EarthCo SDN

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EarthCo Sdn. Bhd. (EarthCo) is a privately-owned agriculture company incorporated in Malaysia.

company operates in three key divisions: (1) developing new varieties of core agricultural products (e.g.,
tea and cocoa) that are more robust (e.g., being drought tolerant) to the impacts of climate change via
genetic engineering (2) developing ecofriendly pesticides and fertilizers using adjacent technologies, and
(3) working with farmers to develop more sustainable agricultural practices.

EarthCo has a core team of scientists based in Malaysia, who leads a global network of both direct
employees as well as independent contractors. EarthCo maintains a large secondary research team in
Country X as well as additional smaller teams with local expertise in Countries Y and Z. The research
leaders (leading the team of scientists) from Malaysia make frequent trips to all these other research
facilities but most frequently to Country X’s facility which includes a laboratory and farms owned by

Whilst growth has been strong in recent years, the company has struggled with its supply chain. EarthCo
has struggled to find reliable third-party logistics solutions to deliver its products to its global customers.
Increasing prices, inconsistent reliability and long delays have all had negative impacts on profits as well
as brand reputation.

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of EarthCo has asked you to help them with a feasibility study on how
best to overcome their recent supply chain issues. The company’s management team is considering
building an in-house logistics and warehousing function. EarthCo’s management team likes the idea of
having complete control over the cost structure, and building the function out of a new internal
organization. However, they have also had informal discussions with a few mid-sized logistics companies
that may be open to acquisition. Given these two potential routes to addressing their supply chain
issues, the management team is keen to understand all the associated tax impacts that would come with
such a change. That said, while your focus is on tax, you have also been asked to consider non-tax related
matters that may impact the planning for EarthCo’s new logistics unit.

Other information

• The company does not grow any of its own food products. Instead, it works with unrelated farmers to
grow the EarthCo developed varieties which are then purchased by EarthCo. EarthCo currently uses third
party logistics companies for transport and warehousing but is considering developing in-house logistics
as they are facing substantial fee increases in shipping and warehousing.

• EarthCo primarily sells its products to third party retailers in major markets across the world.

• The company has substantial sales to countries without tax treaties with Malaysia and is trying to
navigate what impact the current and future operating models may have on withholding tax

• The company has expressed an interest in basing their new logistics team in Country A due to its
central location to the countries where they work with the largest number of farms. However, EarthCo
currently does not have any operations in Country A. While the actual number of employees in Country
A may be quite small, they will own substantial fixed assets in Country A.
• The company’s growth has been driven by substantial R&D investment and so, while revenues are
strong, margins are relatively small. As a result, the company is mindful that investing in an internal
logistics organization may result in net operations losses in the near term.

• Both potential acquisition targets have long-term contracts with other customers that would have to
be honoured, as well as geographical footprints far beyond EarthCo’s.

• The CFO has also read about the changes in the international tax and regulatory landscape. She
indicates that she does not have a full grasp of them. She does not understand the OECD Base Erosion
Profit Shifting (BEPS) model and the emphasis on BEPS 2.0. She would like to understand what the
impact is and the most relevant matters to focus on.


The CFO of EarthCo has requested for a meeting with you to discuss the issues raised.

Prepare a presentation on the issues raised by the CFO, covering:

a) The specific matters on which the CFO would like your advice

b) Any other matters which you think are relevant

c) How Young Tax Professionals (YTPs) may be able to help

Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm delighted to be here to discuss the critical matters that EarthCo is currently facing.
The challenges you've outlined are complex, involving both supply chain issues and
important tax considerations. My goal today is to provide comprehensive advice that
addresses both these areas and considers non-tax factors that could impact EarthCo's
decision-making. Let's dive into the specific matters the CFO has raised:

a) Specific Matters the CFO Would Like Advice On:

1. Supply Chain Solutions: EarthCo is considering building an in-house logistics

and warehousing function as well as exploring the option of acquiring mid-sized
logistics companies. We'll evaluate the feasibility and benefits of each approach,
including cost control, reliability, and brand reputation.
2. Withholding Tax Implications: EarthCo's substantial sales to countries without
tax treaties with Malaysia require careful consideration of withholding tax
implications. We'll provide insights into the tax consequences of different supply
chain models, especially for the new logistics unit.
3. Geographical Expansion and Fixed Assets: The CFO is interested in basing the
new logistics team in Country A, which currently has no EarthCo operations. We'll
explore the tax implications of establishing fixed assets in this new jurisdiction,
including local compliance requirements, corporate tax rates, and potential tax
4. BEPS Model and BEPS 2.0: The CFO has expressed a lack of understanding
regarding the OECD Base Erosion Profit Shifting (BEPS) model and the emerging
BEPS 2.0. We'll explain the key aspects of these models, their potential impact on
EarthCo's operations, and suggest relevant strategies for compliance.

