a. drought c. leakage of toxic waste
b. wars and civil strife d. environmental pollution
8. Disaster Management includes:
a. mitigation b. reconstruction c. rehabilitation d. all of the above

V. Agreement:
Let the students create an information brochure about the elements of hazard exposure. Visit a community
using google map (you can choose your own community or barangay. Determine all the elements exposed to
hazard in that locality. Use your resources to create a creative brochure. Be creative and include emergency
hotlines as much as possible. You will be graded based on the rubrics given.

Criteria’s 4 3 2 1 TOTAL SCORE

Most of the
Some of the Very little of the
All information is information is
information is information is
Accuracy and correct and all of correct and
correct and some correct and none
Relevance the sources are most of the
of the sources are of the sources
listed sources are
listed are listed
One or two of
With exceptional
the graphics Graphics made No graphics made
degree of student
Originality reflects based on the by the student are
creativity in
creativity of designs of others included
their work.
the students
The flyer includes
All required
required All but 1 are Several required
Required elements are
elements as well included on the elements are
Elements included on the
as additional flyer missing
Most of the Some of the
writing is tidy, writing is tidy,
All writing is tidy, photos and Very little of the
photos and
photos and writing is tidy,
artwork are artwork are
artwork are somewhat placed photos and artwork
Neatness mostly placed
precisely placed, are placed poorly,
carefully, and carefully, and
and all sections some of the and the sections
most of the
are orderly are disorderly
sections are sections
orderly are orderly

Creativity The brochure as a Most of the Some of the Very little of the
whole is brochure is brochure is brochure is
interesting, interesting, interesting, interesting,
engaging, engaging, engaging, engaging,
imaginative, and imaginative, imaginative, and imaginative, and
original and original original original
Most of the
Some of the Very little of
The brochure is
brochure is the
brochure is eye catching
eye catching brochure is
eye catching and bright
and average eye catching
and vibrant colors
Colorful and/or and dull
and/or and/or
some and/or
coordinated mostly
mismatched mismatched
colors are coordinated
colors are colors are
used colors are
used used

Prepared by Checked by; Noted by


Special Science Teacher 1 Head Teacher III, Science School Principal I

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