Journal Full
Journal Full
Journal Full
The data set in KDD Cup99 have normal and 22 attack type IV. BLOCK DIAGRAM
data with 41 features and all generated traffic patterns end
with a label either as ‘normal’ or any type of ‘attack’ for 1.Architecture Diagram
upcoming analysis. There are varieties of attacks which are
entering into the network over a period of time and the attacks
are classified into the following four main classes.
➢ Probing
Denial of Service:
Training Testing
Dataset Dataset
5.Activity Diagram:
➢ How to chart time series data with line plots and VI. ALOGORITHM EXPLANATION
categorical quantities with bar charts.
In machine learning and statistics, classification is a
➢ How to summarize data distributions with histograms supervised learning approach in which the computer program
and box plots. learns from the data input given to it and then uses this
learning to classify new observation. This data set may simply
➢ How to summarize the relationship between variables be bi-class (like identifying whether the person is male or
with scatter plots. female or that the mail is spam or non-spam) or it may be
multi-class too. Some examples of classification problems are:
speech recognition, handwriting recognition, bio metric
identification, document classification etc. In Supervised
Learning, algorithms learn from labeled data. After
understanding the data, the algorithm determines which label
should be given to new data based on pattern and associating
the patterns to the unlabeled new data.
Logistic Regression:
Random Forest:
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