b) Additional Relevant Matters to Consider:

1. Operational Costs and Profitability: Given EarthCo's concern about potential

net operational losses in the short term for building an in-house logistics
organization, we'll explore strategies to mitigate these losses and ensure long-
term profitability and cost control benefits.
2. Long-Term Contracts and Geographical Footprints in Acquisition: Acquiring
mid-sized logistics companies with long-term contracts and expansive
geographical footprints requires careful evaluation. We'll discuss the implications
of honoring these contracts and assess the alignment of geographical footprints
and potential synergies with EarthCo's existing operations.
3. Supply Chain Reliability and Brand Reputation: EarthCo's current supply chain
issues have had negative impacts on profitability and brand reputation. We'll
explore how supply chain solutions may improve these aspects and lead to
enhanced customer satisfaction.
4. Regulatory Landscape Changes: We'll provide an overview of the international
tax and regulatory changes, focusing on their potential impact on EarthCo's
operations. We'll address the CFO's questions regarding the BEPS model and its
significance, along with any other relevant tax updates.

c) How Young Tax Professionals (YTPs) May Be Able to Help:

1. Tax Analysis and Optimization: YTPs can conduct thorough tax analyses,
considering various scenarios for supply chain solutions, acquisitions, and
geographical expansions. They can identify tax optimization strategies to
minimize EarthCo's tax exposure while achieving its supply chain goals.
2. International Tax Expertise: YTPs can navigate complex international tax
regulations, helping EarthCo understand withholding tax implications, compliance
requirements, and potential risks in various jurisdictions.
3. Financial Modeling and Operational Insights: YTPs can develop financial
models to project the impact of different supply chain options on EarthCo's
financials, aiding in decision-making. Their insights into operational efficiencies
and cost-saving measures will assist EarthCo in optimizing its supply chain.
4. Regulatory Compliance Assistance: YTPs can keep EarthCo updated on the
evolving international tax landscape, providing guidance on BEPS-related matters
and other relevant regulatory changes.

In conclusion, EarthCo's supply chain issues are multi-faceted, encompassing tax

considerations, non-tax factors, and a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape. By
collaborating with Young Tax Professionals, EarthCo can make well-informed decisions
to overcome supply chain challenges, optimize operations, and navigate the complex
global business environment. We're committed to assisting EarthCo in achieving its
goals while maintaining its financial health and reputation.
Hi, Iam See Aik Han, from University Tunku Abdul Rahman and taking accounting course. I
want to present today is Advising on Supply Chain Issues and Tax Implications. First is the
Specific Matters the CFO Would Like Advice On. There are four specific matters which are
Supply Chain Solutions, Withholding Tax Implications, Geographical Expansion and Fixed
Assets and BEPS Model and BEPS 2.0. For Supply Chain Solutions In addition to looking at the
possibility of acquiring mid-sized logistics firms, EarthCo is considering establishing an in-house
logistics and warehousing role, as well as acquiring mid-sized logistics companies. We'll assess
the feasibility and benefits of each technique, taking into account cost control, dependability, and
brand reputation. For Withholding Tax Implications, EarthCo's significant sales to nations that do
not have tax treaties with Malaysia necessitate careful consideration of withholding tax effects.
We'll share insights into the tax implications of various supply chain models, particularly for the
new logistics unit. For Geographical Expansion and Fixed Assets, The CFO wants the new
logistics team to be based in Country A, which currently has no EarthCo operations. We'll talk
about the tax ramifications of establishing fixed assets in this new jurisdiction, such as local
compliance requirements, corporate tax rates, and potential tax breaks. For BEPS Model and
BEPS 2.0, The CFO has voiced confusion over the OECD's Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
(BEPS) methodology and the developing BEPS 2.0. We'll go over the essential features of these
models, their possible impact on EarthCo's operations, and applicable compliance procedures.
Next is the Additional Relevant Matters to Consider. First is Operational Costs and Profitability,
Given EarthCo's worry about potential short-term net operational losses from developing an in-
house logistics organization, we'll look into ways to offset these losses while ensuring long-term
profitability and cost control benefits. The second is Regulatory Landscape Changes, We'll give
you an overview of worldwide tax and regulatory changes, with an emphasis on how they might
affect EarthCo's activities. We'll respond to the CFO's inquiries on the BEPS model and its
significance, as well as any other relevant tax developments. Next, How Young Tax Professionals
(YTPs) May Be Able to Help. They can provide Tax Analysis and Optimization. YTPs may
undertake comprehensive tax analysis, taking into account numerous scenarios for supply chain
solutions, acquisitions, and geographic expansion. They can devise tax optimization solutions to
reduce EarthCo's tax exposure while meeting its supply chain objectives. Regulatory Compliance
Assistance, YTPs can keep EarthCo up to date on the changing international tax landscape,
offering guidance on BEPS and other important legislative developments .

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